[ "(infer (mass higher world1) (gravity higher world1) (gravity higher world2))", "(infer (mass higher world2) (gravity higher world2) (gravity higher world1))" ]
qrel(mass, higher, world1) -> qrel(gravity, higher, world1) ; qrel(gravity, higher, world2)
{ "world1": [ "Sun" ], "world2": [ "Mercury" ] }
A comet has been flung to the center of the solar system between the Sun and Mercury. The Sun is magnitudes larger in terms of mass than is Mercury. Which body has the higher amount of gravitational pull and will pull the comet into its orbit? (A) The Sun (B) Mercury
[ "(infer (distance lower world1) (loudness higher world1) (loudness higher world2))", "(infer (distance lower world2) (loudness higher world2) (loudness higher world1))" ]
qrel(distance, lower, world1) -> qrel(loudness, higher, world1) ; qrel(loudness, higher, world2)
{ "world1": [ "louder" ], "world2": [ "softer" ] }
The children enjoyed the parade. They saw that the band that is closer is (A) louder (B) softer.
[ "(infer (and (mass high world1) (mass low world2)) (gravity higher world1) (gravity higher world2))", "(infer (and (mass high world2) (mass low world1)) (gravity higher world2) (gravity higher world1))" ]
qval(mass, high, world1), qval(mass, low, world2) -> qrel(gravity, higher, world1) ; qrel(gravity, higher, world2)
{ "world1": [ "metal rod" ], "world2": [ "paper crane" ] }
Janet is testing how much mass objects have. She is currently testing between a metal rod and a paper crane. She drops both from six feet in the air at the same time. Which has stronger gravity? (A) metal rod (B) paper crane
[ "(infer (and (mass low world1) (mass high world2)) (gravity lower world1) (gravity lower world2))", "(infer (and (mass low world2) (mass high world1)) (gravity lower world2) (gravity lower world1))" ]
qval(mass, low, world1), qval(mass, high, world2) -> qrel(gravity, lower, world1) ; qrel(gravity, lower, world2)
{ "world1": [ "balloon" ], "world2": [ "ball" ] }
The balloon will float in the air if I let it go however it i get go of this ball it will fall straight to the ground. Which has a weaker gravity (A) balloon (B) ball
[ "(infer (weight higher world1) (acceleration lower world1) (acceleration lower world2))", "(infer (weight higher world2) (acceleration lower world2) (acceleration lower world1))" ]
qrel(weight, higher, world1) -> qrel(acceleration, lower, world1) ; qrel(acceleration, lower, world2)
{ "world1": [ "bike" ], "world2": [ "skates" ] }
Mike's bike weighs more then his skates. Which object will accelerate slower? (A) bike (B) skates
[ "(infer (and (friction low world1) (friction high world2)) (speed higher world1) (speed higher world2))", "(infer (and (friction low world2) (friction high world1)) (speed higher world2) (speed higher world1))" ]
qval(friction, low, world1), qval(friction, high, world2) -> qrel(speed, higher, world1) ; qrel(speed, higher, world2)
{ "world1": [ "oily pan" ], "world2": [ "clean pan" ] }
A spatula experiences no resistance on an oily frying pan but a lot of resistance on a clean one. The spatula will move (A) faster on an oily pan (B) less distance on clean pan.
[ "(infer (strength higher world1) (distance higher world1) (distance higher world2))", "(infer (strength higher world2) (distance higher world2) (distance higher world1))" ]
qrel(strength, higher, world1) -> qrel(distance, higher, world1) ; qrel(distance, higher, world2)
{ "world1": [ "Mary" ], "world2": [ "Jim" ] }
Mary can lift more weight with her arms then Jim can. When they head out to the field to throw baseballs, which one will be able to throw a greater distance? (A) Mary (B) Jim
[ "(infer (and (brightness high world1) (brightness low world2)) (distance lower world1) (distance lower world2))", "(infer (and (brightness high world2) (brightness low world1)) (distance lower world2) (distance lower world1))" ]
qval(brightness, high, world1), qval(brightness, low, world2) -> qrel(distance, lower, world1) ; qrel(distance, lower, world2)
{ "world1": [ "a bright flashlight" ], "world2": [ "a dim flashlight" ] }
Jane and her sisters were playing at the campground at night. She saw one flashlight that appeared bright and another that appeared dim. She knew both sisters had the same model flashlight with new batteries in them. She knew she was closer to the light that appeared (A) brighter (B) dimmer
[ "(infer (heat lower world1) (distance higher world1) (distance higher world2))", "(infer (heat lower world2) (distance higher world2) (distance higher world1))" ]
qrel(heat, lower, world1) -> qrel(distance, higher, world1) ; qrel(distance, higher, world2)
{ "world1": [ "ironing board" ], "world2": [ "floor" ] }
Sam's iron got hotter when he slid it over his ironing board compared to when he slid it over his floor. This means the iron went a greater distance over the (A) ironing board (B) floor
[ "(infer (and (heat low world1) (heat high world2)) (friction higher world1) (friction lower world1))", "(infer (and (heat low world2) (heat high world1)) (friction higher world2) (friction lower world2))" ]
qval(heat, low, world1), qval(heat, high, world2) -> qrel(friction, higher, world1) ; qrel(friction, lower, world1)
{ "world1": [ "green street" ], "world2": [ "blue street" ] }
Dean takes his truck down green street and the truck does not get hot. The truck then drives down blue street and the truck gets very hot. Green street has (A) more resistance (B) less resistance.
[ "(infer (time lower world1) (distance higher world2) (distance higher world1))", "(infer (time lower world2) (distance higher world1) (distance higher world2))" ]
qrel(time, lower, world1) -> qrel(distance, higher, world2) ; qrel(distance, higher, world1)
{ "world1": [ "donkey" ], "world2": [ "horse" ] }
If a horse and donkey are both running at the same speed, but the donkey gives up before the horse, which animal will have went a greater distance? (A) horse (B) donkey
[ "(infer (friction higher world1) (smoothness higher world1) (smoothness higher world2))", "(infer (friction higher world2) (smoothness higher world2) (smoothness higher world1))" ]
qrel(friction, higher, world1) -> qrel(smoothness, higher, world1) ; qrel(smoothness, higher, world2)
{ "world1": [ "area rug" ], "world2": [ "table" ] }
Kevin rolled a nickel across an area rug and a table, determining that the area rug has more friction. This means that the _____ is smoother (A) area rug (B) table
[ "(infer (time lower world1) (speed higher world2) (speed higher world1))", "(infer (time lower world2) (speed higher world1) (speed higher world2))" ]
qrel(time, lower, world1) -> qrel(speed, higher, world2) ; qrel(speed, higher, world1)
{ "world1": [ "Bullet Train" ], "world2": [ "Bicycle" ] }
A man on a bicycle is trying to quickly get to the next city, and leaves at the same time, from roughly the same spot, as a bullet train headed to that same place. When he finally arrives to the next town, he finds the train has already been there and left for its next destination. This is because (A) The bicycle is much faster than the train (B) The train is much faster than the bicycle
[ "(infer (heat lower world1) (smoothness higher world2) (smoothness higher world1))", "(infer (heat lower world2) (smoothness higher world1) (smoothness higher world2))" ]
qrel(heat, lower, world1) -> qrel(smoothness, higher, world2) ; qrel(smoothness, higher, world1)
{ "world1": [ "air" ], "world2": [ "water" ] }
Throwing a frisbee through the air generates less heat then throwing it through the water. It then follows that the _____ is more smooth (A) water (B) air
[ "(infer (distance higher world1) (smoothness higher world2) (smoothness higher world1))", "(infer (distance higher world2) (smoothness higher world1) (smoothness higher world2))" ]
qrel(distance, higher, world1) -> qrel(smoothness, higher, world2) ; qrel(smoothness, higher, world1)
{ "world1": [ "wooden plank" ], "world2": [ "pool table" ] }
A pool ball with move a greater distance across a wooden plank than on a pool table. This is because the _____ is rougher. (A) pool table (B) wooden plank
[ "(infer (smoothness lower world1) (friction lower world1) (friction higher world1))", "(infer (smoothness lower world2) (friction lower world2) (friction higher world2))" ]
qrel(smoothness, lower, world1) -> qrel(friction, lower, world1) ; qrel(friction, higher, world1)
{ "world1": [ "brick building" ], "world2": [ "metal siding" ] }
Harry is pressure washing his house and his garage. He notices it takes longer to do the brick of his house than the metal siding of his garage. He concludes that the friction of the pressure of the water hitting a rough surface like brick makes it harder to remove. The friction of the water hitting the brick is (A) lower friction (B) higher friction.
[ "(infer (mass higher world1) (gravity higher world1) (gravity lower world1))", "(infer (mass higher world2) (gravity higher world2) (gravity lower world2))" ]
qrel(mass, higher, world1) -> qrel(gravity, higher, world1) ; qrel(gravity, lower, world1)
{ "world1": [ "Earth" ], "world2": [ "Person" ] }
Compared to a person the Earth has much more mass and that means that it has (A) stronger gravity (B) weaker gravity
[ "(infer (distance higher world1) (brightness higher world1) (brightness lower world1))", "(infer (distance higher world2) (brightness higher world2) (brightness lower world2))" ]
qrel(distance, higher, world1) -> qrel(brightness, higher, world1) ; qrel(brightness, lower, world1)
{ "world1": [ "building lights far" ], "world2": [ "building lights near" ] }
When the building was far away the lights in the building appeared _____ than when they were close to the building. (A) brighter (B) dimmer
[ "(infer (and (breakability low world1) (breakability high world2)) (flexibility higher world1) (flexibility higher world2))", "(infer (and (breakability low world2) (breakability high world1)) (flexibility higher world2) (flexibility higher world1))" ]
qval(breakability, low, world1), qval(breakability, high, world2) -> qrel(flexibility, higher, world1) ; qrel(flexibility, higher, world2)
{ "world1": [ "plastic sheet" ], "world2": [ "glass sheet" ] }
Mary was bending objects to see which would break easier. She bent a plastic sheet and it didn't break, but she bent a glass sheet and it broke right away. Which sheet was more flexible? (A) plastic sheet (B) glass sheet
[ "(infer (speed lower world1) (friction higher world2) (friction higher world1))", "(infer (speed lower world2) (friction higher world1) (friction higher world2))" ]
qrel(speed, lower, world1) -> qrel(friction, higher, world2) ; qrel(friction, higher, world1)
{ "world1": [ "wooden hook" ], "world2": [ "metal hook" ] }
Pulling a rope through a wooden hook causes the rope to slide a lot more slowly compared to when the rope is pulled through a metal hook. Which hook has more friction? (A) metal hook (B) wooden hook
[ "(infer (smoothness lower world1) (speed higher world1) (speed higher world2))", "(infer (smoothness lower world2) (speed higher world2) (speed higher world1))" ]
qrel(smoothness, lower, world1) -> qrel(speed, higher, world1) ; qrel(speed, higher, world2)
{ "world1": [ "sand pit" ], "world2": [ "tile floor" ] }
Jim learned that a sand pit is much less smooth than a tile floor. Rolling a volleyball across _____ will let the volleyball move faster (A) sand pit (B) tile floor
[ "(infer (and (distance high world1) (distance low world2)) (friction higher world1) (friction higher world2))", "(infer (and (distance high world2) (distance low world1)) (friction higher world2) (friction higher world1))" ]
qval(distance, high, world1), qval(distance, low, world2) -> qrel(friction, higher, world1) ; qrel(friction, higher, world2)
{ "world1": [ "grass" ], "world2": [ "carpet" ] }
Melissa pushes a toy truck across the grass in her yard and the truck moves forward about a foot. Then she pushes the toy truck across the carpet in her house and the truck moves forward about two inches. There is more friction on the (A) grass (B) carpet.
[ "(infer (speed lower world1) (distance lower world1) (distance lower world2))", "(infer (speed lower world2) (distance lower world2) (distance lower world1))" ]
qrel(speed, lower, world1) -> qrel(distance, lower, world1) ; qrel(distance, lower, world2)
{ "world1": [ "Truck" ], "world2": [ "Car" ] }
Mike's truck is slower then his car. If he drives both for an hour on the freeway, which will have gone the smaller distance? (A) truck (B) car
[ "(infer (and (weight low world1) (weight high world2)) (acceleration higher world2) (acceleration higher world1))", "(infer (and (weight low world2) (weight high world1)) (acceleration higher world1) (acceleration higher world2))" ]
qval(weight, low, world1), qval(weight, high, world2) -> qrel(acceleration, higher, world2) ; qrel(acceleration, higher, world1)
{ "world1": [ "light cafeteria tray" ], "world2": [ "heavy sled" ] }
Gina and Debbie are sliding down a snowy hill. Gina has a heavy sled, and Debbie has a light cafeteria tray. Which one is faster to speed up? (A) heavy sled (B) light cafeteria tray
[ "(infer (flexibility lower world1) (breakability lower world2) (breakability lower world1))", "(infer (flexibility lower world2) (breakability lower world1) (breakability lower world2))" ]
qrel(flexibility, lower, world1) -> qrel(breakability, lower, world2) ; qrel(breakability, lower, world1)
{ "world1": [ "Ice ball" ], "world2": [ "Rubber ball" ] }
Tom throws a rubber ball and an ice ball of equal diameter. Which ball is least likely to break? (A) Rubber ball (B) Ice ball
[ "(infer (strength lower world1) (distance lower world1) (distance higher world1))", "(infer (strength lower world2) (distance lower world2) (distance higher world2))" ]
qrel(strength, lower, world1) -> qrel(distance, lower, world1) ; qrel(distance, higher, world1)
{ "world1": [ "Small child" ], "world2": [ "Adult" ] }
The small child was much weaker than the adult and they (A) couldn't throw as far (B) threw further
[ "(infer (distance higher world1) (apparentSize higher world1) (apparentSize lower world1))", "(infer (distance higher world2) (apparentSize higher world2) (apparentSize lower world2))" ]
qrel(distance, higher, world1) -> qrel(apparentSize, higher, world1) ; qrel(apparentSize, lower, world1)
{ "world1": [ "Train" ], "world2": [ "Car" ] }
The train was very far away but the car was very close so the train looked _____ than the car. (A) bigger (B) smaller
[ "(infer (exerciseIntensity higher world1) (amountSweat higher world2) (amountSweat higher world1))", "(infer (exerciseIntensity higher world2) (amountSweat higher world1) (amountSweat higher world2))" ]
qrel(exerciseIntensity, higher, world1) -> qrel(amountSweat, higher, world2) ; qrel(amountSweat, higher, world1)
{ "world1": [ "Max" ], "world2": [ "Apollo" ] }
Max has been running on a treadmill for an hour. Apollo just started. Who is sweating more? (A) Apollo (B) Max
[ "(infer (speed higher world1) (smoothness higher world1) (smoothness higher world2))", "(infer (speed higher world2) (smoothness higher world2) (smoothness higher world1))" ]
qrel(speed, higher, world1) -> qrel(smoothness, higher, world1) ; qrel(smoothness, higher, world2)
{ "world1": [ "chalkboard" ], "world2": [ "brick wall" ] }
A student slides an eraser over the chalkboard to clean it, then slides the eraser across the brick wall next to the chalkboard. The eraser moves slides faster across the chalkboard than it does the brick wall because the smoother surface is (A) the chalkboard (B) the brick wall.
[ "(infer (distance higher world1) (friction lower world2) (friction higher world2))", "(infer (distance higher world2) (friction lower world1) (friction higher world1))" ]
qrel(distance, higher, world1) -> qrel(friction, lower, world2) ; qrel(friction, higher, world2)
{ "world1": [ "table" ], "world2": [ "carpet" ] }
Joe is a really terrible pool player. He often strikes the ball to hard and causes it to leap off the table. He notices that the ball rolls further when it stays on the table than it does when it lands on the carpet. Does the carpet have _____ than the table? (A) less friction (B) more friction
[ "(infer (weight lower world1) (acceleration higher world1) (acceleration lower world1))", "(infer (weight lower world2) (acceleration higher world2) (acceleration lower world2))" ]
qrel(weight, lower, world1) -> qrel(acceleration, higher, world1) ; qrel(acceleration, lower, world1)
{ "world1": [ "thin runner" ], "world2": [ "heavy runner" ] }
Tiffany is working on losing weight. At her heaviest, she has a hard time getting up to speed for a run. After she loses the weight, she (A) speeds up faster (B) speeds up slowly
[ "(infer (amountSweat higher world1) (exerciseIntensity higher world1) (exerciseIntensity lower world1))", "(infer (amountSweat higher world2) (exerciseIntensity higher world2) (exerciseIntensity lower world2))" ]
qrel(amountSweat, higher, world1) -> qrel(exerciseIntensity, higher, world1) ; qrel(exerciseIntensity, lower, world1)
{ "world1": [ "man flees for his life" ], "world2": [ "man is sitting in the stands" ] }
A man is sitting in the stands watching bullfighters at work. He moves a little closer, just as one of the bulls breaks free of its enclosure. In a panic, the man flees for his life. He's more likely to work up a sweat while running because (A) he's exerting himself while running (B) he's not exerting himself at all while running
[ "(infer (smoothness higher world1) (distance higher world1) (distance higher world2))", "(infer (smoothness higher world2) (distance higher world2) (distance higher world1))" ]
qrel(smoothness, higher, world1) -> qrel(distance, higher, world1) ; qrel(distance, higher, world2)
{ "world1": [ "wood floor" ], "world2": [ "grass" ] }
Josh ran across the living room in his house and slid across the smooth floor. His mom told him to go play outside so he slid across the grass. Josh slid further when he slid across the (A) wood floor (B) grass.
[ "(infer (speed lower world1) (heat higher world2) (heat higher world1))", "(infer (speed lower world2) (heat higher world1) (heat higher world2))" ]
qrel(speed, lower, world1) -> qrel(heat, higher, world2) ; qrel(heat, higher, world1)
{ "world1": [ "dirty counter" ], "world2": [ "clean counter" ] }
A hot dog rolled along a dirty counter rolls slower then one rolled along a clean counter. Which surface would make the hot dog get hotter when rolled along it? (A) clean counter (B) dirty counter
[ "(infer (loudness higher world1) (distance lower world1) (distance lower world2))", "(infer (loudness higher world2) (distance lower world2) (distance lower world1))" ]
qrel(loudness, higher, world1) -> qrel(distance, lower, world1) ; qrel(distance, lower, world2)
{ "world1": [ "a louder moan" ], "world2": [ "a quieter moan" ] }
Bill was alone in an old abandoned house. He heard a strange moaning sound. It seemed to be getting louder. Whoever or whatever was making that sound was (A) getting closer (B) getting further away.
[ "(infer (time lower world1) (speed higher world2) (speed lower world2))", "(infer (time lower world2) (speed higher world1) (speed lower world1))" ]
qrel(time, lower, world1) -> qrel(speed, higher, world2) ; qrel(speed, lower, world2)
{ "world1": [ "fifty miles an hour" ], "world2": [ "thirty miles an hour" ] }
A bus usually goes fifty miles an hour on its route. However, today, the bus can only go thirty miles an hour. Today, the bus is (A) faster than normal (B) slower than normal
[ "(infer (and (strength low world1) (strength high world2)) (thickness lower world1) (thickness lower world2))", "(infer (and (strength low world2) (strength high world1)) (thickness lower world2) (thickness lower world1))" ]
qval(strength, low, world1), qval(strength, high, world2) -> qrel(thickness, lower, world1) ; qrel(thickness, lower, world2)
{ "world1": [ "floral plate" ], "world2": [ "plain plate" ] }
Harrison wasn't paying attention while washing dishes, and dropped two plates on the floor. The one with a floral pattern on it immediately shattered, but the plain one looked as good as new. What plate was more likely made of a thinner material? (A) floral plate (B) plain plate
[ "(infer (smoothness higher world1) (heat lower world2) (heat lower world1))", "(infer (smoothness higher world2) (heat lower world1) (heat lower world2))" ]
qrel(smoothness, higher, world1) -> qrel(heat, lower, world2) ; qrel(heat, lower, world1)
{ "world1": [ "painted concrete" ], "world2": [ "plain concrete" ] }
Painted concrete is less sticky then plain concrete. This means that a hand ball rolled along which surface will create less heat? (A) plain concrete (B) painted concrete
[ "(infer (time higher world1) (distance higher world1) (distance higher world2))", "(infer (time higher world2) (distance higher world2) (distance higher world1))" ]
qrel(time, higher, world1) -> qrel(distance, higher, world1) ; qrel(distance, higher, world2)
{ "world1": [ "Joe" ], "world2": [ "Sally" ] }
Joe and Sally start riding their bikes at the same speed along the same path. Joe rides his bike for twice as long as Sally. Who will end up covering a greater distance? (A) Joe (B) Sally
[ "(infer (and (speed high world1) (speed low world2)) (friction higher world2) (friction lower world2))", "(infer (and (speed high world2) (speed low world1)) (friction higher world1) (friction lower world1))" ]
qval(speed, high, world1), qval(speed, low, world2) -> qrel(friction, higher, world2) ; qrel(friction, lower, world2)
{ "world1": [ "tennis court" ], "world2": [ "leafy ground" ] }
The tennis ball rolled quickly along the tennis court until it reached the leafy ground and stopped because it had (A) more resistance (B) less resistance
[ "(infer (and (distance low world1) (distance high world2)) (loudness higher world1) (loudness higher world2))", "(infer (and (distance low world2) (distance high world1)) (loudness higher world2) (loudness higher world1))" ]
qval(distance, low, world1), qval(distance, high, world2) -> qrel(loudness, higher, world1) ; qrel(loudness, higher, world2)
{ "world1": [ "Tim" ], "world2": [ "Mary" ] }
Tim and Mary's parents are in a shouting match. Tim is down the block getting ice cream, while his sister Mary is sitting in her bedroom. Who will the yelling be loudest for? (A) Mary (B) Tim
[ "(infer (speed higher world1) (friction lower world1) (friction higher world1))", "(infer (speed higher world2) (friction lower world2) (friction higher world2))" ]
qrel(speed, higher, world1) -> qrel(friction, lower, world1) ; qrel(friction, higher, world1)
{ "world1": [ "powder snow" ], "world2": [ "corn snow" ] }
Jenny has found that she can snowboard off the mountain faster on powder snow than on corn snow. This is because (A) powder snow has less friction or (B) powder snow has more friction
[ "(infer (heat lower world1) (smoothness lower world2) (smoothness lower world1))", "(infer (heat lower world2) (smoothness lower world1) (smoothness lower world2))" ]
qrel(heat, lower, world1) -> qrel(smoothness, lower, world2) ; qrel(smoothness, lower, world1)
{ "world1": [ "counter" ], "world2": [ "cutting board" ] }
A piece of toast heats up less when slid across a counter then when slid across a cutting board. Which is the rougher surface? (A) cutting board (B) counter
[ "(infer (distance lower world1) (loudness higher world1) (loudness lower world1))", "(infer (distance lower world2) (loudness higher world2) (loudness lower world2))" ]
qrel(distance, lower, world1) -> qrel(loudness, higher, world1) ; qrel(loudness, lower, world1)
{ "world1": [ "Train whistle" ], "world2": [ "Train whistle far" ] }
When Jake was standing next to the train the whistle was _____ than when he was across town (A) louder (B) quieter
[ "(infer (brightness higher world1) (distance lower world1) (distance lower world2))", "(infer (brightness higher world2) (distance lower world2) (distance lower world1))" ]
qrel(brightness, higher, world1) -> qrel(distance, lower, world1) ; qrel(distance, lower, world2)
{ "world1": [ "streetlight" ], "world2": [ "light of a buoy" ] }
Jameson is walking along the road that borders the beach. Above him is a streetlight, while in the distance, the blinking light of a buoy can be seen. The streetlight is the more vibrant of the two because (A) He is directly under it (B) He is many yards away from it
[ "(infer (and (speed high world1) (speed low world2)) (friction higher world2) (friction lower world2))", "(infer (and (speed high world2) (speed low world1)) (friction higher world1) (friction lower world1))" ]
qval(speed, high, world1), qval(speed, low, world2) -> qrel(friction, higher, world2) ; qrel(friction, lower, world2)
{ "world1": [ "grassy yard" ], "world2": [ "rocky yard" ] }
Janet is mowing her lawn and is pushing the lawnmower easily over her grassy yard. The lawnmower slows down when she pushes it across her rocky yard. The rocky yard has (A) higher resistance (B) lower resistance.
[ "(infer (and (heat high world1) (heat low world2)) (friction lower world1) (friction lower world2))", "(infer (and (heat high world2) (heat low world1)) (friction lower world2) (friction lower world1))" ]
qval(heat, high, world1), qval(heat, low, world2) -> qrel(friction, lower, world1) ; qrel(friction, lower, world2)
{ "world1": [ "windy sky" ], "world2": [ "calm sky" ] }
A boomerang thrown into a windy sky heats up quite a bit, but one thrown into a calm sky stays about the same temperature. Which surface puts the least amount of friction on the boomerang? (A) windy sky (B) calm sky
[ "(infer (speed higher world1) (smoothness higher world1) (smoothness higher world2))", "(infer (speed higher world2) (smoothness higher world2) (smoothness higher world1))" ]
qrel(speed, higher, world1) -> qrel(smoothness, higher, world1) ; qrel(smoothness, higher, world2)
{ "world1": [ "astroturf" ], "world2": [ "grass" ] }
The footballer ran much faster on the AstroTurf, than the grass because _____ is smoother. (A) AstroTurf (B) grass
[ "(infer (speed lower world1) (heat lower world1) (heat lower world2))", "(infer (speed lower world2) (heat lower world2) (heat lower world1))" ]
qrel(speed, lower, world1) -> qrel(heat, lower, world1) ; qrel(heat, lower, world2)
{ "world1": [ "tunnel" ], "world2": [ "highway" ] }
Milo's new compact car moves slower through a tunnel then on a highway. This means that his compact car heats up less travelling on the (A) tunnel (B) highway
[ "(infer (speed higher world1) (friction lower world2) (friction higher world2))", "(infer (speed higher world2) (friction lower world1) (friction higher world1))" ]
qrel(speed, higher, world1) -> qrel(friction, lower, world2) ; qrel(friction, higher, world2)
{ "world1": [ "parking lot" ], "world2": [ "grass field" ] }
Shane is rolling a soccer ball around. He rolls it in the grass field and in the parking lot. The soccer ball moves better in the parking lot. This is because there is _____ in the grass field. (A) less resistance (B) more resistance
[ "(infer (and (exerciseIntensity high world1) (exerciseIntensity low world2)) (amountSweat higher world1) (amountSweat lower world1))", "(infer (and (exerciseIntensity high world2) (exerciseIntensity low world1)) (amountSweat higher world2) (amountSweat lower world2))" ]
qval(exerciseIntensity, high, world1), qval(exerciseIntensity, low, world2) -> qrel(amountSweat, higher, world1) ; qrel(amountSweat, lower, world1)
{ "world1": [ "Jogger" ], "world2": [ "Walker" ] }
A person that is jogging will sweat _____ than someone walking (A) more (B) less
[ "(infer (weight higher world1) (acceleration lower world1) (acceleration higher world1))", "(infer (weight higher world2) (acceleration lower world2) (acceleration higher world2))" ]
qrel(weight, higher, world1) -> qrel(acceleration, lower, world1) ; qrel(acceleration, higher, world1)
{ "world1": [ "Freight Train" ], "world2": [ "Bullet Train" ] }
Freight trains are heavier than bullet trains so they are (A) slower to accelerate (B) faster to accelerate
[ "(infer (distance higher world1) (brightness lower world1) (brightness higher world1))", "(infer (distance higher world2) (brightness lower world2) (brightness higher world2))" ]
qrel(distance, higher, world1) -> qrel(brightness, lower, world1) ; qrel(brightness, higher, world1)
{ "world1": [ "Camera flash far" ], "world2": [ "Camera flash near" ] }
When the camera flash was farther away it was _____ than when it was close to the model (A) dimmer (B) brighter
[ "(infer (and (friction high world1) (friction low world2)) (friction higher world2) (friction higher world1))", "(infer (and (friction high world2) (friction low world1)) (friction higher world1) (friction higher world2))" ]
qval(friction, high, world1), qval(friction, low, world2) -> qrel(friction, higher, world2) ; qrel(friction, higher, world1)
{ "world1": [ "grass" ], "world2": [ "cement path" ] }
Josh is playing at the park with his dog. He rolls the ball over the cement path and it travels really easily. When he tries to roll it over the grass, it is much harder. This is because there is more friction on the (A) cement path (B) grass.
[ "(infer (exerciseIntensity lower world1) (amountSweat lower world2) (amountSweat lower world1))", "(infer (exerciseIntensity lower world2) (amountSweat lower world1) (amountSweat lower world2))" ]
qrel(exerciseIntensity, lower, world1) -> qrel(amountSweat, lower, world2) ; qrel(amountSweat, lower, world1)
{ "world1": [ "Person sitting on the couch" ], "world2": [ "Person working out" ] }
Compared to a person that is working out a person that is sitting on a couch will sweat (A) more (B) less
[ "(infer (distance higher world1) (loudness lower world2) (loudness lower world1))", "(infer (distance higher world2) (loudness lower world1) (loudness lower world2))" ]
qrel(distance, higher, world1) -> qrel(loudness, lower, world2) ; qrel(loudness, lower, world1)
{ "world1": [ "noise out of theatre" ], "world2": [ "noise in theatre" ] }
Cal is at the theatre. When he walks out of the movie room to go to the restroom, the noise from the movie is (A) louder (B) quieter.
[ "(infer (and (smoothness high world1) (smoothness low world2)) (distance higher world1) (distance higher world2))", "(infer (and (smoothness high world2) (smoothness low world1)) (distance higher world2) (distance higher world1))" ]
qval(smoothness, high, world1), qval(smoothness, low, world2) -> qrel(distance, higher, world1) ; qrel(distance, higher, world2)
{ "world1": [ "museum" ], "world2": [ "house" ] }
A vase rolling around in a museum has a smooth journey, while one rolling around in a house has a rough journey. This means the vase can go a greater distance in the (A) museum (B) house
[ "(infer (and (speed high world1) (speed low world2)) (time lower world1) (time lower world2))", "(infer (and (speed high world2) (speed low world1)) (time lower world2) (time lower world1))" ]
qval(speed, high, world1), qval(speed, low, world2) -> qrel(time, lower, world1) ; qrel(time, lower, world2)
{ "world1": [ "Maura" ], "world2": [ "Connor" ] }
Connor and Maura are both going to the store. Connor walks and Maura takes her car. Who will get their first? (A) Maura (B) Connor
[ "(infer (and (friction low world1) (friction high world2)) (heat higher world1) (heat higher world2))", "(infer (and (friction low world2) (friction high world1)) (heat higher world2) (heat higher world1))" ]
qval(friction, low, world1), qval(friction, high, world2) -> qrel(heat, higher, world1) ; qrel(heat, higher, world2)
{ "world1": [ "green road" ], "world2": [ "red road" ] }
Mike's wheel encountered low resistance on the green road, but high resistance on the red road during his commute to work. After he got out of the car he noticed that his wheel seemed hotter after travelling over the (A) green road (B) red road
[ "(infer (and (smoothness high world1) (smoothness low world2)) (smoothness higher world1) (smoothness lower world1))", "(infer (and (smoothness high world2) (smoothness low world1)) (smoothness higher world2) (smoothness lower world2))" ]
qval(smoothness, high, world1), qval(smoothness, low, world2) -> qrel(smoothness, higher, world1) ; qrel(smoothness, lower, world1)
{ "world1": [ "air" ], "world2": [ "water" ] }
Toddler Carry blew bubbles in the air versus the water, because the air is (A) more smooth (B) less smooth
[ "(infer (speed higher world1) (time lower world2) (time lower world1))", "(infer (speed higher world2) (time lower world1) (time lower world2))" ]
qrel(speed, higher, world1) -> qrel(time, lower, world2) ; qrel(time, lower, world1)
{ "world1": [ "Lisa" ], "world2": [ "Greg" ] }
Greg and Lisa both live 2 miles from the library. Greg takes off on foot. Lisa uses a scooter. Who gets there first? (A) Greg (B) Lisa
[ "(infer (brightness higher world1) (distance higher world1) (distance lower world1))", "(infer (brightness higher world2) (distance higher world2) (distance lower world2))" ]
qrel(brightness, higher, world1) -> qrel(distance, higher, world1) ; qrel(distance, lower, world1)
{ "world1": [ "Closer miner" ], "world2": [ "Farther miner" ] }
From where Keith was standing, Paul's mining helmet gave off a brilliant light, but Pedro's helmet barely offered a flicker. Which of the miners was closer to Keith? (A) Pedro was closer (B) Paul was closer
[ "(infer (speed higher world1) (friction higher world1) (friction lower world1))", "(infer (speed higher world2) (friction higher world2) (friction lower world2))" ]
qrel(speed, higher, world1) -> qrel(friction, higher, world1) ; qrel(friction, lower, world1)
{ "world1": [ "dirt road" ], "world2": [ "gravel road" ] }
A car drives down a dirt road and can go quickly, but can only go slowly on a gravel road. The car moves faster on the dirt road because it has (A) more resistance (B) less resistance.
[ "(infer (distance higher world1) (brightness lower world2) (brightness lower world1))", "(infer (distance higher world2) (brightness lower world1) (brightness lower world2))" ]
qrel(distance, higher, world1) -> qrel(brightness, lower, world2) ; qrel(brightness, lower, world1)
{ "world1": [ "fainter" ], "world2": [ "more distant" ] }
When something is (A) more distant does it appear (B) fainter?
[ "(infer (smoothness higher world1) (distance higher world2) (distance higher world1))", "(infer (smoothness higher world2) (distance higher world1) (distance higher world2))" ]
qrel(smoothness, higher, world1) -> qrel(distance, higher, world2) ; qrel(distance, higher, world1)
{ "world1": [ "sand trap" ], "world2": [ "grass" ] }
Clark was learning to play golf. He noticed that the ball went further on the _____ because the grass was smoother. (A) sand trap (B) grass
[ "(infer (and (strength high world1) (strength low world2)) (thickness higher world2) (thickness higher world1))", "(infer (and (strength high world2) (strength low world1)) (thickness higher world1) (thickness higher world2))" ]
qval(strength, high, world1), qval(strength, low, world2) -> qrel(thickness, higher, world2) ; qrel(thickness, higher, world1)
{ "world1": [ "toilet paper" ], "world2": [ "paper towel" ] }
Karen had a spill in her kitchen. She tried to use a paper towel to clean it up, but it tore apart. She tried toilet paper and it absorbed the spill with no damage. What is most likely to be thicker? (A)paper towel (B)toilet paper
[ "(infer (amountSweat higher world1) (exerciseIntensity higher world2) (exerciseIntensity higher world1))", "(infer (amountSweat higher world2) (exerciseIntensity higher world1) (exerciseIntensity higher world2))" ]
qrel(amountSweat, higher, world1) -> qrel(exerciseIntensity, higher, world2) ; qrel(exerciseIntensity, higher, world1)
{ "world1": [ "Lisa" ], "world2": [ "Melissa" ] }
Lisa and Melissa were each doing different exercise routines. After 1/2 hour, Lisa was dripping sweat and Melissa was still dry. Who did the harder workout? (A) Melissa (B) Lisa
[ "(infer (mass higher world1) (gravity higher world2) (gravity higher world1))", "(infer (mass higher world2) (gravity higher world1) (gravity higher world2))" ]
qrel(mass, higher, world1) -> qrel(gravity, higher, world2) ; qrel(gravity, higher, world1)
{ "world1": [ "Sun" ], "world2": [ "Earth" ] }
Our earth is one of the largest objects in space, but nothing compared to the sun. Which object has stronger gravity? (A) Earth (B) Sun
[ "(infer (speed lower world1) (friction lower world1) (friction higher world1))", "(infer (speed lower world2) (friction lower world2) (friction higher world2))" ]
qrel(speed, lower, world1) -> qrel(friction, lower, world1) ; qrel(friction, higher, world1)
{ "world1": [ "muddy street" ], "world2": [ "snowy street" ] }
A jeep is driving down two streets. It goes down the snowy street quickly. Then it goes down a muddy street and can only go at half the speed of before. The jeep goes more slowly on the muddy street because there is (A) less resistance (B) more resistance.
[ "(infer (distance higher world1) (apparentSize lower world2) (apparentSize lower world1))", "(infer (distance higher world2) (apparentSize lower world1) (apparentSize lower world2))" ]
qrel(distance, higher, world1) -> qrel(apparentSize, lower, world2) ; qrel(apparentSize, lower, world1)
{ "world1": [ "a horse far away" ], "world2": [ "a horse close by" ] }
Cowboy Bill had a new horse and it was skittish. He was out in the pasture on his horse. Something spooked the horse and the horse threw Bill off his back and ran off into the distance. As the horse put more and more distance between them, it appeared to Bill that the horse was (A) getting larger (B) getting smaller.
[ "(infer (mass higher world1) (gravity higher world2) (gravity higher world1))", "(infer (mass higher world2) (gravity higher world1) (gravity higher world2))" ]
qrel(mass, higher, world1) -> qrel(gravity, higher, world2) ; qrel(gravity, higher, world1)
{ "world1": [ "neptune" ], "world2": [ "pluto" ] }
James knows that neptune has a greater mass then pluto. This means that he also knows that (A) pluto has stronger gravity (B) neptune
[ "(infer (and (speed high world1) (speed low world2)) (friction higher world2) (friction lower world2))", "(infer (and (speed high world2) (speed low world1)) (friction higher world1) (friction lower world1))" ]
qval(speed, high, world1), qval(speed, low, world2) -> qrel(friction, higher, world2) ; qrel(friction, lower, world2)
{ "world1": [ "tile" ], "world2": [ "carpet" ] }
A marble was rolling across a tile counter. When it fell onto the carpeted floor it slowed down and stopped. This is because the carpet has (A) more friction (B) less friction.
[ "(infer (friction higher world1) (heat higher world2) (heat higher world1))", "(infer (friction higher world2) (heat higher world1) (heat higher world2))" ]
qrel(friction, higher, world1) -> qrel(heat, higher, world2) ; qrel(heat, higher, world1)
{ "world1": [ "carpet" ], "world2": [ "tile floor" ] }
Mya called her dog for dinner. The dog ran in the kitchen sliding across the smooth tile floor. Later she called the dog to bed. The carpet in the bedroom had more resistance and he didn't slide this time. There was more heat generated from the pad of the dogs feet when he was running on the (A) tile floor (B) carpet.
[ "(infer (breakability higher world1) (flexibility lower world1) (flexibility higher world1))", "(infer (breakability higher world2) (flexibility lower world2) (flexibility higher world2))" ]
qrel(breakability, higher, world1) -> qrel(flexibility, lower, world1) ; qrel(flexibility, higher, world1)
{ "world1": [ "vase" ], "world2": [ "blanket" ] }
Bill kicks a vase and blanket. If the vase shatters and the blanket is fine the vase is (A) rigid (B) flexible
[ "(infer (mass higher world1) (gravity higher world1) (gravity higher world2))", "(infer (mass higher world2) (gravity higher world2) (gravity higher world1))" ]
qrel(mass, higher, world1) -> qrel(gravity, higher, world1) ; qrel(gravity, higher, world2)
{ "world1": [ "enormous planet" ], "world2": [ "dwarf planet" ] }
A planet that is enormous, when compared to a tiny dwarf planet, will have (A) stronger pull (B) weaker pull
[ "(infer (smoothness higher world1) (distance higher world1) (distance higher world2))", "(infer (smoothness higher world2) (distance higher world2) (distance higher world1))" ]
qrel(smoothness, higher, world1) -> qrel(distance, higher, world1) ; qrel(distance, higher, world2)
{ "world1": [ "new tracks" ], "world2": [ "vintage tracks" ] }
New train tracks are more smooth then vintage train tracks. This means that a train travelling over _____ will go a greater distance (A) new tracks (B) vintage tracks
[ "(infer (speed lower world1) (smoothness lower world1) (smoothness lower world2))", "(infer (speed lower world2) (smoothness lower world2) (smoothness lower world1))" ]
qrel(speed, lower, world1) -> qrel(smoothness, lower, world1) ; qrel(smoothness, lower, world2)
{ "world1": [ "napkin" ], "world2": [ "table" ] }
Hank's salt shaker rolled more slowly over his napkin than over the table. He then surmised that the _____ was rougher (A) napkin (B) table
[ "(infer (and (smoothness low world1) (smoothness high world2)) (heat higher world1) (heat higher world2))", "(infer (and (smoothness low world2) (smoothness high world1)) (heat higher world2) (heat higher world1))" ]
qval(smoothness, low, world1), qval(smoothness, high, world2) -> qrel(heat, higher, world1) ; qrel(heat, higher, world2)
{ "world1": [ "gravel" ], "world2": [ "asphalt" ] }
Terry was bringing his car to the mechanic to check the tire light sensor that had been going on and off for a couple of days. The light was currently off and he wanted it to go on by the time he got to the mechanic so they could see what he was talking about. Terry had the choice of driving on a gravel road or an asphalt road to get to the mechanic. Both roads took the same amount of time. Which road would create more heat against Terry's tires, better guaranteeing the tire light sensor would go on? (A) gravel (B) asphalt
[ "(infer (thickness lower world1) (strength lower world2) (strength lower world1))", "(infer (thickness lower world2) (strength lower world1) (strength lower world2))" ]
qrel(thickness, lower, world1) -> qrel(strength, lower, world2) ; qrel(strength, lower, world1)
{ "world1": [ "note paper" ], "world2": [ "cardboard" ] }
Jimbo's note paper is much thinner then his cardboard. Which item is not as strong as the other? (A) cardboard (B) note paper
[ "(infer (and (weight high world1) (weight low world2)) (acceleration lower world1) (acceleration lower world2))", "(infer (and (weight high world2) (weight low world1)) (acceleration lower world2) (acceleration lower world1))" ]
qval(weight, high, world1), qval(weight, low, world2) -> qrel(acceleration, lower, world1) ; qrel(acceleration, lower, world2)
{ "world1": [ "truck with the camper" ], "world2": [ "truck without the camper" ] }
John is camping with his family. He attaches the camper to his truck and heads out. At a stop light, another truck beside John revs the engine, challenging him. The truck with the most difficulty accelerating will be (A) The truck with the camper attached (B) The truck without the camper attached.
[ "(infer (distance higher world1) (loudness higher world1) (loudness lower world1))", "(infer (distance higher world2) (loudness higher world2) (loudness lower world2))" ]
qrel(distance, higher, world1) -> qrel(loudness, higher, world1) ; qrel(loudness, lower, world1)
{ "world1": [ "Engine far away" ], "world2": [ "Engine nearby" ] }
When the race car engine started up in the driveway it was very loud but as it pulled away and got farther away it became (A) louder (B) quieter.
[ "(infer (speed higher world1) (distance higher world1) (distance higher world2))", "(infer (speed higher world2) (distance higher world2) (distance higher world1))" ]
qrel(speed, higher, world1) -> qrel(distance, higher, world1) ; qrel(distance, higher, world2)
{ "world1": [ "Horse" ], "world2": [ "Skateboard" ] }
Wyatt is riding his horse very fast, while Timmy is riding on his skateboard. After ten minutes, who would have gone furthest? (A) Wyatt (B) Timmy
[ "(infer (mass higher world1) (gravity higher world1) (gravity lower world1))", "(infer (mass higher world2) (gravity higher world2) (gravity lower world2))" ]
qrel(mass, higher, world1) -> qrel(gravity, higher, world1) ; qrel(gravity, lower, world1)
{ "world1": [ "large weight" ], "world2": [ "small weight" ] }
Joe has two sets of weights. The larger one is heavier because it has a (A) stronger (B) weaker gravity
[ "(infer (friction lower world1) (smoothness higher world1) (smoothness higher world2))", "(infer (friction lower world2) (smoothness higher world2) (smoothness higher world1))" ]
qrel(friction, lower, world1) -> qrel(smoothness, higher, world1) ; qrel(smoothness, higher, world2)
{ "world1": [ "road" ], "world2": [ "yard" ] }
Tony realizes there is less resistance when he drives his truck on the road, than when he drives it across his front yard. This is because the _____ is smoother. (A) road (B) yard
[ "(infer (and (strength high world1) (strength low world2)) (distance higher world2) (distance higher world1))", "(infer (and (strength high world2) (strength low world1)) (distance higher world1) (distance higher world2))" ]
qval(strength, high, world1), qval(strength, low, world2) -> qrel(distance, higher, world2) ; qrel(distance, higher, world1)
{ "world1": [ "the rock" ], "world2": [ "a turker" ] }
The Rock weight trains daily, lifting heavy weights to build strength, while a turker's entire weight training is comprised of lifting beverage glasses. They bump into each other at a comic convention, and decide to see who can throw a Jar Jar Binks action figure further. Who wins? (A) a turker (B) The Rock
[ "(infer (time lower world1) (distance lower world1) (distance lower world2))", "(infer (time lower world2) (distance lower world2) (distance lower world1))" ]
qrel(time, lower, world1) -> qrel(distance, lower, world1) ; qrel(distance, lower, world2)
{ "world1": [ "Sue" ], "world2": [ "Tim" ] }
It was dinnertime and Sue and her brother Tim headed toward home at exactly the same time, walking at the same speed. Sue got home quicker. Which of them was closer to home when the headed out? (A) Sue (B) Tim
[ "(infer (and (friction low world1) (friction high world2)) (heat higher world1) (heat higher world2))", "(infer (and (friction low world2) (friction high world1)) (heat higher world2) (heat higher world1))" ]
qval(friction, low, world1), qval(friction, high, world2) -> qrel(heat, higher, world1) ; qrel(heat, higher, world2)
{ "world1": [ "road" ], "world2": [ "dirt track" ] }
Jake is driving his motorbike to a dirt track. The ride from his house on the road is easy, as the road offers little resistance. However, the dirt track offers a lot more resistance. Jake's motorbike will generate more heat on the (A) road (B) dirt track.
[ "(infer (heat lower world1) (smoothness higher world2) (smoothness higher world1))", "(infer (heat lower world2) (smoothness higher world1) (smoothness higher world2))" ]
qrel(heat, lower, world1) -> qrel(smoothness, higher, world2) ; qrel(smoothness, higher, world1)
{ "world1": [ "bread" ], "world2": [ "meat" ] }
Kathryn found that her cleaver stayed cooler after cutting bread rather than meat. This means that the _____ was more smooth (A) meat (B) bread
[ "(infer (strength higher world1) (distance lower world1) (distance higher world1))", "(infer (strength higher world2) (distance lower world2) (distance higher world2))" ]
qrel(strength, higher, world1) -> qrel(distance, lower, world1) ; qrel(distance, higher, world1)
{ "world1": [ "A baseball player" ], "world2": [ "A child" ] }
A baseball player is stronger than a child so they can throw a ball (A) less distance (B) further distance
[ "(infer (distance lower world1) (apparentSize higher world1) (apparentSize lower world1))", "(infer (distance lower world2) (apparentSize higher world2) (apparentSize lower world2))" ]
qrel(distance, lower, world1) -> qrel(apparentSize, higher, world1) ; qrel(apparentSize, lower, world1)
{ "world1": [ "tiny tree" ], "world2": [ "tall tree" ] }
Walking down a trail bill sees a tall tree next to him and a tiny tree far down the path. When Bill reaches the tiny tree will it appear (A) larger (B) smaller
[ "(infer (and (smoothness low world1) (smoothness high world2)) (friction higher world2) (friction lower world2))", "(infer (and (smoothness low world2) (smoothness high world1)) (friction higher world1) (friction lower world1))" ]
qval(smoothness, low, world1), qval(smoothness, high, world2) -> qrel(friction, higher, world2) ; qrel(friction, lower, world2)
{ "world1": [ "red floor" ], "world2": [ "green floor" ] }
Carla rolls a jar across a red floor. The red floor is bumpy. She then rolls the jar across a green floor, which is smooth. The jar rolls further on the green floor since it has (A) more resistance (B) less resistance
[ "(infer (and (speed high world1) (speed low world2)) (friction lower world1) (friction lower world2))", "(infer (and (speed high world2) (speed low world1)) (friction lower world2) (friction lower world1))" ]
qval(speed, high, world1), qval(speed, low, world2) -> qrel(friction, lower, world1) ; qrel(friction, lower, world2)
{ "world1": [ "waterslide" ], "world2": [ "grass" ] }
Some young kids were bored in a pool by a waterslide, and spotted a toilet paper roll. They noticed that the water on (A) the waterslide would carry the roll floating lightly above and move it smoothly, whereas the (B) grass would slow its motion quickly due to the big friction differences of these surfaces.
[ "(infer (time lower world1) (distance lower world2) (distance lower world1))", "(infer (time lower world2) (distance lower world1) (distance lower world2))" ]
qrel(time, lower, world1) -> qrel(distance, lower, world2) ; qrel(distance, lower, world1)
{ "world1": [ "Jim" ], "world2": [ "John" ] }
John and Jim are going to work. John picks up Jim on the way. Who traveled a shorter distance? (A) John (B) Jim
[ "(infer (gravity higher world1) (mass higher world1) (mass higher world2))", "(infer (gravity higher world2) (mass higher world2) (mass higher world1))" ]
qrel(gravity, higher, world1) -> qrel(mass, higher, world1) ; qrel(mass, higher, world2)
{ "world1": [ "a fat man" ], "world2": [ "a little man" ] }
The object likely with a stronger orbit would be (A) a fat man (B) a little man
[ "(infer (and (smoothness high world1) (smoothness low world2)) (smoothness higher world1) (smoothness lower world1))", "(infer (and (smoothness high world2) (smoothness low world1)) (smoothness higher world2) (smoothness lower world2))" ]
qval(smoothness, high, world1), qval(smoothness, low, world2) -> qrel(smoothness, higher, world1) ; qrel(smoothness, lower, world1)
{ "world1": [ "pavement" ], "world2": [ "soil" ] }
Ceily rides her Big Wheel on pavement instead of soil because it's (A) more smooth (B) less smooth.
[ "(infer (heat higher world1) (speed lower world1) (speed lower world2))", "(infer (heat higher world2) (speed lower world2) (speed lower world1))" ]
qrel(heat, higher, world1) -> qrel(speed, lower, world1) ; qrel(speed, lower, world2)
{ "world1": [ "barn floor" ], "world2": [ "field" ] }
A halter sliding across a barn floor gets hotter then one sliding across a field. Which surface forces the halter to travel at a lower rate of speed? (A) barn floor (B) field
[ "(infer (speed higher world1) (friction higher world1) (friction higher world2))", "(infer (speed higher world2) (friction higher world2) (friction higher world1))" ]
qrel(speed, higher, world1) -> qrel(friction, higher, world1) ; qrel(friction, higher, world2)
{ "world1": [ "driveway" ], "world2": [ "hallway" ] }
Mike's soda can will roll at a greater rate of speed on the driveway then in the hallway. This means the _____ has more friction (A) driveway (B) hallway
[ "(infer (and (smoothness low world1) (smoothness high world2)) (speed higher world1) (speed higher world2))", "(infer (and (smoothness low world2) (smoothness high world1)) (speed higher world2) (speed higher world1))" ]
qval(smoothness, low, world1), qval(smoothness, high, world2) -> qrel(speed, higher, world1) ; qrel(speed, higher, world2)
{ "world1": [ "carpeted hallway" ], "world2": [ "tiled floor" ] }
Sarah rolls a red ball around the house. It rolls slowly down the carpeted hallway, then rolls smoothly across the bathroom's tiled floor. The ball will move faster on the (A) carpeted hallway (B) tiled floor.
[ "(infer (friction lower world1) (distance higher world1) (distance higher world2))", "(infer (friction lower world2) (distance higher world2) (distance higher world1))" ]
qrel(friction, lower, world1) -> qrel(distance, higher, world1) ; qrel(distance, higher, world2)
{ "world1": [ "sand" ], "world2": [ "hardpack" ] }
Milo was digging some holes when he realized that his spade experienced less resistance in sand compared to hardpack. He could plunge his spade deeper into the (A) sand or (B) hardpack
[ "(infer (speed lower world1) (friction lower world1) (friction lower world2))", "(infer (speed lower world2) (friction lower world2) (friction lower world1))" ]
qrel(speed, lower, world1) -> qrel(friction, lower, world1) ; qrel(friction, lower, world2)
{ "world1": [ "carpet" ], "world2": [ "tile" ] }
Mindy dropped her spool on the floor. She realized it rolled slower over the carpet than it did the kitchen tile. She decided that their was less resistance on the (A) carpet (B) tile.