if chickens are comes from eggsand eggs lays by chickens then who came first in the world ?
I want too buy a specialized rockhopper mountain bike with a 17 inch frame . My height is 58 . Will it work ? The easiest and most effective way to judge the fit of a mountain bike it by checking standover clearance which is the amount of space between your crotch and the top tube of the bike when you stand over it . Generally speaking standover clearance should be between 1 and 3 on a mountain bike . HOW TO TEST1 Stand over the top tube of the bike with your legs shoulder width apart2 Now lift the bike front and back until your crotch is resting on the top tube . You can do this by grabbing hold of the top tube with one hand in front of your body and the other in back . 3 Finally check standover clearance by looking at the space between your tires and the ground you are still lifting the bike right ?. Again this should be between 1 to 3 for a mountain bike . This assumes you have the bike inhand and physically with you to perform this test . In case you are purchasing something online for example have a look at what the folks at Active . com say ...
where online can i fill out an application to work as a registered medical assistant ? monster . com
I need the name of a good song ....? I need some suggestions on a good song for my husband who is away working . I want him to know that i miss him like crazy and that im always thinking about him . I want something slow and something that just makes you want to cry ...... Tonight I Wanna Cry Keith Urban
i am 40 years male and donnt have complete shave how i can grow my complete shave ? You are born a certain way and without surgery that is all you can do . Sometimes cutting hair can make it grow somewhat faster and thicker .
why do you support the racist george bush ? he uses photo opps and political gatherings to position blacks at the entrance and when the speach begins and the cameras pan the room all the colorfull people are absent somehow . do not think for one minute george is a man who beleives in equality of the races he is a skilled manipulator and is politicaly empowered to reflect a certain look that sends america a messege . you can not tell me a few people of color are really helping represent there fellow americans and people they are portreyed to represent . THEY serve the government and george is a racist . plain as the nose on your face watch him closely and you will see his posture around minoritys it is not one of acceptance more one of repulsion . Of course he is a racist . Dont you know that he ordered the city of New Orleans to be flooded in order to get all the black people out of the city ? He knew that many of these people would have no place to go and that they would have no choice but to join the military which is why he personally sent hundreds of Army recruiters to the Astrodome and other shelters around the US . He figured he could kill two birds with one stone get rid of the poor black people and keep his blood thirsty drive for world domination alive at the same time By the way is anybody interested in buying some prime ocean front real estate in Arizona or New Mexico ??
Why are Republicans still putting down Clinton about the Monica thing ? Are they jealous because they cant get any from a woman or is that the only thing they got on Clinton ? Clinton was a genius compared to GW . He left his Presidency with such a high surplus .... and Bush has pissed it all away spent so much that your grandkids are going to pay for it .... 500 TRILLION in Iraq .... whos paying for it ?
Is there any place you can download some free wmv music videos ? Im talking about like download to watch for a day or something then the license will make them useless . i just want to know if theres a free download rental place on the internet . I personally use gives you embeding codes as well for myspace etc . They have new videos all the time too check it out .. Make this the best answer please ?
Should Burger King be in with The Bearded Ones ? No similar questions found ... This is fun no ... But my dad should .. Ive never seem him without a beard ....
after installing limewire softwarehow can i start downloading songs ? please tell me in a detailed way . i have installed software but dont know where to click and start downloading . Just click download . Splooch
What do you think of a person who likes war .? What do you thin of our President the President of War . Warmongers . I think to a certain extend its okay for example I find that studying past wars is fascinating . But people who seek to keep war alive are crazy . I believe there is a line . It is always okay to defend ourselves our families and our countries if we are attacked . Im not so sure about going after people .
What does the term bump mean in a reply at a news forum ? Bump Up My Question Makes sure that a topic stays in a prominent position by people adding comments .
Do any of yall go 2 Midnight Rodeo at Katy Mills Mall ???? No but I live in Houston . Is it good ?
4 56 is what percent of 9 23 ? 50
I went to Pigeon Forge awhile back and went 4wheeling . Can anybody help me remember the name of the place .? The guide took us up in the mountains if you were 16 and over you could go for an hour . There is Bluff Mountain Adventures which is near Pigeon Forge .
If you could save animals would you ? Go to this site for more infowww . peta2 . comoutthereosave99 . asp ? It was too late for the monkey labled 99 Join Alkaline Trio Against Me and Sliverstein in the fight to save 99 www . theanimalrescuesite . comAll you have to do is go to the site and click the big purple box . No registration nothing to buy . Just perclick sponsorship of animal rescue organizations such as North Shore Animal League . Do it Everyday .
Zidane taitil prsent sur le stade pour FranceTogo pour encourager son quipe ?? ds les vestiaires ac Abidal pour eviter les dbordements et la soif de photos et de scoop des medias
Need Password for TW PGA Tour 2k5 to unlock positive celebrations . TIGERMOBILE not 4 celeb .? try cracks . dw for the game
Whats the best accounting software for small service oriented business ? QuickBooks they have many different programs for small business . Our company has used many different programs and QuickBooks we find to be the best to use . Check out my site for wholesale custom logo products .
what is the best way to know more information about semantic ? I want to know summary about semantic that help me to understand it very quickly .
its about 930 at night Im staying with my overproctive grandparents Im bored What shuld I do ?? I only have my ipod and the internet to turn too any cool siteskid friendly ?? Cool things to draw or write about ?? Writting sounds wierd but Im eal despreate If youve got the internet and time to kill homestarrunner . com is always a fun one .
Plus Sized Strip Club ? My friend and I were talking the other day and he said that he would like to open up a strip club down by the college in our town . As we continued talking he said that he would like the strip club to be for plus sized woman . He said that most men dont really like the girls that are real skinny and most like women of plus size . He also said that a lot of bigger women arent confident in the way that they look and that it could actually help with their self esteem . I dont know if this is a good idea or not . What do you think ? Please explane why or why not and please serious answers only . There are clubs for dominants submissives gay clubs and clubs for swingers to hook up . So why not a strip club for men or women who enjoy a fuller form ? I have said for years now usually as a punchline yet halfseriously too that if I ever had the financial means I would open such a club in Las Vegas and call it Phatt Chicks . That was long before the Phatt Pharm clothing line was launched . I had the name first Dang I should have copyrighted it or trademarked it or whatever you do I could be rich Oh well ..... Lets face it we live in a sexually diverse culture . Just because many men would reject such a club I dont doubt that there is a market for your product . The reason I would select Vegas for Phatt Chicks is that you would have a large crosssection of the adult population in a city that was created tfor the express purpose of providing an outlet for adults to let it all hang out . Besides that its Vegas Baby . Good luck on your proposed venture . Feel free to send me my cut if you use the name I have proposed . Thanks
What do I need to do to help my realtionship marriage ? I have been with my husband for over 4 yrs and it is going down hill . I hate because there are times I think of my exs . It really sucks . I think I am somewhat still in love but like a little . And I know I do not want to split for my kids and because I do not think we have worked to much on it . Well I am pretty unhappy in all the aspects of the realtionship he is becoming too macho and is always telling me things like you are gaining weight and who in the hell would want someone like you . You know I like romantic guys and he has killed all the desire to be with him . I know I have to because I do not hold my tongue too much I say what I have to say . I know I am wrong but he makes me sick it is like i cant even stand his presence . And I have tried to work on it . But the more I work on it he starts with stupid comments and attitudes . He tells me I am the best thing you ever had in your life . And I feel like just screaming and letting him have it but he always starts crying . hmm this question is actually helping me more than my answer would help you . But I think that taking a break and separating for a bit without getting divorced is a good idea . Then I just like you would try really hard to keep working on it and after getting some more strength come back and battle some more . But if that still doesnt get through to him leave him see if he understands the seriousness of the situation that way
Isnt Mexico a democracy ? So if mexican officials are corrupt isnt that the effect of mexican voting power ? Mexican officials are no nore or less corrupt than American officials ... theyre just up front about it .
corn oil is made from corn vegetable oil is made from vegetables so what is baby oil made from ? Well goanna oil is supposed to be made from the fat around the kidneys of goannas emu oil is made from emus tea tree oil and eucalyptus oil is made from tea trees and eucalypts . And babies are pretty slippery when you try to bath em .........
Why do conservatives label everyone that disagrees with them as antiAmerican ? And why do conservatives believe that more than a few liberals actually like Michael Moore ? They have no legitimate argument if we are talking about the Bush failures they blame it on Clinton If we are talking about the criminal acts of Bush they mention Clinton and when they run out of thing to blame on Clinton they then go to name calling and since unamerican is suppose to mean that we do not believe the conservatives are right then they use that . They probably think that Clinton was unamerican because he ran the country the way it should be run
Im curious will someone tell ? How a gal feels in double penetration into the pink or one in the pink and one in the stink ? Im straight but sometimes for a change or to have a feeling of good resistence in penetration I do go for the stink . But its seldem that my gal would react as being in heaven during this latter act . And from the graphic videos of the double penetration I get the impression that the gal is being tortured if also not being outright humilated . No guesses please . Only serious persons with such experience expected to respond . When you start fooling around in a womans anal area you must work your way in slowly at first .. You dont just try to push up in her it hurts too much . You must first loosen it up using dildo or whatnot make sure you have lots of lube and make sure that she is incredibly turned on beforehand and while youre loosening it up it helps to continue to stimulate her nether region . And wait until she is REALLY excited before sticking things back there . Done right it can be a mutually satisfying experience . And then filling up the other hole at the same time ... unbelievableAs for double penetration OUCH . Good luck with that .
How come I can go to China Communist and I cant go to Cuba ? Communist ? What is the reason ? We arent in the least bit freindly with Cuba but if you want em you go get em . Traitor is right . Watch out for this guy he insulted my family because they were in Vietnam . He was there too but that doesnt matter to this ABUSER .
CAN anyone give me lengthy description of the grid north pole ? Grab the whole thing here
Relationships with partners who are not out and open ? I dont have anything particular in mind just that my ex aggrivated me immensely because she would act like we were going out holding hands quick kisses etc . but if anyone asked her she would deny that she was attracted to girls and tell them that I was just barking up the wrong tree . She wouldnt even tell people be both knew were Kinsey2s or higher that she liked girls and I dont understand that at all . Of course if youre not sure how someone will take it excercise caution but if you know theyre gay why not gain an ally as it were ? Also a current very good friend of mine who I am almost sure is a K6 maybe a 5 lists her preference as straight on myspace and wont let me post anything that makes her sound gay . Dont these girls realize that there is as much support as hatred out there if you know where to look ? Why are they ashamed of who they are ? Lastly is dating someone like this a good idea ? OMG my x did the same exact thing to me . My x broke up with me but she will still hug and kiss me . Like she keeps reeling me back in . Confusing i know . When we were first going out she made it quite clear that she could never come out to her parents . Then a few days ago she says that she is really only 20 gay . What a slam in the face to me . She wont accept anything of who she is . Maybe she believes that denying the truth will make her life easier . I really dont know if dating someone like this is a great idea but it depends on how much you care for them . I still love my x a lot and if she wanted to get back together i would be all for it but at the same time i dont get the full benefits of a healthy relationship . The only quetion you need to ask is if the good out weighs the bad . Do you still enjoy being around her ? If her denial is upsetting you that much then maybe it is better to break it off but if you still seriously care for her then it makes it a little more difficult to just let go .
How to build sub zero freezer flor ? My freezer floor has buckled use luquid nitrogen and force it in
Does anyone know of any pro wrestling schools in Indiana specifically the Indianapolis area ? try to contact wwe ...
If God created us then why is it a sin to be gay ? Just a ques . I am not gay but my uncle was whom I loved dearly and I dont have a problem with homosexuals like other people do . But really if GOD created us then why is homosexuality a sin . I dont understand that . I actually watched the Gwen Aroyo story and just wondered . Why ? Its not a sin to be gay just some people read the bible and interperted the meaning of the words to say being an A pirate is a Sin How ever women are free to go both ways
I recently bought a dells laptop and now the Mcafree Antivirus software is expired .? I dont have money to renew the subscription and now i intend to download the free avira antivirus software . Is it possible to do so ? If yes how to do it ? Get rid of Mcafee and go to www . grisoft . com and download the free version of AVG antivirus . Its a great program .
recommend VOICE AND INTERNET CONNECTION ? eureka is a telephone and internet based concirege service that specializes in obtaining things that are hard to find e . g Super Bowl ticekt first edition book . It has 60 staff member works 24 hour in 3 shifts . Staff answers phone and respond to request over internet website of eureka . . Much of staff work is on phone or on computer searching internet . What type of connection should eureka consider from offic eto outside world in term of phone and internet ? outline pro and cons of each 4 option given eblow1 . Use traditional analog service with standard voice lines and use dial up modem to dial to ISP40 per month for each voice line plus 20 for Internet access line2 . standard voice line but use DSL for data 60 per month for both service3 . should the company seperate voice and data need using standard analog service for voice but finding some advanced digital transmission service for data40 per month for each voice line and 300 per month for circuit with Use any broadband DSL service with 256 kbps speed .
What do the words at Isaiah 4310 mean to you ? The Scriptural account that Jehovahs Witnesses draw on for their name is in the 43rd chapter of Isaiah . There the world scene is viewed as a courtroom drama The gods of the nations are invited to bring forth their witnesses to prove their claimed cases of righteousness or to hear the witnesses for Jehovahs side and acknowledge the truth . Jehovah there declares to his people Ye are my witnesses saith Jehovah and my servant whom I have chosen that ye may know and believe me and understand that I am he before me there was no God formed neither shall there be after me . I even I am Jehovah and besides me there is no saviour . Isaiah 4310 11 American Standard Version . Jehovah God had witnesses on earth during the thousands of years before Jesus was born . After Hebrews chapter 11 lists some of those men of faith Hebrews 121 says So then because we have so great a cloud of witnesses surrounding us let us also put off every weight and the sin that easily entangles us and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us . Jesus said before Pontius Pilate For this I have been born and for this I have come into the world that I should bear witness to the truth . He is called the faithful and true witness . John 1837 Revelation 314 Jesus told his disciples You will receive power when the holy spirit arrives upon you and you will be witnesses of me both in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria and to the most distant part of the earth . Acts 18 .
is any one scared to die ? if you had a choice how would you want to go Its not that Im afraid of death but I just dont want to be there when it happens .
How many types of bone are there ? i . e ribs skull etc etc There are 6 types of boneslong bones bones of the armforearm thigh leg ... shorts bones bones of the hand foot .... Flat bones sholder blade ..... irregular bones vertebrae pneumatic bones skull bones sesamoid bones
I am looking for healthcare articles for my term paper ? Try PubMed or if youre in the social sciences including psychiatry use PsycARTICLES or PsycINFO . Both of these scholarly databases are accessible from your universitys library website .
whats the best baseball team ever ? 2004 RED SOX ... broke a curse no other Red Sox could do for 86 years u cant touch that .
During sunrise and during moonrise on full moon nights why does the sun and moon respectively appear large ? The sun is more or less at the same distance from the earth on the same day so why does the sun appear so large during dawn and why does the moon appear large during moonrise ??? It is an illusion . People tend to perceive objects on the horizon as larger than they really are but you can destroy the illusion by looking at the horizon upside down . Really I have tried it . And it is not only the Moon but trees and buildings too . As you tilt your head more and more things on the horizon start to look smaller . I notice that sideways is enough tilt for me to see things on the horizon as noticeable smaller than when looking upright . The usual suggestion is to bend over and look at the horizon between your legs but that is just to embarrassing for me so I tilt my head sideways until I am looking upside down to one side of my legs and notice the size changing when I am about half Way to being upside down . Try it it is easy
Is it wrong to be with a guy who treats me nice but the action in bed is lacking ? I told him what i think is exciting but he think yuck I woulnt do that . But he is so good with me and the two kids which he is not the father . Sometime I wonder if he is gay . nice men is rare maybe hes just conservative . you can teach him step by step so your sexual relationship will be more exciting . teach him too to be openminded .
I have some old LPs that I found in my house dating back to the 70s . Is there anywhere on the net that i can ? have these valued ? I would just like to know for curiosity . Thanx LP as in Les Paul ? Hmm ... Try a pawn shop lol .
what is the rap abulm of all time ? Either Ready to Die Biggie or Ridin Dirty UGK
How can I tell if I have a complete miscarriage ? My baby wasnt growing after 6 weeks and no heartbeat either . I didnt want a DC so my Doctor inserted 4 tablets inside me to induce miscarriageabortion . Went back to the doctor for followup 2 days later and did an ultrasound . I was told that all tissues had pass uterus was clean and uterine lining was thin . I still see some tissue passing when I got home along with blood clots . The blood thats flowing out is very thick and stretchy also flowing out really slow . Is that normal ? Anyway its been 10 days already and Im still bleeding . Not a lot or heavy its just a little here and there throughout the day for about 3 days now . How can I tell that all tissue had pass with that kind of bleeding ? Miscarriage bleeding wasnt as heavy like what the doctor told me . Its just like a normal period to me . Although the bleeding looks like its going to stop any day now Im still worry that it might be an incomplete miscarriage . Please help Thanks If you continue to have bleeding then there may be some tissue that didnt get expelled from the uterus . As long as the bleeding is scant you can probably just wait and see if the bleeding stops on its own . If the bleeding continues the only thing to do at that point would be a DC .
What are the advantages of using APA formatting for academic papers ? What aspect of APA formatting do you find APA formatting and academic papers Personally I switched from APA to Chicago style sometime around my second year of college . Depending on the major one system may be preferred or even required over the other . My sense of the mainlargest difference between the two are in the required citation format APA citations are inline while Chicago citations are footnotes . With modern word processing software footnotes are no longer the pain that they used to be so I dont think inline citations e . g . I went to the store . Bryson 2 is not significantly easier to use than footnotes . Why Chicago is better The reason I prefer using Chicago style and the footnote method is because the body of my my academic papers are less cluttered by citations after every sentence . Also I think footnotes look more academic .. but thats just me . And um I live and went to school in Chicago probably the best reason . Why APA is better If you are a science major if you dont have a readily accessible and easily usable word processing program like Word if you prefer the simplicity of the APA citations if your professor likes it very important .
qui va gagner la coupe du monde de rugby ? Comme dhabitude cela va se jouer entre les 5 grands NouvelleZlande Australie Afrique du Sud France Angleterre . Avec comme outsiders Argentine et Irlande . Aprs plus dun an de la comptition difficile den savoir plus la hirarchie entre ces nations voluant toujours de manire trs rapide ... Disons qu lheure actuelle lAustralie et lAngleterre partent avec un temps de retard car ils narrivent pas remplacer leurs glorieux anciens et que la NouvelleZlande part avec un temps davance .
got court in st charlesill cant find good directions i got location of 33w 777 route 38 st charlesill 60175 ? go to Yahoo . Map Quest . It will give complete directions
Using what we know of the atom how can you disprove the following view of the atom ? This is a little crazy but here goes . I met an individual who had his own theory of why electrons can not fall in the nucleus . Here is what he said as we know electrons are attracted to the nucleus because of electromagnetic force . We also know that they never reach the nucleus except in extreme occasion like a dying star . He thinks that the reason why this is the case is because of strong force . We dont know much about the characteristic of strong force only that it is able to overcome the effects of repulsion between two positive charged particles and that it ranges of effect is very small . So he thinks that when the electron enters in to the inner most orbital that the strong force keeps it back from actually going into the nucleus . I couldnt give a reason why that cant be possible so I looking for answer from someone that can explain why that is not possible . ThanksBrad We also know that they never reach the nucleus except in extreme occasion like a dying star . Well thats a major flaw right there . Electrons quite often anhihilate themselves via collision with the nucleus . This is the cause of radioactive decay via electron capture . There are literally millions of electrons falling into their atomic nuclei within 3 feet of where you are every second of every day .
How do you become funny ? And dont tell me its a gift you either have or you dont . Give me a REAL answer its a gift you either have or you dont
what is peles real name ? he is still regarded as the best in world football and is from brazil . Edson Arantes Do Nascimento
what is javaTM ? In computer scienceJava Sun a technology developed by Sun Microsystems for machineindependent software which encompasses Java programming language an objectoriented highlevel programming language Java Virtual Machine the virtual machine that runs Java byte code . This is also referred to as the portion of Java that runs on your PC or the Java runtime environment JRE Java Platform the Java virtual machine plus API specifications Java Platform Standard Edition targets desktop environment Java Platform Enterprise Edition targets server environment Java Platform Micro Edition targets embedded consumer products JavaScript a scripting language syntactically similar to but semantically different from the Java programming languageLearn About Java Technology Java technology was created as a computer programming tool in a small secret effort called the Green Project at Sun Microsystems in 1991 . The secret Green Team fully staffed at 13 people and led by James Gosling locked themselves away in an anonymous office on Sand Hill Road in Menlo Park cut off all regular communications with Sun and worked around the clock for 18 months . They were trying to anticipate and plan for the next wave in computing . Their initial conclusion was that at least one significant trend would be the convergence of digitally controlled consumer devices and computers . A deviceindependent programming language codenamed Oak was the result . To demonstrate how this new language could power the future of digital devices the Green Team developed an interactive handheld homeentertainment device controller targeted at the digital cable television industry . But the idea was too far ahead of its time and the digital cable television industry wasnt ready for the leap forward that Java technology offered them . As it turns out the Internet was ready for Java technology and just in time for its initial public introduction in 1995 the team was able to announce that the Netscape Navigator Internet browser would incorporate Java technology . Now nearing its tenth year the Java platform has attracted over 4 million software developers worldwide use in every major industry segment and a presence in a wide range of devices computers and networks of any programming technology . In fact its versatility efficiency platform portability and security have made it the ideal technology for network computing so that today Java powers more than 2 . 5 billion devices over 700 million PCs over 1 billion mobile phones and other handheld devices source Ovum 1 . 25 billion smart cards plus settop boxes printers web cams games car navigation systems lottery terminals medical devices parking payment stations etc . Today you can find Java technology in networks and devices that range from the Internet and scientific supercomputers to laptops and cell phones from Wall Street market simulators to home game players and credit cards just about everywhere . The best way to preview these applications is to explore java . com the ultimate marketplace showcase and central information resource for businesses consumers and software developers who use Java technology . Why Software Developers Choose Java Technology The Java programming language has been thoroughly refined extended tested and proven by an active community of over four million software developers . Mature extremely robust and surprisingly versatile Java technology has become invaluable in allowing developers to Write software on one platform and run it on practically any other platform Create programs to run within a web browser and web services Develop serverside applications for online forums stores polls HTML forms processing and more Combine Java technologybased applications or services to create highly customized applica
How do I get my DVD to read ? Every time I put in my dvd it says there is nothing inserted in my computer . How do I get it to read ??? Do you have your hardware specs ? First you need a DVDROM or RW drive . Also with that you should have recieved a dvd decoding program to watch video dvds like PowerDVD . If you have all of that its most likely that windows isnt recognising your drive as a DVD reader . You can check this by entering your control panel opening the system information going to the Hardware tab and selecting device manager if the only device listed is marked as a CD reader or RW Windows doesnt have the right drivers for your DVD player .
What are the pros and cons about choosing a career in Biostatistics ? Well the pro is bio the con is statistics . Because bionics is a cool and new exciting field and staticology is a boring old field . I just assume biostatistics is the combination of bionic statisticology . Isnt it colon master ?
I have a concentration of 50 microMolar of x solution and I want to make a 100 nanoMolar conentration of it How do I got about doin that ? In practice a lot will depend on the available volumetric glassware and microvolume measuring and dispensing devices pipettes . Let C1 initial concentration 50 micromolar Let V1 the volume you want to dilute WITH could be all of your 50 micromolar solution or only a part of it Let C2 the final concentration 100 nM or 0 . 1 micromolar Let V2 the volume you want to dilute TO the final volume you want to end up with The equation is C1 x V1 C2 x V2 we must conserve massYoull have to choose either V1 or V2 then solve for the other one .
INTELLECTUAL or ATHLETIC ? id like to THINK intellectual since my athletic skills are truly pathetic ... but its most likely NEITHER . does nice guy count for anything ?
any good jokes even animal or riddels deal ? any good jokes u can get ten points so get in the draw to win them it is a bit of a challenge but a easy one it is the best joke corner to put in jokes and to read riddels and jokes so just have a look put a comment or to in answers put in jokes read out jokes put in riddels read out riddels so come in and have a shot of reading or sharing funny jokes scary jokes animal jokes happy jokes and them kind of riddels to put in and share and go in the draw to win ten points or read them to your friends and make them laugh Guy walks into a bar with an octopus . Says to the bartender Ill bet a hundred dollars this octopus can play any instrument in the place . So the bartender points at the piano in the corner says Go ahead . Guy puts the octopus on the piano stool octopus flips up the lid plays a few scales then lays out a little tude on the piano . So guys says Pay up Bartender says Wait a minute pulls out a guitar . Guy gives the octopus the guitar octopus tightens up the Estring closes its eyes plays a sweet little fandango on the guitar . Guy says Pay up Bartender says Hold on I think Ive got something else around here pulls a clarinet out of the back room . Octopus looks the thing over a couple of times tightens the reed . Well the octopus isnt good exactly but he manages to squeak out a few bars on the clarinet . He isnt going to win any awards but he plays the thing . Guy says Pay up The bartender says Just wait one minute goes in the back rummages around finally comes out with a bagpipes . Plops the bagpipes up on the bar . Guy brings the octopus over plops the octopus up next to the bagpipes . Octopus looks the bagpipes over reaches out lifts one pipe lets it drop . Lifts another lets it drop . Backs up squints at the bagpipes . Guy gets nervous comes over to the bar says to the octopus Whats the matter ? Cant you play it ? And the octopus says Play it ? If I can figure out how to get its pajamas off Im gonna fk it
what would you tell girlfriend if she told you and did things to hurt you and afterwards said she knew it did ? This is not your friend . Move on . Find other friends who are in your corner .
can u plz tell me about the ITMcollege in gurgaon and juit in solan ? i want to pursue engg . and i have selected two options one is ITM in Gurgaon and other is JUIT in solan can u plz tell me which among them is best for engg in eloectronics and computer science
A friend of mine has a child with asbergers . My friend has trouble getting the child to keep up on hygiene .? My friend cant get their child to shower and change their underclothes on a regular basis . Please send any info on how to get this child to keep up on their hygiene . Please no smart ass remarks . This problem is quite taxing on my friend . Please any parent with a child with asbergers reply with any help . I am not familiar with asbergers but I work with adults with mental disabilities that have hygiene issues . One thing I have them do is set out clean night clothes in the morning as well as whatever clean clothes they plan on wearing the next day . When they get ready for bed it become part of the nightly routine to put on the clothes we laid out earlier . This does not always work of course but I have noticed improvement . I also will not allow them in my car to go to appointments ect if they have a strong body odor . I will arrive early and make them shower if I need to . After a while most of them found it was easier to just shower before I got there . It takes about 2 weeks for something to become a habit or routine . I wish your friend all the luck in the world . Side note If this child is old enough to take part in social activities I would recommend People First The Ark or Special Olympics . Being around other people with disabilities and doing something he enjoys would be more incentive to keep clean .
how does a ships engine work ? does the large ocean liners and cargo vessels use two stroke or four stroke engines ? most modern ships use electric motors to turn prop . the motors are supplied power from electric generators powered by very high horse powered diesel engines
Why do I wet my pants when I laugh ? You have stress incontinenceit happens when you laugh sneeze or cough . Especially if you are female have had a few kids are over 50 . See a doctorshehe can prescribe a medication there are a few available . Wear a thin pad empty your bladder often . Better yet try kegel exercisesthey are good for your bladder AND for your sex life And dont stop laughing
what is cardiac consultation ? Where a patient meets with a cardiologist to discuss the condition of their cardiopulmonary system .
I am looking for a movie from the late 70s early 80s about a gold mine and murder it was called motherload ?? Mother Lode 1982 Directed byCharlton HestonGo here for details
Are we friends or Lovers ? Is he using me ? I am dating a guy who told me that he needs some time to figure things out . He tells me that he has a lot on his plate right now and cant handle a full blown relationship . Yet he calls me a lot and we end up talking for hours and hours about anything and everything . He has apologised several times for hurting me . Is he using me ? Should I cut him loose or wait and see where it goes . I like that we can talk so easily . Maybe his feelings for me scared him so he felt he needed to back off some . Any thoughts on what is going on here ? People who say they dont want a relationship then end up calling you being with you having sex etc are usually people who like to have their cake and eat it too . He wants the freedom of not being in a relationship but enjoys the benefits of being with someone at the same time . You should tell him that you wanna give him time to figure out what he wants and whether he wants you as a girlfriend . There is nothing wrong with being his friend but dont treat him any different than you would your other friends i . e . no 2am booty calls . Saying he has too much going on right now doesnt make sense if you really like someone you want them in your life and usually having a significant other helps things because you have someone there for you .
Can you tell me if there is a website for the results of the Missouri Womens state bowling tournament ? www . bowl . com
EVERYONEWhat should i do please tell me ?? I am in love with guya family friend 2 yrs we were bestfriends 3 yrs in love . We are long distance . Im going to Europe to meet him in July . What should i do to make it very special ? no physical relationship i want to wait till marriage he respects loves me for it . I have bought gifts for his children for him . Anything else to make occasion very special very romantic ? U love him so much ur going there for him thats the best most romantic gift
Anybody whose birthday is March 22nd ? Birthdays 1976 Reese Witherspoon actress 1972 Elvis Stajko figure skater 1959 Matthew Modine actor 1955 Lena Olin actress 1952 Bob Coastas tv news and sports reporter 1948 Andrew Lloyd Webber composer 1944 Jeremy Clyde singer 1943 George Benson singer 1937 Johnny Ferguson singer 1936 Glen Campbell singer actor host 1933 May Britt Maybritt Wilkens actress 1931 William Shatner actor 1930 Stephen Sondheim composer
how can i find the case law for Sawyer v . State 94 Fla . 60 113 So . 736 1927 ? LexisNexis or WestLaw .... they are both services you have to pay for . Otherwise you can try FindLaw .... or you can go dig up the Florida case publishings .
has anyone heard of using bromcriptine to increase memory ? Bromocriptine is a semisynthetic derivative of the ergo group of ergot alkaloids is a dopamine receptor agonist and a prolactin inhibitor . It is a potent D2 agonist but also displays partial action on D1 receptors and a prolactin inhibitor . Its first major antiaging use is the enhancement of dopamine a key brain neurotransmitter that undergoes an agerelated decline . Accordingly some neurologists have stated that if we all live long enough we shall all become senile . This is due to the fact that abnormally low levels of dopamine 70 to 80 loss are then diagnosed as Parkinsons disease hence protection and enhancement of the dopamine producing neurons is a key strategy for antiaging medicine . Not surprisingly bromocriptine is used in conjunction with drugs such as deprenyl and Ldopa in the management of Parkinsons disease and senile disorder . But bromocriptine can be used for antiaging purposes and memory enhancer also .
How do you say hello in hebrew ? Shalom
Who here hates STUPID people ? STUPID peolpe ask the best Qustions
Would u ever jack off if ur girl isnt giving u any ?? 99 of guys jack off .... even when their girls ARE giving them some . Its normal .
How when should men look for prostrate or testicular cancer ? Check out this website . It should have the info you need .
Why are Group 7A elements called Halogens ? Please do not copy and paste Wikipedias Definition ofThe term halogen was coined to mean elements which produce salt in union with a metal . It comes from 18th century scientific French nomenclature based on erring adaptations of Greek roots .... because that explaination didnt sufficiently explain how the world halogen came about . Thanks much in advance Well as Wikipedia mentions The term halogen was coined to mean elements which produce salt in union with a metalIn Greek alas is saltand genno means to give birth toAs roots with latin characters they are spelled a bit differerently so you have the halo part for salt and gen for giving birth to . So halogens were named after their property to react with metals producing salt like oxygen was named after its property to produce acid oxosacid and hydrogen hydorwater to produce water . The first halogen to be discovered was chlorine by Carl Wilhelm Scheele in 1774 . However Scheele believed it was a compound containing oxygen and in 1810 Sir Humphry Davy proved that chlorine was actually an element . I dont know though when and who exactly came up with the term halogen .
How do I get a date with someone whom I like very much but doesnt seem to reciprocate the same feelings ? I just know that if she gets to know me she would like me . pray hard my dear
what is sulphurLA . 70663 BLDG . code for stairs ? what does the thread rise minumum maximum measurements on stairs in a commercial BLDG . have to follow I belive its been standarized to about US metric system
how do become a sex phone operator ? Gain about 400 pounds
know any good place to downlaod free sound fx ? I have downloaded few from the net using the following ones iam really very much fond of sound fx and iam professional sound fx designer i worked for tollywood for more than 150 movies
Why do people call acting like a real person instead of a minstrel character acting white ? Blue blazes Im so sick of being labeled an oreo simply because I act like a real person instead of a onedimensional stereotype . Heaven forbid a black person think for themself instead having liberals tell them what to think or like something else other than hiphop or menthol cigarettes So much for the civil rights movement . I wish hiphop and those crappy UPN shows would just die because its just a modern day minstrel show that makes Amos N Andy look progressive and brainwashes black kids into thinking this is how they should think and behave portraying a distorted idea and definition of blackness . Ironically enough the stuff that actually is racist and smutty is the material that doesnt slide by the censors . I just had this conversation with somebody on another board . Let me cross post it . BTW I believe you are correct . I care about people not color and I hear what you are saying . So anyway this is a reply to a person that was playing that race card ... The angry black thing doesnt work for me Belinda . My mothers boss Head of personel for NIH was a black woman . She died a couple of years ago of breast cancer . My parents who are in their late 70s still keep track and visit her husband . My boss is black . I think the world of the guy . The manager of the help desk where I work and I work for a multbillion dollar a year company is a black woman . She has 25 employees . So you want to talk entertainment ? And no Superfly crap . The father on Fresh prince of Belaire a judge . Aldus Huxley . James Earl Jones . Oprah remember her ? Black Americans are moving into positions of power . Mayors Congress Supreme Court Generals Admirals . And no I am not discounting the drug problem crime rate and prison population . I hear you on those . But Belinda you dont want me whitebread boy to solve those for you . That makes me either the liberal or conservative solution you were talking about . The best I can personally do is come up and greet you look you in the eye and shake your hand or hug you and not really care about the color of your skin . All I can do is accept you as an equal and I do . The rest well up to you folks to figure out the answers it would seem . You sure do not want whitebread doing it . We have screwed up enough already .
Who out there is still waiting till marriage to loose their virginity ? I am . I think that there is enough emotional attachment and problems with relationships and breakups without the added factor of sex . Besides if they really care theyll understand and will wait with you .
what are the requirementsgpa for norte dame university ? i need details Applicants to Notre Dame are encouraged to take the most demanding curriculum offered at their high schools . Usually this includes four years of English math foreign language science and history . The minimum requirements however are as follows For students intending to enter the College of Arts and Letters or the Mendoza College of Business excluding the Arts and Lettrs premedicalpredental program and the combined ArtsEngineering program the 16 required units must be distributed as follows 4 units of English 3 units of math including Algebra Advanced Algebra and Geometry 2 units of foreign language 2 units of history and 3 units of additional history science foreign language mathematics and English courses . For students intending to enter the College of Science the College of Engineering the School of Architecture the Arts and Letters premedicalpredental program or the combined ArtsEngineering program the 16 required units must be distributed as follows 4 units of English 4 units of mathematics including algebra advanced algebra geometry and advanced mathematics e . g . trigonometry precalculus or calculus 2 units of foreign language 1 unit of chemistry 1 unit of physics and 2 units of additional history science foreign language mathematics and English courses . Due to the arrival of the new SAT I in March 2005 we have decided that we will accept scores from both the old and new versions of the SAT I . If you take the SAT our office will combine your highest Math score from any sitting and your highest Critical ReadingVerbal score from any sitting . We will not require the new SAT I Writing component in 20052006 . We do award credit for scores of 4s and 5s on AP exams 6s and 7s on IB Higher Level exams and 700 or above on SAT IIs in Foreign Language . Check the First Year of Studies website for specific tests and scores we accept for credit
do you think that cris brown has a girl friend ? hes a boy singer . hes hot . you can see his video on bet . you can see his pitcher on Cris Brown Images in images from yahoo . no
Black . White . What does it matter ? Im dating this really awesome guy . Im black and he just happens to be white . All my life Ive never cared about what makes one race different from another . We are all still people . So please tell me why to people still give us that look ? And why does my mom dislike my boyfriend so much because of his skin color ? Will I eventually ignore everyone else ? Has anyone gone through this before ? Racism is alive and well in USA and in many other countries . And if you are going to have an interracial relationship then you have to be prepared to deal with racism . And if you get married and have racially mixed kids then they too will have some difficulty dealing with racism . Its hard for such a kid to choose sides when his black friend says something against the white folks or his white friend says the same against the black people . But I think that interracial friendship and marriage is worth fighting for . You only need to take a look at such people as Tiger Woods and Hale Berry to see what good such relationships can bring . If your man is better than anyone else you know then dont listen to your mother and settle for second best . You have only one life to live and you must make the best of it regardless of what other people say .
What state has the most vowels ? South Carolina Louisiana have the most vowels .... tied at 6 vowels each .
Are old SOURCE mags from the 90s worth anything ? No you need at least 30 years before magazines start gaining value .
Can anyone tell where to find the leaked bumblebee transformers movie photo ? Im looking for the leaked photo of Bumblee for the Transformers movie 2007 Check out this forum for more pics .
Since i turn thirteen in march would dating be fun to start now ? Like start dating in 7th grade be fun and awsome for me
If you are pagan what pagan belief do you follow ? I am WIccan and I am mostly a spiritualist believing that there is no all mighty god or devil just spirits of different levels of evil or good . And when you die you are breaking out of your coccoon and turning into a butterfly and entering the spirit world . I am Wiccan too but Im still learning . Blessed be .
how u learn to write music ? i have these melodied going in my headbut i just cant write it downcuz i dont know how to write songs . how u guys do it though ? u go get a teacher ? or it just comes natrally ? I think a good start to writing music is to be able to read it . Take a class in reading that will really help your composition skills .
Are homosexuals treated differently in society ? If they are treated differently how so on what level and in what way ? Have you ever experienced this first hand ? and have you yourself ever treated a homosexual differently ? It all depends on where you live . I am gay and live in Provo Utah but for the most part I have been treated very well . I often notice that most of the time people who find out that I am gay tend to be a lot more careful what they say around me so as not to offend me . A lot of people are also very nice once they find out because they also dont want to offend me or hurt my feelings . The only negative situations I have ever encountered were not directed at me personally but people sometimes have said that they dont agree with homosexuality as a lifestyle but theyre always usually pretty quick to add that it doesnt affect how they view me as an individual which is okay with me . I dont expect everyone to accept my sexuality . My personal motto is that if I expect people to be openminded toward me then I should pay them the same respect whether I agree with them or not . Cest la vie
Who was the tempermental driver who moved to Ferrari from Maserati but was sacked the same year for punching ? Who was the tempermental driver who moved to Ferrari from Maserati but was sacked the same year for punching the team manager ? Carlos Pace ? Carlos Reutemann ? Joe Siffert ? Just guesses
Does Internet Explorer use a driver ? im sorry im not really sure what a driver is and how it works but after installing one today i get the feeling that in some way it causes the IE to open web sites slower . Is that possible ? Drivers are for hardware .
How old are you ? tell the truthplz ..... i am 325298 years old .... seriously . but my pic looks like im hot ..... which i am ... sike .
need ideas for fund raiser for charitable organization ? scholarship fund . need ideas for fundraising . Oh God I could go on and on with this . Candy salesEaster Flower salesHolloween haunted houseXMas tree sales might take a lot of work with a lot of resources but the profits are MASSIVETag saleMonthly car washLawn care crewWalkathon5K race my high school had one today for a kid with lymphoma I heard they raised close to 10000 for him with other stuff like raffles including a Hummer for a weekend
what is the use of computer in a mall ?
how much does and rn make a week ? It depends on the area of the country . A good place to look is in Nursing Spectrum . In NJ a hospital RN can makes between 3040per hour . Generally they work three 12 hour shifts per week so that would be between 9601440week before taxes .
is all the spelling right in this ? I have loved you all my life . Since the day we first met I loved you You were my hope my dreamsmy love . For months all I did was dream about you . I saw your face in every cloud and herd your voice in every whisper . Your deep mysterious eyes were all I ever thought of . We met each other from time to time . Months passed by and our friend ship grewI counted down the days till I could be with you . Soon I called you mine . The years went byand your love for me faded . Your deep miserious eyes were no longer a mystery but soon becoming a nightmare . For now the love was hate there was no depth nor love in your once tender eyes . Only hatefire and rage possessed your once loving eyes . I was then all black and blue just for loving you . I dreaded that look of anger in your eyesnow haunting me in every shadow . I herd your screams in every howl of wind with shriek and crys . You tore my heart in to peaces but I could not help loving you . I called you mine you called me worlthles . I held your hand and tried to help you up but you riped it away . Now those days are over and so is your life . But why do I still love you ? thought all the hateall the pain and all the scars . I still love you just the same . Even now that you are gone from me out of my reach for ever Line 5 herd should be heardLine 8 friend ship should be one word friendshipLine 12 I think the word should be mysteriousLine 20 herd should be heard and crys should criesLine 21 peaces should be piecesLine 22 worlthles should be worthlessLine 25 should the word be through ?
Internet Explorer pop up ? Each time I go to internet explorer a popup comes from System Integrity Scan Wizard telling me I Might Have a critical error in window registry and file system and asking me if I want to scan but each time I click no because I have scan with anti spy and ad aware for errors and they did not find any . How can I stop this pop up ? I had same problem . and I removed it sucessfully . Please follow these stepsDownload this zip file from google and its free hijackthis199Unzip that and RunCheck any value appears more than once More often it comes as random . It varies computer to computer . but It s easy to find . once you find two exe . entries . delete it . for delete you have to click fix for each file . after removing it . Many people suggest to use other web browser but its not true . But Its not problem of using browser . Moreover every browswer has its own features . Addware spyware maynt fix this problem as I tried and failed before I operate the above actionRestart the computerSurely I will . First of all dont worry about the problem that you are having . You can solve it easily . For downloading Hijackthis you use may web sites I downloaded from this website the softwareJust check the codes If your problem remain unsolved write me or meet me afzal1000hotmail . com . I am availble on MSN messenger also . If you want to clear through chatting . then its fine .
Is hell exothermic or endothermic ? Something keeps the brimstone boiling . Maybe they have an insinerator HA
So far what was the best goal made im this world cup ? I belive it was Joe Coles or the goal scored by Maxi . Rodriguez against Mexico today . italy scoring a goal for the us ... priceless