PARAGRAPHS 6: The student's resume in the Academic Admissions, Registration and Control Division shall be recorded in the report; If the accused is not linked to the University, a folder shall be kept of these special cases in the same unit and in the respective Faculty.
ARTICLE 82, DISCIPLINARY FALSE: Systematic failure to comply with duties or to engage in some of the following conducts is considered to be a disciplinary offence: 1: I disrespect the insignia of the country and the institution; 2: Forfeiture of documents; 3: Retention, theft or damage to properties of the university or other properties found at the university; 4: Carrying of weapons on the campus; 5: Carrying, holding or keeping explosive items or materials on campus premises; 6: Presenting to the university in a state of drunkenness or consumption of hallucinogenic or similar substances; 7: Keeping, trafficking, use of hallucinogenic drugs or drugs - dependents and elements that in some way impair physically or intellectually the persons in the university premises; 8: Retention and intimidation, blackmailing of professors and other authorities of the university; 9: Inadequate treatment of property of collective use: equipment, books, laboratory implements, etc.; 10: Physical or verbal aggression to members of the university community; 11: Dismissive conduct within the prejuvenation or other authorities of the institution.
ARTICLE 83 OF THE COMPETENT SANCTIONS AND AUTHORITIES TO SANCTION: The university authority, according to the gravity of the fault indicated in the previous article, may apply one of the following penalties: 1: Private Reminder: It will be imposed by the director or coordinator of the respective Academic Program; 2: Written reminder with annotation on the resume: It will be imposed by the Dean of the respective Faculty; 3: Suspension of some of the services provided by the University: It will be imposed by the Dean of the respective Faculty; 4: Suspension of one to four academic periods: it will be imposed by the Dean of the respective Faculty, prior to the concept of the Academic Council; 5: Suspension of five (5) or more academic periods: it will be imposed by the Academic Vice Chancellor, prior to the concept of the Academic Council.
PARAGRAPHS: Disciplinary offences at the University of the Amazon will be classified as: LEVES, GRAVES AND GREATNESS, according to the criteria of general order that are enshrined in the current legal norm, such as: nature, effects, modalities and circumstances, among others.
Article 84, RIGHT TO DEFENCE: In any case, the sanctions shall proceed with due process guarantees and the right to defence by the student.
ARTICLE 85, DISCIPLINARY PROCEDURE: In order to impose any of the sanctions referred to in paragraphs 2, 3, 4 and 5 of Article 83 of this Statute, the procedure described below shall be followed: 1: PRELIMINING ININDAGATION: Known the facts, of its own office or at the request of a party, the Dean shall initiate by administrative act, the investigation with the purpose of verifying the occurrence of the fault, determining whether the conduct is a constituent of fault and fully identifying the person or persons involved in it.This stage may not be higher in any case than three (3) working days; 2: DECISION OF INHIBITORIO OR OPENING OF INVIBITOR OR OPENING OF INVIBITIGATION: The term of the investigation, the Dean within the next two (2) business days, shall determine whether to order the opening of the investigation or file of the file, The opening shall proceed, if it finds merit for this purpose, because there is at least one declaration of witnesses, at least one declaration of witnesses, at least one declaration of witnesses that offers serious reasons or opening of credibility or serious evidence or serious indication that undermines the responsibility of the student's; 3: OPEN OF INV OF RES OF INV RES OF RES OF RES INVE RESEAR RESEAR RESEAR RESEARING:
ARTICLE 86, NOTIFICATION OF SANCTIONS: Sanctions shall be notified in the manner provided for in the Administrative Dispute Code.
ARTICLE 87 RESOURCES: Replenishment proceedings are brought against the sanctions imposed before the same official who imposed it and appeal to the superior within three (3) working days of notification.
ARTICLE 88 COMPETENCES OF THE FACULTY COUNCILS: In the various academic and administrative situations, which are related to the proper functioning and diligence of the Faculty, the respective Faculty Council shall have the power to adopt validly, decisions concerning students to ensure timely response and intervention, provided that they measure duly proven circumstances of force majeure.
ARTICLE 89, RECOGNITIONS: Students who excel in academic, research, artistic, cultural, sports or community service activities shall be granted the following recognitions as prescribed for this purpose: 1: Honorary Enrolment; 2: Recognition for Research Activities; 3: Sports and/or artistic student representation; 4: Exaltation of Merits; 5: Monitoring; PARAGRAPH: The stimulus or recognition shall be valid only for the following academic period.
ARTICLE 90 HONOR MATRICULA: It is the recognition to which the student is entitled that they are duly enrolled, for their outstanding academic performance.
ARTICLE 91, REQUIREMENTS: To obtain the honor enrolment it is required: 1: To have approved all the subjects, courses or modules enrolled in the respective academic period; 2: To have not authorized, repeated, or failed any subject, course or module during the academic period studied; 3: To have obtained in its Academic Program, the highest average of qualifications, provided that this, is equal to or greater than four zero (4.0) for the respective academic period; 4: To have not been disciplined.
PARAGRAPHS 1: Honorary enrolment shall be granted in each Academic Program and academic period to a single student per semester, who meets all the above requirements; Where there is equality in the averages, it shall be granted to the one who has the highest accumulated average; In the case of first semester students, it shall be decided on the basis of the State test, its counterpart or the admission examination if it has been applied.
PARAGRAPHS 2: After the report of the Director of Academic Program, the honorary tuition will be granted by the respective Faculty Council.
PARAGRAPHS 3: Honor registrations for Academic Programs under the Agreement shall be granted in accordance with the conditions laid down in those agreements.
ARTICLE 92, BENEFITS: A student who becomes a creditor of the honor tuition shall be entitled to the following benefits: 1. To request the total incentive of the value of the tuition for the following academic period; 2. To request the refund of the value of the tuition, if the tuition fees have been cancelled.
ARTICLE 93, STIMULATION TO STUDENT RESEARCH: Six-monthly stimuli are established for each Faculty, for students who participate in research activities and meet the following requirements: 1: To be a member of a Research Group enrolled in COLCIENCES; The student must be presented by the Coordinator of the Research Group; 2: To be part of a legally recognized team that develops research.
ARTICLE 94, DISCOUNTS: For participation in research activities, students who have a current research project will be entitled to the following discounts: 1: For being a member of an internal research group, registered in the Vice-Chancellorship of Investigations, 15% of the value of tuition; 2: For being a member of a research group registered in COLCIENCIAS, 20% of the value of tuition; 3: For being a member of a research project with internal funding, with products recognized according to the classification of COLCIENCIAS, 25%; 4: For being a member of a research project with external funding, 30%, provided that it is more than 50% of the value of research with products recognized according to the classification of COLCIENCIAS; 5: For participation in research projects where a product with national recognition is generated, 40%; 6: For participation in research projects where a product with international recognition is generated, 50%.
PARAGRAPHS: The benefits indicated in this article are not cumulative.
ARTICLE 95, STIMULATION BY DEPORTIVE AND/OR ARTISTIC REPRESENTATION: The University shall grant this incentive every six months, through tuition fees, to students who participate in sports and/or artistic activities, duly organized, subject to the following requirements: 1: To have registered all the subjects, courses or modules, of the respective semester; 2: Not to have been disciplined; 3: To have an average of three points five or more (3.5) in the immediately preceding semester; 4: To participate in representation of the University of the Amazon; Provided that it is duly authorized or part of the institutional team.
ARTICLE 96, PERCENTAGE OF DISCOUNTS: The assessment of requirements and granting of the incentive shall be in charge of the respective Faculty Council, after certification by the University Welfare Office; This recognition shall give entitlement to a percentage of discount that will be applied to the value of tuition for the following academic period, according to the following relationship: DEPORTIVE ACTIVITIES: 1: National Area Champion: Team, 50% for each member; 2: For individual sports: National Zones: First place 50%, Second and Third places 30%; 3: Individual Departmental Champion or teams 30%; 4: Individual champion or teams in municipal tournaments 20%; 5: Individual or team participation in international tournaments 50%; 6: Individual or team participation in municipal, departmental, zone or national tournaments 20%.
ARTISTICAL ACTIVITIES: 1: Member of the University's dance, theatre and choral group, 20%; 2: Member of any of the above-mentioned artistic groups that achieve regional distinctions; 30%, national 40% and international 60%.
ARTICLE 97, DISCOUNTS BY STUDENT REPRESENTATION: This recognition shall be conferred at 40% corresponding to the value of the enrolment, to students exercising student representation in the different regulated academic bodies at the University.
PARAGRAPHS: The aforementioned representations must be certified by the respective president and/or secretary of each instance and must have attended at least 80% of the programmed activities.
ARTICLE 98, EXALTATION OF M茅rITS: This recognition shall be conferred on students who have excelled in the humanistic, sporting or community service fields.
PARAGRAPHS 1: The exaltation of merits will be granted by the Rectory during the University or Cultural Days on an annual basis, on the recommendation of the Academic Council, in which the merits that can be gathered by the candidates presented by the different dependencies will be analyzed and recorded in the fact sheet of life of all the acknowledgements to which the student is entitled.
PARAGRAPHS 2: Those who are rewarded with the exaltation of merit will receive a mention, in which they will explain the reasons that gave rise to this bestowal and will give rise to an economic recognition in the value of the registration of 50%.
ARTICLE 99, LIMITATION AND/OR EXCLUSION OF STIMULES: The stimuli or benefits enshrined in this Statute are not cumulative and are mutually exclusive.
ARTICLE 100: MONITORING: It is the academic space where the student performs activities to support teaching, research or social projection, under the direction of a teacher.
PARAGRAPHS: The Curriculum Committee of each Academic Program will define the need to link a Student Monitor at the request of the course holder, thematic unit, module, research project or social projection.
ARTICLE 101, REQUIRED TO BE MONITOR: The following requirements shall be taken into account: 1: The general average of the career must be equal to or greater than three points eight (3.8); 2: The qualification obtained in the course, thematic units or modules studied by the candidate in the curriculum of his or her career and to be supported, must be equal to or higher than four points zero (4.0); 3: To present a theoretical and/or practical knowledge examination on the support area, whose evaluation must exceed 70% of the scale used; 4: To have completed at least 50% of the courses, thematic units or modules foreseen in the curriculum of the career.
PARAGRAPHS 1: The Faculty Council shall convene the students enrolled for monitors and shall proceed to their selection on the basis of the requirements established by that committee; The selection shall be notified to the respective body for its respective linkage.
PARAGRAPHS 2: The teacher who holds the course, thematic unit, module, research project or social projection, will present an evaluation report on the performance of the student monitor to the program director, who will issue the certification of service compliance and in turn will report to the respective Faculty Council.
ARTICLE 102 REGULATION: The Higher Council shall regulate the type of encouragement or benefit to be granted to students who qualify to serve as MONITORS, subject to evaluation of their academic performance.
ARTICLE 103, FUNCTIONS OF THE MONITOR: The functions of the monitor are the following: 1: To support the actions of academic, research or social projection, of the teacher who holds the course, thematic unit, module, research project or social projection; 2: To provide advice in field work or special practices, according to the area of study; 3: To support students in the different academic activities proposed for the course development, thematic unit, module, research project or social projection.
ARTICLE 104, VIGENCY: This Agreement governs from the date of its issuance, repeals in all its parts the Agreement 15 of 2000 issued by this higher body and all rules that are contrary to it.
Approved by the Superior Council of the University of the Amazon at an extraordinary meeting held on 18 May 2007.