5 values
table([ eof x: 145 y: 126 z: 392, base z: 0, cup black x: 318 y: 39, ball blue x: 303 y: 240 , ball red x: 345 y: 188 , ball yellow x: 133 y: 74 , ball green x: 298 y: 271 , ball orange x: 19 y: 255])
move ball blue to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball blue -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (145; 126; 392) * to (303; 240; 10)* close gripper * from (303; 240; 10) * to (303; 240; 100) * from (303; 240; 100) * to (318; 39; 10) * open gripper * from (318; 39; 10) * to (145; 126; 392)
table([ eof x: 145 y: 126 z: 392, base z: 0, cup black x: 318 y: 39, ball blue x: 303 y: 240 , ball red x: 345 y: 188 , ball yellow x: 133 y: 74 , ball green x: 298 y: 271 , ball orange x: 19 y: 255])
move ball red to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball red -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (145; 126; 392) * to (345; 188; 10)* close gripper * from (345; 188; 10) * to (345; 188; 100) * from (345; 188; 100) * to (318; 39; 10) * open gripper * from (318; 39; 10) * to (145; 126; 392)
table([ eof x: 145 y: 126 z: 392, base z: 0, cup black x: 318 y: 39, ball blue x: 303 y: 240 , ball red x: 345 y: 188 , ball yellow x: 133 y: 74 , ball green x: 298 y: 271 , ball orange x: 19 y: 255])
move ball yellow to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball yellow -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (145; 126; 392) * to (133; 74; 10)* close gripper * from (133; 74; 10) * to (133; 74; 100) * from (133; 74; 100) * to (318; 39; 10) * open gripper * from (318; 39; 10) * to (145; 126; 392)
table([ eof x: 145 y: 126 z: 392, base z: 0, cup black x: 318 y: 39, ball blue x: 303 y: 240 , ball red x: 345 y: 188 , ball yellow x: 133 y: 74 , ball green x: 298 y: 271 , ball orange x: 19 y: 255])
move ball green to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball green -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (145; 126; 392) * to (298; 271; 10)* close gripper * from (298; 271; 10) * to (298; 271; 100) * from (298; 271; 100) * to (318; 39; 10) * open gripper * from (318; 39; 10) * to (145; 126; 392)
table([ eof x: 145 y: 126 z: 392, base z: 0, cup black x: 318 y: 39, ball blue x: 303 y: 240 , ball red x: 345 y: 188 , ball yellow x: 133 y: 74 , ball green x: 298 y: 271 , ball orange x: 19 y: 255])
move ball orange to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball orange -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (145; 126; 392) * to (19; 255; 10)* close gripper * from (19; 255; 10) * to (19; 255; 100) * from (19; 255; 100) * to (318; 39; 10) * open gripper * from (318; 39; 10) * to (145; 126; 392)
table([ eof x: 302 y: 65 z: 314, base z: 0, cup black x: 14 y: 114, ball blue x: 220 y: 9 , ball red x: 194 y: 302 , ball yellow x: 309 y: 93 , ball green x: 336 y: 52 , ball orange x: 279 y: 358])
move ball blue to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball blue -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (302; 65; 314) * to (220; 9; 10)* close gripper * from (220; 9; 10) * to (220; 9; 100) * from (220; 9; 100) * to (14; 114; 10) * open gripper * from (14; 114; 10) * to (302; 65; 314)
table([ eof x: 302 y: 65 z: 314, base z: 0, cup black x: 14 y: 114, ball blue x: 220 y: 9 , ball red x: 194 y: 302 , ball yellow x: 309 y: 93 , ball green x: 336 y: 52 , ball orange x: 279 y: 358])
move ball red to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball red -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (302; 65; 314) * to (194; 302; 10)* close gripper * from (194; 302; 10) * to (194; 302; 100) * from (194; 302; 100) * to (14; 114; 10) * open gripper * from (14; 114; 10) * to (302; 65; 314)
table([ eof x: 302 y: 65 z: 314, base z: 0, cup black x: 14 y: 114, ball blue x: 220 y: 9 , ball red x: 194 y: 302 , ball yellow x: 309 y: 93 , ball green x: 336 y: 52 , ball orange x: 279 y: 358])
move ball yellow to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball yellow -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (302; 65; 314) * to (309; 93; 10)* close gripper * from (309; 93; 10) * to (309; 93; 100) * from (309; 93; 100) * to (14; 114; 10) * open gripper * from (14; 114; 10) * to (302; 65; 314)
table([ eof x: 302 y: 65 z: 314, base z: 0, cup black x: 14 y: 114, ball blue x: 220 y: 9 , ball red x: 194 y: 302 , ball yellow x: 309 y: 93 , ball green x: 336 y: 52 , ball orange x: 279 y: 358])
move ball green to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball green -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (302; 65; 314) * to (336; 52; 10)* close gripper * from (336; 52; 10) * to (336; 52; 100) * from (336; 52; 100) * to (14; 114; 10) * open gripper * from (14; 114; 10) * to (302; 65; 314)
table([ eof x: 302 y: 65 z: 314, base z: 0, cup black x: 14 y: 114, ball blue x: 220 y: 9 , ball red x: 194 y: 302 , ball yellow x: 309 y: 93 , ball green x: 336 y: 52 , ball orange x: 279 y: 358])
move ball orange to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball orange -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (302; 65; 314) * to (279; 358; 10)* close gripper * from (279; 358; 10) * to (279; 358; 100) * from (279; 358; 100) * to (14; 114; 10) * open gripper * from (14; 114; 10) * to (302; 65; 314)
table([ eof x: 44 y: 218 z: 367, base z: 0, cup black x: 137 y: 297, ball blue x: 319 y: 14 , ball red x: 347 y: 113 , ball yellow x: 214 y: 280 , ball green x: 111 y: 106 , ball orange x: 34 y: 171])
move ball blue to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball blue -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (44; 218; 367) * to (319; 14; 10)* close gripper * from (319; 14; 10) * to (319; 14; 100) * from (319; 14; 100) * to (137; 297; 10) * open gripper * from (137; 297; 10) * to (44; 218; 367)
table([ eof x: 44 y: 218 z: 367, base z: 0, cup black x: 137 y: 297, ball blue x: 319 y: 14 , ball red x: 347 y: 113 , ball yellow x: 214 y: 280 , ball green x: 111 y: 106 , ball orange x: 34 y: 171])
move ball red to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball red -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (44; 218; 367) * to (347; 113; 10)* close gripper * from (347; 113; 10) * to (347; 113; 100) * from (347; 113; 100) * to (137; 297; 10) * open gripper * from (137; 297; 10) * to (44; 218; 367)
table([ eof x: 44 y: 218 z: 367, base z: 0, cup black x: 137 y: 297, ball blue x: 319 y: 14 , ball red x: 347 y: 113 , ball yellow x: 214 y: 280 , ball green x: 111 y: 106 , ball orange x: 34 y: 171])
move ball yellow to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball yellow -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (44; 218; 367) * to (214; 280; 10)* close gripper * from (214; 280; 10) * to (214; 280; 100) * from (214; 280; 100) * to (137; 297; 10) * open gripper * from (137; 297; 10) * to (44; 218; 367)
table([ eof x: 44 y: 218 z: 367, base z: 0, cup black x: 137 y: 297, ball blue x: 319 y: 14 , ball red x: 347 y: 113 , ball yellow x: 214 y: 280 , ball green x: 111 y: 106 , ball orange x: 34 y: 171])
move ball green to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball green -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (44; 218; 367) * to (111; 106; 10)* close gripper * from (111; 106; 10) * to (111; 106; 100) * from (111; 106; 100) * to (137; 297; 10) * open gripper * from (137; 297; 10) * to (44; 218; 367)
table([ eof x: 44 y: 218 z: 367, base z: 0, cup black x: 137 y: 297, ball blue x: 319 y: 14 , ball red x: 347 y: 113 , ball yellow x: 214 y: 280 , ball green x: 111 y: 106 , ball orange x: 34 y: 171])
move ball orange to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball orange -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (44; 218; 367) * to (34; 171; 10)* close gripper * from (34; 171; 10) * to (34; 171; 100) * from (34; 171; 100) * to (137; 297; 10) * open gripper * from (137; 297; 10) * to (44; 218; 367)
table([ eof x: 221 y: 385 z: 385, base z: 0, cup black x: 237 y: 11, ball blue x: 291 y: 207 , ball red x: 356 y: 202 , ball yellow x: 252 y: 47 , ball green x: 339 y: 342 , ball orange x: 179 y: 65])
move ball blue to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball blue -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (221; 385; 385) * to (291; 207; 10)* close gripper * from (291; 207; 10) * to (291; 207; 100) * from (291; 207; 100) * to (237; 11; 10) * open gripper * from (237; 11; 10) * to (221; 385; 385)
table([ eof x: 221 y: 385 z: 385, base z: 0, cup black x: 237 y: 11, ball blue x: 291 y: 207 , ball red x: 356 y: 202 , ball yellow x: 252 y: 47 , ball green x: 339 y: 342 , ball orange x: 179 y: 65])
move ball red to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball red -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (221; 385; 385) * to (356; 202; 10)* close gripper * from (356; 202; 10) * to (356; 202; 100) * from (356; 202; 100) * to (237; 11; 10) * open gripper * from (237; 11; 10) * to (221; 385; 385)
table([ eof x: 221 y: 385 z: 385, base z: 0, cup black x: 237 y: 11, ball blue x: 291 y: 207 , ball red x: 356 y: 202 , ball yellow x: 252 y: 47 , ball green x: 339 y: 342 , ball orange x: 179 y: 65])
move ball yellow to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball yellow -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (221; 385; 385) * to (252; 47; 10)* close gripper * from (252; 47; 10) * to (252; 47; 100) * from (252; 47; 100) * to (237; 11; 10) * open gripper * from (237; 11; 10) * to (221; 385; 385)
table([ eof x: 221 y: 385 z: 385, base z: 0, cup black x: 237 y: 11, ball blue x: 291 y: 207 , ball red x: 356 y: 202 , ball yellow x: 252 y: 47 , ball green x: 339 y: 342 , ball orange x: 179 y: 65])
move ball green to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball green -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (221; 385; 385) * to (339; 342; 10)* close gripper * from (339; 342; 10) * to (339; 342; 100) * from (339; 342; 100) * to (237; 11; 10) * open gripper * from (237; 11; 10) * to (221; 385; 385)
table([ eof x: 221 y: 385 z: 385, base z: 0, cup black x: 237 y: 11, ball blue x: 291 y: 207 , ball red x: 356 y: 202 , ball yellow x: 252 y: 47 , ball green x: 339 y: 342 , ball orange x: 179 y: 65])
move ball orange to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball orange -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (221; 385; 385) * to (179; 65; 10)* close gripper * from (179; 65; 10) * to (179; 65; 100) * from (179; 65; 100) * to (237; 11; 10) * open gripper * from (237; 11; 10) * to (221; 385; 385)
table([ eof x: 374 y: 306 z: 387, base z: 0, cup black x: 276 y: 252, ball blue x: 223 y: 200 , ball red x: 183 y: 180 , ball yellow x: 62 y: 323 , ball green x: 70 y: 300 , ball orange x: 313 y: 64])
move ball blue to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball blue -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (374; 306; 387) * to (223; 200; 10)* close gripper * from (223; 200; 10) * to (223; 200; 100) * from (223; 200; 100) * to (276; 252; 10) * open gripper * from (276; 252; 10) * to (374; 306; 387)
table([ eof x: 374 y: 306 z: 387, base z: 0, cup black x: 276 y: 252, ball blue x: 223 y: 200 , ball red x: 183 y: 180 , ball yellow x: 62 y: 323 , ball green x: 70 y: 300 , ball orange x: 313 y: 64])
move ball red to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball red -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (374; 306; 387) * to (183; 180; 10)* close gripper * from (183; 180; 10) * to (183; 180; 100) * from (183; 180; 100) * to (276; 252; 10) * open gripper * from (276; 252; 10) * to (374; 306; 387)
table([ eof x: 374 y: 306 z: 387, base z: 0, cup black x: 276 y: 252, ball blue x: 223 y: 200 , ball red x: 183 y: 180 , ball yellow x: 62 y: 323 , ball green x: 70 y: 300 , ball orange x: 313 y: 64])
move ball yellow to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball yellow -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (374; 306; 387) * to (62; 323; 10)* close gripper * from (62; 323; 10) * to (62; 323; 100) * from (62; 323; 100) * to (276; 252; 10) * open gripper * from (276; 252; 10) * to (374; 306; 387)
table([ eof x: 374 y: 306 z: 387, base z: 0, cup black x: 276 y: 252, ball blue x: 223 y: 200 , ball red x: 183 y: 180 , ball yellow x: 62 y: 323 , ball green x: 70 y: 300 , ball orange x: 313 y: 64])
move ball green to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball green -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (374; 306; 387) * to (70; 300; 10)* close gripper * from (70; 300; 10) * to (70; 300; 100) * from (70; 300; 100) * to (276; 252; 10) * open gripper * from (276; 252; 10) * to (374; 306; 387)
table([ eof x: 374 y: 306 z: 387, base z: 0, cup black x: 276 y: 252, ball blue x: 223 y: 200 , ball red x: 183 y: 180 , ball yellow x: 62 y: 323 , ball green x: 70 y: 300 , ball orange x: 313 y: 64])
move ball orange to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball orange -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (374; 306; 387) * to (313; 64; 10)* close gripper * from (313; 64; 10) * to (313; 64; 100) * from (313; 64; 100) * to (276; 252; 10) * open gripper * from (276; 252; 10) * to (374; 306; 387)
table([ eof x: 22 y: 275 z: 324, base z: 0, cup black x: 300 y: 89, ball blue x: 266 y: 104 , ball red x: 134 y: 213 , ball yellow x: 313 y: 334 , ball green x: 67 y: 182 , ball orange x: 115 y: 83])
move ball blue to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball blue -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (22; 275; 324) * to (266; 104; 10)* close gripper * from (266; 104; 10) * to (266; 104; 100) * from (266; 104; 100) * to (300; 89; 10) * open gripper * from (300; 89; 10) * to (22; 275; 324)
table([ eof x: 22 y: 275 z: 324, base z: 0, cup black x: 300 y: 89, ball blue x: 266 y: 104 , ball red x: 134 y: 213 , ball yellow x: 313 y: 334 , ball green x: 67 y: 182 , ball orange x: 115 y: 83])
move ball red to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball red -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (22; 275; 324) * to (134; 213; 10)* close gripper * from (134; 213; 10) * to (134; 213; 100) * from (134; 213; 100) * to (300; 89; 10) * open gripper * from (300; 89; 10) * to (22; 275; 324)
table([ eof x: 22 y: 275 z: 324, base z: 0, cup black x: 300 y: 89, ball blue x: 266 y: 104 , ball red x: 134 y: 213 , ball yellow x: 313 y: 334 , ball green x: 67 y: 182 , ball orange x: 115 y: 83])
move ball yellow to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball yellow -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (22; 275; 324) * to (313; 334; 10)* close gripper * from (313; 334; 10) * to (313; 334; 100) * from (313; 334; 100) * to (300; 89; 10) * open gripper * from (300; 89; 10) * to (22; 275; 324)
table([ eof x: 22 y: 275 z: 324, base z: 0, cup black x: 300 y: 89, ball blue x: 266 y: 104 , ball red x: 134 y: 213 , ball yellow x: 313 y: 334 , ball green x: 67 y: 182 , ball orange x: 115 y: 83])
move ball green to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball green -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (22; 275; 324) * to (67; 182; 10)* close gripper * from (67; 182; 10) * to (67; 182; 100) * from (67; 182; 100) * to (300; 89; 10) * open gripper * from (300; 89; 10) * to (22; 275; 324)
table([ eof x: 22 y: 275 z: 324, base z: 0, cup black x: 300 y: 89, ball blue x: 266 y: 104 , ball red x: 134 y: 213 , ball yellow x: 313 y: 334 , ball green x: 67 y: 182 , ball orange x: 115 y: 83])
move ball orange to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball orange -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (22; 275; 324) * to (115; 83; 10)* close gripper * from (115; 83; 10) * to (115; 83; 100) * from (115; 83; 100) * to (300; 89; 10) * open gripper * from (300; 89; 10) * to (22; 275; 324)
table([ eof x: 205 y: 1 z: 383, base z: 0, cup black x: 120 y: 385, ball blue x: 337 y: 18 , ball red x: 294 y: 197 , ball yellow x: 345 y: 205 , ball green x: 287 y: 383 , ball orange x: 121 y: 17])
move ball blue to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball blue -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (205; 1; 383) * to (337; 18; 10)* close gripper * from (337; 18; 10) * to (337; 18; 100) * from (337; 18; 100) * to (120; 385; 10) * open gripper * from (120; 385; 10) * to (205; 1; 383)
table([ eof x: 205 y: 1 z: 383, base z: 0, cup black x: 120 y: 385, ball blue x: 337 y: 18 , ball red x: 294 y: 197 , ball yellow x: 345 y: 205 , ball green x: 287 y: 383 , ball orange x: 121 y: 17])
move ball red to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball red -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (205; 1; 383) * to (294; 197; 10)* close gripper * from (294; 197; 10) * to (294; 197; 100) * from (294; 197; 100) * to (120; 385; 10) * open gripper * from (120; 385; 10) * to (205; 1; 383)
table([ eof x: 205 y: 1 z: 383, base z: 0, cup black x: 120 y: 385, ball blue x: 337 y: 18 , ball red x: 294 y: 197 , ball yellow x: 345 y: 205 , ball green x: 287 y: 383 , ball orange x: 121 y: 17])
move ball yellow to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball yellow -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (205; 1; 383) * to (345; 205; 10)* close gripper * from (345; 205; 10) * to (345; 205; 100) * from (345; 205; 100) * to (120; 385; 10) * open gripper * from (120; 385; 10) * to (205; 1; 383)
table([ eof x: 205 y: 1 z: 383, base z: 0, cup black x: 120 y: 385, ball blue x: 337 y: 18 , ball red x: 294 y: 197 , ball yellow x: 345 y: 205 , ball green x: 287 y: 383 , ball orange x: 121 y: 17])
move ball green to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball green -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (205; 1; 383) * to (287; 383; 10)* close gripper * from (287; 383; 10) * to (287; 383; 100) * from (287; 383; 100) * to (120; 385; 10) * open gripper * from (120; 385; 10) * to (205; 1; 383)
table([ eof x: 205 y: 1 z: 383, base z: 0, cup black x: 120 y: 385, ball blue x: 337 y: 18 , ball red x: 294 y: 197 , ball yellow x: 345 y: 205 , ball green x: 287 y: 383 , ball orange x: 121 y: 17])
move ball orange to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball orange -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (205; 1; 383) * to (121; 17; 10)* close gripper * from (121; 17; 10) * to (121; 17; 100) * from (121; 17; 100) * to (120; 385; 10) * open gripper * from (120; 385; 10) * to (205; 1; 383)
table([ eof x: 78 y: 27 z: 307, base z: 0, cup black x: 256 y: 271, ball blue x: 51 y: 17 , ball red x: 357 y: 55 , ball yellow x: 388 y: 237 , ball green x: 125 y: 112 , ball orange x: 167 y: 160])
move ball blue to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball blue -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (78; 27; 307) * to (51; 17; 10)* close gripper * from (51; 17; 10) * to (51; 17; 100) * from (51; 17; 100) * to (256; 271; 10) * open gripper * from (256; 271; 10) * to (78; 27; 307)
table([ eof x: 78 y: 27 z: 307, base z: 0, cup black x: 256 y: 271, ball blue x: 51 y: 17 , ball red x: 357 y: 55 , ball yellow x: 388 y: 237 , ball green x: 125 y: 112 , ball orange x: 167 y: 160])
move ball red to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball red -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (78; 27; 307) * to (357; 55; 10)* close gripper * from (357; 55; 10) * to (357; 55; 100) * from (357; 55; 100) * to (256; 271; 10) * open gripper * from (256; 271; 10) * to (78; 27; 307)
table([ eof x: 78 y: 27 z: 307, base z: 0, cup black x: 256 y: 271, ball blue x: 51 y: 17 , ball red x: 357 y: 55 , ball yellow x: 388 y: 237 , ball green x: 125 y: 112 , ball orange x: 167 y: 160])
move ball yellow to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball yellow -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (78; 27; 307) * to (388; 237; 10)* close gripper * from (388; 237; 10) * to (388; 237; 100) * from (388; 237; 100) * to (256; 271; 10) * open gripper * from (256; 271; 10) * to (78; 27; 307)
table([ eof x: 78 y: 27 z: 307, base z: 0, cup black x: 256 y: 271, ball blue x: 51 y: 17 , ball red x: 357 y: 55 , ball yellow x: 388 y: 237 , ball green x: 125 y: 112 , ball orange x: 167 y: 160])
move ball green to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball green -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (78; 27; 307) * to (125; 112; 10)* close gripper * from (125; 112; 10) * to (125; 112; 100) * from (125; 112; 100) * to (256; 271; 10) * open gripper * from (256; 271; 10) * to (78; 27; 307)
table([ eof x: 78 y: 27 z: 307, base z: 0, cup black x: 256 y: 271, ball blue x: 51 y: 17 , ball red x: 357 y: 55 , ball yellow x: 388 y: 237 , ball green x: 125 y: 112 , ball orange x: 167 y: 160])
move ball orange to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball orange -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (78; 27; 307) * to (167; 160; 10)* close gripper * from (167; 160; 10) * to (167; 160; 100) * from (167; 160; 100) * to (256; 271; 10) * open gripper * from (256; 271; 10) * to (78; 27; 307)
table([ eof x: 2 y: 386 z: 350, base z: 0, cup black x: 38 y: 344, ball blue x: 265 y: 111 , ball red x: 95 y: 268 , ball yellow x: 396 y: 152 , ball green x: 233 y: 297 , ball orange x: 185 y: 132])
move ball blue to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball blue -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (2; 386; 350) * to (265; 111; 10)* close gripper * from (265; 111; 10) * to (265; 111; 100) * from (265; 111; 100) * to (38; 344; 10) * open gripper * from (38; 344; 10) * to (2; 386; 350)
table([ eof x: 2 y: 386 z: 350, base z: 0, cup black x: 38 y: 344, ball blue x: 265 y: 111 , ball red x: 95 y: 268 , ball yellow x: 396 y: 152 , ball green x: 233 y: 297 , ball orange x: 185 y: 132])
move ball red to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball red -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (2; 386; 350) * to (95; 268; 10)* close gripper * from (95; 268; 10) * to (95; 268; 100) * from (95; 268; 100) * to (38; 344; 10) * open gripper * from (38; 344; 10) * to (2; 386; 350)
table([ eof x: 2 y: 386 z: 350, base z: 0, cup black x: 38 y: 344, ball blue x: 265 y: 111 , ball red x: 95 y: 268 , ball yellow x: 396 y: 152 , ball green x: 233 y: 297 , ball orange x: 185 y: 132])
move ball yellow to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball yellow -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (2; 386; 350) * to (396; 152; 10)* close gripper * from (396; 152; 10) * to (396; 152; 100) * from (396; 152; 100) * to (38; 344; 10) * open gripper * from (38; 344; 10) * to (2; 386; 350)
table([ eof x: 2 y: 386 z: 350, base z: 0, cup black x: 38 y: 344, ball blue x: 265 y: 111 , ball red x: 95 y: 268 , ball yellow x: 396 y: 152 , ball green x: 233 y: 297 , ball orange x: 185 y: 132])
move ball green to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball green -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (2; 386; 350) * to (233; 297; 10)* close gripper * from (233; 297; 10) * to (233; 297; 100) * from (233; 297; 100) * to (38; 344; 10) * open gripper * from (38; 344; 10) * to (2; 386; 350)
table([ eof x: 2 y: 386 z: 350, base z: 0, cup black x: 38 y: 344, ball blue x: 265 y: 111 , ball red x: 95 y: 268 , ball yellow x: 396 y: 152 , ball green x: 233 y: 297 , ball orange x: 185 y: 132])
move ball orange to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball orange -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (2; 386; 350) * to (185; 132; 10)* close gripper * from (185; 132; 10) * to (185; 132; 100) * from (185; 132; 100) * to (38; 344; 10) * open gripper * from (38; 344; 10) * to (2; 386; 350)
table([ eof x: 334 y: 16 z: 339, base z: 0, cup black x: 329 y: 299, ball blue x: 60 y: 176 , ball red x: 112 y: 285 , ball yellow x: 19 y: 12 , ball green x: 389 y: 26 , ball orange x: 114 y: 287])
move ball blue to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball blue -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (334; 16; 339) * to (60; 176; 10)* close gripper * from (60; 176; 10) * to (60; 176; 100) * from (60; 176; 100) * to (329; 299; 10) * open gripper * from (329; 299; 10) * to (334; 16; 339)
table([ eof x: 334 y: 16 z: 339, base z: 0, cup black x: 329 y: 299, ball blue x: 60 y: 176 , ball red x: 112 y: 285 , ball yellow x: 19 y: 12 , ball green x: 389 y: 26 , ball orange x: 114 y: 287])
move ball red to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball red -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (334; 16; 339) * to (112; 285; 10)* close gripper * from (112; 285; 10) * to (112; 285; 100) * from (112; 285; 100) * to (329; 299; 10) * open gripper * from (329; 299; 10) * to (334; 16; 339)
table([ eof x: 334 y: 16 z: 339, base z: 0, cup black x: 329 y: 299, ball blue x: 60 y: 176 , ball red x: 112 y: 285 , ball yellow x: 19 y: 12 , ball green x: 389 y: 26 , ball orange x: 114 y: 287])
move ball yellow to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball yellow -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (334; 16; 339) * to (19; 12; 10)* close gripper * from (19; 12; 10) * to (19; 12; 100) * from (19; 12; 100) * to (329; 299; 10) * open gripper * from (329; 299; 10) * to (334; 16; 339)
table([ eof x: 334 y: 16 z: 339, base z: 0, cup black x: 329 y: 299, ball blue x: 60 y: 176 , ball red x: 112 y: 285 , ball yellow x: 19 y: 12 , ball green x: 389 y: 26 , ball orange x: 114 y: 287])
move ball green to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball green -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (334; 16; 339) * to (389; 26; 10)* close gripper * from (389; 26; 10) * to (389; 26; 100) * from (389; 26; 100) * to (329; 299; 10) * open gripper * from (329; 299; 10) * to (334; 16; 339)
table([ eof x: 334 y: 16 z: 339, base z: 0, cup black x: 329 y: 299, ball blue x: 60 y: 176 , ball red x: 112 y: 285 , ball yellow x: 19 y: 12 , ball green x: 389 y: 26 , ball orange x: 114 y: 287])
move ball orange to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball orange -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (334; 16; 339) * to (114; 287; 10)* close gripper * from (114; 287; 10) * to (114; 287; 100) * from (114; 287; 100) * to (329; 299; 10) * open gripper * from (329; 299; 10) * to (334; 16; 339)
table([ eof x: 166 y: 358 z: 316, base z: 0, cup black x: 31 y: 32, ball blue x: 126 y: 117 , ball red x: 185 y: 312 , ball yellow x: 277 y: 322 , ball green x: 127 y: 156 , ball orange x: 11 y: 22])
move ball blue to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball blue -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (166; 358; 316) * to (126; 117; 10)* close gripper * from (126; 117; 10) * to (126; 117; 100) * from (126; 117; 100) * to (31; 32; 10) * open gripper * from (31; 32; 10) * to (166; 358; 316)
table([ eof x: 166 y: 358 z: 316, base z: 0, cup black x: 31 y: 32, ball blue x: 126 y: 117 , ball red x: 185 y: 312 , ball yellow x: 277 y: 322 , ball green x: 127 y: 156 , ball orange x: 11 y: 22])
move ball red to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball red -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (166; 358; 316) * to (185; 312; 10)* close gripper * from (185; 312; 10) * to (185; 312; 100) * from (185; 312; 100) * to (31; 32; 10) * open gripper * from (31; 32; 10) * to (166; 358; 316)
table([ eof x: 166 y: 358 z: 316, base z: 0, cup black x: 31 y: 32, ball blue x: 126 y: 117 , ball red x: 185 y: 312 , ball yellow x: 277 y: 322 , ball green x: 127 y: 156 , ball orange x: 11 y: 22])
move ball yellow to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball yellow -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (166; 358; 316) * to (277; 322; 10)* close gripper * from (277; 322; 10) * to (277; 322; 100) * from (277; 322; 100) * to (31; 32; 10) * open gripper * from (31; 32; 10) * to (166; 358; 316)
table([ eof x: 166 y: 358 z: 316, base z: 0, cup black x: 31 y: 32, ball blue x: 126 y: 117 , ball red x: 185 y: 312 , ball yellow x: 277 y: 322 , ball green x: 127 y: 156 , ball orange x: 11 y: 22])
move ball green to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball green -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (166; 358; 316) * to (127; 156; 10)* close gripper * from (127; 156; 10) * to (127; 156; 100) * from (127; 156; 100) * to (31; 32; 10) * open gripper * from (31; 32; 10) * to (166; 358; 316)
table([ eof x: 166 y: 358 z: 316, base z: 0, cup black x: 31 y: 32, ball blue x: 126 y: 117 , ball red x: 185 y: 312 , ball yellow x: 277 y: 322 , ball green x: 127 y: 156 , ball orange x: 11 y: 22])
move ball orange to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball orange -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (166; 358; 316) * to (11; 22; 10)* close gripper * from (11; 22; 10) * to (11; 22; 100) * from (11; 22; 100) * to (31; 32; 10) * open gripper * from (31; 32; 10) * to (166; 358; 316)
table([ eof x: 142 y: 113 z: 398, base z: 0, cup black x: 96 y: 131, ball blue x: 180 y: 393 , ball red x: 87 y: 54 , ball yellow x: 210 y: 41 , ball green x: 306 y: 113 , ball orange x: 24 y: 175])
move ball blue to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball blue -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (142; 113; 398) * to (180; 393; 10)* close gripper * from (180; 393; 10) * to (180; 393; 100) * from (180; 393; 100) * to (96; 131; 10) * open gripper * from (96; 131; 10) * to (142; 113; 398)
table([ eof x: 142 y: 113 z: 398, base z: 0, cup black x: 96 y: 131, ball blue x: 180 y: 393 , ball red x: 87 y: 54 , ball yellow x: 210 y: 41 , ball green x: 306 y: 113 , ball orange x: 24 y: 175])
move ball red to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball red -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (142; 113; 398) * to (87; 54; 10)* close gripper * from (87; 54; 10) * to (87; 54; 100) * from (87; 54; 100) * to (96; 131; 10) * open gripper * from (96; 131; 10) * to (142; 113; 398)
table([ eof x: 142 y: 113 z: 398, base z: 0, cup black x: 96 y: 131, ball blue x: 180 y: 393 , ball red x: 87 y: 54 , ball yellow x: 210 y: 41 , ball green x: 306 y: 113 , ball orange x: 24 y: 175])
move ball yellow to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball yellow -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (142; 113; 398) * to (210; 41; 10)* close gripper * from (210; 41; 10) * to (210; 41; 100) * from (210; 41; 100) * to (96; 131; 10) * open gripper * from (96; 131; 10) * to (142; 113; 398)
table([ eof x: 142 y: 113 z: 398, base z: 0, cup black x: 96 y: 131, ball blue x: 180 y: 393 , ball red x: 87 y: 54 , ball yellow x: 210 y: 41 , ball green x: 306 y: 113 , ball orange x: 24 y: 175])
move ball green to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball green -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (142; 113; 398) * to (306; 113; 10)* close gripper * from (306; 113; 10) * to (306; 113; 100) * from (306; 113; 100) * to (96; 131; 10) * open gripper * from (96; 131; 10) * to (142; 113; 398)
table([ eof x: 142 y: 113 z: 398, base z: 0, cup black x: 96 y: 131, ball blue x: 180 y: 393 , ball red x: 87 y: 54 , ball yellow x: 210 y: 41 , ball green x: 306 y: 113 , ball orange x: 24 y: 175])
move ball orange to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball orange -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (142; 113; 398) * to (24; 175; 10)* close gripper * from (24; 175; 10) * to (24; 175; 100) * from (24; 175; 100) * to (96; 131; 10) * open gripper * from (96; 131; 10) * to (142; 113; 398)
table([ eof x: 297 y: 138 z: 380, base z: 0, cup black x: 295 y: 298, ball blue x: 316 y: 319 , ball red x: 87 y: 288 , ball yellow x: 31 y: 179 , ball green x: 375 y: 341 , ball orange x: 360 y: 261])
move ball blue to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball blue -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (297; 138; 380) * to (316; 319; 10)* close gripper * from (316; 319; 10) * to (316; 319; 100) * from (316; 319; 100) * to (295; 298; 10) * open gripper * from (295; 298; 10) * to (297; 138; 380)
table([ eof x: 297 y: 138 z: 380, base z: 0, cup black x: 295 y: 298, ball blue x: 316 y: 319 , ball red x: 87 y: 288 , ball yellow x: 31 y: 179 , ball green x: 375 y: 341 , ball orange x: 360 y: 261])
move ball red to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball red -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (297; 138; 380) * to (87; 288; 10)* close gripper * from (87; 288; 10) * to (87; 288; 100) * from (87; 288; 100) * to (295; 298; 10) * open gripper * from (295; 298; 10) * to (297; 138; 380)
table([ eof x: 297 y: 138 z: 380, base z: 0, cup black x: 295 y: 298, ball blue x: 316 y: 319 , ball red x: 87 y: 288 , ball yellow x: 31 y: 179 , ball green x: 375 y: 341 , ball orange x: 360 y: 261])
move ball yellow to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball yellow -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (297; 138; 380) * to (31; 179; 10)* close gripper * from (31; 179; 10) * to (31; 179; 100) * from (31; 179; 100) * to (295; 298; 10) * open gripper * from (295; 298; 10) * to (297; 138; 380)
table([ eof x: 297 y: 138 z: 380, base z: 0, cup black x: 295 y: 298, ball blue x: 316 y: 319 , ball red x: 87 y: 288 , ball yellow x: 31 y: 179 , ball green x: 375 y: 341 , ball orange x: 360 y: 261])
move ball green to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball green -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (297; 138; 380) * to (375; 341; 10)* close gripper * from (375; 341; 10) * to (375; 341; 100) * from (375; 341; 100) * to (295; 298; 10) * open gripper * from (295; 298; 10) * to (297; 138; 380)
table([ eof x: 297 y: 138 z: 380, base z: 0, cup black x: 295 y: 298, ball blue x: 316 y: 319 , ball red x: 87 y: 288 , ball yellow x: 31 y: 179 , ball green x: 375 y: 341 , ball orange x: 360 y: 261])
move ball orange to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball orange -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (297; 138; 380) * to (360; 261; 10)* close gripper * from (360; 261; 10) * to (360; 261; 100) * from (360; 261; 100) * to (295; 298; 10) * open gripper * from (295; 298; 10) * to (297; 138; 380)
table([ eof x: 260 y: 293 z: 381, base z: 0, cup black x: 38 y: 129, ball blue x: 283 y: 2 , ball red x: 211 y: 264 , ball yellow x: 214 y: 342 , ball green x: 202 y: 132 , ball orange x: 290 y: 331])
move ball blue to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball blue -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (260; 293; 381) * to (283; 2; 10)* close gripper * from (283; 2; 10) * to (283; 2; 100) * from (283; 2; 100) * to (38; 129; 10) * open gripper * from (38; 129; 10) * to (260; 293; 381)
table([ eof x: 260 y: 293 z: 381, base z: 0, cup black x: 38 y: 129, ball blue x: 283 y: 2 , ball red x: 211 y: 264 , ball yellow x: 214 y: 342 , ball green x: 202 y: 132 , ball orange x: 290 y: 331])
move ball red to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball red -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (260; 293; 381) * to (211; 264; 10)* close gripper * from (211; 264; 10) * to (211; 264; 100) * from (211; 264; 100) * to (38; 129; 10) * open gripper * from (38; 129; 10) * to (260; 293; 381)
table([ eof x: 260 y: 293 z: 381, base z: 0, cup black x: 38 y: 129, ball blue x: 283 y: 2 , ball red x: 211 y: 264 , ball yellow x: 214 y: 342 , ball green x: 202 y: 132 , ball orange x: 290 y: 331])
move ball yellow to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball yellow -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (260; 293; 381) * to (214; 342; 10)* close gripper * from (214; 342; 10) * to (214; 342; 100) * from (214; 342; 100) * to (38; 129; 10) * open gripper * from (38; 129; 10) * to (260; 293; 381)
table([ eof x: 260 y: 293 z: 381, base z: 0, cup black x: 38 y: 129, ball blue x: 283 y: 2 , ball red x: 211 y: 264 , ball yellow x: 214 y: 342 , ball green x: 202 y: 132 , ball orange x: 290 y: 331])
move ball green to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball green -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (260; 293; 381) * to (202; 132; 10)* close gripper * from (202; 132; 10) * to (202; 132; 100) * from (202; 132; 100) * to (38; 129; 10) * open gripper * from (38; 129; 10) * to (260; 293; 381)
table([ eof x: 260 y: 293 z: 381, base z: 0, cup black x: 38 y: 129, ball blue x: 283 y: 2 , ball red x: 211 y: 264 , ball yellow x: 214 y: 342 , ball green x: 202 y: 132 , ball orange x: 290 y: 331])
move ball orange to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball orange -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (260; 293; 381) * to (290; 331; 10)* close gripper * from (290; 331; 10) * to (290; 331; 100) * from (290; 331; 100) * to (38; 129; 10) * open gripper * from (38; 129; 10) * to (260; 293; 381)
table([ eof x: 103 y: 77 z: 383, base z: 0, cup black x: 17 y: 321, ball blue x: 137 y: 64 , ball red x: 357 y: 80 , ball yellow x: 178 y: 197 , ball green x: 16 y: 366 , ball orange x: 184 y: 124])
move ball blue to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball blue -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (103; 77; 383) * to (137; 64; 10)* close gripper * from (137; 64; 10) * to (137; 64; 100) * from (137; 64; 100) * to (17; 321; 10) * open gripper * from (17; 321; 10) * to (103; 77; 383)
table([ eof x: 103 y: 77 z: 383, base z: 0, cup black x: 17 y: 321, ball blue x: 137 y: 64 , ball red x: 357 y: 80 , ball yellow x: 178 y: 197 , ball green x: 16 y: 366 , ball orange x: 184 y: 124])
move ball red to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball red -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (103; 77; 383) * to (357; 80; 10)* close gripper * from (357; 80; 10) * to (357; 80; 100) * from (357; 80; 100) * to (17; 321; 10) * open gripper * from (17; 321; 10) * to (103; 77; 383)
table([ eof x: 103 y: 77 z: 383, base z: 0, cup black x: 17 y: 321, ball blue x: 137 y: 64 , ball red x: 357 y: 80 , ball yellow x: 178 y: 197 , ball green x: 16 y: 366 , ball orange x: 184 y: 124])
move ball yellow to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball yellow -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (103; 77; 383) * to (178; 197; 10)* close gripper * from (178; 197; 10) * to (178; 197; 100) * from (178; 197; 100) * to (17; 321; 10) * open gripper * from (17; 321; 10) * to (103; 77; 383)
table([ eof x: 103 y: 77 z: 383, base z: 0, cup black x: 17 y: 321, ball blue x: 137 y: 64 , ball red x: 357 y: 80 , ball yellow x: 178 y: 197 , ball green x: 16 y: 366 , ball orange x: 184 y: 124])
move ball green to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball green -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (103; 77; 383) * to (16; 366; 10)* close gripper * from (16; 366; 10) * to (16; 366; 100) * from (16; 366; 100) * to (17; 321; 10) * open gripper * from (17; 321; 10) * to (103; 77; 383)
table([ eof x: 103 y: 77 z: 383, base z: 0, cup black x: 17 y: 321, ball blue x: 137 y: 64 , ball red x: 357 y: 80 , ball yellow x: 178 y: 197 , ball green x: 16 y: 366 , ball orange x: 184 y: 124])
move ball orange to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball orange -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (103; 77; 383) * to (184; 124; 10)* close gripper * from (184; 124; 10) * to (184; 124; 100) * from (184; 124; 100) * to (17; 321; 10) * open gripper * from (17; 321; 10) * to (103; 77; 383)
table([ eof x: 328 y: 67 z: 368, base z: 0, cup black x: 89 y: 15, ball blue x: 148 y: 395 , ball red x: 27 y: 360 , ball yellow x: 80 y: 30 , ball green x: 54 y: 6 , ball orange x: 335 y: 2])
move ball blue to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball blue -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (328; 67; 368) * to (148; 395; 10)* close gripper * from (148; 395; 10) * to (148; 395; 100) * from (148; 395; 100) * to (89; 15; 10) * open gripper * from (89; 15; 10) * to (328; 67; 368)
table([ eof x: 328 y: 67 z: 368, base z: 0, cup black x: 89 y: 15, ball blue x: 148 y: 395 , ball red x: 27 y: 360 , ball yellow x: 80 y: 30 , ball green x: 54 y: 6 , ball orange x: 335 y: 2])
move ball red to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball red -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (328; 67; 368) * to (27; 360; 10)* close gripper * from (27; 360; 10) * to (27; 360; 100) * from (27; 360; 100) * to (89; 15; 10) * open gripper * from (89; 15; 10) * to (328; 67; 368)
table([ eof x: 328 y: 67 z: 368, base z: 0, cup black x: 89 y: 15, ball blue x: 148 y: 395 , ball red x: 27 y: 360 , ball yellow x: 80 y: 30 , ball green x: 54 y: 6 , ball orange x: 335 y: 2])
move ball yellow to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball yellow -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (328; 67; 368) * to (80; 30; 10)* close gripper * from (80; 30; 10) * to (80; 30; 100) * from (80; 30; 100) * to (89; 15; 10) * open gripper * from (89; 15; 10) * to (328; 67; 368)
table([ eof x: 328 y: 67 z: 368, base z: 0, cup black x: 89 y: 15, ball blue x: 148 y: 395 , ball red x: 27 y: 360 , ball yellow x: 80 y: 30 , ball green x: 54 y: 6 , ball orange x: 335 y: 2])
move ball green to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball green -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (328; 67; 368) * to (54; 6; 10)* close gripper * from (54; 6; 10) * to (54; 6; 100) * from (54; 6; 100) * to (89; 15; 10) * open gripper * from (89; 15; 10) * to (328; 67; 368)
table([ eof x: 328 y: 67 z: 368, base z: 0, cup black x: 89 y: 15, ball blue x: 148 y: 395 , ball red x: 27 y: 360 , ball yellow x: 80 y: 30 , ball green x: 54 y: 6 , ball orange x: 335 y: 2])
move ball orange to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball orange -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (328; 67; 368) * to (335; 2; 10)* close gripper * from (335; 2; 10) * to (335; 2; 100) * from (335; 2; 100) * to (89; 15; 10) * open gripper * from (89; 15; 10) * to (328; 67; 368)
table([ eof x: 199 y: 7 z: 347, base z: 0, cup black x: 146 y: 271, ball blue x: 119 y: 52 , ball red x: 48 y: 100 , ball yellow x: 33 y: 85 , ball green x: 219 y: 284 , ball orange x: 8 y: 72])
move ball blue to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball blue -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (199; 7; 347) * to (119; 52; 10)* close gripper * from (119; 52; 10) * to (119; 52; 100) * from (119; 52; 100) * to (146; 271; 10) * open gripper * from (146; 271; 10) * to (199; 7; 347)
table([ eof x: 199 y: 7 z: 347, base z: 0, cup black x: 146 y: 271, ball blue x: 119 y: 52 , ball red x: 48 y: 100 , ball yellow x: 33 y: 85 , ball green x: 219 y: 284 , ball orange x: 8 y: 72])
move ball red to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball red -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (199; 7; 347) * to (48; 100; 10)* close gripper * from (48; 100; 10) * to (48; 100; 100) * from (48; 100; 100) * to (146; 271; 10) * open gripper * from (146; 271; 10) * to (199; 7; 347)
table([ eof x: 199 y: 7 z: 347, base z: 0, cup black x: 146 y: 271, ball blue x: 119 y: 52 , ball red x: 48 y: 100 , ball yellow x: 33 y: 85 , ball green x: 219 y: 284 , ball orange x: 8 y: 72])
move ball yellow to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball yellow -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (199; 7; 347) * to (33; 85; 10)* close gripper * from (33; 85; 10) * to (33; 85; 100) * from (33; 85; 100) * to (146; 271; 10) * open gripper * from (146; 271; 10) * to (199; 7; 347)
table([ eof x: 199 y: 7 z: 347, base z: 0, cup black x: 146 y: 271, ball blue x: 119 y: 52 , ball red x: 48 y: 100 , ball yellow x: 33 y: 85 , ball green x: 219 y: 284 , ball orange x: 8 y: 72])
move ball green to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball green -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (199; 7; 347) * to (219; 284; 10)* close gripper * from (219; 284; 10) * to (219; 284; 100) * from (219; 284; 100) * to (146; 271; 10) * open gripper * from (146; 271; 10) * to (199; 7; 347)
table([ eof x: 199 y: 7 z: 347, base z: 0, cup black x: 146 y: 271, ball blue x: 119 y: 52 , ball red x: 48 y: 100 , ball yellow x: 33 y: 85 , ball green x: 219 y: 284 , ball orange x: 8 y: 72])
move ball orange to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball orange -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (199; 7; 347) * to (8; 72; 10)* close gripper * from (8; 72; 10) * to (8; 72; 100) * from (8; 72; 100) * to (146; 271; 10) * open gripper * from (146; 271; 10) * to (199; 7; 347)
table([ eof x: 121 y: 290 z: 304, base z: 0, cup black x: 29 y: 197, ball blue x: 332 y: 287 , ball red x: 31 y: 258 , ball yellow x: 159 y: 99 , ball green x: 18 y: 3 , ball orange x: 376 y: 282])
move ball blue to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball blue -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (121; 290; 304) * to (332; 287; 10)* close gripper * from (332; 287; 10) * to (332; 287; 100) * from (332; 287; 100) * to (29; 197; 10) * open gripper * from (29; 197; 10) * to (121; 290; 304)
table([ eof x: 121 y: 290 z: 304, base z: 0, cup black x: 29 y: 197, ball blue x: 332 y: 287 , ball red x: 31 y: 258 , ball yellow x: 159 y: 99 , ball green x: 18 y: 3 , ball orange x: 376 y: 282])
move ball red to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball red -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (121; 290; 304) * to (31; 258; 10)* close gripper * from (31; 258; 10) * to (31; 258; 100) * from (31; 258; 100) * to (29; 197; 10) * open gripper * from (29; 197; 10) * to (121; 290; 304)
table([ eof x: 121 y: 290 z: 304, base z: 0, cup black x: 29 y: 197, ball blue x: 332 y: 287 , ball red x: 31 y: 258 , ball yellow x: 159 y: 99 , ball green x: 18 y: 3 , ball orange x: 376 y: 282])
move ball yellow to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball yellow -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (121; 290; 304) * to (159; 99; 10)* close gripper * from (159; 99; 10) * to (159; 99; 100) * from (159; 99; 100) * to (29; 197; 10) * open gripper * from (29; 197; 10) * to (121; 290; 304)
table([ eof x: 121 y: 290 z: 304, base z: 0, cup black x: 29 y: 197, ball blue x: 332 y: 287 , ball red x: 31 y: 258 , ball yellow x: 159 y: 99 , ball green x: 18 y: 3 , ball orange x: 376 y: 282])
move ball green to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball green -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (121; 290; 304) * to (18; 3; 10)* close gripper * from (18; 3; 10) * to (18; 3; 100) * from (18; 3; 100) * to (29; 197; 10) * open gripper * from (29; 197; 10) * to (121; 290; 304)
table([ eof x: 121 y: 290 z: 304, base z: 0, cup black x: 29 y: 197, ball blue x: 332 y: 287 , ball red x: 31 y: 258 , ball yellow x: 159 y: 99 , ball green x: 18 y: 3 , ball orange x: 376 y: 282])
move ball orange to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball orange -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (121; 290; 304) * to (376; 282; 10)* close gripper * from (376; 282; 10) * to (376; 282; 100) * from (376; 282; 100) * to (29; 197; 10) * open gripper * from (29; 197; 10) * to (121; 290; 304)
table([ eof x: 346 y: 317 z: 358, base z: 0, cup black x: 116 y: 384, ball blue x: 252 y: 383 , ball red x: 286 y: 90 , ball yellow x: 352 y: 153 , ball green x: 122 y: 67 , ball orange x: 241 y: 149])
move ball blue to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball blue -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (346; 317; 358) * to (252; 383; 10)* close gripper * from (252; 383; 10) * to (252; 383; 100) * from (252; 383; 100) * to (116; 384; 10) * open gripper * from (116; 384; 10) * to (346; 317; 358)
table([ eof x: 346 y: 317 z: 358, base z: 0, cup black x: 116 y: 384, ball blue x: 252 y: 383 , ball red x: 286 y: 90 , ball yellow x: 352 y: 153 , ball green x: 122 y: 67 , ball orange x: 241 y: 149])
move ball red to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball red -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (346; 317; 358) * to (286; 90; 10)* close gripper * from (286; 90; 10) * to (286; 90; 100) * from (286; 90; 100) * to (116; 384; 10) * open gripper * from (116; 384; 10) * to (346; 317; 358)
table([ eof x: 346 y: 317 z: 358, base z: 0, cup black x: 116 y: 384, ball blue x: 252 y: 383 , ball red x: 286 y: 90 , ball yellow x: 352 y: 153 , ball green x: 122 y: 67 , ball orange x: 241 y: 149])
move ball yellow to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball yellow -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (346; 317; 358) * to (352; 153; 10)* close gripper * from (352; 153; 10) * to (352; 153; 100) * from (352; 153; 100) * to (116; 384; 10) * open gripper * from (116; 384; 10) * to (346; 317; 358)
table([ eof x: 346 y: 317 z: 358, base z: 0, cup black x: 116 y: 384, ball blue x: 252 y: 383 , ball red x: 286 y: 90 , ball yellow x: 352 y: 153 , ball green x: 122 y: 67 , ball orange x: 241 y: 149])
move ball green to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball green -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (346; 317; 358) * to (122; 67; 10)* close gripper * from (122; 67; 10) * to (122; 67; 100) * from (122; 67; 100) * to (116; 384; 10) * open gripper * from (116; 384; 10) * to (346; 317; 358)
table([ eof x: 346 y: 317 z: 358, base z: 0, cup black x: 116 y: 384, ball blue x: 252 y: 383 , ball red x: 286 y: 90 , ball yellow x: 352 y: 153 , ball green x: 122 y: 67 , ball orange x: 241 y: 149])
move ball orange to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball orange -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (346; 317; 358) * to (241; 149; 10)* close gripper * from (241; 149; 10) * to (241; 149; 100) * from (241; 149; 100) * to (116; 384; 10) * open gripper * from (116; 384; 10) * to (346; 317; 358)
table([ eof x: 284 y: 100 z: 320, base z: 0, cup black x: 373 y: 344, ball blue x: 42 y: 336 , ball red x: 198 y: 29 , ball yellow x: 63 y: 187 , ball green x: 155 y: 319 , ball orange x: 15 y: 396])
move ball blue to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball blue -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (284; 100; 320) * to (42; 336; 10)* close gripper * from (42; 336; 10) * to (42; 336; 100) * from (42; 336; 100) * to (373; 344; 10) * open gripper * from (373; 344; 10) * to (284; 100; 320)
table([ eof x: 284 y: 100 z: 320, base z: 0, cup black x: 373 y: 344, ball blue x: 42 y: 336 , ball red x: 198 y: 29 , ball yellow x: 63 y: 187 , ball green x: 155 y: 319 , ball orange x: 15 y: 396])
move ball red to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball red -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (284; 100; 320) * to (198; 29; 10)* close gripper * from (198; 29; 10) * to (198; 29; 100) * from (198; 29; 100) * to (373; 344; 10) * open gripper * from (373; 344; 10) * to (284; 100; 320)
table([ eof x: 284 y: 100 z: 320, base z: 0, cup black x: 373 y: 344, ball blue x: 42 y: 336 , ball red x: 198 y: 29 , ball yellow x: 63 y: 187 , ball green x: 155 y: 319 , ball orange x: 15 y: 396])
move ball yellow to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball yellow -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (284; 100; 320) * to (63; 187; 10)* close gripper * from (63; 187; 10) * to (63; 187; 100) * from (63; 187; 100) * to (373; 344; 10) * open gripper * from (373; 344; 10) * to (284; 100; 320)
table([ eof x: 284 y: 100 z: 320, base z: 0, cup black x: 373 y: 344, ball blue x: 42 y: 336 , ball red x: 198 y: 29 , ball yellow x: 63 y: 187 , ball green x: 155 y: 319 , ball orange x: 15 y: 396])
move ball green to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball green -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (284; 100; 320) * to (155; 319; 10)* close gripper * from (155; 319; 10) * to (155; 319; 100) * from (155; 319; 100) * to (373; 344; 10) * open gripper * from (373; 344; 10) * to (284; 100; 320)
table([ eof x: 284 y: 100 z: 320, base z: 0, cup black x: 373 y: 344, ball blue x: 42 y: 336 , ball red x: 198 y: 29 , ball yellow x: 63 y: 187 , ball green x: 155 y: 319 , ball orange x: 15 y: 396])
move ball orange to the cup black
* ok, i'll go from eof to ball orange -> i'll grip it -> i'll move up a bit -> i'll go above the cup -> i'll open the grip. * from (284; 100; 320) * to (15; 396; 10)* close gripper * from (15; 396; 10) * to (15; 396; 100) * from (15; 396; 100) * to (373; 344; 10) * open gripper * from (373; 344; 10) * to (284; 100; 320)