ARTICLE 39, DOCENT WORK PLAN: It is the element of academic work, developed by the teacher appointed to guide the course and comprises the actions and activities specific to the development of each of the teaching, learning and pedagogical relationships processes to ensure success in learning.
PARAGRAPHS 1: The Plan of Work will be socialized by the teacher to students in the first week of class, where a Pedagogical Agreement will be established that contains the academic and pedagogical commitments of both teachers and students; Program directors must demand compliance with this obligation.
PARAGRAPHS 2: The Pedagogical Agreement must be socialized with the students at the beginning of each academic period and signed between the teacher and the student representative, The pedagogical agreement must contain at least: criteria, procedures, methodology, timetable, class, number, percentage value and type of evaluative activity: This agreement must be delivered to the academic program, no later than the last working day of the second week of classes.
ARTICLE 40 CREDIT SYSTEM: All curricula of the University of the Amazon will be expressed in academic credits within the framework of the current system, in accordance with the rules governing the subject matter and university autonomy.
ARTICLE 41 CREDIT: It is the unit of measurement of the time spent on the student's academic work, which is equivalent to 48 hours per academic period.
PARAGRAPHS: The student's work in the framework of academic credit is carried out in three ways: face-to-face, directed and independent.
ARTICLE 42 ACADEMIC EVALUATION: It is the set of activities carried out in each academic space of the University, in order to verify the achievement of the objectives envisaged in it by the student, propose the necessary corrections and achieve the respective training projections.
ARTICLE 43 CURSE EVALUATION: Each of the courses and other academic activities, which the student registers, will be evaluated by the teachers on the basis of the pedagogical agreement, These evaluations will strictly conform to the objectives and contents of the respective course plan or academic activity.
ARTICLE 44 VALUE SCALE: The assessment scale of the student's assessment; shall be between zero (0) and five zero (5.0) with approval equal to or above three zero (3.0) except for the exceptions provided for in paragraph 2 of this article.
PARAGRAPHS 1: Grade options are excluded from this assessment scale, which will be evaluated with APPROVED or NOT APPROVED.
PARAGRAPHS 2: If, when averaging the ratings, it is more than one decimal place, with the hundredths, it will be done this way: from five (5) to nine (9), it will approach the tenth immediately higher; from one (1) to four (4) the hundredth will be eliminated.
PARAGRAPHS 3: The evaluation of ratings, intensive courses and validations, will not be taken into account to determine academic average and define stimuli in each period.
ARTICLE 45 FINAL ASSESSMENT: It is obtained by the sum of the percentages of all partial and final evaluations.
ARTICLE 46 DEFINITIVE ASSESSMENT: Definitive valuation is understood: 1: Final valuation when the course is not eligible; 2: Valuation of habilitation, deferment or validation when presented.
ARTICLE 47, EVALUATION CLASSES: The academic evaluation classes to be conducted are as follows: 1: Partial; 2: Final; 3: Enabling; 4: Deferred; 5: Validation; PARAGRAPH 1: Within three (3) working days following the evaluation, the teacher shall inform the student of the results of the evaluation.
PARAGRAPHS 2: In the case of programmes with distance methodology, the time limit shall be five (5) working days.
ARTICLE 48, PARTIAL ASSESSMENT: Its purpose is to evaluate the learning of some aspects of the programmed courses, It will be done at least three (3) per course and will be carried out periodically during the course of the academic period; The sum of the evaluation of the partial evaluations will be 70% of the total of the final evaluation.
PARAGRAPHS: In the case of the distance methodology, these will be carried out periodically in collective meetings and those of small groups or NEC, (Collaborative Study Centers) as a product of the development of the evaluation guides that the consultant designs for this purpose; They will cover 75% of the final evaluation.
ARTICLE 49 FINAL ASSESSMENT: It is the evaluation that is carried out in each course on the dates indicated in the academic calendar; The evaluation of the final evaluation will be 30%.
PARAGRAPHS: The case of the distance methodology the assessment of the final evaluation will cover 25% of the final assessment.
ARTICLE 50: This is the evaluation that can be presented by the student who has failed any course with a final evaluation not less than two points zero (2.0); The final evaluation of the course will be 100% of that obtained in the habilitation.
PARAGRAPHS 1: For each curriculum, the respective Faculty Council shall determine the courses eligible for qualification.
PARAGRAPHS 2: Enabling assessments shall be submitted on the dates set out in the Academic calendar, which may not be less than fifteen days after the completion of the Academic Period and shall be made on the objectives and contents set out in the course or module plan.
ARTICLE 51 DIFFERENT: It is the evaluation that is presented at the dates after those officially indicated to carry out the partial, final, habilitation or validation evaluations, when, for duly substantiated reasons, the student has not been able to present it in a timely manner.
PARAGRAPHS 1: It shall be requested in written form by the student, within two (2) working days of the date scheduled for the course evaluation and shall be authorized by the respective Academic Program Director.
PARAGRAPHS 2: If this evaluation is not submitted for reasons of proven force majeure, the student shall inform the director of the Academic Program, within the time limits set out in this article; this situation shall be resolved before the beginning of classes in the next academic period.
ARTICLE 52 VALIDATION: These are evaluations authorized by the respective Faculty Council, which allow the student, for one time, to accredit for sufficiency, knowledge of a course of the respective academic program.
PARAGRAPHS: Students of terminal programs may be granted exceptional authorization, up to three times, to validate the same course.
ARTICLE 53, REQUIREMENTS FOR VALIDATION: In order to access this type of evaluation, the following requirements must be met: 1: That the course be considered as validable in the respective Academic Program; 2: That the thematic content and objectives of the respective course, be that foreseen by the Academic Program; PARAGRAPH 1: The result of the validation will have a special code and will not count for the average of the academic period in which it is carried out; Likewise, its development will not prevent its registration in a given academic period.
PARAGRAPHS 2: Validation not submitted, without just cause, will be evaluated with zero (0).
PARAGRAPHS 3: In the event of not submitting to this validation for reasons of proven force majeure, the student shall communicate it to the Director of the Academic Program, within the time limits set out in this article.
ARTICLE 54: The evaluation of a validation will be carried out and evaluated by a jury composed of two professors from the respective area, who will be chosen by the relevant Curriculum Committee and appointed by the respective Faculty Council.
PARAGRAPHS: The validation assessment will be the arithmetic average of the two evaluations given by the evaluators.
ARTICLE 55 VALIDATIONS NUMBER: The number of courses subject to validation may not exceed thirty percent (30%) of the total courses covered by the curriculum of the respective Academic Program.
ARTICLE 56, REVISION OF EVALUATIONS: It shall be requested in writing from the director of the Academic Program within three (3) working days of the publication of the evaluation by the teacher.
PARAGRAPHS 1: The review will be carried out by the teacher who guided the respective course; The review of evaluations will be accepted for only one time for the different types of evaluation.
PARAGRAPHS 2: If after the review by the teacher and the student, the assessment is considered to require variation, the director of the Academic Program will notify the student of the decision and the relevant modifications will be made.
PARAGRAPHS 3: If a review of the evaluation has been carried out and its results notified, the student does not agree, he may request within two (2) working days of its notification, a second evaluator, which shall be composed of two (2) teachers.
PARAGRAPHS 4: The final evaluation shall be equal to the arithmetic average of the evaluations reported by the titular or juror professor and the second evaluator.
PARAGRAPHS 5: When the difference between the two valuations is equal to or greater than one point, the difference between the second evaluator shall be assumed.
ARTICLE 57, PUBLICATION AND REGISTRATION OF RESULTS: The results of the evaluations will be recorded by the professors within the deadlines established by the Academic Council, on the Virtual platform that is found on the institutional website.
PARAGRAPHS: It will be the obligation of the students to verify the results obtained in each evaluation, on the institutional website.
ARTICLE 58 ASSISTANCE: The student acquires the commitment to attend, at least (80%) of the scheduled academic activities.
PARAGRAPHS 1: Non-attendance to scheduled academic activities, equivalent to or above 20%, will give zero zero rating (0.0).
PARAGRAPHS 2: Academic failure will not be taken into account in the following cases: domestic calamity, illness or representation of the University or student, fully proven, but does not exempt the student from fulfilling the academic commitments acquired.
ARTICLE 59 Apprenticeship ASSESSMENT: In the process of evaluating distance learning methodology, the following shall be taken into account: 1: Student self-evaluation; 2: Co-evaluation carried out by the colleagues of the Study Core; 3: Heteroevaluation or evaluation applied by the consultant.
ARTICLE 60, FASES OF EVALUATION OF LEARNING: The process of evaluation of learning, in distance methodology, comprises four phases: 1: Verification of results through different strategies, techniques and instruments; 2: Reflection on successes, errors, strengths and weaknesses; 3: Diagnosis of possible sources of error; 4: Regulation, formulation of goals, strategies and actions to improve successes and remedy the sources of error.
PARAGRAPHS: These phases must be carried out by the student himself in the process of self-evaluation; the group colleagues, in the process of Co-evaluation and the advisors, in the process of Heteroevaluation.
ARTICLE 61, EVALUATION PONDERATION: The evaluation of both partial and final activities and processes, in the distance methodology, will have the following weighting: 1: Self-evaluation: (individual student assessment), 10%; 2: Co-evaluation: (collaborative study core evaluation, NEC), 10%; 3: Heteroevaluation: (assessment by the advisor), comprising: 3.1: Written evaluation of contents or evaluation of other work strategies, 20%; 3.2: Drafting and presentation of texts: 3.2.1: Parallel text, 25%; 3.2.2: Shared text, 10%; 3.2.3: Integrated or contextualized work that aims at solving a problem: 25%.
ARTICLE 62, LOSS OF A COURSE: A course is considered permanently lost when: 1: The final valuation is less than three zero (3.0) and is not enableable; 2: The rating or validation valuation is less than three zero (3.0).
ARTICLE 63 LOW ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE: A student is considered in low academic performance when he has lost a second course.
PARAGRAPHS 1: When the student is in the condition of low academic performance, he or she will be linked to the academic counseling and counseling program.
PARAGRAPHS 2: The Academic Council shall regulate the academic advisory and advisory programme within six (6) months of the adoption of this Statute.
PARAGRAPHS 3: When the student loses a course for three or more times, he or she must enrol only that course.
ARTICLE 64 GRADE OPTIONS: To qualify for an academic degree at the University of the Amazonia, one or more of the following types of degree options must be met, in accordance with the requirements of each academic programme: 1: Internships or community services; 2: Significant and relevant participation in research and/or management projects, duly certified by the Vice-Chancellor of Research, as the case may be; 3: Degree work; 4: Monography; 5: Judiciary; 6: Preparatory examinations; 7: In-depth seminars; 8: Publication of an article in an indexed journal; Advanced Semester, Figure that allows a student from a pre-graduate programme to complete all courses provided for in the curriculum, to take all credits corresponding to a first semester of a graduate programme specific to this institution; The value to be cancelled by the student seeking to benefit from this option, shall be that determined as a general value of the post-graduate semester, and not the value of the student's enrolment in the pre-graduate course.
PARAGRAPHS 1: The procedure for each of the grade options shall be in accordance with the internal provisions that exist, are created or regulated for this purpose by the Academic Council, the body responsible for this responsibility.
PARAGRAPHS 2: During periods when the student is complying with one or more of the above-mentioned degree options, the student must be officially linked to this institution, in accordance with the applicable figure, as set out in Agreement 32 of 1999 of the “C.S.U.”
ARTICLE 65, REQUIREMENTS: The following shall be requirements to qualify for a professional qualification in this Institution: 1: To have approved all courses and other components of the respective curriculum; 2: To develop, carry out, sustain and approve one or more of the job options of degree indicated in this Statute, as the case may be; 3: To be at peace and except for all concepts with the University of Amazonia; 4: To have defined and/or certified the military situation; 5: To hand over the student card; 6: To annex an extended photocopy of the card; 7: To cancel the pecuniary rights by way of degree.
ARTICLE 66, PROCEDURE: The student who aspires to graduate on the dates indicated for public degrees must request twenty (20) days in advance, in writing to the Faculty, the grade procedure, with the revision of the academic record to be carried out by the Admissions, Registration and Academic Control Division, in order to verify compliance with all academic and administrative requirements and certify by agreement such situation before the Rector.
PARAGRAPHS 1: The dates of public degrees will be established by the Academic Council in the calendar of activities for each academic period.
PARAGRAPHS 2: Private grades shall be subject to the same administrative procedures as public grades and shall be carried out in the last week of each month.
ARTICLE 67, CLASSES: The degree class awarded by the University of the Amazon will be done in accordance with the relevant regulatory provisions, These are: 1: Regular Academic Degree; 2: Posthumous Title; 3: Honorary Cause Title.
ARTICLE 68, PARTS AND HONORIS CAUSA: They shall be delivered on the basis of the regulations issued by the Academic Council for the purpose and shall require prior concept and request of the respective Faculty Council.
PARAGRAPHS 1: The Posthumous degree, will be awarded on behalf of those students who die having fully completed at least 70% of the curriculum corresponding to the program in which he was enrolled; Instead of visible the diploma will be placed, posthumous title.
PARAGRAPHS 2: The title Honoris Causa will be issued to people who stand out at the regional, national or international level in fields such as art, science, technology, philosophy and humanities, among others.
ARTICLE 69, APPROVAL OF TITLE: The degree shall be awarded on behalf of the Republic of Colombia and by authorization of the Ministry of National Education to students who have complied with the requirements of an academic training programme, duly approved, with the requirements set out in the internal regulations of the institution and other legal regulations.
PARAGRAPHS: The diploma and the certificate of degree must be signed by the Rector, the Dean of the respective Faculty and the Secretary General.
ARTICLE 70 CONSTANCY: The award of a diploma shall be recorded in the certificate of degree and in the corresponding diploma.
ARTICLE 71, VALIDITY: For its validity, the diploma must be registered in the Admissions, Registration and Academic Control Division of this institution in accordance with the related procedures and rules in force for that purpose; The registration of the diploma will cause the payment of the pecuniary rights established by the Higher Council.
ARTICLE 72, ACTA DE GRADO: This document shall contain: 1: Name(s) and surname of the graduate; 2: Class and number of the identity document; 3: Name of the University of the Amazon; 4: Degree class granted; 5: Legal authorization under which the institution confers the title; 6: Requirements fulfilled by the graduate; 7: Date and number of the graduation certificate.
ARTICLE 73 CEREMONY: The degree ceremony may be public or private; it shall be presided over by the Rector or his delegate, the Dean of the respective Faculty and the Secretary General.
PARAGRAPHS: When the graduate cannot attend the graduation act, the diploma may be handed over to a different person, provided that written and express authorization is obtained, which must be processed before the General Secretariat.
ARTICLE 74, JURAMENTO: It must be taken by general secretary or whoever does his own times, according to the following text: “Do you swear to obey the Constitution and the Laws of the Republic of Colombia, to honor the University of the Amazon and to faithfully and faithfully fulfill the duties of your profession? The graduate will answer: “If I swear” If you do so, God and the Fatherland will reward you, but he and she will demand it.”
ARTICLE 75, DUPLICATED: In the event of the total or partial loss or deterioration of an original diploma, at the request of the person concerned, a duplicate of the diploma may be issued, inserting in visible place of the diploma the number of the Resolution authorizing its issuance and the word “Duplicate”.
PARAGRAPHS: The application shall be addressed to the General Secretariat, accompanied by the receipt of payment of the established pecuniary rights.
ARTICLE 76, EXPEDITION OF CERTIFICATES: The Admissions, Registration and Academic Control Division shall issue certifications on attendance, registration, valuations, academic information and other aspects of its competence.
PARAGRAPHS: Certificates of academic information shall be issued only to the person concerned or to the authorised person.
ARTICLE 77, RIGHTS: Students' rights: 1: Benefit from the prerogatives deriving from the Political Constitution, from the Laws, the General Statute and other norms of the University; 2: Receive respectful treatment from all members of the university community; 3: Access to the sources of scientific information that the University has for its service; 4: Choose and be elected in accordance with the rules in force; 5: Receive the university welfare services offered by the institution; 6: Submit respectful requests; 7: Exercise the right to defence; 8: Conduct the planned training programme with the resources offered by the University; 9: Renew enrolment within the dates provided for in the academic calendar; 10: Make use of the possibilities of internal transfer, in accordance with the provisions of our institution; 11:Recognize the results of academic evaluations in a timely manner; 12:Require the guarantee of due process in all academic and administrative proceedings; 13:Receive at the time of admission to the University, a copy of this statute; 14:Recognize the guarantees to study, research, discuss, examine and express the quality of the doctrines, ideas and opinions in a voluntary manner.
Article 78, Duties: These are the duties of the students: 1: To comply with the Political Constitution of Colombia, the laws and statutory norms of the University of the Amazon; 2: To behave within a healthy moral, exercising professional ethics and respect for difference; 3: To take care of the equipment, furniture and books; materials and buildings that are at their service and to take responsibility for the damages caused by the costs of them; 4: To represent the University with dignity, through the exercise of appropriate behaviors, inside and outside this Institution; 5: To attend and participate in the academic activities that integrate the Curriculum of their professional and civic training, within the framework of the Curriculum and the Academic Calendar; 6: To present to the University in a state of sobriety and without the influence of hallucogens or other similar; 7: To participate in the processes of evaluation of teachers and institutional policies; 8: To respect the rights of authors.
ARTICLE 79, PROHIBITIONS: Students shall refrain from engaging in the following conduct: 1: To misuse the name and property of the University, for their own benefit or for the benefit of third parties; 2: To interrupt and prevent the normal exercise of any type of institutional activity; 3: To violate the agreements and regulations in force in the entities where they carry out practices, internships and/or carry out any kind of academic activity; 4: To cause harm to the persons or property of the University; 5: To report to the University, under the influence of intoxicating, hallucinogenic or other similar beverages; 6: To carry out acts of political, racial, religious, gender or other discrimination; 7: To practice academic fraud or to contribute to it in any form; 8: To carry weapons or any kind of explosive materials within the University or when it is on its behalf; CHAPTER 2: OF THE DISCIPLINARY SYSTEM.
ARTICLE 80 OBJECT OF THE DISCIPLINARY SYSTEM: In accordance with the general principles of this Statute, the disciplinary regime is aimed at preventing and punishing conduct contrary to institutional life and maintaining tolerance and coexistence within the university community.
PARAGRAPHS 1: It shall apply to conducts, actions or omissions committed by the student, contrary to the institutional life, that violate the collective academic order, the statutes and the university regulations.
ARTICLE 81 SANCTIONABLE CONDUCTS: These are conducts that violate the academic order: 1: Fraud: Fraud: Fraud is understood to mean fraud in evaluative activities, copying, using information without authorization or falsifying the content of a writing; 2: Subtraction of questionnaires: It is understood as such, the subtraction or obtaining of questionnaires or part of them for examinations or evaluative tests; 3: Suplantation: It is understood as the action of replacing a student in the presentation of an evaluative activity or allowing to be replaced in it; 4: Others that are contrary to the academic or institutional order.
PARAGRAPHS 1: Anyone who in the time of the practice of any evaluative activity will be surprised by fraud, the teacher will be able to decrease to zero points zero (0.0) the qualification of the exam or evaluation; To the student who is reinstated in fraud, the Dean of the respective Faculty may apply the suspension for an academic period, prior to the teacher's report, respecting the student's right of defense.
PARAGRAPHS 2: The removal of questionnaires will be sanctioned by the Dean of the respective Faculty with suspension for up to two (2) academic periods, after a report by the teacher or persons who have certain knowledge of the fact, respecting the right of defense of the student; If it is an admission examination and the accused is not a student of the University, he will lose the right to enter the following four academic periods; In this case the report will be presented by the evaluating persons and/or by those who have certain knowledge, before the Dean, in order to follow the due process.
PARAGRAPHS 3: The supplantation will be sanctioned with the suspension of five (5) academic periods, by the Academic Vice-Rector, and will be creditors of it, both the supplanter and the supplanted; If the offender is not enrolled, he will lose the right to enter the University in the following five (5) periods; The report will be presented by the evaluating professor, or the evaluators to the Dean to follow the due process.
PARAGRAPHS 4: The director or coordinator of the respective Academic Program will lend his or her full cooperation to the Dean in the processes involving behaviors that undermine the academic order.
PARAGRAPHS 5: Sanctions shall be applied without prejudice to legal or administrative actions arising therefrom.