[ "(infer (and (exerciseIntensity high world1) (exerciseIntensity low world2)) (amountSweat higher world1) (amountSweat higher world2))", "(infer (and (exerciseIntensity high world2) (exerciseIntensity low world1)) (amountSweat higher world2) (amountSweat higher world1))" ]
qval(exerciseIntensity, high, world1), qval(exerciseIntensity, low, world2) -> qrel(amountSweat, higher, world1) ; qrel(amountSweat, higher, world2)
{ "world1": [ "playing basketball" ], "world2": [ "playing cards" ] }
A group of kids are sitting around a table playing cards, while another group of kids are playing a vigorous game of basketball. Who'll sweat more? (A) the kids playing basketball (B) the kids playing cards
[ "(infer (and (exerciseIntensity low world1) (exerciseIntensity high world2)) (amountSweat lower world2) (amountSweat lower world1))", "(infer (and (exerciseIntensity low world2) (exerciseIntensity high world1)) (amountSweat lower world1) (amountSweat lower world2))" ]
qval(exerciseIntensity, low, world1), qval(exerciseIntensity, high, world2) -> qrel(amountSweat, lower, world2) ; qrel(amountSweat, lower, world1)
{ "world1": [ "person walking" ], "world2": [ "person running" ] }
Jenny and Suzy are both using treadmills at the gym. They are both doing so for 30 minutes. Jenny is running, while Suzy is walking. Who is likely to sweat less? (A) Jenny (B) Suzy
[ "(infer (distance lower world1) (speed lower world1) (speed lower world2))", "(infer (distance lower world2) (speed lower world2) (speed lower world1))" ]
qrel(distance, lower, world1) -> qrel(speed, lower, world1) ; qrel(speed, lower, world2)
{ "world1": [ "red train" ], "world2": [ "green train" ] }
Ian and Avery are taking trains from the same station. Ian's train is red, and is going ten miles an hour to a destination forty miles away. Avery's train is green and is going thirty miles an hour to a destination forty miles away. The train that is slower is (A) red (B) green
[ "(infer (speed higher world1) (distance lower world1) (distance lower world2))", "(infer (speed higher world2) (distance lower world2) (distance lower world1))" ]
qrel(speed, higher, world1) -> qrel(distance, lower, world1) ; qrel(distance, lower, world2)
{ "world1": [ "Mike" ], "world2": [ "Sue" ] }
Mike and Sue decide to ride their bikes around the park. They follow the same path but Mike rides his bike twice as fast as Sue. After ten minutes, who will have covered less distance? (A) Mike (B) Sue
[ "(infer (speed lower world1) (time higher world1) (time lower world1))", "(infer (speed lower world2) (time higher world2) (time lower world2))" ]
qrel(speed, lower, world1) -> qrel(time, higher, world1) ; qrel(time, lower, world1)
{ "world1": [ "walker" ], "world2": [ "runner" ] }
A walker was much slower than the runner so it took them (A) more time (B) less time to make the same trip
[ "(infer (and (speed high world1) (speed low world2)) (time lower world2) (time lower world1))", "(infer (and (speed high world2) (speed low world1)) (time lower world1) (time lower world2))" ]
qval(speed, high, world1), qval(speed, low, world2) -> qrel(time, lower, world2) ; qrel(time, lower, world1)
{ "world1": [ "a hare" ], "world2": [ "a turtle" ] }
A turtle and a hare decide to race around a track. Which one will make it back to the starting line first? (A) the turtle (B) the hare
[ "(infer (friction lower world1) (heat higher world1) (heat higher world2))", "(infer (friction lower world2) (heat higher world2) (heat higher world1))" ]
qrel(friction, lower, world1) -> qrel(heat, higher, world1) ; qrel(heat, higher, world2)
{ "world1": [ "dog park" ], "world2": [ "living room" ] }
A dog encounters less resistance running in a dog park then in a living room. This means the dog heats up more in the (A) dog park (B) living room
[ "(infer (speed lower world1) (friction lower world2) (friction lower world1))", "(infer (speed lower world2) (friction lower world1) (friction lower world2))" ]
qrel(speed, lower, world1) -> qrel(friction, lower, world2) ; qrel(friction, lower, world1)
{ "world1": [ "steak" ], "world2": [ "muffin" ] }
Stabbing a fork into a steak causes it to move slower then stabbing it into a muffin. Which surface provides less resistance? (A) muffin (B) steak
[ "(infer (speed lower world1) (distance lower world2) (distance lower world1))", "(infer (speed lower world2) (distance lower world1) (distance lower world2))" ]
qrel(speed, lower, world1) -> qrel(distance, lower, world2) ; qrel(distance, lower, world1)
{ "world1": [ "wireless mouse" ], "world2": [ "wired mouse" ] }
Bob bought a wireless mouse and noticed that the pointer was slower to move than the wired mouse he had replaced it with. Which mouse traveled fewer pixels in the same about of time? (A) the wired mouse (B) the wireless mouse
[ "(infer (and (exerciseIntensity low world1) (exerciseIntensity high world2)) (amountSweat lower world1) (amountSweat lower world2))", "(infer (and (exerciseIntensity low world2) (exerciseIntensity high world1)) (amountSweat lower world2) (amountSweat lower world1))" ]
qval(exerciseIntensity, low, world1), qval(exerciseIntensity, high, world2) -> qrel(amountSweat, lower, world1) ; qrel(amountSweat, lower, world2)
{ "world1": [ "John" ], "world2": [ "Football players" ] }
John loves watching football. He watches his favorite player run 80 yards for a touchdown. Who is sweating less John or his favorite football player? (A) John (B) Favorite player
[ "(infer (distance lower world1) (apparentSize higher world1) (apparentSize higher world2))", "(infer (distance lower world2) (apparentSize higher world2) (apparentSize higher world1))" ]
qrel(distance, lower, world1) -> qrel(apparentSize, higher, world1) ; qrel(apparentSize, higher, world2)
{ "world1": [ "Mercury" ], "world2": [ "Earth" ] }
Supposed you were standing on the planet Earth and Mercury. When you look up in the sky and see the sun which planet would the sun appear larger? (A) Mercury (B) Earth
[ "(infer (speed higher world1) (smoothness higher world1) (smoothness higher world2))", "(infer (speed higher world2) (smoothness higher world2) (smoothness higher world1))" ]
qrel(speed, higher, world1) -> qrel(smoothness, higher, world1) ; qrel(smoothness, higher, world2)
{ "world1": [ "blue floor" ], "world2": [ "red floor" ] }
A bicycle moved at a higher rate of speed across a blue floor than it did across a red floor because the smoother surface was (A) the blue floor (B) the red floor.
[ "(infer (strength higher world1) (distance higher world2) (distance higher world1))", "(infer (strength higher world2) (distance higher world1) (distance higher world2))" ]
qrel(strength, higher, world1) -> qrel(distance, higher, world2) ; qrel(distance, higher, world1)
{ "world1": [ "Superman" ], "world2": [ "Batman" ] }
Superman is the strongest person on earth. Him and Batman decide to see who can throw a car the longest distance. Who wins this face off? (A) Batman(B) Superman
[ "(infer (weight lower world1) (acceleration higher world1) (acceleration lower world1))", "(infer (weight lower world2) (acceleration higher world2) (acceleration lower world2))" ]
qrel(weight, lower, world1) -> qrel(acceleration, higher, world1) ; qrel(acceleration, lower, world1)
{ "world1": [ "small car" ], "world2": [ "large car" ] }
Tony is pushing toy cars across the floor. The smaller one speeds up _____ than the larger one. (A) faster (B) slower
[ "(infer (loudness higher world1) (distance lower world2) (distance lower world1))", "(infer (loudness higher world2) (distance lower world1) (distance lower world2))" ]
qrel(loudness, higher, world1) -> qrel(distance, lower, world2) ; qrel(distance, lower, world1)
{ "world1": [ "Someone in the same room" ], "world2": [ "Someone down the street" ] }
Who would it be easier to hear if they were both talking at the same volume (A) a person down the street. (B) a person in the same room or
[ "(infer (and (brightness high world1) (brightness low world2)) (distance lower world1) (distance higher world1))", "(infer (and (brightness high world2) (brightness low world1)) (distance lower world2) (distance higher world2))" ]
qval(brightness, high, world1), qval(brightness, low, world2) -> qrel(distance, lower, world1) ; qrel(distance, higher, world1)
{ "world1": [ "stars tonight" ], "world2": [ "stars three months ago" ] }
Micah is looking at the stars in the sky. Tonight the stars are very bright, but three months ago, they were very dim. The stars now must be (A) closer (B) further away
[ "(infer (distance higher world1) (smoothness higher world1) (smoothness higher world2))", "(infer (distance higher world2) (smoothness higher world2) (smoothness higher world1))" ]
qrel(distance, higher, world1) -> qrel(smoothness, higher, world1) ; qrel(smoothness, higher, world2)
{ "world1": [ "glass table" ], "world2": [ "wood counter" ] }
Ted was cleaning around his house. He slid a towel across the glass table and then later slide it across the wooden counter. The towel went farther when it slid across the glass table. That is because the _____ is smoother. (A) glass table (B) wood counter
[ "(infer (heat lower world1) (smoothness lower world2) (smoothness lower world1))", "(infer (heat lower world2) (smoothness lower world1) (smoothness lower world2))" ]
qrel(heat, lower, world1) -> qrel(smoothness, lower, world2) ; qrel(smoothness, lower, world1)
{ "world1": [ "pavement" ], "world2": [ "mud" ] }
A truck moving over pavement creates less heat energy then when moving over mud. This means that the _____ is rougher (A) mud (B) pavement
[ "(infer (breakability higher world1) (flexibility lower world1) (flexibility higher world1))", "(infer (breakability higher world2) (flexibility lower world2) (flexibility higher world2))" ]
qrel(breakability, higher, world1) -> qrel(flexibility, lower, world1) ; qrel(flexibility, higher, world1)
{ "world1": [ "mirror" ], "world2": [ "tire" ] }
Bill drops a boulder on a tire and a mirror. The tire doesnt break but the mirror does. the mirror is (A) less flexible (B) more flexible
[ "(infer (and (smoothness high world1) (smoothness low world2)) (friction higher world1) (friction lower world1))", "(infer (and (smoothness high world2) (smoothness low world1)) (friction higher world2) (friction lower world2))" ]
qval(smoothness, high, world1), qval(smoothness, low, world2) -> qrel(friction, higher, world1) ; qrel(friction, lower, world1)
{ "world1": [ "dry sidewalk" ], "world2": [ "snowy sidewalk" ] }
John is rolling his basketball on the dry sidewalk and it rolls easily. Then the basketball rolls on a patch of snowy sidewalk and it doesn't roll very far. The ball rolls better on the dry sidewalk because it has (A) more resistance. (B) less resistance
[ "(infer (and (strength low world1) (strength high world2)) (thickness lower world1) (thickness lower world2))", "(infer (and (strength low world2) (strength high world1)) (thickness lower world2) (thickness lower world1))" ]
qval(strength, low, world1), qval(strength, high, world2) -> qrel(thickness, lower, world1) ; qrel(thickness, lower, world2)
{ "world1": [ "A sheet of paper" ], "world2": [ "notebook" ] }
Rodney has just been grounded and he is furious! To take out his anger, he grabs his notebook and tries to tear it, but isn't able to. Then he grabs a sheet of paper and tears it in half. It's much easier to rip the single sheet of paper because (A) it's much thinner than the notebook (B) it's much thicker than the notebook
[ "(infer (speed higher world1) (friction higher world1) (friction higher world2))", "(infer (speed higher world2) (friction higher world2) (friction higher world1))" ]
qrel(speed, higher, world1) -> qrel(friction, higher, world1) ; qrel(friction, higher, world2)
{ "world1": [ "tracks" ], "world2": [ "gravel" ] }
A train travels at a greater rate of speed while on tracks than while rolling over gravel. This means that the _____ creates more friction (A) tracks (B) gravel
[ "(infer (apparentSize higher world1) (distance lower world1) (distance higher world1))", "(infer (apparentSize higher world2) (distance lower world2) (distance higher world2))" ]
qrel(apparentSize, higher, world1) -> qrel(distance, lower, world1) ; qrel(distance, higher, world1)
{ "world1": [ "the moon" ], "world2": [ "Mars" ] }
Joanne is looking at the night sky and notices the moon looks a lot bigger than Mars. This is because the moon is (A) closer to Earth (B) further away from Earth.
[ "(infer (distance lower world1) (apparentSize lower world1) (apparentSize higher world1))", "(infer (distance lower world2) (apparentSize lower world2) (apparentSize higher world2))" ]
qrel(distance, lower, world1) -> qrel(apparentSize, lower, world1) ; qrel(apparentSize, higher, world1)
{ "world1": [ "Stop sign close" ], "world2": [ "Stop sign far" ] }
When the stop sign was far away it looked very small but as Jack got closer it seemed (A) even smaller (B) bigger
[ "(infer (and (friction high world1) (friction low world2)) (smoothness lower world2) (smoothness lower world1))", "(infer (and (friction high world2) (friction low world1)) (smoothness lower world1) (smoothness lower world2))" ]
qval(friction, high, world1), qval(friction, low, world2) -> qrel(smoothness, lower, world2) ; qrel(smoothness, lower, world1)
{ "world1": [ "ditch" ], "world2": [ "road" ] }
Jane's pop can experiences low friction when she tosses it into the road and high friction when she tosses it into the ditch. The surface of the _____ is rougher (A) road (B) ditch
[ "(infer (smoothness lower world1) (friction lower world1) (friction lower world2))", "(infer (smoothness lower world2) (friction lower world2) (friction lower world1))" ]
qrel(smoothness, lower, world1) -> qrel(friction, lower, world1) ; qrel(friction, lower, world2)
{ "world1": [ "bearded dragon" ], "world2": [ "bunny rabbit" ] }
William notices that when he pets his bearded dragon, it's skin is much rougher than he notices when he pets his bunny rabbit. The surface of the pet that has less friction is the (A) bearded dragon (B) bunny rabbit
[ "(infer (heat higher world1) (friction lower world1) (friction lower world2))", "(infer (heat higher world2) (friction lower world2) (friction lower world1))" ]
qrel(heat, higher, world1) -> qrel(friction, lower, world1) ; qrel(friction, lower, world2)
{ "world1": [ "thicket" ], "world2": [ "tundra" ] }
A zebra gets hotter running through a thicket compared to running through tundra. The _____ has less resistance (A) thicket (B) tundra
[ "(infer (and (smoothness low world1) (smoothness high world2)) (friction higher world2) (friction lower world2))", "(infer (and (smoothness low world2) (smoothness high world1)) (friction higher world1) (friction lower world1))" ]
qval(smoothness, low, world1), qval(smoothness, high, world2) -> qrel(friction, higher, world2) ; qrel(friction, lower, world2)
{ "world1": [ "dry road" ], "world2": [ "wet road" ] }
A car was driving down the road in the rain, and the driver drove at his normal speed. He took a curve and discovered his car didn't turn like normal but slid off of the road. This is because the wet road had (A) more friction (B) less friction
[ "(infer (apparentSize higher world1) (distance lower world1) (distance lower world2))", "(infer (apparentSize higher world2) (distance lower world2) (distance lower world1))" ]
qrel(apparentSize, higher, world1) -> qrel(distance, lower, world1) ; qrel(distance, lower, world2)
{ "world1": [ "Moon" ], "world2": [ "Stars" ] }
Even though the moon is smaller than the stars, it appears larger in the sky because (A) the moon is closer to the earth (B) the stars are closer to the earth.
[ "(infer (distance higher world1) (loudness higher world1) (loudness lower world1))", "(infer (distance higher world2) (loudness higher world2) (loudness lower world2))" ]
qrel(distance, higher, world1) -> qrel(loudness, higher, world1) ; qrel(loudness, lower, world1)
{ "world1": [ "noise away from shop" ], "world2": [ "noise at shop" ] }
Matt can't stand the noise at the shop. He takes a walk down the street. As he walks away from the noisy shop, he realizes the sounds are getting (A) louder (B) quieter.
[ "(infer (speed higher world1) (friction lower world2) (friction lower world1))", "(infer (speed higher world2) (friction lower world1) (friction lower world2))" ]
qrel(speed, higher, world1) -> qrel(friction, lower, world2) ; qrel(friction, lower, world1)
{ "world1": [ "tile" ], "world2": [ "grass" ] }
Bernie is pitching marbles. He notices that when he pitches the marbles on the tile in his kitchen, the marble goes faster and farther away than when he does the same action on grass. Which surface is applying less friction to the marble? (A) grass (B) tile?
[ "(infer (and (speed low world1) (speed high world2)) (friction higher world1) (friction lower world1))", "(infer (and (speed low world2) (speed high world1)) (friction higher world2) (friction lower world2))" ]
qval(speed, low, world1), qval(speed, high, world2) -> qrel(friction, higher, world1) ; qrel(friction, lower, world1)
{ "world1": [ "icy ocean water" ], "world2": [ "river water" ] }
The boat glided through the river water quickly, but trudged slowly through the icy ocean water. This is because the icy ocean water has (A) more resistance (B) less resistance
[ "(infer (smoothness higher world1) (distance higher world1) (distance higher world2))", "(infer (smoothness higher world2) (distance higher world2) (distance higher world1))" ]
qrel(smoothness, higher, world1) -> qrel(distance, higher, world1) ; qrel(distance, higher, world2)
{ "world1": [ "wooden floor" ], "world2": [ "cracked pavement" ] }
Hannah learned that her wooden floor was slicker than her cracked pavement driveway after taking a tumble on her scooter yesterday. Can she travel further on (A) wooden floor or (B) cracked pavement
[ "(infer (speed higher world1) (smoothness lower world1) (smoothness lower world2))", "(infer (speed higher world2) (smoothness lower world2) (smoothness lower world1))" ]
qrel(speed, higher, world1) -> qrel(smoothness, lower, world1) ; qrel(smoothness, lower, world2)
{ "world1": [ "wood ramp" ], "world2": [ "grass" ] }
Ben is playing with a remote control car. It goes up a ramp very easily. When it lands on the grass, he has trouble getting the car to maintain speed. This is because the surface of the _____ is rougher. (A) wood ramp (B) grass
[ "(infer (and (friction low world1) (friction high world2)) (speed higher world1) (speed higher world2))", "(infer (and (friction low world2) (friction high world1)) (speed higher world2) (speed higher world1))" ]
qval(friction, low, world1), qval(friction, high, world2) -> qrel(speed, higher, world1) ; qrel(speed, higher, world2)
{ "world1": [ "kitchen floor" ], "world2": [ "dining room floor" ] }
Milo learned that throwing his dog treat across the kitchen floor creates low resistance and throwing it across the dining room floor creates high resistance. This means that he can throw his dog treat across the _____ at a faster rate (A) kitchen floor (B) dining room floor
[ "(infer (friction lower world1) (speed higher world2) (speed higher world1))", "(infer (friction lower world2) (speed higher world1) (speed higher world2))" ]
qrel(friction, lower, world1) -> qrel(speed, higher, world2) ; qrel(speed, higher, world1)
{ "world1": [ "ice" ], "world2": [ "asphalt" ] }
Joe likes to ice fish. He drives his pickup truck to the lack every weekend. This Saturday, it rained hard in the morning, and rainwater left on the road rapidly froze. Eager to get to the lake for fishing, Joe drove faster than the speed limit. On the asphalt, he skidded several times due to taking turns too fast, but quickly regained control. But when he hit a patch of ice, his truck began to skid and he couldn't correct, because the ice has much less resistance. Do you think that he was skid faster (A) on the asphalt, or (B) on the ice?
[ "(infer (distance lower world1) (brightness higher world1) (brightness lower world1))", "(infer (distance lower world2) (brightness higher world2) (brightness lower world2))" ]
qrel(distance, lower, world1) -> qrel(brightness, higher, world1) ; qrel(brightness, lower, world1)
{ "world1": [ "closer" ], "world2": [ "farther awa" ] }
Alice was walking through a dark room, when she saw a dim light far away. As she walked through the house, following the light, it began to be (A) brighter (B) dimmer
[ "(infer (and (distance high world1) (distance low world2)) (friction lower world1) (friction lower world2))", "(infer (and (distance high world2) (distance low world1)) (friction lower world2) (friction lower world1))" ]
qval(distance, high, world1), qval(distance, low, world2) -> qrel(friction, lower, world1) ; qrel(friction, lower, world2)
{ "world1": [ "sidewalk" ], "world2": [ "grass" ] }
Tom dropped his lead pipe on the sidewalk and had to chased after it a long way before it stopped. Tom entered his yard and dropped his lead pipe again this time in the grass but noticed it didn't go very far at all. Tom realized that the lead pipe received far greater resistance when dropped on (A) Grass (B) Sidewalk
[ "(infer (and (distance high world1) (distance low world2)) (apparentSize higher world1) (apparentSize lower world1))", "(infer (and (distance high world2) (distance low world1)) (apparentSize higher world2) (apparentSize lower world2))" ]
qval(distance, high, world1), qval(distance, low, world2) -> qrel(apparentSize, higher, world1) ; qrel(apparentSize, lower, world1)
{ "world1": [ "Bird flying" ], "world2": [ "Bird nearby" ] }
It was easy to see the bird that was nearby, but once it was far away flying it appeared much (A) larger (B) smaller
[ "(infer (exerciseIntensity higher world1) (amountSweat higher world1) (amountSweat higher world2))", "(infer (exerciseIntensity higher world2) (amountSweat higher world2) (amountSweat higher world1))" ]
qrel(exerciseIntensity, higher, world1) -> qrel(amountSweat, higher, world1) ; qrel(amountSweat, higher, world2)
{ "world1": [ "Jen" ], "world2": [ "Jake" ] }
Jen is at the gym exercising. Jake is at home sleeping. Because of this (A) Jen is sweating more (B) Jake is sweating more
[ "(infer (and (thickness high world1) (thickness low world2)) (strength higher world1) (strength higher world2))", "(infer (and (thickness high world2) (thickness low world1)) (strength higher world2) (strength higher world1))" ]
qval(thickness, high, world1), qval(thickness, low, world2) -> qrel(strength, higher, world1) ; qrel(strength, higher, world2)
{ "world1": [ "Brand A tire" ], "world2": [ "Brand B tire" ] }
Kathy is looking at new tires for her car. The brand A tire has a very thick tread on it, while the brand B tire has a thinner tread on it. Which tire would Kathy buy if she wants the stronger tire? (A) Brand A tire (B) Brand B tire