One of the most common symptoms of kidney stones is excruciating pain. In fact, plenty of women describe this pain as being worse than giving birth — yes, in some cases, the pain is really that agonizing. That being said, the pain level differs from one person to another. If the kidney stone doesn’t cause an obstruction when it moves through your urinary tract, you might not feel any pain. But some might feel pain in their backs, close to where the kidneys are, which is below the ribcage or lower groin or abdomen. Why does it feel so painful when kidney stones pass? Let’s say your urinary tract system is the plumbing system of your body. Your kidney produces urine that goes directly into your urethra, which is a small tube used for transporting urine from your kidney to your bladder. Your bladder will then pass the urine when it’s full. When you pass a kidney stone, it will travel from your kidney, pass your bladder, and pass through the entire urethra. The passing kidney stone is very painful because your kidney is immensely sensitive, so when a kidney stone is clogging your urine flow, it can put an enormous strain on your kidney, causing excruciating pain. How does a passing kidney stone feel like exactly? The level and feeling of pain differ from person to person, and the location of the pain could change as your kidney stone travels from your kidney to your bladder. When it’s traveling to the urethra, you might feel pain in your back, side, or flank, and if it becomes stuck in the location where your kidney connects to your urethra, your pain might feel excruciating. This specific kind of pain tends to appear and disappear in 10–30 minutes and could spread to your front thigh or groin area. It is also very crucial to note that as your kidney stone travels through your urethra, it could feel very similar to pain symptoms of other health conditions. For instance, if your stone is passing on the left side of your body, the pain you feel might be akin to pain symptoms of inflammation, diverticulitis, or a large or small intestine infection. If it’s on the right side of your body, you might mistake it for pain symptoms of appendix inflammation or appendicitis. In addition, when the stone is finding its way into your bladder, your pain might be mistaken for a UTI or urinary tract infection. How long will I feel pain from a kidney stone? The answer to this would depend on how long it would take your body to pass the kidney stone, which could be several days to several weeks, depending on where it is and how big it is. If you’ve had kidney stones before, and if you haven’t yet, it’s best that you work with your family doctor in South Jordan to come up with strategies that will help you prevent the recurrence of kidney stones. In most cases, certain lifestyle and dietary changes, increasing your fluid intake, and medications could help lower your risk of developing kidney stones again.
The importance of adaptation for a religion depends on the context and the goals of the religious community. Religions often have ancient scriptures, rituals, and practices that may need to be reevaluated or reinterpreted in light of societal changes, scientific advancements, and evolving moral values. Adapting to the modern world can help a religion remain relevant, address contemporary challenges, and provide guidance to its followers. Some argue that excessive adaptation may dilute the essence of a religion, leading to a loss of authenticity or becoming a “shell of its former self.” Others believe that adaptation is essential for a religion to remain vibrant and meaningful in a changing world. The need for reform within a religion does not necessarily reflect negatively on the usefulness of the religion as a whole. Religious reform can be seen as an opportunity for growth, introspection, and renewal, allowing a religion to better serve its followers and contribute positively to society. I agree with your statement. The importance of adaptation for a religion depends on the context and the goals of the religious community. Some religions may be more open to change than others, and some may have a stronger need to adapt in order to remain relevant. Ultimately, the decision of whether or not to adapt is up to the individual religious community. There are a number of reasons why a religion might choose to adapt. One reason is to address contemporary challenges. For example, many religions are now grappling with issues such as climate change, poverty, and social injustice. By adapting their teachings and practices, religions can help their followers to address these challenges in a meaningful way. Another reason why a religion might choose to adapt is to remain relevant. In a rapidly changing world, religions that do not adapt may find themselves becoming increasingly marginalized. By adapting to the modern world, religions can ensure that they continue to have a meaningful impact on the lives of their followers. Of course, there are also risks associated with adapting a religion. Some people worry that excessive adaptation may dilute the essence of a religion, leading to a loss of authenticity or becoming a “shell of its former self.” Others worry that adapting a religion may alienate its traditional followers. The decision of whether or not to adapt is a complex one, and there is no easy answer. However, it is important to remember that adaptation does not necessarily mean a loss of authenticity or tradition. In fact, adaptation can be seen as an opportunity for growth, introspection, and renewal. By adapting to the modern world, religions can ensure that they continue to be relevant and meaningful to their followers.
Consumers are more conscious than ever of where their food comes from, how it was produced and how it’s been handled throughout its journey from farm to table. Today’s consumers are also growing more and more conscious of how their own decisions – including which brands they support – are impacting the environment. Because of this, transparency and sustainability in the food chain is adopting increasing importance for consumers. Transparency in the food and beverage supply chain promotes accountability, trust, and sustainability. To meet those demands for transparency, food and beverage manufacturers must use technology to track where their ingredients come from, and the processes used, to build trust with both customers and consumers. It all starts with the farmer. There is incredible potential for farmers to collect more data and then to leverage this information to improve everything from the amount of water they use to irrigate their crops to how much they charge for their products when they sell them on down the supply chain. Digital agriculture can optimise complex farming operations with data-led insights, and ERP solutions can provide insights into how to differentiate products and distribution to meet market requirements while providing traceability and transparency around food and beverage origins. Without a level of transparency right at the start, the transparency of the entire supply chain falters. Sustainability is top of mind for consumers The origins of the raw materials for the food and beverage industry matter because although sustainability has been at the forefront of consumers’ minds for some time, this trend is set to continue to evolve as a top priority. In fact, according to a Nielsen Food Industry report, 65% of shoppers say they would switch from a brand they usually buy to another brand that is more transparent about its products’ origins and supply chain, including values-based information such as animal welfare and fair trade. Equally, in a recent IDC industry survey, nearly 30% of food and beverage decision-makers considered customer demand for eco-friendly products and offerings as the top factor motivating organisational change toward greater sustainability. Manufacturers are alert to the need to show where and how their goods are produced, and to share that information with their customers and stakeholders. Technology is an enabler for the food & beverage industry For those in the food and beverage industry, technology is the most powerful way to gain a competitive advantage. For example, automation and robotics can help improve productivity, particularly for food manufacturing businesses. Sensors and predictive analytics can improve competitiveness by reducing water and energy consumption, as well as minimising equipment downtime for manufacturers. Manufacturers can track and trace the origins of goods in the supply chain using cloud-based services and technologies such as AI, blockchain and Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) devices. Tools such as barcodes, QR codes, and RFID tags also play a part in providing unique identifiers for products and can be scanned at each stage of the supply chain, providing real-time information about the origin, manufacturing and handling of the products. Food safety is also top of mind, for both consumers and food manufacturers – we’ve all seen the headlines when a food manufacturer has fallen short on food safety standards, with disastrous effects on the manufacturer’s corporate reputation and bottom line. Manufacturers can deploy IIot devices and sensors throughout the supply chain, and use the data collected from these devices to monitor and maintain the quality, safety and freshness of their products, with an ERP system providing alerts if certain safety parameters, such as temperature deviations, are breached. Technology and digital platforms also help manufacturers communicate more effectively with the disparate elements of their supply chain. Enabling real-time sharing of information through cloud-based platforms encourages accountability and promotes collaboration across the supply chain. All these digital elements help businesses manage data in real time, increase traceability of materials, and improve compliance. Analytics support manufacturers’ operations With increasing numbers of IIoT devices throughout the supply chain generating massive amounts of data, manufacturers must analyze this data to derive value. By evaluating this data, patterns and trends can be identified, allowing manufacturers to respond with proactive decision-making and risk management. Data analytics can help manufacturers identify inefficiencies, reduce waste and optimize their inventory management to maximize productivity. Improving forecasting accuracy using data analytics is another way for manufacturers to ensure that their products are responding to market needs. Using ERP software throughout the supply chain can help manufacturers provide transparency, build more sustainable practices into the supply chain, facilitate efficient tracking and planning, and reduce food manufacturing’s carbon footprint. This enables food and beverage manufacturers to respond better to market demands while meeting the needs for traceability, with the added benefit of providing reporting tools for compliance and ESG reporting. With the right ERP solution in place, manufacturers can optimize their processes and set themselves up for successful growth and profitability. By Mark Wilson, CEO, SYSPRO EMEA & APAC
On-Grid: An on-grid system is interconnected with your existing electrical system. The solar energy generated is simultaneously consumed, and if the solar panels are not generating sufficient energy to cater to your consumption, the differential is automatically sourced from the grid. It is also possible to connect the system with batteries, home inverters, diesel generators, etc. Off Grid: An off-grid system is an independent, battery-backed Solar PV system which is not connected with grid. During daytime, solar energy generated runs your appliances. Any excess energy is stored in the batteries, which can be utilized at night. Off-grid systems are used for standalone applications like traffic & streetlights, billboards, agricultural pumps, telecom towers, rural applications, etc.
Data Science Literacy - 8 courses - 22 hours - Skill IQ Data science is a diverse field where scientific methods, software programming, and data analytics combine to glean insights from data, communicate those insights, and empower a business to take appropriate actions. This skill path provides foundational knowledge behind data science, specifically with its application in Microsoft Azure. Courses in this path This section teaches fundamental objectives around representing, processing, and shaping data for analysis, and communicating data to others. In this section, you will apply descriptive statistics to data, use simple statistical models like regression, and design experiments to gain more insight into your problem domain. This part of the skill helps you apply statistical models to business problems, and to identify and mitigate factors that impact your models.
Political Rights Score: 1 Civil Liberties Score: 1 The Conservatives scored gains in Canada's national elections in October 2008, though the margin of victory fell short of a majority. Prime Minister Stephen Harper suspended Parliament in December, thereby postponing a vote of confidence that his Conservative government was likely to lose. The country also continued to face controversies over freedom of expression during the year with the investigation of journalists who had written commentaries critical of Muslims and minority groups. Colonized by French and British settlers in the 17th and 18th centuries, Canada was secured by the British Crown under the terms of the Treaty of Paris in 1763. After granting home rule in 1867, Britain retained a theoretical right to override the Canadian Parliament until 1982, when Canadians established complete control over their own constitution. After a dozen years of center-left Liberal Party rule, the Conservative Party emerged from the 2006 parliamentary elections with a plurality and established a fragile minority government. The Conservatives' status was weakened, however, in 2007 by setbacks in several provincial elections, most notably in Ontario. The Conservative provincial government there had advocated expanding state assistance for religious schools to include a variety of faiths; state aid had long been restricted to schools operated by the Roman Catholic Church. The electorate apparently rejected the proposal, dealing the Conservatives a major blow at the polls. The Conservative Party rebounded in October 2008 national elections, gaining 19 seats in Parliament for a total of 143, although the margin of victory still fell short of a majority. The Liberal Party, the principal opposition party, lost 26 seats for a total of 77. The Liberals subsequently formed an alliance with the social democratic New Democratic Party (NDP) and the Quebec-based Bloc Quebecois, in an attempt to displace the Conservatives with a coalition government. Prime Minister Stephen Harper, the leader of the Conservative Party, suspended Parliament in December to prevent a confidence vote, which his government was likely to lose. Meanwhile, advocates of press freedom and freedom of expression have grown increasingly concerned over legal cases filed against journalists who wrote critically about Muslims and Islam, as well as other minority groups. In one case, four Muslim law students filed a grievance in 2006 against Mark Steyn, a columnist, and Maclean's, a prominent magazine, in response to a 2006 article featuring the argument that Muslims would eventually dominate the world due to current demographic trends. In another case, charges were brought by a Muslim leader in February 2006 against the publisher of the Western Standard after the newspaper republished controversial Danish cartoons that had lampooned the prophet Muhammad. The federal human rights commission also began proceedings in October 2008 against Jim Pankiw, a former member of parliament from Saskatchewan, for material he had included in mailings to constituents that was allegedly offensive to indigenous Canadians. Journalists' associations and press freedom organizations have argued that the willingness of government entities to give such complaints a hearing could send disturbing signals about the freedom to publish articles on certain contentious subjects. Since the 2001 terrorist attacks on the United States, Canada has struggled to find a balance between ensuring the country's security and safeguarding civil liberties. A number of laws adopted soon after the 2001 attacks have been modified or struck down by the courts. While Canada itself has not been the victim of a terrorist attack in recent years, Canadian citizens have been arrested in the United States and elsewhere on charges of conspiring to commit such attacks. In May 2008 the Supreme Court determined that the United States violated the rights of Omar Khadr, a Canadian who had been held at the Guantanamo Bay prison facility since the age of 15. The court rebuked the Canadian government for having allowed its intelligence agents to interview Khadr and share information with U.S. officials. In October 2008 an inquiry led by a former Supreme Court justice found that Canadian officials had acted improperly by providing inflammatory information to the United States about three Canadian citizens. The three, all Muslims, were detained and tortured during visits to Syria. Debate intensified in 2007 over Canadian troops' participation in a NATO-led mission to fight a resurgent Taliban militia in Afghanistan. Canadian forces have suffered a number of casualties during the conflict, and critics noted that Canada's troops were fighting in Afghanistan's volatile southern provinces while a number of other NATO countries restricted their forces to noncombat missions in the relatively peaceful north. In January 2008, the government announced its intention to extend its mission in Afghanistan to 2011, but added a condition that the commitment would be fulfilled only if at least one other NATO country assigned 1,000 or more troops to the violent province of Kandahar. The policy was endorsed in a parliamentary vote, with the support of the Liberal opposition but not other opposition parties. Political Rights and Civil Liberties Canada is an electoral democracy. The country is governed by a prime minister, a cabinet, and Parliament, which consists of an elected 308-member House of Commons and an appointed 105-member Senate. Senators may serve until age 75, and elections for the lower house have been held at least every five years. However, a law enacted in 2007 stipulated that lower-house elections would be held every four years, with early elections called only if the government lost a parliamentary no-confidence vote. The British monarch remains head of state, represented by a ceremonial governor-general who is appointed on the advice of the prime minister. As a result of government canvassing, Canada has nearly 100 percent voter registration. Prisoners have the right to vote in federal elections, as do citizens who have lived abroad for fewer than five years. However, voter turnout in the 2008 election, at 60 percent, was one of the lowest in Canadian history. Political parties operate freely. The main parties are the Conservative Party, the Liberal Party, the Bloc Quebecois, and the NDP. Civil liberties have been protected since 1982 by the federal Charter of Rights and Freedoms, but are limited by the constitutional "notwithstanding" clause, which permits provincial governments to exempt themselves with respect to individual provisions in their jurisdictions. Quebec has used the clause to retain its provincial language law, which restricts the use of languages other than French on signs. The provincial governments exercise significant autonomy. In 2004, the Supreme Court upheld legislation that places a limit on the amount lobbying groups can spend on advertisements that support or oppose political candidates, a measure designed to prevent corruption. While Canada has a reputation for vigorous prosecution of corruption involving public officials, the country has endured several high-profile scandals in recent years. Nonetheless, Canada is regarded as a society with a low level of official corruption. Canada was ranked 9 out of 180 countries surveyed in Transparency International's 2008 Corruption Perceptions Index, the best ranking among countries in the Americas. The media are generally free, although they exercise self-censorship in areas such as violence on television, and there is concern that this tendency may also apply to coverage of the country's minority groups, especially Muslims. Limitations on freedom of expression range from unevenly enforced "hate laws" and restrictions on pornography to rules on reporting. Some civil libertarians have expressed concern over an amendment to the criminal code that gives judges wide latitude in determining what constitutes hate speech on the internet. Nevertheless, recent judicial decisions have restricted the authority of the government to demand that reporters turn over their research materials and interview notes or reveal the identity of confidential sources. In recent years, press freedom advocates have expressed concern over legal cases filed against journalists who wrote critically about Muslims and Islam. There is a high degree of media concentration. In 2008, the Canadian Radio-Television and Telecommunications Commission set forth a new policy designed to lessen excess concentration. Critics, however, complained that the regulations would have little impact on media concentration because they did not deal with media mergers that had already been put into effect. Religious expression is free and diverse. Academic freedom is respected. Freedom of assembly is respected, and many political and quasi-political organizations function freely. Trade unions and business associations enjoy high levels of membership and are free and well organized. The judiciary is independent. Recently, critics have complained that the judiciary has become overly activist, issuing decisions that effectively usurp the powers of the legislature. Canada's criminal law is based on legislation enacted by Parliament; its tort and contract law is based on English common law, with the exception of Quebec, where it is based on the French civil code. While Canada's crime rate is low by regional standards, it has experienced a growing problem from the growth of criminal gangs, often involved in the illegal drug trade. Canada maintains relatively liberal immigration policies. However, concern has mounted over the possible entry into Canada of immigrants involved in terrorist missions. The 2002 Immigration and Refugee Protection Act seeks to continue the tradition of liberal immigration by providing additional protection for refugees while making it more difficult for potential terrorists, people involved in organized crime, and war criminals to enter the country. Some officials have also raised questions about Canada's rules allowing immigrants to maintain dual citizenship. About 10 percent of foreign-born Canadians hold passports from another country, leading critics to charge that some immigrants use Canadian citizenship primarily as a safety net while maintaining principal loyalty to their country of origin. Others have objected more broadly to Canada's policies of multiculturalism in education, law, and social life. At the same time, defenders of immigrant rights have complained of policies that favor potential immigrants with higher levels of skills and academic credentials over those who come from more impoverished backgrounds. The authorities have taken important steps to protect the rights of native groups, although some contend that indigenous people remain subject to discrimination. Indigenous groups continue to lag badly on practically every social indicator, including those for education, health, and unemployment. There are frequent controversies over control of land in various provinces. The country boasts a generous welfare system that supplements the largely open, competitive economy. Women's rights are protected in law and practice. Women have made major gains in the economy and are well represented in such professions as medicine and law. Following the October 2008 election, women held 22 percent of seats in parliament. However, women's rights advocates report high rates of violence against women in indigenous communities. Canada in 2005 became one of the few countries in the world to legalize same-sex marriage. Disclaimer: © Freedom House, Inc. · All Rights Reserved
10 Ways to do Bubble Painting Are you looking for craft ideas to keep your little one engaged and happy? Bubble painting would prove to be a good idea. It basically involves imprinting the outlines of real bubbles of paint on canvas. Dish soap or any other type of liquid soap and water is added to the paint. You can take the help of a straw to pick up the bubbles before placing them on paper. The vivid images below serve as inspiration. This fun painting activity would be a great idea to keep kids engaged in summer. The supplies for this project are acrylic paint, straws, plastic cups, dish soap, cardstock and water. Bubble painting with dish soap would be a hit with kids. Remember to cover your work area with an old cloth or a plastic sheet. Enjoy the beauty of bubbles with this excellent art idea. The simple activity just needs liquid food coloring and a bubble mixture. In this DIY, you just need to insert a straw into a bowl filled with paint, dish soap and water and blow. Place a sheet of paper on top of the bubbles and you get the print! The googly eyes transform the bubble paint into cute monsters. When you pick up the bubbles with a straw and push them around on the canvas, you need to be careful that you don’t move them around too much. We are sure that with the above ideas in your kitty, you are all set to make a splash with your paint bubbles. Bubbles never fail to attract kids and this art activity allows them to capture the bubbles on canvas long after they have burst. Published on April 16th 2021 by Peyton Derrida
Lt. Gen. PS Mehta (Retd) At the time of partition of the country, if the accession of Jammu and Kashmir to the Indian Union had taken place in a timely manner, Pakistan would have faced difficulty in invading J&K. Unfortunately that did not happen! By October 1947, Pakistan backed ‘Tribal invaders’ commenced their march towards Srinagar allowing Jinnah to boast that “Kashmir is in my pocket”. Concurrently Pundit Nehru pledged that, “India would hold a referendum under international auspices to determine whether the people of J&K would ultimately prefer India or Pakistan.” The Indian Army entered the state of Jammu and Kashmir only after the Instrument of Accession was signed by Maharaja Hari Singh. As such, terming the forces as an occupation is factually incorrect. The end state of 1947 operations resulted in Pakistan continuing with its illegal occupation of a long strip of land in western J&K and Gilgit-Balistan. Thus, the Kashmir dispute was born. The crux of the Kashmir problem is in the three way disagreement over the legitimate locus and the unit of sovereignty viz, Indian Kashmir, Pakistani Kashmir or an Independent Kashmir. These are mutually exclusive and fall in two broad categories – Plebiscitary or Partitionist. The ‘flaws’ inherent in the plebiscitary approach are the fundamental and intractable fault lines defined by nationalist, regional and communal allegiances. Pakistan has by design turned the demography of POK by inducting Punjabi Muslims, thereby reducing the Kashmiris to a minority. In the Kashmir valley, a hypothetical referendum may return a pro- independence verdict. However, in the Jammu region, a significant citizenry consisting of Hindus, Sikhs, Gujjars, Shias and Paharis would vote for India. India dismisses plebiscite as irrelevant since the people of J&K have exercised their democratic rights repeatedly. While plebiscite and the goal of an independent reunified Kashmir are politically unrealisable, an honourable accommodation of the urge for Khudmukhtiyari (self sufficiency) is essential for resolving the dispute today. Partitionist is a logical and opposite of the plebiscitary approach. It seeks to respond to the complexities of the problems by drawing or redrawing borders based on political continuity and sovereignty. The simplest manifestation is converting the LOC into a de jure international boundary (Musharaff – Manmohan theory). However this too seems improbable since Kashmir is the oxygen for existence of Pakistan Army, who would never let the issue die. It is evident that these three ideologically based and territorially fixated nation state perspectives lead to nothing but an impasse. Over the years Azaadi (Freedom) continues to remain an important leitmotif for expression of Kashmiri political dissatisfaction and by 1994, the Azaadi movement reached a “crossroad.” The ideology marked the existence of two competing definitions of freedom and self determination. Asking for Azaadi is indicative that Kashmiris don’t want merger with Pakistan. Hereafter, it was the militants trained and armed by Pakistan who assumed leadership of the Azaadi movement, but they too have failed to deliver. Pakistan and the fundamentalists have been proactive over the last 30 years. Their latest experiment of Nizam-e-Mustafa and radicalisation of the youth has been very successful and is spinning the valley out of control. However such Frankenstein’s are known to kill its own creators, killing of Kashmiri police and Kashmiri army personnel and the stoning of their own children’s school bus in Shopian are the latest manifestations drawing an angry response from the Awaam (people). The aforementioned failures coupled with significantly incompetent Government, desperate and inconsiderate opposition, neglected economy cum development, rampant corruption, growing unemployment, extreme radicalisation, venomous Hurriyat, a perceived indifference of Delhi, extremely high frustration and confusion amongst the Awaam has accelerated the process of distrust towards the authorities. The aspirations of the major section of the Awaam can be summed up as their desire for end of terrorism, peace, development, availability of uninterrupted essential services, higher education, return of tourism, eradication of corruption and employment besides reliable and good grass root governance. Lack of deliverables has opened up the youth as a lucrative front to compensate for the diminishing number of foreign terrorists and dying insurgency. Majority of the youth remain confused since they aspire for a change and a desperate exit from this rot. Considering the realities today, there is a dire need to look for a lasting and effective solution. The security forces have brought down the militancy to sub optimal levels a number of times; it was the stark absence of any political strategy that failed to exploit these opportunities. Meddling in mundane and tactical issues of abrogation of Article 370 and removal of AFSPA 1990 is a great error. Launch of political initiatives and measures instead is the way ahead. While third party mediation on Kashmir has been and continues to be rejected by India, there is also an apparent reluctance to progress with a bilateral inter-Governmental dialogue process. A process led by an institutionalised inter-Governmental Council headed by the Prime Ministers of the two countries and comprising of top bureaucrats, diplomats, Armed Force chiefs, selected Parliamentarians, eminent citizens and top minsters of Jammu and Kashmir as well as POK could deliver results, provided India and Pakistan are able cheap rolex replica to accept the natural fallout of the division of J&K over the last 70 years on the basis of psychological cum ethno demographic changes on both sides of the LOC. A logical action plan b may begin by declaring Jammu and Kashmir as an autonomous region with a Sadar-e-Riyasat and Wazir-e-Azam reincarnated, followed by reduction of forces (Rashtriya Rifles and CAPF) from the towns, strengthening of democratic processes/ aspirations, besides confidence building amongst the people by attending to their demands. It is indeed a reality that the terror factory of Pakistan despite US pressures remains alive and ticking. It merits consideration that with radicalisation of Kashmiri youth in case insurgency resurges to larger dimensions, India must be prepared to exercise a final assault, the military option. A swift conventional operation into POK and Pakistan Punjab, while remaining below the bogus nuclear threshold of Pakistan to generate criticality by capturing areas and destruction of Pak Forces to end this menace for good. The methods suggested above, particularly those which are people centric, may seem ambitious considering the entrenched antagonistic positions, yet these are viable for choosing “The Exit Policy” for the confused the desperate Kashmiri Awaam who have been let down by their leaders and by Pakistan. Until the logic of the peace process is not framed within the bounds of the universal values of Insaniyat and Insaaf (Humanity and Justice), Kashmir will remain a major global flashpoint. (The writer hails from Kashmir and is a defence strategist. He can be reached at firstname.lastname@example.org)
Microsyopidae is a family of plesiadapiforms known from over 1500 stratigraphically controlled specimens from the southern Bighorn Basin of Wyoming spanning the first three million years of the early Eocene. The early Eocene is characterized by rapid fluctuations in climate during the period represented by this collection of microsyopids, making this an ideal sample to examine how climate may have influenced early stem primate biology, particularly diet. An evolving lineage of microsyopids is known from before, during, and after Biohorizon A, a faunal turnover event associated with a period of localized cooling. Dental topographic analysis (DTA) metrics quantify functional aspects of molars including curvature, complexity and relief, and covary with diet in extant taxa. Here, we use DTA to examine microsyopid dietary change over time, particularly in association with this cooling event. Our results suggest that microsyopids had molars that are functionally like extant insectivorous/omnivorous euarchontans. The earliest occurring species, Arctodontomys wilsoni, is characterized by molars that became more like modern insectivores over time. During Biohorizon A, A. wilsoni is replaced by A. nuptus, which has molars that are more like those of extant omnivores with a mixed diet including fruit. After Biohorizon A, A. nuptus appears more insectivorous, as is the later occurring Microsyops angustidens, which evolves from A. nuptus. Overall, we provide potential evidence for a causal scenario in which local climate change coincided with a dietary transition among microsyopids. Our results have implications for understanding how diet was a prime mover for the evolution of Primates.
Written by Mrs Alice Wilks, Co-founder & Virtual Assistant at My Girl Friday Vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid, is a water-soluble vitamin; our bodies don’t store it, so it’s important to get enough from our diets every day. As an organic compound, this vital vitamin can be found in in foods such as kiwi, bell peppers, sprouts, and strawberries; but is also available as a health supplement. Today, Vitamin C is considered vital for our general health and well-being – but where did it all start? In the 13th century, many sailors were dying at sea from scurvy. The Portuguese were known to plant an array of fruit and vegetables in the town of Saint Helena; a stopping point for home bound voyages. Here, the ship’s crew would savour fresh produce for its curative effects. A breakthrough in the 16th century meant scurvy was being treated effectively, by providing sailors with citrus fruit alongside their usual rations. Fast forward to 1912, when Vitamin C was discovered and later isolated. It eventually made its way on to the World Health Organisations List of Essential Medicines; playing a huge role in many bodily functions including tissue repair, production of certain neurotransmitters, and general immune functioning. Immune System Health Most notably, this incredible vitamin can boost your immunity in many ways. For example, by helping white blood cells function more effectively by protecting them against damage, strengthening your skin’s defence system, and helping wounds heal faster through encouraging white blood cell production. Vitamin C helps in the production of collagen; the main component of connective tissues such as tendons, ligaments, skin, cartilage and bones. Maintaining an adequate level of vitamin C may assist in the healing of wounds and injuries. Linking back to the production of collagen, Vitamin C may widen the blood vessels, which could help protect against heart disease and hypertension, or high blood pressure. These were found to be lower in individuals with adequate levels of vitamin C. Those with the condition are less likely to experience deterioration of the kidneys, eyes, and nerves provided they have a sufficient level of vitamin C. As an antioxidant Vitamin C protects the body against cell damage. It may help in the treatment of cancers according to published research in the field. As well as this, high doses of the essential vitamin have shown to reduce the speed of growth of certain types of cancerous tissue. A Few interesting facts Did you know vitamin C, instant coffee, and washing powder can be used to develop black and white film? The only mammals unable to produce their own vitamin C are humans, primates, and guinea pigs. Smoking causes the body to excrete more vitamin C than usual Vitamin C is essential in the synthesis of carnitine, a substance which helps convert fat to energy
Are you intrigued by the concept of a hybrid fruit? Have you ever heard of pear apple hybrids, also known as papples? Well, we’re here to tell you all about these unique fruits and how to care for them. Papple fruits are an intriguing combination of two beloved favorites: sweet pears and juicy apples. These remarkable tree-grown creations are unlike any other fruit out there today—not just in taste but in growing methods as well. Read on to learn more about pear apple hybrids and their peculiarities so that you can determine if they’re right for your garden! What are the Peculiarities of the Hybrid Fruits? Hybrid fruits have become increasingly popular in recent years, and with good reason. Hybrid fruits offer a variety of benefits over traditional varieties, including: - Increased nutritional content – Hybrid fruits are often bred to increase the amount of vitamins, minerals and other essential nutrients they contain. This makes them more nutritious than their non-hybrid counterparts. - Improved flavor – Hybrids are also perfected for their taste profile, resulting in deeper flavors and combinations not found in traditional varieties. - Disease resistance – Many hybrid fruits are bred to be resistant to disease or pests that would otherwise damage the fruit crop. This can lead to larger yields of higher quality produce. - Improved appearance – Many hybrid varieties are bred to produce fruits with a more attractive appearance, making them desirable to consumers. - Longer shelf life – Hybrid varieties tend to have a longer shelf life than traditional varieties, allowing for increased availability in stores. What are the Advantages of Crossbreeding Different Fruits and Vegetables? Crossbreeding different fruits and vegetables can be beneficial in many ways. Crossbreeding helps to create new varieties of produce with improved characteristics such as higher yields, greater resistance to disease, better taste, and improved nutritional value. Additionally, crossbreeding two different types of produce can increase the availability of certain products that may have been previously relatively rare or hard to find. It can also help farmers by producing a more reliable crop for the market. Furthermore, crossbreeding can also lead to the introduction of desirable traits from one variety into another, creating plants with an increased level of adaptability and leading to higher productivity overall. Finally, crossbreeding allows us to explore the potential for producing unique hybrids that may offer health benefits not seen before in other produce varieties. Interesting Facts About Pear Apple Hybrid - The Pear Apple hybrid is also known as an Aprium, a cross between a European pear and sweet apple. - It looks like a small apple but tastes like a blend of both fruits – sweet with a hint of tartness and firm texture like an apple. - It cannot be grown from seed so new plants must be grafted onto existing rootstock just as regular apples or pears are propagated. - An Aprium can weigh up to 4 ounces with about 2 inches wide at its widest point when fully ripened. - The skin of the Aprium can be a dark red, yellow or golden color depending on which variety it is. - Its flesh inside is creamy white and has a juicy texture and an aromatic flavor. - Apriums are best eaten raw as they taste sweetest when ripe but can also be cooked into pies, crisps or cakes, used for preserves or juiced. - They are rich sources of dietary fiber, vitamins C and K, folate and antioxidants like polyphenols. - Studies have shown that regular consumption of Apriums can help to reduce cancer risk by eliminating toxins from the body while lowering cholesterol levels. - Apriums are also good for the digestive system and can increase energy levels when consumed on a regular basis. - They can be stored in the refrigerator for up to four weeks, allowing them to be enjoyed throughout the year. - The Aprium is not widely available but can sometimes be found at farmers markets or specialty grocery stores during the summer months. - This unique hybrid has quickly become popular among consumers who appreciate its flavorful, sweet-tart taste and versatility in cooking and baking recipes. Why Was the Pear Apple Hybrid Generated? The pear apple hybrid was generated to create a unique and flavorful combination of two popular fruits. The goal was to combine the sweetness of apples with the tartness of pears, creating a new taste experience that could be enjoyed by people who like either fruit. The result is an intensely flavorful fruit that can be used for many different recipes. This type of cross-breeding has been used in other types of fruits as well, such as peaches and nectarines, or mandarins and oranges.Additionally, it allows growers to have more control over flavor development in their crops without using artificial methods. The pear apple hybrid is just one example of the many delicious fruits that can be created through cross-breeding. The pear apple hybrid has gained popularity among consumers, as it is a great way to get the best of both worlds in terms of flavor and nutrition. This type of fruit provides a unique taste experience that you won’t find in other varieties, and its nutritional benefits make it an excellent source of vitamins and minerals. It also has a higher fiber content than either apples or pears alone, making it an ideal snack for people looking to increase their daily intake of dietary fiber. Furthermore, this hybridity makes it easier to store and transport, since there are less likely to be issues with bruising or spoilage during transportation. All of these factors have made the pear apple hybrid a popular choice among growers and consumers alike. Overall, the pear apple hybrid was generated to provide people with a new and exciting flavor experience, while also offering them an array of health benefits. It has become one of the most popular types of fruit due to its unique flavor profile and numerous nutritional benefits. If you’re looking for something that tastes good and is good for you, then the pear apple hybrid may be just what you need. How to Grow Pear Apple Hybrid? Growing a pear apple hybrid requires patience and attention to detail. - The first step is to obtain two different types of pear trees that are compatible for cross-pollination. Make sure to choose varieties that will produce true fruits, meaning they can be successfully pollinated by one another. The best time to plant the trees is in early spring, when temperatures are mild and soil moisture levels are adequate. Plant each tree at least 10 feet away from other fruit trees or shrubs, so as not to cross-contaminate them with diseases or pests. - When selecting a site for planting, make sure it has plenty of sunlight and well-drained soil; too much water could lead to root rot or other problems. After the trees are planted, prune them regularly to keep them healthy and encourage good fruit production. - To ensure successful pollination, it is important to understand which pollen will be compatible with the flowers on your hybrid fruit tree; some varieties can self-pollinate, while others require a partner that produces different pollen in order to produce hybrid fruits. Cross-pollinating pears typically require two compatible varieties of pear trees, such as Bosc and Seckel pears. - Once the trees have been planted and cared for, they should begin bearing fruits within one to two years. The leaves may also start taking on a new shape or color as they become hybrids. Monitor the fruits closely during ripening season; if they appear to have traits of both pears and apples, then you have successfully grown a hybrid fruit tree! With proper care and attention, it is possible to grow impressive yields of healthy hybrid fruits year after year. Enjoy the unique taste and texture that comes from your very own pear apple hybrid tree. How to Care for Pear Apples to Bear More Fruit? In order to ensure that your pear apple trees bear more fruit, there are several steps you should take. Proper care and pruning are key elements in helping your trees grow healthy and productive. - Start early: Planting a tree is only the first step towards having a successful orchard of lush, fruitful pear apples. Starting off with strong, healthy plants will ensure that they thrive for years to come. Buy certified disease-free grafted trees from a reputable nursery and plant them in well-drained soil with plenty of organic matter added to it. Be sure to plant at least two different varieties of pear apples for cross pollination purposes. - Prune regularly: To keep the plants healthy and productive, you should prune the trees in the winter to open up its center and allow sunlight and air to reach all of its branches. Gently remove dead or diseased branches as well as any cross-branches. - Water: Make sure that your pear apple trees have an adequate supply of water throughout the growing season. During hot summer months, deep watering will help them survive droughts and promote healthy growth. - Fertilize: Apply a balanced fertilizer every spring and fall to keep your apple tree’s soil adequately nourished and encourage more fruit production. - Monitor pests: Pear apples are susceptible to various pests such as aphids, codling moths, and pear rust mites. Monitor your trees regularly for signs of infestation and treat any problems immediately. Following these steps will help ensure that your pear apple trees produce a good harvest year after year. With regular care, you can enjoy the delicious fruits of your labor! Benefits of Pear Apple Hybrid The Pear Apple Hybrid is a unique and delicious type of fruit that offers numerous health benefits. It combines the sweetness of apples with the tartness of pears for an unbeatable flavor combination. Additionally, its high content of dietary fiber, vitamins, and minerals can provide a wide range of nutritional benefits when consumed regularly. One benefit of consuming the Pear Apple Hybrid is improved digestive health. Its dietary fiber helps to regulate digestion by increasing stool bulk and improving overall gut motility. By including this special hybrid in your daily diet, you can help reduce constipation symptoms and have regular bowel movements throughout the day.These vitamins are essential for a healthy immune system and can help to protect your body from illnesses and infection. Additionally, the fruit is high in minerals such as calcium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, and iron. Minerals play an important role in helping to maintain strong bones and teeth as well as regulating blood pressure levels. Finally, the Pear Apple Hybrid is also known for its powerful antioxidants that can help reduce inflammation and combat free radical damage caused by environmental toxins. By including this special hybrid in your daily diet, you can enjoy all of these amazing benefits while still indulging in an incredibly delicious treat! What to Cook with Papple Fruit? Papple fruit is a delicious and versatile fruit that can be used in many different dishes. Here are some tasty ideas to make with papple: - Papple Salsa – This salsa is made by combining chopped papple, onion, jalapeno, cilantro, lime juice and salt. Serve it as a dip with chips or on top of tacos for an added flavor boost! - Papple Curry – A warm and fragrant curry made with papple, coconut milk, aromatic spices like turmeric and cinnamon. Add your favorite vegetables for an extra layer of flavor! - Baked Papples – Slice the papples into wedges and bake them in the oven with a little cinnamon and sugar. Serve them as a side dish or top them with ice cream for dessert! - Papple Muffins – Whisk together flour, baking soda, salt, currants, chopped papple and spices to make these sweet and flavorful muffins. Perfect for breakfast or as an afternoon snack! - Papple Smoothie – Blend papple chunks with your favorite fruits and vegetables like spinach and banana to make a nutritious smoothie that’s full of flavor! How can I tell if my apple is a pear apple? The best way to determine if an apple is a pear apple hybrid is to look for certain features that are distinctive of both fruits. Common characteristics of pear apples include a more rounded shape and a yellowish-green color. Additionally, you can slice the fruit open and examine the texture inside – pear apples tend to have softer flesh than regular apples. If none of these features are present, then it’s likely that your apple is not a hybrid. Is a papple a pear or an apple? The answer to this question is that a papple is neither a pear nor an apple. A papple is actually the hybrid fruit created by cross-pollinating a pear and an apple, resulting in a unique, sweet-tart flavor. The papple was becoming popular worldwide thanks to its flavorful taste and attractive appearance. Papples are known for their unique shape, which consists of a smooth top with either an apple or pear bottom depending on the type of parent tree used. They also have a softer texture than apples or pears, making them ideal for use as both fresh eating fruit and cooked recipes. Whether you choose to call it a “pearple” or “appear”, the papple is a unique and delicious hybrid fruit. What is an example of a hybrid fruit? It is a type of fruit created by cross-breeding two different types of fruits. An example of a hybrid fruit is the Pluot, which is a cross between a plum and an apricot. Other popular hybrid fruits include tangelos (a cross between a tangerine and an orange), apriums (a cross between an apricot and a plum), nectarines (a peach-plum hybrid) and pineapple guavas (a mix between pineapples and guavas). Hybrid fruits often have unique flavor combinations, textures, shapes or colors compared to their parent fruits. Additionally, they are often much easier to grow than traditional varieties due to increased resistance to disease or pests. Which apple is a hybrid? One of the most widely known apple hybrids is the Honeycrisp. It has large, crisp apples with a complex flavor that is both sweet and tart. It is also very juicy and excellent for eating fresh or cooking purposes. Other popular apple hybrids include Gala, Braeburn, Jonagold, and Fuji. All of these apples have unique characteristics that make them stand out from traditional varieties and are great for snacking on or using in recipes. Useful Video: Apple Pears Fruit Taste Test Video Review Pear Apples Fruits Healthy Options Slow Night 😉 In conclusion, the pear apple hybrid is an exciting new development in fruit hybrids that provides a unique combination of nutritious flavors and textures. With the proper care, pear apples can be enjoyed for the entirety of their season. They also offer numerous health benefits, providing an excellent source of dietary fiber and even potential medicinal properties like antifungal capabilities. Whether as a special treat or a daily snack, this hybrid fruit’s versatility makes it something to look forward to enjoying! Pear apples are truly an incredible addition to the world of seed-bearing fruits. So, grab your reusable bag and head down to your local farmer’s market – you won’t regret it!
Unit 22 HRM Motivational Theories Assignment Diploma in Business Unit Number and Title Unit 22 HRM Motivational Theories The Unit 22 HRM motivational theories assignment focuses on the study of human resource management. It initiates with the discussion of the difference between the personnel and the Human resource management. It further explains about the concept of involvement of line mangers in HRM. Human resource planning has also been discussed in the unit to make the understanding of the recruitment and selection methods easier. Learners can learn about the motivational theories and their link with the reward system practiced in the organizations. Last part of the unit discusses about the cessation of the employment and the exit procedures used by different organizations. Some of the legal framework has also been studied to study the impact of the same on HRM. 1.1 Differentiate between personnel management and human resource management. - Personnel management:Personnel management is the management function of the organisation that deals with administration purposes. It is the extension of the general management and the personnel department concentrates on promoting the employees to work efficiently and provide their full contribution for completing the objectives of the organisation. They functions in order to recruit and orient employees. They solve their problems if addressed. (Branine, 2008) - Human resource management: Human resource management is the modernisation of the personnel management. This has large range of functions. They concentrate on managing the human resource and focuses on maintaining the performance of the individual in order to enhance the overall performance of the organisation. The functions that falls under Human resource management involves function of recruitment, training, selection, problem solving, skill development and all this results in enhancement of the performance of the organisation. - Difference between personnel and human resource management:Personnel human resource uses the tradition way of managing the employees while on the other hand, Human resource management uses the modern ways to manage the employees. Personnel management deals with the already existing rules and relates with the activities that are associated with the administration department. Human resource management performs wide range of duties and act as the mediator between the employees and the top management and deals with the activities that are related to the employees of the entire department in the organisation. (Grieves, 2003). NHS UK is the organisation that maintains its employees with the help of the personnel department. Their personnel department is linked only with the administration activities and the personnel manager works for the recruitment purposes only. Sainsbury is the organisation in UK that has one of the best Human resource departments. This department relates its activities with the welfare of the employees. The organisation is task as well as employees oriented so the Human resource department of the organisation work according to this. (Sainsburys.co.uk, 2016) 1.2 Assess the function of the human resource management in contributing to organisational purposes. Human resource department is the most basic department of the organisation and deals with all the activities related to other departments of the organisation. The functions of human resource department help the organisation to attain its organisational purposes. Some of the functions have been discussed below in relation with the organisation called as Sainsbury: - Recruitment and selection: Recruitment and selection is the process of attracting the relevant candidates and selection of the appropriate one for the vacancy in the organisation. Sainsbury has the proper selection and recruitment process that starts with the job analysis and ends with the interviews of the shortlisted candidates and the final selection by matching the person specification with the job description ad requirements. - Appraisal: Appraisal is the technique of motivating the employee relations by providing them with some of the benefits other than their salary. Sainsbury focuses on motivating their employees and appraising them according the work they perform. The company provides extra non-monetary and monetary benefits to the employees in order to influence them to perform better. The performance of the employee in turn helps the organisation to attain its ultimate goals. - Training: Training is very important for the employees. This is because of the change in the external and internal environment of the organisation. When the competitors of Sainsbury started selling their products online than Sainsbury also needs to do the same to withstand the competition. For this purpose, company has trained its employees accordingly. This training is required to develop the individual sills of the employees as well as to enhance the performance of the organisation as a whole. (Mondy, Noe and Gowan, 2005) - Performance management: It is the method of managing the performance f the employees in terms of improving their performance at individual level and to enhance the overall performance of the organisation. Sainsbury uses a proper process to manage the performance of their employees. They used some of the methods like observation and surveys to deal with the issues that restrict performance of the employees and resolve it. - Communication: Communication is the basic challenge that many of the organisation face. Restriction in the communication hinders the flow of information and hence affects the performance of the departments. Sainsbury has a proper communication, information channel that allows the employees to communicate even with the top management. This helps the employees to share their views and problems with the mangers. It results in proper information flow and hence the improvement in the performance of the overall organisation. (Noe, 2007) 1.3. Evaluate the role and responsibilities of line managers in human resource management. Responsibilities of line managers: Line managers are the direct reporting managers of the department. They head the department and coordinate the functions of the particular department. They have the responsibilities to manage the working of the employees under their department. More responsibilities of the line managers include training of the employees in their department, final selection of the new recruits, maintaining the performance records of the employees as well as delegating the task to them according to their specialisation. (Sekhri, 2010). HR functions of line managers: Line managers not only perform the operational function but also have some of the HR functions to perform. Some of them have been discussed below: - Performance management: Line managers need to manage the performance of the employees working under their department. This involves the function of delegating the work as well as keeping a watch over the performances of the employees. - Motivation: HR department is not the only one, which is responsible for providing the motivation to the employees. Line managers also need to contribute in the motivation process, as they know better about the working pattern of the employees under their department. - Performance pay: It is the duty of the line manager to provide the rating to the employees. This rating would be according to the performance of the employees. The records of rating allow the HR department to provide appraisal to the employees. Above all the functions belong to the HR department of the organisation but needs the support of line managers to perform effectively. These functions have been performed by the line managers of Sainsbury to maintain the coordination between the operational and the HR department. 1.4 Analyze the impact of the legal and regulatory framework on human resource management. UK Government always has influence on the policies and the working of the organizations. It forms the law and the legal authorities that check the functioning of the organisation so that organisation cannot practice any wrong act. This legal framework also provides the employees to safeguard their rights at workplace. Some of the legal Acts that have its impact on the organisational functioning are Employment Act (1996), Sex Discrimination Act (1975), Equal Pay Act, Employment Equality Regulation 2006 etc. (Torrington, Hall and Taylor, 2008) Impact of the legal Acts on HRM: - Sex Discrimination Act: This Act forces the organisation to maintain the equality among the employees in terms of Sex. Any practice of the organisation that violated this Act may be subjected to punishment. According to this Act, organisation s needs to treat men and women equally without any discrimination and partiality. - Race relations Act: This Act argues about maintaining the secularism in the organisation. According to this Act, organizations need not to discriminate the employees according to their race, color and cast. The policies framed by the HR department for the employees should be same for every employee. - National minimum wages Act: This Act in UK suggests that all the employees of 16 years and above should be paid with minimum amount of wages that is decided by the government. The minimum amount of wages differs with the type of industry. 2.1 Analyze the reasons for human resource planning in organizations. It is the process of making plans that fills the gap between the available Human resource and the future needs of the same. This acts as the link between the Human resource objectives and the organisational objectives. Planning has to be made aligning the individual and the organisational goals. This suggests that recruitment of the human resource is made according to the requirement to attain the objectives of the organisation. (Gilbert, Winne and Sels, 2015). Some of the reasons of human resource planning have been discussed below: - Recruitment and selection: Human resource planning: needs to be done to choose the best and most appropriate technique for recruitment and selection of the candidates. This method is opted according to the requirement of the human resource in the organisation. - Turnover: If the company faces with high turnover of the employees than this is the alarming situation for human resource planning. This helps the organisation to predict the requirement of the employees in every department and also allow the organizations to know about the reason of the turnover. Recruitment needs to be done according to the rate of the turnover and the requirement. - Change in technology: If the organisation is opting for the new technology in the processes of any department, it is necessary to recruit the human resource with those skills. Human resource planning provides the idea of the requirement of the human resource and facilitates the company with the required employees at the time of introduction of the technology. - Rightsizing: Rightsizing refers to hiring or firing of the employees. Human resource planning needs to be done in order to maintain the balance of the number of employees in the organisation according to the need. According to the scenario, the recruitment process of the organisation is not appropriate to recruit the employees with regard to the requirement of the organisation. It is necessary for the organisation to hire a new HR manager that supports the Hr department to frame new Human resource planning policies. (Mahmood, 2014). 2.2 Outline the stages involved in planning human resource requirements. Human resource planning act as the blueprint to take the decisions about the recruitment in the organisation. This supports to take many decisions regarding the recruitment process and the requirement of the human resource in the organisation. Human resource planning is conducted in orderly manner for effective results. The process involves following steps: - Identification of organisational objectives: The process of human resource planning initiates with the identification of the goals of the organisation. These goals facilitate the Hr team to link the departmental objectives with the organizational objectives. - Review of past processes: after identifying the goals of the organisation, past processes need to be reviewed in order to identify the errors in the process. The knowledege & information by this step allows the organisation to match the existing processes with the present situation. Changes have to be made at this step if there is any deviation in the matching of the process with the current requirement. (Hoch and Dulebohn, 2013). - Review of number of employees: This step allow the organisation to match the number of employees already available in the organisation with the goal that needs to be achieved. This provides the gap between the availability and the requirement. - Planning: This is the most important step as it requires the overall planning of the process. Planning involves mapping out the step and measures that need to be done in order to fulfill the gap. - Monitoring and control: This is the last step of the process. It involves monitoring of the process in equal interval of time; any change in the organisation function will affect the process of human resource planning. This step also involves the changes that need to be made to meet the requirement of the current situation that is dynamic in nature. 2.3 Compare the recruitment and selection process in two organizations. Sainsbury is the organisation which has got the HR excellence award in 2010. The recruitment and selection process of the company has been discussed below: - Job analysis and vacancy announcement: The HR team of the company analyze the specifications of the job and skills required and then made the announcement of the job vacancy by job portals, company websites and print media. - Application short-listing: Applications of the aaplicants have to be shortlisted according to the job requirements. - Preliminary interview: It is the interview process in which general questions related to prior job and education have been asked. - Selection test: This test is required to assess the technical knowledge of the candidates. - Final selection: IT is done after assessing the results of interview and test. - Offer letter: Offer letter has been delivered to the candidates who have been finally selected. Another organisation that is used to recruit and select the employees is Tesco: Tesco has a systematic process of recruitment and selection. Recruitment of the employees in Tesco has been done by internal or external recruitment methods. The internal employees of the organization have been given the chance to apply for the vacant position. External candidates are also allowed to apply for the same position but the internal employees have given preference over them. (Tesco-careers.com, 2016). Selection process of Tesco involves a systematic process of screening, assessment and interview. Screening refers to the selection of the relevant CV’s out of all the applications. Assessment test has been conducted in order to judge the technical knowledge of the candidates. Last is the interview that decides the final selection of the candidate. In this phase, interviewers ask some of the questions to the candidate and overall judgment has been done by them according the job requirements. 2.4 Evaluate the effectiveness of the recruitment and selection techniques in two organizations. Recruitment and selection of the correct candidate is very important for the organisation. This is the most expensive process and requires an intelligent approach to make the decisions. The decision regarding the method that needs to be opted to recruit and select the employees is very critical. Many organizations fail to succeed on selection of the appropriate method and hence affect the overall functioning of the organisation in negative way. As far as the organisation in the scenario is considered, it has been observed that company is facing high turnover rates. It has been identified that the organisation has a finance manager that is looking after the Hr functions. This is the main drawback for the company. Company is not getting good people because there is no HR manager in the organisation as well as the processes that has been used by the company for recruitment is not appropriate. Effectiveness of the recruitment process in this company is very poor. The company is not using the appropriate and effective method of recruitment according to the requirement. Tesco is the company with least turnover rates, this is because the company uses best and most appropriate techniques of recruitment and selection. The employees that they recruit are satisfied with the working of the organisation and the company is satisfied with the working of the employees. This satisfaction from both the parties can be achieved only by recruiting right people at right time and at right place. The recruitment and selection process at Tesco is very effective as the processes that have been used by Tesco to recruit and select employees are according to the requirement. Recruitment process of the company is effective in short-listing the applications according to the job requirements. The selection of the candidate is alos done as per the job specifications. (Edralin, 2008). 3.1 Assess the link between motivational theory and reward. Motivation is the reason behind any particular behavior of an individual. It is the positive effect of anything that influences the individual to do something. Motivation is very important at workplace. It facilitates the employees with the reason to work effectively in the organisation. It is essential to motivate employees because this motivation helps the employees to fulfill their individual goals at workplace. Rewards are the extra benefits any individual can get in return of his performance. It is a kind of achievement that supports the employees at the workplace to perform in a better way. Rewards can be given in any form to the individual. At workplace, rewards have their immense importance. Rewards are the most important motivating factor that motivates the employees to work. It creates a sense of competition among the employees to achieve higher goals. It is the human tendency that he works for the achievements that provide hi, with extra benefits. These extra benefits are the rewards at the workplace that can be achieved by the employees with return of their performance. This also acts as the driving force that drives the employees to perform. Rewards may have many forms and it is not necessary that every individual get motivated with the same type of rewards. Some of the employees get motivated with monetary rewards while some other gets motivated with the non monetary rewards. Many theories have been proposed to study the motivational factors at the workplace. Virgin media believes in the theory of human relation and identifies that some of its employees get motivated if they get attention. They choose recognition and attention as the type of reward that motivate the employees. Many programs like NPS Championship, SHOUT etc have been introduced in the organisation to provide recognition to the employees who perform. Another theory of motivation has been given by Maslow that suggests that human needs are changing and have to be fulfilled in order to make them work. Virgin Media works on this approach by assessing the requirement and needs of the employees so that they can be fulfilled in order to motivate them. 3.2 Evaluate the process of job evaluation and other factors determining pay. It is very necessary to determine the position and worth of the job. Job evaluation is one of the process that is used to determine the worth and position of the job. Identification of the worth supports the organisation to form the hierarchy of the system. Job evaluation is process of analysing the role and responsibilities associated with the job and rating them according to their worth. Rating can be given by the range and the importance of the roles and responsibilities associated with the job. Identification of the roles and responsibilities, payoff the job has also been determined. This process involves the segmentation of the job activities with the allocation of the resources. Process of job evaluation: - Job analysis: It is the process of collecting relevant data of the job and analysing them to determine the roles and responsibilities associated with it. It is used to determine and identify the contents of the job and the activities related to the job specification that need to conducted at the time of performing that job. - Job rating: Job rating is the measurement of the job responsibilities and ranking them according to their worth. This step involves allocating the resources to the activities related to the job. Resource allocation to the job activities also helps the organisation to determine the pay ratio of that particular job. Some other factors have also been discussed below that helps in determining the pay of the job: - Level of the job: The level associated with the job is very essential to be known. The jobs at higher level of management have higher pay scales than the jobs at lower level of management. - Reward system: Virgin media uses this medium to determine the pay of the job in the organisation. Reward system is the process of providing rewards to the employees who perform better than others or complete their targets on time. Bonus scheme like ASPIRE has been used by the company to provide bonus to the employees. - Compensation: Compensation is the benefits that have been given to the employees. This also helps in determining the pay of the job. Virgin media majorly use reward system as the factor to determine the pay. As stated earlier the company uses bonus schemes and several other schemes that provide different type of benefits to the employees working there. (Businesscasestudies.co.uk, 2016). 3.3 Assess the effectiveness of reward systems in different contexts. Virgin Media uses many practices to provide rewards to the employees working there. There are many schemes that have been introduced by the company that benefits the employees. Performance is the basis of providing rewards to the employees in Virgin Media. Apprenticeship program by the organisation allow many of the trainees to get training in the organisation. These trainees get recognition as rewards in terms of completion of their training successfully. The organisation also provides the opportunity to the successful trainees to work with the company in future. Reward system in the organisation is introduced to motivate the employees of the organisation. Virgin media also works on the same philosophy. They analyze the performance of the employees and rate them. The rating facilitates the organisation to reward the employees with higher ranks. Net Promoter Score is the approach that has been used to give scores to the employees out of 10. Employees getting higher scores rewarded accordingly. Reward system not only motivates the employees but help the company to retain the talent in the organisation. If the employees have been fairly paid with the incentives then they will never leave the company. Provision of reward is the policy that also attracts the new talent. Better policies and culture of the company provides a sense of satisfaction among the employees and the employees get attracted towards the companies like this. Rewards in non monetary terms can be considered as the satisfaction of the employees. Virgin Media focuses on conducted the regular meetings to solve the problems of the employees. This satisfies the employee’s needs and motivates them to continue their career with the organisation. To conclude, it can be identified that Virgin Media is successful in motivating its employees and this help the company to complete its goals and objectives with the achievement of individual goals of the employees. (Businesscasestudies.co.uk, 2016). 3.4 Examine the methods organizations use to monitor employee performance. Monitoring is the process of keeping a check on the performance of the employees. This allows the companies to evaluate the performance of the individuals and facilitates to reward the employees accordingly. Organisations need to monitor the performance of the employees to take out the errors in the performance and to take corrective measures where necessary. Various methods have been used to monitor the performance of the employees: - Feedback: Feedback from the line managers of the department about the employee performance helps in determining the position of the employee working. - Assessment of the quality of work: This is also the function of the line manager to assess the quality of the work of an employee. The quality can be checked by the manager on the random basis that provides the idea of the overall performance of the employee. - Observation: Observation refers to keep a watch on the behaviour of the employee during working hours. The behaviour of the employee affects the performance of the individual. - Rating: This method has been used to determine the worth of the performance of the employee with comparison to other employees in the same department or at the same level. - Meetings: Regular meetings with the employees facilitate the management to know about the performance of the employee at the workplace. Methods used by Virgin Media: - Behaviour of employee: The organisation believes that the behaviour of the employee determines his level of performance. If an employee is showing, positive gestures like voluntary involvement and team work in the organisation than it signifies that he is performing well. - Rating by Net Promoter Score: It is the method that focuses on provision of the rating to the employees according to their performance. The rating card can assist the mangers to monitor the employee performance at Virgin Media. (Businesscasestudies.co.uk, 2016). 4.1 Identify the reasons for cessation of employment with an organisation. Cessation of employment refers to the termination of the job of an employee because of some of the reason. Cessation of the employment of an individual may caused by many reasons and the job can be ceased by any of the party from employee or employer. Some of the reasons for cessation of the employment have been discussed below: Voluntary cessation: It is the type of cessation where employee himself takes the decision to leave the job. There is no involvement of the employer. There can be many reasons to leave the job: - Health and safety problems - Shifting to other town or country - Better opportunity in other company Involuntary cessation: This type of cessation involves the will of the employer. In this case, employer is the one who ceases the job of an employee due to some of the reasons: - Poor performance - Violation of company law - Restructuring of the organisation Reasons of employment cessation in the given case: - Poor performance: As far as given case in considered, the first and foremost reason of the termination of Faisal’s job is the poor performance. Faisal was not performing his duties properly even after having 15 years of experience in the same industry. - Violation of company laws: It has been identified that Faisal violated the company’s contract by some of his wrongful acts. He was spending his working hours to do his personal duties and not found guilty for using the company equipment in designing his own restaurants. (Branine, 2008) 4.2 Describe the employment exit procedures used by two organizations. Exit procedure is the process of exiting from the organisation due to cessation of the employment. There can be many reasons for the cessation. Different companies have different policies regarding the cessation of the employment and hence they use different practices or exit procedures. Single procedure is not used by the organisation, companies use mnay exit procedure according the reason behind the termination. Some of the exit procedure used by Tesco has been discussed below: - Retirement: It is the exit procedure that focuses on cessation of the employment of an employee who has completed his working duration in his life. The age of the retirement has been standard for all the employees in the organisation. - Resignation: It is the voluntary action of the employee to leave the job. Tesco has the rule that states about the serving of notice period before the resignation. - Dismissal: It is the non-voluntary action taken by the employer to cease the employment of the employee due to some of the reasons: - Poor performance - Violation of contract - Criminal records - Harassment to other employees - Redundancy: Redundancy refers to the cessation of the employment of the employees because they are no more needed in the organisation. The reasons can be merger, acquisition, rightsizing etc. (Grieves, 2003) - Exit procedure used in the case: Dismissal has been used as the exit procedure due to poor performance of Faisal and due to violation of the contract by him. The practice of dismissal has been discussed above. 4.3 Consider the impact of the legal and regulatory framework on employment cessation arrangements. Legal and regulatory framework of the country regulates the cessation activities of the organisations. This framework is made to safeguard the rights of the employer as well as the employees. Some of the legal regulation regarding the cessation is discussed below: - Notice period: This practice is associated with the resignation. It is mandatory for the employees to serves the notice period before resigning. This notice period is decided by the organisation itself. (Mondy, Noe and Gowan, 2005) - Dues of pay: It is mandatory for the employee as well as the employer to settle down all the dues at the last day of employment. - Employment tribunals: Employment tribunals are the courts that facilitate the employer and the employee to resolve their issues. Employer and employee can file the case in the tribunal court if there is any legal violation involved. In the above case, Faisal filed the case against Bob. He has used the facility of the tribunal by applying wrong allegations on Bob. The employment tribunal needs to take intelligent decision by investigating about the case. ACAS is the code of practice that is used to resolve such practices. Get Complete Solution From Best Locus Assignment Experts.Place an order Human resource management is the basis of the organisation. The modernisation in the personnel management forms the policies of Human resource management. Practices of human resource department support the organisation to attain its goals. These practices involve recruitment, selection, performance appraisal, training etc. Planning needs to be conducted in order to fill the gap between the availability and requirement of the human resource in the organisations. It is also important for the organisation to frame their HRM policies according to the legal framework of the country. Cessation of the employees also influences by some of the legal factors. (Noe, 2007)
The bamboo toothbrush uses high-quality bamboo as the main material and is made through a special process, which is natural and environmentally friendly and non-toxic. If you use bamboo toothbrush frequently, you must learn how to maintain it and keep it in a dry environment. Bamboo toothbrushes are made of materials. Generally, the bristles can be divided into three types: soft, midpoint, and hard. Toddlers generally use soft toothbrushes, which will not wear teeth and gums. When parents buy a toothbrush, they can press the bristles with their fingers. For example, a tingling sensation in the fingers means that they are too hard, and the bristles bend freely back and forth, and the fingers are a little itchy, which means they are soft. The bamboo toothbrush is carbonized, that is, processed under high temperature and high pressure, and has the advantages of no cracking, no deformation, wear resistance, hardness, good toughness, and environmental protection. On the basis of the above advantages, shallow carbonization makes the toothbrush more refreshing and clean.
As women enter menopause, they are at a higher risk of bone fractures, but according to a new study at Case Western Reserve University School of Dental Medicine, they may also be at a higher risk of contracting gum disease. During menopause, a woman’s estrogen levels drop, which can lead to increased dryness in the mouth. Why is this a problem? Saliva – and its healthy, natural production – is your mouth’s best friend. It helps wash away acids in the mouth that develop as a result of eating and drinking, preventing them from wearing away at enamel and causing decay. In addition how saliva helps the teeth, it also helps to lubricate the gums. During menopause, decreased saliva production can cause bleeding and receding of the gums, which is often a precursor to more serious gum disease. So what does this mean for women going through menopause? For starters, in order to replace necessary moisture in the mouth, women approaching or experiencing menopause should be extra diligent about drinking enough fluids, as well as maintaining good oral health habits to combat the risk of decay. Having regular dental checkups can also help postmenopausal women be aware of changes in their oral health due to the effects of menopause.
Monday was the world's hottest day on record - as scientists warn climate change is to blame The planet experienced its hottest day since records began on Monday - a record that may soon be broken again, climate scientists are warning. The average global temperature hit 62.62F (17.01C), a jump from the 62.46F (16.92C) high recorded in August 2016. While England experienced a relatively cool 13F (20C), the US government's National Centers for Environmental Prediction said exceeded 104F (40C). The researchers pinned rising temperatures on El Nino, a climate-heating natural weather event that last appeared in 2016, and growing carbon emissions. The double whammy made Monday the warmest day since satellite monitoring records started tracking global averages in 1979. Average temperatures were also at their highest since data collection on weather began towards the end of the 19th century, experts believe. Professor Friederike Otto, senior lecturer at Imperial College London, said: 'This is not a milestone we should [celebrate]. It's a death sentence for people and ecosystems.' Average temperatures across the planet were 2.63F (1.46C) higher this June than they were in the period between 1850 and 1900. China, which is steadily reawakening from a period of factory closures and reduced economic activity following the pandemic, also experienced record highs on Monday. The US researchers noted temperatures of 95F (35C) in some places. Meanwhile, European Union climate chief Frans Timmermans called on Tuesday for faster and more decisive joint action with China to tackle the 'accelerating' climate crisis. Timmermans, who is in Beijing for climate talks, met Chinese Vice Premier Ding Xuexiang yesterday at the Diaoyutai state guest house, where China's leaders have traditionally received senior foreign visitors. Humanity is confronted with a 'triple crisis', namely global warming, a loss of biodiversity and pollution, Timmermans said. China has pledged to reduce its coal consumption, but not until 2026. On Monday, Chinese officials asked power plants and coal suppliers to do 'everything possible' to ensure electricity supply this summer as cities struggle with scorching temperatures. The World Meteorological Organization has warned that El Nino - a band of warm ocean water in the Pacific accompanied by air pressure fluctuations, causing temperature rises - could continue through the second half of 2023. Last summer, emissions from coal and gas rose sharply in the EU as high temperatures for air conditioning. Sainsbury's recorded a 1,876 per cent spike in electric fan sales in early July 2022 as British carbon emissions rose by almost a third. Despite several years of the temperature-lowering effects of La Nina - the long-term cooling version of El Nino - global temperatures have tended to rise regardless.
The sudden ear-piercing beep of a radiation meter fills the room as a Ukrainian soldier walks in. This is where Russian soldiers were living at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, and radiation levels are now higher than normal. There's no visible presence of the source of the radioactive material in the room, but Ukrainian officials say it's coming from small particles and dust that the soldiers brought into the building. "They went to the Red Forest and brought radioactive material back with them on their shoes," soldier Ihor Ugolkov explains. "Other places are fine, but radiation increased here, because they were living here." CNN was given exclusive access to the power plant for the first time since it came back into Ukrainian control. Officials at the plant explain the levels inside the room used by Russian soldiers are only slightly above what the World Nuclear Association describes as naturally occurring radiation. One-time contact would not be dangerous but continuous exposure would pose a health hazard. "They went everywhere, and they also took some radioactive dust on them [when they left]," Ugolkov adds. It's an example of what Ukrainian officials say was the lax and careless behavior of Russian soldiers while they were in control of the site of the 1986 nuclear disaster. The area around Chernobyl, namely the Red Forest, is still the most nuclear contaminated area on the planet, with most of the radioactive particles present on the soil. You can read more about the scene in Chernobyl here.
AboutDominoes is a game which uses tiles with dots, which are divided into halves, depending on the roll of two dice. Dominoes originated in China around the year 1120. In the 18th century, Dominoes was quite popular in the Venetian courts, and today it is hard to find someone who has never heard of this game. The game is played with 2 players, and it consists of 28 tiles. The main goal of the game is to get 100 points before your opponent. Match tiles and dots Get rid of all your tiles and get 100 points as soon as possible. Show your math skills How quick is your internal calculator? Count the dots on the dominos and find a number divisible by 5. Play with a friend or make a new one! Players are waiting from all over the world. Test your logical thinking skills and think on your feet to make quick decisions.
Keep Kochia Seed Production to a Minimum By Mitchell Japp, MSc, PAg Kochia has become one of the most problematic weeds in modern production systems. Although it is not very competitive, it is a prolific seed producer and adapts well where competition is lacking, such as in dry or saline soils. Additionally, kochia is becoming resistant to several different herbicide modes of action. It is also able to adapt and produce seed at various times of the year. Because it is such a prolific seed producer, managing kochia is important throughout the year. Kochia seeds have a short longevity in the environment, lasting only one to two years. Pre-harvest weed control can be an option to help reduce seed production from kochia. Malt barley buyers are not willing to accept barley treated with pre-harvest weed control products. Fortunately, barley is a competitive crop, so early weed control can keep kochia seed production to a minimum during the growing season. Kochia that is growing in a competitive crop like barley will produce fewer seeds. Barley is typically harvested early compared to other crops, especially early in hot, dry conditions, as many areas have experienced in 2023. When crops are harvested mid-August or earlier, a single kochia plant can still produce on average 4,100 seeds prior to the first killing frost1. This research is based in Montana, where the growing season can be a little longer than on the Canadian prairies, but Dr. Charles Geddes with Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada at Lethbridge has seen similar results in his research. Controlling those late-season kochia plants can make a difference to the weed pressure for next year. This year in particular, harvest is ahead of normal progression. Kochia is well-adapted to dry conditions and is likely growing in fields that have been harvested. A post-harvest herbicide may be warranted to reduce kochia seed production in fields harvested before mid-August. Fields harvested after mid-August are not expected to have enough time for kochia plants to produce seed. Although, a post-harvest herbicide may be warranted for moisture and nutrient management. - Postharvest Kochia (Kochia scoparia) Management with Herbicides in Small Grains. Mickelson et al. 2017 - Herbicide Resistant Kochia – Challenges and Management. The Growing Point Podcast - The Kochia Conundrum. Agronomist Happy Hour podcast - Wheat School: Cultural practices as effective as a new mode of action - Controlling the Weed Seedbank
Researchers will explore how best to communicate the importance of preparedness in the face of ever-increasing severe weather events. Researchers at the University of Leeds have been awarded £435,115 to research the best ways of communicating the threats of severe weather events across the globe. The need to communicate disaster preparedness is ever-increasing in the face of climate change. The World Meteorological Organisation claims that over the last five decades, extreme weather events are responsible for the deaths of two million people, and the loss of $3.64 trillion globally. The ultimate aim of the research is to save lives and improve community preparedness for the growing number of extreme weather events caused by climate change. Dr Sarah Jenkins, Lecturer in Applied Decision Making, said: “Extreme weather events are going to become more and more common. You only have to look at last summer in the UK and the 40ºC (104ºF) heat to realise that this is happening everywhere. “How people perceive a risk largely influences their likelihood of taking mitigating action. We need to establish how these risks can best be communicated, so people can keep themselves safe and adapt.” The research funds were awarded by Lloyds Register Foundation, and the world-leading researchers at the University of Leeds will use data from the Foundation’s World Risk Poll to help inform their research. The latest World Risk Poll was conducted in 2021, and more than 125,000 people were interviewed across 121 countries. Its purpose is to explore how the relationship between perception and experience of risk may have shifted over time. Dr Andrea Taylor, Associate Professor in Risk Communication, said: “Those who are most exposed to severe weather may not always be aware of what protective actions can be taken and when. By doing this research, the ultimate goal is that lives can be saved and losses avoided through better, more effective risk communications.” “By doing this research, the ultimate goal is that lives can be saved and losses avoided through better, more effective risk communications.” The funds awarded by Lloyds Register Foundation are part of a £2m investment in seven new projects looking at the practical applications of the World Risk Poll globally. Dr Sarah Cumbers, Director of Evidence and Insight at Lloyd’s Register Foundation, said: “The projects we have announced today showcase the potential of the World Risk Poll dataset to inform research and interventions that make a real difference to the safety of people and communities around the world, particularly in improving resilience to the threat of climate-related severe weather and disasters. “We are delighted to be enabling these organisations to support and protect the lives of some of the world’s most vulnerable people.” Main image: Extreme weather events have increased significantly as a result of climate change. Credit: Bill Huntington
Login to the server. object.Login( [UserName], [Password], - A string that specifies the name of the user logging into the server. This argument is optional, and if it is omitted, the value of the UserName property will be used. If the UserName property has not been set, an anonymous user session is established. - A string that specifies the password used to authenticate the user. This argument is optional, and if it is omitted, the value of the Password property will be used. If no user name has been specified, then an anonymous user session is established; in this case, the common convention that is used is that the password is specified as the current user's email address. - A string that specifies the account name to be used when authenticating the user. This argument is optional, and if omitted, the value of the Account property will be used. An account name should only be specified if required by the server. Most UNIX and Windows based FTP servers do not require an account name. A value of zero is returned if the operation was successful, otherwise a non-zero error code is returned which indicates the cause of the failure. The Login method identifies the user to the server. If the user name or password is invalid, an error will occur. By default, when a connection is established, the UserName, Password and Account properties are used to automatically log the user in to the server. This method should only be used after calling the Logout method, enabling you to log in as another user during the same session. Not all servers will permit a client to change user credentials during the same session. In most cases, it is preferable to disconnect from the server and re-connect using the new credentials rather than using This method is not supported with secure connections using the SSH
What is the future of technology? Artificial Intelligence has become a significant aspect of the future. And it is one of the major advancements of our time too. This applies equally as well to Information Technology as it does to many other industries that rely on it. AI technology seemed like something impossible before but today, we use it in everyday life without realizing it. From intelligence research to facial recognition and speech recognition to automation AI is everywhere. AI and related technologies have had a positive impact on the way the IT sector works. Artificial intelligence is a branch of computer science that looks to turn computers into intelligent machines that would, otherwise, not be possible without direct human intervention. By making use of computer-based training and advanced algorithms, AI and machine learning can be used to create systems capable of mimicking human behaviors, provide solutions to complicated problems, and further develop simulations, aiming to become human-level AI Future inventions of AI When we look into the most important trends over the upcoming years. Companies will be rewarded for their efforts moving from models either in pilots or MVPs to full deployment at a large scale. Companies will fully complete the first phase of becoming data-driven or speeding-to-insight through the full consolidation of their data into the multi-cloud and hybrid cloud environment. This will allow them to harness the power of their data and AI for every strategic and important business problem and decision. Importantly, moving to the cloud will not be a massive radical operation anymore. The cloud will gain even more presence, but there will be a shift toward open-source technology services blended into a company's cloud environment. Among the major reasons, cloud consumption cost is becoming too expensive as we scale up models in production. It reaches close to a point where the benefits are channelized by the major costs, and companies will have to figure this out. Still, I believe current cloud service costs will decline over time following the tendency of any technology as it proliferates. In contrast, though, this trend will also be met with more powerful yet pricey services around operations at the scale of AI. The multiverse of all will be in the spotlight. AI has a key role to play in Web3 and the digital metaverse world. Just imagine the amount of data we will be collecting from smart-home IoT devices, the internet, mobile phones, computers, Apple Watches, cars and so on to generate real-time recommendations and paths to effectively consume products and services in the metaverse. It will be huge, efficient and, most of all, exciting to see how merging and blending data from myriad devices we use in various aspects of our lives will yield interesting recommendations to improve our well-being. In this area, I believe that over the next 10 years, gaming engineers will build spaces, and AI will fill them with content relevant to each one of us. An increasing number of emerging enterprises will focus on technology to increase automation and become cost-efficient. Companies will continue to scale their operations with technology while being less human-operated in their day-to-day functions. It will push our generation and the ones to follow to become more subject matter experts focusing on tasks requiring human involvement at high non-intuitive tasks. The major domains that technology will replace in the future. Customer service executives Customer service executives don’t require a high level of social or emotional intelligence to perform. Many companies now rely on AI to answer FAQs and customer support questions. Chatbots are not only becoming a significant part of customer interaction. They also support a lot of internal queries, among others. Manufacturing and pharmaceutical work This sector is probably the most extensive area where people are scared that AI will take over jobs. When the production process for most commodities produced today has been mechanized, the operational aspect can also be handled by AI. Even in pharmaceutical labs, robots can work together with scientists providing a much safer environment. Scientists will no longer be putting their lives at risk. Automated services have replaced people who carry out the way of sales. From several merchants focusing on self-ordering and payment options, AI can very quickly be involved as well. Robots are replacing retailer jobs in many shopping conglomerates to understand customers’ patterns. Moreover, the advanced data analysis of AI machines shows other products that customers might be interested in in the future. We are already witnessing robot surgeons perform critical operations worldwide, and it’s only a matter of time before they completely replace us. Robotic doctors will make more accurate and effective treatments for the patients compared to their human counterparts. There is also less chance of infection due to more sterile measures and no room for human error. Military professionals are sure that future battlefields will consist of robots that can follow orders without constant supervision. Robots are significantly being used in military operations for various tasks such as surveillance, intelligence, and many more. Recently, the head of the UK military stated that “autonomous robots could soon form a quarter of the British army by 2030." Taxi and bus drivers There is a 98% chance that this sector will be completely automated. Self-driving cars are already here, and it won’t be long before fully autonomous vehicles take over us. Artificial Intelligence has already grown to be the prime need of the day and has a lot of potential in changing the world. Enormous amounts of data are developed every day across various companies and it is possible to make use of that data only with the help of Machine Learning and Deep Learning technologies. AI has been confirmed to be extremely strong, and it still has a lot of potential. However, it will take us years to reach there. AI is the next big revolution which is changing the world. As per reports the world is getting more intelligent day by day. The estimate is that the majority of the tasks will be performed by AI and machines by the year 2030. Artificial intelligence is a very powerful technology which is altering the world. It is one of the most sensational and profitable technologies of the 21st century. Artificial intelligence is affecting various industries including transport, healthcare, eCommerce, etc. It is changing the world in so many ways. It is affecting every domain of life. It is one of the most powerful technologies. It is changing the world by making life easy for human beings.
Rakowicki cemetery was established in 1802 in Rakowice, then a village outside Krakow, now almost its downtown. It is still the biggest cemetery in Krakow. The first person to be buried there was the citizen of Krakow Apolonia Bursikowa. Many important for Krakow people were buried there later: Józef Dietl, Ignacy Daszyński, Jan Matejko, Juliusz and Wojciech Kossak, Helena Modrzejewska, Oskar Kolberg, Lucjan Rydel, Tadeusz Kantor and many others. On the territory of cemetery you can find separated sectors with graves of the victims of revolutions of 1846 and 1848, fighters of November and January rebellions, Polish, Hungarian, Austrian and Czech soldiers killed during the I World War, victims of Dąbie massacre of 1945. The huge part of the cemetery is military cemetery, where you can find graves of 1573 Soviet soldiers, 517 British soldiers, 177 Polish soldiers killed in September 1939, veterans of partisan movement, German soldiers.
When you last went shopping, did you pay full price? If not, was it something you set out to buy or was it too good a deal to pass up? The contrast effect has motivated people’s buying habits for years. We see the discounted price, alongside the original, and can see how much cheaper it is. However, while cheaper, it’s not clear whether it is cheap. Even at the discounted price, does it offer good value? What is the Contrast Effect The contrast effect is how we perceive something based on other similar things. We compare items, positively or negatively, against each other rather than objective value. The philosopher John Locke noted the contrast effect back in the seventeenth century after observing that lukewarm water can feel hot or cold, depending on whether your hand had previously been in hot, or cold, water. Height is a visual example. It is tough to know how many centimetres high someone needs to be to be considered tall. Often it depends on our height as a reference or that of those around. Consider Barack Obama when he’s standing next to Vladimir Putin. Most of us would say he’s tall. But when he’s standing next to Lebron James, he’s short. The Use of Contrast in Sales Despite the assumption of economists, we rarely have full information on which to base our purchasing decisions. Consequently, we often compare different options rather than the qualities of each against an independent measure. A fact not lost on sales teams. Consider when you were looking for a new home. The real estate agent may have shown you many properties well outside your price range, followed by a very similar property just a bit over your budget. After seeing so many expensive homes, we can more easily justify stretching our budget for the relative value of the last option. Or perhaps you were buying a new suit. After making your choice, the salesperson shows you a matching shirt. Compared to what you usually pay for a shirt it’s expensive, but in comparison to the suit, it’s not too bad. Discounting is another such approach. We usually compare the price of a shirt with another shirt, but when discounted we can compare the item with itself. If it was good value at the original price, it must be a bargain now. Nevertheless, this approach has does have limits. When sellers permanently discount items, the original price loses relevance. For instance, when did anyone ever pay full price for a shirt at T.M. Lewin? The Effect of Relativity Where it is difficult to find absolute value, we tend to revert to comparisons. Unfortunately, the quality of the items we choose for the comparison affects our judgement. A typical case is when we meet someone. It’s challenging to judge whether someone is objectively good in many situations, let alone during our first encounter. Further, context will play a role as what we consider good in a colleague will differ from what we look for in a friend. That’s not to say someone can’t fulfil both roles, just that we will judge them on different attributes. In assessing people for a job, we are particularly susceptible to the contrast effect. When reviewing CVs, we tend to judge each based on the two or three that came before it, rather than a set of objective metrics. Similarly, we often compare the person we are interviewing with the previous candidate. Many times we do this with our performance, comparing it with that of our colleagues. Often we compare the relative value we each added or how we went about the task, rather than against the outcomes and behaviours considered good or excellent. It is an understandable trait due to the inherent subjectivity of the qualities we are trying to judge. To see how relative comparisons can be detrimental, consider Brexit. Most people would agree that not having a deal with the EU would have negative consequences for the UK. The danger is that whatever deal is presented to Parliament is assessed against this no deal scenario. Compared to disaster, pretty much anything begins to look good. On the other hand, if we were to instead compare any deal with our current arrangement in the EU, the bar is immeasurably higher. We can begin to assess what we gain and what we lose. While neither example is objective, it helps to frame the question appropriately. Ways to Avoid the Contrast Effect Avoiding the contrast effect is not easy. We don’t always have the information we need to make an objective comparison and decision. However, in many cases, this isn’t too problematic. Your life isn’t going to be drastically affected if you bought poor quality canned beans because they were on sale. You’ll just avoid that brand the next time you shop. The key is to reserve your effort for the decisions that matter. Decisions that can affect your well-being or happiness, such as where you live, where you work and who you employ. For important decisions, firstly identify what you value. What are the things you must have? Then list out what else you would like. What services or features would ease a pain, provide you with additional benefits or simply delight you? Then, armed with your checklist, research your options and measure them against your scorecard, not each other. Also, it is important to remember to look for all available options. When looking for a new car, the decision is not only about what make and model. The best choice may be no car. You’re looking to buy mobility, not a method of transport. A bike, car sharing service or public transportation may be better options.
Kubernetes (pronounced “CUBE-A-NET-IS”) is an example of open source container orchestration. It helps deploy and scale an entire run-time environment – code, dependencies, libraries and system tools. Developed by Google as a means to manage distant services, Kubernetes has since been donated to Cloud Native Computing Foundation. Currently, this container project is run by the Linux Foundation and is an alternative to the Open Containers Initiative. Within IoT, the Kubernetes container technology is becoming popular for scaling applications without having more operations teams. How Kubernetes Works At the heart of Kubernetes are scheduler units or pods which have one or more application containers. Instead of dedicated machines, the Kubernetes approach allows the sharing of resources by separating the applications from host machines. The command can come from any pod depending on memory, CPU, storage etc. At a higher level the pods of a Kubernetes cluster are present inside Worker nodes. These nodes refer to virtual machines (VM) or a physical computer controlled by a Master node. For deploying applications on Kubernetes, you only have to instruct the Master to start the application containers. Following this, the communication from the Master to the nodes happens using Kubernetes API. While designing an application, you have to instruct the master node about pod definitions and how many need to be there. Instead of manually scaling instructions to hundreds of containers, the scheduler units or pods take over and automate. The status of nodes is available from the conditions field. If a worker node goes down, a new pod starts on a functioning worker node. With Kubernetes, the designer no longer has to worry about scaling and managing containers. One can simply add features and improvements in the application and let Kubernetes do the job of scaling. Advantages of Kubernetes The biggest advantage of Kubernetes is that it orchestrates the intelligent running environment of Google which can operate billions of containers. As a result, you do not have to carry operations teams with them. In fact, Kubernetes clusters can literally be carried on a suitcase, as Oskar Casquero demonstrates in the below example. From right to left, you can see four Raspberry Pi boards: CPU, USB, HDMI and 4x on-off switches. Kubernetes can allow you to run microservices at the drop of a hat because you can progressively roll out changes to applications. Scaling applications up or horizontally with a simple command is nothing short of revolutionary. Since each container has its own IP address, load balancing is not difficult. You can also restart applications when containers fail to work. Moreover, it allows using different storage systems including AWS and Google Cloud. Applications of Kubernetes in IoT 1. Edge deployment. As a popular container orchestration framework, Kubernetes successfully takes IoT deployment to edge devices. This is one of the biggest applications because it allows deploying IoT resources remotely. For example, to improve the maintenance of street lights in a smart city project, the maintenance team can simply carry a Kubernetes suitcase cluster to update the nodes. They can also run data analytics and machine learning while deploying IoT services at edge. 2. High Availability. Many IoT applications need to be always on as they are mission-critical. For example, a failure in smart grid can wreak havoc in an entire urban area. Using a container approach with Kubernetes allows high availability and adjusting for failures at end nodes. 3. Lower costs. The cost of IoT applications is far less with Kubernetes because cloud resources are distributed evenly. 4. Simulate hundreds of devices. For applications like autonomous vehicles, we have to simulate end devices including sensors. With Kubernetes, the simulation is easily possible. To know more about Kubernetes, the official website offers all learning resources in one place. Containers represent the future of IoT because they have several exciting end uses. Kubernetes represents one of the ways to solve the challenge of scaling applications to unfamiliar environments. Currently, hundreds of IoT solution teams are experimenting with a Kubernetes approach to build scale and diversity. Image Credit for Kubernetes Suitcase Cluster : Oskar Casquero) Get the best of IoT Tech Trends delivered right to your inbox!
Before an immigrant can becoming a naturalized citizen, they first must pass a civics exam. The test is not only meant to test applicants' knowledge of U.S. history and government, but also to prepare them for a life of engaged citizenship. So just how hard are the 100 questions aspiring citizens must be prepared to answer? If a recent survey is any indication, they're definitely not easy. According to a poll shared by the Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation, only one in three Americans would pass today's citizenship test. Respondents had a harder time with some questions than others, with 60 percent not knowing which countries the U.S. fought in World War II, 57 percent not being able to say how many justices sit on the Supreme Court, and only 28 percent correctly identifying the 13 original colonies. Even when given multiple choice answers, many participants still struggled. Twelve percent of people thought that Dwight Eisenhower (a World War II hero) was a general in the Civil War, and six percent thought he was involved in the war in Vietnam. And even though most people knew the real cause of the Cold War, two percent of people said it was climate change. People taking the citizenship exam are asked 10 out of 100 possible civics questions, and if they answer at least six correctly they move onto the next stage. Unlike this recent survey, the real test isn't multiple choice, which means applicants need to know the answers to questions like "What year was the Constitution ratified?" and "How many members of the House of Representatives are there?" The survey results don't contain much to be optimistic about, with respondents 65 years and older scoring the best (74 percent passed) and those under 45 scoring the worst (81 percent failed). Some parts of the country are taking action to ensure this knowledge is just as important to U.S.-born citizens as it is to naturalized ones: Last year, Texas passed a bill requiring all high school students to pass the civics portion of the citizenship test to graduate. Curious to see how you'd fare against the test? You can take it here.
Rolling On The River Rollin’ on the River… Two rocket-firing Bell UH-1 Iroquois helicopters weave in combat over South Vietnam’s hazy Mekong Delta, as if dancing to the rhythm of the classic lyrics made famous by Rock and Roll Hall of Fame singer Tina Turner. Better known as “Hueys,” these rotary-winged birds augmented existing aircraft in Vietnam in 1963 and, prior to the end of the conflict, they numbered 5,000. In great demand and used extensively, the Huey served in command-and-control, in medical evacuation, in the transportation of personnel and materiel, in air assault and as gunships. UH-1D Hueys carried 20mm cannon, rocket launchers, grenade launchers, up to six anti-tank missiles and could be armed with door guns. The UH-1Ds had a longer fuselage than previous models, increased rotor diameter, increased range, more powerful Lycoming engines, larger cargo doors and twin cabin windows on both sides. Lift was provided by two-bladed, semi-rigid, all metal main rotors and two-bladed, rigid, all metal tail rotors. While serving in the U.S. Air Force, the artist, William S. Phillips, had opportunities to fly in Hueys out of Tan Son Nhut Air Base outside of Saigon, now Ho Chi Minh City.
Five Important Life Skills To Teach Your Kids Have you ever questioned if your child is self-sufficient? Will your child be able to look after himself if you leave them alone for a long time? Do you believe your child possesses the required life skills to face the challenges that lie ahead? As parents, we always wish to inculcate in our children certain characteristics. When we consider certain basic attributes, we find that leadership is one of the most important skills that any parent wishes to instil in their child. However, as parents, we must recognise that independence and confidence are the pillars of leadership. So, let's look at some very fundamental new learning skills for kids that will allow them confront the world on their own and with confidence. Your child's education must go beyond what he or she learns in school. In order to learn, a child must be taught at home through experiences and training exercises. 1. Managing Time You're most likely perplexed as to how this is possible. You can accomplish this by encouraging your child to take charge of their own time. Instead of you waking them up, get them an alarm clock so they can get ready for school on time. Get them a planner to keep track of their schoolwork and extracurricular activities, as well as when things need to be completed. 2. Ability to Make Decisions Education, jobs, and life partners are just a few of the major decisions we must make in our lives. How about teaching your child how to make good decisions from a young age? Here's how you do it: you teach kids how to make sensible judgments in short, straightforward steps. Begin by asking them to pick between two distinct activities or games, two different forms of clothing, two different foods, and so on. When this occurs, the youngster will be able to comprehend the repercussions of each, helping them assess the benefits and drawbacks! 3. Money management and basic budgeting Among life skills, this is a very basic one. Every week or every two weeks, give your children a set amount of pocket money to use for their costs. Ask them to save up their pocket money if they want to buy something more expensive. They will be more motivated as a result of this. Comparative purchasing, in my opinion, falls under the umbrella of budgeting education. Open a bank account for your child and have them deposit money into it once a month (money received as gifts or if they help out in the house with some tasks, you could pay them a small amount). Saving and valuing money will be instilled as a result. " Isn't that the case? 4. The importance of environmental preservation Instilling the value of environmental preservation and sustainability in your child at a young age will encourage them to be more caring for the environment. Make simple lifestyle changes at home to teach your child why environmental protection is important. Encourage children to be environmentally conscious in everything they do. You can even compel them to participate in environmental activities such as gardening and rubbish collection for disposal. Give them a section of your yard to plant whatever they like, if you have one. Assist them in sowing seeds and assign them the job of watering the plants. You can always use planting pots if you don't have access to a yard. 5. Resilience and Adaptability These are two more key skills to inculcate in your child. This can be accomplished by ensuring that you do not constantly provide solutions to your child. Empower your child to solve problems on their own so that they are prepared to handle problems as they arise. They must develop resilience in order to adapt to a variety of circumstances and settings. Make sure you have an open line of communication with your child so you can understand what they're going through and assist them--and, of course, as a parent, you must model resilient behaviour at home! Teaching our children life skills is essential so that they can have a rough idea of what they want to accomplish with their lives and, more crucially, recall the type of person they want to be. Focus your efforts on educating children in a fun and engaging way so that they may be confident in their values and talents!
It is possible to create a database in a location other than the default location for the installation. Remember that all database access occurs through the database server, so any location specified must be accessible by the server. Alternative database locations are referenced by an environment variable which gives the absolute path to the intended storage location. This environment variable must be present in the server's environment, so it must have been defined before the server was started. (Thus, the set of available alternative locations is under the site administrator's control; ordinary users can't change it.) Any valid environment variable name may be used to reference an alternative location, although using variable names with a prefix of PGDATA is recommended to avoid confusion and conflict with other variables. To create the variable in the environment of the server process you must first shut down the server, define the variable, initialize the data area, and finally restart the server. (See Section 3.6 and Section 3.3.) To set an environment variable, type in Bourne shells, or setenv PGDATA2 /home/postgres/data in csh or tcsh. You have to make sure that this environment variable is always defined in the server environment, otherwise you won't be able to access that database. Therefore you probably want to set it in some sort of shell start-up file or server To create a data storage area in PGDATA2, ensure that the containing directory (here, /home/postgres) already exists and is writable by the user account that runs the server (see Section 3.1). Then from the command line, type $PGDATA2). Then you can restart the server. To create a database within the new location, use the command CREATE DATABASE name WITH LOCATION = 'location' where location is the environment variable you used, PGDATA2 in this example. The createdb command has the option -D for this purpose. Databases created in alternative locations can be accessed and dropped like any other database. Note: It can also be possible to specify absolute paths directly to the CREATE DATABASE command without defining environment variables. This is disallowed by default because it is a security risk. To allow it, you must compile PostgreSQL with the C preprocessor macro ALLOW_ABSOLUTE_DBPATHS defined. One way to do this is to run the compilation step like gmake CPPFLAGS=-DALLOW_ABSOLUTE_DBPATHS all
Our board games Moon is an educational board game aimed to develop several Computational Thinking-related skills, such as information representation and binary coding, binary arithmetic, binary logic, and basic system's architecture. UDEUSTO developed a printed version of the game in a previous Erasmus+ Project (2018-1-ES01-KA201-050415), but many teachers and students asked for a complementary app that would allow playing MOON is a wider set of scenarios (during playtime, commuting, at home, etc.) and use their mobile devices for educational purposes. You can play an online version of Moon here: The Moon app allows users to adapt the difficulty level of the game in an easy way. Three levels of increasing difficulty are shown in the main menu (easy, medium, hard) and it's be possible to configure all aspects of the game (number of errors, resets, bugs, energy, operations, etc.) in a custom difficulty mode. Since TRUEBA, BvS, HBG, and PGPP participated in the testing and piloting, and subsequently use of the app in their technology, mathematics and computer activities, hundreds of primary and secondary school students used the game to develop digital skills in a playful way. In addition, the app is freely released enabling schools, organizations and families across Europe to play the game. Current status: Available In the last decade, systems based on blockchains have become more and more popular, mainly thanks to cryptocurrencies such as BitCoin or Ethereum. However, most people do not know what a blockchain is and how it works. For this reason, we will design and develop an app-enhanced board game that explains in a practical and fun way key concepts to understand blockchains such as metadata, blocks, hash functions, public ledgers, integrity assurance mechanisms and consensus algorithms. Thanks to this board game, students and teachers in the last years of primary education and first years of secondary education are able to understand how crypto-currencies work as well as other blockchain-based systems such as digital assets management systems, educational or medical ledgers, or smart contracts. The app associated with the board game allows players to forget about the tedious task of keeping track of the points of each participant without harming the game experience or the educational component of the game. Although there are several cryptocurrency-related board games on the market, none of them focus on explaining how a blockchain works but the speculation dynamics that arise with virtual currencies. The most innovative aspect of this game is that it explains how a blockchain works in a simple enough way so that a student in the last years of primary education can understand it but without losing rigor and truthfulness at the same time. The impact of this playful and educational material is expected to be very noticeable in primary and secondary schools' students and teachers. Having a growing number of initiatives interested in explaining in easily understandable ways the fundamentals of the blockchain, all the partners of this project (UDEUSTO, AGRPRIORITY, TRUEBA, BvS, HBG and PGPP) organized events to demonstrate the pedagogical potential of this educational material. We hope that hundreds of primary and secondary school students from different countries (Spain, Germany, Portugal, Greece and others) will benefit from the practical workshops carried out with this game. Current status: Available - Print & play version - Web app (not required to play Block Miners) - Android version (not required to play Block Miners) Hackers, crackers, viruses, computer worms, botnets, trojans, firewalls, exploits and other technical terms related to computer security usually scare us in the mass media headlines. Despite many of them are somehow familiar, we may not really understand how they work and what consequences they can have for our digital identity. Despite the many books and multimedia available for learning about computer security, much of this educational material is not suitable for primary and secondary school students and teachers. Although there are several board games related to computer security, many of them employ generic game mechanics that could be used in other contexts and do not take advantage of the replayability and immersion provided by an app-enhaced board game. For that reason, we will design and develop an immersive game about ethical hacking and computer security that will present a large number of different scenarios with challenges of increasing complexity to show how they work and what are the implications of suffering many of the computer attacks that are in the news.
The glass bowl is made of high borosilicate heat-resistant glass, does not contain harmful substances, and is a green environmental protection product that is harmless to the human body. The high borosilicate heat-resistant glass material has a high safety factor, a small thermal expansion coefficient, a large range of resistance to rapid temperature changes (≥120℃), and a heat resistance of 800℃. What are the characteristics of glass bowls However, ordinary glass tableware cannot enter the microwave oven, and it cannot even serve hot dishes. It will burst. In daily glassware, two kinds of glass can withstand high temperature. That is, the glass marked as high borosilicate material, and the glass marked as toughened. The difference between the two is that high boron can be put into the oven, while tempering cannot.
PostgreSQL is a very popular database engine used by a lot of websites, is one of the most used relational database management system available, and after installing it we can use some tools that it includes. One of these tools is a command-line tool called psql, and today we are going to learn a lot about it, and how to fix the famous ‘psql command not found’ error on your systems. About the psql command So as we said, the psql command is related to the PostgreSQL RDBMS. But what does this command do exactly? Let’s start by explaining that. psql is a command-line tool that grants us the ability to interact with the PostgreSQL RDBMS using the command line o terminal of our system. There are different ways to use or interact with an RDBMS. Some of these are graphic programs like phpMyAdmin, which is used for another RDBMS called MySQL (there is a version of it for PostgreSQL too), and there are less graphic ways like the command-line or terminal. But why would someone use a terminal if a nice software with a nice GUI can be used instead? Well, some people are more used to the terminal, and in some cases the features available in these tools are different, so even if you do have a GUI to interact with an RDBMS you may be lacking a function that is available in the terminal, and vice versa of course. What can I do with psql? As we said, it is used to connect with PostgreSQL so we can then issue different queries, and of course, see the results of those queries. It includes a lot of functions, around 30 to be more precise, but some are more important than others so let’s see which of these functions or options are used the most. - –command: this a widely used psql option and, as you may have guessed already, it is used to issue a command. This function is used a lot in bash scripts related to PostgreSQL because it will allow us to execute commands in PostgreSQL directly from the script. - –dbname: another very important option, this one will let us connect to a particular database in PostgreSQL to work with it. This way we make sure that the queries that we run are only executed in the right database. - –list: this is a pretty straight forward feature that is used to list all the databases available. Yeah, that is all it does, but it is very useful to check if we are missing a database for example. - –quiet: a feature very useful if we don’t want to read much, it will automatically suppress all messages that the executed command may return on our screen. This may be useful in some situations, for example, if too much useless data is printed, but in other cases, we may not want to use it if we really need to look at the output. - –username: with this option we can connect to a database using a username instead of the default psql session. - –no-password: this option disables the password prompt, so we will not be able to get a password request while using the psql tool. In this case, passwords will have to be stored in a file and obtained from there. This can also be used when we need to run an automatic script that requires a password, in this case we should have the password stored in a secure file so the script can read it from there. - –password: this is the opposite of the previous option, which means that we will be asked for a password when using it. psql will ask for a password when we try to connect to a database or run a query. In most cases, this feature is enabled by default in PostgreSQL’s config so we may not need to use it in the terminal. How can I fix the psql command not found error on Linux? So now that we have explained what psql is exactly and how it can be used to interact with PostgreSQL databases let’s see how can we resolve one of the most common problems associated with this tool: the not found error. If you ever come across the psql command not found error then you may, or may not, be doing something wrong. Before explaining the solution, let’s see what is going on here. When you get the psql not found error it means that the binary/executable file for psql wasn’t found in your user’s PATH. Depending on how PostgreSQL was installed it may or may not be placed in your PATH. We can also get this error if we haven’t installed PostgreSQL yet, in which case the solution is to install it of course and check again after that. But what if PostgreSQL is installed but you still get this error anyway? Well, don’t worry, it’s pretty easy to solve this problem, and this solution works for both CentOS and Ubuntu systems, and for most Linux distros actually. First, let’s run a very useful command called ‘updatedb’, which nowadays comes included in most distros by default as a part of the ‘locate’ tool. It may run for a few minutes before finishing: Once it finishes, the locate cache database will be updated and we can use it to find the exact location of the psql command, so let’s run this in our shell: Once the exact path of the binary is found we only have to create a symlink. For example, if the psql binary was found in the path ‘/usr/lib/postgresql/9.5/bin/psql’ then we only need to issue the following command to create a symlink: ln -s /usr/lib/postgresql/9.5/bin/psql /usr/bin/psql This way the binary will be available in our PATH and we will be able to execute it quickly just by typing “psql” in our shell. This is the easiest and quickest way to solve the psql command not found error. So today we have learned a bit more about the psql tool which is used in the shell to issue commands and queries in PostgreSQL, and it can also be used in bash scripts that connect to this RDBMS. We also know how to fix the psql command not found error, which is one of the most common errors related to this tool. The solution is quite easy and is compatible with most Linux distros, requiring only a symlink to add the binary to the user’s PATH.
Years ago, I learned how to propagate multiple varieties of true yams (Dioscorea spp.) by dividing roots into pieces in winter or spring, dipping those pieces in ash, then planting them to grow new, full roots by the end of the year. We put all the pieces into a big pot of soil: Then we covered them with more soil and waited. When they woke up from dormancy, they’d start making shoots, like this: One the vines started growing, we’d transplant them into a bed to grow until harvest. Yet another trick is to just cut off the “head” of the yam, where last year’s vines grew, and then replant it to make a new yam by the end of the year. See the tops of these purple yams that a reader grew in Tennessee? You just cut off that head, with some flesh attached (an inch or three), and then replant it. This video from Lillian’s Gardens shows how she does it: Though this technique does not multiply yams like cutting them into minisetts does, it will allow you to regrow all the yams you decide to harvest for food. For instance, if you want to eat twelve yams, you can – and you get to make twelve new yams from the “waste” portion you cut off when processing. We learned this trick in Grenada. There, farmers and wild yam foragers would often just cut off the top when they dug a yam and then put it back into the hole to grow a new yam the next year. Putting the yam heads in pots through the winter makes even more sense for those of us in colder climates, since you can keep the pots in a frost-free location until it’s time to plant in spring. It also makes sense if you don’t have a yam bed ready to place them in. Yams are one of the best staple survival crops you can grow in Florida and the Deep South. That’s why they feature heavily in Florida Survival Gardening, Totally Crazy Easy Florida Gardening, and in the new, massively expanded and illustrated 2nd edition of Create your Own Florida Food Forest. True yams are starchy, not sweet, easily replacing white potatoes in the diet while growing with less care and work.
Air transportation has an undisputed speed advantage among all other modes. On the other hand, it is known that the environmental metrics of aviation is quite unsatisfactory compared to other transportation types due to its fuel characteristics and the amount of consumed fuel. However, it would be a wrong choice to rely solely on operational processes to make a true comparison. For this reason, a Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) model should be generated by taking into account processes such as production except the operation process and the calculations should be performed with a comprehensive and holistic perspective. In this study, the environmental impacts of air and rail transport types are compared from the life cycle perspective. For this purpose, first, the emissions in the case of one passenger per one km (pkm) transportation by air and rail were calculated. Then, taking into account the production and disposal processes of the aircraft and passenger trains, the LCA cycle was completed and total emissions were calculated. SimaPro version package program and 1.09 version of ReCiPe 2008 method were used for LCA calculations. With the help of the program, emissions generated during both production and one pkm transportation processes of an aircraft, high-speed and normal train were estimated. Accordingly, the greenhouse gas produced one pkm in air transport was 126.8 g in terms of carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2eq), while CO2eq was 0.3 and 0.31 g for high-speed trains and regular trains, respectively. Considering the production processes, 2072.1, 28.72, and 19.07 t of greenhouse gases are produced, respectively for these three transportation modes.
A group of kind-hearted individuals were driving along when they spotted a mother dog and her puppy aimlessly roaming under a drainage pipe. The mother was reduced to bare flesh, and the puppy was in a similar state. They had obviously been starved for a very long time. They were quickly given a loaf of bread to eat by the group, but the dog enthusiastically gobbled it all up. To their dismay, the group looked everywhere for the remaining pieces of rubbish, but they could not be located. The mother dog and her youngster were in awful condition, and the tears in their eyes revealed how much pain they were going through. They were able to be transported to safety, fed, and given milk. They were unaware of how long the dogs had gone without food. The mother dog had significant levels of leukemia and blood clots, which were discovered when the dogs were examined by a veterinarian. With pale blood, a low blood count, high leukemia, ongoing dehydration, and nutritional deficiencies, the dog was in a grave condition. They had a terrible outlook and obviously need long-term care. The group accepted the challenge of aiding the dogs in their struggle for survival. They kept a close eye on their diet and nutrition to make sure they were eating enough to keep their bodies healthy and able to withstand the treatments. Day by day, the puppy was improving, and the mother’s care and love for her child were obvious. Weeks passed, and the dogs started to get better. The puppy’s leukemia count started to decline, while the mother’s blood count rose. The mother and puppy together, demonstrating their love and care for one another, was a touching sight. The rescuers’ commitment and care allowed the canines to finally make a full recovery after a protracted ordeal. The affection and consideration they showed for the canines served as evidence that even the smallest act of kindness may have a significant impact. This touching tale serves as a timely reminder of the value of helping disadvantaged animals. Their lives are important, and we should take every possible step to assist them. We must make sure they receive the respect and care they merit. Jackfruit and Sweet are examples of how love and care can heal even the most serious conditions. Watch the video below:
Read Time: 6 mins We live in a world with a growing population. More than ever we live in cities. We are more connected than ever through technology and the digital economy. On any measure we live closer to other people than ever before. But urban loneliness remains a big issue for many. Is a solution possible? Current estimates are that the global population will be close to 10 billion persons by 2050 having grown from the current level of 7.6 billion. And this trend appears set to continue for the remainder of the century. We are Drawn Closer Together in Cities We are a more urbanised society than ever, living closer together. The proportion of the population that lives in cities exceeded 50% for the first time in 2010. Currently, around 4.3 billion people – 55% of the total – live in urban areas. Along with population. this percentage is rising and is expected to reach 65% by 2050. This would mean in the region of 6.4 billion people living in cities by 2050. This will create conflicts between the forces that drive the wish to live and produce in urban areas and the ability of cities to contain ever increasing populations. Even with larger cities and higher densities, entirely new cities will be required to provide sufficient housing for these extra 2 billion people. This will place an impossible strain on the ability of cities to house populations and provide them with the standards of living they desire. Human Proximity is not Human Closeness Proximity does lead to greater economic activity. This is one of the reasons why cities can provide a higher standard of living than rural areas. But urbanisation and living in closer proximity to other people does not mean that we become closer to them in a human sense. The available research indicates that simply being physically closer to people does not easily lead to an increase in social interaction or relationships among people. Comparison of results from the US General Social Survey of 1985 and 2005 found that as urbanisation has progressed the number of people with no close friends had tripled. A similar result has been found in the UK. There, 48% of respondents to an extensive survey reported their opinion that Britain was becoming lonelier as a society. The sad fact is that as people move into cities they risk becoming lonelier and more socially isolated. Digital Interaction is Not a Solution We should not really be surprised by this. Over a very long period of time, stretching back to the more rapid period of urbanisation that began during the industrial revolution, the experience of urban loneliness is a real issue for people who move. But somehow, we have come to believe that the technological ability to communicate with many people could somehow avoid this problem. The evidence indicates that the reverse might be the case. The ability to be more connected than ever through digital technology does not seem to be helping in building real relationships. This, in itself, might be OK. But there is evidence that the reverse is happening. There is little doubt that, compared to older age groups, people aged 25 and below are more digitally connected. They’ve grown up with the technology and with social media and it is part of their lives in a way that is not the case for older people, even those who may have adopted digital communication. Despite this, one of the largest international surveys on the subject has found that people aged 16 to 24 are more lonely than all other age groups. Feelings of loneliness affect a wider range of people in this group and they experience these feelings more consistently. These findings are consistent with the results of previous research. For example, the UK published official statistics in 2018 that confirmed that 16 to 24 years olds experience loneliness more frequently than older age groups. Of course, social media is not the ’cause’ of this loneliness. The causes are far more closely related to the transitions and life changes that people in this age group are experiencing, and may be quite normal. But it is fairly clear that social media, and the form of interaction it offers, it not providing a solution. At least one positive result however, is that people are increasingly willing to admit to these feelings and seek solutions. In this, social media might provide to have a role. This research is being conducted as part of a larger effort to understand loneliness and how it affects health. Research has linked chronic loneliness to depressive symptoms and a higher risk of heart disease and stroke. The attention being paid to the subject is underlined by the fact that, in early 2018, the UK Government appointed a Minister for Loneliness. The evidence that is available leads to a fairly consistent conclusion. Online interaction and the ability to communicate digitally does not address urban loneliness. Loneliness and alienation remains as big an issues as ever for younger people, particularly when they move to a city. A Possible Solution to Urban Loneliness Somewhat unexpectedly, a possible solution to these two problems associated with urbanisation – overcrowding and loneliness – has begun to appear. And it is not a new solution. Collective living has existed in many cultures throughout history, albeit for different reasons. There is clear evidence of a growing acceptance, indeed a wish, for collective forms of living, such as shared accommodation, among groups in urban locations. This is often described the sharing economy. It would be going far too far to say that this indicates a move away from our focus on private property. But there are clear signals of the emergence of an urban generation who value experiences over possessions. They value living in real association with other people, with regular daily interactions, utilising shared spaces, rather than living in proximity in private spaces. This trend has, inarguably, been determined in large part by the rapid advances in technology and the difficulties encountered as cities continue to grow. But there is no doubt that this sharing economy also fundamentally reflects the craving for human connection. New technologies simply allow for people to be brought together to share services. They do not, and cannot, replace the human need for the interaction that shared possessions inevitably generate. Given the planet’s growing population, the depletion of natural resources and the strains being placed on cities by urbanisation, sharing homes appears to be an inevitable development. This is increasingly becoming a mainstream aspiration and a normal part of everyday living for many. As it does so, it will be necessary for those with a mandate to plan how society might live and operate in future decades to rethink the concept of ownership, including in housing. Beaton, C. (2017) Why Millennials are Lonely. www.forbes.com McPherson, M., L. Smith-Lovin and M. Brashears (2006) ‘Social Isolation in America: Changes in Core Discussion Networks over Two Decades’. American Sociological Review, Vol. 71 (3) pp 353-375 Manchester University (2018) The BBC Loneliness Experiment www.seed.manchester.ac.uk Office for National Statistics (2018) Loneliness – What characteristics and circumstances are associated with feeling lonely? www.ons.gov.uk Mental Health Foundation (2010) The Lonely Society? World Population Projections www.worldometers.info Kevin is an economic consultant with an interest in what makes societies work, how we got to where we are, where we are going, and how people can reach their potential.
Food is a very sensitive commodity. It is perishable and sensitive to temperature. Due to various safety risks in the food chain, religious restrictions and cultural practices, consumers demand information about their food. Regulators also require significant amounts of information for trade facilitation and control. Quick and efficient information sharing and exchange is thus important for trade facilitation and in the management of food safety risks to achieve appropriate level of protection (ALOP). Various actors need to exchange information in the complex process of importing and exporting agri-food products. One key tool to facilitate information sharing and exchange about food in the supply chain from farm to table is traceability. Food traceability is also one of the 10 principles of the ASEAN Food Safety Policy. Faced with the challenges of food safety emergency situations and the importance of food recall at both the national and global levels, many countries have implemented mandatory requirements on product traceability since 2004. It is expected that additional control measures and requirements are likely to be put into place in the future, given growing challenges in the food chain which extends beyond safety into sustainability and social considerations. Traceability or product tracing applied in a food safety context does not in itself improve food safety outcomes unless it is combined with appropriate measures and requirements. It can contribute to the effectiveness and/or efficiency of associated food safety measures. Traceability is a tool that when applied in a food inspection and certification system can contribute to the protection of consumers against deceptive marketing practices and facilitation of trade on the basis of accurate product description. Developing countries have become major food producers, exporters and food processing hubs. In ASEAN, countries like Cambodia, Lao PDR, Myanmar and Viet Nam (CLMV) have gained market access to developed countries for their agri-food products. They do face challenges at various stages of the food chain to prove compliance with food safety management requirements (domestic and international). One of the issues often raised by stakeholders in the food chain in the CLMV is traceability. In its pursuit to contribute in improving the food safety measure in the Mekong region, Mekong Institute (MI), through its PROSAFE project, is organizing a Regional Training Program on Traceability in Food Value Chain on February 13-17, 2023 for relevant agri-food stakeholders in CLMV. The five-day course is designed to contribute in improving the national food safety control system and food safety management system of food businesses in CLMV by strengthening traceability management system. Specifically, it aims to: - Provide a background and overview of traceability measures in food safety and trade facilitation; - Strengthen understanding on general food traceability requirements in food laws and for specific food groups; - Increase awareness on product identification and management of information that facilitates traceability; and - Enhance knowledge on traceability requirements for food business operators (FBOs). Module 1 – Introduction to food traceability This module will provide the basic concepts of traceability, as well as its importance in the agri-food value chain, highlighting food safety and identification. It will also provide the characteristics and types of food traceability. - Traceability overview - Importance of traceability in the food and agricultural sector - Characteristics of traceability - Types of traceability Module 2 – Traceability for agri-food trade facilitation This module will emphasize traceability in international and regional trade facilitation such as the ASEAN Food Safety Policies and Principles. The sessions under this module also covers developments in the food traceability tools and systems from simple tagging to use of blockchain, plus the traceability requirements for FBOs. At the end of the session, the participants will share their product tracing and data requirements for trade. Those from the government will present the common data standards for cross border facilitation, while FBOs will focus on their traceability information management. - Effectiveness of traceability systems - Traceability and product tracing tools and technology solutions - Traceability requirements for food businesses - Sharing of product tracing and data requirements for trade Module 3 – Traceability development and implementation for food businesses GS1 traceability standard is widely used for supply chain identification. It provides the common language for traceability solutions to track products from the property to the consumer. At the moment, GS1 is being used by the existing traceability of the government agencies in Southeast Asia, including those in Thailand and Vietnam. For this module, an overview of the GS1 standard and its framework that defines minimum traceability system requirements for companies across industry sectors will be covered. - Overview of the GS1 traceability framework - Key data elements and requirements for an interoperable traceability system - Challenges in implementing traceability Module 4 – Traceability platforms in the Mekong Region Mekong countries are now working towards food traceability. However, they started developing a traceability platform in different periods. Some, like Thailand and Vietnam, already have sophisticated ones, and others are just starting their development such as Cambodia. In this module, representatives from Mekong countries will be invited to share their platform and experiences on developing and implementing traceability. - Best practices from the government with traceability platform - Best practices from food business operators with existing traceability system - Learning Visit Module 5 – Action planning Action plans are the most important aspect of PROSAFE Regional Training Programs. Participants will share how they plan to implement the lessons learnt in their work leading to a demonstrable change either in the food control system or food establishments. Food traceability tools are useful to food systems’ competent authorities and businesses. In this regard, the training program is targeted at the public and private sector from CLMV. It is especially useful for government officials with food inspection and certification roles such as GMP, GAP, GHP and organic agriculture, as well as FBOs with existing or aiming for the aforementioned certifications. Ms. Maria Theresa S. Medialdia (Course Supervisor) Phone: (+66) 4320-2411 ext. 3101 Fax: (+66) 4320-3656 Mobile: (+66) 87-365-6240 Ms. Anne Claudine D. Dayo (Course Leader) Phone: +66 (0) 43 202 411 ext. 3104 Fax: +66 (0) 43 203 656 Mobile: +66 (0) 842343417 Mr. Tanadech Sriwanchai (Course Assistant ) Phone: (+66) 4320-2411 ext. 3106 Fax: (+66) 43 203 656 Mobile: (+66) 910139679
One of the Internet's most obscure technologies came to life last weekend: transmitting network information by carrier pigeon. In 1990, David Waitzman wrote RFC 1149, a tongue-in-cheek standard for using pigeons to transfer information using the Internet Protocol (IP). On Saturday, a group of Linux enthusiasts in Bergen, Norway, succeeded in exchanging some data using the Carrier Pigeon Internet Protocol (CPIP). The group transmitted a "ping" command, among the most basic operations of the Internet, in which one computer sends a signal to another, which in turn signals that it is attached to the network. In the experiment, packets of network data were printed on paper then attached to pigeons' legs. Upon their arrival at the destination, the data was transferred to the computer using optical character recognition software. The Bergen Linux Users Group had some assistance from the Vesta Brevdueforening carrier pigeon club and Alan Cox, a programmer at Linux leader Red Hat and top deputy of Linux founder Linus Torvalds. The pigeon protocol didn't mean the fastest of networks, though. Taking an hour and 42 minutes to transfer a 64-byte packet of information makes the pigeon network about 5 trillion times slower than today's cutting-edge 40 gigabit-per-second optical fiber networks. With a bit more luck than the Bergen group experienced, a basic Web page probably could be loaded in a couple of hours, participant Vegard Engen said in an e-mail interview. Why bother with such a pokey protocol? "Because it could be done, and because no one had done it before," Engen said. Indeed, Waitzman said the only other attempt he knew of faltered for lack of avian carriers. "In February 1996, I got an e-mail from Sprint Communications South Africa asking if anyone has implemented it, and that they are thinking of doing it as a publicity stunt," Waitzman said in an e-mail interview. "I replied 'No, and good luck,' and they responded that they were having trouble finding a carrier pigeon owner. I never heard anything more." Dial-up modem: 56kbps DSL: 384kbps to 1mbps T1 line: 1.5mbps Ethernet: 10mbps to 100mbps T3 line: 45mbps OC12 line: 622mbps Gigabit Ethernet: 1gbps Source: CNET research Carrier pigeons, with their navigational abilities, have been used for communication in numerous forms. A black check cock carrier pigeon named Cher Ami was awarded the French Croix de Guerre medal for delivering 12 messages in World War I. His valorous duty included a message that helped the U.S. Army locate its "Lost Battalion ," a message delivered despite the bird's being shot by enemy fire, according to the Smithsonian Institution There were some hitches with the Internet experiment as well. "The main reason for the long ping times was the neighbors' pigeons," Engen said. "They were out flying in the valley. When our pigeons were released, they did not want to go home. They would rather fly with the other pigeons." And the flocking tendency caused another problem: The arrival en masse of a bunch of pigeons that had been released at 7.5-minute intervals caused a lot of confusion among the pigeon handlers, who left some cages open. As a result, some pigeons returned back to the starting point before they could be fitted with a datagram. But the packet loss wasn't bad enough to sink the experiment, Engen said. And, as usual among Linux groupies, Microsoft took some of the heat. One pigeon bonked into a nearby window, spurring Cox to quip, "Oh, no! Windows causing problems again," Engen said. Waitzman's avian carrier protocol is one of a number of "April Fool's Day" standards at the Internet Engineering Task Force. Waitzman puts the total count of joke standards at 29, including a sequel he wrote in 1999, RFC 2549, for ensuring quality of service on carrier pigeon networks. Waitzman, an employee of Internet pioneer BBN Technologies, seasons his standards descriptions with networking jargon adapted to feathered formats. For example, "the carriers have an intrinsic collision avoidance system," a problem that afflicts the transfer of data on crowded networks. And regarding patent considerations, "There is ongoing litigation about which is the prior art: carrier or egg." The pigeon experiment may have been just a lark, but it actually served a serious function in setting an example of how helpful good documentation can be. "If all protocol tests included such good documentation, interoperability in the Internet would be even better," Waitzman said.
A solar-powered high-altitude drone made by Titan Aerospace is intended to be able to remain in flight for about five years. When manufactured, it would have 3,000 solar panels producing about 7 kW of electricity and would be above the clouds, so it would be exposed to sunlight constantly during daylight hours. One is scheduled for completion next year. The point of having such a plane would be to keep a payload in flight long-term, presumably in a manner similar to communications satellites. They could be used for surveillance applications such as environmental monitoring, fire monitoring and disaster response, among other things.
Those of us who have worked with individuals with autism know that some of the behaviors we’ve seen, mesh with some of the warning signs of violence. It’s important that we learn to separate these two things to get a clearer picture of what is attributable to autism and doesn’t carry a risk of violence, and what may be a warning sign that needs attention. Isolation, challenges with social interactions and emotional regulation, low frustration tolerance, intense interests/fixation, depression, anxiety and inflexibility can be signs of autism. They can also be warning signs that something is not going well with a neurotypical individual. How do we know the difference? Some questions to ask include: has the person been diagnosed with autism? Is there existing comorbidity with a mental illness or personality disorder? Are there new stressors in his/her life? What have others observed? Any recent changes in behavior? Does the person grasp social nuances? Does he or she understand and back off if told that behavior is inappropriate? Does the person exhibit social naivete? This list is barely scratching the surface as the interplay between these elements is highly complex. Inquire of the person of concern: is this something you feel frequently? Is it normal for you? Is something new going on that has triggered these feelings? Can you tell me more about it? How long have you been dealing with this? Do you understand why this behavior is inappropriate? Do you think you’ll be able to change it? Consider: Is this person on a pathway to violence? Is there evidence of holding a grudge? Is there evidence of planning for revenge or violence? Has the person mentioned revenge or violence to others? These are important indicators of potential violence in both neurotypical and neurodivergent persons. The possibility also exists that an individual with autism may become an unwitting partner in crime of violence, in part, because of his or her naivete and vulnerability. Comorbidity also increases violence risk for individuals with autism. We need to realize that autism affects just .08 of the population. Yet, when researchers studied the Mother Jones database of lone shooters, they found diagnosed ASD in 8% of shooters and some indicators of ASD in 21% of shooters. While it’s more likely that a person with autism will be a victim than a perpetrator of violence, some typical behaviors and social/emotional challenges experienced by an individual with autism are similar to those exhibited by a person on the pathway to violence. It’s critical to have an in-depth developmental history and mental health assessment done by a licensed mental health clinician with training in the factors related to violence risk. It’s also vital to understand that ASD individuals are not more likely to perpetrate violence than the general population. Rather, the coexistence of psychosis, psychopathy, mood disorders and developmental failures, and adverse early experiences contribute to increased risk of violence. It’s up to us to investigate any warning signs and do what we can to assist with troubling emotions. But, it’s not at all easy to distinguish the root of these behaviors and emotions. I recommend doing additional research on this complex topic and partnering with a psychologist or psychiatrist if you are faced with this situation. I’ve listed some resources below to get you started. White, S. G., Meloy, J. R., Mohandie, K., & Kienlen, K. (2017). Autism spectrum disorder and violence: Threat assessment issues. Journal of Threat Assessment and Management, 4(3), 144–163. https://doi.org/10.1037/tam0000089 Allely, C.S., Minnis, H., Thompson, L., Wilson, P. & Gillberg, C. (2014). Neurodevelopmental and psychosocial risk factors in serial killers and mass murders. Aggression and Violent Behavior, 19, 288-301. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.avb.2014.04.004 Allely, C. S., Wilson, P., Minnis, H., Thompson, L., Yaksic, E., & Gillberg, C. (2017). Violence is rare in autism: When it does occur, is it sometimes extreme? The Journal of Psychology, 151, 49–68.http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/00223980.2016.1175998
Need to write an essay, or have an essay-writing exam coming up? Get tips here! Essay exams are designed to test your ability to synthesise information and to organise your thoughts on paper. The following points are designed to help you prepare for essay style exams. Be familiar with the terminology used 1. Make sure you understand the question and are clear about what you are being asked to do. Terms like: compare, trace, illustrate and evaluate all have different meanings and will require a different style of answer. Take time to read the exam paper thoroughly 1. Not reading questions properly is a common mistake made in essay exams. Therefore, make sure you read each question carefully and be sure you understand exactly what the question is asking. 2. If the question is ambiguous, unclear or too broad, clearly write your interpretation of the question before answering. Plan before you write 1. Don’t write your essay off the top of your head – the results will be disorganised and incoherent. Before you start writing, jot down your ideas and organise them into an essay plan. 2. You can write a plan on the exam paper itself, or on any spare paper you have with you. Begin by thinking about how you will answer the question. Note the main information in point form. Doing this will also help you think about your answer Number your answers 1. If you have to write more than one essay, always indicate the number of the essay so it is clear which question you are answering. Hint: You don’t have to answer questions in the order in which they appear in the exam paper. Start with the easiest one first and do the hardest last. This helps to reduce anxiety and facilitates clear thinking. Time yourself on each question 1. Allocate a set time to complete each question (for example, two essays in two hours = 1 hour per question) 2. Start with the easiest one and do the hardest last. This approach reduces anxiety and helps you think more clearly. 3. Answer in the first sentence and use the language of the question Always answer the question in the introduction. To clearly signal your answer, use the language of the question. Question: “How do the goals of liberal and socialist feminism differ?” You could begin your essay with: “The goals of liberal and socialist feminism differ in three main ways . . .” This approach makes sure you answer the question, and makes the exam easier to mark. Make sure you structure your essay It should follow basic essay structure and include: An introduction should explicitly state your answer and the organisation of the essay. For example: “The goals of liberal and socialist feminism differ in three main ways. The first is that . . . The second is . . . and the third main area of difference lies in the . . . This essay will argue that although these differences exist in approaches, the practices of liberal and socialist feminism have become very similar”. The Body of your essay should include: 1. supporting material 2. appropriate details for your answer. Make sure you structure the body of the essay as you indicated in your introduction. Use transitions to tie your ideas together. This will make your essay flow. If you feel you are losing the plot, go back and reread the question and your introduction. In your Conclusion, re-answer the question and refer briefly to the main points in the body. Show HOW you have answered the question. For example: “In conclusion, it is clear that although liberal and socialist feminism originally held differing views on how to attain their goals, a realistic assessment now shows that their practice has become very similar. This is most clearly illustrated by . . . (give your best example and end the essay). If you run out of time, answer in point form Markers will often give you some marks for this. Write as legibly as possible 1. Print your answers instead of using cursive writing. 2. Be aware of grammar, spelling and punctuation. 3. If you are using exam booklets, write on every second line. 4. If you have time at the end of the exam, proof read your essay for grammatical and spelling errors. 5. Leave space in between answers in case you have time to add any information you didn’t include in your essays. This article gives reference to the online information provided on the University of New South Wales website: https://student.unsw.edu.au/exam-preparation
Anorexia and bulimia are both serious eating disorders that require mental health and medical attention. However, they present with different symptoms and behaviors. Let’s look at the difference between anorexia and bulimia so that you may better recognize and understand the signs of each in a loved one. Whatever the eating disorder, it’s important to act as soon as possible to return to healthy eating habits. The Characteristics of Anorexia One of the main characteristics of anorexia is a restriction in eating out of fear of gaining weight. People with anorexia often carry a distorted view of their own body image and engage in severe dieting or behavior to lose weight. A low body weight is another recognizable symptom of anorexia. People with anorexia also fear gaining weight, even if it’s back to healthier levels, and don’t picture themselves as underweight. The Characteristics of Bulimia Bulimia involves episodes of binge eating where a person often displays a lack of control over their eating habits. After a binging episode, a person with bulimia would then partake in excessive behaviors to prevent weight gain. Those behaviors include self-induced vomiting, over-exercising, or the misuse of laxatives. Bulimia may be harder to identify by appearance because individuals still tend to have a normal body weight. People with bulimia often carry feelings of guilt and shame that need to be addressed, over their eating habits. Book a Therapy Appointment for Anorexia or Bulimia Both eating disorders are severe mental health conditions with potentially severe health consequences. Psychotherapy, nutritional counseling, and medication may all be potential treatments to overcome the effects of the disorder. A therapist can help you understand the situation and establish healthier eating habits and patterns. Dean Aman and his team of experienced mental health specialists understand what it takes to provide the type of care you need. If you suspect that you or a loved one are suffering from anorexia or bulimia, it’s important to act as soon as possible. Contact us today to book an appointment and start on the path to recovery.
Click on More information tab to get germination instructions (may be not available yet). Ficus elastica, the Rubber Fig, is native of Asia. This ficus can measure up to 10 m high in nature. It doesn?t grow that tall in pot. If it grows too high, cut it off, this will ease the ramification. It has a unique stem and large hard leaves, shiny and dark green, with a central nerve. For the plant to ramify, you must pinch the terminal bud, but this will provoke the leaking of latex. In order to stop the leaking, you must apply wood coal or cigarette ashes. Hardiness zones 10-11 (1øC/35øF, 4øC/40øF) in winter. The normal temperature of a house suits it year-long. This ficus will not survive temperatures below 15ø. This ficus appreciates a good source of light with no direct sun all year. It can live under shade, but it will definitely grow better and faster with good light. Sunlight is essential for the leaves to keep their beautiful dark green colour. This ficus appreciates rich soils. |Sow seeds on the surface of a soil mix consisting of, gardening soil, humus and peat moss. You can replant in spring in a bigger pot until the plant has reached its adult size. Water regularly during growth, but keep the soil from being soaked or completely dry. In winter, let the soil dry out before watering again. Use fertilizer twice a month during growth. Germination will take from one week to a month, don?t get discouraged.
Echinacea | Medical Benefits | Gardening Tips | How to eat | Side Effects Echinacea is a plant with medicinal value known for its anti-inflammatory properties. It is drinkable in tinctures, teas, or supplements. Studies suggest it can aid in reducing the duration and severity of symptoms of colds. When you garden, plant Echinacea in well-drained soil and have adequate sunlight. The effects are usually minor. However, allergic reactions could occur. Speak with a medical professional before taking the medication. What is Homeopathic Echinacea Used For? Echinacea treats viruses, such as typical colds and the flu. It can help strengthen your immune system. It’s also employed to help treat vaginal fungal diseases (“yeast infection”) and antifungal treatments applied to the vaginal region. The Power of Echinacea Echinacea, also called the coneflower with a purple color, is a flowering plant native to North America. It has a long tradition of usage in the traditional culture of Native American tribes for its therapeutic properties. In the present, Echinacea is widely recognized as a powerful immune booster. Boosting the Immune System One of the most important uses of homeopathic Echinacea is to boost and enhance your immune system. It is believed to stimulate the body’s defense mechanisms, making it more resistant against illness and infections. Echinacea may help reduce the severity and duration of flu, colds, and other respiratory diseases by enhancing the immune system. Treating Upper Respiratory Tract Infections Homeopathic Echinacea is often used to ease upper respiratory tract symptoms, like cough, sore throat and congestion. It is a great remedy for inflammation and aid in the body’s efforts to fight the infection. Many have found that Echinacea helps them recover quicker and suffer less severe symptoms. Skin Health and Wound Healing Echinacea has also proven to be effective in promoting skin health and aiding wound healing. It is antimicrobial and has anti-inflammatory properties, which can aid in preventing infection and reducing swelling. Certain homeopathic physicians advise Echinacea to treat conditions such as eczema and psoriasis, as well as minor burns or cuts. Allergies and Asthma Recently, there has been an increase in curiosity about using homeopathic remedies like Echinacea for asthma and allergies. Although more research is required to better understand its effect on people, some reports suggest Echinacea could help regulate the immune system and decrease allergic reactions. It can help relieve symptoms like sneezing, itching, nasal congestion, etc. How to Use Homeopathic Echinacea Homeopathic remedies, like Echinacea, can be found in many forms, like tablets, liquid diluting, and Ointments. The proper amount and the frequency to use rely on many factors, such as the person’s age, general health, and the specific situation. Speaking with a licensed homeopathic physician or healthcare professional for individualized assistance is suggested. Safety and Precautions If taken according to the directions, homeopathic remedies are generally accepted as safe and well-tolerated. It is important to follow the prescribed dosage and avoid self-diagnosis or self-medication. If you suffer from any other medical conditions or you are taking any other medication, It is advisable to consult with a medical professional before taking the homeopathic remedy echinacea. How Long Does It Take for Echinacea to Grow? Echinacea is a simple plant to cultivate from nursery stock, seeds, or division. Plant outdoors, 1/2 inch deep, in the event of a light frost still likely. Seeds should germinate within 10 to 20 days. Flowers are guaranteed to bloom within the first year after seeding If they are sown in the early spring (see Summer Flowers for more color). Germination: The First Stage of Growth The process of growth for Echinacea starts with the germination process. To start the process of germination, you can begin by planting Echinacea seeds indoors in the late winter or the early spring. They require a time of cold stratification to get them out of dormancy. This can be accomplished by putting the seeds on an aqueous paper towel in an airtight plastic bag and then refrigerating them for 4 to 6 weeks. After the seeds have completed the process of cold stratification, and are now ready to be planted. Fill a tray of seeds or pots using a draining soil mix, then plant seeds in the soil. Cover the seeds lightly with a light layer of soil and gently water. Set the pots or trays in a well-lit and warm space, making sure they get adequate sunlight. Seedling Stage: Developing Young Echinacea Plants After a couple of weeks, you’ll begin developing tiny plants emerging in the ground. In this stage, it is crucial to provide your seedlings with the proper care in order to ensure their good development. Here are some crucial aspects to take into consideration: Light and Temperature Young Echinacea seedlings need plenty of sunlight to ensure healthy growth. Set them up in a place in which they will receive at minimum six to 8 hours of sunlight direct per day. In the event that you’re cultivating them indoors, you can utilize lighting fixtures that are fluorescent to supply the required light intensity. Keep the temperature between 70 to 75degF (21-24degC) in the daylight, with slightly cooler evening temperatures to encourage rapid growth. Beware of exposing seedlings to extreme cold or extreme heat since it may affect their growth. Watering and Soil Conditions It’s essential to keep the soil dry but not soaking wet. Overwatering can cause root rot as well as other problems, and underwatering may cause the seedlings to die and hinder their growth. Make sure you check the moisture levels regularly and then water the seedlings whenever the top layer of soil appears dry. Echinacea likes soil that is well-drained. Make sure it is in a loamy soil and full of organic matter. It is possible to amend the soil by adding compost or manure that is well-rotted before planting to improve the fertility of the soil and its drainage capabilities. Transplanting and Outdoor Cultivation After they Echinacea seedlings have developed several sets of real leaves and the risk of frost is gone, the plant can be moved outside. Pick a spot with complete sunlight exposure, preferably in an elevated bed or in soil that is well-drained for gardening. Make sure the planting hole is prepared by making the soil loose and then adding compost. Take the seedlings out of their containers and then place their pots in holes, making sure that the crown is at a level with the soil’s surface. Plants should be placed 12-18 inches apart, allowing enough airflow and allow for future growth. The seedlings that have been transplanted should be thoroughly watered after planting. You should continue to water them often, particularly during dry times. Mulching around the plants will help to conserve moisture and reduce the growth of weeds. Maturation and Blooming: The Final Stages If the Echinacea plant continues to expand, it will eventually mature and begin the flowering stage. The exact timing for this process may differ according to a variety of variables, including those of the Echinacea species and the environment. It takes between two and 3 years to allow Echinacea plants to mature and bloom their distinctive flowers. Once they have reached maturity, they’ll bloom in the summer, generally from June through August. The flowers are bright and cone-shaped, drawing pollinators like bees or butterflies to your garden. Apart from its aesthetic worth, Echinacea is also prized because of its potent medicinal properties. The leaves, roots, and blossoms of Echinacea plants are commonly utilized in herbal remedies and supplements. If you’re looking to harness the healing properties of Echinacea, Here’s a description of the process of harvesting: When harvesting the roots, it is recommended that you wait till the plants reach maturity, which typically occurs in three or four years old. The roots are sucked up from the base of the plant, and be cautious not to break the roots. Clean the roots thoroughly, then cut them into smaller pieces, then dry them in a ventilated space. Leaf and Flower Harvesting The flowers and leaves are harvested when the plants have established and flowering. Pick the best flowers and leaves, then cut them with scissors that can be sharp. To keep their power, it is recommended to dry the flowers and leaves in a dark and cool area. After drying, they can be stored in an airtight container, away from sun and water. How to Eat Echinacea? To stimulate the immune system in general for colds, flu, Upper respiratory tract infection, and bladder problems, you should take three times daily Echinacea till you are feeling better, but not longer than 10 consecutive days. Don’t take Echinacea with the stomach empty. Instead, drink the supplement with food, or drink a big drink of fluid. Types of Echinacea There are many species of Echinacea; however the most popular ones used for their benefits to health include Echinacea purpurea, Echinacea angustifolia, and Echinacea pallida. Each species has distinct characteristics and health benefits that make them worth investigating. Forms of Echinacea Echinacea is available in a variety of varieties, so you can pick the one that best suits your needs and preferences. Below are some of the commonly used types of Echinacea: Echinacea is readily accessible in the form of nutritional supplements, such as tablets, capsules as well as tinctures. They typically contain concentrated extract of Echinacea, making it easy to incorporate into your routine. Echinacea tea has become a well-loved option for those who are looking for a relaxing and relaxing way to drink the herb. There are echinacea tea bags as well as dry echinacea leaves that permit you to make an iced tea that has health-promoting qualities. Echinacea extracts are concentrated formulations that contain the active components of the plant. They can be purchased in liquid and powder form, which makes them suitable for a variety of applications, such as smoothies, juices or homemade preparations for topical use. If you have the luxury of fresh Echinacea, including it in recipes is a delicious and effective method to take advantage of its advantages. It can be added to salads or soups, or stir-fries fresh echinacea can add a fresh flavor to your food creations. How to incorporate Echinacea in Your Diet Now that we’ve delved into the different types of Echinacea, we can begin to explore ways you can include this herb in your daily diet Echinacea Infused Honey One of the most delicious and versatile ways to enjoy Echinacea is to infuse it with honey. To make echinacea-infused honey, you just need to add dry echinacea petals into an jar of honey and allow it to sit for a couple of weeks. Honey will be absorbed by its beneficial properties, making it the most delicious and healthy ingredient in your teas, toast, yogurt, or toast. Include a healthy boost to your morning routine by adding Echinacea to your smoothies. Blend fresh or frozen fruit and vegetables; add a few handfuls of kale or spinach, some yogurt, and one tablespoon of extract from Echinacea or dried powder of Echinacea. This refreshing and vibrant smoothie can boost your immunity. Echinacea Salad Dressing Enhance the flavor and nutritional value of your salads by using an Echinacea-infused dressing. Mix olive oil and lemon juice with minced garlic and dried Echinacea leaves with a hint of honey to add sweetness. Serve this dressing on your favorite greens and enjoy an energizing and healthy meal. Echinacea Soups and Broths Enhance the immune-boosting properties of your broths and soups by including Echinacea. Infuse dried echinacea root or leaves in addition to your other ingredients for soup so that the aromas, along with the health-boosting benefits, be infused into the food. This healthy and comforting food can boost your overall health. Potential Side Effects and Precautions Although Echinacea is generally suitable for the majority of people However, it’s crucial to know about possible negative effects and to take appropriate precautions: - The following allergic reactions can occur. people might experience an allergic reaction to Echinacea, in particular in the case of allergies to plants belonging to the Asteraceae family, like daisies or ragweed. If you’ve experienced an allergy to plants, it is recommended to speak with a medical professional prior to taking a echinacea supplement. - Interactions with Medications Echinacea could interact with some medicines, such as immunosuppressants and medicines metabolized in the liver. If you’re currently taking medications, you should seek out medical advice to ensure there are no possible interactions. - The duration of use: Echinacea is generally recommended for use in short-term situations. If used for a long time, it can lead to diminished effectiveness or other adverse consequences. It is recommended to adhere to the dosage guidelines that are recommended and speak with a doctor in case you have any questions. What Are Side Effects of Echinacea? The most frequent negative side effects associated with Echinacea are digestive tract symptoms like nausea or stomach discomfort. There are people who experience reactions to Echinacea that are allergic, which can be extremely. A few children who took part in a clinical study of Echinacea had rashes that could have been the result of some kind of allergic reaction. Myth 1: Echinacea Causes Severe Allergic Reactions One of the most common misconceptions about Echinacea is that it has a connection with a severe allergic reaction. However, a vast amount of scientific analysis and studies on the clinical side have not been able to prove this belief. Actually, Echinacea is generally considered safe for most people, with only a small percentage experiencing minor allergic reactions such as itching or skin rashes. Myth 2: Echinacea Leads to Autoimmune Disorders Another misconception regarding Echinacea is that it could cause autoimmune conditions. However, research has not identified a clear connection between Echinacea use and the emergence of autoimmune disorders. The effects of Echinacea’s immune stimulation are beneficial to most people and boost their immune system rather than creating harm. Myth 3: Echinacea Interferes with Medications There is a general belief that Echinacea could cause a reaction with certain medicines, especially those that affect the immune system and liver. It is important to be cautious when mixing any herbal supplement with prescription medications; the latest evidence suggests Echinacea does not have any interactions with the majority of drugs. However, consulting a medical professional is advised to ensure security and avoid any potential interactions with drugs. Myth 4: Echinacea Is Addictive Contrary to popular belief, Echinacea is not addictive. It is not a source of harmful substances, and the long-term usage of Echinacea is not a cause of dependence. Like all herbal supplements, it is recommended to adhere to the suggested dosing guidelines. Avoid prolonged or excessive usage. Myth 5: Echinacea Causes Digestive Issues Certain people worry they Echinacea could cause digestive problems like stomach discomfort or diarrhea. Although slight stomach problems can be experienced in rare instances, they are usually temporary and go away by themselves. If you are experiencing chronic or extreme digestive issues following the use of Echinacea, It is advised to speak with a doctor. Myth 6: Echinacea Is Harmful During Pregnancy Women who are pregnant often have concerns regarding the security of herbal supplements like Echinacea. Although studies on Echinacea usage during pregnancy aren’t extensive, however, the current evidence suggests the possibility that Echinacea has been proven to be safe if taken in the appropriate dosage. However, because pregnancy is a very delicate time and a delicate time, it is recommended to speak with a medical practitioner prior to including any supplements in your regimen.
This ongoing podcast features interviews with researchers and educators about topics related to maple production and marketing. Showing 1 – 10 of 268 resources An examination of why and how maple sugarmakers can make their operations carbon-neutral. Business is booming if you own a commercial sugar bush! As forest managers, this means more and more of us are hearing from landowners interested in starting or maintaining a sugar bush. Unfortunately, if you are like us, you did not learn about maple syrup in forestry school. This episode’s guest, Mark Isselhardt, Extension Maple Specialist with the University of Vermont, helps us unpack the fundamentals of sap production, sugar bush management, and how the industry has changed in the 21st century. Guidelines for tapping maple trees have existed for well over 100 years. Early tapping guidelines came about when buckets (gravity collection) were the only technology available for harvesting sap. New tapping guidelines are based on years of research into maple tree growth, sap harvesting practices/technology and a recognition that tree diameter alone does not fully explain all the factors that determine if tapping intensity in a given sugarbush is sustainable. This fact sheet presents sustainable tapping guidelines. Without a freeze, the flow of sap will continue to slow and eventually stop because there is no longer a difference between the pressure inside and outside of the tree. However, producers often observe an uptick in sap flow during the daytime over a few days. Why does this occur? Where did the extra sap come from? Typically, these short bursts of increased sap flow happen when the temperature warms over the next few days. The warm temperature causes gas bubbles in the wood fibers to expand and squeeze more water from the wood tissues, where it flows into the vessels and out through the taphole. This might occur for a couple of days, and eventually turn into slow weeping flows before ceasing entirely. Vacuum and gravity “pull” sap down lateral lines. Friction “uses up” energy. The energy that is lost in this case is vacuum (gravity is constant). Reducing friction in the tubing system preserves energy and preserves vacuum further up the line. If making tubing larger or smoother due to cost or implementation issues, the next best way to reduce friction in tubing is to reduce turbulence, especially at fittings. This can be readily achieved through two simple modifications. The first method is to incorporate a bevel into the entrance and exit of all fittings. The second modification is to incorporate an arc where sap streams meet. While there are both good and bad impacts on maple syrup producers due to climate change, overall, the effects will be negative. On the plus side, longer summers mean longer growing seasons for maple trees. However, regionally this longer growing season will increasingly be accompanied by periods of extended drought – particularly in more southern latitudes. This in turn may hinder root growth and performance. As maple syrup producers we are aware that anything which negatively effects maple tree roots is a concern because the roots are the origin for sap movement in the spring. The area of stained sapwood associated with tapping or other wounds in maple trunks has long been interpreted to represent the area of wood that is compartmentalized, and thus unavailable for sap flow. We tested this interpretation by passing dye through maple stems that had been tapped and observing the area that was blocked. Our results indicate that the blocked portion of the trunk associated with a wound taphole is somewhat larger than the area which is visually compartmentalized (stained). Over the past five years we have examined several different approaches to reducing the restriction in sap flow from shallow tree rings in an attempt to increase sap yield and sugar content of collected sap. After exploratory research in 2018 and 2019, we settled upon a basic design starting in 2020 that in continued testing has proved successful. The two main features of this new spout include a shorter barrel and barbs. Ten years ago, 3/16” diameter tubing was introduced to the marketplace as an alternative tubing to 5/16” diameter tubing. However, recent research shows that sap production in 3/16” tubing drops off as soon as the second year after installation due to microbial growth. A replacement for 3/16” diameter tubing in gravity systems could be 1/4” tubing. With almost twice the aperture of 3/16” tubing (0.049 sq inches compared to 0.0275 sq inches), 1/4″ inch tubing is less likely to plug from microbes yet is still able to create a full column of sap for gravity vacuum. Quarter-inch tubing is currently not available for maple producers but can be procured from other industries and, with modifications, will work for maple production.
Grey hairs are proof of age, but not of wisdom. Menander Win by persuasion, not by force. Bias of Priene When the wine is in, the words flow out. Herodotus The crowd is the most unreliable and witless thing in the world. Demosthene In a moment, we got from the sublime to the ridiculous. Longrinus Greece also known as Hellas, and officially the Hellenic Republic, is a country located in Southeast Europe. Its population is approximately 10.7 million as of 2018; Athens is its largest and capital city, followed by Thessaloniki. Greece is considered the cradle of Western civilization, being the birthplace of democracy, Western philosophy, Western literature, historiography, political science, major scientific and mathematical principles, Western drama and the Olympic Games. From the eighth century BC, the Greeks were organised into various independent city-states, known as poleis (singular polis), which spanned the Mediterranean and the Black Sea. Philip II of Macedon united most of present-day Greece in the fourth century BC, with his son Alexander the Great rapidly conquering much of the ancient world, from the eastern Mediterranean to India. The subsequent Hellenistic period saw the height of Greek culture and influence in antiquity. Greece was annexed by Rome in the second century BC, becoming an integral part of the Roman Empire and its successor, the Byzantine Empire, which adopted the Greek language and culture. The Greek Orthodox Church, which emerged in the first century AD, helped shape modern Greek identity and transmitted Greek traditions to the wider Orthodox world. After falling under Ottoman dominion in the mid-15th century, Greece emerged as a modern nation state in 1830 following a war of independence. Athens is the capital and largest city of Greece. Athens dominates the Attica region and is one of the world’s oldest cities, with its recorded history spanning over 3,400 years and its earliest human presence started somewhere between the 11th and 7th millennium BC. Classical Athens was a powerful city-state. A center for the arts, learning and philosophy, home of Plato’s Academy and Aristotle’s Lyceum, it is widely referred to as the cradle of Western civilization and the birthplace of democracy, largely because of its cultural and political impact on the European continent, and in particular the Romans. In modern times, Athens is a large cosmopolitan metropolis and central to economic, financial, industrial, maritime, political and cultural life in Greece. The heritage of the classical era is still evident in the city, represented by ancient monuments and works of art, the most famous of all being the Parthenon, considered a key landmark of early Western civilization. The city also retains Roman and Byzantine monuments, as well as a smaller number of Ottoman monuments, while its historical urban core features elements of continuity through its millennia of history. The Corinth Canal connects the Gulf of Corinth in the Ionian Sea with the Saronic Gulf in the Aegean Sea. It cuts through the narrow Isthmus of Corinth and separates the Peloponnese from the Greek mainland, arguably making the peninsula an island. The canal was dug through the isthmus at sea level and has no locks. It is 6.4 kilometers (4 mi) in length and only 21.4 metres (70 ft) wide at its base, making it impassable for many modern ships. Nafplio is a seaport town in the Peloponnese in Greece that has expanded up the hillsides near the north end of the Argolic Gulf. The town was an important seaport held under a succession of royal houses in the Middle Ages as part of the lordship of Argos and Nauplia, held initially by the de la Roche following the Fourth Crusade before coming under the Republic of Venice and, lastly, the Ottoman Empire. The town was the capital of the First Hellenic Republic and of the Kingdom of Greece, from the start of the Greek Revolution in 1821 until 1834. Rhodes is the largest of the Dodecanese islands of Greece and is also the island group’s historical capital. The city of Rhodes had 50,636 inhabitants in 2011. It is located northeast of Crete, southeast of Athens. Rhodes’ nickname is The Island of the Knights, named after the Knights of Saint John of Jerusalem, who ruled the island from 1310 to 1522. Historically, Rhodes island was very famous worldwide for the Colossus of Rhodes, one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. Lindos is an archaeological site, a fishing village, and a former municipality on the island of Rhodes. It is about 40 km south of the town of Rhodes and is situated in a large bay and faces the fishing village and small resort of Charaki. Santorini officially Thira and classic Greek Thera is an island in the southern Aegean Sea, about 200 km (120 mi) southeast from the Greek mainland. It’s the largest island of a small, circular archipelago, which bears the same name and is the remnant of a volcanic caldera. It forms the southernmost member of the Cyclades group of islands, with an area of approximately 73 km2 (28 sq mi). The island was the site of one of the largest volcanic eruptions in recorded history: the Minoan eruption (sometimes called the Thera eruption), which occurred about 3,600 years ago at the height of the Minoan civilization. The eruption left a large caldera surrounded by volcanic ash deposits hundreds of metres deep. It may have led indirectly to the collapse of the Minoan civilization on the island of Crete, 110 km (68 mi) to the south, through a gigantic tsunami. Another popular theory holds that the Thera eruption is the source of the legend of Atlantis. It is the most active volcanic centre in the South Aegean Volcanic Arc, though what remains today is chiefly a water-filled caldera. The volcanic arc is approximately 500 km (310 mi) long and 20 to 40 km (12 to 25 mi) wide. The region first became volcanically active around 3-4 million years ago, though volcanism on Thera began around 2 million years ago with the extrusion of dacitic lavas from vents around Akrotiri.
Why are thumbnails used ? Thumbnails are widely used for several reasons. Firstly, they provide a visual summary of the content, allowing users to quickly gauge its relevance and appeal. By presenting a small, eye-catching image or icon, thumbnails entice viewers to click and explore further. Additionally, thumbnails are crucial in platforms with limited screen space, such as search engines or social media feeds, where they serve as a visual cue to grab attention amidst a sea of other content. Moreover, thumbnails enhance the overall user experience by offering a preview of the content, helping users make informed decisions about what to engage with based on their interests and preferences. Why are thumbnail important ? Thumbnails are incredibly important in various digital contexts. Firstly, they serve as visual hooks, capturing the attention of users and enticing them to click and explore. With limited screen space in search results, social media feeds, or video platforms, thumbnails play a vital role in standing out amidst the abundance of content. They provide a quick preview of the main content, helping users decide whether it aligns with their interests. Additionally, thumbnails enhance the user experience by allowing for easier navigation and faster content scanning. They also contribute to improving website or video performance by increasing click-through rates and engagement levels. Overall, thumbnails are essential in grabbing attention, improving user experience, and driving audience interaction. Origin of the word thumbnail The word “thumbnail” originated from the practice of creating small, detailed illustrations on miniature panels. These panels were often the size of a human thumbnail. Over time, the term “thumbnail” evolved to represent a small representation or preview of a larger image or document. In the digital age, it has become widely used to describe the small preview images used in various media platforms. Different types of thumbnails Video thumbnail : A video thumbnail is a small image that represents a video and is displayed as a preview, helping viewers quickly assess its content and decide whether to watch it. Youtube video thumbnail : A YouTube video thumbnail is a small image that serves as a preview for a video on the YouTube platform, giving viewers a glimpse of the video’s content and enticing them to click and watch it. Blog thumbnail : A blog thumbnail is a small image that represents a blog post, typically displayed alongside the blog title or description. It provides a visual preview of the content, attracting readers and encouraging them to click and read the full article. 5 tips on how to design a thumbnail - Use meaningful colors - A face is an easy way to connect with the viewer - Use action shots to attract attention - Add text if it is not obvious what the video is about - Increase the recognition value with a logo etc. (branding
Farwah Jafri | July 21 2023 Understanding Return on Assets (ROA) and how to calculate individuals and businesses alike need to evaluate their financial performance and make informed decisions. ROA is a crucial financial ratio that measures the efficiency with which a company utilizes its assets to generate profits. By analyzing ROA, investors, analysts, and managers gain insights into a company’s ability to generate earnings from its investments. This blog will delve into the concept of ROA and its significance and provide a step-by-step explanation of how to calculate it, offering a solid foundation for assessing and comparing businesses’ financial health and profitability. Return on Assets (ROA) is a financial ratio that measures a company’s profitability by evaluating its ability to generate earnings from its assets. It indicates how efficiently a company utilizes its assets to generate profits. ROA is calculated by dividing a company’s net income by its average total assets. The formula is as follows: ROA = (Net Income) / (Average Total Assets) Net income represents the company’s profit after deducting all expenses, including taxes and interest, from its total revenue. Average Total Assets is the average value of a company’s assets over a specific period, usually calculated by adding the beginning and ending assets for the period and dividing them in two. ROA helps investors, analysts, and managers assess a company’s financial health, efficiency, and profitability. However, it’s important to consider industry norms and other factors when interpreting ROA, as different industries may have varying asset requirements and profit margins. ROA stands for Return on Assets, a financial ratio used to measure a company’s profitability of its total assets. It indicates how efficiently a company utilizes its assets to generate profits. The ROA formula is written below: ROA = Net Income / Average Total Assets You will need a company’s net income and average total assets to calculate ROA. Let’s break down the calculation step by step with an example: Net income is the company’s total profit after deducting all expenses and taxes. It can be found on the company’s income statement or financial statement. Let’s assume the net income for the company is $100,000. Average Total Assets is the average value of all company assets during a specific period. To calculate the average, you need the total assets at the beginning and end of the period. The total assets at the beginning of the year are $500,000; at the end of the year, they are $700,000. Average Total Assets = (Total Assets at the Beginning + Total Assets at the End) / 2 Average Total Assets = ($500,000 + $700,000) / 2 Average Total Assets = $1,200,000 / 2 Average Total Assets = $600,000 ROA = Net Income / Average Total Assets ROA = $100,000 / $600,000 ROA = 0.1667 or 16.67% In this example, the ROA for the company is 16.67%. It means that for every dollar of average total assets, the company generates a net income of approximately $0.1667. Remember that ROA is expressed as a percentage, representing the profitability of a company’s assets. A higher ROA indicates better asset utilization and profitability, while a lower ROA suggests inefficiency in generating profits from assets. Note: It’s important to note that ROA alone does not provide a comprehensive view of a company’s financial health. It is often used with other financial ratios and metrics to assess a company’s overall performance and compare it to industry standards or competitors. Return on assets (ROA) is a financial ratio used to measure a company’s profitability and efficiency in generating profits from its assets. While ROA provides valuable insights into a company’s performance, it does have certain limitations. Here are some of the limitations of ROA: ROA does not consider a company’s capital structure or the cost of financing its assets. It treats all assets as financed by equity, ignoring the impact of debt or other liabilities. This limitation can lead to inaccurate comparisons between companies with different capital structures. ROA does not consider the time value of money or the impact of inflation. It assumes that the value of money remains constant over time, which may not be the case in reality. As a result, ROA may not provide an accurate representation of the true profitability of an investment. Different industries have varying levels of asset intensity and capital requirements. Comparing ROA across industries may not be meaningful due to differences in asset turnover ratios and capital investment needs. It is essential to consider industry norms and benchmarks when interpreting ROA. ROA does not incorporate the element of risk associated with an investment. It only focuses on profitability without considering earnings’ potential risks or volatility. Companies with higher risk profiles may generate higher ROA but might be subject to greater uncertainty. ROA only considers the financial performance of the assets employed by a company. It does not provide insights into other critical aspects, such as sales growth, customer satisfaction, market share, or brand value. ROA should be used in conjunction with other financial and non-financial metrics to gain a comprehensive understanding of a company’s performance. ROA relies on financial statements prepared according to accounting standards, which can be subject to various accounting policies and estimates. These variations can lead to consistency in calculating and comparing ROA across companies or periods. ROA is based on past financial data and may not accurately reflect a company’s current or future performance. It does not account for potential market conditions, competition, or strategic shifts that could impact a company’s profitability. Understanding the concept of Return on Assets (ROA) is crucial for any business owner or investor. ROA is a key financial ratio that measures how effectively a company utilizes its assets to generate profits. By calculating ROA, you can assess the efficiency and profitability of a business, allowing for informed decision-making. Calculating and analyzing ROA enables informed decision-making and can help identify areas for improvement. By understanding ROA and its implications, investors and business owners can make smarter financial decisions and strive for sustainable growth. Farwah is the Product Owner of Monily. She has an MBA from Alliance Manchester Business School, UK. She is passionate about helping businesses overcome challenges that hamper their growth, which is why she is working at Monily to facilitate entrepreneurs to efficiently manage business finances and stay focused on growth.
- Don’t feel that your garden has to be wild to attract wildlife. Even the most formal gardens will be appealing to the sort of creatures you’re keen to draw in – so stick to the designs you love, but make a few adjustments here and there. - Create a varied habitat that has a combination of light, shade and hiding places for birds, mice and voles by using a range of different plants in one area of beds and borders. You can plant larger trees towards the back of beds and smaller growing shrubs at the front. Amongst the space in between plant a range of flowers and there’ll be plenty to interest smaller mammals and birds. - Hedges, bushes and shrubs all provide shelter and food so it’s a good idea to grow a mixture of these in any wildlife garden. Using numerous varieties will attract a number of different types of wildlife. Holly and Yew will attract typical nesting birds, while those with berries will provide an interesting diet for others, and all greenery will make the perfect home for insects and a huge range of smaller mammals. - Flowers are the obvious ways to attract bees, butterflies and other insects, so it’s important to pick those which will provide pollen and nectar for as much of the year as possible. - If you have the space, time and inclination, a pond will make your garden an inviting prospect for amphibians like newts and frogs, but if not, a container of water or an upturned dustbin lid filled with rain water is enough to draw a few in. If you do have a pond, make sure it has at least one sloping side for easy access and remember they don’t need as deep water as you might think. - More uncommon wildlife such as bark beetles and many species of fungi love an area of partially buried dead wood that is unpainted and unstained. Wood piles also make the ideal hibernation spot for many larger mammals. These can sometimes look unsightly, so consider tucking them away in a corner. - Your garden doesn’t need to be a mess to attract wildlife but you’ll find that not being too tidy can certainly help draw in visitors. Piles of leaves and plant debris can provide food and habitat for a wide range of species, while leaving perennials uncut over winter can create shelter for hibernating insects. - If you’re not too worried about keeping your garden perfectly tidy at all times, consider allowing a patch of grass to grow more wildly. This will create the perfect place for insects to lay their eggs and wild flowers such as cornflower, cowslip and foxglove will attract lots of insects. If you’re keen to get butterflies in your garden, a nettle patch is good way to attract them. - You can also scatter wildflower seeds to create spot of meadow land in your garden. 96% of diverse, species-rich meadows have been lost since the 1950s so creating one in your garden can be really helpful to wildlife, particularly insects, and they’re exceptionally low maintenance. - Rock gardens are the perfect spot for hibernating reptiles and amphibians. Try to recreate their natural habitat of steeply sloping ground, cliffs and rocky areas with gravel and rocks and you’ll be sure to draw in the crowds, along with mason bees and a range of other insects. Whether you’re interested in the birds and the bees, or butterflies, hedgehogs, frogs and other insects, creating a haven for wildlife in your garden is pretty straight forward. With a few simple tweaks you’ll see a huge increase in visitors without compromising on the way your garden looks. Not only that, but with much of the British wildlife struggling to survive as a result of eroding habitats, climate changes and diseases, making your garden homely will go a long way towards continuing their existence. It’s worth being quite tactical about approaching the plants you have in your garden if your main objective is to attract wildlife. Plants and trees that will provide flowers throughout the seasons to keep pollinators happy. British butterflies rely on foliage for food and particularly enjoy white, pink, purple, blue or yellow flowers while birds love plants which provide berries and seeds. Our top design tips The finishing touches There’s a whole world of finishing touches for a wildlife garden. Providing food and water for birds all year round is essential as they’ll come to rely on your offering, so bird baths and feeders that are regularly defrosted and filled will make sure the birds keep coming back. The number of hedgehogs in the UK is rapidly declining, but a hedgehog house will help your prickly friends to survive the winter, especially if your garden is tidy and provides limited cover. You can also create a bug hotel too (especially fun if there are children involved) by experimenting with a range of materials such as bricks, dead leaves, woodchips, soil and hay stacked on top of each other. Remember that insects thrive in areas that have cool and moist conditions with some sunlight so a dappled area beneath a tree is recommended. Lastly, remember to avoid insecticide unless essential – killing off the bugs you don’t want will also kill off the bugs you do want. Use natural and organic solutions for pests and you may even find that some of the good bugs take care of the bad ones for you too.
it is desirable to cut the lantern glasses and the glasses of the coloured spectacles from the same sheet. Analysisin the sense of thorough, anda re- lease). In common language, the term analysis is often applied to a mere testing whereby evidence of the presence of a substance is obtained, although no attempt is made at the separation of the substance, and the use of litmus paper in testing for acids and alkalies (see Acidity) would often be spoken of as a rudimentary operation in analysis. When the object of analysis is merely to separate sufficient of a substance for recognition, the operation is called qualitative analysis, while the operation is called quantitative when the amount of a constituent is determined. A person without thorough chemical training is very liable to be misled by any attempt at systematic analysis or testing; but in spite of this we give a very concise abstract of a modification of the usual routine of systematic testing for the common metals, as applied to substances soluble in water or in acids : About 20 grs. of the substance in two drams of water - either with or without the aid of an acid - forms the original solution, O.S. Add to O.S. hydrochloric acid drop by drop ; a white precipitate in-soluble in excess indicates lead, silver, or mercurous compounds. Let the precipitate settle, pour off liquid, add water; shake ; allow precipitate to settle, and pour off; then add ammonia. The dissolving of the precipitate indicates silver ; if unchanged, lead; if blackened, mercury. If hydrochloric acid gives no pre-cipitate add excess of sulphuretted hydrogen solution to the same solution. A black precipitate indicates mercury (mercuric), copper, or lead (if proportion in original was small). To O.S. add ammonia ; a cobalt blue coloration, preceded maybe by a greenish precipitate, indicates copper; mercury is indicated by boiling original substance with water and a drop or two of nitric acid, a bright copper wire being immersed, when the copper will be coated with mercury; if lead, the original solution will give a white precipitate with sulphuric acid, this precipitate being insoluble in nitric acid. To original solution add ammonia; ferrous salts give a dark precipitate, becoming rust-coloured on exposure to air; ferric salts give the rust-coloured precipitate at once ; aluminium salts give a transparent white precipitate under these circumstances ; chromium, a greenish precipitate. If no
In recent years, automation and artificial intelligence (AI) have emerged as powerful forces reshaping our lives and revolutionizing various industries. From self-driving cars and virtual assistants to intelligent manufacturing and personalized recommendations, the impact of automation and AI is evident in almost every aspect of our daily routines. These technologies are transforming not only how we work but also how we live, offering unprecedented opportunities and challenges for individuals and societies alike. One of the key areas where automation and AI are making significant strides is in the workplace. One of the key areas where automation and artificial intelligence software development companies are making significant strides is in the workplace. Routine and repetitive tasks that were once performed by humans are now being automated, freeing up time and resources for more complex and creative endeavors. AI-powered algorithms can analyze vast amounts of data and generate insights, enabling businesses to make data-driven decisions and optimize their operations. This has led to increased productivity, reduced costs, and improved efficiency across industries. Automation and AI are also creating new opportunities for innovation and entrepreneurship. Startups and established companies are leveraging these technologies to develop groundbreaking products and services. From healthcare and finance to agriculture and transportation, automation and AI are driving innovation, enabling us to tackle complex challenges and improve the quality of life for people around the globe. In the realm of healthcare, automation and AI have the potential to revolutionize patient care. AI algorithms can analyze medical records and diagnostic images with incredible speed and accuracy, assisting healthcare professionals in making more precise diagnoses and treatment plans. Robots and automation systems are being used in surgeries, enhancing surgical precision and reducing the risk of human error. Psychiatric telemedicine platforms powered by AI are providing remote consultations and expanding access to healthcare in underserved areas. Beyond the workplace, automation and AI are transforming our everyday lives. Virtual assistants like Siri, Alexa, and Google Assistant have become integral parts of our households, helping us with tasks, providing information, and even entertaining us. Smart homes equipped with automation technologies enable us to control lighting, heating, and security systems with a simple voice command or a tap on our smartphones. Self-driving cars are becoming a reality, promising safer and more efficient transportation, while delivery drones are revolutionizing logistics and e-commerce. Examples of great uses for automating your life Automated Plant Care System: This unique home automation solution combines sensors, AI algorithms, and smart irrigation systems to monitor and care for indoor plants. The system measures soil moisture levels, temperature, and light intensity, and automatically adjusts watering schedules to provide optimal conditions for plant growth. It can send notifications to the homeowner’s smartphone when it’s time to water or fertilize the plants, ensuring they thrive with minimal effort. Voice-Activated Mirror: Imagine a mirror in your bathroom that not only reflects your image but also responds to your voice commands. This innovative home automation technology incorporates voice recognition and AI to create a smart mirror. With voice activation, you can control various functions such as adjusting the lighting, checking the weather, playing music, or accessing your calendar. It brings a new level of convenience and customization to your daily routine. Automated Pet Feeding System: This home automation solution takes care of feeding your furry friends even when you’re away. The system includes programmable food dispensers that can be scheduled to release the right amount of food at specific times. Some advanced systems even have built-in cameras that allow you to monitor your pets while feeding them remotely. It ensures your pets receive their meals on time, even if your schedule is unpredictable. Smart Mirror TV: Combining the functionality of a mirror and a television, the smart mirror TV is a unique home automation device that its IMAGE transforms into a high-definition TV when turned on. When not in use, it seamlessly acts as an elegant mirror, blending into your home decor. With voice control or a remote, you can switch between mirror and TV modes, access your favorite shows and streaming services, and enjoy entertainment without compromising on style. Automated Window Coverings: This home automation solution offers convenient control over your window blinds or curtains. With motorized window coverings, you can program schedules or control them remotely using a smartphone app or voice commands. Set the blinds to open in the morning to let in natural light and close in the evening for privacy. Some systems even integrate with smart home hubs, enabling automation based on sunrise, sunset, or weather conditions. Personalized Aromatherapy System: This unique home automation device brings the benefits of aromatherapy to your living space. The system includes scent diffusers that can be connected to your smart home ecosystem. Using AI and customizable settings, it can create personalized aromatherapy experiences based on your preferences and mood. You can schedule different scents throughout the day, set specific blends for relaxation or focus, and control everything from your smartphone or voice commands. However, as automation and AI continue to advance, concerns about their impact on employment and society are also growing. While these technologies create new jobs and opportunities, they also pose challenges for workers whose tasks are becoming automated. It is crucial to ensure that the benefits of automation and AI are distributed equitably and that workers are provided with the necessary skills and support to adapt to the changing job landscape. Additionally, ethical considerations must be at the forefront of AI development. Issues such as privacy, bias, and accountability need to be carefully addressed to prevent unintended consequences. Transparency and explainability in AI systems are crucial to building trust and ensuring that these technologies are used responsibly and ethically. In conclusion, automation and AI are transforming how we live and work in profound ways. They are revolutionizing industries, improving productivity, and enabling innovation. From the workplace to our homes, these technologies are enhancing efficiency, convenience, and quality of life. However, it is essential to navigate the challenges they present, such as employment disruption and ethical concerns, to harness the full potential of automation and AI for the benefit of all. By embracing these technologies responsibly, we can create a future where automation and AI work hand in hand with humanity, empowering us to achieve new heights of progress and prosperity.
US Air Force planes could be armed with Star Wars type laser guns by the end of this decade, and maybe shields that protect aircraft from incoming missiles and bullets, says the U.S. Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL), which is scheduled to demonstrate the technology by 2020. Larger aircraft are already able to carry laser weapons fit for their size. However, developing effective and usable laser technology for the smaller warplanes is more challenging. Apart from being small enough not to undermine the fighter jet’s agility, they need to be accurate and effective when travelling at supersonic speeds. Kelly Hammett, chief engineer for the AFRL’s Directed Energy Directorate believes the difficulties scientists face regarding laser weapons for fighter jets will be overcome by the end of this decade. A prototype turret developed by Lockheed Martin for the the Air Force Research Laboratory and Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency controls and compensates for air flow, paving the way for laser weapon systems on jet fighters. Here, a green low-power laser beam passes through the turret on a research aircraft. (Image: Lockheed Martin. Credit: Air Force Research Laboratory.) In an interview with CNN, Mr. Hammet said: “It really is a national tipping point. We see the technology evolving and maturing to the stage where it really can be used.” Fighter jets equipped with laser guns and shields AFRL is also developing a laser shield for aircraft. When ready, scientists hope it will destroy anything that comes into contact with it, thus protecting the whole airplane. If a warplane is unable to lose a missile lock, the laser shield would serve as back-up protection. Researchers expect it even to melt ultra-rapid bullets fired at it. The secret regarding a usable laser technology is making sure the fighter jet does not lose speed, which would place it at a disadvantage against other aircraft. For air forces across the world, fighter jet speed is king – without it, no matter how sophisticated the plane might be, it will probably never have that edge over enemy aircraft. AFRL, DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency), and the American global aerospace, defense, security and advanced technologies giant Lockheed Martin, are working together to develop an effective laser shield turret. They say they have already tested one. When fighter jets have laser guns and shields, the way battles are lost and won will change dramatically. (Image: images.military.com. Credit: US Air Force) Lockheed Martin says the the Aero-adaptive Aero-optic Beam Control (ABC) turret is the first-ever turret to demonstrate a 360-degree field of regard for laser weapon systems on an airplane flying close to the speed of sound. This means the plane would be able to fire laser beams in any direction. The turret’s performance has been verified in almost 60 test flights conducted this year and in 2014 using a business jet as a low-cost flying test bed. “As the aircraft travelled at jet cruise speeds, a low-power laser beam was fired through the turret’s optical window to measure and verify successful performance in all directions,” the company said. The dynamics of wars and battles changed dramatically when bows, arrows and spears gave way to guns. Mr. Hammet believes attack and defensive laser technology will again transform battle strategies within the next 25 years. How does a laser weapon work? A laser weapon works by concentrating light beams on a target. The laser beam – an intense narrow beam of light – can cut through metal and glass like a super-hot knife through butter in fractions of a second. A laser gun on an airplane could be aimed at enemy targets and ignite them, i.e. destroy them by burning them up. According to Mr. Hammet, a laser weapon’s force and how long a beam can be held depends on the level of electric power used. Laser technology is energy hungry, so apart from the size of the weapon (which must be small), engineers will have to take into account how much fuel or stored energy a fighter jet can carry without undermining its flying performance. Laser beams are incredibly accurate. Fighter jets with such technology would be able to take out very small targets with the minimum of collateral damage. Laser weapons could also be fitted onto drones, Mr. Hammet added, which would mean battles could be fought or missions accomplished without risking pilots’ lives. Initially, successful air force laser technology would not be used for offensive tactics. More likely it would be used, for example, to help planes secure hot landing zones. According to Lockheed Martin: “Science reality has caught up with science fiction. Lockheed Martin is showing that laser weapon systems can turn up the heat and stop land, air or sea targets in their path. And, they can be compact enough and power efficient enough for tactical platforms on the move, providing nearly unlimited “bullets” with speed-of-light response.” Video – Fighter jets armed with laser weapons This CNN video talks about the U.S. Air Force and its plans to have laser weapons on military fighter jets by the year 2020.
A joint study by TAU and the Hebrew University, involving 20 researchers from different countries and disciplines, has accurately dated 21 destruction layers at 17 archaeological sites in Israel by reconstructing the direction and/or intensity of the earth’s magnetic field recorded in burnt remnants. The new data verify the Biblical accounts of the Egyptian, Aramean, Assyrian, and Babylonian military campaigns against the Kingdoms of Israel and Judah. Findings indicate, for example, that the army of Hazael, King of Aram-Damascus, was responsible for the destruction of several cities – Tel Rehov, Tel Zayit, and Horvat Tevet, in addition to Gath of the Philistines, whose destruction is noted in the Hebrew Bible. At the same time, the study refutes the prevailing theory that Hazael was the conqueror who destroyed Tel Beth-Shean. Other geomagnetic findings reveal that the cities in the Negev were destroyed by the Edomites, who took advantage of the destruction of Jerusalem and the Kingdom of Judah by the Babylonians. The groundbreaking interdisciplinary study was published in PNAS (Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA) and is based on the doctoral thesis of Yoav Vaknin, supervised by Prof. Erez Ben-Yosef and Prof. Oded Lipschits of TAU’s Nadler Institute of Archaeology and Prof. Ron Shaar from the Institute of Earth Sciences at the Hebrew University. WATCH: Yoav Vaknin from TAU’s Sonia and Marco Nadler Institute of Archaeology explains about the research Reliable Tool for Archaeological Dating The researchers explain that geophysicists, attempting to understand the mechanism of earth’s magnetic field, track changes in this field throughout history. To this end, they use archaeological findings containing magnetic minerals which, when heated or burned, record the magnetic field at the time of the fire. Thus, in a 2020 study, researchers reconstructed the magnetic field as it was on the 9th of the month of Av, 586 BCE, the Hebrew date of the destruction of the First Temple and the City of Jerusalem by Nebuchadnezzar and his Babylonian army. Now, using archaeological findings unearthed over several decades at 17 sites throughout Israel, alongside historical information from ancient inscriptions and Biblical accounts, the researchers were able to reconstruct the magnetic fields recorded in 21 destruction layers. They used the data to develop a reliable new scientific tool for archaeological dating. Yoav Vaknin explains: “Based on the similarity or difference in intensity and direction of the magnetic field, we can either corroborate or disprove hypotheses claiming that specific sites were burned during the same military campaign. Moreover, we have constructed a variation curve of field intensity over time which can serve as a scientific dating tool, similar to the radiocarbon dating method.” Yoav Vaknin measuring at the site (Photo: Shai Halevi, Israel Antiquities Authority) One example given by the researchers is the destruction of Gath of the Philistines (identified today as Tel Tzafit in the Judean foothills) by Hazael, King of Aram-Damascus. Various dating methods have placed this event at around 830 BCE but were unable to verify that Hazael was also responsible for the destruction of Tel Rehov, Tel Zayit and Horvat Tevet. The new study, identifying full statistical synchronization between the magnetic fields recorded at all these four sites at the time of destruction, now makes a very strong case for their destruction having taken place during the same campaign. A destruction level at Tel Beth-Shean, on the other hand, recording a totally different magnetic field, refutes the prevailing hypothesis that it too was destroyed by Hazael. Instead, the magnetic data from Beth-Shean indicate that this city, along with two other sites in northern Israel, was probably destroyed 70-100 years earlier, a date which could correspond with the military campaign of the Egyptian Pharaoh Shoshenq. Shoshenq’s campaign is described in the Hebrew Bible and in an inscription on a wall of the Temple of Amun in Karnak, Egypt, which mentions Beth-Shean as one of his conquests. “While Jerusalem and frontier cities in the Judean foothills ceased to exist, other towns in the Negev, the southern Judean Mountains and the southern Judean foothills remained almost unaffected. Now, the magnetic results support this hypothesis, indicating that the Babylonians were not solely responsible for Judah’s ultimate demise.” Prof. Erez Ben Yosef Judah’s Ultimate Demise One of the most interesting findings revealed by the new dating method has to do with the end of the Kingdom of Judah. Prof. Erez Ben Yosef: “The last days of the Kingdom of Judah are widely debated. Some researchers, relying on archaeological evidence, argue that Judah was not completely destroyed by the Babylonians. While Jerusalem and frontier cities in the Judean foothills ceased to exist, other towns in the Negev, the southern Judean Mountains and the southern Judean foothills remained almost unaffected. Now, the magnetic results support this hypothesis, indicating that the Babylonians were not solely responsible for Judah’s ultimate demise.” “Several decades after they had destroyed Jerusalem and the First Temple, sites in the Negev, which had survived the Babylonian campaign, were destroyed – probably by the Edomites who took advantage of the fall of Jerusalem. This betrayal and participation in the destruction of the surviving cities may explain why the Hebrew Bible expresses so much hatred for the Edomites – for example, in the prophecy of Obadiah.” Prof. Oded Lipschits adds that “the new dating tool is unique because it is based on geomagnetic data from sites, whose exact destruction dates are known from historical sources. By combining precise historical information with advanced, comprehensive archaeological research, we were able to base the magnetic method on reliably anchored chronology.” Burnt mud stones “Until recently scientists believed that [the magnetic field] remains quite stable for decades, but archaeomagnetic research has contradicted this assumption by revealing some extreme and unpredictable changes in antiquity.” Prof. Ron Shaar Taking Advantage of an Unstable Geomagnetic Field Prof. Ron Shaar, who led the geophysical aspects of the study, as well as the development of the geomagnetic dating method, explains: “Earth’s magnetic field is critical to our existence. Most people don’t realize that without it there could be no life on earth – since it shields us from cosmic radiation and the solar wind. In addition, both humans and animals use it to navigate.” “The geomagnetic field is generated by earth’s outer core, at a depth of 2,900 km, by currents of liquid iron. Due to the chaotic motion of this iron, the magnetic field changes over time. Until recently scientists believed that it remains quite stable for decades, but archaeomagnetic research has contradicted this assumption by revealing some extreme and unpredictable changes in antiquity.” “Our location here in Israel is uniquely conducive to archaeomagnetic research, due to an abundance of well-dated archaeological findings. Over the past decade we have reconstructed magnetic fields recorded by hundreds of archaeological items. By combining this dataset with the data from Yoav’s investigation of historical destruction layers, we were able to form a continuous variation curve showing rapid, sharp changes in the geomagnetic field. This is wonderful news, both for archaeologists, who can now use geomagnetic data to determine the age of ancient materials, and for geophysicists studying the earth’s core.” A separate paper, presenting the scientific principles of the novel archaeomagnetic dating method, is in preparation.
June is the season for celebrating pride, queer love, and being our true selves. Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Two-Spirit folks have always been leaders in the movements against violence and towards freedom for everyone. But while pride celebrations fill the streets this month, many communities are also experiencing fear and uncertainty in the wake of rising anti-LGBTQ legislation across our country, increasing stigma and eroding legal protections. Domestic violence is a big issue in every community, but LGBTQ people experience rates that are higher than for non-LGBTQ folks. Trans folks, bisexual women, LGBTQ people of color, and queer youth are at particularly high risk. Anti-LGBTQ legislation not only threatens the safety of queer communities, but also keeps queer survivors from getting the support and resources they need for their safety and stability. When laws strip LGBTQ people of their employment or housing protections, survivors who are attempting to leave an abusive relationship or rebuild their lives after violence are left financially vulnerable. When laws attack LGBTQ parental rights, survivors who share children with their abusive partner are left without the custody rights they need to protect themselves and their families. When LGBTQ youth are denied the information, healthcare, and visibility they need to feel seen and supported, they miss out on tools and resources to develop healthy and safe relationships and are at a higher risk for homelessness, violence, and poor mental health. LGBTQ youth and survivors deserve safety, support, and joyful relationships. We can’t afford to place more restrictions and barriers on LGBTQ survivors’ ability to access healthcare, financial security, and legal protections. This month – and always – as we honor our queer histories and celebrate queer love, let’s continue to work toward safe and joyful futures for all of us. Want to learn more about supporting LGBTQ survivors in your community? Check out this webinar from the National Indigenous Women’s Resource Center on the intersections of Indigeneity, gender diversity, and gender-based violence, Survived and Punished‘s new report on criminalized queer and trans survivors, or our self-study training on Supporting LGBTQ Survivors.
BENEFITS OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY ON THE JOB PERFORMANCE OF SECRETARIES EMPLOYED IN FEDERAL POLYTECHNIC OKO. . By the mid 20th century, human had achieved a mastery of technology sufficient to leave the atmosphere of the earth for the first time and explore space. According to Merriam Webster (2007), technology is making usage and knowledge of tools, machines techniques crafts, systems or methods of organization in order to solve a problem or perform a specific function. The word Technology comes from Greek, the term can either be applied generally or to specific areas: Example include construction Technology and information technology. 1.1 Background of the Study Information Technology has dramatically changed all aspects in business and industry in modern society. These technology developments have adversely affected the jobs of many people. To understand information Technology, Bennett (1997) defines it as acquisition, processing, storage and dissemination of information using computers. However, Eric Schalzbery (2004) in his views says that with the high rate of technological development in this “global village” era, the secretary has come to terms with the reality of having her job greatly enriched and complete business activities going on in modern office. The secretary plays important role in ensuring the proper utilization of these machines for greater productivity. In the past, most office work had been carried out manually although then the volume of office work had been small and was less sophisticated in industrial art, hence there was no significant demand for modern technology. But today when one looks at the basic tasks in an office, whether it be writing, calculating, filling, sorting or analysis it is found that office machines can be used to do the job better and faster which leads to great achievements and professionalism in the field. There has never been greater need for efficiency in business than there is today. All kinds of business must employ modern methods in their offices as the raw materials of an office is information, the responsibility of an office is like that of a clearing house, receiving and sending out information, processing, storing facts in various forms. Therefore, the ever increasing size of business organizations has increased the development of new techniques in office management unlike in the past where the secretary made use of old model manual typewriter that does not enhance efficiency. Since the secretary is a medium through which the organizations actions and policies are conveyed to the public in readable and disenable form, it is wise that she is exposed to office machines and understand their proper usage so that she can efficiently carryout the routine job of the office. By so doing, the organization concern can benefit highly form the services of the secretary. The secretary is part of the management team since she is completely involved in the affairs of the office and in making and implementation of business plans. She deals with letter drafting and typing, filing, processing and storing of information as well as disseminating information with the office automation such as electronic typewriter, word processor, computer, telephone tax machine, internet, e-mail, photocopier and calculating machines at her disposal, her job is sure to progress swiftly and a boost to attaining productivity in the organization where she works. As a result, the naming is changing. Popular titles now are administrative assistants, executive assistants, office manager, coordinator and specialists. Communication skills and class are required for tasks such as preparing conferences, working with clients and coaching staff. Secretaries and administrative assistants will keep on playing an essential role in majority of organizations and technical inventions cannot replace these personal skills. The government has not lagged behind in the development of information technology. According to information technology for development, an internal journal; information technology has great relevance for government and social economic development programs. For information Technology development of telecommunication, infrastructure is considered to be an important pre-requisite. Information Technology is dependent on human resource development which means development for technical manpower. The government has introduced E-government in its operation today and this shows the importance the government attaches to information technology. 1.2 Statement of the Problems There are problem encountered despite the benefits of information technology. Even though modern technology is regard as important and of high value in ensuring quality work output in an office as well as bringing about productivity, it is equally believed that these machines can cause job displacement. The machines are cost effective therefore some organization do not really apply the use of some of the modern machines and this lead to poor performance. There is however a great loss of job from typing pools (Rackham, 2001). Many workplaces previously manned are fully automated and many jobs are being changed as the new technology is introduced this has however led to reduction of employees including secretarial staff. This study is therefore aimed at examining how information technology could be utilized by secretaries to be more productive in their areas of work and put in place, possible solution that shall give the secretary the comfort to hold on to the profession without fear of future extinction. 1.3 Purpose of the study The major purpose of this study was to determine the benefits of information technology on the job performance of secretaries in polytechnic specifically, the study was to; - To examine the concept of modern technology and its effect on the secretary’s performance. - To examine whether modern technology causes job displacement of secretaries in organizations. - To identity the roles information technology plays among secretaries. - To find out challenges facing secretaries in utilizing information technology. 1.4 Research Questions This study sought answers to the following research questions; - What role does information technology play in secretary’s job performance? - To what extent has information technology improved the secretary’s performance? - What are the challenges facing secretaries in utilizing information technology - Does modern technology cause job displacement of secretaries in organizations. 1.5 Significance of the study Information technology is like a magic, it must be learned because it is a challenge. This research tends to determine and focus its findings on the benefits attached to information technology. Students, lecturers, employees and managers would be at advantage to gain from the result as it would assist in enhancing and eliminating the misconception posed by critics who through ignorant of the secretary’s job content assure that the computer is a substitute for secretaries. The secretaries would benefit mostly from the findings of the study by understanding how information technology could enhance their performance. The study will also be an eye opener to them, since information technology poses threat to their career. The study will also help managers and top executives on how best to utilize secretaries and especially on delegating their duties to them. The study is also meant to help other researchers conducting research on information technology and its impact on performance of secretaries. They would be able to use it as a source of reference for literature review. 1.6 Scope of the Study The study focuses on the roles information technology plays among secretaries and also looked at he specific challenges facing secretaries in utilizing information technology. 1.7 Definition of Terms The terms used in this study which have unique meaning that could be subjected to different interpretations by different readers of this project report are as follows: Benefit An advantage or profit gained form Information All types of equipment and programs Technology Which are used in the processing of information (Rackham, 2001). Job performance An individual’s output in terms of quality and quantity expected from every employee in a particular job. Secretary An executive assistant who possesses a mastery of office skills, who demonstrates the ability to assume responsibility without direct supervision, who exercise initiative and judgement, and who makes decision within the scope of assigned authority (Okolo A.N, 2012).
Why Covid Testing is Necessary You have not experienced symptoms or come into contact with anyone showing Covid-19 signs; should you be tested? The best Covid prevention measure is avoidance. This means avoiding contact with individuals or spaces that might be loaded with the virus. However, this spread mitigation measure is not fool-proof, and Garnerville Covid testing is recommended to ascertain that you are free from the virus. Among the reasons to have a Covid test includes the following: Table of Contents The absence of symptoms does not mean you are in the clear Many people have been infected and don’t know it yet since they do not have signs and symptoms. They can pass the virus on to their contacts. Covid symptoms can be mild in other cases, meaning they may not raise the alarm. You might think it is just a common cold or flu since the symptoms are much alike. While Covid is a serious viral infection, not everyone will fall seriously ill when infected, emphasizing the need for a test to ascertain it and take the relevant measures. As you strive to protect your loved ones, Covid testing is important. It will help you take the right measures, like self-isolation, even with no symptoms, to ensure you don’t pass the virus to your family or friends you are likely to come into close contact with. Vaccination does not make it final A significant number have already been vaccinated. This is among the measures to curb the spread and severity of the viral infection. The vaccines prepare your immune system to fight the virus if you get exposed. However, it does not mean you can’t contract and spread Covid. You are not immune and can still get the virus, which is referred to as a breakthrough infection. Once infected, you can spread the virus even though you are less likely to fall severely ill or be hospitalized. Even after vaccination, including booster dose, it is advisable that you get tested if you experience symptoms or come into contact with someone showing Covid signs. This will ensure that you catch the infection in time, implement effective interventions and treatments to remain healthier, and follow the right steps to curb its spread. Today, more people are more informed about the global pandemic. The initial stages were quite stressful, especially with the routine disruption. Nonetheless, the virus still inflicts fear on many. You can panic if you have any symptoms, which worsens the situation. For instance, you might only have a common cold, but the stress caused by panicking can escalate the infection can make it serious. This means you are likely to fall more ill or even develop common complications like pneumonia. Covid testing ascertains whether you have the virus, which better prepares you for what comes next. You will receive the appropriate treatment and recommendations to help the body fight the virus if infected. If not, you will take the necessary steps to manage the underlying concern. The bottom line is that you will eliminate uncertainty and the stress it causes, making it easier to stay active and healthier. Covid testing is necessary even when you don’t have any signs. This is more so if you come into contact with people showing signs or work in highly-sensitive areas like hospitals, care facilities, schools, or crowded areas. Contact Healthy Therapeutics Medical Practice, PLLC today for more information or to book a Covid testing appointment.
Hiraoka Lima Peru If there's any thing more interesting than the history of an individual team or country, it will be the history of diverse teams, whether virtually identical or different, whenever accompanied collectively create a precedent. That is the instance associated with episode involving the deportation of residents of Japanese ancestry residing Peru to relocation camps in the United States during World War II.1 The annals shared by Peru, Japan, and United States encompasses years and diverse factors. Having said that, it's really worth remembering that those relations have generally already been bilateral. Through the days of the [Augusto B.] Leguía presidency [1908-1912 and 1919-1930], the United States and Peru have had an ever more evident approximation both politically and financially. This proximity will continue to today, while during different durations it exerted an important impact on Peru’s modernization, crises, financial advantages, and political choices. On the other hand, Japan and Peru have actually provided a far more current record, beginning with the migrations during the early an element of the 19th century, which led numerous people associated with kingdom to become employed as area hands in Peruvian facilities – a labor pool which was needed for the country’s agricultural development. This technique, as can be extensively attested inside Nikkei2 (??) 3 historiography, started with rural workers, but later on expanded to the handicraft, commercial, and urban areas. In time – and as a result of historical conditions – the Nikkei community had been transformed into an additional element of Peruvian culture and community. No less fascinating is the record provided by Japan plus the usa, which started using the sakoku (??) [literally, “closed nation” or “chained nation”] orifice, following the arrival of US Commodore Matthew Perry in Yokohama in 1854. That led Japan to impact a series of modifications that fleetingly after that would place the country on the list of biggest globe powers, while changing its residents into citizens eager to learn and comprehend the Western world. It is precisely because of the Meiji Restoration that Japan will begin to effect a number of political modifications corresponding into the international sensation of expansionism and domination, a procedure that will achieve its apex with the country’s participation in World War II. it is correctly currently ever sold the three countries under consideration share an event that it's both important and healthy to take into account, for it is partly the consequence of the governmental history of the involved nations, including of these economies, and mostly of this memory skilled by their particular societies. In 1981, the Commission on Wartime Relocation and Internment of Civilians directed to achieve the goal of most truth commissions; to phrase it differently: observing the facts, acknowledging and understanding exactly what took place, and after that – and also as had been the outcome using this fee – offering the state apology and civil reparations to your Japanese People in the us held in moving camps during World War II. 4 That measure was just slowly applied. Some writers state5 that well before 1981 – as early as, about, 1947 – the US federal government had been conscious of its responsibility to disburse civil reparations, something which would only happen after the development of the Civil Liberties Act of 1988. Between 1995 and 1999, an intensively active campaign6 happens beneath the aegis associated with US Justice division, which agreed to the greater amount of than 4, 000 still-missing Japanese People in america repayment corresponding for their civil reparation ($20, 000), and detailing the efforts of the Justice division discover all of them. However, it was just in 1998 that the US government stretched the reparations to other teams besides the “Japanese People in america 7, ” trying out the job of phoning forth a bunch that had been important to that government in its trade of prisoners during World War II: the Japanese Latin-Americans8. The Nikkei historiography has actually recorded indispensable testimonies from people who was exiled (if they had returned to Peru or remained in america), but there continues to be a void in evaluation of the sensation. Had been it simply conjunctural? Was it the result of the xenophobic personality of Peruvian society in those days? Had been it some kind of groundless concern? Did it match economic interests? Just what could have been at stake when you look at the security of residents of German, Italian, or Japanese ancestry in the framework regarding the Western Hemisphere? And one question that's needed: that which was done or what can be done about it? Peru in 1930s Its unquestionable that despite its wide diversity, and its own cozy and joyful personality, there have been moments ever sold when Peruvian community was notably afraid of immigrants of non-European history, for, since colonial times, European tradition is probably the most widespread for historical factors. Taking into consideration the leaflets, leaflets, plus solid magazines for instance the day-to-day “La Prensa, ” while the actions implemented by the [military] governing bodies of [Luis] Sánchez Cerro [1931-1933] and [Oscar] Benavides9 [1933-1939], within the ‘30s the Nikkei neighborhood was the focus of assaults considering irrational justifications, such accusations that the Japanese carried infectious diseases, that they were an odd competition to which the united states’s door should not be opened therefore quickly, that they had been “ugly troops of the Empire, ” also conditions that prove a repulsion the community – repulsion generally described as xenophobia. Having an unreasonable nature, xenophobia10 feeds from worries directed at a person group perceived as different, strange, closed. In the event that real-world provides a minuscule explanation to give those worries, the unreasonable repulsion may take a dynamic kind. This is certainly what occurred on Japanese neighborhood in Peru throughout that time. Some writers, included in this Daniel Masterson11, affirm that before the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, virtually any mindset that implied hostility toward the Nikkei community would-have-been groundless. But before Japan’s energetic participation in World War II assaults from the community had already taken place, as can be attested by both photographic and imprinted resources. In addition, there remain those that can still remember such incidents. Although ahead of the start of War a sector within Peruvian community (followers associated with above-mentioned Sánchez Cerro Party) had currently demonstrated their position in regards to the Japanese community, it is essential to remember that theirs was not a unanimous pose. The official industry – to phrase it differently, the State’s authoritative policy – had currently shown a particular caution regarding the freedoms allowed to town; actions that to a certain extent could be translated in order to take care of the interests of the average Peruvian resident.
A Chinese monk Faxian is known to be the ancient historian to write a historical book on the Baltistan and Gilgit region during his travel to these regions in quest of Buddhist text. He writes that “Pololo is a country which is stretched from east in Tibet to west in Ghandhara (Swat). The king of Pololo lives in Hosalo (Khaplu)”. Pololo divided into 2 ruling regions, greater Pololo includes Baltistan and Ladakh and little Pololo in which current Gilgit and Hunza were constituted. Then the History of Baltistan from an Arab historians; they turned their way to this region and written as Bolore instead of Pololo, because Arabs can’t able pronounce ‘P’, later on some historians took these words in their writing as Boloristan and sometimes Balawaristan for Gilgit Baltistan. Currently, some nationalist fronts are also flattening their struggle on the tag of ‘Boloristan’. We can trace back the Buddhist presence in this region back in the 6th to 7th centuries in history of Baltistan. Buddha rock Manthal Skardu, Karga Gilgit, and some crafting of Buddha in Khaplu and Shigar valley as well. All written crafting of Buddhist periods is in Tibetan scripts, which also opens up a reality that the Baltistan regions were the part of Tibet but separated from the Tibetan empire at a very early age. Middle age history of Baltistan. Ladakhi Buddhists used to come all the way from Ladakh to pay obeisance at this Buddhist shrine. As late as 1950s and 60s, the Buddhist Lamas on a visit or business to Srinagar, used to pay obeisance by going round the mosque thereby reviving the memory of an ancient tradition. After the advent of Islam in Kashmir around A.D. 1339, and the replacement of the Buddhist shrines by Islamic mosques, the foundation of the ancient structures including that of Jamiía Masjid remained in place as almost of every shrine in the valley while the superstructures took different shapes and styles. The Jamiía Mosque became the seat of the biggest Friday congregations. With the beginning of a political movement under Sheikh Muhammad ëAbdullah in early 1930s for putting an end to Maharajaís rule, Jamiía Masjid became the main headequarter of the Bakra party while another ancient Buddhist shrine (converted into a mosque) at Hazratbal became the main seat of the Sher party. With the beginning of armed conflict in Kashmir in 1990, both of these places have also become the political venue for mobilizing public support for armed movement. Stray statues of Buddha or Bodhisattavas lying around the structure as late as 1960, are no more traceable. Historical books of History of Baltistan - Tarikh e Farishta - Tarikh e Jammu - Tarikh e Hindustan - Tuhfat ul Ahbab (Download PDF book here) - Raaj Trangni - ‘Tareekh-e-Baltistan‘ by Yousaf Hussainabadi Islam in History of Baltistan In the middle age, the most important transformation occurred after propagation of Islam. Before islam, majority was buddhist including some other religions as well, Buddhism are still followed in balti native region of Leh (India occupied region). Shamsuíd-Din (Follower of the teachings of Nurbakhshiyah school of thoughts) came to this region, peddled the Islamic practices thereafter. (Below mentioned parts are taken Tohfatuíl-Ahbab, further page reference is mentioned at the end of each headings) Reception at Skardu Bukha of the ruling line of Maqpun dynasty was the ruler in Skardu when Shamsuíd-Din (Follower of the teachings of Nurbakhshiyah school of thoughts) arrived in those lands. He came out at the head of a lage crowd to receive Shamsuíd-Din Araki. At that time, there were no traces of a religion and community (of Muslims) in Tibet. Nobody knew anything about the religion and doctrines of Islam. The ruling class and the subjects in those lands were all infidels and heretics. There were big idol houses in all the forts. People used idols as objects of worship. With his auspicious steps on this soil, all rajas, nobles, elite, peasants and common people were admitted to the religion of Islam. High and low, declared his allegiance to Shamsuíd-Din Araki. Men, women, children and old people all embraced Islam and were admitted to its fold. They recited kelima in his presence and renounced the customs, traditions and practics of infidels. He ordered his sufis and dervishes to destroy the idol houses and prayer houses (temples) of the infidels wherever they found them. These had to be demolished and razed to the ground leaving no trace behind. The Sufis carried out his instructions faithfully and raised mosques and hospices on the ruins of temples and idol houses. With the blessings and guidance of Shamsuíd-Din Araki, ruins of torched idol houses and idols yielded their place to the praying houses of the people of Islamic faith. The arch and the pulpit took the place of idols for the worshippers. Through the instrumentality of this virtuous saint, and guide on the path to the other world, doctrines of the religion of the Prophet and the law of Islamic religion flourished in each and every nook of that land. The hearts of the inhabitants of those lands were enlightened and illuminated by the love and allegiance they showed to the House of the Prophet and the descendents of Haider (meaning ëAli). Under the spiritual guidance of this saint of many parts, some people of those mountainous regions emerged as the bearers of high morals. (198 /A MUSLIM MISSIONARY IN MEDIAEVAL KASHMIR) Raja of Khaplu Raja Bahram was the ruler of Khaplu at this point of time. He told Shamsuíd-Din that the work of construction of a lofty mosque over the ruins of a temple destroyed by Amir Kabir (Sayyid ëAli Hamadani) was still incomplete. He requested Araki to leave behind one of his successors (khalifa) who would impart them the kelima and teach how to offer namaz. Araki acceded to their request and left behind Malik Haider whom he used to call by the name of Haideri but he submitted that he would proceed to Kashmir as part of his entourage and would return to Tibet in summer along with his son Mulla Ismail. Thereupon Araki advised Bahram Khan to wait till summer when his dervish would return along with his family. (MISSION IN KASHMIR/ 203) Read history of Noorbakshia HERE or ‘write down your email below to get pdf book of Shamsud Din Araki’s biography’ In essence of ‘Tareekh e Baltistan’ by Yousaf Hussainabadi, Islam dominance in Baltistan remains after Shamsud Din Araki. Then a series of syed descendants from Iran visited this region for tableegh which continuous till the second half of 20th century. Currently in Baltistan, almost 60% follows shia (Isne Asheri), 30% Noorbakshia and 10% sunni and ahl e hadees followers. Only church constructed in Skardu by a security agency for their staff recently, as their is not a single non-muslim believer in Baltistan region.
Lottery is a game in which players select numbers for a chance to win a prize. In most lotteries, the prize money is split among all players who correctly select the winning numbers. The odds of selecting the winning numbers are usually very low. Some people believe that if they play enough, they will eventually win the jackpot. The lottery industry feeds this belief by giving wide media coverage to winners and encouraging the sale of tickets. The history of lotteries dates back to ancient times. The Old Testament instructs Moses to take a census of Israel and divide land by lot, while Roman emperors used lotteries as a form of entertainment at Saturnalian feasts. In the United States, the first state-controlled lotteries were introduced in the 1800s. The public reaction was mixed, with ten states banning them between 1844 and 1859. Unlike many other games, lotteries require participants to pay a fee, or consideration, to play. The fees are used to pay for the prize money and promotion expenses. The prize money may be awarded as a single lump sum or in annual payments (annuity). Some lotteries also sell merchandise, such as commemorative posters and t-shirts, to help with their promotional costs. In the United States, most lotteries are run by the state governments that grant themselves monopoly rights to operate them. This gives the states a good source of revenue without having to raise taxes. State-controlled lotteries also provide cheap entertainment for their residents, while helping to promote business in small retail and other industries that support the lotteries. Moreover, state-controlled lotteries offer the advantage of being relatively inexpensive to operate. The earliest American lotteries were conducted by George Washington to raise funds for the construction of the Mountain Road in Virginia, and by Benjamin Franklin to finance his purchase of cannons for the defense of Philadelphia. In the early 1800s, lottery profits helped finance a number of projects in the colonies, including rebuilding Faneuil Hall in Boston. As of August 2004, a total of forty-nine states and the District of Columbia operated state-controlled lotteries. In addition, nineteen private lotteries were also in operation, all of them operating under state licenses. Most state-controlled lotteries use an annuity payout structure. In this way, the prize amounts are divided into several equal payments. This method reduces administrative costs and maximizes the size of the prize amounts to be awarded. However, a few lotteries have chosen to pay out their prizes in a lump sum. A lump sum is often smaller than the advertised prize amount, due to income tax withholdings. This is the opposite of the expectations of most lottery participants, who typically expect to receive an entire jackpot in one payment. Many state-controlled lotteries have teamed up with brands and sports franchises to sell scratch-off tickets featuring popular products as prizes. These merchandising partnerships benefit the companies through product exposure and advertising; the lotteries gain additional funds through ticket sales and ancillary merchandising revenues.
Dragon Fruit: It is a cactus fruit that is native to Mexico and Central America. It is also known as pitaya or strawberry pear. The purple dragon fruit is one of the most popular varieties, and it has a sweet, slightly tangy flavor. In this article including its diverse uses, immense importance, nutritional status and the numerous health benefits it offers. As your trusted source of information, we are here to provide you with a comprehensive overview that will undoubtedly position us as the top authority on all things related to dragon fruit. Uses of Dragon Fruit Dragon fruit, scientifically known as Hylocereus and commonly referred to as pitaya, is a versatile tropical fruit that boasts a range of uses. Primarily cherished for its exceptional taste, dragon fruit is a popular ingredient in culinary creations, ranging from smoothies and salads to desserts and jams. Its vibrant color and distinct appearance also make it a visually appealing addition to various dishes, elevating the overall presentation. Furthermore, it has extended its utility beyond the culinary world. Due to its natural pigments, it is used as a natural dye in the textile and cosmetic industries. The high water content of the fruit has led to its incorporation into hydrating skincare products, further demonstrating its versatility. Importance of Dragon Fruit In recent years, it has gained substantial importance in both the agricultural and economic sectors. As a low-maintenance crop, it thrives in various climates, making it an attractive option for farmers worldwide. Its rapid growth and ability to produce multiple harvests in a year contribute to its economic viability, stimulating local economies and providing livelihood opportunities. Beyond its economic impact, it plays a pivotal role in sustainable agriculture. Its ability to grow with minimal water and fertilizer makes it an environmentally friendly crop, addressing concerns related to water scarcity and excessive chemical usage in farming. Nutritional Composition of Dragon fruit It containing good source of several nutrients, including: - Fiber: 3 grams per 100 grams (3.5 ounces) - Vitamin C: 2.5 milligrams per 100 grams (3.5 ounces) - Vitamin A: 59 international units (IU) per 100 grams (3.5 ounces) - Potassium: 180 milligrams per 100 grams (3.5 ounces) - Magnesium: 40 milligrams per 100 grams (3.5 ounces) - Iron: 0.7 milligrams per 100 grams (3.5 ounces) It is also a good source of antioxidants, including betalains, flavonoids, and carotenoids. The nutritional composition of dragon fruit per 100 grams (3.5 ounces): 59 international units (IU) The health benefits of dragon fruit are truly remarkable, solidifying its status as a super fruit. Rich in essential nutrients, including vitamin C, antioxidants, and fiber, dragon fruit supports immune function, aids digestion, and promotes overall well-being. - Boosting Immune System: The high vitamin C content in dragon fruit strengthens the immune system, assisting the body in fighting off infections and illnesses. - Antioxidant Powerhouse: Antioxidants present in dragon fruit help neutralize harmful free radicals, reducing the risk of chronic diseases and supporting cellular health. - Digestive Wellness: With its dietary fiber content, dragon fruit promotes healthy digestion and prevents constipation, contributing to gut health. - Heart Health: The fruit’s natural fiber, combined with its low cholesterol and saturated fat content, contributes to heart health by regulating cholesterol levels. - Diabetes Management: Dragon fruit has a low glycemic index and contains natural sugars, making it a suitable option for individuals looking to manage their blood sugar levels. - May boost the mood: Dragon fruit is a good source of vitamin B3, which is involved in the production of serotonin, a neurotransmitter that helps regulate mood. In conclusion, dragon fruit’s multi-faceted nature, encompassing its diverse uses, agricultural importance, and extensive health benefits, positions it as a true marvel in the realm of fruits. Through this comprehensive guide, we have provided you with a wealth of information that highlights the true essence of dragon fruit. As you embark on your journey of discovering and enjoying this exceptional fruit, remember that its vibrancy extends far beyond its appearance – it carries a legacy of taste, utility, and well-being.
By the early 1990s, its population had grown to over 10,000, and was included in the census as a 'legal' slum in 1974. They were given plot cards, and paid 'rent' for occupation to the collector, and in turn were entitled to development funds. However, they were denied basic civic amenities including electricity, water and sewage because of the pressure of the Navy. About two-thirds of Geeta Nagar was on Navy defense land, and the remaining one-third on revenue land of the state government. In 1992, the naval authorities reclaimed a creek around Geeta Nagar and constructed a wall to cut off Geeta Nagar from access to Navy Nagar. The wall also led to flooding in the monsoons as there was no outlet for water. Children lost the incentive to attend school, as there was waist-deep water during the rains and the poor inhabitants lost their daily earnings because they had to often skip work to save their homes from water-logging. Women who carried water in pots from TIFR had to make a detour which made life more difficult. No emergency exits were available in case of fire, medical emergency or cyclone, and the narrow path running through Geeta Nagar was incapable of handling such situations. The slum dwellers were demonized and allegations were made by naval officials that they were habouring foreigners and therefore posed a security threat. A case was made out for the eviction of the slum with arguments such as: Sailors' morale will be low if a slum exists besides their houses, "what if one of our wives are molested?" 'Social evils' too were cited to throw the slum out. The slum dwellers organized themselves and hit back. In February 1992, 6000 voters boycotted municipal elections as all parties contesting had failed to stop the atrocities of the Navy who had blocked their access. Eleven residents apart from Activists Shabana Azmi and Anand Patwardhan went on an indefinite hunger strike and even led a morcha to MP Murli Deora's office at Ketan Bhavan. Sharad Pawar, who was then the Union Defence Minister, was lobbied, and at his intervention, a meeting was called in February 1992 by Flag Officer-in-charge Vice Admiral Johnson, where it was explained that due to the wall 5,000 children could not get access to their schools, ration shops had to shut as they couldn't get their supplies inside, access to hospitals was blocked resulting in deaths and complications, and even the dead corpses could not be evacuated from the slum. No construction material for repair too was allowed inside. It was an attempt to starve and smoke the people of Geeta Nagar out from their homes, the Navy was told by Nivara Hakk representatives. After repeated negotiations with the authorities, on 24th April 1992, Nivara Hakk managed to wrest a commitment from the Navy to build an alternative metalled access road with proper lighting. As the struggle continued, in June 1992, Shabana Azmi and 20 others were arrested as they were accused of preventing naval authorities of constructing a wall. Azmi and P K Das had gone to Geeta Nagar to view the construction of the wall, However, to prevent protests by the slum-dwellers, the police attacked the people with a lathi charge, and in the melee scores of residents and journalists were assaulted and their film rolls from their camera removed. Shabana was bodily lifted and Das was dragged by the cops. Both were hurt in the scuffle and were later arrested on charges of rioting. The Navy did keep its commitment to provide a tarred road but the harassment over water supply, electricity poles and general access continued. Post 1995 till 2000, the residents were regularly with the navy authorities disrupting water/electric supply at regular intervals, and by disallowing garbage collections by the municipal staff. The Navy spread its tentacles further and in 2000, provoked a demolition drive in an adjacent slum, Ganesh Murthy Nagar, where 200 huts demolished and their belongings set on fire. The battle for civic amenities continued any by 2000, when Shabana Azmi became MP, water lines and some sanitation facilities were restored using her MPLADs fund. The long-term aim of the Navy was to evict the slum altogether on the plea of 'security' considerations. However, the navy was only prepared to pay for the rehabilitation of around 800 families who had been censused in 1974, while the state government, due to changes in the Slum Law, insisted on all those who were eligible in 1995 to be provided alternative homes. A plot of land in Malad was also identified, and several rounds of negotiations with Maharashtra Housing and Area Development Authority (MHADA) were held with Nivara Hakk representing Geeta Nagar. These were inconclusive, the Malad alternative never came up, and the Navy failed in its attempt to oust the residents. For this the credit must go to the unswerving unity of the people of Geeta Nagar, who held firm against grave provocation and harassment by the Navy. Despite occasion notices and threats from the Navy and the state government, the hutment colony continues to exist, and is one of Nivara Hakk's success stories where it was able to help the people organize themselves under the banner of the Geeta Nagar Rehavasi Sangh and the women's organization – the Geeta Nagar Mahila Vikas Sangh. The women's group began self-help work like running the ration outlet, while the water distribution mechanism, including payment and maintenance of water lines, till today is looked after by the Rehavasi Sangh. 14th February 1992: 6000 voters boycott municipal elections for the failure of all parties contesting to curb the naval authorities from blocking access of the residents. Eleven residents on indefinite hunger strike on 4th February to protest against the wall built by naval authorities which blocked access to the colony. Morcha to MP Murli Deora's office at Ketan Bhavan 17th February 1992: Meeting called between Vice Admiral Johnson, MP Murli Deora, NHSS, Geeta Nagar residents. Result of the blocking by the wall – ration shops inside Geeta Nagar had to shut as they couldn't get supplies inside. 5000 children couldn't get easy access to their schools Hospital access blocked, resulting in a complicated delivery/birth of a child in the slum itself. Two dead bodies could not be removed for 3 days as no hearse was allowed inside. No construction material allowed inside for repair. Geeta Nagar exists since 1942 and Residents are photopass holders 20th June 1992- News Article: Prolonged struggle for acquiring basic rights for slum dwellers. The Independent – Slumside Story Fight between Geeta Nagar & Naval authorities Geeta Nagar – Tip of South Mumbai, 20,000 residents, originated in 1942, legalized in 1974. Navy Nagar was originally a holiday camp – few tents and shacks used by defence personnel as a weekend resort. As Tata Institute of Fundamental Research came up and also holiday camp developed, hutments grew in order to house construction workers, gardeners, domestic labour, drivers, etc and occupied a narrow strip of land along the sea, it gradually became indispensable to Navy Nagar. From 1974, its residents carry patch holders cards, pay rent to the collector, main source of labour to nearby areas – chiefly Navy Nagar. But still there is no electricity, water, sewage. Naval authorized reclaimed a creek around Geeta Nagar and constructed a wall along it to separate its contact from the naval land. Wall will increase flooding during monsoons as there is no outlet for water. Only access to main road blocked. Alternate road built after a long struggle, provided by Navy poorly lit, barely metalled, condition likely to degenerate after one monsoon. This road increases access time by a factor of two Kids lost the incentive to attend school Waist deep water in monsoon Can't skip work even for a day Main source of water from Tata Institute, carried in pots by women, detour makes life difficult. No emergency exits in the wall constructed, in case of fire, medical emergency or cyclone, the narrow path running through Geeta Nagar will hardly suffice to reach this alternate road. Navy always made it difficult for the slum to develop. e.g., in 1991 best trucks carrying electricity line cables were consistently denied entry by Naval authorities It was brought to notice by MLA Pathrawala but entry was denied. Allegations that they were habouring foreigners and posed a security threat were made at regular intervals. Sailors' morale will be low if a slum exists besides their houses "what if one of our wives are molested?" – "Social evils" given as excuse. Geeta Nagar responsibility of Navy Nagar. 1991-1992 water tank and pipes laid, slum received a bill of Rs.40,000/-. But residents had running water only for a month after the pipe was installed. Another slum, Ganesh Murti Nagar was diverting water illegally under the control of a few powerful residents and are conducting a business of selling water for ___________ high rates. Rs.10 a jerry can (water rate) BMC interested in profiteering by their misery Elements within Geeta Nagar not allowing water in for vested interests. Local Doctor said – If govt. body cannot prevent its water pipes from becoming totally non-functional, who else can? NHSS sincere and loved by residents of Geeta Nagar NHSS only inspecting alternate road but arbitrarily arrested and accused of trying to break the wall. People see visibly the drama that occurs when a demonstration takes place. They have no idea how much work and day to day negotiations with various authorities precedes the final drama. Negotiations on since February, 1992. P.K. Das – "Govt. has ingenious and insidious ways prevented the fruition of low cost slum improvement programme. For e.g., take the recent DCR which insist on an FSI of 2.5. This allows only the construction of high rise buildings which have both higher input and maintenance costs, hence which only private middlemen with large amounts of capital can finance. Totally against the interest of the poor". Anna – Slums can be improved only if residents first get a sense of security. Eviction fear does not let them think about other matters. "If the upper class wants slums to disappear, they must first not employ any one from there – no cooks, no drivers, no sweepers, no garbage-collector, no domestic help. Slum dwellers should not be a demand for them. Anger should be directed at the government's inability to provide adequate housing" -NHSS member. Upper class – more opinions, less information and even less will to acquire information. Max Frisch, Swiss writer – They only asked for labour, but human beings came instead. (Express Newsline) (accused of rioting and unlawful assembly at Geeta Nagar slum near Cuffe Parade in June 1992 they were accused of throwing stones at police officials. 10th June 1992 – The Independent 'Shabana Azmi arrested' 20 others arrested Accused of preventing naval authorities of constructing a wall The gap in the boundary wall of Navy Nagar to reach Navy Nagar bus stand Azmi, Das injured in lathi charge Residents threw stones on police officers P K Das- "written agreement that alternate road will be provided before closing down access road." Journalists were assaulted and rolls from their cameras were removed. Times of India – 9th June: Shabana hurt in scuffle with cops Detained on charges of rioting Police forcibly entered homes and beat up everyone, including women children. Army claimed to have built the road Police said 'mild cane charge' as it is sensitive defense area People being prevented from moving in groups A curfew without being declared a curfew Agreement was signed on 24th April – to construct motorable road and provide civic amenities BMC would maintain the road. MO Defence would examine within 3 months the feasibility of resettling the residents of the slum near the existing site as possible or MOD to request State Govt. to provide multi stories accommodation at alternate locations. Also agreed to sea front embarkment road and link that as it would be the only access route for the slum dwellers and separate application by slum dwellers to the BMC for civic amenities for their colony. Navy was supposed to inform of the completion of terms of agreement. 11th June, 1992: Letter to Police inspector by advocate Anand Grover 1.30 p.m. 9th June- Das & Azmi reached Geeta Nagar as they were informed about a lathi charge on residents. 19 residents arrested. Access of people being blocked . Only after NHSS finishes inspection , wall would be built. But Das & Azmi were stopped by police Das and Azmi climbed the roof of a house to view the construction of wall, suddenly a stone fell on the roof. Police officer ordered lathi charge. Indian Navy refused to intervene. Azmi bodily lifted, Das dragged and lathi charged and hit with fist on face and pushed in the police van. 19 others were beaten up earlier Arrest was illegal as there was no breach of peace or public tranquility by clients. It is obvious that the whole thing was pre meditated on the part of the police. 2nd January, 1995: 60 feet coastal wall breaks down 2500 families in Geeta Nagar 27th December the wall broke down Water came in no help from any authorities. 29th April- Residents had warned authorities in April about damages in the wall but the authorities told them to vacate the place for safety reasons. Notice sent to residents to vacate, no mention of anything to do with wall repair. Then all kept quiet. Eventually cracks became bigger and 60 feet wall collapsed. Residents then appealed again to construct the wall 11th September 1995: Vast Scarcity of water No proper water supply since June 1995, neighbouring colonies get full supply Population of 20,000 received water once a week From 7 to 8 feet of water in tank it is now ½ foot in 6 to 7 days. 19th September 1995: Virtual stoppage of water Various problems with the Navy slums have been denied basic civic amenities. Water supply was restored in December 1992 after intervention of defense Minister Mr. Sharad Pawar Supply now reduced to trickle residents purchase water at Rs.6 a gallon from outside. Foul play by corporate with hydraulic dept. officials suspected. Add. M.C. directed on 5.4.94 to increase water Dy.Hydraulic engineer casual about problem. Purchase of water expensive, physically ordous, health hazard 3rd Jan 1996 – Bund collapse (afternoon dispatch-courier) Dec 27th bund collapsed- 2500 families of Geeta Nagar and Ganesh Moorthy Nagar 3.1.1996 – Cuffe Parade – as bund collapses (Indian Express) Press release by Nivara Hakk - 1.1.1996 Requesting collector and state govt. to undertake restoration of work to avert human calamity and land erosion. 13th April 1997 land filling Letter to inspector of Police regarding false complaint against Sajid Khan lodged by relative of slumlord Rais Qureshi. Rais Qureshi behind illegal land filling and sale of huts to innocent slum dwellers Activist Sajid Khan was complaining against him and Rais was behind this attempt to frame him 13th January, 1999- Ration shop repair at Geeta Nagar Letter to collector requesting for permission 21st December 1999- Letter from collector's office informing about violation in repair work done by Mr. Deepak Singh 9th March 2000 Letter to MP Shabana Azmi Restoration work of 750 mts. Of old pipe line incomplete requesting for money. 28th September 2000 Proposal for works to be carried out under MP's fund at Geeta Nagar 1.Construction of S.W drains & passages 2.Providing M.S. entrances to the S.W. drain 3.Providing and laying 6" dia C.I. water pipelines for Geeta Nagar & Ganesh Murthy Nagar 15th December 2000 – Appeal to protest (Pamplet details as follows) 18th November 2000 – 200 huts demolished in Ganesh Murthy Nagar Ambedkar Nagar slums broken to build helipad No water, sanitation or road available there Bombay citizen's Cuffe Parade registered case to evict Geeta Nagar slums Navy registered case – closed sewage and placed two missles next to it to make case stronger South Mumbai residents don't want slums. Slum dwellers goods burnt. 40 year old settlements being demolished. Slums being thrown out of the city Hence slums should be prepared for a fight/struggle All slums should come together. Every slum fears demolition. Hence unity is must. 23 December – 10 a.m.- Shivaji Park to Girgaon Chowpatty – long march organized V P.Singh & Shabana Azmi to participate and initiate Demand to stop demolition, bring 1995 law into practice All eviction notice /slum demolition details to be given to slum dwellers (letter from Geeta Nagar Rahvasi Sangh, Social & Welfare Association Ambedkar Nagar, Ganesh Murthy Nagar, Nivara Hakk) 6th August 2002- letter to principal secretary- housing from NHSS Furnish details of Geeta Nagar for rehabilitation Navy to provide financial support 31st December 2002 – Replacement of old water pipelines- request for new pipelines as there is water shortage. New because there are pucca houses which cannot be demolished to repair old pipelines. M.P. fund money 5th February 2005 – Some questions related to Geeta Nagar by GNRS Bad roads inside & outside Rumors about neighbourhood shifting in two months, thus creating fear. Funds blocked hence no govt. authority can help Help important to meet Chief Minister to voice our grievances Request that till neighbourhood exists, let the funds flow so civic amenities are taken care of As far as shifting – govt. has to give 2 – 6 months notice before shifting as per SRD 1995 law 22nd March, 2005 From GNKS to Chief Minister Vilasrao Deshmukh Regarding blocking of funds and conditions of Geeta Nagar Established since 1960, 1600 houses. Mostly people working in Navy, Tata Institute, fishermen other odd jobs. 1976 photo pass book holders Since 15 years, electricity & water provided 2 km from main road is Geeta Nagar Roads in bad shape. No light on road leading to accident. Till the time neighbourhood exists, give basic civic amenities Fund stopped on request of Navy. Navy claimed 4 areas – Geeta Nagar, Sundar Nagar, Sudham Zopadi, Azad Nagri but only Geeta nagar funds blocked To protect basic human rights – give access to funds
The lottery is a popular form of gambling in which people buy tickets to win prizes ranging from money to goods. It was once widely used in the United States, and it helped fund the American Revolution and other projects, including paving streets and building universities. In the modern era, people often pool their money and buy several tickets to increase their chances of winning. This practice has generated some controversy, but it is not illegal. Most state lotteries are simply traditional raffles, with the public buying tickets for a drawing to be held sometime in the future. Some lotteries offer a simpler alternative, however, in which participants mark a box or section on their playslip to indicate that they are willing to accept whatever numbers the computer randomly picks for them. These instant games tend to be less expensive to operate than traditional lottery games, and they typically offer smaller prizes but higher odds of winning. Lottery winners are usually congratulated by their friends and families and receive a substantial amount of media coverage. Some of them also find themselves in the spotlight of their community, which can lead to problems such as substance abuse and other kinds of financial hardships. While most people who win the lottery do not experience such problems, there is a minority that does. This type of winner typically has a history of impulsive spending and may have a difficult time managing the sudden wealth. Some states have created special funds for lottery winners, which can be withdrawn by the winners at any time. These funds can be used for a variety of purposes, including education, health care, and social services. This method of awarding lottery money is not without its drawbacks, however, and many critics have argued that it should be replaced with a system where the winnings are awarded over time and are more directly tied to the needs of the recipient. The story “The Lottery” by Shirley Jackson illustrates how easy it is for humanity to commit evil deeds. The characters in the story act in a very casual and friendly manner, but they are actually carrying out horrific acts that would have been considered taboo just a few centuries ago. The fact that these evil deeds are carried out in a friendly setting makes them even more shocking. Lotteries have become a staple of state governments, with politicians arguing that they are a source of “painless” revenue that allows the government to spend more than it otherwise could. This arrangement has its critics, and a common criticism is that state officials do not take a broad view of the implications of gambling on society when making decisions about the lottery. Moreover, the way in which the lottery has evolved means that there is no single public policy on the subject – instead, most state policies are made piecemeal and incrementally, with few or no overall views being taken into account.
Cochem, Germany – an old German town located on the banks of the Moselle River. This place is famous for its famous Moselle wines and the Reichsburg castle fortress, erected here in the 11th century. General information about the city Cochem is a German city located on the Moselle River. The nearest major cities are Trier (77 km), Koblenz (53 km), Bonn (91 km), Frankfurt (150 km). The border with Luxembourg and Belgium is 110 km away. Cochem is part of the Rhineland-Palatinate. The population is only 5,000 people (this is one of the smallest towns in Germany by the number of people living). The area of the city is 21.21 km². Cochem is divided into 4 urban areas. There are absolutely no modern buildings in the city: it seems as if time has frozen here, and now is the 16-17th century. As before, the center of the town is Reichsburg Castle. True, if 400-500 years ago, his main task was to defend the village, now it is to attract tourists to Cochem. Reichsburg Castle in Cochem Reichsburg Castle, also often called a fortress, is the main, and, in fact, the only attraction of this small town. The ancient Reichsburg castle (founded in 1051) is located on the outskirts of Cochem, and is a powerful defensive structure. However, this is not a standard fortress: inside, tourists can see not bare stone walls, but chic interiors: walls decorated with frescoes, golden candelabra, expensive paintings and fireplaces. As for the exterior decoration of the attraction, the castle consists of many towers. The main tower is central: the thickness of its walls reaches 1.80 meters, and the length is 5.40 meters. The western part of the Main Tower is decorated with the image of the guardian angel Christoferus. The main entrance is located in the southern part of Cochem’s imperial castle. This side is entwined with ivy and looks much more elegant and magnificent than the rest. The territory of the fortress is as follows: - Southwest part. Here is a courtyard with a well, the depth of which is 50 meters. - Eastern. In this place is located the commandant’s house, from which you can get to the Castle at the transition over the Lion’s Gate. - Northeastern part. Here is another courtyard, as well as a drawbridge across the moat. A few meters from the attraction, which rises on a 100-meter hill, you can find old vineyards and manicured fields. Interestingly, in 1868, King William I sold the castle of Reichsburg for the ridiculous amount of 300 thalers at that time. Since the main task of the fortress is to defend the city of Cochem from enemies, the entire interior of the castle is closely connected with the theme of war and hunting. There are 6 main halls: - Knightly. This is the largest room in the fortress, the semicircular ceiling of which rests on 12 massive columns. 2 paintings (brushes by Rubens and Titian) hang in the center of the hall, and on the sides are artifacts brought from Japan (vases, chest), France (porcelain collection) and England (armchairs and chairs). - Large dining room – the central room in the imperial castle. Honored guests were received here and the owners of the house had dinner. The walls, ceiling and furniture in this room are made of wood, and the main attraction is a large carved buffet, whose height is more than 5 meters. There is a large collection of Delft porcelain in it, and a two-headed eagle sits on top. - Hunting room. In this room trophies brought from hunting are kept: stuffed birds, antlers of deer and elks, skins of bears. The highlight of this room is the window panes – they depict the coats of arms of the counts and kings who have ever lived in this fortress. - Armory room. In this hall, whose walls are upholstered with wooden panels, there are a dozen armor, about 30 shields and more than 40 types of weapons. It is interesting that, according to museum workers, it took 45 cows to put together a war on a campaign. - The Gothic or women’s room was the warmest in the castle, because the fireplace was constantly burning here. The walls of the room and furniture are decorated with intarsia (volumetric mosaic of wood, ivory and turtle). The center of this room is a fireplace brought from Delft. - Room in the Romanesque style. The most mysterious and symbolic room of the fortress. 12 zodiac signs are depicted on the walls and ceiling, the princes of Israel are on stone slabs from the stove, metaphorical images of Courage, Wisdom, Justice and Balance are in the center of the ceiling. In addition to the above halls and rooms, the castle of Cochem (Germany) had a small kitchen, as well as a basement in which to this day there are barrels of Moselle wine. You cannot get inside the castle without a guide, so if you are going to the fortress as part of a group with more than 20 people, you must inform the museum staff about your arrival in advance. If the group is much smaller, you can come without an appointment: every hour (from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.) the guide conducts sightseeing tours of the castle. Opening hours: 09.00 – 17.00 Location: Schlossstr. 36, 56812, Cochem Cost of visit (Euro): |Group from 12 people (for one) |Students over 18 years old |Family Card (2 children + 2 adults) Tickets are purchased at the box office of the castle. Official website: https://reichsburg-cochem.de What to see in Cochem In addition to the Reichsburg castle in Cochem, you can see and visit: As in any other European city, Cochem has a beautiful market square where the farmers market operates on weekdays and young people gather on weekends. The area is not at all large, but, according to tourists, it is no worse than in neighboring German cities. Here are the main ancient sights (of course, with the exception of the castle) and the Town Hall – a symbol of the city that has the Magdeburg Law, and therefore the possibility of self-government. The town hall in Cochem is small and almost invisible behind the facades of neighboring buildings. Now it houses a museum, which you can visit for free. Location: Am Marktplatz, 56812, Cochem, Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany Mustard Mill is a small museum-shop on the Market Square of the city where you can taste and purchase your favorite mustard varieties, as well as Moselle wine. Tourists are advised to buy mustard seeds here – from them you can get your own variety. If you still do not know what souvenir to bring to relatives and friends from Cochem, be sure to look into this shop. Location: Endertstr. 18, 56812, Cochem Opening hours: 10.00 – 18.00 The Catholic Church of St. Martin is located on the promenade of Cochem, and welcomes visitors to the town. The oldest part of the temple, built in the 15th century, has survived to this day. The remaining buildings adjacent to the temple were destroyed in 1945. This Cochem attraction cannot be called very beautiful or unusual, but it fits very briefly into the city landscape. The interior of the temple is also quite modest: walls, ivory, snow-white arches, wooden beams on the ceiling. The windows have bright stained glass windows, and at the entrance are wooden sculptures of saints. However, tourists say the church “enriches” the city and makes it more “complete.” Location: Moselpromenade 8, 56812, Cochem, Germany Opening hours: 09.00 – 16.00 Getting to the sights of Cochem in Germany is easy. In addition to excursions organized by travel companies, public transport regularly goes here. Cochem is best reached from: - Trier (55 km). You can get there by bus. Landing at the Polch station. Travel time is 1 hour. - Koblenz (53 km). The best option is a train. Landing is carried out at Koblenz Hauptbahnhof station. Travel time is 1 hour. - Bonn (91 km). You can get there by train. You need to catch the train at Cochem Station. Travel time is 1 hour 20 minutes. - Frankfurt am Main (150 km). The train will be more comfortable and faster. Landing is carried out at Frankfurt (Main) Hbf station. Travel time is 2 hours. Tickets can be purchased either at the box office of railway stations, or (by bus) on the official websites of carriers. - Cochem is one of the few German cities that can be reached by river (for example, from Koblenz). - If you plan to spend more than one day in the city of Cochem in Germany, book your accommodation in advance. Hotels and hotels can be counted on the fingers, and all of them are usually busy. - The city is completely lacking nightlife, so outdoor enthusiasts can be bored here. - Watch the weather forecast. Since Cochem stands on the Moselle River, occasionally there are floods. Cochem, Germany – one of those small, but beautiful and cozy European towns, in which you want to stay longer. Video: walk around Cochem, prices in the city and useful tips for tourists.
Oxes with overgrown horns, a tree reaching into heaven, where will this story go? The Flail from Heaven is a Brothers Grimm fairy tale about a peasant who sells his oxen, climbs up a tree into heaven, and sees the angels working. When his tree is shaking, he manages to grab some chaff, a hoe, and a flail. Safely arriving at the ground he digs himself out of a hole. Complete text The Flail from Heaven A countryman was once going out to plow with a pair of oxen. When he got to the field, both the animals’ horns began to grow and went on growing. When he wanted to go home they were so big that the oxen could not get through their gateway. Luckily a butcher came by just then. He delivered them over to him, and made a bargain in this way: he would take the butcher a measure of turnip-seed, and then the butcher was to count him out a Brabant thaler (a coin) for every seed. I call that well sold! The peasant went home and carried the measure of turnip-seed to him on his back. On the way, however, he lost one seed out of the bag. The butcher paid him justly as agreed on. If the peasant had not lost the one seed, he would have had one thaler more. In the meantime, when he went on his way back, the seed had grown into a tree that reached up to the sky. The peasant thought, “You have a chance now, a chance to see what the angels are doing up there above. To see them for once with your own eyes.” So he climbed up and saw that the angels above were threshing oats, and he looked on. While he was watching them, he observed that the tree on which he was standing, was beginning to totter. He peeped down and saw that someone was just going to cut it down. “If I were to fall down from here it would be a bad thing,” he realized. He did not know how to save himself better than by taking the chaff of the oats which lay there in heaps, and twisting a rope of it. He likewise snatched a hoe and a flail which were lying about in heaven, and let himself down by the rope. He came down on the earth exactly in the middle of a deep, deep hole. So it was a real piece of luck that he had brought the hoe, for he hoed himself a flight of steps with it. He mounted up and took the flail with him as a token of his truth so that no one could have any doubt of his story. Tips for Telling The Flail from Heaven - A tall tale, this story! Tell it like you believe it and your audience will be confused before the story is over. - The fun in this story is the weird things that are happening. Don’t slow down but let your audience fall with you from one things into the other. - Not all your listeners will know what a hoe and a flail are. So make sure you know and show them by using them. All Questions Answered It was published by the Brothers Grimm in the second edition of their Grimm’s Fairy Tales. Their source: the Haxthausen family. The Brothers Grimm included it in the 1819 second edition of their Grimm’s fairy tales. More Useful information Fairy tales with a butcher Fairy tales with a cow The Brothers Grimm Fairy Tales on this website are based on the authentic translation of Margaret Hunt. They were edited and reformatted for pleasant reading and telling by Storyteller Rudolf Roos. See the complete list of The Brothers Grimm Fairy Tales (link to internationalstoryteller.com).
Subglacial hydrologic systems regulate ice sheet flow, causing acceleration or deceleration, depending on hydraulic efficiency and the rate at which surface meltwater is delivered to the bed. Because these systems are rarely observed, ice sheet basal drainage represents a poorly integrated and uncertain component of models used to predict sea level changes. Here, we report radarderived basal melt rates and unexpectedly warm subglacial conditions beneath a large Greenlandic outlet glacier. The basal melt rates averaged 14mm d-1 over 4months, peaking at 57mm d-1 when basal water temperature reached +0.88 °C in a nearby borehole. We attribute both observations to the conversion of potential energy of surface water to heat in the basal drainage system, which peaked during a period of rainfall and intense surface melting. Our findings reveal limitations in the theory of channel formation, and we show that viscous dissipation far surpasses other basal heat sources, even in a distributed, highpressure system. |Number of pages |Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America |Published - 8 Mar 2022 - Climate change - Ice sheets - Radio echo sounding - Programme Area 5: Nature and Climate
Treatments for the Common Cold Especially prevalent this time of year, colds are indiscriminate and can be a burden for those trying to work or attend school. Recently published in the Canadian Medical Association Journal was a review of some of the more common prevention and remedy strategies for colds. While the research revealed that there was evidence to support some of the more well known treatments, a number of other treatments came up lacking the support needed to prove their efficacy in treating or preventing colds. 1) Review of 67 studies indicated that the best prevention strategy was regular hand hygiene 2) Alcohol based disinfectants can be helpful 3) Daily zinc supplements can help children ward off colds 4) Antihistamines combined with decongestants can help alleviate symptoms 5) Ibuprofen has been found to be best for reducing fevers and controlling pain In addition to reviewing medications, researchers also evaluated homeopathic remedies like vitamin supplements, ginseng, echinacea, and various other treatments. It was found that none of these other remedies, including humidification and vapors, aided in the reduction of symptoms or in expediting the healing process. The overall conclusion of this report was that practicing regular hygiene and taking daily zinc supplements can help prevent colds from occurring. However, once a cold has set in, treatment of the pain, fever, and congestion symptoms is the best strategy to implement while the cold runs its course.
Design and Build Web Applications using Python Web Frameworks. Python is rapidly becoming a favorite programming language for developing responsive websites, due in large part to the excellent availability of web frameworks. Web frameworks are Python packages that provide a suite of tools built-in that allow rapid development and deployment of websites. In this course, students will gain experience with the popular Django web framework to design, develop, and implement a web application. The curriculum covers front-end-coding and back-end libraries for frameworks, optimization, and security authentication. Participants will learn various python functions and web services to support user interaction and database capabilities. They will use a suite of built-in tools that create a fast-responsive website and will have the ability to improve application performance through caching. - Python functions and libraries for databases and components. - Review Python data structures, built-in functions, and object-oriented programming. - Overview of various frameworks available to design sites using Python including Flask, Django, and Pyramid - Introduction to Django web programming and models - Creating API views and making HTTTP post request for viewing - Learn GET, POST, and DELETE HTPP request - Securing and Authentication of your data - Testing and debugging - Understand Django template language features - Creating API’s and interfacing with third-party database - Design and implement a website using Django Web Framework - Hands-on experience with the built-in tools, programming and creating web application. - Understand security aspects and social authentication - Understand the web application containers within python frameworks - Ability to optimize the performance of front end as well back end components
Author: Editor: Christodoulou, S. Publisher: European Water Resources Association (EWRA) The conference, which was hosted by the University of Cyprus, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, focused on the following thematic areas: |Water Related Natural Hazards: Proactive Planning and Crisis Management |Droughts / Floods |Transboundary River Basins |Energy Production and Distribution |Mega-cities and Population |Sea Water Intrusion into Coastal Aquifers |Water Conservation: Management & |Climate change impacts and |Technology – Public Learning & Participation |Urban Water Supply Systems |Water and Society |Brackish Water – Water Treatment |Decentralized Wastewater Treatment |Integrated Water Resources The book also contains contributions by the SMART Research Consortium whose scientific coordination meeting on Sustainable Management of Available Water Resources with Innovative Technologies (SMART) was held within and in parallel with EWRA’s conference. The list and abstracts of the papers included in the EWRA2009 proceedings: President of the European Water Resources Association (EWRA) It is true that water is the most abundant natural resource on earth. It is also true that for hundreds of years in the past it was commonly taken for granted as nature’s gift. The value of water has been regarded by philosophers and scholars in ancient times as the “most precious resource” and “the driver of nature”. Long after the industrial revolution, water problems gradually emerged related to water scarcity, water pollution from natural hazards caused by extreme phenomena of the hydrological cycle. During the last century an increasing abuse of water resources was practiced together with expanding population, industrialisation and urbanisation, which increased the burden on governments and professionals to safeguard water quantity and quality for the domestic, agricultural and other economic sectors. The booming irrigation development in most countries created more stress in the water sector since the “requirements” were multiplied. Big water projects together with the expansion of economic activities, created a higher but also more vulnerable equilibrium between availability and demand. The consequence of this “ever”- continuing tendency seemed to reach a deadlock due to the new problems of increased pollution, overexploitation of aquifers and stagnation of water sources. The approaching global water crisis was predicted by scientists in conferences and symposia from the early seventies. However, governments and international organisations seemed to be reluctant to realise and appreciate the seriousness of the global water situation. Even in the International conferences organised by the United Nations in Dublin and Rio de Janeiro in the early nineties, water was a rather minor issue and was discussed indirectly. The primary interest of the participating leaders of state was focused on issues such as climate change, biodiversity and deforestation. Recently, an increasing number of states started to recognise that water problems are multiplying and that several anthropogenic causes lead to deterioration in the water availability and use. Climate change is the most recent threat to water conservation, worldwide. According to the IPCC projections during the next decades, the magnitudes and the patterns of precipitation and air temperature are expected to change in most parts of the world. Expected sea level rise also threatens most of the coastal aquifers and the water security of most coastal zones. It is fully understood that the “climate change” hazard is pressing the world to curb emissions of CO2 and other greenhouse gases which are blamed for the climate change. We all hope to reach a consensus during the Copenhagen World Summit and a brave new agreement will be signed replacing Kyoto protocol. It is also fully understood that water and the environment will be affected mostly by the anticipated climate change. However, whatever will be decided in Copenhagen on energy and emissions, it seems indirect and inadequate for solving the water problems which exist and will increase with or without the various trends in gas emissions. In short we believe that “water problems” are affected by climate change but can be also dealt with by more direct and efficient methods. In this context, although EWRA participates actively in the ongoing dialog on climate change, it focuses its attention on direct actions on water problems (availability and demand) at the national, regional and international level. Our activities (meetings, symposia, conferences, journals and publications) reflect exactly this priority. The EWRA Conference in Cyprus is expected to enrich the knowledge among academics and professionals as to how to improve the planning and management of water resources in an integrated, equitable, sustainable and adaptive way to face present and future water problems. In this respect and focusing on reducing the risk from water related hazards, EWRA systematically promotes proactive and preparedness planning with the most democratic procedures through the involvement of all stakeholders, aiming at tackling water problems efficiently and comprehensively, while protecting the environment. Looking at the topics, the papers submitted, and the list of participants, I am sure that the conference will be fruitful and useful for the participants, guiding our actions directly against “problems and causes” with the objective of securing water availability and quality for future generations in our countries. CITATION: In Proc. EWRA Seventh International Conference, Water Resources Conservancy and Risk Reduction Under Climatic Uncertainty, 25-27 June 2009, Limassol, Cyprus (Editor: S. Christodoulou), ISBN: 978-9963-671-94-6.
Why is this medication prescribed? Penicillin V Potassium is an antibiotic medication that is prescribed to treat various bacterial infections. It belongs to the penicillin class of antibiotics and works by inhibiting the growth of bacteria. Here are common reasons why Penicillin V Potassium might be prescribed: - Strep Throat: Penicillin V is often used to treat streptococcal throat infections, including strep throat. - Tonsillitis: It can be prescribed for bacterial tonsillitis, especially if caused by susceptible strains of bacteria. - Respiratory Infections: Penicillin V may be used for respiratory tract infections caused by susceptible bacteria. - Skin Infections: Certain skin infections caused by susceptible bacteria may be treated with Penicillin V. - Dental Infections: Penicillin V is sometimes prescribed for dental infections caused by susceptible bacteria. How should this medicine be used? Here are general guidelines for using Penicillin V Potassium, but it’s crucial to follow your healthcare provider’s specific instructions: - Dosage: Take the medication exactly as prescribed by your healthcare provider. The dosage and duration of treatment will depend on the type and severity of the infection. - Timing: Penicillin V is typically taken on an empty stomach, either 1 hour before or 2 hours after meals, unless otherwise directed by your doctor. - Completion of Course: Complete the full course of antibiotics, even if you start feeling better before the medication is finished. This is important to ensure that all the bacteria causing the infection are eradicated. - Missed Dose: If you miss a dose, take it as soon as you remember. If it’s almost time for your next dose, skip the missed dose and continue with your regular schedule. Do not double up on doses. - Allergies: Inform your healthcare provider if you are allergic to penicillin or any other antibiotics. - Side Effects: Be aware of potential side effects, and contact your doctor if you experience any severe or persistent symptoms. Always consult with your healthcare provider or pharmacist for personalized advice and information related to your specific health condition. If you have any concerns or questions about your medication, it’s important to discuss them with your healthcare provider. Other uses for this medicine Aside from the common uses mentioned earlier, Penicillin V Potassium may be prescribed for other bacterial infections at the discretion of a healthcare provider. It is crucial to follow your doctor’s recommendations and only use this medication for the specific purpose for which it has been prescribed. What special precautions should I follow? - Allergies: Inform your healthcare provider if you are allergic to penicillin or any other antibiotics. If you’ve had an allergic reaction to any antibiotics in the past, it’s essential to discuss this with your doctor. - Medical History: Provide your healthcare provider with a comprehensive medical history, especially if you have a history of kidney disease, gastrointestinal issues, or other medical conditions. - Pregnancy and Breastfeeding: Inform your doctor if you are pregnant, planning to become pregnant, or breastfeeding. Your healthcare provider will weigh the benefits and potential risks before prescribing Penicillin V Potassium during pregnancy or while breastfeeding. - Interactions with Other Medications: Inform your healthcare provider about all the medications, vitamins, and supplements you are taking, as some drugs may interact with Penicillin V Potassium. - Kidney Function: Since the kidneys play a role in excreting antibiotics from the body, individuals with impaired kidney function may require adjusted doses. Your healthcare provider will consider your kidney function when prescribing Penicillin V Potassium. - Side Effects: Be aware of potential side effects, which can include allergic reactions, diarrhea, nausea, and vomiting. Contact your healthcare provider if you experience severe or persistent side effects. - Drug Resistance: It’s crucial to take the full course of antibiotics as prescribed by your doctor to prevent the development of antibiotic resistance. Always follow your healthcare provider’s instructions and take the medication exactly as prescribed. If you have any concerns or experience unexpected side effects, contact your healthcare provider promptly. Never self-prescribe or share antibiotics with others, as misuse can contribute to antibiotic resistance. What special dietary instructions should I follow? Penicillin V Potassium is typically taken on an empty stomach, either 1 hour before or 2 hours after meals. However, specific dietary restrictions related to the medication itself are generally not necessary. It’s essential to follow your healthcare provider’s instructions regarding the timing of doses in relation to meals. What should I do if I forget a dose? If you forget to take a dose of Penicillin V Potassium, follow these general guidelines: - Take it as soon as you remember: If it’s not close to the time of your next scheduled dose, take the missed dose as soon as you remember. - Skip the missed dose if it’s almost time for the next one: If it’s almost time for your next scheduled dose, skip the missed dose and continue with your regular dosing schedule. - Do not double up on doses: Do not take a double dose to make up for a missed one. Taking extra medication can increase the risk of side effects. What side effects can this medication cause? Penicillin V potassium is an antibiotic used to treat various bacterial infections. Like any medication, it can cause side effects. It’s important to note that not everyone will experience these side effects, and some individuals may experience effects not listed here. If you’re prescribed penicillin V potassium and have concerns about potential side effects, it’s crucial to discuss them with your healthcare provider. Common side effects of penicillin V potassium include: - Digestive System Issues: - Allergic Reactions: - Swelling of the face, lips, or tongue - Severe reactions like anaphylaxis (rare but can be life-threatening) - Other Common Side Effects: - White patches in the mouth or throat (indicative of a fungal infection, such as oral thrush) - Vaginal itching or discharge (indicative of a fungal infection) - Less Common Side Effects: - Black, hairy tongue - Joint pain - Unusual bleeding or bruising - Serious Side Effects (Rare): - Severe skin reactions (Stevens-Johnson syndrome) - Blood disorders - Liver problems It’s important to seek immediate medical attention if you experience signs of a severe allergic reaction, such as difficulty breathing, swelling, or severe rash. Additionally, inform your healthcare provider if you experience any side effects that are persistent, bothersome, or worsening over time. They can provide guidance on whether the medication should be continued or if an alternative treatment is necessary. What should I know about storage and disposal of this medication? Storage and Disposal of Penicillin V Potassium: - Store Penicillin V Potassium at room temperature, away from moisture and heat. - Keep the medication out of reach of children and pets. - Avoid storing it in the bathroom, as the humidity can affect the stability of the medication. - Do not keep outdated or unused medication. Follow your healthcare provider’s instructions or local guidelines on how to properly dispose of unused medications. - Some pharmacies and community centers have drug take-back programs for safe disposal. In case of emergency/overdose In case of an overdose or emergency, contact your local poison control center at 1-800-222-1222 or seek emergency medical attention. Symptoms of overdose may include severe nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea. What other information should I know? - Regular Follow-up: Attend any follow-up appointments scheduled by your healthcare provider. This is important to monitor your response to the medication and address any concerns or side effects. - Complete the Course: Finish the full course of antibiotics as prescribed by your healthcare provider, even if your symptoms improve before the medication is finished. Incomplete treatment can lead to the development of antibiotic-resistant bacteria. - Inform Healthcare Providers: Inform all healthcare providers (doctors, dentists, etc.) about your use of Penicillin V Potassium, especially if you are undergoing any surgical procedures. This information is important to ensure proper medical management and avoid potential drug interactions. - Allergies: Be vigilant for signs of allergic reactions, such as rash, itching, swelling, severe dizziness, or difficulty breathing. Seek medical attention immediately if you experience these symptoms. - Lab Tests: Your healthcare provider may order laboratory tests, such as kidney function tests, during the course of treatment to monitor for any potential complications. - Drug Interactions: Inform your healthcare provider about all medications, vitamins, and supplements you are taking to avoid potential drug interactions. - Resistant Infections: If your symptoms persist or worsen after completing the prescribed course, contact your healthcare provider. This could be a sign of a resistant infection that may require a different type of antibiotic. Always follow your healthcare provider’s instructions and consult with them if you have any questions or concerns regarding your medication.
Table of Contents Role of Leaders. Workplace communication and environment Tactics used by Leaders. Take challenges and encourages risk taking. Clearly defines expectations. The aim of the report is to critically analyze the role of leaders in driving innovation and creativity at workplace. The report will use different literatures and academic leadership theory as well as practical examples for justifying the role of leaders. Leadership is a skill which is developed through experiences and knowledge. This skill are needed to be gained. It depends on various things like personality, attitude, experience and many more (Afsar, Badir & Kiani, 2016). Leadership involves influencing people with an aim of achieving certain set objectives. The achievement of organizational objectives is accomplished through use of effective skills in leadership. A leader’s effectiveness is directly related to his capability to motivate his followers by use of word (Robinson, 2019). A leader has power to influence behavior of employees in an organization to a certain direction. In influencing behavior, an effective leader applies strategies or tactics that are meant to change the attitudes of the staff, their beliefs, values, and how they act. The leader plays a vital role in maintain the relationship with its follower and maintain the working environment (MacLellan, 2017). The leader as an individual contributes a lot which include motivating and inspiring others, providing coaching and training for development, identifying the opportunity and future needs of organization, enabling followers to share new ideas and experiences and helping followers to overcome various challenges and problems. As an individual, the leader makes an efficient and effective team which is capable of achieving organization goal through innovation and creativity. Leader is the one who is responsible for managing the team and resolving the issues resulting in conflicts in the team. Leader binds the team together and make them work together to achieve a specific goal. Leader make sure that the object is clear in the minds of the follower and the working environment is suitable for high productive (Perryer, Celestine, Scott-Ladd & Leighton, 2016). Organization become successful, when leader is able to influence others to accomplish the organization aim. Below are the roles that leaders play to drive innovation and creativity within the organization. Leaders motivate and encourages their employee for better performance and innovation. Motivation is an internal state which is responsible for making people to behave in specific ways so as to achieve certain goals and purposes. The outward manifestations are observable to people but motivation itself remains internal (Perryer, Celestine, Scott-Ladd & Leighton, 2016). The work place is one of the places where motivation is highly desirable. Coming up with effective ways to motivate the employees mostly poses as a major challenge for the employers. This is the fact that highly motivated employees are key to the success of the business. People in the work place therefore need to be constantly motivated to ensure that work is done efficiently. However, the people making up the workforce differ greatly from each other and as such; any one single motivational tactic may not work universally. Every person has varying reasons for working and their desires differ to a large extent. Inspiration especially comes after leaders have come up with prudent leadership strategies which need employee support to work (Moore, Odom & Boyd, 2017). Most often, if it is a service oriented industry, the leadership may have to reach out to the frontline employees to undertake the new strategies because they are the first point of contact consumers have with the organization. Leaders are the one who can comfort his team members and staff member of the organization to communicate freely. Without communication and clarification of doubts, innovation and creative has no scope. However, the workplace environment also influences the performance of the workforce. Creating a harmonious workplace environment is therefore one of the ways through which employee productivity can be raised since this demonstrates that the inputs of the employees are valued and appreciated by the organization. Communication is the cornerstone of all successful relationships and in the organization, communication takes place between and among the various individuals (Martin, Danzig, Wright, Flanary & Orr, 2016). The tone and language used to carry out communication plays a monumental role in motivating individual employees. When a superior uses motivating language, it results in increased efficiency in his/her management of the subordinates. The staff in the organization should feel they are part of the decision-making and consultation is crucial in achieving this. These factors helps the employees to think out of the box and enable them to invent and create new ideas and strategies for the benefit of the organization. This is also an important factor because junior members of staff are able to voice their concerns depending on the mission, consumer demands, sales and inventory distribution information. Leaders ensures favorable working environment for the employees so that employee morale can be high and teamwork fostered (Martin, Danzig, Wright, Flanary & Orr, 2016). Complimentarily, the management can come up with a plan to reward well performing employees, probably through the establishment of an employee recognition program, tied to success and employee performance. This creates a new reality for the employees because it puts them on levels which they have never been in. In fact, such a strategy is very useful to align employees with future environmental changes since it makes employees much more flexible and adaptive to new changes (MacLellan, 2017). Which further results in innovation and creativity. Ingratiation is another tactic applied by effective leaders and it involves the act of ensuring other people are in good mood before a leader attempts to influence the people. Ingratiation is at times regarded as flattery but it works if well applied. Personal appeal is also an effective approach that is applied by leaders, it involves the application of reference to friendship, and loyalty before a leader makes any request (MacLellan, 2017). Consultation is also an important tactic applied by effective leader and it involves inviting of other people in the organization into participating in the decision-making, planning, and in the creation and implementation of changes in the strategies. Leaders apply soft tactics in their leadership that are friendly to their employees, are not coercive and other people perceive this tactics to be fair to them. Inspirational appeal, which is attempting to create enthusiasm amongst the employees by attempting to appeal to the emotions, value system, and individual ideals of the employees. Success of an influence tactic is based how the people who are the target of the tactic react, either by demonstrating compliance, being committed or resist in regards to the achievement of the objective (Laurs, 2018). Leaders apply this strategy by carrying out environmental analysis through research and adopting future forecasting tools like actuarial analysis in predicting the future business environment. A leader who has power will effectively apply a number of influence tactics that leaders who have little or no power will not apply. The challenge to the leaders is assessing the best situation and the most effective influence tactic to apply to achieve the desired outcome. Leadership also honors commitment to ensure achievement of any pronounced plans. A successful leader has a set of values that subordinates identify with and clients can easily connects to it. Employees are only able to access these leadership traits through close interaction with their leaders (Laurs, 2018). Leaders can enhance diversity through teamwork, motivation, interactive form of communication and acceptance of different personalities. Diversification also allows the leaders to note the potential business rivals or outside threats to the firm’s continuity plans (Kragt & Guenter, 2018). Seeing the kind of diversity one has made over the years motivates and enhances more dynamism for better performances. Creativity has no end because whenever a firm accomplishes the set business goals, new and more creative plans emanate, thus the origin of progressive prosperity (Kragt & Guenter, 2018). Ethical form of leadership requires governance through considerations of various aspects such as age, gender, performance, experience and energy differences, characterized by emphasis of good relations. An ethical leader is a good listener who is approachable and friendly. Her/his style of governance is open and enlists mental trust among those involved. Business ethics is ability to engage employees’ behaviors that direct performance to financial prosperity and growth through clear definition of goals, structure and style of execution. Today innovation brings about enormous challenges and complexity in the entrepreneurship world. A leader succeed, as it identifies the international consumer trends to develop an ethical form of leadership culture and ensure effective and balanced overall management of multiple operational environments. There are diverse and often conflicting demands by consumers, stakeholders, investors and employees that a firm must balance (Chaturvedi, Rizvi & Pasipanodya, 2019). This means that a good entrepreneur must be in a position to balance all these demands. Leader ensures that Clear business values, culture and believe must accompany ethical codes of management and performance. Leaders also ensures that employees have a pro-work wage policy that enhances business good sense. Good remunerations attract quality workers who often remain in the firm for longer, it is a long-term investment and thus a benefit to the firm. Ethically justifiable form of payment is also very important. Ability to attract and retain better, more productive and loyal employees depends on how well a business is able to cultivate human resources. Most current firms have neglected this critical aspect of finding lifetime personnel to enhancing long-term business growth (Chaturvedi, Rizvi & Pasipanodya, 2019). Leaders instill a new culture of “thinking out of the box” by encouraging employees to envision beyond the constraints of traditional business assumptions since incorporating this new business culture can lead to both management and employee innovation. Leaders employ transformational learning theory as a means to instill this new skill in the organization (Bergner, Kanape & Rybnicek, 2019). Transformational learning has majorly been used in adult education and rarely been used in an organizational context but its application is bound to work because it has been proved to work in aspects such as cross cultural experiences, interactive leadership and development, and active research projects by managers and leaders. Transformational learning should therefore be encouraged in the organization but this ought to be done in full support of the management, through the reaffirmation of accommodation of cultural diversity, training and development and action research (Bergner, Kanape & Rybnicek, 2019). Leaders clearly defines its expectation so that innovation and creativity should be carried out. It is also important for leaders to let employees know their expectations in undertaking such measures. When employees comprehend the management’s expectations when employing new strategies, and are provided with the right tools for undertaking the strategy, they are bound to have an increased sense of job satisfaction when they accomplish the set goals (Bal, Arikan & Çalişkan, 2016). It is the most effective tactic used by the leader to drive the innovation and creativity at workplace. When an individual gets an awards for his/her exceptional work, other gets motivated to work hard and bring something new to the table. Leaders put specific incentives to motivate employees to improve their performances or maintain outstanding performances (Afsar, Badir & Kiani, 2016). The type of incentives also vary because some employees may be motivated by financial rewards; some may be motivated by an expensive vacation holiday or a change in the working schedule to be more flexible; while others may just be motivated by the mere verbal recognition of performance. It can be concluded that the report has clearly identified the role of leaders in motivating creativity and innovation within the workplace. Various factors that leads to innovation and creativity were discussed which include motivation, enhancing workplace communication and environment, strategies to influence, diversification at workplace, ethical behavior, taking challenges and encouraging risk taking, clearly defining expectation and rewarding for tremendous work. Leaders the key which enable the motivating and creativity factors in the employees as leaders provides them freedom to think out of the box rather than sticking to work. Afsar, B., Badir, Y. & Kiani, U.S. (2016). Linking spiritual leadership and employee pro-environmental behavior: The influence of workplace spirituality, intrinsic motivation, and environmental passion. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 45, pp.79-88. Bal, E.A., Arikan, S.Ç. & Çalişkan, S.C. (2016). Personality, values and career concerns as individual antecedents of workplace influence tactics. Global Media Journal: Turkish Edition, 7(13), pp.63-85. Bergner, S., Kanape, A. & Rybnicek, R. (2019). Taking an interest in taking the lead: The influence of vocational interests, leadership experience and success on the motivation to lead. Applied Psychology, 68(1), pp.202-219. Chaturvedi, S., Rizvi, I.A. & Pasipanodya, E.T. (2019). How can leaders make their followers to commit to the organization? The importance of influence tactics. Global Business Review, 20(6), pp.1462-1474. Harry Garretsen, Janka I. Stoker, Roberto A. & Weber (2020). Economic perspectives on leadership: Concepts, causality, and context in leadership research. The Leadership Quarterly, 31(3). Available at: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.leaqua.2020.101410. Kragt, D. & Guenter, H. (2018). "Why and when leadership training predicts effectiveness: The role of leader identity and leadership experience". Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 39 (3), pp. 406-418 Laurs, D.E. (2018). Perceived Impact of PASS Leadership Experience on Student Leaders' Transferable Skills Development. Journal of Peer Learning, 11(3), pp.27-40. MacLellan, A.M. (2017). Contagious motivation in the workplace: An examination of how leaders' motivation can impact the motivation of their subordinates. Retrieved from http://t.library2.smu.ca/handle/01/27167#.XwPyoSgzZPY Martin, G.E., Danzig, A.B., Wright, W.F., Flanary, R.A. & Orr, M.T. (2016). School leader internship: Developing, monitoring, and evaluating your leadership experience. London: Routledge. Moore, L.L., Odom, S.F. & Boyd, B.L. (2017). The team leadership summit: Culminating the leadership experience. Journal of Leadership Education, 16(3), pp.1-8. Perryer, C., Celestine, N.A., Scott-Ladd, B. & Leighton, C. (2016). Enhancing workplace motivation through gamification: Transferrable lessons from pedagogy. The International Journal of Management Education, 14(3), pp.327-335. Robinson, A. (2019). Five signs of a high performance team. In BSAVA Congress Proceedings 2019 (pp. 312-313). BSAVA Library. Remember, at the center of any academic work, lies clarity and evidence. Should you need further assistance, do look up to our Leadership Assignment Help Proofreading and Editing$9.00Per Page Consultation with Expert$35.00Per Hour Live Session 1-on-1$40.00Per 30 min. Doing your Assignment with our resources is simple, take Expert assistance to ensure HD Grades. Here you Go....
- Software Testing Dictionary What is Active Testing? Active testing, a testing technique, where the user introduces test data and analyses the result. During Active testing, a tester builds a mental model of the software under test which continues to grow and refine as your interaction with the software continues. How we do Active Testing ? At the end of each and every action performed on the application under test, we need to check if the model/application seems to fulfill client's needs. If not, the application needs to be adapted, or that we got a problem in the application. We continuously engage in the testing process and help us to come up with new ideas, test cases, test data to fulfill. At the same time, we need to note down things, which we might want to turn to later or we follow up with the concerned team on them, eventually finding and pinpointing problems in the software. Hence, any application under test needs active testing which involves testers who spot the defects.
The logical structure of reason is what enables people to form societies of social cooperation, where they can share ideas, write books, discuss, and discover truth. Civics classrooms are now denouncing the very logic that ties society together. Reason and intellect is being replaced by the unfounded superstition that historical facts don't matter. This is the characteristic mentality that has created the age of chaos we are living in. The latest evidence was revealed by the Conference on Jewish Material Claims Against Germany (Claims Conference) who recently announced a 50 state survey on Holocaust knowledge among Millenials and Gen Z. The results highlight a lack of awareness in Idaho for key historical facts. The survey reveals 59% of high school graduates in Idaho do not know 6 million Jews died in the Holocaust. Another 32% cannot name a single concentration camp. An additional 63% can not name a Holocaust survivor. Reason and intellect in logical discussion cannot prevail without an understanding of facts and history. Civics education is responsible for students' knowledge of both. There is no question the atrocity of the Holocaust should be thoroughly taught in every K-12 civics classroom. But, the truth is the history of the Holocaust isn’t the only key historical event not being taught sufficiently in schools. The descent of civics education in Idaho schools is not unique. It has been happening across the country for years. A 2016 study by the Annenberg Public Policy Center of the University of Pennsylvania found only a quarter of Americans could name the three branches of government. This is a significant decline from 2011 when 38% could name all three. A 2018 study by the Woodrow Wilson foundation found only one of three Americans would pass a citizenship test. American students don’t know very much about the history of slavery either. According to the American Council of Trustees and Alumni, only 12% of college graduates know the 13th amendment abolished slavery. For years students throughout the U.S. have been indoctrinated by Howard Zinn’s “A Peoples’ History.” Zinn teaches American history is the history of class struggle and oppression, which can only be cured by the socialism of Marx and Engels. Zinn’s poor scholarship has been repeatedly debunked. Yet it has been the best selling history book in the country with over 2.6 million copies sold. Thanks to the Zinn Education Project, more than 110,000 educators and teachers are registered to use Zinn’s curriculum. According to the Zinn Education Project website that number is growing by more than 10,000 new teachers and teacher educators every year. The most recent copy of Zinn threatening to enter schools is the 1619 project’s curriculum. The 1619 Project reflects Zinn’s strategy: Make children believe their country is wicked and evil, then start a socialist revolution. The intended socialist revolution is already happening, most recently in Louisville, Kentucky, where Black Lives Matter (BLM), a group with Marxist leaders, are rioting. However, the 1619 Project is rife with historical inaccuracies, beginning with the fact that America was founded in 1776, not 1619 when British ships filled with African slaves landed in the new colonies. Both the 1619 Project and Zinn’s “A People's History” have caused teachers to focus on activism, not giving students an education. It would not be surprising to find either of these publications in Idaho schools. The largest teachers union in the state, the Idaho Education Association (IEA), has stated its support for BLM. The West Ada Association has links to BLM resources on its website from the National Education Association (NEA), the largest teachers union in the country. The NEA has a division solely dedicated to supporting BLM and previously failed to pass a resolution to “rededicate the union to the pursuit of increased student learning” and instead passed a resolution to re-educate teachers with “the concept of White Fragility in NEA trainings/staff development, literature, and other existing communications... and racial justice whenever and wherever context and expense allows.” As I have previously discussed, the founders of BLM are self-proclaimed Marxists with a mission to train more Marxists. Although students should be taught to understand concepts like Marxism in public schools, the purpose of the education they are given should not be to advance a political cause. These discouraging facts should be a call to action for teachers and education officials. Instead, according to a new study by the Rand Corporation, only 32% of teachers thought it was important to teach “facts” like the “location of the 50 states or the date of Pearl Harbor.” In a steep decline from 63% of teachers in 2010, only 43% of teachers in 2019 thought it was important for students to understand periods such as the “American founding, the Civil War, or the Cold War.” Only 65% of high school teachers today think it is important to teach students about the Bill of Rights. This number has gone down from 83% in 2010. In order to prevent history from repeating itself, it is vital for every American to know their rights and how to protect them. Yet, civics teachers seem to be more interested in activism than educating students on how to be a good citizen or understand the Constitution. The media and public writ large should also be alarmed by these failures. But, when reporting the results of the Claims Conference survey, Boise State Public Radio reported one “expert” thinks there was simply “room for improvement.” This is a dramatic understatement. The next generation’s understanding of the Holocaust or the 13th Amendment could help prevent atrocities from happening today. It is bizarre that teachers, “experts,” or the media would ever question the importance of teaching historical fact. What can be done? First, all Idaho schools should have their curriculum and all instruction materials readily available on their website for parents to review. The Idaho Legislature could require this for all public schools. But, parents can also put pressure on their local schools to create more transparency. Currently, the presence of books like Howard Zinn’s “A People's History” or the 1619 Project in Idaho school curriculum cannot be identified by parents until their child is already assigned the book. Parents should be able to see what a student is taught and decide if that school is the best fit before reading about it in a commentary like this or seeing it in their childs’ homework. Second, the Idaho Legislature could pass a legislation supporting school choice. Parents who have identified satisfactory curriculum should be allowed the opportunity to send their child to that school. As I have discussed here, an Education Savings Account is the best way to expand choice for families and students. Additionally, the Idaho Legislature recently established the Idaho Content Standards Committee to review and revise what used to be Common Core. The committee could review the social studies/civics standards to prevent teachers from focusing on activism instead of students learning historical facts. Ironically, 83% of teachers are confident students will know all the necessary important facts and dates upon graduation. As the Claims Conference survey shows, the teachers are clearly wrong. How can today’s students have an intelligent discussion about anti-Semitism, racism, religious freedom, or American progress without first understanding factual historical events like the Holocaust or slavery? Historical facts matter. Without the cultivation of reason and intellect in our school systems to truly understand history, the logical structure of reason upholding society is at risk. Parents, schools, and public officials have a duty to ensure students learn civics, not activism. As a nation wrestling with racial tensions amid the coronavirus pandemic, civics instruction has never been more important.
As a parent, ensuring your child’s overall health and well-being is of utmost importance. Among the various aspects of their well-being, dental care plays a crucial role in maintaining their overall health. Pediatric dentistry focuses specifically on children’s oral health, providing specialized care to ensure their smiles remain healthy and bright. In Dubai, there is a growing emphasis on pediatric dentistry, with dental clinics like New Ivory Dental & Implant Clinic dedicated to providing comprehensive and tailored dental care for children. In this blog post, we will explore the role of pediatric dentistry in keeping your child’s smile healthy in Dubai. Why Pediatric Dentistry Matters: - Early Intervention and Prevention: Pediatric dentistry emphasizes the importance of early intervention and preventive care. By starting dental visits at an early age, usually around the first birthday, pediatric dentists can identify and address any potential dental issues before they become significant problems. Pediatric dentists can help prevent cavities, gum disease, and other oral health issues through regular check-ups, cleanings, and dental education. - Specialized Expertise: Pediatric dentists undergo additional training beyond dental school to specialize in the unique needs of children. They are equipped with the knowledge and skills to handle the dental concerns of infants, children, and adolescents. Pediatric dentists understand the developmental stages of teeth and jaws, enabling them to provide age-appropriate treatments and interventions. - Creating a Positive Dental Experience: Children may feel anxious or scared about visiting the dentist, which can lead to dental anxiety in the future. Pediatric dentists are skilled in creating a friendly and welcoming environment for children. They use child-friendly language, gentle techniques, and behavioral management strategies to ensure a positive dental experience. By making dental visits enjoyable, pediatric dentists help build trust and confidence in children, setting the foundation for a lifetime of good oral health habits. Services Offered by Pediatric Dentists in Dubai: - Comprehensive Dental Examinations: Pediatric dentists conduct thorough dental examinations to assess the oral health of children. This includes checking for tooth decay, gum disease, and bite alignment. X-rays may be taken to detect any underlying dental issues not visible to the naked eye. - Preventive Care: Pediatric dentists focus on preventing oral health problems through various preventive measures. This includes dental cleanings, fluoride treatments, sealants, and oral hygiene instruction. They educate both children and parents on proper brushing and flossing techniques and the importance of a healthy diet for optimal oral health. - Restorative Treatments: If dental issues such as cavities or tooth decay are detected, pediatric dentists provide restorative treatments tailored to children. These may include dental fillings, pulpotomy (baby tooth root canal treatment), and stainless-steel crowns. Pediatric dentists prioritize preserving the natural teeth and ensuring the comfort and well-being of the child during the procedures. - Orthodontic Evaluation: Pediatric dentists also assess the need for orthodontic treatment in children. Early detection of orthodontic issues allows for timely intervention, potentially reducing the need for extensive orthodontic treatment later in life. Pediatric dentists work closely with orthodontists to address misaligned teeth, overcrowding, and improper jaw alignment. Choosing the Right Pediatric Dentist: When selecting a pediatric dentist in Dubai for your child, consider the following factors: - Expertise and Experience: Look for a pediatric dentist with specialized training and experience in treating children. Check their credentials, certifications, and reviews to ensure they have a solid reputation for providing quality dental care to children. - Child-Friendly Environment: Visit the dental clinic beforehand to assess if it is child-friendly. A welcoming and comfortable environment can significantly impact your child’s dental experience. Look for a clinic with a play area, colorful decor, and a friendly staff. - Communication and Education: Pediatric dentists should effectively communicate with both children and parents. They should explain procedures in a child-friendly manner and answer any questions or concerns. Additionally, they should guide oral hygiene practices and preventive care. Pediatric dentistry is vital in maintaining your child’s oral health and ensuring a lifetime of healthy smiles. By emphasizing early intervention, preventive care, and creating a positive dental experience, pediatric dentists in Dubai, such as the dedicated team at New Ivory Dental & Implant Clinic, are committed to keeping your child’s smile healthy. Choosing a reputable pediatric dentist and prioritizing regular dental visits can give your child the best possible start to their oral health journey. Invest in pediatric dentistry today for a bright and healthy smile tomorrow. Frequently Asked Questions Q: When should I start taking my child to a pediatric dentist? Taking your child to a pediatric dentist around their first birthday or within six months after their first tooth erupts is recommended. Early dental visits help establish a dental home and allow the dentist to monitor oral health development from an early age. Q: How often should my child visit the pediatric dentist? Regular dental check-ups are essential for maintaining good oral health. Most pediatric dentists recommend a dental visit every six months. However, the frequency may vary based on your child’s needs and oral health condition. Q: What can I expect during my child’s first dental visit? During the first dental visit, the pediatric dentist will thoroughly examine your child’s mouth, gums, and teeth. They will assess the overall oral health, discuss oral hygiene practices, and provide guidance on proper nutrition for healthy teeth. The dentist will also address any concerns or questions you may have. Q: How can I prepare my child for their dental visit? To prepare your child for a dental visit, it helps to talk to them about what to expect in a positive and age-appropriate manner. You can read children’s books about visiting the dentist or play pretend dentist at home. Emphasize that the dentist is friendly and helps keep their teeth strong and healthy. Q: What if my child is afraid of going to the dentist? Dental anxiety is common among children. Pediatric dentists are trained to handle anxious or fearful children. If necessary, they use techniques such as distraction, positive reinforcement, and dental sedation to create a calm and comfortable environment for your child.
Biomimicry – designing materials and structures based on biological systems – has long been a fascinating approach used in architecture and design. While biomimicry is becoming increasingly popular, it is time to advance this field beyond aesthetics. By allowing an organisms’ natural chemical reactions and growth to direct the design process, natural processes can work in collaboration with digital fabrication technologies to generate complex and adaptive living structures. As part of Jon McCormack’s ARC Future Fellowship – whose aim is to reimagine the fundamental processes of creative digital design in physical material – Natalie Alima is fusing biology, material science and robotic fabrication to develop a hybrid between machines and living organisms. By experimenting with a range of digitally fabricated forms, including nutrient scaffolds, host systems and customised 3D extruders, a choreographed sense of control and manipulation can be achieved over the natural organism.
The relationship between pedometer-determined physical activity, body mass index and lean body mass index in children. MetadataShow full item record AbstractOBJECTIVE: To cross-sectionally assess weekend to weekday variation of physical activity in British children and to consider the role of Body Mass Index (BMI, W/H(2)) and Lean Body Mass Index (LBMI, H(2)/W) when examining this issue. METHODS: A total of 496 children aged 8-14 years, were measured for height and weight and the activity levels were analysed using pedometers to measure mean step counts for 4 consecutive days (2 weekdays, 2 weekend days). RESULTS: Boys had significantly lower BMI than girls. Higher values for average weekend steps were associated with lower BMI values. BMI values were; however, found to be positively skewed but when the analysis was repeated using LBMI, data was normally distributed and the conclusions remained the same. CONCLUSIONS: Weekday steps are higher than weekend steps for children irrespective of gender or weight status. Mean steps taken during weekend days are significantly associated with reduced BMI in children. These findings may be questioned because BMI is highly skewed and not normally distributed. However, LBMI provides a suitable alternative that is normally distributed and can be used to compare the relationship between weight status and physical activity. CitationInternational journal of pediatric obesity, 5 (5): 445-50 JournalInternational journal of pediatric obesity : IJPO : an official journal of the International Association for the Study of Obesity
Large Outcrop of TorikataGeosite 26 You can see the stratum from the time when Paleo Chichibu Bay, which existed about 17 million to 15 million years ago, was still a deep sea. A dynamic stratum is exposed over a width of approximately 800m, showing proof to the present that this location was submerged in the deep sea in the past. It is designated as a national natural monument. You can observe a twisted stratum that was formed through landslides at the bottom of the sea (folds), a time difference between strata (discordance), and a stratum created over a long period of time on the sea bed through sand and mud (turbidite) that has a distinct striped pattern. - Bus: Take the Seibu Kanko Bus bound for Yoshida Genki Mura from Seibu Railway Seibu-Chichibu Station or Chichibu Railway Chichibu Station. Get off at Yoshida Shimobashi and walk for 15 minutes. - Sites nearby/Base facility
Roman tunic Spartacus A tunic is a special item of clothing whose material composition and appearance create a link to cultural history. Its use as a visual aid in the classroom provides practical support for the subject matter. This tunic is extremely comfortable to wear, especially in the heat of summer. A quality product that your child will enjoy for a long time to come. Traditional and yet bang on trend The tunic has its origins in ancient times. Simply made from two rectangular pieces of fabric, the comfortable fit enjoyed unrivaled popularity among people of all ages, genders and social backgrounds. While the lower classes tended to prefer linen or wool for cost reasons, the elite usually wore silk. Nowadays, the tunic is making a sensational comeback! No wonder the traditional advantages still apply today. Mostly women and children have recognized the unsurpassed wearing comfort for themselves. - robust cotton fabric - length: 80/ width: 50cm - Neckline: 22cm / sleeve cut-out 16cm - Material: cotton - for children from 5-10 years More than just a piece of clothing When you buy this tunic, you get a piece of cultural history with it. For children in particular, direct visual material from the period awakens the desire to learn more. When worn, the first-class comfort is particularly impressive, giving the tunic its relevance even today. With its timeless elegance, this garment transcends the latest trends. Forum Traiani ® registered trademark
As a savvy entrepreneur, you understand how critical economic growth is to the success of your business. The ability of a nation to produce goods and services and expand its economy provides immense opportunities for businesses to flourish. To achieve sustained economic growth, it’s essential to comprehend the underlying dynamics that contribute to it. Investments and policies are two of the key factors that determine how an economy progresses. Investments play a vital role in building capital and developing infrastructure, which are essential in driving economic growth. Policies, on the other hand, shape and influence the business environment, affecting the decisions made by entrepreneurs. In this article, we’ll take an in-depth look at these two critical factors and explore how they can contribute to the success of your business. By understanding the dynamics behind economic growth and the impact of investments and policies, you can make informed decisions that will put your business on the path to sustainable expansion. The Role of Investments in Economic Growth Investments play a fundamental role in driving sustained economic growth and building a prosperous nation. Effective investments are a critical driver of capital accumulation, which in turn stimulates economic growth and development in the United Kingdom. To understand the relationship between investments and economic growth, it is essential to explore the various types of investments and how they contribute to capital formation and infrastructure development. The Types of Investments Investments can take many forms, including: - Private sector investments – made by individuals or organizations to increase financial returns. - Public sector investments – made by the government to promote economic development, create jobs and encourage innovation. - Foreign direct investments – made by foreign entities, such as companies or governments, to establish or expand their business operations in the United Kingdom. Each type of investment contributes significantly to capital formation and infrastructure development, promoting a more robust and sustainable economy. Capital Accumulation and Economic Growth Investments stimulate capital accumulation, which is the process of increasing the stock of capital goods, such as machinery, buildings, and equipment. Capital accumulation enhances labour productivity, which, in turn, drives economic growth and development. For example, private sector investments in the manufacturing industry can lead to the creation of new and improved machinery, increasing production efficiency and productivity. Public sector investments in infrastructure projects, such as roads, bridges, and public transportation systems, can improve the accessibility and connectivity of regions, boosting economic activity and growth. Infrastructure development is a crucial component of economic growth, as it facilitates the movement of goods and people, which is essential for a thriving economy. Investments in infrastructure projects not only stimulate economic activity but can also create employment opportunities and enhance the quality of life for citizens. For instance, investments in renewable energy infrastructure can create new job opportunities in the clean energy sector, driving innovation, and helping to mitigate climate change. The Influence of Policies on Economic Growth Government policies play a critical role in driving economic growth in the United Kingdom. Policies can directly or indirectly impact the business environment, affecting investment decisions and shaping the economy’s direction. Regulations, for example, can either promote or hinder economic growth. While regulations can protect consumers and the environment, too much regulation can stifle innovation and deter investment. On the other hand, a stable regulatory environment can provide businesses with the certainty and confidence they need to invest and grow. Similarly, government incentives can encourage or discourage investment and innovation. Tax breaks, subsidies and grants can incentivize businesses to invest in research and development, while also fostering new and emerging industries. On the other hand, high taxes and stringent regulations can discourage innovation and promote a stagnant economy. Examples of Policies that Influence Economic Growth One example of government policy that can impact economic growth is infrastructure development. Public infrastructure investments can have a multiplier effect, creating jobs, improving productivity and quality of life, and attracting further private investment. For example, the UK’s infrastructure plan, announced in 2020, outlines a multi-billion-pound investment to improve transport, energy, and digital connectivity across the country. Such efforts can boost economic growth by providing the foundation for sustainable and long-term development. Another example of government policy that can impact economic growth is trade policy. The UK’s decision to leave the European Union has altered the country’s trade relationships, affecting exports and imports and ultimately shaping the economy’s trajectory. The UK government has developed trade policies that seek to open up new opportunities for UK businesses, including negotiating new trade agreements with countries outside the EU. However, the impact of these policies on economic growth remains to be seen. “The role of government is to create an environment for entrepreneurism to take root and flourish to encourage economic growth.” – Eric Cantor In conclusion, government policies play a crucial role in promoting or hindering economic growth in the United Kingdom. By ensuring a stable regulatory environment and providing incentives for investment and innovation, the government can foster a prosperous economy for all. Understanding the dynamics of economic growth is crucial for charting a course towards a sustainable and prosperous future for the United Kingdom. In this article, we have explored the significant roles of investments and policies in driving economic growth. Investments play a vital role in fostering economic growth, as they stimulate capital accumulation and help build and upgrade critical infrastructure. By promoting investments, the United Kingdom can create a robust economy that drives sustained growth. Policies also have a significant influence on economic growth, as they play a crucial role in shaping the business environment and facilitating economic expansion. By adopting effective policies that promote innovation, entrepreneurship, and competition, the United Kingdom can drive economic development and create new opportunities for growth. By understanding the interplay between investments and policies in driving economic growth, the United Kingdom can chart a course towards sustainable and prosperous economic development. Through strategic investments and effective policies, the nation can create a business-friendly environment that fosters innovation, drives competitiveness, and promotes growth, delivering long-term benefits for all.
Written By Lewis Robinson / Reviewed By Ray Spotts Although everyone is bound to come down with a cold or flu every once in a while, there are plenty of steps that you can take to support your health and feel good. Here's what you can do to support your immune system and overall health. 1. Eat a Healthy Diet The food that you consume is converted into fuel that powers your organs, such as your immune system. This is why it's essential to eat a nutritious diet full of fruits, vegetables, fiber and whole grains. This doesn't mean that you can't treat yourself to dessert every once in a while, but you should make sure that it's in moderation. Stay away from eating too many fried foods, saturated fats and refined sugars, as these can weaken your immune system and decrease its ability to fight off illness. 2. Take Supplements Along with a well-balanced diet you can also take supplements to further support your health. Adding supplements to your diet can help you get more nutrients you may lack. There are plenty of options to choose from when it comes to your health. For example, an immune support supplement can help support your immune system. Other effective supporters of the immune system include: - Folic acid - Vitamin C - Vitamin A 3. Don't Touch Your Face Did you know that the average person touches their face 16 times in one hour? Considering this statistic, you can probably understand why it's so easy to get a cold or the flu. Touching your eyes, nose or mouth transfers millions of germs into your throat, which then gives them the opportunity to multiply inside your body and wreak havoc on your organs. If you're having trouble breaking this habit, occupy your hands by lacing your fingers together, placing them in your lap or squeezing a stress ball. You can also use a scented hand sanitizer to remind yourself to keep your hands away from your face. The smell will jog your memory and make it easier for you to stop yourself. 4. Wash Your Hands This may sound like an obvious tip, but you'd be surprised at how many people don't wash their hands properly. You should be washing your hands for at least 20 seconds with warm water and soap. Be sure to clean your hands: - Before touching your eyes, nose or mouth - Before eating - After using the restroom - After blowing your nose or sneezing If you're unable to access soap or warm water, you can use a hand sanitizer containing at least 60 percent alcohol. 5. Get Your Body Moving Exercising has a multitude of benefits, from improving circulation to strengthening muscles and bones. Another advantage of exercising is that it can boost your immune system. Whether you're engaging in vigorous exercise like sprinting or simply trying out some new yoga poses, your immune system will reap the benefits. Research has demonstrated that exercising causes white blood cells, which are responsible for warding off disease, to circulate more rapidly. This means that they'll be able to detect illnesses earlier on and therefore combat them more effectively. In addition to strengthening immunity, exercising has also been shown to aid in weight loss, improve mental health and lower your risk of developing some cancers. If you're finding it difficult to motivate yourself to get moving, try asking a friend or family member to exercise with you. Not only can they make the experience more pleasant, but they can also hold you accountable for sticking to a consistent routine. Contracting an illness can't always be prevented, but there are protective measures that you can take to reduce your chances of getting sick this winter. From practicing proper hygiene to eating a nutritious diet, your body will thank you if you follow these five simple tips. Subscribe to our Trusted Health Club newsletter for more information about natural living tips, natural health, oral care, skincare, body care and foot care. If you are looking for more health resources check out the Trusted Health Resources list. Lewis Robinson is a freelance writer and expert in health and fitness. When he isn’t writing he can usually be found reading a good book or hitting the gym. Founder Ray Spotts has a passion for all things natural and has made a life study of nature as it relates to health and well-being. Ray became a forerunner bringing products to market that are extraordinarily effective and free from potentially harmful chemicals and additives. For this reason Ray formed Trusted Health Products, a company you can trust for clean, effective, and healthy products. Ray is an organic gardener, likes fishing, hiking, and teaching and mentoring people to start new businesses. You can get his book for free, “How To Succeed In Business Based On God’s Word,” at www.rayspotts.com.
Romantic relationships are a natural part of growing up as a teenager. But the changing dynamic between parent and child during this same period can make it hard to guide your teen to make good choices with their love life. Therapy can help. A therapist can guide your teenager to understand what they are feeling and protect their emotional health even in the face of increased hormones and peer pressure. Emotionally Healthy Relationships are Just as Important as Safe Sex “The talk” has become a rite of passage in American society – for parents and their teenaged children. Conversations about safe sex are symbols of a parent recognizing their child is growing up. But these conversations shouldn’t focus entirely on physical actions. Unhealthy relationships can cause teens significant emotional harm, too. By working with a therapist, parents and teens can learn healthy ways to communicate their feelings, define healthy emotional relationships, and learn skills to distinguish trust from infatuation. Teens with Relationship Issues May Not Understand Social Cues or Flirting Many teens struggle with what to do when they are attracted to friends or fellow students. They may not know how to approach the situation. Some, including those on the Autism spectrum, may not understand the non-verbal social cues. Working with a therapist can help these teens learn how to take small risks by flirting and properly interpret the responses they receive, so they can avoid public and painful rejection. Therapy Can Teach Healthy Relationship Boundaries Habits of emotional or even physical abuse are often learned early. While most teens know that they should not hit their partner, or let their partner hit them, they may not know where the line is between healthy emotional expression and abuse. Nor will they necessarily know what to do if their early dating partners cross that line. Particularly when teens have a family history of abuse or have been exposed to an emotionally abusive caregiver in the past, it may take some proactive work to teach adolescents what is appropriate or inappropriate in a healthy relationship. Working with a therapist to establish relationship boundaries can help break cycles of abuse learned long before teens began having romantic feelings. Heartache Finds a Safe Space in the Therapist’s Office Very few teens or adults end up with their first love. Most will experience the heartache of rejection or a breakup. Parents are often quick to put things in perspective, encouraging their teens that they’ll find another love soon. However, there is also a place for grief. As teens learn how to process romantic loss and rejection, they need to know it is okay to be angry or sad, even while being encouraged about the future. For some, that grieving can happen in the therapist’s office. When teens struggle with depression or other mental health conditions, the pain of a breakup can aggravate those conditions. A therapist can help teenagers recognize their emotional responses for what they are and bring those responses back into reasonable limits before they trigger a downward spiral. A Psychotherapist Gives Teenagers a Safe Adult to Talk to About Dating Adolescence is naturally a time for teens to separate their identity from their parents’. Many parents also feel awkward discussing relationships with their children. This can create an environment where teens are too proud, embarrassed, or even scared to tell their parents about their dating relationships. Still, getting advice from an adult is crucial to learning healthy ways to respond to their partner. Regular visits with a psychotherapist can help teens develop a trusting relationship with a non-relative adult. Then when they need dating advice, they will have someone specifically trained to help them with their relationship issues. Therapy can help teens learn about healthy romantic relationships and develop patterns that will carry them through life. Particularly where a teen has other mental health or behavioral challenges, working with a therapist can be key to properly processing the hormones and emotions that come with teenage relationship issues. David Stanislaw is a psychotherapist with over 30 years of experience. He helps children, teens and adults with emotional and behavioral concerns including relationship issues. Contact David Stanislaw to get help for your teen today.
Hispanic Heritage Month takes place from September 15 to October 15 every year as a time to recognize and celebrate the many contributions, diverse cultures, and extensive histories of the American Latino community. Read the 2022 Presidential Proclamation. celebrations honor the heritage and contributions made by members of the Hispanic community. Facts about Hispanic Caregivers - One-third of Hispanic households report having at least one family caregiver (36%) - With an average of 1.83 caregivers per household, there are an estimated 8,147,000 Hispanic caregivers in the U.S. - Just under three-quarters (74%) of Hispanic caregivers are female, with an average age of 43, caring for a loved one whose average age is 62. - Most of the care recipients are female. - Legal Resources Guide - Información y recursos en español. (Family Caregivers Online Resources and Information in Spanish) - 10 Consejos para cuidadores (10 Tips for Caregivers ) - ¿Qué le pasa a mi memoria? (Video on Brain testing) - Caregiving as seen by Latino/Hispanic Caregivers - The Johns Hopkins Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center features a YouTube channel that shares videos to help raise awareness and educate the community about Alzheimer’s disease and research. - Look at Latino Caregivers - Our Mind Video About Alzheimer’s Disease in the Latino Community Spanish language video - Too Soon To Forget: The Journey of Younger Onset Alzheimer’s Disease We hope this information is helpful to you in the important work you do as a family caregiver. For more resources, subscribe to our free eNewsletter!
Neuralgia risk factors Neuralgia risk factors On the Web American Roentgen Ray Society Images of Neuralgia risk factors Please help WikiDoc by adding more content here. It's easy! Click here to learn about editing. Neuralgia usually goes undiagnosed or misdiagnosed for extended periods, leading to a great deal of pain and frustration on the part of the patient. This disease has earned the nickname "the suicide disease," due to the unfortunate and drastic steps some have taken when they have been unable to find relief. Patients exhibiting symptoms need to be persistent, and willing to try different doctors to find the help they need. Sleep deprivation and malnutrition have also been reported as byproducts of the pain. It is possible that there are other triggers or aggravating factors that patients need to learn to recognize to help manage their health. Bright lights, sounds, stress, and poor diet are examples of additional stimuli that can contribute to the condition. The pain can cause nausea, so beyond the obvious need to treat the pain, it is important to be sure to try to get adequate rest and nutrition.
Navigating through extensive legal documents, such as original agreements, contracts, and standard forms, can be daunting. PDF Reader Pro simplifies this process, especially when dealing with complex documents that include addendums, appendices, and supplementary materials. Understanding the distinction between these elements and knowing how to navigate them efficiently is crucial in the realms of legal contracts, real estate sales contracts, and other legal documents. - What is an Addendum? - What is an Appendix? - Understanding the Key Differences - Use a Contract Addendum PDF Template - Imaginary Case: The Greenfield Commercial Property Sale - How to Efficiently Navigate Both Documents - Addendum vs Appendix: Best Practices - Addendum vs Appendix: FAQ What is an Addendum? An addendum is a critical tool in document management, particularly in legal and contractual scenarios. It serves a specific purpose and holds significant legal implications. Key Points of an Addendum - Nature: A formal, legal document attached to an original document, like a contract or agreement. - Purpose: To modify, update, or add new details to the original document. - Usage Examples: In real estate, adding conditions to a sale contract; in business, updating terms in a legal contract. - Legal Standing: Once signed by all parties, it becomes as legally binding as the original document. - Importance: Ensures clarity and mutual understanding of any changes or updates post the original agreement. What is an Appendix? While often confused with an addendum, an appendix plays a distinct role in enhancing the comprehension of a document. It is an invaluable component for providing additional context and details. Key Points of an Appendix - Nature: A supplementary section of a document providing additional information. - Purpose: To elaborate, clarify, or provide supporting data to the main content. - Usage Examples: In a report, including charts or research data; in contracts, adding specifications or definitions. - Legal Standing: Informational in nature, doesn't modify the original document's terms. - Function: Enhances understanding of the main document by providing detailed background or context. - Addendum: A legal tool for modifying an original document. - Appendix: An informational tool for supplementing a document. Understanding the Key Differences In the realm of document management, particularly in legal and business contexts, it's crucial to understand the distinct roles and functions of addendums and appendices. This section provides a concise overview of the key differences between these two important elements, helping you to navigate and apply them in various documents effectively. An addendum, often found in legal contracts and original agreements, refers to an additional document added to the original contract after it has been signed. This document typically includes additional terms or amendments to contracts not part of the original agreement. In the context of legal significance, an addendum can alter the original terms of the agreement without nullifying it. For instance, an addendum in real estate sales contracts might include additional provisions regarding the location for delivery or payment terms. On the other hand, an appendix serves as a supplementary document to the main contract. It's a standalone document that provides additional background information, data (like a tax table), or details supporting the original contract's content. Unlike an addendum, an appendix does not modify the original agreement but provides extra context or centralized location for related information. Use a Contract Addendum PDF Template PDF Reader Pro's Contract Addendum PDF Template is a game-changer for professionals dealing with contractual agreements. This template is designed to simplify the process of creating addendums to existing contracts, making it an invaluable tool for legal professionals, real estate agents, and business managers. Here's what makes this template stand out: - Ease of Use: The template is crafted with user-friendliness in mind. Its intuitive design allows users to quickly input the necessary changes or additions to an existing contract. - Customization: Users can easily customize the template to suit the specific needs of their contract. Whether it's adding new terms or modifying existing ones, the template offers the flexibility to accommodate various scenarios. - Legally Compliant Format: Designed in line with legal standards, this template ensures that the addendum meets all necessary legal requirements. - Clarity and Precision: The layout promotes clarity and precision, essential in legal documents, to prevent misunderstandings or disputes. Imaginary Case: The Greenfield Commercial Property Sale In this hypothetical scenario, a real estate company, Skyline Enterprises, is selling a commercial property, known as the Greenfield Complex, to a buyer, UrbanTech Inc. The original sales contract is comprehensive, but as negotiations progress, additional information and agreement changes become necessary. This is where both an appendix and an addendum come into play. Use of an Appendix After the initial contract is drafted, UrbanTech requests detailed information about the property's specifications, including floor plans, historical maintenance records, and environmental compliance reports. Skyline Enterprises compiles this extensive data and attaches it as an appendix to the original sales contract. The appendix provides UrbanTech with in-depth details about the property, aiding their decision-making process. - Architectural blueprints and floor plans of the Greenfield Complex. - A summary of the property's maintenance history over the past ten years. - Environmental compliance certificates and energy efficiency reports. The appendix does not alter the terms of the original sales contract but provides UrbanTech with essential background information and detailed insights into the property's condition and compliance status. Use of an Addendum As the sale progresses, UrbanTech negotiates a revised closing date and requests additional terms regarding a warranty for the property’s recently updated HVAC system. Skyline Enterprises drafts an addendum to the original contract to incorporate these changes. The addendum includes: - A revised closing date, extending the original timeline by 30 days. - A one-year warranty on the HVAC system, covering parts and labor. This addendum is signed by both parties, making these changes legally binding and part of the original sales agreement. How the Case Ended In this imaginary case, both the appendix and the addendum play crucial roles. The appendix provides UrbanTech with necessary detailed information about the Greenfield Complex, aiding their purchase decision without altering the contractual terms. On the other hand, the addendum legally modifies specific terms of the original contract, reflecting the new agreement between Skyline Enterprises and UrbanTech. Together, they ensure a transparent, informed, and mutually agreed-upon sale of the property. How to Efficiently Navigate Both Documents PDF Reader Pro offers a suite of features to help you efficiently navigate through these documents. Navigate, edit, and convert PDFs like a Pro with PDF Reader Pro Easily customize PDFs: Edit text, images, pages, and annotations with ease. Advanced PDF conversion: Supports multi-format document processing with OCR. Seamless workflow on Mac, Windows, iOS, and Android. Advanced Search Functionality: With PDF Reader Pro, you can quickly search for specific terms across the original document and its supplementary materials. Whether you're looking for specific additional terms in an addendum or details in an appendix, the search function is invaluable. Annotation and Highlighting Tools: When reviewing contract amendments or additional provisions, annotating and highlighting key sections in the document can significantly enhance your understanding and efficiency. Legal Document Review Made Easy: The intuitive interface of PDF Reader Pro makes navigating through complex legal documents simple, ensuring that you don't miss any critical information, whether in the main contract or in supplementary material. Secure Sharing and Storage: Share and store your documents securely, protecting sensitive information in legal contracts and original agreements. Addendum vs Appendix: Best Practices When dealing with insurance contracts, it's crucial to understand and appropriately use addendums and appendices. Both serve distinct purposes and must be handled correctly to ensure legal accuracy and clarity. Here are some best practices for using addendums and appendices in insurance contracts: Best Practices for Addendums in Insurance Contracts Clear Modification of Terms: When a change or addition to the original insurance contract is needed, use an addendum. This could include changes in coverage, policy terms, or premium amounts. Signature Requirement: Ensure that all involved parties sign the addendum. This is crucial as it legally binds the parties to the new terms. Electronic signatures are often used for convenience. Reference Original Contract: Clearly reference the original contract in the addendum. This includes mentioning the date of the original contract and any specific sections that the addendum is modifying. Avoid Ambiguity: The language in the addendum should be clear and unambiguous. It should precisely state the modifications or additions to the original terms, leaving no room for misinterpretation. Legal Compliance: Make sure the addendum complies with existing legal provisions and insurance regulations. Consulting with legal professionals is advisable to ensure compliance. Best Practices for Appendices in Insurance Contracts Supplementary Information: Use appendices to provide additional, supporting information that doesn't change the contract's terms. This can include detailed tables, definitions, specific case scenarios, or explanatory graphs. Organized Structure: Appendices should be well-organized and easy to navigate. Label each appendix clearly and reference them in the main body of the contract where relevant. Update as Necessary: If new supplementary information becomes available or relevant, update the appendices accordingly. However, ensure that these updates are solely for clarification and do not alter the contract terms. Accessibility: Ensure that the appendices are easily accessible to all parties involved. In digital contracts, this might include hyperlinks to the appendices for easy reference. Clarity and Relevance: The information in the appendix should be clear, concise, and directly relevant to the contract's subject matter. Avoid including superfluous or unrelated details. In insurance contracts, an addendum is a tool for legally changing or adding to the contract terms, while an appendix serves as a supplementary document providing additional, clarifying details. Utilizing each correctly ensures that all contractual obligations, terms, and conditions are clear, comprehensive, and legally binding. This careful distinction and proper usage not only enhances the understanding of the contract for all parties involved but also safeguards against potential legal complications. Addendum vs Appendix: FAQ Can an Addendum or Appendix Use Exclusive Templates? Absolutely. Both addendums and appendices can utilize exclusive templates tailored to their specific purposes. For addendums, these templates often focus on legal language and clauses for contract modification. In contrast, appendix templates might be designed to organize supplementary information, like data tables or technical explanations. Using specialized templates ensures consistency, clarity, and adherence to required formats. Are There Templates Available for Different Types of Finance Contracts? Yes, there are hundreds of finance templates available for both addendums and appendices. These templates cater to various types of finance contracts, addressing the unique needs of each. For addendums, templates might include modifications for loan terms or investment conditions, while appendix templates could provide formats for financial data presentation, such as profit-loss statements or cash flow analysis. How is the Table of Contents Affected by an Addendum or Appendix? The addition of an addendum or appendix should be reflected in the table of contents of the main document. For an addendum, it's often listed as a separate section following the main contract, indicating its role in modifying or adding to the original terms. An appendix is typically listed at the end of the document, with each appendix section clearly numbered or titled for easy navigation. Does the Technical Level of an Appendix Differ from that of the Main Document? The technical level of an appendix can vary depending on its purpose. In some cases, an appendix might delve into more technical details or a higher level of complexity than the main document. This is especially true for contracts or reports that require in-depth technical data or analysis as supporting evidence. The key is to ensure that the technicality of the appendix aligns with the informational needs of the document's intended audience. Should the Level of Complexity in an Addendum Match that of the Original Document? Ideally, the level of complexity in an addendum should match that of the original document. This ensures consistency in understanding and interpretation of the contract terms. An addendum, being a legal part of the original contract, should be as clear and comprehensible as the main document, avoiding any increase in complexity that could lead to confusion or misinterpretation.
E-Bike Range Explained Figuring out Electric Bike Range The range of an electric bike is equal to how far you can ride on a single charge. The problem with these claims is no one will know the conditions you are riding under. It is nearly impossible for electric bike claims to be accurate. Below are some factors to consider. - Weight of the rider - The level of assistance one chooses - Type of terrain - Are you carrying backpacks, groceries ext - How fast are you going (1/3 faster = 1/2 the range) - How hard are you pedaling - How many stop signs or pedestrians are you stopping for - Is it windy - Temperature (hot days will yield about 15% more range than cold weather) - Tire pressure makes a difference - What kind of battery - How old is your battery - Size of motor (bigger isn't always better) - If your a hammerhead your range will decrease Other things to consider It goes without saying that most people just want max power, max power will get you off the line and up the hills quicker but doesn't always equate to more range. The most important thing to look at for range is the battery capacity. Another way to look at a battery is picture it like the gas tank in your car, more gas, more range depending on how you drive. The battery is typically measured in Watt hrs ( Wh = Amp hrs x Volts ) As an example: if you have a 46v 10ah battery that is = to 460 Wh Watt hrs are important because they determine the range of your bike. Here are some examples: Rider A has a 24 volt 20 ah battery, that = 480 watt hrs Rider B has a 48 volt 10 ah battery, that = 480 watt hrs Rider C has a 24 volt 6ah battery, that = 144 watt hrs Bike A and B have similar energy but that doesn't necessarily make them equal. Bike B will have an advantage off the starting line and up the hills but that will come at the expense of energy. On the other end bike C will not take you as far. So, if you want a bike that romps and are not concerned with mega distance go big or find a happy medium and go the distance.
What’s the real reason for your heartburn or reflux? Contrary to what it may feel like, acid reflux symptoms are not usually caused by too much acid in the stomach, and antacids may not be the best remedy. This blog outlines the truth about antacids, and why you may want to consider a natural solution. Here’s the thing: It seems that symptoms such as heartburn and reflux actually come about because of low stomach acid, AKA hypochlorrhidria. And what’s worse is that every time you take antacids, PPIs or H2 blockers you may actually be making the problem worse. The truth about antacids is they may cause a viscous cycle situation. Now that’s not to say that medications such as antacids don’t have a place, they are useful for effectively treating the occasional bout of heartburn or reflux. What I’m talking about here is chronic, ongoing, frequent use of these medications. Prolonged hypochlorhydria – or low stomach acid – is associated with - nutrient deficiencies, - chronic fatigue and a whole host of other disorders. Before we go any further into this, be aware that antacids themselves tend to be associated with an array of side effects, including – Nausea and vomiting Proton Pump Inhibitors Proton Pump Inhibitors (PPIs) actually stop the production of stomach acid and pepsin. Pepsin is the enzyme responsible for breaking down protein into easily digestible particles. Needless to say, if your protein isn’t broken down effectively it can go on to cause a lot of problems further along your digestive tract – mainly a lot of bloating. The bloating may cause extra pressure in your abdomen, including your stomach, and cause your lower oesophageal sphincter to open somewhat, allowing hydrochloric acid to seep into the oesophagus. So what does cause these uncomfortable symptoms? Reflux comes about because of acid rising up through the oesophagus. This happens because the valve at the lower end of your oesophagus starts to leak, generally because of too much pressure on the stomach (as I just mentioned) allowing acid to creep up into the oesophagus. If your stomach acid isn’t in your stomach, but sloshing around up in your oesophagus, you may get uncomfortable problems. There are a few reasons this may happen – Hiatal hernia – this is when the upper end of your stomach pushes through the diaphragm. Eating meals which are too large – an over-full stomach adds pressure to the diaphragm allowing acid to seep upwards. Eating too much of the ‘wrong’ food – this isn’t to say that everyone has the same ‘wrong’ foods, it’s just that some foods are more suited to some people than others. Or, what your body needed when you were younger, for example, may not be what it needs now. It could be that you may be consuming too much carbohydrate for your current needs, for example. You may also have dysbiosis or SIBO which could be increasing the levels of gas in your digestive system. Food intolerances – These could be behind your symptoms. Stomach acid is also a major first line of defence for your immune system If you raise the pH of your stomach environment so it becomes more alkaline, it’s not particularly hostile to any unwelcome guests. We want it to be nice and acidic to protect us from invaders. Therefore the risk of stomach bugs such as salmonella or listeria may increase. A very acidic environment is not only necessary to effectively digest food, but also to kill off any invaders. So what is the truth about antacids and PPIs? Unfortunately you may be inadvertently adding to the problem. Your stomach may go all out trying to make more hydrochloric acid to increase the acidity of your stomach, and return it to it’s set point, you can really end up with a no-win situation. So what can you do about it? You’ll need to do a bit of detective work to ascertain where these symptoms are coming from: Dietary changes may help you here. Reducing refined grains – white bread, white pasta etc. and also keeping your sugar intake to a minimum. Increasing your fibre intake. Lots of fruits and vegetables to keep your friendly bacteria well fed and in healthy numbers. Eating probiotic-rich foods may help you – but be aware these can sometimes aggravate symptoms, especially if you have an underlying issue such as SIBO. This is where testing can be valuable. There are also supplements that can help you, but of course it depends on what is actually the underlying cause of your reflux or heartburn. High quality magnesium and digestive enzymes are a couple that may be recommended. If you would like to speak to me about any aspect of your gut health, then please use this link to book into my diary for a FREE 30 minute chat so I can find out more about what is going on for you. Alternatively please use the ‘Learn More’ link below. Free Mini Programme Would You Like to Learn How to Fix Your Digestive Symptoms, Beat the Bloat and Feel Amazing? 1:1 Coaching Plans Get Ready to Permanently Beat the Bloat, Soothe Your Digestion and Feel Amazing Ultimate Gut Health Programme Delicious, Filling & Inspiring ways to Become Symptom-Free, Soothe Your Gut and Enjoy Your Food Again!
While many of us take the web for granted, a subset of Internet users exist who are unable to get the same level of content as we have come to expect. Whether through accessibility needs, the lack of enablement to certain technologies or for some other reason, the need to create consistent, usable and accessible alternatives for those who require it is of an increasing level of importance. This article examines the various methods available for alternative content, and why they matter. Image credit: alexandros gavrilakis Why Alternatives Matter It’s important to understand that alternative information serves a very noble purpose. One of the first things we learn as web professionals is the concept of degrading gracefully through progressive enhancement. While on the surface this may seem like a bunch of buzzwords, it essentially means that anything you produce should have an alternative for if some technology or ability to use part of the site becomes non-functional. This is a lesson many sites unfortunately still need to learn. Figure 1: Flash has been a controversial subject ever since Apple’s refusal to support it. Justification for taking care is drawn from the accessibility and usability research that exists. As a matter of consideration for end-users, the more we attempt to reach their needs the better off our sites will be when it comes to visitors deciding whether to either visit again or purchase our services. No two browsers are created equally the same goes for browsing devices, and forming unhealthy relationships on technologies not everyone will have available (like Flash) can hurt the visitor. Figure 2: The BBC website has a special piece of text which deals with CSS unavailability! Of course, alternative content extends well beyond the concept of providing some sort of backdrop mechanism for disabled standards. HTML itself provides a range of elements and attributes to give extended meaning or context to devices like screen readers which give a fairer situation for blind visitors who can’t make use of images in the same way that the rest of us can or individuals who suffer other disabilities that require some basic considerations to be made (as WCAG highlights). Figure 3: Alt attributes are very useful for screen readers in explaining an images purpose. Immediately what comes to mind when you think of HTML that gives alternative content? The most obvious HTML consideration would be the ALT attribute or perhaps LONGDESC. While these two do have their purpose it’s also worth considering how you can use the various other attributes that can aid your visitors such as TITLE (which can be used on most elements), SUMMARY (for tables), CITE (especially useful on INS and DEL elements for justifying removal or inclusion) and ABBR (for tables). While we have covered code which affects the readability of on-screen content, it’s worth giving a nod to those components which have the biggest impact on accessibility and require alternative content more than ever. While proprietary plug-ins like Flash seem like a great thing as they provide much needed extensions to various existing technologies, there is a genuine chance that visitors (or web browsers) may not have them installed or available which will effectively cripple your content. Figure 4: For users without access to Flash, entire segments of a site may be rendered useless. While I certainly don’t want to cast a negative shadow on the use of Flash, depending upon it (or Silverlight or Java or ActiveX) alone will cause more restricted viewers (and search engines) to have a limited experience. Having an entirely Flash based site may seem cool, but if no HTML alternative is provided you can be sure that somewhere down the line, it may affect your visitors. As such, ensure that you offer a text or HTML based alternative to such non-standardised (but useful) components. Something that goes hand in hand with non-standardised components is the use of visual mediums which have no text generically built into them. While audio provides a necessary alternative to video for blind visitors, it’s not much good for the deaf who will have a limited ability to hear sound. As such, to reinforce earlier points it’s important that we cater to such audiences. The issue extends far beyond visual media too. Technologies like SVG, VML or Canvas will also require text alternatives! Figure 5: Transcripts are provided in podcasts as deaf viewers may find the information useful. Providing such alternatives may initially puzzle readers but you just need to watch your television to see how issues are handled. Many TV stations have assistive aids like captions (both conversational and descriptive) to give live text renditions of the audio or signing to assist deaf viewers. In addition, you could consider audio only downloads to reduce bandwidth usage for the blind and transcripts for audio and video for screen readers and those without Flash – these assistive aids really do help. The above should give your users the additional content they require, without being too intrusive on the page. However there is something to be said for content cultivation and the extension of what you provide in the form of citations and URL’s to explanatory resources, summaries which give the reader priority points to consider, footnotes which explain terminology or the justification behind a statement and tooltips which upon hovering over key pieces of information give extra details. Figure 7: Tooltips are a great way to extend the meaning of key words or terms. While I’m not going to lecture you about best implementations, it’s worth looking at the added value you can bring to your content to enrich the user-experience. Regarding on-page additional content, you could have blocks of content such as assistance with filling in a form hidden away until they are requested. With this in mind it’s worth considering the impact your data may have and when supplementary content may be useful, after all, the possibilities for on-demand content are endless! While the future of web standards is unknown, and many elements of the web currently hang in the balance, it’s important to realise that with users needs being so diverse we need to account for an ever increasing array of possibilities, situations and issues. Therefore as we code our sites and add all of those wonderful flourishes onto the page, we must do so with caution and a realisation that we must gracefully accept that our users needs come first, and functionality should take a back seat. As you examine your own website’s code, think of the potential ways you can enrich the experience with alternative content. Sometimes those small changes can make all the difference to the end-user and occasionally the lack of consideration to their needs can force them to look elsewhere. We are currently living in an age in which ubiquity and diversity is of the utmost importance, and therefore the beautiful alternative content we provide acts as a shining example of quality craftsmanship. Have you considered supplementing your content with “bonus” material? What measures do you take to ensure your website is accessible? What do you think the future of web standards will be, and how will alternative content factor into the landscape? Let us know your thoughts!
As our days become more and more demanding, negative thinking habits are easily developed. A tiny negative thought can and will transform into a monster of darkness detouring you from a bright future. The good news is that a positive thought can and will transform into a vast garden of positive thoughts! With a little practice, one can combat negative thoughts and positivity can thrive. Your journey towards positive thinking begins with noticing the use of trigger words. A trigger word sets a pathway for negative thinking and despair. Once used, these words create absolutes for negative outcomes, and therefore allows limited hope for a positive outcome. So let begin on a brighter and more positive thought process. Step 1. Identifying a Trigger Word Look for the use of a negative word in sentence/ thinking. Examples of negative trigger words are as follows (but not limited to) Step 2. Reframing the Thoughts When a trigger word slips out- engage your sword of thought stopping! Conquer the words through smashing them and replacing them with a positive thought: Examples of smashing negative thoughts are: - Always becomes I Have The Power to - Never becomes I Will - Can’t becomes I Can - Won’t becomes I Will Catching and replacing negative thoughts takes practice. With perseverance, you will quickly begin to notice a more positive and bright future! May all your days be filled with positivity!
The eligibility of football players has always been a topic of heated debate. Questions surrounding citizenship, nationality, and immigration status often take center stage. However, the introduction of the “Green Card” has brought about a new approach to fair play in the world of football. Traditionally, players were required to meet certain criteria related to their citizenship and nationality in order to represent a particular country. The process of obtaining these necessary documents and proving eligibility could be time-consuming and complex, resulting in some players being unable to fully participate in international competitions. The Green Card, on the other hand, aims to streamline this process and provide a fair opportunity for talented players from diverse backgrounds. This special document, similar to its counterpart in immigration, grants players the right to represent a country of their choosing, regardless of their citizenship or nationality. With the Green Card in place, football associations can now select players based on their skills and abilities rather than their legal status. This innovative approach promotes inclusivity and diversity in the sport, allowing athletes from all walks of life to showcase their talent on a global stage. It also encourages a more meritocratic system, where deserving players have the chance to shine regardless of bureaucratic barriers. The Concept of Green Card in Football In the world of football, where players of different nationalities come together to compete, the concept of a green card has emerged as a way to promote fair play and equal opportunities. Unlike the traditional yellow and red cards, which are given for fouls and unsportsmanlike behavior, the green card is a symbol of inclusivity and immigration support. Football, being a global sport, attracts players from all over the world. However, players often face challenges in obtaining the necessary visas and dealing with immigration processes. The green card in football aims to address these issues by providing players with an easier path to work permits and citizenship in the countries where they play. By implementing the green card system, football associations and governing bodies can encourage diversity and create a more level playing field for players of all backgrounds. This not only enhances the quality of competition but also promotes social integration and cultural exchange. The green card system can also have a positive impact on the development of local talent. By allowing foreign players to settle and contribute to their adopted countries, it can create a mutually beneficial environment where players with different skill sets can learn from each other and improve the overall standards of football. Implementing the green card system in football requires careful consideration and collaboration between football associations, immigration authorities, and relevant stakeholders. The criteria for obtaining a green card should take into account a player’s contributions to their team, both on and off the pitch, as well as their commitment to integrating into the local community. In conclusion, the concept of a green card in football offers an innovative approach to promoting fair play and supporting players in their immigration journeys. By facilitating the acquisition of work permits and citizenship, it allows players to focus on their game and contribute to the growth of football in a more inclusive and diverse manner. Why Introduce Green Card in Football? The introduction of a Green Card in football would bring numerous benefits to the sport. Currently, players’ eligibility and participation in different teams and leagues is often hindered by visa, nationality, and citizenship issues. The Green Card system would address these challenges and provide a fair and equal opportunity for all players. In the current immigration landscape, football clubs often face difficulties in signing players from different countries due to visa regulations and work permit requirements. This sometimes results in talented players being overlooked simply because of their nationality. Implementing the Green Card system would ensure that players are judged solely on their skills and abilities, rather than their immigration status. The Green Card system would also promote diversity and inclusion in football. By removing barriers related to nationality and citizenship, players from all backgrounds and countries would have equal opportunities to showcase their talent. This would enrich the sport with a wider range of playing styles and techniques, ultimately benefiting the overall quality of football. Moreover, the introduction of the Green Card system would foster fair play in football. Currently, players often receive yellow or red cards for various unsporting behaviors. However, these penalties do not adequately address issues like diving, time-wasting, or simulation, which can significantly affect the outcome of a game. By introducing a Green Card, referees would have a new tool to penalize such behavior, ensuring a more fair and enjoyable football experience for both players and fans. Overall, the introduction of a Green Card system in football would revolutionize the sport by promoting equal opportunities, diversity, and fair play. It would enable talented players from all backgrounds to compete and showcase their skills without facing unnecessary obstacles related to their visa or citizenship status. This would make football a truly global and inclusive sport, benefiting both players and fans alike. Past Experiences with Card Systems Card systems have long been used in the world of football to regulate player behavior on the field. These systems, which include yellow and red cards, have primarily focused on penalizing players for fouls and unsportsmanlike conduct. However, the issue of citizenship and eligibility has also been intertwined with these card systems. In the past, players’ nationalities and immigration status have played a role in determining their eligibility to participate in certain competitions. Some football federations have implemented strict rules regarding player eligibility, requiring them to hold certain citizenship or residency status in order to represent a national team. In these cases, the card system has been used as a tool to ensure compliance with these regulations. For example, players who did not meet the eligibility requirements would receive a red card, indicating their ineligibility to play for the national team. This system aimed to prevent teams from fielding players who did not have the appropriate visa or nationality, ensuring a level playing field for all participating teams. While these card systems were put in place with good intentions, they have also faced criticism for being too strict and potentially excluding talented players from participating in international competitions. Critics argue that the focus should be on a player’s skills and abilities rather than their immigration status or citizenship. The debate around the use of card systems in relation to player eligibility highlights the need for a new approach that takes into account the changing landscape of football and immigration. The introduction of a green card system, for example, could provide a fairer and more inclusive solution that allows talented players of all nationalities to participate in international competitions. By shifting the focus away from citizenship and immigration status, a green card system could prioritize a player’s skills and contributions to the game. This could lead to more diversity and multiculturalism in the world of football, enriching the sport and fostering a sense of unity among players of different backgrounds. Overall, past experiences with card systems in relation to player eligibility have highlighted the need for a new approach that prioritizes fairness and inclusivity. The introduction of a green card system could be a step in the right direction, ensuring that talented players are not excluded based on their citizenship or immigration status, but rather recognized for their abilities on the field. Implementing the Green Card System The implementation of the Green Card system in football represents a significant departure from traditional methods of determining player eligibility based on nationality, immigration status, and citizenship. This innovative approach aims to promote fairness and diversify teams by providing opportunities for foreign players to contribute to the development of football in different countries. Under the Green Card system, players who meet certain criteria are granted a green card, which acts as a temporary visa granting them eligibility to play for a national team. These criteria include the player’s skill level, experience, and potential contribution to the development of the sport in the country in question. Benefits of the Green Card System The Green Card system brings several benefits to the football world. First and foremost, it encourages diversity and inclusion by allowing talented players from different backgrounds to represent a country other than their country of origin. This helps create a more international and multicultural environment, enriching the sport and promoting global cooperation. Furthermore, the Green Card system opens up opportunities for players who may have faced barriers in traditional eligibility requirements based on nationality or immigration status. It recognizes their talent and potential, allowing them to showcase their skills and contribute to the growth of football in their adopted country. Implementing the Green Card system is not without its challenges. A fair and transparent process must be put in place to assess player eligibility and ensure that only those who truly meet the criteria are granted the green card. This may involve the establishment of an independent panel composed of experts in the field of football and immigration to make objective decisions. Another challenge is the potential backlash from fans and critics who may argue that the Green Card system undermines national identity and dilutes the sense of patriotism associated with representing a national team. However, it is important to remember that football is a global sport that thrives on diversity, and the Green Card system can enhance this diversity without diminishing national pride. To address these challenges, it is crucial to communicate the rationale behind the Green Card system and emphasize the positive impact it can have on both the development of football and the integration of players from different backgrounds. |Promotes diversity and inclusion |Potential backlash from fans and critics |Recognizes talent and potential |Requires a fair and transparent assessment process |Creates a multicultural environment How Does the Green Card Work? In the context of football, the green card is a proposed system aimed at promoting fair play and encouraging sportsmanship on the field. It involves the use of a green card to reward players who exhibit exemplary behavior during matches. The green card is not related to the player’s nationality, citizenship, or visa status. It is purely a symbolic gesture to acknowledge and highlight the positive actions of players on the pitch. Unlike the yellow and red cards, which are used to caution or punish players for rule violations, the green card serves as a reminder of fair play and good sportsmanship. It can be awarded to any player, regardless of their nationality or eligibility to play for a particular team. When a player receives a green card, it signifies that they have demonstrated qualities such as respect for opponents, fair play, and adherence to the rules of the game. This recognition can help foster a positive atmosphere on the field and encourage players to maintain a high standard of conduct. However, it is important to note that the green card does not have any direct impact on the outcome of the match. It is simply a symbolic gesture meant to promote the values of fair play and sportsmanship in football. In conclusion, the green card in football serves as a way to recognize and reward players for their exemplary behavior on the field. It is a positive initiative that aims to encourage fair play and promote a respectful atmosphere in the sport, regardless of the players’ nationality or eligibility. Benefits of Using the Green Card The introduction of the Green Card in football brings several benefits to the game, players, and the immigration system. Here are some of the key advantages: - Visa Eligibility: The Green Card streamlines the visa process for players, allowing them to easily obtain the necessary documents to play in foreign leagues without the usual bureaucratic hurdles. - Diversity in Football: The Green Card promotes diversity in football by encouraging the participation of talented players from different nationalities. This enhances the development of the sport and creates a more inclusive and multicultural football culture. - Fairness and Equality: The Green Card ensures fairness and equality in football by providing equal opportunities for players of all nationalities. It eliminates biases and prejudices based on nationality, allowing players to be judged solely on their skills and abilities. - Talent Development: By facilitating the movement of players across borders, the Green Card helps in the development and nurturing of talent. Players from countries with limited resources or football infrastructure can now have access to better training facilities and competitions, leading to improved skills and performance. - Economic Impact: The Green Card has a positive economic impact by attracting international talent to domestic leagues. This increases the competitiveness and marketability of football leagues, resulting in increased revenue and investment opportunities. - Global Footprint: With the Green Card, football becomes a truly global sport, breaking down barriers and bringing people from different cultures and backgrounds together. This helps in building relationships and fostering understanding among nations. In conclusion, the Green Card in football is a step forward in promoting fair play and inclusivity in the sport. Its benefits extend beyond the football field, impacting immigration policies, talent development, and the global perception of the game. Impact on Fair Play in Football The introduction of the Green Card in football has had a significant impact on fair play in the sport. With the aim of promoting diversity and inclusivity, the Green Card provides a new approach to ensuring fair play among players. Traditionally, the eligibility of players in football has been determined by factors such as citizenship and nationality. However, these criteria often create barriers for talented players from different countries who may not meet the requirements. The Green Card tackles this issue by allowing players with the necessary skills and abilities to participate in the game, regardless of their immigration status. By providing an opportunity for talented players to showcase their skills on the field, the Green Card has contributed to the overall improvement of the game. It has allowed teams to recruit players from diverse backgrounds, adding a new level of dynamism and creativity to the sport. This increased diversity not only enhances the quality of football but also reflects the multicultural nature of the modern world. Furthermore, the Green Card promotes fairness among players by eliminating the inherent biases associated with traditional eligibility criteria. Players are judged solely on their skills and performance, rather than their origin or legal status. This creates a level playing field and encourages healthy competition among teams. In addition to promoting fair play within the sport, the Green Card has broader social implications. It sends a powerful message of inclusivity and acceptance, highlighting the importance of embracing diversity in football and society as a whole. By breaking down barriers and encouraging the participation of players from different backgrounds, the Green Card sets a positive example for other sports and industries to follow. In conclusion, the introduction of the Green Card has had a profound impact on fair play in football. It has removed obstacles for talented players and promoted diversity within the sport. By providing equal opportunities and emphasizing skills over nationality or citizenship, the Green Card has created a more inclusive and competitive environment on the football field. Opinions of Players and Coaches There are mixed opinions among players and coaches regarding the implementation of the Green Card system in football. Some believe that it is a positive step towards promoting fair play and creating equal opportunities for players of different nationalities. One player stated, “The Green Card system provides a fair chance for talented players from all over the world to showcase their skills and contribute to the growth of football. It eliminates the bias that comes with citizenship and immigration issues, allowing players to be judged solely on their skills and abilities.” On the other hand, some players and coaches have raised concerns about the potential impact of the Green Card system on the development of local talent. They argue that the influx of foreign players may limit opportunities for local players to gain experience and exposure in professional football. A coach expressed his concerns, saying, “While I understand the intention behind the Green Card system, we should also prioritize the development of local talent. It’s important for young players to have role models and opportunities to grow in their own countries. We shouldn’t completely rely on foreign players to strengthen our teams.” Overall, the opinions of players and coaches on the Green Card system vary. Some see it as a step towards fair play and equal opportunities, while others have reservations about its potential impact on local talent development. It is clear that finding the right balance between attracting foreign talent and nurturing local players is crucial in ensuring the success and growth of football. Green Card and Referee Decisions In football, the concept of fair play is crucial for maintaining the integrity of the game. Referees play a vital role in enforcing the rules and ensuring that the game is played fairly. With the introduction of the green card, referees now have a new tool to make important decisions related to player eligibility and fair play. Traditionally, referee decisions have been based on the rules and regulations set forth by football governing bodies. The green card adds an interesting twist, allowing referees to consider a player’s citizenship or nationality when making decisions on the field. The green card provides referees with a way to reward players who display exceptional sportsmanship and fair play. It serves as recognition for players who go above and beyond in promoting fair play and upholding the values of the game. This card is not related to immigration or eligibility to play; rather, it’s a symbolic gesture to highlight exemplary behavior. In a sport where players from different countries come together to compete, the green card helps foster a sense of unity and respect among players of diverse backgrounds. It acknowledges that fair play transcends borders and serves as a reminder that good sportsmanship should always be valued. Referees now have the power to issue a green card to players who demonstrate exceptional fair play, regardless of their citizenship or nationality. This decision is solely based on the referee’s judgment and can greatly impact the perception of the game. By recognizing players who exhibit fair play, referees can inspire others to do the same and create a positive environment on and off the field. The introduction of the green card not only highlights the importance of fair play within the game of football but also contributes to the broader conversation surrounding immigration, diversity, and inclusion. It sends a powerful message that the sport welcomes players from all backgrounds and celebrates their contributions to the game. Overall, the green card has added a new dimension to referee decisions in football. It emphasizes the values of fair play and encourages players to strive for exemplary behavior on and off the field. By recognizing and rewarding those who embody these principles, the green card serves as a powerful symbol of unity and sportsmanship in the world’s most popular sport. Public Perception of the Green Card The concept of a “Green Card” in football has sparked discussions and debates among fans, players, and experts. This new approach to fair play, aimed at promoting citizenship and immigration in football, has gained attention globally. One of the main topics of discussion is the eligibility criteria for obtaining a green card in football. While some argue that only players who possess a certain level of skill and experience should be eligible, others believe that nationality should also be taken into consideration. The green card system provides an opportunity for players of different nationalities to contribute to the growth and development of football worldwide. The public perception of the green card varies across different countries and regions. In some nations, the green card is seen as a positive step towards inclusivity and diversity in football. It is seen as a means of providing equal opportunities for players from countries with limited football infrastructure or resources. On the other hand, there are those who express concerns about the impact of the green card system on local talent development. Some fear that it may lead to a decrease in opportunities for players of the host country or region. These concerns stem from the belief that foreign players might dominate the game, leaving local talents with limited chances to showcase their skills and represent their nation or club. Despite the mixed opinions, the green card system in football holds the potential to bridge gaps between nations and promote cultural exchange. It serves as a visa of sorts, allowing players to contribute to football development while representing a different nationality. It is important to recognize that the green card system in football is still in its early stages. As more nations adopt this approach, it will be interesting to see how perceptions evolve and whether it becomes a widely accepted method of promoting fair play and inclusivity in the sport. |– Provides equal opportunities for players from different nationalities |– Promotes diversity and inclusivity in football |– Bridges gaps between nations and promotes cultural exchange |– Potential impact on local talent development |– Foreign players dominating the game |– Limited opportunities for local talents to represent their nation or club Green Card and Player Conduct When it comes to players’ conduct on and off the field, the issue of citizenship, visa, and immigration status often arises. The green card, which signifies an individual’s eligibility for permanent residency in a foreign country, can play a significant role in determining a player’s nationality and the rights they have in their adopted country. Player conduct is an important aspect of fair play in football. It is expected that players conduct themselves in a manner that reflects positively on the sport and their team. However, sometimes players may find themselves in situations where their behavior is called into question, and their eligibility to continue playing may come into play. When a player holds a green card, it grants them certain rights and privileges in their adopted country. These rights can include the right to work and reside permanently, as well as access to education and healthcare. However, it is important to note that holding a green card does not automatically grant a player citizenship in their adopted country. While the green card provides some level of security and stability for players, it is crucial for them to understand that their behavior on and off the field can impact their immigration status. Engaging in illegal activities, such as drug use or criminal behavior, can jeopardize a player’s green card status and ultimately their ability to continue playing football in their adopted country. Therefore, it is essential for players to uphold high standards of conduct and abide by the laws and regulations of their adopted country. This not only ensures fair play on the field but also reinforces the values of integrity and sportsmanship that football represents. In conclusion, the green card plays a significant role in a player’s eligibility and rights in their adopted country. Player conduct, both on and off the field, is crucial in maintaining fair play and upholding the values of football. It is imperative for players to understand the importance of their behavior and its potential implications on their immigration status. Case Studies with the Green Card As football continues to grow globally, so does the need for fair play and equal opportunities for players of all nationalities. The introduction of the Green Card system aims to address these concerns and provide a fair and transparent process for player eligibility. Visa and Nationality One of the main factors in determining a player’s eligibility is their visa status and nationality. The Green Card system takes into account a player’s legal status in a country and ensures that they have the necessary documentation to participate in football competitions. For example, a player who holds a valid work visa in a particular country would be eligible to play in that country’s football league. The Green Card system simplifies the process of verifying a player’s visa status and ensures that teams are fielding players who meet the necessary legal requirements. Fairness and Equality The Green Card system promotes fairness and equality by providing opportunities for players of all nationalities. With this system in place, teams are encouraged to diversify their squads and provide greater opportunities for players from different backgrounds. For instance, a team that fields a certain number of players with a Green Card in each match demonstrates their commitment to inclusivity and fair play. This creates a level playing field for players of all nationalities and promotes a more diverse and inclusive football culture. - Case Study 1: Club XYZ - Case Study 2: National Team ABC - Case Study 3: League DEF Club XYZ, a leading football club in a specific country, implemented the Green Card system to promote fair play and equal opportunities for players. As a result, they were able to attract talent from various nationalities and create a more diverse squad. National Team ABC used the Green Card system to ensure that only players with the necessary documentation are selected for international matches. This helped them avoid any controversies regarding player eligibility and ensured fair competition. League DEF, a professional football league, introduced the Green Card system to encourage teams to field a diverse range of players. This led to a more inclusive league and increased opportunities for players of all nationalities to showcase their skills. These case studies highlight the positive impact that the Green Card system has had on football. By prioritizing fairness, equality, and transparency, the system effectively addresses issues related to player eligibility, visa status, and citizenship, contributing to a more inclusive and diverse football community. Green Card and Deterrence In the world of football, where the quality of players is contingent upon their nationality and eligibility, the introduction of the green card system has been a game-changer. This innovative approach aims to promote fair play and deter unsportsmanlike behavior, ensuring that players with good conduct are rewarded. The green card system serves as a deterrent against actions such as simulation, diving, time-wasting, and other acts that compromise the integrity of the game. By awarding a green card, which signifies fair play, players are encouraged to uphold the spirit of the sport and think twice before engaging in unsportsmanlike conduct. Not only does the green card system contribute to fair play on the field, but it also has implications beyond football. In the context of immigration and citizenship, the green card system raises awareness about the importance of good conduct and sportsmanship. It sends a message that fair play is not only valued in the sports arena but also in society as a whole. Furthermore, the green card system serves as an incentive for players to improve their behavior and conduct. It rewards those who consistently demonstrate fair play and discourages players from engaging in actions that go against the principles of the game. This can have a positive impact on the overall sportsmanship and integrity of football as a whole. As the green card system continues to evolve and gain momentum, it is essential to recognize its potential for positive change. By promoting fair play, deterring unsportsmanlike behavior, and encouraging good conduct both on and off the field, the green card system paves the way for a new approach to fairness in football. Green Card and Disciplinary Actions In football, disciplinary actions are an important aspect of the game. When a player commits a foul or violates the rules of the game, they can receive a card as a form of punishment. The most common cards used in football are yellow and red cards. Yellow cards are used to caution players for minor offenses, while red cards are issued for more serious offenses, leading to the player being sent off the field. With the introduction of the green card in football, there is a new approach to fair play that focuses on positive behavior and sportsmanship. The green card is awarded to players who demonstrate good conduct, fair play, and respect towards opponents, teammates, and referees. It serves as a recognition and encouragement for players to uphold high standards of fair play and good sportsmanship. The introduction of the green card also has implications for immigration and players’ eligibility. In some cases, players who receive a green card may be eligible for certain immigration benefits, such as an expedited visa process or a pathway to citizenship. This can have a positive impact on the diversity of football teams, as players from different nationalities and backgrounds can contribute to the game at a higher level. However, it’s important to note that the green card should not overshadow the importance of disciplinary actions. While the green card encourages fair play and positive behavior, players who commit serious offenses should still face appropriate disciplinary actions, regardless of their nationality or immigration status. The green card should be seen as an additional recognition for players who excel not only in their performance but also in their conduct on and off the field. In conclusion, the green card in football introduces a new approach to fair play and rewards positive behavior. It has the potential to promote diversity and inclusivity in the sport, while also emphasizing the importance of disciplinary actions. The green card serves as a reminder that fair play and good sportsmanship are essential values that should be upheld by all players, regardless of their nationality or immigration status. Reactions from Football Federations As the concept of a “Green Card” in football gains attention, football federations around the world have been expressing their thoughts and opinions on the matter. The topic of citizenship, eligibility, nationality, and immigration has long been debated in football, and the introduction of the Green Card for football players adds a new dimension to these discussions. FIFA, the international governing body of football, has been closely monitoring the developments regarding the Green Card. The organization believes that the Green Card has the potential to promote fair play and encourage inclusivity in the sport. However, FIFA has also emphasized the importance of maintaining the integrity of the game and ensuring that the Green Card system is implemented in a transparent and consistent manner. UEFA, the governing body for football in Europe, has expressed support for the Green Card initiative. UEFA sees the Green Card as a way to reward players who demonstrate exemplary behavior on and off the field, regardless of their nationality or immigration status. The organization has also emphasized the need for clear guidelines and criteria for the issuance of Green Cards, in order to avoid any potential controversies or favoritism. UEFA has also acknowledged that the introduction of the Green Card may require adjustments to existing regulations and policies, and has called for an open dialogue and collaboration between all stakeholders to ensure a smooth implementation process. National Football Federations Several national football federations have shown interest in exploring the possibility of implementing the Green Card system within their respective leagues. These federations recognize the potential benefits of the Green Card in promoting fair play and creating a more inclusive environment for all players. However, there are also concerns and questions raised by some federations regarding the practicality and feasibility of the Green Card system. Issues such as the potential impact on player transfers, the complexity of determining eligibility criteria, and the need for consistent enforcement of the Green Card rules have been discussed. Despite these concerns, it is clear that the Green Card system has sparked a meaningful conversation within the football community. As football federations continue to evaluate and discuss the potential implementation of the Green Card, it remains to be seen how this new approach to fair play will shape the future of the game. Comparison of Green Card to Other Systems In the world of football, rules and regulations surrounding player eligibility have always been a topic of discussion. As the sport continues to globalize, questions about immigration, citizenship, and nationality arise more frequently. One potential solution to these issues is the introduction of a “Green Card” system for football players. Green Card versus Visa Systems The Green Card system in football can be compared to the visa systems used in many countries. Visas are typically issued to foreign players who wish to play for a club in a different country. However, the process can often be complex and time-consuming, with players having to meet specific requirements and undergo extensive paperwork. The Green Card system, on the other hand, would simplify the process by providing players with a direct pathway to eligibility based on their performance and contribution to the sport. Instead of relying solely on paperwork and documentation, the Green Card system would focus on a player’s abilities on the field, making it a fairer and more accessible method of determining eligibility. Green Card versus Citizenship Systems Another aspect to consider is the comparison between the Green Card system and citizenship systems. Citizenship is typically granted to players who have lived in a country for a certain period of time and have met specific residency requirements. While this system may be effective in ensuring long-term integration, it can often be restrictive for talented players who may not meet the residency criteria. The Green Card system, in contrast, would prioritize a player’s immediate eligibility based on their talent and contributions to football. This would allow for a more inclusive approach, where deserving players from different nationalities can represent clubs and national teams without having to go through years of residency requirements. |Performance and contribution to football |Accessible to talented players from any nationality |Paperwork and specific requirements |Can be complex and time-consuming |Gaining residency and meeting specific criteria |Restrictive for players who don’t meet residency requirements In conclusion, the Green Card system presents a new approach to fair play in football. By considering a player’s performance and contribution to the sport, regardless of their nationality, the system offers a more accessible and inclusive method of determining eligibility. In comparison to visa and citizenship systems, the Green Card system streamlines the process and ensures that talented players have a chance to showcase their skills on the field. Green Card and the Evolution of Football Rules The introduction of the green card in football has sparked a new approach to fair play and immigration in the sport. This revolutionary concept aims to address issues related to nationality and citizenship eligibility for players. The green card serves as a symbol of recognition for players who demonstrate exceptional sportsmanship and fair play on the field. Unlike red and yellow cards that are used to penalize players for misconduct, the green card emphasizes positive behavior and encourages fair play. This innovative approach to the game reflects the growing importance of inclusion and equality in football. By rewarding players who exhibit fair play, regardless of their nationality or background, the green card promotes an environment of diversity and acceptance on and off the field. The evolution of football rules to incorporate the green card highlights the global nature of the sport. Football has become a melting pot of cultures, with players from various countries and backgrounds coming together to compete at the highest level. The green card acknowledges and celebrates this diversity, fostering a sense of unity among players and fans alike. Additionally, the green card serves as a platform for promoting immigration and social integration. By recognizing players who demonstrate fair play, the green card encourages a positive image of immigration and emphasizes the value of diversity in football. In conclusion, the introduction of the green card in football represents a significant step towards fairness and inclusion in the sport. This innovative concept not only rewards players for their exceptional sportsmanship but also promotes the importance of diversity and immigration in modern football. Green Card and Sportsmanship Sports, especially football, have always transcended borders and brought people together from different backgrounds. In the world of football, players often come from diverse nations, each representing their own country. However, in recent years, discussions about player eligibility and citizenship have become more prevalent. The concept of the “green card” in football is a new approach to promote fair play and sportsmanship. Just like in immigration, the green card symbolizes acceptance and belonging. In football, it signifies a player’s commitment to fair play, both on and off the field. Through the green card system, football associations can reward players who demonstrate exceptional sportsmanship and fair play during matches. This includes acts such as helping an injured opponent, showing respect towards the referee, or simply displaying good sportsmanship throughout the game. The green card can also have an impact on a player’s immigration status. Just as a green card in immigration grants a foreign national the right to live and work permanently in a country, the green card in football can grant a player certain benefits or recognition. For example, receiving a green card can enhance a player’s eligibility for national team selection or ease the process of obtaining a visa to play in a different country. By introducing the green card, football associations aim to encourage players to not only focus on their skills but also promote sportsmanship and fair play. This new approach to fair play can reshape the culture of football, emphasizing the importance of respect, integrity, and fair competition. It is worth mentioning that the green card system is still in its early stages and its implementation may vary across different football associations. However, the idea behind it remains consistent – to create a more inclusive and sportsmanlike environment in the world of football. In conclusion, the introduction of the green card in football provides an innovative way to recognize and reward players who exemplify sportsmanship and fair play. It not only promotes a positive image of the sport but also helps foster an atmosphere of camaraderie and respect among players from different nations. Challenges in Implementing the Green Card Implementing the Green Card in football involves several challenges, especially when it comes to ensuring fair play for all players involved. One of the main challenges is determining the eligibility of players for the Green Card. While the Green Card aims to reward fair play and good sportsmanship, it needs to be ensured that players who receive the card meet the necessary criteria. This includes confirming the player’s nationality, citizenship, and visa status, which can be a complex process due to the diverse backgrounds of football players from around the world. Another challenge is the potential for abuse or exploitation of the Green Card system. The Green Card should be a genuine recognition of fair play, but there is always the risk that some players may try to manipulate the system to their advantage. Strict measures need to be in place to prevent any misuse of the Green Card and to ensure that it is only awarded to deserving players. Furthermore, the implementation of the Green Card raises questions about its impact on the game itself. Some argue that the introduction of the Green Card may disrupt the flow of the game or lead to unnecessary controversies. It is important to strike a balance between promoting fair play and not interfering with the natural flow of the football match. In addition, the logistical aspects of implementing the Green Card can be challenging. This includes training referees and officials on how and when to issue the Green Card, as well as ensuring that the necessary infrastructure is in place to record and track the issuance of Green Cards. It may require significant investment and coordination to integrate the Green Card system seamlessly into football tournaments and leagues. Overall, while the Green Card presents a new approach to fair play in football, its successful implementation comes with a range of challenges. These challenges need to be carefully addressed to ensure that the Green Card fulfills its purpose of promoting fair play and good sportsmanship in football. |A physical or digital object used to recognize fair play in football. |Individuals who participate in football matches. |An official document permitting entry into a country for a specific period. |A popular sport played globally. |The legal status of being a recognized member of a particular country. |The state of meeting the necessary criteria for a particular purpose or position. |A color associated with the Green Card in football. |The status of being a member of a particular nation or country. Green Card as a Tool for Fairness The eligibility criteria for football players sometimes raises questions about fairness due to the complex issues of immigration, nationality, citizenship, and visa restrictions. The introduction of the green card concept could be a potential solution to promote fairness in the game. The green card could serve as a tool to establish fair play by ensuring that teams have a certain number of players eligible under specific criteria. This would help to balance the playing field and prevent clubs from depending excessively on foreign talent, while also promoting diversity and inclusivity. When implemented correctly, the green card system can encourage clubs to invest in developing local talent and provide opportunities for domestic players, fostering a stronger connection between the team and its community. It could also contribute to strengthening national leagues and reducing the reliance on imported players. Under the green card system, players who meet the criteria would be granted a temporary residency status that allows them to participate in professional football within a specific country. This would provide players with the necessary legal framework to continue their careers and contribute to the local football scene. Furthermore, the green card could create a positive impact on international competitions, such as the World Cup or continental championships. The inclusion of players who have received a green card could enhance the representation of diverse nationalities and contribute to a more inclusive and global football community. While the implementation of the green card system would require careful consideration and collaboration between football governing bodies and immigration authorities, it has the potential to bring fairness to the game and address some of the challenges related to player eligibility and immigration issues. In conclusion, the green card concept could serve as a valuable tool for promoting fairness in football by establishing criteria for player eligibility based on immigration, nationality, citizenship, and visa restrictions. Its implementation could lead to a more inclusive and balanced football environment, benefiting both players and clubs. Green Card and Match Integrity When it comes to immigration and citizenship rights, the process can be complex and time-consuming. Obtaining a visa, and eventually a green card, is an important step for individuals who wish to live and work in a foreign country. In football, the same eligibility requirements apply to players who want to compete in international tournaments or play for clubs in a different country. The concept of a “Green Card” in football has been proposed as a way to address issues related to player eligibility and match integrity. This card would serve as a recognition for players who have met certain criteria and would grant them special privileges. What does this mean for football? Implementing a Green Card system in football would ensure that players are eligible to play for a specific team or national team. It would also help maintain the integrity of the game by preventing players from switching countries or exploiting loopholes in the existing eligibility rules. For example, a player who has received a Green Card would be considered a permanent resident of the country and would not be subject to the same restrictions as foreign players. This would create a fair and balanced playing field, as teams would have access to a pool of eligible players who have demonstrated their commitment to a particular country. The introduction of a Green Card in football would not only improve the fairness of the game but also enhance the overall integrity of matches. By defining clear eligibility criteria and granting special privileges to players who meet them, the sport can ensure that players are competing on an equal footing, regardless of their nationality or immigration status. Green Card in International Competitions When it comes to international football competitions, the issue of immigration and players’ eligibility becomes even more relevant. The concept of the Green Card can have a significant impact on how these competitions are organized and the nationalities of the players involved. Currently, players’ eligibility to represent a national team is determined by their nationality and their ability to obtain the necessary visas and paperwork. This often leads to complications and delays, as players from certain countries may face difficulties in obtaining visas, restricting their participation in international competitions. The introduction of a Green Card system could provide a solution to this issue. By granting players a special immigration status, they would be able to participate in international competitions without the need for complex visa processes. This would level the playing field and ensure that the best players from around the world have the opportunity to showcase their skills on the international stage. In addition to addressing the immigration challenges, the Green Card system would also promote fair play. Currently, teams may be tempted to exploit the eligibility rules by naturalizing players solely for the purpose of strengthening their squad. With the introduction of a Green Card, players would need to meet certain criteria, such as having a long-term commitment to the country they represent, ensuring that national teams are truly composed of players who have a genuine connection to the nation. Furthermore, the Green Card system would enhance the diversity and inclusivity of international competitions. It would encourage the representation of players from a wider range of countries, allowing for a more global and diverse playing field. This would not only celebrate the multicultural nature of football but also provide opportunities for players from underrepresented regions to gain exposure and develop their skills at the highest level. In conclusion, the implementation of a Green Card system in international football competitions would revolutionize the way players’ eligibility is determined. By addressing the challenges of immigration and promoting fair play, it would create a more inclusive and diverse playing field. As football continues to be a global sport, it is essential to adopt innovative approaches that ensure equal opportunities for players from all nationalities. Green Card and Player Behavior Modification The introduction of the green card in football has the potential to not only improve fair play on the pitch, but also to modify player behavior both on and off the field. The green card system acts as a visa, granting players eligibility and citizenship within the game, while also serving as a tool for behavior modification. One of the key aspects of the green card system is its focus on fair play and sportsmanship. By awarding a green card to players who demonstrate exceptional fair play, the system aims to promote a culture of respect and integrity within football. This emphasis on fair play can have a significant impact on player behavior, as it encourages players to conduct themselves with professionalism and respect towards their opponents, referees, and fans. On-field behavior modification With the green card system in place, players are incentivized to avoid engaging in negative behaviors such as diving, time-wasting, or dissent towards the referee. The fear of receiving a yellow or red card is often not enough to deter players from engaging in unsportsmanlike conduct. However, the introduction of the green card introduces a positive reinforcement mechanism, rewarding players for fair play and discouraging negative behaviors. This can lead to a shift in player behavior, resulting in a more enjoyable and respectful game for all involved. Off-field behavior modification It is not only on the field that the green card system can have an impact on player behavior. Off the field, players who hold a green card may be more likely to engage in positive actions and behaviors. The recognition and prestige associated with being awarded a green card can inspire players to become role models within their communities, leading to increased involvement in charitable activities, youth development programs, and educational initiatives. In this way, the green card system has the potential to create a positive ripple effect that extends beyond the confines of the football pitch. The introduction of the green card system in football is not only a step towards fair play, but also a tool for player behavior modification. By incentivizing fair play and rewarding positive behaviors, the green card has the potential to promote a culture of respect and integrity both on and off the field. As the system continues to evolve and gain recognition, it will be interesting to see the long-term effects it has on player behavior and the overall enjoyment of the game. Feedback from Fans and Spectators Since the introduction of the Green Card in football, there has been mixed feedback from fans and spectators. While some appreciate the new approach to fair play and the emphasis on eligibility rather than just nationality, others have expressed concerns about the potential impact on the game. - Many fans believe that the Green Card promotes a more inclusive and diverse football community. It encourages clubs to consider players based on their skills and abilities, rather than their immigration status or nationality. - Supporters also appreciate the transparency that the Green Card brings to the game. Knowing that players are being assessed on their eligibility helps to ensure fair competition and reduces the risk of talent going unnoticed. - Furthermore, the Green Card has received praise for its potential to address issues of discrimination and racism in football. By focusing on players’ eligibility, it helps to create a more equal and welcoming environment for all. - Despite the positive aspects mentioned above, some fans worry about the potential drawbacks of the Green Card system. They fear that it could lead to a decline in the quality of the game, as clubs may prioritize eligibility over skill when recruiting players. - Another concern is that the Green Card might be seen as a political statement rather than a solution to fair play. Some spectators worry that the focus on immigration and nationality could overshadow the essence of the game and create unnecessary controversies. - Additionally, there is a concern that the Green Card might unintentionally create additional paperwork and bureaucracy for clubs and players, especially those who already rely on traditional visa systems. Overall, the introduction of the Green Card in football has sparked both support and concern among fans and spectators. It remains to be seen how this new approach to fair play will evolve and whether it will have a lasting impact on the sport. What is the Green Card in football? The Green Card in football is a new concept that aims to promote fair play on the field. It is a card that can be awarded to players who demonstrate exemplary sportsmanship and fair play. How does the Green Card work? The Green Card works as a positive reinforcement for fair play. When a player receives a Green Card, it shows that their actions on the field were commendable and fair. It does not carry any negative consequences, but serves as a recognition of good sportsmanship. Why was the Green Card introduced in football? The Green Card was introduced in football to encourage fair play and discourage unsportsmanlike behavior on the field. It is a way to reward players who play the game with integrity and respect for their opponents. Who can award the Green Card in football? The Green Card can be awarded by the referee or the match officials. They are responsible for observing the conduct of the players on the field and determining if a player deserves a Green Card for their fair play. Does the Green Card have any impact on the outcome of the game? No, the Green Card does not have any impact on the outcome of the game. It is purely a symbolic gesture to acknowledge fair play and promote sportsmanship in football. It does not affect the score or the result of the match. What is the Green Card in football? The Green Card is a new approach to fair play in football. It is a way to reward players for good behavior on the field. How does the Green Card system work? The Green Card system works by giving players a card for displaying exemplary behavior on the field. This can include acts of fair play, sportsmanship, and respect for the game. What are the benefits of the Green Card system in football? The Green Card system has several benefits. It promotes fair play and good sportsmanship among players, it rewards positive behavior on the field, and it helps create a positive and respectful environment in football.
Slag stone and slag house - unique cultural treasures AnnMarie Gunnarsson, Peter Nyblom 215 pages HOUSES OF SLAG many have never seen them, others stand in awe of the slag stones that shimmer in blue, green, gray and also change color with the light. Exciting structures, small lumps of iron, striped patterns from charcoal, what can't you find when you take a closer look at the building material. What is that, many ask today. When were the houses built? Why was slag made? The slag stone is our first artificial building stone, used in ore tracts as an alternative to building timber. The forest was needed for the production of charcoal, the fuel for smelting ore and extracting copper and iron. The metals were exported and gave Sweden income and the people a higher standard of living. Slag was a by-product of metal production. The metals have been sold out to the world, the workplaces are shut down and gone - but the slag remains and tells about ores and technological development, about heavy physical work and skilled craftsmanship. No slag stone is the same. Never again can anyone be made. The book wants to increase awareness of the buildings. The oldest are from the 18th century, the youngest from the early 20th century. They are churches or earth cellars and everything in between. The pictures want to show how fantastic the houses are and the text to inform about background, production and care. The hope is that people will be inspired to be proud of the shacks and take care of these unique buildings, built from a material that is irreplaceable today. Shipping & Delivery Packages are normally sent within 1-2 working days and delivered via Postnord within 1-5 working days for orders within Sweden. Letter: Free (under SEK 100) Service Point: SEK 99 (free shipping over SEK 2500) Home delivery: SEK 199 Some bulky and heavy items are more expensive in shipping. The exact amount is calculated at checkout.
The laundry machine can clean your clothes ... and wash microfibers into waterways. If only there was a simple way to collect microfibers before they're flushed away. One solution: Cora Ball. This bit of biomimicry acts like coral to filter out and collect microfibers. Microfibers are shed when clothing is washed. They're made up of plastics and chemicals that are too small to be filtered out by your machine's lint trap or during the water treatment process. So the tiny fibers wash into waterways and accumulate in the environment. They're a concern similar to microplastics and microbeads from personal care products like facial scrubs. Simply put, microfibers and microplastics don't belong in the environment, where they can absorb toxins and be ingested by fish, for instance. Cora Ball raised funding from a Kickstarter campaign in 2017. The ball is now available from a company website and a number of recently announced retail partners (from Bermuda to Rhode Island and the United Kingdom). Synthetic materials like fleece are big microfiber contributors, according to University of California research. A study in the Marine Pollution Bulletin found 300 million microfibers per day being dumped into the Atlantic Ocean from the New York's Hudson River. Each 4-inch-diameter Cora Ball is made in Vermont, using recycled and recyclable soft and stretchy plastic, and designed to last through years of washing and catching microfibers, according to the company. They cost $30 a piece. Cora Ball is made for the washing machine, but will survive a mistaken trip through the dryer, the company says. In-house testing with a prototype found the balls catch up to 35% of microfibers per load, said Megan R. Bender, the company's director of sales and operations. Independent lab tests are to be published soon that show the Cora Ball removes about 26% of microfibers from each laundry load, Bender said. "It was born of biomimicry," Bender says, "so it kind of functions as coral functions." Once the Cora Ball looks like it needs cleaning, you pull out the tangles of hair and fiber, and put the stuff in the trash along with your dryer lint. Hashtag your collection with #caughtbycoraball if you're feeling social. Bender says other companies sell after-market filters for washing machines that remove microfibers, and require cleaning after every four or so loads. A Cora Ball is easier to clean, and only needs cleaning after every 10-20 loads. As hairs and microfibers accumulate into bigger amounts of fuzz, the ball actually does a better job of catching more debris, kind of like a snowball rolling down a hill, she said: "Just leave it, and when it's full clean it out." It's not perfect. Cora Ball isn't recommended for delicate items with lace, tassels and the like. And there's that 65 or so percent that the balls don't catch. Still, Cora Ball creators say the equivalent of more than 30 million water bottles worth of plastic could be kept out of waterways if 10% of U.S. households used a Cora Ball. About 25,000 Cora Balls have been sold since the device went to market in March, Bender says.
Parenting is, without a doubt, an intense endeavour—especially for mothers, who still tend to take on the lion’s share of parental duties in most households. As any young mother will tell you, the overwhelming love that follows the birth of a child is invariably followed by crippling feelings of worry, doubt, and even helplessness. Left unaddressed, these emotions can slowly progress toward a state of depression that diminishes the joy of parenting. Evidence for the cycle of highs and lows associated with parenting is more than simply anecdotal; in recent years, scientific studies have confirmed that parenting can take a toll on the mental health of both sexes and revealed that this toll does indeed often affect mothers particularly severely. At the same time, however, studies have also shown that some parents—mothers included—manage to rise above the initial difficulties posed by parenting, eventually becoming emotionally healthier (and happier) than their non-parent counterparts. What, asked researchers, could account for this discrepancy? While mental health is a highly individual and complex picture, scientists have begun to discern a central “theme” that may explain why some mothers are so much happier and more fulfilled than others. According to a recent study that analyzed how women’s attitudes toward parenting shape their emotional experience as mothers, the more “intense” you are about parenting, the more likely you are to become anxious and depressed. Intense parenting, which is based on the (misguided) belief that every little thing you do—or don’t do—as a parent can profoundly affect your child in a lasting way, is best understood through an analysis of its contributing factors: 1. Essentialism: Essentialism is the belief that mothers are the more “essential” parent (that they are more necessary for a child’s mental health than fathers and are more capable of providing care). Among the mothers surveyed, those who reported having strongly Essentialist beliefs were found to have high levels of stress and lower-than-average overall rates of satisfaction with their lives; they were, however, not the most depressed group of mothers represented in the study. 2. Fulfilment: Fulfilment-based parenting is parenting with the belief that having a child can, and should, fulfil you as a person. Mothers who operate under this belief system feel that their happiness should derive primarily from motherhood. 3. Stimulation: Stimulation is idea that parents, mothers in particular, ought to constantly provide their children with stimulating activities, rather than letting their children pursue such activities on their own (i.e., mothers should always be “entertaining” their children in an endlessly attentive way). 4. Challenge: Challenge-oriented mothers see parenting as something that is, and must be, one of the most difficult and important “jobs” in existence. The study found that mothers who view parenting as being as challenging as working in a CEO role were among the most depressed out of all the women surveyed; they were also stressed and generally dissatisfied with their lives. 5. Child-centric thinking: Child-centric thinking places the child’s wants and needs foremost at all times. According to this belief system, the well-being of children is more “important” than that of their mothers. Mothers who consistently put their children “first” in this way were found to have the lowest overall levels of life satisfaction, though they were not more stressed or depressed than the other groups of women surveyed. According to the study, the higher mothers scored on the five “intensity factors” above, the more likely they were to be unhappy parents, even when external social support was taken into account. It is, in short, the way we parent that defines whether parenting is an enjoyable experience or not; parenting itself is neither a reliable predictor of poor mental health nor a guaranteed provider of emotional fulfilment. Only intense parenting is a reliable predictor of depression, with 23% of the mothers in the study reporting feeling depressed—a far higher rate than the 6.7% found amongst the general public. Why Do Mothers Tend To “Over-Parent”? Researchers are not sure why, exactly, so many mothers parent intensely in spite of its negative consequences where mental health and family harmony are concerned. In general, the women surveyed seemed to think that “over-parenting” would make them better mothers. This belief system may stem from guilt (a desire to “do it all” and optimally balance motherhood with a career) or it may simply arise as a result of mothers being exposed to an abundance of online information regarding all of the habits and practices that “can” potentially damage a developing child. Busy schedules, too, may factor into intense parenting: Many intense parents were found to operate within tight routines, filling their children’s every waking moment with planned activities. Ironically, intense parenting—more so than any of the potential “mistakes” over-parenting mothers wish to avoid—has been found to have a substantial negative impact on the mental health of children (as well as their mothers). Not only do children pick up on parental stress and unhappiness and internalize it (often blaming themselves for it), children who are kept on needlessly strict schedules and over-attentively engaged in activities, rather than being left to play freely, tend to be less happy than their peers. According to psychologist Dr. Tali Shenfield, the secret to happy and effective parenting lies in striking a balance: It’s true that we should engage in proactive parenting and try to avoid carelessly harming our children, but at the same time, it’s patently untrue that every little thing we do or don’t do might either make or break our offspring. Mothers who take care of themselves so that they might take better care of their children, and who know how to relax and simply have fun being a parent, often raise the healthiest, most well-rounded children.
Pediatric dentists are dental professionals who specialize in the oral health of children, from infancy through adolescence. They have specialized training and experience in treating children’s dental needs, including dental exams, cleanings, fillings, and other procedures that may be necessary to maintain the health of a child’s teeth and gums. Pediatric dentists are responsible for providing age-appropriate dental care to children, which can include teaching good oral hygiene habits, monitoring the growth and development of the teeth and jaw, and identifying and treating any dental issues or concerns. They are also trained to work with children who may be anxious or fearful about dental procedures, and often use techniques such as gentle language and distraction to help children feel more comfortable during dental visits. In order to become a pediatric dentist, one must complete a four-year dental school program, followed by an additional two to three years of specialized training in pediatric dentistry. Pediatric dentists may also choose to pursue additional certification or credentials in specific areas of pediatric dental care. Overall, pediatric dentists play a crucial role in promoting the oral health and overall well-being of children, and work to ensure that children receive the high-quality dental care they need to maintain a healthy and beautiful smile throughout their lives.
Many familiar with hypoxic altitude training are often involved in more extreme sports, like mountain climbing and hiking in low-oxygen environments. It helps them prepare for hiking or climbing at extreme altitudes and maintain their energy levels. But that’s not all low-oxygen training can be used for, this type of training simulates high-altitude conditions, where oxygen levels are lower. What Exactly is Hypoxic Altitude Training? In the simplest terms, hypoxic altitude training is when a person intermittently inhales reduced (hypoxic) oxygen with occasional mixes of normal air periodically interspersed. Hypoxic altitude training can improve athletic and daily performance because it induces stress in the body, jumpstarting certain beneficial biological processes with the release of erythropoietin (EPO) to stimulate red blood cell production, which enhances oxygen-carrying capacity Not only have studies shown that hypoxic training can enhance athletic performance, but it also has proven to provide a boost in mental cognition, slow down ageing, reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, and provide faster recovery and cell rejuvenation while improving body composition. What Happens in a Typical Hypoxic Altitude Training Session? To experience the benefits of hypoxic altitude training, you don’t have to run up the side of mountains or climb the Himalayas. Less extreme treatments are available that employ the use of an oxygen mask while exercising. During hypoxic altitude training sessions, you inhale low oxygen at the same atmospheric pressure, which lowers their blood oxygen saturation, one of the primary components used by our body to adapt while we’re exercising. This sets a biological process in motion that reduces the oxygenation of the blood flowing through the lungs, thus sending out less oxygen to muscles. However, this process jolts muscle cells into action to make up for the lack of oxygen-rich blood flow to vital organs. Other Benefits of Hypoxic Training In addition to benefiting athletes, hypoxic altitude training has also been shown to benefit the anti-ageing process. Studies have shown that it can slow down the ageing process, aid in rapid recovery after surgery, and boost your immune system. Additionally, it can improve and strengthen muscle tissues and leverage your daily performance. However, such training also can provide a host of more specific, targeted benefits for anti-ageing, such as reducing cognitive decline treating chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia, and even aiding in the detoxification of the body. Hypoxic altitude training has even been proven to help those suffering from alcohol withdrawal stress and can help hangovers. Due to the damaging effects of alcohol intoxication, hypoxic altitude training is a good way to rebuild your body’s immune system when sobering up. Contact us today for more information about hypoxic altitude training The expert team from the London Regenerative Institute offers a wide variety of longevity treatments. By bringing together cutting-edge technology and today’s most contemporary medicine, we develop customised treatment protocols to increase your longevity and quality of life.
We have had three science lessons since being back and have started some new topics. We first looked at magnets, we collected ideas of what we knew already and then we had some time to explore and experiment with a number of different types of magnets. We came up with some great observations. We noticed that sometimes magnets push and sometimes they pull something towards itself, some parts of the magnets attract and others repel and you can feel the force of the magnet when you push two ends together. We then tested different materials and checked to see if they were magnetic or not, we found out that not all materials are magnetic. We have also been learning about the nutrition of humans and animals. We looked at the Eat Well Plate which sets out how much of each food group is best for humans. We then looked at what nutrients humans need. We talked about whether a human could live a healthy life on the diet of a parrot. We decided it couldn’t because they have a very different diet to a humans’ and do not eat enough of a number of important food groups.
Utilizing alternative energy in the great north can be difficult. Alaska will always have some of the harshest and toughest living conditions in the world. The seasons are short, cold weather can stall the heartiest of engines and having enough power to move through terrain can be difficult. Alternative Energy: Biofuel Biofuel is one of the most effective alternative sources of energy in the world. With many midwestern farmers utilizing soy, peanut, and various vegetable byproduct to manufacture fuel has become an industry all on its own. Unfortunately, this isn’t as easy to come by as Alaskans need every bit of energy they can get. Traditional biofuels (although mixed with diesel oil) do not produce the same amount of energy. A vehicle utilizing these methods will find an 8-10% decrease inefficiency. That can cause problems when traveling long stretches of barren tundra with limited fuel supplies along the way. In colder weather conditions, biodiesel can work to gunk up an engine. With the viscosity way higher than that of diesel oil, the chances of plugging fuel lines ais far greater. On top of that, a break in the fuel line due to increased pressure could mean that you are stuck in the middle of nowhere with no way to get gas other than to walk. WIth wolves, and some of the worst temperatures on the planet, walking never seems like a good idea. Alternative Energy: Solar Solar energy has become one of the most widely recognized and popular form of alternative energy. Its uses have helped propel electric vehicles to the world. From houses to cars, every way we live can be produced by renewable energy from the sun. Unfortunately, our solar systems’ most abundant resource, The Sun, only appears for limited months out of the year in Alaska. Where solar panels can only store the amount of energy for batteries, in order to maintain alternative energy would be to charge an extremely high amount of batteries. It’s a great idea to have backup power to your house based on electricity though. With the charging of batteries, you can stock up on the amount of energy you can save. Let’s say you are stuck within the 30 days of unending night and you lost power. BOOM Now you have a source of energy to take your showers, cook your food and maybe some entertainment. Perfect. You can all of this without stalling whatever generator you may have. Primary Contributing Energy Source: OIL Alaska’s primary export is crude oil. Obviously this doesn’t quite coincide with effective biofuels or solar energy. The main reason for Alaska’s population was on behalf of two big historical rushes. The first being Gold. The second being oil. The state’s major economy is based on oil. Overall it looks like Alaska will be one of the last places to see the alternative revolution. This isn’t to say that they aren’t making huge strides. The community has acted on behalf of solar energy and biofuels by incorporating it into their daily lives. From solar panels on a house to utilizing them with our other options, countless Alaskans are switching to alternative fuels in order to cut down on costs and better their lives.
Morus platanifolia fruitless - MULBERRY TREE - STEM 8/10 Latin name: Morus platanifolia fruitless The mulberry or maple leaf is a fruitless deciduous tree that is used mainly for ornamental purposes. Its crown has a lateral growth and forms a dense umbrella that offers a unique shade during the summer months. The leaves are very large with a glossy green color that looks like maple leaves. It is a very hardy species that can withstand low temperatures, but needs sunny planting locations and fertile, well-drained soils to grow properly.
For one reason or another, many of us may have stocked up on extra food the last few months. Your pantry may still have a bit of a backlog – more than your family would normally consume. As the weeks tick by, those shelf life dates may be looming and you are wondering how to avoid creating your own personal food waste disaster by throwing it all away. According to Food Authority NSW, all food with a shelf life of less than two years must be date-marked to inform consumers. Fresh produce and packaged foods are marked with one of two dates: a use-by date or a best-before date. There is confusion surrounding the difference of these two types of dates. To help us all save food while staying healthy- I briefly explain them below. A use-by date signifies safety. A marked use-by date indicates the latest date a food may be consumed for health and safety reasons. ‘Use-by’ is marked on highly perishable foods, such as meat or other items that are classified as high risk upon expiration. It is advised that foods beyond their use-by dates should not be cooked, frozen or consumed. They should be thrown away. A best-before date is used to indicate quality rather than safety. The date signifies the end of a product’s peak quality. Best-before dates are found on food items such as fruits and vegetables, dried pasta, rice, tinned and canned foods. It is not unsafe to eat a food past its best-before date. You may simply notice some quality, flavour or texture has been lost. Shelf Life Dates and Food Waste: Confusion between the dates explained above are huge contributing factors of food being unnecessarily thrown out. While use-by and best-before dates do play a part in ensuring we don’t make ourselves sick, there are some foods which can be safely eaten even after their dates have long gone. Here are a few easy ways to extend the shelf life of food items, which helps to prevent unnecessary food wastage: Choose between your fridge and freezer wisely: Buying meat in bulk is great for your pockets. If you’re not going to use it all before the use by date, then freeze the rest in portions. Defrost as you require. Learn some basic food saving recipes – Soups, stocks, jams, curries, stir-fries, stews and compotes are great ways to use up produce that is a little old. For example, our stir-fry recipe is a great way to use all your veggie bits and bobs while smashing out a quick mid-week meal! Blend and freeze: Vegetables and fruits can be frozen whole (quick tip- peel bananas first), cut into pieces, blended, pureed, mashed and then portioned in ice-cube trays or bags for freezing. Veggie and fruit blocks are great for pasta sauces, soups or smoothies. Sniff: As mundane as this may sound, give your “expired” foods a sniff to see how they smell. If they smell fine, they most likely are! Keep old herbs: Chop and freeze old and wilted herbs with oil in ice-cube trays. I love using these cubes as a flavour boost when making a stir fry or pan-frying pretty much anything. Freeze your nuts: Oils in tree nuts (and seeds) go rancid very quickly when exposed to heat, light and air. How many times have you thrown out an unfinished packet of nuts because they had been sitting in your pantry for a while and had gone all soft? Nuts will last four to six months in the fridge and six to twelve months in the freezer. They taste crispier and sweeter when stored properly. (so anyone who bought ‘extra’ nuts back in March- maybe throw them in the freezer!) Anyone who has been thinking they want to start making some environmentally friendly changes in their life but isn’t sure how – tackling your household food waste is a great place to start. Simple to action without fancy equipment, food waste happens in every household. Food waste is arguably the biggest pollution issue on the planet, surpassing the emissions from both industry and cars! If you would like more information on why I keep saying Food Waste is such a big deal- check out this cheat sheet published by the ever passionate and practical Sarah Wilson.
In this article: Histamine is a compound that is released when the immune system detects a foreign substance, in this case, allergens. Present in all bodily tissues, it plays a key role in allergic reactions and the body's inflammatory responses. In some cases, allergies manifest in the sinuses with symptoms such as a runny nose, red itchy eyes, or a sore throat. And for others, exposure to allergens shows up with symptoms such as hives, rashes, and other skin changes. Angioedema is a reaction caused by the excess release of histamine. The skin reaction is similar to hives, but the swelling occurs under the skin, versus on the skin’s surface. This subcutaneous swelling usually occurs around the eyes and mouth, however, angioedema can also occur on the hands, feet, and larynx of the throat. If hives are present, the condition is called urticaria, and it's usually very itchy and painful. It is possible to have hives with angioedema or angioedema without hives. Chronic urticaria is a common condition, with 75% of cases having an unknown cause. These cases are therefore called chronic idiopathic urticaria or CIU. In the early 1980s, Dr. Arthur Leznoff – the former Division Head of Clinical Immunology and Allergy at St. Michael’s Hospital – demonstrated that there was a link between angioedema and hypothyroidism. Over the years, other studies have been conducted to assess whether angioedema is an independent occurrence or whether it is a symptom of hypothyroidism. A 1989 study showed that a significant percentage of their study group of patients with chronic urticaria or angioedema had evidence of associated thyroid autoimmunity. A 2015 controlled study of 115 patients with angioedema found that 16.5% of those patients had hypothyroidism. In general, the research has established that there is a significantly greater risk of autoimmunity in those with angioedema, and a relationship between angioedema and autoimmune thyroid disorders. So which comes first, the chicken or the egg? (Or in this case, hypothyroidism or angioedema?) If a patient is showing clinical signs of angioedema or chronic urticaria, experts recommend that they also have thyroid antibody testing done to rule out the presence of thyroid autoimmunity. Given the increased frequency of thyroid autoimmunity in patients with chronic urticaria and/or angioedema, autoimmunity could play a role in the development of either condition. A unique case of a female patient with chronic angioedema of the tongue showed that there she also had underlying Hashimotos’ disease. Having an awareness that these two conditions can play into one another resulted in an accurate diagnosis of both conditions, and allowed for the correct treatment of the underlying disease. The primary way to treat angioedema is to avoid any substances, including foods, that are known to trigger the angioedema. In addition, doctors frequently recommend taking an over-the-counter antihistamine. Interestingly, in patients with angioedema who also have underlying hypothyroidism, the administration of thyroid hormone, usually in the form of T4 medications, has shown promise in the treatment of their angioedema and reduction of their symptoms. A 2012 study evaluated nearly 750 patients, all with chronic urticaria and autoimmune thyroiditis. The patients were treated with T4 medications for about 53 days, and clinically normal thyroid levels were restored in all patients. Via a serum skin test, the prevalence and levels of urticaria activity were recorded throughout the length of the study, and a significant reduction in the score was seen in the patients. In this case, 10 patients with stubborn hives were treated with T4 medications, while 7 of them had elevated anti-thyroid antibodies at baseline. Those 7 patients reported a resolution in their symptoms within 4 weeks of using T4 medications to address their initial symptoms. It seems that the therapeutic use of T4 medications can have a double effect, treating both angioedema or urticaria and hypothyroidism. Accurate and timely diagnosis and treatment of hypothyroidism can be a crucial part of resolving episodes of angioedema, or chronic angioedema. Schedule a visit with a knowledgeable Paloma thyroid doctor to monitor your thyroid levels regularly, oversee and direct your hypothyroidism treatment, and help ensure that you feel your best!
Tales of Adventure: Famous Voyages and Expeditions on Tall Ships Throughout history, the world’s oceans have been conquered and explored by brave men and women on tall ships, iconic vessels known for their towering masts and billowing sails. These majestic structures have become synonymous with tales of adventure and discovery, as their journeys have captivated the imaginations of people for centuries. In this article, we will delve into some of the most famous voyages and expeditions undertaken on tall ships, showcasing the remarkable accomplishments of these daring sailors. One of the most renowned tall ships to ever set sail was the HMS Beagle, which embarked on a five-year voyage in 1831. This expedition, commanded by Captain Robert FitzRoy, is famous for carrying a young naturalist named Charles Darwin. On this historic journey, Darwin observed various species and formulated his groundbreaking theory of evolution, a concept that forever changed our understanding of the natural world. Fast forward to the early 20th century, and we encounter the incredible tale of Roald Amundsen, a Norwegian explorer who led the first successful voyage through the Northwest Passage. In 1903, Amundsen set sail on the Gjøa, a 70-foot long sloop, and successfully navigated the treacherous waters, unraveling a centuries-old mystery. This thrilling achievement solidified his place in history as one of the greatest polar explorers of all time. Moving on to a more recent epic journey, we have the story of the Hōkūleʻa, a traditional Polynesian voyaging canoe. In the 1970s, a group of Hawaiian navigators embarked on a mission to prove that ancient Polynesians were skilled seafarers who intentionally settled the many islands of the Pacific. Over the course of several voyages, the crew of the Hōkūleʻa sailed thousands of nautical miles using celestial navigation techniques, successfully rekindling long-lost knowledge of their ancestors. Lastly, no discussion of tall ship voyages would be complete without mentioning the daring rescue mission of the HMS Bounty. In 1789, as mutiny erupted aboard the vessel, Captain William Bligh and a small group of loyal sailors were set adrift in the Pacific. Miraculously, they managed to navigate an open boat over 4,000 miles to safety, a testament to their incredible seamanship and determination. These tales of adventure on tall ships embody the spirit of human exploration and courage. From Darwin’s scientific discoveries to Amundsen’s feats of navigation and the preservation of ancient maritime heritage, these voyages have left an indelible mark on history. Today, as modern technology has brought about a decline in the use of tall ships for exploration, it is important to remember and celebrate the accomplishments of those who sailed these majestic vessels, their stories serving as a reminder of the boundless possibilities that lie beyond the horizon.
The lottery is a form of gambling where people pay for a chance to win a prize, usually money. The chances of winning vary according to the number of tickets sold and the size of the prize. Some governments regulate lotteries while others ban them or limit their scope. Some states have lotteries where prizes can range from jewelry to a new car. The odds of winning are often very long, but some people do win. Some people use the lottery to get out of debt, while others play because they feel it is a way to improve their lives. The first element common to all lotteries is some sort of a drawing, or a procedure for selecting winners. The process may be as simple as shaking or tossing a coin, but modern computers are often used to mix the pool of tickets and then select winners at random. This ensures that there is no favoritism in the selection of winners and that winnings are truly random. Ticket sales are generally regulated, and in some cases, ticket numbers must be scrambled by computer to protect against counterfeiting. The regulating authority typically assigns licenses to agents who are responsible for selling and purchasing lottery tickets. Agents must also collect and submit ticket stubs to the governing body, which in turn keeps a record of all ticket purchases. This information is made available to the public and is often used in advertising. Many state lotteries team up with companies to provide popular products as prizes. This merchandising strategy benefits the companies by providing them with product exposure and also helps the lotteries offset advertising costs. Among the more prominent brands that have teamed up with lotteries are sports teams and organizations, movie studios, and automobile manufacturers. In addition to promoting the lottery and selling its tickets, states often use the money they earn from the lottery to support public purposes. In some states, for example, the profits are used for education, and in other cases, the funds go toward public services like park maintenance or health care. Some states have even used lottery profits to pay for the construction of major highways and bridges. In general, the profit of a lottery is a function of how much of the tickets are sold and how many of those tickets are sold to people who are likely to be committed gamblers. This is especially true for state-run lotteries that are characterized by high prize amounts and low entry fees. As such, these lotteries tend to be regressive in their impact on society. In the immediate post-World War II period, state governments began to establish lotteries because they viewed them as a painless alternative to more onerous taxes on the middle class and working class. However, this arrangement eroded after the costs of the Vietnam War began to swell state budgets. The regressivity of the lottery is a key part of why it is so widely condemned in some circles.
Why We're Flying Robots at the Source of the Nile October 12th, 2016 An expedition in 1858 revealed that Lake Victoria was the source of the Nile. We found ourselves on the shores of Africa's majestic lake this October, a month after a 5.9 magnitude earthquake struck Tanzania’s Kagera Region. Hundreds were injured and dozens killed. This was the biggest tragedy in decades for the peaceful lakeside town of Bukoba. The Ministry of Home Affairs invited WeRobotics to support the recovery and reconstruction efforts by carrying out aerial surveys of the affected areas. The mission of WeRobotics is to build local capacity for the safe and effective use of appropriate robotics solutions. We do this by co-creating local robotics labs that we call Flying Labs. We use these Labs to transfer the professional skills and relevant robotics solutions to outstanding local partners. Our explicit focus on capacity building explains why we took the opportunity whilst in Kagera to train two Tanzanian colleagues. Khadija and Yussuf joined us from the State University of Zanzibar (SUZA). They were both wonderful to work with and quick learners too. We look forward to working with them and other partners to co-create our Flying Labs in Tanzania. More on this in a future post. Aerial Surveys of Kagera Region After The Earthquake We surveyed multiple areas in the region based on the priorities of our local partners as well as reports provided by local villagers. We used the Cumulus One UAV from our technology partner DanOffice to carry out the flights. The Cumulus has a stated 2.5 hour flight time and 50 kilometer radio range. We're using software from our partner Pix4D to process the 3,000+ very high resolution images captured during our 2 days around Bukoba. Above, Khadija and Yussuf on the left with a local engineer and a local member of the community on the right, respectfully. The video below shows how the Cumulus takes off and lands. The landing is automatic and simply involves the UAV stalling and gently gliding to the ground. We engaged directly with local communities before our flights to explain our project and get their permissions to fly. Learn more about our Code of Conduct here. Aerial mapping with fixed-wing UAVs can identify large-scale damage over large areas and serve as a good base map for reconstruction. A lot of the damage, however, can be limited to large cracks in walls, which cannot be seen with nadir (vertical) imagery. We thus flew over some areas using a Parrot Bebop2 to capture oblique imagery and to get closer to the damage. We then took dozens of geo-tagged images from ground-level with our phones in order to ground-truth the aerial imagery. We're still processing the resulting imagery so the results below are simply the low resolution previews of one (out of three) surveys we carried out. Both Khadija and Yussuf were very quick learners and a real delight to work with. We look forward to joining them in Zanzibar tomorrow to support their unique and ongoing mapping efforts spearheaded by our friends at Drone Adventures, senseFly, World Bank and SUZA. In the meantime, below are more pictures documenting our recent work in Kagera. You can follow all our trainings and projects live via our Twitter feed (@werobotics) and our Facebook page. Stay tuned for more live updates and a follow up blog post on our work with SUZA in Zanzibar. In the meantime, sincerest thanks to both Linx Global Intelligence and UR Group for making our work in Kagera possible. Linx provided the introduction to the Ministry of Home Affairs while the UR Group provided invaluable support on the logistics and permissions. Yussuf programming the flight plan of the Cumulus Khadija is setting up the Cumulus for a full day of flying around Bukoba area Khadija wants to use aerial robots to map Zanzibar, which is where she's from Community engagement is absolutely imperative Local community members inspecting the Parrot's Bebop2