usually, he would be tearing around the living room, playing with his toys. but just one look at a minion sent him practically catatonic. that had been megan's plan when she got him dressed earlier. he'd seen the movie almost by mistake, considering he was a little young for the pg cartoon, but with older cousins, along with her brothers, mason was often exposed to things that were older. she liked to think being surrounded by adults and older kids was one reason why he was a such a good talker for his age. `` aren't you being a good boy ? ''she said. mason barely acknowledged her. instead, his baby blues remained focused on the television. since the movie was almost over, megan knew she better slip into the bedroom and finish getting ready. each time she looked into mason's face, she was grateful that he looked nothing like his father. his platinum blond hair and blue eyes were completely hers. it was only his build that he was taking after his father.
where megan was a diminutive 5'3 '', davis was 6'1 '' and two hundred pounds. mason was already registering off the charts in height and weight according to his pediatrician. davis had seen mason only twice in his lifetime-the day he had been born and the day he came home from the hospital. after that, he hadn't been interested in any of the pictures and emails megan sent. with his professional football career on the rise, davis hadn't wanted to be shackled with the responsibilities of a baby. instead, he wanted to spend his time off the field partying until all hours of the night. he only paid child support when megan threatened to have his wages garnished. she dreaded the day when mason was old enough to ask about his father. she never wanted anything in the world to hurt him, and she knew that being rejected by his father would. with a sigh, she stepped into the dress and slid it over her hips. wrestling around to get the zipper all the way up caused her to huff and puff.
standing back from the mirror, she turned to and fro to take in her appearance. she'd always loved how the dress made her feel sexy, but at the same time was very respectable. while it boasted a sweetheart neckline, the hemline fell just below her knees. she put on her pearls-a high school graduation gift from her uncle aidan, or `` ankle '', as she often called him. aidan was her mother's baby brother and only son of the family. when she was born, he was only eight and a half. as the first grandchild, megan spent a lot of time with her grandparents, and that in turn, meant she spent a lot of time with aidan. he had devoted hours to holding her and spoiling her rotten. when it came time for her to talk, she just couldn't seem to get `` uncle aidan '' out. instead, she called him `` ankle . ''it was a nickname that had stuck with him even now that he was thirty-four and married.
while it had been no question that she wanted him as godfather for mason, she had been extremely honored when he and his wife, emma, had asked her to be their son, noah 's, godmother. she loved her newest cousin very much and planned to be the best godmother she could for him. as she stepped out of the bedroom, she found that mason had yet to move. `` okay buddy, time to go . ''when he started to whine, she shook her head. `` we have such a fun day ahead of us. it's noah's baptism, and then there's a party at uncle aidan and aunt emma's house . ''`` beau ? ''he asked. she laughed. `` yes, you'll get to see and play with beau, too . ''as she went to the couch and picked him up, she couldn't help finding it amusing that out of everyone he was going to see today, he was most excited about being with aidan and emma's black lab, beau. one day when they had their own place again, she would get him a dog. he loved them too much to be denied. `` oomph, '' she muttered, as they started up the basement stairs.
`` heawy ? ''he asked. `` yes, you're getting to be such a big, heavy boy . ''when they made it to the kitchen, megan paused to catch her breath. she only had a second before her mother breezed in with sean, and her youngest brother, gavin. `` ready ? ''she asked. megan nodded. feeling like she was once again a teenager, she filed behind her parents as they headed into the garage. `` i want to drive, '' gavin said. with a smirk, sean replied, `` like i'm gon na let you drive my car . ''he then slid into the driver's seat as gavin reluctantly walked around to the passenger's side. `` we'll see you there in just a few, '' her mother called. sean acknowledged her with a two finger salute before cranking up and pulling down the driveway. megan worked to get mason into the car seat in her parents ' land rover. once he was safely strapped and buckled in, she hopped in beside him. her parents rattled along to each other as they made their way through the tree-lined suburbs where megan had grown up.
while some might look on her as having a mark against her character being an unwed mother, she had lived a relatively non-rebellious life. even though she'd been a cheerleader and ran with the popular crowd in school, she rarely partied to excess. instead, she had focused on getting good grades. at that time, she had her heart set on going to medical school and becoming a doctor. from the time she was a little girl, she had wanted nothing more than to help people. she was always mending birds with broken wings or trying to resuscitate squirrels who had been hit by cars. she ditched playing princess for playing `` hospital . ''her desire to become a doctor was why she needed the best scores and best activities and why she generally shunned any temptations to lead her off the right path. she had even managed to bypass the usual freshman craziness when she went off to the university of georgia. it wasn't until she fell in love for the first time in her life that she threw everything away.
sadly, she couldn't say that her first love was davis, mason's father. instead, it was another football player, this time a running back at uga, who captured and later broke her heart a year later. carsyn ran with the fast crowd, and when she was with him, she partied and drank too much. he was controlling and possessive, and he wanted all of her time. when she was with him, she had little time for studying. with her grades already in the toilet, she was unprepared for the emotional breakdown she experienced when carsyn broke up with her. devastated, she stopped going to class and ended up flunking the semester. by the time she got back on track with her grades, she had abandoned any hope of medical school. instead, she decided that she would become a nurse, which would fulfill her need to care for sick people. of course, her relationship with davis ended up derailing shortly before graduation when she got pregnant unexpectedly. she had to take several semesters off after mason was born.
she was a few years off from when she had originally planned on graduating, but she was excited after everything had that had happened, she was finally finishing. her mother's voice brought megan out of her thoughts. `` here we are, '' she said pleasantly. leaning forward in her seat, megan eyed the clock on the dashboard. she wasn't surprised to see they had arrived half an hour before the baptism started. one thing her mother prided herself on was being on time and lending a hand. as they started into the church, her mother reached for mason. `` we'll take him so you can go see if emma needs any help . ''megan bent over to kiss mason's cheek. `` see you in a little while, sweetie . ''he grinned and then happily dodged her mother's arms for her father's instead, which made megan smile. he was such a man's man already. he loved sitting between her brothers on the couch and watching tv.
while it was good that he had so many male role models, she only hoped he hadn't inherited too much of his father's personality. after megan watched them disappear in the crowd of family and friends waiting in the church alcove, she bypassed everyone by turning right and heading down the hallway. at the last door on the right, she knocked. `` it's me, megan . ''emma's best friend, casey, answered the door. `` well, if it isn't the fairy godmother, '' she mused with a grin. after megan stepped inside, casey threw her arms around her. megan had only met her a few times, but it was hard not liking emma's vivacious and outgoing friend. casey's long brown hair was pulled back in a lose knot, and she wore a demure black slip dress and heels. `` so how's it going ? ''megan asked, gazing from noah's diapered but na**d form to emma. she was feeding him a bottle while her upper body was draped in a towel. peeking out from the covering, she saw emma was wearing her signature color, green.
as noah sucked on his bottle, he twirled a strand of emma's auburn hair between his fingers. both father and son were fans of emma wearing her hair down. emma grinned. `` good, i guess. i mean, i don't have a lot of experience with baptisms . ''megan laughed and motioned to the towel and noah. `` it looks like you're taking all the proper precautions-nothing like spit-up on your dress or his . ''with a nod, emma replied, `` tell me about it. especially since his gown is so old . ''megan eyed the lacy baptismal gown hanging on the closet door. she recognized it from pictures of ankle's baptism. he had worn it, and now it was being passed down to his son. casey snorted. `` i'm sure aidan wouldn't appreciate you alluding to the fact his gown is an antique, thus in turn saying he's old . ''emma laughed. `` no, i'm sure he wouldn't. of course, he'd probably argue that while the gown might not have held up, he still looks fabulous and much younger than his age . ''megan smiled.
`` that sounds just like him . ''she bent over emma to rub one of noah's hands. he grabbed her thumb in his fist and held on for dear life. `` aw, you love your godmother, don't you noah ? ''emma asked. noah momentarily stopped sucking on the bottle to flash a quick smile, which warmed megan's heart. `` he's such a sweet boy, '' she mused. `` and a charmer, just like his old man, '' casey mused. `` that too, '' megan agreed. thinking about her position, she cocked her head at casey. `` are you sure you're fine with me being the godmother ? ''casey waved her hand dismissively. `` honey, the last thing i need is the responsibility. i plan on spoiling noah rotten and corrupting him as only a good auntie can do ! ''emma rolled her eyes. `` i'm very satisfied with both my choices, megan. you don't have to worry . ''`` so who is the godfather again? i know he's not part of the family . ''casey gasped as her hand flew to her chest dramatically. `` you mean, you've never met dr. mcdreamy bollywood ? ''
megan shrugged. `` no, i haven't. i mean, i've heard about him and how he flew aidan home in time for noah's birth . ''she noticed the pleading look that emma exchanged with casey. `` why? what should i know about him ? ''casey tapped her chin with her index finger. `` hmm, what should you know about the good godfather ? ''she winked at megan. `` first off, he is seriously delectable. i mean, the man is like sex on a stick. tall, jet-black hair, dark eyes, and he's built like a brick shithouse . ''megan suddenly felt her interest piquing. she hadn't imagined that the godfather would be good-looking. it had been such a long time since she had dated anyone. scratch that-it had been a long time since she'd had sex with anyone. she'd spent the last two years completely dateless since she and davis broke up. she could practically join one of the local parishes as a nun with how long she had abstained. `` really ? ''`` mmm, hmm. he reminds me of that bollywood actor john abraham, '' casey said.
emma snorted. `` since when do you watch bollywood movies ? ''`` since one of nate's friends asked us to an indian film festival . ''casey grinned at megan. `` besides the fact that he's a serious looker, he's also kind, compassionate, and caring-an overall wonderful man . ''`` really now ? ''megan questioned. `` and he's loaded because he's a doctor . ''this man was sounding better and better by the minute. `` is he single ? ''emma made a strangled noise before casey replied, `` oh, yeah, he's single. he's a widower actually . ''megan pursed her lips at the prospect. widowers usually fell into two categories-those who were still devastated by their wives ' deaths or those who were ready to have fun and live a little. she certainly hoped this pesh guy fell into the second category. more than anything, she wanted to have a little fun herself. `` do you really think you might be interested in dating pesh ? ''emma asked, as she moved noah to her shoulder to burp him.
with a shrug, megan replied, `` dating him or just having some fun with him. sounds like he could use some . ''emma grimaced as she wiped noah's face off. `` this is exactly why i told aidan not to try and fix you two up . ''`` what do you mean ? ''`` pesh needs a relationship, not a hook-up after all he's been through. besides his wife's death, he hasn't had it easy on the dating front . ''`` what happened ? ''when casey snorted, emma shot her a death glare. `` nothing. it's just he doesn't need to get involved with someone who isn't interested in a long-term relationship . ''`` em, you might as well tell her, '' casey urged. megan glanced between the two of them. `` tell me what ? ''`` fine, '' emma huffed resignedly. she handed noah to casey. `` make yourself useful by changing his diaper . ''as casey got busy cleaning up noah, emma turned to megan.
`` when aidan and i broke up- '' `` what you meant to say is, after you left aidan when he didn't show up for noah's gender ultrasound because he was cheating on you ? ''casey interrupted, waving around the wet wipe in her hand. emma closed her eyes for a moment before shaking her head. `` yes, that's right. thank you so very much for bringing up that aspect of our break-up on today of all days . ''casey gripped noah's ankles and hoisted up his little butt to slide on the new diaper. `` you're welcome . ''`` anyway, as you were saying, '' megan pressed. `` right. so it was when aidan and i were broken up that i met pesh. i was with your papa fitzgerald the day of his heart attack at the vfw, and pesh was the doctor who treated him . ''`` so ... you both struck up a friendship then ? ''megan asked. emma grimaced. `` not exactly. you see, patrick wanted to force aidan to really fight for me, and he felt the best way to do it would be for him to have some competition . ''
megan felt her eyes widening in surprise. `` papa wanted pesh to date you ? ''`` yeah . ''`` did you ? ''emma was momentarily distracted by casey blowing raspberries on noah's stomach. a smile spread across her face as noah kicked his legs and giggled at casey. `` want me to get him in his dress ? ''casey asked, as she glanced up. `` if you don't mind . ''bringing her hand to her hip, megan huffed out an exasperated breath. `` um, could you please focus for just a minute considering the bomb you just dropped on me ? ''`` i'm sorry. i didn't want to tell you at all. i mean, whatever was between us is all in the past. neither one of us really cared for each other like we thought we did . ''`` did you ... '' megan said. at emma's confused expression, she wiggled her eyebrows suggestively. emma's face flushed. `` no, of course not ! ''casey eyed emma as she took the baptism gown off the hanger. `` you did make out with him though . ''`` one time. and he certainly didn't get to second base, '' emma argued.
with a wicked grin, casey added, `` pity. wish you could inform us on what he has going on below the waist . ''emma rolled her eyes. `` you're impossible . ''she snatched the gown away from casey and then started wrestling noah into the yards of fabric. `` it wasn't like we were in a relationship. we didn't really even go out together. he came to the house once to bring me dinner and check on me when i was on bed rest, and then he took me to the opera. that was it . ''`` was there no chemistry between you two ? ''megan asked. without responding, emma pulled noah up into a sitting position and started fastening the row of buttons down the back of the gown. `` em ? ''megan pressed. she gave a heavy sigh before picking noah up. she stared into his face before she responded. `` we had great chemistry together. he was an amazing kisser who got all my senses up and running in all the right ways. besides the physical part, he is smart, kind, and intelligent-any woman's dream . ''she shook her head.
`` but it didn't matter because he wasn't aidan. i could never, ever love another man like i do him . ''giving noah a kiss on the cheek, she added, `` neither one of us were really in a good place-i was trying to make sure that aidan really was the one, and after being pressured by family and friends, he was trying to date for the first time after his wife's death . ''megan crossed her arms over her chest. `` i get that he doesn't need to be hurt, but who is to say that having a fling is going to hurt him? maybe it could give him the confidence he needs to go out and find the real woman of his dreams ? ''casey snorted. `` how could a man that looks like that have any self-confidence issues ? ''megan shrugged. `` you never know. if he was married a long time before his wife died, he might find it hard to get back into the dating world. especially if the last woman he cared about loved someone else . ''emma shook her head. `` trust me, he isn't the fling kind of guy. he wants a wife and children . ''
although megan had a son, she wasn't quite ready for marriage. maybe in a few years but right now she just wanted to date and have fun. she'd willingly sacrificed so much to ensure that mason could have all of her attention since he was short a father. after all, he was the greatest hurdle in her having a committed relationship. she didn't want to open her son up to any hurt that might come from him getting attached to a man she dated only to have them disappear when they broke up. `` ankle really wants to fix us up ? ''megan questioned. emma nodded. `` regardless of what happened with pesh when we were broken up, aidan does respect and admire him. he wants pesh to be happy . ''she gave megan a pointed look. `` most of all, he wants that for you, too . ''megan wrinkled her nose. `` but i'm really not ready for all of that yet . ''`` then think long and hard before you agree to do anything about pesh.
he is unknowingly very persuasive, and in the moment, you might forget your resolve only to have it come back later to hurt you ... or him . ''megan held up her hands in defeat. `` okay, okay, i promise . ''emma smiled. `` nothing would make me happier than if you were to fall in love with pesh . ''with a laugh, megan said, `` did you just hear anything that i said? i'm anti-love . ''`` so was aidan . ''just as megan opened her mouth to protest, aidan waltzed into the room. `` everything okay ? ''`` fine. just finished feeding and dressing him, '' emma replied `` good. the natives are getting restless to see the little man of the hour before the baptism . ''he strode over to them and took his son into his arms. `` you ready to go work the crowd, noah ? ''noah's response was to grunt and reach for aidan's tie. with a laugh, aidan announced, `` i'll take that as a yes . ''he then leaned in to kiss emma's cheek. `` ready mrs. fitzgerald ? ''she smiled before linking her arm through his.
`` yes, mr. fitzgerald, i am . ''megan and casey followed them out the door and down the hallway. they entered a noisy room crammed with family and friends. she left aidan and emma's side to seek out her parents to check on mason. she found her parents, but their arms were empty. in a panic, she demanded, `` where's mason ? ''her father smiled and pointed over to where a pile of her younger cousins were. mason was on the lap of her aunt becky's oldest son, john. mason was mesmerized with what whatever john was doing on his phone. megan smiled as she walked up to them. `` everything okay ? ''without taking his eyes off the screen, john replied, `` we're fine . ''`` are you sure he's not bothering you ? ''what she wasn't asking was if john was actually keeping an eye on mason between playing on his phone. john glanced up. `` considering i have two younger brothers, i think i can handle him. besides, he's really into this game . ''`` okay then, '' megan replied.
she spoke to john's brothers, percy and georgie, before making her way around the room. all her relatives were interested to hear how her schooling was going and how mason was. she had just turned away from talking to her great aunt and uncle when someone pressed up against her back. `` don't look now, but there's dr. mcdreamy bollywood now, '' casey whispered into her ear. without hesitation, her eyes scanned the crowd. and then she saw him. ankle was taking him around and making introductions. pesh was impossibly tall and wearing a tailor-made black suit. even beneath the lines of the clothing, she could make out his large biceps and thick thighs. he obviously spent his downtime between hospital shifts working out. his wavy, jet-black hair was cut short, and his dark eyes took in all that ankle was saying. and while she may have been in a church about to stand up as a godmother, she couldn't help the ni**les tightening and panties moistening reaction of seeing him.
he was all the way across the room, but he had the same effect as if he were standing by her side, rubbing against her. `` see what i mean ? ''casey questioned. megan licked her lips. `` oh my, '' she finally managed. `` sure you don't want to give him a chance ? ''fighting the urge to fan herself, megan quickly replied, `` i'd like to give him many, many chances . ''chances at ripping off my clothes, chances at kissing and licking me all over my body, chances at allowing his hands, fingers, and the promising bulge in his pants to stroke me until i orgasm ... yep, many, many chances. as if she could read megan's mind, casey laughed. `` oh girl, this has trouble written all over it . ''chapter three pesh paced nervously around the back of the cathedral. the fact he was in a catholic church wasn't the only reason he felt out of his element. as he eyed the massive statue of jesus, he fidgeted absently with his tie.
although emma had sworn aidan was fine with the idea of him as godfather, he was still a little apprehensive about seeing aidan again. the last time they'd been together, pesh was the hero flying aidan from north carolina to atlanta just in time for noah's unexpected birth. but that was six months ago. the euphoria of the moment now had time to fade, and to aidan, pesh could still be the man who almost stole emma away. a side door opened, and aidan stepped out. he immediately met pesh's anxious gaze. when his lips curved into a wide smile, pesh exhaled the nervous breath he'd been holding. `` well, there you are, '' aidan said, as he strode up. he bypassed throwing out his hand, and instead, he pulled pesh to him for a bear hug. `` emma was worried about you . ''`` she was ? ''`` yeah, she asked me to come out and see if i could find you . ''`` i'm sorry. i wasn't sure where to go, and no one was out here . ''`` don't worry about it . ''aidan pulled away. `` so how the hell are you ? ''
pesh couldn't help laughing at aidan's choice of words, especially in a church. `` i'm good, thank you . ''he cocked his head at aidan. `` and what about you? is fatherhood agreeing with you ? ''a beaming smile lit aidan's face. `` i'm absolutely fantastic. i never could have imagined that being a father would be this ... amazing . ''pesh nodded. `` i want you to know what an honor it is for me to be noah's godfather . ''`` we're glad to have you . ''aidan patted pesh's back. `` and i do mean that . ''`` i hope you do. i have had my concerns ... '' aidan shook his head. `` well, don't. i'll admit i wasn't too thrilled with the prospect at first, but em was able to make me see the light. you were there for us when we really needed you. i mean, besides my wedding day, i would've missed the most important days of my life-my son's birth. i can never thank you enough. so when it comes down to it, i don't think i could ask for a better godfather for my son . ''aidan's words touched pesh.
`` thank you. that means a lot. you have my word that i will always do what is right by noah . ''after giving him a hearty thump on the shoulder, aidan said, `` come on back with me. i want to introduce you to everyone . ''`` do they ... '' pesh wasn't sure how to ask if aidan's family knew the story of how he and emma truly knew each other. aidan chuckled. `` let's just say that pop's the only one who knows the truth. the others just think you met us when pop had his heart attack . ''pesh couldn't help the relieved breath that whooshed out of him. it would have been a nightmare to have most of aidan's family hating him for trying to steal emma away. `` i see . ''he followed aidan back into a large room filled with chattering people. as he craned his neck, he saw emma in the corner with noah in her arms. she looked radiant as ever in an emerald suit. noah, however, didn't seem too thrilled to be outfitted in the lacy gown that flowed over emma's arms and stopped mid-thigh.
his tiny brows wrinkled as he waved his fists back and forth as if any moment he might let loose with a scream. taking him by the elbow, aidan guided him over to a group of men and women. aidan introduced him to his four sisters and their husbands. pesh smiled, nodded, and shook their hands before being bombarded by a hoard of aidan's nieces and nephews. `` now i want you to meet my niece, megan. she's the godmother . ''`` it would be my pleasure . ''aidan surprised pesh by leaning in and whispering in his ear. `` i'm pretty sure over half of the people here are gunning for you two to get together. you know, a real romantic story to tell future kids about how you two met being the godmother and godfather of this sweet and adorable kid . ''pesh gulped. why was everyone he knew hell-bent on setting him up? had emma harbored some secret, ulterior motive in asking him to be noah's godfather? `` i'm flattered, but i don't know if that's such a good idea . ''pulling back, aidan surmised him before winking.
`` normally i would agree because she is, after all, my niece-my favorite one if i'm being honest. but as much as it pisses me off to admit it, you two would make a great couple . ''`` we would ? ''`` hell yeah . ''aidan swept his hand over his chin. `` megan needs someone strong and stable like you are, and then you need someone who is so full of life like she is. i can guaran-damn-tee you that you've never been out with a woman like her before. emma is like, one tenths the sassiness that megan is . ''pesh couldn't help giving aidan a skeptical look. `` just keep an open mind, okay ? ''with a reluctant nod, pesh replied, `` i will . ''`` megan, '' aidan called. when the tiny blonde turned around, pesh fought to catch his breath. everything about her from her sparkling blue eyes to her long blonde hair was just like jade 's. how was it possible for someone to remind him so much of what he had lost? aidan grinned as he glanced between the two of them.
`` i wanted to introduce you to pesh nadeen, the godfather . ''thrusting out her hand, megan smiled warmly at him. `` it's very nice to finally meet you . ''he stared at it a moment before his good manners overrode his shock. he took her hand in his and shook it. `` it's very nice meeting you, too . ''`` i'll leave you two to get to know each other, '' aidan said. before pesh could protest, aidan turned and disappeared into the crowd. he turned to megan and tried clearing his throat of what felt like a wad of sawdust. he knew he should try to make polite conversation, but he was still so shell-shocked by the way megan looked. finally, she took pity on him. `` so, emma tells me you're a doctor . ''pesh smiled politely. `` yes, i am . ''`` what type of medicine ? ''`` emergency services . ''megan's face lit up. `` oh, how interesting. i'm about to finish nursing school, and i've asked for clinical placement in the er . ''pesh widened his eyes in surprise.
aidan had failed to mention that they had the medical profession in common. `` really ? ''megan nodded. `` i'm hoping to get placed at grady, even though my parents would die a thousand deaths . ''he cocked his brows at her. `` i assume they're afraid for your safety ? ''`` yes. they can't help worrying about the neighborhood. they sometimes forget i'm an adult, rather than a child . ''`` what is it about grady that attracts you ? ''`` besides the fact that it's nationally recognized for its er ? ''he smiled. `` yes, besides the accolades . ''megan tilted her head in thought. `` i guess it's the fact i really want to feel like i'm making a difference and saving lives. i feel like at grady i would be seeing some of the worst cases imaginable, and in turn some people who really don't have a lot of hope . ''he was taken aback by her words and the passion with which she delivered them.
while she possessed a beautiful exterior, she certainly seemed to have a greater depth of character than he had originally expected. he didn't often meet someone like her. most of the women at the hospital who threw themselves at him possessed only surface beauty. he didn't have to be with them very long to perceive their true shallowness and self-centeredness. to them, he was a prize to be won. he couldn't ever imagine megan feeling that way. she wasn't the type of woman to care about a trophy man on her arm-she wanted to make her own way in the world. `` it is so good to hear someone speak with such passion about nursing . ''`` really ? ''he nodded. `` we desperately need more people like you. i know i would love to work alongside someone who had your passion . ''she smiled at his compliments. he couldn't help noticing what a nice smile she had. the way it framed her heart shaped face made her appear much less like jade than he had originally thought. `` thank you. maybe we'll end up together . ''
she licked her lips before adding, `` you know, at the same hospital . ''`` i would like that. but i'm afraid that wellstar pales in comparison to grady . ''`` surely the suburbs offer some interesting cases ? ''`` they do. i've been there since my residency, so i can't imagine working anywhere else. after all, i wouldn't be standing here today with you if it weren't for wellstar and your grandfather . ''`` that's true . ''tilting her head, she gave him a very alluring smile. `` and what a pity that would be if our paths hadn't crossed . ''he sucked in a breath at the directness of her statement. could she really be interested in him? sure, it was common knowledge that aidan and others wanted them to get together, but he had imagined that she had not known their intentions. and while originally he had been turned off by aidan's suggestion of fixing them up, he couldn't help but be intrigued now. there was something so refreshingly different about megan, despite her physical similarities to jade.
`` mommy ! ''a small voice cried. pesh glanced over megan's shoulder where a fair-haired toddler came bounding over. he wrapped his arms around megan's thigh. she gave him an apologetic look before bending over. `` what's the matter, sweetie ? ''he grinned up at her. `` miss you . ''with a smile, she bent over and picked him up. when he sat on her hip, she turned her attention back to pesh. `` this is my son, mason . ''pesh couldn't help noticing how megan searched his face to see if there was any judgment or even disgust at her having a son. he felt neither of those emotions. he had to admit he was a little surprised. aidan had failed to mention that fact as well. not to mention, she seemed young to be a mother, considering she was just finishing her clinicals. `` it's nice to meet you, mason . ''`` can you tell pesh hi ? ''megan urged. `` hi, esh, '' mason said, with a grin. pesh couldn't help laughing, and he was thankful that megan giggled as well. `` how old are you ? ''
mason held up two fingers to which megan shook her head. `` he's seventeen months . ''pesh smiled. `` you must be very proud of him . ''`` i am . ''she snuggled mason against her chest. `` he's the sweetest and best boy i could ever hope for . ''`` you're very blessed . ''`` thank you . ''they were interrupted by aidan's sister, angie, who pesh had met earlier. `` looks like it's time to start. come on mason. mommy has to go be noah's godmother now . ''mason reluctantly went to his grandmother. `` be good for grammy, '' megan instructed. after angie walked off with mason, the other family members began filing out of the room. pesh turned to megan and gave her a sheepish smile. `` i must admit that even though i attended a class with emma, i'm a little unsure of what i'm supposed to do . ''`` it's okay. just follow my lead, and you'll be fine . ''`` thank you . ''once it was only the two of them and aidan and emma in the room, aidan motioned for them.
a priest in decorated golden robes appeared at the door with a gleaming crucifix in his hands. pesh tried not to feel intimidated as the odd man out in the situation. music struck up on the organ, and the priest motioned for them to follow. before they went out the door, emma glanced down at noah. `` please, please, do not scream in there and act like a demon baby. be the angel i know you can be . ''he acknowledged her request by sticking his tongue out and flailing his fists. aidan chuckled at emma's plea. `` relax, babe. if he feels you getting all tense, he's going to get fussy . ''emma sighed. `` he's already fussy. he was fine until i put him in the gown . ''`` i guess he feels that wearing a dress is insulting to his manhood, '' aidan reasoned with a smile. when emma shot aidan a death glare, megan and pesh couldn't help laughing at the two of them. aidan winked at emma before starting out the door. at megan's side, pesh walked up the aisle.
when they reached the baptismal font, the music ended, and the priest began speaking. he informed the crowd of what was about to take place and the significance of all the religious rites noah was about to receive. aidan and emma made the sign of the cross on noah's forehead before megan leaned in to do the same. when megan elbowed him, pesh reached over to clumsily follow their lead. after he finished, he glanced at megan. she smiled and mouthed, `` good job . ''he returned her smile. he followed through the rest of the proceedings as aidan and emma pledged to raise noah in the faith. then it came time for him and megan to agree to stand by noah as godparents. the priest took a fussing noah from emma's arms. when the first trickles of water hit the base of noah's head, he cooed and kicked his arms and legs. emma appeared relieved at how noah wasn't behaving like a possessed baby as she had feared. `` thank god he loves his baths, '' aidan muttered beside pesh.
once the baptism part was finished, the priest made a final talk, and then it was over. just as pesh sighed with relief and was looking forward to making a quick exit, aidan grabbed his arm. `` don't go anywhere. we have to do pictures . ''inwardly, he groaned. he wanted, no he needed, a moment alone to process his thoughts. everything had been so overwhelming-being outside his usual world, meeting all of aidan's family, and then having the prospect of megan thrown in as well. awkwardly, he stood around as a photographer came forward and proceeded to take several pictures of aidan, emma, and noah. then it was just aidan and noah or emma and noah. `` okay, i need the godparents now . ''pesh smoothed down his tie and allowed the photographer to pose him in the group shot. after they finished with the four of them, noah was handed to megan for pictures with just the godparents. as the photographer pushed megan closer against pesh's chest, he glanced down at her.
her reassuring smile caused his heartbeat to accelerate. for the first time, he noticed the sweet aroma of her hair as the long, blonde strands brushed against him. he could also make out the alluring scent of her perfume. he liked the feel of her against him a little too much. it made him want to draw her into his embrace ... maybe do other things that he shouldn't be thinking when he was in a church. glancing over her shoulder at him, she joked, `` jeez, you're like a giant standing next to me . ''`` am i ? ''he hadn't noticed the differences in their heights-he'd been focusing on her too much. she laughed. `` just a little bit. of course, it doesn't take much for someone to make me look short . ''`` you look perfect to me, '' he said sincerely. craning her neck back to look at him, she gave him a teasing grin. `` do i? are you flirting with me, dr. nadeen ? ''he stared down at his feet, trying to avoid the heat of her stare. he tried to hide the red flush he felt entering his cheeks.
`` okay, now just with the godmother, '' the photographer ordered. reluctantly, pesh stepped away from megan. as the flashes went off, snapping hers and noah's picture, he kept his gaze on her. as she focused on the camera, megan's blue eyes sparkled as she stretched her face into a wide grin. noah's tiny fingers wrapped around some of the strands of her hair, causing megan to yelp in pain. `` easy now. i got ta keep that, '' she said to noah. `` okay, that should get it, '' the photographer said. `` here godfather, it's your turn, '' megan said, as she handed noah to him. by now, noah was tired of being held and tired of being ensconced in yards of lace. he peered up at pesh before howling. `` i'm sorry, little guy, '' he cooed, trying to bounce noah in his arms. as noah continued to cry, pesh looked apologetically at the photographer. just before he was ready to give up, megan came up and started clapping her hands and making noises at noah. the baby instantly stopped crying. `` that's right, noah.
give me a smile, '' megan urged, as she backed up to stand by the photographer. she continued making the noises, and she even resorted to flashing one of the strands of her hair at him. finally, noah's quivering lips broke into a grin. `` there we go, '' the photographer said. pesh quickly plastered a smile on his face. after several flashes went off, the photographer put down his camera. `` got it . ''both noah and pesh sighed in relief. gazing down at him, pesh asked, `` bet you're ready to get home and get out of that dress, huh ? ''`` it's a gown, not a dress, '' megan countered with a smile. he laughed. `` regardless of what it's called, i don't think he likes it very much . ''megan brought some of the lace between her fingers. `` probably a little itchy for him . ''`` did your son wear this gown ? ''`` no, this is aidan's gown. mason wore my mother 's, which my brothers and i also wore . ''`` i see . ''`` in your culture do they do anything special like this for a baby ? ''pesh nodded.
`` we have the namakaran, or naming ceremony. it's sometimes held in a temple. and like this, it's all about offering blessings to the child-family and friends coming together in support of the new baby . ''`` i like it . ''they were momentarily interrupted by aidan and emma walking up. noah immediately reached out for emma. `` such a mama's boy, '' aidan muttered, which earned him a glare from emma. he merely winked at her in response before starting down the aisle. pesh saw megan's mother beckoning her with a wave. `` guess you need to go, '' he said. `` but i'll see you at aidan and emma 's, right ? ''she asked. he swallowed hard. `` um, yes, i'll be there . ''`` good, '' she replied, with an alluring smile. she gave him a small wave before walking off to join her parents. shaking his head, he mumbled, `` this is trouble . ''chapter four when megan arrived with her parents at aidan and emma 's, she was surprised to see a catering truck outside in the driveway.
her surprise continued once she got inside the house. gazing out into the backyard, she saw where tables were set up alongside the pool. the tables were adorned with blue and white tablecloths and glittering blue and white centerpieces. a low whistle behind her got megan's attention. turning around, she saw casey shaking her head. `` wow, this is one epic baptism party, '' she remarked. `` it's impressive. that's for sure, '' megan agreed. as emma breezed into the kitchen with noah in a more comfortable outfit, casey cocked her head. `` so, i was just wondering where the ice sculptures were ? ''pink tinged emma's cheeks. `` i kinda got carried away. with me not working anymore, the old marketing and pr side of me let loose. and with my connections, i was able to get everything ridiculously discounted . ''megan smiled. `` everything looks wonderful. you waited so long to have a baby that it makes sense you might go a little overboard . ''emma wrinkled her nose.
`` i never wanted to be one of those moms who threw the over-the-top parties . ''while casey started to open her mouth, megan smacked her playfully. `` it's just catered in food, right ? ''emma nodded. `` they did the tables, too . ''`` then i think you're safe from being a momzilla party monster ... for now . ''casey laughed. `` i'll anxiously be awaiting noah's first birthday party . ''with a scowl, emma mumbled, `` whatever . ''realizing she didn't see mason, megan quickly excused herself and went outside. she didn't like the idea of him being close to the pool. even with everyone around, it was still too dangerous for her liking. just as her chest started to tighten, she saw him on her papa's lap. the two of them sat at one of the tables underneath the shade of a massive umbrella. several of her other younger cousins sat around them, playing on their psps and other hand-held devices. `` everything okay ? ''she asked. `` we're fine, honey, '' papa replied.
`` let me know if he gets to be too much . ''cocking his head, papa demanded, `` are you trying to say i'm old or something ? ''`` no, not at all. he's a handful even for me . ''he waved her away with a hand gnarled with age and time. `` go on and enjoy yourself. i'll keep an eye on mason . ''she smiled and leaned down to kiss his weathered cheek. `` thanks, papa . ''he returned her smile. `` you know, while you're enjoying yourself, you might go spend a little time with the godfather . ''megan's eyes widened. was he trying to set her up with pesh like he had with emma? he gave her a knowing look. `` be good for both of you . ''`` um, okay. whatever, papa, '' she murmured, before she turned away. although she hated to admit it, she had been looking forward to talking to pesh again. she had tried to kid herself that she hadn't secretly been searching the crowd for him when she was taking in all of emma's decorations. when she did finally catch sight of him, her traitorous heart skipped a beat.
she didn't mind if her body gave a reaction, but it pissed her off that her heart was affected by him as well. he'd ditched his suit jacket along with his tie. with the first button of his shirt undone, she could see a tuft of dark chest hair. she bit her lip at the sight. she was a sucker for chest hair. her eyes dipped down to take in how the sleeves of his white shirt had been rolled up to his elbows, giving just a glimpse of his defined biceps. casey had been absolutely right-he was built like a brick shithouse. megan wanted nothing more than to get better acquainted with his body, especially with fewer clothes on him. at the sound of emma's voice behind her, she jumped. `` ready to eat ? ''emma asked. `` um, sure . ''emma gave her a puzzled look before nodding in pesh's direction. `` why don't you ask pesh to join you at aidan's and my table? he doesn't know a lot of people, and i would hate to have him end up with the kids . ''megan quirked her brows in surprise. `` are you sure ? ''
`` why wouldn't i be ? ''with a shrug, megan replied, `` i don't know. maybe because you didn't like the idea of me getting to know him . ''emma shook her head. `` i never said i didn't want you two to get to know each other-i said i didn't want you using him for a fling . ''megan couldn't help rolling her eyes. `` the day isn't over yet. i could still turn on my powers of seduction and lure pesh into a night of seedy passion . ''emma stared at her in shock before busting out laughing. `` seedy passion? those words and pesh will never, ever go together in the same sentence . ''`` are you saying that you and aidan have never had seedy passion ? ''`` aidan and pesh are not in the same league of men. i love aidan, but he's not necessarily a gentleman. pesh is . ''`` yeah, but you're a lady, '' megan protested. `` maybe in the street, but she's one hell of a freak in the bedroom, '' aidan said behind them. emma squealed before whirling around to smack him. `` people could hear you, '' she admonished.
as aidan chuckled, megan shook her head. `` forget other people. me having to hear it was painful enough . ''crossing his arms over his chest, aidan said, `` i came over here to ask if we were going to eat or not? people are getting restless. i had no idea i was going to interrupt such an interesting conversation. of course, i don't think i want to know why the two of you are discussing emma's and my sex life right now . ''emma waved her hand dismissively. `` we weren't. and yes, we're ready to eat. let's round everyone up . ''as emma walked off to call people to sit down, aidan grinned at megan before saying, `` total freak . ''megan closed her eyes as if in pain. `` spare me. please . ''`` just saying. because you never know if your gentleman might be a super freak too . ''and with a wink, he walked off to join emma, leaving megan to wonder why everyone seemed so concerned with hers and pesh's love lives. as the sunlight started fading, most of the party guests began to trickle out the door.
by the time it was dark, it was only a few of aidan and emma's close friends left. megan had let her parents take a sleepy mason home, vowing she wanted to stay to help emma clean up. the truth was she wanted to spend as much time as she could with pesh. thankfully, she found herself sitting next to him at one of the poolside tables. somehow they managed to end up by themselves after some of the other guests had left. leaning forward in her chair, she asked, `` did you always want to be a doctor ? ''pesh nodded. `` for my fifth birthday, my father bypassed the usual play doctor's kits by giving me a real medical bag with tools from the hospital. i examined everyone who would stand still long enough, including the two dogs . ''megan laughed. `` i bet you were a cute little doctor . ''`` my mother has some embarrassing pictures, '' he replied, with a smile. `` so your father was also a doctor ? ''`` yes, he had a general medicine practice for forty years. he just recently retired . ''
`` did he pressure you to follow in his footsteps ? ''he grinned. `` i'm starting to feel like i'm being interrogated . ''she laughed. `` i'm sorry if you feel that way. i'm just trying to get to know you . ''`` you're certainly a very attractive interrogator, '' he said. `` i think you're avoiding the question by flattering me . ''`` there's flattery and then there's the truth . ''cocking her brows, she replied, `` and then there's not answering my question . ''he held up his hands in defeat. `` fine, fine. no, i didn't feel pressure to become a doctor. my father would have never wanted me to pursue a profession where i didn't feel useful . ''megan smiled. `` so you've always had a need to help people ? ''`` pretty much. as the oldest, i always looked out for my two younger brothers and sister. my mother has always called me an old soul . ''`` i can see that about you . ''leaning forward, he rested his elbows on the table. `` now it is my turn to be the interrogator . ''
`` okay, i don't mind . ''`` what about you? did you always see nursing in your future ? ''`` yes and no. originally, i wanted to be a doctor . ''his brows shot up in surprise. `` really ? ''when she nodded, he asked, `` what happened ? ''there was no way she was going to tell him the truth about her past and why she had been forced to abandon medical school. instead, she shrugged. `` life happened, i guess. i decided on the next best thing, which was nursing . ''pesh stared thoughtfully at her. `` was it your son ? ''`` excuse me ? ''`` was it your son who changed your plans about medical school ? ''she shook her head. `` no, it was before i had mason . ''`` does he ... are you ... ? ''pesh shook his head. `` forgive me. i was being too forward . ''`` no, go ahead. i told you i wasn't afraid to answer your questions . ''he grimaced. `` but it's rude to pry, and it's not my business . ''`` just ask your question, '' she replied. after a resigned sigh, he finally asked, `` were you married ? ''
`` no, i'm not divorced. and no, mason's father doesn't have anything to do with him . ''anger flashed in pesh's dark eyes. `` even though i know nothing of him, i know that he is not a man. a man does not abandon his children and his responsibilities . ''`` you would be right. he's just a boy playing at being a man, '' she replied, glancing down at the table. when pesh took her hand in his, she jerked her head up in surprise. in a soft voice that vibrated with empathy, he asked, `` he hurt you very much, didn't he ? ''as she shifted in her chair, she tried downplaying the moment by wagging her free finger at pesh. `` now you're really turning the heated questions on me, aren't you ? ''he quickly released her hand. `` i apologize . ''she sighed. `` no, it's okay . ''she raked her fingers through her hair as she tried processing if she was really going to be honest with pesh. gazing into his eyes, she didn't detect any judgment or prying-there was only compassion. `` yes, he hurt me.
he continues to hurt me each time i look at mason and realize what he's being denied . ''she jerked her chin over to where aidan cradled a sleeping noah in his arms. as the others talked and laughed around him, aidan stared down at his son with such love in his eyes and adoration on his face that it cut a jagged hole in megan's chest. her chin trembled as she replied, `` i want that for my son . ''pesh's dark eyes pooled with empathy as he once again took her hand in his. `` it isn't the same pain, but i do know how you feel. i experience it every time i see a husband and wife sharing a loving moment. it drives home what i do not have ... what i have lost . ''megan wiped her eyes with the back of her hand. `` emma told me about your wife. i'm very sorry . ''`` thank you, '' he murmured. nibbling her bottom lip, megan then hesitantly asked, `` what was she like ? ''by his raised eyebrows, pesh seemed surprised by her question. megan hoped she hadn't stepped over a boundary in asking.
he leaned back in his chair and drew in an agonized breath. `` she was my world-the sun, the moon, and the stars . ''he met her intense gaze, checking to see if she really wanted him to continue. after she gave a brief nod, he began to talk. he told her how they had met and all the little attributes that jade possessed that made her special. as megan listened to him speak with such reverence and love about his late wife, she couldn't help feeling just a little bit jealous. she'd never had a man possess such intense feelings for her. she couldn't imagine ever being loved so completely by a man that not even death could lessen his feelings. `` what you had with jade, what you still feel for her, it's really beautiful, '' she murmured when he finished. pesh jerked a hand through his thick hair. `` it's interesting to hear you say that. i think most women are turned off by what they perceive is a man who can't let go of his dead wife . ''megan shook her head. `` i don't think so.
who wouldn't be turned on by a man who feels so deeply that he didn't stop loving his wife just because she died ? ''pesh's eyes widened at her statement, and he sucked in a harsh breath. `` most women don't want to share your heart, '' he challenged softly. `` then they're obviously insecure. all of us have the ability to love people in infinite capacities. i love my son with all my heart and soul, but there will still be room for a man ... someday . ''he stared at her for a moment, unblinking and unmoving. `` i have to say that i find your reasoning absolutely fascinating . ''`` you do ? ''`` yes . ''the intensity of his gaze caused her to laugh nervously. `` i don't think a man has ever called me fascinating . ''`` that's a pity . ''before she could try changing the subject, aidan came by their table with noah in his arms. `` after i put him down, i'm going to make some drinks. emma wants one of her margaritas. you game ? ''he asked megan. she nodded.
a drink would certainly help cool her off after the conversation she'd been having with pesh. `` sure. i don't think i've had one in forever . ''`` neither has she. i may be peeling her off the ceiling tonight, '' he teased. megan laughed. `` you have seriously got to stop with the innuendo. you are my uncle, and it is mortifying and disgusting to have to think of you in that capacity . ''`` i am so terribly sorry for scaring your sensitive mind . ''grinning, aidan turned to pesh. `` beer okay with you, or would you like something fruity, too ? ''`` i'm fine with a beer, '' pesh replied. aidan bobbed his head. `` be right back . ''after aidan headed in the house, pesh caught her staring at him. `` what ? ''he asked. `` just surprised you wanted a beer, that's all . ''`` and why is that ? ''she shrugged. `` you just seemed a little too refined for beer . ''he tilted his head at her. `` what other preconceived notions do you have about me ? ''`` none really, '' she lied.
in her mind, she couldn't help thinking how she wanted to make him be dirty just for her. she wondered what other surprises he might have up his sleeve. `` for some reason, i don't believe that . ''he crossed his arms over his broad chest. `` let me guess. you think that i'm a 'refined ' man who drinks wine, would never think of cussing or have inappropriate thoughts, organizes his underwear drawer, and who considers doing the crossword puzzle a fun friday night ? ''megan couldn't help snorting at his summation. it was a good distraction not to focus on how he had mentioned inappropriate thoughts and his underwear drawer. at the moment, she was having inappropriate thoughts about his underwear ... or hopefully lack thereof. of course, she couldn't help judging him as not being the commando type. `` no, that's not what i think of you . ''`` i would hope not. i know that since i'm a little older than you- '' `` just a little ? ''the corners of his lips turned up.
`` obviously you think i'm an old man . ''`` no, i don't, '' she blurted. `` how old do you think i am? just shy of adult diapers and a walker ? ''she scowled at him. `` i was not insinuating that at all. i think you're probably close to ankle's age . ''pesh's brows furrowed in confusion. `` ankle ? ''she laughed before explaining where the nickname came from. `` i see. so just how old is ankle again ? ''`` thirty-four . ''`` hmm, '' pesh murmured. `` are you younger than that ? ''`` older actually. i'm thirty-seven . ''damn, he was a lot older than her. twelve years to be exact. `` did i shock you ? ''he asked, with a teasing lilt in his voice. she shook her head. `` i'd hardly call thirty-seven old . ''`` it's considerably older than you are, right ? ''`` i suppose, '' she lied. he grinned at her as he leaned on the table with his elbows. `` and just how old are you ? ''`` twenty-five-i'll be twenty-six in a few months . ''`` twenty-five going on twenty-six . ''`` yes . ''
`` i must be positively ancient to you . ''he held out his hand and examined it. `` i might have a liver spot or two . ''she smacked his hand playfully. `` shut up. thirty-seven is not old . ''`` see any grey hairs ? ''he asked, bending over to where his delicious head of hair was in front of her face. her fingers itched to run through the dark strands. her mind ran straight to an illicit image of her fingers tugging on his hair as he went down on her, jerking too hard when he sucked and licked her until she came, and then stroking the damp hair back from his forehead as he rose up to cover her body with his. she cleared her throat that had run dry. `` no, of course not . ''he jerked his head up to wink at her. `` then there's hope for me yet . ''`` i would think so . ''aidan appeared then, carrying all the drinks on a tray. `` i expect a tip when you guys finish, '' he teased. `` i'll remember that, '' megan replied.
after jerking his chin toward the table next to him, aidan said, `` why don't you guys come over here with us ? ''she fought the urge to slap him. she was enjoying having pesh to herself. `` um, sure. okay, '' she said, reluctantly rising out of her chair. when they changed tables, she was glad to see pesh take the empty chair beside her, rather than across from her. once she got settled in, she wasn't lamenting her seat change too much. between casey, and emma's other best friend, connor, the table was kept in raucous laughter. it was good being with a group of friends. after she had gotten pregnant, she didn't have much in common with her sorority sisters anymore. then when she became a mom, she rarely saw anyone from her old group. her life moved in an entirely different orbit than theirs now. the conversation and laughter flowed as easily as the drinks. megan found herself halfway through her second margarita when she started feeling funny. a flush filled her cheeks at the same time she felt clammy.
as aidan came back with another beer, she asked, `` did you put something different in this one ? ''`` yeah, we ran out of the tequila i got for the party, so i gave my favorite niece a good dose of sierra silver . ''`` what ? ''megan demanded. aidan's brows furrowed behind his tipped back beer bottle. once he swallowed, he asked, `` does it taste bad ? ''megan pinched her eyes shut. the room was beginning to spin around her a little. as she brought her hand to her forehead, she heard a smack across the room and aidan cry, `` ow, dammit, em ! ''`` that tequila is a hundred and fifty proof alcohol, aidan, '' emma chastised. `` sorry. i didn't realize it. i just thought it was the better stuff because it was white tequila. that's your drink of choice, not mine . ''oh god, she was in so much trouble. she'd barely consumed any alcohol since she got pregnant and had mason. now she'd had one regular dosed margarita and almost a full one of straight alcohol. a gentle hand landed on her thigh.
`` are you all right ? ''pesh asked. she opened her eyes to see two blurry images of him staring at her with concern. `` not exactly . ''`` would you like me to take you home ? ''`` yes, please. while i can still walk . ''as she rose out of her chair, she swayed a little in her heels. after taking two steps, aidan's apologetic face appeared before her. `` i'm sorry, meggie . ''`` it's not your fault. and i'll be fine . ''she wagged a finger at him. `` but when i get shit for coming home drunk, i'm so telling mom it was your fault . ''he smiled. `` i'll gladly take the blame and fear angie's wrath . ''he leaned in to hug her. `` thanks for today-you know, for being noah's godmother . ''`` you're welcome. thanks for me asking you . ''she shook her head. `` i mean, thanks for asking me . ''god, this was bad. after exchanging hugs with emma and reassuring her at least twenty times that she would be fine and that she did need to go home, pesh led megan out the front door.
he slid a strong arm around her waist to steady her as they went down the porch steps. as she staggered to the car, she moaned. `` i can't go home yet. not like this . ''she stared up into his face. `` i can't let mason see me like this . ''he pushed a strand of hair out of her face. `` don't worry. i'll take you to my house then . ''`` just so i can sober up ? ''she questioned, although she really didn't mean it. she wanted to go to his house for a lot more, especially after being so close to his fabulously built body. `` yes, of course. i'll make you some strong, black coffee . ''`` thank you, '' she murmured, trying to still the spinning of her head. `` you're welcome . ''always the gentleman, pesh opened the door for her, and she collapsed onto the seat. once he made sure she was comfortable, he closed the door and went around the front of the car. megan gazed around at the plush interior of the jaguar with its leather seats and sleek console.
after pesh slid into his seat, he put the key in the ignition and cranked up. as they started backing out of the driveway, she glanced over at him. `` do you have to come to the rescue women of drunken . ''she shook her head. `` i mean, drunken women a lot ? ''she asked. wait, was she slurring? he cut his eyes over at her and smiled. he seemed to be trying really hard not to laugh at her. `` not exactly. but i'm always happy to help a damsel in distress . ''megan giggled. oh god, now she was giggling? she never giggled. she eyed pesh suspiciously. `` got a hero complex, huh? wan na be every woman's knight in shining armor ? ''`` not every woman 's, '' he murmured. `` mmm, pesh, you wan na be my knight in shining armor ? ''as soon as the words left her lips, she fought the urge to slap her hand over her mouth. alcohol always had this effect on her-it left her completely without a sensor. pesh's jaw clenched, and he didn't reply.
pitching her upper body over the armrest, she got as close to him as she could. `` you didn't answer my question . ''taking his eyes momentarily off the road, he pinned her with an intense gaze. `` i'd be anything and everything you wanted me to be, if you would give me the chance . ''momentarily dumbfounded, she could only stare at him. `` oh wow, '' she replied, as she collapsed back onto the seat. the motion caused her to feel dizzy. mumbling almost incoherently, she said, `` mmm, hot as f**k and anything i want. lucky me . ''`` i have a feeling you wouldn't have asked the original question if you weren't intoxicated . ''with a snort, she replied, `` drunk or sober that woulda been a helluva line to hear from a man . ''`` i'm glad you think so . ''after spending a few moments in tense silence, megan leaned forward to flick on the radio. `` do you mind ? ''`` go ahead . ''humming along with one of the songs, she laid her head back on the seat. `` i won't hurt your ears by singing . ''
`` do you not sing ? ''`` oh, i sing, but i don't do it well. emma's the one with the voice . ''`` so i've heard . ''turning to look at him, megan asked, `` did she ever sing for you ? ''`` sadly, no . ''megan harrumphed as she crossed her arms over her chest. `` she made out with you, but she wouldn't sing for you? that's just rude . ''pesh made a strangled noise. `` emma told you ... about us ? ''`` mmm, hmm . ''she grinned at him. `` i hear you're a great kisser . ''cutting his eyes over to her, he gave her a pained look. `` it really wasn't like that for us. i mean, we weren't in love with each other . ''`` yeah, that's what she said. course, she did admit that you got her all hot and bothered . ''`` s-she did ? ''he stammered, embarrassment coloring his cheeks. `` hey, the ability to get a woman hot is nothing to be ashamed of. hell, i got turned on when i first saw you today. like my panties got wet . ''
`` megan, don't, '' pesh warned, gripping the steering wheel to where his knuckles turned white. turning in her seat, she eyed him before licking her lips. `` you don't want me to say how you got me hot in a church? how you still get me hot acting all bashful about the sex talk ? ''`` please. just don't . ''`` fine, '' she muttered, before flouncing back in her seat. she didn't speak to him for a long time. instead, she closed her eyes and laid back with her head cushioned on the head rest. when the car started to slow, she snapped her eyes open. she didn't know if she fell asleep or passed out. sitting up, she peered out the window at the posh houses of the subdivision they were in. as they pulled into the driveway, megan couldn't help staring up at the house. `` holy shit, this place is beautiful . ''pesh chuckled. `` thank you . ''`` i know you think it's just the alcohol talking, but i'm serious. you have great taste . ''`` i hope you'll like the inside just as much . ''`` i'm sure i will . ''
after he came around to open the door, she hopped out of the car a little too fast. her wobbly legs wavered, and she ended up crashing into pesh's chest. staring up at him, she gave an apologetic smile. `` sorry about that . ''`` it's fine. need some help ? ''with the alcohol fueling her libido, she replied, `` if it means having your hands on me, then sure . ''pesh grimaced, but his arm still came around her waist to steady her. she loped along beside him. after he unlocked the door and punched in the alarm code, she followed him inside. her blurry vision took in the expansive kitchen with his gleaming stainless steel appliances. she followed him as he made his way into the living room. motioning toward the couch, he said, `` why don't you have a seat while i fix you some coffee ? ''while it was a nice idea to sober herself up, she didn't want any coffee. she just wanted pesh. grabbing the lapels of his suit coat, she pulled herself flush against him. `` when did you put this back on ? ''
she wondered aloud. she felt so tiny against his massive chest. it was a good feeling though-one of safety and protection. it also lit her even more on fire with lust. cocking her head, she glanced up at him to survey his expression. even in the semi-darkness, she could see his dark eyes burning with desire. she ran her hands up his chest to his neck. she tugged him down to where his face was inches from hers. fortified with liquid courage, she brought her lips to his. she couldn't help the little moan that came from deep in her throat. pesh's mouth was warm, soft, and inviting. the brief connection made her want him all the more-for him to devour her. tentatively, she slid her tongue across his bottom lip, beckoning him to open for her. almost instantaneously, the warmth of his tongue met hers. they slid against each other, tasting, searching, and seeking. he gripped her face in his hands, holding her captive as his tongue plunged in and out of her mouth.
emma had been right-the man could kiss like there was no tomorrow. he knew when to be gentle with his mouth and then when to switch to more demanding, almost conquering kisses. if he could practically make her soak her panties with just a kiss, what the hell could he do with his dick? as she started to feel lightheaded and weak on her legs, they stumbled over to the couch before pesh collapsed back, taking her with him. straddling his lap, she gazed at him momentarily before his mouth attacked hers again. as his tongue once again invaded her mouth, she began to raise her h*ps and grind against him. groaning, he broke the kiss by throwing his head back. he gulped in long breaths of air like he was a dying man deprived of his last breath. she felt the same way. she kissed a trail over his chin and down his neck. `` pesh, i want you, '' she murmured into his skin. his chest heaved up and down with her declaration as if he was finding it hard to breathe. she broke away to stare into his eyes. `` please . ''
chapter five pesh couldn't believe the delicious nightmare he found himself trapped in. a beautiful, sexy blonde writhed against him. the hem of megan's dress had ridden up to her hips, and a tiny scrap of lace underwear was the only thing covering her core as she rubbed herself against his crotch. her heat and her arousal scorched through the fabric of his pants to singe the skin of his growing erection. he wanted nothing more than to flip her on her back, tear away the underwear, and plunge himself deep inside her. it had been so, so long since he had been within the tight walls of a woman. while his conscious railed against him for even entertaining the thought, his body was onboard. `` please, '' megan whimpered, as she continued to rise and fall over his erection. `` we can't ... we shouldn't . ''she ran her hands up his chest before wrapping them around his neck. `` but i could make you feel good . ''`` i'm sure you could . ''`` and i know you could make me feel good, too.
i'm already drenched just kissing you . ''her fingers raked through his hair, tugging desperately on the strands. `` i need this, and you need this . ''his body was completely onboard with how much he needed her. if she pressed any closer to him, she was going to set him off and make him do something he hadn't since he was a teenager, which was come in his pants. but his once hazy mind was starting to refocus and overpower the desire pumping through his body. he could not and would not take her when she was drunk. it was completely against his character. he'd never taken advantage of a woman, and he never would. he gazed into her hooded eyes. `` but it would be so very wrong . ''her lip trembled. `` don't you want me ? ''`` yes, without a doubt . ''`` then why won't you have sex with me ? ''`` because you're inebriated . ''she rolled her eyes in a huff. `` you're sooo proper, aren't you? a proper gentleman . ''he cupped her face in his hands.
`` if not taking advantage of you in your state of intoxication makes me a gentleman, then i suppose i am. what kind of man would i be to take you now only to have you wake up with regret and remorse ? ''`` the kind of man who wants to get laid ! ''her hand dipped between them to grasp his erection, causing him to hiss. `` i feel you against me-i know you want this as much as i do . ''although the devil on his shoulder raged at him, he quickly removed megan's hand. `` believe me when i say i won't have sex with you like this. i would never disrespect you so much as to not make love to you like you deserve . ''she blinked a few times as if she was having a hard time processing his words. `` regardless of what you have going on in that head of yours, you are better than this. you deserve a man who will take his time with you and show you what pleasure through making love really is . ''`` i've never had that, '' she whispered regretfully. he gave her a sad smile. `` i didn't think you had . ''
he brushed the hair out of her face and cupped her cheek. `` if i take you, i'll be making love to you. i'll have you begging and pleading, but you'll be coming so many times you'll lose count. you'll understand the difference between a quick tumble and the all-consuming power of a physical connection fueled by an emotional one . ''she rapidly blinked her blue eyes in disbelief while her cheeks flushed. `` oh god, did you actually just say that ? ''`` i did . ''he gave her a teasing smile. `` and you'll be calling out my name more than his . ''`` i ... '' she began before she quickly clamped her lips shut. her eyes widened before she scrambled off of his lap. before he could question her on what she was doing, she threw up all over the front of her dress. when she wavered on her feet like she was going to collapse, pesh tumbled off the couch, reaching out for her. grabbing both of her shoulders, he steadied her. she glanced down at her dress before gazing back at him.
pesh's heart ached at the sight of tears pooling in her eyes. `` are you all right ? ''her chin trembled before big, fat tears slid down her cheeks. `` oh god, '' she whispered. `` please don't cry . ''`` t-this is s-so embarrassing, '' she hiccupped. `` it's okay. you don't have to be embarrassed . ''moaning, she covered her face with her hands. `` first, i made a fool out of myself coming on to you and now i've puked in front of you like some sorority girl who can't handle her liquor . ''`` stop beating yourself up. come, let's get you cleaned up . ''he slid an arm around her waist to steady her on their way down the hall to the bedroom. she continued to weep softly as they made their way into the bathroom. using his free hand, he flicked on the light. `` can you stand in the shower ? ''with a weak nod, she replied, `` i think so . ''`` if not, there's a ledge you can sit on. let me turn on the water for you, and i'll get you a towel . ''
he propped her up against the counter before striding over to the shower. once he felt the water was a good enough temperature, he then went over to the closet. he pulled out a towel before returning to megan who had her head in her hands. with his free hand, he took one of her hands and pulled it away from her face. `` please stop beating yourself up. i hate to see you so upset . ''`` i can't help it. i'm such a fool . ''`` no, if you're a fool, then so am i. we both wanted each other . ''`` but i got drunk ... i never get drunk anymore . ''`` it was an accident. things like that happen . ''he cupped her chin and forced her to look at him. `` you are none of the negative things your mind is calling you right now . ''`` really ? ''her broken expression, coupled with her need for his reassurance, nearly crushed him. he had to fight from taking her in his arms. he knew if he did that, he would end up doing something he shouldn't with her. finally, he nodded.
`` but you do smell, so go on and get in the shower . ''the corners of her lips curved up in a half smile. `` do you have something i can change into? and maybe a toothbrush ? ''he nodded. `` one second . ''leaving her in the bathroom, he went back into the bedroom to his closet. he took out a pair of scrubs he knew would be too big and too long for her and then coupled it with an emory university t-shirt. when he got back to the bathroom, megan was struggling with the zipper at the back of her dress. with a defeated expression, she dropped her hands. `` could you please help me ? ''`` of course . ''he sat the clothes down on the counter. he then reached up to tug down the zipper. the back of the dress gaped open, exposing her cream colored skin and navy blue lace bra and panties. he closed his eyes to try and block out the glaring images rocketing through his mind. his lips on her skin, his tongue licking up her spine, his hands curving around her ribcage to cup her br**sts. he forced himself to step back.
clearing his throat, he replied, `` done . ''glancing at him over her shoulder, megan gave him a weak smile. `` thank you . ''he took out a spare toothbrush from underneath the counter and placed it next to the clothes he'd brought her. `` let me know if you need anything else . ''`` okay . ''whirling around, he strode out of the bathroom. not wanting to go too far in case megan needed him, he began pacing around the bedroom. he momentarily faltered when he heard the shower turn off. he waited for her to appear, but she didn't. just as he was about to knock on the door, the whirring hum of the hairdryer started. he continued his pacing as she dried her hair. next, he heard the sink water turn on as she brushed her teeth. when it was quiet once again in the bathroom, his feet froze as he stared anxiously at the bathroom door. when it opened, pesh's breath caught. appearing fresh-faced and clean, megan looked so beautiful as she tentatively stepped into the bedroom. `` everything okay ? ''he asked.
she jumped at his voice. `` um, it's fine. thank you again for the clothes and for letting me shower . ''`` you're more than welcome. and there's no need to thank me . ''chewing on her lip, she glanced from the bed to him. `` i texted my mother to tell her i was staying the night at emma's . ''before he could say anything, she quickly added, `` thank you for putting my purse in the bathroom. that was very thoughtful of you . ''`` you're welcome, '' he replied. then he thought of her text. `` so you're staying at aidan and emma's ? ''after all, the last thing he needed was to have her here-a reminder of what he couldn't have. it would be enough to drive any man crazy. megan shook her head. `` do you mind if i stayed here instead ? ''when he started to open his mouth, she shook her head. `` i promise no funny business. i just don't want to go home yet. if you don't want to me to stay, you can take me to emma's . ''`` of course you can stay . ''`` i can sleep on the couch or in the guest room . ''
he shook his head. `` you'll sleep right here . ''he walked over to his massive king-sized bed. he turned down the covers before glancing back at her. `` come on. getting some rest will make you feel better . ''she eyed him hesitantly. `` i really can't take your bed. that would be imposing . ''`` i don't mind. i promise . ''`` only if you're sure ? ''`` i'm sure . ''tentatively, she started walking over to him, her eyes never leaving his. she eased down onto the mattress before sliding beneath the sheets. when she appeared comfortable, he covered her up. as he started to go, she reached out to grab his arm. `` no, please don't go. don't leave me alone . ''his brows shot up in surprise. `` you want me to stay with you ? ''`` yes, please . ''`` in this bed ... with you ? ''when she nodded, he exhaled a ragged breath. `` megan, i don't think that's a good idea . ''`` don't overthink it ; just stay with me . ''
although his brain was raging war at him to make the sane and responsible decision, he replied, `` give me a few minutes . ''`` okay, '' she replied softly. turning, he strode into the bathroom. he didn't bother glancing in the mirror because he was pretty sure he wouldn't like what he saw. instead, he stripped off his suit and tie. although he probably should have thrown on more clothes, he left his boxers on and grabbed a white shirt off the hamper. after pulling it over his head, he went back out into the bedroom. megan lay on her side in the bed, her face turned toward the bathroom. her eyes were closed, but they popped open the moment he entered the bedroom. without a word to her, he walked around the other side of the bed and climbed inside. lying on his back, he propped one arm over his head. his other hand rested on his chest. he twisted his fingers into the fabric of his shirt over his heart. somehow he wanted to still the erratic beating.
just when he thought he might be comfortable, megan turned over to face him. `` you're so far away, '' she whispered. `` i thought it was for the best . ''the corners of her mouth momentarily turned down in a pout. then she inched closer to him. he sucked in a breath and tried not to hiss when he felt her head nuzzle against his chest. before he could stop her, she had thrown an arm around him. thankfully, she didn't try anything else. and within a few minutes, her labored breathing signaled she had fallen asleep. pesh stared up at the ceiling and willed himself to be able to go to sleep as easily. surprisingly, as megan's soft snores echoed against his side, his eyes grew heavy. for the first time in two years, he fell asleep with someone in his arms. chapter six sunlight streamed across megan's face, causing her to squint her eyes tighter closed against the bright invasion. she was warm and comfortable, and she didn't want to wake up.
but the tranquility of her morning was shattered when a soft snore came from behind her. it was far too deep to be one of mason 's. panic prickled its way up her skin. where am i? her eyes frantically scanned the room. overcome by both masculine decor and smells, she realized she was in a man's bedroom, or more importantly a man's bed. she hadn't woken up this dazed and confused since she got hammered for the first time. she couldn't even remember what day it was. this was bad. very, very bad. she had to get out of there and get home to mason. what kind of mother was she to wake up in a strange man's bed? as she tried to roll over, she found herself entrapped by a strong arm wrapped around her waist. her gaze flicked down to the tan, muscled arm. who the hell did that belong to? a whimper escaped her lips. oh god, had she actually slept with a man she had no memory of? never in her life had she made such a mistake as that.
nausea overcame her, and she knew she needed to get out of bed and into the bathroom. she shoved herself so hard away from the person that she ended up elbowing him in the ribs. he groaned. `` oh, i'm sorry. i didn't mean to hurt you, '' she quickly apologized. `` it's okay, megan, '' he murmured drowsily. that voice. it took only a second for her to register who she was in bed with. and with that realization, everything from the night before came crashing down on her. she had accidentally gotten drunk off her ass, pesh had taken her to his house to sober up, and then ... oh god, she had come on to him like a brazen floozy. she buried her head in her hands and moaned. `` hey, how do you feel this morning ? ''he asked. `` like i've been run over by a truck . ''`` want me to fix you a good hangover cure ? ''she peeked at him through her fingers. `` you actually know a hangover cure ? ''he smiled. `` you think someone like me has never been drunk ? ''when she bobbed her head, he laughed.
`` i'm sorry to disappoint you, but there have been many, many times i've woken up just as you are now . ''`` that's hard to imagine . ''she gazed down at the scrubs and t-shirt she was in. although she doubted it, she couldn't help but ask. `` did we ... '' `` no, we didn't . ''she arched her brows in surprise. `` if we didn't sleep together, then why did you ... i mean, why are you in bed with me ? ''`` because you begged me to stay . ''she gasped in horror. wasn't it enough that she had thrown herself so wantonly at him, but now she'd begged him to stay with her? `` i did ? ''he nodded. `` you said you didn't want to be alone . ''vaguely she remembered pleading with him to lie close to her. what a nightmare. `` i'm so sorry . ''`` don't apologize . ''when she started to protest, he held up a hand. `` i have to admit it was nice being in bed with someone again-feeling their warmth, the softness of their body as they lay beside you . ''he swallowed hard. `` i've missed that more than i knew . ''
overcome with the emotions threatening to overtake her, megan didn't know what to say. all she knew is she needed to get out of there. `` i need to get home ... or to emma 's. i can't let my parents think i stayed out all night with a man i just met . ''`` i understand. i wouldn't dream of compromising your reputation . ''she stared at him for a moment. sometimes the way he spoke made it seem like he was from a different world or time period. `` i, uh, i need to use the bathroom . ''`` go ahead . ''tumbling out of the covers, she then streaked across the room. once she closed the door behind her, she exhaled the breath she'd been holding. she made it to the toilet just in time to throw up again. she wondered after doing the same thing the night before how there was anything left in her stomach to empty. once she finished, she leaned over the sink, pooling water in her hand before bringing it to her mouth.
after gargling to rid herself of the nasty taste, she eventually dug under the counter for some mouthwash, and then brushed her teeth. without a hairbrush or comb, she did her best to tame her out-of-control hair. once she surmised that she looked presentable enough to face the firing squad, aka aidan and emma, she left the bathroom. pesh had thrown on some clothes and stood in the middle of the room. he raised his brows expectantly at her. `` i'm ready to go now . ''`` of course . ''when she started for the bedroom door, she abruptly stopped. `` wait, my dress ? ''`` i'll send it out to be dry cleaned . ''`` oh, '' she murmured. `` thank you . ''in silence, they made their way through the house. megan tried not to be so obvious as she took in the high ceilings of the living room, the floor to ceiling windows that overlooked a large, spacious yard. pesh had an amazing house-one that was far too big for just him. it certainly was made for a family-the one he sadly didn't have.
as he started to open the door leading out to the garage for her, pesh stopped and turned around. staring intently at her, he said, `` i'd like to see you again . ''megan couldn't help the shocked gasp that escaped her lips. she'd made a repeated fool out of herself the night before, and he still wanted to see her? `` you can't be serious . ''`` i am . ''she gave a slight jerk of her head. `` i don't think that is a good idea . ''`` but why ? ''he countered sincerely. with a contemptuous snort, she replied, `` isn't it obvious ? ''`` if you're alluding to the fact you accidentally got drunk last night and then became ill, that has little relevance to me. accidents happen, and i'm man enough to realize that . ''he closed the gap between them. `` i liked being with you yesterday . ''remembering what emma had said, megan couldn't help asking, `` you want to date me, don't you ? ''`` yes of course. what else would i want to do ? ''when she replied, `` have sex, '' a flush entered his cheeks.
`` that is not what i meant . ''`` and that's a pity . ''his brows furrowed. `` whatever do you mean ? ''`` you and i ... we want different things. you want to date and get married again, right ? ''`` yes, that is something i desire very much . ''she shook her head. `` but i don't want to be in a serious relationship right now with you or anyone for that matter. i'm certainly not ready to get married anytime soon. i just wanted to have some fun with someone . ''pesh frowned. `` i don't think i understand . ''`` what i want from you is the same thing i wanted last night. just sex, '' she answered honestly. `` you don't want to date me ... you only want to have sex with me ? ''if the situation hadn't been so dire, megan might've laughed at the horrified expression on pesh's face. he appeared absolutely floored that she could ever think of only using him as a sex toy. finally, when she gathered herself together, she shook her head. `` i'm sorry, but that's the way i feel . ''
she braced herself for some sort of wrath out of him or even a lecture. what he did was even more surprising. he gave her a sad smile. `` and i'm sorry you feel that way because i would have really enjoyed getting to know you better . ''without another word, he opened the door. always the gentleman, he waited for her to go through first. tucking her head to her chest, she bypassed him to walk to the car. once again, he appeared to open the car door for her. `` thank you, '' she murmured. he nodded before walking around the front of the car. without another word to her, pesh cranked up, and then began backing down the driveway. the ride to aidan and emma's was only twenty minutes, but it seemed to take an eternity. the painful silence hung heavy around her. pesh didn't look at her. instead, he kept his gaze firmly on the road ahead of them. when he pulled into aidan and emma's driveway, megan felt her stomach clench. she wished there was some way to make things right between them.
but she had a feeling she had gone too far and said too much. as he put the car in park, he turned to look at her. `` thank you for the ride, '' she said. `` you're welcome. it was my pleasure . ''`` most of all, i want to thank you for taking care of me last night. you truly went above and beyond. i can never thank you enough . ''`` you don't have to thank me. i'm glad i was able to help you . ''nibbling on her bottom lip, she finally allowed herself to say what she was holding back on. `` i wish things could be different, '' she said softly. when she dared herself to look at him, she found him staring intently at her. `` i'm sorry, too. take care of yourself. okay ? ''she bobbed her head. `` the same to you . ''with trembling hands, she fumbled for the door handle. when she was finally able to open the door, she stumbled out onto the pavement. as she made her way up the driveway, she could feel pesh's eyes on her. the car remained parked as she climbed the porch steps and rang the doorbell.
she hoped that noah was already up, and she wasn't waking the household. aidan threw open the door. `` megan? what the hell ? ''he asked. his question and concern caused her to burst into tears. `` why are you crying ? ''aidan demanded. `` it's a long story . ''he glanced from her out the door to pesh's car. his expression darkened. `` did pesh hurt you ? ''`` no! of course not . ''`` if he's made you cry, i don't care whether he's noah's godfather or not. i'll punch his lights out ! ''she grabbed his arm. `` stop it, ankle! it's not him, it's me. it's all my fault. okay ? ''he stared at her in surprise. `` what happened ? ''`` give me some coffee and a chance to calm down, and then i'll tell you everything . ''although his expression was skeptical, aidan nodded, and then started to close the door. megan stole one last glance of pesh as his car started reversing down the driveway. she hoped for her sake and his it was the last time she would have to see him.
chapter seven megan nervously tapped her thumbs on the steering wheel of her car. her clinical placement had come through, and she was now on her way to make her introductions to her preceptor, the nurse who would supervise her. although she had initially been disappointed in not receiving grady, she was still excited to be doing the last part of the journey to becoming a nurse. she was also grateful she hadn't received the night shift that some of her fellow nursing students had. she would have rarely been able to see mason if she had to sleep during the day and work at night. she pulled into the parking lot of the wellstar er and eased into the first space she found. after turning off the car, she grabbed her folder of paperwork along with her purse and headed inside. she stopped at the front desk. `` i'm not a patient. i'm a clinical student here to see kristi parkman . ''`` go on through, '' the receptionist said, before she buzzed open the authorized personnel only door.
breezing inside the heart of the er, megan couldn't help feeling excited. she couldn't wait until she got her feet wet by working with patients. glancing around, she wasn't exactly sure how she was going to find the preceptor. she stopped at an area teaming with nurses. `` can i help you ? ''one of them asked. `` yes, i'm here to see kristi parkman . ''a tall blonde woman in her fifties came over to her with a beaming smile. `` you must be ms. mckenzie ? ''`` i am . ''`` it's so nice to meet you . ''megan smiled. `` it's nice meeting you, too . ''`` we're so very glad to have you. i've taken a look at your transcript, and it's quite impressive . ''`` thank you, '' megan replied. `` why don't i show you around today? that way you'll be ready to go with the flow tomorrow . ''`` sounds good . ''with a smile, kristi led her around the maze of rooms. she pointed out where the medicine room was, the trauma area, and where she would find the break room.
each time they passed a nurse or a doctor, kristi was quick to introduce megan. `` everyone seems very friendly, '' megan mused. `` it really is a great place to work. now, i'm not going to lie that some of the residents can be real ass**les. but we're so lucky to have a supervisor who is such a sweetheart . ''`` that's wonderful . ''`` yes, everyone loves dr. nadeen . ''megan's heartbeat slowed to a standstill. nadeen. no, it couldn't be. surely there were more doctors with that last name. searching her mind, she tried desperately to remember where he said he worked. `` oh good, he's just down the hall. let me introduce you two . ''`` no, that's really isn't necessary, '' megan protested feebly. ignoring her, kristi called, `` dr. nadeen, come meet our newest nursing candidate . ''the moment he turned around, megan felt like she was going to throw up. after spending two months trying hard to forget about her infamous night with pesh nadeen, there he was right in front of her.
she couldn't help having the classic line from casablanca flash in her head, `` out of all the gin joints in all the world, she had to walk into mine . ''she certainly felt that way about all the hospitals she could have possibly been assigned to, she had to be assigned to his. the shock and surprise registered on his face as well. he was quick to mask it by smiling warmly at her. `` hello again, megan . ''kristi's brows shot up at the familiarity of pesh's greeting. `` you know each other ? ''`` um, well, '' megan began. how was she going to explain? the last thing she needed was to get off on the wrong foot with her coworkers. pesh nodded. `` she and i share a godson . ''`` oh how wonderful . ''kristi patted megan's back. `` what luck for you then ending up here out of all the hospitals ? ''`` yes, what luck, '' megan murmured. kristi smiled. `` well, i'll let you two catch up for a minute or two . ''`` no, that's okay. you don't have to do that, '' megan protested.
waving her hand dismissively, kristi said, `` it gives me a chance to go grab a snack and something to drink. be back in a few, and we'll finish the tour . ''megan fought the urge to run after kristi as she walked off. instead, she turned back to pesh who was staring expectantly at her. `` you don't exactly look happy to see me, '' pesh said. she shook her head wildly. `` how could i be? the man, who i completely made an ass out of myself in front of, is at the hospital where i'm doing my clinicals. that doesn't exactly make my day . ''`` for the last time, you have nothing to be embarrassed about . ''`` sorry, but that does not make me feel any better, '' she grumbled. `` what can i do to put you at ease about working with me ? ''rubbing her now aching head, she replied, `` i don't know. if i thought it wouldn't make me look bad, i'd request a transfer . ''`` i offend you that much ? ''pesh asked. as she gazed up at him, his expression was wounded. `` no, no, you don't offend me.
it's just that ... '' she chewed mercilessly on her bottom lip before she continued. after taking a ragged breath, she replied, `` it's just that for the past two years, i had pretty good control of my life. the night i was with you, i let all that control crumble. by getting drunk, i became someone else-someone i used to be. the girl, or woman, who would do anything to get a man's attention. i don't like that person very much, and i don't ever want to go back there. seeing you just makes me remember all of that . ''megan couldn't help being surprised by how honest she'd been able to be with him. pesh remained silent for a moment. his dark eyes bore into hers. `` i am sorry that you reflect so negatively on the night we were together. for me, it was not marred by drinking or you getting sick. i enjoyed spending time with you and getting to know you . ''he swallowed hard. `` i enjoyed waking up with you.
i would give anything for you to be able to look at me without having to feel bad about yourself . ''`` you really enjoyed being with me that night ? ''he nodded. `` when i told you i wanted to see you again, i was serious . ''she sighed. `` that's very sweet of you, but i haven't changed my mind about dating . ''`` you haven't ? ''with a shake of her head, she replied, `` i have too much going on in my life right now to get involved with someone. it wouldn't be fair to them ... to you. especially since we still want very different things from each other . ''`` i see, '' he replied. megan noticed the sadness that darkened his expression. `` i'm sorry, '' she murmured. `` you have nothing to regret. any grief i'm experiencing is once again my fault . ''he gave her a rueful smile. `` i seem to keep falling for women who aren't meant for me . ''she sucked in a harsh breath at his words. `` falling? you are ... you were falling for me ? ''
pesh opened his mouth to reply, but at the sound of kristi coming back from the break room, he shut it. closing the gap between them, he whispered, `` don't worry about working with me, megan. we'll always be friends, and i will respect your wishes and your distance . ''for some reason, his words had the opposite effect they should have, and regret ricocheted through her. finally, she managed to say, `` thank you. i appreciate that . ''with a smile, he then turned and walked away. she heaved a painful breath as kristi walked up to her. `` such a sweetheart, isn't he ? ''`` yes, he is, '' megan murmured. `` not bad on the eyes either . ''a nervous giggle escaped megan's lips. `` no, he's not . ''`` i swear that half of the women here in the er act like they're in heat whenever he comes around . ''kristi fanned herself. `` i mean, that body, those eyes, and those dimples. lord, if i wasn't a happily married woman, what i wouldn't want to do to that man ! ''megan knew exactly what kristi meant.
unfortunately, she was never going to get the chance to experience it for herself. somehow she'd managed to find the only man left in the world who wouldn't partake in just a sexual relationship. no, pesh had to want more than she was willing to give. `` did you hear what i said ? ''kristi asked. megan snapped her gaze from pesh's retreating form back to face kristi. `` i'm sorry what ? ''kristi laughed. `` oh no, i'm about to lose another one to dr. nadeen's charms, huh ? ''shaking her head wildly, megan replied, `` no, no, we're just friends-i don't feel anything like that for him . ''kristi winked. `` yeah, just keep telling yourself that, honey . ''chapter eight as pesh exited one of the exam rooms, he saw megan sitting on a stool at the counter, working on a chart. when the door shut behind him, she jerked her head up and caught him staring. he cleared his throat and walked over to her. `` hello, '' he said, pleasantly. `` hi . ''`` so, are you settling in ? ''she nodded.

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