50 values
How much? Does anyone know if 25 Percocets will do anything other than just make me throw up a bunch? Would this be enough possibly drowned out with alcohol? Thanks
What could a person say if they are suffering from medical anxiety?
Help My friend gave me this letter yesterday and she told me to read it on a specific date. I visited her yesterday and I live in a different state so I rarely see her now so she gave it to me ahead of everyone else. She made everyone of her friends one and told them to read it as well. I’m the only one she gave it to so far. When she gave it to me I said “this better not be a suicide note” in a Josiah but worried way (not trying to offend anyone but she made jokes about killing herself and I think she attempted once). She just texted me to trash the note and burn it. I needed to see if it was a just loving and sweet card and really hoping it was not what I think it was but it is in fact a suicide note. I really do not know what to do and I’m honestly really scared. She is a friend I hold dearly in my heart and she’s amazing. I don’t know if she told me to burn it because she won’t do it and I still don’t know if she’ll actually do it or not. I need help in what to do.
What is an example of a spoken sentence that shows medical anxiety?
7 years Well, since you are distancing yourself from me. You are ignoring me. Even while we are in the same house. I was so proud of myself. Over a year no self harm. No suicidal thoughts. They are all back. Better than ever. Tonight. I'll be gone.
Can you give a sentence that reflects medical anxiety?
An Alternative I've been planning it in my head for a while, instead of just ending it, why not just wander into a state park where free camping and roaming is allowed and not come out. Your loved ones would see it as a freak accident, not suicide. Yes they'd be sad, but not nearly as much as they'd be crushed that they couldn't help me with something they would see as preventable.
Can you provide a quote from someone dealing with medical anxiety?
Christmass/birthday alone I'm turning 27 on the 31st December no family no freinds gonna be alone on christmass and my birthday and have been alone since I turned 20 each year gets more painful depression/loneliness going deeper at this point I'm hardly able to get out of bed or do the very basics in taking care of myself often find myself entering a catatonic state when alone often eating very little or no food for days recently fainted on a bus after not eating for 3 days and altho people got me up and asked if i was good they where all just asking if I wanted to go to a hospital to which I declined knowing why I had fainted I just got off the bus and got food at a reasturant alone it feels like even if i dont kill myself directly it is inevitable that I cant survive alone and I can clearly see that I'm a lost cause socially no one cared when I was healthy and doing good and now I'm hardly a person at that point why keep living I'm stuck suffering endlessly anyways
What could a person say if they are suffering from medical anxiety?
I'm afraid of the void but I might just fall into it. I don't believe in the afterlife. Death to me is a void and a ceasing of existence. Sure your body is probably still there but boi the mind and the life in you is gone cuz you're also biologically dead. Sort of getting off track but anyways... I feel i'm on the top of a fence where I fall to my death or I fall short into life. I'm afraid of becoming nothing but there is this self-destructive yearning to become nothing but just a husk holding death. But then again the becoming nothing with no afterlife is the ultimate self destruction. The Mark Twain predicament.
What is something a person with medical anxiety might say?
Feeling suicidal today Okay so normally I'm the most optimistic person to have around and I really motivate people in my team or group. I'm just feeling terribly lonely and sad lately. I'm 21 and alone. I've never had a proper relationship and I feel terribly lonely, I can't find a partner who is normal. It's either really depressed women or women who don't want anything serious. I even worked on myself and got to 18% body fat and people tell me I'm attractive but I'm still struggling to find a partner. I've failed at love. I'm not doing well in college, I'm below average and barely able to keep up with the other kids. I want to pursue music if I get a chance but I'm not really established enough to not work in college. My cgpa is pretty bad and I don't have a lot of friends in college. Most of my friends either quit or got a yearback and one friend even died. I met someone with very similar interests and she only sees me as a friend. I'm not making it anywhere. I used to dream of being someone big enough to fix all the bad shit in the world but it feels like no matter what I do I'll never make it. All my life I'm going to remain a nobody. Someone please help me
Can you provide an example of a medical anxiety statement?
I failed univ and because of my own incompetence I fucked up everything I failed 2 years of university because I was not motivated and an idiot. I had no motivation. One good thing that I have done was to stay alone. And I believe I will stay like this for quite a long time because I never had love feelings for anyone and I find it awkward. My parents were scared of me being alone. so they asked me a question and I replied that I want to stay alone. They are fine with it. But because I lied to my mother about me going to university despite not doing so. I now have told her the truth, I still want to end it because my father spends a lot of money around 20 000€ for my studies despite me doing nothing and never telling him. My life is now stuck because I'm was an idiot. I can't tell him because he's gonna lose his shit which I completely understand, my mother doesn't know what to do, I only have 2 days left to find a new school, I lost my mother trust and I understand why. I think I fucked up badly enough so that i won't ever recover
Can you provide an example of what someone with medical anxiety might say?
Thinking about death I’m feeling like I’d genuinely like to die. We don’t really think that it’s okay for people to feel that way. It’s not very profitable for people to actually die. But being mentally ill is a highly profitable condition. Therapists, hospitalizations, medications, the additional physical ailments that accompany mental illness like diabetes and heart disease. I tried to take my life last year and when it didn’t work, the psychiatrist asked if I was glad. I told him a resounding and angry, “No.” I understand that there are a few people I would really negatively impact by making this decision. So I feel like maybe over time, when those people move on to bigger and better things, I might have the go ahead. Because I feel as though it is inevitable that soon I will be so entirely alone, that my disappearance will not matter. It might be a bit burdensome. Like my parents will have to chip away at my student loans. They’ll have to pretend like I never existed to everyone else. But we are estranged. Their anxieties will be soothed in the finality of my end. I always wanted to be this loud force for positive change, an idealist. But the world is just too fucking cruel. Being alive and feeling my pain and the pain of others is just too much. I feel too deeply and I think too deeply. Critical thinking and feeling are not welcome in this world. They mean resistance and difficulty. Not that I want things to be a breeze but I am not welcome in this world. I have known this for a very long time. People who aren’t neurotypical, who aren’t following the stream, know this. Their circumstances dictate their response. Maybe they become a positive role model, an ideal messenger for change. Like look at me, I made it out, and so can you! As though there is something to make it out of. The only thing I’m seeing a way out from is the human condition and that doesn’t mean being alive. Like look at me, I have been in the trenches, and I have battled Lucifer himself, and you can too. But who is this person to say that THEY understand all of the world’s suffering. It is impossible. You can’t know every possible form of human suffering and still think, suicide isn’t the answer. Who are you to tell someone that? There are people who are quiet about their pain. Silent, in fact. All around us. And I feel it. It is so loud. I never knew silence could be so goddamn loud. I never knew I could feel simultaneously tapped into the suffering of the masses and so extremely isolated. What a paradox to live in. I’m not here for you to tell me, “you aren’t alone.” I know damn well that I’m not alone. It’s all the more depressing. I don’t want other people to suffer. It hurts me more than my own pain. To learn more and more about how fucked up things are. The burning planet, the dystopia we live in. The human condition is a disease to this planet. But we egocentric fucks forget the planet is far more resilient and expansive than we. As though we are capable of destroying matter. We are destroying our own livelihood. I’m going to go search for something to numb this pain now. Thanks for coming to my ted talk.
How might a person express their medical anxiety in a statement?
another low maybe the last I’ve been trying to stay in contact with friends and I see friends here and there as a way to socialize but obviously this quarantine has opened up my days and I do nothing. And that means less distractions such as work and school. And I just keep getting in my head, especially now that I’m falling into another low. I just don’t feel comfortable bringing this up to anyone or asking for help. Every time I fall into another low and get suicidal, it feels like each time brings me closer to it. I should look forward to my future and be normal but instead I’m just hopeless about everything. I’m so tired and I wish someone would help because I can’t do this alone anymore
What is a common sentence said by someone with medical anxiety?
Female veteran feeling stuck between a rock and a hard place I'm tired of reaching out for help through the VA. None of it is confidential. Through my VA records, every other one of my providers can access my mental health information. Everything that I say is written down can be accessed by my neurologist, or my GI doctor. I have no idea how I'm supposed to let somebody in and trust them, if everybody I see there is reading through all of my problems and shit. I've reached out to The Vet Center in my city, but they're not exactly female veteran friendly. I called the Veterans Suicide Lifeline today but hung up. I feel so far beyond help at this point. Therapy is supposed to be confidential. I think that everybody would like their therapy to be confidential, isn't that part of therapy? You're supposed to tell somebody your deepest darkest crap and it just stays with them? My appointment today with a therapist that my social worker at the Women's Clinic recommended was literally less than a minute. I hate that my specific mental health records are accessible through the VA to absolutely anybody that works at the VA - like my neurologist, or my GI doctor even if they don't have to know about my mental health problems. I have been sitting in my neurologist's office with him accessing my mental health records. everybody at the VA feels like they have the need to dig through these emotions and thoughts and there's no way that I can let the entire fucking system into my vulnerabilities and short comings. The therapist said apparently there is a second level of security that they can put on my records, but it's literally just the doctor pulling up a pop up that says 'do you really need to look at this record?' and it's a "yes" or "no" button. And everybody here apparently feels like it's essential to read my shit. There's no privacy in anything that I do with the VA. It's upsetting. I really feel like I need better mental health resources but I don't know where to find them and the VA isn't pointing me towards anything of use. They won't approve CareSource through my VA. I've been through so many therapists with this VA, that I'm beginning to think that maybe I'm the problem. At the very least least my VA has a lot of fail safes put in place to place to keep me feeling safer as a woman at the VA, like a all woman's waiting room and a complete clinic dedicated to women. if they didn't offer those things, I would probably just stay home and drink myself to death at this point. I just feel stuck between a rock and a hard place. I would rather be dead than feel like this.
Can you give an example of what a person with medical anxiety might articulate?
I just took a lot of acetaminophen I know it’s far fetched to die from ~4,00mg of acetaminophen but if I do end up dying, I’ve written a note. I didn’t mean to take so many. I had a headache and got triggered and took a small handful. I hope it doesn’t kill me. I’m 5’3 and 128 lbs if that helps. I will update if possible. I’m sorry.
What would a person say to convey their medical anxiety?
I really wanted to end it tonight. I just want to die. I was googling how much ibprofin would be enough to kill me when I heard a little tap on my door. My four year old niece called to me so I opened the door. She gave me a big hug and told me how much she missed me, and that she wanted to hang out with me today. I love her so much. I really just want to die. I can't though because my family would be devastated. My uncle killed himself, and the grief killed my grandfather, grandmother and nearly my mother. We haven't been the same since. So I just stop existing. If I am not at work or school, I just sleep. I don't have time for a nervous break down, I have too much to do. But nothing gets done because I am useless and have no money to take care of the things I need to take care of. I really hope this migraine is an aneurism and I die in my sleep.
How might someone with medical anxiety express their fears?
I tried dehydrating myself to death I wanted to talk about this to my close ones but it's not easy to walk up to someone and confess something like this , especially when they know you for the happy cheering person they're used to , but I need to tell someone or else I might go mad , I felt better talking about it rather than writing .. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AZLNYCWFy9c](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AZLNYCWFy9c)
Can you provide an example of what someone with medical anxiety might say?
i don’t think i’ve ever been genuinely happy looking back at it, i think the last time i was truly happy and carefree was when i was 10. since then i’ve known nothing but insecurity, self-doubt, horrible depression, crippling anxiety, trauma, eating disorders, bpd and so much more. even if i’m having a good day, it’s not necessarily that everything is great it’s just that those i mentioned above aren’t as heavy as most days. is this normal? does being mentally ill mean i’m gonna feel this way forever and never be truly happy? i’d rather just end my life.
Can you give an example of a sentence spoken by someone with medical anxiety?
Bipolar type I, can't stop doing and selling drugs. going to end it next month Ever since I was 6, I wanted to kill myself. I'm muslim, so suicide's something never to be considered nor talked about, to anyone, even a fucking therapist for fuck's sake... I have been dealing with alot lately, what with my wife running away with my 1 1/2 yo daughter, my drug abuse, my buying and selling drugs and cheap cigarettes just to get by. ​ I have no real friends. If it wasn't for one person in this world, I would have ended it all back in '06. He is a prince from saudi arabia. he was like a father to me, like, my dad wasn't ever there for me when I was young, so the prince, which was about my age, raised me. We had a falling out because he told me a story about a friend of mine that he kidnapped and raped, so ​ I had an existential crisis after a few days from that incident, so my father, whom I was living with at the time (16yo) took me to a mental asylum. I stayed there for a while, and I was diagnosed with the illness. ​ A few months back, I was going for a normal appointment with my psychiatrist, and he shocked the hell out of me when he told me that I'm going to get the worst depression cycle, worse than I have ever experienced. It was a shock because I felt just....I was fucking happy, you know?! I had my ffucking daughter in my hand and shit man! wtf you know? ​ I was all normal until I started smoking weed two months ago, I started cussing my wife because of how whiny she'd get, her not being able to even clean our room, me coming home without food on the fucking table, so she made me go admit myself in the asylum. ​ I stayed there for two week, of which I became a leader of sorts. I ruled the asylum and it's inmates with an iron fist lol... so after a week, my wife and mother came to visit, and to my surprise, my wife told me that my mom was hiding my phone and wallet from her. so I screamed at my mother, told her to give them to my wife, but she was adamant. ​ Anyways, my wife asked for 1'500 riyals for clothes and shit, I took my wallet and went to the atm in the asylum's atm machine(it's a big hospital with an asylum and loads of things). I gave her the money and everything was peachy. ​ Two days before my discharge, my mother comes to visit me, all by her lonesome. "What's the deal?!" "your wife was bleeding and we thought she was going to miscarry, so I had to send her back to her family in egypt so they can take care of her better".......................................................................................................................... WHAT THE FUCKING FUCK. we had a fucking deal, we would leave together and go to egypt, but NOOOOOOO. Whatever, so I got out, #singlelife all the way, I told my friends/clients that I have a problem and need help buying a ticket to egypt, one of them was nice enough to buy me one. ​ When I arrived to egypt, my wife's family were all nice, but as soon as I got to their home, they started yapping about how my mother does this and does that, and doesn't do this and that. I asked them what the fucking hell they want from me, they said "consider yourself engaged again, because we have a few rules before you get your wife back. first of all, we want you to BUY a house in saudi, BUY a house in egypt next to us, AND we want you to bring your car with you whenever you come to visit" ​ After a few weeks of he said she said, I finally decided to get the fuck out of there. Basically, I ordered an uber to cairo, so my mother can arrange a return flight for me there, I had family in cairo as well, so I left. But I left my luggage with them because they were going to stop me easier with heavy shit in my hand. ​ \*\*\*\*TL;DR\*\*\*\* Forward to to day, it's been three weeks, I haven't said a word to them since I left, I blocked my wife on whatsapp, then she changed her picture to something kind of sexual in some arabic cultures. I'm looking to find my lost prince friend, just so I can say good bye to him one last time before I hit a wall with my 2017 Sonata going 260km. ​ I just want to vent, sorry if I took too long to write this, but this has been on my mind and I have literally nothing to do but breath eat jerk off and smoke.
Can you provide an example of a sentence that someone with medical anxiety might say?
nothing to hold on to i dont even feel like pouring my heart out about it anymore. im just gonna do it. life just sucks. things get better only to get worse and its never a fair trade of time wasted. no one stays. no one wants to help. like seriously. i dont ask for help but im supposed to. i ask for help and get turned away by EVERYONE except for the only one whos doing it for the MONEY, my fucking therapist i have to fucking PAY. I dont want to live in a world like this. things are so fast and cheap. relationships are so fast and cheap. nothing means anything to anyone nothing matters. I dont want to do it anymore.
What is an example of verbalizing medical anxiety?
Need to talk I'm just a mess and things happened and I just need someone to talk to right now please
Can you give an example of a sentence said by a person expressing medical anxiety?
Are there some peaceful ways to do it? I’m being serious here. I’m not looking for sympathy. Is there someway to get it done without it hurting? I’m at the point where it just hurts too much to live
How might a person describe their medical anxiety in a sentence?
Death? Sure, why not. I want to throw myself off this fucking building so bad. My parents fucking hate me. According to them in nothing but a useless bitch. They dont want to deal with my doctor visits anymore, they dont want to deal with me being a disappointment anymore. So why not just kill myself and lessen their problems. Sure they'll have to deal with the funeral costs, but they wont have to run me around from psychiatrist to therapist to church to hair to whatever every day. I'm nothing but a burden on their shoulders and they'll do way better without me. As for my friends, they all hate me, and for good reason. I'm nothing but a bitch to them. So why not just jump off the building? Oh well you see I'm a fucking wuss. I would take my moms pills but a) dont want to waste her meds and b) it wont be *as* painful.
What is a sentence that could be said by a person suffering from medical anxiety?
I’m losing hope Most of my friends have abandoned me for no reason and I can’t get myself out of bed to do anything, I never been depressed until recently and it’s hit me hard, I don’t go to school half the time, I’m just about done with it all
Can you give an example of a sentence spoken by someone with medical anxiety?
am i asleep i can’t tell anymore i’m only 16 and i sleep 3 hours a week and eat a meal a day. i cut myself all the time and i’m covered in slits on my arms and legs. i want to die so bad but last time i tried i lived and i regret it. i can’t do anything right can i just fucking die. god is dead and i want to be too
Can you provide an example of a sentence that someone with medical anxiety might say?
I am the kid that tries to join your friend group but fails. I am the kid that can’t take a hint. I am the kid that no one likes. I am the weird kid. I want to die. So I have always been that weird kid who kinda tries to join a friend group and they hint they don’t like you but your motivated to join anyways. I’m super weird. Everyone thinks I’m annoying. And it goes much deeper than that. Yes. There are some parts of my life such as family that I’m lucky for. But I just wish I was with different people. I want to die. Why was I put on this world if my only purpose was to be called names, bullied, have no friends, and be the most annoying person on planet earth. Why did they do this. Please help me.
How would a person voice their medical anxiety in words?
Life has come down on me like a sack of bricks... I (17 M) started my final year of high school this year and yeah it's pretty stressful. I really enjoy my video games so I have decided I want to start up a business after I finish university but that is a whole other story. I have felt super lonely recently, as I don't really have many friends at school. I would like to be in a relationship with a female but that's kind of hard because im a bit of a loser and im pretty fussy. I lowered my standards at a point but I got catfished so I dont really want to do the whole online thing again. Also I know I need to get a job, becuase I dont want to leech off my parents. But im really really shy so I try to find jobs online which gets pretty difficult. I don't want my life to fall apart any further just because of how I act. I just want to be able to be happy without sitting on the brink of tearing up all the time. I feel that if I dissapeared only a small amount of people would care, but I know they would forget. My father calls me a loser (I live with my father), and I visit my mother every 2nd weekend and she cheers me up but I dont seem to get any homewowrk done there because I really dislike using my slow laptop and would much rather use my pc. Sorry my writing is pretty sloppy.
Can you give an example of what a person with medical anxiety might articulate?
I called the suicide hotline for the first time I was sitting on my bed painting and I just started crying and getting the shakes. Maybe it was because I realized that I'm putting all my energy into countining to exist, I don't know. However, I ended up working up the courage to call them because talking to myself only made it worse. They were kind, talked me down and listened to me talk about life and how I was struggling to even get out of bed. Despite being a perfectly random stranger I felt calm and supported, which is something I never felt even with family. They suggested I find people to understand my struggle without judging me for being young or for feeling this way in general. I'm glad I called to say the least.
How might a person describe their medical anxiety in a sentence?
Now I've ordered the things I've ordered the things I need to carry out my suicide plans – so it's only a matter of time. Can't stand the meaninglessness and loneliness anymore. I suffer from some kind of cyclical depression so I've been this path a few times before but this time it's different. My life is pretty sweet. I'm healthy, career on a good path, I'm in a city that I like and I have hobbies to fill up my time. But it's all so meaningless. It gives me nothing. I feel so empty. So: it's another cycle of depression. I've been to the mental emergency room a few times the last months and I'm now on semi-regular meetings with a psychologist and will problably start taking medicine again. However, there is no pill against lonelines and my social situation. No one wants to spend time with me. Oh, I can make a few calls or send out a few texts and I'll have a coffee-date lined up in the coming week – but it's been years since someone reached out to me just to hang out. During this depressive cycle I've had amazing friends that has taken their time to meet up with me, stay at my place and listen to me if I ask them. A few even texts me every now and then to check in on me. Though they just make sure that I am not dead – they never want to actually spend time with me. (However, I guess it's better than those who straight up avoid me after I've opened up to them) I understand that people get more and more busy now as we grow older. That means it will only go more down-hill from here on out. I've passed the best time of my life. I have a girlfriend (we don't live together). It's not a fully perfect relationship but I love her more than anything and I've never felt this close to someone. However, her interest in me has faded. She almost never asks me what I'm up to or what my plans are. She never asks any follow-up questions or seem interested in me or what I do. I don't feel like a fully fledged person in her eyes anymore. Maybe I should break up with her – but then I will end something that could be good again – and I'll be 100% alone. With all of this, I don't have any hope for a brigther future and now have a full plan this coming week. I'll finish up the last few letters and administrative preparations while waiting for the things to arrive. To the person who showed enough interest to read all of this; there is no point in reaching out or responding. I've had countless talks with friends in person and talked with multiple professionals – all with no improvement. There is no realistic change an internet person could do at this point. There's so many of you kind people in this subreddit, please don't waste time on this lost cause. I just wanted to get this off my chest in my moment of clarity.
How might someone express their feelings of medical anxiety verbally?
meh every aspect of my life is a mess. no idea where to start. kinda just feel like necking. nothing works. recently dx with ADHD. doc just tried me on ritalin and now concerta. helps a bit i guess, but now im always hungry but dont feel like eating. just feel like trash all the time. still an addict, chronic procrastinator, cannot manage time or prioritize tasks, sleep is all over the place. 2 weeks to exams and i havent studied the entire semester. legit, i want to give up on this life. i dont even care about anything here. so fucking detached and apathetic. all my family could die tomorrow and my response would be ... meh.
Can you give an example of a sentence spoken by someone with medical anxiety?
I guess I just want to feel less alone I’m a 17 year old boy from california, and I’ve been dealing with anxiety, depression, ptsd, and suicidal thoughts since middle school. I’m a junior in high school now, but I’ve done all of high school online because I was too anxious to go to a public school again. I’m not really sure why I’m posting this on here. I guess I just want to share something about me and have somebody say “hey, I get it. you’re not alone” I don’t have any friends and I guess I’m just scared of everyone. I guess I don’t really have to go into detail to explain, and I’m too embarrassed to come right out and say it anyway, but my childhood was fucked up. I have ptsd from what happened, and the nightmares and anger and guilt and everything else is too much for me to handle. I tried to seek professional help, but they said they didn’t have time for me until a certain date. I don’t know if I can wait until that date. I don’t want to die, I just know that I can’t keep living like this. I’m not sure what to do at this point. I have things that make me want to live, I want to move to Portland, Oregon and have a pet snake named Parker and live a nice mellow life. I just don’t know if I can stick around to achieve that. anyway, sorry this is long. I doubt anyone read to this point. I hope everyone has a good day though.
Can you provide an example of a medical anxiety statement?
I dont know anymore I made a reddit in hopes of passing time, learning some new things and to hopefully get over the loss of my baby. It’s overwhelming. It’s been a month and I just don’t know anymore. I dont even know what to say.
How might someone express their feelings of medical anxiety verbally?
Social media makes me want to die. I feel so lonely. Unloved. I want out. I have mental problems and they get worse everyday. Ocd and depression are ruining my life. I don't know when I'm going to kill myself but it might happen if my life keeps spiraling downhill. Nobody cares about me. I have done nothing to move further with my life at 22. I live in fear of death or going insane and I think it's coming true.
Can you provide a quote from someone dealing with medical anxiety?
I'm out of control. I'm stuck. I can't get out. I'm so scared and alone. I'm destroying myself, my life. I have no one. It hurts. It hurts so much. I try so hard to do well, be kind to others, learn from my mistakes, grow, but I'm always falling short. I'm always failing. What's the point anymore? I got myself addicted to coke. I've been maintained my grades. 100s. I've kept up with my work, but I'm so dead inside. I love school, I love my research, I'm doing what I dreamed of and I'm excelling. But I'm so fucking empty and alone. I can't stand myself. I get so angry looking in the mirror, I hate that stupid pathetic miserable face. I hate this person. I had a partner and I ruined it just like I always do. I don't know how and I thought I was trying hard to fix it, to address their concerns and apologize and correct it but I probably didnt do it. Now I've completely fallen off the deep end when I thought I couldn't have possibly gotten any lower. I have anorexia. I've been fighting it for at least 10 years now, and it's pathetic thinking that's almost half my life. The number I see can't possibly be real. I don't look like what it says I would look really sick if so, but I don't. I'll be 25 soon and I don't know if I want to make it. What's the point anymore? I keep trying to reach for a reason and it's just never there. I'm so tired. I'm so so angry and broken. I hate myself for being the person I tried so hard not to be, for leaving people worse than when they started for wasting people's time. Last month I did so much coke in a short period of time I thought I was going to die. I had a nosebleed for basically 4 hours straight and eventually got tired, and as I fell asleep I just hoped I wouldn't wake up and I'm still here. I fucked up my nose, there's a hole and there's nothing I can do. I can't afford a doctor and I don't have insurance. Grad students aren't offered insurance through the school. I'm fucked. I'm so far gone and I'm scared. I don't even know why. I'm on my own. I'm a grad student, an adult, and I'm supposed to fix it all myself but I can't I don't have the energy I don't have the hope or love or desire. I don't know what's wrong with me anymore. I'm in such an unbearable pain and I've been drinking for the last 4 days straight. But I'm working on my thesis, I went to class, I did things, I tried I really tried. But it's never enough and I'm so alone. And then my brain says I'm taking everything. To shut up. Why am I even writing this. why does it matter.
What is an example of a spoken sentence that shows medical anxiety?
Thoughts Well this isnt suicidal even tho I have those to but in my mind i have conversations in my mind with a voice it sounds like mine so I think nothing of it but it’s dark like sometimes it tells me to stab people I’ve even gone as far as cutting open my face, but then I’ll have thoughts of tourtoring people I also don’t feel sympathy I can’t get sad when others are sad it makes lots of thing awkward because I have to fake it and plan out what others do when there sad I think I have a mental problem please help me
Can you give a sentence that exemplifies medical anxiety?
I feel nothing Like, when ppl look into the future they have dreams and all of That, when i look on to the future I just, like there is so much cool things that I would like to do and etc. but also I like see myself doing nothing of that, I'm not capable of it, i wont be able to. I don't know if its emptyness that I feel i look into the future but also i can't see myself being remotely happy in he next month. Everything is so fragile and based on nothing Idk where is the fucking point in anything Im 20 why do I feel like suicide is just the only thing that will give me peace I should be trhilling to do shit and motivated and I just dont I just feel like i cant That i will fail miserably everything that i coul try or somehow it will fuck up completely. I was excited to play the new hearthstone expansion but I'm now next to a bridge ready to climd to the highest point. Sucks i cant play all of those cards. Sucks that now i found a job shir just like this sucks that when i had a scolarship in a videogame design grade shit is just this. I feel like i could do a lot and at the same time I feel like i cannot just because i'm trash. Idk anything i just want to fucking go
What is an example of a phrase from a person with medical anxiety?
I need help I need to say this. I don’t know if this is the place to say it, but I feel like I’m going to die if I don’t, so I’m saying it here because hopefully some of you will listen to what I have to say. Earlier today, I was sitting with my girlfriend in her room. We were fighting about some meaningless bullshit and I ended up saying something that hurt her. I don’t remember what anymore, I’ve blocked it out. But I said something, and told me that I’m a piece of shit. I couldn’t handle the amount of sadness and shame and I didn’t know what to do so I just dug my fingers nails into my arm as hard as I could and didn’t stop squeezing until the pain was unbearable. We ended up making up, but about 10 minutes ago she noticed my arm and got mad at me for self harming because it’s something I’ve never done before. We got into another fight, and she kicked me out. I’m driving around aimlessly now, and I honestly just don’t know if I even want to be alive anymore. I’m so tired. I just want to feel love and for her to feel loved, but it feels like ever single day I hurt her. I don’t know what’s wrong with me, but I feel like everyone would be better off if I wasn’t here. I’m scared that I harmed myself, but I’m even more scared of hurting her. I don’t know how much more of this I can take. I’m sorry for this being such a long and scattered rant. I just needed to speak what has been eating through my head for the last few hours and I didn’t know who to turn to, so I’m here. I don’t even know what I’m expecting to get from this. I could just really use a little bit of help right now. Thank you for reading this. Please take care of yourself.
Can you give an example of a sentence said by a person expressing medical anxiety?
I will kill myself soon and it feels relieving. Im coming from one of the least favourable countries to live in. A third-world country going through a severe economical and political crisis. There is no way to get a decent job here - that is, unless you "know somebody." Migrating is out of question, I dont have the money for it. I am poor. But it gets worse. I have no relationship, no one to look after me. Im struggling with depression and anxiety. It appears that I have no future. There is only one way out of this misery.
How might a person describe their medical anxiety in a sentence?
its over lets end it finally
How might someone express their feelings of medical anxiety verbally?
Cant do this anymore It all started earlier this year when 3 of my closest family members died... threw me in a state of sever depression. Last month i had to attend jury service and work still hasn’t sorted the paperwork out so i get paid pushing me deeper into depression. Finally got round to seeing the doctor 2 weeks ago to try and get medical help. Ran some tests and i got a hey turns out your bipolar. Got back home told my partner for them to say “i cant do this. Iv been with someone with bipolar before and i cant do it again so its over” with nowhere else to go i have to live with my ex on the sofa, no money (not even enough to eat), depression, the feeling of being a waste of space while knowing what my ex is doing with other guys in the room next to me. Iv been thinking about suicide secretly for years now, but now I’m sure its what i want to do. I have tried talking to people but everyone seems too busy or online 1-1 chat groups wont reply to messages. I am at piece and I’m not scared of what i feel must be done
Can you give an example of a sentence that reveals medical anxiety?
If My Relationships Fails I’m Probably Going To Kill Myself I’ve been in an on and again off again relationships for the past 6 years, it’s been toxic at times, amazing at others. The last time we broke up it had a feeling of finality and for 6 months it didn’t get better at all, yes I was being self destructive as fuck but the pain just would not subside. It doesn’t help that she always finds someone else (which she’s 100% entitled too) and I never seem to be able to, other than very rare drunk/drug fuelled hookups. When I met her I was a insecure narcissist which attracted her as my insecurities were masked by false confidence, now I’m just insecure and socially awkward, I see no traits that would attract other females, despite years of therapy. We got back together about 6 months ago after our beloved dog died and we got to talking and she ended up flying back to where I live to be together. I thought we’d worked on ourselves enough that it’d work out this time, I’ve stopped abusing substances and removed myself from an industry that was taxing on our relationship, yet for reasons I don’t fully understand, we’re on the verge of breaking up again, we’re having a week apart but I feel the writing is on the wall. The thought of starting the grieving process yet again is too overwhelming to overcome, I’ve done it more times than I can remember in the last 6 years, and yes I’m an idiot for putting myself in this position again but what’s done is done. I simply can’t go through it again, it’s a pain I can’t fathom enduring yet again and I feel suicide is the only option.
How might someone with medical anxiety phrase their feelings?
Suicidal ideations can be scary, almost surreal Note: I am not actually considering killing myself ...but... I own a .22 handgun. When I'm home alone I sometimes think about how quick and easy it would be to grab my gun, put in the clip, safety off, cock the gun, put it up against my head, pull the trigger, done. Then I can imagine my parents coming home and finding me in my room, unresponsive, bullet in the head, blood, no longer in this world, gone forever. They would be completely devastated. The main reason it's so scary is because, unlike most other methods, a life can change within seconds; it will be no more. It might be weird, but just thinking about it makes my heart race.
How might a person express their medical anxiety in a statement?
i’m about to kill myself my daughter is teething and she just bit the inside of my wrist extremely hard and it triggered me because i have medical related ptsd and i almost hit her and felt the need to punch or throw something after i feel like a god awful mother my boyfriend has been abusing me for almost a year now mentally and on new year’s eve i planned my suicide just to prove to him how bad he hurts me i can’t take any thing in this life anymore and he’s right that my daughter would be better off without me. i’m so scared to kill myself but i see no other future for myself anymore
What could a person with medical anxiety say?
Please help me. Plwase They keep telling me to jump why would they tell me god they won’t stop
What is a sentence that reflects the thoughts of someone with medical anxiety?
I'm so confused I've always looked at harming myself and suicide really illogical. But recently they're are the only tr thoughts that have filled my head. Everytime I think about them the more appealing the idea seems. I'm sick of feeling this worthless, therapy used to help for me but I've gone really downhill recently and I just want it all over. But I'd also fell so selfish even thought the reason I've got to this place is because of those people I'd feel selfish on. I just dont know what to do.
What is an example of a spoken sentence that shows medical anxiety?
Permanent solution. Repost I've decided to die. This isn't a particularly unique event, because it's something I 'decide' to do every single day. But I never really take myself too seriously. I've always believed that since my scheduled date to die is always far into the future, that it's never going to actually happen. I've believed that one day my therapy and anti depressants (I'm on several) would make this thought, this feeling, this desire go away. But today is the first day where I know with something very close to absolute certainty, that it's the right path for me. I haven't feared death since sometime after undergrad. It's inevitable for all of us and if you're capable of thinking like me for a moment you might even call it beautiful. The idea of my decomposing body giving back to the earth, my 'energy' being recycled by the universe...well it makes me feel like death isn't the end. Obviously it's the end of me as a person, and probably the end of my soul if you believe in such things, but it's not the end. I'll continue, just as we'll all continue Shortly after death stopped being something to fear, I realized I don't particularly enjoy living. I'm saying shortly, but there was likely years in between these two realizations, but I don't know for sure. All I know is I can clearly remember a time where I did not think about dying every day and that time existed before I realized death wasn't something to fear.  So here there I was many years ago with the realization that death is ok, and the realization that I don't enjoy life, but I never did anything about it. My reason, which I think is a reason many people in my position have, was that I didn't want to hurt my family, the only people that I believe to love me. I've been willing to endure this thing called life that on it's worst days (like today) is painful beyond words, and on it's best days is just a minor annoyance. I've been willing to endure something that never brings me any pleasure, because I don't want to hurt the people who love me, and who I love tremendously. I don't mean to say it like it's some noble act...some noble sacrifice that I'm making... It's not, I'm just telling you, whoever you are, why I've decided continue up until this point...and why I've always scheduled my date to die far off into the future. I've just been waiting, and hoping, that life would give me a way to die that would not destroy the ones I love But life hates me, or at the very least it doesn't care about me, and so that magical thing that would suddenly make my death more bearable for my family, it will never occur. I don't have that kind of luck So today, as I'm sitting here dealing with one of the more painful events of my life (I'll tell you about it in a few), I've decided that I need to prioritize myself for once. And even though it will hurt the ones that I love, and likely change them forever, they will almost certainly survive.  So my current plan, is not a plan in the traditional sense because I'm still not quite sure how I'll die, which is a little strange given that I've thought about it every day. But it's a difficult decision and there just don't seem to be any good options. So I'm not focusing on that part anymore...the method will present itself when the time comes. My plan consists of two parts: 1. I will give myself daily and constant positive reinforcement (or negative reinforcement depending on your perspective).  2. I will embrace the pain in my life rather than run from it, and try to fix it like I usually do, hopefully getting myself to the point where I no longer think about anyone or anything else but my pain, making the whole ordeal easier for myself.  For step 1, I've written my intentions on my whiteboards, so that I'll see them every day. I've set daily reminders on my phone for when I wake up and when I go to sleep. And I've schedule emails to arrive three times a day in perpetuity reminding myself about what I need to do.  Step 2, well I guess this is where I tell you about today. I've been in a relationship the last year and half that has been particularly challenging. The most challenging I've ever been in, and it's been the source of a great deal of pain. You see, I've never been cheated on before. Even though I'm old and unmarried it isn't because I'm a bad partner, or unlovable. I'm almost certain I'm a great partner...primarily because every girlfriend I've ever had as told me as much. And I make a deliberate effort to be great to my partner every single day. It feels like it's important so I treat it like it's important. I support her financially and emotionally. I make sure to support her and encourage her. I do that thing that men are prone to do and try to solve her problems, but I don't just solve them....I also listen. I have a great deal of empathy so it's easy. And because I love her, her problems feel like my problems and her pain feels like my pain, so I do everything in my power to take that pain away and replace it with joy whenever I can. I make sure to tell her shes loved every single day. She's been the victim of some pretty severe emotional abuse and it's affected her confidence with regard to her ability to 'succeed' in life. So I send her a message in the morning and at night on most days telling her how amazing she is and that she'll be successful beyond her wildest dreams.  Something else that might be important to note is that she is.....unusually beautiful. I'm not just saying that because I love her, I say it because it's impossible for us to be out in public without us being stopped 5 times for people to tell her how beautiful she is. Every single time we're out in public. Growing up being told you're beautiful hundreds of times a week sounds awesome, but it has sadly made her very insecure. That insecurity combined with her fear of being unsuccessful (because that's what her family tells her everyday) has made her lead her life with her looks. Even though it's not necessarily her favorite thing about herself, she prioritizes it above all else because she feels like it's all she has. It's a feeling I understand, not because I'm beautiful myself, but because I can understand how a persons perception of themselves can be warped when their mother tells them they won't amount to anything on a daily basis.  I'm telling you this about my girlfriends looks because I wanted to explain to you why I send her those messages every morning and every night telling her how amazing she is. I'm trying my best to cancel out the negative reinforcement she gets from her mother. I'm trying to help her battle years and years of verbal abuse. I hope that if I tell her enough, and tell her in great detail the specific ways in which shes amazing, she'll one day believe it...and one day know like I know that she has much more to offer this world than her looks. Back to the point, before this relationship I'd never been cheated on before. But in the year and a half that she and I have been together, I have been cheated on with 16 people. Not 16 times....16 people. Some of these people she's slept with tens or possibly even hundreds of times. For a brief period she was even in a relationship with one of them.  16 people feels like a lot of cheating for a year and a half. I personally have never heard of anyone cheating that much. Perhaps I'm just ignorant about how it works given it's my first time dealing with it, but 16 people seems exorbitant... Regardless, I'm not taking it well. I've never taken it well. And each instance hurt more than the last. So here I am today, 3 days after finding out about the 16th person and I've had enough. I originally thought that I could soldier on like I have with the previous 15 people, but tonight I found out that she and this new person didn't use condoms at all. I also found out they had sex 8 times in a 5 day period. I don't know why, but the knowledge of these two things is just too much... Well that's not true, I know exactly why and I suppose I'll tell you, but I'm getting tired of writing this story so I'll rush through it. She and I used to have sex all the time. Our sexual chemistry is other worldly. When we're in the zone it feels like less of a physical act and more of a spiritual one. I've been a bit of a man whore in my life and I've never experienced anything quite like it. But ever since the first time she cheated our the frequency of our sexual escapades has diminished significantly. To the point where I'm lucky if we have sex once a week. So finding out that she slept with him 8 times in 5 days....well that just destroys me. The visualizations destroy me. The insecurity of feeling like she prefers him destroys me. And the knowledge that she was so unconcerned about my feelings and my health that she let it happen without condoms, well it makes me feel worthless... And yes, I know it doesn't make any sense for me to have my feelings of self worth tied to how I'm treated by the people I love. I know it objectively, but I've never been able to feel it. And so any remaining bit of worthiness I felt after the 15th time, has been destroyed by the knowledge of this 16th person.  It's not the most interesting story; people get cheated on every day. But it's my story.  Why would I continue to do something I don't enjoy (life) when the person I love most in this world doesn't value me enough to at least wear condoms when she cheats on me? I feel like that's a pretty low bar...wearing condoms when you cheat....but apparently I'm not worth the effort. And so I'm done. I'm convinced. I'm ready. And so I'll enact my plan of daily and continuous positive reinforcement and I'll embrace the pain I currently feel and any pain that the universe has in store for me in the next few days or weeks that I remain here. I don't know why I'm telling you this. I just really needed to tell someone. since I don't plan to leave a note. And I think perhaps, that the part of me that doesn't want to destroy the ones I love, is hoping that someone, somewhere, has something to say that I've not yet considered, that might allow me to stay just a little bit longer... But no pressure. I'm very ok with my decisions to die.  As an aside, I think it's pretty weird how common it is for people to want to die, but not want to kill themselves because of they don't want to hurt the ones they love. It's sad that life is so unpleasant for so many people and I wish they didn't have to endure so much pain PS. I originally intended to proofread this, but it's longer than I anticipated, and I simply don't have the energy or the interest in reading my own drivel. Plus I don't think anyone will read it so what's the point, right? Lol PPS. My girlfriend is not a bad person. I cannot, no matter how hard I try, figure out why she's unable to be loyal, or show empathy for how I feel, but I know with 100% certainty that she is good. She is dealing with quite a bit of pain of her own, and while my pain drives me to go overboard trying to be 'good', her pain causes her to do lot's of things that aren't good. She's working on it though, and she'll get past it, because I know she wants to. I also know she loves me. Well I'm 99% sure. I probably sound naive, and maybe I am in a lot of ways, but there have been lots of things in the relationship that I haven't described here that lead me to the conclusion that how someone feels, and how they act, aren't always aligned. And in this case, my girlfriend loves me, but deals with her pain in ways that aren't that great for me..... PPPS. I've likely contradicted myself several times in this note. I'm ok with that. If there's one thing I've learned in my 30+ years it's that cognitive dissonance is very real. It's not at all hard to hold two opposing beliefs at once....and I hold many. I'd also like to say that although I spent a great deal of time talking about my girlfriend's beauty, and the 'spirituality' of our sex life, neither of these things has much to do with why I love her. I'm just talking about the things that are currently on my mind and given the specific nature of event that has made me certain that I need to die, they seemed appropriate. 
What is a sentence that could be said by a person suffering from medical anxiety?
I told myself if things haven't gotten better by graduation I'd kill myself. They aren't any better and graduation is basically here. Graduation is almost here and things only got worse. My so called best friend told me she doesn't feel bad for hurting me so much, in fact she says it's my fault I don't want her fucking a guy who hurt me a lot. Says I'm standing in the way of her happiness. I've survived so much these past 4 years of college. An extremely abusive relationship where I feared for my life and got raped, people using me for my friend who said the crap above, people who were awful to me. I got into graduate school today, my dream and what I thought I'd keep living for. I always thought if I can get to this point, I'd be okay. I can't see myself going past the end of undergraduate. Its blank. If there is anything there, it's me all alone, with a family that belongs on /r/raisedbynarcissists or /r/justnofamily. That's not worth it. I've tried everything. I've had so many therapists, mental health doctors, psychiatrists, I take my medicine faithfully hoping to get better. It doesn't happen. It wouldn't matter to anyone if I was gone, in fact it would be a fucking relief to them. No more worrying or caring about me, it would be easier if they didn't have to worry about me. I always played these stupid games or deals with myself. "If it doesn't get better by point X, it's okay to kill myself." And things always got better by that point. It got better in high school, it got better a few years in college. It always worked. But it isn't getting better now and I can't handle it. I'm so fucking scared and alone and I can't handle it anymore. I just want this to be over so I don't have to pretend for appearances anymore. I stopped going to class. I dropped organizations that were toxic for me and thought it would help but nothing has helped me. I keep fucking trying but it doesn't mean shit.
Can you give an example of dialogue showing medical anxiety?
3 Days That's how much I'm giving myself. Again. We're 4 suicide attempts (in this year only) later and I've only gotten worse. How does that shit even happen?? Mind you, I do get help, in total 11 people that help me. They come to my house. Psychologists, psychiatrists, life coach, school coach, you name it. They're all here to observe every little mishap, trying to pin point where it all went wrong. Only I know that the moment someone died to birth me did it go wrong. I know, typical. And no, I'm not speaking of my mom. She's very much alive and even more a bitch. I'm referring to whoever in the world died the exact moment I popped out and took my first breath. I'd love to trade. I don't want to do the usual zapping on about how tired I am, how everything sucks ass (with hemorrhoids. Yes, it's that bad), how miserable and pathetic I feel and how nothing I do makes a positive impact in my life as well as others'. Been there, done that. For now, I just wanna be pissed. Fuck my parents for fucking, fuck the earth for continuing to rotate, fuck my organs and fuck whoever did or didn't put them together. Fuck it all and fuck it some more. It's unbelievable how some of us get to live like this, daily, with no way out. Just a few unreliable escapes. Truly, nothing actually helps. I've been doing this for years and I'm only 18. Guess how many years. Yeah, again, it's that bad. It's horrendous, it stinks, it's awful and it hurts every moment that I'm aware of my existence. Yet, it won't stop. Life's a slow and stupid bitch, Goddamnit. Back to the point, 3 days. And I'm out. No dreams of making even the tiniest change will pull me back this time. No love from anything or anyone will lessen the hatred my very soul experiences simply by having to go on and on and fucking on. I'm out. 3 days of preparing, of leaving and of a few bullshit goodbyes that won't put the hearts of my loved ones together anyways; another failure. Even in death. How horrible. I don't hope. Even that I've forgotten how to do. Processing things takes less time now, putting them in a place of horror goes even faster. I've become a machine at this point. I take things and I destroy them. Luckily, I am self destructive. In fact, it's a power of mine. So in 3 days, I'll be doing exactly what I've been taught to all my life, what I was prepared for to do. I will succeed in destructing the very source of this reality of mine that came to be. Isn't that powerful? In 3 days I will die to give birth.
What would a person say to convey their medical anxiety?
I got a good idea for you. Sort by new, find someone posting and pm them and try to support them. I've done that many times and people really appreciate it. We're all lonely afterall. Give it a shot.
How might someone with medical anxiety phrase their feelings?
I don't know what to do. Please help me. If anyone has time, please just text me via telegram. username: @Augmented_Mike I feel weak and alone, I don't know what to do. Please help me.
How might someone with medical anxiety phrase their feelings?
I would pay all my money to hire someone to kill me I've been thinking about this for years and years. I would gather all the money just to let someone come to my house and strangle me Ideally in the bed because I picture myself facing down and relaxed while he strangles me to death, using a very, very tight noose. and I will sleep the best sleep in my life everytime I think about this. I'm so fucking tired.
What is an example of a spoken sentence that shows medical anxiety?
I feel like a disgusting human being and I can't see a way out i used to pretend to be into all kinds of fucked up sexual shit for attention because i thought it made me look cool. i pretended to be into hardcore bdsm, blood, amputation, needles, latex. and i just feel sick to the stomach when i think about it. i talked to a lot of people about it because i thought it made me look cool. i was extremely in the closet and in denial about my identity, and only felt like i had worth if i was being taken advantage of by men. i lied to people online and said i was an adult talking about this stuff. knowing i talked about it makes me feel sick. i feel so disgusted with myself. i can barely choke down a meal because i feel so disgusted. i want to throw up. i don't feel like i can escape this
Can you provide an example of a sentence that someone with medical anxiety might say?
I want to die I’m too crazy to live. My craziness was confirmed to me earlier tonight by you. It’s none other than my own fault (and it was well on its way before I met you all those years ago). I want to work on it, I’ve been trying to for months but it’s a slow process. My mind feels fractured into many little parts. I can’t seem to find any of the iridescent ones. It’s all stained, worn down pieces that don’t fit their respective parts anymore. You’ve reminded me that I said I can’t feel care for anyone, including myself. You’ve reminded me that I’ve just turned into someone who compensated for their life not going anywhere. You’ve reminded me of my irresponsibilities, my wrong doings, my apathy. You’ve reminded me I’m lost. You’ve told me I’m heartless. Despite the fact that I know these things, I didn’t make much of an effort to tell you I was trying to mitigate and work on it - I didn’t want to make promises I couldn’t fulfill. It’s so confusing to try and win back the feeling of love when it ‘s left your own body. You don’t know where to start. Often I find myself in situations knowing that I should be feeling love and care but my heart is empty. I don’t want to feel empty, just as you don’t want to feel unloved. And still we’ve come to an impasse. I don’t think I’ll find my way out of this one, and you may have been the one to show it to me tonight, but deep down I knew I’d catch up to myself sooner or later.
How might a person express their medical anxiety in a sentence?
I'm the worst person ever and I deserve to die for supporting piracy..... T_T For the longest time, I have been testing out countless video game emulators and downloading roms only because their games were recommended by reviewers. But then very recently I found out that the very notion of downloading ANYTHING I don't own is illegal and will result in a death sentence!!! I have been doing that constantly with games and even more obscure movies to a lesser extent! I am just the worst person ever for committing a crime and I am going to fucking kill myself right now!!!
Can you provide a sentence that shows someone is anxious about their health?
Hopeless For the first time in my life, I feel hopeless. 22M and I have experiencing swollen ankles and feet for about 2 days now. My mom and brother don’t know why this is happening. I don’t have any health insurance whatsoever and I’m afraid that I’ll die or have my legs chopped. My brother and mother are worrying and it’s making everyone get on edge. I hate feeling like a burden to my family, especially because we’re too poor to see a doctor. Idk what to do, I’ve never felt this kind of terror in my life. I contemplate killing myself to get rid of the burden I’m putting on everyone. I hate this feeling and idk how to deal with it. I’ve never felt so hopeless in my life. Sometimes I just wish god did me in quick and painless. Why suffer? Cruel World.
How might someone express their feelings of medical anxiety verbally?
Really want to kill myself. Life's been tough. I've had a fucked up shitty life. I'm a 29 yo male. From the UK. I was raised by good parents. Brought up religious as a Jehovah witness against my will which was not good. Suffered some mild sexual abuse there when I was around 8-9. The dudes dead now so what's the point in mentioning it. Plus the fact it's a guys embarrassing and hard to tell people about. Plus every one thinks I'm mental anyway so no one would fucking believe me. Never spoke to anyone about it till now on or offline. Got picked on in school. Was then groomed again by a older man online when I was age 12-14 but more serious with blackmail etc. Got forced to sit GCSE s I had no interest in at school. I then Crashed in a vehicle and didn't even get a chance or anything to sit any tests as I was in hospital with several broken bones. Just dashed to the side like usual. Kicked out of home at 16 for nothing.I Started work for my dads company shortly after but getting paid was a chore and rare. That's the only job I ever had that was legal. Then my mum died when I was 18 which was more than hard. Dad lost everything including the house and the will to carry on. I then started drug dealing to feed myself and keep a roof over my head. With the drugs came addicition. I may have partook in some horrible crimes such as kidnap and attempted murder along the way and caused missery untold. Dodged jail somehow several times. Things picked up I seemed to sort myself out at least financially and socially but didn't last long. I have had a major gambling problem since the age of 17 I've lost hundereds of thousands. I earned all this drug dealing not in a honest way. This all stopped shortly after and I'd class this as my peak in life. After that its all further downhill. I have been with the same partner for years and she's very sly. Lies constantly and I can't do with it my paranoia is killing me. We had a daughter who I love unconditionally but I know she would be better without me, she's 4 now and I think I'd be best doing it now and not later so I don't ruin her life from my actions.. I'm in very bad health now and all the doctors and nurses etc just seem to fob me off left right and centre. I've been overprescribed antibiotics to the point they don't work. My lungs hurt and burn all the time. Yet I'm getting no proper doctors treatment. It's not like I haven't tried and tried to get help to no avail. I've confined in family friends and my partner but they all just shrug shoulders n come out with some bullshit like aw no u'll be fine or some shit like that. I'm deadly serious about this now. The only way to sort my head out Is to end it all. I'm just gutted cos I know it's gonna fuck my dads head up and I love him to bits. My sister's not so much they'd soon get over it. My daughter's going to be at an age soon when she's going to need a good role model and man in her life and I'm neither. My heads fucked completely I need to end my life before I just kill a load of people or do something as equally crazy. I have no real friends and Everytime I'm with so called friends I feel like there all talking about me but I can't make out what there saying. Laughing etc. I'm really fed up I know people just want to get away from me and don't want to be around me. Worst thing is I've done a lot for a lot of these people and they just take take take. I'm disgusted with the whole world and everyone in it and just fucking hate everything. Part of me wants to go out with a bang but I have a daughter to think about. Ideas how I can do it please as I need to end this shit tonight or I'll just Potter about like some muppet my mind's made up. I can afford anything needed to do it. Thought about a big fat bag of heroin but knowing my luck I'd survive it. Probably to like it and get hooked on another drug knowing my addictive personality. I swear I could write a fucking book on the shit I've missed out on here 😂
Can you give a sentence that reflects medical anxiety?
Gonna blow my brains out tonight Hmu if you want my stuff, I'll make sure it's paid for and shipped before I do the deed.
Can you give an example of dialogue showing medical anxiety?
Can't take it any longer I hate writing these things and I hate expressing how I feel. Not sure why I'm doing this. I'll start like this I'm 31 years old and I remember thinking about about suicide for the first time at 10 years old. There have been many attempts, many hospitalizations but no successes. I never thought I'd live to be an adult. Then to 21, then 25... and on and on. I never made any future plans because I always knew I'd kill myself. Throughout the years each time I go through these depressed states I'd get deeper and deeper into a depression. My happy times become shorter and further apart. But somehow I've lived this long. A year and a half ago was the last time I felt happy, I got engaged. It was a very brief happiness. I even got married last week. It was the worst day of my life. Don't get me wrong I love him. But he doesn't love me. He loves who he wishes I was. Not who I am. Which is miserable and pathetic. It became obvious to me the day before the wedding and I started freaking out knowing that now it wouldn't be as easy to not have a way out. I can't just kill myself when I have a husband and a stepdaughter. But I want nothing more than to kill myself now. I am absolutely miserable. If I stay any longer I know I will make things worse for my husband and my stepdaughter. My mind is just on repeat. Playing the same heart wrenching events over and over. I'm sick to my stomach thinking about it. I can't stop crying and I've cancelled our honeymoon. I think I'm just going to stay home and catch the bus instead. I can't bear it any longer. Sooner is better than later.
How might someone articulate their medical anxiety?
When I’m alone... when i don’t have a distraction, this is what i want If this is the case and has been for a decade If i won’t ever be successful If i won’t be me If it sounds like a painful existence to constantly chase distractions to stop suicide... what’s the point really
Can you give a sentence that exemplifies medical anxiety?
New here, so how do you people do it? Every year I don’t do it, I want to do it more. The longer I don’t do it the harder is gets to think about attempting. My last attempt was a little over a year ago, and I’ve really been wanting to try again recently. It’s just a constantly larger feeling and tearing at my mental to not do it but to want to do it. I’m on medication and I’ve talked to professionals, so I’m just wondering how you great people manage yourselves. Maybe I could learn a thing or two to help.
What is an example of verbalizing medical anxiety?
I can't tell if I tried commiting suicide or not This is my first posting on Reddit so forgive me if I'm rambling. For the past two years my family situation has been rough, but these past 4 months since I moved into my step dads house the situation went from bad to just utter shit. Last Sunday, I woke up feeling more depressed than usual, absolutely miserable wishing I never woke up in the first place. I go downstairs to try to ignore what I'm feeling and my family begins to lay into me first thing in the morning. So around seven am I take three Tylenol pills, not realising they were extra strength I took 1,500 mg in one shot. I hoped that maybe it would calm me down and relax me but it didnt. So another hou rolls by and after an argument with my mom about my step dad I freak out internally and i take four more, hoping maybe this will help me calm me. Then another hour passes later I take another 3. I'm still feeling really shitty so I decide fuck it and I take another two. By now I've taken 13 extra strength Tylenol which adds up to 6,000 mg. I'm a very petite and thin person, I only weigh 100 pounds if that. So not surprising by the afternoon I get violently ill and I spent the rest of my day not being able to walk, talk or function other than puke. My body had cold sweats but I was also hot and burning. My skin was paper white and I couldn't see straight. I felt like I was dreaming and everything was slow and choppy. I was so disorientated and I couldn't make send of anything. I called a friend and we talked until the worst of the symptoms passed cause I was very scared and in a lot of pain. But after taking a 6 hour nap I woke up with a sore stomach and wasn't able to eat for the rest of the day but overall ok. My question now is, I can't tell if I was trying to kill myself or if I was just being stupid. I always thought suicide attempts were supposed to be more clear cut and premeditated, this just feels like I was being an ass and trying to get attention. I have a lot of self destructive tendencies, I've been self harming on and off since I was twelve (I'm currently 16) and I've almost been diagnosed with depression at least two times in my life time, I never followed through with any diagnosis since my mom doesn't believe in depression even though my therapist seemed insistent on wanting to run a psych eval on me. I've also have been preoccupied with death since I could remember. I'm feeling better now, I'm glad I woke up the next day ok but I just feel very confused if anyone can help me that would be great. If you read this ramble I really appreciate it.
Can you give an example of what a person with medical anxiety might articulate?
I've lost my friends and moved away from everything I knew I have had a bad sequence of events over and over. I was sick and tired of my job so I started the job hunt. I found a job was given a job offer signed it and returned it. They told me I was okay to turn in my two weeks notice so I did. Then they still required a polygraph test. I showed up for the test and was disqualified. Now unemployed I was desperate for a job. I felt hopeless so I attempted suicide. I failed obviously and turned to three of my closest friends for help. They all turned me away told me to talk to a therapist because they couldn't help me. Now they don't respond to my texts. Thanks to one remaining friend I was able to get a job halfway across the country but now I have only one friend whom I don't want to tear away from his family. I have no family here I have only one friend here. I love my job but I hate everything about my life. I just want to fade away. I want to kill myself but I don't want my financial burdens to fall on my dad who co-signed on loans for me. I would turn to him for help but he failed me once before and I can't trust him again because he led to my sister's suicide. Why should I continue to live? I don't contribute to anything. I've lost my faith and I've lost my friends and family. I'm pointless and lost.
What is an example of a sentence that shows someone is experiencing medical anxiety?
any advice for writing a note/ last will? Tonight is the night folks and I'm writing my note to my boyfriend, who is my biggest, and only, support system and will be truly heartbroken. I want to try to ease his pain as much as possible with this note and let him know that I am finally at peace and to let him know that I want him to move on. Any advice?
What is a sentence that reflects the thoughts of someone with medical anxiety?
Can I go to the hospital when feeling suicidal if I haven’t physically harmed myself? I know I don’t want to harm myself but I need to go somewhere before I give in, do normal hospitals let suicidal people stay for a few hours? Is there anywhere else I can go for support until the feeling passes? (Bearing in mind it’s midnight here)
How might a person describe their medical anxiety in a sentence?
Is killing myself to spite my dad a fucked up thing to do? I feel like he, my brother, and everyone in my family fucking deserves it. My mom recently died. The person who abused me to no end. So I hope she’s burning in hell Meanwhile my family is crying over her like she’s a good person. My aunt is a bitch so I don’t talk to her. My dad has his ways but I was always close to him Till he invalidated me last night I’m done. I’ve been treated like shit by every family and friend and therapy doesn’t work. So fuck. I’d like to see my dad see me dead so he can break down and cry. I want him to suffer for how he made me feel.
Can you provide a sentence that shows someone is anxious about their health?
There is one place I want to visit before I kill myself. - https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mapim%C3%AD_Silent_Zone (18/M) I’m not going to visit there for another decade or two because I want to afford it by myself and the other reason is to see how much will change in my bullshit life by then. One thing is for certain though I’m going to visit there regardless of how much has changed.
Can you give an example of a sentence spoken by someone with medical anxiety?
i’ve been suicidal for as long as i can remember. it’s gotten to the point where i don’t even want to talk about it because it feels pointless. i’m not actively suicidal the way i have been in the past (it’s almost been a year since my last attempt...yay!) but i am still passively suicidal, and that never seems to vanish. i am diagnosed with PTSD, major depressive disorder, and generalized anxiety. i’m almost certain that isn’t all i’m suffering with, but due to several things i haven’t exactly gotten the treatment i need. i’m very aware of this. i guess more than anything i need to put my feelings out there. somewhere. i really struggle to see the point in living, period. i have a really hard time experiencing happiness. i do a really good job of fooling people, too, because of my bubbly personality. but feeling true happiness is very difficult for me. i have things i enjoy. i’m living with my boyfriend who i want to marry. i have a video game i really like playing. im going to art college in a year to pursue my dream. i have things going for me. but there’s a never ending emptiness that doesn’t vanish. i have a really really difficult time making friends and socializing. due to this, i’m pretty isolated almost all of the time, and have been my entire life. i cut my dad out for being abusive and my mother has never really been a motherly figure to me. my best friend moved across the country half a year ago and we lost contact, not completely but it’s definitely COMPLETELY different than it used to be. i have a really hard time doing basic things. i can’t socialize for more than a few hours without feeling like i’m going to snap. i’m tired all the time. i had to quit my job because it was making me very extremely actively suicidal again because i didn’t feel like i was doing anything meaningful. i feel so lost. all the time. i feel like i don’t belong here, and like i’m too broken to enjoy life the way others can. even though i’m technically in the best place i’ve ever been in (for most of my life i’ve had absolutely nobody and have been actively bullied and picked on, which isn’t an issue anymore, and my boyfriend loves and cares for me) i’m still just.... so sad. all the time. i don’t want to be this way. i’ve spent my entire life trying to heal so i won’t feel this way. and i’m still working on it. i guess what i’m trying to say is that unless things take a really rough turn, which i’m hoping they don’t, i’m not going to be ending my life anytime soon, but i’m also not anywhere close to enjoying being alive. and it really, really sucks.
How might someone with medical anxiety phrase their feelings?
Tonight I will drink this and finally be happy. Goodbye. In a few hours I will take my life by drinking SA in water. I should have done this a long time ago but thought that things could get better. I had hope that things would change, that I could change. But I was wrong, there is no fix for this. The only thing left to do is to make my exit from this shit hole. I should have died when I was a infant, my parents should have not had me get the operation so I could just die off. I should have died when I ran in front of the bus when I was 6 years old, I should have died when the two cars hit me and they didn't stop to check if I was alright. Life for me has been nothing but pain, misery, and pointless suffering. It is time I end this.... And to thomas and mom, I am sorry. You'll just have to go on without me, in time you will heal. Just focus on living the best life you can and have as much fun as possible. I leave you all my things, and the money I've been saving up from work. Where I'm going I won't need anything. Also do not try to resuscitate my body nor get close to it. You will be poisoned. I'll leave a sign on the door as a warning. ​ I feel almost nothing as I am typing this, the only thing I feel is the black hole in my chest. It has always been eating away at me, there is nothing left to give it. My time is up.
What might a person say to express their medical anxiety?
I Don't give a shit about people who loves me Even when I am not suicidal, I don't give a shit about people who loves me when thinking on killing myself, curiously the only thing that makes me feel bad is my cat. She would be so confused not knowing where I am.
What might a person say to express their medical anxiety?
My life fucking sucks Ill keep it short and simple. Dropped out of college, havent told friends or parents literally have to pretend i go to school so they dont ask, been going for about a year. Girl I was seeing ended up seeing multiple people behind my back, family sucks, friends suck, and it physically hurts to get up in the morning knowing i have to go out when i just wanna stay inside my room curl up and cry all day long. so there, somebody please tell me why is it worth it to keep going, really why? At this point i know its a bitches way out, the cowards pussy whatever you wanna call it but you know what life fucking sucks why should i keep going when its just going to keep kicking me down. seriously why
What might a person say to express their medical anxiety?
I need someone to talk to Just took a Clonazepam trying to numb myself, I can't take this pain, can't keep going, just want to take a blade and cut my skin everywhere and see that red blood and somehow get some fucking release. Idk man All I need is someone I can talk to and someone who will fucking care about me and I will do the same for them. But, no, everyone ghosts me. I'm tired of this. I just need someone who won't abandon me even though I'm boring. I mean come on, if I can't entertain you 24 hours, you will just leave me? What does that even mean? Is friend a commodity now? I don't know maybe I'm wrong, maybe i'm expecting too much but I will still try. I need online friends a little about me Female, almost 23 Hobbies: nothing Likes:nothing...well, philosophy, imagination, daydreaming Dislikes: most humans and my life Now I always think of death, self harm. I'm full of illnesses, mental mostly. The girl I was, an innocent, loving, soft, pure, smiling girl with lots of hopes and dreams....is gone, idk Again I tried and pretended to be a positive, all happy girl a few years ago but it got too painful Even after reading all this, if someone really wants to be my friend, please leave a message
Can you provide an example of a medical anxiety statement?
I want to die. This isn't new. Two weeks ago I was inpatient a week for being suicidal, and a few weeks before that I was inpatient again and again a few weeks before that(I'm really good at following the rules to get out, but not good at staying out). I have bipolar 1, PTSD, GAD with panic attacks, OCD, ADHD and probably something else. I'm fucked. Lately I have been massively depressed, and also having these really disturbing dissociation episodes from my PTSD(my doctor thinks). They are like kinda like psychotic episodes, with my brain screaming and hallucinations. All day long my brain yells how I'm a piece a shit and should kill myself. >< I self harmed last night(not a new thing) and was just looking up what a lethal dose of my meds would be. My Mom and I just got in a huge fight because I was trying to explain to her that she doesn't seem to get how messed up I am(she was making me clean the whole house, and then kept adding more chores). She said I was being mean and yelled at me a bunch, made me feel like shit. I've been crying in my room, planning my death ever since. If I had a physical illness she would treat me differently... Then on top of it all... in a few weeks is the anniversary of my husbands suicide. The doctors think that's why things are especially bad. I can't help but wonder if I kill myself, if I will get to see him and be with him again. His family is so kind to me. Way different than my own. They help a lot. I don't want to hurt them, but it just gets so hard to keep on going. I hate myself so much. I just want to die. I go through all the options... >< Uhg... why can't I be "normal"... fuck mental illness. Long post, sorry.
Can you provide an example of a sentence that someone with medical anxiety might say?
Hmmm. Well i thought 2019 could be a fresh start. But i guess this is rather the end.
What is an example of verbalizing medical anxiety?
Chronic suicidal ideation Has anyone else been feeling suicidal for as long as they can remember? Ever since their childhood. For like nearly a decade, on the daily basis, like you don’t know any better than to feel this way. If so how do you cope with it?
How might someone with medical anxiety express their fears?
My life isn't bad enough for me to kill myself, so I'll wait until things get worse, or maybe even improve for me... ...I said, 4 years ago. I get absolutely no enjoyment out of being alive. I feel nothing but hatred, anger and obsession. I'm still in school so I'm just sort of trundling along to see if things will get better, or if I'll finally break and kill myself. I'm so bored.
Can you provide an example of a medical anxiety statement?
I’ve been planning for a while and that day has been getting closer I’ve always felt like something has been wrong with me, as far back as to 5th grade I remember feeling like I was an outcast or that all my friends really didn’t like to hang out with me but they felt bad. To preface I wouldn’t say I’m an outcast or someone who isn’t approachable, this isn’t meant to be some kind of brag but I’m fairly well known and like around my school (18 M) but part of me feels like it’s all fake. I started cutting when I was in 6th grade since that was always the easiest way to make myself feel pain, well feel something more than anguish or desolation, but it always hangs around in the back of my mind. Years go on under the same circumstances and I manage to isolate and ruin any chance of a relationship or friendship with anyone. I’ve thought about seeking help for what ever may be wrong with me but under my circumstances it’s pretty much null. My parents got a call from my counselor saying that I have suicidal thoughts and tendencies and that didn’t sit very well with them. Don’t get me wrong, they’re not horrible parents but they just don’t get “it” they seemed so betrayed when they learned that I didn’t want to be around anymore, it doesn’t fit their Christian view. I learned that I needed to get better at pretending around them and anyone who could get me on the spot again. It doesn’t really help that I’ve been a closeted bi-curious individual since I was a sophomore in high school and it fills me with shame whenever I’m around my parents, like they failed with one of their 3 kids. Nonetheless, I’ve held off killing myself until the next big “event” whatever that may be. But recently, it’s been getting harder and harder to see a reason to go on. My junior year in school was among the most draining, I worked a full time job in order to pay for my necessities and I was fully enveloped in my honors program at school. Long hours and late nights with little sleep turned my attention to vaping and alcohol and smoking and fiending for any pills I could buy off my friends who had the ability to get Percocet or Xanax. The cutting continues and I’ve been planning on driving to edge of town and shooting myself one of these days but I don’t want to hurt anyone else, I’ve managed to isolate and eliminate myself from my “friends” and phase myself out of my family to the point where I lay in bed in my room all day either working on school or working a job that I can use to avoid being around anyone who could possibly care, even though I feel like they don’t. My last tasks coming up to this date is to write letters to everyone, to answer any questions and dispel any idea of wonder as to why I did it. There’s a lot more to type but I can’t seem to put words well enough on a page, even here I feel like I’m just posting this for attention when I just need help, my last legitimate moments as a person, even if I barely consider myself that anymore rather than an unfeeling husk of a man, I just want to feel genuine needed as the person I am and not the one I pretend to be. Thank you to anyone who read this, I hope I didn’t waste any time.
What could a person with medical anxiety say?
Need a push over the edge Two days ago, I had an encounter when I went shopping in the evening. It's winter and so it was already quite dark, when I stopped to secure my bike. I observed someone harass a woman from the corner of my eye, she walked away pretty fast from that person, it all happened very fast. As I stood there, still occupied with my bike, the stranger approached me right after the woman walked away, talking to me. I'm always wearing hearing protection when I'm in traffic, so I didn't hear what he said exactly, but I didn't want to be harassed so I just said "No, thank you. Good evening". He then proceeded to walk by me, very slowly, and hissed something hardly intelligible, something along the lines of "careful, I might slice you right open". I felt like [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t6qQSll7InQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t6qQSll7InQ) I stood there and starred as he walked to the next person, a taxi driver. They shook hands and went inside the super market together. ​ I couldn't breath, I couldn't think, I felt like puking on the floor. Part of me wanted to get aggressive and shout what he meant by his comment, part of me wanted to cry and run away. Nothing happened, I just couldn't breath, felt like I was suffocating. ​ Somehow I got my feet to move and so I went inside, I heard that the employes talked on their radio, saying that "he" was back and that they should watch for potential shoplifting. It took me about 20 minutes to feel better, not quite normal or good, but reasonably better so I could finish my shopping and go home. My appetite was gone for that day. Tried to think of something else and fell asleep for two hours, woke up, fell asleep again, having nightmares of watching my family sitting together and talking about me loathing and hatred, waking up, fell asleep again, friends doing the same. Got little sleep that night and felt like shite the next day (and this day). ​ I hate everything about what happened there. I hate this guy, but I hate myself much more. I hate how much this affected me and how horrible I've felt since it happened. Having trouble to think of something else than suicide. ​
What is an example of a spoken sentence that shows medical anxiety?
I wanna die Everything is pointless, I'm tired, and I just want to die
Can you provide a quote from someone dealing with medical anxiety?
SO left me and my addict sibling is missing I’m so goddamn tired of being the one everyone has to rely on. I can barely keep my own life together, but everyone around me expects me to save them. I can’t do it anymore. I just want to fucking die. No one ever helps me because I keep it together very well in public. I try to reach out for help but chicken out because I hate hate HATE being weak. I can’t fucking do this anymore. I fucking can’t.
What is a typical expression of medical anxiety in words?
I want to kill myself when this lockdown is over, but my parents have invested too much time and money into me for me to do that with a clear conscience. There's nothing for me to look forward to when all this is over. I have one year of college left and I'm not at all prepared for what comes after that. I wake up every morning in fear of whatever's next. All I'm gonna be doing is paying bills, jumping through all kinds of hoops just to be tolerated, and making a girl miserable. Whenever I open up about my problems, no one takes me seriously except my therapist, and I can't even talk to him that often because he's not covered by my family's insurance. Almost everywhere else I go on this site, there's some asshole who will tell me to man up and get over it. I want to buy a gun and blow my brains out as soon as I can leave the house, but my parents have put a big chunk of their life savings into getting me into college and paying for therapy. The only reason they could afford to send me to college in the first place is because my dad works there, so if I offed myself now he and all his colleagues and former students who know me would be devastated. What little motivation I had when I started college is almost gone. Usually my only focus is getting to the end of the week. I only enjoy playing video games and occasionally getting drunk with one of my friends (who I can't even hang out with now) and I still have online classes which suck almost as much as the real thing. I know that I have the time to get my life together if I wanted to, but I don't. I kinda hope COVID-19 kills me, but it probably won't because I'm young and my family takes this social distancing thing really seriously. I kinda hope it kills everyone else too, even though that's highly unlikely. Humans are trash, myself included. The only good thing about a globalized economy is that it's easier for the entire system to fail if one thing goes wrong.
Can you give an example of a sentence spoken by someone with medical anxiety?
Parents divorce I don’t know if this is the right place for this but here goes, My dad is saying ( I think threatening is the wrong word but I was going to use it) that he is going to kill himself (I can tell he is being serous) if the divorce between him and my mom results in her getting some of his pension. I don’t understand anything about how it works but at the moment that’s not a priority. It’s been a messy process so far and I for one believe him. I don’t want to but I can’t help thinking of it now it’s been said multiple times (even to me personally) I think I have some anxiety/social anxiety if that makes any differnace. It’s only started recently and no one knows about my feelings. I don’t have the closest/ best relationship with my dad but that’s beside the point I’m sure everyone would feel the same. I’m 17 years old, and can’t do anything about the situation. The divorce isn’t the issue, in fact it’s probably a good that it happens. But having him said that I’m really worry about what will happen. Every time he goes out I think of it. I don’t know what I’d do or how I’d cope. If I seeked help of either of them regarding this kind of thing they would just tell me that it’s because of the other person and just gloss over how I’m feeling. I don’t really know what I’m asking or anything, maybe just after some advice or reassurance. Thanks 🙏🏻
What could a person say if they are suffering from medical anxiety?
I don’t know what to do. I can’t take the constant lies my mother makes. She lies about everything I do, I get food out of the fridge, she says I threw it everything on the floor and now says she will put me in military school. She constantly belittles me saying I’m worthless, lazy and extremely embarrassing. My father is dead and my brother is in jail, my sister slaps me anytime I go near her and if I try to talk to her she screams at me. I just don’t know what to do.
How might a person express their medical anxiety in a statement?
Should I go to the ER, or just sleep it off? I took about 250mg of codeine and I've been drinking pretty heavily all day. I don't want to scare my friends and family for something that was just an impulse. Should I just go sleep this off?
What is a sentence that shows a person is suffering from medical anxiety?
at the end of this month i’ll be dead i never thought id make it to age 16 when i tried the first time but here i am at age 18, trying again. if i dont succeed now im fleeing the goddamn country. my parents are basically driving me towards it, my own mother has told me to go die when she found out about my self harm. she has never been understanding of mental health nor will she ever do her research. she doesnt feel bad at all when she tells me my self harm is my own fault and that im making up my problems. ive had these problems since i was 8 years old. im not gonna ramble for too long but i really cant stand being alive at this point. the only reason i am is because i know my cat is gonna wonder where i went lmao. i have nothing to live for at all, nothing i look forward to and no one to talk to as friends. im unwanted and im good for nothing in this world. i really would be better off dead. once again i didnt mean to make it this long and sorry for formatting, am on my phone.
Can you provide an example of a sentence that expresses medical anxiety?
Please I'm 15, and it's been 2 years already since I wanted to stop existing. I'm just disappointing myself every day. I really need to talk to someone about this, but whenever I do people don't take me sireously. I'm asking fro honest help, I can't resist this feeling anymore. The fact that I am constantly thinking about suicide, it's pros and cons and everything related to it, makes me see the kind of person I am. Again, if someone can please help me, not just with the usual message of "it's not worth it, there's still hope, etc" but with something else... My life totally sucks rn, and I can't stop thinking about this.
Can you provide an example of a medical anxiety statement?
I truly feel like I don’t have any other options. hi, I am a 19 year old girl. I currently am in nursing school, and work part time in retail. This is my story. I was 5 years old when I was diagnosed with Type one diabetes. I would say that was the very start of the long road I’ve been on. I lived in a house with my mom and dad and brother, who was 2 years younger than me. Around the time I was diagnosed with diabetes, my brother was diagnosed with Angelman Syndrome, a severe disability causing developmental issues, epilepsy, etc. Since he was a baby he was sentenced a life to forever being bound to a wheel chair, and being taken care of by others, to eat, bathe, use the bathroom, etc. As a child, the entire world revolves around having a special needs child in the house. My parents were constantly in the hospital with my brother, and he took all of their time and attention. They often forgot about me, and didn’t take me to the dentist, or spend time with me, or anything. On top of this, my dad would always be very awful to me when he was angry. He would talk to me like I was an adult when I was a child. He told me what suicide was, and how people hurt themselves, when I was 5. I started to do those things to myself. My dad always told me I was different than other kids and I was messed up mentally. When I was 5, there was one point my brother was in the hospital, and my parents locked me in a room because I was having a tantrum. My dad took zip ties, and tied my hands together and left me in there. I kicked my door until it caved in, and he threw me in a car and took me to a mental hospital. He is a very smart and manipulative person, and he told the staff I was trying to hurt myself, and they admitted me. While I was in the hospital, I shared a room with a girl who explained to me how she tried to hang herself, and how her dad sexually assaulted her. I remember being surrounded by teenagers who were psychotic around me, I was the youngest kid there. I got released and struggled with anxiety my whole life. As a kid, every time I got anxious my dad would yell at me and threaten me. If I talked back to him, he would grab me and dig his nails into my arms and scream in my face at the top of his lungs. He would drag me and slap me, etc. He would tell me I’m worthless and stupid and self centered. My mom seemed to almost get kick out of it whenever my dad abused me, she almost enjoyed it. She never stopped it from happening. I got bullied in school, and I struggled to have a social life because of this. Really everything in life has been a struggle for me. On top of my family issues, I’ve lived with type one diabetes, and dealing with it on my own. I also got diagnosed later on with Hashimotos disease and PCOS. When I was 13, my brother got diagnosed with terminal respiratory failure. He was given a prognosis of 6 months to live. In order for him to stay alive, my parents had to keep an oxygen tube in his mouth all night so his oxygen wouldn’t desat and he wouldn’t die. (He won’t keep a cannula in he just rips it out). My dads dedicated his life to taking care of my brother ever since. My dad is also sick himself with severe rheumatoid arthritis, so he barely functions. My parents don’t take good care of my brother. He is 250lbs, and 6ft tall. They lift him in and out of his bed with no lift. His bed is locked, he can’t get out of it, it’s basically a cage. He pees all over his mattress and they don’t clean in. They leave molding diapers of his on the floor. On top of this, my parents have lots of animals they don’t take care of. There is dog shit and piss all over the house. My dad punishes the dogs by hanging them by a collar. My room as a child didn’t have a window in it, and most things in the house are broken. There are missing floors, cabinets, shelves, etc. my dad sleeps on a couch next to my brothers bed. The house is absolutely disgusting. Anyways, my brother is not in school, and neither of my parents work. The house they live In my grandma pays for(who hates them and won’t talk to them or me) for some reason. My mom gets money for taking care of my brother. My brother is too sick to go to school, so they just keep him in a chair all day to watch movies on repeat. He doesn’t see the light of day. He is in a dark basement with no lights. He is either locked in his chair, or his bed. They don’t even put diapers on him anymore they let him sleep naked and he has bed sores. They refuse to accept that he is too much for them to take care of, and they let it ruin their lives. When I was 18, I was friends with someone online in Australia, and I decided to visit him. He tried to kill me and chased me with a knife while I was there, which I guess it pretty traumatizing. I now currently live with my boyfriend, and he’s one of the only people I have. We used to be friends online as well, but he moved here and we got together in person. I’ve been in a very bad place mentally, constantly fighting with him and being miserable. I can tell I’m destroying him and making his life miserable too. I currently have no where else to go besides here, because I cannot make lots of money or I lose my Medicaid insurance. I cannot afford my health bills and go to college if I’m not on Medicaid. My boyfriend hates me, I can tell. When I start crying or having panic attacks he just ignores me because he doesn’t want to deal with it. All I do is complain and make him miserable, and I hate that about myself. I’ve made him completely resent me, and I don’t know if there’s any going back. I do still currently talk to my parents, I try to keep a distant relationship. They do help me pay for my car insurance( they threaten to take away if I make any decisions in my life that they disagree with, like changing my degree major) which I could not afford on my own. I also recently got a new puppy with my boyfriend, hoping it would bring emotional support to my life, but I cannot give the puppy the attention that it needs. I most likely need to get rid of him, which makes me hate myself even more. I’m currently laying in bed next to my boyfriend in tears while I write this, wanting to slit my fucking wrists until I die. He has work tomorrow and doesn’t want to deal with me, and he shouldn’t have to. I feel completely broken and don’t know where to go from here. I’m scared of medication, and I’m scared of therapy. I get constant thoughts of hurting myself or ripping my hair or eyes out. I think about negative things constantly. I’ve tried medicine as a kid and I’ve tried a few as an adult. I also went to therapy as a child and that didn’t work for me, they just told me to move away from my parents. Anyways, that’s really all for my rant. I really don’t know where to go from here. So yeah.
Can you give an example of dialogue showing medical anxiety?
Why can’t I stop making suicide jokes that clearly make other people uncomfortable but usually give me a genuine chuckle? It’s not gonna stop me but after saying shit like “oh yeah keep laughing it’s funny as fuck when you ring shit in 2 minutes to close, yeah they’re gonna think it’s really funny when they gotta finally splurge on some hood vent cleaning guys to scrape my brains and skull bits into little plastic baggies” to which the waitresses usually get quiet and leave my kitchen. At least it’s getting them to shut the fuck up amirite? For the minute...
How would a person voice their medical anxiety in words?
Boyfriend had suicide plan I've never posted before but I feel at a loss and can't seem to find anything online similar so figured I'd post. Bit of backstory my boyfriend (5 years) had called me while I was at work on Monday saying that he was checking himself into a mental health hospital. I knew roughly why he would be there but it was still such a shock to me. It wasnt until a few days later that he opened up to me and said that he had made a plan and chose out the weapon but decided after his therapy session that he didnt want to do it anymore. So it's a weird in between spot. While he didnt necessarily attempt suicide he was damn close. Closer than I ever could have imagined. I had just started a new job with a bakery about a month ago and then this happened. I've had a hard time coping with everything and so I told my boss I probably wouldn't be back until the following Monday. Fast forward to Friday I get a call from one of my friends who helped get me the job and she's saying that my work team is trying to be understanding but that they think and my friend thinks I'm being immature and irresponsible for not going to work. My friend even went far enough to say that maybe I wasn't strong enough for my boyfriend since I couldn't find it in myself to go to work through this. I guess I'm asking for advice. My friend said my work is talking about cutting my hours since now I've shown I'm not reliable even though before this happened I had never so much as shown up late before or called out. What would you do? I feel at a loss because yes I realize I should be working but I don't know how to face my work after this especially knowing they are annoyed with me.
How might someone with medical anxiety express their fears?
Too afraid to live I would never kill myself but I dont want myself any longer to exist. I want to vanish and disappear. I dont want to die I just wish I never would have existed. One less person in my family. One less person in this world. I hate that i feel this way trust me i hate that I'm like this i would give anything to wake up and just be happy and positive i would love love love love love that so much. But that's not me, this is me and I will probably forever be unhappy. I hate that. I'll probably never find someone to truly love me because I hate everything and everyone and I hate myself. Who could ever love that? I'm unlovable, completely alone. I wish I was just not here. But not dead just not here.
Can you provide an example of a sentence that someone with medical anxiety might say?
Overdose Can you over dose on klonopin and adderall? What if I take it at the same time or with alcohol. I’m 5’5 and 205. (Overweight for my height)
Can you provide an example of what someone with medical anxiety might say?
I don’t even like writing this Does anyone else ever feel like a pussy for not having committed suicide successfully? I feel like i shouldn’t be here, there are so many other people more deserving than i am
What would a person with medical anxiety say?
What the fuck is the point? Seriously, what's the point of living? There's no guarantees in life. Everything crumbles and disintegrates and nothing is worth it. My boyfriend will eventually leave me, my family doesn't really give a shit, my job is stressful and I can't do anything to help anyone... Why keep living? The longer I'm alive, the less I can justify to keep me here. Why the fuck did I have to survive my last attempt?
Can you give an example of what someone anxious about their health might say?
I'm just tired. I know I need help. But it's so hard finding it. I've tried counselors, therapists, group therapy, friends, alcohol, weed, nicotine, cutting, burning, purging. I've had soft plans (ideas) but I can't perfect the final step. My only struggle is the mess. I would rather blink out of existence than leave a body. Honestly I dont even know why I'm posting here. I know someone I know will see it, but I'd rather he didnt. I'd rather anonymity (that's your cue to ignore this, sweetie). I just dont know what to do anymore. I dont know where to reach for help. The hotlines only get me so far... and everything is always the same. How do I stop the "bad thoughts" I guess... I'd rather just die, but i understand that's not what everyone around me wants...
What is an example of a statement from a person with medical anxiety?
Ending it right now! Thought i'd just post a farewell note here, The reason for my suicide is that i have been going through issues all my life, things have happened and i have dealt with them but something is always left on me, mental issues mainly, For the past 5 months i have been dealing with someone who was an ex friend, i didn't want to be friends with that person anymore because they were violent and two faced, they got involved in an argument i had with another friend and, bare in mind these people are 15+ years old and i'm 22, i didn't become friends with them through strange means i was initially friends with one person who i met through a mother who is not with the father, the mother and older brother who is older than me introduced me to their son and thats how the friendship started, who then introduced me to his friends. the son is in legal custody of the father. ​ Nothing illegal or wrong has happened but ever since i stopped being friends with two of these people they have spouted lies on top of lies to get me in trouble or to get me hated, when it started, the boy put online that i abuse kids mentally and sexually and that i should be attacked for it. and that i was a pedophile I called the police over this and they dealt with it, not to mention he made threats on top of threats to attack me. ​ ​ 5 months on i was getting over the betrayal and lies as it died down, the boy was still harassing my other friends and trying to use them to get to me. When only recently has it gone out of control. they have been going to other peoples houses, people who know me, and telling them the same lies they were warned about not to say anymore. The family also claim that i'm a hacker stalker who has been stealing money and shutting down social media accounts, The father of my friend came over initially to hear our side of the story as he claimed he wanted to know whats happened, he then went out and spoke to the people making lies and came back an hour later to spout the same lies and claims they were making, saying that i was grooming his son and that i am lying, this is when i grabbed a knife and sliced my own neck open, to which he left and my mother called an ambulance, i was checked over and i was told to stay in for surgery, i didn't want to stay in and convinced them to let me come back promising that i will come back tomorrow and that i wont attempt to end it again. ​ TL;DR ​ I only wanted to come back home to end it...so i am. the reason why i'm ending it is not because i'm guilty of these accusations, i'm ending it because i have been bullied and tormented all my life, having people believe these lies feels like the ultimate betrayal and having the police do little about it is even worse which allows it to continue. ​ The boy i mentioned above who spreaded the lies is dating a 19 yr old girl who got with him when he was 14. i have never had a relationship in my life or even spoken to a child sexually yet i'm the pedo. i have worked with CEOP and IWF before to expose real pedos, people who contacted me before asking them to help deal with it because i had knowledge of stuff like that. ​ I have even offered to the police to take my devices so they could investigate and prove the lies to be false. i'm not sure if they plan to do so but i am innocent, the reason why i want to end it is because people are saying these things about me and its being spread, on top of my mental health issues like PTSD. i can't live like that, i can't live with people thinking i'm a pedo. There is no evidence, i have evidence of them making lies and threats. ​ Not sure anymore. i'm downing pills now and drinking alcohol, of which i hope to sleep and not awaken.
What could a person say if they are suffering from medical anxiety?
There are things that can't change First of all, I apologise for my poor English, I'm not an English speaker. I have a body deformity since I born. I went to like 10 different medics trying to fix it, but there is not a solution for my problem. You can argue that nobody is perfect, but this has affected me all my life. Even a girl broke up with me because of this problem, and many girls (all of them) had rejected me because of the same reason. If it will always affect me and will never have a solution, what's the point in keep living? All it's lost for people like me. (Yeah, I know that sex and relationships are not the only things in life, but it's not much of a life without those things.)
How might someone with medical anxiety express their fears?
I need someone to talk to I really need someone to talk to, i really want to end it all but cant because of my family its just this overwhelming feeling of wanted to just end things im exhausted of trying again and again and again just to get fucked over feels like no matter what i do things are always out of my control, i genuinely cant see myself alive in the next year or two
How might a person express their medical anxiety in a statement?
I want to die but I love my puppy My dad relapsed on heroine. Which sounds like a really stupid reason to die. But I finally had a family, living with my dad, my boyfriend, and my dog. In a house I love (my gram died and left it to us) and that got destroyed by months of my dad lying to my face about using. And I just feel so absolutely powerless. My mother is schizophrenic and had Munchausen by proxy. I haven't felt like myself in years and I don't know why and I don't want to kill myself but I don't want to live. It doesn't make sense, I love my job, I love my boyfriend, my friends, but the single most important reason for me to not die is a dog that I've had only a few months. I know I should go to therapy and I had a wonderful therapist but it took so long to find one that didn't tell me to suck it up. My boyfriend left for the night and I just keep thinking about the medicine in my cabinet that would feel so good to take and then I just wouldn't wake up tomorrow. ... But my puppy, my Lily. She'd miss me. And so I'm in bed crying trying to find a stranger who doesn't think I'm insane.
Can you provide an example of what someone with medical anxiety might say?
I’m tired Contemplating ending my life as soon as I arrive home from my vacation. I’m just not strong enough for this life. It has been such a pain existing and I’m pretty much ready to end it at this point.
What is an example of a sentence that shows someone is experiencing medical anxiety?
Want to die, can't die Many of my friends are as depressed as me, I don't want to cause any fucking domino effect. My mother already lived through too much of a bullshit. I think I'd cause her wa
Can you give a sentence that exemplifies medical anxiety?
Isolating myself/getting ready Can't work any more due to anxiety. Slowly pushing people away. Two weeks ago I made the insane decision to deliberately cause a row with my bf so that we split up. He was the only person keeping me semi-sane. Just a couple of family members to go and then I can leave because no one will care.
What is something a person with medical anxiety might say?
No friends, no therapist. Homeless in two weeks. If you're always kind of on the edge..? Fight with brother/landlord. Can't stop crying. Been calling around all morning for drop in counseling which doesn't exist. Not willing to get committed and can't afford the bill. Trying to make a plan but am undiagnosed adult autistic and I can't see all the things at once. No one to speak to and afraid to go home without a plan to show.
What would a person say to convey their medical anxiety?
Engineering having a rough time Hey guys, I'm a 4th year engineering student at a university in canada. About a year ago I had a falling out with a few people in my friend circle, and have been having a hard time finding any group of people that I can hang out with without creating tension with some of these people. There have been multiple occasions of these former-friends calling me out online and basically telling me I should kill myself over stuff like this. I've been in a really bad headspace for quite a long time now, and this one exam I'm studying for tomorrow morning is really putting me over the edge. One of the few people I've got in my life that I can always talk to about this stuff looks like she's gone to bed for the night, and I really can't find any way to calm down. To make things worse I still have about half of the class's content I need to go over tonight, and have been getting "how's the studying going?" texts from my parents all day. Any help is really appreciated.
Can you give a sentence that demonstrates medical anxiety?
Why do good people suffer? I want nothing more than to move away from the suburbs (parents) and start a modest homestead. I have no higher aspirations. This is what everything I do is aiming to achieve. And the world has continued to crush my hopes; working at a job sucks and doesn't help my depression. All land is now owned by someone, even if it is totally abandoned and nobody else would have a problem with someone moving onto it. I will not give up. I have felt meaning before in little moments. It can be achieved. It is worth struggling for in my eyes. I cry a lot. I am often sad or resentful because of the people around me.
How might someone verbalize their medical anxiety?
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