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The Challenge of Exploring Venus an article that shows shows imagintion and motivation of Venus. In this article the author did a well job on showing both positives and negatives of this idea. He talks about Venus and the most information about this planet. In his Introduction he has a hooking sentence getting the readers attention by saying the nickname for the planet. He backs up his idea by showing facts and history instead of saying his opinion. It is said by the author that its a good idea on exploring Venus. The negatives and positives about this planet are well explained and shown by the author. The author first begins talking about the negatives about the planet to show that it also has negatives and is clear about the information and still supporting his claim. He begins by mentioning the failure of humans sending numerous spacecrafts to land on Venus and only lasting few hours in paragraph 2. The author also talks about its climate and atmosphere in section 3. Which on average overs 800 degrees Fahrenheit and and is 90 times greater in atmospheric pressure. After talking about the negatives and cons about Venus the author then dives into the positives and shows more postives then negatives. He begins by telling the readers in paragraph 2 that Venus is referred to as Earth's "twin" showing that Venus is worth exploring if it is compared to Earth and feeling safe about it. In paragraph 4 the author talks about Venus possibly having life when he tells the reader that long time ago Venus was covered in oceans and could have supported life. The author backs up his idea by showing facts on the possibilities of sending humans to explore the planet. He gives informations and in paragraph 5 talking about NASA's idea of sending humans to study Venus and developing solutions to the hostile conditions. In section 7 the author brings more research from NASA that is testing simplified electronics and lasting 3 weeks in such conditons. To reinforce his idea he talks in paragraph 6 of scientist going to to Venus to conduct important research such as samples from rock and gas. The author madehis idea clear and showed it with good information. He showed the cons about his idea and then the positves. He gave the readers basic information in his introduction. He tehn dived into his idea and backed it with many important research information. The author showed his idea with him never saying his opinion.
The first thing that i should include in my discusion would be that there was a spacecraft circling around the plant and there was know sine of anything that could have really caused it un natturaly. Then i would include facts on how the camra did not spot anything that could have been alrming to anyone. An that there was and is know sine of life at all on the plant so there for it would not really be anything to be worried about. Then i would have explain to them that the way in witch that plant moves and shifts we really arn't one hundered percent sure on how much of a differnce it is between earth and mars so we have to estmate one how the weather is and how much water it gets if any there has to be water ona plant for there to be life on it. How are we sure on what mars is really like because we as people have never been there. So in order to tell people anything about mars we would have to have more recrosses and more information. what we do know about mars is that there is little to know water, and that to have anything living there would be nearly inpossible. There is know proof that anyting can even live on mars and the face was mostlikely made by a small astroide hitting the plant or land shifts there are multiple ways the face like figure could have been made in the plant. But it most definletly was not any kind of differnt life forms or aliens because there was know kind of indcation that there was even anything on mars to crueat somthing like that know sine at all.
This articles is about the facial action coding system enables computers to identify human emotions. It is important to understanding how other people feeling and emotionall. This technology should valuable expressions of students in a classroom. It importand to understand or learn about facial action so that we can understand other people what they feel how they feel. Sometime we said a word that peple won't want to hear or hurt them. Able to understand they emotion and feeling we have to undertand how the person facial is. In this artile said " In the real smile, the zygomatic major lift the corner of your mouth". The fake smile or false smile is the mouth stretched aideaways using the zygomatic major and different muscle, the risorius. That one Importand thing we all can learn from this article. Also if eveyone understand there will be deeper relationship, deeper friendship and deeper family. Everyone is different so which mean they can pretend to be happy or pretend to be sad you also can tell from using facial action coding system and identify human emotions. To understand facial action is importand for everyone and students in classroom should be using and valuable the technology of facial action coding system. Thank you
The first thing im gonna talk about is in the store it sayed they took there right to drive away and fined them if they do drive that is stupid. If u pay for that car or truck and pay for the the gas that they sale you should be able to drive that car or truck wherever u want to. And if they new it was gonna cause harm to the environment then why did they do it i mean that's pretty dumb. They new that them hazardous gasses and fumes were gonna mess things up so why would they do it. But u have to have these vehicles and semis to be able to transport goods from place to place do i mean your really just gonna have to deal with it cause u have to have them cause whose gonna hall all that stuff by hand one by one nobody and its just a waste of time cause u would kill yourself trying to do it so why not just use a semi that uses left over stuff from gas that way there not dumping all that stuff out on the ground ans its not going down and pouluting our water let it puluote our air but if we don't have that water we couldnt go 3 days and we could were gas masks if it come down to it its really not that big of a deal. There making this how smog thing a big deal they can come up with something to help that or go away that is just so stupid that they do that cause they can prevent some of it with safe idle and emmisind but they dont want to hold to there laws ad people that are doing it they just let them go on like there doing and they do nothing about. Why would they do wat they are doing and not help us out and quit taking our rights away.                                                                                                                                                                                                                        
I strongly belive that if fellow citizens hold back on driving to get to point A to point B every time , just a little can help improve many things. For example on the streets their will be less traffic , which means less time for people to go where they need to go. Another thing that is benificial is if helps the enviorment. The enviorment has been getting affected by the tons of damage the veicles are giving to our o zone. especially Antartica. Also cars waste a lot of our resources which some of us use daily, with so many cars that are being driven every day is a everyday stuggle to those who work hard to get the oil from so deep in the earth . That some were talking about that is it possible that we can drain up all the oil?. One of the large beifits that come with citzens trying to  not drive their veicles so often,is the amount of times some citizen will save to get to point A to point B. their will be lest traffic on the streets . Which is a benifit to all in the community. A great amount of people like soccer moms or people in general who have to take their kids to a certain place like soccer pratice or a sochool play have give up their cars . Finding another solution to get their child to where they need to be without having to use their own car to drive them there and just find another easier transportaiton. The big reason why people are trying to find  a solution for citizen to stop having to use their veicles so often is to help our enviorment. The enviorent has gone through many changes which all were a result to something bad to occur. The ice  in antartica has been melting wich means the water level has increases alot and keeps on increaseing. in the past year, scientist concluded that 2014 that the hottest  year  which were all a cause not only beacuse of so many veichles being driven around also other things but mostly the bad amout of polution the cars are giving the sky . which is a advantage of the enviorment to get better and so that the water level can go back to normal and not have to experience disasters that come with the bad enviorment.                   
Many people have different oppinions over driverless cars. Some may think that driverless cars are dangerous or just outright wrong. While some people may think that driverless car is a big step for this world, and could be very helpful. Now both groups are neither right or wrong but there are pros and cons to driverless cars. One pro is that nowadays out technology is very advanced so in driverless cars they're putting the best sensors and technology in the cars to make them as safe as possible. One con is that these cars can handle normal driving functions but when it comes to workzones, traffic jams, or backing out of driveways they need a human to assist. I believe that driverless cars could very well help this country. Even though there are cons i think the pros out number them. So in conclusion, driverless cars may scare some but in the future these cars will be perfected and the accident rate will decrese.
Dear Senator, The Electoral College is filled with electors that people from different states voted for. They are the people who vote and elect the president and vice president. Their votes are more imprtant than everyone elses because they are higher people than everyone else. The Electoral College consists of 538 electors. They need 270 electoral votes on a president before the elect one. Every candidate the is running for president had their own group of electors, so of course they gonna vote for them and thats not fair. I think that each candidate shouldnt have their own electors because it wouldnt be fair if one candidate had 20 electors and another candidate has like 10. Bascially the candidate with the most electors has a better chance of winning the election. Each state has a group of electors that vote for their state and thats not right. It shouldnt be up to the electors to vote for their state, everyone should just be able to vote for who they want to be president and see what happens from there. Not everything is up to the electors. We shouldnt keep the Electoral College because its not fair that their votes matter more than the communitys. Everyone in the world is able to vote for who they want for president. Then finally when a president is elected most people are angry because the Electoral College picked who they wanted and didnt pay much attention to the communitys vote. Instead of the Electoral College voteing and choosing the president it should be up to the community. After everyone has voted, we should just add up who got the most votes and whoever did should be elected as president. It shouldnt be up to the Electoral College. Just because they are higher then everyone else, they shouldnt just be able to choose who they want for president. Also not everyone is able to vote, and thats not fair. The Electoral College adds there votes to everyone elses and then elects the president they want. But what about the people who didnt vote? Everyone should have a chance to vote. It wouldnt be fair that the Electoral College elected a president when theres people out there who didnt even have the chance to vote. In source 2 paragraph 14 , it says, "its offical: the Electoral College is unfair, outdated, and irrational" . That is true, they arent fair because they make it so that their votes are more important than everyone elses. Most people dont even vote for president, they vote for electors in the Electoral College so they can vote for president. I bet that everytime the Electoral College voted for a president people from different states yelled and screamed at them. So the best thing is to pay attention to who everyone in the United States is voting for instead of the Electoral College. If we keep voting like this sooner or later everyone is going to get fed up with it and do something about it themselves. Sincerely PROPER_NAME
Peple think that the only way of transportation is by car, well that isn't true. There are many ways in which you can go from A to B without a car. The people have gotten to depenent on cars and it just can't be that way because the gas used to power the cars are whats causing so much pollution and we need to stop that. For places like china that has the most population in the world since a lot of poeple use cars over there, it made china the most polluted country in the world, which is never good pollution can cause serious problem that we the people do not want. All people have to do drive less and walk more or just drive less you don't even need to walk, but the less we drive the less polluted our world can be the better it is. People in Europe who live in Vauban, Germany which is a suburbed area, most of the people there dont use cars; 70 percent of the families that live in Vauban do not use cars and 57 percent of the 70 should there cars to move there. A population of 5,500 people, more than half of them dont use cars; now that sounds crazy but it works the area is less polluted and that life style is being adopted around the world in attempts to see if we the people can be less dependent on our cars and use them less. Places like paris have banned driving because of to much smog in the air, and people who cantinued to drive got fined for 22-euros ($31) and more than 4,000 drivers got fined and there cars impounded for their reaction to the fine. Also in places like Bogota, Colombia they have a day were people are not allowed to use there cars besides buses and taxis and violaters were to face a $25 fine. That helped promote alternative transportation and reduce smog. Other columbian cities have also adpoted this no car free day and are using it to also help with smog. People do not need to stop driving all around but we need to start driving less to prevent smog and pollution, the less we drive the less polluted our world is, and it takes everyone to do that. In the United states there is a study were every year less people are driving and getting there liscens and that right there is a start. We the people must realize that we can not depened on car to much there are many alternitive ways of transportation we just need to learn to use those ways instead of cars.
Luke bomberger is my name. I am here to provide exaples and state facts to make you want to join the Seagoing Cowboys program. This program is about helping people that got left in ruins not just after World War II. They help people if they need animals they will bring you animals from other countrys and if they need help building there houses and everything will bring you people that can build houses and better things! Some reasons why you would want to join is because do you want to get drafted to the army? I don't think a lot of people do. So be a Seagoing Cowboy. If your with us you will not get drafted. Do you like animals you can help us by taking care of the animals. Another reason why you would like to join is because we have fun after we are done with everything we play table-tennis,fence,read,box,whittle,vollyball, and we also play baseball now doesn't that sound fun."I don't even know what whittling is but i've done it before I think it's fun!" That is why me,Luke Bomberger want you to join the Seagoing Cowboys. Also its not just work and play we also learn and get to vist a lot of cool places around the world. I crossed the Atlantic Ocean 16 times and the Pacific Ocean twice. It made me more aware of people in other countrys and their needs. Thats why I leaded my family to host a number of international of students and exchange vistors for many years. Thank you and good-bye.
Driverless cars should be developed and used. There are many ways that driverless cars could help us. Safety is a main concern but many accidents occur due to the driver being disctracted or someone else's fault. Driverless cars will have sensors to stay on a certain course and not get off track. The sensors could also detect if something is too risky such as backing up in a parking lot. When a time like that occurs the driver must drive the car until the car can handle the situation. Many accidents occur due people using a celluar device and losing track of where they are. In a driverless car this could be prevented because the driver is not driving the vehicle. They could use their phones but they must know when the car cannot be piloted in a sticky situation. A driverless car could also be used as a taxi driver for those that drink and drive. Driverless cars can also help semi truck drivers that drive around for hours and hours. Advanced computer systems could be put in the driverless cars to prevent enviromental issues on the road. The systems could also prevent possible rollovers and sliding off the road. It will be very costly but we can save many lives and prevent many accidents from occuring. So driverless cars can prevent many accidents and they could help many people in making their job a whole lot easier. It will be costly but it will be worth all the lives that can be saved and helped.
If professors were able to read their students emotions through their facial expressions from a computer, it would very well help the students in the long run and the teacher to make improvements. This kind of technology will help students and teachers form a better trust, help make teaching improvements, and learning improvements. A computer able to do that, will be valuable to all teachers and to those who want to better their education. Even when someone fakes an expression, the zygomatic major and the risorius (facial muscles) will tell so. If a student were to perhaps lie after being confronted for cheating, the computer would be able to read his facial expressions and tell if it is geniune or not. With a computer reading yours and others facial expressions daily, it may help the classroom build a better trust with eachother. The computer will tell their true emotions, even when some try to hide it. When the professor is teaching something that the students may not understand, they will be confused. Sometimes the teacher is so deep into the learning lesson, they will not realize when some students are not understanding. A computer will help by reading their facial expressions and send a message to the teacher explaining so, then they can realize they either need to slow down or go over it again. This helps the teacher understand the progress of where their students are at and how to better their teaching. When a subject has caused students to grow bored, the computer will send a message to the teacher and he may make it more interesting, or change it up a bit. Said by Dr. Huang, "Most human communication is nonverbal, including emotional communications..". Sometimes students will not raise their hand when they have a question or are confused to avoid making themselves look foolish for not knowing. The teacher may take in consideration from the message sent from the computer that he needs call out on those students, getting them more involved. This will help shy students better their learning possibilities. In conclusion, technology that is able to read facial expressions and tell how that person is feeling will improve all learning schools. The technology helps build a stronger trust, since the technology makes it impossible for people to hide their emotions. It will also value students and teachers, helping improve their learning zones.
The Electoral College is a process put in place by the founding fathers as a compromise for the election of the President. It is a combination vote of the Congress and of the citizens of the United States. The Electoral College is on of the most disputed political topics right now. The electoral college is a proper method for electing presidents because it forces presidential candidates to have transregional appeal and it rules out the possibility of an election where neither candidate recieves the majority of the votes. The Electoral College doesn't allow a candidate to win by gaining their electoral votes from one region. As stated in source 3, "no region has enough electoral votes to elect a president" meaning that if a candidate were to only campaign in a region that they knew would vot for them, then there is no possible way they would win. For example, in 2012 Mitt Romney was a favorite in the south so he had no incentive on campaigning heavily in other states because that he had won the south over completely. Not only did he not win a major electoral state, Florida, but he also didn't campaign in ohter states for which he gained no electoral votes. Even by some chance that they win, there is a very small chance of them being reelected because the regions that they didn't campaign in will feel disenfranchised and that will cause them not to vote for the president again. So if a candidate doesn't camapign in all regions that doesn't mean he won't win the election the first time, but he is likely to lose the reelection. With the Electoral College process in place, it rules out the possibility of an candidate not winning the majority of the votes. For example, their have been two elections where a president only had 43 percent of the popular votes, which some people would think that would be enough, but the those presidents had the majority of the electoral votes which is what caused them to win. Even though there is a slight possibility of this happening, there are always those couple of states that are last minute decisions and are called "toss-up states" because nobody ever knows who will win that state over and it might be a state like Louisiana, who only has 8 eletoral votes but 8 votes is enough to break a tie and even win the election for someone. On the other hand, some people might argue that the Electoral College method might turn off potential voters due to a candidate showing that they have no interest in carrying that state due to what party that state carries, but no one voter can decide an election, and that is because the voter doesn't vote for what president they want, but for what electors they want who in part will vote for the candidate. Though they have a valid arguement the Electoral College is still the right method for the job. In conclusion, the Electoral College is the proper method because it forces presidents to campaign in multiple regions and it rules out the possibility of a tie in the election. The president is suppose to rule for the people and some people might not vote for a president just because they don't like them but with the Electoral College the right president wins.     
In the article, The Challenge of Exploring Venus, the author amkes serval arguements attempting to persaude the reader that a maned mission to venus would be worth while the NASA to undertake. I personnally am not move by their arguement as they have not pointed out what is to be gained in this mission outside of a deadman on Venus. In the closing paragraph of the article they write, "Striving to meet the challenge presented by Venus has value, not only because of the insight to be gained on the planet itself, but also because human curiousity will likly lead out many intimidating endeavors." I ask the writer of this, what useful insight is there to be gained by this endeavor. I also think why focus Venus instead of mars, which in comparison is much more accepting host of humans. From both prior knoweledge and what was what written in this article, Venus is a literal hellscape with the only thing to be gained being death of any one foolish enough to be sent there. Even with this article's idea for blimp above the planet, I remaing unconvinced that there is any benefit in the slightest. In conclusion, I find the Idea there is any reason, resourece, or revolation that Venus can offer humanity in the slightest.
Driverless cars are the next piece of technology that will advance our society. Everyday scientists and engineers create new ideas and tech that improve our everyday lives. Many companies have took on the task to create this new driverless car with no flaws and many tests are done every day so that there is no problem in this life changing vechicle. A driverless care is a privelage to have to and use and until they are fully functional without any accident they will not be released to the public. I think that a driverless car is a great and innovative idea that will be soon be possible. Car companies have already created cars that have different technology that improve the safety of the passengers inside the vehicle. Many things like radar, safety cameras, and motion sensors have been put into these newer made vehicles. And this technology is very advanced and efficent to the millions of cars on the road each day. The creation of a driverless car is an intense experiment that will take many years to perfect. And these cars will have many useful items that will increase the value of the car. A car will then have many new devices like antilock brakes, driver assistance, radar, and Dubbed LIDAR. These advancments will increase the safety of the driver and that is a great thing to have in a vehicle. Driverless cars are a great thing but only when they are fully functional and operating with no flaws. These cars will change the game in how we get around everyday to work, school, or where ever a person needs to go. Google has been testing a driverles vehicle since 2009, and they have already driven half a million milles without a crash. Even though they are not fully driverless because a driver is alerted to take over when pulling in and out of drivewars or dealing with complicated traffic issues, these cars can still do alot on their own. And in 2013 MBW announced the development of "Traffic Jam Assistant" where the car can handle driving function at speeds at 25 mph and special touch sensors make sure the driver keeps hold of the wheel. A BMW project manager driver stated "We have to interpret the driving fun in a new way". And these manufacturers wants to do that by bringing in car entertainment and information systems that use head up displays. Which is a great idea in a driverless car. Driverless cars are a great idea and very benefical to our world. They will improve the way we travel and transport things. A car was created so that we could get to one place to another a lot quicker and a driverless car is made so that a driver can get into a car without paying a ton of money and just get a ride to wherever they need to go. And although these cars have driven half a million miles on their own they obviously will still need to be tested for a couple more years until they will be released to the public. This creation of a driverless car will be a huge impact to our nations history and will be a great accomplishment.
Venus our sister planet, with her surface being the harshes of the other planets and her breathtaking carbon dioxide atmosphere that takes up 97%. Venus been looked at for years as the next planet to visit,as so is Mars but lets talk to her yet,Venus has been studied to know that their had been life on her before and what causes the carbon dioxide and what forces the planet to keep its posure. Venus is a really complicated planet and the thought of visiting could be harmful. As in the 1800s devices where invisioned but not in that way,since World War 2 computers were first looked at in 1940s and the technology they had back them was even close to compare to modern day,as they were slow to load and ares was fast to load . But think even with modern day technology,we do still fail to communicate so what if we try to vist Venus and then the connection with the commanding officer is lost and now your space floating and that their is a real danger. So maybe going to venus is not bad idea but its an idea that won't happen but who knows, lets not see whose survives the longest. But my conclution is why does Venus have to be the go to planet, despite all the carbon dioxide and her 800 degrees Fahrenheit. I know why we picked Venus becaouse it's the exact size of us and the 2nd closes to the sun.
Keeping the Electoral College is not smart for the united states voting system. First, many citizens all over the country don't agree with the voting system. Second, the Electoral College may be swayed by bias. Third, citizens do not really have control over their vote. The Electoral College system should be changed. Many American citizens do not agree with the voting system. Citizens have grievances about the system being unfair and unreasonable. The Office of the Federal Register states, "It's official: The Electoral College is unfair, outdated, and irrational. The best arguments in favor of it are mostly assertions without much basis in reality" (source 1). If American citizens are persistant with the issue, and continue to argue, then why is the government keeping the system? Why doesn't the government come up with a more rational voting system? The Electoral College's vote may be swayed by bias. How can we trust total strangers with our vote? Bradford Plumer states, "At the most basic level, the electoral college is unfair to voters. Because of the winner take all system in each state, candidates don't spend time in the states they know they have no chance of winning, focusing only on the tight races in the 'swing' states (source 2). Voters do not get the full effect of voting because they are voting for other "qualified" people to vote for them. How is that possibly effective? Citizens do not have control over their vote. Once citizens vote their vote is out of their hands. The Electoral College chooses the president for them and there is nothing citizens can do about it. Bradford Plumer states, "Your states certificates of Ascertainments are sent to the congress and the national archives as part of the official records of the presidential election" (source 2). The government has full control over how the election goes, not the citizens who voted. The entire Electoral College system is completely irrational. The government needs to come up with a new way to vote for future presidents that is more fair. If we find a solution to this problem the government will not only gain favor of the American citizens, but also keep the balance that is established by the constitution. The American citizens will have control over their vote. The Electoral College should be abolished.
My argument against driverless cars, would be that first of all it would be really dangerous, many kids play outside how are the driverless cars going to see a young kid run across the street? Next is that yeah it might be gas saving but think about how much gas is already waisted in our world? lots plus, he saids in his artical " fundamentally change the world " or are these driverless robotic automoibles going to change the way people live today? think of themselfs not to good enough becusae you might not be able to afford these 'cars' or for the wealthy who knows he can buy tons of them feel way to good of themselfs? other words better than others in there point of view. plus many people bought many cars. WHAT are they going to do throw them away not many people going to automaticaly leave all these cars and right away move on to these driverless cars.
Hey. This is seagoing Cowboys. Seagoing Cowboys is where you get to help other countries recover from world war 2. Here comes why you should join us. First reason you get to help others. Plus you get to see if there are different ways to help us recover faster, so we can have other workers to help out. Last of the first reason leads to the second you can explore the world. Second reason as I said you get to explore the world while doing this. I bet you are wondering how? Well we don't need you to stress out, so we let explores for a little while and then get the next shipment. The last reason is because you get to relax after your shipment of horses and play around with some new friends and laugh and joke around. Luke says on his way back he got to play some baseball and volleyball in the empty holds where the horse use to be. They also had Table-tennis tourneys, fencing, and boxing. If you were not into sports you could whittling and play some games on the floor to pass some time. I think this is a wonderful opportunity for the people who are caring and helpful, so come on and join us.
In 1976, NASA's Viking 1 spacecraft was snapping pictures of possible landing spots for Viking 2, when it noticed a human face staring right at it. A few days later, NASA released the photo publically, and it caught on fire. The face has since become a pop icon, and appeared in a Hollywood film, books, magazines, radio talk shows, and haunted a grocery store's checkout line. It has even attracted conspiracy theorists that think NASA is hiding alien life on Mars. But they are all incorrect. The face was discovered in the Cydonia region of Mars. In Cydonia, mesas are common, and this one just happened to have an unusual shadow. NASA also unveiled the images to the public, proving they had nothing to hide, otherwise they would have kept this secret. NASA also stated they wish there was an anicent civilization on Mars. And Jim Garvin, chief scientist of NASA's Mars Exploration Program said it is equivalent to a earth butte or mesa. Imagine if you were a scientist and saw a face on Mars. You would've been astounded and amazed. That is exactly what mission control felt like when they saw this bizarre looking landform. But they quickly discovered it was just another Martian mesa. The face was discovered in the Cydonia region of Mars. In Cydonia, mesas are common, and this one just happened to have an unusual shadow. NASA also unveiled the images to the public, proving they had nothing to hide, otherwise they would have kept this secret. NASA also stated they wish there was an anicent civilization on Mars. NASA took another picture in 2001. This picture looked nothing like the picture in 1976 of a face. This is because NASA used more advanced cameras than it did in 1976 to come up with a clearer image of the mesa. The camera used in the 2001 photo had new high-resolution images and 3D altimetry. Also, each pixel in the camera in 1976 covered 43 meters. The camera in 2001 had each pixel cover 1.56 meters. You can also discern things in a digital image 3 times bigger than pixel size. That's a huge difference in picture quality. You can see NASA's not trying to hide anything. The picture was not leaked, so we know NASA meant to show the public the picture. Don't listen to the cospiracy theorists. There are no conspiracies or theories. Just an oddly shaped shadow of a Martian mesa.
Dear Senator, I strongly suggest that you keep the Electoral college because of the different benefits it has to offer. It creates more of a certain outcome. Also, it is a way to avoid run-off elections. Even though there may be some negative outcomes to this way of voting, I feel that the advantages overlook them. The Electoral college is a good method of our voting system in the United States because it helps to develop a more certain outcome. According to the passage titled In Defense of the Electoral College:Five reasons to keep our despised method of choosing the President by Richard A. Posner, it states that "Because almost all states award electoral votes ona winner-take-all basis, even a very slight plurality in a state creates a landslide electoral-vote victory in that state." This tell that vote is plenty more certain using this method rather than to go by popular vote. With having a more percise and oranized plan of voting it garintees a more certain outcome and will prepare for problems that may occur such as ties in the election. The Electoral College is most definitley a an great voting method when used for certainty. Another reason why The Electoral College is a great method of voting is because it is a way to avoid run-off elections. According to the same article titled In Defense of the Electoral College:Five reasons to keep our despised method of choosing the President by Richard A. Posner it tells that "There is pressure for run-off elections when no candidate wins a majority of the votes cast; that pressure, which would greatly complicate the presidential election process, is reduced by the Electoral College, which in variably produces a clear winner." An example of this stated in the article is "Nixon in 19680and clinton in 1992 both had only a 43 percent plurality of the popular votes, while winning a majority in the Electoral College". Avoiding these types of things is very important. If we didnt have this method we would still have to come up with some sort of method so that thing like run-offs don't happen. However, some people disagree with the electoral college because they feel that they aren't really voting for the candidate, it still needs to be used because to many thing can happen such as ties and run-offs that we would need to figure out in the long run. In conclusion, the Electoral College is very important and needs to continue to be our voting method for the United States. Certainty of the votes outcome and avoiding run-off election are twp ways Electoral votes have helped us. Without this method we would have to be dealing with these issues in some other kind of way.                                   
Dear, Senator I'am a conserend voter that belives you should represent the people of your party and should apose the electoral college. It causes an unnecissary complication for voting for who will represent the face of the best country on earth. We the people do not want to get the wrong president to represent the majority of the population. The chances of an indefined out come through electoral college may be low but when it comes down to the presidency nothing should be left to chance. The voters should know how the system of voting for president. They are the ones that deside so they should know how there vote can be used to have the greatest affect. Bradford Plumer states "voters sometimes get confused about the electors and vote for the wrong candidate...sometimes". A democracy is when the people deside the destiny of there country. For them not to know what there chosing takes power out of the hands of the people. The Winner-takes-all system is ok when your on the playground as a childs it does not work in the real world. This system creates Swing States. Acording to Richard A. Posner "method of awarding electoral votes induces the candidates to focuse their campaign efforts on the toss-up sates". This draws attention away from other states. Bradford Plumer explanes that "During the 2000 campaign, seventeen sates didn't see the candidates at all". He also clames "puting the fate of the presidency in the hands of a few swing voters in ohio". This is not right each vote should be just as important as anyother and no state should be the desiding outcome in an election. Chance is a crazy thing. If there is a chance of something happening and it's given time it will happen. A number of weird outcomes can happen with electoral college. One outcome is the posibility of having a tie. Richard A. Posner explains"A tie in the nationwide electoral vote is possible because the total number of votes-538- is an even number". If a tie happens the represenetives vote for the people and because each state has one vote per electoral college..."55 representatives from california, who represent 35 millon voters.". Second posible out come is the majority vote goes to one canadite and the electoral college goes to the other. For example Bradford Plumer wrote"This year voters can expect another close election in which the popular vote winner could again lose the presidency." These are just two of the odd outcomes of electoral colleges could cause. Electoral college don't solve problems but creat them. The best way to put it is this..."It's official: The electoral college is unfair, outdated, and irrational. The best arguments in favor of it are most assertions without much basis in reality. And the arguments against direct elections are spurious at best."~(Bradford Plumer)~
Why does this country even have this system? Where someone else basically chooses for you? The Electoral College should change to election by popular vote for the president of the United States. This should change because the people have the right to have their opinion go to what is being voted on,not some else choice also because it's like people are voting for something they don't want foresfuly.  The United States is a what we call a democracy meaning the country is lead by the power of the people. So when two people have an idea to make something better and another person has a different idea they each want to others to hear their ideas. Each person will have their reasons on why they think the way the way they think and the peolpe will have to make a desicion on what the they think is best for their community and their country. The United States is a democracy which means it is lead by the people. It's the people say. So when someone votes they expect their vote count against what they are going for. You making a desicion and someone else who is higher than you changes it makes voting ironic. Why vote? Just make them do the whole election. "Under the electoral college system, voters vote not for the president, but for a slate of electors, who in turn elect the president"(Plumer). So technacally we are not doing the voting we are just what is called "giving options" to those who are actually doing the voting. We the people demand to be heard and want what we want. In Source 2: The Indefensible Electoral College: Why even the best-laid defenses of the sytem are wrong it states that over sixty percent  of voters would prefer a direct election to the kind we have now. Point being be should be heard no matter what. In the United States we are not forced to do anything really. Especially when it comes to choosing. Everybody thinks differently so why should someone else vote for the choice of the people. It's like we are voting for someone we don't want when someone higher that you is voting for you. Each stae has their own number of electoral votes but it shouldn't be that way because it the president your voting for is in a tie and he need those votes the people would know that their votes are helping the person they want to see win. But when the electors choose something else the people cant think that. Sometime the electors refuse to vote for the their party's canidate. which makes the situation even terrible. Source 2: The Indefensible Electoral College: Why even the best-laid defenses of the sytem are wrong paragraph 11 it says "Electors have occasionally refused to vote for their party candidate and cast a deciding vote for whomever the please." So why even waste time on telling people to vote if someone else will choose for you sometimes not what you want. In the end having to count so many votes could be dificult and when counting it could lead to mistakenly counted. But we the people make our own desion for our own good. Just imagine someone asks you what you want to eat and get you something totally different.
The technology to read people emotional expressions is valuable. The six basic emotions are happiness,surprise,anger,disgust,fear,and sadness. It associates each characteristic movements of facial muscles. Its good to have a technology that actually can tell whats their emotions. Telling whats their emotions is good for us because we can be there for them when they feeling down. Each expression is compared against a neutral face that shows no emotion. You can tell how someone is feeling simply by looking at their face. Most of us have trouble at describing each facial trait that conveys happy,worried,etc. Human anatomy is to help the painting to facial muscles precisely to convey specific emotions. A classroom computer could recongize when somebody is becoming bored or confused. They could indicate the difference between a genuine smile and a forced one. Moving your facial muscles not only expresses emotions but can even help to produce them. Feeling someone else's emotional state may happen because we unconsciously imitate another person's facial expressions. To whoever did this type of technology we wouldn't know people faces that can reveal so much of their emotions.
Driverless cars are the way of the future. Driverless cars could be more than just a way of transportation: they could be cheaper, safer, and more entertaining. With new innovations and improvements that modern day technology provides, driverless vehicles could become the only mode of on-land transportion that is needed. Driverless cars are cheaper than the cars of modern society. The cofounder of Google, Sergey Brin, imagines a future in which driverless cars replace today's taxi system. Brin forsees driverless cars that "would use half the fuel of today's taxis." Brin also envisions that the driverless cars would provide "far more flexibility than a bus." In the past, the sensors needed for these driverless cars "was a device on a hilltop that cost two hundred millions dollars." Now these sensors have become cheaper and easier to access. These driverless cars of the future would be a safer option in adition to being cheaper. The driverless cars have sensors all around the car, including the roof, the rear wheels, "a video camera mounted near the rearview mirror, four automotive radar sensors, a GPS reciever, and an inertial motion sensor." These sensors provide angles and points of view that the driver can not see. The sensors created using modern technology "ha[ve] become more advanced to detect and respond to the danger of out-of-control skids or rollovers." With these new sensors that will just continue to become more advanced, less accidents will happen on the road. The driverless cars are not only cheaper and safer, but they can provide a more entertaining and fun way to driver on the road. Although one would think that driverless cars that would still require a driver may become "bored waiting for their turn to drive," Dr. Werner Huber has come up with a solution. Dr. Werner Huber, who is a project manager at BMW, has come up with a way "to interpret the driving fun in a new way." Driverless cars could provide entertain for not only the driver, but the whole family. Movies could display and the front overhead and then simply go out of view when the driver needs tend to the road. "The in-car system is actually a safety feature" and can be more safe than "drivers trying to text with a cell phone." Cars that do not require a driver are the future of today's society. These cars of the future give a cheaper, safer, and more enertaining alternative to the regular driving of the 21st century. The driverless cars will continue to make advances with today's improving technolody and those cars will pave the way to a brighter, better future.
The advantages of limiting car use are you become less stressed, you have cleaner air, and decreases the amount of traffic jams. First, limiting car use will lessen stress. for example, in the article Car-Free City a woman says, "when i had a car i was always tense. im much happier this way." She is happier because she does not have a car. in the article "Car-free day is spinning into a big hit in bogota" it also says, "It's a good opportunity to take away stress and lower air polution..." Having a car makes you more stressful. Secondly, limiting car use helps the air be cleaner. For instance, in the passage "paris bans dring due to smog" by Robert Duffer it says,"after days of near-recod pollution,Paris enforced a partial driving ban to clear the air of the global city." Cars pollute our air so putting bans on cars will freshen our air. Thirdly, limitation on the use of cars will decrease the amount of traffic jams. for example, in the article "car-free day is spinning into a big hit in Bogota" it states that, "...leaving the streets of this capital city eerily devoid of trffic jams." with out so many cars being on the road other forms of transportation jush as buses or trams have room them to drive and be on time. In conclusion, limiting the amount of cars is a good idea. The advantages to limiting car use are that lessens the amount of stress, it provides cleaner air, and decreases traffic jams.
In life there will be things that we question ourselves if soemthing is worth getting , studying etc. The author of "The Challenge Venus" makes his point that studying the planet Venus is very important even though it can be dangerous. In this text the author mestioned thst striving to meet this challenge would bring value not only because of the insight but to gain about this planet.The author also talked about how we should not be scared to travel more out there because we should be happy that we are expanding to meet the doubts that many people have. The author does say how going to go investigate this planet would not be easy at all because there would be things that you could not see clearly. I think the author made it very understanding on how he put the goods and bads about this challenge . I think he makes a good point where he states that its good to go find out about new things even though it could be dangerous. The author states the reason about going out and studying the planet Venus because since the past many people have even question themselves about it being a plante or not. I think that the good thing that the author did was to put the mission and the things that they we be studying . I think that the author's claim is well said and explained .I think that this helped me get a better understanding in why scienctists want to show people thatv Venus is planet . I think that most of the information was wells staited anf went with the opinions and explanation.
Have you ever been to Mars? Well neither have I and studies show that it is a great experience. There people who have different opinions about what is on Mars. Some scientist say that on the planet Mars that there was a face created by aliens. Those people do no evidence which makes it hard to believe. They chose to believe what an magazine article, hollywood films, books, and radio talk shows knew what is was that they were talking about. They believe it ws a face from someone who had once been on Mars. They believe in multiple things but in fact do not have valuable information, or proven facts. On the other hand, scientists think that the face was not brought by aliens but in fact just a rock formation. They fortunately do have more valuable facts and information. NASA has been able to prove that the face was indeed not brought from aliens but, "Martian equivalent of a butte or mesa - landforms common around the American West." They have porven that it is just a natural landform. How? Taken from the text it says," the picture actually shows is the Martian equivalent of a butte or mesa" - whcih are landforms common around the American West. In conclusion, it has yet to be proven by actual authorities the scientists are still not sure about whther it is a face created by aliens or a natural landform. But there ar indeed facts that shows that it was not created by aliens but a natural landform but surely the other scientists will not give up on what they believe to have been created by aliens. There are still people who have different opinions based on things on this earth.
In this passage "The Challenge of Exploring Venus," I'll give the author a full credit for this assignment on how he describe Venus. The author gave a lot of detail about Venus. There is so many stuff I learned about Venus like it the hottest planet. The author really supported his ideas, sometimes it makes it intresting and sometimes it seems challenging to go to Venus. This author is so detail it like his counting 1 piece of a humans hair. The author gave us so many detail about Venus. Venus planet surface temperature is an average of 800 degrees Fahrenheit, oooh man that hot. Also the atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater than what we experience on our planet, that a bit dangerouse because it could crush submarine underwater. This one is my favorite because it really intresting. Venus has high pressure and heat and the weather present erupting volcanoes, powerful eathquake, and frequent lightning stikes, I found that out really intresting because we don't that much here we will get them like once in 2 month. The author gave us so many detail I could just keep going, that was just 1/4 of the detail. If you wanna learn about Venus, this is where you should start reading. I say that because just by reading this I get the hang of it. Some things I learned are, Venus is the hottest planet in our solar system. Here is something really intresting Mercury is the closest to the sun but still, Venus is way hotter I find that out pretty intresting. We know the sun is really hot, totally if you get really close to it. Also Venus is a challenging planet for humans to study because of the planet's conditions. The author support his title "The Challenge of Exploring Venus" by giving us detail about how dangerous it is. The author just doesn't say it dangerous or challenging. It giving reasons how it dangerous, like no spacecraft survuded landing more than a few hour. The clouds are highly corrosive sulfuric acid in the atmosphere. Also like i said it the hottest planet in our solar system. No human can really live long in a hot planet. If people lived in Venus they will have trouble living their because there is a lot of storm, that don't really often happens in Earth. Also solar power would be plentiful, and radition would not exceed in Earth's level. In conclusion, the author has supported his title with ideas. The author gave plenty of detail about Venus and how it challenging. There is so many stuff I learned about Venus like it the hottest planet. The author really supported his ideas, sometimes it makes it intresting and sometimes it make it seems challenging to go to Venus. I love how the author just gives spectacle detail about Venus.
I think people should participate in the Seagoing Cowboys program because the program is doing a good dead helping outhers in need when they most need it. Anouther good side of participating in this program is that you will see cool things go cool places like it said in the story you could go to China,over Seas,Greece,and Eroup. It would be fun and be for a good cause. To help people in need and to help many family's who lost there homes through war of there country and outhers. There would be danger going over seas chanses of falling over bord,cought in a storm, or even sea animal's. But it is all for a good cause to save outher peoples lives. I know i would risk my life if im saving outhers because thats the kind of person I am. Luke did it so why not you,if you decide to join be brave,stand tall,and never be to scard to try! Luke is brave enough to do it and so are you. You know what people say you cant learn anything untill you try so why not you could do somthing incredible for this world and the people in it. Everyone can make a differance no matter who you are all you have to do is try. If you wont to take action this is a good opertunity!
Having a device that reads the emotions of humans would no doubt be very valuable. The device would cause the teacher to know the emotions of every one of their students and in return, the teacher would be more effective. Due to the new information they have, the teacher could change the style of teaching, change their lesson plans, or ask the students why they are feeling what, based on the emotions of the students. Students have a way of staring blankly when teachers are talking. While the students are not paying attention to the teacher's lecture, the teacher is worrying about how to get the attention of his or her students. But the teacher has no idea how the students are feeling, and the students end up not learning anything. In this common situation, the teacher would have been greatly helped if they knew the emotions of their students. If the teacher knew the students were tired, he or she could have made them do a brain exercise or a warm-up. The teacher could have used a conversation starter or made the class more interactive to gain the students' attention. Once one gains the attention of the students, teaching becomes a lot easier. The students start to have more fun, and they learn effectively. Because students are learning more and becoming smarter, more will go to college and succeed in life at a higher rate. Although the use of the Facial Acyion Coding System for the teacher and the learning of the students, it would be an invasion of privacy. Students might feel weirded out by the fact that the teacher knows every single emotion they have. Also, it turns out that humans tend to be pretty good at reading each others' emotions, so it might not be all that beneficial, depending on the teacher. The best way to deal with the invasion of privacy factor, would be to receive consent from all of the students and their parents. If this step is passed, the students will receive a better education and overall, be better students.
Senator, we should keep the Electoral College. The Electoral College establishes judgement and fairness by giving upcoming presidents a fair shot. People have voices and the popular vote can be biased from state to state. The proccess if mature because they chose unbiased electors, and there is a majority of 270 electoral votes. The Electoral College has 538 electors, which gives a good amount of unbiases people. They figure this amount by one for each member in the House of Representaties plus two for the Senators, which you could be one. The Electoral College is one of the best ways to keep a fair election. We people do not make the brightest decisions sometimes, and the Electoral College keeps us from making the wrong decision for who is going to be our next president. People can be easily affected into turning on a candidate. They could not realize that the candidate would be a great president. The Electoral College gives the candidates a fair chance. The member of the Electoral College are fair and know what is best for the country. The specific Electoral electors for your state vote what the state wants, and is not biased on what other senators or electors want. This gives the people a good amount of say in the election. Electoral Colllege keeps the people in line and gives the people a sense of establishment. The election of the president is every four years. This gives people time to decide on a new president and who they want representing their votes. Overall the Electoral College is one of the brightest decisions that America has made. For one the Electoral College gives people a fair chance in becoming president. Also the Electoral College helps make the voting process a lot easier. We people don't yet understand why there are not more people realizing that there is an Electoral College, and what underlies is a great idea and even a better reality .  
Is there ever going to be a day when you can not go outside and enjoy some fresh air- enjoying nature and the beauty it provides? What if the next day we go outside and everyone has to to wear a mask or something over their face because the air is no longer heathy to breath due to too much emmission from automobiles? Luckily, there are some was to prevent this from ever becoming a reality in every day life. At first, the thought of limiting car usage may seem unappealing especially considering the fact on how great an affect our cars have in our livers. Yet, not all those affects are good ones. Everywhere around the world, people use some kind of automobile to get from point A to point B and so on but maybe there are other solutions. In the first source, In German Suburb, Life Goes On Without Cars, it states that limiting car useage is doable and done comfortably. The source states that in Vauban, 70 percent of families do not own cars and 57 percent sold a car to move there. Is it actually possable to live life regularly without using a car regularly? This is one question that might be asked by a lot of people hearing about the idea of car limitation. In source 2, it tells us that Paris, after days of near-record pollution, enforced a partial driving ban to clear up the air in the global city. On one day, all mororists with even numbered license plates were ordered to leave their cars at home and on the following day the same applied to odd numbered plates or suffer a 22-euro ($31) fine. The source states that almost 4,000 drivers were fined and 27 people had their cars impounded for their reaction to the fine. With that aside, Congestion was down by 60 percent in Paris. Knowing this information, it is a lot easier to realize just how dramatic of a change limitation of cars would be to most people; though, the benifits were dramatic aswell. Of course it would seem to be way too impractical to up and abandon all cars and walk and/or bike everywhere. Alternative transportation is the key, at least in Bogota, Columbia. Source 3 states that its been the third straight year cars have been banned with only busses and taxies permitted for the Day Without Cars in the capitol city of 7 million. Violators of the ban were faces $25 fines for the goal to promote alternate transportation and reduce smog. Considering all this information provided by the sources, car limitation would be very benificial to the earth and the problems of pollution we are all facing. Presenting alternative transprotation and a ban on cars would be a very dramatic switch of lifestyle to basically everyone but it seems, at the rate air quality and smog is becoming more and more a problem, that it would be worth the switch. If this ever does become an everyday lifestyle, it certanly will not happen in just a week. The switch would most likely gradually work its way into everyones lifes until it seems as if thats how it always has been.      
Ever wanted to go live on a diffrent planet Scientist feel as though Venus conditons are good enough for people to soon be occupiants on the planet,but according to the passage they have alongway to go in way of technology and traportation and the controlloing of the harsh conditions In the beginning,the author states that " These conditions are far more extreme than anything humans encounter on earth". The passage also states that "Astronomers are fasinated by venus because it may well once have been the most earth-like planet in our solar system". It is evident that the author is trying to suggest that studying venus is a worthy persuit despite the dsangers it presents because scientists and NASA want to try to find a way on the planet without touching it dangerous ground. NASA has come of with an "idea" as such as having hovering cars or a "blimp-like' vehicle hovering over venus for closer obsevations. And many scientists have said if they could could get the temputure to around 170 degress fahrenheit the it would be survivble for humans. In addition f the author feel as though the scientists should not continue to do these expiriments or the test visits because of all the dangers and the safety risks of trying to get inform on Venus. According to the passage, the temputure can get to a high of 800 Degrees or More!, and the atmosphere has a 97% blankets of cabon dioxide covering it. Also, the" atmosperic pressure is about 90times greater than what we expirence on Earth". The passage states, "These conditions are far more extreme than what we are used to". The article also decribes Venus as "closet to the sun" which is another good reason why not to keep exploring because the harshness of the weathe and the harsh stoms and weather that venus expirence. In Conclusion, Scientists and NASA and other organizations who are trying to come into contact or reach venus should not bceause of weather conditions and condtions that arent meant for humans. Not only are the condtions bad but the atmosphre is,Including the 97% Carbon dioxide blackets covering Venus. Also the passage states that,"NASA is still work on a new and more efficent way to reach venus such as a "electronis made of silicon caride chamber". And another plan is to rewind bac k in time to use a stategie called "mechanicle computers" used In the 1800s. It is evident that scientists should not exlore venus anymore because of its harsh conditions and bad weather and the poisionous air and harsh storms that occur on Venus. "Would you like to vist Venus one day with these harsh conditons?"
My position on driverless cars is, I'm totally against them, why well because they could cause an accident if the computers or sensors on the driverless cars fail or malfunction then that company that manufactured the driverless car will have a lawsuit coming out and if the driverless cars fail a lot then it will cause the company lots of money if anybody was hurt during the accident because of the malfunction of the driverless cars. I also think that when they have driverless cars then will be also having machines or something that will be all machine operated and no human would do it then we will be to relient on things that don't require anyone to operate it and it might be also a hassle having to constantly maintain the sensors and every part that will make the car driverless and it also be time consuming because what would you do if it won't behave and work properly and you would might have to spend lots of money on the driverless car cause if the parts are foreign made then it will cost more money to ship and buy that part overseas. And that it is why I'm totally against driverless cars they are dangerous and they can kill if the computers or sensors or whatever fails on the car in a accident and people will be to relient on it.
Venus, along with Mars are the closest planets to Earth, they also at one point or another might have been similar to our planet. Yet, we have explored Mars much more than we have Venus. Venus has left us mind-boggled on how to study it with it's dangerous conditions, such as the thick acid rain, the average temperature of over 800 degrees Fahrenheit, and the atmospheric pressure that is 90 times greater than what we experience on our own planet. Though the exploation is worth these risks for we can explore a planet that scienctists believe could have been once similar our own. Nasa has developed many ideas and solutions to hopefully find new ways to study one of the closest planets to us. The first way that NASA has created to help us observe Venus is a blimp-like plane to fly over Venus. This idea of the vehicle is stated in paragraph 5, "Just as our jet airplanes travel at a higher altitude to fly over many storms, a vehicle hovering over Venus would avoid the unfriendly gorund conditions by staying up and out of their way." Also later on in this paragraph where it states, "At thirty-plus miles above the surface, temperatures would be toasty at around 170 degrees Fahrenheit, but the air pressure would be plentiful, and radiation would not exceed Earth levels." Now these conditions would most defintely be harsh, but would be capable of living through, escpecially astronauts who are/would be trained for these conditions. This would at least give us an above look of Venus and be able to study some of it's physical features. The problem that NASA would now have is figuring out a way to study up close and on the surface of Venus. They have a solution for this issue as well in the form of old World War 2 computers, the solution to this problem is explained in paragraph 7 as it says,"Another project is looking back to an old technology called mechanical computers..." Also further on in the paragraph it reads," The thought of computers existing in those days may sound shocking, but these devices make calculations by using gears and levers and do not require electronics at all. Modern computers are enormously powerful, flexible, and quick, but tend to be more delicate when it comes to extreme physical conditions." And even later in paragraph seven it states, "By comparsion, systems that use mechanical parts can be made more resistant to pressure, heat and other forces." These older computers would be able to be dropped down onto the surface of Venus and take samples of the terrain and it's geological features allowing NASA and it's scientists to study the information gather and create better models to study more of Venus and understand the planet. Another way NASA is thinking to study Venus on it's surface is simple electronics, the ideas and princples of these machines are stated in the beginning of paragraph where it states, "For example, some simplified electronics made of silicon carbide have been tested in a chamber simulating the chaos of Venus's surface and have lasted for three weeks in such conditions." The simplified electronics would be used the same way as the mechancial computers, in which to study the terrain of Venus and collect data from Venus and to send it back to NASA allowing them to study the data. Venus is a very interesting planet with many disadvantages and conflicts like the difficulty of being able to study the planet's terrain or even to be able to observe the planet in a hover-like state from above. If the challenges that NASA faces can be solved with solutions stated above, then Venus could be a very worhty pursuit, so that we may discover the secrets of one of the closest planets to us.
I believe that driverless cars should not be built. They seem like a good idea at the first look but imagine there would be so many downsides to owning one of these vehicles. First of all they would be extremely expensive to build and buy and the delicate snesors used in these vehicles could easly be broken or damaged. Also people would have the ability to hack into the servers that would run these vehicles and essentially make them do whatever they wanted, whether it be to wreck or cause an accident. And what would happen if one of these vehicles were to malfunction and cause the death of a driver, passenger, or pedestrian. I feel there are too many risks and downsides to be producing these vehicles. Even if we were to make these vehicles mainstream and sell them people would find something wrong with them like they always do. And if not that they would find ways around safety measures added to the vehicles. For example preasure sensors could be added to the steering wheel to only allow the cars to drive if someone has there hands on it, but someone could just tightly wrap tape or something else around the wheel instead and cause an accident. This is why I think these vehicles should not be produced and sold.
Us as humans generate on emotions. We hate and we love that's our nature. With this new software, the Facial Action Coding System. We are able to precisely calculate our emotions. This software constructs a 3-D computer model of our face, then uses the 44 major muscles in our face to calculate our emotions. Movements in our major muscles portrays our emotions and this new software catches those precise movements. This software can better benefit the learning expeirence of both the students and the teacher by helping the teacher understand what the students do and do not understand. This software can benefit classrooms by helping the teacher understand what the students do and do not understand. In Nick D'Alto's article he speaks of this new software in a classroom setting, "A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored." This excerpt directly portrays that a teacher can benefit with this software. The teacher would be able to indicate exactly when students are confused and modify the lesson to better help them. This new method of teaching is able to really advance teaching techniques of teachers and help students in the long run. This software can better advance student's evidence in presentations, essays, and agruments. Also in D'alto's article he includes, "She's 83 perecnt happy, 9 perecnt disgusted, 6 percent fearful, and 2 percent angry." When students include photos in there presentations or essays this can better help them analyze the photo. This excerpt shows that this software can excatly calcuate someones emotions in a photo. A photo of a battle in history is a good example of how this software can benefit a student. This software would be able to read the emotions on a warriors faces of that war and show the thought process of each side of the war. One side might have been 70 percent fearful, while the other side is 70 percent disgusted. This software can directly translate into a better learning expeirence for both students and teachers. The Facial Action Coding system can better advance the techniques and skills of both students and teachers in a classroom by helping teachers understand their students thought process much more. This will benenfit many students and teachers in the long run. This new software might be so helpful that it will be located in every household soon.
Have you seen venus in the sky while your star gazing? although venus is often refered to as "earth's twin", it is challenging to explore. venus is one of the more challenging planets to explore for a couple of reasons. those reasons are, the caron monoxide, sulfuric asid, andand the severe temperatures. venus is covered with a thick blanket of carbon monoxide. this is one of the reasons that makes it very dangerouse to go there. based on the article "the challenge of exploring venus", venus has " a thick atmosphere of almost 97 percent carbon monoxide" .this mutch carbon monoxide is very dangerouse. the even more chalenging part is the sulferic acid. the clouds on venus are filled with sulferic acid. not only is that dangerouse but the sulferic acid is,"highly corrosive". highly corrosif is almost like saying flamable. and if the sulferic acid wasnt dangerouse/hot but the temperatuer alone is enough to kill you. here on earth we experience heat but on venus the heat is extreme. in the article it states, "on the planets surface ,temperatures average over 800 degrees farenhieght" if you were wanting to try making it, good luck, but based on the information it seems like it is not recomended. so stay home on earth. enjoy the fresh air and life that awaits you. it is to dangerouse to waste your time on.
When one reaches 16 years of age, they have the ability to drive on their own in the streets but now, will one really need a driver's license? Google is in the process of making their own self driving cars to eventually put them out intothe world for everyone to have. These cars may have its good points but it also has its bad points. Ultimately, I think developing these cars are a bad thing to do. These cars may cause more lack of effort but also they cause danger to citizens, danger to the driver, and more problems for the company. You could even say one crash could cause an explosion. In the text of "Driverless Cars Are Coming", the author talks about the point of cars being developed by Google that do not need drivers to drive. The gives some positive aspects of the idea, but also negative. I think the negative rules out the positive. The text says "even if traffic laws change, new laws will be needed in order to cover liability in the case of an accident. If the technology fails and someone is injured, who is at fault-the driver or manufacturer?" This point brings up the problems of the manufacturer/company, but also brings up the fact that an incident can in fact happen. "In the case of an accident...if the technology fails" are the points that show technology is not perfect, it has its flaws, so having technology take the wheel is just as bad as a person and maybe worse. "traffic laws are written with the assumption that the only safe car has a human driver in control at all times. As a result, in most states it is illegal even to test computer driven cars." States even say that the driverless cars must be restricted because of lack of safety. This quote shows that the driverless cars are overall not safe to civilians and the ones who, apparently, ride in it. Driverless cars may sound like a benefit but technology has the same what if risk as a person does. In the year of 2015, there has been more car crashes then there has been by far and that is because of texting and driving. If people were not at the wheel and driving there would not be anymore car crashes, right? This would not be true, glitches, hacks, and theft has happened this year, as well and all 3 things happened because of the lack in control over technology; we can not depend on it. If we do, there could be even new ways to cause destruction. Hacks on cars and theft of cars to cause more escaped criminals. The more ways to build and create, the more ways to destroy and wreak havoc. In conclusion, driverless cars are more dangerous than constructive based on the negative aspects of them. The driverless cars may be smarter and better but also has more of a percentage rate to get into accidents and cause more trouble. While Google develops so does the criminals who hear of them. There are not only unnatrural ways of havoc, there is also natural ways, some that even scientist can not predict; the volume of a storm.
The use of this technology to read the emotional expressions of students in a classroom is valuable. I feel as if this new techonolgy would make so many people be happier or at least cheer them up. "The Mona lisa demonstration is really intended to bring a smile to your face, while it shows just how much this computer can do." "Imagine a computer that knows when you're happy or sad." This new technology could examine your facial expressions to see if you are happy or sad. If an ad plays that you get sad or mad about this technology will play a different ad that expresses happy feelings to make you happy and put a smile on your face. "Yet Dr. Huang observes that artists such as da Vinci studied human anaomy to help them paint facial muscles precisely enough to convey specific emotions." The new developing technology can read your facial motions. "By weighting the different units, the software can even identify mixed emotions (as in da Vinci's masterpiece)." This software can read any type of facial expression and simpily make your day better. If you are already happy this software can just make you smile even more while you are on your computer. "Each expression is compared against a neutral face (showing no emotion)." "A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored, Dr. Huang predicts. "Then it could modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor." This software would help so many students out because of how many students get bored with a lesson on the computer. This technology could help students get better grades and just makes school so much exciting for them. "Imagine being able to detect exactly how other people are feeling, even when they are trying to hide their emotions." This new software would be great for so many people at their computers, even students at school using the computers.
The author supports this idea by giving information how its different from today then on the 1940s. The author is telling the reader on "paragrahp 7" to imagine a cell phone or tablet to acid or heat capable of melting tin. Venus is the closest planet to Earth in terms of density and size with the the author wants to say every planet has is own neighbor but they got thier sapce. The author wants to inform the planet Venus has the hottest surface temperature of any planet in our solar system even thought Mercury is closer to our sun. The author claim is why are scientists even discussing further visits to its surface even when Venus still has some features that are analogous to those Earth. NASA has one particularly compelling idea for sending humas to studt Venus. The author is saying on paragraph 8; 'Striving to meet the challenge presented by venus has value, not only because of the insight to be gained on the planet itself, but also only because of the human curiosity'. The travels on Earth and beyond should not be limited by dangers and doubts but should be expanded to meet the very edges of imagination and innovaton.
The "Unmasking the Face on Mars" can be believed as being a natural landmark or created by aliens. There are many thoughts to as it being natural or aliens creating the face. Everytime scientists go to Mars they normally see the face. So who knows if it was actually created naturally or by aliens. It is your opinion as to how the Face on Mars was created. When scientist go to Mars they scan over it in "2.5 km-wide strips," and they hardly every pass over the face. The face has had unusual shawdows when they examine it. Sometimes the face "has given an illusion of eyes, nose, and mouth." Have you ever thought of the face coming from nobody realizing it when they walk they may kick the dust and it could have formed and it may not be that windy, so it nevers moves. The face could represent that there could be life on Mars. There are many thoughts as to how the face happened. Also "few scientists believe that it is an alien artifact." Not every scientist has to believe the same thing as another scientist. The face is most likely naturally there because there are many things in the universe that are naturally made. Many mountains, hills, cracks, and special marks on things are usually natural, which is why many people believe the Face on Mars is naturally there.
HI, I'm Luke, and i work for the UNRRA, or the United Nations Relief and Rahabilitation Administration. I am a Seagoing Cowboy, and my job is to help countries recover their food supplies, animals, and more. On the ship you get to take care of the animals and sometimes play games. There is no better job than this! When you are a doctor you have to be extremely careful and have to watch people suffer, a construction worker has to work al day long, a cashier has to sit and wait for people to buy something, but here we help thousands of people and animals while having fun! I have no idea why anyone would out down a job like this! It doesn't even feel like work! You can learn so many good things and meet new people, you can see amazing structures and even explore them! One time I went into a broken down castle and found the coolest stuff. We have gone to the Panama Canal, Italy, and many more amaxing locations. There is Germany, France, and preety much any other awesome country there is! There isnothing else to say beside that being a Seagoing cowboy is the best job there is.
The Face on Mars. Many say that it was created by aliens, but I think diffrently. The Face on Mars was clearly just a miracle of nature. Over the many years that Mars has been here, it could of just be the wind and dirt forming over the rocky surface of Mars. The Face is clearly just a huge rock formation on the surface of this planet. There is no logical reason that aliens would of made this Face. It wouldn't of been useful for a home, a shelter, or even just a explimation of life on the Red Plant. This Face represents a human face, but humans aren't capable of living in such conditions of Mars, so if it were aliens, wouldn't they created a face in the ground of a alien and not a human, have which they never seen. With the new cameras we have today, if there where by any chance, homes, airplanes, or even pyramids on Mars, the cameras would be able to pick them out and NASA would have seen them. With saying this we can comfirmed that there is no showing of life on Mars, so the Face couldn't of been fromed by aliens. The Face is clearly just a part of nature that was created and with our eyes we see a face. The rock formation that we see, looks like a face using the shadows from the sun, and the form of the rocky surface. With this face getting so popular, many of the conspiracy theorist are taking advantage in that and using their theroies of alien life and planting it in the minds of others. Using the Face in a movie, magazines, books, radio shows, and even in the grocery store checkout lines, the face has taken over our minds in beliving in the life of aliens. Some people say that the Face on Mars is bona fide evidence of life on Mars, but I still believe that it's just a way of nature.
In 1976 something weird was discovered on Mars. Viking 1 spacecraft snapped a picture of something that almost looks like a face on Mars. It could be the sign we need to find out if there is life on Mars. A lot of people are saying it is a face, while others do think it is just a natural landform. There have also been pictures captured from 1998 and 2001. This face has became a pop icon, it has appeared in Hollywood films, magazines, books, and even radio talk shows! Although there has been quite a few reasons to think it is a face I personally think it's just a natural landform. Now yes, I do have many reasons for my thinking. In these next couple paragraphs I will state my reasons. One of my firsts reasons for thiking it is a natural landform is that there are many landforms naturally made just like that around Earth. So if they are natural landforms on Earth they would probably be natural landforms on the planet Mars. In the article Garvin says, " it reminds me most of Middle Butte in the Snake River Plain of Idaho. That is a lava dome that takes form of an isolated mesa about the same height as the Face on Mars. My second reason would be that it sorda resembles a face but not really. Theres a very high chance that could just be a mountain and the shadows resemble the eyes, nose, and mouth. As you can see in the picture from 2001 it almost doesnt even look like a face. It is more like a mountain of some sorts there. If you do look at the 1976 photo from distance it does resemble a face, but as the camera quality improved over time it does not look as much like a face anymore. Another reason is that it is very very unlikely that bthere is an imprint of a face on the planet of Mars. Even if it was though it would basicaly always look the same and not change looks like it has. Now a natural landform will change looks over time. It will rott or decompose and stuff. Which in my opinion it has decayed somewhat. It definintaly has not stayed the same, because all 3 pictures have a significant difference to them. That could be rom better camera and technology quality. To me though it seems as if the better quality makes it look less like a face. Now though I have a few more reasons this will be my final reason. This "Face of Mars" is the some of the only proof we have to think that there is life on Mars. So it makes me more and more right. It is just very unlikely or maybe even impossible for that to be a face. It is not unlikely that it is a natural landform though. I do realize there are many reasons why I am wrong and why it is a face but I think it is a natural landform. So in conclusion It is more likely for this , Face of Mars, to be a natural lanforn than for it to be a face.
Google's driverless cars have driven more than half a million miles without a crash. With something this innovative and exciting there are going to be people who question the safety. There are always going to be those people who try to find every thing that can go wrong, it may seem unfair but it is necessary for our safety. Driverless cars are the future. Safety? Everyone wants to know how safe they are and how reliable they are. Many people have developed semi-driverless cars. In fact Google "has had cars that could drive independently under specific conditons since 2009". The key words are "specific conditions". No one has developed a car that is fully driverless. That may be a good thing. Cars are machines, machines malfunction. Google has modified a Toyota Prius to be semi-driverless equipped with "position-estimating sensors on the left rear wheel, a rotating sensor on the roof, a video camera mounted near the rearview mirror, four automotive radar sensors, a GPS receiver, and an inertial motion sensor". It seems very prepared for whatever could happen. The cars that have been developed still need a driver. What's the point of having a driverless car, when you still need a driver? Some people who don't fully trust the concept, like me, need some control. That's why some manufacturers are "bringing in-car entertainment and information systems that use heads-up displays" to alert the driver when he/she needs to take over. Many manufacturers have developed an alert system, GM "has developed driver's seats that vibrate when the vehicle is in danger of backing into an object". Some others include a simple announcement and flashing lights. The law has also made it hard to develope these driverless cars. What would happen if someone was to wreck in a driverless car? Would it be the driver's fault or the car's? No one has worked out the details yet. Most states don't even let you test driverless cars. The "traffic laws are written with the assumption that the only safe car has a human driverin control at all times". Once they prove that the cars are more "reliably safe" the other states will join in testing driverless cars. It won't happen for awhile but driverless cars are our future. They have developed the necessary things to keep us safe and keep the car aware. There are still some kinks to work out, like the law. But many car manufacturers like Tesla, Mercedes-Benz, Audi, and Nissan have planned to release semi or fully driverless cars in the future.
I would argue in favor of changing to election by popular vote for the president of the united states and not keeping the ellectoral college. there are many reasons why i say that and will do that. some people might still want electoral college because of the certainity of outcome, everyones president, swing states, big states, and last but not least to avoid run-off elections. in my opinion i think we should change the election by popular votes instead of ellectoral college, because we the people .. vote for who we think should be head or our state and who we think is going to be in charge and do they thiing and make our a state a better and safier place to live. We dont vote for electors  ... so many people can vote on one paticular person to be head of our state and president and the other person can only get 3 votes  but in ellectoral collage he/she can have more electoral votes and they win the election .. even tho the other canidate has more popular votes. The other reason why i might want to change rhe election by popular votes instead of ellectoral college is becauise of the "disaster factor". Which the state legislature are responsible for picking electors..... and the electors would/could always defy the will of the poeple. Those are the two main reasons why i would argue in favor of changing to election by popular vote for the president of united states and not keeping the ellectoral college.              
Value of Face Action Coding Systems in Schools Today, I believe that in some cases face recogniton in classrooms could be slightly valuable but overall I think that there would be more negative effects than positive effects when it comes to Face Action Coding on school computers. Some negative effects of the Face Action Coding System could be things like innacurate face readings, more difficult or ineffective way of learning, or minimization of comunication and decreased likelyhood of relationships between students and their teachers. These examples lead me to think that facial recognition is not important for schools to have for their students. If the face coding software was inacurate, your work would be effected in ways you might not want it to be or you could come off a different way than you are really feeling. In the text it state that the software can detect if a person beomes confused or bored with something if you make a certan facial expression. Once this happens the information would get relayed back to your teacher so he or she can make ajustments for your assignment if needed, but what if the facial expression that was made was totally erellevant to your assignment. As I do assignments I sometimes think about other things and make facial expressons about my thoughts. Maybe the expression of confusion or bordum might cross my face and get relayed back to the teacher when the facial expression made was not made because of the assignment. These are examples of how facial recognition could be giving incorrect information back to teachers. If the computer could tell ever emotion you had towards your assignment you would never need to actually communicate face to face with your teacher. The author shows in the text that as the emotions are detected, the teacher would give modifycations to the assignment without you even asking them to or asking for help. Most communication between teachers and students is done by asking questions about assignments and how they feel about something in the class. I believe that students should be able to speak face to face to the people assigning their work instead of turning away from most communication between students and teachers. To me I can see the Facial Coding System effecting the learning of students. In the text it states that it can modify the assignmets just like a teacher would if it detects signs of being confused or bored. If a student is neither bored or confused but the computer detects that by their facial expression, then it could change the assinment even if the student didn't need the assignment changed. This would either give the student a break by making the assignmet too easy or it would push the student out of where they need to be by making the assignment harder. This would then effect how the student learns. In conclusion, facial recogniton in classrooms will lead to more problems than it would help by bringing it into schools. I would rather share my emothions to a teacher when I felt the need to instead of a computer telling emotions back to my teacher that may be innacurate. I also would rather have a teacher giving me modified work so It would help me in learning. This is why I disagree with Facial Coding Systems in schools today.
Dear Mr. Senator, The Electoral College has served us for more than a century in determining our nation's new president. "The Electoral College process consists of the selection of the electors, the meeting of the electors where they vote for President and Vice President, and the counting of the electoral votes by Congress," states the article "What Is the Electoral College?" written by the Office of the Federal Register. This means that we do not vote directly vote for our new president, but instead vote for electors that vote for a candidate running for office. Though many individuals are in favor of keeping the Electoral College, if kept, it will continue to cause problems in our nation. Our presidential campaign will be much better if we change to election by popular vote for the president of the United States. To begin with, the Electoral College is the cause for many issues in our nation's presidential campaign. First of all, voters sometimes cannot even control whom their electors vote for. Ergo, one may vote for an elector of our favorite candidate's party, however, we don't know if that elector will go back on his word and vote for another cadidate. The article "The Indefensible Electoral College: Why even the best-laid defenses of the system are wrong" written by Bradford Plumer states, "The single best argument against the electoral college is what we might call the disaster factor. The American people should consider themselves lucky that the 2000 fiasco was the biggest election crisis in a century; the sytem allows for much worse. Consider that state legislators are technically responsible for picking electors, and that those electors could always defy the will of the people". This means that the people never know if their electors are going to go back on their word and vote for another candidate. Aside from that, their is the worrying aspect of a tie occurring. If that were to happen, then the election would be thrown to the House of Representatives. The article The Indefensible Electoral College: Why even the best-laid defenses of the system are wrong" written by Bradford Plumer states, "In 1968, a shift of just 41, 971 votes would have deadlocked the election; In 1976, a tie would have occurred if a mere 5,559 votes in Ohio and 3,687 votes in Hawaii had voted the other way". This says that if those people had just voted for the opposite person, then there would have been a tie between the two candidates. Yes, those numbers seem large, but in comparison to the number of voters that there were in those years, they're a small fraction of them. This shows how close elections are with the Electoral College. Aside from causing issues in the United States, the Electoral College is extremely unfair to voters. The article, "What Is the Electoral College?" written by the Office of the Federal Register states, "Most states have a 'winner-take-all' system that awards all electors to the winning presidential candidate". That is not fair to other voters who don't vote for the popular candidate in their state; they don't receive any electors. Additionally, most candidates only advertise and visit "swing" states. "Swing" states are the states that usually determine the outcome of the election. "The Indefensible Electoral College: Why even the best-laid defenses of the system are wrong" written by Bradford Plumer says, "During the 2000 campaign, seventeen states didn't see the candidates at all, including Rhode Island and South Carolina, and voters in 25 of the largest media markets didn't get to see a single campaign ad". It's unjustifiable that simply because you have fewer electors in your state, you don't get to watch your candidates campaign. As previously mentioned, each state has a different number of electoral votes. It all depends on the population. For example, Texas, with a huge population has 38 electors, while Maine only has 4. The article, "The Indefensible Electoral College: Why even the best-laid out defenses of the system are wrong" states, "Beacuse each state casts only one vote, the single representative from Wyoming, representing 500,000 voters, would have as much say as the 55 representatives from California, who represent 35 million voters". Why do some states have more representatives than others just because of their population? It's not fair to the smaller states. It is true that the bigger states have more people in them, needing more representation, however, the smaller states have as much to say as the big ones. ' To conclude, the Electoral College has caused many disastorous factors in our presidential campaigns. It has caused the wrong president to be elected, and it doesn't give our citizens much of a voice in the election. However, changing the system to popular vote for the president will give people a louder voice in this nation and it will show them that the government cares about their opinion. As the article, "The Indefesible Electoral College: Why even the best-laid out defenses are wrong" written by Bradford Plumer states, "It's officual: The Electoral College is unfaor, outdated, and irrational. The best arguments in favor of it are mostly assertions without much basis in reality. And the arguents against direct elections are spurious at best. It's hard to say this, but Bob Dole was right: Abolish the electoral college!"
Luke Bomberger had no idea his life would change after his high school graduation his friend Don Reist invited Luke to go to Europe on a cattle boat. He couldn't say no also, he knew this would be a opportunity of a lifetime. Don and Luke signed up for the UNRRA to help Europe and other countries that were left ruined. They headed for Greece with a cargo of 335 horses plus enough hay and oats to feed them.Luke turned 18 before arriving in Greece which ment he could be drafted for military service. By the time Luke was discharge in 1947,Luke had made nine trips- the most of any seagoing cowboy. Luke also toured an excavated castle in Crete and marveled at the Panama Canal on his way to China.Helping out on his aunt's farm as a boy had prepared Luke for hard work, not the dangers at sea. Luke also found time to have fun on board,especially on return trips after the animals had been unloaded. The cowboy played baseball and volleyball in the empty holds where the animals were house. Table -tennis tournament, fencing, boxing, reading, whillting, and games also helped pass the time. Being a seagoing cowboy was much more than adventure for Luke Bomberger. It opened up the world for him.He said"I'm greatful for this opportunity", "It made me more aware of other countries and their needs. "And that awareness stayed with him,leading his family to host a number of international students and exchange visitors for many years.
In the time we live in today everybody or almost everybody has a car. That's how a lot of us get around. People that were raised in the twenty first centry thinks that there's something wrong with buses or taxies. I truly believe that there's nothing wrong with taking cars off the road for a day or so. Maybe we should try it. Saving the planet by doing something minor wouldnt hurt anyone. "It's a good oportunity to take away stress and lower air pollution." This is absolutely true because our enviroment is already gettin clogged up with bad air pollutions. Also, people stress about getting some where on time."The goal is to promote alternative transportation and reduce smog." Maybe, the United States should consider it as a campaign as of trying to teach younger kids that everything isn't just about having a car. Taking another transportation that doesn't consider your car will help you realize that you can go out and explore outside of your car. Cars shouldn't really be your frist priority. Municipal authorities from other countries camt to Bogota to see the event and were enthusiastic. "These people are generating a revolutionary change." Limiting car usage is like everyone who smokes cigaretts stop for a limited amount of time. Its a wonderful thing to do especially when its cutting down on bad pollutions in the air. "80 percent of appropriations have by law gone to the highways and only 20 percent to other transport." This is real selfish of the United States , this lets me know that even though we have our own transportation they dont really want to take care of the other transportations we have because they feel as if their not important to us. As far as I know a lot of people still rides buses,taxies,or even walk because they dont have cars. We should definetly take a day to leave our cars at home and get around by other transportations. Cars aren't bad to have. They actually help in a lot of ways. We could always use a time to save the planet from pollution , accidents anything thats possible to happen in a car. Especially, if its going to help in the future or even help in the present. That time should start now .                    
Do students emotions really matter while you're trying to teach them? If a teacher were to use Facial Action Coding System to determine their student's feelings, they could tell what type of way they should teach. Could FACS improve the school systems all around the world? This system is great, if you have a hard time telling what peoples feelings are by their face and actions. Have you ever been in class, and the teacher stops to ask you if you understand, because you may have had a confused look on your face? Your confused facial expression tells the teacher that you didn't understand what they are trying to teach, so they try teaching it another way or going over it again. Your expression told the teacher you weren't understanding, and needed to go over it again. It's not as difficult as it seems. This could help a teahcer in many ways. If schools gave teachers Facial Action Coding Systems, they could use them to tell if a student is happy, confused, upset, or understanding. This is a great way for teachers to know how they should teach a lesson. Some teachers don't know how you feel about a chapter or lesson, unless you say something. Most students don't want to explain that they don't know what's going on, because they don't want to feel like they aren't as smart as the students that understand. The systems know each muscle, and what it means when they move. FACS can tell what a person is feeling whether it's sad, happy, angry, confused, surprised, or more. By knowing this stuff, it is easier to communicate with a person. If someone is confused during school, and the teacher continues to teach how he, or she, has been teaching, the student won't be able to learn like they would if the teaching was brought to his, or her, level. Do you find it easier when a teacher teaches how you like to learn, or how other people like to learn? It's how you like to learn, right? Facial Action Coding System can detect a person emotions. Is this a good system to have in a classroom? I believe it is. Emotions matter when you're trying to learn. How is someone supposed to understand something while they are confused? It's difficult, but it the teacher can tell you're confused the teaching might be changed to fit the students mind better. This is a great way to improve the learning system all around the world.
The "Evening Star" or the name how you know, Venus is one in the second planet form the system sun in the speace; having for neighbor a Mars and his "twin" Earth. Venus in the system sun have a diferent speed in the same tima wiht Mars and Earth, but sometimes the Earth is closed to Mars and other times to Venus. The planet Earth have a some of things simulatary between Venus, but this not can have life, becauses this planet hava a diferents conditions between the Earth, having all the atention for the people for study the planet, "Numerous factors contribute to Venus's reputation as a challenging planet for humans to study, despite its proximity to us." The planet Earth have an atmosphere of almost 97 porcent of carbone dioxide a diference whit Venus have a sulfuric acid atmosphere and a 800 degrees Fahrenheit, and am atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater than what esoerience on our own planet. The conditions in the planet Venus is a "extrem than anything human encounter on Earth." The temperature on Venus has a tottest surface temperature of the any panets in the system, is closed to Mercury teh sun, and in adiotion hava a lot of natural disasters and the complement perfect to go to live, right? In this times Venus have stills and more simulatires between Earth, because the planet now has a " surface of rocky sediment and includes familiar features such as valleys, mountains, and creaters. Furthermore, recall that Venus can sometimes be our nearest option for planetry visit a curcial consideratioon given the long time frames of space travel. The value of returning to Venus..." For all this new information about Venus, the "NASA," has the idea ofr study Venus, but the for where the NASA what ti use for study the planet is sending humans to the planet: the problen here is Venus not have a good condition for any hunan, animal or other thing alive, whit can sorvive for this condition, and if the humans go; in the fir time where stay want to satr toasty all the people and ahva a lot of problems in try to stay in the planet. The other solution whit the NASA use for the study of the planet and don't use human is tray to take a photography and a videography, but this not worker. And the most importan in the investigation for the palnet is they not can take anithing about a sample rock or gas or something else a distanse, so for this moment the NASA don't can do anythin for study the Venus in this moments, but now is working haw can investige the planet. In the 1940s in the time whit the Worls War II, the tecnology is played a rol of importance in this moment, and hire is well the Nasa have the idea for use that and tray to investigate, makin calculations and the computadores; but the computadores is more delicated for the fisical contidions wiht this have. In this times the challenge for try to faound more information from the Venus and the idea fro the expedition a Venus I think this is continue in the mint form the persons in the NASA, but now not is the moment for do thas. Is the moment for use all the forms for try to keep all the informstion using the tecnology; for one day do the dream for the NASA: go to Venus and not have any problem.
Nick D'Alto's article "Making Mona Lisa Smile" describes the capabilities of new software called the Facial Action Coding System, and provides a few examples of its possible uses. In the text, the author states that the technology, which evaluates the movement of facial muscles to determine emotion, could be beneficial in places such as a classroom settting. Using software such as the Facial Action Coding System could be valuable in a classroom setting as it could improve the quality of learning for students. The new emotion-reading technology could help in the classroom as it could make sure students stayed engaged in the lesson. Often in school, students become bored easily, due to lack of attention long attention spans, uninteresting lessons, or boring teachers. This technology could help eliminate bordom. In the article, Dr. Huang states that "a classroom computer could recognize when a student... [is] bored" which would be beneficial, as it "could modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor." This means that this technology could tell if students are bored, and could alert the teacher. If teachers knew when their students were loosing focus and becoming uninterested in the lesson, they could change it to bring students back on focus, which would improve the productivity and use of time in the classroom because teachers would not be wasting time teaching students who are uninterested, and therefore, likely not listening. By eliminating this bordom factor, teachers would be more effective with their teaching time, and students would recieve a better quality of learning. The technology could also help improve the quality of students' learning because it can make sure students are not confused. Often, when teachers ask if everyone understands the material, students who do not understand, will be too emabrassed to ask for help, or the teachers, with such a large class, will not notice if one or only a few students are falling behind. Furthermore, in the article, Dr. Huang states that "'most human communication is nonverbal, including emotional communication" meaning that most communication is picked up in other ways, such as visually. Unfortunately, often in a classroom setting, teachers must face away from their students when writing on a white board at the front of the classroom, or in similar situations, which means that without the visual connection, much of the communication between students and teachers is lost. The new technolgoy could help with this problem, as it could identify students' emotions even when a teacher's back is turned, and thus could alert teachers and help them improve their lessons to fit their students' needs. It could also help evaluate emotions that teachers do not notice, such as if a student is confused, they may try to hide it. This new technology could identify these emotions and help the teacher make sure all of their students understand the material, which would lead to an improved quality of teaching and learning. The quality of learning in a classroom setting could be improved by teachers knowing the emotions of their students, which would make new technology such as the Facial Action Coding System, valuable in a classroom setting. This technololgy would be beneficial because it could identify whether students are confused or bored, which would make class time more productive and interesting, as well as make sure all students understood the material. This would improve their quality of learning, and make school more meaningful.
He graduates from high school and his friend changes his life. His friend changes his life beacuse he goes on a opportunity of a life time. And that's where his life changed they joined the UNRRA a program to take care of animals horses young cows and mules. I would join this program beacuse it was when world war 2 was going on and that would be nice to experience that. Another reason is that you get to take care of cattle on a ship. The 3 reason is that anyone can sign up even if your in a small town. They we're going to Greece ands it was special to go there.and you could tour places that you went to and they practically went all over the world. And it kept them busy and his job was to check on the animals. The last thing it was more than an adventure and it was just the beginning.
Many people across the country would believe that having an Electoral College is good idea. Well, I belive thst it is not a good idea to continue having an Electoral College to chose our president because the people deserve to have their votes count. In the prcocess of having an Electoral College the poular votes do not count, only the slate of electors can vote for the canidate. That's not even the worst part to begin with. In source 2, it says that 60 percent of voters would prefer a direct election to the kind we have now. That is more than half the amount of voters in the country! It even states "In the same vein, faithless electors have occasionally refused to vote for their party's canidate and cast a deciding vote for whomever they please." meaning that sometimes the electors would not always have the same idea in mind as the people have. To me that is a real bummer especially for the people in the state with those kinds of electors. Furthermore, the Electoral college may have a few benefits as it states in source 3. Fore example, it says "The Electoral College avoids the problem of elections in which no canidate receives a majority of the votes cast." meaning that barely anyone would vote in the state. But that is usually a rare ocasion and is easily avoided in every state. As individuals we would usually not avoid coming to vote in an election for certain positions especially when it comes to a president. Sometimes people would even let the Electoral College vote for them without the people knowing who they voted for. The Electoral College is supposed to represent their state towards a canidate but what if the state rarely has any electors to be represeted or doesn't have any at all? That is why it is up to the people to make their own decision in who they want to vote for and hopefully their vote counts. The Electorial College may be recomended to represent their state but they can never represent every individual's vote because not all people have the same canidate in mind and the Electorial College can only vote for one canidate. Overall, I think the Electoral College should be abolished in every way. It is the people's vote that should count not the electors. Some people may disagree but I still believe the Electorial College is not good for us. It is not truely fair to have the majority of popular votes on one canidate and still that canidate does not win due the Electoral College. So I can most certainly agree with what previous people and groups have said before such as Richard Nixon, Jimmy Carter, Bob Dole, the U.S Chamber of Commerance, and the AFL-CIO.... To get rid of the Electoral College.     
I am here to try to get you to join the Seagoing Cowboys program. I'm am trying to get you to join the program because countries are in need of supplies . We are going to be the ones to deliver what they need to them. We need to be there for the countries in need. We are going to deliver animals to the countries in need. The first animal we are going to give them is a cow for milk and if needed meat. We are going to give them mules so that they can carry heavy things around. We are also going to give them horses so that they can ride them to places so that they do not have to walk far distances on land if they don't have a boat and can't travel far distances on a boat down a river. It is a really helpful program. I think that you should join the Seagoing Cowboy program because it can help countries in need like Eurpoe and China. One more reason I think you shoud join is that you can do a lot of intresting things. Plus you get to meet a lot of fasinating peolpe. Sign up today to join the Seagoing Cowboys.
Dear senator i think that we should cape the electoral college process because, if it is not broken don't fix it. Also this process is a part of our founding fathers history it was established to compromise between election of the president. Thats way we should cape the electoral college process. The electoral college has 538 electors but the president needs to have 270 electoral votes to become the president. The 23 amendment of the contitution allows columbia 3 electors and treated like a state for purpose of the electoral college. When you vote for your candidate you are actually voting for your candidates electors. Every candidate running for president in your state has his or her own goup of electors. Some states have a winner take all system, which gives all the electors a award to the winning presidential candidate. After the presidential election the governor prepares a "certificate of ascertainment" listing the candidates who ran for president. The certificate of ascertainment declares the winning presidential candidate in my state will represent your state at the meeting of electors. Abolishing the electoral college no said Bob Dole and Jimmy Carter they agreed. They are not alone according to a Gallup poll in 2000 taken after Al Gore thanks to the quirks of the electoral college won the popular vote but lost the presidency over 60% of voters would prefer a direct election to the kind we have now. The electoral college avoids the problem of elections in which no candidate receives a majority of the votes cast. There is pressure for running off election when no candidate wins a majority of the votes cast that pressure which would complicate the presidential election process is reduced by the electoral college which produces a clear winner.  
Everyday technology is becoming more and more elabrate. Some of the things humans are creating are phenominal, and some of the creations are junk. All the new idea flooding out of our minds dayley are deffinatly changing our tomorrow, but one in particular that could change us forever are driverless cars. Scientist are slowly creating cars that will no longer need a driver. They are creating sensors all around the car that detect anything comming twoards them. They have yet to perfect these cars because they can't get the computer to understand the skills of driving in traffic, or anything unusual about the road like road blocks. Also many states will not agree to even let them test these vehicles there because the law states "the only safe car has a human driver in control at all times." (P9 L4/5) Personally I do not think this creation is one of our better ideas. I do not like this idea because I love driving. I love being able to take control of my car and make it go as fast or slow as I want. Driving is a great responsiblity to have. I just don't see how letting a machine do everything for us is fun. Also these driverless cars are "something that was simply too expensive to be practical" (P3 L11/12) All the money put into these cars would make them nearly impossible to buy to about anyone who is not rich. Many other people will deffinatly disagree with me, and they might say that this will be a much safer alternative. Yes, it could be much safer because we would not have to worry about texting and driving, drunk driving, or any type of reckless driving. What happens if that computer in your car stops work that one time, that time that you had your face burried in your phone or you were drunk. I am deffinatly not trying to say that these cars are a horrible idea because I see how they could come in handy. I just believe that technology like this takes the fun away during everyday life. I believe these driverless cars could not only be taking away from our fun, but they could possibley even take away from our safety. We never know how well these computers will work, and if they fail to work it might be devestatlng. We are not just talking about the machines getting damaged anymore we are taking about us, humans, becoming injured or even dead.
Have you ever experienced a whirlwind of emotions during a dull class? It can truly be a difficult experience attempting to explain to your teacher that you need time out from class in order to orient your mind back onto the subject at hand. With a new technology developed called FACS, or Facial Action Coding System, conveying problems to a teacher isn't difficult when that teacher can already read their students' faces. This innovation, created by Prof. Thomas Huang, can detect the emotions of humans through psychology and 3D computer models that track all 44 major muslces in the human a human visage. In a classroom, The use of FACS is undeniably valuable because it can set apart a real smile from a fake smile, understand the basic human emotions need to be identified in a classroom setting, and it could provide an easier learning environment for students with social issues. Setting apart a real smile versus a fake smile can provide value in the way a teacher interacts with their student. These feelings are understood with the help of psychology from Dr Paul Eckman. The FACS aparatus uses 6 basic human emotions that can inevitably seperate a real smile versus a fake smile. As it states in the article, "These muscle clues are sometimes used to spot when a "smiling" politician or celebrity isn't being truthful." Therefore, in a classroom setting, differintiating real vs fake can be valuable when a student isn't being truthful about their dog eating their homework. It can also decrease the amount of anxiety a student recieves when asked if they understand a subject, in front of the class. If a teacher can understand their emotions, it would facilitate having to step aside with the student and talk about their difficulties on a particular subject. Understanding the difference between a faux emotion and a real one can make a difference in the realm of teaching, just as understanding the six basic emotions can too. Using psychology, the teacher can also understand the six basic emotions needed to understand in a classroom setting. With the help of psychologist Dr Paul Eckman, the emotions read by FACS are happiness, surprise, anger, disgust, fear, and sadness. Happiness and surprise are emotions most of us can read, therefore its understanding through the FACS machine isn't vital to be understood. Other emotions like anger can be important though. Identifying anger on the face of a student can keep other students safe by isolating the student from the others, which in turn could keep everyone safe from a potential rage-induced tantrum. It can also help knowing berforehand if a student is sensing dangerous emotions such as anger, fear and/or sadness. According to paragraph 9, "Empathy may happen because we unconsciously imitate another person's facial expressions." If a teacher knows some of her students are feeling any of the three previous emotions, producing a happy environment could help keep the students happy or bring their emotions to a higher level of happiness. It therefore is valuable in that aspect and also to students thank can have issues with talking to their teacher. Just as identifying dangerous emotions is important, so is identifying uncomfortable situations that can therefore be easier for socially anxious students. According to Dr. Huang, "A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored." The former of those two emotions is vital to be identified because it can help teacher know when their students don't truly understand a lesson. Often, socially anxious students tend to keep their quesitons to themselves when they are confused about a topic out of fear of being juged as dumb or incompetent. They will go on without understanding which in turn can cause a decrease in their grades. If a teacher is able to read the true expression of their student, these type of situations can be avoided in order to create a better teaching experience for all the students. In conclusion, FACS is without a doubt a valuable asset in a classroom environment because of its ability to identify real from fake, its understanding of the basic human emotions needed to be comprehended in a class, and because it facilitates learning for students with a fear of speaking. In the future, seeing this innovation in a class setting would be an amazing feat for a step towards smarter teaching. With the help of Prof. Thomas Huang and Dr. Paul Eckman, a new future can be created.
The Face of Mystery Groundbreaking news has been unleashed to the public. NASA has found a face on Mars! However, it is really a face? NASA declared the "face" to actually be a martian mesa. Although, some people believe that it is a face that was made by aliens. Scientists believe that the "face" on Mars is actually a landform. According to paragraph seven in the article, "Thousands of anixous web surfers were waiting when the image first appeared on a JPL website, revealing... a natural landform." NASA had a picture to prove that it was not an alien monument. NASA had also compared the martian mesa to other mesas around the western United States, according to paragraph twelve in the article. NASA had also mentioned that the pictures in the past had worse resolutions than the ones we have today, which can be one of the main factors of having the martian mesa look like a face. NASA had taken the first picture of the "face" in 1976 and the last one in 2001. Over the years, NASA has spent lots of money on this project. All of their hard work and money has paid off. Due to their large interest, they were able to figure out that the "face" was a martian mesa. Their huge discovery led to learn about landforms on Mars. They had sucessfully unmasked the "face" of mystery on Mars.
"Making Monta Lisa Smile" by Nick D' Alto that how was describe for Facial Action Coding System of her varierty of her industries, I will mention there names, how they process with the computer , emotion or expression and the diffeneces musles. That Monta Lisa was 83 percenthappy, 9 percent disgusted, 6 percent fearful, and 2 percent angry becuase of the some new computer recognize her emotions. Dr. Huang has his colleague are expeert to better ways humans and computers to communicate. That pretty cool but how possible, I beleif we got some question we want to know how so. The process begins when the computers contrust with the 3-D that a model of the faces that can cause the major muhumanbs musckles. About the Dr. Hunag relies the work he had as being psychologist woth the Dr. Paul, the one creator with the FACS meaning Facial Action Coding System. To mention about the Monta Lisa classified her saix basic empotion she has: happiness, surprise, anger, disgust, fear and sadness bceuase of charactersitc movements of her facial muslces. Dr. Huang try to imagery the new emotiuon recognition softwre tracks these facil movement in the real face of painted Mona Lisa. By using the wieghting the different units that can varitry her emotions. To studied human to help them paint facial muscles precisly enough to convey the emotion to see hpw Mona Lisa smiles. For Dr. Huang has his computer software to inform as electroic code to the emotion sort of Da Vinci Code. Overall that Mona Lisa was a demonstration to bring her smile to her face while it show on them computrer can do the process it to know if she sad or happy. Empathy may happen becauyse we unconsciusly imitate another person facil expressions. This was a scinece of emotion of human can relatives vs Mona Lisa smile all the time for 83 pecrent that no one can becuse of there ecmotional.
The development of a driverless car is a stunning concept. Though it may seem like a wonderful idea, the negative out-weighs the positive when it comes to this. The amount of problems that can come out of this is not worth the risk. From health risks to the price, negative results from the driverless car are iminate. The development of driverless cars will have negative results. One way that something tragic can come out of this is the safety. Without the skill of a human at the wheel people are at the mercy of the cars intelligence. Manveuring around crashes and contruction will become an immensely more tedious job. Also the dangers of the car not knowing the terain of a certain place could also pose as a major safety risk. Also, with a vehicle with this amount of technology, it is bound to develop glitcthes. Things like this put the passengers lives at risk. Another negative of the driverless car would be the price. With an advanced car like this it would only be accessable to the wealthy. Alienating a large group of potential buyers. With this information a person can assume that it would not catch on and die off quickly. Also, the fuel of the vehicle would also be extremely expensive. Making the car a burden to have if an individual is taking a road trip. The manufactureres would also have to consider what the people think about it mentally. Some people actually enjoy driving a vehicle. Those people would be less likely to purchase such a car. This would make it even more difficult to sell the car. Since most people are already lazy, making a driverless car would not help in their favor. Driverless cars would take the work ethic right out of people. Making people more dependent on technology is not a positive thing. To conclude, Driverless cars would have a multitude of negative results. Although it may be nice to not have to drive, the risks that are factored in makes it not worth it. Considering the safety of the buyers is what automakers should put first before anything. Cars like these pose a great number of cocerns for the country. Driverless cars may be a thing of the future, but this is a future we should try to avoid.
I personally am not for driverless cars. I think that a person needs to operate a car not a computer. I think we need the brain of a person behind the wheel. When people hear driverless car they might think the car can do everything anot be be focused on the road for an emergency to happen. There is alot of problems with technology now such as cell phones, computers,ect. There will be a big problem if something happens with the car and a wreck takes place who is a fault the technology or the person. All people need to be safe on the road or walking on the road so we need an alert persom behind the wheel. People won't be focused on the road and if something is about to happen someone needs to be ready for an emergency so I think there will be alot of accidnets with the cars people will not be foucused like they are now not reliying on technology. We rely on technology to much now. I think people will be bored behind the wheel and wait on their turn to drive. Technology is expensive to create and to buy. The cars will be over priced and won't sell that many. Not everyone will be offord one. So i think cost will be a problem with the cars to and taxes will be raised on the people to fun these cars and I don't think people will like that. Driverless cars are not a good idea. They will not be safe because people will not be focused on the road anymore and that can be a problem for passegers or people on the side walks. Funding will be a problem I feel many people won't be able to buy them and with technology means people will lose there jobs and that's not a good thing.
Dear Senator, I would love it if the electoral college was gone because it really is crazy if people are thinking their voting for someone when they really aren't like the presidents. We actually help pick our state senators because when we vote for presidents we are actually voting for the canidates electors. Some states have a winner takes all system, and what that system does is awards all electors to the winning presidential canidate. But Maine and Nebraska each have a variation of proportional representation. after the prsidential election, our governor prepares a certificate of asertainment, l isting all of the canidates who ran for president in your state along with the names of their respective electors. Under the electoral college system, we do not vote for presidents, but for the slate of electors who then elect the president. We should consider ourselves lucky that the 2000 fiasco was the biggest election crisis in a century, the system allows for much worst. Consider that state legislaturwes are responsible for picking electors, and that those electors could always defy the will of the people. Back in 1960, segregationist in Louisiana legislature nearly succeeded in replacing the democratic electors with new electors with new electors who would oppose for John F. Kennedy. In the same vein, "faithless" electors have occasionally refused to vote for their party's canidate and cast deciding vote for whomever they plaese.
The author does not support his idea well. He talks about more of the cons than the pros of visiting Venus, and not really about how serious this trip could be if we do the trip. He thinks that because it was once a planet like Earth that it would still be safe, yet it is very dangerous. It is more dangerous than safe. No spacecraft has survived the landing of the trip, so what expects the author to assume people will. Right, he thinks by studying more about Venus, and building protection machines will help, but with the weather of Venus it will most likely get destroyed. The author does not supposrt his self much by saying it is the hottest, had a lot of water, and 97% acid . More sulfuric acid in Venus's atmosphere. He saying that it was also onece like Earth, which is a good thing, but Venus is not Earth much anymore. The text states, "Beyond high pressure and heat, Venusian geology and weather present additional impediments like erupting vlocanoes, powerful earthquakes, and frequent lighting strikes to probes seeking to land on it is suface." So either way you are basically die having to go to Venus. He listed some more than bad. The fact that it is the hottest planet in our earth system is not good. Some of the good of having to exolore Venus is that it is sometimes our closer option to spce traveling, but a sad part is that there is a insisputable ways of you returuning. If you do end up making it to Venus and landing, there's and small chance of you dying by the weather there. The author did not support his idea because he put more of the cons into the article than the pros. He did have some pros, but they did not really halp with the argument because the cons just ruled over them. He should have done more research on the pros, or listed less cons. In the last paragraph, 8, the author states, "Our travels on Earth and beyond should not be limited by dangers and doubts but should be expanded to meet the very edges of imagination and innovation" is technically not true. It is not true because if you are willing to out a life in a rocket and not have any doubts is scary. You are gonna have doubts, but it is not as though you want to have them. You do not want someone to loose their life because you did not care. By having doubts, you are pretty much shwing you care, and that you do not want anything to go wrong. By having dangers, in a way helps us to know how to be safe. So, there is nothing wrong with doubts and dangers because those keep us safe.
Disgusting pollution in the air! Terrible, but also deadly for our atmosphere, animals, and of course ourselves. As seen in paragraph 17, car emmisions arn't only destroying our enviroment, but are also polluting our air to the point where Paris was covered for days in complete smog. That is why biking, walking, running, conservative driving, etc are very needed in these days where everyone belives gas powered vehicles are our way of life. While people drive in cars constantly it creates more carbon emmisions destroying our air and environment, but on the other hand more biking causes less traffic build up, healthier, and more businesses open up in walking distance because of the magnitude of participants walking/biking. To begin with, driving in cars isnt only extremely dangerous, it pollutes the air we all breathe! It makes our lungs become more weak and suseptible to disease and sickness. People may argue that giving up our most widely used transportation vehicle in the U.S. and very profitable vehicle industries, is too much. But I argue, that giving up something that will later in time completely destroy us and our earth is worth it. Pollution is a very serious problem that most people can't seeem to wrap their head around. It's a deadly chemicals and waste being put into our air we breathe every second, yet we chose our vehicles over our precious air?! Next, understanding what more walking and less vehicular trnsportation can do for the world has amazing effects. Not only is it a healthy alternative to walk instead of driving because of our obseity issue here in America, but it cuts out pollution which hurts us and animals. More walking will create less traffic and more businesses and restaruants in walking distance, causing a better community and economy. In conclusion, more walking and biking is a much better alternative to driving cars constantly. Communities come together more, less traffic, more safety, no road rage, etc. These are all things that could come from walking instead of driving in vehicles.
We, the people of the United States, live in a car happy society. Every teenager can't wait until their 16th birthday because, for mostly every kid, that means that they go get their drivers liscense and possibly their very own car. Also, adults always look at getting a nice luxurious car and the top make and model of that year. Well, without a shadow of doubt, we should adopt the plan to cut down our usage of cars. It seems very successful considering 70% of Vauban's families don't own cars. It is detramental to our country. In case you haven't noticed lately but there is alot of polution in the air. According to article 1 , anywhere up to 50 percent of car-intensive areas in the US make up the greenhouse gas emissions. It is depressing seeing all of this smog and polution in the air everyday. Just a little heads up but the polution increases every single day we use cars. It is a shame seeing such an extravogant and extraordinary country go to crap due to polution. If you want to see how every state is going to look if we keep relying on cars then go to California and see how much of an eye sore it is. Cars are one of the major factors responsible for smog and polution. Polution from your car can lead to animals dying and especially humans dying from your automobile. People today care alot about making and having alot of benjamins ( money ). Everyone wants to be rich and have the most expensive types of stuff, lets face it who doesn't. If you cut back on putting money towards your car then that would save you a ton of money. Just imagine if you didn't own a car, think about all of the things you would't have to buy and pay for. Cars are expensive just to buy in the first place let alone having to pay for gas and maintain it and all of that stuff that needs to be done to it. Also say goodbye to the mechanic visits and having to deal with the stress that comes from them. It would cost less money to not own a car and just take city transportation via bus or taxi or even car pool. You could even go the healthy route and ride your bike or walk to places close by. There are many cheaper ways of getting places besides cars. Cars can be very dangerous at times and driving can be as well. You are at a greater risk of getting into a car accident than getting into a bicycle accident. Car accidents happen everyday and most of the time they are fatal. Coming from personal experience trust me, being in a car accident is not fun and is really scary and nerveracking. It can also haunt you for the rest of your life. I almost lost my dad a couple years ago due to a terrible car accident that we were involved in that wasn't our fault. He hasn't worked since that day because he hasn't been healthy enough to do what he was doing. We both, still to this day, feel the gruling affects from that accident physically, mentally, and emotionally. It took a toll on us and there isn't a day that goes by that I don't wonder what would of been if we didn't get into that accident. So wouldn't you feel more safe in a bus knowing that your less likely to get hurt than in a car. Without question it is neccesary to cut back on car usage and start going green and using public transportation instead. Cars are a crucial part of our polution today and that can easily change. All signs point towards the better option being to take a step back from cars for a little bit and see what the result is. Atleast once a week say that you can't use cars as transportation. This idea seems very good and well thought out and it will definetly show improvements that we want to see. So lets do it and see how much it affects our country. I know it will change it and make it better!     
The advancement of technology has helped humanity a lot in several ways, such as comuters,phones or even, planes to travel the world. These advancements could help students to learn in school. The facial recognition mentioned in this article is amazing for the following reasons: it could give students an easier time understanding material, it could introduce new ideas into peoples minds about career oppurtunities, and it could draw students focus into their work. This facial recognition could help students understand their material better by molding the lesson if the student is confused or bored or possible even distracted. This would be immensely helpful for students who may have trouble comprehending certain subjects like math or English. "A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored, then it could modify the lesson,like an effective humn instructor." By shaping the lesson around the student it makes it more possible for a student to pass a class and graduate from highschool or college. If the student seems confused the lesson can slow down and work through the problem with them. If the student seems happy then the lesson can speed up and throw harder work at them. Technology such as facial recognition in an acedemic situation could take the slowing down of harder classes and us that to drive new ideas of new technology into peoples heads. These programs could take calculus and make it to appleal to students with a mind for working with computers. This would open job oppurtunities for millions of people in the United States alone. It could take biology and slow the lesson to then advance it into so many different branches of biology. Students get distracted; it's a thing that happens. what if it wasn't as easy to be distracted. what if your lesson shaped itsel ito something you liked because you undersood it, because you could make sense of what the lesson was about, and pllied it to real world situations. A lot of the reasons students get distracted is because they dont understand their subject or it's too hard so they stop to take abreak and dont come back to it baecause they know that they'll be just as confused when they come back to it as they were when they left. If your lesson slows down to incorporate your confused look or your stares of boredom it could mke the lesson easier to help you understand it which will in turn capture your attention again. I know multiple people who would love to have tis tech, myself included. This would be an amazing advancemement in the acedemic worl but it's very far off. When this becomes widespread it would boost the economy of its country by a lot. I believe this technology would be beneficial for the following reasons: it would help students undertsand their material, it could introduce new ideas into peoples minds about career oppurtunities, and it could draw students focus into their work.
Dear senator , I write to you because I believe we should keep the electoral college . There's so many reasons why I believe this would be better for the goverment and for the community . Yes , I understand the college is old and out dated but it is what has picked our leaders and until now I believe it has been very effective . The electoral college avoids the problem of elections . Even though we can not control who the electors vote for , I still believe it is a more effective way and it avoids plenty of unessary conflicts .Although we are " not voting for the president " we are " voting for the electors " . This is what had kept our country running for centuries . voting for the The electoral college avoids the problem of elections in which no condidate receives a majority of the vote cast. The electoral college is the most effective way to pick our leaders .
Venus may be easy to spot in the nightsky, being nicknamed the "evening star," but it's not so easy to examine. There have been attempts to land spacecrafts on the planet; however, none have survived more than a couple hours. There are many factors that contribute to the difficulty of exploring Venus, but that won't stop NASA from trying to get as much information that they can get. The author thinks that it would be beneficial to explore Venus, but is it really worth trying to explore the planet despite all of the difficulties? What factors exactly make the exploration of Venus so difficult? Although Venus may once have been "the most Earth-like planet in our solar system," it no longer appears to be that way. According to the article, the atmosphere is almost 97 percent carbon dioxide, and the clouds contain highly corrosive sulfuric acid. Also, the average temperature is over 800 degrees Fahrenheit. These conditions are nothing like ones that are found on Earth. This environment would crush a submarine and would liquify metals, as stated in paragraph 3. Along with the atmospheric difficulites, weather difficulties also present themselves. The article states that volcanoes, earthquakes, and lightning strikes would be a danger to anything looking to land on Venus's surface. With all these difficulties, how was NASA planning on examining the planet? NASA wanted to study the planet from above. They want to send a vehicle to hover over Venus in order to avoid the ground conditions, as stated in paragraph 5. However, this would limit the amount of information NASA could collect about the ground conditions of the planet and would restrict them from bringing back any samples. Overall, I don't think think it is worth trying to explore Venus with all these difficulties, and I don't think the author did a good job supporting the idea that it would be beneficial. If anything, I think the author explained why trying to explore Venus would be nothing but harmful. In the artcle, the author discusses the dangers of trying to explore Venus much more than the benefits we would gain. The author provides no imput as to why we should explore the planet other than the fact that curiosity is what lead people to wanting to explore it in the first place. If people took the time to explore everything they were curious about, nobody would have a life and imaginations would be pointless.
Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the danger on been the hotest planet in our solar system. Venus is the closest planet to Earth in terms of density and size, Venus has a thick atmosphere and even their clouds are of highly corrosive silfuric acid in Venus's. NASA studies Venus just to see, what a other planet have in commun with the Earth. NASA hve been looking for another project as the old technology called mechanical computers. They want to use this mechanical computers because it makes calculations by using gears and levers and do not require electronics at all. Also, they having think abut the Modern computers because they are enormously powerful, flexuble and quick, but the tend to be more dicate when it comes to extrem physical conditions. Venus has really hick atmosphere of almost 97 percent carbon dioxide blankets, Nasa knows this because they tried the most forms of light cannot penetrate the dense atmosphere, rendering standard forms of photography and videography ineffective. The Ntional Aeronautics and Space Administration( NASA) has one particulary compellin idea by sending humans to study Venus and set their life on risk. As the humans that MASA idea tried to sent them to study Venus will not kill them because Solar power would be plentiful, and radiarion would not exceed Earth levels. Not easy conditions, but survivable for humans. Many researchers are working on innovations that allow our machines to last long enough to contribute meaningfully to our knowledge of Venus. The study challenge that the NASA realized presented That Venus has VAlue, not only because of the insight to be gained on the planet itself, but also because human curiosity will likely lead us into many equally intimidating endeavors.
I think that if technology could read students emotional expressions, it would make things easy to find out if someone is upset, mad, happy, and much more. So if someone was to be depressed and they do the best they could to hide it from many people even their family members or friends. So what im tying to say is that if technology could actually help detect those types emotions it could stop people from hurting them selfs. Because many people have comittide sucide due to depression or hate, so if the technology could read the students emotions or anyone one else's then it could prevent stuff like suicide or someone going after someone else. Technology could help people find ways to stop things like that from ever happening so I think the value of using technology like that could help many people out and save a life, a whole lot of lives. Like in the article it talked about how they wanted know the emotions The Mona Lisa had, right? Well by havingn that type of technology, it could tell us all the emotions that The Mona Lise had. In the artical it even said that, by using all 44 major muscles in the model of a human like muscles a person has in real life it could help detect the emotions a person has and it would also tell about the emotions a painting could of had or does. It should be a very helpful pice of technology that could help change many things and help others give a smile to someone who is feeling sad or mad about something.
Driverless Cars are Coming is a story about cars that don't really require a human driver. It talks about the history of driverless cars and how far they have come. It also gives some examples of some driverless cars. However, in the story it describes how these driverless cars have some positive and negative aspects. I believe that these cars have positive aspects and should be developed more because they are able to mimic the same skill of a human at the wheel, the drivers will be more alert, and they have a lot of safety functions. To begin with, I am for the development for the driverless cars because they are able to mimic the same skill of a human at the wheel. For example, in the story it says, "Google's modified Toyota Prius uses position-estimating sensors on the left rear wheel, a rotating sensor on the roof, a video camera mounted near the rearview mirror, four automotive radar sensors, a GPS receiver, and an inertial notion sensor. The most important bit of technology in this system is the spinning sensor on the roof. Dubbed LIDAR, it uses laser beams to form a constantly updating 3-D model of the car's surroundings. The combination of all this input is necessary for the driverless car to mimic the skill of a human at the wheel." In addition, the next reason I am for the development of driverless car is because the drivers will be more alert. For example, in the story it says, "GM has developed driver's seats that vibrate when the vehicle is in danger of backing into an object." The story also says, " The Google car simply announces when the driver should be prepared to take over." Finally, one last example from the story is when it says, "Manufacturers are also considering using cameras to watch that drivers are remaining focused on the road. While the driver watches the road, the car watches the driver." Finally, the last reason I am for the development of driverless cars is because they have a lot of safety functions. For example, in the story it says, "Some manufacturers hope to do that by bringing in-car entertainment and information systems that use heads-up displays. Such displays can be turned off instantly when the driver needs to take over---something not available to drivers trying to text with a cell phone. In this way, the in-car system is actually a safety feature, and safety is a big concern." Also, another example the story says is, " The information from the sensors can cause the car to apply brakes on individual wheels and reduce power from the engine, allowing far better response and control than a human driver could manage alone." In conclusion, I am for the development of driverless cars because they are able to mimic the same skill of a human at the wheel, the drivers will be more alert, and they have a lot of safety functions.
Are electoral college better than other colleges. yes i belive that a electoral college is better than other collages becuase they help pick the preiden andthe vice presidentg based on votes, the Electoral collage is consists on 538 votes whicha majority of 270 elecors is required to elect the president. An electoral college is a collage that helps pick canididates that are running for president in are state. the canidates are chosen by the politial party. the election is held every 4 years on thethe first tuesday of november. my second reason electoral collages help are state out are they help pick they rights states to vote. an electoral collage tells there president where to go and give there speechs. presidebts seechs are very important, the speechs give them vote two keep them president in charge. some on thebig voteing states are texas,california,and florida, so inconclusion you should go two a electoral collage becuase they help are states out by pick the right president and keeping him.
I think using the technology Facial Coding System won't work trying to find out how a person is feeling because how could you know what a person is feeling unless you ask them, now I know that a person might be able to tell how your feeling by looking at you, but now we don't use technology to tell how a person's feeling we just look at their facial expressions to tell if their happy, sad, mad, frustrated, or any emotion that their feeling I think we can only tell by looking at their facial expression, they said that by looking at the painting of Mona Lisa that they could tell that she was feeling 83 percent happy, 9 percent, disgusted, 6 percent fearful, and 2 perent angry, now you would never know if she's happy, fearful, disgusted, or angry unless you were with her at that time of the picture you would never know how she's feeling. Thats probably how she takes all of her pictures you never know, she could have been feeling sad, mad, fearful, or anything unless you were with her at that time of the painting andd she told you how she was feeling. In conclusion I don't think the Facial Coding System will work to tell how a person is feeling.
Venus is worthy pursit despite the damage it presents. Venus is worthy pursit despite the damage it presents because it was once the earths like planet in the solar system. Another reason is because Venus was once covered by oceans. The last reason is because they want to understand why no spaceship has ever made it to Venus to actually try to get samples and other stuff to study it. Venus was once the earths like plante in the solar system. Scientists want to study venuse even though it dangers to see why its not like it use to be. The old venus was just like earth years ago but then it started changing with the years. In the passage it said that " Astronomers are fascinatesx by Venus because it may well once have been the most Earths-like planet in out solar system" (Paragraph 4, Sentence 2). This means that they are really into the thing that Venus was once like Earth. They want to keep studying it until they have something to compareit to Earth with. Venus was once covered by oceans years ago. Another reason why sciantists want to study Venus is because Venus was once covered with bodies of water and want to see why that changed. In the passage it said that " Long ago, Venus was probably covered largely with oceans and could have supported various forms of life, just like earth" (paragraph 4, sentence 3). This means that they are really fasinated by the way that Venus just went from being bodies of water to having eruptions of volcanoes all the time and earthquakes, and lightning strikes. All these stuff have changed Venus completly and they want to figure out why. Scientists want to understand why not one single spaceship has made it to Venus without falling apart. In the passage it says that " Not a single spaceship has touched down on Venus in more than three decades" (Passage 2, Sentance 6). This means that they have not been able to make any spaceship land on Venus. Maybe it could be the 97 percent of carbon dioxide blankets Venus has or the acid in the atmosphere that Venus has. All the spaceships have not survived the landing for more than a few hours. NASA is also working on other stuff so they can approach Venus such as electronics made of silicon carbide and has lasted for three weeks. In conclusion people think that Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the danger it presents. One reason for that is because it was once the earths like planet in the solar system. Another reason is because Venus was once covered by oceans. The last reason is because they want to understand why no spaceship has ever made it to Venus to actually try to get samples and other stuff to study it.
The author does not do a good job supporting this idea. The author has did not put what would benifit humans if we where going to travel to Venus. There are about 3 paragraphs that are full of bad things that could happen to a person on Venus. The other paragraphs do not fully explain why it would be worthy of trying to study Venus. The author put a lot of bad things in his/her text about going to Venus. In paragraph 3 is states "On the planet's surface, temperatures average over 800 degrees Fahrenheit, and the atmospheric pressure is 90 time greater than what we experience on out own planet. The state also states in paragraph 6 that "peering at Venus from a ship orbiting or hovering safely far above the planet can provide only limited insight on ground conditions because most forms of light cannot penetrate the dense atmosphere, rendering standard forms of photogra[hy and videography ineffective. The author does put some good things about studying Venus. In paragraph 4 it states "Venus was probably coverd largely with oceans and could have supported various forms of life, just like Earth." From this state meant studying Venus could help us found out more about its past. The text also states in paragraph 6 that "NASA's possible solution to the hostile conditions on the surface of the Venus would allow scientist to float above the fray." This is one of the few ways that a human could explore Venus. The author had stated some good thing but yet with every good thing that he/she had stated there was always a bad. The author also did not do a good job of stating why humans need to study Venus. The author states in paragraph 8 that it is good for human curiosity. That to me is not a good enough reason to send a person to this planet with all the risk that they will have.
I am against the development of driveless cars. It is risky driving regular cars today. You have a lot of careless drivers. Then there are still accident going on currently. Also there could be problems with the driveless car we might not know about. There are a lot of careless drives out on the road. It wouldn't be such a good idea to put a careless driver in a driveless car. It could cause danger for that person and those around them. Lots of people would take advantage of a driveless car, and wouldn't be aware of the dangers that follow. Before anyone gets into a driveless car we need smart drivers. There are still many car crashes today. Berfore we begin to make cars that can drive by itself we need to figure out how to stop car crashes now. In the article it says that if the car is in danger, or coming across a contrustion zone whatever the case may be, it would alert the driver to take the wheel. But shouldn't it be the other way around some drives might panic or won't know what to do. Since it is a "smart" car it should be able to handle situations like that. Drving is very easy anyone can do it. I wouldn't consider a car being smart because it can drive on it's own, it's different, just not smart. A smart car will keep you out of danger if any comes your way. It would make sure you are safe. In the article it says that the cars are "computer-driven cars". Computers freeze, glitch, slow down, and much more. Since these cars are computer-driven it wouldn't be safe if glitches happen. It may put your life in danger and those around you. Computers still have problem,and a computer-driven car would just add on to the problems. I am against the idea of driveless cars. It is a very risky thing to do in the future. We have careless drivers, car crahes, glitches, and other things that need to be solved before we have a computer-driven car driving on our roads. It may be an interesting idea, but we want safety for our people. Driveless cars is really something to think about.
In a future with drriverless cars more people could be satisfied with life. Instead of planning out a trip months ahead. You can just call a cab and be on your way then and there. More people in poor communites need rides to school, work, ect. The fact that 50,000 people or more in the U.S. Dont have a car or any form of transportation. The better the tech the better the ride. The government should wait a few good years befor letting them go. The tech is good for unmanned missions but just some more work needs to be put into it. The manufactures who make the car need to be carful. If there vehicals break down with people in them then whos to blame. It's not the computers fualt. Its the programer. Many people would support this. In fact the whole nation would. Acceptional use. The cars themselvs need an exceptional use policy. They should also be in every city. The rides should be free. But if your going out of town or state they should cost 100 dollers for every hundred miles out of state or town. Making these would be a dream to people. The future holds promise for these cars. None the less making these would cause contraversy. But with so many people using them why take them away. Statistics should be kept on them. Life is getting better. So whats your choice.
The facial action coding system for emotions was developed to detect different emotions. It may seem creepy to know everyones emptions but it can benefit teachers. It can even help out people in general to identify different emotions on people. The technology should be used to read students expressions. The technology should be used in school for its uniqueness, lessons, and overall connection to students and teachers. With the system, teachers can detect truthfullness in their students. It can help connection with students and their teachers, or even just peers. People can force different faces to convince others to think they are different that how they actually feel. But, with the system you can tell when someone is genuine about a emotion. For example, there are certain muscles that move when someone is truly happy. The muscular units move around, the muscles at the cheek bones lift, and the crow feet around your eyes move. The system itsself is highly intelligent, and completely new to our generation. The technology is advanced and had never been created before. The sytem can calculate the percentages of different emotions on people. There are a variety of emotions that it detects such as happiness, surprise, anger, disguist, fear, and sadness. It can even be used for ads to see if someone is interested in a certain thing. If they remain happy, they will show similar ads. The coding sytem can be used by teachers for lessons. Students can appear bored and not interested in class. With the sytem, teachers know when they are into and engaged into their learning in the class. The system would detect the facial muscles to recognize them as uninterested. Then, they can adjust the lesson to engage more students and improve their learning overall. In conclusion, teachers and schools should utilize this system and work it into their lessons. It has tons of benefits to learning. It is something new and advanced to the society. Also, it can be used to get more students invloved in learning, and ensure excited engaged students. Overall, the coding system can help with lessons, connection, and its uniqueness to society.
Just because the Seagoing Cowboys program seems old, it is still a good thing to join. The Seagoing Cowboys fit many people's needs. Our number one reason for this program is to do good deeds for other people in other countries. We help these people after wars, and when their towns are destroyed. Although I only helped take care of the animals that were boarded on the ship being sent over, I still benefitted to the people on the ship by doing work for them. It kept me busy. I watched the animals and and checked on them, and I also reported on how they were doing. I also had night shifts to check on the animals each hour. One night, however, I slipped on a ladder, and couldn't work for a few days because of racked ribs. Thankfully, I fell on a piece of metal, and it caught me from falling into the ocean. I am lucky to be alive! We don't work the whole time in the program, however. You would like what we get to do when we aren't working. We exlore and visit new, interesting places. We go to several different countries, and get to see how the people's culture, life style, and needs are different than ours. I had gotten a tour of a castle in Crete, visited China, Europe, and the Acropolis in Greece! Not only did we visit places, but we also had some freetime once in a while on board. We had baseball games, volleyball games, tennis tournaments, fencing, boxing, reading, and whittling. If you join the Seagoing Cowboys program, it is beneficial to 18 year old men, or men older than 18. Why? It is because when you are drafted to the military services at age 18, the military will count this program as your serving. I had turned 18 while I was on board and before we had even arrived to Greece, and I knew I couldn't be in the program and military at once. Lucky for me, the military coutned it as my service. Lastly, if you have ever wanted to meet other nations, you should join this program. Up to 44 nations join together to comeplete the tasks of the Seagoing Cowboys. Overall, I think that the Seagoing Cowboys are a very helpful, beneficial group of good people.
This is a story about a young man who is 18 years younn and he works two part time jobs with his friend "Don" and one day Don asked Luke if Luke would like to go to Europe and China with him. Luke new he couldn't say NO! Because he really wanted to go. Well Luke of course said, "Yes!" He didn't know why he was going to Europe and China? They sent him on a boat with Don and he had to help animals have shelter, food, and water. So when Luke and Don arrived to their destination, Don told Luke why they were going to Europe and China ... and Don said, "Luke we came to Europe and China so we could fight in the war." Luke was actually really excited and Don didn't understand why he was excited. Luke said, "This is awesome! I've always wanted to fight in the war!!" Luke said. Don was really happy that Luke was happy and so they went back to China and went to their military academy and started to get prepared for the war that they were gonna fight in. Don and Luke wished eachother good luck. When war ended in China they had to go back to Europe to get to fighting down their. When they arrived back to Europe, Luke and Don were really nervous and happy because they've heard good and bad things about Europe. Finally when the Europe and China war was over they could go back home, to their family and where they lived. And that's the story about "A Cowboy Who Rode the Waves."
Driverless cars could go both ways. They can be useful or just a waste of time. I think there should not be driverless cars. There should not be driverless cars because driving is a huge responsiblity. I feel that even if the car has an in-car enterainment the driver will not be paying attention to the road and when the car signals for the driver to take control, the driver won't know what is going on and could even cause an accident. Leading to the conflict of who is at fault, "the driver or the manufacturer?" If we just keep our cars how they are now people will have to pay attention to the road. You could be paying really good attention to road but you have no idea how the other cars are. A lot of car accidents could be prevented if the driver of the car is in control at all times. People trying to invent a safe driverless car are just wasting their time. Even if the car has a lot of safe reasons in why we should have them there will still be reasons why we shouldn't. We have had total control of our cars for the lonest time now and I feel like it is better to just play it safe and keep doing what we have been doing. It's better to play it safe than to be sorry.
Imagine having the oppertunity to view the unique landscpaes of Venus. The Earth-like planet has been a mystery to mankind because of it's inhabiatble enviornemnt. This article goes into great detail on why humans should study Venus despite it's dangers. The author supports the idea that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit by including the similarities it shares with Earth, stating that Venus was once like our planet, and discovering the mysteries of our twin planet would be a success. The author states that Venus shares little similarities with Earth. The article includes, "Today, Venus still has some features that are analogous to those on Earth. The planet has a surface of rocky sediment and includes familiar features such as valleys, mountains, and craters." This gives an expample of how Venus is somewhat related to Earth. The author also states that Venus was once like Earth. Paragraph four states, "Long ago, Venus was probably covered largely with oceans and could have supported various forms of life, just like Earth." Lastly, the author states that there is much to be gained from exploring Venus. Paragraph eight includes, "Striving to meet the challenge presented by Venus has value, not only because of the insight to be gained on the planet itself, but also because human curiosity will likely lead us into many equally intimidating endeavors." This highlights how it would be a success to study Venus. The author gives valid reasons that studying Venus would be a genius idea by stating how much similarities Venus and Earth share, and how an accomplishment it would be to discover the curiosities of our sister planet. The author strongly agrees that studying Venus will lead us to unanswered questions with the technology and knowledge humans have.
The passage, "Driveless Cars Are Coming", is an article explaing the topic of drivreless cars in the future. This passage explains how companies are creating driverless cars and explains how they will work. The author shows the readers the positive and negative aspects of driveless cars. Although there are multiple ways drivreless cars are helping society, they should not be made. Driverless cars may help people, but they are not proven to be all the way safe and they make it harder for the driver to stay focused. Driverless cars make it harder for the driver to stay focused on the road. Drivreless cars still need a driver just in case of an emergency. "Google cars aren't truly driverless; they still alert the driver to take over when pulling in and out of driveways or dealing with complicated traffic issues, such as navigating through roadwork or accidents. So what roadblocks lie ahead for the autonomous car?". Even though the author is referring to Google driverless cars, he wants to know how other driverless cars will be similar or different from the other driverless cars. What happens if the driver is not focused when the car alerts them. The author says, "Manufacturers are also considering using camera to watch that the driver are remaining focused on the road. While the driver watches the road, the car watches the driver". The author is explaining how they will keep the driver focused, using technology. Since the cameras watch and alert the driver, what happens if the camera is not working that day? What if the driver was texting? What will happen to the driver? How will they stay focused? The driverless cars have postive aspects, but are not proven to be safe. The authors explains how the law is focused on keeping them safe. "Most driving laws focus on keeping drivers, passengers, and pedestrians safe, and lawmakers know that safety is best achieves with alert drivers. Presently,traffic laws are written with the assumption that the only safe car has a human driver in control at all times". The author is explaining how safety is acheived when humans are in control of the car no matter what. "As a result, in most states it is illegal even to test computer-driven cars". The author is explaing that since driverless cars are not proven to be safe, they are illegal in most states."Still, even if traffic laws change, new laws will be needed in order to cover liability in case of an accident. If technology fails and someone is injured, who is at fault--the driver or the manufacturer?". The author is showing the reader the conflict between the driver and the cars. Driverless cars have multiple positive aspects, but they will not help society until more evidence shows that they are proven to keep the driver focused and proven to keep the driver and others safe. People may argue that there should be driverless cars to make the society a better place, but driverless cars do not have enough evidence to prove to keep the driver focused and keep the the driver and other people safe. Yes, companies and automakers are continuing to work so that they are proven safe. For example, "Tesla has projected a 2016 release for a car capable of driving on autopilot 90 percent of the time". The author is explaining how they are working to keep the people safe. But until they have found a way so that the cars are completely reliable and until they have solved the problems completely, there should be no driverless cars.
Is the "Face on Mars" really a natural landform? Seeing from pictures and other kinds of photographic things can you really tell? There may be alien markings or there may not be any markings. I say that the "Face on Mars" is in fact, a natural landform. There is no alien markings to be seen from a picture. For example, ""As a rule of thumb you can discern things in a digital image 3 times bigger than the pixel size," he added. "So, if there were objects in the picture like airplanes on the groud or Egyptian-style pryamids or even small shacks, you could see what they were!" So, if there were alien markings on this natural landform you would be able to see them. This was stated by Jim Garvin who is a chief scientist for NASA's Mars Exploration Program. The picture uses the camera's absolute maximum resolution. Many people said from the photo took in 1998, "Perhaps, said skeptics, alien markings were hidden by haze." The photo in 1998 was taken on a cloudy winter day on Mars and caused a haze to appear over the camera. By going in 2001 on a nice sunny day on Mars, the picture was clear and easy to see. You can tell in the picture that there is no alien markings of any kind. The picture was took with great resolution and couldn't be better. In conclusion, there could be a possibility of aliens making this natural landform but, it could also just be a natural landform. It should not be famous for a conspiracy theory that it was made by aliens, simply of its shape. This landmark, looking like a human face, is just a natural landform.
Dear Senator, I feel the need to bring the Electoral College to your attention. I think keeping the Electoral College is not a good way to vote for the president of the United States. It's an unfair way to vote. 538 electors and the majority of 270 votes to elect the president seems to have problems every time. If the person running for office has more votes it obviously means they want that person to win the election. So why go around that process and change everything and make it more difficult for the person to win? People all over keep trying to change things with voting but don't have a choice. When they vote for someone in office it doesn't equal a whole percent which actually goes towards whether or not they will or will not be president. Thanks to the Electoral College it makes things harder. Thats's why people don't like to vote. So Senator, please think about getting rid of the Electoral College it's fair that the person with the most votes should win because if everyone voted for them they wanted that person to win. That's more fair than popular votes and then what the other 538 people have to say. Sincerly, PROPER_NAME
The author is answering rather or not if humans going to Venus is worth the dangers it presents. The author thinks that yes, we should go to Venus because it will meet the very edges of are imaginations, curiosity, and we are making machines that will last longer on Venus. The first reason the author gave us on why we should land on Venus is that it will meet the very edges of are imaginations. What the other means by this is thed human body is always thinking about what is out there in space. By putting humans on Venus this can give us an answer to are imangination and maybe make us think even more about what is out there. Not only does the author say it will meet the very edges of are imaginations he also says "Striving to meet the challenge presented by it will meet the very edges of are imaginationsenus has value, not only because of the insight to be gained on the planet itself, but also because human curiosity. What the author means by this is he is showing that we are never not wondering. We will always be wanting to do something that will answer a question that we have. For example, "i wonder what this book is about". what you would do is read the book. Just like how we wonder what Venus is like. We want to land on it. The last reason the author gave to us is that NASA is making more machines to be able to handle the weather on Venus. In the text it says "Many researchers are work on innovations that would allow our machines to last long enough to contribute meaningfully to our knowledge of Venus". By the author saying this hes menaing that sinse we have more machines that can make it to Venus we can now learn more about to be able to send humans to that planet. So by the author giving us all these reasonf he thinks that yes, we should go to Venus because it will meet the very edges of are imaginations, curiosity, and we are making machines that will last longer on Venus.
Don't some things sound too good to be true? Well, this is one of many. NASA scientists have found a "face" on Mars. This has been solved to be just a landform, but some people still believe that the "face", was created by aliens. Here are some facts to prove that this is a natural landform. First of, in 1976, pictures were not the best back then. We were still working on them to make the outcome look better. With the digital images being 3 times bigger than the pixals, you are bound to find something that is not what it seems to be. Also, the "face" is located 41 degrees north martian laditude. This is a more foggy area of the planet. This could explain why the picture looks like a "face". Also, there were other objects around the "face" that casted shadows on the landform, making it look like it has eyes, a nose, and a mouth. This landform is very similer to landforms in the West of the U.S. This would be called a mesa. Finally, the scans of the "face" can only go so far. Plus, the camera doesn't go over the face often either. Even since cameras have been upgraded for a better picture, NASA can prove that this is not an alien made "face", but a natural landform on Mars.
Driverless cars are in the future. Google's cofounder, "envisions a future with a public transportation system where fleets of driverless cars for a public-transport taxi system." Sergey Brin "believes such cars would fundamentally change the world." Driverless cars have been a vision of the future for some time. According to the text "Television and movies have long been facinated with cars that could drive themselves." The movie industry has made self-driving cars a dream for the future of technology. But engineers are making them a reality. An example from the text states that, "Google has had cars that could drive independently under specific conditions since 2009. Their cars have driven more than a million miles with a crash." But Google's car are not completely driverless yet, they alert the driver to take over in certain conditions like, pulling in and out of driveways and navigating through roadwork. Driverless cars are slowly becoming a part of the future. These cars are already being made and tested. Driverless cars have pros and cons. For example, driverless cars could be a good thing for people that have disabilities and normally could not drive, these cars give them the option to go out and finally drive. But, these cars also have cons, the car could malfunction, and the driver wasn't alerted to take over. Who would be to blame,if there was an accident, the driver or the manufacturer? These "smart cars" might not be as smart as people think they should be. Today, in most states, it is illegal to test drive a "computer-driven car". According to the text, there are only four states that allow "semi-autonomous cars" to be driven on roads. Driverless cars are for sure a thing to be seen in the future. Manufacturers, engineers, and automakers are continuing to collaborate and brainstorm on how to make these cars more of a reality, and to fix any problems with the driverless cars that have already been made and that are being tested. These self-driving cars will definitely change the world. But will it be for the good? That is what these automakers are trying to do, make a car to help people in everyday life.
Having emotional expression scanners in class can be very helpful. It would make it easier for teachers to read students without talking. And it possibly slow the bullying dillemma down because students would be able to tell how they made others feel. I think that having technology that reads emotional expressions is very valuable. We could be able to use that to be able to further help out the student if he does not like to talk. It could also help the students because they would be able to tell how they are making other students feel. By taking notice on how the student feels it would possibly stop the student from making a dumb decision and help that student out. "The facial expressions for each emotion are universal", observes Dr.Huang, even though individuals often show varying degrees of expression(like not smiling as broadly)." I think that having computers that can also scan your face is also a pretty good idea. When the camera on your computer can tell your emotions by facial expression is a great thing, because it can stop certain ads from appearing on your computer when you smile or frown. The computer would also be able to tell when you like an ad so that it can keep showing similar ads. " Your home PC can't handle the complex algorithms used to decode Mona Lisa's smile. But we can write down simple instructions that "encode" different emotions." Now with the face ID that phones have I think that technology keeps amazing us." So with the emotional expression technogy being available I think that it would be a more than amazing thing to be able to use or just to be able to have. With technology coming up with new all the time I think that it would help if we just kept moving along with it. The emotional expression technology should be accepted by more and more people and more businesses.
Driverless cars appear to be the future of road but they have many down sides to them. Computer controlled cars can have glitches and many other technical problems when being used as the futures transportation. If the computer does giltch whos fault is it for the injury or death of the person. It could go either way but man contolled cars have only one or two people to blame for the accident that may happen. "Todays driverless cars can steer, accelerate and brake themselves, but are designed to notify the driver when the road ahead requires human skills" This quote said in paragraph 7 shows that these cars can not do everything so it is misleading to the user. The user will sit down in the car and tell the car where to go and the user most likely fall asleep or get tired of waiting for their turn as said in paragraph 8. Then when the car comes across a situation it can not solve its self many things could go wrong and then whos fault would it be for the accident the car would cause. The rules of the road most of us are taught as a child would be changed a lot also. They would have to develop a new way of giving tickets to those who break the driving laws with the new driverless cars. The new driver safety laws would give many police officials confusion when giving driving tickets to people. The driverless car as of now sounds like bad news, it needs more to it so that we can keep our people safe on the road. In the near future dreverless cars would and can be a very useful addition to the road. All we need is more time to this idea of driverless cars and it has the potential to change driving as we know it.
dear state senator, im writting this letter to you so you consider changing to election by popular vote for the prsident of the united states instead of electoral college. i belive like branford plumer, that the electoral college is very wrong not only because under the electoral college system, voters dont vote for the president but for a slate of electors, who in turn elect the president. but also because it is very unfair to voters, candidates dont spend time in states they know they have no chance of winning, focusing only on the tight races in the "swing" states. the electoral college is outdated, unfair, and irrational and its time for a change. nevertheless the electoral colleges dispute over its outcome is possible, it also nrequires a presidential candidate to have trans-regional appeal, its winner-take-all method of awarding electoral votes does induce the candidates, the electoral college also restores some of the weight in the political balance that large states lose by virtue of the mal-appotionment of the senate decreed on the constition, and it avoids the problem of elections in which no candidate recieves a majority of the votes cast. the electoral college method of selecting the president is and will turn off potential voters for a candidate who has no hope of carrying their state. according to the gallup poll in 2000, 60 precent of voters would prefer a direct election the electoral college is losing the little defenders it has and due to the spurious arguments the electoral college should be abolished.
To who it may concern, With all the problems affiliated with the Electoral College, I believe that the United States should do away with the process. This process by which the president is elected is unfair to those of us who are old enough to vote and understand politics. Another disadvantage is that the system of Electoral College is very confusing to many people. The worst thing about the Electoral College is that it is just outright puzzling. Men who are running for a spot as a presidental candidate are not voted for by the citizens of that state. They have to gain supporters who then become the electors. Then the people of that state have to vote for the electors, not the person to become a presidental candidate. Voters can't even directly vote for who they want. What if you vote for a slate of electors, who are supposed to be in favor of the presidnetal candidate you want, but don't vote for him? What happens then? Presidental candidates who should actually get a chance at running for president because they didn't get enough electoral votes. This all leads to the next disadavntage of the Electoral College, unfairness. As stated in an article by Bradford Plumer, "... Al Gore ---thanks to the quirks of the electoral college---won the popular vote but lost the presidency." The person running for president should be voted for directly by the voters. Someone, such as Al Gore, can get enough of the popular votes, but not enough of the electoral votes becuase they can't swing the votes in some states. This basically means that the majority of the United States would like to have Al Gore as a president, but couldn't because the majority of people in a state didn't want him as president. To sum it up, the Electoral College should be eliminated from the presidental voting process. People should just directly vote for who they want as president and see where it goes from there.         
I feel like it would be a great idea to have Driverless Cars. Why? It'll prevent people from crashing into others and risking their lives and also it'll decrease chances of trafic on express ways. And marketing would sky rocket. Many people would love to travel places but they'll get lazy to drive, but if they have a car that can drive itself then it would make it better on the humans life aswell. Many people also agree on how bad it is. Honestly it does have some flaws and miss happs. One of them are getting sent to a different location. Just like G.P.S., you type in your address and sometimes it sends you somewhere you didn't want to go. A Driverless Car is like a driving G.P.S., it could also have a malfunctioning problem it could put your life at risk and others. At the end of the day technology will have a lot of malfunctioning problems and a Driverless Car will be one of them. So be smart and purchase one at your own risk.
Have you ever thought of limiting your car usage or just stop driving period? Well you might. Today the average joe driving to work filling the air with pollution, but tommorw he could be riding a bike or any type of public transportation. Limiting your car usage is very important, you could save the world and it's pretty efficient. To begin, the earth is filled with pollution, but scientist have been trying to find a solution and I think we just found it. In "German suburb, life goes on without cars" Elisabeth Rosenthal writes about a small upscale community called Vauban, Germany where the residents are suburban pioneers. What made them pioneers was that they had given up their cars. Places like Vauban are becoming a trend in Europe, the U.S, and elsewhere to seperate subrban life from auto use as a component of a movement stated in the text as "Smart Planning." Also in Paris a law was passed, banning all cars for a couple days as presented in "Paris bans driving due to smog" Rober Duffer states that "Congestion was down 60 percent...after five-days of intesifying smog." This idea to solve the worlds pollution problem is working. Furthermore, this idea is also efficient. The idea need you to reduce your car usage and revert to other methods of travel, like bikes, skateboards, and public transportation. For example in "Car-free day is spinning into a big hit in Bogota" Andrew Selsky writes "millions of Columbians hiked, biked, skated or took buses to work during a car-free day...leaving the streets of this capital city eerily devoid of traffic jams." this event has going on for a while it's creating a revolution. This event has "seen the construction of 118 miles of bicycle paths." What about America? Well recent studies suggest thet Americans are buying fewer cars, driving less, and getting fewer licenses as each year goes by as stated in another Elisabeth Rosenthal article "The end of car culture". Also the article says "If the pattern will have beneficial implications for carbon emissions and the environment. Only the future will tell where this solution is headed. In conclusion to, the fact that an idea like this has been around for years and the amount of progress it has is amazing. The polution and green house problems are going out the window and were to blame for it.
Many people believe technology is becoming too advanced for our own good. Maybe they were right, technology is advancing at a rapid rate and can also invade one's privacy. In the article "Making Mona Lisa Smile" the author describes a new technology that enables computers to identify human emotions such as happy, sad, disgust, surprised, and a few other basic emotions. There is debate whether this software should become avaible in classrooms for students and if it is valuable. It is not very valuable, it is an invasion of privacy to use this software to read a students' emotional responses to their work. Schools around the world are becoming more and more advanced everyday. Students, freshman through seniors, at Floyd Central High School along with hundreds of tother high schools have ipads that students carry around and use in their everyday classes. If they were to have this new software it would not change very many things. "For example, if you smile when a web as appears on your screen, a similar ad might follow. But if your frown, the next ad will be different." What does web ads have to do with a student's education? This only shows that students will be recorded at all times through their ipads and/or computers while they do their school work. This is a huge invasion of privacy to students everywhere who might have to use this new emotional expression software. The article states, " "A classroom computer could regonize when a student is becoming confused or bored," Dr Huang predicts."Then it could modify the lesson, like the effective human instructor." " Though it sounds like a step towards the right direction in technology, students will be just as bored doing random classwork on a computer without emotion software watching their every move through a camera. Also, at least 60% of students do better with a teacher in front of them to help rather than learning things online. If this software acts as a effective human instructor, students will still grow confused because as the article states that " could probably tell how a friend is feeling simply by the look on her face.". A student will most likely do better just having a teacher because of the facial expressions or body language a teacher gives while teaching can help them better retain the information given rather than a screen teaching it to them, and if a teacher is doing a lecture in front of a class there is no need for a student to have out a laptop computer or an ipad unless it is called for that class and the teacher would be able to answer questions, not the computer. The Facial Action Coding System software should not be used in the classroom. It is not of value to a student's education, it would be a waste of money and time to install it onto student ipads or computers. It is a complete invasion of privacy to today's youth to be constantly looked at through a little camera just to see if they are confused or not when they could just simply raise their hand and ask a teacher. Though it has many benefits, it has more pros than cons. The article "Making Mona Lisa Smile" is supposed to convince the audience reading it that Facial Action Coding System software should be put in schools, reading it would make one feel the opposite.
Rows, upon rows, upon rows of students glued to a computer screen while a facial recognition technology scrambles to fix the plague of boredom that has overtaken the students. The new facial recognition technology could be valuble, but not nearly as valuble as teachers. Sure, the technology is cool and new but it cannot connect on the personal and emotionel level that a living, human techer can. Furthuring the development of facial recognition technology for the purpose of education is unnecessary. Teachers are one of the most important jobs there is, we can't just replace a teacher with a computer program. Some of the best and most memorable people is have ever met have been teachers. Humans are complex creatures and in the text the author states that the program can dectect just 6 basic emotion "Eckman has classified six basic emotions", how could it teach us better than a fellow human. Teachers also teach us not just lessons on school subjects but life lessons as well which a computer program cannot do. Although having a computer program teach might be cheaper in the long run as you don't have to pay them after you buy them, but think of what is really more valuable; education.
Some people think the Face was created by aliens. If you really think about it is just a natural landform. There are many reasons in why, it is just a natural landform. Being a scientidst at NASA is an important job. The people at NASA have many reasons why the Face is not an alien artifact. First, Cydonia became a prority for NASA when Mars Global Surveyor (MGS) arrived at the Red Planet in Sept. 1997, eighteen long years after the Viking missions ended which had a impact on the Face. Second, a cheif scientst for NASA's Mars Exploration Program said that " They felt this was important to taxpayers". I totally argree with him and what he said, it would be very important to the taxpayers.Then, "We photographged the Face as soon as we could get a good shoot at it". Many people had to play an important role to tell that NASA wasnt created by aliens. On April 5,1998, when Mars Global Surveyor flew over Cydonia for the first time a man named "Micheal Malin and his Mars Orbiter Camera (MOC) team snapped a picture ten times sharper than the orginal Viking photos." Thousands of anxious web surfers were waiting when the image first appeared on JPL website reveal a natural landform. There was no alien monument after all. Although many people werent yet quit satisfied. The camera on board MGS had to peer through wispy clouds to see the Face due to it being winter.They started to think " Perhaps, said skepticss, alien markings were hidden by the haze." Misson controllers began to prepare to look again. "It's not easy to target Cydonia, says Garvin." In fact its hard work". Many people still began to think that the Face was created by aliens. On April 8,2001 a cloudless day in Cydonia Mars Global Surveyor drew close enough for a second look. " We had to roll the spacecraft 25 degrees to center the Face in the field of view," said Garvin. "Malins team captured an extraordinary photo using the camera's abssolute maxium resolution." Each pixel in the 2001 images had spanned 1.56 meters, compared to 43 meters per pixel in the best 1976 Viking photo. The picture showed the Maritan equivalent of a butte or mesa landforms common around the American West. Many people thought that the Face was created by aliens, but turns out it was a natural landform. The NASA had to take mant steps for them to be able to complete this task. The NASA had took many important roles to find out if it was an natural landform. Being a scientist at NASA is an important job.