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Star Trek: The Next Generation ![(8K)](/st-tng/pics/fed_logo.gif)![Star Trek: The Next Generation (27K)](/st-tng/pics/title.gif)![(8K)](/st-tng/pics/fed_logo.gif) ![](/st-tng/pics/hrule.gif) [![(38K)](/st-tng/pics/index.gif)](cgi-bin/imagemap/index) | | | --- | | | | 1987 | | 1994 | | ``Star Trek: The Next Generation'' was created by [Gene Roddenberry](roddenberry.html) | | [(13K)](cgi-bin/imagemap/cast-index) | ## [Episodes](/st-tng/episodes.html) -o- [Cast](/st-tng/cast.html) -o- [Trivia](/st-tng/trivia.html) [Search](/st-tng/search.html) -o- [Notes](/st-tng/notes.html) [What's New (June/10/1995)](/st-tng/whatsnew.html) --- ![](/st-tng/images/paramount.gif) [![Andrew Tong](/st-tng/pics/stamp.gif)](notes.html) Technical design, graphic design, interactive features, HTML & CGI programming by [Andrew Tong](/~werdna/). || All materials Copyright © 1987-1995 by their respective authors. || Document created: ***May 23, 1994*** || Last Modified: ***March 12, 1995*** **This site is STATIC, saved for historical purposes as one of the FIRST Star-Trek Fan sites on the internet 1994!** --- Welcome, Microsoft users Powered by [](       Sponsored by [36EL Registry](
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<html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252"> <meta name="GENERATOR" content="Microsoft FrontPage 4.0"> <meta name="keywords" content="Irish Midi Files, Irish Songs, Irish Music, Irish Song Lyrics, Irish Midis, Karaokes, Karaoke Files, Irish Karaokes, Irish Karaoke Files, Guitaraokes"> <meta name="ProgId" content="FrontPage.Editor.Document"> <title></title> <bgsound src="A%20Song%20Of%20Home/A%20Song%20Of%20Home%20Bb%20120%20FINAL.MID" loop="-1"> <meta name="Microsoft Theme" content="safari 011, default"> <meta name="Microsoft Border" content="tb, default"> </head> <body background="_themes/safari/saftextr.jpg" bgcolor="#000000" text="#CCCCCC" link="#CC9933" vlink="#999966" alink="#FFCC33"><!--msnavigation--><table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%"><tr><td><!--mstheme--><font face="Trebuchet MS, Arial, Helvetica"> <p align="center"><b><font face="Times New Roman" size="5" color="#FF0000"><a href="index.htm">&nbsp;Home</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="lyrics.htm">Irish Lyrics</a> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="midifiles.htm">Irish Midi Files</a> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="karaokes.htm">Irish Karaokes</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="original_songs.htm">Original Songs</a></font></b> </p> <p align="center"><b><font face="Times New Roman" size="5" color="#FF0000">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="my_family1.htm">My Family</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="frank_lennon.htm">Frank Lennon</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="estepona.htm">Estepona</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="an_irish_blessing.htm">An Irish Blessing&nbsp;&nbsp;</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="learn_an_irish_song.htm">Learn An Irish Song</a></font></b> </p> <p align="center"><b><font face="Times New Roman" size="5" color="#FF0000"> <a href="guitar_lyrics.htm">Guitar Class Lyrics</a>&nbsp; &nbsp; <a href="guitar_class_sheets.htm">Guitar Class Sheets</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="Guitar%20Class%20Mpegs/">Guitar Class Videos and MP3s&nbsp;&nbsp;</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="Session%20Recordings/">Recording Sessions</a> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</font></b> </p> <p align="center"><b><font face="Times New Roman" size="5" color="#FF0000"><a href="a_song_that_changed_my_life.htm">A Song That Influenced My Life</a> </font><font face="Times New Roman" size="5" color="#CC9900">(&quot;Tom Dooley&quot;)</font></b> </p> <p align="center"><b><a href=""><font face="Times New Roman" size="5" color="#00FF00"></font></a></b> </p> <p align="center"><img border="0" src="Ukraine/Ukrainain%20flag.jpg" width="466" height="313"></p> <h1 align="center"><!--mstheme--><font color="#CC6600"><font color="#00FF00">THIS WEBSITE SUPPORTS THE UKRAINIAN PEOPLE IN THEIR STRUGGLE</font><!--mstheme--></font></h1> <p align="center">&nbsp; </p> <!--mstheme--></font></td></tr><!--msnavigation--></table><!--msnavigation--><table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%"><tr><!--msnavigation--><td valign="top"><!--mstheme--><font face="Trebuchet MS, Arial, Helvetica"> <p align="center">&nbsp;</p> <p align="center"><img border="0" src="images/lennon_large.jpg" width="168" height="225"></p> <p align="center"><b><font face="Courier New" color="#00FF00" size="6">Frank Lennon's</font></b></p> <p align="center"><b><font face="Arial Black" size="7" color="#FFFF00"><img border="0" src="flag.gif" width="68" height="50">&nbsp; </font><font face="Arial Black" size="7" color="#FFCC00">&quot;IRISH MIDI FILES&quot;&nbsp;</font><font face="Arial Black" size="7" color="#FFFF00"> <img border="0" src="flag.gif" width="68" height="50">&nbsp;</font></b></p> <p align="center"><b><font face="Arial Black" size="7" color="#FF0000">and</font></b></p> <p align="center"><b><font face="Arial Black" size="7" color="#00FF00">&quot;IRISH KARAOKES&quot;</font><font face="Arial Black" size="7" color="#00CCFF">&nbsp;</font></b></p> <p align="center"><img border="0" src="images/earth.gif" width="100" height="100"></p> <i><b> <p align="center"><u><font face="Times New Roman" color="#FF0000" size="4">ALL TITLES ARRANGED BY FRANK LENNON</font></u></p> <font face="Times New Roman" size="3" color="#00FF00"> <p align="center"><u><font face="Times New Roman" size="4" color="#FF0000">PLEASE ACKNOWLEDGE IF POSTING ON ANOTHER WEBSITE</font></u></p> <p align="center"><font face="Times New Roman" color="#00FF00" size="2">[IF YOU WISH TO POST ANY OF THESE MIDI FILES ON YOUR OWN WEBSITE PLEASE FEEL FREE TO DO SO BUT ALSO PLEASE GIVE RECOGNITION TO THE FACT THAT I ARRANGED THESE IRISH MIDI FILES, BY POSTING&nbsp; WITH THEM, MY NAME AND/OR WEBSITE ADDRESS]</font></p> <p align="center"><font face="Times New Roman" size="3" color="#FF0000">(while some of these songs may not be of Irish origin, they will be heard played in Irish bars)</font></p> <p align="center">(NB: Midi Files are like Karaoke without the words. If you click on a midi file it should use your soundcard to play. If you have a good soundcard and the midi file is well arranged it should sound realistic like music on a CD. Midi files may be song tracks, symphonies, jingles etc.)</p> </font> </b> <font face="Times New Roman" size="3" color="#00FF00"> <p align="left"><font face="Times New Roman" size="4" color="#FFFF00">All </font> </font><font face="Times New Roman" size="4" color="#FFFF00">my Irish </font><font color="#FFFF00"><font face="Times New Roman" size="3">M</font><font face="Times New Roman" size="4">id</font></font><font face="Times New Roman" size="4" color="#FFFF00">i<font face="Times New Roman" size="3" color="#00FF00"> </font><font face="Times New Roman">F</font></font><font face="Times New Roman" size="3" color="#00FF00"><font face="Times New Roman" size="4" color="#FFFF00">iles were arranged using the 128 GM sounds and settings on a Korg&nbsp; NS5R Sound Module and Roland's &quot;Virtual Sound Canvas&quot;. As your sound source may be different, these MIDI files may require tweaking. For example, instead of using the mandolin sound from one of the many NS5R sound banks, I chose instead to &quot;create&quot; the sound using one of the GM guitar sounds as these GM sounds can be found on almost all sound sources. While this is acceptable on my sound source, some changes may be required on your sound source. My tenor banjo sound may also need fixing. Other settings such as reverb, chorus, transpose etc may need re-aligning. These files were all arranged to closely resemble a typical Irish ballad group (I used to play in one called &quot;Folklore&quot; many years ago) with a possible selection of guitar, 5 string banjo, tenor banjo, flute, tin whistle, bodhran and bass - no uileann pipes sound is possible as not even the GM bagpipes&nbsp; sound is anywhere near realistic. I have used poetic licence to enhance many of the songs to sound the way I would love to have them sound. These files may be used in the teaching or learning of Irish songs or &quot;ballads&quot; as they're called here in Ireland or indeed may be used as backing tracks in a &quot;live&quot; performance situation. As a matter of fact you will find that most of them have intros, endings, key changes, additional instrumental verses etc. for use as &quot;live&quot; backing tracks so haul out that guitar, hitch your sound source to a PA system, crank up the volume, open the &quot;lyrics&quot; page and a bottle of Guinness and pretend you're in your favourite Irish singing pub in Dublin and you're the singer!!!!!!!!</font></p> <div align="center"><p> <a href=""> <img src="" border="0" width="100" height="35" /></a> <a href=""> <img src="" border="0" width="100" height="35" /></a> </div> <div align="center"><p> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </font><font face="Times New Roman" size="3" color="#FFFF00"><span style="background-color: #000000">You are visitor number<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>to my Irish Midi&nbsp; website </font><font face="Times New Roman" size="3" color="#00FF00"><br> </div> </font></i> <b><i> <font face="Times New Roman" size="3" color="#00FF00"> <p align="center"> <font face="Times New Roman" size="3" color="#FFFF00"></noscript></font> </font> </i> </b> <!--mstheme--></font><!--msnavigation--></td></tr><!--msnavigation--></table><!--msnavigation--><table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%"><tr><td><!--mstheme--><font face="Trebuchet MS, Arial, Helvetica"> <p align="center"> <i><font face="Times New Roman" size="3" color="#00FF00"><b><a href=";i=g44-80286-7e"><img alt="Guestbook" border="0" src="" width="198" height="99"/></a> </b> </font></i> <p align="center"><b><font face="Times New Roman" size="5" color="#FF0000"><a href="index.htm">&nbsp;Home</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="lyrics.htm">Irish Lyrics</a> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="midifiles.htm">Irish Midi Files</a> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="karaokes.htm">Irish Karaokes</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="original_songs.htm">Original Songs&nbsp;</a></font></b> <p align="center"><b><font face="Times New Roman" size="5" color="#FF0000">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="my_family1.htm">My Family</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="frank_lennon.htm">Frank Lennon</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="estepona.htm">Estepona</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="an_irish_blessing.htm">An Irish Blessing</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="learn_an_irish_song.htm">Learn An Irish Song</a></font></b> <p align="center"><b><font face="Times New Roman" size="5" color="#FF0000"> <a href="guitar_lyrics.htm">Guitar Class Lyrics</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="guitar_class_sheets.htm">Guitar Class Sheets</a>&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="Guitar%20Class%20Mpegs/">Guitar Class Videos and MP3s&nbsp;</a>&nbsp; <a href="Session%20Recordings/">Recording Sessions&nbsp;</a></font></b> <p align="center"><b><font face="Times New Roman" size="5" color="#FF0000"><a href="a_song_that_changed_my_life.htm">A Song That Influenced My Life&nbsp;&nbsp;</a> </font><font face="Times New Roman" size="5" color="#CC9900">(&quot;Tom Dooley&quot;)</font></b> <p align="center"><b><a href=""><font face="Times New Roman" size="5" color="#00FF00"></font></a></b><!--mstheme--></font></td></tr><!--msnavigation--></table></body> </html>
| | | --- | | **[Home](index.htm)     [Irish Lyrics](lyrics.htm)     [Irish Midi Files](midifiles.htm)     [Irish Karaokes](karaokes.htm)   [Original Songs](original_songs.htm)** **[My Family](my_family1.htm)    [Frank Lennon](frank_lennon.htm)   [Estepona](estepona.htm)   [An Irish Blessing](an_irish_blessing.htm)    [Learn An Irish Song](learn_an_irish_song.htm)** **[Guitar Class Lyrics](guitar_lyrics.htm)    [Guitar Class Sheets](guitar_class_sheets.htm)   [Guitar Class Videos and MP3s](Guitar%20Class%20Mpegs/)  [Recording Sessions](Session%20Recordings/)** **[A Song That Influenced My Life](a_song_that_changed_my_life.htm) ("Tom Dooley")** **[](** THIS WEBSITE SUPPORTS THE UKRAINIAN PEOPLE IN THEIR STRUGGLE   | | | | --- | |   **Frank Lennon's** **"IRISH MIDI FILES"** **and** **"IRISH KARAOKES"** ***ALL TITLES ARRANGED BY FRANK LENNON PLEASE ACKNOWLEDGE IF POSTING ON ANOTHER WEBSITE [IF YOU WISH TO POST ANY OF THESE MIDI FILES ON YOUR OWN WEBSITE PLEASE FEEL FREE TO DO SO BUT ALSO PLEASE GIVE RECOGNITION TO THE FACT THAT I ARRANGED THESE IRISH MIDI FILES, BY POSTING  WITH THEM, MY NAME AND/OR WEBSITE ADDRESS] (while some of these songs may not be of Irish origin, they will be heard played in Irish bars) (NB: Midi Files are like Karaoke without the words. If you click on a midi file it should use your soundcard to play. If you have a good soundcard and the midi file is well arranged it should sound realistic like music on a CD. Midi files may be song tracks, symphonies, jingles etc.)** All my Irish Midi Files were arranged using the 128 GM sounds and settings on a Korg  NS5R Sound Module and Roland's "Virtual Sound Canvas". As your sound source may be different, these MIDI files may require tweaking. For example, instead of using the mandolin sound from one of the many NS5R sound banks, I chose instead to "create" the sound using one of the GM guitar sounds as these GM sounds can be found on almost all sound sources. While this is acceptable on my sound source, some changes may be required on your sound source. My tenor banjo sound may also need fixing. Other settings such as reverb, chorus, transpose etc may need re-aligning. These files were all arranged to closely resemble a typical Irish ballad group (I used to play in one called "Folklore" many years ago) with a possible selection of guitar, 5 string banjo, tenor banjo, flute, tin whistle, bodhran and bass - no uileann pipes sound is possible as not even the GM bagpipes  sound is anywhere near realistic. I have used poetic licence to enhance many of the songs to sound the way I would love to have them sound. These files may be used in the teaching or learning of Irish songs or "ballads" as they're called here in Ireland or indeed may be used as backing tracks in a "live" performance situation. As a matter of fact you will find that most of them have intros, endings, key changes, additional instrumental verses etc. for use as "live" backing tracks so haul out that guitar, hitch your sound source to a PA system, crank up the volume, open the "lyrics" page and a bottle of Guinness and pretend you're in your favourite Irish singing pub in Dublin and you're the singer!!!!!!!!     You are visitor numberto my Irish Midi  website* | | | | --- | | ***[Guestbook](*** **[Home](index.htm)     [Irish Lyrics](lyrics.htm)     [Irish Midi Files](midifiles.htm)     [Irish Karaokes](karaokes.htm)   [Original Songs](original_songs.htm)** **[My Family](my_family1.htm)     [Frank Lennon](frank_lennon.htm)   [Estepona](estepona.htm)   [An Irish Blessing](an_irish_blessing.htm)    [Learn An Irish Song](learn_an_irish_song.htm)** **[Guitar Class Lyrics](guitar_lyrics.htm)    [Guitar Class Sheets](guitar_class_sheets.htm)   [Guitar Class Videos and MP3s](Guitar%20Class%20Mpegs/)  [Recording Sessions](Session%20Recordings/)** **[A Song That Influenced My Life](a_song_that_changed_my_life.htm) ("Tom Dooley")** **[](** |
<HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>How do we measure the distances to things in space?</TITLE> <!-- DO NOT DELETE THIS FILE. IF YOU DO, YOU'LL GET AN ERROR ON YOUR WEB PAGES. --> <!-- THE MASTER FILE RESIDES AT /universe/htdocs/universe/ --> <!-- THAT FILE SHOULD BE EDITED TO COMMENT OUT THE CONTENT WHEN IT'S NOT NEEDED. --> <!-- <br /> <div style="font-weight:bold; color:red; text-align:center; font-size:11pt"> Fri Sep 5 @ 6pm EDT through Sat Sep 6: This web site will be down during a scheduled a/c outage. </div> --> <!-- <div align="center"> <table style="border: 2px solid black; background-color:white; color: black;padding:5px;width:80%"> <tr><td align="center"> <span style="font-size: 12pt;">Due to the government shutdown, information on this website may not be up to date. For information about available government services, visit</span> </td></tr> </table> </div> <br> --> <link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="/docs/StarChild/print.css" media="print"> <!-- Google Analytics --> <script language="javascript" id="_fed_an_ua_tag" src=""></script> </head> <BODY BGCOLOR="#000000" TEXT="#FFFFFF" LINK="#66FFFF" VLINK="#33FF33" ALINK="#FF0000"> <!-- Date --> <H2 align="center">StarChild Question of the Month for November 2001</H2> <H2>Question:</H2> <P>How do we measure the distances to things in space?</P> <!--=====================================--> <P ALIGN="center"><IMG SRC="/Images/heasarc/icons/shut_l.gif" alt="shuttle divider"></P><P> <H2>Answer:</H2> <P>It is not an easy thing to measure the distances to objects in the <A HREF = "/docs/StarChild/glossary_level2/glossary_text.html#universe">universe</A> since these objects are usually very far away. We can't just run out there with a ruler! To measure distances in the universe, we will need to construct what is commonly referred to as a "cosmic distance ladder". In other words, <A HREF = "/docs/StarChild/glossary_level2/glossary_text.html#astronomer">astronomers</A> use different methods to determine the distances to objects; the specific method which is used depends on how far away the object is. But all of the methods are wonderful combinations of science and mathematics!</P> <P>The links below will take you to descriptions of various common methods.</P> <UL> <LI><A HREF="/docs/StarChild/questions/radar.html"> Radar - measuring distances in our solar system</a></LI> <LI><A HREF="/docs/StarChild/questions/parallax.html"> Parallax - measuring distances to nearby stars</a></LI> <LI><A HREF="/docs/StarChild/questions/cepheids.html"> Cepheids - measuring distances in our Galaxy and to nearby galaxies</a></LI> <LI><A HREF="/docs/StarChild/questions/supernovae.html"> Supernovae - measuring distances to other galaxies</a></LI> <LI><A HREF="/docs/StarChild/questions/redshift.html"> Redshift and Hubble's Law - measuring distances to objects far, far away</a> </LI> </UL> <!--==========================================================--> <P ALIGN="center"><IMG SRC="/Images/heasarc/icons/shut_r.gif" alt="shuttle divider"></P><P> <div class="navigation"> <CENTER> <TABLE BORDER=5 CELLPADDING=5 CELLSPACING=5> <TR> <TD ALIGN="center" height="91"><A HREF="/docs/StarChild/StarChild.html"> <IMG BORDER=0 ALT="Return to StarChild homepage" SRC="/Images/StarChild/icons/staricon.gif"></A> <BR> </TD> <TD ALIGN="center" WIDTH=220 height="91"><A HREF="/docs/StarChild/StarChild.html"> Return to the StarChild Main Page</A><BR> </TD> <TD ALIGN="center" WIDTH=220 height="91"><A target="_top" HREF=""> Go to Imagine the Universe!</A> (A site for ages 14 and up.)<BR> </TD> <TD ALIGN="center" height="91"> <A target="_top" HREF=""> <IMG BORDER=0 ALT="Imagine the Universe!" SRC="/Images/StarChild/imagine_small.gif"></A> <BR> </TD></TR> </TABLE> </CENTER> </div> <P> The StarChild site is a service of the <A target="_top" HREF="">High Energy Astrophysics Science Archive Research Center (HEASARC)</A>, <A HREF="">Dr. Alan Smale (Director)</A>, within the <A target="_top" HREF="">Astrophysics Science Division (ASD)</A> at <A target="_top" HREF="">NASA/</A> <A target="_top" HREF="">GSFC</A>.<P> StarChild Authors: <A HREF="/docs/StarChild/team.html">The StarChild Team</A><BR> StarChild Graphics & Music: <A HREF="/docs/StarChild/graphics.html">Acknowledgments </A><BR> StarChild Project Leader: <A HREF="/docs/StarChild/whitlock.html">Dr. Laura A. Whitlock</A><BR> Curator: <webpoc><a href="&#109;&#97;&#105;&#108;&#116;&#111;&#58;&#106;&#111;&#104;&#110;&#46;&#100;&#46;&#109;&#121;&#101;&#114;&#115;&#64;&#110;&#97;&#115;&#97;&#46;&#103;&#111;&#118;">J.D. Myers</a></webpoc><br> Responsible NASA Official: <rno>Phil Newman</rno><P> <div class="navigation"> <A HREF="">Privacy Policy and Important Notices</A> </div> </P> <P> </BODY> </HTML>
How do we measure the distances to things in space? ## StarChild Question of the Month for November 2001 ## Question: How do we measure the distances to things in space? ![shuttle divider](/Images/heasarc/icons/shut_l.gif) ## Answer: It is not an easy thing to measure the distances to objects in the [universe](/docs/StarChild/glossary_level2/glossary_text.html#universe) since these objects are usually very far away. We can't just run out there with a ruler! To measure distances in the universe, we will need to construct what is commonly referred to as a "cosmic distance ladder". In other words, [astronomers](/docs/StarChild/glossary_level2/glossary_text.html#astronomer) use different methods to determine the distances to objects; the specific method which is used depends on how far away the object is. But all of the methods are wonderful combinations of science and mathematics! The links below will take you to descriptions of various common methods. * [Radar - measuring distances in our solar system](/docs/StarChild/questions/radar.html) * [Parallax - measuring distances to nearby stars](/docs/StarChild/questions/parallax.html) * [Cepheids - measuring distances in our Galaxy and to nearby galaxies](/docs/StarChild/questions/cepheids.html) * [Supernovae - measuring distances to other galaxies](/docs/StarChild/questions/supernovae.html) * [Redshift and Hubble's Law - measuring distances to objects far, far away](/docs/StarChild/questions/redshift.html) ![shuttle divider](/Images/heasarc/icons/shut_r.gif) | | | | | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | [Return to StarChild homepage](/docs/StarChild/StarChild.html) | [Return to the StarChild Main Page](/docs/StarChild/StarChild.html) | [Go to Imagine the Universe!]( (A site for ages 14 and up.) | [Imagine the Universe!]( | The StarChild site is a service of the [High Energy Astrophysics Science Archive Research Center (HEASARC)](, [Dr. Alan Smale (Director)](, within the [Astrophysics Science Division (ASD)]( at [NASA/]( [GSFC]( StarChild Authors: [The StarChild Team](/docs/StarChild/team.html) StarChild Graphics & Music: [Acknowledgments](/docs/StarChild/graphics.html) StarChild Project Leader: [Dr. Laura A. Whitlock](/docs/StarChild/whitlock.html) Curator: [J.D. Myers]( Responsible NASA Official: Phil Newman [Privacy Policy and Important Notices](
<html> <body background="back3.gif"> <head> <title> Australian Stone Tools on display in the ANU.</title></head> <body> <center><font size=18>AUSTRALIAN<br> STONE TOOLS<br> on display in the <br>ANU<H3>by <br>Stephanie Hawkins<h3></font></center> <center><img src="stline.gif"><p> <H3>Email me at:</h3> <img src="stline.gif"></center><br> <p><h3> The focus of this web site is a basic appraisal of a collection of Aboriginal Stone Artefacts currently on loan to the Department of Archaeology and Anthropology at the Australian National University from the Australian Museum, Sydney.<p> This web site is aimed at year 12 students or first year university students who have a general interest in Aboriginal history and would to know more about Aboriginal stone tools. <p> Stone Tools play an important role in <a href="Prehistory.html">Australian Aboriginal Prehistory</a>. By making this collection of Aboriginal Stone Tools accessable to everyone it provides an introduction and basic knowledge of Australian Prehistoric Stone Tools. <p> The collection has been divided into <b>function</B> groups that are representative of stone tool types.<br><br> <img align=right height=200 width =180 border=1 src="pmanax.gif"> <br> <ul> <li> <a href="TheCollection.html">THE COLLECTION</a></ul><br> <ul> <li> <a href="StoneWorking.html">Stone Working</a> <li> <a href="WoodWorking.html">Wood Working</a> <li> <a href="FoodPreparation.html">Food Preparation</a> <li> <a href="Hunting.html">Hunting</a> <li> <a href="Ceremonial&Ritual.html">Ceremonial & Ritual</a> <li> <a href="Utility.html">Utility</a></ul><br> <ul> <li> <a href="ast.html">About Stone Tools</a> <li> <a href="mast.html">More About Stone Tools</a></ul> <br> <table> <tr><td><img height=32 width=32 border=2 src="a-z.gif"> <a href="Glossary.html"><b>GLOSSARY</b></a></td><td> <img height=32 width=32 border=2 src="books.gif"> <a href="Bibliography.html"><b>BIBLIOGRAPHY</b></a></td></tr> <tr><td><img height=32 width=32 border=2 src="iconoz.gif"> <a href="Map.html"><b>MAP</b></a></td><td> <img height=32 width=32 border=2 src="sy131a.gif"> <a href="OtherRelatedSites.html"><b>OTHER RELATED SITES</b></a></td></tr></table> <pre> <center><img src="stline.gif"></center> </pre> </body></html>
Australian Stone Tools on display in the ANU. AUSTRALIAN STONE TOOLS on display in the ANU### by Stephanie Hawkins ![](stline.gif) ### Email me at: ![](stline.gif) ### The focus of this web site is a basic appraisal of a collection of Aboriginal Stone Artefacts currently on loan to the Department of Archaeology and Anthropology at the Australian National University from the Australian Museum, Sydney. This web site is aimed at year 12 students or first year university students who have a general interest in Aboriginal history and would to know more about Aboriginal stone tools. Stone Tools play an important role in [Australian Aboriginal Prehistory](Prehistory.html). By making this collection of Aboriginal Stone Tools accessable to everyone it provides an introduction and basic knowledge of Australian Prehistoric Stone Tools. The collection has been divided into **function** groups that are representative of stone tool types. * [THE COLLECTION](TheCollection.html) * [Stone Working](StoneWorking.html)* [Wood Working](WoodWorking.html)* [Food Preparation](FoodPreparation.html)* [Hunting](Hunting.html)* [Ceremonial & Ritual](Ceremonial&Ritual.html)* [Utility](Utility.html) * [About Stone Tools](ast.html)* [More About Stone Tools](mast.html) | | | | --- | --- | | [**GLOSSARY**](Glossary.html) | [**BIBLIOGRAPHY**](Bibliography.html) | | [**MAP**](Map.html) | [**OTHER RELATED SITES**](OtherRelatedSites.html) | ``` ```
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Emphasis is on their usage in ethnic cuisines, particularly in Asia; furthermore, I discuss their history, chemical constituents, and the etymology of their names. Last but not least, there are numerous photos featuring the live plants or the dried spices.<P> To navigate through my site, use the <A class=int onClick="position('search'); return false;" href="#search">search engine</A>, browse the <A class=int onClick="position('index'); return false;" href="#index">indices</A> or go to the <A class=int onClick="position('spices'); return false;" href="#spices">list of all spices</A>.<P> <P class=alert>I am on an extended journey that leads me through the Indian subcontinent. To learn more of my past travelling route, and to see some pictures from well-known and lesser knows places in India, open the <A href="mailme.html">contact page</A>. <SPAN id=xnewdiary>Also, for those able to read German, I regularly publish updates to my <A href="../reise/index.html?ref=0e">travelogue</A> which currently holds about 150 entries about places in India, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh and Nepal, and their foods.</SPAN> <P><HR style="clear:right"> <BR clear=right> <SCRIPT language=JavaScript type="text/javascript"><!-- //write_ie5_bug(); // --></SCRIPT> <A name="spices"><B>List of all spices:</B></A> <P> <DIV id=nametab class=nametab> <DIV> <P><SPAN class=ini><A href="Trac_cop.html"><SPAN>A</SPAN>jwain</A></SPAN> <P><SPAN><A href="Prun_dul.html">Almond</A></SPAN> <P><SPAN><A href="Pime_dio.html">Allspice</A></SPAN> <P><SPAN><A href="Pimp_ani.html">Anise</A></SPAN> <P><SPAN><A href="Bixa_ore.html">Annatto</A></SPAN> <P><SPAN><A href="Feru_ass.html">Asa foetida</A></SPAN> <P><SPAN 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href="">Landesmuseum für Natur und Mensch</A> in Oldenburg (Germany) will present an exhibition <Q><A hreflang="de" class=ext href="">Chile, Devil’s Dung and Saffron</A></Q>. We will organize a <A class=ext hreflang="de" href="">meeting</A> in Oldenburg on <B>May 29th and 30th, 2006</B>. In this meeting, several experts from different fields (archeology, ethnobotany, ethnology, chemistry) will give talks presenting research data on spices (<A class=ext hreflang="de" href="">online registration</A>). --> <BR clear=right> <P><HR><P> <A name="search">Use</A> <A class=ext href="" >FreeFind</A> to search within these pages (<A href="spice_search.html">Help</A>)<BR> <FORM action="" id=ffform1 method="get" > <INPUT type="hidden" name="id" size="0" value="9047905"> <INPUT type="hidden" name="pid" size="0" value="r"> <INPUT type="hidden" name="mode" size="0" value="ALL"> <INPUT type="hidden" name="style" size="0" value=""> <INPUT type="text" alt="Search for a spice:" name="query" size="38"> <INPUT type="submit" value=" Find!"> <INPUT TYPE="submit" Name="sitemap" value="Site Map"> <BR> <LABEL><input type="radio" name="t" value="s" CHECKED> search this site only</LABEL> <LABEL><input type="radio" name="t" value="w"> search the entire web</LABEL> </FORM> <P><HR><P> <TABLE id=toctable border=0> <TR><TD id=toccell1a> <DL> <DT><A name="index"><B>Indices:</B></A> <DD><DL> <DT><A href="spice_small.html">English Index</A> <DD> lists English synonyms and botanical names <DT><A href="spice_large.html">Alphabetic Index</A> <DD> More than 10000 names in about 80 different languages (<I>really</I> large file)<BR>Languages can be enabled and disabled by a flexible selection form. <DT><A href="spice_multi.html">More foreign language indices</A> <DD> 16 additional indices according to the writing system used <DL class=mini><DT>Multilingual:<DD> <A href="spice_hellenic.html">Greek</A>, <A href="spice_cyr.html">Cyrillic</A>, <A href="spice_hebraic.html">Hebrew</A>, <A href="spice_arabic.html">Arabic</A>, <A href="spice_indic.html">Indic</A>, <A href="spice_hanzi.html">Chinese/Japanese</A>, <A href="spice_thai.html">Thai/Lao</A> <DT>Monolingual:<DD> <A href="spice_geez.html">Amharic</A>, <A href="spice_kartvelian.html">Georgian</A>, <A href="spice_hayeren.html">Armenian</A>, <A href="spice_tibetan.html">Tibetan</A>, <A href="spice_thaana.html">Dhivehi</A>, <A href="spice_hangul.html">Korean</A>, <A href="spice_kana.html">Japanese</A>, <A href="spice_manipuri.html">Manipuri</A>, <A href="spice_viet_nam.html">Vietnamese</A> </DL> <DT><A href="spice_geo.html">Geographic Index</A> <DD> according to country of origin or main usage area <DT> <A href="spice_morph.html">Morphologic Index</A> <DD> plant part used for cooking <DT><A href="spice_bot.html">Botanic Index</A> <DD> plants arranged in systematic botanic order <DT><A href="spice_mix.html">Spice Mixture Index</A> <DD> quick key to main ingredients to about 20 traditional spice mixtures </DL> </DL> <TD id=toccell1b> <DL> <DT><B>Other Texts:</B> <DD><DL> <DT><A href="spice_over.html">Overview</A> <DD>Traditional welcome message, copyright, disclaimer, ...<BR> Please read the note on <A href="spice_over.html#copy">copyright</A>! <DT><A href="spice_intro.html">Introduction</A> <DD>Some information and ideas on various topics related to spices <DT><A href="spice_bib.html">Literature</A> <DD>Lots of books (mostly German, I apologize) <DT><A href="spice_www.html">WEB-Pointers</A> <DD>Some links referring to spices and cooking <DT><A href="spice_where.html">Spice Sources</A> <DD>Where to get unusual herbs and spices (applies mostly to readers in Europe and the USA) <DT><A href="spice_photo.html">List of Pictures</A> <DD>Technical and copyright issues with my pictures </DL> </DL> <TR><TD id=toccell2> <DL> <DT><B>Other Texts:</B> <DD><DL> <DT><A href="spice_over.html">Overview</A> <DD>Traditional welcome message, copyright, disclaimer, ...<BR> Please read the note on <A href="spice_over.html#copy">copyright</A>! <DT><A href="spice_intro.html">Introduction</A> <DD>Some information and ideas on various topics related to spices <DT><A href="spice_bib.html">Literature</A> <DD>Lots of books (mostly German, I apologize) <DT><A href="spice_www.html">WEB-Pointers</A> <DD>Some links referring to spices and cooking <DT><A href="spice_where.html">Spice Sources</A> <DD>Where to get unusual herbs and spices (applies mostly to readers in Europe and the USA) <DT><A href="spice_photo.html">List of Pictures</A> <DD>Technical and copyright issues with my pictures </DL> </DL> </TABLE> <HR> <DIV style="padding: 0 2em"> A <A hreflang="de" href="../germ/index.html" >German version</A> of this site is also available.<P lang=de> Es gibt auch eine <A hreflang="de" href="../germ/index.html" >deutsche Version</A> dieses Sites. </DIV> <!-- begin offline remove sequence --> <SCRIPT language=JavaScript type="text/javascript"><!-- write_ga(); 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Welcome to Gernot Katzer's Spice Pages <!-- select\_stylesheet() // --> [This site works better with JavaScript enabled!](spice_technote.html#javascript) [Go to Table of Contents](index.html) <!-- write\_welcome () // --> # Welcome to Gernot Katzer’s Spice Pages Change the [Page Style](spice_display.html) to: [Default](javascript: set_stylesheet('default') "Fixed Navigation and full background images"), [Plain](javascript: set_stylesheet('nobg') "Fixed Navigation and no background images"), [Flow](javascript: set_stylesheet('flow') "Flowing Navigation and full background images") [![Spice merchant](../pictures/pict_05.jpg)](spice_photo.html#title) On these pages, I present solid information on (currently) 117 different spice plants. Emphasis is on their usage in ethnic cuisines, particularly in Asia; furthermore, I discuss their history, chemical constituents, and the etymology of their names. Last but not least, there are numerous photos featuring the live plants or the dried spices. To navigate through my site, use the [search engine](#search), browse the [indices](#index) or go to the [list of all spices](#spices). I am on an extended journey that leads me through the Indian subcontinent. To learn more of my past travelling route, and to see some pictures from well-known and lesser knows places in India, open the [contact page](mailme.html). Also, for those able to read German, I regularly publish updates to my [travelogue](../reise/index.html?ref=0e) which currently holds about 150 entries about places in India, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh and Nepal, and their foods. --- <!-- //write\_ie5\_bug(); // --> **List of all spices:** [Ajwain](Trac_cop.html) [Almond](Prun_dul.html) [Allspice](Pime_dio.html) [Anise](Pimp_ani.html) [Annatto](Bixa_ore.html) [Asa foetida](Feru_ass.html) [Basil](Ocim_bas.html) [Bear’s Garlic](Alli_urs.html) [Black Cardamom](Amom_sub.html) [Black Cumin](Buni_per.html) [Black Mustard](Bras_nig.html) [Blue Fenugreek](Trig_cae.html) [Boldo](Peum_bol.html) [Borage](Bora_off.html) [Caper](Capp_spi.html) [Caraway](Caru_car.html) [Cardamom](Elet_car.html) [Cassia (Chinese Cinnamon)](Cinn_cas.html) [Celery](Apiu_gra.html) [Ceylon Cinnamon](Cinn_zey.html) [Chameleon Plant](Hout_cor.html) [Chaste Tree](Vite_agn.html) [Chervil](Anth_cer.html) [Chile](Caps_fru.html) [Chive](Alli_sch.html) [Cicely](Myrr_odo.html) [Clove](Syzy_aro.html) [Coriander](Cori_sat.html) [Coconut](Coco_nuc.html) [Cresses](Lepi_sat.html) [Cubeb Pepper](Pipe_cub.html) [Cumin](Cumi_cym.html) [Curry leaf](Murr_koe.html) [Epazote](Chen_amb.html) [Dill](Anet_gra.html) [Fennel](Foen_vul.html) [Fenugreek](Trig_foe.html) [Fingerroot](Boes_pan.html) [Gale](Myri_gal.html) [Garlic](Alli_sat.html) [Ginger](Zing_off.html) [Grains of Paradise](Afra_mel.html) [Greater Galangale](Alpi_gal.html) [Horseradish](Armo_rus.html) [Hyssop](Hyss_off.html) [Indian Bay-leaf](Cinn_tam.html) [Indonesian Cinnamon](Cinn_bur.html) [Indonesian Bay-Leaf](Euge_pol.html) [Juniper](Juni_com.html) [Kaffir Lime](Citr_hys.html) [Laurel](Laur_nob.html) [Lavender](Lava_ang.html) [Lemon](Citr_lim.html) [Lemon Balm](Meli_off.html) [Lemon Grass](Cymb_cit.html) [Lemon Myrtle](Back_cit.html) [Lemon Verbena](Lipp_cit.html) [Lesser Galangale](Kaem_gal.html) [Licorice](Glyc_gla.html) [Lime](Citr_aur.html) [Long Coriander](Eryn_foe.html) [Long Pepper](Pipe_lon.html) [Lovage](Levi_off.html) [Mahaleb cherry](Prun_mah.html) [Mango](Mang_ind.html) [Marjoram](Majo_hor.html) [Mexican Pepper-leaf](Pipe_aur.html) [Mexican tarragon](Tage_luc.html) [Mugwort](Arte_vul.html) [Myrtle](Myrt_com.html) [Negro Pepper](Xylo_aet.html) [Nigella](Nige_sat.html) [Nutmeg & Mace](Myri_fra.html) [Olive](Olea_eur.html) [Onion](Alli_cep.html) [Orange](Citr_sin.html) [Oregano](Orig_vul.html) [Pandanus flower](Pand_odo.html) [Pandanus leaf](Pand_ama.html) [Paprika](Caps_ann.html) [Paracress](Spil_acm.html) [Parsley](Petr_cri.html) [Pepper](Pipe_nig.html) [Peppermint](Ment_pip.html) [Pepper Rosé](Schi_ter.html) [Perilla](Peri_fru.html) [Pomegranate](Puni_gra.html) [Poppy](Papa_som.html) [Pumpkin](Cucu_pep.html) [Rice paddy herb](Limn_aro.html) [Rocket](Eruc_sat.html) [Rose](Rosa_dam.html) [Rosemary](Rosm_off.html) [Rue](Ruta_gra.html) [Safflower](Cart_tin.html) [Saffron](Croc_sat.html) [Sage](Salv_off.html) [Sassafras](Sass_alb.html) [Savory](Satu_hor.html) [Sesame](Sesa_ind.html) [Sichuan Pepper](Zant_pip.html) [Silphion](Silphion.html) [Southernwood](Arte_abr.html) [Star Anise](Illi_ver.html) [Sumac](Rhus_cor.html) [Tamarind](Tama_ind.html) [Tarragon](Arte_dra.html) [Tasmanian Pepper](Tasm_lan.html) [Thyme](Thym_vul.html) [Tonka bean](Dipt_odo.html) [Turmeric](Curc_lon.html) [Vanilla](Vani_pla.html) [Vietnamese Cinnamon](Cinn_lou.html) [Vietnamese coriander](Pers_odo.html) [Wasabi](Wasa_jap.html) [Water pepper](Pers_hyd.html) [White Mustard](Sina_alb.html) [Zedoary](Curc_zed.html) --- Use [FreeFind]( to search within these pages ([Help](spice_search.html)) search this site only search the entire web --- | | | | | --- | --- | --- | | **Indices:** [English Index](spice_small.html) lists English synonyms and botanical names [Alphabetic Index](spice_large.html) More than 10000 names in about 80 different languages (*really* large file)Languages can be enabled and disabled by a flexible selection form. [More foreign language indices](spice_multi.html) 16 additional indices according to the writing system used Multilingual: [Greek](spice_hellenic.html), [Cyrillic](spice_cyr.html), [Hebrew](spice_hebraic.html), [Arabic](spice_arabic.html), [Indic](spice_indic.html), [Chinese/Japanese](spice_hanzi.html), [Thai/Lao](spice_thai.html) Monolingual: [Amharic](spice_geez.html), [Georgian](spice_kartvelian.html), [Armenian](spice_hayeren.html), [Tibetan](spice_tibetan.html), [Dhivehi](spice_thaana.html), [Korean](spice_hangul.html), [Japanese](spice_kana.html), [Manipuri](spice_manipuri.html), [Vietnamese](spice_viet_nam.html) [Geographic Index](spice_geo.html) according to country of origin or main usage area [Morphologic Index](spice_morph.html) plant part used for cooking [Botanic Index](spice_bot.html) plants arranged in systematic botanic order [Spice Mixture Index](spice_mix.html) quick key to main ingredients to about 20 traditional spice mixtures **Other Texts:** [Overview](spice_over.html) Traditional welcome message, copyright, disclaimer, ... Please read the note on [copyright](spice_over.html#copy)! [Introduction](spice_intro.html) Some information and ideas on various topics related to spices [Literature](spice_bib.html) Lots of books (mostly German, I apologize) [WEB-Pointers](spice_www.html) Some links referring to spices and cooking [Spice Sources](spice_where.html) Where to get unusual herbs and spices (applies mostly to readers in Europe and the USA) [List of Pictures](spice_photo.html) Technical and copyright issues with my pictures | **Other Texts:** [Overview](spice_over.html) Traditional welcome message, copyright, disclaimer, ... Please read the note on [copyright](spice_over.html#copy)! [Introduction](spice_intro.html) Some information and ideas on various topics related to spices [Literature](spice_bib.html) Lots of books (mostly German, I apologize) [WEB-Pointers](spice_www.html) Some links referring to spices and cooking [Spice Sources](spice_where.html) Where to get unusual herbs and spices (applies mostly to readers in Europe and the USA) [List of Pictures](spice_photo.html) Technical and copyright issues with my pictures | | | --- A [German version](../germ/index.html) of this site is also available. Es gibt auch eine [deutsche Version](../germ/index.html) dieses Sites. <!-- write\_ga(); // --> --- *For questions and comments, please contact [Gernot Katzer (मसाला-वाला)](mailme.html) (treabgxngmre)* --- [![Any Browser](../anybrowser.png)]( [![Valid CSS!](../valid-css.png)]( [![Unicode Encoded](../UniEncGrey.png)]( [![Validate using the WDG validator](../wdglogo-small.png)]( [![Validate using the VALIDOME validator](../validome.png)]( --- * [Gernot Katzer’s Spice Pages Table of Content page](index.html)* [Indices Various indices to search for a particular spice](spice_index.html) + [English All English spice names, sorted alphabetically](spice_small.html)+ [Multilingual Search spices by foreign names](spice_multi.html) - [Alphabetic More than 10000 spice names in 70+ languages](spice_large.html)- [Greek ScriptSearch spices names in Old and Modern Greek](spice_hellenic.html)- [Cyrillic ScriptSearch spices names in Rus­sian, Bul­ga­rian, Kazakh,…](spice_cyr.html)- [Hebrew ScriptSearch spices names in Hebrew and Yiddish](spice_hebraic.html)- [Arabic Script Search spice names in Arabic, Farsi, Urdu,…](spice_arabic.html)- [Indic ScriptsSearch spice names in Hindi, Bengali, Tamil, Telugu,…](spice_indic.html)- [Hanzi & Kanji Search spice names in Chi­nese and Japanese](spice_hanzi.html)- [More … Spice names in rarer tongues](spice_multi.html) * [Tibetan Spice names from the Himalayas](spice_tibetan.html)* [Manipuri Spice names from North East India](spice_manipuri.html)* [Thai/Lao Spice names from Thai­land and Laos](spice_thai.html)* [Khmer Spice names from Cambodia](spice_khmer.html)* [Vietnamese Spice names from Vietnam](spice_viet_nam.html)* [Ge‘ez Spice names from East Africa](spice_geez.html)* [Thaana Spice names from Maldives](spice_thaana.html)* [Hangul Spice names from Korea](spice_hangul.html)* [Kana Spice names from Japan](spice_kana.html)* [Georgian Spice names from Georgia](spice_kartvelian.html)* [Armenian Spice names from Armenia](spice_hayeren.html)+ [Geographic Spices sorted according to region of origin or frequent usage](spice_geo.html)+ [Botanical Spices sorted according to plant families](spice_bot.html)+ [Morphologic Spices sorted according to part of the plant](spice_morph.html)+ [Spice Mixtures Index of spice mixtures and their main ingredients](spice_mix.html)* [Search Explanation how to use the search engine](spice_search.html)* [Other Some other texts on spices](spice_other.html) + [Introduction Some introduction, definition, notes on copyright…](spice_intro.html)+ [Overview Overview on this site, plant chemistry,…](spice_over.html)+ [References Where to learn more of spices](spice_bib.html) - [Literature Some books on spices, ethnic cookery, chemistry, scripts…](spice_bib.html)- [Weblinks Links to some interesting sites](spice_www.html)- [Photo Sources Detailed listing of all photos, copyright…](spice_photo.html)+ [Spice Sources Commercial sources for spices and ethnical flavourings](spice_where.html)* [German (Deutsch) Die Seite können Sie auch auf Deutsch lesen](../germ/index.html) <!-- write\_style\_selection() // --> * [Contact](mailme.html?subject=index) + [Technote Web design stuff, list of known bugs, feedback welcome!](spice_technote.html)+ [Personal Home Page My home page with some more info on me](../index.html)+ [Email Contact me with questions, suggestions, complaints, …](mailme.html?subject=index) Quick Search: [FreeFind Search]( <!-- if (konq || opra || gecko17) { e1=document.getElementById("mainbox") e2=document.getElementById("nametab") if (msie) { w1=e1.currentStyle.width w2=e2.currentStyle.width f2=e2.currentStyle.fontSize } else { w1=window.getComputedStyle(e1,"").getPropertyValue("width") w2=window.getComputedStyle(e2,"").getPropertyValue("width") f2=window.getComputedStyle(e2,"").getPropertyValue("font-size") } if (w2 > w1) { (90\*parseInt(w1)/parseInt(w2)) + "%" } // alert ("w1="+w1+" w2="+w2+" f2="+f2+" "+window.getComputedStyle(e2,"").getPropertyValue("font-size")) } else if ((msie) && true) { e1=document.getElementById("mainbox") w1=e1.offsetWidth e2=document.getElementById("nametab") w3=document.getElementById("navigbox").offsetWidth w2=0 e=e2.firstChild for (i=0; i<5; i++) {w2+=e.offsetWidth; e=e.nextSibling}"0px" if (msie7) { fac=90\*(w1-10)/w2 if ((fac > 84) && (fac < 89)) fac=84 } if (msie8) { fac=90\*(w1-50)/w2 if ((fac > 84) && (fac < 89)) fac=84 } else { fac=90\*(w1-w3-80)/w2 } lm=parseInt((fac<1000)?((2000/fac)+"px"):0) // alert ("w1="+w1+" w2="+w2+" w3="+w3+" fac="+fac+" left-marg="+lm) if (msie8) { = (lm+10)+"px"} if (fac < 85) + "%" } //-->! 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<HTM> <HEAD> <TITLE>Xchomp Unofficial Home page </TITLE> </HEAD> <BODY> <A HREF="frchomp.htm"> Page francaise</A> <center> <TABLE border="0" width="75%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5"> <TR bgcolor="#000000"> <TD align="center"> <A href="#intro"><FONT face="Helvetica,Arial" color="#ffffff"><B>Introduction</B></FONT></A> <A href="#intruc"><FONT face="Helvetica,Arial" color="#ffffff"><B>Instruction</B></FONT></A> <A href="#control"><FONT face="Helvetica,Arial" color="#ffffff"><B>game controls</B></FONT></A> <A href="#downloader"><FONT face="Helvetica,Arial" color="#ffffff"><B>downloader</B></FONT></A> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </center> <Center><H1>Xchomp Unofficial Home page </H1></Center> <Center><IMG SRC="xchomp1.gif"></Center> <OL> <A name="intro"></A> <LI><Center>INTRODUCTION</Center><br> <p>Hello, and welcome to xchomp. Xchomp is a game closely patterned after Pac-Man(tm) that runs under the X window system. I've tried to make the game as close as possible to the original Pac-Man. However, I have not seen a Pac-Man arcade machine for years, so all the elements of the game have been recalled from memory. Also, I've added something which I always felt was missing from Pac-Man, namely several different mazes.</p> <hr> <A name="intruc"></A> <LI><Center>INSTRUCTIONS FOR PLAYING</Center> <p> The point of this game, as in all arcade-style games, is to amass the highest possible score. However, some may find that the fun in the game is in trying to reach the highest possible level. At least, that's what I thought was fun about the original. You, the player, are the circular mouth moving around the maze. Your opponents are the four ghosts following you around. Touching a ghost will cost you a life. When you start each level, the maze is filled with dots. Eating these dots (by simply going over them), gives you 10 points for each. You must eat all the dots on a maze to advance to the next level.<p> <Center><IMG SRC="xchomp3.gif"></Center><br> <p>On each maze, you will also find several large flashing dots; these are the power-dots. Eating one of these will add 50 points to your score, and temporarily give you the ability to eat the ghosts. While the ghosts can be eaten, they are white (transparent), they move at a reduced speed, and they try to run away from you. When they turn back to a solid color, they are back to their normal state, and they return to following you around. They won't become solid suddenly; they will flash for a couple of seconds to warn you. While they're flashing, you can still eat them.</p> <Center><IMG SRC="xchomp2.gif"></Center><br> <p>Eating a ghost adds points to your score, and the number of points is momentarily displayed on the screen. This action turns the ghost into a harmless pair of eyes. In this state, the ghost moves very quickly, seeking return to the ghost box in the center of the maze. Once it gets there, it is "reborn", and goes back to chasing you around the maze.</p> <p>The levels of the game are designated by symbols. The first few levels are "fruit" levels, that is, they are designated by little pictures of fruit on the bottom of the xchomp window. For example, the first level is the "cherry" level. Once in a while (twice on every level), the symbol corresponding to the current level appears in the maze. It will stay there only for a few seconds; eating it adds a number of points to your score. At the higher levels, this is a very significant number. In any case, when you eat a fruit, or other such symbol, the corresponding point value is briefly displayed on the screen.</p> Reaching a score of 10,000 awards you an extra life. <hr> <A name="control"></A> <LI><Center>GAME CONTROLS</Center><br> <p>This is strictly a keyboard-controlled game. The arcade game had very simple controls -- one four-directional joystick. In xchomp, all control is through the arrow keys. Hitting an arrow key in xchomp is equivalent to pushing the joystick in the corresponding direction and holding it down; the player on the screen will continue moving in its current direction until motion in the specified direction is possible, in which case it will switch to that direction, or until it hits a wall, in which case it will stop and wait for a key press corresponding to a valid direction. If this sounds complex, forget it, and just play the game. I believe you'll find the controls pretty natural. It can be thought of like this: the player on the screen will always try to move in the direction of the last key pressed, and if it can't, it'll keep moving in the direction it's moving until it can. Only one key press is remembered -- the last one. Don't hold down the keys; just hit them; otherwise, there may be times when you're pressing two keys at a time and the second one won't register.</p> <p>The game can be paused by pressing the space bar or by iconifying the xchomp window (the latter definitely works on Sun and DECwindows servers). While the game is paused, you can abort it by pressing 'R'. This will return you to the title screen. Pressing 'Q' will cause xchomp to terminate. If you iconify the xchomp window, the game will be in the paused state when you de-iconify it.</p> <A name="downloader"></A> <H2>Downloader</H2> <UL> <LI><A HREF=""> En allemangne 18.4K 1997 May 9 xchomp.tgz</A> <LI><A HREF="">14.9K 1997 Nov 27 xchomp.tgz pour AIX</A> <LI><A HREF="">xchomp pour HPUX</A> <LI><A HREF="">XChomp a metz : 49.5K 1997 Mar 3 xchomp-linux.tar.z</A> <LI><A HREF="">xchomp distrib:Linux RPMS en france</A> <LI><A HREF="">xchomp distrib:Linux RPMS au denmark</A> </UL> <H2><U>L'auteur</U></H2> <TABLE> <TR><TD></TD><TD> Polygen Corporation </TD></TR> <TR><TD> Jerry J. Shekhel</TD> <TD>Waltham, MA 02254 </TD></TR> <TR><TD></TD><TD> (617) 890-2888 </TD></TR> </TABLE> </BODY> </HTML>
Xchomp Unofficial Home page [Page francaise](frchomp.htm) | | | --- | | [**Introduction**](#intro) [**Instruction**](#intruc) [**game controls**](#control) [**downloader**](#downloader) | # Xchomp Unofficial Home page ![](xchomp1.gif) 2. INTRODUCTION Hello, and welcome to xchomp. Xchomp is a game closely patterned after Pac-Man(tm) that runs under the X window system. I've tried to make the game as close as possible to the original Pac-Man. However, I have not seen a Pac-Man arcade machine for years, so all the elements of the game have been recalled from memory. Also, I've added something which I always felt was missing from Pac-Man, namely several different mazes. --- - INSTRUCTIONS FOR PLAYING The point of this game, as in all arcade-style games, is to amass the highest possible score. However, some may find that the fun in the game is in trying to reach the highest possible level. At least, that's what I thought was fun about the original. You, the player, are the circular mouth moving around the maze. Your opponents are the four ghosts following you around. Touching a ghost will cost you a life. When you start each level, the maze is filled with dots. Eating these dots (by simply going over them), gives you 10 points for each. You must eat all the dots on a maze to advance to the next level. ![](xchomp3.gif) On each maze, you will also find several large flashing dots; these are the power-dots. Eating one of these will add 50 points to your score, and temporarily give you the ability to eat the ghosts. While the ghosts can be eaten, they are white (transparent), they move at a reduced speed, and they try to run away from you. When they turn back to a solid color, they are back to their normal state, and they return to following you around. They won't become solid suddenly; they will flash for a couple of seconds to warn you. While they're flashing, you can still eat them. ![](xchomp2.gif) Eating a ghost adds points to your score, and the number of points is momentarily displayed on the screen. This action turns the ghost into a harmless pair of eyes. In this state, the ghost moves very quickly, seeking return to the ghost box in the center of the maze. Once it gets there, it is "reborn", and goes back to chasing you around the maze. The levels of the game are designated by symbols. The first few levels are "fruit" levels, that is, they are designated by little pictures of fruit on the bottom of the xchomp window. For example, the first level is the "cherry" level. Once in a while (twice on every level), the symbol corresponding to the current level appears in the maze. It will stay there only for a few seconds; eating it adds a number of points to your score. At the higher levels, this is a very significant number. In any case, when you eat a fruit, or other such symbol, the corresponding point value is briefly displayed on the screen. Reaching a score of 10,000 awards you an extra life. --- - GAME CONTROLS This is strictly a keyboard-controlled game. The arcade game had very simple controls -- one four-directional joystick. In xchomp, all control is through the arrow keys. Hitting an arrow key in xchomp is equivalent to pushing the joystick in the corresponding direction and holding it down; the player on the screen will continue moving in its current direction until motion in the specified direction is possible, in which case it will switch to that direction, or until it hits a wall, in which case it will stop and wait for a key press corresponding to a valid direction. If this sounds complex, forget it, and just play the game. I believe you'll find the controls pretty natural. It can be thought of like this: the player on the screen will always try to move in the direction of the last key pressed, and if it can't, it'll keep moving in the direction it's moving until it can. Only one key press is remembered -- the last one. Don't hold down the keys; just hit them; otherwise, there may be times when you're pressing two keys at a time and the second one won't register. The game can be paused by pressing the space bar or by iconifying the xchomp window (the latter definitely works on Sun and DECwindows servers). While the game is paused, you can abort it by pressing 'R'. This will return you to the title screen. Pressing 'Q' will cause xchomp to terminate. If you iconify the xchomp window, the game will be in the paused state when you de-iconify it. ## Downloader * [En allemangne 18.4K 1997 May 9 xchomp.tgz](* [14.9K 1997 Nov 27 xchomp.tgz pour AIX](* [xchomp pour HPUX](* [XChomp a metz : 49.5K 1997 Mar 3 xchomp-linux.tar.z](* [xchomp distrib:Linux RPMS en france](* [xchomp distrib:Linux RPMS au denmark]( L'auteur | | | | --- | --- | | | Polygen Corporation | | Jerry J. Shekhel | Waltham, MA 02254 | | | (617) 890-2888 |
<html> <head> <title> | The Three Storms vs. Britney Spears</title> <meta NAME="KEYWORDS" CONTENT="Big Trouble In Little China,Jack Burton,John Carpenter,Porkchop Express,Thunder,Rain,Lightning,Raiden,China"> <meta name="description" CONTENT=" | The Three Storms vs. Britney Spears"> <script LANGUAGE="Javascript"> <!-- window.defaultStatus=" | The Three Storms vs. Britney Spears" <!-- end script --> </script> <LINK REL="SHORTCUT ICON" HREF=""> <style> <!-- a {text-decoration: none} a:hover {color: #FFFF19;} --> </style> </head> <body bgcolor="#000000" text="#FFFFFF" link="#3399FF" vlink="#3399FF" alink="#FFFF19" topmargin="0" leftmargin="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" background="btilc-bg.jpg"> <SCRIPT SRC=""></SCRIPT> <div align="center"> <table border="0" width="761" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" valign="top" style="border-collapse: collapse"> <tr><td> <table width="986" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr> <td width="986" rowspan="4" valign="top"><a href=""><img src="" alt="I-Mockery" border="0" width="217" height="171" /></a></td> <td width="986" valign="top"><table width="769" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr> <td width="21" valign="top"><img src="" width="21" height="90" /></td> <td width="728" valign="top" background=""><center><!-- Conversant Media 468x60 and 728x90 Banner CODE for --> <script type="text/javascript">var vclk_options = {sid:6158,media_id:1,media_type:5,version:"1.4"};</script><script class="vclk_pub_code" type="text/javascript" src=""></script><noscript><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" width="728" height="90" border="1"></a></noscript> <!-- Conversant Media 468x60 and 728x90 Banner CODE for --></center></td> <td width="20" valign="top"><img src="" width="20" height="90" /></td> </tr> </table></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="986" valign="top"><img src="" width="769" height="13" /></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="986" height="32" valign="top"><table width="769" height="32" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr> <!-- Google CSE Search Box Begins --> <form name="searchform" action="" id="searchbox_014535092109957586225:x3k4bfcumts" onSubmit="return CheckSearchForm();"><td bgcolor="#2D4157"> <input type="hidden" name="cx" value="014535092109957586225:x3k4bfcumts" /> <input type="hidden" name="cof" value="FORID:9" /> <span class="style1"> <label for="mast_search" id="search_lab"><font face="Verdana,Arial,Helvetica" size="1">Search:</font></label> </span> <input style="color: #00FF00; font-family: Arial;font-size: 12px;background-color:black;border: 0px;text-color:white;" type="text" name="q" id="mast_search" /> <input name="sa" value="Search" type="image" src="" id="mast_go" /> </td></form> <!-- Google CSE Search Box Ends --> <td><img src="" alt="Please don't feed PickleMan" width="529" height="32" border="0" usemap="#Map2" /></td> </tr> <tr> <td><img src="" width="240" height="26" border="0" usemap="#Map" href="" /></td> <td><img src="" alt="Please don't feed PickleMan" width="529" height="26" border="0" usemap="#Map3" /></td> </tr> </table></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="986" valign="top"><img src="" width="769" height="10" /></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="986" colspan="2" valign="top"><a href=""><img src="" border="0" width="162" height="32" /></a><a href=""><img src="" border="0" width="138" height="32" /></a><a href=""><img src="" border="0" width="192" height="32" /></a><a href=""><img src="" border="0" width="128" height="32" /></a><a href=""><img src="" border="0" width="137" height="32" /></a><a href=""><img src="" border="0" width="104" height="32" /></a><a href=""><img src="" border="0" width="125" height="32" /></a></td> </tr> </table> <map name="Map" id="Map"><area shape="rect" coords="-7,5,57,32" href="" alt="About Us" /> <area shape="rect" coords="64,6,101,25" href="" alt="Store" /> <area shape="rect" coords="108,6,181,38" href="" alt="Advertising" /> <area shape="rect" coords="187,7,236,24" href="" alt="Contact" /> </map> <map name="Map2" id="Map2"> <area shape="rect" coords="14,1,284,41" href="" alt="New to I-Mockery? 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Well, they've decided to take on all of the evils of the world.<br> And they're destroying each evil, one at a time, starting with <b>Britney Spears</b>!<br> That being said, allow me to refresh your memory on these three martial arts madmen!</font></p> <p align="center"> <img border="0" src="3storms-2.jpg" alt="Rain. Thunder. Lightning." width="312" height="300"></p> <ul> <li> <p align="left"><font face="Verdana,Arial,Helvetica" size="2"><b>RAIN</b> : The &quot;pretty boy&quot; of the group. But don't let his good looks and long hair deceive you. Rain can jump 20 feet in the air and cut you in half with his swords in a split second!<br> <br> </font></li> <li> <p align="left"><font face="Verdana,Arial,Helvetica" size="2"><b>THUNDER</b> : The guy with the bad temper. Thunder is always angry at something and he tends to take out his anger on one of two things: 1) people or 2) furniture. He's always yelling and he seems to have digestion problems which cause him to explode.<br> <br> </font></li> <li> <p align="left"><font face="Verdana,Arial,Helvetica" size="2"><b>LIGHTNING</b> : The show-off of the group. Lightning knows he kicks ass and he flaunts it by shooting electricity bolts all over the place. The kids love watching this guy in action, he puts any light show at a rock concert to shame!</font></li> </ul> <p align="center"><font face="Verdana,Arial,Helvetica" size="2">Ok, now that we're all familiar with this trio of terror, we must ask one simply question.<br> WHICH ONE WILL DESTROY BRITNEY SPEARS? Fortunately, we took photos of the entire<br> bloody battle and in the end, we're happy to say that Good has triumphed over Evil!<br> <b> So onto the battle...</b></font></p> <p align="center"> <img border="0" src="rain.jpg" alt="&quot;I offer you this pretty red nerf ball!&quot;" width="316" height="235"><br> <font face="Verdana,Arial,Helvetica" size="2">As you can see, Rain was distracted by the big show that Britney Spears put on.<br> In particular, her male dancers. Rain just knew he could &quot;dance up a storm&quot; much<br> better than any of them could. So he offered Britney a nerf ball in exchange for a job.<br> He was crushed when she turned him down. Last we heard, Rain retreated into the<br> mountains and has been practicing his dancing skills ferociously ever since.</font></p> <p align="center"> <img border="0" src="thunder.jpg" alt="I need Ex-Lax! Please!" width="345" height="259"><br> <font face="Verdana,Arial,Helvetica" size="2">As stated earlier, Thunder has severe digestive/constipation problems.&nbsp;<br> Possibly he has swallowed too much anger. It's hard to say...<br> Either way, he was unable to fight Britney due to a doctor's appointment.<br> Word is the <b>enema</b> went very well and he is at home recovering in bed.</font></p> <p align="center"> <img border="0" src="britney0.jpg" alt="&quot;I am Stronger!&quot;" width="269" height="199"><br> <font face="Verdana,Arial,Helvetica" size="2">After having avoided being killed by two of the Three Storms, Britney Spears<br> was feeling pretty cocky. So to brag to all, she wrote a song entitled, &quot;Stronger&quot;.<br> Too bad for her, there was one Storm that would NOT tolerate such insolence.</font></p> <p align="center"> <img border="0" src="lightning1.jpg" alt="NOW YOU DIE!" width="268" height="200"><img border="0" src="lightning2.jpg" alt="AAAAAAIIIIIEEEEEE!!!!!" width="267" height="200"><br> <font face="Verdana,Arial,Helvetica" size="2">That's right, <b>LIGHTNING</b> wasn't about to take any crap from some stupid pop-star slut.<br> So he put on his trusty hat (you gotta look good when yer kickin ass) and let out his rage!</font></p> <p align="center"> <img border="0" src="britney1.jpg" alt="&quot;I Am Str......AAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!&quot;" width="300" height="199"><br> <font face="Verdana,Arial,Helvetica" size="2">Ouch, that's gotta hurt! Britney had no idea what hit her!</font></p> <p align="center"> <img border="0" src="britney2.jpg" alt="&quot;Holy shit Tyrone! He done burned up Britney like a chicken wing!&quot;" width="400" height="267"><br> <font face="Verdana,Arial,Helvetica" size="2">&quot;"Holy shit Tyrone! He done burned up Britney like a chicken wing!"<br> &quot;Stronger my ass...&quot;<br> Yep, when Lightning was done with her, Britney was nothing more than a<br> pile of ash that he stomped into the ground. Her dancers were in total dismay,<br> so they ran into the mountains to find Rain in hopes of making sweet love to him.</font></p> <p align="center"> <img border="0" src="winner.jpg" alt="WINNER!" width="350" height="261"><br> <font face="Verdana,Arial,Helvetica" size="2">So in the end, the evil that was Britney Spears was destroyed<br> and our hero, <b>LIGHTNING</b>, has saved us all from her wretched music<br> and her slutty ways forever. Thank you Lightning... THANK YOU!</font></p> <p align="center"> <font face="Verdana,Arial,Helvetica" size="2"><b> <a href=" Three Storms vs Britney Spears!"> -RoG-</a></b></font></p> <hr noshade color="#FF0000" size="1"> <font face="Verdana,Arial,Helvetica" size="2"> <p align="center"> <font color="#FFFF00"> Running a big site like I-Mockery takes a lot o' <b>time</b> and costs <b>moola</b> too.<br> Want to help show your support?<br> </font><a href=""><img border="0" src=""><br> <font face="Verdana,Arial,Helvetica"> <b>DONATE TO OUR ZOMBIE MOVIE!</b></font></a> <p align="center"> <b><a href="">Come talk about this piece &amp; more on our Message Forums!</a></b><p align="center"> <b><a href="../default.php">click here for more minimocks!</a></b><br> </font> <hr noshade color="#FF0000" size="1"> <br> <p align="center"><!-- Alexa Toolbar --> <A href=""><SCRIPT type='text/javascript' language='JavaScript' src=''></SCRIPT></A><br /><br /><font face="Verdana,Arial,Helvetica" size="1">[<a href="">Minimocks</a>] [<a href="">Articles</a>] [<a href="">Games</a>] [<a href="">Mockeries</a>] [<a href="">Shorts</a>] [<a href="">Comics</a>] [<a href="">Blog</a>] [<a href="">Info</a>] [<a href="">Forum</a>] [<a href="">Advertise</a>] [<a href="">Home</a>]</font></p> <p align="center"><font face="Verdana,Arial,Helvetica" size="1"> <a href=""> <img border="0" src="" width="88" height="33"></a><br> Copyright &copy; 1999-2007 : <i>All Rights Reserved</i> : (<a class="menulink" href="">E-mail</a>)<br> <i>No portion of I-Mockery may be reprinted in any form without prior consent<br> We reserve the right to swallow your soul... and spit out the chewy parts.<br></i></font></td> </tr> </table> </div> </body> </html> | The Three Storms vs. Britney Spears <!-- window.defaultStatus=" | The Three Storms vs. Britney Spears" <!-- end script --> <!-- a {text-decoration: none} a:hover {color: #FFFF19;} --> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | | | | | | | | | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | | [I-Mockery]( | | | | | | --- | --- | --- | | | var vclk\_options = {sid:6158,media\_id:1,media\_type:5,version:"1.4"}; | | | | | | | | | | --- | --- | | Search: | Please don't feed PickleMan | | | Please don't feed PickleMan | | | | | | | | | | --- | | The Three Storms!versusBritney Spears by: **[-RoG-]( Three Storms vs Britney Spears!)** Surely you have all seen one of the great martial arts / action films of all time: **BIG TROUBLE IN LITTLE CHINA** But did you ever wonder what the **Three Storms** have been up to now that they're not acting in great movies like that anymore? Well, they've decided to take on all of the evils of the world. And they're destroying each evil, one at a time, starting with **Britney Spears**! That being said, allow me to refresh your memory on these three martial arts madmen! Rain. Thunder. Lightning.* **RAIN** : The "pretty boy" of the group. But don't let his good looks and long hair deceive you. Rain can jump 20 feet in the air and cut you in half with his swords in a split second! * **THUNDER** : The guy with the bad temper. Thunder is always angry at something and he tends to take out his anger on one of two things: 1) people or 2) furniture. He's always yelling and he seems to have digestion problems which cause him to explode. * **LIGHTNING** : The show-off of the group. Lightning knows he kicks ass and he flaunts it by shooting electricity bolts all over the place. The kids love watching this guy in action, he puts any light show at a rock concert to shame! Ok, now that we're all familiar with this trio of terror, we must ask one simply question. WHICH ONE WILL DESTROY BRITNEY SPEARS? Fortunately, we took photos of the entire bloody battle and in the end, we're happy to say that Good has triumphed over Evil! **So onto the battle...** "I offer you this pretty red nerf ball!" As you can see, Rain was distracted by the big show that Britney Spears put on. In particular, her male dancers. Rain just knew he could "dance up a storm" much better than any of them could. So he offered Britney a nerf ball in exchange for a job. He was crushed when she turned him down. Last we heard, Rain retreated into the mountains and has been practicing his dancing skills ferociously ever since. I need Ex-Lax! Please! As stated earlier, Thunder has severe digestive/constipation problems.  Possibly he has swallowed too much anger. It's hard to say... Either way, he was unable to fight Britney due to a doctor's appointment. Word is the **enema** went very well and he is at home recovering in bed. "I am Stronger!" After having avoided being killed by two of the Three Storms, Britney Spears was feeling pretty cocky. So to brag to all, she wrote a song entitled, "Stronger". Too bad for her, there was one Storm that would NOT tolerate such insolence. NOW YOU DIE!AAAAAAIIIIIEEEEEE!!!!! That's right, **LIGHTNING** wasn't about to take any crap from some stupid pop-star slut. So he put on his trusty hat (you gotta look good when yer kickin ass) and let out his rage! "I Am Str......AAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!" Ouch, that's gotta hurt! Britney had no idea what hit her! "Holy shit Tyrone! He done burned up Britney like a chicken wing!" ""Holy shit Tyrone! He done burned up Britney like a chicken wing!" "Stronger my ass..." Yep, when Lightning was done with her, Britney was nothing more than a pile of ash that he stomped into the ground. Her dancers were in total dismay, so they ran into the mountains to find Rain in hopes of making sweet love to him. WINNER! So in the end, the evil that was Britney Spears was destroyed and our hero, **LIGHTNING**, has saved us all from her wretched music and her slutty ways forever. Thank you Lightning... THANK YOU! **[-RoG-]( Three Storms vs Britney Spears!)** --- Running a big site like I-Mockery takes a lot o' **time** and costs **moola** too. Want to help show your support? [**DONATE TO OUR ZOMBIE MOVIE!**]( **[Come talk about this piece & more on our Message Forums!](** **[click here for more minimocks!](../default.php)** --- Copyright © 1999-2007 : *All Rights Reserved* : ([E-mail]( *No portion of I-Mockery may be reprinted in any form without prior consent We reserve the right to swallow your soul... and spit out the chewy parts.* |
<html> <head> <title> Heidi, Christy, Brian, and Carl's ELEC301 Project Home Page </title> </head> <body bgcolor="#000000" text="#C0C0C0"> <p>&nbsp;</p> <table border="0" cellpadding="15" width="800" bgcolor="#C0C0C0"> <tr> <td width="150" VALIGN="top" align="left" bgcolor="#C0C0C0"><a href="Default.htm"><font face="Arial" color="#FFFFFF"><strong>HOME</strong></font></a><p><a href="Images.htm"><font face="Arial" color="#FFFFFF"><strong>IMAGES</strong></font></a></p> <p><font face="Arial" color="#FFFFFF"><strong>FINAL REPORT<big><br> </big><small><a href="DCT.htm">DCT Transform</a><br> <a href="Haar.htm">Haar Wavelet Transform</a></small><br> <small><a href="Quantization.htm">quantization methods </a><br> <a href="Results.htm">results</a><br> <a href="Conclusions.htm">conclusions</a></small></strong></font></p> <p align="left"><a href="References.htm"><font face="Arial" color="#FFFFFF"><strong>REFERENCES/LINKS</strong></font></a></p> <p><font face="Arial" color="#FFFFFF"><strong>MATLAB CODE<br> <small>DCT Code:</small><br> <a href="total.htm"><small>total.m</small></a><br> <a href="scale.htm"><small>scale.m</small></a><br> <small>Haar Wavelet Code:</small><br> <a href="h_transform.htm"><small>h_transform.m</small></a><br> <a href="nrmlMat2.htm"><small>nrmlMat2.m</small></a><br> <a href="inrmlMat2.htm"><small>inrmlMat2.m</small></a><br> <a href="Quntze.htm"><small>Quntze.m</small></a><br> <a href="IQuntze.htm"><small>IQuntze.m</small></a><br> <a href="BinOut.htm"><small>BinOut.m</small></a><br> <a href="makeImage.htm"><small>makeImage.m</small></a><br> <a href="makeBitMask.htm"><small>makeBitMask.m</small></a><br> <a href="haar_col.htm"><small>haar_col.m</small></a><br> <a href="haar_row.htm"><small>haar_row.m</small></a><br> <a href="ihaar_col.htm"><small>ihaar_col.m</small></a><br> <a href="ihaar_row.htm"><small>ihaar_row.m</small></a><br> <a href="statcom2.htm"><small>statcom2.m</small></a><br> <br> <br> <small></small></strong></font></p> <p><font face="Arial" color="#FFFFFF"><strong><br> </strong></font></td> <td valign="top" width="550" bgcolor="#000000"><h3 align="center"><img src="flash.gif" width="550" height="174" alt="flash.gif (80595 bytes)"></h3> <h3 align="center"><font face="Arial" color="#0000FF"><big>ELEC301 Project Home Page</big></font></h3> <p><font color="#000000">&nbsp;</font><img src="Defaul1.jpg" alt="wpe67.jpg (2127 bytes)" WIDTH="550" HEIGHT="6"></p> <p class="MsoNormal"><font color="#C0C0C0"><small><span style="font-family:Arial">Digital images inherently take up a great deal of space. For purposes of transmitting files containing images or for storing image files, it is desirable to somehow decrease the size of the image files.<span style="mso-spacerun: yes">&nbsp; </span>There are various methods of image compression that can be employed to provide savings in data size.<span style="mso-spacerun: yes"> &nbsp; </span>These methods can be evaluated using two criteria:<span style="mso-spacerun: yes">&nbsp; </span>a) quantification of the savings achieved and b) whether or not they retain enough information to recreate the original image within some acceptable error margin.<o:p></o:p></span></small></font></p> <p class="MsoNormal"><font color="#C0C0C0"><small><span style="font-family:Arial">&nbsp;<o:p>With regard to these criteria, image compression methods can be classified into two categories: lossy and lossless.<span style="mso-spacerun: yes">&nbsp; </span>Lossy methods allow error into the recreated image because they use various approximation techniques to achieve high compression rates.<span style="mso-spacerun: yes">&nbsp; </span>JPEG is an example of a popular lossy compression technique.<span style="mso-spacerun: yes">&nbsp; </span>Lossless compression reduces image files by identifying redundancies in the data allowing for perfect recreation of the original image but delivering low compression rates.<span style="mso-spacerun: yes">&nbsp; </span>GIF is an example of a frequently used lossless compression method.<o:p></o:p></span></small></font></p> <p class="MsoNormal"><font color="#C0C0C0"><small><span style="font-family:Arial">There are several different classifications of coding techniques that are used to facilitate compression.<span style="mso-spacerun: yes">&nbsp; </span>Pixel coding, as the name implies, codes each pixel in the image separately. When a pixel value occurs frequently, it gets a &quot;short&quot; encoding, (i.e. small number of bits), while the more exotic pixel values receive larger encodings. Predictive coding takes advantage of the fact that in most images, the value of one pixel is likely to be similar to the values of the pixels around it. In predictive coding quantized post values are used to predict future values. The most commonly used coding technique and the technique of interest in this project is called transform coding.<span style="mso-spacerun: yes">&nbsp; </span><o:p></span></small></font></p> <p class="MsoNormal"><font color="#C0C0C0"><small><span style="font-family:Arial">When performing image compression using transform coding, the first step in the compression routine is to take an image represented by x by y pixels of data and transform the representation of the image into some new x by y pixels of data.<span style="mso-spacerun: yes">&nbsp; </span>The original image typically has its energy, or important information, scattered throughout the image.<span style="mso-spacerun: yes">&nbsp; </span>When the energy is randomly distributed, compression is difficult.<span style="mso-spacerun: yes">&nbsp; </span>The objective of the transformation is to relocate a large percentage of the images energy into a specific region.<span style="mso-spacerun: yes">&nbsp; </span>For our project we have chosen to concentrate on two methods of transform compression: the discrete cosine transform (DCT) and the Haar wavelet transform.</span></small></font></p> <span style="font-size:10.0pt;font-family:Arial;mso-fareast-font-family:&quot;Times New Roman&quot;; mso-ansi-language:EN-US;mso-fareast-language:EN-US;mso-bidi-language:AR-SA"><p><font color="#C0C0C0">After the image transformation routine has been completed, the next step in the image compression process is amplitude digitization also known as quantization.<span style="mso-spacerun: yes">&nbsp; </span>During quantization each pixel of the transformed digital image is mapped to a discrete number.<span style="mso-spacerun: yes">&nbsp; </span>Each integer in range of numbers used in the mapping symbolize a color.<span style="mso-spacerun: yes">&nbsp; </span>In this project we explored different types of quantization routines.</font></span></p> <p><font color="#C0C0C0">&nbsp;<img src="Defaul1.jpg" alt="wpe67.jpg (2127 bytes)" WIDTH="550" HEIGHT="6"></font></p> <p><font face="Arial" color="#C0C0C0"><small>This project was completed as a portion of <a href="">Richard Baraniuk</a>'s </small><br> <small>1999 class on <a href="">Signals and Systems</a> at Rice University.</small></font></p> <p><font color="#C0C0C0"><img src="Defaul1.jpg" alt="wpe67.jpg (2127 bytes)" WIDTH="550" HEIGHT="6"> </font></p> <p><font size="2" face="Arial" color="#C0C0C0">Contact the authors:<br> <a href=""></a><br> <a href=""></a><br> <a href=""></a><br> <a href=""></a></font></p> <p><font color="#000000" size="2" face="Arial"><br> </font></td> </tr> </table> </body> </html>
Heidi, Christy, Brian, and Carl's ELEC301 Project Home Page   | | | | --- | --- | | [**HOME**](Default.htm)[**IMAGES**](Images.htm) **FINAL REPORT [DCT Transform](DCT.htm) [Haar Wavelet Transform](Haar.htm) [quantization methods](Quantization.htm) [results](Results.htm) [conclusions](Conclusions.htm)** [**REFERENCES/LINKS**](References.htm) **MATLAB CODE DCT Code: [total.m](total.htm) [scale.m](scale.htm) Haar Wavelet Code: [h\_transform.m](h_transform.htm) [nrmlMat2.m](nrmlMat2.htm) [inrmlMat2.m](inrmlMat2.htm) [Quntze.m](Quntze.htm) [IQuntze.m](IQuntze.htm) [BinOut.m](BinOut.htm) [makeImage.m](makeImage.htm) [makeBitMask.m](makeBitMask.htm) [haar\_col.m](haar_col.htm) [haar\_row.m](haar_row.htm) [ihaar\_col.m](ihaar_col.htm) [ihaar\_row.m](ihaar_row.htm) [statcom2.m](statcom2.htm)** | flash.gif (80595 bytes) ELEC301 Project Home Page  wpe67.jpg (2127 bytes) Digital images inherently take up a great deal of space. For purposes of transmitting files containing images or for storing image files, it is desirable to somehow decrease the size of the image files.  There are various methods of image compression that can be employed to provide savings in data size.   These methods can be evaluated using two criteria:  a) quantification of the savings achieved and b) whether or not they retain enough information to recreate the original image within some acceptable error margin.  With regard to these criteria, image compression methods can be classified into two categories: lossy and lossless.  Lossy methods allow error into the recreated image because they use various approximation techniques to achieve high compression rates.  JPEG is an example of a popular lossy compression technique.  Lossless compression reduces image files by identifying redundancies in the data allowing for perfect recreation of the original image but delivering low compression rates.  GIF is an example of a frequently used lossless compression method. There are several different classifications of coding techniques that are used to facilitate compression.  Pixel coding, as the name implies, codes each pixel in the image separately. When a pixel value occurs frequently, it gets a "short" encoding, (i.e. small number of bits), while the more exotic pixel values receive larger encodings. Predictive coding takes advantage of the fact that in most images, the value of one pixel is likely to be similar to the values of the pixels around it. In predictive coding quantized post values are used to predict future values. The most commonly used coding technique and the technique of interest in this project is called transform coding.  When performing image compression using transform coding, the first step in the compression routine is to take an image represented by x by y pixels of data and transform the representation of the image into some new x by y pixels of data.  The original image typically has its energy, or important information, scattered throughout the image.  When the energy is randomly distributed, compression is difficult.  The objective of the transformation is to relocate a large percentage of the images energy into a specific region.  For our project we have chosen to concentrate on two methods of transform compression: the discrete cosine transform (DCT) and the Haar wavelet transform. After the image transformation routine has been completed, the next step in the image compression process is amplitude digitization also known as quantization.  During quantization each pixel of the transformed digital image is mapped to a discrete number.  Each integer in range of numbers used in the mapping symbolize a color.  In this project we explored different types of quantization routines.  wpe67.jpg (2127 bytes) This project was completed as a portion of [Richard Baraniuk]('s 1999 class on [Signals and Systems]( at Rice University. wpe67.jpg (2127 bytes) Contact the authors: []( []( []( []( |

It is what it says on the tin, 2k websites that don't run javascript (aka: probably really old, and simple!). Filtering needs to be done to take out the defunct sites and error messages. I don't expect this is a hard task.

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