{ "en": "Known as Sesshu (1420 - 1506), he was an ink painter and Zen monk active in the Muromachi period in the latter half of the 15th century, and was called a master painter.", "ja": "雪舟(せっしゅう、1420年(応永27年)-1506年(永正3年))は号で、15世紀後半室町時代に活躍した水墨画家・禅僧で、画聖とも称えられる。" }
{ "en": "He revolutionized the Japanese ink painting.", "ja": "日本の水墨画を一変させた。" }
{ "en": "He was given the posthumous name \"Toyo\" or \"Sesshu (拙宗).\"", "ja": "諱は「等楊(とうよう)」、もしくは「拙宗(せっしゅう)」と号した。" }
{ "en": "Born in Bicchu Province, he moved to Suo Province after entering SShokoku-ji Temple in Kyoto.", "ja": "備中国に生まれ、京都・相国寺に入ってから周防国に移る。" }
{ "en": "Later he accompanied a mission to Ming Dynasty China and learned Chinese ink painting.", "ja": "その後遣明使に随行して中国(明)に渡って中国の水墨画を学んだ。" }
{ "en": "His works were many, including not only Chinese-style landscape paintings, but also portraits and pictures of flowers and birds.", "ja": "作品は数多く、中国風の山水画だけでなく人物画や花鳥画もよくした。" }
{ "en": "His bold compositions and strong brush strokes constituted an extremely distinctive style.", "ja": "大胆な構図と力強い筆線は非常に個性的な画風を作り出している。" }
{ "en": "6 of his extant works are designated national treasures. Indeed, he is considered to be extraordinary among Japanese painters.", "ja": "現存する作品のうち6点が国宝に指定されており、日本の画家のなかでも別格の評価を受けているといえる。" }
{ "en": "For this reason, there are a great many artworks that are attributed to him, such as folding screens with pictures of flowers and that birds are painted on them.", "ja": "このため、花鳥図屏風などに「伝雪舟筆」される作品は大変多い。" }
{ "en": "There are many works that even experts cannot agree if they are really his work or not.", "ja": "真筆であるか専門家の間でも意見の分かれるものも多々ある。" }
{ "en": "Representative works include: Long Landscape Scroll, Summer and Winter Landscape, View of Amanohashidate, Broken Ink Landscape, Portrait of Ekadanpi, Fall and Winter Landscape, and Folding Screen of Birds and Flowers of the 4 Seasons.", "ja": "代表作は、「山水長巻」「夏冬山水図」「天橋立図」「破墨山水」「慧可断臂の図」「秋冬山水」「花鳥屏風」など。" }
{ "en": "His disciples include Shugetsu, Soen, and Toshun.", "ja": "弟子に、秋月、宗淵、等春らがいる。" }
{ "en": "He was born in Akahama, Bicchu Province (present-day Soja City, Okayama Prefecture), in 1420.", "ja": "1420年備中国赤浜(現在の岡山県総社市)に生まれる。" }
{ "en": "He was born to a Samurai family called ODA.", "ja": "生家は小田氏という武家とされている。" }
{ "en": "He entered nearby Hofuku-ji Temple (Soja City) while young.", "ja": "幼い頃近くの宝福寺(総社市)に入る。" }
{ "en": "He moved to Kyoto's Shokoku-ji Temple at the age of around 10, and while studying and having Zen training under Shuto SHUNRIN, learned painting from Shubun TENSHO.", "ja": "10歳頃京都の相国寺に移り、春林周藤に師事、禅の修行を積むとともに、天章周文に絵を学んだ。" }
{ "en": "In around 1454, he moved to Suo Province, and built his studio, Unkokuan (Yamaguchi City, Yamaguchi Prefecture), with the patronage of the feudal lord, Ouchi.", "ja": "1454年(応永28年)ごろ周防国に移り、守護大名大内氏の庇護を受け、画室雲谷庵(山口県山口市)を構える。" }
{ "en": "In around 1465, he acquired a calligraphy work by Bonki SOSEKI on which the characters of Sesshu were written, and requested Shinkei RYUKO to write a certificate about the origin of the name, Sesshu.", "ja": "1465年(寛正6年)ごろ、楚石梵&29734(そせきぼんき)による雪舟二大字を入手し、龍崗真圭に字説を請。" }
{ "en": "It is believed that after that, he came to be known as Sesshuu.", "ja": "以後、雪舟を名乗ったものと思われる。" }
{ "en": "It is thought that until this time he was known as Touyou SESSHU, but there is not a firm source to indicate that SESSHU and Sesshu were the same person.", "ja": "これ以前は拙宗等楊と名乗っていたと思われるが、拙宗と雪舟が同一人物であることを示す確実な史料はない。" }
{ "en": "In 1468, he sailed to Ming Dynasty China with a mission.", "ja": "1468年(応仁2年)に遣明使船で明へ渡航。" }
{ "en": "He familiarized himself with authentic Chinese ink painting and studied it for about 2 years.", "ja": "約2年間中国で本格的な水墨画に触れ、研究した。" }
{ "en": "In the fall of 1481, he traveled to Mino Province.", "ja": "1481年(文明13)秋から美濃国へ旅行。" }
{ "en": "There is no reliable record of the date of his death, but most put it at 1506.", "ja": "没年は、確実な記録はないが1506年とするものが多い。" }
{ "en": "Other records write that he died in 1502.", "ja": "1502年とする説もある。" }
{ "en": "In addition to the date of his death, there are many other aspects of Sesshu's life that remain unknown.", "ja": "雪舟の生涯には没年以外にも謎とされる部分が多い。" }
{ "en": "There is an interesting episode about Sesshu.", "ja": "雪舟についてこんな伝説が残っている。" }
{ "en": "A young Sesshu who entered Hofuku-ji Temple only liked pictures and did not want to read sutras; so the monks of the temple tied him to a pillar in the building enshrining a Buddhist statue.", "ja": "宝福寺に入った幼い日の雪舟が、絵ばかり好んで経を読もうとしないので、寺の僧は雪舟を仏堂の柱にしばりつけてしまいました。" }
{ "en": "However, when the monks saw that he drew a rat with his tears that fell on the floor by using his big toe, they were impressed so they allowed him to draw pictures.", "ja": "しかし床に落ちた涙を足の親指につけ、床にねずみを描いたところ、僧はその見事さに感心し、雪舟が絵を描くことを許しました。" }
{ "en": "This is thought to be the most well known story about Sesshu.", "ja": "これは雪舟について最もよく知られた話であると思われる。" }
{ "en": "The story first appeared in \"Honcho Gashi\" compiled by Eino KANO (published in 1693, the Edo period).", "ja": "初出は江戸時代に狩野永納が編纂した『本朝画史』(1693年刊)である。" }
{ "en": "Sesshu started to be deified in the Edo period.", "ja": "雪舟の神格化は江戸時代から始まった。" }
{ "en": "It is thought to be because the Kano School that ruled painting circles at the time venerated him as a master, and feudal lords wanted to have Sesshu's artwork.", "ja": "狩野派が当時画壇を支配していたが、雪舟を師と仰ぎ、諸大名が雪舟の作品を求めたからであるとされる。" }
{ "en": "It is said that this is why the number of artworks attributed to Sesshu increased.", "ja": "そのために雪舟作とされる作品が増えたと言われる。" }
{ "en": "Reflecting Sesshu's popularity, a Japanese puppet drama/Kabuki work entitled \"The Gion Religious Festival\" was created.", "ja": "雪舟の人気を反映して、『信仰祇園祭礼記』(人形浄瑠璃・歌舞伎作品。" }
{ "en": "The drama was first performed in January 1758.", "ja": "宝暦7年12月(1758年1月)初演。" }
{ "en": "The scene of Kinkaku-ji Temple, where Sesshu's granddaughter, Yukihime, takes an active role, is famous) and similar works were performed.", "ja": "雪舟の孫娘、雪姫が活躍する「金閣寺」の場が有名)のような作品が上演された。" }
{ "en": "Today, Sesshu who gave birth to one of Japanese cultures is a leading historical figure of this country.", "ja": "日本文化の一つを生んだ雪舟は、今や日本を代表する歴史人物の一人となっている。" }
{ "en": "View of Amanohashidate (Kyoto National Museum)", "ja": "天橋立図(京都国立博物館)" }
{ "en": "4 Seasons Landscape Scroll (Long Landscape Scroll) (Mohri Museum, painted in 1486)", "ja": "四季山水図巻(山水長巻)(毛利博物館、1486年(文明18年))" }
{ "en": "Fall and Winter Landscape (Tokyo National Museum)", "ja": "秋冬山水図(東京国立博物館)" }
{ "en": "Broken Ink Landscape (Tokyo National Museum, painted in 1495)", "ja": "破墨山水図(東京国立博物館、1495年(明応4年))" }
{ "en": "Portrait of Ekadanpi (Seinen-ji Temple in Aichi Prefecture, painted in 1496)", "ja": "慧可断臂図(愛知県・斉年寺、1496年(明応5年))" }
{ "en": "Landscape (Private Collection)", "ja": "山水図(個人蔵)" }
{ "en": "4 Seasons Landscape (Tokyo National Museum)", "ja": "四季山水図(東京国立博物館)" }
{ "en": "4 Seasons Landscape (Ishibashi Museum of Art)", "ja": "四季山水図(石橋美術館)" }
{ "en": "4 Seasons Landscape Scroll (Small Landscape Scroll) (Kyoto National Museum)", "ja": "四季山水図巻(山水小巻)(京都国立博物館)" }
{ "en": "Landscape Scroll after Kegong GAO (Yamaguchi Prefectural Museum of Art)", "ja": "倣高克恭山水図巻(山口県立美術館)" }
{ "en": "Landscape after Gui XIA (Private Collection)", "ja": "倣夏珪山水図(個人蔵)" }
{ "en": "Oxherd after Tang LI (Yamaguchi Prefectural Museum of Art)", "ja": "倣李唐牧牛図(山口県立美術館)" }
{ "en": "Huang Chuping after Kai LIANG (Kyoto National Museum)", "ja": "倣梁楷黄初平図(京都国立博物館)" }
{ "en": "Landscape after Yujian (Okayama Prefectural Museum of Art)", "ja": "倣玉澗山水図(岡山県立美術館)" }
{ "en": "Landscape (Kosetsu Museum of Art)", "ja": "山水図(香雪美術館)" }
{ "en": "Folding Screen of Birds and Flowers of the 4 Seasons (Kyoto National Museum)", "ja": "四季花鳥図屏風(京都国立博物館)" }
{ "en": "Portrait of Kanetaka MASUDA (Masuda Municipal Sesshu-no-Sato Memorial Hall)", "ja": "益田兼堯像(益田市立雪舟の郷記念館)" }
{ "en": "Bishamonten (Private Collection)", "ja": "毘沙門天図(個人蔵)" }
{ "en": "Landscape (Kyoto National Museum)", "ja": "山水図(京都国立博物館)" }
{ "en": "Splashed Ink Landscape (Masaki Museum of Art)", "ja": "溌墨山水図(正木美術館)" }
{ "en": "*The works considered to be authentic are listed.", "ja": "※真筆の可能性の高いものを挙げた。" }
{ "en": "Special Exhibition in Commemoration of 500th Anniversary of Death: Sesshu (Illustrated Collection, Tokyo National Museum, Kyoto National Museum, 2002)", "ja": "『没後500年特別展「雪舟」』(図録、東京国立博物館、京都国立博物館、2002年)" }
{ "en": "Master Painter Sesshu (Raisuke NUMATA, \"Ronso Series\" 1, Ronsosha, March 2002, ISBN 4-8460-0241-1)", "ja": "『画聖雪舟』(沼田頼輔、『論創叢書』1、論創社、2002年3月、ISBN4-8460-0241-1)" }
{ "en": "Fans of Sesshu (Yuji YAMASHITA, Genpei AKASEGAWA)", "ja": "『雪舟応援団』(山下裕二、赤瀬川原平)" }
{ "en": "Soujun IKKYUU was a Zen monk in the Daitokuji branch of the Rinzai sect, during the Muromachi period.", "ja": "一休宗純(いっきゅうそうじゅん)は、室町時代の臨済宗臨済宗大徳寺派の禅僧である。" }
{ "en": "He is known as a character in stories.", "ja": "説話のモデルとして知られる。" }
{ "en": "For IKKYUU's Witty Sayings refer to the section on \"IKYUU's Sayings\" (also some on this page); for the TV cartoon \"Ikkyuu-san\", refer to the section on \"Ikyuu-san\".", "ja": "「一休さんの頓知咄」については『一休咄』の項目(このページにも若干の記述あり)を、テレビアニメ『一休さん』については「一休さん」の項目を参照。" }
{ "en": "Born in Kyoto, said to be the illegitimate child of Emperor Gokomatsu.", "ja": "京都の生まれで後小松天皇の落胤という。" }
{ "en": "In Kazunaga SUGAWARA's diary, \"Higashiboujou Kazunaga Kyouki\", he wrote on August 1st of 1494 that \"it is said in secret that the monk IKKYUU is a prince, the illegitimate child of Gokomatsu.", "ja": "菅原和長の日記『東坊城和長卿記』明応3年(1494年)八月一日の条に、「秘伝に云う、一休和尚は後小松院の落胤の皇子なり。" }
{ "en": "Nobody in the world knows this.\"", "ja": "世に之を知る人無し」とある。" }
{ "en": "According to later historical documents, his childhood name was Sengikumaru.", "ja": "幼名は、後世史料によると千菊丸。" }
{ "en": "Called Shuuken for a long time, he also went by Kyouunshi, Katsuro, and Mukei.", "ja": "長じて周建の名で呼ばれ、狂雲子、瞎驢(かつろ)、夢閨(むけい)などと号した。" }
{ "en": "Soujun was his Kaimyo (posthumous Buddhist name), also written as Soujun.", "ja": "戒名は宗純で、宗順とも書く。" }
{ "en": "IKKYUU was his Dougou (monk's name).", "ja": "一休は道号である。" }
{ "en": "(Refer to the section on \"Kaimyo\" for Kaimyo and Dougou.)", "ja": "(戒名と道号については「戒名」の項目を参照のこと。)" }
{ "en": "He took orders under Shuukan SHOUGE at Kyoto's Ankokuji at the age of 6, and was named Shuuken.", "ja": "6歳で京都の安国寺の像外集鑑に入門·受戒し、周建と名付けられる。" }
{ "en": "He quickly developed a talent for poetry; and his poems \"Choumonshunsou\", which he wrote at 13, and \"Shunishukka\", which he wrote at 15 years of age, were praised throughout Kyoto.", "ja": "早くから詩才に優れ、13歳の時に作った漢詩「長門春草」、15歳の時に作った漢詩「春衣宿花」は洛中の評判となり賞賛された。" }
{ "en": "In 1410, at the age of 17, he became a student of Soui KENOU and changed his name to Soujun.", "ja": "応永17年(1410年)、17歳で謙翁宗為(けんおうそうい)の弟子となり、戒名を宗純と改める。" }
{ "en": "KENOU died in 1414.", "ja": "謙翁は応永21年(1414年)に没した。" }
{ "en": "Whether it was because of the death of his teacher is difficult to determine, but IKKYUU attempted suicide around that time.", "ja": "この時、一休は師の遷化によるものかは断定できないが、自殺未遂を起こしている。" }
{ "en": "In 1415 he became a student of high priest Soudon KASOU at Kyoto's Daitokuji.", "ja": "応永22年(1415年)に京都の大徳寺の高僧、華叟宗曇(かそうそうどん)の弟子となる。" }
{ "en": "He received the name IKKYUU from KASOU when he answered the Koan called Touzan's 3 Blows by saying \"the treacherous path returns to the safe path; take a rest and let the rain fall, let the wind blow.\"", "ja": "『洞山三頓の棒』という公案に対し、「有ろじより無ろじへ帰る一休み雨ふらば降れ風ふかば吹け」と答えたことから、華叟より一休の道号を授かる。" }
{ "en": "The \"treacherous path\" refers to the world of confusion (distracting thoughts), while the \"safe path\" refers to the world of enlightenment (Buddha).", "ja": "なお「有ろじ(有漏路)」とは迷い(煩悩)の世界、「無ろじ(無漏路)」とは悟り(仏)の世界を指す。" }
{ "en": "One night in 1420 he heard the calling of a crow, and was immediately enlightened.", "ja": "応永27年(1420年)のある夜、カラスの鳴き声を聞いて、俄かに大悟する。" }
{ "en": "KASOU tried to give him a certificate of dharma transmission, but IKKYUU refused it.", "ja": "華叟は印可状を与えようとするが、一休は辞退した。" }
{ "en": "It is said that KASOU laughed and called him a fool as he sent him away.", "ja": "華叟はばか者と笑いながら送り出したという。" }
{ "en": "From then on he lived a crazy life of poetry, writing, and painting.", "ja": "以後は詩·狂歌·書画と風狂の生活を送った。" }
{ "en": "In 1428 Emperor Shoukou died without leaving behind a son; and Emperor Gohanazono from the Fushiminomiya family was enthroned.", "ja": "正長元年(1428年)、称光天皇が男子を残さず崩御し、伏見宮家より後花園天皇が迎えられて即位した。" }
{ "en": "It is said that Emperor Gohanazono's enthronement was based on a recommendation from IKKYUU.", "ja": "後花園天皇の即位には一休の推挙があったという。" }
{ "en": "From \"A chronological history of the Priest Ikkyuu of Toukai\".", "ja": "『東海一休和尚年譜』より。" }
{ "en": "Actually, Yoshio IMAIZUMI says that Emperor Gohanazono's enthronement had the support of the shogunate, and had nothing to do with IKKYUU's recommendation.", "ja": "ただし、今泉淑夫は後花園天皇の即位は幕府の賛成によるもので一休の推挙は無関係だとしている。" }
{ "en": "After the Onin War in 1474, at the order of Emperor Gotsuchimikado he was installed as chief priest (the 47th) of Daitokuji; and although he did not live in the temple, he put a lot of effort into its restoration.", "ja": "応仁の乱後の文明6年(1474年)、後土御門天皇の勅命により大徳寺の住持(第47代)に任ぜられ、寺には住まなかったが、再興に尽力した。" }
{ "en": "The subsidiary temple Shinjuan was built with IKKYUU as its founder.", "ja": "塔頭の真珠庵は一休を開祖として創建された。" }
{ "en": "He was close to the emperor, and was also loved by the people.", "ja": "天皇に親しく接せられ、民衆にも慕われたという。" }
{ "en": "He died at Shuuonan in 1481, at the age of 88.", "ja": "1481年、88歳で酬恩庵に没した。" }
{ "en": "It is reported that on his deathbed he said, \"I don't want to die.\"", "ja": "臨終に際し、「死にとうない」と述べたと伝わる。" }
{ "en": "Shuuonan, commonly called \"Ikkyuuji\", is located in the Takigi area of Kyoutanabe City in Kyoto.", "ja": "酬恩庵は通称「一休寺」と言い、京都府京田辺市の薪地区にある。" }
{ "en": "The ruined Myoushouji temple was restored by IKKYUU in 1456.", "ja": "康正2年1456年に荒廃していた妙勝寺を一休が再興したものである。" }
{ "en": "His grave is at Shuuonan and is called Jiyoutou, but is managed by the Imperial Household Agency as an imperial tomb, calling it the grave of prince Soujun, son of Emperor Gokomatsu, based on the stories about his lineage.", "ja": "墓は酬恩庵にあり、「慈揚塔」と呼ばれるが、宮内庁が御廟所として管理している陵墓である宮内庁では落胤説にもとづいて「後小松天皇皇子宗純王墓」としている。" }
{ "en": "For that reason it is not open to the public.", "ja": "ため、一般の立ち入り・参拝は不可能である。" }
{ "en": "Free and uninhibited, he was said to have many eccentricities.", "ja": "自由奔放で、奇行が多かったと言われる。" }
{ "en": "The following anecdotes have been passed on.", "ja": "以下のような逸話が伝わっている。" } exists but content is empty. Use the Edit dataset card button to edit it.
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