5 values
table([ eof x: 29 y: 45 z: 374, base z: 0, cup black x: 288 y: 191, ball blue x: 10 y: 286 , ball red x: 8 y: 171 , ball yellow x: 91 y: 350 , ball green x: 310 y: 63 , ball orange x: 320 y: 80])
move ball blue to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball blue -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (29; 45; 374) * to (10; 286; 10)* close gripper * from (10; 286; 10) * to (10; 286; 100) * from (10; 286; 100) * to (288; 191; 10) * open gripper * from (288; 191; 10) * to (29; 45; 374)
table([ eof x: 29 y: 45 z: 374, base z: 0, cup black x: 288 y: 191, ball blue x: 10 y: 286 , ball red x: 8 y: 171 , ball yellow x: 91 y: 350 , ball green x: 310 y: 63 , ball orange x: 320 y: 80])
move ball red to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball red -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (29; 45; 374) * to (8; 171; 10)* close gripper * from (8; 171; 10) * to (8; 171; 100) * from (8; 171; 100) * to (288; 191; 10) * open gripper * from (288; 191; 10) * to (29; 45; 374)
table([ eof x: 29 y: 45 z: 374, base z: 0, cup black x: 288 y: 191, ball blue x: 10 y: 286 , ball red x: 8 y: 171 , ball yellow x: 91 y: 350 , ball green x: 310 y: 63 , ball orange x: 320 y: 80])
move ball yellow to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball yellow -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (29; 45; 374) * to (91; 350; 10)* close gripper * from (91; 350; 10) * to (91; 350; 100) * from (91; 350; 100) * to (288; 191; 10) * open gripper * from (288; 191; 10) * to (29; 45; 374)
table([ eof x: 29 y: 45 z: 374, base z: 0, cup black x: 288 y: 191, ball blue x: 10 y: 286 , ball red x: 8 y: 171 , ball yellow x: 91 y: 350 , ball green x: 310 y: 63 , ball orange x: 320 y: 80])
move ball green to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball green -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (29; 45; 374) * to (310; 63; 10)* close gripper * from (310; 63; 10) * to (310; 63; 100) * from (310; 63; 100) * to (288; 191; 10) * open gripper * from (288; 191; 10) * to (29; 45; 374)
table([ eof x: 29 y: 45 z: 374, base z: 0, cup black x: 288 y: 191, ball blue x: 10 y: 286 , ball red x: 8 y: 171 , ball yellow x: 91 y: 350 , ball green x: 310 y: 63 , ball orange x: 320 y: 80])
move ball orange to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball orange -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (29; 45; 374) * to (320; 80; 10)* close gripper * from (320; 80; 10) * to (320; 80; 100) * from (320; 80; 100) * to (288; 191; 10) * open gripper * from (288; 191; 10) * to (29; 45; 374)
table([ eof x: 311 y: 344 z: 375, base z: 0, cup black x: 225 y: 241, ball blue x: 217 y: 160 , ball red x: 0 y: 331 , ball yellow x: 395 y: 177 , ball green x: 270 y: 254 , ball orange x: 391 y: 229])
move ball blue to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball blue -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (311; 344; 375) * to (217; 160; 10)* close gripper * from (217; 160; 10) * to (217; 160; 100) * from (217; 160; 100) * to (225; 241; 10) * open gripper * from (225; 241; 10) * to (311; 344; 375)
table([ eof x: 311 y: 344 z: 375, base z: 0, cup black x: 225 y: 241, ball blue x: 217 y: 160 , ball red x: 0 y: 331 , ball yellow x: 395 y: 177 , ball green x: 270 y: 254 , ball orange x: 391 y: 229])
move ball red to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball red -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (311; 344; 375) * to (0; 331; 10)* close gripper * from (0; 331; 10) * to (0; 331; 100) * from (0; 331; 100) * to (225; 241; 10) * open gripper * from (225; 241; 10) * to (311; 344; 375)
table([ eof x: 311 y: 344 z: 375, base z: 0, cup black x: 225 y: 241, ball blue x: 217 y: 160 , ball red x: 0 y: 331 , ball yellow x: 395 y: 177 , ball green x: 270 y: 254 , ball orange x: 391 y: 229])
move ball yellow to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball yellow -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (311; 344; 375) * to (395; 177; 10)* close gripper * from (395; 177; 10) * to (395; 177; 100) * from (395; 177; 100) * to (225; 241; 10) * open gripper * from (225; 241; 10) * to (311; 344; 375)
table([ eof x: 311 y: 344 z: 375, base z: 0, cup black x: 225 y: 241, ball blue x: 217 y: 160 , ball red x: 0 y: 331 , ball yellow x: 395 y: 177 , ball green x: 270 y: 254 , ball orange x: 391 y: 229])
move ball green to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball green -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (311; 344; 375) * to (270; 254; 10)* close gripper * from (270; 254; 10) * to (270; 254; 100) * from (270; 254; 100) * to (225; 241; 10) * open gripper * from (225; 241; 10) * to (311; 344; 375)
table([ eof x: 311 y: 344 z: 375, base z: 0, cup black x: 225 y: 241, ball blue x: 217 y: 160 , ball red x: 0 y: 331 , ball yellow x: 395 y: 177 , ball green x: 270 y: 254 , ball orange x: 391 y: 229])
move ball orange to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball orange -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (311; 344; 375) * to (391; 229; 10)* close gripper * from (391; 229; 10) * to (391; 229; 100) * from (391; 229; 100) * to (225; 241; 10) * open gripper * from (225; 241; 10) * to (311; 344; 375)
table([ eof x: 8 y: 378 z: 326, base z: 0, cup black x: 104 y: 129, ball blue x: 9 y: 380 , ball red x: 350 y: 378 , ball yellow x: 98 y: 172 , ball green x: 378 y: 322 , ball orange x: 337 y: 142])
move ball blue to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball blue -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (8; 378; 326) * to (9; 380; 10)* close gripper * from (9; 380; 10) * to (9; 380; 100) * from (9; 380; 100) * to (104; 129; 10) * open gripper * from (104; 129; 10) * to (8; 378; 326)
table([ eof x: 8 y: 378 z: 326, base z: 0, cup black x: 104 y: 129, ball blue x: 9 y: 380 , ball red x: 350 y: 378 , ball yellow x: 98 y: 172 , ball green x: 378 y: 322 , ball orange x: 337 y: 142])
move ball red to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball red -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (8; 378; 326) * to (350; 378; 10)* close gripper * from (350; 378; 10) * to (350; 378; 100) * from (350; 378; 100) * to (104; 129; 10) * open gripper * from (104; 129; 10) * to (8; 378; 326)
table([ eof x: 8 y: 378 z: 326, base z: 0, cup black x: 104 y: 129, ball blue x: 9 y: 380 , ball red x: 350 y: 378 , ball yellow x: 98 y: 172 , ball green x: 378 y: 322 , ball orange x: 337 y: 142])
move ball yellow to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball yellow -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (8; 378; 326) * to (98; 172; 10)* close gripper * from (98; 172; 10) * to (98; 172; 100) * from (98; 172; 100) * to (104; 129; 10) * open gripper * from (104; 129; 10) * to (8; 378; 326)
table([ eof x: 8 y: 378 z: 326, base z: 0, cup black x: 104 y: 129, ball blue x: 9 y: 380 , ball red x: 350 y: 378 , ball yellow x: 98 y: 172 , ball green x: 378 y: 322 , ball orange x: 337 y: 142])
move ball green to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball green -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (8; 378; 326) * to (378; 322; 10)* close gripper * from (378; 322; 10) * to (378; 322; 100) * from (378; 322; 100) * to (104; 129; 10) * open gripper * from (104; 129; 10) * to (8; 378; 326)
table([ eof x: 8 y: 378 z: 326, base z: 0, cup black x: 104 y: 129, ball blue x: 9 y: 380 , ball red x: 350 y: 378 , ball yellow x: 98 y: 172 , ball green x: 378 y: 322 , ball orange x: 337 y: 142])
move ball orange to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball orange -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (8; 378; 326) * to (337; 142; 10)* close gripper * from (337; 142; 10) * to (337; 142; 100) * from (337; 142; 100) * to (104; 129; 10) * open gripper * from (104; 129; 10) * to (8; 378; 326)
table([ eof x: 160 y: 26 z: 388, base z: 0, cup black x: 131 y: 337, ball blue x: 21 y: 198 , ball red x: 126 y: 160 , ball yellow x: 172 y: 29 , ball green x: 335 y: 141 , ball orange x: 43 y: 44])
move ball blue to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball blue -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (160; 26; 388) * to (21; 198; 10)* close gripper * from (21; 198; 10) * to (21; 198; 100) * from (21; 198; 100) * to (131; 337; 10) * open gripper * from (131; 337; 10) * to (160; 26; 388)
table([ eof x: 160 y: 26 z: 388, base z: 0, cup black x: 131 y: 337, ball blue x: 21 y: 198 , ball red x: 126 y: 160 , ball yellow x: 172 y: 29 , ball green x: 335 y: 141 , ball orange x: 43 y: 44])
move ball red to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball red -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (160; 26; 388) * to (126; 160; 10)* close gripper * from (126; 160; 10) * to (126; 160; 100) * from (126; 160; 100) * to (131; 337; 10) * open gripper * from (131; 337; 10) * to (160; 26; 388)
table([ eof x: 160 y: 26 z: 388, base z: 0, cup black x: 131 y: 337, ball blue x: 21 y: 198 , ball red x: 126 y: 160 , ball yellow x: 172 y: 29 , ball green x: 335 y: 141 , ball orange x: 43 y: 44])
move ball yellow to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball yellow -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (160; 26; 388) * to (172; 29; 10)* close gripper * from (172; 29; 10) * to (172; 29; 100) * from (172; 29; 100) * to (131; 337; 10) * open gripper * from (131; 337; 10) * to (160; 26; 388)
table([ eof x: 160 y: 26 z: 388, base z: 0, cup black x: 131 y: 337, ball blue x: 21 y: 198 , ball red x: 126 y: 160 , ball yellow x: 172 y: 29 , ball green x: 335 y: 141 , ball orange x: 43 y: 44])
move ball green to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball green -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (160; 26; 388) * to (335; 141; 10)* close gripper * from (335; 141; 10) * to (335; 141; 100) * from (335; 141; 100) * to (131; 337; 10) * open gripper * from (131; 337; 10) * to (160; 26; 388)
table([ eof x: 160 y: 26 z: 388, base z: 0, cup black x: 131 y: 337, ball blue x: 21 y: 198 , ball red x: 126 y: 160 , ball yellow x: 172 y: 29 , ball green x: 335 y: 141 , ball orange x: 43 y: 44])
move ball orange to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball orange -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (160; 26; 388) * to (43; 44; 10)* close gripper * from (43; 44; 10) * to (43; 44; 100) * from (43; 44; 100) * to (131; 337; 10) * open gripper * from (131; 337; 10) * to (160; 26; 388)
table([ eof x: 55 y: 116 z: 326, base z: 0, cup black x: 318 y: 373, ball blue x: 170 y: 362 , ball red x: 108 y: 148 , ball yellow x: 19 y: 394 , ball green x: 274 y: 89 , ball orange x: 180 y: 145])
move ball blue to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball blue -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (55; 116; 326) * to (170; 362; 10)* close gripper * from (170; 362; 10) * to (170; 362; 100) * from (170; 362; 100) * to (318; 373; 10) * open gripper * from (318; 373; 10) * to (55; 116; 326)
table([ eof x: 55 y: 116 z: 326, base z: 0, cup black x: 318 y: 373, ball blue x: 170 y: 362 , ball red x: 108 y: 148 , ball yellow x: 19 y: 394 , ball green x: 274 y: 89 , ball orange x: 180 y: 145])
move ball red to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball red -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (55; 116; 326) * to (108; 148; 10)* close gripper * from (108; 148; 10) * to (108; 148; 100) * from (108; 148; 100) * to (318; 373; 10) * open gripper * from (318; 373; 10) * to (55; 116; 326)
table([ eof x: 55 y: 116 z: 326, base z: 0, cup black x: 318 y: 373, ball blue x: 170 y: 362 , ball red x: 108 y: 148 , ball yellow x: 19 y: 394 , ball green x: 274 y: 89 , ball orange x: 180 y: 145])
move ball yellow to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball yellow -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (55; 116; 326) * to (19; 394; 10)* close gripper * from (19; 394; 10) * to (19; 394; 100) * from (19; 394; 100) * to (318; 373; 10) * open gripper * from (318; 373; 10) * to (55; 116; 326)
table([ eof x: 55 y: 116 z: 326, base z: 0, cup black x: 318 y: 373, ball blue x: 170 y: 362 , ball red x: 108 y: 148 , ball yellow x: 19 y: 394 , ball green x: 274 y: 89 , ball orange x: 180 y: 145])
move ball green to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball green -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (55; 116; 326) * to (274; 89; 10)* close gripper * from (274; 89; 10) * to (274; 89; 100) * from (274; 89; 100) * to (318; 373; 10) * open gripper * from (318; 373; 10) * to (55; 116; 326)
table([ eof x: 55 y: 116 z: 326, base z: 0, cup black x: 318 y: 373, ball blue x: 170 y: 362 , ball red x: 108 y: 148 , ball yellow x: 19 y: 394 , ball green x: 274 y: 89 , ball orange x: 180 y: 145])
move ball orange to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball orange -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (55; 116; 326) * to (180; 145; 10)* close gripper * from (180; 145; 10) * to (180; 145; 100) * from (180; 145; 100) * to (318; 373; 10) * open gripper * from (318; 373; 10) * to (55; 116; 326)
table([ eof x: 350 y: 295 z: 326, base z: 0, cup black x: 293 y: 249, ball blue x: 209 y: 261 , ball red x: 123 y: 246 , ball yellow x: 342 y: 120 , ball green x: 182 y: 45 , ball orange x: 369 y: 226])
move ball blue to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball blue -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (350; 295; 326) * to (209; 261; 10)* close gripper * from (209; 261; 10) * to (209; 261; 100) * from (209; 261; 100) * to (293; 249; 10) * open gripper * from (293; 249; 10) * to (350; 295; 326)
table([ eof x: 350 y: 295 z: 326, base z: 0, cup black x: 293 y: 249, ball blue x: 209 y: 261 , ball red x: 123 y: 246 , ball yellow x: 342 y: 120 , ball green x: 182 y: 45 , ball orange x: 369 y: 226])
move ball red to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball red -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (350; 295; 326) * to (123; 246; 10)* close gripper * from (123; 246; 10) * to (123; 246; 100) * from (123; 246; 100) * to (293; 249; 10) * open gripper * from (293; 249; 10) * to (350; 295; 326)
table([ eof x: 350 y: 295 z: 326, base z: 0, cup black x: 293 y: 249, ball blue x: 209 y: 261 , ball red x: 123 y: 246 , ball yellow x: 342 y: 120 , ball green x: 182 y: 45 , ball orange x: 369 y: 226])
move ball yellow to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball yellow -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (350; 295; 326) * to (342; 120; 10)* close gripper * from (342; 120; 10) * to (342; 120; 100) * from (342; 120; 100) * to (293; 249; 10) * open gripper * from (293; 249; 10) * to (350; 295; 326)
table([ eof x: 350 y: 295 z: 326, base z: 0, cup black x: 293 y: 249, ball blue x: 209 y: 261 , ball red x: 123 y: 246 , ball yellow x: 342 y: 120 , ball green x: 182 y: 45 , ball orange x: 369 y: 226])
move ball green to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball green -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (350; 295; 326) * to (182; 45; 10)* close gripper * from (182; 45; 10) * to (182; 45; 100) * from (182; 45; 100) * to (293; 249; 10) * open gripper * from (293; 249; 10) * to (350; 295; 326)
table([ eof x: 350 y: 295 z: 326, base z: 0, cup black x: 293 y: 249, ball blue x: 209 y: 261 , ball red x: 123 y: 246 , ball yellow x: 342 y: 120 , ball green x: 182 y: 45 , ball orange x: 369 y: 226])
move ball orange to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball orange -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (350; 295; 326) * to (369; 226; 10)* close gripper * from (369; 226; 10) * to (369; 226; 100) * from (369; 226; 100) * to (293; 249; 10) * open gripper * from (293; 249; 10) * to (350; 295; 326)
table([ eof x: 324 y: 82 z: 367, base z: 0, cup black x: 177 y: 74, ball blue x: 52 y: 369 , ball red x: 50 y: 117 , ball yellow x: 303 y: 387 , ball green x: 8 y: 285 , ball orange x: 359 y: 143])
move ball blue to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball blue -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (324; 82; 367) * to (52; 369; 10)* close gripper * from (52; 369; 10) * to (52; 369; 100) * from (52; 369; 100) * to (177; 74; 10) * open gripper * from (177; 74; 10) * to (324; 82; 367)
table([ eof x: 324 y: 82 z: 367, base z: 0, cup black x: 177 y: 74, ball blue x: 52 y: 369 , ball red x: 50 y: 117 , ball yellow x: 303 y: 387 , ball green x: 8 y: 285 , ball orange x: 359 y: 143])
move ball red to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball red -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (324; 82; 367) * to (50; 117; 10)* close gripper * from (50; 117; 10) * to (50; 117; 100) * from (50; 117; 100) * to (177; 74; 10) * open gripper * from (177; 74; 10) * to (324; 82; 367)
table([ eof x: 324 y: 82 z: 367, base z: 0, cup black x: 177 y: 74, ball blue x: 52 y: 369 , ball red x: 50 y: 117 , ball yellow x: 303 y: 387 , ball green x: 8 y: 285 , ball orange x: 359 y: 143])
move ball yellow to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball yellow -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (324; 82; 367) * to (303; 387; 10)* close gripper * from (303; 387; 10) * to (303; 387; 100) * from (303; 387; 100) * to (177; 74; 10) * open gripper * from (177; 74; 10) * to (324; 82; 367)
table([ eof x: 324 y: 82 z: 367, base z: 0, cup black x: 177 y: 74, ball blue x: 52 y: 369 , ball red x: 50 y: 117 , ball yellow x: 303 y: 387 , ball green x: 8 y: 285 , ball orange x: 359 y: 143])
move ball green to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball green -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (324; 82; 367) * to (8; 285; 10)* close gripper * from (8; 285; 10) * to (8; 285; 100) * from (8; 285; 100) * to (177; 74; 10) * open gripper * from (177; 74; 10) * to (324; 82; 367)
table([ eof x: 324 y: 82 z: 367, base z: 0, cup black x: 177 y: 74, ball blue x: 52 y: 369 , ball red x: 50 y: 117 , ball yellow x: 303 y: 387 , ball green x: 8 y: 285 , ball orange x: 359 y: 143])
move ball orange to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball orange -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (324; 82; 367) * to (359; 143; 10)* close gripper * from (359; 143; 10) * to (359; 143; 100) * from (359; 143; 100) * to (177; 74; 10) * open gripper * from (177; 74; 10) * to (324; 82; 367)
table([ eof x: 88 y: 104 z: 304, base z: 0, cup black x: 375 y: 296, ball blue x: 9 y: 330 , ball red x: 365 y: 175 , ball yellow x: 279 y: 217 , ball green x: 78 y: 228 , ball orange x: 324 y: 15])
move ball blue to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball blue -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (88; 104; 304) * to (9; 330; 10)* close gripper * from (9; 330; 10) * to (9; 330; 100) * from (9; 330; 100) * to (375; 296; 10) * open gripper * from (375; 296; 10) * to (88; 104; 304)
table([ eof x: 88 y: 104 z: 304, base z: 0, cup black x: 375 y: 296, ball blue x: 9 y: 330 , ball red x: 365 y: 175 , ball yellow x: 279 y: 217 , ball green x: 78 y: 228 , ball orange x: 324 y: 15])
move ball red to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball red -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (88; 104; 304) * to (365; 175; 10)* close gripper * from (365; 175; 10) * to (365; 175; 100) * from (365; 175; 100) * to (375; 296; 10) * open gripper * from (375; 296; 10) * to (88; 104; 304)
table([ eof x: 88 y: 104 z: 304, base z: 0, cup black x: 375 y: 296, ball blue x: 9 y: 330 , ball red x: 365 y: 175 , ball yellow x: 279 y: 217 , ball green x: 78 y: 228 , ball orange x: 324 y: 15])
move ball yellow to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball yellow -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (88; 104; 304) * to (279; 217; 10)* close gripper * from (279; 217; 10) * to (279; 217; 100) * from (279; 217; 100) * to (375; 296; 10) * open gripper * from (375; 296; 10) * to (88; 104; 304)
table([ eof x: 88 y: 104 z: 304, base z: 0, cup black x: 375 y: 296, ball blue x: 9 y: 330 , ball red x: 365 y: 175 , ball yellow x: 279 y: 217 , ball green x: 78 y: 228 , ball orange x: 324 y: 15])
move ball green to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball green -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (88; 104; 304) * to (78; 228; 10)* close gripper * from (78; 228; 10) * to (78; 228; 100) * from (78; 228; 100) * to (375; 296; 10) * open gripper * from (375; 296; 10) * to (88; 104; 304)
table([ eof x: 88 y: 104 z: 304, base z: 0, cup black x: 375 y: 296, ball blue x: 9 y: 330 , ball red x: 365 y: 175 , ball yellow x: 279 y: 217 , ball green x: 78 y: 228 , ball orange x: 324 y: 15])
move ball orange to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball orange -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (88; 104; 304) * to (324; 15; 10)* close gripper * from (324; 15; 10) * to (324; 15; 100) * from (324; 15; 100) * to (375; 296; 10) * open gripper * from (375; 296; 10) * to (88; 104; 304)
table([ eof x: 335 y: 243 z: 333, base z: 0, cup black x: 357 y: 9, ball blue x: 300 y: 316 , ball red x: 150 y: 131 , ball yellow x: 196 y: 99 , ball green x: 308 y: 397 , ball orange x: 48 y: 139])
move ball blue to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball blue -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (335; 243; 333) * to (300; 316; 10)* close gripper * from (300; 316; 10) * to (300; 316; 100) * from (300; 316; 100) * to (357; 9; 10) * open gripper * from (357; 9; 10) * to (335; 243; 333)
table([ eof x: 335 y: 243 z: 333, base z: 0, cup black x: 357 y: 9, ball blue x: 300 y: 316 , ball red x: 150 y: 131 , ball yellow x: 196 y: 99 , ball green x: 308 y: 397 , ball orange x: 48 y: 139])
move ball red to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball red -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (335; 243; 333) * to (150; 131; 10)* close gripper * from (150; 131; 10) * to (150; 131; 100) * from (150; 131; 100) * to (357; 9; 10) * open gripper * from (357; 9; 10) * to (335; 243; 333)
table([ eof x: 335 y: 243 z: 333, base z: 0, cup black x: 357 y: 9, ball blue x: 300 y: 316 , ball red x: 150 y: 131 , ball yellow x: 196 y: 99 , ball green x: 308 y: 397 , ball orange x: 48 y: 139])
move ball yellow to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball yellow -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (335; 243; 333) * to (196; 99; 10)* close gripper * from (196; 99; 10) * to (196; 99; 100) * from (196; 99; 100) * to (357; 9; 10) * open gripper * from (357; 9; 10) * to (335; 243; 333)
table([ eof x: 335 y: 243 z: 333, base z: 0, cup black x: 357 y: 9, ball blue x: 300 y: 316 , ball red x: 150 y: 131 , ball yellow x: 196 y: 99 , ball green x: 308 y: 397 , ball orange x: 48 y: 139])
move ball green to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball green -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (335; 243; 333) * to (308; 397; 10)* close gripper * from (308; 397; 10) * to (308; 397; 100) * from (308; 397; 100) * to (357; 9; 10) * open gripper * from (357; 9; 10) * to (335; 243; 333)
table([ eof x: 335 y: 243 z: 333, base z: 0, cup black x: 357 y: 9, ball blue x: 300 y: 316 , ball red x: 150 y: 131 , ball yellow x: 196 y: 99 , ball green x: 308 y: 397 , ball orange x: 48 y: 139])
move ball orange to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball orange -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (335; 243; 333) * to (48; 139; 10)* close gripper * from (48; 139; 10) * to (48; 139; 100) * from (48; 139; 100) * to (357; 9; 10) * open gripper * from (357; 9; 10) * to (335; 243; 333)
table([ eof x: 116 y: 37 z: 354, base z: 0, cup black x: 113 y: 63, ball blue x: 157 y: 66 , ball red x: 216 y: 253 , ball yellow x: 349 y: 243 , ball green x: 48 y: 394 , ball orange x: 131 y: 76])
move ball blue to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball blue -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (116; 37; 354) * to (157; 66; 10)* close gripper * from (157; 66; 10) * to (157; 66; 100) * from (157; 66; 100) * to (113; 63; 10) * open gripper * from (113; 63; 10) * to (116; 37; 354)
table([ eof x: 116 y: 37 z: 354, base z: 0, cup black x: 113 y: 63, ball blue x: 157 y: 66 , ball red x: 216 y: 253 , ball yellow x: 349 y: 243 , ball green x: 48 y: 394 , ball orange x: 131 y: 76])
move ball red to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball red -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (116; 37; 354) * to (216; 253; 10)* close gripper * from (216; 253; 10) * to (216; 253; 100) * from (216; 253; 100) * to (113; 63; 10) * open gripper * from (113; 63; 10) * to (116; 37; 354)
table([ eof x: 116 y: 37 z: 354, base z: 0, cup black x: 113 y: 63, ball blue x: 157 y: 66 , ball red x: 216 y: 253 , ball yellow x: 349 y: 243 , ball green x: 48 y: 394 , ball orange x: 131 y: 76])
move ball yellow to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball yellow -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (116; 37; 354) * to (349; 243; 10)* close gripper * from (349; 243; 10) * to (349; 243; 100) * from (349; 243; 100) * to (113; 63; 10) * open gripper * from (113; 63; 10) * to (116; 37; 354)
table([ eof x: 116 y: 37 z: 354, base z: 0, cup black x: 113 y: 63, ball blue x: 157 y: 66 , ball red x: 216 y: 253 , ball yellow x: 349 y: 243 , ball green x: 48 y: 394 , ball orange x: 131 y: 76])
move ball green to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball green -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (116; 37; 354) * to (48; 394; 10)* close gripper * from (48; 394; 10) * to (48; 394; 100) * from (48; 394; 100) * to (113; 63; 10) * open gripper * from (113; 63; 10) * to (116; 37; 354)
table([ eof x: 116 y: 37 z: 354, base z: 0, cup black x: 113 y: 63, ball blue x: 157 y: 66 , ball red x: 216 y: 253 , ball yellow x: 349 y: 243 , ball green x: 48 y: 394 , ball orange x: 131 y: 76])
move ball orange to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball orange -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (116; 37; 354) * to (131; 76; 10)* close gripper * from (131; 76; 10) * to (131; 76; 100) * from (131; 76; 100) * to (113; 63; 10) * open gripper * from (113; 63; 10) * to (116; 37; 354)
table([ eof x: 384 y: 101 z: 359, base z: 0, cup black x: 298 y: 97, ball blue x: 133 y: 105 , ball red x: 65 y: 42 , ball yellow x: 295 y: 75 , ball green x: 75 y: 255 , ball orange x: 256 y: 71])
move ball blue to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball blue -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (384; 101; 359) * to (133; 105; 10)* close gripper * from (133; 105; 10) * to (133; 105; 100) * from (133; 105; 100) * to (298; 97; 10) * open gripper * from (298; 97; 10) * to (384; 101; 359)
table([ eof x: 384 y: 101 z: 359, base z: 0, cup black x: 298 y: 97, ball blue x: 133 y: 105 , ball red x: 65 y: 42 , ball yellow x: 295 y: 75 , ball green x: 75 y: 255 , ball orange x: 256 y: 71])
move ball red to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball red -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (384; 101; 359) * to (65; 42; 10)* close gripper * from (65; 42; 10) * to (65; 42; 100) * from (65; 42; 100) * to (298; 97; 10) * open gripper * from (298; 97; 10) * to (384; 101; 359)
table([ eof x: 384 y: 101 z: 359, base z: 0, cup black x: 298 y: 97, ball blue x: 133 y: 105 , ball red x: 65 y: 42 , ball yellow x: 295 y: 75 , ball green x: 75 y: 255 , ball orange x: 256 y: 71])
move ball yellow to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball yellow -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (384; 101; 359) * to (295; 75; 10)* close gripper * from (295; 75; 10) * to (295; 75; 100) * from (295; 75; 100) * to (298; 97; 10) * open gripper * from (298; 97; 10) * to (384; 101; 359)
table([ eof x: 384 y: 101 z: 359, base z: 0, cup black x: 298 y: 97, ball blue x: 133 y: 105 , ball red x: 65 y: 42 , ball yellow x: 295 y: 75 , ball green x: 75 y: 255 , ball orange x: 256 y: 71])
move ball green to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball green -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (384; 101; 359) * to (75; 255; 10)* close gripper * from (75; 255; 10) * to (75; 255; 100) * from (75; 255; 100) * to (298; 97; 10) * open gripper * from (298; 97; 10) * to (384; 101; 359)
table([ eof x: 384 y: 101 z: 359, base z: 0, cup black x: 298 y: 97, ball blue x: 133 y: 105 , ball red x: 65 y: 42 , ball yellow x: 295 y: 75 , ball green x: 75 y: 255 , ball orange x: 256 y: 71])
move ball orange to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball orange -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (384; 101; 359) * to (256; 71; 10)* close gripper * from (256; 71; 10) * to (256; 71; 100) * from (256; 71; 100) * to (298; 97; 10) * open gripper * from (298; 97; 10) * to (384; 101; 359)
table([ eof x: 202 y: 348 z: 393, base z: 0, cup black x: 356 y: 343, ball blue x: 145 y: 42 , ball red x: 335 y: 70 , ball yellow x: 58 y: 338 , ball green x: 162 y: 271 , ball orange x: 158 y: 368])
move ball blue to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball blue -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (202; 348; 393) * to (145; 42; 10)* close gripper * from (145; 42; 10) * to (145; 42; 100) * from (145; 42; 100) * to (356; 343; 10) * open gripper * from (356; 343; 10) * to (202; 348; 393)
table([ eof x: 202 y: 348 z: 393, base z: 0, cup black x: 356 y: 343, ball blue x: 145 y: 42 , ball red x: 335 y: 70 , ball yellow x: 58 y: 338 , ball green x: 162 y: 271 , ball orange x: 158 y: 368])
move ball red to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball red -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (202; 348; 393) * to (335; 70; 10)* close gripper * from (335; 70; 10) * to (335; 70; 100) * from (335; 70; 100) * to (356; 343; 10) * open gripper * from (356; 343; 10) * to (202; 348; 393)
table([ eof x: 202 y: 348 z: 393, base z: 0, cup black x: 356 y: 343, ball blue x: 145 y: 42 , ball red x: 335 y: 70 , ball yellow x: 58 y: 338 , ball green x: 162 y: 271 , ball orange x: 158 y: 368])
move ball yellow to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball yellow -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (202; 348; 393) * to (58; 338; 10)* close gripper * from (58; 338; 10) * to (58; 338; 100) * from (58; 338; 100) * to (356; 343; 10) * open gripper * from (356; 343; 10) * to (202; 348; 393)
table([ eof x: 202 y: 348 z: 393, base z: 0, cup black x: 356 y: 343, ball blue x: 145 y: 42 , ball red x: 335 y: 70 , ball yellow x: 58 y: 338 , ball green x: 162 y: 271 , ball orange x: 158 y: 368])
move ball green to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball green -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (202; 348; 393) * to (162; 271; 10)* close gripper * from (162; 271; 10) * to (162; 271; 100) * from (162; 271; 100) * to (356; 343; 10) * open gripper * from (356; 343; 10) * to (202; 348; 393)
table([ eof x: 202 y: 348 z: 393, base z: 0, cup black x: 356 y: 343, ball blue x: 145 y: 42 , ball red x: 335 y: 70 , ball yellow x: 58 y: 338 , ball green x: 162 y: 271 , ball orange x: 158 y: 368])
move ball orange to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball orange -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (202; 348; 393) * to (158; 368; 10)* close gripper * from (158; 368; 10) * to (158; 368; 100) * from (158; 368; 100) * to (356; 343; 10) * open gripper * from (356; 343; 10) * to (202; 348; 393)
table([ eof x: 260 y: 100 z: 369, base z: 0, cup black x: 140 y: 19, ball blue x: 227 y: 142 , ball red x: 100 y: 255 , ball yellow x: 84 y: 196 , ball green x: 270 y: 142 , ball orange x: 236 y: 145])
move ball blue to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball blue -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (260; 100; 369) * to (227; 142; 10)* close gripper * from (227; 142; 10) * to (227; 142; 100) * from (227; 142; 100) * to (140; 19; 10) * open gripper * from (140; 19; 10) * to (260; 100; 369)
table([ eof x: 260 y: 100 z: 369, base z: 0, cup black x: 140 y: 19, ball blue x: 227 y: 142 , ball red x: 100 y: 255 , ball yellow x: 84 y: 196 , ball green x: 270 y: 142 , ball orange x: 236 y: 145])
move ball red to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball red -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (260; 100; 369) * to (100; 255; 10)* close gripper * from (100; 255; 10) * to (100; 255; 100) * from (100; 255; 100) * to (140; 19; 10) * open gripper * from (140; 19; 10) * to (260; 100; 369)
table([ eof x: 260 y: 100 z: 369, base z: 0, cup black x: 140 y: 19, ball blue x: 227 y: 142 , ball red x: 100 y: 255 , ball yellow x: 84 y: 196 , ball green x: 270 y: 142 , ball orange x: 236 y: 145])
move ball yellow to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball yellow -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (260; 100; 369) * to (84; 196; 10)* close gripper * from (84; 196; 10) * to (84; 196; 100) * from (84; 196; 100) * to (140; 19; 10) * open gripper * from (140; 19; 10) * to (260; 100; 369)
table([ eof x: 260 y: 100 z: 369, base z: 0, cup black x: 140 y: 19, ball blue x: 227 y: 142 , ball red x: 100 y: 255 , ball yellow x: 84 y: 196 , ball green x: 270 y: 142 , ball orange x: 236 y: 145])
move ball green to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball green -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (260; 100; 369) * to (270; 142; 10)* close gripper * from (270; 142; 10) * to (270; 142; 100) * from (270; 142; 100) * to (140; 19; 10) * open gripper * from (140; 19; 10) * to (260; 100; 369)
table([ eof x: 260 y: 100 z: 369, base z: 0, cup black x: 140 y: 19, ball blue x: 227 y: 142 , ball red x: 100 y: 255 , ball yellow x: 84 y: 196 , ball green x: 270 y: 142 , ball orange x: 236 y: 145])
move ball orange to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball orange -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (260; 100; 369) * to (236; 145; 10)* close gripper * from (236; 145; 10) * to (236; 145; 100) * from (236; 145; 100) * to (140; 19; 10) * open gripper * from (140; 19; 10) * to (260; 100; 369)
table([ eof x: 79 y: 206 z: 324, base z: 0, cup black x: 132 y: 20, ball blue x: 29 y: 350 , ball red x: 369 y: 6 , ball yellow x: 71 y: 262 , ball green x: 168 y: 381 , ball orange x: 42 y: 265])
move ball blue to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball blue -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (79; 206; 324) * to (29; 350; 10)* close gripper * from (29; 350; 10) * to (29; 350; 100) * from (29; 350; 100) * to (132; 20; 10) * open gripper * from (132; 20; 10) * to (79; 206; 324)
table([ eof x: 79 y: 206 z: 324, base z: 0, cup black x: 132 y: 20, ball blue x: 29 y: 350 , ball red x: 369 y: 6 , ball yellow x: 71 y: 262 , ball green x: 168 y: 381 , ball orange x: 42 y: 265])
move ball red to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball red -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (79; 206; 324) * to (369; 6; 10)* close gripper * from (369; 6; 10) * to (369; 6; 100) * from (369; 6; 100) * to (132; 20; 10) * open gripper * from (132; 20; 10) * to (79; 206; 324)
table([ eof x: 79 y: 206 z: 324, base z: 0, cup black x: 132 y: 20, ball blue x: 29 y: 350 , ball red x: 369 y: 6 , ball yellow x: 71 y: 262 , ball green x: 168 y: 381 , ball orange x: 42 y: 265])
move ball yellow to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball yellow -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (79; 206; 324) * to (71; 262; 10)* close gripper * from (71; 262; 10) * to (71; 262; 100) * from (71; 262; 100) * to (132; 20; 10) * open gripper * from (132; 20; 10) * to (79; 206; 324)
table([ eof x: 79 y: 206 z: 324, base z: 0, cup black x: 132 y: 20, ball blue x: 29 y: 350 , ball red x: 369 y: 6 , ball yellow x: 71 y: 262 , ball green x: 168 y: 381 , ball orange x: 42 y: 265])
move ball green to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball green -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (79; 206; 324) * to (168; 381; 10)* close gripper * from (168; 381; 10) * to (168; 381; 100) * from (168; 381; 100) * to (132; 20; 10) * open gripper * from (132; 20; 10) * to (79; 206; 324)
table([ eof x: 79 y: 206 z: 324, base z: 0, cup black x: 132 y: 20, ball blue x: 29 y: 350 , ball red x: 369 y: 6 , ball yellow x: 71 y: 262 , ball green x: 168 y: 381 , ball orange x: 42 y: 265])
move ball orange to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball orange -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (79; 206; 324) * to (42; 265; 10)* close gripper * from (42; 265; 10) * to (42; 265; 100) * from (42; 265; 100) * to (132; 20; 10) * open gripper * from (132; 20; 10) * to (79; 206; 324)
table([ eof x: 103 y: 328 z: 333, base z: 0, cup black x: 195 y: 147, ball blue x: 258 y: 193 , ball red x: 17 y: 252 , ball yellow x: 6 y: 292 , ball green x: 110 y: 389 , ball orange x: 117 y: 209])
move ball blue to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball blue -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (103; 328; 333) * to (258; 193; 10)* close gripper * from (258; 193; 10) * to (258; 193; 100) * from (258; 193; 100) * to (195; 147; 10) * open gripper * from (195; 147; 10) * to (103; 328; 333)
table([ eof x: 103 y: 328 z: 333, base z: 0, cup black x: 195 y: 147, ball blue x: 258 y: 193 , ball red x: 17 y: 252 , ball yellow x: 6 y: 292 , ball green x: 110 y: 389 , ball orange x: 117 y: 209])
move ball red to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball red -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (103; 328; 333) * to (17; 252; 10)* close gripper * from (17; 252; 10) * to (17; 252; 100) * from (17; 252; 100) * to (195; 147; 10) * open gripper * from (195; 147; 10) * to (103; 328; 333)
table([ eof x: 103 y: 328 z: 333, base z: 0, cup black x: 195 y: 147, ball blue x: 258 y: 193 , ball red x: 17 y: 252 , ball yellow x: 6 y: 292 , ball green x: 110 y: 389 , ball orange x: 117 y: 209])
move ball yellow to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball yellow -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (103; 328; 333) * to (6; 292; 10)* close gripper * from (6; 292; 10) * to (6; 292; 100) * from (6; 292; 100) * to (195; 147; 10) * open gripper * from (195; 147; 10) * to (103; 328; 333)
table([ eof x: 103 y: 328 z: 333, base z: 0, cup black x: 195 y: 147, ball blue x: 258 y: 193 , ball red x: 17 y: 252 , ball yellow x: 6 y: 292 , ball green x: 110 y: 389 , ball orange x: 117 y: 209])
move ball green to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball green -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (103; 328; 333) * to (110; 389; 10)* close gripper * from (110; 389; 10) * to (110; 389; 100) * from (110; 389; 100) * to (195; 147; 10) * open gripper * from (195; 147; 10) * to (103; 328; 333)
table([ eof x: 103 y: 328 z: 333, base z: 0, cup black x: 195 y: 147, ball blue x: 258 y: 193 , ball red x: 17 y: 252 , ball yellow x: 6 y: 292 , ball green x: 110 y: 389 , ball orange x: 117 y: 209])
move ball orange to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball orange -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (103; 328; 333) * to (117; 209; 10)* close gripper * from (117; 209; 10) * to (117; 209; 100) * from (117; 209; 100) * to (195; 147; 10) * open gripper * from (195; 147; 10) * to (103; 328; 333)
table([ eof x: 100 y: 370 z: 319, base z: 0, cup black x: 313 y: 136, ball blue x: 113 y: 315 , ball red x: 243 y: 140 , ball yellow x: 25 y: 306 , ball green x: 22 y: 13 , ball orange x: 139 y: 109])
move ball blue to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball blue -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (100; 370; 319) * to (113; 315; 10)* close gripper * from (113; 315; 10) * to (113; 315; 100) * from (113; 315; 100) * to (313; 136; 10) * open gripper * from (313; 136; 10) * to (100; 370; 319)
table([ eof x: 100 y: 370 z: 319, base z: 0, cup black x: 313 y: 136, ball blue x: 113 y: 315 , ball red x: 243 y: 140 , ball yellow x: 25 y: 306 , ball green x: 22 y: 13 , ball orange x: 139 y: 109])
move ball red to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball red -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (100; 370; 319) * to (243; 140; 10)* close gripper * from (243; 140; 10) * to (243; 140; 100) * from (243; 140; 100) * to (313; 136; 10) * open gripper * from (313; 136; 10) * to (100; 370; 319)
table([ eof x: 100 y: 370 z: 319, base z: 0, cup black x: 313 y: 136, ball blue x: 113 y: 315 , ball red x: 243 y: 140 , ball yellow x: 25 y: 306 , ball green x: 22 y: 13 , ball orange x: 139 y: 109])
move ball yellow to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball yellow -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (100; 370; 319) * to (25; 306; 10)* close gripper * from (25; 306; 10) * to (25; 306; 100) * from (25; 306; 100) * to (313; 136; 10) * open gripper * from (313; 136; 10) * to (100; 370; 319)
table([ eof x: 100 y: 370 z: 319, base z: 0, cup black x: 313 y: 136, ball blue x: 113 y: 315 , ball red x: 243 y: 140 , ball yellow x: 25 y: 306 , ball green x: 22 y: 13 , ball orange x: 139 y: 109])
move ball green to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball green -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (100; 370; 319) * to (22; 13; 10)* close gripper * from (22; 13; 10) * to (22; 13; 100) * from (22; 13; 100) * to (313; 136; 10) * open gripper * from (313; 136; 10) * to (100; 370; 319)
table([ eof x: 100 y: 370 z: 319, base z: 0, cup black x: 313 y: 136, ball blue x: 113 y: 315 , ball red x: 243 y: 140 , ball yellow x: 25 y: 306 , ball green x: 22 y: 13 , ball orange x: 139 y: 109])
move ball orange to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball orange -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (100; 370; 319) * to (139; 109; 10)* close gripper * from (139; 109; 10) * to (139; 109; 100) * from (139; 109; 100) * to (313; 136; 10) * open gripper * from (313; 136; 10) * to (100; 370; 319)
table([ eof x: 83 y: 92 z: 395, base z: 0, cup black x: 358 y: 19, ball blue x: 99 y: 123 , ball red x: 299 y: 82 , ball yellow x: 198 y: 220 , ball green x: 105 y: 16 , ball orange x: 232 y: 337])
move ball blue to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball blue -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (83; 92; 395) * to (99; 123; 10)* close gripper * from (99; 123; 10) * to (99; 123; 100) * from (99; 123; 100) * to (358; 19; 10) * open gripper * from (358; 19; 10) * to (83; 92; 395)
table([ eof x: 83 y: 92 z: 395, base z: 0, cup black x: 358 y: 19, ball blue x: 99 y: 123 , ball red x: 299 y: 82 , ball yellow x: 198 y: 220 , ball green x: 105 y: 16 , ball orange x: 232 y: 337])
move ball red to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball red -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (83; 92; 395) * to (299; 82; 10)* close gripper * from (299; 82; 10) * to (299; 82; 100) * from (299; 82; 100) * to (358; 19; 10) * open gripper * from (358; 19; 10) * to (83; 92; 395)
table([ eof x: 83 y: 92 z: 395, base z: 0, cup black x: 358 y: 19, ball blue x: 99 y: 123 , ball red x: 299 y: 82 , ball yellow x: 198 y: 220 , ball green x: 105 y: 16 , ball orange x: 232 y: 337])
move ball yellow to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball yellow -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (83; 92; 395) * to (198; 220; 10)* close gripper * from (198; 220; 10) * to (198; 220; 100) * from (198; 220; 100) * to (358; 19; 10) * open gripper * from (358; 19; 10) * to (83; 92; 395)
table([ eof x: 83 y: 92 z: 395, base z: 0, cup black x: 358 y: 19, ball blue x: 99 y: 123 , ball red x: 299 y: 82 , ball yellow x: 198 y: 220 , ball green x: 105 y: 16 , ball orange x: 232 y: 337])
move ball green to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball green -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (83; 92; 395) * to (105; 16; 10)* close gripper * from (105; 16; 10) * to (105; 16; 100) * from (105; 16; 100) * to (358; 19; 10) * open gripper * from (358; 19; 10) * to (83; 92; 395)
table([ eof x: 83 y: 92 z: 395, base z: 0, cup black x: 358 y: 19, ball blue x: 99 y: 123 , ball red x: 299 y: 82 , ball yellow x: 198 y: 220 , ball green x: 105 y: 16 , ball orange x: 232 y: 337])
move ball orange to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball orange -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (83; 92; 395) * to (232; 337; 10)* close gripper * from (232; 337; 10) * to (232; 337; 100) * from (232; 337; 100) * to (358; 19; 10) * open gripper * from (358; 19; 10) * to (83; 92; 395)
table([ eof x: 70 y: 349 z: 334, base z: 0, cup black x: 200 y: 335, ball blue x: 366 y: 209 , ball red x: 171 y: 92 , ball yellow x: 305 y: 40 , ball green x: 118 y: 101 , ball orange x: 138 y: 69])
move ball blue to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball blue -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (70; 349; 334) * to (366; 209; 10)* close gripper * from (366; 209; 10) * to (366; 209; 100) * from (366; 209; 100) * to (200; 335; 10) * open gripper * from (200; 335; 10) * to (70; 349; 334)
table([ eof x: 70 y: 349 z: 334, base z: 0, cup black x: 200 y: 335, ball blue x: 366 y: 209 , ball red x: 171 y: 92 , ball yellow x: 305 y: 40 , ball green x: 118 y: 101 , ball orange x: 138 y: 69])
move ball red to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball red -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (70; 349; 334) * to (171; 92; 10)* close gripper * from (171; 92; 10) * to (171; 92; 100) * from (171; 92; 100) * to (200; 335; 10) * open gripper * from (200; 335; 10) * to (70; 349; 334)
table([ eof x: 70 y: 349 z: 334, base z: 0, cup black x: 200 y: 335, ball blue x: 366 y: 209 , ball red x: 171 y: 92 , ball yellow x: 305 y: 40 , ball green x: 118 y: 101 , ball orange x: 138 y: 69])
move ball yellow to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball yellow -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (70; 349; 334) * to (305; 40; 10)* close gripper * from (305; 40; 10) * to (305; 40; 100) * from (305; 40; 100) * to (200; 335; 10) * open gripper * from (200; 335; 10) * to (70; 349; 334)
table([ eof x: 70 y: 349 z: 334, base z: 0, cup black x: 200 y: 335, ball blue x: 366 y: 209 , ball red x: 171 y: 92 , ball yellow x: 305 y: 40 , ball green x: 118 y: 101 , ball orange x: 138 y: 69])
move ball green to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball green -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (70; 349; 334) * to (118; 101; 10)* close gripper * from (118; 101; 10) * to (118; 101; 100) * from (118; 101; 100) * to (200; 335; 10) * open gripper * from (200; 335; 10) * to (70; 349; 334)
table([ eof x: 70 y: 349 z: 334, base z: 0, cup black x: 200 y: 335, ball blue x: 366 y: 209 , ball red x: 171 y: 92 , ball yellow x: 305 y: 40 , ball green x: 118 y: 101 , ball orange x: 138 y: 69])
move ball orange to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball orange -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (70; 349; 334) * to (138; 69; 10)* close gripper * from (138; 69; 10) * to (138; 69; 100) * from (138; 69; 100) * to (200; 335; 10) * open gripper * from (200; 335; 10) * to (70; 349; 334)
table([ eof x: 135 y: 180 z: 379, base z: 0, cup black x: 365 y: 256, ball blue x: 161 y: 192 , ball red x: 13 y: 246 , ball yellow x: 338 y: 361 , ball green x: 216 y: 201 , ball orange x: 278 y: 297])
move ball blue to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball blue -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (135; 180; 379) * to (161; 192; 10)* close gripper * from (161; 192; 10) * to (161; 192; 100) * from (161; 192; 100) * to (365; 256; 10) * open gripper * from (365; 256; 10) * to (135; 180; 379)
table([ eof x: 135 y: 180 z: 379, base z: 0, cup black x: 365 y: 256, ball blue x: 161 y: 192 , ball red x: 13 y: 246 , ball yellow x: 338 y: 361 , ball green x: 216 y: 201 , ball orange x: 278 y: 297])
move ball red to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball red -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (135; 180; 379) * to (13; 246; 10)* close gripper * from (13; 246; 10) * to (13; 246; 100) * from (13; 246; 100) * to (365; 256; 10) * open gripper * from (365; 256; 10) * to (135; 180; 379)
table([ eof x: 135 y: 180 z: 379, base z: 0, cup black x: 365 y: 256, ball blue x: 161 y: 192 , ball red x: 13 y: 246 , ball yellow x: 338 y: 361 , ball green x: 216 y: 201 , ball orange x: 278 y: 297])
move ball yellow to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball yellow -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (135; 180; 379) * to (338; 361; 10)* close gripper * from (338; 361; 10) * to (338; 361; 100) * from (338; 361; 100) * to (365; 256; 10) * open gripper * from (365; 256; 10) * to (135; 180; 379)
table([ eof x: 135 y: 180 z: 379, base z: 0, cup black x: 365 y: 256, ball blue x: 161 y: 192 , ball red x: 13 y: 246 , ball yellow x: 338 y: 361 , ball green x: 216 y: 201 , ball orange x: 278 y: 297])
move ball green to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball green -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (135; 180; 379) * to (216; 201; 10)* close gripper * from (216; 201; 10) * to (216; 201; 100) * from (216; 201; 100) * to (365; 256; 10) * open gripper * from (365; 256; 10) * to (135; 180; 379)
table([ eof x: 135 y: 180 z: 379, base z: 0, cup black x: 365 y: 256, ball blue x: 161 y: 192 , ball red x: 13 y: 246 , ball yellow x: 338 y: 361 , ball green x: 216 y: 201 , ball orange x: 278 y: 297])
move ball orange to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball orange -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (135; 180; 379) * to (278; 297; 10)* close gripper * from (278; 297; 10) * to (278; 297; 100) * from (278; 297; 100) * to (365; 256; 10) * open gripper * from (365; 256; 10) * to (135; 180; 379)
table([ eof x: 320 y: 184 z: 373, base z: 0, cup black x: 326 y: 366, ball blue x: 334 y: 261 , ball red x: 372 y: 89 , ball yellow x: 301 y: 68 , ball green x: 390 y: 267 , ball orange x: 168 y: 103])
move ball blue to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball blue -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (320; 184; 373) * to (334; 261; 10)* close gripper * from (334; 261; 10) * to (334; 261; 100) * from (334; 261; 100) * to (326; 366; 10) * open gripper * from (326; 366; 10) * to (320; 184; 373)
table([ eof x: 320 y: 184 z: 373, base z: 0, cup black x: 326 y: 366, ball blue x: 334 y: 261 , ball red x: 372 y: 89 , ball yellow x: 301 y: 68 , ball green x: 390 y: 267 , ball orange x: 168 y: 103])
move ball red to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball red -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (320; 184; 373) * to (372; 89; 10)* close gripper * from (372; 89; 10) * to (372; 89; 100) * from (372; 89; 100) * to (326; 366; 10) * open gripper * from (326; 366; 10) * to (320; 184; 373)
table([ eof x: 320 y: 184 z: 373, base z: 0, cup black x: 326 y: 366, ball blue x: 334 y: 261 , ball red x: 372 y: 89 , ball yellow x: 301 y: 68 , ball green x: 390 y: 267 , ball orange x: 168 y: 103])
move ball yellow to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball yellow -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (320; 184; 373) * to (301; 68; 10)* close gripper * from (301; 68; 10) * to (301; 68; 100) * from (301; 68; 100) * to (326; 366; 10) * open gripper * from (326; 366; 10) * to (320; 184; 373)
table([ eof x: 320 y: 184 z: 373, base z: 0, cup black x: 326 y: 366, ball blue x: 334 y: 261 , ball red x: 372 y: 89 , ball yellow x: 301 y: 68 , ball green x: 390 y: 267 , ball orange x: 168 y: 103])
move ball green to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball green -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (320; 184; 373) * to (390; 267; 10)* close gripper * from (390; 267; 10) * to (390; 267; 100) * from (390; 267; 100) * to (326; 366; 10) * open gripper * from (326; 366; 10) * to (320; 184; 373)
table([ eof x: 320 y: 184 z: 373, base z: 0, cup black x: 326 y: 366, ball blue x: 334 y: 261 , ball red x: 372 y: 89 , ball yellow x: 301 y: 68 , ball green x: 390 y: 267 , ball orange x: 168 y: 103])
move ball orange to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball orange -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (320; 184; 373) * to (168; 103; 10)* close gripper * from (168; 103; 10) * to (168; 103; 100) * from (168; 103; 100) * to (326; 366; 10) * open gripper * from (326; 366; 10) * to (320; 184; 373)