5 values
table([ eof x: 381 y: 46 z: 361, base z: 0, cup black x: 360 y: 71, ball blue x: 345 y: 274 , ball red x: 274 y: 99 , ball yellow x: 54 y: 245 , ball green x: 112 y: 390 , ball orange x: 367 y: 260])
move ball blue to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball blue -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (381; 46; 361) * to (345; 274; 10)* close gripper * from (345; 274; 10) * to (345; 274; 100) * from (345; 274; 100) * to (360; 71; 10) * open gripper * from (360; 71; 10) * to (381; 46; 361)
table([ eof x: 381 y: 46 z: 361, base z: 0, cup black x: 360 y: 71, ball blue x: 345 y: 274 , ball red x: 274 y: 99 , ball yellow x: 54 y: 245 , ball green x: 112 y: 390 , ball orange x: 367 y: 260])
move ball red to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball red -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (381; 46; 361) * to (274; 99; 10)* close gripper * from (274; 99; 10) * to (274; 99; 100) * from (274; 99; 100) * to (360; 71; 10) * open gripper * from (360; 71; 10) * to (381; 46; 361)
table([ eof x: 381 y: 46 z: 361, base z: 0, cup black x: 360 y: 71, ball blue x: 345 y: 274 , ball red x: 274 y: 99 , ball yellow x: 54 y: 245 , ball green x: 112 y: 390 , ball orange x: 367 y: 260])
move ball yellow to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball yellow -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (381; 46; 361) * to (54; 245; 10)* close gripper * from (54; 245; 10) * to (54; 245; 100) * from (54; 245; 100) * to (360; 71; 10) * open gripper * from (360; 71; 10) * to (381; 46; 361)
table([ eof x: 381 y: 46 z: 361, base z: 0, cup black x: 360 y: 71, ball blue x: 345 y: 274 , ball red x: 274 y: 99 , ball yellow x: 54 y: 245 , ball green x: 112 y: 390 , ball orange x: 367 y: 260])
move ball green to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball green -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (381; 46; 361) * to (112; 390; 10)* close gripper * from (112; 390; 10) * to (112; 390; 100) * from (112; 390; 100) * to (360; 71; 10) * open gripper * from (360; 71; 10) * to (381; 46; 361)
table([ eof x: 381 y: 46 z: 361, base z: 0, cup black x: 360 y: 71, ball blue x: 345 y: 274 , ball red x: 274 y: 99 , ball yellow x: 54 y: 245 , ball green x: 112 y: 390 , ball orange x: 367 y: 260])
move ball orange to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball orange -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (381; 46; 361) * to (367; 260; 10)* close gripper * from (367; 260; 10) * to (367; 260; 100) * from (367; 260; 100) * to (360; 71; 10) * open gripper * from (360; 71; 10) * to (381; 46; 361)
table([ eof x: 352 y: 173 z: 324, base z: 0, cup black x: 227 y: 126, ball blue x: 82 y: 76 , ball red x: 283 y: 8 , ball yellow x: 291 y: 120 , ball green x: 205 y: 365 , ball orange x: 177 y: 319])
move ball blue to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball blue -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (352; 173; 324) * to (82; 76; 10)* close gripper * from (82; 76; 10) * to (82; 76; 100) * from (82; 76; 100) * to (227; 126; 10) * open gripper * from (227; 126; 10) * to (352; 173; 324)
table([ eof x: 352 y: 173 z: 324, base z: 0, cup black x: 227 y: 126, ball blue x: 82 y: 76 , ball red x: 283 y: 8 , ball yellow x: 291 y: 120 , ball green x: 205 y: 365 , ball orange x: 177 y: 319])
move ball red to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball red -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (352; 173; 324) * to (283; 8; 10)* close gripper * from (283; 8; 10) * to (283; 8; 100) * from (283; 8; 100) * to (227; 126; 10) * open gripper * from (227; 126; 10) * to (352; 173; 324)
table([ eof x: 352 y: 173 z: 324, base z: 0, cup black x: 227 y: 126, ball blue x: 82 y: 76 , ball red x: 283 y: 8 , ball yellow x: 291 y: 120 , ball green x: 205 y: 365 , ball orange x: 177 y: 319])
move ball yellow to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball yellow -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (352; 173; 324) * to (291; 120; 10)* close gripper * from (291; 120; 10) * to (291; 120; 100) * from (291; 120; 100) * to (227; 126; 10) * open gripper * from (227; 126; 10) * to (352; 173; 324)
table([ eof x: 352 y: 173 z: 324, base z: 0, cup black x: 227 y: 126, ball blue x: 82 y: 76 , ball red x: 283 y: 8 , ball yellow x: 291 y: 120 , ball green x: 205 y: 365 , ball orange x: 177 y: 319])
move ball green to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball green -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (352; 173; 324) * to (205; 365; 10)* close gripper * from (205; 365; 10) * to (205; 365; 100) * from (205; 365; 100) * to (227; 126; 10) * open gripper * from (227; 126; 10) * to (352; 173; 324)
table([ eof x: 352 y: 173 z: 324, base z: 0, cup black x: 227 y: 126, ball blue x: 82 y: 76 , ball red x: 283 y: 8 , ball yellow x: 291 y: 120 , ball green x: 205 y: 365 , ball orange x: 177 y: 319])
move ball orange to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball orange -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (352; 173; 324) * to (177; 319; 10)* close gripper * from (177; 319; 10) * to (177; 319; 100) * from (177; 319; 100) * to (227; 126; 10) * open gripper * from (227; 126; 10) * to (352; 173; 324)
table([ eof x: 234 y: 142 z: 317, base z: 0, cup black x: 37 y: 175, ball blue x: 107 y: 282 , ball red x: 45 y: 61 , ball yellow x: 279 y: 311 , ball green x: 283 y: 338 , ball orange x: 117 y: 360])
move ball blue to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball blue -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (234; 142; 317) * to (107; 282; 10)* close gripper * from (107; 282; 10) * to (107; 282; 100) * from (107; 282; 100) * to (37; 175; 10) * open gripper * from (37; 175; 10) * to (234; 142; 317)
table([ eof x: 234 y: 142 z: 317, base z: 0, cup black x: 37 y: 175, ball blue x: 107 y: 282 , ball red x: 45 y: 61 , ball yellow x: 279 y: 311 , ball green x: 283 y: 338 , ball orange x: 117 y: 360])
move ball red to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball red -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (234; 142; 317) * to (45; 61; 10)* close gripper * from (45; 61; 10) * to (45; 61; 100) * from (45; 61; 100) * to (37; 175; 10) * open gripper * from (37; 175; 10) * to (234; 142; 317)
table([ eof x: 234 y: 142 z: 317, base z: 0, cup black x: 37 y: 175, ball blue x: 107 y: 282 , ball red x: 45 y: 61 , ball yellow x: 279 y: 311 , ball green x: 283 y: 338 , ball orange x: 117 y: 360])
move ball yellow to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball yellow -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (234; 142; 317) * to (279; 311; 10)* close gripper * from (279; 311; 10) * to (279; 311; 100) * from (279; 311; 100) * to (37; 175; 10) * open gripper * from (37; 175; 10) * to (234; 142; 317)
table([ eof x: 234 y: 142 z: 317, base z: 0, cup black x: 37 y: 175, ball blue x: 107 y: 282 , ball red x: 45 y: 61 , ball yellow x: 279 y: 311 , ball green x: 283 y: 338 , ball orange x: 117 y: 360])
move ball green to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball green -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (234; 142; 317) * to (283; 338; 10)* close gripper * from (283; 338; 10) * to (283; 338; 100) * from (283; 338; 100) * to (37; 175; 10) * open gripper * from (37; 175; 10) * to (234; 142; 317)
table([ eof x: 234 y: 142 z: 317, base z: 0, cup black x: 37 y: 175, ball blue x: 107 y: 282 , ball red x: 45 y: 61 , ball yellow x: 279 y: 311 , ball green x: 283 y: 338 , ball orange x: 117 y: 360])
move ball orange to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball orange -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (234; 142; 317) * to (117; 360; 10)* close gripper * from (117; 360; 10) * to (117; 360; 100) * from (117; 360; 100) * to (37; 175; 10) * open gripper * from (37; 175; 10) * to (234; 142; 317)
table([ eof x: 215 y: 224 z: 393, base z: 0, cup black x: 350 y: 174, ball blue x: 353 y: 302 , ball red x: 1 y: 307 , ball yellow x: 146 y: 236 , ball green x: 118 y: 229 , ball orange x: 311 y: 350])
move ball blue to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball blue -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (215; 224; 393) * to (353; 302; 10)* close gripper * from (353; 302; 10) * to (353; 302; 100) * from (353; 302; 100) * to (350; 174; 10) * open gripper * from (350; 174; 10) * to (215; 224; 393)
table([ eof x: 215 y: 224 z: 393, base z: 0, cup black x: 350 y: 174, ball blue x: 353 y: 302 , ball red x: 1 y: 307 , ball yellow x: 146 y: 236 , ball green x: 118 y: 229 , ball orange x: 311 y: 350])
move ball red to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball red -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (215; 224; 393) * to (1; 307; 10)* close gripper * from (1; 307; 10) * to (1; 307; 100) * from (1; 307; 100) * to (350; 174; 10) * open gripper * from (350; 174; 10) * to (215; 224; 393)
table([ eof x: 215 y: 224 z: 393, base z: 0, cup black x: 350 y: 174, ball blue x: 353 y: 302 , ball red x: 1 y: 307 , ball yellow x: 146 y: 236 , ball green x: 118 y: 229 , ball orange x: 311 y: 350])
move ball yellow to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball yellow -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (215; 224; 393) * to (146; 236; 10)* close gripper * from (146; 236; 10) * to (146; 236; 100) * from (146; 236; 100) * to (350; 174; 10) * open gripper * from (350; 174; 10) * to (215; 224; 393)
table([ eof x: 215 y: 224 z: 393, base z: 0, cup black x: 350 y: 174, ball blue x: 353 y: 302 , ball red x: 1 y: 307 , ball yellow x: 146 y: 236 , ball green x: 118 y: 229 , ball orange x: 311 y: 350])
move ball green to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball green -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (215; 224; 393) * to (118; 229; 10)* close gripper * from (118; 229; 10) * to (118; 229; 100) * from (118; 229; 100) * to (350; 174; 10) * open gripper * from (350; 174; 10) * to (215; 224; 393)
table([ eof x: 215 y: 224 z: 393, base z: 0, cup black x: 350 y: 174, ball blue x: 353 y: 302 , ball red x: 1 y: 307 , ball yellow x: 146 y: 236 , ball green x: 118 y: 229 , ball orange x: 311 y: 350])
move ball orange to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball orange -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (215; 224; 393) * to (311; 350; 10)* close gripper * from (311; 350; 10) * to (311; 350; 100) * from (311; 350; 100) * to (350; 174; 10) * open gripper * from (350; 174; 10) * to (215; 224; 393)
table([ eof x: 210 y: 111 z: 372, base z: 0, cup black x: 274 y: 144, ball blue x: 394 y: 152 , ball red x: 161 y: 192 , ball yellow x: 75 y: 145 , ball green x: 301 y: 86 , ball orange x: 203 y: 4])
move ball blue to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball blue -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (210; 111; 372) * to (394; 152; 10)* close gripper * from (394; 152; 10) * to (394; 152; 100) * from (394; 152; 100) * to (274; 144; 10) * open gripper * from (274; 144; 10) * to (210; 111; 372)
table([ eof x: 210 y: 111 z: 372, base z: 0, cup black x: 274 y: 144, ball blue x: 394 y: 152 , ball red x: 161 y: 192 , ball yellow x: 75 y: 145 , ball green x: 301 y: 86 , ball orange x: 203 y: 4])
move ball red to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball red -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (210; 111; 372) * to (161; 192; 10)* close gripper * from (161; 192; 10) * to (161; 192; 100) * from (161; 192; 100) * to (274; 144; 10) * open gripper * from (274; 144; 10) * to (210; 111; 372)
table([ eof x: 210 y: 111 z: 372, base z: 0, cup black x: 274 y: 144, ball blue x: 394 y: 152 , ball red x: 161 y: 192 , ball yellow x: 75 y: 145 , ball green x: 301 y: 86 , ball orange x: 203 y: 4])
move ball yellow to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball yellow -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (210; 111; 372) * to (75; 145; 10)* close gripper * from (75; 145; 10) * to (75; 145; 100) * from (75; 145; 100) * to (274; 144; 10) * open gripper * from (274; 144; 10) * to (210; 111; 372)
table([ eof x: 210 y: 111 z: 372, base z: 0, cup black x: 274 y: 144, ball blue x: 394 y: 152 , ball red x: 161 y: 192 , ball yellow x: 75 y: 145 , ball green x: 301 y: 86 , ball orange x: 203 y: 4])
move ball green to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball green -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (210; 111; 372) * to (301; 86; 10)* close gripper * from (301; 86; 10) * to (301; 86; 100) * from (301; 86; 100) * to (274; 144; 10) * open gripper * from (274; 144; 10) * to (210; 111; 372)
table([ eof x: 210 y: 111 z: 372, base z: 0, cup black x: 274 y: 144, ball blue x: 394 y: 152 , ball red x: 161 y: 192 , ball yellow x: 75 y: 145 , ball green x: 301 y: 86 , ball orange x: 203 y: 4])
move ball orange to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball orange -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (210; 111; 372) * to (203; 4; 10)* close gripper * from (203; 4; 10) * to (203; 4; 100) * from (203; 4; 100) * to (274; 144; 10) * open gripper * from (274; 144; 10) * to (210; 111; 372)
table([ eof x: 360 y: 284 z: 383, base z: 0, cup black x: 301 y: 284, ball blue x: 226 y: 190 , ball red x: 354 y: 301 , ball yellow x: 253 y: 377 , ball green x: 268 y: 56 , ball orange x: 283 y: 37])
move ball blue to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball blue -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (360; 284; 383) * to (226; 190; 10)* close gripper * from (226; 190; 10) * to (226; 190; 100) * from (226; 190; 100) * to (301; 284; 10) * open gripper * from (301; 284; 10) * to (360; 284; 383)
table([ eof x: 360 y: 284 z: 383, base z: 0, cup black x: 301 y: 284, ball blue x: 226 y: 190 , ball red x: 354 y: 301 , ball yellow x: 253 y: 377 , ball green x: 268 y: 56 , ball orange x: 283 y: 37])
move ball red to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball red -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (360; 284; 383) * to (354; 301; 10)* close gripper * from (354; 301; 10) * to (354; 301; 100) * from (354; 301; 100) * to (301; 284; 10) * open gripper * from (301; 284; 10) * to (360; 284; 383)
table([ eof x: 360 y: 284 z: 383, base z: 0, cup black x: 301 y: 284, ball blue x: 226 y: 190 , ball red x: 354 y: 301 , ball yellow x: 253 y: 377 , ball green x: 268 y: 56 , ball orange x: 283 y: 37])
move ball yellow to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball yellow -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (360; 284; 383) * to (253; 377; 10)* close gripper * from (253; 377; 10) * to (253; 377; 100) * from (253; 377; 100) * to (301; 284; 10) * open gripper * from (301; 284; 10) * to (360; 284; 383)
table([ eof x: 360 y: 284 z: 383, base z: 0, cup black x: 301 y: 284, ball blue x: 226 y: 190 , ball red x: 354 y: 301 , ball yellow x: 253 y: 377 , ball green x: 268 y: 56 , ball orange x: 283 y: 37])
move ball green to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball green -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (360; 284; 383) * to (268; 56; 10)* close gripper * from (268; 56; 10) * to (268; 56; 100) * from (268; 56; 100) * to (301; 284; 10) * open gripper * from (301; 284; 10) * to (360; 284; 383)
table([ eof x: 360 y: 284 z: 383, base z: 0, cup black x: 301 y: 284, ball blue x: 226 y: 190 , ball red x: 354 y: 301 , ball yellow x: 253 y: 377 , ball green x: 268 y: 56 , ball orange x: 283 y: 37])
move ball orange to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball orange -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (360; 284; 383) * to (283; 37; 10)* close gripper * from (283; 37; 10) * to (283; 37; 100) * from (283; 37; 100) * to (301; 284; 10) * open gripper * from (301; 284; 10) * to (360; 284; 383)
table([ eof x: 20 y: 377 z: 330, base z: 0, cup black x: 178 y: 240, ball blue x: 32 y: 302 , ball red x: 216 y: 223 , ball yellow x: 105 y: 265 , ball green x: 284 y: 394 , ball orange x: 106 y: 285])
move ball blue to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball blue -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (20; 377; 330) * to (32; 302; 10)* close gripper * from (32; 302; 10) * to (32; 302; 100) * from (32; 302; 100) * to (178; 240; 10) * open gripper * from (178; 240; 10) * to (20; 377; 330)
table([ eof x: 20 y: 377 z: 330, base z: 0, cup black x: 178 y: 240, ball blue x: 32 y: 302 , ball red x: 216 y: 223 , ball yellow x: 105 y: 265 , ball green x: 284 y: 394 , ball orange x: 106 y: 285])
move ball red to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball red -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (20; 377; 330) * to (216; 223; 10)* close gripper * from (216; 223; 10) * to (216; 223; 100) * from (216; 223; 100) * to (178; 240; 10) * open gripper * from (178; 240; 10) * to (20; 377; 330)
table([ eof x: 20 y: 377 z: 330, base z: 0, cup black x: 178 y: 240, ball blue x: 32 y: 302 , ball red x: 216 y: 223 , ball yellow x: 105 y: 265 , ball green x: 284 y: 394 , ball orange x: 106 y: 285])
move ball yellow to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball yellow -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (20; 377; 330) * to (105; 265; 10)* close gripper * from (105; 265; 10) * to (105; 265; 100) * from (105; 265; 100) * to (178; 240; 10) * open gripper * from (178; 240; 10) * to (20; 377; 330)
table([ eof x: 20 y: 377 z: 330, base z: 0, cup black x: 178 y: 240, ball blue x: 32 y: 302 , ball red x: 216 y: 223 , ball yellow x: 105 y: 265 , ball green x: 284 y: 394 , ball orange x: 106 y: 285])
move ball green to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball green -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (20; 377; 330) * to (284; 394; 10)* close gripper * from (284; 394; 10) * to (284; 394; 100) * from (284; 394; 100) * to (178; 240; 10) * open gripper * from (178; 240; 10) * to (20; 377; 330)
table([ eof x: 20 y: 377 z: 330, base z: 0, cup black x: 178 y: 240, ball blue x: 32 y: 302 , ball red x: 216 y: 223 , ball yellow x: 105 y: 265 , ball green x: 284 y: 394 , ball orange x: 106 y: 285])
move ball orange to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball orange -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (20; 377; 330) * to (106; 285; 10)* close gripper * from (106; 285; 10) * to (106; 285; 100) * from (106; 285; 100) * to (178; 240; 10) * open gripper * from (178; 240; 10) * to (20; 377; 330)
table([ eof x: 29 y: 342 z: 339, base z: 0, cup black x: 180 y: 374, ball blue x: 181 y: 124 , ball red x: 290 y: 7 , ball yellow x: 279 y: 388 , ball green x: 44 y: 304 , ball orange x: 329 y: 162])
move ball blue to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball blue -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (29; 342; 339) * to (181; 124; 10)* close gripper * from (181; 124; 10) * to (181; 124; 100) * from (181; 124; 100) * to (180; 374; 10) * open gripper * from (180; 374; 10) * to (29; 342; 339)
table([ eof x: 29 y: 342 z: 339, base z: 0, cup black x: 180 y: 374, ball blue x: 181 y: 124 , ball red x: 290 y: 7 , ball yellow x: 279 y: 388 , ball green x: 44 y: 304 , ball orange x: 329 y: 162])
move ball red to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball red -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (29; 342; 339) * to (290; 7; 10)* close gripper * from (290; 7; 10) * to (290; 7; 100) * from (290; 7; 100) * to (180; 374; 10) * open gripper * from (180; 374; 10) * to (29; 342; 339)
table([ eof x: 29 y: 342 z: 339, base z: 0, cup black x: 180 y: 374, ball blue x: 181 y: 124 , ball red x: 290 y: 7 , ball yellow x: 279 y: 388 , ball green x: 44 y: 304 , ball orange x: 329 y: 162])
move ball yellow to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball yellow -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (29; 342; 339) * to (279; 388; 10)* close gripper * from (279; 388; 10) * to (279; 388; 100) * from (279; 388; 100) * to (180; 374; 10) * open gripper * from (180; 374; 10) * to (29; 342; 339)
table([ eof x: 29 y: 342 z: 339, base z: 0, cup black x: 180 y: 374, ball blue x: 181 y: 124 , ball red x: 290 y: 7 , ball yellow x: 279 y: 388 , ball green x: 44 y: 304 , ball orange x: 329 y: 162])
move ball green to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball green -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (29; 342; 339) * to (44; 304; 10)* close gripper * from (44; 304; 10) * to (44; 304; 100) * from (44; 304; 100) * to (180; 374; 10) * open gripper * from (180; 374; 10) * to (29; 342; 339)
table([ eof x: 29 y: 342 z: 339, base z: 0, cup black x: 180 y: 374, ball blue x: 181 y: 124 , ball red x: 290 y: 7 , ball yellow x: 279 y: 388 , ball green x: 44 y: 304 , ball orange x: 329 y: 162])
move ball orange to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball orange -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (29; 342; 339) * to (329; 162; 10)* close gripper * from (329; 162; 10) * to (329; 162; 100) * from (329; 162; 100) * to (180; 374; 10) * open gripper * from (180; 374; 10) * to (29; 342; 339)
table([ eof x: 113 y: 360 z: 336, base z: 0, cup black x: 187 y: 207, ball blue x: 300 y: 278 , ball red x: 210 y: 39 , ball yellow x: 147 y: 126 , ball green x: 7 y: 30 , ball orange x: 56 y: 196])
move ball blue to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball blue -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (113; 360; 336) * to (300; 278; 10)* close gripper * from (300; 278; 10) * to (300; 278; 100) * from (300; 278; 100) * to (187; 207; 10) * open gripper * from (187; 207; 10) * to (113; 360; 336)
table([ eof x: 113 y: 360 z: 336, base z: 0, cup black x: 187 y: 207, ball blue x: 300 y: 278 , ball red x: 210 y: 39 , ball yellow x: 147 y: 126 , ball green x: 7 y: 30 , ball orange x: 56 y: 196])
move ball red to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball red -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (113; 360; 336) * to (210; 39; 10)* close gripper * from (210; 39; 10) * to (210; 39; 100) * from (210; 39; 100) * to (187; 207; 10) * open gripper * from (187; 207; 10) * to (113; 360; 336)
table([ eof x: 113 y: 360 z: 336, base z: 0, cup black x: 187 y: 207, ball blue x: 300 y: 278 , ball red x: 210 y: 39 , ball yellow x: 147 y: 126 , ball green x: 7 y: 30 , ball orange x: 56 y: 196])
move ball yellow to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball yellow -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (113; 360; 336) * to (147; 126; 10)* close gripper * from (147; 126; 10) * to (147; 126; 100) * from (147; 126; 100) * to (187; 207; 10) * open gripper * from (187; 207; 10) * to (113; 360; 336)
table([ eof x: 113 y: 360 z: 336, base z: 0, cup black x: 187 y: 207, ball blue x: 300 y: 278 , ball red x: 210 y: 39 , ball yellow x: 147 y: 126 , ball green x: 7 y: 30 , ball orange x: 56 y: 196])
move ball green to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball green -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (113; 360; 336) * to (7; 30; 10)* close gripper * from (7; 30; 10) * to (7; 30; 100) * from (7; 30; 100) * to (187; 207; 10) * open gripper * from (187; 207; 10) * to (113; 360; 336)
table([ eof x: 113 y: 360 z: 336, base z: 0, cup black x: 187 y: 207, ball blue x: 300 y: 278 , ball red x: 210 y: 39 , ball yellow x: 147 y: 126 , ball green x: 7 y: 30 , ball orange x: 56 y: 196])
move ball orange to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball orange -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (113; 360; 336) * to (56; 196; 10)* close gripper * from (56; 196; 10) * to (56; 196; 100) * from (56; 196; 100) * to (187; 207; 10) * open gripper * from (187; 207; 10) * to (113; 360; 336)
table([ eof x: 163 y: 386 z: 328, base z: 0, cup black x: 79 y: 222, ball blue x: 166 y: 333 , ball red x: 395 y: 345 , ball yellow x: 145 y: 152 , ball green x: 132 y: 368 , ball orange x: 229 y: 210])
move ball blue to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball blue -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (163; 386; 328) * to (166; 333; 10)* close gripper * from (166; 333; 10) * to (166; 333; 100) * from (166; 333; 100) * to (79; 222; 10) * open gripper * from (79; 222; 10) * to (163; 386; 328)
table([ eof x: 163 y: 386 z: 328, base z: 0, cup black x: 79 y: 222, ball blue x: 166 y: 333 , ball red x: 395 y: 345 , ball yellow x: 145 y: 152 , ball green x: 132 y: 368 , ball orange x: 229 y: 210])
move ball red to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball red -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (163; 386; 328) * to (395; 345; 10)* close gripper * from (395; 345; 10) * to (395; 345; 100) * from (395; 345; 100) * to (79; 222; 10) * open gripper * from (79; 222; 10) * to (163; 386; 328)
table([ eof x: 163 y: 386 z: 328, base z: 0, cup black x: 79 y: 222, ball blue x: 166 y: 333 , ball red x: 395 y: 345 , ball yellow x: 145 y: 152 , ball green x: 132 y: 368 , ball orange x: 229 y: 210])
move ball yellow to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball yellow -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (163; 386; 328) * to (145; 152; 10)* close gripper * from (145; 152; 10) * to (145; 152; 100) * from (145; 152; 100) * to (79; 222; 10) * open gripper * from (79; 222; 10) * to (163; 386; 328)
table([ eof x: 163 y: 386 z: 328, base z: 0, cup black x: 79 y: 222, ball blue x: 166 y: 333 , ball red x: 395 y: 345 , ball yellow x: 145 y: 152 , ball green x: 132 y: 368 , ball orange x: 229 y: 210])
move ball green to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball green -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (163; 386; 328) * to (132; 368; 10)* close gripper * from (132; 368; 10) * to (132; 368; 100) * from (132; 368; 100) * to (79; 222; 10) * open gripper * from (79; 222; 10) * to (163; 386; 328)
table([ eof x: 163 y: 386 z: 328, base z: 0, cup black x: 79 y: 222, ball blue x: 166 y: 333 , ball red x: 395 y: 345 , ball yellow x: 145 y: 152 , ball green x: 132 y: 368 , ball orange x: 229 y: 210])
move ball orange to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball orange -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (163; 386; 328) * to (229; 210; 10)* close gripper * from (229; 210; 10) * to (229; 210; 100) * from (229; 210; 100) * to (79; 222; 10) * open gripper * from (79; 222; 10) * to (163; 386; 328)
table([ eof x: 282 y: 204 z: 300, base z: 0, cup black x: 46 y: 322, ball blue x: 46 y: 157 , ball red x: 73 y: 59 , ball yellow x: 152 y: 169 , ball green x: 10 y: 136 , ball orange x: 203 y: 176])
move ball blue to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball blue -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (282; 204; 300) * to (46; 157; 10)* close gripper * from (46; 157; 10) * to (46; 157; 100) * from (46; 157; 100) * to (46; 322; 10) * open gripper * from (46; 322; 10) * to (282; 204; 300)
table([ eof x: 282 y: 204 z: 300, base z: 0, cup black x: 46 y: 322, ball blue x: 46 y: 157 , ball red x: 73 y: 59 , ball yellow x: 152 y: 169 , ball green x: 10 y: 136 , ball orange x: 203 y: 176])
move ball red to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball red -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (282; 204; 300) * to (73; 59; 10)* close gripper * from (73; 59; 10) * to (73; 59; 100) * from (73; 59; 100) * to (46; 322; 10) * open gripper * from (46; 322; 10) * to (282; 204; 300)
table([ eof x: 282 y: 204 z: 300, base z: 0, cup black x: 46 y: 322, ball blue x: 46 y: 157 , ball red x: 73 y: 59 , ball yellow x: 152 y: 169 , ball green x: 10 y: 136 , ball orange x: 203 y: 176])
move ball yellow to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball yellow -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (282; 204; 300) * to (152; 169; 10)* close gripper * from (152; 169; 10) * to (152; 169; 100) * from (152; 169; 100) * to (46; 322; 10) * open gripper * from (46; 322; 10) * to (282; 204; 300)
table([ eof x: 282 y: 204 z: 300, base z: 0, cup black x: 46 y: 322, ball blue x: 46 y: 157 , ball red x: 73 y: 59 , ball yellow x: 152 y: 169 , ball green x: 10 y: 136 , ball orange x: 203 y: 176])
move ball green to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball green -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (282; 204; 300) * to (10; 136; 10)* close gripper * from (10; 136; 10) * to (10; 136; 100) * from (10; 136; 100) * to (46; 322; 10) * open gripper * from (46; 322; 10) * to (282; 204; 300)
table([ eof x: 282 y: 204 z: 300, base z: 0, cup black x: 46 y: 322, ball blue x: 46 y: 157 , ball red x: 73 y: 59 , ball yellow x: 152 y: 169 , ball green x: 10 y: 136 , ball orange x: 203 y: 176])
move ball orange to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball orange -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (282; 204; 300) * to (203; 176; 10)* close gripper * from (203; 176; 10) * to (203; 176; 100) * from (203; 176; 100) * to (46; 322; 10) * open gripper * from (46; 322; 10) * to (282; 204; 300)
table([ eof x: 174 y: 296 z: 378, base z: 0, cup black x: 309 y: 332, ball blue x: 279 y: 178 , ball red x: 94 y: 267 , ball yellow x: 307 y: 294 , ball green x: 347 y: 54 , ball orange x: 144 y: 205])
move ball blue to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball blue -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (174; 296; 378) * to (279; 178; 10)* close gripper * from (279; 178; 10) * to (279; 178; 100) * from (279; 178; 100) * to (309; 332; 10) * open gripper * from (309; 332; 10) * to (174; 296; 378)
table([ eof x: 174 y: 296 z: 378, base z: 0, cup black x: 309 y: 332, ball blue x: 279 y: 178 , ball red x: 94 y: 267 , ball yellow x: 307 y: 294 , ball green x: 347 y: 54 , ball orange x: 144 y: 205])
move ball red to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball red -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (174; 296; 378) * to (94; 267; 10)* close gripper * from (94; 267; 10) * to (94; 267; 100) * from (94; 267; 100) * to (309; 332; 10) * open gripper * from (309; 332; 10) * to (174; 296; 378)
table([ eof x: 174 y: 296 z: 378, base z: 0, cup black x: 309 y: 332, ball blue x: 279 y: 178 , ball red x: 94 y: 267 , ball yellow x: 307 y: 294 , ball green x: 347 y: 54 , ball orange x: 144 y: 205])
move ball yellow to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball yellow -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (174; 296; 378) * to (307; 294; 10)* close gripper * from (307; 294; 10) * to (307; 294; 100) * from (307; 294; 100) * to (309; 332; 10) * open gripper * from (309; 332; 10) * to (174; 296; 378)
table([ eof x: 174 y: 296 z: 378, base z: 0, cup black x: 309 y: 332, ball blue x: 279 y: 178 , ball red x: 94 y: 267 , ball yellow x: 307 y: 294 , ball green x: 347 y: 54 , ball orange x: 144 y: 205])
move ball green to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball green -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (174; 296; 378) * to (347; 54; 10)* close gripper * from (347; 54; 10) * to (347; 54; 100) * from (347; 54; 100) * to (309; 332; 10) * open gripper * from (309; 332; 10) * to (174; 296; 378)
table([ eof x: 174 y: 296 z: 378, base z: 0, cup black x: 309 y: 332, ball blue x: 279 y: 178 , ball red x: 94 y: 267 , ball yellow x: 307 y: 294 , ball green x: 347 y: 54 , ball orange x: 144 y: 205])
move ball orange to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball orange -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (174; 296; 378) * to (144; 205; 10)* close gripper * from (144; 205; 10) * to (144; 205; 100) * from (144; 205; 100) * to (309; 332; 10) * open gripper * from (309; 332; 10) * to (174; 296; 378)
table([ eof x: 125 y: 109 z: 370, base z: 0, cup black x: 120 y: 137, ball blue x: 301 y: 254 , ball red x: 171 y: 88 , ball yellow x: 163 y: 125 , ball green x: 154 y: 317 , ball orange x: 125 y: 330])
move ball blue to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball blue -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (125; 109; 370) * to (301; 254; 10)* close gripper * from (301; 254; 10) * to (301; 254; 100) * from (301; 254; 100) * to (120; 137; 10) * open gripper * from (120; 137; 10) * to (125; 109; 370)
table([ eof x: 125 y: 109 z: 370, base z: 0, cup black x: 120 y: 137, ball blue x: 301 y: 254 , ball red x: 171 y: 88 , ball yellow x: 163 y: 125 , ball green x: 154 y: 317 , ball orange x: 125 y: 330])
move ball red to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball red -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (125; 109; 370) * to (171; 88; 10)* close gripper * from (171; 88; 10) * to (171; 88; 100) * from (171; 88; 100) * to (120; 137; 10) * open gripper * from (120; 137; 10) * to (125; 109; 370)
table([ eof x: 125 y: 109 z: 370, base z: 0, cup black x: 120 y: 137, ball blue x: 301 y: 254 , ball red x: 171 y: 88 , ball yellow x: 163 y: 125 , ball green x: 154 y: 317 , ball orange x: 125 y: 330])
move ball yellow to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball yellow -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (125; 109; 370) * to (163; 125; 10)* close gripper * from (163; 125; 10) * to (163; 125; 100) * from (163; 125; 100) * to (120; 137; 10) * open gripper * from (120; 137; 10) * to (125; 109; 370)
table([ eof x: 125 y: 109 z: 370, base z: 0, cup black x: 120 y: 137, ball blue x: 301 y: 254 , ball red x: 171 y: 88 , ball yellow x: 163 y: 125 , ball green x: 154 y: 317 , ball orange x: 125 y: 330])
move ball green to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball green -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (125; 109; 370) * to (154; 317; 10)* close gripper * from (154; 317; 10) * to (154; 317; 100) * from (154; 317; 100) * to (120; 137; 10) * open gripper * from (120; 137; 10) * to (125; 109; 370)
table([ eof x: 125 y: 109 z: 370, base z: 0, cup black x: 120 y: 137, ball blue x: 301 y: 254 , ball red x: 171 y: 88 , ball yellow x: 163 y: 125 , ball green x: 154 y: 317 , ball orange x: 125 y: 330])
move ball orange to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball orange -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (125; 109; 370) * to (125; 330; 10)* close gripper * from (125; 330; 10) * to (125; 330; 100) * from (125; 330; 100) * to (120; 137; 10) * open gripper * from (120; 137; 10) * to (125; 109; 370)
table([ eof x: 77 y: 374 z: 334, base z: 0, cup black x: 320 y: 128, ball blue x: 105 y: 232 , ball red x: 231 y: 35 , ball yellow x: 353 y: 271 , ball green x: 227 y: 273 , ball orange x: 359 y: 296])
move ball blue to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball blue -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (77; 374; 334) * to (105; 232; 10)* close gripper * from (105; 232; 10) * to (105; 232; 100) * from (105; 232; 100) * to (320; 128; 10) * open gripper * from (320; 128; 10) * to (77; 374; 334)
table([ eof x: 77 y: 374 z: 334, base z: 0, cup black x: 320 y: 128, ball blue x: 105 y: 232 , ball red x: 231 y: 35 , ball yellow x: 353 y: 271 , ball green x: 227 y: 273 , ball orange x: 359 y: 296])
move ball red to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball red -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (77; 374; 334) * to (231; 35; 10)* close gripper * from (231; 35; 10) * to (231; 35; 100) * from (231; 35; 100) * to (320; 128; 10) * open gripper * from (320; 128; 10) * to (77; 374; 334)
table([ eof x: 77 y: 374 z: 334, base z: 0, cup black x: 320 y: 128, ball blue x: 105 y: 232 , ball red x: 231 y: 35 , ball yellow x: 353 y: 271 , ball green x: 227 y: 273 , ball orange x: 359 y: 296])
move ball yellow to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball yellow -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (77; 374; 334) * to (353; 271; 10)* close gripper * from (353; 271; 10) * to (353; 271; 100) * from (353; 271; 100) * to (320; 128; 10) * open gripper * from (320; 128; 10) * to (77; 374; 334)
table([ eof x: 77 y: 374 z: 334, base z: 0, cup black x: 320 y: 128, ball blue x: 105 y: 232 , ball red x: 231 y: 35 , ball yellow x: 353 y: 271 , ball green x: 227 y: 273 , ball orange x: 359 y: 296])
move ball green to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball green -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (77; 374; 334) * to (227; 273; 10)* close gripper * from (227; 273; 10) * to (227; 273; 100) * from (227; 273; 100) * to (320; 128; 10) * open gripper * from (320; 128; 10) * to (77; 374; 334)
table([ eof x: 77 y: 374 z: 334, base z: 0, cup black x: 320 y: 128, ball blue x: 105 y: 232 , ball red x: 231 y: 35 , ball yellow x: 353 y: 271 , ball green x: 227 y: 273 , ball orange x: 359 y: 296])
move ball orange to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball orange -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (77; 374; 334) * to (359; 296; 10)* close gripper * from (359; 296; 10) * to (359; 296; 100) * from (359; 296; 100) * to (320; 128; 10) * open gripper * from (320; 128; 10) * to (77; 374; 334)
table([ eof x: 297 y: 182 z: 324, base z: 0, cup black x: 12 y: 358, ball blue x: 151 y: 146 , ball red x: 83 y: 131 , ball yellow x: 139 y: 245 , ball green x: 215 y: 109 , ball orange x: 146 y: 0])
move ball blue to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball blue -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (297; 182; 324) * to (151; 146; 10)* close gripper * from (151; 146; 10) * to (151; 146; 100) * from (151; 146; 100) * to (12; 358; 10) * open gripper * from (12; 358; 10) * to (297; 182; 324)
table([ eof x: 297 y: 182 z: 324, base z: 0, cup black x: 12 y: 358, ball blue x: 151 y: 146 , ball red x: 83 y: 131 , ball yellow x: 139 y: 245 , ball green x: 215 y: 109 , ball orange x: 146 y: 0])
move ball red to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball red -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (297; 182; 324) * to (83; 131; 10)* close gripper * from (83; 131; 10) * to (83; 131; 100) * from (83; 131; 100) * to (12; 358; 10) * open gripper * from (12; 358; 10) * to (297; 182; 324)
table([ eof x: 297 y: 182 z: 324, base z: 0, cup black x: 12 y: 358, ball blue x: 151 y: 146 , ball red x: 83 y: 131 , ball yellow x: 139 y: 245 , ball green x: 215 y: 109 , ball orange x: 146 y: 0])
move ball yellow to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball yellow -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (297; 182; 324) * to (139; 245; 10)* close gripper * from (139; 245; 10) * to (139; 245; 100) * from (139; 245; 100) * to (12; 358; 10) * open gripper * from (12; 358; 10) * to (297; 182; 324)
table([ eof x: 297 y: 182 z: 324, base z: 0, cup black x: 12 y: 358, ball blue x: 151 y: 146 , ball red x: 83 y: 131 , ball yellow x: 139 y: 245 , ball green x: 215 y: 109 , ball orange x: 146 y: 0])
move ball green to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball green -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (297; 182; 324) * to (215; 109; 10)* close gripper * from (215; 109; 10) * to (215; 109; 100) * from (215; 109; 100) * to (12; 358; 10) * open gripper * from (12; 358; 10) * to (297; 182; 324)
table([ eof x: 297 y: 182 z: 324, base z: 0, cup black x: 12 y: 358, ball blue x: 151 y: 146 , ball red x: 83 y: 131 , ball yellow x: 139 y: 245 , ball green x: 215 y: 109 , ball orange x: 146 y: 0])
move ball orange to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball orange -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (297; 182; 324) * to (146; 0; 10)* close gripper * from (146; 0; 10) * to (146; 0; 100) * from (146; 0; 100) * to (12; 358; 10) * open gripper * from (12; 358; 10) * to (297; 182; 324)
table([ eof x: 224 y: 372 z: 348, base z: 0, cup black x: 152 y: 374, ball blue x: 87 y: 176 , ball red x: 254 y: 46 , ball yellow x: 209 y: 257 , ball green x: 274 y: 239 , ball orange x: 94 y: 296])
move ball blue to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball blue -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (224; 372; 348) * to (87; 176; 10)* close gripper * from (87; 176; 10) * to (87; 176; 100) * from (87; 176; 100) * to (152; 374; 10) * open gripper * from (152; 374; 10) * to (224; 372; 348)
table([ eof x: 224 y: 372 z: 348, base z: 0, cup black x: 152 y: 374, ball blue x: 87 y: 176 , ball red x: 254 y: 46 , ball yellow x: 209 y: 257 , ball green x: 274 y: 239 , ball orange x: 94 y: 296])
move ball red to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball red -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (224; 372; 348) * to (254; 46; 10)* close gripper * from (254; 46; 10) * to (254; 46; 100) * from (254; 46; 100) * to (152; 374; 10) * open gripper * from (152; 374; 10) * to (224; 372; 348)
table([ eof x: 224 y: 372 z: 348, base z: 0, cup black x: 152 y: 374, ball blue x: 87 y: 176 , ball red x: 254 y: 46 , ball yellow x: 209 y: 257 , ball green x: 274 y: 239 , ball orange x: 94 y: 296])
move ball yellow to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball yellow -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (224; 372; 348) * to (209; 257; 10)* close gripper * from (209; 257; 10) * to (209; 257; 100) * from (209; 257; 100) * to (152; 374; 10) * open gripper * from (152; 374; 10) * to (224; 372; 348)
table([ eof x: 224 y: 372 z: 348, base z: 0, cup black x: 152 y: 374, ball blue x: 87 y: 176 , ball red x: 254 y: 46 , ball yellow x: 209 y: 257 , ball green x: 274 y: 239 , ball orange x: 94 y: 296])
move ball green to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball green -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (224; 372; 348) * to (274; 239; 10)* close gripper * from (274; 239; 10) * to (274; 239; 100) * from (274; 239; 100) * to (152; 374; 10) * open gripper * from (152; 374; 10) * to (224; 372; 348)
table([ eof x: 224 y: 372 z: 348, base z: 0, cup black x: 152 y: 374, ball blue x: 87 y: 176 , ball red x: 254 y: 46 , ball yellow x: 209 y: 257 , ball green x: 274 y: 239 , ball orange x: 94 y: 296])
move ball orange to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball orange -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (224; 372; 348) * to (94; 296; 10)* close gripper * from (94; 296; 10) * to (94; 296; 100) * from (94; 296; 100) * to (152; 374; 10) * open gripper * from (152; 374; 10) * to (224; 372; 348)
table([ eof x: 135 y: 173 z: 374, base z: 0, cup black x: 84 y: 310, ball blue x: 246 y: 25 , ball red x: 279 y: 170 , ball yellow x: 346 y: 322 , ball green x: 191 y: 59 , ball orange x: 223 y: 371])
move ball blue to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball blue -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (135; 173; 374) * to (246; 25; 10)* close gripper * from (246; 25; 10) * to (246; 25; 100) * from (246; 25; 100) * to (84; 310; 10) * open gripper * from (84; 310; 10) * to (135; 173; 374)
table([ eof x: 135 y: 173 z: 374, base z: 0, cup black x: 84 y: 310, ball blue x: 246 y: 25 , ball red x: 279 y: 170 , ball yellow x: 346 y: 322 , ball green x: 191 y: 59 , ball orange x: 223 y: 371])
move ball red to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball red -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (135; 173; 374) * to (279; 170; 10)* close gripper * from (279; 170; 10) * to (279; 170; 100) * from (279; 170; 100) * to (84; 310; 10) * open gripper * from (84; 310; 10) * to (135; 173; 374)
table([ eof x: 135 y: 173 z: 374, base z: 0, cup black x: 84 y: 310, ball blue x: 246 y: 25 , ball red x: 279 y: 170 , ball yellow x: 346 y: 322 , ball green x: 191 y: 59 , ball orange x: 223 y: 371])
move ball yellow to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball yellow -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (135; 173; 374) * to (346; 322; 10)* close gripper * from (346; 322; 10) * to (346; 322; 100) * from (346; 322; 100) * to (84; 310; 10) * open gripper * from (84; 310; 10) * to (135; 173; 374)
table([ eof x: 135 y: 173 z: 374, base z: 0, cup black x: 84 y: 310, ball blue x: 246 y: 25 , ball red x: 279 y: 170 , ball yellow x: 346 y: 322 , ball green x: 191 y: 59 , ball orange x: 223 y: 371])
move ball green to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball green -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (135; 173; 374) * to (191; 59; 10)* close gripper * from (191; 59; 10) * to (191; 59; 100) * from (191; 59; 100) * to (84; 310; 10) * open gripper * from (84; 310; 10) * to (135; 173; 374)
table([ eof x: 135 y: 173 z: 374, base z: 0, cup black x: 84 y: 310, ball blue x: 246 y: 25 , ball red x: 279 y: 170 , ball yellow x: 346 y: 322 , ball green x: 191 y: 59 , ball orange x: 223 y: 371])
move ball orange to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball orange -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (135; 173; 374) * to (223; 371; 10)* close gripper * from (223; 371; 10) * to (223; 371; 100) * from (223; 371; 100) * to (84; 310; 10) * open gripper * from (84; 310; 10) * to (135; 173; 374)
table([ eof x: 52 y: 313 z: 356, base z: 0, cup black x: 33 y: 250, ball blue x: 20 y: 198 , ball red x: 6 y: 74 , ball yellow x: 280 y: 219 , ball green x: 164 y: 139 , ball orange x: 165 y: 8])
move ball blue to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball blue -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (52; 313; 356) * to (20; 198; 10)* close gripper * from (20; 198; 10) * to (20; 198; 100) * from (20; 198; 100) * to (33; 250; 10) * open gripper * from (33; 250; 10) * to (52; 313; 356)
table([ eof x: 52 y: 313 z: 356, base z: 0, cup black x: 33 y: 250, ball blue x: 20 y: 198 , ball red x: 6 y: 74 , ball yellow x: 280 y: 219 , ball green x: 164 y: 139 , ball orange x: 165 y: 8])
move ball red to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball red -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (52; 313; 356) * to (6; 74; 10)* close gripper * from (6; 74; 10) * to (6; 74; 100) * from (6; 74; 100) * to (33; 250; 10) * open gripper * from (33; 250; 10) * to (52; 313; 356)
table([ eof x: 52 y: 313 z: 356, base z: 0, cup black x: 33 y: 250, ball blue x: 20 y: 198 , ball red x: 6 y: 74 , ball yellow x: 280 y: 219 , ball green x: 164 y: 139 , ball orange x: 165 y: 8])
move ball yellow to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball yellow -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (52; 313; 356) * to (280; 219; 10)* close gripper * from (280; 219; 10) * to (280; 219; 100) * from (280; 219; 100) * to (33; 250; 10) * open gripper * from (33; 250; 10) * to (52; 313; 356)
table([ eof x: 52 y: 313 z: 356, base z: 0, cup black x: 33 y: 250, ball blue x: 20 y: 198 , ball red x: 6 y: 74 , ball yellow x: 280 y: 219 , ball green x: 164 y: 139 , ball orange x: 165 y: 8])
move ball green to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball green -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (52; 313; 356) * to (164; 139; 10)* close gripper * from (164; 139; 10) * to (164; 139; 100) * from (164; 139; 100) * to (33; 250; 10) * open gripper * from (33; 250; 10) * to (52; 313; 356)
table([ eof x: 52 y: 313 z: 356, base z: 0, cup black x: 33 y: 250, ball blue x: 20 y: 198 , ball red x: 6 y: 74 , ball yellow x: 280 y: 219 , ball green x: 164 y: 139 , ball orange x: 165 y: 8])
move ball orange to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball orange -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (52; 313; 356) * to (165; 8; 10)* close gripper * from (165; 8; 10) * to (165; 8; 100) * from (165; 8; 100) * to (33; 250; 10) * open gripper * from (33; 250; 10) * to (52; 313; 356)
table([ eof x: 301 y: 212 z: 329, base z: 0, cup black x: 203 y: 17, ball blue x: 68 y: 203 , ball red x: 288 y: 121 , ball yellow x: 253 y: 347 , ball green x: 5 y: 126 , ball orange x: 57 y: 112])
move ball blue to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball blue -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (301; 212; 329) * to (68; 203; 10)* close gripper * from (68; 203; 10) * to (68; 203; 100) * from (68; 203; 100) * to (203; 17; 10) * open gripper * from (203; 17; 10) * to (301; 212; 329)
table([ eof x: 301 y: 212 z: 329, base z: 0, cup black x: 203 y: 17, ball blue x: 68 y: 203 , ball red x: 288 y: 121 , ball yellow x: 253 y: 347 , ball green x: 5 y: 126 , ball orange x: 57 y: 112])
move ball red to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball red -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (301; 212; 329) * to (288; 121; 10)* close gripper * from (288; 121; 10) * to (288; 121; 100) * from (288; 121; 100) * to (203; 17; 10) * open gripper * from (203; 17; 10) * to (301; 212; 329)
table([ eof x: 301 y: 212 z: 329, base z: 0, cup black x: 203 y: 17, ball blue x: 68 y: 203 , ball red x: 288 y: 121 , ball yellow x: 253 y: 347 , ball green x: 5 y: 126 , ball orange x: 57 y: 112])
move ball yellow to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball yellow -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (301; 212; 329) * to (253; 347; 10)* close gripper * from (253; 347; 10) * to (253; 347; 100) * from (253; 347; 100) * to (203; 17; 10) * open gripper * from (203; 17; 10) * to (301; 212; 329)
table([ eof x: 301 y: 212 z: 329, base z: 0, cup black x: 203 y: 17, ball blue x: 68 y: 203 , ball red x: 288 y: 121 , ball yellow x: 253 y: 347 , ball green x: 5 y: 126 , ball orange x: 57 y: 112])
move ball green to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball green -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (301; 212; 329) * to (5; 126; 10)* close gripper * from (5; 126; 10) * to (5; 126; 100) * from (5; 126; 100) * to (203; 17; 10) * open gripper * from (203; 17; 10) * to (301; 212; 329)
table([ eof x: 301 y: 212 z: 329, base z: 0, cup black x: 203 y: 17, ball blue x: 68 y: 203 , ball red x: 288 y: 121 , ball yellow x: 253 y: 347 , ball green x: 5 y: 126 , ball orange x: 57 y: 112])
move ball orange to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball orange -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (301; 212; 329) * to (57; 112; 10)* close gripper * from (57; 112; 10) * to (57; 112; 100) * from (57; 112; 100) * to (203; 17; 10) * open gripper * from (203; 17; 10) * to (301; 212; 329)
table([ eof x: 122 y: 16 z: 342, base z: 0, cup black x: 178 y: 26, ball blue x: 165 y: 258 , ball red x: 391 y: 111 , ball yellow x: 19 y: 232 , ball green x: 164 y: 182 , ball orange x: 52 y: 380])
move ball blue to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball blue -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (122; 16; 342) * to (165; 258; 10)* close gripper * from (165; 258; 10) * to (165; 258; 100) * from (165; 258; 100) * to (178; 26; 10) * open gripper * from (178; 26; 10) * to (122; 16; 342)
table([ eof x: 122 y: 16 z: 342, base z: 0, cup black x: 178 y: 26, ball blue x: 165 y: 258 , ball red x: 391 y: 111 , ball yellow x: 19 y: 232 , ball green x: 164 y: 182 , ball orange x: 52 y: 380])
move ball red to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball red -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (122; 16; 342) * to (391; 111; 10)* close gripper * from (391; 111; 10) * to (391; 111; 100) * from (391; 111; 100) * to (178; 26; 10) * open gripper * from (178; 26; 10) * to (122; 16; 342)
table([ eof x: 122 y: 16 z: 342, base z: 0, cup black x: 178 y: 26, ball blue x: 165 y: 258 , ball red x: 391 y: 111 , ball yellow x: 19 y: 232 , ball green x: 164 y: 182 , ball orange x: 52 y: 380])
move ball yellow to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball yellow -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (122; 16; 342) * to (19; 232; 10)* close gripper * from (19; 232; 10) * to (19; 232; 100) * from (19; 232; 100) * to (178; 26; 10) * open gripper * from (178; 26; 10) * to (122; 16; 342)
table([ eof x: 122 y: 16 z: 342, base z: 0, cup black x: 178 y: 26, ball blue x: 165 y: 258 , ball red x: 391 y: 111 , ball yellow x: 19 y: 232 , ball green x: 164 y: 182 , ball orange x: 52 y: 380])
move ball green to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball green -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (122; 16; 342) * to (164; 182; 10)* close gripper * from (164; 182; 10) * to (164; 182; 100) * from (164; 182; 100) * to (178; 26; 10) * open gripper * from (178; 26; 10) * to (122; 16; 342)
table([ eof x: 122 y: 16 z: 342, base z: 0, cup black x: 178 y: 26, ball blue x: 165 y: 258 , ball red x: 391 y: 111 , ball yellow x: 19 y: 232 , ball green x: 164 y: 182 , ball orange x: 52 y: 380])
move ball orange to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball orange -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (122; 16; 342) * to (52; 380; 10)* close gripper * from (52; 380; 10) * to (52; 380; 100) * from (52; 380; 100) * to (178; 26; 10) * open gripper * from (178; 26; 10) * to (122; 16; 342)

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