if chickens are comes from eggsand eggs lays by chickens then who came first in the world ?
my sbcglobal account doesnt work whats wrong with it ? You could call SBC directly to know the answer .
How come there is never thunder or lightning during a snow storm ? It does happen . But remember that most thunderstorms come from pockets of warm air meeting pockets of cold air . So its probably a little harder to attain a thunderstorm when its cold enough to snow . Ill go check my facts and edit this msg if Im wrong . Edit Wikipedia has a whole article on this I like the term .
Should I do this or NOT ? Should i get fake fingernails glued on my fingers the kind you buy at the local walmart i am 20 yr old guy . My girl friend has dared me saying i cant take it and that i will whine the whole time they are on cuz she says they are a pain . She has dared me to wear them for three days . If everyone thinks i should then i will . what shoulkd i do ? Would you do anything for your gf that she ask of you or would you tell her to shove it . You dont have to go out in public with them on Love works in ever strange ways for everyone and I would show her I had guts enough to put them on for the three days . I am sure you can think of something to stay indoors for three day fake the flu in summer . L . O . L .
10 points What is the scariest thing that has ever happened to you ? Could be a dream real life situation like had a gun held to my head etc . when my son was born not breathing ... scariest thing ever
What do you do to foster selfworth in yourself ? I have a tendancy to go up and down with feelings of selfworth . What works for you ? What helps you when youre feeling down ? What makes you glad to be you ? I believe in myself I think positive of myself and others I think of others who have a harder time than myself . This usually makes me feel alright .
what is out your window right now ? The crack head who walks over our cars in bare feet . In the morning we always have foot prints on our cars . Nice .
When will pigs fly ? and When will hell freeze over ? Wishful thinking .
Any good anniversary gift ideas ? My husband and I will be celebrating our 5th anniversary next week and I want to give him something special . Any ideas ? The traditional gift for the 5th anniversary is wood . If you are traditional then you should keep that in mind . While it may sound boring you will have to be creative . Since we are talking male gifts here then consider his hobbies and interests . Does he love auto repair cars hunting fishing camping sports reading is he a couch potato ? does he love the outdoors or indoor type things ? While you may think an oak frame with YOUR picture is a perfect gift believe me he will not think so . It is the equivalent of you getting a blender or toaster from himFor traditions sake lets say ....... he hunts ..... a gun cabinet is nice . Fishing ........ a lure kit to make his own lures . Sports ..... locate a signed bat via local papers forget EbayCamping ..... plan a camping trip For a non traditional gift .............. tryA coupon book . One you make up yourself . Do it on the computer . Make coupons called Off the Hook . Husbands are always looking for ways not to take the trash out do the lawn or clean the garage or to simply lay around . You can add sexy coupons ..... one free no obligation massage . One night of total ME ... all about HIM dinner sports sex while he watches sports . One coupon you have to do anything I askAnd YOU cant complain if he turns in his couponBe creative As far as purchaseing a gift for him .......... you can always do him a favor and buy him some tickets to his favorite team . HE gets to chose his guest . The anniversary itself is about you both . So plan that special dinner and night on the town or private dinner at home . The gift to one another should say that I know you are an individual . Good luck and Happy Anniversary
If you had to put a price on your services ? Hey girls assume that sex is not based on love in this world ..... Assume that you have to put a price on your services to the men .... how much would you charge for in US dollars for a kiss ? for a blow job ? for going the whole way ? thank you for your cooperation girls ... and go easy on the prices please ... by the way if any of the offers are good whoshould i write the cheque to ?? i cant wait to see the ridiculously high prices the women are going to come up withthey always over value themselves
A question for the lovely Ladies of Yahoooooooooooo ? Why is it that women quite often act like sex is really embarrassing humiliating to talk about ? Some women feel it should never be even spoke of . Yet you love it just as much as the guys and some of you are really naughty too ... I mean naughty in a good way . Why put on the act ? We all like it we all have it .. In fact we would not even be here if it was not for our parents having sex . I may be a male but I think I can answer this .... Taboos are being usurped everyday . However some are deeply seated in history religion and decorum such as discussion of sex by women . The catholic religion frowns heavily on premarital sex you know the results of that . Women in nearly every culture and location are still held to a certain level of expectations and one of those expectations is they should be seen and not heard and another in a certain culture we all know is that they should not even be seen ... A boisterous woman is often looked at as shameful and loose . While this is trending in popular culture to be much less obvious there will most likely be residual influence for at least another generation . This countrys puritanical history will always have a certain influence on popular culture the overall influence is being buried over the years . Many other countrys have a much looser view of this type of topic such as Germany Greece and Brazil they still are less accommodating on other concerns .
How to be stupid enough to believe in Dark Matter ? the picture above something not seen in the inscribed circle has astronomers excited . At an estimated 50 million lightyears from Earth they found a large mass of hydrogen a hundred million times the mass of the Suna galaxy of sorts but containing no stars . The challenge they faced began with the fact that the cloud is rotating way too fast in apparent defiance of gravity . Without some other force acting on the cloud it should fly apart . The astronomers assumed this force must be gravity . As reported in the BBC story on the discovery there must be a stronger gravitational force acting than can be accounted for using visible matter . But this is the same problem posed by galaxies they rotate too fast for gravity to hold them together . Due to the similarities in rotational dynamics the investigators of VIRGOHI21 concluded that the remote cloud is a starless galaxy The way science progresses is by postulating possible options it doesnt mean that any one of them is the answer only that it is a possible answer . From all the possible answers peer review will pick the most likely explanation and accept it temporarily in a conditional mode until it can be demonstrated that in fact this is the correct answer . Otherwise it gets thrown out . Everything is accepted as a possible answer not as the answer .
What about men who eat their own ? Ladies What would you do if you walked in on your boyfriendloverhusband while he was orally servicing himself ? Dudes What if you walked in on a buddy of yours ? I would applaud and take a picture with my phone camera . Then post it on the web somewhere AHAHAHA
Do you think Brad Ausmus is a backstop in more ways than one ? hey stfu the guy is jewish . plus hes from connecticut which i mean is a pretty cool state ... lmfao . just kidding . yeah hes a backstop in multiple ways ... i like how the guy above me gave a serious answer .
How come some Christians dont like people persecuting theyre religion ? And then they start persecuting other peoples religions ? This not aimed at all Christians because I know a lot of them dont do this . Nobody likes to be persecuted do they ? Of course Christians dont like people persecuting their religion . Thats not too hard to understand I think . Christians believe that they are sent with a message that will save people from death and from hell . Many of them feel as if there isnt much time left and that unsaved people are in serious danger . If you thought a child were in the way of a speeding train wouldnt you try to save it ? Maybe you would shove people out of the way to do it ? Would you really care if their feelings got hurt as long as you could rescue the child ? Yes many Christians come off as being arrogant and overbearing and that is sad . Their marching orders as given by their LEADER Jesus Christ dont include arrogance indeed Jesus commanded them to be humble . Go figure . I am a Christian . I am very sad about the state of the world I see around me . I would like to rescue as many people as I can . Could you tell me how to do this without being an hole ?
What is the most effective way to enlarge penisincrease sperm volume and avoid premature ejaculation ? The man must masurbate twice a day . He should masturbate till the impending ejaculation and just stop short of ejaculation . He should abstain from sex . After one week his phallus gets biggermore semen gets stored in seminal vesiclesand more sperms are ready for use .
any dermatologists here ? ok i need to find a dermatolgist to talk to so i thought i can start here on yahoo answers i need help with my skin i ned to get rid of my acnes i really dont kno wut to use ive heard proactive is good but itz too much i cant afford it mayb i can tlak to a dermatoglsit to explain me these stuff i really need help Im not a dermatologist but I can give you some advice bc I have acne as well . They sell clearasil ultra at walmart . It is a 3 step system just like Proactive . I use both Proactive and Clearasil Ultra . They both work great . Just make sure you get the ULTRA . Also in the pharmacy you can get this soap facewash called Panoxil bar . You dont need a prescription but my dermatologist recommended it it indeed works great . Good luck
I have a Phil Simms Superbowl XXI football card . It is handsigned by Phil . Any clue how much it is worth ? It is made by Topps and on the front has a picture of Simms under center . It is handsigned by Phil himself in blue pen . In perfect condition no abrasions etc . After advising several of my colleagues here We have determined the value of your card at 600USD
dvd player stuck ? I know theres a way to click on something that says open but I cant find it . My button wont let it open . It seems stuck . I know that you dont have to use knifes because I have done this before but my mind cannot remember what I did . There is going to be a small hole near the eject button of your drive . What you will want to do is strighten out a paperclip and insert it into this hole that will manually eject the disk .
what are the chances of getting into med school with a mcat of 15 ? My husband just got his mcat score of 15 and is devastated . His gpa is about a 3 . 5 . He has already applied to about 30 schools all over the U . S . and Mexico . What are the chances of him being accepted ?? Unless he is african american hispanic or native american not too good at least for US schools . If he is willing to go to the Caribbean or Mexico then he will be fine . Those schools arent too concerned about MCAT scores as long as you can afford the tuition . Be sure he applies to Ross University probably the best of the Caribbean schools . If he wants to stay in the US better take the August test . I would suggest taking a Princeton Review course .
Are we living inside an atom ? if solar system and atoms have similar structure then could it possible that we are living inside some atom . As it has been proved that atom does not have any discreet boundaries bt the probability density of finding an electron decreases as we go away from nucleous . and similarly solar system has no discreet boundaries . And also the volume occupied by nucleous is very small as compared to the whole atom .... and same is the case of sun with respect to solar system .... there are many similarities like this ... So could it possible that we are living inside an atom ..? please dont try to prove me wrong ...... just think about it .. Very good question ..... The universe mocks itself . The sun does act somewhat like a nucleus the planets like electrons ..... you can transfer this idea to the galaxies also . If we live in an atom ....... I actually am quite confident that we do . Its the only kind of theory that makes any sense . Its explains the big bang theory an eternal atomic level matter antimatter reaction that plays it little game until a new bang starts a new universe and so onIt also would help to understand the idea of infinite dimensions much better . If we live in an atom then we are part of a system that is part of a bigger system that is part of a universe that is an atom ..... etc . You are really on to something here . Remember that all and I mean every truly great scientist that ever was got the laugh . Keep thinking about it . And as for the physicsengineer geeks .......... with your android minds ........ For the 30 years you have done nothing to advance the science ....... Instead of trying to build a better bolt try and invent something that disposes of the need of a bolt in the first place ..... Nuff said
does it cost to play music videos on yahoo music ? does it ? Nope Im watching videos well really listening to them right now Just go through some of the artists in the lists and rate some music . Then when you click to watch one music video it will play something else that you rated as I love it or I like it . or it will play something in the same genre or popular music i listen and watch music and videos on yahoo all the time have a nice day
what is the maximum posibble 3 digit prime number ? give hints ? 997 is correct . Start at 999 and go backwards . 999 is divisible by 3998 is divisible by 2997 is prime because its not divisible by 235711131719232931 or 37 . We only have to check up to 37 because 37 37 1369 which is bigger than a 3 digit number . If a prime number bigger than 37 would divide into 997 then the quotient would be less than 37 and that quotient would divide 997 but we checked and no numbers less than 37 divide 997 do 997 is prime . That is known as the sieve of eratosthenes .
Today what good have you done for yourself and for others ? I take care of sick old people 117 every night . I take care of and love my husband and cat and sick elderly dog . I help with my autistic grandson . In doing for others I do for myself . Is that enought ?
What are the points for ? I really dont understand what we really need them for . Ego . Thats all . Though you suppoedly get some swanky stuff the higher your levels are . And they let you participate more the higher you are .
Where did they find the passports of the highjackers on 911 ? I know they found only one passport at the WTC . About the rest of the passports I have no idea ...
in baseball how many runs do you score in a home run and is there any thing bigger than a home run to score ? Well if you hit a home run it depends on how many people are already on base . The highest you can get is a grand slam which is four runs . Thats because theres a person on first second and third and then theres the batter which makes the fourth . You can score by being batted in . If theres a player on third and a batter hits a single making it to first base then most likely the runner on third will make it home to score one . EditSo it doesnt necessarily have to be a home run . It can be a single double triple how many bases the batter can run without getting out or even a sacfly which is a sacrifice fly outball goes in air and is caught by a fielder but still scores someone . Runners can run even if the ball is out if there is one or less outs ... 2 outs means that the batter can be third out and end the inning so nobody can run . Hope this helps
Would a gay man be attracted to a female bodybuilder ? Femal bodybuilders look more like men than women yeah but unless all them steroids they take have made them grow a penis i doubt they would be interested
What is the traditional way to monogram someone who has a first name 2 middle names and last name ? The traditional way for 3 names is first name initial is smaller last name initial is large middle name initial is smaller . What is the proper monogram etiquette for a person who has 2 middle names ? Do you leave out the 2nd middle name initial ? This is a question that will come up more and more often when the new generation of younguns come of age . I have a grandaughter with 2 middle names and a nephew with 3 middle names . I could get on a soap box about the indicisive nature of young people these days but I will hold my tongue . I think the traditional monogram is here to stay for now and it only allows for 3 letters . Some folks will say choose the first middle name but it is my opinion that the person should be able to choose hisher on monogram . First name last name middle name of choice . Of course there are a number of people who do not go by their first name at all . That opens up a whole nuther can of worms It is just a monogram . Do what makes you happy . No worries
computer based information system ? Definition features or characteristics
how long do you think it will be before .....? THE WORLD BLOWS UP ? millions of years maybe
actors that played sherlock homes ? John BarrymoreBasil RathboneMichael CainePeter CushingChristopher LeeRoger MoorePeter OTooleChristopher Plummer
Is President Bushs administration any better than Hamas ? i think president bushs administration is under pressure of israel zionists . hamas is making decision on its own and it has won the heart of the people of the region .
has anyone knows the full summaries of telenovela La Mujer En El Espejo ??? sorry i dont know the full summeries of this telenovela . but i would like to tell you the ending of this story is fantastic . barbara will die and marcos will marry with juliana . they have twins one boy and one girl .... for more information please search the web that i give .
How do I start investing my money ? Im 25 and I would like to start saving for retirement . Does anyone know of a good firm that can guide me through this process ? First pay off all short term debt . If you have a credit card interest rate of say 21 thats an instant taxfree return of 21 per year on your money . Next if your company has a 401k with matching funds fund your 401k to the maximum match amount . Free money is good . If your company doesnt have matching funds then fund your Roth IRA to its maximum 4000 . Taxfree growth is good . Id go with a noload low cost mutual fund company like Fidelity Vanguard or T Rowe Price . If you have money left over after youve funded the 401k to the maximum match do this step with the extra money . If you still have more money for longterm investing go back to the 401k and invest in that up to what you can afford . And get yourself an elementary education in personal finance . Youre going to get a lot advice here and you wont know who to believe . Well you can believe this no one is going to care as much about your money as you are . No one is going to watch it as closely as you are especially someone whos got multiple accounts to look after . So get yourself a foundation so youll know if someone is actually giving you good advice or not . Personally I recommend The Only Investment Guide Youll Ever Need by Andrew Tobias . Itll give you an overview of everything you need to know stocks bonds real estate insurance etc .. Then you can decide if you need a deeper education in anything . Good luck
Terrible smell after sex ? Every time we have sex and he cums I alwasy get this bad odor and no matter how many times i douche it is still there even when we have sex at a later date it is like the smell is still in there deep . What can i do to get rid of it for good . GO to your gynocologist and first get yourself tested . Also discuss what your are experiencing it might be the condom that you are using i hope . See what she recommends . LAdies when you go to bed with someone rememberLights on and eyes open . Good Luck
Men how does sex effect your glucose reading ? Mine goes up 10 to 20 points . Is that reasonable ? I guess it could be possible that sex could increase your glucose .... especially after ejaculation . When you ejaculate there is a rush of epinephrine and norepinephrine adrenaline . This causes your heart to race blood pressure to increase and also your liver to release glucose from glycogen . I am assuming that you are a diabetic ... for most people sex does not alter blood sugar at all because the body is very good at keeping blood sugar constant ... that is unless you are a diabetic .
Does anyone else find it ironic that in all likelyhood a border wall will likely be built by illegals ? I doubt that theres people out there right now building the thing and theyre doing it with their own sweat own moneybecause Bush the guy that cant say no wont say no mas to Mexico but in fairness the southern states are taking matters into their own hands and getting with the program too . The sooner people quit bitching and start pitching in to actually solve the problems were currently having with Mexico the sooner we can go back to having an open border but not before . ...
My father inlaw has Japanese MSWord are there any online tutorials that can help him ? He is old . He lives in Japan . He strugles making Documents in Microsoft Word . He has Office 2000 . Well I dont understand Japanese but I think this Microsoft Website has training for office .
what is the best entry level nursing course to take ? a course that would lend me a job without much competiton and age restriction be it at hospitals or private clinics . You have to complete a nursing program in order to be a nurse . Your choice would be to be a registered nurse vs . a practical nurse . The difference is that registered nurses are higher up on the food chain so to speak . They are allowed to do more than LPNs and are actually the immediate supervisors of LPNs . For either career choice you have to complete a program of study . For me I opted to get a Bachelors Degree in Nursing which is a 4 year college degree . This is one pathway to become and RN . You could also go through an associate degree course which is 2 years . There are still some diploma nursing programs around which usually run through hospitals and are anywhere from 18 to 24 months in length . For all 3 tracks you can take the boards to become a registered nurse . LPNs usually go to school for less time however they also must complete a national board licensure before they can actually be a nurse . Most of the programs where I live are around 12 to 18 months to become an LPN . The best program depends on what you want to do . The hisgest entry level nurse is the Bachelors prepared nurse . This option gives you the biggest knowledge base and your opportunities to advance typically are easier . There are many diploma or associate degree RNs who progress very nicely though . A big advantage of a Bachelors degree is that you can go on to graduate school to become a nurse practitioner or nurse anesthetist without having to go through the undergraduate classes . If you arent interested in furthering your career then either of the other options are good . Send me a private message if you have any other questioins . I just went through all of this
what would happened if a christian is dating a unbeliever knowing she shouldnt ? and lets say that christian is your daughter . what to do ? if she has feelings for the guide and lets say he is a good student . who stays out of trouble . and then she says well god can change him if i pray about it . do you think god can hear her prayers ? Mixing of the faiths ? Fire and brimstone rolls eyesOf course she should be allowed to date the nonChristian boy . Love transcends doctrine and it does not come in limited supply ones love for God should not prevent one from loving another human being . The boy sounds like he is of good virtue anyway Christian virtue if you prefer even if he is not of Christian faith so I personally do not see any reason to forbid the two from dating each other .
formula to figure grade percentage in excel ? AVERAGEnumerical gradepercent of total gradeAVERAGEnumerical gradepercent of total gradeAVERAGEnumerical gradepercent of total gradeAVERAGEnumerical gradepercent of total gradeSUMof all the aboveExample Exams 50 8451 ...... 33 . 75Labs 410101010101010 .... 4 . 00Lab Exam 6 82 .... 4 . 92Final 40 76 ... 30 . 40 Grade 73 . 07
its not fricken fair ? i have 3 beautiful childrena boyfriend tht loves me very much .. a nice apartment with nice things ... in the past year i cant workcant drivei have panic attacksgo to the hospital for the wierdest things when i have an attack i have racing thoughts and bipolar ... i am 28 yrs old and this just happened .. why me i am a good person i dnt do bad things ... why do i have to deal with this ? That sucks But no one can really answer your question except maybe your parents or grand parents had the same thing geneticsyeah it can suck big time .
When they first went to the north and south poles how did they know the exact position ? No sat nav then How can sightings of the sun ect give a position acurate enough to plant the flag in the right snot . They could have been way out and never got there ? If you have a small compus as used by the early age sailors you will see the north is indicated at northen pole even if you make it rorate it will come back to its position again and show the north direction . Once you reach the exact north pole then the compus will not work it will keep rotating as the magnetic lines will pass through and thus you will know that you are at exact north pole .... and same is true for south pole as well ... hope I have answered your question ...
What do you think of Tom Cruise ? I didnt really have a problem with him until he started mouthing off about Brooke Shields and her postpartum depression telling her it wasnt real . Im not a Brooke Shields fan but has Tom Cruise ever given birth ?
is there a differance bettween useing common sense thinking logically ? One of the first signs of a mental breakdown is the inability to make decisions ... Like deciding what is the difference between common sense and logical thinking .
If I accidently run over an undocumented permanent legal resident with my hummerdo they have a right to sue ? For mucho moola ? There is no such thing as an undocumented permanent legal resident . All permanent legal residents are documented .
Help Any tips ? I have a college interview on Friday and its my first interview ever Im so nervous I dont know what to expect . Can you give me any tips any dos and donts ? What will they as me ? Is there any unmentioned dress code ? When I go in do I have to shake their hand ? As you can see I have no idea please help me I dont know what the questions will be as I dont know what the course is and probably wouldnt have a clue even if I did however interveiw tips I can do Do go in and shake their hands it is polite and confident . Use good eye contact not overly much as that can seem agressive but make sure you look at them when answering questions no eye contact at all looks deceitful or shifty . Give yourself time to answer questions they are not going to mind if you take a couple of secs to answer as it shows you are thinking about what you say not great long pauses a minute long though . Make sure your voice is audible and clear dont mumble or rush too much . Dress smartly as it is college I dont think you need to go the whole business suit type route but not jeans or sportswear just something smart casual . Do prepare beforehand you wouldnt be applying if you didnt know a little something about the subject you want to study so just make sure you read around it and have a think about your other interests outside the academic as well as that will show you to be a well rounded person . And lastly DONT PANIC Stay calm and be yourselfI wish you all the luck in the world Im sure youll do great .
Will McAfee eliminate spyware already on my computer ? I think I have spyware already I get these stupid popups about casinos sex partner finders even one that tries to download some bogus virus software etc ... I tried some free spybot download I use it after each time Im online . But when I get back on line I still get the popups . I am wondering if I get McAfee will it get rid of all this and iwhich McAfee product to get ? Do not run out and buy McAfee yet . Go to this windows site and follow the procedure using the programs the list . This is your best bet for removing this . This same procedure can be used with any AntiVirus or Antispy program . Be sure to use the registry repair programs she lists after the removal . is a package that protects me and my neighbor . I havent been infected in 5 months and since I put it on his computer he hasnt been infected in 3 months . He likes to download porn and it still protects him . Best of all everything is Free and work as good and better than pay packages . Download the latest Java Update 7 . Then remove any older versions from your computer . here and download the following programs All will be in the first 3 red boxes . If you have XP with SP2 then use the existing Windows firewall . It is excellent . If not then download Zone Alarm free version . AntiVirus program If you have one then use it or replace it with one of these AVG 7 . 1 or AVASTAntiSpy programs Use more than one . None can catch all the garbage out there Windows Defender Beta 2 Spybot Search and Destroy AdAware SE Personal . This program will work with the AV and AS programs and add an additional layer of protection and it really works great . program will alert you to bad sites are my recommendation based on what protects me and my neighbor
does John Cena have the champion chip belt ? No EDGE SCREW HIM
Best website to open a stock portfolio ? I finally have money to invest but Im not sure what company I want to open it with . Some offer a fee some dont . Some offer more stock than others . Is there a company with a cheap entrance fee that also has a vast list of tradable stocks ? I would love to find a site that trades high performance stocks but ALSO trades penny stocks . Serious answers only pleaseThanks I saw someone answer with a bunch of websites . Some websites are good mind you . But since you are dealing with the Internet you are going to get some serious information overload . Some offer more stock than others . Are you sure you know what you are doing ? A stock is a stock and it only goes for one price . No one can give discounts . I say who cares about the cheap entrance fee . I see someone above referred to some cheap stuff go with that but cheap entry fees to buy stocks should be the least of your worries . I would love to find a site that trades high performance stocks but ALSO trades penny stocks . If you are looking for a guru or a hot tip . Forget it . If things like that work those people wont be giving away their knowledge freely . And if it were that easy we would all be doing it . Keep reading and educating yourself and good luck
Whats the easiest way to convert mp3 files in to wav ? please help ? If you already have WinAmp or MusicMatch Jukebox these both have builtin conversion functionality . If not Id use Goldwave . It is shareware but if you are only doing this for a couple days you should be fine . It also has a batch mode if you are doing more than one file at a time .
All middle school students please answer even high schoolers ? Im going into middle school Im so scared lockers dances switching classes AAAAHHHH Youll be okay just switching class . Have shorter amount of time to get to class . LC
Do any Ivy League offer scholarships to foreign students ? What are the chances of getting such scholarships ? My son has a brilliant academic record has moved from India to Singapore to do his A level on a Government of Singapore scholarship has over 100 hours of community service has published articles in the largest circulated English newspaper in India has been Vice President of the students council has been actively participating in debates etc . He is looking forward to a course in liberal arts in the U . S . He has already taken the SAT and is hoing to get about 2300 . There are tons of scholarships that go unclaimed each year . Many 400 500 or 1000 scholarships never even get applied for because people think its chump change and not worth applying for . Well get a few of those 500 scholarships and itll really make a dent in your tuition bill . Do a search on scholarships search your major your ethnic heritage your town your parents employers your employer hobbies high school local chamber of commercerotary lions club etc . Lefthanded ? There is a scholarship out there for you Older woman returning to school ? There are scholarships out there for you . Do combined searches on more than one criteria hispanic women aviation scholarships etc . Go to the library and ask the reference librarian for a reference book on scholarships . They usually have more than one . There are all kinds of scholarships out there you just have to start applying yourself and make it your summer career to send out letters everyday for scholarships . Good luck
what should i do ? ok i am 18 yrs old and so is the guy i am engaded to but i have a bad feeling of losing him . he says i am not but i think i am we are so close and with everything that has happen from haters and our parnets i thought i would but didnt i should know by now our bond is strong but than why am i feeling i am losing him ?? what can i do to make it go away ? If he says that you arent goin to lose him then listen to that Love is alot stronger than anything else in the world I kno wat u mean when people out there cause things to happen All I can say is listen to your heart bcuz in the end its alwayz right If you love your man then dont let anything get in your way Ignore those feelings bcuz that what they are Dont let them get in the way of your guys happiness
why the transition metals have high melting point have high density and forming coloured ? why theyre called as a collection of metal ? Transition metals have high melting points because they are metals All metals have high melting points But some transition metals have exceptionally high melting points like Vanadium and Nickiel because they form a partially half filled 3d subshell for Vanadium and a fully filled 3d orbital for Nickiel which adds to an extra stability to the element . Hence it is more difficult to remove the electron and thus result in the high melting point . Since transition metals are all in the 4th period its Ar would be large too . Since Ar is large naturally density would be high . Because massno . of molecules x Ar And density is defined as mass volume . The specialty of transition mentals is that the energy levels of the orbitals are close enough to overlap each other . When electrons of a transition metal gains energy and is excited it is promoted to the 4s orbital . However it is unstable at that level and soon drops back to the 3dorbital . In order to return to the 3dorbital it must remove some of its energy and the energy is light . That is why there are different colours in transition metals . Because it only releases a specific amount of energy which relects different colours of light . This process is also known as dd transition .
what happened to terry wogan after euro 96 does he have another job ? yeah man he comments on Eurovision every year and I think he does some programmes for the BBC . Points of View comes to mind ...
Who else thinks this MiamiTerrorist thing is just another political strategy by the Bushies ? Its all were hearing about ... Terrorists from Miami were trying to blow up the Sears Tower ... but it sounds like these guys were set up or like it was some kind of entrapment ... If they were really trying to commit an act of terrorism then Im glad they got caught ... But if they werent then Im ashamed of being from Florida . Your thoughts ? Id like to think not but I dont trust anything they do or say anymore . I held off on believing it was actually Zarqawi until there was a ton of evidence . Its sad but theyve lied so many times that theyre going to have to have a TON of evidence before I believe it was an honest threat . Lets face facts Karl Rove is back and suddenly were going to be attacked . While he was in hiding over his treasonous acts youll note that nothing like this EVER came out . He comes back and here we go again
Who regulates the making of money ? Does any country can produce its own money as much as it can without ? regulation from any regulatory body ? I dont understand your question . But the USA treasurer and president and congress say how much money should be printed . Just the other say US dollars is worth the same as Canadian dollars . We are printing too much money .
how many people hate the way will and grace ended ? I think it was almost like someone who had never seen the show wrote the ending ? Will and Grace would not have fought like that For years ? no way . Jack take care of Karen ? Interesting but not with the story line . It was a let down defiantly
What does percocet show up as in a drug test ? It could show up as an opiate or a barbituate . Never take these during the day only at night if you need to sleep . Check with your supervisor to be sure and make sure you have a prescription
what are your views about the sensex will it remain above 10500 or will there be a fallback ? The first responder gave you an excellent answer and I agree completely . I just want to add that now is a time when you should be considering purchases of some of the more promising companies but do not jump in all at once . Take little bites and be cautious . There may be further pull back that you will then want to be able to take advantage of .
are any of you found of age of empires 2 the conquerors ? im very found of this game im an expert on it but i didnt find someone to play with me on internet I started playing a few games starting with the Age of Empire series because I was fascinated by the ability to move those little guys to cut trees collect berries and mining . The fighting part was OK but it seems that it required speed hot keys and just overwhelming opponents with number . I am playing Total War Rome now . It is still fun . Even though I miss the little guys doing chores I found the cinematic fighting scenes are much better . It is like watching a movie . The fighting technique is much different . Give it a try and you might even find more people to play with on line .
define what is health ethics ? try this
Where is the village named Sharafia how many people are there ? hm . alsharafia is a district of the port city Jeddah in Saudi Arabia . Jeddah is one of the top 3 cities in saudi arabia . Sharafia is in the news a lot because of a prisondetainee camp for mostly nonmuslims . Jeddah population is 3 . 5 million with around one million in alsharafia . OK ?
I need to loose some weight in 1 month how many pounds can I loose and what do I have to eat ? I have irritable bowel syndrome and dont eat chicken becuase I got really sick the last time I ate it . eat less food more often instead of 3 big meals eat 6 small meals and exercise . eating smaller meals will not make you feel bloated and lazy then you can walk or use some other low impact exercise .
Is there a test that I can take that can help me to decide which career is the best for me ? I am about to start college and even though I like Nursing and Criminal Justice I would like to know if there is anything out there that I might be good at that I an not thinking of right now I was wondering is theres a test out there that can help me to make that decision ? Many high schools offer the ASVAB which is actually a military test that helps tell you what vocations you would have an aptitude for . They dont require you to want to join the military after all your tax dollars are paying for this test and there seems to be ways to get at the test online though I havent tried it . One of the most helpful books on the subject is What Color is your Parachute and it has tons of information that will help you ... theres even a workbook to go with it though this one is so popular your public library should have a copy of the latest and greatest version . One our college liked to give people was the MyersBriggs Type Indicator which is not particularly helpful but it can tell you what types of things you might be best suited for . Id give you an online link but this would be one that Id just pick up one of the books from the public library and work though the questionaire in paper form . Any of these would be a great start but once you actually enroll you can and will likely spend your first semester in general studies courses . Use that time to talk to the college career office . They will have more books and tests than you can imagine . Good luck
Are you someone who can just let it lie ? Nah I can let anything lie . I think Reeves and Mortimer had a problem with it though . P
i like doing oral with my girlfriend is it wrong ? It is Wrong ........ if You dont do it at least Once a Day .......
How much should I sell my 4 yr old computer for ? I have never had a problem with it ever it runs good I just need some ideas on how much to sell it for . Its a homebuilt one . Be generous and donate it to a charity or a family who doent have one .
If someone asks why do you accept this text as the word of God is it a religious question .? Or is the religious question Why should I accept this text as the word of God . Is there a difference between why do YOU and why SHOULD I ? If someone asks why do you accept this text as the word of God is it a religious question .? I think it is a question of faith or belief not religion since it is something Iyou accept as true . Or is the religious question Why should I accept this text as the word of God . Perhaps the religious question is actually Is this text the word of God ? and the response to that question is either belief doubt or a combination of both . Remember the man who said to Jesus I believe . Help my unbelief .? Is there a difference between why do YOU and why SHOULD I ? Isnt it a difference of position ? If you already know something is true by means of your own training tests and thinking but I dont know it yet whether I SHOULD know it already depends upon my experience and age and training and education etc .
who has escorted trips to cuba from the usa ? has personadam rendon under the auspices of usa to cuba and usaaae scholarship foundation . conducted any trips to cuba ? you can catch the 57 chevy mounted on oil drums back to cuba they wont be needing it once they land in miama
how does keyloggers work ? my bf put a logger on the pc and i wanna know how long it takes before he reads what ive been typin They record keystrokes what you press on the keyboard and then save it to a file on the computer . Slightly more complex ones may then send temselves via email or upload themselves to an area on the internet where your boyfriend can read it . If you let your boyfriend do this to your computer you should ask him to take it off . If he did it without persmission kick his ss
I need to find my sister ? Does anyone know Samantha Dean Clover ? She wouldbe in Arizona 17 years old ...... This is a very important subject for me ...... She is my sister and I havent seen her in five years and I Hve been looking for her tirelessly for those five years and have found nothing ..... have you tried searching the yearbooks on line
when i uninstall P3 programme it give me error massage ? the massage unable to locate installation log file C92windows92DeIsL1 . isu is correpted Try to reinstall it and then uninstall it ... maybe it will fix the issue
Whats Faradays constant ? Faradays constant F is the charge carried by one mole of electrons .
What is a serum ? Serum Latin for whey may refer to Blood plasma with its clotting factors removed . Any clear bodily fluid see serous fluid . Any medication derived from an animals blood or serous fluid often involving antibodies such as an antidote antivenom or antiviral drug . Commonly used as a plot device in fiction to cure someone at the last moment . Serum is the same as blood plasma except that clotting factors such as fibrin have been removed . Blood plasma contains fibrinogen . Plasma resembles whey in appearance transparent with a faint straw colour . It is mainly composed of water blood proteins and inorganic electrolytes . It serves as transport medium for glucose lipids hormones metabolic end products carbon dioxide and oxygen . Oxygen transport capacity of plasma is much lower than that of the hemoglobin in the red blood cells it may increase under hyperbaric conditions . Plasma is the storage and transport of clotting factors and its protein content is necessary to maintain the oncotic pressure of the blood .
how do I change my profile on yahoo ? I changed it through and then View My Profiles and then Edit .
Who do u think been the best basketball player this season ? LeBron
Is Keny engaged to a chick names Yamile ? its cause few times they spooted them 2gether in night clubs
Wher can I find a poem called In Flight ? It has something to do with death dunno
Hey I hav a Problem ? Please solve my Problem .? I want to join Orkut . Can any one invite me on Orkut .?
Related to my ebonics quest ....? Some of the responses that I have been getting have brought me to a better question than the last . Some ppl people have recommended that I do not let this bother me . For the record it only really Bothers me when I am forced to deal with it in a customer servicecustomer situation . Lets say I go into a store or place of buisness of some sort and there are two clerks one is blacksafrican american ect .. and one is caucasionwhites whatever or maybe even chinese anyway the other girl is nice asks me how I am speaks like she has some knowledge about the english language the other lady who is of african american origin speaks like this first she just stares then she mmmhm what you need ? I tell her she does it or gets it whatever the case may be then its attitude and improper english all the way out until I am gone . Why ? If I am paying for a service or food or anything at all should I have to be treated this way ? And by the way we live in the USA . Not England . Deal at another store ............. You have every right to walk out of a store any time before you hand over the money even if they wrapped or bagged your item . HJust turn around and walk outno explanation necessary .
How do I find out if a doctor in Texas has been sued for malpractice before ? Well you could search his name in all of the courthouses around the area where he practices but you need to keep in mind that few doctors havent been sued for malpractice . You need to look at the circumstances of the suit not just weather heshe was sued or not .
What is the worst thing you have done to a customer ? It doesnt matter if you work in a restaurant a store a gas station an amusement park or if you used to work somewhere like that . When a customer was treating you like crap what did you do to get revenge ? And what was the person doing to you ? Why do you think a lot of people treat customer service workers so badly ? had sex with them and then cheated
Im the best player on my baseball team how should I handel it ? by not telling anyone that you are the best baseball player on your team . it will show arrogance and rudeness . you need to be a team player and make sure that people know that you did not win the game your team did .
does anybody know who else liverpool want to sign ? Raul Gonzales
Billy Preston is gone . The 5th Beatle . Does anyone remember what he was in jail for ? He was arrested and convicted for insurance fraud after setting fire to his own house in Los Angeles and he was treated for alcohol and cocaine addictions .
Which religion makes the most sense ? Aaah tailormade god . Which one am I willing to live with ? Which one is the nicest and gives me the most benefits ? Tell me is this like picking your own 401k or IRA plan ???
How many Hydrogen bonds can one molecule of water make ? Under normal conditions a water molecule in liquid water will form 4 hydrogen bonds with other water molecules . Two of these bonds involve the two hydrogens in the water molecule and the other two bonds involve the two lone pairs of electrons on the oxygen atom .
he wants to marry me ... SHOULD I GIVE HIM A DOSE OF HIS OWN MEDICINE ? he is an asshole i know that . he had the nerve to ask me to marry him to prove to me how much he loves me even though he behaves poorly when we are out . he is the one who gawks and gropes other women when we are out ... still when i tell him how he makes me feel ... he professes his love for me ... with that special phrase there is no woman out there that could measure up to you .... Yet he continues to behave in the manner i find degrading to me ... i get tired of the whispers ... form other women .. they judge our relationship because of his actions and still he claims it is innocent and wants to marry me to prove his love for me .... DOES HE THINK I AM REALLY STUPID OR SHOULD I GIVE HIM A DOSE OF HIS OWN MEDICINE ? You need to dump his sorry butt and move on to a guy that really appreciate you at least enough to look at only you when you are out . Sounds like a jerk
Is there other software similar to limewire ? where can I find it ? thanks no
What does an arrogant elitist left wing agenda mean .? This phrase was used in an article about the New York Times publishing news about terrorist financing . Im not up on political jargon It means that the editor of the Times showed his arrogance by ignoring the laws of the land . He published information during a time of war that will aid enemies of this country . He is an elitist as he believes that the press is above the law and can do whatever they want regardless of the implications on us . The left wing agenda is the propensity for this type of thing to happen again and again led by the leftwing media of this country .
what is the best and the worst thing about your honey ? my honey the best he is very country and i love to hear him talk he always makes me laugh . the worst he is a procrastanator . we never get anything done or make plans . best Is there when i need him and loves me unconditionallyworst doesnt listen when something is bothering me and if i do tell him she says Im wrong
is there any website for getting short notes100lines or less on general topicEg roadstravelhobbytree ? try wikipediawww . wikipedia . com
when naming a businesshow do u find out if that name is already being used as to avoid being sued ? When you start your business you will have to get a business license from your state if you are in the US . They will tell you if that name is already being used .
my computer turns off after using it for sometime ? It has intel motherboard PIII 1 Ghz 2128 mb ram win xp sp25 years old computer20 gb harddisk . Check your fans one in your power supply one on your processor and possibly one in front or rear of the case .
MEN ONLY When a woman likes you how should she show it while still keeping your respect ? Tell him about it frankly and also behave accordingly . Dont cheapen yourself in front of the man maintain you dignity Remember straight forwardness and honesty are traits that are respected by most men because those are the currencies they have to deal with practically very minute of their working lives . st