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b47da44 | My personal opinion is that a machine like this would be useless in a classroom. Why spend lots of money on a machine, when all it does is read emotions of students. Students dont need a machine to tell them what they are feeling. If a school is going to spend alot of money on a machine that does only 1 thing, then they should be donating money, having really good school lunchs, and very nice field trips. Having a machine that tells emotions, is like having a machine that tells people when to eat.
Humans are cabable of knowing what they are feeling, when they are hungry, when to use the restroom, when to go to bed. The only humans that should have someone telling them when to eat are infants because they dont know what to or think or when to eat. Thats why they wear diappers, they dont know how to use the restroom or when to. But as they get older they learn when to go to the bathroom and where to go. Same with emotions, they learn what the emotion is, and why they feel the way they do.
Schools should save their money, not buy machines that are useless, and use the money for good. Help the poor, get better lunchs, invest in sports programs, maybe create a new program. If a school has money to spend on machines, then they should add on to the school, make it bigger, hire more teachers. If a student is having trouble in a math class, hire a tutor to help them. Give a certain percent of money to families in need at Thanksgiving and Christmas time. | 12
1b6c945 | The author shows many reasons that Venus should be studied. Some reasons are that Venus is the closest to earth in size and density and they also think that there were forms of life on Venus many thousands of years ago.
People often say that Venus is Earth's twin. Venus has many similar features with Earth such as size and density. In paragraph 2 the author says that Earth, Venus, and Mars are very close in distance. When Venus is really close by they send spacecafts up to Venus.
Some say that Venus had life forms many of thousands of years ago. The author say that Venus was probably covered in water just like Earth. The planet has a surface of rocky things like mountains, valleys, an craters. The author also says that Venus can sometimes be the nearest option for a visit.
In conclusion the author shows some good facts about how we can someday go to Venus because of its earth-like features and its once able to hole life and have oceans. | 12
9a83f8f | From a sunday drive to a cross country road trip, automobiles play an important role in how we get around. However in recent years more studies have been developed showing the negative about cars: how they affect the environment. Some people believe automoblies are almost single-handedly destroying the Earth we so despirately cherish. Perhaps we should all take into consideration how our car usage is affecting the environment around us. I believe that automobiles are a detriment to our society and we should pay attention to how much we use them.
Smog has become a huge problem especially in highly populated areas where there are lots of cars running at the same time. An interesting solution arised to reduce the amount of polution from cars in Bogota, Colombia as talked about in Source 3. The article tells of a government made holiday that bans car usage in order to reduce the amount of pollution; the government even took it so far as to fine the people not participating in their "Day Without Cars." I think this is a marvelous idea because people need a little encouragement to do the right thing and it helps reduce the issue we are facing. Another example of an idea to reduce car pollution is shown in Source 2, this time being in France. It talks about how Paris typically has a higher pollution rate than most cities and the government felt a need to change this. They were willing to ban all gas operated cars for as long as it took to clean up the air. There were exceptions to this rule though in the case of car-pooling more than 3 people, driving a hybrid or electric car, or public transportation vehicles in order to still have everyone get where they were going. It is refreshing to see that some places in the world are taking a stand in resolving the issue we find ourselves right in the middle of.
For a while now cars have been the king of transportation, it seems about time to change things up a little. In source 1 it talks about an experimental german community that forbids the use of cars. By making everything more accessable to the public in nullifies the use for cars. It seems that the main problem with our settlements is we built them around cars rather than building them for people. Another part in source 1 tells about the effort put out by the United States to promote "car reduced" communities. They are planning on doing this by making a bigger portion of the federal transportation bill focus on public transportation than on highways. I believe we are heading in the right direction to reduce our usage of cars and focus on alternate forms of transportation.
In the end it can be said that limited car use is a matter we need to pay very close attention to. | 34
44205c0 | The author suggest the reader to study Venus isnt directly in the text but he/she gives you the idea that you should look into it. Throughout the article the author talks about Venus and others planets in out solar system. but he mainly talks about Venus and Mars. The author tells us that Venus isn't actaully a Evening star, it just has that name because it is closer to the sun. Venus is also referred to as Earth's "twin" because it is the closest planet to us in density and size and sometimes distance. In the text it says "Venus can be right around the corner in space'. Even though Venus is right around the corner we have still yet to land an actually spaceship on it. There hasn't been any space craft the a has been successfully on Venus for more than a few hours.. Although in paragraph 6 it says ''many researchers are working on innovations that would allow our machines to long enough to contribute meaning to our knowledge of Venus''. This is tell us that there is still stuff to learn about mars and this story isnt complete. | 01
7d06901 | Dear Senator,
I feel the need to eliminate the Electoral College process of voting and just have a regular election where the President with the most votes wins, as simple as that. Each vote counts as one, and there will be more or less votes depending on the state and its size and population.
Just like Source 2, I feel "The Electroal College is unfair, outdated, and irrational. " "Abolish the electroal college!". When you vote, you vote for "a slate of electors, who in turn elect the President" (Source 2, Paragraph 2). Why can't it just be a regular election where you either bubble your democrat or republican representative instead of being so complicated and misleading. This can get people confused, and get them to vote for the wrong candidate without them even realizing! "Do voters sometimes get confused about the electors and vote for the wrong candidate? Sometimes." (Source 2, Paragraph 2). In the 2000 campaign, 17 states didn't even get to see the candidates in a campaign ads; they focus on the "bigger" and more important swing-states to win. Each person should count as one, and each state should be as important as the other, just varying in the number of voters they had.
In Source 1, it says how "The Electoral College process consists of the selection of the electors, the meeting of the electors where they vote for President and Vice President, and the counting of the electoral votes by Congress." You're electing electors instead of just who you want for President. To top it off, you can't even control who your electors vote for! So people can vote for an elector thinking that he's going to vote for the Republican party but then he votes for the Democratic party. This process can be very misleading. "Can voters control whom their electors vote for? Not always.". The disaster factor as mentioned in Source 2 could aways occur.
Some counter-arguments might include the certainty of outcome, and how the Electoral Vote might be greater than the Popular Vote. But at the end of the day, the people are nominating their president, they don't want others to do it for them. The Popular Vote representing our country as a whole with all individual votes added up should be the deciding factor. A tie is almost impossible in that circumstance also, because what are the chances out of millions of citizens the number would be perfectly split in half. If a president appeals for a region, then let them vote for who they believe is the better candidate. At the end of the day, the majority wins. Swing states won't have to be a factor without the Electoral College, and big states are just counted them same, one point per vote. Run-off elections won't be necessary if the highest percentage president wins, even if its not majority.
So, hopefully you see my view on this issue and the Electoral College can be eliminated.
Gabe | 45
941e431 | When reading this article "Driverless Cars Are Coming" I though that would be a great ideal but, reading the passage made me think about accidents and what would happened if the technology stop working on the car. After realizing this i'm 100% against the development of these cars and everyone should.
In paragraph nine it said "only safe car has a human driver in control at all times and that safety is best achieved with alert drivers." that right there is true. I also want to show you something in paragraph nine it said " If the technology fails and someone is injured,who is that fault - the driver or the manufacturer?" right there should be the big reason why we should not have this because who are you going to blame the person could say that it was the car when it really was him not being alert.
There is some good things when it comes to technology but not this we can't always relay on it. We have became more independed we can't have technology do our driving for us, technology pretty much does everything for us any was.If you don't want to drive then get
a "human" to drive for you not technology.
In the states of Californai, Nevada,Florida, and the District of Columbia it is illegal to do that and I think that ever state should be like that too! Make this country a better one by not tearing it down and making it wrost already. Having technology do our driving could make everthing go down hill. It could lead to a much bigger cause to death and driver not paying attendtion because they relay on the technology. We all need to wake up and ask ourself will this be good for us or not? | 23
a02fadf | Veunus is also called the "Evening Star", is the closest planet to Earth in terms of density and size. The author suggest studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it present. There are numerous reasons why the author suggets to study the Venus, such as: human should not have limit exploration,
human should discover more about the space and the most important one is Venus is similar to Earth and human can visit there one day.
Venus is dangerous for human because temperature average is over 800 degrees Fahrenheit, and atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater than Earth. Human has sent few spacecraft to land to Venus but all the mission was unmannned. Those spacecraft has once send to Venus has no longer survived on the Venus's land for more than a few hours.
Even though, Venus is the most Earth-like planet in our system. Venus is our nearest option for planetary visit. It has similar landscape like Earth.
For example Venus has a surface of rocky sediment and includes familiar features such as valleys, mountains, and craters. At thirty-plus miles abouve the Venus's surface, temperature is about 170 degree Fahrenheit, and the air pressure would be close to the sea level on Earth.
Human actually can survive on Venus. There are Earth life's basic need-water on the Venus and similar landscape just like Earth. Because Venus is close to the Sun, so there will be enough sunlight. So if human live their, solar power would be plentiful.
The author suggests that studing Venus a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it present because Venus is the most Earth-like planet, people should learn more about the outside of Earth. Also human should not be limited by dangers or doubts but should be expanded to meet the very edges of imagination and innovation. | 12
c506c89 | The name of the boy was Luke Bomberger and he help the world war ,he crossed the Atlantic ocean 16 times and the Pacific Ocean twice to help the people that needed help with the world war two. The war stareded in the year 1945 and it was over in Europe , and many countries were left in ruins .The time that they receive their orders to report the New Orleans was in August 1945 .Luke help all of that people he save every body he was prouded but he was really esoteded he was happy to.''In August 14 we arrived.''Luke says. And the Pacific war ended they were so happy they wher proude to.
And that awarness stayed with him ,leading his family to host a number of international student and exchange visitors for maney years .H help alot of people and the poeple that he love his family .The family they wher so happy of they were scareded but when Luke came he save them and theyv were so prouded for him they thout that they were going to die or that Luke was going to die because that was so scary for him to doit that was so,so, so ,so, scary.
He couded die but he didit so good that he didint die. He was proude of him self because he safe alot of poeple in the town or place. | 01
5091e12 | In "The Challenge of Exploring Venus", the author writes about a great number problems that come along with trying to get information on the our planetary neighbor, Venus. We, the readers, learn in detail about the specific challenges that come along with studying Venus, even with its close proximity to us. Despite the author describing all of the struggles that come along with studying our sister planet, the passage still supports the idea that studying Venus is a worthwile pursuit, through giving us strong examples of useful information we could learn, and describing safer and easier ways that we could study it that would make it far more simple to get the desired data.
While there are certainly many difficulties that the passage describes about getting information from Venus, the author thoroughly explains all of the great scientific benefits that we could get out of a Venus mission. As the author describes in paragraph four, "Astronomers are fascinated by Venus because it may well have once been the most Earth-like planet in our solar system." Not only will information about Venus teach us more about the universe around us, it might just be useful in order to study our own planet. Being able to learn so much from what a previous Earth could have been like would be a massive benefit to fields like history, and the earth sciences. The author goes into even more detail about this just afterward, describing how "Venus was probably covered largely with oceans and could have supported various forms of life, just like Earth." Not only are they similar from a geological perspective, it could provide vital information to the studies of biology, and possibly even support details about where we came from to begin with. There are hundreds, if not thousands of scientists specifically studying the cosmos trying to find planets with water that even have a small chance of supporting any form of life. The potential for further discovery here only a short distance away is extrodinary, and the author wisely emphasizes this through the passage.
Not only is the possibility for fascinating exploration and gaining crucial information about the Earth from Venus supported, the author also makes the important point that we are coming closer and closer by the day to this becoming a reality. In the seventh paragraph the author discusses this idea. "For example, some simplified electronics made of silicon carbide have been tested in a chamber simulating the chaos of Venus's surface and have lasted for three weeks in such conditions." When they put some of the brightest engineers in the world to a specific task of making electronics that could survive in Venus, the results were successful, as they made them able to survive for almost a month. While a month doesn't sound like a long time for the equipment to last, the author mentions later on in the passage that "Modern computers are enormously powerful, flexible, and quick, but tend to be more delicate when it comes to extreme phyisical conditions." The most delicate part any device that would land on Venus would be the electronics inside any rover or measuring equipment. The great advances in the durability of these electronics points toward an optimistic future in devices designed for Venus, as we are already seeing incredible progess being made. However, what would happen if they couldn't find a way around the delicacy of modern computers? The author proves that wouldn't be the end of our Venus hopes, that mechanical computers can be utilized in order to avoid easily broken hardware. Even in the worst case scenerio, our scientists are still devising ways to land a probe on Venus.
Though the author presents some great challenges in getting samples and other data from Venus, he strongly supports the idea that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit through the development of new and better ways to survive the harsh atmosphere, and information that could be gained from it that is useful to studying scientific and historical fields back here on Earth that he mentions in the passage. The human race, throughout history, has always remained curious and are willing to sacrifice and go through long periods of experimentation to acheieve knowledge. We have faced these struggles as humans before, and this will not be the struggle that stops us. | 56
5c2e1c3 | Facial Action Coding System is a system in a computer that takes human faces and tells the emotions of that person, made from Professor Thomas Huang, of the Beckman Institute for Advanced Science at the University of Illinois. The process begins when the computer constructs a 3-D computer model of the face; all forty four major muscels in the nodel must move like human muscels. They tested this system on the Mona Lisa painting who was created by artist Leonardo da Vinci. The system shows that the Mona Lisa is eighty-three percent happy, nine percent disgusted, six percent fearful, and two percent angry. However, they are trying to use this technology to read students' emotional expressions, which I am strongly against for the fowling reasons.
Students should have the right to tell rather how they feel or not. As a student in high school, facial expressions are key to what kids are thinking. If students do not want to say what that student feels they should be able to keep it to themselves. All students should have the right to defend themselves with their thoughts. The movement towards that technology to get students emotional expressions will start making a fight between students.
To add to, this system is a very expensive system where schools do not have the money for. Schools need to focus more on getting more help for their students, not finding out their emotional expressions. However, having this system can help students who are in need of guidance, but the students would rather talk to a counslor than a computer. Schools should put more of that money into new books or new activites for the students so the students can say well educated and socially active.
To sum it up, the Facial Action Coding Sytem is a system in which a computer reads a humans face. They should not use this on studenets for privacy of the student, and financial issues. This is a brlliant idea towards pictures of people as in the Mona Lisa, not in students. Students have the right to go to a guidance counsler for issues if they have any, but a student should not get he or she face read unless of student conncent. | 34
dff8a22 | Knowing It All -and Changing the World
Although humans often think of themselves as ominiscent, it is sadly not the case when it comes to reading emotions on human expressions. In this article "Making Mona Lisa Smile" by Nick D'Alto, the author describes the abilty to detect humans' emotions through a new technology called the Facial Action Coding System (FACS). By the use of this system, educational expreriences can be enhanced globaly; therefore the use of FACS to read emotional expressions of students in a classfroom is vaulable.
FACS is a reliable system that can scientificly read human emotions accurately. The software is developed by credible professors, "Thomas Huang, of the Beckman Insitute for Advanced Science at the University of Illinois" and "Nicu Sebe of the University of Amsterdam". A system created by two college professors promises the credibility of the software, for professors often are valued as a unbiased, credible source who dedicate themselves into new innovations and such. Also, the complex programming of FACS adds another layer to the reliability. For example, the software "constructs a 3-D computer model of the face; all 44 major muscles" which must behave and "move like human muscles". This anatomical system suggests the high accuracy of this system, for humans tend to read emotions soley based on the basic features of the human face such as lips and eyes while on the other hand, FACS is able to analyse the all the muscles in human face and draw a conclusion based on its calculations. Therefore, this well-developed system must be valued to read students' expressions in a classroom for its accuracy and reliability.
FACS is not only able to classify the six basic emotions but also identify mixed emotions of an individual. FACS relies on "characteristic movements of the facial muscles" to identify "happiness, surprise, anger, disgust, fear, and sadness". This suggests the software's advanced ability to read human emotions soley based on facial expressions but also the practicality of FACS. The accuracy of this software will allow teachers to know, change, and enhance the educational system based on how the students react to certain methods of teaching. Often, teachers are not able to read students' emotions because they are focused on teaching the material. However, through the use of FACS, this software can distinguish how the students feel without disrupting the class while the teacher can focus on teaching the material. Furthermore, FACS can identify mixed emotions as well. For example, using this system, Mona Lisa by Da Vinci was found to be "83 percent happy, 9 percent disgusted, 6 percent fearful, and 2 percent angry". This perplex programming suggest its ability to recognize human emotions in details, which can be used to allow a detailed analysis of the educational system and transform it in order to make the eudcational system more practical and enjoyable at the same time.
Although the evidences are evident and clear, some might bring up the concerns regarding a 'fake emotion'. However, FACS is abilty to detect fake emotions as well. For example, it can detect when "zygomaic major or risorius" is moving, and depending on the muscle, it can identify the falselyness of the human emotions. This system can spot a truthful or not untruthful faces, and base on such emotions, it can be used to alter the educational system into a better one, therefore the system must be valued.
Many doubt about the capability of the modern educational system. However, by the use of the latest technology called Facial Action Coding System, the educational system could be altered into something at a different level in terms of practicality and helpfulness all around the world. This system must be valued to read emotional expressions of students in a classroom for such reasons, and the world might be changed by this. | 45
6e8053a | Just cause it looks like a face it does not mean there are aliens. When have there ever been real signs of aliens. Even if there where they would have shown themselves to astronuts. Honestly alien most likely would not be scared of us realelisticy.
If aliens where real they weapons and mind would probaly be more advanced. They would have to have made homes, spacecrafts and probably guns as well. Think about it it has to be a natural land form just look at the our worlds natural land forms. Im sure there are landformes that look like faces or objects somewhere. So it must be a landform that is the only way because aliens would have showed them selves by now it is just that simple.
The eyes where probly shadow on a rock that looks like a face and that probable the truth. Also its impossible for somthing to live with out oxygen and there are no trees meaning no oxegen. It also either really hot or really cold mening somthing would either over heat or if cold freeze and that is my argument. | 12
c090ee2 | I think the state senator should change the electoral college to vote for the president of the united states. I think it would be a lot easier to do and make sure a president would be elected. They also wouldnt have to worry about it being a tie. And if it was a tie then they would be able to decide who the winner would be. Also the people will be able to vote for the president of the united states and won't have to worry about the electors voting for someone else that they didn't vote for. They also don't have to pay attention if the president were picked by a popular vote. Voters in presidential elections are people who want to express a political preference rather than people who think that a single vote may decide an election. The electoral college method of selecting a president may turn off potential voters for a candidate who has no hope of carrying their state. The residents of the other reigons are likely to feel disenfranchised to feel that their votes do not count, that the new president will have no regard for their interests, that he really isn't their president. The most thoughtful voters should be the ones to decide the election. This would a lot easier than the electoral college and would let people actually vote for the next presiddent of the united states of america. | 12
301ae02 | Did you imagine exploring venus? In the article "The challenge of Exploring Venus" the author explain how Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents. The author support the idea that Venus is a risk for humans by showing how is inhospitable, how enviroment affect humans and how temperature will affect us.
The first reason that Venus is inhospitable , because most of the spacecraft do not survived the landing for few hours. "Maybe this issue explains why not a single spaceship hasa single spaceship has touched down on Venus in more thsan three decades." This means that NASA has waste money just to explore one planet, since there are more planets NASA choose Venus. "Numerous factors contribute to Venus's reputation as a challenging planet for humans to study, despite its proximity to us." This means that NASA will waste money just to land a spacecraft, but what happen if the land of the spacecraft suceed, NASA will keep wasting money until humans can live on Venus. This is one of the reason why the challenge of exploring Venus needs to stop because is inhospitable, humans needs money to buy important things, but NASA will waste money to build spacecraft, until one of the spacecraft land safely on Venus.
The second reson that Venus is a risk for humans is the temperature, because the temperature of Venus is different from Earth, Venus is more closer to the Sun than Earth. "On the planet's surface, temperatures average over 800 degrees Fahreheit, and the atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater than what we experience on our own planet." This means that if humans land on Venus they will die of dehydratation because they will need too much water or they will melt because it is too hot. "Venus has the hottest surface temperature of any planet in our solar system..." This is why NASA needs to stop studying Venus because the only thing they can study is the outside, no the inside. Venus pursuit
to despair because humans wants knowledge and make history.
The final reason is the enviroment, because the only things that Venus has is land, gas and liquid that is not water. "enviroment would crush even a submarine accustomed to diving to the deepest parts of our oceans and would liquefy many metals."
This meas that if the pressure of Venus can crush a submarine, imagine what humans be like? "A thicks atmosphere of almost 97 percent carbon dioxide blankets Venus."
This means that spacecraft will take more time to land because spacecraft needs to pass first the aatmosphere of Venus. This why NASA needs to stop building spacecraft until they are sure that the spacecraft is succesfully land on Venus.
The author tells us why studying Venus should stop because it pursuit the dangers. The enviroment of Venus, the temperaature of Venus and
why is inhospitable are the three reasons the aautheor us to stop studying Venus. This is why we need to stop studying Venus because it pursuit to despair. | 34
1b14997 | In this reading, the author is talking about exploring venus, but all his evidence speaks differently. I believe the author does not support the clam that Venus is a worthy pursuit because the evidence given is mediocre. He contradicts himself in many paragraphs proving why we shouldn't send people over, and has not given any reason why we should go over there.
In this short persuasive article, the author does not pursuade at all. In paragraph two, the backround of Venus is given, but it's not stated why its important to visit this planet. "Venus is the closest planet to Earth in terms of density and size." The only valid reason givin in this short story is when it is said in paragraph 4, "Astronomers are fascinated by Venus because it may well once have been the most Earth-like planet in our solar system." This statement gives no reason for traveling and researching Venus except for the fact it used to be like Earth.
Though it is said Earth is one of a kind, this article states Venus is the most like Earth planet they've ever found. That could be a valid reason to explore and consider inhabiting, but it is proven with evidence that Venus is inhospitable and would serve no purpose in researching and visiting. In paragraph three, it is said, "On the planets surface, temperatures average over 800 degrees Fahrenheit, and the atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater than what we experience on our own planet." These conditions are said to be inhospitable in paragraph four. It is also said, "Such an environment would crush even a submarine accustomed to diving to the deepest parts of our ocean and liquify." This evidence says the planet is almost impossible to visit and collect data on, except in the fifth paragraph, it is a very long explanation as to how we could even study venus. This is then contradicted in the sixth paragraph by saying photography and videography are ineffective because of the thick atmosphere, and no samples would be possible because the ground conditions are too bad for humans, and even metal.
In conclusion, the evidence the author has given us condradicts and outweighs the evidence given for the idea Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers, meaning he did not support this idea. | 45
398495a | The date is May 24, 2001 and twenty-five years ago we found something that left both NASA and I speechless. They say that this face was created by Aliens however they are totally wrong. NASA says otherwise that it's just natural landform. The most logical reason is the natural landform, because we haven't had any evidence of aliens being real. Therefore I argue that its just a natural landform and not in any form made by an alien.
First of all, we have no proof of aliens whatsoever. No one has proved that they exist, or that they are real. So why do they think its aliens, when it could've just been a natural landform. Things like these happen all the time, our Earth just happens to make things like these. People are actually beliveing that aliens are real, when really they don't have proof.
Second of all, how would the aliens know how to create it. If to say if they even are real. How would they create it, there aren't any tools on Mars. They wouldn't know what they were making, they would have no idea. The face just happened to be a natural landform, it was not created by aliens. Along with they have no proof "aliens" did this.
Third of all, why would they even do this. If they did happen to do it , they didn't even mean too. Because they haven't seen a face so they wouldn't know how to make it. Aliens are not real, if they were it'd be everywhere all over the news. People would be so excited and although going to space is a risk many people would do it. Just to go see the "aliens", but no one has proved they are real. Therefore, NASA will stand correctly. The face is just a natural landform.
In conclusion, NASA is correct. There is no proof of aliens, and even if there was the slightest chance to having proof. Aliens wouldn't even have meant to do it. They have never seen a face, so why would they just do this. Natural landforms happen all the time. But this one just happened to be spotted by NASA. NASA always seems to be correct on their stats because they do so much research, unlike the other who just suggest that its an alien. I'd like to see you do as much research as NASA and give me proof of aliens, then we'll believe you. | 23
ca18c09 | Many students get confused and bored during class. It may be the lesson, but it could also be the teacher and how the teacher is explaining the lesson. With Facial Action Coding System, computers will be able to detect when a student is slowly becoming confused or bored. The software is the latest innovation from Prof. Thomas Huang, of the Beckman Institute for Advanced Science at the University of Illinoise, working in collaboratio with Prof. Nicu Sebe of the University of Amsterdam. Dr. Huang and his colleague are experts at developing better ways for humans and computers to communicate. "A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored," Dr. Huang predicts. There are a million reasons to use the Facial Action Coding system and class is one of them.
In class, there are many different types of students. Some students might understand a lesson very easily and quickly. Although, there are plenty other types of students. One type of student that there is is the student that might have trouble comprehending a lesson. There are also students that have trouble paying attention to the teacher or lesson. Another type of student is the one that gets bored easily. When a student is bored, it may be hard for he or she to completely comprehend the lesson that is being taught at the moment.
The program "Facial Action Coding System", enables the computers to identify human emotions. The process begins when the computer constructs a 3-D computer model of the face. This software then allows the teachers to know when the student does not understand, or what part of the lesson is the student confused on. This program can help by letting the teacher know when the student is struggling to understand what is being taught so then the teacher can make a few adjustments to the lesson.
In school, there are students that can get bored easily. The program, "Facial Action Coding System", can also detect when a student is getting bored. Students who are bored may have a more difficult time listening or understanding the lesson. If there is a part in the lesson where the student is beginning to feel bored the computer will be able to tell. Now that the teacher knows that the student (or students) are bored, he or she can be able to go back to the lesson and try to make it more enjoyable.
Even with all these benefits, there are also some flaws to the idea of having this program on the computers. Having Facial Action Coding System can be expensive to have. There are a lot of computers in a few schools. Having many computers can lead to having to spend a lot of money in order to have this program in the computer. Some schools will not be able to afford the Facial Action Coding System.
Another flaw to this idea is how students act. Some students will be able to take this program seriously, other students may be childish about it. The students that are childish about it can end up making fake facial reactions. The students will make bored or confused facial expressions to give the teacher a hard time with the lesson. There are also the students that are always bored. No matter what the teacher does to improve the lesson, the student will always be bored. Although, that is not always the case with students. Another problem that students may come across is the teacher. The teacher may not want to change or improve the lesson for the students because he or she believes it should stay like that.
Through all those negatives, there are still positives to this program. The Facial Action Coding System program can help out students that are struggling. Not every student is the same, and not every student may need the same help other students do. Facial Action Coding System can be very help if people use it correctly. | 45
982f413 | In the article "Making Mona Lisa Simile" the author describes how a new technology called the facial action coding system enables computers to identify human emotions.
First, The author in the story "making Mona Lisa Smile" is telling us that a Dr. Huang is making a computer that shows emotional. It says that the computer has the ability to see how happy you are and sad and angry and all the emtionals in side your body all at once. It says that Dr. Huang was working with Dr. paul Eckman the creator of the Facs (facial action coding system). It says they both were working on a computer that could see the emitionals of other people.
Second, In the article "Making Mona Lisa Smile" it talks about how they would process the computers 3-D constructs. It said in the artice that the human had 44 major muscles and it said in the midel must move like human muscles to see how they feel or react to this.
It says that Dr. Huang "relies on the work of psychologist,". It said that the two doctors had "classified six basic emotions and that is happiness, suprise, anger, disgust, fear, and sadness and then associated each with characteristic movements of the facual muscles". it says for "example your frontails pars lateralis muscke (above your eyes) raises your eyebrows when your surpised: your orbicularis oris (around your mouth) tightens your lips to show anger".
Third, it is talking about how the muscles of the 44 major muscles react to the emitions in the article of "Making Mona Lisa Simle,". It says that Dr. Huang observes that artist such as Da Vinci studied human anatomy to help them paint facial muscles precisely enough to convery specific emotions. It says that Dr. Huang's emotion algorithns are a different soft of "Da vinci code"! it aslo says that the new computer software stores siilar anatomical information as electronic code. It says that Dr. Huang's computer might have found out how computers can see how your feelings are.
In conclusion, This story about "Making Mona Lisa smile," is trying to discuss that you can tell peoples feelings on a computer by getting an electroinc code. This story is also taling about how Da vinci was a artist that studyed emitional feelings with people that want a picuture of how they felt feelings. It said that the two doctors figured out that most artist study people for there feelings and to show how they felt about it. The studys show that you can see how a person feels on the computer by a code that goes their electric. | 01
1eff034 | I think it isn't woth it because theres really no point in doing it. I think the students wouldnt like to express how they feel and espically not to a teacher that they don't like.
A reason i think this isnt good is because why waste money on something not useful and just aste it on something that is like helping out the community or something. We could pay workers to pick up trash or something instead of just wasting it on something that says how somone feels when them themselfs can tell you how they feel and plus they feel comfotable telling you.
I also think that your feelings are your privacy and shouldnt expresse them if you don't want to. At then end of this article my opinion stays the same and hasnt changed on what i feel. Like yeah its cool to use on art and stuff like that but on students who don't want to be tested then no. | 12
c10b9f2 | I believe the Electoral College is the best way to pick the President of the united states. The Electoral college is a proccess in which the founding fathers created as a compromie.
The compromise was between election of the President by congress and election by popular vote which was done by citizens. The Electoral college consists of 538 electors. 270 votesd are required in order to have the president win by majority vote. The number of votes your state is allowed depends on the number of members in its Congressional delegation.
According to the Office of the Federal Register. "Each candidate running for President in your state has his or her own group of electors". "The electors are generally chosen by the candidates political party".
The election is usually held every four years on the Tuesday after the first Monday in November. Most of the states have a system where the "winner-take-all". Which awards the winner of the presidential candidate.
In conclusion, The Electoral Election is the best way to pick the president. | 01
0b708bc | Venus is well known to be one of the brightest points of light in the night sky. The author believes that Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers. It may appear that Venus is the scecond planet from sun, its so to call Earth's twin, but although Venus is the second hottest planet. In despite of the conditions Venus may be worthy of pursuit.
Such like Earth, Venus is the closest in terms of density and size. Venus is a challenginhg planet for humans to study. As the authors states "humans have sent numerous spacecraft to land", but unfortunately no spacecraft has survived. It is believe that long ago, "...was probably covered largely with oceans and could have supported various forms of life". The author may believe that Venus isn't a lost cost.
However, Venus has a thick atmosphere of almost 97 percent carbon dioxide,and it is believe that the average temperature is over 800 degrees. Even though Mercury is clsoer to our sun, Venus has the hottest surface temperature of any planet. In these conditions Venus is a dangerous planet to study. Although the consequences the NASA has one idea to send humans to study Venus, "...allow scientists to float above the fray". The solar power would be plentiful, and radiation would not exceed Earth levels. It may not be easy but are survivable for humans.
In conclusion Venus is an unstable planet to study, Venus may be worthy pursuit despite the dangers of the weather but it may possible to study it above the planet. The author also explains that NASA has a way to study the planet which may be useful but is it worth it? | 23
e85e20c | The author explain how there is a posobility that people can still study about thing that they are never going to see in person, it is worth t to study Venus right now even if you can't acually go and see it with your eyes at least you're going to know a lot of thing about it. The author talks about porbably getting hurt if you try to get close to it but you can still find so many ways to get to it.
Some evidence from the text that you can use that tell you that it can be good to study about Venus is in paragraph 4 says, "Astronomers are fascinated by Venus because it may well once have been the most Earth like planet in our solar system. Long ago, Venus was orobably coveres largelt with oceans and could have supported various forms of life,just like Earth". These sentences just describs how they are actually talking about it and letting people know that it's fine to find knew thing just earth. We never thought earth was going to be save but we still came and learned a lot of it through out the years. Another reason why i chose these quotes was because it tells you that you havetokeep looking and finding knew thing all the time.
Another example from the text on why we should keep studdying knew this is in paragraph 7 it says, These devices were first envisioned in the 1800s and plays an important role in the 1940s world war 2". This sentence just shows how they knew that by just studying and learning new thngs everything. In conclusion the author is right we should all keep studying new things all the time. | 12
c44350f | Luke Bomberher had no idea that his life would change soon after his high school graduation. He was working a two part-time jobs in a grocwry store and a bank when his friend Don Reist invited him to go to Europe on a cattle boat. Luke couldn't say no. He knew it was an opportunity of a lifetime.
When Luke and Don got there they were so happy. That is when Luke relized that he wanted to serve there.
Lukealso wanted to help. He says that seeing the Acropolis in Greece was special. That is one of the reasons why he wants to serve and help.
Helping out on Luke's aunt Katie's farm as a boy had prepared him for hard work, but not for the dangers at sea. On his second trip, Luke served as night watchman. His job was to check on all the animals every hour. One rainy night, after making his hourly report to the captain, he slid down a slipperu ladder on his backside. Likes heart raced as he shot feet first toward an opening on the side of the ship. He was safe.
Luke is now a Seagoing Cowboy snd is much more adventurous. It opened the eorld to him, and now Luke Bomberger is reslly happy.
These are some reasons from the story "A Cowboy Who Rode the Waves, " and why he wanted to join the program. | 12
44a3cae | Cars are seen as a necessity due to the fact that they make everyday life/tasks easier; but wait, so can the internet, cellphones and other technological advancements of the modern era. Cars are no longer as useful as they were made to seem due to the fact that the they come at too much of a figurative and literal cost when compared to other technological advancements or houses. Cars emit a large amount of greenhouse gases -"choking cities"- which is a large contributer to air pollution. Along with the toll they place on the enviroment, cars cause stress, leaving a mental and physical toll on your body as well.
Cars are no longer as useful as when they were first invented. They provided forms of easier transportation to communicate and socialize with others, reach the designated location within a shorter time, and limit how much people had to walk. They are stilled used for these purposes today, but are no longer neccessary. The internet allows you to "feel more connected without driving to meet friends." Although there hasnt been a "solution" to having to walk, there shouldnt need to be. Cars give people another excuse for being lazy. In Bogota, there is an annnual day known as Car-free day. on this day, cars are banned from being used and only buses and taxis are permitted in this capital city of 7 million. With a city of so many you would think that the day would have a terrible turnout, but many people benefited from the experience. It alowed people to view the world face to face, instead of behind a sheet of glass. While either riding their bicycle or walking, people are able to take in the sites and try new things that they'd usally pass by while driving.
Cars emit a large amount of greenhouse gases -"choking cities"- which contribute to the worldwide problem known as air pollution. Along with the toll they place on the enviroment, cars cause stress, leaving a mental and physical toll on your body as well. In Europe, passenger cars are responsible for 12% of greenhouse gas emission. In some car-intensive areas in the U.S. it is 50%. It has gotten so bad that Paris had to enforce a ban on partial driving to reduce near-record pollution. The stress this pollution leaves on the enviroment is similar to the physical and mental toll, caused by cars, on the body. The large amount of car usage causes traffic jams which can lead to stress and aggitation, and sitting in one position for so long can leave stress on the body (cramping.) Cars can also cause mental stress due to the fact that they cost so much. many people choose not to own them do to this fact, but the ones who do are not only required to pay for the car, but also have to pay additional fees for things such as insurance.
Cars are no longer necessary. There have been many technological advancements made to do what cars can do without the toll placed on the enviroment and your body. | 34
7546cf9 | If i was to wrok for NASA and one of my co workers argued that the face on mars was created by alieans, i would argue that it is just a landform. The reason i say its just a landform is because we dont have any proof that aliens made it.It only looks like a face sometimes because in the article it says "formed by a shadow givivng the illusion of eyes". If Aliens made it why wouldn't they just give it eyes in the fist place instead of using shadows.
People made up that aliens created the human face landform.If NASA didn't say anything the public would't people wouldn`t even know about it. They told the oublis about it so they can draw attention towrds the Mars. In paragraph 3 it says "the authors reasoned it would be a good way to engage te publis and attract to attention.'' And why would aliens make a human face without completing it them using shadows as eyes, but what if there were no shadows when viking one came a round it would look like a normal hill.
My final thoughts about sombody arguing with me that aliens made a face i would tell them its just hill. The only reason i wouldn`t agree with them is because they dont have any information to support it. But if they had enough claims to support what he said i cab see where he is coming from. Do you think aliens made the face on Mars? | 12
8c8c4c0 | The science of emotion recognition is complex and is becoming exponentially more complex the further a topic is being disscused. In the realm of arguing weather the use of emotional recognition technology should be used in a classroom can be a very difficult tquestion. On one side, you can say it may invade privacy, but on the other hand, it could help teachers see if students are understanding the topic. The question still lies on which one is more important for both the student and the teacher. In my opinion, this technology should be implemented into classrooms internationally because it will help students learn more effectivley, but also it will enhance the teachers teaching ability when they know where they're students are going array.
This technology could be very benificial for students across the globe. The ability for a piece of technology to understand your emotions could come in handy. There are many outgoing students, but there are also many introverted students. Some students may not feel confident enough to ask for something to be repeated, so they may simply sit at their desks puzzeled for the rest of the class, while a simple question could've avoided this. If this technology is instituted, it will automatically know when a student isn't confident on the information and alert the teacher. By doing this, the introverted student won't be confused for very long and the topic could be revisited without the student to have to personally ask. It not only will help introverted students, but students across the board. Every student will benifit form this technology and will display in their grades. With this technology, the students acedemic achievements will expand exponentially. Becuase of this ability for teachers to understand their emotions, the quick turn around of revisiting the topic and teaching it a little differently could help the students absorb all the information, especially the information that they mau have not conprehended initally. This technology will be very valuable for the students for both their enjoyment throughout school becuase of the reduced stress, and their improvents in acedemic grades.
This technology is not only bennifical to the students, but to the teacher as well. For the teacher they will automatically know if a student is struggling and in what topic. Thius could be very valuable to create a strong teacher studnent realtionship where the teacher is able to understant the smallest change in emotion to when they're confused or if they understamd it. This relationship could improving the learning environment and how comfortable a student with their students and peers. This technology could help teachers in both big and small schools. In big lecture halls, it may seem to be difficult for a professor to understand the emotions of all the students sitting before them, they might not even be able to see everyone because some may sit further away. With this new technology, teachers could be notified when some students become confused and then revisit a topic. Small classrooms could benifit greatly to this as well. Althought they are in a closer proximity then in lecture halls, they still will have the issue of not understanding the emotions which could lead to confusion. In smaller classrooms the teacher could know what they're doing wrong and be able to fix this easily without having to disturb the students. They can evaluate the emotions throughout the lesson and then later, they can change their lesson plans to adapt to the confusion of the students. This is again, a very valuable piece of technology that could help the teachers grow in their profession.
Initally one may think that this technology is redundant and that a teacher could just help the student, and that it may be invading the students privacy. In reality, this technology continues to prove its many values, and it's evergrowing amount of benifits that completly overpower all the ideas that some may think its unnimportant. This technology is valuable to both teachers and students equally. The teachers are able to improve their teaching techniques and the students understand more in school. This technology, however, is nowhere near done. This technology can be further improved in many aspects. I could keep improving and always creating a smarter version of the present day technology, that may one day, change the course of education forever. This could be implemented in the online schools to understand if a student comprehends the information the value of this is unspeakable and should be institued in classrooms globally. | 45
cb38785 | Driverless cars are swiftly becoming a viable possibility for the near future. They are capable of outperforming many human drivers, as well as being able to return control to the driver in the case of a more complex situation that requires more thought than the car can handle. This duality is the main factor that makes self-driving cars appear to be a good plan for the future of transportation. The car is manageable and not overriding the human input, and yet it still mantains a feeling of helpfulness and convenience.
When it comes to transport automation, control over the process, and the ability to halt or override it, is a chief concern. A system that controls itself and denies all outside input cannot sustain itself for long. That is why, to quote the passage, "Google cars are not truly driverless; they still alert the driver to take over when pulling in and out of driveways or dealing with complicated traffic issues." In short, the car is not perfect, and therefore has to fall back on the driver's help in some situations. This prevents crashes due to the car's incapability to surpass a unique situation on the road, as well as promoting driver awareness even when the car is operating itself. By doing this, the self-driving car model itself promotes safety and good road etiquette.
While the car may not be able to do everything a human driver can, it has proven to be much better at the tasks it can do than an average driver. The cars provide "far better response and control than a human driver could manage alone." This can be coupled with the fact that these vehicles are being constantly upgraded in order to allow for "more and more [automated] driving tasks." Perhaps in the future there will come a car that is capable of doing every driver task there is, leaving the driver to sit back and relax.
In conclusion, while the industry has yet to truly take off, self-driving cars are a definite viability for the future of human transport. They provide comfort in the fact that you are in control, and they also perform better than most human drivers would on average. Overall, they promote a higher level of altertness and safety than the average modern vehicle. These facts together provide a strong argument in favor of the autonomous, or self-driving, cars of tomorrow. | 34
0281195 | There are many bad reasons why you shouldn't go Seagoing. One reason is you can get killed and be letf there like Luke almost died. Next reason is it's not fit for everyone such as not everyone would like to do this task. The last reason is you don't earn any money from Seagoing i know its a opportunity of a lifetime but think about it.
The places you can go such as Europe now thats kind of odd. Of why you you would go in a cattle boat fulled with people you dont know. I'm not saying I would turn down that opportunity but I would think about it for awhile. You dont know where you going to be next you may get a hint or something i wouldn't know but it would be scary if it where myself doing this.
When would you get home? I would always ask myself this quistion if it were me on a cattle boat going to Europe .
Also what was the main reason why I took this opportunity. Was the main reason because it was opportunity of a lifetime. Think it over and find 3 main reasons why you took this opportunity.
I understand why Luck did what he did. What im trying im trying to say here is why he crossed the Atlantic Ocean 16 times and the Pacific Ocean twice to help people affected by World War II. What I dont unnderstand is what was his main reason.
To finish up my dissagrement of why someone like me or even you shouldent do this is, did he even help anybody becaue in the promt it didn't tell wither or not if he did. I would think that was that was the most important thing. | 12
053f99e | Cars of the future will be able to drive them selves, but will you let them? Companies are developing cars that dont require drivers. Current driverless cars still need a driver to be alert. Thear will be times when the car will not be able to drive it self.
Companies such as Google, and Genral Motors are developing cars that can drive themselves. A few companies tried making roads that sent signals to the car to show it whear to drive. Roads that told cars whear to drive would requir to much of an upgrade to all existing roads. It became clear that cars would have to drive them selves. With the use of cameras and sensors Google's car is abble to tell whear it is on the road.
The currnt self driveing cars still require a drive to be alert to take over the wheel if ther is road work, or some outher objstical that the car can not overcome. At some point in time, if cars become truely self driving thear may be a genration of people who dont know how to drive at all. That could be a good thing so that people wold not be able to out run the authortys. | 01
234a75d | In this article the author explains what Venus is at first , next he/she explains the benefit of learning about it and then finally talks about the dangers and challenges that come with studying it. Venus or the "Evening Star" is a planet similar to earth in size and density and is even reffered as earths "Twin". Yet these to are two very different planets, for example Venus's atmosphere suffers from the "greenhouse effect" which causes its surface temperature to average around 800 degrees fahrenheit! It also supports no life at least that we know of to this point unlike Earth.
To study the "twin" of Earth we must first either put something on the surface of the planet or take pictures of the planet from right outside the planet. This is a problem because its so hot on the surface that it will melt our currant technology and with the greenhouse effect the atmosphee is to thick to take pictures through. This is obviously a problem for scientist who want to learn more about the planet Venus. If we do learn about Venus though it might benefit us tremendously because we will know how to prevent Earth from having the same problem Venus did that eventually destroyed the planet into what it is today.
In conclusion I think the Author of this article realizes the dangers of studying eath's "twin" Venus but ultimantly thinks that the positives outweigh the negitives on this one and I agree. If Venus at one point really was like earth and supported life we need to know what destroyed it to prevent us from rewriting history. I think that outweighs any danger or problem in the longrun and Im sure the author would agree with me based on his/her article. Scientist as I type this are working on a solution for problems such as the ones up above and I wouldnt be surprised if we learned a lot more anout Venus in these next couple of decades! | 23
1e54a02 | Facial Action Coding System I think is a good idea because if someone is trying to figure out how you are feeling and you don't tell them they can look on the computer and tell what your emotions are. In the passage it tells that the computer is 3-D and has 44 major muscle. This tell us that if a friend is feeling a way you can tell and you would actually know itts true and not false. In paragraph one it explains to me that there are six basic emotions and they are happiness, surprise , anger ,and ect. For example your frontalis muscle above your eye raises your eyebrows when you are surprise. Some people wouldnt think that this is possible but I think its something good.
When a student is looking at the computer they can pick up all emotions like if you have mixed emotions or just one. Someimes teachers want to know how they students are feeling but just don't want to walk up to the and just ask. This computer I think was a wonderful thing that someone can make. If I ever had this computer it would be very useful to me because want to know how others feel.
Some people who try to just look at someone and tell how they are feelings is not always helpful they might think its one thing but its another. Most people are not just good by going off someone's look but this computer can help out alot you don't need to try and guess what that person is feeling. Evan when some artist are trying to draw a ppersons emotion they don't always know either they would also need the computer . Dr. Huang says in te story that Da Vinci has and comuter when he draw so that he could get the specific factial expression.
If I was to get one of these computes i would like to use it on everyone around me because I love to see people happy and if they are not I would like to make there day. If I am taking a test and I get confused I know that the computers see that and the teacher would know and try to help me out a little. Using these can help everyone out in so many differen ways.
Eveyone should have one of these or get an computer lie this one. If you really need to know about smeone you just would look on it to see what it is. This would be good when a school have a play and the people that are watching them need or want to figure out how the characters feel. | 23
c69b9c3 | Driverless cars are coming in the near future. There is debate for whether or not we should allow them on the public roads. People say that driverless cars are perfectly safe and that it can save the amouont of gas used currently by a lot. I think that we should allow driverless cars because they can reduce the amount of driving related accidents, car companies are already planning to release them to public consumers on specific times, and we can reduce the amount of gas used.
Driverless cars can reduce the amount of car accidents and reckless drivers. The driverless cars use sensors so it makes it safe for the drivers. Sensors are already being used on cars, for example, the Toyota Prius uses sensors on the left rear wheel,a rotating sensor on the roof, a video camera mounted near the rearview mirror, and more sensors. The sensors are very advanced so they can detect and respond to danger faster than a human. The sensors can tell the car to apply brakes with a better response time and control than a human could possibly do. Sensors are only getting more advanced so it can only get safer in the future, and it is perfectly safe to use them on driverless cars. Some people may say that it is possible that a sensor fails to work or technology can get messed up, but the chance is rare and it would cause far less car accidents than if a human had full control over the wheel. The smart cars still allow control from the human and the car alerts the human if they and the car are in danger, so if something were to happen, the human could take control and try to stop it. The car still allows people to steer, accelerate, and brake themselves. The Google car announces when the driver should be prepared to take over. GM made driver's seats that vibrate when the vehicle is in danger. Google has been testing driverless cars since 2009. Some companies are also considering using cameras to watch the drivers to make sure that they are alert and paying attention in case something happens where the human would need to take control. There has been over half a million miles on them and no crashes so far so it is perfectly safe to the consumer to use.
The driverless cars can also be used to reduce the amount of gas used today by a lot. Google cofounder, Sergey Brin, said that the cars he foresees would use half the fuel of today's taxis and offer far more flexibility than a bus. People spend a lot of money on gas and it is expensive so if we can reduce that amount by half, then people can use that money they're saving on more important things and can possibly improve our economy.
Companies are already planning for the future. Car companies are making driverless cars and have set dates to when they will be available to consumers. Tesla has projected a 2016 release for a car capable of driving on autopilot 90 percent of the time. Mercedes-Benz, Audi, and Nissan plan for the release of driverless cars by 2020.
Driverless cars are in the future and companies have already planned for them, they are perfectly safe, and they can reduce the amount of spending money on gas. Driverless cars can do way more than they can do bad, and the bad is no worse than what is going on now so we should get ready for driverless cars in the future. | 34
bc3fd9e | Have you ever thought of being a Seagoing Cowboy? If you haven't you should really think about. Being an Seagoing Cowboy has many benefits. For example, you get to go on many trips around the world and go to places such as Europe and China and much more places. Another benefit is helping people and taking care of animals. My final reason is that it helps you be more aware of people in different countries and their ways of living and it's fun.
Being a Seagoing Cowboy gives you the chance to visit many places. I got to go to Europe and China. Seeing Acropolis was special. So was taking a a gondola ride in Venice,Italy, a city with water for streets. I also toured an castle in crete and marveled at the Panama Canal on my way to China. Me and the other Seagoing Cowboys also crossed the Atlantic Ocean from the eastern coast of the United States to get to China.
The other benefit was helping people and taking care of animals. Caring for the animals kept me busy. They had to be fed and watered two or three times a day. On my second trip, I served as night watchman. My job was to check on all the animals every hour. We had to help people in other countrys by recovering their food suplies, animals, and other needs.
The final benefit was that it helps you be more aware of people in different countrys and their needs. The opportunity made me more aware of how the people in different countrys lived and how they dont have their needs and how i was helping them with their needs. Being a Seagooiing Cowboy also is fun. On return trips we played baseball and volleyball games in the empty holds where the animals had stayed. Table-tennis tournaments, boxing,fencing,reading,whittling, and games were fun ways to pass the time.
In conclusion i think you shouold be a Seagoing Cowboy becuase it has many benefits. The benfits are you got to visit many places and tour many places. The other benfit was that you got to help people and take care of animals. The final benefit was that being a Seagoing Cowboy made you more aware of people in different countrys and their ways of living and it is fun to be a Seagoing Cowboy. That's why i bleieve you should be a Seagoing cowboy. | 23
ba5ac94 | i think the idea is a good idea , but what if all the cars is gone in someone eles wanted to use the car it's gone be a big arguement or maybe a riot if its more people envolved in the sistuation.
i wouldnt wont that car because in the story it says its a navgation that tells u if theirs a accident etc .. but what if its messed up or doesnt work at the moment what if something happends to car and you dont have a phone or dont no how to use the navgation ?
Like the story says if someone is in a accendent or the technology fails who ault is it the drivers or the manufaturer ? What if something was to happen in it was the manufaturer fault ? what if something happends that the driver did in dont no how to fix the promblem right there or lies abough it ? i think regular cars should just be the opptuion or people should be able to pick on thier on . | 01
d068bc1 | The Electoral College consists of more cons than pros. The systems that the unprogrammed engineers work on are complicated vast perspectives. When a president gets elected the most voters and does not recieve presidency, wouldn't that confuse you. Popular voting is an effective way to give a candidate presidency simply because the people want that candidate to be the one responsible for the United States. The Electoral College needs to change the way it picks its president. Otherwise, the U.S. would be vulnerable to a president that most people completely denied for the other candidate.
The thing with popular voting is that people can get the president they want. When the elections are based on which candidate has the most popular votes, there are no crazy tricks or a hidden trump card. All you have is a candidate that deserves to be the president of the United States. A good example is Al Gore and his presidency crisis. Most voters looked up to him as president. It was only until the quirks of the electoral college stole his opportunity of becoming president thanks to the system of the electoral college we have today. The situation that makes this crisis even worse is how the voters for the actual electors themselves cannot control whether they win the election or lose. This means that if we keep the routine of the electoral college we have now, there are many opportunities for an unwanted elector. Therefore, leading to an unwanted president.
Ever since 2000, many people have been suffering from economics and industry. This is the simple result of a bad electoral college system. The people of course should have most of the perks in picking a president. If the president is bad at his job in making the U.S. habitable, then the electors are to blame for making a huge mistake. Many doors are opened to sudden changes and confusing decisions. John F. Kennedy could've lost his position since all of the votes didn't necessarily go to him. There's a valid reason why people vote for a candidate. To pick the president they know suits them best.
I will admit to this though. Popular voting is not the accurate way to go through with. I mean there are situations where people just pick a president because he looks proffesional. Others are simply racist and go for the white candidate or even vise-versa. Popular voting is not perfect in the sense of the psychological opinions of the voters themselves. Besides, all of the people living in american soil are different minded. There is literally no way to immediately recognize who the voter is and why his reasons for voting are wrong. There is also nothing we can do since people are allowed to vote for whatever reasons they want.
Due to all of the information given to me about Al Gore and unwanted electors, it is the best solution to change the system to popular voting. Both sides of the arguments have strong reasons to either keep their system or change the way the electoral college is run. Meanwhile, lets be honest. There have been more political downfalls with the system we have now that can be fixed with popular voting. Even though there are people that vote for selfish and unreliable reasons, there is still a balance of the people who want this president and the people who don't. The U.S. is consisted of minds that think completely different in the sense of human nature. We don't live in a utopia where everyone agrees with eachother. Now, being able to let the U.S. decide who they want their president to be, it sounds like a pretty fair way to elect a new president, don't you think? | 34
de1b341 | I argue in favor of keeping the Electoral College. That is the way we did the voting for years and why would you want to change that. The outcome of that might be a disaster because we haven't used the popular vote to decide a president. The first reason why I think we should keep it is because when we vote for the people that represent us they have lots of experiance in the politics area therefore meaning they have a better idea of who would be a better president. They have spent years learning all about politics so the "most thoughtful voters should be the ones to decide the election."(paragraph 20) In paragraph 16 it says "But each party selects a slate of electors trusted to vote for the party's nominee.", also meaning that the people we select to represent us is trusted people that will have the same vote as you for the desicion of president.
My second reason of leaving the Electoral College is because if the founding fathers established it in the constitution as a compromise then it should be left alone. Others might say that its a bad idea to have the Electoral College but if thats how the system is set up then it should not be changed because if it does change then maybe everything would be different. Paragraph 15 says "The Electoral College is widely regarded as an anachronism, a non-democratic method of selecting a president that ought to be overruled by declaring the candidate who recieves the most popular votes the winner. The advocates of this position are correct in arguing that the Electoral College method is not democratic in a mordern sense... it is the electors who elect the president, not the people." therefore going back to my first paragraph that is why you select people that you trust.
My third and final reason for my choosing is that the certainty of outcome is reletivly high. Like in the 2012's election . for example, Obama recieved 31.7 percent of the electoral vote copared to only 51.3 percent of the popular votes. Also in that same paragraph (18) it says that because almost all states award electoral votes on a winner-take-all basis, even a very slight plurality in a state creates a landslide electoral-ote victory in that state. Mr. State Senator i think it would be best if we just left the Electoral College method alone. | 34
defe6bd | About 25 years ago, NASA's Viking 1 and Viking 2 spotted what seeemed to be a giant face that resembled an Egypt Pharoah. Could this be an alien artifact? Haha,..nope just a natural landform.
Only a few scientist thought that the face was an artifact, but as soon as NASA heard this the made it a priority to go back and photograph Cydonia once again. Jim Garvin says "We felt this was important to taxpayers. We photographed the Face as soon as we could get a good shot at it." (Paragraph 6) This mean if it was an alien artifact NASA would have made money and benifited from finding this.
However, when Michael Malin went back and photgraphed this again it revealed only a natural landform.(Paragraph 7) Later when others went back again to photograph it they were fortunet enough to get close enough to get a clear picture. (Paragraph 10)
The picture acutally only shows the Martian equivalent of butte or mesa, which are landforms common around the American West.(Paragraph 12) Too bad for all those scientist who thought this was an alien artifact. We still have to wait a while before we can prove that there have, are, or will ever be aliens on mars! | 23
b5608ce | How Dangerous can be Exploring Venus
In the text "The Challenge of Exploring Venus", the author suggest that studyng Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents. The author mentions in the text the reasons why he thinks that.
First of all, the author start giving us details about Venus. He mentions how is it called, what is its position on the solar sistem. At the end of the first paragraph the author uses a sentence so he can grab the attention of the readers by saying that Venus is simple to see from Earth, but that it has proved that venus is a challenging place to examine more closely. Which means the author has the enough evidence to prove that is not a good idea to go to venus.
Secondly, on paragraph three the author gives us more specific details. The author mentions the thik atmosphere in carbon dioxide, how clouds are highly corrosivesulfuric acid, the temperatures average, and that the atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater than we experience on our own planet. This shows the reasons why humans can risk their lifes if they go to Venus so they can explore more about that planet.
Lastly, the author don't just describe bad things about Venus. On paragraph four the author tell us that Venus wasn't different from Earth and that's why astronomers are fascinated by Venus. The text says that Venus was probably covered largely with oceans and because of that it could have supported various forms of life just like earth. However, Venus is not like that anymore, it is still can be dangerous for human to explore there, not just because of the problems humans will face in the planet but the obstacles they have to face during the trip.
In conclusion, the author tries to persuade the readers to believe that studying Venus closer can be dangerous. It has many changes from what you see, how people think it is or how it was from how it really is now. The author supports this idea well, by using information of Venus. | 34
fc3d67e | If there were software to analyze the emotions of students it would be very useful. As the author states in paragraph 6 “A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored, then it could modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor.” That technology could be extremely helpful for a student taking classes online or typing an important essay for a class. If it were paired to another application it could use the data about the user's mood to change background music or subtly change the lighting of the room or device to cause a change in mood. Even better yet the computer or phone could use a pop up message to encourage the student to get up and exercise or do another relaxing task. I believe it would help me stay on task and be better prepared when taking summer school or studying for a test online. I have multiple friends that would also find it helpful to be told to take a break and relax when taking a test such as the ISTEPs or a final. Were this to become an easily accesable software it could be applied to many diferent scenarios. In short I am led to believe that this technology could be vital to preforming better on a test or when learning a lesson online. | 23
668e16e | I don't think that a computer can identify human emotion how about you? In this article it talks about a facial action coding system which allows computers to identify human emotions.
But my opinon is I don't think that will work because. I feel like in order to know something about soemone or know how they are feeling you must know the. A computer device can not know you in a way that a human can. Computers may know about you from another source but it will never have that human to human chemistry and connnection. It will never workout.
The author also states that faces dont lie so even if it did work thhat doesn't mean that its correct because it is so easy to fake a smile orfake emotions. But the machine also can identify major muscuular actions and can tell the diffrence between a geniune smile and a fake one just by reading the muscles. I belive that they are trying to say the computer can calculate humans like we do math which is by far not true at all because we are humans and we fake stuff we lie and we do many other things that a computer cannot read. | 12
4728682 | Some people say that being a Seagoing Cowboy would be a dull job.
What is a Seagoing Cowboy you ask, well it is a person who delivers cattle to people in need.
It was World War 2 and people around the world needed help with ways to get food.
I felt like I could do something for them, so I decided to be a Seagoing Cowboy.
If you feel that way then I encourage you to join the Sea Cowboys.
There were many reasons why joining the Seagoing Cowboys is a cool thing and here is one.
For the experinces!
I was a small town boy and had not got to see a lot of the big world that we live in.
The sign up sheet said we would not only help the people in need we would also get to see some of the amazing sights in that country.
That was no lie!
On my journeys I saw the Acropolis in Greece, the Panama Canal, and a recently excavated castle in Crete.
I also got to ride in a gondola in Venice, Italy.
Another thing that not many people could say is that you crossed the Atlantic Ocean 16 times and the Pacific twice.
Another reason why you should join the Seagoing Cowboys is that you have a chance to serve your country without killing another person.
On my first trip as a Seagoing Cowboy, I turned 18. That is when you are old enough to be drafted to the army.
When the draft board found out I was being a Seagoing Cowboy, they told me to do that as my service.
If you don't like the thought of shooting people, then maybe you could be a Seagoing Cowboy. You would help people get food, not have to shoot anybody, and serve your country.
Now you know some reasons why you should join the Seagoing Cowboys.
I hope to see you aboard soon. | 23
ef20b17 | Since I have been there before and traveled many of times I could tell you it was a great opportunity to help other people and see famous structures,buildings, and cities. I think that more people should help because it is for a good cause and we need more people. Another reason as to why I say that is because it can be better pay than most jobs and believe it or not can be fun. You may be thinking how is it fun to be in a ship for months and weeks at a time, well on the way back when there are no animals in the storage area that we keep them in we can play games like Baseball,Volleyball,Table Tennis,Fencing,and Boxing.
Also, you get a great opportunity to see famous buildings,cities,structures,and landmarks like for example I have seen the Acropolis in Greece, I have taken a Gondola ride in Venice, Italy (which was like a city with streets full of water), and the Panama Canal and many more.
If you decide to join i would be very glad and hope to meet you there just rember all of the opportunity you may have there and you may be saving peoples lives. Also, are you working at a place that doesn't pay good thsi would be better because you can be away at sea for awhile and have no bills you would have food provided and water. I hope to see you there and I hope you make a difference. | 12
f3b3d3b | There are both positive and negative aspects of driverless cars. I believe driverless cars should not be developed. There are more negative aspects than positive aspects when it comes to driverless cars, in my opinion. There are many reasons why I think that driverless cars should not be produced. Driverless cars aren't completely driverless, they're expensive, unsafe, and technology could fail and cause fatal accidents and law suits against the maufacturers of these driverless cars.
Driverless cars are not completely driverless. When using a driverless car, you must keep your hands on the steering wheel. The car can't drive by itself through work zones or traffic. The driver has to remain alert, just as if they were in a manual driving vehicle. There's no purpose whatsoever, to have created these driverless cars if they aren't much different from a regular vehicle. The main difference is the cost of the driverless car versus the cost of a manual driving vehicle.
It costs too much to make and prepare roads for these driverless cars. They created smart roads that the cars could run on. The smart-road systems worked well, but there's not enough money to rebuild all of the roads in the world, or even in America. All roads would have to be upgraded, and that's highly expensive. Driverless cars still can't be bought, but when they come out to the public there will be a significant difference in cost between manual driving vehicles and these driverless cars. It's simply not worth your money.
There are multiple reasons why these driverless cars are unsafe. They could fail, and fatal accidents could occur. That would be a problem. With the driverless car, safety is not promised at all. The driver has to be completely alert. There could still be complications with the car when the driver has their eyes on the road. The car could malfunction and you would have no way of stopping the self-driving vehicle. It's dangerous, and this is why it's illegal in most states to even test these driverless cars. If the technology fails and someone is injured, there could be one of two causes---either the manufacturer or the driver. Law suits would definitely be filed if someone was injured while in the driverless car when technology was not reliable.
I am against the development of these cars. They're definitely not safe. They're not 100% driverless, and the technology is not reliable.
The negative aspects outweigh the few positive aspects. I believe that developing these cars for public, every day use, would be tragic. It would be the wrong decision, mostly for safety issues. I go against the development of these unreliable, driveless cars. | 34
d2a3539 | Do you agree with car-less cities i mean cities with no car? I would because global warming will kill our mother earth . How would u feel being hot during the day and cold at night. "Paris basically has more smog than other European capitals . They try to blame everything on diesel . France has a tax policy that favors diesel . Diesels make up 67 % of france.
In Bogot, columbia - theres a program that sets to spread to there spred to other countries, millions of columbians hiked, biked, skated or took buses to work during a car-free day yesterday, leaving the streets of this capital city eerily devoid of traffic jams. "The rain hasn't stopped people from participating," said bogota mayor antanas mockus.
" It's a good oppurtunity to take away stress and lower air polution" ." These people are generating a revolutionary change, and this is crossing borders" . President Obama has ambitious goals to curb the united states' greenhouse gas emissions, un vieled last week , will get a fortuitious assist.
The united states, with its broad expanses and suburban ideal, had long been one of the worlds prime car cultures. It is the birthplace of model T ; the home of detroit; the place where wilson pickett immortilized "Mustang Sallyc" . "What most intrigues me is that rates of car ownership per house hold and per person started to come down two to three years before the downturn,"
"Different things are converging which suggest that we are witnessing a long term cultural shift, " Pedestrian , bicycle , private cars , commercial and public transportation traffic are woven into a connected network to save time , conserve recources , lower emissions . Some countries are only 53.3 % average of diesel engines in the rest of western europe .
Now you know why driving is so dangerous to our earth . So you need to think carefully about driving or wanting a car take the subway or somthing . Do not just destroy our home take care of it . Im not a tree hugger but just take care of mother earth . | 12
a8b6334 | Advancments in technology is the future for the 21st Century. Technology is being improved everyday wether it be with phones, cars, or house systems. The development of driverless cars is inevitable, and it's a big step towards greater technology then what is already there.
The making of driverless cars is already in production because it's a way for technological companies like Google to improve their technology. To discontinue the making of these cars would be to hinder the improvement of technology. There have been no reports of accidents to show that driverless cars are a danger to drivers, passengers, or pedestrians. The use of driverless cars does come with some risk factors because these cars aren't completely driverless, but they are being improved upon with test drives.
There will be some controversy of the dangers of alert drivers when using driverless cars. To conteract these risks the cars come with built in alert systems such as vibrations of the driver seat, or flashing lights on the windshield to inform the driver when the car needs human assistance for the road ahead. Of course it's not the best safety precautions, but with continued use of driverless cars the technology can be improved upon.
The most benefit of the development of driverless cars would be the money gained. With car manufacturers like Mercedes-Benz, Audi, Tesla, and Nissan interested in the production of driverless cars, these cars would make high profits in sales. New technology comes out everyday, and the appealing aspect to buyers is that they need to keep updated on what's new. The selling of driverless cars, new inovative technology, would appeal to buyers because it would be considered different and new.
The continued development of driverless cars would have to have new regulation laws put into place for use on open roads and clarity on who would be held responsibe in the case of an accident, but they're appealing for profit and advancement in technology. These cars would boost the technological and economical world. It would be a waste to stop the production of cars that haven't even been given the chance to really be used on open roads, especially if they have no reports of accidents or death.
Driverless cars aren't a serious danger risk, and with continued production the problems ahead would be solved. The production of these cars is helping the advancement of technology and can bring in high profits. The dangers that the driverless cars could present would be improved apon with the continued use of these cars. | 34
e2f214c | Google has had cars that can drive independently under specific conditions since 2009. Google cofounder Sergey Brin envisions a future with a public transportation system, where fleets of driverless cars form a public-transport taxi system. I believe this would be efficient use of driverless cars and it would be a large improvement to our transportation system today. "Driverless" cars still need drivers, or managers, to control the car, which would provide more jobs in large cities. Driverless cars would be able to use half of the fuel of todays taxis while offering far more flexibility with carpooling.
In 2013, BMW announced the development of "Traffic Jam Assistant." The car can handles driving functions at speeds of up to 25 mph, while touch sensors make sure the driver keeps hold of the wheel in case of complex driving issues or a collision or near-collision. None of the cars developed today are completely driverless. They can do basic driving functions such as steering, accelerating, amd braking themselves, but are designed to notify the driver when he/she should take the wheel. This means the human driver must remain alert in case he/she should have to take over.
We could have large ammounts of cars in cities like this. It would provide jobs for the managers of the cars, while ammounting to less accidents on the road. All the smart cars could interact and communicate to each other to alert managers to accidents or taffic problems ahead. This technology could also be used to prevent more collisions.
Google has had cars that can drive independently under specific conditions since 2009. Google cofounder Sergey Brin envisions a future with a public transportation system, where fleets of driverless cars form a public-transport taxi system. I believe this would be efficient use of driverless cars and it would be a large improvement to our transportation system today. "Driverless" cars still need drivers, or managers, to control the car, which would provide more jobs in large cities. Driverless cars would be able to use half of the fuel of todays taxis while offering far more flexibility with carpooling. | 23
bd79de4 | After reading this passage, I think that driverless cars are good for our world. One reason is that it is a great technological advancement. They will also alert drivers if there is anything going on ahead or
anything that they need to know about. Lastly they drive half a million more miles without a crash than cars with drivers.
These cars are a great technological advance. They are further progressing our world today. We are having less crashes than ever before. If we havemore of these cars, it will be easier on drivers everywhere.
The sensors in these cars are alerting drivers of what is going on. The drivers know when to stop and when to pull out. They are being alerted of anything they need to know. If there is oncoming traffic the car knows before its ever seen. The sensors in this driverless car are leading to cars that can handle more and have more driving tasks without the driver. The farther advanced these cars become the smarter the driver becomes on the road.
Lastly there has been a report that these cars can drive half a milion more miles without a crash than cars with drivers. With less crashes, our roads are safer. Even our young drivers will be safer and better drivers because of these cars. This is much better for parents with children in the car. The number one cause of death for young people is driving. Having a driverless car means no driving while drunk;texting; or high. This means there will be less deaths caused by these behaviors.
In conclusion, driverless cars are better for this world. With having less crashes, we have less deaths. My opinion is still the same. We can have safer roads with driverless cars. Even our most reckless drivers will be safer. These driveless cars cause three big things: less death,less crashes, and less traffic. | 23
2a912c5 | Driverless cars are coming, but they may not be the future most people are hoping for. Of course people want one--it is new and cool, but it will not be what they expected. Driverless cars would extremely expensive with all of the technology they are using. Also, it could be very dangerous without an alert driver ready to step in. There are several problems with driverless cars becoming humanity's future.
One problem is money--how will people be able to afford these driverless cars? For example, Google's modified Toyota Prius uses position-estimating sensors, a rotating sensor on the roof, a video camera, four automotive radar sensors, a GPS receiver, and an inertial motion sensor. The combination of all of these is absolutely necessary for the driverless car to have the skill of a human at the wheel. The combination of all of these is also very costly. Only a minority of the population would be able to buy such a car, and just because they're able to, doesn't mean they will be willing to. Many people might think the car isn't worth that much money if they can drive themselves. Economic problems will always be around.
Another issue is the danger of driverless cars. Nowadays, sensors can detect and respond to the danger of out-of-control skids or rollovers and can cause the car to apply brakes by itself. It is a brilliant plan, but what happens when it does not work? Technology cannot always be perfect; it is bound to have glitches at some point. If manufacturers do bring in in-car entertainment and information systems so that the driver will not get bored, that means that the driver will not be alert and ready. For example, if the car's automatic brake system does not work, and the driver is not paying attention, there could be a serious crash with many people getting injured. Technoloy should not be relied upon because there is not a 100 percent guarentee of it always working.
In theory, driverless cars are an excellent idea. However, when they're actually applied and put to use, it is not going to have the best results. Many people may want a driverless car, but how will they get one if they cannot afford it? Not everyone has money just lying around, ready to buy a driverless car that would cost a fortune. In addition, the risk factor is too high. So many things could go wrong which could result in people actually getting injured. Driverless cars may be what humanity wants, but it is definitely not what they need. | 34
1c5210a | I think if we limit the usage of cars it could possibly be a good thing. America has very high pollution a lot of it comes from cars, second only to power plants. If say Jacksonville decided to be car free it would be hard because Jacksonville is the biggest city, according to how much land it takes up. But Vauban in Germany is the perfect city for it because it has 5,500 people in a rectangular square mile which is small and allows people to walk from place to place. But jacksonville, say if i wanted to walk to Orange Park it would take a long time beacause it is already a 45 minute drive.
If America was to become car free then there would be a lot of complications, such as if you live at the beach and have to go downtown for work and cant catch a bus. I think America should pick one city to start this and if it works well then move it to a whole state and only allow buses and taxis to be driving around. In America the drving peak has already passed, in 2005 was the when the highest amount of cars and most driver liscense were given out.
An advantage of being "car free" would be that the stress of evryday life would go down. A lot of stress results from cars and driving. If you get stuck in traffic your going to get mad but we wouldnt have to worry about traffic anymore because we would be either walking or taking buses/taxis. Also local buisness would be making more money because if a person is walking they are going to want to eat what ever is nearest to them. People live very close to some local buisness and instead of just driving by them all the time you would actually eat there.
Looking into the future I could see honestly say I dont see America becoming car free. I see it staying in Europe the reason I say this is because we have a lot of evryday commuting going on, in every city, in every state someone is almost always out driving wether its to catch a early flight or to get a head start on a road trip. people are always drving. Looking back into the past, a lot of people did walk places, and then more and more people started driving and it eventually caught on.
So now once again I ask you, do you think America will ever become car free? Do you think less and less people will start driving or will the number of drivers increase? People who have tried this seem to be a little less stessed wich could ultimatley help us all. | 23
18560d1 | The face seen on Mars is just a landform and we have proof. Most people think that it is an alien built machine but they would be wrong. It is just a messa. Using the evolution of technology and cameras we have taken multiple pictures to prove what it is. Here I will explain what we did to take pictures of this mysterious thing.. We will also explain why people believed us to be wrong.
In 1976 the Viking 1 took pictures so we could find a good landing spot for the sister ship The Viking 2. That is when the pictures the ship took were sent back to us to examine. That is when we first saw the 2 mile long face for the first time. The suprise was short lived however as we soon relised what it was,a messa. People were sure it was more than that. They believed it to be a space craft.
In 1998 we sent a different ship,the Mars Global Surveyor, back there to locate the face and to take better pictures of the face. People were still not impressed with the finding of the MGS. There was fog in the picture as the area the face is in is always foggy. They said the fog was obsurring the photo. They also belived that aliens were using fog to hide it and some alien space crafts they belived was surrounding the face. They picture without the fog to beleive what we saw.
In 2001 we again sent the MGS to take pictures of the face. We went on a clear summer day when there was no fog presant and we had to tilt the camera 25 degress to get the picture right on. This picture had the face bigger than a thum compared to the pixel sized faces before it. It was exacly the picture they need to prove it was a messa.
As you can see in the photos it is a messa on a different plant. Comparring it to Earth it would be just like the Snake River Plain of Idaho. The eyes nose and mouth were just shadows being casted onto it which is why the other pictures have the feature while the new one does not . After 25 years of people talking and theorizing about it on the new and on the radio we can finally put an end to this mystery. | 23
fe1f124 | On Mars we have discovered a landmark that seems to resemble a face. Some believe it was made by aliens. People believe this because of how much it resembles a human face. However they do not have evidence to back that up.
Scientists can prove that their claims are inaccurate. They can prove this because, there is landmarks like this in the Midwest of America. Scientists belive that it was just another Martian mesa. Martian mesas are common around Cydonia. The only difference was this one had unusual shadows which caused others to believe it was made by aliens.
Astronauts from NASA went back up again to get another picture. They had took a good picture. Although peoplethat believed it was made by aliens argued it was a cloudy picture. NASA sent another mission up into space to prove them wrong once again. They took a picture on a clear day and still found no proof that it was alien made. This time they used a better camera so people who believed could not say it was because of the picture this time.
In conclusion you can't prove that it was alien made. Scientists have proven again and again that aliens did not make the Mesa. It may look as if someone, or something has made it but that did not happen. It is just an odd shaped Mesa like the ones in the Midwest. | 23
d168476 | My fellow citizens, there are many reasons why we all should depend less on our cars as a way to travel or to get to one place to anouther. One of the many reasons is that there are some neighborhoods that are doing it so that their families can not drive a car and if they do they have to pay money, and there are already many places that are doing car free days or somethimg like that.
According to Elisabeth Rosenthal there is a city in germany named VAUNBAN were they can not use cars and if they do use cars then they would have to park it in a place that is very far away and they would have to pay a total of $40,000 to buy that parking space this is better because there are many ways that polution can polute the earth and we do not want that to happen.
Also there are many places that are doing car free days in which the citizens must not use there cars and ride the busses to work so that there izs less polution. this is good because there will be a major decrease in polution which is good for the earth and also good for the soul.
In conclusion i think that there should be less places for cars to drive and polute the world and mother earth and you should to. | 23
177409b | The new software can make 3-D models based off your face, to be able to do this software need to have fine accuracy. the software could identify humans emotions, but should be used in some cases. As in making computer-animated faces more expressive for video games or video surgery. What they shouldnt be allowed to do, is to choose certein ads and tv shows based off your emotions.
The new software is a compter that can know someones emotions just baseed off of one photo, or painting. This compter has such fine accuracy that it can make 3-D animated faces by the 44 major muscles thats in your face. This compter can know weather if your happy, surprised, anger, etc. This makes it easier for game designers to create people with better expressive faces, can help with video surgery.
The desgners of the computer also want it to show peolpe ads based off the peoples emotions, weather if there sad, happy, mad, etc. This would make people more incline to buy something based off there emotions. Which shouldn't be allowed, beacuse the computer could take control over peoples wants and there needs based off there emotions. This also is a lake of privite life, meaning that, beacuse your computer is scanning your face to "finger out your emotions" it also have a copy of your face. Which if people can get a hold that, they would have personal info. For example, with the new Iphone X. you can unlock your phone by putting your camera towards face. so if you happen to fall asleep, someone could get a hold of your phone and unlock it by putting it towards your face.
In conclusion the new computer software is a great creation which could help with computer animation and video surgery. But shouldn't be allowed to be used for ads, to make people but stuff based off there emotions. | 12
5b94668 | The electoral college process consists of the selection of the electors , the metting of the electors where they vote for presidents and vice president,and counting of the electoral votes by congress. You should always keep electoral votes. Would you know for sure who would win ?. .Electoral college is the best way to manage who would be the best. To see who would win out of the two people. Why wouldnt we use electoral colllege it helps us know that when two people thats running for a spot and they get the same percentage for popular vote you can use electorial vote to see which one each state , country, or city like.
The electorial college avoids the problem of elections in which no candidate receives a majority of votes by the cast. for example when president obama and romney went against each other for president both of them had 51.3 percent so the electoral vote that change it all president obama got 61.3 percent electoral votes compared to 51.3 percent of the pouplar vote. This is the best way for people to know who really winning and won. I think its best for us to use the electoral vote. Its granteed to help with the prsident and the people to know who is really winning.
The electorial college help you pick your candidate as well. This is for the president to know who would be working for him or her. The best thing for you to do is keep electorial vote it helps with eveything that you need help with. It also help the president out to .You wouldnt want to go without a president do you.
The electorial college is a helpful thing it is really needed. I wouldnt take electoral college out. When you cant see who really is winning what you going to do then without it. Are you going to choose for yourself. But then the people is going to be mad and thats not fair. Maybe some people dont like the opne presidemt and the other people do.
The eletoral college will tell one of the two people running for president if they would win. And it would help to see who the candidate is. Voters in presidential elections are people whi want to express a political perference rather than people who think that a single vote may decide an election. so therefore you need the electorial vote to decide whether the person really win or not. | 23
5719951 | In mostly every city all around the world, we can find cars. Its become a common thing now. But there are a few cities or countries that are going car-free. There are advantages to limiting car usage.
Passenger cars are responsible for 12 percent of greenhouse gas emissions in Europe and up to 50 percent in some car-intensive areas in the United States. In Vauban, Germany, residents are suburban pioneers, and they have given up their cars. They're allowed to own cars, but there's only one place to park: large garages at the end of the developement. Unfortunately, car-owners have to pay $40,000. So, 70 percent of Vauban's families do not own cars, and 57 percent sold a car to move there. This city is an example of a growing trend in Europe, the United States and elsewhere to seperate suburban life from auto use.
While there have been efforts in the past two decades to make cities denser, and better for walking, planners are now taking the concept to suburbs. In this new approach, stores are placed a walk away, on a main street, rather than in malls along some distant highway. In the United States, the Environmental Protection Agency is promoting "car reduced" communities. Many experts expect public transport serving suburbs to play a much larger role in a new 6-year federal transportation bill to be approved this year according to David Goldberg, an offcial of Transportation for America, a fast-growing coalition of hundreds of groups in the United States.
After days of near-record pollution, Paris enforcewd a partial driving ban to clear the air of the global city. Motorists with an even-numbered license plates were ordered to leave their cars at home or pay a fine. The same would apply to odd-numbered plates the next day. Almost 4,000 drivers were fined and 27 people had their cars impounded for their reaction to the fine. Congestion was down 60 percent in the capital of France. Cold nights and warm days caused the warmer layer of air to trap car emissions. Paris typically has more smog than other European capitals. Luckily, the smog cleared up enough that day so the ruling French party could rescind the ban for odd-numbered plates the next day.
President Obama's goal is to curb the United States' greenhouse gas emissions. Recent studies suggest that Americans are buying fewer cars, drving less and getting fewer licenses as each year goes by. This has left researchers to think: Has America passed peak drving? According to an analysdis by Doug Short of Advisor Perspectives, an investment research company, the number of miles driven in the United States peaked in 2005 and dropped steadily since then. Part of the explaination is that unemployed Americans weren't going to work anyway. If the pattern persists, it will have beneficial implications for carbon emissions and the environment, since transportation is the second largest source of America's emissions, jsut behind power plants.
With all these changes, people who stopped car commuting as a result of the recession may find less reason to resume the habit. The end of car culture may be on its way. It's not such a bad idea, after all. Bicycles and walking from place to place also promote health and fitness. Breathe happy, live healthy. That's the way to do it. | 23
db966ad | The advantages of limiting car usage is less accidents,different types of transportation(lots of traffic),less chemicals in the atmosphere,less fines,tickets,etc. You'll have to worry about,There are lots of different types of transportation that can keep you from driving.
First of all,if there was less car usage there would be less car accidents going on in the world. Over 1000 people die from car accidents. Drunk driving,speeding,texting and driving,etc. That is the number one reason why limiting car usage is important. Lifes wouldn't be endanger of loosing their lifes and putting other peoples life endanger.
Second of all,"CHEMICALS!" There are alot of chemicals from different types of cars flowing throught the air. Making people sick ,killing things,causing people to go to the hospital,diiferent types of types of things go on when chemicals are polluted into the air. Coming from trucks,cars,trucks,different types of vehicles produces types of chemicals out of their cars.
Next,"FINES,TICKETS,ETC.!" Everybody hates getting tickets and fines,having to go to court. They have to go to court by certain days pay the tickets off by this day nobody likes that at all. You wouldn't have to pay for parking.
To the conclusion,there are lots of different types of transportation. Buses,taxi's,plane's,train's. There are lots of different things you can get on when you need to go go somewhere. Some are free,and some are not you have to pay to get where you wanna go. Depending on where your going and at what time. So you wouldn't have to drive anywhere. | 12
c547463 | In the article "Making Mona Lisa Smile," the author describes a new technology called the Facial Action Coding System. This piece of technology allows us to read the emotional expressions of our peers and well, paintings, such as Da Vinci's, Mona Lisa. From this, it has been discovered that Mona Lisa was eighty-three percent happy, six percent fearful, nine percent disgusted, and two percent angry. I believe that the information recieved from the Facial Action Coding System is valuable.
In today's world, we rely so much on technology that it's hard to see a world without it. We all use technology everyday whether it be a computer, cellphone, or even a television. With advancements and improvements in technology, that leads us to believe that the accuracy of technology is reliable. In the article, the author talks about the software. The emotion-recognition software can track anything from a real face to a painting, and tell whether or not the person is angry, sad, mad, or happy. Humans use this same technique everyday. In the article, the text states "you can probably tell how a friend is feeling simply by the look on her face." Well that's just what the Facial Action Coding System does. Facial expressions are universal. Based on the article, we can tell that technology is more fast and efficient working than ever. Technology is like our brains, it processes things quickly and with accuracy.
Most of the time the human eye can tell how someone is feeling, but we are not always certain because it is difficult for us to desribe facial features. There's no need for that when upcoming technology can do it for you. In the text, it tells us that artists study human anatomy for precision when painting the face. The software Dr. Huang uses detects the small things such as the slight curve of a lip or even the squint of an eye to determine emotions. The Mona Lisa shows us just that. An example from the text is "if you smile when a Web ad appears on your screen, a similar might follow." This is because even our computers can detect our emotions and follow it with an ad similar to how we are feeling.
From the article, the reader can even try the expressions for themselves to test the accuracy. I think the use of this technology to read the emotional expressions of students in a classroom is valuable. If the student is stressed or mad but not willing to confront a teacher about how they are feeling, the teacher can know based on the technology or even looking for the small things such as a curve of the lip. This may take stress off of students as well as adults. | 34
376021a | In the atricle "Making Mona Lisa Smile" by Nick D'Alto, He tells us that new facial emotion technology is being developed. Technology like this would be valuable in the classroom because technology like this would tell us what a person's emotional expression. Technology like this can stop bad things that are caused by hate and sadness, like suicide.
The technology will create a 3-D computer model of the face being scanned. It will can the 44 major muscles in the human face. Muscles such as the frontalis pars lateralis muscle convays the emotion of being surprised, by raising the eyebrows. The human will convey many emotions at once, so by using video imagery, the software will be able to track the facial movements. The units created by the facial expressions will be compared to a face that show no emotions. But, humans can do the same emotions calculations on a regular basis by looking at a friend that is sad or mad, but it'd be difficult to explain the facial features being conveyed at certain time. A classroom computer will be able to scan a childs face and see if the student
is bored or
confused, then the computer would act like a human instructor and modify the lessons to make it easier or less-boring to the student.
Technology like this would be benefical to the classroom, because the computer can make certain school lessons less boring and more helpful to students that don't understand. Some students won't understand a certain subject on the first time. The student will need more involvment to further explain a subject to a confused student. So technology would be useful to the classroom. | 23
7a2d72e | The Seagoing Cowboys program. Why is it such a good program? I'm Luke Bomberger and I'm here to tell you why the program helps and why you should join. The Seagoing Cowboys program helps the world. Here are some reasons why the program is helpful. And, maybe why you would want to join.
Being a Seagoing Cowboy takes alot of time, but is an opportunity of a lifetime. I got to travel the world. I got to see Greece, China, Europe, and etc. And, the best thing is I got to help people and their countrys.
Also, something really cool is you still get to play the sports you like such as. Table-tennis, fencing, boxing, reading,and whittling. We played baseball and volleyball in empty animal holds to help pass the time. Last, being a Seagoing Cowboy was much more than an adventure, it opened up the world for me.
In conclusion, the job may have been hard, but it was worth it. I got to give people hope again. I got to travel and see things I never thought I would have. That is why you should sign up for the Seagoing Cowboys program. Help the world through its hard times. Be a hero and help. Would you like to help and give hope? | 12
84a1b1a | Dear state senator,
Do you think that we should keep the Electoral College? We should keep the electoral college because the founding fathers established it in the constitution as a compromise between election of the president by a vote in congress and election of the president by a popular vote of qualified citizens. The Electoral College process consists of the selection of the electors, the meeting of the electors where they vote for the president and vice president, and the counting of the electoral votes by congress. Your state's entitled allotment of electors equals the number of members in its Congressional delegation: one for each member in the House of Representatives plus two for your Senators. The electors are generally chosen by the candidate's political party, but state laws vary on how the electors are selected and what their responsibilities are.
You help choose your state's electors when you vote for President because when you vote for your candidate you are actually voting for your candidate's electors. The Certificate of Ascertainment also declares the winning presidential candidate in your state ad shows which electors will represent your state at the meeting of the electors in December of the election year. Your state's Certificates of Ascentainments are sent to the Congress and the National Archives as part of the official records of the presidential election. Abolishing the electoral college! According to a Gallup poll in 2000, taken shortly after Al Gore,Richard Nixon,Jimmy Carter,Bob Dole,the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, and the AFL-CIO-thanks to the quirks of the electoral college-won the popular vote but lost the presidency, over 60 percent of voters would prefer a direct election to the kind we have now. Under the Electoral College system, voters vote not for the president, but for a slate of electors, who in turn elect the president.
The single best arguement against the Electoral College is what we might call the disaster factor. Consider that state legislatures are technically responsible for picking electors, and that those electors could always defy the will of the people. In the same vein, "faithless" electors have occasionally refused to vote for their party's candidate and cast a deciding vote for whomever they please. Perhaps most worrying is the prospect of a tie in the electoral vote. In that case, the election would be thrown to the House of Representatives, where state delegations vote on the president.
At the most basic level, the electoral college is unfair to voters. Because of the winner-take-all system in each state, candidates don't spend time in states they know they have no chance of winning, focusing only on the tight races in the "swing" states. It's official: The Electoral College is unfair,outdated, and irrational. The best arguements in favor of it are mostly assertions without much basis in reality. And the arguements against direct elections are spurious at best. It's hard to say this, but Bob Dole was right: Abolish the electoral college! The Electoral College is a widely regarded as an anachronism,a non-democratic method of selecting a president that ought to be [overruled] by declaring the candidate who receives the most popular vots the winner. There are five reasons for retaining the Electoral College. The first reason is certainty of outcome. The second reason is everyone's president. The third reason is swing states. The fourth reason is big states. And the last reason is to avoid run-off elections.
It can be argued that the Electoral College method of selecting the president may turn off potential voters for a candidate who has no hope of carrying their state. But of course no voter's vote swings a national election, and in spite of that, about one-half the eligible American population did vote in election. Voters in presidential elections are people who want to express a political preference rather than people who think that a single vote may decide an election [source 3: In defense of the Electoral College: five reasons to keep our dispised method of choosing president]. That is why we should keep the Electoral College. | 01
df32c3c | The author supports the idea that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers by explaining and reasoning about Venus. Venus is a simple to see from the distant. Each previous mission was unmanned. Venus is a challenging planet and no spaceship has touched down on Venus in more than three decades. I believe that Venus is a worthy pursuit despite of dangers because it's a challenging place to examine more closely, has different speeds, and the atmosphere and heat.
Venus is sometimes called the "Evening Star," is one of the brightest points of the night sky, making it simple for even an amateur stargazer to spot. Venus is the second planet from our sun. The nickname is misleading since Venus is actually a planet. According to Paragraph 1 it says that, "While Venus is simple to see from the distant but safe vantage point of Earth, it has proved a very challenging place to examine more closely." This quote states that Venus is danger and challenging to observe.
Venus is oftened referred to as Earth's "twin". Earth and Venus orbit different speeds. These differences in speed mean that sometimes we are closer to Mars and other times to Venus because Venus is sometimes right around the corner-in space terms-humans have sent numerous spacecraft to land on this cloud draped world. Each previous missions was unmanned, and for good reason, since no spacecraft survived the landing for more than a few hours. This issue explains why not a single spaceship had landed on Venus and numerous factors contribute to Venus's reputation as a challenging planet for humans to study.
A thick atmosphere of almost 97 percent carbon dioxide blankets Venus. Even more challenging are the clouds of highly corrosive sulfuric acid in Venus's atmosphere. The planet's surface, temperatures average over 800 degrees Fahrenheit, and the atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater than on our own planet. These conditions are far more extreme than anything humans encounter on Earth. Venus does not have any easy conditions since it's dangerous but survivable for humans. Venus would need to get up close and personal despite the risks.
Strivinng to meet the challenge presented by Venus has value, not only because of the insight to be gained on the planet itself, but also because human curiosity will likely lead us into many equally intimidating endeavors. Venus from a ship orbiting or hovering safely far above the planet can provide only limited insight on ground conditions because most forms of light cannot penetrate the dense atmosphere. Venus has many more experinces to go and finding out more about it. Our travels on Earth and beyond should not be limited by dangers and doubts but should be exapned to meet very edges of imagination and innovation. Venus can sometimes be worthy pursuit despite the dangers. | 23
cfe9cbf | In this article there are postive and neagtive about developmenting these cars. The article quotes that carless driver as more safter than humans drivers. From the passge " In reality, Google has had cars that could drive independently under specific condition since 2009. Its better to drive a good car that runs right aslo long enough to get you than breaking down on the highway or middle of the street.
The author says in the article " in 2013, BMW annouced the development of "Traffic Jam Assisant." "The car can handle driving functions at the up 25 mph, but special touch sensors make sure the driver keeps hold of the wheel. A good thing if cars didnt need any one to drive it wasn't stop the car accdients. We would still have some types of problems with car and how they run. A car need more than someone driving it. It needs to be looked at and everything else.
I think that doesn't matter how good of a car you have depends on the person driving. How goood of a driver you are. If your car is healthy enough to driver more than 25 miles per hour you in good shape. Driving the way your suppose to can stop causeing car accdients. Evryhting that happends is in the hands of the person driving the car. | 01
441ba57 | "Imagine being able to detect exactly how other people are feeling, even when they are trying to hide their emotions. New software has been developed that improves accuracy in perceiving the emotions of others. This new software, the Facial Action Coding System, has promising applications for a variety of inustries."(Nick D'Alto). The use of the Facial Action Coding System is valuable because it can use facial recognition for ads, it can use facial recognition when working with computers in a classroom, and it can make computer graphics more realistic and expressive.
The Facial Action Coding System can use facial recognition for ads. It can use facial recognition by being in the computer camera, and everytime an ad pops up it can tell if you smile or frown, by smiling or frowning the computer will know whether to have similar or different ads, when showing ads. As stated in paragraph 6 "[...]if you smile when a Web ad appears on your screen, a similar ad might follow. But if you frown, the next ad will be different."
The Facial Action Coding System can use facial recognition for working with computers in a classroom. It can be used when working with computers in a classroom because if it can read students faces then it would be able to know if the student is confused or bored. If it is able to know if the student is confused or bored then it can change the lesson ever so slightly so that it is more interesting and appealing to the student learning. As it says in paragraph 6 "A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored [...] then it could modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor."
The Facial Action Coding System can be used for computer graphics and facial expressions. This technology can improve computer graphics by being able to read the faces of real people and adding their facial expressions into games which would make the game more realistic. Another amazing idea for the use of this technology is the way it can use video surgery to help doctors and surgeons perform facial operations. It would scan the face of the patient and read its face, this could potentially help the surgeons know where his face is most injured and would also help the surgeons have a better look at the patients face during the operation. As said in paragraph 6 "The same technology can make computer-animated faces more expressive-for video games or video surgery."
The Facial Action Coding System can use facial recognition for ads, it can use facial recognition when working with computers in a classroom, and it can make computer graphics more realistic and expressive. These ideas are just the start of the new technology. The new technology is a gateway to many other technologies that will be built similar to the way this one was. As life goes on so does our technology and as humans create more and more technology, the smarter us humans get. I believe that this technology is just as valuable as the next and even more valuable than the last.
(All Cricket Media is copyrighted by Carus Publishing Company. All quoted text came directly from the article, I give credit to all quoted texts to the author of the text Nick D'Alto and Carus Publishing Company.) | 34
e61eb19 | Dear senator,
The electoral process is extremely unfair to all the people and citizens in the united states and its totally messed up. The president is not what the citizens vote for but instead they're voting for electors who elects the president. Also there is a "winner takes it all" system that is even more messsed up. This should definitely be changed to a popular voting process because it's 100x more fair. In this process it's the people that get to vote for the president, not the electors and there is no such thing as a "winner takes it all system," which gives citizens more rights.
According to the article
The Indefensible Electoral College: Why even the best-laid defenses of the system are wrong , candidates dont spend time in states they know that have no chance of winning. During the 2000 campaign, 17 states didnt see the candidates at all. This is extremely unfair because almost have the states didnt even get to see the campaign!! The most important thing when it comes to electing a president is everyone knowing about it and everyone voting but the whole idea is controversal. Now if there was no such thing as an electoral college system then there wouldnt be a "winner takes it all" system and there wouldnt be a big mess. The citizens should be the ones electing the president because I believe that it is the citizens right to choose who they want as their president. The president is the one that is serving the Citizens and decides whats good and bad for them, not the electors. Citizens are the ones that make up a country, without them would there even be a thing as "the united states?"
I know that you may think that a electoral process is better than popular voting because the electoral college requires a presidental candidate to have a trans- regional appeal. According to the article
In Defense of the Electoral College: Five reasons to keep our despised method of choosing the President , that means that no region has enough electoral votes to elect a president. This is a good idea, but not the best idea. If we decided the president by popluar vote then this whole thing would be different, we wouldnt have to worry about electoral votes in the regions. Instead we would combine all the popular votes in all of the states to see who has the most votes.
As you can probably tell popular voting is so much better than electoral college. Electoral college is too stressful and competely unfair. While popular voting is Easy, simple, and extremely fair to everyone living in the United States. Imagine just the citizens voting for the president and counting the votes and then being done. Now imagine the citizens voting for electors and then counting the votes for that, then having the electors vote for the president and then counting for that. Which is easier and better? If I were you I say that the popular vote is better and I'd change the future elections to popular vote. | 34
6b626c6 | I think people should join the program becuase it can be a life changing experience, in parargh 5
Luke says it opend a world to him, he also says that he is grateful for the opertunity that he has. Being in something can make you feel better about yourself because you would have a lot of oppertunitys like making new friends, or being something thast you can call yourself a team in. In the program you also get to have a lot of fun you can do a lot of thing insted of just doing one, people like to hang out and play sports and just hang out and have fun. You get to go on the most adventurous journeys. When you are a Seagoing Cowboy You get to do a lot of trips by yourself or with other people and it is just a good oppertunity that someone would have. Some cowboys even travle and go over seas. This program is something everybody should be in because you never know maybe along the way a good oppertunity comes along. The program can also give people courage, because if they are scared of maybe being with people they could learn to build up strenght. Not everyone will agree about joining the program and that fine, all that matters id that poeple who care will be joining. People can become something of themselves and they would aslo be proud for doing and accomplishing something. Being a cowboy can also make you be a good role modle and also many kids could look uo to you and also they could be one some day to all because they saw hiow it could change someones life. This is why i think this progra can help a lot of people, i have supported my claim and gave many reasons. So this is why many people should join the program. | 23
a49aeef | Cars are a huge advantage in traveling. They can get people to places faster than a single horse could; and their a lot safer than riding on a horse. While there are positive advantages to these moble transportations, there are also negative portions that cars have. You may be awfully suprised what these transports can do outside their good nature. For instance, cars run on fossil fuel, which is a artifical gas that ruins the enviorment as much as people cutting down trees and smoke coming out of nuclear plants that do damage to the clouds in the sky. Cars don't just hurt the enviorment, they hurt innocent lives as well. Let me pull out an example: Person A and Person C are driving on the interstate when Person B spills out too much fossil fuel from the exaust pipe of his car. This causes both Person A & C to spin out of control and crash into each other because they couldn't see the road very well because of Person B. This isn't the only threat cars can pull into, but I'll get to that later. With all these bad occurances that happen people have been wondering, "how can we save both lives and the enviorment from the issues of cars at the same time"? There is a way to do just that: limiting car usage.
Like I said before, cars can have a lot of negative issues in their state of mind. Some examples are foggy weather, over usage of fossil fuel, speeding, texting and driving, drunk driving and many more that exist that I cannot mention. Because of these issues, cities like Vauban Germany, Paris France and Bogota Colombia have banned(well not really banned but you get what i mean) driving cars due to the bad issues cars can/have caused. In the US, the presentage of people driving cars has decreased a lot over the past few years (the story doesn't say what persentage). As much as I hate them doing that, they actually have a reason. In this case of fellow citizens, car usage should be banned for various reasons. I won't be telling all the reasons because that would take a long time to do so.
Reason #1: Drunk driving. Have you ever known someone or heard about an incident were a person is drunk inside a car and crashes into any random source they don't see coming? Well, let us face the facts: drunk people should not drive. If someone is drunk at a bar and is feeling funny, they should either walk home or get someone to pick them up. Drunk people who drive have a great chance at getting someone hurt of themselves hurt because of their stupid attitude. The person shouldn't drive again until they are fully consious again. Reason #2: Extreme weather. When people drive in extreme, they are risking their lives in a greater persentage than a zombie apocolypse, terrorists invading any country and being attacked by people who try to kill you. Extreme weather like thunderstorms, hail and strong fog are too dangerous for people to drive in. If you drive in that type of weather, there is a 90% chance you will not make it out without injuries. People need to wait for the weather to either calm down or stop completely(I just wait until it stops completely so that it wouldn't get worse as it calms down). This will help them prevent them or anyone from getting a wreck. If it occurs randomly while your driving then your screwed. Reason #3: texting and driving. Why is it that most people in this generation keep getting stupid and stupid every single minute? This is one of those incidents that has such that. People who text while driving pay more attention to their stupid phone than focusing on driving. Like drunk driving people who care about texting so much need to either sit in the back and text or not ride in the car at all. They propably should stay away from a car as long as possible until they learn to not text and drive at the same time. You can't do two things at once unless you're some one fictional or a pro at it. Final reason: Expoit of fossil fuels. I don't need to talk much about this one because I already did in my first paragraph and it is related to the extreme weather topic but I will do it once more. Cars that exploit fossil fuels can cause damage to the enviorment. If the smoke is exploited too much it can not only more damage to the enviorment, but it can cause people to reck as well.
These are the reasons that fellow citizens like you should limit your car usages. Remember that cars are not a same transportation vehicle that can get you from point A to Point B, they have a dark side like everything else. Even if you do limit your car usages, it doesn't mean you are safe from the world that hunts you down. Be careful out there and follow the percautions of safty carefully when you are traveling either by car or anyother place. | 34
45b6208 | The Face on Mars is a very talked about landform on Mars and it brings many conspiract theories with it. NASA stresses that it is a natural landform called a mesa while other beleive it was made by aliens.
NASA says it is a natural landform becuase it is in the Cydonia region of Mars which has many landform like the Face. They have also done extensive research on the Face and took many photos over the years. Their latest photo was in 2001. This photo was evidence that it had to be natural because each pixel shoed only 1.56 meters which meant that if there was any strage markings or buildings they would easily be seen. NASA also states the the Face on Mars is very similar to mesas on earth. Jim Garvin, chief scientist for NASA's Mars Exploration Program, says " It reminds me most of Middle Butte in the Snake River Plain of Idaho...".
With the research NASA has done and with all the photo evidence it is easy to say that the Face on Mars is indeed a natural landform. Everything NASA has done to prove this eliminates any speculation or doubt brought up by the public. The Face on Mars is just another reason to appreciate the beauty of the universe and the hard work of NASA. | 23
3cc2f1c | Is Venus exploration safe?
"The Evening Star," although being the brightestplanet and "twin"of earth , proves to be a very challenging place to exiamine. "The Challenge of Exploring Venus," is an article written by the author explaining the reasons of why exploration to Venus is very dangerous and why it wants to be explored by scientists. The article explains in much detail the dangers and possibilities that that could happen if th exploration could happen. It also gives brief information about how Venus is made up and the history of why is an intruiging planet. In the article "The Challenge of Exploring Venus," The author supports his idea by using data based information, question and answer responses, and the history of exploration in Venus.
In the article, the author uses a lot of data based information to support his claims about the challenges of exploration in Venus. One of the most mportant pieces of information being about what type of planet Venus is and why it is dangerous. The author says "On the planet's surface, temperatures average over 800 degrees farenheit, and the atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater than what we experience o our own planet"(Paragraph 3). This briefly gives detail of how dangerous it is for humans to visit Venus knowing that the atmospheric pressure could easily crush a submarine that can withstand high pressures and liquefy many metals. This also supports his/her claims of why it is likely that the idea of exploring venus is impossible for these very reasons. Not only does this help support his claim; the information informs the reader about Venus and lets them know more about why it is a plant that NASA is very intrigued in.
In the article, the author uses a good amount of question and answer responses that help to inform the reader and support his claims of why exploration to Venus is dangerous. A good exapmle of a question that most readers will thnk of would be "Why are scientists even discussing further visits to its surface?"(Paragraph 4). This question not only supports his claim but also gains the readers trust knowing that the author is very informed about what he/she is talking about and knows what the readers want to know about. Knowing that the author can recall much information about the dangers and expectations of further exploration to venus benefits his argument by gaining their trust and support on his claim.
Using the history of exploration in Venus helps support the authors claims in many ways. Knowing the history falls back into the subect that the author know whae/she is talking about and also allows the reader to know more about the subject. "Vensu was probably covered largely with oceans and could have suppported various forms of life, just like those on earth,"(Paragraph 4). This piece of information breifly explains the reasons of why scientists value the research done with Venus knowing that it is very comparable to earth. This information also explains the now leading dangers of Venus because of its physical changes and leads to the possiblilities given by NASA of ways that Venus can be explored.
The author supports his idea of Venus's exploration being impossible by using data based information, question and answer responses, and the history of exploration in Venus. Giving the data of how Venus's state is and the leading dangers that the planet could give if explored supports the authors claims and allows the reader to now then make the decision or to be informed if Venus should be explored or not. | 45
b6da4bf | All humans face difficulties at all times in their life. Humans aren't always going to be happy every second of everyday. In the article "Making Mona Lisa Smile," the author is expressing the new technology, the Facial Reaction Coding System. This is able to identify human emotions. I am against this technology on reading students emotional expressions. Students go through school and come across bad times and stressful times and not every student likes to show that.
Students go through emotions quite frequently and even when noticing one has a great big smile on their face, doesn't exactly mean they are happy. For an example, in paragraph 5, it states "For instance, you can probably tell how a friend is feeling simply by the look on her face." This shows that anyone can make any face just to show one is "happy" or "sad," others may not want people knowing how sad you actually are deep down. Everyone is different in their own ways, but for me being a student in high school and if i am ever sad, i show a smile on my face so not everyone is noticing my sadness and asking me what's wrong. Therefore, in paragraph 7,
"They even indicate the diiference between a genuine and a forced one." This is showing how the software and the movements in the mucles show the difference between an actual smile and a forced one. Not every student in highschool is going to know the difference on the movement in muscles unless they are studying it. There is a reasoning on why there isn't a bubble on top of our heads revealing our thoughts. One good example from paragraph 6 states "Most human communication is nonverbal, including emotional communication, so computers need to understand that too."
If one wants to express how they feel towards a family member, or friend, etc then thats on them for wanting people to know their business and talk about it with soemone else. Undertsanding the thought of understanding yourself, each and every individual has their own thoughts on things and many things that come across the head is always secured within yourself and never left your mouth which doesn't mean it needs to be notified by a computer either.
I strongly believe each student should be able to express their feelings how they want, if that means hiding their real emotions or embracing their real emotions. If one is upset and has something going on in their life, they know how they feel and don't need a computer operating all their thoughts. This is why i am against having this software of identifying human emotions. | 23
9db2ecb | Safety is a big important issue while driving. Although manual cars are coming to end, driveless cars are being improved and much more technical than our cars now. So how driveless will the cars become in the futrue. Todays' technology has improved ten times better than the late 1900's. Having maps to GPSs, flip phones to smartphones, and also sercurity in cars, phones, and homes. There's also disadvantages of improved sources of technology. Having people break into sercured things.
Driving laws focus on keeping drivers ands pedestrians safe and knowing when to alert driver to take over. Cars need to reliably safe in order to buy this car. Any fails or accidents, who's fault is it. Safety is a big concern.
Instead of having cars that will drive itself, why not have sensors when someone is texting while driving and automatically turn off their phone.
Automakers are still continuing their work to prevent problems in the feature. | 12
f3b8391 | Facial Action Coding System enables computers to identify human emotion would be great for students in a classroom. I am going to give the most outstanding reasons and examples on why this would be excellent for students. Once, I am done you will be able to fully understand my point of view and how it would be great for students in a classroom. Also, be sure to notice the way I verifiy my answer for you to draw the same conclusion as I do. This technology to read the emotional expressions of students in a classroom would be great. Well because it'll inform teachers on how a student feel about the work, notify if the students have things going own in personally life, and it would decrease the rate of students dropping out of school.
First, it'll inform teachers on how the student feel about the work. For example, "if you were to give the student work that they don't understand but wouldn't tell you". Due to the fact of having the computer reading the student expression you will be able to know and find out what is really going on with the student on the subject they are stuck on. Once, you notice that you will be able to help the student out on the things that they are stuck on. Then, the fact of you knowing things about the student revolve around the computer providing information.
Secondly, it would notify if the student is going through anything in their personal life because of the facial expressions that is being read. For example, "a student is getting beat at home very badly but choose not to let anyone know". Then there is the computer that will tell the teacher what is going on and why they are acting the way they do. The Facial Action Coding System will report that the students is holding something in and is showing fake emotions on how they are really feeling. In a way, this would means this type of technology would become literally a life saver. Well because something bad at home can really come to the light and better the student from the things they are going through.
Finally, it would decrease the rate of student dropping out of school. For example,"students that are likely to drop out are the ones who keep quiet about them not understanding something". Then, theres this type of technology where the truth about the students have no choice but to come out and recieve attention for the things that they are struggling on. This specific technology would inform teachers that the student is confused and needs help on the things that you are giving them. If you were to think about it, what is a better way to get the truth other than technology providing it for you.
In conclusion, Facial Action Coding System for students in a classroom is valuable. For informing teachers on how a student feel about the work that the student is given. Then, you can fully agree that this will notify if the student have things going on in thier personal life. Finally, you can conclude it would decrease the rate of students dropping out of school. So there you have it, why Facial Coding System is great technology to read emotional expressions of students in a classroom. | 23
b19e4c2 | Driverless Cars pose many possitives and negatives.
Between saftey, saving gas, and overall practicallity there are many benitfits to this new form or transportation.
Driverless cars are the future of transportation and will do many great things for the comunity and the people driving them.
Driverless cars are the future.
People are attracted to the idea of getting in a car and having it take you somewhere without ever touching the wheel.
The cars pose many possitves for our society today.
For example, driverless cars use almost half the gas that the average car uses today.
This can solve many world problems like global warming and keep the demand for gas low which will keep the gas prices low.
Another possitive is saftey.
If computer drove every car people would be much safer than they are today.
Computers are smater and more consitante than humans.
This is why computers and robots have taken many peoples jobs, because they do it better.
If the computers are well made then they will never make mistakes, therefore decreasing the ammout of crashes.
BMW has made the car safer by providing in car entertainment on a heads up display that doesnt work if the driver is texting or on there cell phone, once again making the car safer.
However for some people the concept of driverless cars is scary.
For driverless cars to become a part of peoples everyday lives than many things will have to change.
First many states will have to allow people and companies to test thier cars in their states.
The cars will never be made if they cant be tested and profected in different states.
Also there are mant question with the laws behind whos fault it is if a driverless cars technology fails and someone is injured, the driver or the manufacturer?
These questions will be answered with time and once every car is a self driving car then that question will be irellivent.
Driverless cars are the future for the automobiel industry.
They provide a safer more fuel efficent mode of traspertation that will benfit america and its citizens. | 23
784d732 | I think you should participate in the Seagoing Cowboys program. I think you should becuase you get to visit places that you might never get to go to in life or to see things that you may no get a chance to witness.
For example in text, Luke found as much time as he can to have as much fun. Him and his cowboy friends played baseball, vollyball games, etc. They also had some tournaments, like fencing, boxing, reading whatever they can think of to pass time.
Some more infomation from the article is The boat ride was fun and they had chances of seeing countrys like Europe and China and Greece. They took gondala rides in Venice, Italy, In the streets with water. If I was there i would enjoy myself more than other. Even in after the war in Europe was over left in ash and all they still went to the cities.
In conclusion this shows that you should participate in alot of things, Because you will never kniw what will come your way. It happend to me, my friends, even you one day. But even when things go wrong like war or trouble theres all ways is a little light. So Thats why i would particapate in the Seagoing Cowboys Program. | 23
6865fed | In the story, "A Cowboy Who Rode the Waves," Luke is a boy from a small town and is a cowboy that is almost 18 years old. His friend convenced him to go and help the peolpe across seas that are injured from World War ll. He decided to go and help. When he was on his first trip to go to help he turned 18 and was supposte to go into the army but they said to keep helping, and that would be his serivce time.
Luke has a good idea to help spread the word. He should try to convince people to go and help people that got hurt in World War ll. He should start by telling a lot of people about the Seagoing Cowboys program. lso, he should tell people what they do. Next, he should make posters to show people that the Seagoing Cowboys extict. Then, he should say where they going and how they are seeing all of the different historial places along the way. Finally, he should tell the people what the program offers and how they visit many unique places.
Some reasons to join the Seagoing Cowboy programs are, that you get to take care of animals when you are going across the ocean. Also, you get to help people that need to things that you are bring to them. A lot of things were lost in World War ll. So, you can help give back from the people that we took stuff away from. Also, you see a lot of different cultures. You would get to see the way that people live. Then, when you are over there you can see what the country's culture is. Like, when you are in China you can see all of the stuff that they make over there. You might even see some of the places that were attacked. When you go different place, you get to see different things that you may of never seen before. When you are over seas you can see many interseting things. That is one reason that you should join the Seagoing Cowboys program.
Another reason that you should join the Seagoing Cowboys program is that once you drop off all of the animals and help the people you have one or two months with open animal cages. On the way back you can play games like, you can wrestle, have table-tennis tournaments, you can fence, and you can box. There are many other game that you could play. So there is another reason that you should join the
Seagoing Cowboys program.
Overall, you should join the Seagoing Cowboys program and help out with all kinds of jobs over seas. | 23
f8d91ef | I feel as if having emotional reconization in a classroom would be a great idea. Everyday children are sitting in the classroom worried, confused, or struggling and don't say anything because they are to nervous to do so. If the teacher could walk to the front of their class and see how every single person is feeling they will have a better understanding on how the class is feels, as not only a whole, but as individuals too. Sometimes you just aren't having a good day and would like to be left alone and not called on in front of the whole class. Well I feel as if this technology would help benifit teachers in knowing who doesn't want to be called on just because and who is just simply having a bad day. In my opinion, this will help with the level of respect given to teachers because half the time students are just stressed out and don't mean to take it out on other people. I also think it will help with the mental health issues going on in society today. Many people everyday pretend to be happy and okay, it's like the world has put into our heads that we have to be okay all the time. Possibly with this new technology being able to read all 44 muscles in your face, it will help people become more open about how they are feeling and what is going on. | 12
8e5c3ce | Do you think computers being able to tell students emotions be useful? I say it could be useful it could tell us if the student is bored which that could help us try to make the student more intrested in what he is about to learn. This could also tell us if anyone it feeling hurt or depressed because of something that happened to them which we could probably help the student with the problem they have. It could tell us if the student is slacking off or if the student needs extra help.
This would be useful to help students stay active and be intrested in what they are going to learn. It would tell us if the student is bored and that could help us find another way to make the kid more intrested in what we are learning. It would also tell us if the kid was slacking off which if a kid was slacking off we could move him and let him be more comforable where he could be more intrested and pay attention to the things he is about to learn. We would be able to help out your child many peoples children we could help them get on track and maybe help them get a scholarship and give them a better understanding of school and education. Would you want your childs emotions read by a computer?
Imagine if your child was going through something that happened to him theses computers could help us figure what is wrong with your child. And maybe that is the problem why he is not paying attention we could help so many children by this. We could lead and help students to success. If your child is failing in school it might be because of being bored which these computers would tell us and we c oulc find another way to help your child so he wouldn't be failing.
We need to let people know that this could solve so many problems. If your child new something bad was going to happen or knew a student was getting bullied or he was getting bullied we could find that out with the computer and help them out. We could help kids from harming themselfs just think about how many kids we could save. Do you wish you had these computers when you were younger? i say yes this ould have helped me do better in school and it could have told my teachers that i needed extra help.
Just think about how many kids could be succesful because of theses computers. Think about how it could help you out if you were to be able to have theses computers when you were in school? | 23
39a9978 | I think the Seagoing Cowboys program should be broght back because it helps people around the world. It gives the Seagoing Cowboys the chance to learn diffrent languges. It also gives the Seagoing Cowboys the chance to foster exchange students.
It helps people around the world by giving them food. It gives them food by the cattle that the Seagoing Cowboys bring to them after a atacke or a war has hapened. Plus the Seagoing Cowboys have to learn to take care of the cattle that helps them. It helps the loackels with the damage. That was the first reason
The secand reason. It gives the Seagoing Cowboys a chance to lern diffrent langes. It dose this by when the Seagoing Cowboys travel to many diffrent countreis the may pickup on the langeuse. If the go to China the might pick up on Chinases. If they go to France they might pickup italan. If they go to spain they might pickup Spansish.
The third reason. It gives Seagoing Cowboys the chance to foster exchange stundets. It dose this by you traviling all over the globe and just fall in love with the kids. so when they come over during the school year you just foster them because you love them. It gives the kids a chance to have a proper eductian.
Weshould bring back the Seegoing Copwboys program because it is fun exciting and a lot more. But most inportinal it is helping the worlds people. It helps the people by giving them food. Fostering there kids whale they are here for a prpoer eaductain. And it helps the Seagoing Cowboys be good at heart. So therfor we should breing back the Seagoing Cowboys program. | 23
dd89be1 | Its a great idea to participate is the Seagoing Cowboys program because, it is fun seeing all the places ,and taking care of the animals. It is a long trip ,but it is so worth going. You won't even get board because, there is still activities to do on the ship.
It is such a good idea to go and participate in the Seagoing Cowboys program because, it is a splended journey seeing all the sights and the beautiful outside. It is not only fun seeing te places ,but you might be able to even go and visit the places you go and stop at on this journey. Sure it might sound boring because your on a ship for so long ,but it is so worth it once you get on and go on the journey.
This journey is not only about sight seeing but also about taking care of the animals. You might be thinking why would I join just to take care of some animals ,but what I think is that it is teriffic taking care of some animals. If your still not agreeing with me I will support my oppinion so you can understand. It sees in the story, Luke knew it was an opportunity of a life time, so he went for the journey. It also sees in the story, but being a Seagoing Cowboy was much more than an adventure for Luke Bomberger, it opened up the world to him. He sees, "I'm grateful for the opportunity.' "It made me more aware of the peple of other countries and their needs." I think I made myself clear that it is much more better than is sounds ,and it touches your heart going on this adventure.
This propgram takes a while to reach its destination but while your on the ship you feel like time goes by fast. The activities you can do on the ship are as followed; you can play baseball and vollyball games in the empty hold where the animals had been housed. Table-tennis tournaments, fencing, boxing, reading, whittling. Those activities also help pass time.
I really think you should join the Seagoing Cowboys program because, it is fun seeing the places they go and visit, and taking care of the animals, not only those things but feel your heart being touched on this amazing journey. | 34
25bf9c6 | Now days there is alot of technology and programs that can be created. I think that alot of the new technology's can benefit alot of people with certain things that they need.Depending on how people feel, new technology can sometimes be a great thing to add and sometimes a terrible thing to add.
Yes i think this technology to read all emotional expressions of students in a classroom is valuable. it is valuable because sometimes people really do be going though things and they never want to tell u. So if u use this technology then u will be able to find out people emotions just by using a program.The program tells you what you are exactly feeling, In paragraph 1 it says" she's 83 percent happy, 9 percent disgusted, 6 percent fearful, and 2 percent angry. This shows that the program takes time to scan all your emotions
Also the technology goes in depth and tells you emotions that you wouldnt be able to point out by just looking at someone's face.The program goes in depth and looks at your muscles to determine your emotion and knows what gestures determines it. In paragraph 8 it says" muscles called orbicularis oculi pars palpabraeus make crows's feet around your eyes". This shows that the program takes alot of information to be able to give you your stats on your emotions.
This shows that the technology is a great thing to have. Its a great thing to have because it determines how you are exactly feeling at a time. Sometimes you never know how exactly you feel about a situation but this technology changes all that and gives you the right answers that you was looking for. | 23
6426f32 | Driverless cares are coming. It's true, though it almost seems something out of science fiction. Today, we have cars that can drive themselves with the aid of humans. This means that there is still a driver, though they won't be doing much except sitting and watching the road. They must watch the road as they may need to take control of the car if there is an accident, construction, or if a road is closed off for another reason. This is a far cry from what we think driverless cars to be. Of course, the technology is there, it's just a very basic state of it. Most of what is there, the basics, is still very complex.
In my own opinion, yes, driverless cars are the way of the future. However, there is still use of a driver within the driverless car. So maybe not calling them driverless cars as a start, perhaps independent cars or auto cars. Having a driver still within the car can help, it may be that some places aren't mapped on the maps within the car. This may mean that the driver will have to take over, placing the safety of others into the hands of the driver. The thing with the driverless cars is that if there is an accident, whether it be man-made or machine error, whose fault is it? This is a big question, with many different answers. The truth is, there isn't laws in place for this, as there are no true driverless cars on the roads. We could pin the blame on the driver, for not taking control at the right moment to prevent a disaster. The same could be said for the manufacturer, for creating a faulty program within the car.
Today, the problem with cars is simple. They are dangerous. There isn't a bigger risk today than getting in a car and driving. Hundreds of people die or are injured in a car accident today and most of them are due to humans. A driverless car could reduce the amount of accidents and deaths on the roads. There still is need of people being at the wheel of the vehicle, but with less human interaction of the vehicles operation, the less likely it is to result in failure on the drivers part. There is also a possibility of it helping drunk drivers. If someone gets into the vehicle, they could tell the car their destination, and be on their way. This could result in less accidents and less deaths with vehicles involved. However, on the flip side of things, this may not help. If a third party company creates a faulty program for the vehicles for a big company, the blame will be pinned on the big company for outsourcing. This results in more strict laws on driverless cars and could result in there being less appeal to the idea of a driverless, or semi-driverless, car. We're still a few years from having driverless cars, and even more from having completely driverless cars.
My opinion is that self driving cars could help our society. We could gain so much from this, most of it being less accidents and deaths from something that is so important to many of our lives today. Taking the risk of getting in a car with someone who is new, elderly, or drunk is huge. Today, that risk is garunteed with consequences. Most of them are bad, with either injuries or death some big ones. Tomorrow, that risk could decrease with semi-driverless cars or completely driverless cars. The possibilities are endless with a car that rarely, if ever, requires human interaction on the road. | 45
80ea52e | You think that was an alien? It is a landform by one of the storms there, anything that fell there, or just the way the planet is. Ther is no such thing as an alien as we know. I believe that it was on of those three things.
First I think all of the planets that we know of has storms. The was probably a rock udder neith it. Then the red sand came on top of it to make a face. There is most likely tornadoes that are in that area as wall. Tornatoes do some pretty weird things and that could be one of them.
Next we have also sent rovers into space before to look for stuff. Maybe one of the rovers got hit and fell on mars. Then it got covered up in the sand when it crashed. That is the most likely possiblity but it could be some rocks as well. Also anything else that is on the planet as meterals of the the planet.
My lastly, I believe it could have been just the way the planets natural landform is. On earth there is a lot ofthing that are really weird that is from when we got her. That is just the way the landform is like. It will most likely stay that way in till something comes in and mess it up. I personal believe that is was the way it is because of the natural land form.
This what I think what made that face and not an alien. If you dont believe me then that is fine, but how do you it was an alien. I said that it was caused by bad whether, something that fell, or that is it natural land form. We have know proof that there is any aliens on any planet and in till there is that is not an alien at all. | 12
12a4ba5 | this is my stance for am i agaist or for using this tecnology to read students' emotional expressions. my anserw is yes we should supoort it. for futher detail on why keep on reading.
this technology could be one of the most benifical things for students. A great example of how it can help is people with depression. If the technology is acurate with its calculations we can help the people that are suffering from depression and are sucidal. The only promblem is how hard is it to hid your emotions from the system. if it is easy to hide from it then it will not help at all. the best way to get the 3-D constructs of ther face would be ethier a test when they sit in front of a computer or blend it in with picture day. in the future every school sould have these so they can figure out what is going on with a student emotions to help them.
that was my stance on if we should be for or agaist the technolgy to read students' emotional expressions. I suppoet this because of the promise the system shows.
I hope that some people dont run it into the ground. | 12
747c708 | There are many reasons why others should participate in the Seagoing Cowboys program. They will experience unique adventures, beautiful countries and cities, and will have the chance to care for and grow closer to God's magnificent animals, like I did.
The first reason to sign up for this program is that they will experience unique adventures. These may include meeting new friends, trying new foods from different culters, spending weeks on the bright blue sea, and roaming around new places. I had a great time seeing and doing all of those things while I was a Seagoing Cowboy.
Another reason to become a Seagoing Cowboy is the ability to discover beautiful new countries and cities. They could see mysterious English castles, eat delicious European foods,sail across long, flowing rivers through France, smell many different plants and animals in Asia, and much more! It would be an experience of a lifetime and all their friends back home would be jealous of their trips.
Last but certainly not least, the new Seagoing Cowboys would have the chance to work with amazing animals! If they love hard-working animals like these, this job is for them. They get to take care and feed these magnificent animals such as horses, cows, donkeys, and mules that would be taken to the countries that are in need which they would be headed to. They can have fun and help others at the same time!
In conclusion, becoming a Seagoing Cowboy would be tons of fun and knowledgeable, too. I would definitly recomend it. They would have a blast experiencing unique adventures, sightseeing in beautiful countries and cities, and caring for the wonderful animals God put on this earth for us. | 34
406731a | The electoral college system has been part of America for many years. At times, this system has proved to be a good thing for our country, but in most times, it has not. I am in favor of changing to election by popular vote for the president of the United States. I am in favor of changing to a popular vote because of the unfairness, faulty aspects, and electors in the electoral college.
To begin, the electoral college is fair in some ways, but mostly not. One may understandably say that "The Electoral College avoids the problem of elections in which no canidate recieves a majority of the votes cast" (Posner, 22). The electoral college has proved to be a balance to the political weight of the large states, but regardless of the size of the state, it should be a citizen right to vote directly for their president. "Because of the winner-take-all system in each state, candidates don't spend time in states they know they have no chance of winning, focusing only on the tight races in the "swing" states" (Plumer, 13). This quote shows the unfairness to the voters, those in the smaller/more insignificant states don't even matter because of the electoral college! When voting, citizens also become confused with the electors, and potentially vote for their opposing party. Not only is the electoral college unfair for the voters, but for the presidental canidates as well. We as citizens vote for electors whom we must entrust to vote for the party's nominee. This trust is rarely betrayed, but " is entirely possible that the winner of the electoral bote will not win the national popular vote" (Posner, 16). In 2000, the election with Al Gore and George Bush, Gore won the popular vote, but did not win the electoral vote. The people wanted Gore to be the president, but he did not win, due to the unfairness of the ellectoral college.
Another reason I am in favor for the popular vote, is because of the faulty aspects of the electoral college system. A counterargument may be that the electoral college has held our country together, making the voting system a lot easier. But in my opinion this is not true. With popular vote, the citizens would just vote for the president, and whichever canidate recieves the most votes would win. But in the case of the electoral college, states cast only one vote for the entire state! ".. the single representative from Wyoming representing 500,000 voters, would have as much say as the 55 representatives from California" (Plumer, 12). The reason this is such a big deal is because, let's say that 10,000 people voted in Wyoming. 5,001 were republicans, and 4,999 were democrats. The electoral college would pick the elector representing the republican candidate. Thus, Wyoming's vote goes to the republican canidate. Without the ellectoral college though, those 4,999 votes would count, and would go toward helping the desired canidate win. Voting is an individual effort, and the electoral college does not allow for this.
As well as this fault, another fault is the fact that the electors could be anyone. "They can be anyone not holding public office... Can voters control whom their electors vote for? Not always" (Plumer, 10). Although in most cases the electors vote for the correct party, an elector still may not be trustworthy, or loyal. They may even be bias and vote for a different candidate. The electors do not campaign. Only the presidental canidates do. When we vote for the president, we are actually voting for the electors. Voters normally know little, to nothing about the electors. This makes for an even faultier voting experience.
To conclude, electoral colleges are not the way the voting system should be. With popular voting, there will be an assurance that the right candidate will win, the unfair ways of the ellectoral college will be diminished, and there will no longer be any faulty aspects of the voting system. Citizens vote to be heard, and with the electoral college, the people aren't heard as loud as they should be. Voting is a right and priveledge of an American citizien, and popular voting will ensure this right. | 56
a5c90b9 | Scientist have clues that can lead up to life on mars, but we have no proof. Recently scientist found water on mars, which is needed for life, but we have no set in stone proof that aliens do exist. They are still searching for the proof that they are out there some where, if there is any proof at all. This could all be a search for nothing.
25 years ago an interesting shape was found on the planet Mars. This shape is the shape of an egyption face. Many thought it was a sign of life outside of Earth. It went viral. Really it was a landform common around the American West. The process of creating this was done over many years, many life times. It was not aliens, it was the work of plate techtonics.
One day scientist may find solid proof that aliens exist. They are getting closer and closer to new evidence to new things, some we didn't know existed. But for now, aliens are still mythological and the face is not an alien artifact. | 12
db2e4b6 | Driveless cars. You see them in movies, you joke around about them and
some people even see them as an actual thing in the future. Cars that drive by themselves all they need is a human to be alert in case something happens. It has everything from comfortable seats and entertainment systems. Its uncertain to be entirely safe, its most likely going to be very expensive and lastly, its just lazy. Having driverless cars is absolutely NOT a good idea.
I know it sounds awesome, a car that can drive itself?! That seems IMOSSIBLE. I mean who wouldn't want to just sit in a car and just wait to get to your destination? But I disgaree with the idea even though its genious. The idea of the car isn't entirely safe. Studies show that its been driven about half a million times, without a crash. Well thats most likely just a few people on the road, but driveless cars will be ALL OVER THE WORLD if approved by the law. There absolutely no way that you're not going to get in an accident. What if the car suddenly breaks down out of nowhere? Technology does seem to do that very often. And a car breaking down in the middle of where ever you're at isn't only dangerous for you, but for everyone around you.
Can you imagine how much money it costs to build those cars? Now imagine how much they'll be when you buy them, ecspecially when companies like Mercedes-Benz, Audi and BMW are making them, normal cars alone are very expensive. We shouldn't be spending on money on building stuff we can already do ourselves, drive. Also, when it breaks dwn, which it will eventually, it will be extremly expensive to repair. It might even take a long period of time to fix and not everyone has that time, not everyone has that money either.
Laziness. I'm not saying its entirely a bad thing, lazy people invented most of the stuff we use today. Think about it, lazy people made washing machines because they were tired of washing clothes, and then on top of that they made a dryer. The laziest people even built cars! They were tired of walking so they invented them for faster and easier transportation. Theres a specific amount of lazy you can get and driverless cars is the absolute laziest. I mean just sitting in the car waiting for your turn to drive while the CAR drives you? Thats crazy! If you can drive your own self then why expect a car to do it for you, it was built for YOU driving it. Also, entertainment systems in the car while you wait for your turn to drive? Not only is it distracting but the driver will be so focused on whatever they're doing they're not going to want to drive. So they'll be more focused on the show while driving becausse they think "oh well its driveless, so it will keep me from getting to an accident if I get way too distracted" then they end up in an life or death situation because they thought was ok to be on the entertainment divces in the car while they're lives and everybody elses life are at risk.
Theres so many things wrong with this idea. It doesn't matter how many people approve it, its still very unsafe, expensive and is an extremely lazy act. They built cars to take YOU places, where YOU control the wheel, where YOU'RE responsible for whatever is to happen, now who is there going to be to blame when something does go wrong? You or the car? You can't expect everything to be done for you. I really hope this doesn't become legal, I hope they change their minds and just drop the entire idea. Driveless cars should definately NOT be the future it should be just a bad decsion in the past. | 34
0b700a7 | Would you want somthing that reads your emotions and finds out weather you are happy, sad or depressed. If so read more to find out some more information about this device to see if you would want this at your job or school.
The reason why this can be a major impact in the class room is that it can read your facial expresstions. Teachers can see if students are struggling or if they are goofing off in class. Teachers can use this type of tool in the class roon to see what they can't see from their desk. This device can read six emotions such as happiness, surprise, anger, disgust, fear, and sadness. Also can associate with peoples movements of the facial muscles. For example, your frontalis pars lateralis muscles (above your eyes) raises your eyebrows when you're suprised; your orbicularis oris (around your mouth) tightens your lips to show anger.
"The facial expressions for each emotion are universal," observes Dr. Huang, "even though individuals often show varying degrees of expression" (like not smiling as broadly). Using video imagery, the new emotion-recogntion software tracks these facial movements in a real face or in the painted face of Mona Lisa. By weightign the different units, the software can even identify mixed emotions (as in da Vinci's masterpice). Each expresstion is compared against a neutral face (showing no emotion).
We has humans perform this same impressive "calculation" every day. For instance, you can probably tell hoe a friend is feeling simply by the look on his/hers face. Of course, msot of us would have trouble actually describing each facial trait that conveys happy, worried, etc. Yet Dr. Huang observes that the facial recognitinal machine works wonderfuly and would be amazing in any class room.
In conclustion, i belive that this device should be in schools all round that United States. My reasoning is when people come in the school that system can do backround checks on parents or adults that come into the buliding. That makes sure they keep the school safe for teachers and students in the process of everyone else in the building at that time. Plus they can have data that will be saved for when they know when that person can to the school and left the school. | 12
3644611 | Imagine someone that is so familiar with a friend or loved one that they can tell what emotion they're feeling without having to say anything at all. Better yet, imagine if something was this smart. In the article, "Making Mona Lisa Smile," the author, Nick D'Alto, tells the readers about a new technology created to read the emotional cues from a human to further the communicable relationship between computers and humans alike. This technology, created by Professor Thomas Huang, "calculates" the emotions displayed on the face of the user of the computer, and was said to encourage learning and help the boredom and other emotions often felt by humans when learning. Later on in the article, D'Alto writes about how helpful this superior technology would be in the classroom and other learning environments, compared to the average computer used in schools all around the world. The technology described in the article, "Making Mona Lisa Smile," that reads the emotional expressions of students in a classroom is valuable to learners all over the world and should be used in modern-day schools.
The advanced technology recently created to read the emotions of the user, and impact the way they learn in the classroom is helpful and valuable. This is shown throughout the article by describing how the technology works and how it can be used to locate the emotions on the users' face. "Using video imagery, the new emotion-recognition software can track these facial movements- in a real face or in the painted face of Mona Lisa," (Paragraph 4). This quote describes to the reader the advancements of this technology, and just how unique the technology is in its intelligence. "Of course, most of us would have trouble actually describing each facial trait that conveys happy, worried, etc... His [Dr. Huang] new computer software stores similar anatomical information as electronic code," (Paragraph 5). This quote is helpful in giving the reader more information about how advanced this technology is, and how superior it is to even the skill of humans. Together, these quotes show that the technology would ultimately be more valuable in the classroom for the use of students.
One may even ask, "How would this technology helps students?" The answer to that very question lies in the article, "Making Mona Lisa Smile." This special software is very important to students because it could very well increase their chances of success in the classroom. "A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored,' Dr. Huang predicts. 'Then it could modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor," (Paragraph 6). This quote gives the reader more information about how helpful this computer software could be in a learning environment, by being able to keep the learner's attention on the knowledge they are consuming. Another quote, from paragraph 6, "For example, if you smile when a Web ad appears on your screen, a similar ad will follow. But if you frown, the next ad will be different." This quote explains more examples of the skills of the computer technology, and gives the reader an idea about how students can use these basic, yet complicated tools to their advantage in the classroom.
This great technology can be so helpful to students, teachers, and employees in almost all kinds of learning environments by being able to give each and every person the best kind of learning session that they need. The technoloical devices at schools in this day and age just seem inferior to the kind of learning one can get via this advanced software created by Dr. Huang. "Your home PC can't handle the complex algorithms used to decode Mona Lisa's smile," (Paragraph 7). This quote shows evidence in the comparison between regular technology and the unique technology that is created for the use of learning in a classroom. Another quote from the article, "To an expert, faces don't lie; these muscles clues are sometimes used to spot when a "smiling" politician or celebrity isn't being truthful," (Paragraph 8), tells the readers that there are signs of false emotions and real emotions. These signs are easily caught by the technology software, and used to make learning easy and fun in the classroom, which can be extremely beneficial in the long run for school systems and teachers.
Technology these days can be used for both good or bad things, and often, technology is used for both. But a technology that is so helpful for learning and other school things is good, and needs to be used in order to improve a learning environment. The technology software that can read human emotion, and from there, improve the knowledge a student consumes is so very important and valuable. That's why this superior and advanced technology is valuable to students and school systems all over the world. | 45
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