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This letter is to my state senator in which i argue in favor of keeping the electoral colloge by popular votes for tha president of tha united state. As you can see the electoral college is a process, not a place so there for the founding father established in tha constitution as a compromise between election of the president by a vote in congress and electiuon of the president by a popular vote of qualified citizens. ther are many reasone for retaining the electoral but ther are five of them for why are state senator shuld keep the elctoral and the five are certainty of outcome ,everyonss president, swing states,big states, and avoid run-off elctions. it can be argued that the electoral colleg method of selecting the president may turn off potential voteers for a candidate who has hope of carrying their state democrats .also keeping tha electrol college is becuse it requires a presidentail candidate to have trans regional appeal. its official that the best arguments in favor of keeping the electoral becuase it mostly assertions without much basis in reality and the arguments against direct election are spuriouse at best.
Does the author support the idea of going to Venus? In "The Challenge of Exploring Venus" the author suggests that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it present. Why the author belives Venus is a worthy pursuit is becueas, Astronomers think it holds many of our solor systems scerets. Nasa or The National Aeronautics and Space Administration wants to send humans to study the evil planet. By telling us all of these facts and theorys about our sister planet in the test, the author keeps supporting is main idea about being a good idea to go to Venus and heres why, In the text the author names off where he could be getting his information about Venus. Such as NASA, satalight, and photos. NASA and the author thinks studying Venus is a good idea for human curiosity but yet vary challenging. In the text it stats "Astronomers are fascinated by Venus because it may well once have been the most Earth-like planet in our solar system". The Author thinks if NASA could get spacecrafts or even humans to the planet we could learn more about out solor systems scerets. Or if it could really have been "Earth-like". Did the author support the idea of going to Venus? Yes, The Author supports his idea well. They sighted their soures, gave theorys, and an idea what Venus is or could be. Saying "how much of a great challege it would be and hopefully one day we could get a human on Venus, but small steps first." Thats how the author supported his idea of going ti Venus.
Is it possible for driverless cars to have a worse impact on earth than gasonline fueled cars? Although driverless cars are expected to use less than half the fuel we use now, the idea does not sound inviting. Say it were storming, the power goes out, and you need supplies for your family. If you happened to have a driverless car, the satellites could go out and make it to where you could not control the energy powered car. This could result in a accident or even mulitple of them. Driverless cars do not seem like the way to go. In movies, they make smart cars seem amazing and like they require less work. In reality, you would need to charge the car daily depending on how much you travel in a day. If it were battery operated, you would need to change the batteries out excessively or charge them consistantly. Driverless cars aren't fully developed yet and still require you to be alert so why not learn how to manually drive a car. As if the 21st century generation isn't already frowned upon enough, driverless cars would make this worse. Nowadays, we can get what we want with the snap of a finger. Everything is handed to our generation and everything is becoming more technology inclined. Instead of working towards certain milestones in our life, we just skip them completely. With this type of car, a lot of people would become unemployed. There are millions of truck drivers, mailmen and mailwomen, bus drivers, etc. that would all be out of jobs due to lack of motivation for people to actually learn how to work an automobile. Many of the students I've encountered today prefer not to drive because that would require learning and aquiring a life skill. Another problem with driverless cars would be how distracting all the equipment involved with the cars would be. As if texting a driving isn't already a ginormus problem that has killed millions of people, without the obligation of mashing a gas or brake pedal and holding a steering wheel, texting and driving might be an even bigger ordeal. Many people suffer from mental disorders that don't allow them to focus and this could cause them to miss a cue when the car needs assistance on the road. Technology is not always reliable or effecient. Sometimes there are glitches in the system, power outages, and sometimes things completely just shut down for no reason. If you miss a certain update for your car, you could be in the middle of rush hour, and your car be completely demolished and destroyed as well as yourself. We should not depend on technology for everything, especially when our lives are at stake. Car accidents are the most probable cause of death in the United States and this problem could be solved in other ways aside from automatic automobiles. Driverless cars are not a spectacular idea. they need a lot more planning and thought put into the making. Another problem could be cost. Most of the world is living in poverty an dwon't be able to afford the latest gadget the world has to offer. I do not believe that driverless cars are a good idea. They come off as unsafe and it might not appeal to the older generations to learn how to drive all over again. Driverless cars could cause accidents that could have been prevented with fuel powered cars, they are not as effecient as they sound because they require just as much electricity which is run off of fuel, and they haven't proven reliable during an emergency.
I dont think the a computer reading emotins would be valuable in a classroom because technology is not always acurrate. We use a lot of different facial muscles when just making one facial expression. Student dont really show emotion when the class their in is boring. One reason i dont think its valuable because emotions can change at any moment .Saying someone is 80% happy in a pictuer wouldnt always be ture becuase they could be smiling but also could be more sad than they are happy. Some people have a bipolar disoder which makes their eomtion change very fast , and some people are just very temperamental. Some students show emotions differnt than others . For example one student that is very upset could be yelling and shouting about it and another student that as angery as the other student could be very calm about it and not showing that they are angery. Another reason i dont think its acurrate is because sometimes we dont just use one muscle to make a facial expresion. The computer only test one facial muscle to an emotion. Paragraph three states" For example , your frontails pars laterlis muscle raises your eyebrows when your surprised ..." but also when someone is surprised they sometimes move their mouth muscles. We move our mouth muscles for almost every emotion. I dont think it would be a good idea to put one of these computers in a classroom becuase each student shows emotion different and some students might not shoe emotion at all , therefore the computer would be getting emotion from about half the claaroom which wouldnt be acurrate .
There are plenty of advantages of limiting car usage, like it will help lower green house gases, it will help save money, and its a great way to get exercise. Don't get me wrong I love driving and all but it's effecting our ecosystem. Just think if one day out of every week we rode our bikes, or we car pooled, or we took the bus think of how much smog would go away. In source 2 it talks about how they enforced a partial driving ban to clear the air of the global city. On Monday motorist with even-numbered licence plates were ordered to leave there cars at home same went for odd-numbered licence plates the following day. With in five days sixty pecent of the smog was cleared. And they only did it for five days, imagine if every city in the world did this once a month. In source one it states that passenger cars are responsible fro twelve percent of green house gas emisssions in Europe, and up to fifty percent in some parts of the United States. In source one it also talks about a city in Germany named Vauban. Vauban is a city that has banned cars. There is a main thoroughfare , where the tram runs to downtown Freiburg, and and a ffew streets on the edge of the community but ther e are only two places to park-large garadges on the outside of town. And it cost 40,000 dollars along witha home. If we had cities like this here in the U.S. it would be so much better and there wouldnt be so much pollution. By limiting the usage on cars it will help save money. Think if you walked or rode you're bike to work everyday then you wouldnt have to pay for gas. Gas is tipically three to four dollars so if you wanted to put thirty gallons of gas in you car it could cost you ninety dollars. Thats a lot of money to spend on gas and thats not even a full tank for some people. Sure if you ride you bike to work everyday you might have to fix it but you're gonna have to fix your car at some point to and bike parts are so much cheaper than car parts so you'd be saving money there too. And if you walked you would'mt have to even worry about fixing your bike. It might take you longer to get to where you need to go but think you'll be saving money and the Earth. You don't even have to ride your bike or walk, you can car pool or take the bus. You still have to pay for the bus but its way cheaper than paying for gas. If you're limiting your car usage and walking or riding your bike to work everyday, which maens you'll be getting exercise. Most people don't get the exercise they need so by limiting your car usage not only are you helping the environment you're getting the daily exercise you need. Even if you're riding the bus you're gonna have to get to the bus stop some how. And they even have a place to put your bike on the bus so if the bus does'tn take you all the way to where you need to go you can ride your bike the rest of the way. So limiting your car usage is'nt all that bad. I mean I don't know anyone who does'nt want to help eliminate green house gases, save money and get exercise while doing it.
You all should join the Seagoing Cowboys group because in paragraph nine it says that being a Seagoing Cowboy was much more than an adventure for Luke, it opened up the world to him. Paragraph nine also states that Luke said "It made me more aware of people of other countries and their needs." If you were to join the Seagoing Cowboys you would be sure to highly to enjoy it! Here are a few reasons about why you might reconsider your thoughts. Luke was just an ordinary boy who was working two jobs. In paragraph one it states that Luke's friend Don Reist invited him to go to Europe on a cattle boat. Paragraph one also stated that Luke couldn't pass up the offer becasue it was an opportunity of a lifetime. In paragraph two it states that Luke and Don signed up to be apart of the Seagoing Cowboys. Because of Luke and Don signing up for the Seagoing Cowboys they got many opportunities to cross the seas. Another reason why some of you should join the Seagoing Cowboys is because you could be a small-town boy or girl like Luke in paragraph five, and expirience many amazing opportunities if you just take the chance and say yes. If youn think that all you will do is stay on a boat and go somewhere and then leave, then get back on the boat and do the same thing you are wrong. In paragraph five Luke states "Besides helping people, I had the side benefit of seeing Europe and China." To a lot of people that is really cool because a lot of people woud love to vist China and Europe and have a great time. Last but not least, you should join the Seagoing Cowboys because you would be surrounded with a ton of great people. In paragraph eight it states that Luke found time to have fun on board. It also states that the cowboys played baseball and volleyball games so it will be sure that you will have fun! But only if you join the Seagoing Cowboys because if you don't you will miss out on a lot of fun things other than just work. Joining the Seagoing Cowboys is something you don't want to miss out on so you better come and sign up now! That is why I think you should join the Seagoing Cowboys because it is a very big opportunity of a lifetime, something some people wouldn't want to miss out on. The Seagoing Cowboys want you to join and they don't want you to think thatb you are just doing work they want you to also have fun!
The author suggests that studying Venus is a good thing to pursit. He thinks its a good idea because there so much to explore .The author also states that there or some dangers while studying about. Venus is also referred to as earths twin as its almost the same size and density as earth. Mars is also one of earths neighbor as is Venus too. The planets orbit the sun at differnt speeds. A thick atmosphere of almost 97 percent carbon dioxide blankets venus. On the planets surface temperatures averages over 800 degrees farhrenheit. The atmospherric pressure is 90 times greater than what we experince on our own planet. The conditions are far more extreme than anything humans encounter on earth. Such a environment would crush even a submarine. Did you know earth has a sister planet that is inhosoitable. Astronomers are fascinated by venus because it may well once have been earth. Astronmers are givin long frames of time in space. Venus can be our nearest option. The National Aeronautices and space administartion has one particurly compelling idea. They send humans in space. There are rocks and gas on venus. venus would need to get up close and personal despite the risks. Reserchers cannot take rocks or gas or anything else from a distance. Nasa is working on other approchers. some simplifed electronics are made of silicon carbide.
Venus, also know as "Evening Star" is the brightest point in the night sky. Venus is also the Second planet from our sun. Venus is often referred to Earth's "twin" because of the density and size. There has been no spaceship to touch down on this planet for more than three decades ago. Almost 97% of carbon dioxide blankets Venus, also on Venus the temperatures get over 800 degrees Fahrenheit. Venus has the hottest surface temperature of any planet in our solar system. This is also why it is sometimes called a challenge to go to Venus and explore. Long ago, Venus was covered in oceans and various forms of life. Today Venus still has some features that are the same on Earth. Venus would be know for a optional planetary visit. NASA is creating some ideas to send humans to Venus to study this planet. So they are creating a vehicle that will hover over the landscape and above the fray. The Solar power would be great and the radiation would not exceed to Earth's levels. When orbiting or hovering over Venus safely above the planets insight on ground conditions are going to be dangerous because some cannot penetrate the dense atmosphere.These people also cannot take any samples of anything from a distance away.They are trying to make a machinces that can last long enough to learn about this planet we call Venus.The study of this planet with not just be a good thing but it will make humans curious about this planet and maybe would like to come and visit it in the future.I think that this is a good project for NASA to do because it could be a long lasting project and you could also explore alot obout a Planet that we call out "twin" planet Venus. So I think that someday that people that really want to explore this planet venus will eventually be able to visit it someday.
Facial Action Coding Systems can tell alot about a person, even when a person techniacally doesn't speak a word. I do belive having these types of computers in a classroom is valuable. Having this in a class room also means you might not even need a teacher anymore, maybe just an instructor. Reasons why I believe this is a valuable is because technology is advancing, students faces don't lie, and this later on can lead to further inventions. Now, im going to say why I believe in these reasons. First, technology is advancing. Many schools have thrown out he old fashioned paper and pencil learning style. Many schools have computerized progams that students use majority of their time spent in school. As they said in the passage this stystem can detect when a student is getting bored, or even when a student is not understanding. Many students don't learn at a high learning pace, so having a computer progam that understands that and detects when a student is having trouble is good. A teacher can't be everywhere at once, so if a progam is able to detect that, and help the student thats also helps the teacher out. Second, students faces don't lie. You would be able to tell a confused face from a mile away. If computers detected when students were confused this is an easier way of finding out what the student needs help with. If a computer program is explaining a subject step by step, and all of a sudden the computer detects the student becoming confused this helps a teacher know were a student became lost. Many students won't admit to them not knowing, they'll try and find a way to understand,but at the same time many won't. Lastly, this one idea can lead to further inventions. It many more things you can create when it comes to face action recgonition. With technology running the world today you never know what somebody can come up with. For example, Apple uses face recgonition for a possible way to unlock your phone. Another example is robots. Another example is a face scanner that could take attendance for you as students come into your classroom. The Facial action coding can play a part in telling the child's mood as they enter. Technology is too advanced to not take takeover. If it was my call i'd say bring in the Facial Action Coding Systems. In Conclusion, I do believe this is valuable. I belive it will help much more in a classroom than many people expect. My reasons with the technology being advanced, students face expressions, and the ideas can open further gateways to new inventions are some reasons on why I believe people should consider this to be in a classroom. With that being said, I do believe this would be valuable to a classroom.
A thick atmosphere of almost 97 percent carbon dioxide blankets venus, its even more challenging are the clouds of highly corrosive sulfuric aciod in venus's atmosphere. it is usually 800 degrees Fahrenheit, and sometimes the atmosphere pressure is 90 times greater than what we experince on our own planet. All thought these conditions are far more extreme than anything humans encounter on earth. Also venus has the hottest surface temperture of any planet in our solar system. Even though mercury is closer to our sun. Venusian geology and weather present additional impediments like erupting volcannoes powerful earthquakes are frequent lightning strikes to probes seeking to land on its surface. NASA is working on other approaches to studying venus. For an example some simplified electronics made of slilcon carbide have been tested in a chamber simulating the chaos of venus's surface and have lasted for three weeks in such conditions. These devices were first envisioned in 1800s and played an important role in the 1940s during world war II. Modern computers exidting in those days may sound schoking but these devices make calculations by using gears and levers and do not require electronics at all. Striving to meet the challenge presented by venus has value not only because pf the insight to be gained on the planet itself but also because human curiosity will likely lead us into many equally intimidating endeavors. In conclusion venus has many dangers ways and it is very hot planet. its very hard to study
The Automobile Industry has done nothing but grow since World War II. The Car has begun to implement itself into our culture, becoming a part of sporting events, TV shows, and even video games. Recently, however, the automobile industry has been experiencing a shift in interest. Countries around the world are implementing "Car Free Days," or even car-free cities into their laws and cultures. The new laws and ideas are seen by some as irrelevant, or pointless, and some have even resisted these laws. While car lovers and enthusiasts may not enjoy the laws very much, when implemented on their daily lives, studies have shown that the new ideas are extremely important, maybe even revolutionary. The car free environment begins in the German suburbia, where residents of a large community called Vauban live their daily lives Car-Free. Vauban is free of street parking and driveways, and full of cyclists, skateboarders, roller bladers, and any other emmision free means of transportation you can imagine. Because of this, nearly 3 out of 4 families in Vauban do not own cars. "When I had a car, I was always tense. I'm much happier this way," said Heidrun Walter, mother of 2 and resident of Vauban, Germany, mentioned in source 1. Car owners in Vauban park the vehicles in garages at the edge of town, to make commutes to nearby developments. Car free cities like Vauban are believed to be the next step to a greener, better world. More efforts like Vauban are being made in large cities like Paris, France and Bogota, Columbia. According to source 2, Paris recently enforced a law to reduce emmisions, where even number plated cars may drive on Monday, and odd number plated cars my drive on Tuesday, and so on. The laws soon proved ineffective after a short time, for Paris to recind them. Paris, being one of the most polluted European cities, will certainly be making more efforts against pollution. An improvement campaign in Bogota, Columbia calls for one whole day without cars, according to source 3. Citizens are urged to take other means of transportation, like bikes or busses. Violators faced a $25 fine. The dark gray rainclouds didn't stop the citizens of Bogota from taking away stress and air pollution. This year, for the first time, two other cities, Cali and Valledupar, joined Bogota in the event. Cities around the world like Paris and Bogota are making efforts to reduce air pollution and leading better lives in cleaner cities. Driving in America hit it's peak in 2005, when the number of miles driven in relationship to population was largest, according to source 4. Since then, the stats have dropped steadily, now sitting 9% below what it was in 1995. Many sociologists believe that the biggest decrease in milage is shown in young people between 16 and 39. Studies show that driving by these people decreased 23% between 2001 and 2009. Many experts now believe that America's car culture has hit its peak, and is now on the decline. There are many advantages of limiting car usage. The people of Bogota, Vauban, and Paris know that in most cases, cars cause stress, and that even a day without it can refresh your mind. The citizens of Vauban, who do not use cars in their daily lives, are living comfortably, and happily, without producing carbon emmisions into the environment. Even Americans are jumping on the band wagon, where young people are now using cars only when public transport is unavailable. Cars make moving easy, there is no doubt in that. But can the emmisions of the vehicles be avoided, without sacrificing the quality of our daily life? According to Vauban, Bogota, and Paris, it can be done, and it will be done.  
Freedom without a car Around the world in different countries millions of people live life without a car. They either walk, run, jog, ride their bikes, or go on the subway just to get to work or go somewhere. Here are some facrs to know why life without a car is the beat way to life. First, Having a car is wonderful by choice if you want it. A lot of families are so much better without a car. One women from Vauban says in source 1  "When I had a car I was always tense. I'm much happier this way." So not having stress is one of the ways that you wil get rid of and not having your blood pressure up. Let's say if you wanted to buy a house in Germany, you have to pay for that house monthly and on top of that have to pay an extra $40,000 just to park you car. That's a same that you just bought a house and have to pay for a parking place and dont froget about cellphone bills, morgages, water and electric bills, and much more. Without a car will bring less money out of yor bank account. Also, to having car payments you have to pay for gas too or your going to be walking to work while your JAG sits at home in the garage. Diesel fule has a tax policy that favors diesel over gasoline in France. If you have a car that doesnt run on diesel the sorry hun you have to go somr place eles to get you gas. Car traffic... who doesn't like coming home from a long day of work and then have to wait in car traffic for longs of period of time. You are actualy waisting up all of your money and gas just sitting there waiting for traffic to move. Last, maybe in the future there will be not that many cars being made. Studies shows that Americans are buying less cars. In source 4 it says that Americans can't afford new cars and with so many people not able to work and people getting into car accidents who knows they might invent moder bikes. With the government asking for so much on us and with the prices of gas getting up to $4.00 a gallon people want to save their hard working money. And without emassive amounts of money coming out of your bank you can maybe plain for a family vacation that doesn't cost as much as a car payment for 2 years. In conclusion, to my perspective I don't want to pay for a car thats going to be more than what my house costs. Without a car I can go on long walks and be adventureous. See something that I haven't see since I was in a rush in the car. You never know what or who you will see when you are living free without a car.  
There are many things a computer can do and could tell you if it could. Computers know many things about you and what things you like without even telling you, it comes from your way of expression and thinking. Would it be cool determine how someone really feels by using an computer software? Yes it could. For example students in a classroom when you look around people around you might have different expressions when it comes to different things. Some expressions can't be determined always by an human eye, people around you may look sad or happy and etc. but, that is only what you see within the human eye. All people have many different expressions than just one expression that you in your class may appear to see. Expression is determined not only by how the face looks like or how the mouth looks, It is all determined by the muscles in the human face like cheek bones. All the studies made by you and others, not always computer or any source of science. This person named Dr. Huang thought in his head that computers can already determine many things in a humans preference by the things a human finds appealing or disturbing. Dr. Huang predicted that since the web can determine all things by preferences it could the modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor. Most people spend many hours nonverbal and on technology to realize how a person might feel next to them without even paying attention so Dr. Huang noted that and figured out computers know so much that they could understand that too. Like mirriors or anything that is reflectable can determine how you may feel when you look at yourself no matter if you groom or stare. If your in a classroom a teacher, computer, etc might ask you to describe a picture which I know this happened many times before, but it might ask and people may give variety answers that you might think is right as well. With an software it can determine how the person or something might really feel. By the help of professor Thomas Huang and Nicu Sebe they decided to create a 3-D model on a software with 44 different muscle models like humans facial expressions and did test to figure the percentage of an human face isn't that cool. This came to use on the Mona Lisa painting by Leonardo Da Vinci. Leonardo studies of anatomy which he uses on the painting made it look like he painted a lady which appeals to be smiling but also has other expressions which was also thought by the two scientists. The fundamentals of the computers unique ways gave percentages of the painting. How you might ask? By the following of stretched muscles which are called zygomatic and different muscles called risorius. This is amazing so even using this can determine how a person feels in your daily life especially being around others in a classroom because maybe not everyone might feel the same as you might. It also gives more descriptions of how a person may feels than how you may think within the human eye. This could be helpful all around the human community studies of others. Instead of asking people whats wrong or how they are feeling you would already know by using the Facial Action Coding System. Do you think your guesses of how you may feel or others is right? Give the system a check maybe it might prove you wrong?
The article "Making Mona Lisa Smile" is very useful to a classroom computer, it would help make the students interested to learn about the subject they are learning about. The article talks about how the FACS (Facial Action Coding System) acually works, by someone showing an emotion in front of the computer, the computer can track your facial structure by your facial muscles. In paragraph 1, the article is talking about how Mona Lisa cually feels in the picture becacuse it shows that Mona Lisa is 83 percent happy, 9 percent disgusted, 6 percent fearful, and 2 percent angry. In paragraph 4, the article is talking about how the computer is using video imagery, as a way of telling how you would feel, as if your smiling but not as broad as someone would if they were acually happy. In paragraph 6, the computer could track your facial structure to see your emotion on what your mood would be, by giving the situation of when a student saw an ad on his computer, if he were to smile then the next ad that pops up would be similar, but if a ad popped up and you would frown then the next ad that would pop up would be different. it would help in a classroom by seeing if the student is enjoying the subject they are learning about, because if someone likes somthing they would become more involved in the subject, if a teacher is trying to see what the students were interested in, the computer would be able to track the true emotion of a student. instead of a student acting like he likes it or faking to speed things up in the lesson or getting it over with, the computer would still track the person's true emotion by seeing in the emotion is too broad. even if the computer would cost too much or if it wouldn't be vlauable enough to instal it on every computer it would be worth it to keep the students entertained and paying close attention on the lesson.
I think driverless car would be a great idea for a future invention. It would be amazing to be able to sit back and relax while your car drives for you. I think it would be great because on family vacation and other long drives it would be like riding on a plane or bus your could lay back, relax, and rest with no worries. In the article it said that entertainment could be place into the car and i think that would be great, to maybe be able to watch all of your favorite shows or maybe even play your favorite games would be absolutley amazing, although it never what kind of entertainment i still think that would be amazing, to even be able to turn the seats around and maybe even play a board game with your family and friends would still be a break through in the history of cars and would be a amazing ride. In the end I personally think driverless cars would be an amazing idea and to think that maybe this year 2016 one of the car companies might be able to produce a functioning car that is completely driverless is absolutley mind blowing.
Senator of Florida, the electoral college should continue and not change. The electoral college has helped America vote evenly on politics. This helps avoid any conflicts with candidates. Without the electoral college, we would have to try and use a new method. Using a new method is not only time consuming but, nobody is sure it can have a certain outcome. The electoral college dismisses the problem of run-off elections. Candidates wouldn't have to worry about not receiving a majority vote. "For example, Nixon in 1968 and Cliton in 1992 both had only a 43 percent plurality of the popular votes, while winning a majority in the Electoral College (301 and 370 electoral votes, respectively)." (Posner, 22) Using the electoral college will give you certanity of the outcome. Since most states go off a certain basis, it is very likely that the state will have a win based on their electoral votes. "In [2012's] election, for example, Obama received 61.7 percent of the electoral votes compared to only 51.3 percent of the popular votes cast for him and Romney.... Because almost all states award electoral votes on a winner-take all basis, even a very slight plurality in a state creates a landslide electoral-vote victory in that state." (Posner, 18) Conversly, it can lead to another disaster. People do have the possibility of rearranging votes so a certain candidate wins. "Back in 1960, segregationists in the Louisiana legislature nearly succeeded in replacing the Democratic electors with new electors who would oppose John F. Kennedy. (So that a popular vote for Kennedy would not have actually gone to Kennedy.)" (Plumer, 11) Although there were problems and disasters in the past, we have grown from them. Electoral College gives us certainty. This avoids run-off elections as well. Keeping the electoral college would maintain the political balance in America.
In the text ''Unmasking the Face on Mars.'' There is a face, not just any face but a face that is formed over time into Mars. Some people may say that the face was created by aliens over time that lived on Mars, but their is no real proof that the face was created by one. In 1976, there was barely anything to be classified that their was even a face, even though it was forming by 1998. Three years later you can see a face clearly on Mars. Seems weird? Not really because it was later then noted a ''huge rock formation.'' The face on Mars was located at 41 degress north martian a latitude where it was winter in April. Therefore, the face actually shows a Martian equivalent of a butte or messa. Landforms like that are pretty common around the American West. Facts over time has proven that it was just a landform that isolated messa about he same height as the Face on Mars. Proven with pixels, in 2001 scientist took photos and compared it to the images in 1976. Also, April 5, 1998 the (MOC) team took some pictures revelaling that is just only a natural landform. Spacecraft rolled 25 degress to center the Face in the field of view, making the image more relevent to see up close. In conclusion, the Face on Mars is just a natural landform created over time and is equivalent to butte or messa landforms. Also their is no real proof that aliens can really create this face on mars that took many years before forming and looking more and more like an Egyptian Pharoah formed by shadows giving the illusion of eyes, nose, and a mouth.
I am for the development of these cars. The development of these cars would save our ecosystem drastically. It would be a great way to travel or get transportations. There would also be a decrease in crashes and mistakes drivers make in their daily lifes. The devolopment of these cars would be great for the future. It would decrease air pollution and use half the gas we already use tody. This invention would save our enviroment. Crashes and traffic law violations would also decrease. The driverless car would have sensors that build a 3-D model of its surroundings to be aware if there is an oncoming vehicle. It would also know the road system and will follow the traffic laws that are inplaces. Its also a great way to travel, traffic will go much quicker because of the decrease in crashes and other mistakes. To conclude, this is great invention to continue to develop. The benefits of faster transportation, less chrashes and trafic violations, and its eco friendly. These reasons giive me good belief this is a great advancement of technology for the better.
Not alot of people think that the face on Mars is real because we all know that there cant be life without light, food and oxygen but some people would argue that. Some sceintist would say that the face on mars surface would be proven that there is life on mars, but my opinion is that there is plenty of evdince that says that there cant be any life on any other planets because the space doesnt have an evnviorment like earth does. Why would there be a big face that looks like a rock with shadows of the surface of mars an people say there is life there. I say there wouldnt be life there because there would be no living anything on the planet just like every other planet. If there was living stuff on one planet wouldnt you think that there would be other proven facts that there is life on other planets? Which there isnt. Just like peoples imagination when we see stuff that we dont really see, like when sometimes you are looking at a cloud an you see a object because you think it might look like a animal or a living thing in the cloud but you arent really seeing the thing its just your imigination. I think thats the same thing that happened with the mars face because the poeple who too the pictures had a great imagintion, an it might of only been the obove view that made it look like a face because somtime when we look at something a different way or up close then it looks way different then it dos from the top view. I believ that it was just the peoples imigenation an the way the poeple looked at it from the view they were looking at it. The people who think its a real life thing on the surface of mars are the people who havent really checked into there cant be any living thing without other living resources
Driverless cars should not be developed. The cars still need the help of people to perform some activities. The cars also will have millions of sensors that at any one point if one goes bad the whole car would not be able to function properly. Driving also requires the driver to be alert at all times. Driverless cars are going to have ways to entertain the driver instead of keeping the driver focused on the task at hand. With all of these potential problems driverless cars should not be developed. The cars can brake and go on their own to help the person driving. They also vibrate when you are about to back into something or are drifting into another lane, but they can not correct these things. Some cars can drive themselves but can not function properly when coming to a roadwork area or an accident scene. If a car is incapable of dealing with these contingencies we should not develop them. Cars that can drive themselves need millions of censors just to stay on the road let alone the lane. In paragraph 4 the prompt talks about the cars using LIDAR which is a device that projects a laser and spins on top of the car. Every rotation showing the computer the cars surroundings. While on the road however the LIDAR could spin around and before it get around again an object could have found its way to being in the path of the car giving the car, depending on its speed, hardly any or no time to react. Other sensors could go bad or just the slightest miscalculation or glitch in anything could spell disaster for the car and its passenger(s). These cars should not be developed given today's unreliable technology. In paragraph 8 the questions, "Why would anyone want a driverless car that still needs a driver?" and, "Wouldn't drivers get bored waiting for their turn to drive?", were asked. In the same paragraph the author answers the question by saying, "We have to interpret the driving fun in new way." Manufacturers hope to fix that problem by introducing "in-car entertainment and information systems that use heads-up displays."(Paragraph 8) These same ideas contradict the claim in paragraph 9 that says, "Most driving laws focus on keeping drivers, passengers, and pedestrians safe, and lawmakers know that safety is best acieved with alert drivers." How can drivers be alert if they are busy "having fun" before the car decides to hand over the controls to the driver. Driverless cars are just going to cause more accidents due to the lack of attention the drivers are giving the road. Driverless cars should not be developed because they still require human assistance, there are too many things that can go wrong with the technology required, and that driving takes alert drivers, the same drivers that are going to be "entertained" while they wait for their turn to drive.
Driverless cars have facinated the mind of many, old and young alike. Whether one like it or not, a future with driverless cars seems inevitable. In truth, many car companies and even Google, have started projects on driverless car. Then, what about the people, the customers? Can everyone accept the idea of driverless car? I for one, am rooting for the developments of driverless cars. I believe that driverless cars can be and will be safer than traditional cars. Google's car for example, even though it can only run under specific conditions, have gone more then half a million miles without a crash. Even though the car still need human control under certain circumstances, half amillion miles with out a crash is impressive. For normal human, I believe it will be hard. Moreover, we have been using machines to help us in everyday life. Too much in fact, that it has become our lifestyle. Be it Micro-wave oven in the kitchen to our computers, we rely heavily on machines. And these machines perform better than ourselves. The driverless car will also be like these machines. In fact, the advancement in sensors have allowed cars to be braked on individual wheels and engines with far better response and control. This show that machines perform better than humans. There is also the economic factor. Google co founder Sergey Brin envisions fleets of driverless cars forming a public-transport system. He believe these would use half the fuel today's taxis uses and have far more flexibility than a bus. When the world is struggling for natural oil, these cars only need half of the fuel modern cars need. That is a huge econimical advantage for everyone. Although driverless cars will offer many benefits, making one is a hard task. Driverless cars today still need human's attention. Still, automakers are thriving towards the goal of making a self-driven car. This goal may seems far away, but we are moving towards it everyday.
The author is right study Venus, in the text it says that it is earch twin and that Venus has mountains and other things like earth so they could have had life there a long time ago. Even though it will be a struggle to study Venus it would be worth it beacuse it could be a second earth. It would be hard to get on the surface of Venus the average temperature is over 800 degrees. The study of Venus would be hard but NASA has one compelling idea for sending humans to study Venus. They would have to hover/float above the fray at about 30 or more miles above the landscape and the air pressure would be close to Earth sea levels it wont be an easy conditons for humans but surviable. However they would have to get close to Venus surface so that they could get rock samples. That's why the author says they would need to make a machine to last a long enough time to cotribute meaningfully on Venus. Venus is our sister planet it is inhopitable,still today Venus still has some features like Earth. The planet has a rocky surface and has valleys,mountains, and craters. In the text the author says;"Venus can sometimes be our nearest option for a planetary visit". Venus can one day be a livning condtion for us people on Earth that's why the author wants us to study the planet in the last paragraph the author says;"Our travels on Earth and beyond should not be limited by dangers and doubts but should be expaned to meet the very edges of imagination and innovation."
If you like to take trips around the world, then read on to see if this trip is the right one for you. You will be on a boat for about a week to cross the Atlantic Ocean. Then a month to get to China on a boat. It's a very fun experience to just go on. Not because it's a fun trip to go on, but because it's an opportunity of a life time. You can do more that just walk around and enjoy the cenery. You can help the nation by geting food for everybody that is in need of food. By helping out animals that are either hurt, harmed, or been abused in any way, shape, or foarm. World War 2 just got over, so they really need your help. Many countries were left in the ruins. So go out there and help the nation. It's a great experience for you even if you don't like to travle. Remember, always try to go out of your comfort zone and try new things.
in the story the author explains several resaons on why studying venus is fasinating and interesting despite of the danger it presents. venus is a very earth-like planet and has many features like earth. researchers still to this day are working on innovations that will allow the machines that they send to venus last longer. this shows that many people still have an interest of visiting venus and learning more about it. there are still ways this can happen. in the story "the challenging of exploring venus" the author belives that studying venus despiting the dangers presented is a worthy pursuit. in the text the lists his reasonings for his belief. he states that venus is a "earth-like planet in our solar system , he describes earth-like features that venus has still till this day. "the planet has a surface of rocky sediment and includes familar features such as valleys, moutuntains, and craters". he also explains that venus can sometimes be our nearest option for a planetary visit. in conclusion of this there are possible ways that venus could be studied overcoming the dangers that might come with it.
I am all for these driverless cars. There are a few exceptions but for the most part i feel that they could bring a sense of relaxation and stress relief for drivers on roads. As a consumer i fell that is what feels more comfortable while traveling. As it says in the article, the driverless cars need assistance from the person driving it at all times. We could put forth funding and technology for this program and in a few years, we may just have driverless cars that could take you anywhere. I see that if there was to be a wreck involving one of these cars it could easily be blamed on the manufacturer. But reported as today there have been no accidents involving these cars. These cars are getting safer and safer as we speak. Although there are people assisting these cars they pretty much drive the most part for themselves. As we put more research and effort with funding into these cars we could have a flawless car that is safe and ecofriendly. The driverless car may become the new trend here in the next few years. There could be zero room for mistakes and therefor making this driverless car the safest way to travel.
Dear State Senator, I think we should change our voting system. Electoral College has it's flaws. We know it's the traditional voting system. It has some unfair advantages. Allow me to explain and convice you to changing our voting system. Under the electoral college, voters vote not for the president, but for a slate of electors, who turn elect the president. The electors could be anyone not holding public office. Who picks the electors will depend on the state. Sometimes state conventions, sometimes the state party's central commitee, sometimes the presidential candidates themselves. Voters can't always control whom thier electors vote for. Voters sometimes get confused about the electors and vote for the wrong candidate. The single best argument against the electoral college is what we might call the disaster factor. The American people should consider themselves lucky that the 2000 fiasco was the biggest election crisis in a century; the system allows for much worse. Consider that state legislatures are technically responsible for picking electors, and those electors could always defy the will of the people. Oh, and what if a state sends two slates of electors to Congress? It happened in Hawaii in 1960. Perhaps most worrying is the prospect of a tie in the electoral vote. In that case, the election would be thrown to the House of Representatives, where state delegations vote on the president. At the most basic level, the electoral college is unfairto voters. Because of the winner-take-all system in each state, candidates don't spend much time in states they know they have no chance of winning, focusing only on the tight races in the "swing" states. It's official: The electoral college is unfair, outdated, and irrational. The best arguments in favor of it are mostly assertions without much basis in reality. And the arguments against direct elections are spurious at best. Sincerely, PROPER_NAME
This new technology can really figure out if youre happy, sad, fearful, mad, or confuse. I would really enjoy this new technolgy. I even think that we should have it in our classrooms. This can really change us in school and better educated. I believe that we should have the Facial Action Coding System. If we were in our classroom, the teacher can't sometimes tell if your really happy, bored, mad, or sad. If you learning something in class and the computer shows that youre bored. The can help you get motivated and try harder on your homework. Sometimes students comes in and just smile, but really you don't really know how they feeling. On paragraph 8, its says that sometimes there face isn't saying the truth becuase deep down there hurn or just lying. There trying to hide there emotions. The teachers really need to how they feeling. Like in paragraph 6, it says that it can detect if a students was feeling bored, sad, fearful. What if they were depressed or mad at something? We have to do something and help them. This can really benifent our school and our students. I would really value this computer system, becuase it can help our education better and more efficient. We need to know how there feeling what can we do to help them. I would really recommend this in our school. Facial Action Coding System would really benefient our classroom.
Have you ever wished you could help your nation, well I have a thing that you can do. I'm Luke, and i'm a Seagoing "Cowboy". Don't think that it's nasty to be a Seagoing "Cowboy", you get to do amazing stuff. On the ship you get to take care of lots of animals, they're really fun to hang-out with. You get to take care of them for a living, how cool is that. Plus your helping your nation while your doing it. There is also lots of time to sight-see the places you go. I toured a excavated castle in Crete, and was marvled when I saw the Panama Canal. All of it was really cool, but I only got to see it when I was a Seagoing "Cowboy". You also get to do really fun stuff when the animals are deilvered. We played baseball, and had volleyball turnoments in empty stalls, Where the animals used to stay. We also had ping-pong and lots of other games we had fun with. You also have different jobs like night-guard. I remember when i was on night-guard for the first time. Had some great adventures. My first night i was on the job, I broke a rib, be careful on slippery ladderes, very careful. Being a Seagoing "Cowboy" is all fun and games, it's seirous busniess. You have to give the animals water 3-4 times a day. You have to pull bales of hay and bags of oats from lower holds of the ship. You also want to be confident in yourself. If you say you can't do, Then you probley won't do it. Plus can't never did anything, but could tried because he could do it.
I think that the new facial action coding system would be good to read emotions of students because it could help figure out people's emotions t, it could help with mixed emotions, and it can help people with questions. One way that the new new facial action coding system would be good to read emotions of students because it could help figure out people's emotions. One deatil to support my claim is that in the story it says " for instance you can probably tell how a friend is feeling by the look on their face , of course most of us would have troube actually describing each facial trait that conveys happy or sad. That means that with the facial scan computer they acn do it with no hassle at all. Another reason that the new facial action coding system could help is because it can tell if people have mixed emotoins. One reason to support is that in the text it says "Dr Huang oberves thata artist such as da vinci studied how human anatomy to help them paint facial muscles precisely enough to convey specific emotions. That means that if someone is having mixed emotions the computer can detect the emotions that person is having. My third reason that the facial acting coding system would be good is because it can hepl put a smile on people faces. One detain that supports my clain is " According to the facial feedback theory of emotion moving your facial muscles not only expresses emotions but can also help you produce them (Putting on a happy face). In conclusion the facial action coding system would be good for people because it could tell if people have mixed emotions, it could help figure out people's emotions, and it can help people solve problems they are having
NASA has been wanting to explore our sister planet, but doesn't know how to make a vehicle capable of surviving Venus's atmoshperic differences from Earth. The author explains his claim of how it's a worthy pursuit that needs time and focus to happen. They strengthen their claim by describing the climate and dangers, differences in technology made to suvive it's conditions, and alternatives to exploring Venus. The author of the passage first describes Venus. They describe how it's different from Earth and how that provides a challenge to NASA. The author brings in the atmospheric differences (such as what it's made of and the pressure), temperatures, geological, and weather differences. NASA has to take all of these into mind and adapt to it so they can explore the planet safely. Since Venus is so different from Earth, NASA has to make vehicles that'll withstand the atmosphere and pressure of it. The author describes how they've come up with a blimp-like vehicle to explaore Venus safely for up to three weeks. The author explains how that could be a problem as well, seeing as how the blimp couldn't reach the ground to collect anything for NASA to study when they get back. The author understands that NASA is working on alternatives to get closer to the surface of Venus so they can study it more. The author tells us how they've come up with different technological methods to get closer to the surface without damaging a vehicle or expensive equipment. They bring up a piece of electronic equipment made of silicon carbide that lasted for up to three weeks in the conditions of Venus. That detail gives us insight on how close NASA is to safel exploring the suface of the sister planet. Exploring the surface of Venus has become a big focus for NASA. The author wants to give us insight of how challenging and dangerous it is, but also how they're working on making it possible with different pieces of equipment that's stable eough for the atmosphere of Venus. They do that by describing the climate and dangers of Venus, the differences needed to be made in technology to survive the conditions, and the alternatives that can be used to explore the surface of Venus safely.
In the article "Driverless Cars Are Coming' It tell bith postive and negative facts about driverless cars. I believe that there should be drtiverless cars this is where I stand. Driverless cars have been worked on for a while now. So far they have developed software to help the advancedment of driverless cars. I think that driverless cars will provide more of a positive impact on the world than a negative one. Driverless cars have been worked on for a while now. Its been since the 1980's the used sensors attached to the wheels of cars of antilock brakes. Within 10 years, they are more advanced with better response times than ever when indanger and all around. In the late 1950's, receivers to capture radio signals th guide the car on a special track. So far they have develped software to help the advancedment of driverless cars .In 2013, There was a develpment called "Trafic Jam Assistant"announced by BMW.This helps steer,accelerate, and break themselves. however they notify the driver when it doesn't have the skills to drive it in a certin situation. It can function up to 25 mph. There are also vibrations in the drivers seat to notify of an emergancy. This can mean that the driver still needs to stay concentrated on the road when the sitiuations occur. There have beeen ideas considering useing flashlights lighs on the mwindsheilkd and other heads up display just in case. Driverless carts really aren't driverless now. Most of the software for the car still needs someone to drive the car. The software hasn't really advanced so much the needs to be no one conentrating on the road ahead. These are just to help progress the advancement for driverless cars and increases safety. So even if the sofware fails the car still has the driver attention on the road. All they can do now is help the driver and other become more afe when driving incase anything happens. In concluion, the driverless cars now aren't completely driverless and needs the drivers skills so that means it can provide more safety than less. If it can continue in success the driverless cars will be much more safe than now. Driverless cars can use half the fuel of today's cars and can offer more felxiblity when driving. The cars can have better response times than humans can in the future. Driverless cars will provide more of an increase in safety then what we have now in the future.
Did the author support their idea well in this article? I do believe he did. I saw many reasons as to why we should at least try to go to venus. He gave many reasons as to how Venus is very simillar to Earth and could be inhabited one day. He also gave many reasons as to how it could be dangerous, and why people haven't really been able to do so yet. They mention things about what Venus has done to other space crafts in the past, and what it can do to others now even. The author gives many reasons as to why Venus is reffered to as Earths "twin." He says, "Venus is the closest planet to Earth in density and size, and occasionally the closest in distance too." In this he tells us that Venus is like Earth in the ways of how dense it is and how large it is. He also says that it is occasionally close to us, so that shows us that it could be just like Earth, but with some differences. The author also says in paragraph 4, "it may have once been the most Eath-like planet in our solar system. Long ago, Venus was probably covered largely with oceans and could have supported many forms of like, just like Earth." With this he is telling us that there could be fossils, or we could one day maybe inhabit Venus if needed, with adaptations of course. The author also says that the journey would be dangerous. He mentions in paragraph 2 "each previous mission was unmanned, and for a good reason, since no space craft has survived the landing for more than a few hours." In this he is telling us just how dangerous it is, because tipically you would think of a machine being tougher than the human body, but as you think about it you can see just as fast as that machine was destroyed. If that machine was destoryed so quickly imagine how quickly the human body would be. He also says "not a single spacecraft has touched down on Venus in more than three decades." This also lets us know how hard it would be to get there and how fast, if the right materials aren't used, something can be destroyed during the trip. The author then gives us NASA's plan as to how somebody would be able to access Venus in paragraph 5. He tells us that "NASA's possible solution to the hostile conditions on the surface of Venus would be to allow scientists to float above the fray." He gives us this idea so that we can think about it being a safer route and that maybe with this method somebody could be able to make it. With his evidence in the previous paragraphs we can conclude it would be very dangerous to land on Venus, but not to be above it. He also gives us a scenario of what it would be like for the scientists floating above. He tells us, "a vehicle hovering over Venus would avoid the unfriendly ground conditions by staying up out of their way.. temperatures would still be toasy at arounf 170 degrees Fahrenheit, but the air pressure would be close to that of sea level on Earth... radiation would not exceed Earth levels. Not easy conditions, but survivable for humans." By telling us this he is saying that it wouldn't be the most comfortable thing, but it would be liveable. He is showing us that it would be possible, and if they really wanted to, they could explore Venus. In paragraph 8 he mentions that the "scientist floating above would only give limited insignt," with this we can see that there still wouldn't be everythig solved, but we would still be closer than we've ever gotten. He also says in paragraph 8, "most forms of light cannot penetrate the dense atmosphere, rendering standard forms of photography and videography ineffective." Meaning that the scientists wouldn't be able to photograph anything on Venus to look at later. The scientists would only be able to look at things closet than anybody ever has, but not be able to document any of it. With this we can also see that we wouldn't be able to see what Venus looked like from Earth, making it hard to report back on findings and research. All in all I beleive the author did support his idea well. He gave the pros and cons and was able to explain everything out. I myself don't know it it would be worth all the money in supplies, but I do think with NASA's idea we can get closer than we've ever gotten before. The conditions would be liveable, but maybe a little uncomfortable, and we could get some good information on Venus. If Venus is as closely related to Earth as the author makes it out to be, then maybe it could be worth a shot, but I am still debating on it. It's nothing the author did, because he did explain and support everything very well, but I've always had very strong opinions on everything.
The Face was not created by aliens, but the Face is a natural landform. In the article, it says, "It reminds me most of Middle Butte in the Snake River Plain of Idaho," says Garvin. "That's a lava dome that takes the form of an isolated mesa about the same height as the Face on Mars." The Face on Mars is a natural landform because landforms happens on most planets with solid ground, and Mars is a planet that has landforms, too. In the article, it says, "Thousand of anxious web surfers were waiting when the image first appeared on a JPL web site, revealing . . . a natural landform. There was no alien monument after all." Aliens did not create the Face, but the planet itself did, Mars. People on Earth were nervous because the landform on Mars resembled a human head, in which they called the Face. In the end, after the Mars Global Surveyor took pictures of the Face, they realized the Face is actually a natural landform.
In the article "Making Mona Lisa Smile" it introudeces a new invention, a computer that can reconginize emotion. There are 6 basic emotions it can recongnize such as: happiness,surprise, anger, disgust, fear, and sadness. I strongly believe that the computer would be helpful in some classrooms but not all, depending on the subject. A facial expression does not always tell a emotion. This topic is very debatable depending on whom you ask, this would be a controversy to say the least. There are many ways around this "emotion reading computer", it only takes a fake smile to surpass this. I do not believe an instructor of a classroom should also worry about what emotion the students may be in, regardless they have to do the work assigned. There are very many opinions in this article which do not pursuade other to buy their product such as when they stated: "The Mona Lisa demonstration is really intended to bring a smile to your face, while it shows just how much this computer can do (D'Alto6)." I truly am against the idea of the emotion reading computer due to the fact that many aspects of it seem uneffective. Students may have a tired face or example and the computer may think they are upset about something even though they're just tired. "Making Mona Lisa Smile" may have a good idea, but wasnt thoroughly thought out. They also do not have factual evidence, they state the word "predicts" which shows they don't know for sure how the computers will turn out. I believe that this will be wasted money in buying this product without any proof of the accuracy of the computer, and the way it finds out the students emotions.
To begin with, is that reducing advantages of limiting car usages can help reduce the 12 percent of greenhouse gas emissions in Europe and reduce 50 percent of the gas in areas like the United States. We must lessen the space for parking so instead of stores along a distant highway you can actually just walk to the store. 80 percent of appropriations have by law gone to highways and only 20 percent to other transport. We have to try harder to make the United states more like Vauban. Then, We need to get rid of cars to help get rid of pollution. Cars also causes smog, which we can get rid of if we reduced the usage of cars. Also so many cars causes congestion and a lost revenue in delivery companies. A good idea would be to fine the people like Paris did to reduce so many cars on the street. Next, The goal would be to promote alternative transportation and reduce smog. So only buses and taxis would be permitted for the time being without any cars roaming the streets. Also any violaters will be faced a $25 dollar fine. This idea would be a really good opportunity to take away stress and lower air pollution. We could also build bicycle paths to help travel. We could also have restrictions which could dramatically cut traffic. Finally, if we got rid of cars it would have beneficial implications for carbon emissions and the environment. New York's new bike-sharing program and its skyrocketing bridge and tunnel tolls reflect those new priorities. It is said that young people decreased 23 percent between 2001 and 2009. It is proposed partnering with the telecommunications industry to create cities in which public transportation traffic are woven into a connected network to save time, conserve resources, lower emissions, and improve safety.  
Dear, Senator The Electoral college has been around for centuries and as time changes, things start to evolve and grow along with the time period. Some things are meant to be changed according to the lifestyle of our people now. Hundreds of years back, the electoral college might have worked for the citizens living during that time. However, this is a new century and many people agree with the fact that the electoral college is out dated and we need to change to the election by popular vote. Firstly, because the people are putting their vote into the hands of a person whom they might not even consider the votes of their state's people . Also, the electoral college causes many issues duing the voting period. To start off, The electoral college is a huge risk that the state's people must take each year. You never know whether or not your electors will suddenly change their mind and vote for a candidate that you personally didn't want. In the article "The indefensible electoral college: Why even the best-laid defenses of the system are wrong" Bradford Plumer states "Can voters control whom their electors vote for? Not always. Do voters sometimes get cofused about the electors and vote for the wrong candidate? Sometimes." (Plumer Paragraph 10) What the author is explaining is that during the presidential election, once you vote on your selection for the next president and you give your vote to the state electors you never know if they might change their mind or get scared and choose the incorrect candidate. For example, you choose on Barack Obama for president and you give your vote to the state electors and when it's time to vote... they decide to switch and choose HILARY CLINTON! Many of the citizens who voted for Barack Obama are now outraged by the thought of their state electors doing such a thing. If we had elections by popular vote we would be able to choose whom we specifically want for our President and there wouldn't be so much tension between people. Furthermore, the article "The indefensible electoral college: Why even the best-laid defenses of the system ae wrong" Bradford explains "Back in 1960, Segregationists in the Louisinna legislaure nearly succeeded in replacing the Democratic electors with new electors whoo would oppose John F. Kennedy." This quote from the article is saying that the electors could easily manipulate you and change their votes in order to get what they want, forgetting about all the other votes of the people back home waiting for the news that their selection has won the presidency. The elecoral college completely demolishes the purpose of the people's vote. Additionally, electoral colleges should be abolished because not everyone feels as strongly about it as they did hundreds of years ago when the process first came about. What had started out as a good idea has slowly turned into a unpredictable disaster. From time to time, People would be let down when they find out that  the candidate they had chosen didn't win the election, Why? because their state electors decided that it was okay for them to simply go against everyone else and be selfish by choosing their own candidate for presidency. Bradford proves this by explaining "...'faithless' electors have occasionally refused to vote for their party's candidate and cast a deciding vote for whomever they please..." (Plumer Paragraph 11) On multiple occasions voters have done exactly that, choosing someone completely different than whom they were supposed to. Many members of the party get angry with such childish behavior because it's selfish, uncalled for, and just disrespectful to go about ignoring the one major duty they had to cast a vote for their selected candidate. The article "In defense of the electoral college: Five reasons to keep our despised method of choosing the president" Richard A. Posner exclaims "The electoral college is widely regarded as a anachronism, a non-democratic method of selecting a president that ought to be [overruled] by declaring the candidate who recieves the most popular votes the winner." (Posner Paragraph 15) What the author is explaining is that the electoral college is an old custom and it's time that it was changed to something new like the election by popular vote. Time has changed, an so has the political veiws. The election by popular vote is a better opportunity because the state's people get to vote on exactly who they want without any major risks to deal with later on. Also, the election by popular vote is a simple and easier way of electing president. On the other hand, there are very few reasons that are pointing towards the electoral college being a good idea. For example, The electoral college has a even number of votes which make it easier to have a more predictable outcome of who might win the election. Although, not everyone might get the candidate that they had hoped for originally. The electoral college also comes along with the "Winner-take-all" method in which the awarding electoral votes induces the candidates running for the presidency. However, this is only based on the candidate that has the most popular votes. There are various reasons to consider the electoral college but many of them are followed by an overload of reasons NOT to keep the electoral college in use. Lastly, the election by popular vote should be used instead of the electoral college. The electoral college comes along with many complications and difficulties unlike the election by popular vote it has a simple and easier way of choosing who you want in the next presidency. Many people feel that you should change over to the election by popular vote to benefit all of the state's people so that they can have a more acurrate estimation of who they  might have as their new president. According to Bradford, the electoral college is "...Unfair, outdated, and irrational." (Plumer paragraph 14) It's about time we got rid of it and changed the way we elected our new president.
"The more technology we have the more knowledge we loose. The more technology we have the more lazy we get." Cars could fundamentaly change the world. In the article "Driverless Cars Are Coming," the author presents both postive and negative aspects of driveless cars. Driverless cars have a more negative aspect than a positive aspect because it can cause many accidents, they're expensive and they are too smart. Driverless cars are faster than any other car ,a lot of people are facinated with them but the fact that these cars can steer, accelerate and brake themselves can cause many accidents. These driveless cars dont drive through work zones and around accidents. The car will require the human's attention whenever there's a problem. if the techonology fails whose fault is it? the drive or the manufacturer? One of the biggest concerns about driveless cars is that they're really expensive baecause they have many expensive sensors;sensors on the left rear wheel, a rotating sensor on the roof, a video camara mounted near the rearview mirror, four automotive radar sensors and a GPS. imagine how much all of these things could cost? very expensive and what if one day you wake up and the car doesnt work? imagine how expesive it is going to be to fix it. Lastly, Driveless cars are too smart. They have a very advanced technology. They have all thse sensors and too much technology can be very dangerous for humans, tis technology is not nessesary for hiumans. in Conclusion, Driveless cars can be very dangerous but a a lot people would love to buy them just for the simply fact that it can be more practical, that way the dont have to drive to store if they dont want to or to their jobs or even to another state. There is only four states that have approved the use of this cars. Manufactures believe that more states will follow as soon as the cars proved more reliably safe.
i disgress using value of technology to read students emotional expresstion ,in the modern the technology its very prosperity,the social devemplmant well, we can invent something using we life to be the convenience, its also confine the someing. like the article. and i think the facial actial action coding system maybe good maybe bad. from the "makig mona lisa smile" we can read to 83 percent happy, 9 percent disgusted, 6 percent fearful, and 2 percent angry, that it is we want,i think it is very precise,maybe we can find than more expressions but l think taht not we want ,the famous drawed it syomby the history, i think the author drawing this he never this can have so many emotion, further say the emotional expression to value for person the emotional it is not very good , we dont prohibition this technology just for the student its is not very. i read to the paragraph 6, i read to the dr. huang say a" classroom computer could recogize when a student is becoming confused or bored"that good we can using the technology to the good way ,is not demolition the classic,we can using to home pc to convenience,like we can down some simple insttructions that"encode"different emotions,fact its a good idea,they difference between a genuine smile and a forced one,lift the corners of your mouth. for the 9 say "we unconsciously imitate another person facil expressions. i greass it. so i this system have benfitie and bay way just lets we hao to use it
The Seagoing Cowboys program is a very beneficial group. I am Luke Bomberger, and I think you should join the Seagoing Cowboys program. This program is a job opportunity to help take care of animals that are shipped off to other countries that were left in ruins. When I was a Seagoing Cowboy, I helped others, took care of animals, and got to go to places all over the world. The Seagoing Cowboy program has people taking care of animals such as horses young cows, and mules that are shipped overseas. When I worked overseas as a Seagoing Cowboy, I served as a watchman on my second trip. On the boat, I checked the animals every hour, and I cracked my ribs. Even though I got hurt, it was a good experience to work on a boat with animals. Along with helping others, you get to see many other esqusite places. I got to see parts of Europe and China, but the most special place I got to see was the Acropolis in Greece. It was also special when I took a gondola ride in Venice, Italy. And these are just a few of the amazing places I've visited! Being a Seagoing Cowboy is a lot of work, but it sure is a lot of fun, seeing and learning things from all over the world. How did I become a Seagoing Cowboy, you asked? Well, my friend Don Reist invited me to go with him on a cattle boat to Europe, and I couldn't say no. It was an opportunity of a lifetime. In Europe, we heard about the UNRRA hiring people to take care of the livestock that was to be shipped to other countries. Don and I signed up. This decision changed my life forever. After I signed up, I got to do many things. That is my story of becomoing a Seagoing Cowboy, and now it's your turn to become one. Now that you all know about my experience, come and see for yourself how great it is to be a Seagoing Cowboy. There are lots of fun things to do, and lots to learn! Have an adventurous time being a Seagoing Cowboy!
The ways we know that the face is just a natural land form and not something created by Aliens is because we have done real research on the Landform. Not only that but when we took the pictures we used our camera’s absolute maximum resolution so it would be as clear as possible. Plus the evidence has changed. Each pixel in the 2001 image spans 1.56 meters, compared to 43 meters per pixel in the best 1976 Viking photo. So we know that the planet is changing and thats how we know that the landform isn't created by Aliens. Plus we have a Surveyor which is a mapping spacecraft that normally looks straight down and scans the planet like a fax machine in narrow 2.5 km-wide strips. The number one way we know it is a land form and not something created by Aliens is because “As a rule of thumb, you can discern things in a digital image 3 times bigger than the pixel size,” he added. “So, if there were objects in this picture like airplanes on the ground or Egyptian-style pyramids or even small shacks, you could see what they were!”. Also we have pictures from 1976, 1998, and 2001 that shows its change and that it's a landform.
A new technology, called the Facial Action Coding System, has been developed by Professor Thomas Huang from the Beckman Institute for Advanced Science at the University of Illinois and Professor Nicu Sebe from the University of Amsterdam. This software can analyze a face and determine which emotions are displayed. It creates a map of the face from either a picture or scan and then determines which muscles and regions of the face are contracted. This information is then used to determine the exact percentages of emotion in the face. While this technology is incredible and definitely will have various areas of use, the classroom is not one of these areas as there are already more efficient and more cost-effective methods to determine a student's comprehension of a topic. In schools today, this facial recognition and emotional analysis is already in use. As the author of "Making Mona Lisa Smile", Nick D'Alto, states, "[...] humans perform this same impressive 'calculation' every day" (D'Alto 5). While teachers teach lessons or assist an individual student, they can observe the student's face and can determine how the student is reacting to the material. A machine is not required to do this action, and it would cost much more than a teacher who can already perform the same task and teach the lesson accordingly. Perhaps if both the teaching and facial analysis was done by a computer, then using this technology in online classrooms may be worthwhile. Dr. Huang predicts that "'A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored,' [...] 'Then it could modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor'" (D'Alto 6). The problem with this solution is that there are already websites such as Khan Academy that teach the student and analyze their performance without the need for invasive methods such as constantly recording the student's face. Khan Academy simply asks students questions as it teaches or gives interactive activities that record the performance and help them see what they currently comprehend and what they need to review more. This method already functions very well and is personalized, therefore bringing in a new and more invasive performance analysis method into online learning is not necessary at all. As if the previous two points were not enough, this new technology requires more computing power than your average household or school computer has. As D'Alto explains, "Your home PC can't handle the complex algorithms used to decode Mona Lisa's smile" (D'Alto 7). The implemenation of this software would require heavy upgrades to processing power in every computer that would be running it which would be incredibly expensive. Many schools and households do not have the money for this kind of large-scale upgrade to their computers. Moreover, this would be an expense with little benefit because everything this software is capable of can already be performed better, cheaper, and more efficiently by teachers and websites. While this new software certainly is impressive, it simply is not necessary in the classroom. Human teachers can already analyze their students' emotions and interact with them directly, and existing learning websites such as Khan Academy analyize performance with questions and activities without being invasive to the students' privacy. Neither of these methods use the high processing power required to use this technology, and neither come with the significant cost of upgrades and other implementation fees. All in all, this innovation has no place in the classroom at this current time.
In the article "The Challenge of Exploring Venus" a writer states that scientists are trying to study the planet Venus. In his article, he claims that while it is very risky, it may be worth it in the end. he also gives details about how dangerous it really is, and what the planet might have been at one point in time. In the second paragraph, The writer claims that Venus is referred to as Earth's "twin''. But the only evidence he gives to back up this claim is that "Venus is the closest planet to Earth in terms of desnity and size." but in reality, Earth and Venus are very differnet. Earth is much safer in terms of temperature, pressure, and gas compaired to Venus. Venus has a blanket of gas that covers it that is, "almost 97 percent carbon dioxide." Plus, on its surface, "temperatures average over 800 degrees Fahrenheit." with the level of carbon dioxide and the ragging heat that it has, nothing is safe for long on Venus, especially humans. He does state that several spacecrafts have attempted to land on Venus, and only lasted a few hours, but he doesnt state what happened to them. most people would guess that they just melted entirely because of the extreme heat, which is most likely what happened, but we don't know for sure. Not only is high temperatures and extreme pressures an issue, he also states that there are volcanoes and major earthquakes that happen, plus lightning is constant as well. But there is no context to whether or not scientists are trying to figure out what causes the the powerful earthquakes to happen, or why lightning strikes frequently happen. He also states that, "Venus was probably covered largely with oceans and could have supported various forms of life." But there is nothing that follows it that claims what happened or could have happened to cause high pressures, high temperatures, and a high level of carbon dioxide to form. While scientists believe that Venus was at one point like earth, there are some facts that show that it has the looks of earth in some ways. the writer says that Venus, "has a surface of rocky sediments and includes familiar features such as valleys, mountains, and craters." These features are exactly what earth has as well. But there could be more than what meets the eye. In parapgraph six, the writer says that," peering a Venus from a ship orbiting or hovering safely far above the planet can provide only limited insight on ground conditions becuase most forms of light cannot penetrate the dense atmosphere." This issue puts a damper on scientists ability to study the planet. But thats just it, what are scientists trying to study. The article says,"Many researchers are working on innovations that would allow our machines to last long enough to contribute meaningfully to our knowledge of Venus.'' Which is great they are working on that, but what are they trying to collect, find, or explore. Overall, the article is good, but there needs to be more detail in what is happening. they need information on what scientists are specifically trying to study, what they are looking for, and more detail on how they are progressing in studying Venus. With more details about what they are trying to find, it would be easier to evaluate whether or not the scientist efforts are really worth it, or just a waste of time. A planet that is inhabitable by humans or anything living is already a risk as is.
I think that the face on mars is just a nautral landform because the text states that few scientists believed it was an alien artifact. Also, the passage says that on April 5, 1998 when Mars Global Surveyor flew over Cydonia for the first time and the team snapped a picture, revealing that it was just a landform. Even though the team did this, people still beleive that it was a face. The Face of Marshad become a very big thing for pop culture. It was on TV, was in books, and on the radio. We see things in everyday life like clouds. They remind us of animals, objects, maybe even memories. I cannot make a conclusion and say that cloud is a bunny and think that one day a bunny was in the cloud and it's face started to form. It is based on your perspective. To me, it looks like a natural landform on Mars but maybe to other people it looks like some type of ancient face. If people think it is an ancient face then people are going to ask questions then it creates an even bigger mystery. This was just coencidence. So, that is why I think that the creation on Mars is just a natural landform.
I believe that NASA or any other space organizations could have a chance to visit other planets, or such as the "Evening Star". Just by reading this article made me think on how this could realy work but only in a matter of time could this happen. My claim to "The Challenge of Exploring Venus" is a positive response because the author talked about in the story on how thick the atmosphere is, the temperature and the enviroment is like. Venus is a risk to travrel too, but in the long run it'll be worth it. Earths twin is most likely a deadly plant for right now we could possibly try another solution by visiting it. In paragraph 5 it said "A vehicle hovering 30 or so miles above the roiling Venusian Landscape" to avoid the 170 degrees Fahrenheit surface its good to make suggestions and try it out on earth before taking it to venus. I agree on having robots visiting venus first before letting humans try for themselves is way better and safe. Robots are made to survive longer then humans for these types of missions, They could bring us information that humans probably could not and would last longer in different climates. Venus is a deadly planet, But is the second choice if planet Earth would ever be in a dangerous sitituation and would have to evacuate. Better now then never, If i had the chance to expeirment id take that chance because evenatually Earth wont last forever. It would be a great idea to start now and help our future to be in a safe place. I would make the most of what i got here on Earth to help my grandchildern be alive in the future. Thats why i strongly believe on Venus to being a second home for us to live and see our gerenration of humans live long and forever and keep expanding.
This system could be very benificial in classrooms for many reasons. One reason being this system can literally tell what all of your emotions are an what percent each of them are. How a student feel about school or a class can effect how they do in school or the class big time. If a student hates the class and dreads going there every single day then that will effect how they do in the class and usaully for the worse, this does not mean they will fail the class but alot of the time there grade will not be as good as it should be. If a student loves the class and loves going to school then obviously they will be more ingaged and do better in the class most of the time. Schools could use this system to see what they could change in the school to make kids enjoy class and school more. Them doing this would hopefully improve grades and attitudes toward school which could always lead to more students wanting to go to college. There are alot of long term very benifical plans that could come with this.
The idea of an entire area having no car owners sounds a little strange to someone living in a big city. Especially a suburnban area with no cars, but in places like Vauban, Bogata and even Paris have revolutionized the idea of transportation. Vauban, Germany- is a suburban area where 70 percent of the families that live there do not own a car, and 57 percent sold a car to move there. Car ownership is allowed but there are only a couple places to park such as large parking garages at the edge of the developement where you can buy a parking space for 40,000, and with the purchace of a home. Residents of Vauban such as Heidrun Walter, mother of two children says when she owned a car she was was always tense and that she is much happier without a car. Vauban is home to 5,500 residents and may be the most advanced experiment in low-car suburban life. Paris, France nearly hit the record for highest polluted city in the world, until they banned the citizens from driving to clear the air of the global city. People who had an even-numbered license plate were ordered to leave their cars at home or pay a 22-euro fine, which is 31$ in America, the same applied to the odd-numbered plates the following day. Approximetly 4,000 drivers were fined. Congestion was down 60 percent in Paris. After 5 days of intensifying smog rivaled Beijing, China, known as one of the most polluted cities in the world. Diesel fuel was blammed for the mass pollution, Diesels make up 67 percent of vehicles in France. The smog cleared enough for the ruling French party to rescind the ban or odd-numbered plates. In Bogota, Colombia there is a program that is set to spread to other countries, where millions of Colombians hiked, biked, skated, or took buses to work for a car-free day, leaving the large capital city devoid of traffic jams. The goal of this car-free day is to promote alternative transportation and reduce smog, the turnout was successful. Citizens of Bogota like Carlos Arturo Plaza says it's a good opprotunity to take away stress and lower air pollution. For the first time two other Colombian cities, Cali and Valledupar, joined the event. Higher authorities from other countries came to Bogota to see the event. "These people are generating a revolutionary change, and this is crossing borders" said Enrique Riera, the mayor of Asuncion, Paraguay. Car-free day started in the mid-1990's and as created the construction of 118 miles of bicycle paths, the most of any Latin American city. Getting out of your car and taking a walk for a couple miles is something you should consider doing everyday. Walking has a insane amount of advantages, it can even save your life. The amount of pollution in the world is doing nothing but rising and the best way to avoid it getting any worse is reducing the amount of driving we do everyday.  
The future is coming, and this future should include driverless, autonomous cars as another step in technological advancement in human society. Even though they are not completely driveless yet, they can provide so much if properly tested and improved upon such as additionaly safety on the road. These driverless cars use all kinds of sensors to help the car view its surroundings, the most important one being a spinning sensor on the roof called the LIDAR. It uses laser beams to form a 3D model of the car's surroundings so that it can see all sides of the car instead of just the front. These cars also allow new levels of safety that a machine could provide more easily than a human would be able to. For example these cars have antilock brakes that use speed sensors at the wheels which can allow cars to automatically apply brakes on individual wheels and reduce power from the engine. This provides far better response and control from the car than the average human could apply alone. Another safety feature provided by these cars is the alert systems such as vibrating seats and an in-car entertainment system that turns off instantly when the driver's attention is needed. While it is true that autonomous cars are not completely autonomous yet, that could very well change in just a few years. Human technology advances rather quickly. Back in 2000, technology wasn't advanced enough to build things like antilock brakes or sensors that could track and constantly update a 3D model of one's surrounding. 13 years later, technology like this has been built and is currently being used. Tesla has already promised the release of a car capable of driving autonomously 90% of the time sometime in 2016 and others like Mercedes-Benz and Nissan are planning to release fully autonomous vehicles in 2020, so technology is clearly on its way to becoming advanced enough for these vehicles soon. Autonomous vehicles such as these promise a future of less traffic accidents in our nation and will overall be a step foward for our society.
I think that when picking the president that the people of the united states should be the ones to pick instead the electoral college makes the choices of who we get for president. When you vote along with everyong else i think that the majority of the votes should get that presedent instead of everyone voteing and then it getting sent to the electoral college and them getting to pick who they want wich i dont think is right i think that the people should pick who they want by the votes. The one with the most popular vote should win. When you vote for a presidential candidate you are actually voting for slate of electors. The electoral college consist of 538 electors and a majority of 270 electoral votes is required to elect the president. If you where running for president and you didnt have as many votes from the people as the ofter guy you can still win the election cause of the electoral college is the one that makes the decision to who we have as the president. each party selects a slate of electors trusted to vote for the party's nominee. It is entirely possible that the winner of the electoral vote will not wing the national popular vote. This is a very rare thing to happen it has only ever happen twice it happen in 2000 and 1888. People think that they should abolish the electoral college because they think it is not right that they get to vote for who actually becomes president they think it should be the citizens right to pick who we want as president rather than letting the electoral college vote for us for president. In columbia they are allocated 3 electors and treated like a state for purposes of the electoral college. In conclusion i think that it is not right that the electoral college gets to pick are president for us but i think that we should be able to pick are president by popular vote instead of haveing that electoral college.  
The Electoral College is a process, not a place. The founding fathers established it in the constitution as a compromise between election of the President by a vote in Congress and election of the President by a popular vote of qualified citizens. I think the best way to know who wins the election is by the majority votes to the candidate. The Electoral College process consists of the selection of the electors, the meeting of the electors where they vote for President and Vice President, and the counting of the electoral votes by Congress. The voting system should be done like specificly, because if you setup different things it's not going to work at all. It depends what kind of setups you are making. But I think it's not the good way to make voting system in setups. Each candidate running for president in our state has his or her own of electors. The electors are generally chosen by the candidate's political party, but state laws vary on how the electors are selected and what their responsibilties are. Under the electoral college system, voters vote not for the president, but for a slate of electors, who in turn elect the president. The singal best argument against theelectoral college is what we might call the disaster factor. The American people should consider themselves lucky for the 2000 fiasco was the biggest election crisis in a century; the sysytem allows for much worse. Consider that state allows for much worse. Consider that state legislatures are technically responsible for picking electors, and that those electors could always defy the will of the people. Perhaps most worrying is the prospect of a tie in the elecrtoral vote. In that case, the election would be thrown to the House of the Representatives, where state delegations vote on the president. Because each state casts only one vote, the singal representative from Wyoming, representating 500,000 voters, would have as much say as the representative from California. Given that many voters vote one party for president and another for Congress, the House's seletion can hardly be expected to reflect the will of the people. And if an electoral tie seems unlikely, consider this: In 1968, a shift of just 41,971 votes would have occured if a mere 5,559 voters in Ohio and 3,687 voters in Hawaii had voted the other way. The election is only a few swing voters away from catastrophe. It's official: The electoral college is unfair, outdated, and irrational. The best arguments in favor of it are mostly assertions without much basis in reality. And the arguments against direct elections are spurious at best. It's hard to say thsi, but Bob Dole was right: Abolish the electoral college! The Electoral College requires a presidential candidate to have trans-regional appeal. No region has enough electoral votes to elect a president. So a solid regional favorite, such as Romney was in the South, has no incentive to campaign heavily in those states, for he gains no electoral; votes by increasing his plurity in states that he knows he will win. This is a desirable resuly because a candidate with only regional appeal is unlikely to be succesful president. The residents of the other regions are likely to fell disenfranchised-to feel that their votes do not count, that the new president will have no regard for their interests, that he really isn't their president. It can be argued that the Electoral College method of selecting the president may turn off potential voters for a candidate who has no hope for carrying their state-Democrats in Texas, for example, or Republicians in California. Knowing their vote will have no effect, they have less incentive to pay attention to the campaign than they would have if the president were picked by the popular vote. But of course no voter's vote swings a national election, and in spite of that, about one-half the eligible American population did vote in election. Voters in presidential elections are people who want to express a political preference rather than people who think that a single vote may decide an election. My only suggestion is to do the votes through the majority voters to the candidate because any kind of setups are not going to work. And the people are not likely going to believe all that stuff. It's kind of hard to do that but, it will going to work.
The Face on Mars wasn't created by "aliens", it's was Martian mesa. The Martian mesa was located around Cydonia, just this one has unusual shadows. Many conspiracy theorists think that the face is bona fide evidence of life on Mars, and that's why NASA would rather hide it from the public. People says that NASA is hiding it, even though a few days later they unveiled the image for everyone to see. Plus, it's been in books, magazines, radio talk shows, it even starred in a Hollywood film, think about that! Some scientist believed that the Face was an alien artifact, eventhough it's not. The image first appeared on a JPL website revealing that it is indeed . . . a natural landform. Not a lot was satisfied at this. On the board MGS had to peer through clouds just to see the Face; which made some people say "Perhaps alien markings were hidden by haze." So what did the MGS do, then went back to check it out. It was not an easy trip, but when they went back to take another photo they noticed something extraordinary. What the team saw was a Martian Mesa or butte-which are landforms around the American West. They noticed that 1976 Viking photo can span 43 meters per pixel, but in the 2001 image can span over 1.5 meters. So if there were objects in this picture you would have seen them more clearly in the 2001 photo then in the 1976 Viking photo.
Hi I'm Luke Bomberger. I'm a Seagoing Cowboy. My life changed when i joined the Seagoing Cowboys program. You should join the program too! Why you may ask? You get to help people all around the world. The Seagoing Coyboys take care of the horses, young cows, & mules that were shipped over seas. To help these countries recover their food supplies, animals, & more, 44 nations joined together to form UNRRA (the United Nations Relief & Rehabilitation Administration). For exaple, my friend Don Reist & I went to Europe to help. It was 1945, World War II was over it Europe, and many countries were left in ruins. You get to sight see when you have the time. You get to take once in a lifetime trips around the world. It's also fun abord the ship, especially on the return trips after the animals have been unloaded. The cowboys and I played baseball & volleyball games. We also did; table-tennis tournaments, fencing, boxing, reading, whittling, & games to help pass the time. Being a Seagoing Cowboy opens up the world to you. So you see? Being a Seagoing Cowboy was much more than an adventure for me. Even though it requires alot of work. When it comes down to it, you have lots of fun & help a lot of people. Thats all that really matters!
The conspiracy about there being life on the moon in this article is not correct. For someone to claim there is life anywhere but the planet Earth needs to provide evidence. Providing evidence is not just having a theory with people backing you up. Evidence is providing proof, proof is pictures lab tests and finding all possiblities that that is the only thing it could be. The article however cannot provide proof or hardly any evidence there are living things on Mars. The article does provide a picture, but the picture is nothing but a mear misunderstanding. The picture provided is what is called a lava dome, simply shapes creating the form of a face. People like to take little things and make them into something just because they can. Many people are making a large amount of money off of this discovery and that's what people are after now, people care about money and publisity. This scientific breakthrough is nothing but a scam really. People want to believe what they hear and so most of the time they will. Things can be photoshopped now a days with all the new technology so I suppose you can never know for sure. New discoveries are scary and scientists will keep on discovering the world and even whats outside of our world but there's no gaurentee this is a real ailen artifact. Things form together and make random shapes, this shape on Mars just so happened to be a face, big deal that doesn't mean anything. The image might also be slightly blurred, purhaps taken at an angle at which forms it into a face. Angle is everuthing, angle can make something look like it actually isn't, it plays tricks on your mind and your eyes. Maybe this is a mark left by an ailen and if so scientists are ready to let out all the truth because the public isnt ready for something new, something unheard of. The only thing the picture actually shows is the Martain equivalent of a butte or a mesa, landforms common around the american west, does this mean aliens are also on our planet? I think not. There is no life on Mars proven what so ever and all that this picture is is a misshaped landform misrepresented. The picture provided is nothing more then a shape that people are claiming is an alien artifact but in the end there still isn't enough evidence to support that claim.
The Viking one spacecraft has just sent pictures to NASA from what appears to be a face on mars. I personally believe that this is just some natural landform on mars made from weathering. It did look good but our sensation was short lived. Other scientists and I believe it was just a Martion mesa, they are common around Cydonia, only this one had unusual shadows that made it look like and Egyptian Pharaoh. A few days after we found this formation Nasa unveiled the image for others to see. We put a caption that noted it was a huge rock formation. It resembled a human head, formed by shadows giving the illusion of eyes, nose, and a mouth. In the America West there are landforms like the face and of the same size. The face reminds Garvin of the Middle Butte in the Snake river Plain of Idaho. On April 5, 1998, when Mars GLobal Surveyor flew over Cydonia for the first time, Michael Malin and his Mars Orbiter Camera team snapped a picture ten times sharper than the original Viking photos. Thousands of web surfers were waiting when the image first appeared on JPL website, revealing a natural landform. There was nor alien monument after all. What the picture actually shows is the Martian equivalent of a butte or mesa. Landforms around the American West. It reminds Garvin most of the Middle butte in the Snake River Plain of Idaho. That's a lava dome that takes form of an isolated mesa about the same height as the Face on Mars. There is no aliens on Mars.
Venus, also called the Evening Star is one of the brightest points of light in the night sky. This nickname is misleading since Venus is actually a planet. Venus is the second planet from our sun and the hottest planet in our solar system. Often referrd to as Earth's twin, Vinus is closest to Earth in term of density and size, but it's a dengrouse and challenging planet. Venus is very dangerous. Venus is very dangerous. Why? Almsot 90% carbon dioxide blankets Venus. Even more challenging are the clouds of highly corrosive sulfuric acid in Venus's atomsphere, and the average temperature is over 800 degree Fahrenheit. Venus has the hottest surface temperature of any planet in our solar system, even though is not the closest to our sun. The atmosoheric pressure is 90 times greater than what we experience on our own planet. Also Venus has weather present additional impediments like erupting volcanoes, powerful earthquakes, and frequesnt lighting strikes to probes seeking to land on its surface. Venus is a very dengerous place to go to. It's the hottest planet on our solar systeam. It has volcanoes, powerful earthquakes, and frequesnt lighting strike. But why we wanna go there? Astronomers are fascinated by Venus because it may well once have been the most Earth like planet. Long ago, Venus was probably covered largly with oceans and could have supported various forms of life, just like Earth. It may not be easy conditions, but survivable for humans if we found a way to land on.
I think that the use of this technology in a classroom environment would be a great thing. Some students have a disconnect to certain teaching styles while other students thrive with the same teaching style their teacher is using. All students would get an approach stylized to them if this system was used because the computer could read the facial expressions of two seperate children and either edit the information they are seeing to be more likable by one student but for the other student their could be no change at all if they show no signs of boredom or disinterest. In paragraph six the author of "Making Mona Lisa Smile" backs this up when he says "A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becomin confused or bored, then ith could modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor." It would be like having an effective human instructor for each child by planning the lessons around each child individually and showing, telling, or reading them the information in helpful and creative ways that effect each child. Each child learns in different way and no two childrens learning patterns are the same. If each child had a separate lesson plan each day, trained towards their specific way of learning then we would not see as many children failing classes or dropping out of school due to poor classroom environments. If this technology was added into classrooms across the world each student in each classroom would get their own stylized approach to learning that will help them the most rather than sitting in lecture halls tuning out the lecture or presentation because they are thinking about going outside and throwing around a baseball or a frisbee, with this technology that same student could get a presentation that relates the information to throwing a frisbbe or baseball and would then become more focused because they are being taught the information in an effective and meaningful way to them.
Many people have come to believe that there is a ''face'' on Mars. In May 2001, a spacecraft from NASA spotted something on Mars that they thought looked like a face, but it really isn't. I agree it does look relatively like a face, but I am here to tell you the truth about what that face really is. What the picture actually shows is the martian equivalent of a butte or mesa-landforms common around the American West. Jim Garvin said "It reminds me most of Middle Butte in the Snake River Plain of Idaho." If you don't know what that is, its a lava dome that takes the form of an isolated mesa about the same height as the face on Mars. On April 5, 1998 when Mars Global Surveyor flew over Clydonia for the first time, Michael Malin and his Mars Orbiter camera team snapped a picture ten times sharper than the original Viking photos.(which were not very clear) Thousands of anxious web surfers were waiting for NASA to share the picture. As they posted the picture online, it revealed that it was clearly not a face created by aliens, it was just a landform that looked like a face. But after NASA showed the whole world that there was no face on Mars, not everyone was satisfied. They even said that the face on Mars is located at 41 degrees north martian latitude. And that it was winter in April '98- a cloudy time of year on Mars. They also said that since it was such a cloudy time on Mars that the camera made a mistake because it had to peer through wispy clouds to see the face. Some skeptics even said that perhaps alien markings were hidden by the cloudy haze. I can assure you that those rumors may seem logical, but they are not real at all. Our cameras did not make any mistakes and Mars "face" is just a landform. If you ever hear from anyone that Mars has a face you can tell them that it isn't real and that there are no such thing as aliens on mars nor will there ever be.
I believe that the use of the Facial Action Coding System to read the emotional expressions of students in a classroom is valuable and useful. Imagine this, you are a child in a boring old science or math class and you are frowning and you are just so bored. Then all of a sudden your teacher is making the lesson more interesting by adding superheros or music. How did she do that? Now put yourself into the shoes of the teacher in that situation. You look on your computer and see that your whole class is bored and angry. Why not make this more interesting by putting on upbeat music and adding glitter and bright colors to your notes? That is what you can do with this new technology. This technology would be really useful in all the classrooms. If you put it on the teachers computers it would really bring the childrens grades up and hopefully keep them interested and thinking about what tomorrows lesson is going to be like. With this new technology it might even keep kids out of trouble just so they won't miss their favorite class with their new favorite teacher. The text has many many pros of why you would want this program in classrooms. In paragraph one it states, "She's 83 percent happy, 9 percest disgusted, 6 percent fearful, and 2 percent angry." This is when they were talking about the Mona Lisa. The Facial Action Coding System shows all the emotion Mona Lisa was showing even though it is a painting and was painted a very long time ago. In paragraph three the text states, "happiness, surprise, anger, disgust, fear, and sadness-and then associated each with characteristic movements of the facial muscles." and paragraph four, "Using video imagery, the new emotion recognition software tracks these facial movements- in a real face or in the painted face of Mona Lisa. By weighting the different units, the software can even identify mixed emotions. Each expression is compared against a neutral face." These examples show all the emotions it can identify, such as the Mona Lisa and her mixed emotions. Another quote says, "For instance you can probably tell how a friend is feeling simply by the look on her face. Of course, most of us would have trouble actually describing each facial trait that conveys happy, worried, etc." The last two example and quotes I gave prove how intelligent this machine is. It can identify emotions better thanus humans, and we make the facial expressions! This technology may be great and all but the only downside is that you can not have it on your laptop, the text states, "Your home PC can't handles the complex algorithms used to decode Mona Lisa's smile." This has some pros and some cons. One con in the text says, "Imagine a computer thqat knows when you're happy or sad, For examples, if you smile when a Web ad appears on your screen, a similar ad might follow. But if you frown, the next ad will be different." That could be really upsetting considering how annoying some ads are. For example if you have a cat but it is showing an ad for bird food, what will that be useful for? If teachers couldn't have the program for the Facial Action Coding System on their school computers they could always jusrt smile and try to be happy. In paragrqaph nine the text states, "According to the Facial Feedback Theory of Emotion, moving your facial muscles not only expresses emotions, but also may even help produce them." The author also states, "A renowned drama coach, Constantin Stanislavsky, had his actors carefully reproduce smiling and frowning as a way of creating these emotions on stage. Empathy may happen because we unconsciously imitate another person's facial expressions." This shows that of a teacher smiles or laughs or changes her voice to a more upbeat pitch, the students may be more happy with the lesson.
New cars are invented almost everyday, some are larger than others and some are smaller than others. Many of them produce pollution that is not healthy for anyone, and by anyone meaning humans, plants and animals. In life there are disadvantages and advantages for everything but limiting car usage has more advantages. If people limit the car usage there would be less pollution and people will be less stressed. To begin, too much pollution can be very bad for the world. If people start limiting their car usage then the air we breathe will be much fresher and cleaner. Also more plants will grow and more of everything will survive. Furthermore, people all around the world will be less stressed. While driving a car people have to deal with everyone getting infront them and skipping lines or dealing with traffic, well if they start limiting car usage then that problem will me resolved. There would be less cars in the streets and everything would flow more. The lines to go pick up their children at school will reduce. Everything would go smoother and more fluently. To conclude, it is obviously more comfortable driving a car than a bike or a motorcycle, but people have to understand that limiting it would make things a lot better. Less people would be stressed because they will not have to deal with others cutting in lines, and another very important detail, less accidents will occur due to that less cars will be around then the usual.
The Facial Action Coding System being applied for a student in the classroom can lead to many benefits and improvements in the classroom. This system could be applied in way that help develop the learning and how to teach the student to be more interactive in the classroom. Ways that this Coding System can be used to improve students in a classroom in that the System can determine whether or not a student is interactive in the class, if a student is cheating or lying, or whether things outside of school are affecting/bothering the student. One way that this Facial Action Coding System can benefit the teacher and student is whether or not the student is interactive in the class. If the Facial Action Coding System were to take pictures of the student throughout the class and see what kind of emotions students are experiencing throughout the class, this could actually help the teacher. For example, if the student shows expressions of happiness throughout the class, then the teacher should continue her approach of learning, because happier student tend to be more interactive in the class. If the Facial Action Coding System were to analyze students feeling disgust or sadness throughout the class, this would be beneficial for the teacher in that this implies the teacher needs to change their approach and if the teacher were to question the student, how and what they (the teachers) can do to allow the students to be more interactive. Dr. Huang says, "A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored," Dr. Huang predicts. "Then it could modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor." (Huang, paragraph 6). This shows that even online learning could be changed using this Coding System and that using this technology would be beneficial throughout different kinds of learning systems and different kinds of students. Also, as I said before, if the Coding System is able to detect students feeling bored or becoming confused in class, it may lead to the teacher changing his approach on how to teach the lesson. Also, the Facial Action Coding System could also be helpful in that the system could help teacher find cheaters and dishonest students in the class. An example of this is that if the Facial Action Coding System were to detect fear or surprise if a teacher confronts a student on cheating, this will help the teacher on deciding if the teacher actually cheated or whether the student was actually innocent. Also if the student decides to lie and fake an happy expression, the machine would also be able to detect this. This author states the system is able to detect a fake expression when he states, "Meanwhile, muscles called orbicularis oculi pars palpabraeus makes crow feet around your eyes. But in a false smile, the smile is stretched sideways using the zygomatic major and a different muscle, the risorius. To an expert, faces don't lie; thes muscle clues are sometimes used to spot when a "smiling" politician or celebrity isn't being truthful." (D'Alto, paragraph 8). This quote shows that the machine to detect a faked expression and if the student is lying or faking an expression, the teacher will be able to call him out on it using the Facial Action Coding System. The Facial Coding System could also detect whether things outside of school is affecting him and whether or not the student need help. For example, if the student were constantly to have a sad and fear expression throughout the school, the counselor/principal may be able to ask the student what is going on and why the student constantly is feeling this type of way. The counselor/principal may discover things that could be traumatizing to the student and proceed to get the studen help or aid. In conclusion, having a Facial Action Coding System may be beneficial for both the student and the teacher in a classroom. With this system, teachers are able to identify whether they should change the way the way they teach the class, if a student is faking an expression when caught cheating or lying in the classroom, and if something is concerning a student outside of school. All of these reasons prove that schools should start implementing this new system into their technology such as video cameras, computers, and tablets.
I think that having communityes without cars is great for the inviroment and if people want to do that then good for them. but i dont think i could survive with out a car and i dont think many people could just to get to work it may take and 1 hour- 30 minutes to get there. but if there was a community where no one had a car and everyone rode there bike ir walked. Then there would be no reason to have a car because then all your job oppertunitys would be close by and you would not need to drive to get there. So i really dont see my self ever being able to go and doing somethuing like not using a car. but if thats what people want to do then thats good for them. i want people as a whole to be happy. i think that we can make our own decisions in our life and you know what people should not be judging someone else for there life decisions. its your life live it how you want i really makes me mad when people start getting mad at someone for something they have done because if it has already beeen done they cant go back and change it. it is already done and thats not cool. i think that a community with no cars would be good but not for me and i think there will be a good ammount of people would not give up a car just so they could go run and bike places?    
The conditions on Venus are far my extreme than anything expereinced on Earth. It has a thick atmosphere of almost 97 percent carbon. It also has clouds of highly corrosive sulfuric acid in the atmosphere. In paragraph 3 is says " On the planet's surface, temperatures average over 800 degrees Fahrenheit and the atmosphereic pressure is 90 times greater than what we expreience on our own planet". Despite all the dangers Venus seems to present its self, the author still thinks its a worthy pursuit to studying Venus. "Venus is the closest planet to Earth in terms of density and size" said in paragraph 2. Astronmers think that it might of been the most Earth-like planet in our solar system. They say it was probably covered with large oceans and could have supported various forms of life. It also has features that are similar to Earth like having a surface of rocky sediment, valleys, mountains, and craters. NASA has a possible solution to sending humans to study Venus that'll help with its dangerous circumstances. In paragpah 5 it says, "NASA's possible solution to the hostile conditions on the surface of Venus would allow scientists to float above the fray". NASA is working on other ways to study Venus as well, like simpilar technology that are made of silicon carbide, and going back to using old techngoly. Venus might be a dangerous and risky planet to explore but it could be possibly done with all this research being done. The author claims that it will have insight to be gained on the planet and also that "our travels on Earth and beyond should not be limited by dangers and doubts but should be expanded to meet the very edges of imagination and innovation" said in paragraph 8 by the author.
Driverless cars are the next big thing to come into our world. Driverless cars would be such a help to everyone around the world. With all the traffic out there you get tired of stoping and going, then hitting the gas then the brake. Well now you dont have to do any of that with driverless cars. They'll do it on their own, all you have to do is steer at times. So, with having driverless cars they will do less harm to the enviroment, safer for your freinds and family, and it's easier on you. First, the driverless cars are less harm to the enviromen. Just think of all the taxis out there in the big cities wasting all the gas that we put into them. It harms the enviroment way too much. With these special driving cars it's a proved fact that they use half of the fuel today's taxis use. That means it's not polluting the land as much and the oxygen will be cleaner and fresher as well. With all of the pollution going on our ozone layer is decreasing rapidly and ith the makings of these cars it wont harm the ozone layer as much now, and as a matter of fact it will help it. Moving on, the driverless cars are all in all safer than modern day cars we drive everyday to world and back. At night when you cant see very well and your in the back country it can see up ahead way farther than you ever can. Here's a situation for you, say your driving along in a regular and a deer runs out of the field and SMACK! Now your calling a tow truck in the middle of night and your kids are scared. Now if you had the safe driverless car it could of hit the brakes because it saw the deer run out of the field, and now your driving home safe and your kids are safe. Don't worry about steering, the special car is made to do it. You can just sit back and relax and enjoy the ride to wherever you are going. Lastly, you always want things to be easier on you right? Well now we have a solution for you. Instead of hitting the gas then the brake in the big cities, have the car do that for you. So you don't get fustrated of hitting the brake and gas you can just chill. This specialy made car can ultimately bring you a stress free life. Now you can see that having a driverless car can bring you a better life. With all of the values it has you will never regret gettting one. If you're at the car lot and have to decide wether driverless and have to drive. I can count on you'll make the right choice. So, making it less harmful to the enviroment, making it safer for your travels, and finaly making it easier on yourself, driverless cars are the way to go.
Dear state senator, I believe we should change the election process. You should change it to an election of popular vote and give the people power to decide not on the electors for the candidates, but just on the candidates themselves. It would be a much easier process, and at the same time, a much less expensive way of electing presidents. There was a Gallup poll in 2000 that even states that 60% of the population of voters prefered a direct election instead of using the electoral college. That year, Al Gore won the popular vote, but, thanks to the electoral college, he lost the presidency. Also, the electoral college is an unreliable way to elect the president because the people can't know for sure who chose the electors. Anyone could have chosen them! This is why we should change the election process to an election of popular vote and  let the people decide on the candidates themselves. It would save money by not having so many people in the electoral college to pay and it would be a much easier and fair process.
In The Challenge of Exploring Venus the author was suggesting that Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers we would have to pass through. The author wrote about the dangers of Venus and how different it is if we could find a way to life there. The author talks about how we could benefit from the information from Venus, that Venus is the closest to Earth in density and size and how we are might eventually need another planet if Earth runs out of recources or an event happens that would result in the Earth dying and we need somewhere to go. The infromation that we could get form Venus could be never ending, the information that we could get could change everybodys life on Earth or potentially on Venus. We could use the "insight to be gained on the planet" to improve our ways of life on Earth and change them for the better. The travels that we take "on Earth and beyond should not be limited by dangers and doubts but should be expanded to meet the very edges of imagination and innovation" in order to improve our society and how we live on Earth and change it for the better we need to have the information to understand how we should change for a new and simular Earth. We all know that the Earth can't last forever, the Earth lasting forever would be impossible. Even though living on Venus would be hard and uncomfortable the strength of the "human curiosity will likely lead us into many equally imntimidating endeavors" If Earth's recources last longner that most people are expecting there is bound to be wars that would break the Earth down eventually. The Earth needs a backup that is close enough to the Earth that we could still survive the durastic change in atmosphere. Venus is our worlds closest match the difference in the sizes of the worlds uncanny. It would shock some people how the sizes are closer than any other planet in the solarsystem. Venus is also "Often reffered to as Earth's 'twin', Venus is the closest planet to Earth in terms of density and size, and occasionally the closest in distance too." Scientists have been working on a new kind of blimp that can go as high as our jet planes that would just be "hovering over Venus" and "would avoid the unfriendly ground conditions by staying up and out of their way" This way of living would be hot and cruel to people no used to the pressure of having to live in such a small evironemt but sometimes life isn't good. The scientists that are trying to help our population as a planet are doing the job that nobody wants to do. They are making change and people who cant open their eyes dont see what the scientists think need to happen for survival. The author talks about how we could benefit from the information from Venus, that Venus is the closest to Earth in density and size and how we are might eventually need another planet if Earth runs out of recources or an event happens that would result in the Earth dying and we need somewhere to go.
The Seagoing Cowboys program is great because you get to travel to unique places. As part of this program, I got to go to China, Greease, Europe, Italy and Crete. We also found out how to have fun abored the ship by having Vollyball tornamints, played Basketball, Boxing, reading, and other stuff also. The Seagoing Cowboys helps out with the rubish from World War II. The program can be dangerous, but you help people and you get to help thoese in need and get to go to new places. People who have been with the Seagoing Cowboys said it was a great opportunity. Luke Bomberger was part of the program. It opended up a world to him. "I'm greatful for this oppertunity," He says "It made me more awere of people of other countiries and their needs." That awereness stayed with him, leading his family to host a number of internasinal students and exchange visiters for years. Thoese are some great thing that happened on the Seagoing Cowboys, its a great oppertunity and I hope you take that oppertunity.
In "The Challenge of Exploring Venus," the author suggests that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents. The author points out that astonomers are fascinated by Venus because in may well once have been the most Earth-likeplanet in our solar system. Addtionally, the article also says that NASA has one particulary compelling idea for sending humans to study Venus. Finally, the author points out that NASA is working on other approaches to study Venus. Astronomers are looking for evidence that Venus have the same characteristics as Earth. In the article, it says that, "Astronomers are fascinated by Venus because it may well once have been the most Earth-like planet in our solar system. Long ago, Venus was probably covered largely with oceans and could have supported various forms of life, just like Earth. The planet has a surface of rocky sediments and includes familiar features such as valleys, mountains, and craters." This part of the article proves that it can be safe to go to Venus because the astronomers have an idea on what the surface of the planet looks like. NASA is looking for a way to send humans to Venus without putting their lives at risk. In Paragraph 5, the author points out that, "NASA has one particulary compelling idea for sending humans to study Venus. NASA's possible solution to the hostile conditions on the surface of Venus would allow scientist to float above the fray. Imagine a blimp-like vehicle hovering 30 or so miles above the roiling Venusian landscape. Just as our jet airplanes travel at a higher altitude to fly over many storms, a vehicle hovering over Venus would avoid the unfriendly ground conditions by staying up and out of their way. At thirty-plus miles above the surface, temperatures would still be toasty at around 170 degrees Fahrenheit, but the air pressure would be close to that of sea level on Earth. Solar power would be plentiful, and radiation would not exceed Earth levels. Not easy condition, but survivable for humans." This shows that it would be hard to land on Venus because of the surface. It would be really hard to not to destroy the spacecraft. Finally, NASA is working on other approaches to studying Venus. "For example, some simplified electronics made of silicon carbide have been tested in a chamber simulating the chaos of Venus's surface and have lasted for three weeks in such condition." This quote from the article is telling the reader the NASA is trying to prepare in case they are in bad situation where the people in the craft are in danger. In conclusion, in "The Challenge of Exploring Venus," the author suggests that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents. From the dangerous surface of Venus, to protecting all the passengers in the spacecraft.
The best thing you can come up with is aliens? That sounds like a very lazy excuse. Of all the things you could've said, you said aliens. There's more proof that it is just a formation other than an alien. Your mind will change after you read this. By the way, do you realize that the "Face of Mars" is a pop star? First off, there is no trace of aliens on the planet. NASA has been saying for years that it wasn't aliens that did it. Why would NASA lie to the whole world? Also, why would aliens make a human face? It is just a huge rock formation that resembles a human head and that has been proven. These kinds of thoughts always happen because of the media. They always make something different from what it really is. Now a lot of people think that NASA is keeping information from them, and that there is life on mars. Whenever the media gets the chance to say something about aliens, they always take that chance. Why do you people listen to everything you see or hear? Isn't it dumb to think alien exists? Let's be honest, what real proof do we have of aliens? The fact the huge rock formation looks like a human face is just a coincidence. Just because something has to do with space, doesn't mean aliens have to be a part of it. Aliens are not in space so deal with it. Sorry to upset you but we have to face facts. Also if there were aliens, it would be best if the world didn't know. But there are no aliens so we don't have to worry about that. Face the facts because they don't exist. Don't be a media follower because they are full with false rumors.
Even though Venus has been said to be uninhabital, the author supports his idea of studying Venus enough that would want to make people study it. The author uses logos to prove that Venus is worthy of being studied by stating factual evidence from NASA. NASA is the best place to get information of planets like Venus and thats what the author did and he got that Venus is, "[a]t thirty-plus miles above the surface, temperatures would still be toasty at around 170 degrees Fahrenheit, but the air pressure would be close to that of sea level on Earth. Solar power would be plentiful, and radiation would not exceed Earth levels. Not easy conditions, but survivable for humans"(5). The evidence would help perssuade people to do it because it shows that Venus used to be exactly like Earth, and we would want to explore the planet and find out anything about what happened there and how we could stop earth from doing that. In conclusion the author would defently be able to perssuade everyone that Venus would defently would be a great planet to explore and find more physical evidence about Venus and what has gone down with it and how it could of all happened.
Limiting car usages is a way to help people and the environment all around us. limiting car usage can have lots of effects,there are advantages and disadvantages of limiting car usage. disadvantages of limiting car usage would be to release greenhouse gases in the air and contaminating the surface,and people breathing the muggy air, or smog. advantages for limiting car usage is when someone wants to go somewhere on time and they have thie own viechile and they can control the car to where they want to go. Communities are trying to find way not to have gases in the air and to reduce the uses of modern transportation. people try not to use cars alot and instead they do other things to get to places like taking a bus, bicycling,running,skating and things like that. using those resources will decrease gases in the environment and people can relax and breathe in fresh air instead of gases. gases are toxic to natural influences and can damage them. Disadvantages of limiting car usage is to release lots of gases and smog,therefore makeing the environmets a hazardous place to be in. people can get sick from inhaling the smoke or they could die if they breathe in too much. thats why people should try not too use transportations any day to make the environmets a healthy and clean place for poeple to live in and to enjoy. Advantages of limiting car usage would be to use cars or other transportation because someone might want to go somewhere and its a long distance,people could drive to  thier destination,and on time if they have somewhere to be like a buisness or a meeting the person needs to attend. If they took the bus the trip might last longer if the person is in a rush to get somewhere. Thats for long distace,for short dstances, people could take the bus to go somewhere close by or walk to the place. you could get somewhere faster if you walk and there is traffic,you would be stuck for a while if you were driving,only in heavily dense populated area would that most likely to happen,it would release lots of smog to the environment when lots of cars are in one place. In places in the world lots of people are contributing to not using transportation to get to places but instead they are using non-gas usable transportations  like bikes and skates to get to place to place. people also walk, it is a good exercize for people to do and it is a healthy influence. other people might see someone do it and they might want to do it as well. the best thing to do to save the environmet from hazard gases is to use gas transportations less and use physical transportation,like walking it would be better to do than to realease fumes in the air people breathe and hurt their body. So if someone wanted to go to the store and its close by, instead of taking a transportation walking would be healthier and more benificial for the environment and people around you.         
Dear senator please keep the electoral college. There a few reasons why we should keep it heres a few. The electoral college is a easy way of picking the president the most popular canidate with most votes is the winner. Also each party picks a nominee and trust is very rarely betrayed. The electoral college avoids the problem of elections in which no canidate receives a majority of the votes cast. The electoral college system is a fairly simple way of voting that most people understand replacing it with something else would just instill alot of mis understanding in people ,wich could possibly result in a huge decrease in the amount of people that vote. Also the negatives of the electoral college are not really a big deal that coud cause a fixing or a inbalenced vote towards one side over another. In conclusion I think sticking with the electoral college is a wise decison because there isnt anything wrong with it ,why fix something that isnt broken?
Was there a man on Mars? Magazines say yes, but the scientists have continuously said no. On May 24, 2001, NASA's ship, Viking 1, found something on Mars that had the facial features of a human. Scientists have proven that the piece of rock thought to resemble a human face is no more than just a natural landform through unusual shadows, facts that have been talked about with many scientists, and images taken that agreed with the facts. First of all, NASA stated that they thought this landform was just another mesa found on Mars. The difference was that this strange, possible mesa obtained humanly facial features. Later, the fact the that the "facial features" on the mesa were due solely to unusual shadows, which gave the untrue image look like eyes, nose, and a mouth. Next, the fact that the mesa is only a natural landform, not a face has been confirmed with countless scientists. On April 5, 1998, everyone was waiting to see what decision would be released about the mesa. Was it once a face of a person or just another landform on Mars? It appeared on the JPL website that there was no alien monument; it was just a nautral landform. Scientists have confirmed this. The only reason that it is even questioned is because people wanted to have been able to say that there was a face on Mars, even if it was proven otherwise. There is much more publicity for authors especially to say that there was a face on Mars. Unfortunately, scientists know the most in this situation, not authors. Lastly, scientists took pictures to prove their evidence. In September 1997, Global Surveyor took a photograph of the landform that was ten times better quality than the original Viking picture of the "face". People who are not scientists still disagreed, so NASA and other scientists continued to take images. By the time it was 2001, the mesa did not look like a face anymore. The picture shows that it is clearly just a mesa. In conclusion, people would be crazy to try to attempt to disagree with the scientists because of how many facts they have to prove their hypotheses. First, they explained why the mesa only looked like a face because of the illusinating shadows. Then, they confirmed it with other scientists. And lastly, the scientists took many photographs of the mesa that finally proved their point. Scientists proved their point by explaining unusual shadows, confirming information with additional scientists, and taking countless photographs of the mesa.
Today many students often get bored in their classrooms while going through a lesson or just by simply doing their work. These students may often resort to using their cellular device or any other electronics to keep them pre-occupied. I feel as if bringing in a more advanced peice of technology that can read the expressions of these children can make a better learing enviorment for them and make their studies more enjoyable and it doesnt only have to be used for students it could be benifical to others such as professors, doctors, animators and many more. Everyday a person is able to detect wether or not how a person is feeling just by the look that they have on their face. Some of these expressions may convey happiness, worried, sad and much more. But sometimes it may be difficult to decifer wether or not those are the emotions that they are actually feeling at the time.Yet Dr. Huang's new computer software,"stores similar anatomical information as an electronic code." " Prehaps Dr. Huang's emotional algorithms are a different sort of "Da Vinci code." Using this computer may also help students by, knowing wether you feel happy or sad. Or wether your confused or bored. The computer will "modify its lesson, like an effective human instuctor." Which may advocate a better learning enviornment. This new technology may improve the attendance of students and hopefully make them more willingly to be more involved in their education. This may also increse graduation rates as well as college acceptance rates. Finally, using Dr. Huang's new computer software program, may make it eaiser for surgeons who have difficulties planning out more extencive and more invasive surgeries, use a more advanced form of "video surgery". This new software may also be benifcial to video game disigners and animators by " making computor-animated faces more expressive." As mentioned in the article "Most human communication is nonverbal, including emotional communication. So computors need to understand that, too". Meaning that understanding how humans already communicate their algorithms will not be similar those to a regular PC. As one may be able to see, using Dr. Huang's new software program may be benifical to students, doctors, animators and many more just by being able to recognize the emotions not only displayed on the outside but using the muscles in your face to differenciate the ones you feel in the create a more intresting enviornment to the area around them.
Technology has grown in the past couple years. It has grown so much tha now computers can read human emotions. Emotions and computers normally are seperate from each other. Every human has a different emotion and ways to show these emotions. Now computers could read our emotions. With a new technology called FACS, Facial Action Coding System. FACS could possibly affect how teachers could run a class. Teachers never truely know if a student is paying attention to the lesson or not. FACS could show the emotion of the students and teacher in a daily classroom. "A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored," Dr. Huang predicts. "Then it could modifly the lesson, like an effective human instructor"(Paragraph 6). Computers could read the emotions of studetns then give a report back to the teacher in order for the teacher to see the students emotions. The teachers could even use FACS in a lesson or a lab. In the article "Makin Mona Lisa Smile", in the seventh paragraph it gives steps how to read emotions in person. Teachers could use the steps to explain how FACS works before a lab. Being able to use FACS in lessons/labs could interest the student in the lesson. A main class that could use it is the health class, for the emotion section of the book, or class. Friends can read their own friends emotions very well because the friends know each other so well. "For instance,you can probably tell how a friend is feeling simply by the look on her/his face." (Paragraph 5). Instead of teachers not being able to tell the emotion just by looking at a students face then maybe FACS could help allow the teacher to make lessons emotionally fun. If teachers could use this type of techology in classes for lessons then maybe FACS could be a valuble thing. The teachers could use the students emotions to make a lesson good or bad. With Technology at a rise right now the students may enjoy using FACS due to the fact that it is technology. "Most human communcation is nonverbal including emotional communtion," notes DR. Huang. "So computers need to understand that, too." (Paragraph 6) FACS could also make the students want to pay attenition in class more. Each student would have a different emotion to the new technology. Different emotions are common and there are different ways to show those emotions. This new technlolgy, FACS, could help the different emotions be caught in a class. You do not want any sleeping students in a classroom.
Is your job boring,do you also love animals? Well I'm Luke Bomberger and I love animals every single kind. Today I will like to explain why you guys should join the Seagoing Cowboys program. I will also tell you what we do in the program and some reasons you should join this program. In this program we will be helping alot of farm animals and taking care of them. The reason you should join is because alot of these animals need help and they shouldn't have to die because people don't want to take care of them.So if you like farm animals then you should join. I will be explaining why you guys should join the Seagoing Cowboy program and what we will be doing to make a diffrence. So after I graduated high school and got two part-time jobs at a store and a bank then, one day one of my friends came up and asked would I like to go to Europe with him I couldn't say no because it was once in a lifetime thing. Then in 1945 when World War ll was over and alot of countries were not normal. Then 44 nations joained together to help them all they help supplies them with food,animals,and more but thats not the point. The point is that there was alot of farm animals that needed to be taken care of. They shipped then overseas and that is when me and my friend signed up to help them because we know that those animals needed our help. In the conclusion, I think all yall who love animals farm animals or not should join. These animals shouldn't have to die because people wanted to go to war. They help us live by giving us milk and food so we should help them live. You all should sign up today and come join me and my friend we need all the help make a big diffrence in these animals lives.If you don't sigh up then remeber all the animals around you and what if they was just like these farm animals. Would you help them ? Well is so then you should sign up know and help these animals they are not that diffrent they should hae the best life that they can they are like us people they need water and food to live and also care.
Dear Senator, I believe that the United States deserves someone who will lead this country to do the right thing, to make independent choices, and to be the best version of ourselves we can be every day. Now, how do we know when choosing a leader to represent us if thats what we will acheive when voting? We don't for sure, but we can make judgements and calls that will give us a better understanding to whom we are choosing. One of the biggest fought over rights was the right to vote, in which everyone wanted. Now that we have that vote, we should be able to use that freedom and have a say in who we want to represent us.  Therefore, I think we should change the election to popular vote for the President of the United States rather than relying on the Electoral College. The Electoral collge consists of 538 Electors and a majority of 270 electoral votes are required to elect the president. Each candidate running for president in your state has his or her own group of electors. The electors are generally chosen by the candidate's political party and given their own says and responsibilities. That being said, I think that getting rid of the Electoral College will eliminate all biased decisions and will create more freedom and responsibilities for the people of the U.S. to use their own judgement and choose who they think will best represent the country. Being in the electoral college and being selected to have a heavy say in who will be chosen is a big responsibilty and in that responsibility are duties to not only look at each candidate with one mind set and one point of view but to make an unbiased judgement. To make an unbiased call would mean to put away all your own thoughts and judgements and really get a good understanding of who the people truly need. Back in 1960, it states that segregationists in the Louisiana legislature nearly succeeded in replacing the Democratic electors with new electors who would oppose John F. Kennedy. How can we tell that something like this will not happen again? Well if we choose to keep the Electoral College it very well could and the people of the country would not be making decisions for themselves as well. Most worrying comes from the fear of a tie, in which the election would be thrown to the House of Representatives, where state delegations vote on the president. Because each state casts only one single vote. That single vote from Wyoming representing 500,000 voters could have as much say as the 55 representatives from California who represent 35 million voters. So therefore the election is really only a few swing voters away from a disaster. Because of the winner-take-all system, candidates really dont spend time campaigning in states they think they have no chance of winning, really only focusing on the bigger states with more votes. This is also unfair because then the people with the right to vote do not get a say in who they want to represent their country. The Electoral college really takes away many rights and freedoms to the people of the U.S. and doesnt give us the chance to have a say. Studies even show that 60 percent of voters would prefer a direct election to the kind we have now! As well as having such a biased voting system, this is such an unfair system due to the fact the the popular vote winner could loose because of the Electoral College voters. This would be a very bad decision to keep the Electoral College especially if these Electoral voters have had their decision swayed by something. Then we will have a president that is only the president because of some voters biased and unfair judgemented calls. If one Electoral College voter has a certain view on a candidate, they could very well share that and somehow persuade the other voters decisions due to one persons thoughts and points of view on the candidate. One person can easily influence many peoples own judgements, which would cause them to choose poorly and only go under the pressure of that persons thoughts. The Electoral College has so many cons which would make it such a bad decision to keep this system and go by a biased and unfair advantage. So I believe that the best thing for the U.S. voting system would be to abolish the Electoral College and to keep the popular vote system so that everyone has their own say on who will acheive great things for our country. Thank you for keeping my thoughts in mind, Madison
Many people believe that the 'Face on Mars' was formed by aliens. What do you think? If you were told that the face on Mars was created by aliens, what would you do? What would you say? I know what I would do. I would call them crazy and explain to them that aliens do not exsist and that it was a fact of science. The 'Face on Mars' is a natural landform. The light from the sun is shone across the landform to make it look like it has two eyes, a nose, and a mouth like a human person, but, if you were to create an exact copy of Mars, put on a different scale, hold it still, and shine light at the exact angle of the sun, you would see that the sun is what really causes the 'Face on Mars' to appear to look the way it does. Aliens, if they exsisted, could not have created something so magnificent and perfect that at that angle it would look like a face. Scientists have studied the geography of Mars for years and have had nothing to say about aliens. They have prooven their facts and have given us reason to believe that this was simply the way Mars was stuctured and that the rays of the Sun are the cause of it looking like a face. If aliens did create the 'Face on Mars', why would our scientist have not discovered them? Why havent we ever then seen one before? For those that believe that it was aliens that sculpted Mars, I am sorry, but you are wrong. Mars was naturally formed and can never and will never be changed by aliens because aliens simply do not exsist. So, for all of those out there in our lovely world that think that aliens do infact exsist and that they somehow, over millions of years created a 'Face on Mars', I would like to say one last thing on my behalf, aliens do not exsist and could not have created something so mindblowing.
One car, one life, one big accident. That is all the future is asking to develope by continuing to try to improve and inspire people to use "driverless cars". I do not think driverless cars should ever become a new big thing for many reasons. They can malfunction on you. They still need assestence if they cant handle a road situation. They might not update any new laws or road changes nearby. There is so many negative reasons and thoughts that appear when thinking about the development of driverless cars. My first reason to why I am against driverless cars is because they can always malfunction. What if it doesnt see an animal in the road and runs it over will it stop to help, would it starting loosing control? Who knows because your not the one behind the wheel. You could have stopped and saved that poor animal, instead you let your car take control. Also what if it just shuts down? Turns off completely in the middle of the road. All electronics have a point in time where they are slow and slowly begin to shut down. How long would you have the car to keep? Do you think a driverless car can last you up to 10 years? Maybe if your lucky. The weather and the technology cant keep up and hold its together as long as a gas opperated automobile is. What if it doesnt let you take control because it malfunctions and you end up hurting someone? Like it says in the text "If the technology fails and someone is injured, who is at fault-the driver or the manufacture? Also, what even is the point to have an automotive that still needs you in the car. If its not smart enough to drive without needing your assistence it would be useless. So say you are driving down the street and your texting and letting you car drive on its own. All of a sudden it crashes and hurts other including yourself. It would still be your fault even though you was not the one driving. In other words if you get in a car accident would the police put your car in jail or you? Well you offcorse if your even recovered from the crash your car has put you in anyways. Driverless cars allows drivers to think they can keep their eyes off the road when all reality they have to pay attention and be alert. If you have to have your eyes remained on the roads at all times then you might as well drive, atleast you will be secure and more alert. Finally the car over all is just a big mimic. People are tying to develope objects with human like qualities. In the text it even says "The combination of all this input is necessary for the driverless car to mimic the skill of a human at the wheel." Personally I believe being human is special and an automobile can never be as special as a human life. Yes we may love our cars but never as much as one would love there children, friends, or family. Driverless cars are just an overall bad idea and we should keep our state safe and the people in it. I'm not the only one who agrees. Driverless cars are illegal in most states. In the text it mentions "As a result, in most states it is illegal even to test computer driven cars." This shows that im not the only one who belives they are not safe and no matter what upgrades and assumptions that are made will not make a driverless car a good idea. Lets be original and stick to the safe way lets avoid the one car, one life, one accident.
Imagine a world with less vehicles, due to a restriction on vehicle usage (And when I say "restriction", I use the term loosely, as I don't mean completely banishing automobiles, just limiting their usage). That means less hassle and less hurry, although some would argue; Some would say that it would be a great inconvienience to limit vehicle use; However there are many advantages that would come with it. Many places around the globe have already began to limit motor vehicle usage, and they have found that there are many benefits in doing so. According to an article called "In German Suburb, Life Goes On Without Cars" by Elisabeth Rosenthal , Vauban, Germany has already begun to give up their vehicles. Do you know why this is such a good idea? Well, first of all, it would bring a vast reduction to pollution and decrease the the amount of the greenhouse-effect in the atmosphere, causing a healthier environment for everyone. Also, there would be less fatalities caused by car accidents. Not only that, but most people would be saving a lot of money that is usually spent on fuel for their vehicle. Many regions suffer from nasty, polluted air called smog that is very unhealthy to inhale, especially when people have to take a breath of it every second of every day. Smog is a form of pollution caused by intense carbon emissions. In an article called "Paris bans driving due to smog" by Robert Duffer, they began to fine people for using thier vehicles on certain days to prevent and decrease smog. Probably the most significant effect; limiting vehicle usage reduces pollution given off from gasoline and diesel engines through a vehicle's tailpipe, drastically decreasing the amount of carbon emissions, which would lower the greenhouse-effect in the atmosphere, including smog, causing a healthier environment for every species to enjoy. Many injuries and deaths caused by car accidents occur ever day; innocent civilians walking or riding a bicycle and families with children in a car get killed in vehicle accidents all the time. This could be avoided. Adding limits to driving could save many lives; less fatalities due to accidents, perhaps drastically decreased injury and death rates. A lot of people would save money that they usually spend on fuel for their vehicles. Some people drive to work and spend half the money they earned that day on gasoline. If people carpooled, walked, rode a bike, or used public transportation, they would not spend so much of their money on gas. As I have explained, there are many positive effects on society from limiting car usage. Pollution reduction, avoided deaths or injuries, and money saving are all very good reasons to change our ways of transportation. So, why not?                     
Dear Senator, The robust political system of the American government is greatly hindered by the Electoral College. The Electoral College isn't completely representative of what citizens really want. History will prove such logic with just a simple recollection of past events. "Back in 1960, segregationists in the Louisiana legislature nearly succeeded in replacing the Democratic electors with new elector who would oppose John F. Kennedy. (So that a popular vote for Kennedy would not have actually gone to Kennedy.) In the same vein, "faithless" electors have occasionally refused to vote for their party's candidate and case a deciding vote for whomever they please." (Paragraph 11) Americans are not getting the representation we deserve. In fact, in a democracy, we should be representing our own beliefs, ourselves. The Electoral College must be totally abolished and the popular vote should become the new standard for political voting. Time and time again, we have been shown that the Electoral College is nothing but a gimmick and "a compromise between election of President by a vote in congress and election of the President by a popular vote of qualified citizens." (Paragraph 1) by the founding fathers. Maybe that had worked in the past, when the population was statistically low compared to today, and citizens were less informed because of the lack of media avaliable, like the internet and television. But, it is not working today. The 2000 election serves as an example of a faulty system. "According to a Gallup poll in 2000, taken shortly after Al Gore--thanks to the quirks of the electoral college--won the popular vote but lost the presidency, over 60 percent of voters would prefer a direct election to the kind we have now." (Paragraph 9) Therefore, this is an obvious majority of citizens who agree with me. The Electoral College is almost universally despised, and not considered the most effective way to elect a President. "At the most basic level, the electoral college is unfair to voters. Because of the winner-take-all system in each state, candidates dont spend time in states they know they have no chance of winning, focusing only on the tight races in the swing states. During the 2000 campaign, seventeen states didn't see the candidates at all, including Rhode Island and South Carolina, and voters in 25 of the largest media markets didn't get to see a single campaign ad." (Paragraph 13) This is ridiculous and not at all fair to voters. In this sense, it is absolutely true that every vote doesn't count. Unless you're in a swing state, your vote may mean very little in the grand scheme of things. Every legal American deserves the right to a balanced and fair election with a true, meaningful vote. Claims by supporters of the Electoral College are not effective. In fact, one writer finds Swing States to be a good thing! Yes, "Voters in toss-up states are more likely to pay close attention to the campaign--to really listen to the competing candidates--knowing they are going to decide the election. They are likely to be the most thoughtful voters, on average...and the most thoughtful voters should be the ones to decide the election." (Paragraph 20) Seriously, that is absurd. Every voter should have the right to know they are going to decide the election. This writer is implying that the small state votes are useless, and that the voters in them don't even pay attention to campaigns or research before they vote! As a former resident of a politically smaller-impact state, I know very well that citizens there research thoroughly before they do any voting. Putting thought into a vote isn't just a thing people do in large states. Maybe it will be that way in the future, because due to the Electoral College, votes there don't even matter anymore. Citizens are losing faith in their expressions of freedom and ability to vote and uphold justice. The Electoral College needs to go, because it makes for an unfair political system that only benefits politicians running, not the average joe."It's official: The electoral college is unfair, outdated, and irrational. The best arguments in favor of it are mostly assertions without much basis in reality." (Paragraph 14) Regards, A concerned citizen.
Venus is worth studying even though it has various dangers. There are many things that can be learned from visiting Venus. For example Venus is Earth's twin. It is the closest planet to Earth. Astronomers believe that it was once covered with oceans and could have supported life forms. There are plenty of dangerous things that could happen if someone was to visit the Evening Star. For example in the article it stated that there is "almost 97 percent carbon dioxide blankets Venus. There are challenging clouds of highly corrosive sulfuric acid in Venus's atmosphere. The temperature on the planet's surface of over 800 degrees Fahrenheit. The atomospheric pressure is 90 times greater than what it is on Earth." Humans cannot endure these type of conditions. There are more interesting things that can happen if someone was to visit Venus. They believe that this planet is the nearest option for a planetary visit. NASA has an idea that involes a "blimp-like" vehicle that is hovering over the planet, a jet airplane that is at a higher altitude to fly over storms. Another vehicle hovering over the planet that would avoid the horrible ground conditions at thirty plus miles above the surface, the temperatures would be around 170 degrees Fahrenheit; however, the pressure would be close to the sea level on Earth. Overall NASA has it all figured out they just have yet to try this experiment. In conclusion there are many benefits to going to Venus like human curiosity will finally be answered. Another benefit is that the scientists and astronomers get to verify if it is really like Earth and maybe get the things they need to be able to visit the planet. However, there are a lot of cons with visiting Venus. It is very dangerous and can harm many people if they are not careful.
Dear Senator, The debate regarding the necessity of the Electoral College and it's validity has aroused some tension among the citizens of America, and the government as well. This process is not only used to decide the President of our nation, but to ensure the equality of the voting. By establishing our county as a democracy, we made a promise to maintain a systematic balance between the government and it's people. Without the existence of the Electoral College, where would this balace be? The Electoral College is the basis upon which our country is built, and is vital to uphold the balance and equality between government and people. The Electoral College has many benefits towards the nation that many people are unaware of. For example, in order to do well, a candidate must have connections nation-wide. In source 3, line 19, it states "The Electoral College requires a presidential candidate to have trans-regional appeal." This means that no candidate is guaranteed a win if they only appeal to one area or region. This creates an overall balance throughout the nation, and makes sure only a portion of the country doesn't have all the power. Also, this allows the people to have a clear understanding of who they're voting for, and what this means. Equality is key, and without this equality, where would our nation be? By continuing the use of the Electoral College, we have decided to be the best we can be. It says in Source 1, line 1 "The Electoral College is a process, not a place. The founding fathers established it in the Constitution as a compromise between election of the President by a vote in Congress and the election of the President by a popular vote of qualified citizens." This provides valid information to support the necessary balance of people and government. The Electoral College also produces a winner inarguably qualified due to the amount of votes received. This is clearly described in Source 3, line 22, "The Electoral College avoids the problem of elections in which no candidate receives a majority of the votes cast." Due to the use of this process, the election of a President can be efficient and simple. The President can now be Some may argue that this process does not clearly represent the people or their votes. This is because some may vote for a "slate of electors" as opposed to the president. However, this belief can be decidedly rejected due to the lack of valid evidence to support the claim. How are voters expected to vote fairly if they are not given the support to do so? Overall, it can be declared that the Electoral College plays a vital role in maintaining the internal balance of our nation that the citizens inhabiting it are so reliant on. Choosing to reject this process would be deciding to injure our nation, its future, and its people.
By limiting car usage you would be making it a healther enviroment, and a safer one! there would be less polluation in the air and that would make the air better for us to breath. Sure by limiting the usage of cars would have an effect on people its also doing us a favor wether we like it or not, because constsntly breathing in polluated air is really bad for you it can have major affects on our lungs, and respotory system. Also by limiting car usage you wouldent spend so much money on gas, oil, car parts,ect:, so by saving all that money you could spent it on something else. When you own a vehicle you put in so much money in just getting your insurance and then you spend so much money on gass every week, dont get me wrong the gas prices have gone down but what will happen when they go back up and how much money will the gas be then? So is driving worth killing your air and the enviroment you live in and spend all your money on gas? Or would it better for us to start imiting our car usage? But that is up for you to decide what you want to do. Whe driving have you ever thought how much polluation you vehicle is dishing out while your driving around town? Probably not, probably you where thinking how log till i get there or i need to text someone back but i bet not once did car polluation ever cross you mind and its okay not alot of people think about it when there driving. Actually hardly anyone thinks abot it ever unless its on the news saying that the air polluation is bad again and thats when you start to think about it. With car polluation ypu dont realse what it is dont to you enviroment because you never see it happen in a fast pace it always happen really slow. All of a sudden plants will start to die really fast, people will have areally hard time breathing and will probably have to go to the hospital because of the lack of oxygen they can get. Imagine saving you money, wouldent that be nice not having to worry about a car paymeny or gas? alot of people would have so much money that alot of them nedd because there is alot of families struggling to make it by the have to constantly worry if they have enough money to pay the bills and put gass in there vehicle to get to work to make the money to survie. what if instead of having a vehicle and constantly spending money on gas you walked or took a bike to work, imagine all that money you saved by donig something little as that.       
Are driverless cars really coming? I don't think so. Driverless cars stiil need a driver, they might not even start, or work properly, and the driverless cars will surely bring the number of deaths due to a car accident up. Who wants one now? I don't want to be around one nor do I want anyone to drive these "driverless" cars. The driverless cars, aren't even close to driving themselves, they still need to have the driver's attention. Driverless cars, should be as the title states, cars that are driverless. These cars, will give you warnings when it is going to need you to take control again. The author states, "In fact, none of the cars developed so far are completely driverless. They can steer, accelerate, and brake themselves, but all are designed to notify the driver when theroad ahead requires human skills, such as navigating through work zones and around accidents." If these cars were really driverless, they wouldn't need a driver to help them navigate. Are these cars really driverless? No. Are these cars going to run on gas or electricity? Either way, these cars not start. A car stalls all the time, but those cars we handle, but what about cars that are driverless? Would we know how to fix it or would we have to spend hundreds to get it fixed? These cars will cost hundreds to get fixed over and over again. Who wants to do that? I wouldn't mind having to charge it but then my electricity bill will be over the top expensive. Would our kids be safe to be in the cars? What happens if our kids are playing and the car starts and the kid gets hurt or even dies? Would it be your fault or the car producers? It woul be everyone's. Ours, for not protecting our kids well enough and the car producers because they didn't think of the children. The number of deaths per year of children due to car accidents are already high, add in a car that might start by itself and run by itself, will increase the number greatly. I wouldn't want my kids near it. Neither should you. Knowing these facts, do you still want one? Do you want a car that was supposed to be driverless, but you would still need to drive it, or a car that might not even work, or even a car that could possibly kill your kid? I don't. These cars are dangerous, no matter how safe they say it should be. My position on the driverless cars will always be no.
This persuasive essay is about why you should join the the Seagoing Cowboy Program. The Seagoing Cowboy Program is an amazing program with a lot to offer. You could change your life easily by going into the program. Luke Bomberger had no idea his life would change but "He knew it was an opportunity of a lifetime. Luke said that "The cattle-boat trips were an unbelievable opportunity for a small-town boy" He also said "Besides helping people I had the side benefit of seeing Europe and China. It's an amazing opportunity because you get to help people, and you get to see beautiful places like Europe and China. You get to have free time and few jobs let you have free time. "Luke found time to have fun on board he played table tennis, fencing, boxing, reading, and even whittling. If that's not enough I don't know what is. Being a Seagoing Cowboy is just an opportunity you don't want to miss.
I think the Facial Action Coding System to identify human emotions is not a good idea because some people might be keeping things from other people that might make them sad, mad, or disgusted about someone and then there will be a problem with those people. But also this could be a good thing because it could help with what people are going though in there life. And this could help cuicide problems for alot of places. This might be a bad thing because it could cause conversy with people and might split people apart from there family, friends, or co-workers. For an example if two people are in a relationship and if one person is disgusted, mad, or sad and the other might ask what they are disgust, mad or sad at the other personor something. And because they did Mona Lisa it doesn't give an good example and it only shows the positive side and if did this on a high school student like they want to it might show more of a negitive responsed. But in other terms this could be a good thing for some people because it could help people with what they are going though in there life. This could also possible lower the number's of cuicide percent for some places and mostly for people. It could lower places cuicide rates by if they mad, disgusted or sad people could ask what they are though and maby get that thing of there cheat could be a good thing for them. "She's 83 percent happy, 9 percent disgusted, 6 percent fearful, and2 percent angry" this shows that it does indeed work and if were going to do it a different person or painting you will get different percent's that will better understand what some people might be going though in life. I truely think this could be made for good reasons if used right and not for only student but people all around the world s we could see what is going on someother places. But if it used to much it could start some bad things with student, familys, and co-workes.
The founder of the Google Car project, Sebastian Thrun, said "There was no way, before 2000, to make something interesting." Now, there is something extremely interesting in the process of being developed, driverless cars. However, driverless cars are raising some concerns to states, most of which have them banned. People should not be concerned about the development of driverless cars due to the fact that the positive aspects greatly outweigh any possible negative consequences. If driverless cars continue to develop, safety will increase, new technological innovations will be discovered and the environment will benefit. The first positive aspect one should consider when regarding driverless cars is the increase of safety. Driverless cars are thought to have in-car entertainment systems much like the dangerous cell phone use currently being used in cars. On the other hand, in-car entertainment systems will be turned off instantly when a driver needs to pay attention to what is happening on the road or take over for the car. According to the passage, "In this way, the in-car system is actually a safety feature, and safety is a big concern." Distracted driving is one of the leading causes of death, especially for teenagers and the use of driverless cars may be able to virtually eliminate this threat. Also, one of the biggest threats on the road is other drivers. In the case of driverless cars, other people being reckless on roads or not paying attention will be all but eliminated, making the road a much safer place. Furthermore, not only will the safety of everyone on the road be dramatically increased, but new technological advances and innovation towards driverless car will be discovered. Driverless cars and the sensors that operate them are nothing new, however, the creative ways developers are using them to mimic human driving is. The passage states, "In the 1950's, General Motors created a concept car that could run on a special test track." In only a short span of time since then, technology has developed to the point of being able to put a self-driving car on any road. The rapid evolution of technology will only be aided if driverless cars are further developed. In fact the passage says, "Tesla has projected a 2016 release for a car capable of driving on autopilot 90 percent of the time. Mercedes-Benz, Audi and Nissan plan to have cars that can drive themselves by 2020." If driverless cars continue to develop then the technological innovations made to these cars could be as unimaginable as driverless cars on this scale were in the 1950's. Lastly, the development of driverless cars will not only improve technology, but it will also yield environmental benefits. According to Google co-founder Sergey Brin in the passage, "The cars he forsees would use half the fuel of today's taxis and offer far more flexibility than a bus." Using only half the fuel of today's taxis would have a huge environmental impact for the better. Less fuel would be used and the fuel that is used will be able to go a longer way. With constant searches for new places to find fuel from drilling and fracking to importing, being able to stretch the fuel has more positive aspects than one. Harmful fumes given off would be reduced if fuel was cut in half and also the demand would decrease, making the needed supply decrese as well. This could greatly reduce the use of fuel extraction methods that are harmful to the environment. Also, less fuel needed would help to prolong the far future when fuel might be at risk of being depleted, making development of driverless cars would have a positive impact on the environment. Thus, the combination of increased safety, technological innovation and enviormental benefits make the development of driverless cars a positve step towards an interesting future in which no one buys cars because no one needs them anymore.
Have you ever voted? do you thing you need to vote to be a good american citizen? if yes why do you think that? In my opinion i think there is a very good reason we should have an Electoral College. My reason for that is that the Electoral College process consists of the selection of the electors, the meeting of the electors where they vote for president and vice president, and the counting of the electoral votes by congress. This is why i believe the Electoral College should continue just this little piece of information is all about organization, and organization alows us to get things done faster. In paragraph 10 in the article "Does the Electoral College Work?" the author says "IF you lived in texas, for instance, and wanted to vote for [John] Kerry, you'd vote for a slate of 34 democratic electors pleged to Kerry." The author absolutely makes no point because you still are basicly puting in a vote for the president but just not directly. The Electoral College  is the way America organizes the voting system. Alot of people are like theres no reason for the Electoral College to exist that theres no use when theres a mojority rule. Ask yourself this what if theres a tie we cant have two presidents at one time it would be an abomination. The Electoral College will basicaly be the tie breaker. They would be vote to break the tie them selves.
Have you or someone you care about ever been in a car wreck? With driverless cars, this may be even more of a possibility. Ask yourself, how often does technology fail us? What if your life, and another human beings life depended on that technology? Technology is not capable of thinking or processing real life events, and scenarios. In paragraph 4, line 2-3 it is stated that "For starters, they needed a whole lot of sensors." This sentence is refering to the vehicles. They need many sensors as it is, which range from 3d modeling systems to GPS,and cameras. It is too easy for technology to fail, especially when under daily usage. In paragraph 8, line 10 it is stated that saftey if a very large concern. If the manufacturers are concerned about the amount of saftey that these new vehicles provide, should you as a driver not be? When on the road, saftey is a very large factor. It has a role in everything from speed limits to stop-lights. "Modern traffic laws are written with the assumption that the only safe car has a human driver in control at all times." That is clearly stated in paragraph 9, lines 3-5. In paragraph 9, lines 2-3, it is stated that "Lawmakers know that safety is best achieved with alert drivers." If our states lawmakers believe that this is true, who are we to question the saftey in it? Did you know that in most states, aside from a selected few which consist of California, Nevada, Florida, and the District of Columbia, it is illegal to test, let alone drive computerized cars. As Americans, we should believe in saftey, and the welfare of our fellow citizens. Do not put your life in the hands of a computerized machine.
Dear, State Senator I belive that in favoring of keeping the Electoral College.Therefore many people have different minds set if which they should have Electoral college. Here 's some background information stated in source 1 What Is The Electoral College "The Electoral College is a process not a place'." The founding fathers established it in the constitution as a compromise betwwen of the president by a vote in congress and the election of the President by a popular vote of qualified citizens.'My reasons for this is because electoral college can be helpful,have people to rethink, and understandable.Many people thing of electoral college as torchure or even the wrong way to vote.Electoral college have different ways and similar ways from changing to the election by the popular for the president of United States.For example states in source one "The Electoral College consists of the 538 electors"."A Majority of 270 electoral votes is required to elect the president." Now as you can see in my essay there particular things I would like to talk about.Pertaining about how can electoral college can be helpful in a different ways of changing the president vote.For example what might you think what would be helpful?Stated in source two people thinks "Under the electoral college sytem voters vote not for the president but for a slate of electors, who in turn elect the president". Now as you come to mind this particular information is not only talking about coloubia is talking about the electoral collge also.According To Source Three "And if an electoral tie seems unlikely,consider this:In 1968, a shift of just 41,971 votes would have deadlocked the election;In 1976,a tie would have occured if a mere 5,559 voters in Ohio and 3,687 voters in Hawaii had voted the other way".People should rethink about their desicions before they pick and choose.According to source three "The Electoral Collge requires a presidential candidate to have transregional appeal.The Electora is widely regarded as an anachronis, a non-democratic method of selecting a presiendt hat ought to be overruled by declaring the candidate who recieves the most popular votes.There are many diffent aspects of Electoral College. Most importantly electoral college is that it can be understandable.It can be understandable by allowing people to knowing the method of electoral college.According to resource one "Electoral College method is not democractic in a modern is the electors who elect the president not the president. In conclusion I strongly I favor of Electoral College because its can be helpful and let people rethink about their decsion and understand the concept of voting for your president. Sincerely,PROPER_NAME
Who likes driving? Everyone has once though of cars that drive themselves. Although it sounds good, Im against the development of driverless cars. Driverless cars can be risky, expensive, and its against the law. Its not worth fighting for. First, driverless cars are too risky. It is dangerous to be in a vehicle that you can't control. If you were to be in a driverless car and something goes wrong do you even know what to do? Its like any other electronic that may need to be charged and things that charge have the possibility of blowing up. It's not like a motorized car with common mistakes it'll be something most mechanics haven't seen before, and would have to refer you to someone else who may be far and expensive. Second, it would be very expensive. Smart cars are expensive and these are even smarter cars. In the article, it said "Mercedes-Benz, Audi, and Nissan plan to have cars that can drive themselves by 2020." which are expensive branded vehicles and that makes driverless cars cost even more. The newer the more expensive. Also, if your driverless car needs repaired then it will be very expensive because not many mechanics will have the parts and the experience for these cars. Last, because it's a law. It's a law for a reason and there must have been problems with this before for this law to have been put in place. In the article, it said, " In most states it is illegal to even test drive computer-driven cars" so why would they be safe to put on the road? Although driverless cars sound fun, it is not worth it. I'm against driverless cars. Driverless cars can be risky, expensive, and they are against the law. These vehicles will cause havoc on the roads. Do not support driverless cars.
Do you know that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it represents? In " The Challenging of Exploring Venus" article, the author talks about supporting the idea that studying Venus. The author supports this idea by naming this article of usiong the word challenging, which means difficultness and is an obstacle you need to overcome also telling the reader or the audience of this beautiful view. According to the article the author stated that "Venus, sometimes called the 'Evening Star,' is one of the brightset points of light in the night sky, making it simple for even an amateur stargazer to spot." Therefore, from this I can infer that the author is really into astronamy and wanted to inform the readers about many things about the stars or the planets of the sky. As a result, this author proofs that the author supports the iead using wors well. So I think that studing Venus is a worthy pursuit despite of danger.
Student emotions can sometimes be hard to read. Students experience many different emotions everday throughout school. Some students may be happy and excited about school while others are bored and drowsy. New technology has been developed called the Facial Action Coding System. This system enables computers to indentify human emotions. This technology would be very benefiticial to read the emotional expressions of students in a classroom. With this new tech teachers would have the ability to read there students emotional expressions when they are giving a lesson. If the students emotional responses are boredom and drowsiness. Then the teacher will know they should change what they are doing so the students become more alert and interested."A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored," Dr. Huang predicts. If a student is becoming lost or dosent understand the material the computer will recognize that and the teacher will be able to stop and help that student. The use of this tech will allow teaching in the classroom to become more efficent and if a student is struggling teachers will be able to recognize that quicker. This system will not only help with teaching but can also help emotionally. If a student is sad and going through some difficult things the computer can recognize this by the students facial expressions. The teacher then can talk to the sutdent and maybe cheer them up. This technology can also help with school safety. Recently there have been alot of school shootings and threats. If a student has a look on their face that shows anger,sadness,intent,or rage. The computer will recognize this and the teacher may be able to prevent anything bad from happening to that student or other people in general. In conclusion the use of this technology to read the emotional expressions of students in a classroom is valuable in many different ways. It can make teaching more efficent. It can help teachers identify students who are lost or confused. It can recognize when a student is sad,mad,or angry therefore allowing the teacher the opportunity to speak with that student and see if they are ok.
The author finds ways to evaluate the dangers of exploring Venus as they find it as a worthy pursuit. Since Venus is a planet and it's next to earth, it only makes sense to explore more of what's already been explored. It's been decades sense something has landed on Venus, and no man has ever set foot there. Venus was once Earth-like in it's time. Venus is something we see all the time. "Venus, sometimes called the "Evening Star" is one of the brightest points of light in the sky, making it simple to spot." It won't be easy but at least it's close. Every spacecraft sent to this land is unmanned. "Humans have sent numerous spacecraft to land on this cloud-draped world." With this they can build something stronger. They can examine what didn't work and what technologies could be better to use so they can work their way up into being able to go for themslves. Also if Venus was once like earth, theres more they need to look into, as in how and why it isn't so much like Earth anymore. "Long ago, Venus was probably covered largely with oceans and could have supported various forms of life, just like Earth." As these datails could go on, Venus is something we don't know too much about because of it's dangers. But from past experiences, we could change some things to get us there. By working on new equipment and examining things extra causiously, it could get us to where we want to be to be able to explore this planet we call Venus. As it is dangerous, it can lead to something wonderful as we can discover more things. It's worth a shot!
The idea of driverless cars is growing more and more in today's society. However, these cars may not be as good as people think they are.Driverless cars can lead to probles between people and the law. The cars may not function properly and accidents may happen. Finally, driverless cars won't require a person behind the wheel and it takes away the fun from driving. Conflicts between the companies that make the car, the customers, and the law may grow. If a company makes a driverless car, and a customer dies or gets injured because there was a malfunction in the car, then companies may get sued. Then, the company would blame the customer and say that they, the customer, messed with the car and did something to it. That's when the law gets involved and things don't end up well for the companies nor the customers. Driverless cars can also be dangerous. With all the technology in the cars, they may be vulnerable to hackers and may hurt the passenger inside, Also, there could be malfunctions that cause the cars not to work properly and as a result, the person in the car could be hurt. Finally, although driverless cars are considered "smart cars", they may not be as smart as the manufacturers claim they are. Driverless cars aren't perfect and there could be accidents in which a "smart car" goes into a one-way street or drives off a bridge. Driverless cars will take the fun away from driving. Driving a smart car could take a person to a location with out assistance, but there would not be any fun in that. People who love to drive would be bored. There is one advantage involving driverless cars and fun. While on a trip a person could see everything around them without worrying about keeping their eyes on the road. This advantage, though, would only work if the smart cars really are smart and can drive themselves without a person assisting it. These are all reasons to why smart cars are a bad idea. Smart cars would bore people. They are dangerous and can lead to conflicts between manufacturers, the law, and the customers. All the companies making smart cars should just end their projects and start making more regular cars. Without smart cars on the road, people will feel better and safer.
The electoral college must be replaced with popular vote because it's unfair to the people. The leaders are meant to be elected by the people and the electoral college elects electors to vote for you and they don't always vote for who you want. Most states have a "winner takes all system" in which the presidential candidate who recevies the most votes gets all the electoral votes from that state and even that isn't guranteed. Some presidents have won popular vote but haven't won the election because of the electoral college. Some electors have even refused to vote for the candidate that they were elected to vote for. The worst case senario is that the election will be thrown to the House of Represntatives where the vote of millons of people now rests with less than a hundred. The electoral college is unfair to voters because of the "winner takes all" system. Candidates don't spend time in states they know they have no chance of winning, focusing only on the tight races in the "swing" states. During the 2000 campaign, seventeen states didn't see the the candidates at all, including Rhode Island and South Carolina, and voters in 25 of the largest media markets didn't  get to see a single campaign add. In source three it states that "The advocates of this position are correct in arguing that the Electoral College method is not democratic in a modern is the electors who elect the president, not the people." There is no certainty that if enough votes go to a certain presidential candidate that he/she will be elected. Presidents Richard Nixon, Bob Dole, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, and the AFL-CIO all, in ther time, agreed on abolishing the electoral college. When it comes down to it, the founding fathers had good intentions in trying to make it so that the people elected a president but, instead electors elected by the people get to vote for the president. It is unfair to the popular vote when more people vote for a certain presidential candidate but, they don't get elected. The electoral college is unfair and should be replaced by the popular vote.
There are many advantages to limiting car usage.  It is better for the environment, it limits time spent sitting in traffic, and saves money. The main cause of people wanting to limit driving is to protect the environment.  According to an article by Elizabeth Rosenthal, "passenger cars are responsible for 12% of greenhouse gasses in Europe... and up to 50% in some car intensive areas in the United States."  Emissions from car exhaust is polluting the air and creating smog in large cities.  According to Robert Duffer, Paris had to enforce a partial driving ban to clear the air of smog.  Some people want new suburbs to be built specifically to encourage the limiting of driving.  Limiting driving does lower the amout of smog and air pollution in cities. Another benefit of limiting driving is that it limits time spent sitting in traffic.  In Bogota, Colombia, a "car-free day" was issued.  The goal was to reduce smog as well as reduce traffic jams around the city.  The reduction of these traffic jams also reduced stress and promoted excersize.  People could stop worrying about being late for work because of the traffic.  It caused many people to walk or bike to work instead of driving or taking the bus.  Another advantage of this is that parks and sports centers have thrived across Bogota.  Limiting the use of cars isn't only healthier for the environment but also for us. One final advantage to limiting the use of cars is that it saves money.  Citizens save money by not having to buy cars or the gas they require.  Also, citizens don't have to pay taxes for roads, parking lots, or traffic lights.  Another way limiting driving saves money is on the materials and equipment needed to pave roads and parking lots.  Since many people who live in dense cities take the subway or bus to work anyway because of the recent recession, limiting car use would be an easy way to clean up some pollution in that city. In conclusion, limiting driving has many big advantages. It protects the environment while limiting traffic in cities, encouraging excersize, and saving money.  I'm not sure how it would work out here because of how spread out everything is, but it sounds like a great idea in a dense city.
This year I'm a sophomore in high school I'm gonna be brutally honest sophomore year overall is hard. There a lot of test and homework, the pressure to get good grade and get into a good college is always in the back of my mind. For example if I'm learning a new lesson in math class I sometimes find myself always getting confused. But I feel like we all have been there when learning something new. But if we had something to tell teachers that we are confused I think it could help kids understand what were learning better. It's called Facial Action Coding System and I think it could be really useful in a classroom. I think by being able to read a student's emotional expression is a excellent idea. "Making Mona Lisa Smile" by Nick D' Alto is a hard arguement about if we should have a Facial Action Coding System in a classroom or not. But Dr. Huang says "A classroonm computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored." Some kids get home from school, they have sports or maybe a job that they have to work to until midnight. In the morning they might become tired and fall alsleep learning something new. So with the Facial Action Coding System we could find out which students need a little bit extra help. Another quote is "if you smile when a Web ad appears on your sceen, a similar ad might follow." "But if you frown, the next ad will be different." We could use this same idea in a classroom the computer will know which kids look a little confused and will know which kids aren't understand the lesson. Some kids are shy and don't wanna speak up and say if they don't get it what there learning, now with this technology. We will now know the student that don't understand so they can do better in school. By identifying human emotions we could also help the kids that are very stressed out and might just need to take a little break. It says "They even indicate the different between a genuine smile and a forced one." If some is upset in a classroom this technology should pick up right away if a person isn't feeling good or even sad. It could help teacher know what potentially could be wrong with one of her students. Another way we could find out what's on a student's mind is "to an expert, faces don't lie; there muscle clues are sometimes used to spot when a "smiling" politician or celebrity isn't being truthful." This could as well tell a teacher if a student is telling the truth or not. By having this system we could find out what's wrong with a student or even find out if there lying. I feel that if we had Facial Action Coding Systems in a classroom the student will understand what there learning better and probably get a better grade in the class overall . We know how important it is to do good in school, we heard it since day one. I want nothing more to graduate from college and go to the college of my dreams. Maybe with this new Coding System can help me get a better grade in the class and help me get the help I need. So I could potentially get into the college I want to get into.
The more we use cars the worse it is for our environment. There are advantages of limiting cars use and disadvantages. The advantages will ban the usage of cars in some states like German in the suburb area. Im going to start off by saying that using cars is harmful for the environment. According to the first resource giving to us "Passenger cars are resonsible for 12 percent of greenhouse gas emisiions in Europe ... and upto 50 percent in some car-intensive areas in the United States." But people are saying its a good idea to ban cars. Heidrun Walter states that "When i had a car i was always tense, i'm much happier this way." So to some people there are advatages of limiting car use. Well we also need to clear the air of the global city. It states that "Paris enforced a partial driving ban to clear the air of the gobal city." But humans are also claiming that its making the streets better. "cold night and warm days caused the warmer layer of air to trap car emissions" and also smooth sidewalks are being built and parks and sport centers have bloom throughout the city. Rush hour restriction have cut traffic dramatically and new restaurants and upscale shopping districts have cropped up. The goal is the promote alernative transportation and reduce smog. The driving has decreased 23 percent from the years 2001-2009. That shows you that America's attachment to cars has decreased. The number of miles driven in the United States peaked in 2005 and decreased afterwards. The number of miles driven per person was about 9 percent below the peak and equals to where the country was in January 1995. Some people are saying its cause Americans couldnt afford new cars, and the unemployed weren't going to work anyways so they wouldnt need any type of transportation. Michael Sivake states "What's most intriguing is that rates of car ownership per household and per person started to come down two to three years before turndown." Even New York's new bike sharing program and skyrocketing bridge and tunnel tolls reflect those new priorities , as do a proliferation of car sharing programs across the nation. To Conclude there are many advantages of limiting the use of cars.  The environment is doing beter without vehicles and we need to clear up the air of the global city.
In this essay I will be writing an argumentative essay over "The Face on Mars" theory. This is a very argumentative subject that can have two sides to itt based on the factual evidence in the passage."The Face on Mars" was consider to have been made by alien lifeform. "The Face on Mars" is 2 miles long and is a major pop icon. I think "The Face on Mars" is just a huge rock formation that was formed by the planet's weathering and erosion from nearby rocks. Since this planet has a rain season and has a very windy winter, it could've been made by weathering and erosion. Another thing that makes me believe that the face is just a rock is because the dark eyes, nose, and mouth look like shadows from the camera and the sun. One last thing about the face is that if alien lifeform made this why woud they make it 2 miles wide? This has just been one side of the argument, I will write the rest. I think that this face is made by alien lifeform because it really looks a face. This face could've possibly been a temple or worshiping place for these lifeforms long ago. It could've been a tomb for their leader or king that might've died. If these aliens were going to make a rock this big and that wide it would be for someone or something to catch it's eye. So aliens could've made this or they might not have. I think that ultimately this is just a coincidence because if aliens are real or were real we would have got aa picture of one or saw some remains of one. And the rock is probably just a mesa or a big landform that was made by weathering and erosion. The face of the rock is most likely just shadows from the camera angle and the sun. And another thing, when the camera passed over the mesa, it was a cloudy and rainy day, making the camera lens wet. I think that the rock is a mesa. The proof is in the article and it would have been noticed in the pictures if there was aliens living on Mars. So the non-alien side wins this argument over this one. The rock is not a face it is a normal rock.
Not using cars is not a bad thing in fact it's a plus. The record shows that 70 percent of familes of Vauban, Germany's population does not have a car and are way more happier. One lady stated "when I had a car I was always tense. I'm much more happier. I would agree with her because on top of driving in germany you have to make sure you ddont hit anybody either and thats more tensse and stressful. Being "car-free"is not so bad actually i mean im not the only one that hates all the bad smoke it produces. It does not make sense that a beautiful city like Paris can't be enjoyed because of pollution. I applaud Paris for there act on this pollution problem as they have put a partial ban on car use throughout the global city. In my honest opinion i think that was a smart move because Paris has a thing for diesel fuel and that has been to blame for the polluted airs. Diesel makes up 67 percent of vehivles in Paris. Diesel has polluted ais so bad the city of paris has been compared to there rival Bejing , China which is known as one of the most polluted cities in the world. The facts dont lie so take this into consideration of limiting car use .