AGREEMENT 09 de 2007 (May 18) By which the Student Statute is adopted.
THE SUPERIOR COUNCIL OF THE UNIVERSITY OF AMAZONY In the exercise of its legal and statutory powers, and, considering that: Article 69 of the National Constitution and article 28 of Law 30 of 1992, provide that within the framework of the UNIVERSITY AUTHOLOGY, one of the aspects to be determined, is the adoption of the STUDENT STATUS.
Consistent with article 109 of Act No. 30 of 1992, or a rule that amends or replaces it, the University of the Amazonia must have a Student Statute that regulates aspects such as: Registration, admission and enrolment requirements, rights and duties, distinctions and incentives, disciplinary regime and other academic aspects.
Undergraduate academic programmes prepare for the performance of occupations, for the exercise of a particular profession or discipline, of a technological or scientific nature, in accordance with article 9 of Law 30 of 1992, in accordance with articles 19 and 107 Ibidem.
It is the responsibility of the institutions' bodies and directives, to update and modernise the rules governing the academic and administrative processes of the University of the Amazon.
On the basis of the above, ACCUED: ARTICLE 1, ADOPTION: Adopt this Student Statute to regulate reciprocal relations between the University of the Amazon and its Undergraduate students.
ARTICLE 2 OBJECT: To provide the University of the Amazon with the Student Statute to guide and regulate, in an organic and systematic manner, the relations between the Institution and the students of the different undergraduate academic programs.
ARTICLE 3, PRINCIPLES: The basic principles of higher education that the University of the Amazon implements in its training processes are structured from the fundamental principles established in the Political Constitution of Colombia, such as the rights to: life, work, justice, freedom, autonomy, participatory and pluralistic democracy; respect for human dignity in order to ensure peaceful coexistence and the validity of a just order.
1: Objective of Knowledge: Higher Education promotes access to knowledge regardless of the time and space conditions of the educational subjects, while knowledge can be produced and appropriated, without distinction of persons, places and times.
2: Freedom of Learning: The freedom to study and learn is a right that the University of the Amazon recognizes without any restrictions of respect for the other and of the social responsibility that this implies; This right is conceived as the responsible exercise of the freedom that the student has to choose an academic program; access to all the sources of information available for the achievement of its objectives, select contents, test new forms of learning and new educational technologies, investigate with methods and scientific spirit the phenomena of nature and society, and intervene in the construction of participatory and pluralist democracy of the Colombian Nation, with a strong professional ethics.
3: Freedom of Chair: The Chair at the University of the Amazon is absolutely free; All aspects of teaching and academic or intellectual activities can be freely debated within strict scientific and intellectual rigor; Political, philosophical, economic and religious ideas are free, without any political or religious creed, being imposed by some individuals or institutions of the University; The University of the Amazon will be alien to all confessionalism and respects equally the freedom of expression of all ideas and values.
4: Freedom of Research: Research requires freedom and critical spirit, taking into account the guidelines that the respective instances trace within the corresponding management and/or development plans of the Faculties and the University of Amazonia; Therefore, all scientific theories, principles and paradigms and other areas of knowledge will be recognized valid for the activity of research.
5: University autonomy: It is the free option for higher education institutions to choose and create their academic programs, to indicate their time and curricular intensities, to set the criteria for selecting students, to determine the academic requirements for issuing degrees and certificates, to select their teachers, to configure their contractual regime, to set the values of tuition and other pecuniary rights, to manage their budgetary assets and resources within the conditions established by law, to achieve the quality levels and guarantee the social purpose of the higher education service; Autonomy will apply to organizational, academic, administrative and financial levels.
6: Flexibility: The student's training process takes place within the framework of an environment of openness and lifelong re-sizing of learning in such a way that it involves a possibility to learn to learn to learn, to be, to learn to do and to learn to live together.
7: Continuing Education: Higher Education enables diverse learning strategies for the person to develop his or her training process for and throughout his or her life.
8: Democratization of Education: Through Higher Education, it democratizes and expands access to scientific and civic education, in order to assume the right and duty to self-manage and self-regulate its intellectual and material progress for the benefit of the sociocultural contexts to which it belongs.
9: Autonomous Education: Higher Education, part of the principle that the student is able to self-regulate, direct and plan his learning process and his training path.
10: Contextualized Education: Higher Education recognizes that students opting for a certain academic program are aware of the social problems in which they live, in which they can contrast and apply the knowledge acquired in the social and work environment in which they interact.
11: Healthy Environment: Student activity takes place in an environment that preserves the diversity, environmental sustainability and integrity of the Amazon ecosystem.
ARTICLE 4 CRITERIA: The criteria that guide training at the University of Amazonia are the following: 1: Administrative Academic Flexibility: The characteristics of students, regions, cultural environments and other factors that affect the learning process, require that academic - administrative management establish mechanisms to adapt to changes in the general and particular conditions of students, always seeking to guarantee high quality in the educational service and in the learning processes.
2: Efficiency: Administrative and academic management ensures at all times that the educational service provided is efficient in every process of human and scientific training that is carried out at the University.
3: Communication: The University of Amazonia will ensure an agile, reliable and timely communication system for permanent interaction between students - teachers, students - academic bodies - administrative and student - student.
4: Collective Work: The organizational structure in the academic - administrative aspects favors communication and teamwork in order to generate high levels of interaction and productivity in the learning processes.
5: Academic Responsibility: Teamwork does not dilute, but rather enhances individual responsibility, by signifying a greater commitment, both to the person himself and to the team and institution.
6: Participation and Leadership: The organized participation of all stakeholders in decision-making and the ability to exercise leadership are essential conditions for realising the commitment of all to institutional goals.
ARTICLE 5, OBJECTIVES: In accordance with Law 30 of 1992 and the policies of Higher Education, the Mission and Vision of the University of the Amazonia, the relationship between the Institution and its students serves the following objectives: 1. To generate institutional environments that guarantee academic activities of quality and harmonious coexistence; 2: To respect the constitutional principle of equality in relation to the admission, permanence and promotion of students; 3: To promote the social projection and interaction of students with the community; 4: To define the conditions for the performance of academic and research activities by the student and consistency with the guarantees and criteria of institutional evaluation; 5: To establish the rights and duties of students; 6: To establish criteria for access to distinctions and incentives; 7: To promote levels of membership with the institution.
ARTICLE 6, DEFINITION: The Academic Program is understood to mean the set of knowledge and academic processes systematically designed, subject to curricular guidelines duly approved at the University of Amazonia, which lead to the acquisition of a degree in the terms defined by articles 24 and 25 of Law 30 of 1992.
PARAGRAPH: Any academic program offered by the University of Amazonia, either by itself or in agreement, must have the corresponding qualified registration.
ARTICLE 7, STUDY PLAN: The Study Plan of the academic programs of the University of Amazonia, is the operational part of the curriculum that structures in an integrated way components, areas or fields, thematic axes and training contents; The Study Plan is structured by training cores made up of courses.
PARAGRAPHS: A Study Plan for a group may be in one of the following states: 1: Closed: It is the one that does not have active students; 2: Current: It is the one that is on offer and to which every new student enters; 3: Terminal: It is the curriculum in which there are students enrolled, but that ceases to be in force by the implementation of a new curriculum.
ARTICLE 8, ADOPTION OR AMENDMENT OF THE STUDY PLAN: The curriculum and its modifications shall be approved by the Academic Council on the recommendation of the Curriculum Committee, subject to the approval of the Faculty Council that administers the Academic Programme.
PARAGRAPHS: The modifications will not affect the rights acquired by students who have current tuition.
ARTICLE 9, COURSE: It is the set of theoretical or practical disciplinary knowledge organized and developed through different pedagogical strategies, in periods of time defined in the curriculum, These can be: 1: Obligatory; 2: Elective; 3: Optional; ARTICLE 10, OBLIGATORY COURSE: It is one that by its importance in the specific training of the student is considered indispensable to take it.
ARTICLE 11, ELECTIVE COURSE: It is the one that selects the student for his or her professional training, from the areas established in his or her Curriculum, within a range of options and possibilities offered by the Institution.
ARTICLE 12, OPTIONAL COURSE: It is the one that does not belong to the curriculum in which the student is enrolled and enrolls it for particular interest in the program that offers it, No more than two optional courses may be enrolled per academic period.
PARAGRAPHS 1: An optional course may not be enrolled more than once by the same student.
PARAGRAPHS 2: To enroll the optional course, authorization is required of the directors of Academic Programs who intervene in the process and the availability of quotas, which will be regulated by the Academic Council, The result of which does not affect the academic average, but should be reported in the academic registry.
ARTICLE 13, INTENSIVE COURSE: It is that of the curriculum, programmed and authorized by the Faculty Council, to develop it intensively, in order to facilitate the leveling or academic advancement of the students, This course, must preserve the work plan, the total hourly intensity or the number of credits defined in the respective curriculum.
PARAGRAPHS 1: These courses will have a special code and should not be counted for the average of the academic period in which they are carried out, Likewise, their development will not prevent their registration in a given academic period.
PARAGRAPHS 2: To register the student will meet the following requirements: 1: To have approved the requirements; 2: Application for acceptance and authorization of the Faculty Council.
PARAGRAPHS 3: The maximum number of these intensive courses that the student can take will be up to twenty percent (20%) of the total credits in the curriculum in which he or she is enrolled.
PARAGRAPHS 4: In an academic period, you will only be able to complete up to two intensive courses and their cost will be determined by the Faculty Council.
ARTICLE 14, STUDENT: It is the person who has current enrolment in one of the Academic Programs own or in agreement, offered by the University of the Amazon, for each academic period, in accordance with the dates established in the academic calendar.
Article 15, Loss of student quality: The student status is lost due to one of the following causes: 1) Cancellation of enrolment and/or of all registered courses; 2) Serious health reasons affecting the university community; 3) Non-renewal of enrolment; 4) Academic suspension as a result of a sanction; 5) For having obtained the respective degree.
ARTICLE 16, INSCRIPTION: It is the voluntary act by which an applicant is registered in an Academic Program of the University, subject to compliance with the requirements.
ARTICLE 17, REQUIRES OF INSCRIPTION: Applicants for one of the academic programs offered by the University of Amazonia must meet the following requirements: 1) Cancel the Enrollment Fees; 2) Dismiss the Enrollment Format; 3) Have submitted the State Examination for Admission to Higher Education.
PARAGRAPHS: Any registration is valid only for the respective academic period and program and its value is not refundable, unless the program cannot be developed due to circumstances attributable to the Institution.
ARTICLE 18, FORM OF ENGINEMENT: Admission to the University may be made as a student: 1: New; 2: Re-entry; 3: Transfer.
ARTICLE 19, NEW STUDENT: It is the quality acquired by the person who, having met the regulatory requirements, enters for the first time an Academic Program of the University of the Amazon.
ARTICLE 20, REINGRESS STUDENT: It is the quality acquired by the person who was enrolled in an Academic Program of this University, interrupted the link and re-entered the same Program.
PARAGRAPHS 1: The re-entry student will enter the curriculum determined by the respective Faculty Council.
PARAGRAPHS 2: The respective Faculty Council, through the Agreement, shall approve the corresponding subjects or courses for each re-entry on the recommendation of the Curriculum Committee.
PARAGRAPHS 3: The applicant of this quality must complete the registration form for re-entry.
ARTICLE 21, TRANSFER TYPES: The University will have the following types of transfer: 1: INTERNAL: It is that carried out by a student of one academic program to another, or within the same program to another modality or day, of the University of Amazonia, In any case, the authorization of transfer will be subject to the available quotas determined by the Academic Council after report of the respective Faculty Council; 2: EXTERNA: It is that carried out by a student of an academic program of an institution of higher education or other educational institution or SENA, to a program related to the University of Amazonia.
ARTICLE 22, REQUIREMENTS FOR TRANSFER: Students or applicants wishing to mobilize through internal or external transfer must comply with the following requirements: 1: Diligency transfer format; 2: Having completed and approved all the credits or training courses proposed in the curriculum of the first two academic periods; 3: Not having remained outside the institution for a period of more than four (4) consecutive academic periods; 4: In addition for external transfer, it is required: 4.5: Qualifications of courses or subjects developed in the Programme of provenance, with its contents, time intensity or academic credits for their respective approval; 4.6: Results of the ICFES State Tests or its counterpart.
PARAGRAPHS 1: In external transfers, maximum (80%) of the curriculum of the University of the Amazon can be approved.
PARAGRAPHS 2: Transfers will only be accepted when quota is available.
PARAGRAPHS 3: In the case of CERES transfers to the Head Office of the University of Amazonia, the student will continue with the same pecuniary commitments he had at CERES where he was enrolled.
ARTICLE 23, PROCEDURE FOR REINGRESS OR TRANSFER: 1: Once the registration has been made, the competent office or unit shall forward it to the respective Curriculum Committee; 2: The Curriculum Committee shall study the respective information; verify compliance with the required requirements; carry out the evaluation of the training courses or subjects that are homologable and send the concept to the Faculty Council; 3: The Faculty Council shall, by agreement, issue or approve the re-entry or transfer and shall notify the person concerned in due form, in order to exercise the right of contradiction through the resources determined by law; 4: Executing the approval agreement for the transfer, it shall be immediately referred to the Academic Admissions, Registration and Control Division for the purpose of formalizing the registration of the transfer.
ARTICLE 24, APPROVAL OR EQUIVALENCES: The approval of a course is the act by which it is recognized as valid, the contents of training developed in another Academic Program, according to the sufficient evidence provided by the student, to demonstrate its equivalence with those required by the University of Amazonia; For the purposes of the approval or equivalence, of a subject or course, the student must provide at least, certifications of: Course name, contents, intensity, number of credits, evaluated notes.
PARAGRAPHS 1: Approvals or equivalencies will be studied and recognized by re-entry, transfer and modification of the curriculum structure, in the academic program in which the student was enrolled without interruption of his or her student status.
PARAGRAPHS 2: Courses that have been previously authorized by the Academic Council as equivalences may be conducted in an academic program different from that of the student, provided that they have been endorsed by the academic bodies of each Faculty and the existence of available quota is verified.
ARTICLE 25, TRANSITION PLAN: It corresponds to an academic structure formulated by the Curriculum Committee, endorsed by the Faculty Council and approved by the Academic Council, to be applied to enrolled students in order to avoid an increase in the normal duration of the curriculum.
PARAGRAPHS 1: The Faculty Council shall issue the respective Agreement of the approval plan, before the end of the period of additions and cancellations.
PARAGRAPHS 2: In the case of the student accepted for re-entry or transfer, the Faculty Council shall define the respective transition plan in accordance with the curriculum in force at the time of his or her enrolment.
ARTICLE 26, SELECTION: The process by which the Academic Council, based on the results of the State Tests and/or the examination of knowledge or other mechanisms approved by this body, determines the persons admitted among the registered applicants.
PARAGRAPHS 1: Students who become worthy of academic distinctions such as: Andrés Bello Prize and Best Baccalaureate, as well as applicants who prove their status as displaced, will be subject to the corresponding rules.
PARAGRAPHS 2: Students from ethnic minorities shall be subject to the domestic provisions in force in this regard.
PARAGRAPHS 3: The Academic Admissions, Registration and Control Division will draw up the lists of candidates for academic programmes, in accordance with the results of the State tests, in strict descending order and will forward them to the Academic Council for the purposes of the selection process.
PARAGRAPHS 4: In the event of a tie in the last position between two or more candidates for a quota, they will be admitted, adding to the rank that has been established.
ARTICLE 27, SELECTION EXAMINATION: In accordance with the principles of equal opportunities and academic excellence, the University of the Amazon to select new students, will be able to conduct a knowledge examination as determined and regulated by the Academic Council.
PARAGRAPHS: The result of the selection examination is valid for the academic period and program to which the applicant is presented.
ARTICLE 28, ADMISSION: It is the act by which the University accepts the selected candidate, so that he can enrol as a new student, re-entry or transferee, in the academic program to which he was admitted.
PARAGRAPHS 1: Once the selection is made by the Academic Council, the number of quotas authorized by each academic program will be communicated to the Academic Admissions, Registration and Control Division, a unit that must publish those admitted.
PARAGRAPHS 2: The applicant may be admitted to the Programme referred to as the second option, provided that quotas are available.
ARTICLE 29, CUPO RESERVE: The quota shall be reserved, for up to one (1) academic period, to the admitted person who, for reasons of proven force majeure, cannot carry out the enrolment process in the academic period for which he was selected, upon application to the Academic Council until the end of the date of the extraordinary enrolment.
PARAGRAPHS: The quota reserve shall be established for applicants who have been called upon to perform compulsory military service and for the duration of the compulsory military service, subject to accreditation of the case.
ARTICLE 30, MATRICULA: It is the voluntary act, through which the person admitted to an Academic Program acquires the status of student of the University of Amazonia, which is improved with the registration of the courses of the curriculum of the respective academic program.
ARTICLE 31 MATRICULA CLASS: It is one that can be performed in an ordinary or extraordinary way and is called Academic Enrolment.
ARTICLE 32 ACADEMIC MATRICULA: It is the act by which the student or the authorized person, officializes the corresponding academic record, for the development of the courses of the respective Academic Program, once the payment of the corresponding pecuniary rights has been made.
PARAGRAPHS 1: Regular student quality is acquired when registering courses in the system.
PARAGRAPHS 2: Enrolment for students who start an academic program must be done before the Admissions, Registration and Academic Control Division.
ARTICLE 33, REQUIREMENTS FOR MATRICULA: The enrolment of the admitted person shall be improved in the Admissions, Registration and Academic Control Division or in the appropriate department or office, subject to the fulfilment of the following requirements: 1: Photocopy of the respective identity document; 2: Civil Registry of Birth; 3: Authenticated photocopy of the bachelor's diploma, certificate of degree, or in its absence, certification of the school where he graduated as a bachelor's degree, in which it is stated that his diploma is in the process, In order to legalize this case, the person concerned shall have a maximum period of two (2) months; 4: Declaration of income, certificate of income and retention or certification of the stratum of the student or of the person on whom he is financially dependent, The persons who are to enter the academic programmes, who have certain specific registration values, are excluded from the accreditation of the above documents, who have certain registration values; 5: Collection of payment of tuition fees and supplementary fees; 6: Accident insurance.
ARTICLE 34 RENEWAL OF MATRICULA: The renewal of enrolment will be done before the respective Academic Program Directorate or in virtual form, subject to the following requirements: 1: Cancel the registration fees and complementary fees; 2: Perform the registration of the courses that you can develop.
ARTICLE 35, TIME FOR THE MATRICULATION: It must be carried out on the dates established by the Academic Council.
PARAGRAPHS: With the end of the period of additions and cancellations, there will be no refund of the money collected by way of tuition and additional fees.
ARTICLE 36 ACADEMIC REGISTRATION: It is the process by which the student registers the courses that he will develop during the academic period in which he enrolled.
PARAGRAPHS 1: The student who initiates an academic program must register all the corresponding courses, From now on he must register the number of credits determined in the curriculum.
ARTICLE 37 CURSE ADDITION: The student may add one or more courses, within the period of additions, Its approval will depend on the regulations established by the Academic Council.
PARAGRAPHS: Courses may only be added, until the last working day of the second week of classes, In no case may it exceed the limits established by the Academic Council.
ARTICLE 38 CANCELLATION OF CURSES: The student may request the Program Director to cancel one or more courses, until he has completed 35% of the course or by force majeure proven.
PARAGRAPHS: The automatic cancellation of a course will proceed exceptionally, when it has been approved as a result of an intensive course or validation.

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