#15-41 Rex Tillerson, proposed Secretary of State for the Trump administration, implied the troops would be staying put.
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But opposition parties and international observers said the vote was marred by widespread reports of vote-rigging.
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#32-3 After his departure, he briefly served as CEO of the American Red Cross, worked in the cabinet of Indiana governor Mitch Daniels, and worked for the tax consulting firm alliantgroup.
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A suicide attacker detonated a bomb at the gates of a compound used by foreigners in Kabul, Afghanistan, Wednesday, killing seven Afghans, officials said.
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Iran supports the Damascus regime, which since 15 March 2011 has faced an unprecedented popular revolt.
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#13-7 Although president-elect Donald Trump has called for a "repeal and replace" plan, saying that a new health care system would be enacted "almost simultaneously," many in government and the press have expressed doubts about whether this would actually happen.
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#30-11 Even before its enactment it saw widespread criticism.
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Israel's outgoing ambassador to Egypt arrived in Cairo on Sunday to bid farewell to former colleagues, after an attack on the Israeli mission in September forced its evacuation, according to a spokesman at Israel's Foreign Ministry in Jerusalem.
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In Spain, one in four of its workforce is without a job, and the latest prediction from the EU says Spain is going to stay in recession for some time to come.
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Google says authorities in China have approved its acquisition of Motorola Mobility.
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#12-6 Kent Police continue to investigate; Highways England have said they will await that probe's results before deciding if they will launch their own.
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By late morning, Santander, the eurozone's biggest bank by capital, had slumped 2.97 percent to 4.774 euros, number-two BBVA slid 2.62 percent to 5.171 euros and Banco Popular skidded 3.75 percent to 2.08 euros.
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The incident followed the killing in August of five Egyptian security guards by Israeli soldiers pursuing militants who had ambushed and killed eight Israelis along the Israeli-Egyptian border.
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He said the United States must see this battle through to a successful conclusion, although not one that involves nation-building.
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#25-7 Average hourly earnings rose 0.2%, marking a rebound after growth stalled in June.
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Analysts welcome the measures but accuse the government of reacting too late to a problem that was diagnosed years ago.
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But members of the opposition had urged Syrians to boycott the elections, saying a vote for any of the candidates amounted to a vote for al-Assad, whose family has ruled the country for 42 years.
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Fearing the prospect of facing other large armies and exhausted by years of campaigning , Alexander 's army mutinied at the Hyphasis River , refusing to march further east .
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Alexander succeeded his father , Philip II of Macedon , to the throne in 336 BC after Philip was assassinated .
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#5-1 Bomb kills at least 50 in Gao, Mali A vehicle packed with explosives was detonated this morning in Gao, Mali.
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This is not the definitive clean-up framework that the market is clamoring for, said Nicholas Spiro from Spiro Sovereign Strategy.
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The successive rounds of financial system reform have not helped to build the necessary credibility for the system, and short of a big bang solution that specifies where the money to recapitalize the banks is going to come from, today's (Friday's) reforms might disappoint markets, Barroso said in a note.
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The Britain-based monitoring group said initial reports indicated that three troop carriers were destroyed in the clashes that began at dawn on the outskirts of the rebel-held city, located in Homs province.
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Syria is overwhelmingly Sunni, but President Bashar Assad and the ruling elite belong to the minatory Alawite sect.
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Suicide bombers attacked a compound housing Westerners in Kabul on Wednesday hours after U.S. President Barack Obama signed a security pact during a short visit to a city that remains vulnerable to a resilient insurgency.
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Albert Del Rosario said he met ambassador Ma Keqing and both reaffirmed their governments' positions that the Scarborough Shoal where the ships are facing off was part of their own country's territory.
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In a statement on Wednesday, the Chinese Embassy said the two Chinese Marine Surveillance ships were sent in the area to safeguard China's maritime rights and interests after Philippine soldiers harassed the Chinese fishermen.
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Two Chinese marine surveillance ships are in this area fulfilling the duties of safeguarding Chinese maritime rights and interests, it said in a statement.
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Arovell 's headquarter lies in Gosau in Upper Austria and has subsidiaries in Vienna and Salzburg .
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Their strongest emissions are in the infrared ( IR ) spectrum , and ground-based IR detectors were too imprecise at that time to readily identify any brown dwarfs .
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Activists said at least 30 people died on Sunday - mainly civilians - as violence surged at flashpoints across the country despite an increase of UN observers.
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#13-6 Although the 51-48 vote was mostly along party lines, some Republicans have expressed uncertainty about repealing Obamacare before a replacement system is worked out.
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#26-4 According to police, the two fatalities do not have any obvious connection to the suspects, but did know each other.
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The assault raises fresh concern about the resilience of the insurgency on the anniversary of Osama bin Laden's death as NATO winds down its combat presence in the next two years and hands over responsibility for security to Afghan forces.
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It does not commit Washington to specific troop or funding levels for Afghanistan, though is meant to signal U.S. foes that despite ending the longest war in U.S. history, Washington intends to ensure Afghanistan does not revert to a haven for terror groups like al-Qaeda.
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#15-14 Szatkowski also mentioned Russian action in Ukraine, which he called "aggressive actions in our vicinity".
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The Taliban said the assault was a riposte to Obama, who just hours earlier signed a new partnership pact in Kabul to govern Afghan-US relations after 2014 -- a deal the insurgents dismissed as "illegitimate".
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The gradual accumulation of decayed plant material in a bog functions as a carbon sink .
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The Observatory said Rastan, which lies 180km (120 miles) north of Damascus, was subjected to sustained shelling overnight, leaving dozens of people injured.
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#26-12 According to the paper, the victims were not local residents, but did have a connection with Västerås, where they were vacationing at the time of the attack, which a police spokesperson has called "an act of madness"((sv)).
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Sunday's parliamentary vote suggested Russians are tiring of Mr Putin and his United Russia party and allegations of vote-rigging have fired up the opposition, which has long seen its protests crushed and its pleas ignored by the Kremlin-dominated media.
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It said Panatag Shoal is an integral part of Philippine territory, 124 nautical miles from the nearest base-point in Zambales.
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A monument to the Virgin Mary is located on top of El Panecillo and is visible from most of the city of Quito .
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The shootings are the worst homicides to take place in Brevard County since 1987.
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#26-4 According to police, the two fatalities do not have any obvious connection to the suspects, but did know each other.
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The incident not only underscores the difficulties that remain as Afghan security forces take control of increasingly larger share of the country, but also the potential fallout from the Afghan insurgency during high-profile visits.
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Russian authorities should annul the parliamentary vote results and hold a new election, ex-Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev urged Wednesday as popular indignation grew over widespread reports of alleged election fraud.
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Authorities said Tuesday at least 51,500 police officers and 2,000 Interior Ministry troops have been deployed in Moscow since the election.
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Among the dead were a Shiite imam, Sheikh Abbas al-Laham, who leads the prayers in the Ruqayya mosque in Damascus, a revered place of pilgrimage for many religious Iranians.
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Wikipedia admins can never be absolutely sure about sockpuppetry , and the most abusive users can be very devious in attempting to evade detection .
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Russian authorities should annul the parliamentary vote results and hold a new election, ex-Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev urged Wednesday as popular indignation grew over widespread reports of alleged election fraud.
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Mr. Gorbachev spoke to the Interfax news agency as public indignation was rising over reported election fraud in Sunday's election.
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Obama's emphasis on a long-term U.S. commitment to Afghanistan reflects a lingering worry about the threat of a Taliban resurgence after 2014, when U.S. and NATO combat forces are scheduled to leave.
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The barren islands, reefs and coral outcrops are believed to be in rich in oil and gas and the overlapping claims have long been feared as Asia's next flashpoint for armed conflict.
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Gorbachev added that authorities "must admit that there have been numerous falsifications and ballot stuffing."
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Speaking from the country where the September 11 terrorist attacks were incubated, Mr Obama suggested America had come full circle.''
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Activists said at least 30 people died on Sunday - mainly civilians - as violence surged at flashpoints across the country despite an increase of UN observers.
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#35-36 "In my judgment the common law," the judgement reads, "and in particular the principles of natural justice and fairness, would in a case such as this which involves the right to life, and the right to a fair trial, as well as powerful countervailing issues of public interest, compel the court to apply the most intense level of anxious scrutiny to the facts to ensure that the accused were not prejudiced."
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The modern version of this honor has been conferred on non-Japanese recipients beginning in 1981 ( although several foreigners were given the honor before World War II ) ; and women were awarded the Order starting in 2003 ( previously , women were awarded the Order of the Precious Crown ) .
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By alighting in Afghanistan on the anniversary of the raid that killed Sept. 11 mastermind Osama bin Laden, Obama was also making an unsubtle show of the power of the presidency.
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The militants vowed to continue their armed struggle "against all the contents of this illegitimate document until the full withdrawal of all invading forces and their puppets" -- referring to the Karzai government.
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I would wish to extend my thoughts and prayers to the family and friends of the victim at this terrible time.
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#28-7 David Conley, 49, was arrested by the HSCO and subsequently charged with the crimes.
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Kirill Kudryavtsev / AFP - Getty Images Police officers surround Russian opposition leader Boris Nemtsov, who was detained while taking part in an unauthorized rally at the Triumfalnaya Square in central Moscow late on Tuesday.
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Chernov was born in Lithuania to Russian parents , and migrated with his family to Salzburg , Austria where he commenced his schooling .
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Google defended itself saying it has no intentions of giving Motorola special treatment over other Android-running OEMs such as HTC, Samsung, and LG.
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An account with a username that uses hateful or obscene language or otherwise indicates disruptive or provocative intent will be hard blocked , meaning that an unblock request will be required .
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The Taliban claimed responsibility for the attack which involved a car bomb and insurgents disguised as women on the eastern outskirts of the capital, killing seven people, a Gurkha guard and six passers-by, and wounding 17.
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Pearl S. Buck died of lung cancer on March 6 , 1973 , in Danby , Vermont , and was interred in Green Hills Farm in Perkasie , Pennsylvania .
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His satirical street art and subversive epigrams combine dark humor with graffiti executed in a distinctive stencilling technique .
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Brevard County was the scene of six homicides in 2011, Goodyear said.
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#5-4 Northern Mali was seized by Islamic militants in 2012, with France leading a military intervention the following year.
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#30-19 "We would have preferred a different solution but they have the legal right to impose the fine,” Portillo said, but the public posting of the photo impugned the officers' sense of honor.
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