`` but we can defend ourselves if we need to . '' brynley drew her shotgun out of its leather case attached to her saddle . the huge man tilted his head back and laughed . `` will you look at that ? the little lady 's got the big weapon . i reckon we can tell who 's the boss here . '' before he could reply , brynley butted in . `` who are you , and what 's your business here ? '' with a chuckle , the huge man removed his battered , sweat-stained hat and held it to his chest . `` pleased to meet you , ma'am . i 'm digger . spent so many years digging for gold and silver that the name stuck . `` i 'm bryn- '' she stopped herself from saying her full name . `` and this is phineas . '' phineas nodded at him . digger looked up , then shrugged . it 's been pretty quiet till you two showed up . '' he regarded them as he scratched his scraggly long beard . `` are you two running from the law ? '' `` no , '' phineas replied . `` we just like riding at night , '' brynley added . in the middle of nowhere , phineas thought with a snort . they probably did look suspicious . but digger nodded as if it were normal . `` put away your weapons . mine ai n't loaded right now . and come on to my campsite . i 've got some beans cooking . '' he turned and lumbered through the woods . phineas holstered his sidearm . `` should i keep my shotgun ready ? '' brynley whispered . `` he 's mortal and harmless , as far as i can tell . '' `` if his smell does n't kill us . '' `` if we get into any danger , i 'll just teleport you out . '' she slid her shotgun back into its case , then took the reins of the horses . `` he reminds me of the old mountain men . i thought they were all gone . '' they walked the horses into the camp . while brynley tethered them to a hitching post , phineas surveyed the area . three small cabins , no heartbeats inside . digger appeared to be here alone . he was squatting and stirring the contents of a black cast-iron pot that sat on a rock near the fire . his shotgun was resting against a tree . `` so you 're camping here alone ? '' phineas asked as he approached . digger straightened with a grunt . `` i got my boy , jake , with me . you want some beans ? '' although this camp had cabins , phineas could n't imagine corky staying anywhere near this smelly mortal . or trying to feed off him . beneath digger 's battered hat , hanks of greasy gray hair fell to his shoulders . his tattered jeans were held up with suspenders , and his undershirt had once been white , but was now stained and gray with age . digger nodded at brynley as she approached . `` would you care for some beans , ma'am ? '' when digger slumped with disappointment , she added , `` but they sure do smell good . '' he brightened with a smile that showed a few crooked teeth and a few more gaps where teeth were missing . `` it 's my own special recipe . you got ta add some bacon fat and squirrel meat . '' `` i 'll try that sometime . `` have you noticed anything odd around here ? '' other than you ? phineas added in his thoughts . digger 's eyes lit up and he slapped his thigh , which caused a cloud of dust to puff around him . `` dagnabbit , i knew it ! i knew that was why you 're gallivantin ' around at night . you 're hunting them , ai n't you ? '' they 're new to these parts , but i 'm on to them . '' digger scratched at his shirt . `` i 'm hunting them , too . '' `` you know the carson ranch south of here ? '' `` two cows mutilated last week . that 's what they do , you know . they drain all the blood , then cut up the carcasses so no one will figure out what they 're doing . '' `` but some of us are too smart for them . we got 'em figured out . '' phineas exchanged a look with brynley . had corky become so desperately hungry that she 'd fed off cows ? `` i think they 're hiding in these here woods . '' digger turned his head and spit on the ground . `` they 're some sneaky devils , that 's for sure . you only see them at night . '' he nodded with a knowing look . `` that 's why you 're riding around in the dark . you 're hunting them , too . '' `` well , '' brynley drawled .
[["defend", 20], ["need", 41], ["needest", 41], ["draw", 62], ["drawn", 62], ["draws", 62], ["drew", 62], ["shotgun", 74], ["leather", 93], ["case", 98], ["attach", 107], ["attached", 107], ["saddle", 121], ["huge", 132], ["man", 136], ["mans", 136], ["manned", 136], ["tilt", 143], ["tilting", 143], ["tilted", 143], ["head", 152], ["back", 157], ["laugh", 169], ["laughed", 169], ["look", 188], ["little", 209], ["lady", 214], ["get", 221], ["got", 221], ["big", 229], ["bigs", 229], ["weapon", 236], ["reckon", 247], ["tell", 259], ["boss", 275], ["reply", 307], ["butt", 324], ["butts", 324], ["buttest", 324], ["butted", 324], ["business", 372], ["chuckle", 397], ["chuckled", 397], ["remove", 420], ["removed", 420], ["sweat", 441], ["stain", 449], ["stainest", 449], ["stained", 449], ["hat", 453], ["hatting", 453], ["hold", 462], ["held", 462], ["chest", 478], ["pleased", 491], ["meet", 499], ["meeted", 499], ["madam", 511], ["madams", 511], ["digger", 525], ["spend", 533], ["spends", 533], ["spendest", 533], ["spent", 533], ["many", 541], ["year", 547], ["years", 547], ["dig", 555], ["dug", 555], ["digs", 555], ["digest", 555], ["digging", 555], ["gold", 564], ["golds", 564], ["silver", 575], ["silvered", 575], ["name", 589], ["stick", 595], ["stickest", 595], ["stuck", 595], ["stop", 626], ["stopped", 626], ["say", 646], ["sayest", 646], ["saying", 646], ["full", 655], ["phineas", 685], ["nod", 705], ["nodded", 705], ["look", 728], ["looked", 728], ["shrug", 747], ["shrugging", 747], ["shrugged", 747], ["pretty", 767], ["prettiest", 767], ["quiet", 773], ["till", 778], ["two", 786], ["twos", 786], ["show", 793], ["showed", 793], ["regard", 813], ["regarded", 813], ["scratch", 834], ["scratched", 834], ["scratching", 834], ["scraggly", 847], ["long", 852], ["longs", 852], ["beard", 858], ["beards", 858], ["bearded", 858], ["run", 883], ["running", 883], ["law", 896], ["reply", 928], ["replied", 928], ["like", 946], ["ride", 953], ["rode", 953], ["riding", 953], ["night", 962], ["add", 981], ["added", 981], ["middle", 997], ["middles", 997], ["middling", 997], ["nowhere", 1008], ["think", 1026], ["thinkest", 1026], ["thought", 1026], ["snort", 1039], ["snortest", 1039], ["probably", 1055], ["suspicious", 1075], ["normal", 1116], ["put", 1125], ["away", 1130], ["weapon", 1143], ["weapons", 1143], ["ai", 1153], ["right", 1170], ["rightest", 1170], ["come", 1185], ["campsite", 1203], ["campsites", 1203], ["bean", 1226], ["beaning", 1226], ["beans", 1226], ["cook", 1234], ["turn", 1249], ["turned", 1249], ["lumber", 1262], ["lumbering", 1262], ["lumbered", 1262], ["wood", 1280], ["woods", 1280], ["sidearm", 1312], ["keep", 1331], ["keepest", 1331], ["ready", 1348], ["whisper", 1371], ["whispered", 1371], ["mortal", 1389], ["harmless", 1402], ["far", 1411], ["smelt", 1446], ["smell", 1446], ["smellest", 1446], ["kill", 1460], ["get", 1481], ["danger", 1497], ["teleport", 1519], ["teleporting", 1519], ["slid", 1541], ["take", 1584], ["took", 1584], ["rein", 1594], ["reins", 1594], ["horse", 1608], ["horsed", 1608], ["horses", 1608], ["remind", 1624], ["reminds", 1624], ["old", 1638], ["mountain", 1647], ["man", 1651], ["mans", 1651], ["manned", 1651], ["men", 1651], ["go", 1682], ["goest", 1682], ["gone", 1682], ["walk", 1699], ["walked", 1699], ["camp", 1724], ["camped", 1724], ["tether", 1749], ["tethering", 1749], ["tethered", 1749], ["hitch", 1768], ["hitched", 1768], ["hitches", 1768], ["hitching", 1768], ["post", 1773], ["survey", 1792], ["surveyest", 1792], ["surveyed", 1792], ["area", 1801], ["three", 1809], ["small", 1815], ["cabin", 1822], ["cabins", 1822], ["inside", 1845], ["appear", 1863], ["appeared", 1863], ["alone", 1880], ["squat", 1899], ["squats", 1899], ["stir", 1912], ["stirs", 1912], ["stirring", 1912], ["content", 1925], ["contenting", 1925], ["contents", 1925], ["black", 1936], ["cast", 1941], ["casts", 1941], ["iron", 1946], ["pot", 1950], ["sat", 1959], ["sit", 1959], ["rock", 1969], ["near", 1974], ["fire", 1983], ["rest", 2009], ["resting", 2009], ["tree", 2024], ["treed", 2024], ["treeing", 2024], ["camp", 2048], ["camped", 2048], ["ask", 2078], ["asked", 2078], ["approach", 2095], ["approaches", 2095], ["approached", 2095], ["straighten", 2117], ["straightened", 2117], ["grunt", 2130], ["boy", 2148], ["jake", 2155], ["jakes", 2155], ["jaked", 2155], ["although", 2201], ["imagine", 2250], ["corky", 2256], ["stay", 2264], ["staying", 2264], ["anywhere", 2273], ["smelly", 2290], ["try", 2309], ["tryed", 2309], ["trying", 2309], ["fed", 2317], ["feed", 2317], ["beneath", 2335], ["batter", 2354], ["battered", 2354], ["hank", 2366], ["hanks", 2366], ["greasy", 2376], ["gray", 2381], ["grays", 2381], ["hair", 2386], ["fall", 2391], ["falls", 2391], ["fell", 2391], ["shoulder", 2408], ["shouldered", 2408], ["shoulders", 2408], ["jean", 2429], ["jeans", 2429], ["suspender", 2458], ["suspenders", 2458], ["undershirt", 2479], ["white", 2499], ["age", 2539], ["aged", 2539], ["care", 2604], ["slump", 2652], ["slumps", 2652], ["slumped", 2652], ["disappointment", 2672], ["sure", 2703], ["good", 2717], ["brighten", 2736], ["brightens", 2736], ["brightened", 2736], ["smile", 2749], ["tooth", 2781], ["teeth", 2781], ["gap", 2801], ["gaps", 2801], ["gapping", 2801], ["miss", 2826], ["missing", 2826], ["special", 2852], ["recipe", 2859], ["ta", 2872], ["add", 2876], ["bacon", 2887], ["fat", 2891], ["fattest", 2891], ["squirrel", 2904], ["meat", 2909], ["try", 2927], ["tryed", 2927], ["sometime", 2941], ["notice", 2963], ["noticed", 2963], ["anything", 2972], ["odd", 2976], ["around", 2983], ["thought", 3040], ["thoughts", 3040], ["eye", 3057], ["eyed", 3057], ["eyes", 3057], ["lit", 3061], ["light", 3061], ["slap", 3079], ["slaps", 3079], ["slapped", 3079], ["thigh", 3089], ["thighs", 3089], ["cause", 3104], ["caused", 3104], ["cloud", 3112], ["clouded", 3112], ["dust", 3120], ["dusting", 3120], ["puff", 3128], ["puffs", 3128], ["puffed", 3128], ["dagnabbit", 3154], ["know", 3163], ["knowest", 3163], ["knew", 3163], ["hunt", 3244], ["hunting", 3244], ["huntest", 3244], ["new", 3280], ["part", 3295], ["parting", 3295], ["parts", 3295], ["shirt", 3352], ["know", 3398], ["knowest", 3398], ["carson", 3409], ["ranch", 3415], ["south", 3421], ["cow", 3446], ["cows", 3446], ["mutilate", 3456], ["mutilated", 3456], ["mutilating", 3456], ["last", 3461], ["week", 3466], ["drain", 3513], ["blood", 3527], ["bloods", 3527], ["blooded", 3527], ["cut", 3538], ["carcass", 3555], ["carcasses", 3555], ["figure", 3577], ["smart", 3638], ["figure", 3668], ["figured", 3668], ["exchange", 3695], ["exchanged", 3695], ["become", 3734], ["desperately", 3749], ["hungry", 3756], ["fed", 3772], ["feed", 3772], ["think", 3794], ["thinkest", 3794], ["hide", 3810], ["hides", 3810], ["spit", 3867], ["spitting", 3867], ["ground", 3881], ["sneaky", 3907], ["devil", 3914], ["devils", 3914], ["see", 3948], ["dark", 4048], ["well", 4090], ["wells", 4090], ["drawl", 4111], ["drawls", 4111], ["drawled", 4111], ["drawlest", 4111]]
`` i reckon you got us all figured out . '' he chuckled and slapped his leg . you ca n't put one past old digger . '' his eyes gleamed as he looked brynley over . `` you 're a pretty little thing . are you taken ? '' `` it 's been a while since i had me a woman- '' `` she 's taken , '' phineas interrupted , and moved quickly to brynley 's side . he wrapped an arm around her shoulders and pulled her close . she stiffened , then gave him a hesitant smile . `` yes , we 're ... newlyweds . '' frowning , digger motioned to her hand . `` you ai n't wearing no ring . '' her eyes widened , then she blurted out , `` it 's a secret . we ... we have n't told anyone yet . '' `` her father does n't approve of me , '' phineas added . digger gave him a sad look . `` now ai n't that a shame ? is it because you 're black ? '' brynley flinched . `` yes , '' phineas answered at the same time . `` phin , '' she whispered and touched his cheek . `` you know it 's true , '' he whispered back . `` your father will never accept me . '' if his race did n't upset the old werewolf , the fact that he was a vampire certainly would . the pained look in brynley 's eyes made his heart swell with tenderness . he slipped his hand around the back of her neck to pull her closer and kissed her brow . `` yep , you two are newlyweds , all right . '' digger chuckled . `` i ai n't never seen two people so in love . '' brynley 's gaze lifted to his with an alarmed look , and he swallowed hard . if he could n't fool digger , why was he trying to fool himself ? digger bellowed . with a start , phineas turned toward him , making sure he kept a safe grip on brynley . `` it just makes me so damned mad ! a nice couple like you , having to keep your marriage a secret . i mean , can you help who you fall in love with ? '' phineas glanced at brynley . time seemed to halt for a second as their gazes locked and sizzled . would she think he 'd just confessed to loving her ? or would she think this was all an act ? `` of course you ca n't help it , '' digger growled . `` why , my own jake fell in love with a squirrel . '' brynley blinked , and they screeched back to reality . he 's in love with a damned squirrel . '' digger leaned toward them and lowered his voice . `` do n't tell him about the squirrel meat in the beans . it 'll upset him . '' `` we wo n't say a word , '' brynley assured him . digger grunted , then turned toward some bushes that were trembling . `` i know you 're back there , jake . stop spying on us and come on out . '' there were two crazy guys ? phineas held on to brynley in case he needed to teleport her away . the bushes parted and a dog padded into the clearing . he was big , yellow , and dirty , but his most striking feature was the hat strapped to his head . it looked like an old leather football helmet , crowned with a layer of aluminum foil that gleamed in the light of the campfire . `` oh , the poor thing , '' brynley murmured . `` he 's had a head injury ? '' digger regarded the dog fondly . `` my jake is sharp as a tack . he 's what you call a receiver . '' `` for a football team ? '' digger broke into laughter , slapped his thigh hard , then coughed when the cloud of dust reached his face . `` that 's the craziest thing i 've ever heard ! dogs do n't play football ! '' phineas exchanged a look with brynley as digger started to laugh once again . `` he 's got to wear that hat to keep them from talking to him , '' digger explained . `` first , they tried talking to me , but i was too wily for them . '' `` them aliens , boy ! the ones mutilating all the cattle around here . they 've been using my jake as a receiver . '' `` what do they say to him ? '' you think i can talk to a dog ? '' digger snickered . `` i ai n't crazy , you know . '' `` right , '' phineas murmured . `` so i 've been hunting those little devils , so they 'll leave my jake alone . '' `` that 's very thoughtful of you , '' brynley said . `` we should be going now . ''
[["reckon", 11], ["get", 19], ["got", 19], ["figure", 34], ["figured", 34], ["chuckle", 55], ["chuckled", 55], ["slap", 67], ["slaps", 67], ["slapped", 67], ["leg", 75], ["ca", 84], ["cas", 84], ["put", 92], ["past", 101], ["old", 105], ["digger", 112], ["eye", 126], ["eyed", 126], ["eyes", 126], ["gleam", 134], ["gleams", 134], ["gleamed", 134], ["gleamest", 134], ["look", 147], ["looked", 147], ["pretty", 182], ["prettiest", 182], ["little", 189], ["thing", 195], ["take", 211], ["taken", 211], ["since", 244], ["phineas", 294], ["interrupt", 306], ["interruptest", 306], ["interrupted", 306], ["move", 318], ["moved", 318], ["quickly", 326], ["side", 345], ["sidest", 345], ["wrap", 358], ["wraps", 358], ["wrapping", 358], ["wrapped", 358], ["arm", 365], ["around", 372], ["shoulder", 386], ["shouldered", 386], ["shoulders", 386], ["pull", 397], ["pulled", 397], ["close", 407], ["stiffen", 423], ["stiffens", 423], ["stiffened", 423], ["give", 435], ["gave", 435], ["hesitant", 450], ["smile", 456], ["yes", 465], ["newlywed", 488], ["newlyweds", 488], ["frown", 502], ["frowns", 502], ["hand", 532], ["ai", 544], ["wear", 556], ["wearing", 556], ["rang", 564], ["rung", 564], ["ring", 564], ["widen", 586], ["widened", 586], ["blurt", 605], ["blurted", 605], ["secret", 629], ["tell", 655], ["told", 655], ["anyone", 662], ["yet", 666], ["father", 685], ["fathered", 685], ["fathering", 685], ["approve", 702], ["add", 727], ["added", 727], ["sad", 751], ["look", 756], ["shame", 785], ["shamed", 785], ["black", 815], ["flinch", 837], ["flinched", 837], ["answer", 868], ["answeres", 868], ["answerest", 868], ["answered", 868], ["time", 885], ["whisper", 914], ["whispered", 914], ["touch", 926], ["touching", 926], ["touched", 926], ["cheek", 936], ["cheeks", 936], ["know", 950], ["knowest", 950], ["true", 961], ["back", 984], ["never", 1012], ["accept", 1019], ["race", 1039], ["racing", 1039], ["upset", 1053], ["werewolf", 1070], ["fact", 1081], ["vampire", 1103], ["certainly", 1113], ["heart", 1171], ["swell", 1177], ["swells", 1177], ["swollen", 1177], ["swellest", 1177], ["tenderness", 1193], ["slip", 1206], ["slipped", 1206], ["neck", 1243], ["necked", 1243], ["pull", 1251], ["close", 1262], ["closer", 1262], ["kiss", 1273], ["kisses", 1273], ["kissest", 1273], ["kissed", 1273], ["brow", 1282], ["yep", 1291], ["two", 1301], ["twos", 1301], ["right", 1327], ["rightest", 1327], ["see", 1373], ["seen", 1373], ["people", 1384], ["love", 1395], ["gaze", 1416], ["gazes", 1416], ["lift", 1423], ["lifted", 1423], ["swallow", 1470], ["swallows", 1470], ["swallowed", 1470], ["hard", 1475], ["fool", 1498], ["fooling", 1498], ["foolest", 1498], ["try", 1525], ["tryed", 1525], ["trying", 1525], ["bellow", 1559], ["bellowing", 1559], ["bellowed", 1559], ["start", 1574], ["turn", 1591], ["turned", 1591], ["toward", 1598], ["sure", 1616], ["keep", 1624], ["keepest", 1624], ["kept", 1624], ["safe", 1631], ["safes", 1631], ["safed", 1631], ["grip", 1636], ["damn", 1679], ["damned", 1679], ["mad", 1683], ["mads", 1683], ["nice", 1692], ["couple", 1699], ["like", 1704], ["keep", 1725], ["keepest", 1725], ["marriage", 1739], ["mean", 1757], ["meanest", 1757], ["help", 1772], ["helpest", 1772], ["fall", 1785], ["falls", 1785], ["glance", 1819], ["glanced", 1819], ["seem", 1844], ["seeming", 1844], ["seemed", 1844], ["halt", 1852], ["halts", 1852], ["haltest", 1852], ["second", 1865], ["seconded", 1865], ["gaze", 1880], ["gazes", 1880], ["lock", 1887], ["locked", 1887], ["sizzle", 1899], ["sizzles", 1899], ["sizzled", 1899], ["think", 1917], ["thinkest", 1917], ["confess", 1938], ["confessest", 1938], ["confessed", 1938], ["love", 1948], ["loving", 1948], ["act", 1993], ["acted", 1993], ["course", 2008], ["growl", 2047], ["growls", 2047], ["growled", 2047], ["jake", 2070], ["jakes", 2070], ["jaked", 2070], ["fall", 2075], ["falls", 2075], ["fell", 2075], ["squirrel", 2099], ["blink", 2120], ["blinked", 2120], ["screech", 2141], ["screeched", 2141], ["reality", 2157], ["lean", 2215], ["leans", 2215], ["leaned", 2215], ["lower", 2239], ["lowers", 2239], ["lowerest", 2239], ["lowered", 2239], ["voice", 2249], ["tell", 2266], ["meat", 2294], ["bean", 2307], ["beaning", 2307], ["beans", 2307], ["wo", 2340], ["say", 2348], ["sayest", 2348], ["word", 2355], ["assure", 2376], ["assured", 2376], ["grunt", 2397], ["grunted", 2397], ["bush", 2430], ["bushed", 2430], ["bushes", 2430], ["tremble", 2450], ["trembles", 2450], ["stop", 2495], ["spy", 2502], ["spying", 2502], ["come", 2517], ["crazy", 2550], ["guy", 2555], ["guys", 2555], ["hold", 2570], ["held", 2570], ["need", 2602], ["needest", 2602], ["needed", 2602], ["teleport", 2614], ["teleporting", 2614], ["away", 2623], ["part", 2643], ["parting", 2643], ["parted", 2643], ["dog", 2653], ["pad", 2660], ["padding", 2660], ["padded", 2660], ["clearing", 2678], ["big", 2691], ["bigs", 2691], ["yellow", 2700], ["dirty", 2712], ["feature", 2744], ["hat", 2756], ["hatting", 2756], ["strap", 2765], ["straps", 2765], ["strapped", 2765], ["head", 2777], ["leather", 2809], ["football", 2818], ["helmet", 2825], ["crown", 2835], ["crowning", 2835], ["crowned", 2835], ["layer", 2848], ["layered", 2848], ["aluminum", 2860], ["foil", 2865], ["lit", 2891], ["light", 2891], ["campfire", 2907], ["oh", 2915], ["poor", 2926], ["murmur", 2954], ["murmurest", 2954], ["murmured", 2954], ["injury", 2983], ["regard", 3004], ["regarded", 3004], ["fondly", 3019], ["sharp", 3041], ["sharps", 3041], ["tack", 3051], ["tacking", 3051], ["call", 3073], ["receiver", 3084], ["team", 3112], ["teamed", 3112], ["teaming", 3112], ["broke", 3130], ["break", 3130], ["laughter", 3144], ["thigh", 3164], ["thighs", 3164], ["cough", 3184], ["coughed", 3184], ["cloud", 3199], ["clouded", 3199], ["dust", 3207], ["dusting", 3207], ["reach", 3215], ["reached", 3215], ["face", 3224], ["crazy", 3250], ["ever", 3267], ["everest", 3267], ["hear", 3273], ["hears", 3273], ["heard", 3273], ["dog", 3280], ["dogs", 3280], ["play", 3292], ["playest", 3292], ["exchange", 3324], ["exchanged", 3324], ["start", 3362], ["started", 3362], ["laugh", 3371], ["wear", 3405], ["talk", 3440], ["talking", 3440], ["explain", 3469], ["explained", 3469], ["first", 3480], ["firstest", 3480], ["try", 3493], ["tryed", 3493], ["tried", 3493], ["wily", 3528], ["alien", 3557], ["aliens", 3557], ["boy", 3563], ["mutilate", 3585], ["mutilated", 3585], ["mutilating", 3585], ["cattle", 3600], ["use", 3634], ["using", 3634], ["talk", 3714], ["snicker", 3745], ["snickered", 3745], ["hunt", 3839], ["hunting", 3839], ["huntest", 3839], ["devil", 3859], ["devils", 3859], ["left", 3879], ["leave", 3879], ["alone", 3893], ["thoughtful", 3925], ["say", 3950], ["sayest", 3950], ["said", 3950], ["go", 3974], ["goest", 3974], ["going", 3974]]
phineas retreated , taking brynley with him . `` so you can get back to your hunting . '' `` you do n't want to hunt together ? '' digger asked with a hurt expression . `` sorry , but we prefer to be alone , '' phineas explained . `` newlyweds , you know . '' you two are making more hay than hunting . well , i 'll see you around . '' brynley mounted her horse . phineas mounted , too , ignoring the painful twinges in his rump and thighs . he waved at the old man . `` be careful , '' digger called after them . `` them nasty aliens are close by . i can feel 'em . '' phineas rode down the path alongside brynley . neither said a word until they were sure digger would n't hear . she pulled her shirt up to her nose and sniffed . `` i may need to change clothes . and shower . '' `` i could teleport you to phil 's place . i 'll come back to watch the horses while you clean up . '' he was starting to hate that word . why did n't she see him as sexy and desirable ? why could n't she ache for him the way he did for her ? was it because she considered them horribly , dreadfully mismatched ? it was true what he 'd said earlier . her father would never accept him . a poor guy from the bronx . brynley could have any man she wanted . a rich rancher . an alpha wolf . she could have wealth , land , and security . why would she give all that up for him ? `` thank you for coming to the rescue , '' she said quietly . the pain in his rear was rapidly becoming unbearable . maybe he should walk the rest of the way . `` what rescue ? '' `` you rescued me from digger 's advances . '' `` you 're a sweet- '' `` do n't say it ! '' digger could tell i 'm in love with you , and you ca n't ! i need to get off this damned horse . '' she pulled the horses to a stop . when he dismounted , she gave him a sympathetic look . `` it 's normal to feel sore the first few times . '' he gritted his teeth and walked stiffly beside her . `` i 'm just annoyed that we 're not finding anything about corky . i do n't think she would hide out here . it 's too primitive . she 'd use her vampire mind control to take over a ranch or ski lodge . '' `` you may be right , '' brynley murmured . `` and i 'm wondering about those dead cows . digger said they were drained of blood . we should check that out . '' `` you think corky would feed off cows ? '' `` if she was desperate enough , yeah . '' `` but why mutilate them ? '' `` to hide what she did . when malcontents feed off humans , they slit the throats to conceal the teeth marks . '' brynley nodded slowly . i 'll have trudy help me bring the horses back to the cabin during the day , and then tomorrow night , we can go to the carson ranch and ask nate about the cows . '' `` nathan carson . '' and a mortal . a really sweet guy . '' phineas ground his teeth . sweet nate was probably rich . `` did he want you , too ? like digger ? '' `` not every man who sees me wants me . '' `` some men are fools . '' `` nate is plenty smart . his brother 's a problem though . if we 're lucky we wo n't run into kyle . '' `` what 's wrong with kyle ? '' `` he did want me . '' `` shit , '' phineas muttered . she could have her pick of a million men . why would she ever choose him ? chapter eleven `` who 's afraid of the big bad wolf ? '' brynley sang to herself as she rolled out her sleeping bag . he 'd run away again . over an hour had passed since they 'd arrived at the trailhead campsite where trudy would meet her in the morning . after helping brynley take care of the horses , phineas had teleported her to her brother 's cabin so she could shower and change . he 'd returned to the camp to babysit the horses , and then , thirty minutes later , he 'd teleported to the cabin to bring her back here . he claimed he needed to shower , too , and he needed to drop by romatech for some bottled blood and to see how his brother was faring . he also wanted to see if angus was sending anyone back to the states to help them with their search . she suspected he did n't want to continue the mission alone with her . i ai n't never seen two people so in love .
[["phineas", 7], ["retreat", 17], ["retreatest", 17], ["retreated", 17], ["take", 26], ["taking", 26], ["get", 63], ["back", 68], ["hunt", 116], ["hunting", 116], ["huntest", 116], ["together", 125], ["digger", 137], ["ask", 143], ["asked", 143], ["hurt", 155], ["hurts", 155], ["hurting", 155], ["expression", 166], ["sorry", 177], ["prefer", 193], ["prefered", 193], ["preferest", 193], ["alone", 205], ["explain", 228], ["explained", 228], ["newlywed", 243], ["newlyweds", 243], ["know", 254], ["knowest", 254], ["two", 267], ["twos", 267], ["hay", 287], ["hays", 287], ["hayed", 287], ["well", 307], ["wells", 307], ["see", 319], ["around", 330], ["mount", 351], ["mounted", 351], ["mountest", 351], ["horse", 361], ["horsed", 361], ["ignore", 396], ["ignoring", 396], ["painful", 408], ["twinge", 416], ["twinges", 416], ["rump", 428], ["thigh", 439], ["thighs", 439], ["wave", 450], ["waved", 450], ["old", 461], ["man", 465], ["mans", 465], ["manned", 465], ["careful", 481], ["call", 500], ["called", 500], ["nasty", 527], ["alien", 534], ["aliens", 534], ["close", 544], ["feel", 560], ["ride", 582], ["rode", 582], ["path", 596], ["alongside", 606], ["neither", 624], ["say", 629], ["sayest", 629], ["said", 629], ["word", 636], ["sure", 657], ["hear", 679], ["hears", 679], ["pull", 692], ["pulled", 692], ["shirt", 702], ["nose", 717], ["nosed", 717], ["nosing", 717], ["sniff", 729], ["sniffed", 729], ["may", 740], ["mays", 740], ["mayest", 740], ["need", 745], ["needest", 745], ["change", 755], ["clad", 763], ["clothe", 763], ["clothes", 763], ["shower", 776], ["showered", 776], ["showerest", 776], ["teleport", 801], ["teleporting", 801], ["phil", 813], ["place", 822], ["come", 835], ["watch", 849], ["horse", 860], ["horsed", 860], ["horses", 860], ["clean", 876], ["cleans", 876], ["start", 900], ["starting", 900], ["hate", 908], ["hateed", 908], ["sexy", 952], ["desirable", 966], ["ache", 991], ["ached", 991], ["way", 1007], ["ways", 1007], ["consider", 1054], ["considered", 1054], ["horribly", 1068], ["dreadfully", 1081], ["mismatch", 1092], ["mismatching", 1092], ["mismatched", 1092], ["true", 1106], ["early", 1130], ["father", 1143], ["fathered", 1143], ["fathering", 1143], ["never", 1155], ["accept", 1162], ["poor", 1175], ["guy", 1179], ["bronx", 1194], ["rich", 1243], ["alpha", 1262], ["alphas", 1262], ["wolf", 1267], ["wealth", 1291], ["land", 1298], ["security", 1313], ["give", 1334], ["thank", 1365], ["thanks", 1365], ["thankest", 1365], ["come", 1380], ["coming", 1380], ["rescue", 1394], ["quietly", 1416], ["pain", 1427], ["rear", 1439], ["rapidly", 1451], ["become", 1460], ["becoming", 1460], ["unbearable", 1471], ["maybe", 1479], ["walk", 1494], ["rest", 1503], ["rescue", 1551], ["rescued", 1551], ["advance", 1578], ["advancest", 1578], ["advances", 1578], ["say", 1620], ["sayest", 1620], ["tell", 1646], ["love", 1659], ["ca", 1681], ["cas", 1681], ["damn", 1717], ["damned", 1717], ["stop", 1760], ["dismount", 1781], ["dismounted", 1781], ["give", 1792], ["gave", 1792], ["sympathetic", 1810], ["look", 1815], ["normal", 1833], ["sore", 1846], ["first", 1856], ["firstest", 1856], ["time", 1866], ["times", 1866], ["grit", 1882], ["gritted", 1882], ["tooth", 1892], ["teeth", 1892], ["walk", 1903], ["walked", 1903], ["stiffly", 1911], ["beside", 1918], ["annoy", 1945], ["annoys", 1945], ["annoyed", 1945], ["find", 1969], ["finding", 1969], ["anything", 1978], ["corky", 1990], ["think", 2007], ["thinkest", 2007], ["hide", 2022], ["hides", 2022], ["primitive", 2053], ["use", 2066], ["vampire", 2078], ["mind", 2083], ["minding", 2083], ["control", 2091], ["take", 2099], ["ranch", 2112], ["ski", 2119], ["skis", 2119], ["skied", 2119], ["lodge", 2125], ["right", 2150], ["rightest", 2150], ["murmur", 2172], ["murmurest", 2172], ["murmured", 2172], ["wonder", 2196], ["wonderest", 2196], ["wondering", 2196], ["dead", 2213], ["cow", 2218], ["cows", 2218], ["drain", 2250], ["drained", 2250], ["blood", 2259], ["bloods", 2259], ["blooded", 2259], ["check", 2277], ["fed", 2321], ["feed", 2321], ["desperate", 2359], ["enough", 2366], ["yeah", 2373], ["mutilate", 2398], ["mutilated", 2398], ["mutilating", 2398], ["malcontent", 2451], ["human", 2467], ["humans", 2467], ["slit", 2479], ["throat", 2491], ["throats", 2491], ["conceal", 2502], ["concealest", 2502], ["mark", 2518], ["marks", 2518], ["nod", 2538], ["nodded", 2538], ["slowly", 2545], ["trudy", 2564], ["help", 2569], ["helpest", 2569], ["bring", 2578], ["cabin", 2607], ["day", 2622], ["tomorrow", 2642], ["tomorrows", 2642], ["night", 2648], ["go", 2660], ["goest", 2660], ["carson", 2674], ["ask", 2688], ["nate", 2693], ["nates", 2693], ["nathan", 2723], ["mortal", 2748], ["really", 2759], ["sweet", 2765], ["grind", 2789], ["probably", 2825], ["like", 2864], ["every", 2889], ["see", 2902], ["sees", 2902], ["man", 2931], ["mans", 2931], ["manned", 2931], ["men", 2931], ["fool", 2941], ["fooling", 2941], ["foolest", 2941], ["fools", 2941], ["plenty", 2964], ["smart", 2970], ["brother", 2984], ["brethren", 2984], ["problem", 2997], ["though", 3004], ["lucky", 3022], ["wo", 3028], ["run", 3036], ["kyle", 3046], ["wrong", 3068], ["shit", 3114], ["mutter", 3136], ["muttering", 3136], ["mutterest", 3136], ["muttered", 3136], ["pick", 3162], ["million", 3175], ["ever", 3200], ["everest", 3200], ["choose", 3207], ["chapter", 3221], ["eleven", 3228], ["afraid", 3245], ["big", 3256], ["bigs", 3256], ["bad", 3260], ["sung", 3283], ["sing", 3283], ["sang", 3283], ["roll", 3308], ["rolled", 3308], ["bag", 3329], ["bagged", 3329], ["bagging", 3329], ["away", 3346], ["hour", 3367], ["pass", 3378], ["passed", 3378], ["since", 3384], ["arrive", 3400], ["arrived", 3400], ["trailhead", 3417], ["campsite", 3426], ["campsites", 3426], ["meet", 3449], ["meeted", 3449], ["morning", 3468], ["help", 3484], ["helpest", 3484], ["helping", 3484], ["care", 3502], ["teleport", 3541], ["teleporting", 3541], ["teleported", 3541], ["return", 3617], ["returnest", 3617], ["returned", 3617], ["camp", 3629], ["camped", 3629], ["babysit", 3640], ["thirty", 3671], ["minute", 3679], ["minutes", 3679], ["later", 3685], ["claim", 3753], ["claimed", 3753], ["need", 3763], ["needest", 3763], ["needed", 3763], ["drop", 3803], ["fare", 3876], ["faring", 3876], ["also", 3886], ["angus", 3909], ["send", 3921], ["sending", 3921], ["anyone", 3928], ["state", 3947], ["states", 3947], ["search", 3978], ["suspect", 3994], ["suspected", 3994], ["continue", 4022], ["mission", 4034], ["ai", 4056], ["see", 4071], ["seen", 4071], ["people", 4082]]
digger 's words had haunted brynley ever since they 'd left his campsite . the old man was crazy as a loon , so maybe she should n't read too much into it . still , she wondered how strong phineas 's feelings were for her . he 'd been quick to pretend they were married when digger had shown interest in her . he 'd held on to her and kissed her brow . last night he 'd admitted he was physically attracted to her . and tonight he 'd said that he liked her . could he ever love her ? and she sure did n't know how she felt about him . yeah , she wanted to jump his bones , but that was n't love . that was n't something you based a long-term commitment on . and yet , when phineas had claimed they were married , her heart had nearly leaped out her throat . then a tingly spark of excitement . and then ... an odd sense of contentment . dammit , she wanted to be loved . she wanted to be cherished and treasured . not for being a werewolf , or for being her father 's daughter . her dad had been trying to marry her off for years , but she 'd never felt a need to rush into anything . as a werewolf , she could live another five hundred years . why saddle herself with a husband now ? but if a husband truly loved her , would n't it be wonderful ? why could n't she be as happy as vanda ? or toni or caitlyn ? any day now , caitlyn would be giving birth to twins . why could n't she make her own family that was based on love instead of power and manipulation ? she stretched out on her sleeping bag in the bare cabin . she was wearing a clean pair of sweatpants and a sweatshirt to sleep in , and she had a flashlight and her shotgun on the floor beside her . it was a quiet and peaceful place , and she was exhausted , but still she could n't sleep . could phineas fall in love with her ? you 're just scared , she told herself . you 've been burned and abused too many times before . phineas was sweet , smart , and respectful . he made her horny . he made her want to jump- she jumped when a man 's form materialized in the dark cabin . `` phineas ? '' `` you 're still awake ? '' he wandered over to her with a plastic bag in one hand and a styrofoam cup in the other . a delicious smell wafted toward her . he handed her the cup topped with a plastic lid and straw . `` a chocolate shake . '' `` oh , i love chocolate ! '' she took a long sip , then moaned . i was really getting tired of water and beef jerky . '' he pulled a styrofoam box out of the bag . `` this is a hamburger and french fries from the romatech cafeteria . '' she grabbed the box and wondered why he suddenly looked pissed . is your brother all right ? '' phineas dug a ketchup packet out of the bag and handed it to her . `` angus is sending some guys to help us out . since jason said the lady who attacked him insisted on being called his queen , it 's one of the best leads we 've had . so as soon as it gets dark over there , zoltan , jack , and lara will start teleporting our way . '' `` who 's zoltan ? '' brynley asked as she squeezed ketchup over the french fries . `` he 's coven master for eastern europe . he does n't work for angus , but he 's always helpful when it comes to fighting malcontents . '' brynley nodded and took a bite out of her hamburger . `` is there anything else i can bring you ? '' `` some pillows or blankets ? '' `` in a hurry to run off again ? '' `` i just want to make sure you 're comfortable . since you 're stuck here with the horses . '' more than good . '' she stuffed a french fry into her mouth . `` nothing like home delivery . '' if you do n't need anything else ... '' he was going to run off again , dammit . `` why do n't you stay for a while ? i 'm tired of being alone . '' she 'd felt alone for twelve years , ever since her mom died and phil ran off . `` we could talk . he gave a wary look . why do n't you tell me your life story ? '' `` that would probably put me to sleep . '' her wolfish instincts told her she could trust him , but the human part of her wanted to make sure . he eased slowly into a sitting position beside her . even though he kept his face blank , it was obvious he was sore . `` you 'll feel better after your death-sleep , right ? '' he scooted back to lean against the wall . she turned toward him , sitting cross-legged .
[["digger", 6], ["word", 15], ["words", 15], ["haunt", 27], ["haunted", 27], ["hauntest", 27], ["haunting", 27], ["ever", 40], ["everest", 40], ["since", 46], ["left", 59], ["leave", 59], ["campsite", 72], ["campsites", 72], ["old", 82], ["man", 86], ["mans", 86], ["manned", 86], ["crazy", 96], ["loon", 106], ["maybe", 117], ["read", 137], ["reads", 137], ["much", 146], ["still", 162], ["wonder", 177], ["wonderest", 177], ["wondered", 177], ["strong", 188], ["phineas", 196], ["feeling", 208], ["feelings", 208], ["quick", 240], ["pretend", 251], ["pretendest", 251], ["marry", 269], ["married", 269], ["show", 291], ["shown", 291], ["interest", 300], ["hold", 320], ["held", 320], ["kiss", 341], ["kisses", 341], ["kissest", 341], ["kissed", 341], ["brow", 350], ["last", 357], ["night", 363], ["admit", 378], ["admitted", 378], ["physically", 396], ["attract", 406], ["attractest", 406], ["attracted", 406], ["tonight", 427], ["say", 438], ["sayest", 438], ["said", 438], ["like", 452], ["liked", 452], ["love", 477], ["sure", 496], ["know", 509], ["knowest", 509], ["feel", 522], ["felt", 522], ["yeah", 539], ["jump", 560], ["jumps", 560], ["bone", 570], ["bonest", 570], ["bones", 570], ["base", 629], ["basest", 629], ["based", 629], ["long", 636], ["longs", 636], ["term", 641], ["terming", 641], ["commitment", 652], ["yet", 665], ["claim", 692], ["claimed", 692], ["heart", 722], ["nearly", 733], ["leap", 740], ["leaps", 740], ["leaping", 740], ["leaped", 740], ["throat", 755], ["tingly", 771], ["spark", 777], ["sparking", 777], ["excitement", 791], ["odd", 813], ["sense", 819], ["contentment", 834], ["dammit", 843], ["love", 868], ["loved", 868], ["cherish", 897], ["cherished", 897], ["treasure", 911], ["treasured", 911], ["werewolf", 938], ["father", 964], ["fathered", 964], ["fathering", 964], ["daughter", 976], ["dad", 986], ["try", 1002], ["tryed", 1002], ["trying", 1002], ["marry", 1011], ["married", 1011], ["year", 1029], ["years", 1029], ["never", 1048], ["need", 1060], ["needest", 1060], ["rush", 1068], ["anything", 1082], ["live", 1115], ["another", 1123], ["five", 1128], ["fived", 1128], ["hundred", 1136], ["saddle", 1155], ["husband", 1178], ["husbanding", 1178], ["truly", 1207], ["wonderful", 1245], ["happy", 1277], ["vanda", 1286], ["toni", 1296], ["caitlyn", 1307], ["day", 1317], ["give", 1347], ["giving", 1347], ["birth", 1353], ["twin", 1362], ["twins", 1362], ["family", 1402], ["instead", 1433], ["power", 1442], ["manipulation", 1459], ["stretch", 1475], ["stretched", 1475], ["sleep", 1495], ["slept", 1495], ["sleeps", 1495], ["sleepest", 1495], ["sleeping", 1495], ["bag", 1499], ["bagged", 1499], ["bagging", 1499], ["bare", 1511], ["cabin", 1517], ["wear", 1535], ["wearing", 1535], ["clean", 1543], ["cleans", 1543], ["pair", 1548], ["pairs", 1548], ["sweatpant", 1562], ["sweatpants", 1562], ["sweatshirt", 1579], ["sleep", 1588], ["slept", 1588], ["sleeps", 1588], ["sleepest", 1588], ["flashlight", 1618], ["shotgun", 1634], ["floor", 1647], ["beside", 1654], ["quiet", 1675], ["peaceful", 1688], ["place", 1694], ["exhaust", 1718], ["exhausted", 1718], ["exhausting", 1718], ["fall", 1771], ["falls", 1771], ["tell", 1821], ["told", 1821], ["burn", 1851], ["burns", 1851], ["burned", 1851], ["abuse", 1862], ["abused", 1862], ["many", 1871], ["time", 1877], ["times", 1877], ["sweet", 1904], ["smart", 1912], ["respectful", 1929], ["horny", 1949], ["jump", 1988], ["jumps", 1988], ["jumped", 1988], ["form", 2007], ["formest", 2007], ["materialize", 2020], ["materialized", 2020], ["dark", 2032], ["awake", 2079], ["awoke", 2079], ["wander", 2096], ["wandered", 2096], ["plastic", 2123], ["hand", 2139], ["styrofoam", 2155], ["cup", 2159], ["delicious", 2186], ["smelt", 2192], ["smell", 2192], ["smellest", 2192], ["waft", 2199], ["wafts", 2199], ["toward", 2206], ["hand", 2222], ["handed", 2222], ["top", 2241], ["topped", 2241], ["lid", 2260], ["straw", 2270], ["chocolate", 2287], ["shake", 2293], ["oh", 2304], ["take", 2337], ["took", 2337], ["sip", 2348], ["moan", 2362], ["moans", 2362], ["moanest", 2362], ["moaned", 2362], ["really", 2377], ["get", 2385], ["getting", 2385], ["tired", 2391], ["water", 2400], ["beef", 2409], ["beefs", 2409], ["jerky", 2415], ["pull", 2430], ["pulled", 2430], ["box", 2446], ["boxed", 2446], ["hamburger", 2486], ["french", 2497], ["fry", 2503], ["fries", 2503], ["cafeteria", 2531], ["grab", 2548], ["grabbed", 2548], ["suddenly", 2585], ["look", 2592], ["looked", 2592], ["brother", 2617], ["brethren", 2617], ["right", 2627], ["rightest", 2627], ["dig", 2644], ["dug", 2644], ["digs", 2644], ["digest", 2644], ["ketchup", 2654], ["packet", 2661], ["angus", 2708], ["send", 2719], ["sending", 2719], ["guy", 2729], ["guys", 2729], ["help", 2737], ["helpest", 2737], ["jason", 2758], ["lady", 2772], ["attack", 2785], ["attacked", 2785], ["insist", 2798], ["insistest", 2798], ["insisted", 2798], ["call", 2814], ["called", 2814], ["queen", 2824], ["queens", 2824], ["queenest", 2824], ["queening", 2824], ["good", 2848], ["best", 2848], ["lead", 2854], ["leaded", 2854], ["leads", 2854], ["soon", 2878], ["get", 2889], ["gets", 2889], ["zoltan", 2914], ["jack", 2921], ["jacks", 2921], ["jacked", 2921], ["lara", 2932], ["start", 2943], ["teleport", 2955], ["teleporting", 2955], ["way", 2963], ["ways", 2963], ["ask", 3004], ["asked", 3004], ["squeeze", 3020], ["squeezes", 3020], ["squeezed", 3020], ["coven", 3067], ["covens", 3067], ["master", 3074], ["eastern", 3086], ["europe", 3093], ["work", 3112], ["wrought", 3112], ["always", 3141], ["helpful", 3149], ["come", 3163], ["comes", 3163], ["fight", 3175], ["fightest", 3175], ["malcontent", 3187], ["nod", 3207], ["nodded", 3207], ["bite", 3223], ["else", 3272], ["bring", 3284], ["pillow", 3309], ["pillows", 3309], ["blanket", 3321], ["blankets", 3321], ["hurry", 3340], ["hurried", 3340], ["hurryed", 3340], ["hurrying", 3340], ["run", 3347], ["comfortable", 3410], ["stick", 3432], ["stickest", 3432], ["stuck", 3432], ["horse", 3453], ["horsed", 3453], ["horses", 3453], ["good", 3473], ["stuff", 3490], ["stuffed", 3490], ["fry", 3503], ["mouth", 3518], ["mouthed", 3518], ["nothing", 3531], ["like", 3536], ["home", 3541], ["homing", 3541], ["delivery", 3550], ["go", 3608], ["goest", 3608], ["going", 3608], ["stay", 3659], ["alone", 3699], ["twelve", 3733], ["twelves", 3733], ["mom", 3760], ["moms", 3760], ["die", 3765], ["died", 3765], ["phil", 3774], ["run", 3778], ["ran", 3778], ["talk", 3801], ["give", 3811], ["gave", 3811], ["wary", 3818], ["look", 3823], ["tell", 3845], ["life", 3858], ["lifes", 3858], ["story", 3864], ["probably", 3892], ["put", 3896], ["wolfish", 3925], ["instinct", 3935], ["instincts", 3935], ["trust", 3960], ["human", 3980], ["part", 3985], ["parting", 3985], ["ease", 4023], ["eased", 4023], ["slowly", 4030], ["sat", 4045], ["sit", 4045], ["sitting", 4045], ["position", 4054], ["even", 4072], ["evens", 4072], ["though", 4079], ["keep", 4087], ["keepest", 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you do n't get a warrant for your arrest doing nothing . '' `` i 've done a few things i 'm not proud of . '' she ate a few fries , and when he remained quiet , she prompted him . `` you were born in the bronx ? '' i grew up in my grandmother 's house with her , my great-aunt , and my mom . '' `` he went to jail when i was a baby . armed robbery . '' i had a great childhood . '' he smiled with a faraway look in his eyes . `` i had my gran , my aunt ruth , and my mom , all taking care of me , making sure i always felt loved and cared for . '' she ate another fry . `` three women spoiling you rotten . no wonder you became a ladies ' man . '' `` i did learn how to sweet-talk them . '' `` it did n't last . gran passed away when i was eight , and soon after that , my dad got out of prison . '' she had a bad feeling his dad was as domineering as her own father . `` he moved in with us , and about a year later , my mom had a baby . she wanted to name him lamont , but my dad wanted to name him freedom to commemorate his getting out of jail . they ended up naming him freemont . '' `` and he 's working at romatech now ? '' brynley took another bite of hamburger . he 's nineteen years old now . he 's real smart . '' she smiled at the obvious pride in phineas 's voice when he talked about his brother . `` two years after freemont , my little sister , felicia , was born . i was about eleven then , and i started to notice things . like my mom would walk with a limp sometimes , or her arms would be bruised . '' brynley winced . `` your dad was abusing her ? '' `` i could hear him yelling at her late at night , but i kept telling myself that was all he was doing . i could n't admit what was really happening . '' `` you were just a kid , '' brynley murmured . `` denial can be the safest way to go . '' she knew that all too well . `` one morning when i was twelve , my mom had a black eye , and my aunt ruth started fussing at my dad , and he threatened to shut her up for good . something snapped in me that day , and i told him if he ever hurt my mother or aunt ruth again , i 'd kill him . '' `` oh my gosh , phineas . '' she set the box of food down and moved closer to him . `` he beat the crap out of me . '' she gasped and touched his shoulder . i 'd been a little kid before that with no purpose or direction . i was a lousy student and a lazy athlete , but that day , i woke up . i realized i needed to man up . i started working hard in school , so i could get a good job to support the family . and i started going to a gym every afternoon to learn how to box . '' man up ? brynley 's heart ached for the twelve-year-old boy who 'd tried to become a man overnight so he could provide for his family and protect them . `` by the time i was fourteen , i was a pretty good boxer . i won a few local bouts . and i was as tall as my dad , so he started being more careful . '' he came home drunk one night and started in on my mom . that time , i beat the crap out of him . '' `` wow , '' brynley breathed . he 'd stood up to his dad . something she 'd never had the nerve to do with her own dad . `` then i told him to leave and never come back . '' `` turned out he had another woman on the side , so he just moved in with her . '' `` what a pig . '' his girlfriend had cheated on him and passed the aids virus to him . '' `` he 'd passed it on to my mom . '' phineas was silent for a moment with his eyes closed . when he opened his eyes , they glinted with unshed tears . `` she died of aids when i was nineteen . '' `` oh , phineas . '' brynley leaned her head against his shoulder and rested a hand against his chest . i know how it feels . '' `` i lost my mom when i was eighteen . '' `` i thought werewolves could live for centuries . '' `` not with lung cancer . '' or a broken spirit . she 'd always suspected her mother had n't fought to survive . `` do you still have your aunt ? '' `` she worked hard to support us . and i won some money in boxing matches , so we managed all right . but toward the end when mom was really sick , we ran up some bad medical bills . and then there was the cost of the funeral . ''
[["get", 14], ["warrant", 24], ["warranting", 24], ["arrest", 40], ["nothing", 54], ["thing", 86], ["things", 86], ["proud", 101], ["eat", 117], ["ate", 117], ["fry", 129], ["fries", 129], ["remain", 152], ["remained", 152], ["quiet", 158], ["prompt", 173], ["prompting", 173], ["prompted", 173], ["bear", 196], ["bore", 196], ["bearest", 196], ["born", 196], ["bronx", 209], ["grow", 221], ["growest", 221], ["grew", 221], ["grandmother", 242], ["house", 251], ["great", 271], ["aunt", 276], ["mom", 289], ["moms", 289], ["go", 305], ["goest", 305], ["went", 305], ["jail", 313], ["jails", 313], ["jailing", 313], ["jailest", 313], ["baby", 331], ["armed", 339], ["robbery", 347], ["childhood", 376], ["smile", 391], ["smiled", 391], ["faraway", 406], ["look", 411], ["eye", 423], ["eyed", 423], ["eyes", 423], ["gran", 442], ["grans", 442], ["ruth", 457], ["take", 483], ["taking", 483], ["care", 488], ["sure", 508], ["always", 517], ["feel", 522], ["felt", 522], ["love", 528], ["loved", 528], ["care", 538], ["cared", 538], ["another", 563], ["fry", 567], ["three", 578], ["woman", 584], ["womans", 584], ["women", 584], ["spoil", 593], ["spoiled", 593], ["spoiling", 593], ["rotten", 604], ["wonder", 616], ["wonderest", 616], ["become", 627], ["became", 627], ["lady", 636], ["ladies", 636], ["man", 642], ["mans", 642], ["manned", 642], ["learn", 662], ["learns", 662], ["learnt", 662], ["sweet", 675], ["talk", 680], ["last", 709], ["pass", 723], ["passed", 723], ["away", 728], ["eight", 745], ["soon", 756], ["dad", 776], ["get", 780], ["got", 780], ["prison", 794], ["bad", 813], ["feeling", 821], ["father", 866], ["fathered", 866], ["fathering", 866], ["move", 880], ["moved", 880], ["year", 910], ["later", 916], ["name", 957], ["freedom", 1008], ["commemorate", 1023], ["commemorates", 1023], ["get", 1035], ["getting", 1035], ["end", 1060], ["ends", 1060], ["endest", 1060], ["ended", 1060], ["name", 1070], ["naming", 1070], ["work", 1109], ["wrought", 1109], ["working", 1109], 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["happening", 1720], ["kid", 1748], ["murmur", 1770], ["murmurest", 1770], ["murmured", 1770], ["denial", 1782], ["safe", 1800], ["safes", 1800], ["safed", 1800], ["safest", 1800], ["way", 1804], ["ways", 1804], ["go", 1810], ["goest", 1810], ["know", 1824], ["knowest", 1824], ["knew", 1824], ["well", 1842], ["wells", 1842], ["morning", 1859], ["twelve", 1877], ["twelves", 1877], ["black", 1898], ["eye", 1902], ["eyed", 1902], ["fuss", 1937], ["fussing", 1937], ["threaten", 1967], ["threatened", 1967], ["shut", 1975], ["good", 1991], ["snap", 2011], ["snapping", 2011], ["snapped", 2011], ["day", 2026], ["tell", 2039], ["told", 2039], ["ever", 2054], ["everest", 2054], ["hurt", 2059], ["hurts", 2059], ["hurting", 2059], ["mother", 2069], ["mothered", 2069], ["motherest", 2069], ["kill", 2100], ["oh", 2115], ["gosh", 2123], ["set", 2146], ["box", 2154], ["boxed", 2154], ["food", 2162], ["foods", 2162], ["close", 2184], ["closer", 2184], ["beat", 2204], ["crap", 2213], ["crapped", 2213], ["gasp", 2239], ["gasps", 2239], ["gasped", 2239], ["touch", 2251], ["touching", 2251], ["touched", 2251], ["shoulder", 2264], ["shouldered", 2264], ["purpose", 2317], ["direction", 2330], ["lousy", 2346], ["student", 2354], ["lazy", 2365], ["athlete", 2373], ["wake", 2397], ["wakes", 2397], ["woken", 2397], ["woke", 2397], ["realize", 2413], ["realized", 2413], ["need", 2422], ["needest", 2422], ["needed", 2422], ["hard", 2457], ["school", 2467], ["schooling", 2467], ["job", 2495], ["jobbing", 2495], ["support", 2506], ["family", 2517], ["go", 2539], ["goest", 2539], ["going", 2539], ["gym", 2548], ["gyms", 2548], ["every", 2554], ["afternoon", 2564], ["heart", 2615], ["ache", 2621], ["ached", 2621], ["boy", 2649], ["try", 2662], ["tryed", 2662], ["tried", 2662], ["become", 2672], ["overnight", 2688], ["overnights", 2688], ["provide", 2708], ["protect", 2735], ["protectest", 2735], ["time", 2757], ["fourteen", 2772], ["pretty", 2789], ["prettiest", 2789], ["win", 2808], ["local", 2820], ["bout", 2826], ["bouts", 2826], ["tall", 2846], ["careful", 2891], ["come", 2904], ["came", 2904], ["home", 2909], ["homing", 2909], ["drunk", 2915], ["wow", 3003], ["breathe", 3025], ["breathes", 3025], ["breathed", 3025], ["stand", 3039], ["stood", 3039], ["standest", 3039], ["never", 3078], ["nerve", 3092], ["left", 3145], ["leave", 3145], ["come", 3160], ["back", 3165], ["turn", 3180], ["turned", 3180], ["woman", 3205], ["womans", 3205], ["side", 3217], ["sidest", 3217], ["pig", 3267], ["pigged", 3267], ["pigging", 3267], ["girlfriend", 3287], ["cheat", 3299], ["cheated", 3299], ["virus", 3332], ["silent", 3400], ["moment", 3413], ["close", 3434], ["closed", 3434], ["open", 3451], ["opened", 3451], ["glint", 3475], ["unshed", 3487], ["tear", 3493], ["teared", 3493], ["tears", 3493], ["die", 3507], ["died", 3507], ["lean", 3576], ["leans", 3576], ["leaned", 3576], ["head", 3585], ["rest", 3617], ["rested", 3617], ["hand", 3624], ["chest", 3642], ["know", 3651], ["knowest", 3651], ["feel", 3664], ["feels", 3664], ["lose", 3679], ["lost", 3679], ["eighteen", 3706], ["eighteens", 3706], ["think", 3724], ["thinkest", 3724], ["thought", 3724], ["werewolf", 3735], ["werewolves", 3735], ["live", 3746], ["century", 3760], ["centuries", 3760], ["lung", 3782], ["cancer", 3789], ["spirit", 3813], ["spirited", 3813], ["suspect", 3839], ["suspected", 3839], ["fight", 3865], ["fightest", 3865], ["fought", 3865], ["survive", 3876], ["still", 3894], ["work", 3928], ["wrought", 3928], ["worked", 3928], ["money", 3970], ["moneys", 3970], ["box", 3980], ["boxed", 3980], ["boxing", 3980], ["match", 3988], ["matching", 3988], ["matches", 3988], ["manage", 4004], ["managed", 4004], ["right", 4014], ["rightest", 4014], ["toward", 4027], ["end", 4035], ["ends", 4035], ["endest", 4035], ["sick", 4060], ["run", 4069], ["ran", 4069], ["medical", 4089], ["bill", 4095], ["bills", 4095], ["cost", 4125], ["funeral", 4140]]
`` i agreed to throw a fight for a lot of money . i thought it would solve all our problems . it did pay everything off , but ... '' `` it screwed up your career ? '' tears crowded her eyes once again . he 'd destroyed his boxing career in order to bury his mother . `` i could n't get a decent fight after that . or when i did , they expected me to throw it , and i refused . they did n't want me around anymore . '' `` i tried getting a regular job , but it was n't enough to support everyone , especially when aunt ruth had to retire . she has diabetes really bad . i felt responsible for my younger brother and sister . i was the one who 'd chased off their father . i made another stupid mistake . '' `` that 's when you sold drugs ? '' `` please do n't ever tell my family . it would kill them . it ... well , it did kill me . the malcontents attacked and transformed me so they would have a drug connection . '' he heaved a long sigh . `` so now you know what a screwed-up , miserable excuse for a mortal i was . and why i did n't want to tell you . you 'll probably hate me now . '' `` why did you tell me , then ? '' `` remember how i said i like you just the way you are ? i want you to like me the way i am . and so- '' `` you told me everything , '' she finished his sentence . he 'd lost his mother like her . he 'd tried to take care of his younger siblings like she had . all this time she 'd thought they had nothing in common , when in truth they were very much alike . their wounded souls were reaching out to each other . and she was falling for him . she did n't want to feel this strongly for him . not when there was no future for them . `` i know you hate vampires , brynley , but it 's really the best thing that ever happened to me . it gave me a second chance . i have a good job now , and i provide for my family . and i 'm doing something important , helping to keep the world safe from malcontents . '' `` you 're able to be a hero now ? '' angus and the other guys have given me some good examples to follow . i want to be ... honorable like them . '' `` phineas . '' `` how can you be so dense ? '' `` you were always honorable . '' `` i was a damned drug dealer . '' `` you were a young man , desperate to take care of his family . you threw away a promising career to get the money to bury your mother . you were brave and selfless . '' another tear fell down her cheek . `` you were always a hero . '' he regarded her with a stunned look . `` you do n't think badly of me then ? '' `` i think you 're wonderful . '' desire swelled up inside her . but she did n't want to love him . it would hurt something awful if she lost him . and she would definitely lose him if her father and his minions found out about him . then do n't love him , her inner wolf whispered . just screw him . she drew in a sharp breath , and her inner wolf latched on to phineas 's scent . animal lust flooded her , overwhelming her womanly desire . you know you want him . she was just distraught , and that always made her wolf aggressive . give in to me . trust the wolf . moisture seeped between her legs , and she stifled a groan . it would kill her if she got close to phineas , only to lose him . phineas stiffened when she suddenly straddled his lap . `` brynley ? her hands trembled as they skimmed over his shoulders . `` i have a sudden , insatiable hunger- '' `` i brought you a hamburger- '' he inhaled sharply when she popped the snaps open on his shirt . `` what- '' `` oh my gosh . '' she smoothed her hands under his shirt . your chest is pure , hard muscle . '' `` what happened to last night 's 'you 're so easy to resist ' strategy ? '' she brushed her hand over his jaw , and the prickle of his whiskers made her all fluttery inside . just like his voice did . the line you say in the commercial . i love it when you say that . '' `` i do n't know why women like that . '' `` do n't you know how sexy your voice is ? '' she skimmed her hand down his neck to his chest . `` you 're sexy all over . '' she leaned closer , pressing her hands against his chest . `` hello , ladies ? '' more moisture pooled between her legs . her inner wolf caught the scent of her arousal and clawed its way to the surface .
[["agree", 11], ["agreed", 11], ["throw", 20], ["fight", 28], ["fightest", 28], ["lot", 38], ["money", 47], ["moneys", 47], ["think", 59], ["thinkest", 59], ["thought", 59], ["solve", 74], ["problem", 91], ["problems", 91], ["pay", 104], ["pays", 104], ["payest", 104], ["everything", 115], ["screw", 146], ["screwing", 146], ["screwed", 146], ["tear", 172], ["teared", 172], ["tears", 172], ["crowd", 180], ["crowding", 180], ["crowdest", 180], ["crowded", 180], ["eye", 189], ["eyed", 189], ["eyes", 189], ["destroy", 218], ["destroys", 218], ["destroyed", 218], ["boxing", 229], ["order", 245], ["orderest", 245], ["bury", 253], ["burying", 253], ["mother", 264], ["mothered", 264], ["motherest", 264], ["get", 285], ["decent", 294], ["expect", 343], ["expected", 343], ["refuse", 374], ["refused", 374], ["around", 404], ["anymore", 412], ["try", 428], ["tryed", 428], ["tried", 428], ["get", 436], ["getting", 436], ["regular", 446], ["regulars", 446], ["job", 450], ["jobbing", 450], ["enough", 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["resist", 3648], ["resistest", 3648], ["strategy", 3659], ["brush", 3676], ["brushest", 3676], ["brushed", 3676], ["hand", 3685], ["jaw", 3698], ["jaws", 3698], ["jawed", 3698], ["jawest", 3698], ["prickle", 3716], ["prickled", 3716], ["whisker", 3732], ["whiskered", 3732], ["whiskering", 3732], ["whiskers", 3732], ["fluttery", 3754], ["voice", 3783], ["line", 3798], ["say", 3806], ["sayest", 3806], ["commercial", 3824], ["woman", 3886], ["womans", 3886], ["women", 3886], ["sexy", 3929], ["neck", 3983], ["necked", 3983], ["lean", 4039], ["leans", 4039], ["leaned", 4039], ["close", 4046], ["closer", 4046], ["press", 4057], ["pressing", 4057], ["hello", 4096], ["hellos", 4096], ["lady", 4105], ["ladies", 4105], ["pool", 4131], ["pooled", 4131], ["catch", 4172], ["catched", 4172], ["catches", 4172], ["caught", 4172], ["arousal", 4197], ["claw", 4208], ["clawed", 4208], ["surface", 4231]]
she ripped open the rest of his shirt , then attacked the huge buffalo-shaped buckle on his belt . `` but ... we have n't even kissed . '' she let go of his buckle . she lunged forward , planting her mouth on his . `` wait , '' he grumbled as she ground her mouth against his . he grabbed her shoulders and pushed her back . `` what 's gotten into you all of a sudden ? '' you said you were attracted to me . and that you liked me . i saw your eyes turn red . that means you want sex . '' `` are they red now ? '' `` no , but they will be . '' she nipped at his ear . he pushed her back again . `` look , i sorta figured we 'd take this slowly . you know , kiss a few times , and then make out before we ... and i sure the hell thought i would be the one initiating it all . '' initiate . '' `` are you ordering me to initiate ? '' `` i want sex , phineas ! i want you , and my inner wolf wants you- '' `` your what ? '' `` my inner wolf . '' is that why you 're so aggressive ? '' are you going to analyze this to death ? let 's just have sex and get it over with ! '' `` get it over with ? '' that 's why we 're bickering all the time . 'cause we 're hot for each other . so let 's get it out of our system- '' `` so we can go back to our normal lives ? '' `` are you man enough to handle it ? '' `` stop and think about this . if your father finds out about us , he 'll disown you forever- '' `` i do n't give a damn what my father thinks . he 's always treated me like shit ! '' phineas flinched . `` that 's what 's going on , is n't it ? this is your way to get back at him . screw the man he would most hate for you to screw . '' `` do n't make it so complicated ! it 's simply lust . '' `` do n't say it like it 's a dirty word . if you were n't lusting for me , your eyes would n't have turned red . i 'm just saying there 's nothing wrong with having a little bit of fun . no one would ever know- '' `` you would keep our relationship secret ? '' `` i would keep it private . '' `` you said yourself there 's no future for us . so screw the future . let 's just do what we want . '' `` have a secret affair . '' she brushed her hair over her shoulder . `` i guess you do n't understand . werewolves are by nature lusty creatures . we never deny ourselves the pleasure whenever- '' `` i 'll deny it . '' you 're not gettin ' any . '' what man turns down sex ? '' he moved her off his legs and onto the sleeping bag , then stood . `` i 'll see you tomorrow night , brynley . chapter twelve `` dammit ! dammit to hell ! '' phineas strode across the grounds at romatech where he 'd materialized just seconds earlier . he was not in the mood to see anyone , so instead of going inside , he 'd headed for the nearby woods . he punched a tree trunk . the rough bark ripped at his knuckles , but he punched again . `` let 's get it over with ? let 's keep it secret ? it 's simply lust ? '' with one last bellow of outrage , he slammed his fist into the tree . he clenched his bloodied hands , relieved to have the pain torment him . anything to keep him from feeling desire . anything to keep him from teleporting back to brynley . god , he was crazy . brynley wanted him , and he 'd refused her ? go back and make love to her . it was n't love for her . and a desperate , pathetic way to get back at her father . she 'd admitted in a fit of anger that he 'd treated her like shit . she thought dear old dad had used her like a pawn ? she was doing the same damned thing to him . he paced toward the basketball court . his hands throbbed so much he no longer felt the pain in his legs . had he made a terrible mistake ? what if rejecting her destroyed what little affection she had for him ? what if he 'd lost her for good ? `` phineas ! '' freemont ran toward him . i saw you on a monitor , beating the crap out of a tree . '' freemont caught up with him . `` what have you got against the tree ? did it look at you funny ? '' his brother 's attempt to cheer him up was n't working . `` you were here less than an hour ago , '' freemont continued . `` everything was cool . and now it 's not ? did you take the food to the wolfie-girl ? ''
[["rip", 10], ["ripped", 10], ["open", 15], ["rest", 24], ["shirt", 37], ["attack", 53], ["attacked", 53], ["huge", 62], ["buffalo", 70], ["buffaloed", 70], ["buckle", 84], ["buckled", 84], ["belt", 96], ["belts", 96], ["belted", 96], ["beltest", 96], ["belting", 96], ["even", 126], ["evens", 126], ["kiss", 133], ["kisses", 133], ["kissest", 133], ["kissed", 133], ["let", 146], ["lets", 146], ["go", 149], ["goest", 149], ["lunge", 176], ["lunges", 176], ["forward", 184], ["forwarding", 184], ["forwardest", 184], ["plant", 195], ["mouth", 205], ["mouthed", 205], ["wait", 222], ["waitest", 222], ["grumble", 239], ["grumbles", 239], ["grumbled", 239], ["grind", 253], ["grab", 288], ["grabbed", 288], ["shoulder", 302], ["shouldered", 302], ["shoulders", 302], ["push", 313], ["pushed", 313], ["back", 322], ["get", 342], ["gotten", 342], ["sudden", 367], ["say", 381], ["sayest", 381], ["said", 381], ["attract", 400], ["attractest", 400], ["attracted", 400], ["like", 427], ["liked", 427], ["see", 438], ["saw", 438], ["eye", 448], ["eyed", 448], ["eyes", 448], ["turn", 453], ["red", 457], ["mean", 470], ["meanest", 470], ["means", 470], ["sex", 483], ["nip", 554], ["nipped", 554], ["ear", 565], ["look", 602], ["sorta", 612], ["figure", 620], ["figured", 620], ["take", 631], ["slowly", 643], ["know", 654], ["knowest", 654], ["kiss", 661], ["kisses", 661], ["kissest", 661], ["time", 673], ["times", 673], ["sure", 718], ["hell", 727], ["hells", 727], ["think", 735], ["thinkest", 735], ["thought", 735], ["initiate", 765], ["initiates", 765], ["initiating", 765], ["initiate", 786], ["initiates", 786], ["order", 811], ["orderest", 811], ["ordering", 811], ["phineas", 855], ["inner", 883], ["wolf", 888], ["aggressive", 976], ["go", 995], ["goest", 995], ["going", 995], ["analyze", 1006], ["analyzes", 1006], ["death", 1020], ["get", 1051], ["bicker", 1123], ["bickering", 1123], ["time", 1136], ["hot", 1156], ["normal", 1247], ["life", 1253], ["lifes", 1253], ["lives", 1253], ["man", 1273], ["mans", 1273], ["manned", 1273], ["enough", 1280], ["handle", 1290], ["stop", 1306], ["think", 1316], ["thinkest", 1316], ["father", 1344], ["fathered", 1344], ["fathering", 1344], ["find", 1350], ["finds", 1350], ["disown", 1379], ["disowning", 1379], ["give", 1412], ["damn", 1419], ["damned", 1419], ["think", 1441], ["thinkest", 1441], ["thinks", 1441], ["always", 1456], ["treat", 1464], ["treats", 1464], ["treatest", 1464], ["treated", 1464], ["like", 1472], ["shit", 1477], ["flinch", 1499], ["flinched", 1499], ["way", 1560], ["ways", 1560], ["screw", 1587], ["screwing", 1587], ["hate", 1614], ["hateed", 1614], ["complicatedest", 1669], ["simply", 1684], ["lust", 1689], ["lusts", 1689], ["say", 1708], ["sayest", 1708], ["dirty", 1730], ["word", 1735], ["lust", 1761], ["lusts", 1761], ["lusting", 1761], ["turn", 1802], ["turned", 1802], ["say", 1825], ["sayest", 1825], ["saying", 1825], ["nothing", 1842], ["wrong", 1848], ["little", 1869], ["bit", 1873], ["bits", 1873], ["fun", 1880], ["ever", 1900], ["everest", 1900], ["keep", 1927], ["keepest", 1927], ["relationship", 1944], ["secret", 1951], ["private", 1983], ["future", 2028], ["affair", 2116], ["brush", 2133], ["brushest", 2133], ["brushed", 2133], ["hair", 2142], ["shoulder", 2160], ["shouldered", 2160], ["guess", 2173], ["understand", 2195], ["understanded", 2195], ["werewolf", 2208], ["werewolves", 2208], ["nature", 2222], ["lusty", 2228], ["creature", 2238], ["creatures", 2238], ["never", 2249], ["deny", 2254], ["pleasure", 2277], ["turn", 2357], ["turns", 2357], ["move", 2380], ["moved", 2380], ["leg", 2397], ["legs", 2397], ["onto", 2406], ["ontos", 2406], ["sleep", 2419], ["slept", 2419], ["sleeps", 2419], ["sleepest", 2419], ["sleeping", 2419], ["bag", 2423], ["bagged", 2423], ["bagging", 2423], ["stand", 2436], ["stood", 2436], ["standest", 2436], ["see", 2451], ["tomorrow", 2464], ["tomorrows", 2464], ["night", 2470], ["chapter", 2490], ["twelve", 2497], ["twelves", 2497], ["dammit", 2507], ["stride", 2544], ["stridden", 2544], ["across", 2551], ["ground", 2563], ["grounds", 2563], ["materialize", 2600], ["materialized", 2600], ["second", 2613], ["seconded", 2613], ["seconds", 2613], ["early", 2621], ["mood", 2646], ["anyone", 2660], ["instead", 2673], ["inside", 2689], ["head", 2704], ["headed", 2704], ["nearby", 2719], ["wood", 2725], ["woods", 2725], ["punch", 2738], ["punching", 2738], ["punched", 2738], ["tree", 2745], ["treed", 2745], ["treeing", 2745], ["trunk", 2751], ["rough", 2763], ["roughs", 2763], ["roughest", 2763], ["roughing", 2763], ["bark", 2768], ["barked", 2768], ["barking", 2768], ["knuckle", 2791], ["knuckles", 2791], ["knuckling", 2791], ["last", 2906], ["bellow", 2913], ["bellowing", 2913], ["outrage", 2924], ["outraged", 2924], ["outraging", 2924], ["slam", 2937], ["slammed", 2937], ["fist", 2946], ["clench", 2974], ["clenched", 2974], ["bloody", 2987], ["bloodying", 2987], ["bloodied", 2987], ["hand", 2993], ["hands", 2993], ["relieve", 3004], ["relieved", 3004], ["pain", 3021], ["torment", 3029], ["anything", 3044], ["feel", 3069], ["feeling", 3069], ["desire", 3076], ["teleport", 3116], ["teleporting", 3116], ["god", 3138], ["crazy", 3153], ["refuse", 3194], ["refused", 3194], ["love", 3222], ["desperate", 3273], ["pathetic", 3284], ["admit", 3332], ["admitted", 3332], ["fit", 3341], ["fitting", 3341], ["anger", 3350], ["dear", 3402], ["dearest", 3402], ["old", 3406], ["dad", 3410], ["use", 3419], ["used", 3419], ["pawn", 3435], ["damn", 3467], ["damned", 3467], ["thing", 3473], ["pace", 3491], ["paced", 3491], ["toward", 3498], ["basketball", 3513], ["court", 3519], ["courting", 3519], ["courtest", 3519], ["throb", 3540], ["throbs", 3540], ["throbbed", 3540], ["throbbing", 3540], ["much", 3548], ["long", 3561], ["longs", 3561], ["feel", 3566], ["felt", 3566], ["terrible", 3612], ["mistook", 3620], ["mistake", 3620], ["mistaken", 3620], ["reject", 3640], ["rejecting", 3640], ["destroy", 3654], ["destroys", 3654], ["destroyed", 3654], ["affection", 3676], ["lose", 3713], ["lost", 3713], ["good", 3726], ["run", 3757], ["ran", 3757], ["monitor", 3793], ["monitored", 3793], ["beat", 3803], ["beating", 3803], ["crap", 3812], ["crapped", 3812], ["catch", 3847], ["catched", 3847], ["catches", 3847], ["caught", 3847], ["get", 3882], ["got", 3882], ["funny", 3926], ["brother", 3943], ["brethren", 3943], ["attempt", 3954], ["cheer", 3963], ["work", 3986], ["wrought", 3986], ["working", 3986], ["less", 4010], ["hour", 4023], ["ago", 4027], ["continue", 4051], ["continued", 4051], ["everything", 4067], ["cool", 4076], ["food", 4120], ["foods", 4120], ["girl", 4139]]
`` i thought you were worried about her camping alone . you were going to hang out with her to protect her . '' `` she 'll be fine , '' phineas gritted out . she had a shotgun and an inner wolf that was scary as hell . freemont halted . `` i sense some lady trouble . '' `` you 're a real sensitive guy , are n't you ? '' the wolfie-girl snarled at you ? '' `` i 'm not talking about it . '' `` your shirt 's open . did you make a pass at her ? '' he pressed a few snaps together to close his shirt and left the plaid material stained with blood . `` your hands are bleeding , bro , '' freemont said quietly . `` you should come inside and get cleaned up . '' `` they 'll heal during my death-sleep . '' but his heart might never be the same . phineas retrieved a basketball from the large rubbermaid bin , then dashed onto the court and levitated to do a slam dunk . freemont retrieved the ball and started some fancy dribbling around his legs . phineas grabbed for the ball , but his brother neatly passed it between his legs and out of his reach . `` give me the ball , '' phineas growled . freemont dribbled down the court , heading for the other basket . `` give me the damned ball ! '' phineas zoomed past him at vampire speed and blocked him . freemont screeched to a halt . no fair pulling your vampire tricks when i do n't have any . '' he twisted when phineas made a grab for the ball . you tried some vampire tricks on her , and she rejected you ? '' `` she did n't reject me ! '' he lurched for the ball , but freemont surprised him , throwing it at him hard . it hit him in the stomach , knocking him back a few steps . why are you attacking trees ? '' `` because she wanted sex ! '' phineas threw the ball all the way down court and it plopped neatly through the hoop . freemont 's mouth fell open . `` wow , you scored . '' `` you-you turned down sex ? '' phineas trudged down the court to retrieve the ball . freemont followed him . `` you 're the love doctor . '' `` you ca n't get it up ? '' phineas shot him an incredulous look . `` do n't worry about it , bro . '' freemont smiled encouragingly . `` there are doctors for that sort of thing . we 'll get help for you . '' `` i 'm not impotent , dammit ! i 'm falling in love ! '' `` with a wolf ? '' `` werewolf . and i 'm falling for the human part of her . '' `` what about the wolf ? '' phineas yelled . freemont held up his hands . `` so i guess she does n't return your feelings ? '' phineas picked up the ball and tossed it back into the plastic bin . `` but she wanted to have sex ? '' he slammed the lid down . he glared at his bloody hands . `` she wants to keep our relationship a secret . i want to shout it to the world . she wants to jump right into it . i want to take it slow and savor every moment . she wants to get it over with , and i want it to never end . '' freemont was silent a moment , then said , `` you 've got it bad . '' `` i 've had one-night stands with women i can hardly remember . i 'm not doing that with brynley . it would be an insult to her and to the feelings i have for her . '' `` damn , you 're tough , bro . i do n't think i could have turned her down . '' `` believe me , i want to make love to her more than anything . but i want it to be love . '' `` let 's get your hands cleaned up . '' he motioned toward the side entrance . `` do n't give up , bro . she could still fall in love with you . '' even if his wish came true , and she somehow magically fell for him , there were still major obstacles in the way . she would never be happy if she were forced to live in the vampire world . and he would never be accepted in the lycan world . hell , her father would probably send his minions to kill him . the next evening , brynley paced nervously about her brother 's cabin . phineas would be waking soon . and when he teleported to the cabin , her mortification would be complete . if he teleported to the cabin . she was n't sure he 'd come . he might never want to see her again . early that morning , trudy had arrived at the trailhead campsite with her trailer , and they 'd transported the horses back to the stable at her brother 's cabin .
[["think", 12], ["thinkest", 12], ["thought", 12], ["camping", 47], ["alone", 53], ["go", 70], ["goest", 70], ["going", 70], ["hang", 78], ["hung", 78], ["hangs", 78], ["protect", 102], ["protectest", 102], ["fine", 130], ["phineas", 143], ["grit", 151], ["gritted", 151], ["shotgun", 175], ["inner", 188], ["wolf", 193], ["scary", 208], ["hell", 216], ["hells", 216], ["halt", 234], ["halts", 234], ["haltest", 234], ["halted", 234], ["sense", 247], ["lady", 257], ["trouble", 265], ["troubling", 265], ["real", 288], ["reis", 288], ["sensitive", 298], ["guy", 302], ["girl", 337], ["snarl", 345], ["snarls", 345], ["snarled", 345], ["talk", 377], ["talking", 377], ["shirt", 405], ["open", 413], ["pass", 435], ["press", 458], ["pressed", 458], ["snap", 470], ["snapping", 470], ["snaps", 470], ["together", 479], ["close", 488], ["left", 507], ["leave", 507], ["plaid", 517], ["material", 526], ["stain", 534], ["stainest", 534], ["stained", 534], ["blood", 545], ["bloods", 545], ["blooded", 545], ["hand", 561], ["hands", 561], ["bleed", 574], ["bleeding", 574], ["bro", 580], ["say", 599], ["sayest", 599], ["said", 599], ["quietly", 607], ["come", 628], ["inside", 635], ["get", 643], ["clean", 651], ["cleans", 651], ["cleaned", 651], ["heal", 676], ["healest", 676], ["death", 692], ["sleep", 698], ["slept", 698], ["sleeps", 698], ["sleepest", 698], ["heart", 717], ["may", 723], ["mays", 723], ["mayest", 723], ["might", 723], ["never", 729], ["retrieve", 761], ["retrieved", 761], ["basketball", 774], ["large", 789], ["bin", 804], ["bins", 804], ["dash", 818], ["dashed", 818], ["onto", 823], ["ontos", 823], ["court", 833], ["courting", 833], ["courtest", 833], ["levitate", 847], ["levitated", 847], ["slam", 860], ["dunk", 865], ["ball", 895], ["start", 907], ["started", 907], ["fancy", 918], ["fanciest", 918], ["dribble", 928], ["dribbling", 928], ["around", 935], ["leg", 944], ["legs", 944], ["grab", 962], ["grabbed", 962], ["brother", 993], ["brethren", 993], ["neatly", 1000], ["pass", 1007], ["passed", 1007], ["reach", 1048], ["give", 1058], ["growl", 1091], ["growls", 1091], ["growled", 1091], ["dribble", 1111], ["dribbled", 1111], ["head", 1136], ["heading", 1136], ["basket", 1157], ["zoom", 1206], ["zoomed", 1206], ["past", 1211], ["vampire", 1226], ["speed", 1232], ["speeding", 1232], ["block", 1244], ["blocks", 1244], ["blocked", 1244], ["screech", 1269], ["screeched", 1269], ["halt", 1279], ["halts", 1279], ["haltest", 1279], ["fair", 1289], ["fairs", 1289], ["fairest", 1289], ["pull", 1297], ["pulling", 1297], ["trick", 1317], ["tricks", 1317], ["twist", 1356], ["twisted", 1356], ["twisting", 1356], ["grab", 1381], ["try", 1406], ["tryed", 1406], ["tried", 1406], ["reject", 1452], ["rejected", 1452], ["reject", 1483], ["lurch", 1502], ["surprise", 1540], ["surprised", 1540], ["throw", 1555], ["throwing", 1555], ["hard", 1570], ["hit", 1579], ["stomach", 1598], ["stomachs", 1598], ["stomaching", 1598], ["knock", 1609], ["knocks", 1609], ["knockest", 1609], ["knocking", 1609], ["back", 1618], ["step", 1630], ["steps", 1630], ["attack", 1654], ["attacking", 1654], ["tree", 1660], ["treed", 1660], ["treeing", 1660], ["trees", 1660], ["sex", 1691], ["throw", 1710], ["threw", 1710], ["way", 1731], ["ways", 1731], ["plop", 1757], ["plopped", 1757], ["hoop", 1781], ["hooped", 1781], ["hooping", 1781], ["mouth", 1801], ["mouthed", 1801], ["fall", 1806], ["falls", 1806], ["fell", 1806], ["wow", 1820], ["score", 1833], ["scored", 1833], ["turn", 1856], ["turned", 1856], ["trudge", 1886], ["retrieve", 1913], ["follow", 1942], ["followed", 1942], ["love", 1968], ["doctor", 1975], ["doctorest", 1975], ["doctoring", 1975], ["ca", 1990], ["cas", 1990], ["shoot", 2022], ["shooted", 2022], ["shot", 2022], ["incredulous", 2041], ["look", 2046], ["worry", 2064], ["worried", 2064], ["smile", 2100], ["smiled", 2100], ["encouragingly", 2114], ["doctor", 2137], ["doctorest", 2137], ["doctoring", 2137], ["doctors", 2137], ["sort", 2151], ["thing", 2160], ["help", 2178], ["helpest", 2178], ["impotent", 2212], ["dammit", 2221], ["fall", 2236], ["falls", 2236], ["falling", 2236], ["werewolf", 2281], ["human", 2314], ["part", 2319], ["parting", 2319], ["yell", 2374], ["yelled", 2374], ["hold", 2390], ["held", 2390], ["guess", 2419], ["return", 2439], ["returnest", 2439], ["feeling", 2453], ["feelings", 2453], ["pick", 2473], ["picked", 2473], ["toss", 2496], ["tossed", 2496], ["plastic", 2521], ["slam", 2573], ["slammed", 2573], ["lid", 2581], ["glare", 2598], ["glared", 2598], ["bloody", 2612], ["bloodying", 2612], ["keep", 2641], ["keepest", 2641], ["relationship", 2658], ["secret", 2667], ["shout", 2685], ["world", 2701], ["jump", 2721], ["jumps", 2721], ["right", 2727], ["rightest", 2727], ["take", 2752], ["slow", 2760], ["savor", 2770], ["savoring", 2770], ["every", 2776], ["moment", 2783], ["end", 2844], ["ends", 2844], ["endest", 2844], ["silent", 2869], ["get", 2907], ["got", 2907], ["bad", 2914], ["night", 2942], ["stand", 2949], ["stood", 2949], ["standest", 2949], ["stands", 2949], ["woman", 2960], ["womans", 2960], ["women", 2960], ["hardly", 2973], ["remember", 2982], ["rememberest", 2982], ["insult", 3041], ["insultest", 3041], ["damn", 3096], ["damned", 3096], ["tough", 3112], ["think", 3135], ["thinkest", 3135], ["believe", 3180], ["anything", 3231], ["let", 3270], ["lets", 3270], ["motion", 3316], ["toward", 3323], ["side", 3332], ["sidest", 3332], ["entrance", 3341], ["entrancing", 3341], ["still", 3385], ["fall", 3390], ["falls", 3390], ["even", 3417], ["evens", 3417], ["wish", 3429], ["come", 3434], ["came", 3434], ["true", 3439], ["somehow", 3457], ["magically", 3467], ["major", 3505], ["obstacle", 3515], ["obstacles", 3515], ["happy", 3553], ["force", 3572], ["forced", 3572], ["live", 3580], ["accept", 3634], ["accepted", 3634], ["father", 3673], ["fathered", 3673], ["fathering", 3673], ["probably", 3688], ["send", 3693], ["minion", 3705], ["minions", 3705], ["kill", 3713], ["next", 3728], ["evening", 3736], ["pace", 3752], ["paced", 3752], ["nervously", 3762], ["cabin", 3789], ["wake", 3815], ["wakes", 3815], ["woken", 3815], ["waking", 3815], ["soon", 3820], ["teleport", 3845], ["teleporting", 3845], ["teleported", 3845], ["mortification", 3878], ["complete", 3896], ["sure", 3947], ["see", 3987], ["early", 4005], ["morning", 4018], ["trudy", 4026], ["arrive", 4038], ["arrived", 4038], ["trailhead", 4055], ["campsite", 4064], ["campsites", 4064], ["trailer", 4081], ["transport", 4107], ["transported", 4107], ["horse", 4118], ["horsed", 4118], ["horses", 4118], ["stable", 4137]]
after trudy left , brynley had dashed into the cabin to see if phineas was all right . she shoved the sofa away from the trapdoor , then moved the ladder from the loft to climb down into the basement . no phineas . he had n't returned to the cabin . after lunch , she fell asleep on the sofa , exhausted from a sleepless night at the campsite . she had n't been able to relax after phineas had left . she 'd felt too insulted . too angry . too frustrated . and eventually , too embarrassed . she 'd practically forced herself on him ! she 'd never behaved like that before . sure , the inner wolf was a lusty creature , but she 'd always had control over it . her inner wolf had never been so strong before . and she 'd allowed it to overwhelm her . hell , she 'd welcomed it . the wolf had given her the wild boldness she 'd craved . it had matched her desperate passion with its fierce power . together , she 'd never felt stronger . she 'd felt invincible . her prey was targeted , and he could n't escape . he 'd abandoned her without explanation . it hurt so bad , she knew she could no longer deny what was happening . and she 'd chased him away ! how could she ever face him ? she strode outside to the porch and watched the last rays of the sun disappear over the horizon . if phineas had spent the night at romatech in new york , he was already awake . the nearly full moon tugged at the wolf inside her , and it tensed in anticipation . tomorrow night , it would be free . a surge of power shot through her , and she gasped . why was the wolf so strong ? was it because she 'd come home ? or because she 'd fallen prey to such strong emotions ? a sound in the cabin made her heart lurch . she whirled around to peer in the window . phineas was back ! and he was loading bottled blood into the refrigerator . that meant he intended to stay . her sense of relief was short-lived . she still had to face him . at least he was smiling . `` i brought some more blood from romatech . '' he shut the refrigerator door and motioned to a box on the island . `` and i brought you a dessert from the cafeteria . '' she eased toward the island . he did n't seem to be angry about last night . you like chocolate , right ? '' she peeked inside the box and nearly drooled at the sight of a seven-layer double chocolate piece of heaven . `` we have a lot to cover tonight . '' he retrieved a folded piece of paper from his jacket pocket . `` i hope you got some rest . '' i slept most of the afternoon . '' `` maybe we should talk ... '' `` sure . '' `` i got an e-mail from angus . after reading my report , he thought we should check all the local clinics and hospitals to see if any other people were admitted with a severe loss of blood . so i made a list here , and we 'll hit as many as possible tonight . '' `` i thought we were going to the carson ranch ? to check out the cow mutilations ? '' `` we will , if we can fit it in . but angus thinks , and i agree with him , that corky will stick to human victims if at all possible . '' brynley retrieved a fork from the cutlery drawer and tried a bite of the cake . it looked like phineas did n't want to talk about last night 's fiasco . maybe he was as mortified as she was . the chocolate melted in her mouth , a warm , gooey comfort . he smiled , his eyes softening and looking as sweet as chocolate . so , did you want to teleport ? '' `` actually , i mapped the trip for us . '' `` if you do n't mind driving me around . '' her heart swelled , grateful that she could help him . let me get my purse and a bottle of water , and we 'll hit the road . '' they were halfway to the town of shell when brynley finally worked up the nerve to talk . she glanced at phineas , who was sitting calmly beside her , sipping from a bottle of blood and looking out the window . i practically attacked you last night . '' `` but it is ! i scared you away . '' his head turned slowly toward her . i chased you away . '' and i was n't chased . i chose to leave . '' `` because i attacked you . `` you knew last night . you called it lust . '' but i do n't usually lose control like that . my inner wolf seems to be unnaturally strong all of a sudden . '' `` you can feel the wolf inside you ? i always thought you were either human or wolf , not both at the same time . '' `` the wolf is always with me . '' `` but i 've never felt it so strongly before . it-it 's very strange . ''
[["trudy", 11], ["left", 16], ["leave", 16], ["dash", 37], ["dashed", 37], ["cabin", 52], ["see", 59], ["phineas", 70], ["right", 84], ["rightest", 84], ["shove", 97], ["shoved", 97], ["sofa", 106], ["away", 111], ["trapdoor", 129], ["move", 142], ["moved", 142], ["ladder", 153], ["laddered", 153], ["loft", 167], ["lofts", 167], ["climb", 176], ["basement", 199], ["return", 234], ["returnest", 234], ["returned", 234], ["lunch", 261], ["lunches", 261], ["lunched", 261], ["fall", 272], ["falls", 272], ["fell", 272], ["asleep", 279], ["exhaust", 303], ["exhausted", 303], ["exhausting", 303], ["sleepless", 320], ["night", 326], ["campsite", 342], ["campsites", 342], ["able", 366], ["abled", 366], ["relax", 375], ["relaxed", 375], ["feel", 412], ["felt", 412], ["angry", 437], ["eventually", 471], ["practically", 510], ["force", 517], ["forced", 517], ["never", 547], ["behave", 555], ["behaved", 555], ["behaving", 555], ["like", 560], ["sure", 579], ["inner", 591], ["wolf", 596], ["lusty", 608], ["creature", 617], ["always", 637], ["control", 649], ["strong", 699], ["allow", 727], ["allowed", 727], ["overwhelm", 743], ["overwhelms", 743], ["overwhelmed", 743], ["hell", 754], ["hells", 754], ["welcome", 772], ["welcomed", 772], ["give", 796], ["given", 796], ["wild", 809], ["wildest", 809], ["boldness", 818], ["crave", 832], ["craved", 832], ["craving", 832], ["match", 849], ["matching", 849], ["matched", 849], ["desperate", 863], ["passion", 871], ["fierce", 887], ["power", 893], ["together", 904], ["strong", 933], ["invincible", 958], ["prey", 969], ["target", 982], ["targeted", 982], ["escape", 1008], ["escapes", 1008], ["abandon", 1026], ["abandoned", 1026], ["without", 1038], ["explanation", 1050], ["hurt", 1060], ["hurts", 1060], ["hurting", 1060], ["bad", 1067], ["know", 1078], ["knowest", 1078], ["knew", 1078], ["long", 1098], ["deny", 1103], ["happen", 1122], ["happening", 1122], ["chase", 1142], ["chased", 1142], ["ever", 1172], ["everest", 1172], ["face", 1177], ["stride", 1194], ["stridden", 1194], ["outside", 1202], ["porch", 1215], ["watch", 1227], ["watched", 1227], ["last", 1236], ["ray", 1241], ["rays", 1241], ["sun", 1252], ["suns", 1252], ["sunned", 1252], ["disappear", 1262], ["horizon", 1279], ["spend", 1302], ["spends", 1302], ["spendest", 1302], ["spent", 1302], ["new", 1331], ["york", 1336], ["yorks", 1336], ["already", 1353], ["awake", 1359], ["awoke", 1359], ["nearly", 1372], ["full", 1377], ["moon", 1382], ["moons", 1382], ["tug", 1389], ["tugging", 1389], ["tugged", 1389], ["inside", 1408], ["tense", 1428], ["tensed", 1428], ["anticipation", 1444], ["tomorrow", 1455], ["tomorrows", 1455], ["free", 1480], ["surge", 1490], ["shoot", 1504], ["shooted", 1504], ["shot", 1504], ["gasp", 1533], ["gasps", 1533], ["gasped", 1533], ["come", 1591], ["home", 1596], ["homing", 1596], ["fall", 1623], ["falls", 1623], ["fallen", 1623], ["emotion", 1652], ["emotions", 1652], ["sound", 1662], ["heart", 1690], ["lurch", 1696], ["whirl", 1710], ["whirls", 1710], ["whirled", 1710], ["around", 1717], ["peer", 1725], ["window", 1739], ["windows", 1739], ["back", 1758], ["load", 1779], ["loaded", 1779], ["blood", 1793], ["bloods", 1793], ["blooded", 1793], ["refrigerator", 1815], ["refrigerators", 1815], ["mean", 1828], ["meanest", 1828], ["meant", 1828], ["intend", 1840], ["intendest", 1840], ["intended", 1840], ["stay", 1848], ["sense", 1860], ["relief", 1870], ["reliefs", 1870], ["short", 1880], ["still", 1898], ["least", 1925], ["leastest", 1925], ["smile", 1940], ["smiling", 1940], ["bring", 1955], ["brought", 1955], ["shut", 1998], ["door", 2020], ["motion", 2033], ["box", 2042], ["boxed", 2042], ["island", 2056], ["dessert", 2089], ["cafeteria", 2108], ["ease", 2123], ["eased", 2123], ["toward", 2130], ["seem", 2159], ["seeming", 2159], ["chocolate", 2209], ["peek", 2233], ["peeks", 2233], ["peeked", 2233], ["drool", 2267], ["drooled", 2267], ["sight", 2280], ["sighted", 2280], ["seven", 2291], ["layer", 2297], ["layered", 2297], ["double", 2304], ["piece", 2320], ["pieced", 2320], ["heaven", 2330], ["heavens", 2330], ["lot", 2349], ["cover", 2358], ["tonight", 2366], ["retrieve", 2384], ["retrieved", 2384], ["fold", 2393], ["folded", 2393], ["paper", 2408], ["jacket", 2424], ["jacketed", 2424], ["pocket", 2431], ["pocketing", 2431], ["hope", 2443], ["get", 2451], ["got", 2451], ["rest", 2461], ["sleep", 2474], ["slept", 2474], ["sleeps", 2474], ["sleepest", 2474], ["afternoon", 2496], ["maybe", 2510], ["talk", 2525], ["e", 2559], ["ing", 2559], ["eest", 2559], ["mail", 2564], ["angus", 2575], ["read", 2591], ["reads", 2591], ["reading", 2591], ["report", 2601], ["think", 2614], ["thinkest", 2614], ["thought", 2614], ["check", 2630], ["local", 2644], ["clinic", 2652], ["clinics", 2652], ["hospital", 2666], ["hospitals", 2666], ["people", 2693], ["admit", 2707], ["admitted", 2707], ["severe", 2721], ["loss", 2726], ["list", 2754], ["hit", 2776], ["many", 2784], ["possible", 2796], ["go", 2836], ["goest", 2836], ["going", 2836], ["carson", 2850], ["ranch", 2856], ["cow", 2879], ["mutilation", 2891], ["fit", 2923], ["fitting", 2923], ["think", 2948], ["thinkest", 2948], ["thinks", 2948], ["agree", 2962], ["corky", 2984], ["stick", 2995], ["stickest", 2995], ["human", 3004], ["victim", 3012], ["victims", 3012], ["fork", 3061], ["cutlery", 3078], ["drawer", 3085], ["try", 3095], ["tryed", 3095], ["tried", 3095], ["bite", 3102], ["cake", 3114], ["look", 3126], ["looked", 3126], ["fiasco", 3187], ["mortify", 3215], ["mortifying", 3215], ["mortified", 3215], ["melt", 3249], ["meltest", 3249], ["melted", 3249], ["mouth", 3262], ["mouthed", 3262], ["warm", 3271], ["gooey", 3279], ["comfort", 3287], ["smile", 3299], ["smiled", 3299], ["eye", 3310], ["eyed", 3310], ["eyes", 3310], ["soften", 3320], ["softens", 3320], ["softening", 3320], ["look", 3332], ["looking", 3332], ["sweet", 3341], ["teleport", 3386], ["teleporting", 3386], ["map", 3414], ["mapped", 3414], ["trip", 3423], ["tripping", 3423], ["mind", 3457], ["minding", 3457], ["drive", 3465], ["driving", 3465], ["swell", 3498], ["swells", 3498], ["swollen", 3498], ["swellest", 3498], ["swelled", 3498], ["grateful", 3509], ["help", 3529], ["helpest", 3529], ["let", 3539], ["lets", 3539], ["get", 3546], ["purse", 3555], ["bottle", 3568], ["bottled", 3568], ["water", 3577], ["road", 3603], ["halfway", 3626], ["halfways", 3626], ["town", 3638], ["shell", 3647], ["finally", 3668], ["work", 3675], ["wrought", 3675], ["worked", 3675], ["nerve", 3688], ["glance", 3710], ["glanced", 3710], ["sat", 3739], ["sit", 3739], ["sitting", 3739], ["calmly", 3746], ["beside", 3753], ["sip", 3767], ["sipping", 3767], ["attack", 3842], ["attacked", 3842], ["scare", 3886], ["scared", 3886], ["head", 3909], ["turn", 3916], ["turned", 3916], ["slowly", 3923], ["choose", 3990], ["chose", 3990], ["left", 3999], ["leave", 3999], ["call", 4068], ["called", 4068], ["lust", 4076], ["lusts", 4076], ["usually", 4102], ["lose", 4107], ["seem", 4147], ["seeming", 4147], ["seems", 4147], ["unnaturally", 4165], ["sudden", 4188], ["feel", 4209], ["either", 4264], ["time", 4306], ["strongly", 4385], ["strange", 4416]]
he regarded her silently for a while . `` maybe it 's because the moon is almost full . '' though she 'd never experienced this before when the moon was waxing . `` i thought it might also be because i 've returned home . the wolf is very excited about that . '' `` i guess you 'll have to turn tomorrow night ? '' i wo n't have any choice . for ordinary werewolves like me , we have to turn on the first night of the full moon . the two nights after that , we can choose to shift or remain human . alphas like my father or phil can shift or even partially shift whenever they like . '' she gave him an apologetic look . `` i wo n't be able to help you tomorrow . `` do n't apologize for what you are . '' she recalled the words he 'd said the night before . he took another sip from his bottle . `` and do n't apologize for last night . flattered . '' she glanced at him , then back at the road . i hope someday we will make love . '' her heart jumped up her throat . he did want her ! she clenched the steering wheel as her heart pounded . he could probably hear her heart racing . a question popped into her mind . if he wanted to make love , why did he turn her down last night ? `` okay , here 's the town . '' he motioned to the lights up ahead . she parked in front of the emergency clinic and accompanied him inside . in a matter of seconds , he had the receptionist 's mind under his control and she gave them the news . no one had been admitted in the past two weeks with bite marks or a low level of blood . no unexplained deaths . they went on to greybull , manderson , and worland . no victims there . brynley headed east to ten sleep . the receptionist nodded , glassy-eyed . `` yes , we had a patient last night . dead on arrival . '' phineas pressed . the receptionist tilted her head . no sign of trauma , but somehow he had bled out . '' `` may we see his file ? '' brynley leaned close to read the page detailing the victim 's personal information . earl giddons had worked as a cowhand on a nearby ranch . she pointed at nate carson 's address . phineas nodded and closed the folder . `` looks like we 'll be visiting your old friend after all . '' chapter thirteen `` what can you tell me about nate ? '' phineas asked as brynley drove toward the carson ranch house . `` he 's a really nice guy . served in the army . he would never get involved with the malcontents . '' she was quick to defend him , phineas noted . `` if corky 's taken over his mind and his ranch , then it does n't matter how nice a guy he is . '' `` i hope he 's all right . he 's been through so much already , poor guy . '' another twinge of jealousy pricked at phineas . `` if he 's a mortal , how did you meet him ? at college ? '' `` rodeo circuit . i used to do barrel racing . '' `` you raced barrels ? '' `` no , my horse and i raced around them . '' `` you 've never been to a rodeo ? '' `` they 're not big in the bronx . '' `` well , they 're a lot of fun . you should see one sometime . '' `` i 'm surprised your dad let you hang out with a bunch of mortals . '' `` well , he was n't very happy about it . when i first started , i thought i was being so clever , that i 'd found a way to get away from him and make some money of my own . but i soon realized that the rodeo had plenty of werewolves , and they were reporting everything i did to my dad . he could have ordered them to bring me home whenever he wanted . my freedom was only an illusion . '' `` still , it was a lot better than being at home . it was one of the happier times in my life . '' `` and this guy nate was in the rodeo , too ? '' he and his brother were into team roping . kyle was the header , and nate was the heeler . '' `` what- '' `` kyle would lasso the head of the calf , and then nate would manage to lasso the hind legs . it 's really amazing to watch . '' phineas frowned , picturing her gazing at nate in amazement . `` so it takes two guys to tie up a little cow ? '' `` the calf is moving at the time . '' brynley shot him an annoyed look . `` and they 're on horseback . it takes a lot of skill , and they manage to do it in a matter of seconds . '' so what was the problem with kyle ? ''
[["regard", 11], ["regarded", 11], ["silently", 24], ["maybe", 47], ["moon", 70], ["moons", 70], ["almost", 80], ["full", 85], ["though", 97], ["never", 110], ["experience", 122], ["experienced", 122], ["wax", 159], ["waxed", 159], ["waxing", 159], ["think", 174], ["thinkest", 174], ["thought", 174], ["may", 183], ["mays", 183], ["mayest", 183], ["might", 183], ["also", 188], ["return", 214], ["returnest", 214], ["returned", 214], ["home", 219], ["homing", 219], ["wolf", 230], ["guess", 273], ["turn", 294], ["tomorrow", 303], ["tomorrows", 303], ["night", 309], ["wo", 319], ["choice", 339], ["ordinary", 354], ["werewolf", 365], ["werewolves", 365], ["like", 370], ["first", 404], ["firstest", 404], ["two", 437], ["twos", 437], ["night", 444], ["nights", 444], ["choose", 471], ["shift", 480], ["remain", 490], ["human", 496], ["alpha", 505], ["alphas", 505], ["father", 520], ["fathered", 520], ["fathering", 520], ["phil", 528], ["even", 546], ["evens", 546], ["partially", 556], ["whenever", 571], ["give", 595], ["gave", 595], ["apologetic", 613], ["apologetics", 613], ["look", 618], ["able", 640], ["abled", 640], ["help", 648], ["helpest", 648], ["apologize", 683], ["recall", 718], ["recallest", 718], ["recalled", 718], ["word", 728], ["words", 728], ["say", 739], ["sayest", 739], ["said", 739], ["take", 766], ["took", 766], ["another", 774], ["sip", 778], ["bottle", 794], ["bottled", 794], ["last", 829], ["flatter", 847], ["flattering", 847], ["flattered", 847], ["glance", 864], ["glanced", 864], ["back", 883], ["road", 895], ["hope", 904], ["someday", 912], ["love", 930], ["heart", 945], ["jump", 952], ["jumps", 952], ["jumped", 952], ["throat", 966], ["clench", 999], ["clenched", 999], ["steering", 1012], ["wheel", 1018], ["wheeled", 1018], ["pound", 1039], ["pounded", 1039], ["probably", 1059], ["hear", 1064], ["hears", 1064], ["question", 1094], ["pop", 1101], ["popped", 1101], ["mind", 1115], ["minding", 1115], ["okay", 1191], ["town", 1210], ["motion", 1227], ["lit", 1241], ["light", 1241], ["lights", 1241], ["ahead", 1250], ["park", 1263], ["parks", 1263], ["parked", 1263], ["front", 1272], ["emergency", 1289], ["clinic", 1296], ["accompany", 1312], ["accompanied", 1312], ["inside", 1323], ["matter", 1337], ["mattering", 1337], ["second", 1348], ["seconded", 1348], ["seconds", 1348], ["receptionist", 1374], ["control", 1400], ["news", 1427], ["newses", 1427], ["admit", 1454], ["admitted", 1454], ["past", 1466], ["week", 1476], ["weeks", 1476], ["bite", 1486], ["mark", 1492], ["marks", 1492], ["low", 1501], ["lowed", 1501], ["level", 1507], ["blood", 1516], ["bloods", 1516], ["blooded", 1516], ["death", 1540], ["deaths", 1540], ["go", 1552], ["goest", 1552], ["went", 1552], ["victim", 1606], ["victims", 1606], ["head", 1629], ["headed", 1629], ["east", 1634], ["ten", 1641], ["sleep", 1647], ["slept", 1647], ["sleeps", 1647], ["sleepest", 1647], ["nod", 1673], ["nodded", 1673], ["glassy", 1682], ["yes", 1696], ["patient", 1715], ["dead", 1733], ["arrival", 1744], ["phineas", 1757], ["press", 1765], ["pressed", 1765], ["tilt", 1791], ["tilting", 1791], ["tilted", 1791], ["head", 1800], ["sign", 1810], ["trauma", 1820], ["traumas", 1820], ["somehow", 1834], ["bleed", 1846], ["bled", 1846], ["may", 1862], ["mays", 1862], ["mayest", 1862], ["see", 1869], ["file", 1878], ["lean", 1898], ["leans", 1898], ["leaned", 1898], ["close", 1904], ["read", 1912], ["reads", 1912], ["page", 1921], ["detail", 1931], ["detailing", 1931], ["victim", 1942], ["personal", 1954], ["information", 1966], ["earl", 1973], ["earls", 1973], ["work", 1992], ["wrought", 1992], ["worked", 1992], ["cowhand", 2005], ["nearby", 2017], ["ranch", 2023], ["point", 2037], ["pointed", 2037], ["nate", 2045], ["nates", 2045], ["carson", 2052], ["address", 2063], ["close", 2091], ["closed", 2091], ["folder", 2102], ["look", 2113], ["looks", 2113], ["visit", 2137], ["visiting", 2137], ["old", 2146], ["friend", 2153], ["chapter", 2176], ["thirteen", 2185], ["tell", 2206], ["ask", 2239], ["asked", 2239], ["drive", 2256], ["drove", 2256], ["toward", 2263], ["house", 2286], ["really", 2306], ["nice", 2311], ["guy", 2315], ["serve", 2324], ["served", 2324], ["army", 2336], ["get", 2357], ["involve", 2366], ["involved", 2366], ["malcontent", 2387], ["quick", 2406], ["defend", 2416], ["note", 2436], ["noted", 2436], ["corky", 2450], ["take", 2459], ["taken", 2459], ["right", 2565], ["rightest", 2565], ["much", 2594], ["already", 2602], ["poor", 2609], ["twinge", 2633], ["jealousy", 2645], ["jealousies", 2645], ["prick", 2653], ["pricked", 2653], ["mortal", 2687], ["meet", 2706], ["meeted", 2706], ["college", 2723], ["rodeo", 2737], ["rodeos", 2737], ["circuit", 2745], ["use", 2754], ["used", 2754], ["barrel", 2767], ["barreling", 2767], ["race", 2792], ["racing", 2792], ["raced", 2792], ["barrel", 2800], ["barreling", 2800], ["barrels", 2800], ["horse", 2822], ["horsed", 2822], ["around", 2841], ["big", 2909], ["bigs", 2909], ["bronx", 2922], ["well", 2935], ["wells", 2935], ["lot", 2952], ["fun", 2959], ["sometime", 2989], ["surprise", 3012], ["surprised", 3012], ["dad", 3021], ["let", 3025], ["lets", 3025], ["hang", 3034], ["hung", 3034], ["hangs", 3034], ["bunch", 3051], ["bunchest", 3051], ["mortal", 3062], ["mortals", 3062], ["happy", 3099], ["start", 3131], ["started", 3131], ["clever", 3165], ["find", 3183], ["found", 3183], ["way", 3189], ["ways", 3189], ["away", 3201], ["money", 3230], ["moneys", 3230], ["soon", 3253], ["realize", 3262], ["realized", 3262], ["plenty", 3288], ["report", 3328], ["reporting", 3328], ["everything", 3339], ["order", 3379], ["orderest", 3379], ["ordered", 3379], ["bring", 3393], ["freedom", 3433], ["illusion", 3454], ["still", 3468], ["well", 3490], ["wells", 3490], ["happy", 3537], ["happier", 3537], ["time", 3543], ["times", 3543], ["life", 3554], ["lifes", 3554], ["brother", 3627], ["brethren", 3627], ["team", 3642], ["teamed", 3642], ["teaming", 3642], ["rope", 3649], ["roping", 3649], ["kyle", 3656], ["heeler", 3697], ["lasso", 3734], ["calf", 3755], ["manage", 3784], ["hind", 3802], ["hinds", 3802], ["leg", 3807], ["legs", 3807], ["amazing", 3830], ["watch", 3839], ["frown", 3860], ["frowns", 3860], ["frowned", 3860], ["picture", 3872], ["picturing", 3872], ["amazement", 3904], ["take", 3921], ["takes", 3921], ["guy", 3930], ["guys", 3930], ["tie", 3937], ["tying", 3937], ["tieing", 3937], ["little", 3949], ["cow", 3953], ["move", 3980], ["moving", 3980], ["time", 3992], ["shoot", 4010], ["shooted", 4010], ["shot", 4010], ["horseback", 4061], ["skill", 4087], ["problem", 4166]]
brynley waved a dismissive hand . he kept pestering me for a date and would n't take no for an answer . nate told him to leave me alone . '' phineas strongly suspected that was the sanitized version of what had happened . he recalled her fear of being attacked from behind . `` did this kyle hurt you ? '' it was never bad enough to make me quit the rodeo circuit . '' `` then why did you quit ? '' her hands gripped the steering wheel , and he heard her heartbeat speed up . he 'd touched on something , but he was n't sure what . they rounded a hill , and some bright lights came into view in the distance . `` nate 's house . '' the house looked more like a mansion . nate had to be rich . and he probably had a thing for brynley . `` corky would definitely prefer this to a cabin in the woods . and she would have some handsome cowboys here to nibble on . '' `` not all cowboys are handsome . '' he checked the knives he had hidden in each of his boots and the automatic in his shoulder holster . `` you have the silver chains i gave you ? '' she patted her jacket pockets . `` if we see her , i 'll grab her . you get the silver around her as fast as possible . '' brynley turned into the long driveway . `` i 'm glad you included me in the plan . '' `` i 'm grateful for your help as long as it 's safe . but if we come under attack , i 'm teleporting you out . '' `` i 'm not helpless , you know . i 've fought in a few of your vampire battles . '' `` yes , but you were in wolf form . '' `` which makes you even scarier than usual . '' `` you 'd better believe it , bloodsucker . '' he spotted a surveillance camera by the front door . `` we 're being watched . stop in front and wait in the car till i come around to your door . '' she braked and turned off the engine . `` i do n't see any guards . it looks peaceful . '' he climbed out of the car , and scanned the area . nothing but the rustle of the wind blowing through trees . he skirted the front of the car and opened brynley 's door . `` stick close to me , so i can teleport you out if i need to . '' she groaned with frustration , then climbed out of the car and dropped the keys into her handbag . `` stop worrying so much about me , phin . '' `` impossible , bryn . '' her eyes met his for a second , and a wave of desire ripped through him . he clenched his fist to keep from caressing her face and looked away . nate 's house could be infiltrated with malcontents . he escorted her to the front door . she glanced warily at the camera and pressed the doorbell . they may not answer . '' phineas slipped his hand inside his jacket , ready to pull his weapon . when the last jangle of the door chimes faded away , he could hear footsteps echoing in what sounded like a large foyer . maybe it 's nate . '' `` no , it couldn't- '' she stopped when the door swung open and a well-dressed elderly man glared at them . `` it is a bit late to be calling , do n't you think ? '' a butler ? phineas removed his hand from his jacket . as far as he could tell , the man was mortal and not suffering from any vampire mind control . `` we 'd like a word with nate carson , if you do n't mind . '' the butler looked down his nose . `` phineas mckinney , and this is brynley jones . '' `` nathan and i are old friends , '' brynley added . the butler glanced at her . `` quite old , obviously , since you 've never darkened this doorstep in the three years of my employment . '' `` john , '' a voice called from across the foyer . an annoyed look flitted over the butler 's face , and he lowered his voice . you may come in , but do not overly tire mr . he stepped back and motioned for them to enter . brynley ran into the foyer . phineas followed and stopped short . nate was hurrying toward brynley . as fast as he could in his wheelchair . `` you seem surprised , '' john murmured as he shut the door . `` i heard he was in the rodeo . '' `` that was before his unit was called up and he was sent to iraq , '' john explained . `` he jumped on some fellow soldiers to protect them from an explosion . took some shrapnel in his back . saved his buddies , but injured his spinal cord . ''
[["wave", 13], ["waved", 13], ["dismissive", 26], ["hand", 31], ["keep", 41], ["keepest", 41], ["kept", 41], ["pester", 51], ["pestering", 51], ["date", 65], ["take", 84], ["answer", 101], ["answeres", 101], ["answerest", 101], ["nate", 108], ["nates", 108], ["tell", 113], ["told", 113], ["left", 126], ["leave", 126], ["alone", 135], ["phineas", 148], ["strongly", 157], ["suspect", 167], ["suspected", 167], ["version", 198], ["happen", 219], ["happened", 219], ["recall", 233], ["recallest", 233], ["recalled", 233], ["fear", 242], ["fearest", 242], ["attack", 260], ["attacked", 260], ["behind", 272], ["kyle", 291], ["hurt", 296], ["hurts", 296], ["hurting", 296], ["never", 318], ["bad", 322], ["enough", 329], ["quit", 345], ["quits", 345], ["quitting", 345], ["rodeo", 355], ["rodeos", 355], ["circuit", 363], ["hand", 408], ["hands", 408], ["grip", 416], ["steering", 429], ["wheel", 435], ["wheeled", 435], ["hear", 450], ["hears", 450], ["heard", 450], ["heartbeat", 464], ["heartbeats", 464], ["speed", 470], ["speeding", 470], ["touch", 489], ["touching", 489], ["touched", 489], ["sure", 524], ["round", 544], ["rounded", 544], ["hill", 551], ["bright", 569], ["brights", 569], ["lit", 576], ["light", 576], ["lights", 576], ["come", 581], ["came", 581], ["view", 591], ["viewest", 591], ["distance", 607], ["distancing", 607], ["house", 626], ["look", 648], ["looked", 648], ["like", 658], ["mansion", 668], ["rich", 690], ["probably", 708], ["thing", 720], ["corky", 743], ["definitely", 760], ["prefer", 767], ["prefered", 767], ["preferest", 767], ["cabin", 783], ["wood", 796], ["woods", 796], ["handsome", 831], ["handsomes", 831], ["cowboy", 839], ["cowboys", 839], ["nibble", 854], ["nibbling", 854], ["check", 910], ["checked", 910], ["knife", 921], ["knifes", 921], ["knives", 921], ["hide", 935], ["hides", 935], ["hidden", 935], ["boot", 956], ["boots", 956], ["automatic", 974], ["automatics", 974], ["shoulder", 990], ["shouldered", 990], ["holster", 998], ["silver", 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["believe", 1568], ["bloodsucker", 1585], ["spot", 1601], ["spotted", 1601], ["surveillance", 1616], ["camera", 1623], ["cameras", 1623], ["front", 1636], ["door", 1641], ["watch", 1667], ["watched", 1667], ["stop", 1674], ["wait", 1692], ["waitest", 1692], ["car", 1703], ["till", 1708], ["brake", 1751], ["braked", 1751], ["engine", 1777], ["guard", 1806], ["guards", 1806], ["look", 1817], ["looks", 1817], ["peaceful", 1826], ["climb", 1842], ["climbed", 1842], ["scan", 1871], ["scans", 1871], ["scanning", 1871], ["scanned", 1871], ["area", 1880], ["nothing", 1890], ["rustle", 1905], ["wind", 1917], ["blow", 1925], ["blew", 1925], ["blowest", 1925], ["blowing", 1925], ["tree", 1939], ["treed", 1939], ["treeing", 1939], ["trees", 1939], ["skirt", 1952], ["skirted", 1952], ["open", 1984], ["opened", 1984], ["stick", 2011], ["stickest", 2011], ["close", 2017], ["teleport", 2043], ["teleporting", 2043], ["need", 2061], ["needest", 2061], ["groan", 2081], ["groans", 2081], ["groanest", 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2619], ["weapon", 2630], ["last", 2646], ["jangle", 2653], ["jangles", 2653], ["jangled", 2653], ["chime", 2672], ["chimes", 2672], ["fade", 2678], ["faded", 2678], ["hear", 2699], ["hears", 2699], ["footstep", 2709], ["footsteps", 2709], ["echo", 2717], ["echoed", 2717], ["echoing", 2717], ["sound", 2733], ["sounded", 2733], ["large", 2746], ["foyer", 2752], ["maybe", 2760], ["stop", 2812], ["stopped", 2812], ["swung", 2832], ["swing", 2832], ["open", 2837], ["well", 2848], ["wells", 2848], ["dress", 2856], ["dressest", 2856], ["dressed", 2856], ["elderly", 2864], ["man", 2868], ["mans", 2868], ["manned", 2868], ["glare", 2875], ["glared", 2875], ["bit", 2900], ["bits", 2900], ["late", 2905], ["lates", 2905], ["call", 2919], ["calling", 2919], ["think", 2938], ["thinkest", 2938], ["butler", 2952], ["remove", 2970], ["removed", 2970], ["far", 3004], ["tell", 3021], ["mortal", 3042], ["suffer", 3060], ["suffering", 3060], ["mind", 3082], ["minding", 3082], ["control", 3090], ["word", 3113], ["carson", 3130], ["nose", 3188], ["nosed", 3188], ["nosing", 3188], ["mckinney", 3210], ["joneses", 3238], ["nathan", 3253], ["old", 3267], ["friend", 3275], ["friends", 3275], ["add", 3294], ["added", 3294], ["obviously", 3349], ["since", 3357], ["darken", 3380], ["darkened", 3380], ["doorstep", 3394], ["doorsteps", 3394], ["three", 3407], ["year", 3413], ["years", 3413], ["employment", 3430], ["john", 3443], ["voice", 3456], ["call", 3463], ["called", 3463], ["across", 3475], ["look", 3503], ["flit", 3511], ["flitted", 3511], ["lower", 3552], ["lowers", 3552], ["lowerest", 3552], ["lowered", 3552], ["overly", 3600], ["tire", 3605], ["mr", 3608], ["step", 3621], ["stepped", 3621], ["back", 3626], ["motion", 3639], ["enter", 3657], ["run", 3671], ["ran", 3671], ["follow", 3705], ["followed", 3705], ["short", 3723], ["hurry", 3743], ["hurried", 3743], ["hurryed", 3743], ["hurrying", 3743], ["toward", 3750], ["wheelchair", 3798], ["seem", 3812], ["seeming", 3812], ["murmur", 3841], ["murmurest", 3841], ["murmured", 3841], ["shut", 3852], ["unit", 3927], ["send", 3957], ["sent", 3957], ["iraq", 3965], ["explain", 3985], ["explained", 3985], ["jump", 4000], ["jumps", 4000], ["jumped", 4000], ["fellow", 4015], ["soldier", 4024], ["soldiered", 4024], ["soldiers", 4024], ["protect", 4035], ["protectest", 4035], ["explosion", 4058], ["take", 4065], ["took", 4065], ["shrapnel", 4079], ["save", 4099], ["saved", 4099], ["buddy", 4111], ["buddies", 4111], ["injure", 4125], ["injures", 4125], ["injured", 4125], ["spinal", 4136], ["cord", 4141]]
phineas watched brynley hug her heroic friend and felt lousy that he 'd ever entertained bad thoughts about the guy . `` so he 's paralyzed ? '' `` from the waist down , yes . but he manages the ranch . by the way , i 'm john brighton , his personal valet and physical therapist . '' phineas shook hands with him . `` i thought you were a butler . '' `` my father was a butler . i 'll take that as a compliment . he inclined his head and strode away . `` come on , phineas . '' brynley waved him over . `` this is nate . '' he shook nate 's hand . with a grin , nate turned to brynley . you 're looking good ! '' `` i should have come sooner . nate waved a dismissive hand . `` i heard that you 'd flown the coop , and i was relieved you 'd managed to escape . '' `` everybody around here gossips about the mighty jones family . according to the rumor i heard , your dad threw a big birthday party for you when you turned thirty , then announced you were engaged to be married . when everyone woke up the next morning , you were gone . '' `` that 's pretty much what happened . '' she was thirty years old ? `` it 's true , '' brynley muttered . `` my father arranged a wedding with a groom and a twenty-piece orchestra , but forgot to tell me . '' `` because he knew you would refuse , '' nate added . `` who was the groom ? some rancher from around here ? '' `` some dude from alaska . he was supposed to arrive the day i left . '' `` your father has some gall , '' nate grumbled . `` yeah , speaking of which- '' brynley lowered her voice . `` i do n't want him to know that i 'm back . i 'll only be here a few nights , and i really need to avoid him and his minions . '' nate motioned toward an open door . `` let 's go into my office , so we can talk . '' he started wheeling his chair in that direction . brynley held back , then whispered to phineas , `` well ? `` you 're thirty years old ? '' `` about nate . is he under vampire mind control ? do you think there are any malcontents around here ? '' `` it looks safe so far . and your friend is fine . '' phineas rubbed his shoulder . `` you do n't look like you 're thirty . '' `` of course not , '' she hissed . `` i 'll look this young for hundreds of years . '' `` we have more in common than you might think . '' her face flushed a pretty pink . `` you 're still a bloodsucker , and i 'm a- '' `` snout-face ? '' she motioned with her head toward nate . phineas accompanied her into nate 's office . `` can i get you two anything to drink ? '' nate asked as he pulled open the door to a small fridge . `` i 'll take a diet cola . '' brynley took the bottle he handed her . `` nothing for me , thanks , '' phineas said . nate dropped a water bottle in his lap , then wheeled behind his desk . `` so what brings you out here so late at night ? '' he unscrewed the bottle and took a sip . phineas sat in the chair next to brynley . `` you had a ranch hand named earl giddons who passed away . '' `` i heard he died last night . terrible news . '' `` not really , '' nate replied . `` kyle found him and rushed him to the clinic in ten sleep . he 's supposed to report back to me , but i have n't heard anything yet . when i called the clinic , all they could tell me was that earl was dead on arrival . '' as far as phineas could tell , the rancher was telling the truth . his heartbeat had remained steady . `` have there been any other strange occurrences lately ? '' nate gave him a curious look . `` are you with the sheriff 's department ? '' `` mackay security and investigation . '' phineas pulled his id from his wallet and showed it to the rancher . nate examined his id . it 's international ? '' we provide security for select clientele around the world . '' they also conducted investigations related to the vampire world , but phineas needed a safe way to explain his interest in earl giddons 's death . `` we specialize in investigating odd , unexplainable events . '' `` like the x-files ? '' nate handed the id back . phineas pocketed his wallet . `` for instance , according to his medical file , earl giddons suffered no visible trauma , but he was completely drained of blood . '' nate ran a hand through his thick sandy hair .
[["phineas", 7], ["watch", 15], ["watched", 15], ["hug", 27], ["heroic", 38], ["friend", 45], ["feel", 54], ["felt", 54], ["lousy", 60], ["ever", 76], ["everest", 76], ["entertain", 88], ["entertains", 88], ["entertained", 88], ["bad", 92], ["thought", 101], ["thoughts", 101], ["guy", 115], ["waist", 162], ["yes", 173], ["manage", 190], ["manages", 190], ["ranch", 200], ["way", 213], ["ways", 213], ["john", 225], ["brighton", 234], ["personal", 249], ["valet", 255], ["valeting", 255], ["physical", 268], ["therapist", 278], ["shake", 297], ["shook", 297], ["hand", 303], ["hands", 303], ["think", 327], ["thinkest", 327], ["thought", 327], ["butler", 345], ["father", 363], ["fathered", 363], ["fathering", 363], ["take", 389], ["compliment", 410], ["incline", 424], ["inclines", 424], ["inclined", 424], ["head", 433], ["away", 449], ["come", 459], ["wave", 491], ["waved", 491], ["nate", 518], ["nates", 518], ["hand", 545], ["grin", 559], ["turn", 573], ["turned", 573], ["look", 602], ["looking", 602], ["good", 607], ["soon", 641], ["dismissive", 667], ["hear", 685], ["hears", 685], ["heard", 685], ["fly", 703], ["flys", 703], ["flown", 703], ["coop", 712], ["relieve", 733], ["relieved", 733], ["manage", 748], ["managed", 748], ["escape", 758], ["escapes", 758], ["around", 783], ["gossip", 796], ["gossiped", 796], ["gossips", 796], ["mighty", 813], ["joneses", 819], ["family", 826], ["accord", 838], ["according", 838], ["rumor", 851], ["dad", 870], ["throw", 876], ["threw", 876], ["big", 882], ["bigs", 882], ["birthday", 891], ["party", 897], ["thirty", 928], ["announce", 945], ["announced", 945], ["engage", 962], ["engaged", 962], ["marry", 976], ["married", 976], ["everyone", 992], ["wake", 997], ["wakes", 997], ["woken", 997], ["woke", 997], ["next", 1009], ["morning", 1017], ["go", 1033], ["goest", 1033], ["gone", 1033], ["pretty", 1056], ["prettiest", 1056], ["much", 1061], ["happen", 1075], ["happened", 1075], ["year", 1101], ["years", 1101], ["old", 1105], ["true", 1121], ["mutter", 1143], ["muttering", 1143], ["mutterest", 1143], ["muttered", 1143], ["arrange", 1167], ["arranging", 1167], ["arranged", 1167], ["wedding", 1177], ["groom", 1190], ["grooms", 1190], ["twenty", 1203], ["piece", 1209], ["pieced", 1209], ["orchestra", 1219], ["orchestras", 1219], ["forget", 1232], ["forgot", 1232], ["tell", 1240], ["know", 1267], ["knowest", 1267], ["knew", 1267], ["refuse", 1284], ["add", 1300], ["added", 1300], ["dude", 1373], ["alaska", 1385], ["suppose", 1403], ["supposed", 1403], ["arrive", 1413], ["day", 1421], ["left", 1428], ["leave", 1428], ["gall", 1462], ["gallest", 1462], ["grumble", 1481], ["grumbles", 1481], ["grumbled", 1481], ["yeah", 1491], ["speak", 1502], ["spoken", 1502], ["speaking", 1502], ["lower", 1531], ["lowers", 1531], ["lowerest", 1531], ["lowered", 1531], ["voice", 1541], ["know", 1572], ["knowest", 1572], ["back", 1587], ["night", 1621], ["nights", 1621], ["really", 1636], ["need", 1641], ["needest", 1641], ["avoid", 1650], ["minion", 1670], ["minions", 1670], ["motion", 1689], ["toward", 1696], ["open", 1704], ["door", 1709], ["let", 1718], ["lets", 1718], ["go", 1724], ["goest", 1724], ["office", 1739], ["talk", 1756], ["start", 1772], ["started", 1772], ["wheel", 1781], ["wheeled", 1781], ["wheeling", 1781], ["chair", 1791], ["chairing", 1791], ["direction", 1809], ["hold", 1824], ["held", 1824], ["whisper", 1846], ["whispered", 1846], ["well", 1867], ["wells", 1867], ["vampire", 1938], ["mind", 1943], ["minding", 1943], ["control", 1951], ["think", 1966], ["thinkest", 1966], ["malcontent", 1992], ["look", 2021], ["looks", 2021], ["safe", 2026], ["safes", 2026], ["safed", 2026], ["far", 2033], ["fine", 2059], ["rub", 2079], ["rubbed", 2079], ["shoulder", 2092], ["shouldered", 2092], ["look", 2113], ["like", 2118], ["course", 2151], ["hiss", 2171], ["hissed", 2171], ["young", 2198], ["youngest", 2198], ["hundred", 2211], ["hundreds", 2211], ["common", 2251], ["commons", 2251], ["commonest", 2251], ["may", 2266], ["mays", 2266], ["mayest", 2266], ["might", 2266], ["face", 2286], ["flush", 2294], ["flushed", 2294], ["pink", 2308], ["still", 2327], ["bloodsucker", 2341], ["snout", 2367], ["accompany", 2438], ["accompanied", 2438], ["get", 2477], ["two", 2485], ["twos", 2485], ["anything", 2494], ["drank", 2503], ["drink", 2503], ["drinking", 2503], ["ask", 2519], ["asked", 2519], ["pull", 2532], ["pulled", 2532], ["small", 2557], ["fridge", 2564], ["diet", 2587], ["cola", 2592], ["take", 2610], ["took", 2610], ["bottle", 2621], ["bottled", 2621], ["hand", 2631], ["handed", 2631], ["nothing", 2648], ["thank", 2664], ["thanks", 2664], ["thankest", 2664], ["say", 2682], ["sayest", 2682], ["said", 2682], ["drop", 2697], ["dropped", 2697], ["water", 2705], ["lap", 2723], ["laps", 2723], ["lapping", 2723], ["wheel", 2738], ["wheeled", 2738], ["behind", 2745], ["desk", 2754], ["bring", 2774], ["brings", 2774], ["late", 2795], ["lates", 2795], ["night", 2804], ["unscrew", 2822], ["unscrews", 2822], ["unscrewed", 2822], ["sip", 2848], ["sat", 2862], ["sit", 2862], ["name", 2923], ["named", 2923], ["earl", 2928], ["earls", 2928], ["pass", 2947], ["passed", 2947], ["die", 2976], ["died", 2976], ["last", 2981], ["terrible", 2998], ["news", 3003], ["newses", 3003], ["reply", 3040], ["replied", 3040], ["kyle", 3050], ["find", 3056], ["found", 3056], ["rush", 3071], ["rushed", 3071], ["clinic", 3089], ["ten", 3096], ["sleep", 3102], ["slept", 3102], ["sleeps", 3102], ["sleepest", 3102], ["report", 3129], ["yet", 3176], ["call", 3192], ["called", 3192], ["dead", 3251], ["arrival", 3262], ["tell", 3322], ["telling", 3322], ["truth", 3332], ["heartbeat", 3348], ["heartbeats", 3348], ["remain", 3361], ["remained", 3361], ["steady", 3368], ["strange", 3407], ["occurrence", 3419], ["occurrences", 3419], ["lately", 3426], ["give", 3441], ["gave", 3441], ["curious", 3455], ["sheriff", 3490], ["department", 3504], ["security", 3528], ["investigation", 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["drained", 4147], ["blood", 4156], ["bloods", 4156], ["blooded", 4156], ["run", 4170], ["ran", 4170], ["thick", 4195], ["thickest", 4195], ["sandy", 4201], ["hair", 4206]]
`` we had two cows mutilated the night before last , and they were drained dry , too . '' phineas exchanged a glance with brynley . `` i figured it was wolves that attacked the cows . '' nate grimaced . `` we 've had a lot more wolves than usual this year . i told kyle to shoot them , but he- '' `` i 've never heard of wolves draining all the blood from their prey , '' brynley said quietly . `` that 's true , '' nate conceded . `` but i do n't know how else to explain the mutilations . '' `` we do n't believe earl giddons was attacked by an animal , '' phineas said . nate 's eyes widened . `` you think a person is behind all this ? some crazy person is out there collecting blood ? '' `` it 's very possible , '' phineas murmured . nate 's fists clenched . `` whoever he is , he 's graduated from cattle to humans . `` we agree , '' phineas said . `` we have reason to believe the murderer is female . '' `` do you know of any new women in the area ? '' `` she could be living at one of the nearby ranches . '' nate tilted his head , considering . `` a few of the ranch hands have mentioned a beautiful blonde they 've seen recently at the old haggerty ranch . some wealthy guy from out of state bought the place about six months ago , but i have n't met him . do n't get out much . i have to rely on kyle a lot these days . '' brynley smiled . `` you two were always close . '' a pained look crossed nate 's face . `` it 's ... not the same . kyle has been great . he was always insisting that i 'd walk again and he 'd take care of things while i recovered . but after a few years , he ... well , i think he 's tired of doing so much work on a ranch that 's not his . i pay him as well as i can afford , and he does a great job , but ... '' nate drifted off with a sad look . `` i 'm sorry , '' brynley whispered . he ... fell into a bad crowd-the rich guy who bought the haggerty ranch . kyle was talking about him all the time , and then , four months ago , he changed . '' `` for the better ! '' a voice declared from the doorway . phineas spun around to see a younger and more muscular version of nate standing in the doorway . brynley rose to her feet . phineas understood her reaction the instant kyle 's scent wafted toward him . nate had been right about his brother changing . he 'd become a werewolf . kyle smirked as he approached brynley . `` oh yeah , princess . how do you like the new me ? '' his mouth twisted into a snarl . `` maybe you wo n't turn me down now . '' brynley lifted her chin . `` it was n't your species i objected to . it was your personality . '' he lurched forward with a growl . phineas jumped to his feet and pulled brynley close . `` back off , furball . '' kyle glared at him . you have no right to her . you 're not one of us . '' `` cut it out , kyle . '' nate wheeled his chair around the desk . `` these are my guests . '' `` you never figured it out , nate ? your sweet little friend brynley is a werewolf . '' nate halted , his eyes wide . brynley turned toward him . `` nathan- '' `` is it true ? '' she glanced at kyle , then back at nate . `` i did n't ask to be changed . nate nodded slowly . `` i was shocked when my brother first told me about lycans , but then i realized i should have figured it out earlier . i always knew there was something strange going on with some of the ranchers . their followers show a loyalty that goes far beyond what you 'd expect of a hired ranch hand . '' `` we 're loyal to our pack masters , '' kyle boasted as he regarded brynley with a gleam in his eyes . `` and this is our princess , daughter of the supreme pack master . '' phineas tightened his arm around brynley when he felt her shudder . it was obvious kyle would run straight to her father to tell him she was back . he aimed a strong surge of vampire mind control at the werewolf . kyle was caught by surprise and stumbled back a few feet . you will forget you saw brynley here . you will not speak of her to anyone . kyle turned and wandered from the room . brynley took a deep breath and squeezed phineas 's arm . `` please tell me you erased his memory . ''
[["two", 13], ["twos", 13], ["cow", 18], ["cows", 18], ["mutilate", 28], ["mutilated", 28], ["mutilating", 28], ["night", 38], ["last", 50], ["drain", 74], ["drained", 74], ["dry", 78], ["drier", 78], ["drying", 78], ["phineas", 97], ["exchange", 107], ["exchanged", 107], ["glance", 116], ["figure", 144], ["figured", 144], ["wolf", 158], ["wolves", 158], ["attack", 172], ["attacked", 172], ["nate", 191], ["nates", 191], ["grimace", 200], ["grimacing", 200], ["grimaced", 200], ["lot", 222], ["usual", 245], ["year", 255], ["tell", 264], ["told", 264], ["kyle", 269], ["shoot", 278], ["shooted", 278], ["never", 311], ["hear", 317], ["hears", 317], ["heard", 317], ["drain", 336], ["draining", 336], ["blood", 350], ["bloods", 350], ["blooded", 350], ["prey", 366], ["say", 384], ["sayest", 384], ["said", 384], ["quietly", 392], ["true", 410], ["concede", 429], ["conceded", 429], ["know", 452], ["knowest", 452], ["else", 461], ["explain", 472], ["mutilation", 488], ["believe", 514], ["earl", 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1117], ["see", 1131], ["seen", 1131], ["recently", 1140], ["old", 1151], ["wealthy", 1181], ["guy", 1185], ["state", 1203], ["buy", 1210], ["buyed", 1210], ["bought", 1210], ["place", 1220], ["six", 1230], ["month", 1237], ["months", 1237], ["ago", 1241], ["meet", 1262], ["meeted", 1262], ["met", 1262], ["get", 1279], ["much", 1288], ["rely", 1305], ["day", 1330], ["days", 1330], ["smile", 1350], ["smiled", 1350], ["always", 1375], ["close", 1381], ["look", 1400], ["cross", 1408], ["crossing", 1408], ["crossed", 1408], ["face", 1421], ["great", 1471], ["insist", 1497], ["insistest", 1497], ["insisting", 1497], ["walk", 1512], ["take", 1533], ["care", 1538], ["thing", 1548], ["things", 1548], ["recover", 1566], ["recovered", 1566], ["year", 1590], ["years", 1590], ["well", 1604], ["wells", 1604], ["tired", 1626], ["work", 1648], ["wrought", 1648], ["pay", 1683], ["pays", 1683], ["payest", 1683], ["afford", 1711], ["job", 1737], ["jobbing", 1737], ["drift", 1763], ["drifting", 1763], ["drifted", 1763], ["sad", 1778], ["sorry", 1799], ["whisper", 1822], ["whispered", 1822], ["fall", 1836], ["falls", 1836], ["fell", 1836], ["bad", 1847], ["crowd", 1853], ["crowding", 1853], ["crowdest", 1853], ["rich", 1862], ["talk", 1915], ["talking", 1915], ["time", 1938], ["four", 1956], ["change", 1980], ["changed", 1980], ["well", 2003], ["wells", 2003], ["voice", 2016], ["declare", 2025], ["declared", 2025], ["doorway", 2042], ["spin", 2057], ["spun", 2057], ["around", 2064], ["see", 2071], ["young", 2081], ["youngest", 2081], ["muscular", 2099], ["version", 2107], ["stand", 2124], ["stood", 2124], ["standest", 2124], ["standing", 2124], ["rise", 2154], ["risen", 2154], ["rose", 2154], ["foot", 2166], ["feet", 2166], ["understand", 2187], ["understanded", 2187], ["understood", 2187], ["reaction", 2200], ["instant", 2212], ["scent", 2226], ["scentest", 2226], ["waft", 2233], ["wafts", 2233], ["toward", 2240], ["right", 2266], ["rightest", 2266], ["brother", 2284], ["brethren", 2284], ["change", 2293], ["changing", 2293], ["become", 2308], ["werewolf", 2319], ["smirk", 2334], ["smirked", 2334], ["approach", 2351], ["approaches", 2351], ["approached", 2351], ["oh", 2367], ["yeah", 2372], ["princess", 2383], ["like", 2401], ["mouth", 2427], ["mouthed", 2427], ["twist", 2435], ["twisted", 2435], ["twisting", 2435], ["snarl", 2448], ["snarls", 2448], ["maybe", 2459], ["wo", 2466], ["turn", 2475], ["lift", 2507], ["lifted", 2507], ["chin", 2516], ["object", 2556], ["objected", 2556], ["objectest", 2556], ["objecting", 2556], ["personality", 2585], ["lurch", 2601], ["forward", 2609], ["forwarding", 2609], ["forwardest", 2609], ["growl", 2622], ["growls", 2622], ["jump", 2639], ["jumps", 2639], ["jumped", 2639], ["pull", 2662], ["pulled", 2662], ["back", 2686], ["furball", 2700], ["glare", 2717], ["glared", 2717], ["cut", 2787], ["wheel", 2819], ["wheeled", 2819], ["chair", 2829], ["chairing", 2829], ["desk", 2845], ["guest", 2870], ["guestest", 2870], ["guests", 2870], ["sweet", 2923], ["little", 2930], ["friend", 2937], ["halt", 2976], ["halts", 2976], ["haltest", 2976], ["halted", 2976], ["wide", 2992], ["turn", 3009], ["turned", 3009], ["glance", 3067], ["glanced", 3067], ["ask", 3114], ["nod", 3142], ["nodded", 3142], ["slowly", 3149], ["first", 3190], ["firstest", 3190], ["realize", 3233], ["realized", 3233], ["early", 3270], ["know", 3286], ["knowest", 3286], ["knew", 3286], ["strange", 3314], ["go", 3320], ["goest", 3320], ["going", 3320], ["ranchers", 3349], ["follower", 3367], ["followers", 3367], ["show", 3372], ["loyalty", 3382], ["go", 3392], ["goest", 3392], ["goes", 3392], ["far", 3396], ["beyond", 3403], ["expect", 3422], ["hire", 3433], ["hired", 3433], ["hand", 3444], ["loyal", 3465], ["pack", 3477], ["master", 3485], ["masters", 3485], ["boast", 3503], ["boasted", 3503], ["regard", 3518], ["regarded", 3518], ["gleam", 3539], ["gleams", 3539], ["gleamed", 3539], ["gleamest", 3539], ["daughter", 3592], ["supreme", 3607], ["master", 3619], ["tighten", 3642], ["tightens", 3642], ["tightenest", 3642], ["tightened", 3642], ["arm", 3650], ["feel", 3678], ["felt", 3678], ["shudder", 3690], ["shuddering", 3690], ["shudderest", 3690], ["obvious", 3707], ["run", 3722], ["straight", 3731], ["father", 3745], ["fathered", 3745], ["fathering", 3745], ["tell", 3753], ["aim", 3781], ["aimest", 3781], ["aimed", 3781], ["strong", 3790], ["surge", 3796], ["vampire", 3807], ["mind", 3812], ["minding", 3812], ["control", 3820], ["catch", 3854], ["catched", 3854], ["catches", 3854], ["caught", 3854], ["surprise", 3866], ["surprised", 3866], ["stumble", 3879], ["stumbled", 3879], ["forget", 3913], ["forgot", 3913], ["see", 3921], ["saw", 3921], ["speak", 3955], ["spoken", 3955], ["anyone", 3972], ["wander", 3999], ["wandered", 3999], ["room", 4013], ["roomed", 4013], ["take", 4028], ["took", 4028], ["deep", 4035], ["deeply", 4035], ["breath", 4042], ["breathest", 4042], ["squeeze", 4055], ["squeezes", 4055], ["squeezed", 4055], ["please", 4082], ["erase", 4101], ["erased", 4101], ["memory", 4112], ["memories", 4112]]
but he was n't sure if it would last . nate studied them warily . `` you erased my brother 's memory ? `` i did n't harm him . i 'm only trying to protect brynley . '' she hunched down beside the wheelchair . do n't tell anyone i was here . my father would capture me and force me into a marriage i do n't want . '' `` with another werewolf ? '' `` so caddoc jones is the supreme pack master ? '' when brynley nodded , nate regarded her sadly . `` you should have told me everything years ago . i thought you trusted me . '' `` i did , '' she insisted . `` but you did n't know lycans existed , and i was afraid if you knew the truth , you 'd ... no longer be my friend . '' nate patted her shoulder . `` i would have understood . your father is so damned powerful , and the way so many people kowtow to him makes me sick . '' `` those are n't people , '' phineas muttered . `` they 're werewolves . '' nate looked him over . `` some kind of psychic ? '' phineas removed a mackay business card from his wallet and set it on the desk . `` if you see or hear anything out of the ordinary , please let us know . there could be something ... evil in this area , and it must be defeated . '' `` and please , nathan , '' brynley whispered . `` do n't let my father know i 'm here . '' he wheeled closer to his desk and wrote on a slip of paper . `` this is my number if you need any help . '' he handed it to her with a wry look . `` not that i 'm much help to anyone these days . '' `` oh , you are . '' she hugged him , then turned to phineas . nice to meet you , nate . '' phineas grabbed brynley 's arm and escorted her from the room . nate called after them . `` we will , thanks ! '' brynley yelled back as phineas led her across the foyer and out the front door . she fumbled in her handbag for the car keys . `` shall we drive back to the cabin ? '' but not back to the cabin . if his vampire mind control had failed on kyle , then brynley 's father would soon know she was in wyoming . it would n't take a genius to figure out she was probably staying at her brother 's cabin . she climbed into the driver 's seat and gave him a surprised look as he teleported into the passenger seat . `` a precaution . this location is now embedded in my psychic memory . '' `` everything will be cool . '' he smiled at her , but he was worried . worried that he 'd screwed up and left too many loose ends . he should have erased nate 's memory . and john brighton 's , too . `` drive to the nearest town . '' `` that would be ten sleep . '' she headed down the driveway to the carson ranch entrance . `` it 's close by . '' phineas shrugged when she shot him an annoyed look . he had to protect her . and the best way to do that was to get her the hell out of dodge . he remained quiet until they arrived in ten sleep , where he spotted a grocery store with a parking lot . `` pull in here . park over there . '' he pointed to a dark spot close to a tree . `` the store is closed , '' she objected , but did as she was told . she turned off the engine and looked at him . `` we 'll overnight the keys to your friend , and she can pick up the car here tomorrow . '' phineas climbed out . `` lock up and bring your purse . '' he shut the door and strode toward the dark shadow of the tree . she scrambled out of the car and swung her handbag onto her shoulder . `` tell me the plan . '' with a huff , she strode toward him . `` we 're partners , remember ? we should plan together . '' `` the plan is to keep you safe . '' he wrapped his arms around her and teleported . chapter fourteen as soon as brynley materialized , she realized she was n't in wyoming anymore . her inner wolf tensed , and she pulled away from phineas . `` romatech industries . '' phineas motioned toward the nearby building . her gaze swept over the building , the gazebo and well-manicured garden , then shifted to the woods . `` what happened to that poor tree ? '' she turned to phineas . i want to go back to wyoming . '' her inner wolf snarled , demanding to return home . `` did n't you erase kyle 's memory ? '' `` i 'm not a hundred percent sure that it worked .
[["sure", 19], ["last", 36], ["nate", 43], ["nates", 43], ["study", 51], ["studied", 51], ["warily", 63], ["erase", 79], ["erased", 79], ["brother", 90], ["brethren", 90], ["memory", 100], ["memories", 100], ["harm", 120], ["harmest", 120], ["try", 143], ["tryed", 143], ["trying", 143], ["protect", 154], ["protectest", 154], ["hunch", 179], ["hunches", 179], ["hunched", 179], ["beside", 191], ["wheelchair", 206], ["tell", 220], ["anyone", 227], ["father", 250], ["fathered", 250], ["fathering", 250], ["capture", 264], ["force", 277], ["marriage", 296], ["another", 331], ["werewolf", 340], ["joneses", 364], ["supreme", 379], ["pack", 384], ["master", 391], ["nod", 416], ["nodded", 416], ["regard", 432], ["regarded", 432], ["sadly", 442], ["tell", 468], ["told", 468], ["everything", 482], ["year", 488], ["years", 488], ["ago", 492], ["think", 504], ["thinkest", 504], ["thought", 504], ["trust", 516], ["trusted", 516], ["insist", 551], ["insistest", 551], ["insisted", 551], ["know", 577], ["knowest", 577], ["exist", 592], ["existest", 592], ["existed", 592], ["afraid", 611], ["know", 623], ["knowest", 623], ["knew", 623], ["truth", 633], ["long", 656], ["friend", 669], ["pat", 686], ["patted", 686], ["shoulder", 699], ["shouldered", 699], ["understand", 728], ["understanded", 728], ["understood", 728], ["damn", 755], ["damned", 755], ["powerful", 764], ["way", 778], ["ways", 778], ["many", 786], ["people", 793], ["kowtow", 800], ["kowtows", 800], ["kowtowing", 800], ["sick", 821], ["phineas", 863], ["mutter", 872], ["muttering", 872], ["mutterest", 872], ["muttered", 872], ["werewolf", 897], ["werewolves", 897], ["look", 914], ["looked", 914], ["kind", 938], ["psychic", 949], ["remove", 970], ["removed", 970], ["business", 988], ["card", 993], ["wallet", 1009], ["set", 1017], ["desk", 1032], ["see", 1048], ["hear", 1056], ["hears", 1056], ["anything", 1065], ["ordinary", 1085], ["please", 1094], ["let", 1098], ["lets", 1098], ["evil", 1142], ["evils", 1142], ["evilest", 1142], ["area", 1155], ["must", 1169], ["musts", 1169], ["defeat", 1181], ["defeatest", 1181], ["defeated", 1181], ["nathan", 1209], ["whisper", 1232], ["whispered", 1232], ["wheel", 1289], ["wheeled", 1289], ["close", 1296], ["closer", 1296], ["write", 1318], ["writing", 1318], ["wrote", 1318], ["slip", 1328], ["paper", 1337], ["number", 1360], ["numbering", 1360], ["need", 1372], ["needest", 1372], ["help", 1381], ["helpest", 1381], ["hand", 1396], ["handed", 1396], ["wry", 1417], ["look", 1422], ["much", 1446], ["day", 1472], ["days", 1472], ["oh", 1483], ["hug", 1509], ["hugged", 1509], ["turn", 1527], ["turned", 1527], ["nice", 1545], ["meet", 1553], ["meeted", 1553], ["grab", 1585], ["grabbed", 1585], ["arm", 1600], ["escort", 1613], ["escorted", 1613], ["room", 1631], ["roomed", 1631], ["call", 1645], ["called", 1645], ["thank", 1678], ["thanks", 1678], ["thankest", 1678], ["yell", 1698], ["yelled", 1698], ["back", 1703], ["lead", 1718], ["leaded", 1718], ["led", 1718], ["across", 1729], ["foyer", 1739], ["front", 1757], ["door", 1762], ["fumble", 1776], ["fumbled", 1776], ["handbag", 1791], ["car", 1803], ["key", 1808], ["keyed", 1808], ["keyest", 1808], ["keys", 1808], ["shall", 1819], ["drive", 1828], ["cabin", 1846], ["vampire", 1894], ["mind", 1899], ["minding", 1899], ["control", 1907], ["fail", 1918], ["failed", 1918], ["kyle", 1926], ["soon", 1962], ["take", 2006], ["genius", 2015], ["figure", 2025], ["probably", 2046], ["stay", 2054], ["staying", 2054], ["climb", 2092], ["climbed", 2092], ["driver", 2108], ["seat", 2116], ["give", 2125], ["gave", 2125], ["teleport", 2163], ["teleporting", 2163], ["teleported", 2163], ["passenger", 2182], ["precaution", 2205], ["location", 2221], ["embed", 2237], ["embedded", 2237], ["cool", 2290], ["smile", 2305], ["smiled", 2305], ["worry", 2343], ["worried", 2343], ["screw", 2362], ["screwing", 2362], ["screwed", 2362], ["left", 2374], ["leave", 2374], ["loose", 2389], ["looser", 2389], ["end", 2394], ["ends", 2394], ["endest", 2394], ["john", 2444], ["brighton", 2453], ["near", 2488], ["nearest", 2488], ["town", 2493], ["ten", 2519], ["sleep", 2525], ["slept", 2525], ["sleeps", 2525], ["sleepest", 2525], ["head", 2541], ["headed", 2541], ["driveway", 2559], ["carson", 2573], ["ranch", 2579], ["entrance", 2588], ["entrancing", 2588], ["close", 2605], ["shrug", 2630], ["shrugging", 2630], ["shrugged", 2630], ["shoot", 2644], ["shooted", 2644], ["shot", 2644], ["good", 2703], ["best", 2703], ["get", 2729], ["hell", 2742], ["hells", 2742], ["dodge", 2755], ["dodging", 2755], ["remain", 2769], ["remained", 2769], ["quiet", 2775], ["arrive", 2794], ["arrived", 2794], ["spot", 2826], ["spotted", 2826], ["grocery", 2836], ["store", 2842], ["parking", 2857], ["lot", 2861], ["pull", 2871], ["park", 2886], ["parks", 2886], ["point", 2913], ["pointed", 2913], ["dark", 2923], ["spot", 2928], ["tree", 2944], ["treed", 2944], ["treeing", 2944], ["object", 2987], ["objected", 2987], ["objectest", 2987], ["objecting", 2987], ["engine", 3041], ["overnight", 3081], ["overnights", 3081], ["pick", 3124], ["tomorrow", 3149], ["tomorrows", 3149], ["lock", 3184], ["bring", 3197], ["purse", 3208], ["shut", 3221], ["stride", 3241], ["stridden", 3241], ["toward", 3248], ["shadow", 3264], ["shadowed", 3264], ["scramble", 3292], ["scrambled", 3292], ["swung", 3317], ["swing", 3317], ["onto", 3334], ["ontos", 3334], ["plan", 3369], ["huff", 3386], ["huffs", 3386], ["partner", 3431], ["partners", 3431], ["remember", 3442], ["rememberest", 3442], ["together", 3468], ["keep", 3496], ["keepest", 3496], ["safe", 3505], ["safes", 3505], ["safed", 3505], ["wrap", 3521], ["wraps", 3521], ["wrapping", 3521], ["wrapped", 3521], ["arm", 3530], ["arms", 3530], ["around", 3537], ["chapter", 3566], ["fourteen", 3575], ["materialize", 3607], ["materialized", 3607], ["realize", 3622], ["realized", 3622], ["wyoming", 3645], ["anymore", 3653], ["inner", 3665], ["wolf", 3670], ["tense", 3677], ["tensed", 3677], ["pull", 3694], ["pulled", 3694], ["away", 3699], ["industry", 3737], ["industries", 3737], ["motion", 3759], ["nearby", 3777], ["build", 3786], ["building", 3786], ["gaze", 3797], ["gazes", 3797], ["sweep", 3803], ["swept", 3803], ["gazebo", 3834], ["well", 3843], ["wells", 3843], ["manicure", 3853], ["garden", 3860], ["gardens", 3860], ["gardened", 3860], ["shift", 3875], ["shifted", 3875], ["wood", 3888], ["woods", 3888], ["happen", 3907], ["happened", 3907], ["poor", 3920], ["go", 3967], ["goest", 3967], ["snarl", 4011], ["snarls", 4011], ["snarled", 4011], ["demand", 4023], ["demandest", 4023], ["demanding", 4023], ["return", 4033], ["returnest", 4033], ["home", 4038], ["homing", 4038], ["erase", 4061], ["hundred", 4103], ["percent", 4111], ["work", 4131], ["wrought", 4131], ["worked", 4131]]
when i tapped into his brain , it seemed kinda weird to me . '' `` are you saying werewolves have weird brains ? '' not with you glaring at me like that . what i mean is i think the dude was on something . '' phineas tilted his head as he considered . `` i would say steroids . '' brynley nodded her head slowly . `` he did seem a lot more muscular than when i last saw him . becoming a werewolf would n't automatically add all that bulk . '' `` and he was acting like a prick . '' `` unfortunately , that 's not a new development . he 's always had a chip on his shoulder . racked up some bad gambling debts he could n't pay off , so nate offered to buy his half of the ranch for twice what it was worth . kyle took the money to pay his debts , but he 's always resented his brother for coming to the rescue . '' i ca n't believe he 's a werewolf now . '' just what the lycan world needed-another mean , overbearing male like her father . `` i still want to go back to wyoming . '' `` i 'm not sure the cabin is safe for you now . '' phineas led her toward the side entrance . `` is it unusual for a mortal to become a werewolf ? '' most mortals have no idea we exist . and we do n't go around telling people . or biting people . usually if a mortal is changed , it 's because he was bitten by a werewolf who was forced to defend himself . '' phineas swiped his id card , then opened the door for her . `` it sounds like nate 's new neighbor is a werewolf , and he might be the one who changed kyle . '' `` the guy who bought the haggerty ranch ? '' she walked down the hall , trying to remain calm even though her inner wolf was growing increasingly agitated . `` can you take me back tonight ? '' `` and risk your father capturing you ? i thought you were terrified of that . '' unfortunately , the wolf did n't care . it was growling inside her . `` are n't we supposed to be hunting corky ? we ca n't do that if we stay here . she might be at the haggerty ranch . '' `` i 'll do it alone . i 'm not putting you at risk . '' `` you do n't want me to guard you anymore ? '' `` i can teleport back here for my death-sleep . i 'll just have to keep track of the sunrise . '' she grabbed hold of his arm . especially tomorrow night for the full moon . '' `` you can shift at the school . or i 'll take you to howard 's cabin in the adirondacks . you know , the place where you guarded marielle . '' `` one night at home . my wolf needs it . it 's growling inside me , phineas . i feel like it 'll claw its way out my throat if i do n't do what it says ! '' i did n't realize it was so demanding . '' `` i need to do what it wants . `` i 'm just worried about your father finding you . '' `` believe me , if i roam around the bighorn national forest , no one would ever find me . unless i wanted them to . it 's over a million acres . '' he spun toward a door that opened , then relaxed with a smile . the guy who came out looked like a skinny , younger version of phineas . i did n't expect you back tonight . '' he gave phineas a knuckle pound , then turned to brynley , his dark brown eyes twinkling . `` you must be the wolfie-girl . '' `` i 'm brynley . '' `` you must be freemont . '' i 'm da freeze , the ice man . '' he motioned toward the open door . `` welcome to my humble working quarters . it 's a busy night at vampireville . lots of people stopping by . i use the term people loosely , you understand . '' brynley followed him and phineas into the office and found three more people-two men and a beautiful redheaded woman . they looked familiar , but she 'd never socialized much in the vamp world and could n't recall their names . the woman grinned and grabbed her hand . `` you must be phil 's sister ! i 'm lara di venezia . and this is my husband , jack . '' jack shook her hand . `` i am zoltan czakvar . '' the third man took her hand and bowed over it . he was a striking man with shoulder-length dark hair and almond-shaped amber eyes . `` hey , dudes . '' phineas gave zoltan and jack knuckle pounds . `` dudette . '' he gave lara a hug . `` so did you guys just arrive ? ''
[["tap", 13], ["tapped", 13], ["brain", 28], ["brained", 28], ["braining", 28], ["seem", 40], ["seeming", 40], ["seemed", 40], ["kinda", 46], ["kindas", 46], ["weird", 52], ["say", 81], ["sayest", 81], ["saying", 81], ["werewolf", 92], ["werewolves", 92], ["brain", 110], ["brained", 110], ["braining", 110], ["brains", 110], ["glare", 136], ["glaring", 136], ["like", 147], ["mean", 166], ["meanest", 166], ["think", 177], ["thinkest", 177], ["dude", 186], ["phineas", 216], ["tilt", 223], ["tilting", 223], ["tilted", 223], ["head", 232], ["consider", 249], ["considered", 249], ["say", 266], ["sayest", 266], ["steroid", 275], ["steroids", 275], ["nod", 295], ["nodded", 295], ["slowly", 311], ["seem", 328], ["seeming", 328], ["lot", 334], ["muscular", 348], ["last", 365], ["see", 369], ["saw", 369], ["become", 384], ["becoming", 384], ["werewolf", 395], ["automatically", 419], ["add", 423], ["bulk", 437], ["act", 463], ["acted", 463], ["acting", 463], ["prick", 476], ["unfortunately", 498], ["new", 518], ["development", 530], ["always", 545], ["chip", 556], ["chipping", 556], ["shoulder", 572], ["shouldered", 572], ["rack", 581], ["racked", 581], ["bad", 593], ["gambling", 602], ["debt", 608], ["debts", 608], ["pay", 625], ["pays", 625], ["payest", 625], ["nate", 639], ["nates", 639], ["offer", 647], ["offered", 647], ["buy", 654], ["buyed", 654], ["half", 663], ["ranch", 676], ["twice", 686], ["worth", 704], ["kyle", 711], ["take", 716], ["took", 716], ["money", 726], ["moneys", 726], ["resent", 771], ["resentest", 771], ["resented", 771], ["brother", 783], ["brethren", 783], ["come", 794], ["coming", 794], ["rescue", 808], ["ca", 818], ["cas", 818], ["believe", 830], ["world", 882], ["need", 889], ["needest", 889], ["needed", 889], ["another", 897], ["male", 921], ["males", 921], ["father", 937], ["fathered", 937], ["fathering", 937], ["still", 950], ["go", 961], ["goest", 961], ["back", 966], ["sure", 999], ["cabin", 1009], ["safe", 1017], ["safes", 1017], ["safed", 1017], ["lead", 1046], ["leaded", 1046], ["led", 1046], ["toward", 1057], ["side", 1066], ["sidest", 1066], ["entrance", 1075], ["entrancing", 1075], ["unusual", 1094], ["mortal", 1107], ["become", 1117], ["mortal", 1146], ["mortals", 1146], ["idea", 1159], ["exist", 1168], ["existest", 1168], ["around", 1194], ["tell", 1202], ["telling", 1202], ["people", 1209], ["bite", 1221], ["biting", 1221], ["usually", 1238], ["change", 1261], ["changed", 1261], ["bite", 1291], ["bitten", 1291], ["force", 1320], ["forced", 1320], ["defend", 1330], ["swipe", 1358], ["card", 1370], ["open", 1384], ["opened", 1384], ["door", 1393], ["sound", 1416], ["sounds", 1416], ["neighbor", 1442], ["may", 1471], ["mays", 1471], ["mayest", 1471], ["might", 1471], ["guy", 1515], ["buy", 1526], ["buyed", 1526], ["bought", 1526], ["walk", 1561], ["walked", 1561], ["hall", 1575], ["try", 1584], ["tryed", 1584], ["trying", 1584], ["remain", 1594], ["calm", 1599], ["calms", 1599], ["even", 1604], ["evens", 1604], ["though", 1611], ["inner", 1621], ["wolf", 1626], ["grow", 1638], ["growest", 1638], ["growing", 1638], ["increasingly", 1651], ["take", 1678], ["tonight", 1694], ["risk", 1711], ["riskest", 1711], ["capture", 1733], ["capturing", 1733], ["think", 1749], ["thinkest", 1749], ["thought", 1749], ["terrify", 1768], ["terrified", 1768], ["care", 1819], ["growl", 1837], ["growls", 1837], ["growling", 1837], ["inside", 1844], ["suppose", 1873], ["supposed", 1873], ["hunt", 1887], ["hunting", 1887], ["huntest", 1887], ["corky", 1893], ["stay", 1924], ["alone", 1992], ["put", 2011], ["putting", 2011], ["guard", 2059], ["anymore", 2071], ["teleport", 2094], ["teleporting", 2094], ["death", 2117], ["sleep", 2123], ["slept", 2123], ["sleeps", 2123], ["sleepest", 2123], ["keep", 2149], ["keepest", 2149], ["track", 2155], ["sunrise", 2170], ["grab", 2187], ["grabbed", 2187], ["hold", 2192], ["arm", 2203], ["especially", 2216], ["tomorrow", 2225], ["tomorrows", 2225], ["night", 2231], ["full", 2244], ["moon", 2249], ["moons", 2249], ["shift", 2271], ["school", 2285], ["schooling", 2285], ["howard", 2315], ["adirondack", 2343], ["adirondacks", 2343], ["know", 2354], ["knowest", 2354], ["place", 2366], ["guard", 2384], ["guarded", 2384], ["home", 2419], ["homing", 2419], ["need", 2435], ["needest", 2435], ["needs", 2435], ["feel", 2484], ["claw", 2501], ["way", 2509], ["ways", 2509], ["throat", 2523], ["say", 2551], ["sayest", 2551], ["says", 2551], ["realize", 2574], ["need", 2609], ["needest", 2609], ["find", 2678], ["finding", 2678], ["roam", 2713], ["roamest", 2713], ["bighorn", 2732], ["national", 2741], ["forest", 2748], ["ever", 2768], ["everest", 2768], ["find", 2773], ["unless", 2785], ["unlesss", 2785], ["million", 2825], ["acre", 2831], ["acres", 2831], ["spin", 2844], ["spun", 2844], ["relax", 2885], ["relaxed", 2885], ["smile", 2898], ["come", 2917], ["came", 2917], ["look", 2928], ["looked", 2928], ["skinny", 2942], ["young", 2952], ["youngest", 2952], ["version", 2960], ["expect", 2990], ["give", 3020], ["gave", 3020], ["knuckle", 3038], ["knuckles", 3038], ["knuckling", 3038], ["pound", 3044], ["turn", 3058], ["turned", 3058], ["dark", 3080], ["brown", 3086], ["browns", 3086], ["eye", 3091], ["eyed", 3091], ["eyes", 3091], ["twinkle", 3101], ["must", 3115], ["musts", 3115], ["girl", 3134], ["da", 3197], ["froze", 3204], ["freeze", 3204], ["frozen", 3204], ["freezing", 3204], ["ice", 3214], ["iced", 3214], ["man", 3218], ["mans", 3218], ["manned", 3218], ["motion", 3235], ["open", 3251], ["welcome", 3269], ["humble", 3282], ["humblest", 3282], ["working", 3290], ["quarter", 3299], ["quartering", 3299], ["quarters", 3299], ["busy", 3314], ["busied", 3314], ["lot", 3343], ["lots", 3343], ["stop", 3362], ["stopping", 3362], ["use", 3373], ["term", 3382], ["terming", 3382], ["loosely", 3397], ["understand", 3414], ["understanded", 3414], ["follow", 3436], ["followed", 3436], ["office", 3468], ["find", 3478], ["found", 3478], ["three", 3484], ["two", 3500], ["twos", 3500], ["man", 3504], ["mans", 3504], ["manned", 3504], ["men", 3504], ["beautiful", 3520], ["beautifulest", 3520], ["woman", 3536], ["womans", 3536], ["familiar", 3559], ["never", 3578], ["socialize", 3589], ["socializes", 3589], ["socialized", 3589], ["much", 3594], ["vamp", 3606], ["vamped", 3606], ["recall", 3633], ["recallest", 3633], ["name", 3645], ["names", 3645], ["grin", 3665], ["grinned", 3665], ["hand", 3686], ["phil", 3708], ["sister", 3718], ["lara", 3730], ["di", 3733], ["diest", 3733], ["venezia", 3741], ["husband", 3766], ["husbanding", 3766], ["jack", 3773], ["jacks", 3773], ["jacked", 3773], ["shake", 3789], ["shook", 3789], ["zoltan", 3815], ["third", 3838], ["bow", 3866], ["bowed", 3866], ["length", 3919], ["hair", 3929], ["almond", 3940], ["shape", 3947], ["shapes", 3947], ["shaped", 3947], ["amber", 3953], ["hey", 3967], ["dude", 3975], ["dudes", 3975], ["pound", 4024], ["pounds", 4024], ["dudette", 4037], ["hug", 4061], ["guy", 4082], ["guys", 4082], ["arrive", 4094]]
`` a few hours ago , '' jack said . `` we 've been catching up on reports . angus thinks you 're following a strong lead in wyoming . '' `` yes , '' zoltan agreed . `` we were just about to call you to see if we could join you there . '' `` why do n't we all go ? '' brynley turned to phineas with a beseeching look . `` the cabin may not be safe for you . '' phineas quickly explained the situation . `` i do n't know if my mind control worked on kyle . '' `` we 'll never know if we do n't go back , '' brynley insisted . `` she has a point , '' lara said . `` we ca n't tell if her father 's been informed if we stay here . '' `` if my father knows , he 'll send some of his goons to phil 's cabin , '' brynley added . `` then i 'll go and see if anyone comes looking for you , '' jack suggested . `` i shall go , too , '' zoltan offered . `` is there a television there ? '' `` i want to go , but i do n't want to miss maggie and darcy 's new show . '' `` what new show ? '' lara huffed . `` i told you about it a dozen times . it 's the latest celebrity talk show on dvn . real housewives of the vampire world . the debut is tonight ! '' `` i tried to forget that , '' jack muttered . lara gave him an exasperated look , then turned to brynley . `` maggie asked if we would do the next show at our palazzo in venice . '' `` you have a palazzo ? '' lara 's eyes sparkled with excitement . `` it would look fantastic on television . and i could show off all my favorite places in venice . '' `` it 's an invasion of privacy , '' jack grumbled . `` heather and jean-luc did the show for tonight , '' lara said . `` if they can do it , why ca n't we ? '' for now , we need discuss who is going to phil 's cabin in wyoming . '' `` you , me , and zoltan , '' lara answered . she glanced at brynley . `` there 's a television , right ? '' `` i want to go , too . '' he held up a hand when she started to argue . if your father 's minions show up at the cabin and find these three guys watching television , they 'll just think they made a mistake and leave . but if you 're there , they 'll attempt to take you , by force if necessary , and it 'll turn into a battle . do you want to risk any of these guys getting wounded or killed ? '' brynley swallowed hard . she hardly knew lara , jack , and zoltan . she assumed they 'd fought in the battles at mount rushmore like she had , but she 'd been in wolf form at the time and too involved in the battle to pay them any mind . `` i do n't want anyone to get hurt because of me . even without me there , my father 's men might give you some trouble . '' `` do n't worry about it , '' jack told her . `` we are pleased to be of service , '' zoltan added . lara touched her arm . `` we 're all one big family here . we 're happy to help- '' `` but i 'm not ... one of ... '' brynley started . `` you 're phil 's sister , '' jack said . and we look out for our own . '' brynley 's heart squeezed in her chest . a family that truly cared and protected one another ? instead of using one another as pawns ? it was a beautiful thought . and it struck a deep need inside her that had long been neglected . this was the way a pack should act . truly caring for one another . never banishing boys who showed great potential . never treating women like bargaining chips . freemont punched a fist in the air . `` we 're like the musketeers ! all for one , and one for all ! '' everyone chuckled except brynley , who blinked to keep tears from crowding her eyes . all this time she 'd hated the vamps , but they were willing to endanger themselves to protect her . they considered her family . `` i 'll teleport you guys to the cabin so you 'll know the way , '' phineas offered . he patted brynley on the shoulder . she nodded , her face averted so no one would know she was struggling not to cry . phineas turned off the alarm system , then teleported away with zoltan .
[["hour", 14], ["hours", 14], ["ago", 18], ["jack", 28], ["jacks", 28], ["jacked", 28], ["say", 33], ["sayest", 33], ["said", 33], ["catch", 59], ["catched", 59], ["catches", 59], ["catching", 59], ["report", 73], ["reports", 73], ["angus", 81], ["think", 88], ["thinkest", 88], ["thinks", 88], ["follow", 106], ["following", 106], ["strong", 115], ["lead", 120], ["leaded", 120], ["yes", 143], ["zoltan", 155], ["agree", 162], ["agreed", 162], ["call", 194], ["see", 205], ["join", 222], ["joinest", 222], ["go", 261], ["goest", 261], ["turn", 281], ["turned", 281], ["phineas", 292], ["look", 315], ["cabin", 330], ["may", 334], ["mays", 334], ["mayest", 334], ["safe", 346], ["safes", 346], ["safed", 346], ["quickly", 375], ["explain", 385], ["explained", 385], ["situation", 399], ["know", 418], ["knowest", 418], ["mind", 429], ["minding", 429], ["control", 437], ["work", 444], ["wrought", 444], ["worked", 444], ["kyle", 452], ["never", 473], ["back", 499], ["insist", 521], ["insistest", 521], ["insisted", 521], ["point", 542], ["lara", 552], ["ca", 568], ["cas", 568], ["tell", 577], ["father", 591], ["fathered", 591], ["fathering", 591], ["inform", 608], ["informs", 608], ["informed", 608], ["stay", 619], ["know", 651], ["knowest", 651], ["knows", 651], ["send", 665], ["goon", 683], ["goons", 683], ["phil", 691], ["add", 719], ["added", 719], ["anyone", 756], ["come", 762], ["comes", 762], ["look", 770], ["looking", 770], ["suggest", 798], ["suggested", 798], ["shall", 811], ["offer", 840], ["offered", 840], ["television", 867], ["miss", 922], ["maggie", 929], ["darcy", 939], ["new", 946], ["show", 951], ["tell", 1002], ["told", 1002], ["dozen", 1023], ["time", 1029], ["times", 1029], ["late", 1048], ["lates", 1048], ["latest", 1048], ["celebrity", 1058], ["talk", 1063], ["real", 1082], ["reis", 1082], ["housewife", 1093], ["housewives", 1093], ["housewifed", 1093], ["housewifes", 1093], ["vampire", 1108], ["world", 1114], ["debut", 1126], ["debuting", 1126], ["tonight", 1137], ["try", 1153], ["tryed", 1153], ["tried", 1153], ["forget", 1163], ["forgot", 1163], ["mutter", 1187], ["muttering", 1187], ["mutterest", 1187], ["muttered", 1187], ["give", 1199], ["gave", 1199], ["ask", 1266], ["asked", 1266], ["next", 1290], ["palazzo", 1310], ["venice", 1320], ["eye", 1365], ["eyed", 1365], ["eyes", 1365], ["sparkle", 1374], ["sparkled", 1374], ["excitement", 1390], ["fantastic", 1419], ["favorite", 1472], ["favoritest", 1472], ["place", 1479], ["places", 1479], ["invasion", 1515], ["privacy", 1526], ["grumble", 1545], ["grumbles", 1545], ["grumbled", 1545], ["heather", 1558], ["jean", 1567], ["jeans", 1567], ["luc", 1571], ["need", 1673], ["needest", 1673], ["discuss", 1681], ["discusses", 1681], ["discussest", 1681], ["go", 1694], ["goest", 1694], ["going", 1694], ["answer", 1771], ["answeres", 1771], ["answerest", 1771], ["answered", 1771], ["glance", 1785], ["glanced", 1785], ["right", 1831], ["rightest", 1831], ["hold", 1871], ["held", 1871], ["hand", 1881], ["start", 1898], ["started", 1898], ["argue", 1907], ["minion", 1935], ["minions", 1935], ["find", 1965], ["three", 1977], ["guy", 1982], ["guys", 1982], ["watch", 1991], ["watching", 1991], ["think", 2024], ["thinkest", 2024], ["mistook", 2044], ["mistake", 2044], ["mistaken", 2044], ["left", 2054], ["leave", 2054], ["attempt", 2096], ["take", 2104], ["force", 2119], ["necessary", 2132], ["turn", 2150], ["battle", 2164], ["risk", 2186], ["riskest", 2186], ["get", 2212], ["getting", 2212], ["wind", 2220], ["wound", 2220], ["wounding", 2220], ["wounded", 2220], ["kill", 2230], ["killed", 2230], ["swallow", 2253], ["swallows", 2253], ["swallowed", 2253], ["hard", 2258], ["hardly", 2271], ["know", 2276], ["knowest", 2276], ["knew", 2276], ["assume", 2315], ["assumes", 2315], ["assumed", 2315], ["fight", 2330], ["fightest", 2330], ["fought", 2330], ["battle", 2345], ["battles", 2345], ["mount", 2354], ["mounted", 2354], ["mountest", 2354], ["rushmore", 2363], ["like", 2368], ["wolf", 2402], ["form", 2407], ["formest", 2407], ["time", 2419], ["pay", 2457], ["pays", 2457], ["payest", 2457], ["get", 2504], ["hurt", 2509], ["hurts", 2509], ["hurting", 2509], ["even", 2530], ["evens", 2530], ["without", 2538], ["man", 2566], ["mans", 2566], ["manned", 2566], ["men", 2566], ["may", 2572], ["mays", 2572], ["mayest", 2572], ["might", 2572], ["give", 2577], ["trouble", 2594], ["troubling", 2594], ["worry", 2615], ["worried", 2615], ["pleased", 2663], ["service", 2680], ["servicing", 2680], ["touch", 2713], ["touching", 2713], ["touched", 2713], ["arm", 2721], ["big", 2745], ["bigs", 2745], ["family", 2752], ["happy", 2772], ["sister", 2862], ["heart", 2929], ["squeeze", 2938], ["squeezes", 2938], ["squeezed", 2938], ["chest", 2951], ["truly", 2973], ["care", 2979], ["cared", 2979], ["protect", 2993], ["protectest", 2993], ["protected", 2993], ["another", 3005], ["instead", 3015], ["use", 3024], ["using", 3024], ["pawn", 3045], ["pawns", 3045], ["beautiful", 3066], ["beautifulest", 3066], ["thought", 3074], ["strike", 3090], ["struck", 3090], ["deep", 3097], ["deeply", 3097], ["inside", 3109], ["long", 3127], ["longs", 3127], ["neglect", 3142], ["neglecting", 3142], ["neglected", 3142], ["way", 3161], ["ways", 3161], ["pack", 3168], ["act", 3179], ["acted", 3179], ["care", 3194], ["caring", 3194], ["banish", 3228], ["banishest", 3228], ["boy", 3233], ["boys", 3233], ["show", 3244], ["showed", 3244], ["great", 3250], ["potential", 3260], ["treat", 3277], ["treats", 3277], ["treatest", 3277], ["treating", 3277], ["woman", 3283], ["womans", 3283], ["women", 3283], ["bargaining", 3299], ["chip", 3305], ["chipping", 3305], ["chips", 3305], ["punch", 3324], ["punching", 3324], ["punched", 3324], ["fist", 3331], ["air", 3342], ["airs", 3342], ["airing", 3342], ["musketeer", 3374], ["musketeers", 3374], ["everyone", 3420], ["chuckle", 3429], ["chuckled", 3429], ["except", 3436], ["blink", 3458], ["blinked", 3458], ["keep", 3466], ["keepest", 3466], ["tear", 3472], ["teared", 3472], ["tears", 3472], ["crowd", 3486], ["crowding", 3486], ["crowdest", 3486], ["hate", 3524], ["hateed", 3524], ["hated", 3524], ["vamp", 3534], ["vamped", 3534], ["willing", 3558], ["endanger", 3570], ["protect", 3592], ["protectest", 3592], ["consider", 3614], ["considered", 3614], ["teleport", 3645], ["teleporting", 3645], ["pat", 3724], ["patted", 3724], ["shoulder", 3748], ["shouldered", 3748], ["nod", 3761], ["nodded", 3761], ["face", 3772], ["avert", 3780], ["averting", 3780], ["averted", 3780], ["struggle", 3820], ["struggling", 3820], ["cry", 3831], ["alarm", 3862], ["system", 3869], ["teleport", 3887], ["teleporting", 3887], ["teleported", 3887], ["away", 3892]]
while the rest of them waited , brynley explained their theory that corky might be hiding at a ranch once owned by the haggertys . and that the new owner might be a werewolf . freemont sat at the desk and started a search on the computer . phineas and zoltan reappeared in the office , then teleported away , taking jack and lara with them . less than a minute later , phineas materialized and turned the alarm system back on . zoltan took the first watch on the porch , and jack and lara are in the basement watching television . '' she still ached to return , but she knew this arrangement was for the best . `` i can still go back tomorrow night for the full moon , right ? '' like you said , it 's a big place . we should be able to find someplace safe for you to shift . '' her inner wolf grew calm , and she smiled with a sudden comforting feeling of peace . the wolf was happy , and she was happy to be surrounded by people who were willing to help her . `` by the way , your brother 's investigating the haggerty ranch on the computer . '' phineas gave his brother a thumbs-up . `` i got it going on , '' freemont murmured , his eyes focused on the monitor . `` the ice man is too cool for school . '' `` speaking of ice , would you like some ice cream ? '' phineas asked her . `` i could take you to the cafeteria . '' `` oooh , it 's never too late for a red-hot date , '' freemont whispered . phineas shot an annoyed look at his brother , then turned to brynley . `` the cafeteria is closed , but the soft-serve ice cream machine is always working . '' `` oooh , a little chocolate swirl for the wolfie-girl . '' `` enough , freemont , '' phineas growled . brynley bit her lip to keep from grinning . freemont 's mouth twitched . `` ooh , look who 's pissed , when he 'd rather be kissed . '' phineas grabbed brynley and led her out the door . `` wishing you luck , '' freemont called after him . `` so you 'll have a good- '' phineas whirled around to glare at him . `` -time on your date , '' freemont finished , his eyes twinkling . brynley grinned as she looped her arm through phineas 's . `` our first date , phin . '' his dark chocolate eyes gleamed . `` let 's do it , bryn . '' `` look what i found in the kitchen . '' phineas set a chocolate brownie on the table next to brynley 's bowl of chocolate swirl ice cream and glass of milk . anything to keep her mind off going back to wyoming tonight . he sat beside her and plunked his bottle on the table . she pinched off a corner of the brownie and popped it into her mouth . `` most of the night shift are vamps , so we do n't use the cafeteria very much . '' she sniffed when he twisted the top off his bottle . `` that smells like beer . '' `` it 's bleer , a mixture of beer and synthetic blood . '' `` should n't you be drinking blardonnay ? '' `` do n't tell anyone , but i do n't really like blardonnay very much . '' she grinned and spooned some ice cream into her mouth . `` well , you do a great job on the commercials . do you have a lot of fans fawning all over you ? '' she pointed the spoon at him . `` i think it embarrasses you to be a sex symbol . '' `` it 's kind of ... artificial . i want to be liked for the real me . '' `` i sure understand that . '' she took another bite of ice cream . `` i hate it when people pretend to like me because i 'm caddoc jones 's daughter . i want to be liked for the real me , too . '' `` i do like you just the way you are , '' he reminded her , and she looked away , her cheeks growing pink . he touched a lock of hair that rested on her shoulder . it was silky smooth against his fingertips . `` i 'm beginning to think we have a lot in common . we can both live for a long time . we have lousy fathers . we lost our mothers . '' `` we 're both survivors , '' she whispered . `` wounded souls . '' that seemed a little dramatic . he swiveled in his chair to face her . `` what wounded your soul , brynley ? '' `` i-it 's just an expression . '' she bit off a chunk of the brownie . `` brynley . i told you my story . why wo n't you share yours ? '' she swallowed and sipped some milk from her glass .
[["rest", 14], ["wait", 29], ["waitest", 29], ["waited", 29], ["explain", 49], ["explained", 49], ["theory", 62], ["corky", 73], ["may", 79], ["mays", 79], ["mayest", 79], ["might", 79], ["hide", 89], ["hides", 89], ["ranch", 100], ["new", 147], ["owner", 153], ["werewolf", 173], ["sat", 188], ["sit", 188], ["desk", 200], ["start", 212], ["started", 212], ["search", 221], ["computer", 237], ["zoltan", 258], ["reappear", 269], ["reappeared", 269], ["office", 283], ["teleport", 301], ["teleporting", 301], ["teleported", 301], ["away", 306], ["take", 315], ["taking", 315], ["jack", 320], ["jacks", 320], ["jacked", 320], ["lara", 329], ["less", 346], ["minute", 360], ["later", 366], ["phineas", 376], ["materialize", 389], ["materialized", 389], ["turn", 400], ["turned", 400], ["alarm", 410], ["system", 417], ["back", 422], ["take", 439], ["took", 439], ["first", 449], ["firstest", 449], ["watch", 455], ["porch", 468], ["basement", 508], ["watch", 517], ["watching", 517], ["television", 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["blooded", 2768], ["drank", 2803], ["drink", 2803], ["drinking", 2803], ["tell", 2834], ["anyone", 2841], ["really", 2863], ["spoon", 2918], ["spooned", 2918], ["well", 2958], ["wells", 2958], ["great", 2975], ["job", 2979], ["jobbing", 2979], ["commercial", 2998], ["commercials", 2998], ["lot", 3018], ["fan", 3026], ["fans", 3026], ["fawn", 3034], ["fawns", 3034], ["fawnest", 3034], ["fawning", 3034], ["point", 3064], ["pointed", 3064], ["spoon", 3074], ["think", 3094], ["thinkest", 3094], ["embarrass", 3109], ["embarrassed", 3109], ["sex", 3125], ["symbol", 3132], ["kind", 3151], ["artificial", 3169], ["like", 3190], ["liked", 3190], ["real", 3203], ["reis", 3203], ["sure", 3221], ["understand", 3232], ["understanded", 3232], ["another", 3259], ["bite", 3264], ["hate", 3289], ["hateed", 3289], ["pretend", 3312], ["pretendest", 3312], ["joneses", 3349], ["daughter", 3361], ["remind", 3464], ["reminded", 3464], ["look", 3485], ["looked", 3485], ["cheek", 3503], ["cheeks", 3503], ["grow", 3511], ["growest", 3511], ["growing", 3511], ["pink", 3516], ["touch", 3529], ["touching", 3529], ["touched", 3529], ["lock", 3536], ["hair", 3544], ["rest", 3556], ["rested", 3556], ["shoulder", 3572], ["shouldered", 3572], ["silky", 3587], ["smooth", 3594], ["fingertip", 3617], ["fingertips", 3617], ["beginning", 3637], ["common", 3670], ["commons", 3670], ["commonest", 3670], ["live", 3689], ["long", 3700], ["longs", 3700], ["time", 3705], ["lousy", 3721], ["father", 3729], ["fathered", 3729], ["fathering", 3729], ["fathers", 3729], ["lose", 3739], ["lost", 3739], ["mother", 3751], ["mothered", 3751], ["motherest", 3751], ["mothers", 3751], ["survivor", 3781], ["survivors", 3781], ["wind", 3813], ["wound", 3813], ["wounding", 3813], ["wounded", 3813], ["soul", 3819], ["souls", 3819], ["seem", 3836], ["seeming", 3836], ["seemed", 3836], ["dramatic", 3854], ["swivel", 3868], ["swiveled", 3868], ["chair", 3881], ["chairing", 3881], ["face", 3889], ["soul", 3921], ["expression", 3966], ["chunk", 3991], ["chunked", 3991], ["tell", 4028], ["told", 4028], ["story", 4041], ["wo", 4050], ["share", 4064], ["swallow", 4089], ["swallows", 4089], ["swallowed", 4089], ["sip", 4100], ["sipped", 4100]]
she avoided looking at him , and focused on the flat-screen television mounted on a wall . someone must have hurt her bad . it made him angry just to think about it . `` you 're ... you 're on tv ! '' she pointed at the flat screen . he frowned at the blardonnay commercial that had just started . she shoved at his shoulder . `` turn up the volume ! '' with a frustrated groan , he zipped over to the tv and punched the volume button . `` hello , ladies , '' his voice filled the room . brynley grinned at him . he shook his head and returned to the table with the remote control . she giggled when he said he had the family jewels in his hand . he grunted and took a long swig of bleer . he 'd come so close to getting past her defenses until he 'd been interrupted by himself . `` oh look . '' she gestured at the flat screen . `` it 's the show lara was talking about . real housewives of the vampire world . '' on the television screen , maggie was standing with heather echarpe , who was introducing her husband and children . `` of course , everyone knows that jean-luc is a famous fashion designer , '' heather said , glancing at her husband with adoring eyes . `` but he 's so much more . a wonderfully loving husband and father . '' jean-luc shifted his weight , looking uncomfortable . `` and these are your children ? '' heather drew a pretty girl close to her . `` this is our daughter , bethany . '' `` i know her from the academy , '' brynley said . `` she 's a sweetheart . but those twins-my god , they 're a handful . '' after heather showed off the toddlers , jean-pierre and jillian , she gave her husband a hug . `` did you know jean-luc is a champion swordsman ? the best fencer in all of europe . '' jean-luc smiled , looking much more at ease . `` would you mind showing us around your home ? '' `` i 'd love to , '' heather replied . maggie smiled at the camera . `` my associate will be taking the tour with heather . the screen shifted to a sunny day outdoors and showed darcy in front of the camera . `` this is darcy erickson , reporting from schnitzelberg , texas . we have a special treat for you . you 'll be the first vamps to see the echarpe home in daylight ! '' she turned , and the camera turned with her to show jean-luc 's house behind her . brynley sat back . `` that 's their house ? '' phineas frowned at the screen . is it real fancy inside ? '' he sipped more bleer . `` you know , i 'm not rich like the old vamps around here . i ca n't afford a place like that . '' `` that 's something we do n't have in common . you grew up rich , and- '' `` and i was miserable , '' she interrupted him . `` i do n't care about wealth , phineas . '' he heaved a sigh of relief . `` i make a good salary here , and the commercials pay really well- '' `` phin . '' `` you do n't mind anymore that i 'm a vampire ? '' she winced and withdrew her hand from his grasp . `` i was wrong to hate vamps . i feel bad about it now . i was just ... so angry . '' she picked up her spoon and swirled it around in the ice cream . `` i was devastated when my mom died . and then right after that , phil got into a terrible fight with my dad and was kicked out . i thought he would come back . phineas muted the volume on the television . `` it must have been hard on you . '' `` that does n't even begin to describe it . i was abandoned by the two people i loved the most . the only two people whom i could talk to and trust . i-i 've always felt like my mother did n't fight the cancer . `` remember how you were in denial over your father ? i did the same thing . i was about twelve years old before i could admit what was happening . you see , as supreme pack master , my father believes he has the right to take any female in the pack he desires . '' `` he cheated on your mom ? '' she endured years of humiliation . not only was it demeaning to her , but to the other women , too . some of them were married and did n't want to be unfaithful . but their husbands did n't dare say no to the master . some of the women actually considered it an honor , but the whole thing made my mother so ashamed . she-she did n't want that kind of life for me . '' phineas squeezed her hand .
[["avoid", 11], ["avoided", 11], ["look", 19], ["looking", 19], ["focus", 40], ["focused", 40], ["flat", 52], ["screen", 59], ["screening", 59], ["television", 70], ["mount", 78], ["mounted", 78], ["mountest", 78], ["wall", 88], ["must", 103], ["musts", 103], ["hurt", 113], ["hurts", 113], ["hurting", 113], ["bad", 121], ["angry", 141], ["think", 155], ["thinkest", 155], ["tv", 195], ["point", 212], ["pointed", 212], ["frown", 244], ["frowns", 244], ["frowned", 244], ["commercial", 273], ["start", 295], ["started", 295], ["shove", 308], ["shoved", 308], ["shoulder", 324], ["shouldered", 324], ["turn", 334], ["volume", 348], ["volumed", 348], ["groan", 377], ["groans", 377], ["groanest", 377], ["groaning", 377], ["zip", 389], ["zips", 389], ["zipped", 389], ["punch", 416], ["punching", 416], ["punched", 416], ["button", 434], ["buttoning", 434], ["hello", 445], ["hellos", 445], ["lady", 454], ["ladies", 454], ["voice", 469], ["fill", 476], ["fills", 476], ["filled", 476], ["room", 485], ["roomed", 485], ["grin", 503], ["grinned", 503], ["shake", 521], ["shook", 521], ["head", 530], ["return", 543], ["returnest", 543], ["returned", 543], ["table", 556], ["tabled", 556], ["tabling", 556], ["remote", 572], ["remoted", 572], ["control", 580], ["giggle", 594], ["giggled", 594], ["say", 607], ["sayest", 607], ["said", 607], ["family", 625], ["jewel", 632], ["jeweled", 632], ["jewelled", 632], ["jewels", 632], ["hand", 644], ["grunt", 657], ["grunted", 657], ["take", 666], ["took", 666], ["long", 673], ["longs", 673], ["swig", 678], ["swigs", 678], ["come", 700], ["close", 709], ["get", 720], ["getting", 720], ["past", 725], ["defense", 738], ["defenses", 738], ["interrupt", 767], ["interruptest", 767], ["interrupted", 767], ["oh", 786], ["look", 791], ["gesture", 809], ["gestured", 809], ["show", 848], ["lara", 853], ["talk", 865], ["talking", 865], ["real", 878], ["reis", 878], ["housewife", 889], ["housewives", 889], ["housewifed", 889], ["housewifes", 889], ["vampire", 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["know", 1423], ["knowest", 1423], ["academy", 1444], ["sweetheart", 1487], ["twin", 1505], ["twins", 1505], ["god", 1512], ["handful", 1533], ["handfuls", 1533], ["show", 1559], ["showed", 1559], ["toddler", 1576], ["toddlers", 1576], ["pierre", 1590], ["jillian", 1602], ["give", 1613], ["gave", 1613], ["hug", 1631], ["champion", 1672], ["swordsmen", 1682], ["swordsman", 1682], ["good", 1693], ["best", 1693], ["fencer", 1700], ["europe", 1717], ["smile", 1738], ["smiled", 1738], ["ease", 1766], ["mind", 1786], ["minding", 1786], ["show", 1794], ["showing", 1794], ["around", 1804], ["home", 1814], ["homing", 1814], ["love", 1832], ["reply", 1856], ["replied", 1856], ["camera", 1886], ["cameras", 1886], ["associate", 1904], ["associated", 1904], ["take", 1919], ["taking", 1919], ["tour", 1928], ["sunny", 1973], ["day", 1977], ["outdoors", 1986], ["darcy", 2003], ["front", 2012], ["erickson", 2054], ["report", 2066], ["reporting", 2066], ["texas", 2093], ["special", 2113], ["treat", 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["withdraw", 2870], ["withdrew", 2870], ["grasp", 2894], ["grasped", 2894], ["grasping", 2894], ["wrong", 2911], ["hate", 2919], ["hateed", 2919], ["feel", 2934], ["pick", 2993], ["picked", 2993], ["spoon", 3006], ["swirl", 3018], ["swirls", 3018], ["swirlest", 3018], ["swirled", 3018], ["ice", 3039], ["iced", 3039], ["cream", 3045], ["creamest", 3045], ["devastate", 3067], ["devastated", 3067], ["mom", 3079], ["moms", 3079], ["die", 3084], ["died", 3084], ["right", 3101], ["rightest", 3101], ["phil", 3119], ["get", 3123], ["got", 3123], ["terrible", 3139], ["fight", 3145], ["fightest", 3145], ["dad", 3157], ["kick", 3172], ["kicked", 3172], ["think", 3188], ["thinkest", 3188], ["thought", 3188], ["mute", 3223], ["mutes", 3223], ["muted", 3223], ["hard", 3280], ["even", 3314], ["evens", 3314], ["begin", 3320], ["describe", 3332], ["abandon", 3353], ["abandoned", 3353], ["two", 3364], ["twos", 3364], ["people", 3371], ["love", 3379], ["loved", 3379], ["talk", 3428], ["trust", 3441], ["always", 3458], ["feel", 3463], ["felt", 3463], ["mother", 3478], ["mothered", 3478], ["motherest", 3478], ["cancer", 3503], ["remember", 3517], ["rememberest", 3517], ["denial", 3540], ["thing", 3580], ["twelve", 3601], ["twelves", 3601], ["year", 3607], ["years", 3607], ["admit", 3632], ["happen", 3651], ["happening", 3651], ["supreme", 3674], ["pack", 3679], ["master", 3686], ["believe", 3707], ["believes", 3707], ["take", 3732], ["female", 3743], ["desire", 3766], ["desires", 3766], ["cheat", 3785], ["cheated", 3785], ["endure", 3814], ["endured", 3814], ["humiliation", 3835], ["woman", 3895], ["womans", 3895], ["women", 3895], ["marry", 3929], ["married", 3929], ["unfaithful", 3963], ["husband", 3984], ["husbanding", 3984], ["husbands", 3984], ["dare", 3997], ["say", 4001], ["sayest", 4001], ["consider", 4058], ["considered", 4058], ["honor", 4070], ["whole", 4086], ["wholes", 4086], ["ashamed", 4118], ["kind", 4151], ["life", 4159], ["lifes", 4159], ["squeeze", 4188], ["squeezes", 4188], ["squeezed", 4188]]
`` i think she would be proud of you now . '' brynley smiled with tears in her eyes . her death was hard on my younger brother and sister , too . they were just eleven , so i tried to be a mother to them . when they were fourteen , they shifted for the first time , and then howell thought he was too old to be babied , so he grew more distant . but my sister , glynis , she 's always depended on me . i hated leaving her there alone . '' `` you feel responsible for her . '' brynley took a deep breath . `` so after my mother died , phil had his fight with my father and left . i kept leaving notes at phil 's cabin , hoping he 'd see them and come back . i begged him to come back . and then finally , nine years later , he shows up at the cabin with vanda . and i find out he 's been living with vampires all those years when i needed him so much . '' `` you felt betrayed . '' and happy , too . i was delighted to have phil back in my life , but i was so angry that he 'd chosen vampires over me , his twin sister . so i guess i channeled all that rage into a hatred of vampires . vanda , especially . i 've been so rude to her . '' phineas rubbed her back . i think vanda understands . '' `` she 's always been kind to me . you deserve kindness as much as anyone . '' she gave him a sad smile and touched his cheek . `` you 're such a good man , phineas . '' `` brynley , i 'm falling in love with you . '' with a gasp , she pulled her hand back . we ca n't ... there 's no future for us . i used to think we were all wrong for each other , but now i think you 're perfect . '' i 'm not perfect for anyone . my father would try to kill you . '' she jumped to her feet with tears in her eyes . `` you should stay far away from me . my father will track you down and punish you . you do n't know how terrible he can be . he- '' she backed away , a tear tumbling down her cheek . phineas 's breath caught in his throat . she 'd already admitted that her father had mistreated her mother . and other women in the pack . what had he done to his daughter ? `` brynley , '' he whispered . with a strangled whimper , she pressed her hands to her mouth . phineas felt sick to his stomach . he thought back to the expression she 'd used earlier when she 'd called them survivors . he wounded your soul . '' chapter fifteen brynley paced across the cafeteria , but the room was n't big enough . her wolf clawed at her insides like a caged animal . free , it had to get free . panic swelled in her chest , threatening to explode . she pulled open a glass door and dashed outside . tears blurred her vision , and she stumbled to a stop in the middle of a basketball court . dammit , she should have never fallen for phineas . now she 'd have to chase him away , and it was going to hurt like hell . once again she would be left all alone . you have me , her inner wolf growled , louder than ever before . it 's not enough ! i want more ! but she could n't have phineas . her chest seized with a pain that nearly doubled her over . `` brynley , '' phineas called after her . a door clicked shut behind her . he would want an explanation , and she could n't talk about it . the memories hovered over her like a toxic cloud . she swiped at the tears on her face and sprinted toward the woods . `` brynley , wait ! '' phineas ran after her . she plunged into the woods and weaved through the trees , heedless of the branches that swatted her face and caught at her hair . she could n't run fast enough . flashes of memories bombarded her . memories she 'd tried so hard to forget . the night she was chased . terrible , escalating fear . her wolf howled with despair . it was supposed to be the hunter , not the hunted . footsteps pounded behind her . they were coming after her . for god 's sake , do n't look . she 'd made that mistake before . his beautiful voice that made her melt inside . with a start , she whirled around to face him , her hands lifted to defend herself . an animal-like growl escaped from her mouth . phineas raised his hands , palms up . she struggled to breathe and looked around her . she immediately stepped back , then halted . she was n't a cornered animal . and this was phineas . he would never harm her .
[["think", 10], ["thinkest", 10], ["proud", 29], ["smile", 60], ["smiled", 60], ["tear", 71], ["teared", 71], ["tears", 71], ["eye", 83], ["eyed", 83], ["eyes", 83], ["death", 95], ["hard", 104], ["young", 118], ["youngest", 118], ["brother", 126], ["brethren", 126], ["sister", 137], ["eleven", 167], ["try", 180], ["tryed", 180], ["tried", 180], ["mother", 195], ["mothered", 195], ["motherest", 195], ["fourteen", 229], ["shift", 244], ["shifted", 244], ["first", 258], ["firstest", 258], ["time", 263], ["howell", 281], ["howells", 281], ["think", 289], ["thinkest", 289], ["thought", 289], ["old", 304], ["baby", 317], ["babied", 317], ["grow", 330], ["growest", 330], ["grew", 330], ["distant", 343], ["always", 384], ["depend", 393], ["depended", 393], ["hate", 409], ["hateed", 409], ["hated", 409], ["left", 417], ["leave", 417], ["leaving", 417], ["alone", 433], ["feel", 450], ["responsible", 462], ["take", 488], ["took", 488], ["deep", 495], ["deeply", 495], ["breath", 502], ["breathest", 502], ["die", 531], ["died", 531], ["phil", 538], ["fight", 552], ["fightest", 552], ["father", 567], ["fathered", 567], ["fathering", 567], ["left", 576], ["leave", 576], ["keep", 585], ["keepest", 585], ["kept", 585], ["note", 599], ["notes", 599], ["cabin", 616], ["hope", 625], ["hoping", 625], ["see", 635], ["come", 649], ["back", 654], ["beg", 665], ["finally", 701], ["nine", 708], ["year", 714], ["years", 714], ["later", 720], ["show", 731], ["shows", 731], ["vanda", 758], ["find", 771], ["live", 793], ["living", 793], ["vampire", 807], ["vampires", 807], ["need", 837], ["needest", 837], ["needed", 837], ["much", 849], ["feel", 866], ["felt", 866], ["betray", 875], ["betrayed", 875], ["betraying", 875], ["happy", 890], ["delighted", 914], ["life", 943], ["lifes", 943], ["angry", 964], ["choose", 982], ["chosen", 982], ["twin", 1010], ["guess", 1030], ["channel", 1042], ["channelest", 1042], ["channeled", 1042], ["rage", 1056], ["hatred", 1070], ["especially", 1103], ["rude", 1124], ["phineas", 1144], ["rub", 1151], ["rubbed", 1151], ["understand", 1188], ["understanded", 1188], ["understands", 1188], ["kind", 1220], ["deserve", 1240], ["deserved", 1240], ["kindness", 1249], ["kindnesses", 1249], ["anyone", 1267], ["give", 1281], ["gave", 1281], ["sad", 1291], ["smile", 1297], ["touch", 1309], ["touching", 1309], ["touched", 1309], ["cheek", 1319], ["cheeks", 1319], ["good", 1344], ["man", 1348], ["mans", 1348], ["manned", 1348], ["fall", 1389], ["falls", 1389], ["falling", 1389], ["love", 1397], ["gasp", 1423], ["gasps", 1423], ["pull", 1436], ["pulled", 1436], ["hand", 1445], ["ca", 1458], ["cas", 1458], ["future", 1485], ["use", 1501], ["used", 1501], ["wrong", 1528], ["perfect", 1577], ["perfectest", 1577], ["try", 1632], ["tryed", 1632], ["kill", 1640], ["jump", 1660], ["jumps", 1660], ["jumped", 1660], ["foot", 1672], ["feet", 1672], ["stay", 1716], ["far", 1720], ["away", 1725], ["track", 1756], ["punish", 1776], ["know", 1798], ["knowest", 1798], ["terrible", 1811], ["back", 1841], ["backed", 1841], ["tear", 1855], ["teared", 1855], ["tumble", 1864], ["tumbling", 1864], ["catch", 1906], ["catched", 1906], ["catches", 1906], ["caught", 1906], ["throat", 1920], ["already", 1937], ["admit", 1946], ["admitted", 1946], ["mistreat", 1977], ["mistreats", 1977], ["mistreated", 1977], ["woman", 2006], ["womans", 2006], ["women", 2006], ["pack", 2018], ["daughter", 2053], ["whisper", 2084], ["whispered", 2084], ["whimper", 2111], ["whimpering", 2111], ["press", 2125], ["pressed", 2125], ["hand", 2135], ["hands", 2135], ["mouth", 2148], ["mouthed", 2148], ["sick", 2168], ["stomach", 2183], ["stomachs", 2183], ["stomaching", 2183], ["expression", 2219], ["early", 2239], ["call", 2258], ["called", 2258], ["survivor", 2273], ["survivors", 2273], ["wind", 2286], ["wound", 2286], ["wounding", 2286], ["wounded", 2286], ["soul", 2296], ["chapter", 2309], ["fifteen", 2317], ["pace", 2331], ["paced", 2331], ["across", 2338], ["cafeteria", 2352], ["room", 2367], ["roomed", 2367], ["big", 2379], ["bigs", 2379], ["enough", 2386], ["wolf", 2397], ["claw", 2404], ["clawed", 2404], ["inside", 2419], ["insides", 2419], ["like", 2424], ["cage", 2432], ["caged", 2432], ["animal", 2439], ["free", 2446], ["get", 2462], ["panic", 2475], ["swell", 2483], ["swells", 2483], ["swollen", 2483], ["swellest", 2483], ["swelled", 2483], ["chest", 2496], ["threaten", 2510], ["threatening", 2510], ["explode", 2521], ["open", 2539], ["glass", 2547], ["door", 2552], ["dash", 2563], ["dashed", 2563], ["outside", 2571], ["blur", 2587], ["blurs", 2587], ["blurred", 2587], ["vision", 2598], ["stumble", 2617], ["stumbled", 2617], ["stop", 2627], ["middle", 2641], ["middles", 2641], ["middling", 2641], ["basketball", 2657], ["court", 2663], ["courting", 2663], ["courtest", 2663], ["dammit", 2672], ["never", 2696], ["fall", 2703], ["falls", 2703], ["fallen", 2703], ["chase", 2742], ["go", 2770], ["goest", 2770], ["going", 2770], ["hurt", 2778], ["hurts", 2778], ["hurting", 2778], ["hell", 2788], ["hells", 2788], ["inner", 2855], ["growl", 2868], ["growls", 2868], ["growled", 2868], ["louder", 2877], ["ever", 2887], ["everest", 2887], ["seize", 2979], ["seizes", 2979], ["seized", 2979], ["pain", 2991], ["nearly", 3003], ["double", 3011], ["doubled", 3011], ["click", 3080], ["clicked", 3080], ["shut", 3085], ["behind", 3092], ["explanation", 3127], ["talk", 3152], ["memory", 3176], ["memories", 3176], ["hover", 3184], ["hovered", 3184], ["toxic", 3206], ["cloud", 3212], ["clouded", 3212], ["swipe", 3225], ["face", 3250], ["sprint", 3263], ["sprinted", 3263], ["sprinting", 3263], ["toward", 3270], ["wood", 3280], ["woods", 3280], ["wait", 3300], ["waitest", 3300], ["run", 3317], ["ran", 3317], ["plunge", 3341], ["plunged", 3341], ["weave", 3367], ["weaving", 3367], ["weaved", 3367], ["tree", 3385], ["treed", 3385], ["treeing", 3385], ["trees", 3385], ["heedless", 3396], ["branch", 3412], ["branchest", 3412], ["branches", 3412], ["swat", 3425], ["hair", 3457], ["run", 3477], ["fast", 3482], ["flash", 3499], ["flashes", 3499], ["bombard", 3521], ["bombards", 3521], ["bombarded", 3521], ["forget", 3567], ["forgot", 3567], ["night", 3579], ["chase", 3594], ["chased", 3594], ["escalate", 3618], ["escalating", 3618], ["fear", 3623], ["fearest", 3623], ["howl", 3641], ["howls", 3641], ["howlest", 3641], ["howled", 3641], ["despair", 3654], ["despairing", 3654], ["suppose", 3672], ["supposed", 3672], ["hunt", 3706], ["hunting", 3706], ["huntest", 3706], ["hunted", 3706], ["footstep", 3718], ["footsteps", 3718], ["pound", 3726], ["pounded", 3726], ["come", 3756], ["coming", 3756], ["god", 3776], ["sake", 3784], ["sakes", 3784], ["look", 3798], ["mistook", 3825], ["mistake", 3825], ["mistaken", 3825], ["beautiful", 3848], ["beautifulest", 3848], ["voice", 3854], ["melt", 3873], ["meltest", 3873], ["inside", 3880], ["start", 3895], ["whirl", 3909], ["whirls", 3909], ["whirled", 3909], ["around", 3916], ["lift", 3947], ["lifted", 3947], ["defend", 3957], ["growl", 3988], ["growls", 3988], ["escape", 3996], ["escapes", 3996], ["escaped", 3996], ["raise", 4028], ["raised", 4028], ["palm", 4046], ["palms", 4046], ["palmed", 4046], ["palmest", 4046], ["struggle", 4065], ["struggled", 4065], ["breathes", 4076], ["look", 4087], ["looked", 4087], ["immediately", 4116], ["step", 4124], ["stepped", 4124], ["halt", 4143], ["halts", 4143], ["haltest", 4143], ["halted", 4143], ["harm", 4220], ["harmest", 4220]]
she ran a trembling hand through her hair , brushing away the leaves that had tangled in the wild strands . the scent of wood , fern , and spongy earth filled her nostrils and calmed the beast inside her . she 'd stopped in a small clearing where the nearly full moon shone brightly . phineas was watching her , his expression alarmed and worried . she would n't have any trouble chasing him off . he probably thought she was crazy and already regretted any feelings he had for her . he motioned toward the building . `` you can teleport me back to the school . those other guys at the cabin can help you . you do n't have to work with me anymore . '' `` you do n't want to help me now ? '' she steeled her nerves . `` i ... do n't want to see you . '' `` are you trying to dump me ? '' `` we both know we ca n't ... be together . '' her heart ached with every word . `` we should just say good-bye and- '' `` no ! i 'm not giving up on you . '' `` i-i do n't want you . '' you were all over me last night . '' then jump me again , and we 'll see what happens . '' with a wince , she stepped back . i-i freak out . `` no , you 're beautiful . but some a**hole has hurt you really bad . i 'll just figure it out . nod your head if i 'm right . '' he leaned against a large maple tree and folded his arms across his chest . you were hurt and abandoned when your mother died and phil was banished . you were eighteen , right ? '' she remained silent , but a touch of fear fluttered in her stomach . `` so i guess you went to college then ? you teach english at the academy , so that must have been your major . '' the flutter skittered up her chest to her throat . `` you felt alone , betrayed , and abandoned . so ... you reached out to someone . '' `` i hope i 'm wrong . '' the flutter made her feel light-headed , so she rested a hand against a tree trunk to steady herself . `` did you fall for someone ? '' her fingers dug into the bark . her first lover . his arrogant face flitted across her mind . why had she ever thought he was handsome ? phineas said the name as if it left a foul taste in his mouth . `` he listened to you . made you feel special . warm and fuzzy . and furry . i bet he was a werewolf , too . '' `` and you were so damned lonesome , '' phineas grumbled . more like pathetic . `` he said he loved me . he asked me to marry him , and i said yes . '' `` you thought you were in love ? '' she wiped away the tear . `` i wanted to be in love . i wanted to believe love still existed , and someone could love me . '' `` so you got engaged . '' `` i took him home to meet my family . my dad approved of him , and i thought everything would be perfect . '' `` i overheard him talking to my father one night . dad was congratulating him on a job well done . and seth asked how many ranches he would get for marrying me . '' `` damn , '' phineas whispered . with a groan , she leaned her back against the tree . `` my father set the whole thing up . '' `` asshole , '' phineas growled . `` and that seth was an idiot if he could n't see how lucky he was to have you . '' `` it 's typical male werewolf mentality . all they can think about is acquiring territory . land means power to them . they want power , prestige , big herds of cattle , horses , and sheep . a mate is just the bitch that gives them cubs . '' phineas paced across the small clearing . `` why do the women put up with it ? '' `` they 're all hoping for the prestige of mating with an alpha . only a chosen few can do it . the other women-they 're not any different than the non-alpha males . they 're all pack members and have to submit to their master . '' `` it sounds archaic . '' `` it 's how the pack works . there can be only one alpha , and the others must submit . or be banished . it 's drummed into us from birth that we must be in a pack . we ca n't survive otherwise . '' `` you 're brainwashed . '' `` most werewolves are very happy in the lycan world . everyone knows the rules and knows their place . there 's a strong sense of community and security . '' `` tell that to the lost boys . '' `` obviously , it did n't work for them . '' `` or for you . you 're surviving without the pack . i bet you never wanted to submit . '' even as a child , she 'd never wanted to obey .
[["run", 7], ["ran", 7], ["tremble", 19], ["trembles", 19], ["hand", 24], ["hair", 41], ["brush", 52], ["brushest", 52], ["brushing", 52], ["away", 57], ["left", 68], ["leave", 68], ["leaves", 68], ["tangle", 85], ["tangling", 85], ["tangled", 85], ["wild", 97], ["wildest", 97], ["strand", 105], ["strands", 105], ["scent", 117], ["scentest", 117], ["wood", 125], ["fern", 132], ["spongy", 145], ["earth", 151], ["earths", 151], ["earthest", 151], ["fill", 158], ["fills", 158], ["filled", 158], ["nostril", 171], ["nostrils", 171], ["calm", 182], ["calms", 182], ["calmed", 182], ["beast", 192], ["inside", 199], ["stop", 220], ["stopped", 220], ["small", 231], ["clearing", 240], ["nearly", 257], ["full", 262], ["moon", 267], ["moons", 267], ["shone", 273], ["shine", 273], ["shined", 273], ["brightly", 282], ["phineas", 292], ["watch", 305], ["watching", 305], ["expression", 326], ["alarm", 334], ["alarmed", 334], ["trouble", 379], ["troubling", 379], ["chase", 387], ["chasing", 387], ["probably", 409], ["think", 417], ["thinkest", 417], ["thought", 417], ["crazy", 431], ["already", 443], ["regret", 453], ["regretted", 453], ["feeling", 466], ["feelings", 466], ["motion", 495], ["toward", 502], ["build", 515], ["building", 515], ["teleport", 537], ["teleporting", 537], ["back", 545], ["school", 559], ["schooling", 559], ["guy", 578], ["guys", 578], ["cabin", 591], ["help", 600], ["helpest", 600], ["work", 630], ["wrought", 630], ["anymore", 646], ["steel", 702], ["steeled", 702], ["nerve", 713], ["nerves", 713], ["see", 743], ["try", 770], ["tryed", 770], ["trying", 770], ["dump", 778], ["know", 802], ["knowest", 802], ["ca", 808], ["cas", 808], ["together", 828], ["heart", 843], ["ache", 849], ["ached", 849], ["every", 860], ["word", 865], ["say", 889], ["sayest", 889], ["good", 894], ["bye", 898], ["byes", 898], ["give", 930], ["giving", 930], ["last", 999], ["night", 1005], ["jump", 1020], ["jumps", 1020], ["happen", 1059], ["happens", 1059], ["wince", 1077], ["step", 1091], ["stepped", 1091], ["freak", 1108], ["freaking", 1108], ["beautiful", 1140], ["beautifulest", 1140], ["hurt", 1168], ["hurts", 1168], ["hurting", 1168], ["really", 1179], ["bad", 1183], ["figure", 1203], ["nod", 1216], ["head", 1226], ["right", 1240], ["rightest", 1240], ["lean", 1255], ["leans", 1255], ["leaned", 1255], ["large", 1271], ["maple", 1277], ["tree", 1282], ["treed", 1282], ["treeing", 1282], ["fold", 1293], ["folded", 1293], ["arm", 1302], ["arms", 1302], ["across", 1309], ["chest", 1319], ["abandon", 1349], ["abandoned", 1349], ["mother", 1366], ["mothered", 1366], ["motherest", 1366], ["die", 1371], ["died", 1371], ["phil", 1380], ["banish", 1393], ["banishest", 1393], ["banished", 1393], ["eighteen", 1413], ["eighteens", 1413], ["remain", 1439], ["remained", 1439], ["silent", 1446], ["touch", 1460], ["touching", 1460], ["fear", 1468], ["fearest", 1468], ["flutter", 1478], ["fluttering", 1478], ["fluttered", 1478], ["stomach", 1493], ["stomachs", 1493], ["stomaching", 1493], ["guess", 1509], ["go", 1518], ["goest", 1518], ["went", 1518], ["college", 1529], ["teach", 1546], ["english", 1554], ["englishest", 1554], ["academy", 1569], ["must", 1584], ["musts", 1584], ["major", 1605], ["flutter", 1622], ["fluttering", 1622], ["skitter", 1632], ["throat", 1659], ["feel", 1673], ["felt", 1673], ["alone", 1679], ["betray", 1690], ["betrayed", 1690], ["betraying", 1690], ["reach", 1727], ["reached", 1727], ["hope", 1757], ["wrong", 1768], ["feel", 1799], ["lit", 1805], ["light", 1805], ["head", 1812], ["headed", 1812], ["rest", 1828], ["rested", 1828], ["trunk", 1856], ["steady", 1866], ["fall", 1892], ["falls", 1892], ["finger", 1921], ["fingers", 1921], ["dig", 1925], ["dug", 1925], ["digs", 1925], ["digest", 1925], ["bark", 1939], ["barked", 1939], ["barking", 1939], ["first", 1951], ["firstest", 1951], ["lover", 1957], ["arrogant", 1972], ["face", 1977], ["flit", 1985], ["flitted", 1985], ["mind", 2001], ["minding", 2001], ["ever", 2020], ["everest", 2020], ["handsome", 2044], ["handsomes", 2044], ["say", 2059], ["sayest", 2059], ["said", 2059], ["name", 2068], ["left", 2082], ["leave", 2082], ["foul", 2089], ["fouling", 2089], ["taste", 2095], ["mouth", 2108], ["mouthed", 2108], ["listen", 2125], ["listens", 2125], ["listened", 2125], ["special", 2156], ["warm", 2163], ["fuzzy", 2173], ["furry", 2185], ["furrier", 2185], ["bet", 2193], ["werewolf", 2211], ["damn", 2248], ["damned", 2248], ["lonesome", 2257], ["grumble", 2279], ["grumbles", 2279], ["grumbled", 2279], ["like", 2291], ["pathetic", 2300], ["love", 2322], ["loved", 2322], ["ask", 2336], ["asked", 2336], ["marry", 2348], ["married", 2348], ["yes", 2369], ["love", 2406], ["wipe", 2421], ["wiped", 2421], ["tear", 2435], ["teared", 2435], ["believe", 2485], ["still", 2496], ["exist", 2504], ["existest", 2504], ["existed", 2504], ["get", 2551], ["got", 2551], ["engage", 2559], ["engaged", 2559], ["take", 2574], ["took", 2574], ["home", 2583], ["homing", 2583], ["meet", 2591], ["meeted", 2591], ["family", 2601], ["dad", 2610], ["approve", 2619], ["approved", 2619], ["everything", 2653], ["perfect", 2670], ["perfectest", 2670], ["overheard", 2690], ["talk", 2702], ["talking", 2702], ["father", 2715], ["fathered", 2715], ["fathering", 2715], ["congratulate", 2750], ["congratulated", 2750], ["congratulating", 2750], ["job", 2763], ["jobbing", 2763], ["well", 2768], ["wells", 2768], ["seth", 2784], ["many", 2799], ["ranch", 2807], ["ranches", 2807], ["get", 2820], ["marry", 2833], ["married", 2833], ["marrying", 2833], ["damn", 2849], ["damned", 2849], ["whisper", 2872], ["whispered", 2872], ["groan", 2887], ["groans", 2887], ["groanest", 2887], ["groaning", 2887], ["set", 2945], ["whole", 2955], ["wholes", 2955], ["thing", 2961], ["asshole", 2980], ["growl", 3001], ["growls", 3001], ["growled", 3001], ["idiot", 3033], ["lucky", 3063], ["typical", 3104], ["male", 3109], ["males", 3109], ["mentality", 3128], ["think", 3149], ["thinkest", 3149], ["acquire", 3168], ["acquiring", 3168], ["territory", 3178], ["land", 3185], ["mean", 3191], ["meanest", 3191], ["means", 3191], ["power", 3197], ["prestige", 3234], ["big", 3240], ["bigs", 3240], ["herd", 3246], ["herding", 3246], ["herdest", 3246], ["herds", 3246], ["cattle", 3256], ["horse", 3265], ["horsed", 3265], ["horses", 3265], ["sheep", 3277], ["sheeps", 3277], ["mate", 3286], ["mated", 3286], ["bitch", 3304], ["give", 3315], ["gives", 3315], ["cub", 3325], ["cubs", 3325], ["cubbed", 3325], ["pace", 3344], ["paced", 3344], ["woman", 3392], ["womans", 3392], ["women", 3392], ["put", 3396], ["hope", 3435], ["hoping", 3435], ["mate", 3462], ["mated", 3462], ["mating", 3462], ["alpha", 3476], ["alphas", 3476], ["choose", 3492], ["chosen", 3492], ["different", 3551], ["non", 3564], ["male", 3576], ["males", 3576], ["pack", 3596], ["member", 3604], ["members", 3604], ["submit", 3623], ["master", 3639], ["sound", 3657], ["sounds", 3657], ["archaic", 3665], ["work", 3698], ["wrought", 3698], ["works", 3698], ["drum", 3790], ["drummed", 3790], ["birth", 3809], ["survive", 3855], ["otherwise", 3865], ["brainwash", 3893], ["brainwashed", 3893], ["werewolf", 3917], ["werewolves", 3917], ["happy", 3932], ["world", 3951], ["everyone", 3962], ["know", 3968], ["knowest", 3968], ["knows", 3968], ["rule", 3978], ["rules", 3978], ["place", 4000], ["strong", 4020], ["sense", 4026], ["community", 4039], ["security", 4052], ["tell", 4065], ["lost", 4082], ["boy", 4087], ["boys", 4087], ["obviously", 4105], ["survive", 4171], ["surviving", 4171], ["without", 4179], ["never", 4206], ["even", 4233], ["evens", 4233], ["child", 4244], ["childs", 4244], ["obey", 4274], ["obeyed", 4274]]
her father had deemed it phil 's fault , that he 'd influenced his twin sister with his rebellious alpha tendencies . but it was more than phil . it was years of watching her mother suffer and seeing how totally oblivious her father was to the pain he caused . deep inside her gut , she 'd known it was all wrong . she 'd read about love in books , seen it portrayed in movies , and knew it had been twisted into something ugly in the lycan world . there was no love there . only manipulation and deceit . `` i was alone with my mother when she died . she regretted that she 'd always submitted . she said i should have a choice , that i could choose freedom if i was strong enough . '' `` she wanted me to be strong , but after she died and phil left , i became depressed . i felt lonely and weak . so i fell for the first guy to come along . '' `` seth , '' phineas muttered . `` please tell me you did n't stay with him . '' `` no , i broke off the engagement . his family already had a big ranch in idaho , but he did n't want to give up the ranches that were promised to him , so he pestered me until i managed to chase him away . '' she tilted her head , remembering . `` in hindsight , it was actually a good thing . it pulled me out of my slump . his betrayal made me angry , and the struggle to get rid of him gave me a purpose . it made me a stronger person . '' `` how did you get rid of him ? '' `` male werewolves like to think they 're especially gifted in the sack . it just took a few rumors flying around campus that i 'd dumped him because he could n't perform . then of course he had to prove the rumors wrong with as many girls as possible . he got one of them pregnant , the daughter of a local pack master , and he was ordered to marry her . '' brynley smirked . `` over the years , i 've gotten really good at chasing guys away . '' phineas gave her a stern look . `` it wo n't work on me . '' he prowled from one end of the clearing to the other . did your dad keep picking out suitors for you ? '' `` i really do n't want to talk about it anymore . '' are we getting to the bad part ? '' `` when did you join the rodeo ? '' `` after i graduated . dad just sent the suitors there . i kept chasing them off . `` i guess your father was pissed off . '' brynley turned to rest her brow against the tree . this was the part she did n't want to talk about . she 'd never told anyone . not her sister . not even phil . if only her brother had been there . he would have protected her . `` brynley . '' `` i told you i 'd never hurt you . '' he rested a hand against the trunk and leaned toward her . `` i 'm not leaving till you tell me . '' `` why are you so pushy ? '' she shoved him away and paced across the clearing . chicken , her inner wolf chided her . are you going to live in fear for the rest of our life ? will you keep on jumping in terror whenever someone comes up behind us ? no , she could n't talk about it . a surge of power swept through her suddenly , taking her by surprise . it was the wolf , pushing at her restraints , urging her to rebel . we 're a noble wolf ! a fierce hunter ! and they turned us into prey . a shudder skittered through her body as if the wolf was shaking her . let the world know what your father did to us ! why was she hiding the truth ? this was five years of nightmares . `` my father requested i come home for the hunt . all the local pack masters hold hunts the first night of the full moon , but my father 's hunt is the most prestigious in three states . it 's invitation only , so it 's a big honor to attend . '' her skin chilled and she crossed her arms . `` it started off like every other monthly hunt . we all shifted and took off into the woods . i caught the scent of a pair of elk and gave chase . i heard wolves behind me . they 'd caught the scent , too . wolves usually kill in groups . until i realized ... '' tears gathered in her eyes , and bile rose in her throat . she swallowed hard and pressed the back of her hand against her mouth . `` they were hunting me ! '' phineas stepped toward her . i was so afraid , and i could n't understand why i was the prey . i tried going upstream , swimming in icy cold lakes , anything to lose them . and then they ... '' she strode to a tree and rested a trembling hand on it . `` they were young males . tightened the circle . snarling and snapping . and then he attacked . '' `` from behind , '' phineas whispered . she nodded , and tears ran down her cheeks .
[["father", 10], ["fathered", 10], ["fathering", 10], ["deem", 21], ["deemed", 21], ["phil", 29], ["fault", 38], ["faulting", 38], ["influence", 62], ["influenced", 62], ["twin", 71], ["sister", 78], ["rebellious", 98], ["alpha", 104], ["alphas", 104], ["tendency", 115], ["tendencies", 115], ["year", 158], ["years", 158], ["watch", 170], ["watching", 170], ["mother", 181], ["mothered", 181], ["motherest", 181], ["suffer", 188], ["suffering", 188], ["see", 199], ["seeing", 199], ["totally", 211], ["oblivious", 221], ["pain", 248], ["cause", 258], ["caused", 258], ["deep", 265], ["deeply", 265], ["inside", 272], ["gut", 280], ["know", 295], ["knowest", 295], ["known", 295], ["wrong", 312], ["read", 326], ["reads", 326], ["love", 337], ["book", 346], ["books", 346], ["see", 353], ["seen", 353], ["portray", 366], ["portrayed", 366], ["movie", 376], ["movies", 376], ["know", 387], ["knowest", 387], ["knew", 387], ["twist", 407], ["twisted", 407], ["twisting", 407], ["ugly", 427], ["world", 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1096], ["pestered", 1096], ["manage", 1115], ["managed", 1115], ["chase", 1124], ["away", 1133], ["tilt", 1149], ["tilting", 1149], ["tilted", 1149], ["head", 1158], ["remember", 1172], ["rememberest", 1172], ["remembering", 1172], ["hindsight", 1190], ["good", 1215], ["thing", 1221], ["pull", 1233], ["pulled", 1233], ["slump", 1252], ["slumps", 1252], ["betrayal", 1267], ["betrayals", 1267], ["angry", 1281], ["struggle", 1300], ["get", 1307], ["rid", 1311], ["give", 1323], ["gave", 1323], ["purpose", 1336], ["strong", 1360], ["person", 1367], ["male", 1415], ["males", 1415], ["werewolf", 1426], ["werewolves", 1426], ["like", 1431], ["think", 1440], ["thinkest", 1440], ["especially", 1460], ["gift", 1467], ["gifted", 1467], ["sack", 1479], ["take", 1494], ["took", 1494], ["rumor", 1507], ["rumors", 1507], ["fly", 1514], ["flys", 1514], ["flying", 1514], ["around", 1521], ["campus", 1528], ["dump", 1545], ["dumped", 1545], ["perform", 1578], ["performest", 1578], ["course", 1595], ["prof", 1611], ["prove", 1611], ["many", 1641], ["girl", 1647], ["girls", 1647], ["possible", 1659], ["get", 1668], ["got", 1668], ["pregnant", 1689], ["daughter", 1704], ["local", 1715], ["pack", 1720], ["master", 1727], ["order", 1748], ["orderest", 1748], ["ordered", 1748], ["marry", 1757], ["married", 1757], ["smirk", 1782], ["smirked", 1782], ["get", 1817], ["gotten", 1817], ["really", 1824], ["chase", 1840], ["chasing", 1840], ["guy", 1845], ["guys", 1845], ["stern", 1880], ["look", 1885], ["wo", 1896], ["work", 1905], ["wrought", 1905], ["prowl", 1927], ["prowled", 1927], ["end", 1940], ["ends", 1940], ["endest", 1940], ["clearing", 1956], ["dad", 1984], ["keep", 1989], ["keepest", 1989], ["pick", 1997], ["picking", 1997], ["suitor", 2009], ["suitors", 2009], ["talk", 2054], ["anymore", 2071], ["get", 2091], ["getting", 2091], ["bad", 2102], ["part", 2107], ["parting", 2107], ["join", 2133], ["joinest", 2133], ["rodeo", 2143], ["rodeos", 2143], ["graduate", 2169], ["graduated", 2169], ["send", 2185], ["sent", 2185], ["keep", 2212], ["keepest", 2212], ["kept", 2212], ["guess", 2242], ["piss", 2265], ["pissest", 2265], ["pissed", 2265], ["turn", 2289], ["turned", 2289], ["rest", 2297], ["brow", 2306], ["tree", 2323], ["treed", 2323], ["treeing", 2323], ["never", 2389], ["tell", 2394], ["told", 2394], ["anyone", 2401], ["even", 2429], ["evens", 2429], ["brother", 2456], ["brethren", 2456], ["protect", 2497], ["protectest", 2497], ["protected", 2497], ["hurt", 2549], ["hurts", 2549], ["hurting", 2549], ["rest", 2568], ["rested", 2568], ["hand", 2575], ["trunk", 2593], ["lean", 2604], ["leans", 2604], ["leaned", 2604], ["toward", 2611], ["left", 2637], ["leave", 2637], ["leaving", 2637], ["till", 2642], ["pushy", 2683], ["shove", 2699], ["shoved", 2699], ["pace", 2718], ["paced", 2718], ["across", 2725], ["chicken", 2748], ["inner", 2760], ["wolf", 2765], ["chide", 2772], ["chided", 2772], ["chidden", 2772], ["go", 2792], ["goest", 2792], ["going", 2792], ["live", 2800], ["fear", 2808], ["fearest", 2808], ["life", 2833], ["lifes", 2833], ["jump", 2860], ["jumps", 2860], ["jumping", 2860], ["terror", 2870], ["terrors", 2870], ["whenever", 2879], ["come", 2893], ["comes", 2893], ["behind", 2903], ["surge", 2951], ["power", 2960], ["sweep", 2966], ["swept", 2966], ["suddenly", 2987], ["take", 2996], ["taking", 2996], ["surprise", 3012], ["surprised", 3012], ["push", 3040], ["pushing", 3040], ["restraint", 3058], ["restraints", 3058], ["urge", 3067], ["urging", 3067], ["rebel", 3080], ["rebelest", 3080], ["noble", 3097], ["fierce", 3113], ["prey", 3151], ["shudder", 3163], ["shuddering", 3163], ["shudderest", 3163], ["skitter", 3173], ["body", 3190], ["bodied", 3190], ["shake", 3217], ["shaking", 3217], ["let", 3227], ["lets", 3227], ["know", 3242], ["knowest", 3242], ["hide", 3290], ["hides", 3290], ["truth", 3300], ["five", 3316], ["fived", 3316], ["nightmare", 3336], ["nightmares", 3336], ["request", 3361], ["requestest", 3361], ["requested", 3361], ["home", 3373], ["homing", 3373], ["hunt", 3386], ["hunting", 3386], ["huntest", 3386], ["master", 3415], ["masters", 3415], ["hold", 3420], ["hunt", 3426], ["hunting", 3426], ["huntest", 3426], ["hunts", 3426], ["night", 3442], ["full", 3454], ["moon", 3459], ["moons", 3459], ["prestigious", 3507], ["three", 3516], ["state", 3523], ["states", 3523], ["invitation", 3542], ["honor", 3570], ["attend", 3580], ["skin", 3594], ["chill", 3602], ["chills", 3602], ["chilling", 3602], ["chilled", 3602], ["cross", 3618], ["crossing", 3618], ["crossed", 3618], ["arm", 3627], ["arms", 3627], ["start", 3643], ["started", 3643], ["every", 3658], ["monthly", 3672], ["shift", 3694], ["shifted", 3694], ["wood", 3722], ["woods", 3722], ["catch", 3733], ["catched", 3733], ["catches", 3733], ["caught", 3733], ["scent", 3743], ["scentest", 3743], ["pair", 3753], ["pairs", 3753], ["elk", 3760], ["hear", 3785], ["hears", 3785], ["heard", 3785], ["wolf", 3792], ["wolves", 3792], ["usually", 3852], ["kill", 3857], ["group", 3867], ["groups", 3867], ["realize", 3886], ["realized", 3886], ["tear", 3899], ["teared", 3899], ["tears", 3899], ["gather", 3908], ["gatherest", 3908], ["gathered", 3908], ["eye", 3920], ["eyed", 3920], ["eyes", 3920], ["bile", 3931], ["rise", 3936], ["risen", 3936], ["rose", 3936], ["throat", 3950], ["swallow", 3966], ["swallows", 3966], ["swallowed", 3966], ["hard", 3971], ["press", 3983], ["pressed", 3983], ["back", 3992], ["mouth", 4022], ["mouthed", 4022], ["hunt", 4045], ["hunting", 4045], ["huntest", 4045], ["step", 4069], ["stepped", 4069], ["afraid", 4098], ["understand", 4127], ["understanded", 4127], ["try", 4156], ["tryed", 4156], ["tried", 4156], ["upstream", 4171], ["swim", 4182], ["swiming", 4182], ["icy", 4189], ["cold", 4194], ["lake", 4200], ["lakes", 4200], ["anything", 4211], ["lose", 4219], ["stride", 4258], ["stridden", 4258], ["tremble", 4291], ["trembles", 4291], ["young", 4323], ["youngest", 4323], ["male", 4329], ["males", 4329], ["tighten", 4341], ["tightens", 4341], ["tightenest", 4341], ["tightened", 4341], ["circle", 4352], ["snarl", 4363], ["snarls", 4363], ["snarling", 4363], ["attack", 4399], ["attacked", 4399], ["whisper", 4442], ["whispered", 4442], ["nod", 4455], ["nodded", 4455], ["run", 4471], ["ran", 4471], ["cheek", 4487], ["cheeks", 4487]]
`` he bit me in the neck and used his weight to hold me down and ... take me . '' when phineas finally spoke , his voice sounded choked . `` he raped you . '' `` a male wolf always takes his mate that way . it 's an animal thing . '' did you want him to ? did you invite him ? '' phineas 's voice grew louder , and when she did n't reply , he slammed a fist into the tree . she jumped back , looking at him for the first time . `` it was rape ! '' he crashed another fist into the tree . she stepped back , shocked by the rage on his face . `` did you turn the bastard in ? '' `` i-i tried to . i ran back to the house and stormed into my father 's office . i told him what they 'd done , and he just looked at me and said i 'd defied him for too long , refusing all the men he 'd chosen for me . i needed to learn how to submit . '' phineas 's eyes grew wide . `` he- ? '' she nodded as more tears rolled down her face . `` he arranged it . he 'd chosen a new mate for me , and he 'd told him to- '' `` to rape you ? '' phineas growled . `` to take me as his mate . it 's the normal way for a- '' `` really ? then why did you run ? why were you so terrified ? why do you still freak out if a man comes up behind you ? '' she wiped the tears off her face . `` i 've had trouble dealing with it . '' the bastard terrorized you and forced himself on you . and your father , that bastard- '' phineas punched the tree again . `` i 'll rip his damned head off ! '' your hands are bleeding . '' and the tree was n't looking too good , either . strange , but it looked like the other damaged tree she 'd seen earlier . `` you had better hope i never meet your father . '' phineas wiped his knuckles on his shirt . `` how long has it been since ... '' `` five years . '' `` and how long have you been doing the underground thing , helping out the lost boys ? '' you fought back . '' `` only in secret . i 've never stood up to my father . when he pulled this last stunt , arranging a wedding for me , i just ran away . '' `` are you going to let him choose a husband for you ? '' `` then you plan to choose your own husband ? '' she groaned inwardly and pushed her hair behind her shoulders . `` i 'm not choosing anyone right now . if my father does n't approve of my mate , he 'll kill him . he 'll never allow me to defy him . '' `` are you going to live your entire life in fear of him ? '' her inner wolf longed for its native territory , but if she ever returned to the lycan world , her father would control her . she would be forced into a life of submission . centuries of submitting to her father and the mate he chose for her . a crushing pain seized hold of her heart , and she pressed a hand against her chest . her inner wolf howled in despair . she could never return to the lycan world . not as long as her father lived . and that could be centuries . she should have known that the moment she 'd fled her father 's house . instead , she 'd fooled herself into thinking her exile was only temporary . but she was like phil now . she could never go home . never spend time with her younger brother and sister . not for hundreds of years . she 'd end up abandoning her sister just as phil had abandoned her . why was the cost of freedom so damned high ? phineas touched her shoulder . she reached for him , and he pulled her into his arms . `` bryn , sweetheart . '' he held her tight and smoothed a hand up and down her back . and your brother . and all of us . '' she drew back and touched his cheek . `` i need to go back . for the full moon tomorrow night . so i can say good-bye . '' he could n't get past it . that a father would actually subject his daughter to something that heinous , that cruel . phineas accompanied brynley back to romatech , silent because he could n't trust himself not to curse her father . hell , he 'd been afraid just to touch her elbow as he escorted her back . would she object to being touched after all she 'd endured ? it was no wonder she was prickly and suspicious , afraid to get close to anyone . she 'd been betrayed over and over . but he was n't a werewolf . he did n't have any ranches or cattle to gain by pursuing her . he simply loved her for herself . just the thought that she could marry a lycan someday who would treat her like an inferior broodmare filled him with rage . dammit , she should n't allow it .
[["bite", 9], ["neck", 24], ["necked", 24], ["use", 33], ["used", 33], ["weight", 44], ["weighted", 44], ["weightest", 44], ["hold", 52], ["take", 73], ["phineas", 94], ["finally", 102], ["speak", 108], ["spoken", 108], ["spoke", 108], ["voice", 120], ["sound", 128], ["sounded", 128], ["choke", 135], ["choked", 135], ["rape", 149], ["raped", 149], ["male", 168], ["males", 168], ["wolf", 173], ["always", 180], ["take", 186], ["takes", 186], ["mate", 195], ["mated", 195], ["way", 204], ["ways", 204], ["animal", 222], ["thing", 228], ["invite", 270], ["invites", 270], ["grow", 301], ["growest", 301], ["grew", 301], ["louder", 308], ["reply", 337], ["slam", 350], ["slammed", 350], ["fist", 357], ["tree", 371], ["treed", 371], ["treeing", 371], ["jump", 384], ["jumps", 384], ["jumped", 384], ["back", 389], ["look", 399], ["looking", 399], ["first", 420], ["firstest", 420], ["time", 425], ["rape", 442], ["crash", 458], ["crashed", 458], ["another", 466], ["step", 499], ["stepped", 499], ["shock", 514], ["shocked", 514], ["rage", 526], ["face", 538], ["turn", 556], ["bastard", 568], ["try", 589], ["tryed", 589], ["tried", 589], ["run", 600], ["ran", 600], ["house", 618], ["storm", 630], ["stormed", 630], ["father", 645], ["fathered", 645], ["fathering", 645], ["office", 655], ["tell", 664], ["told", 664], ["look", 707], ["looked", 707], ["say", 722], ["sayest", 722], ["said", 722], ["defy", 734], ["defied", 734], ["long", 751], ["longs", 751], ["refuse", 762], ["refusing", 762], ["man", 774], ["mans", 774], ["manned", 774], ["men", 774], ["choose", 787], ["chosen", 787], ["need", 805], ["needest", 805], ["needed", 805], ["learn", 814], ["learns", 814], ["learnt", 814], ["submit", 828], ["eye", 849], ["eyed", 849], ["eyes", 849], ["wide", 859], ["nod", 884], ["nodded", 884], ["tear", 898], ["teared", 898], ["tears", 898], ["roll", 905], ["rolled", 905], ["arrange", 936], ["arranging", 936], ["arranged", 936], ["new", 960], ["growl", 1036], ["growls", 1036], ["growled", 1036], ["normal", 1083], ["really", 1107], ["run", 1130], ["still", 1177], ["freak", 1183], ["freaking", 1183], ["man", 1196], ["mans", 1196], ["manned", 1196], ["come", 1202], ["comes", 1202], ["behind", 1212], ["wipe", 1231], ["wiped", 1231], ["trouble", 1277], ["troubling", 1277], ["deal", 1285], ["dealing", 1285], ["terrorize", 1321], ["terrorized", 1321], ["force", 1336], ["forced", 1336], ["punch", 1404], ["punching", 1404], ["punched", 1404], ["rip", 1434], ["head", 1450], ["hand", 1470], ["hands", 1470], ["bleed", 1483], ["bleeding", 1483], ["good", 1526], ["either", 1535], ["strange", 1545], ["like", 1566], ["damage", 1584], ["damaging", 1584], ["damaged", 1584], ["see", 1601], ["seen", 1601], ["early", 1609], ["well", 1629], ["wells", 1629], ["hope", 1634], ["never", 1642], ["meet", 1647], ["meeted", 1647], ["knuckle", 1691], ["knuckles", 1691], ["knuckling", 1691], ["shirt", 1704], ["since", 1736], ["five", 1751], ["fived", 1751], ["year", 1757], ["years", 1757], ["underground", 1814], ["help", 1830], ["helpest", 1830], ["helping", 1830], ["lost", 1843], ["boy", 1848], ["boys", 1848], ["fight", 1864], ["fightest", 1864], ["fought", 1864], ["secret", 1892], ["stand", 1912], ["stood", 1912], ["standest", 1912], ["pull", 1945], ["pulled", 1945], ["last", 1955], ["stunt", 1961], ["stunting", 1961], ["arrange", 1973], ["arranging", 1973], ["wedding", 1983], ["away", 2008], ["go", 2030], ["goest", 2030], ["going", 2030], ["let", 2037], ["lets", 2037], ["choose", 2048], ["husband", 2058], ["husbanding", 2058], ["plan", 2088], ["groan", 2132], ["groans", 2132], ["groanest", 2132], ["groaning", 2132], ["groaned", 2132], ["inwardly", 2141], ["push", 2152], ["pushed", 2152], ["hair", 2161], ["shoulder", 2182], ["shouldered", 2182], ["shoulders", 2182], ["choose", 2205], ["choosing", 2205], ["anyone", 2212], ["right", 2218], ["rightest", 2218], ["approve", 2254], ["kill", 2279], ["allow", 2304], ["defy", 2315], ["live", 2349], ["entire", 2361], ["life", 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["foolest", 2955], ["fooled", 2955], ["think", 2977], ["thinkest", 2977], ["thinking", 2977], ["exile", 2987], ["temporary", 3006], ["phil", 3030], ["go", 3055], ["goest", 3055], ["home", 3060], ["homing", 3060], ["spend", 3074], ["spends", 3074], ["spendest", 3074], ["young", 3096], ["youngest", 3096], ["brother", 3104], ["brethren", 3104], ["sister", 3115], ["hundred", 3134], ["hundreds", 3134], ["end", 3156], ["ends", 3156], ["endest", 3156], ["abandon", 3170], ["abandoning", 3170], ["abandon", 3208], ["abandoned", 3208], ["cost", 3231], ["freedom", 3242], ["damn", 3252], ["damned", 3252], ["high", 3257], ["touch", 3275], ["touching", 3275], ["touched", 3275], ["shoulder", 3288], ["shouldered", 3288], ["reach", 3302], ["reached", 3302], ["arm", 3344], ["arms", 3344], ["bryn", 3354], ["sweetheart", 3367], ["hold", 3380], ["held", 3380], ["tight", 3390], ["smooth", 3403], ["smoothed", 3403], ["draw", 3480], ["drawn", 3480], ["draws", 3480], ["drew", 3480], ["cheek", 3507], ["cheeks", 3507], ["need", 3519], ["needest", 3519], ["full", 3545], ["moon", 3550], ["moons", 3550], ["tomorrow", 3559], ["tomorrows", 3559], ["night", 3565], ["say", 3580], ["sayest", 3580], ["bye", 3589], ["byes", 3589], ["get", 3611], ["past", 3616], ["subject", 3658], ["subjectest", 3658], ["daughter", 3671], ["heinous", 3697], ["cruel", 3710], ["accompany", 3732], ["accompanied", 3732], ["silent", 3766], ["trust", 3793], ["curse", 3814], ["cursed", 3814], ["hell", 3832], ["hells", 3832], ["afraid", 3852], ["touch", 3866], ["touching", 3866], ["elbow", 3876], ["elbowing", 3876], ["escort", 3891], ["escorted", 3891], ["object", 3919], ["objected", 3919], ["objectest", 3919], ["objecting", 3919], ["endure", 3961], ["endured", 3961], ["wonder", 3980], ["wonderest", 3980], ["prickly", 3996], ["suspicious", 4011], ["close", 4033], ["betray", 4066], ["betrayed", 4066], ["betraying", 4066], ["werewolf", 4108], ["ranch", 4138], ["ranches", 4138], ["cattle", 4148], ["gain", 4156], ["pursue", 4168], ["pursuing", 4168], ["simply", 4184], ["love", 4190], ["loved", 4190], ["thought", 4225], ["marry", 4246], ["married", 4246], ["someday", 4262], ["treat", 4278], ["treats", 4278], ["treatest", 4278], ["inferior", 4299], ["broodmare", 4309], ["fill", 4316], ["fills", 4316], ["filled", 4316], ["dammit", 4339]]
she needed to be strong like her mother had said and choose freedom . she needed to choose him . he 'd never mistreat her . a part of him realized that not all werewolf males were bad . phil certainly was n't . if he ever mistreated vanda , she 'd take her whip to him . still , he did n't want brynley to end up with a werewolf . he wanted to be the one to give her the love she deserved , and the freedom she needed . as far as he was concerned , he was her best choice , her best chance at happiness . he just had to convince her of that . she was quiet , and he could n't help but wonder what she was thinking . at least she was n't asking to be returned to the academy . she seemed happy to stay by his side . the cafeteria door she 'd escaped through earlier had automatically locked upon closing , so he led her to the side entrance and used his id to get them inside . `` let 's check with jack and zoltan to see if any of your father 's minions have shown up at the cabin , '' he suggested . he used his id again to get inside the security office . `` hey , freemont . '' `` hey , bro , wolfie-girl . '' freemont glanced up from his computer and grinned . `` i saw you guys run into the woods . playing hide-and-seek ? '' phineas glanced at the wall of monitors . there were no cameras that deep in the forest , so their talk had been private . `` he punched a tree , '' brynley said quietly . brynley regarded phineas suspiciously . `` you have a habit of punching trees ? '' he ignored that and frowned at his brother . `` have you heard from jack or zoltan ? '' no one has shown up , and lara was very excited because jack has suddenly agreed to do that tv show . '' `` real housewives of the vampire world ? '' `` what changed his mind ? '' freemont chuckled . `` well , apparently heather claimed her husband was the best fencer in europe , and jack thinks he is . so now he wants on television to set the record straight . '' the phone rang , and freemont answered . `` just a minute , mr. whelan . let me put you on the speakerphone . '' phineas strode toward the desk . `` do you have news , sean ? '' `` phineas , is that you ? '' sean whelan asked . `` i thought you were in wyoming . '' and i 'll be going back . `` we 've been staking out the russian coven house in brooklyn , monitoring dimitri . as far as we know , his tracking device is still operative . he just jumped to cleveland , then omaha . it jumped again . he 's in ... wyoming . '' `` then we were right . corky 's there . '' `` looks that way , '' sean agreed . `` we 'll get dimitri 's exact location to you soon . but if he discovered the tracking device , he could be taking us on a wild-goose chase . '' `` we 'll let angus know . thanks , sean . '' phineas hung up , then turned to his brother . `` angus will be in his death-sleep right now , so can you send him an e-mail ? '' freemont swiveled in his chair to face the computer . `` oh , i found out who 's the current owner of the haggerty ranch . some dude named rhett bleddyn . '' brynley gasped . the shocked look on her face put phineas on edge . if this rhett was the one who 'd raped her , then his days were numbered . `` is he the one who- '' `` no . '' she shook her head , her face pale . `` that guy died in a drunken brawl three years ago . '' `` good riddance , '' phineas growled . though he would have enjoyed beating the crap out of him . `` then who is this rhett bleddyn ? '' `` he 's the guy from alaska i was supposed to marry . '' chapter sixteen the next evening , brynley hurried to the basement of romatech , a warm bottle of synthetic blood in her hand . phineas would be waking soon , and no doubt , he would be hungry . she 'd spent a restful day at romatech , hanging around the security office , cafeteria , or a bedroom she 'd been given in the basement . phineas was in the bedroom next to her , and she 'd checked on him earlier in the day . he lay still in his death-sleep , a sheet pulled up to his waist , his gorgeous chest bare . he looked so peaceful , nothing like the angry vamp who had punched a tree till his hands bled . she touched his hands , running her fingers over his .
[["need", 10], ["needest", 10], ["needed", 10], ["strong", 23], ["like", 28], ["mother", 39], ["mothered", 39], ["motherest", 39], ["say", 48], ["sayest", 48], ["said", 48], ["choose", 59], ["freedom", 67], ["never", 108], ["mistreat", 117], ["mistreats", 117], ["part", 130], ["parting", 130], ["realize", 146], ["realized", 146], ["werewolf", 168], ["male", 174], ["males", 174], ["bad", 183], ["phil", 190], ["certainly", 200], ["ever", 221], ["everest", 221], ["mistreat", 232], ["mistreats", 232], ["mistreated", 232], ["vanda", 238], ["take", 252], ["whip", 261], ["still", 276], ["end", 309], ["ends", 309], ["endest", 309], ["give", 362], ["love", 375], ["deserve", 388], ["deserved", 388], ["far", 426], ["concern", 446], ["concerned", 446], ["concernest", 446], ["good", 464], ["best", 464], ["choice", 471], ["chance", 489], ["chanced", 489], ["chancing", 489], ["happiness", 502], ["convince", 528], ["convinced", 528], ["convincing", 528], ["quiet", 556], ["help", 580], ["helpest", 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["security", 1048], ["office", 1055], ["hey", 1064], ["bro", 1093], ["girl", 1107], ["glance", 1129], ["glanced", 1129], ["computer", 1150], ["grin", 1162], ["grinned", 1162], ["see", 1173], ["saw", 1173], ["guy", 1182], ["guys", 1182], ["run", 1186], ["wood", 1201], ["woods", 1201], ["play", 1211], ["playest", 1211], ["playing", 1211], ["hide", 1216], ["hides", 1216], ["seek", 1225], ["phineas", 1238], ["wall", 1258], ["monitor", 1270], ["monitored", 1270], ["monitors", 1270], ["camera", 1294], ["cameras", 1294], ["deep", 1304], ["deeply", 1304], ["forest", 1318], ["talk", 1334], ["private", 1351], ["punch", 1367], ["punching", 1367], ["punched", 1367], ["tree", 1374], ["treed", 1374], ["treeing", 1374], ["quietly", 1400], ["regard", 1419], ["regarded", 1419], ["suspiciously", 1440], ["habit", 1462], ["habiting", 1462], ["punching", 1474], ["tree", 1480], ["treed", 1480], ["treeing", 1480], ["trees", 1480], ["ignore", 1496], ["ignored", 1496], ["frown", 1513], ["frowns", 1513], ["frowned", 1513], ["brother", 1528], ["brethren", 1528], ["hear", 1548], ["hears", 1548], ["heard", 1548], ["lara", 1604], ["suddenly", 1647], ["agree", 1654], ["agreed", 1654], ["tv", 1668], ["show", 1673], ["real", 1686], ["reis", 1686], ["housewife", 1697], ["housewives", 1697], ["housewifed", 1697], ["housewifes", 1697], ["vampire", 1712], ["world", 1718], ["change", 1739], ["changed", 1739], ["mind", 1748], ["minding", 1748], ["chuckle", 1771], ["chuckled", 1771], ["well", 1781], ["wells", 1781], ["apparently", 1794], ["heather", 1802], ["claim", 1810], ["claimed", 1810], ["husband", 1822], ["husbanding", 1822], ["fencer", 1842], ["europe", 1852], ["think", 1870], ["thinkest", 1870], ["thinks", 1870], ["television", 1908], ["set", 1915], ["record", 1926], ["straight", 1935], ["phone", 1950], ["answer", 1979], ["answeres", 1979], ["answerest", 1979], ["answered", 1979], ["minute", 1998], ["mr", 2003], ["whelan", 2011], ["put", 2024], ["speakerphone", 2048], ["stride", 2068], ["stridden", 2068], ["toward", 2075], ["desk", 2084], ["news", 2106], ["newses", 2106], ["sean", 2113], ["ask", 2166], ["asked", 2166], ["think", 2181], ["thinkest", 2181], ["thought", 2181], ["go", 2225], ["goest", 2225], ["going", 2225], ["back", 2230], ["stake", 2255], ["staking", 2255], ["russian", 2271], ["russians", 2271], ["coven", 2277], ["covens", 2277], ["house", 2283], ["brooklyn", 2295], ["monitor", 2308], ["monitored", 2308], ["dimitri", 2316], ["know", 2336], ["knowest", 2336], ["tracking", 2351], ["device", 2358], ["operative", 2377], ["jump", 2394], ["jumps", 2394], ["jumped", 2394], ["cleveland", 2407], ["omaha", 2420], ["right", 2488], ["rightest", 2488], ["corky", 2496], ["look", 2519], ["looks", 2519], ["way", 2528], ["ways", 2528], ["exact", 2578], ["location", 2587], ["soon", 2599], ["discover", 2622], ["discovered", 2622], ["take", 2663], ["taking", 2663], ["wild", 2676], ["wildest", 2676], ["goose", 2682], ["chase", 2688], ["angus", 2713], ["thank", 2727], ["thanks", 2727], ["thankest", 2727], ["hang", 2752], ["hung", 2752], ["hangs", 2752], ["turn", 2769], ["turned", 2769], ["death", 2816], ["sleep", 2822], ["slept", 2822], ["sleeps", 2822], ["sleepest", 2822], ["send", 2850], ["e", 2859], ["ing", 2859], ["eest", 2859], ["mail", 2864], ["swivel", 2887], ["swiveled", 2887], ["chair", 2900], ["chairing", 2900], ["face", 2908], ["oh", 2929], ["find", 2939], ["found", 2939], ["current", 2962], ["owner", 2968], ["ranch", 2990], ["dude", 3002], ["name", 3008], ["named", 3008], ["gasp", 3042], ["gasps", 3042], ["gasped", 3042], ["look", 3061], ["edge", 3093], ["edges", 3093], ["rape", 3134], ["raped", 3134], ["day", 3154], ["days", 3154], ["number", 3168], ["numbering", 3168], ["numbered", 3168], ["shake", 3216], ["shook", 3216], ["head", 3225], ["pale", 3241], ["guy", 3255], ["die", 3260], ["died", 3260], ["drunken", 3273], ["brawl", 3279], ["brawls", 3279], ["brawling", 3279], ["three", 3285], ["year", 3291], ["years", 3291], ["ago", 3295], ["good", 3308], ["riddance", 3317], ["growl", 3338], ["growls", 3338], ["growled", 3338], ["though", 3347], ["enjoy", 3369], ["enjoyed", 3369], ["beat", 3377], ["beating", 3377], ["crap", 3386], ["crapped", 3386], ["alaska", 3467], ["suppose", 3482], ["supposed", 3482], ["marry", 3491], ["married", 3491], ["chapter", 3504], ["sixteen", 3512], ["sixteens", 3512], ["next", 3521], ["evening", 3529], ["hurry", 3547], ["hurried", 3547], ["hurryed", 3547], ["hurrying", 3547], ["basement", 3563], ["warm", 3584], ["bottle", 3591], ["bottled", 3591], ["synthetic", 3604], ["blood", 3610], ["bloods", 3610], ["blooded", 3610], ["hand", 3622], ["wake", 3648], ["wakes", 3648], ["woken", 3648], ["waking", 3648], ["doubt", 3668], ["hungry", 3689], ["spend", 3704], ["spends", 3704], ["spendest", 3704], ["spent", 3704], ["restful", 3714], ["day", 3718], ["hang", 3740], ["hung", 3740], ["hangs", 3740], ["hanging", 3740], ["around", 3747], ["bedroom", 3794], ["give", 3812], ["given", 3812], ["check", 3890], ["checked", 3890], ["lie", 3925], ["lay", 3925], ["lain", 3925], ["sheet", 3960], ["pull", 3967], ["pulled", 3967], ["waist", 3983], ["gorgeous", 3998], ["chest", 4004], ["bare", 4009], ["look", 4021], ["looked", 4021], ["peaceful", 4033], ["nothing", 4043], ["angry", 4058], ["vamp", 4063], ["vamped", 4063], ["till", 4091], ["hand", 4101], ["hands", 4101], ["bleed", 4106], ["bled", 4106], ["touch", 4120], ["touching", 4120], ["touched", 4120], ["run", 4140], ["running", 4140], ["finger", 4152], ["fingers", 4152]]
they were cold , but healed . tears came to her eyes as she recalled how upset he 'd been when he 'd heard her story . he 'd shared the pain and outrage with her . she did n't doubt it . she just did n't know how their relationship could work . phil seemed very happy with his vampire spouse , vanda , but he 'd given up so much . he 'd been disowned by their father , his inheritance stripped and given to their younger brother , howell . and worst of all , phil had given up the chance to have children . she 'd always hoped that somehow , someday , she 'd find a werewolf husband who did n't care that her father was rich and powerful . he 'd love her for herself , and they 'd have little werewolf babies . they could make their own little lycan world somewhere in the country . phineas did love her for herself . and like the other vamp men , he could probably father children . half-vamp , half-werewolf children ? could the genes coexist ? could she be happy living in the vamp world ? phil had lived with the vamps for nine years before marrying vanda . he 'd had plenty of time to adjust and put the lycan world behind him . he 'd managed to make a clean break , but brynley was n't sure she could . she 'd spent too many years at home with their younger siblings , so she was attached to them in a way that phil was n't . especially her younger sister . glynis had been only eleven years old when mom had died and so distraught that brynley had sheltered her from the ugly truth about their father 's unfaithfulness and their mother 's hopeless despair . maybe that had been wrong , but brynley had n't wanted to burden her younger sister with more pain . if she chose to stay with phineas , her father would probably banish her . she could end up separated from her sister for centuries . glynis had grown up so trusting and eager to please that it would be akin to leaving an innocent lamb among wolves . and what about her inner wolf ? it was overjoyed about going back to wyoming tonight for the full moon , but it would object to being banished . hell , it would tear her up inside if she could never go back . with a groan , she realized she did n't know what to do . she 'd fallen in love with phineas . that morning , she 'd gathered up the pile of clothes he 'd left on the floor and washed them in the basement laundry room along with hers . lara had loaned her a bathrobe to wear , and after putting the clothes in the dryer , she 'd gone to her bedroom for a long nap . after waking up , she 'd showered , put on her freshly laundered clothes , and stacked phineas 's clothes in his bedroom . with a sigh , she headed to the cafeteria . freemont was there , so she joined him for an early supper . now , with the sun due to set in three minutes , she was hurrying to the basement . the full moon was rising , and she could already feel her inner wolf growing impatient to shift . she wondered briefly if kyle would be shifting at his brother 's ranch and perhaps mutilating more cows . maybe he drained all the blood to give to corky . maybe she was hiding out at the haggerty ranch with rhett bleddyn . why would her ex-fiance buy a ranch in wyoming when he had so much land in alaska ? and why would he ally himself with an evil vampire ? so many questions , but she knew phineas and his friends could be counted on to find the answers . meanwhile , she was eager to shift and roam the bighorn national forest that backed onto phil 's land . she let herself into phineas 's bedroom and set the warm bottle of blood on the bedside table . he was still dead , but soon that would change . she halted at the foot of his bed when his body jerked . his chest expanded and lifted off the bed , causing his back to arch . his eyes opened and immediately focused on her . i brought you a bottle- '' his eyes flashed red , and with vampire speed he grabbed her arms and tossed her over him and onto the bed . good lord , he 'd lifted her like she weighed nothing . her eyes widened as he leaned over her . he touched her cheek , then ran his fingers down her neck . the fingertips pressed against her throbbing artery , and his nostrils flared . she had a strange urge to let him bite her . a part of her was appalled , but a larger , more insistent part found his desire exciting and the act compelling . his fangs would be inside her . her blood inside him . the wolf inside her stirred , drawn by the thought of blood . it growled softly .
[["cold", 14], ["heal", 27], ["healest", 27], ["healed", 27], ["tear", 35], ["teared", 35], ["tears", 35], ["come", 40], ["came", 40], ["eye", 52], ["eyed", 52], ["eyes", 52], ["recall", 68], ["recallest", 68], ["recalled", 68], ["upset", 78], ["hear", 106], ["hears", 106], ["heard", 106], ["story", 116], ["share", 131], ["shared", 131], ["pain", 140], ["outrage", 152], ["outraged", 152], ["outraging", 152], ["doubt", 181], ["know", 208], ["knowest", 208], ["relationship", 231], ["work", 242], ["wrought", 242], ["phil", 249], ["seem", 256], ["seeming", 256], ["seemed", 256], ["happy", 267], ["vampire", 284], ["spouse", 291], ["vanda", 299], ["give", 317], ["given", 317], ["much", 328], ["disown", 350], ["disowning", 350], ["disowned", 350], ["father", 366], ["fathered", 366], ["fathering", 366], ["inheritance", 384], ["strip", 393], ["stripped", 393], ["young", 420], ["youngest", 420], ["brother", 428], ["brethren", 428], ["howell", 437], ["howells", 437], ["bad", 449], ["worst", 449], ["chance", 487], ["chanced", 487], ["chancing", 487], ["child", 504], ["childs", 504], ["children", 504], ["always", 520], ["hope", 526], ["hoped", 526], ["somehow", 539], ["someday", 549], ["find", 563], ["werewolf", 574], ["husband", 582], ["husbanding", 582], ["care", 599], ["rich", 624], ["powerful", 637], ["love", 650], ["little", 692], ["baby", 708], ["babies", 708], ["world", 755], ["somewhere", 765], ["country", 780], ["phineas", 790], ["like", 826], ["vamp", 841], ["vamped", 841], ["man", 845], ["mans", 845], ["manned", 845], ["men", 845], ["probably", 865], ["half", 888], ["gene", 936], ["genes", 936], ["coexist", 944], ["live", 972], ["living", 972], ["live", 1007], ["lived", 1007], ["vamp", 1022], ["vamped", 1022], ["nine", 1031], ["year", 1037], ["years", 1037], ["marry", 1053], ["married", 1053], ["marrying", 1053], ["plenty", 1078], ["time", 1086], ["adjust", 1096], ["put", 1104], ["behind", 1127], ["manage", 1147], ["managed", 1147], ["clean", 1163], ["cleans", 1163], ["broke", 1169], ["break", 1169], ["sure", 1196], ["spend", 1221], ["spends", 1221], ["spendest", 1221], ["spent", 1221], ["many", 1230], ["home", 1244], ["homing", 1244], ["siblings", 1272], ["attach", 1294], ["attached", 1294], ["way", 1311], ["ways", 1311], ["especially", 1342], ["sister", 1361], ["eleven", 1391], ["old", 1401], ["mom", 1410], ["moms", 1410], ["die", 1419], ["died", 1419], ["distraught", 1437], ["shelter", 1464], ["sheltered", 1464], ["ugly", 1482], ["truth", 1488], ["unfaithfulness", 1525], ["mother", 1542], ["mothered", 1542], ["motherest", 1542], ["hopeless", 1554], ["despair", 1562], ["despairing", 1562], ["maybe", 1570], ["wrong", 1590], ["burden", 1629], ["burdens", 1629], ["choose", 1678], ["chose", 1678], ["stay", 1686], ["banish", 1734], ["banishest", 1734], ["end", 1754], ["ends", 1754], ["endest", 1754], ["separate", 1767], ["separated", 1767], ["century", 1797], ["centuries", 1797], ["grow", 1816], ["growest", 1816], ["grown", 1816], ["trust", 1831], ["trusting", 1831], ["eager", 1841], ["please", 1851], ["akin", 1873], ["akins", 1873], ["left", 1884], ["leave", 1884], ["leaving", 1884], ["innocent", 1896], ["lamb", 1901], ["lambed", 1901], ["among", 1907], ["wolf", 1914], ["wolves", 1914], ["inner", 1941], ["wolf", 1946], ["go", 1977], ["goest", 1977], ["going", 1977], ["back", 1982], ["tonight", 2001], ["full", 2014], ["moon", 2019], ["moons", 2019], ["object", 2041], ["objected", 2041], ["objectest", 2041], ["objecting", 2041], ["banish", 2059], ["banishest", 2059], ["banished", 2059], ["hell", 2066], ["hells", 2066], ["tear", 2082], ["teared", 2082], ["inside", 2096], ["never", 2115], ["go", 2118], ["goest", 2118], ["groan", 2138], ["groans", 2138], ["groanest", 2138], ["groaning", 2138], ["realize", 2153], ["realized", 2153], ["fall", 2197], ["falls", 2197], ["fallen", 2197], ["morning", 2233], ["gather", 2251], ["gatherest", 2251], ["gathered", 2251], ["pile", 2263], ["clad", 2274], ["clothe", 2274], ["clothes", 2274], ["left", 2285], ["leave", 2285], ["floor", 2298], ["wash", 2309], ["washed", 2309], ["basement", 2330], ["laundry", 2338], ["room", 2343], ["roomed", 2343], ["along", 2349], ["lara", 2366], ["loan", 2377], ["loaned", 2377], ["bathrobe", 2392], ["bathrobed", 2392], ["wear", 2400], ["put", 2420], ["putting", 2420], ["dryer", 2445], ["go", 2459], ["goest", 2459], ["gone", 2459], ["bedroom", 2474], ["long", 2485], ["longs", 2485], ["nap", 2489], ["naps", 2489], ["napped", 2489], ["wake", 2504], ["wakes", 2504], ["woken", 2504], ["waking", 2504], ["shower", 2525], ["showered", 2525], ["showerest", 2525], ["freshly", 2546], ["launder", 2556], ["launderest", 2556], ["laundered", 2556], ["stack", 2578], ["stacks", 2578], ["stacked", 2578], ["sigh", 2626], ["sighest", 2626], ["head", 2639], ["headed", 2639], ["cafeteria", 2656], ["join", 2693], ["joinest", 2693], ["joined", 2693], ["early", 2710], ["supper", 2717], ["sun", 2738], ["suns", 2738], ["sunned", 2738], ["due", 2742], ["set", 2749], ["three", 2758], ["minute", 2766], ["minutes", 2766], ["hurry", 2785], ["hurried", 2785], ["hurryed", 2785], ["hurrying", 2785], ["rise", 2828], ["risen", 2828], ["rising", 2828], ["already", 2852], ["feel", 2857], ["grow", 2880], ["growest", 2880], ["growing", 2880], ["impatient", 2890], ["shift", 2899], ["wonder", 2914], ["wonderest", 2914], ["wondered", 2914], ["briefly", 2922], ["kyle", 2930], ["shift", 2948], ["shifting", 2948], ["ranch", 2972], ["perhaps", 2984], ["mutilate", 2995], ["mutilated", 2995], ["mutilating", 2995], ["cow", 3005], ["cows", 3005], ["drain", 3024], ["drained", 3024], ["blood", 3038], ["bloods", 3038], ["blooded", 3038], ["give", 3046], ["corky", 3055], ["hide", 3078], ["hides", 3078], ["ex", 3142], ["exes", 3142], ["fiance", 3149], ["buy", 3153], ["buyed", 3153], ["land", 3197], ["alaska", 3207], ["ally", 3231], ["allied", 3231], ["allying", 3231], ["evil", 3252], ["evils", 3252], ["evilest", 3252], ["question", 3280], ["questions", 3280], ["know", 3295], ["knowest", 3295], ["knew", 3295], ["friend", 3319], ["friends", 3319], ["count", 3336], ["countest", 3336], ["counted", 3336], ["answer", 3359], ["answeres", 3359], ["answerest", 3359], ["answers", 3359], ["meanwhile", 3371], ["roam", 3405], ["roamest", 3405], ["bighorn", 3417], ["national", 3426], ["forest", 3433], ["back", 3445], ["backed", 3445], ["onto", 3450], ["ontos", 3450], ["let", 3473], ["lets", 3473], ["warm", 3522], ["bottle", 3529], ["bottled", 3529], ["bedside", 3553], ["table", 3559], ["tabled", 3559], ["tabling", 3559], ["still", 3574], ["dead", 3579], ["soon", 3590], ["change", 3608], ["halt", 3621], ["halts", 3621], ["haltest", 3621], ["halted", 3621], ["foot", 3633], ["bed", 3644], ["body", 3658], ["bodied", 3658], ["jerk", 3665], ["jerks", 3665], ["jerked", 3665], ["chest", 3677], ["expand", 3686], ["expanded", 3686], ["lift", 3697], ["lifted", 3697], ["cause", 3719], ["causing", 3719], ["arch", 3736], ["open", 3754], ["opened", 3754], ["immediately", 3770], ["focus", 3778], ["focused", 3778], ["bring", 3797], ["brought", 3797], ["flash", 3831], ["flashed", 3831], ["red", 3835], ["speed", 3860], ["speeding", 3860], ["grab", 3871], ["grabbed", 3871], ["arm", 3880], ["arms", 3880], ["toss", 3891], ["tossed", 3891], ["good", 3928], ["lord", 3933], ["weigh", 3969], ["weighest", 3969], ["weighed", 3969], ["nothing", 3977], ["widen", 3996], ["widened", 3996], ["lean", 4009], ["leans", 4009], ["leaned", 4009], ["touch", 4031], ["touching", 4031], ["touched", 4031], ["cheek", 4041], ["cheeks", 4041], ["run", 4052], ["ran", 4052], ["finger", 4064], ["fingers", 4064], ["neck", 4078], ["necked", 4078], ["fingertip", 4095], ["fingertips", 4095], ["press", 4103], ["pressed", 4103], ["artery", 4132], ["nostril", 4151], ["nostrils", 4151], ["flare", 4158], ["flared", 4158], ["strange", 4178], ["urge", 4183], ["bite", 4199], ["part", 4212], ["parting", 4212], ["appal", 4232], ["appals", 4232], ["appalling", 4232], ["appalled", 4232], ["large", 4247], ["larger", 4247], ["insistent", 4264], ["find", 4275], ["found", 4275], ["desire", 4286], ["exciting", 4295], ["act", 4307], ["acted", 4307], ["compelling", 4318], ["fang", 4330], ["fangs", 4330], ["stir", 4403], ["stirs", 4403], ["stirred", 4403], ["draw", 4411], ["drawn", 4411], ["draws", 4411], ["thought", 4426], ["growl", 4448], ["growls", 4448], ["growled", 4448], ["softly", 4455]]
good lord , if she shifted now , she might lose control and bite phineas , and that would be disastrous . she motioned to the bedside table . `` i brought you some blood . '' he glanced at the bottle , then back at her . his eyes still glowed red . she gestured at the bottle once again . `` it 's nice and warm . `` not as fresh as you . '' he traced her collarbone . `` or as warm . '' this was a hitch in her schedule she had n't counted on . `` phineas , do n't vamp out on me . the full moon is rising , and i need to- '' she stopped when his finger touched her lips . he traced the curve of her upper lip , then the lower one . her body responded with a surge of lust and desire , but she tried to ignore it . she pointed at the bottle . `` hurry up and drink . '' `` i was n't talking about food . '' he sat up and reached for the bottle . she started to sit up . with vampire speed , he pushed her back down . he lifted the bottle to his mouth with one hand , his other hand on her shoulder , keeping her pinned to the bed . her inner wolf hissed , annoyed at being restrained and anxious to shift . she attempted to sit up once again . he did n't let her budge . his hand slid down to cover her breast . her nipple hardened beneath his palm , and she fought the urge to arch against him . this was not the time to succumb to desire , but my god , she wanted him . he lifted the bottle back to his lips and drank . his adam 's apple moved with each swallow . such a strong , manly neck . his hand gently squeezed her breast in time with each swallow of blood . and with each squeeze , her desire grew stronger . was he nude beneath that bedsheet ? what she could see of him was beautiful . smooth velvet skin over rock-hard muscle . she ran a hand up the corded muscles of his arm , over the bulge of his biceps , and up to his broad shoulders . when she stroked his chest , a deep groan rumbled in his throat . oh god , she wanted him something fierce . if he did n't rip her clothes off soon , she 'd do it herself . her inner wolf objected . tonight is my night . phineas finished the bottle , set it down , and leaned over her once again . `` your eyes are still red , '' she whispered . he brushed her hair away from her brow . `` then why did you turn me down the other night ? '' `` you wanted a short affair based on lust . she skimmed her fingers over the prickly whiskers along his jaw . `` i want more , too . but i do n't see how- '' `` if we want it bad enough , we 'll make it work . '' she gazed into his red , glowing eyes and dared to believe that somehow their love would survive . his gaze lowered to her mouth . she wrapped her arms around his neck as he inched closer . `` yes , '' she breathed , letting her eyes drift shut . his lips touched hers , gently at first , although there was nothing gentle about her reaction . her wolf objected , threatening to shift . phineas deepened the kiss , molding his lips to hers , and she opened her mouth to let him in . she swirled her tongue with his . he tasted of blood , but she 'd tasted blood many times as a wolf , and it only made her hungrier for him . a surge of wolf power shot through her , and she broke the kiss with a gasp . `` phineas , i have to shift ! i ca n't wait much longer . '' with vampire speed , he zipped out of bed and into the bathroom , so fast she barely had a glimpse of his nak*d body . but what she saw was enough to make her collapse on the bed with groan of frustration . a few seconds later , he was back and throwing on the clothes she 'd washed . she scrambled out of bed as he pulled on his cowboy boots , and noticed a surveillance camera close to the ceiling . it was blinking red . `` is that thing on ? '' he glanced at it , his eyes back to their normal dark brown . he set his cowboy hat on his head and tossed her his jacket . `` so we showed up on a monitor in the security office ? '' he headed down the hall , snapping his plaid shirt together as he went . `` i should have thought about it , but i was ... he punched the button for the elevator . she watched him stuff his shirttails into his jeans and considered offering some help . `` i manhandled you . '' he buttoned the top of his jeans and buckled his belt . `` phineas , i 'm okay . i ... enjoyed it . '' when she nodded , his mouth curled up and his gaze drifted to her chest . `` you were right about the b-cup . ''
[["good", 4], ["lord", 9], ["shift", 26], ["shifted", 26], ["may", 42], ["mays", 42], ["mayest", 42], ["might", 42], ["lose", 47], ["control", 55], ["bite", 64], ["phineas", 72], ["disastrous", 103], ["motion", 118], ["bedside", 133], ["table", 139], ["tabled", 139], ["tabling", 139], ["bring", 154], ["brought", 154], ["blood", 169], ["bloods", 169], ["blooded", 169], ["glance", 185], ["glanced", 185], ["bottle", 199], ["bottled", 199], ["back", 211], ["eye", 229], ["eyed", 229], ["eyes", 229], ["still", 235], ["glow", 242], ["glowest", 242], ["glowed", 242], ["red", 246], ["gesture", 261], ["gestured", 261], ["nice", 302], ["warm", 311], ["fresh", 329], ["freshest", 329], ["trace", 351], ["traced", 351], ["collarbone", 366], ["collarbones", 366], ["hitch", 404], ["hitched", 404], ["hitches", 404], ["schedule", 420], ["count", 440], ["countest", 440], ["counted", 440], ["vamp", 470], ["vamped", 470], ["full", 491], ["moon", 496], ["moons", 496], ["rise", 506], ["risen", 506], ["rising", 506], ["need", 519], ["needest", 519], ["stop", 538], ["stopped", 538], ["finger", 554], ["touch", 562], ["touching", 562], ["touched", 562], ["lip", 571], ["lipped", 571], ["lips", 571], ["curve", 593], ["curved", 593], ["upper", 606], ["lip", 610], ["lipped", 610], ["low", 627], ["lowed", 627], ["body", 642], ["bodied", 642], ["respond", 652], ["respondest", 652], ["responded", 652], ["surge", 665], ["lust", 673], ["lusts", 673], ["desire", 684], ["try", 700], ["tryed", 700], ["tried", 700], ["ignore", 710], ["point", 727], ["pointed", 727], ["hurry", 752], ["hurried", 752], ["hurryed", 752], ["hurrying", 752], ["drank", 765], ["drink", 765], ["drinking", 765], ["talk", 791], ["talking", 791], ["food", 802], ["foods", 802], ["sat", 814], ["sit", 814], ["reach", 829], ["reached", 829], ["start", 858], ["started", 858], ["sat", 865], ["sit", 865], ["vampire", 883], ["speed", 889], ["speeding", 889], ["push", 901], ["pushed", 901], ["lift", 927], ["lifted", 927], ["mouth", 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["adams", 1431], ["apple", 1440], ["move", 1446], ["moved", 1446], ["swallow", 1464], ["swallows", 1464], ["strong", 1480], ["manly", 1488], ["neck", 1493], ["necked", 1493], ["gently", 1511], ["squeeze", 1520], ["squeezes", 1520], ["squeezed", 1520], ["squeeze", 1590], ["squeezes", 1590], ["grow", 1608], ["growest", 1608], ["grew", 1608], ["strong", 1617], ["nude", 1631], ["bedsheet", 1653], ["see", 1674], ["beautiful", 1695], ["beautifulest", 1695], ["smooth", 1704], ["velvet", 1711], ["skin", 1716], ["rock", 1726], ["hard", 1731], ["muscle", 1738], ["run", 1748], ["ran", 1748], ["muscle", 1777], ["muscles", 1777], ["arm", 1788], ["bulge", 1805], ["bicep", 1819], ["biceps", 1819], ["broad", 1841], ["broads", 1841], ["shoulder", 1851], ["shouldered", 1851], ["shoulders", 1851], ["stroke", 1870], ["stroked", 1870], ["chest", 1880], ["deep", 1889], ["deeply", 1889], ["groan", 1895], ["groans", 1895], ["groanest", 1895], ["groaning", 1895], ["rumble", 1903], ["rumbles", 1903], ["rumbled", 1903], ["throat", 1917], ["oh", 1922], ["fierce", 1960], ["rip", 1980], ["clad", 1992], ["clothe", 1992], ["clothes", 1992], ["soon", 2001], ["object", 2050], ["objected", 2050], ["objectest", 2050], ["objecting", 2050], ["tonight", 2060], ["night", 2072], ["finish", 2091], ["finished", 2091], ["set", 2108], ["lean", 2129], ["leans", 2129], ["leaned", 2129], ["whisper", 2197], ["whispered", 2197], ["brush", 2210], ["brushest", 2210], ["brushed", 2210], ["hair", 2219], ["away", 2224], ["brow", 2238], ["turn", 2265], ["short", 2316], ["affair", 2323], ["base", 2329], ["basest", 2329], ["based", 2329], ["skim", 2351], ["skimmed", 2351], ["finger", 2363], ["fingers", 2363], ["prickly", 2380], ["whisker", 2389], ["whiskered", 2389], ["whiskering", 2389], ["whiskers", 2389], ["along", 2395], ["jaw", 2403], ["jaws", 2403], ["jawed", 2403], ["jawest", 2403], ["bad", 2474], ["enough", 2481], ["work", 2503], ["wrought", 2503], ["gaze", 2518], ["gazes", 2518], ["gazed", 2518], ["glowing", 2541], ["dare", 2556], ["dared", 2556], ["believe", 2567], ["somehow", 2580], ["love", 2591], ["survive", 2605], ["gaze", 2616], ["gazes", 2616], ["lowers", 2624], ["lowerest", 2624], ["lowered", 2624], ["wrap", 2651], ["wraps", 2651], ["wrapping", 2651], ["wrapped", 2651], ["arm", 2660], ["arms", 2660], ["around", 2667], ["inch", 2689], ["inched", 2689], ["close", 2696], ["closer", 2696], ["yes", 2705], ["breathe", 2723], ["breathes", 2723], ["breathed", 2723], ["let", 2733], ["lets", 2733], ["letting", 2733], ["drift", 2748], ["drifting", 2748], ["shut", 2753], ["first", 2795], ["firstest", 2795], ["although", 2806], ["nothing", 2824], ["gentle", 2831], ["gentler", 2831], ["reaction", 2850], ["threaten", 2884], ["threatening", 2884], ["deepen", 2912], ["deepened", 2912], ["kiss", 2921], ["kisses", 2921], ["kissest", 2921], ["mold", 2931], ["molding", 2931], ["open", 2965], ["opened", 2965], ["swirl", 3003], ["swirls", 3003], ["swirlest", 3003], ["swirled", 3003], ["tongue", 3014], ["tonguing", 3014], ["taste", 3035], ["tasted", 3035], ["many", 3075], ["time", 3081], ["times", 3081], ["hungry", 3123], ["power", 3155], ["shoot", 3160], ["shooted", 3160], ["shot", 3160], ["broke", 3188], ["break", 3188], ["gasp", 3209], ["gasps", 3209], ["ca", 3247], ["cas", 3247], ["wait", 3256], ["waitest", 3256], ["much", 3261], ["long", 3268], ["longs", 3268], ["zip", 3304], ["zips", 3304], ["zipped", 3304], ["bathroom", 3337], ["fast", 3347], ["barely", 3358], ["glimpse", 3372], ["glimpses", 3372], ["see", 3409], ["saw", 3409], ["collapse", 3441], ["frustration", 3478], ["second", 3494], ["seconded", 3494], ["seconds", 3494], ["later", 3500], ["throw", 3527], ["throwing", 3527], ["wash", 3556], ["washed", 3556], ["scramble", 3572], ["scrambled", 3572], ["pull", 3596], ["pulled", 3596], ["cowboy", 3610], ["cowboys", 3610], ["boot", 3616], ["boots", 3616], ["notice", 3630], ["noticed", 3630], ["surveillance", 3645], ["camera", 3652], ["cameras", 3652], ["close", 3658], ["ceiling", 3673], ["blink", 3691], ["blinked", 3691], ["blinking", 3691], ["thing", 3714], ["normal", 3771], ["dark", 3776], ["brown", 3782], ["browns", 3782], ["hat", 3806], ["hatting", 3806], ["head", 3818], ["toss", 3829], ["tossed", 3829], ["jacket", 3844], ["jacketed", 3844], ["show", 3862], ["showed", 3862], ["monitor", 3878], ["monitored", 3878], ["security", 3894], ["office", 3901], ["head", 3916], ["headed", 3916], ["hall", 3930], ["snap", 3941], ["snapping", 3941], ["plaid", 3951], ["shirt", 3957], ["together", 3966], ["go", 3977], ["goest", 3977], ["went", 3977], ["think", 4004], ["thinkest", 4004], ["thought", 4004], ["punch", 4040], ["punching", 4040], ["punched", 4040], ["button", 4051], ["buttoning", 4051], ["elevator", 4068], ["watch", 4082], ["watched", 4082], ["stuff", 4092], ["shirttail", 4107], ["shirttails", 4107], ["jean", 4122], ["jeans", 4122], ["consider", 4137], ["considered", 4137], ["offer", 4146], ["help", 4156], ["helpest", 4156], ["manhandle", 4174], ["manhandles", 4174], ["button", 4195], ["buttoning", 4195], ["buttoned", 4195], ["top", 4203], ["buckle", 4228], ["buckled", 4228], ["belt", 4237], ["belts", 4237], ["belted", 4237], ["beltest", 4237], ["belting", 4237], ["okay", 4262], ["enjoy", 4278], ["enjoyed", 4278], ["nod", 4302], ["nodded", 4302], ["curl", 4321], ["curls", 4321], ["curled", 4321], ["drift", 4345], ["drifting", 4345], ["drifted", 4345], ["right", 4378], ["rightest", 4378], ["b", 4390], ["cup", 4394]]
`` it 's good to know the three-step rule is still in effect . i was worried after you turned me down the other night . '' he waited for her to enter the elevator , then punched the button for the ground floor . `` what is this three-step rule ? '' `` in my experience , men tend to be rather simple . '' she paused when he arched a brow at her . `` well , it basically means that at any given moment , a man 's brain is only three steps away from thinking about sex . '' he frowned , considering , as he took his jacket from her and put it on . `` you do n't think about sex that often ? '' `` i do n't need three steps . hell , i just look at you and want sex . '' her cheeks warmed with a blush , and she smiled slowly . `` you know , after i 've been a wolf for a few hours , i could shift back , and we could have a date . i tend to have a lot of excess energy i need to work off . '' `` i could help you with that . '' you are faster than three steps . '' he planted a hand on the elevator wall , close to her head . `` i 've got a fast mind , but slow hands . '' he tilted his hat back and leaned in for a kiss . a thrill shot through her , and her toes curled inside her cowboy boots . what a sexy kisser . making love to him was going to knock her boots off for sure . `` the elevator door has opened . '' they hurried to the mackay security office . zoltan was selecting a sword and pistol from the caged weapons area . freemont was focusing on a computer screen , but his eyes were twinkling and his mouth twitching . brynley glanced at the wall of monitors and spotted phineas 's bedroom on the bottom row . damn was right . phineas put on his shoulder holster and checked his sidearm . `` where are jack and lara ? `` they just left , '' freemont replied . `` jack teleported her to the school . the were-panther lady went into labor , and lara insisted on going there . jack said he 'd catch up with you guys later . '' `` caitlyn 's having the babies ? '' damn , but she hated to miss that . she had to shift . `` oh my gosh , what if caitlyn has to shift ? '' freemont shrugged . some vamp doctor from houston is with her . '' `` robby has been teleporting carlos back , '' zoltan added . `` now that it 's dark here , they should be arriving soon . '' phineas touched her arm . `` i can take you to the school if you want . '' `` i have to shift . '' the wolf did n't care about her new friends . it growled inside her . let 's go now ! `` i need to go back to the cabin . hopefully , after a few hours , she could return to see how caitlyn was doing . phineas slipped knives into his boots , then turned to zoltan . zoltan sheathed his sword . phineas grabbed brynley , and within a few seconds , they were materializing at the cabin in wyoming . zoltan glanced around quickly . `` it looks the same . no one came during the day . '' for a second , brynley 's form shimmered as she fought to keep the wolf from breaking free . phineas jumped back . she regained control . phineas yanked off his hat and ran a hand over his hair . `` for a second , i thought i was hugging a wolf ! '' she sat and yanked off her cowboy boots . `` i hate shifting with clothes on . it rips them all up . '' she pulled off her socks . `` you 're stripping now ? '' phineas shot a warning look at zoltan . `` i think i 'll check on the horses in the stable . '' he strode to the front door , then glanced back at phineas , his eyes twinkling . phineas dropped his hat on the kitchen table . zoltan snorted and left , closing the door behind him . `` does he know how to feed the horses ? '' brynley stood to unbuckle her belt and unzip her jeans . he 's used to horses . he 's a medieval dude . '' phineas moved to block the front window . `` you need blinds in this place . '' `` afraid a deer might see me ? '' she dropped her jeans to the floor and kicked them aside . her hands trembled as she unbuttoned her shirt . i can hardly control myself . '' `` i 'm getting a little excited , too . '' `` we always strip before shifting . she 'd done it in front of others for years , but she suddenly felt self-conscious with phineas watching her so closely .
[["good", 13], ["know", 21], ["knowest", 21], ["three", 31], ["step", 36], ["rule", 41], ["still", 50], ["effect", 60], ["turn", 93], ["turned", 93], ["night", 117], ["wait", 132], ["waitest", 132], ["waited", 132], ["enter", 149], ["elevator", 162], ["punch", 177], ["punching", 177], ["punched", 177], ["button", 188], ["buttoning", 188], ["ground", 203], ["floor", 209], ["experience", 268], ["experienced", 268], ["man", 274], ["mans", 274], ["manned", 274], ["men", 274], ["tend", 279], ["rather", 292], ["simple", 299], ["simplest", 299], ["pause", 315], ["paused", 315], ["arch", 330], ["arched", 330], ["brow", 337], ["well", 354], ["wells", 354], ["basically", 369], ["mean", 375], ["meanest", 375], ["means", 375], ["givens", 393], ["moment", 400], ["man", 408], ["mans", 408], ["manned", 408], ["brain", 417], ["brained", 417], ["braining", 417], ["step", 437], ["steps", 437], ["away", 442], ["think", 456], ["thinkest", 456], ["thinking", 456], ["sex", 466], ["frown", 482], ["frowns", 482], ["frowned", 482], ["consider", 496], ["considering", 496], ["take", 509], ["took", 509], ["jacket", 520], ["jacketed", 520], ["put", 537], ["think", 565], ["thinkest", 565], ["often", 586], ["need", 608], ["needest", 608], ["hell", 627], ["hells", 627], ["look", 641], ["cheek", 677], ["cheeks", 677], ["warm", 684], ["warmed", 684], ["blush", 697], ["blushes", 697], ["smile", 714], ["smiled", 714], ["slowly", 721], ["wolf", 761], ["hour", 777], ["hours", 777], ["shift", 793], ["back", 798], ["date", 825], ["lot", 848], ["excess", 858], ["energy", 865], ["work", 880], ["wrought", 880], ["help", 905], ["helpest", 905], ["fast", 939], ["plant", 972], ["planted", 972], ["hand", 979], ["wall", 1000], ["close", 1008], ["head", 1020], ["get", 1035], ["got", 1035], ["fast", 1042], ["mind", 1047], ["minding", 1047], ["slow", 1058], ["hand", 1064], ["hands", 1064], ["tilt", 1079], ["tilting", 1079], ["tilted", 1079], ["hat", 1087], ["hatting", 1087], ["lean", 1103], ["leans", 1103], ["leaned", 1103], ["kiss", 1117], ["kisses", 1117], ["kissest", 1117], ["thrill", 1128], ["shoot", 1133], ["shooted", 1133], ["shot", 1133], ["toe", 1160], ["toeing", 1160], ["toes", 1160], ["curl", 1167], ["curls", 1167], ["curled", 1167], ["inside", 1174], ["cowboy", 1185], ["cowboys", 1185], ["boot", 1191], ["boots", 1191], ["sexy", 1205], ["love", 1226], ["go", 1243], ["goest", 1243], ["going", 1243], ["knock", 1252], ["knocks", 1252], ["knockest", 1252], ["sure", 1275], ["door", 1298], ["open", 1309], ["opened", 1309], ["hurry", 1327], ["hurried", 1327], ["hurryed", 1327], ["hurrying", 1327], ["security", 1350], ["office", 1357], ["zoltan", 1366], ["select", 1380], ["selecting", 1380], ["sword", 1388], ["pistol", 1399], ["cage", 1414], ["caged", 1414], ["weapon", 1422], ["weapons", 1422], ["area", 1427], ["focus", 1451], ["focusing", 1451], ["computer", 1465], ["screen", 1472], ["screening", 1472], ["eye", 1487], ["eyed", 1487], ["eyes", 1487], ["twinkle", 1502], ["mouth", 1516], ["mouthed", 1516], ["twitching", 1526], ["glance", 1544], ["glanced", 1544], ["monitor", 1568], ["monitored", 1568], ["monitors", 1568], ["phineas", 1588], ["bedroom", 1599], ["bottom", 1613], ["bottoming", 1613], ["row", 1617], ["rowest", 1617], ["damn", 1624], ["damned", 1624], ["right", 1634], ["rightest", 1634], ["shoulder", 1664], ["shouldered", 1664], ["holster", 1672], ["check", 1684], ["checked", 1684], ["sidearm", 1696], ["jack", 1716], ["jacks", 1716], ["jacked", 1716], ["lara", 1725], ["left", 1745], ["leave", 1745], ["reply", 1767], ["replied", 1767], ["teleport", 1788], ["teleporting", 1788], ["teleported", 1788], ["school", 1806], ["schooling", 1806], ["panther", 1825], ["panthers", 1825], ["lady", 1830], ["go", 1835], ["goest", 1835], ["went", 1835], ["labor", 1846], ["insist", 1866], ["insistest", 1866], ["insisted", 1866], ["say", 1893], ["sayest", 1893], ["said", 1893], ["catch", 1905], ["catched", 1905], ["catches", 1905], ["guy", 1922], ["guys", 1922], ["later", 1928], ["caitlyn", 1944], ["baby", 1965], ["babies", 1965], ["hateed", 1991], ["hated", 1991], ["miss", 1999], ["oh", 2031], ["gosh", 2039], ["shrug", 2093], ["shrugging", 2093], ["shrugged", 2093], ["vamp", 2105], ["vamped", 2105], ["doctor", 2112], ["doctorest", 2112], ["doctoring", 2112], ["houston", 2125], ["robby", 2151], ["teleport", 2172], ["teleporting", 2172], ["add", 2202], ["added", 2202], ["dark", 2227], ["arrive", 2258], ["arriving", 2258], ["soon", 2263], ["touch", 2284], ["touching", 2284], ["touched", 2284], ["arm", 2292], ["take", 2308], ["care", 2389], ["new", 2403], ["friend", 2411], ["friends", 2411], ["growl", 2424], ["growls", 2424], ["growled", 2424], ["let", 2441], ["lets", 2441], ["go", 2447], ["goest", 2447], ["cabin", 2487], ["hopefully", 2499], ["return", 2538], ["returnest", 2538], ["see", 2545], ["slip", 2585], ["slipped", 2585], ["knife", 2592], ["knifes", 2592], ["knives", 2592], ["sheathe", 2649], ["sheathed", 2649], ["grab", 2677], ["grabbed", 2677], ["within", 2698], ["second", 2712], ["seconded", 2712], ["seconds", 2712], ["materialize", 2738], ["around", 2786], ["quickly", 2794], ["look", 2808], ["looks", 2808], ["come", 2831], ["came", 2831], ["day", 2846], ["second", 2864], ["seconded", 2864], ["form", 2882], ["formest", 2882], ["shimmer", 2892], ["shimmering", 2892], ["shimmered", 2892], ["fight", 2906], ["fightest", 2906], ["fought", 2906], ["keep", 2914], ["keepest", 2914], ["broke", 2937], ["break", 2937], ["breaking", 2937], ["free", 2942], ["jump", 2959], ["jumps", 2959], ["jumped", 2959], ["regain", 2979], ["regained", 2979], ["control", 2987], ["yank", 3004], ["yanks", 3004], ["yanked", 3004], ["run", 3024], ["ran", 3024], ["hair", 3045], ["think", 3075], ["thinkest", 3075], ["thought", 3075], ["hug", 3089], ["hugging", 3089], ["sat", 3109], ["sit", 3109], ["hateed", 3153], ["shift", 3162], ["shifting", 3162], ["clad", 3175], ["clothe", 3175], ["clothes", 3175], ["rip", 3188], ["rips", 3188], ["pull", 3216], ["pulled", 3216], ["sock", 3230], ["socks", 3230], ["socked", 3230], ["strip", 3253], ["stripping", 3253], ["warning", 3285], ["check", 3325], ["horse", 3339], ["horsed", 3339], ["horses", 3339], ["stable", 3353], ["stride", 3368], ["stridden", 3368], ["front", 3381], ["drop", 3456], ["dropped", 3456], ["kitchen", 3479], ["kitchens", 3479], ["table", 3485], ["tabled", 3485], ["tabling", 3485], ["snort", 3502], ["snortest", 3502], ["snorted", 3502], ["close", 3521], ["behind", 3537], ["fed", 3571], ["feed", 3571], ["stand", 3601], ["stood", 3601], ["standest", 3601], ["unbuckle", 3613], ["unbuckled", 3613], ["unbuckles", 3613], ["belt", 3622], ["belts", 3622], ["belted", 3622], ["beltest", 3622], ["belting", 3622], ["unzip", 3632], ["unzips", 3632], ["unzipped", 3632], ["jean", 3642], ["jeans", 3642], ["use", 3655], ["used", 3655], ["medieval", 3684], ["dude", 3689], ["move", 3708], ["moved", 3708], ["block", 3717], ["blocks", 3717], ["window", 3734], ["windows", 3734], ["blind", 3755], ["blinded", 3755], ["blinds", 3755], ["place", 3769], ["afraid", 3784], ["deer", 3791], ["may", 3797], ["mays", 3797], ["mayest", 3797], ["might", 3797], ["kick", 3855], ["kicked", 3855], ["aside", 3866], ["tremble", 3887], ["trembles", 3887], ["trembled", 3887], ["unbutton", 3905], ["unbuttoned", 3905], ["shirt", 3915], ["hardly", 3930], ["get", 3966], ["getting", 3966], ["little", 3975], ["always", 4007], ["strip", 4013], ["year", 4075], ["years", 4075], ["suddenly", 4094], ["feel", 4099], ["felt", 4099], ["self", 4104], ["conscious", 4114], ["watch", 4136], ["watching", 4136], ["closely", 4151]]
she removed her shirt and dropped it on the chair . `` you want to come with me ? there are a whole bunch of trees out there you could punch . '' i have some investigating to do , but i 'll come back for you in , what-two hours ? '' `` i do n't know how long i 'll be gone . i wo n't be wearing a watch , you know . '' she slipped the bra off and dropped it on top of her shirt . he sucked in a breath of air . she laughed , thankful her shyness was short-lived , and strode toward the door . `` i 'll see you later , big boy . '' he glanced down at his jeans . `` it is that obvious ? '' she grinned as she stepped outside onto the porch . the cool air chilled her skin , but soon she 'd be warm in a thick fur coat . phineas said from the doorway . she wiggled out of her panties , then tossed them back at him over her shoulder . `` keep those for me , will you ? '' he caught them , his eyes gleaming red . she ran down the steps and into the grassy meadow . the full moon shone down on her , and she lifted her arms , surrendering to the inner wolf . the surge of power was orgasmic , so strong and overwhelming she did n't feel the pain of bones shifting or fur sprouting . within seconds , she was the wolf . chapter seventeen `` be safe , sweetheart , '' phineas whispered as he watched brynley trot into the woods . her father and ex-fiance did n't know she had returned to wyoming , so she should be safe roaming about for a few hours . the national forest was over a million acres and filled with animals , so finding her would be like finding the proverbial needle in a haystack . hopefully , rhett bleddyn would remain in the vicinity of his ranch . as for her father and his minions , they would be miles away at his ranch in montana , busy celebrating their big monthly hunt . still , phineas tensed with worry when brynley disappeared from view . you have to trust her , he chided himself . she 'd been shifting since she was a teenager . she knew how to handle herself in the woods . and it was important for her to have this last night at home . he strode into the stable and found zoltan whispering to molly as he filled her manger with hay . zoltan glanced at him with the hint of a smile . `` it appears you are not the only one here in love . '' zoltan tilted his head toward molly . she is smitten with a wild white stallion . '' phineas 's eyes widened . `` you can communicate with her ? '' by the way , she approves of you and brynley . the gelding does as well . '' `` oh , that 's a relief . i 'd hate to leave them off the invitation list . '' `` then you plan to marry soon ? '' zoltan gave him a knowing look . phineas headed back out the stable door . `` let 's get some work done , okay ? '' the sooner they completed their mission , the sooner he could get back here for brynley . zoltan accompanied him to the cabin . `` you believe corky is hiding at the ranch owned by rhett bleddyn ? '' we know for sure he 's a werewolf . an alpha . '' and the one brynley 's father had wanted her to marry . bleddyn was probably still hoping to marry her . he might have bought a nearby ranch so he 'd have a reason to stay in the area and pursue her if she ever returned . `` he 'll be shifting tonight . '' phineas mounted the steps to the front porch . `` he and his pack will be off hunting , so we should be able to sneak into his house . hopefully , we 'll find corky there . '' zoltan smiled as he followed phineas inside the cabin . `` while the wolves are away , the vamps will play . `` bleddyn 's ranch is next to nate carson 's place , '' phineas continued . `` we 'll teleport to nate 's house and ask him to call bleddyn 's ranch . then we listen in and teleport straight into bleddyn 's house . '' corky will never know we 're coming . '' `` we need the element of surprise . '' phineas checked his sidearm . `` she may not be alone . dimitri could be with her . '' zoltan tucked a pistol under his belt , close to his sheathed sword . `` we should knock her unconscious to make sure she does n't escape . then we can teleport her straight to romatech and put her in the silver room . '' phineas checked the knives concealed in his boots .
[["remove", 11], ["removed", 11], ["shirt", 21], ["drop", 33], ["dropped", 33], ["chair", 49], ["chairing", 49], ["come", 71], ["whole", 99], ["wholes", 99], ["bunch", 105], ["bunchest", 105], ["tree", 114], ["treed", 114], ["treeing", 114], ["trees", 114], ["punch", 140], ["punching", 140], ["investigate", 171], ["investigates", 171], ["investigating", 171], ["back", 199], ["two", 221], ["twos", 221], ["hour", 227], ["hours", 227], ["know", 249], ["knowest", 249], ["long", 258], ["longs", 258], ["go", 272], ["goest", 272], ["gone", 272], ["wo", 279], ["wear", 294], ["wearing", 294], ["watch", 302], ["slip", 330], ["slipped", 330], ["bra", 338], ["bras", 338], ["top", 364], ["suck", 389], ["sucking", 389], ["sucked", 389], ["breath", 401], ["breathest", 401], ["air", 408], ["airs", 408], ["airing", 408], ["laugh", 422], ["laughed", 422], ["thankful", 433], ["shyness", 445], ["short", 455], ["live", 461], ["lived", 461], ["stride", 474], ["stridden", 474], ["toward", 481], ["door", 490], ["see", 505], ["later", 515], ["big", 521], ["bigs", 521], ["boy", 525], ["glance", 541], ["glanced", 541], ["jean", 559], ["jeans", 559], ["obvious", 583], ["grin", 600], ["grinned", 600], ["step", 615], ["stepped", 615], ["outside", 623], ["onto", 628], ["ontos", 628], ["porch", 638], ["cool", 649], ["chill", 661], ["chills", 661], ["chilling", 661], ["chilled", 661], ["skin", 670], ["soon", 681], ["warm", 696], ["thick", 707], ["thickest", 707], ["fur", 711], ["coat", 716], ["phineas", 726], ["say", 731], ["sayest", 731], ["said", 731], ["doorway", 748], ["wiggle", 762], ["wiggled", 762], ["pantie", 781], ["panties", 781], ["toss", 795], ["tossed", 795], ["shoulder", 830], ["shouldered", 830], ["keep", 840], ["keepest", 840], ["catch", 879], ["catched", 879], ["catches", 879], ["caught", 879], ["eye", 895], ["eyed", 895], ["eyes", 895], ["gleam", 904], ["gleams", 904], ["gleamed", 904], ["gleamest", 904], ["gleaming", 904], ["red", 908], ["run", 918], ["ran", 918], ["step", 933], ["steps", 933], ["grassy", 953], ["meadow", 960], ["full", 971], ["moon", 976], ["moons", 976], ["shone", 982], ["shine", 982], ["shined", 982], ["lift", 1011], ["lifted", 1011], ["arm", 1020], ["arms", 1020], ["surrender", 1035], ["surrenders", 1035], ["surrendering", 1035], ["surrenderest", 1035], ["inner", 1048], ["wolf", 1053], ["surge", 1065], ["power", 1074], ["orgasmic", 1087], ["strong", 1099], ["overwhelming", 1116], ["feel", 1133], ["pain", 1142], ["bone", 1151], ["bonest", 1151], ["bones", 1151], ["shift", 1160], ["shifting", 1160], ["within", 1186], ["second", 1194], ["seconded", 1194], ["seconds", 1194], ["chapter", 1223], ["seventeen", 1233], ["seventeens", 1233], ["safe", 1244], ["safes", 1244], ["safed", 1244], ["sweetheart", 1257], ["whisper", 1280], ["whispered", 1280], ["watch", 1294], ["watched", 1294], ["trot", 1307], ["trotted", 1307], ["wood", 1322], ["woods", 1322], ["father", 1335], ["fathered", 1335], ["fathering", 1335], ["ex", 1342], ["exes", 1342], ["fiance", 1349], ["return", 1379], ["returnest", 1379], ["returned", 1379], ["roam", 1422], ["roamest", 1422], ["roaming", 1422], ["national", 1459], ["forest", 1466], ["million", 1485], ["acre", 1491], ["acres", 1491], ["fill", 1502], ["fills", 1502], ["filled", 1502], ["animal", 1515], ["animals", 1515], ["find", 1528], ["finding", 1528], ["like", 1546], ["proverbial", 1569], ["needle", 1576], ["needled", 1576], ["needles", 1576], ["haystack", 1590], ["hopefully", 1602], ["remain", 1631], ["vicinity", 1647], ["ranch", 1660], ["minion", 1696], ["minions", 1696], ["mile", 1718], ["miles", 1718], ["away", 1723], ["montana", 1747], ["busy", 1754], ["busied", 1754], ["celebrate", 1766], ["celebrating", 1766], ["monthly", 1784], ["hunt", 1789], ["hunting", 1789], ["huntest", 1789], ["still", 1797], ["tense", 1814], ["tensed", 1814], ["worry", 1825], ["worried", 1825], ["disappear", 1850], ["disappeared", 1850], ["view", 1860], ["viewest", 1860], ["trust", 1880], ["chide", 1896], ["chided", 1896], ["chidden", 1896], ["since", 1933], ["teenager", 1952], ["know", 1963], ["knowest", 1963], ["knew", 1963], ["handle", 1977], ["important", 2021], ["last", 2047], ["night", 2053], ["home", 2061], ["homing", 2061], ["stable", 2089], ["find", 2099], ["found", 2099], ["zoltan", 2106], ["whisperings", 2117], ["molly", 2126], ["manger", 2150], ["hay", 2159], ["hays", 2159], ["hayed", 2159], ["hint", 2197], ["hinting", 2197], ["smile", 2208], ["appear", 2224], ["appears", 2224], ["love", 2262], ["tilt", 2281], ["tilting", 2281], ["tilted", 2281], ["head", 2290], ["smite", 2320], ["smitten", 2320], ["wild", 2332], ["wildest", 2332], ["white", 2338], ["stallion", 2347], ["widen", 2376], ["widened", 2376], ["communicate", 2401], ["communicates", 2401], ["way", 2426], ["ways", 2426], ["approve", 2441], ["approves", 2441], ["gelding", 2474], ["well", 2487], ["wells", 2487], ["oh", 2498], ["relief", 2517], ["reliefs", 2517], ["hate", 2529], ["hateed", 2529], ["left", 2538], ["leave", 2538], ["invitation", 2562], ["list", 2567], ["plan", 2589], ["marry", 2598], ["married", 2598], ["give", 2620], ["gave", 2620], ["look", 2639], ["head", 2656], ["headed", 2656], ["let", 2690], ["lets", 2690], ["get", 2697], ["work", 2707], ["wrought", 2707], ["okay", 2719], ["soon", 2735], ["complete", 2750], ["completed", 2750], ["mission", 2764], ["accompany", 2833], ["accompanied", 2833], ["cabin", 2850], ["believe", 2867], ["corky", 2873], ["hide", 2883], ["hides", 2883], ["sure", 2941], ["werewolf", 2958], ["alpha", 2969], ["alphas", 2969], ["probably", 3051], ["hope", 3064], ["hoping", 3064], ["may", 3088], ["mays", 3088], ["mayest", 3088], ["might", 3088], ["buy", 3100], ["buyed", 3100], ["bought", 3100], ["nearby", 3109], ["reason", 3138], ["reasonest", 3138], ["stay", 3146], ["area", 3158], ["pursue", 3169], ["ever", 3185], ["everest", 3185], ["tonight", 3226], ["mount", 3247], ["mounted", 3247], ["mountest", 3247], ["front", 3270], ["pack", 3297], ["hunt", 3317], ["hunting", 3317], ["huntest", 3317], ["able", 3340], ["abled", 3340], ["sneak", 3349], ["sneakest", 3349], ["house", 3364], ["find", 3390], ["smile", 3421], ["smiled", 3421], ["follow", 3436], ["followed", 3436], ["inside", 3451], ["wolf", 3483], ["wolves", 3483], ["vamp", 3504], ["vamped", 3504], ["play", 3514], ["playest", 3514], ["next", 3544], ["nate", 3552], ["nates", 3552], ["carson", 3559], ["place", 3568], ["continue", 3591], ["continued", 3591], ["teleport", 3612], ["teleporting", 3612], ["ask", 3637], ["call", 3649], ["listen", 3683], ["listens", 3683], ["straight", 3708], ["never", 3752], ["come", 3771], ["coming", 3771], ["need", 3787], ["needest", 3787], ["element", 3799], ["surprise", 3811], ["surprised", 3811], ["check", 3832], ["checked", 3832], ["sidearm", 3844], ["may", 3857], ["mays", 3857], ["mayest", 3857], ["alone", 3870], ["dimitri", 3880], ["tuck", 3917], ["tucked", 3917], ["tucking", 3917], ["pistol", 3926], ["belt", 3941], ["belts", 3941], ["belted", 3941], ["beltest", 3941], ["belting", 3941], ["close", 3949], ["sword", 3971], ["knock", 3992], ["knocks", 3992], ["knockest", 3992], ["unconscious", 4008], ["escape", 4041], ["escapes", 4041], ["put", 4097], ["silver", 4115], ["silvered", 4115], ["room", 4120], ["roomed", 4120], ["knife", 4152], ["knifes", 4152], ["knives", 4152], ["conceal", 4162], ["concealest", 4162], ["concealed", 4162], ["boot", 4175], ["boots", 4175]]
`` i teleported on nate 's driveway before , so that 's probably where we 'll land . '' zoltan looped an arm around phineas 's shoulders to hitch a ride . they arrived and quickly looked about . the full moon gleamed off the smooth white concrete of the circular driveway . it was quiet , except for the howl of a wolf far in the distance . a werewolf most probably . phineas tensed . he should have stayed by brynley 's side . but it was the perfect night to hunt for corky . her werewolf allies would all be busy . `` nice house , '' zoltan murmured . phineas strode to the entrance and rang the doorbell . footsteps ran toward them and the door jerked open . john brighton shouted . his hopeful expression quickly crumpled into one of confusion and disappointment . `` i thought you were the paramedics . '' he pushed past them and ran into the driveway . `` where 's the blasted ambulance ? i called ten minutes ago . '' `` it 's nathan ! dear lord , if they do n't hurry , he could die ! '' john dashed back into the house , headed for nate 's office . phineas followed with zoltan close behind . `` that damned brother of his . he brought a monster into the house . '' john stopped by the office doorway , where a maid stood , crying into a handkerchief . `` bring more towels . she scurried away , and john ran into the office . phineas paused at the doorway , surprised by the level of destruction . the floor was littered with papers . chairs overturned and broken . holes punched in the walls . nate 's mangled wheelchair was resting on its side . and nate lay in a bloody heap on the floor . `` you have to apply pressure . '' john grabbed the bloody towel from nate 's limp hand and pressed it against the gaping wounds across his chest and abdomen . `` too ... weak , '' nate whispered . phineas zoomed toward them at vampire speed and knelt beside nate . john was too focused on nate to notice . `` kyle and mr. bleddyn came to see him . i heard them shouting and crashing furniture . i rushed inside and ... '' `` what ? '' `` bleddyn had turned into a monster ! his head was human and he was shouting , but his arms were like a wolf , and he was clawing at nathan . '' `` he 's an alpha werewolf , '' phineas explained . `` capable of a partial shift . '' john 's eyes widened . `` kyle is one , too , '' phineas said . `` most probably , bleddyn is the one who changed him . '' `` i would n't tell them about brynley , '' nate whispered . phineas swallowed hard . he hoped that was n't a lie . `` your brother remembered seeing her ? '' `` no , '' nate whispered . `` but he knew something was wrong , so he checked the security tape . saw you both at the front door . '' he 'd forgotten about that damned camera . `` that 's enough , nathan , '' john ordered . `` he is bleeding out , '' zoltan said quietly . john glanced up at him . `` zoltan , '' he replied . `` we both are , '' phineas said . `` and we could have nate at a clinic in two seconds . '' john scoffed . `` you will have to change your mind about what is possible , '' zoltan told him . `` a werewolf just attacked your friend . '' `` and we can teleport him to the clinic . '' phineas leaned over to gather nate into his arms . john scrambled to his feet . `` you 're not taking him anywhere without me . `` vampires , '' zoltan replied . john stumbled back . `` i have more towels ! '' the maid rushed into the room . zoltan whipped around to stare at her , and she halted with a jerk . her face went blank , then she turned and left the room . zoltan gave him a stern look . `` do i need to use it on you , or will you come along quietly ? '' `` i-i- '' john gasped when zoltan latched on to him at vampire speed . phineas teleported nate straight into the security office at romatech . the alarm went off , and freemont leaped to his feet , grabbing his automatic . `` holy crap , phin . '' he lowered his gun and turned off the alarm . `` i 'm taking this man to the clinic . hurry , get the door ! '' freemont opened the door , and phineas dashed into the hallway , carrying nate . zoltan was coming in the side entrance dragging john . `` get roman and laszlo to the clinic now , '' phineas told his brother . freemont winced . `` roman 's not here .
[["teleport", 15], ["teleporting", 15], ["teleported", 15], ["nate", 23], ["nates", 23], ["driveway", 35], ["probably", 64], ["land", 82], ["zoltan", 94], ["loop", 101], ["looping", 101], ["looped", 101], ["arm", 108], ["around", 115], ["phineas", 123], ["shoulder", 136], ["shouldered", 136], ["shoulders", 136], ["hitch", 145], ["hitched", 145], ["hitches", 145], ["ride", 152], ["rode", 152], ["arrive", 167], ["arrived", 167], ["quickly", 179], ["look", 186], ["looked", 186], ["full", 203], ["moon", 208], ["moons", 208], ["gleam", 216], ["gleams", 216], ["gleamed", 216], ["gleamest", 216], ["smooth", 231], ["white", 237], ["concrete", 246], ["circular", 262], ["circulars", 262], ["quiet", 286], ["except", 295], ["howl", 308], ["howls", 308], ["howlest", 308], ["wolf", 318], ["far", 322], ["distance", 338], ["distancing", 338], ["werewolf", 351], ["tense", 382], ["tensed", 382], ["stay", 406], ["stayed", 406], ["side", 425], ["sidest", 425], ["perfect", 450], ["perfectest", 450], ["night", 456], ["hunt", 464], ["hunting", 464], ["huntest", 464], ["corky", 474], ["ally", 496], ["allied", 496], ["allying", 496], ["allies", 496], ["busy", 514], ["busied", 514], ["nice", 524], ["house", 530], ["murmur", 551], ["murmurest", 551], ["murmured", 551], ["stride", 568], ["stridden", 568], ["entrance", 584], ["entrancing", 584], ["doorbell", 606], ["footstep", 618], ["footsteps", 618], ["run", 622], ["ran", 622], ["toward", 629], ["door", 647], ["jerk", 654], ["jerks", 654], ["jerked", 654], ["open", 659], ["john", 666], ["brighton", 675], ["shout", 683], ["shouted", 683], ["hopeful", 697], ["expression", 708], ["crumple", 725], ["crumpled", 725], ["confusion", 747], ["disappointment", 766], ["think", 781], ["thinkest", 781], ["thought", 781], ["paramedic", 805], ["paramedics", 805], ["push", 820], ["pushed", 820], ["past", 825], ["blast", 882], ["blasted", 882], ["ambulance", 892], ["call", 903], ["called", 903], ["ten", 907], ["minute", 915], ["minutes", 915], ["ago", 919], ["nathan", 940], ["dear", 947], ["dearest", 947], ["lord", 952], ["hurry", 975], ["hurried", 975], ["hurryed", 975], ["hurrying", 975], ["die", 990], ["dash", 1007], ["dashed", 1007], ["back", 1012], ["head", 1036], ["headed", 1036], ["office", 1055], ["follow", 1074], ["followed", 1074], ["close", 1092], ["behind", 1099], ["damn", 1116], ["damned", 1116], ["brother", 1124], ["brethren", 1124], ["bring", 1144], ["brought", 1144], ["monster", 1154], ["stop", 1187], ["stopped", 1187], ["doorway", 1209], ["maid", 1224], ["maids", 1224], ["stand", 1230], ["stood", 1230], ["standest", 1230], ["cry", 1239], ["crying", 1239], ["handkerchief", 1259], ["handkerchiefs", 1259], ["bring", 1270], ["towel", 1282], ["towels", 1282], ["toweled", 1282], ["towelled", 1282], ["scurry", 1297], ["scurried", 1297], ["away", 1302], ["pause", 1350], ["paused", 1350], ["surprise", 1377], ["surprised", 1377], ["level", 1390], ["destruction", 1405], ["floor", 1417], ["litter", 1430], ["littered", 1430], ["paper", 1442], ["papers", 1442], ["chair", 1451], ["chairing", 1451], ["chairs", 1451], ["overturn", 1462], ["overturning", 1462], ["overturned", 1462], ["broke", 1473], ["break", 1473], ["broken", 1473], ["hole", 1481], ["holes", 1481], ["punch", 1489], ["punching", 1489], ["punched", 1489], ["wall", 1502], ["walls", 1502], ["mangle", 1520], ["mangled", 1520], ["wheelchair", 1531], ["rest", 1543], ["resting", 1543], ["lie", 1570], ["lay", 1570], ["lain", 1570], ["bloody", 1582], ["bloodying", 1582], ["heap", 1587], ["heaps", 1587], ["heaping", 1587], ["apply", 1623], ["applyed", 1623], ["pressure", 1632], ["pressured", 1632], ["grab", 1650], ["grabbed", 1650], ["towel", 1667], ["towels", 1667], ["toweled", 1667], ["towelled", 1667], ["limp", 1685], ["limps", 1685], ["limping", 1685], ["hand", 1690], ["press", 1702], ["pressed", 1702], ["gape", 1724], ["gapes", 1724], ["gaping", 1724], ["wind", 1731], ["wound", 1731], ["wounding", 1731], ["wounds", 1731], ["across", 1738], ["chest", 1748], ["weak", 1778], ["whisper", 1798], ["whispered", 1798], ["zoom", 1815], ["zoomed", 1815], ["vampire", 1838], ["speed", 1844], ["speeding", 1844], ["knelt", 1854], ["beside", 1861], ["notice", 1907], ["kyle", 1917], ["mr", 1924], ["come", 1938], ["came", 1938], ["see", 1945], ["hear", 1959], ["hears", 1959], ["heard", 1959], ["shout", 1973], ["shouting", 1973], ["crash", 1986], ["crashing", 1986], ["furniture", 1996], ["rush", 2007], ["rushed", 2007], ["inside", 2014], ["turn", 2060], ["turned", 2060], ["head", 2086], ["human", 2096], ["arm", 2131], ["arms", 2131], ["like", 2141], ["claw", 2169], ["alpha", 2202], ["alphas", 2202], ["explain", 2234], ["explained", 2234], ["capable", 2247], ["capablest", 2247], ["partial", 2260], ["shift", 2266], ["eye", 2284], ["eyed", 2284], ["eyes", 2284], ["widen", 2292], ["widened", 2292], ["say", 2333], ["sayest", 2333], ["said", 2333], ["change", 2385], ["changed", 2385], ["tell", 2414], ["swallow", 2473], ["swallows", 2473], ["swallowed", 2473], ["hard", 2478], ["hope", 2489], ["hoped", 2489], ["lie", 2508], ["lay", 2508], ["lain", 2508], ["remember", 2537], ["rememberest", 2537], ["remembered", 2537], ["see", 2544], ["seeing", 2544], ["know", 2596], ["knowest", 2596], ["knew", 2596], ["wrong", 2616], ["check", 2632], ["checked", 2632], ["security", 2645], ["tape", 2650], ["see", 2656], ["saw", 2656], ["front", 2678], ["forget", 2704], ["forgot", 2704], ["forgotten", 2704], ["camera", 2729], ["cameras", 2729], ["enough", 2749], ["order", 2776], ["orderest", 2776], ["ordered", 2776], ["bleed", 2796], ["bleeding", 2796], ["quietly", 2825], ["glance", 2840], ["glanced", 2840], ["reply", 2878], ["replied", 2878], ["clinic", 2953], ["two", 2960], ["twos", 2960], ["second", 2968], ["seconded", 2968], ["seconds", 2968], ["change", 3015], ["mind", 3025], ["minding", 3025], ["possible", 3048], ["tell", 3065], ["told", 3065], ["attack", 3099], ["attacked", 3099], ["friend", 3111], ["teleport", 3139], ["teleporting", 3139], ["lean", 3177], ["leans", 3177], ["leaned", 3177], ["gather", 3192], ["gatherest", 3192], ["scramble", 3228], ["scrambled", 3228], ["foot", 3240], ["feet", 3240], ["take", 3264], ["taking", 3264], ["anywhere", 3277], ["without", 3285], ["vampire", 3302], ["vampires", 3302], ["stumble", 3338], ["stumbled", 3338], ["room", 3402], ["roomed", 3402], ["whip", 3419], ["whipped", 3419], ["stare", 3435], ["stared", 3435], ["halt", 3459], ["halts", 3459], ["haltest", 3459], ["halted", 3459], ["jerk", 3471], ["jerks", 3471], ["jerked", 3471], ["face", 3482], ["go", 3487], ["goest", 3487], ["went", 3487], ["blank", 3493], ["blanks", 3493], ["left", 3520], ["leave", 3520], ["give", 3543], ["gave", 3543], ["stern", 3555], ["look", 3560], ["need", 3575], ["needest", 3575], ["use", 3582], ["come", 3611], ["along", 3617], ["gasp", 3653], ["gasps", 3653], ["gasped", 3653], ["latch", 3673], ["latched", 3673], ["straight", 3735], ["alarm", 3784], ["leap", 3815], ["leaps", 3815], ["leaping", 3815], ["leaped", 3815], ["grab", 3838], ["grabbing", 3838], ["automatic", 3852], ["automatics", 3852], ["holy", 3862], ["crap", 3867], ["crapped", 3867], ["lower", 3890], ["lowers", 3890], ["lowerest", 3890], ["lowered", 3890], ["gun", 3898], ["man", 3949], ["mans", 3949], ["manned", 3949], ["get", 3977], ["open", 4007], ["opened", 4007], ["hallway", 4054], ["hallways", 4054], ["carry", 4065], ["carrying", 4065], ["come", 4090], ["coming", 4090], ["drag", 4120], ["dragging", 4120], ["roman", 4140], ["romans", 4140], ["wince", 4217], ["winced", 4217]]
he 's at the school , helping with caitlyn 's delivery . '' `` send laszlo then ! '' phineas zoomed toward the clinic at vampire speed . he set nate on a gurney and turned on the overhead lights . zoltan zoomed in and set john on his feet . john reeled back . `` you-you 're some kind of monsters ! '' zoltan looked annoyed . `` have we harmed you ? '' `` you kidnapped me and nathan ! '' `` we took you to a clinic to save his life , '' zoltan argued . john looked frantically about . `` romatech ind- '' phineas stopped when laszlo rushed in . laszlo 's eyes widened at the sight of nate . he zoomed over to the sink and washed his hands with vampire speed . `` he 's fading fast . we 'll need at least four bags of '' -he sniffed- '' type a positive . '' zoltan rushed toward the refrigerator . laszlo snapped on some gloves and zoomed over to the gurney . he inserted a needle into nate 's arm and motioned with his head toward the tray . `` phineas , take the scissors and cut the shirt off him . '' phineas lifted the blood-soaked shirt away from nate 's torso and began cutting . nate moaned . john approached the gurney . `` pray , '' laszlo answered . he grimaced as phineas peeled back the shirt . `` he has a lot of internal damage . i can sew up a cut , but this is too much . '' `` what if we give him vampire blood ? '' zoltan suggested as he stacked bags of blood on the work tray . `` wo n't that heal him internally ? '' `` or we could transform him , '' phineas said quietly . zoltan and laszlo stopped and exchanged looks . `` if we turn him into a vampire , it will heal his wounds , '' phineas explained . `` then he would be dead . he would be a monster . '' laszlo frowned . `` do we look like monsters ? '' john studied the short man with the innocent , round face . do you bite people ? '' `` i 'm a chemist . '' laszlo lifted a bag of blood . `` and this is synthetic blood we manufacture here at romatech . we make our food , we do n't steal it . '' phineas leaned over him . we can heal you if we turn you into a vampire . you 'll be dead during the day , but alive at night . and you could live for centuries . '' nate blinked at him . `` legs ? '' phineas glanced at laszlo . `` he has a spinal cord injury . will it heal ? '' laszlo twisted a button on his lab coat as he considered . he has such severe injuries across his abdomen , the transformation might trigger all sorts of healing . '' `` then it 's possible ? '' `` he could walk ? '' `` possibly , '' laszlo answered . `` for certain , it will save his life . '' `` do it , '' nate whispered . phineas exchanged looks with laszlo and zoltan . his own transformation had been brutal and violent . he did n't want to repeat that . zoltan rested a hand on nate 's brow . `` when i give you my blood to drink , you must accept it . '' nate licked his cut and swollen lips . zoltan peeled the shirt collar away from nate 's throat . phineas grabbed john 's arm and led him across the room . `` did kyle attack him , too ? '' `` was he in wolf form ? '' `` did he bite nate ? '' he was still human . '' john 's mouth twisted with disgust . `` he was punching and kicking his own brother . '' he glanced back at the gurney where zoltan had sunk his fangs into nate . is he hurting nathan ? '' `` he 's transforming him . john , look at me . nate will be alive and strong at night , but completely vulnerable during the day . he needs someone who will guard him and protect him from his brother . '' `` and i 'll have my son help , too . we wo n't let anyone harm nathan . he- '' john 's eyes filled with tears . `` my son was a photojournalist , traveling with nathan 's unit during the war . when nathan was injured , he saved my son 's life . '' phineas rested a hand on john 's shoulder . `` he 's fortunate to have you now . '' john nodded and glanced back at the gurney . `` will he be all right ? will he still be ... his personality wo n't change . will you stay here with him till he wakes tomorrow night ? ''
[["school", 19], ["schooling", 19], ["help", 29], ["helpest", 29], ["helping", 29], ["caitlyn", 42], ["delivery", 54], ["send", 67], ["phineas", 92], ["zoom", 99], ["zoomed", 99], ["toward", 106], ["clinic", 117], ["vampire", 128], ["speed", 134], ["speeding", 134], ["set", 143], ["nate", 148], ["nates", 148], ["gurney", 160], ["turn", 171], ["turned", 171], ["overhead", 187], ["lit", 194], ["light", 194], ["lights", 194], ["zoltan", 203], ["john", 226], ["foot", 238], ["feet", 238], ["reel", 252], ["reeled", 252], ["back", 257], ["kind", 284], ["monster", 296], ["monsters", 296], ["look", 315], ["looked", 315], ["harm", 343], ["harmest", 343], ["harmed", 343], ["kidnap", 369], ["kidnaps", 369], ["kidnaped", 369], ["kidnaping", 369], ["kidnapped", 369], ["nathan", 383], ["take", 399], ["took", 399], ["save", 423], ["life", 432], ["lifes", 432], ["argue", 451], ["argued", 451], ["frantically", 477], ["stop", 521], ["stopped", 521], ["rush", 540], ["rushed", 540], ["eye", 560], ["eyed", 560], ["eyes", 560], ["widen", 568], ["widened", 568], ["sight", 581], ["sighted", 581], ["sank", 618], ["sink", 618], ["wash", 629], ["washed", 629], ["hand", 639], ["hands", 639], ["fade", 676], ["fading", 676], ["fast", 681], ["need", 695], ["needest", 695], ["least", 704], ["leastest", 704], ["four", 709], ["bag", 714], ["bagged", 714], ["bagging", 714], ["bags", 714], ["type", 741], ["positive", 752], ["refrigerator", 795], ["refrigerators", 795], ["snap", 812], ["snapping", 812], ["snapped", 812], ["glove", 827], ["gloved", 827], ["gloves", 827], ["insert", 871], ["inserted", 871], ["needle", 880], ["needled", 880], ["needles", 880], ["arm", 897], ["motion", 910], ["head", 924], ["tray", 940], ["trays", 940], ["take", 960], ["scissor", 973], ["scissoring", 973], ["scissors", 973], ["cut", 981], ["shirt", 991], ["lift", 1019], ["lifted", 1019], ["blood", 1029], ["bloods", 1029], ["blooded", 1029], ["soak", 1036], ["soaks", 1036], ["soaked", 1036], ["away", 1047], ["torso", 1066], ["torsos", 1066], ["begin", 1076], ["began", 1076], ["cut", 1084], ["cutting", 1084], ["moan", 1098], ["moans", 1098], ["moanest", 1098], ["moaned", 1098], ["approach", 1116], ["approaches", 1116], ["approached", 1116], ["pray", 1137], ["prays", 1137], ["answer", 1158], ["answeres", 1158], ["answerest", 1158], ["answered", 1158], ["grimace", 1172], ["grimacing", 1172], ["grimaced", 1172], ["peel", 1190], ["peeled", 1190], ["lot", 1223], ["internal", 1235], ["damage", 1242], ["damaging", 1242], ["sew", 1254], ["sews", 1254], ["sewn", 1254], ["much", 1286], ["give", 1310], ["suggest", 1350], ["suggested", 1350], ["stack", 1364], ["stacks", 1364], ["stacked", 1364], ["work", 1390], ["wrought", 1390], ["wo", 1403], ["heal", 1417], ["healest", 1417], ["internally", 1432], ["transform", 1462], ["say", 1484], ["sayest", 1484], ["said", 1484], ["quietly", 1492], ["exchange", 1534], ["exchanged", 1534], ["look", 1540], ["looks", 1540], ["turn", 1556], ["wind", 1601], ["wound", 1601], ["wounding", 1601], ["wounds", 1601], ["explain", 1624], ["explained", 1624], ["dead", 1651], ["monster", 1675], ["frown", 1695], ["frowns", 1695], ["frowned", 1695], ["look", 1711], ["like", 1716], ["study", 1743], ["studied", 1743], ["short", 1753], ["man", 1757], ["mans", 1757], ["manned", 1757], ["innocent", 1775], ["round", 1783], ["face", 1788], ["bite", 1802], ["people", 1809], ["chemist", 1832], ["bag", 1857], ["bagged", 1857], ["bagging", 1857], ["synthetic", 1893], ["manufacture", 1914], ["manufactures", 1914], ["food", 1950], ["foods", 1950], ["steal", 1968], ["stole", 1968], ["lean", 1991], ["leans", 1991], ["leaned", 1991], ["day", 2081], ["alive", 2093], ["night", 2102], ["live", 2123], ["century", 2137], ["centuries", 2137], ["blink", 2155], ["blinked", 2155], ["leg", 2172], ["legs", 2172], ["glance", 2193], ["glanced", 2193], ["spinal", 2224], ["cord", 2229], ["injury", 2236], ["twist", 2271], ["twisted", 2271], ["twisting", 2271], ["button", 2280], ["buttoning", 2280], ["lab", 2291], ["labs", 2291], ["coat", 2296], ["consider", 2313], ["considered", 2313], ["severe", 2334], ["injury", 2343], ["injuries", 2343], ["across", 2350], ["abdomen", 2362], ["transformation", 2383], ["may", 2389], ["mays", 2389], ["mayest", 2389], ["might", 2389], ["trigger", 2397], ["sort", 2407], ["sorts", 2407], ["healing", 2418], ["possible", 2446], ["walk", 2468], ["certain", 2523], ["whisper", 2581], ["whispered", 2581], ["brutal", 2671], ["violent", 2683], ["repeat", 2711], ["repeatest", 2711], ["rest", 2732], ["rested", 2732], ["hand", 2739], ["brow", 2755], ["drank", 2794], ["drink", 2794], ["drinking", 2794], ["must", 2805], ["musts", 2805], ["accept", 2812], ["lick", 2832], ["licked", 2832], ["lip", 2857], ["lipped", 2857], ["lips", 2857], ["collar", 2890], ["collared", 2890], ["throat", 2915], ["grab", 2933], ["grabbed", 2933], ["lead", 2953], ["leaded", 2953], ["led", 2953], ["room", 2973], ["roomed", 2973], ["kyle", 2987], ["attack", 2994], ["wolf", 3027], ["form", 3032], ["formest", 3032], ["still", 3075], ["human", 3081], ["mouth", 3100], ["mouthed", 3100], ["disgust", 3121], ["disgusted", 3121], ["punch", 3142], ["punching", 3142], ["kick", 3154], ["kicking", 3154], ["brother", 3170], ["brethren", 3170], ["sank", 3227], ["sink", 3227], ["sunk", 3227], ["fang", 3237], ["fangs", 3237], ["hurt", 3263], ["hurts", 3263], ["hurting", 3263], ["transform", 3297], ["transforming", 3297], ["strong", 3353], ["completely", 3379], ["vulnerable", 3390], ["need", 3416], ["needest", 3416], ["needs", 3416], ["guard", 3439], ["protect", 3455], ["protectest", 3455], ["son", 3506], ["help", 3511], ["helpest", 3511], ["let", 3533], ["lets", 3533], ["anyone", 3540], ["harm", 3545], ["harmest", 3545], ["fill", 3581], ["fills", 3581], ["filled", 3581], ["tear", 3592], ["teared", 3592], ["tears", 3592], ["photojournalist", 3626], ["travel", 3638], ["traveling", 3638], ["unit", 3658], ["war", 3673], ["injure", 3699], ["injures", 3699], ["injured", 3699], ["save", 3710], ["saved", 3710], ["shoulder", 3772], ["shouldered", 3772], ["fortunate", 3793], ["nod", 3826], ["nodded", 3826], ["right", 3883], ["rightest", 3883], ["personality", 3922], ["change", 3936], ["stay", 3952], ["till", 3971], ["wake", 3980], ["wakes", 3980], ["woken", 3980], ["tomorrow", 3989], ["tomorrows", 3989]]
when john nodded , phineas continued , `` i need to go back to wyoming and make sure brynley is all right . '' `` is she a vampire , too ? '' `` no , she 's a werewolf , but a good one . she would never hurt anyone . '' john gave him a curious look . `` you 're a vampire with a werewolf girlfriend ? `` good question , '' phineas muttered . he just hoped she was all right and he could find her . as he dashed back to the security office , he spotted jack coming in the side entrance . jack and lara could help him look for brynley . `` is lara with you ? '' `` she stayed at the school . caitlyn 's been shifting back and forth , scaring the shit out of dr. lee , so carlos is the only one allowed in the delivery room with her now . '' `` no babies yet ? '' freemont opened the security office door and peered outside . `` did she have kittens ? '' `` not yet , '' jack replied . `` i came back to see if you guys had captured corky . '' `` we have another problem now , '' phineas said . `` brynley could be in danger . rhett bleddyn knows she 's back , and he 's a vicious bastard . nearly killed a mortal . zoltan is in the clinic right now transforming the guy . and brynley-she 's alone . '' `` wolfie-girl 's in trouble . '' phineas zipped through the trees for another half a mile , then paused to listen . he and jack had teleported back to the cabin and split up to cover more ground . so far , no sign of brynley . no word from jack . and they 'd been searching for almost an hour . bleddyn was one nasty character . attacking a guy in a wheelchair ? sheesh , he 'd nearly killed nate . and kyle , that creep deserved to die . the thought that those two bastards could have shifted and gone hunting for brynley , it made his heart clench in his chest . she 'd been hunted down once before . and raped . he could n't let that happen to her again . he gazed up a tall pine tree and zeroed in on a strong branch . a second later , he materialized there and grabbed hold of the trunk . he had a bird's-eye view . and eyes as good as a bird . he scanned the area and listened carefully . a small herd of elk at twelve o'clock . at one o'clock , a small lake glimmered in the moonlight . farther off to the right , jack was searching . bushes thrashed far ahead at ten o'clock . something was being chased . he focused on a treetop and teleported there . the chase was just ahead of him . he teleported to another tree . a mule deer darted into a small clearing , and a wolf charged from behind . a large wolf , moving at an incredible speed . it had to be a werewolf . he teleported closer and materialized on a tree branch just as the wolf pounced on the deer . within seconds the deer was down and its neck broken with a mighty wrenching of the wolf 's jaws . if that was brynley , she was amazing . he whistled softly to see if the wolf would look up . sky-blue eyes . he 'd found her , and she was fine . she was freaking powerful . a loud growl emanated from the forest . phineas tensed , his fingers digging into pine bark . was it bleddyn ? brynley froze , her ears flattening , the fur on her back bristling . out of the woods lumbered a huge black bear . it reared up on its hind legs and roared . brynley stood her ground . `` back off , '' phineas whispered . do n't argue with a bear . let it have the deer . the bear roared again , and moved toward the deer . brynley bared her teeth and growled back . phineas took out his automatic and fired a warning shot to scare off the bear . the bear shifted into a large , hairy man . he lifted his hands in surrender and looked frantically about . phineas 's mouth fell open . digger ? brynley shifted into human form . `` you 're a were-bear ? '' `` you 're a werewolf ? '' phineas teleported down , and with vampire speed , he whipped off his jacket and covered brynley . digger gasped . `` you 're one of them damned aliens ! '' he shifted back into a bear , and with a growl , he charged . chapter eighteen phineas teleported brynley across the clearing . digger roared when his pounce hit nothing but air . he spun about and spotted them . `` digger , '' phineas began , but quickly levitated with brynley when the bear charged again .
[["john", 9], ["nod", 16], ["nodded", 16], ["phineas", 26], ["continue", 36], ["continued", 36], ["need", 48], ["needest", 48], ["go", 54], ["goest", 54], ["back", 59], ["sure", 84], ["right", 105], ["rightest", 105], ["vampire", 130], ["werewolf", 167], ["good", 180], ["never", 202], ["hurt", 207], ["hurts", 207], ["hurting", 207], ["anyone", 214], ["give", 229], ["gave", 229], ["curious", 243], ["look", 248], ["girlfriend", 298], ["question", 317], ["mutter", 339], ["muttering", 339], ["mutterest", 339], ["muttered", 339], ["hope", 355], ["hoped", 355], ["find", 391], ["dash", 410], ["dashed", 410], ["security", 431], ["office", 438], ["spot", 451], ["spotted", 451], ["jack", 456], ["jacks", 456], ["jacked", 456], ["come", 463], ["coming", 463], ["side", 475], ["sidest", 475], ["entrance", 484], ["entrancing", 484], ["lara", 500], ["help", 511], ["helpest", 511], ["stay", 573], ["stayed", 573], ["school", 587], ["schooling", 587], ["caitlyn", 597], ["shift", 614], ["shifting", 614], ["forth", 629], ["scare", 639], ["scared", 639], ["scaring", 639], ["shit", 648], ["dr", 658], ["drs", 658], ["lee", 663], ["lees", 663], ["allow", 699], ["allowed", 699], ["delivery", 715], ["room", 720], ["roomed", 720], ["baby", 751], ["babies", 751], ["yet", 755], ["open", 776], ["opened", 776], ["door", 801], ["peer", 812], ["peered", 812], ["outside", 820], ["kitten", 846], ["kittens", 846], ["kittening", 846], ["reply", 880], ["replied", 880], ["come", 892], ["came", 892], ["see", 904], ["guy", 916], ["guys", 916], ["capture", 929], ["captured", 929], ["corky", 935], ["another", 959], ["problem", 967], ["say", 989], ["sayest", 989], ["said", 989], ["danger", 1021], ["know", 1043], ["knowest", 1043], ["knows", 1043], ["vicious", 1077], ["bastard", 1085], ["nearly", 1094], ["kill", 1101], ["killed", 1101], ["mortal", 1110], ["zoltan", 1119], ["clinic", 1136], ["transform", 1159], ["transforming", 1159], ["guy", 1167], ["alone", 1194], ["girl", 1214], ["trouble", 1228], ["troubling", 1228], ["zip", 1248], ["zips", 1248], ["zipped", 1248], ["tree", 1266], ["treed", 1266], ["treeing", 1266], ["trees", 1266], ["half", 1283], ["mile", 1290], ["miles", 1290], ["pause", 1304], ["paused", 1304], ["listen", 1314], ["listens", 1314], ["teleport", 1343], ["teleporting", 1343], ["teleported", 1343], ["cabin", 1361], ["split", 1371], ["cover", 1383], ["ground", 1395], ["far", 1404], ["sign", 1414], ["word", 1435], ["search", 1474], ["searching", 1474], ["almost", 1485], ["hour", 1493], ["nasty", 1517], ["character", 1527], ["attack", 1539], ["attacking", 1539], ["wheelchair", 1561], ["sheesh", 1570], ["nate", 1597], ["nates", 1597], ["kyle", 1608], ["creep", 1621], ["creeps", 1621], ["creeped", 1621], ["deserve", 1630], ["deserved", 1630], ["die", 1637], ["thought", 1651], ["two", 1666], ["twos", 1666], ["bastard", 1675], ["bastards", 1675], ["shift", 1694], ["shifted", 1694], ["go", 1703], ["goest", 1703], ["gone", 1703], ["heart", 1743], ["clench", 1750], ["clenched", 1750], ["chest", 1763], ["hunt", 1784], ["hunting", 1784], ["huntest", 1784], ["hunted", 1784], ["rape", 1813], ["raped", 1813], ["let", 1832], ["lets", 1832], ["happen", 1844], ["gaze", 1868], ["gazes", 1868], ["gazed", 1868], ["tall", 1878], ["pine", 1883], ["pining", 1883], ["tree", 1888], ["treed", 1888], ["treeing", 1888], ["zero", 1899], ["zeroes", 1899], ["zeroed", 1899], ["strong", 1914], ["branch", 1921], ["branchest", 1921], ["second", 1932], ["seconded", 1932], ["later", 1938], ["materialize", 1956], ["materialized", 1956], ["grab", 1974], ["grabbed", 1974], ["hold", 1979], ["trunk", 1992], ["eye", 2014], ["eyed", 2014], ["view", 2019], ["viewest", 2019], ["eye", 2030], ["eyed", 2030], ["eyes", 2030], ["bird", 2048], ["scan", 2061], ["scans", 2061], ["scanning", 2061], ["scanned", 2061], ["area", 2070], ["listen", 2083], ["listens", 2083], ["listened", 2083], ["carefully", 2093], ["small", 2103], ["herd", 2108], ["herding", 2108], ["herdest", 2108], ["elk", 2115], ["twelve", 2125], ["twelves", 2125], ["lake", 2165], ["glimmer", 2175], ["glimmered", 2175], ["moonlight", 2192], ["moonlights", 2192], ["moonlighted", 2192], ["far", 2202], ["farther", 2202], ["bush", 2249], ["bushed", 2249], ["bushes", 2249], ["thrash", 2258], ["thrashest", 2258], ["thrashed", 2258], ["ahead", 2268], ["ten", 2275], ["chase", 2312], ["chased", 2312], ["focus", 2325], ["focused", 2325], ["treetop", 2338], ["chase", 2371], ["mule", 2434], ["mules", 2434], ["deer", 2439], ["dart", 2446], ["darted", 2446], ["clearing", 2468], ["wolf", 2481], ["charge", 2489], ["charged", 2489], ["behind", 2501], ["large", 2511], ["move", 2525], ["moving", 2525], ["incredible", 2542], ["speed", 2548], ["speeding", 2548], ["close", 2597], ["closer", 2597], ["pounce", 2656], ["pounced", 2656], ["within", 2677], ["second", 2685], ["seconded", 2685], ["seconds", 2685], ["neck", 2716], ["necked", 2716], ["broke", 2723], ["break", 2723], ["broken", 2723], ["mighty", 2737], ["jaw", 2767], ["jaws", 2767], ["jawed", 2767], ["jawest", 2767], ["amazing", 2807], ["whistle", 2821], ["whistled", 2821], ["softly", 2828], ["sky", 2867], ["blue", 2872], ["find", 2891], ["found", 2891], ["fine", 2914], ["freak", 2933], ["freaking", 2933], ["powerful", 2942], ["loud", 2951], ["growl", 2957], ["growls", 2957], ["emanate", 2966], ["emanated", 2966], ["forest", 2982], ["tense", 2999], ["tensed", 2999], ["finger", 3013], ["fingers", 3013], ["dig", 3021], ["dug", 3021], ["digs", 3021], ["digest", 3021], ["digging", 3021], ["bark", 3036], ["barked", 3036], ["barking", 3036], ["ear", 3080], ["ears", 3080], ["flatten", 3091], ["flattens", 3091], ["flattening", 3091], ["fur", 3101], ["wood", 3142], ["woods", 3142], ["lumber", 3151], ["lumbering", 3151], ["lumbered", 3151], ["huge", 3158], ["black", 3164], ["bear", 3169], ["bore", 3169], ["bearest", 3169], ["rear", 3181], ["reared", 3181], ["hind", 3196], ["hinds", 3196], ["leg", 3201], ["legs", 3201], ["roar", 3212], ["roarest", 3212], ["roared", 3212], ["stand", 3228], ["stood", 3228], ["standest", 3228], ["whisper", 3276], ["whispered", 3276], ["argue", 3291], ["move", 3362], ["moved", 3362], ["toward", 3369], ["bare", 3394], ["bared", 3394], ["tooth", 3404], ["teeth", 3404], ["growl", 3416], ["growls", 3416], ["growled", 3416], ["take", 3436], ["took", 3436], ["automatic", 3454], ["automatics", 3454], ["fire", 3464], ["fired", 3464], ["warning", 3474], ["shot", 3479], ["scare", 3488], ["scared", 3488], ["hairy", 3541], ["man", 3545], ["mans", 3545], ["manned", 3545], ["lift", 3557], ["lifted", 3557], ["hand", 3567], ["hands", 3567], ["surrender", 3580], ["surrenders", 3580], ["surrendering", 3580], ["surrenderest", 3580], ["look", 3591], ["looked", 3591], ["frantically", 3603], ["mouth", 3628], ["mouthed", 3628], ["fall", 3633], ["falls", 3633], ["fell", 3633], ["open", 3638], ["digger", 3647], ["human", 3676], ["form", 3681], ["formest", 3681], ["whip", 3800], ["whipped", 3800], ["jacket", 3815], ["jacketed", 3815], ["cover", 3827], ["covered", 3827], ["gasp", 3851], ["gasps", 3851], ["gasped", 3851], ["damn", 3883], ["damned", 3883], ["alien", 3890], ["aliens", 3890], ["chapter", 3965], ["eighteen", 3974], ["eighteens", 3974], ["across", 4008], ["pounce", 4053], ["hit", 4057], ["nothing", 4065], ["air", 4073], ["airs", 4073], ["airing", 4073], ["spin", 4083], ["spun", 4083], ["begin", 4137], ["began", 4137], ["quickly", 4151], ["levitate", 4161], ["levitated", 4161]]
`` digger , stop ! '' brynley yelled at him . digger shifted back to human form . `` you need to get away from him , little lady , so i can kill him . he 's an alien . '' `` i 'm not an alien , '' phineas muttered . `` maybe you can kick him in the balls , '' digger told her , then frowned . `` but i ai n't sure them aliens have balls . '' she gave phineas a wry look . `` shall i verify that you have balls ? '' `` this is not how i envisioned our first intimate encounter . '' he glanced down at digger . `` can we come down now ? '' but i 'll have to kill you . '' `` i 'm not an alien ! '' `` you are , too ! you appeared out of nowhere . you must have beamed down from the mother ship . '' `` i was in a tree , watching brynley . and what the hell were you doing , attacking her ? '' `` i was n't gon na hurt her , '' digger mumbled . `` i just wanted the deer . '' jack zoomed into the clearing at vampire speed . his eyes widened at the sight of phineas and brynley hovering twelve feet in the air . `` dagnabbit ! another alien ! '' jack glanced behind him , then gasped when digger shifted back into a bear and charged . he levitated , too . now i see why you 're floating . '' `` cut it out , digger ! '' digger changed back to human form . `` you should n't make friends with aliens . '' `` we 're not aliens , '' phineas ground out . `` and would you please cover yourself ? there 's a woman present . '' he adjusted his jacket around brynley . luckily , it was long enough to hit her at mid-thigh . the corner of her mouth curled up . `` you seemed a bit concerned about my virtue . '' `` damned straight . and what the hell were you doing , growling at a bear ? '' `` i know it was crazy . my inner wolf has been acting so weird lately . like it thinks it can take on the world . '' phineas 's attention shifted back to digger when the old man whistled . his dog , jake , trotted into the clearing . he still wore the foil-covered football helmet on his head , but now also sported a pack strapped to his back . `` the dog plays football ? '' digger snorted as he pulled a pair of jeans out of the dog 's backpack . `` dogs do n't play football . you aliens ai n't as smart as you think . '' phineas 's eyes watered as he caught a whiff of digger 's clothes . `` did you run into a skunk ? '' digger chuckled as he pulled on the jeans . `` i spray my clothes down with skunk oil . it covers up my scent . '' usually phineas could always tell a shifter by his scent . digger had caught them by surprise . `` but of course i knew right off that the little lady was a shifter , '' digger continued . `` i hoped she was a bear like me , but it ai n't surprising she 's a wolf . lots of werewolves in these here parts . '' `` not all of them good , '' phineas said . `` there 's a dangerous alpha in the area named rhett bleddyn . he attacked nate carson tonight and almost killed him . '' `` nate was attacked ? phineas nodded and lowered his voice . `` we took him to romatech . we had to transform him . '' zoltan 's taking care of him . '' `` why would a werewolf attack nate carson ? '' `` nate 's a good guy . '' `` bleddyn is trying to find brynley , '' phineas explained . `` nate was protecting her , and he nearly died for it . '' `` poor nate . '' phineas hugged her tight . `` bleddyn knows you 're here . that 's why we came looking for you . i was afraid he would be hunting you . '' `` a werewolf hunting another werewolf ? '' digger scratched at his beard . `` that do n't seem right . '' `` my father tried to force me into marrying him , '' she grumbled . digger frowned. `` 'cause you 're in love with an alien ? '' `` we 're vampires , '' jack said . digger stepped back , his eyes wide . `` what in tarnation ? `` yes , '' phineas said . `` we can teleport and levitate , as you can see- '' `` did you mutilate those cows and drink their blood ? '' we drink synthetic blood from bottles , '' phineas replied . `` they 're the good guys , '' brynley insisted .
[["digger", 9], ["stop", 16], ["yell", 36], ["yelled", 36], ["shift", 60], ["shifted", 60], ["back", 65], ["human", 74], ["form", 79], ["formest", 79], ["need", 93], ["needest", 93], ["get", 100], ["away", 105], ["little", 123], ["lady", 128], ["kill", 144], ["alien", 165], ["phineas", 204], ["mutter", 213], ["muttering", 213], ["mutterest", 213], ["muttered", 213], ["maybe", 224], ["kick", 237], ["ball", 254], ["balls", 254], ["tell", 271], ["told", 271], ["frown", 290], ["frowns", 290], ["frowned", 290], ["ai", 304], ["sure", 313], ["alien", 325], ["aliens", 325], ["give", 350], ["gave", 350], ["wry", 364], ["look", 369], ["shall", 380], ["verify", 389], ["envision", 446], ["envisioned", 446], ["first", 456], ["firstest", 456], ["intimate", 465], ["encounter", 475], ["glance", 491], ["glanced", 491], ["come", 523], ["appear", 627], ["appeared", 627], ["nowhere", 642], ["must", 653], ["musts", 653], ["beam", 665], ["beamed", 665], ["mother", 686], ["mothered", 686], ["motherest", 686], ["ship", 691], ["tree", 715], ["treed", 715], ["treeing", 715], ["watch", 726], ["watching", 726], ["hell", 754], ["hells", 754], ["attack", 781], ["attacking", 781], ["gon", 807], ["na", 810], ["nas", 810], ["hurt", 815], ["hurts", 815], ["hurting", 815], ["mumble", 839], ["mumbles", 839], ["mumbled", 839], ["deer", 867], ["jack", 877], ["jacks", 877], ["jacked", 877], ["zoom", 884], ["zoomed", 884], ["clearing", 902], ["vampire", 913], ["speed", 919], ["speeding", 919], ["eye", 930], ["eyed", 930], ["eyes", 930], ["widen", 938], ["widened", 938], ["sight", 951], ["sighted", 951], ["hover", 983], ["hovering", 983], ["twelve", 990], ["twelves", 990], ["foot", 995], ["feet", 995], ["air", 1006], ["airs", 1006], ["airing", 1006], ["dagnabbit", 1021], ["another", 1031], ["behind", 1062], ["gasp", 1080], ["gasps", 1080], ["gasped", 1080], ["bear", 1117], ["bore", 1117], ["bearest", 1117], ["charge", 1129], ["charged", 1129], ["levitate", 1144], ["levitated", 1144], ["see", 1162], ["float", 1183], ["floating", 1183], ["cut", 1195], ["change", 1231], ["changed", 1231], ["friend", 1283], ["friends", 1283], ["grind", 1341], ["please", 1371], ["cover", 1377], ["woman", 1405], ["womans", 1405], ["present", 1413], ["presentest", 1413], ["adjust", 1430], ["adjusted", 1430], ["jacket", 1441], ["jacketed", 1441], ["around", 1448], ["luckily", 1466], ["long", 1480], ["longs", 1480], ["enough", 1487], ["hit", 1494], ["mid", 1505], ["thigh", 1511], ["thighs", 1511], ["corner", 1524], ["mouth", 1537], ["mouthed", 1537], ["curl", 1544], ["curls", 1544], ["curled", 1544], ["seem", 1563], ["seeming", 1563], ["seemed", 1563], ["bit", 1569], ["bits", 1569], ["virtue", 1595], ["damn", 1610], ["damned", 1610], ["straight", 1619], ["growl", 1665], ["growls", 1665], ["growling", 1665], ["know", 1690], ["knowest", 1690], ["crazy", 1703], ["inner", 1714], ["wolf", 1719], ["act", 1735], ["acted", 1735], ["acting", 1735], ["weird", 1744], ["lately", 1751], ["like", 1758], ["think", 1768], ["thinkest", 1768], ["thinks", 1768], ["take", 1780], ["world", 1793], ["attention", 1819], ["old", 1855], ["man", 1859], ["mans", 1859], ["manned", 1859], ["whistle", 1868], ["whistled", 1868], ["dog", 1878], ["jake", 1885], ["jakes", 1885], ["jaked", 1885], ["trot", 1895], ["trotted", 1895], ["still", 1924], ["wear", 1929], ["wore", 1929], ["foil", 1938], ["cover", 1946], ["covered", 1946], ["football", 1955], ["helmet", 1962], ["head", 1974], ["also", 1989], ["sport", 1997], ["sported", 1997], ["pack", 2004], ["strap", 2013], ["straps", 2013], ["strapped", 2013], ["play", 2044], ["playest", 2044], ["plays", 2044], ["snort", 2073], ["snortest", 2073], ["snorted", 2073], ["pull", 2086], ["pulled", 2086], ["pair", 2093], ["pairs", 2093], ["jean", 2102], ["jeans", 2102], ["backpack", 2129], ["backpacking", 2129], ["dog", 2139], ["dogs", 2139], ["play", 2151], ["playest", 2151], ["smart", 2189], ["think", 2202], ["thinkest", 2202], ["water", 2231], ["watered", 2231], ["catch", 2244], ["catched", 2244], ["catches", 2244], ["caught", 2244], ["whiff", 2252], ["clad", 2273], ["clothe", 2273], ["clothes", 2273], ["run", 2290], ["skunk", 2303], ["skunks", 2303], ["chuckle", 2324], ["chuckled", 2324], ["spray", 2363], ["sprayed", 2363], ["oil", 2394], ["cover", 2406], ["covers", 2406], ["scent", 2418], ["scentest", 2418], ["usually", 2431], ["always", 2452], ["tell", 2457], ["shift", 2467], ["surprise", 2517], ["surprised", 2517], ["course", 2536], ["know", 2543], ["knowest", 2543], ["knew", 2543], ["right", 2549], ["rightest", 2549], ["continue", 2610], ["continued", 2610], ["hope", 2623], ["hoped", 2623], ["surprising", 2673], ["lot", 2694], ["lots", 2694], ["werewolf", 2708], ["werewolves", 2708], ["part", 2728], ["parting", 2728], ["parts", 2728], ["good", 2757], ["say", 2775], ["sayest", 2775], ["said", 2775], ["dangerous", 2801], ["alpha", 2807], ["alphas", 2807], ["area", 2819], ["name", 2825], ["named", 2825], ["attack", 2853], ["attacked", 2853], ["nate", 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3482], ["seem", 3504], ["seeming", 3504], ["father", 3528], ["fathered", 3528], ["fathering", 3528], ["try", 3534], ["tryed", 3534], ["tried", 3534], ["force", 3543], ["marry", 3560], ["married", 3560], ["marrying", 3560], ["grumble", 3582], ["grumbles", 3582], ["grumbled", 3582], ["love", 3626], ["vampire", 3664], ["vampires", 3664], ["step", 3696], ["stepped", 3696], ["wide", 3717], ["tarnation", 3740], ["yes", 3749], ["teleport", 3788], ["teleporting", 3788], ["levitate", 3801], ["mutilate", 3842], ["mutilated", 3842], ["mutilating", 3842], ["cow", 3853], ["cows", 3853], ["drank", 3863], ["drink", 3863], ["drinking", 3863], ["blood", 3875], ["bloods", 3875], ["blooded", 3875], ["synthetic", 3899], ["bottle", 3918], ["bottled", 3918], ["bottles", 3918], ["reply", 3939], ["replied", 3939], ["guy", 3967], ["guys", 3967], ["insist", 3989], ["insistest", 3989], ["insisted", 3989]]
`` when i ran away from home , they took me in . and they 've taken in all the lost boys that my father kicked out of the pack . '' `` who 's your pa ? '' `` caddoc jones . '' digger 's eyes widened . `` well , ai n't that somethin ' ? i know cad from way back . well over a hundred years ago . '' he ran a hand through his shaggy long hair . `` have n't talked to him in a spell . seemed to me he got too big for his britches . started acting like a jackass . `` none taken , '' she answered wryly . phineas motioned to the ground . digger eyed him suspiciously . `` you ai n't gon na bite me or my dog , are you ? '' `` i 'd rather starve . '' jack waved the air in front of him , his nose wrinkled against the foul odor . `` i knew there was something strange going on in these hills . you sure you ai n't seen no aliens around here ? '' we 're looking for a bad female vampire . '' phineas lowered himself and brynley to the ground . `` we think she 's allied with bleddyn and staying at the old haggerty ranch . '' `` a lady vampire ? '' `` did she mutilate the cows ? '' `` i 'm not sure , '' phineas replied . digger tugged at his beard . `` this is all very strange . i could have sworn there were aliens around here . well , i 'll be going now . and taking the deer , if you do n't mind . '' brynley waved a hand . digger heaved the dead deer over his shoulders and lumbered into the woods . `` a werewolf in love with a vampire . do n't that beat all ? '' phineas gave brynley a questioning look as he drew her into his arms . `` could digger be right ? '' `` about aliens ? '' `` about a certain werewolf being in love with a vampire . '' `` depends on the vampire . is he in love with a certain werewolf ? '' phineas 's vision darkened to a dusky pink as his eyes turned red . `` i 've always heard that actions speak louder than words . '' `` what actions do you have in mind ? '' `` okay , '' jack interrupted . `` i 'm feeling a little unnecessary at the moment . i 'll teleport back to the cabin to see if bleddyn has shown up . '' `` thanks , jack , '' phineas said without looking back . he chuckled and teleported away . brynley smoothed her hand over phineas 's jaw . `` we were talking about action ? '' `` and words . '' `` i do love you , brynley . i know it wo n't be easy . i 'm dead half the time . and- '' `` stop . '' `` do n't come up with reasons not to love me . he teleported away with her . brynley landed on cool , soft grass . she quickly looked about and smiled . phineas had taken her back to the meadow below the cloud peak glacier . one of the most beautiful places she knew . `` i could take you to romatech or the cabin in the adirondacks . we could have a bed there- '' `` this is perfect . '' she breathed deeply of the cool , crisp air . `` this is home . '' `` it 's not too cold ? '' she pulled off his jacket and tossed it on the ground . `` do i look cold ? '' his eyes flared a hotter red as his gaze sizzled over her nak*d body , then settled on her hardening n**ples . `` maybe a little chilled . '' `` then make me hot . '' she rushed toward him and ripped open the snaps on his shirt . `` the animal in me wants to claw the clothes right off your body . '' he pulled her close and nuzzled her neck . `` the vamp in me wants to nibble '' -he trailed kisses down her neck - '' and bite '' -he nipped her shoulder- '' and suck the life out of you . '' he planted his mouth on her nipple . she arched her back as he suckled hard . he picked her up , his hands on her bare rump , and she wrapped her legs around his waist . he tugged at one breast , then started on the other . she ran her hands over his short hair . he tickled the tip of her nipple with his tongue , then pulled her closer so her core was pressed against his bare stomach . he tugged on her breast in rhythm to rocking her against him . moisture seeped from her , and tension built higher and higher . oh god , she was going to come before she 'd even gotten his clothes off . she pulled his head back and wiggled out of his arms .
[["run", 13], ["ran", 13], ["away", 18], ["home", 28], ["homing", 28], ["take", 40], ["took", 40], ["take", 67], ["taken", 67], ["lost", 83], ["boy", 88], ["boys", 88], ["father", 103], ["fathered", 103], ["fathering", 103], ["kick", 110], ["kicked", 110], ["pack", 126], ["pa", 149], ["joneses", 170], ["digger", 182], ["eye", 190], ["eyed", 190], ["eyes", 190], ["widen", 198], ["widened", 198], ["well", 208], ["wells", 208], ["ai", 213], ["know", 242], ["knowest", 242], ["cad", 246], ["cads", 246], ["way", 255], ["ways", 255], ["back", 260], ["hundred", 282], ["year", 288], ["years", 288], ["ago", 292], ["hand", 311], ["shaggy", 330], ["long", 335], ["longs", 335], ["hair", 340], ["talk", 361], ["talked", 361], ["spell", 379], ["spelt", 379], ["seem", 388], ["seeming", 388], ["seemed", 388], ["get", 401], ["got", 401], ["big", 409], ["bigs", 409], ["britches", 426], ["start", 436], ["started", 436], ["act", 443], ["acted", 443], ["acting", 443], ["like", 448], ["jackass", 458], ["jackasses", 458], ["none", 468], ["answer", 492], ["answeres", 492], ["answerest", 492], ["answered", 492], ["wryly", 498], ["phineas", 508], ["motion", 517], ["ground", 531], ["eye", 545], ["eyed", 545], ["suspiciously", 562], ["gon", 582], ["na", 585], ["nas", 585], ["bite", 590], ["dog", 603], ["rather", 633], ["starve", 640], ["jack", 650], ["jacks", 650], ["jacked", 650], ["wave", 656], ["waved", 656], ["air", 664], ["airs", 664], ["airing", 664], ["front", 673], ["nose", 691], ["nosed", 691], ["nosing", 691], ["wrinkle", 700], ["wrinkled", 700], ["foul", 717], ["fouling", 717], ["odor", 722], ["know", 734], ["knowest", 734], ["knew", 734], ["strange", 762], ["go", 768], ["goest", 768], ["going", 768], ["hill", 786], ["hills", 786], ["sure", 797], ["see", 813], ["seen", 813], ["alien", 823], ["aliens", 823], ["around", 830], ["look", 855], ["looking", 855], ["bad", 865], ["female", 872], ["vampire", 880], ["lower", 901], ["lowers", 901], ["lowerest", 901], ["lowered", 901], ["think", 949], ["thinkest", 949], ["ally", 963], ["allied", 963], ["allying", 963], ["stay", 988], ["staying", 988], ["old", 999], ["ranch", 1014], ["lady", 1029], ["mutilate", 1062], ["mutilated", 1062], ["mutilating", 1062], ["cow", 1071], ["cows", 1071], ["reply", 1114], ["replied", 1114], ["tug", 1130], ["tugging", 1130], ["tugged", 1130], ["beard", 1143], ["beards", 1143], ["bearded", 1143], ["swear", 1194], ["sweared", 1194], ["sworn", 1194], ["take", 1265], ["taking", 1265], ["deer", 1274], ["mind", 1295], ["minding", 1295], ["heave", 1337], ["heaves", 1337], ["heaving", 1337], ["heaved", 1337], ["dead", 1346], ["shoulder", 1370], ["shouldered", 1370], ["shoulders", 1370], ["lumber", 1383], ["lumbering", 1383], ["lumbered", 1383], ["wood", 1398], ["woods", 1398], ["werewolf", 1414], ["love", 1422], ["beat", 1456], ["give", 1478], ["gave", 1478], ["questioning", 1500], ["look", 1505], ["draw", 1516], ["drawn", 1516], ["draws", 1516], ["drew", 1516], ["arm", 1534], ["arms", 1534], ["right", 1561], ["rightest", 1561], ["certain", 1606], ["depend", 1660], ["depends", 1660], ["vision", 1738], ["darken", 1747], ["darkened", 1747], ["dusky", 1758], ["pink", 1763], ["turn", 1782], ["turned", 1782], ["red", 1786], ["always", 1804], ["hear", 1810], ["hears", 1810], ["heard", 1810], ["action", 1823], ["actions", 1823], ["speak", 1829], ["spoken", 1829], ["louder", 1836], ["word", 1847], ["words", 1847], ["okay", 1901], ["interrupt", 1923], ["interruptest", 1923], ["interrupted", 1923], ["feel", 1941], ["feeling", 1941], ["little", 1950], ["unnecessary", 1962], ["moment", 1976], ["teleport", 1993], ["teleporting", 1993], ["cabin", 2011], ["see", 2018], ["show", 2039], ["shown", 2039], ["thank", 2057], ["thanks", 2057], ["thankest", 2057], ["say", 2082], ["sayest", 2082], ["said", 2082], ["without", 2090], ["chuckle", 2117], ["chuckled", 2117], ["teleport", 2132], ["teleporting", 2132], ["teleported", 2132], ["smooth", 2156], ["smoothed", 2156], ["jaw", 2185], ["jaws", 2185], ["jawed", 2185], ["jawest", 2185], ["talk", 2206], ["talking", 2206], ["action", 2219], ["wo", 2284], ["easy", 2296], ["half", 2313], ["time", 2322], ["stop", 2340], ["come", 2360], ["reason", 2376], ["reasonest", 2376], ["reasons", 2376], ["land", 2438], ["landed", 2438], ["cool", 2446], ["soft", 2453], ["grass", 2459], ["grassing", 2459], ["quickly", 2473], ["look", 2480], ["looked", 2480], ["smile", 2497], ["smiled", 2497], ["meadow", 2540], ["cloud", 2556], ["clouded", 2556], ["peak", 2561], ["glacier", 2569], ["beautiful", 2597], ["beautifulest", 2597], ["place", 2604], ["places", 2604], ["take", 2631], ["adirondack", 2679], ["adirondacks", 2679], ["bed", 2701], ["perfect", 2730], ["perfectest", 2730], ["breathe", 2748], ["breathes", 2748], ["breathed", 2748], ["deeply", 2755], ["crisp", 2775], ["crisping", 2775], ["cold", 2824], ["pull", 2840], ["pulled", 2840], ["jacket", 2855], ["jacketed", 2855], ["toss", 2866], ["tossed", 2866], ["flare", 2924], ["flared", 2924], ["hot", 2933], ["gaze", 2949], ["gazes", 2949], ["sizzle", 2957], ["sizzles", 2957], ["sizzled", 2957], ["body", 2977], ["bodied", 2977], ["settle", 2992], ["settled", 2992], ["harden", 3009], ["hardens", 3009], ["hardening", 3009], ["maybe", 3028], ["chill", 3045], ["chills", 3045], ["chilling", 3045], ["chilled", 3045], ["hot", 3070], ["rush", 3086], ["rushed", 3086], ["toward", 3093], ["rip", 3108], ["ripped", 3108], ["open", 3113], ["snap", 3123], ["snapping", 3123], ["snaps", 3123], ["shirt", 3136], ["animal", 3152], ["claw", 3172], ["clad", 3184], ["clothe", 3184], ["clothes", 3184], ["close", 3229], ["nuzzle", 3241], ["nuzzles", 3241], ["nuzzled", 3241], ["neck", 3250], ["necked", 3250], ["vamp", 3264], ["vamped", 3264], ["nibble", 3286], ["nibbling", 3286], ["trail", 3301], ["trailed", 3301], ["kiss", 3308], ["kisses", 3308], ["kissest", 3308], ["nip", 3350], ["nipped", 3350], ["suck", 3376], ["sucking", 3376], ["life", 3385], ["lifes", 3385], ["plant", 3412], ["planted", 3412], ["mouth", 3422], ["mouthed", 3422], ["nipple", 3436], ["nipples", 3436], ["arch", 3449], ["arched", 3449], ["suckle", 3472], ["suckled", 3472], ["hard", 3477], ["pick", 3489], ["picked", 3489], ["hand", 3508], ["hands", 3508], ["bare", 3520], ["rump", 3525], ["wrap", 3543], ["wraps", 3543], ["wrapping", 3543], ["wrapped", 3543], ["leg", 3552], ["legs", 3552], ["waist", 3569], ["breast", 3595], ["breasted", 3595], ["breasting", 3595], ["short", 3658], ["tickle", 3676], ["tickling", 3676], ["tickled", 3676], ["tip", 3684], ["tongue", 3714], ["tonguing", 3714], ["close", 3739], ["closer", 3739], ["core", 3751], ["press", 3763], ["pressed", 3763], ["stomach", 3788], ["stomachs", 3788], ["stomaching", 3788], ["rhythm", 3824], ["rhythms", 3824], ["rock", 3835], ["rocking", 3835], ["moisture", 3862], ["seep", 3869], ["seeped", 3869], ["tension", 3892], ["build", 3898], ["builds", 3898], ["built", 3898], ["high", 3905], ["oh", 3921], ["god", 3925], ["even", 3968], ["evens", 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she yanked his shirt off his shoulders and kissed his chest , his n**ples , his six-pack abs . he was gorgeous , muscular ... and walking her backward . he shoved her back , and she landed on her rump on his jacket . with a grin , he pounced on top of her . he kissed her mouth , then moved down her body , kissing and nibbling past her br**sts to her stomach . she pushed him back , then pulled his legs up to make him fall onto his back on the grass . with a yank , she had one boot off . she tossed it aside and grabbed the other boot . it proved to be more stubborn , and she tugged so hard she lost her balance . he took advantage , giving her an extra shove so she tumbled back . she landed on her back with the boot in her hands . he seized her ankle and nipped at her calf . `` now i have you . '' she tossed his boot aside . she planted her other foot against his chest and shoved him back . as soon as his butt hit the ground , she leaped forward to pin his shoulders to the ground . `` wolfie-girl , you are wild . '' she leaned forward and rubbed her br**sts against his chest . with her heart thundering in her ears , she sat back on his thighs and unbuckled his belt . `` all right , love doctor . '' `` let 's see what you 've been hiding . '' she struggled , getting the zipper to move over the bulge . finally , it unzipped , and she grasped the waistband of his jeans and underwear and pulled . he sprang free . he took advantage of her momentary shock and pushed her back onto his jacket . she struggled to sit up , but he pinned her shoulders down . she glanced down his beautiful body to the magnificent erection that pointed at her , wide and blatant , smooth and rock-hard . `` woof , '' she whispered . `` now be a good wolfie-girl and let me ravish you . '' moisture pooled between her legs , and she ached for him to fill her . he smoothed his hands over her br**sts and down her belly . her skin prickled with gooseflesh , and she shivered . he clasped her thighs and pushed her legs apart . she whimpered as more moisture seeped out . he leaned closer till she could feel his breath against her wetness . and juicy . '' she jolted when his tongue licked her slowly . he inserted a finger inside her . she wiggled against him . i want you inside . '' `` i 'm not done with the outside . '' he skimmed his juice-slickened fingers up to her clitoris , and she jolted again . tension built rapidly as he rubbed against her . pinched and tugged . when he lifted her h*ps to clamp his mouth on her , she screamed and shattered . spasms shot through her . her toes curled and her vision blurred . with two fingers inside her , he coaxed more spasms from her till black stars twinkled before her eyes . `` enough , '' she wheezed , struggling to catch her breath . `` you're-you're- '' `` sexy ? she yanked his jeans and underwear down his legs . `` you recovered quickly . '' `` you 'll have to work harder than that to wear me out . '' she eyed his erection . she traced a vein along the silken hardness . he sucked in a hissing breath . joy burst inside her . she loved how strongly he reacted to her . she circled the crown . `` i want inside you . '' she leaned over and licked the bead of moisture from his tip . he shoved her back and wrapped her legs around him . `` we 're doing it now . '' she grabbed on to his shoulders and trembled when his erection nudged into her damp folds . she gazed into his eyes and forgot her frustration . he was looking at her so tenderly , it made her heart ache . `` i-ay ! '' she squealed when he plunged into her . he was so wonderfully big and hard . he kissed her brow and started slow . she was soon begging for more . her heels dug into his back . she screamed , and the spasms seemed to last forever as he pumped into her . with a long groan , he collapsed beside her . the aftershocks continued , and she gasped for air . he lay still beside her . `` until sunrise . '' `` did you need more ? '' was he trying to kill her ? `` i just want to lie here for a while . '' he rolled onto his back and gazed at the stars . `` it was better than i ever imagined . '' her heart swelled with love . they lay together holding hands until the cold night air made her shiver . he sat up and dug into a pocket of his jeans . `` you might want these back . '' he dangled her panties in the air . she grabbed them and slipped them on . `` you can wear my shirt . ''
[["yank", 10], ["yanks", 10], ["yanked", 10], ["shirt", 20], ["shoulder", 38], ["shouldered", 38], ["shoulders", 38], ["kiss", 49], ["kisses", 49], ["kissest", 49], ["kissed", 49], ["chest", 59], ["six", 83], ["pack", 88], ["abs", 92], ["gorgeous", 110], ["muscular", 121], ["walk", 137], ["walking", 137], ["backward", 150], ["shove", 162], ["shoved", 162], ["back", 171], ["land", 188], ["landed", 188], ["rump", 200], ["jacket", 214], ["jacketed", 214], ["grin", 228], ["pounce", 241], ["pounced", 241], ["top", 248], ["mouth", 277], ["mouthed", 277], ["move", 290], ["moved", 290], ["body", 304], ["bodied", 304], ["kiss", 314], ["kisses", 314], ["kissest", 314], ["kissing", 314], ["nibble", 327], ["nibbling", 327], ["past", 332], ["stomach", 359], ["stomachs", 359], ["stomaching", 359], ["push", 372], ["pushed", 372], ["pull", 395], ["pulled", 395], ["leg", 404], ["legs", 404], ["fall", 424], ["falls", 424], ["onto", 429], ["ontos", 429], ["grass", 451], ["grassing", 451], ["yank", 465], ["yanks", 465], ["yanked", 465], ["boot", 484], ["toss", 501], ["tossed", 501], ["aside", 510], ["grab", 522], ["grabbed", 522], ["prof", 549], ["prove", 549], ["proved", 549], ["stubborn", 569], ["tug", 586], ["tugging", 586], ["tugged", 586], ["hard", 594], ["lose", 603], ["lost", 603], ["balance", 615], ["take", 625], ["took", 625], ["advantage", 635], ["advantaging", 635], ["give", 644], ["giving", 644], ["extra", 657], ["extras", 657], ["shove", 663], ["tumble", 678], ["tumbled", 678], ["hand", 735], ["hands", 735], ["seize", 747], ["seizes", 747], ["seized", 747], ["ankle", 757], ["nip", 768], ["nipped", 768], ["calf", 780], ["plant", 845], ["planted", 845], ["foot", 860], ["soon", 908], ["butt", 920], ["butts", 920], ["buttest", 920], ["hit", 924], ["ground", 935], ["leap", 948], ["leaps", 948], ["leaping", 948], ["leaped", 948], ["forward", 956], ["forwarding", 956], ["forwardest", 956], ["pin", 963], ["girl", 1008], ["wild", 1023], ["wildest", 1023], ["lean", 1039], ["leans", 1039], ["leaned", 1039], ["rub", 1058], ["rubbed", 1058], ["heart", 1105], ["thunder", 1116], ["ear", 1128], ["ears", 1128], ["sat", 1138], ["sit", 1138], ["thigh", 1157], ["thighs", 1157], ["unbuckle", 1171], ["unbuckled", 1171], ["unbuckles", 1171], ["belt", 1180], ["belts", 1180], ["belted", 1180], ["beltest", 1180], ["belting", 1180], ["right", 1195], ["rightest", 1195], ["love", 1202], ["doctor", 1209], ["doctorest", 1209], ["doctoring", 1209], ["let", 1221], ["lets", 1221], ["see", 1228], ["hide", 1253], ["hides", 1253], ["struggle", 1272], ["struggled", 1272], ["get", 1282], ["getting", 1282], ["zipper", 1293], ["zippers", 1293], ["move", 1301], ["bulge", 1316], ["finally", 1326], ["unzip", 1340], ["unzips", 1340], ["unzipped", 1340], ["grasp", 1358], ["grasped", 1358], ["grasping", 1358], ["waistband", 1372], ["jean", 1385], ["jeans", 1385], ["underwear", 1399], ["sprang", 1422], ["spring", 1422], ["sprung", 1422], ["free", 1427], ["momentary", 1464], ["shock", 1470], ["sat", 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["juicy", 2142], ["jolt", 2158], ["jolted", 2158], ["tongue", 2174], ["tonguing", 2174], ["lick", 2181], ["licked", 2181], ["slowly", 2192], ["insert", 2206], ["inserted", 2206], ["finger", 2215], ["inside", 2222], ["wiggle", 2240], ["wiggled", 2240], ["outside", 2311], ["skim", 2327], ["skimmed", 2327], ["juice", 2337], ["juicing", 2337], ["finger", 2355], ["fingers", 2355], ["clitoris", 2374], ["tension", 2407], ["build", 2413], ["builds", 2413], ["built", 2413], ["rapidly", 2421], ["pinch", 2456], ["pinched", 2456], ["lift", 2484], ["lifted", 2484], ["clamp", 2502], ["clamps", 2502], ["scream", 2534], ["screams", 2534], ["screamed", 2534], ["shatter", 2548], ["shattered", 2548], ["spasm", 2557], ["spasms", 2557], ["shoot", 2562], ["shooted", 2562], ["shot", 2562], ["toe", 2585], ["toeing", 2585], ["toes", 2585], ["curl", 2592], ["curls", 2592], ["curled", 2592], ["vision", 2607], ["blur", 2615], ["blurs", 2615], ["blurred", 2615], ["two", 2626], ["twos", 2626], ["coax", 2657], ["coaxes", 2657], ["coaxed", 2657], ["black", 2689], ["star", 2695], ["starred", 2695], ["stars", 2695], ["twinkle", 2704], ["twinkled", 2704], ["eye", 2720], ["eyed", 2720], ["eyes", 2720], ["enough", 2732], ["wheeze", 2749], ["wheezed", 2749], ["struggle", 2762], ["struggling", 2762], ["catch", 2771], ["catched", 2771], ["catches", 2771], ["sexy", 2813], ["recover", 2883], ["recovered", 2883], ["quickly", 2891], ["work", 2920], ["wrought", 2920], ["hard", 2927], ["wear", 2945], ["eye", 2966], ["eyed", 2966], ["trace", 2992], ["traced", 2992], ["vein", 2999], ["along", 3005], ["silken", 3016], ["hardness", 3025], ["suck", 3037], ["sucking", 3037], ["sucked", 3037], ["hiss", 3050], ["hissing", 3050], ["joy", 3063], ["joys", 3063], ["joyed", 3063], ["burst", 3069], ["bursted", 3069], ["love", 3092], ["loved", 3092], ["strongly", 3105], ["react", 3116], ["reacted", 3116], ["circle", 3137], ["circled", 3137], ["crown", 3147], ["crowning", 3147], ["bead", 3211], ["tip", 3236], ["wrap", 3269], ["wraps", 3269], ["wrapping", 3269], ["wrapped", 3269], ["around", 3285], ["tremble", 3364], ["trembles", 3364], ["trembled", 3364], ["nudge", 3389], ["nudges", 3389], ["nudged", 3389], ["damp", 3403], ["damps", 3403], ["damped", 3403], ["fold", 3409], ["folds", 3409], ["gaze", 3421], ["gazes", 3421], ["gazed", 3421], ["forget", 3446], ["forgot", 3446], ["frustration", 3462], ["look", 3479], ["looking", 3479], ["tenderly", 3498], ["ache", 3523], ["ached", 3523], ["ay", 3533], ["squeal", 3551], ["squealed", 3551], ["plunge", 3567], ["plunged", 3567], ["wonderfully", 3600], ["big", 3604], ["bigs", 3604], ["brow", 3634], ["start", 3646], ["started", 3646], ["slow", 3651], ["beg", 3674], ["begging", 3674], ["heel", 3695], ["heeled", 3695], ["heels", 3695], ["dig", 3699], ["dug", 3699], ["digs", 3699], ["digest", 3699], ["seem", 3752], ["seeming", 3752], ["seemed", 3752], ["last", 3760], ["forever", 3768], ["pump", 3781], ["pumped", 3781], ["long", 3804], ["longs", 3804], ["groan", 3810], ["groans", 3810], ["groanest", 3810], ["groaning", 3810], ["collapse", 3825], ["collapsed", 3825], ["beside", 3832], ["aftershock", 3854], ["aftershocks", 3854], ["continue", 3864], ["continued", 3864], ["gasp", 3881], ["gasps", 3881], ["gasped", 3881], ["air", 3889], ["airs", 3889], ["airing", 3889], ["lie", 3898], ["lay", 3898], ["lain", 3898], ["still", 3904], ["sunrise", 3934], ["need", 3955], ["needest", 3955], ["try", 3979], ["tryed", 3979], ["trying", 3979], ["kill", 3987], ["lie", 4015], ["lay", 4015], ["lain", 4015], ["roll", 4047], ["rolled", 4047], ["well", 4103], ["wells", 4103], ["ever", 4115], ["everest", 4115], ["imagine", 4124], ["imagined", 4124], ["swell", 4147], ["swells", 4147], ["swollen", 4147], ["swellest", 4147], ["swelled", 4147], ["together", 4177], ["hold", 4185], ["holding", 4185], ["cold", 4206], ["night", 4212], ["shiver", 4232], ["shivering", 4232], ["pocket", 4266], ["pocketing", 4266], ["may", 4294], ["mays", 4294], ["mayest", 4294], ["might", 4294], ["dangle", 4326], ["dangled", 4326], ["pantie", 4338], ["panties", 4338], ["slip", 4380], ["slipped", 4380]]
he handed it to her , then pulled on his jeans . she snapped the shirt together . `` we still have to find corky . '' he stood and slipped his jacket onto her . `` we make it work . '' it had been perfect , but perfection could never last . he nudged her chin back so she 'd look at him . `` let 's get the rest of your clothes . '' she nestled her cheek against his bare chest . everything went black , and she materialized in the cabin . a gun fired , and phineas stiffened . there was a dart in his arm . another shot exploded , hitting phineas again . his body jerked , and she stumbled back , bumping against jack on the floor . he lay , stiff and motionless , a look of horror in his eyes . phineas yanked the dart from his shoulder and grabbed her . a blond woman shouted , firing her pistol again and again . brynley pulled the darts from him as fast as she could . his body shimmered as he tried to teleport , but then he solidified and collapsed onto the floor . shock quickly morphed into full rage . she threw off phin 's jacket and shifted , growling and ready to attack corky . `` do n't even think about it , '' a man 's voice said . she whipped around and saw three men standing at the back of the room . kyle and two others . the tallest one stepped forward . but not a friendly brown like phineas 's . his eyes were cold and hard like flint . `` i 'm rhett bleddyn . this is dimitri . and i believe you already know kyle . '' when rhett 's cold gaze drifted over her ripped shirt , she put phineas 's jacket back on . rhett smirked . she glanced down at phineas . he seemed to be conscious and watching her . `` the vampires are paralyzed . '' rhett motioned to dimitri . `` thanks to a special potion dimitri brought us . kyle , would you care to demonstrate ? '' kyle came forward and kicked phineas in the ribs . he lay there , helplessly taking the attack . brynley shouted . `` oh , it could get much worse , '' rhett said . `` you see , kyle has a stake , and he 's ready to plunge it right into the hearts of these vampires . '' kyle whipped a wooden stake from his belt and held it over phineas 's bare chest . brynley 's heart stuttered . `` so , miss jones , '' rhett continued with a sly grin . `` i believe we were going to get married ? '' chapter nineteen nightshade . phineas struggled to make his body follow orders , but it lay attached to his active mind like a sack of dead meat . too ironic . the former drug dealer taken down by a drug . and not just any drug , but the same damned drug that had inspired his death and transformation . the malcontents had murdered him and made him a vampire so he could get them the ingredients to make nightshade . it had come back to kick him in the butt . or the ribs . he winced inwardly as kyle rammed another pointed cowboy boot into his side . the creep had done the same thing earlier to his brother . shit kicker , phineas wanted to yell at kyle , but then that made him the shit . he should have called jack before coming . he should have managed to teleport brynley away before succumbing to the drug . now she was in danger . her eyes met his , and he cringed inwardly at the fear he saw there . as long as you 're alive , you can fight . a rebellious spark lit in her eyes , as if she 'd heard him . `` you have n't answered me , miss jones . '' rhett bleddyn strode toward her . `` have you agreed to marry me ? '' `` i 'll consider it if you leave these men alone . '' `` you 'll agree or the vampires will die . '' he motioned to phineas . `` that one first . his scent is all over you . '' he stepped closer , his face twisted in a sneer . `` you reek of sex with him . she lifted her chin and glared back . `` frankly , rhett , i do n't give a damn . '' he slapped her hard enough to make her eyes water . rage burst inside phineas , but with nowhere for it to go , it felt like his head would explode . stay strong , sweetheart . `` i have heard of your disobedience to your father , '' rhett growled at her . `` with me , you will learn to submit . '' she avoided looking at him and focused on phineas , her cheek aflame with a red handprint . `` i will marry you a week from today . '' hope flared in phineas 's chest .
[["hand", 9], ["handed", 9], ["pull", 33], ["pulled", 33], ["jean", 46], ["jeans", 46], ["snap", 60], ["snapping", 60], ["snapped", 60], ["shirt", 70], ["together", 79], ["still", 93], ["find", 106], ["corky", 112], ["stand", 126], ["stood", 126], ["standest", 126], ["slip", 138], ["slipped", 138], ["jacket", 149], ["jacketed", 149], ["onto", 154], ["ontos", 154], ["work", 179], ["wrought", 179], ["perfect", 204], ["perfectest", 204], ["perfection", 221], ["never", 233], ["last", 238], ["nudge", 250], ["nudges", 250], ["nudged", 250], ["chin", 259], ["back", 264], ["look", 279], ["let", 295], ["lets", 295], ["get", 302], ["rest", 311], ["clad", 327], ["clothe", 327], ["clothes", 327], ["nestle", 344], ["nestles", 344], ["nestled", 344], ["cheek", 354], ["cheeks", 354], ["bare", 371], ["chest", 377], ["everything", 390], ["go", 395], ["goest", 395], ["went", 395], ["black", 401], ["materialize", 424], ["materialized", 424], ["cabin", 437], ["gun", 445], ["fire", 451], ["fired", 451], ["phineas", 465], ["stiffen", 475], ["stiffens", 475], ["stiffened", 475], ["dart", 494], ["darted", 494], ["arm", 505], ["another", 515], ["shot", 520], ["explode", 529], ["exploded", 529], ["hit", 539], ["hitting", 539], ["body", 564], ["bodied", 564], ["jerk", 571], ["jerks", 571], ["jerked", 571], ["stumble", 590], ["stumbled", 590], ["bump", 605], ["bumpest", 605], ["bumping", 605], ["jack", 618], ["jacks", 618], ["jacked", 618], ["floor", 631], ["lie", 640], ["lay", 640], ["lain", 640], ["stiff", 648], ["motionless", 663], ["horror", 682], ["eye", 694], ["eyed", 694], ["eyes", 694], ["yank", 711], ["yanks", 711], ["yanked", 711], ["shoulder", 738], ["shouldered", 738], ["grab", 750], ["grabbed", 750], ["blond", 764], ["woman", 770], ["womans", 770], ["shout", 778], ["shouted", 778], ["fire", 787], ["firing", 787], ["pistol", 798], ["dart", 841], ["darted", 841], ["darts", 841], ["fast", 858], ["shimmer", 892], ["shimmering", 892], ["shimmered", 892], ["try", 904], ["tryed", 904], ["tried", 904], ["teleport", 916], ["teleporting", 916], ["solidify", 941], ["solidified", 941], ["collapse", 955], ["collapsed", 955], ["shock", 978], ["quickly", 986], ["morph", 994], ["morphs", 994], ["morphed", 994], ["morphing", 994], ["full", 1004], ["rage", 1009], ["throw", 1021], ["threw", 1021], ["shift", 1052], ["shifted", 1052], ["growl", 1063], ["growls", 1063], ["growling", 1063], ["ready", 1073], ["attack", 1083], ["even", 1106], ["evens", 1106], ["think", 1112], ["thinkest", 1112], ["man", 1132], ["mans", 1132], ["manned", 1132], ["voice", 1141], ["say", 1146], ["sayest", 1146], ["said", 1146], ["whip", 1160], ["whipped", 1160], ["around", 1167], ["see", 1175], ["saw", 1175], ["three", 1181], ["man", 1185], ["mans", 1185], ["manned", 1185], ["men", 1185], ["stand", 1194], ["stood", 1194], ["standest", 1194], ["standing", 1194], ["room", 1218], ["roomed", 1218], ["kyle", 1225], ["two", 1233], ["twos", 1233], ["tall", 1254], ["tallest", 1254], ["step", 1266], ["stepped", 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["much", 1923], ["bad", 1929], ["worse", 1929], ["see", 1958], ["stake", 1977], ["plunge", 2005], ["right", 2014], ["rightest", 2014], ["heart", 2030], ["hearts", 2030], ["wooden", 2075], ["belt", 2095], ["belts", 2095], ["belted", 2095], ["beltest", 2095], ["belting", 2095], ["hold", 2104], ["held", 2104], ["heart", 2153], ["stutter", 2163], ["stuttered", 2163], ["miss", 2178], ["joneses", 2184], ["continue", 2205], ["continued", 2205], ["sly", 2216], ["grin", 2221], ["go", 2250], ["goest", 2250], ["going", 2250], ["marry", 2265], ["married", 2265], ["chapter", 2278], ["nineteen", 2287], ["nineteens", 2287], ["nightshade", 2298], ["struggle", 2318], ["struggled", 2318], ["follow", 2342], ["order", 2349], ["orderest", 2349], ["orders", 2349], ["attach", 2371], ["attached", 2371], ["active", 2385], ["mind", 2390], ["minding", 2390], ["sack", 2402], ["dead", 2410], ["meat", 2415], ["ironic", 2428], ["former", 2441], ["drug", 2446], ["dealer", 2453], ["take", 2459], ["taken", 2459], ["damn", 2520], ["damned", 2520], ["inspire", 2543], ["inspired", 2543], ["death", 2553], ["transformation", 2572], ["malcontent", 2590], ["murder", 2603], ["murderest", 2603], ["murdered", 2603], ["vampire", 2630], ["ingredient", 2667], ["ingredients", 2667], ["come", 2700], ["kick", 2713], ["butt", 2729], ["butts", 2729], ["buttest", 2729], ["wince", 2755], ["winced", 2755], ["inwardly", 2764], ["ram", 2779], ["rams", 2779], ["rammed", 2779], ["cowboy", 2802], ["cowboys", 2802], ["boot", 2807], ["side", 2821], ["sidest", 2821], ["creep", 2833], ["creeps", 2833], ["creeped", 2833], ["thing", 2857], ["early", 2865], ["brother", 2880], ["brethren", 2880], ["shit", 2887], ["yell", 2919], ["call", 2985], ["called", 2985], ["come", 3004], ["coming", 3004], ["manage", 3029], ["managed", 3029], ["away", 3054], ["succumb", 3072], ["succumbs", 3072], ["succumbed", 3072], ["succumbing", 3072], ["danger", 3108], ["meet", 3123], ["meeted", 3123], ["met", 3123], ["cringe", 3144], ["cringing", 3144], ["fear", 3165], ["fearest", 3165], ["long", 3188], ["longs", 3188], ["alive", 3205], ["fight", 3221], ["fightest", 3221], ["rebellious", 3236], ["spark", 3242], ["sparking", 3242], ["lit", 3246], ["light", 3246], ["hear", 3279], ["hears", 3279], ["heard", 3279], ["answer", 3310], ["answeres", 3310], ["answerest", 3310], ["answered", 3310], ["toward", 3359], ["agree", 3384], ["agreed", 3384], ["marry", 3393], ["married", 3393], ["consider", 3419], ["left", 3435], ["leave", 3435], ["alone", 3451], ["agree", 3473], ["die", 3498], ["first", 3546], ["firstest", 3546], ["scent", 3558], ["scentest", 3558], ["close", 3597], ["closer", 3597], ["face", 3608], ["twist", 3616], ["twisted", 3616], ["twisting", 3616], ["sneer", 3627], ["reek", 3641], ["reeks", 3641], ["sex", 3648], ["lift", 3670], ["lifted", 3670], ["glare", 3690], ["glared", 3690], ["frankly", 3708], ["give", 3732], ["damn", 3739], ["damned", 3739], ["slap", 3755], ["slaps", 3755], ["slapped", 3755], ["enough", 3771], ["water", 3794], ["burst", 3807], ["bursted", 3807], ["inside", 3814], ["nowhere", 3841], ["go", 3854], ["goest", 3854], ["feel", 3864], ["felt", 3864], ["head", 3878], ["explode", 3892], ["stay", 3899], ["strong", 3906], ["sweetheart", 3919], ["disobedience", 3958], ["father", 3973], ["fathered", 3973], ["fathering", 3973], ["growl", 3992], ["growls", 3992], ["growled", 3992], ["learn", 4029], ["learns", 4029], ["learnt", 4029], ["submit", 4039], ["avoid", 4056], ["avoided", 4056], ["look", 4064], ["looking", 4064], ["focus", 4083], ["focused", 4083], ["aflame", 4113], ["red", 4124], ["handprint", 4134], ["week", 4163], ["today", 4174], ["hope", 4184], ["flare", 4191], ["flared", 4191]]
she was looking at him , making the promise to him . `` three days , '' rhett countered . `` on the first night after the three nights of the full moon . '' it was a strategic maneuver , phineas realized . any werewolf could shift on the three-night period of the full moon , but only an alpha like rhett could shift the following night . he wanted the ability to defeat any ordinary werewolf that might object to a forced marriage . brynley 's father was an alpha , too , but he was obviously for the marriage . but this was a mistake on rhett 's part . it gave phineas and his friends three nights to gather their troops and rescue brynley . unless , of course , rhett intended to kill him and jack tonight . brynley inclined her head . `` i want the ceremony to be at my father 's ranch in montana . '' we 'll be going there shortly . i suggest you dress appropriately and wash that vampire 's stench off you . '' `` make sure that restroom is secure . '' dimitri peered inside . `` no windows , no doors . she ca n't escape here . '' she picked up the clothes she 'd discarded earlier and with a worried glance at phineas , she went inside the bathroom and shut the door . rhett sneered down at him . `` she will do everything i ask . kyle will remain here with his stakes , and if she gives me any trouble , i 'll call him , and he 'll turn you to dust . '' `` he deserves to die , '' corky hissed as she moved toward them . `` he is the one who betrayed me and tried to capture me . '' `` there , there , love . '' rhett pulled her close and kissed her brow . `` i was happy you came to see me again . '' `` our plans are going well . '' `` dimitri found the formula and ingredients to make nightshade hidden in a safe at the coven house in brooklyn . he cooked us up a batch and brought it here . '' she nudged phineas with her foot . `` we have plenty more . you and your traitorous companions will not be able to stop us . '' phineas wondered what corky and rhett were up to . they appeared to be lovers , even though rhett was forcing brynley to marry him . his motivation for marriage was clearly not love , but most probably wealth and power . just as brynley had said , she was more of a pawn than a princess . she emerged from the bathroom , dressed in jeans and a plaid shirt . she ignored rhett as she walked past him , and aimed a look of love at phineas . he tried to return it . she sat nearby at the kitchen table and pulled on her socks and boots . `` your father will be pleased that i 've returned you to the pack , '' rhett boasted . `` and he will be impressed by how well you obey me . '' she shot him an annoyed look as she tugged on the last boot . `` you will obey , '' rhett reminded her . `` or i 'll call kyle , and he 'll stake the vampires . '' her gaze shifted to phineas and jack , then to kyle . `` if you hurt them , the entire vamp world will come after you . including your brother . '' `` nate 's dead . '' `` undead . '' kyle turned pale . he gave rhett a frantic look . `` you said he would die , that the ranch would be mine . '' rhett glowered at his minion . `` you will obey me in all things and be rewarded . you will not question me again . '' rhett shifted his glare to brynley . `` you 're back in the lycan world now . adjust your loyalties . '' he motioned to corky and dimitri . `` take us to the jones ranch in montana . '' corky wrapped her arms around rhett and cuddled up to him , then they vanished . brynley rushed toward phineas , but before she could reach him , dimitri zoomed to her and grabbed her . one last look , her eyes filled with a mixture of hope and despair , and then she was gone . her emotions transferred straight from her eyes to his heart . despair that she was gone , that he 'd lost her , that she would suffer abuse and humiliation at the hands of rhett bleddyn and her father . and hope that he would find her , rescue her , and spend the rest of his life giving her the love she deserved . `` you 'd better hope rhett does n't call . '' kyle tapped him on the chest with the stake . `` and i do n't care if you made nate a vampire . i have plenty of these . '' he stuffed the stake in his belt . `` anything to eat around here ? ''
[["look", 15], ["looking", 15], ["promise", 43], ["three", 61], ["day", 66], ["days", 66], ["counter", 87], ["countered", 87], ["first", 105], ["firstest", 105], ["night", 111], ["night", 134], ["nights", 134], ["full", 146], ["moon", 151], ["moons", 151], ["strategic", 175], ["strategics", 175], ["maneuver", 184], ["maneuverest", 184], ["phineas", 194], ["realize", 203], ["realized", 203], ["werewolf", 218], ["shift", 230], ["period", 256], ["periods", 256], ["alpha", 293], ["alphas", 293], ["like", 298], ["followings", 330], ["ability", 360], ["defeat", 370], ["defeatest", 370], ["ordinary", 383], ["may", 403], ["mays", 403], ["mayest", 403], ["might", 403], ["object", 410], ["objected", 410], ["objectest", 410], ["objecting", 410], ["force", 422], ["forced", 422], ["marriage", 431], ["father", 451], ["fathered", 451], ["fathering", 451], ["obviously", 493], ["mistook", 535], ["mistake", 535], ["mistaken", 535], ["part", 552], ["parting", 552], ["give", 562], ["gave", 562], ["friend", 586], ["friends", 586], ["gather", 609], ["gatherest", 609], ["troop", 622], ["troops", 622], ["rescue", 633], ["unless", 650], ["unlesss", 650], ["course", 662], ["intend", 679], ["intendest", 679], ["intended", 679], ["kill", 687], ["jack", 700], ["jacks", 700], ["jacked", 700], ["tonight", 708], ["incline", 727], ["inclines", 727], ["inclined", 727], ["head", 736], ["ceremony", 761], ["ranch", 789], ["montana", 800], ["go", 821], ["goest", 821], ["going", 821], ["shortly", 835], ["suggest", 847], ["dress", 857], ["dressest", 857], ["appropriately", 871], ["wash", 880], ["vampire", 893], ["stench", 903], ["sure", 929], ["restroom", 943], ["secure", 953], ["securest", 953], ["dimitri", 966], ["peer", 973], ["peered", 973], ["inside", 980], ["window", 996], ["windows", 996], ["door", 1007], ["doors", 1007], ["ca", 1016], ["cas", 1016], ["escape", 1027], ["escapes", 1027], ["pick", 1048], ["picked", 1048], ["clad", 1063], ["clothe", 1063], ["clothes", 1063], ["discard", 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["wealth", 2143], ["power", 2153], ["say", 2180], ["sayest", 2180], ["said", 2180], ["pawn", 2205], ["princess", 2221], ["emerge", 2235], ["emerged", 2235], ["dress", 2263], ["dressest", 2263], ["dressed", 2263], ["jean", 2272], ["jeans", 2272], ["plaid", 2284], ["shirt", 2290], ["ignore", 2304], ["ignored", 2304], ["walk", 2324], ["walked", 2324], ["past", 2329], ["aim", 2345], ["aimest", 2345], ["aimed", 2345], ["look", 2352], ["return", 2392], ["returnest", 2392], ["sat", 2405], ["sit", 2405], ["nearby", 2412], ["kitchen", 2427], ["kitchens", 2427], ["table", 2433], ["tabled", 2433], ["tabling", 2433], ["sock", 2457], ["socks", 2457], ["socked", 2457], ["boot", 2467], ["boots", 2467], ["pleased", 2500], ["return", 2520], ["returnest", 2520], ["returned", 2520], ["pack", 2536], ["boast", 2555], ["boasted", 2555], ["obey", 2606], ["obeyed", 2606], ["shoot", 2623], ["shooted", 2623], ["shot", 2623], ["tug", 2657], ["tugging", 2657], ["tugged", 2657], ["last", 2669], ["boot", 2674], ["remind", 2713], ["reminded", 2713], ["stake", 2760], ["vampire", 2773], ["vampires", 2773], ["gaze", 2787], ["gazes", 2787], ["shift", 2795], ["shifted", 2795], ["hurt", 2847], ["hurts", 2847], ["hurting", 2847], ["entire", 2865], ["vamp", 2870], ["vamped", 2870], ["world", 2876], ["come", 2886], ["include", 2908], ["including", 2908], ["brother", 2921], ["brethren", 2921], ["nate", 2934], ["nates", 2934], ["dead", 2942], ["undead", 2957], ["turn", 2974], ["turned", 2974], ["pale", 2979], ["frantic", 3005], ["glow", 3088], ["minion", 3102], ["thing", 3138], ["things", 3138], ["reward", 3154], ["rewarded", 3154], ["question", 3178], ["glare", 3216], ["back", 3245], ["adjust", 3277], ["loyalty", 3292], ["loyalties", 3292], ["motion", 3309], ["take", 3340], ["joneses", 3356], ["wrap", 3392], ["wraps", 3392], ["wrapping", 3392], ["wrapped", 3392], ["arm", 3401], ["arms", 3401], ["around", 3408], ["cuddle", 3426], ["cuddles", 3426], ["cuddled", 3426], ["vanish", 3457], ["vanishest", 3457], ["vanished", 3457], ["rush", 3474], ["rushed", 3474], ["reach", 3518], ["grab", 3558], ["grabbed", 3558], ["eye", 3589], ["eyed", 3589], ["eyes", 3589], ["fill", 3596], ["fills", 3596], ["filled", 3596], ["mixture", 3611], ["hope", 3619], ["despair", 3631], ["despairing", 3631], ["go", 3655], ["goest", 3655], ["gone", 3655], ["emotion", 3670], ["emotions", 3670], ["transfer", 3682], ["transfering", 3682], ["transferred", 3682], ["straight", 3691], ["heart", 3718], ["lose", 3764], ["lost", 3764], ["suffer", 3792], ["suffering", 3792], ["abuse", 3798], ["humiliation", 3814], ["hand", 3827], ["hands", 3827], ["find", 3889], ["spend", 3918], ["spends", 3918], ["spendest", 3918], ["rest", 3927], ["life", 3939], ["lifes", 3939], ["give", 3946], ["giving", 3946], ["deserve", 3972], ["deserved", 3972], ["well", 3991], ["wells", 3991], ["tap", 4033], ["tapped", 4033], ["chest", 4050], ["care", 4088], ["stuff", 4156], ["stuffed", 4156], ["belt", 4178], ["belts", 4178], ["belted", 4178], ["beltest", 4178], ["belting", 4178], ["anything", 4192], ["eat", 4199]]
he glanced toward the kitchen , then back down at phineas . he chuckled at his own sorry joke and wandered out of phineas 's view . if phineas strained his eyes to the left , he could make out one of jack 's shoes . no doubt jack was just as frustrated as he was . noises came from the kitchen . kyle was raiding the refrigerator , banging cabinet doors shut , and dropping utensils into the stainless steel sink with a clatter . brynley would be at her father 's ranch now . she 'd run away before , so she would probably be watched and guarded . footsteps headed to the sofa , then a creak as kyle settled down , and gulping noises as he wolfed down his food . he thought about brynley , recalled every detail of their lovemaking , and prayed he 'd have a chance to love her again . he strained , trying so hard to make his body move that beads of sweat rolled down his temple . snores came from the couch . kyle was sound asleep . he was a lousy guard , but then he knew they were n't going anywhere . phineas kept trying to budge , but to no avail . a phone buzzed on the kitchen table . one of the sat phones . freemont , most probably , wanting to know why they had n't checked in . luckily , it was set on vibrate , and kyle was sleeping right through it . come on , freemont . if his brother played it smart , he would report their lack of communication . as a mortal , he could n't teleport here to check on them , but he could ask zoltan to drop by . the minutes dragged by . kyle kept snoring , and no one teleported in . no call from rhett , so brynley must be cooperating to keep jack and him safe . the sat phone buzzed again . dammit , freemont , send someone ! was it already dawn in new york ? if the vamps had all fallen into their death-sleep , there would be no rescue . a terrible thought crept into his mind . if he and jack were still on the floor at dawn , the sun would shine through the cabin windows . and they would be toast . she 'd forgotten what an orgy of blood and guts occurred each month at her father 's house . brynley had avoided the official hunt for five years now , ever since that night she 'd become the prey . she 'd started going to smaller hunts , hosted by friends she could trust , or she 'd hunted with the lost boys at phil 's cabin . dimitri had materialized with her , arriving next to rhett and corky in the woods bordering her father 's enormous backyard . it was there , in that grassy clearing , that the werewolves returned from their hunt , nak*d and bloody from gorging on their kills , many of them dragging dead carcasses behind them . each month , steel rods were erected down the length of the backyard , like rows of clothing rods in a closet , but with hooks instead of hangers . there , the elk and deer would be suspended and dressed . a row of fire pits were ready with spits for roasting . up on the hill , the giant ranch house sprawled . it had been purposely built on a hill , so her father could look down at anyone approaching . her father 's pride and joy was the covered back patio , equipped with an enormous outdoor kitchen and bar . slabs of meat would be barbecued , bottles of beer guzzled down , and the party would continue for three nights . gorging and hunting . food and blood . booze and sex . the alphas who attended her father 's parties were allowed to take any women they wanted . of course , the supreme pack master 's daughters had always been off-limits , until that night five years ago . she spotted her father on the patio , dressed in jeans and an unbuttoned shirt , talking to a female werewolf , still nude and smeared with blood across her br**sts . caddoc jones did n't look a day over forty-five , although he had to be four times that age . he fisted his hand in the woman 's long hair and pulled her close for a kiss . brynley looked away . she 'd always suspected his infidelity and cruelty to mom had incited the fight between him and phil , resulting in her brother 's banishment . rhett noticed her discomfort and chuckled . he strode into the clearing . his stride and posture , clearly that of an arrogant alpha wolf , made him stand out . also the fact that he was neatly dressed while most of the returning hunters were nude and covered with blood , guts , and grime . he marched down the center alley , framed on each side with rows of hanging carcasses . blood dripped , staining the grass .
[["glance", 10], ["glanced", 10], ["toward", 17], ["kitchen", 29], ["kitchens", 29], ["back", 41], ["phineas", 57], ["chuckle", 71], ["chuckled", 71], ["sorry", 88], ["joke", 93], ["jokes", 93], ["wander", 106], ["wandered", 106], ["view", 129], ["viewest", 129], ["strain", 151], ["strains", 151], ["strained", 151], ["eye", 160], ["eyed", 160], ["eyes", 160], ["left", 172], ["jack", 204], ["jacks", 204], ["jacked", 204], ["shoe", 213], ["shoed", 213], ["shoes", 213], ["doubt", 224], ["noise", 271], ["noises", 271], ["come", 276], ["came", 276], ["kyle", 300], ["raid", 312], ["raiding", 312], ["refrigerator", 329], ["refrigerators", 329], ["bang", 339], ["banging", 339], ["cabinet", 347], ["door", 353], ["doors", 353], ["shut", 358], ["drop", 373], ["dropping", 373], ["utensil", 382], ["utensils", 382], ["stainless", 401], ["steel", 407], ["sank", 412], ["sink", 412], ["clatter", 427], ["father", 460], ["fathered", 460], ["fathering", 460], ["ranch", 469], ["run", 486], ["away", 491], ["probably", 522], ["watch", 533], ["watched", 533], ["guard", 545], ["guarded", 545], ["footstep", 557], ["footsteps", 557], ["head", 564], ["headed", 564], ["sofa", 576], ["creak", 591], ["creaks", 591], ["settle", 607], ["settled", 607], ["wolf", 646], ["wolfed", 646], ["food", 660], ["foods", 660], ["think", 673], ["thought", 673], ["thinkest", 673], ["recall", 698], ["recallest", 698], ["recalled", 698], ["every", 704], ["detail", 711], ["pray", 744], ["prays", 744], ["chance", 764], ["chanced", 764], ["chancing", 764], ["love", 772], ["try", 805], ["tryed", 805], ["trying", 805], ["hard", 813], ["body", 830], ["bodied", 830], ["move", 835], ["bead", 846], ["beads", 846], ["sweat", 855], ["roll", 862], ["rolled", 862], ["temple", 878], ["snore", 887], ["snores", 887], ["couch", 907], ["couchest", 907], ["sound", 924], ["asleep", 931], ["lousy", 948], ["guard", 954], ["know", 973], ["knowest", 973], ["knew", 973], ["go", 993], ["goest", 993], ["going", 993], ["anywhere", 1002], ["keep", 1017], ["keepest", 1017], ["kept", 1017], ["budge", 1033], ["avail", 1051], ["avails", 1051], ["availest", 1051], ["phone", 1061], ["buzz", 1068], ["buzzes", 1068], ["buzzing", 1068], ["buzzed", 1068], ["table", 1089], ["tabled", 1089], ["tabling", 1089], ["sat", 1106], ["phone", 1113], ["phones", 1113], ["know", 1158], ["knowest", 1158], ["check", 1183], ["checked", 1183], ["luckily", 1196], ["set", 1209], ["vibrate", 1220], ["sleep", 1244], ["slept", 1244], ["sleeps", 1244], ["sleepest", 1244], ["sleeping", 1244], ["right", 1250], ["rightest", 1250], ["come", 1268], ["brother", 1299], ["brethren", 1299], ["play", 1306], ["playest", 1306], ["played", 1306], ["smart", 1315], ["report", 1333], ["lack", 1344], ["communication", 1361], ["mortal", 1375], ["teleport", 1399], ["teleporting", 1399], ["check", 1413], ["ask", 1440], ["zoltan", 1447], ["drop", 1455], ["minute", 1472], ["minutes", 1472], ["drag", 1480], ["dragged", 1480], ["snore", 1503], ["snoring", 1503], ["teleport", 1527], ["teleporting", 1527], ["teleported", 1527], ["call", 1540], ["must", 1569], ["musts", 1569], ["cooperate", 1584], ["cooperating", 1584], ["keep", 1592], ["keepest", 1592], ["safe", 1610], ["safes", 1610], ["safed", 1610], ["dammit", 1648], ["send", 1666], ["already", 1691], ["dawn", 1696], ["dawnest", 1696], ["new", 1703], ["york", 1708], ["yorks", 1708], ["vamp", 1723], ["vamped", 1723], ["fall", 1738], ["falls", 1738], ["fallen", 1738], ["death", 1755], ["sleep", 1761], ["slept", 1761], ["sleeps", 1761], ["sleepest", 1761], ["rescue", 1788], ["terrible", 1801], ["creep", 1815], ["creeps", 1815], ["creeped", 1815], ["crept", 1815], ["mind", 1829], ["minding", 1829], ["still", 1857], ["floor", 1870], ["sun", 1888], ["suns", 1888], ["sunned", 1888], ["shone", 1900], ["shine", 1900], ["shined", 1900], ["cabin", 1918], ["window", 1926], ["windows", 1926], ["toast", 1952], ["forget", 1971], ["forgot", 1971], ["forgotten", 1971], ["orgy", 1984], ["blood", 1993], ["bloods", 1993], ["blooded", 1993], ["gut", 2002], ["guts", 2002], ["occur", 2011], ["occurest", 2011], ["occurred", 2011], ["month", 2022], ["house", 2045], ["avoid", 2067], ["avoided", 2067], ["official", 2080], ["hunt", 2085], ["hunting", 2085], ["huntest", 2085], ["five", 2094], ["fived", 2094], ["year", 2100], ["years", 2100], ["ever", 2111], ["everest", 2111], ["since", 2117], ["night", 2128], ["become", 2142], ["prey", 2151], ["start", 2168], ["started", 2168], ["small", 2185], ["hunt", 2191], ["hunting", 2191], ["huntest", 2191], ["hunts", 2191], ["host", 2200], ["hosted", 2200], ["hostest", 2200], ["friend", 2211], ["friends", 2211], ["trust", 2227], ["hunt", 2246], ["hunting", 2246], ["huntest", 2246], ["hunted", 2246], ["lost", 2260], ["boy", 2265], ["boys", 2265], ["phil", 2273], ["dimitri", 2292], ["materialize", 2309], ["materialized", 2309], ["arrive", 2329], ["arriving", 2329], ["next", 2334], ["corky", 2353], ["wood", 2366], ["woods", 2366], ["border", 2376], ["bordering", 2376], ["enormous", 2399], ["backyard", 2408], ["grassy", 2440], ["clearing", 2449], ["werewolf", 2471], ["werewolves", 2471], ["return", 2480], ["returnest", 2480], ["returned", 2480], ["bloody", 2515], ["bloodying", 2515], ["gorge", 2528], ["gorging", 2528], ["kill", 2543], ["kills", 2543], ["many", 2550], ["drag", 2567], ["dragging", 2567], ["dead", 2572], ["carcass", 2582], ["carcasses", 2582], ["behind", 2589], ["rod", 2620], ["rods", 2620], ["erect", 2633], ["erected", 2633], ["length", 2649], ["like", 2672], ["row", 2677], ["rowest", 2677], ["rows", 2677], ["clothing", 2689], ["closet", 2706], ["closets", 2706], ["hook", 2723], ["hooks", 2723], ["instead", 2731], ["hangers", 2742], ["elk", 2760], ["deer", 2769], ["suspend", 2788], ["suspended", 2788], ["dress", 2800], ["dressest", 2800], ["dressed", 2800], ["row", 2808], ["rowest", 2808], ["fire", 2816], ["pit", 2821], ["pits", 2821], ["ready", 2832], ["spit", 2843], ["spitting", 2843], ["spits", 2843], ["roast", 2856], ["roasting", 2856], ["hill", 2873], ["giant", 2885], ["sprawl", 2906], ["sprawls", 2906], ["sprawled", 2906], ["purposely", 2930], ["build", 2936], ["builds", 2936], ["built", 2936], ["look", 2973], ["anyone", 2988], ["approach", 3000], ["approaches", 3000], ["approaching", 3000], ["pride", 3022], ["joy", 3030], ["joys", 3030], ["joyed", 3030], ["cover", 3046], ["covered", 3046], ["patio", 3057], ["equip", 3068], ["equipped", 3068], ["outdoor", 3093], ["bar", 3109], ["slab", 3117], ["slabs", 3117], ["meat", 3125], ["barbecue", 3144], ["barbecued", 3144], ["bottle", 3154], ["bottled", 3154], ["bottles", 3154], ["beer", 3162], ["guzzle", 3170], ["guzzles", 3170], ["guzzled", 3170], ["party", 3191], ["continue", 3206], ["three", 3216], ["night", 3223], ["nights", 3223], ["booze", 3270], ["boozing", 3270], ["sex", 3278], ["alpha", 3291], ["alphas", 3291], ["attend", 3304], ["attended", 3304], ["party", 3326], ["parties", 3326], ["allow", 3339], ["allowed", 3339], ["take", 3347], ["woman", 3357], ["womans", 3357], ["women", 3357], ["course", 3381], ["supreme", 3395], ["pack", 3400], ["master", 3407], ["daughter", 3420], ["daughters", 3420], ["always", 3431], ["limit", 3447], ["limited", 3447], ["limits", 3447], ["ago", 3481], ["spot", 3495], ["spotted", 3495], ["jean", 3538], ["jeans", 3538], ["shirt", 3562], ["talk", 3572], ["talking", 3572], ["female", 3584], ["werewolf", 3593], ["nude", 3606], ["smear", 3618], ["smearing", 3618], ["smeared", 3618], ["across", 3636], ["joneses", 3663], ["day", 3682], ["forty", 3693], ["although", 3709], ["four", 3727], ["time", 3733], ["times", 3733], ["age", 3742], ["aged", 3742], ["fisted", 3754], ["fisting", 3754], ["hand", 3763], ["woman", 3776], ["womans", 3776], ["long", 3784], ["longs", 3784], ["hair", 3789], ["pull", 3800], ["pulled", 3800], ["close", 3810], ["kiss", 3821], ["kisses", 3821], ["kissest", 3821], ["look", 3838], ["looked", 3838], ["suspect", 3869], ["suspected", 3869], ["infidelity", 3884], ["cruelty", 3896], ["mom", 3903], ["moms", 3903], ["incite", 3915], ["incites", 3915], ["incited", 3915], ["fight", 3925], ["fightest", 3925], ["result", 3958], ["resultest", 3958], ["resulting", 3958], ["banishment", 3987], ["notice", 4003], ["noticed", 4003], ["discomfort", 4018], ["stride", 4043], ["stridden", 4043], ["stride", 4074], ["stridden", 4074], ["posture", 4086], ["clearly", 4096], ["arrogant", 4116], ["alpha", 4122], ["alphas", 4122], ["wolf", 4127], ["stand", 4144], ["stood", 4144], ["standest", 4144], ["also", 4155], ["fact", 4164], ["neatly", 4183], ["return", 4219], ["returnest", 4219], ["returning", 4219], ["hunters", 4227], ["grime", 4279], ["march", 4292], ["marching", 4292], ["marched", 4292], ["center", 4308], ["alley", 4314], ["frame", 4323], ["framed", 4323], ["side", 4336], ["sidest", 4336], ["hang", 4357], ["hung", 4357], ["hangs", 4357], ["hanging", 4357], ["drip", 4383], ["dripped", 4383], ["stain", 4394], ["stainest", 4394], ["staining", 4394], ["grass", 4404], ["grassing", 4404]]
female lycans reacted to his prowess , brushing their long hair over their shoulders to show off their br**sts . brynley was suddenly immensely grateful that she 'd fallen in love with a vamp . caddoc jones strode to the edge of the patio and gazed down onto the backyard . you 're late for the hunt . '' rhett stopped in the middle of the yard . `` i 've already been hunting tonight . and i 've caught the most amazing prey . '' caddoc lifted an eyebrow . where is this prey of yours ? '' rhett glanced back , motioning to dimitri . the malcontent grabbed brynley and zoomed forward , depositing her next to rhett . he dashed back to the woods and corky . it seemed odd to brynley that no one looked surprised that rhett traveled with a few malcontents . apparently , they were accustomed to seeing him with vampires . but they were surprised by her appearance . murmurs spread among the werewolves till everyone in the yard was staring at her . she took a deep breath and looked up at her father . at first she thought his face completely expressionless , but then she noticed the clenched jaw and eyes so intense he could probably kill a deer without touching it . well , she supposed she had caused him some embarrassment by running away from the wedding he 'd planned . that had been a rule drummed into her and phil since infancy . never , ever contradict or embarrass their father in front of his minions . `` i 've brought her home , '' rhett boasted . `` and she 's agreed to marry me in three days . '' caddoc 's eyes narrowed . she had no intention of marrying rhett . a female voice squealed . a pretty young woman in a flowery cocktail dress ran across the patio , or attempted to . with a laugh , she kicked off her high-heeled sandals and sprinted barefoot across the yard . brynley 's heart expanded . `` glynis . '' she grinned when her sister threw her arms around her with an exuberant hug . they 'd always hugged , especially after mom had died and phil had left . as the only females in the family , they 'd clung to each other for support . they 'd always understood there were no hugs to be had from their father or glynis 's twin brother , howell . `` thank you , rhett ! glynis grinned at him , then at brynley . `` i 've been begging him to bring you home . '' rhett winked at her . she giggled and pulled brynley toward the patio . `` is n't he dreamy ? '' more like a nightmare . `` glynis , we need to talk . '' glynis frowned at her . `` i was so devastated when you ran away . if you had just stayed one more day , you would have met rhett , and you would have seen how perfect he is for you . '' she glanced toward their father and lowered her voice . `` and you would n't have upset you know who . '' brynley stopped about six feet from the patio , where her father was still staring at her . glynis stepped between them , a wide grin plastered on her pretty face . `` brynley 's come home , dad ! bless her , brynley thought . glynis had always wanted to believe they were a happy family . this was the only world she knew , so she clung to the notion that it was a good one . brynley had never had the heart to purposely burst the pretty bubble her sister lived in . she 'd protected her over the years in hopes that her sister would escape by marrying a nice werewolf who would treat her well . whenever a questionable guy had shown interest in her , brynley had chased him off . caddoc glanced at glynis , then back at brynley . `` i 'm sure you two have a lot of catching up to do . glynis , she will share your room until the wedding . '' glynis clapped her hands together and grinned at brynley . `` we 'll have so much fun ! it 'll be like summer camp . '' poor glynis . she did n't realize she 'd just been assigned twenty-four-hour guard duty . caddoc motioned to three of his minions , who were , thankfully , dressed . `` see that my daughters are ... they bowed their heads . three more bodyguards . her father was making sure she 'd have no chance to escape . one of the guards strode toward the house and opened the back door . glynis linked her arm with brynley 's . `` i ca n't wait to hear all about your adventures . i 'm so glad you 're back home . i missed you terribly ! '' `` i missed you , too , '' brynley murmured , glancing back to find the other two guards behind them , steering them like cattle into a pen .
[["female", 6], ["react", 21], ["reacted", 21], ["prowess", 36], ["brush", 47], ["brushest", 47], ["brushing", 47], ["long", 58], ["longs", 58], ["hair", 63], ["shoulder", 84], ["shouldered", 84], ["shoulders", 84], ["show", 92], ["suddenly", 133], ["immensely", 143], ["grateful", 152], ["fall", 171], ["falls", 171], ["fallen", 171], ["love", 179], ["vamp", 191], ["vamped", 191], ["joneses", 206], ["edge", 225], ["edges", 225], ["patio", 238], ["gaze", 248], ["gazes", 248], ["gazed", 248], ["onto", 258], ["ontos", 258], ["backyard", 271], ["late", 286], ["lates", 286], ["hunt", 299], ["hunting", 299], ["huntest", 299], ["stop", 318], ["stopped", 318], ["middle", 332], ["middles", 332], ["middling", 332], ["yard", 344], ["yards", 344], ["already", 363], ["hunt", 376], ["hunting", 376], ["huntest", 376], ["tonight", 384], ["catch", 403], ["catched", 403], ["catches", 403], ["caught", 403], ["amazing", 420], ["prey", 425], ["lift", 444], ["lifted", 444], ["eyebrow", 455], ["glance", 504], ["glanced", 504], ["back", 509], ["motion", 521], ["dimitri", 532], ["malcontent", 549], ["grab", 557], ["grabbed", 557], ["forward", 584], ["forwarding", 584], ["forwardest", 584], ["deposit", 597], ["next", 606], ["dash", 627], ["dashed", 627], ["wood", 645], ["woods", 645], ["corky", 655], ["seem", 667], ["seeming", 667], ["seemed", 667], ["odd", 671], ["look", 701], ["looked", 701], ["travel", 731], ["traveled", 731], ["malcontent", 754], ["apparently", 767], ["see", 800], ["seeing", 800], ["vampire", 818], ["vampires", 818], ["surprise", 844], ["surprised", 844], ["appearance", 862], ["murmur", 872], ["murmurest", 872], ["murmurs", 872], ["spread", 879], ["among", 885], ["werewolf", 900], ["werewolves", 900], ["till", 905], ["everyone", 914], ["stare", 938], ["stared", 938], ["staring", 938], ["take", 956], ["took", 956], ["deep", 963], ["deeply", 963], ["breath", 970], ["breathest", 970], ["father", 998], ["fathered", 998], ["fathering", 998], ["first", 1009], ["firstest", 1009], ["think", 1021], ["thought", 1021], ["thinkest", 1021], ["face", 1030], ["completely", 1041], ["expressionless", 1056], ["notice", 1079], ["noticed", 1079], ["jaw", 1096], ["jaws", 1096], ["jawed", 1096], ["jawest", 1096], ["eye", 1105], ["eyed", 1105], ["eyes", 1105], ["intense", 1116], ["probably", 1134], ["kill", 1139], ["deer", 1146], ["without", 1154], ["touch", 1163], ["touching", 1163], ["well", 1173], ["wells", 1173], ["suppose", 1188], ["supposed", 1188], ["cause", 1203], ["caused", 1203], ["embarrassment", 1226], ["run", 1237], ["running", 1237], ["away", 1242], ["wedding", 1259], ["plan", 1273], ["planned", 1273], ["rule", 1296], ["drum", 1304], ["drummed", 1304], ["phil", 1322], ["since", 1328], ["infancy", 1336], ["infancies", 1336], ["never", 1344], ["ever", 1351], ["everest", 1351], ["contradict", 1362], ["embarrass", 1375], ["embarrassed", 1375], ["front", 1397], ["minion", 1412], ["minions", 1412], ["bring", 1431], ["brought", 1431], ["home", 1440], ["homing", 1440], ["boast", 1459], ["boasted", 1459], ["agree", 1482], ["agreed", 1482], ["marry", 1491], ["married", 1491], ["three", 1503], ["day", 1508], ["days", 1508], ["narrow", 1537], ["narrowed", 1537], ["intention", 1560], ["marry", 1572], ["married", 1572], ["marrying", 1572], ["voice", 1595], ["squeal", 1604], ["squealed", 1604], ["pretty", 1615], ["prettiest", 1615], ["young", 1621], ["youngest", 1621], ["woman", 1627], ["womans", 1627], ["flowery", 1640], ["cocktail", 1649], ["dress", 1655], ["dressest", 1655], ["run", 1659], ["ran", 1659], ["across", 1666], ["attempt", 1691], ["attempted", 1691], ["laugh", 1709], ["kick", 1722], ["kicked", 1722], ["high", 1735], ["sandal", 1750], ["sandals", 1750], ["sprint", 1763], ["sprinted", 1763], ["sprinting", 1763], ["barefoot", 1772], ["heart", 1807], ["expand", 1816], ["expanded", 1816], ["grin", 1845], ["grinned", 1845], ["sister", 1861], ["throw", 1867], ["threw", 1867], ["arm", 1876], ["arms", 1876], ["around", 1883], ["exuberant", 1905], ["hug", 1909], ["always", 1926], ["hug", 1933], ["hugged", 1933], ["especially", 1946], ["mom", 1956], ["moms", 1956], ["die", 1965], ["died", 1965], ["left", 1983], ["leave", 1983], ["female", 2005], ["females", 2005], ["family", 2019], ["clung", 2035], ["cling", 2035], ["support", 2061], ["understand", 2089], ["understanded", 2089], ["understood", 2089], ["hug", 2108], ["hugs", 2108], ["twin", 2154], ["brother", 2162], ["brethren", 2162], ["howell", 2171], ["howells", 2171], ["thank", 2182], ["thanks", 2182], ["thankest", 2182], ["beg", 2260], ["begging", 2260], ["bring", 2273], ["wink", 2300], ["winks", 2300], ["winkest", 2300], ["winked", 2300], ["giggle", 2321], ["giggled", 2321], ["pull", 2332], ["pulled", 2332], ["toward", 2347], ["dreamy", 2379], ["like", 2394], ["nightmare", 2406], ["nightmares", 2406], ["need", 2428], ["needest", 2428], ["talk", 2436], ["frown", 2456], ["frowns", 2456], ["frowned", 2456], ["stay", 2531], ["stayed", 2531], ["day", 2544], ["meet", 2565], ["meeted", 2565], ["met", 2565], ["see", 2597], ["seen", 2597], ["perfect", 2609], ["perfectest", 2609], ["lower", 2672], ["lowers", 2672], ["lowerest", 2672], ["lowered", 2672], ["upset", 2716], ["know", 2725], ["knowest", 2725], ["six", 2760], ["foot", 2765], ["feet", 2765], ["still", 2809], ["step", 2841], ["stepped", 2841], ["wide", 2863], ["grin", 2868], ["plaster", 2878], ["plastering", 2878], ["plastered", 2878], ["come", 2918], ["dad", 2929], ["bless", 2937], ["blessest", 2937], ["believe", 2997], ["happy", 3015], ["world", 3048], ["know", 3057], ["knowest", 3057], ["knew", 3057], ["notion", 3086], ["good", 3105], ["purposely", 3156], ["burst", 3162], ["bursted", 3162], ["bubble", 3180], ["live", 3197], ["lived", 3197], ["protect", 3219], ["protectest", 3219], ["protected", 3219], ["year", 3238], ["years", 3238], ["hope", 3247], ["hopes", 3247], ["escape", 3276], ["escapes", 3276], ["nice", 3295], ["werewolf", 3304], ["treat", 3320], ["treats", 3320], ["treatest", 3320], ["whenever", 3340], ["questionable", 3355], ["guy", 3359], ["show", 3369], ["shown", 3369], ["interest", 3378], ["chase", 3406], ["chased", 3406], ["sure", 3479], ["two", 3487], ["twos", 3487], ["lot", 3498], ["catch", 3510], ["catched", 3510], ["catches", 3510], ["catching", 3510], ["share", 3545], ["room", 3555], ["roomed", 3555], ["clap", 3593], ["clapped", 3593], ["hand", 3603], ["hands", 3603], ["together", 3612], ["much", 3660], ["fun", 3664], ["summer", 3688], ["summering", 3688], ["camp", 3693], ["camped", 3693], ["poor", 3703], ["realize", 3732], ["assign", 3758], ["assignest", 3758], ["assigning", 3758], ["assigned", 3758], ["twenty", 3765], ["four", 3770], ["hour", 3775], ["guard", 3781], ["duty", 3786], ["motion", 3804], ["thankfully", 3852], ["dress", 3862], ["dressest", 3862], ["dressed", 3862], ["see", 3871], ["daughter", 3889], ["daughters", 3889], ["bow", 3908], ["bowed", 3908], ["head", 3920], ["heads", 3920], ["bodyguard", 3944], ["bodyguards", 3944], ["chance", 3995], ["chanced", 3995], ["chancing", 3995], ["guard", 4025], ["guards", 4025], ["stride", 4032], ["stridden", 4032], ["house", 4049], ["open", 4060], ["opened", 4060], ["door", 4074], ["link", 4090], ["linked", 4090], ["arm", 4098], ["ca", 4124], ["cas", 4124], ["wait", 4133], ["waitest", 4133], ["hear", 4141], ["hears", 4141], ["adventure", 4167], ["adventures", 4167], ["glad", 4182], ["miss", 4211], ["missed", 4211], ["terribly", 4224], ["glance", 4284], ["glancing", 4284], ["find", 4297], ["behind", 4325], ["steer", 4341], ["steerest", 4341], ["steering", 4341], ["cattle", 4358], ["pen", 4369]]
`` and we have wedding plans to make ! '' glynis pulled her inside . brynley winced as the door slammed shut behind her . she was back home . chapter twenty brynley paced around her sister 's large bedroom suite . it was no wonder pack members thought they were princesses . glynis 's king-sized bed was covered with egyptian cotton sheets and a pink satin duvet . the large armoire housed a big flat-screen television and library of dvds . the adjoining bathroom sported gold-plated fixtures on the marble sink and giant jacuzzi tub . the walk-in shower was lined with marble and boasted three spray nozzles . no bathroom window for escape . she eyed the white marble floor and thought of phineas and jack lying helpless on the bare wooden floor of her brother 's cabin . were they still paralyzed ? if she escaped , would rhett call kyle and order him to stake them ? maybe she should give them more time before she made her move . she wandered back into the bedroom . `` come on , bryn . '' glynis patted a spot next to her on the bed . `` tell me where you 've been . `` teaching school . '' she peered out her sister 's large upstairs window . it was a big drop to the ground below . but not so bad if she had a rope . or expensive egyptian cotton sheets . the circular drive in front of the house was jammed with suvs and pickup trucks from the hundred or so guests attending the hunt . maybe she could borrow one . it was common for her father 's guests to leave the keys in the vehicles in case one needed to be moved . no one worried about robbery here . there were always a few guards on duty . besides , anyone who messed with her father or his property would find himself mauled to death by a pack of wolves . anyone who helped her escape would probably face a similar fate . `` do you like teaching ? '' glynis asked . `` the kids are n't mean to you ? '' `` the kids are grateful they have a home . '' she glanced back at her sister . `` i 'm mostly teaching the lost boys . '' `` what lost boys ? '' `` i 'm afraid i 've overprotected you . '' it had felt necessary when her sister was eleven and mourning the loss of her mother , but unfortunately , it had become a habit that was hard to break . `` glynis , our father banishes young boys from the pack . just like he did phil . '' `` phil chose to leave- '' `` no . our father kicked him out . he does it to boys every year . some of them as young as twelve years old . '' glynis shifted uneasily on the bed . `` i did n't realize they were so young . we 're not supposed to talk about them . once they 're out of the pack , they- '' `` they still exist . imagine being without your home and family- '' `` do n't . '' glynis shuddered . `` they would n't have been banished if they had n't misbehaved . '' these are young boys with nowhere to go . '' glynis gave her an injured look . `` i 'm not heartless , you know . i 'm glad you found a home for them . but you were n't banished like them . your home is here . '' brynley muttered as she sprawled into an armchair upholstered with pink roses . `` you 're twenty-three years old , glyn . do n't you want to do more than play hostess every month for the hunt ? '' she looked indignant . `` i do plenty of things . i get to travel- '' `` with an escort . '' `` i feel safer with them . and i get to shop- '' `` with dad 's money . '' glynis huffed . `` well , someday i hope to marry , but dad insists that you get married first . '' brynley dropped her head back on the cushion . `` no wonder you 're eager to marry me off . '' glynis tossed a pink satin pillow at her . `` do n't make me sound so selfish . and rhett really wants to marry you . he promised me he would be a good husband to you . '' brynley groaned . `` he 's handsome and charming . '' glynis ticked off a list on her fingers . `` he 's a powerful alpha . he 's almost as rich as dad . he has a dozen ranches in alaska and one here so you could always spend time here in your old hunting grounds . and they call him the king of alaska ! that would make you a queen . '' `` he already has a queen . a vampire named corky who 's probably his mistress . '' glynis rolled her eyes . `` he 's a very virile man , bryn .
[["wedding", 22], ["plan", 28], ["plans", 28], ["pull", 55], ["pulled", 55], ["inside", 66], ["wince", 83], ["winced", 83], ["door", 95], ["slam", 103], ["slammed", 103], ["shut", 108], ["behind", 115], ["back", 134], ["home", 139], ["homing", 139], ["chapter", 149], ["twenty", 156], ["pace", 170], ["paced", 170], ["around", 177], ["sister", 188], ["large", 197], ["bedroom", 205], ["suite", 211], ["wonder", 230], ["wonderest", 230], ["pack", 235], ["member", 243], ["members", 243], ["think", 251], ["thought", 251], ["thinkest", 251], ["princess", 272], ["princesses", 272], ["king", 289], ["sized", 295], ["bed", 299], ["cover", 311], ["covered", 311], ["egyptian", 325], ["egyptians", 325], ["cotton", 332], ["sheet", 339], ["sheets", 339], ["pink", 350], ["satin", 356], ["duvet", 362], ["armoire", 382], ["house", 389], ["housed", 389], ["big", 395], ["bigs", 395], ["flat", 400], ["screen", 407], ["screening", 407], ["television", 418], ["library", 430], ["bathroom", 463], ["sport", 471], ["sported", 471], ["gold", 476], ["golds", 476], ["plate", 483], ["plating", 483], ["plated", 483], ["fixture", 492], ["fixtures", 492], ["marble", 506], ["sank", 511], ["sink", 511], ["giant", 521], ["jacuzzi", 529], ["jacuzzis", 529], ["tub", 533], ["walk", 544], ["shower", 554], ["showered", 554], ["showerest", 554], ["line", 564], ["lined", 564], ["boast", 588], ["boasted", 588], ["three", 594], ["spray", 600], ["sprayed", 600], ["nozzle", 608], ["nozzles", 608], ["window", 629], ["windows", 629], ["escape", 640], ["escapes", 640], ["eye", 651], ["eyed", 651], ["white", 661], ["floor", 674], ["phineas", 697], ["jack", 706], ["jacks", 706], ["jacked", 706], ["lie", 712], ["lay", 712], ["lain", 712], ["lying", 712], ["helpless", 721], ["bare", 733], ["wooden", 740], ["brother", 761], ["brethren", 761], ["cabin", 770], ["still", 788], ["escape", 815], ["escapes", 815], ["escaped", 815], ["call", 834], ["kyle", 839], ["order", 849], ["orderest", 849], ["stake", 862], ["maybe", 875], ["give", 891], ["time", 906], ["move", 931], ["wander", 946], ["wandered", 946], ["come", 978], ["bryn", 988], ["pat", 1007], ["patted", 1007], ["spot", 1014], ["next", 1019], ["tell", 1047], ["teach", 1083], ["teaching", 1083], ["school", 1090], ["schooling", 1090], ["peer", 1106], ["peered", 1106], ["upstairs", 1139], ["drop", 1166], ["ground", 1180], ["bad", 1203], ["rope", 1221], ["expensive", 1236], ["circular", 1274], ["circulars", 1274], ["drive", 1280], ["front", 1289], ["house", 1302], ["jam", 1313], ["jams", 1313], ["jamed", 1313], ["jammed", 1313], ["jamming", 1313], ["suv", 1323], ["pickup", 1334], ["truck", 1341], ["trucks", 1341], ["hundred", 1358], ["guest", 1371], ["guestest", 1371], ["guests", 1371], ["attend", 1381], ["attending", 1381], ["hunt", 1390], ["hunting", 1390], ["huntest", 1390], ["borrow", 1415], ["borrowest", 1415], ["common", 1435], ["commons", 1435], ["commonest", 1435], ["father", 1450], ["fathered", 1450], ["fathering", 1450], ["left", 1469], ["leave", 1469], ["key", 1478], ["keyed", 1478], ["keyest", 1478], ["keys", 1478], ["vehicle", 1494], ["vehicled", 1494], ["vehicles", 1494], ["case", 1502], ["need", 1513], ["needest", 1513], ["needed", 1513], ["move", 1525], ["moved", 1525], ["worry", 1542], ["worried", 1542], ["robbery", 1556], ["always", 1581], ["guard", 1594], ["guards", 1594], ["duty", 1602], ["besides", 1612], ["anyone", 1621], ["mess", 1632], ["messed", 1632], ["messing", 1632], ["property", 1664], ["find", 1675], ["maul", 1690], ["mauled", 1690], ["death", 1699], ["wolf", 1719], ["wolves", 1719], ["help", 1739], ["helpest", 1739], ["helped", 1739], ["probably", 1765], ["face", 1770], ["similar", 1780], ["fate", 1785], ["like", 1802], ["ask", 1829], ["asked", 1829], ["kid", 1843], ["kids", 1843], ["mean", 1856], ["meanest", 1856], ["grateful", 1893], ["glance", 1927], ["glanced", 1927], ["mostly", 1963], ["lose", 1981], ["lost", 1981], ["boy", 1986], ["boys", 1986], ["afraid", 2029], ["overprotect", 2049], ["overprotected", 2049], ["feel", 2070], ["felt", 2070], ["necessary", 2080], ["eleven", 2107], ["mourn", 2120], ["mourned", 2120], ["mourning", 2120], ["mournest", 2120], ["loss", 2129], ["mother", 2143], ["mothered", 2143], ["motherest", 2143], ["unfortunately", 2163], ["become", 2179], ["habit", 2187], ["habiting", 2187], ["hard", 2201], ["broke", 2210], ["break", 2210], ["banish", 2244], ["banishest", 2244], ["young", 2250], ["youngest", 2250], ["phil", 2293], ["choose", 2312], ["chose", 2312], ["kick", 2351], ["kicked", 2351], ["every", 2386], ["year", 2391], ["twelve", 2425], ["twelves", 2425], ["year", 2431], ["years", 2431], ["old", 2435], ["shift", 2455], ["shifted", 2455], ["uneasily", 2464], ["realize", 2498], ["suppose", 2539], ["supposed", 2539], ["talk", 2547], ["exist", 2621], ["existest", 2621], ["imagine", 2631], ["without", 2645], ["shudder", 2702], ["shuddering", 2702], ["shudderest", 2702], ["shuddered", 2702], ["banish", 2741], ["banishest", 2741], ["banished", 2741], ["misbehave", 2768], ["misbehaving", 2768], ["misbehaved", 2768], ["nowhere", 2807], ["go", 2813], ["goest", 2813], ["give", 2830], ["gave", 2830], ["look", 2850], ["heartless", 2874], ["know", 2885], ["knowest", 2885], ["glad", 2897], ["find", 2907], ["found", 2907], ["mutter", 3003], ["muttering", 3003], ["mutterest", 3003], ["muttered", 3003], ["sprawl", 3019], ["sprawls", 3019], ["sprawled", 3019], ["armchair", 3036], ["armchairs", 3036], ["upholster", 3048], ["rose", 3064], ["roses", 3064], ["glyn", 3107], ["play", 3146], ["playest", 3146], ["hostess", 3154], ["month", 3166], ["look", 3195], ["looked", 3195], ["indignant", 3205], ["plenty", 3222], ["thing", 3232], ["things", 3232], ["get", 3240], ["escort", 3272], ["escorted", 3272], ["feel", 3287], ["safe", 3293], ["safes", 3293], ["safed", 3293], ["safer", 3293], ["dad", 3339], ["money", 3348], ["moneys", 3348], ["well", 3377], ["wells", 3377], ["someday", 3387], ["hope", 3394], ["marry", 3403], ["married", 3403], ["insist", 3421], ["insistest", 3421], ["insists", 3421], ["marry", 3442], ["married", 3442], ["first", 3448], ["firstest", 3448], ["drop", 3469], ["dropped", 3469], ["head", 3478], ["cushion", 3498], ["cushioning", 3498], ["eager", 3527], ["toss", 3562], ["tossed", 3562], ["pillow", 3582], ["sound", 3615], ["selfish", 3626], ["selfishest", 3626], ["really", 3645], ["promise", 3678], ["promised", 3678], ["good", 3700], ["husband", 3708], ["husbanding", 3708], ["groan", 3736], ["groans", 3736], ["groanest", 3736], ["groaning", 3736], ["groaned", 3736], ["handsome", 3756], ["handsomes", 3756], ["charming", 3769], ["tick", 3788], ["ticked", 3788], ["list", 3799], ["finger", 3814], ["fingers", 3814], ["powerful", 3836], ["alpha", 3842], ["alphas", 3842], ["almost", 3857], ["rich", 3865], ["dozen", 3889], ["ranch", 3897], ["ranches", 3897], ["alaska", 3907], ["spend", 3946], ["spends", 3946], ["spendest", 3946], ["ground", 3984], ["grounds", 3984], ["queen", 4053], ["queens", 4053], ["queenest", 4053], ["queening", 4053], ["already", 4072], ["vampire", 4096], ["name", 4102], ["named", 4102], ["corky", 4108], ["mistress", 4137], ["roll", 4156], ["rolled", 4156], ["eye", 4165], ["eyed", 4165], ["eyes", 4165], ["virile", 4190], ["man", 4194], ["mans", 4194], ["manned", 4194]]
you could n't expect him to stay celibate while he was waiting for you to return . '' brynley gave her sister a worried look . `` have you fallen for him ? '' `` i 'm interested in someone else . '' brynley sat forward . glynis 's blush deepened . `` he 's a werewolf , but not an alpha . he 's not interested in power or land . dad hired him to paint a mural in the great hall , and when no one was looking , i would bring him water to drink . he 's so sweet . not at all like ... '' `` our father ? '' glynis winced . i can see how dad and the other alphas behave . '' `` our father 's not going to allow you to date a guy who 's not an alpha or does n't own land . '' glynis hung her head . `` where else would i go ? i have most everything i could want here . '' `` especially now that you 're back . and i think rhett is perfect for you . you were always the strong and fearless one , and he 's that way , too . '' strong and fearless ? '' she 'd lived most of her life in fear of her father . `` yes , you are , '' glynis insisted . `` you 've done all kinds of things i would never have the nerve to do . you went off to college , you joined the rodeo , you 're teaching school . '' `` you 're always leaving me . and i need you here . '' `` oh , glynis . '' brynley sat beside her on the bed and hugged her . she could n't blame her sister for taking comfort by clinging to the security of the lycan world . unfortunately , the world that made glynis feel safe made her feel trapped . `` please give rhett a chance , '' glynis begged with tears in her eyes . and it 's not just for power and prestige . he 's taken a real interest in you . he 's always asking me questions about you . where do you go when you want to be alone ? '' `` you told him about phil 's cabin ? '' i told him lots of things . i want you to be happy with him . '' she felt the prison bars closing in . `` he plans to court you , you know . '' glynis beamed with excitement . `` so you 'll be happy to marry him . brynley started to explain that rhett 's idea of romance was threatening to kill others so she would submit . but as she studied her sister 's hopeful smile , she could n't bring herself to tarnish the gilded cage her sister enjoyed living in . `` and only three days to the wedding ! '' glynis clasped her hands together . `` it 's so exciting ! dad had a beautiful gown made for you for the last wedding . it 's still hanging in your closet . '' a seed of panic stirred in brynley 's chest . if only she could teleport like the- she gasped . all she had to do was call a vamp , and he 'd teleport in and swoosh ! she 'd be outta here ! glynis grinned . i 've seen the gown , and it 's really lovely . '' no phone in sight . but close to the door there was a bombe chest with glynis 's bright red designer handbag sitting on top . there had to be a cell phone inside . what wealthy young lady did n't own a cell phone ? `` i 'll be your maid of honor , right ? '' brynley nodded , still focused on the red handbag . her portal to freedom . `` oh , i bought the cutest dress the other day in billings . it 's teal-green . is that all right for the wedding ? '' brynley suggested . glynis jumped to her feet . then you can help me decide which shoes to wear with it . '' she dashed into her giant walk-in closet . `` i 'll just be a sec ! '' brynley rushed over to the red handbag and dug through its cavernous interior . she checked inside pockets , outside pockets . she opened the drawers of the bombe chest . scarves , mittens , hats , berets , gloves . she ran to the bedside tables and checked the drawers . there had to be a phone somewhere in this damned house . her bedroom had a phone . at least it had before she 'd run away . it was just down the hall . she eased open the door , and a guard quickly appeared . he was a new guard , probably from a pack far away in idaho . the other two guards stood nearby . strangers to her , but loyal to her father . `` i thought i 'd go to my bedroom for a second . my wedding dress is there , and i 'd like to see it . '' `` we 'll arrange it , '' the guard responded .
[["expect", 20], ["stay", 32], ["celibate", 41], ["celibates", 41], ["wait", 62], ["waitest", 62], ["waiting", 62], ["return", 80], ["returnest", 80], ["give", 98], ["gave", 98], ["sister", 109], ["look", 124], ["fall", 145], ["falls", 145], ["fallen", 145], ["interested", 177], ["else", 193], ["sat", 210], ["sit", 210], ["forward", 218], ["forwarding", 218], ["forwardest", 218], ["blush", 236], ["blushes", 236], ["deepen", 245], ["deepened", 245], ["werewolf", 267], ["alpha", 286], ["alphas", 286], ["power", 318], ["land", 326], ["dad", 332], ["hire", 338], ["hired", 338], ["paint", 351], ["mural", 359], ["great", 372], ["hall", 377], ["look", 407], ["looking", 407], ["bring", 423], ["water", 433], ["drank", 442], ["drink", 442], ["drinking", 442], ["sweet", 459], ["like", 477], ["father", 498], ["fathered", 498], ["fathering", 498], ["wince", 517], ["winced", 517], ["see", 529], ["alpha", 558], ["alphas", 558], ["behave", 565], ["behaved", 565], ["behaving", 565], ["go", 597], ["goest", 597], ["going", 597], ["allow", 606], ["date", 618], ["guy", 624], ["hang", 682], ["hung", 682], ["hangs", 682], ["head", 691], ["go", 718], ["goest", 718], ["everything", 743], ["especially", 780], ["back", 802], ["think", 816], ["thinkest", 816], ["perfect", 833], ["perfectest", 833], ["always", 859], ["strong", 870], ["fearless", 883], ["way", 908], ["ways", 908], ["live", 957], ["lived", 957], ["life", 974], ["lifes", 974], ["fear", 982], ["fearest", 982], ["yes", 1005], ["insist", 1036], ["insistest", 1036], ["insisted", 1036], ["kind", 1064], ["kinds", 1064], ["thing", 1074], ["things", 1074], ["never", 1088], ["nerve", 1103], ["go", 1120], ["goest", 1120], ["went", 1120], ["college", 1135], ["join", 1148], ["joinest", 1148], ["joined", 1148], ["rodeo", 1158], ["rodeos", 1158], ["teach", 1177], ["school", 1184], ["schooling", 1184], ["left", 1215], ["leave", 1215], ["leaving", 1215], ["need", 1231], ["needest", 1231], ["oh", 1251], ["beside", 1284], ["bed", 1299], ["hug", 1310], ["hugged", 1310], ["blame", 1336], ["blamest", 1336], ["take", 1358], ["taking", 1358], ["comfort", 1366], ["cling", 1378], ["clinging", 1378], ["security", 1394], ["world", 1413], ["unfortunately", 1429], ["feel", 1463], ["safe", 1468], ["safes", 1468], ["safed", 1468], ["please", 1502], ["give", 1507], ["chance", 1522], ["chanced", 1522], ["chancing", 1522], ["beg", 1541], ["tear", 1552], ["teared", 1552], ["tears", 1552], ["eye", 1564], ["eyed", 1564], ["eyes", 1564], ["prestige", 1608], ["take", 1622], ["taken", 1622], ["real", 1629], ["reis", 1629], ["interest", 1638], ["ask", 1667], ["asking", 1667], ["question", 1680], ["questions", 1680], ["alone", 1734], ["tell", 1751], ["told", 1751], ["phil", 1766], ["cabin", 1775], ["lot", 1796], ["lots", 1796], ["happy", 1831], ["feel", 1854], ["felt", 1854], ["prison", 1865], ["bar", 1870], ["bars", 1870], ["close", 1878], ["plan", 1895], ["plans", 1895], ["court", 1904], ["courting", 1904], ["courtest", 1904], ["know", 1919], ["knowest", 1919], ["beam", 1938], ["beamed", 1938], ["excitement", 1954], ["marry", 1988], ["married", 1988], ["start", 2010], ["started", 2010], ["explain", 2021], ["idea", 2040], ["romance", 2051], ["threaten", 2067], ["threatening", 2067], ["kill", 2075], ["submit", 2102], ["study", 2123], ["studied", 2123], ["hopeful", 2145], ["smile", 2151], ["tarnish", 2192], ["tarnished", 2192], ["cage", 2208], ["enjoy", 2227], ["enjoyed", 2227], ["live", 2234], ["living", 2234], ["three", 2257], ["day", 2262], ["days", 2262], ["wedding", 2277], ["clasp", 2297], ["clasped", 2297], ["hand", 2307], ["hands", 2307], ["together", 2316], ["exciting", 2339], ["beautiful", 2361], ["beautifulest", 2361], ["gown", 2366], ["gowns", 2366], ["gowning", 2366], ["last", 2392], ["still", 2414], ["hang", 2422], ["hung", 2422], ["hangs", 2422], ["hanging", 2422], ["closet", 2437], ["closets", 2437], ["seed", 2449], ["seeded", 2449], ["panic", 2458], ["stir", 2466], ["stirs", 2466], ["stirred", 2466], ["chest", 2486], ["teleport", 2515], ["teleporting", 2515], ["gasp", 2536], ["gasps", 2536], ["gasped", 2536], ["call", 2565], ["vamp", 2572], ["vamped", 2572], ["swoosh", 2607], ["swooshing", 2607], ["outta", 2625], ["grin", 2647], ["grinned", 2647], ["see", 2660], ["seen", 2660], ["really", 2688], ["lovely", 2695], ["lovelier", 2695], ["phone", 2709], ["sight", 2718], ["sighted", 2718], ["close", 2730], ["door", 2742], ["bombe", 2760], ["bright", 2788], ["brights", 2788], ["red", 2792], ["designer", 2801], ["handbag", 2809], ["sat", 2817], ["sit", 2817], ["sitting", 2817], ["top", 2824], ["cell", 2849], ["inside", 2862], ["wealthy", 2877], ["young", 2883], ["youngest", 2883], ["lady", 2888], ["maid", 2937], ["maids", 2937], ["honor", 2946], ["right", 2954], ["rightest", 2954], ["nod", 2974], ["nodded", 2974], ["focus", 2990], ["focused", 2990], ["portal", 3022], ["freedom", 3033], ["buy", 3052], ["buyed", 3052], ["bought", 3052], ["cut", 3063], ["cutest", 3063], ["dress", 3069], ["dressest", 3069], ["day", 3083], ["billing", 3095], ["billings", 3095], ["teal", 3108], ["teals", 3108], ["green", 3114], ["greens", 3114], ["suggest", 3173], ["suggested", 3173], ["jump", 3189], ["jumps", 3189], ["jumped", 3189], ["foot", 3201], ["feet", 3201], ["help", 3221], ["helpest", 3221], ["decide", 3231], ["shoe", 3243], ["shoed", 3243], ["shoes", 3243], ["wear", 3251], ["dash", 3275], ["dashed", 3275], ["giant", 3290], ["walk", 3295], ["sec", 3330], ["rush", 3350], ["rushed", 3350], ["dig", 3382], ["dug", 3382], ["digs", 3382], ["digest", 3382], ["cavernous", 3404], ["interior", 3413], ["check", 3427], ["checked", 3427], ["pocket", 3442], ["pocketing", 3442], ["pockets", 3442], ["outside", 3452], ["open", 3473], ["opened", 3473], ["drawer", 3485], ["drawers", 3485], ["scarf", 3514], ["mitten", 3524], ["mittens", 3524], ["hat", 3531], ["hatting", 3531], ["hats", 3531], ["beret", 3540], ["berets", 3540], ["run", 3559], ["ran", 3559], ["bedside", 3574], ["table", 3581], ["tabled", 3581], ["tabling", 3581], ["tables", 3581], ["somewhere", 3641], ["house", 3662], ["bedroom", 3676], ["least", 3699], ["leastest", 3699], ["run", 3724], ["away", 3729], ["ease", 3769], ["eased", 3769], ["open", 3774], ["guard", 3797], ["quickly", 3805], ["appear", 3814], ["appeared", 3814], ["new", 3829], ["probably", 3846], ["pack", 3858], ["far", 3862], ["idaho", 3876], ["two", 3892], ["twos", 3892], ["guard", 3899], ["guards", 3899], ["stand", 3905], ["stood", 3905], ["standest", 3905], ["nearby", 3912], ["stranger", 3924], ["strangers", 3924], ["loyal", 3943], ["think", 3972], ["thinkest", 3972], ["thought", 3972], ["second", 4007], ["seconded", 4007], ["arrange", 4084], ["arranging", 4084], ["respond", 4112], ["respondest", 4112], ["responded", 4112]]
could you arrange to jump off a cliff ? actually , after killing that deer and having wild sex with phineas , she was starving . she needed to keep her strength up . `` we 'll have a tray brought up for you . '' before she could say anything else , the guard shut the door in her face . glynis bounced from the closet , wearing a beautiful teal-green dress . i think i 'm screwed . she heaved a big sigh . with a laugh , glynis twirled in a circle . `` only three days till your wedding ! '' three days to escape . she wondered again how phineas was doing . she should have told him she loved him while she had the chance . freemont had to know something was wrong . he was going to get chewed out for sure if- four forms materialized nearby . zoltan with roman hitching a ride . vanda giving gregori a ride . freemont 's choices had been limited to those vamps who had teleported here before . zoltan and vanda . the location of the cabin was embedded in their psychic memory . and they 'd brought roman and gregori , because most of the mackay employees were still in russia and eastern europe . zoltan and roman were armed with swords , gregori with an automatic pistol , and vanda with a whip . roman sheathed his sword . phineas ? he knelt beside phineas . phineas blinked . zoltan pointed his sword toward the couch . `` let 's get back to romatech now . '' roman picked a dart off the floor and looked curiously at it . `` i think they were drugged . '' `` it must be nightshade , '' gregori said . `` i do n't think they can move . '' a groan sounded from the couch , then a sleepy `` what the hell ? '' `` vanda , '' zoltan whispered . take jack with you . '' she fell to her knees beside jack , wrapped her arms around him , and vanished . `` roman , take phin- '' zoltan stopped . a huge growl sounded behind phineas , and he knew kyle must have shifted . zoltan shouted . roman jumped back just as the werewolf leaped , his vicious jaws snapping . gunshots fired , and the wolf jolted in midair , then landed with a thud on top of phineas . he winced inwardly as the two-hundred-pound weight squirmed in death throes on his torso . zoltan shoved the wolf off him , and it shimmered , returning to human form . `` shit , '' gregori said softly , the gun still in his hand . zoltan felt for a pulse on kyle 's neck . gregori grimaced , then muttered another curse . `` you had no choice , '' roman told him . `` he was attacking us . '' gregori holstered his gun . `` i thought he was going to bite you . i just meant to stop him . i did n't mean to ... he paced away . phineas blinked slowly . nate carson would have a lot to deal with when he woke up . his first night as a vampire . and the news that his brother was dead . zoltan straightened and looked around the cabin . `` brynley 's gone . the werewolves must have taken her . '' phineas managed to make a sound something like a moan . zoltan leaned over him . roman knelt beside him . `` the drug should wear off during your death-sleep . tomorrow night , you 'll be as good as new . '' `` and tomorrow night , we 'll have a small army , '' gregori added . `` angus ordered everybody to return to new york . they 'll arrive tomorrow . '' zoltan picked him up . `` we 'll find her , phineas . the next night , phineas awoke in his basement bedroom at romatech . it was only last night when he 'd kissed brynley in this bed . just last night when he 'd made love to her by the cloud peak glacier . frustration seethed in him that he had spent the rest of the night drugged and entirely helpless , unable to rescue her . he guzzled down two bottles of blood , threw on some clothes , and zoomed upstairs to the mackay security office . `` hey , bro ! '' freemont grinned at him from behind the desk . `` you 're looking a lot better . last night , you looked kinda stiff . '' `` what took you so long to send someone ? we could have fried there on the floor if the sun had risen ! '' `` dude , it was only fifteen minutes . '' `` it felt longer than that , '' phineas mumbled . `` i was paralyzed , you know . i could n't see any clocks . ''
[["arrange", 17], ["arranging", 17], ["jump", 25], ["jumps", 25], ["cliff", 37], ["cliffs", 37], ["kill", 64], ["killing", 64], ["deer", 74], ["wild", 90], ["wildest", 90], ["sex", 94], ["phineas", 107], ["starve", 126], ["starving", 126], ["need", 139], ["needest", 139], ["needed", 139], ["keep", 147], ["keepest", 147], ["strength", 160], ["tray", 187], ["trays", 187], ["bring", 195], ["brought", 195], ["say", 232], ["sayest", 232], ["anything", 241], ["else", 246], ["guard", 258], ["shut", 263], ["door", 272], ["face", 284], ["bounce", 301], ["bounced", 301], ["closet", 317], ["closets", 317], ["wear", 327], ["wearing", 327], ["beautiful", 339], ["beautifulest", 339], ["teal", 344], ["teals", 344], ["green", 350], ["greens", 350], ["dress", 356], ["dressest", 356], ["think", 366], ["thinkest", 366], ["screw", 379], ["screwing", 379], ["screwed", 379], ["heave", 392], ["heaves", 392], ["heaving", 392], ["heaved", 392], ["big", 398], ["bigs", 398], ["sigh", 403], ["sighest", 403], ["laugh", 418], ["twirl", 435], ["twirls", 435], ["twirled", 435], ["circle", 447], ["three", 463], ["day", 468], ["days", 468], ["till", 473], ["wedding", 486], ["escape", 512], ["escapes", 512], ["wonder", 527], ["wonderest", 527], ["wondered", 527], ["tell", 578], ["told", 578], ["love", 592], ["loved", 592], ["chance", 621], ["chanced", 621], ["chancing", 621], ["know", 644], ["knowest", 644], ["wrong", 664], ["go", 679], ["goest", 679], ["going", 679], ["get", 686], ["chew", 693], ["chews", 693], ["chewest", 693], ["chewed", 693], ["sure", 706], ["four", 715], ["form", 721], ["formest", 721], ["forms", 721], ["materialize", 734], ["materialized", 734], ["nearby", 741], ["zoltan", 750], ["roman", 761], ["romans", 761], ["hitch", 770], ["hitched", 770], ["hitches", 770], ["hitching", 770], ["ride", 777], ["rode", 777], ["vanda", 785], ["choice", 829], ["choices", 829], ["limit", 846], ["limited", 846], ["vamp", 861], ["vamped", 861], ["teleport", 880], ["teleporting", 880], ["teleported", 880], ["location", 926], ["cabin", 939], ["embed", 952], ["embedded", 952], ["psychic", 969], ["memory", 976], ["memories", 976], ["employee", 1055], ["employees", 1055], ["still", 1066], ["russia", 1076], ["russias", 1076], ["eastern", 1088], ["europe", 1095], ["arm", 1125], ["sword", 1137], ["swords", 1137], ["automatic", 1165], ["automatics", 1165], ["pistol", 1172], ["whip", 1196], ["sheathe", 1213], ["sheathed", 1213], ["sword", 1223], ["knelt", 1244], ["kneel", 1244], ["kneels", 1244], ["kneeled", 1244], ["beside", 1251], ["blink", 1277], ["blinked", 1277], ["point", 1294], ["pointed", 1294], ["toward", 1311], ["couch", 1321], ["couchest", 1321], ["let", 1330], ["lets", 1330], ["back", 1342], ["pick", 1376], ["picked", 1376], ["dart", 1383], ["darted", 1383], ["floor", 1397], ["look", 1408], ["looked", 1408], ["curiously", 1418], ["drug", 1455], ["drugged", 1455], ["must", 1471], ["musts", 1471], ["nightshade", 1485], ["say", 1503], ["sayest", 1503], ["said", 1503], ["move", 1537], ["groan", 1550], ["groans", 1550], ["groanest", 1550], ["groaning", 1550], ["sound", 1558], ["sounded", 1558], ["sleepy", 1589], ["hell", 1606], ["hells", 1606], ["whisper", 1642], ["whispered", 1642], ["take", 1649], ["jack", 1654], ["jacks", 1654], ["jacked", 1654], ["fall", 1677], ["falls", 1677], ["fell", 1677], ["knee", 1690], ["knees", 1690], ["wrap", 1712], ["wraps", 1712], ["wrapping", 1712], ["wrapped", 1712], ["arm", 1721], ["arms", 1721], ["around", 1728], ["vanish", 1747], ["vanishest", 1747], ["vanished", 1747], ["stop", 1789], ["stopped", 1789], ["huge", 1798], ["growl", 1804], ["growls", 1804], ["behind", 1819], ["know", 1841], ["knowest", 1841], ["knew", 1841], ["kyle", 1846], ["shift", 1864], ["shifted", 1864], ["shout", 1881], ["shouted", 1881], ["jump", 1896], ["jumps", 1896], ["jumped", 1896], ["werewolf", 1922], ["leap", 1929], ["leaps", 1929], ["leaping", 1929], ["leaped", 1929], ["vicious", 1943], ["jaw", 1948], ["jaws", 1948], ["jawed", 1948], ["jawest", 1948], ["gunshot", 1968], ["gunshots", 1968], ["fire", 1974], ["fired", 1974], ["wolf", 1989], ["jolt", 1996], ["jolted", 1996], ["midair", 2006], ["midairs", 2006], ["land", 2020], ["landed", 2020], ["thud", 2032], ["top", 2039], ["wince", 2062], ["winced", 2062], ["inwardly", 2071], ["two", 2082], ["twos", 2082], ["hundred", 2090], ["pound", 2096], ["weight", 2103], ["weighted", 2103], ["weightest", 2103], ["squirm", 2112], ["squirmed", 2112], ["death", 2121], ["throe", 2128], ["throes", 2128], ["torso", 2141], ["torsos", 2141], ["shove", 2157], ["shoved", 2157], ["shimmer", 2193], ["shimmering", 2193], ["shimmered", 2193], ["return", 2205], ["returnest", 2205], ["returning", 2205], ["human", 2214], ["form", 2219], ["formest", 2219], ["shit", 2229], ["softly", 2254], ["gun", 2264], ["hand", 2282], ["feel", 2296], ["felt", 2296], ["pulse", 2308], ["neck", 2324], ["necked", 2324], ["grimace", 2343], ["grimacing", 2343], ["grimaced", 2343], ["mutter", 2359], ["muttering", 2359], ["mutterest", 2359], ["muttered", 2359], ["another", 2367], ["curse", 2373], ["cursed", 2373], ["choice", 2396], ["attack", 2438], ["attacking", 2438], ["think", 2487], ["thinkest", 2487], ["thought", 2487], ["bite", 2508], ["mean", 2527], ["meanest", 2527], ["meant", 2527], ["stop", 2535], ["mean", 2556], ["meanest", 2556], ["pace", 2572], ["paced", 2572], ["away", 2577], ["slowly", 2602], ["nate", 2609], ["nates", 2609], ["carson", 2616], ["lot", 2633], ["deal", 2641], ["wake", 2659], ["wakes", 2659], ["woken", 2659], ["woke", 2659], ["first", 2674], ["firstest", 2674], ["night", 2680], ["vampire", 2693], ["news", 2708], ["newses", 2708], ["brother", 2725], ["brethren", 2725], ["dead", 2734], ["straighten", 2756], ["straightened", 2756], ["go", 2805], ["goest", 2805], ["gone", 2805], ["werewolf", 2822], ["werewolves", 2822], ["take", 2838], ["taken", 2838], ["manage", 2863], ["managed", 2863], ["sound", 2879], ["like", 2894], ["moan", 2901], ["moans", 2901], ["moanest", 2901], ["lean", 2917], ["leans", 2917], ["leaned", 2917], ["drug", 2965], ["wear", 2977], ["sleep", 3005], ["slept", 3005], ["sleeps", 3005], ["sleepest", 3005], ["tomorrow", 3016], ["tomorrows", 3016], ["good", 3043], ["new", 3050], ["small", 3099], ["army", 3104], ["add", 3123], ["added", 3123], ["angus", 3134], ["order", 3142], ["orderest", 3142], ["ordered", 3142], ["return", 3162], ["returnest", 3162], ["york", 3174], ["yorks", 3174], ["arrive", 3192], ["find", 3244], ["next", 3269], ["awake", 3291], ["awoke", 3291], ["basement", 3307], ["bedroom", 3315], ["last", 3346], ["kiss", 3370], ["kisses", 3370], ["kissest", 3370], ["kissed", 3370], ["bed", 3390], ["love", 3429], ["cloud", 3449], ["clouded", 3449], ["peak", 3454], ["glacier", 3462], ["frustration", 3476], ["seethe", 3484], ["seethes", 3484], ["spend", 3509], ["spends", 3509], ["spendest", 3509], ["spent", 3509], ["rest", 3518], ["entirely", 3552], ["helpless", 3561], ["unable", 3570], ["unabled", 3570], ["rescue", 3580], ["guzzle", 3597], ["guzzles", 3597], ["guzzled", 3597], ["bottle", 3614], ["bottled", 3614], ["bottles", 3614], ["blood", 3623], ["bloods", 3623], ["blooded", 3623], ["throw", 3631], ["threw", 3631], ["clad", 3647], ["clothe", 3647], ["clothes", 3647], ["zoom", 3660], ["zoomed", 3660], ["upstairs", 3669], ["security", 3692], ["office", 3699], ["hey", 3708], ["bro", 3714], ["grin", 3736], ["grinned", 3736], ["desk", 3764], ["look", 3785], ["looking", 3785], ["well", 3798], ["wells", 3798], ["kinda", 3830], ["kindas", 3830], ["stiff", 3836], ["take", 3854], ["took", 3854], ["long", 3866], ["longs", 3866], ["send", 3874], ["fry", 3904], ["fried", 3904], ["sun", 3934], ["suns", 3934], ["sunned", 3934], ["rise", 3944], ["risen", 3944], ["dude", 3957], ["fifteen", 3979], ["minute", 3987], ["minutes", 3987], ["long", 4010], ["longs", 4010], ["mumble", 4041], ["mumbles", 4041], ["mumbled", 4041], ["paralyze", 4062], ["paralyzed", 4062], ["see", 4091], ["clock", 4102], ["clocks", 4102]]
freemont nodded , his eyes twinkling . `` you have to admit i did pretty good , huh ? '' so there had been several hours of darkness left , hours that he should have spent rescuing brynley , but he 'd been unable to move . he turned away , and one of the monitors caught his attention . nate carson was sitting up in bed , drinking a bottle of blood . his sire , zoltan , was standing nearby , talking to him . nate 's bare chest looked completely healed . `` we have a new vamp , '' phineas murmured . freemont walked over to stand next to phineas . `` i heard your wolfie-girl is missing . his heart squeezed painfully . `` i think it was mine . '' jack walked in , a bottle of blood in his hand . `` i should have managed to escape . i felt so damned helpless , lying there on the floor , unable to move and worried that you and brynley might return at any minute . '' `` well , we have good news from the school . '' freemont gave them an encouraging grin . `` caitlyn had her twins this morning . no fur , but healthy lungs . '' `` that is good news , '' phineas agreed . `` i should go pick up lara . '' freemont pointed at a monitor . `` angus and the guys just teleported in . '' they stepped into the hall as angus and ten of his employees entered the side entrance . angus lifted a hand in greeting . `` phineas , jack , how are you ? i heard ye were drugged last night . '' `` we 're fine , sir , '' jack said . `` did you hear the good news ? caitlyn had the twins , both healthy . '' emma clasped her hands together , grinning . `` that 's fabulous ! oh , i 'd love to see the babies . '' she kissed his cheek , then teleported away . angus motioned toward the conference room . i want to hear everything that 's happened . '' everyone filed into the room and took a seat around the conference table . phineas was too anxious to sit , so he paced toward angus at the head of the table . `` we need to rescue brynley . she 's been taken to her father 's house , and they 'll force her to marry- '' `` lad . '' angus stood and rested a hand on his shoulder . `` the sun is still up in wyoming . we have two hours before we can teleport there . '' he was n't thinking properly . `` doona fash , '' ian told him . phil demanded . `` a nasty werewolf named rhett bleddyn , '' jack said . howard barr stiffened . a low growl vibrated in his chest . rajiv , who was sitting next to him , gave him a worried look . `` you all right , pooh bear ? we could go to cafeteria and get you donuts . '' `` i 'm not hungry , '' howard gritted out . howard not hungry ? phineas turned to look at him and noticed everyone else was staring , too . `` do you know rhett bleddyn ? '' howard shimmered for a second , then resumed his usual large human form . rajiv moved back . phineas could never recall a time when howard had struggled to control the kodiak bear within him . `` if we go to battle with him , '' howard growled , `` then i will be the one to kill him . '' chapter twenty-one `` would ye care to elaborate , howard ? '' as far as phineas knew , howard had grown up in alaska , and since bleddyn was also from alaska , there was obviously something that connected the two shifters . phineas took a seat at the table . `` bleddyn is allied with corky . she 's the one who drugged jack and me . '' angus motioned to jack . `` i was at the cabin when an suv pulled up , '' jack began . i could only see the front seat . bleddyn and kyle got out and asked to see brynley . i said she was n't there and they should leave . that 's when i heard shots . i whirled around and spotted corky and dimitri just as the darts hit . they must have been in the back of the suv , and they teleported behind me to attack . '' `` they shot you with nightshade ? '' i fell down , and they dragged me into the cabin . '' `` i could n't warn phineas to stay away . '' `` at least we now have proof that corky is there , '' j. l. wang said . `` she claims to have a lot more nightshade , '' phineas said . `` we 'll have to careful capturing her . ''
[["nod", 15], ["nodded", 15], ["eye", 26], ["eyed", 26], ["eyes", 26], ["twinkle", 36], ["admit", 59], ["pretty", 72], ["prettiest", 72], ["good", 77], ["huh", 83], ["several", 114], ["hour", 120], ["hours", 120], ["darkness", 132], ["left", 137], ["leave", 137], ["spend", 171], ["spends", 171], ["spendest", 171], ["spent", 171], ["rescue", 180], ["rescuing", 180], ["unable", 212], ["unabled", 212], ["move", 220], ["turn", 232], ["turned", 232], ["away", 237], ["monitor", 263], ["monitored", 263], ["monitors", 263], ["catch", 270], ["catched", 270], ["catches", 270], ["caught", 270], ["attention", 284], ["nate", 291], ["nates", 291], ["carson", 298], ["sat", 310], ["sit", 310], ["sitting", 310], ["bed", 320], ["drank", 331], ["drink", 331], ["drinking", 331], ["bottle", 340], ["bottled", 340], ["blood", 349], ["bloods", 349], ["blooded", 349], ["zoltan", 369], ["stand", 384], ["stood", 384], ["standest", 384], ["standing", 384], ["nearby", 391], ["talk", 401], ["talking", 401], ["bare", 423], ["chest", 429], ["look", 436], ["looked", 436], ["completely", 447], ["heal", 454], ["healest", 454], ["healed", 454], ["new", 473], ["vamp", 478], ["vamped", 478], ["phineas", 491], ["murmur", 500], ["murmurest", 500], ["murmured", 500], ["walk", 518], ["walked", 518], ["stand", 532], ["stood", 532], ["standest", 532], ["next", 537], ["hear", 561], ["hears", 561], ["heard", 561], ["girl", 578], ["heart", 601], ["squeeze", 610], ["squeezes", 610], ["squeezed", 610], ["painfully", 620], ["think", 633], ["thinkest", 633], ["jack", 655], ["jacks", 655], ["jacked", 655], ["hand", 697], ["manage", 724], ["managed", 724], ["escape", 734], ["escapes", 734], ["feel", 743], ["felt", 743], ["helpless", 762], ["lie", 770], ["lay", 770], ["lain", 770], ["lying", 770], ["floor", 789], ["worry", 818], ["worried", 818], ["may", 845], ["mays", 845], ["mayest", 845], ["might", 845], ["return", 852], ["returnest", 852], ["minute", 866], ["well", 879], ["wells", 879], ["news", 899], ["newses", 899], ["school", 915], ["schooling", 915], ["give", 934], ["gave", 934], ["encourage", 954], ["encouraging", 954], ["grin", 959], ["caitlyn", 972], ["twin", 986], ["twins", 986], ["morning", 999], ["fur", 1008], ["healthy", 1022], ["lung", 1028], ["lungs", 1028], ["agree", 1074], ["agreed", 1074], ["go", 1091], ["goest", 1091], ["pick", 1096], ["lara", 1104], ["point", 1126], ["pointed", 1126], ["monitor", 1139], ["monitored", 1139], ["angus", 1150], ["guy", 1163], ["guys", 1163], ["teleport", 1179], ["teleporting", 1179], ["teleported", 1179], ["step", 1200], ["stepped", 1200], ["hall", 1214], ["ten", 1231], ["employee", 1248], ["employees", 1248], ["enter", 1256], ["entered", 1256], ["side", 1265], ["sidest", 1265], ["entrance", 1274], ["entrancing", 1274], ["lift", 1289], ["lifted", 1289], ["greeting", 1308], ["ye", 1355], ["yed", 1355], ["drug", 1368], ["drugged", 1368], ["last", 1373], ["night", 1379], ["fine", 1399], ["sir", 1405], ["sirs", 1405], ["say", 1420], ["sayest", 1420], ["said", 1420], ["hear", 1438], ["hears", 1438], ["emma", 1501], ["emmas", 1501], ["clasp", 1509], ["clasped", 1509], ["hand", 1519], ["hands", 1519], ["together", 1528], ["grin", 1539], ["fabulous", 1561], ["oh", 1566], ["love", 1578], ["see", 1585], ["baby", 1596], ["babies", 1596], ["kiss", 1612], ["kisses", 1612], ["kissest", 1612], ["kissed", 1612], ["cheek", 1622], ["cheeks", 1622], ["motion", 1662], ["toward", 1669], ["conference", 1684], ["conferencing", 1684], ["room", 1689], ["roomed", 1689], ["everything", 1717], ["happen", 1734], ["happened", 1734], ["everyone", 1748], ["file", 1754], ["filed", 1754], ["take", 1777], ["took", 1777], ["seat", 1784], ["around", 1791], ["table", 1812], ["tabled", 1812], ["tabling", 1812], ["anxious", 1838], ["anxiousest", 1838], ["sat", 1845], ["sit", 1845], ["pace", 1859], ["paced", 1859], ["head", 1884], ["need", 1910], ["needest", 1910], ["rescue", 1920], ["take", 1948], ["taken", 1948], ["father", 1962], ["fathered", 1962], ["fathering", 1962], ["house", 1971], ["force", 1992], ["lad", 2016], ["stand", 2033], ["stood", 2033], ["standest", 2033], ["rest", 2044], ["rested", 2044], ["shoulder", 2067], ["shouldered", 2067], ["sun", 2080], ["suns", 2080], ["sunned", 2080], ["still", 2089], ["two", 2117], ["twos", 2117], ["teleport", 2146], ["teleporting", 2146], ["think", 2177], ["thinkest", 2177], ["thinking", 2177], ["properly", 2186], ["doona", 2197], ["doonas", 2197], ["fash", 2202], ["ian", 2211], ["tell", 2216], ["told", 2216], ["phil", 2227], ["demand", 2236], ["demandest", 2236], ["demanded", 2236], ["nasty", 2249], ["werewolf", 2258], ["name", 2264], ["named", 2264], ["howard", 2302], ["barr", 2307], ["stiffen", 2317], ["stiffens", 2317], ["stiffened", 2317], ["low", 2325], ["lowed", 2325], ["growl", 2331], ["growls", 2331], ["vibrate", 2340], ["vibrated", 2340], ["rajiv", 2361], ["look", 2417], ["right", 2436], ["rightest", 2436], ["pooh", 2443], ["bear", 2448], ["bore", 2448], ["bearest", 2448], ["cafeteria", 2475], ["get", 2483], ["donut", 2494], ["donuts", 2494], ["hungry", 2518], ["grit", 2538], ["gritted", 2538], ["notice", 2606], ["noticed", 2606], ["else", 2620], ["stare", 2632], ["stared", 2632], ["staring", 2632], ["know", 2655], ["knowest", 2655], ["shimmer", 2691], ["shimmering", 2691], ["shimmered", 2691], ["second", 2704], ["seconded", 2704], ["resume", 2719], ["resumed", 2719], ["usual", 2729], ["large", 2735], ["human", 2741], ["form", 2746], ["formest", 2746], ["move", 2760], ["moved", 2760], ["back", 2765], ["never", 2787], ["recall", 2794], ["recallest", 2794], ["time", 2801], ["struggle", 2827], ["struggled", 2827], ["control", 2838], ["kodiak", 2849], ["within", 2861], ["battle", 2889], ["growl", 2918], ["growls", 2918], ["growled", 2918], ["kill", 2954], ["chapter", 2971], ["twenty", 2978], ["care", 2999], ["elaborate", 3012], ["far", 3033], ["know", 3049], ["knowest", 3049], ["knew", 3049], ["grow", 3068], ["growest", 3068], ["grown", 3068], ["alaska", 3081], ["since", 3093], ["also", 3110], ["obviously", 3144], ["connect", 3169], ["connectest", 3169], ["connected", 3169], ["shift", 3186], ["shifters", 3186], ["ally", 3244], ["allied", 3244], ["allying", 3244], ["corky", 3255], ["cabin", 3348], ["suv", 3360], ["pull", 3367], ["pulled", 3367], ["begin", 3386], ["began", 3386], ["front", 3415], ["kyle", 3439], ["get", 3443], ["got", 3443], ["ask", 3457], ["asked", 3457], ["left", 3521], ["leave", 3521], ["shot", 3550], ["shots", 3550], ["whirl", 3562], ["whirls", 3562], ["whirled", 3562], ["spot", 3581], ["spotted", 3581], ["dimitri", 3599], ["dart", 3617], ["darted", 3617], ["darts", 3617], ["hit", 3621], ["must", 3633], ["musts", 3633], ["behind", 3695], ["attack", 3708], ["shoot", 3726], ["shooted", 3726], ["shot", 3726], ["nightshade", 3746], ["fall", 3758], ["falls", 3758], ["fell", 3758], ["drag", 3782], ["dragged", 3782], ["warn", 3825], ["stay", 3841], ["least", 3863], ["leastest", 3863], ["proof", 3881], ["proofs", 3881], ["proofed", 3881], ["proofest", 3881], ["wang", 3917], ["claim", 3938], ["claims", 3938], ["lot", 3952], ["careful", 4014], ["capture", 4024], ["capturing", 4024]]
`` and you believe she 's hiding at bleddyn 's ranch ? '' `` yes , '' phineas replied . `` she and dimitri . after she shot me , they teleported brynley and bleddyn to her father 's ranch . bleddyn left kyle behind- '' `` who exactly is kyle ? '' `` my brother , '' a voice said from the doorway . nate carson stood there with john , zoltan , and gregori . zoltan stepped into the room . `` allow me to introduce the newest members of our community , nate carson and his mortal guard , john brighton . '' phineas rose to his feet . `` dude , you 're standing . '' nate smiled sadly as he walked into the room . `` i have my legs back . but i 've lost my brother . '' phineas glanced at gregori , who remained in the doorway , a pained expression on his face . angus shook hands with nate and john . then everyone walked over to the new guys and introduced themselves . phil shook nate 's hand . `` thank you for always being there for brynley . `` then you 're a werewolf , too ? '' `` my father banished me from the pack years ago . best thing that ever happened to me , actually . these are good people here . '' `` great to see you walking , dude . '' phineas slapped nate on the shoulder . `` how do you like being undead ? '' nate 's mouth quirked . a few days ago , i did n't even know vampires existed , and now i am one . '' he glanced around the crowded room . `` everyone seems very supportive . if i had been able to talk- '' `` it probably would n't have changed anything , '' nate interrupted him . `` i 've known for months that kyle was hanging around a bad crowd . i tried to warn him , but he would n't listen . he-he helped bleddyn attack me . i do n't know what hurts the most . that he 's gone , or that he turned on me . '' phineas patted his shoulder . `` he was messed up , dude . i think he was on steroids . '' `` he was certainly too aggressive . zoltan told me he was trying to bite you all . you had no choice but to shoot him . '' gregori approached them . `` i pulled the trigger . in war , we have to make tough decisions . '' `` and live with them , '' gregori muttered . `` let 's get back to business , '' angus announced , and everyone took a seat . angus looked at nate . `` my condolences on your brother . zoltan just explained the situation to me . '' `` as soon as the sun sets in wyoming , '' angus continued , `` we can teleport you and john back home with a supply of synthetic blood . we 'll do whatever we can to help you with your transition . '' `` thank you , '' nate said . `` i think i 'd like to try one of those bleers . '' except howard . he was frowning with a fierce gleam in his eyes . `` any ideas what this rhett bleddyn and corky are up to ? '' `` power , '' howard said quietly . `` bleddyn wants all werewolves in north america to swear allegiance to him . '' `` corky could be planning to use vampire mind control on mortals , '' ian suggested . `` so together , they could control both mortals and werewolves ? '' `` that would make us their enemy , '' phil said . `` vamps and shifters they ca n't control . '' howard fisted his hands . `` he 's a cruel bastard who kills other shifters and any mortal who gets in his way . even children . '' phineas sucked in a breath . `` i guess we 'll have to kill him . '' howard gave him an intense look . we 'll go after bleddyn and corky- '' `` and we rescue brynley , '' phineas added . phil raised his hand . a surge of anger shot through phineas , and he pivoted in his chair to face phil . `` now you 're worried about her ? what about all those years when she left you letters , begging you to come home ? '' phil gritted his teeth . `` i was banished . '' `` do you have any idea what she went through ? '' `` abuse . humiliation . '' he stopped himself from saying rape . `` she suffered , and you were n't there to protect her . '' phil 's form shimmered for a second as the inner wolf crashed against his restraints . `` you think i do n't care ? i left letters , too , begging her to leave with me . she never responded . '' `` enough , ye two . '' angus regarded them sternly .
[["believe", 18], ["hide", 32], ["hides", 32], ["ranch", 52], ["yes", 64], ["phineas", 77], ["reply", 85], ["replied", 85], ["dimitri", 106], ["shoot", 123], ["shooted", 123], ["shot", 123], ["teleport", 144], ["teleporting", 144], ["teleported", 144], ["father", 178], ["fathered", 178], ["fathering", 178], ["left", 202], ["leave", 202], ["kyle", 207], ["exactly", 233], ["brother", 260], ["brethren", 260], ["voice", 273], ["say", 278], ["sayest", 278], ["said", 278], ["doorway", 295], ["nate", 302], ["nates", 302], ["carson", 309], ["stand", 315], ["stood", 315], ["standest", 315], ["john", 331], ["zoltan", 340], ["step", 371], ["stepped", 371], ["room", 385], ["roomed", 385], ["allow", 396], ["introduce", 412], ["new", 423], ["newest", 423], ["member", 431], ["members", 431], ["community", 448], ["mortal", 477], ["guard", 483], ["brighton", 499], ["rise", 517], ["risen", 517], ["rose", 517], ["foot", 529], ["feet", 529], ["dude", 539], ["stand", 558], ["stood", 558], ["standest", 558], ["standing", 558], ["smile", 575], ["smiled", 575], ["sadly", 581], ["walk", 594], ["walked", 594], ["leg", 628], ["legs", 628], ["back", 633], ["lose", 650], ["lost", 650], ["glance", 682], ["glanced", 682], ["remain", 708], ["remained", 708], ["expression", 745], ["face", 757], ["angus", 765], ["shake", 771], ["shook", 771], ["hand", 777], ["hands", 777], ["everyone", 812], ["new", 835], ["guy", 840], ["guys", 840], ["introduce", 855], ["introduced", 855], ["phil", 873], ["hand", 892], ["thank", 903], ["thanks", 903], ["thankest", 903], ["always", 918], ["werewolf", 971], ["banish", 1004], ["banishest", 1004], ["banished", 1004], ["pack", 1021], ["year", 1027], ["years", 1027], ["ago", 1031], ["good", 1038], ["best", 1038], ["thing", 1044], ["ever", 1054], ["everest", 1054], ["happen", 1063], ["happened", 1063], ["good", 1097], ["people", 1104], ["great", 1123], ["see", 1130], ["walk", 1142], ["walking", 1142], ["slap", 1170], ["slaps", 1170], ["slapped", 1170], ["shoulder", 1191], ["shouldered", 1191], ["like", 1212], ["undead", 1225], ["mouth", 1244], ["mouthed", 1244], ["quirk", 1252], ["quirks", 1252], ["quirked", 1252], ["day", 1265], ["days", 1265], ["even", 1286], ["evens", 1286], ["know", 1291], ["knowest", 1291], ["vampire", 1300], ["vampires", 1300], ["exist", 1308], ["existest", 1308], ["existed", 1308], ["around", 1350], ["seem", 1387], ["seeming", 1387], ["seems", 1387], ["supportive", 1403], ["able", 1424], ["abled", 1424], ["probably", 1451], ["change", 1474], ["changed", 1474], ["anything", 1483], ["interrupt", 1505], ["interruptest", 1505], ["interrupted", 1505], ["know", 1526], ["knowest", 1526], ["known", 1526], ["month", 1537], ["months", 1537], ["hang", 1559], ["hung", 1559], ["hangs", 1559], ["hanging", 1559], ["bad", 1572], ["crowd", 1578], ["crowding", 1578], ["crowdest", 1578], ["try", 1588], ["tryed", 1588], ["tried", 1588], ["warn", 1596], ["listen", 1626], ["listens", 1626], ["help", 1641], ["helpest", 1641], ["helped", 1641], ["attack", 1656], ["hurt", 1686], ["hurts", 1686], ["hurting", 1686], ["go", 1713], ["goest", 1713], ["gone", 1713], ["turn", 1733], ["turned", 1733], ["pat", 1759], ["patted", 1759], ["mess", 1791], ["messed", 1791], ["messing", 1791], ["think", 1811], ["thinkest", 1811], ["steroid", 1830], ["steroids", 1830], ["certainly", 1855], ["aggressive", 1870], ["tell", 1884], ["told", 1884], ["try", 1901], ["tryed", 1901], ["trying", 1901], ["bite", 1909], ["choice", 1937], ["shoot", 1950], ["shooted", 1950], ["approach", 1978], ["approaches", 1978], ["approached", 1978], ["pull", 1997], ["pulled", 1997], ["trigger", 2009], ["war", 2018], ["tough", 2042], ["decision", 2052], ["decisions", 2052], ["live", 2069], ["mutter", 2101], ["muttering", 2101], ["mutterest", 2101], ["muttered", 2101], ["let", 2110], ["lets", 2110], ["get", 2117], ["business", 2134], ["announce", 2155], ["announced", 2155], ["take", 2175], ["took", 2175], ["seat", 2182], ["look", 2197], ["looked", 2197], ["condolence", 2225], ["condolences", 2225], ["explain", 2265], ["explained", 2265], ["situation", 2279], ["soon", 2301], ["sun", 2312], ["suns", 2312], ["sunned", 2312], ["set", 2317], ["sets", 2317], ["continue", 2349], ["continued", 2349], ["teleport", 2370], ["teleporting", 2370], ["home", 2393], ["homing", 2393], ["supply", 2407], ["synthetic", 2420], ["blood", 2426], ["bloods", 2426], ["blooded", 2426], ["whatever", 2447], ["help", 2462], ["helpest", 2462], ["transition", 2487], ["transitioning", 2487], ["try", 2550], ["tryed", 2550], ["except", 2582], ["howard", 2589], ["frown", 2607], ["frowns", 2607], ["fierce", 2621], ["gleam", 2627], ["gleams", 2627], ["gleamed", 2627], ["gleamest", 2627], ["eye", 2639], ["eyed", 2639], ["eyes", 2639], ["idea", 2654], ["ideas", 2654], ["corky", 2688], ["power", 2712], ["quietly", 2737], ["werewolf", 2771], ["werewolves", 2771], ["north", 2780], ["america", 2788], ["americas", 2788], ["swear", 2797], ["sweared", 2797], ["allegiance", 2808], ["plan", 2847], ["use", 2854], ["vampire", 2862], ["mind", 2867], ["minding", 2867], ["control", 2875], ["mortal", 2886], ["mortals", 2886], ["ian", 2895], ["suggest", 2905], ["suggested", 2905], ["together", 2922], ["enemy", 3010], ["vamp", 3036], ["vamped", 3036], ["shift", 3049], ["shifters", 3049], ["ca", 3057], ["cas", 3057], ["fisted", 3088], ["fisting", 3088], ["cruel", 3117], ["bastard", 3125], ["kill", 3135], ["kills", 3135], ["get", 3174], ["gets", 3174], ["way", 3185], ["ways", 3185], ["child", 3201], ["childs", 3201], ["children", 3201], ["suck", 3221], ["sucking", 3221], ["sucked", 3221], ["breath", 3233], ["breathest", 3233], ["guess", 3246], ["kill", 3266], ["give", 3287], ["gave", 3287], ["intense", 3302], ["look", 3307], ["go", 3319], ["goest", 3319], ["rescue", 3364], ["add", 3391], ["added", 3391], ["raise", 3405], ["raised", 3405], ["surge", 3424], ["anger", 3433], ["pivot", 3471], ["pivoted", 3471], ["chair", 3484], ["chairing", 3484], ["letter", 3587], ["lettering", 3587], ["letters", 3587], ["beg", 3597], ["begging", 3597], ["come", 3609], ["grit", 3632], ["gritted", 3632], ["tooth", 3642], ["teeth", 3642], ["idea", 3691], ["go", 3705], ["goest", 3705], ["went", 3705], ["abuse", 3727], ["humiliation", 3741], ["stop", 3757], ["stopped", 3757], ["say", 3777], ["sayest", 3777], ["saying", 3777], ["rape", 3782], ["suffer", 3800], ["suffering", 3800], ["suffered", 3800], ["protect", 3836], ["protectest", 3836], ["form", 3858], ["formest", 3858], ["shimmer", 3868], ["shimmering", 3868], ["shimmered", 3868], ["second", 3881], ["seconded", 3881], ["inner", 3894], ["wolf", 3899], ["crash", 3907], ["crashed", 3907], ["restraint", 3930], ["restraints", 3930], ["care", 3959], ["left", 4005], ["leave", 4005], ["never", 4025], ["respond", 4035], ["respondest", 4035], ["responded", 4035], ["enough", 4050], ["ye", 4055], ["yed", 4055], ["two", 4059], ["twos", 4059], ["regard", 4079], ["regarded", 4079], ["sternly", 4092]]
for now , ye need to calm down and keep yer wits about you . '' `` i want to be in charge of her rescue team . '' angus studied him , then shook his head . `` ye 're too emotionally involved . zoltan will be in charge . you and phil will be on his team . '' phineas cursed silently . `` i want a second team at phil 's cabin , '' angus continued . `` jack , ye 'll head that team , since ye know how to teleport there . any werewolves or malcontents who show up- '' `` wo n't live long , '' jack finished the sentence . `` i 'll pick up lara on the way , and i 'll take j.l . and austin . '' `` verra well , '' angus agreed . `` then we need a third team , the biggest team , to assault bleddyn 's ranch house and hopefully eliminate him and dimitri and take corky prisoner . robby and i will be in charge so we can attack from two fronts . freemont will remain here to coordinate the three teams . '' angus scanned the room . `` on robby 's team , i want ian , stan , rajiv- '' `` and me , '' howard grumbled . `` i 'll go , too , '' nate offered . `` 't is no ' yer battle , lad , '' angus said . `` i think it is , '' nate replied . `` bleddyn and his pack turned my brother against me . '' `` if i may suggest ? '' john lifted a hand . `` bleddyn 's land borders on the carson ranch . you could use nate 's home as a base to launch your attack . '' he gave nate a sheepish look . `` if you do n't mind , sir . '' `` as soon as the sun sets in wyoming , we move out . '' brynley answered a knock at the bedroom door . the guard passed her a crystal vase containing a dozen long-stemmed yellow roses . the minute she took the vase , he shut the door . not that she minded being closed up in the bedroom with her sister . it was much preferable to spending time with rhett bleddyn or her father . thankfully , neither one of them had contacted her during the day . since the hunt went on all night for three nights , the werewolves tended to sleep most of the day . only now , almost suppertime , was the house stirring . a big buffet was usually served at seven to energize all the guests for that night 's hunt . she glanced at the window where the sun was lowering in the sky . what had happened to phineas and jack ? were they still in the cabin ? would they wake at sunset no longer paralyzed ? if they did , they could probably overpower kyle . if he had n't already used his stake ... `` oh my ! '' glynis rushed forward , her eyes sparkling with excitement . `` what beautiful roses ! are they from rhett ? '' `` who knows , '' brynley mumbled . glynis plucked the card from the clear plastic trident and read out loud. `` 'all my devotion , all my life . ' and it 's signed , 'your loving rhett . ' and they 're your favorite color , too . `` did you tell him yellow was my favorite ? '' but it 's still romantic . the nearest florist is miles away . '' `` and he had one of his minions drive to it . '' brynley strode into the bathroom and set the vase into the white porcelain trash can . glynis pulled the vase out . `` it would be insulting not to accept this . '' glynis huffed , then returned the vase to the bedroom and set it on the bombe chest . she smoothed down the long skirt of her rose-colored silk gown and wrinkled her nose at brynley 's jeans and t-shirt . `` you know , you really should dress for dinner . '' brynley rolled her eyes . `` i never did understand that . why does everyone dress so fancy for dinner when they 're just going to strip it all off when it 's time for the hunt ? '' `` it 's tradition , '' glynis insisted . `` it 's been done this way for centuries . besides , i like dressing up . you can borrow one of my dresses . '' glynis set her hands on her hips . `` dad will expect you to be there . '' `` you can tell him i 'm ill. '' glynis 's face turned pale . `` you want me to lie for you ? '' brynley saw the fear in her sister 's eyes . damn but her father had picked her guard well . he knew she 'd never do anything that would endanger her sister . i-i 'll eat dinner . i wo n't get you in trouble . ''
[["ye", 12], ["yed", 12], ["need", 17], ["needest", 17], ["calm", 25], ["calms", 25], ["keep", 39], ["keepest", 39], ["yer", 43], ["wit", 48], ["wits", 48], ["charge", 89], ["rescue", 103], ["team", 108], ["teamed", 108], ["teaming", 108], ["angus", 119], ["study", 127], ["studied", 127], ["shake", 144], ["shook", 144], ["head", 153], ["emotionally", 181], ["zoltan", 199], ["phil", 232], ["phineas", 265], ["curse", 272], ["cursed", 272], ["silently", 281], ["second", 302], ["seconded", 302], ["cabin", 324], ["continue", 345], ["continued", 345], ["jack", 355], ["jacks", 355], ["jacked", 355], ["since", 387], ["know", 395], ["knowest", 395], ["teleport", 411], ["teleporting", 411], ["werewolf", 434], ["werewolves", 434], ["malcontent", 449], ["show", 458], ["wo", 471], ["live", 480], ["long", 485], ["longs", 485], ["finish", 504], ["finished", 504], ["sentence", 517], ["pick", 533], ["lara", 541], ["way", 552], ["ways", 552], ["take", 569], ["austin", 586], ["well", 605], ["wells", 605], ["agree", 623], ["agreed", 623], ["third", 649], ["big", 668], ["bigs", 668], ["biggest", 668], ["assault", 686], ["ranch", 703], ["house", 709], ["hopefully", 723], ["eliminate", 733], ["dimitri", 749], ["corky", 764], ["prisoner", 773], ["robby", 781], ["attack", 822], ["two", 831], ["twos", 831], ["front", 838], ["fronts", 838], ["remain", 861], ["coordinate", 880], ["coordinatest", 880], ["three", 890], ["team", 896], ["teamed", 896], ["teaming", 896], ["teams", 896], ["scan", 915], ["scans", 915], ["scanning", 915], ["scanned", 915], ["room", 924], ["roomed", 924], ["ian", 959], ["stan", 966], ["stans", 966], ["howard", 1000], ["grumble", 1009], ["grumbles", 1009], ["grumbled", 1009], ["go", 1023], ["goest", 1023], ["nate", 1039], ["nates", 1039], ["offer", 1047], ["offered", 1047], ["battle", 1074], ["lad", 1080], ["say", 1096], ["sayest", 1096], ["said", 1096], ["think", 1109], ["thinkest", 1109], ["reply", 1133], ["replied", 1133], ["pack", 1159], ["turn", 1166], ["turned", 1166], ["brother", 1177], ["brethren", 1177], ["may", 1205], ["mays", 1205], ["mayest", 1205], ["suggest", 1213], ["john", 1223], ["lift", 1230], ["lifted", 1230], ["hand", 1237], ["land", 1258], ["border", 1266], ["bordering", 1266], ["borders", 1266], ["carson", 1280], ["use", 1302], ["home", 1315], ["homing", 1315], ["base", 1325], ["basest", 1325], ["launch", 1335], ["give", 1360], ["gave", 1360], ["sheepish", 1376], ["look", 1381], ["mind", 1405], ["minding", 1405], ["sir", 1411], ["sirs", 1411], ["soon", 1427], ["sun", 1438], ["suns", 1438], ["sunned", 1438], ["set", 1443], ["sets", 1443], ["move", 1464], ["answer", 1490], ["answeres", 1490], ["answerest", 1490], ["answered", 1490], ["knock", 1498], ["knocks", 1498], ["knockest", 1498], ["bedroom", 1513], ["door", 1518], ["guard", 1530], ["pass", 1537], ["passed", 1537], ["crystal", 1551], ["vase", 1556], ["vases", 1556], ["contain", 1567], ["containest", 1567], ["containing", 1567], ["dozen", 1575], ["stem", 1588], ["stemmed", 1588], ["yellow", 1595], ["rose", 1601], ["roses", 1601], ["minute", 1614], ["take", 1623], ["took", 1623], ["shut", 1642], ["mind", 1673], ["minding", 1673], ["close", 1686], ["closed", 1686], ["sister", 1720], ["much", 1734], ["preferable", 1745], ["spend", 1757], ["spends", 1757], ["spendest", 1757], ["time", 1762], ["father", 1795], ["fathered", 1795], ["fathering", 1795], ["thankfully", 1808], ["neither", 1818], ["contact", 1844], ["contacted", 1844], ["day", 1863], ["hunt", 1880], ["hunting", 1880], ["huntest", 1880], ["go", 1885], ["goest", 1885], ["went", 1885], ["night", 1898], ["night", 1915], ["nights", 1915], ["tend", 1939], ["tended", 1939], ["sleep", 1948], ["slept", 1948], ["sleeps", 1948], ["sleepest", 1948], ["almost", 1984], ["suppertime", 1995], ["stirring", 2020], ["big", 2028], ["bigs", 2028], ["buffet", 2035], ["buffeting", 2035], ["usually", 2047], ["serve", 2054], ["served", 2054], ["seven", 2063], ["energize", 2075], ["energizes", 2075], ["guest", 2090], ["guestest", 2090], ["guests", 2090], ["glance", 2127], ["glanced", 2127], ["window", 2141], ["windows", 2141], ["lower", 2168], ["lowers", 2168], ["lowerest", 2168], ["lowering", 2168], ["sky", 2179], ["happen", 2199], ["happened", 2199], ["still", 2237], ["wake", 2268], ["wakes", 2268], ["woken", 2268], ["sunset", 2278], ["sunsets", 2278], ["long", 2288], ["longs", 2288], ["probably", 2334], ["overpower", 2344], ["kyle", 2349], ["already", 2373], ["use", 2378], ["used", 2378], ["stake", 2388], ["oh", 2398], ["rush", 2420], ["rushed", 2420], ["forward", 2428], ["forwarding", 2428], ["forwardest", 2428], ["eye", 2439], ["eyed", 2439], ["eyes", 2439], ["sparkle", 2449], ["sparkling", 2449], ["excitement", 2465], ["beautiful", 2485], ["beautifulest", 2485], ["know", 2531], ["knowest", 2531], ["knows", 2531], ["mumble", 2552], ["mumbles", 2552], ["mumbled", 2552], ["pluck", 2569], ["plucked", 2569], ["card", 2578], ["clear", 2593], ["clearest", 2593], ["plastic", 2601], ["trident", 2609], ["read", 2618], ["reads", 2618], ["loud", 2627], ["devotion", 2648], ["life", 2662], ["lifes", 2662], ["sign", 2683], ["signed", 2683], ["favorite", 2735], ["favoritest", 2735], ["color", 2741], ["tell", 2765], ["romantic", 2822], ["near", 2836], ["nearest", 2836], ["florist", 2844], ["mile", 2853], ["miles", 2853], ["away", 2858], ["minion", 2896], ["minions", 2896], ["drive", 2902], ["stride", 2928], ["stridden", 2928], ["bathroom", 2946], ["set", 2954], ["white", 2978], ["porcelain", 2988], ["trash", 2994], ["trashes", 2994], ["pull", 3014], ["pulled", 3014], ["insult", 3054], ["insultest", 3054], ["insulting", 3054], ["accept", 3068], ["return", 3108], ["returnest", 3108], ["returned", 3108], ["bombe", 3156], ["chest", 3162], ["smooth", 3177], ["smoothed", 3177], ["skirt", 3197], ["rise", 3209], ["risen", 3209], ["rose", 3209], ["colored", 3217], ["silk", 3222], ["gown", 3227], ["gowns", 3227], ["gowning", 3227], ["wrinkle", 3240], ["wrinkled", 3240], ["nose", 3249], ["nosed", 3249], ["nosing", 3249], ["shirt", 3281], ["really", 3308], ["dress", 3321], ["dressest", 3321], ["dinner", 3332], ["roll", 3352], ["rolled", 3352], ["never", 3374], ["understand", 3389], ["understanded", 3389], ["everyone", 3414], ["fancy", 3429], ["fanciest", 3429], ["go", 3465], ["goest", 3465], ["going", 3465], ["strip", 3474], ["tradition", 3538], ["insist", 3559], ["insistest", 3559], ["insisted", 3559], ["century", 3603], ["centuries", 3603], ["besides", 3613], ["like", 3622], ["dress", 3631], ["dressest", 3631], ["dressing", 3631], ["borrow", 3651], ["borrowest", 3651], ["dress", 3669], ["dressest", 3669], ["dresses", 3669], ["hand", 3695], ["hands", 3695], ["hip", 3707], ["hips", 3707], ["dad", 3716], ["expect", 3728], ["ill", 3778], ["ills", 3778], ["illest", 3778], ["face", 3797], ["pale", 3809], ["lie", 3833], ["lay", 3833], ["lain", 3833], ["see", 3858], ["saw", 3858], ["fear", 3867], ["fearest", 3867], ["damn", 3896], ["damned", 3896], ["pick", 3922], ["picked", 3922], ["know", 3947], ["knowest", 3947], ["knew", 3947], ["anything", 3972], ["endanger", 3992], ["eat", 4017], ["get", 4039], ["trouble", 4054], ["troubling", 4054]]
glynis smiled with relief . maybe , if you 're lucky , rhett will ask you to hunt with him tonight . '' 'cause nothing says romance like slaughtering a defenseless animal together . '' glynis tilted her head with a confused look . `` do n't you want to hunt ? '' and risk being the prey ? what she loved most about hunting was not the kill , but the rush of the wind as she ran through the woods , the power and freedom she felt as a wolf . but here , she could never feel powerful or free . here she was helpless and trapped . her inner wolf growled with frustration . `` i 'll stick close to the house . '' with a smile , glynis hugged her . `` i 'll keep you company then . would you like to try on one of my dresses now ? '' thirty minutes later , brynley was dressed in a midnight-blue gown , and her sister had pulled her thick hair back into a loose french braid . the guards escorted them down the staircase . a few dozen guests were lingering in the great hall , sipping wine and chatting . they looked so posh and elegant . no one would ever suspect that in a few hours , they would be furry and ripping into dead animals to feast on bloody entrails . `` do you see the mural ? '' glynis whispered . brynley spotted the artwork through the crowd . it showed a pack of wolves moving through a forest . glynis grinned , then stiffened . brynley groaned as rhett moved to the base of the stairs , where he waited for them . he was dressed in a black tuxedo , his shoulder-length dark hair slicked back , his dark eyes watching her intently . his voice did nothing for her . god , how she missed phineas . when she remained silent , glynis quickly spoke up . `` it 's lovely to see you again , rhett . thank you for the roses . '' he lifted a hand to brynley . `` would you take a walk with me outside ? '' `` oh yes , brynley , you should . '' glynis begged her with her eyes . `` the garden is lovely this time of year . '' the guards crowded around her , so she had nowhere to flee . the guests stopped their chatting to watch . rhett grabbed her hand and tucked it into his elbow . he led her to the front door . one of the guards opened it . `` i wish to be alone with her , '' rhett murmured to the guard , then escorted her onto the porch . `` you must at least pretend to like me . '' he squeezed her hand tightly till it hurt . `` i will not be embarrassed in front of others . '' `` then you should marry someone who is willing . '' he led her down the steps to the flagstone path that would take them to the garden on the side of the house . `` you are my choice . '' `` you do n't believe you 're worthy of me ? '' `` i 'm not going to be cooperative . '' he squeezed her hand painfully again . `` i 'll enjoy forcing you to submit . '' alpha pig . she pulled her hand from his grip . her inner wolf growled . a door slammed in the driveway , and a young male werewolf ran toward them . rhett frowned at him . `` it had better be important . '' `` i 'll go back inside , '' brynley offered , and hurried back up the steps and into the house before rhett could object . she weaved through the guests in the great hall and eased into the parlor . more people mingled there , but she ignored them and rushed across the room , peering out the windows till she could see rhett and his minion where they 'd moved farther down the flagstone path . she raised the window an inch and squatted next to it . even with her extra-sharp hearing , she had trouble hearing their conversation over the voices in the parlor until rhett suddenly shouted . `` kyle is dead ? '' three shots to his chest . '' the cabin was empty . '' phineas and jack were all right ! they 'd escaped . and they would come looking for her . the minion kept talking . `` we took kyle 's body back to your ranch . what do you want us to do with it ? '' rhett scoffed . `` dump it back at his brother 's house . '' the window suddenly clicked shut . her father 's clipped voice sounded annoyed . brynley straightened . `` enjoying some fresh air . '' caddoc jones glanced out the window . the buffet has started . '' he took her elbow and steered her toward the dining room . `` you defied me when you ran away . have you ever known me not to punish a member of my pack for disobedience ? '' `` i will forgo punishment this time under one condition . you will go through with the wedding and marry rhett bleddyn . ''
[["smile", 13], ["smiled", 13], ["relief", 25], ["reliefs", 25], ["maybe", 33], ["lucky", 52], ["ask", 69], ["hunt", 81], ["hunting", 81], ["huntest", 81], ["tonight", 98], ["nothing", 118], ["say", 123], ["sayest", 123], ["says", 123], ["romance", 131], ["like", 136], ["slaughter", 149], ["slaughters", 149], ["slaughtering", 149], ["defenseless", 163], ["animal", 170], ["together", 179], ["tilt", 198], ["tilting", 198], ["tilted", 198], ["head", 207], ["look", 228], ["risk", 271], ["riskest", 271], ["prey", 286], ["love", 303], ["loved", 303], ["kill", 339], ["rush", 354], ["wind", 366], ["run", 377], ["ran", 377], ["wood", 395], ["woods", 395], ["power", 407], ["freedom", 419], ["feel", 428], ["felt", 428], ["wolf", 438], ["never", 467], ["feel", 472], ["powerful", 481], ["free", 489], ["helpless", 513], ["trap", 525], ["trapped", 525], ["inner", 537], ["growl", 550], ["growls", 550], ["growled", 550], ["frustration", 567], ["stick", 584], ["stickest", 584], ["close", 590], ["house", 603], ["smile", 621], ["hug", 637], ["hugged", 637], ["keep", 657], ["keepest", 657], ["company", 669], ["companys", 669], ["companying", 669], ["try", 698], ["tryed", 698], ["dress", 719], ["dressest", 719], ["dresses", 719], ["thirty", 735], ["minute", 743], ["minutes", 743], ["later", 749], ["dress", 771], ["dressest", 771], ["dressed", 771], ["midnight", 785], ["midnights", 785], ["blue", 790], ["gown", 795], ["gowns", 795], ["gowning", 795], ["sister", 812], ["pull", 823], ["pulled", 823], ["thick", 833], ["thickest", 833], ["hair", 838], ["back", 843], ["loose", 856], ["looser", 856], ["french", 863], ["braid", 869], ["guard", 882], ["guards", 882], ["escort", 891], ["escorted", 891], ["staircase", 915], ["dozen", 929], ["guest", 936], ["guestest", 936], ["guests", 936], ["linger", 951], ["lingered", 951], ["lingering", 951], ["great", 964], ["hall", 969], ["sip", 979], ["sipping", 979], ["wine", 984], ["look", 1011], ["looked", 1011], ["posh", 1019], ["elegant", 1031], ["ever", 1051], ["everest", 1051], ["suspect", 1059], ["hour", 1079], ["hours", 1079], ["furry", 1101], ["furrier", 1101], ["rip", 1113], ["ripping", 1113], ["dead", 1123], ["animal", 1131], ["animals", 1131], ["feast", 1140], ["feastest", 1140], ["bloody", 1150], ["bloodying", 1150], ["entrail", 1159], ["entrails", 1159], ["see", 1175], ["mural", 1185], ["whisper", 1207], ["whispered", 1207], ["spot", 1225], ["spotted", 1225], ["artwork", 1237], ["artworks", 1237], ["crowd", 1255], ["crowding", 1255], ["crowdest", 1255], ["show", 1267], ["showed", 1267], ["pack", 1274], ["wolf", 1284], ["wolves", 1284], ["move", 1291], ["moving", 1291], ["forest", 1308], ["grin", 1325], ["grinned", 1325], ["stiffen", 1342], ["stiffens", 1342], ["stiffened", 1342], ["groan", 1360], ["groans", 1360], ["groanest", 1360], ["groaning", 1360], ["groaned", 1360], ["move", 1375], ["moved", 1375], ["base", 1387], ["basest", 1387], ["stair", 1401], ["stairs", 1401], ["wait", 1419], ["waitest", 1419], ["waited", 1419], ["black", 1456], ["tuxedo", 1463], ["shoulder", 1478], ["shouldered", 1478], ["length", 1485], ["dark", 1490], ["slick", 1503], ["slicked", 1503], ["eye", 1524], ["eyed", 1524], ["eyes", 1524], ["watch", 1533], ["watching", 1533], ["intently", 1546], ["voice", 1558], ["god", 1584], ["miss", 1601], ["missed", 1601], ["phineas", 1609], ["remain", 1629], ["remained", 1629], ["silent", 1636], ["quickly", 1653], ["speak", 1659], ["spoken", 1659], ["spoke", 1659], ["lovely", 1680], ["lovelier", 1680], ["thank", 1713], ["thanks", 1713], ["thankest", 1713], ["rose", 1731], ["roses", 1731], ["lift", 1746], ["lifted", 1746], ["hand", 1753], ["take", 1784], ["walk", 1791], ["outside", 1807], ["oh", 1818], ["yes", 1822], ["beg", 1864], ["garden", 1898], ["gardens", 1898], ["gardened", 1898], ["time", 1918], ["year", 1926], ["crowd", 1950], ["crowding", 1950], ["crowdest", 1950], ["crowded", 1950], ["around", 1957], ["nowhere", 1982], ["flee", 1990], ["flees", 1990], ["stop", 2011], ["stopped", 2011], ["watch", 2035], ["grab", 2051], ["grabbed", 2051], ["tuck", 2071], ["tucked", 2071], ["tucking", 2071], ["elbow", 2089], ["elbowing", 2089], ["lead", 2098], ["leaded", 2098], ["led", 2098], ["front", 2115], ["door", 2120], ["open", 2147], ["opened", 2147], ["wish", 2162], ["alone", 2174], ["murmur", 2203], ["murmurest", 2203], ["murmured", 2203], ["guard", 2216], ["onto", 2241], ["ontos", 2241], ["porch", 2251], ["must", 2265], ["musts", 2265], ["least", 2274], ["leastest", 2274], ["pretend", 2282], ["pretendest", 2282], ["squeeze", 2310], ["squeezes", 2310], ["squeezed", 2310], ["tightly", 2327], ["till", 2332], ["hurt", 2340], ["hurts", 2340], ["hurting", 2340], ["marry", 2420], ["married", 2420], ["willing", 2443], ["step", 2474], ["steps", 2474], ["flagstone", 2491], ["path", 2496], ["side", 2543], ["sidest", 2543], ["choice", 2579], ["believe", 2606], ["worthy", 2621], ["go", 2650], ["goest", 2650], ["going", 2650], ["cooperative", 2668], ["painfully", 2704], ["enjoy", 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["peering", 3248], ["window", 3264], ["windows", 3264], ["minion", 3304], ["far", 3332], ["farther", 3332], ["raise", 3369], ["raised", 3369], ["window", 3380], ["windows", 3380], ["inch", 3388], ["squat", 3401], ["squats", 3401], ["next", 3406], ["even", 3419], ["evens", 3419], ["extra", 3434], ["extras", 3434], ["sharp", 3440], ["sharps", 3440], ["hear", 3448], ["hears", 3448], ["hearing", 3448], ["trouble", 3466], ["troubling", 3466], ["conversation", 3493], ["voice", 3509], ["voices", 3509], ["suddenly", 3544], ["shout", 3552], ["shouted", 3552], ["kyle", 3562], ["three", 3581], ["shot", 3587], ["shots", 3587], ["chest", 3600], ["cabin", 3615], ["empty", 3625], ["jack", 3647], ["jacks", 3647], ["jacked", 3647], ["right", 3662], ["rightest", 3662], ["escape", 3680], ["escapes", 3680], ["escaped", 3680], ["come", 3702], ["look", 3710], ["looking", 3710], ["keep", 3736], ["keepest", 3736], ["kept", 3736], ["talk", 3744], ["talking", 3744], ["take", 3757], ["took", 3757], ["body", 3770], ["bodied", 3770], ["ranch", 3789], ["scoff", 3844], ["scoffs", 3844], ["scoffed", 3844], ["dump", 3854], ["brother", 3877], ["brethren", 3877], ["click", 3919], ["clicked", 3919], ["shut", 3924], ["father", 3937], ["fathered", 3937], ["fathering", 3937], ["sound", 3962], ["sounded", 3962], ["straighten", 3993], ["straightened", 3993], ["enjoy", 4007], ["enjoyed", 4007], ["enjoying", 4007], ["fresh", 4018], ["freshest", 4018], ["air", 4022], ["airs", 4022], ["airing", 4022], ["joneses", 4040], ["glance", 4048], ["glanced", 4048], ["buffet", 4076], ["buffeting", 4076], ["start", 4088], ["started", 4088], ["steer", 4123], ["steerest", 4123], ["steered", 4123], ["defy", 4166], ["defied", 4166], ["away", 4187], ["know", 4209], ["knowest", 4209], ["known", 4209], ["punish", 4226], ["member", 4235], ["disobedience", 4263], ["forgo", 4284], ["forgoes", 4284], ["punishment", 4295], ["condition", 4325], ["wedding", 4364]]
the prison walls were closing in . `` may i join the hunt tonight ? '' if she shifted , she could run like hell . the thought of her father 's wolves chasing her down was terrifying , but she was getting desperate enough to take the chance . `` you will remain indoors . '' he handed her a plate . she set the plate back in the stack . she could n't eat when she was suffocating . she pivoted , feeling entirely hemmed in by her father 's well-dressed , happy minions . she spotted one who looked uncomfortable . he was standing in the corner , quietly eating . thomas , trudy 's husband . she 'd mentioned he would be here . she eased over in his direction . `` hey , thomas . '' `` miss jones . i did n't know you had returned . '' unplanned . '' `` corey 's doing great at school . '' thomas exhaled with relief , and a brief smile flitted over his face before his guarded expression returned . `` you should n't say his name here . '' `` do you have a cell phone on you ? '' he gave her a wary look . `` i ca n't seem to find a single phone in this entire house . `` miss jones , i suggest you do whatever your father tells you to . he strode from the dining room . with a groan , she leaned against the wall . thomas and trudy were good people . she should n't get them into trouble . she was just so damned frustrated ! glynis rushed toward her , grinning . dad made special plans for us . he ordered all the latest movie releases . we get to have an all-night marathon in the media room ! '' with a dozen guards outside the door , no doubt . phineas , please hurry . the wedding was in two nights . chapter twenty-two `` this is where you and brynley grew up ? '' phineas asked as he scanned the enormous house . he was with zoltan and phil , hidden in the woods behind caddoc jones 's ranch house . they 'd arrived ten minutes earlier , a half hour after sunset . phil had recalled the number for an old phone in the stable . the elderly werewolf who had answered it had been stunned when they teleported in , but phineas had quickly erased his memory while zoltan had communicated with the horses to keep them calm . `` this is the main residence , '' phil answered quietly . `` there are two more , one in idaho and one in wyoming . '' `` when do they start shifting ? '' zoltan asked . phil glanced up at the full moon . `` they 'll shift in the backyard and head straight into these woods . they kept to the forest , circling around the north side of the house . so far , phineas had seen only one guard , and he was relaxing in a lawn chair on the back porch . `` they do n't seem too concerned about security . '' `` who in their right mind would attack a house full of a hundred werewolves ? most of the guards are inside , making sure the guests do n't attack each other . and they 're probably watching brynley 's every move . '' `` if you spot her , even in wolf form , let me know , '' phineas said . `` i 'll teleport straight to her and get her out of here . '' `` i doubt my father will allow her to participate in the hunt . she 'd probably try to run away . '' `` or she might get hunted down and assaulted , '' phineas muttered . phil stopped with a jerk . did that happen to her ? '' `` you would n't know , would you ? you were n't here for her . '' `` she never answered my letters , '' phil insisted . `` never agreed to escape with me . i thought she must be happy here . '' `` you thought wrong ! '' `` enough , '' zoltan growled . `` keep your voices down or the guards will hear us . '' he was having a hard time dealing with the abuse brynley had suffered . it was wrong of him , but he was taking it out on her brother . `` look at it , '' phil whispered , pointing at the huge mansion . `` i did n't think she 'd be willing to leave that behind . i left here with nothing but the clothes on my back . i nearly starved before i ended up a poor college student , living in the basement of roman 's townhouse and working during the day as a security guard . i asked brynley to come away with me , but i did n't push it . i did n't think i had much to offer . '' it was hard to believe brynley would choose him , a poor undead guy from the bronx with an outstanding warrant for his arrest , when she could have luxury and security . he followed phil and zoltan toward the front of the house .
[["prison", 10], ["wall", 16], ["walls", 16], ["close", 29], ["may", 41], ["mays", 41], ["mayest", 41], ["join", 48], ["joinest", 48], ["hunt", 57], ["hunting", 57], ["huntest", 57], ["tonight", 65], ["shift", 85], ["shifted", 85], ["run", 101], ["like", 106], ["hell", 111], ["hells", 111], ["think", 125], ["thought", 125], ["thinkest", 125], ["father", 139], ["fathered", 139], ["fathering", 139], ["wolf", 149], ["wolves", 149], ["chase", 157], ["chasing", 157], ["terrify", 181], ["terrifying", 181], ["get", 203], ["getting", 203], ["desperate", 213], ["enough", 220], ["take", 228], ["chance", 239], ["chanced", 239], ["chancing", 239], ["remain", 260], ["indoor", 268], ["indoors", 268], ["hand", 283], ["handed", 283], ["plate", 295], ["plating", 295], ["set", 305], ["back", 320], ["stack", 333], ["stacks", 333], ["eat", 353], ["suffocate", 378], ["suffocating", 378], ["pivot", 392], ["pivoted", 392], ["feel", 402], ["feeling", 402], ["entirely", 411], ["hem", 418], ["hemmed", 418], ["well", 443], ["wells", 443], ["dress", 451], ["dressest", 451], ["dressed", 451], ["happy", 459], ["minion", 467], ["minions", 467], ["spot", 481], ["spotted", 481], ["look", 496], ["looked", 496], ["uncomfortable", 510], ["stand", 528], ["stood", 528], ["standest", 528], ["standing", 528], ["corner", 542], ["quietly", 552], ["eat", 559], ["eating", 559], ["thomas", 568], ["trudy", 576], ["husband", 587], ["husbanding", 587], ["mention", 606], ["mentioned", 606], ["ease", 635], ["eased", 635], ["direction", 657], ["hey", 666], ["miss", 688], ["joneses", 694], ["know", 711], ["knowest", 711], ["return", 728], ["returnest", 728], ["returned", 728], ["corey", 757], ["great", 772], ["school", 782], ["schooling", 782], ["exhale", 802], ["exhaled", 802], ["relief", 814], ["reliefs", 814], ["brief", 828], ["briefing", 828], ["smile", 834], ["flit", 842], ["flitted", 842], ["face", 856], ["guard", 875], ["guarded", 875], ["expression", 886], ["say", 919], ["sayest", 919], ["name", 928], ["cell", 960], ["phone", 966], ["give", 986], ["gave", 986], ["wary", 997], ["look", 1002], ["ca", 1012], ["cas", 1012], ["seem", 1021], ["seeming", 1021], ["find", 1029], ["single", 1038], ["entire", 1059], ["house", 1065], ["suggest", 1093], ["whatever", 1109], ["tell", 1127], ["tells", 1127], ["stride", 1146], ["stridden", 1146], ["room", 1167], ["roomed", 1167], ["groan", 1182], ["groans", 1182], ["groanest", 1182], ["groaning", 1182], ["lean", 1195], ["leans", 1195], ["leaned", 1195], ["wall", 1212], ["good", 1241], ["people", 1248], ["get", 1269], ["trouble", 1287], ["troubling", 1287], ["damn", 1312], ["damned", 1312], ["rush", 1339], ["rushed", 1339], ["toward", 1346], ["grin", 1361], ["dad", 1367], ["special", 1380], ["plan", 1386], ["plans", 1386], ["order", 1406], ["orderest", 1406], ["ordered", 1406], ["late", 1421], ["lates", 1421], ["latest", 1421], ["movie", 1427], ["release", 1436], ["releases", 1436], ["night", 1466], ["marathon", 1475], ["medias", 1488], ["dozen", 1511], ["guard", 1518], ["guards", 1518], ["outside", 1526], ["door", 1535], ["doubt", 1546], ["phineas", 1556], ["please", 1565], ["hurry", 1571], ["hurried", 1571], ["hurryed", 1571], ["hurrying", 1571], ["wedding", 1585], ["two", 1596], ["twos", 1596], ["night", 1603], ["nights", 1603], ["chapter", 1613], ["twenty", 1620], ["grow", 1662], ["growest", 1662], ["grew", 1662], ["ask", 1684], ["asked", 1684], ["scan", 1698], ["scans", 1698], ["scanning", 1698], ["scanned", 1698], ["enormous", 1711], ["zoltan", 1738], ["phil", 1747], ["hide", 1756], ["hides", 1756], ["hidden", 1756], ["wood", 1769], ["woods", 1769], ["behind", 1776], ["ranch", 1798], ["arrive", 1822], ["arrived", 1822], ["ten", 1826], ["minute", 1834], ["minutes", 1834], ["early", 1842], ["half", 1851], ["hour", 1856], ["sunset", 1869], ["sunsets", 1869], ["recall", 1889], ["recallest", 1889], ["recalled", 1889], ["number", 1900], ["numbering", 1900], ["old", 1911], ["stable", 1931], ["elderly", 1945], ["werewolf", 1954], ["answer", 1971], ["answeres", 1971], ["answerest", 1971], ["answered", 1971], ["stun", 1991], ["stuns", 1991], ["stunned", 1991], ["teleport", 2012], ["teleporting", 2012], ["teleported", 2012], ["quickly", 2041], ["erase", 2048], ["erased", 2048], ["memory", 2059], ["memories", 2059], ["communicate", 2089], ["communicates", 2089], ["communicated", 2089], ["horse", 2105], ["horsed", 2105], ["horses", 2105], ["keep", 2113], ["keepest", 2113], ["calm", 2123], ["calms", 2123], ["main", 2145], ["residence", 2155], ["idaho", 2221], ["start", 2267], ["shift", 2276], ["shifting", 2276], ["glance", 2309], ["glanced", 2309], ["full", 2324], ["moon", 2329], ["moons", 2329], ["shift", 2349], ["backyard", 2365], ["head", 2374], ["straight", 2383], ["keep", 2412], ["keepest", 2412], ["kept", 2412], ["forest", 2426], ["circle", 2437], ["circling", 2437], ["around", 2444], ["north", 2454], ["side", 2459], ["sidest", 2459], ["far", 2481], ["see", 2500], ["seen", 2500], ["guard", 2515], ["relax", 2537], ["relaxed", 2537], ["relaxing", 2537], ["lawn", 2547], ["lawns", 2547], ["chair", 2553], ["chairing", 2553], ["porch", 2571], ["security", 2622], ["right", 2649], ["rightest", 2649], ["mind", 2654], ["minding", 2654], ["attack", 2667], ["hundred", 2693], ["werewolf", 2704], ["werewolves", 2704], ["inside", 2736], ["sure", 2750], ["guest", 2761], ["guestest", 2761], ["guests", 2761], ["probably", 2810], ["watch", 2819], ["watching", 2819], ["every", 2836], ["move", 2841], ["spot", 2861], ["even", 2872], ["evens", 2872], ["wolf", 2880], ["form", 2885], ["formest", 2885], ["let", 2891], ["lets", 2891], ["say", 2917], ["sayest", 2917], ["said", 2917], ["teleport", 2937], ["teleporting", 2937], ["allow", 3014], ["participate", 3033], ["try", 3067], ["tryed", 3067], ["away", 3079], ["may", 3100], ["mays", 3100], ["mayest", 3100], ["might", 3100], ["hunt", 3111], ["hunting", 3111], ["huntest", 3111], ["hunted", 3111], ["assault", 3130], ["assaulted", 3130], ["mutter", 3152], ["muttering", 3152], ["mutterest", 3152], ["muttered", 3152], ["stop", 3167], ["stopped", 3167], ["jerk", 3179], ["jerks", 3179], ["jerked", 3179], ["happen", 3197], ["never", 3289], ["letter", 3309], ["lettering", 3309], ["letters", 3309], ["insist", 3328], ["insistest", 3328], ["insisted", 3328], ["agree", 3346], ["agreed", 3346], ["escape", 3356], ["escapes", 3356], ["must", 3385], ["musts", 3385], ["wrong", 3425], ["growl", 3460], ["growls", 3460], ["growled", 3460], ["voice", 3482], ["voices", 3482], ["hear", 3511], ["hears", 3511], ["hard", 3540], ["time", 3545], ["deal", 3553], ["dealing", 3553], ["abuse", 3568], ["suffer", 3589], ["suffering", 3589], ["suffered", 3589], ["take", 3631], ["taking", 3631], ["brother", 3653], ["brethren", 3653], ["whisper", 3689], ["whispered", 3689], ["point", 3700], ["pointing", 3700], ["huge", 3712], ["mansion", 3720], ["think", 3741], ["thinkest", 3741], ["willing", 3759], ["left", 3768], ["leave", 3768], ["left", 3789], ["leave", 3789], ["nothing", 3807], ["clad", 3823], ["clothe", 3823], ["clothes", 3823], ["nearly", 3845], ["starve", 3853], ["starved", 3853], ["end", 3868], ["ends", 3868], ["endest", 3868], ["ended", 3868], ["poor", 3878], ["college", 3886], ["student", 3894], ["live", 3903], ["living", 3903], ["basement", 3919], ["roman", 3928], ["romans", 3928], ["townhouse", 3941], ["work", 3953], ["wrought", 3953], ["working", 3953], ["day", 3968], ["come", 4014], ["push", 4048], ["much", 4080], ["offer", 4089], ["believe", 4117], ["choose", 4138], ["undead", 4158], ["guy", 4162], ["bronx", 4177], ["outstanding", 4197], ["warrant", 4205], ["warranting", 4205], ["arrest", 4220], ["luxury", 4249], ["follow", 4276], ["followed", 4276], ["front", 4309]]
they came to the edge of an asphalt road that led to the circular driveway . `` we 'll teleport across . '' zoltan pointed to a wooded area . `` land over there . '' he grabbed hold of phil and vanished . phineas joined them . they were a far distance in front of the house now , but with their superior vision they could still see . however , much of their view was blocked by the suvs , pickups , and campers parked in the driveway . phineas pointed up . `` let 's get a better view . '' phil walked over to a thick pine with sturdy branches . `` i used to climb this as a kid . '' he leaped and caught hold of the lowest branch . with a grunt , he swung a leg over the branch and straddled it . holding on to the trunk , he stood , then reached for the next branch . phineas levitated and hovered close by . phil gave him a wry look . phineas offered him a hand . when phil looped an arm around his shoulders , he continued levitating to the top branches of the tree . `` slowpokes , '' zoltan murmured from the top of a neighboring tree . he must have teleported . phineas landed on a sturdy branch and surveyed the house and grounds . one guard stood by the front door . the house sprawled along the top of long hill . on the south side , a garden had been planted where the land sloped down to a flat meadow . beyond that , there were some pens and then the stable . `` i was wrong , '' phil whispered from a nearby branch . `` i should have come here to make sure she was all right . i should have known she could n't bear it here any more than i could . '' `` not your fault , '' phineas mumbled . phil leaned against the trunk , gazing at the house . `` it 's hard to explain what the lycan world is like to an outsider . on the surface , it all seems perfect . big ranches , beautiful country , strong families , a really close and supportive community . if one of the men in the pack dies , his widow and children are automatically taken care of . if someone 's house or barn burns down , the pack gathers to rebuild it . there 's a strong sense of pride and security- '' `` but no freedom , '' phineas muttered . `` for me , the cost of staying was too high . '' `` it 's too high for brynley , too . they 'll force her to marry bleddyn . '' phineas 's fingers dug into the pine bark . `` i saw him slap her in the cabin , and i just lay there , unable to help her . '' `` bastard , '' phil snarled . `` i should kick his ass . '' `` i 'd like a swing at him , too , but it looks like howard wants the honor . '' phineas paused a moment , wondering what the story was there . `` what are your intentions toward my sister ? '' `` i guess it 's obvious i have feelings for her . '' `` i want to be with her if she 'll have me . i 'd like to spend my life with her . '' phil turned to him with wry look . `` you sure you can handle her ? '' `` it would be one hell of a thrill ride finding that out . '' `` do you know which window is her bedroom ? '' `` you 're thinking about teleporting in ? '' `` if i can find her , i 'll teleport her straight to romatech , and you two guys can follow . '' `` she 's probably being guarded , '' phil warned him . `` i 'll go with you , '' zoltan told him . `` if you find her , teleport out . i shall return here for phil . '' phil pointed . `` second window from the right , upstairs . the curtains are shut . '' a second later , phineas materialized in a large , dark bedroom . he pivoted , scanning the room . zoltan appeared beside him . after a quick look around , he opened a door . `` bathroom , '' he whispered , and went inside . phineas zipped over to another door and peered inside . a walk-in closet . mostly empty , except for a row of pretty dresses and some high-heeled shoes . brynley had obviously taken her casual clothes with her when she 'd run away . something long and white caught his eye , and he ventured closer . it was a wedding dress in a clear plastic bag . lots of lace and beads and crap . a lot more expensive than he could ever afford . he closed the closet door and surveyed the room . the wrought-iron bed was neatly made up with a blue and green quilt . it did n't look like it had been slept in . a white box underneath the bed drew his attention . what would she hide beneath her bed ? old photos of her mom or phil ?
[["come", 9], ["came", 9], ["edge", 21], ["edges", 21], ["asphalt", 35], ["road", 40], ["lead", 49], ["leaded", 49], ["led", 49], ["circular", 65], ["circulars", 65], ["driveway", 74], ["teleport", 95], ["teleporting", 95], ["across", 102], ["zoltan", 114], ["point", 122], ["pointed", 122], ["wooded", 134], ["wooding", 134], ["area", 139], ["land", 149], ["grab", 176], ["grabbed", 176], ["hold", 181], ["phil", 189], ["vanish", 202], ["vanishest", 202], ["vanished", 202], ["phineas", 212], ["join", 219], ["joinest", 219], ["joined", 219], ["far", 242], ["distance", 251], ["distancing", 251], ["front", 260], ["house", 273], ["superior", 303], ["vision", 310], ["still", 327], ["see", 331], ["however", 341], ["much", 348], ["view", 362], ["viewest", 362], ["block", 374], ["blocks", 374], ["blocked", 374], ["suv", 386], ["pickup", 396], ["pickups", 396], ["camper", 410], ["campers", 410], ["park", 417], ["parks", 417], ["parked", 417], ["let", 463], ["lets", 463], ["get", 470], ["well", 479], ["wells", 479], ["walk", 501], ["walked", 501], ["thick", 517], ["thickest", 517], ["pine", 522], ["pining", 522], ["sturdy", 534], ["branch", 543], ["branchest", 543], ["branches", 543], ["use", 555], ["used", 555], ["climb", 564], ["kid", 578], ["leap", 593], ["leaps", 593], ["leaping", 593], ["leaped", 593], ["catch", 604], ["catched", 604], ["catches", 604], ["caught", 604], ["low", 623], ["lowed", 623], ["lowest", 623], ["branch", 630], ["branchest", 630], ["grunt", 645], ["swung", 656], ["swing", 656], ["leg", 662], ["straddle", 692], ["straddled", 692], ["hold", 705], ["holding", 705], ["trunk", 721], ["stand", 732], ["stood", 732], ["standest", 732], ["reach", 747], ["reached", 747], ["next", 760], ["levitate", 787], ["levitated", 787], ["hover", 799], ["hovered", 799], ["close", 805], ["give", 820], ["gave", 820], ["wry", 830], ["look", 835], ["offer", 853], ["offered", 853], ["hand", 864], ["loop", 883], ["looping", 883], ["looped", 883], ["arm", 890], ["around", 897], ["shoulder", 911], ["shouldered", 911], ["shoulders", 911], ["continue", 926], ["continued", 926], ["levitate", 937], ["levitating", 937], ["top", 948], ["tree", 969], ["treed", 969], ["treeing", 969], ["slowpoke", 984], ["slowpokes", 984], ["murmur", 1005], ["murmurest", 1005], ["murmured", 1005], ["neighboring", 1035], ["must", 1050], ["musts", 1050], ["teleport", 1066], ["teleporting", 1066], ["teleported", 1066], ["land", 1083], ["landed", 1083], ["survey", 1115], ["surveyest", 1115], ["surveyed", 1115], ["ground", 1137], ["grounds", 1137], ["guard", 1149], ["door", 1173], ["sprawl", 1194], ["sprawls", 1194], ["sprawled", 1194], ["along", 1200], ["long", 1216], ["longs", 1216], ["hill", 1221], ["south", 1236], ["side", 1241], ["sidest", 1241], ["garden", 1252], ["gardens", 1252], ["gardened", 1252], ["plant", 1269], ["planted", 1269], ["slope", 1291], ["sloping", 1291], ["sloped", 1291], ["flat", 1306], ["meadow", 1313], ["beyond", 1322], ["pen", 1350], ["pens", 1350], ["stable", 1370], ["wrong", 1387], ["whisper", 1407], ["whispered", 1407], ["nearby", 1421], ["come", 1452], ["sure", 1470], ["right", 1488], ["rightest", 1488], ["know", 1510], ["knowest", 1510], ["known", 1510], ["bear", 1529], ["bore", 1529], ["bearest", 1529], ["fault", 1582], ["faulting", 1582], ["mumble", 1603], ["mumbles", 1603], ["mumbled", 1603], ["lean", 1617], ["leans", 1617], ["leaned", 1617], ["gaze", 1644], ["gazes", 1644], ["gazing", 1644], ["hard", 1673], ["explain", 1684], ["world", 1705], ["like", 1713], ["outsider", 1728], ["surface", 1745], ["seem", 1760], ["seeming", 1760], ["seems", 1760], ["perfect", 1768], ["perfectest", 1768], ["big", 1774], ["bigs", 1774], ["ranch", 1782], ["ranches", 1782], ["beautiful", 1794], ["beautifulest", 1794], ["country", 1802], ["strong", 1811], ["family", 1820], ["families", 1820], ["really", 1831], ["supportive", 1852], ["community", 1862], ["man", 1882], ["mans", 1882], ["manned", 1882], ["men", 1882], ["pack", 1894], ["die", 1899], ["dies", 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2463], ["swing", 2463], ["look", 2491], ["looks", 2491], ["howard", 2503], ["honor", 2519], ["pause", 2539], ["paused", 2539], ["moment", 2548], ["wonder", 2560], ["wonderest", 2560], ["wondering", 2560], ["story", 2575], ["intention", 2615], ["intentions", 2615], ["toward", 2622], ["sister", 2632], ["guess", 2648], ["obvious", 2662], ["feeling", 2678], ["feelings", 2678], ["spend", 2756], ["spends", 2756], ["spendest", 2756], ["life", 2764], ["lifes", 2764], ["turn", 2790], ["turned", 2790], ["handle", 2840], ["hell", 2873], ["hells", 2873], ["thrill", 2885], ["ride", 2890], ["rode", 2890], ["find", 2898], ["finding", 2898], ["know", 2927], ["knowest", 2927], ["window", 2940], ["windows", 2940], ["bedroom", 2955], ["think", 2980], ["thinkest", 2980], ["thinking", 2980], ["teleport", 2998], ["teleporting", 2998], ["find", 3023], ["straight", 3057], ["two", 3083], ["twos", 3083], ["guy", 3088], ["guys", 3088], ["follow", 3099], ["probably", 3123], ["guard", 3137], ["guarded", 3137], ["warn", 3154], ["warned", 3154], ["go", 3172], ["goest", 3172], ["tell", 3198], ["told", 3198], ["shall", 3248], ["return", 3255], ["returnest", 3255], ["second", 3299], ["seconded", 3299], ["upstairs", 3332], ["curtain", 3347], ["curtaining", 3347], ["curtains", 3347], ["shut", 3356], ["later", 3376], ["materialize", 3399], ["materialized", 3399], ["large", 3410], ["dark", 3417], ["pivot", 3438], ["pivoted", 3438], ["scan", 3449], ["scans", 3449], ["scanning", 3449], ["room", 3458], ["roomed", 3458], ["appear", 3476], ["appeared", 3476], ["beside", 3483], ["quick", 3503], ["open", 3527], ["opened", 3527], ["bathroom", 3548], ["go", 3577], ["goest", 3577], ["went", 3577], ["inside", 3584], ["zip", 3601], ["zips", 3601], ["zipped", 3601], ["another", 3617], ["peer", 3633], ["peered", 3633], ["walk", 3649], ["closet", 3659], ["closets", 3659], ["mostly", 3668], ["empty", 3674], ["except", 3683], ["row", 3693], ["rowest", 3693], ["pretty", 3703], ["prettiest", 3703], ["dress", 3711], ["dressest", 3711], ["dresses", 3711], ["shoe", 3738], ["shoed", 3738], ["shoes", 3738], ["obviously", 3762], ["casual", 3779], ["clad", 3787], ["clothe", 3787], ["clothes", 3787], ["run", 3812], ["away", 3817], ["white", 3844], ["eye", 3859], ["eyed", 3859], ["venture", 3877], ["ventured", 3877], ["close", 3884], ["closer", 3884], ["wedding", 3903], ["dress", 3909], ["dressest", 3909], ["clear", 3920], ["clearest", 3920], ["plastic", 3928], ["bag", 3932], ["bagged", 3932], ["bagging", 3932], ["lot", 3939], ["lots", 3939], ["lace", 3947], ["bead", 3957], ["beads", 3957], ["crap", 3966], ["crapped", 3966], ["lot", 3974], ["expensive", 3989], ["ever", 4008], ["everest", 4008], ["afford", 4015], ["close", 4027], ["closed", 4027], ["iron", 4084], ["bed", 4088], ["neatly", 4099], ["blue", 4119], ["green", 4129], ["greens", 4129], ["quilt", 4135], ["quilted", 4135], ["quilting", 4135], ["quiltest", 4135], ["sleep", 4176], ["slept", 4176], ["sleeps", 4176], ["sleepest", 4176], ["box", 4193], ["boxed", 4193], ["underneath", 4204], ["draw", 4217], ["drawn", 4217], ["draws", 4217], ["drew", 4217], ["attention", 4231], ["hide", 4253], ["hides", 4253], ["beneath", 4261], ["old", 4275], ["photo", 4282], ["photos", 4282], ["mom", 4293], ["moms", 4293]]
memorabilia from happier days ? he dashed over and pulled out the box . red letters on top read `` big boy 1000 extreme ! '' he opened it and winced . nestled in red velvet was a flesh-colored rubber phallus . it was a big boy . he felt himself shrinking , just looking at the damned thing . `` nothing in the bathroom . '' zoltan exited , closing the door behind him . phineas whipped the big boy behind his back , but the movement must have hit a button because it suddenly came alive , vibrating and wiggling against his lower back . he arched and shifted his weight , trying to look nonchalant . zoltan peered around the room . `` sounds like a bee . '' he gave phineas a speculative look . `` are your clothes buzzing ? '' `` brynley 's not here , so we might as well leave . '' zoltan looked him over again , then glanced at the bed . i 'll bring up the '' -he winced as the damned thing wiggled against his rear- '' uh , rear . '' zoltan 's mouth twitched , then he teleported away . phineas turned the big boy off , then noticed he 'd left the box on the bed . damn , had zoltan seen it ? he stuffed the phallus back into the box , but must have jammed too hard , for it started wiggling again . he punched a button , but it merely increased its speed , the tip spiraling in wild circles . he watched in horror . it was like a whirlybird on steroids ! how could a man compete with that ? he ripped the balls off it and emptied out the batteries . `` die , you freakin ' dildo , die ! '' `` i think i hear something in there , '' a voice said in the hallway . `` then check it out , '' another voice demanded . phineas tossed the box back under the bed and teleported away . he landed back in the tree . safe again . '' `` i 'm not so sure about that , '' zoltan muttered from his tree and pointed to the ground . `` it arrived right after you guys left , '' phil added . phineas glanced down at the big black bear . it reared up on its hind legs and clawed at the tree , shaking it . phineas held on tight to the trunk . `` i could shift and try to chase it away , '' phil offered . `` but it 's a long way down for me to jump . '' `` i could try communicating with it mentally , '' zoltan suggested . `` or i could just talk to him , '' phineas added dryly . he levitated down a bit . `` digger , what are you doing here ? '' the bear shifted into a large , nak*d man . phineas gestured to the yellow dog sitting under a nearby tree with the foil-covered football helmet . `` your sidekick is one of a kind . '' `` that 's right , '' digger said proudly . `` my jake is purty special . '' `` your dog could be in danger once the hunt begins , '' phil called down . digger narrowed his eyes as he gazed up the tree . philupus jones . '' `` caddoc 's son ? `` is that what they 're saying ? i was banished twelve years ago . '' digger motioned to zoltan . he has funny eyes . could be an alien . '' `` he 's zoltan , a vampire like me , '' phineas explained . zoltan sounds like an alien planet . '' `` what brings you here , digger ? '' i left it about a mile down the road . '' phineas tried again . `` well , i 've been thinking about what you said about that bad werewolf , rhett , that 's trying to force the little lady to marry him , and then i thought maybe i should have a word with cad about it , see if he could stop that bad fella from pestering his daughter . we used to be friends , cad and me , about a hundred years ago . '' `` i 'm afraid my father knows about rhett , '' phil said . `` and he 's trying to force the wedding , too . '' `` dagnabbit ! '' digger slapped his thigh . i 'm telling you , there 's some bad things going on around here . i saw two of them aliens beaming down in the backyard about five minutes ago . '' `` you saw aliens ? '' `` a male and a female . they headed over to the stable . they ai n't human , that 's for sure . '' dimitri and corky ? phineas glanced up at zoltan . from the top of his tree , zoltan surveyed the area . `` they must already be inside .
[["memorabilia", 11], ["happy", 24], ["happier", 24], ["day", 29], ["days", 29], ["dash", 41], ["dashed", 41], ["pull", 57], ["pulled", 57], ["box", 69], ["boxed", 69], ["red", 75], ["letter", 83], ["lettering", 83], ["letters", 83], ["top", 90], ["read", 95], ["reads", 95], ["big", 102], ["bigs", 102], ["boy", 106], ["extreme", 119], ["open", 134], ["opened", 134], ["wince", 148], ["winced", 148], ["velvet", 172], ["flesh", 184], ["fleshest", 184], ["color", 192], ["colored", 192], ["rubber", 199], ["phallus", 207], ["feel", 236], ["felt", 236], ["shrank", 254], ["shrunk", 254], ["shrink", 254], ["shrinked", 254], ["shrinking", 254], ["look", 269], ["looking", 269], ["damn", 283], ["damned", 283], ["thing", 289], ["nothing", 302], ["bathroom", 318], ["zoltan", 330], ["exit", 337], ["exited", 337], ["close", 347], ["door", 356], ["behind", 363], ["phineas", 377], ["whip", 385], ["whipped", 385], ["back", 413], ["movement", 432], ["must", 437], ["musts", 437], ["hit", 446], ["button", 455], ["buttoning", 455], ["suddenly", 475], ["come", 480], ["came", 480], ["alive", 486], ["vibrate", 498], ["vibrating", 498], ["wiggle", 511], ["wiggling", 511], ["low", 529], ["lowed", 529], ["arch", 546], ["arched", 546], ["shift", 558], ["shifted", 558], ["weight", 569], ["weighted", 569], ["weightest", 569], ["try", 578], ["tryed", 578], ["trying", 578], ["look", 586], ["nonchalant", 597], ["peer", 613], ["peered", 613], ["around", 620], ["room", 629], ["roomed", 629], ["sound", 641], ["sounds", 641], ["like", 646], ["bee", 652], ["give", 665], ["gave", 665], ["speculative", 687], ["clad", 714], ["clothe", 714], ["clothes", 714], ["buzz", 722], ["buzzes", 722], ["buzzing", 722], ["may", 764], ["mays", 764], ["mayest", 764], ["might", 764], ["well", 772], ["wells", 772], ["left", 778], ["leave", 778], ["look", 797], ["looked", 797], ["glance", 827], ["glanced", 827], ["bed", 838], ["bring", 852], ["wiggle", 901], ["wiggled", 901], ["uh", 925], ["rear", 932], ["mouth", 953], ["mouthed", 953], ["twitch", 962], ["twitchest", 962], ["twitching", 962], ["twitched", 962], ["teleport", 983], ["teleporting", 983], ["teleported", 983], ["away", 988], ["turn", 1005], ["turned", 1005], ["notice", 1036], ["noticed", 1036], ["left", 1047], ["leave", 1047], ["damn", 1073], ["damned", 1073], ["see", 1091], ["seen", 1091], ["stuff", 1107], ["stuffed", 1107], ["jam", 1160], ["jams", 1160], ["jamed", 1160], ["jammed", 1160], ["jamming", 1160], ["hard", 1169], ["start", 1186], ["started", 1186], ["punch", 1214], ["punching", 1214], ["punched", 1214], ["merely", 1239], ["increase", 1249], ["increased", 1249], ["speed", 1259], ["speeding", 1259], ["tip", 1269], ["spiral", 1279], ["spiraling", 1279], ["wild", 1287], ["wildest", 1287], ["circle", 1295], ["circles", 1295], ["watch", 1308], ["watched", 1308], ["horror", 1318], ["whirlybird", 1345], ["steroid", 1357], ["steroids", 1357], ["man", 1375], ["mans", 1375], ["manned", 1375], ["compete", 1383], ["competes", 1383], ["rip", 1405], ["ripped", 1405], ["ball", 1415], ["balls", 1415], ["empty", 1434], ["emptied", 1434], ["battery", 1452], ["batteries", 1452], ["die", 1461], ["freakin", 1475], ["dildo", 1483], ["dildos", 1483], ["think", 1505], ["thinkest", 1505], ["hear", 1512], ["hears", 1512], ["voice", 1544], ["say", 1549], ["sayest", 1549], ["said", 1549], ["hallway", 1564], ["hallways", 1564], ["check", 1580], ["another", 1600], ["demand", 1615], ["demandest", 1615], ["demanded", 1615], ["toss", 1632], ["tossed", 1632], ["land", 1691], ["landed", 1691], ["tree", 1708], ["treed", 1708], ["treeing", 1708], ["safe", 1715], ["safes", 1715], ["safed", 1715], ["sure", 1746], ["mutter", 1778], ["muttering", 1778], ["mutterest", 1778], ["muttered", 1778], ["point", 1804], ["pointed", 1804], ["ground", 1818], ["arrive", 1834], ["arrived", 1834], ["right", 1840], ["rightest", 1840], ["guy", 1855], ["guys", 1855], ["phil", 1870], ["add", 1876], ["added", 1876], ["black", 1916], ["bear", 1921], ["bore", 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3241], ["married", 3241], ["think", 3266], ["thinkest", 3266], ["thought", 3266], ["maybe", 3272], ["word", 3293], ["cad", 3302], ["cads", 3302], ["see", 3317], ["stop", 3334], ["fella", 3349], ["pester", 3364], ["pestering", 3364], ["daughter", 3377], ["use", 3387], ["used", 3387], ["friend", 3401], ["friends", 3401], ["hundred", 3432], ["afraid", 3462], ["father", 3472], ["fathered", 3472], ["fathering", 3472], ["know", 3478], ["knowest", 3478], ["knows", 3478], ["wedding", 3548], ["dagnabbit", 3572], ["slap", 3592], ["slaps", 3592], ["slapped", 3592], ["thigh", 3602], ["thighs", 3602], ["tell", 3617], ["telling", 3617], ["thing", 3648], ["things", 3648], ["go", 3654], ["goest", 3654], ["going", 3654], ["see", 3677], ["saw", 3677], ["two", 3681], ["twos", 3681], ["alien", 3696], ["aliens", 3696], ["beam", 3704], ["beaming", 3704], ["backyard", 3725], ["five", 3736], ["fived", 3736], ["minute", 3744], ["minutes", 3744], ["male", 3786], ["males", 3786], ["female", 3799], ["head", 3813], ["headed", 3813], ["stable", 3832], ["ai", 3842], ["human", 3852], ["dimitri", 3884], ["corky", 3894], ["survey", 3970], ["surveyest", 3970], ["surveyed", 3970], ["area", 3979], ["already", 4002], ["inside", 4012]]
a group of people are gathering in the backyard , starting to strip . '' `` they 're getting ready for the hunt , '' phil said . zoltan pointed . `` a man in a tuxedo . he 's headed toward the stable in a hurry . '' phineas levitated up to where he could see . `` that 's rhett bleddyn . and that looks like dimitri at the stable door . '' `` let 's go hear what they have to say , '' zoltan suggested . `` an alien powwow . digger and jake trotted through the woods toward the stable . phineas , phil , and zoltan materialized at the back of the stable , then teleported into the hayloft . two voices were speaking below : corky and rhett . corky was screaming so loud the horses were growing agitated . zoltan closed his eyes and mouthed some words . phineas gave him a questioning look , but when the horses settled down , he realized what zoltan had been doing . he eased forward on his stomach to peek over the edge . `` it was terrible ! '' corky shouted . `` dimitri and i barely escaped ! '' `` calm down , '' rhett told her . `` it was those wretched mackay men ! they attacked us ! the vampires had swords and guns , and there was a huge bear and a tiger ! '' `` they had shifters with them ? '' and they were ripping your werewolves into dog food . dimitri and i barely made it out in time . '' rhett stiffened . `` you 're saying my men lost ? '' corky waved a dismissive hand . `` they were falling like flies . i 've never seen such a bunch of useless- '' `` my men lost ? '' rhett shouted . have you been listening ? '' corky screeched . `` those bloody mackay bastards took over your ranch . now where on earth am i supposed to do my death-sleep ? '' rhett dragged a hand through his hair . `` i 'll find a place for you here . '' corky huffed . `` let 's just go back to alaska . you have plenty of land there . '' `` i need more ! '' rhett 's eyes gleamed . `` i need more wolves . i need more power . and i 'm so damned close . i 'll get more men down here quick . the wedding is in two nights . '' `` i do n't want you to marry that bitch ! '' corky screamed . `` get a grip , corky , '' he hissed . `` it 's just a damned formality so the land can transfer to me legally . once i 'm married to the jones girl , we 'll kill her and the entire family . then i 'll inherit it all . '' phineas flinched and exchanged a look with phil . `` just two more days . '' rhett pulled corky into his arms . `` we 'll have it all . i 'll have thousands of pack members in four states following my every command . '' corky wrapped her arms around his neck . `` and i 'll have the governors under my control . '' dimitri yelped and ran toward them . `` there 's a bear charging toward us ! '' rhett ordered . `` take me to the house . '' they vanished just as digger loped into the stable , followed by jake . the horses went crazy , rearing up and kicking at their stalls . `` calm yourselves , '' zoltan told them . the bear shifted , and the horses returned to normal . phineas jumped down to the ground . `` dammit , digger ! '' `` you scared them off , '' phineas muttered . `` we missed a chance to capture them . '' `` or kill them , '' phil added . `` at least now we know exactly what they 're planning , '' zoltan said . `` a wedding , '' phineas muttered . `` followed by mass murder . '' the bastards were planning to kill his brynley . chapter twenty-three `` any sign of brynley ? '' digger was sitting on the roof of the stable , hidden behind a turret capped with a large weathervane . wrapped in a dark horse blanket , he surveyed the surrounding area . his dog , jake , was safe inside with the horses . `` ai n't seen hide nor hair of her . '' `` you get it ? she could have skin or fur . '' `` i 'll check back with you later . he teleported to the front of the house , where phil was stationed in a tree . `` have n't seen her , '' phil muttered . they 'd been watching the house for five hours . `` you 'd think she 'd at least look out a damned window . '' there was plenty to look at .
[["group", 7], ["people", 17], ["gather", 31], ["gatherest", 31], ["backyard", 47], ["start", 58], ["starting", 58], ["strip", 67], ["get", 92], ["getting", 92], ["ready", 98], ["hunt", 111], ["hunting", 111], ["huntest", 111], ["phil", 121], ["say", 126], ["sayest", 126], ["said", 126], ["zoltan", 135], ["point", 143], ["pointed", 143], ["man", 154], ["mans", 154], ["manned", 154], ["tuxedo", 166], ["head", 181], ["headed", 181], ["toward", 188], ["stable", 199], ["hurry", 210], ["hurried", 210], ["hurryed", 210], ["hurrying", 210], ["phineas", 223], ["levitate", 233], ["levitated", 233], ["see", 258], ["look", 302], ["looks", 302], ["like", 307], ["dimitri", 315], ["door", 334], ["let", 346], ["lets", 346], ["go", 352], ["goest", 352], ["hear", 357], ["hears", 357], ["say", 379], ["sayest", 379], ["suggest", 401], ["suggested", 401], ["alien", 415], ["powwow", 422], ["digger", 431], ["jake", 440], ["jakes", 440], ["jaked", 440], ["trot", 448], ["trotted", 448], ["wood", 466], ["woods", 466], ["materialize", 527], ["materialized", 527], ["back", 539], ["teleport", 571], ["teleporting", 571], ["teleported", 571], ["hayloft", 588], ["haylofts", 588], ["two", 594], ["twos", 594], ["voice", 601], ["voices", 601], ["speak", 615], ["spoken", 615], ["speaking", 615], ["corky", 629], ["scream", 661], ["screams", 661], ["screaming", 661], ["loud", 669], ["horse", 680], ["horsed", 680], ["horses", 680], ["grow", 693], ["growest", 693], ["growing", 693], ["agitate", 702], ["agitated", 702], ["close", 718], ["closed", 718], ["eye", 727], ["eyed", 727], ["eyes", 727], ["mouth", 739], ["mouthed", 739], ["word", 750], ["words", 750], ["give", 765], ["gave", 765], ["questioning", 783], ["look", 788], ["settle", 818], ["settled", 818], ["realize", 837], ["realized", 837], ["ease", 875], ["eased", 875], ["forward", 883], ["forwarding", 883], ["forwardest", 883], ["stomach", 898], ["stomachs", 898], ["stomaching", 898], ["peek", 906], ["peeks", 906], ["edge", 920], ["edges", 920], ["terrible", 941], ["shout", 960], ["shouted", 960], ["barely", 986], ["escape", 994], ["escapes", 994], ["escaped", 994], ["calm", 1007], ["calms", 1007], ["tell", 1028], ["told", 1028], ["man", 1070], ["mans", 1070], ["manned", 1070], ["men", 1070], ["attack", 1086], ["attacked", 1086], ["vampire", 1104], ["vampires", 1104], ["sword", 1115], ["swords", 1115], ["gun", 1124], ["guns", 1124], ["huge", 1147], ["bear", 1152], ["bore", 1152], ["bearest", 1152], ["tiger", 1164], ["shift", 1190], ["shifters", 1190], ["rip", 1227], ["ripping", 1227], ["werewolf", 1243], ["werewolves", 1243], ["dog", 1252], ["food", 1257], ["foods", 1257], ["time", 1300], ["stiffen", 1321], ["stiffens", 1321], ["stiffened", 1321], ["say", 1341], ["sayest", 1341], ["saying", 1341], ["lose", 1353], ["lost", 1353], ["wave", 1370], ["waved", 1370], ["dismissive", 1383], ["hand", 1388], ["fall", 1411], ["falls", 1411], ["falling", 1411], ["fly", 1422], ["flys", 1422], ["flies", 1422], ["never", 1436], ["see", 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["hiss", 2117], ["hissed", 2117], ["damn", 2142], ["damned", 2142], ["formality", 2152], ["transfer", 2177], ["transfering", 2177], ["legally", 2191], ["marry", 2211], ["married", 2211], ["joneses", 2224], ["girl", 2229], ["kill", 2243], ["entire", 2262], ["family", 2269], ["inherit", 2290], ["inherits", 2290], ["flinch", 2319], ["flinched", 2319], ["exchange", 2333], ["exchanged", 2333], ["day", 2374], ["days", 2374], ["pull", 2392], ["pulled", 2392], ["arm", 2412], ["arms", 2412], ["thousand", 2459], ["thousands", 2459], ["pack", 2467], ["member", 2475], ["members", 2475], ["four", 2483], ["state", 2490], ["states", 2490], ["follow", 2500], ["following", 2500], ["every", 2509], ["command", 2517], ["wrap", 2536], ["wraps", 2536], ["wrapping", 2536], ["wrapped", 2536], ["around", 2552], ["neck", 2561], ["necked", 2561], ["governor", 2595], ["governors", 2595], ["control", 2612], ["run", 2640], ["ran", 2640], ["charge", 2682], ["charging", 2682], ["order", 2711], ["orderest", 2711], ["ordered", 2711], ["take", 2721], ["house", 2737], ["vanish", 2756], ["vanishest", 2756], ["vanished", 2756], ["lope", 2777], ["lopes", 2777], ["follow", 2804], ["followed", 2804], ["go", 2830], ["goest", 2830], ["went", 2830], ["crazy", 2836], ["rear", 2846], ["rearing", 2846], ["kick", 2861], ["kicking", 2861], ["stall", 2877], ["stalls", 2877], ["shift", 2939], ["shifted", 2939], ["return", 2965], ["returnest", 2965], ["returned", 2965], ["normal", 2975], ["jump", 2992], ["jumps", 2992], ["jumped", 2992], ["ground", 3011], ["dammit", 3023], ["scare", 3051], ["scared", 3051], ["mutter", 3082], ["muttering", 3082], ["mutterest", 3082], ["muttered", 3082], ["miss", 3097], ["missed", 3097], ["chance", 3106], ["chanced", 3106], ["chancing", 3106], ["capture", 3117], ["add", 3159], ["added", 3159], ["least", 3173], ["leastest", 3173], ["know", 3185], ["knowest", 3185], ["exactly", 3193], ["plan", 3216], ["mass", 3292], ["massed", 3292], ["massing", 3292], ["massest", 3292], ["murder", 3299], ["murderest", 3299], ["chapter", 3361], ["twenty", 3368], ["three", 3374], ["sign", 3386], ["sat", 3421], ["sit", 3421], ["sitting", 3421], ["roof", 3433], ["roofs", 3433], ["roofing", 3433], ["hide", 3456], ["hides", 3456], ["hidden", 3456], ["behind", 3463], ["turret", 3472], ["cap", 3479], ["capped", 3479], ["large", 3492], ["weathervane", 3504], ["dark", 3524], ["horse", 3530], ["horsed", 3530], ["blanket", 3538], ["survey", 3552], ["surveyest", 3552], ["surveyed", 3552], ["surround", 3568], ["surrounding", 3568], ["area", 3573], ["safe", 3601], ["safes", 3601], ["safed", 3601], ["inside", 3608], ["ai", 3632], ["hide", 3646], ["hides", 3646], ["skin", 3703], ["fur", 3710], ["check", 3730], ["later", 3750], ["front", 3779], ["station", 3819], ["stationed", 3819], ["tree", 3829], ["treed", 3829], ["treeing", 3829], ["watch", 3895], ["watching", 3895], ["five", 3914], ["fived", 3914], ["hour", 3920], ["hours", 3920], ["think", 3938], ["thinkest", 3938], ["window", 3979], ["windows", 3979]]
werewolves were shifting back and forth , dragging back carcasses , cutting them up , and roasting them . some of the guests had opted to remain human tonight so they could party at the house . they were drinking beer on the patio , making out in the garden . he 'd spotted a few making love in the woods . `` i 'll check on you later , '' he told phil , then teleported to his station at the back of the house . he sat on a branch high up in a tree and scanned all the people once again , searching for brynley . zoltan had teleported to the carson ranch to report on what they 'd heard in the stable . meanwhile , phineas , phil , and digger kept watch . no sign of corky or dimitri . they were either inside the house , or they 'd teleported elsewhere . rhett had taken off with a group of his minions in an suv . no sign of brynley . she did n't seem to be using her bedroom . did her father have her locked up in a prison cell ? was she miserable ? or did she have her big boy 1000 extreme to keep her company ? she probably never used it . after all , she 'd left it behind when she ran away from home . and why should he worry if she did use it ? it was better than jumping any of these werewolves who strutted around nak*d , covered with blood and grime . he shifted on the branch . the sun would rise in less than an hour . he 'd have to leave to do his death-sleep . his cell phone vibrated , not nearly as good as the big boy 1000 extreme , and he checked his text message . zoltan was back , and he 'd landed by the stable . phineas teleported over to phil , picked him up , then materialized by the stable . they all sat out of view of the house , on the back side of the roof , close to digger . `` the cabin has been quiet , '' zoltan told them . `` no action there . angus and his team defeated all the werewolves at bleddyn 's ranch . robby 's got a team there , keeping it secure . i told angus that we saw corky and dimitri here , along with bleddyn . '' `` what does angus want us to do ? '' `` he 'll send us more men tomorrow night , '' zoltan said , `` but he does n't want us to attack . we would end up killing caddoc jones 's pack members , and we do n't want to weaken his forces in case bleddyn attacks him and his family . '' `` this could escalate into a werewolf war , pack against pack . i need to get my brother and sisters out of here . '' phineas wondered . he was tempted to walk up to the house , ring the front doorbell , and tell caddoc jones that he and his family were about to be slaughtered . `` if we see corky or dimitri , we 're supposed to grab them and teleport them straight to the carson ranch . angus has some silver chains and handcuffs there . '' zoltan took a deep breath . `` and of course , if you see brynley , you can grab her . '' `` if we see her , '' phineas grumbled . `` we have thirty minutes left here , '' zoltan continued . `` then we 'll go to the carson ranch for our death-sleep . '' he 'd have to wait another night to rescue brynley . the next evening , brynley forced herself to eat some of the buffet . it tasted like dry chalk in her mouth , but she needed to keep her strength up . she 'd been awake for only two hours , but she was already stressed out . first , her guards had escorted her to her bedroom so she could try on the wedding dress . after all , the wedding was tomorrow . she nearly choked on the deer meat she was chewing and drank half a glass of wine to fortify her nerves . a female werewolf/seamstress had marked a few areas she wanted to alter , then brynley had been escorted to a small office being used by her wedding planner . she had n't even known she had a wedding planner . but it was n't that surprising , really . her father was not the sort to fool with mundane details . he commanded others to do it . since the wedding was happening so quickly , the invitations were merely passed out among the guests who were already there . tonight was the third night of the full moon , and normally the last night of the monthly party , but the guests would simply stay one more night to witness the wedding . she swallowed another bite of deer meat . it was all a farce , really . the wedding planner had acted like she wanted brynley 's approval of the dinner menu and flower arrangements , but it was all going to happen whether she liked it or not .
[["werewolf", 10], ["werewolves", 10], ["shift", 24], ["shifting", 24], ["back", 29], ["forth", 39], ["drag", 50], ["dragging", 50], ["carcass", 65], ["carcasses", 65], ["cut", 75], ["cutting", 75], ["roast", 98], ["roasting", 98], ["guest", 124], ["guestest", 124], ["guests", 124], ["opt", 134], ["optest", 134], ["opted", 134], ["remain", 144], ["human", 150], ["tonight", 158], ["party", 178], ["house", 191], ["drank", 212], ["drink", 212], ["drinking", 212], ["beer", 217], ["patio", 230], ["garden", 257], ["gardens", 257], ["gardened", 257], ["spot", 273], ["spotted", 273], ["love", 291], ["wood", 304], ["woods", 304], ["check", 321], ["later", 334], ["tell", 347], ["told", 347], ["phil", 352], ["teleport", 370], ["teleporting", 370], ["teleported", 370], ["station", 385], ["sat", 419], ["sit", 419], ["branch", 431], ["branchest", 431], ["high", 436], ["tree", 449], ["treed", 449], ["treeing", 449], ["scan", 461], ["scans", 461], ["scanning", 461], ["scanned", 461], ["people", 476], ["search", 499], ["searching", 499], ["zoltan", 520], ["carson", 549], ["ranch", 555], ["report", 565], ["hear", 587], ["hears", 587], ["heard", 587], ["stable", 601], ["meanwhile", 613], ["phineas", 623], ["digger", 643], ["keep", 648], ["keepest", 648], ["kept", 648], ["watch", 654], ["sign", 664], ["corky", 673], ["dimitri", 684], ["either", 703], ["inside", 710], ["elsewhere", 754], ["take", 772], ["taken", 772], ["group", 789], ["minion", 804], ["minions", 804], ["suv", 814], ["seem", 854], ["seeming", 854], ["use", 866], ["using", 866], ["bedroom", 878], ["father", 895], ["fathered", 895], ["fathering", 895], ["lock", 911], ["locked", 911], ["prison", 926], ["cell", 931], ["miserable", 951], ["big", 977], ["bigs", 977], ["boy", 981], ["extreme", 994], ["keep", 1002], ["keepest", 1002], ["company", 1014], ["companys", 1014], ["companying", 1014], ["probably", 1029], ["never", 1035], ["use", 1040], ["used", 1040], ["left", 1069], ["leave", 1069], ["behind", 1079], ["run", 1092], ["ran", 1092], ["away", 1097], ["home", 1107], ["homing", 1107], ["worry", 1133], ["worried", 1133], ["use", 1148], ["well", 1167], ["wells", 1167], ["jump", 1180], ["jumps", 1180], ["jumping", 1180], ["strut", 1217], ["struts", 1217], ["strutted", 1217], ["around", 1224], ["cover", 1240], ["covered", 1240], ["blood", 1251], ["bloods", 1251], ["blooded", 1251], ["grime", 1261], ["shift", 1274], ["shifted", 1274], ["sun", 1298], ["suns", 1298], ["sunned", 1298], ["rise", 1309], ["risen", 1309], ["less", 1317], ["hour", 1330], ["left", 1352], ["leave", 1352], ["death", 1368], ["sleep", 1374], ["slept", 1374], ["sleeps", 1374], ["sleepest", 1374], ["phone", 1391], ["vibrate", 1400], ["vibrated", 1400], ["nearly", 1413], ["good", 1421], ["check", 1466], ["checked", 1466], ["text", 1475], ["message", 1483], ["land", 1520], ["landed", 1520], ["pick", 1577], ["picked", 1577], ["materialize", 1604], ["materialized", 1604], ["view", 1645], ["viewest", 1645], ["side", 1677], ["sidest", 1677], ["roof", 1689], ["roofs", 1689], ["roofing", 1689], ["close", 1697], ["cabin", 1722], ["quiet", 1737], ["action", 1774], ["angus", 1788], ["team", 1801], ["teamed", 1801], ["teaming", 1801], ["defeat", 1810], ["defeatest", 1810], ["defeated", 1810], ["robby", 1857], ["get", 1864], ["got", 1864], ["keep", 1887], ["keepest", 1887], ["keeping", 1887], ["secure", 1897], ["securest", 1897], ["see", 1924], ["saw", 1924], ["along", 1955], ["send", 2026], ["man", 2038], ["mans", 2038], ["manned", 2038], ["men", 2038], ["tomorrow", 2047], ["tomorrows", 2047], ["night", 2053], ["say", 2070], ["sayest", 2070], ["said", 2070], ["attack", 2109], ["end", 2124], ["ends", 2124], ["endest", 2124], ["kill", 2135], ["killing", 2135], ["joneses", 2148], ["pack", 2156], ["member", 2164], ["members", 2164], ["weaken", 2195], ["force", 2206], ["forces", 2206], ["case", 2214], ["attack", 2230], ["attacks", 2230], ["family", 2249], ["escalate", 2277], ["werewolf", 2293], ["war", 2297], ["need", 2326], ["needest", 2326], ["get", 2333], ["brother", 2344], ["brethren", 2344], ["sister", 2356], ["sisters", 2356], ["wonder", 2390], ["wonderest", 2390], ["wondered", 2390], ["tempt", 2407], ["temptest", 2407], ["tempting", 2407], ["tempted", 2407], ["walk", 2415], ["front", 2448], ["doorbell", 2457], ["tell", 2468], ["slaughter", 2533], ["slaughters", 2533], ["slaughtered", 2533], ["see", 2548], ["suppose", 2583], ["supposed", 2583], ["grab", 2591], ["teleport", 2609], ["teleporting", 2609], ["straight", 2623], ["silver", 2667], ["silvered", 2667], ["chain", 2674], ["chains", 2674], ["handcuff", 2688], ["handcuffed", 2688], ["handcuffs", 2688], ["take", 2711], ["took", 2711], ["deep", 2718], ["deeply", 2718], ["breath", 2725], ["breathest", 2725], ["course", 2744], ["grumble", 2828], ["grumbles", 2828], ["grumbled", 2828], ["thirty", 2848], ["minute", 2856], ["minutes", 2856], ["continue", 2888], ["continued", 2888], ["go", 2908], ["goest", 2908], ["wait", 2972], ["waitest", 2972], ["another", 2980], ["rescue", 2996], ["next", 3015], ["evening", 3023], ["force", 3040], ["forced", 3040], ["eat", 3055], ["buffet", 3074], ["buffeting", 3074], ["taste", 3086], ["tasted", 3086], ["like", 3091], ["dry", 3095], ["drier", 3095], ["drying", 3095], ["chalk", 3101], ["chalked", 3101], ["mouth", 3114], ["mouthed", 3114], ["need", 3131], ["needest", 3131], ["needed", 3131], ["strength", 3152], ["awake", 3175], ["awoke", 3175], ["two", 3188], ["twos", 3188], ["hour", 3194], ["hours", 3194], ["already", 3216], ["stress", 3225], ["stressed", 3225], ["first", 3237], ["firstest", 3237], ["guard", 3250], ["guards", 3250], ["escort", 3263], ["escorted", 3263], ["try", 3299], ["tryed", 3299], ["wedding", 3314], ["dress", 3320], ["dressest", 3320], ["choke", 3379], ["choked", 3379], ["deer", 3391], ["meat", 3396], ["chew", 3412], ["chews", 3412], ["chewest", 3412], ["chewing", 3412], ["drank", 3422], ["drink", 3422], ["drinking", 3422], ["half", 3427], ["glass", 3435], ["wine", 3443], ["fortify", 3454], ["fortified", 3454], ["fortifying", 3454], ["nerve", 3465], ["nerves", 3465], ["female", 3476], ["seamstress", 3496], ["mark", 3507], ["marks", 3507], ["marked", 3507], ["area", 3519], ["areas", 3519], ["alter", 3539], ["altered", 3539], ["small", 3583], ["office", 3590], ["planner", 3624], ["even", 3643], ["evens", 3643], ["know", 3649], ["knowest", 3649], ["known", 3649], ["surprising", 3708], ["really", 3717], ["sort", 3747], ["fool", 3755], ["fooling", 3755], ["foolest", 3755], ["mundane", 3768], ["detail", 3776], ["details", 3776], ["command", 3791], ["commanded", 3791], ["since", 3815], ["happen", 3841], ["happening", 3841], ["quickly", 3852], ["invitation", 3870], ["invitations", 3870], ["merely", 3882], ["pass", 3889], ["passed", 3889], ["among", 3899], ["third", 3957], ["full", 3975], ["moon", 3980], ["moons", 3980], ["normally", 3995], ["last", 4004], ["monthly", 4025], ["simply", 4061], ["stay", 4066], ["witness", 4092], ["swallow", 4120], ["swallows", 4120], ["swallowed", 4120], ["bite", 4133], ["farce", 4167], ["act", 4208], ["acted", 4208], ["approval", 4244], ["dinner", 4258], ["menu", 4263], ["menus", 4263], ["flower", 4274], ["arrangement", 4287], ["arrangements", 4287], ["go", 4310], ["goest", 4310], ["going", 4310], ["happen", 4320], ["whether", 4328], ["like", 4338], ["liked", 4338]]
much to her sister 's dismay , she 'd managed one small act of rebellion . she 'd gone downstairs to eat dinner in her jeans , plaid shirt , and cowboy boots . the guards made sure now that she did n't get close to a window . her father 's orders , no doubt , after he 'd caught her eavesdropping on rhett . she scanned the dining room and counted three guards . there was no escaping them . at least she had n't been forced to endure rhett 's company today . he strode into the room , dressed in his tuxedo , wearing a white silk scarf around his shoulders and an obnoxious smirk on his face . `` you have dog mange ? '' nearby guests chuckled , and his smirk twisted with anger . he seized her arm . as he dragged her from the dining room , she glanced back and saw the guards following . would they defend her if she was attacked , or stand by and applaud ? rhett pushed her out the back door , making her stumble forward onto the empty patio . he grabbed her once again and pulled her close . `` you will show me respect in public , '' he growled softly . `` then i can be rude in private ? '' his hands tightened painfully on her arms , and she winced . there would be bruises tomorrow . how fortunate her wedding dress had long sleeves . `` you do n't want to know what we 'll do in private , '' he hissed . he whipped the white silk scarf off his shoulders and spun her around . she lunged forward to escape , but the three guards blocked her . suddenly , the silk scarf covered her eyes . she gasped and felt a tug at the back of her head . the scarf had been knotted . she reached up to pull the scarf down but her hands were grabbed by a pair of tight fists . rhett pulled her forward . she heard the guards following behind , but she doubted they would help her . if you harm me , my father will kill you . '' rhett chuckled . `` harm you ? i plan to marry you , you nitwit . now two steps down . '' he held on to her hands and guided her into the backyard . rhett wrapped an arm around her shoulder and steered her to the left . `` it took all night and all day for me and my men to pull off this feat . you 'll be very impressed . '' `` only if you all managed to castrate yourselves , '' she muttered . `` i like the way you resist . it will make your final submission so much sweeter . '' the air was chilly against her cheeks . the temperature was dropping , a sure sign that the sun had set . would phineas come looking for her ? she strained her ears and could hear the soft thud of footsteps behind her . the guards were still following . up ahead , she heard voices . something about ropes ? tying something down ? images of her last assault flitted through her mind , and her heart thundered in her ears . she pushed the memories aside . she would be brave . rhett stopped her and placed her hands on a horizontal wooden beam . it was the horse pen . she dug her fingers into the wood . rhett whispered , his mouth close to the white silk covering her ear . `` your sister told me what you admired the most in the world . i 'm giving it to you as a sign of my devotion . '' he whipped the scarf off her head , and she gasped . her heart lurched , and tears instantly sprang to her eyes . the wild white stallion was imprisoned inside the pen . it pawed the ground furiously . its eyes rolled about in fear and rage . three ropes had been tied around its neck and secured to the fenced enclosure . the horse strained to move , its neck already red with welts as the ropes cut into its white coat . `` you 're hurting him , '' she whispered . she could almost feel the ropes around her own neck , squeezing tighter and tighter . `` it 's the only way to contain him , '' rhett said . `` damned horse put up quite a fight . '' she noted the dried blood on the horse 's flank . do you know how much trouble we- '' he looked at her . she wiped the tears off her face , and jutted out her chin . he leaned on the fence , studying her . `` i 'll let him go if you 'll be my willing bride . '' her heart skipped a beat as it plummeted into her stomach . a feeling of doom sucked her down . submission , the way of the lycan world . she gazed at the wild white stallion , and more tears stung her eyes . if she agreed , at least one of them would be free . chapter twenty-four phineas nearly fell out of the tree when he teleported there . was that brynley ? blindfolded ? rhett bleddyn was leading her across the backyard . three guards followed close behind . they appeared to be headed toward the stable .
[["much", 4], ["sister", 18], ["dismay", 28], ["dismayed", 28], ["manage", 45], ["managed", 45], ["small", 55], ["act", 59], ["acted", 59], ["rebellion", 72], ["go", 86], ["goest", 86], ["gone", 86], ["downstairs", 97], ["eat", 104], ["dinner", 111], ["jean", 124], ["jeans", 124], ["plaid", 132], ["shirt", 138], ["cowboy", 151], ["cowboys", 151], ["boot", 157], ["boots", 157], ["guard", 170], ["guards", 170], ["sure", 180], ["get", 205], ["close", 211], ["window", 223], ["windows", 223], ["father", 236], ["fathered", 236], ["fathering", 236], ["order", 246], ["orderest", 246], ["orders", 246], ["doubt", 257], ["catch", 278], ["catched", 278], ["catches", 278], ["caught", 278], ["eavesdropping", 296], ["scan", 319], ["scans", 319], ["scanning", 319], ["scanned", 319], ["room", 335], ["roomed", 335], ["count", 347], ["countest", 347], ["counted", 347], ["three", 353], ["escape", 384], ["escapes", 384], ["escaping", 384], ["least", 400], ["leastest", 400], ["force", 424], ["forced", 424], ["endure", 434], ["company", 451], ["companys", 451], ["companying", 451], ["today", 457], ["stride", 469], ["stridden", 469], ["dress", 493], ["dressest", 493], ["dressed", 493], ["tuxedo", 507], ["wear", 517], ["wearing", 517], ["white", 525], ["silk", 530], ["scarf", 536], ["around", 543], ["shoulder", 557], ["shouldered", 557], ["shoulders", 557], ["obnoxious", 574], ["smirk", 580], ["face", 592], ["dog", 610], ["mange", 616], ["nearby", 628], ["guest", 635], ["guestest", 635], ["guests", 635], ["chuckle", 644], ["chuckled", 644], ["twist", 668], ["twisted", 668], ["twisting", 668], ["anger", 679], ["seize", 691], ["seizes", 691], ["seized", 691], ["arm", 699], ["drag", 715], ["dragged", 715], ["glance", 754], ["glanced", 754], ["back", 759], ["see", 767], ["saw", 767], ["follow", 788], ["following", 788], ["defend", 808], ["attack", 832], ["attacked", 832], ["stand", 843], ["stood", 843], ["standest", 843], ["applaud", 858], ["applauds", 858], ["push", 873], ["pushed", 873], ["door", 895], ["stumble", 916], ["forward", 924], ["forwarding", 924], ["forwardest", 924], ["onto", 929], ["ontos", 929], ["empty", 939], ["patio", 945], ["grab", 958], ["grabbed", 958], ["pull", 984], ["pulled", 984], ["show", 1013], ["respect", 1024], ["public", 1034], ["growl", 1050], ["growls", 1050], ["growled", 1050], ["softly", 1057], ["rude", 1081], ["private", 1092], ["hand", 1107], ["hands", 1107], ["tighten", 1117], ["tightens", 1117], ["tightenest", 1117], ["tightened", 1117], ["painfully", 1127], ["arm", 1139], ["arms", 1139], ["wince", 1156], ["winced", 1156], ["bruise", 1181], ["bruises", 1181], ["tomorrow", 1190], ["tomorrows", 1190], ["fortunate", 1206], ["wedding", 1218], ["dress", 1224], ["dressest", 1224], ["long", 1233], ["longs", 1233], ["sleeve", 1241], ["sleeving", 1241], ["sleeves", 1241], ["know", 1270], ["knowest", 1270], ["hiss", 1311], ["hissed", 1311], ["whip", 1324], ["whipped", 1324], ["spin", 1372], ["spun", 1372], ["lunge", 1396], ["lunges", 1396], ["escape", 1414], ["escapes", 1414], ["block", 1445], ["blocks", 1445], ["blocked", 1445], ["suddenly", 1460], ["cover", 1485], ["covered", 1485], ["eye", 1494], ["eyed", 1494], ["eyes", 1494], ["gasp", 1507], ["gasps", 1507], ["gasped", 1507], ["feel", 1516], ["felt", 1516], ["tug", 1522], ["tugging", 1522], ["head", 1546], ["knot", 1575], ["knotted", 1575], ["reach", 1589], ["reached", 1589], ["pull", 1600], ["pair", 1652], ["pairs", 1652], ["tight", 1661], ["fist", 1667], ["fists", 1667], ["hear", 1706], ["hears", 1706], ["heard", 1706], ["behind", 1734], ["doubt", 1752], ["doubted", 1752], ["help", 1768], ["helpest", 1768], ["harm", 1786], ["harmest", 1786], ["kill", 1811], ["plan", 1858], ["marry", 1867], ["married", 1867], ["nitwit", 1884], ["two", 1894], ["twos", 1894], ["step", 1900], ["steps", 1900], ["hold", 1918], ["held", 1918], ["guide", 1945], ["guided", 1945], ["backyard", 1967], ["wrap", 1983], ["wraps", 1983], ["wrapping", 1983], ["wrapped", 1983], ["shoulder", 2010], ["shouldered", 2010], ["steer", 2022], ["steerest", 2022], ["steered", 2022], ["left", 2038], ["take", 2051], ["took", 2051], ["night", 2061], ["day", 2073], ["man", 2091], ["mans", 2091], ["manned", 2091], ["men", 2091], ["feat", 2113], ["castrate", 2185], ["castrates", 2185], ["mutter", 2214], ["muttering", 2214], ["mutterest", 2214], ["muttered", 2214], ["like", 2226], ["way", 2234], ["ways", 2234], ["resist", 2245], ["resistest", 2245], ["final", 2271], ["submission", 2282], ["sweet", 2298], ["air", 2311], ["airs", 2311], ["airing", 2311], ["chilly", 2322], ["cheek", 2341], ["cheeks", 2341], ["temperature", 2359], ["drop", 2372], ["dropping", 2372], ["sign", 2386], ["sun", 2399], ["suns", 2399], ["sunned", 2399], ["set", 2407], ["phineas", 2423], ["come", 2428], ["look", 2436], ["looking", 2436], ["strain", 2459], ["strains", 2459], ["strained", 2459], ["ear", 2468], ["ears", 2468], ["hear", 2483], ["hears", 2483], ["soft", 2492], ["thud", 2497], ["footstep", 2510], ["footsteps", 2510], ["still", 2545], ["ahead", 2566], ["voice", 2585], ["voices", 2585], ["rope", 2609], ["ropes", 2609], ["tie", 2617], ["tying", 2617], ["tieing", 2617], ["image", 2641], ["imaged", 2641], ["imaging", 2641], ["images", 2641], ["last", 2653], ["assault", 2661], ["flit", 2669], ["flitted", 2669], ["mind", 2686], ["minding", 2686], ["heart", 2702], ["thunder", 2712], ["thundered", 2712], ["memory", 2750], ["memories", 2750], ["aside", 2756], ["brave", 2777], ["stop", 2793], ["stopped", 2793], ["place", 2808], ["placed", 2808], ["horizontal", 2834], ["wooden", 2841], ["beam", 2846], ["horse", 2865], ["horsed", 2865], ["pen", 2869], ["dig", 2879], ["dug", 2879], ["digs", 2879], ["digest", 2879], ["finger", 2891], ["fingers", 2891], ["wood", 2905], ["whisper", 2923], ["whispered", 2923], ["mouth", 2935], ["mouthed", 2935], ["cover", 2968], ["covering", 2968], ["ear", 2976], ["tell", 2998], ["told", 2998], ["admire", 3018], ["admired", 3018], ["world", 3040], ["give", 3054], ["giving", 3054], ["devotion", 3089], ["lurch", 3165], ["tear", 3177], ["teared", 3177], ["tears", 3177], ["instantly", 3187], ["sprang", 3194], ["spring", 3194], ["sprung", 3194], ["wild", 3217], ["wildest", 3217], ["stallion", 3232], ["imprison", 3247], ["imprisonest", 3247], ["imprisoned", 3247], ["inside", 3254], ["paw", 3273], ["pawest", 3273], ["pawed", 3273], ["ground", 3284], ["furiously", 3294], ["roll", 3312], ["rolled", 3312], ["fear", 3326], ["fearest", 3326], ["rage", 3335], ["tie", 3363], ["tying", 3363], ["tieing", 3363], ["tied", 3363], ["neck", 3379], ["necked", 3379], ["secure", 3391], ["securest", 3391], ["secured", 3391], ["enclosure", 3415], ["move", 3444], ["already", 3463], ["red", 3467], ["welt", 3478], ["cut", 3495], ["coat", 3515], ["hurt", 3536], ["hurts", 3536], ["hurting", 3536], ["almost", 3578], ["feel", 3583], ["squeeze", 3625], ["squeezes", 3625], ["squeezing", 3625], ["tight", 3633], ["contain", 3680], ["containest", 3680], ["say", 3700], ["sayest", 3700], ["said", 3700], ["put", 3722], ["quite", 3731], ["fight", 3739], ["fightest", 3739], ["note", 3754], ["noted", 3754], ["dry", 3764], ["drier", 3764], ["drying", 3764], ["dried", 3764], ["blood", 3770], ["bloods", 3770], ["blooded", 3770], ["flank", 3792], ["trouble", 3823], ["troubling", 3823], ["look", 3840], ["looked", 3840], ["wipe", 3859], ["wiped", 3859], ["jut", 3895], ["chin", 3908], ["lean", 3920], ["leans", 3920], ["leaned", 3920], ["fence", 3933], ["study", 3944], ["studying", 3944], ["let", 3963], ["lets", 3963], ["go", 3970], ["goest", 3970], ["willing", 3995], ["bride", 4001], ["skip", 4024], ["skips", 4024], ["skipped", 4024], ["beat", 4031], ["plummet", 4047], ["plummeted", 4047], ["stomach", 4064], ["stomachs", 4064], ["stomaching", 4064], ["feeling", 4076], ["doom", 4084], ["suck", 4091], ["sucking", 4091], ["sucked", 4091], ["gaze", 4154], ["gazes", 4154], ["gazed", 4154], ["stung", 4204], ["sting", 4204], ["stinging", 4204], ["agree", 4229], ["agreed", 4229], ["free", 4266], ["chapter", 4276], ["twenty", 4283], ["four", 4288], ["nearly", 4303], ["fall", 4308], ["falls", 4308], ["fell", 4308], ["tree", 4324], ["treed", 4324], ["treeing", 4324], ["teleport", 4343], ["teleporting", 4343], ["teleported", 4343], ["lead", 4410], ["leaded", 4410], ["leading", 4410], ["across", 4421], ["follow", 4458], ["followed", 4458], ["appear", 4487], ["appeared", 4487], ["head", 4500], ["headed", 4500], ["toward", 4507], ["stable", 4518]]
maybe he could teleport to her and grab her before rhett or the three guards reacted . might be difficult since rhett had an arm around her . he needed backup . after waking in nate carson 's basement , he 'd been so anxious to return here and watch for brynley that he 'd guzzled down a bottle and teleported straight here with phil . he 'd left the werewolf in his favorite tree in the front . zoltan and jack were supposed to follow . he texted a message to zoltan . go to stable roof now ! he pocketed the cell phone and glanced at brynley . rhett had taken her to the horse pen . gleaming white under the full moon , the wild white stallion strained at its ropes . shock quickly gave way to anger . they 'd found the perfect way to hurt brynley . this was no slap on the face . it was a wound inflicted upon her soul . he teleported to phil , and before phil could ask a question , he 'd landed the two of them on the stable roof . zoltan materialized with jack . phineas pointed toward the horse pen and whispered , `` brynley . '' as he stretched out on his stomach to peer over the ridge of the roof , the others did the same . phil hissed in a breath . zoltan nudged phineas with his elbow . `` jack and i will keep the guards busy . '' `` i want you and jack to teleport into the pen . you 'll use your mojo to calm down the stallion while jack cuts the ropes . then you teleport the horse out . while you're- '' `` the horse is too heavy , '' zoltan interrupted . `` you can do it together . '' `` we could end up ripping it in two . '' `` then connect your minds so you 'll land together at the cabin . and while they 're freaking out over the horse , i 'll swoop in and grab brynley . we 'll all meet at the cabin . '' `` except me , '' phil muttered . `` but you guys go ahead . have all the fun . '' `` sorry , dude , '' phineas said . i want you to get bryn out . i 'm worried about the rest of my family , too . '' phineas removed the knife from his boot and handed it to jack . he accepted the knife . `` it 's a crazy idea , but i like it . '' jack and zoltan teleported . jack zoomed around the horse at vampire speed , cutting the three ropes , while zoltan faced the horse . the stallion grew still . rhett 's men hollered and jumped into the pen . rhett let go of brynley and shouted orders to his men , and her guards moved aside to watch . phineas teleported beside her and grabbed her . she gasped , looking at him in shock . he had a glimpse of zoltan and jack vanishing with the horse , then he teleported , taking brynley with him . they landed inside the cabin . she threw her arms around him and laughed . she leaned back , beaming at him , then her expression morphed into panic . `` the wild white stallion ! we have to rescue him ! '' `` brynley- '' `` they 're torturing him ! '' you ca n't bear to be free if he 's not free . '' he led her onto the front porch . the stallion reared up on its hind legs . jack and zoltan jumped back . `` you saved him , '' she whispered . she pressed a hand against her chest , then turned to phineas . with a smile , he brushed the tear away . `` i know how you feel about him . '' `` whoa , '' zoltan murmured to the horse . let us get the ropes off you . '' the stallion pawed at the ground , then went still . jack approached slowly , then slid his knife under the ropes and cut through . the ropes fell to the ground , and the stallion tossed its head . brynley 's gaze shifted back to phineas , and more tears glimmered in her eyes . you saved the stallion . you beautiful , beautiful man . '' zoltan exchanged a look with jack . `` i thought we did all the work . '' phineas kissed her brow . `` as long as i live , i 'll fight anyone who tries to capture the wild horse . and i 'll never let anyone destroy your beautiful wild spirit . '' with a choked sob , she threw her arms around him . i was so afraid i 'd never get the chance to tell you . '' he laughed and swung her around in a circle . `` i 'm starting to feel a bit unnecessary again , '' jack muttered . `` come on , casanova . '' zoltan motioned for him to follow . `` we have another job to do . '' phineas kissed brynley , and she laughed against his mouth .
[["maybe", 5], ["teleport", 23], ["teleporting", 23], ["grab", 39], ["three", 69], ["guard", 76], ["guards", 76], ["react", 84], ["reacted", 84], ["may", 92], ["mays", 92], ["mayest", 92], ["might", 92], ["difficult", 105], ["since", 111], ["arm", 128], ["around", 135], ["need", 151], ["needest", 151], ["needed", 151], ["backup", 158], ["wake", 173], ["wakes", 173], ["woken", 173], ["waking", 173], ["nate", 181], ["nates", 181], ["carson", 188], ["basement", 200], ["anxious", 224], ["anxiousest", 224], ["return", 234], ["returnest", 234], ["watch", 249], ["guzzle", 280], ["guzzles", 280], ["guzzled", 280], ["bottle", 294], ["bottled", 294], ["teleport", 309], ["teleporting", 309], ["teleported", 309], ["straight", 318], ["phil", 333], ["left", 346], ["leave", 346], ["werewolf", 359], ["favorite", 375], ["favoritest", 375], ["tree", 380], ["treed", 380], ["treeing", 380], ["front", 393], ["zoltan", 402], ["jack", 411], ["jacks", 411], ["jacked", 411], ["suppose", 425], ["supposed", 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["inflict", 807], ["inflictest", 807], ["inflicted", 807], ["upon", 812], ["soul", 821], ["ask", 873], ["question", 884], ["land", 899], ["landed", 899], ["two", 907], ["twos", 907], ["materialize", 956], ["materialized", 956], ["phineas", 976], ["point", 984], ["pointed", 984], ["toward", 991], ["whisper", 1019], ["whispered", 1019], ["stretch", 1053], ["stretched", 1053], ["stomach", 1072], ["stomachs", 1072], ["stomaching", 1072], ["peer", 1080], ["ridge", 1095], ["hiss", 1147], ["hissed", 1147], ["breath", 1159], ["breathest", 1159], ["nudge", 1175], ["nudges", 1175], ["nudged", 1175], ["elbow", 1198], ["elbowing", 1198], ["keep", 1224], ["keepest", 1224], ["busy", 1240], ["busied", 1240], ["use", 1307], ["mojo", 1317], ["mojos", 1317], ["calm", 1325], ["calms", 1325], ["cut", 1359], ["cuts", 1359], ["heavy", 1448], ["heavier", 1448], ["heavies", 1448], ["interrupt", 1472], ["interruptest", 1472], ["interrupted", 1472], ["together", 1500], ["end", 1521], ["ends", 1521], ["endest", 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["torturing", 2805], ["ca", 2821], ["cas", 2821], ["bear", 2830], ["bore", 2830], ["bearest", 2830], ["free", 2841], ["lead", 2871], ["leaded", 2871], ["led", 2871], ["onto", 2880], ["ontos", 2880], ["porch", 2896], ["rear", 2918], ["reared", 2918], ["hind", 2933], ["hinds", 2933], ["leg", 2938], ["legs", 2938], ["save", 2983], ["saved", 2983], ["press", 3020], ["pressed", 3020], ["hand", 3027], ["chest", 3045], ["turn", 3059], ["turned", 3059], ["smile", 3085], ["brush", 3098], ["brushest", 3098], ["brushed", 3098], ["tear", 3107], ["teared", 3107], ["away", 3112], ["know", 3124], ["knowest", 3124], ["feel", 3137], ["whoa", 3160], ["murmur", 3181], ["murmurest", 3181], ["murmured", 3181], ["paw", 3249], ["pawest", 3249], ["pawed", 3249], ["ground", 3263], ["go", 3275], ["goest", 3275], ["went", 3275], ["approach", 3299], ["approaches", 3299], ["approached", 3299], ["slowly", 3306], ["slid", 3318], ["cut", 3352], ["fall", 3377], ["falls", 3377], ["fell", 3377], ["toss", 3417], ["tossed", 3417], ["head", 3426], ["gaze", 3444], ["gazes", 3444], ["shift", 3452], ["shifted", 3452], ["tear", 3485], ["teared", 3485], ["tears", 3485], ["glimmer", 3495], ["glimmered", 3495], ["eye", 3507], ["eyed", 3507], ["eyes", 3507], ["beautiful", 3548], ["beautifulest", 3548], ["man", 3564], ["mans", 3564], ["manned", 3564], ["exchange", 3586], ["exchanged", 3586], ["look", 3593], ["think", 3618], ["thinkest", 3618], ["thought", 3618], ["work", 3638], ["wrought", 3638], ["kiss", 3658], ["kisses", 3658], ["kissest", 3658], ["kissed", 3658], ["brow", 3667], ["long", 3680], ["longs", 3680], ["live", 3690], ["fight", 3704], ["fightest", 3704], ["anyone", 3711], ["try", 3721], ["tryed", 3721], ["tries", 3721], ["capture", 3732], ["never", 3765], ["destroy", 3784], ["destroys", 3784], ["spirit", 3811], ["spirited", 3811], ["choke", 3830], ["choked", 3830], ["sob", 3834], ["sobs", 3834], ["sobbed", 3834], ["afraid", 3884], ["chance", 3910], ["chanced", 3910], ["chancing", 3910], ["tell", 3918], ["swung", 3948], ["swing", 3948], ["circle", 3971], ["start", 3990], ["starting", 3990], ["bit", 4004], ["bits", 4004], ["unnecessary", 4016], ["come", 4051], ["casanova", 4065], ["motion", 4086], ["another", 4125], ["job", 4129], ["jobbing", 4129], ["mouth", 4199], ["mouthed", 4199]]
she motioned with her head toward the wild white stallion . it was regarding them curiously . `` peeping tom . '' phineas pulled brynley close . zoltan led molly from the stable . `` go on , girl . get your man . '' `` nothing like amore . '' molly shook her head and snorted . the wild stallion reared up , then trotted toward her . `` they 're necking , '' brynley whispered . phineas nuzzled her neck . she kissed his cheek and rubbed a hand over his chest . `` what do you think , zoltan ? '' jack said in a loud voice . shall we stand guard for a little while ? about five minutes ? '' zoltan snorted . `` ten at least . he is the love doctor , after all . '' phineas teleported brynley down into the basement . brynley ripped his shirt open . it felt as if all the frustration and anger and fear she 'd endured over the last few days had been poured into a hot cauldron , and it was now bubbling over to make her frantic . she attacked his belt with trembling fingers . he unbuttoned her shirt . she unzipped his jeans and pulled them down . she 'd come so close to being forced into a marriage with a man she despised , forced into a life of submission that would have killed her slowly and painfully , choking her , humiliating her , diminishing her until there was nothing left of her . inside , her wolf howled with joy . she shoved phineas back onto the bed and yanked his boots off . she pulled off his jeans and underwear . `` they did n't hurt you ? '' she did n't want to talk about how desperate and helpless she 'd felt . she wanted to feel strong . she shoved him back and straddled him . `` whatever the hell i feel like . '' her heart swelled when his eyes turned red . no wonder she loved him . he loved her when she was strong . she leaned forward to kiss him , to explore him with her tongue . his hands slipped inside her open shirt , and he kneaded her br**sts , then unclasped her bra . she sat up , flung her shirt and bra aside , then leaned down again to rub herself against him . he tossed her onto her back and with vampire speed , he removed her boots , jeans , and underwear . when he climbed on top of her , she laughed and pushed him onto his back . `` i 'm in charge , '' she told him , and smoothed a hand down his chest . he attempted to sit up . `` you think- '' `` stay . '' `` you think i 'm a dog ? '' `` i think you 're mine . '' she curled a hand around his erection . his eyes glowed a rich bloodred . she leaned over to tease him with her tongue . full of power . bursting with freedom . she took him into her mouth and delighted at the moans she wrenched from him . moisture pooled between her legs . `` shall i take you now ? ride you like a cowboy ? '' `` will you be gentle with me ? '' with a laugh , she straddled him and eased him inside her . his thick shaft slid into her wetness . she started off slow , reveling in the slow , sweet slide when she lifted up , the grounding of their bodies when she slipped down . he caressed her br**sts and tweaked her hardened n**ples . with a moan , she increased her speed . his hands smoothed down to grasp her hips , and soon he was pulling her harder . she rode him faster and faster . with a shout , he arched and pumped into her . stars shattered before her eyes . with a keening cry , she cli**xed , then fell forward onto his chest , her body shuddering with spasms . `` brynley , i love you so much . '' `` i was so afraid i 'd never see you again . '' `` i sat outside for hours last night , hoping to catch a glimpse of you so i could rescue you . your brother phil was there , too . and digger and zoltan . '' `` digger ? '' he does n't want you forced into a marriage against your will . '' tonight i had to try on my wedding dress . '' `` i saw that wedding dress , '' he muttered . `` i was tempted to rip it to shreds . '' phil pointed out which window was your bedroom , and zoltan and i teleported in , hoping to find you . '' smiling , she caressed his chest . `` i love your uses . '' `` i can go all night long . '' her hand slipped down to his penis and tugged gently . `` and i do n't even need batteries . '' `` batteries ? '' for a night of extreme sex . '' `` you were in my bedroom . '' `` snooping under my bed . ''
[["motion", 12], ["head", 26], ["toward", 33], ["wild", 42], ["wildest", 42], ["white", 48], ["stallion", 57], ["regard", 76], ["regarding", 76], ["curiously", 91], ["peep", 104], ["peeping", 104], ["tom", 108], ["phineas", 121], ["pull", 128], ["pulled", 128], ["close", 142], ["zoltan", 151], ["lead", 155], ["leaded", 155], ["led", 155], ["molly", 161], ["stable", 177], ["go", 185], ["goest", 185], ["girl", 195], ["get", 201], ["man", 210], ["mans", 210], ["manned", 210], ["nothing", 226], ["like", 231], ["amore", 237], ["shake", 254], ["shook", 254], ["snort", 275], ["snortest", 275], ["snorted", 275], ["rear", 302], ["reared", 302], ["trot", 320], ["trotted", 320], ["neck", 353], ["necked", 353], ["necking", 353], ["whisper", 376], ["whispered", 376], ["nuzzle", 394], ["nuzzles", 394], ["nuzzled", 394], ["neck", 403], ["necked", 403], ["kiss", 416], ["kisses", 416], ["kissest", 416], ["kissed", 416], ["cheek", 426], ["cheeks", 426], ["rub", 437], ["rubbed", 437], ["hand", 444], ["chest", 459], ["think", 482], ["thinkest", 482], ["jack", 501], ["jacks", 501], ["jacked", 501], ["say", 506], ["sayest", 506], ["said", 506], ["loud", 516], ["voice", 522], ["shall", 530], ["stand", 539], ["stood", 539], ["standest", 539], ["guard", 545], ["little", 558], ["five", 577], ["fived", 577], ["minute", 585], ["minutes", 585], ["ten", 614], ["least", 623], ["leastest", 623], ["love", 640], ["doctor", 647], ["doctorest", 647], ["doctoring", 647], ["teleport", 683], ["teleporting", 683], ["teleported", 683], ["basement", 714], ["rip", 731], ["ripped", 731], ["shirt", 741], ["open", 746], ["feel", 756], ["felt", 756], ["frustration", 782], ["anger", 792], ["fear", 801], ["fearest", 801], ["endure", 816], ["endured", 816], ["last", 830], ["day", 839], ["days", 839], ["pour", 855], ["poured", 855], ["hot", 866], ["cauldron", 875], ["bubble", 901], ["bubbling", 901], ["frantic", 926], ["attack", 941], ["attacked", 941], ["belt", 950], ["belts", 950], ["belted", 950], ["beltest", 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["fling", 1931], ["aside", 1955], ["rub", 1987], ["toss", 2019], ["tossed", 2019], ["vampire", 2054], ["speed", 2060], ["speeding", 2060], ["remove", 2073], ["removed", 2073], ["climb", 2125], ["climbed", 2125], ["top", 2132], ["laugh", 2153], ["laughed", 2153], ["push", 2164], ["pushed", 2164], ["charge", 2202], ["tell", 2216], ["told", 2216], ["smooth", 2235], ["smoothed", 2235], ["attempt", 2272], ["attempted", 2272], ["sat", 2279], ["sit", 2279], ["stay", 2309], ["dog", 2338], ["curl", 2383], ["curls", 2383], ["curled", 2383], ["around", 2397], ["erection", 2410], ["glow", 2428], ["glowest", 2428], ["glowed", 2428], ["rich", 2435], ["tease", 2471], ["full", 2498], ["power", 2507], ["burst", 2518], ["bursted", 2518], ["bursting", 2518], ["freedom", 2531], ["take", 2542], ["took", 2542], ["mouth", 2561], ["mouthed", 2561], ["delight", 2575], ["wrench", 2601], ["moisture", 2621], ["pool", 2628], ["pooled", 2628], ["leg", 2645], ["legs", 2645], ["take", 2663], ["ride", 2678], ["rode", 2678], ["cowboy", 2696], ["cowboys", 2696], ["gentle", 2723], ["gentler", 2723], ["laugh", 2749], ["ease", 2779], ["eased", 2779], ["thick", 2806], ["thickest", 2806], ["shaft", 2812], ["shafts", 2812], ["slid", 2817], ["wetness", 2834], ["start", 2848], ["started", 2848], ["slow", 2857], ["revel", 2868], ["reveling", 2868], ["revelling", 2868], ["sweet", 2888], ["slid", 2894], ["lift", 2910], ["lifted", 2910], ["ground", 2929], ["grounding", 2929], ["body", 2945], ["bodied", 2945], ["bodies", 2945], ["caress", 2981], ["caressed", 2981], ["tweak", 3005], ["tweaking", 3005], ["tweaked", 3005], ["moan", 3040], ["moans", 3040], ["moanest", 3040], ["increase", 3056], ["increased", 3056], ["grasp", 3101], ["grasped", 3101], ["grasping", 3101], ["hip", 3110], ["hips", 3110], ["soon", 3121], ["pull", 3136], ["pulling", 3136], ["hard", 3147], ["ride", 3158], ["rode", 3158], ["fast", 3169], ["shout", 3195], ["arch", 3207], ["arched", 3207], ["pump", 3218], ["pumped", 3218], ["star", 3235], ["starred", 3235], ["stars", 3235], ["shatter", 3245], ["shattered", 3245], ["cry", 3282], ["fall", 3309], ["falls", 3309], ["fell", 3309], ["body", 3343], ["bodied", 3343], ["shudder", 3354], ["shuddering", 3354], ["shudderest", 3354], ["spasm", 3366], ["spasms", 3366], ["much", 3400], ["afraid", 3424], ["never", 3435], ["see", 3439], ["outside", 3471], ["hour", 3481], ["hours", 3481], ["night", 3492], ["hope", 3501], ["hoping", 3501], ["catch", 3510], ["catched", 3510], ["catches", 3510], ["glimpse", 3520], ["glimpses", 3520], ["rescue", 3545], ["brother", 3564], ["brethren", 3564], ["phil", 3569], ["digger", 3598], ["tonight", 3704], ["try", 3717], ["tryed", 3717], ["wedding", 3731], ["dress", 3737], ["dressest", 3737], ["see", 3751], ["saw", 3751], ["mutter", 3787], ["muttering", 3787], ["mutterest", 3787], ["muttered", 3787], ["tempt", 3806], ["temptest", 3806], ["tempting", 3806], ["tempted", 3806], ["rip", 3813], ["shred", 3826], ["shreds", 3826], ["point", 3844], ["pointed", 3844], ["window", 3861], ["windows", 3861], ["bedroom", 3878], ["find", 3928], ["smile", 3945], ["smiling", 3945], ["use", 3992], ["uses", 3992], ["long", 4024], ["longs", 4024], ["penis", 4064], ["tug", 4075], ["tugging", 4075], ["tugged", 4075], ["gently", 4082], ["even", 4105], ["evens", 4105], ["need", 4110], ["needest", 4110], ["battery", 4120], ["batteries", 4120], ["extreme", 4166], ["sex", 4170], ["snoop", 4218], ["snooped", 4218], ["snooping", 4218]]
`` i thought the box might contain photos of your dear mother or maybe a dried corsage from your high school prom , but no . it was the big boy 1000 extreme . '' `` it was a gag gift from college . when i broke up with seth , my girlfriends claimed they had found a new boyfriend for me . it was just a silly joke . '' `` and yet , ten years later , it 's still close to your bed . '' `` i did n't say i never used it . i 've always been wary of getting involved when the guys are more interested in gaining my father 's favor than mine . '' `` because the end of my dick does n't whirl around at warp speed . '' she grinned and kissed his cheek . you 're the big man 10,000 mega-extreme . '' she kissed his brow . `` you 're the love doctor , the blardonnay guy , and the love of my life . '' he patted her rump . `` that 's right , woman . `` i 'm gon na rewrite your vows . you 'll have to promise to be faithful , forsaking all others , including the big boy 1000 extreme . '' she sat back with a gasp . `` you ... do n't want to ? i realize i 'm not much of a catch . '' it just seems kind of fast . i mean , we could live together for- '' `` i know it 's fast , but i do n't think your father is going to give up on trying to marry you off . if we make it legal , then it should give you some protection . '' `` is that why you want to marry ? '' `` no , that 's just me trying to convince you . what i really want is to spend the rest of my life giving you the love you deserve . '' she smiled and touched his cheek . there was a knock on the trapdoor . `` sorry to interrupt , '' jack called down . `` but angus wants everyone at the carson ranch for a meeting . i 'm going to collect phil and take him there . meeting starts in five minutes . '' `` phineas- '' `` we 'll talk later . we 'd better get cleaned up . '' he nudged her toward the bathroom . brynley left phineas at the door and ran into the foyer to give nate carson a hug . `` you 're walking ! and you 're ... '' she stopped herself from saying dead . i was changed the same night you were kidnapped . '' `` and kyle died . '' `` at least we have you back safe and sound . '' phineas gave nate a knuckle pound . `` heard you were kicking ass over at the bleddyn ranch . '' `` never thought i 'd fight alongside a bear and a tiger . '' brynley looked around the foyer of nate 's home . swords were stacked against one wall , and a table was loaded down with ammunition . mackay employees teleported in with cases of synthetic blood . jack 's wife , lara , was checking things off a clipboard . apparently , she 'd been given the job of supply manager for their new base of operations . `` wow , your place has become vampire central . '' `` my life has gotten a whole lot more interesting . '' jack teleported in with phil . phil jogged over and gave her a hug . `` they rescued the wild white stallion , too . '' he pulled her aside . he looked around the foyer , then dragged a hand through his shaggy hair . `` well , the thing is , i ... owe you an apology . i should have come back to the house years ago to see if you were all right . i just assumed you were n't interested in leaving when you did n't answer my letters and- '' `` what ? '' her heart froze for a second . i saw the letters you left at the cabin , so i wrote some back , telling you- '' `` you wrote me ? '' i asked if you wanted to come- '' he stopped when a strangled noise escaped her mouth . you never got them , did you ? '' `` i-i thought you 'd abandoned me . '' `` oh god , no , brynley . '' no wonder you were so mad at me . '' `` you wrote to me . '' `` father must have been watching the cabin . he took your letters away . '' `` i doubt he did it personally . he probably had one of his minions doing it . '' `` he must have been afraid i would run away . '' `` you did , eventually . '' `` oh my god , if he was having the cabin watched , he must have known about the lost boys . '' phil winced . nothing much happens in his territory that he does n't know about . '' `` but he did n't stop me . '' `` does n't that seem odd ? '' they filed into nate 's large parlor that had been filled with extra chairs from the dining room . everyone sat as angus took a position in front of the stone fireplace .
[["think", 12], ["thinkest", 12], ["thought", 12], ["box", 20], ["boxed", 20], ["may", 26], ["mays", 26], ["mayest", 26], ["might", 26], ["contain", 34], ["containest", 34], ["photo", 41], ["photos", 41], ["dear", 54], ["dearest", 54], ["mother", 61], ["mothered", 61], ["motherest", 61], ["maybe", 70], ["dry", 78], ["drier", 78], ["drying", 78], ["dried", 78], ["corsage", 86], ["high", 101], ["school", 108], ["schooling", 108], ["prom", 113], ["big", 139], ["bigs", 139], ["boy", 143], ["extreme", 156], ["gag", 177], ["gift", 182], ["college", 195], ["broke", 210], ["break", 210], ["seth", 223], ["girlfriend", 240], ["girlfriends", 240], ["claim", 248], ["claimed", 248], ["find", 263], ["found", 263], ["new", 269], ["boyfriend", 279], ["silly", 308], ["joke", 313], ["jokes", 313], ["yet", 329], ["ten", 335], ["year", 341], ["years", 341], ["later", 347], ["still", 361], ["close", 367], ["bed", 379], ["say", 401], ["sayest", 401], ["never", 409], ["use", 414], ["used", 414], ["always", 432], ["wary", 442], ["get", 453], ["getting", 453], ["guy", 476], ["guys", 476], ["interested", 496], ["gain", 507], ["gaining", 507], ["father", 517], ["fathered", 517], ["fathering", 517], ["favor", 526], ["favorest", 526], ["mine", 536], ["end", 560], ["ends", 560], ["endest", 560], ["dick", 571], ["whirl", 586], ["whirls", 586], ["around", 593], ["warp", 601], ["warps", 601], ["warped", 601], ["speed", 607], ["speeding", 607], ["grin", 624], ["grinned", 624], ["kiss", 635], ["kisses", 635], ["kissest", 635], ["kissed", 635], ["cheek", 645], ["cheeks", 645], ["man", 667], ["mans", 667], ["manned", 667], ["mega", 679], ["brow", 712], ["love", 734], ["doctor", 741], ["doctorest", 741], ["doctoring", 741], ["guy", 762], ["life", 788], ["lifes", 788], ["pat", 803], ["patted", 803], ["rump", 812], ["right", 831], ["rightest", 831], ["woman", 839], ["womans", 839], ["gon", 853], ["na", 856], ["nas", 856], ["rewrite", 864], ["vow", 874], ["vows", 874], ["promise", 900], ["faithful", 915], ["forsake", 927], ["forsaking", 927], ["include", 950], ["including", 950], ["sat", 988], ["sit", 988], ["back", 993], ["gasp", 1005], ["gasps", 1005], ["realize", 1045], ["much", 1059], ["catch", 1070], ["catched", 1070], ["catches", 1070], ["seem", 1089], ["seeming", 1089], ["seems", 1089], ["kind", 1094], ["fast", 1102], ["mean", 1111], ["meanest", 1111], ["live", 1127], ["together", 1136], ["know", 1154], ["knowest", 1154], ["think", 1186], ["thinkest", 1186], ["go", 1207], ["goest", 1207], ["going", 1207], ["give", 1215], ["try", 1228], ["tryed", 1228], ["trying", 1228], ["marry", 1237], ["married", 1237], ["legal", 1267], ["protection", 1309], ["convince", 1395], ["convinced", 1395], ["convincing", 1395], ["really", 1415], ["spend", 1432], ["spends", 1432], ["spendest", 1432], ["rest", 1441], ["give", 1459], ["giving", 1459], ["deserve", 1484], ["deserved", 1484], ["smile", 1500], ["smiled", 1500], ["touch", 1512], ["touching", 1512], ["touched", 1512], ["knock", 1542], ["knocks", 1542], ["knockest", 1542], ["trapdoor", 1558], ["sorry", 1569], ["interrupt", 1582], ["interruptest", 1582], ["jack", 1592], ["jacks", 1592], ["jacked", 1592], ["call", 1599], ["called", 1599], ["angus", 1619], ["everyone", 1634], ["carson", 1648], ["ranch", 1654], ["meeting", 1668], ["collect", 1692], ["phil", 1697], ["take", 1706], ["start", 1733], ["starts", 1733], ["five", 1741], ["fived", 1741], ["minute", 1749], ["minutes", 1749], ["talk", 1784], ["well", 1805], ["better", 1805], ["get", 1809], ["clean", 1817], ["cleans", 1817], ["cleaned", 1817], ["nudge", 1835], ["nudges", 1835], ["nudged", 1835], ["toward", 1846], ["bathroom", 1859], ["left", 1874], ["leave", 1874], ["phineas", 1882], ["door", 1894], ["run", 1902], ["ran", 1902], ["foyer", 1917], ["nate", 1930], ["nates", 1930], ["hug", 1943], ["walk", 1964], ["walking", 1964], ["stop", 1997], ["stopped", 1997], ["say", 2017], ["sayest", 2017], ["saying", 2017], ["dead", 2022], ["change", 2038], ["changed", 2038], ["night", 2053], ["kidnap", 2072], ["kidnaps", 2072], ["kidnaped", 2072], ["kidnaping", 2072], ["kidnapped", 2072], ["kyle", 2089], ["die", 2094], ["died", 2094], ["least", 2111], ["leastest", 2111], ["safe", 2133], ["safes", 2133], ["safed", 2133], ["sound", 2143], ["give", 2161], ["gave", 2161], ["knuckle", 2176], ["knuckles", 2176], ["knuckling", 2176], ["pound", 2182], ["hear", 2193], ["hears", 2193], ["heard", 2193], ["kick", 2210], ["kicking", 2210], ["fight", 2273], ["fightest", 2273], ["alongside", 2283], ["bear", 2290], ["bore", 2290], ["bearest", 2290], ["tiger", 2302], ["look", 2322], ["looked", 2322], ["home", 2355], ["homing", 2355], ["sword", 2364], ["swords", 2364], ["stack", 2377], ["stacks", 2377], ["stacked", 2377], ["wall", 2394], ["table", 2408], ["tabled", 2408], ["tabling", 2408], ["load", 2419], ["loaded", 2419], ["ammunition", 2440], ["employee", 2459], ["employees", 2459], ["teleport", 2470], ["teleporting", 2470], ["teleported", 2470], ["case", 2484], ["cases", 2484], ["synthetic", 2497], ["blood", 2503], ["bloods", 2503], ["blooded", 2503], ["wife", 2518], ["lara", 2525], ["check", 2540], ["checking", 2540], ["thing", 2547], ["things", 2547], ["clipboard", 2563], ["apparently", 2576], ["give", 2596], ["given", 2596], ["job", 2604], ["jobbing", 2604], ["supply", 2614], ["manager", 2622], ["base", 2641], ["basest", 2641], ["operation", 2655], ["operations", 2655], ["wow", 2664], ["place", 2677], ["become", 2688], ["vampire", 2696], ["central", 2704], ["get", 2731], ["gotten", 2731], ["whole", 2739], ["wholes", 2739], ["lot", 2743], ["interesting", 2760], ["jog", 2808], ["jogs", 2808], ["jogged", 2808], ["rescue", 2850], ["rescued", 2850], ["wild", 2859], ["wildest", 2859], ["white", 2865], ["stallion", 2874], ["pull", 2895], ["pulled", 2895], ["aside", 2905], ["drag", 2949], ["dragged", 2949], ["hand", 2956], ["shaggy", 2975], ["hair", 2980], ["well", 2990], ["wells", 2990], ["thing", 3002], ["owe", 3017], ["owes", 3017], ["owing", 3017], ["apology", 3032], ["come", 3053], ["house", 3071], ["ago", 3081], ["see", 3088], ["assume", 3127], ["assumes", 3127], ["assumed", 3127], ["left", 3162], ["leave", 3162], ["leaving", 3162], ["answer", 3186], ["answeres", 3186], ["answerest", 3186], ["letter", 3197], ["lettering", 3197], ["letters", 3197], ["heart", 3228], ["froze", 3234], ["freeze", 3234], ["frozen", 3234], ["freezing", 3234], ["second", 3247], ["seconded", 3247], ["see", 3255], ["saw", 3255], ["cabin", 3289], ["write", 3302], ["writing", 3302], ["wrote", 3302], ["tell", 3322], ["telling", 3322], ["ask", 3359], ["asked", 3359], ["strangle", 3413], ["strangles", 3413], ["strangled", 3413], ["noise", 3419], ["escape", 3427], ["escapes", 3427], ["escaped", 3427], ["mouth", 3437], ["mouthed", 3437], ["get", 3453], ["got", 3453], ["abandon", 3505], ["abandoned", 3505], ["oh", 3519], ["god", 3523], ["wonder", 3553], ["wonderest", 3553], ["mad", 3569], ["mads", 3569], ["must", 3619], ["musts", 3619], ["watch", 3638], ["watching", 3638], ["take", 3658], ["took", 3658], ["away", 3676], ["doubt", 3692], ["personally", 3713], ["probably", 3727], ["minion", 3750], ["minions", 3750], ["afraid", 3792], ["run", 3804], ["eventually", 3838], ["watch", 3893], ["watched", 3893], ["know", 3914], ["knowest", 3914], ["known", 3914], ["lost", 3929], ["boy", 3934], ["boys", 3934], ["wince", 3951], ["winced", 3951], ["nothing", 3961], ["happen", 3974], ["happens", 3974], ["territory", 3991], ["stop", 4047], ["seem", 4077], ["seeming", 4077], ["odd", 4081], ["file", 4097], ["filed", 4097], ["large", 4116], ["parlor", 4123], ["fill", 4144], ["fills", 4144], ["filled", 4144], ["extra", 4155], ["extras", 4155], ["chair", 4162], ["chairing", 4162], ["chairs", 4162], ["room", 4183], ["roomed", 4183], ["position", 4223], ["front", 4232], ["stone", 4245], ["stoning", 4245], ["fireplace", 4255]]
`` we 're doing well , '' angus began . `` last night , we defeated a pack of werewolves and took over the bleddyn ranch . and tonight , we have successfully rescued brynley jones . '' everyone gave her a cheer , and she grinned at phineas . angus clasped his hands behind his back . `` we still have some unfinished business . corky and dimitri remain free . we believe they are hiding at the jones ranch . rhett bleddyn is there , too . even though it appears his wedding tomorrow will be canceled , he is still a potential threat since he had planned to murder brynley and her- '' `` what ? '' brynley squealed . phineas patted her knee . `` he was going to kill us ? '' so he could inherit all your father 's land and wealth . '' `` and take over the wolf packs , '' phil added . `` we canna assume he 'll give up on the plan , '' angus said . `` as long as he 's anywhere near yer father 's house , i believe yer family is in danger . '' brynley jumped to her feet . `` he might force glynis to marry him . phil stood . `` i 'll tell my father . '' `` it could get ugly , '' angus warned him . do ye want to leave now ? '' `` we should wait till tomorrow . this is the third night of the full moon . all the werewolves will be capable of shifting . if we go tomorrow night , they ca n't shift to attack us . they 'll lose their advantage . '' `` tomorrow night , then . '' phineas jumped to his feet . `` we just got you out of there . `` i 'll be fine as long as everyone else is there . '' she turned to him and whispered , `` you 've helped me see how strong i can be . `` i 'm not running away from my father anymore . it 's time i stood up to him . '' chapter twenty-five `` are you sure you want to do this ? '' phil asked her the following night . brynley was in the kitchen at nate 's house , enjoying a bowl of ice cream with her brother before the night 's big event . she swallowed her last bite . `` i 've always run away . to college , to the rodeo , to the academy . my inner wolf is rebelling and insists i stand up for myself . i 'll never be completely free until i get over my fear of our father . '' stick close to me or phineas . '' he put their empty bowls in the sink . let 's hitch a ride to the ranch . '' she accompanied her brother into the foyer , where angus and his men were arming themselves with swords and pistols . `` are you sure you do n't want a weapon ? '' `` it would just be confiscated . the guards wo n't let us near our father if we 're armed . '' phineas gave brynley a worried look . i want to stand up to him , not kill him . '' phineas pulled her close . `` i hate to let you out of my sight . '' remember how strong i am ? '' she smiled as she wrapped her arms around his neck . nate had assigned her a bedroom upstairs , and she 'd managed to pin phineas down on the mattress a few times . their wrestling match had gone on until the rising sun had forced him to go to the basement with the other vamps for their death-sleep . after a long day 's sleep , she was ready to face the dragon tonight . caddoc jones . angus and his employees were hoping to capture corky and dimitri . and if rhett bleddyn died in battle , no one was going to mourn his passing . jack teleported first to position himself in the woods behind the house . then he called , and lara put him on the speakerphone . she waved and wished everyone good luck as they vanished . as soon as they materialized , angus led the small group to the edge of the backyard . the guard , who 'd been relaxing in a patio chair , jumped to his feet and pounded on the back door , shouting . within seconds , more guards appeared . then a group of young male werewolves . brynley spotted her brother howell . then caddoc jones strode to the edge of the patio and regarded them with a haughty glare . `` a motley group of bloodsuckers and shifters , '' he muttered , then raised his voice . `` is there a reason for this invasion of my property ? or shall i consider this a declaration of war ? '' angus stepped forward . `` you can consider us a peacekeeping force . '' caddoc snorted . `` do you see a war around here ? '' `` give it some time , '' angus answered dryly . `` your son and daughter have come to speak to you . ''
[["well", 20], ["wells", 20], ["angus", 31], ["begin", 37], ["began", 37], ["last", 47], ["night", 53], ["defeat", 67], ["defeatest", 67], ["defeated", 67], ["pack", 74], ["werewolf", 88], ["werewolves", 88], ["take", 97], ["took", 97], ["ranch", 120], ["tonight", 134], ["successfully", 157], ["rescue", 165], ["rescued", 165], ["joneses", 179], ["everyone", 193], ["give", 198], ["gave", 198], ["cheer", 210], ["grin", 228], ["grinned", 228], ["phineas", 239], ["clasp", 255], ["clasped", 255], ["hand", 265], ["hands", 265], ["behind", 272], ["back", 281], ["still", 295], ["unfinished", 316], ["business", 325], ["corky", 333], ["dimitri", 345], ["remain", 352], ["free", 357], ["believe", 370], ["hide", 386], ["hides", 386], ["even", 443], ["evens", 443], ["though", 450], ["appear", 461], ["appears", 461], ["wedding", 473], ["tomorrow", 482], ["tomorrows", 482], ["cancel", 499], ["canceled", 499], ["potential", 525], ["threat", 532], ["since", 538], ["plan", 553], ["planned", 553], ["murder", 563], ["murderest", 563], ["squeal", 613], ["squealed", 613], ["pat", 630], ["patted", 630], ["knee", 639], ["go", 657], ["goest", 657], ["going", 657], ["kill", 665], ["inherit", 693], ["inherits", 693], ["father", 709], ["fathered", 709], ["fathering", 709], ["land", 717], ["wealth", 728], ["take", 745], ["wolf", 759], ["phil", 775], ["add", 781], ["added", 781], ["canna", 795], ["assume", 802], ["assumes", 802], ["give", 814], ["plan", 829], ["say", 845], ["sayest", 845], ["said", 845], ["long", 858], ["longs", 858], ["anywhere", 876], ["near", 881], ["yer", 885], ["house", 901], ["family", 924], ["danger", 937], ["jump", 957], ["jumps", 957], ["jumped", 957], ["foot", 969], ["feet", 969], ["may", 983], ["mays", 983], ["mayest", 983], ["might", 983], ["force", 989], ["marry", 1005], ["married", 1005], ["stand", 1022], ["stood", 1022], ["standest", 1022], ["tell", 1038], ["get", 1069], ["ugly", 1074], ["warn", 1092], ["warned", 1092], ["ye", 1104], ["yed", 1104], ["left", 1118], ["leave", 1118], ["wait", 1145], ["waitest", 1145], ["till", 1150], ["third", 1179], ["full", 1197], ["moon", 1202], ["moons", 1202], ["capable", 1239], ["capablest", 1239], ["shift", 1251], ["shifting", 1251], ["go", 1262], ["goest", 1262], ["ca", 1287], ["cas", 1287], ["shift", 1297], ["attack", 1307], ["lose", 1326], ["advantage", 1342], ["advantaging", 1342], ["get", 1421], ["got", 1421], ["fine", 1457], ["else", 1482], ["turn", 1507], ["turned", 1507], ["whisper", 1528], ["whispered", 1528], ["help", 1548], ["helpest", 1548], ["helped", 1548], ["see", 1555], ["strong", 1566], ["run", 1597], ["running", 1597], ["away", 1602], ["anymore", 1625], ["time", 1638], ["chapter", 1669], ["twenty", 1676], ["five", 1681], ["fived", 1681], ["sure", 1697], ["ask", 1733], ["asked", 1733], ["follow", 1751], ["following", 1751], ["kitchen", 1786], ["kitchens", 1786], ["nate", 1794], ["nates", 1794], ["enjoy", 1814], ["enjoyed", 1814], ["enjoying", 1814], ["bowl", 1821], ["bowling", 1821], ["ice", 1828], ["iced", 1828], ["cream", 1834], ["creamest", 1834], ["brother", 1851], ["brethren", 1851], ["big", 1875], ["bigs", 1875], ["event", 1881], ["swallow", 1897], ["swallows", 1897], ["swallowed", 1897], ["bite", 1911], ["always", 1929], ["run", 1933], ["college", 1951], ["rodeo", 1966], ["rodeos", 1966], ["academy", 1983], ["inner", 1994], ["rebel", 2012], ["rebelest", 2012], ["rebelling", 2012], ["insist", 2024], ["insistest", 2024], ["insists", 2024], ["stand", 2032], ["stood", 2032], ["standest", 2032], ["never", 2060], ["completely", 2074], ["fear", 2104], ["fearest", 2104], ["stick", 2129], ["stickest", 2129], ["close", 2135], ["put", 2164], ["empty", 2176], ["bowl", 2182], ["bowling", 2182], ["bowls", 2182], ["sank", 2194], ["sink", 2194], ["let", 2200], ["lets", 2200], ["hitch", 2209], ["hitched", 2209], ["hitches", 2209], ["ride", 2216], ["rode", 2216], ["accompany", 2250], ["accompanied", 2250], ["foyer", 2277], ["man", 2303], ["mans", 2303], ["manned", 2303], ["men", 2303], ["arm", 2315], ["sword", 2338], ["swords", 2338], ["pistol", 2350], ["pistols", 2350], ["weapon", 2393], ["confiscate", 2430], ["confiscated", 2430], ["guard", 2443], ["guards", 2443], ["wo", 2446], ["armed", 2489], ["look", 2530], ["pull", 2593], ["pulled", 2593], ["hate", 2615], ["hateed", 2615], ["sight", 2642], ["sighted", 2642], ["remember", 2656], ["rememberest", 2656], ["smile", 2688], ["smiled", 2688], ["wrap", 2703], ["wraps", 2703], ["wrapping", 2703], ["wrapped", 2703], ["arm", 2712], ["arms", 2712], ["around", 2719], ["neck", 2728], ["necked", 2728], ["assign", 2748], ["assignest", 2748], ["assigning", 2748], ["assigned", 2748], ["bedroom", 2762], ["upstairs", 2771], ["manage", 2792], ["managed", 2792], ["pin", 2799], ["mattress", 2828], ["mattresses", 2828], ["time", 2840], ["times", 2840], ["wrestling", 2858], ["match", 2864], ["matching", 2864], ["go", 2873], ["goest", 2873], ["gone", 2873], ["rise", 2893], ["risen", 2893], ["rising", 2893], ["sun", 2897], ["suns", 2897], ["sunned", 2897], ["force", 2908], ["forced", 2908], ["basement", 2934], ["vamp", 2955], ["vamped", 2955], ["death", 2971], ["sleep", 2977], ["slept", 2977], ["sleeps", 2977], ["sleepest", 2977], ["day", 2996], ["ready", 3021], ["face", 3029], ["dragon", 3040], ["employee", 3089], ["employees", 3089], ["hope", 3101], ["hoping", 3101], ["capture", 3112], ["die", 3158], ["died", 3158], ["battle", 3168], ["mourn", 3196], ["mourned", 3196], ["mourning", 3196], ["mournest", 3196], ["passing", 3208], ["jack", 3215], ["jacks", 3215], ["jacked", 3215], ["teleport", 3226], ["teleporting", 3226], ["teleported", 3226], ["first", 3232], ["firstest", 3232], ["position", 3244], ["wood", 3265], ["woods", 3265], ["call", 3299], ["called", 3299], ["lara", 3310], ["speakerphone", 3338], ["wave", 3350], ["waved", 3350], ["wish", 3361], ["wished", 3361], ["good", 3375], ["luck", 3380], ["vanish", 3397], ["vanishest", 3397], ["vanished", 3397], ["soon", 3407], ["materialize", 3428], ["materialized", 3428], ["lead", 3440], ["leaded", 3440], ["led", 3440], ["small", 3450], ["group", 3456], ["edge", 3468], ["edges", 3468], ["backyard", 3484], ["guard", 3496], ["relax", 3519], ["relaxed", 3519], ["relaxing", 3519], ["patio", 3530], ["chair", 3536], ["chairing", 3536], ["pound", 3569], ["pounded", 3569], ["door", 3586], ["shouting", 3597], ["within", 3606], ["second", 3614], ["seconded", 3614], ["seconds", 3614], ["appear", 3637], ["appeared", 3637], ["young", 3661], ["youngest", 3661], ["male", 3666], ["males", 3666], ["spot", 3695], ["spotted", 3695], ["howell", 3714], ["howells", 3714], ["regard", 3779], ["regarded", 3779], ["haughty", 3799], ["glare", 3805], ["motley", 3819], ["bloodsucker", 3841], ["bloodsuckers", 3841], ["shift", 3854], ["shifters", 3854], ["mutter", 3871], ["muttering", 3871], ["mutterest", 3871], ["muttered", 3871], ["raise", 3885], ["raised", 3885], ["voice", 3895], ["reason", 3918], ["reasonest", 3918], ["invasion", 3936], ["property", 3951], ["shall", 3962], ["consider", 3973], ["declaration", 3992], ["war", 3999], ["step", 4018], ["stepped", 4018], ["forward", 4026], ["forwarding", 4026], ["forwardest", 4026], ["peacekeeping", 4066], ["snort", 4092], ["snortest", 4092], ["snorted", 4092], ["answer", 4172], ["answeres", 4172], ["answerest", 4172], ["answered", 4172], ["dryly", 4178], ["son", 4192], ["daughter", 4205], ["come", 4215], ["speak", 4224], ["spoken", 4224]]
caddoc 's mouth thinned . `` i have but one son , and he 's here . '' he motioned to howell , and whispered something to him . howell nodded , then stepped off the patio and walked toward them with two guards . `` can you do your talk here in the yard ? '' `` where i can keep an eye on you ? '' `` if our father talks to us , it will have to be in private . he ca n't be seen in public talking to phil . he banished him , so he ca n't acknowledge his existence . '' `` that 's why he sent our brother out to talk to us . '' he took hold of her elbow . `` be careful , '' phineas whispered . she squeezed his hand , then walked with phil across the yard . they stopped halfway to the patio . howell halted about ten feet away , the guards behind him . he ignored phil and focused on brynley . `` i see you 've returned in time for the wedding . '' `` no- '' `` call rhett and tell him his bride is here ! '' howell yelled back at the guards on the patio . brynley gritted her teeth . `` i am not marrying him . '' howell glared at her . `` the supreme pack master commands it . '' `` bullshit , '' phil said calmly . howell glanced at him . i 'm here to talk to our father . '' `` the prodigal son returns . do n't think you can weasel your way back into the inheritance . `` congratulations , howie . does that mean you 've gone alpha ? '' phil flicked some dust off his shoulder , and his hand flashed into a wolf 's paw , then back to human . murmurs of amazement rushed over the crowd standing on the patio . phil had performed a difficult partial shift with incredible ease . only an extremely powerful alpha could manage such a feat . howell stepped back , his eyes wide . `` i will speak to my daughter , '' caddoc jones announced . `` she may bring her escort . '' he turned on his heel and walked back into the house . phil gave brynley an amused look . `` that got his attention . '' `` yeah , '' she agreed , `` but you still do n't have a name . '' howell jutted his chin forward , his mouth thin with anger . he strode back to the patio with the guards . `` thanks , '' phil said dryly . `` i 'd forgotten where the back door is . '' `` behave , '' brynley warned him as they walked . `` we 're going into the lion 's den . '' `` or wolf 's den , '' he murmured back . `` i hear they sometimes eat their young . '' `` that 's not boosting my confidence . '' howell led them into the house and straight into her father 's office . caddoc jones was waiting for them , leaning against his desk . `` you may go , howell . '' howell 's jaw dropped . `` but- '' he stopped when his father glared at him . `` better learn to submit , '' phil whispered to him . `` it 's the price of the inheritance . '' howell 's eyes flashed with anger , then he strode from the room and slammed the door behind him . caddoc glanced at brynley , expressionless , then focused on phil . you achieved alpha status on your own without instruction from the council of elders . '' `` of course i was on my own . you banished me . '' you were supposed to come back . '' `` with my tail between my legs ? '' `` i would have taken you back . you 're worth ten of your brother . '' phil shrugged . `` your loss then . '' caddoc lunged forward , his hand fisted . `` if you were n't so damned impressive , i would kill you . '' so much for the welcome home . he was standing stiffly , his chin lifted , his face calm , but she knew he had to be hurting inside . caddoc paced across the floor . `` no creature on this earth is more gloriously alive than a werewolf . but you insist on betraying your own kind to hang out with a bunch of bloodsuckers . they 're f**king dead half the time . it 's an abomination to consort with them ! '' he pointed at phil . `` you married one . and you '' -he sneered at brynley - '' you 're screwing one of them . oh , do n't look surprised . i know everything you do . i just hope you got it out of your system . we 'll do your wedding as soon as rhett arrives . he 's staying in one of the guesthouses down the road . '' time to stand up for herself . her inner wolf bristled . `` i refuse to marry rhett . '' caddoc scoffed . `` you have to call the wedding off , '' phil said .
[["mouth", 15], ["mouthed", 15], ["thin", 23], ["thins", 23], ["thinned", 23], ["son", 47], ["motion", 81], ["howell", 91], ["howells", 91], ["whisper", 107], ["whispered", 107], ["nod", 140], ["nodded", 140], ["step", 155], ["stepped", 155], ["patio", 169], ["walk", 180], ["walked", 180], ["toward", 187], ["two", 201], ["twos", 201], ["guard", 208], ["guards", 208], ["talk", 234], ["yard", 251], ["yards", 251], ["keep", 276], ["keepest", 276], ["eye", 283], ["eyed", 283], ["father", 312], ["fathered", 312], ["fathering", 312], ["talk", 318], ["talks", 318], ["private", 356], ["ca", 364], ["cas", 364], ["see", 376], ["seen", 376], ["public", 386], ["talk", 394], ["talking", 394], ["phil", 402], ["banish", 416], ["banishest", 416], ["banished", 416], ["acknowledge", 447], ["existence", 461], ["send", 489], ["sent", 489], ["brother", 501], ["brethren", 501], ["take", 532], ["took", 532], ["hold", 537], ["elbow", 550], ["elbowing", 550], ["careful", 566], ["phineas", 579], ["squeeze", 604], ["squeezes", 604], ["squeezed", 604], ["hand", 613], ["across", 644], ["stop", 668], ["stopped", 668], ["halfway", 676], ["halfways", 676], ["halt", 705], ["halts", 705], ["haltest", 705], ["halted", 705], ["ten", 715], ["foot", 720], ["feet", 720], ["away", 725], ["behind", 745], ["ignore", 762], ["ignored", 762], ["focus", 779], ["focused", 779], ["see", 801], ["return", 818], ["returnest", 818], ["returned", 818], ["time", 826], ["wedding", 842], ["call", 865], ["tell", 880], ["bride", 894], ["yell", 921], ["yelled", 921], ["back", 926], ["grit", 971], ["gritted", 971], ["tooth", 981], ["teeth", 981], ["marry", 1004], ["married", 1004], ["marrying", 1004], ["glare", 1027], ["glared", 1027], ["supreme", 1051], ["pack", 1056], ["master", 1063], ["command", 1072], ["commands", 1072], ["bullshit", 1092], ["say", 1107], ["sayest", 1107], ["said", 1107], ["calmly", 1114], ["glance", 1131], ["glanced", 1131], ["prodigal", 1193], ["return", 1205], ["returnest", 1205], ["returns", 1205], ["think", 1220], ["thinkest", 1220], ["weasel", 1235], ["way", 1244], ["ways", 1244], ["inheritance", 1270], ["congratulation", 1291], ["congratulations", 1291], ["howie", 1299], ["mean", 1316], ["meanest", 1316], ["go", 1329], ["goest", 1329], ["gone", 1329], ["alpha", 1335], ["alphas", 1335], ["flick", 1353], ["flickest", 1353], ["flicked", 1353], ["dust", 1363], ["dusting", 1363], ["shoulder", 1380], ["shouldered", 1380], ["flash", 1403], ["flashed", 1403], ["wolf", 1415], ["paw", 1422], ["pawest", 1422], ["human", 1443], ["murmur", 1453], ["murmurest", 1453], ["murmurs", 1453], ["amazement", 1466], ["rush", 1473], ["rushed", 1473], ["crowd", 1488], ["crowding", 1488], ["crowdest", 1488], ["stand", 1497], ["stood", 1497], ["standest", 1497], ["standing", 1497], ["perform", 1531], ["performest", 1531], ["performed", 1531], ["difficult", 1543], ["partial", 1551], ["shift", 1557], ["incredible", 1573], ["ease", 1578], ["extremely", 1598], ["powerful", 1607], ["manage", 1626], ["feat", 1638], ["eye", 1671], ["eyed", 1671], ["eyes", 1671], ["wide", 1676], ["speak", 1694], ["spoken", 1694], ["daughter", 1709], ["joneses", 1727], ["announce", 1737], ["announced", 1737], ["may", 1750], ["mays", 1750], ["mayest", 1750], ["bring", 1756], ["escort", 1767], ["escorted", 1767], ["turn", 1782], ["turned", 1782], ["heel", 1794], ["heeled", 1794], ["house", 1825], ["give", 1837], ["gave", 1837], ["look", 1860], ["get", 1874], ["got", 1874], ["attention", 1888], ["yeah", 1901], ["agree", 1917], ["agreed", 1917], ["still", 1936], ["name", 1955], ["jut", 1974], ["chin", 1983], ["forward", 1991], ["forwarding", 1991], ["forwardest", 1991], ["thin", 2008], ["thins", 2008], ["anger", 2019], ["stride", 2031], ["stridden", 2031], ["thank", 2077], ["thanks", 2077], ["thankest", 2077], ["dryly", 2098], ["forget", 2118], ["forgot", 2118], ["forgotten", 2118], ["door", 2138], ["behave", 2156], ["behaved", 2156], ["behaving", 2156], ["warn", 2176], ["warned", 2176], ["go", 2213], ["goest", 2213], ["going", 2213], ["lion", 2227], ["den", 2234], ["murmur", 2274], ["murmurest", 2274], ["murmured", 2274], ["hear", 2291], ["hears", 2291], ["eat", 2310], ["young", 2322], ["youngest", 2322], ["boost", 2351], ["boosting", 2351], ["confidence", 2365], ["lead", 2381], ["leaded", 2381], ["led", 2381], ["straight", 2414], ["office", 2440], ["wait", 2467], ["waitest", 2467], ["waiting", 2467], ["lean", 2486], ["leans", 2486], ["leaning", 2486], ["desk", 2503], ["go", 2519], ["goest", 2519], ["jaw", 2547], ["jaws", 2547], ["jawed", 2547], ["jawest", 2547], ["drop", 2555], ["dropped", 2555], ["well", 2621], ["wells", 2621], ["learn", 2627], ["learns", 2627], ["learnt", 2627], ["submit", 2637], ["price", 2685], ["room", 2774], ["roomed", 2774], ["slam", 2786], ["slammed", 2786], ["expressionless", 2851], ["achieve", 2889], ["achieved", 2889], ["status", 2902], ["without", 2922], ["instruction", 2934], ["council", 2951], ["elder", 2961], ["elders", 2961], ["course", 2979], ["suppose", 3036], ["supposed", 3036], ["come", 3044], ["tail", 3070], ["tailed", 3070], ["leg", 3086], ["legs", 3086], ["take", 3113], ["taken", 3113], ["worth", 3138], ["shrug", 3177], ["shrugging", 3177], ["shrugged", 3177], ["loss", 3192], ["lunge", 3216], ["lunges", 3216], ["fisted", 3242], ["fisting", 3242], ["damn", 3273], ["damned", 3273], ["impressive", 3284], ["kill", 3299], ["much", 3316], ["welcome", 3332], ["home", 3337], ["homing", 3337], ["stiffly", 3363], ["lift", 3381], ["lifted", 3381], ["face", 3392], ["calm", 3397], ["calms", 3397], ["know", 3412], ["knowest", 3412], ["knew", 3412], ["hurt", 3433], ["hurts", 3433], ["hurting", 3433], ["inside", 3440], ["pace", 3455], ["paced", 3455], ["floor", 3472], ["creature", 3489], ["earth", 3503], ["earths", 3503], ["earthest", 3503], ["gloriously", 3522], ["alive", 3528], ["werewolf", 3544], ["insist", 3561], ["insistest", 3561], ["betray", 3574], ["betrayed", 3574], ["betraying", 3574], ["kind", 3588], ["hang", 3596], ["hung", 3596], ["hangs", 3596], ["bunch", 3613], ["bunchest", 3613], ["bloodsucker", 3629], ["bloodsuckers", 3629], ["dead", 3653], ["half", 3658], ["abomination", 3690], ["consort", 3701], ["point", 3727], ["pointed", 3727], ["marry", 3752], ["married", 3752], ["sneer", 3781], ["sneered", 3781], ["screw", 3814], ["screwing", 3814], ["oh", 3831], ["know", 3864], ["knowest", 3864], ["everything", 3875], ["hope", 3896], ["system", 3926], ["soon", 3959], ["arrive", 3976], ["arrives", 3976], ["stay", 3992], ["staying", 3992], ["guesthouse", 4018], ["guesthouses", 4018], ["road", 4032], ["stand", 4051], ["stood", 4051], ["standest", 4051], ["inner", 4078], ["bristle", 4092], ["bristled", 4092], ["refuse", 4106], ["marry", 4115], ["married", 4115], ["scoff", 4141], ["scoffs", 4141], ["scoffed", 4141]]
`` and you 've come back here to give me orders ? '' caddoc asked dryly . `` rhett intends to kill brynley and the entire family as soon as the wedding is over , '' phil explained . `` he wants all your land , wealth , and pack members . '' caddoc gave him a bland look , then shook his head . `` you have never truly appreciated me . he walked over to the desk and perched on the corner . brynley exchanged a questioning look with her brother . phil 's eyes narrowed . caddoc shrugged . but two can play at this game . once the wedding is over , we kill rhett . he has no heirs , so all his land and wolf packs in alaska go to his new bride . well , me , actually , since only an alpha can be the master of a pack . '' a queasy feeling stirred in brynley 's stomach . `` you were using me . i 've never been more than a pawn to you . '' `` do n't try that indignant crap on me , '' her father snarled . `` you would come out ahead . you 'd have a dozen houses in alaska and more money than you could ever spend . '' `` and i would only have to kill someone to get it . i would n't expect you to do the killing . '' `` oh , i feel so much better now . '' `` are you smart-mouthing me ? '' her father stepped toward her , his fists clenched . phil moved closer . caddoc took a deep breath and flexed his hands . howell cracked the door and gave them a nervous look . `` rhett has arrived for the wedding . he 's waiting in the backyard . '' caddoc grabbed brynley 's arm and dragged her forward . `` i do n't think you have any choice , '' howell said . `` he 's brought fifty men with him . and they 're all armed . '' phil whistled . `` looks like angus was right about that war . '' chapter twenty-six `` here they come . '' phineas watched as rhett bleddyn and his small army approached the south side of the backyard . `` looks like he brought in more men from alaska , '' jack observed . phineas scanned the group of fifty young males , noting their weapon of choice-hunting knives . apparently , werewolves liked their battles bloody . corky and dimitri were keeping close to rhett , and the three were heavily surrounded . no room to teleport in and snatch the vampires . although if things got out of hand , rhett was probably keeping them close by as an easy escape route . on the north side of the backyard , caddoc jones 's pack members were gathering . the nearly full moon glinted off their knife blades . a low growl in the woods behind them made phineas whip around . it was howard , hidden behind a tree , glaring at rhett . angus had asked the shifters , howard and rajiv , to patrol the woods in case the werewolves attempted an attack from behind . carlos panterra had been given paternity leave , so he was still at the academy with his wife and their newborn twins . howard 's nostrils flared , and he walked away , pulling a knife from his sheath . when the scent of skunk wafted toward him , phineas knew what had alarmed howard . he hurried into the woods and found howard pointing his knife at digger . `` whoa there , pardner . '' digger lifted his hands . `` i just came to meet you . caught a whiff of your scent . '' howard growled . `` this is digger , '' phineas introduced him . `` and his dog , jake , should be around somewhere . '' he spotted jake half hidden behind some bushes . digger nodded at phineas . `` some bad stuff going down around here . how 's your little lady ? '' she was still inside the house with her father . digger looked at howard . `` you can put away your knife , son . i 'm a were-bear , too . where do you hail from ? '' howard sheathed his knife . `` kodiak . '' `` wee doggies . '' `` you 're a big one . me , i 'm a black bear . '' `` digger , if you want to help , just stay back here in the woods and make sure no one sneaks up on us from behind , '' phineas said . `` there 's a were-tiger back here , too . '' rajiv waved from behind a tree . `` i came to check out bad smell . '' digger scratched his beard . `` you 're a tiger ? well , do n't that beat all . '' phineas hurried back to the vamps . the big yard reminded him of a football field with two teams gathered on each side .
[["come", 19], ["back", 24], ["give", 37], ["order", 47], ["orderest", 47], ["orders", 47], ["ask", 65], ["asked", 65], ["dryly", 71], ["intend", 90], ["intendest", 90], ["intends", 90], ["kill", 98], ["entire", 121], ["family", 128], ["soon", 136], ["wedding", 151], ["phil", 169], ["explain", 179], ["explained", 179], ["land", 207], ["wealth", 216], ["pack", 227], ["member", 235], ["members", 235], ["give", 252], ["gave", 252], ["bland", 264], ["look", 269], ["shake", 282], ["shook", 282], ["head", 291], ["never", 311], ["truly", 317], ["appreciate", 329], ["appreciates", 329], ["appreciated", 329], ["walk", 344], ["walked", 344], ["desk", 361], ["perch", 373], ["perching", 373], ["perched", 373], ["corner", 387], ["exchange", 407], ["exchanged", 407], ["questioning", 421], ["brother", 443], ["brethren", 443], ["eye", 458], ["eyed", 458], ["eyes", 458], ["narrow", 467], ["narrowed", 467], ["shrug", 485], ["shrugging", 485], ["shrugged", 485], ["two", 495], ["twos", 495], ["play", 504], ["playest", 504], ["game", 517], ["heir", 578], ["heirs", 578], ["wolf", 605], ["pack", 611], ["packs", 611], ["alaska", 621], ["go", 624], ["goest", 624], ["new", 635], ["bride", 641], ["well", 648], ["wells", 648], ["since", 672], ["alpha", 686], ["alphas", 686], ["master", 704], ["queasy", 728], ["feeling", 736], ["stir", 744], ["stirs", 744], ["stirred", 744], ["stomach", 766], ["stomachs", 766], ["stomaching", 766], ["use", 786], ["using", 786], ["pawn", 825], ["try", 851], ["tryed", 851], ["indignant", 866], ["crap", 871], ["crapped", 871], ["father", 893], ["fathered", 893], ["fathering", 893], ["snarl", 901], ["snarls", 901], ["snarled", 901], ["ahead", 931], ["dozen", 953], ["house", 960], ["houses", 960], ["money", 985], ["moneys", 985], ["ever", 1005], ["everest", 1005], ["spend", 1011], ["spends", 1011], ["spendest", 1011], ["get", 1064], ["expect", 1088], ["killing", 1110], ["oh", 1121], ["feel", 1130], ["much", 1138], ["well", 1145], ["better", 1145], ["smart", 1171], ["mouth", 1180], ["mouthed", 1180], ["step", 1207], ["stepped", 1207], ["toward", 1214], ["fist", 1230], ["fists", 1230], ["clench", 1239], ["clenched", 1239], ["move", 1252], ["moved", 1252], ["close", 1259], ["closer", 1259], ["take", 1273], ["took", 1273], ["deep", 1280], ["deeply", 1280], ["breath", 1287], ["breathest", 1287], ["flex", 1298], ["flexes", 1298], ["hand", 1308], ["hands", 1308], ["howell", 1317], ["howells", 1317], ["crack", 1325], ["cracked", 1325], ["door", 1334], ["nervous", 1358], ["arrive", 1386], ["arrived", 1386], ["wait", 1418], ["waitest", 1418], ["waiting", 1418], ["backyard", 1434], ["grab", 1454], ["grabbed", 1454], ["arm", 1469], ["drag", 1481], ["dragged", 1481], ["forward", 1493], ["forwarding", 1493], ["forwardest", 1493], ["think", 1513], ["thinkest", 1513], ["choice", 1533], ["say", 1550], ["sayest", 1550], ["said", 1550], ["bring", 1569], ["brought", 1569], ["fifty", 1575], ["man", 1579], ["mans", 1579], ["manned", 1579], ["men", 1579], ["armed", 1613], ["whistle", 1632], ["whistled", 1632], ["look", 1643], ["looks", 1643], ["like", 1648], ["angus", 1654], ["right", 1664], ["rightest", 1664], ["war", 1679], ["chapter", 1692], ["twenty", 1699], ["six", 1703], ["phineas", 1734], ["watch", 1742], ["watched", 1742], ["small", 1773], ["army", 1778], ["approach", 1789], ["approaches", 1789], ["approached", 1789], ["south", 1799], ["side", 1804], ["sidest", 1804], ["jack", 1881], ["jacks", 1881], ["jacked", 1881], ["observe", 1890], ["observed", 1890], ["scan", 1908], ["scans", 1908], ["scanning", 1908], ["scanned", 1908], ["group", 1918], ["young", 1933], ["youngest", 1933], ["male", 1939], ["males", 1939], ["note", 1948], ["noting", 1948], ["weapon", 1961], ["hunt", 1979], ["hunting", 1979], ["huntest", 1979], ["knife", 1986], ["knifes", 1986], ["knives", 1986], ["apparently", 1999], ["werewolf", 2012], ["werewolves", 2012], ["like", 2018], ["liked", 2018], ["battle", 2032], ["battles", 2032], ["bloody", 2039], ["bloodying", 2039], ["corky", 2047], ["dimitri", 2059], ["keep", 2072], ["keepest", 2072], ["keeping", 2072], ["close", 2078], ["three", 2103], ["heavily", 2116], ["surround", 2127], ["surrounded", 2127], ["room", 2137], ["roomed", 2137], ["teleport", 2149], ["teleporting", 2149], ["snatch", 2163], ["snatches", 2163], ["vampire", 2176], ["vampires", 2176], ["although", 2187], ["thing", 2197], ["things", 2197], ["get", 2201], ["got", 2201], ["hand", 2213], ["probably", 2234], ["easy", 2267], ["escape", 2274], ["escapes", 2274], ["route", 2280], ["routed", 2280], ["routeing", 2280], ["north", 2295], ["joneses", 2331], ["gather", 2362], ["gatherest", 2362], ["nearly", 2375], ["full", 2380], ["moon", 2385], ["moons", 2385], ["glint", 2393], ["knife", 2409], ["knifes", 2409], ["blade", 2416], ["blades", 2416], ["low", 2424], ["lowed", 2424], ["growl", 2430], ["growls", 2430], ["wood", 2443], ["woods", 2443], ["behind", 2450], ["whip", 2473], ["around", 2480], ["howard", 2496], ["hide", 2505], ["hides", 2505], ["hidden", 2505], ["tree", 2519], ["treed", 2519], ["treeing", 2519], ["glare", 2529], ["glaring", 2529], ["shift", 2569], ["shifters", 2569], ["rajiv", 2588], ["patrol", 2600], ["case", 2618], ["attempt", 2643], ["attempted", 2643], ["attack", 2653], ["give", 2698], ["given", 2698], ["paternity", 2708], ["left", 2714], ["leave", 2714], ["still", 2732], ["academy", 2747], ["wife", 2761], ["newborn", 2779], ["twin", 2785], ["twins", 2785], ["nostril", 2806], ["nostrils", 2806], ["flare", 2813], ["flared", 2813], ["away", 2834], ["pull", 2844], ["pulling", 2844], ["sheath", 2868], ["sheaths", 2868], ["scent", 2885], ["scentest", 2885], ["skunk", 2894], ["skunks", 2894], ["waft", 2901], ["wafts", 2901], ["know", 2927], ["knowest", 2927], ["knew", 2927], ["alarm", 2944], ["alarmed", 2944], ["hurry", 2964], ["hurried", 2964], ["hurryed", 2964], ["hurrying", 2964], ["find", 2989], ["found", 2989], ["point", 3005], ["pointing", 3005], ["digger", 3025], ["whoa", 3035], ["pardner", 3051], ["lift", 3070], ["lifted", 3070], ["come", 3097], ["came", 3097], ["meet", 3105], ["meeted", 3105], ["catch", 3118], ["catched", 3118], ["catches", 3118], ["caught", 3118], ["whiff", 3126], ["growl", 3160], ["growls", 3160], ["growled", 3160], ["introduce", 3204], ["introduced", 3204], ["dog", 3225], ["jake", 3232], ["jakes", 3232], ["jaked", 3232], ["somewhere", 3261], ["spot", 3277], ["spotted", 3277], ["half", 3287], ["bush", 3313], ["bushed", 3313], ["bushes", 3313], ["nod", 3329], ["nodded", 3329], ["bad", 3354], ["stuff", 3360], ["go", 3366], ["goest", 3366], ["going", 3366], ["little", 3404], ["lady", 3409], ["inside", 3435], ["house", 3445], ["look", 3477], ["looked", 3477], ["put", 3504], ["son", 3526], ["bear", 3545], ["bore", 3545], ["bearest", 3545], ["hail", 3571], ["hailing", 3571], ["sheathed", 3597], ["kodiak", 3619], ["wee", 3631], ["weest", 3631], ["doggie", 3639], ["doggies", 3639], ["big", 3661], ["bigs", 3661], ["black", 3685], ["help", 3727], ["helpest", 3727], ["stay", 3739], ["sure", 3776], ["sneak", 3790], ["sneakest", 3790], ["sneaks", 3790], ["tiger", 3856], ["wave", 3889], ["waved", 3889], ["check", 3929], ["smelt", 3943], ["smell", 3943], ["smellest", 3943], ["scratch", 3965], ["scratched", 3965], ["scratching", 3965], ["beard", 3975], ["beards", 3975], ["bearded", 3975], ["beat", 4022], ["vamp", 4065], ["vamped", 4065], ["yard", 4080], ["yards", 4080], ["remind", 4089], ["reminded", 4089], ["football", 4107], ["field", 4113], ["fielding", 4113], ["team", 4128], ["teamed", 4128], ["teaming", 4128], ["teams", 4128], ["gather", 4137], ["gatherest", 4137], ["gathered", 4137]]
he and the vamps were in one end zone . the jones 's ranch house was at the other end . caddoc jones emerged from the back door , followed by his two sons and brynley . he paused at the edge of the patio and glared at rhett . `` you come to your wedding armed with knives ? '' rhett stepped forward . `` we want to make sure the wedding happens . '' his eyes narrowed on brynley . `` the bride has a nasty habit of running away . '' caddoc seized her arm and dragged her into the yard . `` i 'm not marrying him ! '' brynley pulled loose and put some distance between herself and her father . phil ran over to stand next to her . howell took a position next to caddoc , who was glowering at his daughter . `` you will do as you are told , '' caddoc growled . `` or you will be banished from this world forever . you will be dead to us . '' `` you ca n't fire me , i quit . i 'm going to marry a vampire . '' phineas sucked in a deep breath . he ran onto the field . rhett cursed . `` you foul yourself with that damned bloodsucker . '' phineas stopped next to brynley . he turned to her father . `` i 'm requesting your daughter 's hand in marriage . '' `` who the hell are you to think you deserve my daughter ? '' `` i do n't have a lot to offer in terms of wealth , but i can give her all my love- '' `` love ? '' caddoc motioned to the house behind him . `` you think she would give all this up for love ? '' `` in a second , '' brynley said . `` you can have all the land and riches in the world , but if you do n't have love , you have nothing . '' `` and will love pay the bills ? will it put food on the table ? '' caddoc sneered at phineas . you do n't even eat food . but if you dare to feed off my daughter , i'll- '' `` i would never harm her ! '' phineas interrupted . `` i want her happiness more than anything . '' caddoc studied him a moment , then arched a brow . `` you would do anything for her ? '' `` i will not give her up . '' caddoc stepped toward him . make yourself worthy of her . '' phineas narrowed his eyes . what did the old man want ? caddoc glanced at brynley . `` i will only accept a werewolf as your husband . '' `` so if you want him , you 'll have to bite him . '' phineas sucked in a breath of air . he did n't even know if it was possible for a vampire to become a werewolf . that might be what her father was counting on , that the transformation would kill him . caddoc 's eyes glinted with humor as he regarded his daughter . `` you 're the one who thinks love is so powerful . do you love this man enough to make him acceptable ? '' brynley gave phineas a worried look . `` she 's marrying me ! i 'm the best choice . '' caddoc crossed his arms over his chest . if she wants the bloodsucker badly enough , she 'll agree . of course , she ca n't shift tonight since she 's not an alpha , but i can do the biting . '' he gave phineas a wolfish grin . `` how much do you really want her ? '' somehow he 'd always feared it would come down to this . he would n't be good enough for brynley as he was . bring it on , old man . '' phineas- '' `` i 'll do anything for you . '' `` phineas , you are worthy just the way you are . '' worthy the way he was . she turned to her father and lifted her chin . `` i 'm marrying phineas , and i do n't care if you ever approve- '' `` you have defied me for the last time ! '' with a growl , caddoc lunged toward her , his head shifting into a snarling wolf . brynley lifted her arms to defend herself , and they shimmered . `` i 'm not taking it anymore ! '' she screamed , and her arms and head shifted . caddoc jumped back . a shock wave rolled over the entire yard . gasps echoed in the stunned silence . caddoc was back in human form , his face frozen in disbelief . brynley shifted back . `` what-what have i done ? '' she stumbled , and phineas caught her . phil grabbed her other arm . `` you went alpha , bryn ! '' `` but only males- '' `` not anymore . '' phil 's eyes lit up . `` you 're the first female alpha ! '' `` hot damn , girl . ''
[["vamp", 16], ["vamped", 16], ["end", 32], ["ends", 32], ["endest", 32], ["zone", 37], ["joneses", 49], ["ranch", 58], ["house", 64], ["emerge", 108], ["emerged", 108], ["back", 122], ["door", 127], ["follow", 138], ["followed", 138], ["two", 149], ["twos", 149], ["son", 154], ["sons", 154], ["pause", 178], ["paused", 178], ["edge", 190], ["edges", 190], ["patio", 203], ["glare", 214], ["glared", 214], ["come", 237], ["wedding", 253], ["arm", 259], ["knife", 271], ["knifes", 271], ["knives", 271], ["step", 290], ["stepped", 290], ["forward", 298], ["forwarding", 298], ["forwardest", 298], ["sure", 324], ["happen", 344], ["happens", 344], ["eye", 358], ["eyed", 358], ["eyes", 358], ["narrow", 367], ["narrowed", 367], ["bride", 393], ["nasty", 405], ["habit", 411], ["habiting", 411], ["run", 422], ["running", 422], ["away", 427], ["seize", 446], ["seizes", 446], ["seized", 446], ["arm", 454], ["drag", 466], ["dragged", 466], ["yard", 484], ["yards", 484], ["marry", 507], ["married", 507], ["marrying", 507], ["pull", 531], ["pulled", 531], ["loose", 537], ["looser", 537], ["put", 545], ["distance", 559], ["distancing", 559], ["father", 590], ["fathered", 590], ["fathering", 590], ["phil", 597], ["run", 601], ["ran", 601], ["stand", 615], ["stood", 615], ["standest", 615], ["next", 620], ["howell", 636], ["howells", 636], ["take", 641], ["took", 641], ["position", 652], ["glow", 687], ["glowering", 687], ["daughter", 703], ["tell", 736], ["told", 736], ["growl", 756], ["growls", 756], ["growled", 756], ["banish", 785], ["banishest", 785], ["banished", 785], ["world", 801], ["forever", 809], ["dead", 828], ["ca", 849], ["cas", 849], ["fire", 858], ["quit", 870], ["quits", 870], ["quitting", 870], ["go", 883], ["goest", 883], ["going", 883], ["marry", 892], ["married", 892], ["vampire", 902], ["phineas", 915], ["suck", 922], ["sucking", 922], ["sucked", 922], ["deep", 932], ["deeply", 932], ["breath", 939], ["breathest", 939], ["onto", 953], ["ontos", 953], ["field", 963], ["fielding", 963], ["curse", 978], ["cursed", 978], ["foul", 992], ["fouling", 992], ["bloodsucker", 1030], ["stop", 1051], ["stopped", 1051], ["turn", 1079], ["turned", 1079], ["request", 1114], ["requestest", 1114], ["requesting", 1114], ["hand", 1136], ["marriage", 1148], ["hell", 1169], ["hells", 1169], ["think", 1186], ["thinkest", 1186], ["deserve", 1198], ["deserved", 1198], ["lot", 1238], ["offer", 1247], ["term", 1256], ["terming", 1256], ["terms", 1256], ["wealth", 1266], ["give", 1283], ["love", 1311], ["motion", 1332], ["behind", 1352], ["second", 1427], ["seconded", 1427], ["say", 1445], ["sayest", 1445], ["said", 1445], ["land", 1476], ["rich", 1487], ["nothing", 1549], ["pay", 1575], ["pays", 1575], ["payest", 1575], ["bill", 1585], ["bills", 1585], ["food", 1604], ["foods", 1604], ["table", 1617], ["tabled", 1617], ["tabling", 1617], ["sneer", 1637], ["sneered", 1637], ["even", 1666], ["evens", 1666], ["eat", 1670], ["dare", 1693], ["fed", 1701], ["feed", 1701], ["never", 1745], ["harm", 1750], ["harmest", 1750], ["interrupt", 1779], ["interruptest", 1779], ["interrupted", 1779], ["happiness", 1805], ["anything", 1824], ["study", 1844], ["studied", 1844], ["moment", 1857], ["arch", 1871], ["arched", 1871], ["brow", 1878], ["toward", 1971], ["worthy", 1998], ["old", 2055], ["man", 2059], ["mans", 2059], ["manned", 2059], ["glance", 2081], ["glanced", 2081], ["accept", 2116], ["werewolf", 2127], ["husband", 2143], ["husbanding", 2143], ["bite", 2193], ["air", 2236], ["airs", 2236], ["airing", 2236], ["know", 2259], ["knowest", 2259], ["possible", 2278], ["become", 2302], ["may", 2326], ["mays", 2326], ["mayest", 2326], ["might", 2326], ["count", 2358], ["countest", 2358], ["counting", 2358], ["transformation", 2387], ["kill", 2398], ["glint", 2427], ["humor", 2438], ["humors", 2438], ["humorest", 2438], ["regard", 2453], ["regarded", 2453], ["think", 2498], ["thinkest", 2498], ["thinks", 2498], ["powerful", 2518], ["enough", 2548], ["acceptable", 2571], ["give", 2589], ["gave", 2589], ["look", 2612], ["good", 2652], ["best", 2652], ["choice", 2659], ["cross", 2679], ["crossing", 2679], ["crossed", 2679], ["arm", 2688], ["arms", 2688], ["chest", 2703], ["badly", 2740], ["agree", 2763], ["course", 2775], ["shift", 2794], ["tonight", 2802], ["since", 2808], ["alpha", 2828], ["alphas", 2828], ["biting", 2854], ["wolfish", 2885], ["grin", 2890], ["much", 2904], ["really", 2918], ["somehow", 2940], ["always", 2953], ["fear", 2960], ["fearest", 2960], ["feared", 2960], ["good", 3010], ["bring", 3047], ["way", 3155], ["ways", 3155], ["lift", 3228], ["lifted", 3228], ["chin", 3237], ["care", 3284], ["ever", 3296], ["everest", 3296], ["defy", 3327], ["defied", 3327], ["last", 3343], ["time", 3348], ["growl", 3366], ["growls", 3366], ["lunge", 3382], ["lunges", 3382], ["head", 3404], ["shift", 3413], ["shifting", 3413], ["snarl", 3429], ["snarls", 3429], ["snarling", 3429], ["wolf", 3434], ["defend", 3470], ["shimmer", 3499], ["shimmering", 3499], ["shimmered", 3499], ["take", 3520], ["taking", 3520], ["anymore", 3531], ["scream", 3549], ["screams", 3549], ["screamed", 3549], ["shift", 3581], ["shifted", 3581], ["jump", 3597], ["jumps", 3597], ["jumped", 3597], ["shock", 3612], ["wave", 3617], ["waved", 3617], ["roll", 3624], ["rolled", 3624], ["entire", 3640], ["echo", 3660], ["echoed", 3660], ["silence", 3683], ["human", 3710], ["form", 3715], ["formest", 3715], ["face", 3726], ["froze", 3733], ["freeze", 3733], ["frozen", 3733], ["freezing", 3733], ["disbelief", 3746], ["disbeliefs", 3746], ["stumble", 3814], ["stumbled", 3814], ["catch", 3835], ["catched", 3835], ["catches", 3835], ["caught", 3835], ["grab", 3854], ["grabbed", 3854], ["go", 3882], ["goest", 3882], ["went", 3882], ["bryn", 3895], ["lit", 3959], ["light", 3959], ["first", 3985], ["firstest", 3985], ["female", 3992], ["hot", 4010], ["damn", 4015], ["damned", 4015], ["girl", 4022]]
phineas grinned at her . `` you released the kraken . '' rhett stalked toward them and drew his knife . `` she 's the most valuable female werewolf in the world . she has to be mine . '' `` buzz off , rhett . why would i marry you when everyone knows you plan to kill me after the wedding ? '' `` everything 's changed now . you 're too valuable to kill . with you , i could rule the entire lycan world . i would have the strongest children- '' `` what ? '' corky screamed and zoomed over to him . `` you ca n't keep her ! you 're supposed to stay with me ! we 're going to rule the world ! we're- '' `` forget it ! '' rhett sneered at her . `` why would i want you when i can have the one and only alpha female- '' `` you 're dumping me ? '' `` you-you stupid animal . i was mistress to kings before you were ever born . '' `` and you 've outlived your usefulness . '' corky pulled a knife and pointed it at rhett . `` i could slit your throat so fast you 'd never see it coming . '' `` or i could take out your bitch . '' she vanished , then reappeared behind brynley . rhett dashed toward them . with vampire speed , phineas pulled brynley away from corky 's slashing knife . phil grabbed corky 's arm and strained against her vampire strength . `` i 'll kill you , '' corky hissed , aiming her knife at phil 's face . `` i 'll kill all of you stinking wolves . '' phil 's arm shimmered and shifted , and then with the power of his wolf , he shoved corky back . she stumbled into rhett 's arms and reached for his face . `` darling , let me take you away from here . we 'll rule the- '' she gasped as rhett 's knife plunged into her stomach . you can't-no ! '' rhett rammed his knife into her heart . her scream died as her body disintegrated into a pile of dust . silence fell over the field . phineas glanced at angus and the others . they did n't seem too upset over the failure to capture corky . he suspected that even though she would have been found guilty at coven court , roman would have had a hard time determining her punishment . he looked back at rhett , who was calmly brushing some corky dust off his sleeve . `` did n't you just kill your escape route ? '' he returned to the side of the yard where his small army was gathered . `` i have no need to escape . i 'm not leaving until brynley and i are married . '' `` you 're an idiot , '' phil said . `` my father and his men plan to kill you after the wedding . you should leave while you have the chance . '' rhett stiffened and glanced at caddoc . `` you think you can kill me ? '' both sides drew their weapons and started hurling insults at each other . `` and the shit hits the fan , '' phineas muttered , then held up his hands and shouted , `` are you guys really going to kill each other over brynley when she does n't want either of you ? '' brynley yelled . `` i 'm leaving with phineas . '' she glared at rhett . `` go back to alaska and leave my family alone . '' she switched her glare to her father . his eyes narrowed , but he said nothing . a muffled sob came from the patio . `` glynis , i 'll stay in touch with you . she turned her back and closed her eyes . phineas took her hand . `` i 'm always leaving her behind . '' brynley gazed at him with tears in her eyes . `` we 'll find a way for you to see her . '' phineas led her toward the vamps . phil walked with them , holding brynley 's other hand . `` did we stop a battle ? '' `` do n't know , '' phil murmured . `` just keep walking . '' they were halfway to the vamps when angus shouted a warning . phineas spun around . rhett was running toward them , his knife raised . he gave a war cry , and his men charged after him . phineas shoved brynley toward the vamps . caddoc responded with his own war cry , and his men ran onto the field , their knives raised . they clashed with rhett 's men , knives stabbing . rhett lunged toward phineas , but with vampire speed , he wrenched the knife from the werewolf 's hand and punched him hard enough he heard the jaw crack . rhett hit the ground , then jumped up , instantly shifting and repairing his broken jaw .
[["phineas", 7], ["grin", 15], ["grinned", 15], ["release", 40], ["released", 40], ["kraken", 51], ["stalk", 70], ["stalkest", 70], ["stalked", 70], ["toward", 77], ["draw", 91], ["drawn", 91], ["draws", 91], ["drew", 91], ["knife", 101], ["knifes", 101], ["valuable", 131], ["female", 138], ["werewolf", 147], ["world", 160], ["buzz", 194], ["buzzes", 194], ["buzzing", 194], ["marry", 226], ["married", 226], ["everyone", 244], ["know", 250], ["knowest", 250], ["knows", 250], ["plan", 259], ["kill", 267], ["wedding", 288], ["everything", 307], ["change", 318], ["changed", 318], ["rule", 379], ["entire", 390], ["strong", 431], ["strongest", 431], ["corky", 463], ["scream", 472], ["screams", 472], ["screamed", 472], ["zoom", 483], ["zoomed", 483], ["ca", 507], ["cas", 507], ["keep", 516], ["keepest", 516], ["suppose", 539], ["supposed", 539], ["stay", 547], ["go", 570], ["goest", 570], ["going", 570], ["forget", 610], ["forgot", 610], ["sneer", 632], ["sneered", 632], ["alpha", 704], ["alphas", 704], ["dump", 734], ["dumping", 734], ["stupid", 760], ["animal", 767], ["mistress", 784], ["king", 793], ["kings", 793], ["ever", 814], ["everest", 814], ["bear", 819], ["bore", 819], ["bearest", 819], ["born", 819], ["outlive", 848], ["outlived", 848], ["usefulness", 864], ["pull", 882], ["pulled", 882], ["point", 902], ["pointed", 902], ["slit", 932], ["throat", 944], ["fast", 952], ["never", 965], ["see", 969], ["come", 979], ["coming", 979], ["take", 1003], ["bitch", 1018], ["vanish", 1036], ["vanishest", 1036], ["vanished", 1036], ["reappear", 1054], ["reappeared", 1054], ["behind", 1061], ["dash", 1084], ["dashed", 1084], ["vampire", 1111], ["speed", 1117], ["speeding", 1117], ["away", 1147], ["slash", 1170], ["slashing", 1170], ["phil", 1183], ["grab", 1191], ["grabbed", 1191], ["arm", 1204], ["strain", 1217], ["strains", 1217], ["strained", 1217], ["strength", 1246], ["aim", 1293], ["aimest", 1293], ["aiming", 1293], ["face", 1319], ["stink", 1355], ["stinks", 1355], ["stinking", 1355], ["wolf", 1362], ["wolves", 1362], ["shimmer", 1389], ["shimmering", 1389], ["shimmered", 1389], ["shift", 1401], ["shifted", 1401], ["power", 1427], ["wolf", 1439], ["shove", 1451], ["shoved", 1451], ["back", 1462], ["stumble", 1477], ["stumbled", 1477], ["arm", 1496], ["arms", 1496], ["reach", 1508], ["reached", 1508], ["darling", 1534], ["let", 1540], ["lets", 1540], ["gasp", 1600], ["gasps", 1600], ["gasped", 1600], ["plunge", 1626], ["plunged", 1626], ["stomach", 1643], ["stomachs", 1643], ["stomaching", 1643], ["ram", 1676], ["rams", 1676], ["rammed", 1676], ["heart", 1701], ["scream", 1714], ["screams", 1714], ["die", 1719], ["died", 1719], ["body", 1731], ["bodied", 1731], ["disintegrate", 1745], ["disintegrated", 1745], ["pile", 1757], ["dust", 1765], ["dusting", 1765], ["silence", 1775], ["fall", 1780], ["falls", 1780], ["fell", 1780], ["field", 1795], ["fielding", 1795], ["glance", 1813], ["glanced", 1813], ["angus", 1822], ["seem", 1857], ["seeming", 1857], ["upset", 1867], ["failure", 1884], ["capture", 1895], ["suspect", 1916], ["suspected", 1916], ["even", 1926], ["evens", 1926], ["though", 1933], ["find", 1959], ["found", 1959], ["guilty", 1966], ["coven", 1975], ["covens", 1975], ["court", 1981], ["courting", 1981], ["courtest", 1981], ["roman", 1989], ["romans", 1989], ["hard", 2011], ["time", 2016], ["determine", 2028], ["determining", 2028], ["punishment", 2043], ["look", 2055], ["looked", 2055], ["calmly", 2086], ["brush", 2095], ["brushest", 2095], ["brushing", 2095], ["sleeve", 2126], ["sleeving", 2126], ["escape", 2165], ["escapes", 2165], ["route", 2171], ["routed", 2171], ["routeing", 2171], ["return", 2188], ["returnest", 2188], ["returned", 2188], ["side", 2200], ["sidest", 2200], ["yard", 2212], ["yards", 2212], ["small", 2228], ["army", 2233], ["gather", 2246], ["gatherest", 2246], ["gathered", 2246], ["need", 2266], ["needest", 2266], ["left", 2295], ["leave", 2295], ["leaving", 2295], ["married", 2327], ["idiot", 2352], ["say", 2367], ["sayest", 2367], ["said", 2367], ["father", 2382], ["fathered", 2382], ["fathering", 2382], ["man", 2394], ["mans", 2394], ["manned", 2394], ["men", 2394], ["left", 2448], ["leave", 2448], ["chance", 2474], ["chanced", 2474], ["chancing", 2474], ["stiffen", 2495], ["stiffens", 2495], ["stiffened", 2495], ["think", 2532], ["thinkest", 2532], ["side", 2564], ["sidest", 2564], ["sides", 2564], ["weapon", 2583], ["weapons", 2583], ["start", 2595], ["started", 2595], ["hurl", 2603], ["hurls", 2603], ["hurling", 2603], ["insult", 2611], ["insultest", 2611], ["insults", 2611], ["shit", 2643], ["hit", 2648], ["hits", 2648], ["fan", 2656], ["mutter", 2678], ["muttering", 2678], ["mutterest", 2678], ["muttered", 2678], ["hold", 2690], ["held", 2690], ["hand", 2703], ["hands", 2703], ["shout", 2715], ["shouted", 2715], ["guy", 2733], ["guys", 2733], ["really", 2740], ["either", 2808], ["yell", 2835], ["yelled", 2835], ["glare", 2882], ["glared", 2882], ["go", 2899], ["goest", 2899], ["alaska", 2914], ["family", 2934], ["alone", 2940], ["switch", 2958], ["switching", 2958], ["switched", 2958], ["glare", 2968], ["eye", 2993], ["eyed", 2993], ["eyes", 2993], ["narrow", 3002], ["narrowed", 3002], ["nothing", 3024], ["sob", 3040], ["sobs", 3040], ["sobbed", 3040], ["come", 3045], ["came", 3045], ["patio", 3060], ["touch", 3094], ["touching", 3094], ["turn", 3116], ["turned", 3116], ["close", 3136], ["closed", 3136], ["take", 3160], ["took", 3160], ["hand", 3169], ["always", 3186], ["gaze", 3224], ["gazes", 3224], ["gazed", 3224], ["tear", 3242], ["teared", 3242], ["tears", 3242], ["find", 3271], ["way", 3277], ["ways", 3277], ["lead", 3313], ["leaded", 3313], ["led", 3313], ["vamp", 3334], ["vamped", 3334], ["walk", 3348], ["walked", 3348], ["hold", 3368], ["holding", 3368], ["stop", 3407], ["battle", 3416], ["know", 3436], ["knowest", 3436], ["murmur", 3455], ["murmurest", 3455], ["murmured", 3455], ["walk", 3478], ["walking", 3478], ["halfway", 3501], ["halfways", 3501], ["warning", 3543], ["spin", 3558], ["spun", 3558], ["around", 3565], ["run", 3585], ["running", 3585], ["raise", 3616], ["raised", 3616], ["give", 3626], ["gave", 3626], ["war", 3632], ["cry", 3636], ["charge", 3658], ["charged", 3658], ["respond", 3729], ["respondest", 3729], ["responded", 3729], ["run", 3768], ["ran", 3768], ["onto", 3773], ["ontos", 3773], ["knife", 3798], ["knifes", 3798], ["knives", 3798], ["clash", 3820], ["clashed", 3820], ["stab", 3856], ["stabs", 3856], ["stabbing", 3856], ["lunge", 3871], ["lunges", 3871], ["wrench", 3925], ["punch", 3973], ["punching", 3973], ["punched", 3973], ["enough", 3989], ["hear", 3998], ["hears", 3998], ["heard", 3998], ["jaw", 4006], ["jaws", 4006], ["jawed", 4006], ["jawest", 4006], ["crack", 4012], ["hit", 4024], ["ground", 4035], ["jump", 4049], ["jumps", 4049], ["jumped", 4049], ["instantly", 4064], ["shift", 4073], ["shifting", 4073], ["repair", 4087], ["repairing", 4087]]
he pounced on phineas , who grabbed the wolf by the neck as it attempted to rip his throat out . he threw the wolf to the side , but rhett twisted and snapped his jaw onto phineas 's arm . hot , searing pain shot up his arm . he tried to stand up , but tumbled back onto his rear . phil lunged onto rhett , both in wolf form , and they rolled , clawing and snapping . phil pinned him down and bared his teeth , growling . howard sprinted toward them , his knife raised . `` let me fight him ! '' phil moved aside with a snarl aimed at rhett . rhett rolled to his feet and shifted to human form , his clothes in tatters , his face shocked as howard ran toward him . he turned and hollered . the malcontent teleported beside him . howard lunged at rhett , his knife plunging just as the werewolf vanished with dimitri . brynley ran toward him and fell to her knees beside him . he looked at her and stars danced around her head . she ripped her shirt off and wrapped it around his arm . phil knelt beside them , back in human form . `` how do you feel , bro ? '' phineas blinked at him . `` do you have two heads ? '' or both his heads . phineas was n't sure . phineas waved faintly at the vamps who were crowding around him with worried faces . he looked over at the field . `` they 're running away . '' `` after rhett disappeared , his army took off running . '' phineas watched howell and his cohorts giving chase . `` they might chase them all the way back to alaska . '' he blinked as their forms wavered . brynley touched his forehead . `` he 's burning up . he has a fever . '' phineas smiled at her . `` i 'm hot for you , sweetness . '' phineas squinted up at brynley 's father . i thought we said good-bye . '' caddoc looked at his daughter . i want to know what happens to him . '' `` you care all of a sudden ? '' he paused , then added . `` if he survives the transformation , i might accept him as your husband . '' `` we do n't care what- '' he lifted a hand to interrupt her . `` if he survives , he may have powers no other werewolf has . that alone makes him of interest to me . you will be welcomed in my house . '' he glanced at phil . `` do n't you just love family reunions ? '' phineas asked , then slumped over as everything went black . phineas moaned and kicked off the sheets . sheets ? was he in bed ? he squinted , but could n't see . everything was glowing red . `` why are his eyes red ? '' brynley . he tried to say her name , opening his mouth , but nothing came out . `` i think he 's hungry , '' brynley said . `` here , '' a male voice said . `` let 's give him a cold bottle . it might help with the fever . '' someone lifted his shoulders . careful , phineas thought . `` damn , he 's hot , '' the person said . a cold bottle was pressed to his mouth , and blood trickled down his throat . it helped with the fire . he drank it all down . his stomach clenched in pain . he groaned , pushing away the hands that reached out to help him . he rolled halfway off the bed and threw up . brynley cried . hands pushed him back onto the bed . he woke again . still on fire . and so damned hungry . brynley exclaimed . `` let 's see if he can eat , '' roman said . he squinted , peering around the room . it looked like the basement at phil 's cabin . why had n't they taken him back to romatech ? `` he 's not as hot tonight , '' said the guy holding his shoulders . a bottle was placed against his lips . he drank and drank . it hit his stomach and instantly curdled . he rolled over and vomited . `` i 'm not sure what to think , '' roman said . `` he 's had two days of death-sleep . i thought that would heal whatever lycan virus is in his system . but if he 's rejecting blood- '' `` then he 's becoming a werewolf , '' phil said . `` we should try giving him real food . '' `` i 'll bring him something , '' brynley said , then climbed up the ladder . phineas lay back , trying to wrap his fuddled mind around it . that was why he was at phil 's cabin . in case he shifted into an animal . a while later , brynley was back and spooning something hot down his throat . `` it 's soup , '' she said . `` i thought we should start with something simple . '' then threw it up .
[["pounce", 10], ["pounced", 10], ["phineas", 21], ["grab", 35], ["grabbed", 35], ["wolf", 44], ["neck", 56], ["necked", 56], ["attempt", 72], ["attempted", 72], ["rip", 79], ["throat", 90], ["throw", 105], ["threw", 105], ["side", 126], ["sidest", 126], ["twist", 146], ["twisted", 146], ["twisting", 146], ["snap", 158], ["snapping", 158], ["snapped", 158], ["jaw", 166], ["jaws", 166], ["jawed", 166], ["jawest", 166], ["onto", 171], ["ontos", 171], ["arm", 186], ["hot", 192], ["pain", 207], ["shoot", 212], ["shooted", 212], ["shot", 212], ["try", 234], ["tryed", 234], ["tried", 234], ["stand", 243], ["stood", 243], ["standest", 243], ["tumble", 260], ["tumbled", 260], ["back", 265], ["rear", 279], ["phil", 286], ["lunge", 293], ["lunges", 293], ["form", 324], ["formest", 324], ["roll", 342], ["rolled", 342], ["clawing", 352], ["pin", 379], ["pinned", 379], ["bare", 398], ["bared", 398], ["tooth", 408], ["teeth", 408], ["growl", 419], ["growls", 419], ["growling", 419], ["howard", 428], ["sprint", 437], ["sprinted", 437], ["sprinting", 437], ["toward", 444], ["knife", 461], ["knifes", 461], ["raise", 468], ["raised", 468], ["let", 477], ["lets", 477], ["fight", 486], ["fightest", 486], ["move", 506], ["moved", 506], ["aside", 512], ["snarl", 525], ["snarls", 525], ["aim", 531], ["aimest", 531], ["aimed", 531], ["foot", 567], ["feet", 567], ["shift", 579], ["shifted", 579], ["human", 588], ["clad", 607], ["clothe", 607], ["clothes", 607], ["tatter", 618], ["tatters", 618], ["face", 629], ["shock", 637], ["shocked", 637], ["run", 651], ["ran", 651], ["turn", 674], ["turned", 674], ["holler", 687], ["hollering", 687], ["malcontent", 704], ["teleport", 715], ["teleporting", 715], ["teleported", 715], ["beside", 722], ["plunge", 772], ["plunging", 772], ["werewolf", 793], ["vanish", 802], ["vanishest", 802], ["vanished", 802], ["dimitri", 815], ["fall", 849], ["falls", 849], ["fell", 849], ["knee", 862], ["knees", 862], ["look", 885], ["looked", 885], ["star", 902], ["starred", 902], ["stars", 902], ["dance", 909], ["danced", 909], ["around", 916], ["head", 925], ["rip", 938], ["ripped", 938], ["shirt", 948], ["wrap", 964], ["wraps", 964], ["wrapping", 964], ["wrapped", 964], ["knelt", 995], ["feel", 1049], ["bro", 1055], ["blink", 1076], ["blinked", 1076], ["two", 1104], ["twos", 1104], ["head", 1110], ["heads", 1110], ["sure", 1156], ["wave", 1172], ["waved", 1172], ["faintly", 1180], ["vamp", 1193], ["vamped", 1193], ["crowd", 1211], ["crowding", 1211], ["crowdest", 1211], ["face", 1241], ["faces", 1241], ["field", 1271], ["fielding", 1271], ["run", 1293], ["running", 1293], ["away", 1298], ["disappear", 1330], ["disappeared", 1330], ["army", 1341], ["take", 1346], ["took", 1346], ["watch", 1379], ["watched", 1379], ["howell", 1386], ["howells", 1386], ["cohort", 1402], ["cohorts", 1402], ["give", 1409], ["giving", 1409], ["chase", 1415], ["may", 1431], ["mays", 1431], ["mayest", 1431], ["might", 1431], ["way", 1454], ["ways", 1454], ["alaska", 1469], ["form", 1500], ["formest", 1500], ["forms", 1500], ["waver", 1508], ["wavering", 1508], ["wavered", 1508], ["touch", 1526], ["touching", 1526], ["touched", 1526], ["forehead", 1539], ["burn", 1558], ["burns", 1558], ["burning", 1558], ["fever", 1578], ["smile", 1598], ["smiled", 1598], ["sweetness", 1639], ["squint", 1661], ["squintest", 1661], ["squinting", 1661], ["squinted", 1661], ["father", 1685], ["fathered", 1685], ["fathering", 1685], ["think", 1697], ["thinkest", 1697], ["thought", 1697], ["say", 1705], ["sayest", 1705], ["said", 1705], ["good", 1710], ["bye", 1714], ["byes", 1714], ["daughter", 1749], ["know", 1766], ["knowest", 1766], ["happen", 1779], ["happens", 1779], ["care", 1803], ["sudden", 1819], ["pause", 1834], ["paused", 1834], ["add", 1847], ["added", 1847], ["survive", 1867], ["survives", 1867], ["transformation", 1886], ["accept", 1903], ["husband", 1923], ["husbanding", 1923], ["lift", 1965], ["lifted", 1965], ["hand", 1972], ["interrupt", 1985], ["interruptest", 1985], ["may", 2018], ["mays", 2018], ["mayest", 2018], ["power", 2030], ["powers", 2030], ["alone", 2065], ["interest", 2087], ["welcome", 2116], ["welcomed", 2116], ["house", 2128], ["glance", 2144], ["glanced", 2144], ["love", 2178], ["family", 2185], ["reunion", 2194], ["reunions", 2194], ["ask", 2213], ["asked", 2213], ["slump", 2228], ["slumps", 2228], ["slumped", 2228], ["everything", 2247], ["go", 2252], ["goest", 2252], ["went", 2252], ["black", 2258], ["moan", 2275], ["moans", 2275], ["moanest", 2275], ["moaned", 2275], ["kick", 2286], ["kicked", 2286], ["sheet", 2301], ["sheets", 2301], ["bed", 2326], ["see", 2360], ["glow", 2385], ["glowest", 2385], ["glowing", 2385], ["red", 2389], ["eye", 2411], ["eyed", 2411], ["eyes", 2411], ["say", 2446], ["sayest", 2446], ["name", 2455], ["open", 2465], ["mouth", 2475], ["mouthed", 2475], ["nothing", 2489], ["come", 2494], ["came", 2494], ["think", 2511], ["thinkest", 2511], ["hungry", 2524], ["male", 2564], ["males", 2564], ["voice", 2570], ["give", 2592], ["cold", 2603], ["bottle", 2610], ["bottled", 2610], ["help", 2626], ["helpest", 2626], ["shoulder", 2675], ["shouldered", 2675], ["shoulders", 2675], ["careful", 2685], ["damn", 2713], ["damned", 2713], ["person", 2741], ["press", 2774], ["pressed", 2774], ["blood", 2799], ["bloods", 2799], ["blooded", 2799], ["trickle", 2808], ["trickled", 2808], ["help", 2836], ["helpest", 2836], ["helped", 2836], ["fire", 2850], ["drank", 2861], ["drink", 2861], ["drinking", 2861], ["stomach", 2887], ["stomachs", 2887], ["stomaching", 2887], ["clench", 2896], ["clenched", 2896], ["groan", 2917], ["groans", 2917], ["groanest", 2917], ["groaning", 2917], ["groaned", 2917], ["push", 2927], ["pushing", 2927], ["hand", 2942], ["hands", 2942], ["reach", 2955], ["reached", 2955], ["halfway", 2991], ["halfways", 2991], ["cry", 3032], ["cried", 3032], ["push", 3047], ["pushed", 3047], ["wake", 3079], ["wakes", 3079], ["woken", 3079], ["woke", 3079], ["still", 3093], ["damn", 3117], ["damned", 3117], ["eat", 3174], ["roman", 3185], ["romans", 3185], ["peer", 3214], ["peering", 3214], ["room", 3230], ["roomed", 3230], ["like", 3247], ["basement", 3260], ["cabin", 3277], ["take", 3302], ["taken", 3302], ["tonight", 3353], ["guy", 3371], ["hold", 3379], ["holding", 3379], ["place", 3415], ["placed", 3415], ["lip", 3432], ["lipped", 3432], ["lips", 3432], ["hit", 3462], ["instantly", 3488], ["curdle", 3496], ["curdled", 3496], ["vomit", 3525], ["day", 3598], ["days", 3598], ["death", 3607], ["sleep", 3613], ["slept", 3613], ["sleeps", 3613], ["sleepest", 3613], ["heal", 3641], ["healest", 3641], ["whatever", 3650], ["virus", 3662], ["system", 3679], ["reject", 3704], ["rejecting", 3704], ["become", 3737], ["becoming", 3737], ["try", 3782], ["tryed", 3782], ["real", 3798], ["reis", 3798], ["food", 3803], ["foods", 3803], ["bring", 3823], ["climb", 3870], ["climbed", 3870], ["ladder", 3884], ["laddered", 3884], ["lie", 3898], ["lay", 3898], ["lain", 3898], ["try", 3912], ["tryed", 3912], ["trying", 3912], ["wrap", 3920], ["wraps", 3920], ["wrapping", 3920], ["mind", 3937], ["minding", 3937], ["case", 3996], ["animal", 4022], ["later", 4038], ["spoon", 4070], ["spooning", 4070], ["soup", 4116], ["start", 4161], ["simple", 4183], ["simplest", 4183]]
`` he 's rejecting both vampire and human food . '' `` the two parts are fighting each other , '' roman said . `` i 'll put an iv in him . we have to keep him alive until the battle inside him gets sorted out . '' no wonder he was on fire . he felt good , as if his body was at peace . good god , was he dead ? the spurt of panic quickly faded away as he smoothed his hands over his bare chest . his body was solid . his heart was beating . his vision clear . power surged through him , and he took a deep breath . he felt more than good . his vision cut through the dark room , sharper than ever . his muscles flexed with increased strength . phil was on the floor , sound asleep on a sleeping bag . a bottle of blood sat on the bedside table . he picked it up and drank it down . apparently , the battle was over , and the vamp side had won . he looked around , but could n't spot brynley . he pulled the iv from his arm and stood . he actually felt stronger than ever . he teleported to the floor above to give brynley a surprise . the surprise was on him . he materialized in the bathroom with one foot in the toilet . he lifted his bare foot out and shook it off . this was n't where he 'd intended to go . he opened the bathroom door and froze . his heart lurched , and he shut the door . he could n't be awake in daylight . he cracked open the door and peered out . the room was full of sunshine . he sank back into the shadow , afraid he would burst into flames if the sunlight touched him . go into the light , a voice inside him urged . it ca n't hurt us . there was a wolf inside him ? the light can not harm us . brynley approached him , watching him carefully . he slowly reached out a hand , then extended his index finger so the tip barely touched the light . he opened his hand , turning it palm up in the sunlight . a gentle warmth caressed his skin . enjoy the light , the wolf whispered to him . brynley took his hands and led him slowly into the sun-filled cabin . our mate . he smiled at her , then looked out the window . `` i see blue . '' `` you must be a werewolf now , '' she whispered . `` but i drank blood and teleported . '' he glanced down at his wet foot . `` not very well though . maybe i 'm a little of both . '' he winced at a sudden thought . `` what if i 'm lousy at both ? '' you 're awake during the day . do you know any other vamp who can manage that ? '' `` i do n't know what will happen to me . '' `` whatever happens , i 'll be with you . '' `` i love you , snout-face . '' `` i may be calling you that on the next full moon . '' snout-face . '' epilogue three months later ... `` good evening , dear viewers ! this is maggie o'brian o'callahan reporting for real housewives of the vampire world . tonight we have a very special guest , the newest wife of a vamp , brynley mckinney ! '' brynley smiled at the camera . `` oh , it 's quite an honor , '' maggie assured her . `` i understand you 're the only female alpha werewolf in the world ? '' `` and your husband is that famous celebrity that all the women swoon over , the blardonnay guy ! '' brynley laughed . `` i love his commercials , too . and i love his voice . '' she motioned for phineas to join her . `` come on , say it , '' she whispered . brynley squeezed his arm . maggie grinned at them . `` it 's obvious you two are newlyweds . i 've never seen a couple so in love . now tell me , are the rumors true ? has our beloved dr. phang become part werewolf ? '' `` he 's been shifting every month on the full moon . '' maggie looked at phineas . `` and yet you 're still a vampire , too ? '' `` a little of both , '' he answered . `` we 're still figuring it all out . '' `` and how do you like being a werewolf ? '' `` i like chasing my wife through the woods . '' brynley shook her head , blushing . `` even more , i like catching her . '' she swatted at his shoulder . he assumed an injured look . `` but of course , she 's the alpha , so she thinks she can boss me around . '' brynley nudged him with her elbow . `` and you 're living here in wyoming ? '' `` we go back and forth from here to new york , '' phineas said .
[["reject", 18], ["rejecting", 18], ["vampire", 31], ["human", 41], ["food", 46], ["foods", 46], ["two", 62], ["twos", 62], ["part", 68], ["parting", 68], ["parts", 68], ["fight", 81], ["fightest", 81], ["roman", 103], ["romans", 103], ["say", 108], ["sayest", 108], ["said", 108], ["put", 123], ["iv", 129], ["keep", 154], ["keepest", 154], ["alive", 164], ["battle", 181], ["inside", 188], ["get", 197], ["gets", 197], ["sort", 204], ["sorted", 204], ["wonder", 223], ["wonderest", 223], ["fire", 238], ["feel", 248], ["felt", 248], ["good", 253], ["body", 270], ["bodied", 270], ["peace", 283], ["god", 294], ["dead", 308], ["spurt", 320], ["spurted", 320], ["spurtest", 320], ["spurting", 320], ["panic", 329], ["quickly", 337], ["fade", 343], ["faded", 343], ["away", 348], ["smooth", 363], ["smoothed", 363], ["hand", 373], ["hands", 373], ["bare", 387], ["chest", 393], ["solid", 414], ["heart", 426], ["beat", 438], ["beating", 438], ["vision", 451], ["clear", 457], ["clearest", 457], 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["around", 861], ["spot", 882], ["pull", 902], ["pulled", 902], ["arm", 922], ["stand", 932], ["stood", 932], ["standest", 932], ["strong", 960], ["teleport", 986], ["teleporting", 986], ["teleported", 986], ["give", 1013], ["surprise", 1032], ["surprised", 1032], ["materialize", 1076], ["materialized", 1076], ["bathroom", 1092], ["foot", 1106], ["toilet", 1120], ["toiletest", 1120], ["lift", 1132], ["lifted", 1132], ["shake", 1160], ["shook", 1160], ["intend", 1203], ["intendest", 1203], ["intended", 1203], ["go", 1209], ["goest", 1209], ["open", 1221], ["opened", 1221], ["door", 1239], ["froze", 1249], ["freeze", 1249], ["frozen", 1249], ["freezing", 1249], ["lurch", 1269], ["shut", 1283], ["awake", 1316], ["awoke", 1316], ["daylight", 1328], ["crack", 1341], ["cracked", 1341], ["open", 1346], ["peer", 1366], ["peered", 1366], ["full", 1390], ["sunshine", 1402], ["sank", 1412], ["sink", 1412], ["back", 1417], ["shadow", 1433], ["shadowed", 1433], ["afraid", 1442], ["burst", 1457], ["bursted", 1457], ["flame", 1469], ["flames", 1469], ["sunlight", 1485], ["touch", 1493], ["touching", 1493], ["touched", 1493], ["lit", 1517], ["light", 1517], ["voice", 1527], ["urge", 1544], ["urged", 1544], ["ca", 1552], ["cas", 1552], ["hurt", 1561], ["hurts", 1561], ["hurting", 1561], ["wolf", 1583], ["harm", 1619], ["harmest", 1619], ["approach", 1643], ["approaches", 1643], ["approached", 1643], ["watch", 1658], ["watching", 1658], ["carefully", 1672], ["slowly", 1684], ["reach", 1692], ["reached", 1692], ["hand", 1703], ["extend", 1719], ["extended", 1719], ["index", 1729], ["indexes", 1729], ["indices", 1729], ["finger", 1736], ["tip", 1747], ["barely", 1754], ["turn", 1803], ["turning", 1803], ["palm", 1811], ["palms", 1811], ["palmed", 1811], ["palmest", 1811], ["gentle", 1841], ["gentler", 1841], ["warmth", 1848], ["caress", 1857], ["caressed", 1857], ["skin", 1866], ["enjoy", 1874], ["enjoyed", 1874], ["whisper", 1905], ["whispered", 1905], ["lead", 1945], ["leaded", 1945], ["led", 1945], ["sun", 1969], ["suns", 1969], ["sunned", 1969], ["fill", 1976], ["fills", 1976], ["filled", 1976], ["cabin", 1982], ["mate", 1993], ["mated", 1993], ["smile", 2005], ["smiled", 2005], ["window", 2041], ["windows", 2041], ["see", 2052], ["blue", 2057], ["must", 2074], ["musts", 2074], ["werewolf", 2088], ["glance", 2165], ["glanced", 2165], ["wet", 2181], ["well", 2205], ["wells", 2205], ["though", 2212], ["maybe", 2220], ["little", 2234], ["wince", 2257], ["winced", 2257], ["sudden", 2269], ["thought", 2277], ["lousy", 2301], ["day", 2343], ["know", 2357], ["knowest", 2357], ["manage", 2387], ["happen", 2431], ["whatever", 2454], ["happen", 2462], ["happens", 2462], ["love", 2497], ["snout", 2509], ["face", 2514], ["may", 2528], ["mays", 2528], ["mayest", 2528], ["call", 2539], ["calling", 2539], ["next", 2560], ["moon", 2570], ["moons", 2570], ["epilogue", 2600], ["three", 2606], ["month", 2613], ["months", 2613], ["later", 2619], ["evening", 2639], ["dear", 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3267], ["squeezes", 3267], ["squeezed", 3267], ["grin", 3292], ["grinned", 3292], ["obvious", 3319], ["newlywed", 3341], ["newlyweds", 3341], ["never", 3355], ["see", 3360], ["seen", 3360], ["couple", 3369], ["tell", 3391], ["rumor", 3411], ["rumors", 3411], ["true", 3416], ["beloved", 3434], ["dr", 3437], ["drs", 3437], ["become", 3451], ["part", 3456], ["parting", 3456], ["shift", 3493], ["shifting", 3493], ["every", 3499], ["month", 3505], ["yet", 3565], ["still", 3579], ["answer", 3637], ["answeres", 3637], ["answerest", 3637], ["answered", 3637], ["figure", 3664], ["figuring", 3664], ["like", 3703], ["chase", 3743], ["chasing", 3743], ["wood", 3769], ["woods", 3769], ["head", 3797], ["blush", 3808], ["blushes", 3808], ["even", 3818], ["evens", 3818], ["catch", 3841], ["catched", 3841], ["catches", 3841], ["catching", 3841], ["swat", 3862], ["shoulder", 3878], ["shouldered", 3878], ["assume", 3891], ["assumes", 3891], ["assumed", 3891], ["look", 3907], ["course", 3926], ["think", 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`` i still work for mackay s and i . '' `` but he 's learning how to be a rancher , '' brynley added . maggie pointed behind them . `` that must be one of your horses ? '' brynley glanced back and smiled . `` that 's the wild white stallion . he does n't belong to anyone . but he comes by to see us often . '' phineas strolled over to the horse and patted it . the horse nudged him in the shoulder . `` he does n't look very wild to me , '' maggie observed . `` he likes phineas , '' brynley said , still smiling . phineas swung onto the horse 's bare back . now i 'm on a horse . '' `` and this is your home ? '' maggie gestured to the side , and the camera shifted . `` yes , '' brynley answered . `` it was the old haggerty ranch . my father bought it for us as a wedding present . '' that was very generous of him . '' at first , she had n't been sure they should accept her father 's gift . she suspected he was keeping them close , hoping he could use them someday . after all , she was the only female alpha , and phineas was also unique , possessing powers that no other werewolf had . she smiled for the camera . `` i love being here . this area is home to me , and my sister is close by , so i can see her often . and we have a really good friend just down the road , nate carson . he 's great guy and a vampire . and single . '' `` oh , did you hear that , viewers ? '' maggie looked at the camera . `` now , what can you tell me about your house ? '' brynley grinned when phineas rode by the house on the wild white stallion . `` well , frankly , it was a bit of a mess when we moved in . but we 've been working hard to make it our own . '' `` it was a fixer-upper ? '' but once we moved all the dead werewolves out , and cleaned up the bloodstains , we slapped on few coats of paint , and it was as good as new . '' maggie 's eyes widened . `` and we 're remodeling the bathrooms and kitchen , '' brynley added . `` putting in our own furniture . '' `` i hear you 've been working on one room in particular ? '' brynley blushed . it appears the lycan virus reactivated parts of my vampire husband . it caught us by surprise , but we 're very excited about it . i 'm expecting twins . '' `` we 're delighted for you ! '' maggie hugged her , then turned to the camera . `` be sure to keep watching real housewives of the vampire world . we 'll keep you updated on the mckinney family and all the vamps you love to visit . '' `` that 's a wrap ! '' darcy lowered her video camera and turned it off . phineas walked toward them . darcy hugged them both . `` i 'll see you at dvn tomorrow night to shoot another blardonnay commercial , '' maggie told phineas . she teleported away with darcy . `` another blardonnay commercial ? '' phineas smiled and gathered her in his arms . `` we got ta pay for all this remodeling . '' `` so many names . the blardonnay guy , dr. phang , the love doctor . but do you know my favorite name for you ? '' `` snout-face ? '' `` that 's my favorite , too . `` you 're going to change your mind ? '' i 'm going to really like being daddy . '' `` i 'm going to like that , too . '' chapter one dougal kincaid was not in a partying mood . as he entered the ballroom at romatech industries , his stomach churned . the jarring noise of all their voices grated on his ears , and he dreaded the thought of participating in meaningless chatter . for centuries , he 'd avoided these situations by playing the pipes , but those days were gone . that left him with one option for surviving the night . blissky . hopefully the mixture of synthetic blood and whisky would deaden his undead senses before he was confronted with the same questions he 'd been hearing for the past four years . how 's your new prosthesis ? can you still wield a sword ? will you be able to play the pipes again ? he had a better question : how fast could he get drunk ? he headed for the refreshment tables . they mean well , he reminded himself . it was the only way they knew how to show their concern . it was better than having no one who cared . but damn , he 'd lost a hand , not his pride . a man was more than his hands . more than his music ?
[["still", 10], ["work", 15], ["wrought", 15], ["learn", 61], ["learns", 61], ["learnt", 61], ["learning", 61], ["add", 100], ["added", 100], ["maggie", 109], ["point", 117], ["pointed", 117], ["behind", 124], ["must", 144], ["musts", 144], ["horse", 166], ["horsed", 166], ["horses", 166], ["glance", 187], ["glanced", 187], ["back", 192], ["smile", 203], ["smiled", 203], ["wild", 225], ["wildest", 225], ["white", 231], ["stallion", 240], ["belong", 261], ["belonged", 261], ["belongest", 261], ["anyone", 271], ["come", 286], ["comes", 286], ["see", 296], ["often", 305], ["phineas", 318], ["stroll", 327], ["strollest", 327], ["strolled", 327], ["horse", 345], ["horsed", 345], ["pat", 356], ["patted", 356], ["nudge", 378], ["nudges", 378], ["nudged", 378], ["shoulder", 398], ["shouldered", 398], ["look", 420], ["observe", 457], ["observed", 457], ["like", 471], ["likes", 471], ["say", 497], ["sayest", 497], ["said", 497], ["smile", 513], ["smiling", 513], ["swung", 529], ["swing", 529], ["onto", 534], ["ontos", 534], ["bare", 552], ["home", 609], ["homing", 609], ["gesture", 630], ["gestured", 630], ["side", 642], ["sidest", 642], ["camera", 659], ["cameras", 659], ["shift", 667], ["shifted", 667], ["yes", 676], ["answer", 698], ["answeres", 698], ["answerest", 698], ["answered", 698], ["old", 718], ["ranch", 733], ["father", 745], ["fathered", 745], ["fathering", 745], ["buy", 752], ["buyed", 752], ["bought", 752], ["wedding", 775], ["present", 783], ["presentest", 783], ["generous", 811], ["first", 832], ["firstest", 832], ["sure", 856], ["accept", 875], ["gift", 894], ["suspect", 910], ["suspected", 910], ["keep", 925], ["keepest", 925], ["keeping", 925], ["close", 936], ["hope", 945], ["hoping", 945], ["use", 958], ["someday", 971], ["female", 1009], ["alpha", 1015], ["alphas", 1015], ["also", 1038], ["unique", 1045], ["possess", 1058], ["possesses", 1058], ["possessing", 1058], ["power", 1065], ["powers", 1065], ["werewolf", 1088], ["love", 1132], ["area", 1155], 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["widened", 1853], ["remodel", 1880], ["remodeling", 1880], ["bathroom", 1894], ["bathrooms", 1894], ["kitchen", 1906], ["kitchens", 1906], ["put", 1938], ["putting", 1938], ["furniture", 1959], ["room", 2007], ["roomed", 2007], ["particular", 2021], ["appear", 2055], ["appears", 2055], ["virus", 2071], ["reactivate", 2083], ["reactivating", 2083], ["reactivated", 2083], ["part", 2089], ["parting", 2089], ["parts", 2089], ["husband", 2111], ["husbanding", 2111], ["catch", 2123], ["catched", 2123], ["catches", 2123], ["caught", 2123], ["surprise", 2138], ["surprised", 2138], ["twin", 2196], ["twins", 2196], ["delighted", 2221], ["hug", 2248], ["hugged", 2248], ["turn", 2266], ["turned", 2266], ["keep", 2301], ["keepest", 2301], ["watch", 2310], ["watching", 2310], ["real", 2315], ["reis", 2315], ["housewife", 2326], ["housewives", 2326], ["housewifed", 2326], ["housewifes", 2326], ["world", 2347], ["update", 2373], ["updates", 2373], ["updated", 2373], ["mckinney", 2389], ["family", 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3977], ["know", 3987], ["knowest", 3987], ["knew", 3987], ["show", 3999], ["concern", 4013], ["concerned", 4013], ["concernest", 4013], ["care", 4058], ["cared", 4058], ["damn", 4069], ["damned", 4069], ["lose", 4082], ["lost", 4082], ["hand", 4089], ["pride", 4105], ["man", 4113], ["mans", 4113], ["manned", 4113], ["hand", 4137], ["hands", 4137], ["music", 4159], ["musics", 4159]]
his chest clenched with the familiar pang of grief . without music , his soul felt half empty . and the half that remained was a sad melody of regret . the first refreshment table was covered with mortal snack food . phineas slapped him on the back . `` say hello to my little dudette . '' dougal glanced at the bairn phineas was holding . phin 's wife , brynley , had given birth to twins six months ago . this had to be the girl , judging by her frilly pink dress . dougal became aware of an awkward pause . was he supposed to say more ? he racked his brain , trying to remember the little girl 's name . gwyneth , that was it . and benjamin was the boy . for short , they were called gwyn and ben , which rhymed with their parents ' nicknames , phin and bryn . `` hello , gwyn . '' the little girl squealed so loud that dougal winced . phineas beamed proudly at her . after a pause , dougal suspected more flattery was in order . `` nice ... `` yeah , her mom loves shopping for her . '' phineas smiled at him . `` so , dude , how 's your hand ? '' phineas laughed . `` good one , bro . well , i got ta go see how bryn 's doing . ben just had a bomb go off in his diaper . '' dougal strode toward the next refreshment table . it was surrounded by mortals and shifters , mostly women and children , gawking at the giant five-tier cake . where the hell was the blissky ? `` hey , dougal . have ye met my tara jean ? '' it was ian macphie , carrying another little girl . this time dougal knew what to say . nice dress . '' ian regarded him sadly . `` i remember how ye played the pipes at my bachelor party . i really miss that . '' dougal winced inwardly . `` how 's the fancy new hand treating you ? '' `` well , since ye asked , it is made of pure titanium alloy , strong enough for spacecraft and the deepest-diving submarines . in three seconds , i could pierce yer chest cavity and rip yer bleedin ' heart out . '' `` och , man . `` that 's about all i can do . '' dougal lifted his right hand , and , using his vampire mind control , he curled the fingers into a tight fist . the movement was smooth but caused a series of clicking sounds . the superstrong grip was great for wielding a sword , but the lack of manual dexterity made it very difficult to play the pipes . in other words , he was now more suited for killing than making music . he swallowed down his frustration . `` have ye seen the blissky ? '' `` this is a birthday party for a bunch of bairns . there is no blissky . '' no blissky ? `` tara turned one last month in september , '' ian continued . `` austin 's little girl will be one in a few days and robby 's boy in november . with three birthdays so close together , we thought we should have a big party . i 'm glad ye could make it . '' as if he 'd had any choice . the echarpe family had come , and as their bodyguard , dougal had accompanied them . `` there has to be blissky here somewhere . the damned stuff is manufactured here . '' `` try to relax and enjoy the party . '' `` is there any bleer ? '' ian arched a brow . `` what ye need is a good woman . '' and lost her . dougal wandered toward the last refreshment table . how much had he lost over the centuries ? his first and only love . his mortality . did so much loss make him a loser ? he instantly shoved that thought aside . he would never have lasted this long if he had succumbed to that sort of negativity . he kept fighting no matter what . if it takes a thousand years , i will find you . the old promise reverberated inside his skull , reminding him that he 'd failed the one person who had meant the most to him . his gaze wandered over the ballroom , taking note of all the happily married couples . they were chatting , laughing , admiring their babies . the loss he 'd suffered almost three hundred years ago struck him anew , as if it had happened a few moments ago . he wrenched a bottle of bubbly blood out of an ice bucket and poured the mixture of synthetic blood and champagne into a flute glass . `` for those special vampire occasions , '' he muttered , then guzzled down half the glass . someone tapped on his arm . it was bethany , the eldest of the echarpe children . jean-luc had adopted her a few years back when heather had been pregnant with the twins .
[["chest", 9], ["clench", 18], ["clenched", 18], ["familiar", 36], ["pang", 41], ["grief", 50], ["without", 60], ["music", 66], ["musics", 66], ["soul", 77], ["feel", 82], ["felt", 82], ["half", 87], ["empty", 93], ["remain", 122], ["remained", 122], ["sad", 132], ["melody", 139], ["melodies", 139], ["regret", 149], ["first", 161], ["firstest", 161], ["refreshment", 173], ["table", 179], ["tabled", 179], ["tabling", 179], ["cover", 191], ["covered", 191], ["mortal", 203], ["snack", 209], ["snacking", 209], ["food", 214], ["foods", 214], ["phineas", 224], ["slap", 232], ["slaps", 232], ["slapped", 232], ["back", 248], ["say", 257], ["sayest", 257], ["hello", 263], ["hellos", 263], ["little", 276], ["dudette", 284], ["glance", 304], ["glanced", 304], ["bairn", 317], ["bairns", 317], ["hold", 337], ["holding", 337], ["wife", 352], ["give", 374], ["given", 374], ["birth", 380], ["twin", 389], ["twins", 389], ["six", 393], ["month", 400], ["months", 400], ["ago", 404], ["girl", 430], ["judge", 440], ["judging", 440], ["frilly", 454], ["pink", 459], ["dress", 465], ["dressest", 465], ["become", 481], ["became", 481], ["aware", 487], ["awkward", 501], ["pause", 507], ["suppose", 525], ["supposed", 525], ["rack", 549], ["racked", 549], ["brain", 559], ["brained", 559], ["braining", 559], ["try", 568], ["tryed", 568], ["trying", 568], ["remember", 580], ["rememberest", 580], ["name", 604], ["benjamin", 643], ["boy", 655], ["short", 667], ["call", 686], ["called", 686], ["gwyn", 691], ["ben", 699], ["bens", 699], ["rhyme", 714], ["rhymed", 714], ["parent", 733], ["parents", 733], ["nickname", 745], ["nicknames", 745], ["bryn", 761], ["squeal", 809], ["squealed", 809], ["loud", 817], ["wince", 836], ["winced", 836], ["beam", 853], ["beamed", 853], ["proudly", 861], ["suspect", 903], ["suspected", 903], ["flattery", 917], ["order", 930], ["orderest", 930], ["nice", 940], ["yeah", 952], ["mom", 962], ["moms", 962], ["love", 968], ["loves", 968], ["shopping", 977], ["smile", 1005], ["smiled", 1005], ["dude", 1027], ["hand", 1046], ["laugh", 1067], ["laughed", 1067], ["good", 1077], ["bro", 1087], ["well", 1094], ["wells", 1094], ["get", 1102], ["got", 1102], ["ta", 1105], ["go", 1108], ["goest", 1108], ["see", 1112], ["bomb", 1152], ["bombest", 1152], ["diaper", 1173], ["toward", 1199], ["next", 1208], ["surround", 1246], ["surrounded", 1246], ["mortal", 1257], ["mortals", 1257], ["shift", 1270], ["shifters", 1270], ["mostly", 1279], ["woman", 1285], ["womans", 1285], ["women", 1285], ["child", 1298], ["childs", 1298], ["children", 1298], ["gawk", 1308], ["gawks", 1308], ["gawkest", 1308], ["gawking", 1308], ["giant", 1321], ["five", 1326], ["fived", 1326], ["tier", 1331], ["cake", 1336], ["hell", 1353], ["hells", 1353], ["hey", 1378], ["ye", 1397], ["yed", 1397], ["meet", 1401], ["meeted", 1401], ["met", 1401], ["tara", 1409], ["jean", 1414], ["jeans", 1414], ["ian", 1430], ["carry", 1449], ["carrying", 1449], ["another", 1457], ["time", 1481], ["know", 1493], ["knowest", 1493], ["knew", 1493], ["regard", 1536], ["regarded", 1536], ["sadly", 1546], ["play", 1576], ["playest", 1576], ["played", 1576], ["pipe", 1586], ["piped", 1586], ["piping", 1586], ["pipes", 1586], ["bachelor", 1601], ["party", 1607], ["really", 1618], ["miss", 1623], ["inwardly", 1656], ["fancy", 1678], ["fanciest", 1678], ["new", 1682], ["treat", 1696], ["treats", 1696], ["treatest", 1696], ["treating", 1696], ["since", 1721], ["ask", 1730], ["asked", 1730], ["pure", 1751], ["pured", 1751], ["titanium", 1760], ["alloy", 1766], ["alloys", 1766], ["strong", 1775], ["enough", 1782], ["spacecraft", 1797], ["spacecrafts", 1797], ["deep", 1813], ["deeply", 1813], ["deepest", 1813], ["diving", 1820], ["submarine", 1831], ["submarines", 1831], ["three", 1842], ["second", 1850], ["seconded", 1850], ["seconds", 1850], ["pierce", 1867], ["yer", 1871], ["cavity", 1884], ["rip", 1892], ["heart", 1912], ["och", 1928], ["ochs", 1928], ["man", 1934], ["mans", 1934], ["manned", 1934], ["lift", 1985], ["lifted", 1985], ["right", 1995], ["rightest", 1995], ["use", 2014], ["using", 2014], ["vampire", 2026], ["mind", 2031], ["minding", 2031], ["control", 2039], ["curl", 2051], ["curls", 2051], ["curled", 2051], ["finger", 2063], ["fingers", 2063], ["tight", 2076], ["fist", 2081], ["movement", 2096], ["smooth", 2107], ["cause", 2118], ["caused", 2118], ["series", 2127], ["click", 2139], ["sound", 2146], ["sounds", 2146], ["superstrong", 2164], ["grip", 2169], ["great", 2179], ["wield", 2192], ["wielding", 2192], ["sword", 2200], ["lack", 2215], ["manual", 2225], ["dexterity", 2235], ["difficult", 2258], ["play", 2266], ["playest", 2266], ["word", 2293], ["words", 2293], ["kill", 2330], ["killing", 2330], ["swallow", 2363], ["swallows", 2363], ["swallowed", 2363], ["frustration", 2384], ["see", 2402], ["seen", 2402], ["birthday", 2441], ["bunch", 2459], ["bunchest", 2459], ["bairn", 2469], ["bairns", 2469], ["turn", 2524], ["turned", 2524], ["last", 2533], ["month", 2539], ["september", 2552], ["continue", 2571], ["continued", 2571], ["austin", 2583], ["day", 2624], ["days", 2624], ["robby", 2634], ["november", 2653], ["birthday", 2676], ["birthdays", 2676], ["close", 2685], ["together", 2694], ["think", 2707], ["thinkest", 2707], ["thought", 2707], ["big", 2728], ["bigs", 2728], ["glad", 2746], ["choice", 2795], ["family", 2816], ["come", 2825], ["bodyguard", 2850], ["accompany", 2875], ["accompanied", 2875], ["somewhere", 2924], ["stuff", 2943], ["manufacture", 2959], ["manufactures", 2959], ["manufactured", 2959], ["try", 2976], ["tryed", 2976], ["relax", 2985], ["relaxed", 2985], ["enjoy", 2995], ["enjoyed", 2995], ["arch", 3048], ["arched", 3048], ["brow", 3055], ["need", 3073], ["needest", 3073], ["woman", 3089], ["womans", 3089], ["lose", 3103], ["lost", 3103], ["wander", 3125], ["wandered", 3125], ["much", 3170], ["century", 3201], ["centuries", 3201], ["love", 3227], ["mortality", 3243], ["loss", 3262], ["loser", 3279], ["instantly", 3294], ["shove", 3301], ["shoved", 3301], ["aside", 3320], ["never", 3337], ["last", 3349], ["lasted", 3349], ["long", 3359], ["longs", 3359], ["succumb", 3379], ["succumbs", 3379], ["succumbed", 3379], ["sort", 3392], ["negativity", 3406], ["keep", 3416], ["keepest", 3416], ["kept", 3416], ["fight", 3425], ["fightest", 3425], ["matter", 3435], ["mattering", 3435], ["take", 3454], ["takes", 3454], ["thousand", 3465], ["year", 3471], ["years", 3471], ["find", 3485], ["old", 3499], ["promise", 3507], ["reverberate", 3520], ["reverberated", 3520], ["inside", 3527], ["skull", 3537], ["remind", 3549], ["reminding", 3549], ["fail", 3571], ["failed", 3571], ["person", 3586], ["mean", 3600], ["meanest", 3600], ["meant", 3600], ["gaze", 3627], ["gazes", 3627], ["ballroom", 3654], ["ballrooms", 3654], ["take", 3663], ["taking", 3663], ["note", 3668], ["happily", 3687], ["married", 3695], ["couple", 3703], ["couples", 3703], ["chat", 3724], ["chating", 3724], ["chatting", 3724], ["laugh", 3735], ["laughing", 3735], ["admire", 3746], ["admiring", 3746], ["baby", 3759], ["babies", 3759], ["suffer", 3785], ["suffering", 3785], ["suffered", 3785], ["almost", 3792], ["hundred", 3806], ["strike", 3823], ["struck", 3823], ["anew", 3832], ["happen", 3856], ["happened", 3856], ["moment", 3870], ["moments", 3870], ["wrench", 3888], ["bottle", 3897], ["bottled", 3897], ["bubbly", 3907], ["blood", 3913], ["bloods", 3913], ["blooded", 3913], ["ice", 3927], ["iced", 3927], ["bucket", 3934], ["pour", 3945], ["poured", 3945], ["mixture", 3957], ["synthetic", 3970], ["champagne", 3990], ["flute", 4003], ["fluting", 4003], ["glass", 4009], ["special", 4032], ["occasion", 4050], ["occasions", 4050], ["mutter", 4067], ["muttering", 4067], ["mutterest", 4067], ["muttered", 4067], ["guzzle", 4082], ["guzzles", 4082], ["guzzled", 4082], ["tap", 4119], ["tapped", 4119], ["arm", 4130], ["bethany", 4147], ["eld", 4160], ["eldest", 4160], ["luc", 4195], ["adopt", 4207], ["adopted", 4207], ["heather", 4241], ["pregnant", 4259]]
the nine-year-old girl gave him a shy , embarrassed look . `` i forgot where the restroom is . he glanced around , searching for heather . `` yer mum canna take you ? '' `` she 's busy with the twins , and papa 's in an important meeting with uncle angus and roman . '' dougal tilted up his glass , finishing off the contents . no one had told him about an important meeting . bethany 's eyes grew desperate . `` i need to go ! '' he grabbed the bottle of bubbly blood . he led her out the double doors into the foyer of romatech , then headed down the west hallway . halfway to the mackay security office , they reached the restrooms . bethany went inside , while he leaned against the wall , drinking bubbly blood and wondering what was going on . angus mackay , head of mackay security and investigation , sent a monthly report to all his employees to keep them informed , but there had been no mention of a meeting tonight . according to the reports , after the deaths of malcontent leaders casimir and corky , most of their followers had fled back to russia and eastern europe . angus sent security teams there whenever the bad vampires got out of hand . master han , another evil vampire , was still growing an army in china and acquiring more territory . there had been three vampire lords assisting master han , but mackay sandi employee major russell hankelburg had managed to kill one before ripping out his tracking chip and going awol . about three times a year , angus sent guys to hunt for russell , but as far as dougal knew , the ex-marine had never been found . dougal 's last mission had been over a year ago when he 'd helped a were-bear in alaska . and he 'd only landed that job because all the other guys had been busy in the field elsewhere . with another gulp of bubbly blood he chided himself mentally . while the other lads were battling evil , he was waiting for a little girl to finish using the restroom . they doona think ye 're suited for being more than a babysitter . after that disastrous battle four years ago when he 'd lost his hand , he 'd been grateful just to stay employed at mackay sandi . angus had arranged for him to be transferred to jean-luc echarpe 's house in texas , where he had replaced robby mackay as head of security . it was a cushy job , since jean-luc was the best swordsman in the vampire world and could easily take care of himself . but when it came to keeping his family safe , jean-luc was n't going to turn down the extra help , even if it was one-handed . dougal had been grateful to jean-luc , too . in spite of his busy schedule , jean-luc had taken the time to teach dougal how to fence with his left hand . and then two years ago , when he had received his first prosthetic hand , jean-luc had trained him once again . now dougal could fence equally well with both hands - a rare talent amongst the employees of mackay sandi . so why was he still working as a glorified babysitter ? why was n't he being sent on field work ? the boredom was becoming increasingly hard to bear . maybe he should just retire . sit in his cottage on the isle of skye and stare at the sea all night ? there would be no one there , no sound other than the plaintive cry of birds and the rhythmic beating of waves against the cold rocky shore . one night would follow another , a hollow , desolate refrain stretching into eternity . his friends here might pester him with painful questions , but at least they cared . he was n't left alone with a half-empty soul . `` dougal ? '' angus 's voice boomed down the hallway . `` what are ye doing out here ? '' he swallowed so fast that his eyes watered . angus and his wife , emma , approached him , their gazes shifting from him to the bottle of bubbly blood in his hand . damn , they were going to think he was drinking on the job . well , technically , he was . `` we 've been looking for you , '' emma said with an amused twinkle in her eyes . he motioned to the security office . dougal glanced at the restroom door , his face growing warm . `` i-i 'm waiting for bethany so i can escort her back to the party . '' you two go on . '' dougal nodded and accompanied angus to the office . inside , phineas 's younger brother , freemont , was seated behind the desk , munching on a donut .
[["nine", 8], ["year", 13], ["old", 17], ["girl", 22], ["give", 27], ["gave", 27], ["shy", 37], ["shying", 37], ["look", 56], ["forget", 70], ["forgot", 70], ["restroom", 89], ["glance", 105], ["glanced", 105], ["around", 112], ["search", 124], ["searching", 124], ["heather", 136], ["yer", 145], ["mum", 149], ["mums", 149], ["mummed", 149], ["canna", 155], ["take", 160], ["busy", 184], ["busied", 184], ["twin", 199], ["twins", 199], ["papa", 210], ["important", 229], ["meeting", 237], ["uncle", 248], ["angus", 254], ["roman", 264], ["romans", 264], ["tilt", 283], ["tilting", 283], ["tilted", 283], ["glass", 296], ["finish", 308], ["finishing", 308], ["content", 325], ["contenting", 325], ["contents", 325], ["tell", 343], ["told", 343], ["bethany", 384], ["eye", 392], ["eyed", 392], ["eyes", 392], ["grow", 397], ["growest", 397], ["grew", 397], ["desperate", 407], ["need", 419], ["needest", 419], ["go", 425], ["goest", 425], ["grab", 441], ["grabbed", 441], ["bottle", 452], ["bottled", 452], ["bubbly", 462], ["blood", 468], ["bloods", 468], ["blooded", 468], ["lead", 477], ["leaded", 477], ["led", 477], ["double", 496], ["door", 502], ["doors", 502], ["foyer", 517], ["head", 543], ["headed", 543], ["west", 557], ["hallway", 565], ["hallways", 565], ["halfway", 575], ["halfways", 575], ["security", 598], ["office", 605], ["reach", 620], ["reached", 620], ["restroom", 634], ["restrooms", 634], ["go", 649], ["goest", 649], ["went", 649], ["inside", 656], ["lean", 674], ["leans", 674], ["leaned", 674], ["wall", 691], ["drank", 702], ["drink", 702], ["drinking", 702], ["wonder", 729], ["wonderest", 729], ["wondering", 729], ["go", 744], ["goest", 744], ["going", 744], ["head", 769], ["investigation", 806], ["send", 813], ["sent", 813], ["monthly", 823], ["report", 830], ["employee", 851], ["employees", 851], ["keep", 859], ["keepest", 859], ["inform", 873], ["informs", 873], ["informed", 873], ["mention", 905], ["tonight", 926], ["accord", 938], ["according", 938], ["report", 953], ["reports", 953], ["death", 972], ["deaths", 972], ["malcontent", 986], ["leaders", 994], ["corky", 1012], ["followers", 1038], ["flee", 1047], ["flees", 1047], ["fled", 1047], ["back", 1052], ["russia", 1062], ["russias", 1062], ["eastern", 1074], ["europe", 1081], ["team", 1109], ["teamed", 1109], ["teaming", 1109], ["teams", 1109], ["whenever", 1124], ["bad", 1132], ["vampire", 1141], ["vampires", 1141], ["get", 1145], ["got", 1145], ["hand", 1157], ["master", 1166], ["han", 1170], ["hans", 1170], ["another", 1180], ["evil", 1185], ["evils", 1185], ["evilest", 1185], ["vampire", 1193], ["still", 1205], ["grow", 1213], ["growest", 1213], ["growing", 1213], ["army", 1221], ["china", 1230], ["acquire", 1244], ["acquiring", 1244], ["territory", 1259], ["three", 1282], ["lord", 1296], ["lords", 1296], ["assist", 1306], ["assists", 1306], ["assisting", 1306], ["employee", 1345], ["major", 1351], ["russell", 1359], ["manage", 1382], ["managed", 1382], ["kill", 1390], ["rip", 1409], ["ripping", 1409], ["track", 1426], ["chip", 1431], ["chipping", 1431], ["awol", 1446], ["time", 1466], ["times", 1466], ["guy", 1491], ["guys", 1491], ["hunt", 1499], ["hunting", 1499], ["huntest", 1499], ["far", 1524], ["know", 1539], ["knowest", 1539], ["knew", 1539], ["ex", 1548], ["exes", 1548], ["marine", 1555], ["marines", 1555], ["never", 1565], ["find", 1576], ["found", 1576], ["last", 1593], ["mission", 1601], ["ago", 1626], ["help", 1644], ["helpest", 1644], ["helped", 1644], ["bear", 1656], ["bore", 1656], ["bearest", 1656], ["alaska", 1666], ["land", 1690], ["landed", 1690], ["job", 1699], ["jobbing", 1699], ["field", 1753], ["fielding", 1753], ["elsewhere", 1763], ["gulp", 1783], ["gulps", 1783], ["chide", 1809], ["chided", 1809], ["chidden", 1809], ["mentally", 1826], ["lad", 1849], ["lads", 1849], ["battle", 1863], ["battling", 1863], ["wait", 1885], ["waitest", 1885], ["waiting", 1885], ["little", 1898], ["finish", 1913], ["use", 1919], ["using", 1919], ["doona", 1945], ["doonas", 1945], ["think", 1951], ["thinkest", 1951], ["ye", 1954], ["yed", 1954], ["suit", 1965], ["suited", 1965], ["babysitter", 1998], ["disastrous", 2022], ["battle", 2029], ["four", 2034], ["year", 2040], ["years", 2040], ["lose", 2060], ["lost", 2060], ["grateful", 2091], ["stay", 2104], ["employ", 2113], ["employs", 2113], ["employed", 2113], ["arrange", 2150], ["arranging", 2150], ["arranged", 2150], ["transfer", 2176], ["transfering", 2176], ["transferred", 2176], ["jean", 2184], ["jeans", 2184], ["luc", 2188], ["house", 2205], ["texas", 2214], ["replace", 2238], ["replaced", 2238], ["robby", 2244], ["cushy", 2288], ["since", 2300], ["good", 2322], ["best", 2322], ["swordsmen", 2332], ["swordsman", 2332], ["world", 2353], ["easily", 2370], ["care", 2380], ["come", 2410], ["came", 2410], ["keep", 2421], ["keepest", 2421], ["keeping", 2421], ["family", 2432], ["safe", 2437], ["safes", 2437], ["safed", 2437], ["turn", 2470], ["extra", 2485], ["extras", 2485], ["help", 2490], ["helpest", 2490], ["even", 2497], ["evens", 2497], ["spite", 2574], ["spited", 2574], ["spites", 2574], ["schedule", 2595], ["take", 2616], ["taken", 2616], ["time", 2625], ["teach", 2634], ["fence", 2654], ["left", 2668], ["leave", 2668], ["two", 2688], ["twos", 2688], ["receive", 2721], ["received", 2721], ["first", 2731], ["firstest", 2731], ["prosthetic", 2742], ["train", 2770], ["trained", 2770], ["equally", 2818], ["well", 2823], ["wells", 2823], ["hand", 2839], ["hands", 2839], ["rare", 2848], ["talent", 2855], ["amongst", 2863], ["work", 2923], ["wrought", 2923], ["working", 2923], ["glorify", 2938], ["glorified", 2938], ["work", 2991], ["wrought", 2991], ["boredom", 3005], ["become", 3018], ["becoming", 3018], ["increasingly", 3031], ["hard", 3036], ["maybe", 3052], ["retire", 3074], ["sat", 3080], ["sit", 3080], ["cottage", 3095], ["isle", 3107], ["isles", 3107], ["skye", 3115], ["stare", 3125], ["stared", 3125], ["sea", 3136], ["night", 3146], ["sound", 3187], ["plaintive", 3212], ["cry", 3216], ["bird", 3225], ["birds", 3225], ["rhythmic", 3242], ["beating", 3250], ["wave", 3259], ["waved", 3259], ["waves", 3259], ["cold", 3276], ["rocky", 3282], ["shore", 3288], ["follow", 3313], ["hollow", 3332], ["desolate", 3343], ["desolated", 3343], ["refrain", 3351], ["stretch", 3362], ["stretching", 3362], ["eternity", 3376], ["friend", 3390], ["friends", 3390], ["may", 3401], ["mays", 3401], ["mayest", 3401], ["might", 3401], ["pester", 3408], ["pestering", 3408], ["painful", 3425], ["question", 3435], ["questions", 3435], ["least", 3450], ["leastest", 3450], ["care", 3461], ["cared", 3461], ["alone", 3485], ["half", 3497], ["empty", 3503], ["soul", 3508], ["voice", 3540], ["boom", 3547], ["boomed", 3547], ["swallow", 3614], ["swallows", 3614], ["swallowed", 3614], ["fast", 3622], ["water", 3644], ["watered", 3644], ["wife", 3665], ["emma", 3672], ["emmas", 3672], ["approach", 3685], ["approaches", 3685], ["approached", 3685], ["gaze", 3703], ["gazes", 3703], ["shift", 3712], ["shifting", 3712], ["damn", 3770], ["damned", 3770], ["technically", 3845], ["look", 3879], ["looking", 3879], ["say", 3902], ["sayest", 3902], ["said", 3902], ["twinkle", 3925], ["motion", 3951], ["door", 4012], ["face", 4023], ["warm", 4036], ["escort", 4084], ["escorted", 4084], ["party", 4106], ["nod", 4144], ["nodded", 4144], ["accompany", 4160], ["accompanied", 4160], ["young", 4210], ["youngest", 4210], ["brother", 4218], ["brethren", 4218], ["seat", 4242], ["seated", 4242], ["behind", 4249], ["desk", 4258], ["munch", 4269], ["munches", 4269], ["munchest", 4269], ["munching", 4269], ["donut", 4280]]
he jumped to his feet and saluted with the donut still in his hand , leaving behind flakes of sugar on his brow . `` everything 's cool in the building , sir . robby did a perimeter check ten minutes ago . the grounds are clear . '' angus strode across the office , his kilt swishing about his knees . `` and our guest downstairs ? '' `` the weird psycho dude ? '' freemont gestured at the wall of security monitors opposite the desk . `` he 's still in stasis . '' a weird psycho dude ? dougal studied the screens . the party in the ballroom was in full swing . in the hallway outside , emma was leading bethany back to the ballroom . same with the cafeteria and roman 's laboratory . laszlo was in one of the labs . he appeared to be cleaning and organizing . no activity in the parking lot and front entrance . on the bottom row , dougal spotted an interesting scene , and he leaned over for a better look . it was the silver room in the basement , a room designed for imprisoning vampires . a man was laid out on a stretcher , unconscious , with his arms and legs buckled down with restraints . `` a more likely question is what is he ? '' angus replied . dougal straightened . `` he 's no ' a vampire ? '' `` no ' exactly human , either . we have him in the silver room so none of his vampire friends can teleport in to rescue him . he has superstrength , as strong as we are . and since he 's normally awake during the day , i was worried he would overpower our mortal guards . the only safe way to hold him was to put him in stasis . '' `` you should have seen it ! '' freemont 's eyes sparkled with excitement . `` the psycho dude is so strong , it took three vamps to hold him down while abby gave him the injection . '' dougal searched his memory . he 'd been out of the loop for too long , stuck in texas . `` abby is gregori 's wife ? '' president tucker 's daughter . luckily for us , she 's a biochemist who earned her ph.d. on stasis research . '' angus patted freemont on the back . `` ye can go to the party now . '' freemont headed for the door , stuffing the last of the donut in his mouth . `` i think they 're about to cut the cake . '' when the door shut , angus took a seat behind the desk . `` i just came from a meeting with jean-luc and roman . '' dougal sat in one of the chairs facing the desk and set the bottle of bubbly blood on the floor next to him . `` phineas and austin have been in charge of security here at romatech , '' angus began . `` austin wants to continue when he 's no ' needed on missions , but phineas wants to take an extended leave of absence . he 's verra busy with the twins and his ranch in wyoming . and i think he prefers the country now that he has to shift every month . '' dougal nodded . it must have been difficult for phineas to make the transition to his new hybrid status of half vampire , half werewolf . he was fortunate to have a werewolf wife to help him adapt . angus leaned back in his chair . `` so that leaves a position open here . i asked robby if he was interested , but he wants to be transferred to texas . his wife , olivia , has family there . she wants her grandmother to help her with the bairn . '' dougal was n't surprised . it had to be tiring for the mortal wives when their vampire husbands were dead all day and unable to help with the children . `` so robby is going to do security at the texas romatech ? '' `` he 'll oversee that , but he 'll also be in charge of jean-luc 's security . '' angus sat forward , his elbows on the desk . `` he 's taking his old job back . '' dougal blinked . `` ye mean - `` `` aye . that leaves you without a job . '' i 'm being let go . dougal rose to his feet . i was thinking of retiring - `` `` the hell ye are . angus motioned for him to sit , but dougal was too tense to comply . `` jean-luc tells me ye can fence equally well with both hands . '' `` he thinks yer talents are being wasted . roman and i agree . so how would ye like to be head of security here ? '' stunned , dougal sat . `` aye , and i 'd like to put you back on the mission roster . '' angus 's gaze shifted to the prosthetic hand , then back to dougal 's face . `` can ye do it ? ''
[["jump", 9], ["jumps", 9], ["jumped", 9], ["foot", 21], ["feet", 21], ["salute", 33], ["saluted", 33], ["donut", 48], ["still", 54], ["hand", 66], ["left", 76], ["leave", 76], ["leaving", 76], ["behind", 83], ["flake", 90], ["flakes", 90], ["sugar", 99], ["sugars", 99], ["brow", 111], ["everything", 127], ["cool", 135], ["build", 151], ["building", 151], ["sir", 157], ["sirs", 157], ["robby", 165], ["perimeter", 181], ["check", 187], ["ten", 191], ["minute", 199], ["minutes", 199], ["ago", 203], ["ground", 217], ["grounds", 217], ["clear", 227], ["clearest", 227], ["angus", 238], ["stride", 245], ["stridden", 245], ["across", 252], ["office", 263], ["kilt", 274], ["kilts", 274], ["swishings", 283], ["knee", 299], ["knees", 299], ["guest", 318], ["guestest", 318], ["downstairs", 329], ["weird", 347], ["psycho", 354], ["dude", 359], ["gesture", 382], ["gestured", 382], ["wall", 394], ["security", 406], ["monitor", 415], ["monitored", 415], ["monitors", 415], ["opposite", 424], ["desk", 433], ["stasis", 460], ["study", 502], ["studied", 502], ["screen", 514], ["screening", 514], ["screens", 514], ["party", 526], ["ballroom", 542], ["ballrooms", 542], ["full", 554], ["swung", 560], ["swing", 560], ["hallway", 577], ["hallways", 577], ["outside", 585], ["emma", 592], ["emmas", 592], ["lead", 604], ["leaded", 604], ["leading", 604], ["bethany", 612], ["back", 617], ["cafeteria", 659], ["roman", 669], ["romans", 669], ["laboratory", 683], ["lab", 715], ["labs", 715], ["appear", 729], ["appeared", 729], ["clean", 744], ["cleans", 744], ["cleaning", 744], ["activity", 773], ["parking", 788], ["lot", 792], ["front", 802], ["entrance", 811], ["entrancing", 811], ["bottom", 827], ["bottoming", 827], ["row", 831], ["rowest", 831], ["spot", 848], ["spotted", 848], ["interesting", 863], ["scene", 869], ["lean", 885], ["leans", 885], ["leaned", 885], ["well", 903], ["wells", 903], ["look", 908], ["silver", 928], ["silvered", 928], ["room", 933], ["roomed", 933], ["basement", 949], ["design", 967], ["designed", 967], ["imprison", 983], ["imprisonest", 983], ["imprisoning", 983], ["vampire", 992], ["vampires", 992], ["man", 1000], ["mans", 1000], ["manned", 1000], ["lay", 1009], ["lays", 1009], ["layed", 1009], ["layest", 1009], ["laid", 1009], ["stretcher", 1028], ["unconscious", 1042], ["arm", 1058], ["arms", 1058], ["leg", 1067], ["legs", 1067], ["buckle", 1075], ["buckled", 1075], ["restraint", 1096], ["restraints", 1096], ["question", 1124], ["reply", 1157], ["replied", 1157], ["straighten", 1179], ["straightened", 1179], ["vampire", 1205], ["exactly", 1226], ["human", 1232], ["either", 1241], ["none", 1282], ["friend", 1305], ["friends", 1305], ["teleport", 1318], ["teleporting", 1318], ["rescue", 1331], ["superstrength", 1358], ["strong", 1370], ["since", 1392], ["normally", 1407], ["awake", 1413], ["awoke", 1413], ["day", 1428], ["worry", 1444], ["worried", 1444], ["overpower", 1463], ["mortal", 1474], ["guard", 1481], ["guards", 1481], ["safe", 1497], ["safes", 1497], ["safed", 1497], ["way", 1501], ["ways", 1501], ["hold", 1509], ["put", 1524], ["see", 1567], ["seen", 1567], ["eye", 1592], ["eyed", 1592], ["eyes", 1592], ["sparkle", 1601], ["sparkled", 1601], ["excitement", 1617], ["take", 1661], ["took", 1661], ["three", 1667], ["vamp", 1673], ["vamped", 1673], ["give", 1706], ["gave", 1706], ["injection", 1724], ["search", 1745], ["searched", 1745], ["memory", 1756], ["memories", 1756], ["loop", 1785], ["looping", 1785], ["long", 1798], ["longs", 1798], ["texas", 1815], ["wife", 1844], ["president", 1859], ["tucker", 1866], ["tuckering", 1866], ["daughter", 1878], ["luckily", 1888], ["biochemist", 1917], ["earn", 1928], ["earned", 1928], ["research", 1957], ["pat", 1975], ["patted", 1975], ["ye", 2004], ["yed", 2004], ["go", 2011], ["goest", 2011], ["head", 2049], ["headed", 2049], ["door", 2062], ["stuff", 2073], ["stuffing", 2073], ["last", 2082], ["mouth", 2108], ["mouthed", 2108], ["think", 2121], ["thinkest", 2121], ["cut", 2143], ["cake", 2152], ["shut", 2176], ["seat", 2196], ["come", 2229], ["came", 2229], ["meeting", 2244], ["jean", 2254], ["jeans", 2254], ["luc", 2258], ["sat", 2284], ["sit", 2284], ["chair", 2305], ["chairing", 2305], ["chairs", 2305], ["face", 2312], ["facing", 2312], ["set", 2329], ["bottle", 2340], ["bottled", 2340], ["bubbly", 2350], ["blood", 2356], ["bloods", 2356], ["blooded", 2356], ["floor", 2369], ["next", 2374], ["phineas", 2394], ["austin", 2405], ["charge", 2425], ["begin", 2471], ["began", 2471], ["continue", 2501], ["need", 2524], ["needest", 2524], ["needed", 2524], ["mission", 2536], ["missions", 2536], ["take", 2564], ["left", 2582], ["leave", 2582], ["absence", 2593], ["busy", 2612], ["busied", 2612], ["twin", 2627], ["twins", 2627], ["ranch", 2641], ["prefer", 2677], ["prefered", 2677], ["preferest", 2677], ["prefers", 2677], ["country", 2689], ["shift", 2714], ["every", 2720], ["month", 2726], ["nod", 2745], ["nodded", 2745], ["must", 2755], ["musts", 2755], ["difficult", 2775], ["transition", 2810], ["transitioning", 2810], ["new", 2821], ["hybrid", 2828], ["status", 2835], ["half", 2843], ["werewolf", 2867], ["fortunate", 2886], ["help", 2918], ["helpest", 2918], ["adapt", 2928], ["adapts", 2928], ["chair", 2961], ["chairing", 2961], ["left", 2981], ["leave", 2981], ["leaves", 2981], ["position", 2992], ["open", 2997], ["ask", 3012], ["asked", 3012], ["interested", 3039], ["transfer", 3072], ["transfering", 3072], ["transferred", 3072], ["olivia", 3101], ["family", 3114], ["grandmother", 3148], ["bairn", 3175], ["bairns", 3175], ["tire", 3227], ["wife", 3248], ["wives", 3248], ["husband", 3276], ["husbanding", 3276], ["husbands", 3276], ["dead", 3286], ["unable", 3305], ["unabled", 3305], ["child", 3331], ["childs", 3331], ["children", 3331], ["go", 3354], ["goest", 3354], ["going", 3354], ["oversee", 3414], ["oversaw", 3414], ["overseen", 3414], ["also", 3437], ["forward", 3497], ["forwarding", 3497], ["forwardest", 3497], ["elbow", 3510], ["elbowing", 3510], ["elbows", 3510], ["take", 3540], ["taking", 3540], ["old", 3548], ["job", 3552], ["jobbing", 3552], ["mean", 3590], ["meanest", 3590], ["aye", 3602], ["ayes", 3602], ["without", 3628], ["let", 3654], ["lets", 3654], ["rise", 3671], ["risen", 3671], ["rose", 3671], ["think", 3700], ["thinkest", 3700], ["thinking", 3700], ["retire", 3712], ["retiring", 3712], ["hell", 3729], ["hells", 3729], ["motion", 3753], ["sat", 3768], ["sit", 3768], ["tense", 3795], ["comply", 3805], ["tell", 3825], ["tells", 3825], ["fence", 3841], ["equally", 3849], ["well", 3854], ["wells", 3854], ["hand", 3870], ["hands", 3870], ["think", 3888], ["thinkest", 3888], ["thinks", 3888], ["yer", 3892], ["talent", 3900], ["talents", 3900], ["waste", 3917], ["wasted", 3917], ["agree", 3937], ["like", 3960], ["head", 3971], ["mission", 4070], ["roster", 4077], ["gaze", 4096], ["gazes", 4096], ["shift", 4104], ["shifted", 4104], ["prosthetic", 4122], ["face", 4157]]
when angus continued to stare at him , dougal figured he needed to sound more convincing . he motioned to the bottle on the floor . `` how about a drink to celebrate ? '' dougal grabbed the bottle and poured bubbly blood into the two coffee cups angus retrieved from the sideboard . `` when do ye want me to start ? '' angus drank from his cup . dougal glanced at the monitor showing the silver room . `` i need to know more about the ... guest . `` we doona know his name . he 's refused to say anything other than curse at us in chinese . and rajiv brought him back two weeks ago . i 'd sent them to china again to hunt for russell . '' but they think he found them . '' angus took another sip from his cup . `` a group of master han 's soldiers ambushed them . they were in serious trouble , when a barrage of arrows took out half the enemy . '' `` it must have been him , but when the battle was over , they searched the vicinity and couldna find him . '' dougal motioned to the monitor . `` so this is one of master han 's soldiers ? '' he 's mortal , or started out that way , but he now has some of the superpowers that we possess . we 're no ' sure how han is transforming the mortals , but it has something to do with the demon darafer and some drugs he made . '' dougal frowned . they 'd defeated villainous vampires before , but never one who had teamed up with a demon . `` the problem with hunting for russell is that he 's hoping to kill master han , '' angus continued . `` so in order to find him , we also have to search for master han . '' `` should we no ' be trying to kill the bastard ? '' `` we need to , aye , but 't is verra hard to actually find him . he 's taken over a large portion of southern china , tibet , and the northern portions of thailand and myanmar . 't is a huge area to canvas . and rajiv have spent months there , and they 've discovered thirty outposts , each one heavily guarded . as far as they can tell , master han teleports from one fort to another , and they never know where he 'll pop up next . '' dougal winced . `` like playing whack the mole . '' master han has nearly a thousand soldiers now , spread over the thirty outposts . and rajiv are so outnumbered that they try their best to avoid any confrontations . '' `` i was discussing this with roman and jean-luc . we find ourselves in a moral dilemma . '' `` they may be the enemy , but they 're mortal . '' angus extended his cup toward dougal so he could refill it with bubbly blood . `` we never felt guilty about killing malcontents . they 're a bunch of rotten bastards who 've spent centuries killing mortals and enjoying it . '' `` aye , '' dougal muttered . `` and they 're already undead . they simply turn to dust after ye skewer them . '' just like his hand , once it had been sliced off in battle . `` but when we kill master han 's soldiers , they doona disappear . their bodies remain . and so does our guilt . as far as we know , their souls go straight to hell . '' `` i dinna know that . '' `` our guys learned about it on their first mission to china . the mortals enjoy their superpowers as a gift from darafer , but when they die , their souls belong to him forever . '' angus dragged a hand through his hair . `` we doona know if the mortals agree to the bargain , or if they are coerced through vampire mind control . roman and i have discussed it at length , and we 're reluctant to engage in battle with these mortals . we doona want to kill them . '' and dispatch their souls to hell . dougal finished his bubbly blood and refilled his cup . `` while we wait , master han is making more of them . dooming more souls . '' angus drank . `` that 's why j.l . and rajiv brought back one of the soldiers . we have some good scientists here : roman , laszlo , and abby . we hoped they could figure out how the mortal was changed and how to change him back . '' `` then we could save them instead of killing them , '' dougal concluded . angus finished his cup and set it on the table . `` abby has been studying blood and tissue samples from our guest , and she claims he 's been altered genetically . 't is beyond her area of expertise , so she suggested we find an expert to help us out . '' `` did ye find someone ? '' `` dr. lee did . '' angus referred to the vampire doctor from houston .
[["angus", 10], ["continue", 20], ["continued", 20], ["stare", 29], ["stared", 29], ["figure", 53], ["figured", 53], ["need", 63], ["needest", 63], ["needed", 63], ["sound", 72], ["motion", 102], ["bottle", 116], ["bottled", 116], ["floor", 129], ["drank", 152], ["drink", 152], ["drinking", 152], ["celebrate", 165], ["grab", 185], ["grabbed", 185], ["pour", 207], ["poured", 207], ["bubbly", 214], ["blood", 220], ["bloods", 220], ["blooded", 220], ["two", 233], ["twos", 233], ["coffee", 240], ["cup", 245], ["cups", 245], ["retrieve", 261], ["retrieved", 261], ["sideboard", 280], ["ye", 296], ["yed", 296], ["start", 313], ["drank", 330], ["drink", 330], ["drinking", 330], ["cup", 343], ["glance", 360], ["glanced", 360], ["monitor", 375], ["monitored", 375], ["show", 383], ["showing", 383], ["silver", 394], ["silvered", 394], ["room", 399], ["roomed", 399], ["need", 411], ["needest", 411], ["know", 419], ["knowest", 419], ["guest", 444], ["guestest", 444], ["doona", 458], ["doonas", 458], ["name", 472], ["refuse", 488], ["refused", 488], ["say", 495], ["sayest", 495], ["anything", 504], ["curse", 521], ["cursed", 521], ["chinese", 538], ["rajiv", 550], ["bring", 558], ["brought", 558], ["back", 567], ["week", 577], ["weeks", 577], ["ago", 581], ["send", 593], ["sent", 593], ["china", 607], ["hunt", 621], ["hunting", 621], ["huntest", 621], ["russell", 633], ["think", 653], ["thinkest", 653], ["find", 662], ["found", 662], ["take", 683], ["took", 683], ["another", 691], ["sip", 695], ["group", 721], ["master", 731], ["han", 735], ["hans", 735], ["soldier", 747], ["soldiered", 747], ["soldiers", 747], ["ambush", 756], ["ambushed", 756], ["serious", 784], ["trouble", 792], ["troubling", 792], ["barrage", 809], ["arrow", 819], ["arrows", 819], ["half", 833], ["enemy", 843], ["must", 859], ["musts", 859], ["battle", 895], ["search", 920], ["searched", 920], ["vicinity", 933], ["couldna", 945], ["find", 950], ["mortal", 1054], ["start", 1067], ["started", 1067], ["way", 1080], ["ways", 1080], ["superpower", 1121], ["superpowers", 1121], ["possess", 1137], ["possesses", 1137], ["sure", 1156], ["transform", 1180], ["transforming", 1180], ["mortal", 1192], ["mortals", 1192], ["demon", 1236], ["drug", 1259], ["drugs", 1259], ["frown", 1287], ["frowns", 1287], ["frowned", 1287], ["defeat", 1306], ["defeatest", 1306], ["defeated", 1306], ["villainous", 1317], ["vampire", 1326], ["vampires", 1326], ["never", 1345], ["team", 1364], ["teamed", 1364], ["teaming", 1364], ["problem", 1397], ["hope", 1443], ["hoping", 1443], ["kill", 1451], ["order", 1500], ["orderest", 1500], ["also", 1522], ["search", 1537], ["try", 1585], ["tryed", 1585], ["trying", 1585], ["bastard", 1605], ["aye", 1630], ["ayes", 1630], ["hard", 1653], ["take", 1688], ["taken", 1688], ["large", 1701], ["portion", 1709], ["southern", 1721], ["tibet", 1735], ["northern", 1754], ["northernest", 1754], ["portion", 1763], ["portions", 1763], ["thailand", 1775], ["myanmar", 1787], ["huge", 1802], ["area", 1807], ["canvas", 1817], ["spend", 1840], ["spends", 1840], ["spendest", 1840], ["spent", 1840], ["month", 1847], ["months", 1847], ["discover", 1879], ["discovered", 1879], ["thirty", 1886], ["outpost", 1895], ["outposts", 1895], ["heavily", 1914], ["guard", 1922], ["guarded", 1922], ["far", 1931], ["tell", 1948], ["teleport", 1971], ["teleporting", 1971], ["teleports", 1971], ["fort", 1985], ["pop", 2035], ["next", 2043], ["wince", 2062], ["winced", 2062], ["like", 2072], ["playing", 2080], ["whack", 2086], ["whacked", 2086], ["mole", 2095], ["nearly", 2122], ["thousand", 2133], ["spread", 2155], ["try", 2225], ["tryed", 2225], ["good", 2236], ["best", 2236], ["avoid", 2245], ["confrontation", 2264], ["confrontations", 2264], ["discuss", 2289], ["discusses", 2289], ["discussest", 2289], ["discussing", 2289], ["roman", 2305], ["romans", 2305], ["jean", 2314], ["jeans", 2314], ["luc", 2318], ["moral", 2349], ["dilemma", 2357], ["dilemmas", 2357], ["may", 2374], ["mays", 2374], ["mayest", 2374], ["extend", 2429], ["extended", 2429], ["toward", 2444], ["refill", 2470], ["feel", 2510], ["felt", 2510], ["guilty", 2517], ["kill", 2531], ["killing", 2531], ["malcontent", 2543], ["bunch", 2562], ["bunchest", 2562], ["rotten", 2572], ["bastard", 2581], ["bastards", 2581], ["century", 2605], ["centuries", 2605], ["enjoy", 2634], ["enjoyed", 2634], ["enjoying", 2634], ["mutter", 2670], ["muttering", 2670], ["mutterest", 2670], ["muttered", 2670], ["already", 2696], ["undead", 2703], ["simply", 2717], ["turn", 2722], ["dust", 2730], ["dusting", 2730], ["skewer", 2746], ["skewering", 2746], ["hand", 2775], ["slice", 2801], ["sliced", 2801], ["disappear", 2883], ["body", 2898], ["bodied", 2898], ["bodies", 2898], ["remain", 2905], ["guilt", 2929], ["guilts", 2929], ["soul", 2963], ["souls", 2963], ["go", 2966], ["goest", 2966], ["straight", 2975], ["hell", 2983], ["hells", 2983], ["dinna", 2999], ["guy", 3026], ["guys", 3026], ["learn", 3034], ["learns", 3034], ["learnt", 3034], ["learned", 3034], ["first", 3058], ["firstest", 3058], ["mission", 3066], ["enjoy", 3095], ["enjoyed", 3095], ["gift", 3123], ["die", 3156], ["belong", 3177], ["belonged", 3177], ["belongest", 3177], ["forever", 3192], ["drag", 3211], ["dragged", 3211], ["hair", 3235], ["agree", 3275], ["bargain", 3290], ["bargains", 3290], ["coerce", 3315], ["coerced", 3315], ["vampire", 3331], ["mind", 3336], ["minding", 3336], ["control", 3344], ["discuss", 3373], ["discusses", 3373], ["discussest", 3373], ["discussed", 3373], ["length", 3386], ["reluctant", 3409], ["engage", 3419], ["dispatch", 3495], ["finish", 3533], ["finished", 3533], ["refill", 3563], ["refilled", 3563], ["wait", 3590], ["waitest", 3590], ["doom", 3636], ["dooming", 3636], ["good", 3750], ["scientist", 3761], ["scientists", 3761], ["hope", 3805], ["hoped", 3805], ["figure", 3823], ["change", 3854], ["changed", 3854], ["change", 3872], ["save", 3908], ["instead", 3921], ["conclude", 3959], ["concluded", 3959], ["set", 3992], ["table", 4008], ["tabled", 4008], ["tabling", 4008], ["study", 4036], ["studying", 4036], ["tissue", 4053], ["sample", 4061], ["sampling", 4061], ["samples", 4061], ["claim", 4093], ["claims", 4093], ["alter", 4112], ["altered", 4112], ["genetically", 4124], ["beyond", 4139], ["expertise", 4161], ["suggest", 4180], ["suggested", 4180], ["expert", 4198], ["help", 4206], ["helpest", 4206], ["dr", 4252], ["drs", 4252], ["lee", 4257], ["lees", 4257], ["refer", 4281], ["referred", 4281], ["doctor", 4303], ["doctorest", 4303], ["doctoring", 4303], ["houston", 4316]]
`` he 's been looking for an assistant , since he has an increasing number of vamps and shifters and wee bairns to take care of . he found a physician who also has a ph.d. in genetics . a young mortal . and a genius , according to dr. lee . he 's bringing her here tonight . '' angus stood and paced across the room . `` he hired her a week ago , but he had some trouble breaking the news to her about vampires and shifters . '' dougal finished his cup of bubbly blood . was it right to drag an innocent , mortal woman into this mess ? `` she dinna take it well ? '' she became so upset that she wanted to quit , and he ended up erasing her memory in order to keep her employed . we doona want to lose her . '' `` and he 's bringing her here ? the place is swarming with supernatural creatures . '' `` we thought it best . as a scientist , she has great admiration for roman and his invention of synthetic blood . she also knew about abigail 's achievements and was eager to meet her . '' angus motioned to the monitor showing the ballroom . `` and there 's a blasted party going on for a bunch of bairns . how frightening can we seem when we dote on our children ? '' `` so we 'll convince her that we 're as meek as lambs ? '' `` what of the moral dilemma of exposing an innocent woman to a dangerous world ? what if she wants nothing to do with us ? '' angus 's smile faded . and since ye 'll be working here , i expect you to do yer part to convince her to help us . '' he held up a hand when dougal started to object . `` ye may think it 's wrong to involve her , but what if she can free the soldiers who 've been enslaved by master han ? there could be over a thousand souls she saves . '' so the needs of the many outweighed the needs of one ? there was a ruthless logic to it , but it still did n't sit well with dougal . how often in the past had he ranted against a cruel fate thrust upon him without his consent ? the same thing could happen to this woman . the die was cast , and he could n't fight it . all he could do was protect her to the best of his ability . `` hopefully she will react well tonight . '' `` like ye said , we 'll be as meek as lambs . '' angus stepped closer to the wall of monitors . dougal glanced at the screen that showed a black town car pulling into the parking lot . `` abby picked her up this afternoon at laguardia and took her to roman 's townhouse . after the sun set , dr. lee and gregori joined them . that 's gregori 's car . `` they plan on telling her the truth soon ? '' `` abby will take her to the lab first . laszlo 's been getting things ready . '' dougal glanced at the monitor , where laszlo could be seen straightening a stack of papers . no wonder the chemist had cleaned the room . he 'd even combed his unruly hair and put on a fresh white lab coat with a full array of buttons . dougal 's gaze shifted back to the dimly lit parking lot , where the town car had come to a stop by the front entrance . his nerves tensed as a heavy feeling swept over him . the air was suddenly too thick to breathe . he grabbed the bottle of bubbly blood and swallowed down a gulp . gregori and dr. lee exited the front seats and opened the rear car doors . two women emerged . one was short with curly auburn hair . abigail tucker holstein : renowned scientist , daughter of the american president , and gregori 's wife . the other ... dougal glimpsed a slim young woman , who turned away from the camera , her long black hair swinging about her shoulders . his prosthetic hand tightened around the bottle of bubbly blood . gregori punched in the security code at the entrance , then opened the doors so they could enter the foyer . `` dr. lee made the mistake of simply blurting out the truth , '' angus said , watching the monitors . `` abby thinks we should pique her scientific curiosity first . then we 'll have a better chance at reeling her in . '' they paused in the well-lit foyer , and dougal had a clearer view of her from behind . the graceful curve of her spine and firm set of her shoulders , the inquisitive lean of her head as she looked about ... so familiar . painfully familiar . his shoulder blade itched as his tattoo grew warm . turn , turn toward the camera . her head moved slightly as if she might have heard him . turn , turn to me .
[["look", 21], ["looking", 21], ["assistant", 38], ["since", 46], ["increase", 67], ["increasing", 67], ["number", 74], ["numbering", 74], ["vamp", 83], ["vamped", 83], ["shift", 96], ["shifters", 96], ["wee", 104], ["weest", 104], ["bairn", 111], ["bairns", 111], ["take", 119], ["find", 138], ["found", 138], ["physician", 150], ["physicians", 150], ["also", 159], ["young", 193], ["youngest", 193], ["mortal", 200], ["genius", 215], ["accord", 227], ["according", 227], ["dr", 233], ["drs", 233], ["lee", 238], ["lees", 238], ["bring", 255], ["bringing", 255], ["tonight", 272], ["angus", 283], ["stand", 289], ["stood", 289], ["standest", 289], ["pace", 299], ["paced", 299], ["across", 306], ["room", 315], ["roomed", 315], ["hire", 329], ["hired", 329], ["week", 340], ["ago", 344], ["trouble", 370], ["troubling", 370], ["broke", 379], ["break", 379], ["breaking", 379], ["news", 388], ["newses", 388], ["vampire", 410], ["vampires", 410], ["finish", 444], ["finished", 444], ["cup", 452], ["bubbly", 462], ["blood", 468], ["bloods", 468], ["blooded", 468], ["right", 483], ["rightest", 483], ["drag", 491], ["innocent", 503], ["woman", 518], ["womans", 518], ["mess", 533], ["messed", 533], ["messing", 533], ["dinna", 548], ["well", 561], ["wells", 561], ["become", 577], ["became", 577], ["upset", 586], ["quit", 610], ["quits", 610], ["quitting", 610], ["end", 625], ["ends", 625], ["endest", 625], ["ended", 625], ["erase", 636], ["erasing", 636], ["memory", 647], ["memories", 647], ["order", 656], ["orderest", 656], ["keep", 664], ["keepest", 664], ["employ", 677], ["employs", 677], ["employed", 677], ["doona", 688], ["doonas", 688], ["lose", 701], ["place", 753], ["swarm", 765], ["swarmed", 765], ["swarmest", 765], ["swarming", 765], ["supernatural", 783], ["creature", 793], ["creatures", 793], ["think", 812], ["thinkest", 812], ["thought", 812], ["good", 820], ["well", 820], ["wells", 820], ["best", 820], ["scientist", 837], ["great", 853], ["admiration", 864], ["roman", 874], ["romans", 874], ["invention", 892], ["inventions", 892], ["synthetic", 905], ["know", 927], ["knowest", 927], ["knew", 927], ["abigail", 941], ["achievement", 957], ["achievements", 957], ["eager", 971], ["meet", 979], ["meeted", 979], ["motion", 1003], ["monitor", 1018], ["monitored", 1018], ["show", 1026], ["showing", 1026], ["ballroom", 1039], ["ballrooms", 1039], ["blast", 1067], ["blasted", 1067], ["party", 1073], ["go", 1079], ["goest", 1079], ["going", 1079], ["bunch", 1094], ["bunchest", 1094], ["frightening", 1122], ["seem", 1134], ["seeming", 1134], ["dote", 1147], ["child", 1163], ["childs", 1163], ["children", 1163], ["convince", 1190], ["convinced", 1190], ["convincing", 1190], ["meek", 1214], ["lamb", 1223], ["lambed", 1223], ["lambs", 1223], ["moral", 1249], ["dilemma", 1257], ["dilemmas", 1257], ["expose", 1269], ["exposing", 1269], ["dangerous", 1302], ["world", 1308], ["nothing", 1336], ["smile", 1370], ["fade", 1376], ["faded", 1376], ["ye", 1391], ["yed", 1391], ["work", 1406], ["wrought", 1406], ["working", 1406], ["expect", 1422], ["yer", 1436], ["part", 1441], ["parting", 1441], ["help", 1465], ["helpest", 1465], ["hold", 1481], ["held", 1481], ["hand", 1491], ["start", 1511], ["started", 1511], ["object", 1521], ["objected", 1521], ["objectest", 1521], ["objecting", 1521], ["may", 1533], ["mays", 1533], ["mayest", 1533], ["think", 1539], ["thinkest", 1539], ["wrong", 1551], ["involve", 1562], ["free", 1593], ["soldier", 1606], ["soldiered", 1606], ["soldiers", 1606], ["enslave", 1628], ["enslaved", 1628], ["master", 1638], ["han", 1642], ["hans", 1642], ["thousand", 1675], ["soul", 1681], ["souls", 1681], ["save", 1691], ["saves", 1691], ["need", 1709], ["needest", 1709], ["needs", 1709], ["many", 1721], ["outweigh", 1732], ["outweighs", 1732], ["ruthless", 1772], ["logic", 1778], ["still", 1799], ["sat", 1811], ["sit", 1811], ["often", 1840], ["past", 1852], ["rant", 1866], ["ranted", 1866], ["cruel", 1882], ["fate", 1887], ["thrust", 1894], ["upon", 1899], ["without", 1911], ["consent", 1923], ["thing", 1940], ["happen", 1953], ["die", 1977], ["cast", 1986], ["casts", 1986], ["fight", 2011], ["fightest", 2011], ["protect", 2044], ["protectest", 2044], ["ability", 2075], ["hopefully", 2090], ["react", 2105], ["like", 2131], ["say", 2139], ["sayest", 2139], ["said", 2139], ["step", 2187], ["stepped", 2187], ["close", 2194], ["closer", 2194], ["wall", 2206], ["monitor", 2218], ["monitored", 2218], ["monitors", 2218], ["glance", 2235], ["glanced", 2235], ["screen", 2249], ["screening", 2249], ["show", 2261], ["showed", 2261], ["black", 2269], ["town", 2274], ["car", 2278], ["pull", 2286], ["pulling", 2286], ["parking", 2303], ["lot", 2307], ["pick", 2324], ["picked", 2324], ["afternoon", 2346], ["take", 2368], ["took", 2368], ["townhouse", 2394], ["sun", 2410], ["suns", 2410], ["sunned", 2410], ["set", 2414], ["join", 2443], ["joinest", 2443], ["joined", 2443], ["plan", 2488], ["tell", 2499], ["telling", 2499], ["truth", 2513], ["soon", 2518], ["lab", 2556], ["labs", 2556], ["first", 2562], ["firstest", 2562], ["get", 2587], ["getting", 2587], ["thing", 2594], ["things", 2594], ["ready", 2600], ["see", 2664], ["seen", 2664], ["straighten", 2678], ["straightened", 2678], ["straightening", 2678], ["stack", 2686], ["stacks", 2686], ["paper", 2696], ["papers", 2696], ["wonder", 2708], ["wonderest", 2708], ["chemist", 2720], ["clean", 2732], ["cleans", 2732], ["cleaned", 2732], ["even", 2754], ["evens", 2754], ["comb", 2761], ["combed", 2761], ["unruly", 2772], ["hair", 2777], ["put", 2785], ["fresh", 2796], ["freshest", 2796], ["white", 2802], ["coat", 2811], ["full", 2823], ["array", 2829], ["arrayed", 2829], ["button", 2840], ["buttoning", 2840], ["buttons", 2840], ["gaze", 2857], ["gazes", 2857], ["shift", 2865], ["shifted", 2865], ["back", 2870], ["dimly", 2883], ["lit", 2887], ["light", 2887], ["come", 2929], ["stop", 2939], ["front", 2952], ["entrance", 2961], ["entrancing", 2961], ["nerve", 2974], ["nerves", 2974], ["tense", 2981], ["tensed", 2981], ["heavy", 2992], ["heavier", 2992], ["heavies", 2992], ["feeling", 3000], ["sweep", 3006], ["swept", 3006], ["air", 3025], ["airs", 3025], ["airing", 3025], ["suddenly", 3038], ["thick", 3048], ["thickest", 3048], ["breathe", 3059], ["breathes", 3059], ["grab", 3072], ["grabbed", 3072], ["bottle", 3083], ["bottled", 3083], ["swallow", 3113], ["swallows", 3113], ["swallowed", 3113], ["gulp", 3125], ["gulps", 3125], ["exit", 3154], ["exited", 3154], ["seat", 3170], ["seats", 3170], ["open", 3181], ["opened", 3181], ["rear", 3190], ["door", 3200], ["doors", 3200], ["two", 3206], ["twos", 3206], ["woman", 3212], ["womans", 3212], ["women", 3212], ["emerge", 3220], ["emerged", 3220], ["short", 3236], ["curly", 3247], ["auburn", 3254], ["tucker", 3276], ["tuckering", 3276], ["holstein", 3285], ["daughter", 3317], ["american", 3333], ["americans", 3333], ["president", 3343], ["wife", 3365], ["glimpse", 3397], ["glimpses", 3397], ["glimpsed", 3397], ["slim", 3404], ["turn", 3429], ["turned", 3429], ["away", 3434], ["camera", 3450], ["cameras", 3450], ["long", 3461], ["longs", 3461], ["swinge", 3481], ["swinged", 3481], ["swinging", 3481], ["shoulder", 3501], ["shouldered", 3501], ["shoulders", 3501], ["prosthetic", 3518], ["tighten", 3533], ["tightens", 3533], ["tightenest", 3533], ["tightened", 3533], ["around", 3540], ["punch", 3585], ["punching", 3585], ["punched", 3585], ["security", 3601], ["code", 3606], ["enter", 3666], ["foyer", 3676], ["mistook", 3706], ["mistake", 3706], ["mistaken", 3706], ["simply", 3716], ["blurt", 3725], ["blurting", 3725], ["watch", 3766], ["watching", 3766], ["think", 3796], ["thinkest", 3796], ["thinks", 3796], ["pique", 3812], ["scientific", 3827], ["curiosity", 3837], ["well", 3871], ["wells", 3871], ["chance", 3878], ["chanced", 3878], ["chancing", 3878], ["reel", 3889], ["reeling", 3889], ["pause", 3913], ["paused", 3913], ["clear", 3962], ["clearest", 3962], ["view", 3967], ["viewest", 3967], ["behind", 3986], ["graceful", 4001], ["curve", 4007], ["curved", 4007], ["spine", 4020], ["firm", 4029], ["inquisitive", 4068], ["lean", 4073], ["leans", 4073], ["head", 4085], ["look", 4099], ["looked", 4099], ["familiar", 4121], ["painfully", 4133], ["shoulder", 4157], ["shouldered", 4157], ["blade", 4163], ["itch", 4170], ["itches", 4170], ["itched", 4170], ["tattoo", 4184], ["tattoos", 4184], ["tattooing", 4184], ["grow", 4189], ["growest", 4189], ["grew", 4189], ["warm", 4194], ["turn", 4201], ["toward", 4215], ["move", 4243], ["moved", 4243], ["slightly", 4252], ["may", 4268], ["mays", 4268], ["mayest", 4268], ["might", 4268], ["hear", 4279], ["hears", 4279], ["heard", 4279]]
a sizzling sensation started on the tail of his tattoo , then burned a path along the dragon 's body , over his shoulder to his chest , till it erupted in the fiery breath etched in crimson over his heart . he gritted his teeth against the surprising burst of pain . why was the tattoo tormenting him now , when it had been quiet since 1746 ? it took a great effort just to whisper . `` dr. chin . leah chin , '' angus replied . li lei . dougal 's heart thudded in his ears , a pounding rhythm for the sad melody that had haunted him for so long . it had taken almost three hundred years , but he 'd found her . turn , li lei , turn to me . she swiveled , looking around the foyer , then glanced straight up at the camera . his heart seized with an abrupt pain . he 'd buried her himself in a grassy mound overlooking the yangtze river that had claimed her life . she was lost to him forever . his fist clenched , and the bottle of bubbly blood shattered in his prosthetic hand . chapter two leah chin was not in a partying mood . after one glance at the large room where a party was in full swing , her nerves tensed . so many people , laughing and chatting , happy and comfortable with each other . she 'd witnessed similar events numerous times in college , med school , and grad school . and she 'd never fit in . she 'd grown up without the benefit of friends or classmates , so she 'd been ill prepared for the social aspects of college . and starting at the age of fourteen had n't helped . she found people fascinating , but only from a distance . she could watch the lively antics of brightly colored fish in a giant aquarium but never dive in and play . jump in and you risk drowning . or being eaten by sharks . she glanced again at the security camera in the corner by the front door . someone was staring at her , she could feel it . stop being so paranoid ! still , her skin prickled with a strange sensation . instead of being the scientist observing a specimen under a microscope , tonight she had an odd feeling that she was the specimen . `` would you like to drop in and say hello ? '' dr. lee motioned to the large , noisy room . `` i-i do n't want to interrupt . '' after all , she 'd come here believing she would tour romatech industries and meet its owner , the renowned scientist roman draganesti . no one had said anything about a party . `` everyone 's invited , '' dr. lee told her . `` it 's a birthday party for three kids . very friendly people . `` they wo n't bite , '' gregori holstein added , his eyes twinkling when his wife shot him a disapproving look . `` you can meet them later . '' abby holstein gave her a reassuring pat on the arm . `` how about we go to my lab first ? '' leah jumped at the lifeline . abby smiled at her . `` i ca n't wait to show you what i 've been working on . '' `` i 'll see if i can find roman for you . '' gregori winked at his wife , then strode down a corridor on the left . leah noted the tender look in abby 's eyes as she watched her husband walk away . must be nice to love someone that much . `` i 'll join you in a few minutes after i see how the birthday kids are doing . '' dr. lee paused at the entrance to the large , noisy room . `` i delivered them , you know . '' `` you mean these people are your patients ? '' a week ago , when dr. lee had hired her , he 'd mentioned he was the personal physician for a select group of clients . she would be expected to help him whenever he needed her , but she 'd been hired mainly for her expertise in genetics . `` you 're their doctor now , too . they 'll want to meet you sometime tonight . she swallowed hard as dr. lee sauntered into the noisy room . it would take her awhile to be comfortable with them all . her gaze flitted quickly over the crowd . bouncy , happy children . only a few adults looked over the age of forty . in fact , most of them appeared to be in their peak years of fitness . `` they 're really nice people , '' abby said softly . `` they seem very healthy . '' leah retreated into the foyer when a few partiers cast curious glances her way . `` why do they need two doctors at their beck and call ? '' abby hesitated before replying , `` they have ... special needs . '' with a quick smile , she motioned toward the double doors at the back of the foyer . `` my lab 's this way . '' after one last worried glance at the party , leah headed toward the double doors . `` not much of a people person ? '' abby asked as she held open a door . leah entered the next corridor . `` i 've always wanted to help people .
[["sizzle", 10], ["sizzles", 10], ["sensation", 20], ["start", 28], ["started", 28], ["tail", 40], ["tailed", 40], ["tattoo", 54], ["tattoos", 54], ["tattooing", 54], ["burn", 68], ["burns", 68], ["burned", 68], ["path", 75], ["along", 81], ["dragon", 92], ["body", 100], ["bodied", 100], ["shoulder", 120], ["shouldered", 120], ["chest", 133], ["till", 140], ["erupt", 151], ["eruptest", 151], ["erupted", 151], ["fiery", 164], ["breath", 171], ["breathest", 171], ["etch", 178], ["etched", 178], ["crimson", 189], ["heart", 204], ["grit", 217], ["gritted", 217], ["tooth", 227], ["teeth", 227], ["surprising", 250], ["burst", 256], ["bursted", 256], ["pain", 264], ["torment", 296], ["tormenting", 296], ["quiet", 329], ["since", 335], ["take", 350], ["took", 350], ["great", 358], ["effort", 365], ["whisper", 381], ["dr", 389], ["drs", 389], ["chin", 395], ["leah", 402], ["angus", 418], ["reply", 426], ["replied", 426], ["li", 431], ["lei", 435], ["thud", 461], ["thudded", 461], ["ear", 473], ["ears", 473], ["pound", 486], ["pounding", 486], ["rhythm", 493], ["rhythms", 493], ["sad", 505], ["melody", 512], ["melodies", 512], ["haunt", 529], ["haunted", 529], ["hauntest", 529], ["haunting", 529], ["long", 545], ["longs", 545], ["take", 560], ["taken", 560], ["almost", 567], ["three", 573], ["hundred", 581], ["year", 587], ["years", 587], ["find", 605], ["found", 605], ["turn", 616], ["swivel", 653], ["swiveled", 653], ["look", 663], ["looking", 663], ["around", 670], ["foyer", 680], ["glance", 695], ["glanced", 695], ["straight", 704], ["camera", 721], ["cameras", 721], ["seize", 740], ["seizes", 740], ["seized", 740], ["abrupt", 755], ["bury", 775], ["burying", 775], ["buried", 775], ["grassy", 799], ["mound", 805], ["overlook", 817], ["overlooking", 817], ["yangtze", 829], ["river", 835], ["claim", 852], ["claimed", 852], ["life", 861], ["lifes", 861], ["lose", 876], ["lost", 876], ["forever", 891], ["fist", 902], ["clench", 911], ["clenched", 911], ["bottle", 928], ["bottled", 928], ["bubbly", 938], ["blood", 944], ["bloods", 944], ["blooded", 944], ["shatter", 954], ["shattered", 954], ["prosthetic", 972], ["hand", 977], ["chapter", 987], ["two", 991], ["twos", 991], ["mood", 1028], ["glance", 1047], ["large", 1060], ["room", 1065], ["roomed", 1065], ["party", 1079], ["full", 1091], ["swung", 1097], ["swing", 1097], ["nerve", 1110], ["nerves", 1110], ["tense", 1117], ["tensed", 1117], ["many", 1127], ["people", 1134], ["laugh", 1145], ["laughing", 1145], ["chat", 1158], ["chating", 1158], ["chatting", 1158], ["happy", 1166], ["comfortable", 1182], ["witness", 1217], ["witnessed", 1217], ["similar", 1225], ["event", 1232], ["events", 1232], ["numerous", 1241], ["time", 1247], ["times", 1247], ["college", 1258], ["med", 1264], ["school", 1271], ["schooling", 1271], ["grad", 1282], ["never", 1308], ["fit", 1312], ["fitting", 1312], ["grow", 1330], ["growest", 1330], ["grown", 1330], ["without", 1341], ["benefit", 1353], ["friend", 1364], ["friends", 1364], ["classmate", 1378], ["classmates", 1378], ["ill", 1399], ["ills", 1399], ["illest", 1399], ["prepare", 1408], ["prepared", 1408], ["social", 1423], ["aspect", 1431], ["aspects", 1431], ["start", 1457], ["starting", 1457], ["age", 1468], ["aged", 1468], ["fourteen", 1480], ["help", 1495], ["helpest", 1495], ["helped", 1495], ["fascinating", 1526], ["distance", 1553], ["distancing", 1553], ["watch", 1571], ["lively", 1582], ["antic", 1589], ["antics", 1589], ["brightly", 1601], ["color", 1609], ["colored", 1609], ["fish", 1614], ["fishes", 1614], ["fishest", 1614], ["giant", 1625], ["aquarium", 1634], ["dive", 1649], ["play", 1661], ["playest", 1661], ["jump", 1668], ["jumps", 1668], ["risk", 1684], ["riskest", 1684], ["drown", 1693], ["drowns", 1693], ["drowning", 1693], ["eat", 1710], ["eaten", 1710], ["shark", 1720], ["sharks", 1720], ["security", 1756], ["corner", 1777], ["front", 1790], ["door", 1795], ["stare", 1817], ["stared", 1817], ["staring", 1817], ["feel", 1841], ["stop", 1851], ["paranoid", 1869], ["still", 1877], ["skin", 1888], ["prickle", 1897], ["prickled", 1897], ["strange", 1912], ["instead", 1932], ["scientist", 1955], ["observe", 1965], ["observing", 1965], ["specimen", 1976], ["microscope", 1995], ["microscopes", 1995], ["tonight", 2005], ["odd", 2020], ["feeling", 2028], ["like", 2074], ["drop", 2082], ["say", 2093], ["sayest", 2093], ["hello", 2099], ["hellos", 2099], ["lee", 2112], ["lees", 2112], ["motion", 2121], ["noisy", 2142], ["interrupt", 2181], ["interruptest", 2181], ["come", 2210], ["believe", 2225], ["believing", 2225], ["tour", 2240], ["industry", 2260], ["industries", 2260], ["meet", 2269], ["meeted", 2269], ["owner", 2279], ["roman", 2310], ["romans", 2310], ["say", 2339], ["sayest", 2339], ["said", 2339], ["anything", 2348], ["everyone", 2376], ["invite", 2387], ["invites", 2387], ["invited", 2387], ["tell", 2405], ["told", 2405], ["birthday", 2431], ["kid", 2452], ["kids", 2452], ["friendly", 2468], ["wo", 2488], ["bite", 2497], ["holstein", 2519], ["add", 2525], ["added", 2525], ["eye", 2536], ["eyed", 2536], ["eyes", 2536], ["twinkle", 2546], ["wife", 2560], ["shoot", 2565], ["shooted", 2565], ["shot", 2565], ["look", 2589], ["later", 2618], ["give", 2642], ["gave", 2642], ["pat", 2663], ["arm", 2674], ["go", 2695], ["goest", 2695], ["lab", 2705], ["labs", 2705], ["first", 2711], ["firstest", 2711], ["jump", 2728], ["jumps", 2728], ["jumped", 2728], ["lifeline", 2744], ["lifelines", 2744], ["smile", 2758], ["smiled", 2758], ["ca", 2775], ["cas", 2775], ["wait", 2784], ["waitest", 2784], ["show", 2792], ["work", 2820], ["wrought", 2820], ["working", 2820], ["see", 2841], ["find", 2855], ["wink", 2889], ["winks", 2889], ["winkest", 2889], ["winked", 2889], ["stride", 2915], ["stridden", 2915], ["corridor", 2931], ["left", 2943], ["note", 2956], ["noted", 2956], ["tender", 2967], ["tenderest", 2967], ["watch", 3003], ["watched", 3003], ["husband", 3015], ["husbanding", 3015], ["walk", 3020], ["away", 3025], ["must", 3032], ["musts", 3032], ["nice", 3040], ["love", 3048], ["much", 3066], ["join", 3082], ["joinest", 3082], ["minute", 3103], ["minutes", 3103], ["pause", 3167], ["paused", 3167], ["entrance", 3183], ["entrancing", 3183], ["deliver", 3226], ["delivered", 3226], ["know", 3242], ["knowest", 3242], ["mean", 3259], ["meanest", 3259], ["patient", 3290], ["patients", 3290], ["week", 3302], ["ago", 3306], ["hire", 3331], ["hired", 3331], ["mention", 3353], ["mentioned", 3353], ["personal", 3373], ["physician", 3383], ["physicians", 3383], ["select", 3396], ["group", 3402], ["client", 3413], ["clients", 3413], ["expect", 3437], ["expected", 3437], ["help", 3445], ["helpest", 3445], ["whenever", 3458], ["need", 3468], ["needest", 3468], ["needed", 3468], ["mainly", 3503], ["expertise", 3521], ["genetic", 3533], ["genetics", 3533], ["doctor", 3559], ["doctorest", 3559], ["doctoring", 3559], ["sometime", 3606], ["swallow", 3630], ["swallows", 3630], ["swallowed", 3630], ["hard", 3635], ["saunter", 3656], ["sauntered", 3656], ["take", 3692], ["awhile", 3703], ["gaze", 3746], ["gazes", 3746], ["flit", 3754], ["flitted", 3754], ["quickly", 3762], ["crowd", 3777], ["crowding", 3777], ["crowdest", 3777], ["bouncy", 3786], ["child", 3803], ["childs", 3803], ["children", 3803], ["adult", 3823], ["adults", 3823], ["look", 3830], ["looked", 3830], ["forty", 3852], ["fact", 3862], ["appear", 3886], ["appeared", 3886], ["peak", 3906], ["fitness", 3923], ["really", 3944], ["softly", 3978], ["seem", 3993], ["seeming", 3993], ["healthy", 4006], ["retreat", 4026], ["retreatest", 4026], ["retreated", 4026], ["partier", 4061], ["partiers", 4061], ["cast", 4066], ["casts", 4066], ["curious", 4074], ["glance", 4082], ["glances", 4082], ["way", 4090], ["ways", 4090], ["need", 4112], ["needest", 4112], ["doctor", 4124], ["doctorest", 4124], ["doctoring", 4124], ["doctors", 4124], ["beck", 4138], ["call", 4147], ["hesitate", 4167], ["hesitated", 4167], ["reply", 4183], ["replying", 4183], ["special", 4210], ["need", 4216], ["needest", 4216], ["needs", 4216], ["quick", 4234], ["smile", 4240], ["toward", 4262], ["double", 4273], ["door", 4279], ["doors", 4279], ["back", 4291], ["last", 4348], ["head", 4390], ["headed", 4390], ["person", 4447], ["ask", 4463], ["asked", 4463], ["hold", 4475], ["held", 4475], ["open", 4480], ["enter", 4502], ["entered", 4502], ["next", 4511], ["always", 4538]]
that 's why i became a doctor . but i discovered i was better suited for lab work . '' and being alone . `` i recognized the deer-in-the-headlights look on your face . '' abby gave her a sympathetic smile . `` i felt the same way when my father wanted me to attend campaign rallies or state dinners . it was all i could do not to throw up . '' leah stared at her , stunned . `` but you seem so ... confident . '' `` i learned to mask it , but i always felt terribly awkward at social events . once i left the lab , i never knew what to say . is it like that for you , too ? '' i 've always found science much more reliable than people . '' with a nod , abby smiled . `` i felt the same way ... but then i met my husband . '' she turned left into the corridor . leah glanced about as she walked . the left wall was interspersed with doors ; the right wall was made entirely of glass and overlooked a basketball court and a well-lit patio furnished with tables and chairs . she spotted a gazebo covered with white twinkling lights in the distance . `` this looks like a nice place to work . '' `` i 'm very happy here . i have a fabulous lab . '' leah slanted a curious look at abigail holstein . could she actually become a friend ? there 'd been plenty of students eager to befriend leah in college and med school , but they 'd only sought her out in hopes of free tutoring from the infamous freak who had started college at the age of fourteen and med school at the age of seventeen . dr. freakazoid , they had called her behind her back . and when they 'd no longer needed her to pass a course , they 'd quickly disappeared . she 'd started off so naandiuml ; ve and trusting . it had been a cruel lesson , realizing that people were often undependable and unpredictable . mercenary and combustible . you never knew when a seemingly harmless fish would turn out to be a shark . the only way to remain safe was to remain alone . science , on the other hand , she could trust . unlike people , chemicals bonded in a consistent , reliable manner . they could break apart or combust only if she introduced a new variable . in her lab , she was in control , queen of a universe where all her constituents obeyed the rules . `` when dr. lee hired me , he said i would spend most of my time in a lab . it was my genetics research that interested him the most . '' `` yes , we 're very excited about that . '' abby slowed to a stop . `` do n't let the number of patients alarm you . you were right about them being very healthy . they wo n't need your services unless one of them is injured . or expecting a child . '' leah noticed that abby 's hand had moved to her stomach . with a grin , abby nodded . `` we found out last night . '' her face beaming , abby leaned toward leah . we 're going to announce it at the party . '' would abby be shocked to know she 'd never had a friend confide a secret to her before ? abby clasped her hands together . `` gregori is so excited . and his mother - she 'll be ecstatic ! '' `` i imagine your parents will be thrilled , '' leah added . abby 's smile faded a bit . was there a problem there ? a chill skittered down leah 's spine , and she peered over her shoulder . another camera , its red light blinking . abby glanced at the camera . we have excellent security . '' `` i suppose , if they turn up the volume . '' there has n't been an incident here since the bombing years ago . '' no one was seriously hurt . '' leah 's mouth dropped open . `` this place was bombed ? '' `` i know it 's hard to believe someone would do that when synthetic blood saves so many lives , but i 'm afraid there are some strange ... people out there . '' abby patted her on the arm . leah glanced again at the camera . were they listening ? `` i know the world is full of weirdos . '' abby gave her a worried look . she walked forward a few steps , then stopped next to a door . `` welcome to my lab . '' are you partying without me ? '' gregori asked as he sauntered into the security office . `` it smells like bubbly blood in here . '' `` there was a wee accident . '' angus motioned to where dougal was partially hidden beside the desk , picking up shards of glass that were once a bottle and tossing them into the litter bin . `` hey , dude , long time no see , '' gregori greeted him . `` how 's the bionic hand ? '' `` i ... miscalculated my grip for a second . ''
[["become", 20], ["became", 20], ["doctor", 29], ["doctorest", 29], ["doctoring", 29], ["discover", 48], ["discovered", 48], ["well", 61], ["wells", 61], ["suit", 68], ["suited", 68], ["lab", 76], ["labs", 76], ["work", 81], ["wrought", 81], ["alone", 102], ["recognize", 120], ["recognized", 120], ["deer", 129], ["headlight", 147], ["headlights", 147], ["look", 152], ["face", 165], ["give", 180], ["gave", 180], ["sympathetic", 198], ["smile", 204], ["feel", 216], ["felt", 216], ["way", 229], ["ways", 229], ["father", 244], ["fathered", 244], ["fathering", 244], ["attend", 264], ["campaign", 273], ["campaigning", 273], ["rally", 281], ["rallying", 281], ["rallies", 281], ["state", 290], ["dinner", 298], ["dinners", 298], ["throw", 335], ["leah", 348], ["stare", 355], ["stared", 355], ["seem", 390], ["seeming", 390], ["confident", 407], ["learn", 425], ["learns", 425], ["learnt", 425], ["learned", 425], ["mask", 433], ["maskest", 433], ["always", 451], ["terribly", 465], ["awkward", 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4250], ["bins", 4250], ["hey", 4259], ["dude", 4266], ["long", 4273], ["longs", 4273], ["see", 4285], ["greet", 4306], ["greeting", 4306], ["greeted", 4306], ["bionic", 4333], ["miscalculate", 4366], ["miscalculates", 4366], ["miscalculated", 4366], ["grip", 4374], ["second", 4387], ["seconded", 4387]]
no way was he going to admit he 'd lost control . angus might reconsider putting him in charge here . or refuse to let him go on missions . fortunately , angus seemed more interested in watching the monitors than speculating on his wee accident . `` where 's roman ? '' gregori scanned the monitors , searching for his boss . angus pointed at a hallway where roman was walking with jean-luc . `` they 're on their way to the party . '' gregori punched a number on his cell phone , then asked roman to head toward abby 's lab in ten minutes . meanwhile , dougal located a broom and dustpan in the small closet . if this was going to be his office , he 'd start taking care of it now . he swept up the last of the broken glass and dumped it into the litter bin . `` i wonder what they 're talking about . '' angus turned up the volume on the monitor showing abby and leah . `` we found out last night , '' abby said , smiling and patting her stomach . `` wow , '' leah replied . `` och , man . '' angus turned to gregori . `` ye 're going to be a father ? '' gregori grinned . you bet your little plaid skirt . '' `` the puir bairn . '' with a laugh , gregori punched angus on the shoulder . `` i knew abby would n't be able to keep it a secret . she 's so excited . '' `` congratulations , '' dougal told him . his gaze shifted back to the monitor just as leah glanced over her shoulder straight at the camera . his hand flinched , the fist tightening around the handle of the dustpan . he winced at the dents he 'd left in the metal handle . why was he reacting so strongly ? she was n't li lei . `` maybe , '' abby replied . `` we have excellent security . '' he turned away , feeling a twinge of guilt for eavesdropping . as he returned the broom and dustpan to the closet , he spotted a half-empty bottle of blissky on the top shelf . he set the bottle on the desk , then fetched three paper cups from the sideboard . when abby explained about the bombing a few years back , he glanced at the monitor just in time to see leah 's wide-eyed reaction . damn , they had no right to drag her into this world . early twenties , perhaps . there was a fragile innocence to her features , an innocence about to be crushed . he poured blissky into the three cups . `` how about a wee dram ? '' gregori lifted his cup in the air . `` to our beautiful wives ! '' angus grabbed a cup and downed the contents . gregori shot dougal an amused look . `` or in your case , a future beautiful wife . '' dougal snorted , then looked at the monitor and found leah staring at the camera as if she could see him . another itch skittered along the length of his tattoo , and he shrugged his right shoulder . `` i know the world is full of weirdos , '' she said softly . och , lass , ye have no idea . but she would be finding out soon . he had a sudden urge to teleport straight to her and take her away , far away from a world of vampires and shifters and demons . but how could he protect her from the weirdos when he was one of them ? he tossed back the blissky and let it burn down his throat . he deserved the burn . abby opened the door and ushered leah inside . angus moved to the monitor that showed the lab and turned up the volume . `` must we listen in on them ? '' `` i know it isna normal procedure , but i 'm worried about how dr. chin will take the news . '' `` this is a colleague of mine . '' abby motioned to laszlo as he rushed forward . `` laszlo veszto . he 's the most brilliant chemist i 've ever met . '' laszlo blushed and extended a hand toward abby . `` i 'm delighted to meet you . '' when she placed her hand in his , he pumped her arm . `` we 're very excited to have you here . i 've been busy all evening getting the lab ready . '' leah eased her hand from his grip . laszlo 's hand gravitated straight to his lab coat , where he grabbed onto a button . `` we have some interesting case studies to show you . '' leah glanced around the lab . `` this is very nice . '' laszlo smiled at her while he fiddled with his buttons . leah 's eyes narrowed as she spotted the camera in the corner . dougal poured more blissky into his paper cup and downed it . abby strode toward the long stainless steel table that was topped with several microscopes and stacks of paper .
[["way", 6], ["ways", 6], ["go", 19], ["goest", 19], ["going", 19], ["admit", 28], ["lose", 39], ["lost", 39], ["control", 47], ["angus", 55], ["may", 61], ["mays", 61], ["mayest", 61], ["might", 61], ["reconsider", 72], ["put", 80], ["putting", 80], ["charge", 94], ["refuse", 111], ["let", 118], ["lets", 118], ["go", 125], ["goest", 125], ["mission", 137], ["missions", 137], ["fortunately", 151], ["seem", 166], ["seeming", 166], ["seemed", 166], ["interested", 182], ["watch", 194], ["watching", 194], ["monitor", 207], ["monitored", 207], ["monitors", 207], ["speculate", 224], ["speculating", 224], ["wee", 235], ["weest", 235], ["accident", 244], ["roman", 264], ["romans", 264], ["scan", 285], ["scans", 285], ["scanning", 285], ["scanned", 285], ["search", 310], ["searching", 310], ["boss", 323], ["point", 339], ["pointed", 339], ["hallway", 352], ["hallways", 352], ["walk", 376], ["walking", 376], ["jean", 386], ["jeans", 386], ["luc", 390], ["party", 430], ["punch", 451], ["punching", 451], ["punched", 451], ["number", 460], ["numbering", 460], ["cell", 472], ["phone", 478], ["ask", 491], ["asked", 491], ["head", 505], ["toward", 512], ["lab", 524], ["labs", 524], ["ten", 531], ["minute", 539], ["minutes", 539], ["meanwhile", 551], ["locate", 568], ["located", 568], ["broom", 576], ["dustpan", 588], ["dustpans", 588], ["small", 601], ["closet", 608], ["closets", 608], ["office", 645], ["start", 659], ["take", 666], ["taking", 666], ["care", 671], ["sweep", 692], ["swept", 692], ["last", 704], ["glass", 724], ["dump", 735], ["dumped", 735], ["litter", 754], ["bin", 758], ["bins", 758], ["wonder", 772], ["wonderest", 772], ["talk", 794], ["talking", 794], ["turn", 818], ["turned", 818], ["volume", 832], ["volumed", 832], ["monitor", 847], ["monitored", 847], ["show", 855], ["showing", 855], ["leah", 869], ["find", 883], ["found", 883], ["night", 898], ["say", 913], ["sayest", 913], ["said", 913], ["smile", 923], ["smiling", 923], ["pat", 935], ["patting", 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["right", 2077], ["rightest", 2077], ["drag", 2085], ["world", 2105], ["early", 2113], ["twenty", 2122], ["twenties", 2122], ["perhaps", 2132], ["fragile", 2154], ["innocence", 2164], ["feature", 2180], ["features", 2180], ["crush", 2215], ["crushest", 2215], ["crushed", 2215], ["pour", 2227], ["poured", 2227], ["dram", 2281], ["drams", 2281], ["lift", 2301], ["lifted", 2301], ["cup", 2309], ["air", 2320], ["airs", 2320], ["airing", 2320], ["beautiful", 2342], ["beautifulest", 2342], ["wife", 2348], ["wives", 2348], ["grab", 2367], ["grabbed", 2367], ["content", 2397], ["contenting", 2397], ["contents", 2397], ["shoot", 2412], ["shooted", 2412], ["shot", 2412], ["look", 2434], ["case", 2455], ["future", 2466], ["wife", 2481], ["look", 2515], ["looked", 2515], ["stare", 2553], ["stared", 2553], ["staring", 2553], ["another", 2601], ["itch", 2606], ["itches", 2606], ["skitter", 2616], ["along", 2622], ["length", 2633], ["tattoo", 2647], ["tattoos", 2647], ["tattooing", 2647], ["shrug", 2665], ["shrugging", 2665], ["shrugged", 2665], ["know", 2696], ["knowest", 2696], ["full", 2714], ["weirdo", 2725], ["softly", 2746], ["lass", 2759], ["idea", 2777], ["find", 2804], ["finding", 2804], ["soon", 2813], ["sudden", 2831], ["urge", 2836], ["teleport", 2848], ["teleporting", 2848], ["take", 2873], ["far", 2888], ["vampire", 2918], ["vampires", 2918], ["shift", 2931], ["shifters", 2931], ["demon", 2942], ["demons", 2942], ["protect", 2969], ["protectest", 2969], ["toss", 3026], ["tossed", 3026], ["burn", 3059], ["burns", 3059], ["throat", 3075], ["deserve", 3089], ["deserved", 3089], ["open", 3112], ["opened", 3112], ["door", 3121], ["inside", 3145], ["move", 3159], ["moved", 3159], ["show", 3186], ["showed", 3186], ["must", 3229], ["musts", 3229], ["listen", 3239], ["listens", 3239], ["isna", 3273], ["normal", 3280], ["procedure", 3290], ["worry", 3309], ["worried", 3309], ["dr", 3322], ["drs", 3322], ["chin", 3328], ["news", 3347], ["newses", 3347], ["colleague", 3375], ["mine", 3383], ["motion", 3402], ["rush", 3425], ["rushed", 3425], ["forward", 3433], ["forwarding", 3433], ["forwardest", 3433], ["brilliant", 3479], ["chemist", 3487], ["ever", 3498], ["everest", 3498], ["meet", 3502], ["meeted", 3502], ["met", 3502], ["blush", 3522], ["blushes", 3522], ["blushed", 3522], ["extend", 3535], ["extended", 3535], ["delight", 3574], ["meet", 3582], ["meeted", 3582], ["place", 3607], ["placed", 3607], ["pump", 3635], ["pumped", 3635], ["arm", 3643], ["busy", 3703], ["busied", 3703], ["evening", 3715], ["get", 3723], ["getting", 3723], ["ready", 3737], ["ease", 3753], ["eased", 3753], ["grip", 3776], ["gravitate", 3804], ["gravitates", 3804], ["coat", 3829], ["onto", 3853], ["ontos", 3853], ["button", 3862], ["buttoning", 3862], ["interesting", 3892], ["study", 3905], ["studies", 3905], ["show", 3913], ["nice", 3973], ["smile", 3992], ["smiled", 3992], ["fiddle", 4016], ["fiddling", 4016], ["fiddled", 4016], ["button", 4033], ["buttoning", 4033], ["buttons", 4033], ["eye", 4048], ["eyed", 4048], ["eyes", 4048], ["narrow", 4057], ["narrowed", 4057], ["corner", 4097], ["stride", 4173], ["stridden", 4173], ["long", 4189], ["longs", 4189], ["stainless", 4199], ["steel", 4205], ["table", 4211], ["tabled", 4211], ["tabling", 4211], ["top", 4227], ["topped", 4227], ["several", 4240], ["microscope", 4252], ["microscopes", 4252], ["stack", 4263], ["stacks", 4263]]
`` yes , '' laszlo answered , still smiling at leah . gregori pointed at the monitor . `` look at that silly grin on laszlo 's face . dougal 's fist snapped shut , crushing the paper cup in his hand . before anyone could see the mangled cup , he tossed it into the litterbin . his fist refused to open . release , he ordered his hand . it remained locked around the crushed paper cup . `` smitten , perhaps . i 'll have a talk with laszlo . we canna let anyone 's personal feelings jeopardize our plans . '' release , dammit ! finally dougal 's fist relaxed , and the cup fell into the litterbin . meanwhile , leah had moved to the table and was peering into the first microscope . `` interesting , '' she murmured , then picked up the stack of papers beside it . `` let 's hope she takes the bait , '' angus said . dougal moved closer to the monitors . leah scanned the first page , then the second . abby watched , chewing on her lip . laszlo twisted a button on his lab coat . `` definite mutations in the dna sequencing . '' leah moved on to the third page . `` some rather drastic changes . is this man still alive ? '' abby hesitated . gregori snorted . leah set the papers down . `` i 've never seen anything like this . some of these mutations might possibly strengthen a person , but others ... '' she shook her head . `` i 'm not sure a human can survive this . is he exhibiting any bizarre symptoms ? '' abby 's mouth twitched . `` other than a strange desire to disco dance , no . '' gregori stiffened . angus hushed him . leah shook her head , confused . `` where is the patient ? `` you 've already seen him , '' abby replied . `` it 's gregori . '' she thumbed through the papers once more . your husband seems so healthy . '' `` he is , '' abby agreed . `` when he 's ... gregori , call dr. lee . tell him to get to the lab right away . '' while gregori made the call , leah tapped her hand on the stack of paper . `` your husband could be in serious trouble . he should be hospitalized immediately for observation . '' `` oh my god , you 're pregnant with his child ? '' and so is gregori . '' abby exchanged a worried look with laszlo . he nodded , furiously twirling a button . `` there is a perfectly reasonable explanation for this , i assure you . '' leah gave them an incredulous look . `` how do you explain it ? '' `` my husband is a vampire . '' chapter three leah 's heart leaped into a fast , pounding rhythm . she stepped back , resisting an urge to run for the door . her gaze shifted from the president 's daughter to the so-called brilliant chemist , then back . did the president know his daughter was insane ? holy crapoly , the whole building might be full of crazy people . even the creepy people watching her through the camera - her breath caught . of course , she was being punked ! the camera was recording this , and it was going to end up on the internet somewhere . it was n't the first time people had tried to make her look like an idiot . in college , her young age and genius label had rendered her a target for silly pranks . one time a bunch of frat boys had circled the girls ' dormitory dressed as the living dead , while the girls had begged her to use her superior intellect to save them from the zombie apocalypse . so this time it was the undead . she crossed her arms and acted nonchalant . `` you 're married to a vampire ? '' abby nodded with a hopeful expression as if she expected her to believe this nonsense . leah shot the camera a wry look , then turned back to abby . `` how did you reach that conclusion ? did he turn into a bat and fly around the bedroom ? '' abby 's eager expression faded into disappointment . `` you think i 'm kidding . '' `` did you expect me to take this seriously ? '' laszlo motioned to the stack of papers on the table . `` but we showed you the lab work . and the data - `` `` which can be manipulated , '' leah interrupted . `` or in this case , manufactured . '' she glowered at the camera . she headed toward the door , but halfway there , it opened . dr. lee rushed inside . `` yes , '' leah replied in the affirmative , at the same time as abby and laszlo . she aimed a frown at them . `` they 're playing a dumb joke on me . '' `` it 's not a joke , '' abby insisted . `` why would you believe that ? did your husband bite you ? '' `` well , yes , he has . and he can - `` `` what ?
[["yes", 6], ["answer", 27], ["answeres", 27], ["answerest", 27], ["answered", 27], ["still", 35], ["smile", 43], ["smiling", 43], ["leah", 51], ["point", 69], ["pointed", 69], ["monitor", 84], ["monitored", 84], ["look", 94], ["silly", 108], ["grin", 113], ["face", 131], ["fist", 148], ["snap", 156], ["snapping", 156], ["snapped", 156], ["shut", 161], ["crush", 172], ["crushest", 172], ["crushing", 172], ["paper", 182], ["cup", 186], ["hand", 198], ["anyone", 214], ["see", 224], ["mangle", 236], ["mangled", 236], ["toss", 252], ["tossed", 252], ["litterbin", 274], ["refuse", 293], ["refused", 293], ["open", 301], ["release", 311], ["order", 324], ["orderest", 324], ["ordered", 324], ["remain", 347], ["remained", 347], ["around", 361], ["perhaps", 406], ["talk", 426], ["canna", 449], ["let", 453], ["lets", 453], ["personal", 472], ["feeling", 481], ["feelings", 481], ["jeopardize", 492], ["jeopardizes", 492], ["jeopardized", 492], ["plan", 502], ["plans", 502], ["dammit", 524], ["finally", 534], ["fall", 576], ["falls", 576], ["fell", 576], ["meanwhile", 607], ["move", 624], ["moved", 624], ["table", 637], ["tabled", 637], ["tabling", 637], ["peer", 653], ["peering", 653], ["first", 668], ["firstest", 668], ["microscope", 679], ["microscopes", 679], ["interesting", 696], ["murmur", 714], ["murmurest", 714], ["murmured", 714], ["pick", 728], ["picked", 728], ["stack", 741], ["stacks", 741], ["paper", 751], ["papers", 751], ["beside", 758], ["hope", 778], ["take", 788], ["takes", 788], ["bait", 797], ["baited", 797], ["angus", 808], ["say", 813], ["sayest", 813], ["said", 813], ["close", 835], ["closer", 835], ["monitor", 851], ["monitored", 851], ["monitors", 851], ["scan", 866], ["scans", 866], ["scanning", 866], ["scanned", 866], ["page", 881], ["second", 899], ["seconded", 899], ["watch", 914], ["watched", 914], ["chew", 924], ["chews", 924], ["chewest", 924], ["chewing", 924], ["lip", 935], ["lipped", 935], ["twist", 952], ["twisted", 952], ["twisting", 952], ["button", 961], ["buttoning", 961], ["lab", 972], ["labs", 972], ["coat", 977], ["definite", 991], ["mutation", 1001], ["mutations", 1001], ["dna", 1012], ["third", 1055], ["rather", 1077], ["drastic", 1085], ["change", 1093], ["changes", 1093], ["man", 1107], ["mans", 1107], ["manned", 1107], ["alive", 1119], ["hesitate", 1139], ["hesitated", 1139], ["set", 1168], ["never", 1201], ["see", 1206], ["seen", 1206], ["anything", 1215], ["like", 1220], ["may", 1257], ["mays", 1257], ["mayest", 1257], ["might", 1257], ["strengthen", 1277], ["person", 1286], ["shake", 1316], ["shook", 1316], ["head", 1325], ["sure", 1344], ["human", 1352], ["survive", 1364], ["exhibit", 1388], ["exhibitest", 1388], ["exhibiting", 1388], ["bizarre", 1400], ["symptom", 1409], ["symptoms", 1409], ["mouth", 1428], ["mouthed", 1428], ["twitch", 1437], ["twitchest", 1437], ["twitching", 1437], ["twitched", 1437], ["strange", 1463], ["desire", 1470], ["disco", 1479], ["dance", 1485], ["stiffen", 1513], ["stiffens", 1513], ["stiffened", 1513], ["hush", 1528], ["hushed", 1528], ["confuse", 1565], ["confused", 1565], ["confusing", 1565], ["patient", 1591], ["already", 1612], ["reply", 1639], ["replied", 1639], ["thumb", 1675], ["thumbed", 1675], ["husband", 1719], ["husbanding", 1719], ["seem", 1725], ["seeming", 1725], ["seems", 1725], ["healthy", 1736], ["agree", 1767], ["agreed", 1767], ["call", 1802], ["dr", 1805], ["drs", 1805], ["lee", 1810], ["lees", 1810], ["tell", 1817], ["get", 1828], ["right", 1845], ["rightest", 1845], ["away", 1850], ["tap", 1897], ["tapped", 1897], ["serious", 1966], ["trouble", 1974], ["troubling", 1974], ["hospitalize", 2002], ["hospitalizing", 2002], ["hospitalized", 2002], ["immediately", 2014], ["observation", 2030], ["oh", 2041], ["god", 2048], ["pregnant", 2067], ["child", 2082], ["childs", 2082], ["exchange", 2125], ["exchanged", 2125], ["nod", 2164], ["nodded", 2164], ["furiously", 2176], ["twirl", 2185], ["twirls", 2185], ["twirling", 2185], ["perfectly", 2220], ["reasonable", 2231], ["explanation", 2243], ["assure", 2263], ["give", 2282], ["gave", 2282], ["incredulous", 2302], ["explain", 2331], ["vampire", 2366], ["chapter", 2379], ["three", 2385], ["heart", 2399], ["leap", 2406], ["leaps", 2406], ["leaping", 2406], ["leaped", 2406], ["fast", 2418], ["pound", 2429], ["pounding", 2429], ["rhythm", 2436], ["rhythms", 2436], ["step", 2450], ["stepped", 2450], ["back", 2455], ["resist", 2467], ["resistest", 2467], ["resisting", 2467], ["urge", 2475], ["run", 2482], ["door", 2495], ["gaze", 2506], ["gazes", 2506], ["shift", 2514], ["shifted", 2514], ["president", 2533], ["daughter", 2545], ["call", 2562], ["called", 2562], ["brilliant", 2572], ["chemist", 2580], ["know", 2617], ["knowest", 2617], ["insane", 2641], ["holy", 2648], ["whole", 2668], ["wholes", 2668], ["build", 2677], ["building", 2677], ["full", 2691], ["crazy", 2700], ["people", 2707], ["even", 2714], ["evens", 2714], ["creepy", 2725], ["watch", 2741], ["watching", 2741], ["camera", 2764], ["cameras", 2764], ["breath", 2777], ["breathest", 2777], ["catch", 2784], ["catched", 2784], ["catches", 2784], ["caught", 2784], ["course", 2796], ["record", 2846], ["go", 2870], ["goest", 2870], ["going", 2870], ["end", 2877], ["ends", 2877], ["endest", 2877], ["internet", 2896], ["somewhere", 2906], ["time", 2934], ["try", 2951], ["tryed", 2951], ["tried", 2951], ["idiot", 2982], ["college", 2995], ["young", 3007], ["youngest", 3007], ["age", 3011], ["aged", 3011], ["genius", 3022], ["label", 3028], ["render", 3041], ["rendering", 3041], ["rendered", 3041], ["target", 3054], ["prank", 3071], ["pranks", 3071], ["bunch", 3090], ["bunchest", 3090], ["frat", 3098], ["frats", 3098], ["boy", 3103], ["boys", 3103], ["circle", 3115], ["circled", 3115], ["girl", 3125], ["girls", 3125], ["dormitory", 3137], ["dress", 3145], ["dressest", 3145], ["dressed", 3145], ["live", 3159], ["living", 3159], ["dead", 3164], ["beg", 3193], ["use", 3204], ["superior", 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["interrupt", 3917], ["interruptest", 3917], ["interrupted", 3917], ["case", 3938], ["manufacture", 3953], ["manufactures", 3953], ["manufactured", 3953], ["glow", 3971], ["head", 3998], ["headed", 3998], ["toward", 4005], ["halfway", 4028], ["halfways", 4028], ["open", 4046], ["opened", 4046], ["rush", 4063], ["rushed", 4063], ["inside", 4070], ["affirmative", 4116], ["aim", 4166], ["aimest", 4166], ["aimed", 4166], ["frown", 4174], ["frowns", 4174], ["play", 4204], ["playest", 4204], ["playing", 4204], ["dumb", 4211], ["joke", 4216], ["jokes", 4216], ["insist", 4266], ["insistest", 4266], ["insisted", 4266], ["bite", 4322], ["well", 4339], ["wells", 4339]]
leap from one tree to another like a monkey ? '' leah lifted a hand to stop abby . the poor woman was suffering from delusions . `` you should lie down and get some rest . given your condition , you could be experiencing some hormonal fluctuations - `` `` i 'm not imagining this , '' abby grumbled . `` or it could be a case of being overworked , '' leah continued . when i get really involved in a project , i can forget to eat or sleep . just this last week , i was so busy , i can hardly remember it . '' dr. lee winced . `` perhaps a demonstration is in order . '' abby turned to laszlo . `` how about you levitate to the ceiling ? '' laszlo frowned , tugging hard at a button . `` if you wish , but it might cause her to panic . '' `` go ahead , '' dr. lee told him . `` she needs physical evidence . '' `` so the chemist is a vampire , too ? '' laszlo 's button popped off and landed on the stainless steel table with a ping . `` it 's not really a bad thing . just think of it as a ... an unusual medical condition . '' these people were certifiable . `` yes , '' laszlo admitted but hastened to add , `` but a very friendly one , i assure you . '' `` well , that is ... comforting , '' leah muttered . a friendly bloodsucker . that made as much sense as a friendly serial killer . she glanced at abby . are you casper , the friendly ghost ? '' abby gave her a sympathetic look . `` i 'm mortal like you . i know you must be shocked . i was shocked , too , when i found out . i even fainted . '' leah waved a dismissive hand . `` and i 'm not shocked . i 'm ... saddened that you 've deluded yourselves into believing such a ridiculous - `` she halted when laszlo 's body floated up to the ceiling . okay , that was n't normal . it had to be wires . a spark of anger flared inside her . these people were really taking the joke too far . i do n't believe anyone here is a vampire ! '' laszlo winced as his head bumped into the ceiling . `` me , too , '' dr. lee added . leah spun to face him . her boss was a vampire ? another man sauntered into the lab . he was tall , dark , and handsome . and undead ? leah stared at him . `` roman draganesti , at your service . i 'm delighted to meet you , dr . chin . '' this was the scientific genius who had invented synthetic blood ? leah swallowed hard . he was either as crazy as the other guys in the room , or they were actually ... vampires . her skin chilled with instant goose bumps . there had to be a reasonable , scientific explanation for this . why bother to explain it ? just get the hell out of here ! she stepped toward the door , but dr. lee and mr. draganesti were blocking the exit . a quick look around confirmed it was the only way out . `` her heart is racing , '' mr. draganesti murmured . she turned toward him , her eyes narrowed . `` superior hearing , '' he explained . given the situation , anyone could guess that my heart rate would be elevated . '' a thudding sound startled her , and she whirled about to find that laszlo had landed on the tile floor . she rushed toward him , and standing on her tiptoes , she swept her hand through the air over his head . are you wearing special shoes that will lift you in the air ? or maybe it 's magnets ? '' `` it 's levitation . '' laszlo regarded her sadly . `` do you need me to do it again ? '' she grabbed his wrist and pressed her fingers against his vein . she dropped his arm . `` you have a pulse . so stop this crap now ! '' `` leah , calm down . '' dr. lee moved toward her . `` and i 'm not working for you anymore . this is a cruel joke , and i wo n't put up with it ! '' `` leah , for god 's sake . '' dr. lee gave her a beseeching look . `` we 're not trying to be cruel . just honest . '' `` i wo n't listen ! you 're lying - `` `` dammit , do n't make me erase your memory again ! '' dr. lee winced and lifted his hands . you have to believe us . '' a chill swept over leah , and she shivered . `` you ... what did you do ? '' dr. lee dragged a hand through his short gray hair . `` this is so damned frustrating . i tried to tell you the truth a few days ago , but you did n't take it well . '' `` you - you erased my memory ? ''
[["leap", 4], ["leaps", 4], ["leaping", 4], ["tree", 18], ["treed", 18], ["treeing", 18], ["another", 29], ["like", 34], ["monkey", 43], ["monkeyed", 43], ["monkeying", 43], ["leah", 53], ["lift", 60], ["lifted", 60], ["hand", 67], ["stop", 75], ["poor", 91], ["woman", 97], ["womans", 97], ["suffer", 111], ["suffering", 111], ["delusion", 126], ["delusions", 126], ["lie", 146], ["lay", 146], ["lain", 146], ["get", 159], ["rest", 169], ["give", 177], ["given", 177], ["condition", 192], ["experience", 220], ["experienced", 220], ["experiencing", 220], ["hormonal", 234], ["fluctuation", 247], ["imagine", 274], ["imagining", 274], ["grumble", 298], ["grumbles", 298], ["grumbled", 298], ["case", 325], ["overwork", 345], ["overworks", 345], ["overworked", 345], ["continue", 365], ["continued", 365], ["really", 385], ["project", 407], ["projectest", 407], ["forget", 422], ["forgot", 422], ["eat", 429], ["sleep", 438], ["slept", 438], ["sleeps", 438], ["sleepest", 438], ["last", 455], ["week", 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["saddened", 1578], ["believe", 1625], ["believing", 1625], ["ridiculous", 1643], ["halt", 1659], ["halts", 1659], ["haltest", 1659], ["halted", 1659], ["body", 1679], ["bodied", 1679], ["float", 1687], ["floated", 1687], ["okay", 1712], ["normal", 1734], ["wire", 1755], ["wires", 1755], ["spark", 1765], ["sparking", 1765], ["anger", 1774], ["flare", 1781], ["flared", 1781], ["inside", 1788], ["take", 1826], ["taking", 1826], ["joke", 1835], ["jokes", 1835], ["far", 1843], ["believe", 1862], ["anyone", 1869], ["head", 1918], ["bump", 1925], ["bumpest", 1925], ["bumped", 1925], ["add", 1975], ["added", 1975], ["spin", 1987], ["spun", 1987], ["face", 1995], ["boss", 2010], ["man", 2038], ["mans", 2038], ["manned", 2038], ["saunter", 2048], ["sauntered", 2048], ["lab", 2061], ["labs", 2061], ["tall", 2075], ["dark", 2082], ["handsome", 2097], ["handsomes", 2097], ["undead", 2110], ["stare", 2124], ["stared", 2124], ["roman", 2142], ["romans", 2142], ["service", 2171], ["servicing", 2171], ["delight", 2188], ["meet", 2196], ["meeted", 2196], ["chin", 2212], ["scientific", 2241], ["genius", 2248], ["invent", 2265], ["inventest", 2265], ["invented", 2265], ["synthetic", 2275], ["blood", 2281], ["bloods", 2281], ["blooded", 2281], ["swallow", 2298], ["swallows", 2298], ["swallowed", 2298], ["either", 2319], ["crazy", 2328], ["guy", 2346], ["guys", 2346], ["room", 2358], ["roomed", 2358], ["vampire", 2395], ["vampires", 2395], ["skin", 2406], ["chill", 2414], ["chills", 2414], ["chilling", 2414], ["chilled", 2414], ["instant", 2427], ["goose", 2433], ["bump", 2439], ["bumpest", 2439], ["bumps", 2439], ["reasonable", 2470], ["explanation", 2495], ["bother", 2517], ["bothers", 2517], ["bothering", 2517], ["explain", 2528], ["hell", 2551], ["hells", 2551], ["step", 2577], ["stepped", 2577], ["toward", 2584], ["door", 2593], ["mr", 2614], ["block", 2640], ["blocks", 2640], ["blocking", 2640], ["exit", 2649], ["exited", 2649], ["quick", 2659], ["around", 2671], ["confirm", 2681], ["confirmed", 2681], ["way", 2701], ["ways", 2701], ["heart", 2720], ["race", 2730], ["racing", 2730], ["murmur", 2759], ["murmurest", 2759], ["murmured", 2759], ["eye", 2794], ["eyed", 2794], ["eyes", 2794], ["narrow", 2803], ["narrowed", 2803], ["superior", 2817], ["hearing", 2825], ["explain", 2843], ["explained", 2843], ["situation", 2865], ["guess", 2886], ["rate", 2905], ["elevate", 2923], ["elevated", 2923], ["thud", 2939], ["sound", 2945], ["startle", 2954], ["startled", 2954], ["whirl", 2976], ["whirls", 2976], ["whirled", 2976], ["find", 2990], ["tile", 3025], ["floor", 3031], ["rush", 3044], ["rushed", 3044], ["stand", 3070], ["stood", 3070], ["standest", 3070], ["standing", 3070], ["tiptoe", 3085], ["tiptoed", 3085], ["tiptoes", 3085], ["sweep", 3097], ["swept", 3097], ["air", 3122], ["airs", 3122], ["airing", 3122], ["wear", 3154], ["wearing", 3154], ["special", 3162], ["shoe", 3168], ["shoed", 3168], ["shoes", 3168], ["lift", 3183], ["maybe", 3209], ["magnet", 3223], ["magnets", 3223], ["levitation", 3248], ["regard", 3269], ["regarded", 3269], ["sadly", 3279], ["need", 3296], ["needest", 3296], ["grab", 3331], ["grabbed", 3331], ["wrist", 3341], ["press", 3353], ["pressed", 3353], ["finger", 3365], ["fingers", 3365], ["vein", 3382], ["drop", 3396], ["dropped", 3396], ["arm", 3404], ["pulse", 3426], ["crap", 3446], ["crapped", 3446], ["calm", 3470], ["calms", 3470], ["move", 3494], ["moved", 3494], ["work", 3531], ["wrought", 3531], ["working", 3531], ["anymore", 3547], ["cruel", 3565], ["wo", 3581], ["put", 3589], ["god", 3623], ["sake", 3631], ["sakes", 3631], ["try", 3694], ["tryed", 3694], ["trying", 3694], ["honest", 3720], ["listen", 3744], ["listens", 3744], ["lie", 3760], ["lay", 3760], ["lain", 3760], ["lying", 3760], ["dammit", 3775], ["erase", 3798], ["memory", 3810], ["memories", 3810], ["hand", 3857], ["hands", 3857], ["chill", 3895], ["chills", 3895], ["chilling", 3895], ["shiver", 3930], ["shivering", 3930], ["shivered", 3930], ["drag", 3980], ["dragged", 3980], ["short", 4005], ["gray", 4010], ["grays", 4010], ["hair", 4015], ["frustrating", 4050], ["try", 4060], ["tryed", 4060], ["tried", 4060], ["tell", 4068], ["truth", 4082], ["day", 4093], ["days", 4093], ["ago", 4097], ["take", 4120], ["erase", 4153], ["erased", 4153]]
`` you were having a panic attack . it seemed like the best way to calm you down . '' leah struggled to breathe . oh god , was that why the past few days were a blur ? he 'd ... tampered with her mind ? `` my dear child , '' roman said softly . `` perhaps you should sit down ? '' `` you look very pale , '' abby added . leah stumbled toward the far wall , where a countertop and sink were located . she did n't know whether to be angry or ... scared to death . her mind had been tampered with ? dr. lee had that kind of power ? she glanced at herself in the mirror over the sink and grimaced at her pale , stricken look . she would not allow anyone to alter her memory . she would remember this . but did that mean she had to accept a new reality , one that was occupied with vampires ? with trembling fingers , she turned on the cold water . abby joined her at the sink and pulled some paper towels from the nearby dispenser . she eased away a few inches . `` leah , please , '' abby whispered . and a scientist like you . i had trouble accepting it , too . '' she folded the towels into a pad and moistened it under the cold running water . `` here , press this against the back of your neck . '' leah accepted the damp pad and looked in the mirror over the sink . she and abby were reflected there , and the stainless steel table in the background . no laszlo . she glanced back , and with a gasp , she dropped the damp pad to the floor . roman draganesti was standing right behind her . how did you - ? '' she turned back to the mirror . his voice spoke softly behind her . the room swirled , and she gripped the edge of the counter . it was n't scientifically possible . had her world just turned upside down ? had she stumbled into an alternate reality ? `` take deep breaths , '' abby whispered . no , it would never be okay . her safe and scientific world had crumbled around her . what was left to rely on ? how could she even trust her instincts , when they were telling her she 'd lost her mind ? a cold sweat broke out on her skin . she cupped her hands in the cold running water , and her eyes burned at the sight of her shaky hands . was this really happening to her ? she splashed water on her face , then straightened to watch the rivulets running down her face in the mirror . was the vampire still behind her ? she cupped more water in her hands and tossed it over her shoulder . a wincing sound . she turned and found mr. draganesti standing behind her , wiping droplets of water off his shirt and tie . `` my wife did n't take the news well either . '' `` apparently she got over it . '' `` shanna 's looking forward to meeting you . our children are at the party , too . sofia is four , and constantine 's six . '' dr. lee strolled toward them , smiling . `` it seems like just yesterday i delivered them . '' mr. draganesti grinned . `` they grow so fast . '' leah grimaced at the pointed canine teeth on display . did they have fangs that shot out like the ones in movies ? how many carotid arteries had they punctured with those ? when mr. draganesti noticed the apparent horror on her face , his smile faded . `` dr. chin , there is no need to fear us . i invented synthetic blood to free us from the need to use mortals for our survival . '' so romatech industries was their equivalent to a grocery store . leah moved to the side beyond their reach . `` before synthetic blood , you fed off people ? '' mr. draganesti nodded . we would take what we needed , then erase the mortal 's memory . '' `` i never liked hurting people , '' laszlo grumbled as he stuffed the loose button into his pocket . `` it was a blessing to us when we could rely on synthetic blood . '' `` we try not to hurt mortals , but there are some bad vampires who do , '' dr. lee warned her . `` we call them malcontents . they enjoy tormenting and killing mortals . '' `` we 've been fighting them for centuries , '' mr. draganesti added . `` these are the good guys . '' abby motioned to the men . `` i would never have fallen in love with gregori if he had n't been one of the good guys . '' how could a vampire be good ? their very nature was parasitic . leah crossed her arms . `` i 'm just over a hundred . '' dr. lee gave mr. draganesti an amused look . `` you 're the old one here . '' `` i was born in 1461 , transformed in 1492 . '' `` you knew columbus ? ''
[["panic", 26], ["attack", 33], ["seem", 45], ["seeming", 45], ["seemed", 45], ["like", 50], ["good", 59], ["best", 59], ["way", 63], ["ways", 63], ["calm", 71], ["calms", 71], ["leah", 90], ["struggle", 100], ["struggled", 100], ["breathes", 111], ["oh", 116], ["god", 120], ["past", 144], ["day", 153], ["days", 153], ["blur", 165], ["blurs", 165], ["tamper", 186], ["tampered", 186], ["mind", 200], ["minding", 200], ["dear", 213], ["dearest", 213], ["child", 219], ["childs", 219], ["roman", 230], ["romans", 230], ["say", 235], ["sayest", 235], ["said", 235], ["softly", 242], ["perhaps", 255], ["sat", 270], ["sit", 270], ["look", 292], ["pale", 302], ["add", 318], ["added", 318], ["stumble", 334], ["stumbled", 334], ["toward", 341], ["far", 349], ["wall", 354], ["countertop", 375], ["sank", 384], ["sink", 384], ["locate", 397], ["located", 397], ["know", 416], ["knowest", 416], ["whether", 424], ["angry", 436], ["death", 459], ["dr", 498], ["drs", 498], ["lee", 503], ["lees", 503], ["kind", 517], ["power", 526], ["glance", 540], ["glanced", 540], ["mirror", 565], ["grimace", 592], ["grimacing", 592], ["grimaced", 592], ["stricken", 615], ["allow", 642], ["anyone", 649], ["alter", 658], ["altered", 658], ["memory", 669], ["memories", 669], ["remember", 690], ["rememberest", 690], ["mean", 715], ["meanest", 715], ["accept", 733], ["new", 739], ["reality", 747], ["occupy", 771], ["occupied", 771], ["vampire", 785], ["vampires", 785], ["tremble", 802], ["trembles", 802], ["finger", 810], ["fingers", 810], ["turn", 823], ["turned", 823], ["cold", 835], ["water", 841], ["join", 855], ["joinest", 855], ["joined", 855], ["pull", 882], ["pulled", 882], ["paper", 893], ["towel", 900], ["towels", 900], ["toweled", 900], ["towelled", 900], ["nearby", 916], ["dispenser", 926], ["ease", 938], ["eased", 938], ["away", 943], ["inch", 956], ["inches", 956], ["please", 975], ["whisper", 995], ["whispered", 995], ["scientist", 1013], ["trouble", 1038], ["troubling", 1038], ["accept", 1048], ["accepting", 1048], ["fold", 1073], ["folded", 1073], ["pad", 1095], ["padding", 1095], ["moisten", 1109], ["moistenest", 1109], ["moistened", 1109], ["run", 1135], ["running", 1135], ["press", 1159], ["back", 1181], ["neck", 1194], ["necked", 1194], ["accept", 1213], ["accepted", 1213], ["damp", 1222], ["damps", 1222], ["damped", 1222], ["look", 1237], ["looked", 1237], ["reflect", 1295], ["reflectest", 1295], ["reflected", 1295], ["stainless", 1321], ["steel", 1327], ["table", 1333], ["tabled", 1333], ["tabling", 1333], ["background", 1351], ["backgrounding", 1351], ["gasp", 1400], ["gasps", 1400], ["drop", 1414], ["dropped", 1414], ["floor", 1440], ["stand", 1472], ["stood", 1472], ["standest", 1472], ["standing", 1472], ["right", 1478], ["rightest", 1478], ["behind", 1485], ["voice", 1552], ["speak", 1558], ["spoken", 1558], ["spoke", 1558], ["room", 1587], ["roomed", 1587], ["swirl", 1595], ["swirls", 1595], ["swirlest", 1595], ["swirled", 1595], ["grip", 1613], ["edge", 1622], ["edges", 1622], ["counter", 1637], ["scientifically", 1665], ["possible", 1674], ["world", 1690], ["upside", 1709], ["alternate", 1751], ["alternates", 1751], ["take", 1769], ["deep", 1774], ["deeply", 1774], ["breath", 1782], ["breathest", 1782], ["breaths", 1782], ["never", 1824], ["okay", 1832], ["safe", 1843], ["safes", 1843], ["safed", 1843], ["scientific", 1858], ["crumble", 1877], ["crumbles", 1877], ["crumbled", 1877], ["around", 1884], ["left", 1904], ["leave", 1904], ["rely", 1912], ["even", 1936], ["evens", 1936], ["trust", 1942], ["instinct", 1956], ["instincts", 1956], ["tell", 1981], ["telling", 1981], ["lose", 1997], ["lost", 1997], ["sweat", 2021], ["broke", 2027], ["break", 2027], ["skin", 2043], ["cup", 2056], ["cupped", 2056], ["hand", 2066], ["hands", 2066], ["eye", 2107], ["eyed", 2107], ["eyes", 2107], ["burn", 2114], ["burns", 2114], ["burned", 2114], ["sight", 2127], ["sighted", 2127], ["shaky", 2140], ["really", 2164], ["happen", 2174], ["happening", 2174], ["splash", 2196], ["splashed", 2196], ["face", 2214], ["straighten", 2234], ["straightened", 2234], ["watch", 2243], ["rivulet", 2256], ["rivulets", 2256], ["vampire", 2310], ["still", 2316], ["toss", 2375], ["tossed", 2375], ["shoulder", 2396], ["shouldered", 2396], ["sound", 2414], ["find", 2437], ["found", 2437], ["mr", 2440], ["wipe", 2481], ["wiping", 2481], ["droplet", 2490], ["droplets", 2490], ["shirt", 2513], ["tie", 2521], ["tying", 2521], ["tieing", 2521], ["wife", 2534], ["news", 2556], ["newses", 2556], ["well", 2561], ["wells", 2561], ["either", 2568], ["apparently", 2587], ["get", 2595], ["got", 2595], ["look", 2629], ["looking", 2629], ["forward", 2637], ["forwarding", 2637], ["forwardest", 2637], ["meet", 2648], ["meeted", 2648], ["child", 2667], ["childs", 2667], ["children", 2667], ["party", 2684], ["sofia", 2698], ["four", 2706], ["constantine", 2724], ["six", 2731], ["stroll", 2753], ["strollest", 2753], ["strolled", 2753], ["smile", 2775], ["smiling", 2775], ["seem", 2789], ["seeming", 2789], ["seems", 2789], ["yesterday", 2809], ["yesterdays", 2809], ["deliver", 2821], ["delivered", 2821], ["grin", 2854], ["grinned", 2854], ["grow", 2869], ["growest", 2869], ["fast", 2877], ["canine", 2918], ["tooth", 2924], ["teeth", 2924], ["display", 2935], ["fang", 2957], ["fangs", 2957], ["shoot", 2967], ["shooted", 2967], ["shot", 2967], ["movie", 2995], ["movies", 2995], ["many", 3006], ["carotid", 3014], ["artery", 3023], ["arteries", 3023], ["puncture", 3042], ["punctured", 3042], ["notice", 3083], ["noticed", 3083], ["apparent", 3096], ["horror", 3103], ["smile", 3127], ["fade", 3133], ["faded", 3133], ["chin", 3147], ["need", 3166], ["needest", 3166], ["fear", 3174], ["fearest", 3174], ["invent", 3190], ["inventest", 3190], ["invented", 3190], ["synthetic", 3200], ["blood", 3206], ["bloods", 3206], ["blooded", 3206], ["free", 3214], ["use", 3238], ["mortal", 3246], ["mortals", 3246], ["survival", 3263], ["industry", 3291], ["industries", 3291], ["equivalent", 3312], ["grocery", 3325], ["store", 3331], ["move", 3344], ["moved", 3344], ["side", 3356], ["sidest", 3356], ["beyond", 3363], ["reach", 3375], ["fed", 3413], ["feed", 3413], ["people", 3424], ["nod", 3451], ["nodded", 3451], ["need", 3482], ["needest", 3482], ["needed", 3482], ["erase", 3495], ["mortal", 3506], ["like", 3538], ["liked", 3538], ["hurt", 3546], ["hurts", 3546], ["hurting", 3546], ["grumble", 3574], ["grumbles", 3574], ["grumbled", 3574], ["stuff", 3588], ["stuffed", 3588], ["loose", 3598], ["looser", 3598], ["button", 3605], ["buttoning", 3605], ["pocket", 3621], ["pocketing", 3621], ["blessing", 3644], ["try", 3703], ["tryed", 3703], ["hurt", 3715], ["hurts", 3715], ["hurting", 3715], ["bad", 3748], ["warn", 3784], ["warned", 3784], ["call", 3801], ["malcontent", 3818], ["enjoy", 3831], ["enjoyed", 3831], ["torment", 3842], ["tormenting", 3842], ["kill", 3854], ["killing", 3854], ["fight", 3891], ["fightest", 3891], ["century", 3910], ["centuries", 3910], ["good", 3960], ["guy", 3965], ["guys", 3965], ["motion", 3984], ["man", 3995], ["mans", 3995], ["manned", 3995], ["men", 3995], ["fall", 4026], ["falls", 4026], ["fallen", 4026], ["love", 4034], ["nature", 4140], ["parasitic", 4154], ["cross", 4169], ["crossing", 4169], ["crossed", 4169], ["arm", 4178], ["arms", 4178], ["hundred", 4208], ["give", 4226], ["gave", 4226], ["old", 4277], ["bear", 4305], ["bore", 4305], ["bearest", 4305], ["born", 4305], ["transform", 4327], ["transformed", 4327], ["know", 4352], ["knowest", 4352], ["knew", 4352], ["columbus", 4361]]
leah winced . she was too frazzled . now she was asking stupid questions . mr. draganesti smiled . `` my son asked me that , too . would you like to go the party now ? you might feel better if you have something to eat . '' `` you have real food there ? '' `` there 's a bunch of food , '' dr. lee answered . `` and a giant birthday cake . five layers , each one a different flavor . according to tino , the chocolate one is the best . '' mr. draganesti snorted . `` i 'm sure he tasted each layer . '' dr. lee grinned . `` when i saw him , he had a smear of chocolate icing on his nose . '' leah took a deep breath . in spite of the seemingly normal cake conversation , she was still having trouble wrapping her mind around this . vampires with wives and children . the chocolate cake sounded good , though . `` mr. draganesti - `` `` call me roman . '' just do n't call me dinner . the truth is we find ourselves in a moral dilemma . we 've always tried to protect mortals from bad vampires , but there 's one in china who 's giving us major grief . he goes by the name master han . '' `` he 's mutating mortals and using them to fight his battles , '' dr. lee added . `` we need to defeat master han , but we do n't want to kill the mortals . '' `` that 's big of you , '' leah muttered . `` the mortals have been transformed at a genetic level , '' abby explained . `` since you 're an expert in that field , we were hoping you could find a way to change them back . '' leah swallowed a pang of disappointment . she knew she was here on business , but for a few minutes , she had hoped that abby wanted to be her friend . here she was , surrounded by vampires , possibly in danger , and she was fretting over hurt feelings ? but everyone always approached her with an agenda . they wanted her brain , her expertise , her learned opinion . no one ever saw her as a normal person to hang out with . `` i was looking forward to working with you . '' abby regarded her sadly . `` and i hoped we could get to know each other . '' leah stared at her . did she know the loneliness of never fitting in ? `` we 'll understand if you refuse , '' roman said . `` but please give it some thought before you decide . if you can help us , you could possibly be saving the lives of over a thousand men . '' over a thousand lives ? that was not something she could turn away from easily . but i need some time . '' `` you 've had a lot thrown at you this evening . '' `` but you 're doing great . '' dr. lee smiled . `` we can relax and enjoy the party now , okay ? '' relax with vampires ? leah glanced at the camera . those watchful eyes she felt - did they belong to a vampire ? had he observed her like a lab mouse trying to find its way through a maze ? unfortunately , the evening was n't over , and she was still in the maze . one step away from a nervous breakdown . `` i 'd rather be alone with abby right now . '' roman stepped back to let her pass . abby headed for the door . `` let 's get some of that chocolate cake . '' `` damn , this is good . '' freemont forked a bite of cake into his mouth as he sauntered into the security office . `` you guys do n't know what you 're missing . '' `` about five thousand calories , '' gregori muttered . dougal eyed freemont 's plate , loaded down with five slices of cake . so he was doing like tino and trying all the flavors . grinning , freemont set the plate on the desk . `` i 'm gon na make this cake my bitch . '' `` while ye 're doing that , keep an eye on the monitors . i 'll leave in a few minutes to update emma on what 's happening . i think everything 's going verra well . '' dougal was n't so sure about that . as he watched leah walk down the corridor , he had a bad feeling she was one step away from full-fledged panic . still , her head was held high and her back was straight . she was a courageous lass , showing fortitude as her safe world crumbled around her . she 'd stood up to everyone in the lab , refusing to let them intimidate her . her strength of character was impressive . `` gregori , ye should go to the party , '' angus continued . `` flirt with yer wife and show dr. chin how charming ye can be . '' gregori scoffed . `` is it too much for ye to handle ? ''
[["leah", 4], ["wince", 11], ["winced", 11], ["ask", 55], ["asking", 55], ["stupid", 62], ["question", 72], ["questions", 72], ["mr", 77], ["smile", 96], ["smiled", 96], ["son", 108], ["ask", 114], ["asked", 114], ["like", 145], ["go", 151], ["goest", 151], ["party", 161], ["may", 177], ["mays", 177], ["mayest", 177], ["might", 177], ["feel", 182], ["well", 189], ["wells", 189], ["eat", 218], ["real", 240], ["reis", 240], ["food", 245], ["foods", 245], ["bunch", 276], ["bunchest", 276], ["dr", 292], ["drs", 292], ["lee", 297], ["lees", 297], ["answer", 306], ["answeres", 306], ["answerest", 306], ["answered", 306], ["giant", 323], ["birthday", 332], ["cake", 337], ["five", 344], ["fived", 344], ["layer", 351], ["layered", 351], ["layers", 351], ["different", 374], ["flavor", 381], ["flavorest", 381], ["accord", 393], ["according", 393], ["chocolate", 417], ["good", 433], ["best", 433], ["snort", 461], ["snortest", 461], ["snorted", 461], ["sure", 476], ["taste", 486], ["tasted", 486], ["layer", 497], ["layered", 497], ["grin", 518], ["grinned", 518], ["see", 534], ["saw", 534], ["smear", 555], ["smearing", 555], ["ice", 574], ["iced", 574], ["icing", 574], ["nose", 586], ["nosed", 586], ["nosing", 586], ["take", 601], ["took", 601], ["deep", 608], ["deeply", 608], ["breath", 615], ["breathest", 615], ["spite", 626], ["spited", 626], ["spites", 626], ["seemingly", 643], ["normal", 650], ["conversation", 668], ["still", 684], ["trouble", 699], ["troubling", 699], ["wrap", 708], ["wraps", 708], ["wrapping", 708], ["mind", 717], ["minding", 717], ["around", 724], ["vampire", 740], ["vampires", 740], ["wife", 751], ["wives", 751], ["child", 764], ["childs", 764], ["children", 764], ["sound", 793], ["sounded", 793], ["good", 798], ["though", 807], ["call", 840], ["roman", 849], ["romans", 849], ["dinner", 881], ["truth", 893], ["find", 904], ["moral", 925], ["dilemma", 933], ["dilemmas", 933], ["always", 949], ["try", 955], ["tryed", 955], ["tried", 955], ["protect", 966], ["protectest", 966], ["mortal", 974], ["mortals", 974], ["bad", 983], ["china", 1020], ["give", 1034], ["giving", 1034], ["major", 1043], ["grief", 1049], ["go", 1059], ["goest", 1059], ["goes", 1059], ["name", 1071], ["master", 1078], ["han", 1082], ["hans", 1082], ["mutate", 1105], ["mutating", 1105], ["use", 1123], ["using", 1123], ["fight", 1137], ["fightest", 1137], ["battle", 1149], ["battles", 1149], ["add", 1168], ["added", 1168], ["need", 1181], ["needest", 1181], ["defeat", 1191], ["defeatest", 1191], ["kill", 1231], ["big", 1263], ["bigs", 1263], ["mutter", 1289], ["muttering", 1289], ["mutterest", 1289], ["muttered", 1289], ["transform", 1328], ["transformed", 1328], ["genetic", 1341], ["genetics", 1341], ["level", 1347], ["explain", 1367], ["explained", 1367], ["since", 1378], ["expert", 1396], ["field", 1410], ["fielding", 1410], ["hope", 1427], ["hoping", 1427], ["way", 1448], ["ways", 1448], ["change", 1458], ["back", 1468], ["swallow", 1488], ["swallows", 1488], ["swallowed", 1488], ["pang", 1495], ["disappointment", 1513], ["know", 1524], ["knowest", 1524], ["knew", 1524], ["business", 1549], ["minute", 1573], ["minutes", 1573], ["hope", 1589], ["hoped", 1589], ["friend", 1623], ["surround", 1651], ["surrounded", 1651], ["danger", 1684], ["fret", 1707], ["fretting", 1707], ["hurt", 1717], ["hurts", 1717], ["hurting", 1717], ["feeling", 1726], ["feelings", 1726], ["everyone", 1741], ["approach", 1759], ["approaches", 1759], ["approached", 1759], ["agenda", 1778], ["brain", 1802], ["brained", 1802], ["braining", 1802], ["expertise", 1818], ["learn", 1832], ["learns", 1832], ["learnt", 1832], ["learned", 1832], ["opinion", 1840], ["ever", 1854], ["everest", 1854], ["person", 1881], ["hang", 1889], ["hung", 1889], ["hangs", 1889], ["look", 1917], ["looking", 1917], ["forward", 1925], ["forwarding", 1925], ["forwardest", 1925], ["work", 1936], ["wrought", 1936], ["working", 1936], ["regard", 1964], ["regarded", 1964], ["sadly", 1974], ["get", 2004], ["know", 2012], ["knowest", 2012], ["stare", 2040], ["stared", 2040], ["loneliness", 2077], ["never", 2086], ["fit", 2094], ["fitting", 2094], ["understand", 2120], ["understanded", 2120], ["refuse", 2134], ["say", 2150], ["sayest", 2150], ["said", 2150], ["please", 2166], ["give", 2171], ["thought", 2187], ["decide", 2205], ["help", 2223], ["helpest", 2223], ["save", 2257], ["saving", 2257], ["life", 2267], ["lifes", 2267], ["lives", 2267], ["thousand", 2286], ["man", 2290], ["mans", 2290], ["manned", 2290], ["men", 2290], ["turn", 2357], ["away", 2362], ["easily", 2374], ["time", 2397], ["lot", 2423], ["throw", 2430], ["thrown", 2430], ["evening", 2450], ["great", 2482], ["relax", 2520], ["relaxed", 2520], ["enjoy", 2530], ["enjoyed", 2530], ["okay", 2551], ["glance", 2591], ["glanced", 2591], ["camera", 2605], ["cameras", 2605], ["watchful", 2622], ["eye", 2627], ["eyed", 2627], ["eyes", 2627], ["feel", 2636], ["felt", 2636], ["belong", 2654], ["belonged", 2654], ["belongest", 2654], ["vampire", 2667], ["observe", 2685], ["observed", 2685], ["lab", 2700], ["labs", 2700], ["mice", 2706], ["mouse", 2706], ["try", 2713], ["tryed", 2713], ["trying", 2713], ["maze", 2744], ["mazes", 2744], ["unfortunately", 2760], ["step", 2830], ["nervous", 2850], ["breakdown", 2860], ["breakdowns", 2860], ["rather", 2877], ["alone", 2886], ["right", 2902], ["rightest", 2902], ["step", 2925], ["stepped", 2925], ["let", 2937], ["lets", 2937], ["pass", 2946], ["head", 2960], ["headed", 2960], ["door", 2973], ["damn", 3030], ["damned", 3030], ["fork", 3066], ["forked", 3066], ["bite", 3073], ["mouth", 3096], ["mouthed", 3096], ["saunter", 3112], ["sauntered", 3112], ["security", 3130], ["office", 3137], ["guy", 3151], ["guys", 3151], ["miss", 3184], ["missing", 3184], ["calorie", 3221], ["calories", 3221], ["plate", 3275], ["plating", 3275], ["load", 3284], ["loaded", 3284], ["slice", 3306], ["slices", 3306], ["flavor", 3369], ["flavorest", 3369], ["flavors", 3369], ["grin", 3380], ["set", 3395], ["desk", 3417], ["gon", 3431], ["na", 3434], ["nas", 3434], ["bitch", 3458], ["ye", 3475], ["yed", 3475], ["keep", 3497], ["keepest", 3497], ["eye", 3504], ["eyed", 3504], ["monitor", 3520], ["monitored", 3520], ["monitors", 3520], ["left", 3534], ["leave", 3534], ["update", 3561], ["updates", 3561], ["emma", 3566], ["emmas", 3566], ["happen", 3587], ["happening", 3587], ["think", 3597], ["thinkest", 3597], ["everything", 3608], ["go", 3617], ["goest", 3617], ["going", 3617], ["well", 3628], ["wells", 3628], ["watch", 3683], ["watched", 3683], ["walk", 3693], ["corridor", 3711], ["feeling", 3734], ["full", 3766], ["fledge", 3774], ["fledged", 3774], ["panic", 3780], ["head", 3799], ["hold", 3808], ["held", 3808], ["high", 3813], ["straight", 3839], ["courageous", 3862], ["lass", 3867], ["show", 3877], ["showing", 3877], ["fortitude", 3887], ["fortitudes", 3887], ["safe", 3899], ["safes", 3899], ["safed", 3899], ["world", 3905], ["crumble", 3914], ["crumbles", 3914], ["crumbled", 3914], ["stand", 3940], ["stood", 3940], ["standest", 3940], ["refuse", 3977], ["refusing", 3977], ["intimidate", 4000], ["strength", 4019], ["character", 4032], ["impressive", 4047], ["angus", 4099], ["continue", 4109], ["continued", 4109], ["flirt", 4120], ["yer", 4129], ["wife", 4134], ["show", 4143], ["chin", 4152], ["charming", 4165], ["scoff", 4196], ["scoffs", 4196], ["scoffed", 4196], ["much", 4216], ["handle", 4233]]
gregori gave him a wry look . `` i 'm always charming . '' show the doctor how harmless we are . meek as lambs , as dougal puts it . '' angus 's eyes narrowed on dougal . `` ye should go with him . she might feel better knowing who was behind the camera . '' each time she 'd glanced at the camera with that defiant , reproachful look , his heart had squeezed in his chest . he knew in his soul that she had resented being observed while everything she held safe and secure had been stripped away from her . he 'd been torn the entire time . part of him had wanted to turn away and give her the privacy she deserved . but a larger part had kept him glued to the screen , hoping somehow that his presence would lend her strength , that he could lessen her pain by sharing it . he knew too well the pain of losing everything . he watched on the monitor as she crossed the foyer with abby . he was still torn . his heart was thudding wildly at the thought of meeting her in person . she was the most intriguing woman he 'd seen in centuries . but his mind was telling him to wait . if it snapped , she would run and never come back . `` i 'm no ' sure she wants to meet any more vamps for a while . '' `` i 'll call abby and see what she thinks . '' gregori opened the office door . `` come on , dougal . `` remember , '' angus said , `` we 're as meek as lambs . '' `` and randy as goats , '' gregori added with a laugh . he slapped dougal on the back . chapter four leah was greatly relieved to see that all the adult partygoers had gravitated to the far side of the room . they were so focused on opening presents and watching the children that they barely gave her and abby any notice . at the first refreshment table , she loaded cheese , crackers , and fruit onto a small plate while abby poured two cups of punch . popping a pineapple chunk into her mouth , she glanced warily at the crowd across the room . how many of them were vampires ? and how on earth did vampires have babies ? did those pretty little children shoot fangs out on occasion and transform into bloodthirsty monsters ? mommy , i just killed the nanny . can i have a cookie ? with a shudder , her gaze shifted to the foyer . maybe she should say she needed to go to the restroom , then she could sneak out the front door and call a cab . but it would take time for a cab to arrive . could she slip past the guarded front gate , or would she have to climb the wall ? would they let her leave ? she knew their big secret . and they claimed to need her help . abby passed her a cup of fruit punch . leah took a sip . if i help you , i could save over a thousand lives ? '' she drank some punch . `` if you recall , there were three microscopes in the lab . the first one , the one you looked at , showed a blood sample from gregori . the second one is from roman 's son , tino . and the third is from one of master han 's soldiers . you 're welcome to look at them whenever you 're ready . '' `` i 'm afraid i 'm not taking this very well . '' abby patted her shoulder , then headed toward the second table . `` come on , let 's check out the desserts . '' leah followed her , but instead of admiring the giant cake , her gaze drifted back to the crowd across the room . there were two men in kilts ? the last man she 'd seen in a kilt had been her irish grandfather . a wave of grief swept over her with the vague memory of a haunting melody . no one had enjoyed life as much as grandpa , so it seemed like sacrilege for the undead to dress the same way . each of the kilted men held a young child in his arms . `` are all the children half vampire ? '' `` the kids like tino are . did you want to go back to the lab and see his blood work ? '' leah gave her a wry look . `` was that the plan all along ? appeal to my curiosity to lure me in ? '' `` well , you have to admit it 's all fascinating . to even consider vampires as real - i 'm either crazy or dreaming . '' leah ate a cube of cheese . cheddar , sharp and creamy . would it taste this real if she were dreaming ? but the alternative was she was crazy . and that conclusion put her one step closer to utter panic . she glanced at the third refreshment table . it was covered with bottles and empty flutes and wineglasses . `` is that synthetic blood ? '' abby bit into a chocolate-covered strawberry . `` the bottles on ice are bubbly blood , a combination of synthetic blood and champagne .
[["give", 12], ["gave", 12], ["wry", 22], ["look", 27], ["always", 44], ["charming", 53], ["show", 63], ["doctor", 74], ["doctorest", 74], ["doctoring", 74], ["harmless", 87], ["meek", 101], ["lamb", 110], ["lambed", 110], ["lambs", 110], ["put", 127], ["puts", 127], ["angus", 141], ["eye", 149], ["eyed", 149], ["eyes", 149], ["narrow", 158], ["narrowed", 158], ["ye", 176], ["yed", 176], ["go", 186], ["goest", 186], ["may", 207], ["mays", 207], ["mayest", 207], ["might", 207], ["feel", 212], ["well", 219], ["wells", 219], ["know", 227], ["knowest", 227], ["knowing", 227], ["behind", 242], ["camera", 253], ["cameras", 253], ["time", 268], ["glance", 283], ["glanced", 283], ["defiant", 315], ["reproachful", 329], ["heart", 346], ["squeeze", 359], ["squeezes", 359], ["squeezed", 359], ["chest", 372], ["know", 382], ["knowest", 382], ["knew", 382], ["soul", 394], ["resent", 416], ["resentest", 416], ["resented", 416], ["observe", 431], ["observed", 431], ["everything", 448], ["hold", 457], ["held", 457], ["safe", 462], ["safes", 462], ["safed", 462], ["secure", 473], ["securest", 473], ["strip", 491], ["stripped", 491], ["away", 496], ["tear", 523], ["teared", 523], ["torn", 523], ["entire", 534], ["part", 546], ["parting", 546], ["turn", 572], ["give", 586], ["privacy", 602], ["deserve", 615], ["deserved", 615], ["large", 630], ["larger", 630], ["keep", 644], ["keepest", 644], ["kept", 644], ["glue", 654], ["glued", 654], ["screen", 668], ["screening", 668], ["hope", 677], ["hoping", 677], ["somehow", 685], ["presence", 703], ["lend", 714], ["strength", 727], ["lessen", 750], ["pain", 759], ["share", 770], ["well", 792], ["wells", 792], ["lose", 811], ["losing", 811], ["watch", 835], ["watched", 835], ["monitor", 850], ["monitored", 850], ["cross", 865], ["crossing", 865], ["crossed", 865], ["foyer", 875], ["still", 900], ["thud", 930], ["wildly", 937], ["thought", 952], ["meet", 963], ["meeted", 963], ["person", 977], ["intriguing", 1007], ["woman", 1013], ["womans", 1013], ["see", 1024], ["seen", 1024], ["century", 1037], ["centuries", 1037], ["mind", 1052], ["minding", 1052], ["tell", 1064], ["telling", 1064], ["wait", 1076], ["waitest", 1076], ["snap", 1092], ["snapping", 1092], ["snapped", 1092], ["run", 1108], ["never", 1118], ["come", 1123], ["back", 1128], ["sure", 1148], ["meet", 1166], ["meeted", 1166], ["vamp", 1181], ["vamped", 1181], ["call", 1212], ["see", 1225], ["think", 1241], ["thinkest", 1241], ["thinks", 1241], ["open", 1261], ["opened", 1261], ["office", 1272], ["door", 1277], ["remember", 1313], ["rememberest", 1313], ["say", 1329], ["sayest", 1329], ["said", 1329], ["randy", 1376], ["goat", 1385], ["goats", 1385], ["add", 1404], ["added", 1404], ["laugh", 1417], ["slap", 1430], ["slaps", 1430], ["slapped", 1430], ["chapter", 1459], ["four", 1464], ["leah", 1469], ["greatly", 1481], ["relieve", 1490], ["relieved", 1490], ["adult", 1516], ["partygoer", 1527], ["partygoers", 1527], ["gravitate", 1542], ["gravitates", 1542], ["far", 1553], ["side", 1558], ["sidest", 1558], ["room", 1570], ["roomed", 1570], ["open", 1604], ["present", 1613], ["presentest", 1613], ["presents", 1613], ["watch", 1626], ["watching", 1626], ["child", 1639], ["childs", 1639], ["children", 1639], ["barely", 1656], ["notice", 1685], ["first", 1700], ["firstest", 1700], ["refreshment", 1712], ["table", 1718], ["tabled", 1718], ["tabling", 1718], ["load", 1731], ["loaded", 1731], ["cheese", 1738], ["cheesed", 1738], ["cheesing", 1738], ["cracker", 1749], ["crackers", 1749], ["fruit", 1761], ["onto", 1766], ["ontos", 1766], ["small", 1774], ["plate", 1780], ["plating", 1780], ["pour", 1798], ["poured", 1798], ["two", 1802], ["twos", 1802], ["cup", 1807], ["cups", 1807], ["punch", 1816], ["punching", 1816], ["pop", 1826], ["popping", 1826], ["pineapple", 1838], ["pineappled", 1838], ["chunk", 1844], ["chunked", 1844], ["mouth", 1859], ["mouthed", 1859], ["warily", 1880], ["crowd", 1893], ["crowding", 1893], ["crowdest", 1893], ["across", 1900], ["many", 1920], ["vampire", 1942], ["vampires", 1942], ["earth", 1961], ["earths", 1961], ["earthest", 1961], ["baby", 1986], ["babies", 1986], ["pretty", 2005], ["prettiest", 2005], ["little", 2012], ["shoot", 2027], ["shooted", 2027], ["fang", 2033], ["fangs", 2033], ["occasion", 2049], ["transform", 2063], ["bloodthirsty", 2081], ["monster", 2090], ["monsters", 2090], ["mommy", 2098], ["kill", 2114], ["killed", 2114], ["nanny", 2124], ["cookie", 2146], ["cookied", 2146], ["shudder", 2163], ["shuddering", 2163], ["shudderest", 2163], ["gaze", 2174], ["gazes", 2174], ["shift", 2182], ["shifted", 2182], ["maybe", 2203], ["say", 2218], ["sayest", 2218], ["need", 2229], ["needest", 2229], ["needed", 2229], ["restroom", 2251], ["sneak", 2274], ["sneakest", 2274], ["front", 2288], ["cab", 2308], ["cabs", 2308], ["take", 2328], ["arrive", 2353], ["slip", 2370], ["past", 2375], ["guard", 2387], ["guarded", 2387], ["gate", 2398], ["gates", 2398], ["climb", 2427], ["wall", 2436], ["let", 2453], ["lets", 2453], ["left", 2463], ["leave", 2463], ["big", 2484], ["bigs", 2484], ["secret", 2491], ["claim", 2510], ["claimed", 2510], ["need", 2518], ["needest", 2518], ["help", 2527], ["helpest", 2527], ["pass", 2541], ["passed", 2541], ["cup", 2551], ["take", 2578], ["took", 2578], ["sip", 2584], ["save", 2615], ["thousand", 2631], ["life", 2637], ["lifes", 2637], ["lives", 2637], ["drank", 2652], ["drink", 2652], ["drinking", 2652], ["recall", 2682], ["recallest", 2682], ["three", 2701], ["microscope", 2713], ["microscopes", 2713], ["lab", 2724], ["labs", 2724], ["look", 2761], ["looked", 2761], ["show", 2773], ["showed", 2773], ["blood", 2781], ["bloods", 2781], ["blooded", 2781], ["sample", 2788], ["sampling", 2788], ["second", 2814], ["seconded", 2814], ["roman", 2832], ["romans", 2832], ["son", 2839], ["third", 2862], ["master", 2884], ["han", 2888], ["hans", 2888], ["soldier", 2900], ["soldiered", 2900], ["soldiers", 2900], ["welcome", 2918], ["whenever", 2943], ["ready", 2957], ["afraid", 2977], ["take", 2993], ["taking", 2993], ["pat", 3025], ["patted", 3025], ["shoulder", 3038], ["shouldered", 3038], ["head", 3052], ["headed", 3052], ["toward", 3059], ["check", 3104], ["dessert", 3121], ["desserts", 3121], ["follow", 3140], ["followed", 3140], ["instead", 3158], ["admire", 3170], ["admiring", 3170], ["giant", 3180], ["cake", 3185], ["drift", 3204], ["drifting", 3204], ["drifted", 3204], ["man", 3259], ["mans", 3259], ["manned", 3259], ["men", 3259], ["kilt", 3268], ["kilts", 3268], ["last", 3279], ["man", 3283], ["mans", 3283], ["manned", 3283], ["kilt", 3305], ["kilts", 3305], ["irish", 3324], ["grandfather", 3336], ["wave", 3345], ["waved", 3345], ["grief", 3354], ["sweep", 3360], ["swept", 3360], ["vague", 3384], ["memory", 3391], ["memories", 3391], ["haunt", 3405], ["haunted", 3405], ["hauntest", 3405], ["haunting", 3405], ["melody", 3412], ["melodies", 3412], ["enjoy", 3433], ["enjoyed", 3433], ["life", 3438], ["lifes", 3438], ["much", 3446], ["grandpa", 3457], ["grandpas", 3457], ["seem", 3472], ["seeming", 3472], ["seemed", 3472], ["like", 3477], ["sacrilege", 3487], ["undead", 3502], ["dress", 3511], ["dressest", 3511], ["way", 3524], ["ways", 3524], ["young", 3562], ["youngest", 3562], ["child", 3568], ["childs", 3568], ["arm", 3580], ["arms", 3580], ["half", 3611], ["vampire", 3619], ["kid", 3636], ["kids", 3636], ["work", 3710], ["wrought", 3710], ["plan", 3763], ["along", 3773], ["appeal", 3782], ["curiosity", 3798], ["lure", 3806], ["admit", 3845], ["fascinating", 3867], ["even", 3877], ["evens", 3877], ["consider", 3886], ["real", 3903], ["reis", 3903], ["either", 3917], ["crazy", 3923], ["dream", 3935], ["dreamt", 3935], ["dreamest", 3935], ["dreaming", 3935], ["eat", 3949], ["ate", 3949], ["cube", 3956], ["cubed", 3956], ["cheddar", 3976], ["sharp", 3984], ["sharps", 3984], ["creamy", 3995], ["taste", 4012], ["alternative", 4065], ["conclusion", 4105], ["put", 4109], ["step", 4122], ["close", 4129], ["closer", 4129], ["utter", 4138], ["uttered", 4138], ["uttering", 4138], ["panic", 4144], ["cover", 4206], ["covered", 4206], ["bottle", 4219], ["bottled", 4219], ["bottles", 4219], ["empty", 4229], ["flute", 4236], ["fluting", 4236], ["flutes", 4236], ["wineglass", 4252], ["wineglasses", 4252], ["synthetic", 4275], ["bit", 4295], ["bits", 4295], ["chocolate", 4312], ["strawberry", 4331], ["ice", 4355], ["iced", 4355], ["bubbly", 4366], ["combination", 4388], ["champagne", 4421]]
roman 's invented a whole menu of vampire fusion cuisine . bleer that 's half beer . blissky that 's half whisky . `` vampires like to get drunk ? '' `` i 've seen gregori overindulge . '' a humming noise emanated from her pants pocket , and she retrieved her cell phone . `` oh , that 's him now . '' smiling , she put the phone to her ear . leah shuddered . sweetie bloodsucker ? after a pause , abby frowned . give us some time , okay ? '' `` i did n't think you wanted to visit with any more vamps for a while . '' leah glanced again at the vampires across the room . they were smiling and chatting like normal people . `` why are some guys wearing kilts ? '' `` they 're scottish . '' abby scanned the crowd . `` that 's robby mackay and ian macphie . they 're security guys . '' leah pivoted around till she spotted the camera with its red blinking light . if she dashed out the front door , would she be chased down by a vampire in a kilt ? `` if i do n't accept this , they 're going to erase my memory again , are n't they ? '' when abby was silent , leah turned toward her . `` is it that hard to accept ? '' leah 's heart raced . what was hard to accept was the way she felt trapped . it was like they were holding her brain hostage . play along or have it tampered with . with trembling hands she set her cup and plate on the table . `` leah , no one will hurt you , '' abby assured her , her voice sounding muffled and far away . a wave of dizziness blurred leah 's vision , but she shook it away . she 'd rather make a run for it than faint . better to show strength than weakness . she turned toward the entrance , desperately gathering her energy and courage for the mad dash to the foyer and front door ... and froze . gregori paused in the entrance , spotted her and abby , and waved . another man joined him . a short man in a lab coat . he raised a hand in greeting , giving her a hopeful smile . leah 's heart thundered in her ears . the lab mouse was thoroughly caught in the maze . the guppy had been tossed into an aquarium with sharks . welcome to your new world . a third man moved into view , and her breath caught . he was large , his shoulders easily taking up half the entrance . another security guy ? why was he blocking the door ? did he know she was about to make a break for it ? her gaze lifted past his wide chest and impossibly broad shoulders to his face . straight through her as if he could see her soul . he shrugged his right shoulder . her back tingled as if she could feel his green eyes boring right through her , sharp emeralds slicing through her defenses till she was laid completely bare . the thundering in her ears grew quiet . a strange sense of calm stole over her , a sense of inevitability , as if her entire life had ticked away slowly for the sole purpose of arriving at this one moment in time . she knew without a doubt who he was . she 'd felt him watching her all evening . he was the man behind the camera . leah chin had taken one look at him and turned away . he rolled his shoulder once again where the damned tattoo continued to sizzle with warmth . `` dr. lee and roman think it 's going well , '' laszlo said . she was ready to bolt . dougal could see the tension in her stance , feel the aura of desperation radiating from her . she was a brave lass , but her courage was being taxed to its limit . it made him want to pull her into his arms , though he doubted she 'd accept comfort from a vamp . `` ye doona think it is wrong to drag her into our world ? '' laszlo twisted a button . `` we need her help . she 's absolutely brilliant in her field of expertise . '' `` she speaks mandarin , too , '' gregori added . `` in case we need to go back to china . '' dougal stiffened . `` ye would take her on a mission ? she shouldna be put into a dangerous situation because of our problems . '' `` relax , dude , '' gregori told him . `` as long as we 've got the prisoner in the silver room , she 'll be able to work here . '' laszlo nodded . `` i 'm looking forward to working with her . '' with a grin , gregori elbowed the short chemist . `` admit it , bro . you 're crushing on her big time . '' laszlo blushed . `` well , she is a genius . very pretty , too . ''
[["roman", 5], ["romans", 5], ["invent", 17], ["inventest", 17], ["invented", 17], ["whole", 25], ["wholes", 25], ["menu", 30], ["menus", 30], ["vampire", 41], ["fusion", 48], ["cuisine", 56], ["cuisines", 56], ["half", 77], ["beer", 82], ["whisky", 112], ["vampire", 126], ["vampires", 126], ["like", 131], ["get", 138], ["drunk", 144], ["see", 163], ["seen", 163], ["overindulge", 183], ["noise", 204], ["emanate", 213], ["emanated", 213], ["pant", 228], ["pants", 228], ["pocket", 235], ["pocketing", 235], ["retrieve", 255], ["retrieved", 255], ["cell", 264], ["phone", 270], ["oh", 278], ["smile", 309], ["smiling", 309], ["put", 319], ["ear", 340], ["leah", 347], ["shudder", 357], ["shuddering", 357], ["shudderest", 357], ["shuddered", 357], ["sweetie", 367], ["bloodsucker", 379], ["pause", 395], ["frown", 410], ["frowns", 410], ["frowned", 410], ["give", 417], ["time", 430], ["okay", 437], ["think", 461], ["thinkest", 461], ["visit", 481], ["vamp", 501], ["vamped", 501], ["glance", 531], ["glanced", 531], ["across", 560], ["room", 569], ["roomed", 569], ["chat", 602], ["chating", 602], ["chatting", 602], ["normal", 614], ["people", 621], ["guy", 644], ["guys", 644], ["wear", 652], ["wearing", 652], ["kilt", 658], ["kilts", 658], ["scottish", 684], ["scan", 702], ["scans", 702], ["scanning", 702], ["scanned", 702], ["crowd", 712], ["crowding", 712], ["crowdest", 712], ["robby", 731], ["ian", 746], ["security", 774], ["pivot", 797], ["pivoted", 797], ["around", 804], ["till", 809], ["spot", 821], ["spotted", 821], ["camera", 832], ["cameras", 832], ["red", 845], ["lit", 860], ["light", 860], ["dash", 876], ["dashed", 876], ["front", 890], ["door", 895], ["chase", 917], ["chased", 917], ["kilt", 945], ["kilts", 945], ["accept", 969], ["go", 991], ["goest", 991], ["going", 991], ["erase", 1000], ["memory", 1010], ["memories", 1010], ["silent", 1057], ["turn", 1071], ["turned", 1071], ["toward", 1078], ["hard", 1103], ["heart", 1132], ["race", 1138], ["racing", 1138], ["raced", 1138], ["way", 1176], ["ways", 1176], ["feel", 1185], ["felt", 1185], ["trap", 1193], ["trapped", 1193], ["hold", 1225], ["holding", 1225], ["brain", 1235], ["brained", 1235], ["braining", 1235], ["hostage", 1243], ["play", 1250], ["playest", 1250], ["along", 1256], ["tamper", 1276], ["tampered", 1276], ["tremble", 1298], ["trembles", 1298], ["hand", 1304], ["hands", 1304], ["set", 1312], ["cup", 1320], ["plate", 1330], ["plating", 1330], ["table", 1343], ["tabled", 1343], ["tabling", 1343], ["hurt", 1372], ["hurts", 1372], ["hurting", 1372], ["assure", 1394], ["assured", 1394], ["voice", 1410], ["sound", 1419], ["sounding", 1419], ["muffle", 1427], ["muffles", 1427], ["muffled", 1427], ["far", 1435], ["away", 1440], ["wave", 1449], ["waved", 1449], ["dizziness", 1462], ["blur", 1470], ["blurs", 1470], ["blurred", 1470], ["vision", 1485], ["shake", 1501], ["shook", 1501], ["rather", 1525], ["run", 1536], ["faint", 1554], ["well", 1563], ["wells", 1563], ["show", 1571], ["strength", 1580], ["weakness", 1594], ["entrance", 1627], ["entrancing", 1627], ["desperately", 1641], ["gather", 1651], ["gatherest", 1651], ["energy", 1662], ["courage", 1674], ["mad", 1686], ["mads", 1686], ["dash", 1691], ["foyer", 1704], ["froze", 1733], ["freeze", 1733], ["frozen", 1733], ["freezing", 1733], ["pause", 1750], ["paused", 1750], ["wave", 1801], ["waved", 1801], ["another", 1811], ["man", 1815], ["mans", 1815], ["manned", 1815], ["join", 1822], ["joinest", 1822], ["joined", 1822], ["short", 1836], ["lab", 1849], ["labs", 1849], ["coat", 1854], ["raise", 1866], ["raised", 1866], ["hand", 1873], ["greeting", 1885], ["give", 1894], ["giving", 1894], ["hopeful", 1908], ["smile", 1914], ["thunder", 1940], ["thundered", 1940], ["ear", 1952], ["ears", 1952], ["mice", 1968], ["mouse", 1968], ["thoroughly", 1983], ["catch", 1990], ["catched", 1990], ["catches", 1990], ["caught", 1990], ["maze", 2002], ["mazes", 2002], ["guppy", 2014], ["toss", 2030], ["tossed", 2030], ["aquarium", 2047], ["shark", 2059], ["sharks", 2059], ["welcome", 2069], ["new", 2081], ["world", 2087], ["third", 2097], ["move", 2107], ["moved", 2107], ["view", 2117], ["viewest", 2117], ["breath", 2134], ["breathest", 2134], ["large", 2156], ["shoulder", 2172], ["shouldered", 2172], ["shoulders", 2172], ["easily", 2179], ["take", 2186], ["taking", 2186], ["guy", 2230], ["block", 2252], ["blocks", 2252], ["blocking", 2252], ["know", 2275], ["knowest", 2275], ["broke", 2305], ["break", 2305], ["gaze", 2323], ["gazes", 2323], ["lift", 2330], ["lifted", 2330], ["past", 2335], ["wide", 2344], ["chest", 2350], ["impossibly", 2365], ["broad", 2371], ["broads", 2371], ["face", 2393], ["straight", 2404], ["see", 2435], ["soul", 2444], ["shrug", 2458], ["shrugging", 2458], ["shrugged", 2458], ["right", 2468], ["rightest", 2468], ["shoulder", 2477], ["shouldered", 2477], ["back", 2488], ["tingle", 2496], ["tingles", 2496], ["feel", 2517], ["green", 2527], ["greens", 2527], ["eye", 2532], ["eyed", 2532], ["eyes", 2532], ["bore", 2539], ["bored", 2539], ["boring", 2539], ["sharp", 2565], ["sharps", 2565], ["emerald", 2574], ["emeralds", 2574], ["slice", 2582], ["slicing", 2582], ["defense", 2603], ["defenses", 2603], ["lay", 2621], ["lays", 2621], ["layed", 2621], ["layest", 2621], ["laid", 2621], ["completely", 2632], ["bare", 2637], ["thunder", 2654], ["thundering", 2654], ["grow", 2671], ["growest", 2671], ["grew", 2671], ["quiet", 2677], ["strange", 2689], ["sense", 2695], ["calm", 2703], ["calms", 2703], ["steal", 2709], ["stole", 2709], ["inevitability", 2745], ["entire", 2764], ["life", 2769], ["lifes", 2769], ["tick", 2780], ["ticked", 2780], ["slowly", 2792], ["sole", 2805], ["purpose", 2813], ["arrive", 2825], ["arriving", 2825], ["moment", 2844], ["know", 2863], ["knowest", 2863], ["knew", 2863], ["without", 2871], ["doubt", 2879], ["watch", 2917], ["watching", 2917], ["evening", 2933], ["behind", 2957], ["chin", 2980], ["take", 2990], ["taken", 2990], ["look", 2999], ["roll", 3034], ["rolled", 3034], ["damn", 3075], ["damned", 3075], ["tattoo", 3082], ["tattoos", 3082], ["tattooing", 3082], ["continue", 3092], ["continued", 3092], ["sizzle", 3102], ["sizzles", 3102], ["warmth", 3114], ["dr", 3122], ["drs", 3122], ["lee", 3127], ["lees", 3127], ["well", 3160], ["wells", 3160], ["say", 3177], ["sayest", 3177], ["said", 3177], ["ready", 3193], ["bolt", 3201], ["bolts", 3201], ["bolted", 3201], ["tension", 3232], ["stance", 3246], ["aura", 3262], ["auras", 3262], ["desperation", 3277], ["radiate", 3287], ["radiates", 3287], ["radiating", 3287], ["brave", 3314], ["lass", 3319], ["tax", 3353], ["taxed", 3353], ["limit", 3366], ["limited", 3366], ["pull", 3393], ["arm", 3411], ["arms", 3411], ["though", 3420], ["doubt", 3431], ["doubted", 3431], ["comfort", 3453], ["vamp", 3465], ["vamped", 3465], ["ye", 3473], ["yed", 3473], ["doona", 3479], ["doonas", 3479], ["wrong", 3497], ["drag", 3505], ["twist", 3544], ["twisted", 3544], ["twisting", 3544], ["button", 3553], ["buttoning", 3553], ["need", 3566], ["needest", 3566], ["help", 3575], ["helpest", 3575], ["absolutely", 3595], ["brilliant", 3605], ["field", 3618], ["fielding", 3618], ["expertise", 3631], ["speak", 3650], ["spoken", 3650], ["speaks", 3650], ["mandarin", 3659], ["mandarins", 3659], ["add", 3684], ["added", 3684], ["case", 3697], ["go", 3711], ["goest", 3711], ["china", 3725], ["stiffen", 3747], ["stiffens", 3747], ["stiffened", 3747], ["take", 3766], ["mission", 3783], ["shouldna", 3798], ["dangerous", 3822], ["situation", 3832], ["problem", 3856], ["problems", 3856], ["relax", 3870], ["relaxed", 3870], ["dude", 3877], ["tell", 3895], ["told", 3895], ["long", 3912], ["longs", 3912], ["get", 3926], ["got", 3926], ["prisoner", 3939], ["silver", 3953], ["silvered", 3953], ["able", 3976], ["abled", 3976], ["work", 3984], ["wrought", 3984], ["nod", 4008], ["nodded", 4008], ["look", 4026], ["looking", 4026], ["forward", 4034], ["forwarding", 4034], ["forwardest", 4034], ["work", 4045], ["wrought", 4045], ["working", 4045], ["grin", 4071], ["elbow", 4089], ["elbowing", 4089], ["elbowed", 4089], ["chemist", 4107], ["admit", 4118], ["bro", 4127], ["crush", 4146], ["crushest", 4146], ["crushing", 4146], ["big", 4157], ["bigs", 4157], ["blush", 4182], ["blushes", 4182], ["blushed", 4182], ["genius", 4210], ["pretty", 4224], ["prettiest", 4224]]
dougal 's prosthetic hand fisted , and he hid it behind his back . unfortunately , leah chose that precise moment to glance at him . she looked away quickly before he could wipe the angry scowl off his face . she would think he hated her , when in truth - what was the truth ? he desperately wanted her to be the girl he 'd lost almost three hundreds years ago ? and an insult to this lass who was brave , bright , and beautiful in her own right . `` i could give you a few pointers , '' gregori offered . laszlo tugged harder at the button . `` i - i 'm not sure if she would welcome any attention from me . '' `` if you want her , you got ta go for her . '' the button popped off and clattered onto the marble floor . when laszlo bent over to retrieve it , his unruly hair flopped over his eyes . he pushed his hair back and stuffed the button in his pocket . gregori patted him on the back . i 'll get you ready for her . '' the hell you will . dougal tensed , his hand still fisted . should he declare his intentions ? what intentions ? if it were up to him , he 'd let the poor girl escape . `` what you need , dude , is a makeover , '' gregori announced . `` i 'll set you up with wilson over at the digital vampire network . he 's the one who makes regular vamps look like tv stars . '' `` h-he can make me look good ? '' laszlo asked . `` he does my hair . '' gregori smoothed a hand over his perfect hair . `` he 'll update your wardrobe , too . no offense , bro , but you 're looking ... well , like a nerd . '' laszlo glanced down at his plaid shirt , plastic pocket protector , and khaki pants belted high at the waist . `` something 's wrong with my clothes ? '' gregori heaved a sigh . `` you need help , bro . '' he glanced over at dougal . `` it would n't hurt you to update , too , you know . how long have you been wearing that kilt ? a couple of hundred years ? '' dougal scoffed. `` 't is new . '' he 'd ordered it in glasgow a few years back . well , ten years . he finally managed to relax his prosthetic hand . `` and the poufy shirt ? '' gregori eyed it askance . `` did you steal that off a pirate ? '' dougal had had his share of scuffles with pirates , but never over a shirt . gregori 's mouth twitched . `` we should trade your bionic hand in for a hook and get you an eye patch . then you 'd really look like a pirate . you already have the long , wild hair . '' `` 't is no ' wild , '' dougal grumbled . he 'd tied it back with a strip of leather . he glanced over at leah and discovered her looking at him . for the first time in centuries , he wondered what a woman saw when she looked at him . did he actually look like a bloody pirate ? `` what am i going to do with you guys ? '' `` laszlo looks like a dork , and you - dougal , you got ta lose the skirt , the poufy shirt , and the hairy handbag . that thing is scary . '' dougal glanced down at his sporran , made of black muskrat fur. `` 't is verra practical . where else would i keep my coin ? '' `` pockets ! '' gregori gave him an incredulous look . `` have you heard of those ? sheesh , dude , you 're medieval . '' `` i 'm no ' medieval . '' `` dougal , you 're accessorizing with a dead animal . '' `` i 'm no ' medieval . i was transformed after the battle of culloden in 1746 . 't was called the age of enlightenment , in case ye dinna know . '' `` you fought for bonnie prince charlie ? how enlightened was that ? '' dougal gritted his teeth . `` i fought for freedom from english tyranny . as a bloody yank , ye should understand that . '' but i 'm telling you , man , if you want to find a woman , you need to upgrade . '' `` i bet you need some practice , too . he took off across the foyer and down the hallway . laszlo fiddled with another button . `` what is he up to ? '' `` no good , most likely . '' dougal looked at leah . she was nibbling on a strawberry and casting curious glances at the crowd of vamps across the room . `` are ye serious about her ? '' `` i-i 'm not sure , '' laszlo answered quietly .
[["prosthetic", 20], ["hand", 25], ["fisted", 32], ["fisting", 32], ["hides", 45], ["hid", 45], ["behind", 55], ["back", 64], ["unfortunately", 80], ["leah", 87], ["choose", 93], ["chose", 93], ["precise", 106], ["moment", 113], ["glance", 123], ["look", 143], ["looked", 143], ["away", 148], ["quickly", 156], ["wipe", 177], ["angry", 187], ["scowl", 193], ["scowls", 193], ["scowling", 193], ["scowlest", 193], ["face", 206], ["think", 224], ["thinkest", 224], ["hate", 233], ["hateed", 233], ["hated", 233], ["truth", 253], ["desperately", 291], ["girl", 317], ["lose", 328], ["lost", 328], ["almost", 335], ["three", 341], ["hundred", 350], ["hundreds", 350], ["year", 356], ["years", 356], ["ago", 360], ["insult", 376], ["insultest", 376], ["lass", 389], ["brave", 403], ["bright", 412], ["brights", 412], ["beautiful", 428], ["beautifulest", 428], ["right", 445], ["rightest", 445], ["give", 463], ["pointer", 482], ["offer", 503], ["offered", 503], ["tug", 519], ["tugging", 519], ["tugged", 519], ["hard", 526], ["button", 540], ["buttoning", 540], ["sure", 563], ["welcome", 584], ["attention", 598], ["get", 640], ["got", 640], ["ta", 643], ["go", 646], ["goest", 646], ["pop", 677], ["popped", 677], ["clatter", 695], ["clattered", 695], ["onto", 700], ["ontos", 700], ["marble", 711], ["floor", 717], ["bent", 736], ["retrieve", 753], ["unruly", 769], ["hair", 774], ["flop", 782], ["flops", 782], ["flopping", 782], ["flopped", 782], ["eye", 796], ["eyed", 796], ["eyes", 796], ["push", 808], ["pushed", 808], ["stuff", 834], ["stuffed", 834], ["pocket", 859], ["pocketing", 859], ["pat", 876], ["patted", 876], ["get", 904], ["ready", 914], ["hell", 936], ["hells", 936], ["still", 978], ["declare", 1005], ["intention", 1020], ["intentions", 1020], ["let", 1073], ["lets", 1073], ["poor", 1082], ["escape", 1094], ["escapes", 1094], ["need", 1113], ["needest", 1113], ["dude", 1120], ["makeover", 1136], ["announce", 1159], ["announced", 1159], ["set", 1174], ["wilson", 1193], ["digital", 1213], ["vampire", 1221], ["network", 1229], ["networked", 1229], ["networking", 1229], ["regular", 1263], ["regulars", 1263], ["vamp", 1269], ["vamped", 1269], ["look", 1274], ["like", 1279], ["tv", 1282], ["star", 1288], ["starred", 1288], ["stars", 1288], ["h", 1298], ["good", 1323], ["ask", 1341], ["asked", 1341], ["smooth", 1384], ["smoothed", 1384], ["perfect", 1408], ["perfectest", 1408], ["update", 1432], ["updates", 1432], ["wardrobe", 1446], ["wardrobed", 1446], ["wardrobes", 1446], ["offense", 1465], ["bro", 1471], ["look", 1493], ["looking", 1493], ["well", 1502], ["wells", 1502], ["nerd", 1516], ["glance", 1536], ["glanced", 1536], ["plaid", 1554], ["shirt", 1560], ["plastic", 1570], ["protector", 1587], ["khaki", 1599], ["khakis", 1599], ["pant", 1605], ["pants", 1605], ["belt", 1612], ["belts", 1612], ["belted", 1612], ["beltest", 1612], ["belting", 1612], ["high", 1617], ["waist", 1630], ["wrong", 1654], ["clad", 1670], ["clothe", 1670], ["clothes", 1670], ["heave", 1690], ["heaves", 1690], ["heaving", 1690], ["heaved", 1690], ["sigh", 1697], ["sighest", 1697], ["help", 1716], ["helpest", 1716], ["hurt", 1776], ["hurts", 1776], ["hurting", 1776], ["know", 1807], ["knowest", 1807], ["long", 1818], ["longs", 1818], ["wear", 1840], ["wearing", 1840], ["kilt", 1850], ["kilts", 1850], ["couple", 1861], ["hundred", 1872], ["new", 1912], ["order", 1931], ["orderest", 1931], ["ordered", 1931], ["glasgow", 1945], ["ten", 1975], ["finally", 1994], ["manage", 2002], ["managed", 2002], ["relax", 2011], ["relaxed", 2011], ["poufy", 2050], ["eye", 2074], ["eyed", 2074], ["askance", 2085], ["steal", 2104], ["stole", 2104], ["pirate", 2122], ["share", 2152], ["scuffle", 2164], ["scuffles", 2164], ["pirate", 2177], ["pirates", 2177], ["never", 2189], ["mouth", 2221], ["mouthed", 2221], ["twitch", 2230], ["twitchest", 2230], ["twitching", 2230], ["twitched", 2230], ["trade", 2251], ["bionic", 2263], ["hook", 2282], ["eye", 2301], ["eyed", 2301], ["patch", 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2982], ["pocket", 2998], ["pocketing", 2998], ["pockets", 2998], ["give", 3016], ["gave", 3016], ["incredulous", 3035], ["hear", 3060], ["hears", 3060], ["heard", 3060], ["sheesh", 3078], ["medieval", 3104], ["accessorize", 3170], ["dead", 3182], ["animal", 3189], ["transform", 3236], ["transformed", 3236], ["battle", 3253], ["call", 3289], ["called", 3289], ["age", 3297], ["aged", 3297], ["enlightenment", 3314], ["case", 3324], ["ye", 3327], ["yed", 3327], ["dinna", 3333], ["fight", 3357], ["fightest", 3357], ["fought", 3357], ["bonnie", 3368], ["prince", 3375], ["charlie", 3383], ["enlighten", 3401], ["enlightened", 3401], ["grit", 3430], ["gritted", 3430], ["tooth", 3440], ["teeth", 3440], ["freedom", 3466], ["english", 3479], ["englishest", 3479], ["tyranny", 3487], ["yank", 3506], ["yanks", 3506], ["yanked", 3506], ["understand", 3529], ["understanded", 3529], ["tell", 3556], ["telling", 3556], ["man", 3566], ["mans", 3566], ["manned", 3566], ["find", 3588], ["upgrade", 3618], ["bet", 3632], ["practice", 3655], ["take", 3671], ["took", 3671], ["across", 3682], ["foyer", 3692], ["hallway", 3713], ["hallways", 3713], ["fiddle", 3730], ["fiddling", 3730], ["fiddled", 3730], ["another", 3743], ["nibble", 3848], ["nibbling", 3848], ["strawberry", 3864], ["cast", 3876], ["casts", 3876], ["casting", 3876], ["curious", 3884], ["glance", 3892], ["glances", 3892], ["crowd", 3905], ["crowding", 3905], ["crowdest", 3905], ["room", 3930], ["roomed", 3930], ["serious", 3950], ["answer", 4005], ["answeres", 4005], ["answerest", 4005], ["answered", 4005], ["quietly", 4013]]
`` she may be in shock , so i should probably leave her be for a while and give her some time to adjust ... '' as laszlo continued to reason with himself , dougal studied her . she was a natural beauty , and he would wager a year 's earnings that she was unaware of it . her hair was long , thick , and black , her face small and delicate , her neck slim and graceful . so much like li lei . same creamy , porcelain skin . same tilt of her head . same little nose and exquisitely shaped mouth . he nearly moaned when she bit into a strawberry , then licked the juice from her lips . her eyes were different . they were a lighter , more golden brown , and their shape was a little rounder . and there was another difference . leah chin was alive . this was no ghost shrouded with regret but a vibrant , lovely woman . li lei 's hair had always been pulled tightly back , but leah 's hair was loose . a glorious , shimmering curtain that swayed gently with her every move . he could n't wait to touch it , feel its silky texture , and run his hands through it . his gaze drifted lower . her knit shirt covered her shoulders , but he had no doubt they were beautiful . the clingy material outlined her br**sts nicely , allowing him to envision the - `` ... mounds , '' laszlo said . `` more like mountains . '' dougal gave him a wary look . `` paperwork , '' he clarified . `` mounds of it . i doubt i have time to court dr . dougal glanced once again at leah and discovered her staring at him . her eyes widened , and she turned her back . damn , was he that scary to look at ? her abrupt movement had caused her hair to swing back and forth . it was cut bluntly across , the ends right below her shoulder blades . a vision popped in his mind with him flat on his back and her sitting astride him , riding him , with her hair swaying wildly . and when she leaned forward to kiss him , her hair fell forward to sweep gently across his face . he would be immersed in her softness , her sweet fragrance . just imagining it made his groin grow - `` ... tight , '' laszlo continued . `` very tight schedule . so much to do and so little time . '' so much he would do . he would caress her all over , explore every inch of her creamy skin , make her moan and writhe and scream with pleasure . he adjusted his sporran to conceal his hard - `` ... staff , '' laszlo said . `` we have staff meetings every night . '' `` every night , aye , '' dougal mumbled . he would pleasure her every night . `` oh god , no , '' laszlo whispered . dougal followed the chemist 's line of vision and spotted gregori coming toward them . he was carrying vanna in his arms . who would bring a life-sized sex toy to a birthday party for bairns ? obviously , she was n't intended to be a present for the children . that meant ... `` bloody hell , '' dougal growled . chapter five how many times had she caught him staring at her from across the room ? about as many times as he 'd caught her doing the same . leah 's face grew warm . what was it about him that kept her eyes gravitating toward him ? first of all , he was probably a vampire , so it was crazy to look at him at all . and that , unfortunately , provided more proof that she was no longer firing on all her synapses . just one step away from going completely bonkers . he was handsome , but then , so were most of the men in the room . because of her irish grandfather , she 'd always had a fondness for men in kilts , but there were other kilted men in the room , and she was n't gawking at them . and it was n't as if he made her feel safe . laszlo looked a lot safer . so did the cheerful men holding babies . everyone looked happy except the guy in the doorway . was it her own frazzled nerves that caused her to be drawn to the one person who appeared as agitated as she did ? she could feel his stare , the heat of it prickling her back . the last few times she 'd glanced at him he 'd seemed grim and angry . as if a roiling fire inside him was threatening to erupt like a volcano . she glanced at him again and froze . so much hunger in his eyes . it shook her , grabbing onto her heart . there 'd always been a strong need inside her to fix people who were suffering . as if that could somehow erase all the pain she 'd suffered in silence . it was why she 'd insisted on going to medical school in spite of the awkwardness she felt around others . she could n't let herself get drawn in . deep in her heart she knew he had the power to devastate her more than any other man on the planet .
[["may", 10], ["mays", 10], ["mayest", 10], ["shock", 22], ["probably", 45], ["left", 51], ["leave", 51], ["give", 79], ["time", 93], ["adjust", 103], ["continue", 130], ["continued", 130], ["reason", 140], ["reasonest", 140], ["study", 170], ["studied", 170], ["natural", 194], ["beauty", 201], ["wager", 222], ["wagering", 222], ["year", 229], ["earning", 241], ["earnings", 241], ["unaware", 262], ["unawares", 262], ["hair", 279], ["long", 288], ["longs", 288], ["thick", 296], ["thickest", 296], ["black", 308], ["face", 319], ["small", 325], ["delicate", 338], ["neck", 349], ["necked", 349], ["slim", 354], ["graceful", 367], ["much", 377], ["like", 382], ["li", 385], ["lei", 389], ["creamy", 403], ["porcelain", 415], ["skin", 420], ["tilt", 432], ["tilting", 432], ["head", 444], ["little", 458], ["nose", 463], ["nosed", 463], ["nosing", 463], ["exquisitely", 479], ["shape", 486], ["shapes", 486], ["shaped", 486], ["mouth", 492], ["mouthed", 492], ["nearly", 504], ["moan", 511], ["moans", 511], ["moanest", 511], ["moaned", 511], ["bite", 524], ["strawberry", 542], ["lick", 556], ["licked", 556], ["juice", 566], ["juicing", 566], ["lip", 580], ["lipped", 580], ["lips", 580], ["eye", 591], ["eyed", 591], ["eyes", 591], ["different", 606], ["lit", 628], ["light", 628], ["golden", 642], ["brown", 648], ["browns", 648], ["shape", 666], ["shapes", 666], ["rounder", 687], ["another", 711], ["difference", 722], ["leah", 729], ["chin", 734], ["alive", 744], ["ghost", 764], ["shroud", 773], ["shrouds", 773], ["shrouded", 773], ["regret", 785], ["vibrant", 799], ["lovely", 808], ["lovelier", 808], ["woman", 814], ["womans", 814], ["always", 842], ["pull", 854], ["pulled", 854], ["tightly", 862], ["back", 867], ["loose", 896], ["looser", 896], ["glorious", 909], ["curtain", 930], ["curtaining", 930], ["sway", 942], ["swayed", 942], ["gently", 949], ["every", 964], ["move", 969], ["wait", 989], ["waitest", 989], ["touch", 998], ["touching", 998], ["feel", 1008], ["silky", 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["discover", 1471], ["discovered", 1471], ["stare", 1483], ["stared", 1483], ["staring", 1483], ["widen", 1509], ["widened", 1509], ["turn", 1526], ["turned", 1526], ["damn", 1542], ["damned", 1542], ["scary", 1562], ["abrupt", 1586], ["movement", 1595], ["cause", 1606], ["caused", 1606], ["swung", 1624], ["swing", 1624], ["forth", 1639], ["cut", 1652], ["bluntly", 1660], ["across", 1667], ["end", 1678], ["ends", 1678], ["endest", 1678], ["right", 1684], ["rightest", 1684], ["shoulder", 1703], ["shouldered", 1703], ["blade", 1710], ["blades", 1710], ["vision", 1721], ["pop", 1728], ["popped", 1728], ["mind", 1740], ["minding", 1740], ["flat", 1754], ["sat", 1782], ["sit", 1782], ["sitting", 1782], ["astride", 1790], ["ride", 1803], ["rode", 1803], ["riding", 1803], ["sway", 1831], ["swayed", 1831], ["swaying", 1831], ["wildly", 1838], ["lean", 1860], ["leans", 1860], ["leaned", 1860], ["forward", 1868], ["forwarding", 1868], ["forwardest", 1868], ["kiss", 1876], ["kisses", 1876], ["kissest", 1876], ["fall", 1896], ["falls", 1896], ["fell", 1896], ["sweep", 1913], ["immerse", 1959], ["immersed", 1959], ["sweet", 1987], ["fragrance", 1997], ["fragranced", 1997], ["imagine", 2014], ["imagining", 2014], ["groin", 2032], ["grow", 2037], ["growest", 2037], ["tight", 2052], ["schedule", 2099], ["caress", 2177], ["explore", 2200], ["inch", 2211], ["moan", 2246], ["moans", 2246], ["moanest", 2246], ["writhe", 2257], ["writhes", 2257], ["writhing", 2257], ["scream", 2268], ["screams", 2268], ["pleasure", 2282], ["adjust", 2296], ["adjusted", 2296], ["sporran", 2308], ["sporrans", 2308], ["conceal", 2319], ["concealest", 2319], ["hard", 2328], ["staff", 2343], ["staffing", 2343], ["meeting", 2388], ["meetings", 2388], ["night", 2400], ["aye", 2426], ["ayes", 2426], ["mumble", 2446], ["mumbles", 2446], ["mumbled", 2446], ["oh", 2490], ["god", 2494], ["whisper", 2521], ["whispered", 2521], ["follow", 2539], ["followed", 2539], ["chemist", 2551], ["line", 2559], ["come", 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["gravitate", 3056], ["gravitates", 3056], ["gravitating", 3056], ["first", 3075], ["firstest", 3075], ["vampire", 3110], ["crazy", 3128], ["unfortunately", 3177], ["provide", 3188], ["provided", 3188], ["proof", 3199], ["proofs", 3199], ["proofed", 3199], ["proofest", 3199], ["long", 3222], ["longs", 3222], ["fire", 3229], ["firing", 3229], ["synapsis", 3249], ["synapses", 3249], ["step", 3265], ["away", 3270], ["go", 3281], ["goest", 3281], ["going", 3281], ["completely", 3292], ["bonker", 3300], ["bonkers", 3300], ["handsome", 3318], ["handsomes", 3318], ["man", 3355], ["mans", 3355], ["manned", 3355], ["men", 3355], ["irish", 3390], ["grandfather", 3402], ["fondness", 3433], ["kilt", 3450], ["kilts", 3450], ["kilted", 3480], ["gawk", 3522], ["gawks", 3522], ["gawkest", 3522], ["gawking", 3522], ["safe", 3575], ["safes", 3575], ["safed", 3575], ["look", 3591], ["looked", 3591], ["lot", 3597], ["safe", 3603], ["safes", 3603], ["safed", 3603], ["safer", 3603], ["cheerful", 3625], ["hold", 3637], ["holding", 3637], ["baby", 3644], ["babies", 3644], ["everyone", 3655], ["happy", 3668], ["except", 3675], ["guy", 3683], ["doorway", 3698], ["nerve", 3731], ["nerves", 3731], ["draw", 3759], ["drawn", 3759], ["draws", 3759], ["person", 3777], ["appear", 3790], ["appeared", 3790], ["stare", 3840], ["stared", 3840], ["heat", 3851], ["heats", 3851], ["heated", 3851], ["prickle", 3867], ["prickled", 3867], ["last", 3887], ["seem", 3932], ["seeming", 3932], ["seemed", 3932], ["grim", 3937], ["grims", 3937], ["angry", 3947], ["roil", 3965], ["roiling", 3965], ["fire", 3970], ["inside", 3977], ["threaten", 3997], ["threatening", 3997], ["erupt", 4006], ["eruptest", 4006], ["volcano", 4021], ["froze", 4058], ["freeze", 4058], ["frozen", 4058], ["freezing", 4058], ["hunger", 4075], ["hungers", 4075], ["hungering", 4075], ["shake", 4098], ["shook", 4098], ["grab", 4113], ["grabbing", 4113], ["onto", 4118], ["ontos", 4118], ["heart", 4128], ["strong", 4160], ["need", 4165], ["needest", 4165], ["fix", 4183], ["fixes", 4183], ["people", 4190], ["suffer", 4209], ["suffering", 4209], ["somehow", 4236], ["erase", 4242], ["pain", 4255], ["suffer", 4271], ["suffering", 4271], ["suffered", 4271], ["silence", 4282], ["insist", 4311], ["insistest", 4311], ["insisted", 4311], ["medical", 4331], ["school", 4338], ["schooling", 4338], ["spite", 4347], ["spited", 4347], ["spites", 4347], ["awkwardness", 4366], ["feel", 4375], ["felt", 4375], ["around", 4382], ["let", 4409], ["lets", 4409], ["get", 4421], ["deep", 4437], ["deeply", 4437], ["know", 4459], ["knowest", 4459], ["knew", 4459], ["power", 4476], ["devastate", 4489], ["man", 4517], ["mans", 4517], ["manned", 4517], ["planet", 4531]]
`` who is he - the man next to laszlo ? '' abby narrowed her eyes . `` that must be dougal . dougal kincaid . have n't seen him around much lately . he 's been guarding the echarpes in texas . '' `` he 's security ? '' leah sipped some punch and swallowed hard when abby nodded her head . of course he was security . he 'd been watching her all evening . even now she could feel his sharp emerald eyes burning into her back . leah stopped herself from asking . she had to be out of her mind . `` he 's always struck me as a bit shy , '' abby continued . `` a quiet kind of guy . '' quiet until the volcano erupts . leah wondered if she was the only one who sensed he was about to blow . `` he 's a musician . '' abby stepped closer , smiling . `` you want to hear a funny story ? lara told me about it . one of the vamps , jack , was throwing a bachelor party for ian in a hotel room at the plaza . dougal was playing the bagpipes , and they were all drunk on blissky and trying to dance a jig . they were so loud that the hotel called the police , and jack had a hell of a time trying to explain it all . '' leah glanced over at the happy crowd . apparently vampires liked to party . were they arrested ? '' `` no , but jack ended up married to the police officer . lara 's over there somewhere . '' `` she 's expecting a baby , too . '' leah gulped . she was sensing an alarming pattern here . `` do the undead always take mortal women for their wives ? '' `` well , not always . '' abby picked up the cake knife . `` which flavor cake would you like ? '' not always ? did that mean some of the women here were vampires ? what if vampires were just the tip of the iceberg ? what if the normal world around her was actually abnormal ? `` i think i 'll try the pink layer . '' abby put a slice on a small plate . `` i 'm not sure if it 's cherry or strawberry . my sanity back . leah studied the different layers . white , lemon yellow , pink , red velvet , and devil 's food . `` you should get the chocolate , '' a young voice said beside her . leah jumped . the little boy had curly blond hair , blue eyes , and a dab of chocolate icing on his nose . `` you - you 're roman 's son ? '' `` i 'm tino . '' half vampire ? leah eased a bit to the side . tino asked . `` i 'm ... dr . tino took a chocolate chip cookie off the table and munched on it . `` the chocolate cake is the best . '' `` you eat regular food ? '' tino nodded , his mouth full . `` my mom says i 'm surprisingly normal . '' `` i 'm not sure if that 's a good thing . '' he pointed up to the ceiling . `` would you like a balloon ? '' leah glanced up . helium-filled balloons covered the ceiling . `` i do n't kn - `` leah halted when the little boy rose through the air . half vampire . `` he 's really very normal , '' abby assured her quietly . `` he can just do a few tricks that - `` `` do you know what you 've done here ? '' leah pressed a hand to her chest , struggling to breathe . `` you 've created a new species . '' `` the children are basically human . you 'll see that when you study tino 's blood work . '' `` basically human ? '' leah wondered if she could still make a run for it . unfortunately , the big , volcanically inclined dougal would stop her . gregori had returned with a woman , and the other men had retreated into the foyer , completely focused on her . she was dressed in a sparkly red dress that barely covered her rump and clung to a body that was downright voluptuous . gregori had an arm around her waist and was grinning at her . `` oh , no , '' abby whispered . `` it 's vanna . i thought he 'd gotten rid of her . '' poor abby was pregnant , and her husband was seeing another woman ? gregori pushed the woman into dougal 's arms . scowling , he tried to hand her back , but gregori simply laughed . dougal glanced at leah , and his scowl grew even more menacing . he stalked away , taking the woman with him . `` will that woman be safe ? '' `` she 's not - `` `` here 's your balloon . '' tino interrupted abby as he landed beside them , holding a pink balloon . `` i thought you might like pink cause you 're a girl . '' leah automatically took hold of the pink ribbon .
[["man", 22], ["mans", 22], ["manned", 22], ["next", 27], ["narrow", 56], ["narrowed", 56], ["eye", 65], ["eyed", 65], ["eyes", 65], ["must", 80], ["musts", 80], ["see", 123], ["seen", 123], ["around", 134], ["much", 139], ["lately", 146], ["guard", 168], ["guarding", 168], ["texas", 190], ["security", 213], ["leah", 223], ["sip", 230], ["sipped", 230], ["punch", 241], ["punching", 241], ["swallow", 255], ["swallows", 255], ["swallowed", 255], ["hard", 260], ["nod", 277], ["nodded", 277], ["head", 286], ["course", 298], ["watch", 336], ["watching", 336], ["evening", 352], ["even", 359], ["evens", 359], ["feel", 378], ["sharp", 388], ["sharps", 388], ["emerald", 396], ["burn", 409], ["burns", 409], ["burning", 409], ["back", 423], ["stop", 438], ["stopped", 438], ["ask", 458], ["asking", 458], ["mind", 490], ["minding", 490], ["always", 508], ["strike", 515], ["struck", 515], ["bit", 527], ["bits", 527], ["shy", 531], ["shying", 531], ["continue", 551], ["continued", 551], ["quiet", 564], ["kind", 569], ["guy", 576], ["volcano", 605], ["erupt", 612], ["eruptest", 612], ["erupts", 612], ["wonder", 628], ["wonderest", 628], ["wondered", 628], ["sense", 663], ["sensed", 663], ["blow", 684], ["blew", 684], ["blowest", 684], ["musician", 706], ["step", 724], ["stepped", 724], ["close", 731], ["closer", 731], ["smile", 741], ["smiling", 741], ["hear", 763], ["hears", 763], ["funny", 771], ["story", 777], ["lara", 784], ["tell", 789], ["told", 789], ["vamp", 820], ["vamped", 820], ["jack", 827], ["jacks", 827], ["jacked", 827], ["throw", 842], ["throwing", 842], ["bachelor", 853], ["party", 859], ["ian", 867], ["hotel", 878], ["room", 883], ["roomed", 883], ["plaza", 896], ["play", 917], ["playest", 917], ["playing", 917], ["bagpipe", 930], ["bagpiped", 930], ["bagpipes", 930], ["drunk", 956], ["try", 978], ["tryed", 978], ["trying", 978], ["dance", 987], ["jig", 993], ["jigged", 993], ["loud", 1013], ["call", 1035], ["called", 1035], ["police", 1046], ["hell", 1068], ["hells", 1068], ["time", 1078], ["explain", 1096], ["glance", 1121], ["glanced", 1121], ["happy", 1139], ["crowd", 1145], ["crowding", 1145], ["crowdest", 1145], ["apparently", 1158], ["vampire", 1167], ["vampires", 1167], ["like", 1173], ["liked", 1173], ["arrest", 1203], ["arrested", 1203], ["end", 1231], ["ends", 1231], ["endest", 1231], ["ended", 1231], ["married", 1242], ["officer", 1264], ["officering", 1264], ["somewhere", 1295], ["expect", 1320], ["expecting", 1320], ["baby", 1327], ["gulp", 1350], ["gulps", 1350], ["gulped", 1350], ["sense", 1368], ["sensing", 1368], ["pattern", 1388], ["undead", 1412], ["take", 1424], ["mortal", 1431], ["woman", 1437], ["womans", 1437], ["women", 1437], ["wife", 1453], ["wives", 1453], ["well", 1466], ["wells", 1466], ["pick", 1496], ["picked", 1496], ["cake", 1508], ["knife", 1514], ["knifes", 1514], ["flavor", 1532], ["flavorest", 1532], ["like", 1552], ["mean", 1584], ["meanest", 1584], ["tip", 1658], ["iceberg", 1673], ["normal", 1694], ["world", 1700], ["abnormal", 1733], ["think", 1746], ["thinkest", 1746], ["try", 1756], ["tryed", 1756], ["pink", 1765], ["layer", 1771], ["layered", 1771], ["put", 1785], ["slice", 1793], ["small", 1804], ["plate", 1810], ["plating", 1810], ["sure", 1829], ["cherry", 1845], ["strawberry", 1859], ["sanity", 1871], ["study", 1891], ["studied", 1891], ["different", 1905], ["layer", 1912], ["layered", 1912], ["layers", 1912], ["white", 1920], ["lemon", 1928], ["yellow", 1935], ["red", 1948], ["velvet", 1955], ["devil", 1967], ["devils", 1967], ["food", 1975], ["foods", 1975], ["get", 1995], ["chocolate", 2009], ["young", 2022], ["youngest", 2022], ["voice", 2028], ["say", 2033], ["sayest", 2033], ["said", 2033], ["beside", 2040], ["jump", 2058], ["jumps", 2058], ["jumped", 2058], ["little", 2071], ["boy", 2075], ["curly", 2085], ["blond", 2091], ["hair", 2096], ["blue", 2103], ["dab", 2120], ["ice", 2139], ["iced", 2139], ["icing", 2139], ["nose", 2151], ["nosed", 2151], ["nosing", 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["halt", 2699], ["halts", 2699], ["haltest", 2699], ["halted", 2699], ["rise", 2724], ["risen", 2724], ["rose", 2724], ["air", 2740], ["airs", 2740], ["airing", 2740], ["really", 2773], ["assure", 2803], ["assured", 2803], ["quietly", 2815], ["trick", 2848], ["tricks", 2848], ["know", 2873], ["knowest", 2873], ["press", 2914], ["pressed", 2914], ["hand", 2921], ["chest", 2934], ["struggle", 2947], ["struggling", 2947], ["breathe", 2958], ["breathes", 2958], ["create", 2979], ["created", 2979], ["new", 2985], ["child", 3014], ["childs", 3014], ["children", 3014], ["basically", 3028], ["human", 3034], ["see", 3048], ["study", 3068], ["blood", 3082], ["bloods", 3082], ["blooded", 3082], ["work", 3087], ["wrought", 3087], ["still", 3149], ["run", 3160], ["unfortunately", 3183], ["big", 3193], ["bigs", 3193], ["volcanically", 3208], ["incline", 3217], ["inclines", 3217], ["inclined", 3217], ["stop", 3235], ["return", 3262], ["returnest", 3262], ["returned", 3262], ["woman", 3275], ["womans", 3275], ["man", 3295], ["mans", 3295], ["manned", 3295], ["men", 3295], ["retreat", 3309], ["retreatest", 3309], ["retreated", 3309], ["foyer", 3324], ["completely", 3337], ["focus", 3345], ["focused", 3345], ["dress", 3370], ["dressest", 3370], ["dressed", 3370], ["sparkly", 3383], ["dress", 3393], ["dressest", 3393], ["barely", 3405], ["rump", 3422], ["clung", 3432], ["body", 3442], ["bodied", 3442], ["downright", 3461], ["voluptuous", 3472], ["arm", 3493], ["waist", 3510], ["grin", 3527], ["oh", 3542], ["whisper", 3567], ["whispered", 3567], ["think", 3596], ["thinkest", 3596], ["thought", 3596], ["get", 3609], ["gotten", 3609], ["rid", 3613], ["poor", 3630], ["pregnant", 3648], ["husband", 3666], ["husbanding", 3666], ["see", 3677], ["seeing", 3677], ["another", 3685], ["push", 3708], ["pushed", 3708], ["arm", 3738], ["arms", 3738], ["try", 3760], ["tryed", 3760], ["tried", 3760], ["simply", 3798], ["laugh", 3806], ["laughed", 3806], ["scowl", 3847], ["scowls", 3847], ["scowling", 3847], ["scowlest", 3847], ["grow", 3852], ["growest", 3852], ["grew", 3852], ["stalk", 3884], ["stalkest", 3884], ["stalked", 3884], ["away", 3889], ["take", 3898], ["taking", 3898], ["safe", 3946], ["safes", 3946], ["safed", 3946], ["interrupt", 4016], ["interruptest", 4016], ["interrupted", 4016], ["land", 4034], ["landed", 4034], ["hold", 4056], ["holding", 4056], ["may", 4096], ["mays", 4096], ["mayest", 4096], ["might", 4096], ["cause", 4112], ["girl", 4127], ["automatically", 4151], ["hold", 4161], ["ribbon", 4180]]
she glanced back at the foyer , but dougal and the woman were no longer in sight . `` do n't let coco touch it , '' tino warned her . `` her claws are too sharp , and she might pop it . '' `` claws ? '' `` let me get you a piece of cake . '' abby rushed back to the cake and plopped a slice onto a plate . `` tino , you want another piece ? '' he smiled at leah . `` coco wanted to help with the balloons , but her nails are too sharp . all the were-panther kids are like that . '' leah gasped , and the balloon escaped her hand . `` were-what ? '' the second gregori shoved vanna at dougal , he objected and pushed her back . unfortunately , his prosthetic hand had locked onto her forearm and refused to let go . he did n't want anyone to witness his lack of control . why tonight , of all nights ? he was just getting back into the game . if angus saw that he could n't control his own freaking hand , he might never get another chance . as he stalked down the hall to find a vacant conference room , he heard gregori chuckling behind him . everyone would wonder why he wanted to be alone with a rubber doll , and by the sound of gregori 's sniggering , he knew what their conclusions would be . he entered the first conference room and kicked the door shut . the room was empty , dimly lit from the window that overlooked the front parking lot . he ordered his hand . he shook his right arm , trying to fling vanna across the room . she flopped wildly , still in the grip of his traitorous hand . one of her stiletto heels flew off and clattered onto the conference table . her blond wig stayed on , but the hair stuck out like she 'd been plugged into an electric socket . he rammed her against the wall , pinning her across the chest with his left arm as he attempted to tug his right hand free . with each tug , her arm lifted higher and higher . her stiff fingers caught in his hair , pulling his hair loose from its tie . he tried jerking his hand to the side . her whole body moved with him , but her dress did n't . clasped in his left fist , the flimsy material tore completely off her shoulders . `` bollocks , '' he growled and let the dress fall . he hesitated a second , surprised by how real her br**sts looked . the n**ples were even beaded , as if she was aroused . her glassy eyes stared at him through strands of messy hair . her mouth was permanently set in a dopey grin . there was even a tongue in her mouth . bloody hell , of all the stupid situations to be in . he just needed to relax , and then his prosthetic hand would let go . he would toss vanna back into gregori 's office and forget this had ever happened . gregori and laszlo had invented vanna years ago as an alternative to biting real women . as good vamps , they had all switched to drinking synthetic blood out of bottles , but some had missed the thrill of sinking their fangs into a lovely neck . to solve that dilemma , gregori had come up with vanna , the vampire artificial nutritional needs appliance . he had bought two lifelike human sex toys , vanna white and vanna black , and laszlo had installed a pump and rubber tubing inside each of them . the pump sounded like a real heart , and it made synthetic blood flow through the tubing , which ran up the sides of vanna 's neck to simulate carotid arteries . gregori must have filled her up , for dougal could smell the blood coursing inside her . vanna had seemed like a good idea at the time , but it had n't worked . her rubberlike skin had proven difficult to bite , and roman had lost one of his fangs giving her a trial run . dougal was more in danger of losing his sanity than his fangs . he could also lose his job if he did n't get his damned hand under control . release , he calmly ordered the prosthesis . gritting his teeth , he glared at his hand . you will obey me ! he sat vanna on the table , forcing her legs to bend at a ninety-degree angle at the hips . her legs jutted out , spread wide . he stepped between them . `` i 'm not losing my job over this . his hand remained locked on her forearm . rage burst inside him , and he roared . with his left hand , he shoved her back on the table . as her legs flew up , feet toward the ceiling , her one remaining stiletto caught the hem of his kilt and pulled it up . `` ye bloody witch from hell ! '' leah repeated when abby hesitated . `` were-panthers . '' tino watched her balloon float back to the ceiling .
[["glance", 11], ["glanced", 11], ["back", 16], ["foyer", 29], ["woman", 56], ["womans", 56], ["long", 71], ["longs", 71], ["sight", 80], ["sighted", 80], ["let", 96], ["lets", 96], ["coco", 101], ["cocos", 101], ["touch", 107], ["touching", 107], ["warn", 127], ["warned", 127], ["claw", 146], ["claws", 146], ["sharp", 160], ["sharps", 160], ["may", 176], ["mays", 176], ["mayest", 176], ["might", 176], ["pop", 180], ["get", 216], ["piece", 228], ["pieced", 228], ["cake", 236], ["rush", 253], ["rushed", 253], ["plop", 282], ["plopped", 282], ["slice", 290], ["onto", 295], ["ontos", 295], ["plate", 303], ["plating", 303], ["another", 332], ["smile", 353], ["smiled", 353], ["leah", 361], ["help", 386], ["helpest", 386], ["balloon", 404], ["balloons", 404], ["nail", 420], ["nails", 420], ["panther", 457], ["panthers", 457], ["kid", 462], ["kids", 462], ["like", 471], ["gasp", 493], ["gasps", 493], ["gasped", 493], ["balloon", 511], ["escape", 519], ["escapes", 519], ["escaped", 519], ["hand", 528], ["second", 559], ["seconded", 559], ["shove", 574], ["shoved", 574], ["object", 604], ["objected", 604], ["objectest", 604], ["objecting", 604], ["push", 615], ["pushed", 615], ["unfortunately", 640], ["prosthetic", 657], ["lock", 673], ["locked", 673], ["forearm", 690], ["refuse", 702], ["refused", 702], ["go", 712], ["goest", 712], ["anyone", 737], ["witness", 748], ["lack", 757], ["control", 768], ["tonight", 782], ["night", 798], ["nights", 798], ["get", 820], ["getting", 820], ["game", 839], ["angus", 850], ["see", 854], ["saw", 854], ["never", 919], ["chance", 938], ["chanced", 938], ["chancing", 938], ["stalk", 954], ["stalkest", 954], ["stalked", 954], ["hall", 968], ["find", 976], ["vacant", 985], ["conference", 996], ["conferencing", 996], ["room", 1001], ["roomed", 1001], ["hear", 1012], ["hears", 1012], ["heard", 1012], ["chuckle", 1030], ["chuckled", 1030], ["chuckling", 1030], ["behind", 1037], ["everyone", 1052], ["wonder", 1065], ["wonderest", 1065], ["alone", 1091], ["rubber", 1105], ["doll", 1110], ["sound", 1129], ["know", 1164], ["knowest", 1164], ["knew", 1164], ["conclusion", 1187], ["conclusions", 1187], ["enter", 1209], ["entered", 1209], ["first", 1219], ["firstest", 1219], ["kick", 1246], ["kicked", 1246], ["door", 1255], ["shut", 1260], ["empty", 1281], ["dimly", 1289], ["lit", 1293], ["light", 1293], ["window", 1309], ["windows", 1309], ["overlook", 1325], ["overlooked", 1325], ["front", 1335], ["parking", 1343], ["lot", 1347], ["order", 1360], ["orderest", 1360], ["ordered", 1360], ["shake", 1380], ["shook", 1380], ["right", 1390], ["rightest", 1390], ["arm", 1394], ["try", 1403], ["tryed", 1403], ["trying", 1403], ["flung", 1412], ["fling", 1412], ["across", 1425], ["flop", 1448], ["flops", 1448], ["flopping", 1448], ["flopped", 1448], ["wildly", 1455], ["still", 1463], ["grip", 1475], ["traitorous", 1493], ["stiletto", 1520], ["stilettos", 1520], ["heel", 1526], ["heeled", 1526], ["heels", 1526], ["fly", 1531], ["flys", 1531], ["flew", 1531], ["clatter", 1549], ["clattered", 1549], ["table", 1575], ["tabled", 1575], ["tabling", 1575], ["blond", 1587], ["wig", 1591], ["wigs", 1591], ["wigged", 1591], ["stay", 1598], ["stayed", 1598], ["hair", 1616], ["stick", 1622], ["stickest", 1622], ["stuck", 1622], ["plug", 1651], ["plugged", 1651], ["electric", 1668], ["socket", 1675], ["ram", 1687], ["rams", 1687], ["rammed", 1687], ["wall", 1708], ["pin", 1718], ["pinning", 1718], ["chest", 1739], ["left", 1753], ["attempt", 1773], ["attempted", 1773], ["tug", 1780], ["tugging", 1780], ["free", 1800], ["lift", 1833], ["lifted", 1833], ["stiff", 1863], ["finger", 1871], ["fingers", 1871], ["catch", 1878], ["catched", 1878], ["catches", 1878], ["caught", 1878], ["pull", 1900], ["pulling", 1900], ["loose", 1915], ["looser", 1915], ["tie", 1928], ["tying", 1928], ["tieing", 1928], ["try", 1939], ["tryed", 1939], ["tried", 1939], ["jerk", 1947], ["jerks", 1947], ["jerked", 1947], ["jerking", 1947], ["side", 1968], ["sidest", 1968], ["whole", 1980], ["wholes", 1980], ["body", 1985], ["bodied", 1985], ["move", 1991], ["moved", 1991], ["dress", 2016], ["dressest", 2016], ["fist", 2051], ["flimsy", 2064], ["material", 2073], ["tear", 2078], ["teared", 2078], ["tore", 2078], ["completely", 2089], ["shoulder", 2107], ["shouldered", 2107], ["shoulders", 2107], ["bollock", 2121], ["bollocks", 2121], ["growl", 2137], ["growls", 2137], ["growled", 2137], ["fall", 2160], ["falls", 2160], ["hesitate", 2175], ["hesitated", 2175], ["real", 2208], ["reis", 2208], ["look", 2227], ["looked", 2227], ["even", 2251], ["evens", 2251], ["bead", 2258], ["beaded", 2258], ["arouse", 2282], ["aroused", 2282], ["glassy", 2295], ["eye", 2300], ["eyed", 2300], ["eyes", 2300], ["stare", 2307], ["stared", 2307], ["strand", 2330], ["strands", 2330], ["messy", 2339], ["messier", 2339], ["mouth", 2356], ["mouthed", 2356], ["permanently", 2372], ["set", 2376], ["dopey", 2387], ["grin", 2392], ["tongue", 2418], ["tonguing", 2418], ["bloody", 2440], ["bloodying", 2440], ["hell", 2445], ["hells", 2445], ["stupid", 2465], ["situation", 2476], ["situations", 2476], ["need", 2502], ["needest", 2502], ["needed", 2502], ["relax", 2511], ["relaxed", 2511], ["toss", 2571], ["office", 2605], ["forget", 2616], ["forgot", 2616], ["ever", 2630], ["everest", 2630], ["happen", 2639], ["happened", 2639], ["invent", 2673], ["inventest", 2673], ["invented", 2673], ["year", 2685], ["years", 2685], ["ago", 2689], ["alternative", 2707], ["bite", 2717], ["biting", 2717], ["woman", 2728], ["womans", 2728], ["women", 2728], ["good", 2738], ["vamp", 2744], ["vamped", 2744], ["switch", 2768], ["switching", 2768], ["switched", 2768], ["drank", 2780], ["drink", 2780], ["drinking", 2780], ["synthetic", 2790], ["blood", 2796], ["bloods", 2796], ["blooded", 2796], ["bottle", 2811], ["bottled", 2811], ["bottles", 2811], ["miss", 2833], ["missed", 2833], ["thrill", 2844], ["sank", 2855], ["sink", 2855], ["sinking", 2855], ["fang", 2867], ["fangs", 2867], ["lovely", 2881], ["lovelier", 2881], ["neck", 2886], ["necked", 2886], ["solve", 2897], ["dilemma", 2910], ["dilemmas", 2910], ["come", 2929], ["vampire", 2957], ["artificial", 2968], ["nutritional", 2980], ["need", 2986], ["needest", 2986], ["needs", 2986], ["appliance", 2996], ["buy", 3012], ["buyed", 3012], ["bought", 3012], ["two", 3016], ["twos", 3016], ["lifelike", 3025], ["human", 3031], ["sex", 3035], ["toy", 3040], ["toyed", 3040], ["toyest", 3040], ["toys", 3040], ["white", 3054], ["black", 3070], ["instal", 3097], ["installed", 3097], ["pump", 3104], ["tube", 3122], ["tubing", 3122], ["inside", 3129], ["sound", 3161], ["sounded", 3161], ["heart", 3179], ["flow", 3214], ["flows", 3214], ["run", 3245], ["ran", 3245], ["side", 3258], ["sidest", 3258], ["sides", 3258], ["simulate", 3287], ["carotid", 3295], ["artery", 3304], ["arteries", 3304], ["must", 3319], ["musts", 3319], ["fill", 3331], ["fills", 3331], ["filled", 3331], ["smelt", 3363], ["smell", 3363], ["smellest", 3363], ["course", 3382], ["coursing", 3382], ["seem", 3412], ["seeming", 3412], ["seemed", 3412], ["idea", 3429], ["time", 3441], ["work", 3465], ["wrought", 3465], ["worked", 3465], ["rubberlike", 3482], ["skin", 3487], ["prof", 3498], ["prove", 3498], ["proven", 3498], ["difficult", 3508], ["bite", 3516], ["roman", 3528], ["romans", 3528], ["lose", 3537], ["lost", 3537], ["give", 3561], ["giving", 3561], ["trial", 3573], ["run", 3577], ["danger", 3605], ["lose", 3615], ["losing", 3615], ["sanity", 3626], ["also", 3657], ["lose", 3662], ["job", 3670], ["jobbing", 3670], ["damn", 3699], ["damned", 3699], ["release", 3728], ["calmly", 3740], ["prosthesis", 3763], ["grit", 3774], ["gritted", 3774], ["gritting", 3774], ["tooth", 3784], ["teeth", 3784], ["glare", 3796], ["glared", 3796], ["obey", 3824], ["obeyed", 3824], ["sat", 3836], ["sit", 3836], ["force", 3865], ["forcing", 3865], ["leg", 3874], ["legs", 3874], ["bent", 3882], ["bend", 3882], ["ninety", 3894], ["nineties", 3894], ["degree", 3901], ["angle", 3907], ["hip", 3919], ["hips", 3919], ["jut", 3937], ["spread", 3950], ["wide", 3955], ["step", 3968], ["stepped", 3968], ["remain", 4039], ["remained", 4039], ["rage", 4068], ["burst", 4074], ["bursted", 4074], ["roar", 4101], ["roarest", 4101], ["roared", 4101], ["foot", 4185], ["feet", 4185], ["toward", 4192], ["ceiling", 4204], ["remain", 4224], ["remaining", 4224], ["hem", 4248], ["kilt", 4260], ["kilts", 4260], ["pull", 4271], ["pulled", 4271], ["ye", 4285], ["yed", 4285], ["witch", 4298], ["witched", 4298], ["repeat", 4327], ["repeatest", 4327], ["repeated", 4327], ["panther", 4366], ["panthers", 4366], ["watch", 4384], ["watched", 4384], ["float", 4402]]
`` do you want me to get it back ? '' a chill skittered down leah 's spine . as in big killer cats ? '' tino frowned . my aunt is a were-panther . you want to meet her ? '' the room swirled , and leah grabbed onto the table edge . abby approached her slowly . `` we were going to tell you as soon as we thought you could handle it . '' tino winced . `` did i mess up ? '' `` it 's okay , '' abby assured him . `` there are some big killer cats in the room with us ? '' `` were-cats , '' abby said . `` or were-panthers , to be precise . i 'm not sure if rajiv is here . he 's a were-tiger . '' leah pressed a hand against her chest . her heart was thudding wildly . `` they 're half cat ? '' `` they 're fully human right now . '' abby touched her arm . `` we call them shifters . werewolves , were-cats , were-bears . i even met a were-dolphin in hawaii . they shift once or twice a month when the moon is full . i can get you some blood work from one of them if you 'd like to study - `` `` i do n't want to study them ! '' leah stepped back , raising her hands . `` i want my world back , my safe world where humans stay human ! '' `` i know it 's a lot to take in . but once you get to know everyone , you 'll see how nice - `` `` i do n't want to know everyone ! '' she winced when the crowd across the room looked her way . oh god , the vampires and shifters were staring at her now . great move , leah . make the pack of supernatural creatures angry . `` relax , '' abby whispered softly . tino gazed at her sadly . i thought you already knew everything . my dad said you were going to join us . '' join them ? leah gulped down some air . `` i-i need to ... '' escape . but she could hardly say that out loud . `` is there a ladies ' room nearby ? '' `` in the hallway across the foyer . '' abby pointed toward the entrance . i just need to be alone for a few minutes . '' leah ran for the foyer . breathing heavily , she glanced back . but they were watching her . her skin crawled with gooseflesh . she looked up at the camera by the front door . the red blinking light mocked her . her gaze lowered to the front double doors . locked , most probably . how about a window ? maybe she could sneak out from a vacant room . she crossed the foyer calmly so it would look like she was simply on her way to the restroom . she sauntered into the hallway and tried the first door on the left . the second doorknob moved with a tiny click . she pushed the door open and froze . the room was dark , but she could see enough to recognize the man in the kilt . the volcano had erupted . dougal had pinned a woman down on the table . his back was to leah , but she could see his hair flying wild , his kilt lifted in front . the woman 's legs were spread wide and jolted each time he shoved against her . `` let go , dammit ! '' he pushed at her so hard that her head banged against the table . he looked over his shoulder and stiffened . `` oh god , '' she breathed , stepping back . with a jerk , he pivoted toward her , and the woman 's arm ripped from her body . blood spurted from the woman 's shoulder , spraying drops across dougal 's white shirt and face . the room swirled , along with his stricken , bloodstained face. `` 't is no ' what ye think . '' he stepped toward her , the woman 's arm dangling from a blood-smeared metallic hand . red , bloodlike dots flickered before her eyes , then leah did something she 'd never done before . chapter six `` the devil take it , man , what the hell happened ? '' angus shouted in the security office . dougal squared his shoulders. `` 't was my fault . i 'll explain it to dr. chin - `` `` the hell ye will ! '' angus interrupted him . `` ye 've terrorized her enough for one evening . '' dougal glanced at the monitors but could n't spot her anywhere . seeing the pale , horror-stricken look on leah 's face had caused his grip on vanna 's arm to finally relax . the arm had hit the floor just seconds before leah had crumpled , and his heart had plummeted along with them . how would she ever see him as anything but a hideous monster ? her scream and collapse had caused all the partygoers to come running .
[["get", 24], ["back", 32], ["chill", 45], ["chills", 45], ["chilling", 45], ["skitter", 55], ["leah", 65], ["spine", 74], ["big", 86], ["bigs", 86], ["killer", 93], ["killers", 93], ["cat", 98], ["cats", 98], ["frown", 116], ["frowns", 116], ["frowned", 116], ["aunt", 126], ["panther", 144], ["panthers", 144], ["meet", 163], ["meeted", 163], ["room", 181], ["roomed", 181], ["swirl", 189], ["swirls", 189], ["swirlest", 189], ["swirled", 189], ["grab", 208], ["grabbed", 208], ["onto", 213], ["ontos", 213], ["table", 223], ["tabled", 223], ["tabling", 223], ["edge", 228], ["edges", 228], ["approach", 246], ["approaches", 246], ["approached", 246], ["slowly", 257], ["go", 276], ["goest", 276], ["going", 276], ["tell", 284], ["soon", 296], ["think", 310], ["thinkest", 310], ["thought", 310], ["handle", 327], ["wince", 347], ["winced", 347], ["mess", 363], ["messed", 363], ["messing", 363], ["okay", 385], ["assure", 403], ["assured", 403], ["say", 496], ["sayest", 496], ["said", 496], ["panther", 518], ["panthers", 518], ["precise", 534], ["sure", 550], ["rajiv", 559], ["tiger", 588], ["press", 606], ["pressed", 606], ["hand", 613], ["chest", 631], ["heart", 643], ["thud", 656], ["wildly", 663], ["half", 682], ["cat", 686], ["fully", 709], ["human", 715], ["right", 721], ["rightest", 721], ["touch", 743], ["touching", 743], ["touched", 743], ["arm", 751], ["call", 764], ["shift", 778], ["shifters", 778], ["werewolf", 791], ["werewolves", 791], ["bear", 816], ["bore", 816], ["bearest", 816], ["bears", 816], ["even", 825], ["evens", 825], ["meet", 829], ["meeted", 829], ["met", 829], ["dolphin", 844], ["hawaii", 854], ["shift", 867], ["twice", 881], ["month", 889], ["moon", 903], ["moons", 903], ["full", 911], ["blood", 938], ["bloods", 938], ["blooded", 938], ["work", 943], ["wrought", 943], ["like", 975], ["study", 984], ["step", 1038], ["stepped", 1038], ["raise", 1053], ["raising", 1053], ["hand", 1063], ["hands", 1063], ["world", 1084], ["safe", 1099], ["safes", 1099], ["safed", 1099], ["human", 1118], ["humans", 1118], ["stay", 1123], ["know", 1144], ["knowest", 1144], ["lot", 1156], ["take", 1164], ["everyone", 1203], ["see", 1217], ["nice", 1226], ["crowd", 1296], ["crowding", 1296], ["crowdest", 1296], ["across", 1303], ["look", 1319], ["looked", 1319], ["way", 1327], ["ways", 1327], ["oh", 1332], ["god", 1336], ["vampire", 1351], ["vampires", 1351], ["stare", 1377], ["stared", 1377], ["staring", 1377], ["great", 1396], ["move", 1401], ["pack", 1424], ["supernatural", 1440], ["creature", 1450], ["creatures", 1450], ["angry", 1456], ["relax", 1467], ["relaxed", 1467], ["whisper", 1487], ["whispered", 1487], ["softly", 1494], ["gaze", 1507], ["gazes", 1507], ["gazed", 1507], ["sadly", 1520], ["already", 1544], ["know", 1549], ["knowest", 1549], ["knew", 1549], ["everything", 1560], ["dad", 1569], ["join", 1597], ["joinest", 1597], ["gulp", 1629], ["gulps", 1629], ["gulped", 1629], ["air", 1643], ["airs", 1643], ["airing", 1643], ["need", 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2134], ["lock", 2143], ["locked", 2143], ["probably", 2159], ["window", 2180], ["windows", 2180], ["maybe", 2188], ["sneak", 2204], ["sneakest", 2204], ["vacant", 2222], ["cross", 2241], ["crossing", 2241], ["crossed", 2241], ["calmly", 2258], ["look", 2275], ["simply", 2295], ["restroom", 2322], ["saunter", 2338], ["sauntered", 2338], ["try", 2365], ["tryed", 2365], ["tried", 2365], ["first", 2375], ["firstest", 2375], ["left", 2392], ["second", 2405], ["seconded", 2405], ["doorknob", 2414], ["doorknobs", 2414], ["move", 2420], ["moved", 2420], ["tiny", 2432], ["click", 2438], ["push", 2451], ["pushed", 2451], ["open", 2465], ["froze", 2475], ["freeze", 2475], ["frozen", 2475], ["freezing", 2475], ["dark", 2495], ["enough", 2522], ["recognize", 2535], ["man", 2543], ["mans", 2543], ["manned", 2543], ["kilt", 2555], ["kilts", 2555], ["volcano", 2569], ["erupt", 2581], ["eruptest", 2581], ["erupted", 2581], ["pin", 2601], ["pinned", 2601], ["woman", 2609], ["womans", 2609], ["hair", 2679], ["fly", 2686], ["flys", 2686], ["flying", 2686], ["wild", 2691], ["wildest", 2691], ["lift", 2709], ["lifted", 2709], ["leg", 2738], ["legs", 2738], ["spread", 2750], ["wide", 2755], ["jolt", 2766], ["jolted", 2766], ["time", 2776], ["shove", 2786], ["shoved", 2786], ["let", 2807], ["lets", 2807], ["go", 2810], ["goest", 2810], ["dammit", 2819], ["hard", 2849], ["head", 2863], ["bang", 2870], ["banged", 2870], ["shoulder", 2918], ["shouldered", 2918], ["stiffen", 2932], ["stiffens", 2932], ["stiffened", 2932], ["breathe", 2962], ["breathes", 2962], ["breathed", 2962], ["step", 2973], ["stepping", 2973], ["jerk", 2992], ["jerks", 2992], ["jerked", 2992], ["pivot", 3005], ["pivoted", 3005], ["rip", 3046], ["ripped", 3046], ["body", 3060], ["bodied", 3060], ["spurt", 3076], ["spurted", 3076], ["spurtest", 3076], ["spurting", 3076], ["spray", 3114], ["sprayed", 3114], ["spraying", 3114], ["drop", 3120], ["drops", 3120], ["white", 3143], ["shirt", 3149], ["face", 3158], ["along", 3185], ["stricken", 3203], ["ye", 3246], ["yed", 3246], ["think", 3252], ["thinkest", 3252], ["dangle", 3307], ["dangling", 3307], ["smear", 3328], ["smearing", 3328], ["smeared", 3328], ["metallic", 3337], ["bloodlike", 3360], ["dot", 3365], ["dotted", 3365], ["dots", 3365], ["flicker", 3375], ["flickered", 3375], ["flickering", 3375], ["eye", 3391], ["eyed", 3391], ["eyes", 3391], ["never", 3430], ["chapter", 3452], ["six", 3456], ["devil", 3469], ["devils", 3469], ["hell", 3499], ["hells", 3499], ["happen", 3508], ["happened", 3508], ["angus", 3519], ["shout", 3527], ["shouted", 3527], ["security", 3543], ["office", 3550], ["square", 3567], ["squared", 3567], ["shoulder", 3581], ["shouldered", 3581], ["shoulders", 3581], ["fault", 3601], ["faulting", 3601], ["explain", 3617], ["dr", 3626], ["drs", 3626], ["chin", 3632], ["interrupt", 3680], ["interruptest", 3680], ["interrupted", 3680], ["terrorize", 3707], ["terrorized", 3707], ["evening", 3734], ["monitor", 3770], ["monitored", 3770], ["monitors", 3770], ["spot", 3789], ["anywhere", 3802], ["see", 3811], ["seeing", 3811], ["pale", 3820], ["horror", 3829], ["cause", 3870], ["caused", 3870], ["grip", 3879], ["finally", 3906], ["hit", 3930], ["floor", 3940], ["second", 3953], ["seconded", 3953], ["seconds", 3953], ["crumple", 3978], ["crumpled", 3978], ["plummet", 4008], ["plummeted", 4008], ["ever", 4045], ["everest", 4045], ["anything", 4065], ["hideous", 4079], ["monster", 4087], ["scream", 4100], ["screams", 4100], ["collapse", 4113], ["partygoer", 4143], ["partygoers", 4143], ["come", 4151], ["run", 4159], ["running", 4159]]
and there he 'd stood in the dark conference room , his kilt askew , his hair wild , his face and clothes splattered with blood , while half-naked vanna reclined on the table , looking thoroughly ravished and dismembered . leave it to gregori to comment she was still smiling . chin ? '' `` gregori carried her down to a bedroom in the basement . ye willna see her on a monitor . emma told me she insisted they turn the camera off . '' so she was awake . `` she 's demanding we call the police and turn you in for sexual assault and battery . '' `` it looked like ye were - `` `` i wasna tupping a rubber wench ! '' dougal 's heart plummeted even farther . did leah think he was a rapist ? `` well , we can be grateful for that , '' angus muttered . `` but ye still ripped her bloody arm off . is that what ye call meek as a lamb ? '' dougal sighed . he could look like either an incompetent fool or a violent sex offender . `` my prosthesis locked onto vanna 's arm and wouldna let go . i dinna want anyone to see , so i took her to the nearest conference room - `` `` yer hand is malfunctioning ? '' angus interrupted. `` 't was no ' responding to my mind control . '' dougal closed his fist and opened it. `` 't is working now , but i 've been having trouble on and off all evening . '' angus gave him an exasperated look . `` ye should have said something . roman and abby can examine the hand to see what 's wrong with it . if it 's broken , they can fit you with a new one . '' dougal sat heavily in a chair . `` i doona think it is the hand 's fault . i know i should have told you , but i dinna want to look incompetent . '' angus leaned against the desk , studying the prosthesis . `` yer fist locks and doesna release ? '' so when i turned toward the door , vanna 's arm came with me . '' `` then ye would have an excellent grip on a sword . i think ye can still do security here . '' dougal exhaled with relief . `` in fact , 't is best for you to remain here , where roman and abby can work with you to get the problem fixed . '' `` but until then , we 'll have to remove you from the mission roster . '' dougal groaned inwardly . angus grabbed a new mackay sandi polo shirt off a bookcase shelf and tossed it to him . `` put this on and clean yerself up . i 'll tell emma what happened so she can explain it to dr. chin . hopefully , she 'll still agree to help us with our guest in the basement . '' dougal glanced at the monitor that showed the silver room and the captive soldier still in stasis . would leah want to help ? or had he frightened her so badly that she would wish only for escape ? as he strode to the restroom , his old vow reverberated inside his head . another sizzle skittered along the length of his tattoo , and he rolled his right shoulder to relieve the itch . why was it bothering him after all this time ? the last time he 'd felt it had been after the battle of culloden when he had crawled beneath a bush to die . as his lifeblood had seeped from his wound , he 'd imagined li lei sitting next to him , promising him that someday they would be together again . he had murmured yes as comforting heat had spread along his tattoo , lulling him into the deep sleep of the dead . he knew now that it was connor who had sat beside him and his `` yes '' had been interpreted as an agreement to join the ranks of the undead . he 'd awakened a vampire , and for centuries the tattoo had remained as cold as his undead heart . had leah awakened the dragon ? could she bring his half-dead soul back to life ? unfortunately , after waiting close to three hundred years , he was in danger of losing her before he could even talk to her . if she demanded to leave , they would teleport her back home and erase her memory . before he lost his chance . leah stiffened when gregori walked into the room carrying a woman in his arms like a sack of potatoes . abby perched beside her on the bed . `` i asked him to bring her here so you could see she 's not real . this is vanna black , the sister to the doll you saw with dougal . '' leah watched as gregori set the lifelike woman in an easy chair . `` why is she dressed like a cheerleader ? '' abby gave her husband a wry look . `` i did n't do it , '' gregori mumbled . `` phineas must have dressed her like this before he got married . '' a few minutes earlier , abby had explained that vanna was a failed experiment the guys kept around as a joke , but it all sounded a bit crazy to her .
[["stand", 21], ["stood", 21], ["standest", 21], ["dark", 33], ["conference", 44], ["conferencing", 44], ["room", 49], ["roomed", 49], ["kilt", 60], ["kilts", 60], ["askew", 66], ["hair", 77], ["wild", 82], ["wildest", 82], ["face", 93], ["clad", 105], ["clothe", 105], ["clothes", 105], ["splatter", 116], ["splattered", 116], ["blood", 127], ["bloods", 127], ["blooded", 127], ["half", 140], ["naked", 146], ["recline", 161], ["reclined", 161], ["table", 174], ["tabled", 174], ["tabling", 174], ["look", 184], ["looking", 184], ["thoroughly", 195], ["ravish", 204], ["ravished", 204], ["dismember", 220], ["dismemberest", 220], ["dismembered", 220], ["left", 228], ["leave", 228], ["comment", 253], ["still", 267], ["smile", 275], ["smiling", 275], ["chin", 282], ["carry", 306], ["carried", 306], ["bedroom", 328], ["basement", 344], ["ye", 349], ["yed", 349], ["see", 360], ["monitor", 377], ["monitored", 377], ["emma", 384], ["emmas", 384], ["tell", 389], ["told", 389], ["insist", 405], ["insistest", 405], ["insisted", 405], ["turn", 415], ["camera", 426], ["cameras", 426], ["awake", 452], ["awoke", 452], ["demand", 474], ["demandest", 474], ["demanding", 474], ["call", 482], ["police", 493], ["sexual", 520], ["assault", 528], ["battery", 540], ["look", 558], ["looked", 558], ["like", 563], ["wasna", 587], ["tup", 595], ["tups", 595], ["tupped", 595], ["rubber", 604], ["wench", 610], ["wenches", 610], ["wenching", 610], ["heart", 631], ["plummet", 641], ["plummeted", 641], ["even", 646], ["evens", 646], ["far", 654], ["leah", 665], ["think", 671], ["thinkest", 671], ["rapist", 687], ["well", 697], ["wells", 697], ["grateful", 718], ["angus", 738], ["mutter", 747], ["muttering", 747], ["mutterest", 747], ["muttered", 747], ["rip", 772], ["ripped", 772], ["bloody", 783], ["bloodying", 783], ["arm", 787], ["meek", 819], ["lamb", 829], ["lambed", 829], ["sigh", 848], ["sighest", 848], ["sighed", 848], ["look", 864], ["either", 876], ["incompetent", 891], ["fool", 896], ["fooling", 896], ["foolest", 896], ["violent", 909], ["sex", 913], ["offender", 922], ["prosthesis", 941], ["lock", 948], ["locked", 948], ["onto", 953], ["ontos", 953], ["wouldna", 978], ["let", 982], ["lets", 982], ["go", 985], ["goest", 985], ["dinna", 995], ["anyone", 1007], ["take", 1026], ["took", 1026], ["near", 1045], ["nearest", 1045], ["yer", 1073], ["hand", 1078], ["malfunction", 1096], ["malfunctioning", 1096], ["respond", 1146], ["respondest", 1146], ["responding", 1146], ["mind", 1157], ["minding", 1157], ["control", 1165], ["close", 1184], ["closed", 1184], ["fist", 1193], ["open", 1204], ["opened", 1204], ["work", 1225], ["wrought", 1225], ["working", 1225], ["trouble", 1261], ["troubling", 1261], ["evening", 1284], ["give", 1300], ["gave", 1300], ["say", 1349], ["sayest", 1349], ["said", 1349], ["roman", 1367], ["romans", 1367], ["examine", 1388], ["wrong", 1418], ["broke", 1444], ["break", 1444], ["broken", 1444], ["fit", 1459], ["fitting", 1459], ["new", 1474], ["sat", 1494], ["sit", 1494], ["heavily", 1502], ["chair", 1513], ["chairing", 1513], ["doona", 1526], ["doonas", 1526], ["fault", 1556], ["faulting", 1556], ["know", 1565], ["knowest", 1565], ["lean", 1645], ["leans", 1645], ["leaned", 1645], ["desk", 1662], ["study", 1673], ["studying", 1673], ["lock", 1708], ["locks", 1708], ["doesna", 1719], ["release", 1727], ["turn", 1749], ["turned", 1749], ["toward", 1756], ["door", 1765], ["come", 1785], ["came", 1785], ["excellent", 1833], ["grip", 1838], ["sword", 1849], ["security", 1884], ["exhale", 1909], ["exhaled", 1909], ["relief", 1921], ["reliefs", 1921], ["fact", 1934], ["good", 1947], ["best", 1947], ["remain", 1965], ["work", 2002], ["wrought", 2002], ["get", 2018], ["problem", 2030], ["fix", 2036], ["fixes", 2036], ["fixed", 2036], ["remove", 2083], ["mission", 2104], ["roster", 2111], ["groan", 2131], ["groans", 2131], ["groanest", 2131], ["groaning", 2131], ["groaned", 2131], ["inwardly", 2140], ["grab", 2156], ["grabbed", 2156], ["polo", 2180], ["shirt", 2186], ["bookcase", 2201], ["shelf", 2207], ["toss", 2218], ["tossed", 2218], ["put", 2237], ["clean", 2255], ["cleans", 2255], ["yerself", 2263], ["tell", 2279], ["happen", 2298], ["happened", 2298], ["explain", 2317], ["dr", 2326], ["drs", 2326], ["hopefully", 2344], ["agree", 2366], ["help", 2374], ["helpest", 2374], ["guest", 2392], ["guestest", 2392], ["glance", 2428], ["glanced", 2428], ["show", 2455], ["showed", 2455], ["silver", 2466], ["silvered", 2466], ["captive", 2487], ["soldier", 2495], ["soldiered", 2495], ["stasis", 2511], ["frighten", 2560], ["frightened", 2560], ["badly", 2573], ["wish", 2593], ["escape", 2609], ["escapes", 2609], ["stride", 2624], ["stridden", 2624], ["restroom", 2640], ["old", 2650], ["vow", 2654], ["reverberate", 2667], ["reverberated", 2667], ["inside", 2674], ["head", 2683], ["another", 2693], ["sizzle", 2700], ["sizzles", 2700], ["skitter", 2710], ["along", 2716], ["length", 2727], ["tattoo", 2741], ["tattoos", 2741], ["tattooing", 2741], ["roll", 2757], ["rolled", 2757], ["right", 2767], ["rightest", 2767], ["shoulder", 2776], ["shouldered", 2776], ["relieve", 2787], ["relieved", 2787], ["itch", 2796], ["itches", 2796], ["bother", 2819], ["bothers", 2819], ["bothering", 2819], ["time", 2843], ["last", 2854], ["feel", 2870], ["felt", 2870], ["battle", 2899], ["crawl", 2931], ["crawled", 2931], ["beneath", 2939], ["bush", 2946], ["bushed", 2946], ["die", 2953], ["lifeblood", 2972], ["seep", 2983], ["seeped", 2983], ["wind", 2998], ["wound", 2998], ["wounding", 2998], ["imagine", 3015], ["imagined", 3015], ["li", 3018], ["lei", 3022], ["sat", 3030], ["sit", 3030], ["sitting", 3030], ["next", 3035], ["promise", 3054], ["promising", 3054], ["someday", 3071], ["together", 3094], ["murmur", 3118], ["murmurest", 3118], ["murmured", 3118], ["yes", 3122], ["comfort", 3136], ["comforting", 3136], ["heat", 3141], ["heats", 3141], ["heated", 3141], ["spread", 3152], ["lull", 3179], ["lulls", 3179], ["lulling", 3179], ["deep", 3197], ["deeply", 3197], ["sleep", 3203], ["slept", 3203], ["sleeps", 3203], ["sleepest", 3203], ["dead", 3215], ["know", 3225], ["knowest", 3225], ["knew", 3225], ["connor", 3248], ["beside", 3267], ["interpret", 3310], ["interpreted", 3310], ["agreement", 3326], ["join", 3334], ["joinest", 3334], ["rank", 3344], ["ranks", 3344], ["undead", 3358], ["awaken", 3375], ["awakens", 3375], ["awakened", 3375], ["vampire", 3385], ["century", 3405], ["centuries", 3405], ["remain", 3429], ["remained", 3429], ["cold", 3437], ["dragon", 3488], ["bring", 3506], ["soul", 3525], ["back", 3530], ["life", 3538], ["lifes", 3538], ["unfortunately", 3554], ["wait", 3570], ["waitest", 3570], ["waiting", 3570], ["close", 3576], ["three", 3585], ["hundred", 3593], ["year", 3599], ["years", 3599], ["danger", 3618], ["lose", 3628], ["losing", 3628], ["talk", 3658], ["demand", 3683], ["demandest", 3683], ["demanded", 3683], ["teleport", 3714], ["teleporting", 3714], ["home", 3728], ["homing", 3728], ["erase", 3738], ["memory", 3749], ["memories", 3749], ["lose", 3766], ["lost", 3766], ["chance", 3777], ["chanced", 3777], ["chancing", 3777], ["stiffen", 3794], ["stiffens", 3794], ["stiffened", 3794], ["walk", 3814], ["walked", 3814], ["carry", 3837], ["carrying", 3837], ["woman", 3845], ["womans", 3845], ["arm", 3857], ["arms", 3857], ["sack", 3869], ["potato", 3881], ["potatos", 3881], ["potatoes", 3881], ["perch", 3896], ["perching", 3896], ["perched", 3896], ["bed", 3918], ["ask", 3931], ["asked", 3931], ["real", 3986], ["reis", 3986], ["black", 4008], ["sister", 4021], ["doll", 4033], ["see", 4041], ["saw", 4041], ["watch", 4071], ["watched", 4071], ["set", 4086], ["lifelike", 4099], ["easy", 4116], ["dress", 4146], ["dressest", 4146], ["dressed", 4146], ["cheerleader", 4165], ["husband", 4192], ["husbanding", 4192], ["wry", 4198], ["mumble", 4245], ["mumbles", 4245], ["mumbled", 4245], ["phineas", 4258], ["must", 4263], ["musts", 4263], ["get", 4304], ["got", 4304], ["marry", 4312], ["married", 4312], ["minute", 4331], ["minutes", 4331], ["early", 4339], ["explain", 4360], ["explained", 4360], ["fail", 4384], ["failed", 4384], ["experiment", 4395], ["guy", 4404], ["guys", 4404], ["keep", 4409], ["keepest", 4409], ["kept", 4409], ["around", 4416], ["joke", 4426], ["jokes", 4426], ["sound", 4447], ["sounded", 4447], ["bit", 4453], ["bits", 4453], ["crazy", 4459]]
`` and this doll is supposed to keep vampires from attacking us ? '' `` you do n't need to worry about being attacked . '' emma sat in the other easy chair , facing the bed . `` the vamps are morally opposed to it . '' how moral can they be ? '' emma smiled slightly . `` well , i can speak on the matter with some knowledge , since i 've become a vamp myself . '' `` i ... did n't mean to offend . '' emma 's smile widened . there was a time when i hated vampires . but then i got to know them better . you see , the malcontents imprisoned me with angus and let him go hungry so he 'd have no choice but to bite me . for several nights he restrained himself . he was starving to death , biting himself , and i even caught him climbing on a table where the sunlight would hit him . '' `` he was going to commit suicide ? '' he was ready to die rather than harm me . i had to beg him to bite me so he could survive . '' `` so vampires retain a sense of right and wrong ? '' `` death can not change a person 's character , '' emma explained . `` bad people become evil vampires , and good guys like angus - well , he 's my hero . '' leah hated to admit it , but emma 's story sounded a bit romantic . `` and you 're married to him now ? '' emma 's smile grew wistful . `` he reminds me of a historical hero - braveheart or rob roy . and the way he talks - it still melts my heart . '' abby nodded in agreement . `` there 's something about a guy in a kilt . i 've been trying to talk gregori into getting one . '' `` i 'm not wearing a damned skirt . '' a vision of dougal flitted through leah 's mind . she 'd thought he was wonderfully attractive until she 'd caught him assaulting a woman . or a doll . `` i still do n't understand why dougal was attacking a rubber doll . '' she shuddered , remembering the shock of seeing the arm rip off and the blood squirt out . emma and gregori exchanged a worried look . `` i-i 'm sure he had a reason , '' abby mumbled . `` like he 's a violent pervert ? '' `` he never struck me that way . i always thought he was shy . '' `` actually , '' gregori said , `` i do n't think he approved of us bringing you here . he questioned if we had the right to drag you into our world . '' leah sat up . was that why he 'd looked so tense and agitated when everyone else had been cheerful ? was he actually on her side ? he was a violent , wild person . she did n't dare trust him . emma 's cell phone rang . `` it 's angus . i 'll take this in the hall . '' she hurried from the room . gregori picked vanna up and headed for the door . `` i 'll get rid of this . '' `` permanently , i hope , '' abby muttered , then shifted on the bed to look at leah . `` so you 're okay now ? '' `` did you have a hard time accepting all this supernatural stuff ? '' `` not too hard . i was desperate to find some plants in china that i thought would help my sick mother , but it seemed impossible . that 's when my father arranged for the vampires to teleport me there . '' `` so you were well motivated to accept them . '' `` the vamps and shifters took me there and protected me . '' `` at one point , we were captured by master han , and while we were escaping , one of the bad guys came at me with a sword . gregori jumped in front of me and was stabbed in the back . i almost lost him . '' she blinked away some tears and smiled . `` i cry way too easily these days . must be the hormones . '' leah slid off the bed and paced across the room . abby and emma made their husbands sound like heroes . undead heroes fighting against the supernatural forces of evil . it sounded as fanciful as the stories her grandfather used to tell her . grandpa had always said there was a world beyond science , a magical world that could not be explained with logic . her mother had warned her to pay no attention to his silly tales . grandpa could never stroll along a rocky shore without looking for a selkie , or roam the green fields without searching for the fae . he had claimed his uilleann pipes could entice the leprechauns to come out of hiding . mom had rejected her father and ireland . she 'd moved to the states to study at mit , and there she 'd fallen in love with a brilliant physics professor , dr. kai ling chin . leah had been raised on a strict , home-school regimen of science and rationalism .
[["doll", 16], ["suppose", 28], ["supposed", 28], ["keep", 36], ["keepest", 36], ["vampire", 45], ["vampires", 45], ["attack", 60], ["attacking", 60], ["need", 87], ["needest", 87], ["worry", 96], ["worried", 96], ["attack", 117], ["attacked", 117], ["emma", 127], ["emmas", 127], ["sat", 131], ["sit", 131], ["easy", 149], ["chair", 155], ["chairing", 155], ["face", 164], ["facing", 164], ["bed", 172], ["vamp", 187], ["vamped", 187], ["morally", 199], ["moral", 228], ["smile", 257], ["smiled", 257], ["slightly", 266], ["well", 276], ["wells", 276], ["speak", 290], ["spoken", 290], ["matter", 304], ["mattering", 304], ["knowledge", 324], ["since", 332], ["become", 345], ["vamp", 352], ["vamped", 352], ["mean", 386], ["meanest", 386], ["offend", 396], ["smile", 415], ["widen", 423], ["widened", 423], ["time", 442], ["hate", 455], ["hateed", 455], ["hated", 455], ["get", 481], ["got", 481], ["know", 489], ["knowest", 489], ["well", 501], ["wells", 501], ["see", 511], ["malcontent", 529], ["imprison", 540], ["imprisonest", 540], ["imprisoned", 540], ["angus", 554], ["let", 562], ["lets", 562], ["go", 569], ["goest", 569], ["hungry", 576], ["choice", 600], ["several", 629], ["night", 636], ["nights", 636], ["restrain", 650], ["restrains", 650], ["restrained", 650], ["starve", 676], ["starving", 676], ["death", 685], ["biting", 694], ["even", 715], ["evens", 715], ["catch", 722], ["catched", 722], ["catches", 722], ["caught", 722], ["climb", 735], ["climbing", 735], ["table", 746], ["tabled", 746], ["tabling", 746], ["sunlight", 765], ["hit", 775], ["go", 800], ["goest", 800], ["going", 800], ["commit", 810], ["committed", 810], ["suicide", 818], ["ready", 836], ["die", 843], ["rather", 850], ["harm", 860], ["harmest", 860], ["beg", 878], ["survive", 913], ["retain", 940], ["sense", 948], ["right", 957], ["rightest", 957], ["wrong", 967], ["change", 996], ["person", 1005], ["character", 1018], ["explain", 1038], ["explained", 1038], ["bad", 1047], ["people", 1054], ["evil", 1066], ["evils", 1066], ["evilest", 1066], ["good", 1086], ["guy", 1091], ["guys", 1091], ["like", 1096], ["hero", 1125], ["heros", 1125], ["leah", 1135], ["admit", 1150], ["story", 1173], ["sound", 1181], ["sounded", 1181], ["bit", 1187], ["bits", 1187], ["romantic", 1196], ["married", 1221], ["grow", 1256], ["growest", 1256], ["grew", 1256], ["wistful", 1264], ["remind", 1280], ["reminds", 1280], ["historical", 1299], ["braveheart", 1317], ["rob", 1324], ["robs", 1324], ["robbing", 1324], ["roy", 1328], ["way", 1342], ["ways", 1342], ["talk", 1351], ["talks", 1351], ["still", 1362], ["melt", 1368], ["meltest", 1368], ["melts", 1368], ["heart", 1377], ["nod", 1394], ["nodded", 1394], ["agreement", 1407], ["guy", 1443], ["kilt", 1453], ["kilts", 1453], ["try", 1473], ["tryed", 1473], ["trying", 1473], ["talk", 1481], ["get", 1502], ["getting", 1502], ["wear", 1531], ["wearing", 1531], ["skirt", 1546], ["vision", 1560], ["flit", 1578], ["flitted", 1578], ["mind", 1599], ["minding", 1599], ["think", 1616], ["thinkest", 1616], ["thought", 1616], ["wonderfully", 1635], ["attractive", 1646], ["assault", 1681], ["assaulting", 1681], ["woman", 1689], ["womans", 1689], ["understand", 1732], ["understanded", 1732], ["rubber", 1766], ["shudder", 1790], ["shuddering", 1790], ["shudderest", 1790], ["shuddered", 1790], ["remember", 1804], ["rememberest", 1804], ["remembering", 1804], ["shock", 1814], ["see", 1824], ["seeing", 1824], ["arm", 1832], ["rip", 1836], ["blood", 1854], ["bloods", 1854], ["blooded", 1854], ["squirt", 1861], ["squirting", 1861], ["exchange", 1894], ["exchanged", 1894], ["look", 1909], ["sure", 1926], ["reason", 1942], ["reasonest", 1942], ["mumble", 1960], ["mumbles", 1960], ["mumbled", 1960], ["violent", 1986], ["pervert", 1994], ["pervertest", 1994], ["never", 2011], ["strike", 2018], ["struck", 2018], ["always", 2041], ["shy", 2060], ["shying", 2060], ["say", 2095], ["sayest", 2095], ["said", 2095], ["think", 2115], ["thinkest", 2115], ["approve", 2127], ["approved", 2127], ["bring", 2142], ["bringing", 2142], ["question", 2167], ["questioned", 2167], ["drag", 2195], ["world", 2214], ["look", 2259], ["looked", 2259], ["tense", 2268], ["everyone", 2295], ["else", 2300], ["cheerful", 2318], ["side", 2348], ["sidest", 2348], ["wild", 2374], ["wildest", 2374], ["dare", 2400], ["trust", 2406], ["cell", 2425], ["phone", 2431], ["take", 2466], ["hall", 2483], ["hurry", 2500], ["hurried", 2500], ["hurryed", 2500], ["hurrying", 2500], ["room", 2514], ["roomed", 2514], ["pick", 2531], ["picked", 2531], ["head", 2551], ["headed", 2551], ["door", 2564], ["get", 2579], ["rid", 2583], ["permanently", 2611], ["hope", 2620], ["mutter", 2639], ["muttering", 2639], ["mutterest", 2639], ["muttered", 2639], ["shift", 2654], ["shifted", 2654], ["okay", 2702], ["hard", 2734], ["accept", 2749], ["accepting", 2749], ["supernatural", 2771], ["stuff", 2777], ["desperate", 2816], ["find", 2824], ["plant", 2836], ["plants", 2836], ["china", 2845], ["help", 2871], ["helpest", 2871], ["sick", 2879], ["mother", 2886], ["mothered", 2886], ["motherest", 2886], ["seem", 2902], ["seeming", 2902], ["seemed", 2902], ["impossible", 2913], ["father", 2938], ["fathered", 2938], ["fathering", 2938], ["arrange", 2947], ["arranging", 2947], ["arranged", 2947], ["teleport", 2976], ["teleporting", 2976], ["accept", 3030], ["shift", 3066], ["shifters", 3066], ["take", 3071], ["took", 3071], ["protect", 3094], ["protectest", 3094], ["protected", 3094], ["point", 3118], ["capture", 3137], ["captured", 3137], ["master", 3147], ["han", 3151], ["hans", 3151], ["escape", 3180], ["escapes", 3180], ["escaping", 3180], ["come", 3207], ["came", 3207], ["sword", 3226], ["jump", 3243], ["jumps", 3243], ["jumped", 3243], ["front", 3252], ["stab", 3274], ["stabs", 3274], ["stabbed", 3274], ["back", 3286], ["almost", 3297], ["lose", 3302], ["lost", 3302], ["blink", 3323], ["blinked", 3323], ["away", 3328], ["tear", 3339], ["teared", 3339], ["tears", 3339], ["cry", 3361], ["easily", 3376], ["day", 3387], ["days", 3387], ["must", 3394], ["musts", 3394], ["hormone", 3410], ["hormones", 3410], ["slid", 3425], ["pace", 3447], ["paced", 3447], ["across", 3454], ["husband", 3499], ["husbanding", 3499], ["husbands", 3499], ["sound", 3505], ["hero", 3517], ["heros", 3517], ["heroes", 3517], ["undead", 3526], ["fight", 3542], ["fightest", 3542], ["force", 3574], ["forces", 3574], ["fanciful", 3607], ["story", 3622], ["stories", 3622], ["grandfather", 3638], ["use", 3643], ["used", 3643], ["tell", 3651], ["grandpa", 3665], ["grandpas", 3665], ["beyond", 3706], ["science", 3714], ["magical", 3726], ["logic", 3771], ["warn", 3795], ["warned", 3795], ["pay", 3806], ["pays", 3806], ["payest", 3806], ["attention", 3819], ["silly", 3832], ["tale", 3838], ["tales", 3838], ["stroll", 3867], ["strollest", 3867], ["along", 3873], ["rocky", 3881], ["shore", 3887], ["without", 3895], ["look", 3903], ["looking", 3903], ["selkie", 3916], ["roam", 3926], ["roamest", 3926], ["green", 3936], ["greens", 3936], ["field", 3943], ["fielding", 3943], ["fields", 3943], ["search", 3961], ["searching", 3961], ["fae", 3973], ["claim", 3990], ["claimed", 3990], ["pipe", 4009], ["piped", 4009], ["piping", 4009], ["pipes", 4009], ["entice", 4022], ["leprechaun", 4038], ["leprechauns", 4038], ["come", 4046], ["hide", 4060], ["hides", 4060], ["mom", 4066], ["moms", 4066], ["reject", 4079], ["rejected", 4079], ["ireland", 4102], ["move", 4117], ["moved", 4117], ["state", 4131], ["states", 4131], ["study", 4140], ["mit", 4147], ["fall", 4173], ["falls", 4173], ["fallen", 4173], ["love", 4181], ["brilliant", 4198], ["physics", 4206], ["professor", 4216], ["dr", 4221], ["drs", 4221], ["kai", 4226], ["ling", 4231], ["chin", 4236], ["raise", 4259], ["raised", 4259], ["strict", 4271], ["strictest", 4271], ["home", 4278], ["homing", 4278], ["school", 4285], ["schooling", 4285], ["regimen", 4293], ["rationalism", 4320]]
her mind had thrived on it . but her heart had loved the one magical summer she 'd spent with grandpa . her parents had been invited to speak at several prestigious conferences , and her two teenage brothers were already in college . after realizing that a nine-year-old girl was too young to fend for herself all summer , her parents had shipped her off to ireland . grandpa had made her feel loved instead of abandoned . and wonderfully free . she 'd danced barefoot in the meadow while he 'd serenaded her with the pipes . she 'd gathered flowers without learning their names in latin . and she 'd reveled in grandpa 's stories where nothing was what it seemed . if he were still alive , he would laugh and drink a toast to this bizarre , new world she 'd stumbled into . run back to her safe , secure world that made sense and followed the rules ? where dead people remained dead without waking up and craving blood , and humans remained human without shifting into killer cats ? her parents would say run . but grandpa would lean close to her ear and whisper , `` life is an adventure , lass . live it to the fullest , and never look back . '' if she were fanciful like grandpa , she would suspect that somehow his spirit had guided her here . she recalled the odd feeling that had swept over her earlier . as if her whole life had been a series of small steps leading her to this one moment in time . she was too logical to believe in fate . her decisions had been her own . she was master of her own destiny . she 'd accepted the perfect job , one that required a physician and geneticist . and dr. lee had offered great benefits and an outstanding salary . because the vamps wanted you . she 'd been drawn into this world on purpose . and she 'd felt it the first time she saw him . dougal . the undead pervert who ripped arms off lifelike sex toys . she could almost hear her grandfather 's cackling laughter . emma 's voice yelled in the hallway . leah spun toward the door , her heart thudding . `` angus told me about your prosthesis malfunctioning , '' emma continued . `` i 'll explain it to leah . '' leah 's thoughts raced as she searched her memory . the room had been dark , but she 'd clearly seen the blood splatter across dougal 's pale face and white shirt , the shocked expression on his face , and the bloody arm clutched in his hand . a metallic , bloodstained hand . a vampire with a prosthetic hand ? and , apparently , a malfunctioning one . did that mean the bloody assault had been nothing more than an accident ? when a deep voice responded , she stepped closer to the doorway. `` ... my fault . i frightened her out of her wits . '' he had pronounced out like `` oot . '' and his lilting accent sounded like sweet , soothing music . that a vampire was attractive ? his voice and handsome looks hardly made up for the fact that he was a bloodsucker . and why was she so eager to excuse the assault as a simple accident ? he had looked like a wild man , his hair flying and his voice roaring in anger . her heart jolted when his large frame filled the open doorway , and his gaze immediately fixed on her . green , expressive eyes that studied her intently . he was even bigger close up . his navy polo shirt clung to every muscled contour of his chest and shoulders . he still wore his bright and colorful kilt , made of a green , black , and red plaid . green knee socks hugged his muscular calves . he stood with his feet wide apart and his hands at his sides . his right hand was gray and metallic . a series of tiny clicking noises emanated from it as he curled it into a fist . was it strong enough to tear a real person 's arm off ? she eased back a step , then lifted her gaze to his face . to the injured look in his eyes . `` i doona blame you for being afraid of me , '' he said softly . `` but i willna harm you . '' his skin was pale , a stark contrast to the dark whiskers lining his chiseled jaw and the long black hair brushed neatly back and tied in a ponytail at the base of his neck . a wide brow , high cheekbones , strong chin , and an abundance of lean muscle in all the right places . he was the type of man who could actually be called beautiful and still be wonderfully masculine . a shame he was dead . a bigger shame that she found him so appealing . vampire , she reminded herself . strong and wild enough to rip a woman 's arm off . `` you were watching me on the cameras , were n't you ? was my performance amusing ? '' i dinna enjoy it . '' `` but i thought ye were verra brave and strong . '' emma walked into the room , pocketing her cell phone .
[["mind", 8], ["minding", 8], ["thrive", 20], ["thrived", 20], ["heart", 42], ["love", 52], ["loved", 52], ["magical", 68], ["summer", 75], ["summering", 75], ["spend", 88], ["spends", 88], ["spendest", 88], ["spent", 88], ["grandpa", 101], ["grandpas", 101], ["parent", 115], ["parents", 115], ["invite", 132], ["invites", 132], ["invited", 132], ["speak", 141], ["spoken", 141], ["several", 152], ["prestigious", 164], ["conference", 176], ["conferencing", 176], ["conferences", 176], ["two", 190], ["twos", 190], ["teenage", 198], ["brother", 207], ["brethren", 207], ["brothers", 207], ["already", 220], ["college", 231], ["realize", 249], ["realizing", 249], ["nine", 261], ["year", 266], ["old", 270], ["girl", 275], ["young", 289], ["youngest", 289], ["fend", 297], ["fended", 297], ["ship", 346], ["shipped", 346], ["ireland", 365], ["feel", 393], ["instead", 407], ["abandon", 420], ["abandoned", 420], ["wonderfully", 438], ["free", 443], ["dance", 459], ["danced", 459], ["barefoot", 468], ["meadow", 482], ["serenade", 504], ["serenaded", 504], ["pipe", 523], ["piped", 523], ["piping", 523], ["pipes", 523], ["gather", 541], ["gatherest", 541], ["gathered", 541], ["flower", 549], ["flowers", 549], ["without", 557], ["learn", 566], ["learns", 566], ["learnt", 566], ["learning", 566], ["name", 578], ["names", 578], ["latin", 587], ["revel", 608], ["reveling", 608], ["revelling", 608], ["story", 630], ["stories", 630], ["nothing", 644], ["seem", 663], ["seeming", 663], ["seemed", 663], ["still", 682], ["alive", 688], ["laugh", 705], ["drank", 715], ["drink", 715], ["drinking", 715], ["toast", 723], ["bizarre", 739], ["new", 745], ["world", 751], ["stumble", 767], ["stumbled", 767], ["run", 778], ["back", 783], ["safe", 795], ["safes", 795], ["safed", 795], ["secure", 804], ["securest", 804], ["sense", 826], ["follow", 839], ["followed", 839], ["rule", 849], ["rules", 849], ["dead", 862], ["people", 869], ["remain", 878], ["remained", 878], ["wake", 898], ["wakes", 898], ["woken", 898], ["waking", 898], ["crave", 913], ["craved", 913], ["craving", 913], ["blood", 919], ["bloods", 919], ["blooded", 919], ["human", 932], ["humans", 932], ["human", 947], ["shift", 964], ["shifting", 964], ["killer", 976], ["killers", 976], ["cat", 981], ["cats", 981], ["say", 1005], ["sayest", 1005], ["lean", 1034], ["leans", 1034], ["close", 1040], ["ear", 1051], ["whisper", 1063], ["life", 1073], ["lifes", 1073], ["adventure", 1089], ["lass", 1096], ["live", 1103], ["full", 1121], ["fullest", 1121], ["never", 1133], ["look", 1138], ["fanciful", 1169], ["like", 1174], ["suspect", 1202], ["somehow", 1215], ["spirit", 1226], ["spirited", 1226], ["guide", 1237], ["guided", 1237], ["recall", 1261], ["recallest", 1261], ["recalled", 1261], ["odd", 1269], ["feeling", 1277], ["sweep", 1292], ["swept", 1292], ["early", 1309], ["whole", 1327], ["wholes", 1327], ["series", 1350], ["small", 1359], ["step", 1365], ["steps", 1365], ["lead", 1373], ["leaded", 1373], ["leading", 1373], ["moment", 1396], ["time", 1404], ["logical", 1426], ["believe", 1437], ["fate", 1445], ["decision", 1461], ["decisions", 1461], ["master", 1495], ["destiny", 1514], ["accept", 1532], ["accepted", 1532], ["perfect", 1544], ["perfectest", 1544], ["job", 1548], ["jobbing", 1548], ["require", 1568], ["required", 1568], ["physician", 1580], ["physicians", 1580], ["geneticist", 1595], ["dr", 1604], ["drs", 1604], ["lee", 1609], ["lees", 1609], ["offer", 1621], ["offered", 1621], ["great", 1627], ["benefit", 1636], ["benefits", 1636], ["outstanding", 1655], ["salary", 1662], ["vamp", 1682], ["vamped", 1682], ["draw", 1713], ["drawn", 1713], ["draws", 1713], ["purpose", 1740], ["feel", 1758], ["felt", 1758], ["first", 1771], ["firstest", 1771], ["see", 1784], ["saw", 1784], ["undead", 1810], ["pervert", 1818], ["pervertest", 1818], ["rip", 1829], ["ripped", 1829], ["arm", 1834], ["arms", 1834], ["lifelike", 1847], ["sex", 1851], ["toy", 1856], ["toyed", 1856], ["toyest", 1856], ["toys", 1856], ["almost", 1875], ["hear", 1880], ["hears", 1880], ["grandfather", 1896], ["laughter", 1917], ["emma", 1924], ["emmas", 1924], ["voice", 1933], ["yell", 1940], ["yelled", 1940], ["hallway", 1955], ["hallways", 1955], ["leah", 1962], ["spin", 1967], ["spun", 1967], ["toward", 1974], ["door", 1983], ["thud", 2004], ["angus", 2015], ["tell", 2020], ["told", 2020], ["prosthesis", 2045], ["continue", 2080], ["continued", 2080], ["explain", 2099], ["thought", 2132], ["thoughts", 2132], ["race", 2138], ["racing", 2138], ["raced", 2138], ["search", 2154], ["searched", 2154], ["memory", 2165], ["memories", 2165], ["room", 2176], ["roomed", 2176], ["dark", 2190], ["clearly", 2211], ["see", 2216], ["seen", 2216], ["splatter", 2235], ["across", 2242], ["pale", 2257], ["face", 2262], ["white", 2272], ["shirt", 2278], ["expression", 2303], ["bloody", 2332], ["bloodying", 2332], ["arm", 2336], ["clutch", 2345], ["clutched", 2345], ["hand", 2357], ["metallic", 2370], ["vampire", 2402], ["prosthetic", 2420], ["apparently", 2444], ["malfunction", 2463], ["malfunctioning", 2463], ["mean", 2483], ["meanest", 2483], ["assault", 2502], ["accident", 2541], ["deep", 2555], ["deeply", 2555], ["respond", 2571], ["respondest", 2571], ["responded", 2571], ["step", 2585], ["stepped", 2585], ["close", 2592], ["closer", 2592], ["doorway", 2607], ["fault", 2624], ["faulting", 2624], ["frighten", 2639], ["frightened", 2639], ["wit", 2659], ["wits", 2659], ["pronounce", 2682], ["pronounced", 2682], ["oot", 2698], ["lilt", 2719], ["lilting", 2719], ["accent", 2726], ["accenting", 2726], ["sound", 2734], ["sounded", 2734], ["sweet", 2745], ["soothe", 2756], ["soothes", 2756], ["soothing", 2756], ["music", 2762], ["musics", 2762], ["attractive", 2794], ["handsome", 2819], ["handsomes", 2819], ["look", 2825], ["looks", 2825], ["hardly", 2832], ["fact", 2853], ["bloodsucker", 2879], ["eager", 2906], ["excuse", 2916], ["simple", 2940], ["simplest", 2940], ["look", 2965], ["looked", 2965], ["wild", 2977], ["wildest", 2977], ["man", 2981], ["mans", 2981], ["manned", 2981], ["hair", 2992], ["fly", 2999], ["flys", 2999], ["flying", 2999], ["roar", 3021], ["roarest", 3021], ["roaring", 3021], ["anger", 3030], ["jolt", 3049], ["jolted", 3049], ["large", 3064], ["frame", 3070], ["fill", 3077], ["fills", 3077], ["filled", 3077], ["open", 3086], ["gaze", 3109], ["gazes", 3109], ["immediately", 3121], ["fix", 3127], ["fixes", 3127], ["fixed", 3127], ["green", 3142], ["greens", 3142], ["expressive", 3155], ["eye", 3160], ["eyed", 3160], ["eyes", 3160], ["study", 3173], ["studied", 3173], ["intently", 3186], ["even", 3200], ["evens", 3200], ["big", 3207], ["bigs", 3207], ["bigger", 3207], ["navy", 3227], ["polo", 3232], ["cling", 3244], ["every", 3253], ["muscle", 3261], ["muscled", 3261], ["contour", 3269], ["contours", 3269], ["contouring", 3269], ["chest", 3282], ["shoulder", 3296], ["shouldered", 3296], ["shoulders", 3296], ["wear", 3312], ["wore", 3312], ["bright", 3323], ["brights", 3323], ["colorful", 3336], ["kilt", 3341], ["kilts", 3341], ["black", 3367], ["red", 3377], ["plaid", 3383], ["knee", 3396], ["hug", 3409], ["hugged", 3409], ["muscular", 3422], ["calf", 3429], ["calves", 3429], ["stand", 3440], ["stood", 3440], ["standest", 3440], ["foot", 3454], ["feet", 3454], ["wide", 3459], ["apart", 3465], ["hand", 3479], ["hands", 3479], ["side", 3492], ["sidest", 3492], ["sides", 3492], ["right", 3504], ["rightest", 3504], ["gray", 3518], ["grays", 3518], ["tiny", 3550], ["click", 3559], ["clicking", 3559], ["noise", 3566], ["noises", 3566], ["emanate", 3575], ["emanated", 3575], ["curl", 3596], ["curls", 3596], ["curled", 3596], ["fist", 3611], ["strong", 3627], ["enough", 3634], ["tear", 3642], ["teared", 3642], ["real", 3649], ["reis", 3649], ["person", 3656], ["ease", 3679], ["eased", 3679], ["step", 3691], ["lift", 3705], ["lifted", 3705], ["doona", 3773], ["doonas", 3773], ["blame", 3779], ["blamest", 3779], ["afraid", 3800], ["say", 3819], ["sayest", 3819], ["said", 3819], ["softly", 3826], ["harm", 3849], ["harmest", 3849], ["skin", 3867], ["stark", 3886], ["starks", 3886], ["contrast", 3895], ["whisker", 3916], ["whiskered", 3916], ["whiskering", 3916], ["whiskers", 3916], ["line", 3923], ["lining", 3923], ["chisel", 3936], ["chiseled", 3936], ["jaw", 3940], ["jaws", 3940], ["jawed", 3940], ["jawest", 3940], ["long", 3953], ["longs", 3953], ["brush", 3972], ["brushest", 3972], ["brushed", 3972], ["neatly", 3979], ["tie", 3993], ["tying", 3993], ["tieing", 3993], ["tied", 3993], ["ponytail", 4007], ["base", 4019], ["basest", 4019], ["neck", 4031], ["necked", 4031], ["brow", 4045], ["high", 4052], ["cheekbone", 4063], ["cheekboned", 4063], ["cheekbones", 4063], ["chin", 4077], ["abundance", 4096], ["muscle", 4111], ["place", 4135], ["places", 4135], ["type", 4153], ["call", 4189], ["called", 4189], ["beautiful", 4199], ["beautifulest", 4199], ["masculine", 4234], ["shame", 4244], ["shamed", 4244], ["find", 4288], ["found", 4288], ["remind", 4330], ["reminded", 4330], ["rip", 4370], ["woman", 4378], ["womans", 4378], ["watch", 4412], ["watching", 4412], ["camera", 4430], ["cameras", 4430], ["performance", 4466], ["amusing", 4474], ["dinna", 4487], ["enjoy", 4493], ["enjoyed", 4493], ["think", 4518], ["thinkest", 4518], ["thought", 4518], ["ye", 4521], ["yed", 4521], ["brave", 4538], ["walk", 4566], ["walked", 4566], ["pocket", 4592], ["pocketing", 4592], ["cell", 4601], ["phone", 4607]]
are you going to explain , or shall i ? '' she asked dougal . he turned to leah and lifted his right hand . `` my hand locked on vanna 's arm . the prosthesis wouldna obey my command to release . i dinna mean to tear her arm off . 't was an accident . '' he had still reacted like a wild man . the volcano might be sleeping now , but who knew when he would erupt again ? leah 's eyes narrowed on his hand . `` how do you command it to do things ? '' he probably had the power to tamper with her mind like dr. lee had done . `` then what was malfunctioning - the hand or your mind ? '' `` my mind , i think . '' `` i 'm no ' crazy . i 'm no ' sure why . '' well , at least he seemed honest . it would have been so much easier for him to claim mechanical failure . `` how did you lose your hand ? '' `` i 'm no ' a bad swordsman . five to one . '' `` you were fighting with swords ? '' i lunged at one , and another one sliced my hand off . it turned to dust . '' `` that had to be awful to see . '' `` it dinna feel verra good , either . '' `` you can ... feel pain ? '' `` ye think my feelings are dead ? '' `` i can feel anything ye can . '' one look at his expressive eyes and she knew that was true . `` may i have a word with you , lass ? '' she had n't been called a lass since the last time she 'd seen her grandfather . odd , but this man was probably older than her grandfather , even though he looked fairly young , only a few years older than herself . `` in private , '' he added . `` not a good idea , '' emma said . `` we ca n't have you scaring her away . '' he cast an annoyed look at her . he turned back to leah , and his dark brows quirked slightly with a questioning expression . `` do ye wish to leave ? '' if ye want to go home , i can take you . '' a burst of warm hope spread through her chest . dougal would help her . `` dougal , '' emma warned him . `` aye , i ken . '' `` ye want to drag the puir lass into our world and our problems . but has anyone asked her what she wants ? '' he shifted his gaze back to leah . `` we have no right to keep you here . if ye want to go , i can teleport you home right away . '' `` teleport ? '' `` dougal , '' emma spoke more sharply . `` she doesna need us . '' `` we ca n't simply let her go , not when she knows about us . there 's protocol to follow - `` `` you mean erasing my memory ? '' `` i willna do that , '' dougal said . `` that 's against regulations , and you know it . '' `` to hell with yer regulations , '' dougal growled . `` if ye trust her enough to expect her to help us , then ye can trust her to keep our secret . '' he turned back to leah . do ye plan to make us public ? '' `` everyone would think i was crazy . and then i 'd have a really hard time getting another job . '' `` aye , there is that . '' her prior reluctance to remain had stemmed from feeling forced , but now that she actually had a choice , she was n't sure she wanted to leave . any other job would seem boring compared to what she could do here . still , it would n't hurt to get away for a few days to think it over . `` how does this teleportation work ? '' `` i hold onto you and read yer mind to see where ye want to go . the prospect of him holding onto her was intriguing , but she had serious doubts about the mind reading or going part . if he read her mind , he might see how attractive she thought he was . and the going part simply sounded impossible . `` you mean we disappear and rematerialize ? '' `` that ca n't be safe . what if our bodies get accidentally fused together ? '' he leaned forward and whispered , `` lass , if our bodies fuse together , 'twould no ' be by accident . '' her mouth dropped open , and she stepped back . was he referring to sex ? he certainly was n't as shy as everyone thought . `` how could i rely on you to take me home ? you might take me to ... to your underground lair . '' was n't that what vampires did ? `` i 'm fresh out of underground lairs . '' he 'd said `` oot '' again , but she ignored the way it made her heart flutter . ye doona know me . '' and if she refused to stay at this job , she might never get to know him . and that suddenly seemed like a terrible shame .
[["go", 13], ["goest", 13], ["going", 13], ["explain", 24], ["shall", 35], ["ask", 52], ["asked", 52], ["turn", 71], ["turned", 71], ["leah", 79], ["lift", 90], ["lifted", 90], ["right", 100], ["rightest", 100], ["hand", 105], ["lock", 125], ["locked", 125], ["arm", 141], ["prosthesis", 158], ["wouldna", 166], ["obey", 171], ["obeyed", 171], ["command", 182], ["release", 193], ["dinna", 203], ["mean", 208], ["meanest", 208], ["tear", 216], ["teared", 216], ["accident", 249], ["still", 267], ["react", 275], ["reacted", 275], ["like", 280], ["wild", 287], ["wildest", 287], ["man", 291], ["mans", 291], ["manned", 291], ["volcano", 305], ["may", 311], ["mays", 311], ["mayest", 311], ["might", 311], ["sleep", 323], ["slept", 323], ["sleeps", 323], ["sleepest", 323], ["sleeping", 323], ["know", 342], ["knowest", 342], ["knew", 342], ["erupt", 362], ["eruptest", 362], ["eye", 383], ["eyed", 383], ["eyes", 383], ["narrow", 392], ["narrowed", 392], ["thing", 444], ["things", 444], ["probably", 461], ["power", 475], ["tamper", 485], ["mind", 499], ["minding", 499], ["dr", 507], ["drs", 507], ["lee", 512], ["lees", 512], ["malfunction", 555], ["malfunctioning", 555], ["think", 605], ["thinkest", 605], ["crazy", 629], ["sure", 646], ["well", 660], ["wells", 660], ["least", 671], ["leastest", 671], ["seem", 681], ["seeming", 681], ["seemed", 681], ["honest", 688], ["much", 717], ["easy", 724], ["easier", 724], ["claim", 741], ["mechanical", 752], ["failure", 760], ["lose", 782], ["bad", 816], ["swordsmen", 826], ["swordsman", 826], ["five", 833], ["fived", 833], ["fight", 866], ["fightest", 866], ["sword", 878], ["swords", 878], ["lunge", 892], ["lunges", 892], ["another", 913], ["slice", 924], ["sliced", 924], ["dust", 956], ["dusting", 956], ["awful", 985], ["see", 992], ["feel", 1014], ["good", 1025], ["either", 1034], ["pain", 1064], ["ye", 1075], ["yed", 1075], ["feeling", 1093], ["feelings", 1093], ["dead", 1102], ["anything", 1130], ["look", 1151], ["expressive", 1169], ["true", 1201], ["may", 1210], ["mays", 1210], ["mayest", 1210], ["word", 1224], ["lass", 1240], ["call", 1269], ["called", 1269], ["since", 1282], ["last", 1291], ["time", 1296], ["see", 1308], ["seen", 1308], ["grandfather", 1324], ["odd", 1330], ["old", 1364], ["even", 1392], ["evens", 1392], ["though", 1399], ["look", 1409], ["looked", 1409], ["fairly", 1416], ["young", 1422], ["youngest", 1422], ["year", 1441], ["years", 1441], ["private", 1476], ["add", 1490], ["added", 1490], ["idea", 1511], ["emma", 1521], ["emmas", 1521], ["say", 1526], ["sayest", 1526], ["said", 1526], ["ca", 1537], ["cas", 1537], ["scare", 1558], ["scared", 1558], ["scaring", 1558], ["away", 1567], ["cast", 1580], ["casts", 1580], ["back", 1620], ["dark", 1643], ["brow", 1649], ["brows", 1649], ["quirk", 1657], ["quirks", 1657], ["quirked", 1657], ["slightly", 1666], ["question", 1685], ["questioning", 1685], ["expression", 1696], ["wish", 1712], ["left", 1721], ["leave", 1721], ["go", 1743], ["goest", 1743], ["home", 1748], ["homing", 1748], ["take", 1761], ["burst", 1778], ["bursted", 1778], ["warm", 1786], ["hope", 1791], ["spread", 1798], ["chest", 1816], ["help", 1836], ["helpest", 1836], ["warn", 1869], ["warned", 1869], ["aye", 1882], ["ayes", 1882], ["ken", 1890], ["kent", 1890], ["drag", 1914], ["world", 1943], ["problem", 1960], ["problems", 1960], ["anyone", 1977], ["shift", 2018], ["shifted", 2018], ["gaze", 2027], ["gazes", 2027], ["keep", 2070], ["keepest", 2070], ["teleport", 2115], ["teleporting", 2115], ["speak", 2183], ["spoken", 2183], ["spoke", 2183], ["sharply", 2196], ["doesna", 2212], ["need", 2217], ["needest", 2217], ["simply", 2245], ["let", 2249], ["lets", 2249], ["know", 2277], ["knowest", 2277], ["knows", 2277], ["protocol", 2306], ["protocols", 2306], ["follow", 2316], ["erase", 2341], ["erasing", 2341], ["memory", 2351], ["memories", 2351], ["regulation", 2426], ["regulations", 2426], ["know", 2441], ["knowest", 2441], ["hell", 2460], ["hells", 2460], ["yer", 2469], ["growl", 2501], ["growls", 2501], ["growled", 2501], ["trust", 2518], ["enough", 2529], ["expect", 2539], ["secret", 2597], ["plan", 2638], ["public", 2656], ["everyone", 2673], ["really", 2727], ["hard", 2732], ["get", 2745], ["getting", 2745], ["job", 2757], ["jobbing", 2757], ["prior", 2800], ["reluctance", 2811], ["remain", 2821], ["stem", 2833], ["stemmed", 2833], ["feel", 2846], ["feeling", 2846], ["force", 2853], ["forced", 2853], ["choice", 2894], ["seem", 2960], ["seeming", 2960], ["compare", 2976], ["compared", 2976], ["hurt", 3030], ["hurts", 3030], ["hurting", 3030], ["get", 3037], ["day", 3057], ["days", 3057], ["teleportation", 3107], ["work", 3112], ["wrought", 3112], ["hold", 3127], ["onto", 3132], ["ontos", 3132], ["read", 3145], ["reads", 3145], ["prospect", 3196], ["hold", 3211], ["holding", 3211], ["intriguing", 3235], ["serious", 3257], ["doubt", 3264], ["doubts", 3264], ["read", 3287], ["reads", 3287], ["reading", 3287], ["part", 3301], ["parting", 3301], ["attractive", 3353], ["think", 3365], ["thinkest", 3365], ["thought", 3365], ["sound", 3408], ["sounded", 3408], ["impossible", 3419], ["disappear", 3446], ["rematerialize", 3464], ["safe", 3492], ["safes", 3492], ["safed", 3492], ["body", 3513], ["bodied", 3513], ["bodies", 3513], ["accidentally", 3530], ["fuse", 3536], ["fused", 3536], ["together", 3545], ["lean", 3560], ["leans", 3560], ["leaned", 3560], ["forward", 3568], ["forwarding", 3568], ["forwardest", 3568], ["whisper", 3582], ["whispered", 3582], ["fuse", 3613], ["twould", 3632], ["mouth", 3667], ["mouthed", 3667], ["drop", 3675], ["dropped", 3675], ["open", 3680], ["step", 3698], ["stepped", 3698], ["refer", 3722], ["referring", 3722], ["sex", 3729], ["certainly", 3744], ["shy", 3759], ["shying", 3759], ["rely", 3801], ["underground", 3871], ["lair", 3876], ["vampire", 3908], ["vampires", 3908], ["fresh", 3928], ["freshest", 3928], ["lair", 3953], ["oot", 3976], ["ignore", 4003], ["ignored", 4003], ["way", 4011], ["ways", 4011], ["heart", 4029], ["flutter", 4037], ["fluttering", 4037], ["doona", 4048], ["doonas", 4048], ["refuse", 4080], ["refused", 4080], ["stay", 4088], ["never", 4118], ["suddenly", 4154], ["terrible", 4177], ["shame", 4183], ["shamed", 4183]]
when and where had he been transformed ? why did he look at her like he was starving , and not just for blood ? would it hurt to stay in new york while she made her decision ? would it hurt to even try the job for a few days ? it might be the most interesting work she 'd ever find . what if she could actually help these people and save lives ? maybe her own life would seem more like an adventure . maybe , for the first time , she would find a place where she could actually make friends . these people would never consider her a freak , not when they were abnormal . `` i think i 'll stay here and give the job a try . '' emma clapped her hands together . abby rushed forward , grinning . it 's going to be great working with you . '' she cast a nervous glance at dougal , who was watching her with a fierce gleam in his green eyes . was he excited or angry ? `` are you going to be here ? '' he shrugged his shoulder , and his gaze grew more intense . `` i 'm in charge of security here . i 'll be keeping you safe . '' a shiver pebbled her skin with gooseflesh . he would be keeping her safe ? he presented a bigger danger than anyone else . to be honest with herself , she knew that she 'd based part of her decision to stay on him , so in an alarming sense , she was flirting with danger . and even more alarming , she was looking forward to it . chapter seven leah woke with a jolt , sitting up in bed . for a second she felt disoriented , then she remembered where she was - a guest bedroom in roman draganesti 's townhouse in the upper east side of manhattan . more memories from the night before flooded back . vampires , shifters , hybrid children , and him . with a shudder , she pulled the blanket up to her chin . he had given her a chance to escape , but then he 'd also become a major reason to stay . she shook her head , not comfortable with that thought . in truth , she had many reasons to stay . she was intrigued by this new supernatural world , challenged by the work , and honored to have a chance to save lives . those were legitimate reasons that made her decision sound much more noble than the way her heart pounded whenever he looked at her . even so , he was the one who dominated her thoughts . when would she see him again ? light filtered in around the curtains , so it was daylight outside . he would be sleeping or whatever happened to vampires during the day . to her surprise , the bedside clock read a few minutes past noon . she jumped out of bed and headed to the shower . as she washed her hair with her favorite jasmine-scented shampoo , she let her mind wander back to the night before . after her decision to stay , she 'd gone back to the lab with abby to study the two remaining blood samples . abby was right . tino was basically human . but the third sample , taken from a soldier for master han , had shown an alarming number of mutations . changing him back to a normal mortal would not be easy , but it was a challenge she was looking forward to . by two in the morning , she 'd been exhausted , so gregori and abby had driven her back to the townhouse before going on to their own place . abby had promised to pick her up at 3:30 p.m. so they could return to romatech and get what she called an early start . leah supposed these strange hours would become the norm for her now that she was working with vampires . she was too hungry to mess with her wet hair , so she towel-dried it , threw on some jeans and a t-shirt , and headed downstairs to the kitchen . to her surprise , she heard voices inside . and smelled coffee brewing . she peeked inside the swinging door . there were two women and three children . two of the kids looked like twins , and they were sitting in high chairs . the younger woman , a pretty redhead , glanced her way and smiled . `` hi , leah . come and have breakfast with us . '' she eased inside . i mean , afternoon . '' she 'd been introduced to the party crowd the night before , but there had been so many of them that she could n't recall any names . `` buenos dias , '' the older woman said . `` i 'm fidelia . '' she placed pieces of toast and jelly onto two plastic plates . `` the little ones are jillian and jean-pierre . '' `` we call him john for short , '' added a young girl . `` i 'm bethany . '' `` and i 'm heather . '' the mother poured milk into two cups and snapped spouted lids on top before passing them to the toddlers . `` papa 's still asleep , '' bethany added . fidelia snorted .
[["transform", 38], ["transformed", 38], ["look", 56], ["like", 68], ["starve", 84], ["starving", 84], ["blood", 109], ["bloods", 109], ["blooded", 109], ["hurt", 125], ["hurts", 125], ["hurting", 125], ["stay", 133], ["new", 140], ["york", 145], ["yorks", 145], ["decision", 173], ["even", 197], ["evens", 197], ["try", 201], ["tryed", 201], ["job", 209], ["jobbing", 209], ["day", 224], ["days", 224], ["may", 235], ["mays", 235], ["mayest", 235], ["might", 235], ["interesting", 259], ["work", 264], ["wrought", 264], ["ever", 276], ["everest", 276], ["find", 281], ["help", 315], ["helpest", 315], ["people", 328], ["save", 337], ["life", 343], ["lifes", 343], ["lives", 343], ["maybe", 351], ["life", 364], ["lifes", 364], ["seem", 375], ["seeming", 375], ["adventure", 398], ["first", 422], ["firstest", 422], ["time", 427], ["place", 452], ["friend", 490], ["friends", 490], ["never", 517], ["consider", 526], ["freak", 538], ["freaking", 538], ["abnormal", 568], ["think", 581], ["thinkest", 581], ["give", 606], ["emma", 630], ["emmas", 630], ["clap", 638], ["clapped", 638], ["hand", 648], ["hands", 648], ["together", 657], ["rush", 671], ["rushed", 671], ["forward", 679], ["forwarding", 679], ["forwardest", 679], ["grin", 690], ["go", 704], ["goest", 704], ["going", 704], ["great", 716], ["work", 724], ["wrought", 724], ["working", 724], ["cast", 747], ["casts", 747], ["nervous", 757], ["glance", 764], ["watch", 793], ["watching", 793], ["fierce", 811], ["gleam", 817], ["gleams", 817], ["gleamed", 817], ["gleamest", 817], ["green", 830], ["greens", 830], ["eye", 835], ["eyed", 835], ["eyes", 835], ["angry", 861], ["shrug", 908], ["shrugging", 908], ["shrugged", 908], ["shoulder", 921], ["shouldered", 921], ["gaze", 936], ["gazes", 936], ["grow", 941], ["growest", 941], ["grew", 941], ["intense", 954], ["charge", 974], ["security", 986], ["keep", 1010], ["keepest", 1010], ["keeping", 1010], ["safe", 1019], ["safes", 1019], ["safed", 1019], ["shiver", 1033], ["shivering", 1033], ["pebble", 1041], ["pebbled", 1041], ["skin", 1050], ["gooseflesh", 1066], ["present", 1112], ["presentest", 1112], ["presented", 1112], ["big", 1121], ["bigs", 1121], ["bigger", 1121], ["danger", 1128], ["anyone", 1140], ["else", 1145], ["honest", 1160], ["know", 1184], ["knowest", 1184], ["knew", 1184], ["base", 1202], ["basest", 1202], ["based", 1202], ["part", 1207], ["parting", 1207], ["sense", 1264], ["flirt", 1283], ["flirting", 1283], ["look", 1338], ["looking", 1338], ["chapter", 1362], ["seven", 1368], ["leah", 1373], ["wake", 1378], ["wakes", 1378], ["woken", 1378], ["woke", 1378], ["jolt", 1390], ["jolted", 1390], ["sat", 1400], ["sit", 1400], ["sitting", 1400], ["bed", 1410], ["second", 1425], ["seconded", 1425], ["feel", 1434], ["felt", 1434], ["disorient", 1446], ["disorientest", 1446], ["disoriented", 1446], ["remember", 1468], ["rememberest", 1468], ["remembered", 1468], ["guest", 1492], ["guestest", 1492], ["bedroom", 1500], ["roman", 1509], ["romans", 1509], ["townhouse", 1533], ["upper", 1546], ["east", 1551], ["side", 1556], ["sidest", 1556], ["manhattan", 1569], ["manhattans", 1569], ["memory", 1585], ["memories", 1585], ["night", 1600], ["flood", 1615], ["flooded", 1615], ["back", 1620], ["vampire", 1631], ["vampires", 1631], ["shift", 1642], ["shifters", 1642], ["hybrid", 1651], ["child", 1660], ["childs", 1660], ["children", 1660], ["shudder", 1687], ["shuddering", 1687], ["shudderest", 1687], ["pull", 1700], ["pulled", 1700], ["blanket", 1712], ["chin", 1727], ["give", 1742], ["given", 1742], ["chance", 1755], ["chanced", 1755], ["chancing", 1755], ["escape", 1765], ["escapes", 1765], ["also", 1787], ["become", 1794], ["major", 1802], ["reason", 1809], ["reasonest", 1809], ["shake", 1829], ["shook", 1829], ["head", 1838], ["comfortable", 1856], ["thought", 1874], ["truth", 1885], ["many", 1900], ["reason", 1908], ["reasonest", 1908], ["reasons", 1908], ["intrigue", 1936], ["intrigued", 1936], ["supernatural", 1961], ["world", 1967], ["challenge", 1980], ["challenged", 1980], ["honor", 2006], ["honored", 2006], ["legitimate", 2061], ["sound", 2098], ["much", 2103], ["noble", 2114], ["way", 2127], ["ways", 2127], ["heart", 2137], ["pound", 2145], ["pounded", 2145], ["whenever", 2154], ["look", 2164], ["looked", 2164], ["dominate", 2212], ["dominated", 2212], ["thought", 2225], ["thoughts", 2225], ["see", 2246], ["lit", 2264], ["light", 2264], ["filter", 2273], ["filterest", 2273], ["filtered", 2273], ["around", 2283], ["curtain", 2296], ["curtaining", 2296], ["curtains", 2296], ["daylight", 2317], ["outside", 2325], ["sleep", 2348], ["slept", 2348], ["sleeps", 2348], ["sleepest", 2348], ["sleeping", 2348], ["whatever", 2360], ["happen", 2369], ["happened", 2369], ["day", 2396], ["surprise", 2414], ["surprised", 2414], ["bedside", 2428], ["clock", 2434], ["read", 2439], ["reads", 2439], ["minute", 2453], ["minutes", 2453], ["past", 2458], ["noon", 2463], ["jump", 2476], ["jumps", 2476], ["jumped", 2476], ["head", 2498], ["headed", 2498], ["showered", 2512], ["showerest", 2512], ["wash", 2528], ["washed", 2528], ["hair", 2537], ["favorite", 2555], ["favoritest", 2555], ["jasmine", 2563], ["jasmines", 2563], ["shampoo", 2579], ["shampoos", 2579], ["shampooed", 2579], ["let", 2589], ["lets", 2589], ["mind", 2598], ["minding", 2598], ["wander", 2605], ["go", 2673], ["goest", 2673], ["gone", 2673], ["lab", 2689], ["labs", 2689], ["study", 2708], ["two", 2716], ["twos", 2716], ["remain", 2726], ["remaining", 2726], ["sample", 2740], ["sampling", 2740], ["samples", 2740], ["right", 2757], ["rightest", 2757], ["basically", 2778], ["human", 2784], ["third", 2800], ["sample", 2807], ["sampling", 2807], ["take", 2815], ["taken", 2815], ["soldier", 2830], ["soldiered", 2830], ["master", 2841], ["han", 2845], ["hans", 2845], ["show", 2857], ["shown", 2857], ["number", 2876], ["numbering", 2876], ["mutation", 2889], ["mutations", 2889], ["change", 2900], ["changing", 2900], ["normal", 2921], ["mortal", 2928], ["easy", 2946], ["challenge", 2971], ["morning", 3022], ["exhaust", 3046], ["exhausted", 3046], ["exhausting", 3046], ["drive", 3079], ["driven", 3079], ["promise", 3160], ["promised", 3160], ["pick", 3168], ["return", 3209], ["returnest", 3209], ["get", 3229], ["call", 3245], ["called", 3245], ["early", 3254], ["start", 3260], ["suppose", 3276], ["supposed", 3276], ["strange", 3290], ["hour", 3296], ["hours", 3296], ["norm", 3318], ["hungry", 3386], ["mess", 3394], ["messed", 3394], ["messing", 3394], ["wet", 3407], ["towel", 3427], ["towels", 3427], ["toweled", 3427], ["towelled", 3427], ["dry", 3433], ["drier", 3433], ["drying", 3433], ["dried", 3433], ["throw", 3444], ["threw", 3444], ["jean", 3458], ["jeans", 3458], ["shirt", 3472], ["downstairs", 3496], ["kitchen", 3511], ["kitchens", 3511], ["hear", 3541], ["hears", 3541], ["heard", 3541], ["voice", 3548], ["voices", 3548], ["inside", 3555], ["smelt", 3569], ["smell", 3569], ["smellest", 3569], ["smelled", 3569], ["coffee", 3576], ["brewing", 3584], ["peek", 3597], ["peeks", 3597], ["peeked", 3597], ["door", 3622], ["woman", 3645], ["womans", 3645], ["women", 3645], ["three", 3655], ["kid", 3682], ["kids", 3682], ["twin", 3700], ["twins", 3700], ["high", 3732], ["chair", 3739], ["chairing", 3739], ["chairs", 3739], ["young", 3753], ["youngest", 3753], ["woman", 3759], ["womans", 3759], ["pretty", 3770], ["prettiest", 3770], ["redhead", 3778], ["glance", 3788], ["glanced", 3788], ["smile", 3807], ["smiled", 3807], ["hi", 3815], ["come", 3829], ["breakfast", 3848], ["ease", 3871], ["eased", 3871], ["mean", 3887], ["meanest", 3887], ["afternoon", 3899], ["introduce", 3927], ["introduced", 3927], ["party", 3940], ["crowd", 3946], ["crowding", 3946], ["crowdest", 3946], ["recall", 4026], ["recallest", 4026], ["name", 4036], ["names", 4036], ["old", 4068], ["say", 4079], ["sayest", 4079], ["said", 4079], ["place", 4113], ["placed", 4113], ["piece", 4120], ["pieced", 4120], ["pieces", 4120], ["toast", 4129], ["jelly", 4139], ["jellies", 4139], ["jellied", 4139], ["onto", 4144], ["ontos", 4144], ["plastic", 4156], ["plate", 4163], ["plating", 4163], ["plates", 4163], ["little", 4179], ["jillian", 4196], ["jean", 4205], ["jeans", 4205], ["pierre", 4212], ["call", 4228], ["john", 4237], ["short", 4247], ["add", 4258], ["added", 4258], ["young", 4266], ["youngest", 4266], ["girl", 4271], ["bethany", 4289], ["heather", 4314], ["mother", 4330], ["mothered", 4330], ["motherest", 4330], ["pour", 4337], ["poured", 4337], ["milk", 4342], ["milked", 4342], ["milkest", 4342], ["cup", 4356], ["cups", 4356], ["snap", 4368], ["snapping", 4368], ["snapped", 4368], ["lid", 4381], ["lids", 4381], ["top", 4388], ["pass", 4403], ["passing", 4403], ["toddler", 4424], ["toddlers", 4424], ["papa", 4434], ["still", 4443], ["asleep", 4450], ["snort", 4487], ["snortest", 4487], ["snorted", 4487]]
dead as a rock is more - `` she paused when heather cleared her throat . the older woman must be exaggerating . `` so you 're married to a vampire ? '' leah asked heather as she eyed the children . they were probably hybrids like tino . heather nodded , smiling . i 'm married to jean-luc echarpe . you met us briefly last night . '' `` the famous fashion designer ? '' he was a vampire ? `` that 's papa ! '' bethany sat up in her seat , grinning . `` we came for the party last night , but we 'll be staying a while , getting ready for fashion week . '' heather motioned toward the counter . `` we bought some groceries yesterday . please help yourself to whatever you like . '' facing the counter , leah twisted a bagel in half and dropped the pieces into a toaster . she located a saucer , a knife , and some cream cheese . `` so i guess you live in paris ? '' fidelia scoffed . `` we 're in texas . '' heather sipped some coffee . `` jean-luc went into hiding there when the media started wondering why he was n't aging . '' `` and then he fell in love with my mom , '' bethany added . heather smiled at her daughter . they seemed like a happy family , leah thought wistfully as she poured herself a cup of coffee . `` those vamps , they 're very macho . '' fidelia bit into a bagel , and her eyes narrowed on leah . `` you 're a pretty young thing . i bet they 'll go after you next . '' `` fidelia , '' heather whispered . `` you might frighten her . '' `` she should be frightened , '' fidelia insisted , then twisted her square frame in the chair to face leah . `` if one of those vamps sets his sights on you , he 'll be like a dog with a bone . a rabid dog . with a boner . '' `` fidelia ! '' heather gave her a warning look . they 're more like those heat-detecting missiles . if they think you 're hot , they 'll zoom right after you till they catch you . and then , bam ! '' `` it 's an explosion of love ! '' bethany giggled . was that why dougal had watched her with such an intense , hungry look in his eyes ? had he set his sights on her ? `` they 're muy macho , very sexy . '' fidelia patted her hair , which was black with two inches of gray roots . `` i had my eye on robby , but he found a girl a few years younger than me . '' `` more than a few years , '' heather muttered . `` i like the scottish ones the best . '' fidelia 's eyes twinkled . `` and i like what they 're wearing underneath their kilts . nada ! '' bethany grinned . `` aunt fee , you should marry dougal . he 's still single . '' leah 's breath caught . she turned her back , pretending to wait on the toaster . `` ah , dougal , '' fidelia murmured . `` he 's a handsome hombre . never says much , but i suspect he 's more a man of action . '' `` he 's real good with a sword , '' bethany said . fidelia chuckled . `` those scotsmen have some really long swords . and i bet they know just how to use them . '' `` i 'm afraid dougal wo n't be our guard anymore . he 's going to be in charge of night security at romatech . '' where i 'll see him every night . leah started when the bagels popped up in the toaster . `` i 'm going to miss dougal , '' bethany whined . `` who 's going to guard us then ? '' `` do n't worry , honey , '' fidelia replied . `` mr. glock and senor beretta will keep us safe . '' `` oh god , no , '' heather whispered . `` you brought them with you ? '' `` of course , '' fidelia said . `` that 's why i love teleporting with the vamps . they never take my guns away . '' leah glanced back and saw the older woman patting her large handbag . `` you did n't need to bring them . '' `` how else do we stay safe during the day ? '' fidelia asked . `` we left billy in texas to guard the house , and dougal 's dead as a doornail right now . '' that was the second time fidelia had said the vamps were dead . was n't being undead different from being dead ? leah spread some cream cheese on her bagel . `` where is dougal ? ''
[["dead", 4], ["rock", 14], ["pause", 38], ["paused", 38], ["heather", 51], ["clear", 59], ["clearest", 59], ["cleared", 59], ["throat", 70], ["old", 82], ["woman", 88], ["womans", 88], ["must", 93], ["musts", 93], ["exaggerate", 109], ["exaggerated", 109], ["exaggerating", 109], ["marry", 133], ["married", 133], ["vampire", 146], ["leah", 156], ["ask", 162], ["asked", 162], ["eye", 182], ["eyed", 182], ["child", 195], ["childs", 195], ["children", 195], ["probably", 216], ["hybrid", 224], ["hybrids", 224], ["like", 229], ["nod", 251], ["nodded", 251], ["smile", 261], ["smiling", 261], ["jean", 284], ["jeans", 284], ["luc", 288], ["meet", 306], ["meeted", 306], ["met", 306], ["briefly", 317], ["last", 322], ["night", 328], ["famous", 347], ["fashion", 355], ["fashioned", 355], ["designer", 364], ["papa", 404], ["bethany", 417], ["sat", 421], ["sit", 421], ["seat", 436], ["grin", 447], ["come", 460], ["came", 460], ["party", 474], ["stay", 509], ["staying", 509], ["get", 527], ["getting", 527], ["ready", 533], ["week", 550], ["motion", 572], ["toward", 579], ["counter", 591], ["buy", 606], ["buyed", 606], ["bought", 606], ["grocery", 621], ["groceries", 621], ["yesterday", 631], ["yesterdays", 631], ["please", 640], ["help", 645], ["helpest", 645], ["whatever", 666], ["face", 687], ["facing", 687], ["twist", 714], ["twisted", 714], ["twisting", 714], ["bagel", 722], ["half", 730], ["drop", 742], ["dropped", 742], ["piece", 753], ["pieced", 753], ["pieces", 753], ["toaster", 768], ["locate", 782], ["located", 782], ["saucer", 791], ["knife", 801], ["knifes", 801], ["cream", 818], ["creamest", 818], ["cheese", 825], ["cheesed", 825], ["cheesing", 825], ["guess", 841], ["live", 850], ["paris", 859], ["scoff", 880], ["scoffs", 880], ["scoffed", 880], ["texas", 901], ["sip", 921], ["sipped", 921], ["coffee", 933], ["go", 952], ["goest", 952], ["went", 952], ["hide", 964], ["hides", 964], ["medias", 985], ["start", 993], ["started", 993], ["wonder", 1003], ["wonderest", 1003], ["wondering", 1003], ["age", 1024], ["aged", 1024], ["aging", 1024], ["fall", 1049], ["falls", 1049], ["fell", 1049], ["love", 1057], ["mom", 1069], ["moms", 1069], ["add", 1088], ["added", 1088], ["smile", 1105], ["smiled", 1105], ["daughter", 1121], ["seem", 1135], ["seeming", 1135], ["seemed", 1135], ["happy", 1148], ["family", 1155], ["think", 1170], ["thinkest", 1170], ["thought", 1170], ["wistfully", 1180], ["pour", 1194], ["poured", 1194], ["cup", 1208], ["vamp", 1235], ["vamped", 1235], ["macho", 1257], ["bite", 1274], ["eye", 1302], ["eyed", 1302], ["eyes", 1302], ["narrow", 1311], ["narrowed", 1311], ["pretty", 1341], ["prettiest", 1341], ["young", 1347], ["youngest", 1347], ["thing", 1353], ["bet", 1361], ["go", 1373], ["goest", 1373], ["next", 1388], ["whisper", 1427], ["whispered", 1427], ["may", 1442], ["mays", 1442], ["mayest", 1442], ["might", 1442], ["frighten", 1451], ["frightened", 1451], ["insist", 1510], ["insistest", 1510], ["insisted", 1510], ["square", 1536], ["frame", 1542], ["chair", 1555], ["chairing", 1555], ["face", 1563], ["set", 1600], ["sets", 1600], ["sight", 1611], ["sighted", 1611], ["sights", 1611], ["dog", 1641], ["bone", 1653], ["bonest", 1653], ["rabid", 1663], ["boner", 1682], ["give", 1716], ["gave", 1716], ["warning", 1730], ["look", 1735], ["heat", 1767], ["heats", 1767], ["heated", 1767], ["detect", 1777], ["detectest", 1777], ["detecting", 1777], ["missile", 1786], ["missiles", 1786], ["think", 1802], ["thinkest", 1802], ["hot", 1814], ["zoom", 1830], ["zoomed", 1830], ["right", 1836], ["rightest", 1836], ["till", 1851], ["catch", 1862], ["catched", 1862], ["catches", 1862], ["bam", 1883], ["explosion", 1910], ["giggle", 1939], ["giggled", 1939], ["watch", 1973], ["watched", 1973], ["intense", 1998], ["hungry", 2007], ["set", 2037], ["muy", 2073], ["sexy", 2091], ["pat", 2111], ["patted", 2111], ["hair", 2120], ["black", 2138], ["two", 2147], ["twos", 2147], ["inch", 2154], ["inches", 2154], ["gray", 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["handsomes", 2662], ["hombre", 2669], ["never", 2677], ["say", 2682], ["sayest", 2682], ["says", 2682], ["much", 2687], ["suspect", 2703], ["man", 2720], ["mans", 2720], ["manned", 2720], ["action", 2730], ["real", 2749], ["reis", 2749], ["good", 2754], ["sword", 2767], ["say", 2785], ["sayest", 2785], ["said", 2785], ["chuckle", 2804], ["chuckled", 2804], ["scotsman", 2824], ["scotsmen", 2824], ["really", 2841], ["long", 2846], ["longs", 2846], ["sword", 2853], ["swords", 2853], ["know", 2875], ["knowest", 2875], ["use", 2891], ["afraid", 2916], ["wo", 2926], ["guard", 2943], ["anymore", 2951], ["go", 2965], ["goest", 2965], ["going", 2965], ["charge", 2981], ["security", 2999], ["see", 3032], ["every", 3042], ["bagel", 3079], ["bagels", 3079], ["pop", 3086], ["popped", 3086], ["miss", 3128], ["whine", 3155], ["whined", 3155], ["worry", 3211], ["worried", 3211], ["honey", 3219], ["honeys", 3219], ["reply", 3240], ["replied", 3240], ["mr", 3248], ["glock", 3255], ["senor", 3265], ["beretta", 3273], ["keep", 3283], ["keepest", 3283], ["safe", 3291], ["safes", 3291], ["safed", 3291], ["oh", 3302], ["god", 3306], ["bring", 3351], ["brought", 3351], ["course", 3383], ["teleport", 3437], ["teleporting", 3437], ["take", 3470], ["gun", 3478], ["guns", 3478], ["away", 3483], ["glance", 3501], ["glanced", 3501], ["see", 3514], ["saw", 3514], ["pat", 3538], ["patting", 3538], ["large", 3548], ["handbag", 3556], ["need", 3578], ["needest", 3578], ["bring", 3587], ["else", 3609], ["stay", 3620], ["day", 3640], ["left", 3672], ["leave", 3672], ["billy", 3678], ["house", 3706], ["doornail", 3741], ["second", 3776], ["seconded", 3776], ["time", 3781], ["undead", 3841], ["different", 3851], ["spread", 3881]]
`` in the basement , most probably . '' heather sipped some more coffee . `` that 's where the guards stay when they sleep here . '' leah brought her bagel and coffee to the table . maybe she could sneak down there when no one was looking . bethany asked her . `` mom and i are going to a show this afternoon . mary poppins ! '' leah sat . `` do n't worry about me , '' fidelia muttered . `` i 'll just stay here with the twins . '' `` john and jillian ? '' fidelia patted her handbag , her eyes twinkling . `` smith and wesson . '' leah shot a wary look at the handbag . how many guns were in there ? heather stood , stuffing the last of her bagel in her mouth . while leah ate , they bustled about , putting things away and cleaning up the happy toddlers , who had grape jelly smeared all over their faces . then they went upstairs to a playroom heather mentioned . she and bethany would be leaving soon for their broadway matinee . with it quiet in the kitchen , leah 's thoughts kept returning to fidelia 's insistence that dougal was dead . a body could n't remain dead for hours and then magically revive itself . he had to be in a deep sleep or something like a coma . the more she thought about it , the more she had to know the truth . she set her dirty dishes on the rack in the dishwasher , then left the kitchen in search of the basement . the first door she tried opened onto a staircase . at the base of the stairs , she found a washer and dryer . then she entered a large , well-lit room with a billiard table in the middle . sofas and chairs lined the walls . a small fridge held bottles of something called bleer . synthetic blood and beer . racks lined the upper walls , where an assortment of weapons were stashed - swords , knives , guns and rifles . interspersed between the racks were four coats of arms belonging to four clans . the mackay , macphie , buchanan , and kincaid . the plaid background on the kincaid coat of arms matched dougal 's kilt . she spotted a closed door and opened it . the creak made her wince . if he was sleeping , the noise might wake him up . the room was dark , so she left the door open to allow light to filter in from the billiards room . two rows of twin beds lined the walls . all were empty except the first one on the left . she approached the bed slowly . `` i do n't mean to interrupt your sleep , '' well , that was n't exactly true . she fully expected him to wake up any second . after all , he was a security guard . were n't they trained to be light sleepers ? his large frame filled the bed to the point that his feet practically hung off the bottom edge and his shoulders took up the entire width . he was flat on his back , his hands folded at his waist , his left hand resting on top of the prosthetic right hand . she eased closer . her gaze drifted down his body . what on earth was he wearing ? some kind of nightgown ? it looked like the sort of thing ebenezer scrooge would wear . it was white , baggy , and ended at midcalf . his feet were covered with white tube socks . the gown had long sleeves buttoned at the wrist , and another row of buttons marched up his chest to the high collar . the collar even had a ruffle at the top . how old-fashioned could he get ? at least he was n't wearing one of those silly nightcaps on his head . she leaned over to see his face , prepared to jump back whenever his eyes opened . his hair was loose about his shoulders . his jaw and mouth were outlined with dark whiskers . his mouth was closed . how could a man have such a pretty mouth ? she glanced back at his eyes . still shut . `` you know i 'm here , do n't you ? you 're only pretending to sleep ? '' his face remained completely still . not a twitch from those dark eyebrows . she 'd never seen eyebrows or a forehead that could be so expressive . her mother 's emotions showed in her eyes and her voice . her father either smiled slightly or more often , his lips thinned in disapproval . but dougal - she 'd recognized anger , fear , pain , hunger , curiosity , approval , and inquisitiveness all from the way he 'd moved his brow and eyebrows . without thinking , she reached out to touch his forehead . it was smooth and cool . she lifted her hand quickly and checked his eyes . still closed . she held a hand an inch below his nostrils . dead as a rock ? `` you ca n't be dead . the dark whiskers prickled her fingertips .
[["basement", 18], ["probably", 34], ["heather", 47], ["sip", 54], ["sipped", 54], ["coffee", 71], ["guard", 101], ["guards", 101], ["stay", 106], ["sleep", 122], ["slept", 122], ["sleeps", 122], ["sleepest", 122], ["leah", 137], ["bring", 145], ["brought", 145], ["bagel", 155], ["table", 179], ["tabled", 179], ["tabling", 179], ["maybe", 187], ["sneak", 203], ["sneakest", 203], ["look", 238], ["looking", 238], ["bethany", 248], ["ask", 254], ["asked", 254], ["mom", 267], ["moms", 267], ["go", 283], ["goest", 283], ["going", 283], ["show", 293], ["afternoon", 308], ["mary", 315], ["marys", 315], ["sat", 337], ["sit", 337], ["worry", 355], ["worried", 355], ["mutter", 386], ["muttering", 386], ["mutterest", 386], ["muttered", 386], ["twin", 427], ["twins", 427], ["john", 440], ["jillian", 452], ["pat", 472], ["patted", 472], ["handbag", 484], ["eye", 495], ["eyed", 495], ["eyes", 495], ["twinkle", 505], ["smith", 516], ["shoot", 542], ["shooted", 542], ["shot", 542], ["wary", 549], ["look", 554], ["many", 580], ["gun", 585], ["guns", 585], ["stand", 615], ["stood", 615], ["standest", 615], ["stuff", 626], ["stuffing", 626], ["last", 635], ["mouth", 661], ["mouthed", 661], ["eat", 678], ["ate", 678], ["bustle", 693], ["bustled", 693], ["bustling", 693], ["put", 709], ["putting", 709], ["thing", 716], ["things", 716], ["away", 721], ["clean", 734], ["cleans", 734], ["cleaning", 734], ["happy", 747], ["toddler", 756], ["toddlers", 756], ["grape", 772], ["jelly", 778], ["jellies", 778], ["jellied", 778], ["smear", 786], ["smearing", 786], ["smeared", 786], ["face", 807], ["faces", 807], ["go", 824], ["goest", 824], ["went", 824], ["upstairs", 833], ["playroom", 847], ["mention", 865], ["mentioned", 865], ["left", 900], ["leave", 900], ["leaving", 900], ["soon", 905], ["broadway", 924], ["matinee", 932], ["matinees", 932], ["quiet", 948], ["kitchen", 963], ["kitchens", 963], ["thought", 982], ["thoughts", 982], ["keep", 987], ["keepest", 987], ["kept", 987], ["return", 997], ["returnest", 997], ["returning", 997], ["insistence", 1022], ["dead", 1043], ["body", 1052], ["bodied", 1052], ["remain", 1069], ["hour", 1084], ["hours", 1084], ["magically", 1103], ["revive", 1110], ["reviving", 1110], ["deep", 1142], ["deeply", 1142], ["like", 1166], ["coma", 1173], ["think", 1196], ["thinkest", 1196], ["thought", 1196], ["know", 1232], ["knowest", 1232], ["truth", 1242], ["set", 1252], ["dirty", 1262], ["dish", 1269], ["dished", 1269], ["dishes", 1269], ["rack", 1281], ["dishwasher", 1299], ["left", 1311], ["leave", 1311], ["search", 1333], ["first", 1361], ["firstest", 1361], ["door", 1366], ["try", 1376], ["tryed", 1376], ["tried", 1376], ["open", 1383], ["opened", 1383], ["onto", 1388], ["ontos", 1388], ["staircase", 1400], ["base", 1414], ["basest", 1414], ["stair", 1428], ["stairs", 1428], ["find", 1440], ["found", 1440], ["washer", 1449], ["dryer", 1459], ["enter", 1478], ["entered", 1478], ["large", 1486], ["well", 1493], ["wells", 1493], ["lit", 1497], ["light", 1497], ["room", 1502], ["roomed", 1502], ["billiard", 1518], ["middle", 1538], ["middles", 1538], ["middling", 1538], ["sofa", 1546], ["chair", 1557], ["chairing", 1557], ["chairs", 1557], ["line", 1563], ["lined", 1563], ["wall", 1573], ["walls", 1573], ["small", 1583], ["fridge", 1590], ["hold", 1595], ["held", 1595], ["bottle", 1603], ["bottled", 1603], ["bottles", 1603], ["call", 1623], ["called", 1623], ["synthetic", 1641], ["blood", 1647], ["bloods", 1647], ["blooded", 1647], ["beer", 1656], ["rack", 1664], ["racks", 1664], ["upper", 1680], ["assortment", 1708], ["weapon", 1719], ["weapons", 1719], ["stash", 1732], ["stashed", 1732], ["sword", 1741], ["swords", 1741], ["knife", 1750], ["knifes", 1750], ["knives", 1750], ["rifle", 1768], ["rifles", 1768], ["intersperse", 1783], ["interspersed", 1783], ["four", 1811], ["coat", 1817], ["coats", 1817], ["arm", 1825], ["arms", 1825], ["belong", 1835], ["belonged", 1835], ["belongest", 1835], ["belonging", 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["gaze", 2812], ["gazes", 2812], ["drift", 2820], ["drifting", 2820], ["drifted", 2820], ["earth", 2850], ["earths", 2850], ["earthest", 2850], ["wear", 2865], ["wearing", 2865], ["kind", 2877], ["nightgown", 2890], ["nightgowns", 2890], ["look", 2902], ["looked", 2902], ["sort", 2916], ["thing", 2925], ["ebenezer", 2934], ["scrooge", 2942], ["wear", 2953], ["white", 2968], ["baggy", 2976], ["end", 2988], ["ends", 2988], ["endest", 2988], ["ended", 2988], ["midcalf", 2999], ["cover", 3023], ["covered", 3023], ["tube", 3039], ["sock", 3045], ["socks", 3045], ["socked", 3045], ["gown", 3056], ["gowns", 3056], ["gowning", 3056], ["long", 3065], ["longs", 3065], ["sleeve", 3073], ["sleeving", 3073], ["sleeves", 3073], ["button", 3082], ["buttoning", 3082], ["buttoned", 3082], ["wrist", 3095], ["another", 3109], ["row", 3113], ["rowest", 3113], ["button", 3124], ["buttoning", 3124], ["buttons", 3124], ["march", 3132], ["marching", 3132], ["marched", 3132], ["chest", 3145], ["high", 3157], ["collar", 3164], ["collared", 3164], ["even", 3182], ["evens", 3182], ["ruffle", 3195], ["ruffles", 3195], ["old", 3216], ["get", 3239], ["least", 3250], ["leastest", 3250], ["silly", 3288], ["nightcap", 3298], ["nightcaps", 3298], ["head", 3310], ["lean", 3323], ["leans", 3323], ["leaned", 3323], ["see", 3335], ["face", 3344], ["prepare", 3355], ["prepared", 3355], ["jump", 3363], ["jumps", 3363], ["whenever", 3377], ["hair", 3404], ["loose", 3414], ["looser", 3414], ["jaw", 3444], ["jaws", 3444], ["jawed", 3444], ["jawest", 3444], ["outline", 3468], ["outlines", 3468], ["outlined", 3468], ["whisker", 3487], ["whiskered", 3487], ["whiskering", 3487], ["whiskers", 3487], ["man", 3528], ["mans", 3528], ["manned", 3528], ["pretty", 3547], ["prettiest", 3547], ["glance", 3567], ["glanced", 3567], ["still", 3592], ["shut", 3597], ["pretend", 3660], ["pretendest", 3660], ["pretending", 3660], ["remain", 3692], ["remained", 3692], ["completely", 3703], ["twitch", 3724], ["twitchest", 3724], ["twitching", 3724], ["eyebrow", 3749], ["eyebrows", 3749], ["never", 3764], ["see", 3769], ["seen", 3769], ["forehead", 3792], ["expressive", 3820], ["mother", 3833], ["mothered", 3833], ["motherest", 3833], ["emotion", 3845], ["emotions", 3845], ["show", 3852], ["showed", 3852], ["voice", 3878], ["father", 3891], ["fathered", 3891], ["fathering", 3891], ["either", 3898], ["smile", 3905], ["smiled", 3905], ["slightly", 3914], ["often", 3928], ["lip", 3939], ["lipped", 3939], ["lips", 3939], ["thin", 3947], ["thins", 3947], ["thinned", 3947], ["disapproval", 3962], ["recognize", 3995], ["recognized", 3995], ["anger", 4001], ["fear", 4008], ["fearest", 4008], ["pain", 4015], ["hungers", 4024], ["hungering", 4024], ["curiosity", 4036], ["approval", 4047], ["inquisitiveness", 4069], ["way", 4086], ["ways", 4086], ["move", 4098], ["moved", 4098], ["brow", 4107], ["without", 4130], ["think", 4139], ["thinkest", 4139], ["thinking", 4139], ["reach", 4153], ["reached", 4153], ["touch", 4166], ["touching", 4166], ["smooth", 4195], ["cool", 4204], ["lift", 4217], ["lifted", 4217], ["quickly", 4234], ["check", 4246], ["checked", 4246], ["inch", 4296], ["nostril", 4315], ["nostrils", 4315], ["rock", 4332], ["ca", 4344], ["cas", 4344], ["prickle", 4385], ["prickled", 4385], ["fingertip", 4400], ["fingertips", 4400]]
`` you 're just too pretty , you know that ? '' she glanced at his eyes again . `` sexy rascal . shall i have my way with you ? '' would n't a normal guy stop faking it and make a grab for her ? she pressed her fingers against his carotid artery , but his high , ruffled neckline was in the way . `` well , this should wake you up . '' she unbuttoned the top three buttons of his nightshirt , then slid her hand to his neck to feel his pulse . she felt the other side . he did n't have a pulse . with her own pulse racing and fingers trembling , she unfastened more buttons . she peeled back his shirt and froze . this was the last thing she expected . a green and purple dragon curled over his right shoulder and down toward his chest . the mouth was wide open , breathing red and orange flames . an oriental-style dragon , colorful and fierce . she placed her hand on the fire etched over his heart . she lay her head on his chest to listen . his skin was cool against her cheek . `` oh god , '' she whispered , straightening . should she attempt cpr ? would that even work on a vampire ? it was almost two in the afternoon . he could have been dead since sunrise that morning . she pulled the edges of his nightshirt together and looked at his handsome face . he could n't be gone for good . he had to come back at sunset , right ? `` you will come back , wo n't you ? '' why was she feeling so drawn to this man ? he could n't be doing some sort of hocus-pocus glamour on her , not when he was dead . so that could only mean her attraction was real . `` really crazy , '' she muttered , blinking away the tears . if she had any sense , she would avoid this man like the plague . she rushed from the room , closing the door behind her and not looking back . dougal jolted back to life right after sunset . his vision adjusted quickly to the dark room . this was n't the opulent basement of jean-luc 's house in texas but the old , familiar basement in roman 's townhouse . and tonight , he started his new job . if he was lucky , he 'd see leah again . he might even get to teleport her to romatech . he still felt bad about eavesdropping on her the night before , but his guilt was overshadowed now by his admiration for her . she 'd remained so strong and brave while her safe world had crumbled around her . and then she 'd shown even more courage with her decision to stay . even though she was wary of vamps , she was still willing to work with them in order to save lives . she had a good , honorable heart . and she was bright , beautiful , and brave . he had n't felt this excited in years . what made her happy ? what were her dreams ? could she fall for someone like him ? as he sat up , he noticed his nightshirt was unbuttoned and gaping open . he glanced around quickly , but the room was empty . he peered into the billiards room , but it was empty , too . whoever had unbuttoned his shirt was gone . he caught a slight whiff of perfume . could it have been leah ? was she curious enough about him that she 'd examined him during his death-sleep ? he jumped in the shower as he considered other possible culprits . heather echarpe ? fidelia ? the woman was always trying to peek under his kilt whenever he levitated . it had to have been leah . he winced , imagining her reaction to his old-fashioned nightshirt . maybe he should do as gregori suggested and go to that fancy stylist over at dvn . the other guys always teased him about his old nightshirt . they had modernized to the point that most of them slept in underwear or less . he clung to the old shirt because it completely covered his tattoo , and he did n't want to answer any questions about it . leah must have seen it . he groaned at the thought . how could he explain it to her ? when he stepped out of the shower , he turned on the digital camera and monitor so he could see to shave . normally , he did n't bother much with his appearance , but tonight he might see leah again . would she confess to unbuttoning his shirt ? if not , how could he ask if she had ? by the way , lass , did ye molest me during my death-sleep ? before dawn , he had teleported back to jean-luc 's house to gather up his belongings : his clothes , tartan blanket , bagpipes , uilleann pipes , and old tin whistle . so now he was able to dress in a fresh white shirt and kilt and tie his damp hair back with a new leather strip .
[["pretty", 26], ["prettiest", 26], ["know", 37], ["knowest", 37], ["glance", 59], ["glanced", 59], ["eye", 71], ["eyed", 71], ["eyes", 71], ["sexy", 87], ["rascal", 94], ["shall", 102], ["way", 116], ["ways", 116], ["normal", 149], ["guy", 153], ["stop", 158], ["fake", 165], ["faking", 165], ["grab", 184], ["press", 206], ["pressed", 206], ["finger", 218], ["fingers", 218], ["carotid", 238], ["artery", 245], ["high", 260], ["neckline", 279], ["necklines", 279], ["well", 304], ["wells", 304], ["wake", 323], ["wakes", 323], ["woken", 323], ["unbutton", 350], ["unbuttoned", 350], ["top", 358], ["three", 364], ["button", 372], ["buttoning", 372], ["buttons", 372], ["nightshirt", 390], ["nightshirts", 390], ["slid", 402], ["hand", 411], ["neck", 423], ["necked", 423], ["feel", 431], ["pulse", 441], ["feel", 452], ["felt", 452], ["side", 467], ["sidest", 467], ["tremble", 543], ["trembles", 543], ["unfasten", 560], ["unfastens", 560], ["peel", 586], ["peeled", 586], ["back", 591], ["shirt", 601], ["froze", 611], ["freeze", 611], ["frozen", 611], ["freezing", 611], ["last", 631], ["thing", 637], ["expect", 650], ["expected", 650], ["green", 660], ["greens", 660], ["purple", 671], ["dragon", 678], ["curl", 685], ["curls", 685], ["curled", 685], ["right", 700], ["rightest", 700], ["shoulder", 709], ["shouldered", 709], ["toward", 725], ["chest", 735], ["mouth", 747], ["mouthed", 747], ["wide", 756], ["open", 761], ["breathe", 773], ["breathes", 773], ["red", 777], ["orange", 788], ["flame", 795], ["flames", 795], ["oriental", 809], ["style", 815], ["colorful", 833], ["fierce", 844], ["place", 857], ["placed", 857], ["fire", 878], ["etch", 885], ["etched", 885], ["heart", 900], ["lie", 910], ["lay", 910], ["lain", 910], ["head", 919], ["listen", 942], ["listens", 942], ["skin", 953], ["cool", 962], ["cheek", 980], ["cheeks", 980], ["oh", 988], ["god", 992], ["whisper", 1011], ["whispered", 1011], ["straighten", 1027], ["straightened", 1027], ["straightening", 1027], ["attempt", 1048], ["cpr", 1052], ["even", 1070], ["evens", 1070], ["work", 1075], ["wrought", 1075], ["vampire", 1088], ["almost", 1104], ["two", 1108], ["twos", 1108], ["afternoon", 1125], ["dead", 1151], ["since", 1157], ["sunrise", 1165], ["morning", 1178], ["pull", 1191], ["pulled", 1191], ["edge", 1201], ["edges", 1201], ["together", 1228], ["look", 1239], ["looked", 1239], ["handsome", 1255], ["handsomes", 1255], ["face", 1260], ["go", 1283], ["goest", 1283], ["gone", 1283], ["good", 1292], ["come", 1309], ["sunset", 1324], ["sunsets", 1324], ["wo", 1361], ["feel", 1394], ["feeling", 1394], ["man", 1415], ["mans", 1415], ["manned", 1415], ["sort", 1449], ["hocus", 1458], ["glamour", 1472], ["mean", 1528], ["meanest", 1528], ["attraction", 1543], ["real", 1552], ["reis", 1552], ["really", 1564], ["crazy", 1570], ["mutter", 1588], ["muttering", 1588], ["mutterest", 1588], ["muttered", 1588], ["blink", 1599], ["blinked", 1599], ["blinking", 1599], ["away", 1604], ["tear", 1614], ["teared", 1614], ["tears", 1614], ["sense", 1637], ["avoid", 1655], ["like", 1669], ["plague", 1680], ["plagued", 1680], ["rush", 1693], ["rushed", 1693], ["room", 1707], ["roomed", 1707], ["close", 1717], ["door", 1726], ["behind", 1733], ["look", 1753], ["looking", 1753], ["jolt", 1774], ["jolted", 1774], ["life", 1787], ["lifes", 1787], ["vision", 1819], ["adjust", 1828], ["adjusted", 1828], ["quickly", 1836], ["dark", 1848], ["opulent", 1880], ["basement", 1889], ["jean", 1897], ["jeans", 1897], ["luc", 1901], ["house", 1910], ["texas", 1919], ["old", 1931], ["familiar", 1942], ["roman", 1960], ["romans", 1960], ["townhouse", 1973], ["tonight", 1987], ["start", 2000], ["started", 2000], ["new", 2008], ["job", 2012], ["jobbing", 2012], ["lucky", 2030], ["see", 2042], ["leah", 2047], ["may", 2064], ["mays", 2064], ["mayest", 2064], ["might", 2064], ["get", 2073], ["teleport", 2085], ["teleporting", 2085], ["still", 2112], ["bad", 2121], ["eavesdrop", 2141], ["eavesdropped", 2141], ["night", 2158], ["guilt", 2181], ["guilts", 2181], ["overshadow", 2198], ["overshadowed", 2198], ["admiration", 2220], ["remain", 2246], ["remained", 2246], ["strong", 2256], ["brave", 2266], ["safe", 2281], ["safes", 2281], ["safed", 2281], ["world", 2287], ["crumble", 2300], ["crumbles", 2300], ["crumbled", 2300], ["around", 2307], ["show", 2335], ["shown", 2335], ["courage", 2353], ["decision", 2371], ["stay", 2379], ["though", 2393], ["wary", 2406], ["vamp", 2415], ["vamped", 2415], ["willing", 2439], ["order", 2466], ["orderest", 2466], ["save", 2474], ["life", 2480], ["lifes", 2480], ["lives", 2480], ["honorable", 2509], ["bright", 2536], ["brights", 2536], ["beautiful", 2548], ["beautifulest", 2548], ["year", 2600], ["years", 2600], ["happy", 2622], ["dream", 2645], ["dreamt", 2645], ["dreamest", 2645], ["dreams", 2645], ["fall", 2662], ["falls", 2662], ["sat", 2695], ["sit", 2695], ["notice", 2711], ["noticed", 2711], ["gape", 2752], ["gapes", 2752], ["gaping", 2752], ["empty", 2810], ["peer", 2822], ["peered", 2822], ["billiard", 2841], ["billiards", 2841], ["whoever", 2881], ["catch", 2927], ["catched", 2927], ["catches", 2927], ["caught", 2927], ["slight", 2936], ["whiff", 2942], ["perfume", 2953], ["perfumed", 2953], ["perfumes", 2953], ["curious", 2997], ["enough", 3004], ["examine", 3035], ["examined", 3035], ["death", 3056], ["sleep", 3062], ["slept", 3062], ["sleeps", 3062], ["sleepest", 3062], ["jump", 3074], ["jumps", 3074], ["jumped", 3074], ["showered", 3088], ["showerest", 3088], ["consider", 3105], ["considered", 3105], ["possible", 3120], ["culprit", 3129], ["culprits", 3129], ["heather", 3139], ["woman", 3169], ["womans", 3169], ["always", 3180], ["try", 3187], ["tryed", 3187], ["trying", 3187], ["peek", 3195], ["peeks", 3195], ["kilt", 3210], ["kilts", 3210], ["whenever", 3219], ["levitate", 3232], ["levitated", 3232], ["wince", 3271], ["winced", 3271], ["imagine", 3283], ["imagining", 3283], ["reaction", 3296], ["maybe", 3336], ["suggest", 3370], ["suggested", 3370], ["go", 3377], ["goest", 3377], ["fancy", 3391], ["fanciest", 3391], ["stylist", 3399], ["guy", 3428], ["guys", 3428], ["tease", 3442], ["teased", 3442], ["modernize", 3493], ["modernizing", 3493], ["modernized", 3493], ["point", 3506], ["sleep", 3530], ["slept", 3530], ["sleeps", 3530], ["sleepest", 3530], ["underwear", 3543], ["less", 3551], ["cling", 3562], ["completely", 3601], ["cover", 3609], ["covered", 3609], ["tattoo", 3620], ["tattoos", 3620], ["tattooing", 3620], ["answer", 3652], ["answeres", 3652], ["answerest", 3652], ["question", 3666], ["questions", 3666], ["must", 3687], ["musts", 3687], ["see", 3697], ["seen", 3697], ["groan", 3713], ["groans", 3713], ["groanest", 3713], ["groaning", 3713], ["groaned", 3713], ["thought", 3728], ["explain", 3751], ["step", 3779], ["stepped", 3779], ["turn", 3809], ["turned", 3809], ["digital", 3824], ["camera", 3831], ["cameras", 3831], ["monitor", 3843], ["monitored", 3843], ["shave", 3868], ["shaven", 3868], ["shaves", 3868], ["shaving", 3868], ["normally", 3879], ["bother", 3899], ["bothers", 3899], ["bothering", 3899], ["much", 3904], ["appearance", 3924], ["confess", 3982], ["confessest", 3982], ["unbutton", 3997], ["unbuttoned", 3997], ["ask", 4035], ["lass", 4066], ["ye", 4075], ["yed", 4075], ["molest", 4082], ["molesting", 4082], ["dawn", 4121], ["dawnest", 4121], ["teleport", 4141], ["teleporting", 4141], ["teleported", 4141], ["gather", 4177], ["gatherest", 4177], ["belonging", 4195], ["belongings", 4195], ["clad", 4209], ["clothe", 4209], ["clothes", 4209], ["tartan", 4218], ["blanket", 4226], ["bagpipe", 4237], ["bagpiped", 4237], ["bagpipes", 4237], ["pipe", 4254], ["piped", 4254], ["piping", 4254], ["pipes", 4254], ["tin", 4268], ["whistle", 4276], ["able", 4297], ["abled", 4297], ["dress", 4306], ["dressest", 4306], ["fresh", 4317], ["freshest", 4317], ["white", 4323], ["tie", 4346], ["tying", 4346], ["tieing", 4346], ["damp", 4355], ["damps", 4355], ["damped", 4355], ["hair", 4360], ["leather", 4384], ["strip", 4390]]
upstairs , he found jean-luc in the kitchen , drinking a bottle of synthetic blood while his family ate dinner . `` felicitations , mon ami . '' jean-luc handed dougal a bottle from the fridge . `` you start tonight ? '' dougal popped the bottle into the microwave . bethany gazed at him sadly , her bottom lip sticking out . `` och , lass . '' `` ye 'll be fine . '' fidelia winked at him . had she been the one unbuttoning his clothes ? he removed his bottle from the microwave and took a sip . `` where is leah ? '' `` she left over an hour ago , '' heather replied . `` i watched a movie with her when the twins were taking a nap , '' fidelia added . `` she had to go to work and could n't finish it , but she said she 's seen it a jillion times . '' heather stood and gave him a hug . `` we 'll miss you , but we 're happy about your promotion . i know you 'll do great ! '' with a smile , dougal nodded . he stepped back , his bottle in hand . `` i should be going now . '' he went back to the basement to slip his dagger into the sheath beneath his knee sock . so leah had spent the afternoon watching something she 'd seen many times before ? what kind of movie would inspire such devotion ? upstairs , he ventured into the parlor . it was empty , the television turned off . on top of the dvd player he found a plastic case . an affair to remember . curious , he read the synopsis on the back of the case . it sounded a bit sappy to him , but at least she was n't watching a movie about slaying vampires . he teleported to the side door at romatech , then pressed his palm against the sensor to unlock the door . an alarm system had been installed years ago that detected anyone teleporting into the facility , so he and the other vamps routinely teleported to one of the entrances . he strode down the hall , drinking from his bottle . outside the mackay security office , he punched in the code to unlock the door . inside , austin was putting on his coat . `` hey , dougal . '' austin slapped him on the shoulder . `` 't is good to be here . '' dougal glanced at the monitors . leah and abby were in a lab , hunched over some papers on a table . the captive soldier was still in the silver room . tino was on the basketball court , playing with his father , angus , and carlos . dougal 's gaze shifted back to leah , and his tattoo itched . she seemed even more beautiful tonight . `` how 's everything ? '' freemont 's making the rounds right now . '' austin grabbed his keys off the desk . matthew has soccer practice tonight . '' `` see ya tomorrow . '' with a smile , austin left . dougal finished his bottle of breakfast blood while he watched the monitors . austin was hurrying out the side door to his car in the parking lot . he lived nearby in white plains with his wife and kids . it seemed like everyone was having bairns these days . dougal 's gaze shifted back to the monitor showing leah and abby . even abby and gregori were starting a family . laszlo entered the lab , sporting a fresh white lab coat , a striped shirt , and a bright red bowtie . his hair was neatly combed , and his round face gleamed a rosy pink , as if he 'd scrubbed it too hard . the two women glanced up at him and smiled . dougal 's prosthetic hand tightened around the bottle , and he glared at it . doona act up tonight . he finished the bottle and tossed it into the recycling bin . the office door opened , and gregori sauntered inside . dougal inclined his head . gregori peered at the monitor showing the lab and grinned . `` laszlo 's looking less nerdy tonight , do n't you think ? '' `` i made an appointment for him with wilson , '' gregori continued . dougal wondered if he should do the same . `` and i gave him some advice on how to charm the ladies , '' gregori added . `` the most obvious way to win a woman 's heart . '' it did n't seem so obvious to dougal . he waited , but gregori was entirely focused on the monitor . `` is n't abby beautiful ? '' `` she 's practically glowing . '' when gregori gave him a blank look , he added , `` the obvious way to win a woman 's heart . '' gregori waved a dismissive hand . `` it just takes a sense of humor . you got ta make the lady laugh . '' dougal swallowed hard . let 's see if laszlo pulls it off . ''
[["upstairs", 8], ["find", 19], ["found", 19], ["jean", 24], ["jeans", 24], ["luc", 28], ["kitchen", 43], ["kitchens", 43], ["drank", 54], ["drink", 54], ["drinking", 54], ["bottle", 63], ["bottled", 63], ["synthetic", 76], ["blood", 82], ["bloods", 82], ["blooded", 82], ["family", 99], ["eat", 103], ["ate", 103], ["dinner", 110], ["felicitation", 129], ["felicitations", 129], ["mon", 135], ["monest", 135], ["hand", 160], ["handed", 160], ["fridge", 192], ["start", 207], ["tonight", 215], ["pop", 234], ["popped", 234], ["microwave", 264], ["bethany", 274], ["gaze", 280], ["gazes", 280], ["gazed", 280], ["sadly", 293], ["bottom", 306], ["bottoming", 306], ["lip", 310], ["lipped", 310], ["stick", 319], ["stickest", 319], ["sticking", 319], ["och", 332], ["ochs", 332], ["lass", 339], ["ye", 350], ["yed", 350], ["fine", 362], ["wink", 382], ["winks", 382], ["winkest", 382], ["winked", 382], ["unbutton", 424], ["unbuttoned", 424], ["clad", 436], ["clothe", 436], ["clothes", 436], ["remove", 449], ["removed", 449], ["take", 488], ["took", 488], ["sip", 494], ["leah", 513], ["left", 530], ["leave", 530], ["hour", 543], ["ago", 547], ["heather", 560], ["reply", 568], ["replied", 568], ["watch", 583], ["watched", 583], ["movie", 591], ["twin", 615], ["twins", 615], ["take", 627], ["taking", 627], ["nap", 633], ["naps", 633], ["napped", 633], ["add", 652], ["added", 652], ["go", 671], ["goest", 671], ["work", 679], ["wrought", 679], ["finish", 700], ["say", 718], ["sayest", 718], ["said", 718], ["see", 730], ["seen", 730], ["jillion", 743], ["time", 749], ["times", 749], ["stand", 768], ["stood", 768], ["standest", 768], ["give", 777], ["gave", 777], ["hug", 787], ["miss", 804], ["happy", 827], ["promotion", 848], ["know", 857], ["knowest", 857], ["great", 874], ["smile", 892], ["nod", 908], ["nodded", 908], ["step", 921], ["stepped", 921], ["back", 926], ["hand", 947], ["go", 970], ["goest", 970], ["going", 970], ["go", 987], ["goest", 987], ["went", 987], ["basement", 1008], ["slip", 1016], ["dagger", 1027], ["sheath", 1043], ["sheaths", 1043], ["beneath", 1051], ["knee", 1060], ["sock", 1065], ["socks", 1065], ["socked", 1065], ["spend", 1085], ["spends", 1085], ["spendest", 1085], ["spent", 1085], ["afternoon", 1099], ["watch", 1108], ["watching", 1108], ["many", 1135], ["kind", 1160], ["inspire", 1183], ["devotion", 1197], ["venture", 1222], ["ventured", 1222], ["parlor", 1238], ["empty", 1253], ["television", 1270], ["turn", 1277], ["turned", 1277], ["top", 1290], ["dvd", 1301], ["dvds", 1301], ["plastic", 1327], ["case", 1332], ["affair", 1344], ["remember", 1356], ["rememberest", 1356], ["curious", 1366], ["read", 1376], ["reads", 1376], ["synopsis", 1389], ["sound", 1426], ["sounded", 1426], ["bit", 1432], ["bits", 1432], ["sappy", 1438], ["least", 1460], ["leastest", 1460], ["slew", 1503], ["slay", 1503], ["slain", 1503], ["slayed", 1503], ["slayest", 1503], ["slaying", 1503], ["vampire", 1512], ["vampires", 1512], ["teleport", 1528], ["teleporting", 1528], ["teleported", 1528], ["side", 1540], ["sidest", 1540], ["door", 1545], ["press", 1572], ["pressed", 1572], ["palm", 1581], ["palms", 1581], ["palmed", 1581], ["palmest", 1581], ["sensor", 1600], ["unlock", 1610], ["unlocking", 1610], ["unlockest", 1610], ["alarm", 1630], ["system", 1637], ["instal", 1656], ["installed", 1656], ["year", 1662], ["years", 1662], ["detect", 1680], ["detectest", 1680], ["detected", 1680], ["anyone", 1687], ["teleport", 1699], ["teleporting", 1699], ["facility", 1717], ["vamp", 1745], ["vamped", 1745], ["routinely", 1755], ["entrance", 1790], ["entrancing", 1790], ["entrances", 1790], ["stride", 1802], ["stridden", 1802], ["hall", 1816], ["outside", 1853], ["security", 1873], ["office", 1880], ["punch", 1893], ["punching", 1893], ["punched", 1893], ["code", 1905], ["inside", 1933], ["austin", 1942], ["put", 1954], ["putting", 1954], ["coat", 1966], ["hey", 1975], ["slap", 2004], ["slaps", 2004], ["slapped", 2004], ["shoulder", 2024], ["shouldered", 2024], ["good", 2040], ["glance", 2071], ["glanced", 2071], ["monitor", 2087], ["monitored", 2087], ["monitors", 2087], ["lab", 2117], ["labs", 2117], ["hunch", 2127], ["hunches", 2127], ["hunched", 2127], ["paper", 2144], ["papers", 2144], ["table", 2155], ["tabled", 2155], ["tabling", 2155], ["captive", 2169], ["soldier", 2177], ["soldiered", 2177], ["still", 2187], ["silver", 2201], ["silvered", 2201], ["room", 2206], ["roomed", 2206], ["basketball", 2235], ["court", 2241], ["courting", 2241], ["courtest", 2241], ["play", 2251], ["playest", 2251], ["playing", 2251], ["father", 2267], ["fathered", 2267], ["fathering", 2267], ["angus", 2275], ["gaze", 2305], ["gazes", 2305], ["shift", 2313], ["shifted", 2313], ["tattoo", 2343], ["tattoos", 2343], ["tattooing", 2343], ["seem", 2363], ["seeming", 2363], ["seemed", 2363], ["even", 2368], ["evens", 2368], ["beautiful", 2383], ["beautifulest", 2383], ["everything", 2414], ["round", 2449], ["rounds", 2449], ["right", 2455], ["rightest", 2455], ["grab", 2479], ["grabbed", 2479], ["key", 2488], ["keyed", 2488], ["keyest", 2488], ["keys", 2488], ["desk", 2501], ["matthew", 2511], ["matthews", 2511], ["soccer", 2522], ["soccers", 2522], ["practice", 2531], ["see", 2551], ["ya", 2554], ["tomorrow", 2563], ["tomorrows", 2563], ["finish", 2613], ["finished", 2613], ["breakfast", 2637], ["hurry", 2695], ["hurried", 2695], ["hurryed", 2695], ["hurrying", 2695], ["car", 2724], ["parking", 2739], ["lot", 2743], ["live", 2754], ["lived", 2754], ["nearby", 2761], ["white", 2770], ["plain", 2777], ["plains", 2777], ["wife", 2791], ["kid", 2800], ["kids", 2800], ["like", 2817], ["everyone", 2826], ["bairn", 2844], ["bairns", 2844], ["day", 2855], ["days", 2855], ["monitor", 2900], ["monitored", 2900], ["show", 2908], ["showing", 2908], ["start", 2960], ["starting", 2960], ["enter", 2986], ["entered", 2986], ["sport", 3005], ["sporting", 3005], ["fresh", 3013], ["freshest", 3013], ["stripe", 3040], ["striped", 3040], ["shirt", 3046], ["bright", 3061], ["brights", 3061], ["red", 3065], ["bowtie", 3072], ["bowtied", 3072], ["hair", 3083], ["neatly", 3094], ["comb", 3101], ["combed", 3101], ["round", 3117], ["face", 3122], ["gleam", 3130], ["gleams", 3130], ["gleamed", 3130], ["gleamest", 3130], ["rosy", 3137], ["pink", 3142], ["scrub", 3165], ["scrubbed", 3165], ["hard", 3177], ["two", 3187], ["twos", 3187], ["woman", 3193], ["womans", 3193], ["women", 3193], ["smile", 3222], ["smiled", 3222], ["prosthetic", 3245], ["tighten", 3260], ["tightens", 3260], ["tightenest", 3260], ["tightened", 3260], ["around", 3267], ["glare", 3294], ["glared", 3294], ["doona", 3308], ["doonas", 3308], ["act", 3312], ["acted", 3312], ["toss", 3359], ["tossed", 3359], ["recycling", 3381], ["bin", 3385], ["bins", 3385], ["open", 3410], ["opened", 3410], ["saunter", 3434], ["sauntered", 3434], ["incline", 3459], ["inclines", 3459], ["inclined", 3459], ["head", 3468], ["peer", 3485], ["peered", 3485], ["grin", 3528], ["grinned", 3528], ["look", 3551], ["looking", 3551], ["less", 3556], ["nerdy", 3562], ["think", 3589], ["thinkest", 3589], ["appointment", 3619], ["wilson", 3639], ["continue", 3662], ["continued", 3662], ["wonder", 3680], ["wonderest", 3680], ["wondered", 3680], ["advice", 3737], ["charm", 3753], ["charmest", 3753], ["lady", 3764], ["ladies", 3764], ["obvious", 3805], ["way", 3809], ["ways", 3809], ["win", 3816], ["woman", 3824], ["womans", 3824], ["heart", 3833], ["seem", 3854], ["seeming", 3854], ["wait", 3887], ["waitest", 3887], ["waited", 3887], ["entirely", 3914], ["focus", 3922], ["focused", 3922], ["practically", 3991], ["glowing", 3999], ["blank", 4034], ["blanks", 4034], ["look", 4039], ["wave", 4114], ["waved", 4114], ["dismissive", 4127], ["take", 4151], ["takes", 4151], ["sense", 4159], ["humor", 4168], ["humors", 4168], ["humorest", 4168], ["get", 4178], ["got", 4178], ["ta", 4181], ["lady", 4195], ["laugh", 4201], ["swallow", 4223], ["swallows", 4223], ["swallowed", 4223], ["let", 4234], ["lets", 4234], ["pull", 4257], ["pulls", 4257]]
gregori turned the volume up on the lab. `` ... an alarming amount of genetic mutation , '' leah was saying , pointing at a printout . laszlo sat next to her at the table . `` i 've always found genetics fascinating . '' leah nodded as she read . `` before i was transformed , i was a student at the university of vienna . i was able to visit gregor mendel a few times in moravia . '' leah turned to him , her eyes wide . `` you knew gregor mendel ? '' he was very kind . he would discuss his theories with me for hours . '' `` holy crapoly , '' leah whispered . `` i ca n't believe you knew him . '' abby added . `` and he would invite me to sup with him . '' laszlo fumbled with another button . `` of course , we always had pea soup . '' leah and abby laughed . gregori punched his fist in the air . `` way to go , laszlo ! '' dougal 's prosthetic hand clenched . laszlo 's blush deepened . `` i-i was serious . mendel had over twenty-nine thousand pea plants . '' abby and leah chuckled . the office door opened , and freemont sauntered inside . `` what 's up , dudes ? '' he nodded at dougal . `` finished my rounds . everything 's clear . '' dougal ordered his fist to relax and it slowly obeyed , making a few clicking sounds . `` your robot hand is so awesome . '' freemont grabbed a donut from the box on the sideboard . `` you look like a terminator . '' `` oh , that reminds me , '' gregori told him . `` abby is expecting you to see her tonight , so she can examine your hand . she wants to do an x-ray or a cat scan , i think . '' dougal stifled a groan. `` 't is fine now . '' `` orders from angus . '' `` and you do n't say no to big mongo . '' on the lab monitor , abby rose to her feet . `` all this talk about pea soup is making me hungry . '' she nudged leah . `` why do n't we head to the cafeteria for some supper ? '' leah stood . `` i could use a break . '' laszlo eased to his feet , a hopeful look on his face as he twisted a button . `` we 'll be back in about thirty minutes , '' abby told him as she strolled toward the door . leah left with abby . laszlo 's button popped off . `` damn , laszlo , '' gregori muttered . `` you missed your chance . '' `` well , i need to get to work . though i might stop by the cafeteria for a few minutes . '' `` i 'll come with you , '' dougal said . when gregori gave him a questioning look , he added , `` i need to make the rounds . '' `` i just did that . '' freemont stuffed half a donut in his mouth . dougal 's jaw shifted . `` i need to set up an appointment with abby . '' gregori slapped him on the back . as dougal marched toward the cafeteria , he resolved to impress leah and win her heart . according to gregori it was simple . he only had to be charming and make her laugh . his prosthetic hand clenched . chapter eight leah was drizzling more dressing onto her grilled chicken salad when abby looked toward the cafeteria door and grinned . `` gregori 's here ! '' abby set down her soup spoon and jumped to her feet . gregori hugged her , then motioned to her bowl of potato soup . you 're eating for two now . '' leah concentrated on her salad to give the two lovebirds some privacy . `` i missed you , '' abby whispered . gregori nuzzled her neck . `` i woke up from my death-sleep , and you were gone . '' so the vamps called it death-sleep ? leah took a big bite of salad . was dougal awake now , too ? abby swatted her husband 's shoulder . `` i told you i was coming to work early and bringing leah . '' gregori seemed to notice her for the first time . `` how are you today , leah ? '' `` fine , '' she mumbled , her mouth full of lettuce . abby glanced toward the door . `` i did n't see you there , dougal . '' leah stiffened . she gulped down her food , then swallowed some water , her eyes watering . she peered over her shoulder and saw him coming toward them . and as handsome as ever . she turned back , focusing on her salad . `` i think i need more food , '' abby said . `` i 'm going through the line again . '' gregori accompanied her .
[["turn", 14], ["turned", 14], ["volume", 25], ["volumed", 25], ["lab", 39], ["labs", 39], ["amount", 66], ["genetic", 77], ["genetics", 77], ["mutation", 86], ["leah", 96], ["say", 107], ["sayest", 107], ["saying", 107], ["point", 118], ["pointing", 118], ["printout", 132], ["sat", 145], ["sit", 145], ["next", 150], ["table", 170], ["tabled", 170], ["tabling", 170], ["always", 188], ["find", 194], ["found", 194], ["genetic", 203], ["genetics", 203], ["fascinating", 215], ["nod", 232], ["nodded", 232], ["read", 244], ["reads", 244], ["transform", 274], ["transformed", 274], ["student", 292], ["university", 310], ["vienna", 320], ["able", 333], ["abled", 333], ["visit", 342], ["gregor", 349], ["mendel", 356], ["time", 368], ["times", 368], ["moravia", 379], ["eye", 414], ["eyed", 414], ["eyes", 414], ["wide", 419], ["know", 433], ["knowest", 433], ["knew", 433], ["kind", 469], ["discuss", 488], ["discusses", 488], ["discussest", 488], ["theory", 501], ["theories", 501], ["hour", 519], ["hours", 519], ["holy", 532], ["whisper", 560], ["whispered", 560], ["ca", 570], ["cas", 570], ["believe", 582], ["add", 611], ["added", 611], ["invite", 636], ["invites", 636], ["sup", 646], ["sups", 646], ["fumble", 675], ["fumbled", 675], ["another", 688], ["button", 695], ["buttoning", 695], ["course", 710], ["pea", 730], ["soup", 735], ["laugh", 762], ["laughed", 762], ["punch", 780], ["punching", 780], ["punched", 780], ["fist", 789], ["air", 800], ["airs", 800], ["airing", 800], ["way", 809], ["ways", 809], ["go", 815], ["goest", 815], ["prosthetic", 850], ["hand", 855], ["blush", 882], ["blushes", 882], ["deepen", 891], ["deepened", 891], ["serious", 912], ["twenty", 937], ["nine", 942], ["thousand", 951], ["plant", 962], ["plants", 962], ["chuckle", 990], ["chuckled", 990], ["office", 1003], ["door", 1008], ["open", 1015], ["opened", 1015], ["saunter", 1040], ["sauntered", 1040], ["inside", 1047], ["dude", 1071], ["dudes", 1071], ["finish", 1110], ["finished", 1110], ["round", 1120], ["rounds", 1120], ["everything", 1133], ["clear", 1142], ["clearest", 1142], ["order", 1162], ["orderest", 1162], ["ordered", 1162], ["relax", 1180], ["relaxed", 1180], ["slowly", 1194], ["obey", 1201], ["obeyed", 1201], ["click", 1225], ["sound", 1232], ["sounds", 1232], ["robot", 1248], ["awesome", 1267], ["grab", 1289], ["grabbed", 1289], ["donut", 1297], ["box", 1310], ["boxed", 1310], ["sideboard", 1327], ["look", 1341], ["like", 1346], ["terminator", 1359], ["oh", 1370], ["remind", 1385], ["reminds", 1385], ["tell", 1406], ["told", 1406], ["expect", 1433], ["expecting", 1433], ["see", 1444], ["tonight", 1456], ["examine", 1477], ["x", 1510], ["ray", 1514], ["cat", 1523], ["scan", 1528], ["scans", 1528], ["scanning", 1528], ["think", 1538], ["thinkest", 1538], ["stifle", 1558], ["stifled", 1558], ["groan", 1566], ["groans", 1566], ["groanest", 1566], ["groaning", 1566], ["fine", 1581], ["order", 1600], ["orderest", 1600], ["orders", 1600], ["angus", 1611], ["say", 1638], ["sayest", 1638], ["big", 1648], ["bigs", 1648], ["mongo", 1654], ["monitor", 1678], ["monitored", 1678], ["rise", 1690], ["risen", 1690], ["rose", 1690], ["foot", 1702], ["feet", 1702], ["talk", 1721], ["hungry", 1756], ["nudge", 1772], ["nudges", 1772], ["nudged", 1772], ["head", 1801], ["cafeteria", 1818], ["supper", 1834], ["stand", 1850], ["stood", 1850], ["standest", 1850], ["use", 1867], ["broke", 1875], ["break", 1875], ["ease", 1893], ["eased", 1893], ["hopeful", 1917], ["face", 1934], ["twist", 1948], ["twisted", 1948], ["twisting", 1948], ["back", 1977], ["thirty", 1993], ["minute", 2001], ["minutes", 2001], ["stroll", 2036], ["strollest", 2036], ["strolled", 2036], ["toward", 2043], ["left", 2064], ["leave", 2064], ["pop", 2100], ["popped", 2100], ["damn", 2114], ["damned", 2114], ["mutter", 2145], ["muttering", 2145], ["mutterest", 2145], ["muttered", 2145], ["miss", 2161], ["missed", 2161], ["chance", 2173], ["chanced", 2173], ["chancing", 2173], ["well", 2186], ["wells", 2186], ["need", 2195], ["needest", 2195], ["get", 2202], ["work", 2210], ["wrought", 2210], ["though", 2219], ["may", 2227], ["mays", 2227], ["mayest", 2227], ["might", 2227], ["stop", 2232], ["come", 2286], ["say", 2312], ["sayest", 2312], ["said", 2312], ["give", 2332], ["gave", 2332], ["questioning", 2350], ["stuff", 2443], ["stuffed", 2443], ["half", 2448], ["mouth", 2469], ["mouthed", 2469], ["jaw", 2485], ["jaws", 2485], ["jawed", 2485], ["jawest", 2485], ["shift", 2493], ["shifted", 2493], ["set", 2512], ["appointment", 2530], ["slap", 2561], ["slaps", 2561], ["slapped", 2561], ["march", 2597], ["marching", 2597], ["marched", 2597], ["resolve", 2632], ["resolved", 2632], ["impress", 2643], ["win", 2656], ["heart", 2666], ["accord", 2678], ["according", 2678], ["simple", 2703], ["simplest", 2703], ["charming", 2732], ["laugh", 2751], ["clench", 2782], ["clenched", 2782], ["chapter", 2792], ["eight", 2798], ["drizzle", 2817], ["drizzling", 2817], ["dressing", 2831], ["onto", 2836], ["ontos", 2836], ["grill", 2848], ["grilled", 2848], ["chicken", 2856], ["salad", 2862], ["look", 2879], ["looked", 2879], ["grin", 2917], ["grinned", 2917], ["spoon", 2972], ["jump", 2983], ["jumps", 2983], ["jumped", 2983], ["hug", 3012], ["hugged", 3012], ["motion", 3032], ["bowl", 3044], ["bowling", 3044], ["potato", 3054], ["potatos", 3054], ["eat", 3076], ["eating", 3076], ["two", 3084], ["twos", 3084], ["concentrate", 3111], ["concentrated", 3111], ["concentrates", 3111], ["give", 3132], ["lovebird", 3150], ["lovebirds", 3150], ["privacy", 3163], ["nuzzle", 3219], ["nuzzles", 3219], ["nuzzled", 3219], ["neck", 3228], ["necked", 3228], ["wake", 3240], ["wakes", 3240], ["woken", 3240], ["woke", 3240], ["death", 3257], ["sleep", 3263], ["slept", 3263], ["sleeps", 3263], ["sleepest", 3263], ["go", 3283], ["goest", 3283], ["gone", 3283], ["vamp", 3301], ["vamped", 3301], ["call", 3308], ["called", 3308], ["take", 3335], ["took", 3335], ["bite", 3346], ["awake", 3374], ["awoke", 3374], ["swat", 3399], ["husband", 3411], ["husbanding", 3411], ["shoulder", 3423], ["shouldered", 3423], ["come", 3452], ["coming", 3452], ["early", 3466], ["seem", 3504], ["seeming", 3504], ["seemed", 3504], ["notice", 3514], ["first", 3532], ["firstest", 3532], ["time", 3537], ["today", 3560], ["mumble", 3597], ["mumbles", 3597], ["mumbled", 3597], ["full", 3614], ["lettuce", 3625], ["glance", 3640], ["glanced", 3640], ["stiffen", 3714], ["stiffens", 3714], ["stiffened", 3714], ["gulp", 3727], ["gulps", 3727], ["gulped", 3727], ["food", 3741], ["foods", 3741], ["swallow", 3758], ["swallows", 3758], ["swallowed", 3758], ["water", 3769], ["water", 3789], ["watering", 3789], ["peer", 3802], ["peered", 3802], ["see", 3828], ["saw", 3828], ["handsome", 3869], ["handsomes", 3869], ["ever", 3877], ["everest", 3877], ["focus", 3906], ["focusing", 3906], ["go", 3980], ["goest", 3980], ["going", 3980], ["line", 3997], ["accompany", 4028], ["accompanied", 4028]]
leah pushed her salad around with her plastic fork . he was still behind her , staring at her , she could feel it . his presence seemed to engulf the room . `` good evening , '' he said in a deep , lilting voice that caused a delicious little shiver to run down her back . she looked up as he moved to stand beside her . he leaned forward , his nostrils flaring , then he straightened , his mouth curling into a slight smile . she fiddled with her plastic fork . if only she could come up with something brilliant to say . would he want to hear about the research she did for her doctorate degree ? `` i had a bottle when i wakened at sunset . '' he does n't eat , dummy . her gaze drifted to the window , where she could see the basketball court outside and the game still in progress . `` i recognize angus , roman , and tino , but who is the man they 're playing with ? '' dougal glanced at the window . `` that 's carlos . he 's a were-panther . '' `` another killer cat ? '' `` we could give him a cat scan to be sure . '' with a sigh , he shifted his weight . `` i doona have the gift of blarney . '' did he feel socially awkward , too ? `` i was never good at meaningless chatter , either , '' she muttered . time stretched out as he eyed her intently . she filled the awkward pause by taking a bite of her salad . `` then perhaps we should say something meaningful , '' he said softly . she swallowed her salad without tasting it . `` meaningless is safe . '' `` if ye wanted safety , ye would have run away . '' he sat in the chair beside her . `` why did ye decide to stay ? '' but mostly you . she sipped some water . `` i have an opportunity to save lives . it would be cowardly of me to refuse that , do n't you think ? '' `` ye 're a brave lass , to be sure . '' not only did he compliment her but he also did it in a way that sounded like sweet music . she picked up her plastic knife to saw on one of the grilled chicken strips . `` another reason - as a scientist , i 'm naturally curious about this new world i 've stumbled into . '' `` curious enough to venture into the basement while i was sleeping ? '' her plastic knife snapped in two . `` it was you , aye ? '' he leaned an elbow on the table as he twisted to face her . `` ye unbuttoned my shirt . '' she shrugged , feigning indifference in spite of her pounding heart . `` any number of people could have gone downstairs . '' `` i recognize yer scent of jasmine . 't is verra nice . '' i went to check on you . i am your doctor now , you know . '' `` so ye had a medical reason to see my chest ? '' `` i wanted to see if you had a heartbeat . i have no idea how you can be dead for hours and then magically resuscitate yourself just because the sun went down . '' `` 't is the way it is . '' his eyes softened and he leaned close to her . `` does everything have to make sense ? '' her skin chilled with goose bumps . no , it made no sense that she was so drawn to him . `` i 'd like to spend some time with you so we can get to know each other . '' he wanted to date ? how could she date a vampire ? it was impossible , even if a small part of her was thrilled . `` i-i do n't think it 's wise to date anyone where i work . '' he looked away , frowning , then turned back to her. `` 't is business . right now , ye 're surrounded by vampires ye doona trust . and ye canna trust us until ye know us better . so getting to know me will help you work more efficiently . '' did he expect her to buy that leap in logic ? still , it was sweet that he was trying so hard . his gaze lowered to her mouth , then returned to her eyes . `` will ye give me a chance ? '' `` we 're back , '' abby announced as she plunked down a plate filled with fried chicken strips and french fries . dougal straightened and looked out the window . i 've waited so long for you . did that mean he thought they were somehow fated to be together ? how could she have a future with him ? abby sat at the table . `` i do n't usually eat like this , but i 'm so hungry . '' she bit into a chicken strip . gregori sat beside her , his gaze focused on leah and dougal . you two were deep in conversation . '' leah took a sip of water . `` she was explaining why she decided to stay , '' dougal said . gregori gave her a charming smile . `` how could you resist us ? we 're so utterly fascinating . ''
[["leah", 4], ["push", 11], ["pushed", 11], ["salad", 21], ["around", 28], ["plastic", 45], ["fork", 50], ["still", 65], ["behind", 72], ["stare", 86], ["stared", 86], ["staring", 86], ["feel", 110], ["presence", 128], ["seem", 135], ["seeming", 135], ["seemed", 135], ["engulf", 145], ["engulfed", 145], ["engulfing", 145], ["room", 154], ["roomed", 154], ["good", 164], ["evening", 172], ["say", 185], ["sayest", 185], ["said", 185], ["deep", 195], ["deeply", 195], ["voice", 211], ["cause", 223], ["caused", 223], ["delicious", 235], ["little", 242], ["shiver", 249], ["shivering", 249], ["run", 256], ["back", 270], ["look", 283], ["looked", 283], ["move", 298], ["moved", 298], ["stand", 307], ["stood", 307], ["standest", 307], ["beside", 314], ["lean", 330], ["leans", 330], ["leaned", 330], ["forward", 338], ["forwarding", 338], ["forwardest", 338], ["nostril", 353], ["nostrils", 353], ["flare", 361], ["flaring", 361], ["straighten", 384], ["straightened", 384], ["mouth", 396], ["mouthed", 396], ["curl", 404], ["curls", 404], ["curled", 404], ["curling", 404], ["slight", 418], ["smile", 424], ["fiddle", 438], ["fiddling", 438], ["fiddled", 438], ["come", 485], ["brilliant", 513], ["say", 520], ["sayest", 520], ["hear", 544], ["hears", 544], ["research", 563], ["doctorate", 589], ["doctorates", 589], ["degree", 596], ["bottle", 616], ["bottled", 616], ["waken", 631], ["wakens", 631], ["wakening", 631], ["wakened", 631], ["sunset", 641], ["sunsets", 641], ["eat", 662], ["dummy", 670], ["gaze", 681], ["gazes", 681], ["drift", 689], ["drifting", 689], ["drifted", 689], ["window", 703], ["windows", 703], ["see", 725], ["basketball", 740], ["court", 746], ["courting", 746], ["courtest", 746], ["outside", 754], ["game", 767], ["progress", 785], ["recognize", 802], ["angus", 808], ["roman", 816], ["romans", 816], ["man", 848], ["mans", 848], ["manned", 848], ["play", 865], ["playest", 865], ["playing", 865], ["glance", 890], ["glanced", 890], ["panther", 947], ["panthers", 947], ["another", 963], ["killer", 970], ["killers", 970], ["cat", 974], ["give", 996], ["scan", 1011], ["scans", 1011], ["scanning", 1011], ["sure", 1022], ["sigh", 1039], ["sighest", 1039], ["shift", 1052], ["shifted", 1052], ["weight", 1063], ["weighted", 1063], ["weightest", 1063], ["doona", 1076], ["doonas", 1076], ["gift", 1090], ["blarney", 1101], ["socially", 1127], ["awkward", 1135], ["never", 1158], ["meaningless", 1178], ["chatter", 1186], ["either", 1195], ["mutter", 1213], ["muttering", 1213], ["mutterest", 1213], ["muttered", 1213], ["time", 1220], ["stretch", 1230], ["stretched", 1230], ["eye", 1245], ["eyed", 1245], ["intently", 1258], ["fill", 1271], ["fills", 1271], ["filled", 1271], ["pause", 1289], ["take", 1299], ["taking", 1299], ["bite", 1306], ["perhaps", 1337], ["meaningful", 1372], ["softly", 1392], ["swallow", 1408], ["swallows", 1408], ["swallowed", 1408], ["without", 1426], ["taste", 1434], ["safe", 1462], ["safes", 1462], ["safed", 1462], ["ye", 1476], ["yed", 1476], ["safety", 1490], ["away", 1515], ["sat", 1527], ["sit", 1527], ["chair", 1540], ["chairing", 1540], ["decide", 1574], ["stay", 1582], ["mostly", 1598], ["sip", 1615], ["sipped", 1615], ["water", 1626], ["opportunity", 1653], ["save", 1661], ["life", 1667], ["lifes", 1667], ["lives", 1667], ["cowardly", 1690], ["refuse", 1706], ["think", 1730], ["thinkest", 1730], ["brave", 1753], ["lass", 1758], ["compliment", 1803], ["also", 1819], ["way", 1835], ["ways", 1835], ["sound", 1848], ["sounded", 1848], ["like", 1853], ["sweet", 1859], ["music", 1865], ["musics", 1865], ["pick", 1878], ["picked", 1878], ["knife", 1899], ["knifes", 1899], ["see", 1906], ["saw", 1906], ["grill", 1928], ["grilled", 1928], ["chicken", 1936], ["strip", 1943], ["strips", 1943], ["reason", 1963], ["reasonest", 1963], ["scientist", 1980], ["naturally", 1997], ["curious", 2005], ["new", 2020], ["world", 2026], ["stumble", 2041], ["stumbled", 2041], ["enough", 2069], ["venture", 2080], ["basement", 2098], ["sleep", 2119], ["slept", 2119], ["sleeps", 2119], ["sleepest", 2119], ["sleeping", 2119], ["snap", 2150], ["snapping", 2150], ["snapped", 2150], ["two", 2157], ["twos", 2157], ["aye", 2179], ["ayes", 2179], ["elbow", 2203], ["elbowing", 2203], ["table", 2216], ["tabled", 2216], ["tabling", 2216], ["twist", 2230], ["twisted", 2230], ["twisting", 2230], ["face", 2238], ["unbutton", 2261], ["unbuttoned", 2261], ["shirt", 2270], ["shrug", 2288], ["shrugging", 2288], ["shrugged", 2288], ["feign", 2299], ["indifference", 2312], ["spite", 2321], ["spited", 2321], ["spites", 2321], ["pound", 2337], ["pounding", 2337], ["heart", 2343], ["number", 2359], ["numbering", 2359], ["people", 2369], ["go", 2385], ["goest", 2385], ["gone", 2385], ["downstairs", 2396], ["yer", 2420], ["scent", 2426], ["scentest", 2426], ["jasmine", 2437], ["jasmines", 2437], ["nice", 2456], ["go", 2468], ["goest", 2468], ["went", 2468], ["check", 2477], ["doctor", 2503], ["doctorest", 2503], ["doctoring", 2503], ["know", 2518], ["knowest", 2518], ["medical", 2546], ["chest", 2569], ["heartbeat", 2616], ["heartbeats", 2616], ["idea", 2633], ["dead", 2653], ["hour", 2663], ["hours", 2663], ["magically", 2682], ["resuscitate", 2694], ["resuscitating", 2694], ["sun", 2724], ["suns", 2724], ["sunned", 2724], ["eye", 2776], ["eyed", 2776], ["eyes", 2776], ["soften", 2785], ["softens", 2785], ["softened", 2785], ["close", 2805], ["everything", 2833], ["sense", 2852], ["skin", 2866], ["chill", 2874], ["chills", 2874], ["chilling", 2874], ["chilled", 2874], ["goose", 2885], ["bump", 2891], ["bumpest", 2891], ["bumps", 2891], ["spend", 2968], ["spends", 2968], ["spendest", 2968], ["get", 3001], ["date", 3043], ["vampire", 3074], ["impossible", 3094], ["even", 3101], ["evens", 3101], ["small", 3112], ["part", 3117], ["parting", 3117], ["thrill", 3137], ["thrilled", 3137], ["wise", 3170], ["anyone", 3185], ["work", 3198], ["wrought", 3198], ["frown", 3229], ["frowns", 3229], ["turn", 3243], ["turned", 3243], ["business", 3274], ["right", 3282], ["rightest", 3282], ["surround", 3306], ["surrounded", 3306], ["vampire", 3318], ["vampires", 3318], ["trust", 3333], ["canna", 3348], ["well", 3381], ["wells", 3381], ["get", 3394], ["getting", 3394], ["help", 3415], ["helpest", 3415], ["efficiently", 3441], ["expect", 3460], ["buy", 3471], ["buyed", 3471], ["leap", 3481], ["leaps", 3481], ["leaping", 3481], ["logic", 3490], ["try", 3532], ["tryed", 3532], ["trying", 3532], ["hard", 3540], ["lower", 3559], ["lowers", 3559], ["lowerest", 3559], ["lowered", 3559], ["return", 3588], ["returnest", 3588], ["returned", 3588], ["chance", 3630], ["chanced", 3630], ["chancing", 3630], ["announce", 3670], ["announced", 3670], ["plunk", 3685], ["plunks", 3685], ["plunked", 3685], ["plunking", 3685], ["plunkest", 3685], ["plate", 3698], ["plating", 3698], ["fry", 3716], ["fried", 3716], ["french", 3742], ["fry", 3748], ["fries", 3748], ["wait", 3811], ["waitest", 3811], ["waited", 3811], ["long", 3819], ["longs", 3819], ["mean", 3843], ["meanest", 3843], ["think", 3854], ["thinkest", 3854], ["thought", 3854], ["somehow", 3872], ["fate", 3878], ["fated", 3878], ["together", 3893], ["future", 3923], ["usually", 3978], ["hungry", 4013], ["bite", 4026], ["strip", 4047], ["focus", 4091], ["focused", 4091], ["conversation", 4146], ["take", 4161], ["took", 4161], ["sip", 4167], ["explain", 4200], ["explaining", 4200], ["decide", 4216], ["decided", 4216], ["give", 4256], ["gave", 4256], ["charming", 4271], ["resist", 4303], ["resistest", 4303], ["utterly", 4326], ["fascinating", 4338]]
`` and modest . '' `` i guess it 's not surprising that i would end up in a strange world . the other kids in college always said i was strange . freakazoid ' they called me . '' beside her , dougal stiffened . leah groaned inwardly . what had possessed her to confess that ? it was all dougal 's fault . he 'd completely unnerved her , and now she was babbling like a fool . `` to be honest , i was kinda strange . i was fourteen when i started college . '' gregori leaned forward , his elbows on the table . `` since you were so young , they should have been nicer to you , not meaner . '' `` aye , '' dougal said quietly . `` if ye give me their names , i 'll track them down - `` `` doon ? '' leah looked at him . why did he have to sound so adorable ? `` aye , doon , '' dougal muttered . `` they deserve to have their heads knocked together . and as head of security here , it is my duty to protect you . '' `` retroactively ? '' his eyes flashed an intense green . another wave of goose bumps prickled her arms as if he 'd reached out to caress her . for the entire twenty-three years of her life , she 'd felt like she was alone in the world without any friends . alone in a world where she did n't fit . so how old was dougal ? did he have centuries of pain that he carried around on those broad shoulders ? did he crave a comforting touch as much as she did ? her so-called friends in college had wanted her for the free tutoring . her parents had wanted her as living proof of their own intellectual superiority . even dr. lee and the other vamps here wanted her for her expertise . but dougal was surprisingly different . he looked at her like she was the most desirable woman on the planet . and even more surprising , she reacted like a woman . heart pounding , breathless , and nerve endings tingling all over . and god help her , she wanted to touch him . she shook herself mentally . he was a vampire , a volcanically inclined vamp with a fiery dragon tattooed on his chest . she could n't let herself get involved with him . her carefully mapped-out life would go up in flames . she stood , pushing back her chair . `` and i 'm going back to work . '' his one joke had been lame , and his attempt at being charming had chased her away . how could he manage to be alone with her ? what would impress her ? his thoughts returned to the movie she 'd watched earlier . `` gregori , instead of giving leah a ride home from work , would ye mind if i teleport her ? '' gregori 's eyes narrowed . `` i suppose that 's all right . '' `` and can ye give me the phone number for the guy at dvn ? '' `` wilson ? '' gregori stood . `` excuse me a minute , okay ? '' he said , patting his wife on the shoulder . she nodded , her mouth full . gregori motioned for dougal to join him over by the window . `` you want a makeover ? `` ye said i looked like a pirate . '' `` that never bothered you before . '' `` you were staring at leah like a half-starved animal . '' `` you do n't deny it . '' `` you realize laszlo has a crush on her ? '' `` but you 're still going to pursue her ? '' when gregori continued to frown at him , dougal added , `` as far as i can tell , she 's no ' interested in either of us . '' `` her heartbeat shot off like a rocket the minute you stepped into the room . '' i frighten her . '' gregori gave him a speculative look . `` but not the way you think . '' without explaining further , he walked back to abby . `` sweetheart , do you have time to examine dougal 's hand ? '' she dipped a french fry into a dollop of ketchup . `` as soon as i 'm done here . '' an hour later dougal sat in abby 's office as she studied the results of the ultrasound and x-ray of his hand . he 'd asked gregori to explain his cryptic remark , but gregori had simply passed him wilson 's phone number and said , `` let the best man win . '' the best man was most likely laszlo . intellectually , he was a better match for leah . and he did n't have the checkered past that dougal had . most probably , laszlo had never been kidnapped or forced to work as a slave or a pirate . he 'd probably never failed someone he loved . or buried her . `` everything looks fine . ''
[["modest", 13], ["guess", 29], ["surprising", 50], ["end", 67], ["ends", 67], ["endest", 67], ["strange", 83], ["world", 89], ["kid", 106], ["kids", 106], ["college", 117], ["always", 124], ["say", 129], ["sayest", 129], ["said", 129], ["freakazoid", 156], ["call", 170], ["called", 170], ["beside", 185], ["stiffen", 208], ["stiffens", 208], ["stiffened", 208], ["leah", 215], ["groan", 223], ["groans", 223], ["groanest", 223], ["groaning", 223], ["groaned", 223], ["inwardly", 232], ["possess", 253], ["possesses", 253], ["possessed", 253], ["confess", 268], ["confessest", 268], ["fault", 302], ["faulting", 302], ["completely", 321], ["unnerve", 330], ["unnerved", 330], ["babble", 361], ["babbling", 361], ["like", 366], ["fool", 373], ["fooling", 373], ["foolest", 373], ["honest", 391], ["kinda", 405], ["kindas", 405], ["fourteen", 430], ["start", 445], ["started", 445], ["lean", 473], ["leans", 473], ["leaned", 473], ["forward", 481], ["forwarding", 481], ["forwardest", 481], ["elbow", 494], ["elbowing", 494], ["elbows", 494], ["table", 507], ["tabled", 507], ["tabling", 507], ["since", 518], ["young", 536], ["youngest", 536], ["nice", 566], ["mean", 586], ["meanest", 586], ["aye", 598], ["ayes", 598], ["quietly", 623], ["ye", 634], ["yed", 634], ["give", 639], ["name", 654], ["names", 654], ["track", 668], ["doon", 691], ["look", 708], ["looked", 708], ["sound", 742], ["adorable", 754], ["mutter", 791], ["muttering", 791], ["mutterest", 791], ["muttered", 791], ["deserve", 809], ["deserved", 809], ["head", 829], ["heads", 829], ["knock", 837], ["knocks", 837], ["knockest", 837], ["knocked", 837], ["together", 846], ["head", 860], ["security", 872], ["duty", 893], ["protect", 904], ["protectest", 904], ["retroactively", 930], ["eye", 944], ["eyed", 944], ["eyes", 944], ["flash", 952], ["flashed", 952], ["intense", 963], ["green", 969], ["greens", 969], ["another", 979], ["wave", 984], ["waved", 984], ["goose", 993], ["bump", 999], ["bumpest", 999], ["bumps", 999], ["prickle", 1008], ["prickled", 1008], ["arm", 1017], ["arms", 1017], ["reach", 1037], ["reached", 1037], ["caress", 1051], ["entire", 1072], ["twenty", 1079], ["three", 1085], ["year", 1091], ["years", 1091], ["life", 1103], ["lifes", 1103], ["feel", 1117], ["felt", 1117], ["alone", 1136], ["without", 1157], ["friend", 1169], ["friends", 1169], ["fit", 1210], ["fitting", 1210], ["old", 1223], ["century", 1258], ["centuries", 1258], ["pain", 1266], ["carry", 1282], ["carried", 1282], ["around", 1289], ["broad", 1304], ["broads", 1304], ["shoulder", 1314], ["shouldered", 1314], ["shoulders", 1314], ["crave", 1329], ["craved", 1329], ["craving", 1329], ["touch", 1348], ["touching", 1348], ["much", 1356], ["free", 1430], ["tutor", 1439], ["tutoring", 1439], ["parent", 1453], ["parents", 1453], ["live", 1478], ["living", 1478], ["proof", 1484], ["proofs", 1484], ["proofed", 1484], ["proofest", 1484], ["intellectual", 1510], ["superiority", 1522], ["even", 1529], ["evens", 1529], ["dr", 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2094], ["stand", 2106], ["stood", 2106], ["standest", 2106], ["push", 2116], ["pushing", 2116], ["back", 2121], ["chair", 2131], ["chairing", 2131], ["go", 2151], ["goest", 2151], ["going", 2151], ["work", 2164], ["wrought", 2164], ["joke", 2182], ["jokes", 2182], ["lame", 2196], ["lames", 2196], ["attempt", 2214], ["charming", 2232], ["chase", 2243], ["chased", 2243], ["away", 2252], ["manage", 2274], ["impress", 2316], ["thought", 2335], ["thoughts", 2335], ["return", 2344], ["returnest", 2344], ["returned", 2344], ["movie", 2357], ["watch", 2372], ["watched", 2372], ["early", 2380], ["instead", 2403], ["give", 2413], ["giving", 2413], ["ride", 2425], ["rode", 2425], ["home", 2430], ["homing", 2430], ["mind", 2456], ["minding", 2456], ["teleport", 2470], ["teleporting", 2470], ["narrow", 2504], ["narrowed", 2504], ["suppose", 2519], ["right", 2537], ["rightest", 2537], ["phone", 2574], ["number", 2581], ["numbering", 2581], ["guy", 2593], ["wilson", 2615], ["excuse", 2646], ["minute", 2658], ["okay", 2665], ["pat", 2688], ["patting", 2688], ["wife", 2697], ["shoulder", 2713], ["shouldered", 2713], ["nod", 2726], ["nodded", 2726], ["mouth", 2738], ["mouthed", 2738], ["full", 2743], ["motion", 2762], ["join", 2781], ["joinest", 2781], ["window", 2804], ["windows", 2804], ["makeover", 2829], ["pirate", 2865], ["never", 2884], ["bother", 2893], ["bothers", 2893], ["bothering", 2893], ["bothered", 2893], ["stare", 2929], ["stared", 2929], ["staring", 2929], ["half", 2949], ["animal", 2964], ["deny", 2988], ["realize", 3011], ["crush", 3030], ["crushest", 3030], ["still", 3063], ["pursue", 3079], ["continue", 3111], ["continued", 3111], ["frown", 3120], ["frowns", 3120], ["add", 3142], ["added", 3142], ["far", 3154], ["tell", 3168], ["interested", 3193], ["either", 3203], ["heartbeat", 3231], ["heartbeats", 3231], ["shoot", 3236], ["shooted", 3236], ["shot", 3236], ["rocket", 3254], ["rockets", 3254], ["step", 3277], ["stepped", 3277], ["room", 3291], ["roomed", 3291], ["frighten", 3307], ["frightened", 3307], ["give", 3329], ["gave", 3329], ["speculative", 3347], ["look", 3352], ["way", 3373], ["ways", 3373], ["think", 3383], ["thinkest", 3383], ["explain", 3407], ["explaining", 3407], ["far", 3415], ["walk", 3427], ["walked", 3427], ["sweetheart", 3456], ["time", 3475], ["examine", 3486], ["hand", 3501], ["dip", 3517], ["dipped", 3517], ["french", 3526], ["fry", 3530], ["dollop", 3544], ["ketchup", 3555], ["soon", 3568], ["hour", 3599], ["later", 3605], ["sat", 3616], ["sit", 3616], ["office", 3634], ["study", 3649], ["studied", 3649], ["result", 3661], ["resultest", 3661], ["results", 3661], ["ultrasound", 3679], ["x", 3685], ["ray", 3689], ["ask", 3715], ["asked", 3715], ["explain", 3734], ["cryptic", 3746], ["remark", 3753], ["remarkest", 3753], ["remarking", 3753], ["simply", 3778], ["pass", 3785], ["passed", 3785], ["good", 3839], ["best", 3839], ["man", 3843], ["mans", 3843], ["manned", 3843], ["win", 3847], ["intellectually", 3905], ["well", 3923], ["wells", 3923], ["match", 3929], ["matching", 3929], ["past", 3979], ["probably", 4011], ["kidnap", 4045], ["kidnaps", 4045], ["kidnaped", 4045], ["kidnaping", 4045], ["kidnapped", 4045], ["force", 4055], ["forced", 4055], ["slave", 4074], ["fail", 4116], ["failed", 4116], ["love", 4133], ["loved", 4133], ["bury", 4145], ["burying", 4145], ["buried", 4145], ["everything", 4165], ["look", 4171], ["looks", 4171], ["fine", 4176]]
abby set the x-ray down and handed him a hand exerciser with black rubber grips . `` the sensors in this will measure the strength of your grip . give it a tiny squeeze . '' he did , and on abby 's computer screen , a red light went up an inch on a bar graph . `` okay , that was within the normal range for a mortal . '' she wrote it down in her notes . `` try again , a little harder . '' he flexed his hand tighter , and the red light traveled halfway up the bar . `` it seems to be working perfectly . '' `` why do you think it malfunctioned last night ? '' `` i think the fault was mine , '' dougal confessed . your mind is controlling it perfectly now . why would it go awry all of a sudden ? '' he recalled the moment his hand had shattered the bottle . he 'd been watching leah on the monitor . was she the reason he 'd lost control ? his hand flinched , and the red light shot nearly to the top of the bar . abby cast him a worried look . `` so there is a problem . can you remember when it first started ? '' `` i got promoted . '' `` that must have made you happy . '' abby tapped her pen on the desk as she considered . `` i wonder if your emotional state is influencing your mind control . '' `` it shouldna . '' `` but i doona know how else to explain it . '' `` did something upset you last night ? '' abby 's eyes twinkled with amusement . `` could it be that you 're so old you hate birthday parties ? '' a knock on the door sounded . leah cracked the door open . dougal 's hand clenched , snapping the metal spring in two . the red light shot to the top of the bar and beeped . he dropped the hand exerciser , and the beeping stopped . abby stared at him , agape . leah eased into the room , giving him a wary look . dougal stood . leah turned to abby . `` i do n't mean to interrupt , but i wanted to get your opinion on something . '' abby was staring wide-eyed at the monitor , then her gaze shifted to the broken hand exerciser , then to dougal . there was no way he was going to admit that he only lost control when leah was in the vicinity . especially when she was standing in the same room . abby 's eyes narrowed with suspicion . she was going to figure it out . `` i should get back to work now . '' he headed toward the door , then paused close to leah . `` what time did ye want to quit working tonight ? '' `` about one thirty . `` i 'll be taking you home then . '' before she could object , he rushed back to the security office . leah did n't realize it , but she was taking a little trip with him tonight . chapter nine `` are ye ready to go ? '' leah 's heart leaped in her chest at the sound of dougal 's voice . she looked up from her microscope and spotted him at the door , watching her intently with his emerald green eyes . why was he holding a blanket ? `` 't is one thirty in the morning , '' he added . she 'd been so busy that she 'd lost track of time . but her back and shoulders ached from sitting on a stool , hunched over her work . she glanced at abby , who sat beside her at the lab table . `` do you mind if i leave ? '' i 'll be leaving soon , too . gregori should be here any minute now . '' laszlo smiled at her from across the room . `` i 'm used to working all night long . '' leah stood , picking her handbag off the floor . dougal had stepped into the room . for a large man , he could move very quietly . `` are you driving me back ? '' `` if you 're planning on teleporting me , i 'm not comfortable with that . '' `` i know , but it is something ye should accustom yerself to . now that ye 're working with us , there will be times when ye 'll need to teleport with us . '' `` across the world ? ye need to learn how to travel with us . 't is a business matter . '' she supposed he was making a valid point , but still ... she leaned close to abby and whispered , `` is it safe ? '' `` yes , '' abby whispered back . `` and he can hear us . '' she straightened with an annoyed huff . he did n't need to look so amused . `` why do you have a blanket with you ? '' `` 't is no ' a blanket , but my tartan . '' he draped it over one of his broad shoulders . the plaid design matched his kilt . `` it could be a bit chilly where we 're going . '' `` i thought we were going to the townhouse . ''
[["set", 8], ["x", 14], ["ray", 18], ["hand", 34], ["handed", 34], ["hand", 45], ["exerciser", 55], ["black", 66], ["rubber", 73], ["grip", 79], ["grips", 79], ["sensor", 96], ["sensors", 96], ["measure", 117], ["strength", 130], ["grip", 143], ["give", 150], ["tiny", 160], ["squeeze", 168], ["squeezes", 168], ["computer", 206], ["screen", 213], ["screening", 213], ["red", 221], ["lit", 227], ["light", 227], ["go", 232], ["goest", 232], ["went", 232], ["inch", 243], ["bar", 252], ["graph", 258], ["graphs", 258], ["okay", 268], ["within", 286], ["normal", 297], ["range", 303], ["ranged", 303], ["mortal", 316], ["write", 331], ["writing", 331], ["wrote", 331], ["note", 352], ["notes", 352], ["try", 361], ["tryed", 361], ["little", 378], ["hard", 385], ["flex", 400], ["flexes", 400], ["travel", 446], ["traveled", 446], ["halfway", 454], ["halfways", 454], ["seem", 479], ["seeming", 479], ["seems", 479], ["work", 493], ["wrought", 493], ["working", 493], ["perfectly", 503], ["think", 528], ["thinkest", 528], ["malfunction", 545], ["malfunctioned", 545], ["last", 550], ["night", 556], ["fault", 582], ["faulting", 582], ["confess", 613], ["confessest", 613], ["confessed", 613], ["mind", 625], ["minding", 625], ["control", 640], ["controlling", 640], ["go", 675], ["goest", 675], ["awry", 680], ["sudden", 696], ["recall", 713], ["recallest", 713], ["recalled", 713], ["moment", 724], ["shatter", 747], ["shattered", 747], ["bottle", 758], ["bottled", 758], ["watch", 780], ["watching", 780], ["leah", 785], ["monitor", 800], ["monitored", 800], ["reason", 821], ["reasonest", 821], ["lose", 832], ["lost", 832], ["control", 840], ["flinch", 860], ["flinched", 860], ["shoot", 885], ["shooted", 885], ["shot", 885], ["nearly", 892], ["top", 903], ["cast", 926], ["casts", 926], ["look", 945], ["problem", 972], ["remember", 991], ["rememberest", 991], ["first", 1005], ["firstest", 1005], ["start", 1013], ["started", 1013], ["get", 1027], ["got", 1027], ["promote", 1036], ["promotes", 1036], ["promoted", 1036], ["must", 1054], ["musts", 1054], ["happy", 1074], ["tap", 1091], ["tapped", 1091], ["pen", 1099], ["desk", 1111], ["consider", 1129], ["considered", 1129], ["wonder", 1143], ["wonderest", 1143], ["emotional", 1161], ["state", 1167], ["influence", 1182], ["influencing", 1182], ["shouldna", 1220], ["doona", 1240], ["doonas", 1240], ["know", 1245], ["knowest", 1245], ["else", 1254], ["explain", 1265], ["upset", 1296], ["eye", 1329], ["eyed", 1329], ["eyes", 1329], ["twinkle", 1338], ["twinkled", 1338], ["amusement", 1353], ["old", 1390], ["hate", 1399], ["hateed", 1399], ["birthday", 1408], ["party", 1416], ["parties", 1416], ["knock", 1429], ["knocks", 1429], ["knockest", 1429], ["door", 1441], ["sound", 1449], ["sounded", 1449], ["crack", 1464], ["cracked", 1464], ["open", 1478], ["clench", 1504], ["clenched", 1504], ["snap", 1515], ["snapping", 1515], ["metal", 1525], ["sprang", 1532], ["spring", 1532], ["sprung", 1532], ["two", 1539], ["twos", 1539], ["beep", 1593], ["beeps", 1593], ["beeped", 1593], ["drop", 1606], ["dropped", 1606], ["stop", 1651], ["stopped", 1651], ["stare", 1665], ["stared", 1665], ["agape", 1680], ["ease", 1693], ["eased", 1693], ["room", 1707], ["roomed", 1707], ["give", 1716], ["giving", 1716], ["wary", 1727], ["stand", 1747], ["stood", 1747], ["standest", 1747], ["turn", 1761], ["turned", 1761], ["mean", 1788], ["meanest", 1788], ["interrupt", 1801], ["interruptest", 1801], ["get", 1823], ["opinion", 1836], ["stare", 1871], ["stared", 1871], ["staring", 1871], ["wide", 1876], ["gaze", 1912], ["gazes", 1912], ["shift", 1920], ["shifted", 1920], ["way", 1985], ["ways", 1985], ["go", 1998], ["goest", 1998], ["going", 1998], ["admit", 2007], ["vicinity", 2063], ["especially", 2076], ["stand", 2098], ["stood", 2098], ["standest", 2098], ["standing", 2098], ["narrow", 2139], ["narrowed", 2139], ["suspicion", 2154], ["figure", 2180], ["back", 2210], ["work", 2218], ["wrought", 2218], ["head", 2237], ["headed", 2237], ["toward", 2244], ["pause", 2267], ["paused", 2267], ["close", 2273], ["time", 2296], ["ye", 2303], ["yed", 2303], ["quit", 2316], ["quits", 2316], ["quitting", 2316], ["tonight", 2332], ["thirty", 2357], ["take", 2378], ["taking", 2378], ["home", 2387], ["homing", 2387], ["object", 2421], ["objected", 2421], ["objectest", 2421], ["objecting", 2421], ["rush", 2433], ["rushed", 2433], ["security", 2454], ["office", 2461], ["realize", 2484], ["trip", 2522], ["tripping", 2522], ["chapter", 2549], ["nine", 2554], ["ready", 2570], ["heart", 2595], ["leap", 2602], ["leaps", 2602], ["leaping", 2602], ["leaped", 2602], ["chest", 2615], ["sound", 2628], ["voice", 2647], ["look", 2660], ["looked", 2660], ["microscope", 2683], ["microscopes", 2683], ["spot", 2695], ["spotted", 2695], ["intently", 2735], ["emerald", 2752], ["green", 2758], ["greens", 2758], ["hold", 2784], ["holding", 2784], ["blanket", 2794], ["morning", 2831], ["add", 2845], ["added", 2845], ["busy", 2867], ["busied", 2867], ["track", 2890], ["shoulder", 2927], ["shouldered", 2927], ["shoulders", 2927], ["ache", 2933], ["ached", 2933], ["sat", 2946], ["sit", 2946], ["sitting", 2946], ["stool", 2957], ["stools", 2957], ["hunch", 2967], ["hunches", 2967], ["hunched", 2967], ["glance", 2995], ["glanced", 2995], ["sat", 3013], ["sit", 3013], ["beside", 3020], ["lab", 3035], ["labs", 3035], ["table", 3041], ["tabled", 3041], ["tabling", 3041], ["left", 3069], ["leave", 3069], ["left", 3091], ["leave", 3091], ["leaving", 3091], ["soon", 3096], ["minute", 3138], ["smile", 3161], ["smiled", 3161], ["across", 3180], ["use", 3204], ["used", 3204], ["long", 3230], ["longs", 3230], ["pick", 3256], ["picking", 3256], ["handbag", 3268], ["floor", 3282], ["step", 3303], ["stepped", 3303], ["large", 3331], ["man", 3335], ["mans", 3335], ["manned", 3335], ["move", 3351], ["quietly", 3364], ["drive", 3385], ["driving", 3385], ["plan", 3421], ["teleport", 3436], ["teleporting", 3436], ["comfortable", 3462], ["accustom", 3528], ["accustomed", 3528], ["yerself", 3536], ["time", 3595], ["times", 3595], ["need", 3612], ["needest", 3612], ["teleport", 3624], ["teleporting", 3624], ["world", 3657], ["learn", 3676], ["learns", 3676], ["learnt", 3676], ["travel", 3690], ["business", 3717], ["matter", 3724], ["mattering", 3724], ["suppose", 3742], ["supposed", 3742], ["valid", 3764], ["point", 3770], ["still", 3782], ["lean", 3797], ["leans", 3797], ["leaned", 3797], ["whisper", 3825], ["whispered", 3825], ["safe", 3841], ["safes", 3841], ["safed", 3841], ["yes", 3853], ["hear", 3899], ["hears", 3899], ["straighten", 3924], ["straightened", 3924], ["huff", 3945], ["huffs", 3945], ["tartan", 4066], ["drape", 4081], ["drapes", 4081], ["draped", 4081], ["broad", 4106], ["broads", 4106], ["plaid", 4128], ["design", 4135], ["match", 4143], ["matching", 4143], ["matched", 4143], ["kilt", 4152], ["kilts", 4152], ["bit", 4175], ["bits", 4175], ["chilly", 4182], ["think", 4219], ["thinkest", 4219], ["thought", 4219], ["townhouse", 4250]]
we 'll make a short stop on the way . '' `` did you find a new underground lair ? '' `` we will definitely be aboveground . '' she eased toward him , frowning . `` you 're not planning to invade my mind ? '' i know exactly where we 're going . i did a test run a few minutes ago . '' now he was making her curious . she hitched her handbag onto her shoulder . `` 't is a surprise . '' he took hold of her arm and drew her into the hallway . with his superhearing , he could probably tell that her heart was racing . `` ye need to hold on to me , '' dougal said quietly . her gaze met his and froze . she could see little specks of gold in his green eyes . he gripped her around the waist and pulled her against him . `` hold me , '' he whispered . tentatively , she rested her hands on his broad chest . to teleport ? panic shot through her , and she wrapped her arms around his neck . then in a flash , she was surrounded by color and light . she stumbled , looking about , and he steadied her . her eyes focused on the graffiti-covered metal wall close to her face . for a good time , call lorenzo ? `` we 're in a bathroom stall ? '' she glanced at the toilet . `` this is where you wanted to take me ? '' dougal smiled . `` it was the safest place to arrive . i locked this door from the inside about five minutes ago . '' he opened the stall door and led her into the restroom . a woman gasped as they walked by . the ladies ' room ? leah winced as they hurried to the exit . she whispered as dougal led her through a glass door . immediately , a cold wind whipped at her . she gasped , barely aware that he was wrapping the tartan around her shoulders . a starry sky was overhead , and before her , the bright lights of new york city stretched for miles in every direction . `` the empire state building ? '' she ran toward the barricade , then glanced back at dougal , grinning . `` ye like it ? '' it was cold and windy , but she did n't care . she huddled beneath his tartan and looked out at the city . `` i 've always wanted to do this . '' `` ye 've never been here before ? '' she skirted the wall , gazing out at the sea of lights . `` how far up are we ? '' `` eighty-six floors . '' definitely not an underground lair . `` i did n't know they were open this late . '' `` till two . '' she spun around , grinning . `` it 's just like the movies . we practically have it to ourselves . '' she continued to circle the observation deck , then stopped to look at the chrysler building . `` this is great , dougal . leah . '' she could n't recall him saying her first name before . it made her heart flutter , and she tightened the tartan shawl around her shoulders . the heat of a blush warmed her cheeks , but hopefully it would look like a result of the crisp wind . `` i-i 'm grateful . but i meant what i said earlier . we should n't date . '' he nodded , gazing into the distance . so ye 'll learn to trust us . '' were they both in denial ? but as long as she did n't confess to being attracted to him , she could pretend it was n't true . she glanced at him , quickly admiring his profile , before looking away . `` i was born in 1721 . transformed at the battle of culloden in '46 . '' `` so you became a vampire when you were twenty-five ? '' he turned to her , his eyes glittering with humor . `` i havena been called young in a long time . he brushed back a strand of hair that blew across her face . she turned away and wandered over to one of the binoculars . dougal retrieved a few quarters from his sporran and inserted them in the machine . she peered through the binoculars , too tense to know what she was looking at . she could feel his presence close by . he made her heart race , and yet he was solid in a steady , comforting way . dependable and exciting at the same time . she moved closer to the barricade . `` how does a person become a vampire ? '' `` a vampire drains you dry , then ye go into a coma until he feeds his blood back to you . then ye wake up with a powerful hunger . `` i ca n't imagine having to live on nothing but blood . '' `` it can be verra tasty . '' `` can ye spare a pint ? '' she glared at him when he smiled . `` according to gregori , i 'm supposed to make ye laugh . '' `` so i 'll learn to trust you ? '' `` so i can win yer heart . ''
[["short", 19], ["stop", 24], ["way", 35], ["ways", 35], ["find", 56], ["new", 62], ["underground", 74], ["lair", 79], ["definitely", 106], ["aboveground", 121], ["ease", 136], ["eased", 136], ["toward", 143], ["frown", 158], ["frowns", 158], ["plan", 184], ["invade", 194], ["mind", 202], ["minding", 202], ["know", 214], ["knowest", 214], ["exactly", 222], ["go", 241], ["goest", 241], ["going", 241], ["test", 256], ["run", 260], ["minute", 274], ["minutes", 274], ["ago", 278], ["curious", 313], ["hitch", 327], ["hitched", 327], ["hitches", 327], ["handbag", 339], ["onto", 344], ["ontos", 344], ["shoulder", 357], ["shouldered", 357], ["surprise", 379], ["surprised", 379], ["take", 392], ["took", 392], ["hold", 397], ["arm", 408], ["draw", 417], ["drawn", 417], ["draws", 417], ["drew", 417], ["hallway", 438], ["hallways", 438], ["probably", 482], ["tell", 487], ["heart", 502], ["race", 513], ["racing", 513], ["ye", 521], ["yed", 521], ["need", 526], ["needest", 526], ["say", 560], ["sayest", 560], ["said", 560], ["quietly", 568], ["gaze", 579], ["gazes", 579], ["meet", 583], ["meeted", 583], ["met", 583], ["froze", 597], ["freeze", 597], ["frozen", 597], ["freezing", 597], ["see", 613], ["little", 620], ["speck", 627], ["specks", 627], ["gold", 635], ["golds", 635], ["green", 648], ["greens", 648], ["eye", 653], ["eyed", 653], ["eyes", 653], ["grip", 666], ["around", 677], ["waist", 687], ["pull", 698], ["pulled", 698], ["whisper", 745], ["whispered", 745], ["tentatively", 759], ["rest", 772], ["rested", 772], ["hand", 782], ["hands", 782], ["broad", 795], ["broads", 795], ["chest", 801], ["teleport", 815], ["teleporting", 815], ["panic", 823], ["shoot", 828], ["shooted", 828], ["shot", 828], ["wrap", 858], ["wraps", 858], ["wrapping", 858], ["wrapped", 858], ["arm", 867], ["arms", 867], ["neck", 883], ["necked", 883], ["flash", 901], ["surround", 922], ["surrounded", 922], ["color", 931], ["lit", 941], ["light", 941], ["stumble", 956], ["stumbled", 956], ["look", 966], ["looking", 966], ["steady", 990], ["steadied", 990], ["focus", 1013], ["focused", 1013], ["graffiti", 1029], ["cover", 1037], ["covered", 1037], ["metal", 1043], ["wall", 1048], ["close", 1054], ["face", 1066], ["good", 1079], ["time", 1084], ["call", 1091], ["lorenzo", 1099], ["bathroom", 1125], ["stall", 1131], ["glance", 1148], ["glanced", 1148], ["toilet", 1162], ["toiletest", 1162], ["take", 1200], ["smile", 1222], ["smiled", 1222], ["safe", 1245], ["safes", 1245], ["safed", 1245], ["safest", 1245], ["place", 1251], ["arrive", 1261], ["lock", 1272], ["locked", 1272], ["door", 1282], ["inside", 1298], ["five", 1309], ["fived", 1309], ["open", 1336], ["opened", 1336], ["lead", 1359], ["leaded", 1359], ["led", 1359], ["restroom", 1381], ["woman", 1391], ["womans", 1391], ["gasp", 1398], ["gasps", 1398], ["gasped", 1398], ["walk", 1413], ["walked", 1413], ["lady", 1429], ["ladies", 1429], ["room", 1436], ["roomed", 1436], ["leah", 1443], ["wince", 1450], ["winced", 1450], ["hurry", 1466], ["hurried", 1466], ["hurryed", 1466], ["hurrying", 1466], ["exit", 1478], ["exited", 1478], ["glass", 1528], ["immediately", 1547], ["cold", 1556], ["wind", 1561], ["whip", 1569], ["whipped", 1569], ["barely", 1598], ["aware", 1604], ["wrap", 1625], ["wraps", 1625], ["wrapping", 1625], ["tartan", 1636], ["shoulder", 1657], ["shouldered", 1657], ["shoulders", 1657], ["starry", 1668], ["sky", 1672], ["overhead", 1685], ["bright", 1715], ["brights", 1715], ["lit", 1722], ["light", 1722], ["lights", 1722], ["york", 1734], ["yorks", 1734], ["city", 1739], ["stretch", 1749], ["stretched", 1749], ["mile", 1759], ["miles", 1759], ["every", 1768], ["direction", 1778], ["empire", 1794], ["state", 1800], ["build", 1809], ["building", 1809], ["run", 1822], ["ran", 1822], ["barricade", 1843], ["back", 1863], ["grin", 1884], ["like", 1897], ["windy", 1927], ["care", 1950], ["huddle", 1964], ["huddled", 1964], ["beneath", 1972], ["look", 1994], ["looked", 1994], ["always", 2028], ["never", 2067], ["skirt", 2101], ["skirted", 2101], ["gaze", 2119], ["gazes", 2119], ["gazing", 2119], ["sea", 2134], ["far", 2157], ["eighty", 2182], ["six", 2186], ["floor", 2193], ["floors", 2193], ["open", 2268], ["late", 2278], ["lates", 2278], ["till", 2291], ["two", 2295], ["twos", 2295], ["spin", 2309], ["spun", 2309], ["movie", 2359], ["movies", 2359], ["practically", 2376], ["continue", 2416], ["continued", 2416], ["circle", 2426], ["observation", 2442], ["deck", 2447], ["stop", 2462], ["stopped", 2462], ["look", 2470], ["chrysler", 2486], ["great", 2514], ["recall", 2556], ["recallest", 2556], ["say", 2567], ["sayest", 2567], ["saying", 2567], ["first", 2577], ["firstest", 2577], ["name", 2582], ["flutter", 2617], ["fluttering", 2617], ["tighten", 2637], ["tightens", 2637], ["tightenest", 2637], ["tightened", 2637], ["shawl", 2654], ["shawls", 2654], ["heat", 2686], ["heats", 2686], ["heated", 2686], ["blush", 2697], ["blushes", 2697], ["warm", 2704], ["warmed", 2704], ["cheek", 2715], ["cheeks", 2715], ["hopefully", 2731], ["result", 2759], ["resultest", 2759], ["crisp", 2772], ["crisping", 2772], ["grateful", 2798], ["mean", 2812], ["meanest", 2812], ["meant", 2812], ["early", 2832], ["date", 2853], ["nod", 2868], ["nodded", 2868], ["distance", 2895], ["distancing", 2895], ["learn", 2913], ["learns", 2913], ["learnt", 2913], ["trust", 2922], ["denial", 2955], ["long", 2969], ["longs", 2969], ["confess", 2992], ["confessest", 2992], ["attract", 3011], ["attractest", 3011], ["attracted", 3011], ["pretend", 3038], ["pretendest", 3038], ["true", 3054], ["quickly", 3085], ["admire", 3094], ["admiring", 3094], ["profile", 3106], ["away", 3128], ["bear", 3144], ["bore", 3144], ["bearest", 3144], ["born", 3144], ["transform", 3166], ["transformed", 3166], ["battle", 3180], ["become", 3221], ["became", 3221], ["vampire", 3231], ["twenty", 3252], ["turn", 3272], ["turned", 3272], ["glitter", 3301], ["glittering", 3301], ["humor", 3312], ["humors", 3312], ["humorest", 3312], ["call", 3338], ["called", 3338], ["young", 3344], ["youngest", 3344], ["brush", 3372], ["brushest", 3372], ["brushed", 3372], ["strand", 3386], ["hair", 3394], ["blow", 3404], ["blew", 3404], ["blowest", 3404], ["across", 3411], ["wander", 3451], ["wandered", 3451], ["binocular", 3481], ["binoculars", 3481], ["retrieve", 3500], ["retrieved", 3500], ["quarter", 3515], ["quartering", 3515], ["quarters", 3515], ["sporran", 3532], ["sporrans", 3532], ["insert", 3545], ["inserted", 3545], ["machine", 3565], ["peer", 3578], ["peered", 3578], ["tense", 3613], ["feel", 3662], ["presence", 3675], ["race", 3709], ["racing", 3709], ["yet", 3719], ["solid", 3732], ["steady", 3744], ["comfort", 3757], ["comforting", 3757], ["dependable", 3774], ["exciting", 3787], ["move", 3816], ["moved", 3816], ["close", 3823], ["closer", 3823], ["person", 3863], ["become", 3870], ["drain", 3905], ["drains", 3905], ["dry", 3913], ["drier", 3913], ["drying", 3913], ["go", 3926], ["goest", 3926], ["coma", 3938], ["fed", 3953], ["feed", 3953], ["feeds", 3953], ["blood", 3963], ["bloods", 3963], ["blooded", 3963], ["wake", 3990], ["wakes", 3990], ["woken", 3990], ["powerful", 4009], ["hunger", 4016], ["hungers", 4016], ["hungering", 4016], ["ca", 4026], ["cas", 4026], ["imagine", 4038], ["live", 4053], ["nothing", 4064], ["tasty", 4104], ["spare", 4125], ["pint", 4132], ["glare", 4148], ["glared", 4148], ["accord", 4185], ["according", 4185], ["suppose", 4212], ["supposed", 4212], ["laugh", 4229], ["win", 4286], ["yer", 4290]]
the wind whipped her hair across her face , and she pushed it back . `` do n't your knees get cold ? '' the wind blew her hair in her face again , and she shoved it back . he pulled the leather tie from his hair and stepped behind her . `` you do n't need to - `` she paused at the feel of his hands on her neck , gathering up her hair . when he finished tying the strip , she turned to face him . the wind blew some strands of his long black hair across his face , and they caught on the whiskers along his jaw . now you 're having trouble . '' she brushed his hair back , her fingertips lingering on his cheek . her gaze met his , and the fierce yearning in his eyes took her breath away . she spun to face the city lights . i 'm not falling for him . `` how did you know i wanted to see this place ? '' `` fidelia mentioned ye were watching a movie . after i investigated it , i suspected ye would enjoy this . '' `` you investigated an affair to remember ? '' 't is what i do . i work for mackay security and investigation . '' `` tell me about yerself . '' `` are you investigating me now ? '' he tilted his head while he considered . `` because ye 're you . from the moment i first saw you , i felt drawn to you . '' she shivered under his tartan blanket . `` you first saw me on a security camera . '' his brows drew together in a frown. `` 't was difficult to watch . i wanted to teleport you away from the pain . my offer still stands , ye ken . if at any time ye want to leave , just let me know . '' just knowing that he was on her side made her feel all squishy and warm . he would be absolutely perfect if he was n't a vampire . `` what do ye like to do when ye 're no ' working ? '' it seems like i 've spent my whole life studying . but i enjoy my work . i like helping people , even if i 'm not very comfortable around them . '' `` it must have been hard for you to start college so young . '' `` i was ready academically , but not socially . i was homeschooled by my parents . they 're both professors . i have two brothers , but they 're older than me . and they each started college at the age of thirteen , so i never got to know them very well . '' `` ye were lonely . '' her eyes burned with resentment and unshed tears . how could her parents be so brilliant and never realize that sometimes a young child did n't need another book or another assignment ? sometimes she just needed a damned hug . grandpa had understood . a wave of grief swept over her . `` i had a grandfather in ireland . he used to wear a kilt and play the pipes . '' `` he 's gone now ? '' she nodded , blinking away tears . `` 't is sorry i am that i dinna meet him . '' `` abby told me you 're a musician ? '' did he lose his music when he lost his hand ? that had to hurt something awful . `` now i 'm known throughout the vampire world as the guy who lost a hand . my friends try to make it sound swell by calling me the bionic man or the terminator . '' after years of being called dr. freakazoid , she knew how it felt to be singled out for a certain trait that made her different from others . `` i shouldna have told you that . i doona want to sound like i 'm complaining . '' maybe you should tell your friends - `` `` nay ! i would sound like a whiny , wee bairn . i should take it like a man . '' apparently the male ego survived after death . the wind blew the hem of his kilt up a few inches , revealing strong , muscular thighs . wincing , he pushed it down . `` come on , take it like a man . '' `` och , so i made ye laugh after all . '' but did that mean he could win her heart ? fear swelled inside her to the point of near panic . she 'd told him so much about herself . and she was enjoying being with him . a gorgeous vampire who made her heart race . she could n't let this continue . she was still afraid of him . dougal strode into the security office at romatech , wondering what he should do next to earn leah 's trust . when he 'd teleported her to the townhouse , she 'd barely looked at him . she 'd thanked him before running upstairs to her room . he was reasonably sure she 'd enjoyed the trip to the empire state building , and they had succeeded in getting to know each other a little better . `` you 're back , '' freemont said from behind the desk . thank you for manning the fort for me . '' dougal scanned the monitors . abby and gregori had left .
[["wind", 8], ["whip", 16], ["whipped", 16], ["hair", 25], ["across", 32], ["face", 41], ["push", 58], ["pushed", 58], ["back", 66], ["knee", 89], ["knees", 89], ["get", 93], ["cold", 98], ["blow", 117], ["blew", 117], ["blowest", 117], ["shove", 161], ["shoved", 161], ["pull", 181], ["pulled", 181], ["leather", 193], ["tie", 197], ["tying", 197], ["tieing", 197], ["step", 223], ["stepped", 223], ["behind", 230], ["need", 255], ["needest", 255], ["pause", 274], ["paused", 274], ["feel", 286], ["hand", 299], ["hands", 299], ["neck", 311], ["necked", 311], ["gather", 323], ["gatherest", 323], ["finish", 354], ["finished", 354], ["tie", 360], ["tying", 360], ["tieing", 360], ["strip", 370], ["turn", 383], ["turned", 383], ["strand", 424], ["strands", 424], ["long", 436], ["longs", 436], ["black", 442], ["catch", 481], ["catched", 481], ["catches", 481], ["caught", 481], ["whisker", 497], ["whiskered", 497], ["whiskering", 497], ["whiskers", 497], ["along", 503], ["jaw", 511], ["jaws", 511], ["jawed", 511], ["jawest", 511], ["trouble", 540], ["troubling", 540], ["brush", 557], ["brushest", 557], ["brushed", 557], ["fingertip", 588], ["fingertips", 588], ["linger", 598], ["lingered", 598], ["lingering", 598], ["cheek", 611], ["cheeks", 611], ["gaze", 622], ["gazes", 622], ["meet", 626], ["meeted", 626], ["met", 626], ["fierce", 647], ["yearning", 656], ["eye", 668], ["eyed", 668], ["eyes", 668], ["take", 673], ["took", 673], ["breath", 684], ["breathest", 684], ["away", 689], ["spin", 700], ["spun", 700], ["city", 717], ["lit", 724], ["light", 724], ["lights", 724], ["fall", 743], ["falls", 743], ["falling", 743], ["know", 773], ["knowest", 773], ["see", 789], ["place", 800], ["mention", 826], ["mentioned", 826], ["ye", 829], ["yed", 829], ["watch", 843], ["watching", 843], ["movie", 851], ["investigate", 874], ["investigates", 874], ["investigated", 874], ["suspect", 891], ["suspected", 891], ["enjoy", 906], ["enjoyed", 906], ["affair", 946], ["remember", 958], ["rememberest", 958], ["work", 988], ["wrought", 988], ["security", 1008], ["investigation", 1026], ["tell", 1039], ["yerself", 1056], ["investigate", 1086], ["investigates", 1086], ["investigating", 1086], ["tilt", 1108], ["tilting", 1108], ["tilted", 1108], ["head", 1117], ["consider", 1137], ["considered", 1137], ["moment", 1179], ["first", 1187], ["firstest", 1187], ["see", 1191], ["saw", 1191], ["feel", 1204], ["felt", 1204], ["draw", 1210], ["drawn", 1210], ["draws", 1210], ["shiver", 1235], ["shivering", 1235], ["shivered", 1235], ["tartan", 1252], ["blanket", 1260], ["camera", 1303], ["cameras", 1303], ["brow", 1318], ["brows", 1318], ["draw", 1323], ["drawn", 1323], ["draws", 1323], ["drew", 1323], ["together", 1332], ["frown", 1343], ["frowns", 1343], ["difficult", 1364], ["watch", 1373], ["teleport", 1396], ["teleporting", 1396], ["pain", 1419], ["offer", 1430], ["still", 1436], ["stand", 1443], ["stood", 1443], ["standest", 1443], ["stands", 1443], ["ken", 1452], ["kent", 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["play", 2545], ["playest", 2545], ["pipe", 2555], ["piped", 2555], ["piping", 2555], ["pipes", 2555], ["go", 2574], ["goest", 2574], ["gone", 2574], ["nod", 2594], ["nodded", 2594], ["blink", 2605], ["blinked", 2605], ["blinking", 2605], ["sorry", 2633], ["dinna", 2651], ["meet", 2656], ["meeted", 2656], ["tell", 2678], ["told", 2678], ["musician", 2700], ["lose", 2717], ["music", 2727], ["musics", 2727], ["lose", 2740], ["lost", 2740], ["hand", 2749], ["hurt", 2768], ["hurts", 2768], ["hurting", 2768], ["awful", 2784], ["know", 2804], ["knowest", 2804], ["known", 2804], ["throughout", 2815], ["world", 2833], ["guy", 2844], ["friend", 2873], ["friends", 2873], ["try", 2877], ["tryed", 2877], ["sound", 2894], ["swell", 2900], ["swells", 2900], ["swollen", 2900], ["swellest", 2900], ["call", 2911], ["calling", 2911], ["bionic", 2925], ["man", 2929], ["mans", 2929], ["manned", 2929], ["terminator", 2947], ["year", 2964], ["years", 2964], ["call", 2980], ["called", 2980], ["dr", 2983], ["drs", 2983], ["freakazoid", 2995], ["know", 3006], ["knowest", 3006], ["knew", 3006], ["single", 3032], ["singled", 3032], ["certain", 3050], ["trait", 3056], ["different", 3080], ["shouldna", 3108], ["doona", 3137], ["doonas", 3137], ["maybe", 3184], ["nay", 3225], ["whiny", 3254], ["wee", 3260], ["weest", 3260], ["bairn", 3266], ["bairns", 3266], ["take", 3282], ["apparently", 3312], ["male", 3321], ["males", 3321], ["ego", 3325], ["survive", 3334], ["survived", 3334], ["death", 3346], ["hem", 3370], ["inch", 3398], ["inches", 3398], ["reveal", 3410], ["revealing", 3410], ["strong", 3417], ["muscular", 3428], ["thigh", 3435], ["thighs", 3435], ["come", 3475], ["och", 3511], ["ochs", 3511], ["laugh", 3532], ["mean", 3565], ["meanest", 3565], ["win", 3578], ["heart", 3588], ["fear", 3595], ["fearest", 3595], ["swell", 3603], ["swells", 3603], ["swollen", 3603], ["swellest", 3603], ["swelled", 3603], ["inside", 3610], ["point", 3627], ["near", 3635], ["panic", 3641], ["much", 3667], ["enjoy", 3704], ["enjoyed", 3704], ["enjoying", 3704], ["gorgeous", 3732], ["race", 3764], ["racing", 3764], ["continue", 3798], ["afraid", 3821], ["office", 3869], ["wonder", 3893], ["wonderest", 3893], ["wondering", 3893], ["next", 3916], ["earn", 3924], ["leah", 3929], ["trust", 3938], ["teleport", 3962], ["teleporting", 3962], ["teleported", 3962], ["townhouse", 3983], ["barely", 3999], ["look", 4006], ["looked", 4006], ["thank", 4030], ["thanks", 4030], ["thankest", 4030], ["thanked", 4030], ["run", 4049], ["running", 4049], ["upstairs", 4058], ["room", 4070], ["roomed", 4070], ["reasonably", 4090], ["sure", 4095], ["enjoy", 4110], ["enjoyed", 4110], ["trip", 4119], ["tripping", 4119], ["empire", 4133], ["state", 4139], ["build", 4148], ["building", 4148], ["succeed", 4173], ["succeedest", 4173], ["succeeded", 4173], ["get", 4184], ["getting", 4184], ["little", 4212], ["well", 4219], ["wells", 4219], ["say", 4256], ["sayest", 4256], ["said", 4256], ["desk", 4277], ["thank", 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laszlo was working alone in the lab . the captured soldier was still in the silver room . you were gone for only half of your lunch hour . '' freemont stood . `` i 'll do a perimeter check . '' dougal retrieved a bottle of blood from the small fridge and popped it into the microwave . what should his next move with leah be ? should he take her to another place tomorrow night ? what did modern people do on dates ? dinner would be awkward , since he could n't eat . and leah would object if it was too obvious that he was trying to date her . he sipped from his bottle , recalling their conversation at the empire state building . she 'd had a lonely life . he understood that all too well . after being kidnapped at the age of fourteen , he 'd learned quickly that he was alone against the world . she did n't have to be alone anymore . she could have someone who admired her courage , her brilliant mind , and her strength of character . someone who ached to touch her beautiful face and explore every lovely inch of her . chapter ten leah woke up the next day around noon . immediately her thoughts fixated on her trip with dougal to the empire state building . the date that was n't a date . the attraction she did n't want to acknowledge . how could she keep from falling for a guy who was so sweet , so attentive , so gorgeous , strong , and dependable ? so undead ? with a groan , she shoved him out of her mind . she would think about work instead . on her first night on the job , she 'd succeeded in isolating three genetic mutations . thankfully , abby and laszlo were expert chemists who could devise a serum to reverse the mutations . unfortunately , she doubted one antidote would do the trick . changing the mutated soldier would probably require numerous injections over a period of time . so how could they hope to change a thousand mutated soldiers ? she might have to work here for a long time . and that meant more dougal . even if she refused to date him , he would always be nearby . he was probably close now . downstairs in the basement . he did have an underground lair . and she could go see him if she dared . she pushed him from her mind once again as she climbed out of bed . by the time she showered , dressed , and went downstairs , the echarpe family was preparing for an outing to central park . she declined their invitation to join them , citing dirty laundry as an excuse . not that she did n't like them . she was just accustomed to quiet and solitude . and she did need to do some laundry . she 'd originally come with clothes for only three days , thinking it would be a short trip . but it made more sense for her to work alongside abby and laszlo , and to remain close to the test subject in the romatech basement . that made her think about dougal again . was he in the townhouse basement ? she started a load of laundry , then flipped on the lights in the billiards room . her gaze drifted to the closed door . with a groan , she paced back to the washer . how could she let this attraction continue ? so what if he was incredibly handsome ? and intriguing ? did it matter if his deep , lyrical voice made her bones melt ? or that her heart pounded when he looked at her like she was the only woman on the planet ? but he was close by . what was the harm in taking a little peek ? this time , she would be careful not to leave any trace . she opened the door wide to allow plenty of light inside , then moved quietly toward his bed . he was stretched out on his back , his face peaceful . his eyes were closed and fringed with thick black eyelashes . his beautifully shaped lips were relaxed , almost touching . dark whiskers shaded his jaw . she smoothed her fingers across his cheek , intrigued by the transfer from soft skin to prickly . her gaze drifted down his body , the long , white nightshirt buttoned up to his neck , covering the fiery dragon . no wonder she found him so fascinating . beneath his old-fashioned , staid surface , he concealed an unexpected , dangerous interior . a solid , quiet mountain of a man , hiding a volcano in his center . a beautiful man , but a vampire . her arms tingled with goose bumps . it was safe to be here now , admiring him while he was dead , but how exciting it might be to get caught up in one of his explosions . or even to be the cause of his explosion . she would simply end up burned . as she turned to leave , she spotted something odd . a piece of paper stuck out from his left hand . he must have fallen into his death-sleep holding it . she leaned over for a closer look and froze at the sight of large , bold letters . he 'd written her a note ? a thrill of excitement shot through her , quickly followed by a jab of annoyance .
[["work", 18], ["wrought", 18], ["working", 18], ["alone", 24], ["lab", 35], ["labs", 35], ["capture", 50], ["captured", 50], ["soldier", 58], ["soldiered", 58], ["still", 68], ["silver", 82], ["silvered", 82], ["room", 87], ["roomed", 87], ["go", 103], ["goest", 103], ["gone", 103], ["half", 117], ["lunch", 131], ["lunches", 131], ["lunched", 131], ["hour", 136], ["stand", 156], ["stood", 156], ["standest", 156], ["perimeter", 182], ["check", 188], ["retrieve", 210], ["retrieved", 210], ["bottle", 219], ["bottled", 219], ["blood", 228], ["bloods", 228], ["blooded", 228], ["small", 243], ["fridge", 250], ["pop", 261], ["popped", 261], ["microwave", 283], ["next", 306], ["move", 311], ["leah", 321], ["take", 341], ["another", 356], ["place", 362], ["tomorrow", 371], ["tomorrows", 371], ["night", 377], ["modern", 395], ["people", 402], ["date", 414], ["dates", 414], ["dinner", 423], ["awkward", 440], ["since", 448], ["eat", 465], ["object", 489], ["objected", 489], ["objectest", 489], ["objecting", 489], ["obvious", 511], ["try", 530], ["tryed", 530], ["trying", 530], ["date", 538], ["sip", 554], ["sipped", 554], ["recall", 582], ["recallest", 582], ["recalling", 582], ["conversation", 601], ["empire", 615], ["state", 621], ["build", 630], ["building", 630], ["lonely", 652], ["life", 657], ["lifes", 657], ["understand", 673], ["understanded", 673], ["understood", 673], ["well", 691], ["wells", 691], ["kidnap", 715], ["kidnaps", 715], ["kidnaped", 715], ["kidnaping", 715], ["kidnapped", 715], ["age", 726], ["aged", 726], ["fourteen", 738], ["learn", 754], ["learns", 754], ["learnt", 754], ["learned", 754], ["quickly", 762], ["world", 798], ["anymore", 837], ["admire", 874], ["admired", 874], ["courage", 886], ["brilliant", 902], ["mind", 907], ["minding", 907], ["strength", 926], ["character", 939], ["ache", 959], ["ached", 959], ["touch", 968], ["touching", 968], ["beautiful", 982], ["beautifulest", 982], ["face", 987], ["explore", 999], ["every", 1005], ["lovely", 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["genetic", 1535], ["genetics", 1535], ["mutation", 1545], ["mutations", 1545], ["thankfully", 1558], ["expert", 1588], ["chemist", 1597], ["chemists", 1597], ["devise", 1614], ["serum", 1622], ["reverse", 1633], ["reversed", 1633], ["unfortunately", 1663], ["doubt", 1677], ["doubted", 1677], ["antidote", 1690], ["trick", 1709], ["change", 1720], ["changing", 1720], ["mutate", 1732], ["mutated", 1732], ["probably", 1755], ["require", 1763], ["numerous", 1772], ["injection", 1783], ["injections", 1783], ["period", 1797], ["periods", 1797], ["time", 1805], ["hope", 1830], ["change", 1840], ["thousand", 1851], ["soldier", 1868], ["soldiered", 1868], ["soldiers", 1868], ["may", 1880], ["mays", 1880], ["mayest", 1880], ["might", 1880], ["long", 1909], ["longs", 1909], ["mean", 1931], ["meanest", 1931], ["meant", 1931], ["even", 1950], ["evens", 1950], ["refuse", 1965], ["refused", 1965], ["always", 1995], ["nearby", 2005], ["close", 2029], ["downstairs", 2046], ["basement", 2062], ["underground", 2091], ["lair", 2096], ["go", 2115], ["goest", 2115], ["see", 2119], ["dare", 2136], ["dared", 2136], ["push", 2149], ["pushed", 2149], ["climb", 2193], ["climbed", 2193], ["bed", 2204], ["shower", 2231], ["showered", 2231], ["showerest", 2231], ["dress", 2241], ["dressest", 2241], ["dressed", 2241], ["go", 2252], ["goest", 2252], ["went", 2252], ["family", 2284], ["prepare", 2298], ["preparing", 2298], ["outing", 2312], ["central", 2323], ["park", 2328], ["parks", 2328], ["decline", 2343], ["declined", 2343], ["invitation", 2360], ["join", 2368], ["joinest", 2368], ["cite", 2382], ["cites", 2382], ["citing", 2382], ["dirty", 2388], ["laundry", 2396], ["excuse", 2409], ["like", 2437], ["quiet", 2477], ["solitude", 2490], ["need", 2509], ["needest", 2509], ["originally", 2548], ["come", 2553], ["clad", 2566], ["clothe", 2566], ["clothes", 2566], ["day", 2586], ["days", 2586], ["think", 2597], ["thinkest", 2597], ["thinking", 2597], ["short", 2617], ["sense", 2647], 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["planet", 3257], ["harm", 3299], ["harmest", 3299], ["take", 3309], ["taking", 3309], ["little", 3318], ["peek", 3323], ["peeks", 3323], ["careful", 3358], ["left", 3371], ["leave", 3371], ["trace", 3381], ["open", 3394], ["opened", 3394], ["wide", 3408], ["allow", 3417], ["plenty", 3424], ["lit", 3433], ["light", 3433], ["inside", 3440], ["move", 3453], ["moved", 3453], ["quietly", 3461], ["toward", 3468], ["stretch", 3495], ["stretched", 3495], ["peaceful", 3531], ["eye", 3542], ["eyed", 3542], ["eyes", 3542], ["fringe", 3566], ["fringed", 3566], ["thick", 3577], ["thickest", 3577], ["black", 3583], ["eyelash", 3593], ["eyelashes", 3593], ["beautifully", 3611], ["shape", 3618], ["shapes", 3618], ["shaped", 3618], ["lip", 3623], ["lipped", 3623], ["lips", 3623], ["almost", 3645], ["dark", 3661], ["whisker", 3670], ["whiskered", 3670], ["whiskering", 3670], ["whiskers", 3670], ["shade", 3677], ["shaded", 3677], ["jaw", 3685], ["jaws", 3685], ["jawed", 3685], ["jawest", 3685], ["smooth", 3700], ["smoothed", 3700], ["finger", 3712], ["fingers", 3712], ["across", 3719], ["cheek", 3729], ["cheeks", 3729], ["intrigue", 3741], ["intrigued", 3741], ["transfer", 3757], ["transfering", 3757], ["soft", 3767], ["skin", 3772], ["prickly", 3783], ["body", 3816], ["bodied", 3816], ["white", 3835], ["nightshirt", 3846], ["nightshirts", 3846], ["button", 3855], ["buttoning", 3855], ["buttoned", 3855], ["neck", 3870], ["necked", 3870], ["cover", 3881], ["covering", 3881], ["fiery", 3891], ["dragon", 3898], ["wonder", 3910], ["wonderest", 3910], ["find", 3920], ["found", 3920], ["fascinating", 3939], ["beneath", 3949], ["old", 3957], ["staid", 3975], ["surface", 3983], ["conceal", 3998], ["concealest", 3998], ["concealed", 3998], ["unexpected", 4012], ["dangerous", 4024], ["interior", 4033], ["solid", 4043], ["mountain", 4060], ["man", 4069], ["mans", 4069], ["manned", 4069], ["hide", 4078], ["hides", 4078], ["volcano", 4088], ["center", 4102], ["vampire", 4136], ["arm", 4147], ["arms", 4147], ["tingle", 4155], ["tingles", 4155], ["goose", 4166], ["bump", 4172], ["bumpest", 4172], ["bumps", 4172], ["safe", 4186], ["safes", 4186], ["safed", 4186], ["admire", 4212], ["admiring", 4212], ["dead", 4234], ["exciting", 4253], ["get", 4272], ["catch", 4279], ["catched", 4279], ["catches", 4279], ["caught", 4279], ["explosion", 4307], ["explosions", 4307], ["cause", 4333], ["explosion", 4350], ["simply", 4369], ["end", 4373], ["ends", 4373], ["endest", 4373], ["burn", 4383], ["burns", 4383], ["burned", 4383], ["turn", 4399], ["turned", 4399], ["spot", 4422], ["spotted", 4422], ["odd", 4436], ["piece", 4446], ["pieced", 4446], ["paper", 4455], ["stick", 4461], ["stickest", 4461], ["stuck", 4461], ["left", 4479], ["hand", 4484], ["must", 4494], ["musts", 4494], ["fall", 4506], ["falls", 4506], ["fallen", 4506], ["death", 4521], ["sleep", 4527], ["slept", 4527], ["sleeps", 4527], ["sleepest", 4527], ["hold", 4535], ["holding", 4535], ["lean", 4551], ["leans", 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how dare he assume that she would come downstairs to ogle him in his death-sleep ? it was n't as if she was obsessed with him . she was here , was n't she ? with a tug , she slipped the note from his hand , then opened it . dear leah , i doubt you 'll come downstairs to see my dead carcass , but in case you do , i am leaving you this note . i 'm not good at saying what i feel , so i thought i would write what was in my heart . if i could dream , i would dream of you . if i could see the sun , it could not shine brighter than you . if i died a thousand deaths , i would come back to search for you . leah 's eyes blurred with tears . she 'd been told he was shy , but she had n't realized he was so romantic . how cruel could fate be that she 'd finally met the perfect man , but he was a vampire ? she folded the note and wedged it back beneath his left hand . it would be better if he did n't know that she 'd read the note . she did n't dare let him know how deeply he affected her . a tear ran down her cheek and landed on his hand . she wiped it dry and hurried from the room . dougal asked that evening as he strode into the security office . austin slipped on his coat . `` angus and emma will be returning to london tonight , so it 'll be just you and freemont . oh , and abby wants you to come by her office tomorrow night at five thirty . '' dougal hoped she was n't planning to run more tests on his hand . he took a sip from his bottle of synthetic blood as he scanned the monitors . plenty of mortals were still in the facility , but that tended to happen in the fall and winter months , when the sun set early . he spotted freemont in the cafeteria , presumably making his rounds , although it looked more like he was flirting with the pretty young cashier . his gaze shifted back to the lab . `` when did abby and leah arrive ? '' austin pocketed his car keys . `` they needed to see the guy in the silver room , so i took them down there . leah wanted more blood and tissue samples , and abby gave him another injection to keep him in stasis . '' dougal eyed the monitor showing the silver room . `` there was no problem then ? '' austin headed out the door . dougal 's gaze drifted back to the monitor showing leah and abby hard at work . had leah come to see him during the day ? had she read his note ? when he 'd awakened , he 'd thought there had been a slight whiff of jasmine in the air . but was it simply wishful thinking ? the cell phone in his sporran dinged , so he took it out . there was a text message from angus . he and emma were teleporting back to their townhouse in london and wished him good luck with his new job . as soon as abby reported that his hand was working perfectly , angus would put him on the mission roster . dougal texted back his thanks , then finished his breakfast bottle while watching the monitors . a few minutes later , laszlo arrived at the lab , this time sporting a purple polka-dot bowtie . dougal 's eyes narrowed , watching leah carefully to see how she reacted to laszlo . she seemed friendly , but there were no stolen glances , no blushes , nothing to indicate she returned his affections . he did n't want to feel like he was stealing leah from anyone . he had another trip planned for her tonight . as soon as freemont returned to the office , he would set his plan into action . a little after seven , he spotted abby and leah on a monitor , deep in conversation as they wandered toward the cafeteria . he strode there quickly to meet them at the door . when leah saw him , her heart rate sped up . fear or excitement , he was n't sure which . `` may i speak with you alone ? '' `` we were about to eat . '' `` you can catch up with me later . '' abby shot him a suspicious look , then headed toward the cafeteria line . leah asked , avoiding eye contact . i - `` he wished he was n't so awkward at this . `` i 'd like to take you out to dinner . '' she turned to him with an exasperated look . `` you do n't eat . '' `` ye do . and i think ye 'll like the place we 're going . '' `` i do n't think i should go anywhere with you . '' that hit him hard in the chest . `` i thought ye enjoyed our trip last night . '' a pained look flitted across her face . and i like talking to you . ''
[["dare", 8], ["assume", 18], ["assumes", 18], ["come", 38], ["downstairs", 49], ["ogle", 57], ["ogles", 57], ["death", 74], ["sleep", 80], ["slept", 80], ["sleeps", 80], ["sleepest", 80], ["obsess", 116], ["obsessed", 116], ["tug", 167], ["tugging", 167], ["slip", 181], ["slipped", 181], ["note", 190], ["hand", 204], ["open", 218], ["opened", 218], ["dear", 228], ["dearest", 228], ["leah", 233], ["doubt", 243], ["see", 274], ["dead", 282], ["carcass", 290], ["case", 304], ["left", 326], ["leave", 326], ["leaving", 326], ["good", 356], ["say", 366], ["sayest", 366], ["saying", 366], ["feel", 378], ["think", 393], ["thinkest", 393], ["thought", 393], ["write", 407], ["writing", 407], ["heart", 428], ["dream", 447], ["dreamt", 447], ["dreamest", 447], ["sun", 495], ["suns", 495], ["sunned", 495], ["shone", 516], ["shine", 516], ["shined", 516], ["bright", 525], ["brights", 525], ["die", 546], ["died", 546], ["thousand", 557], ["death", 564], ["deaths", 564], ["back", 584], ["search", 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1071], ["hurrying", 1071], ["room", 1085], ["roomed", 1085], ["ask", 1100], ["asked", 1100], ["evening", 1113], ["stride", 1126], ["stridden", 1126], ["security", 1144], ["office", 1151], ["austin", 1160], ["coat", 1180], ["angus", 1191], ["emma", 1200], ["emmas", 1200], ["return", 1218], ["returnest", 1218], ["returning", 1218], ["london", 1228], ["tonight", 1236], ["oh", 1278], ["tomorrow", 1330], ["tomorrows", 1330], ["night", 1336], ["five", 1344], ["fived", 1344], ["thirty", 1351], ["hope", 1369], ["hoped", 1369], ["plan", 1390], ["run", 1397], ["test", 1408], ["tests", 1408], ["take", 1430], ["took", 1430], ["sip", 1436], ["bottle", 1452], ["bottled", 1452], ["synthetic", 1465], ["blood", 1471], ["bloods", 1471], ["blooded", 1471], ["scan", 1485], ["scans", 1485], ["scanning", 1485], ["scanned", 1485], ["monitor", 1498], ["monitored", 1498], ["monitors", 1498], ["plenty", 1507], ["mortal", 1518], ["mortals", 1518], ["still", 1529], ["facility", 1545], ["tend", 1563], ["tended", 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2762], ["texted", 2778], ["texting", 2778], ["thank", 2794], ["thanks", 2794], ["thankest", 2794], ["finish", 2810], ["finished", 2810], ["breakfast", 2824], ["watch", 2846], ["watching", 2846], ["minute", 2875], ["minutes", 2875], ["later", 2881], ["arrive", 2898], ["arrived", 2898], ["time", 2921], ["sport", 2930], ["sporting", 2930], ["purple", 2939], ["polka", 2945], ["dot", 2949], ["dotted", 2949], ["bowtie", 2956], ["bowtied", 2956], ["narrow", 2982], ["narrowed", 2982], ["carefully", 3008], ["react", 3031], ["reacted", 3031], ["seem", 3054], ["seeming", 3054], ["seemed", 3054], ["friendly", 3063], ["steal", 3090], ["stole", 3090], ["stolen", 3090], ["glance", 3098], ["glances", 3098], ["nothing", 3121], ["indicate", 3133], ["return", 3146], ["returnest", 3146], ["returned", 3146], ["affection", 3161], ["affections", 3161], ["steal", 3208], ["stole", 3208], ["stealing", 3208], ["anyone", 3225], ["trip", 3247], ["tripping", 3247], ["plan", 3255], ["planned", 3255], ["plan", 3340], ["action", 3352], ["little", 3363], ["seven", 3375], ["deep", 3422], ["deeply", 3422], ["conversation", 3438], ["wander", 3455], ["wandered", 3455], ["toward", 3462], ["quickly", 3502], ["meet", 3510], ["meeted", 3510], ["see", 3543], ["saw", 3543], ["rate", 3564], ["speed", 3569], ["speeding", 3569], ["sped", 3569], ["fear", 3579], ["fearest", 3579], ["excitement", 3593], ["sure", 3611], ["may", 3626], ["mays", 3626], ["mayest", 3626], ["speak", 3634], ["spoken", 3634], ["alone", 3649], ["eat", 3678], ["catch", 3700], ["catched", 3700], ["catches", 3700], ["shoot", 3732], ["shooted", 3732], ["shot", 3732], ["suspicious", 3749], ["look", 3754], ["line", 3794], ["avoid", 3818], ["avoiding", 3818], ["eye", 3822], ["eyed", 3822], ["contact", 3830], ["awkward", 3871], ["take", 3902], ["dinner", 3920], ["turn", 3936], ["turned", 3936], ["ye", 3999], ["yed", 3999], ["think", 4016], ["thinkest", 4016], ["place", 4038], ["go", 4051], ["goest", 4051], ["going", 4051], ["go", 4086], ["goest", 4086], ["anywhere", 4095], ["hit", 4118], ["chest", 4140], ["enjoy", 4166], ["enjoyed", 4166], ["last", 4180], ["flit", 4213], ["flitted", 4213], ["across", 4220], ["face", 4229], ["talk", 4250], ["talking", 4250]]
she motioned for him to follow her to a quiet corner . `` i do n't want to get involved with anyone at work . '' her eyes glistened with moisture , and she looked away . `` i would never harm you , leah . '' `` i-i believe you mean that , but i-i ca n't ... '' his heart sank . `` ye canna date a vampire ? '' she turned to him with a beseeching look . i only learned about vampires two nights ago . i 'm still trying to adjust . was that reason to hope ? if she had enough time to adjust , would she change her mind ? `` where did you plan to take me ? '' `` niagara falls . i went earlier to check it out . '' `` that would have been nice . `` we could still go . there 's a place there where ye can eat . and then , there 's a boat ride - `` `` no ! '' she stepped back , turning pale . `` i-i ca n't do that . '' `` i dinna mean to frighten you - `` `` it 's not you . i-i 'm afraid of boats . i always think they 're going to sink . i know it 's silly . '' a memory flashed through his mind . a storm on the yangtze river almost three hundred years ago . a boat capsizing and his desperate attempt to keep li lei from drowning . leah gave him a sympathetic look . `` i know you want to date me , and i-i 'm really flattered . but i ca n't do it right now . she rushed off to get in line with abby . he would have to honor her feelings and leave her alone . she might change her mind eventually . that was n't something he 'd expected . he trudged back to the office . the first time he saw leah from behind , she had reminded him of li lei . something about the way she moved and the tilt of her head . but he 'd quickly realized that leah was different . vibrant and beautiful . he 'd admired her strength and courage when her safe world had been stripped away . the pain and loneliness she 'd endured over the years reminded him of his own suffering and made him long to comfort and protect her . he 'd become so intrigued with leah that li lei had n't even crossed his mind since that first night . he 'd completely forgotten about her . but now he wondered - could li lei 's soul have found a way to return to him ? for almost three hundred years , he 'd felt regret and shame for failing her . in his heart , he had begged for forgiveness . if li lei had come back , did that mean she wanted to forgive him ? his heart swelled at the thought . if it was true , it would mean he could finally put his painful past behind him . lay the ghost of li lei to rest and move on with his life . he could be with leah . he wanted leah . this time , he vowed , this time i will not lose the woman i love . i will protect her no matter what . his tattoo itched , and he rubbed his shoulder where the scars remained from having a slave brand burned into his skin . it had been li lei 's idea to cover his mark of shame with a symbol of power . she 'd claimed the dragon would give him the strength to endure . if only he could convince leah to give him a chance . chapter eleven the following night at five thirty , dougal met abby in her office . `` i started developing this drug six months ago , '' abby said , showing him a vial containing an ominous green liquid . `` it 's designed to help the vamps defeat bad vampires by simply taking over their minds . you would n't have to fight them if you could order them to lay down their weapons and surrender . '' he would n't have lost his hand four years ago if he had been able to order those five malcontents to stop . `` we 're still working on it , '' abby continued . `` but it occurred to me that a diluted version might help you . if we boost your mind-control ability , then we could increase your control of the prosthesis . `` do i really need to ? my hand worked perfectly well last night . '' `` but it malfunctioned for two nights before that . '' she held up the green vial . `` this could help you . are you willing to test it for us ? '' `` are ye saying it has never been tested ? '' `` no , afraid not . '' `` we do n't keep any vampire lab mice here . but if it makes you ill , you 'll recover during your death-sleep , right ? '' `` ye 're no ' a verra good salesman , are ye ? '' `` just trying to be honest . and i honestly do think this will increase your mind control and help you control your hand . ''
[["motion", 12], ["follow", 30], ["quiet", 45], ["corner", 52], ["get", 78], ["involve", 87], ["involved", 87], ["anyone", 99], ["work", 107], ["wrought", 107], ["eye", 121], ["eyed", 121], ["eyes", 121], ["glisten", 131], ["glistens", 131], ["glistening", 131], ["glistened", 131], ["moisture", 145], ["look", 162], ["looked", 162], ["away", 167], ["never", 186], ["harm", 191], ["harmest", 191], ["leah", 202], ["believe", 222], ["mean", 231], ["meanest", 231], ["ca", 249], ["cas", 249], ["heart", 270], ["sank", 275], ["sink", 275], ["ye", 283], ["yed", 283], ["canna", 289], ["date", 294], ["vampire", 304], ["turn", 320], ["turned", 320], ["look", 350], ["learn", 367], ["learns", 367], ["learnt", 367], ["learned", 367], ["vampire", 382], ["vampires", 382], ["two", 386], ["twos", 386], ["night", 393], ["nights", 393], ["ago", 397], ["still", 410], ["try", 417], ["tryed", 417], ["trying", 417], ["adjust", 427], ["reason", 445], ["reasonest", 445], ["hope", 453], ["enough", 473], ["time", 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["desperate", 1094], ["attempt", 1102], ["keep", 1110], ["keepest", 1110], ["li", 1113], ["lei", 1117], ["drown", 1131], ["drowns", 1131], ["drowning", 1131], ["give", 1143], ["gave", 1143], ["sympathetic", 1161], ["really", 1218], ["flatter", 1228], ["flattering", 1228], ["flattered", 1228], ["right", 1255], ["rightest", 1255], ["rush", 1272], ["rushed", 1272], ["line", 1291], ["honor", 1326], ["feeling", 1339], ["feelings", 1339], ["left", 1349], ["leave", 1349], ["alone", 1359], ["may", 1371], ["mays", 1371], ["mayest", 1371], ["might", 1371], ["eventually", 1398], ["expect", 1438], ["expected", 1438], ["trudge", 1451], ["office", 1470], ["first", 1482], ["firstest", 1482], ["see", 1494], ["saw", 1494], ["behind", 1511], ["remind", 1530], ["reminded", 1530], ["way", 1570], ["ways", 1570], ["move", 1580], ["moved", 1580], ["tilt", 1593], ["tilting", 1593], ["head", 1605], ["quickly", 1625], ["realize", 1634], ["realized", 1634], ["different", 1658], ["vibrant", 1668], ["beautiful", 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["dragon", 2866], ["give", 2877], ["endure", 2904], ["convince", 2932], ["convinced", 2932], ["convincing", 2932], ["chance", 2958], ["chanced", 2958], ["chancing", 2958], ["chapter", 2968], ["eleven", 2975], ["follow", 2989], ["following", 2989], ["five", 3003], ["fived", 3003], ["thirty", 3010], ["meet", 3023], ["meeted", 3023], ["met", 3023], ["start", 3057], ["started", 3057], ["develop", 3068], ["developest", 3068], ["developing", 3068], ["drug", 3078], ["six", 3082], ["month", 3089], ["months", 3089], ["say", 3108], ["sayest", 3108], ["said", 3108], ["show", 3118], ["showing", 3118], ["vial", 3129], ["contain", 3140], ["containest", 3140], ["containing", 3140], ["ominous", 3151], ["green", 3157], ["greens", 3157], ["liquid", 3164], ["design", 3184], ["designed", 3184], ["help", 3192], ["helpest", 3192], ["vamp", 3202], ["vamped", 3202], ["defeat", 3209], ["defeatest", 3209], ["bad", 3213], ["simply", 3232], ["take", 3239], ["taking", 3239], ["mind", 3256], ["minding", 3256], ["minds", 3256], ["fight", 3286], ["fightest", 3286], ["order", 3310], ["orderest", 3310], ["weapon", 3341], ["weapons", 3341], ["surrender", 3355], ["surrenders", 3355], ["surrendering", 3355], ["surrenderest", 3355], ["lose", 3383], ["lost", 3383], ["hand", 3392], ["four", 3397], ["able", 3427], ["abled", 3427], ["malcontent", 3459], ["stop", 3467], ["work", 3493], ["wrought", 3493], ["working", 3493], ["continue", 3519], ["continued", 3519], ["occur", 3540], ["occurest", 3540], ["occurred", 3540], ["dilute", 3561], ["diluting", 3561], ["diluted", 3561], ["version", 3569], ["boost", 3598], ["control", 3616], ["ability", 3624], ["increase", 3649], ["prosthesis", 3680], ["need", 3702], ["needest", 3702], ["work", 3722], ["wrought", 3722], ["worked", 3722], ["perfectly", 3732], ["well", 3737], ["wells", 3737], ["last", 3742], ["malfunction", 3777], ["malfunctioned", 3777], ["hold", 3818], ["held", 3818], ["willing", 3879], ["test", 3887], ["say", 3919], ["sayest", 3919], ["saying", 3919], ["test", 3944], ["tested", 3944], ["lab", 4007], ["labs", 4007], ["mice", 4012], ["mouse", 4012], ["ill", 4043], ["ills", 4043], ["illest", 4043], ["recover", 4061], ["death", 4079], ["sleep", 4085], ["slept", 4085], ["sleeps", 4085], ["sleepest", 4085], ["good", 4126], ["salesman", 4135], ["honest", 4177], ["honestly", 4194]]
`` if it works , i can approve you for fieldwork and have angus put you on the mission roster , '' she added . now that was a better sales pitch . `` ye 've diluted it ? '' we do n't want you controlling all the vamps in the vicinity , just your hand . '' abby propped her elbows on the desk and leaned toward him . `` as far as i can tell , the prosthesis works fine . the problem is your control , and it 's being affected by your emotional state . if you prefer , i could have you talk to our psychologist , olivia - `` `` i 'll take the drug . '' there was no way he would discuss his emotions with robby 's wife . his feelings were personal . his past was private . he did n't share it with anyone . abby filled a syringe with the greenish liquid . `` it will take some time before you 'll feel the effect . twenty or thirty minutes . '' `` do you want to roll up a sleeve or lift your kilt ? '' he snorted , then unbuttoned his cuff and rolled up his sleeve . she wiped his arm with antiseptic , then plunged the needle in . she fixed a band-aid over the spot . `` just go about your normal routine and let me know how it works . oh , and let me know if you have any strange side effects . '' `` now ye tell me about strange side effects ? '' `` i have to get back to work now . he stepped into the hallway , rolling his sleeve back down . his normal routine . he checked the office , and freemont was there , manning the desk , so dougal offered to do a perimeter check . he exited the building through the side entrance and strode around the parking lot . in a few hours , once all the mortals were gone , he would zoom about at vampire speed , but for now , he kept a normal pace . the mortals were starting to get off work , and some were returning to their cars . he headed into the woods . the crisp autumn air felt refreshing against his face . it would n't be long before the first snow , and he looked forward to it . he had n't seen snow at all during the four years he 'd spent in texas . was the drug taking effect ? he curled his prosthetic hand into a fist , then relaxed it . there was no difference that he could tell . the real test would be if he could control it with leah in the vicinity . he headed back toward the building , walking past the gazebo , which was glittering with white christmas lights . a sharp pain shot through his skull , surprising him with its intensity . he shook his head , and it cleared . as he crossed the basketball court , another pain pierced his head , shooting from his temple to the base of his skull . he halted , squeezing his eyes shut . was this one of the blasted side effects ? if so , he would n't be taking the drug again . he took deep breaths , waiting for the pain to ease . when he opened his eyes , he spotted a group of female employees in the cafeteria . he watched them through the window . apparently they had stayed after work to have a party . a birthday party , from the looks of the big cake skewered with candles . another table was covered with brightly colored gift bags . the sound of the women 's laughter and chatter was so loud that he could hear it outside . there were times when superior hearing was not a blessing . one of the ladies lit the candles , and just as they started singing the happy birthday song , another pain screeched across his brain . he opened his eyes and saw that the ladies were all staring at each other with confused looks on their faces . was this another side effect ? the women continued to stare at each other while the small candles burned down , the flames sputtering in the icing . blow them out ! all ten women leaned over the cake , huffing and blowing . abby had certainly managed to increase his mind control . with the flames blown out , the women stood in a circle around the cake , staring at it . were they awaiting further orders ? ye can cut the cake now . all ten women made a grab for the cake slicer , but when one claimed it , the others grabbed plastic knives , and they all chopped away at the cake , hacking it into pieces . go on as ye normally would . they stopped and looked aghast at the slaughtered cake . he slipped inside , and they gave him a suspicious look . just passing through . '' he hurried through the cafeteria doors . halfway down the hall , he wondered how powerful his mind control was . how far could it reach ? crow like a rooster . his superior hearing caught the sound of crowing all over the facility . the crowing continued . he headed for the lab . maybe abby could give him an antidote . he strode into the room . leah was there , seated next to abby and laszlo . his heart squeezed at the sight of her , and he wondered once again if she had read his note .
[["work", 14], ["wrought", 14], ["works", 14], ["approve", 30], ["fieldwork", 48], ["fieldworks", 48], ["angus", 63], ["put", 67], ["mission", 86], ["roster", 93], ["add", 108], ["added", 108], ["well", 132], ["wells", 132], ["sale", 138], ["sales", 138], ["pitch", 144], ["ye", 152], ["yed", 152], ["dilute", 164], ["diluting", 164], ["diluted", 164], ["control", 203], ["controlling", 203], ["vamp", 217], ["vamped", 217], ["vicinity", 233], ["hand", 250], ["prop", 268], ["propped", 268], ["elbow", 279], ["elbowing", 279], ["elbows", 279], ["desk", 291], ["lean", 302], ["leans", 302], ["leaned", 302], ["toward", 309], ["far", 325], ["tell", 339], ["prosthesis", 356], ["fine", 367], ["problem", 381], ["control", 397], ["affect", 424], ["affected", 424], ["emotional", 442], ["state", 448], ["prefer", 464], ["prefered", 464], ["preferest", 464], ["talk", 488], ["psychologist", 508], ["olivia", 517], ["take", 536], ["drug", 545], ["way", 567], ["ways", 567], ["discuss", 584], ["discusses", 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["normal", 1096], ["routine", 1104], ["routined", 1104], ["let", 1112], ["lets", 1112], ["know", 1120], ["knowest", 1120], ["oh", 1138], ["strange", 1180], ["side", 1185], ["sidest", 1185], ["effect", 1193], ["effects", 1193], ["get", 1265], ["back", 1270], ["work", 1278], ["wrought", 1278], ["step", 1295], ["stepped", 1295], ["hallway", 1312], ["hallways", 1312], ["roll", 1322], ["rolling", 1322], ["check", 1377], ["checked", 1377], ["office", 1388], ["man", 1423], ["mans", 1423], ["manned", 1423], ["manning", 1423], ["offer", 1452], ["offered", 1452], ["perimeter", 1470], ["check", 1476], ["exit", 1488], ["exited", 1488], ["build", 1501], ["building", 1501], ["entrance", 1527], ["entrancing", 1527], ["around", 1545], ["parking", 1557], ["lot", 1561], ["hour", 1578], ["hours", 1578], ["mortal", 1601], ["mortals", 1601], ["go", 1611], ["goest", 1611], ["gone", 1611], ["zoom", 1627], ["zoomed", 1627], ["vampire", 1644], ["speed", 1650], ["speeding", 1650], ["keep", 1674], ["keepest", 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2155], ["leah", 2197], ["walk", 2260], ["walking", 2260], ["gazebo", 2276], ["glitter", 2299], ["glittering", 2299], ["white", 2310], ["lit", 2327], ["light", 2327], ["lights", 2327], ["sharp", 2337], ["sharps", 2337], ["pain", 2342], ["shoot", 2347], ["shooted", 2347], ["shot", 2347], ["skull", 2365], ["surprise", 2378], ["surprised", 2378], ["intensity", 2401], ["shake", 2412], ["shook", 2412], ["head", 2421], ["clear", 2438], ["clearest", 2438], ["cleared", 2438], ["cross", 2454], ["crossing", 2454], ["crossed", 2454], ["basketball", 2469], ["court", 2475], ["courting", 2475], ["courtest", 2475], ["another", 2485], ["pierce", 2498], ["pierced", 2498], ["shoot", 2518], ["shooted", 2518], ["shooting", 2518], ["temple", 2534], ["base", 2546], ["basest", 2546], ["halt", 2571], ["halts", 2571], ["haltest", 2571], ["halted", 2571], ["squeeze", 2583], ["squeezes", 2583], ["squeezing", 2583], ["eye", 2592], ["eyed", 2592], ["eyes", 2592], ["shut", 2597], ["blast", 2627], ["blasted", 2627], 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["laughter", 3090], ["chatter", 3102], ["loud", 3114], ["hear", 3133], ["hears", 3133], ["outside", 3144], ["time", 3163], ["times", 3163], ["superior", 3177], ["hearing", 3185], ["blessing", 3204], ["lady", 3224], ["ladies", 3224], ["lit", 3228], ["light", 3228], ["start", 3267], ["started", 3267], ["singe", 3275], ["singing", 3275], ["happy", 3285], ["song", 3299], ["screech", 3324], ["screeched", 3324], ["across", 3331], ["brain", 3341], ["brained", 3341], ["braining", 3341], ["see", 3370], ["saw", 3370], ["stare", 3403], ["stared", 3403], ["staring", 3403], ["face", 3452], ["faces", 3452], ["continue", 3505], ["continued", 3505], ["stare", 3514], ["stared", 3514], ["small", 3544], ["burn", 3559], ["burns", 3559], ["burned", 3559], ["flame", 3577], ["flames", 3577], ["sputter", 3588], ["sputtering", 3588], ["icings", 3601], ["blow", 3608], ["blew", 3608], ["blowest", 3608], ["ten", 3627], ["huff", 3664], ["huffs", 3664], ["huffing", 3664], ["blow", 3676], ["blew", 3676], ["blowest", 3676], ["blowing", 3676], ["certainly", 3697], ["manage", 3705], ["managed", 3705], ["increase", 3717], ["mind", 3726], ["minding", 3726], ["blow", 3758], ["blew", 3758], ["blowest", 3758], ["blown", 3758], ["stand", 3780], ["stood", 3780], ["standest", 3780], ["circle", 3792], ["await", 3845], ["awaits", 3845], ["awaiting", 3845], ["order", 3860], ["orderest", 3860], ["orders", 3860], ["cut", 3873], ["grab", 3914], ["slicer", 3934], ["claim", 3957], ["claimed", 3957], ["grab", 3981], ["grabbed", 3981], ["plastic", 3989], ["knife", 3996], ["knifes", 3996], ["knives", 3996], ["chop", 4019], ["chopped", 4019], ["away", 4024], ["hack", 4046], ["hacking", 4046], ["piece", 4061], ["pieced", 4061], ["pieces", 4061], ["normally", 4084], ["stop", 4105], ["stopped", 4105], ["aghast", 4123], ["slaughter", 4142], ["slaughters", 4142], ["slaughtered", 4142], ["slip", 4160], ["slipped", 4160], ["inside", 4167], ["give", 4183], ["gave", 4183], ["suspicious", 4200], ["look", 4205], ["pass", 4220], ["passing", 4220], ["hurry", 4244], ["hurried", 4244], ["hurryed", 4244], ["hurrying", 4244], ["door", 4272], ["doors", 4272], ["halfway", 4282], ["halfways", 4282], ["hall", 4296], ["wonder", 4310], ["wonderest", 4310], ["wondered", 4310], ["powerful", 4323], ["reach", 4369], ["crow", 4376], ["like", 4381], ["rooster", 4391], ["catch", 4421], ["catched", 4421], ["catches", 4421], ["caught", 4421], ["crow", 4442], ["crowing", 4442], ["facility", 4464], ["lab", 4512], ["labs", 4512], ["maybe", 4520], ["give", 4536], ["antidote", 4552], ["stride", 4564], ["stridden", 4564], ["room", 4578], ["roomed", 4578], ["seat", 4604], ["seated", 4604], ["next", 4609], ["heart", 4640], ["squeeze", 4649], ["squeezes", 4649], ["squeezed", 4649], ["sight", 4662], ["sighted", 4662], ["read", 4714], ["reads", 4714], ["note", 4723]]
`` yes , '' she replied , then winced . relax , he ordered it , and it opened . then he noticed that leah and abby had sprawled in their chairs . they had relaxed ! with a small shock , he realized he could control leah if he wanted to . he could order her to fling herself into his arms and kiss him . when she jumped to her feet , he forced those thoughts to a screeching halt . doona move . `` abby , there 's something wrong . '' `` just a few seconds ago , they were both crowing like roosters . the whole building seemed to be crowing . '' dougal looked at abby . `` can i see you in private ? '' she and leah both walked toward the door . `` nay , no ' you . '' he looked at leah , but both women stopped . they were obeying his speech , too ? he supposed that made sense , since he had to think to talk . `` i need to talk to you in yer office . '' she headed out the door . he pointed at leah . my god , ye 're beautiful . i could kiss you all - her eyes widened . he wiped those thoughts clean . she sat on the floor . in yer chair . ye can work now . if ye like . '' she moved to her chair and went back to work . dougal grimaced. `` 't is a long story . he hurried to abby 's office and found her sitting at her desk , frowning at the vial of green liquid . `` i guess we discovered one of the side effects . '' `` it dinna affect laszlo ? '' `` it was only the mortals who were crowing . i 'll ask gregori to do damage control and erase the memories of those who were affected . '' `` can ye stop what 's happening to me ? '' `` there 's no antidote . but i gave you a small amount . it should wear off in a few hours . most of the mortal employees will be leaving soon , so ... '' `` but you and leah will still be here . '' `` it might be better for you to keep some distance from us . and do n't think about us . occupy your mind with something else for a few hours . '' telling him not to think about leah was a sure way to make him think of her . `` have you tried using your prosthesis ? '' `` maybe you could type a report or something . it would occupy your mind , and we could see if you have better control . '' he left her office , trying not to think of leah . what else could occupy his mind ? and test his manual dexterity ? his pipes . he 'd left his uilleann pipes at the townhouse . in a matter of seconds , he had teleported to the basement , collected the pipes , and teleported back to the grounds at romatech . doona think about leah . he strode into the woods to where a bench was located underneath a large oak tree . there he sat and situated the bag beneath his elbow . by moving his arm , he would pump air into the bag . he 'd start off with something slow so he 'd have a better chance at moving his prosthetic fingers in time with the music . the pipes filled the air , their wailing cry echoing through the woods . god , how he had missed that sound . and such a sad song . that was the problem with slow music . it was so forlorn that it could make your heart break with the sadness of it . leah , i 've waited so long for you . chapter twelve doona think about leah . leah blinked as she peered into a microscope . that was dougal 's voice reverberating in her head . there was no mistaking the deep , musical lilt or the adorable way he pronounced aboot . abby had returned to the lab a few minutes earlier and explained the weird side effects dougal was experiencing from a drug she 'd given him . his boosted mind control was affecting all the mortals in the building . leah had only a vague memory of the crowing incident . abby assured her that gregori would make sure none of the other mortals remembered it . luckily , leah would be exempt from any mind tampering . she needed to remember the progress she 'd made at work . and she wanted to remember dougal 's thoughts . i could kiss you all - he 'd abruptly stopped that trail of thought , which was a shame , since now she was left wondering where he would kiss her . all over her face ? her skin tingled , and a warm , fuzzy feeling flooded her from head to toe . his voice echoed once again in her mind , and she found herself smiling . the poor guy was trying so hard but failing miserably . she could barely concentrate on her work . his voice was laced with pain , she could feel it . three lifetimes ? had he never loved before ?
[["yes", 6], ["reply", 23], ["replied", 23], ["wince", 37], ["winced", 37], ["relax", 45], ["relaxed", 45], ["order", 58], ["orderest", 58], ["ordered", 58], ["open", 77], ["opened", 77], ["notice", 95], ["noticed", 95], ["leah", 105], ["sprawl", 127], ["sprawls", 127], ["sprawled", 127], ["chair", 143], ["chairing", 143], ["chairs", 143], ["relax", 162], ["relaxed", 162], ["small", 177], ["shock", 183], ["realize", 197], ["realized", 197], ["control", 214], ["order", 252], ["orderest", 252], ["flung", 265], ["fling", 265], ["arm", 287], ["arms", 287], ["kiss", 296], ["kisses", 296], ["kissest", 296], ["jump", 318], ["jumps", 318], ["jumped", 318], ["foot", 330], ["feet", 330], ["force", 342], ["forced", 342], ["thought", 357], ["thoughts", 357], ["halt", 378], ["halts", 378], ["haltest", 378], ["doona", 386], ["doonas", 386], ["move", 391], ["wrong", 428], ["second", 455], ["seconded", 455], ["seconds", 455], ["ago", 459], ["crow", 484], ["crowing", 484], ["like", 489], ["rooster", 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