he takes out his rectangular ruler size computer unit and points it at the wall . time to login to the node . the node has grown to be the prominent portal for the net . whether it is to search for something or check on your friends . the node has been marketed as a friendlier alternative to friendsconnect . the node ceo once proclaimed that they are the good guys , a swipe at friendsconnect founder who is very much disliked for his proclamation that people do n't need their privacy . 'a privacy-less society breeds honest people . ' he had proclaimed , but his proclamation turned out to be hypocritical when he turned out to be very non-transparent on his business conduct and for covering up for corrupt politicians who monitor the activity of their critics . that revelation led to the fall in popularity of friendsconnect . now the node is the in thing with the cool factor . it now has a lot of die hard followers . some have grown very fanatical , attacking anyone who posts any criticism against the node . orad ca n't help but be amused at people 's tendency to be fanatical and to blindly defend their idol whether it is an artist or website like the node . orad likes the interface of the node . all his communication with friends and the storage of his files are all kept at his own private node now . he decided to check-in with his girlfriend , turning on the built-in video camera on his unit . ottawa , canada mary hurt is not looking forward to talking to morris tonight . morris is an imposing figure not only physically but also through the way he talks and acts . mary finds his presence alone to be very intimidating . but mary has done a lot of favours for him . all little things that were harmless . sure it might have cost someone more money but this is a give and take world . people like her who work hard to get to the top deserves a bit more payback . helping morris has made her rich . mary does not think that 's corruption . she is not taking any money in an envelope from him . just investment advice from a friend who she has helped a lot . but his latest request makes mary uneasy . morris wants mary to deny jack garrick 's application to start testing his drugs on actual humans . she does not want to be the person responsible for denying human race a potential cure for cancer . as she heads to the conference room , she is startled to find her assistant barb stanton just leaving the room . what are you doing here this late at night ? oh i just have a video conference with our client this afternoon and thought i would just finish my work there since the room was not booked for the rest of the day . i have a video conference with a prospective client from asia . anyway , i am out of here . mary sighs as barb leave . she wants to use this video conference unit . it is the latest they got and have secure communication . morris recommended it so that they can have encrypted chat . barb usually sets up the unit for her but she is now familiar enough on how to use the encrypted chat . the tons of other features she can do without . she connects to morriss node . morris promptly answers . you look stressed . i just have to rush here . mary replies . you probably already know why i called . have you rejected jack garrick 's application yet ? how can i deny the world a cure for the number one killer disease ? we are not getting rid of the cancer cure . we are just getting it out of the hands of an eccentric professor . the cure will be still be available . but it will be patented and marketed by our pharmaceutical company friend . we can easily obtain the ingredient that he uses . he will probably make that publicly available , so we need you to issue a warning that the drugs have not been shown to work nor tested to be safe . we can then use the same ingredients and add some non-therapeutic ingredient then claim it as our own invention and patent it . since the patent law that we pushed through allows for some ambiguity , it would take him some work to figure out what we did . but how can you get it out of his hands ? would n't he sue you ? you do n't have to worry about those details . there is nothing that we can not do . but how much would the pharmaceutical company charge ? as an honorary member , you will get all the drugs you want for free . so if you have friends or relative that needs it , just let us know . imagine if we let dr. garrick go ahead with his plan . the billion dollar industry of cancer treatment will be gone , large numbers of people will lose their jobs . by keeping the cure in play within the market , the people get to keep their job and the world get its cure . let me think this over for a day . for crying out loud mary ! i thought you would have done that already before you came here . why do n't we take a break while you think it over .
[["take", 8], ["takes", 8], ["rectangular", 28], ["ruler", 34], ["size", 39], ["computer", 48], ["unit", 53], ["point", 64], ["points", 64], ["wall", 79], ["time", 86], ["login", 95], ["logins", 95], ["node", 107], ["grow", 128], ["growest", 128], ["grown", 128], ["prominent", 148], ["portal", 155], ["net", 167], ["whether", 177], ["search", 193], ["check", 216], ["friend", 232], ["friends", 232], ["market", 261], ["marketed", 261], ["friendly", 277], ["alternative", 289], ["ceo", 322], ["ceos", 322], ["proclaim", 338], ["proclaimest", 338], ["proclaimed", 338], ["good", 361], ["guy", 366], ["guys", 366], ["swipe", 376], ["founder", 402], ["foundering", 402], ["much", 419], ["proclamation", 449], ["people", 461], ["need", 473], ["needest", 473], ["privacy", 487], ["less", 505], ["society", 513], ["breed", 520], ["breeds", 520], ["honest", 527], ["turn", 586], ["turned", 586], ["hypocritical", 609], ["non", 643], ["transparent", 655], ["business", 671], ["conduct", 679], ["conductest", 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["kept", 1288], ["private", 1307], ["decide", 1329], ["decided", 1329], ["girlfriend", 1361], ["turn", 1371], ["turning", 1371], ["build", 1384], ["builds", 1384], ["built", 1384], ["video", 1393], ["camera", 1400], ["cameras", 1400], ["ottawa", 1421], ["canada", 1430], ["canadas", 1430], ["mary", 1435], ["marys", 1435], ["hurt", 1440], ["hurts", 1440], ["hurting", 1440], ["look", 1455], ["looking", 1455], ["forward", 1463], ["forwarding", 1463], ["forwardest", 1463], ["talk", 1474], ["talking", 1474], ["morris", 1484], ["tonight", 1492], ["impose", 1516], ["imposing", 1516], ["figure", 1523], ["physically", 1543], ["also", 1552], ["way", 1568], ["ways", 1568], ["talk", 1577], ["talks", 1577], ["act", 1586], ["acted", 1586], ["acts", 1586], ["find", 1599], ["finds", 1599], ["presence", 1612], ["alone", 1618], ["favour", 1679], ["favourest", 1679], ["favours", 1679], ["little", 1700], ["thing", 1707], ["things", 1707], ["harmless", 1726], ["sure", 1733], ["may", 1742], ["mays", 1742], ["mayest", 1742], ["might", 1742], ["cost", 1752], ["money", 1771], ["moneys", 1771], ["give", 1790], ["take", 1799], ["world", 1805], ["work", 1832], ["wrought", 1832], ["get", 1844], ["top", 1855], ["deserve", 1864], ["deserved", 1864], ["deserves", 1864], ["bit", 1870], ["bits", 1870], ["payback", 1883], ["help", 1893], ["helpest", 1893], ["helping", 1893], ["rich", 1918], ["think", 1940], ["thinkest", 1940], ["corruption", 1959], ["take", 1979], ["taking", 1979], ["envelope", 2004], ["investment", 2031], ["advice", 2038], ["friend", 2052], ["help", 2071], ["helpest", 2071], ["helped", 2071], ["late", 2094], ["lates", 2094], ["latest", 2094], ["request", 2102], ["requestest", 2102], ["uneasy", 2120], ["deny", 2148], ["jack", 2153], ["jacks", 2153], ["jacked", 2153], ["garrick", 2161], ["application", 2176], ["start", 2185], ["test", 2193], ["drug", 2203], ["drugs", 2203], ["actual", 2213], ["human", 2220], ["humans", 2220], ["person", 2257], ["responsible", 2269], ["deny", 2281], ["denying", 2281], ["human", 2287], ["race", 2292], ["racing", 2292], ["potential", 2304], ["cure", 2309], ["cancer", 2320], ["head", 2335], ["heads", 2335], ["conference", 2353], ["conferencing", 2353], ["room", 2358], ["roomed", 2358], ["find", 2384], ["assistant", 2398], ["barb", 2403], ["barbed", 2403], ["stanton", 2411], ["left", 2424], ["leave", 2424], ["leaving", 2424], ["late", 2469], ["lates", 2469], ["night", 2478], ["oh", 2483], ["client", 2530], ["afternoon", 2545], ["think", 2557], ["thinkest", 2557], ["thought", 2557], ["finish", 2577], ["since", 2597], ["book", 2621], ["booked", 2621], ["rest", 2634], ["day", 2645], ["prospective", 2692], ["asia", 2709], ["anyway", 2718], ["sigh", 2750], ["sighest", 2750], ["sighs", 2750], ["left", 2764], ["leave", 2764], ["use", 2783], ["get", 2838], ["got", 2838], ["secure", 2854], ["securest", 2854], ["recommend", 2889], ["recommendest", 2889], ["recommended", 2889], ["encrypt", 2924], ["encrypted", 2924], ["chat", 2929], ["chating", 2929], ["usually", 2944], ["set", 2949], ["sets", 2949], ["familiar", 2993], ["enough", 3000], ["ton", 3044], ["tons", 3044], ["feature", 3062], ["features", 3062], ["without", 3081], ["connect", 3096], ["connectest", 3096], ["connects", 3096], ["promptly", 3130], ["answer", 3138], ["answeres", 3138], ["answerest", 3138], ["answers", 3138], ["look", 3149], ["rush", 3180], ["reply", 3200], ["probably", 3215], ["already", 3223], ["know", 3228], ["knowest", 3228], ["call", 3241], ["called", 3241], ["reject", 3261], ["rejected", 3261], ["yet", 3293], ["number", 3342], ["numbering", 3342], ["killer", 3353], ["killers", 3353], ["disease", 3361], ["get", 3382], ["getting", 3382], ["rid", 3386], ["hand", 3447], ["hands", 3447], ["eccentric", 3463], ["professor", 3473], ["still", 3498], ["available", 3511], ["patent", 3537], ["patented", 3537], ["pharmaceutical", 3572], ["company", 3580], ["companys", 3580], ["companying", 3580], ["easily", 3603], ["obtain", 3610], ["ingredient", 3625], ["use", 3638], ["uses", 3638], ["publicly", 3676], ["issue", 3712], ["warning", 3722], ["show", 3757], ["shown", 3757], ["test", 3776], ["tested", 3776], ["safe", 3787], ["safes", 3787], ["safed", 3787], ["ingredient", 3826], ["ingredients", 3826], ["add", 3834], ["therapeutic", 3855], ["claim", 3877], ["invention", 3901], ["inventions", 3901], ["patent", 3912], ["law", 3938], ["push", 3953], ["pushed", 3953], ["allow", 3968], ["allows", 3968], ["ambiguity", 3987], ["sue", 4104], ["sued", 4104], ["sueing", 4104], ["worry", 4135], ["worried", 4135], ["detail", 4155], ["details", 4155], ["nothing", 4174], ["charge", 4248], ["honorary", 4265], ["member", 4272], ["free", 4319], ["relative", 4356], ["need", 4367], ["needest", 4367], ["needs", 4367], ["let", 4381], ["lets", 4381], ["imagine", 4399], ["dr", 4412], ["drs", 4412], ["go", 4424], ["goest", 4424], ["ahead", 4430], ["plan", 4444], ["billion", 4458], ["dollar", 4465], ["industry", 4474], ["treatment", 4494], ["go", 4507], ["goest", 4507], ["gone", 4507], ["large", 4515], ["number", 4523], ["numbering", 4523], ["numbers", 4523], ["lose", 4543], ["job", 4554], ["jobbing", 4554], ["jobs", 4554], ["keep", 4567], ["keepest", 4567], ["keeping", 4567], ["play", 4584], ["playest", 4584], ["within", 4591], ["market", 4602], ["keep", 4627], ["keepest", 4627], ["job", 4637], ["jobbing", 4637], ["cry", 4712], ["crying", 4712], ["loud", 4721], ["come", 4787], ["came", 4787], ["broke", 4821], ["break", 4821]]
mary nervously tries to think things over quickly and decides there was no need to be stubborn like dr. garrick . morris has promised the cure will be available to the world . and that is all that really matters . so she quickly responds . no need , i 'll sent him the rejection tomorrow morning . i hope your side will take care of things and prevent him from embarrassing our agency . you take care of your side and we 'll take care of ours . thank you mary . it 's been a pleasure doing business with you as usual . and morris hangs up abruptly . mary is starting to hate her job . she has enough money for retirement . she wishes she could just walk out now and let morris find someone else to work for him . but she does not want to find out what morris would do if she turns her back on him . she sits there staring at the screen contemplating options that she know is out of her reach . barb stantons residence barb stanton was all set to go to bed when she remembers the recorder on the video conference unit was not turned off . she thought about going back now but decides to wait until tomorrow . maybe mary will have already turned it off for her . mary goes to sleep and it feels like she just closed her eyes when the alarm goes off . argh , was all she could say when she saw it was already 6:00 am . she grudgingly get up to take a shower and prepares for work . morris starks residence morris is drinking his morning coffee when his phone rang . it is his assistant . did you have a video conference with someone from canada last night ? his assistant asks . well i was just about to do a video conference and saw the message that the conversation was recorded by your counterpart . i know you usually conduct your business off the record so just thought i should let you know . morris stands there staring at the wall for a moment and then replied , thanks for letting me know . he hangs up and thinks to himself that mary better have a good explanation for this . he immediately dials her number . health canada office barb arrives earlier than usual and decides to check the video conference to make sure everything 's ok. she sees it is still on and a message said out of space . she then tries to slide the recorded video to try to see that her recording is still there . she thinks of skipping quickly past mary 's part but freezes when she sees the guy on the other side is not asian . she stops sliding and thinks maybe he works in asia . as she is about to resume sliding backward to rewind further , she freezes again when she hears what is being said . you will get all the drugs you want for free . so if you have friends or relatives that need it , just let us know . she frowns , wondering why someone would be offering the head of health canada all the drug she wants for free . she quickly look over her shoulder . she walks to the door and opens to peek . no one is here yet . she quickly rewinds to the start , when mary had just sat down . her eyes widen as the video of the conversation continues . she quickly presses some buttons on her cellphone watch to start transmitting the data . the video conference unit asks for a password which she readily supplies . the upload prompt starts and prompts come up asking if she wants to delete the blank part . she clicks yes and the upload is done in under a minute . as she opens the door , she sees mary walking into her office looking distressed . she quickly swerves to the side after realizing mary did not see her . she hides in one of the cubicles . mary 's footsteps gets closer . barb can hear her walk into the video conference room . ok , i am here . she is obviously on the phone with someone . what button ? she punches in some buttons . ok it is done . she yells so loudly that it echoes throughout the empty office . i just got here and i would not know how to upload . barb knows things are about to get ugly so she tries to sneak out through the other side of the cubicle . she has to get out of here quick . maybe she 'll call in sick . mary hears the door shut and goes to look but there is no one there . i think someone was just here . morris is livid and asks her to check their door entry log to see who was just there . mary quickly goes to check and finds who it was . barb stanton , she mumbles . that was all morris needed to call his team into action . chapter 7 gatherings residence in grand stone ridge ray and gracy arrived at a mansion in grand stone ridge , located on a hill with a breathtaking view of the city below . ray 's childhood friend is hosting a party and has invited them over . george walter and ray carter grew up together . george was fortunate to get a job as an intern with an influential senator early in his career . he quickly learned the trade and has become a successful lobbyist after the senator retired .
[["mary", 4], ["marys", 4], ["nervously", 14], ["try", 20], ["tryed", 20], ["tries", 20], ["think", 29], ["thinkest", 29], ["thing", 36], ["things", 36], ["quickly", 49], ["decide", 61], ["decides", 61], ["need", 79], ["needest", 79], ["stubborn", 94], ["like", 99], ["dr", 102], ["drs", 102], ["garrick", 111], ["morris", 120], ["promise", 133], ["promised", 133], ["cure", 142], ["available", 160], ["world", 173], ["really", 203], ["matter", 211], ["mattering", 211], ["matters", 211], ["respond", 237], ["respondest", 237], ["responds", 237], ["send", 260], ["sent", 260], ["rejection", 278], ["tomorrow", 287], ["tomorrows", 287], ["morning", 295], ["hope", 304], ["side", 314], ["sidest", 314], ["take", 324], ["care", 329], ["prevent", 351], ["preventest", 351], ["embarrass", 373], ["embarrassed", 373], ["agency", 384], ["thank", 450], ["thanks", 450], ["thankest", 450], ["pleasure", 483], ["business", 498], ["usual", 516], ["hang", 535], ["hung", 535], ["hangs", 535], ["abruptly", 547], ["start", 566], ["starting", 566], ["hate", 574], ["hateed", 574], ["job", 582], ["jobbing", 582], ["enough", 599], ["money", 605], ["moneys", 605], ["retirement", 620], ["wish", 633], ["wishes", 633], ["walk", 653], ["let", 669], ["lets", 669], ["find", 681], ["else", 694], ["work", 702], ["wrought", 702], ["turn", 780], ["turns", 780], ["back", 789], ["sat", 807], ["sit", 807], ["sits", 807], ["stare", 821], ["stared", 821], ["staring", 821], ["screen", 835], ["screening", 835], ["option", 857], ["options", 857], ["know", 871], ["knowest", 871], ["reach", 891], ["barb", 898], ["barbed", 898], ["stanton", 907], ["residence", 917], ["stanton", 930], ["set", 942], ["go", 948], ["goest", 948], ["bed", 955], ["remember", 974], ["rememberest", 974], ["remembers", 974], ["video", 1000], ["conference", 1011], ["conferencing", 1011], ["unit", 1016], ["turn", 1031], ["turned", 1031], ["think", 1049], ["thinkest", 1049], ["thought", 1049], ["go", 1061], ["goest", 1061], ["going", 1061], ["wait", 1090], ["waitest", 1090], ["maybe", 1113], ["already", 1136], ["go", 1170], ["goest", 1170], ["goes", 1170], ["sleep", 1179], ["slept", 1179], ["sleeps", 1179], ["sleepest", 1179], ["feel", 1192], ["feels", 1192], ["close", 1213], ["closed", 1213], ["eye", 1222], ["eyed", 1222], ["eyes", 1222], ["alarm", 1237], ["argh", 1253], ["say", 1277], ["sayest", 1277], ["see", 1290], ["saw", 1290], ["grudgingly", 1330], ["get", 1334], ["shower", 1354], ["showered", 1354], ["showerest", 1354], ["prepare", 1367], ["prepares", 1367], ["drank", 1421], ["drink", 1421], ["drinking", 1421], ["coffee", 1440], ["phone", 1455], ["assistant", 1482], ["canada", 1541], ["canadas", 1541], ["last", 1546], ["night", 1552], ["ask", 1573], ["asks", 1573], ["well", 1580], ["wells", 1580], ["message", 1642], ["conversation", 1664], ["record", 1677], ["recorded", 1677], ["counterpart", 1697], ["usually", 1718], ["conduct", 1726], ["conductest", 1726], ["record", 1755], ["stand", 1809], ["stood", 1809], ["standest", 1809], ["stands", 1809], ["wall", 1835], ["moment", 1848], ["reply", 1865], ["replied", 1865], ["thank", 1874], ["thanks", 1874], ["thankest", 1874], ["let", 1886], ["lets", 1886], ["letting", 1886], ["think", 1919], ["thinkest", 1919], ["thinks", 1919], ["well", 1947], ["better", 1947], ["good", 1959], ["explanation", 1971], ["immediately", 1997], ["dial", 2003], ["dials", 2003], ["number", 2014], ["numbering", 2014], ["health", 2023], ["healths", 2023], ["office", 2037], ["arrive", 2050], ["arrives", 2050], ["early", 2058], ["check", 2090], ["sure", 2124], ["everything", 2135], ["ok", 2141], ["see", 2151], ["sees", 2151], ["still", 2163], ["say", 2185], ["sayest", 2185], ["said", 2185], ["space", 2198], ["spaced", 2198], ["spacing", 2198], ["slid", 2224], ["try", 2250], ["tryed", 2250], ["see", 2257], ["record", 2276], ["recording", 2276], ["past", 2329], ["part", 2342], ["parting", 2342], ["froze", 2354], ["freeze", 2354], ["frozen", 2354], ["freezing", 2354], ["freezes", 2354], ["guy", 2376], ["asian", 2407], ["asians", 2407], ["stop", 2419], ["stops", 2419], ["slid", 2427], ["sliding", 2427], ["work", 2453], ["wrought", 2453], ["works", 2453], ["asia", 2461], ["resume", 2489], ["backward", 2506], ["rewind", 2516], ["far", 2524], ["hear", 2559], ["hears", 2559], ["drug", 2607], ["drugs", 2607], ["free", 2625], ["friend", 2650], ["friends", 2650], ["relative", 2663], ["relatives", 2663], ["frown", 2708], ["frowns", 2708], ["wonder", 2720], ["wonderest", 2720], ["wondering", 2720], ["offer", 2750], ["head", 2759], ["drug", 2789], ["look", 2827], ["shoulder", 2845], ["shouldered", 2845], ["walk", 2857], ["walks", 2857], ["door", 2869], ["open", 2879], ["opens", 2879], ["peek", 2887], ["peeks", 2887], ["yet", 2908], ["rewind", 2930], ["rewinds", 2930], ["start", 2943], ["sat", 2968], ["sit", 2968], ["widen", 2990], ["continue", 3033], ["continues", 3033], ["press", 3055], ["presses", 3055], ["button", 3068], ["buttoning", 3068], ["buttons", 3068], ["cellphone", 3085], ["watch", 3091], ["transmit", 3113], ["transmitting", 3113], ["datum", 3122], ["data", 3122], ["password", 3170], ["readily", 3188], ["supply", 3197], ["supplies", 3197], ["upload", 3210], ["uploaded", 3210], ["uploading", 3210], ["prompt", 3217], ["prompting", 3217], ["start", 3224], ["starts", 3224], ["prompt", 3236], ["prompting", 3236], ["prompts", 3236], ["come", 3241], ["ask", 3251], ["asking", 3251], ["delete", 3274], ["deletes", 3274], ["blank", 3284], ["blanks", 3284], ["click", 3302], ["clicks", 3302], ["yes", 3306], ["minute", 3347], ["walk", 3395], ["walking", 3395], ["look", 3419], ["looking", 3419], ["distress", 3430], ["distressed", 3430], ["distressest", 3430], ["swerve", 3452], ["realize", 3480], ["realizing", 3480], ["hide", 3513], ["hides", 3513], ["cubicle", 3536], ["cubicles", 3536], ["footstep", 3556], ["footsteps", 3556], ["get", 3561], ["gets", 3561], ["close", 3568], ["closer", 3568], ["hear", 3584], ["hears", 3584], ["room", 3624], ["roomed", 3624], ["obviously", 3660], ["button", 3700], ["buttoning", 3700], ["punch", 3714], ["punching", 3714], ["punches", 3714], ["yell", 3758], ["yells", 3758], ["loudly", 3768], ["echo", 3783], ["echoed", 3783], ["echoes", 3783], ["throughout", 3794], ["empty", 3804], ["get", 3824], ["got", 3824], ["know", 3877], ["knowest", 3877], ["knows", 3877], ["ugly", 3906], ["sneak", 3928], ["sneakest", 3928], ["cubicle", 3970], ["quick", 4005], ["call", 4026], ["sick", 4034], ["shut", 4061], ["livid", 4154], ["entry", 4193], ["log", 4197], ["logs", 4197], ["find", 4262], ["finds", 4262], ["mumble", 4302], ["mumbles", 4302], ["need", 4331], ["needest", 4331], ["needed", 4331], ["team", 4348], ["teamed", 4348], ["teaming", 4348], ["action", 4360], ["chapter", 4370], ["gather", 4383], ["gathering", 4383], ["gatherings", 4383], ["grand", 4402], ["stone", 4408], ["stoning", 4408], ["ridge", 4414], ["ray", 4418], ["arrive", 4436], ["arrived", 4436], ["mansion", 4449], ["locate", 4480], ["located", 4480], ["hill", 4490], ["view", 4515], ["viewest", 4515], ["city", 4527], ["childhood", 4552], ["friend", 4559], ["host", 4570], ["hosted", 4570], ["hostest", 4570], ["hosting", 4570], ["party", 4578], ["invite", 4594], ["invites", 4594], ["invited", 4594], ["george", 4613], ["walter", 4620], ["carter", 4635], ["grow", 4640], ["growest", 4640], ["grew", 4640], ["together", 4652], ["fortunate", 4675], ["intern", 4701], ["influential", 4721], ["senator", 4729], ["early", 4735], ["learn", 4770], ["learns", 4770], ["learnt", 4770], ["learned", 4770], ["trade", 4780], ["become", 4795], ["successful", 4808], ["lobbyist", 4817], ["retire", 4843], ["retired", 4843]]
ray speaks highly of george , and gracy can tell they have a pretty close relationship . dressed in glaring violet , ray thinks gracy look enchanting tonight , more so than ever . her eyes have a certain glow . gracy feels wonderful . she has not felt this in love before . they walk up the stairs and then into the house . george walter immediately sees them and swiftly walks toward them . ray , my good old buddy . they shake hands vigorously . i can see that business is still good . ray compliments his friend . ca n't complain , george replied . let me introduce you to some of my visitors . george walks over to one of the guys standing close by . this is yvain symeon , one of france 's new millionaires . yvain , this is my childhood friend ray carter . ray and yvain shake hands . a guy just walks in and everyone 's heads turn . wow , the secretary of treasury is here . i invited him but did not expect him to actually show up . excuse me for a moment . george then walks toward the highest ranking government official to ever grace this residence . mr. secretary , what a great honour to have you here , george greets the secretary warmly . i know george is good at networking , but i did not know he had friends in high places , ray says playfully to gracy . gracy smiled . i need a break and you give me a good excuse to come out tonight , secretary bernard carlyle says . ray does not know anyone in the party except for george and the secretary of the treasury , who does not know him . so he introduces himself to other businessman and starts chatting . your friend george is a good man , one businessman offered . i know ray says smiling . indeed , a hard working man , another guest interjects . he does not have the ferocity or influence of morris stark but he gets things done . he would have made an excellent lawyer . you should see him at work . a very eloquent and wise man . several drinks and hors d'oeuvres later , ray runs into one of george 's three sons . john , the eldest is all grown up now . so how are the three brothers doing ? we are all doing good . by the way , this is my girlfriend gracy . this is john , george 's eldest son . gracy and john shake hands . well the two brothers are doing good . cole is still the black sheep of the family , a guy who looks like he came with john says . cole the youngest ? yeah , a troublemaker , john 's guest replies . nah , he is just hyper , john responds . and how is martin ? ray inquires . travelling the world . he ca n't stay still in one place . just as john says that , his father comes out and invites everyone for dinner . as dish after dish is served , gracy observes , your friend george surely does not hold back . what a luscious and sumptuous dinner . suddenly there is a noise outside . sounds of a woman yelling can be heard inside . ray asks george . just that crazy radical activist , george replies . idia alea ? gracy asks . yes , george replies . the activist who resorts to violence and twists the truth to suit her agenda , gracy adds . `` she is a violent extremist so full of hate . but she earned a lot of money from people just as crazy as her . she issued a death threat against people who eat meat . idia has one thing in common with those executives who defraud and mislead investors out of millions of dollars or those corrupt politicians . all of them just care about themselves and would try to get what they want at all cost . '' one guest says . i think she is an opportunist . she owns huge shares on windmills but has been campaigning against solar and other energy sources , ray added . a staff approaches george and tells him idia has been arrested for trespassing . the party continues . after socializing for half an hour , ray and gracy decide to head home . they bid farewell to george and his guests . on the road as ray and gracy 's car drive them home , ray is quiet , just looking out the window . after a while , gracy interrupts ray 's thoughts to ask if he is okay . ray nods but still looks worried . come on , you can tell me anything , gracy promised . i think now is as good as any for me to tell you a bit about myself that you might not know . this piques gracy 's interest , and she jokes , your deepest darkest secret ? ray nods with a serious face . and gracy is worried although she can not imagine anything bad coming out of ray . she just does not sense that in him . george , eldon and i all went to the same boarding school as kids . that 's why we were close . but there is one other thing that has made us closer .
[["ray", 3], ["speak", 10], ["spoken", 10], ["speaks", 10], ["highly", 17], ["george", 27], ["tell", 48], ["pretty", 67], ["prettiest", 67], ["close", 73], ["relationship", 86], ["dress", 96], ["dressest", 96], ["dressed", 96], ["glare", 107], ["glaring", 107], ["violet", 114], ["think", 127], ["thinkest", 127], ["thinks", 127], ["look", 138], ["tonight", 157], ["ever", 177], ["everest", 177], ["eye", 188], ["eyed", 188], ["eyes", 188], ["certain", 203], ["glow", 208], ["glowest", 208], ["feel", 222], ["feels", 222], ["wonderful", 232], ["feel", 251], ["felt", 251], ["love", 264], ["walk", 283], ["stair", 297], ["stairs", 297], ["house", 321], ["walter", 337], ["immediately", 349], ["see", 354], ["sees", 354], ["swiftly", 371], ["walk", 377], ["walks", 377], ["toward", 384], ["good", 405], ["old", 409], ["buddy", 415], ["shake", 428], ["hand", 434], ["hands", 434], ["vigorously", 445], ["see", 457], ["business", 471], ["still", 480], ["compliment", 503], ["compliments", 503], ["friend", 514], ["ca", 519], ["cas", 519], ["complain", 532], ["reply", 549], ["replied", 549], ["let", 555], ["lets", 555], ["introduce", 568], ["visitor", 595], ["visitors", 595], ["guy", 634], ["guys", 634], ["stand", 643], ["stood", 643], ["standest", 643], ["standing", 643], ["france", 691], ["new", 698], ["millionaire", 711], ["millionaires", 711], ["childhood", 742], ["carter", 760], ["guy", 796], ["everyone", 823], ["head", 832], ["heads", 832], ["turn", 837], ["wow", 843], ["secretary", 859], ["treasury", 871], ["invite", 891], ["invites", 891], ["invited", 891], ["expect", 914], ["show", 935], ["excuse", 947], ["moment", 963], ["ranking", 1010], ["government", 1021], ["official", 1030], ["grace", 1044], ["residence", 1059], ["mr", 1064], ["great", 1090], ["honour", 1097], ["honourest", 1097], ["greet", 1130], ["greeting", 1130], ["greets", 1130], ["warmly", 1151], ["know", 1160], ["knowest", 1160], ["networking", 1189], ["friend", 1225], ["friends", 1225], ["high", 1233], ["place", 1240], ["places", 1240], ["say", 1251], ["sayest", 1251], ["says", 1251], ["playfully", 1261], ["smile", 1285], ["smiled", 1285], ["need", 1294], ["needest", 1294], ["broke", 1302], ["break", 1302], ["give", 1315], ["come", 1340], ["bernard", 1372], ["carlyle", 1380], ["anyone", 1412], ["party", 1425], ["except", 1432], ["introduce", 1520], ["introduces", 1520], ["businessman", 1549], ["start", 1560], ["starts", 1560], ["chat", 1569], ["chating", 1569], ["chatting", 1569], ["man", 1604], ["mans", 1604], ["manned", 1604], ["offer", 1630], ["offered", 1630], ["smile", 1656], ["smiling", 1656], ["indeed", 1665], ["hard", 1674], ["work", 1682], ["wrought", 1682], ["working", 1682], ["another", 1696], ["guest", 1702], ["guestest", 1702], ["interject", 1713], ["interjects", 1713], ["ferocity", 1745], ["influence", 1758], ["morris", 1768], ["stark", 1774], ["starks", 1774], ["get", 1786], ["gets", 1786], ["thing", 1793], ["things", 1793], ["excellent", 1832], ["lawyer", 1839], ["work", 1868], ["wrought", 1868], ["eloquent", 1886], ["wise", 1895], ["several", 1909], ["drank", 1916], ["drink", 1916], ["drinking", 1916], ["drinks", 1916], ["hor", 1925], ["later", 1941], ["run", 1952], ["runs", 1952], ["three", 1980], ["son", 1985], ["sons", 1985], ["john", 1992], ["eld", 2005], ["eldest", 2005], ["grow", 2018], ["growest", 2018], ["grown", 2018], ["brother", 2057], ["brethren", 2057], ["brothers", 2057], ["way", 2100], ["ways", 2100], ["girlfriend", 2124], ["son", 2168], ["well", 2204], ["wells", 2204], ["two", 2212], ["twos", 2212], ["cole", 2243], ["coles", 2243], ["black", 2262], ["sheep", 2268], ["sheeps", 2268], ["family", 2282], ["look", 2300], ["looks", 2300], ["like", 2305], ["come", 2313], ["came", 2313], ["young", 2348], ["youngest", 2348], ["yeah", 2355], ["troublemaker", 2372], ["reply", 2396], ["nah", 2402], ["hyper", 2421], ["respond", 2437], ["respondest", 2437], ["responds", 2437], ["martin", 2457], ["travel", 2485], ["travelling", 2485], ["world", 2495], ["stay", 2512], ["place", 2531], ["father", 2569], ["fathered", 2569], ["fathering", 2569], ["come", 2575], ["comes", 2575], ["invite", 2591], ["invites", 2591], ["dinner", 2611], ["dish", 2621], ["dished", 2621], ["serve", 2642], ["served", 2642], ["observe", 2659], ["observes", 2659], ["surely", 2687], ["hold", 2701], ["back", 2706], ["luscious", 2724], ["sumptuous", 2738], ["suddenly", 2756], ["noise", 2773], ["outside", 2781], ["sound", 2790], ["sounds", 2790], ["woman", 2801], ["womans", 2801], ["yell", 2809], ["yelling", 2809], ["hear", 2822], ["hears", 2822], ["heard", 2822], ["inside", 2829], ["ask", 2840], ["asks", 2840], ["crazy", 2865], ["radical", 2873], ["activist", 2882], ["yes", 2930], ["resort", 2974], ["resorted", 2974], ["resorts", 2974], ["violence", 2986], ["twist", 2997], ["twisted", 2997], ["twisting", 2997], ["twists", 2997], ["truth", 3007], ["suit", 3015], ["suited", 3015], ["agenda", 3026], ["add", 3039], ["adds", 3039], ["violent", 3061], ["extremist", 3071], ["full", 3079], ["hate", 3087], ["hateed", 3087], ["earn", 3104], ["earned", 3104], ["lot", 3110], ["money", 3119], ["moneys", 3119], ["people", 3131], ["issue", 3165], ["issued", 3165], ["death", 3173], ["threat", 3180], ["eat", 3203], ["meat", 3208], ["thing", 3229], ["common", 3239], ["commons", 3239], ["commonest", 3239], ["executive", 3261], ["executives", 3261], ["defraud", 3273], ["defrauds", 3273], ["defraudest", 3273], ["mislead", 3285], ["misleaded", 3285], ["misleading", 3285], ["investor", 3295], ["investors", 3295], ["million", 3311], ["millions", 3311], ["dollar", 3322], ["dollars", 3322], ["corrupt", 3339], ["politician", 3351], ["politicians", 3351], ["try", 3406], ["tryed", 3406], ["get", 3413], ["cost", 3440], ["think", 3470], ["thinkest", 3470], ["opportunist", 3492], ["huge", 3508], ["share", 3515], ["shares", 3515], ["windmill", 3528], ["windmills", 3528], ["campaign", 3553], ["campaigning", 3553], ["solar", 3567], ["solars", 3567], ["energy", 3584], ["source", 3592], ["sources", 3592], ["add", 3604], ["added", 3604], ["staff", 3614], ["staffing", 3614], ["approach", 3625], ["approaches", 3625], ["tell", 3642], ["tells", 3642], ["arrest", 3669], ["arrested", 3669], ["trespassing", 3685], ["continue", 3707], ["continues", 3707], ["socialize", 3727], ["socializes", 3727], ["socializing", 3727], ["half", 3736], ["hour", 3744], ["decide", 3767], ["head", 3775], ["home", 3780], ["homing", 3780], ["bid", 3791], ["farewell", 3800], ["guest", 3825], ["guestest", 3825], ["guests", 3825], ["road", 3839], ["car", 3863], ["drive", 3869], ["quiet", 3894], ["look", 3909], ["looking", 3909], ["window", 3924], ["windows", 3924], ["interrupt", 3959], ["interruptest", 3959], ["interrupts", 3959], ["thought", 3975], ["thoughts", 3975], ["ask", 3982], ["okay", 3996], ["nod", 4007], ["nods", 4007], ["anything", 4068], ["promise", 4085], ["promised", 4085], ["bit", 4142], ["bits", 4142], ["may", 4170], ["mays", 4170], ["mayest", 4170], ["might", 4170], ["pique", 4193], ["piques", 4193], ["interest", 4211], ["joke", 4227], ["jokes", 4227], ["deep", 4242], ["deeply", 4242], ["deepest", 4242], ["darkest", 4250], ["secret", 4257], ["serious", 4283], ["face", 4288], ["worry", 4311], ["worried", 4311], ["although", 4320], ["imagine", 4340], ["bad", 4353], ["come", 4360], ["coming", 4360], ["sense", 4397], ["go", 4441], ["goest", 4441], ["went", 4441], ["boarding", 4462], ["school", 4469], ["schooling", 4469], ["kid", 4477], ["kids", 4477], ["close", 4560], ["closer", 4560]]
we were all victims of child abuse in that boarding school . gracy is shocked and covers her mouth . i was too young to understand what is going on . but i know something is not right and i was afraid . it goes on for a while . we later learned that each of us were all victims . but at that time , i was very afraid and kept quiet . we 've learned later that all of us were told that if we told anybody , we would be hunted down and our parts will be cutoff . oh ray , that 's terrible . gracy was shocked but lost for words . the three of us were the quiet ones . maybe that 's why they picked us . so aside from being abused , we also constantly had to face bullying , sometimes physically . one of our greatest tormentor was kayden . i think he had issues with his parents divorcing and he took it out on us . then one day , george saw him with our abuser . he told me he saw them alone . days later kayden was found dead with his thing cut off . i blamed myself for the longest time . for not being brave enough to report on our abuser . all three of us took the witness stand during our abuser 's trial and george was the main witness that put our abuser away for good . all three of us kept in touch after the incident and remain friends to this day . gracy just stares in disbelief . i became a broken man . suffering from attention deficit disorder and at some point depression . i became irritated for the longest time . i never quite figured out what was wrong with me . it was like learning to live again . until i went to see a psychologist then things started to unravel . with physical abuses , you can see the bruises and treat them . for emotional trauma , treating the invisible wound is trickier . i have felt like i do n't belong to this world . i felt like i am damaged goods , dirty , hopeless . i felt so ashamed of myself . all this feelings threatened to destroy me . sexual arousal became an experience full of guilt and conflicted feelings . i became short tempered . ray continues , still not looking at gracy , with the help of a psychologist , i was able to redirect my energy from anger to helping others . my experience has caused me to have very little patience for injustices . that 's why i got involved in charitable organizations and other projects . through my psychologist , i was able to identify that i have post-traumatic stress syndrome or ptsd , which is also common among soldiers who have seen deaths in battlefield . our brains and emotions are so fragile . if a devil wants to cause you to hate and compromise you for life , they just have to create condition that could cause you to suffer ptsd or emotional breakdown . and apparently the reason i feel like i am constantly trying to learn to live , with lingering feelings of being alienated and being an outcast , is that my growing years were so brutally altered . i was told it had affected my brain development . but i swear to always be kind , helpful and unselfish so that no matter what anger and frustration i feel , i will never fall down to the abyss of hate . of course my experience has made me even more vulnerable to bullying . since bullies sense fear and anxiety , i was also afraid that i could become like my abuser , which made me scared of being around children . i would later learn from my psychologist that false fear and guilt are quite a common occurrences among victims of abuse , i am not sure why i am telling you all this . but i felt we are getting serious and you deserve to know the real me . gracy then looks at ray and gently holds his chin , turning it toward her . if you are afraid that i am going to leave you or look at you any less because of this you are wrong . ray looks at gracy for the first time since he started relating his childhood story . if anything , it has just increased my respect for you immensely . that having gone through all that abuse , you came out better than anyone i 've ever met . most people would have break and lost it already . yeah , i guess everyone has their own breaking point . love is the most potent antidote to hate . even at moment that feels like my darkest hour , i held on to my beliefs and to the feeling of love and compassion . as corny as that may sound . if i were you , i would have kicked the hell out of those bullies . yeah , i could have done a better job of standing up to them , but violence would just lead to endless cycle of acrimony and elevated levels of hate . from observing all the bullies , i can say they are usually people who are victims of hate themselves . in mild cases , they are just insecure and guilt filled quickly getting angry . in one of the areas i did volunteer work in . people called it 'the ghetto area . ' one insecure guy looking cautiously at another . second insecure and guilt filled guy angrily reply 'what are you looking at ! ? ' the first guy humbly says sorry . and each one of them part ways .
[["victim", 19], ["victims", 19], ["child", 28], ["childs", 28], ["abuse", 34], ["boarding", 51], ["school", 58], ["schooling", 58], ["shock", 77], ["shocked", 77], ["cover", 88], ["covers", 88], ["mouth", 98], ["mouthed", 98], ["young", 116], ["youngest", 116], ["understand", 130], ["understanded", 130], ["go", 144], ["goest", 144], ["going", 144], ["know", 160], ["knowest", 160], ["right", 183], ["rightest", 183], ["afraid", 200], ["go", 210], ["goest", 210], ["goes", 210], ["later", 236], ["learn", 244], ["learns", 244], ["learnt", 244], ["learned", 244], ["time", 296], ["keep", 325], ["keepest", 325], ["kept", 325], ["quiet", 331], ["tell", 379], ["told", 379], ["anybody", 403], ["hunt", 424], ["hunting", 424], ["huntest", 424], ["hunted", 424], ["part", 443], ["parting", 443], ["parts", 443], ["cutoff", 458], ["oh", 463], ["ray", 467], ["terrible", 486], ["lose", 515], ["lost", 515], ["word", 525], ["words", 525], ["three", 537], ["maybe", 571], ["pick", 595], ["picked", 595], ["aside", 609], ["abuse", 627], ["abused", 627], ["also", 637], ["constantly", 648], ["face", 660], ["bullying", 669], ["physically", 692], ["great", 714], ["greatest", 714], ["tormentor", 724], ["think", 745], ["thinkest", 745], ["issue", 759], ["issues", 759], ["parent", 776], ["parents", 776], ["divorce", 786], ["divorcing", 786], ["take", 798], ["took", 798], ["day", 826], ["george", 835], ["see", 839], ["saw", 839], ["abuser", 859], ["alone", 890], ["day", 897], ["days", 897], ["find", 920], ["found", 920], ["dead", 925], ["thing", 940], ["cut", 944], ["blame", 959], ["blamest", 959], ["blamed", 959], ["long", 982], ["longs", 982], ["longest", 982], ["brave", 1009], ["enough", 1016], ["report", 1026], ["witness", 1075], ["stand", 1081], ["stood", 1081], ["standest", 1081], ["trial", 1108], ["main", 1132], ["put", 1149], ["away", 1165], ["good", 1174], ["touch", 1206], ["touching", 1206], ["incident", 1225], ["remain", 1236], ["friend", 1244], ["friends", 1244], ["stare", 1276], ["stared", 1276], ["stares", 1276], ["disbelief", 1289], ["disbeliefs", 1289], ["become", 1300], ["became", 1300], ["man", 1313], ["mans", 1313], ["manned", 1313], ["suffer", 1325], ["suffering", 1325], ["attention", 1340], ["deficit", 1348], ["disorder", 1357], ["point", 1375], ["depression", 1386], ["never", 1438], ["quite", 1444], ["figure", 1452], ["figured", 1452], ["wrong", 1471], ["like", 1493], ["learn", 1502], ["learns", 1502], ["learnt", 1502], ["learning", 1502], ["live", 1510], ["go", 1531], ["goest", 1531], ["went", 1531], ["see", 1538], ["psychologist", 1553], ["thing", 1565], ["things", 1565], ["start", 1573], ["started", 1573], ["unravel", 1584], ["physical", 1600], ["abuse", 1607], ["abuses", 1607], ["bruise", 1633], ["bruises", 1633], ["treat", 1643], ["treats", 1643], ["treatest", 1643], ["emotional", 1664], ["trauma", 1671], ["traumas", 1671], ["treat", 1682], ["treats", 1682], ["treatest", 1682], ["treating", 1682], ["invisible", 1696], ["wind", 1702], ["wound", 1702], ["wounding", 1702], ["tricky", 1714], ["feel", 1728], ["felt", 1728], ["belong", 1749], ["belonged", 1749], ["belongest", 1749], ["world", 1763], ["damage", 1790], ["damaging", 1790], ["damaged", 1790], ["good", 1796], ["goods", 1796], ["dirty", 1804], ["hopeless", 1815], ["ashamed", 1835], ["feeling", 1865], ["feelings", 1865], ["threaten", 1876], ["threatened", 1876], ["destroy", 1887], ["destroys", 1887], ["sexual", 1899], ["arousal", 1907], ["experience", 1928], ["experienced", 1928], ["full", 1933], ["guilt", 1942], ["guilts", 1942], ["conflict", 1957], ["conflicted", 1957], ["conflictest", 1957], ["short", 1983], ["temper", 1992], ["tempered", 1992], ["continue", 2008], ["continues", 2008], ["still", 2016], ["look", 2028], ["looking", 2028], ["help", 2053], ["helpest", 2053], ["able", 2084], ["abled", 2084], ["redirect", 2096], ["energy", 2106], ["anger", 2117], ["help", 2128], ["helpest", 2128], ["helping", 2128], ["cause", 2162], ["caused", 2162], ["little", 2185], ["patience", 2194], ["injustice", 2209], ["injustices", 2209], ["get", 2229], ["got", 2229], ["involve", 2238], ["involved", 2238], ["charitable", 2252], ["organization", 2266], ["organizations", 2266], ["project", 2285], ["projectest", 2285], ["projects", 2285], ["identify", 2336], ["post", 2353], ["traumatic", 2363], ["stress", 2370], ["syndrome", 2379], ["syndromed", 2379], ["ptsd", 2387], ["common", 2410], ["commons", 2410], ["commonest", 2410], ["among", 2416], ["soldier", 2425], ["soldiered", 2425], ["soldiers", 2425], ["see", 2439], ["seen", 2439], ["death", 2446], ["deaths", 2446], ["battlefield", 2461], ["battlefields", 2461], ["brain", 2474], ["brained", 2474], ["braining", 2474], ["brains", 2474], ["emotion", 2487], ["emotions", 2487], ["fragile", 2502], ["devil", 2515], ["devils", 2515], ["cause", 2530], ["hate", 2542], ["hateed", 2542], ["compromise", 2557], ["compromised", 2557], ["life", 2570], ["lifes", 2570], ["create", 2597], ["condition", 2607], ["suffer", 2638], ["suffering", 2638], ["breakdown", 2666], ["breakdowns", 2666], ["apparently", 2683], ["reason", 2694], ["reasonest", 2694], ["feel", 2701], ["try", 2729], ["tryed", 2729], ["trying", 2729], ["learn", 2738], ["learns", 2738], ["learnt", 2738], ["linger", 2763], ["lingered", 2763], ["lingering", 2763], ["alienate", 2791], ["alienated", 2791], ["alienates", 2791], ["outcast", 2812], ["grow", 2833], ["growest", 2833], ["growing", 2833], ["year", 2839], ["years", 2839], ["brutally", 2856], ["alter", 2864], ["altered", 2864], ["affect", 2893], ["affected", 2893], ["brain", 2902], ["brained", 2902], ["braining", 2902], ["development", 2914], ["swear", 2928], ["sweared", 2928], ["always", 2938], ["kind", 2946], ["helpful", 2956], ["unselfish", 2970], ["matter", 2988], ["mattering", 2988], ["frustration", 3015], ["fall", 3042], ["falls", 3042], ["course", 3080], ["even", 3111], ["evens", 3111], ["vulnerable", 3127], ["since", 3147], ["bully", 3155], ["bullies", 3155], ["sense", 3161], ["fear", 3166], ["fearest", 3166], ["anxiety", 3178], ["become", 3218], ["around", 3272], ["child", 3281], ["childs", 3281], ["children", 3281], ["false", 3335], ["occurrence", 3381], ["occurrences", 3381], ["sure", 3420], ["tell", 3437], ["telling", 3437], ["get", 3478], ["getting", 3478], ["serious", 3486], ["deserve", 3502], ["deserved", 3502], ["real", 3519], ["reis", 3519], ["look", 3541], ["looks", 3541], ["gently", 3559], ["hold", 3565], ["holds", 3565], ["chin", 3574], ["turn", 3584], ["turning", 3584], ["toward", 3594], ["left", 3643], ["leave", 3643], ["look", 3655], ["less", 3671], ["first", 3736], ["firstest", 3736], ["relate", 3767], ["relates", 3767], ["relating", 3767], ["childhood", 3781], ["story", 3787], ["anything", 3801], ["increase", 3825], ["increased", 3825], ["respect", 3836], ["immensely", 3854], ["go", 3873], ["goest", 3873], ["gone", 3873], ["come", 3907], ["came", 3907], ["well", 3918], ["wells", 3918], ["anyone", 3930], ["ever", 3941], ["everest", 3941], ["meet", 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4621], ["filled", 4621], ["quickly", 4629], ["angry", 4643], ["area", 4665], ["areas", 4665], ["volunteer", 4681], ["work", 4686], ["wrought", 4686], ["call", 4705], ["called", 4705], ["ghetto", 4720], ["ghettos", 4720], ["ghettoest", 4720], ["area", 4725], ["guy", 4746], ["cautiously", 4765], ["another", 4776], ["second", 4785], ["seconded", 4785], ["angrily", 4823], ["reply", 4829], ["humbly", 4881], ["say", 4886], ["sayest", 4886], ["says", 4886], ["sorry", 4892], ["part", 4920], ["parting", 4920], ["way", 4925], ["ways", 4925]]
now these two guys grew up in crime infested areas and their fight or flight reflex are a bit screwed . if the first guy would have reacted angrily also , it might end up with two of them killing each other . gracy listens intently . this scene is figuratively repeated everywhere . children of broken families , war veteran who are filled with guilt from the wide spread murders , child abuse or domestic violence victim , bullying victims , or being raised by a hateful bigoted parents are just some of the hate promoting acts and crimes . in mild cases , it can lead to tendency of being hateful , engaging in false gossip and falsely accusing someone to get back at the people they hate . at worst it will be an act of violence and deatheither suicide , or murder and massacre . but working at the charities and helping people , i 've learned no matter how bad a person seems , they can usually be rehabilitated and helped . looks like george was able to weather the storm with no trace of behavioural problem also . what about eldon ? gracy observed . the three of us were lucky that we were all able to overcome our struggle . george handled it best . i admire his strength and how he was able to survive through this . eldon had some behavioural problem at some point . he had abusive tendencies . he does not smile as if a smile would make him look weak . he was short tempered and easily irritated and blew people off for little things . but he came around and got a wake up call when his partner in the police , devon , who was a bigoted nazi sympathizer full of hate , went on to beat the shit out of a gay person that they had arrested . eldon felt guilty later because he thinks he did not react right away to stop his partner . he fears that he might have secretly wanted the guy dead . but reviewing the video of the incident actually shows eldon reacted immediately upon seeing what is going on no more than 3 seconds of pause after the initial shock . but still he blamed himself . he thought he is turning into devon . devon has a very macho , i guess you can say overly macho , demeanour . it later turned out that he is a pedophile . eldon couldnt believe his misfortune to encounter two pedophiles in his life . it seems like a poetic justice for him to arrest devon and i think that helps him a bit to settle what has been bugging him . we later recalled similarities between devon and our abuser . both have overly compensated masculinity and were hateful . they have suppressed feelings with total lost of empathy . eldon changed from that day on and his violent outbursts have never reared their ugly head again . interesting , never thought of macho type to be pedophiles . not all , but a lot of them are . but according to my psychologist , some are pretty normal and are even good charitable citizens of the community . while some victims of abuse becomes aggressive to hide their insecurity . i guess there is no one template that you can use to identify a pedophile . it is really unfathomable that someone could be so evil as to do this to innocent children . it is a sad reality . now you know my deepest darkest secret , ray says . no , now i know you are a man of integrity able to stand any evilness thrown at you . gracy concluded . cedric 's homecoming cedric arrives back home in san francisco . ten of his friends come to see him , so they decide to go out and enjoy the night around the city . cedric asks bobby , so how 's anna doing ? bobby responds with shock on his face as he turned to look at cedric . his mouth started twitching and eyes going left and right . cedric is puzzled by his friend 's contorted face and asks what ? and realizes too late why . one of the lady friends , christine , standing beside bobby , puts her clenched fists to either side of her waist like a mother about to scold her child , and asks bobby , who is anna ? oh , anna is the cat i 've asked him to look after , cedric quickly replies . she is doing fine , bobby replies . you name your cat anna ? i never saw any cat in your place bobby , christine inquires . it 's at my parents place now , bobby replies , which seems to calm christine down as she gets distracted by a display in a store window . bobby then turns to cedric giving him a scornful look . cedric laughs silently , tightening his lips so as not to laugh out loud . cedric quietly thinks to himself , i guess bobby and anna are evidently no longer going out with each other . the group of friends then heads to a club . the music is blaring with the latest electronic dance beat . one of his friends , jake , starts dancing awkwardly with his head stretching progressively forward like a giraffe then retracting . this gets some laughs from the lady across him who then approached him .
[["two", 13], ["twos", 13], ["guy", 18], ["guys", 18], ["grow", 23], ["growest", 23], ["grew", 23], ["crime", 35], ["infest", 44], ["infestest", 44], ["infested", 44], ["area", 50], ["areas", 50], ["fight", 66], ["fightest", 66], ["flight", 76], ["reflex", 83], ["bit", 93], ["bits", 93], ["first", 116], ["firstest", 116], ["guy", 120], ["react", 139], ["reacted", 139], ["angrily", 147], ["also", 152], ["may", 163], ["mays", 163], ["mayest", 163], ["might", 163], ["end", 167], ["ends", 167], ["endest", 167], ["kill", 195], ["killing", 195], ["listen", 222], ["listens", 222], ["intently", 231], ["scene", 244], ["figuratively", 260], ["repeat", 269], ["repeatest", 269], ["repeated", 269], ["everywhere", 280], ["child", 291], ["childs", 291], ["children", 291], ["family", 310], ["families", 310], ["war", 316], ["veteran", 324], ["fill", 339], ["fills", 339], ["filled", 339], ["guilt", 350], ["guilts", 350], ["wide", 364], ["spread", 371], ["murder", 379], ["murderest", 379], ["murders", 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["seeing", 1893], ["go", 1907], ["goest", 1907], ["going", 1907], ["second", 1933], ["seconded", 1933], ["seconds", 1933], ["pause", 1942], ["initial", 1960], ["shock", 1966], ["still", 1978], ["blame", 1988], ["blamest", 1988], ["blamed", 1988], ["think", 2009], ["thinkest", 2009], ["thought", 2009], ["turn", 2023], ["turning", 2023], ["macho", 2059], ["guess", 2069], ["say", 2081], ["sayest", 2081], ["overly", 2088], ["demeanour", 2106], ["turn", 2124], ["turned", 2124], ["pedophile", 2151], ["believe", 2175], ["misfortune", 2190], ["encounter", 2203], ["pedophile", 2218], ["pedophiles", 2218], ["life", 2230], ["lifes", 2230], ["poetic", 2255], ["justice", 2263], ["arrest", 2281], ["think", 2299], ["thinkest", 2299], ["help", 2310], ["helpest", 2310], ["helps", 2310], ["settle", 2330], ["bug", 2352], ["bugged", 2352], ["bugging", 2352], ["recall", 2376], ["recallest", 2376], ["recalled", 2376], ["similarity", 2389], ["similarities", 2389], ["abuser", 2418], ["compensate", 2449], ["compensated", 2449], ["masculinity", 2461], ["suppress", 2501], ["suppresses", 2501], ["suppressed", 2501], ["feeling", 2510], ["feelings", 2510], ["total", 2521], ["lose", 2526], ["lost", 2526], ["empathy", 2537], ["change", 2553], ["changed", 2553], ["day", 2567], ["violent", 2586], ["outburst", 2596], ["outbursts", 2596], ["never", 2607], ["rear", 2614], ["reared", 2614], ["ugly", 2625], ["head", 2630], ["interesting", 2650], ["type", 2680], ["lot", 2719], ["accord", 2747], ["according", 2747], ["psychologist", 2766], ["pretty", 2784], ["prettiest", 2784], ["normal", 2791], ["even", 2804], ["evens", 2804], ["good", 2809], ["charitable", 2820], ["citizen", 2829], ["citizens", 2829], ["community", 2846], ["become", 2884], ["becomes", 2884], ["aggressive", 2895], ["hide", 2903], ["hides", 2903], ["insecurity", 2920], ["template", 2955], ["use", 2972], ["identify", 2984], ["really", 3011], ["unfathomable", 3024], ["evil", 3054], ["evils", 3054], ["evilest", 3054], ["innocent", 3080], 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["twitching", 3576], ["eye", 3585], ["eyed", 3585], ["eyes", 3585], ["left", 3596], ["leave", 3596], ["puzzle", 3626], ["puzzled", 3626], ["friend", 3640], ["realize", 3687], ["realizes", 3687], ["late", 3696], ["lates", 3696], ["lady", 3718], ["christine", 3738], ["stand", 3749], ["stood", 3749], ["standest", 3749], ["standing", 3749], ["beside", 3756], ["put", 3769], ["puts", 3769], ["fist", 3788], ["fists", 3788], ["either", 3798], ["side", 3803], ["sidest", 3803], ["waist", 3816], ["mother", 3830], ["mothered", 3830], ["motherest", 3830], ["scold", 3845], ["scolds", 3845], ["oh", 3891], ["cat", 3909], ["ask", 3921], ["asked", 3921], ["quickly", 3956], ["reply", 3964], ["fine", 3984], ["name", 4011], ["see", 4039], ["saw", 4039], ["place", 4061], ["inquire", 4088], ["inquires", 4088], ["calm", 4158], ["calms", 4158], ["get", 4185], ["gets", 4185], ["distract", 4196], ["distracted", 4196], ["display", 4209], ["store", 4220], ["window", 4227], ["windows", 4227], ["turn", 4246], ["turns", 4246], ["give", 4263], ["giving", 4263], ["scornful", 4278], ["laugh", 4299], ["laughs", 4299], ["silently", 4308], ["tighten", 4321], ["tightens", 4321], ["tightenest", 4321], ["tightening", 4321], ["lip", 4330], ["lipped", 4330], ["lips", 4330], ["laugh", 4349], ["loud", 4358], ["quietly", 4375], ["evidently", 4432], ["long", 4442], ["longs", 4442], ["group", 4480], ["head", 4502], ["heads", 4502], ["club", 4512], ["clubbed", 4512], ["clubbing", 4512], ["music", 4524], ["musics", 4524], ["blare", 4535], ["blaring", 4535], ["late", 4551], ["lates", 4551], ["latest", 4551], ["electronic", 4562], ["dance", 4568], ["jake", 4601], ["jakes", 4601], ["jaked", 4601], ["start", 4610], ["starts", 4610], ["dance", 4618], ["awkwardly", 4628], ["stretch", 4653], ["stretching", 4653], ["progressively", 4667], ["forward", 4675], ["forwarding", 4675], ["forwardest", 4675], ["giraffe", 4690], ["giraffes", 4690], ["retract", 4706], ["retracting", 4706], ["across", 4751], ["approach", 4775], ["approaches", 4775], ["approached", 4775]]
blake , a skinny guy with eyeglasses screams over the loud music raising his two palm to the side gesturing to cedric in disbelief . unbelievable , he can dance and act geekiest and still get all the girls . cedric smiles at blake and says why do n't you try his move on that lady to your left ? cedric had seen her looking at blake earlier . approach her with jake 's move and you 'll seal the deal . blake thinks there is nothing to lose and goes toward the lady doing jake 's head movement . he dances with his hands crossing each other to the side and his shoulders swinging up and down like a seesaw . is that the latest dance move ? she asks , laughing shyly . you are talking to me and not running away . blake replies . cedric laughs and is glad to see blake has connected with his admirer . he then leaves the two alone and goes to sit with rose in a rounded couch in the corner . it is partially covered with glass panel , blocking some of the sound . so , what 's new in rose 's world ? not much has changed . glad to see you back here . yeah , good to be back . so are you coming with us for our planned road trip to vancouver , canada ? rose replied . seven of their friends soon join them with drinks for the group . one friend says , looks like blake is doing a jake tonight , which got them laughing . soon jake and blake join them with their new lady friend . then jake offers a toast . here 's a toast to the return of cedric , arowin or whatever you are called these days . everyone responds with 13 glasses raised to toast and cheer for cedric 's return . gathering at chicago the outdoor stadium is packed as reverend david patrick delivers a sermon and heals the sick . people are in a trance . patrick repeats , followed by a chorus from the crowd as they respond . good night and contribute to our charitable funds as you head out so that we can help more of our brothers and sisters . david is glad to be heading out . he hops into his luxurious bus with oscar , his assistant , right beside him . oscar has a towel dampened with alcohol ready for david . i need to wash my hands off from all those filthy christians hands , david would usually say after such an event . while people practically worship the reverend , oscar knows all of this is just an act . the reverend does not even believe in god . but it is a good business and good for gaining influence to advance their political cause . the reverend has a visitor tonight , and it looks like they have business to discuss . oscar offers them coffee and alcoholic beverages , then leaves , shutting the glass division behind him . it is one of those secret meetings where only the reverend and his guest are invited . julius is an elderly man with white eyebrows and gray hair ; he is one of morriss top confidantes . he is seated across david in the big comfortable couches inside the reverend 's luxurious bus . the chief has seen the effectiveness of influencing people 's opinion through religion . so he wants to ramp up our operation . julius wastes no time in getting the meeting started . i hope this means increased compensation . it is hard work dealing with these filthy people you know . david says contemptibly . you 'll get to keep most of it . now , it is our task to design a religion that has more appeal worldwide . i have formulated some suggestions . we currently have an asian branch based on buddhism and tai chi . we also have invested a lot to have a clerical influence in the middle east . our plan is to create a worldwide religion . we can claim we are descendant of david , and therefore , rightful rulers of this world because we have someone who is a successor from the hereditary line of jesus . maybe we can get some monarch to play that role to make it more believable . you think people will buy that ? with our media empire , we can spread news about discoveries of artifacts . you 'll be surprised at what people will believe in . but let 's set aside that suggestion for a while . we can create a religion that is not a religion . david frowns . now you are confusing me . we can claim we are above religion . we can call it aeon , the new era spiritual union . we can use scripture from each religion to claim it means that to be saved , they would have to be baptized with fire through our prophet or you . we can point to buddhist and islamic scripture , as well as the christian or jewish bible . i am sure there are phrases there that we can use and twist the context to make it appear as such . david is sceptical , but he remembers he felt the same way when they first introduced the concept of him being the reverend . now look where he is now . people donating huge portions of their income for miracles that he performs .
[["blake", 5], ["skinny", 16], ["guy", 20], ["eyeglass", 36], ["eyeglasses", 36], ["scream", 44], ["screams", 44], ["loud", 58], ["music", 64], ["musics", 64], ["raise", 72], ["raising", 72], ["two", 80], ["twos", 80], ["palm", 85], ["palms", 85], ["palmed", 85], ["palmest", 85], ["side", 97], ["sidest", 97], ["gesture", 107], ["gesturing", 107], ["disbelief", 130], ["disbeliefs", 130], ["unbelievable", 145], ["dance", 160], ["act", 168], ["acted", 168], ["still", 187], ["get", 191], ["girl", 205], ["girls", 205], ["smile", 221], ["smiles", 221], ["say", 239], ["sayest", 239], ["says", 239], ["try", 258], ["tryed", 258], ["move", 267], ["lady", 280], ["left", 293], ["see", 311], ["seen", 311], ["look", 323], ["looking", 323], ["early", 340], ["approach", 351], ["approaches", 351], ["jake", 365], ["jakes", 365], ["jaked", 365], ["seal", 390], ["deal", 399], ["think", 414], ["thinkest", 414], ["thinks", 414], ["nothing", 431], ["lose", 439], ["go", 448], ["goest", 448], ["goes", 448], 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["hereditary", 3693], ["line", 3698], ["jesus", 3707], ["maybe", 3715], ["monarch", 3739], ["monarchs", 3739], ["play", 3747], ["playest", 3747], ["role", 3757], ["believable", 3784], ["think", 3796], ["thinkest", 3796], ["buy", 3812], ["buyed", 3812], ["medium", 3834], ["mediums", 3834], ["media", 3834], ["empire", 3841], ["spread", 3857], ["news", 3862], ["newses", 3862], ["discovery", 3880], ["discoveries", 3880], ["artifact", 3893], ["artifacts", 3893], ["let", 3957], ["lets", 3957], ["set", 3964], ["aside", 3970], ["suggestion", 3986], ["confuse", 4087], ["confused", 4087], ["confusing", 4087], ["call", 4141], ["aeon", 4149], ["era", 4163], ["eras", 4163], ["spiritual", 4173], ["union", 4179], ["use", 4192], ["scripture", 4202], ["save", 4256], ["saved", 4256], ["baptize", 4289], ["baptized", 4289], ["fire", 4299], ["prophet", 4319], ["point", 4341], ["buddhist", 4353], ["islamic", 4365], ["well", 4385], ["wells", 4385], ["christian", 4402], ["christians", 4402], ["jewish", 4412], ["bible", 4418], ["sure", 4430], ["phrase", 4448], ["phrasing", 4448], ["phrases", 4448], ["twist", 4480], ["twisted", 4480], ["twisting", 4480], ["context", 4492], ["contexts", 4492], ["appear", 4510], ["sceptical", 4539], ["remember", 4558], ["rememberest", 4558], ["remembers", 4558], ["feel", 4566], ["felt", 4566], ["way", 4579], ["ways", 4579], ["first", 4595], ["firstest", 4595], ["introduce", 4606], ["introduced", 4606], ["concept", 4618], ["look", 4655], ["donate", 4689], ["donating", 4689], ["huge", 4694], ["portion", 4703], ["portions", 4703], ["income", 4719], ["miracle", 4732], ["miracles", 4732], ["perform", 4749], ["performest", 4749], ["performs", 4749]]
he started by using staged actors and later found he can actually make the sick feel like they have been cured , at least while they are on stage . david thinks to himself , human brains are an amazing thing when they are made to believe things . he realized he is working for an organization with worldwide reach that has the resources to do what they set out to do . with the success of our current club based on your original scheme , who am i to question your idea ? julius gets up to leave , then turns around and says . oh by the way , you have worked hard for us so i 'll let you in on a big scheme that i heard about . just do n't tell anybody , not even your dogs and cats . david swears . you know cardinal kojo thulani ? the black cardinal ? he is apparently being courted by morris . an aide of morris think he is being groomed as the next pope . how are they going to do that ? control the minds of the cardinals who vote for the pope ? we just have to raise the cardinal profile in the world . our media can help in presenting him in a positive light . as his popularity grows among the catholics , it would be crazy for the cardinals not to vote for him . with the current pope sick and not expected to live long , our opportunity might be opening soon . the cardinals are human , and declining numbers of catholics in the world means they would like someone popular to help attract new followers . and cardinal kojo thulani 's charisma would be a good fit for that . i would like to see them pull that off , david says , followed by a cynical laugh . chapter 8 money talks somewhere in paraguay morris stark marches in through a huge marbled building and toward the main quarter of the building . two huge bronze doors opened . inside is a big hall with marble floors . at the end is a big marble desk . it feels like he is approaching a throne to meet a supreme ruler . and morris is sure that the chief sitting at that marbled desk designed it in order to look like a throne suitable for the supreme ruler of the world . no one really knows the real identity of the chief except for morris and few of the top aides . they do n't even know whether the chief is a man or a woman . the chief is wearing a black robe with a hood that gives the bearer an air of superiority . it makes morris feels like he is meeting a ruler from the ancient times . behind the chief is a big banner with a crest whose design intrigued morris . morris once asked the chief what the crest represented . it was explained to him what the animals are . the top of the crest shows a red dragon with tail like those of the popular depiction of the red devil . it was adopted from the british red dragon that the chief saw on some monarch 's crest . the weird looking beast below it has the body of a leopard , feet of a bear , and a face with color of a leopard but shape like the head and mouth of a lion . this is taken from the christian revelation , morris was told . the feared beast with red dragon giving him the power , that 's why the red dragon is shining light onto the leopard-bodied beast in the crest . below the crest are the words nova roma ( new rome ) . morris is pretty sure the chief does not believe in god and is doing this more as a mockery against the christians . the chief has talked about creating a new roman empire , which will rid itself of the burden of morality . and where the superhuman will rule the world with the population as its slave . the chief promised to conquer and get to far reaches of the world without sending a single of their own army . not that they do not have an army . their private armies are increasing here in this private secluded area with all sorts of modern weaponry and surveillance equipments . the chief has said that they will succeed where hitler failed . they have established the base in this hideout , which they called nueva germania ( new germany ) , although it is not located in the district of nueva germania that the early german settlers built and later abandoned . this facility is mostly underground and people who does not know about the place would think it is just a big empty dirt land . the chief asks morris to be seated so they can begin discussing their business . so any progress on getting iceland on board with the mdi and common market treaty ? unfortunately we are having difficulty because there is widespread public opposition . they have switched to a more proportional and direct democratic system of government so their people can more easily block legislation even if we managed to get our man in their government . that is why i have asked you to push through the parliamentary system in the philippines . it would be good insurance and easier to control in case those voters education drive incites the people to be more involved . we are having success in that country . i 've talked to the president of the philippines .
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["animal", 2538], ["animals", 2538], ["show", 2571], ["shows", 2571], ["red", 2577], ["dragon", 2584], ["tail", 2594], ["tailed", 2594], ["depiction", 2630], ["devil", 2647], ["devils", 2647], ["adopt", 2664], ["adopted", 2664], ["british", 2681], ["see", 2711], ["saw", 2711], ["monarch", 2727], ["monarchs", 2727], ["weird", 2748], ["look", 2756], ["looking", 2756], ["beast", 2762], ["body", 2784], ["bodied", 2784], ["leopard", 2797], ["foot", 2804], ["feet", 2804], ["bear", 2814], ["bore", 2814], ["bearest", 2814], ["face", 2827], ["color", 2838], ["shape", 2861], ["shapes", 2861], ["head", 2875], ["mouth", 2885], ["mouthed", 2885], ["lion", 2895], ["take", 2911], ["taken", 2911], ["christian", 2930], ["christians", 2930], ["revelation", 2941], ["tell", 2959], ["told", 2959], ["fear", 2972], ["fearest", 2972], ["feared", 2972], ["give", 3001], ["giving", 3001], ["power", 3015], ["shone", 3055], ["shine", 3055], ["shined", 3055], ["shining", 3055], ["onto", 3066], ["ontos", 3066], ["body", 3085], ["bodied", 3085], ["word", 3136], ["words", 3136], ["nova", 3141], ["roma", 3146], ["rome", 3157], ["pretty", 3178], ["prettiest", 3178], ["god", 3217], ["mockery", 3253], ["talk", 3299], ["talked", 3299], ["create", 3314], ["creating", 3314], ["roman", 3326], ["romans", 3326], ["empire", 3333], ["rid", 3350], ["burden", 3371], ["burdens", 3371], ["morality", 3383], ["superhuman", 3410], ["superhumans", 3410], ["rule", 3420], ["population", 3450], ["slave", 3463], ["promise", 3484], ["promised", 3484], ["conquer", 3495], ["get", 3503], ["far", 3510], ["reach", 3518], ["reaches", 3518], ["without", 3539], ["send", 3547], ["sending", 3547], ["single", 3556], ["army", 3574], ["private", 3626], ["army", 3633], ["armies", 3633], ["increase", 3648], ["increasing", 3648], ["area", 3683], ["sort", 3698], ["sorts", 3698], ["modern", 3708], ["weaponry", 3717], ["surveillance", 3734], ["equipment", 3745], ["equipments", 3745], ["say", 3766], ["sayest", 3766], ["said", 3766], 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["iceland", 4275], ["board", 4284], ["boarding", 4284], ["mdi", 4297], ["common", 4308], ["commons", 4308], ["commonest", 4308], ["market", 4315], ["treaty", 4322], ["unfortunately", 4338], ["difficulty", 4363], ["widespread", 4391], ["public", 4398], ["opposition", 4409], ["switch", 4430], ["switching", 4430], ["switched", 4430], ["proportional", 4453], ["direct", 4464], ["democratic", 4475], ["system", 4482], ["government", 4496], ["easily", 4528], ["block", 4534], ["blocks", 4534], ["legislation", 4546], ["manage", 4565], ["managed", 4565], ["push", 4639], ["parliamentary", 4665], ["insurance", 4720], ["easy", 4731], ["easier", 4731], ["case", 4750], ["voter", 4763], ["voters", 4763], ["education", 4773], ["drive", 4779], ["incite", 4787], ["incites", 4787], ["country", 4858], ["president", 4890]]
they are marketing it as a fight to correct endemic problem of corruption in that country . a change to a parliamentary system will be better . there is increased support among their people . but there are also some people who are campaigning against it , saying it will reduce voters voices . but the president is confident he can silence those voices . what about our file on bolivia ? their government is uncooperative , refusing to privatize their electric utilities . the government is fearful of a repeat of cochabamba water privatization riot of 2000 . dammit , that 's why we pay them the big bucks . for them to convince their people privatization of their utilities is good . let them rack up their expenses and claim the solution to efficiency is privatization . looks like their president can not be relied upon anymore . perhaps it is time to overthrow him . but they just have an election . morris explains . i am not talking about elections . forget their election . do what has been done numerous times before . it is easy to manipulate the people to revolt , either by inflaming existing ethnic animosity or planting a scandal against their leader to rile people up . so if it suits us to play the democratic part we will ; if not , we can influence their army to stage a coup . their generals have enjoyed windfall from our investment advice maybe it is time they do their share . we can create conditions that would let other countries armies invade them for us . perhaps an allegations of supporting drug trafficking in u.s. or let them die in a plane crash like the ecuadorian president who tried to interfere with oil business in his country . the former might be an option since he has stopped using air travel right now . perhaps he is aware of what happened to ecuadorian and panamanian president before . speaking of plane crashes , how 's the senator 's flight ? he decided not to fly . i already have a backup plan . i have asked one of my assistant to data mine the senator 's internet surfing habits through the node , and gather his preferences on women and everything . we have gathered the type of woman that he likes . the chief push a memory chip to morris . he provided very specific details of his ideal woman . i want you to find that woman . the rest of the plan i 'll leave it to you . get this done quickly because the u.s. senatorial campaign is underway and we want to eliminate candidates that could stand against our plans . the chief decides to stand up and walk about , stepping down from the platform on where the marble table sits . maybe it is time to get our imf chief to help us on opening some of the water utilities . offer countries a loan if they open their utilities to privatization . the more loans we give to them , the more we can dictate their policies . we can also use some of our charities like the safe water world ( sww ) charity . what about the professor in queen 's university ? the motion have been set to neutralize him . good , we want control of that cure . the chief says . our insider at the securities exchange commission has informed us that one of the staff is looking at investigating one of our subsidiaries for insider trading . a lot of our recent investment advice to our supporters is from that subsidiary . but i am already taking care of that . the employee would likely be relocated or assigned huge volume of job to make sure he would have no time to poke his nose around other business . and that actor who has been stirring up trouble against my investment firm , intoxicate him and get him arrested for a dui . we 'll see how his career will do after his mugshot is plastered all over the paper and tv . and the hacker from italy has been arrested for murder , morris reports to the chief with a devilish smile . monitor his friends from italy and spain also . search their files that are stored at the node . maybe they have music that we can charge them with . the music labels have been our allies in introducing warrantless surveillance and internet censorship even before we had to activate our mdi plan . in fact it was the phonographic industry organization that proposed marginalizing the internet technology 'usenet ' and using child pornography as a tool to convince politicians to censor the internet . like they have said , 'child pornography is great in getting politicians to start blocking sites . ' their help was certainly appreciated , but the ordo tribus xi attack allowed us to bypass the slow process of political maneuverings . indeed , the industry was ahead of us in mandating isp to act as a listening post , for surveillance of all user activities . the chief sits back on his tall chair . it has a big back rest like a kings or emperor 's throne . jon manney , the agent for our client hedingthon needs our help in convincing india not to back out of their arms deal . perhaps it is time to remind them of the possible threat . kill their ambassador in balls of fire and plant evidence or intelligence pointing it to pakistan having a hand on that .
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we 'll see if they will still hesitate to buy more arms after that . sounds like a good plan , morris says . what is the situation on trying to influence the canadian election ? our selected leader for the liberal party is doing well . you were right when you foresaw the fall in popularity of the ndp government . we are also pouring our support behind our favoured guy in the conservatives to win their leadership race in case the race goes the other way . if ndp fall , we will attempt to market one of our insiders as their replacement leader . what has the liberal leader committed to so far ? to get rid of legalized drugs . unfortunately , their legalized drug laws have successfully eradicated drug related gangs . as you know , their condition of legalization is that addicts have to go buy and use it at the specified drug sites . the sites were used to educate them also about their rehabilitation option . our spin for the liberal leader is this is not in line with the u.s. war against drugs and they are affecting the u.s. fight negatively . what did the liberal leader say ? he is agreeable to that and seems happy to have our support . so we might be able to get back that revenue stream in canada and reactivate our gang cells . also ask him to get rid of their public broadcaster . they have been involved in investigative reporting that is too close for comfort for some of our conglomerate members . i 'll think of ways to spin it . maybe market it as a fairer competition for private broadcaster if they do n't have to go against a subsidized institution . i 'll use the free market ethos on that one . i can use the socialist or leftist label but that is not as effective as before . our chosen leader also agreed to privatize their utilities and their publicly funded discoveries . some of our corporate partners are looking forward to taking ownership of those technologies . and like you have said , we also want to take hold of any technology that could affect our investment in oil . and about their cyberdefense ? the chief inquires . we have convinced the liberal leader to abolish their national defence cyberwar division and rely on the u.s. for that . so he 'll make sure that is done once he wins . good , that agency has been on the tail of our cyberwarfare division . our cyberwarfare division has now successfully included the sleeper code on the latest updates of all our apps . each app is of very high quality attracting a lot of downloads . they are registered under different names to make users think they are all from independent developers . with the push of a button we can push through our zero day virus . this is only necessary for tablets that are not manufactured by us . our new tablet lines have those sleeper codes already embedded in the hardware . we just have to send the trigger code to activate them . by the time the virus software discovers it , it will be too late . we are also able to hijack apps on our competitor 's market and replace them with an infected copy . although it is harder to infiltrate apps that are open source since changes made to introduce malware can easily be detected . but we can do without infecting the open source apps . put more pressure on the colombian president . we want them to disband their small farmers ' co-operative . thanks to that bothersome ex-president dean 'good riddance ' davis . he expanded our war on drugs in the u.s . i 've originally designed that to weed out our competition . but that freaking davis launched an all out war arresting most of our runners and syndicate 's bosses , effectively shutting down our operation in the u.s. then he was not content and went after our supplier in colombia . again the previous president 's war to weed out our competitors there became dean 's crusade to rid colombia of drug trade . he then offered small farmers alternative farming and gave them the idea to improve their sales through the co-operative 'colombian small farmers co-op . ' not only did he take away our revenue from our drug syndicate , he also created a serious contender against our world food inc. now the farmers want to challenge the colombian president decision to disband them by asking to let them vote ? ask the president to speed up abolition of that co-operative . just pay some farmers to voice discontent and make claims of corruption at the board . the chief ranted . yeah , i remember you mentioned surpassing the influence of a british merchant from the 18th century who have monopoly on opium trade being smuggled to china through their east indian company . former president dean davis might have derailed that goal but things are picking up again . and if we can convince the next canadian prime minister to make drugs there illegal again , we can revive our syndicate there also . the chief gathers all the things from the desk . how 's your investment doing ? morris , sensing the meeting is coming to a close , asks . excellent , i am expanding our oil investment for stochmex .
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it will be a major source of funding for our covert war . it will play an even more vital role than the u.s. oil monopoly of world war ii . the monopoly partnered with german 's business , sharing the patent on oil and machinery including those from the u.s. auto industry . the u.s. oil monopoly also helped germany stockpile oil before the start of the war . but this time we have our own company we can rely on . we have signed joint partnerships with arif group of saudi , a major construction and oil exploration firm with ties to the royal family there . it has surpassed the bin laden group , a holding firms with worldwide investment and projects . the bin laden group dominated saudi 's construction industry and has strong ties with u.s. industry and holding firms . we have promised arif a much bigger bounty if they join us and they seem happy to be our partners . yes , just make sure that the new electric car is buried deep and shunned forever . we do n't have control over the patent of their new battery . we only have control over the patent of existing batteries on the market . but our oil stocks are rising fast again after that accident . our investment in oil depends on the demise of that car and its battery . do everything to protect our multi-billion investment . also , you might want to keep an eye on the new solar technology . it could affect our oil investment . but i have acquired the patent to the new portable nuclear technology . so we can control its distribution or non-distribution . apparently it could reuse used nuclear fuel and have a cooling system that is inherently self-controlling . it is a technology adopted and improved from the passive cooling of old canadian nuclear technology of early 2000 . glad to know we have already acquired control of that technology before the public get wind of it . yes but there might be some loose ends that need to be tied up to make sure nobody has a copy of the design . by the way , we could probably use that activist idia alea 's help . since she has voiced opposition to the new solar technology for what she calls 'silicon and nanoparticles pollution ' she could be our ally without her knowing it . i 'll try to feed her some information and let her do the sabotaging . morris grins . here is the dossier of all the people identified to be possible threats . the chief hands morris a memory chip . some are minor threats including those who have searched the node using some flagged keywords like your name . use the motherland defence initiative to shadow them online or offline or to lock them up for good . our network of state of the art superjail across the country and around the world are almost complete . it could use some residents . let the war against all those who would stand in our way begin . i am switching our surveillance and censorship into high gear . as the saying goes , 'he who controls the information controls the world . ' and our infrastructures are ready for an all out information war . chapter 9 hackers and crackers beach in barcelona the water is light blue and the sand is warm . ray and gracy are among the large numbers of people enjoying the mediterranean coastline . gracy grew up here so she knows her way around the city . dressed in her two piece bikini , she lies down on the beach ready to relax and not worry about anything else . after being in the sun for half an hour , ray and gracy decide to go to one of the huts in barceloneta . sitting on one of the chairs is a young man barely 18 years old . he looks very familiar to ray . the young man senses someone is looking at him and raises his head from his tablet . he sees ray looking at him . hi cole , ray greets the young man . oh hi ray . didnt expect to meet you here . gracy gets two drinks and joins ray . gracy this is cole , george 's youngest son . cole , this is gracy , my girlfriend . cole and gracy shake hands . so what is this i heard about you being a black sheep ? ray inquires , smiling . oh just some disagreement . just because i like to speak my mind does not make me a black sheep , cole defends himself . you still like to hack into people 's computers ? again a misconception . i hack to find flaws , holes , spyware , malware and viruses . i am a hacker not a cracker . gracy wonders . hackers find weaknesses in things so they can fix them or force the responsible organization to acknowledge their faults and fix them . they are also tinkerers of stuff in order to learn how it works and to innovate . crackers , on the other hand , crack and break stuff . they have malicious intent and just want to break-in , steal or break people 's stuff . without hackers , there would be no one to point out the vulnerabilities .
[["major", 18], ["source", 25], ["funding", 36], ["covert", 51], ["war", 55], ["play", 70], ["playest", 70], ["even", 78], ["evens", 78], ["vital", 89], ["role", 94], ["oil", 112], ["monopoly", 121], ["world", 130], ["ii", 137], ["partner", 162], ["partnered", 162], ["german", 174], ["germen", 174], ["germans", 174], ["business", 186], ["share", 196], ["patent", 207], ["machinery", 228], ["include", 238], ["including", 238], ["auto", 263], ["industry", 272], ["also", 301], ["help", 308], ["helpest", 308], ["helped", 308], ["germany", 316], ["stockpile", 326], ["start", 347], ["time", 374], ["company", 398], ["companys", 398], ["companying", 398], ["rely", 410], ["sign", 430], ["signed", 430], ["joint", 436], ["jointed", 436], ["jointing", 436], ["partnership", 449], ["partnerships", 449], ["arif", 459], ["group", 465], ["saudi", 474], ["saudis", 474], ["construction", 497], ["exploration", 517], ["firm", 522], ["tie", 532], ["tying", 532], ["tieing", 532], ["ties", 532], ["royal", 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["sun", 3390], ["suns", 3390], ["sunned", 3390], ["half", 3399], ["hour", 3407], ["decide", 3430], ["go", 3436], ["goest", 3436], ["hut", 3455], ["huts", 3455], ["sat", 3480], ["sit", 3480], ["sitting", 3480], ["chair", 3501], ["chairing", 3501], ["chairs", 3501], ["young", 3512], ["youngest", 3512], ["man", 3516], ["mans", 3516], ["manned", 3516], ["barely", 3523], ["year", 3532], ["years", 3532], ["look", 3547], ["looks", 3547], ["familiar", 3561], ["sense", 3591], ["senses", 3591], ["look", 3610], ["looking", 3610], ["raise", 3628], ["raises", 3628], ["head", 3637], ["tablet", 3653], ["see", 3663], ["sees", 3663], ["hi", 3687], ["cole", 3692], ["coles", 3692], ["greet", 3705], ["greeting", 3705], ["greets", 3705], ["oh", 3724], ["expect", 3746], ["meet", 3754], ["meeted", 3754], ["get", 3776], ["gets", 3776], ["drank", 3787], ["drink", 3787], ["drinking", 3787], ["drinks", 3787], ["join", 3797], ["joinest", 3797], ["joins", 3797], ["george", 3831], ["young", 3843], ["youngest", 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["tinkerers", 4462], ["stuff", 4471], ["order", 4480], ["orderest", 4480], ["learn", 4489], ["learns", 4489], ["learnt", 4489], ["work", 4502], ["wrought", 4502], ["works", 4502], ["innovate", 4518], ["hand", 4549], ["crack", 4557], ["broke", 4567], ["break", 4567], ["malicious", 4595], ["intent", 4602], ["steal", 4636], ["stole", 4636], ["point", 4712], ["vulnerability", 4736], ["vulnerabilities", 4736]]
then only the crackers can take advantage and steal your data and use your computers to commit crime . most companies are forced to fix a problem only after a revelation from a hacker . thanks for that insightful information mr. walter , gracy says , smiling at cole , you are welcome my lady . cole smiles , almost blushing . ray and gracy bid cole goodbye and walk back to the beach to relax . moments later gracy decides to go to the washroom . ray was content to just lay there with his drink on his hand . ray starts wondering what is taking gracy so long when she shows up . they chat and lock lips before deciding to head out . they then take a leisurely walk to colon , a 60 meter high monument with a christopher columbus statue pointing to the sea . they then continue to walk toward las ramblas , the popular pedestrian street . two guys are walking frantically and almost bump into gracy . excuse me , says one of the guys . then gracy recognizes the other guy and yells out his name as they walk past them . jacinto ! both guys stop and turn around . gracy sees that jacinto has grown . he is well built and tall , and looks more mature than the last time she saw him . but he still has a boyish demeanour but a determined look . his friend is a bit shorter than him and has curly black hair and his cheeks are a bit puffy , no doubt that has earned him a lot of cheek pulling from admiring adults when he was a baby . jacintos angry face smiles upon recognizing gracy . he then approaches gracy and they hug . jacinto , this is my boyfriend ray . ray , jacinto my nephew . jacinto offers to shake ray 's hand . he then gestures toward his friend . this is my friend cristobal . then gestures toward his aunt . my aunt gracy . gracy shakes cristobal 's hand . looks like you guys were on a rush , gracy asks . there is a sense of hesitation with cristobal elbowing jacinto 's waist lightly as if to stop him from saying something . well it is a long story . our friend is in trouble . jacinto then looks at cristobal as if to reassure him . my aunt works for a technology firm that invents all sorts of cool stuff . what kind of trouble is your friend in ? gracys eyebrows pull up toward her temple . jacinto hesitates again . we do n't want to waste any more of your time . you guys must be on vacation . we have nothing else to do and if i can help my nephew then that would be a bonus for us . she looks at ray . ray nods without hesitation with a relaxed look on his face . we are heading back to my place to try to piece some of the puzzles together , jacinto says . oh a puzzle , i love puzzles . gracy says enthusiastically , brushing her palms together close to her lips , as if she is still talking to his nephew when she was babysitting and playing with him . jacinto smiles and says , you want to join us ? absolutely , gracy replies and ray nods . jacinto 's place jacinto narrates the tale of angelino 's arrest at his place and the charges against him . both friends swear to angelino 's innocence challenging gracy 's initial scepticism . cristobal then takes out a tablet . angelino said he told no one else except through instant messenger program that we created ourselves . it has a very high encryption . we were chatting while he was playing the game izaron 's realm . the only communication going out of his computer that is not monitored is through the game . i remembered he said he had an altercation earlier in the night but no one was really hurt . he was tired and going to sleep . but whoever wants to frame him must have known what time he was out of contact with everyone so that there would be no alibi . and that night we played until 5 am . and the alleged murder happened conveniently at 6 am when angelino was already in bed . i can see the prosecutor claiming he logged out of the game at 5 am , and he arrived at the victim 's place and killed him . which takes about 20 to 25 minutes by walking . the problem is angelino did not really know where that guy lived . but it would be hard to prove that he did not know the victim 's place in court . ray and gracy think for awhile , and then ray speaks up , fingerprints are considered very reliable evidence . from what you guys had told us they got at least 20 points match . that would be really hard to dispute unless you claim you were at the crime scene for other business . but this happened at the victim 's residence with his own gun , and angelino 's fingerprints are on them . so pretty hard to disprove that . so you mentioned this might have to do with angelino exposing the italian prime ministers e-mail ?
[["cracker", 22], ["crackers", 22], ["take", 31], ["advantage", 41], ["advantaging", 41], ["steal", 51], ["stole", 51], ["datum", 61], ["data", 61], ["use", 69], ["computer", 84], ["computers", 84], ["commit", 94], ["committed", 94], ["crime", 100], ["company", 117], ["companys", 117], ["companying", 117], ["companies", 117], ["force", 128], ["forced", 128], ["fix", 135], ["fixes", 135], ["problem", 145], ["revelation", 169], ["hacker", 183], ["thank", 192], ["thanks", 192], ["thankest", 192], ["insightful", 212], ["information", 224], ["mr", 227], ["walter", 235], ["say", 248], ["sayest", 248], ["says", 248], ["smile", 258], ["smiling", 258], ["cole", 266], ["coles", 266], ["welcome", 284], ["lady", 292], ["smile", 306], ["smiles", 306], ["almost", 315], ["blush", 324], ["blushes", 324], ["ray", 330], ["bid", 344], ["goodbye", 357], ["goodbyes", 357], ["walk", 366], ["back", 371], ["beach", 384], ["relax", 393], ["relaxed", 393], ["moment", 403], ["moments", 403], ["later", 409], ["decide", 423], ["decides", 423], ["go", 429], ["goest", 429], ["washroom", 445], ["washrooms", 445], ["content", 463], ["contenting", 463], ["lay", 475], ["lays", 475], ["layed", 475], ["layest", 475], ["drank", 496], ["drink", 496], ["drinking", 496], ["hand", 508], ["start", 521], ["starts", 521], ["wonder", 531], ["wonderest", 531], ["wondering", 531], ["take", 546], ["taking", 546], ["long", 560], ["longs", 560], ["show", 575], ["shows", 575], ["chat", 590], ["chating", 590], ["lock", 599], ["lip", 604], ["lipped", 604], ["lips", 604], ["decide", 620], ["deciding", 620], ["head", 628], ["leisurely", 661], ["colon", 675], ["meter", 688], ["high", 693], ["monument", 702], ["christopher", 721], ["columbus", 730], ["statue", 737], ["point", 746], ["pointing", 746], ["sea", 757], ["continue", 778], ["toward", 793], ["popular", 819], ["pedestrian", 830], ["street", 837], ["two", 843], ["twos", 843], ["guy", 848], ["guys", 848], ["walk", 860], ["walking", 860], ["frantically", 872], 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["initial", 3053], ["scepticism", 3064], ["take", 3087], ["takes", 3087], ["tablet", 3100], ["say", 3116], ["sayest", 3116], ["said", 3116], ["tell", 3124], ["told", 3124], ["except", 3143], ["instant", 3159], ["messenger", 3169], ["program", 3177], ["create", 3193], ["created", 3193], ["encryption", 3235], ["chat", 3254], ["chating", 3254], ["chatting", 3254], ["game", 3284], ["realm", 3300], ["communication", 3325], ["go", 3331], ["goest", 3331], ["going", 3331], ["computer", 3351], ["monitor", 3373], ["monitored", 3373], ["remember", 3408], ["rememberest", 3408], ["remembered", 3408], ["altercation", 3438], ["early", 3446], ["night", 3459], ["really", 3481], ["hurt", 3486], ["hurts", 3486], ["hurting", 3486], ["tired", 3501], ["sleep", 3520], ["slept", 3520], ["sleeps", 3520], ["sleepest", 3520], ["whoever", 3534], ["frame", 3549], ["know", 3569], ["knowest", 3569], ["known", 3569], ["contact", 3601], ["everyone", 3615], ["alibi", 3647], ["play", 3674], ["playest", 3674], ["played", 3674], ["allege", 3703], ["alleges", 3703], ["alleged", 3703], ["murder", 3710], ["murderest", 3710], ["happen", 3719], ["happened", 3719], ["conveniently", 3732], ["already", 3766], ["bed", 3773], ["see", 3785], ["prosecutor", 3800], ["claim", 3809], ["claiming", 3809], ["log", 3819], ["logs", 3819], ["logged", 3819], ["arrive", 3860], ["arrived", 3860], ["victim", 3874], ["kill", 3894], ["killed", 3894], ["minute", 3935], ["minutes", 3935], ["know", 3992], ["knowest", 3992], ["live", 4013], ["lived", 4013], ["hard", 4036], ["prof", 4045], ["prove", 4045], ["court", 4095], ["courting", 4095], ["courtest", 4095], ["think", 4117], ["thinkest", 4117], ["awhile", 4128], ["speak", 4150], ["spoken", 4150], ["speaks", 4150], ["fingerprint", 4168], ["fingerprints", 4168], ["consider", 4183], ["considered", 4183], ["reliable", 4197], ["reliables", 4197], ["evidence", 4206], ["get", 4248], ["got", 4248], ["least", 4257], ["leastest", 4257], ["point", 4267], ["points", 4267], ["match", 4273], ["matching", 4273], ["dispute", 4312], ["unless", 4319], ["unlesss", 4319], ["claim", 4329], ["scene", 4357], ["business", 4376], ["residence", 4423], ["gun", 4440], ["pretty", 4495], ["prettiest", 4495], ["disprove", 4512], ["disproving", 4512], ["mention", 4536], ["mentioned", 4536], ["may", 4547], ["mays", 4547], ["mayest", 4547], ["might", 4547], ["expose", 4581], ["exposing", 4581], ["italian", 4593], ["italians", 4593], ["prime", 4599], ["primed", 4599], ["priming", 4599], ["e", 4611], ["ing", 4611], ["eest", 4611], ["mail", 4616]]
apparently the big news about a scandal from an e-mail that shows the italian prime minister taking orders from someone to pass a bill . it has detailed instructions provided for expanding on the id system and identifying the blacklist of government critics . that nearly got him kicked out . one vote saved him from the non-confidence motion . the whistleblower was never found , but angelino thinks they knew all along that it was him . he does not know . angelino knows his stuff and would have covered his tracks , jacinto explains . i wonder if the hardware is also compromised . that is my next place to check , but it is harder to crack . meanwhile , i managed to reverse engineer the games code , a time consuming process of pretty much breaking it down to as close as machine language of zero and one , cristobal says . tell them what you found , jacinto says . the program is clever in that it encrypts the communication , so you ca n't simply sniff the traffic to see what is being transmitted . that is a good security feature to have . however , it also means that if it tries to transmit your private data , you wo n't be able to tell . what i did was see what the program does . i had to break the digital lock , breaking the common market consortium 's copyright and patent law . but screw that backward regressive law . it turns out the program does scan your system slowly so as not to increase the load too much and possibly alerting the user . it also slowly transmits that data that they have spied on and transmits it along with legitimate game data . again , bit by bit , so as not to have a huge chunk of data going out alerting the user . it demands access to your computer to prevent cheating on the game . so it was able to log what we typed on our keyboard or to capture a shot of our screen . in short , the program has been cracked to monitor activity on angelino 's computer . and they have obviously monitored our chat . the room was quiet as cristobal continues working on the computer . since angelino is pretty careful on securing his system , this tells me the cracker did not alter the game program but it came with the program like that . whoever is behind framing angelino has connections to the game manufacturer . i have also just confirmed that the same code was present in my version of the game . and i am pretty sure i 'll find the same thing on millions of copies of the game out there . i 'll probably just send out a notice to everyone online and they can verify it themselves if they break the digital lock , cristobal concludes . are n't you exempt from breaking the digital lock law if it is for security purposes ? that is a misleading claim by the consortium . it is not what they say it does that you should believe in , but what is actually written in the law . the wording in the law gives them so much leeway and people have been prosecuted under copyright when the people 's intent was clearly to make legal copies of their program , jacinto says . with regards to that game with the malicious code in it , while that is quite a revelation , you still have the fingerprint problem , ray observes . gracy continuously pinches her chin while thinking . yeah that would be really tough . any chance someone might have sneaked in while angelino is sleeping and let him hold the gun . maybe they gave him a date rape drug or something , jacinto wonders . angelino has a state of the art home security system . it would have alerted him . and he did not sleep that well that night . he remembers waking up several times , so sleeping pills and date rape drugs are out of the question . and he checked in the morning and the alarm did not go off that night , cristobal says . somethings not quite right here . i ca n't quite put my finger on it , but we 'll figure it out . the truth always comes out in the end , gracy offers . thanks aunt gracy . we appreciate you coming by , jacinto says . well be in touch , gracy promises . barb stanton 's residence barb stanton has been hiding for days . she is not sure if she is growing paranoid or there really is someone following her no matter how she tries to lose them . she has turned off her cell/watchphone , thinking that it might give away her position . she has turned off the data connection on her tablet . she later throws away her phone after transferring the content to her unit . she decides to sneak back home . her office thinks she is away sick . she just has to pack up her clothes quickly and run away from here . the rectangular computer unit is resting on the table . from barb 's peripheral vision , she thinks the camera light blinked . but she checks and the unit is off . she laughs and thinks she is losing it . somewhere in paraguay someone at the conglomerate 's cyberwarfare division swears angrily as the light on the camera of the unit he is controlling remotely blinks .
[["apparently", 10], ["big", 18], ["bigs", 18], ["news", 23], ["newses", 23], ["scandal", 39], ["e", 49], ["ing", 49], ["eest", 49], ["mail", 54], ["show", 65], ["shows", 65], ["italian", 77], ["italians", 77], ["prime", 83], ["primed", 83], ["priming", 83], ["minister", 92], ["take", 99], ["taking", 99], ["order", 106], ["orderest", 106], ["orders", 106], ["pass", 127], ["bill", 134], ["instruction", 165], ["instructions", 165], ["provide", 174], ["provided", 174], ["expand", 188], ["expanding", 188], ["system", 205], ["identify", 221], ["identifying", 221], ["blacklist", 235], ["government", 249], ["critic", 257], ["critics", 257], ["nearly", 271], ["get", 275], ["got", 275], ["kick", 286], ["kicked", 286], ["vote", 301], ["save", 307], ["saved", 307], ["non", 324], ["confidence", 335], ["motion", 342], ["whistleblower", 362], ["never", 372], ["find", 378], ["found", 378], ["angelino", 393], ["think", 400], ["thinkest", 400], ["thinks", 400], ["know", 410], ["knowest", 410], ["knew", 410], ["along", 420], ["know", 455], ["knowest", 455], ["know", 472], ["knowest", 472], ["knows", 472], ["stuff", 482], ["cover", 505], ["covered", 505], ["track", 516], ["tracks", 516], ["explain", 535], ["explains", 535], ["wonder", 546], ["wonderest", 546], ["hardware", 562], ["also", 570], ["compromise", 582], ["compromised", 582], ["next", 600], ["place", 606], ["check", 615], ["hard", 634], ["crack", 643], ["meanwhile", 655], ["manage", 667], ["managed", 667], ["reverse", 678], ["reversed", 678], ["engineer", 687], ["game", 697], ["games", 697], ["code", 702], ["time", 711], ["consume", 721], ["consuming", 721], ["process", 729], ["pretty", 739], ["prettiest", 739], ["much", 744], ["broke", 753], ["break", 753], ["breaking", 753], ["close", 773], ["machine", 784], ["language", 793], ["languaged", 793], ["zero", 801], ["zeroes", 801], ["say", 826], ["sayest", 826], ["says", 826], ["tell", 833], ["program", 882], ["clever", 892], ["encrypt", 912], ["encrypts", 912], 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1452], ["alerted", 1452], ["alerting", 1452], ["user", 1461], ["transmit", 1488], ["spy", 1519], ["spied", 1519], ["legitimate", 1561], ["game", 1566], ["bit", 1585], ["bits", 1585], ["huge", 1619], ["chunk", 1625], ["chunked", 1625], ["go", 1639], ["goest", 1639], ["going", 1639], ["demand", 1674], ["demandest", 1674], ["demands", 1674], ["access", 1681], ["accessest", 1681], ["computer", 1698], ["prevent", 1709], ["preventest", 1709], ["log", 1754], ["logs", 1754], ["type", 1768], ["typed", 1768], ["keyboard", 1784], ["capture", 1798], ["shot", 1805], ["screen", 1819], ["screening", 1819], ["short", 1830], ["crack", 1861], ["cracked", 1861], ["monitor", 1872], ["monitored", 1872], ["activity", 1881], ["obviously", 1931], ["monitor", 1941], ["monitored", 1941], ["chat", 1950], ["chating", 1950], ["room", 1961], ["roomed", 1961], ["quiet", 1971], ["continue", 1994], ["continues", 1994], ["work", 2002], ["wrought", 2002], ["working", 2002], ["since", 2026], ["careful", 2053], ["secure", 2065], ["securest", 2065], ["securing", 2065], ["tell", 2089], ["tells", 2089], ["alter", 2118], ["altered", 2118], ["come", 2147], ["came", 2147], ["like", 2169], ["whoever", 2184], ["behind", 2194], ["frame", 2202], ["framing", 2202], ["connection", 2227], ["connections", 2227], ["manufacturer", 2252], ["confirm", 2281], ["confirmed", 2281], ["present", 2312], ["presentest", 2312], ["version", 2326], ["sure", 2361], ["find", 2372], ["thing", 2387], ["million", 2399], ["millions", 2399], ["copy", 2409], ["copies", 2409], ["probably", 2448], ["send", 2458], ["notice", 2471], ["everyone", 2483], ["online", 2490], ["verify", 2510], ["conclude", 2577], ["concludes", 2577], ["exempt", 2598], ["purpose", 2664], ["purposes", 2664], ["claim", 2693], ["say", 2737], ["sayest", 2737], ["believe", 2769], ["write", 2803], ["writing", 2803], ["written", 2803], ["wording", 2828], ["give", 2845], ["gives", 2845], ["leeway", 2865], ["people", 2876], ["prosecute", 2897], ["prosecuted", 2897], ["intent", 2939], ["clearly", 2951], ["legal", 2965], ["regard", 3019], ["regards", 3019], ["malicious", 3051], ["quite", 3084], ["revelation", 3097], ["still", 3109], ["fingerprint", 3130], ["problem", 3138], ["ray", 3144], ["observe", 3153], ["observes", 3153], ["continuously", 3174], ["pinch", 3182], ["chin", 3191], ["think", 3206], ["thinkest", 3206], ["thinking", 3206], ["yeah", 3213], ["really", 3234], ["tough", 3240], ["chance", 3253], ["chanced", 3253], ["chancing", 3253], ["may", 3267], ["mays", 3267], ["mayest", 3267], ["might", 3267], ["sneak", 3280], ["sneakest", 3280], ["sneaked", 3280], ["sleep", 3310], ["slept", 3310], ["sleeps", 3310], ["sleepest", 3310], ["sleeping", 3310], ["let", 3318], ["lets", 3318], ["hold", 3327], ["gun", 3335], ["maybe", 3343], ["give", 3353], ["gave", 3353], ["date", 3364], ["rape", 3369], ["drug", 3374], ["state", 3428], ["art", 3439], ["home", 3444], ["homing", 3444], ["alert", 3484], ["alerted", 3484], ["sleep", 3511], ["slept", 3511], ["sleeps", 3511], ["sleepest", 3511], ["well", 3521], ["wells", 3521], ["night", 3532], ["remember", 3547], ["rememberest", 3547], ["remembers", 3547], ["wake", 3554], ["wakes", 3554], ["woken", 3554], ["waking", 3554], ["several", 3565], ["time", 3571], ["times", 3571], ["pill", 3591], ["pills", 3591], ["drug", 3611], ["drugs", 3611], ["question", 3635], ["check", 3652], ["checked", 3652], ["morning", 3667], ["alarm", 3681], ["go", 3692], ["goest", 3692], ["right", 3753], ["rightest", 3753], ["put", 3779], ["finger", 3789], ["figure", 3815], ["truth", 3834], ["always", 3841], ["come", 3847], ["comes", 3847], ["end", 3862], ["ends", 3862], ["endest", 3862], ["offer", 3877], ["offers", 3877], ["thank", 3886], ["thanks", 3886], ["thankest", 3886], ["aunt", 3891], ["appreciate", 3913], ["appreciates", 3913], ["come", 3924], ["coming", 3924], ["touch", 3961], ["touching", 3961], ["promise", 3978], ["promises", 3978], ["barb", 3985], ["barbed", 3985], ["stanton", 3993], ["residence", 4006], ["hide", 4035], ["hides", 4035], ["day", 4044], ["days", 4044], ["grow", 4080], ["growest", 4080], ["growing", 4080], ["paranoid", 4089], ["follow", 4126], ["following", 4126], ["matter", 4140], ["mattering", 4140], ["lose", 4162], ["turn", 4184], ["turned", 4184], ["cell", 4197], ["watchphone", 4208], ["give", 4238], ["away", 4243], ["position", 4256], ["connection", 4297], ["tablet", 4311], ["later", 4323], ["throw", 4330], ["throws", 4330], ["phone", 4345], ["transfer", 4364], ["transfering", 4364], ["transferring", 4364], ["content", 4376], ["contenting", 4376], ["unit", 4388], ["decide", 4402], ["decides", 4402], ["sneak", 4411], ["sneakest", 4411], ["back", 4416], ["office", 4434], ["sick", 4458], ["pack", 4481], ["clad", 4496], ["clothe", 4496], ["clothes", 4496], ["quickly", 4504], ["run", 4512], ["rectangular", 4545], ["rest", 4570], ["resting", 4570], ["table", 4583], ["tabled", 4583], ["tabling", 4583], ["peripheral", 4609], ["vision", 4616], ["camera", 4640], ["cameras", 4640], ["lit", 4646], ["light", 4646], ["blink", 4654], ["blinked", 4654], ["check", 4671], ["checks", 4671], ["laugh", 4704], ["laughs", 4704], ["lose", 4729], ["losing", 4729], ["somewhere", 4744], ["paraguay", 4756], ["conglomerate", 4784], ["cyberwarfare", 4800], ["division", 4809], ["swear", 4816], ["sweared", 4816], ["swears", 4816], ["angrily", 4824], ["control", 4881], ["controlling", 4881], ["remotely", 4890], ["blink", 4897], ["blinked", 4897], ["blinks", 4897]]
tell someone to check the code for these units , the light is not supposed to come on when the camera is off . how else are we going to secretly monitor our target , he commands the other staff in the centre . helmut groos was a decorated general before retiring at age of 50 . he now oversees the cyberwarfare division of the conglomerate . his clothes are ironed to perfection and his self made uniform looks like those worn by nazi officers . to his right is luitger gerhold . a young disenchanted man that helmut met in one of the secret nazi meetings in germany . his skill proves invaluable for the cyberwarfare division . their target has been elusive . she even threw out her phone . but she still has her unit with her . helmut gerhold can see that barb stanton is determined to run away with the data that morris commanded should be retrieved or destroyed or both and that the target is dispensable . helmut groos instructs his staff to hold off on any shadowing , confident they would not lose her . algonquin park , canada barb knows where to go from here . her friends left her cottage key with her since she will be going away for a while . barb decides to head to algonquin . she rents a car and inputs her destination . she uses her friends id to pay . she will apologize to juliet ayers later . barb is initially apprehensive and keeps switching to rear-view on her windshield to make sure nobody is following her . after half an hour she finally relaxes , convinced she has finally lost whoever was tailing her . she arrives at the cottage and decides to sit back at the docks . knowing that there is no internet connection in this cottage and that her wireless is off , she turns on her unit , projecting it to a piece of white cardboard she put down on the table . she starts copying the file to another memory pendant typing away at the table . barb then decides to look for an internet connection to e-mail all her friends . she hears a canoe approaching . she quickly hides her unit away . she then sees a young adult who looks familiar . the person waves to her . barb waves back smiling . gorgeous day , he says with a broad smile on his face . very refreshing , barb says , trying to remember who he is . i am orad . i live two cottages down that way , orad says , pointing to where he came from . oh yes , i guess you were here for juliet ayerss party . that 's why your face looks so familiar . i am barb yeah , that was a long time ago . orad paddles to move closer to barb 's dock . come up here for a second , barb says . orad lands the canoe on the dock and ties it to the dock . you brought your unit along into your canoe ? barb wonders , looking at the unit orad has in his hand . yeah it has pretty good picture quality . i was taking a pictures of some loons . are n't they gorgeous ? i love when they make that call . yeah , orad says with a smile on his face . can i ask you a question about computers ? barb asks . just theoretically , if someone wants to follow you , can they use the cellphone to do that even when it is off ? well it depends . if your phone is compromised , they can easily do that even when it is off . i 've read that they were able to do that since early 2000 . back then if the phone felt warm and was running low on battery even when it had been turned off , then chances were it had spyware in it that would transmit the camera and even your voice to the person who installed the malware . but our cellphones nowadays do not get overly warm and they autocharge with solar and wireless power charging , so it is hard to tell . but if you do n't mind me tinkering with your phone , i can probably check and see . no , i do n't have my cellphone with me , but i was just wondering . but if i have it with me all the time then there is no way someone can put something in it without me knowing . if you did not change the default then yeah you should get a warning if someone tries to install something wirelessly . unless the person you bought it from already installed it . well that ca n't be since it was still factory sealed when i got it . i think it is just coincidence . sorry to bug you with my paranoia . if you have any computer problem just let me know , orad offers . ok , thanks , barb replies . i am kind of bored by myself there . my parents left for the city and wo n't be back for a few days . oh one more thing , where can you get an internet connection here ? you can go to the restaurant a few minutes away from here . just turn right to main road and on the first main intersection turn left and then you should see it . okay thanks .
[["tell", 4], ["check", 21], ["code", 30], ["unit", 46], ["units", 46], ["lit", 58], ["light", 58], ["suppose", 74], ["supposed", 74], ["come", 82], ["camera", 101], ["cameras", 101], ["else", 119], ["go", 132], ["goest", 132], ["going", 132], ["secretly", 144], ["monitor", 152], ["monitored", 152], ["target", 163], ["command", 177], ["commands", 177], ["staff", 193], ["staffing", 193], ["centre", 207], ["decorate", 238], ["decorates", 238], ["decorated", 238], ["general", 246], ["retire", 262], ["retiring", 262], ["age", 269], ["aged", 269], ["oversee", 293], ["oversaw", 293], ["overseen", 293], ["oversees", 293], ["cyberwarfare", 310], ["division", 319], ["conglomerate", 339], ["clad", 353], ["clothe", 353], ["clothes", 353], ["iron", 364], ["ironed", 364], ["perfection", 378], ["self", 391], ["uniform", 404], ["look", 410], ["looks", 410], ["like", 415], ["wear", 426], ["worn", 426], ["nazi", 434], ["nazis", 434], ["officer", 443], ["officering", 443], ["officers", 443], ["right", 458], ["rightest", 458], ["young", 487], ["youngest", 487], ["man", 504], ["mans", 504], ["manned", 504], ["meet", 520], ["meeted", 520], ["met", 520], ["secret", 541], ["meeting", 555], ["meetings", 555], ["germany", 566], ["skill", 578], ["prof", 585], ["prove", 585], ["proves", 585], ["invaluable", 596], ["elusive", 658], ["even", 669], ["evens", 669], ["throw", 675], ["threw", 675], ["phone", 689], ["still", 705], ["unit", 718], ["see", 752], ["barb", 762], ["barbed", 762], ["stanton", 770], ["run", 791], ["away", 796], ["datum", 810], ["data", 810], ["morris", 822], ["command", 832], ["commanded", 832], ["retrieve", 852], ["retrieved", 852], ["destroy", 865], ["destroys", 865], ["destroyed", 865], ["dispensable", 908], ["instruct", 933], ["instructest", 933], ["instructs", 933], ["hold", 951], ["shadowing", 972], ["confident", 984], ["lose", 1004], ["algonquin", 1020], ["park", 1025], ["parks", 1025], ["canada", 1034], ["canadas", 1034], ["know", 1045], ["knowest", 1045], ["knows", 1045], ["go", 1057], ["goest", 1057], ["friend", 1081], ["friends", 1081], ["left", 1086], ["leave", 1086], ["cottage", 1098], ["key", 1102], ["keyed", 1102], ["keyest", 1102], ["since", 1117], ["decide", 1167], ["decides", 1167], ["head", 1175], ["rent", 1200], ["rents", 1200], ["car", 1206], ["input", 1217], ["inputs", 1217], ["destination", 1233], ["use", 1244], ["uses", 1244], ["pay", 1266], ["pays", 1266], ["payest", 1266], ["apologize", 1287], ["juliet", 1297], ["later", 1309], ["initially", 1329], ["apprehensive", 1342], ["keep", 1352], ["keepest", 1352], ["keeps", 1352], ["switch", 1362], ["switching", 1362], ["rear", 1370], ["view", 1375], ["viewest", 1375], ["windshield", 1393], ["sure", 1406], ["nobody", 1413], ["follow", 1426], ["following", 1426], ["half", 1443], ["hour", 1451], ["finally", 1463], ["relax", 1471], ["relaxed", 1471], ["relaxes", 1471], ["convince", 1483], ["convinced", 1483], ["convincing", 1483], ["lose", 1504], ["lost", 1504], ["whoever", 1512], 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have a good day , orad says as he launches his canoe away from the dock . barb waves goodbye . restaurant at algonquin barb sits down and orders foods . she chooses a corner seat so that no one can see the display on her fibreglass screen that is resting on the table . she quickly e-mails to her 8 friends and signs into usenet . usenet has been around since the early days of the internet . it was used by researchers to post messages and later post files and documents to share . most of its functions are now available through the web discussion forum and files on the server . but it still has its advantages . instead of worrying about hosting files on your server , you can just post it to a newsgroup and it will automatically propagate to all the usenet servers across the world . a cracker who wants to stop people from accessing your files will have a hard time , unless they shutdown the whole internet . whereas a file hosted on your server can easily be compromised by a cracker or a denial of service attack that prevents others from accessing your site . barb is aware of these features . barb decides usenet is the best way to post this leak . even torrents would need several people actively hosting , keeping their computer on . there is no such requirement with usenet . barb has been here for 15 minutes . she logged onto the internet 10 minutes ago . she then encodes her document using the program her friend gave her . the files are automatically split into smaller chunks to make uploading and downloading easier . she initiates uploading of the files to the newsgroup called alt.binaries.whistleblower-leaks . after uploading just 5 chunks of the file , the connection suddenly stops . barb is puzzled , so she disconnects from the network and tries to reconnect but there is no signal . she then hears another guy asking the waiter if their internet is down . it is another 20 minutes until barb finishes her dinner . the internet is still not working . she decides to just head back to the cottage and try again tomorrow . as she hops into her car , another car pulls up and arrives at the restaurant . barb looks at the car and thinks what a nice car . she has always wanted to have one of those . she then directs her car to drive back to the cottage . the sun has already set and it is starting to get dark . juliet ayer 's cottage , algonquin park barb feels sweaty and decides to jump into the shower . she feels so relaxed , and she ca n't believe that just a few hours ago she was scared to death . she regrets not coming here more often when juliet had invited her . she remembers going to one of the interior lakes and just canoeing in clear water where you can see the rocks underneath , and even in the deep areas everything is just so clear and transparent . barb decides she has been in the shower long enough , and it is time to get out and dry off . while drying herself off , she looks out the huge glass window . a few moments ago she could still see the lake but it has gotten dark so quickly . she gets dressed and is about to turn the lights on when she suddenly sees some movement outside . like several shadows running for cover . she quickly grabs her unit and backpack and rushes to the panic room , which her friend showed to her while giving her a tour of the cottage . as she is about to close the door , she hears things crashing through glasses and sees smoke coming in . she thinks it must have been a smoke bomb . she quickly closes the secret door to the panic room . barb is shaking all over . she tries to calm herself by breathing in and out . she remembers the tour her friends gave her . this panic room has another secret block that leads to a tunnel that you can crawl through . it then leads to the boat house . but how does she know there is no one there ? she then crawls through the tunnel and upon reaching an opening , she points her car 's remote and punches in the command to direct the car to drive to last destination . as barb peeks out , she sees a car parked beside hers that looks like the one that arrived at the restaurant as she was leaving . she hears the car start , and the sounds of tires on gravel confirm that a car has just driven away . she then hears lots of footsteps and yelling . there are sounds of car being started , then speeding off . she knows she only has a few minutes to sneak out of here before they realize there is no one in that car . she slowly peeks to make sure no one is in the boathouse . she jumps into a canoe and quietly paddles away . her heart is pounding so hard she almost thinks someone can hear it on such a quiet night . she remembers orad told her he lives two cottages down . she is glad to pass the first cottage . but does not want to paddle too hard and give away her position in case anyone was left behind at juliet 's cottage .
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["lake", 2651], ["lakes", 2651], ["canoe", 2669], ["canoes", 2669], ["canoed", 2669], ["canoeing", 2669], ["clear", 2678], ["clearest", 2678], ["water", 2684], ["rock", 2712], ["rocks", 2712], ["underneath", 2723], ["deep", 2746], ["deeply", 2746], ["area", 2752], ["areas", 2752], ["everything", 2763], ["transparent", 2796], ["long", 2843], ["longs", 2843], ["enough", 2850], ["dry", 2886], ["drier", 2886], ["drying", 2886], ["dry", 2905], ["drier", 2905], ["drying", 2905], ["huge", 2942], ["glass", 2948], ["window", 2955], ["windows", 2955], ["moment", 2971], ["moments", 2971], ["lake", 3004], ["get", 3022], ["gotten", 3022], ["get", 3049], ["gets", 3049], ["turn", 3078], ["lit", 3089], ["light", 3089], ["lights", 3089], ["see", 3115], ["sees", 3115], ["movement", 3129], ["outside", 3137], ["like", 3144], ["shadow", 3160], ["shadowed", 3160], ["shadows", 3160], ["run", 3168], ["running", 3168], ["cover", 3178], ["grab", 3198], ["unit", 3207], ["backpack", 3220], ["backpacking", 3220], ["rush", 3231], ["rushes", 3231], ["panic", 3244], ["room", 3249], ["roomed", 3249], ["show", 3275], ["showed", 3275], ["give", 3295], ["giving", 3295], ["tour", 3306], ["close", 3348], ["door", 3357], ["thing", 3376], ["things", 3376], ["crash", 3385], ["crashing", 3385], ["glass", 3401], ["glasses", 3401], ["smoke", 3416], ["must", 3447], ["musts", 3447], ["bomb", 3470], ["bombest", 3470], ["close", 3491], ["closes", 3491], ["secret", 3502], ["shake", 3543], ["shaking", 3543], ["calm", 3572], ["calms", 3572], ["breathe", 3593], ["breathes", 3593], ["block", 3693], ["blocks", 3693], ["lead", 3704], ["leaded", 3704], ["leads", 3704], ["tunnel", 3716], ["tunneled", 3716], ["crawl", 3735], ["crawled", 3735], ["boat", 3771], ["boated", 3771], ["house", 3777], ["know", 3801], ["knowest", 3801], ["crawl", 3841], ["crawled", 3841], ["upon", 3869], ["reach", 3878], ["reaching", 3878], ["opening", 3889], ["point", 3902], ["points", 3902], ["remote", 3920], ["remoted", 3920], ["punch", 3932], 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["tell", 4668], ["told", 4668], ["live", 4681], ["two", 4685], ["twos", 4685], ["cottage", 4694], ["cottages", 4694], ["glad", 4713], ["pass", 4721], ["first", 4731], ["firstest", 4731], ["paddle", 4769], ["give", 4787], ["position", 4805], ["anyone", 4820], ["left", 4829], ["leave", 4829], ["behind", 4836]]

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