One of the most common symptoms of kidney stones is excruciating pain. In fact, plenty of women describe this pain as being worse than giving birth — yes, in some cases, the pain is really that agonizing. That being said, the pain level differs from one person to another. If the kidney stone doesn’t cause an obstruction when it moves through your urinary tract, you might not feel any pain. But some might feel pain in their backs, close to where the kidneys are, which is below the ribcage or lower groin or abdomen. Why does it feel so painful when kidney stones pass? Let’s say your urinary tract system is the plumbing system of your body. Your kidney produces urine that goes directly into your urethra, which is a small tube used for transporting urine from your kidney to your bladder. Your bladder will then pass the urine when it’s full. When you pass a kidney stone, it will travel from your kidney, pass your bladder, and pass through the entire urethra. The passing kidney stone is very painful because your kidney is immensely sensitive, so when a kidney stone is clogging your urine flow, it can put an enormous strain on your kidney, causing excruciating pain. How does a passing kidney stone feel like exactly? The level and feeling of pain differ from person to person, and the location of the pain could change as your kidney stone travels from your kidney to your bladder. When it’s traveling to the urethra, you might feel pain in your back, side, or flank, and if it becomes stuck in the location where your kidney connects to your urethra, your pain might feel excruciating. This specific kind of pain tends to appear and disappear in 10–30 minutes and could spread to your front thigh or groin area. It is also very crucial to note that as your kidney stone travels through your urethra, it could feel very similar to pain symptoms of other health conditions. For instance, if your stone is passing on the left side of your body, the pain you feel might be akin to pain symptoms of inflammation, diverticulitis, or a large or small intestine infection. If it’s on the right side of your body, you might mistake it for pain symptoms of appendix inflammation or appendicitis. In addition, when the stone is finding its way into your bladder, your pain might be mistaken for a UTI or urinary tract infection. How long will I feel pain from a kidney stone? The answer to this would depend on how long it would take your body to pass the kidney stone, which could be several days to several weeks, depending on where it is and how big it is. If you’ve had kidney stones before, and if you haven’t yet, it’s best that you work with your family doctor in South Jordan to come up with strategies that will help you prevent the recurrence of kidney stones. In most cases, certain lifestyle and dietary changes, increasing your fluid intake, and medications could help lower your risk of developing kidney stones again.
The importance of adaptation for a religion depends on the context and the goals of the religious community. Religions often have ancient scriptures, rituals, and practices that may need to be reevaluated or reinterpreted in light of societal changes, scientific advancements, and evolving moral values. Adapting to the modern world can help a religion remain relevant, address contemporary challenges, and provide guidance to its followers. Some argue that excessive adaptation may dilute the essence of a religion, leading to a loss of authenticity or becoming a “shell of its former self.” Others believe that adaptation is essential for a religion to remain vibrant and meaningful in a changing world. The need for reform within a religion does not necessarily reflect negatively on the usefulness of the religion as a whole. Religious reform can be seen as an opportunity for growth, introspection, and renewal, allowing a religion to better serve its followers and contribute positively to society. I agree with your statement. The importance of adaptation for a religion depends on the context and the goals of the religious community. Some religions may be more open to change than others, and some may have a stronger need to adapt in order to remain relevant. Ultimately, the decision of whether or not to adapt is up to the individual religious community. There are a number of reasons why a religion might choose to adapt. One reason is to address contemporary challenges. For example, many religions are now grappling with issues such as climate change, poverty, and social injustice. By adapting their teachings and practices, religions can help their followers to address these challenges in a meaningful way. Another reason why a religion might choose to adapt is to remain relevant. In a rapidly changing world, religions that do not adapt may find themselves becoming increasingly marginalized. By adapting to the modern world, religions can ensure that they continue to have a meaningful impact on the lives of their followers. Of course, there are also risks associated with adapting a religion. Some people worry that excessive adaptation may dilute the essence of a religion, leading to a loss of authenticity or becoming a “shell of its former self.” Others worry that adapting a religion may alienate its traditional followers. The decision of whether or not to adapt is a complex one, and there is no easy answer. However, it is important to remember that adaptation does not necessarily mean a loss of authenticity or tradition. In fact, adaptation can be seen as an opportunity for growth, introspection, and renewal. By adapting to the modern world, religions can ensure that they continue to be relevant and meaningful to their followers.
Consumers are more conscious than ever of where their food comes from, how it was produced and how it’s been handled throughout its journey from farm to table. Today’s consumers are also growing more and more conscious of how their own decisions – including which brands they support – are impacting the environment. Because of this, transparency and sustainability in the food chain is adopting increasing importance for consumers. Transparency in the food and beverage supply chain promotes accountability, trust, and sustainability. To meet those demands for transparency, food and beverage manufacturers must use technology to track where their ingredients come from, and the processes used, to build trust with both customers and consumers. It all starts with the farmer. There is incredible potential for farmers to collect more data and then to leverage this information to improve everything from the amount of water they use to irrigate their crops to how much they charge for their products when they sell them on down the supply chain. Digital agriculture can optimise complex farming operations with data-led insights, and ERP solutions can provide insights into how to differentiate products and distribution to meet market requirements while providing traceability and transparency around food and beverage origins. Without a level of transparency right at the start, the transparency of the entire supply chain falters. Sustainability is top of mind for consumers The origins of the raw materials for the food and beverage industry matter because although sustainability has been at the forefront of consumers’ minds for some time, this trend is set to continue to evolve as a top priority. In fact, according to a Nielsen Food Industry report, 65% of shoppers say they would switch from a brand they usually buy to another brand that is more transparent about its products’ origins and supply chain, including values-based information such as animal welfare and fair trade. Equally, in a recent IDC industry survey, nearly 30% of food and beverage decision-makers considered customer demand for eco-friendly products and offerings as the top factor motivating organisational change toward greater sustainability. Manufacturers are alert to the need to show where and how their goods are produced, and to share that information with their customers and stakeholders. Technology is an enabler for the food & beverage industry For those in the food and beverage industry, technology is the most powerful way to gain a competitive advantage. For example, automation and robotics can help improve productivity, particularly for food manufacturing businesses. Sensors and predictive analytics can improve competitiveness by reducing water and energy consumption, as well as minimising equipment downtime for manufacturers. Manufacturers can track and trace the origins of goods in the supply chain using cloud-based services and technologies such as AI, blockchain and Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) devices. Tools such as barcodes, QR codes, and RFID tags also play a part in providing unique identifiers for products and can be scanned at each stage of the supply chain, providing real-time information about the origin, manufacturing and handling of the products. Food safety is also top of mind, for both consumers and food manufacturers – we’ve all seen the headlines when a food manufacturer has fallen short on food safety standards, with disastrous effects on the manufacturer’s corporate reputation and bottom line. Manufacturers can deploy IIot devices and sensors throughout the supply chain, and use the data collected from these devices to monitor and maintain the quality, safety and freshness of their products, with an ERP system providing alerts if certain safety parameters, such as temperature deviations, are breached. Technology and digital platforms also help manufacturers communicate more effectively with the disparate elements of their supply chain. Enabling real-time sharing of information through cloud-based platforms encourages accountability and promotes collaboration across the supply chain. All these digital elements help businesses manage data in real time, increase traceability of materials, and improve compliance. Analytics support manufacturers’ operations With increasing numbers of IIoT devices throughout the supply chain generating massive amounts of data, manufacturers must analyze this data to derive value. By evaluating this data, patterns and trends can be identified, allowing manufacturers to respond with proactive decision-making and risk management. Data analytics can help manufacturers identify inefficiencies, reduce waste and optimize their inventory management to maximize productivity. Improving forecasting accuracy using data analytics is another way for manufacturers to ensure that their products are responding to market needs. Using ERP software throughout the supply chain can help manufacturers provide transparency, build more sustainable practices into the supply chain, facilitate efficient tracking and planning, and reduce food manufacturing’s carbon footprint. This enables food and beverage manufacturers to respond better to market demands while meeting the needs for traceability, with the added benefit of providing reporting tools for compliance and ESG reporting. With the right ERP solution in place, manufacturers can optimize their processes and set themselves up for successful growth and profitability. By Mark Wilson, CEO, SYSPRO EMEA & APAC
On-Grid: An on-grid system is interconnected with your existing electrical system. The solar energy generated is simultaneously consumed, and if the solar panels are not generating sufficient energy to cater to your consumption, the differential is automatically sourced from the grid. It is also possible to connect the system with batteries, home inverters, diesel generators, etc. Off Grid: An off-grid system is an independent, battery-backed Solar PV system which is not connected with grid. During daytime, solar energy generated runs your appliances. Any excess energy is stored in the batteries, which can be utilized at night. Off-grid systems are used for standalone applications like traffic & streetlights, billboards, agricultural pumps, telecom towers, rural applications, etc.
Data Science Literacy - 8 courses - 22 hours - Skill IQ Data science is a diverse field where scientific methods, software programming, and data analytics combine to glean insights from data, communicate those insights, and empower a business to take appropriate actions. This skill path provides foundational knowledge behind data science, specifically with its application in Microsoft Azure. Courses in this path This section teaches fundamental objectives around representing, processing, and shaping data for analysis, and communicating data to others. In this section, you will apply descriptive statistics to data, use simple statistical models like regression, and design experiments to gain more insight into your problem domain. This part of the skill helps you apply statistical models to business problems, and to identify and mitigate factors that impact your models.
Political Rights Score: 1 Civil Liberties Score: 1 The Conservatives scored gains in Canada's national elections in October 2008, though the margin of victory fell short of a majority. Prime Minister Stephen Harper suspended Parliament in December, thereby postponing a vote of confidence that his Conservative government was likely to lose. The country also continued to face controversies over freedom of expression during the year with the investigation of journalists who had written commentaries critical of Muslims and minority groups. Colonized by French and British settlers in the 17th and 18th centuries, Canada was secured by the British Crown under the terms of the Treaty of Paris in 1763. After granting home rule in 1867, Britain retained a theoretical right to override the Canadian Parliament until 1982, when Canadians established complete control over their own constitution. After a dozen years of center-left Liberal Party rule, the Conservative Party emerged from the 2006 parliamentary elections with a plurality and established a fragile minority government. The Conservatives' status was weakened, however, in 2007 by setbacks in several provincial elections, most notably in Ontario. The Conservative provincial government there had advocated expanding state assistance for religious schools to include a variety of faiths; state aid had long been restricted to schools operated by the Roman Catholic Church. The electorate apparently rejected the proposal, dealing the Conservatives a major blow at the polls. The Conservative Party rebounded in October 2008 national elections, gaining 19 seats in Parliament for a total of 143, although the margin of victory still fell short of a majority. The Liberal Party, the principal opposition party, lost 26 seats for a total of 77. The Liberals subsequently formed an alliance with the social democratic New Democratic Party (NDP) and the Quebec-based Bloc Quebecois, in an attempt to displace the Conservatives with a coalition government. Prime Minister Stephen Harper, the leader of the Conservative Party, suspended Parliament in December to prevent a confidence vote, which his government was likely to lose. Meanwhile, advocates of press freedom and freedom of expression have grown increasingly concerned over legal cases filed against journalists who wrote critically about Muslims and Islam, as well as other minority groups. In one case, four Muslim law students filed a grievance in 2006 against Mark Steyn, a columnist, and Maclean's, a prominent magazine, in response to a 2006 article featuring the argument that Muslims would eventually dominate the world due to current demographic trends. In another case, charges were brought by a Muslim leader in February 2006 against the publisher of the Western Standard after the newspaper republished controversial Danish cartoons that had lampooned the prophet Muhammad. The federal human rights commission also began proceedings in October 2008 against Jim Pankiw, a former member of parliament from Saskatchewan, for material he had included in mailings to constituents that was allegedly offensive to indigenous Canadians. Journalists' associations and press freedom organizations have argued that the willingness of government entities to give such complaints a hearing could send disturbing signals about the freedom to publish articles on certain contentious subjects. Since the 2001 terrorist attacks on the United States, Canada has struggled to find a balance between ensuring the country's security and safeguarding civil liberties. A number of laws adopted soon after the 2001 attacks have been modified or struck down by the courts. While Canada itself has not been the victim of a terrorist attack in recent years, Canadian citizens have been arrested in the United States and elsewhere on charges of conspiring to commit such attacks. In May 2008 the Supreme Court determined that the United States violated the rights of Omar Khadr, a Canadian who had been held at the Guantanamo Bay prison facility since the age of 15. The court rebuked the Canadian government for having allowed its intelligence agents to interview Khadr and share information with U.S. officials. In October 2008 an inquiry led by a former Supreme Court justice found that Canadian officials had acted improperly by providing inflammatory information to the United States about three Canadian citizens. The three, all Muslims, were detained and tortured during visits to Syria. Debate intensified in 2007 over Canadian troops' participation in a NATO-led mission to fight a resurgent Taliban militia in Afghanistan. Canadian forces have suffered a number of casualties during the conflict, and critics noted that Canada's troops were fighting in Afghanistan's volatile southern provinces while a number of other NATO countries restricted their forces to noncombat missions in the relatively peaceful north. In January 2008, the government announced its intention to extend its mission in Afghanistan to 2011, but added a condition that the commitment would be fulfilled only if at least one other NATO country assigned 1,000 or more troops to the violent province of Kandahar. The policy was endorsed in a parliamentary vote, with the support of the Liberal opposition but not other opposition parties. Political Rights and Civil Liberties Canada is an electoral democracy. The country is governed by a prime minister, a cabinet, and Parliament, which consists of an elected 308-member House of Commons and an appointed 105-member Senate. Senators may serve until age 75, and elections for the lower house have been held at least every five years. However, a law enacted in 2007 stipulated that lower-house elections would be held every four years, with early elections called only if the government lost a parliamentary no-confidence vote. The British monarch remains head of state, represented by a ceremonial governor-general who is appointed on the advice of the prime minister. As a result of government canvassing, Canada has nearly 100 percent voter registration. Prisoners have the right to vote in federal elections, as do citizens who have lived abroad for fewer than five years. However, voter turnout in the 2008 election, at 60 percent, was one of the lowest in Canadian history. Political parties operate freely. The main parties are the Conservative Party, the Liberal Party, the Bloc Quebecois, and the NDP. Civil liberties have been protected since 1982 by the federal Charter of Rights and Freedoms, but are limited by the constitutional "notwithstanding" clause, which permits provincial governments to exempt themselves with respect to individual provisions in their jurisdictions. Quebec has used the clause to retain its provincial language law, which restricts the use of languages other than French on signs. The provincial governments exercise significant autonomy. In 2004, the Supreme Court upheld legislation that places a limit on the amount lobbying groups can spend on advertisements that support or oppose political candidates, a measure designed to prevent corruption. While Canada has a reputation for vigorous prosecution of corruption involving public officials, the country has endured several high-profile scandals in recent years. Nonetheless, Canada is regarded as a society with a low level of official corruption. Canada was ranked 9 out of 180 countries surveyed in Transparency International's 2008 Corruption Perceptions Index, the best ranking among countries in the Americas. The media are generally free, although they exercise self-censorship in areas such as violence on television, and there is concern that this tendency may also apply to coverage of the country's minority groups, especially Muslims. Limitations on freedom of expression range from unevenly enforced "hate laws" and restrictions on pornography to rules on reporting. Some civil libertarians have expressed concern over an amendment to the criminal code that gives judges wide latitude in determining what constitutes hate speech on the internet. Nevertheless, recent judicial decisions have restricted the authority of the government to demand that reporters turn over their research materials and interview notes or reveal the identity of confidential sources. In recent years, press freedom advocates have expressed concern over legal cases filed against journalists who wrote critically about Muslims and Islam. There is a high degree of media concentration. In 2008, the Canadian Radio-Television and Telecommunications Commission set forth a new policy designed to lessen excess concentration. Critics, however, complained that the regulations would have little impact on media concentration because they did not deal with media mergers that had already been put into effect. Religious expression is free and diverse. Academic freedom is respected. Freedom of assembly is respected, and many political and quasi-political organizations function freely. Trade unions and business associations enjoy high levels of membership and are free and well organized. The judiciary is independent. Recently, critics have complained that the judiciary has become overly activist, issuing decisions that effectively usurp the powers of the legislature. Canada's criminal law is based on legislation enacted by Parliament; its tort and contract law is based on English common law, with the exception of Quebec, where it is based on the French civil code. While Canada's crime rate is low by regional standards, it has experienced a growing problem from the growth of criminal gangs, often involved in the illegal drug trade. Canada maintains relatively liberal immigration policies. However, concern has mounted over the possible entry into Canada of immigrants involved in terrorist missions. The 2002 Immigration and Refugee Protection Act seeks to continue the tradition of liberal immigration by providing additional protection for refugees while making it more difficult for potential terrorists, people involved in organized crime, and war criminals to enter the country. Some officials have also raised questions about Canada's rules allowing immigrants to maintain dual citizenship. About 10 percent of foreign-born Canadians hold passports from another country, leading critics to charge that some immigrants use Canadian citizenship primarily as a safety net while maintaining principal loyalty to their country of origin. Others have objected more broadly to Canada's policies of multiculturalism in education, law, and social life. At the same time, defenders of immigrant rights have complained of policies that favor potential immigrants with higher levels of skills and academic credentials over those who come from more impoverished backgrounds. The authorities have taken important steps to protect the rights of native groups, although some contend that indigenous people remain subject to discrimination. Indigenous groups continue to lag badly on practically every social indicator, including those for education, health, and unemployment. There are frequent controversies over control of land in various provinces. The country boasts a generous welfare system that supplements the largely open, competitive economy. Women's rights are protected in law and practice. Women have made major gains in the economy and are well represented in such professions as medicine and law. Following the October 2008 election, women held 22 percent of seats in parliament. However, women's rights advocates report high rates of violence against women in indigenous communities. Canada in 2005 became one of the few countries in the world to legalize same-sex marriage. Disclaimer: © Freedom House, Inc. · All Rights Reserved
10 Ways to do Bubble Painting Are you looking for craft ideas to keep your little one engaged and happy? Bubble painting would prove to be a good idea. It basically involves imprinting the outlines of real bubbles of paint on canvas. Dish soap or any other type of liquid soap and water is added to the paint. You can take the help of a straw to pick up the bubbles before placing them on paper. The vivid images below serve as inspiration. This fun painting activity would be a great idea to keep kids engaged in summer. The supplies for this project are acrylic paint, straws, plastic cups, dish soap, cardstock and water. Bubble painting with dish soap would be a hit with kids. Remember to cover your work area with an old cloth or a plastic sheet. Enjoy the beauty of bubbles with this excellent art idea. The simple activity just needs liquid food coloring and a bubble mixture. In this DIY, you just need to insert a straw into a bowl filled with paint, dish soap and water and blow. Place a sheet of paper on top of the bubbles and you get the print! The googly eyes transform the bubble paint into cute monsters. When you pick up the bubbles with a straw and push them around on the canvas, you need to be careful that you don’t move them around too much. We are sure that with the above ideas in your kitty, you are all set to make a splash with your paint bubbles. Bubbles never fail to attract kids and this art activity allows them to capture the bubbles on canvas long after they have burst. Published on April 16th 2021 by Peyton Derrida
Lt. Gen. PS Mehta (Retd) At the time of partition of the country, if the accession of Jammu and Kashmir to the Indian Union had taken place in a timely manner, Pakistan would have faced difficulty in invading J&K. Unfortunately that did not happen! By October 1947, Pakistan backed ‘Tribal invaders’ commenced their march towards Srinagar allowing Jinnah to boast that “Kashmir is in my pocket”. Concurrently Pundit Nehru pledged that, “India would hold a referendum under international auspices to determine whether the people of J&K would ultimately prefer India or Pakistan.” The Indian Army entered the state of Jammu and Kashmir only after the Instrument of Accession was signed by Maharaja Hari Singh. As such, terming the forces as an occupation is factually incorrect. The end state of 1947 operations resulted in Pakistan continuing with its illegal occupation of a long strip of land in western J&K and Gilgit-Balistan. Thus, the Kashmir dispute was born. The crux of the Kashmir problem is in the three way disagreement over the legitimate locus and the unit of sovereignty viz, Indian Kashmir, Pakistani Kashmir or an Independent Kashmir. These are mutually exclusive and fall in two broad categories – Plebiscitary or Partitionist. The ‘flaws’ inherent in the plebiscitary approach are the fundamental and intractable fault lines defined by nationalist, regional and communal allegiances. Pakistan has by design turned the demography of POK by inducting Punjabi Muslims, thereby reducing the Kashmiris to a minority. In the Kashmir valley, a hypothetical referendum may return a pro- independence verdict. However, in the Jammu region, a significant citizenry consisting of Hindus, Sikhs, Gujjars, Shias and Paharis would vote for India. India dismisses plebiscite as irrelevant since the people of J&K have exercised their democratic rights repeatedly. While plebiscite and the goal of an independent reunified Kashmir are politically unrealisable, an honourable accommodation of the urge for Khudmukhtiyari (self sufficiency) is essential for resolving the dispute today. Partitionist is a logical and opposite of the plebiscitary approach. It seeks to respond to the complexities of the problems by drawing or redrawing borders based on political continuity and sovereignty. The simplest manifestation is converting the LOC into a de jure international boundary (Musharaff – Manmohan theory). However this too seems improbable since Kashmir is the oxygen for existence of Pakistan Army, who would never let the issue die. It is evident that these three ideologically based and territorially fixated nation state perspectives lead to nothing but an impasse. Over the years Azaadi (Freedom) continues to remain an important leitmotif for expression of Kashmiri political dissatisfaction and by 1994, the Azaadi movement reached a “crossroad.” The ideology marked the existence of two competing definitions of freedom and self determination. Asking for Azaadi is indicative that Kashmiris don’t want merger with Pakistan. Hereafter, it was the militants trained and armed by Pakistan who assumed leadership of the Azaadi movement, but they too have failed to deliver. Pakistan and the fundamentalists have been proactive over the last 30 years. Their latest experiment of Nizam-e-Mustafa and radicalisation of the youth has been very successful and is spinning the valley out of control. However such Frankenstein’s are known to kill its own creators, killing of Kashmiri police and Kashmiri army personnel and the stoning of their own children’s school bus in Shopian are the latest manifestations drawing an angry response from the Awaam (people). The aforementioned failures coupled with significantly incompetent Government, desperate and inconsiderate opposition, neglected economy cum development, rampant corruption, growing unemployment, extreme radicalisation, venomous Hurriyat, a perceived indifference of Delhi, extremely high frustration and confusion amongst the Awaam has accelerated the process of distrust towards the authorities. The aspirations of the major section of the Awaam can be summed up as their desire for end of terrorism, peace, development, availability of uninterrupted essential services, higher education, return of tourism, eradication of corruption and employment besides reliable and good grass root governance. Lack of deliverables has opened up the youth as a lucrative front to compensate for the diminishing number of foreign terrorists and dying insurgency. Majority of the youth remain confused since they aspire for a change and a desperate exit from this rot. Considering the realities today, there is a dire need to look for a lasting and effective solution. The security forces have brought down the militancy to sub optimal levels a number of times; it was the stark absence of any political strategy that failed to exploit these opportunities. Meddling in mundane and tactical issues of abrogation of Article 370 and removal of AFSPA 1990 is a great error. Launch of political initiatives and measures instead is the way ahead. While third party mediation on Kashmir has been and continues to be rejected by India, there is also an apparent reluctance to progress with a bilateral inter-Governmental dialogue process. A process led by an institutionalised inter-Governmental Council headed by the Prime Ministers of the two countries and comprising of top bureaucrats, diplomats, Armed Force chiefs, selected Parliamentarians, eminent citizens and top minsters of Jammu and Kashmir as well as POK could deliver results, provided India and Pakistan are able cheap rolex replica to accept the natural fallout of the division of J&K over the last 70 years on the basis of psychological cum ethno demographic changes on both sides of the LOC. A logical action plan b may begin by declaring Jammu and Kashmir as an autonomous region with a Sadar-e-Riyasat and Wazir-e-Azam reincarnated, followed by reduction of forces (Rashtriya Rifles and CAPF) from the towns, strengthening of democratic processes/ aspirations, besides confidence building amongst the people by attending to their demands. It is indeed a reality that the terror factory of Pakistan despite US pressures remains alive and ticking. It merits consideration that with radicalisation of Kashmiri youth in case insurgency resurges to larger dimensions, India must be prepared to exercise a final assault, the military option. A swift conventional operation into POK and Pakistan Punjab, while remaining below the bogus nuclear threshold of Pakistan to generate criticality by capturing areas and destruction of Pak Forces to end this menace for good. The methods suggested above, particularly those which are people centric, may seem ambitious considering the entrenched antagonistic positions, yet these are viable for choosing “The Exit Policy” for the confused the desperate Kashmiri Awaam who have been let down by their leaders and by Pakistan. Until the logic of the peace process is not framed within the bounds of the universal values of Insaniyat and Insaaf (Humanity and Justice), Kashmir will remain a major global flashpoint. (The writer hails from Kashmir and is a defence strategist. He can be reached at firstname.lastname@example.org)
Microsyopidae is a family of plesiadapiforms known from over 1500 stratigraphically controlled specimens from the southern Bighorn Basin of Wyoming spanning the first three million years of the early Eocene. The early Eocene is characterized by rapid fluctuations in climate during the period represented by this collection of microsyopids, making this an ideal sample to examine how climate may have influenced early stem primate biology, particularly diet. An evolving lineage of microsyopids is known from before, during, and after Biohorizon A, a faunal turnover event associated with a period of localized cooling. Dental topographic analysis (DTA) metrics quantify functional aspects of molars including curvature, complexity and relief, and covary with diet in extant taxa. Here, we use DTA to examine microsyopid dietary change over time, particularly in association with this cooling event. Our results suggest that microsyopids had molars that are functionally like extant insectivorous/omnivorous euarchontans. The earliest occurring species, Arctodontomys wilsoni, is characterized by molars that became more like modern insectivores over time. During Biohorizon A, A. wilsoni is replaced by A. nuptus, which has molars that are more like those of extant omnivores with a mixed diet including fruit. After Biohorizon A, A. nuptus appears more insectivorous, as is the later occurring Microsyops angustidens, which evolves from A. nuptus. Overall, we provide potential evidence for a causal scenario in which local climate change coincided with a dietary transition among microsyopids. Our results have implications for understanding how diet was a prime mover for the evolution of Primates.
Written by Mrs Alice Wilks, Co-founder & Virtual Assistant at My Girl Friday Vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid, is a water-soluble vitamin; our bodies don’t store it, so it’s important to get enough from our diets every day. As an organic compound, this vital vitamin can be found in in foods such as kiwi, bell peppers, sprouts, and strawberries; but is also available as a health supplement. Today, Vitamin C is considered vital for our general health and well-being – but where did it all start? In the 13th century, many sailors were dying at sea from scurvy. The Portuguese were known to plant an array of fruit and vegetables in the town of Saint Helena; a stopping point for home bound voyages. Here, the ship’s crew would savour fresh produce for its curative effects. A breakthrough in the 16th century meant scurvy was being treated effectively, by providing sailors with citrus fruit alongside their usual rations. Fast forward to 1912, when Vitamin C was discovered and later isolated. It eventually made its way on to the World Health Organisations List of Essential Medicines; playing a huge role in many bodily functions including tissue repair, production of certain neurotransmitters, and general immune functioning. Immune System Health Most notably, this incredible vitamin can boost your immunity in many ways. For example, by helping white blood cells function more effectively by protecting them against damage, strengthening your skin’s defence system, and helping wounds heal faster through encouraging white blood cell production. Vitamin C helps in the production of collagen; the main component of connective tissues such as tendons, ligaments, skin, cartilage and bones. Maintaining an adequate level of vitamin C may assist in the healing of wounds and injuries. Linking back to the production of collagen, Vitamin C may widen the blood vessels, which could help protect against heart disease and hypertension, or high blood pressure. These were found to be lower in individuals with adequate levels of vitamin C. Those with the condition are less likely to experience deterioration of the kidneys, eyes, and nerves provided they have a sufficient level of vitamin C. As an antioxidant Vitamin C protects the body against cell damage. It may help in the treatment of cancers according to published research in the field. As well as this, high doses of the essential vitamin have shown to reduce the speed of growth of certain types of cancerous tissue. A Few interesting facts Did you know vitamin C, instant coffee, and washing powder can be used to develop black and white film? The only mammals unable to produce their own vitamin C are humans, primates, and guinea pigs. Smoking causes the body to excrete more vitamin C than usual Vitamin C is essential in the synthesis of carnitine, a substance which helps convert fat to energy
Are you intrigued by the concept of a hybrid fruit? Have you ever heard of pear apple hybrids, also known as papples? Well, we’re here to tell you all about these unique fruits and how to care for them. Papple fruits are an intriguing combination of two beloved favorites: sweet pears and juicy apples. These remarkable tree-grown creations are unlike any other fruit out there today—not just in taste but in growing methods as well. Read on to learn more about pear apple hybrids and their peculiarities so that you can determine if they’re right for your garden! What are the Peculiarities of the Hybrid Fruits? Hybrid fruits have become increasingly popular in recent years, and with good reason. Hybrid fruits offer a variety of benefits over traditional varieties, including: - Increased nutritional content – Hybrid fruits are often bred to increase the amount of vitamins, minerals and other essential nutrients they contain. This makes them more nutritious than their non-hybrid counterparts. - Improved flavor – Hybrids are also perfected for their taste profile, resulting in deeper flavors and combinations not found in traditional varieties. - Disease resistance – Many hybrid fruits are bred to be resistant to disease or pests that would otherwise damage the fruit crop. This can lead to larger yields of higher quality produce. - Improved appearance – Many hybrid varieties are bred to produce fruits with a more attractive appearance, making them desirable to consumers. - Longer shelf life – Hybrid varieties tend to have a longer shelf life than traditional varieties, allowing for increased availability in stores. What are the Advantages of Crossbreeding Different Fruits and Vegetables? Crossbreeding different fruits and vegetables can be beneficial in many ways. Crossbreeding helps to create new varieties of produce with improved characteristics such as higher yields, greater resistance to disease, better taste, and improved nutritional value. Additionally, crossbreeding two different types of produce can increase the availability of certain products that may have been previously relatively rare or hard to find. It can also help farmers by producing a more reliable crop for the market. Furthermore, crossbreeding can also lead to the introduction of desirable traits from one variety into another, creating plants with an increased level of adaptability and leading to higher productivity overall. Finally, crossbreeding allows us to explore the potential for producing unique hybrids that may offer health benefits not seen before in other produce varieties. Interesting Facts About Pear Apple Hybrid - The Pear Apple hybrid is also known as an Aprium, a cross between a European pear and sweet apple. - It looks like a small apple but tastes like a blend of both fruits – sweet with a hint of tartness and firm texture like an apple. - It cannot be grown from seed so new plants must be grafted onto existing rootstock just as regular apples or pears are propagated. - An Aprium can weigh up to 4 ounces with about 2 inches wide at its widest point when fully ripened. - The skin of the Aprium can be a dark red, yellow or golden color depending on which variety it is. - Its flesh inside is creamy white and has a juicy texture and an aromatic flavor. - Apriums are best eaten raw as they taste sweetest when ripe but can also be cooked into pies, crisps or cakes, used for preserves or juiced. - They are rich sources of dietary fiber, vitamins C and K, folate and antioxidants like polyphenols. - Studies have shown that regular consumption of Apriums can help to reduce cancer risk by eliminating toxins from the body while lowering cholesterol levels. - Apriums are also good for the digestive system and can increase energy levels when consumed on a regular basis. - They can be stored in the refrigerator for up to four weeks, allowing them to be enjoyed throughout the year. - The Aprium is not widely available but can sometimes be found at farmers markets or specialty grocery stores during the summer months. - This unique hybrid has quickly become popular among consumers who appreciate its flavorful, sweet-tart taste and versatility in cooking and baking recipes. Why Was the Pear Apple Hybrid Generated? The pear apple hybrid was generated to create a unique and flavorful combination of two popular fruits. The goal was to combine the sweetness of apples with the tartness of pears, creating a new taste experience that could be enjoyed by people who like either fruit. The result is an intensely flavorful fruit that can be used for many different recipes. This type of cross-breeding has been used in other types of fruits as well, such as peaches and nectarines, or mandarins and oranges.Additionally, it allows growers to have more control over flavor development in their crops without using artificial methods. The pear apple hybrid is just one example of the many delicious fruits that can be created through cross-breeding. The pear apple hybrid has gained popularity among consumers, as it is a great way to get the best of both worlds in terms of flavor and nutrition. This type of fruit provides a unique taste experience that you won’t find in other varieties, and its nutritional benefits make it an excellent source of vitamins and minerals. It also has a higher fiber content than either apples or pears alone, making it an ideal snack for people looking to increase their daily intake of dietary fiber. Furthermore, this hybridity makes it easier to store and transport, since there are less likely to be issues with bruising or spoilage during transportation. All of these factors have made the pear apple hybrid a popular choice among growers and consumers alike. Overall, the pear apple hybrid was generated to provide people with a new and exciting flavor experience, while also offering them an array of health benefits. It has become one of the most popular types of fruit due to its unique flavor profile and numerous nutritional benefits. If you’re looking for something that tastes good and is good for you, then the pear apple hybrid may be just what you need. How to Grow Pear Apple Hybrid? Growing a pear apple hybrid requires patience and attention to detail. - The first step is to obtain two different types of pear trees that are compatible for cross-pollination. Make sure to choose varieties that will produce true fruits, meaning they can be successfully pollinated by one another. The best time to plant the trees is in early spring, when temperatures are mild and soil moisture levels are adequate. Plant each tree at least 10 feet away from other fruit trees or shrubs, so as not to cross-contaminate them with diseases or pests. - When selecting a site for planting, make sure it has plenty of sunlight and well-drained soil; too much water could lead to root rot or other problems. After the trees are planted, prune them regularly to keep them healthy and encourage good fruit production. - To ensure successful pollination, it is important to understand which pollen will be compatible with the flowers on your hybrid fruit tree; some varieties can self-pollinate, while others require a partner that produces different pollen in order to produce hybrid fruits. Cross-pollinating pears typically require two compatible varieties of pear trees, such as Bosc and Seckel pears. - Once the trees have been planted and cared for, they should begin bearing fruits within one to two years. The leaves may also start taking on a new shape or color as they become hybrids. Monitor the fruits closely during ripening season; if they appear to have traits of both pears and apples, then you have successfully grown a hybrid fruit tree! With proper care and attention, it is possible to grow impressive yields of healthy hybrid fruits year after year. Enjoy the unique taste and texture that comes from your very own pear apple hybrid tree. How to Care for Pear Apples to Bear More Fruit? In order to ensure that your pear apple trees bear more fruit, there are several steps you should take. Proper care and pruning are key elements in helping your trees grow healthy and productive. - Start early: Planting a tree is only the first step towards having a successful orchard of lush, fruitful pear apples. Starting off with strong, healthy plants will ensure that they thrive for years to come. Buy certified disease-free grafted trees from a reputable nursery and plant them in well-drained soil with plenty of organic matter added to it. Be sure to plant at least two different varieties of pear apples for cross pollination purposes. - Prune regularly: To keep the plants healthy and productive, you should prune the trees in the winter to open up its center and allow sunlight and air to reach all of its branches. Gently remove dead or diseased branches as well as any cross-branches. - Water: Make sure that your pear apple trees have an adequate supply of water throughout the growing season. During hot summer months, deep watering will help them survive droughts and promote healthy growth. - Fertilize: Apply a balanced fertilizer every spring and fall to keep your apple tree’s soil adequately nourished and encourage more fruit production. - Monitor pests: Pear apples are susceptible to various pests such as aphids, codling moths, and pear rust mites. Monitor your trees regularly for signs of infestation and treat any problems immediately. Following these steps will help ensure that your pear apple trees produce a good harvest year after year. With regular care, you can enjoy the delicious fruits of your labor! Benefits of Pear Apple Hybrid The Pear Apple Hybrid is a unique and delicious type of fruit that offers numerous health benefits. It combines the sweetness of apples with the tartness of pears for an unbeatable flavor combination. Additionally, its high content of dietary fiber, vitamins, and minerals can provide a wide range of nutritional benefits when consumed regularly. One benefit of consuming the Pear Apple Hybrid is improved digestive health. Its dietary fiber helps to regulate digestion by increasing stool bulk and improving overall gut motility. By including this special hybrid in your daily diet, you can help reduce constipation symptoms and have regular bowel movements throughout the day.These vitamins are essential for a healthy immune system and can help to protect your body from illnesses and infection. Additionally, the fruit is high in minerals such as calcium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, and iron. Minerals play an important role in helping to maintain strong bones and teeth as well as regulating blood pressure levels. Finally, the Pear Apple Hybrid is also known for its powerful antioxidants that can help reduce inflammation and combat free radical damage caused by environmental toxins. By including this special hybrid in your daily diet, you can enjoy all of these amazing benefits while still indulging in an incredibly delicious treat! What to Cook with Papple Fruit? Papple fruit is a delicious and versatile fruit that can be used in many different dishes. Here are some tasty ideas to make with papple: - Papple Salsa – This salsa is made by combining chopped papple, onion, jalapeno, cilantro, lime juice and salt. Serve it as a dip with chips or on top of tacos for an added flavor boost! - Papple Curry – A warm and fragrant curry made with papple, coconut milk, aromatic spices like turmeric and cinnamon. Add your favorite vegetables for an extra layer of flavor! - Baked Papples – Slice the papples into wedges and bake them in the oven with a little cinnamon and sugar. Serve them as a side dish or top them with ice cream for dessert! - Papple Muffins – Whisk together flour, baking soda, salt, currants, chopped papple and spices to make these sweet and flavorful muffins. Perfect for breakfast or as an afternoon snack! - Papple Smoothie – Blend papple chunks with your favorite fruits and vegetables like spinach and banana to make a nutritious smoothie that’s full of flavor! How can I tell if my apple is a pear apple? The best way to determine if an apple is a pear apple hybrid is to look for certain features that are distinctive of both fruits. Common characteristics of pear apples include a more rounded shape and a yellowish-green color. Additionally, you can slice the fruit open and examine the texture inside – pear apples tend to have softer flesh than regular apples. If none of these features are present, then it’s likely that your apple is not a hybrid. Is a papple a pear or an apple? The answer to this question is that a papple is neither a pear nor an apple. A papple is actually the hybrid fruit created by cross-pollinating a pear and an apple, resulting in a unique, sweet-tart flavor. The papple was becoming popular worldwide thanks to its flavorful taste and attractive appearance. Papples are known for their unique shape, which consists of a smooth top with either an apple or pear bottom depending on the type of parent tree used. They also have a softer texture than apples or pears, making them ideal for use as both fresh eating fruit and cooked recipes. Whether you choose to call it a “pearple” or “appear”, the papple is a unique and delicious hybrid fruit. What is an example of a hybrid fruit? It is a type of fruit created by cross-breeding two different types of fruits. An example of a hybrid fruit is the Pluot, which is a cross between a plum and an apricot. Other popular hybrid fruits include tangelos (a cross between a tangerine and an orange), apriums (a cross between an apricot and a plum), nectarines (a peach-plum hybrid) and pineapple guavas (a mix between pineapples and guavas). Hybrid fruits often have unique flavor combinations, textures, shapes or colors compared to their parent fruits. Additionally, they are often much easier to grow than traditional varieties due to increased resistance to disease or pests. Which apple is a hybrid? One of the most widely known apple hybrids is the Honeycrisp. It has large, crisp apples with a complex flavor that is both sweet and tart. It is also very juicy and excellent for eating fresh or cooking purposes. Other popular apple hybrids include Gala, Braeburn, Jonagold, and Fuji. All of these apples have unique characteristics that make them stand out from traditional varieties and are great for snacking on or using in recipes. Useful Video: Apple Pears Fruit Taste Test Video Review Pear Apples Fruits Healthy Options Slow Night 😉 In conclusion, the pear apple hybrid is an exciting new development in fruit hybrids that provides a unique combination of nutritious flavors and textures. With the proper care, pear apples can be enjoyed for the entirety of their season. They also offer numerous health benefits, providing an excellent source of dietary fiber and even potential medicinal properties like antifungal capabilities. Whether as a special treat or a daily snack, this hybrid fruit’s versatility makes it something to look forward to enjoying! Pear apples are truly an incredible addition to the world of seed-bearing fruits. So, grab your reusable bag and head down to your local farmer’s market – you won’t regret it!
Unit 22 HRM Motivational Theories Assignment Diploma in Business Unit Number and Title Unit 22 HRM Motivational Theories The Unit 22 HRM motivational theories assignment focuses on the study of human resource management. It initiates with the discussion of the difference between the personnel and the Human resource management. It further explains about the concept of involvement of line mangers in HRM. Human resource planning has also been discussed in the unit to make the understanding of the recruitment and selection methods easier. Learners can learn about the motivational theories and their link with the reward system practiced in the organizations. Last part of the unit discusses about the cessation of the employment and the exit procedures used by different organizations. Some of the legal framework has also been studied to study the impact of the same on HRM. 1.1 Differentiate between personnel management and human resource management. - Personnel management:Personnel management is the management function of the organisation that deals with administration purposes. It is the extension of the general management and the personnel department concentrates on promoting the employees to work efficiently and provide their full contribution for completing the objectives of the organisation. They functions in order to recruit and orient employees. They solve their problems if addressed. (Branine, 2008) - Human resource management: Human resource management is the modernisation of the personnel management. This has large range of functions. They concentrate on managing the human resource and focuses on maintaining the performance of the individual in order to enhance the overall performance of the organisation. The functions that falls under Human resource management involves function of recruitment, training, selection, problem solving, skill development and all this results in enhancement of the performance of the organisation. - Difference between personnel and human resource management:Personnel human resource uses the tradition way of managing the employees while on the other hand, Human resource management uses the modern ways to manage the employees. Personnel management deals with the already existing rules and relates with the activities that are associated with the administration department. Human resource management performs wide range of duties and act as the mediator between the employees and the top management and deals with the activities that are related to the employees of the entire department in the organisation. (Grieves, 2003). NHS UK is the organisation that maintains its employees with the help of the personnel department. Their personnel department is linked only with the administration activities and the personnel manager works for the recruitment purposes only. Sainsbury is the organisation in UK that has one of the best Human resource departments. This department relates its activities with the welfare of the employees. The organisation is task as well as employees oriented so the Human resource department of the organisation work according to this. (Sainsburys.co.uk, 2016) 1.2 Assess the function of the human resource management in contributing to organisational purposes. Human resource department is the most basic department of the organisation and deals with all the activities related to other departments of the organisation. The functions of human resource department help the organisation to attain its organisational purposes. Some of the functions have been discussed below in relation with the organisation called as Sainsbury: - Recruitment and selection: Recruitment and selection is the process of attracting the relevant candidates and selection of the appropriate one for the vacancy in the organisation. Sainsbury has the proper selection and recruitment process that starts with the job analysis and ends with the interviews of the shortlisted candidates and the final selection by matching the person specification with the job description ad requirements. - Appraisal: Appraisal is the technique of motivating the employee relations by providing them with some of the benefits other than their salary. Sainsbury focuses on motivating their employees and appraising them according the work they perform. The company provides extra non-monetary and monetary benefits to the employees in order to influence them to perform better. The performance of the employee in turn helps the organisation to attain its ultimate goals. - Training: Training is very important for the employees. This is because of the change in the external and internal environment of the organisation. When the competitors of Sainsbury started selling their products online than Sainsbury also needs to do the same to withstand the competition. For this purpose, company has trained its employees accordingly. This training is required to develop the individual sills of the employees as well as to enhance the performance of the organisation as a whole. (Mondy, Noe and Gowan, 2005) - Performance management: It is the method of managing the performance f the employees in terms of improving their performance at individual level and to enhance the overall performance of the organisation. Sainsbury uses a proper process to manage the performance of their employees. They used some of the methods like observation and surveys to deal with the issues that restrict performance of the employees and resolve it. - Communication: Communication is the basic challenge that many of the organisation face. Restriction in the communication hinders the flow of information and hence affects the performance of the departments. Sainsbury has a proper communication, information channel that allows the employees to communicate even with the top management. This helps the employees to share their views and problems with the mangers. It results in proper information flow and hence the improvement in the performance of the overall organisation. (Noe, 2007) 1.3. Evaluate the role and responsibilities of line managers in human resource management. Responsibilities of line managers: Line managers are the direct reporting managers of the department. They head the department and coordinate the functions of the particular department. They have the responsibilities to manage the working of the employees under their department. More responsibilities of the line managers include training of the employees in their department, final selection of the new recruits, maintaining the performance records of the employees as well as delegating the task to them according to their specialisation. (Sekhri, 2010). HR functions of line managers: Line managers not only perform the operational function but also have some of the HR functions to perform. Some of them have been discussed below: - Performance management: Line managers need to manage the performance of the employees working under their department. This involves the function of delegating the work as well as keeping a watch over the performances of the employees. - Motivation: HR department is not the only one, which is responsible for providing the motivation to the employees. Line managers also need to contribute in the motivation process, as they know better about the working pattern of the employees under their department. - Performance pay: It is the duty of the line manager to provide the rating to the employees. This rating would be according to the performance of the employees. The records of rating allow the HR department to provide appraisal to the employees. Above all the functions belong to the HR department of the organisation but needs the support of line managers to perform effectively. These functions have been performed by the line managers of Sainsbury to maintain the coordination between the operational and the HR department. 1.4 Analyze the impact of the legal and regulatory framework on human resource management. UK Government always has influence on the policies and the working of the organizations. It forms the law and the legal authorities that check the functioning of the organisation so that organisation cannot practice any wrong act. This legal framework also provides the employees to safeguard their rights at workplace. Some of the legal Acts that have its impact on the organisational functioning are Employment Act (1996), Sex Discrimination Act (1975), Equal Pay Act, Employment Equality Regulation 2006 etc. (Torrington, Hall and Taylor, 2008) Impact of the legal Acts on HRM: - Sex Discrimination Act: This Act forces the organisation to maintain the equality among the employees in terms of Sex. Any practice of the organisation that violated this Act may be subjected to punishment. According to this Act, organisation s needs to treat men and women equally without any discrimination and partiality. - Race relations Act: This Act argues about maintaining the secularism in the organisation. According to this Act, organizations need not to discriminate the employees according to their race, color and cast. The policies framed by the HR department for the employees should be same for every employee. - National minimum wages Act: This Act in UK suggests that all the employees of 16 years and above should be paid with minimum amount of wages that is decided by the government. The minimum amount of wages differs with the type of industry. 2.1 Analyze the reasons for human resource planning in organizations. It is the process of making plans that fills the gap between the available Human resource and the future needs of the same. This acts as the link between the Human resource objectives and the organisational objectives. Planning has to be made aligning the individual and the organisational goals. This suggests that recruitment of the human resource is made according to the requirement to attain the objectives of the organisation. (Gilbert, Winne and Sels, 2015). Some of the reasons of human resource planning have been discussed below: - Recruitment and selection: Human resource planning: needs to be done to choose the best and most appropriate technique for recruitment and selection of the candidates. This method is opted according to the requirement of the human resource in the organisation. - Turnover: If the company faces with high turnover of the employees than this is the alarming situation for human resource planning. This helps the organisation to predict the requirement of the employees in every department and also allow the organizations to know about the reason of the turnover. Recruitment needs to be done according to the rate of the turnover and the requirement. - Change in technology: If the organisation is opting for the new technology in the processes of any department, it is necessary to recruit the human resource with those skills. Human resource planning provides the idea of the requirement of the human resource and facilitates the company with the required employees at the time of introduction of the technology. - Rightsizing: Rightsizing refers to hiring or firing of the employees. Human resource planning needs to be done in order to maintain the balance of the number of employees in the organisation according to the need. According to the scenario, the recruitment process of the organisation is not appropriate to recruit the employees with regard to the requirement of the organisation. It is necessary for the organisation to hire a new HR manager that supports the Hr department to frame new Human resource planning policies. (Mahmood, 2014). 2.2 Outline the stages involved in planning human resource requirements. Human resource planning act as the blueprint to take the decisions about the recruitment in the organisation. This supports to take many decisions regarding the recruitment process and the requirement of the human resource in the organisation. Human resource planning is conducted in orderly manner for effective results. The process involves following steps: - Identification of organisational objectives: The process of human resource planning initiates with the identification of the goals of the organisation. These goals facilitate the Hr team to link the departmental objectives with the organizational objectives. - Review of past processes: after identifying the goals of the organisation, past processes need to be reviewed in order to identify the errors in the process. The knowledege & information by this step allows the organisation to match the existing processes with the present situation. Changes have to be made at this step if there is any deviation in the matching of the process with the current requirement. (Hoch and Dulebohn, 2013). - Review of number of employees: This step allow the organisation to match the number of employees already available in the organisation with the goal that needs to be achieved. This provides the gap between the availability and the requirement. - Planning: This is the most important step as it requires the overall planning of the process. Planning involves mapping out the step and measures that need to be done in order to fulfill the gap. - Monitoring and control: This is the last step of the process. It involves monitoring of the process in equal interval of time; any change in the organisation function will affect the process of human resource planning. This step also involves the changes that need to be made to meet the requirement of the current situation that is dynamic in nature. 2.3 Compare the recruitment and selection process in two organizations. Sainsbury is the organisation which has got the HR excellence award in 2010. The recruitment and selection process of the company has been discussed below: - Job analysis and vacancy announcement: The HR team of the company analyze the specifications of the job and skills required and then made the announcement of the job vacancy by job portals, company websites and print media. - Application short-listing: Applications of the aaplicants have to be shortlisted according to the job requirements. - Preliminary interview: It is the interview process in which general questions related to prior job and education have been asked. - Selection test: This test is required to assess the technical knowledge of the candidates. - Final selection: IT is done after assessing the results of interview and test. - Offer letter: Offer letter has been delivered to the candidates who have been finally selected. Another organisation that is used to recruit and select the employees is Tesco: Tesco has a systematic process of recruitment and selection. Recruitment of the employees in Tesco has been done by internal or external recruitment methods. The internal employees of the organization have been given the chance to apply for the vacant position. External candidates are also allowed to apply for the same position but the internal employees have given preference over them. (Tesco-careers.com, 2016). Selection process of Tesco involves a systematic process of screening, assessment and interview. Screening refers to the selection of the relevant CV’s out of all the applications. Assessment test has been conducted in order to judge the technical knowledge of the candidates. Last is the interview that decides the final selection of the candidate. In this phase, interviewers ask some of the questions to the candidate and overall judgment has been done by them according the job requirements. 2.4 Evaluate the effectiveness of the recruitment and selection techniques in two organizations. Recruitment and selection of the correct candidate is very important for the organisation. This is the most expensive process and requires an intelligent approach to make the decisions. The decision regarding the method that needs to be opted to recruit and select the employees is very critical. Many organizations fail to succeed on selection of the appropriate method and hence affect the overall functioning of the organisation in negative way. As far as the organisation in the scenario is considered, it has been observed that company is facing high turnover rates. It has been identified that the organisation has a finance manager that is looking after the Hr functions. This is the main drawback for the company. Company is not getting good people because there is no HR manager in the organisation as well as the processes that has been used by the company for recruitment is not appropriate. Effectiveness of the recruitment process in this company is very poor. The company is not using the appropriate and effective method of recruitment according to the requirement. Tesco is the company with least turnover rates, this is because the company uses best and most appropriate techniques of recruitment and selection. The employees that they recruit are satisfied with the working of the organisation and the company is satisfied with the working of the employees. This satisfaction from both the parties can be achieved only by recruiting right people at right time and at right place. The recruitment and selection process at Tesco is very effective as the processes that have been used by Tesco to recruit and select employees are according to the requirement. Recruitment process of the company is effective in short-listing the applications according to the job requirements. The selection of the candidate is alos done as per the job specifications. (Edralin, 2008). 3.1 Assess the link between motivational theory and reward. Motivation is the reason behind any particular behavior of an individual. It is the positive effect of anything that influences the individual to do something. Motivation is very important at workplace. It facilitates the employees with the reason to work effectively in the organisation. It is essential to motivate employees because this motivation helps the employees to fulfill their individual goals at workplace. Rewards are the extra benefits any individual can get in return of his performance. It is a kind of achievement that supports the employees at the workplace to perform in a better way. Rewards can be given in any form to the individual. At workplace, rewards have their immense importance. Rewards are the most important motivating factor that motivates the employees to work. It creates a sense of competition among the employees to achieve higher goals. It is the human tendency that he works for the achievements that provide hi, with extra benefits. These extra benefits are the rewards at the workplace that can be achieved by the employees with return of their performance. This also acts as the driving force that drives the employees to perform. Rewards may have many forms and it is not necessary that every individual get motivated with the same type of rewards. Some of the employees get motivated with monetary rewards while some other gets motivated with the non monetary rewards. Many theories have been proposed to study the motivational factors at the workplace. Virgin media believes in the theory of human relation and identifies that some of its employees get motivated if they get attention. They choose recognition and attention as the type of reward that motivate the employees. Many programs like NPS Championship, SHOUT etc have been introduced in the organisation to provide recognition to the employees who perform. Another theory of motivation has been given by Maslow that suggests that human needs are changing and have to be fulfilled in order to make them work. Virgin Media works on this approach by assessing the requirement and needs of the employees so that they can be fulfilled in order to motivate them. 3.2 Evaluate the process of job evaluation and other factors determining pay. It is very necessary to determine the position and worth of the job. Job evaluation is one of the process that is used to determine the worth and position of the job. Identification of the worth supports the organisation to form the hierarchy of the system. Job evaluation is process of analysing the role and responsibilities associated with the job and rating them according to their worth. Rating can be given by the range and the importance of the roles and responsibilities associated with the job. Identification of the roles and responsibilities, payoff the job has also been determined. This process involves the segmentation of the job activities with the allocation of the resources. Process of job evaluation: - Job analysis: It is the process of collecting relevant data of the job and analysing them to determine the roles and responsibilities associated with it. It is used to determine and identify the contents of the job and the activities related to the job specification that need to conducted at the time of performing that job. - Job rating: Job rating is the measurement of the job responsibilities and ranking them according to their worth. This step involves allocating the resources to the activities related to the job. Resource allocation to the job activities also helps the organisation to determine the pay ratio of that particular job. Some other factors have also been discussed below that helps in determining the pay of the job: - Level of the job: The level associated with the job is very essential to be known. The jobs at higher level of management have higher pay scales than the jobs at lower level of management. - Reward system: Virgin media uses this medium to determine the pay of the job in the organisation. Reward system is the process of providing rewards to the employees who perform better than others or complete their targets on time. Bonus scheme like ASPIRE has been used by the company to provide bonus to the employees. - Compensation: Compensation is the benefits that have been given to the employees. This also helps in determining the pay of the job. Virgin media majorly use reward system as the factor to determine the pay. As stated earlier the company uses bonus schemes and several other schemes that provide different type of benefits to the employees working there. (Businesscasestudies.co.uk, 2016). 3.3 Assess the effectiveness of reward systems in different contexts. Virgin Media uses many practices to provide rewards to the employees working there. There are many schemes that have been introduced by the company that benefits the employees. Performance is the basis of providing rewards to the employees in Virgin Media. Apprenticeship program by the organisation allow many of the trainees to get training in the organisation. These trainees get recognition as rewards in terms of completion of their training successfully. The organisation also provides the opportunity to the successful trainees to work with the company in future. Reward system in the organisation is introduced to motivate the employees of the organisation. Virgin media also works on the same philosophy. They analyze the performance of the employees and rate them. The rating facilitates the organisation to reward the employees with higher ranks. Net Promoter Score is the approach that has been used to give scores to the employees out of 10. Employees getting higher scores rewarded accordingly. Reward system not only motivates the employees but help the company to retain the talent in the organisation. If the employees have been fairly paid with the incentives then they will never leave the company. Provision of reward is the policy that also attracts the new talent. Better policies and culture of the company provides a sense of satisfaction among the employees and the employees get attracted towards the companies like this. Rewards in non monetary terms can be considered as the satisfaction of the employees. Virgin Media focuses on conducted the regular meetings to solve the problems of the employees. This satisfies the employee’s needs and motivates them to continue their career with the organisation. To conclude, it can be identified that Virgin Media is successful in motivating its employees and this help the company to complete its goals and objectives with the achievement of individual goals of the employees. (Businesscasestudies.co.uk, 2016). 3.4 Examine the methods organizations use to monitor employee performance. Monitoring is the process of keeping a check on the performance of the employees. This allows the companies to evaluate the performance of the individuals and facilitates to reward the employees accordingly. Organisations need to monitor the performance of the employees to take out the errors in the performance and to take corrective measures where necessary. Various methods have been used to monitor the performance of the employees: - Feedback: Feedback from the line managers of the department about the employee performance helps in determining the position of the employee working. - Assessment of the quality of work: This is also the function of the line manager to assess the quality of the work of an employee. The quality can be checked by the manager on the random basis that provides the idea of the overall performance of the employee. - Observation: Observation refers to keep a watch on the behaviour of the employee during working hours. The behaviour of the employee affects the performance of the individual. - Rating: This method has been used to determine the worth of the performance of the employee with comparison to other employees in the same department or at the same level. - Meetings: Regular meetings with the employees facilitate the management to know about the performance of the employee at the workplace. Methods used by Virgin Media: - Behaviour of employee: The organisation believes that the behaviour of the employee determines his level of performance. If an employee is showing, positive gestures like voluntary involvement and team work in the organisation than it signifies that he is performing well. - Rating by Net Promoter Score: It is the method that focuses on provision of the rating to the employees according to their performance. The rating card can assist the mangers to monitor the employee performance at Virgin Media. (Businesscasestudies.co.uk, 2016). 4.1 Identify the reasons for cessation of employment with an organisation. Cessation of employment refers to the termination of the job of an employee because of some of the reason. Cessation of the employment of an individual may caused by many reasons and the job can be ceased by any of the party from employee or employer. Some of the reasons for cessation of the employment have been discussed below: Voluntary cessation: It is the type of cessation where employee himself takes the decision to leave the job. There is no involvement of the employer. There can be many reasons to leave the job: - Health and safety problems - Shifting to other town or country - Better opportunity in other company Involuntary cessation: This type of cessation involves the will of the employer. In this case, employer is the one who ceases the job of an employee due to some of the reasons: - Poor performance - Violation of company law - Restructuring of the organisation Reasons of employment cessation in the given case: - Poor performance: As far as given case in considered, the first and foremost reason of the termination of Faisal’s job is the poor performance. Faisal was not performing his duties properly even after having 15 years of experience in the same industry. - Violation of company laws: It has been identified that Faisal violated the company’s contract by some of his wrongful acts. He was spending his working hours to do his personal duties and not found guilty for using the company equipment in designing his own restaurants. (Branine, 2008) 4.2 Describe the employment exit procedures used by two organizations. Exit procedure is the process of exiting from the organisation due to cessation of the employment. There can be many reasons for the cessation. Different companies have different policies regarding the cessation of the employment and hence they use different practices or exit procedures. Single procedure is not used by the organisation, companies use mnay exit procedure according the reason behind the termination. Some of the exit procedure used by Tesco has been discussed below: - Retirement: It is the exit procedure that focuses on cessation of the employment of an employee who has completed his working duration in his life. The age of the retirement has been standard for all the employees in the organisation. - Resignation: It is the voluntary action of the employee to leave the job. Tesco has the rule that states about the serving of notice period before the resignation. - Dismissal: It is the non-voluntary action taken by the employer to cease the employment of the employee due to some of the reasons: - Poor performance - Violation of contract - Criminal records - Harassment to other employees - Redundancy: Redundancy refers to the cessation of the employment of the employees because they are no more needed in the organisation. The reasons can be merger, acquisition, rightsizing etc. (Grieves, 2003) - Exit procedure used in the case: Dismissal has been used as the exit procedure due to poor performance of Faisal and due to violation of the contract by him. The practice of dismissal has been discussed above. 4.3 Consider the impact of the legal and regulatory framework on employment cessation arrangements. Legal and regulatory framework of the country regulates the cessation activities of the organisations. This framework is made to safeguard the rights of the employer as well as the employees. Some of the legal regulation regarding the cessation is discussed below: - Notice period: This practice is associated with the resignation. It is mandatory for the employees to serves the notice period before resigning. This notice period is decided by the organisation itself. (Mondy, Noe and Gowan, 2005) - Dues of pay: It is mandatory for the employee as well as the employer to settle down all the dues at the last day of employment. - Employment tribunals: Employment tribunals are the courts that facilitate the employer and the employee to resolve their issues. Employer and employee can file the case in the tribunal court if there is any legal violation involved. In the above case, Faisal filed the case against Bob. He has used the facility of the tribunal by applying wrong allegations on Bob. The employment tribunal needs to take intelligent decision by investigating about the case. ACAS is the code of practice that is used to resolve such practices. Get Complete Solution From Best Locus Assignment Experts.Place an order Human resource management is the basis of the organisation. The modernisation in the personnel management forms the policies of Human resource management. Practices of human resource department support the organisation to attain its goals. These practices involve recruitment, selection, performance appraisal, training etc. Planning needs to be conducted in order to fill the gap between the availability and requirement of the human resource in the organisations. It is also important for the organisation to frame their HRM policies according to the legal framework of the country. Cessation of the employees also influences by some of the legal factors. (Noe, 2007)
The bamboo toothbrush uses high-quality bamboo as the main material and is made through a special process, which is natural and environmentally friendly and non-toxic. If you use bamboo toothbrush frequently, you must learn how to maintain it and keep it in a dry environment. Bamboo toothbrushes are made of materials. Generally, the bristles can be divided into three types: soft, midpoint, and hard. Toddlers generally use soft toothbrushes, which will not wear teeth and gums. When parents buy a toothbrush, they can press the bristles with their fingers. For example, a tingling sensation in the fingers means that they are too hard, and the bristles bend freely back and forth, and the fingers are a little itchy, which means they are soft. The bamboo toothbrush is carbonized, that is, processed under high temperature and high pressure, and has the advantages of no cracking, no deformation, wear resistance, hardness, good toughness, and environmental protection. On the basis of the above advantages, shallow carbonization makes the toothbrush more refreshing and clean.
As women enter menopause, they are at a higher risk of bone fractures, but according to a new study at Case Western Reserve University School of Dental Medicine, they may also be at a higher risk of contracting gum disease. During menopause, a woman’s estrogen levels drop, which can lead to increased dryness in the mouth. Why is this a problem? Saliva – and its healthy, natural production – is your mouth’s best friend. It helps wash away acids in the mouth that develop as a result of eating and drinking, preventing them from wearing away at enamel and causing decay. In addition how saliva helps the teeth, it also helps to lubricate the gums. During menopause, decreased saliva production can cause bleeding and receding of the gums, which is often a precursor to more serious gum disease. So what does this mean for women going through menopause? For starters, in order to replace necessary moisture in the mouth, women approaching or experiencing menopause should be extra diligent about drinking enough fluids, as well as maintaining good oral health habits to combat the risk of decay. Having regular dental checkups can also help postmenopausal women be aware of changes in their oral health due to the effects of menopause.
Monday was the world's hottest day on record - as scientists warn climate change is to blame The planet experienced its hottest day since records began on Monday - a record that may soon be broken again, climate scientists are warning. The average global temperature hit 62.62F (17.01C), a jump from the 62.46F (16.92C) high recorded in August 2016. While England experienced a relatively cool 13F (20C), the US government's National Centers for Environmental Prediction said exceeded 104F (40C). The researchers pinned rising temperatures on El Nino, a climate-heating natural weather event that last appeared in 2016, and growing carbon emissions. The double whammy made Monday the warmest day since satellite monitoring records started tracking global averages in 1979. Average temperatures were also at their highest since data collection on weather began towards the end of the 19th century, experts believe. Professor Friederike Otto, senior lecturer at Imperial College London, said: 'This is not a milestone we should [celebrate]. It's a death sentence for people and ecosystems.' Average temperatures across the planet were 2.63F (1.46C) higher this June than they were in the period between 1850 and 1900. China, which is steadily reawakening from a period of factory closures and reduced economic activity following the pandemic, also experienced record highs on Monday. The US researchers noted temperatures of 95F (35C) in some places. Meanwhile, European Union climate chief Frans Timmermans called on Tuesday for faster and more decisive joint action with China to tackle the 'accelerating' climate crisis. Timmermans, who is in Beijing for climate talks, met Chinese Vice Premier Ding Xuexiang yesterday at the Diaoyutai state guest house, where China's leaders have traditionally received senior foreign visitors. Humanity is confronted with a 'triple crisis', namely global warming, a loss of biodiversity and pollution, Timmermans said. China has pledged to reduce its coal consumption, but not until 2026. On Monday, Chinese officials asked power plants and coal suppliers to do 'everything possible' to ensure electricity supply this summer as cities struggle with scorching temperatures. The World Meteorological Organization has warned that El Nino - a band of warm ocean water in the Pacific accompanied by air pressure fluctuations, causing temperature rises - could continue through the second half of 2023. Last summer, emissions from coal and gas rose sharply in the EU as high temperatures for air conditioning. Sainsbury's recorded a 1,876 per cent spike in electric fan sales in early July 2022 as British carbon emissions rose by almost a third. Despite several years of the temperature-lowering effects of La Nina - the long-term cooling version of El Nino - global temperatures have tended to rise regardless.
The sudden ear-piercing beep of a radiation meter fills the room as a Ukrainian soldier walks in. This is where Russian soldiers were living at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, and radiation levels are now higher than normal. There's no visible presence of the source of the radioactive material in the room, but Ukrainian officials say it's coming from small particles and dust that the soldiers brought into the building. "They went to the Red Forest and brought radioactive material back with them on their shoes," soldier Ihor Ugolkov explains. "Other places are fine, but radiation increased here, because they were living here." CNN was given exclusive access to the power plant for the first time since it came back into Ukrainian control. Officials at the plant explain the levels inside the room used by Russian soldiers are only slightly above what the World Nuclear Association describes as naturally occurring radiation. One-time contact would not be dangerous but continuous exposure would pose a health hazard. "They went everywhere, and they also took some radioactive dust on them [when they left]," Ugolkov adds. It's an example of what Ukrainian officials say was the lax and careless behavior of Russian soldiers while they were in control of the site of the 1986 nuclear disaster. The area around Chernobyl, namely the Red Forest, is still the most nuclear contaminated area on the planet, with most of the radioactive particles present on the soil. You can read more about the scene in Chernobyl here.
AboutDominoes is a game which uses tiles with dots, which are divided into halves, depending on the roll of two dice. Dominoes originated in China around the year 1120. In the 18th century, Dominoes was quite popular in the Venetian courts, and today it is hard to find someone who has never heard of this game. The game is played with 2 players, and it consists of 28 tiles. The main goal of the game is to get 100 points before your opponent. Match tiles and dots Get rid of all your tiles and get 100 points as soon as possible. Show your math skills How quick is your internal calculator? Count the dots on the dominos and find a number divisible by 5. Play with a friend or make a new one! Players are waiting from all over the world. Test your logical thinking skills and think on your feet to make quick decisions.
Keep Kochia Seed Production to a Minimum By Mitchell Japp, MSc, PAg Kochia has become one of the most problematic weeds in modern production systems. Although it is not very competitive, it is a prolific seed producer and adapts well where competition is lacking, such as in dry or saline soils. Additionally, kochia is becoming resistant to several different herbicide modes of action. It is also able to adapt and produce seed at various times of the year. Because it is such a prolific seed producer, managing kochia is important throughout the year. Kochia seeds have a short longevity in the environment, lasting only one to two years. Pre-harvest weed control can be an option to help reduce seed production from kochia. Malt barley buyers are not willing to accept barley treated with pre-harvest weed control products. Fortunately, barley is a competitive crop, so early weed control can keep kochia seed production to a minimum during the growing season. Kochia that is growing in a competitive crop like barley will produce fewer seeds. Barley is typically harvested early compared to other crops, especially early in hot, dry conditions, as many areas have experienced in 2023. When crops are harvested mid-August or earlier, a single kochia plant can still produce on average 4,100 seeds prior to the first killing frost1. This research is based in Montana, where the growing season can be a little longer than on the Canadian prairies, but Dr. Charles Geddes with Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada at Lethbridge has seen similar results in his research. Controlling those late-season kochia plants can make a difference to the weed pressure for next year. This year in particular, harvest is ahead of normal progression. Kochia is well-adapted to dry conditions and is likely growing in fields that have been harvested. A post-harvest herbicide may be warranted to reduce kochia seed production in fields harvested before mid-August. Fields harvested after mid-August are not expected to have enough time for kochia plants to produce seed. Although, a post-harvest herbicide may be warranted for moisture and nutrient management. - Postharvest Kochia (Kochia scoparia) Management with Herbicides in Small Grains. Mickelson et al. 2017 - Herbicide Resistant Kochia – Challenges and Management. The Growing Point Podcast - The Kochia Conundrum. Agronomist Happy Hour podcast - Wheat School: Cultural practices as effective as a new mode of action - Controlling the Weed Seedbank
Researchers will explore how best to communicate the importance of preparedness in the face of ever-increasing severe weather events. Researchers at the University of Leeds have been awarded £435,115 to research the best ways of communicating the threats of severe weather events across the globe. The need to communicate disaster preparedness is ever-increasing in the face of climate change. The World Meteorological Organisation claims that over the last five decades, extreme weather events are responsible for the deaths of two million people, and the loss of $3.64 trillion globally. The ultimate aim of the research is to save lives and improve community preparedness for the growing number of extreme weather events caused by climate change. Dr Sarah Jenkins, Lecturer in Applied Decision Making, said: “Extreme weather events are going to become more and more common. You only have to look at last summer in the UK and the 40ºC (104ºF) heat to realise that this is happening everywhere. “How people perceive a risk largely influences their likelihood of taking mitigating action. We need to establish how these risks can best be communicated, so people can keep themselves safe and adapt.” The research funds were awarded by Lloyds Register Foundation, and the world-leading researchers at the University of Leeds will use data from the Foundation’s World Risk Poll to help inform their research. The latest World Risk Poll was conducted in 2021, and more than 125,000 people were interviewed across 121 countries. Its purpose is to explore how the relationship between perception and experience of risk may have shifted over time. Dr Andrea Taylor, Associate Professor in Risk Communication, said: “Those who are most exposed to severe weather may not always be aware of what protective actions can be taken and when. By doing this research, the ultimate goal is that lives can be saved and losses avoided through better, more effective risk communications.” “By doing this research, the ultimate goal is that lives can be saved and losses avoided through better, more effective risk communications.” The funds awarded by Lloyds Register Foundation are part of a £2m investment in seven new projects looking at the practical applications of the World Risk Poll globally. Dr Sarah Cumbers, Director of Evidence and Insight at Lloyd’s Register Foundation, said: “The projects we have announced today showcase the potential of the World Risk Poll dataset to inform research and interventions that make a real difference to the safety of people and communities around the world, particularly in improving resilience to the threat of climate-related severe weather and disasters. “We are delighted to be enabling these organisations to support and protect the lives of some of the world’s most vulnerable people.” Main image: Extreme weather events have increased significantly as a result of climate change. Credit: Bill Huntington
Login to the server. object.Login( [UserName], [Password], - A string that specifies the name of the user logging into the server. This argument is optional, and if it is omitted, the value of the UserName property will be used. If the UserName property has not been set, an anonymous user session is established. - A string that specifies the password used to authenticate the user. This argument is optional, and if it is omitted, the value of the Password property will be used. If no user name has been specified, then an anonymous user session is established; in this case, the common convention that is used is that the password is specified as the current user's email address. - A string that specifies the account name to be used when authenticating the user. This argument is optional, and if omitted, the value of the Account property will be used. An account name should only be specified if required by the server. Most UNIX and Windows based FTP servers do not require an account name. A value of zero is returned if the operation was successful, otherwise a non-zero error code is returned which indicates the cause of the failure. The Login method identifies the user to the server. If the user name or password is invalid, an error will occur. By default, when a connection is established, the UserName, Password and Account properties are used to automatically log the user in to the server. This method should only be used after calling the Logout method, enabling you to log in as another user during the same session. Not all servers will permit a client to change user credentials during the same session. In most cases, it is preferable to disconnect from the server and re-connect using the new credentials rather than using This method is not supported with secure connections using the SSH
What is the future of technology? Artificial Intelligence has become a significant aspect of the future. And it is one of the major advancements of our time too. This applies equally as well to Information Technology as it does to many other industries that rely on it. AI technology seemed like something impossible before but today, we use it in everyday life without realizing it. From intelligence research to facial recognition and speech recognition to automation AI is everywhere. AI and related technologies have had a positive impact on the way the IT sector works. Artificial intelligence is a branch of computer science that looks to turn computers into intelligent machines that would, otherwise, not be possible without direct human intervention. By making use of computer-based training and advanced algorithms, AI and machine learning can be used to create systems capable of mimicking human behaviors, provide solutions to complicated problems, and further develop simulations, aiming to become human-level AI Future inventions of AI When we look into the most important trends over the upcoming years. Companies will be rewarded for their efforts moving from models either in pilots or MVPs to full deployment at a large scale. Companies will fully complete the first phase of becoming data-driven or speeding-to-insight through the full consolidation of their data into the multi-cloud and hybrid cloud environment. This will allow them to harness the power of their data and AI for every strategic and important business problem and decision. Importantly, moving to the cloud will not be a massive radical operation anymore. The cloud will gain even more presence, but there will be a shift toward open-source technology services blended into a company's cloud environment. Among the major reasons, cloud consumption cost is becoming too expensive as we scale up models in production. It reaches close to a point where the benefits are channelized by the major costs, and companies will have to figure this out. Still, I believe current cloud service costs will decline over time following the tendency of any technology as it proliferates. In contrast, though, this trend will also be met with more powerful yet pricey services around operations at the scale of AI. The multiverse of all will be in the spotlight. AI has a key role to play in Web3 and the digital metaverse world. Just imagine the amount of data we will be collecting from smart-home IoT devices, the internet, mobile phones, computers, Apple Watches, cars and so on to generate real-time recommendations and paths to effectively consume products and services in the metaverse. It will be huge, efficient and, most of all, exciting to see how merging and blending data from myriad devices we use in various aspects of our lives will yield interesting recommendations to improve our well-being. In this area, I believe that over the next 10 years, gaming engineers will build spaces, and AI will fill them with content relevant to each one of us. An increasing number of emerging enterprises will focus on technology to increase automation and become cost-efficient. Companies will continue to scale their operations with technology while being less human-operated in their day-to-day functions. It will push our generation and the ones to follow to become more subject matter experts focusing on tasks requiring human involvement at high non-intuitive tasks. The major domains that technology will replace in the future. Customer service executives Customer service executives don’t require a high level of social or emotional intelligence to perform. Many companies now rely on AI to answer FAQs and customer support questions. Chatbots are not only becoming a significant part of customer interaction. They also support a lot of internal queries, among others. Manufacturing and pharmaceutical work This sector is probably the most extensive area where people are scared that AI will take over jobs. When the production process for most commodities produced today has been mechanized, the operational aspect can also be handled by AI. Even in pharmaceutical labs, robots can work together with scientists providing a much safer environment. Scientists will no longer be putting their lives at risk. Automated services have replaced people who carry out the way of sales. From several merchants focusing on self-ordering and payment options, AI can very quickly be involved as well. Robots are replacing retailer jobs in many shopping conglomerates to understand customers’ patterns. Moreover, the advanced data analysis of AI machines shows other products that customers might be interested in in the future. We are already witnessing robot surgeons perform critical operations worldwide, and it’s only a matter of time before they completely replace us. Robotic doctors will make more accurate and effective treatments for the patients compared to their human counterparts. There is also less chance of infection due to more sterile measures and no room for human error. Military professionals are sure that future battlefields will consist of robots that can follow orders without constant supervision. Robots are significantly being used in military operations for various tasks such as surveillance, intelligence, and many more. Recently, the head of the UK military stated that “autonomous robots could soon form a quarter of the British army by 2030." Taxi and bus drivers There is a 98% chance that this sector will be completely automated. Self-driving cars are already here, and it won’t be long before fully autonomous vehicles take over us. Artificial Intelligence has already grown to be the prime need of the day and has a lot of potential in changing the world. Enormous amounts of data are developed every day across various companies and it is possible to make use of that data only with the help of Machine Learning and Deep Learning technologies. AI has been confirmed to be extremely strong, and it still has a lot of potential. However, it will take us years to reach there. AI is the next big revolution which is changing the world. As per reports the world is getting more intelligent day by day. The estimate is that the majority of the tasks will be performed by AI and machines by the year 2030. Artificial intelligence is a very powerful technology which is altering the world. It is one of the most sensational and profitable technologies of the 21st century. Artificial intelligence is affecting various industries including transport, healthcare, eCommerce, etc. It is changing the world in so many ways. It is affecting every domain of life. It is one of the most powerful technologies. It is changing the world by making life easy for human beings.
Rakowicki cemetery was established in 1802 in Rakowice, then a village outside Krakow, now almost its downtown. It is still the biggest cemetery in Krakow. The first person to be buried there was the citizen of Krakow Apolonia Bursikowa. Many important for Krakow people were buried there later: Józef Dietl, Ignacy Daszyński, Jan Matejko, Juliusz and Wojciech Kossak, Helena Modrzejewska, Oskar Kolberg, Lucjan Rydel, Tadeusz Kantor and many others. On the territory of cemetery you can find separated sectors with graves of the victims of revolutions of 1846 and 1848, fighters of November and January rebellions, Polish, Hungarian, Austrian and Czech soldiers killed during the I World War, victims of Dąbie massacre of 1945. The huge part of the cemetery is military cemetery, where you can find graves of 1573 Soviet soldiers, 517 British soldiers, 177 Polish soldiers killed in September 1939, veterans of partisan movement, German soldiers.
When you last went shopping, did you pay full price? If not, was it something you set out to buy or was it too good a deal to pass up? The contrast effect has motivated people’s buying habits for years. We see the discounted price, alongside the original, and can see how much cheaper it is. However, while cheaper, it’s not clear whether it is cheap. Even at the discounted price, does it offer good value? What is the Contrast Effect The contrast effect is how we perceive something based on other similar things. We compare items, positively or negatively, against each other rather than objective value. The philosopher John Locke noted the contrast effect back in the seventeenth century after observing that lukewarm water can feel hot or cold, depending on whether your hand had previously been in hot, or cold, water. Height is a visual example. It is tough to know how many centimetres high someone needs to be to be considered tall. Often it depends on our height as a reference or that of those around. Consider Barack Obama when he’s standing next to Vladimir Putin. Most of us would say he’s tall. But when he’s standing next to Lebron James, he’s short. The Use of Contrast in Sales Despite the assumption of economists, we rarely have full information on which to base our purchasing decisions. Consequently, we often compare different options rather than the qualities of each against an independent measure. A fact not lost on sales teams. Consider when you were looking for a new home. The real estate agent may have shown you many properties well outside your price range, followed by a very similar property just a bit over your budget. After seeing so many expensive homes, we can more easily justify stretching our budget for the relative value of the last option. Or perhaps you were buying a new suit. After making your choice, the salesperson shows you a matching shirt. Compared to what you usually pay for a shirt it’s expensive, but in comparison to the suit, it’s not too bad. Discounting is another such approach. We usually compare the price of a shirt with another shirt, but when discounted we can compare the item with itself. If it was good value at the original price, it must be a bargain now. Nevertheless, this approach has does have limits. When sellers permanently discount items, the original price loses relevance. For instance, when did anyone ever pay full price for a shirt at T.M. Lewin? The Effect of Relativity Where it is difficult to find absolute value, we tend to revert to comparisons. Unfortunately, the quality of the items we choose for the comparison affects our judgement. A typical case is when we meet someone. It’s challenging to judge whether someone is objectively good in many situations, let alone during our first encounter. Further, context will play a role as what we consider good in a colleague will differ from what we look for in a friend. That’s not to say someone can’t fulfil both roles, just that we will judge them on different attributes. In assessing people for a job, we are particularly susceptible to the contrast effect. When reviewing CVs, we tend to judge each based on the two or three that came before it, rather than a set of objective metrics. Similarly, we often compare the person we are interviewing with the previous candidate. Many times we do this with our performance, comparing it with that of our colleagues. Often we compare the relative value we each added or how we went about the task, rather than against the outcomes and behaviours considered good or excellent. It is an understandable trait due to the inherent subjectivity of the qualities we are trying to judge. To see how relative comparisons can be detrimental, consider Brexit. Most people would agree that not having a deal with the EU would have negative consequences for the UK. The danger is that whatever deal is presented to Parliament is assessed against this no deal scenario. Compared to disaster, pretty much anything begins to look good. On the other hand, if we were to instead compare any deal with our current arrangement in the EU, the bar is immeasurably higher. We can begin to assess what we gain and what we lose. While neither example is objective, it helps to frame the question appropriately. Ways to Avoid the Contrast Effect Avoiding the contrast effect is not easy. We don’t always have the information we need to make an objective comparison and decision. However, in many cases, this isn’t too problematic. Your life isn’t going to be drastically affected if you bought poor quality canned beans because they were on sale. You’ll just avoid that brand the next time you shop. The key is to reserve your effort for the decisions that matter. Decisions that can affect your well-being or happiness, such as where you live, where you work and who you employ. For important decisions, firstly identify what you value. What are the things you must have? Then list out what else you would like. What services or features would ease a pain, provide you with additional benefits or simply delight you? Then, armed with your checklist, research your options and measure them against your scorecard, not each other. Also, it is important to remember to look for all available options. When looking for a new car, the decision is not only about what make and model. The best choice may be no car. You’re looking to buy mobility, not a method of transport. A bike, car sharing service or public transportation may be better options.
Kubernetes (pronounced “CUBE-A-NET-IS”) is an example of open source container orchestration. It helps deploy and scale an entire run-time environment – code, dependencies, libraries and system tools. Developed by Google as a means to manage distant services, Kubernetes has since been donated to Cloud Native Computing Foundation. Currently, this container project is run by the Linux Foundation and is an alternative to the Open Containers Initiative. Within IoT, the Kubernetes container technology is becoming popular for scaling applications without having more operations teams. How Kubernetes Works At the heart of Kubernetes are scheduler units or pods which have one or more application containers. Instead of dedicated machines, the Kubernetes approach allows the sharing of resources by separating the applications from host machines. The command can come from any pod depending on memory, CPU, storage etc. At a higher level the pods of a Kubernetes cluster are present inside Worker nodes. These nodes refer to virtual machines (VM) or a physical computer controlled by a Master node. For deploying applications on Kubernetes, you only have to instruct the Master to start the application containers. Following this, the communication from the Master to the nodes happens using Kubernetes API. While designing an application, you have to instruct the master node about pod definitions and how many need to be there. Instead of manually scaling instructions to hundreds of containers, the scheduler units or pods take over and automate. The status of nodes is available from the conditions field. If a worker node goes down, a new pod starts on a functioning worker node. With Kubernetes, the designer no longer has to worry about scaling and managing containers. One can simply add features and improvements in the application and let Kubernetes do the job of scaling. Advantages of Kubernetes The biggest advantage of Kubernetes is that it orchestrates the intelligent running environment of Google which can operate billions of containers. As a result, you do not have to carry operations teams with them. In fact, Kubernetes clusters can literally be carried on a suitcase, as Oskar Casquero demonstrates in the below example. From right to left, you can see four Raspberry Pi boards: CPU, USB, HDMI and 4x on-off switches. Kubernetes can allow you to run microservices at the drop of a hat because you can progressively roll out changes to applications. Scaling applications up or horizontally with a simple command is nothing short of revolutionary. Since each container has its own IP address, load balancing is not difficult. You can also restart applications when containers fail to work. Moreover, it allows using different storage systems including AWS and Google Cloud. Applications of Kubernetes in IoT 1. Edge deployment. As a popular container orchestration framework, Kubernetes successfully takes IoT deployment to edge devices. This is one of the biggest applications because it allows deploying IoT resources remotely. For example, to improve the maintenance of street lights in a smart city project, the maintenance team can simply carry a Kubernetes suitcase cluster to update the nodes. They can also run data analytics and machine learning while deploying IoT services at edge. 2. High Availability. Many IoT applications need to be always on as they are mission-critical. For example, a failure in smart grid can wreak havoc in an entire urban area. Using a container approach with Kubernetes allows high availability and adjusting for failures at end nodes. 3. Lower costs. The cost of IoT applications is far less with Kubernetes because cloud resources are distributed evenly. 4. Simulate hundreds of devices. For applications like autonomous vehicles, we have to simulate end devices including sensors. With Kubernetes, the simulation is easily possible. To know more about Kubernetes, the official website offers all learning resources in one place. Containers represent the future of IoT because they have several exciting end uses. Kubernetes represents one of the ways to solve the challenge of scaling applications to unfamiliar environments. Currently, hundreds of IoT solution teams are experimenting with a Kubernetes approach to build scale and diversity. Image Credit for Kubernetes Suitcase Cluster : Oskar Casquero) Get the best of IoT Tech Trends delivered right to your inbox!
Before an immigrant can becoming a naturalized citizen, they first must pass a civics exam. The test is not only meant to test applicants' knowledge of U.S. history and government, but also to prepare them for a life of engaged citizenship. So just how hard are the 100 questions aspiring citizens must be prepared to answer? If a recent survey is any indication, they're definitely not easy. According to a poll shared by the Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation, only one in three Americans would pass today's citizenship test. Respondents had a harder time with some questions than others, with 60 percent not knowing which countries the U.S. fought in World War II, 57 percent not being able to say how many justices sit on the Supreme Court, and only 28 percent correctly identifying the 13 original colonies. Even when given multiple choice answers, many participants still struggled. Twelve percent of people thought that Dwight Eisenhower (a World War II hero) was a general in the Civil War, and six percent thought he was involved in the war in Vietnam. And even though most people knew the real cause of the Cold War, two percent of people said it was climate change. People taking the citizenship exam are asked 10 out of 100 possible civics questions, and if they answer at least six correctly they move onto the next stage. Unlike this recent survey, the real test isn't multiple choice, which means applicants need to know the answers to questions like "What year was the Constitution ratified?" and "How many members of the House of Representatives are there?" The survey results don't contain much to be optimistic about, with respondents 65 years and older scoring the best (74 percent passed) and those under 45 scoring the worst (81 percent failed). Some parts of the country are taking action to ensure this knowledge is just as important to U.S.-born citizens as it is to naturalized ones: Last year, Texas passed a bill requiring all high school students to pass the civics portion of the citizenship test to graduate. Curious to see how you'd fare against the test? You can take it here.
Rolling On The River Rollin’ on the River… Two rocket-firing Bell UH-1 Iroquois helicopters weave in combat over South Vietnam’s hazy Mekong Delta, as if dancing to the rhythm of the classic lyrics made famous by Rock and Roll Hall of Fame singer Tina Turner. Better known as “Hueys,” these rotary-winged birds augmented existing aircraft in Vietnam in 1963 and, prior to the end of the conflict, they numbered 5,000. In great demand and used extensively, the Huey served in command-and-control, in medical evacuation, in the transportation of personnel and materiel, in air assault and as gunships. UH-1D Hueys carried 20mm cannon, rocket launchers, grenade launchers, up to six anti-tank missiles and could be armed with door guns. The UH-1Ds had a longer fuselage than previous models, increased rotor diameter, increased range, more powerful Lycoming engines, larger cargo doors and twin cabin windows on both sides. Lift was provided by two-bladed, semi-rigid, all metal main rotors and two-bladed, rigid, all metal tail rotors. While serving in the U.S. Air Force, the artist, William S. Phillips, had opportunities to fly in Hueys out of Tan Son Nhut Air Base outside of Saigon, now Ho Chi Minh City.
Five Important Life Skills To Teach Your Kids Have you ever questioned if your child is self-sufficient? Will your child be able to look after himself if you leave them alone for a long time? Do you believe your child possesses the required life skills to face the challenges that lie ahead? As parents, we always wish to inculcate in our children certain characteristics. When we consider certain basic attributes, we find that leadership is one of the most important skills that any parent wishes to instil in their child. However, as parents, we must recognise that independence and confidence are the pillars of leadership. So, let's look at some very fundamental new learning skills for kids that will allow them confront the world on their own and with confidence. Your child's education must go beyond what he or she learns in school. In order to learn, a child must be taught at home through experiences and training exercises. 1. Managing Time You're most likely perplexed as to how this is possible. You can accomplish this by encouraging your child to take charge of their own time. Instead of you waking them up, get them an alarm clock so they can get ready for school on time. Get them a planner to keep track of their schoolwork and extracurricular activities, as well as when things need to be completed. 2. Ability to Make Decisions Education, jobs, and life partners are just a few of the major decisions we must make in our lives. How about teaching your child how to make good decisions from a young age? Here's how you do it: you teach kids how to make sensible judgments in short, straightforward steps. Begin by asking them to pick between two distinct activities or games, two different forms of clothing, two different foods, and so on. When this occurs, the youngster will be able to comprehend the repercussions of each, helping them assess the benefits and drawbacks! 3. Money management and basic budgeting Among life skills, this is a very basic one. Every week or every two weeks, give your children a set amount of pocket money to use for their costs. Ask them to save up their pocket money if they want to buy something more expensive. They will be more motivated as a result of this. Comparative purchasing, in my opinion, falls under the umbrella of budgeting education. Open a bank account for your child and have them deposit money into it once a month (money received as gifts or if they help out in the house with some tasks, you could pay them a small amount). Saving and valuing money will be instilled as a result. " Isn't that the case? 4. The importance of environmental preservation Instilling the value of environmental preservation and sustainability in your child at a young age will encourage them to be more caring for the environment. Make simple lifestyle changes at home to teach your child why environmental protection is important. Encourage children to be environmentally conscious in everything they do. You can even compel them to participate in environmental activities such as gardening and rubbish collection for disposal. Give them a section of your yard to plant whatever they like, if you have one. Assist them in sowing seeds and assign them the job of watering the plants. You can always use planting pots if you don't have access to a yard. 5. Resilience and Adaptability These are two more key skills to inculcate in your child. This can be accomplished by ensuring that you do not constantly provide solutions to your child. Empower your child to solve problems on their own so that they are prepared to handle problems as they arise. They must develop resilience in order to adapt to a variety of circumstances and settings. Make sure you have an open line of communication with your child so you can understand what they're going through and assist them--and, of course, as a parent, you must model resilient behaviour at home! Teaching our children life skills is essential so that they can have a rough idea of what they want to accomplish with their lives and, more crucially, recall the type of person they want to be. Focus your efforts on educating children in a fun and engaging way so that they may be confident in their values and talents!
It is possible to create a database in a location other than the default location for the installation. Remember that all database access occurs through the database server, so any location specified must be accessible by the server. Alternative database locations are referenced by an environment variable which gives the absolute path to the intended storage location. This environment variable must be present in the server's environment, so it must have been defined before the server was started. (Thus, the set of available alternative locations is under the site administrator's control; ordinary users can't change it.) Any valid environment variable name may be used to reference an alternative location, although using variable names with a prefix of PGDATA is recommended to avoid confusion and conflict with other variables. To create the variable in the environment of the server process you must first shut down the server, define the variable, initialize the data area, and finally restart the server. (See Section 3.6 and Section 3.3.) To set an environment variable, type in Bourne shells, or setenv PGDATA2 /home/postgres/data in csh or tcsh. You have to make sure that this environment variable is always defined in the server environment, otherwise you won't be able to access that database. Therefore you probably want to set it in some sort of shell start-up file or server To create a data storage area in PGDATA2, ensure that the containing directory (here, /home/postgres) already exists and is writable by the user account that runs the server (see Section 3.1). Then from the command line, type $PGDATA2). Then you can restart the server. To create a database within the new location, use the command CREATE DATABASE name WITH LOCATION = 'location' where location is the environment variable you used, PGDATA2 in this example. The createdb command has the option -D for this purpose. Databases created in alternative locations can be accessed and dropped like any other database. Note: It can also be possible to specify absolute paths directly to the CREATE DATABASE command without defining environment variables. This is disallowed by default because it is a security risk. To allow it, you must compile PostgreSQL with the C preprocessor macro ALLOW_ABSOLUTE_DBPATHS defined. One way to do this is to run the compilation step like gmake CPPFLAGS=-DALLOW_ABSOLUTE_DBPATHS all
Our board games Moon is an educational board game aimed to develop several Computational Thinking-related skills, such as information representation and binary coding, binary arithmetic, binary logic, and basic system's architecture. UDEUSTO developed a printed version of the game in a previous Erasmus+ Project (2018-1-ES01-KA201-050415), but many teachers and students asked for a complementary app that would allow playing MOON is a wider set of scenarios (during playtime, commuting, at home, etc.) and use their mobile devices for educational purposes. You can play an online version of Moon here: The Moon app allows users to adapt the difficulty level of the game in an easy way. Three levels of increasing difficulty are shown in the main menu (easy, medium, hard) and it's be possible to configure all aspects of the game (number of errors, resets, bugs, energy, operations, etc.) in a custom difficulty mode. Since TRUEBA, BvS, HBG, and PGPP participated in the testing and piloting, and subsequently use of the app in their technology, mathematics and computer activities, hundreds of primary and secondary school students used the game to develop digital skills in a playful way. In addition, the app is freely released enabling schools, organizations and families across Europe to play the game. Current status: Available In the last decade, systems based on blockchains have become more and more popular, mainly thanks to cryptocurrencies such as BitCoin or Ethereum. However, most people do not know what a blockchain is and how it works. For this reason, we will design and develop an app-enhanced board game that explains in a practical and fun way key concepts to understand blockchains such as metadata, blocks, hash functions, public ledgers, integrity assurance mechanisms and consensus algorithms. Thanks to this board game, students and teachers in the last years of primary education and first years of secondary education are able to understand how crypto-currencies work as well as other blockchain-based systems such as digital assets management systems, educational or medical ledgers, or smart contracts. The app associated with the board game allows players to forget about the tedious task of keeping track of the points of each participant without harming the game experience or the educational component of the game. Although there are several cryptocurrency-related board games on the market, none of them focus on explaining how a blockchain works but the speculation dynamics that arise with virtual currencies. The most innovative aspect of this game is that it explains how a blockchain works in a simple enough way so that a student in the last years of primary education can understand it but without losing rigor and truthfulness at the same time. The impact of this playful and educational material is expected to be very noticeable in primary and secondary schools' students and teachers. Having a growing number of initiatives interested in explaining in easily understandable ways the fundamentals of the blockchain, all the partners of this project (UDEUSTO, AGRPRIORITY, TRUEBA, BvS, HBG and PGPP) organized events to demonstrate the pedagogical potential of this educational material. We hope that hundreds of primary and secondary school students from different countries (Spain, Germany, Portugal, Greece and others) will benefit from the practical workshops carried out with this game. Current status: Available - Print & play version - Web app (not required to play Block Miners) - Android version (not required to play Block Miners) Hackers, crackers, viruses, computer worms, botnets, trojans, firewalls, exploits and other technical terms related to computer security usually scare us in the mass media headlines. Despite many of them are somehow familiar, we may not really understand how they work and what consequences they can have for our digital identity. Despite the many books and multimedia available for learning about computer security, much of this educational material is not suitable for primary and secondary school students and teachers. Although there are several board games related to computer security, many of them employ generic game mechanics that could be used in other contexts and do not take advantage of the replayability and immersion provided by an app-enhaced board game. For that reason, we will design and develop an immersive game about ethical hacking and computer security that will present a large number of different scenarios with challenges of increasing complexity to show how they work and what are the implications of suffering many of the computer attacks that are in the news.
The glass bowl is made of high borosilicate heat-resistant glass, does not contain harmful substances, and is a green environmental protection product that is harmless to the human body. The high borosilicate heat-resistant glass material has a high safety factor, a small thermal expansion coefficient, a large range of resistance to rapid temperature changes (≥120℃), and a heat resistance of 800℃. What are the characteristics of glass bowls However, ordinary glass tableware cannot enter the microwave oven, and it cannot even serve hot dishes. It will burst. In daily glassware, two kinds of glass can withstand high temperature. That is, the glass marked as high borosilicate material, and the glass marked as toughened. The difference between the two is that high boron can be put into the oven, while tempering cannot.
PostgreSQL is a very popular database engine used by a lot of websites, is one of the most used relational database management system available, and after installing it we can use some tools that it includes. One of these tools is a command-line tool called psql, and today we are going to learn a lot about it, and how to fix the famous ‘psql command not found’ error on your systems. About the psql command So as we said, the psql command is related to the PostgreSQL RDBMS. But what does this command do exactly? Let’s start by explaining that. psql is a command-line tool that grants us the ability to interact with the PostgreSQL RDBMS using the command line o terminal of our system. There are different ways to use or interact with an RDBMS. Some of these are graphic programs like phpMyAdmin, which is used for another RDBMS called MySQL (there is a version of it for PostgreSQL too), and there are less graphic ways like the command-line or terminal. But why would someone use a terminal if a nice software with a nice GUI can be used instead? Well, some people are more used to the terminal, and in some cases the features available in these tools are different, so even if you do have a GUI to interact with an RDBMS you may be lacking a function that is available in the terminal, and vice versa of course. What can I do with psql? As we said, it is used to connect with PostgreSQL so we can then issue different queries, and of course, see the results of those queries. It includes a lot of functions, around 30 to be more precise, but some are more important than others so let’s see which of these functions or options are used the most. - –command: this a widely used psql option and, as you may have guessed already, it is used to issue a command. This function is used a lot in bash scripts related to PostgreSQL because it will allow us to execute commands in PostgreSQL directly from the script. - –dbname: another very important option, this one will let us connect to a particular database in PostgreSQL to work with it. This way we make sure that the queries that we run are only executed in the right database. - –list: this is a pretty straight forward feature that is used to list all the databases available. Yeah, that is all it does, but it is very useful to check if we are missing a database for example. - –quiet: a feature very useful if we don’t want to read much, it will automatically suppress all messages that the executed command may return on our screen. This may be useful in some situations, for example, if too much useless data is printed, but in other cases, we may not want to use it if we really need to look at the output. - –username: with this option we can connect to a database using a username instead of the default psql session. - –no-password: this option disables the password prompt, so we will not be able to get a password request while using the psql tool. In this case, passwords will have to be stored in a file and obtained from there. This can also be used when we need to run an automatic script that requires a password, in this case we should have the password stored in a secure file so the script can read it from there. - –password: this is the opposite of the previous option, which means that we will be asked for a password when using it. psql will ask for a password when we try to connect to a database or run a query. In most cases, this feature is enabled by default in PostgreSQL’s config so we may not need to use it in the terminal. How can I fix the psql command not found error on Linux? So now that we have explained what psql is exactly and how it can be used to interact with PostgreSQL databases let’s see how can we resolve one of the most common problems associated with this tool: the not found error. If you ever come across the psql command not found error then you may, or may not, be doing something wrong. Before explaining the solution, let’s see what is going on here. When you get the psql not found error it means that the binary/executable file for psql wasn’t found in your user’s PATH. Depending on how PostgreSQL was installed it may or may not be placed in your PATH. We can also get this error if we haven’t installed PostgreSQL yet, in which case the solution is to install it of course and check again after that. But what if PostgreSQL is installed but you still get this error anyway? Well, don’t worry, it’s pretty easy to solve this problem, and this solution works for both CentOS and Ubuntu systems, and for most Linux distros actually. First, let’s run a very useful command called ‘updatedb’, which nowadays comes included in most distros by default as a part of the ‘locate’ tool. It may run for a few minutes before finishing: Once it finishes, the locate cache database will be updated and we can use it to find the exact location of the psql command, so let’s run this in our shell: Once the exact path of the binary is found we only have to create a symlink. For example, if the psql binary was found in the path ‘/usr/lib/postgresql/9.5/bin/psql’ then we only need to issue the following command to create a symlink: ln -s /usr/lib/postgresql/9.5/bin/psql /usr/bin/psql This way the binary will be available in our PATH and we will be able to execute it quickly just by typing “psql” in our shell. This is the easiest and quickest way to solve the psql command not found error. So today we have learned a bit more about the psql tool which is used in the shell to issue commands and queries in PostgreSQL, and it can also be used in bash scripts that connect to this RDBMS. We also know how to fix the psql command not found error, which is one of the most common errors related to this tool. The solution is quite easy and is compatible with most Linux distros, requiring only a symlink to add the binary to the user’s PATH.
Years ago, I learned how to propagate multiple varieties of true yams (Dioscorea spp.) by dividing roots into pieces in winter or spring, dipping those pieces in ash, then planting them to grow new, full roots by the end of the year. We put all the pieces into a big pot of soil: Then we covered them with more soil and waited. When they woke up from dormancy, they’d start making shoots, like this: One the vines started growing, we’d transplant them into a bed to grow until harvest. Yet another trick is to just cut off the “head” of the yam, where last year’s vines grew, and then replant it to make a new yam by the end of the year. See the tops of these purple yams that a reader grew in Tennessee? You just cut off that head, with some flesh attached (an inch or three), and then replant it. This video from Lillian’s Gardens shows how she does it: Though this technique does not multiply yams like cutting them into minisetts does, it will allow you to regrow all the yams you decide to harvest for food. For instance, if you want to eat twelve yams, you can – and you get to make twelve new yams from the “waste” portion you cut off when processing. We learned this trick in Grenada. There, farmers and wild yam foragers would often just cut off the top when they dug a yam and then put it back into the hole to grow a new yam the next year. Putting the yam heads in pots through the winter makes even more sense for those of us in colder climates, since you can keep the pots in a frost-free location until it’s time to plant in spring. It also makes sense if you don’t have a yam bed ready to place them in. Yams are one of the best staple survival crops you can grow in Florida and the Deep South. That’s why they feature heavily in Florida Survival Gardening, Totally Crazy Easy Florida Gardening, and in the new, massively expanded and illustrated 2nd edition of Create your Own Florida Food Forest. True yams are starchy, not sweet, easily replacing white potatoes in the diet while growing with less care and work.
Air transportation has an undisputed speed advantage among all other modes. On the other hand, it is known that the environmental metrics of aviation is quite unsatisfactory compared to other transportation types due to its fuel characteristics and the amount of consumed fuel. However, it would be a wrong choice to rely solely on operational processes to make a true comparison. For this reason, a Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) model should be generated by taking into account processes such as production except the operation process and the calculations should be performed with a comprehensive and holistic perspective. In this study, the environmental impacts of air and rail transport types are compared from the life cycle perspective. For this purpose, first, the emissions in the case of one passenger per one km (pkm) transportation by air and rail were calculated. Then, taking into account the production and disposal processes of the aircraft and passenger trains, the LCA cycle was completed and total emissions were calculated. SimaPro version package program and 1.09 version of ReCiPe 2008 method were used for LCA calculations. With the help of the program, emissions generated during both production and one pkm transportation processes of an aircraft, high-speed and normal train were estimated. Accordingly, the greenhouse gas produced one pkm in air transport was 126.8 g in terms of carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2eq), while CO2eq was 0.3 and 0.31 g for high-speed trains and regular trains, respectively. Considering the production processes, 2072.1, 28.72, and 19.07 t of greenhouse gases are produced, respectively for these three transportation modes.
A group of kind-hearted individuals were driving along when they spotted a mother dog and her puppy aimlessly roaming under a drainage pipe. The mother was reduced to bare flesh, and the puppy was in a similar state. They had obviously been starved for a very long time. They were quickly given a loaf of bread to eat by the group, but the dog enthusiastically gobbled it all up. To their dismay, the group looked everywhere for the remaining pieces of rubbish, but they could not be located. The mother dog and her youngster were in awful condition, and the tears in their eyes revealed how much pain they were going through. They were able to be transported to safety, fed, and given milk. They were unaware of how long the dogs had gone without food. The mother dog had significant levels of leukemia and blood clots, which were discovered when the dogs were examined by a veterinarian. With pale blood, a low blood count, high leukemia, ongoing dehydration, and nutritional deficiencies, the dog was in a grave condition. They had a terrible outlook and obviously need long-term care. The group accepted the challenge of aiding the dogs in their struggle for survival. They kept a close eye on their diet and nutrition to make sure they were eating enough to keep their bodies healthy and able to withstand the treatments. Day by day, the puppy was improving, and the mother’s care and love for her child were obvious. Weeks passed, and the dogs started to get better. The puppy’s leukemia count started to decline, while the mother’s blood count rose. The mother and puppy together, demonstrating their love and care for one another, was a touching sight. The rescuers’ commitment and care allowed the canines to finally make a full recovery after a protracted ordeal. The affection and consideration they showed for the canines served as evidence that even the smallest act of kindness may have a significant impact. This touching tale serves as a timely reminder of the value of helping disadvantaged animals. Their lives are important, and we should take every possible step to assist them. We must make sure they receive the respect and care they merit. Jackfruit and Sweet are examples of how love and care can heal even the most serious conditions. Watch the video below:
Read Time: 6 mins We live in a world with a growing population. More than ever we live in cities. We are more connected than ever through technology and the digital economy. On any measure we live closer to other people than ever before. But urban loneliness remains a big issue for many. Is a solution possible? Current estimates are that the global population will be close to 10 billion persons by 2050 having grown from the current level of 7.6 billion. And this trend appears set to continue for the remainder of the century. We are Drawn Closer Together in Cities We are a more urbanised society than ever, living closer together. The proportion of the population that lives in cities exceeded 50% for the first time in 2010. Currently, around 4.3 billion people – 55% of the total – live in urban areas. Along with population. this percentage is rising and is expected to reach 65% by 2050. This would mean in the region of 6.4 billion people living in cities by 2050. This will create conflicts between the forces that drive the wish to live and produce in urban areas and the ability of cities to contain ever increasing populations. Even with larger cities and higher densities, entirely new cities will be required to provide sufficient housing for these extra 2 billion people. This will place an impossible strain on the ability of cities to house populations and provide them with the standards of living they desire. Human Proximity is not Human Closeness Proximity does lead to greater economic activity. This is one of the reasons why cities can provide a higher standard of living than rural areas. But urbanisation and living in closer proximity to other people does not mean that we become closer to them in a human sense. The available research indicates that simply being physically closer to people does not easily lead to an increase in social interaction or relationships among people. Comparison of results from the US General Social Survey of 1985 and 2005 found that as urbanisation has progressed the number of people with no close friends had tripled. A similar result has been found in the UK. There, 48% of respondents to an extensive survey reported their opinion that Britain was becoming lonelier as a society. The sad fact is that as people move into cities they risk becoming lonelier and more socially isolated. Digital Interaction is Not a Solution We should not really be surprised by this. Over a very long period of time, stretching back to the more rapid period of urbanisation that began during the industrial revolution, the experience of urban loneliness is a real issue for people who move. But somehow, we have come to believe that the technological ability to communicate with many people could somehow avoid this problem. The evidence indicates that the reverse might be the case. The ability to be more connected than ever through digital technology does not seem to be helping in building real relationships. This, in itself, might be OK. But there is evidence that the reverse is happening. There is little doubt that, compared to older age groups, people aged 25 and below are more digitally connected. They’ve grown up with the technology and with social media and it is part of their lives in a way that is not the case for older people, even those who may have adopted digital communication. Despite this, one of the largest international surveys on the subject has found that people aged 16 to 24 are more lonely than all other age groups. Feelings of loneliness affect a wider range of people in this group and they experience these feelings more consistently. These findings are consistent with the results of previous research. For example, the UK published official statistics in 2018 that confirmed that 16 to 24 years olds experience loneliness more frequently than older age groups. Of course, social media is not the ’cause’ of this loneliness. The causes are far more closely related to the transitions and life changes that people in this age group are experiencing, and may be quite normal. But it is fairly clear that social media, and the form of interaction it offers, it not providing a solution. At least one positive result however, is that people are increasingly willing to admit to these feelings and seek solutions. In this, social media might provide to have a role. This research is being conducted as part of a larger effort to understand loneliness and how it affects health. Research has linked chronic loneliness to depressive symptoms and a higher risk of heart disease and stroke. The attention being paid to the subject is underlined by the fact that, in early 2018, the UK Government appointed a Minister for Loneliness. The evidence that is available leads to a fairly consistent conclusion. Online interaction and the ability to communicate digitally does not address urban loneliness. Loneliness and alienation remains as big an issues as ever for younger people, particularly when they move to a city. A Possible Solution to Urban Loneliness Somewhat unexpectedly, a possible solution to these two problems associated with urbanisation – overcrowding and loneliness – has begun to appear. And it is not a new solution. Collective living has existed in many cultures throughout history, albeit for different reasons. There is clear evidence of a growing acceptance, indeed a wish, for collective forms of living, such as shared accommodation, among groups in urban locations. This is often described the sharing economy. It would be going far too far to say that this indicates a move away from our focus on private property. But there are clear signals of the emergence of an urban generation who value experiences over possessions. They value living in real association with other people, with regular daily interactions, utilising shared spaces, rather than living in proximity in private spaces. This trend has, inarguably, been determined in large part by the rapid advances in technology and the difficulties encountered as cities continue to grow. But there is no doubt that this sharing economy also fundamentally reflects the craving for human connection. New technologies simply allow for people to be brought together to share services. They do not, and cannot, replace the human need for the interaction that shared possessions inevitably generate. Given the planet’s growing population, the depletion of natural resources and the strains being placed on cities by urbanisation, sharing homes appears to be an inevitable development. This is increasingly becoming a mainstream aspiration and a normal part of everyday living for many. As it does so, it will be necessary for those with a mandate to plan how society might live and operate in future decades to rethink the concept of ownership, including in housing. Beaton, C. (2017) Why Millennials are Lonely. www.forbes.com McPherson, M., L. Smith-Lovin and M. Brashears (2006) ‘Social Isolation in America: Changes in Core Discussion Networks over Two Decades’. American Sociological Review, Vol. 71 (3) pp 353-375 Manchester University (2018) The BBC Loneliness Experiment www.seed.manchester.ac.uk Office for National Statistics (2018) Loneliness – What characteristics and circumstances are associated with feeling lonely? www.ons.gov.uk Mental Health Foundation (2010) The Lonely Society? World Population Projections www.worldometers.info Kevin is an economic consultant with an interest in what makes societies work, how we got to where we are, where we are going, and how people can reach their potential.
Food is a very sensitive commodity. It is perishable and sensitive to temperature. Due to various safety risks in the food chain, religious restrictions and cultural practices, consumers demand information about their food. Regulators also require significant amounts of information for trade facilitation and control. Quick and efficient information sharing and exchange is thus important for trade facilitation and in the management of food safety risks to achieve appropriate level of protection (ALOP). Various actors need to exchange information in the complex process of importing and exporting agri-food products. One key tool to facilitate information sharing and exchange about food in the supply chain from farm to table is traceability. Food traceability is also one of the 10 principles of the ASEAN Food Safety Policy. Faced with the challenges of food safety emergency situations and the importance of food recall at both the national and global levels, many countries have implemented mandatory requirements on product traceability since 2004. It is expected that additional control measures and requirements are likely to be put into place in the future, given growing challenges in the food chain which extends beyond safety into sustainability and social considerations. Traceability or product tracing applied in a food safety context does not in itself improve food safety outcomes unless it is combined with appropriate measures and requirements. It can contribute to the effectiveness and/or efficiency of associated food safety measures. Traceability is a tool that when applied in a food inspection and certification system can contribute to the protection of consumers against deceptive marketing practices and facilitation of trade on the basis of accurate product description. Developing countries have become major food producers, exporters and food processing hubs. In ASEAN, countries like Cambodia, Lao PDR, Myanmar and Viet Nam (CLMV) have gained market access to developed countries for their agri-food products. They do face challenges at various stages of the food chain to prove compliance with food safety management requirements (domestic and international). One of the issues often raised by stakeholders in the food chain in the CLMV is traceability. In its pursuit to contribute in improving the food safety measure in the Mekong region, Mekong Institute (MI), through its PROSAFE project, is organizing a Regional Training Program on Traceability in Food Value Chain on February 13-17, 2023 for relevant agri-food stakeholders in CLMV. The five-day course is designed to contribute in improving the national food safety control system and food safety management system of food businesses in CLMV by strengthening traceability management system. Specifically, it aims to: - Provide a background and overview of traceability measures in food safety and trade facilitation; - Strengthen understanding on general food traceability requirements in food laws and for specific food groups; - Increase awareness on product identification and management of information that facilitates traceability; and - Enhance knowledge on traceability requirements for food business operators (FBOs). Module 1 – Introduction to food traceability This module will provide the basic concepts of traceability, as well as its importance in the agri-food value chain, highlighting food safety and identification. It will also provide the characteristics and types of food traceability. - Traceability overview - Importance of traceability in the food and agricultural sector - Characteristics of traceability - Types of traceability Module 2 – Traceability for agri-food trade facilitation This module will emphasize traceability in international and regional trade facilitation such as the ASEAN Food Safety Policies and Principles. The sessions under this module also covers developments in the food traceability tools and systems from simple tagging to use of blockchain, plus the traceability requirements for FBOs. At the end of the session, the participants will share their product tracing and data requirements for trade. Those from the government will present the common data standards for cross border facilitation, while FBOs will focus on their traceability information management. - Effectiveness of traceability systems - Traceability and product tracing tools and technology solutions - Traceability requirements for food businesses - Sharing of product tracing and data requirements for trade Module 3 – Traceability development and implementation for food businesses GS1 traceability standard is widely used for supply chain identification. It provides the common language for traceability solutions to track products from the property to the consumer. At the moment, GS1 is being used by the existing traceability of the government agencies in Southeast Asia, including those in Thailand and Vietnam. For this module, an overview of the GS1 standard and its framework that defines minimum traceability system requirements for companies across industry sectors will be covered. - Overview of the GS1 traceability framework - Key data elements and requirements for an interoperable traceability system - Challenges in implementing traceability Module 4 – Traceability platforms in the Mekong Region Mekong countries are now working towards food traceability. However, they started developing a traceability platform in different periods. Some, like Thailand and Vietnam, already have sophisticated ones, and others are just starting their development such as Cambodia. In this module, representatives from Mekong countries will be invited to share their platform and experiences on developing and implementing traceability. - Best practices from the government with traceability platform - Best practices from food business operators with existing traceability system - Learning Visit Module 5 – Action planning Action plans are the most important aspect of PROSAFE Regional Training Programs. Participants will share how they plan to implement the lessons learnt in their work leading to a demonstrable change either in the food control system or food establishments. Food traceability tools are useful to food systems’ competent authorities and businesses. In this regard, the training program is targeted at the public and private sector from CLMV. It is especially useful for government officials with food inspection and certification roles such as GMP, GAP, GHP and organic agriculture, as well as FBOs with existing or aiming for the aforementioned certifications. Ms. Maria Theresa S. Medialdia (Course Supervisor) Phone: (+66) 4320-2411 ext. 3101 Fax: (+66) 4320-3656 Mobile: (+66) 87-365-6240 Ms. Anne Claudine D. Dayo (Course Leader) Phone: +66 (0) 43 202 411 ext. 3104 Fax: +66 (0) 43 203 656 Mobile: +66 (0) 842343417 Mr. Tanadech Sriwanchai (Course Assistant ) Phone: (+66) 4320-2411 ext. 3106 Fax: (+66) 43 203 656 Mobile: (+66) 910139679
One of the Internet's most obscure technologies came to life last weekend: transmitting network information by carrier pigeon. In 1990, David Waitzman wrote RFC 1149, a tongue-in-cheek standard for using pigeons to transfer information using the Internet Protocol (IP). On Saturday, a group of Linux enthusiasts in Bergen, Norway, succeeded in exchanging some data using the Carrier Pigeon Internet Protocol (CPIP). The group transmitted a "ping" command, among the most basic operations of the Internet, in which one computer sends a signal to another, which in turn signals that it is attached to the network. In the experiment, packets of network data were printed on paper then attached to pigeons' legs. Upon their arrival at the destination, the data was transferred to the computer using optical character recognition software. The Bergen Linux Users Group had some assistance from the Vesta Brevdueforening carrier pigeon club and Alan Cox, a programmer at Linux leader Red Hat and top deputy of Linux founder Linus Torvalds. The pigeon protocol didn't mean the fastest of networks, though. Taking an hour and 42 minutes to transfer a 64-byte packet of information makes the pigeon network about 5 trillion times slower than today's cutting-edge 40 gigabit-per-second optical fiber networks. With a bit more luck than the Bergen group experienced, a basic Web page probably could be loaded in a couple of hours, participant Vegard Engen said in an e-mail interview. Why bother with such a pokey protocol? "Because it could be done, and because no one had done it before," Engen said. Indeed, Waitzman said the only other attempt he knew of faltered for lack of avian carriers. "In February 1996, I got an e-mail from Sprint Communications South Africa asking if anyone has implemented it, and that they are thinking of doing it as a publicity stunt," Waitzman said in an e-mail interview. "I replied 'No, and good luck,' and they responded that they were having trouble finding a carrier pigeon owner. I never heard anything more." Dial-up modem: 56kbps DSL: 384kbps to 1mbps T1 line: 1.5mbps Ethernet: 10mbps to 100mbps T3 line: 45mbps OC12 line: 622mbps Gigabit Ethernet: 1gbps Source: CNET research Carrier pigeons, with their navigational abilities, have been used for communication in numerous forms. A black check cock carrier pigeon named Cher Ami was awarded the French Croix de Guerre medal for delivering 12 messages in World War I. His valorous duty included a message that helped the U.S. Army locate its "Lost Battalion ," a message delivered despite the bird's being shot by enemy fire, according to the Smithsonian Institution There were some hitches with the Internet experiment as well. "The main reason for the long ping times was the neighbors' pigeons," Engen said. "They were out flying in the valley. When our pigeons were released, they did not want to go home. They would rather fly with the other pigeons." And the flocking tendency caused another problem: The arrival en masse of a bunch of pigeons that had been released at 7.5-minute intervals caused a lot of confusion among the pigeon handlers, who left some cages open. As a result, some pigeons returned back to the starting point before they could be fitted with a datagram. But the packet loss wasn't bad enough to sink the experiment, Engen said. And, as usual among Linux groupies, Microsoft took some of the heat. One pigeon bonked into a nearby window, spurring Cox to quip, "Oh, no! Windows causing problems again," Engen said. Waitzman's avian carrier protocol is one of a number of "April Fool's Day" standards at the Internet Engineering Task Force. Waitzman puts the total count of joke standards at 29, including a sequel he wrote in 1999, RFC 2549, for ensuring quality of service on carrier pigeon networks. Waitzman, an employee of Internet pioneer BBN Technologies, seasons his standards descriptions with networking jargon adapted to feathered formats. For example, "the carriers have an intrinsic collision avoidance system," a problem that afflicts the transfer of data on crowded networks. And regarding patent considerations, "There is ongoing litigation about which is the prior art: carrier or egg." The pigeon experiment may have been just a lark, but it actually served a serious function in setting an example of how helpful good documentation can be. "If all protocol tests included such good documentation, interoperability in the Internet would be even better," Waitzman said.
A solar-powered high-altitude drone made by Titan Aerospace is intended to be able to remain in flight for about five years. When manufactured, it would have 3,000 solar panels producing about 7 kW of electricity and would be above the clouds, so it would be exposed to sunlight constantly during daylight hours. One is scheduled for completion next year. The point of having such a plane would be to keep a payload in flight long-term, presumably in a manner similar to communications satellites. They could be used for surveillance applications such as environmental monitoring, fire monitoring and disaster response, among other things.
Those of us who have worked with individuals with autism know that some of the behaviors we’ve seen, mesh with some of the warning signs of violence. It’s important that we learn to separate these two things to get a clearer picture of what is attributable to autism and doesn’t carry a risk of violence, and what may be a warning sign that needs attention. Isolation, challenges with social interactions and emotional regulation, low frustration tolerance, intense interests/fixation, depression, anxiety and inflexibility can be signs of autism. They can also be warning signs that something is not going well with a neurotypical individual. How do we know the difference? Some questions to ask include: has the person been diagnosed with autism? Is there existing comorbidity with a mental illness or personality disorder? Are there new stressors in his/her life? What have others observed? Any recent changes in behavior? Does the person grasp social nuances? Does he or she understand and back off if told that behavior is inappropriate? Does the person exhibit social naivete? This list is barely scratching the surface as the interplay between these elements is highly complex. Inquire of the person of concern: is this something you feel frequently? Is it normal for you? Is something new going on that has triggered these feelings? Can you tell me more about it? How long have you been dealing with this? Do you understand why this behavior is inappropriate? Do you think you’ll be able to change it? Consider: Is this person on a pathway to violence? Is there evidence of holding a grudge? Is there evidence of planning for revenge or violence? Has the person mentioned revenge or violence to others? These are important indicators of potential violence in both neurotypical and neurodivergent persons. The possibility also exists that an individual with autism may become an unwitting partner in crime of violence, in part, because of his or her naivete and vulnerability. Comorbidity also increases violence risk for individuals with autism. We need to realize that autism affects just .08 of the population. Yet, when researchers studied the Mother Jones database of lone shooters, they found diagnosed ASD in 8% of shooters and some indicators of ASD in 21% of shooters. While it’s more likely that a person with autism will be a victim than a perpetrator of violence, some typical behaviors and social/emotional challenges experienced by an individual with autism are similar to those exhibited by a person on the pathway to violence. It’s critical to have an in-depth developmental history and mental health assessment done by a licensed mental health clinician with training in the factors related to violence risk. It’s also vital to understand that ASD individuals are not more likely to perpetrate violence than the general population. Rather, the coexistence of psychosis, psychopathy, mood disorders and developmental failures, and adverse early experiences contribute to increased risk of violence. It’s up to us to investigate any warning signs and do what we can to assist with troubling emotions. But, it’s not at all easy to distinguish the root of these behaviors and emotions. I recommend doing additional research on this complex topic and partnering with a psychologist or psychiatrist if you are faced with this situation. I’ve listed some resources below to get you started. White, S. G., Meloy, J. R., Mohandie, K., & Kienlen, K. (2017). Autism spectrum disorder and violence: Threat assessment issues. Journal of Threat Assessment and Management, 4(3), 144–163. https://doi.org/10.1037/tam0000089 Allely, C.S., Minnis, H., Thompson, L., Wilson, P. & Gillberg, C. (2014). Neurodevelopmental and psychosocial risk factors in serial killers and mass murders. Aggression and Violent Behavior, 19, 288-301. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.avb.2014.04.004 Allely, C. S., Wilson, P., Minnis, H., Thompson, L., Yaksic, E., & Gillberg, C. (2017). Violence is rare in autism: When it does occur, is it sometimes extreme? The Journal of Psychology, 151, 49–68.http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/00223980.2016.1175998
Need to write an essay, or have an essay-writing exam coming up? Get tips here! Essay exams are designed to test your ability to synthesise information and to organise your thoughts on paper. The following points are designed to help you prepare for essay style exams. Be familiar with the terminology used 1. Make sure you understand the question and are clear about what you are being asked to do. Terms like: compare, trace, illustrate and evaluate all have different meanings and will require a different style of answer. Take time to read the exam paper thoroughly 1. Not reading questions properly is a common mistake made in essay exams. Therefore, make sure you read each question carefully and be sure you understand exactly what the question is asking. 2. If the question is ambiguous, unclear or too broad, clearly write your interpretation of the question before answering. Plan before you write 1. Don’t write your essay off the top of your head – the results will be disorganised and incoherent. Before you start writing, jot down your ideas and organise them into an essay plan. 2. You can write a plan on the exam paper itself, or on any spare paper you have with you. Begin by thinking about how you will answer the question. Note the main information in point form. Doing this will also help you think about your answer Number your answers 1. If you have to write more than one essay, always indicate the number of the essay so it is clear which question you are answering. Hint: You don’t have to answer questions in the order in which they appear in the exam paper. Start with the easiest one first and do the hardest last. This helps to reduce anxiety and facilitates clear thinking. Time yourself on each question 1. Allocate a set time to complete each question (for example, two essays in two hours = 1 hour per question) 2. Start with the easiest one and do the hardest last. This approach reduces anxiety and helps you think more clearly. 3. Answer in the first sentence and use the language of the question Always answer the question in the introduction. To clearly signal your answer, use the language of the question. Question: “How do the goals of liberal and socialist feminism differ?” You could begin your essay with: “The goals of liberal and socialist feminism differ in three main ways . . .” This approach makes sure you answer the question, and makes the exam easier to mark. Make sure you structure your essay It should follow basic essay structure and include: An introduction should explicitly state your answer and the organisation of the essay. For example: “The goals of liberal and socialist feminism differ in three main ways. The first is that . . . The second is . . . and the third main area of difference lies in the . . . This essay will argue that although these differences exist in approaches, the practices of liberal and socialist feminism have become very similar”. The Body of your essay should include: 1. supporting material 2. appropriate details for your answer. Make sure you structure the body of the essay as you indicated in your introduction. Use transitions to tie your ideas together. This will make your essay flow. If you feel you are losing the plot, go back and reread the question and your introduction. In your Conclusion, re-answer the question and refer briefly to the main points in the body. Show HOW you have answered the question. For example: “In conclusion, it is clear that although liberal and socialist feminism originally held differing views on how to attain their goals, a realistic assessment now shows that their practice has become very similar. This is most clearly illustrated by . . . (give your best example and end the essay). If you run out of time, answer in point form Markers will often give you some marks for this. Write as legibly as possible 1. Print your answers instead of using cursive writing. 2. Be aware of grammar, spelling and punctuation. 3. If you are using exam booklets, write on every second line. 4. If you have time at the end of the exam, proof read your essay for grammatical and spelling errors. 5. Leave space in between answers in case you have time to add any information you didn’t include in your essays. This article gives reference to the online information provided on the University of New South Wales website: https://student.unsw.edu.au/exam-preparation
Anorexia and bulimia are both serious eating disorders that require mental health and medical attention. However, they present with different symptoms and behaviors. Let’s look at the difference between anorexia and bulimia so that you may better recognize and understand the signs of each in a loved one. Whatever the eating disorder, it’s important to act as soon as possible to return to healthy eating habits. The Characteristics of Anorexia One of the main characteristics of anorexia is a restriction in eating out of fear of gaining weight. People with anorexia often carry a distorted view of their own body image and engage in severe dieting or behavior to lose weight. A low body weight is another recognizable symptom of anorexia. People with anorexia also fear gaining weight, even if it’s back to healthier levels, and don’t picture themselves as underweight. The Characteristics of Bulimia Bulimia involves episodes of binge eating where a person often displays a lack of control over their eating habits. After a binging episode, a person with bulimia would then partake in excessive behaviors to prevent weight gain. Those behaviors include self-induced vomiting, over-exercising, or the misuse of laxatives. Bulimia may be harder to identify by appearance because individuals still tend to have a normal body weight. People with bulimia often carry feelings of guilt and shame that need to be addressed, over their eating habits. Book a Therapy Appointment for Anorexia or Bulimia Both eating disorders are severe mental health conditions with potentially severe health consequences. Psychotherapy, nutritional counseling, and medication may all be potential treatments to overcome the effects of the disorder. A therapist can help you understand the situation and establish healthier eating habits and patterns. Dean Aman and his team of experienced mental health specialists understand what it takes to provide the type of care you need. If you suspect that you or a loved one are suffering from anorexia or bulimia, it’s important to act as soon as possible. Contact us today to book an appointment and start on the path to recovery.
Click on More information tab to get germination instructions (may be not available yet). Ficus elastica, the Rubber Fig, is native of Asia. This ficus can measure up to 10 m high in nature. It doesn?t grow that tall in pot. If it grows too high, cut it off, this will ease the ramification. It has a unique stem and large hard leaves, shiny and dark green, with a central nerve. For the plant to ramify, you must pinch the terminal bud, but this will provoke the leaking of latex. In order to stop the leaking, you must apply wood coal or cigarette ashes. Hardiness zones 10-11 (1øC/35øF, 4øC/40øF) in winter. The normal temperature of a house suits it year-long. This ficus will not survive temperatures below 15ø. This ficus appreciates a good source of light with no direct sun all year. It can live under shade, but it will definitely grow better and faster with good light. Sunlight is essential for the leaves to keep their beautiful dark green colour. This ficus appreciates rich soils. |Sow seeds on the surface of a soil mix consisting of, gardening soil, humus and peat moss. You can replant in spring in a bigger pot until the plant has reached its adult size. Water regularly during growth, but keep the soil from being soaked or completely dry. In winter, let the soil dry out before watering again. Use fertilizer twice a month during growth. Germination will take from one week to a month, don?t get discouraged.
Echinacea | Medical Benefits | Gardening Tips | How to eat | Side Effects Echinacea is a plant with medicinal value known for its anti-inflammatory properties. It is drinkable in tinctures, teas, or supplements. Studies suggest it can aid in reducing the duration and severity of symptoms of colds. When you garden, plant Echinacea in well-drained soil and have adequate sunlight. The effects are usually minor. However, allergic reactions could occur. Speak with a medical professional before taking the medication. What is Homeopathic Echinacea Used For? Echinacea treats viruses, such as typical colds and the flu. It can help strengthen your immune system. It’s also employed to help treat vaginal fungal diseases (“yeast infection”) and antifungal treatments applied to the vaginal region. The Power of Echinacea Echinacea, also called the coneflower with a purple color, is a flowering plant native to North America. It has a long tradition of usage in the traditional culture of Native American tribes for its therapeutic properties. In the present, Echinacea is widely recognized as a powerful immune booster. Boosting the Immune System One of the most important uses of homeopathic Echinacea is to boost and enhance your immune system. It is believed to stimulate the body’s defense mechanisms, making it more resistant against illness and infections. Echinacea may help reduce the severity and duration of flu, colds, and other respiratory diseases by enhancing the immune system. Treating Upper Respiratory Tract Infections Homeopathic Echinacea is often used to ease upper respiratory tract symptoms, like cough, sore throat and congestion. It is a great remedy for inflammation and aid in the body’s efforts to fight the infection. Many have found that Echinacea helps them recover quicker and suffer less severe symptoms. Skin Health and Wound Healing Echinacea has also proven to be effective in promoting skin health and aiding wound healing. It is antimicrobial and has anti-inflammatory properties, which can aid in preventing infection and reducing swelling. Certain homeopathic physicians advise Echinacea to treat conditions such as eczema and psoriasis, as well as minor burns or cuts. Allergies and Asthma Recently, there has been an increase in curiosity about using homeopathic remedies like Echinacea for asthma and allergies. Although more research is required to better understand its effect on people, some reports suggest Echinacea could help regulate the immune system and decrease allergic reactions. It can help relieve symptoms like sneezing, itching, nasal congestion, etc. How to Use Homeopathic Echinacea Homeopathic remedies, like Echinacea, can be found in many forms, like tablets, liquid diluting, and Ointments. The proper amount and the frequency to use rely on many factors, such as the person’s age, general health, and the specific situation. Speaking with a licensed homeopathic physician or healthcare professional for individualized assistance is suggested. Safety and Precautions If taken according to the directions, homeopathic remedies are generally accepted as safe and well-tolerated. It is important to follow the prescribed dosage and avoid self-diagnosis or self-medication. If you suffer from any other medical conditions or you are taking any other medication, It is advisable to consult with a medical professional before taking the homeopathic remedy echinacea. How Long Does It Take for Echinacea to Grow? Echinacea is a simple plant to cultivate from nursery stock, seeds, or division. Plant outdoors, 1/2 inch deep, in the event of a light frost still likely. Seeds should germinate within 10 to 20 days. Flowers are guaranteed to bloom within the first year after seeding If they are sown in the early spring (see Summer Flowers for more color). Germination: The First Stage of Growth The process of growth for Echinacea starts with the germination process. To start the process of germination, you can begin by planting Echinacea seeds indoors in the late winter or the early spring. They require a time of cold stratification to get them out of dormancy. This can be accomplished by putting the seeds on an aqueous paper towel in an airtight plastic bag and then refrigerating them for 4 to 6 weeks. After the seeds have completed the process of cold stratification, and are now ready to be planted. Fill a tray of seeds or pots using a draining soil mix, then plant seeds in the soil. Cover the seeds lightly with a light layer of soil and gently water. Set the pots or trays in a well-lit and warm space, making sure they get adequate sunlight. Seedling Stage: Developing Young Echinacea Plants After a couple of weeks, you’ll begin developing tiny plants emerging in the ground. In this stage, it is crucial to provide your seedlings with the proper care in order to ensure their good development. Here are some crucial aspects to take into consideration: Light and Temperature Young Echinacea seedlings need plenty of sunlight to ensure healthy growth. Set them up in a place in which they will receive at minimum six to 8 hours of sunlight direct per day. In the event that you’re cultivating them indoors, you can utilize lighting fixtures that are fluorescent to supply the required light intensity. Keep the temperature between 70 to 75degF (21-24degC) in the daylight, with slightly cooler evening temperatures to encourage rapid growth. Beware of exposing seedlings to extreme cold or extreme heat since it may affect their growth. Watering and Soil Conditions It’s essential to keep the soil dry but not soaking wet. Overwatering can cause root rot as well as other problems, and underwatering may cause the seedlings to die and hinder their growth. Make sure you check the moisture levels regularly and then water the seedlings whenever the top layer of soil appears dry. Echinacea likes soil that is well-drained. Make sure it is in a loamy soil and full of organic matter. It is possible to amend the soil by adding compost or manure that is well-rotted before planting to improve the fertility of the soil and its drainage capabilities. Transplanting and Outdoor Cultivation After they Echinacea seedlings have developed several sets of real leaves and the risk of frost is gone, the plant can be moved outside. Pick a spot with complete sunlight exposure, preferably in an elevated bed or in soil that is well-drained for gardening. Make sure the planting hole is prepared by making the soil loose and then adding compost. Take the seedlings out of their containers and then place their pots in holes, making sure that the crown is at a level with the soil’s surface. Plants should be placed 12-18 inches apart, allowing enough airflow and allow for future growth. The seedlings that have been transplanted should be thoroughly watered after planting. You should continue to water them often, particularly during dry times. Mulching around the plants will help to conserve moisture and reduce the growth of weeds. Maturation and Blooming: The Final Stages If the Echinacea plant continues to expand, it will eventually mature and begin the flowering stage. The exact timing for this process may differ according to a variety of variables, including those of the Echinacea species and the environment. It takes between two and 3 years to allow Echinacea plants to mature and bloom their distinctive flowers. Once they have reached maturity, they’ll bloom in the summer, generally from June through August. The flowers are bright and cone-shaped, drawing pollinators like bees or butterflies to your garden. Apart from its aesthetic worth, Echinacea is also prized because of its potent medicinal properties. The leaves, roots, and blossoms of Echinacea plants are commonly utilized in herbal remedies and supplements. If you’re looking to harness the healing properties of Echinacea, Here’s a description of the process of harvesting: When harvesting the roots, it is recommended that you wait till the plants reach maturity, which typically occurs in three or four years old. The roots are sucked up from the base of the plant, and be cautious not to break the roots. Clean the roots thoroughly, then cut them into smaller pieces, then dry them in a ventilated space. Leaf and Flower Harvesting The flowers and leaves are harvested when the plants have established and flowering. Pick the best flowers and leaves, then cut them with scissors that can be sharp. To keep their power, it is recommended to dry the flowers and leaves in a dark and cool area. After drying, they can be stored in an airtight container, away from sun and water. How to Eat Echinacea? To stimulate the immune system in general for colds, flu, Upper respiratory tract infection, and bladder problems, you should take three times daily Echinacea till you are feeling better, but not longer than 10 consecutive days. Don’t take Echinacea with the stomach empty. Instead, drink the supplement with food, or drink a big drink of fluid. Types of Echinacea There are many species of Echinacea; however the most popular ones used for their benefits to health include Echinacea purpurea, Echinacea angustifolia, and Echinacea pallida. Each species has distinct characteristics and health benefits that make them worth investigating. Forms of Echinacea Echinacea is available in a variety of varieties, so you can pick the one that best suits your needs and preferences. Below are some of the commonly used types of Echinacea: Echinacea is readily accessible in the form of nutritional supplements, such as tablets, capsules as well as tinctures. They typically contain concentrated extract of Echinacea, making it easy to incorporate into your routine. Echinacea tea has become a well-loved option for those who are looking for a relaxing and relaxing way to drink the herb. There are echinacea tea bags as well as dry echinacea leaves that permit you to make an iced tea that has health-promoting qualities. Echinacea extracts are concentrated formulations that contain the active components of the plant. They can be purchased in liquid and powder form, which makes them suitable for a variety of applications, such as smoothies, juices or homemade preparations for topical use. If you have the luxury of fresh Echinacea, including it in recipes is a delicious and effective method to take advantage of its advantages. It can be added to salads or soups, or stir-fries fresh echinacea can add a fresh flavor to your food creations. How to incorporate Echinacea in Your Diet Now that we’ve delved into the different types of Echinacea, we can begin to explore ways you can include this herb in your daily diet Echinacea Infused Honey One of the most delicious and versatile ways to enjoy Echinacea is to infuse it with honey. To make echinacea-infused honey, you just need to add dry echinacea petals into an jar of honey and allow it to sit for a couple of weeks. Honey will be absorbed by its beneficial properties, making it the most delicious and healthy ingredient in your teas, toast, yogurt, or toast. Include a healthy boost to your morning routine by adding Echinacea to your smoothies. Blend fresh or frozen fruit and vegetables; add a few handfuls of kale or spinach, some yogurt, and one tablespoon of extract from Echinacea or dried powder of Echinacea. This refreshing and vibrant smoothie can boost your immunity. Echinacea Salad Dressing Enhance the flavor and nutritional value of your salads by using an Echinacea-infused dressing. Mix olive oil and lemon juice with minced garlic and dried Echinacea leaves with a hint of honey to add sweetness. Serve this dressing on your favorite greens and enjoy an energizing and healthy meal. Echinacea Soups and Broths Enhance the immune-boosting properties of your broths and soups by including Echinacea. Infuse dried echinacea root or leaves in addition to your other ingredients for soup so that the aromas, along with the health-boosting benefits, be infused into the food. This healthy and comforting food can boost your overall health. Potential Side Effects and Precautions Although Echinacea is generally suitable for the majority of people However, it’s crucial to know about possible negative effects and to take appropriate precautions: - The following allergic reactions can occur. people might experience an allergic reaction to Echinacea, in particular in the case of allergies to plants belonging to the Asteraceae family, like daisies or ragweed. If you’ve experienced an allergy to plants, it is recommended to speak with a medical professional prior to taking a echinacea supplement. - Interactions with Medications Echinacea could interact with some medicines, such as immunosuppressants and medicines metabolized in the liver. If you’re currently taking medications, you should seek out medical advice to ensure there are no possible interactions. - The duration of use: Echinacea is generally recommended for use in short-term situations. If used for a long time, it can lead to diminished effectiveness or other adverse consequences. It is recommended to adhere to the dosage guidelines that are recommended and speak with a doctor in case you have any questions. What Are Side Effects of Echinacea? The most frequent negative side effects associated with Echinacea are digestive tract symptoms like nausea or stomach discomfort. There are people who experience reactions to Echinacea that are allergic, which can be extremely. A few children who took part in a clinical study of Echinacea had rashes that could have been the result of some kind of allergic reaction. Myth 1: Echinacea Causes Severe Allergic Reactions One of the most common misconceptions about Echinacea is that it has a connection with a severe allergic reaction. However, a vast amount of scientific analysis and studies on the clinical side have not been able to prove this belief. Actually, Echinacea is generally considered safe for most people, with only a small percentage experiencing minor allergic reactions such as itching or skin rashes. Myth 2: Echinacea Leads to Autoimmune Disorders Another misconception regarding Echinacea is that it could cause autoimmune conditions. However, research has not identified a clear connection between Echinacea use and the emergence of autoimmune disorders. The effects of Echinacea’s immune stimulation are beneficial to most people and boost their immune system rather than creating harm. Myth 3: Echinacea Interferes with Medications There is a general belief that Echinacea could cause a reaction with certain medicines, especially those that affect the immune system and liver. It is important to be cautious when mixing any herbal supplement with prescription medications; the latest evidence suggests Echinacea does not have any interactions with the majority of drugs. However, consulting a medical professional is advised to ensure security and avoid any potential interactions with drugs. Myth 4: Echinacea Is Addictive Contrary to popular belief, Echinacea is not addictive. It is not a source of harmful substances, and the long-term usage of Echinacea is not a cause of dependence. Like all herbal supplements, it is recommended to adhere to the suggested dosing guidelines. Avoid prolonged or excessive usage. Myth 5: Echinacea Causes Digestive Issues Certain people worry they Echinacea could cause digestive problems like stomach discomfort or diarrhea. Although slight stomach problems can be experienced in rare instances, they are usually temporary and go away by themselves. If you are experiencing chronic or extreme digestive issues following the use of Echinacea, It is advised to speak with a doctor. Myth 6: Echinacea Is Harmful During Pregnancy Women who are pregnant often have concerns regarding the security of herbal supplements like Echinacea. Although studies on Echinacea usage during pregnancy aren’t extensive, however, the current evidence suggests the possibility that Echinacea has been proven to be safe if taken in the appropriate dosage. However, because pregnancy is a very delicate time and a delicate time, it is recommended to speak with a medical practitioner prior to including any supplements in your regimen.
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