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Venus does share similarities with earth,being like "earth's twin". Venus shares many similiarities with other than density and size,some often call it "earth's twin" because of their similarities. But unlike earth, which has an atmosphere is mostly oxygen,little carbon dioxide and also very little nitrogen,Venus has 97 percent carbon dioxide. Venus can be considered more extreme than our own world. Other than atmosphere differences,earth and venus also have differences in atmospheric pressure and in temperature average. Earth's temperature average barely even makes it into the 100's,Venus on the other hand, has a temperature average 8 times more than what we get on earth. Up to 800 degrees,which would be close to the melting point of metal. Earth's atmospheric pressure burns up anything during entry into the atmosphere. But Venus' atmospheric pressure would be 90 times of what our atmospheric pressure would be. Venus also sets the record for having the hottest surface temperature on any planet in the solar system. The reason for Venus having the hottest surface temperature would be, because it is the 2nd planet closest to sun. If scientists are planning on making an approach to study venus. But all attempts have failed, as far back as the 1940's,during world war 2. I think the author supported his idea very well.
We live in a world where transportation is a must and most of the people around the world rely on themselves to get from A to B. Don't get me wrong there are some that choose public transportation opposed to privet/self transportation. They both have something in common, both are adding more pollution to the air, car accidents have the number one death rate, and they both add to taxes. Many countries are comeing up with a solution to all of these problems. Most countries are wanting to cut down the amount of automobiles their citizens are using on a day to day basis. Here are some reasons this could be benificial to you! Cutting down the amount of automobiles being used on a daily basis would take less money out of yor pocket and would be better for the enviroment, and it would be healthier and safer. More and more countries are taking action to stop the large amout of cars being used daily. One way they are doing this is by having car-resticted areas, like in Vauban, Germany, "Vauban streets are completely car-free...", (Source 1: In German Suburb, Life Goes On Without Cars, Elisabeth Rosenthal). By doing so, you wouldnt use your car very often or at all. This will reduced the amout of money you will have to spend on gas, car repair, or it could cut out the cost of buying a car entirely. More and more people will not have a need to buy/use a car and that will be extremely benificial to the Earth. This is because their will be less pollution and smog being produced by the running cars. Pairs, France is a big contributer to smog and they are now reducing the amount of allowed cars on their roads, "The smog cleared enough Monday for the ruling French party...",(Source 2: Paris bans driving due to smog,Robert Duffer). Paris has now lowered the amount of smog in their cities signifigantly. With less pollution and smog life for the people will be a lot healthier. Just think about how much cleaner the air will be. Also, by not using a car you could walk or bike to your destinations and that will also be very benificial to your health. By not using cars, public thransportation, or just staying off the road in general you are cutting out the risk of being in a deathly car accident. By doing so life will be much safer. You will also cut out the stress and worry of driving. "...When I had a car I was always tense. I'm much happier this way,...", (Source 1: In German Suburb, Life Goes On Without Cars, Elisabeth Rosenthal). In the end, cutting down the amount of car and public transportation being used will be very benificial to everyone of all ages because it will take less of your money to get to your destinations and will cause less pollution which is better for the Earth, and it is much safer to be off the road ,as well as, healthier to walk or bike to your destinations.
Driverless cars should be used in the near future. I believe that drivless cars can be very benefical in the near future. Driverless cars will be very useful because the people of our country are getting more lazy as time goes by. There are many benefits and many concerns when it comes to driveless cars. Driverless cars should be used in the near future because they are benefical by their technology used, sensors, and functions. The technology used for the driverless cars are very beneficial compared to an average car. When the article states, "The most important bit of technology in this system is the spinning sensor on the roof. Dubbed LIDAR, it uses laser beams to form a constantly updating 3-D model of the car's surroundings. The combination of all this input is necessary for the driverless car to mimic the skill of a human at the wheel." This quote shows that the technology used for the driverless cars are very beneficial and above an average car. With the driverless car having sensors it can mimic the skill of a human at wheel which is a amazing. Sensors are not new in technology. The sensors used for the driverless car are one of its many benefits. The article says, " The information from the sensors can cause the car to apply brakes on individual wheels and reduce power from the engine, allowing better response and control than a human driver could manage alone. Further improvements in sensors and computer hardware and software to make driving safer are also leading to cars that can handle more and more driving tasks on their own." This quote shows that the use of sensors is more safer and leads to cars that can handle more and more driving tasks on their own. The driverless car's functions are out of this world. The driverless car for the most part can work well indepently, but may need the drivers help in certain situations. The article states, "They can steer, accelerate, and brake themselves, but all are designed to notfiy the driver when the road ahead requires human skills, such as navigating through work zones and around accidents." This shows that driverless cars have very important and benefical functions, but may need the drivers help in certain circumstances. Driverless cars will be very benefical in the near future. There is a lot of debate between the driverless cars as to whether they should be used or not in the near future. The driverless car has its many pros and cons. The driverless car has many special qualities and should be improved to be used in the future. The driverless cars should be used because of their technology used, sensors, and functions.
Alien's have been a question many astronauts and people from all around the world have been wondering about for ages. But do they actually exsit? A few years ago NASA discovered what seemed to look like a face on Mar's surface. Many think that the so called "Face" was created by alien's. But others think it was just created by natural causes just like how some landforms are created on Earth. How do you think that the formation was created? So far NASA hasn't discovered any alien markings or any other form of life on other planets. This is one of the reasons why the formation was created by natural causes and not by alien's. Just like on Earth we discover something new every day, such as new landforms and new natural resources. The formation couldn't of been formed by alien's because where did they get the tools to make it? If aliens exsited, i think we would have more evidence. Alien's don't exsit becuase we would have found some evidence of diffrent life on diffrent planet's by now. If their are no aliens then their are no alien made objects on Mars. Alien's probably would have found a better communication rought then sending us weird landforms that dont have much meaning at all. Why of all things would the aliens create a face? Even if aliens did exsit i don't think it is their goal in their life to scare us humans. They would probably make something more reasonable, like a house or something like a shelter. Along with the formation there are also many landforms on earth that are similar. Such as the Grand Cannon and things like that. Think if the humans lived on Mars and we came to Earth and saw the Grand Cannon we would automatically think that there must be life here since there is no other way this could have been formed. Just as we believe there is life on Mars we would assume their is life here. Untill their is more evidence about alien's we should not believe that they exsit. As it says in the artical "What the picture actually shows is the Maritian equivalent of a buttle or mesa-landforms common around the American West." This landform represents many of the already discovered landforms on earth such as the Grand Cannon and their is no official evidence that aliens exsit this is obviously a naturally formed landform and not created by aliens.
Dear State Senator People should make a better choice on who they pick as president. Some people choose wrong, and the electoral collage needs to vote for us so that they make the right choice. The only reason I think this is because the electoral collage has never let us down. I like that we have some one to vote for us. Senator take this to heart we need this process for the people and the government. The only reason I like the process is because I would choose somebody over what they say not over what they do. I belive that some one should be picked as of their history and manners and honesty not over popular vote. This process is the only process that they need to help us make the right choice. The right choice would be Obama or Kinnedy or some one like that. The wrong choice is that charlie chris who wants to be a governor, well for now he wants to be a governor next he will want to be a president. The process of electoral collage needs to be here. The only reason we need not to vote on the popular voting thing is because people vote wrong vote right for once huh. Come on the voting thing where we vote and the popular vote wins isn't right out of however many presidents we've had we've only got under a half of them right. We need this process for the same reason we need new presidents lately. Do you see why we need not to vote by popular vote now? We need to stick to the electoral collage process or we won't be in good hands with presidents that is. Don't make us go back to popular vote thing please. We don't need popular voting at all so thats all i have to say.                                                                                        
As the author explains the idea of studying the planet Venus and how dangerous it can be because of the hot temperature, the author supports this idea of traveling to Venus and observing it by providing ways to study Venus safely. Dangerous as it sounds, according from the article, stating that it can melt almost anything due to the hot temperatures in Venus and the poisonous gas that covers the atmosphere, the author still believes that travleing to Venus is a good idea because it can enhance our future travels and overcome obsticles. According from the article, Venus is a very hot planet that is around 800 degrees Fahrenheit on average, meaning that no spacecraft can survive the landing at all. However, the author believes that spacecrafts should hover around Venus to obeserve the thick atmospehere and temperature. On paragraph 5, the author states, "Just as our jet airplanes travel at a higher altitude to fly over many storms, a vehicle hovering over Venus would avoid the unfriendly ground conditions by staying up and out of their way." This supports the idea of studying Venus, as it shows that flying or hovering Venus wouldn't be a bad idea. In conclusion, Venus is a very hot planet and has a very poisionus atmosphere. Therefore, traveling to Venus and observing it would be a very difficult task to do. However, the author has provided ways and evidence on how to study the planet Venus safely. Suggesting that hovering over the planet would be a great idea to do, humans can finally see and observe the planet Venus up close. In addition, the author believes that this can help our future travels and the dangers should not prevent us from going any futher more.
After reading "Driverless Cars Are Coming" I began to think it was a good idea to have driverless cars. After going back and re-reading the article i dont think that so much anymore. Let me start by saying that this seems like a not too bad idea, but i have things to support that its a bad idea as well. Cars thst can drive by themselves cool ! Here's what i thought didnt make sense, Its a car that drives by its self but you have to be in there also watching the road. I thought that was a waste of an invention. A driverless car shouldn't have to be watched after by a human. The name says it all DRIVERLESS CAR. If really a "driverless car" than why also watch the road ? Here are some details from the story supporting why i feel this way. In paragraph 7 the author talks about the car " They can steer, accelerate, and brake themselves, but all are designed to notify the driver when the road ahead requires human skills" clearly we see here that these cars require human skills or techniques. Not a so "Driverless" car after all, in my opinion. If we continue reading it also says " The human driver must remain alert and be ready to take over when the situation requires". In my opinion if you have to watch the road no matter what, than you should just drive the car yourself insted. This car requires us to still not be destracted watch and the road i would get bored of waiting and would just want to drive the car my self, wouldn't you ? Finally i want to conclude by saying I would not buy a car like this. I would not buy a car like this beacuse there would be no point of being inside a car that you would have to watch after but not do anything. Driverless cars would be cool, if in fact they would be driver less. Overall this idea is not bad just not ready enough to come true. I am against this idead beacuse of this.
The Facial Action Coding System is should not be use in classroom, or in anywhere. It's not good to know how everyone feels about each others, because if we do know how we feel about each other we will all hate each other. Even for a computer it's not good to know how humans feels about the other human, only polices should have this device because if the polices cought bad guys they will use it to them. According to Prof. Thomas Huang this device can recognize the subtle facial movements humans use to express how humans feel. However, this device is still not trust worthty because if this device did not tell the truth every would hate each other. A computer that knows when you're happy or sad is not good for humans. For example, if this Facial Action Coding System could be use in humans kids will not have go to school anymore because they will start doing something else. The Facial Action Coding System should not be use in anywhere.
A lot of people enjoy the rush of adrenaline. So much energy is rushed through a persons body when they do something that is looked at to be difficult or dangerous. Once they successfully achieve their goal they feel amazing but they do everything they can to achieve there goal even though it could possibly be very dangerous. This is just like in the article "The Challenge of Exploring Venus". In the article it talks about how NASA is interested in studying Venus but they really can't because of all the obsticles they need to get by. But those obsticles don't matter to them. The author suggest that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents. Some ways that show that studying Venus is worth it is when it talks about Venus being one of the only planets being very similar to Earth, being one of the closest planets to Earth and the possible inventions that could be made that can change a lot in exploration. Earth has very different characteristics from all the other planets in the solar system. So when astronomers discovered Venus they were fascinated to see how it has many of the same characteristics that Earth does. Since another planet has many similar characteristics to Earth it sparks curiousity. It starts to create questions which people and astronomers want answers to. So scientist and NASA want to do everything they can to answer some of their questions no matter the risk. In the text it says, "Astronomers are fascinated by Venus because it may well once have been Earth-like planet in our solar system. Long ago, Venus was probably covered largely with oceans and could have supported various forms of life." This shows how Venus is shown to be very similar to Earth. It has many similar charcteristics which shows there could have been life on the planet very long ago. The reason it is seen to be worth exploring is because if astronomers continue studying the planet then they could possibly maybe find a way to possibly live or find current creatures still living on the planet. When people want to really know about something they will do everything they can to discover more. Especially when the thing you want to know more about is right next door. It's like having a child and candy. If there is candy right next to a child they can't be told not to have it and expect them to listen. They will go right for it since it is so close to them. That is exactly how astronomers feel. They can't resist the urge to study a planet that is so close to them. There are many other planets in the solar system which they can't study because of the distance from Earth, but this planet is so close. In the article it says, "Often reffered to as Earth's 'twin,' Venus is the closets planet to Earth in terms of density and size, and occasionally the closest in distance too...Venus can sometimes be our nearest option for a planetary visit." This supports how the planet Venus is the nearest to Earth. Making it easier to arrive there distance wise. Yes, there are many dangers of visiting the planet which can make it seem very immature to even risk going, but that doesn't stop NASA. If they have something close to them they can continue doing test and possibly find a solution to reduce risk and fully and appropriately study Venus. The other reason which NASA wants to continue studying the planet is because of the possible inventions or spark of ideas along the way. If there are new invention or ideas it could change things for ever in the future. It could make further studies a lot more easy. In the text it says, "Imagine a blimp-like vehicle hovering 30 or so miles above the roiling Venusian landscape...a vehicle hovering over venus would avoid the unfriendly ground conditions...simplified electronics made of silicon carbide...have lasted for three weeks in such conditions.Another project is looking back to an old tehcnology called mechanical computers." This shows how many great inventions can be created or even early inventions from before can be used. That leads to more curiosity and encourages NASA to keep studying Venus despite it's dangers. There could be many reasons for why people would like to continue working on something no matter the risk. For example the study of Venus. NASA and many astronomers continue working on the study despite of the dangers because of Venus being one of the only planets being very similar to Earth, being one of the closest planets to Earth and the possible inventions that could be made that can change a lot in exploration.
The article " A Cowboy Who Rode the Waves" is about a boy named Luke Bomberger. His friend Don Reist invited him to Europe on a cattle boat. Luke knew it was an opportunity of a life time. To help these countries recover their food suplies, animals, and more, 44 nations joined together to form the UNRRA (the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration.) In 1945 the UNRRA hired "Seagoing Cowboys" to take care of the horses, young cows, and mules that were shipped overseas. On August 14 1945 Luke and Dom headed for greece with a cargo of 335 horses plus. In 1947, Luke had made nine trips-the most of any Seagoing Cowboy. Luke also found time to have fun on board, especially on return trips after the animals had been unloaded. The Cowboys played baseball and volleyball games in the empty holds where animals had been housed. I think that being a " Seagoing Cowboy" will be fun and adventurest. As you travel on the cattle boat you will be able to visit unique and amazing places. You will also have fun while you are doing it. You will also be able to experence lots of thing that most others can not. As your doing these fun and exsiting stuff you will also be helping those recovering countries in need of help with food suplies, animals, and more. So in my point of view and Luke's is to participate in the Seagoing Cowboys program. If i were you i would definatly help thhose in need of foos suplies and animals. If you like/love animals and helping others in need this will be a perfect job for you.
State senator, I hear there is a process called the Electoral college where election of the president is counted by vote in congress. I understand the process that people vote for the electors and not the president straight off. Once you have vote for which electors you want, the electors will vote for the president and vice president, known as the electoral votes by congress. Realizing from whats happened in the past i see that most people dont like this process. Analyzing the process once more after knowing people dont favor this process, their reasons are reasonable. I have come to conclusion that i favor of changing to election by popular vote for the president of the United States. keeping the Electoral College process will give difficulties to people around the states. There has been some mistakes before, voters have gotten confused about the electors and vote for the wrong candidate. Why not just have it simple? People have refused to vote for their party's candidate and vote for whomever they please. Changing to election by popular vote wont be a problem, the electoral collage is already unfair to voters. Candidates dont spend time on states they think or know they have no chance in winning because of the Winner-take-all system. Its already been official so why not change it? A fair amount of people already know the Electoral collge is unfair and irrational. Isn't is easier already to just vote for the president itself and pick by popularity. The voting is for the president anyway then why put in a whole lot of nonsense and bring in state electors. Over all, i just feel like voting by popularity will be much easier and pleasing to people. Yes ive had the thought that it might take a bit longer because obviously you're going to need to count all the votings of millions to billions of people, but its less complicated. The electoral process have had bad experiences so why not try something new and yet a better way of voting? It wont hurt right. The pros and cons do come in the way of both, there are cons in the popularity process but knowing that people dont like the electoral and most already vote for who they please theres only one thing to do. Change to election by popular vote for the presidnat of the United states and make is official.
Think about how many times a week we get in a car to drive somewhere. I know I drive to school, to lacrosse practice, and to spend time with friends on a weekly basis. Some people may claim that driving is a possitve aspect of our culture because it allows us to get from one place to another and accomplish tasks in a timley fasion, but driving in excess has some serious consequences. Although some may argue that it is impossible to completely cut out an action that is essential to our daily lives, and that cutting down on driving would not be adventageous, limiting the amount of time we spend driving has many advantages. Cutting down on automobile use will decrease pollution in our air, and make us healthier and happier, which is why many legeslators and cities are reducing automobile use. Beijing, China, is the most polluted city in the world according to Robert Duffer of the Chicago Tribune in 2014. (source 2 paragraph 14) This is due to the fact that Bejing's automobile use is extremly high. When the city of Paris was faced with a similar crisis, it issued a partial driving ban that allowed people to only drive on days that the government said they could in accordance to their lisence plate number, or they would face a fine. (source 2 paragraph 10-19). This revolutionary ban caused the air pollution in Paris to drop so much that the ban was lifted after only one day. The drop in air pollution clearly refutes the claim that cutting down on driving is not adventageous. Cutting down on automobile use is beneficial to the environment because, according to Elizabeth Rosenthal of the New York Times in 2009 (source 1 paragraph 5), "Passenger cars are responsible for 12% of greenhouse gas emissions in Europe and up to 50% in some car-intensive areas in the United States." Limiting automobile use is crucial to cleaning our air and stopping the burning of fossil fuels, thus explains why is beneficial to limit our car use. Although some might argue that driving a car to work is easier, evidence shows that people who limit their car use are happier and healthier. Rosenthal writes about the city of Vauban, Germany, where "70% of Vauban's families do not own a car." (source 1 paragraph 3) Heidrum Walter, a carless citizen from Vauban, states that, "When I had a car, I was always tense. I'm much happier this way." (source 1 paragraph 3) The concept of people being happier and healthier without cars is further proved in Bogota, Columbia, where, according to Andrew Selsky of the Seattle Times in 2002, "For the third straight year cars have been banned with only buses and taxis permitted for the Day Without Cars in the capital city of 7 million." (source 3 paragraph 21) Carlos Arturo Plaza stated, "It's a good opprotunity to take away stress and lower air pollution,"as he rode his bike with his wife. The statements from Walter of Vauban and Plaza of Bogota show how limiting automobile use is advantageous to the overall well-being and happiness of people, thus we should limit our automotive use. Limiting automobile use is so beneficial, that many groups and legeslators are supporting a society with less cars. The EPA in the United States is promoting "car reduced" communities, and legislators are starting to act. (source 1 paragraph 9) David Goldberg, an official of Transportation for America, states that, "All of our development since World War II has been centered on the car, and that will have to change." Sociology proffesor at Drecel University, Mimi Sheller, further elaborates, stating, "Different things are converging which suggest that we are witnessing a long-term cultural shift." (source 4 paragraph 35) The support for a "car reduced" society by the US government and the EPA is the cherry on top to all of the benefits associated with driving less, thus we should limit our automobile use. Society is changing. A study last year found that driving by young people decreased by 23% between 2001 and 2009. (source 4 paragraph 41) Now is the time to turn off the engine, get out of the car, and take a bus, bike, or train to work. By limiting our automobile use, we keep our air clean by burning less fossil fuels, and we are happier and healthier, which is why organizations like the EPA support the reduction of car use. We need to act today to save the next generation of citizens from ecological destruction. The benefits of reducing car use are countless, which explains why we should limit our automobile use.            
Driverless cars are comming, and that is a good thing. Driverless cars can be more fuel effecent, and saffer that normal cars today. They can also be more relaxing for the pasangers in the car. Driverless cars are something great, and the future will be a safer, cleaner place with them. Driverless cars can be more fuel effecent than the cars we drive today. As the text says," He envisions a future with public transprotation system where fleets of driverless cars from a public-transport taxi systam. The cars he forsees would use half the fuel of today's taxis and offer more flexibility than the bus." This quote from the text tells us that if we switched over compleatly to driverless cars we would use half of the fuel we use today. Driverless cars would help the world be a cleaner place. Cars that can drive themselves can also be alot safer for the people traveling inside them and for the people around them. Smart cars will sense the world around them, and they can help make things like trafic jams and road blocks safer for everyone involved. As the text states, " The Google car simply announces when the driver should take over. Other options under consederation are flashing lights on the windsheild and other heads up dispalys. Manufacturers are also consiering useing cameras to watch that drivers are remaning focused on the road. While the driver watches the road. the car watches the driver." This quote from the text tells us that the smart cars will alart us when danger is ahead so that we will be prepared. This will help prevent colisions with other cars and pedestions. The driverless car with help make the world a safer place. The driverless car will give the pasangers in the car a more enjoyable ride. The pasangers will not have to deal with the stress of the road. Allthough the driver will still have to be paying attention o the road, he or she could relax knowing that they are in the hands of a smart driverless car. In the text it says,"We have to interpert the driving fun in a new way." This quote is saying that the driverless cars will be a fun alternative to the manual cars we drive today. The new smart cars will be a relaxing and fun car for the future. The driverless car has many positive facters, but it also has a few negative facters. There is the posabitaly that the car can malfuction, or not sense an accident. There are manny varables in the new and evolving world. But man kind can never experances the true joys of life without trial and error. The driverless car will take time to perfect, but when it is complete it will be a masterpice. Smart driverless cars are the future. They can provide safety like cars today can not. They are also a more fuel effecent way of transportation. And lastly, driverless cars will creat a more relaxed and fun emviroment inside the car. Driverless cars are better in many ways to what we drive today, and will provide a saffer emviroment for the future.
Have you ever wanted to save a life? You can save a life while you are apart of the Seagoing Cowboys program. You might be wondering what in the world is Seagoing Cowboys, but you can find out what it is if you continue to read this essay. The program called Seagoing Cowboys is a program that helps contries after a natural disater, or a war, which is the reason Seagoing Cowboys was created. Seagoing Cowboys is the program for you to join because saving lives can be so rewarding to yourself, to others, and make others want to be just like you. Even if your the type of person thats always negative, that will encourage others not be like you, but to be the person that is the better version of that you. You might be thinking, why in the world would I want to help someone I don't even know? I can answer that, because you should care about what the others think of you. Think about it, if you help someone you don't know, they might see what a good person you are and would want to join the group that you are in. Helping others is a service everyone needs, even after a war or a natural disaster. You need to save a life, and help a family some day, do it with the Seagoing Cowboys program to be the person to help and possiblry even help them from dieing from starvation and other dark reasons because you didn't help them. Do you like travling? Do you like the ocean? Want to be on a boat for a couple of weeks? Then Seagoing Cowboys is the perfect program for you! You might argue that there is nothing on a boat to do, well your wrong, on Lukes way back to his mainland, he claimed that there was a lot of extra time to pass by because after dropping off the cargo at the destination, there is nothing else to look over so you have the rest of that time to yourself. After hearing the reasons in this passage, do you now feel like helping people or would you like to just sit on your couch just eating chips off your stomach. There is only one right choice, its the first option, saving people is so rewarding in your mind and heart. Seagoing Cowboys is the program that will make you feel better as a person, and as a human knowing that you're making history with helping other human beings live a long lived life by helping them live another day in there home and helping still have food.
Helping. I'm Luke,a Seagoing Cowboy. I hope to convince you to join helping people along the seas. Remember, this is an opportunity of a lifetime. First off, let me tell some of the benefits. You get to meet new people,and if you don't like that, you can go sightseeing while your going to your destination. One of the best things are the fun. You can fence, play ping-pong, box, read, write, and even play baseball or volleyball! Somehow, this can all be done on a ship. This really helped pass time. Next, let me tell you about work. This is not that bad concidering all the fun you can have. What you can do is check on the animals, clean the stalls, and feed/water them. Most of all, the world can be opened up to you. It makes you more aware of people's needs. This can lead to a whole world of opportunity. Helping people and animals can make people feel complete. This job was probably one of the best I've had. The experience taught me a valuable lesson. It makes me a better person and you could too!
Why drive when you can use many other alternatives ! There are many reasons why the citizens in my town and all across the world should limit car use. Three really good reasons are, to limit pollution, to lower stress, healthier life style. My first reason for thinking that we should limit are car usage because it is a very big cause of pollution. In the article written by Elisabeth Rosenthal she states "Passenger cars are resposible for up to 50 percent in some car-intensive areas in the United States" Pollution is a very serious is that could easily be stop or reduced. Its also can be as simple as walking to your  destination, car pooling, or even taking the bus. In the citie of Paris in France to help to reduce the smog and pollution they banned driving even numbered license plates from driving on one day and banned odd numbers on the next, Alternating every other day. Enough smog and pollution cleared one of the following days that the lifted the ban on odd numbered plates they were allowed to drive. These all always very easy ways to help stop pollution. The second the reason why I thinking that we should limit our car use is  if were to use them less it could lower our stress levels. The citie of Bogota, Colombia  have day in which no one use a car for the whole day unless its public transportation or a taxis. One citizen claimed during car free day that "It's a good opportunity to take away stress and lower air pollution" Another citizen who lives in a community where the streets are completly "car-free" says "When i had a car i was always tense. I'm much happier this way,". If the citizens of the world were to cut down on the use of air polluting vechiles it could also not only less polluted place but also more calm and less stressed out people. My final reason for agreeing with idea of limiting car usage is if we drive less we could all lead healthier lifestyles. Imagine how many calories you can burn by walking to corner store or taking a bike to your nearest walmart. The health benefits are endless. If you think about it sitting in the car barley moving to do anything you dont loose any calories at all. So why not walk, run, or jog instead. In conclusion i think it would be best for all us to cut down the use of driving. My three  reason are, to limit pollution, to lower stress, healthier life style. This would benefit not only us but to future generations of the world.            
Driverless cars, who would think of such a thing? In the article they give you many pro's and con's on these cars. I think that driverless cars are not safe. I'm against the driverless cars. These cars are not safe and unfair. These cars are unsafe and unfair because they can lose control, if you get in and accident its your fault, and you can bascially fall alseep at the wheel or do other things. Losing control with these cars can be very dangerous. The car its self has a mind of its own. It's programed to drive without your help. Without your help this car can go off the road for no reason and lose control. Cars now go off the road just by people trying to miss things in the road. I can only image what the car will do by itself. In the article it said that if there happens to be an accident then it will be your fault or the companies. This most of the time means it's your fault. Getting in an accident in these cars is most likely your fault when it comes down to it. It's mostly likely your fault because you're the one that wasn't paying attention to the road when "driving". Then again it wasn't you that was driving the car it was the car driving itself. The car is your responsibility there for it's your fault. I myself wouldn't want a car that can happen to go off the road and it be my fault not the company. All the contracts you sign for this car, in the fine print it says it's your responsibility. Lastly you can fall asleep at the wheel. You can do things that distract you from driving or watching the road so, the car doesn't go off the road. This reason ties back to if you were to get in an accident. If you fall asleep at the wheel how are you going to know when it's your turn to drive? How are you going to know what's going on? Yes, the article says that you will be warned when it comes to that stuff but, what if you're not. Not all the time things go as thet're suppose too. I would be very scared to have a car like this. Many people will fall asleep at the wheel waiting on their turn to drive the car. In conclusion I'm against this car. I dont think they are safe or fair. This car may lose control, get in an accident(and being your fault), and people will fall asleep at the wheel(or do other things). I myself would buy this car. In my opinion I think no one else should buy this car either.
Many people believe that this face on Mars was made by an Ancient Alian Race that once lived on Mars. This Face was discivered 25 Years ago on a space Expedition. Most NASA scientisis believe that this Face on Mars is a natural land form but, some believe that it is not natural and was formed by Alians. Many Scientists also think against the thought of the formation on Mars being made by an ancient civilization that lived on Mars. Scientists that are against the theory of the face being formed by Alians argue that there are formations on Earth that are also formed how the one on Mars was and that this is natural. Many Scientisis believe that this is a natural landform because it is like some of the other landforms in the Western United States like the Butte in the Snake River Plain of Ohio. Scientists believe that both of these landforms were created by lava domes because the two formations are around the exact same height and are therefore believed to be created in the same and natural way. Scientisis have been researching the Face on Mars for years abd have come up with a reasonal explination for why the Face on Mars was not created by Alians and is a natural land formation that is created the same way as some formations in the Western United States. Though Scientists would like to have proof that there was a race of martians that lived thousands of years ago there is logical information prooving that this was a natural formation that is also experienced on Western Regions of the United States.
When we see the famous painting of Mona Lisa we typically do not see it as an example for the Facial Action Coding System. This is a system that reads emmotions, but this painting along with this new technology helps humans understand how are we feeling. This new technology is valuable in many cases and in classrooms in not the ecception because it can help students have a diffferent learning enviroment. This is 2018 and we need changes, good changes. The way that we learn is changing really fast and now there are better methods to help students understand and learn, for example: apps, websites, homeschool ,ect. By the use of this new technology students can have the chance to have a better education by having the help of a program that can see your facial expression and determine if you might need another teaching method that can help you improve your learning skills. For example in paragraph 6 says: '' A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confuced or bored'' Dr. Huang Predicts .''Then it could modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor.'' this shows how effective this new technology can be to students that want to have a better education. With this program or technology students do not have to worry if the teacher do not know how to explain a specific subject in a different way that the student can understand. This new technolog is valuable because is prepared to have multiple ways to teach a subject so the student can understand it in a way that could help them memmorize the subject. This technology called FACS (Facial Action Coding System) is going to change for good the way we all learn. With this new system we can all learn in a valuable and enjoyable way, thats the work of the system to have you enjoy learning. Are you ready to enjoy learnign with FACS?
Are the development of cars advancing? Yes. Is it in a good or a bad way? Who knows? I am against the advanced cars. Technology is getting better and better as the years go on but there will always be minor problems and if not solved may lead to some major problems. As a society in a whole we already have a lot of problems to deal with. Adding on some more will not benefit us in any way, shape, or form. The first reason why I am against it is because of the safety issues. They are not one hundred percent life proof nor is any car in America. Regular car accidents happen everyday some leading to death or serious long time injuries. Do we want to up the numbers on those? No, of course not nobody does. So why make "smarter" cars if they can't save us from dying? Where's the help in that? There is none. Another reason I am against the development is because of issues it may bring. Driverless cars are useless. Every kid grows up wants to get their permit, some take the drivers ed classes, some don't, many kids are just studying on their own, then after that you take the test right? The permit test and if you pass that your just one step away from the DRIVERS test. The one you have to pass to get your license. The test that tells yourself wether you can drive safe enough and be on the road with other people driving also. These tests are to help and teach people how to drive. So if the cars are driving us, what are we learning? Nothing. Where's the help in that? Once again, there is none. My last reason I am against this subject is the trust we put into the development. Automakers are so sure that the cars will be working, no problems by 2020. But how do the drivers know that? How will the drivers know what their doing if they don't even know how the car was built? Or if the car just has a malfunction and something goes terribly wrong and puts other drivers in danger. Drivers need to know what their dealing with before the try to deal with it. Thats like walking blind. You have know idea what your doing. Drivers cannot just trust that these cars are built and working perfectly. One problem can lead to another and another one and another one and so on. Where's the help in that? I repeat, there is none. In conclusion, drivers are not seeing the full picture. Their just happy they no longer have to steer the wheel any longer. It needs to be understood that the advancements or developments are never one hundred percent pure. It sounds like a good thing but this is just another way to get people to stop doing things, stop thinking for themselves, letting someone or even something take control even if it deals with handling their own life. Last but not least, wheres the help in that? For the last time, there is none.
Dear, Senitors I Write to you about the Electional Colleges because, i beleive that it is fair to change it to which ever runner has the most votes will become president. I understand that each candidate running for prsident has his or her own group of electors chosen by the political party but it depends if they chose their electors respondsibly Electoral College consists of 538 electors , but a majority of 270 votes are required to elect the president. Voters don't vote for the president they would have to vote for a a slate of democratic electors pledged to that person and if that person won they would go to congress and that runner would get that amount of electoral votes. But if a tie happens the electrol vote would go to the house of representatives where they would have to decide who the president will be and senates would decide who the Vice President would be. But in all my oppionion should be that who ever has the most popular vote will vbe prsedent. Thank You , PROPER_NAME    
Have you ever been faced with a boring computer assignment? Maybe you have dreaded coming to school or finishing your homework? As technology is advancing and more of the classroom is found through an electronic device, some students may find themselves losing interest in their daily lessons. What if this could be changed by a system that takes your facial expressions into account and accomodates to your mood? Right when the assignment has begun to lose your interest, this system could sense the change and alter the lesson plan to regain your interest. The Facial Action Coding System may be valuable and allow for improvement to be made within classrooms and within students. Initially, as technology is advancing daily and students find themselves online more often, this system could improve their lessons. Electronics as of now are programmed to teach a student however are unable to sense how the student is feeling or how they are actually doing on their assignment. As the author states in the article, "most human communication is nonverbal, including emotional communication" something which computers are unable to detect (para. 6). Not only this, but the author gives an analogy that states "if you smile when a web ad appears on your screen, a smilar ad might follow" and explains that in a classroom, similar techniques can be applied to benefit the student (para. 6). Using this program will allow technology to advance and in turn will benefit the student. By the same token, using this sort of technology in the classroom will keep a student engaged during their lessons. When Dr. Huang describes how this system can engage a student he states, "[the computer] could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored" and further explains that "[the system] could modify the lesson" to acomidate to the students needs (para. 6). In a normal classroom, when the teachers method of teaching is confusing students, the teacher should find a different way of teaching to engage students. The author also explains how the system is able to read six different emotions and can "identify mixed emotions" to allow the system to see if their methods are benefitting the student (para. 4). This computer system would be valuable when keeping the students engaged. Finally, this system may change the ways in which many students view school. It is no secret that many students dread coming to school, whether it be from stress, bullying, or simply not understanding the subjects. This system can pick up on a fake emotion, the author explains how it can read a "fake smile" and that to them "faces don't lie" (para. 8). If this system is able to sense when a student is unhappy or angry, this could be used as an advantage in helping the student. Not only this, but the author explains that "moving your facial muscles not only expresses emotions, but may even help produce them" (para. 9). Taking both of these statements into account, and allowing them to be incorporated into the classroom, students may enjoy attending school and learning new things. Consequently, this system would be valuable to classrooms and would allow for improvement to be made within schools and the students. Overall, it is evident that computers are unable to read emotions and reciprocate to the individual adequately. This system might prove to reengage students in their learning, and improve their moods altogether. If you had the choice to experience in this program within your classroom, what do you thing the outcomes may be?
Have you ever thought of living in Venus or how it looks? some people believe Venus will be the next earth in the future but some people aslo believe there will never be another planet like earth. well this article will be talking about studying Venus is a worthy pursuit and the dangerous of Venus. In the article studys show that Venus is like earths twin because "Venus is the closets planet to earth in terms of density and size, and occasionally the colsets in distance to earth." this is one reason why we should study Venus becasue its like earth's sister which comes to my second reason why we study Venus. Second reason is " long ago, Venus was probably covered largely with oceans and could have supported various forms of life, just like earth." But there's dangerouses to this. something that's dangerous about this is how far it is. In the artical the author states "each previous mission was ummaned, and for good reason, since no spacecraft survived the landing for more than a few hours." then procceds to say "maybe this explains why not a single spaceship has touched down on Venus." this shows that getting there will be a challenge. another dangerous thing about Venus that the author states is "evn more challenging are the clouds of highly corrosive sulfuric acid in Venus's atmosphere." this will take years to find a way to take care of the acid. This basically tells you how Nasa is working on how to land on Venus and showing us that there might be another planet like earth. Now do you change your mind on believing on another earth like plant is out there or do you still think earth will be the only planet with living organisms on it?
In the story Luke's friend played a big role in him becoming a seagoing cowboy, because he invitied him to go to Europe with him. If his friend didn't invite him Luke would not be know. Thats the reason his friend played a big role On luke's adventurs he travled to alot of places that were left in ruins from World War II.he wold bring cattle from farms hence the name seagoing cowboys. He went to New Orleans,Greece,Europe,China,Venice,and Italy and helped them recover from the war. When him and the crew would have to go somewhere to pass the time they would play baseball,volleyball,ping pong,fencing,boxing,reading,and whittling. On luke's second trip he was a night watchman, he would check on the animals every hour. On one rainy night after he made his hourly report to the captian he was going down a ladder and sliped then fell on his back causing him not able to work for a couple of days because he craked his ribs.
"Just be fair" quotes many people everyday. In the article "Does the Electoral College Work?" Source 1: "What Is the Electoral College" by the Office of the Federal Rgister, Source 2: "The Indefensible Electoral College: Why even the best-laid defenses of the system are wrong" by Bradford Plumer, and Source 3: "In Defense of the Electoral College: Five reasons to keep our despised method of choosing the President." I think that the Electoral College should be abolished and to elect a president by popular vote. The first thing to remember, is that the Electoral College is unfair and needs to be changed to the popular vote because the people should be able to vote who they want to be president. The author mentions in Source: 3 paragraph 18 that "A dispute over the outcome of an Electoral College vote is possible-it happened in 2000-but it is less likely than a dispute over the popular vote." This proves that with the Electoral College in place that there may be a big contreversy about who should be the next president. Arguments would also break out between the political parties that are trying to elect their canidate president. With popualar vote you could avoid all these conflicts and disputes by letting the people elect the president outright with no questions. With this in mind, there should be no Electoral College because the author suggests in Source 3: paragraph 19 that "The Electoral College requires a presidential canidate to have trans-regional appeal. No region has enough electoral votes to elect a president. So a solid regional favorite, such as Romney was in the South, has no incentive to campaign heavily in those states, for he gains no electoral votes by increasing his pularity in states that he knows he will win." A presidential canidate should be able to gain votes from his region because that is the states the canidate are more familiar with so, he will be able to campaign better in those states and if he becomes president he will be equal to all the other regions. You could avoid this with the fair method of popular vote. Another key point, is that the number of votes coming from each state should be equal in the amount of votes. The author claims in Source 2: paragraph 10 that "If you lived in Texas for instance, and wanted to vote for John Kerry, you would vote for a slate of 34 electors pledged to Kerry. With popular vote you would not have to worry about all of the votes that each state gives from the Electoral College. Popular vote lets the people deside no the Electoral College deside. If two canidates were running for president and one was from Florida and the other one was from Alaska, their state could be the deciding factor which the one from Florida will win because it has more votes than Alaska which is not fair. Truly, the Electoral College should be replaced by popular vote because there is a winner-take-all system. The author shadows in Source 1: paragraph 7 that "Most states have a "winner-take-all' system that awards all electors to the winning presidential canidate. However, Maine and Nebraska each have a variation of "proportional representation." The thing is that with a popular vote system you would not have to worry about a winner-take-all and states that have a different system than the other states. Just let the people decide and everything will be easy and fair. On the flip side, the Electoral College should not be replaced because it avoids any type of run-off election that may occur. The author argues in Source 3: paragraph 22 that "The Electoral College avoids the problem of elections in wich no canidate receives a majority of the votes cast." This shows that with the Electoral College it would relieve all of the stress that is put on a canidate when they are running and the stress could also complicate the process of electing the president. With the Electoral College their will be a winner no matter what happens which will clearly the most fair way to complete the process of electing the president. To conclude, after analyzing the article "Does the Electoral College Work?" Source 1: "What Is the Electoral College" by the Office of the Federal Register, Source 2: "The Indefensible Electoral College: Why even the best-laid defenses of the system are wrong" by Bradford Plumer, and Source 3: "In Defense of the Electoral Collge: Five reasons to keep our despised method of choosing the President" by Richard A. Posner I think that the Electoral College should be replaced by a popular vote system.
Did you know that Venus is lose to the eatth and its also close to the sun. Venus is one of the most brightest poionts of the light sky making it simple even for an amateur stargazer spot. Ill will be wrting about how venus is a worthy pursuit despite and the how its danger to is present. Venus is the closet plant to the earth bu the size and the density , ven mars and eath are the plantary neighbohr roe to e to orbut the sub at different, and since venus is right there at the corner by the earth and the sum people often will land spacecrafts on this because it will be so close . Venus is made up of 97 percent carbon dixide venus tempertures id an average of 800 degress and the atmos[heric pressure is 90 times greather in fahrenheight. Venus had the hottest surface temperture of any plant in the solor system , even theough mercury is closer to our sun. Beyond high pressure and heat , venusian geology and weather present additional impediments like erupting volcanoes and powerful earthquakes and frquent lighting strikes to probes seeking to land on its surface . Venus mas became one of the most earth like plant in the solor system , venus still has some feature that are analogous to these on earth , the plant has a rocky surface that includes valleys and mountains and crates. These three topic shows how venus is a worthy pusuit despite the deanger present because its mostly hot and that its closer to the sun and it has the same feature as the earth so most people will sent spacecraft here because venus and earth has the same feauth as one of another.
The developement of driverless cars could be a good thing for the world. With these cars and proper roadways, many lives could be saved. Although there are a few negative aspects, over time these cars could change the world we live in for the better. These cars have the capability of making the future safer and cleaner. Driverless cars can make the future safer. According to the article, "further improvements in sensors and computer hardware and software to make driving safer are also leading cars that can handle more and more driving tasks on their own." Technology like this in driverless cars can lessen the deaths in automobiles greatly. In addition, with driverless cars people can pay more attention to their surroundings instead of focusing on just driving. As the article claims "lawmakes know that safety is best achieved with alert drivers," we can assume that without the task of driving, people can be more alert; this will help the passengers in the car achieve more safety. Along with safety, the air can be cleaner with the driverless cars. According to Google's cofounder, "the cars he envisions would use half of the fuel of today's taxis." With less fuel being used, the earth could have a cleaner atmosphere and benefit everyone's way of living. These changes could fundamentally change the world. Cleaner air leads to healthier people that can benefit greater off the driverless cars. The air is just one of the few things that could potentially make the world easier to live on. Because of things such as cleaner air and safer roads, the world could be easier to live on. There would be less of a hassle with traffic and breathing. The developement of these cars could potentially be the next great thing for this world. Laws on the road and the environment could be less easy to break, making humans' lives easier. Driverless cars could be a large part of the future and it would be a shame if they could not reach their full potential because of a few negative aspects during the making of them.
Imagine a world without any cars, people riding their bicycles and gaining more contact with the world, being able to excrises everyday, having less stress in life, and so on. There is so many advantages with limiting that amount of cars usage like being able to save money due to all the things that go along with having a car that you wouldn't have to pay anymore. There is also the fact that you will able to reduce your stress levels. The reduction of pollution from that cars will also be a advantage from limit ed usage of cars. There are so many ways to get yourself from point A to point B, why would you choose a negative one. Money is tight in today's economy, so why won't you choose to save it and still be able to get to your destination. In Vauban, Gemany, Resident are expected to pay 40,000 dollars in order to park a car. In Paris, you would have to pay a 22-euro, or 31 dollars fine depending what day it is inorder
I am against the development of driverless cars for many reasons. Personally I feel as though people are starting to get more and more lazy these days with the help of technology. I believe it would be much more safe for someone to manually drive a car, rather than put your trust into a computer. There is a wide range of possibilities that could go wrong with driverless cars out on the roads. My first reason is that the car could malfunction. Whoever programmed the car could have messed up and gave the car a defect. Then someone would buy that defected car and most likely get into a crash. Someone could be on a highway while the car system fails, crashing into a semi truck. Theres a possibility that the car could completely shut off, leaving you stranded in the middle of nowhere. Also GPS these days isn't very reliable, the car could take you completely off route trying to follow GPS. My second reason is that someone could hack your cars system. Somebody that strongly dislikes you could get in your car and ruin its system. Even worse, people would start paying a hacker to destroy car systems. While you're out on the road relaxing in your driverless car, a hacker could take control of your car giving it directions. That means while your stuck in your car, someone is in control of your life deciding if they want to crash your car. My third reason is that it's not very safe. I don't think putting all of your trust into a vehicle is a very smart idea. The sensor on the car could go out with your knowledge, causing it to crash. There could be road construction that the car is not aware of, potentially driving straight into the construction site. Your city might have certain driving regulatons that the car won't know about, which could give you a ticket from a cop. My fourth reason is that you could be put at a higher risk of getting in a car accident. What if a little boy is getting his ball in the road? The car might not see him with the sensors, causing the car to drive right into the boy. You could be texting on your phone and then out of no where a car is comming right towards you. It's too late to gain control of the car because you were so busy texting, resulting in a car crash. Maybe you're tired so you take a nap while your car is on its way to the casino. Your car could crash at any moment, because you're not awake and not paying attention to the road. In conclusion, there are multiple reasons why a driverless car wouldn't be safe. whether it's due to a malfunction, hacker, or even safety issues driverless cars are not safe. I hope after reading this you realize there are way more cons than pros with driverless cars. It's better to do things right by yourself, rather than putting your trust into technology.
Imagine cars driving themselves in the future. Envision a future with a public transportation system where fleets of driverless cars form a public-transport taxi system. Think what it would be like to not drive again and have it done for you. The thought of having it all done for you, seems nice right? I feel that driverless cars can be a good idea but a bad idea when it comes down to it. Think about it, who wants to drive around all the time when it can be done for you? But, opposing to that; traffic laws are written with the assumption that the only safe car has a human driver in control at all times. Besides in most states it is illegal to even test computer-driven cars. If driverless cars were to happen it would be a good idea to have new laws that will be needed to cover liability in the case of an accident. Also, if the technology fails and someone is injured, who is at fault-the driver or the manufacturer? Driverless cars sound good and all but when it comes down to it there is alot at stake and alot of work to do on them. First you have to test the cars and test if there even functional/capable of driving driverless, make new laws, technology failure. Cause what happens if your in a car accident? Saftey is a big concern when it comes to driving. So you should still be aware of your surroundings whether yu driving a driverless car or not.You never know what can happen. Manufacturers are also considering using cameras to watch that drivers are remaining focused on the road. While the driver watches the road, the car watches the driver. Driverless cars can be a good but bad idea. When it comes down to it, who really wants to drive all the time & such displays can be turned off instantly when the driver needs to take over. But the bad part of it all is the proccess. You have to think about your saftey through it all, the new laws, how to work it. It's all a big step. Do you think it's worth it?
Driverless cars can be a tremendous change to how our society functions. I am for driverless cars in our future. Driverless cars have so much potential and can be a key to saving and helping many lives. Driverless cars will not be a fad that will fade out, but instead be a staple of society. First, driverless cars have a lot of potential in our society today. Everyday there are constantly people working on how to improve technology in our society, which in turn can be used to further improve driverless cars. I personally do not think that they will be taxis, but instead still be used for personal trasnportation. There should be someway, however, that you can switch between driving and having a driverless car, much like autopilot on a plane. Second, driverless cars can save many mortorist lives. Every day, many people die from fatal car crashes. Since the invention of anti-lock brakes and other inventions, the numbers have reduced but are still high. With driverless cars, people can be safe from disctrations that would normally distract somebody while driving, like a cellphone. The person would now be free to do what they would like. Driverless cars could also help reduce the numbers of drunk driving accidents or falling asleep at the wheel. Instead of swerving and being an inconsistant driver, the car would safely guide the person home or to their destination. Third, driverless cars can be a key to helping many peoples lives. It could be a key to help people with disabilities get to different places to get their medicine or recieve help. This would be a burdon lifted off of the caretaker's thoughts. The driverless cars would also be there to provide a great way for people that need assitance get reliable assistance. The cars would be there to provide a reliable source of transportation to those who would have to wait and form their schedule based on someone else's schedule. Lastly, driverless cars will not be a fad in our society, but be a staple and guideline in our society. Driverless cars can help lower the rate of accidents and possibly elimante them. They also have the possibilty of changing a person with disabilities life. Both of these reasons are why we should have driverless cars. They can help change the way and the world that we live in for the better.
The authors supporting details is pretty well. The author want to study the planet. His supporting detail are pretty good. The text states "Often referred to ss Earth's 'twin,' Venus is the closet planet to earth in terms of density and size, and occasionally the closest in distance to." The deatil really inetsting. A third grader can be really interested and would like to read more. " A thick atmosphere of almost 97 percent carbon dioxide blankets Venus... On the planet's surface, tempatures average over 800 degrees Fahrenheit, and the atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater thn what we experianceon our own planet." I usually get lost to half the paragraph by now, but because it's so well written, ijust want to ead more. The authors has really good supporting details. Th reader will know what he would be talking about what he mean. i would think that a lot of student would be interested to study other planets because if thus article is well written.
Cars that drive themselves seem very fututistic, but we are very close to successfully making a car like this. There are many obvious benefits to manufacturing cars like this. I think the most important benefit is in our enviroment. Some other benefits are that we won't have as many deathly car crashes and we would still be able to take control of the vehicle if needed. We shouldn't be scared to make this change that could potentialy change our future for the better. Our enviroment has severely suffered from the massive carbon footprint that our generations have left. A big issue we have is that our air is very polluted. A big factor in this is that billions of people use cars all over the world. This self driving car would use half of the fuel that our cars today use. This could greatly decrease our pollution in big cities all over the world. Car crashes are one of the biggest contributors to our death rate. There are many innocent people who die every day due to other people not paying attention to the road. Google has a car that is somewhat driverless and hasn't crashed once even though they have driven half a million miles. The technology that would be used in these cars would be smart enough to drive safely and alert the person in the vehicle when human assistance is needed. We have the ability to save many men, women, and children by allowing the self driven cars to transport us. Many skeptical people think that giving up control could lead to accidents. When the car senses that there is danger ahead, they alert the person that they need to take over. If someone notices something the car doesn't, they can just put their hands on the wheel. People could still drive their cars if they felt necessary. We wouldn't be fully giving up control if we can just take it right back. Now you see that there are many benefits to making self driven cars. The possibility of some minor negative things that can be fixed, doesn't compare to the positive results we can gaurentee this vehicle might bring. The enviroment will be much better and we will have healthier air to breathe, because we will use less fuel. Our death rates will go down and we can save our future generations with these safe cars. Finally, if anything does happen, we can take back the control of the car at any second. The people of this world will thank us for bringing this self driven car to the streets.
The studying of Venus is a worthy pursuit dispite the dangers it presents. All misson before now has been "umanned and good for no reason". With the landings not being able to stand longer a few hours. These reasons explain why earth hasn't been sending spaceships to visit venus. Venus's thick atmosphere of almost 97 percent carbon dioxide, clounds of highly corrosive sulfuric acid and over 800 degrees Fahrenheit, and pressure 90 times greater than Earth its self. These conditions are very extreme and unsuvivable for humans, But with recent soulution the author has supported the trip is worth a try. Venus is the most Earth like planet in the solar system, Venus was proably once covered in rocky sediment and familiar features like valley, craters and moutains. This can be a very big step for science and lead to so many helpful studies. Humans curiosty can lead to many equally intimidating endeavors. NASA has came up with a great idea and a possible soultion to float in a blimp-like vehicle hovering about 30 miles above venus. From this spot the condition won't be easy, but humans can survive though it. Insight is also limited and samples cannot be gathered, but seeking scientists would conduct these challenges working with innovatins that allows tools/machiens to last long enough to contibute to meaningfully to better out knowledge of venus. Some simplified electronics made of silicon caride have tested in venus simulators and have passed to be succesful for three weeks in venus;s extreme conditions. Also they have been with the thought of adding in devices making calculations by using gears and lever that require no eletricity. In conclusion, Venus is the closet planet to earth in all of the sloar system. This means that this is a chance to gain greater and meaning full knowlege. This was an fail misson being of venus's extreme conditions and has been for 30 years. With new solutions human can get closer than ever to venus for many studies. The solution have new gadgets and devices to help out on these trip. This presenting and supporting the authors idea of venus being worthy of the pursuit of danger.
"Driverless cars" sound good until you're in an accident situation and you get blamed. What about people who enjoy driving and traveling for a living? That joy is just going to be tooken away because some people are too lazy to drive their self where they need to go. Then whjen this happens, people start falling asleep at the wheel and not being able to be alerted when the car needs an actual human. I think driverless cars would be pointless. Like stated in the article "Would'nt drivers get bored waiting for thier turn to drive?" A person like me loves to drive and I would'nt want a car doing it for me. Plus when its an accident or road construction the car would'nt know what to do if the driver couldnt be alerted. It would be so much confusion and problems on the road with driverless cars. But the big focus that was mentioned is "If the technology fails and someone is injured, who is at fault- the driver or manufacture?" 9/10 I think it would be put on the driver but in rememberence its called a DRIVERLESS car. I dont think this idea is just something we need. If people would really stop and think about how many problems this would bring and not just about how cool it is then they would see all the problems it would bring before it's here. Or maybe they should create this car so they can bump their head on how they are using technology in all the wrong ways.
Some people would like to believe that is a sign from aliens but I believe that it is just a natural landform. It is just shadows giving the illusion of eyes,nose and mouth.If what im seeing is true that there is a face on mars created by aliens i would like to know why it didnt say the same over time.No it changes just as the earth's landforms changes over time . i would like to know if it was a creation from aliens why on earth would the do it useless they wanted us to know that the are real. I like to think of it as the same thing as vampires they wouldnt do something so bold, that we come and look for they. In 1998 thousands of anxious web surfers waiting for the image that proved that it was just a natural landform no alien monument after all. They don't pass over the face very often so why mess with the picture if it was an alien. It's not for attention because they get a lot of attention from just going to the moon and them showing pictures of what they brought back fron space. I don't think that they would lie for attention especially if you guys think they covered it up. People came that the reason you didn't see any alien life force is because of it being such a cloudy day. The cameras took more pictures of when it was a clear day the said thta it was clearer than the first picture,so when they took it on a clear day no alien life force was reported. So why cover it up? That's my point they wouldnt keep taking pictures if aliens were there simply because there is no aliens just science by that i mean landforms are the form of science i am talking about. The pictures show a similars features to landforms here and one is around American West ,Middle Butte in Snake River Plain Idaho. The lava dome thta takes the form of an isolated mesa about the same height as Face of Mars somthey wouldn't have the same features if it was made by aliens .In colusion i believe that they are just landforms made over time by something like the tectonics plates.
Leonardo Da Vinci was one of the greatest reniassance painters of the time. His study of the human anatomy allowed him to create pictures that captured the humna state. On of his most well known paintings is the "Mona Lisa". The Mona Lisa is a women that has sort of complacent facial features. She doesn't really look happy or sad. This was the popular thought up until a new technology was created. This technology is called the Facial Action Coding System. This technology is able to deduce what emotion a person is feeling. It is able to do this whothout the person even showing an obvious emotion. This technology can also be implenmented in many spheres of life, including in the classroom. The use of this technology to read the expressions of students in a learning envionement can help students learn more efffectivly by allowing for immediate feedback from a student allowing for the quick shift of a lesson plan, and being able to help and support students emotionally. This technology can help get immediate feedback from students. In almost all class rooms nation wide there is a similar routine. Learn something, practice it for homework and then see if a student is understanding it by taking a quiz over it. While this may be effective, it can be imporved ten fold with the Facial Action Coding System. The technology could understand emotion of students in present time. A teacher wouldn't have to wait to give out a quiz to see if students were having issues. They could teach the subject and then immediatly know if students are having difficulty unerstanding it. Dr. Huang, the creator of FACS, states that "A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored". If teachers are able to recieve this information, their teaching would become more effective. Teachers could change lesson plans in order to fit the needs of the students, and give extra support and help to those children that are still struggling. FACS can also help excite studnets about learning. This is important because no matter how much a teacher trys to help a student, the studnet will not imporve in anything if thet do not want to learn. If computers are able to read if studnets are excited or bored by a lesson, teachers would add visuals and what not to make it more intersesting to a student. This would make them want to learn, not them being required to learn. totality, the ability to be able to percieve students emotions would help students academically by allowing teachers to change lesson plans that allow for more excitment and understand in classrooms. To continue, the FACS technology would help students be more emotionally stable. While school is a vaulable place to learn new information and facts, it is really a place for children to grow and become more independent and better human beings. While grades matter, the emotional and pyschological health of a student is far more valuable. The FACS technology could act as an army of school counselers. High School and Middle School students tend not to share their emotions, even with their parents. FACS could idntify students that are emotionally troubled, have depression, contemplate self harm or even have mental illness. Once students like these are identified then counselers and social workers could step in, allowing for students to be helped. Right now students that struggle with these issues do not share their feelings. They do not get help and carry on like they are fine. While many may turn out to be okay, even one taking their own life or somebody's else, is too much. While FACS may not be able to help or eliminate all signs of emotional distress, it can surely make a difference. Another benfit of using FACS is that it reads emotoins silently. Students don't have to potray a certain emotion for the technology to understand what they are really feeling. If a studnet is asked how they are, they probably give a surface level, I am fine, answer. The technology reads through that completely, eliminating awkard one on one conversatoins with conselers, and allowing for all students to be reached. While there are many positives to this technology some might argue that computers cannot actually calculate human emotion. They argue that human emotion is not somehting that can or should be understood because it would ruin the entirety of feeling certain ways. However, while some arguements may be warranted, many are based off of falsehoods. To begin, emotion can be understood on a scientific level. Emotion is in the brain, not the heart. The way the FACS understands emoion is simple. It maps out a 3-D model of the face, looks at the shape and positoin of all the muscles, then it associates the different facial movements with differet emotion. For example, your orbicularis oris (muscles around your mouth) tighten your lips to show when you are angry. It even works when a person it trying to mask emotions. During a fake smile, the zygomatic major stretches the mouth sidways, while in a real smile the zygomatic major lifts the corners of the mouth. These examples can show how science IS able to understand emotoin, probaly better than most humans. Arguments that use that falshood, that science is unable to understand emotion, is completly false. In conclusion, the ability to read the actual emotion and reactions of students in class rooms is extremely valuable because it allows for greater understanding and excitment of a subject, along with the ability to help students be emotionally stable. If this technology is implemented into schools, studnets will overall do better, feel better and make a brighter world for tomorrow. FACS is something revolutionary that hopefully all of us can learn somthing from.
Studying Venus can be a good thing to do, you will learn more about the planet and why it is our sister planet to us. You will have a lot of information and reasonings on why it's that planet or why is it close to the sun. The text gives you a lot of information about venus and why it is called that. As it states "long ago when venus was covered with nothing but the ocean", they could of had human life on that planet. You can study venus and maybe found out if there was any human life their besides the oceans that were their. You can be the one who goes to space and can take a look at venus and if it's safe you can probably visit the planet. I suggest that it is a good idea to study venus, you might have a chance to visit the planet venus.
Have you ever imagined a world without drivers? Google cofounder Sergey Brin has envisioned public transportation systems that are driverless. Driverless vehicles is a bad idea because of, safety, more money being wasted in production, and driving itself. First of all, the saftey of a driver is in danger when a computer takes over. At any given moment, the car can fail, and the driver can get injured. The text states, "The human driver must remain alert and be ready to take over when the situation requires." In the 21st century, we have cell phone. If a people already today use their phones while driving, imagine when driverless cars are introduced to the public. People will be paying more attention to their cell phones that the road. Secondly, making these car will take a large amount of money. The text say that a Toyota Prius was modified with numerous cameras and sensors to make this driverless car mimic the skill of a human at the wheel. Buying a car made with all those modifications will cost you. Also, adding more systems in the car such as, entertainment and information systems, will cost money too. Driving was always fun to everybody, but with the idea of a driverless car, the fun goes away. "The phsychological aspects of automation are really a challenge." To fix the problem, BMW project manager says that they have to interpret the driving in a new fun way. BMW says they will add entertainments systems. That is a dumb idea because you need to be paying attention to the road. Driverless cars, will become worse thorughout the course of its production. There will be failures within the car itself and the technology inside it. There will also be more problems to worry about, such as the systems breaking and the car breaking down. Do you really want to sit and watch a computer drive you to your destination?
The "face" on mars is indeed not actually a face at all and it was not created by aliens. Many people may think it was. Based on all of the facts that we have gathered here at NASA, the claims of this rock formation being created by terrestrials is simply not true. Here at NASA we have the equipment to tell us if it is terrestrial or not. One thing we discovered in our research was throughout the years that we have taken these photographs that the "face" has started to just look like a big rock. It was due to the shading that the "face" looked like it had eyes and a nose. We also discovered that the rock formation is much like some of the formations here on Earth. All of the Earth formations were caused naturally and not by aliens. The fact that it was a cloudy season when the last picture was taken is true. Although in the picture we can see that it was clear. In conclusion with all of the facts we have found this is indeed not a face created by aliens. There is enough evidence to tell us this. If it was an alien structure then we would benefit from it. We could learn about how advanced they were, but this was not created by aliens. It was simply just a messa or rock formation that looked like a face do to the sunlight that caused the shaded regions.
In the article, Driverless Cars are coming, both aspects of these cars are presented, whether you are for them or against them is another opinion, but I think that these cars wont't seem as nice as they say in the article. In the article, paragraph two, it states that Google has made cars that could drive on their own since 2009, but they still haven't made them completely driverless. But have they tested these cars with everything that a human driver has to get through daily? More than likely no. It says nothing like that in the article at all. Why does this matter? Human drivers have to be alert at all times for anything. They have to pay attention to what they are doing on the road, people on the side walks, cars around them, street signs, traffic lights, weather, even animals crossing the road, and much more. Are these cars going to be able to do all that as a human would? Maybe, but then again, maybe not. If you think about it, they said that some states won't allow them to test drive these cars because of the safety of others. What if the car decides that the driver need to take over, but the driver is destracted, even if the car gets their attention, and the driver looses control and causes an accident. Will the car know what to do in an accident? In paragraph seven, it says that the car can't drive by itself and needs the driver to take over when they come to work zones and other accidents. With these cars, the people driving them are probably not going to pay as much attention as they really need and as much as we think that they really will, and this may cause problems within itself. These cars could start to form bad habits for humans as drivers. Making these cars avaliable to humans could cause more problems than help. We have to think of the safety of the people around the car and about the people that are going to be in the car. If the car malfunctions, what will happen to the people around and in the car? These cars could be considered more of a danger to people more than helping the people. We need to worry more about how it will affect people just as much as how it will help them too. If it does more harm than good, what is the point of making the car in the first place. In paragraph nine, it talks about how laws will need to be changed for these cars. What will this mean for the people that don't own these cars? Will they still have to follow the rules of the road today, or will they have to now have to follow the rules that were made for the other cars? Not everyone will be able to get one of these cars staight off the market as soon as they come out, we will still have some of the same cars that we have today later, and won't be able to get rid of all these cars fast enough that are drove on the roads today. Next, who are they trying to sell these cars too? Are they selling them to the people that have more money, or are they also going to try and sell them to middle class and lower class people? How expensive are these cars going to be for us to drive, or by in that matter? Will people with larger families be able to by one that is big enough for their entire family, or will they have to buy mulitple just so that their family can do something together? In conclusion, I honestly think having these cars could just be another idea that is wasted because it will only benefit a few people and not everyone. These cars could be a safety hazard to others on the streets and sidewalks if the car maulfuntions, and even can harm the people inside of the car. I think that we need to worry about the safety and efficiency of the car more than what it can do for the people in the future. We should worry about what will happen to the people now, more than what it will be like in the future. Either way, I think that this isn't the greatest idea ever, and that it shouldn't be allowed unless it will help more people and not just a few here and there.
A 3-D computer that has been made to show the emotions of a person has been in the works. It has been tested on paintings like the Mona Lisa showing her emotions. What if schools had computers like these 3-D ones for school allowing them to be more advanced then before. I believe these computers can allow schools to raise test scores, help counsleors, and make classes more fun. I believe that these 3-D compters could be able to help out test scores because they could tell when theres a confusing lesson or boring one. These computers could be able to detect when a student is confused on a lesson or even bored. I believe this could be helpful for teachers because they can change the way they teach there lesson in a more understanding way thus have better test scores. My second argument on why these computers could be useful to schools is helping out kids who are scared to talk out on their probelms. I think counsleors could find a machine like this useful for students who still fear tallking to them. Not only that but these machines could help them know when kids in class are sad or angry. My last argument is making lessons more fun. These computers can be able to see the students who find lessons or schools boring. Thus could help teachers know to make the class lessons better to have more students excited for class. I am for schools having these computers. These schools coudl realy be more advanced then ever with them. I think they would help schools with scores, help counsleors, and make classes more fun.
Letting go of cars is the next big thing treding here in the U.S to all the way in France. Cars have been one of mankinds great accomplishements and has risen since World War two. Although its has in some cases made our live "easier" its has also brought issues. Some of the reasons why we should start to let go of cars is because it will stop the gass emissions or popultion, there public transportation to fall back on, and it will help releave stress. There is going to come soem sort of trouble but there are also great advantages we shoud think about of liming car usage. Starting off, liming the amount of cars is a good thing because of the fact that it helps stop gass emissions. Which is the gas waste and polution it brings adn destroys the enviorment we live in. In Pairs they have took an act on this by banning driving due to smog. They have put in a rule that states "on Mondays motorist with even-numbered license plates were ordered to leave their care at home or they would have to suffer a 22-ero fine($31)". The congestion was down a 60% in the capital of France, after five-days of intensiifying smog. The congestion from the smog that was produce was  because of the high rate of cars were leting out great amounts of gasses. This causes our air to be poluted and us to get sick. Continuing, another great advantage in limiting care usage is because it means that we will be promoting public transportation. If we have soemthing that is provided for us that we know is going to help why don't we use it?. Public transportation is a lot cheaper than having a car of our own and it does the absolute same thing it gets us from one destination to the next. In soem place that I can't really find in the passage because my eyes are getting irritated and yeah I know I probably spelled that wrong but I am trying to improve. Now I have kind of lost my train of thought because I felt the need to say that, because if I someone here the most they'll say is go to the bathroom and splash some water of them. I actually do like this test not that bad I expected but there is some minner adjustment I think you should consider (if your even still reading this) like giving us a break ? at least a five minute one my eyes yeah you remeber that and siting for this gets me all tense. The stories needs some improvements I mean cars? I know I need to do a little better on these things but that's why im in school pluss this is a practise I think by the real one ill do better. I like to write (or in this case type ) I do but mostly about things that I can either relate to or expressing my self I mean come on aren't I doing good so far ? okay maybe not really but its cause im pretty bet, but next time trust me i'll do better. Also the fact that I miss the same periods these days keeps me from doing what I need to in that class and its a  class I need, sorry but just saying. I'm debating whether to contintue with this essay I think i'll just try. In additon, stress is something that also comes with havign cars. The fact that there is so many cars they cause traffic jams, which causes us to be late to our destination and that brings a great amount of stress. Another is reaching that age were the younger genertation reach that age to get their licenses. It is known that teenagers have the highest amount of leading accidents. This brings griefs to families and if survied post tramatic stress. In conclusion, Cars may have brought us some kind of accompishment but it has also caused some negative effects. Reasosn why we should think about the advanges of lemiting the car usage is because of the gas emissions, promote alternative transportation (public) and it releaves stress. What has been to be done by the amount of cars there are has a great affect on us. We should want to stop it before it get to late.
The election of a president is a very seriouse thing that could ruin us or improve us we should start to pay attention to Mister State Sentor it could make a future for some people or cause war between people. We should change the system were people can vote for there president not there state electors. Plus, some people don't know this is going on they belive that they are voting for the person to change the state not an candaite of the president.  We should not have people who don't know what there doing in congress and that we don't have segergation in the state. To start off with, we should not have people we don't know there doing in the congress. In source 2 it states that,'' ... that they can be anyone note holding a public office .... some times state convention ,sometimes the state party's centeral commitee, sometimes the presidental canidates themself'', that is very bad that they can just choose anyone off the streets and don't care, this could be bad for the economy the people thee took off the streets they might not even know how to do there job because they were not trained to do such things, and then they have patry's centeral commitee,or the state convention we should have a direct vote not other people who might not be even on our side and want only power. Next, we dont want segregation in the state, it casually states that,'' segregationists in te louisiana legislature nearly succeeded in the replacing the democratic electors with new electors that oppose of a Jhon kenndy'', If that have happened then we would be in chaos everyone would be aginst each other and there will be alot of pain and suffering for the people because of there race,and religous belife we would no longer be a great nation. To conclude my essay, that we should not have strangers we don't know or don't even hold a office in our conress to be a state ellector that don't know what ther doing that is how we end up with alot of wars or no money and that we don't have segergation in the state that can lead into more problems . I just want to end with a qoute that agree with even if you don't ,''the electoral college is unfair , outdated, and irrational. The best arguments in favor of it are mostly asserations without much basis to start in reality...''.
Not everything is what it seems to be. What is your take on a driverless car? They seem great! They seem like they would make life easier, but would they really? I think driverless car would be a bad idea. They aren't perfect and could have lots of malfunctions and fail to alert the driver when there is an emergency. Not only that, but if something went wrong, who's fault would it be? Technology is fantastic, it help us with so many of our daily needs and jobs, but everyone knows it's not perfect. They are almost always manufacturing defects. A manufacture defect in a phone or tablet is easy to get fixed, but lets take a driverless car. If you had a manufacture defect in a driverless car, imagine all the people that could be harmed. It could harm anyone in that car or on the road. As stated in the article, "traffic laws are written with the assuption that the only safe car has a human driver in control at all times." The article also says driverless cars aren't fully driverless, humans still have control over the car in some situations. These advances driverless cars "are designed to notify the driver." That is a good safety feature, but it could also be harmful. The car "requires human skills, such as navigative through work zones and around accidents." The driverless car is designed to alert the driver when such emergencies occur. The manufacturers are considering flashing lights on the windshield or using cameras to watch the driver. There could be problems with both of these options. If they decide to use the flashing lights on the windshield, and the lights don't turn off due to a problem, it could hurt the driver more than it could help him or her. If they decide to go with the camera watching them, it couldn't hurt them, but it could make them feel uncomfortable. One other negative side to alerting the driver would be accidentally scaring the driver. The alert could stumble the driver and cause them to take quick action which could potentially harm themselves and others. The problem with who to blame is always there, "if the technology fails and someone is injured, who is at fault; the driver or the manufacturer?" This question could cause lots of conflict. The answer to this question would be up to the law. In conclusion, I believe we could not have driverless cars on our roads. They do sound very harmless and easy to function, but in reality they could cause lots of problems. We should just continue to use regular cars with human drivers in full control of the car.
In the article "Making Mona Lisa Smile" the author makes a point about this facial Action Coding System (FACS) and how it is useful in the classroom. In this essay, I will explain how this new software is useful. And how useful it would be in the classroom. One example of this technology being used in a classroom is, "A classroom computer could recongnize when a student is becoming confused or bored, then it could modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor." This gives a real life example on how it could be used in a classroom. The author explains that we already use this in the classroom everyday. This example is, "For instance, you can probably tell how a friend is feeling simply by the look on her face. Of course, most of us would have trouble actually describing each facial trait that conveys happy worried, etc." This tells us that we use this everyday and we dont even know we use it. So we already use it in the classroom. Another fine example is, "The facial expressions for each smotion are universal, even though individuals often show varying degrees of expression." This tells us that there are too many emotions to count and that it would be useful to teachers to be able to tell what the students are feeling. Throughout this essay, I have described how the author tells us that using this technology would be useful. I fully belive that this would make the world a better place. We would be able to use it so we wouldn't hurt anyones feelings.
Cars are a luxury, but others take them for granted. Many people around the world operate cars every single day! Very few people around the world do not own a car, or have never operated one. In Vauban, Germany, residents of an upscale, high class community have decided to give up on cars. Vauban's steets are entirely "car-free" - except the in the city where the tram to downtown Freiburg runs, and a few streets on one edge of the community. Don't get Germany wrong, you are allowed to own a car, but there's very few places to park the car you own. The only placed you can park are large garages at the end of your neighborhood or development, but parking isn't free here. You must buy a space for $40,000, along with the price of your home. 70 percent of Vauban's citizens do not own cars, and 57 percent alone sold their car to move there. "When I had a car I was always tense. I'm much happier this way," said Heidrun Walter, a media trainer and a mother of two. Vauban, Germany completed in 2006, is an excellent example of a growing trend in Europe, the United States, and other places to separate suburban life from auto use, as a component of a movement called "smart planning." - According to Elisabeth Rosenthal who wrote, "In German Suburb, Life Goes On Without Cars." Cars can either be a blessing or a mistake. Cars can tend to put out polluting gases, and endanger our earth. In Paris, all driving was banned due to smog. On a Monday, motorisits with even-numbered license plates were ordered to leave their cars at home or suffer a $31 fine. The same would apply to the odd-numbered plates the following day. The car emissions were trapped by a warmer layer of air, because of cold nights and warm days. Congestion in Paris, France wa down 60 percent after just five-days of intensifying snog. This caused the smog to rival Beijing, China, which is known as one of the most polluted cities in the world. That's pretty bad to be competing with China. The Monday where all cars were banned, the smog cleared enough for the ruling French party to rescind the ban for odd-numbered plates the following day. Now, what about a car free day? In Bogota, Colombia, there was a car free day. Every citizen either had to hike, bike, skate, or take buses to work during this car-free day. This car free day caused the city to not have any traffic jams, and no accidents at all. This isn't just the first year that Colombia decided to do this, but it was the third! This day is specifically called, "Day Without Cars." 7 million citizens were expected to find a different way to go to the destinations they needed to reach, without their trusty cars. Bogota receives a vast amount of rain storms each day, but the turnout was still at large. "The rain hasn't stopped people from participating," said Bogota Mayor Antanas Mockus. Many citizens of Bogota said that this day takes away not only their stress, but also a ton of pollution. "It's a good opportunity to take away stress and lower air pollution," said businessman Carlos Arturo Plaza as he and his wife rode a two-seat bicycle. Almost every single citizen in the United States of America owns or drives a car every single day. This has left researchers pondering a fundamental question: Has America passed the peak of driving? The United States is known for its broad expanses and suburban ideals, and has long been known for one of the world's prime car cultures. It is indeed the birthplace of Model T; the home of Detroit; the place where Wilson Pickett immortalized "Mustang Sally." Lately America's love addiction with motor vehicles seems to be settling down. As of April 2013, the number of miles driven per person was nearly 8 percent below the peak and equal to where the country was in January 1995. Most of the explanation to this certainly comes from recession, because broke Americans could not afford new cars, and the unemployed weren't going to work anyway. "What most intrigues me is that rates of car ownership per household and per person started to come down two to three years before the downturn," said Michael Sivak, who studies the trend and who is a research professor at the University of Michigan's Transportation Research Institute. "I think that means something more fundamental is going on," he also said. All of these changes, people who stopped car commuting as a result of the recession need to find reasons NOT to resume the habit of driving and spending stupid amounts of money on gasoline. The state of New York has a new bike-sharing programs and its skyrocketing bridge and tunnel tolls refelct those new priorities, as do a proliferation of car-sharing programs across the nation. A study last year found that driving by young people decreased 23 percent between 2001 and 2009. Many people around the world have cut driving out of their life for many reasons. Some being; safety, money, and pollution. If you had to choose between driving or public transportation to make the littlest difference in your community, what would you choose?      
Have you ever thought what venus could actually do and what it contains good or bad effects? Well acccording to the article there is various reasons why it can be worthy despite the dangers it presents. Venus is sometimes refered to as the evening star it is one of the brightess points of light in the dark sky. It is also the second planet from our sun. In the article it says that " venus is simple to see from the distant but safe vantage point of Earth". It is still good to study it though so you can know more information about it Altough venus may seem to be good it can present different types of dangers. In paragraph three the first sentence it says that "a thick atmosphere of almost 97 percent carbon dioxide blankets venus". This isnt good it makes the conditions bad and this is something that the humans never encountered before on earth. This could have bad results such as an enviorment would crush even a submarine accustimed to diving to the deepest parts of our oceans nad it says it could also liquefy many metals. Learning and knowing about venus is important so you not only you know about it but what it also contains the pros and cons. Knowing the value of it and what it conatins is important. In conclusion, is why these reasons is important to know about Venus.You can know about whats happening and if something occurs you now know why. Venus has its own value and "human curiosity will likley lead us into many equally intimidating endeavors.
The Seagoing Cowboys Many people know, and many people don't know about the Seagoing Cowboys. In the ecxerpt, Luke was one of these. Seagoing Cowboys are for anybody and everybody. In this paper, there will be many details describing why Seagoing Cowboys are for everybody. There are many details to describe the greatness of being a Seagoing Cowboy. One detail is because if you are one of these people, than you get to take care of a bunch of poor animals. A few of these animals are horses, young cows, and mules that are being shipped overseas. You would also take care of people. Some things that they would do are help their food suppliy animals and more. Not just for the people, but for the countries that were left in the ruins. Another detail is that you get to have a great time while you do it. Luke for enstince, got to hang out with his other cowboys and have fun. They would play base ball, vollyball games, table tennis tournaments, fencing, boxing, reading, whittling, and games. They did these things to help pass some time. The would also sometimes be able to go sight seeing. Some people think that being a Seagoing Cowboy is dangerous. Well, there not completly wrong. Although being a Seagoing Cowboy can be fun and adventurious, it can also be dangerous. In the ecxerpt, on Luke's second trip he had to be a watchman. On one rainy night, he slid down the wet slippery ladder onto his back. He shot feet first toward an opening on the ship. Luckly, there was a small strip of metal on the edge which stopped him from ragging vigourusly into the wet and dark Atlantic Ocean! After that he couldn't work for a couple of days because he had a few broken ribs. Yes. Everything in the paragrapg above is true, although, this only happens every once in a blue moon. In the excerpt this didn't happen to any other of Luke's cowboy buddies. So yeah it can get a little rough out there, but it only happens very rarely. People have alot of fun joining this program and they always have a good time while they are here. As one can see joining the Seagoing Cowboys program is for anybody and everybody. It Is an amazing and exiting feeling once you know that your helping animals and helping people affected by World War ll.
Venus is the second planet. Sometime, NASA called venus the Evening Star, because it's one of the brightest light in the night sky. Venus is closest to earth, and earth has a twin. The differences between mars and venus is that sometimes we are esloser to mars and sometimes we are colser to venus, because venus is sometimes around the corner in space and human are sent to numerous spacecraft. No spacesraft has survived more than a few hours not a single spaceship has touched down on venus's more than three decades. When the spacesship trys to land it can't because venus is almost 97 percent caron dioxide blankets venus and the most challenging is that venus have clouds that are highly corrosive sulfuric acid in venuss atmosphere. Venus temperatures average is over 800 degrees fahenheit. Not many people has land on venus because how hot the planet is and if they are up thirty plus miles above the surface it's still going to be toasty at around 170 degrees. The most importsntly, researchers cannot take samples of rock gas, or anything elae from a distance. The scientists to see the conduct to thorough mission is to understand venus they need to get close and personal despite the risks. A old technology called mechanical computers the devices were first envisioned in the 1800s and it played an important role in 1940s during the world war 2. It's danger to be on venus it's so hot we won't survived by trying to land on it it's 800 degrees on the planet. Venus might be the second to the sun but mercury is closer to our sun and venus has the hottest surface temperature of any planet in our solar system, but merury is closer to the sun. The high pressure and heat vennusian geology and weather presen is like erupting volcanoes, powerful earthquakes and the frequent lighting strikes to probes of seeking to the land on its surface. NACA try to challenge them self they been trying to find a way to land on venus and makes sure that the spaceship can land on venus. NASA are still working on a spaceship to land more than a few hours so they can see more things about venus that we don't know about.
The new technology called Facial Action Coding System should should be used in a classroom to read the emotional expressions of the students. Why? you make ask. I belive it will actually rise the students smartness and test scores. Also it would be the best for years to come! It will hepl the students more smart becasue in classroom there are kids that are to scared/embrassed to rise their hand and ask questions. So if the teacher see a student is confused and sees that kid is to sacred to rise their hand then he would rexplain what he was teaching. Then if the technology shows he or she isnt confused then he would move on. This will be so great years to come because kids wouldn´t be left behind and wouldn´t feel that they have to drop out. If they will see their selfs being something big in the futer. Then we will have more doctors and mostly likely to find new medinces for illness like cancer. We will get sincetes to help us live in this earth longer and maybe hopefully keep the earth clean. They would be smart enugh to find new ways to keep the earth clean. Not even just to help the eart but help kids prevent from doing things that will harm themselfs and others. For an exmaple if the teacher sees somoene is so mad they can try to help and talk and that could help a school shooting because sometimes all we need to someone to talk to. So in conclusen i belive the new technology called Facial Action Coding System should be in the classroom because it will help the earth and thw world but mot imporantly us humans.
Technoogly should not be a thing that reads students emotional expressions. Only the students know how they feel inside. A machine or whatever would be used shouldn't have a say of how you feel or of your expessions. In paragraph 2 it asks the question "Can we calculate emotion?" And of course they can but sometimes the calculation could not be right all the time. Following up in paragrph 3 it breaks it down how they find the calculations of emotions but then again the computer could tell a different emotin from the one that the person is actually feeling. In paragraph 5 it has a valid point that even humans do calculations on other people feelings. When we are used to seeing those person expresions we began to know what it looks llike from them everytime they feel that way. With a computer it would be their first time seeing that person expression on their face. In conclusion a computer should not determine the mood a student is in. Only you know how you feel inside others might think they know but only you know how you feel when you feel that emotion
Almost every American has a car. Just go outside and look at your neighborhood.. I'm almost positive if you were to look everyone woukd have a car except for maybe 1 or 2.. The car is in our everyday use basically.. It helps us get to work, run aarons, take kids to school, etc. Now you may seem like theres only 1 risk of being in a car, but believe it or not.. When your car is on and running you're hurting the air.. Now I know the air doesn't have feelings! But logically you're hurting the air and yourself. America should limit car usage for simple reasons like air pollution, car accidents, and lazyness. These are the things we should focus on when we're in our cars or when we talk about saftey because all those reasons fall into that category. Small changes would be nice and helpful here. It reduce alot of problems we have, and stress. To kick this off, limiting the usage of cars would reduce the amout of air pollution that we are surrounded in now. Think about it millions of cars on and running everyday, sometimes if you look closely thers black gas coming out of the exhaust pipe.. And you're breating that? Out of millions of cars where do you think all those fumes go? they don't just dissapear! We're breating it! sure you might say "So if im breathing it doesn't that mean i should be dead?!" no.. that's not the case.. Yes it's bad for you but it hurts the earth mostly the gases break apart the atmosphere we have around to block other fumes from other places out. Think of the earth as a hamster in a ball.. The hamster is the earth and the ball is out atmosphere. The holes in the ball are the holes made from the gases that are released from our cars. This could let any type if gas in. In places like China there's a huge problem caused by all the cars.. it's called smog. Think of fog all over the place but its black and smells really bad. Not only that but it's really bad for you. You may think why don't we have that here? Well China is the most populated country in the world and almost everyone has a car. China is a pretty busy place you'd imagine because of all the people. Well you're right.. All the fumes coming out of those cars cause all that smog to contaminate everything there. Like water, animals, food, and even you! It's very bad. China needs to limit the usage of their cars in order to stop problems like that because it can effect everything around them. We should start worrying about the smog aswell because America is a pretty big place and all the busy cars can cause something similar to a smog, it may not be as big bu it will still cause damage. With all this said hopefully you understand what air pollution does and how we can reduce it. Moving along, Car accidents is a very big thing everywhere it causes thousands of deaths and injuries. We can stop all of it if we can limit the car usuage. you may say "We can also just stop teens from driving.." well yeah you can do that but how will they learn for themselves? Small rules metioned in the article are very interesting like cars with even licence plates were allowed to drive on mondays for example, and cars who drove with odd licence plates were fined for not obeying the law. On Tuesdays it would be the same but for odd licence plates. I think if this rules was implemented atleast 2 times a week it would help reduce the amout of accidents. There wouldn't be asmuch cars and it will be alot safer for people to drive. Sadly in alot of accidents they are fatal in highways, just imagine hundrends of thousands of cars driving in 3-4 lanes, you hit a car and it will obivously start a big problem from there. Think of it like dominos stacked in a line you knock one down and it just starts all tumbling in order. Yeah some cars avoid it but not always. The less the cars the less the accidents. Altough this is off topic but limiting the amout of cars on a freeway or highway per hour will limit the amout of accidents aswell. Back to the point, America needs to do something about the cars or it will just keep happening the more the drivers the more the danger out in the roads and highways. Hopefully this helped you understand more about the limiting of car use a little more. We're almost there, how ever we should stop revolving our selves around our car. If you live 10 minutes away from a supermarket or small convienience store just walk there.. You're just wasting money and polluting the air driving there.. A bike is a great way to get there you go decently fast, you don't get tired as much and it's a good exercise. We should stop getting to lazy because it is affecting both us and the earth very negatively. I would understand if you're in a hurry but seriously.. If you're 10-20 minutes walking distance why not just walk there.. You don't only exercise in the gym, get some fresh air outside.. well partially fresh air.. Yeah you get the point.. We need to get our butts up and walk places because our car isn't our only source of transportation! It's not just hurting you! Don't forget your purse or wallet! Because it has a big impact on that to with the gas prices going all over the place right now. Something people don't see when they're driving there car is what there doing to the enviornment, yeah i've mentioned it many times but it something we really need to look at because it effects your health tremendously. If you actually take the time to walk or bike to where ever you want it feels nice to actually walk and stretch your muscles out. We need more car reduced communities so that we don't just use our cars all day to get to places not to far away. To conclude, we need to start limiting the usage of cars in order to reduce alot of problems in our enviornment. Most of our enviornmental problems revolve around something we use everyday which is the car. Problems such as air pollution, car accidents, and lazyness. These things just don't effect you, if effects everyone including the envornment. This is something we should look out for ecause it is a very negative thing we have. Mainly air pollution because that affects everything.. And i mean everthing... Food, water, animals, plants, and even you.. So we all should look out for this and be a bt more responsible. We need more laws to help reduce the amount of smog and greenhouse gases that we have here today in our world. Hopefully you read this and learned alot about the importance of limiting the usage of cars and how it can effect everything.
In today's society, people have become more and more dependent on technology. It is everywhere a person goes, whether that be to school, work, and even outside. In some ways, technology is good, but in moderation. For example, it helps with communication between long distances. Although technology has shown no sign of slowing down, it has began to become unrealistic with driverless cars. Companies should not be allowed to continue to develop driverless cars because they are unrealistic, dangerous, and can bring up legal conflcts. In the article "Driverless Cars Are Coming," the author makes the driverless cars seem exciting and futuristic, when is actuality, they are unrealistic. The article states that each car needs to have sensors everywhere along the car in order for it to work. The driver also has to remain alert, which makes the car not completely "driverless." Driverless cars are also unrealistic because not everyone wants to manufacture these cars. The article explains how "it is illegal even to test computer-driven cars" ("Driverless Cars Are Coming" 9). This explains that in order for it to work, each car in the world would have to decide whether they want to have driverless cars also and manufacture their cars with this technology. With that being said, driverless cars are unrealistic because each manufacturer would have to agree to driverless cars in order for the sensors to work. Another disadvantage of having driverless cars is the safety reasons. Companies today still have not figured out how to prevent safety problems from happening, which is causing companies to be reluctant to produce cars without drivers. The article states, "They can steer, accelerate, and brake themselves, but all are designed to notify the driver when the road requires human skills, such as navigating through work zones and around accidents" ("Driverless Cars Are Coming" 7). This explains that even with all of those sensors and the hard work put into the technology provided in a driverless car, they are still not safe. All in all, driverless cars bring up safety considerations since they will not fully be able to drive be itself. Because driverless cars are not completely driverless, they can cause accidents to occur. In this case, it would be hard to tell if it was the cars fault for malfunctioning, or the driver's fault for not staying alert. The article states that "lawmakers know that safety is best achieved with an alert driver," hence the multiple states with laws against driverless cars. The article also states, "Still, even if traffic laws change, new laws will be needed in order to cover liability in the case of an accident. If the technology fails and someone is injured, who is at fault- the driver or the manufacturer?" ("Driverless Cars Are Coming" 9) This explains the rising legal issues that would result from continuing the development of driverless cars. In the end, companies should not continue the development of driverless cars because they are unrealistic, result in safety problems, and cause legal issues to form. It is inevitable that technology will continue to develop into amazing wonders, but driverless cars are too unrealistic. They would require functioning sensors at all times and for every car to be driverless. Along with that, they result in safety and legal concerns is accidents occur. With that being said, companies should not continue the development of driverless cars.
I think driverless cars would be a very cool thing to have. Also its outside the box not every car can be driverless but some can. Just look a lamborghini or ferrari they dont have as much technology as some of the newer middle class cars do. But your paying $500,000 for some thing that doesnt have as many features as a prius or a smart car. But also driverless cars arent really driveless if some has to take the wheel and go around some things that means the cars not really driveless I would rather drive my car than let a computer beacuse technology will always have problems and errors and if that happens gonig down a highway at say 70mph and your car has a problem and you aren't ready for it you may end up in the hospital. Driverless cars will happen one day but not anytime soon cause some states say they arent even legal to drive a computer operated car.
Venus is a marvelous planet. The Evening Star is very dangerous however, the planet is inhabited by a high amount of sulfiric acid. In the article, it supports the idea that studyig Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents by being Earth's twin, supporting the idea that there was once live inhabitants, and that humans don't really know what is on Venus. There are many planets in our galaxy however Venus seems to proportionally the same as planet Earth. According to "The Challenge of Exploring Venus", "Venus is the closest planet to Earth in terms of density and size, and occasionally the closest in distance too" (paragraph 2). This quote exemplifies that Venus is very similar to Earth relating to size. Venus is very dangerous however, that does not stop human beings from wanting to explore the planet. Scientists are also interested in Venus from the close resemblance of Earth. According to the article, "Astronomers are fascinated by Venus because it may well once have been the most Earth-like planet in our solar system" (paragraph 4). On Venus, there is evidence of rocky sediments as well as features such as valleys, mountains, and craters. This suggests that Venus was once a planet just like Earth until something happened to destroy the chances of being able to inhabit that area. With Venus being a "sister planet", that brings the question of was there actual life on Venus? As stated in the article, "Venus was probably covered largely with oceans and could have supported various forms of life..." (paragraph 4). This quote essentially states that the "Evening Star" holds many forms of evidence that suggests Venus could have inhabited many forms of living species. As well as theorizing, there is actually concrete evidence that life may have inhabited the planet. The article states that, "The planet has a surface of rocky sediment ad includes familiar features such as valleys, mountains, and craters" (paragraph 4). The quote shows the concrete evidence that is needed to say that humans or other species of living creatures could have inhabited the planet at a point in time. Despite the dangers on Venus, the planet has sparked some curiosity. As stated in the article, "...peering at Venus from a ship orbiting or hovering safely far above the planet can provide only limited insight on ground conditions..." (paragraph 6). Venus has very dangerous features of "protection" all throughout the planet. This prohibits, at this point in time, for humans or land rovers to go to the surface of Venus. Although it being a severe risk of getting a closer look, NASA has been developing several tactics to get closer to the surface. In the article it states that, "NASA's possible solution to the hostile conditions on the surface of Vens would allow scientist to float above the fray" (paragraph 5). The National Aeronautics and Space Administration has been working on better ways to get closer to the surface of Venus without the metal melting. In conclusion, Venus that has been a place that has a curiosity of discovery for many years. In the article, it supports that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents by being Earth's twin, supporting the idea there was once live inhabitants, and that humas don't really know what is on Venus.
I think that we dont need to keep the Electoral College because it is not a good way for people to vote. I think how we should vote is by a majority vote where whoever wins the popular vote from all states will win the election and become are president. So whoever gets the most votes per every state that is who will win. One reason why i dont think we need to keep the electoral college is because in the second sorce in paragragh 14 where it says "It's official:The electoral college is unfair, outdated, and irrational." It tells you that the electoral college makes it to where no matter who wins the popular vote the canidate will not win if the electoral college wants something different to happen. "The Louisiaa legislature early succeeded in replacing the Democratic electors with new electors who would oppose John F. Kennedy. (So that a popular vote for Kennedy would not have actually gone to Kennedy.)" i wanted to bring this up because if the Electoral Colege did what they were trying to do then Kennedy never would have been the president and who knows what the history of that presidency would be today. The electoral college is good at some times but i think that who ever wins th popular vote should automatically be the president. In the second sorce paragraph 2 it says "What have Richard Nixon, Jimmy Carter, Bob Dole, The U.S. Chamber of Commerce, and the AFL-CIO all, in their time, agreed on? Answer: Abolishing the electoral college!" According to Al Gore--thanks to the quirks of the electoral college--won the popular vote but did not win the presidency because of the electoral college. Over 60 percent of the people that vote for the president would rather have a direct election than have the electoral college becuse the electoral college does what they want and they do not listen to the people. I just think we need to no longer use the electoral college and just go by what the people of America think will be best for this country.
Electoral college has helped in many ways. Many people have suggested keeping the electoral college or changing to election by popular vote for the president of United States. I believe that changing to election by popular vote for the president would be best bescause first the more people who vote its easier to determine who would become president and because it will aviod any problems having to choose for president. Changing the election by popular vote can change things in the united states. Now a days  alot of things have helped the electoral college but in other cases it has not . Changing to election by popular vote can help by choosing the winner and still having its defenders. Also it may help by when they need to find out the winner they know exactly who it is . They can get their election faster and quicker by changing the election vote to the most popular vote for the united states. People still suggest that keeping the electoral college would be better but chnging it to popular vote would be the best option . Presidents and electors have had trouble with the eletoral college when having to elect for president of the united states . If changing it to popular vote for president it will sviod any troubles and problems when electing the president . They will still have senators and still have enough votes to choose and elect the president and have no problem at all. Like people may think yes , electoral college should stay and should not be changed to popular vote in electing the president but i think that is best . Everyne has their own opinion in matters like this but in this case i think whats best to change the electoral college . In conclusion to this everything is always done for the better and i think that changing the elcetors to popular vote for the president would be easier and less problems for alot of people. Making change is better and helps others. Especially if its changing for the elections and having to do with the president . Everything is better if you choose to elect the president by most votes it creates better things and makes life so much easier .
Dear Senator, I'd like to take some of your time to shed some light on the matter of having popular vote for the president of the United states."We the people " ,That stands strong in our society and I'd like it to stay that way.Majority of the people,Thats what its about.Over 60% have voted to have popular vote to elect our president.Thats over half,and numbers speak.Yes,The electoral college has its good but over all bad,There is so much trust put into each states electors and some voters dont even know it. The number one fault in the electoral college is the electors themselfs.Most voters get confused and have no idea how the electoral college works,better yet that we vote for our electors.The electors we do vote for by chossing the canidate by popualor vote,sometimes dont vote for their party .(The majority of the states residents) ,That means who the people wanted they arent even promised the vote for. I understand the good in the electoral college though.It helps keep states from tieing ,and causing chaos.But,We the people do not have our justice in that manner.If the winning vote is casted by state the legislatures are techinally responsible for picking the eletors in favor of the vote.Then when it comes time to fairly make their votes for us,the people who voted ,They can change their minds if they like an vote for the least liked canidate running for office by Florida is they wanted too! Thats ridicoulous and has no justice.The winner takes all system is very faulty and unfair. I'm sorry if I have wasted any of your time but I felt this matter is important to the USA."We the people",Anyone past middle school can tell you where the beggining of that sentence came from.If we want to keep America fair and keep our pride in our country we should most defaintly start electing our presidents by popular vote,instead of relying on an out dated system that has many faults and injustce as I have pointed out.Thank you for your time. Sincerly, PROPER_NAME
"With less cars we have less accidents and less problems ". As a teenager i should be getting prepare to get my learner license but i do not bother because thats not my priority that doesn't mean i'm not interesting in driving but everything i need are close by like the mall , restaurants and a lot of other thing so i dont really see the need to be driving . By limiting our car usage we prevent accident and we payless bill such as car insurance and gas money . "After a day of near-record pollution , Paris enforced a partial driving ban to clear the air of the global city ". Every country should have more than one day where we are car-free because that will protect the air we breath by bringing the congestion down and also we will have less car accident. where everyone can take the bus or we can just walk to wherever we need to go. it would be a good opportunity to lower the cars accidents and the pollution ."All of our development since World War 2 has been centered on the car , and that will have to change " we can centered that development on something better , on something that will be on our benefit and that will help us to move foward not that the cars doesn't help us but it also pollute the air we breath and we need the air more then we need the cars , might as well reduce the development of car to protect ourselves . "In previous bills , 80 percent of appropriations have by law gone to highways and only 20 percent to other transport ". buying a car and still have to pay all those extra money is a a pain and a waste money. Those money could got to your kids college funds or for vacations , putting yourself in a situation to have too much in your plate is not worth it ,why be always tense when we can be happier . That is too much money just on cars who will bring more trouble then anyone deserve . "A study last year found hat driving by young people decreased 23 percent between 2001 and 2009 " young people have found out its not that fun having to drive around . Most likely as soon as you can drive your parents leave all the responsibilities on you ,starting with the groceries then dropping your young sibling somewhere to others thing. There's also the gas money , the car accidents and if you take a light the tickets bills  and the money for when you taking the highway . People shouldn't have all those trouble coming with the car , thats why the percentage reduce because most people now just take the bus or walk . Many times my aunt had complained about the problems that come with the car but she still use her car for simple reason such as going to walmart by the house when she could just walk there .The advantages of limiting our cars usages such as less accidents and a better air to breathe are way better then the disavantages which are polluted air , having to pay cars insurances with gas and otherso why not stick to what's better for our environment.
I think the rock on the surface of Mars is a face or that a alien has made a face.The rock just gives the form of a face a dont think it is.I think by the way people look at the picture they might think it may look like a face.I think that beacuse in the passages it says the NASA send another spacecrft up to Mars in April 8, 2001.It was a cloudless summer day in Cydonia and Mars Global Surveyor drew close enough for a second look.The spacecraft had to go 25 degrees to the center of Mars to get a better view for the picture.The craft or the team capture a extraordinary photo using the camares absolute maximum resolution.The picture actually show is the Martian equivalent of a butte or a mesa-landforms common around the American West.Garvin kind of explains that the face remains him of aMiddle Butte in the Snake River Plain of Idaho. Which is a lava dome that takes the form of an isolated mesa about the same hiegth as the face of Mars.So the first picture was tooken in April 1998 and it was a winter season in Mars which makes it hard to see clearly if it does look like a face or not.My opinion is that the rock does look like a face.It has the form of a mouth, a nose, and even the eyes.Thats my opinoin.
Driverless cars could be the way of the future or end up being the worst invention humans have ever fabricated. Driverless cars is a very good idea that could change the world for good. Even though there are some dangers, with research and time, these dangers could be eliminated for good. The idea of driverless cars is a great idea because the environment will benefit from it greatly and human error on the roads will become a thing of the past. The environment will benefit greatly from driverless cars. For example, "The cars forsees will use half the fuel of todays taxis and offer far more flexibility than a bus." Also Modern cars have much better fuel economy and lower emissions than older, driver reliant vehicles. Crash rates will go down so there will be less debris on the road. Human error is also something that will become a thing of the past. With time and research, cars can easily become smarter than a human. Humans lose attention on the roads, develope road rage, and brake the law frequently. These are all things that could lead to a fatal crash. For example, "Further improvments in sensors and computer hardware and software to make driving safer are also leading to cars that can handle more and more driving tasks on their own." Drunk driving will also become a thing of the past and save more lives than anyone could even imagine. A driver less car can also utilize some of the cars capabilities that a human can not access. "The information from the sensors can cause the car ti apply brakes on individual and reduce power from the engine, allowing far better response and control than a human driver could manage alone. The idea of driverless cars is a great idea because the envirnment will benefit from it greatly and human error on the roads will become a thing of the past. Technology is advanced enough where we can develope safe and effective ways of getting rid of human error. Driverless cars are a great example of human innovation becomeing a reality. I look forward to see how driverless cars will excel in todays world and how they can improve our lives in the coming decades.
Some people think being a Seagoing Cowboy is boring but I can tell you that they are wrong. Being a Seagoing Cowboy is a amazing opportunity for everyone because you can travel around the world. You can see countries like Greece, China, and other countries. You can see marvoules land marks like the Panamal Canal, and you can see important countries like Acropolis, Greece and Venice, Italy the city of water. You also can meet other people around the world, and help the people in need. As former Seagoing Cowboy said '' I'm grateful for this opportunity.'' The next reason why you should be a Seagoing Cowboy is becuse you can see animals that you have never seen before. You can also take care of them until you reach the country that there supposed to be in. The next reason is that you can eat foods in other countries. You also can also be one of the reasons why some of the destroied countries are now one of the best countries in the world. Then you can learn more about the country and the animals you took care of. Then here is the last reason why you should be a Seagoing Cowboy, you can also use up your free time. Seagoing Cowboys like to have fun they play games like Baseball and Volleyball. Then in the empty rooms were the animals were housed is now a Baseball field, a Volleyball court, a Table-tennis room, a Fencing stadium, a Boxing ring, and other games. You also can read books and whittle in your alone time. So you see being a Seagoing Cowboy is not boring it's fun, and a great opportunity of a life time.
In the 21st millions of people rely on cars as a way of transportation. Whether it be a way to get to work, parents dropping there kids off at practice, or a teen going to high school. Since millions of people drive daily it can have a costly effect on our enviroment and atmostphere. Vauban, Germany is the very first suburban community that generally forbids street parking, driveways, and home garages. By this community having a completly "car-free" zone they are contributing in preventing more pollution. If there was a thousand communitys with car restrictions like these it would impact the enviroment at an astanishing rate. Humans have been centered around cars since WWII imagine the amount of pollution we have created on the earth. Paris is another city that has banned driving due to smog. They have issued a partial ban to clear the largly populated city of intensifying smog. By making the partial ban it has redused the amount of smog by 6o% and rivaled the most polluted city Beijing. Limiting car usages isn't as hard you think and for people to contribute it gets others involved. In conclusion driving cool cars is what every man wants to do but it can have terrible effects on the earth.
Driveless cars are cool because you can have someone come and get you like a taxi. Driver's wouldn't be bored of waitin on their time to drive , because they would have they're on vehicals to take other other people to where they need to be . (Ubers) are alsosomeone you would call to give you a ride to where you need to go for cash . Becoming a uber or a taxi you have to be ready to run aarons because you going to have a good amount of customors if you are in a big city or somewhere with a higher population, it's also a touch sensor on the streering wheel just in case the driver let the wheel go . GM has created driver's seats to vibrate when the vehicle is in some danger. Sensors are'nt new , in the 1980's automarkers used speedsenors at the wheels in the creation of antilock brakes. It's alot os sensors around but just in some places you can't find them or even reconized them until you put your hands on it , then it would either go off or beep but you would kno if its a sensor or not. Manufactures have camearas for the people thats driving and make sure they are keeping their eyes on the road. The cars he going to use wuold use half the fuel of today taxi's and offer far more flexibility than a school bus , he believes sucj cars would fundamentally change the world.
I think that the Face is a natural landform not a sign of the aliens. Don't get me wrong, there is a possible that life on an other planet but I don't think this one. When we sent the photos out to the public , we knew it would be a popular decisions in the media. Yes, people are aloud to have an opinion on this topic. The public just took the pictures the wrong way. One, yes the landform does look like a face like design but people don't think of the shadows any affect of how the pictures can look as. Let take the Mona Lisa, to make her a relistic, Leorado used shades and shadows to make her look like person. When people see face like things, they start to form a face. Well, since our anccients used that for surival. Two, people think of the Face like the Spinx in Egpyt and how "alien" built that momuent. Some people don't think about how the moon has landforms , but that doesn't mean life lives on the Moon. Since the Moon has crater, but still there is no life on it. On Mars, there is not a lot of oxygen or water to support a species. Yes, people can say that they can require different natural rescources, but would they really? The landforms can form on planet without living like mountains, craters, and cliffs. I think that people overlooked this landform and made it more than it really is.The Face was just meant to be a picture that can show the beauty of Mars. NASA likes that the public is supporting our studies of Mars and still wants the support to continue. Life on Mar is a case we can close.
Technology have go further, we have technology everywhere, from cameras to Facial Action Coding System (FACS). The FACS is a software that can read your emotions, it reads the muscles of your face, it creates a 3-D computer model of the face and reads the 44 major muscles in the face, the software can classified six basic emotions: happiness, surprise, anger, disgust, fear, and sadness. The FACS can be used in schools but it can have controversial problems, because some parents may not want a computer to read their childrens emotions, or they can think that is not a good thing that a computer can read your face and later they can use the picture of the face for other things, but some other parents may like the idea of using FACS in the school because they can know how their kids are feeling. The pros about using that technology is that they can save the data and compare of how the students are feeling in the classroom and change the way of teaching, that can help the kids to not feel bored in class and they can enjoy it, other pro is that parents can see how their children are feeling and they can talk with them if they have issues or something is happen with their life and they don't want to tell them, in the article Dr. Huang predicts that "A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored." The cons might be that the the parents may not like the idea that a computer is reading the emotions of their kids, and the other con is they will not want to change the way of teaching because a computer said that the kids are bored or confuse, they might blame the teacher for not teaching the right way. At my point of view is a good idea to use the FACS in the shools because the kids will not get bored if the school change the way of teaching and they will enjoy it, the other thing I like about the FACS is that the parents can know how their kids are feeling and they can talk with them, they can have more time together and be in time with the family, but now is your turn to decide what idea you like the most, you are with the pros or cons.
The Electoral College? Some would say this way of voting is a lack of democratic pedigree and should be abolished.  The Electoral College is when the people vote for the elector who are declaring the canidate who recieves the most popular vote. This act is not only unfair but injustice as well. The people should be able to vote directly on who they choose to govern over them. But instead we're using plurality, when a canidate recives more votes than other canidates while not recieving a clear majority of votes. Someone is chosen to speak for them. The Electoral College is very irrational and should be removed from the voting process system. It's known to be said that those voting for slate of electors half the time dont know what they're voting for. Some states have reported that they have yet to see campaign ads, or news regarding the election and therefore dont actually know who to pick. The president goes to the states he/she may think have "swing" votes and lets him/herself be known pubilically to gain more votes. This is a disirable result because a canidate with only regional appeal is unlikely to be a successful president. But what about the sates who arent caught up to the political races and would like to know more about it. They may feel disenfranchised- to feel that their votes don not matter. They may feel the new presiodent may disregard their interest and is not interested in being everyone's president. People may believe by voting it goes directly to the canidate but in fact it goes to the electors, who vote. When a vote is placed to a certain canidate it doesnt nessicisarly mean they are going to win. They may win the vote but could lose the presidency. It'd be better if everyone just had a say individually of who they wanted to take president. The Electoral College wasnt a very logical idea. Who are the "Electors" ?  the Electors are slate of electors who parties have selected to make a trusted vote towards the party's nominee. Source 3, In Defense Of The Elecoral College: Five Reasons T o Keep Our Despised Method Of Choosing The President; States that the Electors are rare for the trust to be betrayed, however it is entirely possible that the winner of the electoral vote will not win the national popular vote. This hasnt happened sense 2000, when Gore had more popular votes then Bush yet fewer electoral votes, but that was first time since 1888. But who's to say it can happen again. The Electoral College is a chance being taken that you may or may not win the election based on how many popular votes said person may recieve. This is no shocker that there have been disputes over the outcome of an Electoral College vote, its based on winner-takes-all basis. Source 3, The Electoral College avoids the problem of elections in which no canidate recieves a majority of the votes cast. This creates pressure for run-off elections, but is reduced by the Electoral College, which invariably produces a clear winner. Voters in a presidential election are people who want to express a political prefernece rather than people who think that a single vote may decide an election, but thats false. The Electoral College? Its not one of the more favorable elections, and is sought out to be uncanny and unfit. The Electoral College is a way for people to interact with the politics taken place, but are manipulated into something else that takes away from being able to have a say in something that will effect said person. We live in a democracy, which means we vote but how can we vote when we don't know who we're voting for. The voting system should remain how it is, with willing participants placing a ballant and knowing that their vote is actually going to matter. Away with  the Electoral College!            
"Vauban's streets are completely 'car-free'--except the main thoroughfare, where the tram to downtown Freiburg runs, and a few streets on one edge of the community." WHAT? I would never want to give up my car for anything. Yes maybe there are some advantages to living in a virtually car free zone but there are some downfalls as well. Many kids play sports and neeed a car to get the to their practice or game because the walk is just to far. I drive to Clearwater, Fl every week to get to practice and I know i would not be able to walk that far with all my equipment in time. My life, as of many others, revolve around cars and count on them to get them to where they need to go. It's crazy to me how it says that "70 percent of Vauban's families do not own cars..." I guess it is possible to live without a car. Yet it is a good thing that more communities and cities are starting to do this to try and help the environment. Cars produce so much green house gases and that's why the environment is having such a hard time right now. All the gases that we produce such as cars, just get thrown up into the solar system and destroy our solar system. One woman that lives in this community stated "When I had a car I was always tense. I'm much happier this way." It proves that you don't need your own personalo vehicle as it just causes stress. If it's working for these people, it will begin to work for more communities that are changing to be like this and possibly, all communities will be like this. Imagine your life without a car. See the good things about it and the bad things. That's why I was so shocked to read this article since they just gave up cars. It wouldn't hurt to try it.
I think that you should particpate in the Seagoing Cowboys program because their are new things you could learn. Also joining the Seagoing Cowboys program changed my life. You should join the program if you like going to new places or if you like trying new things. If you love going to new places then this is the program for you because you will get to see a lot of knew places you haven't been before. I took a gondola ride in Venice, Italy, a city with streets of water. I also toured excavated castles in Crete and marveled at the Panama canal on my way to China, But seeing the Acropolis in Greece was special. Or if you don't like exploring places you haven't been don't worry because there are plenty of other things for you to do there like for instance when we leave the animals and are on are way back we play tons of games. Also you get to meet knew people there, so you would end up makeing tons of friends. Also a lot of times when people participate in the Seagoing Cowboys program they end up tying new things they would't normally try or that they haven't tried. Also joining the program helps build you into a better person because you're helping out with the animals. Another thing is that the cattle trips were amazing for a small-town boy like me. When you join the Seagoing Cowboys program you will learn to take care of animals. If you're a bit affraid of animals don't worry they won't bite, well they might bite, but only if you make them really mad. It takes alot to make them mad though, so you will be okay and you won't need to worry about anything. Some people might just say it is a useless way to spend your time, but I disagree because a lot of good things could come from it. Like you could make a lot of new friends there or you and your friends could join the program together to spend more time with each other. who wouldn't want to spend time with there friends playing games like table-tennis tournaments, fencing, and boxing. Or you could just read to pass time if you really wanted to. If you joined the Seagoing Cowboys program I think you would have a lot of fun. If you can't sleep or you like sleeping late you could be the nightwatcher. A nightwatcher is a person who watches over the animals. I'm greatful that I had the opportunity to join the Seagoing Cowboys program because it changed my life for the better, if my friend Don hadn't invited me to go with him to Europe on a cattle boat then I wouldn't had signed up for the Seagoing Cowboys program. I am so grateful that he took me with him to Europe. If you get the opportunity to join the Seagoing Cowboys, I think that you should join the program. It really is a oppotunity of a lifetime, so you should say yes and step out of your comfort zone if you don't like things like that. You know it is good to try new things. If you do decide to join the Seagoing Cowboys program I hope you have a good time. Sincerely, Luke Bomberger
Dear State Senator, I firmly belive that the electoral college is no longer applicible in todays political world. There have been a number of occations in the past were the electoral college has failed. For example in 2000, al gore won the popular vote, but lost the presedency. If we live in a deomcorcy the people should be the wons deciding our leader and in this case they did not. The electoral college must be fixed or exsponged imediatley. The electoral college is unfair to voters. The cannidates can take advantage of a states population by only campaining in the states that "matter" to them. The president should not be determined by a couple people here and a couble people there. It should be determined by everybody that lives in america. Not a individual state. The biggest problem here is that we (america) are so much more advanced then the system we have right now. Over 200 years later and were still using the same system. There is so much more room for improvment but that is not happening. The advances weve made in so many aspects of goverment are not being translated into the electoral college. Its time for a change in our favor. In conclusion, the entire electoral college needs some major renovations. I ask for the issue to be reconzied and for a change to happen. I thank you for lisening to my opinion. Farewell
That Venus is the closest plant to earth,almost has the same density and size to earth but is the second planet away from the sun. It can go up to 800 degress fahrenheit on a average scale has 90 times more atmospheric pressure than earth can crush a submarine that is bulit to wistand the water pressure deep below. Venus is more hotter than mercury which is the closest plant to the sun has erupting volcanoes,powerful earthquakes,and frequent lightning dispiet the harsh elements and lack of life support. Has some similary features to earth like valleys,mountains,and craters. NASA is planing to send humans to Venus to study it's natural elements to see if it's suitable for humans. NASA is still planing on making a trip to Venus but it will be a diffuclt change to acivemen do to it's harsh climate. Their plan is to sent scientists to float above the landscape. But the ship orbiting above the planet can only provide limited sight on the ground because most light couldn't go through the dense of the atmosphere. They could not take any miterals from Venus they have to get up close and personal to the ground dispiet the harsh cilmate. Solar power would be plentiful and radiation would not exceed Earth levels not easy conditions but should be survivable for humans.
BANG! Imagine youself in a car, driving at a fast rate, and used as a test monkey. The author that wrote the story "Driveless Cars Are Coming" is very persuasive, and I agree with him throughout it all. He gave very interesting facts on how some states are saying it's illegal that companies test computer driven cars. I also think that them states thats saying its illegal is crazy, because their basically saying they rather have people drive and test them out. In paragraph 9, they don't know if anything will go wrong with the manufature. They could end up dead up dead for all they know. The author really gives detail when he wrote this. It is a possibillity that we'll have driveless cars they way where going. In Paragraph 2, the author tells us about how in all these movies we have with flying cars and what they can do with these cars on television can end up happening in real life. I agree with that also, because with the technology we have now, is just crazy. We going crazy with the technology. So imagine if they put all that technology into cars, we'll be having flying cars right now. We already have cars that can park on they on. Me agreeing with the author, i couldnt have said it better than what he said because he gave so much detail and research about the cars we have now. he even stated that google has had cars that could drive independently under specific condition since 2009. SOO! Just think about it, we all the way in 2016 technology got better and they started investiong more technology into these cars. I even have an exampl, THe BMW I8 thats the most futuristic car youll ever see right now. That car has everything. so much money and technology was invested into the car, critics say once you get it its like stepping into the future. Another thing the author gave readers that was really good, is when they first started making computer driven cars. which was in the 1950's, that let us know when they first realized they should start making smart cars or cars that can go on thier own. In the passage, the author gives us hints on where to look just incase it falls in that category. He gave fact's in each category about whats going on or whats being built. So yeah, I agree with the author one-hundred percent because he gave a wonderful agrument and it was very persuasive to me and i couldnt have said it better.
World War II has started in Europe and they need help. This is time that you can be a Seagoing Cowboy. You could go on a ship over the Atlantic and the Pacific Oceans. You can help countries recover their food supplies, animals, and more. 44 nations joined together to form the UNRRA, aka the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration and they have joined with us, the Seagoing Cowboys. We need help to save these countries, so come on down and sign up to become one. You can get orders to go to places like New Orleans or Greece. You would have so much fun going there. And you would get free time after you finish. And you would need a partner to help you get the supplies out. At night, you'll need to be a watchman to keep on guard and also find the people you're trying to get to. So you need to be awake. You will need to your duty for these people. If you graduated from high school, you can join us like Luke and Don. You can be a great person for those people in the countries. And for your free time, you can play table-tennis tournaments, fencing, boxing, reading, whittling, and game to help pass the time. Your friends could beat you in those games. You could have an adventure with us. Luke said, "It made me more aware of people of other countries and their needs" and that is true. And that awareness stayed with him, leading his family to host a number of international students and exchange visitors for many years. You could be Luke as well by helping many people become saved by you and your partner.
The face is a natural landform because aliens are not rule. Well aliens can be rule if someone makes then and sand them off somewhere but not the point. The ponit is " the face on mars." Yes it can be created by an alien if them were rule but there not so it maens one thing the face on mars is a natural landform. NASA can be making it up to like they can go up to mars and put the "face" were it is or something can move it. NASA can do something like that but I hlop they didn't. The face on mars could also be from someone going up tp mars and on one knowing but someone would have seen it go up. All I need to say is i think it is a natural man made landfrom or a natural landform. Bad new is no one will know wath happen or how it was made.
I think you should do the seagoing program because, you get to ride waves. If I were you I would make my own choice not my friends choice or someone elses choice. When you are doing the seagoing cowboy program you get to go out and ride waves and play games at night time. Another reason you should go is because you can learn things about the sea and the animals in it. If you already know a lot of things about the animals in the sea and the sea you should still go, because you can learn more and have fun at the same time. In the story it said " Luke got to play games at night and he got a lot of time during the day to go wave riding". If you don't go on the Cowboys program I can't even tell you what your missing out on. I understand if you don't wan't to go, trust me I probably wouldn't it's not like I'm allowed to go anyway. I woud rather stay home than being homesick so I totally understand if you don't want to go. If you don't want to go, but one of your friends are going or you don't want to go and someone is convincing you to just take some time to think about it and then make your second decision. Just remember do what you want to do, not what someone else wants to do.
Technology is moving very quickly during this century. Having driverless cars is just amazing. You wouldn't have to worry about too many accidents on the road. I believe that future cars are going to be smarter than people. First off human drivers do not keep their hands on the wheel the whole time they are driving. BMW has made cars with special touch sensors that make sure the driver keeps hold of the wheel the whole time. This part of the technology will help a lot out with those reckless drivers. This means the human driver must remain alert and be ready to take over when the situation requires. GM has developed driver's seats that vibrate when the vehicle is in danger of backing into an object. Also the Google car announces when the driver should be prepared to take over. These special features in cars will help prevent road accident. Even though this driverless cars are fully driverless they will set a big mark in the vehicle industry.
Since World War II we have been heavily dependent on the modern day transpotation: the car. Some say the car is an innovative and convienent method of transportation, while others say that it will be the end of the environment. As the evidence indicates, there are advantages to limiting car usage. Dissenters of the idea claim to say that limiting car usage will negatively impact the car industry, but it doesn't. Limiting car usage doesn't mean that people will have to stop buying cars; it simply means that they will have to find a different method of transporation. Source 2 says that in Paris on certain days motorist, who had an odd or even license plate number, had to leave their cars at home and find an alternative method of transportation. Does the evidence demonstrate an impact to car companies? Did they have a financial deficit due to their lack of buyers? The answer is simple: no, because they didn't ban the use of cars. Also, car companies can well benefit from places that limit car usage but allow hybrid cars; this allows for an increase in revenue. Most car companies in today's society model hybrid cars that run on primarily electricity and gas. In Paris, they made exceptions "for plug-in cars, hybrids, and cars carrying three or more passengers (Source 2)". These exceptions actually promote the buying of hybrid cars! This will boost the economic profit of the car companies, not damage it. Limiting car usage does not affect car companies, but instead supports it. The limitation of car usage betters the environment. Cars emit greenhouse gases in the atmosphere faster than they can be removed. This causes health problems in living organisms and pollution of ecosystems. Cars are liable for 12 percent of greenhouse gas emissions in Europe and 50 percent in areas in the U.S. as Source 1 states. People are playing with the balance of nature and if its not fixed then humans are as good as dead; this is why the implementation of limiting car usage benefits people. The effects of this can be seen in Bogota, Colombia, whose goal is to reduce smog and promote alternative transporation (Source 3), and Paris, where intense smog covered the enitre city: "The smog rivaled Beijing, China, which is known as one of the most polluted cities in the world.(Source 2)" The source explains that cold nights and warm days trapped in car emissions and after a few days of reducing car usage the air cleared up. This shows the effectiveness of the limiations of car usage. The limiting of cars also boosts community wellness. The people who experienced this regulation had positive views on the matter and even on rainy days they participated! Bogota, Colombia has gone into its third year of banning cars and the turnouts of the pariticipation were large, with two other Colombian cities joining and municipal authorities from other countries to view the event (Source 3). The evidence show that limiting cars wasn't opposed by the people, in fact, other countries were wanting to get in on the action. This limiting of car usage really cuts down on traffic congestion and new community projects have been established to ease the transition to alternative transportation. Heidrun Walter, mentioned in Source 1, syas that when she had her car she always tense and stressed and is happy with the change. The source also mentions that the "swish of bicycles and the chatter of wandering children drown out the occasional distant motor (Source 1)." This shows that the limitation of car usage greatly enchances the wellness of the community and promotes a safe and stress-free environment for the people. In summation, the limitation of car usage doesn't negatively impact car companies, but instead increases hybrid car sale revenue, echances community wellness, betters the environment. The things that can be accomplished with this regulation only has benefits for everyone. With this in mind, why not implement this ideal in order to better the lives of not only this generation but the future leaders of the world?
I am Luke Bomberger and today I will attempt to convince you to participate in Seagoing Cowboys Program. I was around the age of 18 when I started and it was an incredible experience.I really hope that what I say today will influence you to join. One reason why you should join is you get to help people. The Seagoing Cowboys take care of animals that are shipped overseas to other countries because during the war many people lost their animals. You see, when World War 2 ended many nations formed an organization called UNRRA who hired the Seagoing Cowboys to perform this task. Another reason you should join is you get see many places and sometimes you get to explore them. I got to take a gondola ride in Venice,Italy. I also got to tour an excavated castle in Crete and I got to marvel at the Panama Canal which was an incredible experience. The final reason I will use to convince you is it can be very fun. On the return trip we Seagoing Cowboys would play many games where the animals had been held. We played baseball,volleyball,and many other games. I know that this is a big choice and that giving you a few reasons will not convince you right-off-the-bat but hopefully what I have said has planted seeds in your mind that will eventually grow and in time you will come around. If you are not entirely convinced that you should join go home and think hard about it because it is a huge decision but hopefully you will decide to join. It has been an honor to speak with you and goodbye.
Studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents. Venus is sometimes called the "Evening Star," and is one of the brightest points of light in the night sky. Venus is the second planet from our sun. It has also proved a very challenging place to examine. It is the closest planet to Earth, and occasionally the closest in distance too. Not a single spaceship has touched down on Venus in more than three decades. Numerous factors contribute to Venus's reputation as a challenging planet for humans to study, despite its proximity to us. The clouds of highly corrosive sulfuric acid in Venus's atmosphere is more challenging. Venus has the hottest surface temperature of any planet in our solar system. Astronomers are fascinated by venus. One of the reasons why they are fascinated is because it have been the most Earth-like planet in our solar ystem. Venus was covered largely with oceans and could have supported various forms of life, just like Earth. Venus still has some features. The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) has one particularly compelling idea for sending humans to study Venus. NASA'S possible solution to the hostile conditions on the surface of Venus would allow scientists to float above the fray. Venus would avoid the unfriendly ground conditions by staying up and out of their way. Solar power would be plentiful, and radiation would not exceed Earth levels, not easy conditions, but survivable for humans. Scientists seeking to conduct a thorough mission to understand Venus would need to get up close and personal despite the risk. NASA is working on other approaches to studying Venus.
Its no secret that driving automobiles has alot to do with how much pollution is pumped into the air. The biggest issue with driving a car in crowded areas is the smog build up. Many countrys have taken an interest in limiting cars temporarly to decrease smog, or dedicating individual communitys to a car free area with the exception of buses and taxis. High pollution levels is a rising epedemic that needs to be stoppped before it is out of hand or un-reversable. Many country's plan to action is limiting car usage for a certain amount of time untill the smoge is under control. It states in source two paragraph ten that "After days of near record pollution, Paris enforced a partial driving ban to clear the air of the global city." Within the five days that this rule was enforced the smog in the city had decreased by 60 percent. Many people tend to rely on cars in their everday life. What people need to realize is that there are other forms of transportation that is just as easy and far less toxic to the planet and to ourselfs. In source 1 paragraph 3 a woman states " when i had a car i was always tense, im much happier this way." It is clear that the use and want for owning and using your own car has went down emensly since 1995. People call it a cultural shift excpecially in America where cars are so heavily manufactured and bragged about. In conclusion, cars are a huge reason why the world is so polluted. This wouldnt be such an issue if so many people didnt use cars in their everday life. Once poeple realize that they can still be perfectly content without having to drive everywhere is when this planet will make a big turn around in the way we try to protect the planet.
A world without cars is kind of hard to imagine right? Well not for most countreis anymore. Cars are becoming less and less desirable as the years go on. The peak was in 2005 and then has been slowly decreasing. Younger people like the ideas of cars but don't really need one. New York has subways, taxi's, and others are carpooling to  destinations. France has alreayd issued a ban on cars and has even had certain cars banned on certain days. For instance, even number car plates could not be used for driving on Monday's, odd number plates were banned for Tuesday's. This was to help reduce the amount of smog in the French air as they rely mostly on diesel rather than gas. In Vauban, Germany street parking, driveways and home garages have been banned from neighborhoods. You could now only buy a house with a garage for $40,000. This cause more people to stop using cars, and others to sell them to live in the upscale neighborhoods. Many of the Ford and Mercedes car dealerships are considering changing their train of car producing to the newer ideal of intertiwning public transportation with the up and coming ideas of bikers on the rodes, and people using buses and subways instead of their own cars. In Paris the smog in the air was soon thicker than it was in Beijing, China the citied known for its polluted air. Soon Parisian officials enforced a partial driving ban to clear the air of the smog. Monday's, motorists with even-numbered plates had been ordered to leave their cars at home or get a 22-euro fine, which is also $31. The same requirements were set in place for odd-numbered plates the following day. The first time this new ban was enforced nearly 4,000 dirvers were fined. Some even had their cars impounded for thier reaction to the new fine. The amount of traffic was down 60 percent in the capital of France, after the five days of an intensifying smog. The smog was caused by cold nights and warm days that caused the warmer layer of air to trap the car emissions. Diesel fuel was, of course, blammed as France has a tax policy for diesel fuel over gassoline. 67 percent of vehicles in Frane, compared to the 53.3 percent average of diesel engines in the rest of Western Europe. Paris would typically have more smog than the other European countries with the percentage of diesel fule they use daily. Paris had 147 micrograms of diesel per cubic meter last week compared to 114 in Brussels and 79.7 in London. Delivery companies lost revenue, but this starte an exception for plug-in cars, hybrids, and cars carrying three or more passengers. Soon the smog had cleared anouth on Monday for the ruling French party to take away the ban for odd-numbers plates on Tuesday. The United States has long since been one of the world's prime car cultures. President Obama's ambitious goals to curb the United States' greenhouse has emissions, unveiled last week, will get a fortuitious assist from a incipient shift in American behavior.
One way we know that is was now created by aliens i that there was no sign of them when we went to Mars. Plus we know that it is to hot for there to be living creatures. Most all of us have has known that mars broke away from the sun that is why it is so hot there. Mars is a big hit in movies, books, magazines, and talk raidio shows. Some of the people that has went to Mars have taken pictured of what looks like faces in the outer layer of the planet. How we knew Mars is off of the sun is that it is close to it and it looks identical in almost all the ways possible. Mars is called the red planet cause of its enormous amount of red on it. which leads to say it is from the sun. Plus it is close to 100+ degrees on the planet plus the heat of the sun doesn't help that at all. Researcher still wanna way to find out how to make it where people can live on any of the planets. But there is one problem there is no oxygen up in space so those up there would die in a matter of seconds. I think Mars could be a bad planet to keep going on cause there are more things thhat can go wrong up there. They risk lives every time they r up in space. If one thing is done incorrect the hole thing fails and then some lives amy be lost. That is all i have to say about this topic of Mars.
One reason you should join the Seagoing Cowboys program is beacaues you get to travel to places you never went before.Luke liked the job Don which is his friend, had told him about.Plus Luke like adventures,and like to go to fun places.Another reason is it's fun, I say it's fun because you get to be the look out like Luke,did and yell so the people can hear you,so no animal will come and eat the people. Luke also want to be a Seagoing Cowboy because he wanted to help these countries( it say that in paragarph 2, line 2). If I was a Seagoing Cowboy I would be the lookout, because I would like to help and sever my contry just like Luke. Luke had made nine trips, the most trips any Seagoing Cowboy ever did. Also I think Luke is a brave young man to be a Seagoing Cowboy.After Luke had craked his ribs he have not been doing work for a couple of days.
I think driveless cars are a positive thing today. Driveless cars are helping our future and making things a lot better for us now. Techology is being put to great use now with driveless cars. The reason i think driveless cars are a positive thing is because they are helping save lives. The driveless cars are helping save lives everyday. The more techology we have, the better the cars become. They have alerts and different things to make sure the driveer knows what is going on and help to try avoid accidents from happening. For example BMW announced the development of "Traffic Jam Assistant." Driveless cars Can steer, accelerate, and brake themselves. These are great things to have on a car to makes things a lot easier and safer for others and yourself. The driveless cars are just an enhancement for humans and to help keep drivers, passengers, and pedestrians safer now.
venus is one of the brightest points of the light in the night sky making it simple for an amaterur stargazer to spot. venus is a planet that you can float on and its the second planet from are sun it has proved a very challenging place to examinr more closely. People call venus the earth twin because venus is th closest planet to the earth in terms of density and size. venus, and mars, our planetary neighbor they both orbits the sun at diffrent speeds. these diffrences in speeds in othere to venus will be around the corner in space terms people have sent plenty of spacecrafts to land on the cloud draped world. venus would be a nice planet to study because i feel like is has alot of interesting things to know about like whats in it i would study a planet like venus and the size of venus is simular to the earth so it would be nice to know a place close to the sun. The part about being in venus it is 97 percent carbin dixode its more. challenging then are clouds and it live closer to the sum the. the earths does. Venus has the hottest temperature of any planet in the sloar system its hotter than mercury amd mercury is closer to the sum them venus is beyond hight temparture venus have powerful earthquakes it has alot of lighting streaks its seeking to the land. NASA wants to send people to venus to experiance venus. Venus is a very challenging place to go in visit Venus because the human ceriosity.
Could Earth end up turning out like Venus? NASA has sent many spacecrafts to Venus trying to figure out what it is like under the atmosphere. Although it may seem like a waste of time to send stuff there, studying Venus is a worthy persuit despite the dangers because it can teach us more about our solar system, it can possibly be a replacement planet, and if we find out that it was like Earth we could try and fix Earth before it happens again. Studying the planet Venus would help us better understand the rest of our solar system. The taxt says "A thick atmosphere of almost 97% carbon dioxide blankets Venus (Paragraph 3)." It also states "and the pressure is 90 times greater than what we experience on our own planet (Paragraph 3)." We haven't seen anything like this, which is why we need to study it. Venus could possibly be a replacement planet for Earth. We just need to find out how we could make it a liveable planet incase the Earth just keeps getting worse and worse. It states "Often referred to as Eath's "twin," Venus is the closest planet to Earth in terms of density and size (Paragraph 2)." The text also states that "Venus was probably covered largely with oceans and could have supported various forms of life, just like Earth (Paragraph 4)." These mean that at one point we couldv'e lived on Venus since it was so much like Earth. If we were to keep studying Venus and we find lots out about it then we could see if Earth would eventually turn out like that. As stated "Long ago, Venus was probably covered largely with oceans and could have supported various forms of life, just like Earth (Paragraph 4)." Another point is that "Venus still has some features that are analogous to those on Earth...such as valleys, mountains, and craters (Paragraph 4)." This says that Earth and Venus look a lot alike and they could be "twin" planets which also means that the Earth could end up one day being just like Venus. We need to study more about Venus to help out ourselves and the Earth, so we don't end up like Venus. They either need to send ships to research Venus to help Earth or having to find another planet for our future generations to live on.
The author uses fatcs to support why Venus is a realluy hard planet to study cause landing a humanon the planet will be very difficult and dangerous. In paragraph 3 it says that the planets surface is over 800 degrees fahrenheit and that the atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater than here on earth. So really from what we can tell off what theauthor has said, humans will not even last a second on the planet because it is really HOT. Why till this day are scientist still trying to discover it more? Well some believe that long ago their was water and that the planet was covered up with oceans just like the earth is today. They speculate that the planet venus had supported life just like the planet we live on, but again they are the second planet away from the sun so they really get burned up and maybe thats why the oceans went away. But today Venus is very similar like Earth because the planet has some very rocky surfaces just like our planet does and stuff andf also mountains. Researchers are looking to see if they can build a suit that would withstand the heat and the acidic clouds the planet has. The author has used many details and has describe venus in many ways. the author has also compared Venus to Earth despite looks. So really in conclusion i think that going to venus will be very hard to do but its not impossible. If somehow their was a suit that would withstand the heat and acidic clouds than maybe.
It is a good technology to have. People can lie about how they feel. In the painting of Mona do u really know she was happy. No a comupter can say that but it a painting of the person that is not around. So you don't know it just he face everyday. She has no eyebrows so how can you so she is suprised. In the text it says your eyebrows Well you cant have that if there isn't any. So thing that it is a good technology to have but it just not proven to work on paint. The students don't realy need to know how to use a computer to see how people are feeling. People most of the time you can tell by looking on there faces. Why is it important to know picture or a painting is feeling when you look at it should do it for you. How do you say she is 83 percent happy you can't put that like it a math problem. Because you don't know how see really feels because it could just be a face for all we know. That is why I think is would be worthless for students to use it. They cant use a comupter to see how someone is feeling inside them. It is a good advancement and can be use but in another way. People can hide how they are feeling just by there face. It also not something students need to learn to go far in life.
I do not beleive that the author justifies their statement of "Venus has value" in paragraph 8. The author does not explain the pros of exploring Venus as well as they explain the cons of why we should explore Venus. Why do I think this? Well the autor describes the deadly, hot and thick atmosphere of Venus, stating that the reason exploring Venus is worth the risk is because "Venus still has some features that are analigous to those on Earth." Well, does that justify spending millions or hundreds of millions of dollars on a rover or a spacecraft to explore it? I don't beleive so. It's quite simple to explain why Venus does not need to be explored or closly examined from high up in it's atmosphere. The pros do outweigh the cons in this aticle, here is a quote from the author: "On the planet's surface, temperatures average over 800 degrees Fahrenheit, and the atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater than what we experience on our own planet." That temperature is obviously deadly to humans, and that is a major risk when it comes to spending millions on making a rover that will only last up to a couple hours just to get a glimps on the planet. Or maybe just to get a couple pictures. The author does not go on to say how exploring Venus with genuinley benifit the human race. The author simply explains how scientists are curious about the planet and what is on it, I do not beleive that satisfying our curiosity will help anyone. This is a quote from paragraph 8 of the article that states: "Striving to meet the challenge presented by Venus has value, not only because of the insight to be gained on the planet itself, but also because human curiosity will likley lead us into many equally intimidating endeavors." Now, to add on to the last quote I stated from the article, the author does not state what the human race would do with that "insight" that we would gain about Venus, they just state that we would have insight. well then I would ask the author, what is the point in the insight if we wouldn't be able to do anything with the insight that we have gained from the exploration? All that we would gain from spending millions on sending a spacecraft to Venus would be meaningless insight and the feeding of our curiosity. When there are many bigger issues to be solved here on Earth. For example, the crisis that is curently happening in Venesuala, their government is shut down and millions are starving, some familys have resorted in digging through the trash for food and we could help them, but instead we want to spend money on gaining "insight" about Venus? Which the article states that Venus is too dangerous to go to anyway. It angers me that half of New York could be underwater in the next thirty years from global warming but we are worried about getting a small peek into the world of Venus. I do understand why Scientists would like to go to Venus, it would be a great acheivement for humanity. But I am a firm beleiver that our planet should come first, after all, we do only get one Earth, that means we must take care of it. Maybe one day when Our problems down here are solved and we have the ability to really gain benifits from Venus then I will want us to explore more. But for now I'm sticking to the thought that our planet comes first. In conclusion, no, I do not beleive that the author of this article did a good job at explaining why studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers of it. Because in the end it's not just the dangers of going to Venus that keeps me from beleiving that we should. It's the problems that we are facing here on Earth that are far more important.
The Author supports the idea that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents very well in this writting. Teh author is good at showing the two diffrernent sides to the agument but makes you agree with his stance. He used many diffrent examples and also gae a lot of detail in his writting. To start off his essay with some facts and expalined what he was going to be talking about and some things about planets. One fact he used to start his essay off was " A thick atmosphere of almost 97 percent carbon dioxide blankets Venus. Even more challenging are the clouds of highly corrosive sulfuric acid in Venus's atmosphere." ( paragraph 3) This was a great way to start off the writting because he informed his readers about venus before he started to persaude them on a topic. The author also displaces the oposing information which is always a good thing to do in a pusasive writting. An example of this is " Solar power would be plentiful and radiation would not exceed Earth levels. Not easy conditions, but survivable for human." ( Paragraph 5) This is higlighing that yes Venus has some dangerous things but is still worthy. So by doing this he is showing the dangers but then can back them up and say some good things about them. Following this, The author was really good at making the dangerous stuff sound not as bad, one example of this is "Peering at Venus from a ship orbiting or hovering safely for above teh planet can provide only limited insight on ground conditions because most forms of light cannot penetrated the dense atmosphere, rendering standard forms of photography and videography ineffective." (paragraph 6) This supports that he is a good authour and deplaning his stance on the agurmeny becasue he can make the other side information help his stance in an way. In conclusion, the author did a great job at suporting his idea. The diffrent ways of supporting it made it seem more persasive and he got across alot of ideas and information.
Many students take their own charge in school, but that often means they hide important information from others; for instance, when they are not sure about something or when they are tired and find it hard to focus. These types of situations are hard for schools to deal with. However, there is some technology that could help. Made by Dr. Paul Eckman, the FACS (Facial Action Coding System) uses major muscles in the face to calculate a person's emotions. This technology has been used in many places, but one of the big places it could be used is the classroom. As long as it is used right, the Facial Action Coding System could greatly improve student interest, focus, and clear up confusion in different lessons. The uses start with student interest. School often is not the most exciting place in the world, especially in higher grades. The biggest argument for this is that "they don't need interest in what they learn, they are adults." However, that is not completely true. Anyone can become uninterested in something, and it can impact how much effort they put into it. That's where the FACS comes in. It could recognize when a student is uninterested in something and find some way to fix that. Ways to make something interesting vary by student, so building a plan and relationship with the student is an important part to making it work properly. Some people will likely say that doing this is way more work than it should be for something so small, but they do not realize how big that actually is. Everything a student learns is going to impact their lives in some way, and it's a school's job to make sure this sticks with the student. If it does not, who knows what will happen. Make sure to remember that uninterest isn't the only way a student can lose what they are supposed to get from school. With students having to wake up early and do homework almost every day, it can be hard to get the right amount of sleep. This can possibly lead to a lack of focus if what the student is learning in school is not engaging enough. Many people could call this a lack of focus. Losing focus in the middle of a class often leads to forgetting almost all the information from the class that day. If we could detect drowsiness in class, the information could be used to try and talk to the child about a better sleep schedule. If communication with the child on this front wouldn't be possible, the teacher could try and find some way to increase interactivity in such a way that increases focus for most students in the classroom. One common argument I've seen against this is that it is an unnecessarily annoying affair, but there's nothing really backing this up. As long as it is implemented correctly, any major annoyance can be avoided. Both of these first two reasons had a lot to do with the student personally, but sometimes it has more to do with the lesson and how understandable it is. Confusion is a strange mix of anger and sadness when a fact or solution cannot be understood properly, or a different fact or solution was understood before and a new fact or solution is taking its place now. It is a common emotion in schools, and could be avoided easily with the FACS. When the FACS detects that a student is confused, the content is broken down for the student in a way that is easier to understand. The content can be delivered at the student's own pace, in an attempt to keep the student from getting even more lost. A system similar to this could save many students from getting bad grades. Now someone is probably saying "Why can't the students ask about the problem when they get confused," and this is a very good point. However, it is also an easy point to shoot down. Many students find the prospect of asking questions scary, especially with the idea of a "bad question" or "stupid question" and personal embarassment. With this idea in place, they wouldn't have to ask publically or get shamed by the teacher for not understanding the subject. Instead, the entire proccess could be private. It would eliminate confusion in many subjects. And so, with the elimination of confusion in the classroom, the increase of focus during lessons, and the implementation of systems to increase student interest, the FACS could be a lifesaver for many students in school. However, with the cost of implementing such a system likely being outrageous, the chance of this being implemented is low. Nevertheless, we can always try.
The Electoral College was a compromise made by our founding fathers. It was made as a compromise between the election of a president through a vote from Congress and election through popular vote. The downside to this way of election is that the voters are not voting for one of the candidates but for their state electors, who then vote for the president. The votes from each of the states electors then count as votes for the candidate. This way of election for a president is unfair and confusing and should be changed. First off, the Electoral College is unfair in the way that a vote from an individual does not really count because the only votes that really count are the ones from the Electoral College. It is also unfair that the voters cannot always choose who they want thier electors to be. There are also voters who have no hope just because of the state they live in, such as Democrars in Texas or Republicans in California. Since they know that thier vote doesnt matter in a state whose majority of the population goes fot the opposing party. Thsi is one reason why individual votes are more reasonable and fair. Secondly, the Electoral College is very confusing for a voter who doesnt know how it works.       
I would like you people out there to come and join our program the Seagoing Cowboys, I gunratee you will have a great time. We go to many different countries to have a amazing adventure and very wonderful time with friends or family. We nation named UNRRA your about to find out what is that Nation, that nations was make to help countries recover ther food supplie which was lost, and animals decreasing. Almost 44 nations come together to make that ONE nation. This program is life time decision you can't miss it for anything. If you like animals well you need to come on this trip we have animals on board with us to take them oversea, We have many unique animals on with us the passage states that they are horses; young cows; mules; pigs, However we just don't leave them in the boat with no feed or water or shelter we help those animals we feed them everyday, We keep them clean and there living areas clean so they wont get ill or get any kind of disease to spend to the another animals. So I want you to join our program why wouldn't you join so we can save those animals from getting any diseases or dieing from hungrier, or thirst. We just not there for the animlas for the countries too, We go to many fun and exciting countries. Have you ever wanted to go to a countries so bad? Well we can take you there, too sight the Magnificent things in life.
Mona Lisa is a famous painting by Leonardo da Vinci. There is many theories of Mona Lisa being sad, or feeling many other emontion but no body knows the truth but Da Vinci. Based on the text evidence, " Making Mona Liza Smile," a new software called Facial Action Coding System has been developed to try infenitfing Mona Lisa's facial expressions. She could have up to six different basic emontions. First of all, Mona Lisa overall expressions use she is 83% happy. Based on this article, " the software can even identify mixed emotions (as in da Vinci's masterpiece). each expression is compared against neutral face (showing no emotion)." This is saying that even that she shows no expressions, she is certainly happy but might be having mix feelings as well. Another reason Mona Lisa can be feeling disgusted, fearful, or even angry but yet she's very mysterious. In the text it says, " most of us would have trouble actually describing each facial trait that conveys happy, worried, etc." If humans have trouble figuring out if something is feeling happy or sad, how can a software be able to do such thing. The software FACS is interesting becuase it's able to know your emotions with any movement you do. For example, in the text it says, " even though individuals often show varying degress of expressions. Using a video imagery, the new emotion-recognition software tracks thsee facial movements." If a gental move can determine an emotion, this software will have a challenge on finding out Mona Lisa's emotions because it's just a painting. Therefore, Mona Lisa will be mysterious until the software identifies her emotions. Mona Lisa is and will always be a unique peice of art.
"Unmasking the Face on Mars" Was the Face created by aliens or was it just a natural landfrom on the region of the Red Planet Cydonia? So, many question about the Face and how it was created. But, I think personally it was a natural landform from the planet ,but my friend thinks it was created by aliens. In my passage, im going to talk about and convince you and my friend that the Face was made by a natural landform. The Face, was a natural landform, I know this for a fact. I know this because on April 5, 1998, when the Mars Global Surveyor (MGS) flew over the Red Planet Cydonia. They caputured a picture ten times sharper then the original Viking photos. When, they caputured the right photo the first image appeared on a JPL website and it revealed that the Face was natural landform after all. They didn't find any alien monument that would lead to the Face being created by aliens. After, all those picture some people were sill not satisified people still thought it was created by aliens. So, the mission controlled prepared another look to make sure that it was created by a natural landform. Then on April 8,2001 it was a cloudless summer day on the Red Planet. The Mars Global Surveyor drew a closer look which lead to what the picture actually showed. The picture was the Martian equivalent of a butte or mesa some landforms that were common around the America West. A lava dome that takes the form of an isolated mesa. So, you see the Face was really a natural landform from the beginning. After, all that research,pictures,credits, and even second thoughts it still came out to be created by a natural landform not a alien. Thats my opinion and I supported it.
Even though, driverless cars seem to be easier and better than a self driving car, they have possible negative outcomes. Some people would get a driverless car because of lazyness or not wanting to driving. A driverless car could have good and bad outcomes. "Their cars have driven more than half a million miles without a crash, but so far, Google cars aren't truly driverless; they still alert the driver to take over when pulling in and out of driverways or dealing with complicated traffic issues, such as navigating through roadwork or accidents." Whether the driver wants to drive or not they still would have to stay aware and watch the road at all times. There are many reasons some people wouldn't get a driverless car.Driverless cars are created to further lazyness. People would start texting and being on the phone as the driverless car drive. That can still cause an accident, technology have issues and powerdowns often. You can't depend on technology for everything. The main reason some wouldn't buy the driverless car is because of safety reasons. "Most driving laws focus on keeping drivers, passengers, and pedestrians safe, and lawmakers know that safety is best achieved with alert drivers. Presently, traffic laws are written with the assumption that the only safe car has a human driver in control at all times." People feel as if anything can happen and go wrong dealing with a driverless car. It's as if you are risking your life for a free ride with no safety guarantees. Another reason some may turn down a driverless car is because they are expensive. "The car read the positive and negative polarity as messages in binary codes. These smart road systems worked surprisingly well, but they required massive upgrades to existing roads, something that was simply too expensive to be practical." Theseare just the main issues dealing with an driverless car. On the otherhand, some may think a driverless car is way better than a regular car. Only because they don't really have to do anything. They can relax in the driver seat and cruise around. It's nothing wrong with having relax time while your car drive you itself. They are still developing new safety ideas for the driverless car. "GM has developed driver's seats that vibrate when the vehicle is in danger of backing into an object. The Google car simply announces when the driver should be prepared to take over. Other options under consideration are flashing lights on the windshield and other heads-up displays. Manufacturers are also considering using cameras to watch that drivers are remaining focused on the road. While the driver watches the roas, the car watches the driver." These ideas will insure safety to the people. Aslong, as the driver stay alert while the driverless car is driving everything should go well. People have their different reasons on why they should and shouldn't buy a driverless car, but even with a regular car you can still have accidents. To be on the safe side, always pay attention to the road for your own safety.
In this story talks that mona lisa wants to invited a technology object thst can see people's emotions. And this is why mona lisa is trying to come up with technology object. But I disagree that she should not invited a technology object that can see peolpe's emotions. Someone people will say that they will feel worried that a technology object is see how their emotions feel like. Other thing is that people saying bad things to mona lisa that why she invited a technology object that allows to see emotions. And also mona lisa says that most people have trouble describing each of their facial trait. And also she wants to see if people are always happy or anger or their sad. And mona lisa thinks that it is good idea to come up with a technology object. She wants to see how people react to danger things in life. On the other their there is other doctor called Dr Huang that is trying to develop better ways to humans and computers and to communicate. And this doctor thinks that it is good idea to develop better ways for human people. But i also disagree with this doctor too. Because we can never changes people ways. We even can not make people's life make them in a better way. In conclusion I both disagree with this two people because we can never change develop people in better ways. Latest, is that we schould not invited a technology that we can see people's emotions. Because people will feel worried or get mad about inviting a technology object.
Feelings, we all have them, whether you are happy,sad, or angry, friends or family members can mostly tell when you are in a certain mood,but what if a computer could do the same exact thing. Author Nick D'Alto wrote an article called,"Making Mona Lisa Smile" which is about computers that can read emotions, thats crazy! Nick talks about how computers can spit out precents of feelings like in paragraph one he sated,"She’s 83 percent happy, 9 percent disgusted, 6 percent fearful, and 2 percent angry." Thats a computer scaning the Mona Lisa picture created by Leonardo da Vinci. NIck stated,"The process begins when the computer constructs a 3-D computer model of the face; all 44 major muscles in the model must move like human muscles." So, these computers use musclkes in your face to figure out the emotions you are felling. So, how is this helpful to students in a classroom? Well, Nick gives an example by stating from Dr.Huang from Beckman Institute for Advanced Science at the University of Illinois,"A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored,” Dr. Huang predicts. “Then it could modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor.” Not only would it see if a student is bored or confused but the computer would help make the lesson more interseting to the student. The big downfall of all of this would be prices, such as video games because, the computer would help better tell a story line and have the player thinking how the character feel ( let them feel more in the game). The article stated,"The same technology can make computer-animated faces more expressive—for video games or video surgery." But, other than that these computer can be very valuable to humans in the future and example more about humans emothions towards school, eachother, etc. Not the mention teenage boys can be excited and if they are in the middle of class on youtube or something, how would that be stopped so the student doesnt get embrassed. Wrapping all of this up, computer are used on a daily schulde whether its at home or school, computer could help slove depression by putting students into a great mood, help humans on tests or problems in life. Computers do alot of things for us and this could be a big step into sloving problems and emotions people are feeling.
Hello, my name is Lisa, and i'm a scientist here at NASA. I have heard that you claim that aliens have created this landform we found on Mars. There has not been any life found on Mars at this momment. It does look like it could be from another living organism, but it's just a rock on the planet. In our newest image of the rock, it turns out that the face has dissapered. There is no evidence of this being created by aliens, rather it was created by wind and water that has been found on Mars. The reason you might believe that this was indeed aliens, might be the fact that the news has blown it out of poportion. It's just the rock that had some interesting shadows and holes that made it look like a human face. In conclusion, all i'm trying to say is that it cannot be aliens, it's just a rock on Mars. Thank you for your time.