Nine people were reportedly killed in the bombardment.
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Bankia, in which the state is taking a 45-per cent stake as a crisis measure to save it from crippling bad loans, had 37.5bn euros in exposure to the property sector at the end of 2011.
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A cease-fire that was supposed to begin on April 12 has had only a limited effect, throwing into doubt the rest of the plan that calls for talks between Assad's regime and those seeking to end his rule.
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#21-15 Eventually, F1 mandated the use of the "virtual safety car", which requires drivers to enter the pit lane at slower speeds instead of proceeding around the track.
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#6-3 Artist's rendition of Manning as she views herself.
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Tensions stemming from the 14-month-old uprising against President Bashar Assad also touched off clashes across the border in Lebanon as the revolt threatened to morph into a broader conflict.
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The official spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to speak to the press.
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#42-22 After a while I needed to start thinking about an internship for my M.Sc.
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#28-18 Once again, a tragedy has struck…our city.
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#27-9 South Korea's Ministry of Unification told both Reuters and BBC it was monitoring the situation but Choe has not been seen publicly since December.
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Spanish bank restructuring is a moving target: the deeper the economic downturn, the greater the uncertainty about the size of the sector's provisioning needs.
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Although Sunday's election results signal Putin's return to the presidency in next March's poll may not be as easy as he expected, he has downplayed the reduced majority.
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The family have asked me to appeal to the media for privacy as they seek to come to terms with this tragedy in the coming days.
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Putin was expected to formally register on Wednesday to run for president, a position he held from 2000-2008, a period in which he grew more authoritarian.
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#30-18 The part of the law which prohibits "the unauthorized use of images of police officers that might jeopardize their or their family's safety" is cited as the reason for the fine, however, police spokesperson Fernando Portillo said it was up to police officers involved and under the new law they could do this.
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We do feel we are prevailing in this with our Afghan partners, he said.
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The agreement was long sought by the U.S.-backed government of Afghan President Hamid Karzai, the perpetually skittish leader who has publicly voiced fears of what would befall his country if the United States quickly packed up and left.
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Earlier this year, the government had obliged Spanish banks to find 54 billion euros of extra capital to shield against bad loans.
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Regime forces launched an offensive on Rastan at the weekend but met with sharp resistance from rebels seeking the ouster of the regime of President Bashar al-Assad.
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In April 2003 , Apple brought mainstream attention to AAC by announcing that its iTunes and iPod products would support songs in MPEG-4 AAC format ( via a firmware update for older iPods ) .
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Police are appealing for information about anyone seen acting suspiciously lately at Bidston Hill, Bidston, to come forward.
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That prompted the Chinese surveillance ships to insert themselves into the situation.
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#9-18 PCC and Comando Vermelho cooperated on drug trade from mid-1990s to reportedly summer 2016.
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A Florida mother who fatally shot her four children before killing herself Tuesday called three of the kids who had sought help from a neighbor back to the house before firing the fatal shots, authorities said.
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#24-13 According to the resort's manager Mr. Naseem, the bigger pieces of debris and other waste were taken away and disposed of in the usual way.
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In the latest effort to isolate Syria internationally, European Union foreign ministers agreed fresh sanctions against the country on Monday, the 15th round so far to protest against the repression of dissidents.
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In announcing the Motorola Mobility acquisition in August, Google chief executive Larry Page said it will "enable us to better protect Android from anti-competitive threats from Microsoft, Apple and other companies."
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The agreement pledges ongoing U.S. support for Afghanistan after 88,000 U.S. combat forces leave.
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#24-8 That prompted authorities to launch an investigation into the debris, but before it could be examined, it had already been sent away for disposal.
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#41-6 Roadworkers became suspicious of dark liquid seeping from the vehicle, and responding police found the bodies.
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#21-18 Upon the news of his death, many drivers sent their condolences through social media.
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#37-1 Guatemalan Supreme Court approves impeachment of President Molina Yesterday in Guatemala, the Supreme Court approved the attorney general's request to impeach President Otto Pérez Molina.
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But Crocker said there would be no repeat of the 1990s when a withdrawal of Western backers in the wake of the Soviet withdrawal unleashed a vicious civil war out of which the Taliban and al Qaeda support bases arose.
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#21-10 Bianchi, the 2007 French Formula Renault and 2009 Formula 3 Euro Series champion, was the inaugural member of the Ferrari Driver Academy.
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It has been an ongoing problem on our street with them, Hudson said.
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Many Egyptians view Israel, which signed a peace treaty with Egypt in 1979 after four wars between the two countries, with hostility.
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In the latest Washington Post-ABC News poll, two-thirds of Americans said they think the decade-long battle there has not been worth the costs it has incurred; nearly half the country feels strongly that way.
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#9-7 It continued until the security forces quelled the riot on Sunday at around 7:15 a.m..
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Hundreds were beaten and detained.
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#31-7 Military authorities said Muslim insurgents from the country's southern provinces are unlikely to be behind the attack.
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Alfons Maria Mucha ( Czech pronunciation : ( ˈalfons ˈmuxa ) ( listen ) ; 24 July 1860 - 14 July 1939 ) , known in English as Alphonse Mucha , was a Czech Art Nouveau painter and decorative artist , known best for his distinct style .
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A lieutenant who had defected was also killed in the clashes.
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Her 21-year-old sister remains critically ill in hospital.
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#9-4 Prison authorities said that some victims were decapitated.
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Street battles pitting Lebanese Sunnis — who generally support the Syrian uprising — against Alawite supporters of Assad's regime killed one person Monday, raising the death toll to four since Sunday.
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The pact envisions wide-ranging U.S. involvement in Afghan economic and security affairs for a decade, if only as an adviser or underwriter.
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#2-3 The lowest estimate from Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) is of 50 dead.
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Playing down the significance of Yitzhak Levanon's trip, the official, who asked not to be identified, said the ambassador went to Egypt on Saturday for farewell meetings with foreign and Egyptian diplomats before his retirement.
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#2-17 The Red Cross said it has staff and facilities ready in neighbouring Cameroon and Chad to assist.
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Even after the U.S. combat mission is concluded in 2014, it is likely that thousands of U.S. troops will remain for some years to conduct counterterrorism strikes and otherwise train and advise Afghan forces, and help the Afghans collect and exploit intelligence on insurgents and other military targets.
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#6-16 Manning is among more than 1,500 individuals whom President Obama has granted clemency during his tenure.
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Brevard County Sheriff's deputies say Tanya Thomas shot and killed her four children who ranged in age from 12 to 17 A Florida mother who fatally shot her four children before killing herself Tuesday called three of the kids who had sought help from a neighbor back to the house before firing the fatal shots, authorities said.
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An account with a username that uses hateful or obscene language or otherwise indicates disruptive or provocative intent will be hard blocked , meaning that an unblock request will be required .
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The festival is now operated by Aldeburgh Music , which also runs the Britten-Pears Young Artist Programme ( formerly the Britten-Pears School for Advanced Musical Studies ) , Aldeburgh Residencies - a program offering bespoke training and development opportunities to UK and international artists - as well as an extensive education program .
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The state will have to raise money on debt markets for the loans to the banks, which will be made through an instrument known as contingent convertibles, or CoCos, which carry the risk that the state ends up with ownership of still-troubled banks.
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As the front pair wears down and drops out in pieces , the back pair shifts forward , and two new molars emerge in the back of the mouth .
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The assault raises fresh concern about the resilience of the insurgency on the anniversary of Osama bin Laden's death as NATO winds down its combat presence in the next two years and hands over responsibility for security to Afghan forces.
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As we emerge from a decade of conflict abroad and economic crisis at home, it's time to renew America, Obama said, speaking against a backdrop of armored vehicles and a U.S. flag.
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#38-7 A brief police chase ensued several hours later when law enforcement attempted unsuccessfully to pull Flanagan over on Interstate 66 in Fauquier County.
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The EU ministers agreed to an assets freeze and visa ban on two firms and three people believed to provide funding for the regime, according to the office of EU foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton.
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The bean was first unearthed at Awazu-kotei Ruin of Japanese mid Jōmon period in 4000BC , and later it was commonly found on many Jomon ruins in 4000BC to 2000BC in Japan .
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The Taliban said it was in response to Obama's visit and to the strategic partnership deal he signed with Afghan President Hamid Karzai, a pact that sets out a long-term U.S. role after most foreign combat troops leave by the end of 2014.
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Angers proper has a population of 157,000 inhabitants , while c. 283,000 live in its metropolitan area .
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The original intention was to provide a home for their opera company , the English Opera Group , but the vision was soon widened to include readings of poetry , literature , drama , lectures and exhibitions of art .
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National security expert Michael O'Hanlon of the Brookings Institution said he is more encouraged about the prospects for success in Afghanistan after President Obama's speech.
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The DFA said a Philippine Navy surveillance aircraft monitored eight Chinese fishing vessels anchored inside the Panatag (Scarborough) Shoal in the West Philippine Sea on Sunday, April 8.
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#30-15 All opinion polls indicate that the Spanish society is not at all preoccupied by security but by the economic situation and political corruption."
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A local witness said a separate group of attackers disguised in burqas — the head-to-toe robes worn by conservative Afghan women — then tried to storm the compound.
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#42-75 I have no doubt that as time goes on, there will be more and more cases documented.
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Brevard County Sheriff's Lt Tod Goodyear said the neighbour called 911 after being awoken by gunshots coming from a home in Port St John, east of Orlando, at 4.50am local time.
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The following day, child welfare investigators visited the house to look into allegations of inadequate supervision of the children.
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#1-11 Next week, on January 24, the Supreme Court is due to deliver a decision in a case challenging the government's right to issue Article 50—which starts the Brexit negotiations—without the consultation of Parliament.
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The cleric was assassinated by unidentified gunmen in Damascus, the Observatory said.
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Aviation altitude is measured using either Mean Sea Level ( MSL ) or local ground level ( Above Ground Level , or AGL ) as the reference datum .
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In 1964 , to support children who were not eligible for adoption , Buck established the Pearl S. Buck Foundation ( now called Pearl S. Buck International ) to `` address poverty and discrimination faced by children in Asian countries . ''
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Thousands of security forces were out in the Russian capital and helicopters roamed the sky Wednesday, a show of force following protests over scandal-marred elections that saw Prime Minister Vladimir Putin's party struggle to keep a majority.
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The Philippines foreign secretary has said he and the Chinese ambassador have agreed to resolve diplomatically a stand-off involving a Philippine warship and two Chinese surveillance vessels in a disputed area of the South China Sea.
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In an election-year address, Obama presented himself as a commander-in-chief capable of ending two long wars, following the US withdrawal from Iraq, and crushing Al-Qaeda, and tried to conjure up a new dawn for a US public exhausted by conflict and recession.
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#15-30 The flight was carrying high-profile political figures to attend a ceremony commemorating the 70th anniversary of the Katyn massacre, when thousands of Polish prisoners of war and civilians were killed by the Soviets.
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The passing of Aboriginal land rights legislaton in Australia was preceded by a number of important Aboriginal protests , including the 1946 Aboriginal Stockmen 's Strike , the 1963 Yolngu Bark Petition , and the 1966 Wave Hill Walk-Off , as well as the Aboriginal Lands Trust Act 1966 ( SA ) , which established the South Australian Aboriginal Lands Trust .
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In the latest effort to isolate Syria internationally, European Union foreign ministers agreed fresh sanctions against the country on Monday, the 15th round so far to protest against the repression of dissidents.
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Of that total €31.8bn were classed as problematic.
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#42-44 We measured the ROS-concentration in the bodies of ants after they ingested the food with the medicine using a spectrophotometer.
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A definitive clean-up of troubled banks, as well as an accelerated 2014 budget, are among a package of reforms that could win centre-right Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy more time from the European Union to hit tough deficit targets, EU sources have told Reuters.
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The acquisition is the largest wireless-equipment deal in at least a decade, according to data compiled by Bloomberg.
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#23-6 Fox News claims Everson fails to meet the criteria it established for Thursday's two debates.
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Companies must raise £28 trillion Chinese sovereign wealth fund stops buying Euro debt Surprise weakening in China import and exports Spain nationalises Bankia as euro crisis escalates Germany warns Greece 'no bailout agreement, no aid' Bankia, in which the state is taking a 45pc stake as a crisis measure to save it from crippling bad loans, had €37.5bn in exposure to the property sector at the end of 2011.
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Russian news agencies reported about demonstrators d200 were arrested at a similar attempt to hold an unsanctioned rally in St Petersburg and another 25 in the southern city of Rostov-on-Don.
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He said: "This family is clearly deeply shocked and traumatised by what has happened over the weekend.
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Mature kauri trees have characteristically large trunks , forming a bole with little or no branching below the crown .
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Clashes that began Sunday in Lebanon ignited over the arrest of Islamist activist Chadi Mawlawi, who the Lebanese government accuses of being an operative in Al-Qaeda-inspired group.
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He said authorities have received previous calls from Thomas' home pertaining to domestic violence.
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Clashes that began Sunday in Lebanon ignited over the arrest of Islamist activist Chadi Mawlawi, who the Lebanese government accuses of being an operative in Al-Qaeda-inspired group.
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On the anniversary of bin Laden's killing, Crocker said he did not believe there would be a sole turning point in the war.
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He decorated the Bosnia and Herzegovina Pavilion and collaborated with decorating the Austrian Pavilion .
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#8-8 I want to continue playing at the highest level and win as many trophies as possible."
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The two sides are the legacy of, and backlash against, Syria's virtual rule over Lebanon from 1976 to 2005 and its continued influence since.
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#34-8 "Commanders of the Korean People's Army were hastily dispatched to the front-line troops to command military operations to destroy psychological warfare tools if the enemy does not stop the propaganda broadcast within 48 hours and prepare against the enemy's possible counteractions," added KCNA.
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Mr Del Rosario said that despite the impasse, "we resolved to seek a diplomatic solution to the issue".
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Taliban bombers attacked a heavily fortified guesthouse used by Westerners in Kabul on Wednesday, announcing the start of their annual in defiance of calls from visiting US President Barack Obama that the war was ending.
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