Bing Search has indexed some validation-set answers from

by afourney - opened

This past week we have noticed that Bing has indexed the page:

And some validation set answers are shown in the snippets. For example, if you do a Bing search for "Can Hiccup Supply Enough Fish to Maintain a Dragon's Diet? University of Leicester paper"

The following snippet is returned from search:

gaia-benchmark/GAIA Datasets at Hugging Face
What was the volume in m^3 of the fish bag that was calculated in the University of Leicester paper "Can Hiccup Supply Enough Fish to Maintain a Dragon's Diet?" 1 0.1777

This won't impact the test-set questions, but we use the validation questions to track our progress during development, and now some questions will need to be excluded.

GAIA org

Thanks for the report!
We are closely working with the datasets team (notably @lhoestq ) to see how we can make the validation set hidden from crawlers, we'll try to update this as soon as we find a good solution.
We're sorry for the inconvenience in the meantime.

GAIA org

We have decided to gate the dataset for now, which will not block human access but should prevent further scraping. Thanks a lot again for this report.

clefourrier changed discussion status to closed

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