This discovery helped to establish yet another spectral class even cooler than L dwarfs , known as `` T dwarfs '' , for which Gliese 229B is the prototype .
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Putin was expected to formally register later in the day to run for president, a position he held from 2000-2008, a period in which he grew more authoritarian.
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#7-8 Despite the fog, other flights are reported to have landed safely leading up to the collision.
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The larva grows to about 120-130 mm , and pupates in an underground chamber .
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Gorbachev told the Interfax news agency that authorities must hold a fresh election or deal with a rising tide of discontent.
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It decomposes to arsenic trioxide , elemental arsenic and iodine when heated in air at 200 ° C.
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#4-6 In 1969 Cernan flew aboard Apollo 10, a flight to the Moon that rehearsed a descent but purposefully did not land in preparation for the Apollo 11 landing.
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Lebanon is sharply split along sectarian lines, with 18 religious sects.
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The fighting highlights how easily trouble in Syria can raise tensions in neighboring Lebanon, with which it shares a complex web of political and sectarian ties and rivalries.
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He said the victim died in the neighbourhood of Jabal Mohsen, populated mainly by members of Assad's Alawite sect, an offshoot of Shiite Islam.
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The Order was the first national decoration awarded by the Japanese Government , created on 10 April 1875 by decree of the Council of State .
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Police said suicide attackers wearing burqas struck at 6:15 am (0145 GMT), detonating a car bomb before clashing with guards.
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The EU believes the deficit will be 6.4 percent this year and will only be reduced by 0.1 percent in 2013.
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#36-14 A suggestion had been the addition of a canopy over the car's cockpit.
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#39-22 Hyza says they will "actively cooperate with Slovak police", and "express [their] sincere condolences to the bereaved families."
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Banking reform is seen as urgent by many analysts, with yields on benchmark Spanish bonds currently close to six percent, meaning the country faces very high borrowing costs.
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In Japan , rice with azuki beans ( 赤飯 ; sekihan ) is traditionally cooked for auspicious occasions .
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Police are appealing for information about anyone seen acting suspiciously lately at Bidston Hill, Bidston, to come forward.
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Her older sister, aged 21, lived at the rented house, in a recently built development at the back of the established housing estate.
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That period of intense regulatory scrutiny is a routine part of the purchasing process, as every company that makes more than 400 million yuan ($63 million) in China and 10 billion yuan ($1.6 billion) globally is subject to the process.
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An array of pro-Syrian parties support Assad's regime, as do many Lebanese citizens.
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And in the capital Damascus, regime forces raided the neighborhood of Qaboon, while snipers were stationed on the roofs of some buildings.
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#2-19 Robert added the group knew travel and work in the area was dangerous, and took precautions.
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The Spanish government source said the 30-billion euro provisions would have an impact in capital of about 20 billion which, added to another estimated 20 billion euros to rescue systemic lender Bankia SA and other smaller banks would make up the figure investors viewed as necessary.
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Eight Chinese fishing vessels were anchored off Scarborough Shoal, the Philippine government said on Wednesday, as Albert del Rosario, the country's foreign affairs secretary, called in Ma Keqing, the ambassador, for talks.
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The Screen Actors Guild Award ( also known as the SAG Award ) is an accolade given by the Screen Actors Guild‐American Federation of Television and Radio Artists ( SAG-AFTRA ) to recognize outstanding performances in film and primetime television .
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More than 12,000 people, the majority of them civilians, have died since the Syrian uprising began in March 2011, according to the watchdog, including more than 900 killed since the April 12 truce.
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A man and a woman questioned on suspicion of assisting an offender have been released.
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The government of Mariano Rajoy took the sweeping action just two days after it effectively took over the fourth-biggest bank, Bankia, to salvage its balance sheet, bulging with losses.
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The stretch of DNA transcribed into an RNA molecule is called a transcription unit and encodes at least one gene .
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Pygmalion is a play by George Bernard Shaw , named after a Greek mythological character .
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An anonymous author romanized the spelling to Loxodonta and the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature ( ICZN ) recognizes this as the proper authority .
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When police arrived they found a fatally injured 17-year-old girl in the front yard of the house, which is in a quiet neighborhood of single family residences.
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#9-11 Six of the ringleaders have been captured and sent to other facilities.
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The attack began with a suicide car bomb near the gate of the privately guarded compound, which sits off Jalalabad road — one of the main thoroughfares out of the city, Interior Ministry spokesman Sediq Sediqi said.
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The unsophisticated nature of the attack suggests little planning beyond having fighters and some explosives pre-positioned in the vicinity of Kabul.
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#32-6 However, he is listed on the Republican Party's website as one of 18 candidates and filed a Federal Election Commission (FEC) complaint against Fox News for his exclusion from the August 6 debate.
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#17-15 Mark Zuckerberg posted on Facebook "I'm so happy for all of my friends and everyone in our community who can finally celebrate their love and be recognized as equal couples under the law".
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#42-61 Wikinews: Are there any ethical considerations around exposing ants to toxins and parasites?
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In January 2011 , he was nominated for the Academy Award for Best Documentary for the film .
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#6-15 The Obama administration has seen what The New York Times calls an "unprecedented crackdown on leaks of government secrets."
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Two Chinese maritime surveillance ships, identified as Zhonggou Haijian 75 and Zhonggou Haijian 84, later approached and positioned themselves between the Philippine warship and the Chinese fishing vessels "thus preventing the arrests of the erring Chinese fishermen", the statement said.
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#28-28 Saying his lawyer had instructed him not to speak about the events of Saturday inside the home, Conley did have the following to say about the Jackson children: "They were growing up to be monsters, they were disrespectful, rude in school.
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#6-4 The information Manning released to the public through WikiLeaks and The Guardian in 2010 included diplomatic accounts, videos, military incident logs, and battle plans, including footage of an American Apache helicopter firing on suspected Iraqi insurgents, reports of prisoners held in Guantanamo Bay without trial, and records of detainees abused by the Iraqi military.
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The Chinese Embassy accused the Philippine warship of harassing the fishermen and called for it to leave Chinese territory.
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#42-86 There's conflicting evidence about whether sick ants actually smell different from healthy ones or not.
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#36-7 The following day, Indianapolis Motor Speedway president Doug Boles and Hulman & Company Mark Miles officially announced Wilson's death.
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Obama earlier dropped from night skies into Kabul on a brief visit amid secrecy and tight security and signed a deal with President Hamid Karzai, cementing 10 years of U.S. aid for Afghanistan after NATO combat troops leave in 2014.
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Many Syrians accuse Assad of exploiting that divide by unleashing Alawite gunmen known as "shabiha" who operate as hired muscle for the regime.
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#35-36 "In my judgment the common law," the judgement reads, "and in particular the principles of natural justice and fairness, would in a case such as this which involves the right to life, and the right to a fair trial, as well as powerful countervailing issues of public interest, compel the court to apply the most intense level of anxious scrutiny to the facts to ensure that the accused were not prejudiced."
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A spokeswoman for Merseyside Police said: "Crime scene investigators are in attendance at the scene and officers are appealing to anyone who may have seen anyone acting suspiciously on Bidston Hill over the last few days to come forward.
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It originated in , and was first introduced in 1983 in Japan as a grapefruit-flavored sports drink , as a response to a competitor 's brand of sports drink called Pocari Sweat .
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The statue was moved to the Accademia Gallery in Florence in 1873 , and later replaced at the original location by a replica .
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I believe that ignoring public opinion discredits the authorities and destabilises the situation.
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But Crocker said there would be no repeat of the 1990s when a withdrawal of Western backers in the wake of the Soviet withdrawal unleashed a vicious civil war out of which the Taliban and al Qaeda support bases arose.
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His speech came as an already difficult relationship with Mr Karzai has been strained by recent events, including the release of photos showing US soldiers posing with the remains of Taliban insurgents and a US staff sergeant who has been charged in the killing of 16 Afghan civilians.
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The state will put less than 15 billion euros into the latest of the four separate bank rescues that Spain has enacted over the past three years, de Guindos estimated.
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#11-7 When exposed to the laser, the primed mice would first stalk and then pounce on and bite any object in their enclosure, even objects without any food scent or prey value, like sticks and bottle caps.
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The Russian Union of Journalists on Wednesday condemned police violence and called for a probe into the dozens of attacks and arrests of journalists, describing them as "an attempt to gag and intimidate society."
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#4-4 He was an aviator in the United States Navy and logged more than 200 landings on aircraft carriers before becoming an astronaut in 1963.
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#36-12 The contract had previously been for two races, but after acquiring sponsorship, the deal was increased by five events; earlier in August, Wilson recorded a best finish of second at Mid-Ohio Sports Car Course.
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The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said dozens of others were wounded in the city, in the restive Homs province.
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On the diplomatic front, European Union foreign ministers meeting in Brussels on Monday agreed fresh sanctions against Syria, the 15th round so far to protest the relentless repression of dissidents by Assad's regime.
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#9-27 Camila Nunes, a sociologist of the Federal University of ABC, told the AFP "medium- and long-term policies to reduce the vulnerability of certain social groups [and] to prioritize prevention rather than repression" are needed.
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#42-26 WWikinews: What methods and equipment were used for this investigation?
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Tensions stemming from the 14-month-old uprising against President Bashar Assad also touched off clashes across the border in Lebanon as the revolt threatened to morph into a broader conflict.
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Hodgkin and Huxley 's findings led the pair to hypothesize the existence of ion channels , which were isolated only decades later .
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#5-11 His government stands accused by Human Rights Watch of not taking adequate measures to protect the nation's citizens.
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It is at this point that the audience realizes that Alcina genuinely loves Ruggiero ; from now until the end of the opera , she is depicted sympathetically .
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Al - ` Ain has a higher proportion of Emirati nationals than elsewhere in the country , but the majority of its residents are expatriates particularly from the Indian sub-continent .
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The motive for the killings was not known.
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However, Olli Rehn, the EU's monetary affairs chief, said the European Commission has full confidence in the determination of the Spanish government to meet the fiscal targets.
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World powers have backed the peace plan, which was put forward by U.N.-Arab League envoy Kofi Annan to end the crisis, but the bloodshed has not stopped.
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This reform will grant credibility and build confidence in the financial sector, increase credit flow in our country and lead to home sales at reasonable prices, Deputy Prime Minister Soraya Saenz de Santamaria said at a news conference.
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#23-2 Everson argues his exclusion violates Title 11 of the U.S. Code of Federal Regulations in that debate hosts must not "structure the debates to promote or advance one candidate over another", and must "use pre-established objective criteria to determine which candidates may participate in a debate."
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Republicans warily saluted Obama's war-zone trip but accused him of craven politics nonetheless.
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They will know that the United States can achieve our goals of destroying al-Qaida and denying it a safe haven, but at the same time we have the capacity to wind down this war and usher in a new era of peace here in Afghanistan.
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He spoke on condition of anonymity because of a lack of authority to discuss the situation with the media.
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Moments later, the neighbor said, Ms. Thomas, 33, emerged from her house and called her children to come back home.
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Demonstrations on Monday and Tuesday were an unusually sustained show of indignation for the Russian opposition.
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#35-9 The case attracted worldwide attention with Lin and Phyo confessing, before re-enacting the killing in front of the press.
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Also Sunday, two Turkish journalists who had been detained in Syria for two months arrived in Istanbul on a plane from Iran after that country helped negotiate their release by Syrian authorities.
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Foreign Affairs Secretary Albert del Rosario was seeking a diplomatic solution with Chinese Ambassador Ma Keqing, the TV network said.
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It's sad, even if they were troublemakers.
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It often accompanies this sound with flashing its brightly marked abdomen in a further attempt to deter its predators .
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#11-6 One set stimulated prey pursuit behavior, such as stalking, and the other stimulated the animal to use its jaw and neck muscles.
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#23-12 He alleges this was done to ensure the inclusion of the low-polling candidates former Hewlett-Packard CEO Carly Fiorina, former New York governor George Pataki, Senator Lindsey Graham, and former Virginia governor Jim Gilmore, because Fox News recognizes these candidates as "major players."
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Our stand since we agreed to acquire Motorola has not changed and we look forward to closing the deal, a Google spokesperson told AFP.
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#35-20 The case pits the two accused trying to defend a death penalty case against the possibility of jeopardising international relations; Thai police co-operated, but only in light of an agreement the report would be confidential.
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Before you make an unblock request , you should attentively read the policies and guidelines named in your block reason .
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The bombardment by regime forces resumed following the deadly clashes, it added.
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#42-30 We collected wild colonies of Formica fusca by searching through old tree-trunks in old logging sites in southern Finland.
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#12-5 Two lorries were partially crushed by the collapse, which was triggered when a digger on the back of a lorry struck the concrete bridge.
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#28-20 Tuesday, Conley was allowed to speak to reporters at an administrative segregation unit of the Harris County Jail.
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The mother of the children came out of the residence next door, called for the children to return home, at which time they left and went back to the house.
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EU sanctions Monday's violence further undermines a UN-backed peace plan that is supposed to bring an end to Syria's deadly crisis.
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#35-24 Both men say they were starved, suffocated, stripped naked, exposed to cold temperatures, beaten, threatened, and denied legal representation.
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The Russian Union of Journalists condemned police violence and called for a probe into the dozens of attacks and arrests of journalists, describing them as "an attempt to gag and intimidate society."
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#29-5 Martin, best known for spreading multiple conspiracy theories concerning the birth and religion of U.S. President Barack Obama, previously ran for the Democratic Party presidential nomination in 1988, and unsuccessfully sought the backing of the Republican Party in 2000 and 2012.
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China's official approval of the deal has been a long time coming - Google managed to score regulatory approvals from the U.S. Department of Justice and the European Commission back in February (on the same day no less), but China's anti-monopoly bureau leapt into action just a few days later.
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