had he truly waited just for her ? how badly had she hurt his feelings the night before ? a yearning built inside her , a need to see him , comfort him , touch him . if she stayed here any longer , she would suffocate . she pushed back her chair and stood . `` you want to grab something to eat ? '' abby gave her a sheepish look . `` i seem to be hungry all the time . '' `` i would be happy to join you , '' laszlo said with a hopeful expression . `` maybe later , '' leah answered . `` i just need some fresh air . to clear my mind . '' `` the gazebo 's nice . there 's an exit close by . '' her sweater in hand , leah left the lab and spotted a red exit sign down the hall . it was above a glass door opening onto the patio . she stepped outside and felt immediately refreshed by the cool , crisp air . on the other side of the patio , she could see the cafeteria and a party going on inside . a woman was opening presents , while others chatted and laughed . a wailing sound echoed in the distance , and she turned her head toward it . it sounded familiar somehow , like a distant memory . a chill skittered down her back , and she pulled on her thick cardigan sweater . she crossed the basketball court , headed for the gazebo . the sound grew louder , more confident . she halted with a gasp . it was pipe music . just like grandpa had played that magical summer . she 'd thought the pipes were the most beautiful sound in the world . she closed her eyes to listen , and the plaintive melody enveloped her , seeped into her skin , and settled in her heart . she did n't know how the pipes could sound like they were crying , but they did . tears filled her eyes as flashes of memory returned from fourteen years ago . the green fields of ireland . her grandfather 's lilting voice and warm hug . she 'd never had to earn his hugs with straight as . he had loved her for simply being herself . he would have loved this music . was it dougal ? his handsome face touched her heart , and his music lured her soul . as she followed the sound of the pipes , her skin pebbled with goosebumps . was she following her destiny ? he was still thinking about her , still wanting her . she passed the gazebo and headed for the woods . a white shirt came into view . she did n't want to disturb his playing , so she remained halfway hidden behind a tree . he was seated on a bench , his head bowed and forehead furrowed as he concentrated on his hands . his left hand moved easily and gracefully , but the fingers of his prosthetic hand were jerky and slow . leah 's heart ached for him . how it must hurt him to struggle with his music . he ended the plaintive melody and sighed . `` enough of sadness , '' he whispered . `` i need joy in my life . '' i need leah . should she tell him she was here ? in a split second , she knew that if she approached him now , her life would be forever changed . she would fall for a vampire , and he would never let her go . her feet froze , unable to move . he launched into a happy jig , but after a few bars , his prosthetic hand could n't keep up . she grimaced as the music soured and declined into a jarring noise . he tossed the pipes onto the ground , and they let out a dying wail as leftover air fizzled from the bag . he strode toward the building , his kilt swishing about his knees . she stood still , watching him go , then her gaze shifted back to the pipes where they rested on a bed of dead leaves . a breeze stirred up more leaves , and they settled on the bag . in another hour , they might be completely covered with dead leaves . a surge of anger shot through her . how dare he give up ! he played from his soul . without music , how would his soul survive ? she would n't let him quit . she strode toward the pipes and gathered them up in her arms . her grip caused the remaining air in the bag to escape , and the pipes protested with a forlorn wail . `` what are ye doing ? '' `` i-i did n't think these should be left outside . '' his brow furrowed with a deep scowl . `` how long have ye been out here ? '' `` you came back awfully fast . '' `` i can move verra quickly . '' `` at least my feet can . '' `` i know you were having trouble with the jig , but you should n't let that stop you from playing . the slow music was absolutely - `` `` sad , '' he interrupted her , his eyes flashing . `` i was going to say beautiful . '' it was melancholy .
[["truly", 12], ["wait", 19], ["waitest", 19], ["waited", 19], ["badly", 44], ["hurt", 57], ["hurts", 57], ["hurting", 57], ["feeling", 70], ["feelings", 70], ["night", 80], ["yearning", 100], ["build", 106], ["builds", 106], ["built", 106], ["inside", 113], ["need", 126], ["needest", 126], ["see", 133], ["comfort", 147], ["touch", 159], ["touching", 159], ["stay", 179], ["stayed", 179], ["long", 195], ["longs", 195], ["suffocate", 217], ["push", 230], ["pushed", 230], ["back", 235], ["chair", 245], ["chairing", 245], ["stand", 255], ["stood", 255], ["standest", 255], ["grab", 277], ["eat", 294], ["give", 309], ["gave", 309], ["sheepish", 324], ["look", 329], ["seem", 341], ["seeming", 341], ["hungry", 354], ["time", 367], ["happy", 392], ["join", 400], ["joinest", 400], ["say", 421], ["sayest", 421], ["said", 421], ["hopeful", 436], ["expression", 447], ["maybe", 458], ["later", 464], ["leah", 474], ["answer", 483], ["answeres", 483], ["answerest", 483], ["answered", 483], ["fresh", 511], ["freshest", 511], ["air", 515], ["airs", 515], ["airing", 515], ["clear", 526], ["clearest", 526], ["mind", 534], ["minding", 534], ["gazebo", 553], ["nice", 561], ["exit", 580], ["exited", 580], ["close", 586], ["sweater", 606], ["hand", 614], ["left", 626], ["leave", 626], ["lab", 634], ["labs", 634], ["spot", 646], ["spotted", 646], ["red", 652], ["sign", 662], ["hall", 676], ["glass", 699], ["door", 704], ["open", 712], ["onto", 717], ["ontos", 717], ["patio", 727], ["step", 741], ["stepped", 741], ["outside", 749], ["feel", 758], ["felt", 758], ["immediately", 770], ["refresh", 780], ["refreshes", 780], ["refreshed", 780], ["cool", 792], ["crisp", 800], ["crisping", 800], ["side", 824], ["sidest", 824], ["cafeteria", 867], ["party", 879], ["go", 885], ["goest", 885], ["going", 885], ["woman", 905], ["womans", 905], ["present", 926], ["presentest", 926], ["presents", 926], ["chat", 949], ["chating", 949], ["chatted", 949], ["laugh", 961], ["laughed", 961], ["wail", 973], ["wailing", 973], ["sound", 979], ["echo", 986], ["echoed", 986], ["distance", 1002], ["distancing", 1002], ["turn", 1019], ["turned", 1019], ["head", 1028], ["toward", 1035], ["sound", 1051], ["sounded", 1051], ["familiar", 1060], ["somehow", 1068], ["like", 1075], ["distant", 1085], ["memory", 1092], ["memories", 1092], ["chill", 1102], ["chills", 1102], ["chilling", 1102], ["skitter", 1112], ["pull", 1143], ["pulled", 1143], ["thick", 1156], ["thickest", 1156], ["cardigan", 1165], ["cardigans", 1165], ["cross", 1187], ["crossing", 1187], ["crossed", 1187], ["basketball", 1202], ["court", 1208], ["courting", 1208], ["courtest", 1208], ["head", 1217], ["headed", 1217], ["grow", 1249], ["growest", 1249], ["grew", 1249], ["louder", 1256], ["confident", 1273], ["halt", 1286], ["halts", 1286], ["haltest", 1286], ["halted", 1286], ["gasp", 1298], ["gasps", 1298], ["pipe", 1312], ["piped", 1312], ["piping", 1312], ["music", 1318], ["musics", 1318], ["grandpa", 1338], ["grandpas", 1338], ["play", 1349], ["playest", 1349], ["played", 1349], ["magical", 1362], ["summer", 1369], ["summering", 1369], ["think", 1386], ["thinkest", 1386], ["thought", 1386], ["pipe", 1396], ["piped", 1396], ["piping", 1396], ["pipes", 1396], ["beautiful", 1420], ["beautifulest", 1420], ["world", 1439], ["close", 1452], ["closed", 1452], ["eye", 1461], ["eyed", 1461], ["eyes", 1461], ["listen", 1471], ["listens", 1471], ["plaintive", 1491], ["melody", 1498], ["melodies", 1498], ["envelop", 1508], ["envelopest", 1508], ["enveloped", 1508], ["seep", 1521], ["seeped", 1521], ["skin", 1535], ["settle", 1549], ["settled", 1549], ["heart", 1562], ["know", 1581], ["knowest", 1581], ["cry", 1629], ["crying", 1629], ["tear", 1652], ["teared", 1652], ["tears", 1652], ["fill", 1659], ["fills", 1659], ["filled", 1659], ["flash", 1679], ["flashes", 1679], ["return", 1698], ["returnest", 1698], ["returned", 1698], ["fourteen", 1712], ["year", 1718], ["years", 1718], ["ago", 1722], ["green", 1734], ["greens", 1734], ["field", 1741], ["fielding", 1741], ["fields", 1741], ["ireland", 1752], ["grandfather", 1770], ["voice", 1787], ["warm", 1796], ["hug", 1800], ["never", 1815], ["earn", 1827], ["hug", 1836], ["hugs", 1836], ["straight", 1850], ["love", 1868], ["loved", 1868], ["simply", 1883], ["handsome", 1961], ["handsomes", 1961], ["face", 1966], ["touch", 1974], ["touching", 1974], ["touched", 1974], ["lure", 2006], ["lured", 2006], ["soul", 2015], ["follow", 2033], ["followed", 2033], ["pebble", 2075], ["pebbled", 2075], ["goosebump", 2091], ["goosebumps", 2091], ["follow", 2111], ["following", 2111], ["destiny", 2123], ["still", 2138], ["think", 2147], ["thinkest", 2147], ["thinking", 2147], ["pass", 2190], ["passed", 2190], ["wood", 2226], ["woods", 2226], ["white", 2236], ["shirt", 2242], ["come", 2247], ["came", 2247], ["view", 2257], ["viewest", 2257], ["disturb", 2287], ["disturbed", 2287], ["play", 2299], ["playest", 2299], ["playing", 2299], ["remain", 2317], ["remained", 2317], ["halfway", 2325], ["halfways", 2325], ["hide", 2332], ["hides", 2332], ["hidden", 2332], ["behind", 2339], ["tree", 2346], ["treed", 2346], ["treeing", 2346], ["seat", 2362], ["seated", 2362], ["bench", 2373], ["benched", 2373], ["bow", 2390], ["bowed", 2390], ["forehead", 2403], ["furrow", 2412], ["furrowed", 2412], ["concentrate", 2431], ["concentrated", 2431], ["concentrates", 2431], ["hand", 2444], ["hands", 2444], ["move", 2466], ["moved", 2466], ["easily", 2473], ["gracefully", 2488], ["finger", 2506], ["fingers", 2506], ["prosthetic", 2524], ["jerky", 2540], ["slow", 2549], ["ache", 2571], ["ached", 2571], ["must", 2593], ["musts", 2593], ["struggle", 2614], ["end", 2640], ["ends", 2640], ["endest", 2640], ["ended", 2640], ["sigh", 2672], ["sighest", 2672], ["sighed", 2672], ["enough", 2684], ["sadness", 2695], ["whisper", 2713], ["whispered", 2713], ["joy", 2729], ["joys", 2729], ["joyed", 2729], ["life", 2740], ["lifes", 2740], ["tell", 2775], ["split", 2805], ["second", 2812], ["seconded", 2812], ["know", 2823], ["knowest", 2823], ["knew", 2823], ["approach", 2846], ["approaches", 2846], ["approached", 2846], ["forever", 2882], ["change", 2890], ["changed", 2890], ["fall", 2907], ["falls", 2907], ["vampire", 2921], ["let", 2946], ["lets", 2946], ["go", 2953], ["goest", 2953], ["foot", 2964], ["feet", 2964], ["froze", 2970], ["freeze", 2970], ["frozen", 2970], ["freezing", 2970], ["unable", 2979], ["unabled", 2979], ["move", 2987], ["launch", 3001], ["launched", 3001], ["jig", 3018], ["jigged", 3018], ["bar", 3041], ["bars", 3041], ["keep", 3078], ["keepest", 3078], ["grimace", 3096], ["grimacing", 3096], ["grimaced", 3096], ["sour", 3116], ["soured", 3116], ["souring", 3116], ["decline", 3129], ["declined", 3129], ["noise", 3150], ["toss", 3162], ["tossed", 3162], ["ground", 3188], ["die", 3215], ["dying", 3215], ["wail", 3220], ["leftover", 3232], ["fizzle", 3244], ["fizzles", 3244], ["fizzled", 3244], ["bag", 3257], ["bagged", 3257], ["bagging", 3257], ["stride", 3269], ["stridden", 3269], ["build", 3289], ["building", 3289], ["kilt", 3300], ["kilts", 3300], ["swishings", 3309], ["knee", 3325], ["knees", 3325], ["watch", 3354], ["watching", 3354], ["gaze", 3377], ["gazes", 3377], ["shift", 3385], ["shifted", 3385], ["rest", 3421], ["rested", 3421], ["bed", 3430], ["dead", 3438], ["left", 3445], ["leave", 3445], ["leaves", 3445], ["breeze", 3456], ["breezing", 3456], ["stir", 3464], ["stirs", 3464], ["stirred", 3464], ["another", 3522], ["hour", 3527], ["may", 3540], ["mays", 3540], ["mayest", 3540], ["might", 3540], ["completely", 3554], ["cover", 3562], ["covered", 3562], ["surge", 3589], ["anger", 3598], ["shoot", 3603], ["shooted", 3603], ["shot", 3603], ["dare", 3626], ["give", 3634], ["without", 3673], ["survive", 3708], ["quit", 3737], ["quits", 3737], ["quitting", 3737], ["gather", 3780], ["gatherest", 3780], ["gathered", 3780], ["arm", 3800], ["arms", 3800], ["grip", 3811], ["cause", 3818], ["caused", 3818], ["remain", 3832], ["remaining", 3832], ["escape", 3857], ["escapes", 3857], ["protest", 3883], ["protestest", 3883], ["protested", 3883], ["forlorn", 3898], ["ye", 3920], ["yed", 3920], ["think", 3952], ["thinkest", 3952], ["brow", 3995], ["deep", 4016], ["deeply", 4016], ["scowl", 4022], ["scowls", 4022], ["scowling", 4022], ["scowlest", 4022], ["long", 4036], ["longs", 4036], ["awfully", 4088], ["fast", 4093], ["quickly", 4126], ["least", 4143], ["leastest", 4143], ["trouble", 4194], ["troubling", 4194], ["stop", 4242], ["absolutely", 4291], ["sad", 4303], ["interrupt", 4323], ["interruptest", 4323], ["interrupted", 4323], ["flash", 4347], ["flashing", 4347], ["say", 4371], ["sayest", 4371], ["melancholy", 4404]]
should i spend the rest of my miserably long life with only sad music to fill my soul ? '' `` better to have a sad soul than an empty one . '' she held the pipes out to him . `` and you have to believe that it will get better . you ca n't give up on yourself . '' `` are ye concerned for my soul then ? '' he snatched the pipes from her hands . `` do ye believe a vampire even has a soul ? '' apparently , she had hurt his feelings the night before . somehow , in just a few days , he had ceased to be a monster , an undead creature , and he 'd become a tortured soul who intrigued her . she was hopelessly drawn to him and painfully aware of a yearning she did n't dare act upon . he lifted the pipes . `` what were ye planning to do with these ? '' `` i was going to return them to you . with a note of encouragement . '' `` ye were going to bring them to my office ? '' when she did n't answer , his eyes narrowed . `` ye were going to visit me again in the basement ? '' he dropped the pipes on the bench . `` why do ye seek me out when i 'm in my death-sleep ? i realize i 'm no ' a verra good conversationalist , but i can manage a wee bit better when i 'm no ' dead . '' `` i feel safer when you 're asleep - `` `` dead , '' he corrected her with a wry look . `` am i so frightening when i 'm awake ? '' already it was aching . `` how can i prove to you that i 'm no ' a soulless monster ? '' `` i know you have a soul . you played from your soul . '' `` and it was beautiful . '' `` then can ye stop seeing me as a vampire ? '' she was teetering on a precipice , so close to falling , and god help her , she wanted to fall . `` can ye see me as a man ? i canna share a meal with you , nor a day in the sun . i canna sleep like a man . but i can feel . with his left hand , he touched her face so gently that it squeezed her heart , and a tear escaped . he caught the tear with his thumb . `` i can love like a man . '' `` and i can kiss . '' she drew in a shuddering breath just before his lips pressed gently against hers . soft , but firm . he pulled back and gave her a questioning look as if asking permission to continue . more tears threatened to fall . she only knew she wanted more . his hand moved to cup the back of her neck while his other hand , the prosthetic one , pressed against the small of her back , pulling her against his chest . she rested her hands on his shirt , feeling the hard rock of his chest beneath the soft white cotton . `` leah , '' he whispered , and she lifted her eyes to meet his . desire flared hot in his emerald eyes , melting the last of her resistance . a long , sensual kiss , his lips moving , nibbling , and tasting . warmth drizzled down her body , settling with a more heated sizzle between her legs . she moaned , and he deepened the kiss , invading her mouth with his tongue . her senses swirled , and a vague thought flitted through her mind . she 'd never been kissed senseless before . she had n't thought it was possible . but she was reeling now , free-falling , rapidly becoming a mass of nerve endings , all sizzling and hot . her hands slid up to his shoulders , then his neck , and she pulled him closer . her fingers delved into his ponytail , tangling with his long , soft hair . a whimpering sound escaped her mouth , a sound of surrender , and he growled softly in response . he scattered kisses across her cheeks and brow . i want you something fierce . '' her heart nearly burst with longing , and she pulled back to touch his face . red , glowing eyes ! with a small yelp , she jumped back . he released her , lifting his hands . `` doona be alarmed . '' `` your eyes are red ! '' 't is my heart that hungers for you . '' with a grimace , he adjusted his sporran . `` my body wants you as well . '' it would be crazy enough to get involved with a mortal she 'd known only four days , but here she was with a vampire ? for a person who had always prided herself on her intelligence , she was n't being very smart . if she fell for him completely , would she be completely lost ? she ran back to the building . the next day she woke shortly before noon . with a groan , she rolled over to try to fall asleep again . after a night of tossing and turning , she was still tired . sleep had been nigh impossible , for every time she 'd drifted off , memories of his kiss had flooded back , and she would experience it all over again .
[["spend", 14], ["spends", 14], ["spendest", 14], ["rest", 23], ["miserably", 39], ["long", 44], ["longs", 44], ["life", 49], ["lifes", 49], ["sad", 63], ["music", 69], ["musics", 69], ["fill", 77], ["fills", 77], ["soul", 85], ["well", 100], ["wells", 100], ["empty", 133], ["hold", 151], ["held", 151], ["pipe", 161], ["piped", 161], ["piping", 161], ["pipes", 161], ["believe", 201], ["get", 218], ["ca", 234], ["cas", 234], ["give", 243], ["ye", 273], ["yed", 273], ["snatch", 317], ["snatches", 317], ["snatched", 317], ["hand", 342], ["hands", 342], ["vampire", 371], ["even", 376], ["evens", 376], ["apparently", 403], ["hurt", 418], ["hurts", 418], ["hurting", 418], ["feeling", 431], ["feelings", 431], ["night", 441], ["somehow", 458], ["day", 479], ["days", 479], ["cease", 495], ["ceased", 495], ["monster", 511], ["undead", 523], ["creature", 532], ["become", 551], ["intrigue", 581], ["intrigued", 581], ["hopelessly", 606], ["draw", 612], ["drawn", 612], ["draws", 612], ["painfully", 633], ["aware", 639], ["yearning", 653], ["dare", 670], ["act", 674], ["acted", 674], ["upon", 679], ["lift", 691], ["lifted", 691], ["plan", 728], ["go", 765], ["goest", 765], ["going", 765], ["return", 775], ["returnest", 775], ["note", 801], ["encouragement", 818], ["bring", 849], ["office", 867], ["answer", 896], ["answeres", 896], ["answerest", 896], ["eye", 907], ["eyed", 907], ["eyes", 907], ["narrow", 916], ["narrowed", 916], ["visit", 944], ["basement", 969], ["drop", 985], ["dropped", 985], ["bench", 1008], ["benched", 1008], ["seek", 1028], ["death", 1057], ["sleep", 1063], ["slept", 1063], ["sleeps", 1063], ["sleepest", 1063], ["realize", 1075], ["good", 1098], ["conversationalist", 1116], ["manage", 1135], ["wee", 1141], ["weest", 1141], ["bit", 1145], ["bits", 1145], ["dead", 1172], ["feel", 1187], ["safe", 1193], ["safes", 1193], ["safed", 1193], ["safer", 1193], ["asleep", 1213], ["correct", 1244], ["corrected", 1244], ["wry", 1259], ["look", 1264], ["frightening", 1289], ["awake", 1305], ["awoke", 1305], ["already", 1318], ["ache", 1332], ["ached", 1332], ["aching", 1332], ["prof", 1353], ["prove", 1353], ["soulless", 1386], ["know", 1409], ["knowest", 1409], ["play", 1438], ["playest", 1438], ["played", 1438], ["beautiful", 1482], ["beautifulest", 1482], ["stop", 1507], ["see", 1514], ["seeing", 1514], ["teeter", 1553], ["teetered", 1553], ["teetering", 1553], ["precipice", 1568], ["close", 1579], ["fall", 1590], ["falls", 1590], ["falling", 1590], ["god", 1600], ["help", 1605], ["helpest", 1605], ["fall", 1630], ["falls", 1630], ["see", 1646], ["man", 1658], ["mans", 1658], ["manned", 1658], ["canna", 1668], ["share", 1674], ["meal", 1681], ["day", 1702], ["sun", 1713], ["suns", 1713], ["sunned", 1713], ["like", 1734], ["left", 1773], ["hand", 1778], ["touch", 1791], ["touching", 1791], ["touched", 1791], ["face", 1800], ["gently", 1810], ["squeeze", 1827], ["squeezes", 1827], ["squeezed", 1827], ["heart", 1837], ["tear", 1850], ["teared", 1850], ["escape", 1858], ["escapes", 1858], ["escaped", 1858], ["catch", 1870], ["catched", 1870], ["catches", 1870], ["caught", 1870], ["thumb", 1894], ["thumbed", 1894], ["love", 1910], ["kiss", 1944], ["kisses", 1944], ["kissest", 1944], ["draw", 1958], ["drawn", 1958], ["draws", 1958], ["drew", 1958], ["breath", 1981], ["breathest", 1981], ["lip", 2002], ["lipped", 2002], ["lips", 2002], ["press", 2010], ["pressed", 2010], ["soft", 2037], ["firm", 2048], ["pull", 2060], ["pulled", 2060], ["back", 2065], ["give", 2074], ["gave", 2074], ["questioning", 2092], ["ask", 2110], ["asking", 2110], ["permission", 2121], ["continue", 2133], ["tear", 2146], ["teared", 2146], ["tears", 2146], ["threaten", 2157], ["threatened", 2157], ["know", 2181], ["knowest", 2181], ["knew", 2181], ["move", 2214], ["moved", 2214], ["cup", 2221], ["neck", 2242], ["necked", 2242], ["prosthetic", 2280], ["small", 2312], ["pull", 2334], ["pulling", 2334], ["chest", 2356], ["rest", 2369], ["rested", 2369], ["shirt", 2392], ["feel", 2402], ["feeling", 2402], ["hard", 2411], ["rock", 2416], ["beneath", 2437], ["white", 2452], ["cotton", 2459], ["leah", 2469], ["whisper", 2487], ["whispered", 2487], ["meet", 2521], ["meeted", 2521], ["desire", 2534], ["flare", 2541], ["flared", 2541], ["hot", 2545], ["emerald", 2560], ["melt", 2575], ["meltest", 2575], ["melting", 2575], ["last", 2584], ["resistance", 2602], ["sensual", 2621], ["move", 2644], ["moving", 2644], ["nibble", 2655], ["nibbling", 2655], ["taste", 2669], ["tastings", 2669], ["tasting", 2669], ["warmth", 2678], ["drizzle", 2687], ["drizzled", 2687], ["body", 2701], ["bodied", 2701], ["settle", 2712], ["settling", 2712], ["sizzle", 2738], ["sizzles", 2738], ["leg", 2755], ["legs", 2755], ["moan", 2768], ["moans", 2768], ["moanest", 2768], ["moaned", 2768], ["deepen", 2786], ["deepened", 2786], ["invade", 2806], ["invading", 2806], ["mouth", 2816], ["mouthed", 2816], ["tongue", 2832], ["tonguing", 2832], ["sense", 2845], ["senses", 2845], ["swirl", 2853], ["swirls", 2853], ["swirlest", 2853], ["swirled", 2853], ["vague", 2867], ["think", 2875], ["thought", 2875], ["thinkest", 2875], ["flit", 2883], ["flitted", 2883], ["mind", 2900], ["minding", 2900], ["never", 2915], ["kiss", 2927], ["kisses", 2927], ["kissest", 2927], ["kissed", 2927], ["senseless", 2937], ["possible", 2982], ["reel", 3004], ["reeling", 3004], ["free", 3015], ["rapidly", 3033], ["become", 3042], ["becoming", 3042], ["mass", 3049], ["massed", 3049], ["massing", 3049], ["massest", 3049], ["nerve", 3058], ["ending", 3066], ["endings", 3066], ["sizzling", 3081], ["slid", 3106], ["shoulder", 3126], ["shouldered", 3126], ["shoulders", 3126], ["close", 3170], ["closer", 3170], ["finger", 3184], ["fingers", 3184], ["delve", 3191], ["ponytail", 3209], ["tangle", 3220], ["tangling", 3220], ["hair", 3246], ["whimper", 3261], ["whimpering", 3261], ["sound", 3267], ["surrender", 3308], ["surrenders", 3308], ["surrendering", 3308], ["surrenderest", 3308], ["growl", 3325], ["growls", 3325], ["growled", 3325], ["softly", 3332], ["response", 3344], ["scatter", 3359], ["scattered", 3359], ["kiss", 3366], ["kisses", 3366], ["kissest", 3366], ["across", 3373], ["cheek", 3384], ["cheeks", 3384], ["brow", 3393], ["fierce", 3423], ["nearly", 3445], ["burst", 3451], ["bursted", 3451], ["longing", 3464], ["touch", 3495], ["touching", 3495], ["red", 3510], ["glowing", 3520], ["yelp", 3545], ["yelped", 3545], ["yelping", 3545], ["jump", 3558], ["jumps", 3558], ["jumped", 3558], ["release", 3577], ["released", 3577], ["lift", 3591], ["doona", 3612], ["doonas", 3612], ["alarm", 3623], ["alarmed", 3623], ["hunger", 3682], ["hungers", 3682], ["hungering", 3682], ["grimace", 3710], ["grimacing", 3710], ["adjust", 3724], ["adjusted", 3724], ["sporran", 3736], ["sporrans", 3736], ["well", 3767], ["wells", 3767], ["crazy", 3790], ["enough", 3797], ["involve", 3813], ["involved", 3813], ["mortal", 3827], ["know", 3840], ["knowest", 3840], ["known", 3840], ["four", 3850], ["person", 3904], ["always", 3919], ["pride", 3926], ["prided", 3926], ["intelligence", 3954], ["smart", 3985], ["fall", 3999], ["falls", 3999], ["fell", 3999], ["completely", 4018], ["lose", 4049], ["lost", 4049], ["run", 4059], ["ran", 4059], ["build", 4080], ["building", 4080], ["next", 4091], ["wake", 4104], ["wakes", 4104], ["woken", 4104], ["woke", 4104], ["shortly", 4112], ["noon", 4124], ["groan", 4139], ["groans", 4139], ["groanest", 4139], ["groaning", 4139], ["roll", 4152], ["rolled", 4152], ["try", 4164], ["tryed", 4164], ["turning", 4224], ["still", 4240], ["tired", 4246], ["nigh", 4268], ["nighest", 4268], ["impossible", 4279], ["every", 4291], ["time", 4296], ["drift", 4311], ["drifting", 4311], ["drifted", 4311], ["memory", 4326], ["memories", 4326], ["flood", 4350], ["flooded", 4350], ["experience", 4382], ["experienced", 4382]]
the sweetly possessive feel of his mouth moving on hers . the light touch of his lips caressing her cheeks and brow . and then the yearning would return , the longing in her heart , and the empty ache between her thighs . and she would wonder if she 'd made a mistake . maybe she should talk to abby or heather . they were both happily married to vampires . groaning , she rubbed her hands down her face . enough of this wishy-washy confusion . how could a sane woman even contemplate marriage with a vampire ? she would n't let those words continue to haunt her . how could he have been waiting for her when he 'd only known her for four nights ? maybe he was waiting for someone to love , but that did n't mean it had to be her . the man was interfering with her job . last night , after the kiss , she 'd tried to go back to the lab to work , but it had been a disaster . the kiss had kept creeping into her thoughts , refusing to let her concentrate . it had replayed in her mind , over and over , growing in importance till it seemed her whole life could be slotted into two categories . life before the kiss , and life after the kiss . her life before the kiss had moved step by step ever closer to the predestined event . meeting dougal . she would not allow herself to be manipulated by theories as erroneous as fate or destiny . she would make her own decisions in life . her own choices . for example , she would choose not to venture into the basement today . even if he had written a new note for her , she would not go near him . she would distance herself . she would do her job at romatech , and then leave . and never see dougal again . for she was far too logical to fall in love with a vampire . chapter thirteen she had n't read his note . dougal was fairly certain of it . he stood in the security office the next evening , drinking his bottle of breakfast blood while he watched the monitors . the captive soldier was still in stasis in the silver room . leah was in the lab with abby , concentrating hard on her work . not once did she glance at the camera . there had been no lingering scent of jasmine in the basement when he 'd awakened from his death-sleep . the newly written note clasped in his left hand had appeared unopened . he gulped down more synthetic blood . he 'd poured all his longing into the kiss last night , hoping somehow he could touch her heart , and it had n't worked . had his red eyes frightened her ? it was n't something he could avoid . whenever a vamp became sexually aroused , his eyes automatically glowed red . was he pushing her too fast ? he 'd been waiting almost three hundred years , but for leah , it was now only five nights . he needed to slow down . give her a chance to adjust . give her time to get to know him . and trust him . it might help if he did n't look like a bloody pirate . after the fiasco last night , he 'd called the number gregori had given him . the stylist at dvn had agreed to see him after laszlo 's appointment two nights from now . he finished his bottle while memories of the kiss flitted through his mind . he could have sworn she had enjoyed it . she 'd wrapped her arms around his neck . she 'd moaned and melted against him . it had taken just a few minutes for his eyes to turn red and his groin to grow stiff . he pushed those thoughts from his mind and sat at the desk to e-mail a report to angus . freemont had the night off , so dougal did the rounds himself . a few hours later , back in the office , he saw his chance . leah and abby were headed to the cafeteria for supper . it was the perfect time to do another round . he zipped through the grounds , then slowed down as he approached the basketball court . at this time of night , she and abby had the cafeteria to themselves . he let himself in through the patio door . her eyes widened before she refocused on her piece of apple pie . `` oh hey , dougal . '' abby smiled at him . `` no ' much . '' he approached their table . abby spooned some ice cream into her mouth . `` i guess your increased mind control wore off . we did n't hear any crowing tonight . '' he watched as leah pushed an apple slice around her plate . `` i appear to have no effect at all on any mortal . '' she glanced up , and he heard her heartbeat pounding louder . a blush stained her cheeks , and she stabbed the apple slice with her plastic fork . abby finished her ice cream , licking the spoon . `` we 're very close to having a serum to test on the guy in the silver room . can you come with us tomorrow night when we try it out ? '' he glanced at leah .
[["sweetly", 11], ["possessive", 22], ["feel", 27], ["mouth", 40], ["mouthed", 40], ["move", 47], ["moving", 47], ["lit", 67], ["light", 67], ["touch", 73], ["touching", 73], ["lip", 85], ["lipped", 85], ["lips", 85], ["caress", 95], ["cheek", 106], ["cheeks", 106], ["brow", 115], ["yearning", 139], ["return", 152], ["returnest", 152], ["longing", 166], ["heart", 179], ["empty", 195], ["ache", 200], ["ached", 200], ["thigh", 219], ["thighs", 219], ["wonder", 242], ["wonderest", 242], ["mistook", 267], ["mistake", 267], ["mistaken", 267], ["maybe", 275], ["talk", 291], ["heather", 310], ["happily", 335], ["married", 343], ["vampire", 355], ["vampires", 355], ["groanings", 366], ["rub", 379], ["rubbed", 379], ["hand", 389], ["hands", 389], ["face", 403], ["enough", 412], ["washy", 432], ["confusion", 442], ["sane", 461], ["woman", 467], ["womans", 467], ["even", 472], ["evens", 472], ["contemplate", 484], ["contemplating", 484], ["marriage", 493], ["vampire", 508], ["let", 528], ["lets", 528], ["word", 540], ["words", 540], ["continue", 549], ["haunt", 558], ["haunted", 558], ["hauntest", 558], ["haunting", 558], ["wait", 595], ["waitest", 595], ["waiting", 595], ["know", 625], ["knowest", 625], ["known", 625], ["four", 638], ["night", 645], ["nights", 645], ["love", 688], ["mean", 712], ["meanest", 712], ["man", 739], ["mans", 739], ["manned", 739], ["interfere", 755], ["interfering", 755], ["job", 768], ["jobbing", 768], ["last", 775], ["night", 781], ["kiss", 798], ["kisses", 798], ["kissest", 798], ["try", 813], ["tryed", 813], ["tried", 813], ["go", 819], ["goest", 819], ["back", 824], ["lab", 835], ["labs", 835], ["work", 843], ["wrought", 843], ["disaster", 872], ["keep", 892], ["keepest", 892], ["kept", 892], ["creep", 901], ["creeps", 901], ["creeped", 901], ["creeping", 901], ["thought", 919], ["thoughts", 919], ["refuse", 930], ["refusing", 930], ["concentrate", 953], ["concentrated", 953], ["concentrates", 953], ["replay", 971], ["replays", 971], ["mind", 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["distance", 1561], ["distancing", 1561], ["left", 1621], ["leave", 1621], ["never", 1633], ["see", 1637], ["far", 1668], ["logical", 1680], ["fall", 1688], ["falls", 1688], ["chapter", 1721], ["thirteen", 1730], ["read", 1747], ["reads", 1747], ["fairly", 1776], ["certain", 1784], ["stand", 1801], ["stood", 1801], ["standest", 1801], ["security", 1817], ["office", 1824], ["next", 1833], ["evening", 1841], ["drank", 1852], ["drink", 1852], ["drinking", 1852], ["bottle", 1863], ["bottled", 1863], ["breakfast", 1876], ["blood", 1882], ["bloods", 1882], ["blooded", 1882], ["watch", 1899], ["watched", 1899], ["monitor", 1912], ["monitored", 1912], ["monitors", 1912], ["captive", 1926], ["soldier", 1934], ["soldiered", 1934], ["still", 1944], ["stasis", 1954], ["silver", 1968], ["silvered", 1968], ["room", 1973], ["roomed", 1973], ["leah", 1980], ["concentrate", 2021], ["concentrated", 2021], ["concentrates", 2021], ["concentrating", 2021], ["hard", 2026], ["glance", 2064], ["camera", 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["wraps", 3153], ["wrapping", 3153], ["wrapped", 3153], ["arm", 3162], ["arms", 3162], ["around", 3169], ["neck", 3178], ["necked", 3178], ["moan", 3194], ["moans", 3194], ["moanest", 3194], ["moaned", 3194], ["melt", 3205], ["meltest", 3205], ["melted", 3205], ["take", 3232], ["taken", 3232], ["minute", 3251], ["minutes", 3251], ["turn", 3272], ["groin", 3290], ["grow", 3298], ["growest", 3298], ["stiff", 3304], ["push", 3316], ["pushed", 3316], ["sat", 3353], ["sit", 3353], ["desk", 3365], ["e", 3370], ["ing", 3370], ["eest", 3370], ["mail", 3375], ["report", 3384], ["angus", 3393], ["round", 3449], ["rounds", 3449], ["hour", 3471], ["hours", 3471], ["later", 3477], ["see", 3507], ["saw", 3507], ["head", 3546], ["headed", 3546], ["cafeteria", 3563], ["supper", 3574], ["perfect", 3595], ["perfectest", 3595], ["another", 3614], ["round", 3620], ["zip", 3632], ["zips", 3632], ["zipped", 3632], ["ground", 3652], ["grounds", 3652], ["slow", 3666], ["slowed", 3666], ["approach", 3688], ["approaches", 3688], ["approached", 3688], ["basketball", 3703], ["court", 3709], ["courting", 3709], ["courtest", 3709], ["patio", 3818], ["door", 3823], ["widen", 3842], ["widened", 3842], ["refocus", 3863], ["piece", 3876], ["pieced", 3876], ["apple", 3885], ["pie", 3889], ["oh", 3897], ["hey", 3901], ["smile", 3927], ["smiled", 3927], ["much", 3949], ["table", 3980], ["tabled", 3980], ["tabling", 3980], ["spoon", 3995], ["spooned", 3995], ["ice", 4004], ["iced", 4004], ["cream", 4010], ["creamest", 4010], ["guess", 4038], ["control", 4066], ["wear", 4071], ["wore", 4071], ["hear", 4093], ["hears", 4093], ["tonight", 4113], ["slice", 4159], ["plate", 4176], ["plating", 4176], ["appear", 4190], ["effect", 4208], ["mortal", 4229], ["glance", 4246], ["glanced", 4246], ["hear", 4264], ["hears", 4264], ["heard", 4264], ["heartbeat", 4278], ["heartbeats", 4278], ["pound", 4287], ["pounding", 4287], ["louder", 4294], ["blush", 4304], ["blushes", 4304], ["stain", 4312], ["stainest", 4312], ["stained", 4312], ["stab", 4341], ["stabs", 4341], ["stabbed", 4341], ["plastic", 4374], ["fork", 4379], ["lick", 4419], ["licking", 4419], ["spoon", 4429], ["close", 4452], ["serum", 4470], ["test", 4478], ["guy", 4489], ["come", 4523], ["tomorrow", 4540], ["tomorrows", 4540], ["try", 4558], ["tryed", 4558]]
ye 're making excellent progress . '' she shrugged , refusing to look at him . `` i 'm concentrating on my work from now on . '' `` i 'm sure that is the wise thing to do . '' he breathed deeply , letting her scent of rushing blood and jasmine fill his head . abby stood and motioned toward the hallway . he followed abby out the door . `` i had to send a report to angus about your prosthesis , '' abby whispered . `` i told him your mind control was being affected temporarily by your emotional state . '' she slanted a glance toward leah . `` but i did n't elaborate on it . '' so she suspected leah was the cause of his distress . `` did ye tell anyone ? '' `` i mentioned it to gregori , and he agreed . '' `` he said you wanted to pursue leah . dougal crossed his arms . `` ye doona approve ? '' `` she 's brilliant , but at the same time , young and naandiuml ; ve . she seems completely oblivious to laszlo 's puppy dog looks . but you - i think she 's very aware of you . '' a surge of hope flared in his chest . `` ye think i have a chance ? '' `` i really like her , dougal . abby gave him a dubious look . `` you guys always say that . as abby walked back to the table , he glanced again at leah . their eyes met , and a pained look crossed her face before she turned away . he was already hurting her . with an inward groan , he walked away . the following night , dougal glared at the monitors . how long would she continue to ignore him ? he 'd fallen into his death-sleep , clutching the same damned note , but leah had not come to see him . now she and abby were busy in the lab , preparing the serum for the captured soldier . he paced about the office . then he zoomed around the grounds and the building . finally , abby called and asked him to meet her in the silver room . he dashed down the stairs and punched in the code to unlock the silver room . the elevator door opened , and abby , laszlo , leah , and gregori filed out . laszlo was carrying a tray . dougal inclined his head at leah , but she refused to look at him . gregori punched him on the shoulder . `` i did n't want to miss out on the excitement . '' he shot a proud look at abby . `` my wife is quite the cook . '' `` i ca n't guarantee the serum will work . and if it does , it will be only the first step in a long process . '' `` i believe we 're off to a good start . '' laszlo carried the tray into the room and set it on a table next to the stretcher . dougal strode to the other side of the stretcher so he could see the captive soldier up close . he was a young man , lean and muscular , with a shaved head . laszlo moved to the foot of the stretcher , while leah and abby stood across from dougal . gregori circled the stretcher , testing the restraints . `` you sure you want to wake him up ? '' `` i wouldna recommend that . '' abby filled a syringe . `` the serum wo n't work as well if he 's in stasis . his bodily functions are so suppressed it would take forever to get any reaction . besides , if he 's awake , he should be able to give us some feedback - `` `` ye expect him to cooperate ? '' `` i hope so , once we explain what we 're doing , '' abby replied . laszlo twisted a button on his lab coat while he gave leah an admiring look . `` we 're very fortunate to have leah with us . she can speak mandarin . '' `` i 'll tell him that we 're helping him get back to normal . '' gregori winced . `` what if he does n't want to be normal ? i thought these guys made a deal with darafer . he gives them superpowers , and in return , they belong to him . '' leah looked confused . `` i thought the soldier belonged to master han . '' abby turned to gregori . `` i think he will want to return to normal . once we explain to him that darafer owns his soul - `` `` what ? '' leah looked shocked . dougal gave abby and gregori an annoyed look . `` ye dinna tell her about darafer ? '' `` i did , '' abby insisted . `` i said he was the one mutating the soldiers so they could fight for master han . '' `` then why does he own their soul ? '' `` how can anyone own someone 's soul ? '' `` apparently , they dinna tell you he 's a demon .
[["ye", 2], ["yed", 2], ["excellent", 23], ["progress", 32], ["shrug", 50], ["shrugging", 50], ["shrugged", 50], ["refuse", 61], ["refusing", 61], ["look", 69], ["concentrate", 100], ["concentrated", 100], ["concentrates", 100], ["concentrating", 100], ["work", 111], ["wrought", 111], ["sure", 141], ["wise", 158], ["thing", 164], ["breathe", 187], ["breathes", 187], ["breathed", 187], ["deeply", 194], ["let", 204], ["lets", 204], ["letting", 204], ["scent", 214], ["scentest", 214], ["rush", 225], ["rushing", 225], ["blood", 231], ["bloods", 231], ["blooded", 231], ["jasmine", 243], ["jasmines", 243], ["fill", 248], ["fills", 248], ["head", 257], ["stand", 270], ["stood", 270], ["standest", 270], ["motion", 283], ["toward", 290], ["hallway", 302], ["hallways", 302], ["follow", 316], ["followed", 316], ["door", 334], ["send", 353], ["report", 362], ["angus", 371], ["prosthesis", 393], ["whisper", 413], ["whispered", 413], ["tell", 425], ["told", 425], ["mind", 439], ["minding", 439], ["control", 447], ["affect", 466], ["affected", 466], ["temporarily", 478], ["emotional", 496], ["state", 502], ["slant", 519], ["slanted", 519], ["glance", 528], ["leah", 540], ["elaborate", 569], ["suspect", 597], ["suspected", 597], ["cause", 616], ["distress", 632], ["distressed", 632], ["distressest", 632], ["tell", 649], ["anyone", 656], ["mention", 676], ["mentioned", 676], ["agree", 706], ["agreed", 706], ["say", 722], ["sayest", 722], ["said", 722], ["pursue", 743], ["cross", 765], ["crossing", 765], ["crossed", 765], ["arm", 774], ["arms", 774], ["doona", 788], ["doonas", 788], ["approve", 796], ["brilliant", 821], ["time", 844], ["young", 852], ["youngest", 852], ["seem", 883], ["seeming", 883], ["seems", 883], ["completely", 894], ["oblivious", 904], ["puppy", 923], ["dog", 927], ["look", 933], ["looks", 933], ["think", 953], ["thinkest", 953], ["aware", 971], ["surge", 991], ["hope", 999], ["flare", 1006], ["flared", 1006], ["chest", 1019], ["chance", 1049], ["chanced", 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["restraints", 2751], ["wake", 2782], ["wakes", 2782], ["woken", 2782], ["wouldna", 2807], ["recommend", 2817], ["recommendest", 2817], ["fill", 2839], ["fills", 2839], ["filled", 2839], ["syringe", 2849], ["syringing", 2849], ["wo", 2867], ["well", 2884], ["wells", 2884], ["stasis", 2903], ["bodily", 2916], ["function", 2926], ["functions", 2926], ["suppress", 2944], ["suppresses", 2944], ["suppressed", 2944], ["take", 2958], ["forever", 2966], ["get", 2973], ["reaction", 2986], ["besides", 2996], ["awake", 3013], ["awoke", 3013], ["able", 3033], ["abled", 3033], ["give", 3041], ["feedback", 3058], ["expect", 3076], ["cooperate", 3093], ["explain", 3129], ["reply", 3165], ["replied", 3165], ["twist", 3182], ["twisted", 3182], ["twisting", 3182], ["button", 3191], ["buttoning", 3191], ["coat", 3207], ["admire", 3238], ["admiring", 3238], ["fortunate", 3270], ["speak", 3307], ["spoken", 3307], ["mandarin", 3316], ["mandarins", 3316], ["help", 3359], ["helpest", 3359], ["helping", 3359], ["normal", 3382], ["wince", 3402], ["winced", 3402], ["think", 3457], ["thinkest", 3457], ["thought", 3457], ["deal", 3480], ["give", 3504], ["gives", 3504], ["superpower", 3521], ["superpowers", 3521], ["return", 3537], ["returnest", 3537], ["belong", 3551], ["belonged", 3551], ["belongest", 3551], ["look", 3575], ["looked", 3575], ["belong", 3620], ["belonged", 3620], ["belongest", 3620], ["master", 3630], ["han", 3634], ["hans", 3634], ["soul", 3760], ["shock", 3798], ["shocked", 3798], ["dinna", 3859], ["insist", 3915], ["insistest", 3915], ["insisted", 3915], ["mutate", 3951], ["mutating", 3951], ["soldier", 3964], ["soldiered", 3964], ["soldiers", 3964], ["fight", 3984], ["fightest", 3984], ["apparently", 4101], ["demon", 4137]]
and when the soldiers die , he takes their souls to hell . '' leah 's eyes widened . `` we should have explained it in more depth , but i did n't want to frighten you even more . you were already stressed out - `` leah scoffed . `` this could only frighten me if i believed it . there 's no such thing as hell . she glanced at the soldier . `` and there 's no way i 'm telling him such nonsense . '' dougal tilted his head . `` ye doona believe in hell ? '' `` people make their own hell here on earth . '' `` there 's some truth to that , '' dougal conceded , `` but there is more to life than what we see here . a few days ago , ye dinna believe in vampires or shifters . '' he saw her wince . did she regret being part of their world ? was she sorry she 'd met him ? was their kiss nothing but a bad memory for her ? `` i know our existence defies logic . we shouldna exist at all , but that doesna mean that we are evil . '' her eyes met his , her gaze searching as if she hoped to see into his soul . he tried to show her his feelings . when tears glimmered in her eyes , he thought he might have succeeded . she closed her eyes briefly and turned away . abby heaved a huge sigh . `` there was a time when i would have agreed with you that demons do n't exist . but darafer is real . i saw him blast a guy off a cliff with just a flick of his hand . '' `` he 's the one who made abby 's mom sick , '' gregori added . `` he admitted that he invented plagues . he gets his jollies out of watching people suffer . '' `` he 's scary as hell . he was behind the assassination attempt on my father . '' `` someone tried to kill your father ? '' `` you never heard about it because my father had it hushed up . he thought the killer wanted fame , so he made sure he did n't get it . '' `` darafer knew about it . he bragged that he was the one who had twisted the killer 's mind . '' `` so he 's really a ... `` demon , '' gregori said . dougal stepped toward her , and she moved back . `` i always knew evil existed . but i always saw it as something vague and shadowy , floating here and there without purpose , randomly causing people to commit terrible acts . i never thought of it inhabiting a powerful being with an agenda . '' `` the world keeps getting stranger . and more dangerous . '' `` aye , lass , '' he murmured . `` but ye doona have to face it alone . '' her eyes met his again , and he winced at the pain glimmering in their golden brown depths . `` that 's right , '' laszlo piped in . `` we 're here for you . '' `` just when i think i have it figured out , and that i 've adjusted to everything , something new gets thrown at me . '' `` try not to let it bother you , '' gregori said . `` there 's no reason you should ever have to meet darafer . '' leah shuddered , then took a deep breath . `` let 's get on with this then . '' `` brave lass , '' dougal whispered . `` not so brave . '' she moved closer to the stretcher . was she ignoring him out of fear then ? dougal tightened the restraints while abby placed sensors over the soldier 's heart and major pulse points , then connected them to a monitor . abby injected the soldier . in a few minutes , the soldier 's eyelids flickered . suddenly , his eyes popped open and his hands fisted , straining at the belts that tied him down . he growled something in chinese , glaring at them all . he twisted on the stretcher , pulling hard against the restraints . leah spoke softly to him . his eyes narrowed on her , rage causing them to glimmer . she continued to talk , then gave him an encouraging smile and pat on the shoulder . `` why should i believe you , bitch ? '' `` you stinking whore ! '' `` you damned fool . '' dougal seized him by the neck , his prosthetic hand clenching tight . `` she 's trying to save your ass . talk to her like that again , and i 'll kill you . '' leah stared at him , her eyes wide . you 're killing him . '' his hand tightened , and the soldier 's face turned a mottled red . gregori shoved at his shoulder . we need him alive ! '' he ordered the prosthesis to release , and it did . the soldier gasped for air , and the others exhaled with relief . laszlo tugged at a button . `` why did you attack him like that ? '' dougal stepped back .
[["soldier", 21], ["soldiered", 21], ["soldiers", 21], ["die", 25], ["take", 36], ["takes", 36], ["soul", 48], ["souls", 48], ["hell", 56], ["hells", 56], ["leah", 66], ["eye", 74], ["eyed", 74], ["eyes", 74], ["widen", 82], ["widened", 82], ["explain", 112], ["explained", 112], ["depth", 129], ["frighten", 162], ["frightened", 162], ["even", 171], ["evens", 171], ["already", 195], ["stress", 204], ["stressed", 204], ["believe", 273], ["believed", 273], ["thing", 301], ["glance", 323], ["glanced", 323], ["soldier", 338], ["soldiered", 338], ["way", 363], ["ways", 363], ["tell", 376], ["telling", 376], ["nonsense", 394], ["tilt", 413], ["tilting", 413], ["tilted", 413], ["head", 422], ["ye", 430], ["yed", 430], ["doona", 436], ["doonas", 436], ["believe", 444], ["people", 467], ["earth", 501], ["earths", 501], ["earthest", 501], ["truth", 529], ["concede", 558], ["conceded", 558], ["life", 589], ["lifes", 589], ["see", 606], ["day", 624], ["days", 624], ["ago", 628], ["dinna", 639], ["vampire", 659], ["vampires", 659], ["shift", 671], ["shifters", 671], ["see", 683], ["saw", 683], ["wince", 693], ["regret", 710], ["part", 721], ["parting", 721], ["world", 736], ["sorry", 752], ["meet", 763], ["meeted", 763], ["met", 763], ["kiss", 784], ["kisses", 784], ["kissest", 784], ["nothing", 792], ["bad", 802], ["memory", 809], ["memories", 809], ["know", 829], ["knowest", 829], ["existence", 843], ["defy", 850], ["logic", 856], ["shouldna", 870], ["exist", 876], ["existest", 876], ["doesna", 901], ["mean", 906], ["meanest", 906], ["evil", 923], ["evils", 923], ["evilest", 923], ["gaze", 956], ["gazes", 956], ["search", 966], ["searching", 966], ["hope", 982], ["hoped", 982], ["soul", 1003], ["try", 1014], ["tryed", 1014], ["tried", 1014], ["show", 1022], ["feeling", 1039], ["feelings", 1039], ["tear", 1052], ["teared", 1052], ["tears", 1052], ["glimmer", 1062], ["glimmered", 1062], ["think", 1087], ["thinkest", 1087], ["thought", 1087], ["may", 1096], ["mays", 1096], 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