5 values
table([ eof x: 291 y: 286 z: 365, base z: 0, cup black x: 180 y: 323, ball blue x: 317 y: 201 , ball red x: 74 y: 74 , ball yellow x: 252 y: 179 , ball green x: 165 y: 336 , ball orange x: 280 y: 253])
move ball blue to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball blue -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (291; 286; 365) * to (317; 201; 10)* close gripper * from (317; 201; 10) * to (317; 201; 100) * from (317; 201; 100) * to (180; 323; 10) * open gripper * from (180; 323; 10) * to (291; 286; 365)
table([ eof x: 291 y: 286 z: 365, base z: 0, cup black x: 180 y: 323, ball blue x: 317 y: 201 , ball red x: 74 y: 74 , ball yellow x: 252 y: 179 , ball green x: 165 y: 336 , ball orange x: 280 y: 253])
move ball red to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball red -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (291; 286; 365) * to (74; 74; 10)* close gripper * from (74; 74; 10) * to (74; 74; 100) * from (74; 74; 100) * to (180; 323; 10) * open gripper * from (180; 323; 10) * to (291; 286; 365)
table([ eof x: 291 y: 286 z: 365, base z: 0, cup black x: 180 y: 323, ball blue x: 317 y: 201 , ball red x: 74 y: 74 , ball yellow x: 252 y: 179 , ball green x: 165 y: 336 , ball orange x: 280 y: 253])
move ball yellow to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball yellow -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (291; 286; 365) * to (252; 179; 10)* close gripper * from (252; 179; 10) * to (252; 179; 100) * from (252; 179; 100) * to (180; 323; 10) * open gripper * from (180; 323; 10) * to (291; 286; 365)
table([ eof x: 291 y: 286 z: 365, base z: 0, cup black x: 180 y: 323, ball blue x: 317 y: 201 , ball red x: 74 y: 74 , ball yellow x: 252 y: 179 , ball green x: 165 y: 336 , ball orange x: 280 y: 253])
move ball green to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball green -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (291; 286; 365) * to (165; 336; 10)* close gripper * from (165; 336; 10) * to (165; 336; 100) * from (165; 336; 100) * to (180; 323; 10) * open gripper * from (180; 323; 10) * to (291; 286; 365)
table([ eof x: 291 y: 286 z: 365, base z: 0, cup black x: 180 y: 323, ball blue x: 317 y: 201 , ball red x: 74 y: 74 , ball yellow x: 252 y: 179 , ball green x: 165 y: 336 , ball orange x: 280 y: 253])
move ball orange to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball orange -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (291; 286; 365) * to (280; 253; 10)* close gripper * from (280; 253; 10) * to (280; 253; 100) * from (280; 253; 100) * to (180; 323; 10) * open gripper * from (180; 323; 10) * to (291; 286; 365)
table([ eof x: 132 y: 202 z: 373, base z: 0, cup black x: 141 y: 226, ball blue x: 35 y: 178 , ball red x: 7 y: 366 , ball yellow x: 241 y: 282 , ball green x: 248 y: 341 , ball orange x: 130 y: 303])
move ball blue to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball blue -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (132; 202; 373) * to (35; 178; 10)* close gripper * from (35; 178; 10) * to (35; 178; 100) * from (35; 178; 100) * to (141; 226; 10) * open gripper * from (141; 226; 10) * to (132; 202; 373)
table([ eof x: 132 y: 202 z: 373, base z: 0, cup black x: 141 y: 226, ball blue x: 35 y: 178 , ball red x: 7 y: 366 , ball yellow x: 241 y: 282 , ball green x: 248 y: 341 , ball orange x: 130 y: 303])
move ball red to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball red -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (132; 202; 373) * to (7; 366; 10)* close gripper * from (7; 366; 10) * to (7; 366; 100) * from (7; 366; 100) * to (141; 226; 10) * open gripper * from (141; 226; 10) * to (132; 202; 373)
table([ eof x: 132 y: 202 z: 373, base z: 0, cup black x: 141 y: 226, ball blue x: 35 y: 178 , ball red x: 7 y: 366 , ball yellow x: 241 y: 282 , ball green x: 248 y: 341 , ball orange x: 130 y: 303])
move ball yellow to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball yellow -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (132; 202; 373) * to (241; 282; 10)* close gripper * from (241; 282; 10) * to (241; 282; 100) * from (241; 282; 100) * to (141; 226; 10) * open gripper * from (141; 226; 10) * to (132; 202; 373)
table([ eof x: 132 y: 202 z: 373, base z: 0, cup black x: 141 y: 226, ball blue x: 35 y: 178 , ball red x: 7 y: 366 , ball yellow x: 241 y: 282 , ball green x: 248 y: 341 , ball orange x: 130 y: 303])
move ball green to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball green -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (132; 202; 373) * to (248; 341; 10)* close gripper * from (248; 341; 10) * to (248; 341; 100) * from (248; 341; 100) * to (141; 226; 10) * open gripper * from (141; 226; 10) * to (132; 202; 373)
table([ eof x: 132 y: 202 z: 373, base z: 0, cup black x: 141 y: 226, ball blue x: 35 y: 178 , ball red x: 7 y: 366 , ball yellow x: 241 y: 282 , ball green x: 248 y: 341 , ball orange x: 130 y: 303])
move ball orange to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball orange -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (132; 202; 373) * to (130; 303; 10)* close gripper * from (130; 303; 10) * to (130; 303; 100) * from (130; 303; 100) * to (141; 226; 10) * open gripper * from (141; 226; 10) * to (132; 202; 373)
table([ eof x: 187 y: 163 z: 312, base z: 0, cup black x: 383 y: 68, ball blue x: 77 y: 303 , ball red x: 385 y: 93 , ball yellow x: 395 y: 165 , ball green x: 276 y: 116 , ball orange x: 236 y: 172])
move ball blue to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball blue -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (187; 163; 312) * to (77; 303; 10)* close gripper * from (77; 303; 10) * to (77; 303; 100) * from (77; 303; 100) * to (383; 68; 10) * open gripper * from (383; 68; 10) * to (187; 163; 312)
table([ eof x: 187 y: 163 z: 312, base z: 0, cup black x: 383 y: 68, ball blue x: 77 y: 303 , ball red x: 385 y: 93 , ball yellow x: 395 y: 165 , ball green x: 276 y: 116 , ball orange x: 236 y: 172])
move ball red to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball red -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (187; 163; 312) * to (385; 93; 10)* close gripper * from (385; 93; 10) * to (385; 93; 100) * from (385; 93; 100) * to (383; 68; 10) * open gripper * from (383; 68; 10) * to (187; 163; 312)
table([ eof x: 187 y: 163 z: 312, base z: 0, cup black x: 383 y: 68, ball blue x: 77 y: 303 , ball red x: 385 y: 93 , ball yellow x: 395 y: 165 , ball green x: 276 y: 116 , ball orange x: 236 y: 172])
move ball yellow to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball yellow -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (187; 163; 312) * to (395; 165; 10)* close gripper * from (395; 165; 10) * to (395; 165; 100) * from (395; 165; 100) * to (383; 68; 10) * open gripper * from (383; 68; 10) * to (187; 163; 312)
table([ eof x: 187 y: 163 z: 312, base z: 0, cup black x: 383 y: 68, ball blue x: 77 y: 303 , ball red x: 385 y: 93 , ball yellow x: 395 y: 165 , ball green x: 276 y: 116 , ball orange x: 236 y: 172])
move ball green to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball green -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (187; 163; 312) * to (276; 116; 10)* close gripper * from (276; 116; 10) * to (276; 116; 100) * from (276; 116; 100) * to (383; 68; 10) * open gripper * from (383; 68; 10) * to (187; 163; 312)
table([ eof x: 187 y: 163 z: 312, base z: 0, cup black x: 383 y: 68, ball blue x: 77 y: 303 , ball red x: 385 y: 93 , ball yellow x: 395 y: 165 , ball green x: 276 y: 116 , ball orange x: 236 y: 172])
move ball orange to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball orange -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (187; 163; 312) * to (236; 172; 10)* close gripper * from (236; 172; 10) * to (236; 172; 100) * from (236; 172; 100) * to (383; 68; 10) * open gripper * from (383; 68; 10) * to (187; 163; 312)
table([ eof x: 17 y: 65 z: 386, base z: 0, cup black x: 201 y: 158, ball blue x: 53 y: 170 , ball red x: 68 y: 63 , ball yellow x: 365 y: 367 , ball green x: 284 y: 325 , ball orange x: 261 y: 200])
move ball blue to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball blue -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (17; 65; 386) * to (53; 170; 10)* close gripper * from (53; 170; 10) * to (53; 170; 100) * from (53; 170; 100) * to (201; 158; 10) * open gripper * from (201; 158; 10) * to (17; 65; 386)
table([ eof x: 17 y: 65 z: 386, base z: 0, cup black x: 201 y: 158, ball blue x: 53 y: 170 , ball red x: 68 y: 63 , ball yellow x: 365 y: 367 , ball green x: 284 y: 325 , ball orange x: 261 y: 200])
move ball red to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball red -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (17; 65; 386) * to (68; 63; 10)* close gripper * from (68; 63; 10) * to (68; 63; 100) * from (68; 63; 100) * to (201; 158; 10) * open gripper * from (201; 158; 10) * to (17; 65; 386)
table([ eof x: 17 y: 65 z: 386, base z: 0, cup black x: 201 y: 158, ball blue x: 53 y: 170 , ball red x: 68 y: 63 , ball yellow x: 365 y: 367 , ball green x: 284 y: 325 , ball orange x: 261 y: 200])
move ball yellow to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball yellow -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (17; 65; 386) * to (365; 367; 10)* close gripper * from (365; 367; 10) * to (365; 367; 100) * from (365; 367; 100) * to (201; 158; 10) * open gripper * from (201; 158; 10) * to (17; 65; 386)
table([ eof x: 17 y: 65 z: 386, base z: 0, cup black x: 201 y: 158, ball blue x: 53 y: 170 , ball red x: 68 y: 63 , ball yellow x: 365 y: 367 , ball green x: 284 y: 325 , ball orange x: 261 y: 200])
move ball green to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball green -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (17; 65; 386) * to (284; 325; 10)* close gripper * from (284; 325; 10) * to (284; 325; 100) * from (284; 325; 100) * to (201; 158; 10) * open gripper * from (201; 158; 10) * to (17; 65; 386)
table([ eof x: 17 y: 65 z: 386, base z: 0, cup black x: 201 y: 158, ball blue x: 53 y: 170 , ball red x: 68 y: 63 , ball yellow x: 365 y: 367 , ball green x: 284 y: 325 , ball orange x: 261 y: 200])
move ball orange to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball orange -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (17; 65; 386) * to (261; 200; 10)* close gripper * from (261; 200; 10) * to (261; 200; 100) * from (261; 200; 100) * to (201; 158; 10) * open gripper * from (201; 158; 10) * to (17; 65; 386)
table([ eof x: 346 y: 146 z: 383, base z: 0, cup black x: 190 y: 124, ball blue x: 176 y: 126 , ball red x: 325 y: 225 , ball yellow x: 55 y: 295 , ball green x: 245 y: 49 , ball orange x: 226 y: 308])
move ball blue to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball blue -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (346; 146; 383) * to (176; 126; 10)* close gripper * from (176; 126; 10) * to (176; 126; 100) * from (176; 126; 100) * to (190; 124; 10) * open gripper * from (190; 124; 10) * to (346; 146; 383)
table([ eof x: 346 y: 146 z: 383, base z: 0, cup black x: 190 y: 124, ball blue x: 176 y: 126 , ball red x: 325 y: 225 , ball yellow x: 55 y: 295 , ball green x: 245 y: 49 , ball orange x: 226 y: 308])
move ball red to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball red -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (346; 146; 383) * to (325; 225; 10)* close gripper * from (325; 225; 10) * to (325; 225; 100) * from (325; 225; 100) * to (190; 124; 10) * open gripper * from (190; 124; 10) * to (346; 146; 383)
table([ eof x: 346 y: 146 z: 383, base z: 0, cup black x: 190 y: 124, ball blue x: 176 y: 126 , ball red x: 325 y: 225 , ball yellow x: 55 y: 295 , ball green x: 245 y: 49 , ball orange x: 226 y: 308])
move ball yellow to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball yellow -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (346; 146; 383) * to (55; 295; 10)* close gripper * from (55; 295; 10) * to (55; 295; 100) * from (55; 295; 100) * to (190; 124; 10) * open gripper * from (190; 124; 10) * to (346; 146; 383)
table([ eof x: 346 y: 146 z: 383, base z: 0, cup black x: 190 y: 124, ball blue x: 176 y: 126 , ball red x: 325 y: 225 , ball yellow x: 55 y: 295 , ball green x: 245 y: 49 , ball orange x: 226 y: 308])
move ball green to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball green -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (346; 146; 383) * to (245; 49; 10)* close gripper * from (245; 49; 10) * to (245; 49; 100) * from (245; 49; 100) * to (190; 124; 10) * open gripper * from (190; 124; 10) * to (346; 146; 383)
table([ eof x: 346 y: 146 z: 383, base z: 0, cup black x: 190 y: 124, ball blue x: 176 y: 126 , ball red x: 325 y: 225 , ball yellow x: 55 y: 295 , ball green x: 245 y: 49 , ball orange x: 226 y: 308])
move ball orange to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball orange -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (346; 146; 383) * to (226; 308; 10)* close gripper * from (226; 308; 10) * to (226; 308; 100) * from (226; 308; 100) * to (190; 124; 10) * open gripper * from (190; 124; 10) * to (346; 146; 383)
table([ eof x: 377 y: 89 z: 344, base z: 0, cup black x: 175 y: 396, ball blue x: 3 y: 31 , ball red x: 170 y: 179 , ball yellow x: 382 y: 194 , ball green x: 263 y: 153 , ball orange x: 129 y: 382])
move ball blue to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball blue -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (377; 89; 344) * to (3; 31; 10)* close gripper * from (3; 31; 10) * to (3; 31; 100) * from (3; 31; 100) * to (175; 396; 10) * open gripper * from (175; 396; 10) * to (377; 89; 344)
table([ eof x: 377 y: 89 z: 344, base z: 0, cup black x: 175 y: 396, ball blue x: 3 y: 31 , ball red x: 170 y: 179 , ball yellow x: 382 y: 194 , ball green x: 263 y: 153 , ball orange x: 129 y: 382])
move ball red to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball red -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (377; 89; 344) * to (170; 179; 10)* close gripper * from (170; 179; 10) * to (170; 179; 100) * from (170; 179; 100) * to (175; 396; 10) * open gripper * from (175; 396; 10) * to (377; 89; 344)
table([ eof x: 377 y: 89 z: 344, base z: 0, cup black x: 175 y: 396, ball blue x: 3 y: 31 , ball red x: 170 y: 179 , ball yellow x: 382 y: 194 , ball green x: 263 y: 153 , ball orange x: 129 y: 382])
move ball yellow to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball yellow -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (377; 89; 344) * to (382; 194; 10)* close gripper * from (382; 194; 10) * to (382; 194; 100) * from (382; 194; 100) * to (175; 396; 10) * open gripper * from (175; 396; 10) * to (377; 89; 344)
table([ eof x: 377 y: 89 z: 344, base z: 0, cup black x: 175 y: 396, ball blue x: 3 y: 31 , ball red x: 170 y: 179 , ball yellow x: 382 y: 194 , ball green x: 263 y: 153 , ball orange x: 129 y: 382])
move ball green to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball green -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (377; 89; 344) * to (263; 153; 10)* close gripper * from (263; 153; 10) * to (263; 153; 100) * from (263; 153; 100) * to (175; 396; 10) * open gripper * from (175; 396; 10) * to (377; 89; 344)
table([ eof x: 377 y: 89 z: 344, base z: 0, cup black x: 175 y: 396, ball blue x: 3 y: 31 , ball red x: 170 y: 179 , ball yellow x: 382 y: 194 , ball green x: 263 y: 153 , ball orange x: 129 y: 382])
move ball orange to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball orange -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (377; 89; 344) * to (129; 382; 10)* close gripper * from (129; 382; 10) * to (129; 382; 100) * from (129; 382; 100) * to (175; 396; 10) * open gripper * from (175; 396; 10) * to (377; 89; 344)
table([ eof x: 162 y: 346 z: 333, base z: 0, cup black x: 98 y: 379, ball blue x: 364 y: 61 , ball red x: 77 y: 119 , ball yellow x: 107 y: 128 , ball green x: 392 y: 60 , ball orange x: 313 y: 58])
move ball blue to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball blue -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (162; 346; 333) * to (364; 61; 10)* close gripper * from (364; 61; 10) * to (364; 61; 100) * from (364; 61; 100) * to (98; 379; 10) * open gripper * from (98; 379; 10) * to (162; 346; 333)
table([ eof x: 162 y: 346 z: 333, base z: 0, cup black x: 98 y: 379, ball blue x: 364 y: 61 , ball red x: 77 y: 119 , ball yellow x: 107 y: 128 , ball green x: 392 y: 60 , ball orange x: 313 y: 58])
move ball red to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball red -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (162; 346; 333) * to (77; 119; 10)* close gripper * from (77; 119; 10) * to (77; 119; 100) * from (77; 119; 100) * to (98; 379; 10) * open gripper * from (98; 379; 10) * to (162; 346; 333)
table([ eof x: 162 y: 346 z: 333, base z: 0, cup black x: 98 y: 379, ball blue x: 364 y: 61 , ball red x: 77 y: 119 , ball yellow x: 107 y: 128 , ball green x: 392 y: 60 , ball orange x: 313 y: 58])
move ball yellow to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball yellow -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (162; 346; 333) * to (107; 128; 10)* close gripper * from (107; 128; 10) * to (107; 128; 100) * from (107; 128; 100) * to (98; 379; 10) * open gripper * from (98; 379; 10) * to (162; 346; 333)
table([ eof x: 162 y: 346 z: 333, base z: 0, cup black x: 98 y: 379, ball blue x: 364 y: 61 , ball red x: 77 y: 119 , ball yellow x: 107 y: 128 , ball green x: 392 y: 60 , ball orange x: 313 y: 58])
move ball green to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball green -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (162; 346; 333) * to (392; 60; 10)* close gripper * from (392; 60; 10) * to (392; 60; 100) * from (392; 60; 100) * to (98; 379; 10) * open gripper * from (98; 379; 10) * to (162; 346; 333)
table([ eof x: 162 y: 346 z: 333, base z: 0, cup black x: 98 y: 379, ball blue x: 364 y: 61 , ball red x: 77 y: 119 , ball yellow x: 107 y: 128 , ball green x: 392 y: 60 , ball orange x: 313 y: 58])
move ball orange to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball orange -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (162; 346; 333) * to (313; 58; 10)* close gripper * from (313; 58; 10) * to (313; 58; 100) * from (313; 58; 100) * to (98; 379; 10) * open gripper * from (98; 379; 10) * to (162; 346; 333)
table([ eof x: 324 y: 108 z: 316, base z: 0, cup black x: 280 y: 129, ball blue x: 333 y: 112 , ball red x: 35 y: 8 , ball yellow x: 271 y: 280 , ball green x: 277 y: 75 , ball orange x: 64 y: 134])
move ball blue to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball blue -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (324; 108; 316) * to (333; 112; 10)* close gripper * from (333; 112; 10) * to (333; 112; 100) * from (333; 112; 100) * to (280; 129; 10) * open gripper * from (280; 129; 10) * to (324; 108; 316)
table([ eof x: 324 y: 108 z: 316, base z: 0, cup black x: 280 y: 129, ball blue x: 333 y: 112 , ball red x: 35 y: 8 , ball yellow x: 271 y: 280 , ball green x: 277 y: 75 , ball orange x: 64 y: 134])
move ball red to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball red -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (324; 108; 316) * to (35; 8; 10)* close gripper * from (35; 8; 10) * to (35; 8; 100) * from (35; 8; 100) * to (280; 129; 10) * open gripper * from (280; 129; 10) * to (324; 108; 316)
table([ eof x: 324 y: 108 z: 316, base z: 0, cup black x: 280 y: 129, ball blue x: 333 y: 112 , ball red x: 35 y: 8 , ball yellow x: 271 y: 280 , ball green x: 277 y: 75 , ball orange x: 64 y: 134])
move ball yellow to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball yellow -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (324; 108; 316) * to (271; 280; 10)* close gripper * from (271; 280; 10) * to (271; 280; 100) * from (271; 280; 100) * to (280; 129; 10) * open gripper * from (280; 129; 10) * to (324; 108; 316)
table([ eof x: 324 y: 108 z: 316, base z: 0, cup black x: 280 y: 129, ball blue x: 333 y: 112 , ball red x: 35 y: 8 , ball yellow x: 271 y: 280 , ball green x: 277 y: 75 , ball orange x: 64 y: 134])
move ball green to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball green -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (324; 108; 316) * to (277; 75; 10)* close gripper * from (277; 75; 10) * to (277; 75; 100) * from (277; 75; 100) * to (280; 129; 10) * open gripper * from (280; 129; 10) * to (324; 108; 316)
table([ eof x: 324 y: 108 z: 316, base z: 0, cup black x: 280 y: 129, ball blue x: 333 y: 112 , ball red x: 35 y: 8 , ball yellow x: 271 y: 280 , ball green x: 277 y: 75 , ball orange x: 64 y: 134])
move ball orange to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball orange -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (324; 108; 316) * to (64; 134; 10)* close gripper * from (64; 134; 10) * to (64; 134; 100) * from (64; 134; 100) * to (280; 129; 10) * open gripper * from (280; 129; 10) * to (324; 108; 316)
table([ eof x: 40 y: 83 z: 338, base z: 0, cup black x: 226 y: 288, ball blue x: 55 y: 268 , ball red x: 339 y: 224 , ball yellow x: 143 y: 351 , ball green x: 236 y: 117 , ball orange x: 300 y: 359])
move ball blue to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball blue -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (40; 83; 338) * to (55; 268; 10)* close gripper * from (55; 268; 10) * to (55; 268; 100) * from (55; 268; 100) * to (226; 288; 10) * open gripper * from (226; 288; 10) * to (40; 83; 338)
table([ eof x: 40 y: 83 z: 338, base z: 0, cup black x: 226 y: 288, ball blue x: 55 y: 268 , ball red x: 339 y: 224 , ball yellow x: 143 y: 351 , ball green x: 236 y: 117 , ball orange x: 300 y: 359])
move ball red to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball red -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (40; 83; 338) * to (339; 224; 10)* close gripper * from (339; 224; 10) * to (339; 224; 100) * from (339; 224; 100) * to (226; 288; 10) * open gripper * from (226; 288; 10) * to (40; 83; 338)
table([ eof x: 40 y: 83 z: 338, base z: 0, cup black x: 226 y: 288, ball blue x: 55 y: 268 , ball red x: 339 y: 224 , ball yellow x: 143 y: 351 , ball green x: 236 y: 117 , ball orange x: 300 y: 359])
move ball yellow to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball yellow -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (40; 83; 338) * to (143; 351; 10)* close gripper * from (143; 351; 10) * to (143; 351; 100) * from (143; 351; 100) * to (226; 288; 10) * open gripper * from (226; 288; 10) * to (40; 83; 338)
table([ eof x: 40 y: 83 z: 338, base z: 0, cup black x: 226 y: 288, ball blue x: 55 y: 268 , ball red x: 339 y: 224 , ball yellow x: 143 y: 351 , ball green x: 236 y: 117 , ball orange x: 300 y: 359])
move ball green to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball green -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (40; 83; 338) * to (236; 117; 10)* close gripper * from (236; 117; 10) * to (236; 117; 100) * from (236; 117; 100) * to (226; 288; 10) * open gripper * from (226; 288; 10) * to (40; 83; 338)
table([ eof x: 40 y: 83 z: 338, base z: 0, cup black x: 226 y: 288, ball blue x: 55 y: 268 , ball red x: 339 y: 224 , ball yellow x: 143 y: 351 , ball green x: 236 y: 117 , ball orange x: 300 y: 359])
move ball orange to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball orange -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (40; 83; 338) * to (300; 359; 10)* close gripper * from (300; 359; 10) * to (300; 359; 100) * from (300; 359; 100) * to (226; 288; 10) * open gripper * from (226; 288; 10) * to (40; 83; 338)
table([ eof x: 155 y: 398 z: 311, base z: 0, cup black x: 7 y: 245, ball blue x: 220 y: 397 , ball red x: 364 y: 342 , ball yellow x: 394 y: 330 , ball green x: 50 y: 124 , ball orange x: 284 y: 286])
move ball blue to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball blue -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (155; 398; 311) * to (220; 397; 10)* close gripper * from (220; 397; 10) * to (220; 397; 100) * from (220; 397; 100) * to (7; 245; 10) * open gripper * from (7; 245; 10) * to (155; 398; 311)
table([ eof x: 155 y: 398 z: 311, base z: 0, cup black x: 7 y: 245, ball blue x: 220 y: 397 , ball red x: 364 y: 342 , ball yellow x: 394 y: 330 , ball green x: 50 y: 124 , ball orange x: 284 y: 286])
move ball red to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball red -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (155; 398; 311) * to (364; 342; 10)* close gripper * from (364; 342; 10) * to (364; 342; 100) * from (364; 342; 100) * to (7; 245; 10) * open gripper * from (7; 245; 10) * to (155; 398; 311)
table([ eof x: 155 y: 398 z: 311, base z: 0, cup black x: 7 y: 245, ball blue x: 220 y: 397 , ball red x: 364 y: 342 , ball yellow x: 394 y: 330 , ball green x: 50 y: 124 , ball orange x: 284 y: 286])
move ball yellow to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball yellow -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (155; 398; 311) * to (394; 330; 10)* close gripper * from (394; 330; 10) * to (394; 330; 100) * from (394; 330; 100) * to (7; 245; 10) * open gripper * from (7; 245; 10) * to (155; 398; 311)
table([ eof x: 155 y: 398 z: 311, base z: 0, cup black x: 7 y: 245, ball blue x: 220 y: 397 , ball red x: 364 y: 342 , ball yellow x: 394 y: 330 , ball green x: 50 y: 124 , ball orange x: 284 y: 286])
move ball green to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball green -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (155; 398; 311) * to (50; 124; 10)* close gripper * from (50; 124; 10) * to (50; 124; 100) * from (50; 124; 100) * to (7; 245; 10) * open gripper * from (7; 245; 10) * to (155; 398; 311)
table([ eof x: 155 y: 398 z: 311, base z: 0, cup black x: 7 y: 245, ball blue x: 220 y: 397 , ball red x: 364 y: 342 , ball yellow x: 394 y: 330 , ball green x: 50 y: 124 , ball orange x: 284 y: 286])
move ball orange to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball orange -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (155; 398; 311) * to (284; 286; 10)* close gripper * from (284; 286; 10) * to (284; 286; 100) * from (284; 286; 100) * to (7; 245; 10) * open gripper * from (7; 245; 10) * to (155; 398; 311)
table([ eof x: 215 y: 158 z: 360, base z: 0, cup black x: 162 y: 168, ball blue x: 32 y: 28 , ball red x: 280 y: 278 , ball yellow x: 66 y: 205 , ball green x: 122 y: 37 , ball orange x: 325 y: 255])
move ball blue to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball blue -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (215; 158; 360) * to (32; 28; 10)* close gripper * from (32; 28; 10) * to (32; 28; 100) * from (32; 28; 100) * to (162; 168; 10) * open gripper * from (162; 168; 10) * to (215; 158; 360)
table([ eof x: 215 y: 158 z: 360, base z: 0, cup black x: 162 y: 168, ball blue x: 32 y: 28 , ball red x: 280 y: 278 , ball yellow x: 66 y: 205 , ball green x: 122 y: 37 , ball orange x: 325 y: 255])
move ball red to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball red -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (215; 158; 360) * to (280; 278; 10)* close gripper * from (280; 278; 10) * to (280; 278; 100) * from (280; 278; 100) * to (162; 168; 10) * open gripper * from (162; 168; 10) * to (215; 158; 360)
table([ eof x: 215 y: 158 z: 360, base z: 0, cup black x: 162 y: 168, ball blue x: 32 y: 28 , ball red x: 280 y: 278 , ball yellow x: 66 y: 205 , ball green x: 122 y: 37 , ball orange x: 325 y: 255])
move ball yellow to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball yellow -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (215; 158; 360) * to (66; 205; 10)* close gripper * from (66; 205; 10) * to (66; 205; 100) * from (66; 205; 100) * to (162; 168; 10) * open gripper * from (162; 168; 10) * to (215; 158; 360)
table([ eof x: 215 y: 158 z: 360, base z: 0, cup black x: 162 y: 168, ball blue x: 32 y: 28 , ball red x: 280 y: 278 , ball yellow x: 66 y: 205 , ball green x: 122 y: 37 , ball orange x: 325 y: 255])
move ball green to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball green -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (215; 158; 360) * to (122; 37; 10)* close gripper * from (122; 37; 10) * to (122; 37; 100) * from (122; 37; 100) * to (162; 168; 10) * open gripper * from (162; 168; 10) * to (215; 158; 360)
table([ eof x: 215 y: 158 z: 360, base z: 0, cup black x: 162 y: 168, ball blue x: 32 y: 28 , ball red x: 280 y: 278 , ball yellow x: 66 y: 205 , ball green x: 122 y: 37 , ball orange x: 325 y: 255])
move ball orange to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball orange -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (215; 158; 360) * to (325; 255; 10)* close gripper * from (325; 255; 10) * to (325; 255; 100) * from (325; 255; 100) * to (162; 168; 10) * open gripper * from (162; 168; 10) * to (215; 158; 360)
table([ eof x: 162 y: 365 z: 373, base z: 0, cup black x: 384 y: 267, ball blue x: 372 y: 89 , ball red x: 277 y: 10 , ball yellow x: 351 y: 283 , ball green x: 20 y: 217 , ball orange x: 281 y: 39])
move ball blue to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball blue -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (162; 365; 373) * to (372; 89; 10)* close gripper * from (372; 89; 10) * to (372; 89; 100) * from (372; 89; 100) * to (384; 267; 10) * open gripper * from (384; 267; 10) * to (162; 365; 373)
table([ eof x: 162 y: 365 z: 373, base z: 0, cup black x: 384 y: 267, ball blue x: 372 y: 89 , ball red x: 277 y: 10 , ball yellow x: 351 y: 283 , ball green x: 20 y: 217 , ball orange x: 281 y: 39])
move ball red to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball red -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (162; 365; 373) * to (277; 10; 10)* close gripper * from (277; 10; 10) * to (277; 10; 100) * from (277; 10; 100) * to (384; 267; 10) * open gripper * from (384; 267; 10) * to (162; 365; 373)
table([ eof x: 162 y: 365 z: 373, base z: 0, cup black x: 384 y: 267, ball blue x: 372 y: 89 , ball red x: 277 y: 10 , ball yellow x: 351 y: 283 , ball green x: 20 y: 217 , ball orange x: 281 y: 39])
move ball yellow to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball yellow -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (162; 365; 373) * to (351; 283; 10)* close gripper * from (351; 283; 10) * to (351; 283; 100) * from (351; 283; 100) * to (384; 267; 10) * open gripper * from (384; 267; 10) * to (162; 365; 373)
table([ eof x: 162 y: 365 z: 373, base z: 0, cup black x: 384 y: 267, ball blue x: 372 y: 89 , ball red x: 277 y: 10 , ball yellow x: 351 y: 283 , ball green x: 20 y: 217 , ball orange x: 281 y: 39])
move ball green to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball green -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (162; 365; 373) * to (20; 217; 10)* close gripper * from (20; 217; 10) * to (20; 217; 100) * from (20; 217; 100) * to (384; 267; 10) * open gripper * from (384; 267; 10) * to (162; 365; 373)
table([ eof x: 162 y: 365 z: 373, base z: 0, cup black x: 384 y: 267, ball blue x: 372 y: 89 , ball red x: 277 y: 10 , ball yellow x: 351 y: 283 , ball green x: 20 y: 217 , ball orange x: 281 y: 39])
move ball orange to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball orange -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (162; 365; 373) * to (281; 39; 10)* close gripper * from (281; 39; 10) * to (281; 39; 100) * from (281; 39; 100) * to (384; 267; 10) * open gripper * from (384; 267; 10) * to (162; 365; 373)
table([ eof x: 351 y: 187 z: 376, base z: 0, cup black x: 307 y: 157, ball blue x: 370 y: 386 , ball red x: 189 y: 26 , ball yellow x: 247 y: 374 , ball green x: 308 y: 61 , ball orange x: 231 y: 260])
move ball blue to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball blue -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (351; 187; 376) * to (370; 386; 10)* close gripper * from (370; 386; 10) * to (370; 386; 100) * from (370; 386; 100) * to (307; 157; 10) * open gripper * from (307; 157; 10) * to (351; 187; 376)
table([ eof x: 351 y: 187 z: 376, base z: 0, cup black x: 307 y: 157, ball blue x: 370 y: 386 , ball red x: 189 y: 26 , ball yellow x: 247 y: 374 , ball green x: 308 y: 61 , ball orange x: 231 y: 260])
move ball red to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball red -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (351; 187; 376) * to (189; 26; 10)* close gripper * from (189; 26; 10) * to (189; 26; 100) * from (189; 26; 100) * to (307; 157; 10) * open gripper * from (307; 157; 10) * to (351; 187; 376)
table([ eof x: 351 y: 187 z: 376, base z: 0, cup black x: 307 y: 157, ball blue x: 370 y: 386 , ball red x: 189 y: 26 , ball yellow x: 247 y: 374 , ball green x: 308 y: 61 , ball orange x: 231 y: 260])
move ball yellow to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball yellow -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (351; 187; 376) * to (247; 374; 10)* close gripper * from (247; 374; 10) * to (247; 374; 100) * from (247; 374; 100) * to (307; 157; 10) * open gripper * from (307; 157; 10) * to (351; 187; 376)
table([ eof x: 351 y: 187 z: 376, base z: 0, cup black x: 307 y: 157, ball blue x: 370 y: 386 , ball red x: 189 y: 26 , ball yellow x: 247 y: 374 , ball green x: 308 y: 61 , ball orange x: 231 y: 260])
move ball green to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball green -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (351; 187; 376) * to (308; 61; 10)* close gripper * from (308; 61; 10) * to (308; 61; 100) * from (308; 61; 100) * to (307; 157; 10) * open gripper * from (307; 157; 10) * to (351; 187; 376)
table([ eof x: 351 y: 187 z: 376, base z: 0, cup black x: 307 y: 157, ball blue x: 370 y: 386 , ball red x: 189 y: 26 , ball yellow x: 247 y: 374 , ball green x: 308 y: 61 , ball orange x: 231 y: 260])
move ball orange to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball orange -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (351; 187; 376) * to (231; 260; 10)* close gripper * from (231; 260; 10) * to (231; 260; 100) * from (231; 260; 100) * to (307; 157; 10) * open gripper * from (307; 157; 10) * to (351; 187; 376)
table([ eof x: 273 y: 60 z: 309, base z: 0, cup black x: 53 y: 346, ball blue x: 65 y: 367 , ball red x: 163 y: 364 , ball yellow x: 355 y: 303 , ball green x: 208 y: 378 , ball orange x: 265 y: 15])
move ball blue to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball blue -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (273; 60; 309) * to (65; 367; 10)* close gripper * from (65; 367; 10) * to (65; 367; 100) * from (65; 367; 100) * to (53; 346; 10) * open gripper * from (53; 346; 10) * to (273; 60; 309)
table([ eof x: 273 y: 60 z: 309, base z: 0, cup black x: 53 y: 346, ball blue x: 65 y: 367 , ball red x: 163 y: 364 , ball yellow x: 355 y: 303 , ball green x: 208 y: 378 , ball orange x: 265 y: 15])
move ball red to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball red -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (273; 60; 309) * to (163; 364; 10)* close gripper * from (163; 364; 10) * to (163; 364; 100) * from (163; 364; 100) * to (53; 346; 10) * open gripper * from (53; 346; 10) * to (273; 60; 309)
table([ eof x: 273 y: 60 z: 309, base z: 0, cup black x: 53 y: 346, ball blue x: 65 y: 367 , ball red x: 163 y: 364 , ball yellow x: 355 y: 303 , ball green x: 208 y: 378 , ball orange x: 265 y: 15])
move ball yellow to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball yellow -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (273; 60; 309) * to (355; 303; 10)* close gripper * from (355; 303; 10) * to (355; 303; 100) * from (355; 303; 100) * to (53; 346; 10) * open gripper * from (53; 346; 10) * to (273; 60; 309)
table([ eof x: 273 y: 60 z: 309, base z: 0, cup black x: 53 y: 346, ball blue x: 65 y: 367 , ball red x: 163 y: 364 , ball yellow x: 355 y: 303 , ball green x: 208 y: 378 , ball orange x: 265 y: 15])
move ball green to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball green -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (273; 60; 309) * to (208; 378; 10)* close gripper * from (208; 378; 10) * to (208; 378; 100) * from (208; 378; 100) * to (53; 346; 10) * open gripper * from (53; 346; 10) * to (273; 60; 309)
table([ eof x: 273 y: 60 z: 309, base z: 0, cup black x: 53 y: 346, ball blue x: 65 y: 367 , ball red x: 163 y: 364 , ball yellow x: 355 y: 303 , ball green x: 208 y: 378 , ball orange x: 265 y: 15])
move ball orange to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball orange -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (273; 60; 309) * to (265; 15; 10)* close gripper * from (265; 15; 10) * to (265; 15; 100) * from (265; 15; 100) * to (53; 346; 10) * open gripper * from (53; 346; 10) * to (273; 60; 309)
table([ eof x: 375 y: 177 z: 319, base z: 0, cup black x: 333 y: 363, ball blue x: 54 y: 265 , ball red x: 247 y: 158 , ball yellow x: 36 y: 60 , ball green x: 158 y: 246 , ball orange x: 206 y: 391])
move ball blue to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball blue -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (375; 177; 319) * to (54; 265; 10)* close gripper * from (54; 265; 10) * to (54; 265; 100) * from (54; 265; 100) * to (333; 363; 10) * open gripper * from (333; 363; 10) * to (375; 177; 319)
table([ eof x: 375 y: 177 z: 319, base z: 0, cup black x: 333 y: 363, ball blue x: 54 y: 265 , ball red x: 247 y: 158 , ball yellow x: 36 y: 60 , ball green x: 158 y: 246 , ball orange x: 206 y: 391])
move ball red to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball red -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (375; 177; 319) * to (247; 158; 10)* close gripper * from (247; 158; 10) * to (247; 158; 100) * from (247; 158; 100) * to (333; 363; 10) * open gripper * from (333; 363; 10) * to (375; 177; 319)
table([ eof x: 375 y: 177 z: 319, base z: 0, cup black x: 333 y: 363, ball blue x: 54 y: 265 , ball red x: 247 y: 158 , ball yellow x: 36 y: 60 , ball green x: 158 y: 246 , ball orange x: 206 y: 391])
move ball yellow to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball yellow -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (375; 177; 319) * to (36; 60; 10)* close gripper * from (36; 60; 10) * to (36; 60; 100) * from (36; 60; 100) * to (333; 363; 10) * open gripper * from (333; 363; 10) * to (375; 177; 319)
table([ eof x: 375 y: 177 z: 319, base z: 0, cup black x: 333 y: 363, ball blue x: 54 y: 265 , ball red x: 247 y: 158 , ball yellow x: 36 y: 60 , ball green x: 158 y: 246 , ball orange x: 206 y: 391])
move ball green to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball green -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (375; 177; 319) * to (158; 246; 10)* close gripper * from (158; 246; 10) * to (158; 246; 100) * from (158; 246; 100) * to (333; 363; 10) * open gripper * from (333; 363; 10) * to (375; 177; 319)
table([ eof x: 375 y: 177 z: 319, base z: 0, cup black x: 333 y: 363, ball blue x: 54 y: 265 , ball red x: 247 y: 158 , ball yellow x: 36 y: 60 , ball green x: 158 y: 246 , ball orange x: 206 y: 391])
move ball orange to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball orange -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (375; 177; 319) * to (206; 391; 10)* close gripper * from (206; 391; 10) * to (206; 391; 100) * from (206; 391; 100) * to (333; 363; 10) * open gripper * from (333; 363; 10) * to (375; 177; 319)
table([ eof x: 153 y: 15 z: 339, base z: 0, cup black x: 157 y: 356, ball blue x: 281 y: 81 , ball red x: 296 y: 183 , ball yellow x: 237 y: 379 , ball green x: 399 y: 368 , ball orange x: 15 y: 98])
move ball blue to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball blue -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (153; 15; 339) * to (281; 81; 10)* close gripper * from (281; 81; 10) * to (281; 81; 100) * from (281; 81; 100) * to (157; 356; 10) * open gripper * from (157; 356; 10) * to (153; 15; 339)
table([ eof x: 153 y: 15 z: 339, base z: 0, cup black x: 157 y: 356, ball blue x: 281 y: 81 , ball red x: 296 y: 183 , ball yellow x: 237 y: 379 , ball green x: 399 y: 368 , ball orange x: 15 y: 98])
move ball red to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball red -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (153; 15; 339) * to (296; 183; 10)* close gripper * from (296; 183; 10) * to (296; 183; 100) * from (296; 183; 100) * to (157; 356; 10) * open gripper * from (157; 356; 10) * to (153; 15; 339)
table([ eof x: 153 y: 15 z: 339, base z: 0, cup black x: 157 y: 356, ball blue x: 281 y: 81 , ball red x: 296 y: 183 , ball yellow x: 237 y: 379 , ball green x: 399 y: 368 , ball orange x: 15 y: 98])
move ball yellow to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball yellow -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (153; 15; 339) * to (237; 379; 10)* close gripper * from (237; 379; 10) * to (237; 379; 100) * from (237; 379; 100) * to (157; 356; 10) * open gripper * from (157; 356; 10) * to (153; 15; 339)
table([ eof x: 153 y: 15 z: 339, base z: 0, cup black x: 157 y: 356, ball blue x: 281 y: 81 , ball red x: 296 y: 183 , ball yellow x: 237 y: 379 , ball green x: 399 y: 368 , ball orange x: 15 y: 98])
move ball green to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball green -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (153; 15; 339) * to (399; 368; 10)* close gripper * from (399; 368; 10) * to (399; 368; 100) * from (399; 368; 100) * to (157; 356; 10) * open gripper * from (157; 356; 10) * to (153; 15; 339)
table([ eof x: 153 y: 15 z: 339, base z: 0, cup black x: 157 y: 356, ball blue x: 281 y: 81 , ball red x: 296 y: 183 , ball yellow x: 237 y: 379 , ball green x: 399 y: 368 , ball orange x: 15 y: 98])
move ball orange to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball orange -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (153; 15; 339) * to (15; 98; 10)* close gripper * from (15; 98; 10) * to (15; 98; 100) * from (15; 98; 100) * to (157; 356; 10) * open gripper * from (157; 356; 10) * to (153; 15; 339)
table([ eof x: 218 y: 224 z: 364, base z: 0, cup black x: 376 y: 33, ball blue x: 113 y: 208 , ball red x: 149 y: 193 , ball yellow x: 2 y: 140 , ball green x: 284 y: 155 , ball orange x: 71 y: 347])
move ball blue to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball blue -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (218; 224; 364) * to (113; 208; 10)* close gripper * from (113; 208; 10) * to (113; 208; 100) * from (113; 208; 100) * to (376; 33; 10) * open gripper * from (376; 33; 10) * to (218; 224; 364)
table([ eof x: 218 y: 224 z: 364, base z: 0, cup black x: 376 y: 33, ball blue x: 113 y: 208 , ball red x: 149 y: 193 , ball yellow x: 2 y: 140 , ball green x: 284 y: 155 , ball orange x: 71 y: 347])
move ball red to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball red -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (218; 224; 364) * to (149; 193; 10)* close gripper * from (149; 193; 10) * to (149; 193; 100) * from (149; 193; 100) * to (376; 33; 10) * open gripper * from (376; 33; 10) * to (218; 224; 364)
table([ eof x: 218 y: 224 z: 364, base z: 0, cup black x: 376 y: 33, ball blue x: 113 y: 208 , ball red x: 149 y: 193 , ball yellow x: 2 y: 140 , ball green x: 284 y: 155 , ball orange x: 71 y: 347])
move ball yellow to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball yellow -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (218; 224; 364) * to (2; 140; 10)* close gripper * from (2; 140; 10) * to (2; 140; 100) * from (2; 140; 100) * to (376; 33; 10) * open gripper * from (376; 33; 10) * to (218; 224; 364)
table([ eof x: 218 y: 224 z: 364, base z: 0, cup black x: 376 y: 33, ball blue x: 113 y: 208 , ball red x: 149 y: 193 , ball yellow x: 2 y: 140 , ball green x: 284 y: 155 , ball orange x: 71 y: 347])
move ball green to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball green -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (218; 224; 364) * to (284; 155; 10)* close gripper * from (284; 155; 10) * to (284; 155; 100) * from (284; 155; 100) * to (376; 33; 10) * open gripper * from (376; 33; 10) * to (218; 224; 364)
table([ eof x: 218 y: 224 z: 364, base z: 0, cup black x: 376 y: 33, ball blue x: 113 y: 208 , ball red x: 149 y: 193 , ball yellow x: 2 y: 140 , ball green x: 284 y: 155 , ball orange x: 71 y: 347])
move ball orange to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball orange -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (218; 224; 364) * to (71; 347; 10)* close gripper * from (71; 347; 10) * to (71; 347; 100) * from (71; 347; 100) * to (376; 33; 10) * open gripper * from (376; 33; 10) * to (218; 224; 364)
table([ eof x: 315 y: 352 z: 371, base z: 0, cup black x: 164 y: 166, ball blue x: 317 y: 74 , ball red x: 251 y: 128 , ball yellow x: 268 y: 20 , ball green x: 2 y: 22 , ball orange x: 386 y: 262])
move ball blue to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball blue -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (315; 352; 371) * to (317; 74; 10)* close gripper * from (317; 74; 10) * to (317; 74; 100) * from (317; 74; 100) * to (164; 166; 10) * open gripper * from (164; 166; 10) * to (315; 352; 371)
table([ eof x: 315 y: 352 z: 371, base z: 0, cup black x: 164 y: 166, ball blue x: 317 y: 74 , ball red x: 251 y: 128 , ball yellow x: 268 y: 20 , ball green x: 2 y: 22 , ball orange x: 386 y: 262])
move ball red to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball red -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (315; 352; 371) * to (251; 128; 10)* close gripper * from (251; 128; 10) * to (251; 128; 100) * from (251; 128; 100) * to (164; 166; 10) * open gripper * from (164; 166; 10) * to (315; 352; 371)
table([ eof x: 315 y: 352 z: 371, base z: 0, cup black x: 164 y: 166, ball blue x: 317 y: 74 , ball red x: 251 y: 128 , ball yellow x: 268 y: 20 , ball green x: 2 y: 22 , ball orange x: 386 y: 262])
move ball yellow to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball yellow -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (315; 352; 371) * to (268; 20; 10)* close gripper * from (268; 20; 10) * to (268; 20; 100) * from (268; 20; 100) * to (164; 166; 10) * open gripper * from (164; 166; 10) * to (315; 352; 371)
table([ eof x: 315 y: 352 z: 371, base z: 0, cup black x: 164 y: 166, ball blue x: 317 y: 74 , ball red x: 251 y: 128 , ball yellow x: 268 y: 20 , ball green x: 2 y: 22 , ball orange x: 386 y: 262])
move ball green to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball green -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (315; 352; 371) * to (2; 22; 10)* close gripper * from (2; 22; 10) * to (2; 22; 100) * from (2; 22; 100) * to (164; 166; 10) * open gripper * from (164; 166; 10) * to (315; 352; 371)
table([ eof x: 315 y: 352 z: 371, base z: 0, cup black x: 164 y: 166, ball blue x: 317 y: 74 , ball red x: 251 y: 128 , ball yellow x: 268 y: 20 , ball green x: 2 y: 22 , ball orange x: 386 y: 262])
move ball orange to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball orange -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (315; 352; 371) * to (386; 262; 10)* close gripper * from (386; 262; 10) * to (386; 262; 100) * from (386; 262; 100) * to (164; 166; 10) * open gripper * from (164; 166; 10) * to (315; 352; 371)
table([ eof x: 63 y: 339 z: 335, base z: 0, cup black x: 304 y: 240, ball blue x: 284 y: 256 , ball red x: 160 y: 73 , ball yellow x: 205 y: 268 , ball green x: 41 y: 184 , ball orange x: 330 y: 360])
move ball blue to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball blue -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (63; 339; 335) * to (284; 256; 10)* close gripper * from (284; 256; 10) * to (284; 256; 100) * from (284; 256; 100) * to (304; 240; 10) * open gripper * from (304; 240; 10) * to (63; 339; 335)
table([ eof x: 63 y: 339 z: 335, base z: 0, cup black x: 304 y: 240, ball blue x: 284 y: 256 , ball red x: 160 y: 73 , ball yellow x: 205 y: 268 , ball green x: 41 y: 184 , ball orange x: 330 y: 360])
move ball red to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball red -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (63; 339; 335) * to (160; 73; 10)* close gripper * from (160; 73; 10) * to (160; 73; 100) * from (160; 73; 100) * to (304; 240; 10) * open gripper * from (304; 240; 10) * to (63; 339; 335)
table([ eof x: 63 y: 339 z: 335, base z: 0, cup black x: 304 y: 240, ball blue x: 284 y: 256 , ball red x: 160 y: 73 , ball yellow x: 205 y: 268 , ball green x: 41 y: 184 , ball orange x: 330 y: 360])
move ball yellow to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball yellow -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (63; 339; 335) * to (205; 268; 10)* close gripper * from (205; 268; 10) * to (205; 268; 100) * from (205; 268; 100) * to (304; 240; 10) * open gripper * from (304; 240; 10) * to (63; 339; 335)
table([ eof x: 63 y: 339 z: 335, base z: 0, cup black x: 304 y: 240, ball blue x: 284 y: 256 , ball red x: 160 y: 73 , ball yellow x: 205 y: 268 , ball green x: 41 y: 184 , ball orange x: 330 y: 360])
move ball green to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball green -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (63; 339; 335) * to (41; 184; 10)* close gripper * from (41; 184; 10) * to (41; 184; 100) * from (41; 184; 100) * to (304; 240; 10) * open gripper * from (304; 240; 10) * to (63; 339; 335)
table([ eof x: 63 y: 339 z: 335, base z: 0, cup black x: 304 y: 240, ball blue x: 284 y: 256 , ball red x: 160 y: 73 , ball yellow x: 205 y: 268 , ball green x: 41 y: 184 , ball orange x: 330 y: 360])
move ball orange to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball orange -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (63; 339; 335) * to (330; 360; 10)* close gripper * from (330; 360; 10) * to (330; 360; 100) * from (330; 360; 100) * to (304; 240; 10) * open gripper * from (304; 240; 10) * to (63; 339; 335)
table([ eof x: 66 y: 38 z: 394, base z: 0, cup black x: 87 y: 301, ball blue x: 297 y: 137 , ball red x: 388 y: 367 , ball yellow x: 367 y: 127 , ball green x: 380 y: 250 , ball orange x: 399 y: 270])
move ball blue to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball blue -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (66; 38; 394) * to (297; 137; 10)* close gripper * from (297; 137; 10) * to (297; 137; 100) * from (297; 137; 100) * to (87; 301; 10) * open gripper * from (87; 301; 10) * to (66; 38; 394)
table([ eof x: 66 y: 38 z: 394, base z: 0, cup black x: 87 y: 301, ball blue x: 297 y: 137 , ball red x: 388 y: 367 , ball yellow x: 367 y: 127 , ball green x: 380 y: 250 , ball orange x: 399 y: 270])
move ball red to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball red -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (66; 38; 394) * to (388; 367; 10)* close gripper * from (388; 367; 10) * to (388; 367; 100) * from (388; 367; 100) * to (87; 301; 10) * open gripper * from (87; 301; 10) * to (66; 38; 394)
table([ eof x: 66 y: 38 z: 394, base z: 0, cup black x: 87 y: 301, ball blue x: 297 y: 137 , ball red x: 388 y: 367 , ball yellow x: 367 y: 127 , ball green x: 380 y: 250 , ball orange x: 399 y: 270])
move ball yellow to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball yellow -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (66; 38; 394) * to (367; 127; 10)* close gripper * from (367; 127; 10) * to (367; 127; 100) * from (367; 127; 100) * to (87; 301; 10) * open gripper * from (87; 301; 10) * to (66; 38; 394)
table([ eof x: 66 y: 38 z: 394, base z: 0, cup black x: 87 y: 301, ball blue x: 297 y: 137 , ball red x: 388 y: 367 , ball yellow x: 367 y: 127 , ball green x: 380 y: 250 , ball orange x: 399 y: 270])
move ball green to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball green -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (66; 38; 394) * to (380; 250; 10)* close gripper * from (380; 250; 10) * to (380; 250; 100) * from (380; 250; 100) * to (87; 301; 10) * open gripper * from (87; 301; 10) * to (66; 38; 394)
table([ eof x: 66 y: 38 z: 394, base z: 0, cup black x: 87 y: 301, ball blue x: 297 y: 137 , ball red x: 388 y: 367 , ball yellow x: 367 y: 127 , ball green x: 380 y: 250 , ball orange x: 399 y: 270])
move ball orange to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball orange -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (66; 38; 394) * to (399; 270; 10)* close gripper * from (399; 270; 10) * to (399; 270; 100) * from (399; 270; 100) * to (87; 301; 10) * open gripper * from (87; 301; 10) * to (66; 38; 394)