[ "(infer (speed higher world1) (smoothness higher world2) (smoothness higher world1))", "(infer (speed higher world2) (smoothness higher world1) (smoothness higher world2))" ]
qrel(speed, higher, world1) -> qrel(smoothness, higher, world2) ; qrel(smoothness, higher, world1)
{ "world1": [ "ice" ], "world2": [ "snow" ] }
Mike was snowboarding on the snow and hit a piece of ice. He went much faster on the ice because _____ is smoother. (A) snow (B) ice
[ "(infer (time lower world1) (distance higher world2) (distance higher world1))", "(infer (time lower world2) (distance higher world1) (distance higher world2))" ]
qrel(time, lower, world1) -> qrel(distance, higher, world2) ; qrel(distance, higher, world1)
{ "world1": [ "Rita" ], "world2": [ "John" ] }
John and Rita are going for a run. Rita gets tired and takes a break on the park bench. After twenty minutes in the park, who has run farther? (A) John (B) Rita
[ "(infer (speed lower world1) (heat lower world1) (heat lower world2))", "(infer (speed lower world2) (heat lower world2) (heat lower world1))" ]
qrel(speed, lower, world1) -> qrel(heat, lower, world1) ; qrel(heat, lower, world2)
{ "world1": [ "ocean" ], "world2": [ "river" ] }
The propeller on Kate's boat moved slower in the ocean compared to the river. This means the propeller heated up less in the (A) ocean (B) river
[ "(infer (and (heat low world1) (heat high world2)) (friction higher world2) (friction lower world2))", "(infer (and (heat low world2) (heat high world1)) (friction higher world1) (friction lower world1))" ]
qval(heat, low, world1), qval(heat, high, world2) -> qrel(friction, higher, world2) ; qrel(friction, lower, world2)
{ "world1": [ "grass hill" ], "world2": [ "muddy hill" ] }
A car gets very hot as it drives up a muddy hill, but stays cool as it drives up a grass hill. The car warms on on the muddy hill because the muddy hill has (A) more friction (B) less friction.
[ "(infer (strength lower world1) (distance lower world2) (distance lower world1))", "(infer (strength lower world2) (distance lower world1) (distance lower world2))" ]
qrel(strength, lower, world1) -> qrel(distance, lower, world2) ; qrel(distance, lower, world1)
{ "world1": [ "Juan after a hospital stay" ], "world2": [ "Juan when healthy" ] }
Juan is injured in a car accident, which necessitates a hospital stay where he is unable to maintain the strength in his arm. Juan notices that his throwing arm feels extremely frail compared to the level of strength it had when he was healthy. If Juan decides to throw a ball with his friend, when will his throw travel less distance? (A) When Juan's arm is healthy (B) When Juan's arm is weak after the hospital stay.
[ "(infer (and (brightness high world1) (brightness low world2)) (distance lower world1) (distance lower world2))", "(infer (and (brightness high world2) (brightness low world1)) (distance lower world2) (distance lower world1))" ]
qval(brightness, high, world1), qval(brightness, low, world2) -> qrel(distance, lower, world1) ; qrel(distance, lower, world2)
{ "world1": [ "Clear address" ], "world2": [ "Unclear address" ] }
The pizza delivery driver stopped by the streetlamp and noted the address of the red house he was in front of. He looked at the brown home across the street, but that address wasn't visible to him, despite a street light in front. In this scenario, was the delivery driver closer to (A) the red house or (B) the brown house?
[ "(infer (and (weight low world1) (weight high world2)) (acceleration higher world2) (acceleration higher world1))", "(infer (and (weight low world2) (weight high world1)) (acceleration higher world1) (acceleration higher world2))" ]
qval(weight, low, world1), qval(weight, high, world2) -> qrel(acceleration, higher, world2) ; qrel(acceleration, higher, world1)
{ "world1": [ "thin" ], "world2": [ "heavyset" ] }
Jed is trying to win a race against his friend Tyler. Jed is heavyset, and Tyler is thin. During the race, who will speed up fastest? (A) Jed (B) Tyler
[ "(infer (friction higher world1) (smoothness higher world2) (smoothness higher world1))", "(infer (friction higher world2) (smoothness higher world1) (smoothness higher world2))" ]
qrel(friction, higher, world1) -> qrel(smoothness, higher, world2) ; qrel(smoothness, higher, world1)
{ "world1": [ "glass table" ], "world2": [ "laminate flooring" ] }
Tim was playing with his new marble in the living room of his house. He realized that the marble rolled much smoother on the _____. The higher friction of the laminate flooring made the marble rolled slower. (A) glass table (B) laminate flooring of his living room
[ "(infer (speed higher world1) (friction lower world1) (friction higher world1))", "(infer (speed higher world2) (friction lower world2) (friction higher world2))" ]
qrel(speed, higher, world1) -> qrel(friction, lower, world1) ; qrel(friction, higher, world1)
{ "world1": [ "socks" ], "world2": [ "bare feet" ] }
Jason tried going down the slide with bare feet but kept putting his feet down to stop himself. When he went with socks, he went much faster. This is due to the socks providing (A) less friction (B) more friction?
[ "(infer (and (distance high world1) (distance low world2)) (smoothness higher world1) (smoothness higher world2))", "(infer (and (distance high world2) (distance low world1)) (smoothness higher world2) (smoothness higher world1))" ]
qval(distance, high, world1), qval(distance, low, world2) -> qrel(smoothness, higher, world1) ; qrel(smoothness, higher, world2)
{ "world1": [ "play room floor" ], "world2": [ "rumpus room floor" ] }
Mary has a cat that she loves to play with. Sometimes she drags the cat toy across the floor so the cat can chase it. When she drags the cat toy across the play room floor it goes quite a far distance. When she drags it across the rumpus room floor it barely moves at all. This means the _____ is more smooth (A) play room floor (B) rumpus room floor
[ "(infer (smoothness higher world1) (friction lower world1) (friction higher world1))", "(infer (smoothness higher world2) (friction lower world2) (friction higher world2))" ]
qrel(smoothness, higher, world1) -> qrel(friction, lower, world1) ; qrel(friction, higher, world1)
{ "world1": [ "oily hands" ], "world2": [ "clean hands" ] }
Maggie tried opening a lid after eating popcorn and found she couldn't do it because her hands were too slippery. The oil made her hands have (A) less resistance (B) more resistance.
[ "(infer (distance higher world1) (speed lower world2) (speed lower world1))", "(infer (distance higher world2) (speed lower world1) (speed lower world2))" ]
qrel(distance, higher, world1) -> qrel(speed, lower, world2) ; qrel(speed, lower, world1)
{ "world1": [ "car in right lane" ], "world2": [ "car in left lane" ] }
Two cars are traveling down a highway. They start out next to each other, but in 10 minutes, the car in the right lane is way ahead of the car in the left lane. Which car wasn't going as fast as the other car? (A) the one on the left (B) the one on the right
[ "(infer (distance higher world1) (apparentSize higher world2) (apparentSize higher world1))", "(infer (distance higher world2) (apparentSize higher world1) (apparentSize higher world2))" ]
qrel(distance, higher, world1) -> qrel(apparentSize, higher, world2) ; qrel(apparentSize, higher, world1)
{ "world1": [ "grasshopper" ], "world2": [ "beetle" ] }
If Jimbo is 4 feet away from a beetle and 100 feet away from a grasshopper, which insect will seem bigger to him? (A) beetle (B) grasshopper
[ "(infer (brightness higher world1) (distance lower world1) (distance lower world2))", "(infer (brightness higher world2) (distance lower world2) (distance lower world1))" ]
qrel(brightness, higher, world1) -> qrel(distance, lower, world1) ; qrel(distance, lower, world2)
{ "world1": [ "desk lamp" ], "world2": [ "floor lamp" ] }
Lisa is studying for her exam. She is working at her desk on the computer and reading. She has no issues reading the tiny print. The light source in the room must be a? (A) Desk Lamp (B) Floor Lamp
[ "(infer (and (exerciseIntensity low world1) (exerciseIntensity high world2)) (amountSweat lower world1) (amountSweat higher world1))", "(infer (and (exerciseIntensity low world2) (exerciseIntensity high world1)) (amountSweat lower world2) (amountSweat higher world2))" ]
qval(exerciseIntensity, low, world1), qval(exerciseIntensity, high, world2) -> qrel(amountSweat, lower, world1) ; qrel(amountSweat, higher, world1)
{ "world1": [ "Jabba" ], "world2": [ "Dancer" ] }
Jabba is lounging on a recliner, watching his favorite dancer perform. She twirls and twerks, whirls and writhes, her chains clanging rhythmically to the exotic music. Who will sweat less? (A) Jabba will sweat less than the dancer (B) Jabba will sweat more than the dancer
[ "(infer (and (exerciseIntensity low world1) (exerciseIntensity high world2)) (amountSweat lower world1) (amountSweat lower world2))", "(infer (and (exerciseIntensity low world2) (exerciseIntensity high world1)) (amountSweat lower world2) (amountSweat lower world1))" ]
qval(exerciseIntensity, low, world1), qval(exerciseIntensity, high, world2) -> qrel(amountSweat, lower, world1) ; qrel(amountSweat, lower, world2)
{ "world1": [ "Carrie" ], "world2": [ "Dina" ] }
Carrie visits Dina at her house. Dina rides her exercise bike while Carrie sits and watches television. Which of the two will have a smaller pool of sweat at their feet when they are done? (A) Carrie (B) Dina.
[ "(infer (strength higher world1) (distance higher world2) (distance higher world1))", "(infer (strength higher world2) (distance higher world1) (distance higher world2))" ]
qrel(strength, higher, world1) -> qrel(distance, higher, world2) ; qrel(distance, higher, world1)
{ "world1": [ "Billy" ], "world2": [ "Mary" ] }
Mary and Billy are at the beach skipping rocks. Billy works out everyday, but Mary is weaker. Who can throw the rocks farther? (A) Mary (B) Billy
[ "(infer (distance higher world1) (smoothness higher world1) (smoothness higher world2))", "(infer (distance higher world2) (smoothness higher world2) (smoothness higher world1))" ]
qrel(distance, higher, world1) -> qrel(smoothness, higher, world1) ; qrel(smoothness, higher, world2)
{ "world1": [ "marble floor" ], "world2": [ "shag rug" ] }
Marcus's son took the pool ball off the pool table to play with it around the house. The son noticed that the pool ball rolled a longer distance on the marble floor than on the shag rug. The smoother surface is (A) the marble floor or (B) the shag rug.
[ "(infer (and (distance low world1) (distance high world2)) (friction lower world1) (friction lower world2))", "(infer (and (distance low world2) (distance high world1)) (friction lower world2) (friction lower world1))" ]
qval(distance, low, world1), qval(distance, high, world2) -> qrel(friction, lower, world1) ; qrel(friction, lower, world2)
{ "world1": [ "roof" ], "world2": [ "slide" ] }
Emily threw a banana onto the roof and it stuck there, but when she threw it onto the slide, it slid right off. She concluded that there was less friction on the (A) roof (B) slide.
[ "(infer (smoothness higher world1) (smoothness lower world1) (smoothness lower world2))", "(infer (smoothness higher world2) (smoothness lower world2) (smoothness lower world1))" ]
qrel(smoothness, higher, world1) -> qrel(smoothness, lower, world1) ; qrel(smoothness, lower, world2)
{ "world1": [ "garage floor" ], "world2": [ "gravel parking lot" ] }
Dan drives a car into the garage from the gravel parking lot. The car moves more smoothly into the garage than the parking lot. This is because there is a bumpier surface in the (A) garage floor (B) gravel parking lot.
[ "(infer (and (distance low world1) (distance high world2)) (brightness higher world1) (brightness higher world2))", "(infer (and (distance low world2) (distance high world1)) (brightness higher world2) (brightness higher world1))" ]
qval(distance, low, world1), qval(distance, high, world2) -> qrel(brightness, higher, world1) ; qrel(brightness, higher, world2)
{ "world1": [ "lamp nearby" ], "world2": [ "lamp across the room" ] }
Sarah used a remote control to turn on two identical lamps with the same power bulb, one nearby and the other all the way across the room. Which lamp looked brighter? (A) lamp nearby (B) lamp across the room
[ "(infer (smoothness higher world1) (heat lower world2) (heat lower world1))", "(infer (smoothness higher world2) (heat lower world1) (heat lower world2))" ]
qrel(smoothness, higher, world1) -> qrel(heat, lower, world2) ; qrel(heat, lower, world1)
{ "world1": [ "dirt" ], "world2": [ "ice" ] }
Driving an icepick into dirt results in a smoother motion then driving it into ice. This means that less heat is generated driving the icepick into the (A) ice (B) dirt
[ "(infer (distance lower world1) (apparentSize higher world1) (apparentSize lower world1))", "(infer (distance lower world2) (apparentSize higher world2) (apparentSize lower world2))" ]
qrel(distance, lower, world1) -> qrel(apparentSize, higher, world1) ; qrel(apparentSize, lower, world1)
{ "world1": [ "Car" ], "world2": [ "Truck" ] }
There was a car nearby and a truck on the highway in the distance so the car looked _____ than the truck (A) bigger (B) smaller
[ "(infer (and (speed low world1) (speed high world2)) (friction lower world2) (friction higher world2))", "(infer (and (speed low world2) (speed high world1)) (friction lower world1) (friction higher world1))" ]
qval(speed, low, world1), qval(speed, high, world2) -> qrel(friction, lower, world2) ; qrel(friction, higher, world2)
{ "world1": [ "watering hole" ], "world2": [ "hard dirt" ] }
The mammoth moved slowly through the watering hole, but ran on the hard dirt because the hard dirt had (A) less resistance (B) more resistance
[ "(infer (apparentSize lower world1) (distance higher world2) (distance higher world1))", "(infer (apparentSize lower world2) (distance higher world1) (distance higher world2))" ]
qrel(apparentSize, lower, world1) -> qrel(distance, higher, world2) ; qrel(distance, higher, world1)
{ "world1": [ "Sirius" ], "world2": [ "the moon" ] }
this object appears to have less mass because it is more lightyears away (A) the moon (B) Sirius
[ "(infer (and (heat high world1) (heat low world2)) (friction higher world2) (friction lower world2))", "(infer (and (heat high world2) (heat low world1)) (friction higher world1) (friction lower world1))" ]
qval(heat, high, world1), qval(heat, low, world2) -> qrel(friction, higher, world2) ; qrel(friction, lower, world2)
{ "world1": [ "dirt street" ], "world2": [ "paved street" ] }
Dan is driving his van and it gets very warm when driving down the dirt street. However, the van stays cool driving down the paved street. The paved street has (A) greater resistance (B) lower resistance.
[ "(infer (and (speed low world1) (speed high world2)) (friction higher world2) (friction lower world2))", "(infer (and (speed low world2) (speed high world1)) (friction higher world1) (friction lower world1))" ]
qval(speed, low, world1), qval(speed, high, world2) -> qrel(friction, higher, world2) ; qrel(friction, lower, world2)
{ "world1": [ "sandpaper" ], "world2": [ "piece of glass" ] }
Shiloh rolls a ball over a piece of sandpaper and notices that the ball moves very slowly. Shiloh then rolls his ball over a piece of glass, and the ball rolls very quickly. The ball rolled quickly on the piece of glass because the glass had (A) more friction (B) less friction.
[ "(infer (loudness lower world1) (distance lower world1) (distance higher world1))", "(infer (loudness lower world2) (distance lower world2) (distance higher world2))" ]
qrel(loudness, lower, world1) -> qrel(distance, lower, world1) ; qrel(distance, higher, world1)
{ "world1": [ "TV far away" ], "world2": [ "TV nearby" ] }
Sarah was listening to her favorite music video on the TV when the phone in the kitchen rang. She went to answer it, no longer easily able to hear her music because (A) the TV was nearby (B) the TV was far away
[ "(infer (friction higher world1) (heat lower world2) (heat lower world1))", "(infer (friction higher world2) (heat lower world1) (heat lower world2))" ]
qrel(friction, higher, world1) -> qrel(heat, lower, world2) ; qrel(heat, lower, world1)
{ "world1": [ "door mat" ], "world2": [ "microfiber cloth" ] }
A door mat has more resistance then a microfiber cloth. This means rubbing a spatula across a _____ creates less heat (A) microfiber cloth (B) door mat
[ "(infer (friction lower world1) (distance higher world2) (distance higher world1))", "(infer (friction lower world2) (distance higher world1) (distance higher world2))" ]
qrel(friction, lower, world1) -> qrel(distance, higher, world2) ; qrel(distance, higher, world1)
{ "world1": [ "dirt" ], "world2": [ "sand" ] }
Rolling a marble over dirt creates less resistance then rolling it over sand. This means the marble will travel further over the (A) sand or (B) dirt
[ "(infer (speed lower world1) (distance lower world2) (distance lower world1))", "(infer (speed lower world2) (distance lower world1) (distance lower world2))" ]
qrel(speed, lower, world1) -> qrel(distance, lower, world2) ; qrel(distance, lower, world1)
{ "world1": [ "person walking" ], "world2": [ "person driving" ] }
Both Linda and Keith leave for work at the same time. Linda drives in her car and Keith is walking. If they've both been traveling for two hours, who is more likely to have covered less distance? (A) Linda (B) Keith
[ "(infer (thickness lower world1) (strength higher world2) (strength higher world1))", "(infer (thickness lower world2) (strength higher world1) (strength higher world2))" ]
qrel(thickness, lower, world1) -> qrel(strength, higher, world2) ; qrel(strength, higher, world1)
{ "world1": [ "Cotton" ], "world2": [ "Kevlar" ] }
Jim wears a thick Kevlar vest. Jack is just wearing a cotton shirt. Which top would stop a bullet? (A) Kevlar (B) Cotton
[ "(infer (heat higher world1) (smoothness higher world2) (smoothness higher world1))", "(infer (heat higher world2) (smoothness higher world1) (smoothness higher world2))" ]
qrel(heat, higher, world1) -> qrel(smoothness, higher, world2) ; qrel(smoothness, higher, world1)
{ "world1": [ "chair" ], "world2": [ "stage" ] }
A microphone rolling across a chair makes it get hotter then one rolling across a stage. Which surface is the most smooth? (A) stage (B) chair
[ "(infer (apparentSize higher world1) (distance higher world2) (distance lower world2))", "(infer (apparentSize higher world2) (distance higher world1) (distance lower world1))" ]
qrel(apparentSize, higher, world1) -> qrel(distance, higher, world2) ; qrel(distance, lower, world2)
{ "world1": [ "nearer to camera" ], "world2": [ "farther from camera" ] }
Becky wanted her mom to take her photo so it looked like she was holding a castle in her hand. She needed to stand _____ her mom than the castle was. (A) farther from (B) nearer to
[ "(infer (smoothness higher world1) (heat higher world2) (heat higher world1))", "(infer (smoothness higher world2) (heat higher world1) (heat higher world2))" ]
qrel(smoothness, higher, world1) -> qrel(heat, higher, world2) ; qrel(heat, higher, world1)
{ "world1": [ "glass table" ], "world2": [ "carpet" ] }
Ellie slid a marble across a glass table. Then she slid it over the carpet. The marble moved more fluidly across the glass table than the carpet. The marble would generate more heat when it slid over the (A) carpet (B) glass table.
[ "(infer (and (speed low world1) (speed high world2)) (smoothness lower world1) (smoothness lower world2))", "(infer (and (speed low world2) (speed high world1)) (smoothness lower world2) (smoothness lower world1))" ]
qval(speed, low, world1), qval(speed, high, world2) -> qrel(smoothness, lower, world1) ; qrel(smoothness, lower, world2)
{ "world1": [ "rocky yard" ], "world2": [ "swept yard" ] }
A boxer dog can run at a tremendous rate of speed in a swept yard, but not as quickly in a rocky yard. This means the _____ is more rough (A) rocky yard (B) swept yard
[ "(infer (speed lower world1) (friction higher world1) (friction lower world1))", "(infer (speed lower world2) (friction higher world2) (friction lower world2))" ]
qrel(speed, lower, world1) -> qrel(friction, higher, world1) ; qrel(friction, lower, world1)
{ "world1": [ "dirt road" ], "world2": [ "pavement" ] }
John was driving on a country road the other day, when he decided to leave the pavement and go off on a dirt road. His car went much slower, and seemed a lot rougher, on the dirt road, than it had on the pavement. John decided that the dirt road had _____ than the pavement. (A) more friction (B) less friction
[ "(infer (time higher world1) (distance higher world2) (distance higher world1))", "(infer (time higher world2) (distance higher world1) (distance higher world2))" ]
qrel(time, higher, world1) -> qrel(distance, higher, world2) ; qrel(distance, higher, world1)
{ "world1": [ "Jenny" ], "world2": [ "Sarah" ] }
If Sarah and Jenny both run at the same pace, but Jenny runs for 20 more minutes than Sarah, who has traveled farther? (A) Sarah (B) Jenny
[ "(infer (exerciseIntensity higher world1) (amountSweat higher world1) (amountSweat higher world2))", "(infer (exerciseIntensity higher world2) (amountSweat higher world2) (amountSweat higher world1))" ]
qrel(exerciseIntensity, higher, world1) -> qrel(amountSweat, higher, world1) ; qrel(amountSweat, higher, world2)
{ "world1": [ "Football player" ], "world2": [ "TV watcher" ] }
A _____ will perspire more because they are more physical. (A) Football player (B) TV watcher
[ "(infer (weight lower world1) (acceleration higher world1) (acceleration lower world1))", "(infer (weight lower world2) (acceleration higher world2) (acceleration lower world2))" ]
qrel(weight, lower, world1) -> qrel(acceleration, higher, world1) ; qrel(acceleration, lower, world1)
{ "world1": [ "Empty cement truck" ], "world2": [ "Full cement truck" ] }
The empty cement truck weighed less than the full cement truck so it was _____ when it was accelerating (A) faster (B) slower
[ "(infer (speed higher world1) (distance lower world1) (distance higher world1))", "(infer (speed higher world2) (distance lower world2) (distance higher world2))" ]
qrel(speed, higher, world1) -> qrel(distance, lower, world1) ; qrel(distance, higher, world1)
{ "world1": [ "Plane" ], "world2": [ "Train" ] }
The plane was much faster than the train so when both of them had been traveling for an hour the plane went (A) less far (B) further
[ "(infer (speed lower world1) (friction higher world1) (friction higher world2))", "(infer (speed lower world2) (friction higher world2) (friction higher world1))" ]
qrel(speed, lower, world1) -> qrel(friction, higher, world1) ; qrel(friction, higher, world2)
{ "world1": [ "door mat" ], "world2": [ "tile floor" ] }
Taylor pushes her shopping cart over a tile floor then over a door mat. The shopping cart moves more slowly over the door mat than it does the tile floor as a result of there being more friction on the (A) door mat (B) tile floor.
[ "(infer (speed higher world1) (distance higher world1) (distance higher world2))", "(infer (speed higher world2) (distance higher world2) (distance higher world1))" ]
qrel(speed, higher, world1) -> qrel(distance, higher, world1) ; qrel(distance, higher, world2)
{ "world1": [ "Jim" ], "world2": [ "Sam" ] }
Jim rides his bike twice as fast as Sam. If they start at the same point and follow the same path, who will cover more distance in one hour? (A) Jim (B) Sam
[ "(infer (friction lower world1) (friction higher world2) (friction lower world2))", "(infer (friction lower world2) (friction higher world1) (friction lower world1))" ]
qrel(friction, lower, world1) -> qrel(friction, higher, world2) ; qrel(friction, lower, world2)
{ "world1": [ "tile floor" ], "world2": [ "carpet" ] }
Carla is getting her suitcase ready for a vacation. She fills it up in the bedroom, and rolls it across the carpeted floor into the kitchen. Carla notices that the suitcase rolls easier on the tile floor in the kitchen than it did in the carpeted bedroom. This is because the carpet has _____ than the tile floor. (A) more friction (B) less friction
[ "(infer (and (speed high world1) (speed low world2)) (friction higher world2) (friction lower world2))", "(infer (and (speed high world2) (speed low world1)) (friction higher world1) (friction lower world1))" ]
qval(speed, high, world1), qval(speed, low, world2) -> qrel(friction, higher, world2) ; qrel(friction, lower, world2)
{ "world1": [ "marble floors" ], "world2": [ "wooden floors" ] }
The beauty queen glided across the marble floors, but slowed down on the wooden floors because it had (A) more resistance (B) less resistance
[ "(infer (smoothness higher world1) (friction lower world1) (friction lower world2))", "(infer (smoothness higher world2) (friction lower world2) (friction lower world1))" ]
qrel(smoothness, higher, world1) -> qrel(friction, lower, world1) ; qrel(friction, lower, world2)
{ "world1": [ "ice" ], "world2": [ "sidewalk" ] }
A child slips more easily on ice than on a sidewalk. This is because there is less friction on the (A) ice (B) sidewalk.
[ "(infer (speed lower world1) (time higher world1) (time higher world2))", "(infer (speed lower world2) (time higher world2) (time higher world1))" ]
qrel(speed, lower, world1) -> qrel(time, higher, world1) ; qrel(time, higher, world2)
{ "world1": [ "tortoise" ], "world2": [ "turtle" ] }
A tortoise isn't as fast as a turtle. Which animal will take a longer time to reach the sea if both are walking across the beach? (A) tortoise (B) turtle
[ "(infer (distance higher world1) (loudness higher world1) (loudness lower world1))", "(infer (distance higher world2) (loudness higher world2) (loudness lower world2))" ]
qrel(distance, higher, world1) -> qrel(loudness, higher, world1) ; qrel(loudness, lower, world1)
{ "world1": [ "Siren far" ], "world2": [ "Siren near" ] }
As the police siren left the area and got further away it became (A) louder (B) quieter
[ "(infer (time lower world1) (distance higher world1) (distance lower world1))", "(infer (time lower world2) (distance higher world2) (distance lower world2))" ]
qrel(time, lower, world1) -> qrel(distance, higher, world1) ; qrel(distance, lower, world1)
{ "world1": [ "Jeff" ], "world2": [ "Zack" ] }
Zack and Jeff decide to ride their bikes to a nearby mall. On the way there, they have an argument as to what to do there and Jeff decides to stop and goof around the park they were passing by. Therefore, Jeff ended up traveling _____ than Zack. (A) more (B) less
[ "(infer (distance higher world1) (heat higher world1) (heat higher world2))", "(infer (distance higher world2) (heat higher world2) (heat higher world1))" ]
qrel(distance, higher, world1) -> qrel(heat, higher, world1) ; qrel(heat, higher, world2)
{ "world1": [ "sloped tracks" ], "world2": [ "flat tracks" ] }
Little Sally found that her dad's freight train was able to travel further on sloped tracks, but not as far on flat tracks. She surmised that the freight train got hotter on (A) sloped tracks (B) flat tracks
[ "(infer (exerciseIntensity higher world1) (amountSweat higher world1) (amountSweat lower world1))", "(infer (exerciseIntensity higher world2) (amountSweat higher world2) (amountSweat lower world2))" ]
qrel(exerciseIntensity, higher, world1) -> qrel(amountSweat, higher, world1) ; qrel(amountSweat, lower, world1)
{ "world1": [ "Running" ], "world2": [ "Yoga" ] }
Ryan couldn't decide which type of exercise he wanted to get better at running or yoga so he decided to two both for a week. Yoga was relaxing, but Ryan discovered with running he was exerting himself more so he _____ than yoga. (A) sweat more (B) sweat less
[ "(infer (and (friction high world1) (friction low world2)) (distance higher world1) (distance higher world2))", "(infer (and (friction high world2) (friction low world1)) (distance higher world2) (distance higher world1))" ]
qval(friction, high, world1), qval(friction, low, world2) -> qrel(distance, higher, world1) ; qrel(distance, higher, world2)
{ "world1": [ "rusted tracks" ], "world2": [ "new tracks" ] }
A trolley experiences low friction when cruising along new tracks and high friction when trundling along rusted tracks. This means the trolley can go a greater distance on the (A) rusted tracks (B) new tracks
[ "(infer (distance higher world1) (apparentSize lower world2) (apparentSize lower world1))", "(infer (distance higher world2) (apparentSize lower world1) (apparentSize lower world2))" ]
qrel(distance, higher, world1) -> qrel(apparentSize, lower, world2) ; qrel(apparentSize, lower, world1)
{ "world1": [ "stars" ], "world2": [ "sun" ] }
The Sun is close to the Earth, but the stars are farther away. Which appears smaller? (A) Sun (B) stars
[ "(infer (speed lower world1) (heat higher world1) (heat higher world2))", "(infer (speed lower world2) (heat higher world2) (heat higher world1))" ]
qrel(speed, lower, world1) -> qrel(heat, higher, world1) ; qrel(heat, higher, world2)
{ "world1": [ "city track" ], "world2": [ "country track" ] }
A train has to move much slower on the city track than on the country track. This means that the train will get a lot hotter moving over (A) city track (B) country track
[ "(infer (heat higher world1) (distance higher world2) (distance higher world1))", "(infer (heat higher world2) (distance higher world1) (distance higher world2))" ]
qrel(heat, higher, world1) -> qrel(distance, higher, world2) ; qrel(distance, higher, world1)
{ "world1": [ "street" ], "world2": [ "half pipe" ] }
Joe likes to ride his skateboard in many different places. He noticed the wheels got hotter when riding in the street then when riding on the half pipe near his house. This means that his skateboard can go a greater distance between pushes on the (A) half pipe or in the (B) street
[ "(infer (smoothness lower world1) (heat higher world1) (heat higher world2))", "(infer (smoothness lower world2) (heat higher world2) (heat higher world1))" ]
qrel(smoothness, lower, world1) -> qrel(heat, higher, world1) ; qrel(heat, higher, world2)
{ "world1": [ "whetstone" ], "world2": [ "chunk of rubber" ] }
When Linda needed to sharpen her knife, she did it by rubbing her knife over two different surfaces. She tried the whetstone and noticed that it was bumpier than the chunk of rubber. She realizes that the sharpening surface that gets hotter to the touch when a knife is rubbed against it is the (A) whetstone (B) chunk of rubber
[ "(infer (speed lower world1) (friction lower world1) (friction lower world2))", "(infer (speed lower world2) (friction lower world2) (friction lower world1))" ]
qrel(speed, lower, world1) -> qrel(friction, lower, world1) ; qrel(friction, lower, world2)
{ "world1": [ "sand" ], "world2": [ "road" ] }
Jerry goes running on the same road everyday, but during vacation he decided to go running on the beach, he noticed that his time was much slower than normal and came to the conclusion that there was more resistance on (A) the sand (B) the road
[ "(infer (distance higher world1) (friction lower world2) (friction lower world1))", "(infer (distance higher world2) (friction lower world1) (friction lower world2))" ]
qrel(distance, higher, world1) -> qrel(friction, lower, world2) ; qrel(friction, lower, world1)
{ "world1": [ "counter" ], "world2": [ "garage" ] }
Mike can roll his grapefruit over the counter and watch it roll a greater distance then when he rolls it in his garage. This means the _____ has less friction (A) garage (B) counter
[ "(infer (and (smoothness low world1) (smoothness high world2)) (heat higher world1) (heat higher world2))", "(infer (and (smoothness low world2) (smoothness high world1)) (heat higher world2) (heat higher world1))" ]
qval(smoothness, low, world1), qval(smoothness, high, world2) -> qrel(heat, higher, world1) ; qrel(heat, higher, world2)
{ "world1": [ "carpet" ], "world2": [ "tile" ] }
Bill can't decide which room to put his piano in. His bedroom, which has a smooth tiled floor, or his living room, which has rough shag carpeting. He pushes the piano between the two rooms several times. On which surface does pushing the piano generate more heat, (A) Carpet or (B) Tile.
[ "(infer (friction lower world1) (heat higher world2) (heat higher world1))", "(infer (friction lower world2) (heat higher world1) (heat higher world2))" ]
qrel(friction, lower, world1) -> qrel(heat, higher, world2) ; qrel(heat, higher, world1)
{ "world1": [ "paved road" ], "world2": [ "dirt road" ] }
Kathy's motorcycle experiences less resistance cruising over a paved road then over a dirt road. This means the motorcycle heats up more over the (A) dirt road (B) paved road
[ "(infer (speed higher world1) (friction higher world1) (friction lower world1))", "(infer (speed higher world2) (friction higher world2) (friction lower world2))" ]
qrel(speed, higher, world1) -> qrel(friction, higher, world1) ; qrel(friction, lower, world1)
{ "world1": [ "concrete floor" ], "world2": [ "carpeted floor" ] }
Kate is at the movies and drops her cup on the floor accidentally. The cup rolls away very quickly on the concrete floor, but it slows down once it hits the carpeted floor. The cup was faster on the concrete floor because the concrete floor had (A) more friction (B) less friction.
[ "(infer (weight lower world1) (acceleration higher world1) (acceleration lower world1))", "(infer (weight lower world2) (acceleration higher world2) (acceleration lower world2))" ]
qrel(weight, lower, world1) -> qrel(acceleration, higher, world1) ; qrel(acceleration, lower, world1)
{ "world1": [ "boy out of car" ], "world2": [ "boy sitting in car" ] }
Alex is pushing his son in a toy car. It is _____ to speed up the car when the boy is out of it. (A) easier (B) harder
[ "(infer (speed higher world1) (time lower world2) (time lower world1))", "(infer (speed higher world2) (time lower world1) (time lower world2))" ]
qrel(speed, higher, world1) -> qrel(time, lower, world2) ; qrel(time, lower, world1)
{ "world1": [ "getting to table" ], "world2": [ "getting to salad bar" ] }
At the restaurant, Tim waited in line to get to the salad bar but got back to his table quickly. What trip took Tim the least amount of time (A) to the salad bar (B) back to his table
[ "(infer (gravity lower world1) (mass lower world1) (mass lower world2))", "(infer (gravity lower world2) (mass lower world2) (mass lower world1))" ]
qrel(gravity, lower, world1) -> qrel(mass, lower, world1) ; qrel(mass, lower, world2)
{ "world1": [ "bird" ], "world2": [ "bricks" ] }
John and Steven decided to do an experiment. They took one brick, and one feather, and threw them out his second story window, when they looked down they discovered that the feather was little floating because _____ than the brick. (A) it has less mass (B) it has more mass
[ "(infer (thickness higher world1) (strength higher world1) (strength lower world1))", "(infer (thickness higher world2) (strength higher world2) (strength lower world2))" ]
qrel(thickness, higher, world1) -> qrel(strength, higher, world1) ; qrel(strength, lower, world1)
{ "world1": [ "Tree trunk on old tree" ], "world2": [ "Tree trunk on young tree" ] }
The trunk on the old tree was much thicker than the trunk on the new tree so it was a (A) stronger tree (B) weaker tree
[ "(infer (heat lower world1) (distance higher world2) (distance higher world1))", "(infer (heat lower world2) (distance higher world1) (distance higher world2))" ]
qrel(heat, lower, world1) -> qrel(distance, higher, world2) ; qrel(distance, higher, world1)
{ "world1": [ "floor" ], "world2": [ "bed" ] }
Sliding a shirt across the floor makes it heat up less then sliding it across the bed. This means that the shirt can slide a greater distance across which surface? (A) bed (B) floor
[ "(infer (weight higher world1) (acceleration higher world1) (acceleration lower world1))", "(infer (weight higher world2) (acceleration higher world2) (acceleration lower world2))" ]
qrel(weight, higher, world1) -> qrel(acceleration, higher, world1) ; qrel(acceleration, lower, world1)
{ "world1": [ "passengers in car" ], "world2": [ "no passengers in car" ] }
Bertha loves driving around in her car, because it speeds up very quickly. However, if she were to pick up a few friends and drive them around, she'd probably find that her car (A) speeds up faster (B) speeds up slower
[ "(infer (mass higher world1) (gravity higher world2) (gravity higher world1))", "(infer (mass higher world2) (gravity higher world1) (gravity higher world2))" ]
qrel(mass, higher, world1) -> qrel(gravity, higher, world2) ; qrel(gravity, higher, world1)
{ "world1": [ "The Earth" ], "world2": [ "The moon" ] }
A very large asteroid is mid-way between the Earth and the moon. In which direction will it be pulled by gravity? (A) towards the moon (B) towards the Earth
[ "(infer (friction lower world1) (heat higher world2) (heat higher world1))", "(infer (friction lower world2) (heat higher world1) (heat higher world2))" ]
qrel(friction, lower, world1) -> qrel(heat, higher, world2) ; qrel(heat, higher, world1)
{ "world1": [ "tile floor" ], "world2": [ "cement" ] }
Andy was running across the tile floor and sliding across it. There was less friction here, but he thought he could do the same outside on the cement. When Andy tries to slide across the cement, his socks will make _____ than when he slides across the tile floor. (A) more heat (B) less heat
[ "(infer (and (distance high world1) (distance low world2)) (apparentSize lower world2) (apparentSize lower world1))", "(infer (and (distance high world2) (distance low world1)) (apparentSize lower world1) (apparentSize lower world2))" ]
qval(distance, high, world1), qval(distance, low, world2) -> qrel(apparentSize, lower, world2) ; qrel(apparentSize, lower, world1)
{ "world1": [ "Moon" ], "world2": [ "Laptop" ] }
As you sit at your desk and work on your laptop tonight look outside. Which object appears smaller the moon or your laptop? (A) Laptop (B) Moon
[ "(infer (heat higher world1) (friction higher world1) (friction higher world2))", "(infer (heat higher world2) (friction higher world2) (friction higher world1))" ]
qrel(heat, higher, world1) -> qrel(friction, higher, world1) ; qrel(friction, higher, world2)
{ "world1": [ "punch bowl" ], "world2": [ "water bowl" ] }
Sandy's microphone heated up less when she accidentally dropped it into the punch bowl compared to when she accidentally dropped it into the water bowl. She figured out that the _____ had more friction (A) punch bowl (B) water bowl
[ "(infer (speed higher world1) (distance higher world1) (distance higher world2))", "(infer (speed higher world2) (distance higher world2) (distance higher world1))" ]
qrel(speed, higher, world1) -> qrel(distance, higher, world1) ; qrel(distance, higher, world2)
{ "world1": [ "cat alone" ], "world2": [ "cat carrying a kitten" ] }
Two cats sense a predator coming, so they run for cover. They both sprint for the same amount of time, and the cat running alone is able to move more quickly than the cat carrying the kitten.. This means that the cat that travels more distance is (A) the cat alone (B) the cat carrying a kitten.
[ "(infer (speed higher world1) (smoothness higher world1) (smoothness higher world2))", "(infer (speed higher world2) (smoothness higher world2) (smoothness higher world1))" ]
qrel(speed, higher, world1) -> qrel(smoothness, higher, world1) ; qrel(smoothness, higher, world2)
{ "world1": [ "greenhouse floor" ], "world2": [ "backyard" ] }
A matchbox can slide across a greenhouse floor, but it doesn't move as fast as when it is slid across the backyard. Which surface is the smoother one? (A) greenhouse floor (B) backyard
[ "(infer (and (amountSweat low world1) (amountSweat high world2)) (exerciseIntensity lower world2) (exerciseIntensity lower world1))", "(infer (and (amountSweat low world2) (amountSweat high world1)) (exerciseIntensity lower world1) (exerciseIntensity lower world2))" ]
qval(amountSweat, low, world1), qval(amountSweat, high, world2) -> qrel(exerciseIntensity, lower, world2) ; qrel(exerciseIntensity, lower, world1)
{ "world1": [ "Well kempt gym member" ], "world2": [ "Disheveled gym member" ] }
Candace always looked refreshed and well kempt right after her workout sessions, but Diane was drenched in sweat and breathing heavily at the conclusion of hers. Which of the two women probably put in less workout time actually exercising? (A) Diane (B) Candace
[ "(infer (friction lower world1) (smoothness higher world1) (smoothness higher world2))", "(infer (friction lower world2) (smoothness higher world2) (smoothness higher world1))" ]
qrel(friction, lower, world1) -> qrel(smoothness, higher, world1) ; qrel(smoothness, higher, world2)
{ "world1": [ "night sky" ], "world2": [ "day sky" ] }
A UFO flying through night sky experiences less friction then when it flies through day sky. This means that the _____ is smoother (A) night sky (B) day sky
[ "(infer (time lower world1) (speed higher world1) (speed lower world1))", "(infer (time lower world2) (speed higher world2) (speed lower world2))" ]
qrel(time, lower, world1) -> qrel(speed, higher, world1) ; qrel(speed, lower, world1)
{ "world1": [ "Falcon" ], "world2": [ "Sloth" ] }
A falcon takes less time to get to its food than a sloth does. Why? (A) the falcon is faster than the sloth (B) The falcon is slower than the sloth
[ "(infer (smoothness higher world1) (smoothness lower world2) (smoothness higher world2))", "(infer (smoothness higher world2) (smoothness lower world1) (smoothness higher world1))" ]
qrel(smoothness, higher, world1) -> qrel(smoothness, lower, world2) ; qrel(smoothness, higher, world2)
{ "world1": [ "hospital bed" ], "world2": [ "ground" ] }
A pregnant mommy gave birth easier on the hospital bed, than on the ground. The ground is (A) more smooth (B) less smooth.
[ "(infer (smoothness lower world1) (friction lower world1) (friction lower world2))", "(infer (smoothness lower world2) (friction lower world2) (friction lower world1))" ]
qrel(smoothness, lower, world1) -> qrel(friction, lower, world1) ; qrel(friction, lower, world2)
{ "world1": [ "sheet of paper" ], "world2": [ "bathtub" ] }
Kevin rolled his ping pong ball over a sheet of paper and over a bathtub. He figured out that the sheet of paper is rougher than his bathtub. This indicates that the _____ has less friction (A) sheet of paper (B) bathtub
[ "(infer (and (distance low world1) (distance high world2)) (apparentSize higher world2) (apparentSize higher world1))", "(infer (and (distance low world2) (distance high world1)) (apparentSize higher world1) (apparentSize higher world2))" ]
qval(distance, low, world1), qval(distance, high, world2) -> qrel(apparentSize, higher, world2) ; qrel(apparentSize, higher, world1)
{ "world1": [ "snowflakes" ], "world2": [ "sky" ] }
I watched the snowflakes go from tiny specks in the sky to a nice size once they fell on my face. When did the snowflakes seem bigger (A) in the sky (B) on my face
[ "(infer (and (distance low world1) (distance high world2)) (smoothness lower world1) (smoothness lower world2))", "(infer (and (distance low world2) (distance high world1)) (smoothness lower world2) (smoothness lower world1))" ]
qval(distance, low, world1), qval(distance, high, world2) -> qrel(smoothness, lower, world1) ; qrel(smoothness, lower, world2)
{ "world1": [ "doormat" ], "world2": [ "staircase landing" ] }
One of Sarah's neighbors spilled dog food all over the stairs. The dog food pieces are on three stairways and all over the landings. Sarah gets mad and kicks a piece of dog food. The dog food flies across the wooden planks from one side of the staircase landing to the other. The dog food reaches the neighbor's door mat. It moves a few inches across the doormat. Why didn't the dog food move further across the doormat? (A) The door mat is a spikier surface (B) the staircase landing is a spikier surface
[ "(infer (and (strength high world1) (strength low world2)) (strength higher world1) (strength higher world2))", "(infer (and (strength high world2) (strength low world1)) (strength higher world2) (strength higher world1))" ]
qval(strength, high, world1), qval(strength, low, world2) -> qrel(strength, higher, world1) ; qrel(strength, higher, world2)
{ "world1": [ "green window" ], "world2": [ "blue window" ] }
Bill punches a green window and it doesnt break. Then he punches a blue window and it breaks. The more powerful window is the (A) green window (B) blue window
[ "(infer (mass lower world1) (gravity lower world1) (gravity lower world2))", "(infer (mass lower world2) (gravity lower world2) (gravity lower world1))" ]
qrel(mass, lower, world1) -> qrel(gravity, lower, world1) ; qrel(gravity, lower, world2)
{ "world1": [ "Mercury" ], "world2": [ "Venus" ] }
Mercury has less mass than Venus so it has (A) weaker gravity (B) stronger gravity
[ "(infer (and (smoothness high world1) (smoothness low world2)) (distance higher world1) (distance higher world2))", "(infer (and (smoothness high world2) (smoothness low world1)) (distance higher world2) (distance higher world1))" ]
qval(smoothness, high, world1), qval(smoothness, low, world2) -> qrel(distance, higher, world1) ; qrel(distance, higher, world2)
{ "world1": [ "couch" ], "world2": [ "carpet" ] }
A jelly bean rolling across a couch has an easy time, but a jelly bean rolling across a carpet has a hard time. This means the _____ will allow the jelly bean to roll a greater distance (A) couch (B) carpet
[ "(infer (distance lower world1) (loudness higher world1) (loudness lower world1))", "(infer (distance lower world2) (loudness higher world2) (loudness lower world2))" ]
qrel(distance, lower, world1) -> qrel(loudness, higher, world1) ; qrel(loudness, lower, world1)
{ "world1": [ "Speaker nearby" ], "world2": [ "Speaker far away" ] }
There was a man standing near a speaker and it was _____ than the speaker that was far away. (A) louder (B) quieter
[ "(infer (thickness lower world1) (strength lower world1) (strength lower world2))", "(infer (thickness lower world2) (strength lower world2) (strength lower world1))" ]
qrel(thickness, lower, world1) -> qrel(strength, lower, world1) ; qrel(strength, lower, world2)
{ "world1": [ "runner" ], "world2": [ "weight lifter" ] }
The thin runner was much _____ strong than the weight lifter (A) less (B) more
[ "(infer (and (smoothness high world1) (smoothness low world2)) (heat higher world1) (heat lower world1))", "(infer (and (smoothness high world2) (smoothness low world1)) (heat higher world2) (heat lower world2))" ]
qval(smoothness, high, world1), qval(smoothness, low, world2) -> qrel(heat, higher, world1) ; qrel(heat, lower, world1)
{ "world1": [ "road" ], "world2": [ "sand" ] }
A truck driving over a flat stretch of road will make _____ than the truck driving over mounds of sand. (A) more heat (B) less heat
[ "(infer (distance higher world1) (smoothness lower world1) (smoothness higher world1))", "(infer (distance higher world2) (smoothness lower world2) (smoothness higher world2))" ]
qrel(distance, higher, world1) -> qrel(smoothness, lower, world1) ; qrel(smoothness, higher, world1)
{ "world1": [ "fresh cement" ], "world2": [ "pile of rocks" ] }
Mister Bigsby rolled a baseball down two different hills. The first hill is a pile of rocks and the second hill is fresh cement. Mister Bigsby noticed that the basball travels farther down the fresh cement as opposed to the pile of rocks. This is because the fresh cement is (A) rougher (B) smoother
[ "(infer (and (thickness high world1) (thickness low world2)) (strength higher world2) (strength higher world1))", "(infer (and (thickness high world2) (thickness low world1)) (strength higher world1) (strength higher world2))" ]
qval(thickness, high, world1), qval(thickness, low, world2) -> qrel(strength, higher, world2) ; qrel(strength, higher, world1)
{ "world1": [ "second little pig" ], "world2": [ "first little pig" ] }
The first little pig built his house of thin straw. The second little pig built his house of thick wood. Whose house would be stronger when the big bad wolf arrived? (A) first little pig (B) second little pig
[ "(infer (heat lower world1) (smoothness higher world2) (smoothness higher world1))", "(infer (heat lower world2) (smoothness higher world1) (smoothness higher world2))" ]
qrel(heat, lower, world1) -> qrel(smoothness, higher, world2) ; qrel(smoothness, higher, world1)
{ "world1": [ "carpet" ], "world2": [ "rug" ] }
When Mike slides his cup across the carpet is heats up less then when he slides it across the rug. This means the _____ is more smooth (A) rug (B) carpet
[ "(infer (heat higher world1) (friction higher world1) (friction higher world2))", "(infer (heat higher world2) (friction higher world2) (friction higher world1))" ]
qrel(heat, higher, world1) -> qrel(friction, higher, world1) ; qrel(friction, higher, world2)
{ "world1": [ "alleyway" ], "world2": [ "sidewalk" ] }
A police officer generates more heat sliding into an alleyway then sliding into a sidewalk. This means the _____ has more friction (A) alleyway (B) sidewalk
[ "(infer (thickness higher world1) (strength higher world2) (strength higher world1))", "(infer (thickness higher world2) (strength higher world1) (strength higher world2))" ]
qrel(thickness, higher, world1) -> qrel(strength, higher, world2) ; qrel(strength, higher, world1)
{ "world1": [ "Tree Branch" ], "world2": [ "Flower Branch" ] }
The tree branch was much thicker than the flower branch so it was (A) weaker (B) stronger
[ "(infer (and (speed low world1) (speed high world2)) (friction lower world1) (friction higher world1))", "(infer (and (speed low world2) (speed high world1)) (friction lower world2) (friction higher world2))" ]
qval(speed, low, world1), qval(speed, high, world2) -> qrel(friction, lower, world1) ; qrel(friction, higher, world1)
{ "world1": [ "sand" ], "world2": [ "concrete" ] }
Lyle takes his jeep to the beach. When he drives it on the concrete, the jeep goes fast and easily. When Lyle drives the jeep on the sand, it is slow and hard to move. The sand has (A) less resistance (B) more resistance.
[ "(infer (friction higher world1) (smoothness higher world1) (smoothness higher world2))", "(infer (friction higher world2) (smoothness higher world2) (smoothness higher world1))" ]
qrel(friction, higher, world1) -> qrel(smoothness, higher, world1) ; qrel(smoothness, higher, world2)
{ "world1": [ "waste basket" ], "world2": [ "recycle bin" ] }
Tossing a paper ball into a wastebasket creates more friction then throwing it into a recycle bin. This means that the _____ is more even (A) waste basket (B) recycle bin
[ "(infer (distance higher world1) (friction lower world2) (friction lower world1))", "(infer (distance higher world2) (friction lower world1) (friction lower world2))" ]
qrel(distance, higher, world1) -> qrel(friction, lower, world2) ; qrel(friction, lower, world1)
{ "world1": [ "quartz countertop" ], "world2": [ "wood floor" ] }
Jim rolled his water bottle to find that his _____ had more friction. The water bottle rolled a greater distance on the quartz countertop. (A) wood floor (B) quartz countertop
[ "(infer (speed higher world1) (friction lower world2) (friction lower world1))", "(infer (speed higher world2) (friction lower world1) (friction lower world2))" ]
qrel(speed, higher, world1) -> qrel(friction, lower, world2) ; qrel(friction, lower, world1)
{ "world1": [ "air" ], "world2": [ "water" ] }
A hand can move faster through air than through water. That means that there is less friction in (A) water (B) air.
[ "(infer (heat higher world1) (friction lower world1) (friction lower world2))", "(infer (heat higher world2) (friction lower world2) (friction lower world1))" ]
qrel(heat, higher, world1) -> qrel(friction, lower, world1) ; qrel(friction, lower, world2)
{ "world1": [ "off road" ], "world2": [ "on road" ] }
A jeep's tires heat up more off road compared to on road. This means that _____ has less friction (A) off road (B) on road
[ "(infer (time lower world1) (distance higher world2) (distance higher world1))", "(infer (time lower world2) (distance higher world1) (distance higher world2))" ]
qrel(time, lower, world1) -> qrel(distance, higher, world2) ; qrel(distance, higher, world1)
{ "world1": [ "dog on Wednesday" ], "world2": [ "dog on Tuesday" ] }
A dog liked to roam the neighborhood. On Tuesday the dog walked down the street for a good amount of time, and on Wednesday the dog walked down the street but stopped after walking a lesser amount of time. On which walk did the dog walk a greater distance down the street? (A) on Tuesday (B) on Wednesday.
[ "(infer (time lower world1) (speed lower world1) (speed lower world2))", "(infer (time lower world2) (speed lower world2) (speed lower world1))" ]
qrel(time, lower, world1) -> qrel(speed, lower, world1) ; qrel(speed, lower, world2)
{ "world1": [ "Linda" ], "world2": [ "Melinda" ] }
Linda and Melinda decided to kayak across a lake. Linda made it across the lake before Melinda did. Which one of them didn't go as fast as the other? (A) Linda (B) Melinda
[ "(infer (distance higher world1) (friction higher world2) (friction lower world2))", "(infer (distance higher world2) (friction higher world1) (friction lower world1))" ]
qrel(distance, higher, world1) -> qrel(friction, higher, world2) ; qrel(friction, lower, world2)
{ "world1": [ "wood floor" ], "world2": [ "carpeted floor" ] }
Blake pushes his toy train across the wood floor, then across the carpeted floor. Blake sees that the train went a greater distance on the wood floor. The train didn't go very far on the carpeted floor because it had (A) more resistance (B) less resistance.
[ "(infer (exerciseIntensity lower world1) (amountSweat higher world1) (amountSweat lower world1))", "(infer (exerciseIntensity lower world2) (amountSweat higher world2) (amountSweat lower world2))" ]
qrel(exerciseIntensity, lower, world1) -> qrel(amountSweat, higher, world1) ; qrel(amountSweat, lower, world1)
{ "world1": [ "Person sitting" ], "world2": [ "Person running" ] }
A person that is sitting around will likely sweat _____ than a person that is running (A) more (B) less

Dataset Card for "quarel"

Dataset Summary

QuaRel is a crowdsourced dataset of 2771 multiple-choice story questions, including their logical forms.

Supported Tasks and Leaderboards

More Information Needed


More Information Needed

Dataset Structure

Data Instances


  • Size of downloaded dataset files: 0.63 MB
  • Size of the generated dataset: 1.53 MB
  • Total amount of disk used: 2.17 MB

An example of 'train' looks as follows.

    "answer_index": 0,
    "id": "QuaRel_V1_B5_1403",
    "logical_form_pretty": "qrel(time, lower, world1) -> qrel(distance, higher, world2) ; qrel(distance, higher, world1)",
    "logical_forms": ["(infer (time lower world1) (distance higher world2) (distance higher world1))", "(infer (time lower world2) (distance higher world1) (distance higher world2))"],
    "question": "John and Rita are going for a run.  Rita gets tired and takes a break on the park bench.  After twenty minutes in the park, who has run farther? (A) John (B) Rita",
    "world_literals": {
        "world1": ["Rita"],
        "world2": ["John"]

Data Fields

The data fields are the same among all splits.


  • id: a string feature.
  • answer_index: a int32 feature.
  • logical_forms: a list of string features.
  • logical_form_pretty: a string feature.
  • world_literals: a dictionary feature containing:
    • world1: a string feature.
    • world2: a string feature.
  • question: a string feature.

Data Splits

name train validation test
default 1941 278 552

Dataset Creation

Curation Rationale

More Information Needed

Source Data

Initial Data Collection and Normalization

More Information Needed

Who are the source language producers?

More Information Needed


Annotation process

More Information Needed

Who are the annotators?

More Information Needed

Personal and Sensitive Information

More Information Needed

Considerations for Using the Data

Social Impact of Dataset

More Information Needed

Discussion of Biases

More Information Needed

Other Known Limitations

More Information Needed

Additional Information

Dataset Curators

More Information Needed

Licensing Information

More Information Needed

Citation Information

    title={QuaRel: A Dataset and Models for Answering Questions about Qualitative Relationships},
    author={Oyvind Tafjord, Peter Clark, Matt Gardner, Wen-tau Yih, Ashish Sabharwal},


Thanks to @thomwolf, @lewtun, @mariamabarham, @lhoestq, @patrickvonplaten for adding this dataset.

Downloads last month

Models trained or fine-tuned on community-datasets/quarel