[ "(infer (heat lower world1) (smoothness higher world1) (smoothness higher world2))", "(infer (heat lower world2) (smoothness higher world2) (smoothness higher world1))" ]
qrel(heat, lower, world1) -> qrel(smoothness, higher, world1) ; qrel(smoothness, higher, world2)
{ "world1": [ "kitchen counter" ], "world2": [ "kitchen floor" ] }
Mike's coffee can gets less hot when he slides it across his kitchen counter then when he slides it across his kitchen floor. This means the _____ is more lustrous (A) kitchen counter (B) kitchen floor
[ "(infer (heat higher world1) (friction lower world2) (friction lower world1))", "(infer (heat higher world2) (friction lower world1) (friction lower world2))" ]
qrel(heat, higher, world1) -> qrel(friction, lower, world2) ; qrel(friction, lower, world1)
{ "world1": [ "floor mat" ], "world2": [ "dashboard" ] }
A ticket slid across a floor mat makes it heat up more than sliding it across a dashboard. This means the _____ has less friction (A) dashboard (B) floor mat
[ "(infer (and (smoothness low world1) (smoothness high world2)) (distance higher world1) (distance higher world2))", "(infer (and (smoothness low world2) (smoothness high world1)) (distance higher world2) (distance higher world1))" ]
qval(smoothness, low, world1), qval(smoothness, high, world2) -> qrel(distance, higher, world1) ; qrel(distance, higher, world2)
{ "world1": [ "infield" ], "world2": [ "outfield" ] }
Jim learned that an outfield is smooth while an infield is rough by tossing his baseball bat across them. The baseball bat rolled a greater distance over the (A) infield (B) outfield
[ "(infer (and (flexibility low world1) (flexibility high world2)) (breakability higher world1) (breakability higher world2))", "(infer (and (flexibility low world2) (flexibility high world1)) (breakability higher world2) (breakability higher world1))" ]
qval(flexibility, low, world1), qval(flexibility, high, world2) -> qrel(breakability, higher, world1) ; qrel(breakability, higher, world2)
{ "world1": [ "teacup" ], "world2": [ "blanket" ] }
Darren is throwing things at a wall. He throws a blanket and a teacup. Which will break? (A) teacup (B) blanket
[ "(infer (distance higher world1) (time higher world1) (time higher world2))", "(infer (distance higher world2) (time higher world2) (time higher world1))" ]
qrel(distance, higher, world1) -> qrel(time, higher, world1) ; qrel(time, higher, world2)
{ "world1": [ "blue marble" ], "world2": [ "yellow marble" ] }
Janet is rolling marbles down a marble counter. Two marbles are rolled together; one blue, one yellow. The blue marble goes further. Which marble traveled longer? (A) blue marble (B) yellow marble
[ "(infer (speed higher world1) (friction higher world1) (friction lower world1))", "(infer (speed higher world2) (friction higher world2) (friction lower world2))" ]
qrel(speed, higher, world1) -> qrel(friction, higher, world1) ; qrel(friction, lower, world1)
{ "world1": [ "sidewalk" ], "world2": [ "dirt road" ] }
Ainsley is skateboarding around town. First she skateboards on the dirt road by her house, then she skateboards on the sidewalk in town. Ainsley skates faster on the sidewalk because the sidewalk has _____ than the dirt road. (A) more friction (B) less friction
[ "(infer (and (smoothness low world1) (smoothness high world2)) (smoothness higher world2) (smoothness lower world2))", "(infer (and (smoothness low world2) (smoothness high world1)) (smoothness higher world1) (smoothness lower world1))" ]
qval(smoothness, low, world1), qval(smoothness, high, world2) -> qrel(smoothness, higher, world2) ; qrel(smoothness, lower, world2)
{ "world1": [ "sandpaper" ], "world2": [ "line paper" ] }
The artist ran the paintbrush roughily over the sandpaper but smoothly over lined paper. This is because the line paper was (A) more smooth (B) less smooth
[ "(infer (mass higher world1) (gravity higher world1) (gravity higher world2))", "(infer (mass higher world2) (gravity higher world2) (gravity higher world1))" ]
qrel(mass, higher, world1) -> qrel(gravity, higher, world1) ; qrel(gravity, higher, world2)
{ "world1": [ "Earth" ], "world2": [ "Pluto" ] }
Since Earth has a greater mass then Pluto, which planet emits more of a gravitational field? (A) Earth (B) Pluto
[ "(infer (distance higher world1) (friction lower world2) (friction lower world1))", "(infer (distance higher world2) (friction lower world1) (friction lower world2))" ]
qrel(distance, higher, world1) -> qrel(friction, lower, world2) ; qrel(friction, lower, world1)
{ "world1": [ "calm sky" ], "world2": [ "windy sky" ] }
Jim can throw the frisbee a greater distance through a calm sky compared to through a windy sky. He then realized that the _____ has less resistance (A) windy sky (B) calm sky
[ "(infer (strength lower world1) (distance lower world2) (distance lower world1))", "(infer (strength lower world2) (distance lower world1) (distance lower world2))" ]
qrel(strength, lower, world1) -> qrel(distance, lower, world2) ; qrel(distance, lower, world1)
{ "world1": [ "45 year-old woman" ], "world2": [ "21 year-old baseball player" ] }
A 45 year-old woman and a 21 year-old baseball player are throwing baseballs in the field. They have to go get each ball that they throw. Who will have to walk the shortest distance to get their balls? (A) The 21-year old (B) The 45 year-old
[ "(infer (speed higher world1) (smoothness lower world1) (smoothness lower world2))", "(infer (speed higher world2) (smoothness lower world2) (smoothness lower world1))" ]
qrel(speed, higher, world1) -> qrel(smoothness, lower, world1) ; qrel(smoothness, lower, world2)
{ "world1": [ "wooden floor" ], "world2": [ "pool table" ] }
Ken is playing pool. He knocks a ball off the table and notices that it rolls faster on the wooden floor than on the pool table. This is because the _____ is rougher. (A) wooden floor (B) pool table
[ "(infer (smoothness higher world1) (friction lower world1) (friction lower world2))", "(infer (smoothness higher world2) (friction lower world2) (friction lower world1))" ]
qrel(smoothness, higher, world1) -> qrel(friction, lower, world1) ; qrel(friction, lower, world2)
{ "world1": [ "polished floor" ], "world2": [ "pitted floor" ] }
Milo has noticed that a polished floor is smoother than a pitted floor. This means that dragging his pallet across a _____ offers less resistance (A) polished floor (B) pitted floor
[ "(infer (exerciseIntensity higher world1) (amountSweat higher world1) (amountSweat lower world1))", "(infer (exerciseIntensity higher world2) (amountSweat higher world2) (amountSweat lower world2))" ]
qrel(exerciseIntensity, higher, world1) -> qrel(amountSweat, higher, world1) ; qrel(amountSweat, lower, world1)
{ "world1": [ "Jeff" ], "world2": [ "Kate" ] }
Jeff and Kate are at the gym working out. Jeff is working out more than Kate is, because Kate recently broke her foot. As a result (A) Jeff is sweating more than Kate (B) Jeff is sweating less than Kate
[ "(infer (distance higher world1) (heat lower world1) (heat lower world2))", "(infer (distance higher world2) (heat lower world2) (heat lower world1))" ]
qrel(distance, higher, world1) -> qrel(heat, lower, world1) ; qrel(heat, lower, world2)
{ "world1": [ "skin" ], "world2": [ "hair" ] }
Jim's razor can travel further over his skin then over his hair. This means that the razor heats up more when moving over (A) skin or (B) hair
[ "(infer (mass lower world1) (gravity higher world1) (gravity lower world1))", "(infer (mass lower world2) (gravity higher world2) (gravity lower world2))" ]
qrel(mass, lower, world1) -> qrel(gravity, higher, world1) ; qrel(gravity, lower, world1)
{ "world1": [ "Venus" ], "world2": [ "Sun" ] }
Venus is much less massive than the Sun, therefore less things are attracted to it because it has (A) stronger gravity (B) weaker gravity
[ "(infer (friction lower world1) (speed higher world2) (speed higher world1))", "(infer (friction lower world2) (speed higher world1) (speed higher world2))" ]
qrel(friction, lower, world1) -> qrel(speed, higher, world2) ; qrel(speed, higher, world1)
{ "world1": [ "thin paper" ], "world2": [ "thick paper" ] }
Pushing a safety pin into thin paper is easier then pushing it into thick paper. Which paper will allow the safety pin to plunge into it at a faster rate of speed? (A) thick paper (B) thin paper
[ "(infer (and (distance high world1) (distance low world2)) (apparentSize lower world2) (apparentSize lower world1))", "(infer (and (distance high world2) (distance low world1)) (apparentSize lower world1) (apparentSize lower world2))" ]
qval(distance, high, world1), qval(distance, low, world2) -> qrel(apparentSize, lower, world2) ; qrel(apparentSize, lower, world1)
{ "world1": [ "motor boats" ], "world2": [ "sail boats" ] }
Lisa is enjoying her vacation at the beach. She is watching the sail boats in the water close by but she can barely see the motorboats that are far away. Which boats appear to be smaller (A) sail boats or (B) Motor boats
[ "(infer (speed higher world1) (friction lower world1) (friction higher world1))", "(infer (speed higher world2) (friction lower world2) (friction higher world2))" ]
qrel(speed, higher, world1) -> qrel(friction, lower, world1) ; qrel(friction, higher, world1)
{ "world1": [ "mulch" ], "world2": [ "rocks" ] }
Toddler Bobby rode his tricycle faster on the mulch than rocks. The mulch has (A) less resistance (B) more resistance.
[ "(infer (thickness lower world1) (strength higher world1) (strength higher world2))", "(infer (thickness lower world2) (strength higher world2) (strength higher world1))" ]
qrel(thickness, lower, world1) -> qrel(strength, higher, world1) ; qrel(strength, higher, world2)
{ "world1": [ "Joe" ], "world2": [ "Bob" ] }
Joe and Bob are seeing who can lift the most weight. Joe's arms are much thinner than Bob's are. Who will lift the most? (A) Joe (B) Bob
[ "(infer (and (loudness low world1) (loudness high world2)) (distance lower world1) (distance higher world1))", "(infer (and (loudness low world2) (loudness high world1)) (distance lower world2) (distance higher world2))" ]
qval(loudness, low, world1), qval(loudness, high, world2) -> qrel(distance, lower, world1) ; qrel(distance, higher, world1)
{ "world1": [ "stereo further" ], "world2": [ "stereo closer" ] }
Adam's rooomate bought a new stereo, which was powerful and loud! To avoid irritation from the constant noise, Adam decided to move to a room on the other side of the house. His new room was nice and quiet because the stereo was now (A) closer (B) a greater distance away.
[ "(infer (distance higher world1) (heat higher world1) (heat higher world2))", "(infer (distance higher world2) (heat higher world2) (heat higher world1))" ]
qrel(distance, higher, world1) -> qrel(heat, higher, world1) ; qrel(heat, higher, world2)
{ "world1": [ "back yard" ], "world2": [ "front yard" ] }
A soccer ball kicked in the backyard rolls further then when it is kicked in the front yard. This means the _____ heats the ball up more (A) back yard (B) front yard
[ "(infer (distance lower world1) (smoothness higher world2) (smoothness lower world2))", "(infer (distance lower world2) (smoothness higher world1) (smoothness lower world1))" ]
qrel(distance, lower, world1) -> qrel(smoothness, higher, world2) ; qrel(smoothness, lower, world2)
{ "world1": [ "lego surface" ], "world2": [ "linoleum surface" ] }
Jessica rolls a cylinder block on a surface made of LEGOs and a linoleum floor. She notices that when the cylinder travels over the LEGOs, it goes a shorter distance than when on the linoleum. This is because the linoleum is _____ than the LEGOs. (A) smoother (B) rougher
[ "(infer (friction lower world1) (distance higher world2) (distance higher world1))", "(infer (friction lower world2) (distance higher world1) (distance higher world2))" ]
qrel(friction, lower, world1) -> qrel(distance, higher, world2) ; qrel(distance, higher, world1)
{ "world1": [ "parking lot" ], "world2": [ "bamboo grove" ] }
A panda experiences low friction walking around a parking lot then walking around a bamboo grove. This means the panda can shamble much greater distances over the (A) bamboo grove (B) parking lot
[ "(infer (and (weight high world1) (weight low world2)) (acceleration lower world2) (acceleration lower world1))", "(infer (and (weight high world2) (weight low world1)) (acceleration lower world1) (acceleration lower world2))" ]
qval(weight, high, world1), qval(weight, low, world2) -> qrel(acceleration, lower, world2) ; qrel(acceleration, lower, world1)
{ "world1": [ "Solid cannonball" ], "world2": [ "Hollow cannonball" ] }
A hollow cannonball and a solid cannonball made of the same material and diameter are shot with the same force from a cannon. Which ball will have a lower acceleration? (A) Hollow cannonball (B) Solid cannonball
[ "(infer (friction lower world1) (heat higher world1) (heat higher world2))", "(infer (friction lower world2) (heat higher world2) (heat higher world1))" ]
qrel(friction, lower, world1) -> qrel(heat, higher, world1) ; qrel(heat, higher, world2)
{ "world1": [ "metal handrail" ], "world2": [ "wood beam" ] }
Joe leaned on a metal handrail with his sweater as he moved down the stairs, and he slid against it easily. Later Joe brushed by a wooden beam and noticed it pulled at him and the sweater more. Joe's sweater would have gotten warmer when it rubbed up against the (A) metal handrail (B) wood beam.
[ "(infer (weight higher world1) (acceleration lower world1) (acceleration lower world2))", "(infer (weight higher world2) (acceleration lower world2) (acceleration lower world1))" ]
qrel(weight, higher, world1) -> qrel(acceleration, lower, world1) ; qrel(acceleration, lower, world2)
{ "world1": [ "military tank" ], "world2": [ "golf cart" ] }
A military tank is much heavier than a golf cart. As a result (A) the tank accelerates slower than the golf cart (B) the tank accelerates faster than the golf cart
[ "(infer (distance higher world1) (friction higher world2) (friction higher world1))", "(infer (distance higher world2) (friction higher world1) (friction higher world2))" ]
qrel(distance, higher, world1) -> qrel(friction, higher, world2) ; qrel(friction, higher, world1)
{ "world1": [ "wood floor" ], "world2": [ "felt table" ] }
The boy rolled the billiard ball on the felt pool table and then on the wooden floor. He noticed the ball rolled a greater distance on the wooden floor than it did on the felt table. This means the surface with more resistance is the (A) felt table (B) wooden floor.
[ "(infer (distance higher world1) (brightness higher world1) (brightness lower world1))", "(infer (distance higher world2) (brightness higher world2) (brightness lower world2))" ]
qrel(distance, higher, world1) -> qrel(brightness, higher, world1) ; qrel(brightness, lower, world1)
{ "world1": [ "Laser far" ], "world2": [ "Laser close" ] }
When I was near the laser it was very bright, but when I got further away it was much (A) brighter (B) dimmer
[ "(infer (and (strength high world1) (strength low world2)) (distance higher world1) (distance lower world1))", "(infer (and (strength high world2) (strength low world1)) (distance higher world2) (distance lower world2))" ]
qval(strength, high, world1), qval(strength, low, world2) -> qrel(distance, higher, world1) ; qrel(distance, lower, world1)
{ "world1": [ "Muscular guy" ], "world2": [ "Skinny guy" ] }
The muscular guy was much stronger than the skinny guy so he was able to throw a ball (A) further (B) less far
[ "(infer (and (amountSweat high world1) (amountSweat low world2)) (exerciseIntensity higher world1) (exerciseIntensity lower world1))", "(infer (and (amountSweat high world2) (amountSweat low world1)) (exerciseIntensity higher world2) (exerciseIntensity lower world2))" ]
qval(amountSweat, high, world1), qval(amountSweat, low, world2) -> qrel(exerciseIntensity, higher, world1) ; qrel(exerciseIntensity, lower, world1)
{ "world1": [ "palomino" ], "world2": [ "pinto" ] }
Two horses have been outside in a corral for one hour. The palomino is covered in sweat and the pinto is dry. What happened? (A) the palomino got more exercise (B) the palomino got less exercise
[ "(infer (friction lower world1) (smoothness higher world1) (smoothness higher world2))", "(infer (friction lower world2) (smoothness higher world2) (smoothness higher world1))" ]
qrel(friction, lower, world1) -> qrel(smoothness, higher, world1) ; qrel(smoothness, higher, world2)
{ "world1": [ "mouse pad" ], "world2": [ "table" ] }
The computer mouse moves better on the mouse pad than on the table because it's (A) more smooth (B) less smooth
[ "(infer (and (flexibility low world1) (flexibility high world2)) (breakability higher world1) (breakability higher world2))", "(infer (and (flexibility low world2) (flexibility high world1)) (breakability higher world2) (breakability higher world1))" ]
qval(flexibility, low, world1), qval(flexibility, high, world2) -> qrel(breakability, higher, world1) ; qrel(breakability, higher, world2)
{ "world1": [ "glass dish" ], "world2": [ "cardboard box" ] }
Kyle is trying to break down some trash to get rid of. He is attempting to shatter a cardboard box and a glass dish. The thing that will shatter first is the (A) glass dish (B) cardboard box
[ "(infer (flexibility higher world1) (breakability lower world1) (breakability lower world2))", "(infer (flexibility higher world2) (breakability lower world2) (breakability lower world1))" ]
qrel(flexibility, higher, world1) -> qrel(breakability, lower, world1) ; qrel(breakability, lower, world2)
{ "world1": [ "reed" ], "world2": [ "stick" ] }
A reed is more flexible then a stick. If bent, which object will be less likely to break? (A) reed (B) stick
[ "(infer (speed lower world1) (distance lower world2) (distance lower world1))", "(infer (speed lower world2) (distance lower world1) (distance lower world2))" ]
qrel(speed, lower, world1) -> qrel(distance, lower, world2) ; qrel(distance, lower, world1)
{ "world1": [ "Train" ], "world2": [ "Airplane" ] }
An airplane and a train leave from the same location and travel for three hours. Which traveled the least number of miles? (A) Airplane (B) Train
[ "(infer (speed higher world1) (smoothness higher world1) (smoothness higher world2))", "(infer (speed higher world2) (smoothness higher world2) (smoothness higher world1))" ]
qrel(speed, higher, world1) -> qrel(smoothness, higher, world1) ; qrel(smoothness, higher, world2)
{ "world1": [ "basement floor" ], "world2": [ "grass" ] }
Gabby noticed that her tricycle moves faster in a cement basement then in the grassy backyard. This is because the basement floor surface is (A) smoother (B) rougher.
[ "(infer (speed higher world1) (friction lower world1) (friction lower world2))", "(infer (speed higher world2) (friction lower world2) (friction lower world1))" ]
qrel(speed, higher, world1) -> qrel(friction, lower, world1) ; qrel(friction, lower, world2)
{ "world1": [ "metal car roof" ], "world2": [ "sand" ] }
Molly set her volleyball on the roof of her car and gave it a push. The volleyball rolled faster across the car roof than it did when she pushed the volleyball along the sand of the volleyball court. She deduced that the surface with less friction is the (A) metal car roof (B) sand.
[ "(infer (speed lower world1) (smoothness lower world1) (smoothness lower world2))", "(infer (speed lower world2) (smoothness lower world2) (smoothness lower world1))" ]
qrel(speed, lower, world1) -> qrel(smoothness, lower, world1) ; qrel(smoothness, lower, world2)
{ "world1": [ "classroom desk" ], "world2": [ "home office desk" ] }
A stick of gum that is slid across a classroom desk travels pretty slow compared to a stick of gum that is pushed across a home office desk. Which surface is the most rough? (A) classroom desk (B) home office desk
[ "(infer (speed higher world1) (heat higher world1) (heat higher world2))", "(infer (speed higher world2) (heat higher world2) (heat higher world1))" ]
qrel(speed, higher, world1) -> qrel(heat, higher, world1) ; qrel(heat, higher, world2)
{ "world1": [ "cement path" ], "world2": [ "grass" ] }
Ted was riding his bike in the park. When he was on the cement path, he was able to zip around the park more quickly than on the grass. The bike heated up more when it traveled on the (A) cement path (B) grass.
[ "(infer (distance lower world1) (brightness higher world1) (brightness lower world1))", "(infer (distance lower world2) (brightness higher world2) (brightness lower world2))" ]
qrel(distance, lower, world1) -> qrel(brightness, higher, world1) ; qrel(brightness, lower, world1)
{ "world1": [ "near lighthouse" ], "world2": [ "away from lighthouse" ] }
Tom is walking toward the lighthouse on the beach. As he gets closer, the light is (A) brighter (B) duller.
[ "(infer (strength higher world1) (thickness higher world2) (thickness higher world1))", "(infer (strength higher world2) (thickness higher world1) (thickness higher world2))" ]
qrel(strength, higher, world1) -> qrel(thickness, higher, world2) ; qrel(thickness, higher, world1)
{ "world1": [ "house door" ], "world2": [ "screen door" ] }
Max was mad and kicked the screen door to his house. His foot went right through it. He next kicked the main house door. He hurt his foot and not the door. That's because (A) the screen door is thicker (B) the house door is thicker
[ "(infer (and (speed high world1) (speed low world2)) (distance higher world2) (distance higher world1))", "(infer (and (speed high world2) (speed low world1)) (distance higher world1) (distance higher world2))" ]
qval(speed, high, world1), qval(speed, low, world2) -> qrel(distance, higher, world2) ; qrel(distance, higher, world1)
{ "world1": [ "man in sports car" ], "world2": [ "man on roller skates" ] }
Both a man in a sports car and a man on roller skates travel for five minutes down a racetrack. Which man covers more distance in that five minutes? (A) the man on roller skates (B) the man in the sports car
[ "(infer (and (gravity high world1) (gravity low world2)) (mass higher world1) (mass lower world1))", "(infer (and (gravity high world2) (gravity low world1)) (mass higher world2) (mass lower world2))" ]
qval(gravity, high, world1), qval(gravity, low, world2) -> qrel(mass, higher, world1) ; qrel(mass, lower, world1)
{ "world1": [ "Boulder" ], "world2": [ "Balloon" ] }
Bill drops a boulder and a balloon. The balloon falls slowly while the boulder falls fast meaning the boulder has (A) lots of weight (B) little weight
[ "(infer (speed higher world1) (friction higher world1) (friction lower world1))", "(infer (speed higher world2) (friction higher world2) (friction lower world2))" ]
qrel(speed, higher, world1) -> qrel(friction, higher, world1) ; qrel(friction, lower, world1)
{ "world1": [ "grass" ], "world2": [ "sand" ] }
Sheila is pulling her little brother in a wagon. Shelia struggles to pull the wagon across the sand, but finds that it is easier to pull the wagon across the grass. The grass is easier to move the wagon over because the grass has (A) more friction (B) less friction.
[ "(infer (thickness higher world1) (strength lower world1) (strength higher world1))", "(infer (thickness higher world2) (strength lower world2) (strength higher world2))" ]
qrel(thickness, higher, world1) -> qrel(strength, lower, world1) ; qrel(strength, higher, world1)
{ "world1": [ "Thick cable" ], "world2": [ "Thin cable" ] }
The thick cable was much bigger in diameter than the thin cable therefore it was much (A) weaker (B) stronger
[ "(infer (mass higher world1) (gravity lower world1) (gravity higher world1))", "(infer (mass higher world2) (gravity lower world2) (gravity higher world2))" ]
qrel(mass, higher, world1) -> qrel(gravity, lower, world1) ; qrel(gravity, higher, world1)
{ "world1": [ "Planet Z" ], "world2": [ "Planet X" ] }
Astronomers discovered two new planet that they thought might contain life. One was in which the planets differed was that the first one (Planet X) had 10% more mass than the other (Planet Z). If a particular boulder weighs 800 pounds on Planet X, then it will weigh _____ on planet Z. (A) less (B) more
[ "(infer (distance higher world1) (smoothness higher world1) (smoothness higher world2))", "(infer (distance higher world2) (smoothness higher world2) (smoothness higher world1))" ]
qrel(distance, higher, world1) -> qrel(smoothness, higher, world1) ; qrel(smoothness, higher, world2)
{ "world1": [ "desert" ], "world2": [ "forest" ] }
A snake can travel a greater distance before getting tired over the desert then through the forest. This must mean that the _____ is smoother (A) desert (B) forest
[ "(infer (friction higher world1) (friction higher world2) (friction higher world1))", "(infer (friction higher world2) (friction higher world1) (friction higher world2))" ]
qrel(friction, higher, world1) -> qrel(friction, higher, world2) ; qrel(friction, higher, world1)
{ "world1": [ "water" ], "world2": [ "air" ] }
Mythbusters checked the resistance of a bullet. When they fired it, they found that there is higher friction in (A) Air (B) Water.
[ "(infer (thickness higher world1) (strength lower world2) (strength lower world1))", "(infer (thickness higher world2) (strength lower world1) (strength lower world2))" ]
qrel(thickness, higher, world1) -> qrel(strength, lower, world2) ; qrel(strength, lower, world1)
{ "world1": [ "new rope swing" ], "world2": [ "old rope swing" ] }
Some friends are at a local river that has rope swings that can be used to leap into the water. They notice that the old rope swing is frayed in parts and very thin, while a new rope swing nearby is not frayed and much thicker. Which rope swing would be more likely to snap under the force of swinging? (A) old rope swing (B) new rope swing
[ "(infer (flexibility higher world1) (breakability lower world2) (breakability lower world1))", "(infer (flexibility higher world2) (breakability lower world1) (breakability lower world2))" ]
qrel(flexibility, higher, world1) -> qrel(breakability, lower, world2) ; qrel(breakability, lower, world1)
{ "world1": [ "straw" ], "world2": [ "stick" ] }
Mike knows that his straw bends easier then his stick. Which object is less likely to break when being bent? (A) stick (B) straw
[ "(infer (speed higher world1) (friction higher world1) (friction higher world2))", "(infer (speed higher world2) (friction higher world2) (friction higher world1))" ]
qrel(speed, higher, world1) -> qrel(friction, higher, world1) ; qrel(friction, higher, world2)
{ "world1": [ "plate" ], "world2": [ "skillet" ] }
Kathy made a discovery while rolling a pea around on a plate and a bowl. She realized that the pea moved faster on the plate. This means that the _____ has more resistance (A) plate (B) bowl
[ "(infer (and (distance high world1) (distance low world2)) (smoothness higher world1) (smoothness higher world2))", "(infer (and (distance high world2) (distance low world1)) (smoothness higher world2) (smoothness higher world1))" ]
qval(distance, high, world1), qval(distance, low, world2) -> qrel(smoothness, higher, world1) ; qrel(smoothness, higher, world2)
{ "world1": [ "metal desk" ], "world2": [ "wooden kitchen table" ] }
Tired of studying, John shoves his math book away on his metal desk and it slides off the far end and lands on the floor. Curious, he picks the book up and shoves it across his wooden kitchen table, and it doesn't go as far. This is because (A) the metal desk is smoother (B) the wooden kitchen table is smoother
[ "(infer (distance lower world1) (loudness higher world2) (loudness higher world1))", "(infer (distance lower world2) (loudness higher world1) (loudness higher world2))" ]
qrel(distance, lower, world1) -> qrel(loudness, higher, world2) ; qrel(loudness, higher, world1)
{ "world1": [ "Backyard Tree" ], "world2": [ "Forest Tree" ] }
A tree in the forest crashes down. And a large tree in your backyard also crashes down. Which tree makes a louder noise? (A) Forest Tree (B) Backyard Tree
[ "(infer (and (speed high world1) (speed low world2)) (time lower world1) (time lower world2))", "(infer (and (speed high world2) (speed low world1)) (time lower world2) (time lower world1))" ]
qval(speed, high, world1), qval(speed, low, world2) -> qrel(time, lower, world1) ; qrel(time, lower, world2)
{ "world1": [ "someone driving" ], "world2": [ "someone walking" ] }
Alice and Mac both have to get to a meeting by a certain time. Mac enjoys walking everywhere, but Alice insists on driving herself. Who is more likely to get to the meeting the earliest? (A) Alice (B) Mac
[ "(infer (and (friction high world1) (friction low world2)) (friction lower world1) (friction lower world2))", "(infer (and (friction high world2) (friction low world1)) (friction lower world2) (friction lower world1))" ]
qval(friction, high, world1), qval(friction, low, world2) -> qrel(friction, lower, world1) ; qrel(friction, lower, world2)
{ "world1": [ "classroom" ], "world2": [ "hallway" ] }
A janitor is working after hours to mop the floors of the middle school. Some of the floors throughout the school have recently been stripped and waxed so that they'll look nice again. While the janitor is mopping the classroom he is having to work extra hard to push his mop across the floor, but when he begins mopping the hallway, his mop glides effortlessly across the floors. The floor that was most recently waxed should exhibit the least friction, so that would be the (A) classroom (B) hallway.
[ "(infer (and (speed low world1) (speed high world2)) (friction higher world2) (friction lower world2))", "(infer (and (speed low world2) (speed high world1)) (friction higher world1) (friction lower world1))" ]
qval(speed, low, world1), qval(speed, high, world2) -> qrel(friction, higher, world2) ; qrel(friction, lower, world2)
{ "world1": [ "muddy path" ], "world2": [ "clear street" ] }
Rico is on his skateboard. He practices racing, and on the muddy path, he can finish a race in ten minutes. On the clear street, Rico finishes the race in five minutes. Rico can finish the race faster on the clear street because the clear street has (A) more friction (B) less friction.
[ "(infer (exerciseIntensity higher world1) (amountSweat higher world1) (amountSweat higher world2))", "(infer (exerciseIntensity higher world2) (amountSweat higher world2) (amountSweat higher world1))" ]
qrel(exerciseIntensity, higher, world1) -> qrel(amountSweat, higher, world1) ; qrel(amountSweat, higher, world2)
{ "world1": [ "Ron" ], "world2": [ "Tony" ] }
Ron is at the gym lifting weights. Tony joins him an hour into his workout. They leave at the same time. Who sweat more? (A) Ron (B) Tony
[ "(infer (speed higher world1) (distance higher world1) (distance higher world2))", "(infer (speed higher world2) (distance higher world2) (distance higher world1))" ]
qrel(speed, higher, world1) -> qrel(distance, higher, world1) ; qrel(distance, higher, world2)
{ "world1": [ "short grass" ], "world2": [ "brush" ] }
Jerry was hitting a few golf balls. When he hit them in the short grass he noticed the balls would go at a higher speed than when he would hit them in the brush. The balls that Jerry hit in the _____ would go farther. (A) short grass (B) brush
[ "(infer (and (friction high world1) (friction low world2)) (speed lower world1) (speed lower world2))", "(infer (and (friction high world2) (friction low world1)) (speed lower world2) (speed lower world1))" ]
qval(friction, high, world1), qval(friction, low, world2) -> qrel(speed, lower, world1) ; qrel(speed, lower, world2)
{ "world1": [ "cone" ], "world2": [ "bowl" ] }
Mary's ice cream has an easy time sliding around in a bowl, but a hard time sliding around in a cone. Which surface will make the ice cream melt faster? (A) cone (B) bowl
[ "(infer (strength lower world1) (distance lower world1) (distance lower world2))", "(infer (strength lower world2) (distance lower world2) (distance lower world1))" ]
qrel(strength, lower, world1) -> qrel(distance, lower, world1) ; qrel(distance, lower, world2)
{ "world1": [ "Henry" ], "world2": [ "Matt" ] }
If Henry isn't as strong as Matt and both throw a baseball as hard as they can, which person will have thrown the ball the lesser distance? (A) Henry (B) Matt
[ "(infer (apparentSize higher world1) (distance higher world1) (distance lower world1))", "(infer (apparentSize higher world2) (distance higher world2) (distance lower world2))" ]
qrel(apparentSize, higher, world1) -> qrel(distance, higher, world1) ; qrel(distance, lower, world1)
{ "world1": [ "Tree 2 yards away" ], "world2": [ "Tree 100 yards away" ] }
Mark is walking towards a forest and spots a large tree from 100 yards away. He continues to walk towards the tree, stands two yards away and looks at it. At which point will the tree appear larger? (A) 100 yards away (B) 2 yards away
[ "(infer (and (exerciseIntensity low world1) (exerciseIntensity high world2)) (amountSweat lower world1) (amountSweat lower world2))", "(infer (and (exerciseIntensity low world2) (exerciseIntensity high world1)) (amountSweat lower world2) (amountSweat lower world1))" ]
qval(exerciseIntensity, low, world1), qval(exerciseIntensity, high, world2) -> qrel(amountSweat, lower, world1) ; qrel(amountSweat, lower, world2)
{ "world1": [ "Mike" ], "world2": [ "Matt" ] }
Mike had study hall fourth period and read a book, while Matt had gym where he had to do laps. (A) Mike will sweat less the Matt (B) Matt will sweat less than Mike
[ "(infer (smoothness lower world1) (friction higher world1) (friction higher world2))", "(infer (smoothness lower world2) (friction higher world2) (friction higher world1))" ]
qrel(smoothness, lower, world1) -> qrel(friction, higher, world1) ; qrel(friction, higher, world2)
{ "world1": [ "carpet" ], "world2": [ "table" ] }
Travon wanted to do his computer homework on the floor instead of at the table so he could watch TV at the same time. He noticed that it was a lot harder as his mouse moved again the carpet with less ease and was definitely not as smooth and fast as the table was. Travon figured there was more resistance with (A) the carpet (B) the table.
[ "(infer (speed higher world1) (smoothness higher world2) (smoothness higher world1))", "(infer (speed higher world2) (smoothness higher world1) (smoothness higher world2))" ]
qrel(speed, higher, world1) -> qrel(smoothness, higher, world2) ; qrel(smoothness, higher, world1)
{ "world1": [ "tile" ], "world2": [ "cat litter" ] }
The cat runs faster on tile then cat litter. So, presumably _____ is smoother. (A) cat litter (B) tile
[ "(infer (smoothness lower world1) (friction higher world1) (friction higher world2))", "(infer (smoothness lower world2) (friction higher world2) (friction higher world1))" ]
qrel(smoothness, lower, world1) -> qrel(friction, higher, world1) ; qrel(friction, higher, world2)
{ "world1": [ "jungle" ], "world2": [ "grass" ] }
Milo realized that jungle is rougher than grass. He then realized that his machete would experience more resistance cutting through (A) jungle or (B) grass
[ "(infer (friction higher world1) (heat lower world2) (heat lower world1))", "(infer (friction higher world2) (heat lower world1) (heat lower world2))" ]
qrel(friction, higher, world1) -> qrel(heat, lower, world2) ; qrel(heat, lower, world1)
{ "world1": [ "grass" ], "world2": [ "snow" ] }
Jimmy noticed that riding his sled on grass generated more friction than riding his sled over snow. Riding his sled over _____ generates less heat (A) snow (B) grass
[ "(infer (distance higher world1) (smoothness higher world2) (smoothness higher world1))", "(infer (distance higher world2) (smoothness higher world1) (smoothness higher world2))" ]
qrel(distance, higher, world1) -> qrel(smoothness, higher, world2) ; qrel(smoothness, higher, world1)
{ "world1": [ "air" ], "world2": [ "water" ] }
Milo can throw his tennis ball a greater distance through air then through water. This means the _____ is smoother (A) water (B) air
[ "(infer (distance lower world1) (speed lower world1) (speed higher world1))", "(infer (distance lower world2) (speed lower world2) (speed higher world2))" ]
qrel(distance, lower, world1) -> qrel(speed, lower, world1) ; qrel(speed, higher, world1)
{ "world1": [ "Bicycle" ], "world2": [ "Car" ] }
The bicycle went a shorter distance than the car in the hour that they raced because it was (A) slower (B) faster
[ "(infer (friction lower world1) (speed lower world1) (speed lower world2))", "(infer (friction lower world2) (speed lower world2) (speed lower world1))" ]
qrel(friction, lower, world1) -> qrel(speed, lower, world1) ; qrel(speed, lower, world2)
{ "world1": [ "stew" ], "world2": [ "steak" ] }
A fork encounters much less resistance pushing through stew than pushing through steak. This means that the fork will move slower through (A) stew (B) steak
[ "(infer (and (strength low world1) (strength high world2)) (distance lower world2) (distance lower world1))", "(infer (and (strength low world2) (strength high world1)) (distance lower world1) (distance lower world2))" ]
qval(strength, low, world1), qval(strength, high, world2) -> qrel(distance, lower, world2) ; qrel(distance, lower, world1)
{ "world1": [ "Ted" ], "world2": [ "Ann" ] }
Ann and Ted decide to see who can throw a Frisbee a greater distance. Ann has been lifting weights and her arms are showing some definition, while Ted has been inactive and not doing any workouts at all, so his arms are small and a little flabby. Who will throw the Frisbee a lesser distance from the throwing spot? (A) Ann (B) Ted.
[ "(infer (thickness lower world1) (strength higher world1) (strength lower world1))", "(infer (thickness lower world2) (strength higher world2) (strength lower world2))" ]
qrel(thickness, lower, world1) -> qrel(strength, higher, world1) ; qrel(strength, lower, world1)
{ "world1": [ "single chopstick" ], "world2": [ "multiple chopstick" ] }
Tom held a single chopstick with both his hands and was able to snap it with little problem. He then tried to do the same with twenty, but was unable to break them. The single chopstick snapped because it was _____ then the bundle of twenty. (A) stronger (B) weaker
[ "(infer (speed higher world1) (time lower world2) (time lower world1))", "(infer (speed higher world2) (time lower world1) (time lower world2))" ]
qrel(speed, higher, world1) -> qrel(time, lower, world2) ; qrel(time, lower, world1)
{ "world1": [ "Bicycle" ], "world2": [ "Walking" ] }
John and Kate live in the same house and work in the same building. John rides his bicycle to work and Kate walks to work. Who will require a smaller amount of time to get to work? (A) Kate (B) John
[ "(infer (thickness higher world1) (strength higher world1) (strength higher world2))", "(infer (thickness higher world2) (strength higher world2) (strength higher world1))" ]
qrel(thickness, higher, world1) -> qrel(strength, higher, world1) ; qrel(strength, higher, world2)
{ "world1": [ "white board" ], "world2": [ "red board" ] }
A martial arts expert wants to demonstrate the force of his hands by striking a couple of boards. When stacked next to each other the white board is twice as tall as the red board. Which board will be more difficult for the expert to break? (A) white board (B) red board
[ "(infer (and (exerciseIntensity low world1) (exerciseIntensity high world2)) (amountSweat lower world1) (amountSweat higher world1))", "(infer (and (exerciseIntensity low world2) (exerciseIntensity high world1)) (amountSweat lower world2) (amountSweat higher world2))" ]
qval(exerciseIntensity, low, world1), qval(exerciseIntensity, high, world2) -> qrel(amountSweat, lower, world1) ; qrel(amountSweat, higher, world1)
{ "world1": [ "Shorter workouts" ], "world2": [ "Lengthier workouts" ] }
Sandy's workouts are short and sweet, but her friend Margaret spends hours every day working out. Of the two friends, who perspires less? (A) Sandy perspires less (B) Margaret perspires less
[ "(infer (distance higher world1) (loudness lower world1) (loudness higher world1))", "(infer (distance higher world2) (loudness lower world2) (loudness higher world2))" ]
qrel(distance, higher, world1) -> qrel(loudness, lower, world1) ; qrel(loudness, higher, world1)
{ "world1": [ "thunder miles away" ], "world2": [ "thunder very close by" ] }
A storm was approaching as a family sat in their home listening to the thunder. The thunder was not loud at first, but in time it was extremely loud and frightening. This is because when the thunder was farther away (A) it sounded less noisy (B) it sounded more noisy.
[ "(infer (distance higher world1) (brightness higher world1) (brightness lower world1))", "(infer (distance higher world2) (brightness higher world2) (brightness lower world2))" ]
qrel(distance, higher, world1) -> qrel(brightness, higher, world1) ; qrel(brightness, lower, world1)
{ "world1": [ "Car lights down the street" ], "world2": [ "A street light" ] }
A man was standing next to a street light and there was a car with headlights on in the distance that appeared _____ than the street light (A) brighter (B) dimmer
[ "(infer (smoothness higher world1) (friction higher world1) (friction lower world1))", "(infer (smoothness higher world2) (friction higher world2) (friction lower world2))" ]
qrel(smoothness, higher, world1) -> qrel(friction, higher, world1) ; qrel(friction, lower, world1)
{ "world1": [ "gym floor" ], "world2": [ "pebbled road" ] }
Jordan pulls a wagon across a pebbled floor to get to the gym. When she pulls the wagon across the gym floor, the wagon is easier to pull without as much effort. The gym floor offers (A) more resistance (B) less resistance.
[ "(infer (and (mass high world1) (mass low world2)) (gravity higher world1) (gravity higher world2))", "(infer (and (mass high world2) (mass low world1)) (gravity higher world2) (gravity higher world1))" ]
qval(mass, high, world1), qval(mass, low, world2) -> qrel(gravity, higher, world1) ; qrel(gravity, higher, world2)
{ "world1": [ "large asteroid" ], "world2": [ "small rock" ] }
A large asteroid was aiming for Earth. Meanwhile a small rock dropped from the sky. Which had more of a gravity pull, the (A) large asteroid or the (B) small rock.
[ "(infer (speed lower world1) (heat higher world2) (heat higher world1))", "(infer (speed lower world2) (heat higher world1) (heat higher world2))" ]
qrel(speed, lower, world1) -> qrel(heat, higher, world2) ; qrel(heat, higher, world1)
{ "world1": [ "wood" ], "world2": [ "melon" ] }
Milo realized he has to slice his katana slower through wood then through melon. His katana heats up more slicing through (A) melon or (B) wood
[ "(infer (exerciseIntensity lower world1) (amountSweat higher world1) (amountSweat lower world1))", "(infer (exerciseIntensity lower world2) (amountSweat higher world2) (amountSweat lower world2))" ]
qrel(exerciseIntensity, lower, world1) -> qrel(amountSweat, higher, world1) ; qrel(amountSweat, lower, world1)
{ "world1": [ "shorter workout" ], "world2": [ "longer workout" ] }
Marcie hates to perspire, so she decides to cut down the length of her workout sessions with her trainer. Spending less time in a workout means Marcie will (A) sweat more (B) sweat less
[ "(infer (time lower world1) (distance higher world1) (distance lower world1))", "(infer (time lower world2) (distance higher world2) (distance lower world2))" ]
qrel(time, lower, world1) -> qrel(distance, higher, world1) ; qrel(distance, lower, world1)
{ "world1": [ "Dog" ], "world2": [ "Bicycle" ] }
The dog could run as fast as the bicycle but he could run for a shorter amount of time so he traveled (A) greater distance (B) less distance
[ "(infer (and (speed low world1) (speed high world2)) (friction higher world1) (friction lower world1))", "(infer (and (speed low world2) (speed high world1)) (friction higher world2) (friction lower world2))" ]
qval(speed, low, world1), qval(speed, high, world2) -> qrel(friction, higher, world1) ; qrel(friction, lower, world1)
{ "world1": [ "grass lawn" ], "world2": [ "paved street" ] }
A truck is driving down a paved street and can go ten feet every second. The truck drives off onto some grass lawn and can only go five feet every second. The truck is slower on the grass lawn because the lawn has (A) more resistance (B) less resistance.
[ "(infer (friction lower world1) (heat higher world2) (heat higher world1))", "(infer (friction lower world2) (heat higher world1) (heat higher world2))" ]
qrel(friction, lower, world1) -> qrel(heat, higher, world2) ; qrel(heat, higher, world1)
{ "world1": [ "dirt" ], "world2": [ "gravel" ] }
A mouse creates less friction running over dirt then running over gravel. The mouse also creates more heat running over (A) gravel (B) dirt
[ "(infer (and (thickness low world1) (thickness high world2)) (strength lower world1) (strength lower world2))", "(infer (and (thickness low world2) (thickness high world1)) (strength lower world2) (strength lower world1))" ]
qval(thickness, low, world1), qval(thickness, high, world2) -> qrel(strength, lower, world1) ; qrel(strength, lower, world2)
{ "world1": [ "paper bag" ], "world2": [ "textile bag" ] }
Kim goes to the grocery store to buy a few things. He puts 3 bottles of water in a paper bag and 3 bottles in a textile bag. Which bag is more likely to break as he carries the bottles of water inside the house (A) paper bag (B) textile bag
[ "(infer (and (speed low world1) (speed high world2)) (friction lower world1) (friction lower world2))", "(infer (and (speed low world2) (speed high world1)) (friction lower world2) (friction lower world1))" ]
qval(speed, low, world1), qval(speed, high, world2) -> qrel(friction, lower, world1) ; qrel(friction, lower, world2)
{ "world1": [ "lawn" ], "world2": [ "concrete deck" ] }
Miriam was playing lacrosse in the backyard. She flung the ball and it rolled slowly on the lawn, then quicker when going across the concrete deck floor. Which surface gave less resistance to the ball? (A) lawn (B) concrete deck
[ "(infer (speed lower world1) (smoothness lower world1) (smoothness lower world2))", "(infer (speed lower world2) (smoothness lower world2) (smoothness lower world1))" ]
qrel(speed, lower, world1) -> qrel(smoothness, lower, world1) ; qrel(smoothness, lower, world2)
{ "world1": [ "jungle" ], "world2": [ "mountains" ] }
A car moves slower in the jungle then over the mountains. This means the _____ are rougher (A) jungle (B) mountains
[ "(infer (mass higher world1) (gravity higher world1) (gravity higher world2))", "(infer (mass higher world2) (gravity higher world2) (gravity higher world1))" ]
qrel(mass, higher, world1) -> qrel(gravity, higher, world1) ; qrel(gravity, higher, world2)
{ "world1": [ "the niece" ], "world2": [ "the nephew" ] }
Jasper is carrying his nephew in the park. Then it's his niece's turn. His niece is five years older and weighs more. Who has more of a gravity pull? (A) the niece (B) the nephew
[ "(infer (mass higher world1) (gravity lower world1) (gravity higher world1))", "(infer (mass higher world2) (gravity lower world2) (gravity higher world2))" ]
qrel(mass, higher, world1) -> qrel(gravity, lower, world1) ; qrel(gravity, higher, world1)
{ "world1": [ "Jupiter" ], "world2": [ "Mercury" ] }
Jupiter has a much stronger gravitational pull on debris in space compared to Mercury it has (A) weaker gravity (B) stronger gravity
[ "(infer (mass higher world1) (gravity higher world1) (gravity higher world2))", "(infer (mass higher world2) (gravity higher world2) (gravity higher world1))" ]
qrel(mass, higher, world1) -> qrel(gravity, higher, world1) ; qrel(gravity, higher, world2)
{ "world1": [ "Mars" ], "world2": [ "Venus" ] }
The mass of Mars is greater then that of Venus. Which planet emits stronger gravity? (A) Mars (B) Venus
[ "(infer (distance higher world1) (smoothness lower world1) (smoothness lower world2))", "(infer (distance higher world2) (smoothness lower world2) (smoothness lower world1))" ]
qrel(distance, higher, world1) -> qrel(smoothness, lower, world1) ; qrel(smoothness, lower, world2)
{ "world1": [ "garage floor" ], "world2": [ "driveway" ] }
A tire rim can roll a greater distance across a garage floor then across a driveway. Which surface gives a bumpier ride to the tire rim? (A) garage floor (B) driveway
[ "(infer (friction higher world1) (friction higher world2) (friction lower world2))", "(infer (friction higher world2) (friction higher world1) (friction lower world1))" ]
qrel(friction, higher, world1) -> qrel(friction, higher, world2) ; qrel(friction, lower, world2)
{ "world1": [ "rubber band" ], "world2": [ "coated band" ] }
Emma noticed it was much more painful to slide off a rubber band from her hair than a slipperier coated band. This is due to the _____ of the coated band. (A) higher resistance (B) lower resistance
[ "(infer (apparentSize lower world1) (distance higher world1) (distance higher world2))", "(infer (apparentSize lower world2) (distance higher world2) (distance higher world1))" ]
qrel(apparentSize, lower, world1) -> qrel(distance, higher, world1) ; qrel(distance, higher, world2)
{ "world1": [ "a black and white airplane" ], "world2": [ "a blue airplane" ] }
Two identical airplanes, except for their colors, are in the sky. The black and white one looks smaller than the blue one. Why? (A) the black and white one is higher in the sky (B) the blue one is higher in the sky
[ "(infer (and (distance low world1) (distance high world2)) (brightness lower world1) (brightness higher world1))", "(infer (and (distance low world2) (distance high world1)) (brightness lower world2) (brightness higher world2))" ]
qval(distance, low, world1), qval(distance, high, world2) -> qrel(brightness, lower, world1) ; qrel(brightness, higher, world1)
{ "world1": [ "headlights up close" ], "world2": [ "headlights down the highway" ] }
Michael's car is stuck in the mud and he's waiting for a tow truck to come help him. Michael looks off in the distance and can see some headlights approaching and their light illuminates a small distance in front of them. As the lights get very close, the lights illuminate the entire road and some distance in front of them. In which situation do the headlights appear more powerful? (A) when they're down the highway (B) when they're up close
[ "(infer (flexibility lower world1) (breakability higher world1) (breakability higher world2))", "(infer (flexibility lower world2) (breakability higher world2) (breakability higher world1))" ]
qrel(flexibility, lower, world1) -> qrel(breakability, higher, world1) ; qrel(breakability, higher, world2)
{ "world1": [ "Glass Box" ], "world2": [ "Leather Bag" ] }
A glass box is less flexible than a leather bag so it is (A) more breakable (B) less breakable
[ "(infer (friction lower world1) (heat higher world1) (heat higher world2))", "(infer (friction lower world2) (heat higher world2) (heat higher world1))" ]
qrel(friction, lower, world1) -> qrel(heat, higher, world1) ; qrel(heat, higher, world2)
{ "world1": [ "sweater" ], "world2": [ "sandpaper" ] }
A pencil experiences more resistance when moving over a sweater then over sandpaper. This means that the pencil will get hotter moving over the (A) sweater or (B) sandpaper
[ "(infer (and (distance high world1) (distance low world2)) (loudness lower world2) (loudness lower world1))", "(infer (and (distance high world2) (distance low world1)) (loudness lower world1) (loudness lower world2))" ]
qval(distance, high, world1), qval(distance, low, world2) -> qrel(loudness, lower, world2) ; qrel(loudness, lower, world1)
{ "world1": [ "Mars" ], "world2": [ "Earth" ] }
An explosion happens on Mars. And explosion also happens on earth. Which explosion is quieter? (A) Earth (B) Mars
[ "(infer (and (distance high world1) (distance low world2)) (loudness higher world1) (loudness lower world1))", "(infer (and (distance high world2) (distance low world1)) (loudness higher world2) (loudness lower world2))" ]
qval(distance, high, world1), qval(distance, low, world2) -> qrel(loudness, higher, world1) ; qrel(loudness, lower, world1)
{ "world1": [ "far away storm" ], "world2": [ "close storm" ] }
There is a storm raging outside. When the storm is right about the house, it is deafening. As the storm begins to blow away (A) it is louder (B) it is quieter
[ "(infer (and (speed low world1) (speed high world2)) (friction higher world2) (friction lower world2))", "(infer (and (speed low world2) (speed high world1)) (friction higher world1) (friction lower world1))" ]
qval(speed, low, world1), qval(speed, high, world2) -> qrel(friction, higher, world2) ; qrel(friction, lower, world2)
{ "world1": [ "grassy slope" ], "world2": [ "snowy slope" ] }
Kyle takes his sled out for the day and goes down two hills. He slowly sleds down a grassy hill, then quickly sleds down a snowy hill. The snowy hill was better for sledding because it had (A) more friction (B) less friction.
[ "(infer (and (heat high world1) (heat low world2)) (friction lower world1) (friction lower world2))", "(infer (and (heat high world2) (heat low world1)) (friction lower world2) (friction lower world1))" ]
qval(heat, high, world1), qval(heat, low, world2) -> qrel(friction, lower, world1) ; qrel(friction, lower, world2)
{ "world1": [ "parking lot" ], "world2": [ "store floor" ] }
The wheels of a shopping cart heat up quite a bit when rolling through the parking lot, but quite a bit less when rolling around on the store floor. Which surface is providing less friction? (A) parking lot (B) store floor
[ "(infer (friction lower world1) (heat lower world1) (heat lower world2))", "(infer (friction lower world2) (heat lower world2) (heat lower world1))" ]
qrel(friction, lower, world1) -> qrel(heat, lower, world1) ; qrel(heat, lower, world2)
{ "world1": [ "gym floor" ], "world2": [ "grass" ] }
Jeremy is playing with a basketball in the gym. He rolls it across the gym floor to the equipment room and it easily rolls in. Later he is playing outside with the basketball with a friend. He rolls it across the grass, but it seems like it doesn't want to go over the rough surface. The basketball will generate less heat when it is rolled across the (A) gym floor (B) grass.
[ "(infer (thickness lower world1) (strength lower world1) (strength lower world2))", "(infer (thickness lower world2) (strength lower world2) (strength lower world1))" ]
qrel(thickness, lower, world1) -> qrel(strength, lower, world1) ; qrel(strength, lower, world2)
{ "world1": [ "red filament" ], "world2": [ "blue filament" ] }
Engineers have developed some new filaments for use as parts of different structures. Through their research, they notice that a red filament is much thinner than a blue filament. Which of these filaments would be less likely to withstand strain? (A) red filament (B) blue filament