would n't that be sweet ? '' itll never happen . '' it happens to other people . '' 14 the dinner engagement naturally rebekah did n't have anything to wear for our dinner engagement with bird and sheila . this meant we had to rush out to the mall after rebekah 's saturday shift which ended at three . shopping with rebekah was a nightmare as she could never find anything she liked . she would try on dress after dress and reject each one for one enigmatic reason or another . she insisted that i hang around close by so i could give her my opinion on each garment , yet she rarely took my advice . after searching through racks and racks of women 's clothing , rebekah finally found something acceptable , not good , but something tolerable . at six-thirty we drove to our rendezvous point with the logans and found them waiting for us . we exchanged introductions , rebekah and i got in the back seat of the black lincoln town car and we drove off . rebekah quickly surveyed sheilas pretty face , smiled and said , `` it 's nice to meet you too . i love your car . '' `` oh , it 's not ours . we flew up and then rented it . it 's a long drive from corpus christi to dallas . we 've done it a few times but it 's no fun , '' sheila said . `` so , where are we dining tonight , bird ? '' `` anthony 's , over near northpark . it 's got the best italian food in dallas . '' `` oh , good , '' sheila said . `` so rebekah , stan said you 're a nurse , i do n't know how you can do that with four children . '' `` it 's not easy , believe me , '' rebekah replied . `` i just work on the weekends when stan can be home to watch the kids . if we had to get a babysitter there would n't be any advantage to working . i 'd just pay all the money i made to a babysitter . '' bird turned the lincoln into the driveway of anthony 's and stopped the car in front of the valet parking sign . a young man hurried up to bird 's door and opened it . we all got out and entered the restaurant . a hostess immediately took us to a table near a large fountain encircled by marble pillars . we all sat down and began to look at the menu . `` i always hate having to decide between all these wonderful dishes . i wish i could order everything , '' sheila said . `` i can never make up my mind either , '' rebekah agreed . `` i usually wait until everyone has ordered then i order the first thing that comes into my mind . '' after the girls finally settled on their dinner selections the waiter took our orders and vanished into the kitchen . `` we sure had a nice visit with stan when he came down to do research at the nueces county courthouse , '' sheila said . `` yeah , stan told me he had a good time . i understand you have quite a home on the bay , '' rebekah replied . `` oh yes , we love it . it was a wedding gift from my parents along with the yacht , '' sheila said rather nonchalantly . rebekah raised her eyebrows . `` a yacht too ? that 's some wedding present . '' talk of the yacht sent shivers down my spine . i immediately sought to change the subject by asking bird several questions in rapid succession . `` so , bird , when do you start drilling parker # 3 ? '' `` if all goes well well start drilling a week from tuesday . '' `` how deep will you have to drill ? '' `` probably six or seven thousand feet , i 'd imagine . there are three prospective zones . the most promising one is about 5400 feet . '' sheila gave me a bewildered look as a result of my sudden domination of the conversation . i smiled at her hoping she would get the hint and shut up about the yacht . rebekah watched me curiously . `` how long do you think it will take to drill ? '' bird pondered the question for a moment and then replied , `` oh , it depends on what we find down there but probably a week or ten days . '' `` that 's pretty quick , '' i said . `` you know you ought to bring rebekah and the kids out to the rig and watch the well come in . there 's nothing more exciting than to see crude oil shooting twenty feet into the air , especially when you own part of it . '' `` that would be fun would n't it rebekah ? '' `` we ought to do that . '' `` well , it depends on when it is , i 've got to work on the weekends , '' rebekah said .
[["sweet", 23], ["never", 39], ["happen", 46], ["happen", 62], ["happens", 62], ["people", 78], ["dinner", 97], ["engagement", 108], ["naturally", 118], ["rebekah", 126], ["anything", 148], ["wear", 156], ["bird", 192], ["sheila", 203], ["mean", 216], ["meanest", 216], ["meant", 216], ["rush", 231], ["mall", 247], ["saturday", 273], ["saturdays", 273], ["shift", 279], ["end", 291], ["ends", 291], ["endest", 291], ["ended", 291], ["three", 300], ["shop", 311], ["nightmare", 340], ["nightmares", 340], ["find", 364], ["like", 383], ["liked", 383], ["try", 399], ["tryed", 399], ["dress", 408], ["dressest", 408], ["reject", 431], ["enigmatic", 458], ["reason", 465], ["reasonest", 465], ["another", 476], ["insist", 491], ["insistest", 491], ["insisted", 491], ["hang", 503], ["hung", 503], ["hangs", 503], ["around", 510], ["close", 516], ["give", 535], ["opinion", 550], ["garment", 566], ["yet", 572], ["rarely", 583], ["take", 588], ["took", 588], ["advice", 598], ["search", 616], ["searching", 616], ["rack", 630], ["racks", 630], ["woman", 649], ["womans", 649], ["women", 649], ["clothing", 661], ["finally", 679], ["find", 685], ["found", 685], ["acceptable", 706], ["good", 717], ["tolerable", 743], ["six", 752], ["thirty", 759], ["drive", 768], ["drove", 768], ["rendezvous", 786], ["point", 792], ["logan", 808], ["logans", 808], ["wait", 831], ["waitest", 831], ["waiting", 831], ["exchange", 853], ["exchanged", 853], ["introduction", 867], ["introductions", 867], ["get", 887], ["got", 887], ["back", 899], ["seat", 904], ["black", 917], ["lincoln", 925], ["town", 930], ["car", 934], ["quickly", 969], ["survey", 978], ["surveyest", 978], ["surveyed", 978], ["sheila", 986], ["sheilas", 986], ["pretty", 993], ["prettiest", 993], ["face", 998], ["smile", 1007], ["smiled", 1007], ["say", 1016], ["sayest", 1016], ["said", 1016], ["nice", 1032], ["meet", 1040], ["meeted", 1040], ["love", 1057], ["oh", 1077], ["fly", 1104], ["flys", 1104], ["flew", 1104], ["rent", 1123], ["rented", 1123], ["long", 1141], ["longs", 1141], ["drive", 1147], ["corpus", 1159], ["time", 1206], ["times", 1206], ["fun", 1223], ["dine", 1270], ["dined", 1270], ["dining", 1270], ["tonight", 1278], ["anthony", 1301], ["near", 1316], ["good", 1347], ["best", 1347], ["italian", 1355], ["italians", 1355], ["food", 1360], ["foods", 1360], ["stan", 1428], ["stans", 1428], ["nurse", 1449], ["know", 1465], ["knowest", 1465], ["four", 1495], ["child", 1504], ["childs", 1504], ["children", 1504], ["easy", 1527], ["believe", 1537], ["reply", 1561], ["replied", 1561], ["work", 1578], ["wrought", 1578], ["weekend", 1594], ["weekends", 1594], ["home", 1616], ["homing", 1616], ["watch", 1625], ["kid", 1634], ["kids", 1634], ["get", 1653], ["babysitter", 1666], ["advantage", 1699], ["advantaging", 1699], ["work", 1710], ["wrought", 1710], ["working", 1710], ["pay", 1726], ["pays", 1726], ["payest", 1726], ["money", 1740], ["moneys", 1740], ["turn", 1780], ["turned", 1780], ["driveway", 1810], ["stop", 1836], ["stopped", 1836], ["front", 1853], ["valet", 1866], ["valeting", 1866], ["parking", 1874], ["sign", 1879], ["young", 1889], ["youngest", 1889], ["man", 1893], ["mans", 1893], ["manned", 1893], ["hurry", 1901], ["hurried", 1901], ["hurryed", 1901], ["hurrying", 1901], ["door", 1920], ["open", 1931], ["opened", 1931], ["enter", 1963], ["entered", 1963], ["restaurant", 1978], ["hostess", 1990], ["immediately", 2002], ["table", 2021], ["tabled", 2021], ["tabling", 2021], ["large", 2034], ["fountain", 2043], ["encircle", 2053], ["encircling", 2053], ["encircled", 2053], ["marble", 2063], ["pillar", 2071], ["pillars", 2071], ["sat", 2084], ["sit", 2084], ["begin", 2099], ["began", 2099], ["look", 2107], ["menu", 2119], ["menus", 2119], ["always", 2133], ["hate", 2138], ["hateed", 2138], ["decide", 2155], ["wonderful", 2183], ["dish", 2190], ["dished", 2190], ["dishes", 2190], ["wish", 2199], ["order", 2213], ["orderest", 2213], ["everything", 2224], ["mind", 2274], ["minding", 2274], ["either", 2281], ["agree", 2301], ["agreed", 2301], ["usually", 2316], ["wait", 2321], ["waitest", 2321], ["everyone", 2336], ["order", 2348], ["orderest", 2348], ["ordered", 2348], ["first", 2371], ["firstest", 2371], ["thing", 2377], ["come", 2388], ["comes", 2388], ["girl", 2422], ["girls", 2422], ["settle", 2438], ["settled", 2438], ["selection", 2465], ["selections", 2465], ["order", 2492], ["orderest", 2492], ["orders", 2492], ["vanish", 2505], ["vanishest", 2505], ["vanished", 2505], ["kitchen", 2522], ["kitchens", 2522], ["sure", 2535], ["visit", 2552], ["come", 2575], ["came", 2575], ["research", 2595], ["nueces", 2609], ["county", 2616], ["courthouse", 2627], ["yeah", 2654], ["tell", 2666], ["told", 2666], ["time", 2688], ["understand", 2703], ["understanded", 2703], ["quite", 2718], ["bay", 2736], ["yes", 2769], ["wedding", 2801], ["gift", 2806], ["parent", 2822], ["parents", 2822], ["along", 2828], ["yacht", 2843], ["yachting", 2843], ["rather", 2867], ["nonchalantly", 2880], ["raise", 2897], ["raised", 2897], ["eyebrow", 2910], ["eyebrows", 2910], ["present", 2958], ["presentest", 2958], ["talk", 2968], ["send", 2986], ["sent", 2986], ["shiver", 2994], ["shivering", 2994], ["shivers", 2994], ["spine", 3008], ["seek", 3031], ["sought", 3031], ["change", 3041], ["subject", 3053], ["subjectest", 3053], ["ask", 3063], ["asking", 3063], ["several", 3076], ["question", 3086], ["questions", 3086], ["rapid", 3095], ["rapids", 3095], ["succession", 3106], ["start", 3141], ["drill", 3150], ["drilling", 3150], ["parker", 3157], ["go", 3181], ["goest", 3181], ["goes", 3181], ["well", 3186], ["wells", 3186], ["week", 3213], ["tuesday", 3226], ["deep", 3243], ["deeply", 3243], ["drill", 3266], ["drilling", 3266], ["probably", 3283], ["seven", 3296], ["thousand", 3305], ["foot", 3310], ["feet", 3310], ["imagine", 3325], ["prospective", 3355], ["zone", 3361], ["zones", 3361], ["give", 3422], ["gave", 3422], ["result", 3455], ["resultest", 3455], ["sudden", 3468], ["domination", 3479], ["conversation", 3499], ["hope", 3524], ["hoping", 3524], ["hint", 3547], ["hinting", 3547], ["shut", 3556], ["watch", 3593], ["watched", 3593], ["curiously", 3606], ["think", 3633], ["thinkest", 3633], ["take", 3646], ["ponder", 3674], ["pondered", 3674], ["question", 3687], ["moment", 3700], ["depend", 3738], ["depends", 3738], ["ten", 3792], ["day", 3797], ["days", 3797], ["quick", 3826], ["ought", 3862], ["bring", 3871], ["rig", 3907], ["come", 3931], ["nothing", 3953], ["exciting", 3967], ["see", 3979], ["crude", 3985], ["oil", 3989], ["shoot", 3998], ["shooted", 3998], ["shooting", 3998], ["twenty", 4005], ["air", 4023], ["airs", 4023], ["airing", 4023], ["especially", 4036], ["part", 4054], ["parting", 4054]]
`` we usually know about forty-eight hours in advance of when we expect to hit the productive formation so we 'll call you as soon as we find out . usually we have a good size crowd so we have a barbecue and a big bonfire and you can camp if you want , '' bird said . `` oh , we 've got to do that , '' i replied . `` rebekah will find someone to take her place if it comes in on the weekend , wo n't you , honey ? '' `` i guess i 'll try , '' rebekah replied . `` good , then we 'll plan on you being there . oh , and do n't bother to bring food or drink , you wo n't need it . sheila always arranges enough food to feed napoleon 's army . '' the conversation was briefly interrupted as the waiter appeared with a tray full of tantalizing italian cuisine . i inhaled the sweet aroma of the fare and commented , '' umm , that smells good . '' everyone agreed and began to eat . `` so , do you have a busy week coming up , stan ? '' `` well , i do n't know how busy it will be but it should be interesting , '' i replied . `` yes , i 'm going ghost hunting , '' i said bird grimaced and said , `` ghost hunting ? '' `` yeah , i 've been getting phone calls from a lady who apparently is dead . obviously if she 's calling me she must be very much alive . we suspect someone has kidnapped her and is hiding her somewhere , so that everyone will think she 's dead . '' how exciting , '' sheila said . `` well , one of the calls came from amarillo , so i 'm going to check out the nursing homes there . one of our suspects owns a chain of nursing homes and we think he might have her stashed away in one of them . '' `` if they are hiding her they 'll never acknowledge that she 's there , '' sheila said . `` true , so i 've got to figure out some way to get access to the patient files . i do n't know exactly how i 'm going to do that , but i 'll figure out something . '' `` one of my fantasies was to be a private investigator , '' sheila said . `` but there are n't too many female pi 's i 'm afraid . '' `` that 's too bad , you probably would have made a great one , '' i replied . `` so , how long will you be in amarillo ? '' `` a day or two then i 'm going to colorado to investigate our ghosts accidental death , '' i said . `` she ran off the road , over a cliff and then her car burst into flames . her body was burnt beyond recognition . i figure that the body in the car was not hers . someone in her family wanted her to appear to be dead , so they would get control of all of her assets including the company she owned . '' `` who inherited the company when she supposedly died ? '' `` her son and daughter , '' i replied . `` i think her son did it , '' rebekah said . `` he 's a sleazy bastard from what stan tells me . '' `` he 's the most likely suspect since he did n't like the way his mother was running the company and wanted to run it himself . of course , now he has what he wanted , complete control . '' `` does he own the nursing homes ? '' `` no , his brother-in-law does . it could be they 're working together as they were involved in some kind of merger of their two companies when this all happened . '' `` that 's really fascinating , stan . you 've got to tell me how it all comes out , '' sheila said . `` i 'll certainly do that . maybe i 'll have it solved by the time we meet at parker # 3 . '' `` you better have it solved because if you spend much more time chasing ghosts we 'll be filing bankruptcy and you 'll have to go back to selling insurance , '' rebekah advised . bird and sheila smiled and looked at each other . i hate begging people to do business with me . i love practicing law because people immediately give you respect . i like that , and i like people coming to me and asking me to help them . we may be in for some rough times getting a law practice going , but at least i like what i 'm doing , '' i said . `` well , i think tomlinson 's going to be keeping you pretty busy , stan , so i doubt if you 'll be missing many meals , '' bird assured us . `` that 's good to hear , '' i replied . the waiter came back to our table , took our plates and asked us if we wanted dessert . everyone was too full to eat anything else , so we got our check and left . the valet brought around the lincoln and we departed . bird took us back to our car where we talked for a few minutes before we parted company .
[["usually", 13], ["know", 18], ["knowest", 18], ["forty", 30], ["eight", 36], ["hour", 42], ["hours", 42], ["advance", 53], ["advancest", 53], ["expect", 71], ["hit", 78], ["productive", 93], ["formation", 103], ["call", 118], ["soon", 130], ["find", 141], ["good", 170], ["size", 175], ["crowd", 181], ["crowding", 181], ["crowdest", 181], ["barbecue", 203], ["barbecued", 203], ["big", 213], ["bigs", 213], ["bonfire", 221], ["camp", 238], ["camped", 238], ["bird", 260], ["say", 265], ["sayest", 265], ["said", 265], ["oh", 273], ["get", 286], ["got", 286], ["reply", 312], ["replied", 312], ["rebekah", 325], ["take", 351], ["place", 361], ["come", 373], ["comes", 373], ["weekend", 391], ["wo", 396], ["honey", 412], ["honeys", 412], ["guess", 428], ["try", 438], ["tryed", 438], ["plan", 488], ["bother", 532], ["bothers", 532], ["bothering", 532], ["bring", 541], ["food", 546], ["foods", 546], ["drank", 555], ["drink", 555], ["drinking", 555], ["need", 573], ["needest", 573], ["sheila", 585], ["always", 592], ["arrange", 601], ["arranging", 601], ["arranges", 601], ["enough", 608], ["fed", 621], ["feed", 621], ["napoleon", 630], ["army", 638], ["conversation", 660], ["briefly", 672], ["interrupt", 684], ["interruptest", 684], ["interrupted", 684], ["waiter", 698], ["appear", 707], ["appeared", 707], ["tray", 719], ["trays", 719], ["full", 724], ["tantalize", 739], ["tantalizing", 739], ["italian", 747], ["italians", 747], ["cuisine", 755], ["cuisines", 755], ["inhale", 767], ["inhaled", 767], ["sweet", 777], ["aroma", 783], ["aromas", 783], ["fare", 795], ["faring", 795], ["comment", 809], ["commented", 809], ["umm", 818], ["smelt", 832], ["smell", 832], ["smellest", 832], ["smells", 832], ["everyone", 851], ["agree", 858], ["agreed", 858], ["begin", 868], ["began", 868], ["eat", 875], ["busy", 904], ["busied", 904], ["week", 909], ["come", 916], ["coming", 916], ["stan", 926], ["stans", 926], ["well", 939], ["wells", 939], ["interesting", 1004], ["yes", 1028], ["go", 1041], ["goest", 1041], ["going", 1041], ["ghost", 1047], ["grimace", 1081], ["grimacing", 1081], ["grimaced", 1081], ["yeah", 1122], ["get", 1143], ["getting", 1143], ["phone", 1149], ["call", 1155], ["calls", 1155], ["lady", 1167], ["apparently", 1182], ["dead", 1190], ["obviously", 1202], ["call", 1220], ["calling", 1220], ["must", 1232], ["musts", 1232], ["much", 1245], ["alive", 1251], ["suspect", 1264], ["kidnap", 1286], ["kidnaps", 1286], ["kidnaped", 1286], ["kidnaping", 1286], ["kidnapped", 1286], ["hide", 1304], ["hides", 1304], ["somewhere", 1318], ["think", 1348], ["thinkest", 1348], ["exciting", 1378], ["come", 1429], ["came", 1429], ["amarillo", 1443], ["check", 1468], ["nursing", 1484], ["home", 1490], ["homing", 1490], ["homes", 1490], ["suspect", 1518], ["suspects", 1518], ["chain", 1531], ["may", 1570], ["mays", 1570], ["mayest", 1570], ["might", 1570], ["stash", 1587], ["stashed", 1587], ["away", 1592], ["never", 1653], ["acknowledge", 1665], ["true", 1710], ["figure", 1735], ["way", 1748], ["ways", 1748], ["get", 1755], ["access", 1762], ["accessest", 1762], ["patient", 1777], ["file", 1783], ["files", 1783], ["exactly", 1807], ["fantasy", 1894], ["fantasies", 1894], ["private", 1914], ["investigator", 1927], ["many", 1976], ["female", 1983], ["pi", 1986], ["pis", 1986], ["afraid", 2001], ["bad", 2025], ["probably", 2040], ["great", 2064], ["long", 2102], ["longs", 2102], ["day", 2140], ["two", 2147], ["twos", 2147], ["colorado", 2175], ["investigate", 2190], ["investigates", 2190], ["ghost", 2201], ["ghosts", 2201], ["accidental", 2212], ["accidentals", 2212], ["death", 2218], ["run", 2243], ["ran", 2243], ["road", 2256], ["cliff", 2271], ["cliffs", 2271], ["car", 2288], ["burst", 2294], ["bursted", 2294], ["flame", 2306], ["flames", 2306], ["body", 2317], ["bodied", 2317], ["burn", 2327], ["burns", 2327], ["burnt", 2327], ["beyond", 2334], ["recognition", 2346], ["family", 2419], ["appear", 2440], ["control", 2479], ["asset", 2500], ["assets", 2500], ["include", 2510], ["including", 2510], ["company", 2522], ["companys", 2522], ["companying", 2522], ["inherit", 2554], ["inherits", 2554], ["inherited", 2554], ["supposedly", 2586], ["die", 2591], ["died", 2591], ["son", 2607], ["daughter", 2620], ["sleazy", 2701], ["bastard", 2709], ["tell", 2730], ["tells", 2730], ["since", 2777], ["like", 2793], ["mother", 2812], ["mothered", 2812], ["motherest", 2812], ["run", 2824], ["running", 2824], ["run", 2854], ["course", 2877], ["complete", 2916], ["brother", 2987], ["brethren", 2987], ["law", 2994], ["work", 3030], ["wrought", 3030], ["working", 3030], ["together", 3039], ["involve", 3061], ["involved", 3061], ["kind", 3074], ["merger", 3084], ["company", 3107], ["companys", 3107], ["companying", 3107], ["companies", 3107], ["happen", 3130], ["happened", 3130], ["really", 3153], ["fascinating", 3165], ["tell", 3194], ["certainly", 3256], ["maybe", 3272], ["solve", 3293], ["solved", 3293], ["time", 3305], ["meet", 3313], ["meeted", 3313], ["parker", 3323], ["well", 3346], ["better", 3346], ["spend", 3382], ["spends", 3382], ["spendest", 3382], ["chase", 3405], ["chasing", 3405], ["file", 3429], ["bankruptcy", 3440], ["go", 3463], ["goest", 3463], ["back", 3468], ["sell", 3479], ["sells", 3479], ["selling", 3479], ["insurance", 3489], ["advise", 3510], ["advised", 3510], ["smile", 3535], ["smiled", 3535], ["look", 3546], ["looked", 3546], ["hate", 3569], ["hateed", 3569], ["beg", 3577], ["begging", 3577], ["people", 3584], ["business", 3599], ["love", 3616], ["practice", 3627], ["practicing", 3627], ["immediately", 3658], ["give", 3663], ["respect", 3675], ["ask", 3733], ["asking", 3733], ["help", 3744], ["helpest", 3744], ["may", 3758], ["mays", 3758], ["mayest", 3758], ["rough", 3779], ["roughs", 3779], ["roughest", 3779], ["roughing", 3779], ["time", 3785], ["times", 3785], ["practice", 3808], ["least", 3829], ["leastest", 3829], ["tomlinson", 3894], ["keep", 3917], ["keepest", 3917], ["keeping", 3917], ["pretty", 3928], ["prettiest", 3928], ["doubt", 3953], ["miss", 3975], ["missing", 3975], ["meal", 3986], ["meals", 3986], ["assure", 4004], ["assured", 4004], ["hear", 4033], ["hears", 4033], ["table", 4084], ["tabled", 4084], ["tabling", 4084], ["take", 4091], ["took", 4091], ["plate", 4102], ["plating", 4102], ["plates", 4102], ["ask", 4112], ["asked", 4112], ["dessert", 4136], ["anything", 4176], ["else", 4181], ["left", 4212], ["leave", 4212], ["valet", 4224], ["valeting", 4224], ["bring", 4232], ["brought", 4232], ["around", 4239], ["lincoln", 4251], ["depart", 4267], ["departed", 4267], ["talk", 4314], ["talked", 4314], ["minute", 4332], ["minutes", 4332], ["part", 4349], ["parting", 4349], ["parted", 4349]]
`` so , we 'll see you guys in a couple of weeks for a celebration at the well , '' bird said . `` absolutely , we would n't miss it . i 've got a good feeling about parker # 3 , '' i replied . `` it should be a big producer , '' bird concurred . `` it was nice to meet you rebekah , '' sheila said . `` make stan bring you with him the next time he comes to corpus , '' bird added . `` sheila will take you out on the yacht and give you a tour of the bay like she did stan . '' rebekah gave me a cool look then turned to bird and said , `` oh , sheila took stan out on the yacht ? '' `` yeah , did n't stan tell you he and sheila almost got caught out in a thunderstorm . '' bird laughed . rebekah smiled , gave me an icy glare and replied , `` no , he did n't tell me . it must have slipped his mind . that sounds like fun , i 'll try to make it next time , if this tightwad will spring for the extra fare . '' we watched the lincoln pull away and then got into the pinto . rebekah was very quiet on the way home . this was her usual behavior when she was mad about something . i knew why she was mad , but i did n't want to her to think i was feeling guilty , so i said , `` you 're awfully quiet over there . '' `` what 's there to talk about , '' she replied . `` did n't you enjoy dinner ? '' `` dinner was fine . '' `` is n't bird a character ? '' after five more minutes silence i said , `` okay , i give up . `` come on , we both know when you clam up like this something is wrong . '' `` i said , nothing . '' several minutes went by in silence as we cruised up north central expressway heading for richardson . i hated to have rebekah mad at me so i pressed for a confrontation . `` is it something i said at dinner ? '' `` no , it 's something you did n't say after you came back from corpus . '' `` something i did n't say ? '' `` yeah , you never told me you went out on a yacht while you were in corpus . '' `` well , like you said , it slipped my mind . i just did n't think about it . '' `` tell me i did n't hear what i thought i heard about your little cruise , stanley turner . '' `` just who went on that little outing ? '' `` just sheila and i . '' `` that 's what i thought i heard . what happened to blackbeard or whatever the hell he calls himself ? '' `` bird , does n't like to sail much . he gets seasick . '' `` so you were alone with a beautiful young girl on a fancy yacht in middle of corpus christi bay . `` and what was the captain wearing ? '' i do n't remember actually . '' `` could it have been a string bikini like most of the girls wear down there ? '' just a regular one . '' `` you dirty bastard ! i am at home cleaning dirty diapers and wiping snotty noses and you 're off sailing corpus christi bay with a beautiful , naked woman . '' `` she was married . i would never do anything with a married woman . '' `` oh , but if she 'd of been single you would have had your way with her ! '' i was n't planning to go out in the yacht , it just came up and i could n't get out of it . '' as we drove in our driveway rebekah turned to me , looked me in the eye and asked , `` stan did anything happen ? '' i stopped the car , shut off the engine and replied , `` no ! rebekah starred at me for a moment and then started to get out of the car . she hesitated a moment and said , `` i wish i could believe you . '' then she slammed the door and stormed into the house . i fell back into my seat in despair . rebekah sent her mother home and went to bed without a word to me . i hated to have rebekah mad at me , so i snuggled up behind her and tried to get her to talk . she ignored me for quite a while but when she sensed i was just about to give up and go to sleep she suddenly turned over and let me have it . `` i ca n't believe that little slut trying to get her hooks into you . '' `` i do n't think she 's after me , '' i replied . you do n't know women . `` you do n't think for a minute she 's interested in that old buzzard she 's married to , do you ? '' `` i do n't know , they must have loved each other if they got married . '' `` oh come on stan , do n't be stupid . she married him for some reason other than love . ''
[["see", 18], ["guy", 27], ["guys", 27], ["couple", 39], ["week", 48], ["weeks", 48], ["celebration", 66], ["well", 78], ["wells", 78], ["bird", 88], ["say", 93], ["sayest", 93], ["said", 93], ["absolutely", 109], ["miss", 129], ["get", 144], ["got", 144], ["good", 151], ["feel", 159], ["feeling", 159], ["parker", 172], ["reply", 191], ["replied", 191], ["big", 215], ["bigs", 215], ["producer", 224], ["concur", 244], ["concurred", 244], ["nice", 261], ["meet", 269], ["meeted", 269], ["rebekah", 281], ["sheila", 293], ["stan", 313], ["stans", 313], ["bring", 319], ["next", 341], ["time", 346], ["come", 355], ["comes", 355], ["corpus", 365], ["add", 381], ["added", 381], ["take", 403], ["yacht", 424], ["yachting", 424], ["give", 433], ["tour", 444], ["bay", 455], ["like", 460], ["give", 491], ["gave", 491], ["cool", 501], ["look", 506], ["turn", 518], ["turned", 518], ["oh", 543], ["take", 557], ["took", 557], ["yeah", 592], ["tell", 612], ["almost", 637], ["catch", 648], ["catched", 648], ["catches", 648], ["caught", 648], ["thunderstorm", 670], ["laugh", 688], ["laughed", 688], ["smile", 705], ["smiled", 705], ["icy", 722], ["glare", 728], ["must", 779], ["musts", 779], ["slip", 792], ["slipped", 792], ["mind", 801], ["minding", 801], ["sound", 815], ["sounds", 815], ["fun", 824], ["try", 836], ["tryed", 836], ["tightwad", 876], ["sprang", 888], ["spring", 888], ["sprung", 888], ["extra", 902], ["extras", 902], ["fare", 907], ["faring", 907], ["watch", 923], ["watched", 923], ["lincoln", 935], ["pull", 940], ["away", 945], ["pinto", 973], ["pintos", 973], ["quiet", 998], ["way", 1009], ["ways", 1009], ["home", 1014], ["homing", 1014], ["usual", 1035], ["behavior", 1044], ["mad", 1061], ["mads", 1061], ["know", 1086], ["knowest", 1086], ["knew", 1086], ["think", 1139], ["thinkest", 1139], ["guilty", 1160], ["awfully", 1193], ["talk", 1240], ["enjoy", 1286], ["enjoyed", 1286], ["dinner", 1293], ["fine", 1317], ["character", 1349], ["five", 1365], ["fived", 1365], ["minute", 1378], ["minutes", 1378], ["silence", 1386], ["okay", 1403], ["come", 1425], ["know", 1443], ["knowest", 1443], ["clam", 1457], ["wrong", 1489], ["nothing", 1514], ["several", 1527], ["go", 1540], ["goest", 1540], ["went", 1540], ["cruise", 1568], ["cruised", 1568], ["north", 1577], ["central", 1585], ["expressway", 1596], ["head", 1604], ["heading", 1604], ["richardson", 1619], ["hate", 1629], ["hateed", 1629], ["hated", 1629], ["press", 1668], ["pressed", 1668], ["confrontation", 1688], ["say", 1771], ["sayest", 1771], ["come", 1786], ["came", 1786], ["back", 1791], ["never", 1860], ["tell", 1865], ["told", 1865], ["hear", 2030], ["hears", 2030], ["think", 2045], ["thinkest", 2045], ["thought", 2045], ["hear", 2053], ["hears", 2053], ["heard", 2053], ["little", 2071], ["cruise", 2078], ["stanley", 2088], ["outing", 2139], ["happen", 2220], ["happened", 2220], ["blackbeard", 2234], ["whatever", 2246], ["hell", 2255], ["hells", 2255], ["call", 2264], ["calls", 2264], ["sail", 2309], ["much", 2314], ["get", 2324], ["gets", 2324], ["seasick", 2332], ["alone", 2358], ["beautiful", 2375], ["beautifulest", 2375], ["young", 2381], ["youngest", 2381], ["girl", 2386], ["fancy", 2397], ["fanciest", 2397], ["middle", 2413], ["middles", 2413], ["middling", 2413], ["captain", 2465], ["wear", 2473], ["wearing", 2473], ["remember", 2496], ["rememberest", 2496], ["strung", 2541], ["string", 2541], ["strings", 2541], ["bikini", 2548], ["bikinis", 2548], ["girl", 2571], ["girls", 2571], ["wear", 2576], ["regular", 2607], ["regulars", 2607], ["dirty", 2629], ["bastard", 2637], ["clean", 2661], ["cleans", 2661], ["cleaning", 2661], ["diaper", 2675], ["diapers", 2675], ["wipe", 2686], ["wiping", 2686], ["snotty", 2693], ["nose", 2699], ["nosed", 2699], ["nosing", 2699], ["noses", 2699], ["sail", 2723], ["naked", 2767], ["woman", 2773], ["womans", 2773], ["marry", 2797], ["married", 2797], ["anything", 2825], ["single", 2888], ["plan", 2949], ["go", 2955], ["goest", 2955], ["get", 3010], ["drive", 3037], ["drove", 3037], ["driveway", 3053], ["look", 3083], ["looked", 3083], ["eye", 3097], ["eyed", 3097], ["ask", 3107], ["asked", 3107], ["happen", 3137], ["stop", 3152], ["stopped", 3152], ["car", 3160], ["shut", 3167], ["engine", 3182], ["star", 3220], ["starred", 3220], ["moment", 3239], ["start", 3256], ["started", 3256], ["hesitate", 3294], ["hesitated", 3294], ["wish", 3324], ["believe", 3340], ["slam", 3366], ["slammed", 3366], ["door", 3375], ["storm", 3387], ["stormed", 3387], ["house", 3402], ["fall", 3411], ["falls", 3411], ["fell", 3411], ["seat", 3429], ["despair", 3440], ["despairing", 3440], ["send", 3455], ["sent", 3455], ["mother", 3466], ["mothered", 3466], ["motherest", 3466], ["bed", 3487], ["without", 3495], ["word", 3502], ["snuggle", 3560], ["snuggled", 3560], ["behind", 3570], ["try", 3584], ["tryed", 3584], ["tried", 3584], ["ignore", 3617], ["ignored", 3617], ["quite", 3630], ["sense", 3658], ["sensed", 3658], ["sleep", 3702], ["slept", 3702], ["sleeps", 3702], ["sleepest", 3702], ["suddenly", 3715], ["let", 3735], ["lets", 3735], ["ca", 3756], ["cas", 3756], ["slut", 3785], ["sluts", 3785], ["try", 3792], ["tryed", 3792], ["trying", 3792], ["hook", 3809], ["hooks", 3809], ["woman", 3896], ["womans", 3896], ["women", 3896], ["minute", 3931], ["interested", 3949], ["old", 3961], ["buzzard", 3969], ["love", 4041], ["loved", 4041], ["stupid", 4115], ["reason", 4149], ["reasonest", 4149], ["love", 4165]]
`` if he were rich and she were poor then it would make sense , but she 's the one from a wealthy family , '' i said . `` what motive could she have other than love ? '' `` i do n't know but i 'm sure it was a good one . '' `` what i did n't understand is why bird wanted her and i to go out . he does n't know me that well yet he insisted i go out with her alone on the yacht . he must really trust her . '' `` all i know stanley turner is you better keep your distance from that bitch because if she messes with you she 'll have me to deal with . '' i laid back and beckoned rebekah to come to me . she scooted over and laid her head on my chest . i gently stroked her silky smooth hair and said , `` do n't worry , no one 's going to mess with me . you 're the only woman i will ever love and no one is ever going to get between us . '' she raised her head , gazed into my eyes and replied , `` do you promise ? '' `` i promise , '' i said , then i leaned down and gave her a tender kiss . she laid her head back on my chest and fell asleep . as rebekah slept i began to think of parker # 3 and how much easier our life would be if it came in . slowly i drifted off into a semi-conscious state and began to dream . my dream was interrupted by the sound of one of the children crying . `` stan , get up , peter 's crying . he must have had a bad dream . go take care of him , '' rebekah said and then rolled over and went back to sleep . '' i got up and went into peter 's room and laid down next to him . what 's wrong , tiger ? '' `` my eyes hurt , daddy , '' he said . `` your eyes hurt ? '' `` they 're burning me . '' `` let me turn on the light and look at them . '' i turned on the night lamp and looked at peter 's eyes but they appeared normal . `` let 's go into the bathroom and rinse them with a little water , okay ? '' we went into the bathroom and he threw some water on this face and then dried it with a towel . `` that feel better ? '' `` yeah , sleep with me , daddy . '' `` okay , for a minute . '' the next morning rebekah came into peter 's room and woke us up . `` stan , what are you doing sleeping in peter 's bed ? '' i opened my eyes and saw rebekah standing over me with a puzzled look . oh , do n't you remember you sent me in here when peter started crying , '' i said . `` well , i expected you to come back after you took care of his problem . '' `` i know , the weirdest thing happened last night . '' `` i dreamt parker # 3 came in and you and i and the boys were at the well . oil was pouring down from the sky drenching us all , then peter began to cry because he was getting oil in his eyes . '' `` there 's no hope for you , stan . i 'm going to make reservations for you at the home . '' `` no , that 's not what was weird . peter began to cry and you woke me up to go take care of him . when i got to him he was complaining about his eyes burning . '' you 're trying to tell me that you and your son are having the same dreams ? '' `` we must , how else can you explain it ? '' rebekah shook her head and began to laugh . `` you are crazy ? i am definitely making that phone call . '' `` okay , but at least now i know that parker # 3 is going to come in . '' i walked over to rebekah , put my hands on her shoulders and looked her in the eye . `` what happened to me last night was not a dream , it was a vision , and my visions always come true . '' rebekah thought for a moment , smiled and then replied , `` well then , we better bring goggles for the kids when we go to blackbeard 's comin-in party . '' `` okay , you wo n't be laughing at me when we 're pulling in five or ten thousand dollars a month in royalties , '' i said . `` well , right now all i 'm worried about is breakfast . get your kids up so we can feed them . '' `` yes ma'am , '' i said and then proceeded to jump out of bed . peter did n't stir . `` before i do that do you want to go back to bed for a little while ? '' i was there alone all night . i 'm up now . besides , tom called and wants you to meet him at frito lay . '' i just took the message . '' reluctantly i drove over to the frito lay offices .
[["rich", 18], ["poor", 36], ["sense", 61], ["wealthy", 97], ["family", 104], ["say", 116], ["sayest", 116], ["said", 116], ["motive", 133], ["love", 164], ["know", 186], ["knowest", 186], ["sure", 200], ["good", 214], ["understand", 252], ["understanded", 252], ["bird", 264], ["go", 287], ["goest", 287], ["well", 323], ["wells", 323], ["yet", 327], ["insist", 339], ["insistest", 339], ["insisted", 339], ["alone", 363], ["yacht", 376], ["yachting", 376], ["must", 386], ["musts", 386], ["really", 393], ["trust", 399], ["stanley", 430], ["well", 451], ["wells", 451], ["keep", 456], ["keepest", 456], ["distance", 470], ["distancing", 470], ["bitch", 486], ["mess", 508], ["messed", 508], ["messing", 508], ["deal", 541], ["lay", 558], ["lays", 558], ["layed", 558], ["layest", 558], ["laid", 558], ["back", 563], ["beckon", 576], ["beckoned", 576], ["rebekah", 584], ["come", 592], ["scoot", 612], ["head", 635], ["chest", 647], ["gently", 658], ["stroke", 666], ["stroked", 666], ["silky", 676], ["smooth", 683], ["hair", 688], ["worry", 715], ["worried", 715], ["go", 733], ["goest", 733], ["going", 733], ["mess", 741], ["messed", 741], ["messing", 741], ["woman", 774], ["womans", 774], ["ever", 786], ["everest", 786], ["get", 823], ["raise", 850], ["raised", 850], ["gaze", 867], ["gazes", 867], ["gazed", 867], ["eye", 880], ["eyed", 880], ["eyes", 880], ["reply", 892], ["replied", 892], ["promise", 912], ["lean", 958], ["leans", 958], ["leaned", 958], ["give", 972], ["gave", 972], ["tender", 985], ["tenderest", 985], ["kiss", 990], ["kisses", 990], ["kissest", 990], ["fall", 1036], ["falls", 1036], ["fell", 1036], ["asleep", 1043], ["sleep", 1062], ["slept", 1062], ["sleeps", 1062], ["sleepest", 1062], ["begin", 1070], ["began", 1070], ["think", 1079], ["thinkest", 1079], ["parker", 1089], ["much", 1106], ["easy", 1113], ["easier", 1113], ["life", 1122], ["lifes", 1122], ["come", 1142], ["came", 1142], ["slowly", 1154], ["drift", 1164], ["drifting", 1164], ["drifted", 1164], ["semi", 1180], ["conscious", 1190], ["state", 1196], ["dream", 1215], ["dreamt", 1215], ["dreamest", 1215], ["interrupt", 1242], ["interruptest", 1242], ["interrupted", 1242], ["sound", 1255], ["child", 1278], ["childs", 1278], ["children", 1278], ["cry", 1285], ["crying", 1285], ["stan", 1295], ["stans", 1295], ["peter", 1312], ["peters", 1312], ["bad", 1347], ["take", 1363], ["care", 1368], ["roll", 1409], ["rolled", 1409], ["go", 1423], ["goest", 1423], ["went", 1423], ["sleep", 1437], ["slept", 1437], ["sleeps", 1437], ["sleepest", 1437], ["get", 1448], ["got", 1448], ["room", 1479], ["roomed", 1479], ["next", 1498], ["wrong", 1521], ["tiger", 1529], ["hurt", 1550], ["hurts", 1550], ["hurting", 1550], ["daddy", 1558], ["burn", 1616], ["burns", 1616], ["burning", 1616], ["let", 1631], ["lets", 1631], ["turn", 1639], ["lit", 1652], ["light", 1652], ["look", 1661], ["turn", 1683], ["turned", 1683], ["night", 1696], ["lamp", 1701], ["look", 1712], ["looked", 1712], ["appear", 1747], ["appeared", 1747], ["normal", 1754], ["bathroom", 1787], ["rinse", 1797], ["little", 1816], ["water", 1822], ["okay", 1829], ["throw", 1873], ["threw", 1873], ["face", 1897], ["dry", 1912], ["drier", 1912], ["drying", 1912], ["dried", 1912], ["towel", 1928], ["towels", 1928], ["toweled", 1928], ["towelled", 1928], ["feel", 1943], ["yeah", 1963], ["minute", 2015], ["morning", 2037], ["wake", 2078], ["wakes", 2078], ["woken", 2078], ["woke", 2078], ["sleep", 2124], ["slept", 2124], ["sleeps", 2124], ["sleepest", 2124], ["sleeping", 2124], ["bed", 2140], ["open", 2154], ["opened", 2154], ["see", 2170], ["saw", 2170], ["stand", 2187], ["stood", 2187], ["standest", 2187], ["standing", 2187], ["oh", 2220], ["remember", 2242], ["rememberest", 2242], ["send", 2251], ["sent", 2251], ["start", 2281], ["started", 2281], ["expect", 2323], ["expected", 2323], ["take", 2355], ["took", 2355], ["problem", 2375], ["weird", 2405], ["thing", 2411], ["happen", 2420], ["happened", 2420], ["last", 2425], ["dream", 2448], ["dreamt", 2448], ["dreamest", 2448], ["boy", 2494], ["boys", 2494], ["oil", 2517], ["pour", 2529], ["pouring", 2529], ["sky", 2547], ["drench", 2557], ["drenching", 2557], ["cry", 2590], ["get", 2613], ["getting", 2613], ["hope", 2654], ["reservation", 2703], ["reservations", 2703], ["home", 2723], ["homing", 2723], ["weird", 2763], ["complain", 2865], ["complaining", 2865], ["try", 2908], ["tryed", 2908], ["trying", 2908], ["tell", 2916], ["son", 2941], ["dream", 2968], ["dreamt", 2968], ["dreamest", 2968], ["dreams", 2968], ["else", 2995], ["explain", 3011], ["shake", 3033], ["shook", 3033], ["laugh", 3061], ["crazy", 3080], ["definitely", 3098], ["phone", 3116], ["call", 3121], ["least", 3149], ["leastest", 3149], ["walk", 3210], ["walked", 3210], ["put", 3232], ["hand", 3241], ["hands", 3241], ["shoulder", 3258], ["shouldered", 3258], ["shoulders", 3258], ["eye", 3284], ["eyed", 3284], ["vision", 3354], ["vision", 3371], ["visions", 3371], ["always", 3378], ["true", 3388], ["think", 3409], ["thinkest", 3409], ["thought", 3409], ["moment", 3422], ["smile", 3431], ["smiled", 3431], ["bring", 3481], ["goggle", 3489], ["goggled", 3489], ["goggling", 3489], ["goggles", 3489], ["kid", 3502], ["kids", 3502], ["blackbeard", 3527], ["party", 3545], ["wo", 3567], ["laugh", 3583], ["laughing", 3583], ["pull", 3609], ["pulling", 3609], ["five", 3617], ["fived", 3617], ["ten", 3624], ["thousand", 3633], ["dollar", 3641], ["dollars", 3641], ["month", 3649], ["royalty", 3662], ["royalties", 3662], ["right", 3692], ["rightest", 3692], ["worry", 3713], ["worried", 3713], ["breakfast", 3732], ["fed", 3766], ["feed", 3766], ["yes", 3783], ["madam", 3789], ["madams", 3789], ["proceed", 3820], ["proceedest", 3820], ["proceeding", 3820], ["proceeded", 3820], ["jump", 3828], ["jumps", 3828], ["stir", 3860], ["stirs", 3860], ["besides", 3988], ["tom", 3994], ["call", 4001], ["called", 4001], ["meet", 4023], ["meeted", 4023], ["lay", 4040], ["lays", 4040], ["layed", 4040], ["layest", 4040], ["message", 4069], ["reluctantly", 4086], ["drive", 4094], ["drove", 4094], ["office", 4124], ["offices", 4124]]
i could n't imagine what tom wanted . `` well , how did you think the closing went friday , stan ? '' `` it seemed pretty smooth . that was some lunch kurt gave us , was n't it ? '' `` yes , kurt knows how to impress people , '' tom replied . i guess you must be pretty excited about finally closing the deal , '' i said . `` well , i am but i 've got a lot riding on it so i am a little worried . did your friend ron johnson have anything to say about the closing ? '' `` no , he said everything looked great . '' `` is kurt going to do the rest of the rehab or are you guys handling it . '' `` no , kurt 's doing everything . all we were supposed to do was invest our money and guarantee the note . '' `` i suppose you went to amarillo and checked out the building did n't you . '' `` well , actually no , i 've never seen the building . kurt 's shown us some pictures . '' `` i have n't seen it either but i 'm going to be in amarillo tomorrow so i thought i would go by and check it out , '' i said . `` oh good , would you call me when you get back and tell me how it looks ? '' do n't look so worried , i am sure everything will work out . kurt seems to know what he 's doing . '' `` my wife did n't want me to make this investment . '' `` she does n't trust kurt . if i lose this money i 'll probably end up divorced . '' `` oh , i doubt your wife would really divorce you over money . '' i said , `` how long have you been married twenty or thirty years ? '' `` well , if she 's put up with you that many years i think you 're probably stuck with her until the day you die , no matter how the panhandle building deal turns out . '' `` i know , but i do n't want this deal spoiling my retirement . '' all the way home i wondered about the panhandle building project . all the investors seemed so paranoid about it , but if they did n't feel good about the deal why did they each invest a hundred grand in it ? i discussed it with rebekah when i got home . `` you 're awfully quiet , stan , '' rebekah said . `` tom and the other investors are so worried about this panhandle deal . now they 've got me worried about it . '' `` what are they worried about ? '' `` i do n't honestly know . it seems they just do n't trust kurt . they think he can make them lots of money , but i guess they realize he could just as easily screw them . '' `` no , but he did manage to talk worldwide into releasing a million dollar cd , '' i said . `` no , it was supposed to be pledged on the project but somehow he talked them into releasing it . '' `` you wo n't get in trouble if the deal goes sour will you ? '' `` i do n't think so , as far as i know the deal is legitimate . '' `` now i 'm worried , '' rebekah said . 15 amarillo my flight arrived in amarillo at 10:47 a.m . i rented a car and then went straight to a motel to get set up for my investigation . before leaving i had contacted the texas facilities commission to find out what nursing homes were owned by taylor brown . as it turned out , he owned four out of the seven nursing homes in the city . timber bluff nursing home was the biggest of the four . it seemed logical that i should check that one out first . before i ever came to amarillo i knew it would be very difficult to find out if melba thorn was a patient . i struggled for some time for a ploy that would gain me access to each nursing home 's census information . of course i could pretend to be some government official doing an audit or investigation of some kind but that would be illegal and i did n't want to end up in jail or disbarred . i could go in as a computer repairman and gain access to their computer . i had taken computer courses in college and could probably pull off that ruse , but that was bordering on being illegal also and consequently i was n't comfortable with that approach . finally i decided the only way to legally and ethically gain the information i needed was from employees of the nursing homes . obviously current employees would not be very cooperative , so i focused on former employees . i called the personnel office of the timber bluffs nursing home first . `` personnel , '' a female voice said . listen , i was visiting my aunt last week in timber bluffs and i met one of your employees . after we got to talking it turned out we went to the same high school ten years ago .
[["imagine", 19], ["tom", 28], ["well", 45], ["wells", 45], ["think", 65], ["thinkest", 65], ["close", 77], ["closing", 77], ["go", 82], ["goest", 82], ["went", 82], ["friday", 89], ["stan", 96], ["stans", 96], ["seem", 114], ["seeming", 114], ["seemed", 114], ["pretty", 121], ["prettiest", 121], ["smooth", 128], ["lunch", 150], ["lunches", 150], ["lunched", 150], ["kurt", 155], ["give", 160], ["gave", 160], ["yes", 188], ["know", 201], ["knowest", 201], ["knows", 201], ["impress", 216], ["people", 223], ["reply", 240], ["replied", 240], ["guess", 250], ["must", 259], ["musts", 259], ["finally", 291], ["deal", 308], ["say", 320], ["sayest", 320], ["said", 320], ["get", 351], ["got", 351], ["lot", 357], ["ride", 364], ["rode", 364], ["riding", 364], ["little", 387], ["friend", 413], ["ron", 417], ["johnson", 425], ["anything", 439], ["say", 446], ["sayest", 446], ["everything", 496], ["look", 503], ["looked", 503], ["great", 509], ["go", 531], ["goest", 531], ["going", 531], ["rest", 546], ["rehab", 559], ["guy", 575], ["guys", 575], ["handle", 584], ["handling", 584], ["suppose", 648], ["supposed", 648], ["invest", 665], ["money", 675], ["moneys", 675], ["guarantee", 689], ["note", 698], ["suppose", 716], ["amarillo", 737], ["check", 749], ["checked", 749], ["build", 766], ["building", 766], ["never", 819], ["see", 824], ["seen", 824], ["show", 853], ["shown", 853], ["picture", 870], ["pictures", 870], ["either", 904], ["tomorrow", 946], ["tomorrows", 946], ["think", 959], ["thinkest", 959], ["thought", 959], ["go", 970], ["goest", 970], ["check", 983], ["oh", 1010], ["good", 1015], ["call", 1032], ["get", 1048], ["back", 1053], ["tell", 1062], ["look", 1078], ["looks", 1078], ["look", 1095], ["sure", 1118], ["work", 1139], ["wrought", 1139], ["seem", 1156], ["seeming", 1156], ["seems", 1156], ["know", 1164], ["knowest", 1164], ["wife", 1197], ["investment", 1237], ["trust", 1264], ["lose", 1281], ["probably", 1307], ["end", 1311], ["ends", 1311], ["endest", 1311], ["doubt", 1344], ["really", 1367], ["divorce", 1375], ["long", 1416], ["longs", 1416], ["marry", 1438], ["married", 1438], ["twenty", 1445], ["thirty", 1455], ["year", 1461], ["years", 1461], ["put", 1490], ["many", 1512], ["day", 1572], ["die", 1580], ["matter", 1592], ["mattering", 1592], ["panhandle", 1610], ["turn", 1630], ["turns", 1630], ["spoil", 1688], ["spoiled", 1688], ["spoiling", 1688], ["retirement", 1702], ["way", 1719], ["ways", 1719], ["home", 1724], ["homing", 1724], ["wonder", 1735], ["wonderest", 1735], ["wondered", 1735], ["project", 1772], ["projectest", 1772], ["investor", 1792], ["investors", 1792], ["paranoid", 1811], ["feel", 1847], ["hundred", 1902], ["grand", 1908], ["discuss", 1928], ["discusses", 1928], ["discussest", 1928], ["discussed", 1928], ["rebekah", 1944], ["awfully", 1981], ["quiet", 1987], ["worry", 2155], ["worried", 2155], ["honestly", 2187], ["lot", 2266], ["lots", 2266], ["realize", 2302], ["easily", 2326], ["screw", 2332], ["screwing", 2332], ["manage", 2368], ["talk", 2376], ["worldwide", 2386], ["release", 2401], ["releasing", 2401], ["million", 2411], ["dollar", 2418], ["cd", 2421], ["pledge", 2473], ["pledged", 2473], ["somehow", 2500], ["talk", 2510], ["talked", 2510], ["wo", 2548], ["trouble", 2567], ["troubling", 2567], ["go", 2584], ["goest", 2584], ["goes", 2584], ["sour", 2589], ["soured", 2589], ["souring", 2589], ["far", 2633], ["legitimate", 2666], ["flight", 2733], ["arrive", 2741], ["arrived", 2741], ["rent", 2777], ["rented", 2777], ["car", 2783], ["straight", 2806], ["motel", 2817], ["set", 2828], ["investigation", 2852], ["left", 2869], ["leave", 2869], ["leaving", 2869], ["contact", 2885], ["contacted", 2885], ["texas", 2895], ["commission", 2917], ["find", 2925], ["nurse", 2942], ["nursing", 2942], ["home", 2948], ["homing", 2948], ["homes", 2948], ["taylor", 2969], ["brown", 2975], ["browns", 2975], ["turn", 2990], ["turned", 2990], ["four", 3010], ["seven", 3027], ["city", 3053], ["timber", 3062], ["bluff", 3068], ["bluffs", 3068], ["bluffed", 3068], ["big", 3097], ["bigs", 3097], ["biggest", 3097], ["logical", 3129], ["first", 3168], ["firstest", 3168], ["ever", 3184], ["everest", 3184], ["come", 3189], ["came", 3189], ["know", 3208], ["knowest", 3208], ["knew", 3208], ["difficult", 3235], ["melba", 3256], ["thorn", 3262], ["patient", 3276], ["struggle", 3290], ["struggled", 3290], ["time", 3304], ["ploy", 3315], ["gain", 3331], ["access", 3341], ["accessest", 3341], ["census", 3372], ["information", 3384], ["course", 3396], ["pretend", 3412], ["pretendest", 3412], ["government", 3434], ["official", 3443], ["audit", 3458], ["kind", 3488], ["illegal", 3514], ["jail", 3551], ["jails", 3551], ["jailing", 3551], ["jailest", 3551], ["disbar", 3564], ["disbarred", 3564], ["computer", 3594], ["repairmen", 3604], ["repairman", 3604], ["take", 3652], ["taken", 3652], ["course", 3669], ["courses", 3669], ["college", 3680], ["pull", 3704], ["ruse", 3718], ["border", 3743], ["bordering", 3743], ["also", 3765], ["consequently", 3782], ["comfortable", 3804], ["approach", 3823], ["approaches", 3823], ["decide", 3843], ["decided", 3843], ["legally", 3867], ["ethically", 3881], ["need", 3911], ["needest", 3911], ["needed", 3911], ["employee", 3930], ["employees", 3930], ["obviously", 3963], ["current", 3971], ["cooperative", 4011], ["focus", 4026], ["focused", 4026], ["former", 4036], ["call", 4057], ["called", 4057], ["personnel", 4071], ["office", 4078], ["bluff", 4099], ["bluffs", 4099], ["bluffed", 4099], ["female", 4147], ["voice", 4153], ["listen", 4167], ["listens", 4167], ["visit", 4184], ["visiting", 4184], ["aunt", 4192], ["last", 4197], ["week", 4202], ["meet", 4229], ["meeted", 4229], ["met", 4229], ["talk", 4277], ["talking", 4277], ["high", 4316], ["school", 4323], ["schooling", 4323], ["ten", 4327], ["ago", 4337]]
we were going to exchange telephone numbers and try to get together , but when i came in today to visit my aunt she told me he had quit . i 'm really embarrassed but i 've forgotten his name and i wonder if you might know who i was talking about . '' ronald richardson quit last week and harold rogers was . let go , shall we say . if you could give me a description i could probably tell you which one it was . '' `` oh gee , you probably know them much better than me , why do n't you describe them and then i should be able to figure out which one it was , '' i said . `` well harold rogers is about twenty-five , tall with long blond hair . ronald richardson is about 45 , overweight and has real short hair , '' she said . `` it must be rogers , richardson is too old . you would n't happen to have a phone number would you ? '' `` we 're not allowed to give out phone numbers of our employees , '' she said . `` but he 's no longer an employee . '' i guess you 're right , . okay i 'll give it to you . '' i wrote down the number on an envelope and then said , `` thanks for your help . '' `` no problem , hope you find him . '' it seemed to me since rogers had been let go he might be inclined to help me . i thought it best to just be straight with him and hope for the best so i placed the call . `` i do n't work at timber bluffs anymore . '' `` i know , that 's why i 'm calling you . if the person we 're looking for is at timber bluffs then she 's there against her will and the management of the nursing home is not going to cooperate with us in finding her . '' `` why would they be holding her against her will ? '' `` well , its a long story , but the bottom line is : she controls a big corporation and with her dead , or perceived to be dead , the kidnappers have control of the company . '' `` i see , that 's pretty bizarre , '' roger said . `` i know , but it may well be the case . '' `` what makes you think i will help you ? '' `` you do n't work there anymore , so you have nothing to lose by helping us , right ? '' `` and , i imagine you 're not too fond of timber bluffs since you were just fired , correct ? . '' `` oh , i 've got my sources , '' i replied . they have treated me like crap . okay , so , how can i help you ? '' `` we 're looking for a woman named melba thorn . she probably was not registered by that name . she should be about sixty-two years old , dark brown hair , five foot four , tall and about a hundred and forty pounds . '' `` that does n't help a lot , that describes a number of our patients , '' rogers said . `` she would have been brought in about a year ago by one of the owners of the nursing home , taylor brown . '' `` i know taylor . he comes around once in a while , but i 've never seen him check in a patient . '' `` have you ever heard any patient claim they were melba thorn . '' `` no , there 's one who thinks he 's general patton and another one whos convinced he 's martin luther king , but nobody has ever said they were melba thorn . '' do you think there is any chance melba thorn could be at timber bluffs ? '' i knew most of the patients and their families and no one fitting the description of melba thorn was ever there . '' in the next two days i was able to check out two more of the nursing homes , but also came up empty handed . this left me with just one nursing home to go . my approach at getting information had worked on three out of the four nursing homes in amarillo , however , one of them had n't had any employee turnover in several months , so i had to come up with another angle . it was a small nursing home so i figured if i could get inside and look around i could see if melba was there . when i was at the library in dallas i had made a copy of melba 's photograph from the newspaper article published after her accident , so i felt i would be able to recognize her if i saw her . in order to get in and to be able look around without arousing suspicion , i found an old man about seventy years old who was rummaging through a dumpster looking for aluminum cans . i paid him twenty dollars to pretend to be my grandfather . when we arrived at the home i told them we were looking for a nursing home for grandfather and wondered if we could look around their facility . they not only let us look around but insisted on giving us a grand tour and introduced us to most of the staff .
[["go", 13], ["goest", 13], ["going", 13], ["exchange", 25], ["telephone", 35], ["number", 43], ["numbering", 43], ["numbers", 43], ["try", 51], ["tryed", 51], ["get", 58], ["together", 67], ["come", 85], ["came", 85], ["today", 94], ["visit", 103], ["aunt", 111], ["tell", 120], ["told", 120], ["quit", 135], ["quits", 135], ["quitting", 135], ["really", 149], ["forget", 181], ["forgot", 181], ["forgotten", 181], ["name", 190], ["wonder", 203], ["wonderest", 203], ["may", 216], ["mays", 216], ["mayest", 216], ["might", 216], ["know", 221], ["knowest", 221], ["talk", 239], ["talking", 239], ["ronald", 257], ["richardson", 268], ["last", 278], ["week", 283], ["harold", 294], ["harolds", 294], ["let", 311], ["lets", 311], ["go", 314], ["goest", 314], ["shall", 322], ["say", 329], ["sayest", 329], ["give", 349], ["description", 366], ["probably", 383], ["tell", 388], ["oh", 420], ["gee", 424], ["gees", 424], ["much", 454], ["well", 461], ["wells", 461], ["describe", 495], ["able", 526], ["abled", 526], ["figure", 536], ["say", 569], ["sayest", 569], ["said", 569], ["well", 579], ["wells", 579], ["twenty", 609], ["five", 614], ["fived", 614], ["tall", 621], ["long", 631], ["longs", 631], ["blond", 637], ["hair", 642], ["overweight", 687], ["real", 700], ["reis", 700], ["short", 706], ["must", 738], ["musts", 738], ["old", 772], ["happen", 795], ["phone", 811], ["number", 818], ["numbering", 818], ["allow", 855], ["allowed", 855], ["employee", 898], ["employees", 898], ["long", 937], ["longs", 937], ["employee", 949], ["guess", 962], ["right", 976], ["rightest", 976], ["okay", 985], ["write", 1019], ["writing", 1019], ["wrote", 1019], ["envelope", 1050], ["thank", 1076], ["thanks", 1076], ["thankest", 1076], ["help", 1090], ["helpest", 1090], ["problem", 1109], ["hope", 1116], ["find", 1125], ["seem", 1144], ["seeming", 1144], ["seemed", 1144], ["since", 1156], ["roger", 1163], ["rogers", 1163], ["incline", 1200], ["inclines", 1200], ["inclined", 1200], ["think", 1223], ["thinkest", 1223], ["thought", 1223], ["good", 1231], ["well", 1231], ["wells", 1231], ["best", 1231], ["straight", 1251], ["place", 1294], ["placed", 1294], ["call", 1303], ["work", 1322], ["wrought", 1322], ["timber", 1332], ["bluff", 1339], ["bluffs", 1339], ["bluffed", 1339], ["anymore", 1347], ["call", 1389], ["calling", 1389], ["person", 1409], ["look", 1424], ["looking", 1424], ["management", 1502], ["nursing", 1517], ["home", 1522], ["homing", 1522], ["cooperate", 1548], ["find", 1567], ["finding", 1567], ["hold", 1605], ["holding", 1605], ["story", 1658], ["bottom", 1675], ["bottoming", 1675], ["line", 1680], ["control", 1698], ["controls", 1698], ["big", 1704], ["bigs", 1704], ["corporation", 1716], ["dead", 1734], ["perceive", 1749], ["perceiving", 1749], ["perceived", 1749], ["kidnapper", 1777], ["kidnappers", 1777], ["control", 1790], ["company", 1805], ["companys", 1805], ["companying", 1805], ["see", 1819], ["pretty", 1836], ["prettiest", 1836], ["bizarre", 1844], ["roger", 1855], ["rogers", 1855], ["may", 1885], ["mays", 1885], ["mayest", 1885], ["case", 1902], ["think", 1931], ["thinkest", 1931], ["nothing", 2007], ["lose", 2015], ["help", 2026], ["helpest", 2026], ["helping", 2026], ["imagine", 2061], ["fond", 2082], ["fire", 2125], ["fired", 2125], ["correct", 2135], ["get", 2160], ["got", 2160], ["source", 2171], ["sources", 2171], ["reply", 2186], ["replied", 2186], ["treat", 2206], ["treats", 2206], ["treatest", 2206], ["treated", 2206], ["like", 2214], ["crap", 2219], ["crapped", 2219], ["woman", 2287], ["womans", 2287], ["name", 2293], ["named", 2293], ["melba", 2299], ["thorn", 2305], ["register", 2339], ["registered", 2339], ["sixty", 2380], ["two", 2384], ["twos", 2384], ["year", 2390], ["years", 2390], ["dark", 2401], ["brown", 2407], ["browns", 2407], ["foot", 2424], ["four", 2429], ["hundred", 2456], ["forty", 2466], ["pound", 2473], ["pounds", 2473], ["lot", 2506], ["describe", 2523], ["describes", 2523], ["patient", 2548], ["patients", 2548], ["bring", 2598], ["brought", 2598], ["year", 2614], ["ago", 2618], ["owner", 2639], ["owners", 2639], ["taylor", 2668], ["come", 2707], ["comes", 2707], ["around", 2714], ["never", 2748], ["see", 2753], ["seen", 2753], ["check", 2763], ["patient", 2776], ["ever", 2798], ["everest", 2798], ["hear", 2804], ["hears", 2804], ["heard", 2804], ["claim", 2822], ["think", 2881], ["thinkest", 2881], ["thinks", 2881], ["general", 2895], ["patton", 2902], ["another", 2914], ["convince", 2933], ["convinced", 2933], ["convincing", 2933], ["martin", 2946], ["luth", 2953], ["king", 2958], ["nobody", 2971], ["chance", 3045], ["chanced", 3045], ["chancing", 3045], ["know", 3095], ["knowest", 3095], ["knew", 3095], ["family", 3135], ["families", 3135], ["fit", 3154], ["fitting", 3154], ["next", 3217], ["day", 3226], ["days", 3226], ["home", 3280], ["homing", 3280], ["homes", 3280], ["also", 3291], ["empty", 3305], ["left", 3324], ["leave", 3324], ["approach", 3374], ["approaches", 3374], ["get", 3385], ["getting", 3385], ["information", 3397], ["work", 3408], ["wrought", 3408], ["worked", 3408], ["three", 3417], ["amarillo", 3459], ["however", 3469], ["turnover", 3517], ["several", 3528], ["month", 3535], ["months", 3535], ["come", 3554], ["angle", 3576], ["small", 3593], ["figure", 3619], ["figured", 3619], ["inside", 3641], ["look", 3650], ["library", 3716], ["copy", 3744], ["photograph", 3767], ["newspaper", 3786], ["article", 3794], ["publish", 3804], ["published", 3804], ["accident", 3823], ["feel", 3835], ["felt", 3835], ["recognize", 3864], ["see", 3877], ["saw", 3877], ["order", 3892], ["orderest", 3892], ["without", 3937], ["arouse", 3946], ["aroused", 3946], ["arousing", 3946], ["suspicion", 3956], ["find", 3966], ["found", 3966], ["man", 3977], ["mans", 3977], ["manned", 3977], ["seventy", 3991], ["rummage", 4019], ["rummaging", 4019], ["dumpster", 4038], ["dumpsters", 4038], ["aluminum", 4059], ["pay", 4073], ["pays", 4073], ["payest", 4073], ["paid", 4073], ["dollar", 4092], ["dollars", 4092], ["pretend", 4103], ["pretendest", 4103], ["grandfather", 4124], ["arrive", 4142], ["arrived", 4142], ["wonder", 4230], ["wonderest", 4230], ["wondered", 4230], ["facility", 4269], ["insist", 4317], ["insistest", 4317], ["insisted", 4317], ["give", 4327], ["giving", 4327], ["grand", 4338], ["tour", 4343], ["introduce", 4358], ["introduced", 4358], ["staff", 4382], ["staffing", 4382]]
during our visit i saw most of the patients and was able to quiz some of the nurses about melba thorn . unfortunately it did n't appear mrs. thorn had ever been a patient there . having come up empty handed there was n't much more to do in amarillo , except to check out the panhandle building . once i saw the building i could reassure the investors back in dallas that everything was okay . i had n't told kurt i was coming to amarillo because i did n't want him to think i did n't trust him . when i got back to dallas i would just tell him i was in town and was just curious , so i went to see it . i thought i would check out of the motel , stop by the panhandle building and then be on my way to colorado springs . i decided to drive since air service to colorado springs was not that great and i had managed to get a good price on my rent car by taking it for the full week . it was not hard to find the panhandle building since it was one of the largest in downtown amarillo . i parked across the street and gazed at the building . it was a magnificent structure built in 1922 when amarillo was establishing itself as the hub of the cattle , oil and gas and grain industries for the region . i had never paid much attention to old buildings before , but working on this deal made me appreciate for the first time why the government had provided such nice tax incentives to rehabilitate them . if we were to learn from history and grow as a nation we needed something to remind us of our heritage and these magnificent structures from bygone days sure did an excellent job of that . i crossed the street and entered the panhandle building . the lobby had already been rehabilitated and was quite beautiful . it had a high ceiling , marble floors , brass elevator , exotic plants , a fountain and an extraordinary mural depicting the many different industries that made amarillo such a great city . it was very impressive and i was feeling very much relieved that the investor 's concerns about the deal apparently were unfounded . i was so impressed , in fact , that i almost left the building right then . however , after giving it some thought , i decided i had better check out the entire edifice because i was sure to be thoroughly interrogated when i returned . i wandered over to the elevators and pushed the up button . after a moment the door opened and an elevator operator smiled at me and said , `` going up ? '' `` how about three , '' i replied . `` i 'm sorry , sir , but that floor is closed to the public . '' `` oh , okay then , take me to the next floor that 's opened . '' `` there are only two floors that have tenants , sir . '' that 's impossible , there are supposed to be seven fully completed floors , '' i said . `` well , i 'm sorry sir , but i can only take you to six or eleven . i do n't have access to any of the other floors . '' `` take me to six then , '' i replied . the operator closed the door and the screen behind it and pulled a lever which caused the elevator to move up slowly . when we got to the sixth floor i got out and started walking around . the decor on this floor was no less elegant than in the lobby and had exceeded my expectations . now , however , i had to verify what the operator had told me , for if only two floors were finished out , then kurt had grossly misrepresented the scope of the project and there would n't be enough money available to complete the project according to the plans and specifications . i walked down the hall to the stairs and climbed up to the seventh floor . it appeared not only to be vacant but someone had pretty much demolished the interior . i climbed up the stairs and inspected each floor and found them all to be pretty much identical . with the exception of the eleventh and sixth floors as well as the lobby , the building was totally empty and it would take considerably more money than had been budgeted to complete this project . to make matters worse the rent rolls submitted to the investors were obviously fake and there would n't be enough rent to cover the debt services to worldwide savings and loan . what puzzled me was how worldwide could have inspected the building and not discovered the deception . i started to panic as i realized that worldwide and the investors might think i was a party to kurt 's fraud . why would kurt do this ? he had everything going for him , why risk it all for a cheap scam ? what was i going to do when i got to dallas ? should i confront kurt or keep my mouth shut and pretend i did n't know anything was wrong ? these and countless other questions kept running through my mind but i had no answers . 16 the warning the ride to colorado springs was not pleasant as i could n't clear my mind of kurt 's deception . it did give me time , however , to recover from my initial panic and start to think of an appropriate course of action .
[["visit", 16], ["see", 22], ["saw", 22], ["patient", 43], ["patients", 43], ["able", 56], ["abled", 56], ["quiz", 64], ["nurse", 83], ["nurses", 83], ["melba", 95], ["thorn", 101], ["unfortunately", 117], ["appear", 135], ["mrs", 139], ["ever", 155], ["everest", 155], ["patient", 170], ["come", 190], ["empty", 199], ["much", 225], ["amarillo", 248], ["except", 257], ["check", 266], ["panhandle", 284], ["build", 293], ["building", 293], ["reassure", 336], ["investor", 350], ["investors", 350], ["back", 355], ["everything", 381], ["okay", 390], ["tell", 407], ["told", 407], ["kurt", 412], ["come", 425], ["coming", 425], ["think", 473], ["thinkest", 473], ["trust", 489], ["get", 506], ["got", 506], ["tell", 539], ["town", 557], ["curious", 578], ["go", 590], ["goest", 590], ["went", 590], ["see", 597], ["think", 612], ["thought", 612], ["thinkest", 612], ["motel", 643], ["stop", 650], ["way", 698], ["ways", 698], ["colorado", 710], ["decide", 730], ["decided", 730], ["drive", 739], ["since", 745], ["air", 749], ["airs", 749], ["airing", 749], ["service", 757], ["servicing", 757], ["sprang", 777], ["spring", 777], ["sprung", 777], ["springs", 777], ["great", 796], ["manage", 814], ["managed", 814], ["get", 821], ["good", 828], ["price", 834], ["rent", 845], ["car", 849], ["take", 859], ["taking", 859], ["full", 875], ["week", 880], ["hard", 898], ["find", 906], ["large", 961], ["largest", 961], ["downtown", 973], ["downtowns", 973], ["park", 993], ["parks", 993], ["parked", 993], ["across", 1000], ["street", 1011], ["gaze", 1021], ["gazes", 1021], ["gazed", 1021], ["magnificent", 1060], ["structure", 1070], ["structuring", 1070], ["build", 1076], ["builds", 1076], ["built", 1076], ["establish", 1115], ["establishes", 1115], ["establishest", 1115], ["establishing", 1115], ["hub", 1133], ["cattle", 1147], ["oil", 1153], ["gas", 1161], ["gassing", 1161], ["grain", 1171], ["industry", 1182], ["industries", 1182], ["region", 1197], ["never", 1211], ["pay", 1216], ["pays", 1216], ["payest", 1216], ["paid", 1216], ["attention", 1231], ["old", 1238], ["build", 1248], ["building", 1248], ["buildings", 1248], ["work", 1269], ["wrought", 1269], ["working", 1269], ["deal", 1282], ["appreciate", 1301], ["appreciates", 1301], ["first", 1315], ["firstest", 1315], ["time", 1320], ["government", 1339], ["provide", 1352], ["provided", 1352], ["nice", 1362], ["tax", 1366], ["incentive", 1377], ["incentives", 1377], ["rehabilitate", 1393], ["rehabilitating", 1393], ["learn", 1420], ["learns", 1420], ["learnt", 1420], ["history", 1433], ["grow", 1442], ["growest", 1442], ["nation", 1454], ["need", 1464], ["needest", 1464], ["needed", 1464], ["remind", 1484], ["heritage", 1503], ["structure", 1536], ["structuring", 1536], ["structures", 1536], ["bygone", 1548], ["day", 1553], ["days", 1553], ["sure", 1558], ["excellent", 1575], ["job", 1579], ["jobbing", 1579], ["cross", 1599], ["crossing", 1599], ["crossed", 1599], ["enter", 1622], ["entered", 1622], ["lobby", 1657], ["lobbied", 1657], ["already", 1669], ["rehabilitate", 1688], ["rehabilitating", 1688], ["rehabilitated", 1688], ["quite", 1702], ["beautiful", 1712], ["beautifulest", 1712], ["high", 1728], ["ceiling", 1736], ["marble", 1745], ["floor", 1752], ["floors", 1752], ["brass", 1760], ["elevator", 1769], ["exotic", 1778], ["plant", 1785], ["plants", 1785], ["fountain", 1798], ["extraordinary", 1819], ["mural", 1825], ["depict", 1835], ["depictest", 1835], ["depicting", 1835], ["many", 1844], ["different", 1854], ["city", 1902], ["impressive", 1927], ["feel", 1945], ["feeling", 1945], ["relieve", 1964], ["relieved", 1964], ["investor", 1982], ["concern", 1994], ["concerned", 1994], ["concernest", 1994], ["concerns", 1994], ["apparently", 2020], ["unfounded", 2035], ["fact", 2066], ["almost", 2082], ["left", 2087], ["leave", 2087], ["right", 2106], ["rightest", 2106], ["however", 2121], ["give", 2136], ["giving", 2136], ["well", 2177], ["wells", 2177], ["entire", 2198], ["edifice", 2206], ["thoroughly", 2242], ["interrogate", 2255], ["interrogated", 2255], ["return", 2271], ["returnest", 2271], ["returned", 2271], ["wander", 2284], ["wandered", 2284], ["elevator", 2306], ["elevators", 2306], ["push", 2317], ["pushed", 2317], ["button", 2331], ["buttoning", 2331], ["moment", 2348], ["door", 2357], ["open", 2364], ["opened", 2364], ["operator", 2389], ["smile", 2396], ["smiled", 2396], ["say", 2411], ["sayest", 2411], ["said", 2411], ["go", 2422], ["goest", 2422], ["going", 2422], ["three", 2449], ["reply", 2464], ["replied", 2464], ["sorry", 2480], ["sir", 2486], ["sirs", 2486], ["floor", 2503], ["close", 2513], ["closed", 2513], ["public", 2527], ["oh", 2538], ["take", 2557], ["next", 2572], ["two", 2620], ["twos", 2620], ["tenant", 2645], ["tenants", 2645], ["impossible", 2675], ["suppose", 2696], ["supposed", 2696], ["seven", 2708], ["fully", 2714], ["complete", 2724], ["completed", 2724], ["well", 2753], ["wells", 2753], ["six", 2803], ["eleven", 2813], ["access", 2836], ["accessest", 2836], ["screen", 2952], ["screening", 2952], ["behind", 2959], ["pull", 2973], ["pulled", 2973], ["lever", 2981], ["cause", 2994], ["caused", 2994], ["move", 3015], ["slowly", 3025], ["sixth", 3052], ["start", 3080], ["started", 3080], ["walk", 3088], ["walking", 3088], ["around", 3095], ["decor", 3107], ["less", 3133], ["elegant", 3141], ["exceed", 3176], ["exceedest", 3176], ["exceeded", 3176], ["expectation", 3192], ["expectations", 3192], ["verify", 3226], ["finish", 3295], ["finished", 3295], ["grossly", 3323], ["misrepresent", 3338], ["misrepresented", 3338], ["scope", 3348], ["scopes", 3348], ["project", 3363], ["projectest", 3363], ["enough", 3393], ["money", 3399], ["moneys", 3399], ["available", 3409], ["complete", 3421], ["accord", 3443], ["according", 3443], ["plan", 3456], ["plans", 3456], ["specification", 3475], ["specifications", 3475], ["walk", 3486], ["walked", 3486], ["hall", 3500], ["stair", 3514], ["stairs", 3514], ["climb", 3526], ["climbed", 3526], ["seventh", 3544], ["appear", 3564], ["appeared", 3564], ["vacant", 3586], ["pretty", 3609], ["prettiest", 3609], ["demolish", 3625], ["demolishest", 3625], ["demolished", 3625], ["interior", 3638], ["inspect", 3678], ["inspectest", 3678], ["inspected", 3678], ["find", 3699], ["found", 3699], ["identical", 3736], ["exception", 3757], ["eleventh", 3773], ["totally", 3838], ["considerably", 3875], ["budget", 3909], ["budgeting", 3909], ["matter", 3952], ["mattering", 3952], ["matters", 3952], ["bad", 3958], ["worse", 3958], ["roll", 3973], ["rolls", 3973], ["submit", 3983], ["submitted", 3983], ["obviously", 4015], ["fake", 4020], ["cover", 4064], ["debt", 4073], ["service", 4082], ["servicing", 4082], ["services", 4082], ["worldwide", 4095], ["saving", 4103], ["savings", 4103], ["loan", 4112], ["puzzle", 4127], ["puzzled", 4127], ["discover", 4201], ["discovered", 4201], ["deception", 4215], ["panic", 4236], ["realize", 4250], ["realized", 4250], ["may", 4289], ["mays", 4289], ["mayest", 4289], ["might", 4289], ["party", 4309], ["fraud", 4326], ["frauds", 4326], ["risk", 4396], ["riskest", 4396], ["cheap", 4415], ["scam", 4420], ["confront", 4486], ["keep", 4499], ["keepest", 4499], ["mouth", 4508], ["mouthed", 4508], ["shut", 4513], ["pretend", 4525], ["pretendest", 4525], ["know", 4540], ["knowest", 4540], ["anything", 4549], ["wrong", 4559], ["countless", 4581], ["question", 4597], ["questions", 4597], ["keep", 4602], ["keepest", 4602], ["kept", 4602], ["run", 4610], ["running", 4610], ["mind", 4626], ["minding", 4626], ["answer", 4647], ["answeres", 4647], ["answerest", 4647], ["answers", 4647], ["warning", 4664], ["ride", 4673], ["rode", 4673], ["pleasant", 4710], ["clear", 4731], ["clearest", 4731], ["give", 4774], ["recover", 4805], ["initial", 4821], ["start", 4837], ["appropriate", 4864], ["appropriates", 4864], ["course", 4871], ["action", 4881]]
as an attorney , under the canons of legal ethics , i could n't disclose confidential confidences or communications of my client but on the other hand i could n't participate in a fraud . the only thing i could do would be to terminate the attorney-client relationship with kurt immediately upon returning to dallas and then let the chips fall where they may . my major concern was the investors . if worldwide savings and loan got defrauded it was their own fault for not adequately inspecting the panhandle building and double checking kurt 's numbers . the investors , however , were not sophisticated and basically put their trust in kurt and , unfortunately , in me although i cautioned them that i did not represent them . i wished there was something i could do to protect them , but i did n't have a clue as to what it would be . once i got to colorado springs i tried to re-focus my attention on melba thorn . she was out there somewhere being held as a prisoner and i had to find her . my first stop was the winchester hotel and resort , a world renown getaway for the rich , known for its great food , elegant accommodations , spectacular golf course and fine equestrian facility . i could n't afford to stay there , so i got a room a few miles away at a holiday inn and then drove over to see if anyone remembered melba thorn . not wanting to attract attention , i opted not to go the manager but decided instead to casually ask some of the housekeeping staff if they remembered mrs. thorn . after showing melba 's picture to eight or ten maids , i finally found one who remembered her . she wore a name tag indicating her name was carmen . `` ma'am , i 'm stan turner and i 'm looking for anyone who might remember one of the guests here , mrs. melba thorn , '' i said and then i flashed the photograph in front of her . `` this is her photograph . '' she was in the palomino suite . '' `` when was the first time you saw her ? '' `` when she got here i was across the courtyard working on the south wing bungalows . we were told by raul , our supervisor , that it was a big family reunion and we needed to take good care of them since they were rich and powerful people . she came with the first group in a limousine . she seemed so happy to be with her family . i was so envious because my family lives in mexico . '' `` after they arrived did you have occasion to observe her anymore ? '' `` yes , i saw her every day . i even talked to her a couple of times . '' `` she asked me about my family and my job . not many guests go out of their way to be nice to the staff . '' `` did you see her with any of her family ? '' `` yes , her son and daughter and grandchildren . '' `` did you see anything unusual happen at all between mrs. thorn and her family ? '' `` she argued with her son and son-in-law a lot . '' `` could you tell what they were arguing about ? '' `` i guess you know she was reportedly killed in an auto accident . '' `` yes , i was sick about it . such a nice woman to die so violently . '' `` did you ever see her drive an automobile while she was here ? '' `` did you see her on the day she died ? '' i saw her come back to her room very upset on the morning of the accident . raul said he saw her arguing with her son just before that . '' `` did you see her leave her room ? '' `` did you see her get in a car and leave ? '' `` was anyone with her or around her room when all this happened ? '' `` no , except one of the limousine drivers . '' `` the man who drove mrs. thorn 's daughter , i do n't remember his name . '' `` is there anything else you can tell me about the day that mrs. thorn disappeared that was unusual or memorable ? '' `` did you observe the reaction of her family after they found out she had been killed ? '' the grandchildren were very upset . you could tell they had really loved her . mrs. brown was so upset she did n't leave her room for several days . mr. thorn and mr. brown , well , . i do n't know about them . i did n't see them that much since they stayed in a different part of the hotel . raul said they met frequently and talked for hours . he said he overheard them laughing a couple of times . '' `` carmen , you 've been a great help to me , '' i said as i pulled out a card and handed it to her . `` if you think of anything else please give me a call . i 'll be over at the holiday inn for a couple of days . '' she took my card , studied it carefully and replied , `` yes , sir , i will . ''
[["attorney", 14], ["canon", 33], ["canons", 33], ["legal", 42], ["ethic", 49], ["ethics", 49], ["disclose", 72], ["confidential", 85], ["confidence", 97], ["communication", 115], ["communications", 115], ["client", 128], ["hand", 150], ["participate", 174], ["fraud", 185], ["frauds", 185], ["thing", 202], ["terminate", 235], ["relationship", 268], ["kurt", 278], ["immediately", 290], ["upon", 295], ["return", 305], ["returnest", 305], ["returning", 305], ["let", 328], ["lets", 328], ["chip", 338], ["chipping", 338], ["chips", 338], ["fall", 343], ["falls", 343], ["may", 358], ["mays", 358], ["mayest", 358], ["major", 369], ["concern", 377], ["concerned", 377], ["concernest", 377], ["investor", 395], ["investors", 395], ["worldwide", 410], ["saving", 418], ["savings", 418], ["loan", 427], ["get", 431], ["got", 431], ["defraud", 441], ["defrauds", 441], ["defraudest", 441], ["defrauded", 441], ["fault", 464], ["faulting", 464], ["adequately", 483], ["inspect", 494], ["inspectest", 494], ["inspecting", 494], ["panhandle", 508], ["build", 517], ["building", 517], ["double", 528], ["check", 537], ["checking", 537], ["number", 553], ["numbering", 553], ["numbers", 553], ["however", 579], ["sophisticated", 604], ["basically", 618], ["put", 622], ["trust", 634], ["unfortunately", 662], ["although", 679], ["caution", 691], ["cautioning", 691], ["represent", 721], ["representest", 721], ["wish", 737], ["wished", 737], ["protect", 779], ["protectest", 779], ["clue", 812], ["clues", 812], ["colorado", 860], ["try", 876], ["tryed", 876], ["tried", 876], ["focus", 888], ["attention", 901], ["melba", 910], ["thorn", 916], ["somewhere", 946], ["hold", 957], ["held", 957], ["prisoner", 971], ["find", 989], ["first", 1004], ["firstest", 1004], ["stop", 1009], ["winchester", 1028], ["hotel", 1034], ["resort", 1045], ["resorted", 1045], ["world", 1055], ["renown", 1062], ["getaway", 1070], ["getaways", 1070], ["rich", 1083], ["know", 1091], ["knowest", 1091], ["known", 1091], ["great", 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["maid", 1556], ["maids", 1556], ["finally", 1568], ["find", 1574], ["found", 1574], ["wear", 1608], ["wore", 1608], ["name", 1615], ["tag", 1619], ["tags", 1619], ["indicate", 1630], ["indicating", 1630], ["carman", 1650], ["carmen", 1650], ["madam", 1661], ["madams", 1661], ["stan", 1673], ["stans", 1673], ["turner", 1680], ["look", 1697], ["looking", 1697], ["may", 1718], ["mays", 1718], ["mayest", 1718], ["might", 1718], ["remember", 1727], ["rememberest", 1727], ["guest", 1745], ["guestest", 1745], ["guests", 1745], ["say", 1781], ["sayest", 1781], ["said", 1781], ["flash", 1800], ["flashed", 1800], ["photograph", 1815], ["front", 1824], ["palomino", 1888], ["palominos", 1888], ["suite", 1894], ["time", 1926], ["see", 1934], ["saw", 1934], ["across", 1977], ["courtyard", 1991], ["work", 1999], ["wrought", 1999], ["working", 1999], ["south", 2012], ["wing", 2017], ["bungalow", 2027], ["bungalows", 2027], ["tell", 2042], ["told", 2042], ["raul", 2050], ["supervisor", 2067], ["big", 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before i left the winchester , i talked to raul and one of the stable hands that had witnessed the confrontation between melba and her son , robert thorn . they both agreed that robert spent most of the day riding and to their knowledge never left the hotel on the day of melba 's death . they did not know , however , where taylor brown went after he quit riding about two in the afternoon . having exhausted all my leads at the winchester i decided to go inspect the site of the accident and talk to the sheriff , dick barnett , who had handled the investigation . i took highway 24 to florrisant , colorado where the sheriff had his office . the sheriff was n't in when i arrived , so i sat down and waited . while i was waiting , a pretty young secretary engaged me in conversation . `` you 're an attorney , huh ? '' `` yeah , i am , '' i replied as i stood up and extended my hand . `` stan turner . '' `` hi , i 'm claudia robertson , it 's nice to meet you . '' `` i always wanted to be a lawyer , '' claudia said . `` me , become a lawyer . why i 'm not smart enough and i do n't have the money to go to law school . '' what do mean you do n't believe it ? you think i 'm lying to you ? '' `` no , that you 're not smart enough . when i was a kid everyone told me i was n't smart enough to be a lawyer but they were wrong . if you want to be a lawyer badly enough you can be one . so , what 's a dallas lawyer doing up here in the mountains anyway ? '' `` do you remember a car wreck about a year ago where a prominent dallas lady , melba thorn , was killed . '' `` uh huh , i remember that . '' `` were you working for the sheriff back then ? '' `` yes , i had just started as a matter of fact . i remember all the reporters that came by asking questions and interviewing the sheriff . '' `` did any of the family stop in ? '' `` yes , one of the children and a daughter-in-law , i do n't remember their names . they stopped in and talked to the sheriff for a while . then later on the daughter came by with her chauffeur . '' `` do you know what they talked about ? '' `` no , i was n't invited to the meeting . but the sheriff said later they mainly wanted to know if it was an accident or not . course the sheriff wanted to know why mrs. thorn was out driving alone . '' `` was there any reason to suspect it was n't an accident ? '' `` no , except there were more than one set of tire tracks near where the car left the road . '' you mean skid marks ? '' `` yes , there was fresh rubber from two different cars on the pavement . '' `` did the sheriff investigate the possibility that someone might have murdered melba thorn ? '' `` no , he did n't have near enough evidence for that . '' the door opened and sheriff burnett walked in . he looked at me and then his secretary . `` this is stan turner from dallas . he 's an attorney checking into melba thorn 's death . '' `` you 're a little late are n't you , mr. turner ? the sheriff noted . mrs. thorn died over a year ago , did n't she ? '' `` that 's what i understand . '' believe me mr. turner she was dead when we pulled that charred body out of her caddy . '' `` i know the official report concluded her death was accidental , but what do you think ? '' `` i 'll stick by the report . '' `` what about the extra skid marks ? '' the sheriff glared at his secretary . `` those could have been left by someone earlier in the day before this accident even happened . '' `` was there anything else that would make you think maybe this was n't an accident ? '' `` before i answer that mr. turner , i 'd like to know who your client is ? '' `` i 'm not at liberty to disclose that information . '' `` well then this interview is over . when i give out information i want to know whos getting it . '' the sheriff got up and gestured for me to leave . `` all right , i 'll tell you if you promise to keep it confidential . '' `` of course , i wo n't tell a soul . whos your client ? '' `` excuse me , is this some kind of joke ? when i pulled melba thorn out of that caddy she was dead , her body had been incinerated . '' `` but are you sure that was her ? '' `` who else would it have been ? '' the sheriff replied irritably . `` i do n't know who it was , all i know is a woman keeps calling me up and saying that she 's melba thorn and that i need to help her . '' `` you have n't met her though ? ''
[["left", 13], ["leave", 13], ["winchester", 28], ["talk", 39], ["talked", 39], ["raul", 47], ["stable", 69], ["hand", 75], ["hands", 75], ["witness", 94], ["witnessed", 94], ["confrontation", 112], ["melba", 126], ["son", 138], ["robert", 147], ["roberts", 147], ["thorn", 153], ["agree", 172], ["agreed", 172], ["spend", 190], ["spends", 190], ["spendest", 190], ["spent", 190], ["day", 206], ["ride", 213], ["rode", 213], ["riding", 213], ["knowledge", 236], ["never", 242], ["hotel", 257], ["death", 286], ["know", 306], ["knowest", 306], ["however", 316], ["taylor", 331], ["brown", 337], ["browns", 337], ["go", 342], ["goest", 342], ["went", 342], ["quit", 356], ["quits", 356], ["quitting", 356], ["two", 373], ["twos", 373], ["afternoon", 390], ["exhaust", 409], ["exhausted", 409], ["exhausting", 409], ["lead", 422], ["leaded", 422], ["leads", 422], ["decide", 450], ["decided", 450], ["go", 456], ["goest", 456], ["inspect", 464], ["inspectest", 464], ["siting", 473], ["accident", 489], ["talk", 498], ["sheriff", 513], ["dick", 520], ["barnett", 528], ["handle", 546], ["handled", 546], ["investigation", 564], ["take", 573], ["took", 573], ["highway", 581], ["colorado", 609], ["office", 642], ["arrive", 682], ["arrived", 682], ["sat", 693], ["sit", 693], ["wait", 709], ["waitest", 709], ["waited", 709], ["wait", 731], ["waitest", 731], ["waiting", 731], ["pretty", 742], ["prettiest", 742], ["young", 748], ["youngest", 748], ["secretary", 758], ["engage", 766], ["engaged", 766], ["conversation", 785], ["attorney", 810], ["huh", 816], ["yeah", 829], ["reply", 851], ["replied", 851], ["stand", 862], ["stood", 862], ["standest", 862], ["extend", 878], ["extended", 878], ["hand", 886], ["stan", 896], ["stans", 896], ["turner", 903], ["hi", 914], ["claudia", 929], ["robertson", 939], ["nice", 952], ["meet", 960], ["meeted", 960], ["always", 981], ["lawyer", 1003], ["say", 1021], ["sayest", 1021], ["said", 1021], ["become", 1038], ["smart", 1068], ["enough", 1075], ["money", 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["children", 1865], ["daughter", 1880], ["name", 1919], ["names", 1919], ["stop", 1934], ["stopped", 1934], ["later", 1988], ["chauffeur", 2031], ["invite", 2105], ["invites", 2105], ["invited", 2105], ["meeting", 2120], ["mainly", 2161], ["course", 2214], ["mrs", 2249], ["drive", 2272], ["driving", 2272], ["alone", 2278], ["reason", 2307], ["reasonest", 2307], ["suspect", 2318], ["except", 2361], ["set", 2390], ["tire", 2398], ["track", 2405], ["tracks", 2405], ["near", 2410], ["road", 2438], ["skid", 2457], ["mark", 2463], ["marks", 2463], ["fresh", 2493], ["freshest", 2493], ["rubber", 2500], ["different", 2519], ["car", 2524], ["cars", 2524], ["pavement", 2540], ["investigate", 2576], ["investigates", 2576], ["possibility", 2592], ["may", 2611], ["mays", 2611], ["mayest", 2611], ["might", 2611], ["murder", 2625], ["murderest", 2625], ["murdered", 2625], ["evidence", 2687], ["door", 2710], ["open", 2717], ["opened", 2717], ["burnett", 2737], ["walk", 2744], ["walked", 2744], ["look", 2759], ["looked", 2759], ["check", 2854], ["checking", 2854], ["little", 2905], ["late", 2910], ["lates", 2910], ["mr", 2927], ["note", 2955], ["noted", 2955], ["die", 2973], ["died", 2973], ["understand", 3037], ["understanded", 3037], ["dead", 3077], ["pull", 3092], ["pulled", 3092], ["char", 3105], ["charring", 3105], ["charred", 3105], ["body", 3110], ["bodied", 3110], ["caddy", 3127], ["official", 3155], ["report", 3162], ["conclude", 3172], ["concluded", 3172], ["accidental", 3197], ["accidentals", 3197], ["stick", 3241], ["stickest", 3241], ["extra", 3284], ["extras", 3284], ["glare", 3319], ["glared", 3319], ["early", 3387], ["even", 3424], ["evens", 3424], ["happen", 3433], ["happened", 3433], ["anything", 3460], ["else", 3465], ["maybe", 3497], ["answer", 3546], ["answeres", 3546], ["answerest", 3546], ["like", 3574], ["client", 3598], ["liberty", 3629], ["liberties", 3629], ["disclose", 3641], ["information", 3658], ["well", 3671], ["wells", 3671], ["interview", 3691], ["give", 3713], ["get", 3757], ["getting", 3757], ["get", 3781], ["got", 3781], ["gesture", 3797], ["gestured", 3797], ["left", 3813], ["leave", 3813], ["right", 3828], ["rightest", 3828], ["tell", 3841], ["promise", 3860], ["keep", 3868], ["keepest", 3868], ["confidential", 3884], ["wo", 3909], ["soul", 3925], ["excuse", 3959], ["kind", 3982], ["joke", 3990], ["jokes", 3990], ["incinerate", 4081], ["incinerates", 4081], ["sure", 4106], ["irritably", 4190], ["woman", 4244], ["womans", 4244], ["keep", 4250], ["keepest", 4250], ["keeps", 4250], ["call", 4258], ["calling", 4258], ["say", 4275], ["sayest", 4275], ["saying", 4275], ["need", 4315], ["needest", 4315], ["help", 4323], ["helpest", 4323], ["meet", 4352], ["meeted", 4352], ["met", 4352], ["though", 4363]]
`` then it may just be a prank , but it does make for interesting speculation . '' `` what do you mean , '' i said . `` no one ever gave me a good explanation as to why mrs. thorn was out alone on a dangerous mountain road while the rest of her family was riding horseback fifty miles away , '' the sheriff said . `` particularly since she did n't normally drive at all , '' i added . `` let me go pull the file , so i can refresh my memory . it 's been a while since this all happened . '' the sheriff left the room and i looked over to his secretary and said , `` i hope i did n't get you in trouble . '' `` no , this gives him a reason to dig a little deeper into this case . i do n't think he ever believed it was an accident , '' she said . the sheriff returned with a legal size expansion file filled to the brim with papers . he set it down on his desk and began to look through it . `` let 's look at the autopsy report to see if they made a positive id on melba thorn . '' the sheriff pulled out a report and began to read it . `` it says that a positive identification was n't possible due to the condition of the body . upon the request of the family no further effort was made since there was no reason to doubt that it was mrs . thorn . '' `` so it 's possible someone else might have died in that crash ? '' `` it 's possible , but who died down there then if it was n't mrs. thorn , '' the sheriff said . `` i do n't know , but the important thing is that melba thorn may well be alive . '' `` anything 's possible i guess , '' the sheriff said . when i left the sheriff 's office he agreed to re-open his investigation based on the telephone calls from melba thorn . he asked me to keep in touch and he promised to call me if anything turned up . i drove back to colorado springs that evening , ate dinner at denny 's and then went back to the holiday inn to get a good night 's sleep for my trip back to amarillo and then on to dallas . once i was in my room i decided to call rebekah and see how she and the kids were doing . just as i had picked up the phone i heard a knock on the door . i put down the phone and yelled , '' who is it ? '' `` housekeeping , we 've got an extra blanket for you , '' a female voice said . i walked over to the door and opened it . the door flung open and a tall man wearing a ski mask came barging in and grabbed me by the shoulder . he hit me hard in the stomach knocking the wind out of me , then he struck my face with his knee knocking me against the wall where i collapsed onto the ground . the pain was excruciating , blood came pouring out of my nose and i could hardly breath . i looked up at him wondering what was behind this assault when he kicked me again , this time across the face with his big black boot . i fell onto the floor , everything was a blur and then as he was leaving i heard him say , `` forget melba thorn or the next time i 'll kill you ! '' then i heard screeching tires as they made their escape . i must have passed out at that point because when i woke up i was in the hospital emergency room . i tried to sit up but the pain was too intense . i fell back onto the hospital bed . a nurse seeing me wake up came over to see how i was . `` hey cowboy , how you feeling ? '' `` not very good actually . `` colorado springs county hospital . '' `` just about twelve hours . the doctor gave you a sedative since you were in so much pain . '' `` if you would like to sit up i 'll be happy to help you , '' she said . she leaned over and pushed a button and the head of the bed began to rise . she smiled and said , `` you must have got someone real pissed off at you to knock you around they way they did . '' how did i get here anyway ? '' `` your neighbor at the motel heard the commotion in your room and called the police . they found you unconscious on the floor and called an ambulance . there 's an officer outside who wants to interview you , '' the nurse said . `` oh really , i do n't feel like talking right now , '' i said . `` well , he 's been waiting about an hour , so i expect you best talk to him . '' `` all right , tell him to come in . '' the young officer entered the room , walked over to me and smiled . he took out a note pad and started asking me questions . `` mr. turner , i 'm officer gray from the colorado springs police department . we 're very sorry you were attacked and want to assure you we will do everything possible to apprehend the persons responsible for this crime . ''
[["may", 14], ["mays", 14], ["mayest", 14], ["prank", 30], ["interesting", 65], ["speculation", 77], ["mean", 102], ["meanest", 102], ["say", 114], ["sayest", 114], ["said", 114], ["ever", 131], ["everest", 131], ["give", 136], ["gave", 136], ["good", 146], ["explanation", 158], ["mrs", 172], ["thorn", 179], ["alone", 193], ["dangerous", 208], ["mountain", 217], ["road", 222], ["rest", 237], ["family", 251], ["ride", 262], ["rode", 262], ["riding", 262], ["horseback", 272], ["fifty", 278], ["mile", 284], ["miles", 284], ["away", 289], ["sheriff", 306], ["particularly", 329], ["since", 335], ["normally", 356], ["drive", 362], ["add", 382], ["added", 382], ["let", 391], ["lets", 391], ["go", 397], ["goest", 397], ["pull", 402], ["file", 411], ["refresh", 430], ["refreshes", 430], ["memory", 440], ["memories", 440], ["happen", 485], ["happened", 485], ["left", 507], ["leave", 507], ["room", 516], ["roomed", 516], ["look", 529], ["looked", 529], ["secretary", 551], ["hope", 572], ["get", 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["holidays", 1867], ["holidayed", 1867], ["inn", 1871], ["inns", 1871], ["night", 1891], ["sleep", 1900], ["slept", 1900], ["sleeps", 1900], ["sleepest", 1900], ["trip", 1912], ["tripping", 1912], ["amarillo", 1929], ["decide", 1985], ["decided", 1985], ["rebekah", 2001], ["kid", 2030], ["kids", 2030], ["pick", 2064], ["picked", 2064], ["phone", 2077], ["hear", 2085], ["hears", 2085], ["heard", 2085], ["knock", 2093], ["knocks", 2093], ["knockest", 2093], ["door", 2105], ["put", 2113], ["yell", 2139], ["yelled", 2139], ["housekeep", 2175], ["housekeeping", 2175], ["get", 2188], ["got", 2188], ["extra", 2197], ["extras", 2197], ["blanket", 2205], ["female", 2227], ["voice", 2233], ["walk", 2249], ["walked", 2249], ["open", 2277], ["opened", 2277], ["flung", 2297], ["fling", 2297], ["tall", 2313], ["man", 2317], ["mans", 2317], ["manned", 2317], ["wear", 2325], ["wearing", 2325], ["ski", 2331], ["skis", 2331], ["skied", 2331], ["mask", 2336], ["maskest", 2336], ["come", 2341], ["came", 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["help", 3476], ["helpest", 3476], ["lean", 3507], ["leans", 3507], ["leaned", 3507], ["push", 3523], ["pushed", 3523], ["button", 3532], ["buttoning", 3532], ["head", 3545], ["rise", 3570], ["risen", 3570], ["smile", 3583], ["smiled", 3583], ["real", 3628], ["reis", 3628], ["around", 3666], ["way", 3675], ["ways", 3675], ["anyway", 3715], ["neighbor", 3737], ["motel", 3750], ["commotion", 3770], ["call", 3794], ["called", 3794], ["police", 3805], ["find", 3818], ["found", 3818], ["unconscious", 3834], ["ambulance", 3871], ["officer", 3893], ["officering", 3893], ["outside", 3901], ["interview", 3924], ["oh", 3956], ["really", 3963], ["feel", 3979], ["talk", 3992], ["talking", 3992], ["right", 3998], ["rightest", 3998], ["wait", 4045], ["waitest", 4045], ["waiting", 4045], ["hour", 4059], ["expect", 4073], ["well", 4082], ["wells", 4082], ["talk", 4087], ["tell", 4119], ["come", 4131], ["young", 4149], ["youngest", 4149], ["enter", 4165], ["entered", 4165], ["take", 4215], ["took", 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`` i know you 're probably not feeling too well right now , but i need to ask you some questions about what happened to you . '' `` could you tell how many persons there were who assaulted you ? '' `` two , a man and a woman . '' `` the man was tall , about six foot two and the woman was medium height , thin , maybe five foot four . they both were wearing blue jeans , the man had black boots and i did n't see what shoes the woman had on . '' `` did you get a good look at their faces ? '' `` no , they both wore ski masks . '' `` do you have any idea who they might have been ? '' `` not really , they totally surprised me . it all happened so fast , i 'm afraid i did n't see much of anything . '' `` did they steal anything ? '' `` i do n't know , i have n't had a chance to look through my things , but i was n't carrying anything valuable . '' `` what were you doing here in colorado springs anyway ? '' `` just doing a little research for a client in dallas . '' `` maybe your client has some enemies he did n't tell you about ? '' `` possibly , i really do n't know . '' `` okay , that 's not much to go on but we 'll do our best to find your attackers . '' in the morning i was released from the hospital so i picked up my baggage from the holiday inn and left for amarillo . before i left , however , i did call sheriff barnett and report the incident to him hoping that would spur on his investigation . on the ride back to amarillo i planned my activities for the following week . first i 'd confront kurt and then terminate any attorney-client relationship with him . i would then call each of the investors and explain the situation and strongly suggest they get independent counsel . then i needed to go check on gena lombardi who hopefully had managed to get out of jail by now . finally , i had to get with general burton and fill him in on the latest developments in the melba thorn case . the plane ride back to dfw was short compared to the long drive from colorado springs to amarillo . when the plane landed i wondered how rebekah was going to react when she saw my physical condition . i had n't told her about getting beat up because i did n't want her to worry . as i walked up the ramp from the plane i saw her and the kids in the distance . when reggie spotted me he broke away from rebekah and ran toward me yelling , `` daddy ! he stopped when he was close enough to get a good look at me and said , `` daddy , what happened to you ? '' `` oh , nothing , i 'm okay . i 'll tell you about it in a few minutes , '' i said as rebekah and the rest of the family reached us . rebekah exclaimed . `` i was attacked in my motel room last night , '' i said . `` your eyes look terrible and you 've got a horrible gash on your face . '' `` i 'll be all right , do n't worry , '' i said . rebekah began to cry . oh , i am so afraid that gash on your face will scar . i know a plastic surgeon you need to go see . i ca n't believe they did this to your beautiful face . `` no , the doctor gave me pain medication , '' i replied . `` you 're never traveling again . it 's too dangerous with all those maniacs out there . i ca n't believe this happened to you . i 'll heal , do n't worry . '' `` daddy who beat you up ? '' `` somebody trying to rob me , i guess , '' i did n't dare tell rebekah about the connection between my assailants and melba thorn or she would n't let me keep working on the case . it seemed best for now just to leave that part out of my story . we got my luggage from the baggage claim area and then found rebekah 's car . on the ride back to dallas i dumped the rest of the bad news about my trip on rebekah . `` i 'm not sure , i 've got to talk to general burton and get his advice , '' i said . `` so did you find out anything of value on this trip or did you get beat up for nothing ? '' `` well , i 'm afraid i have n't told you the worst yet . '' there 's more bad news . '' kurt 's been lying to everybody about the panhandle building . it 's not nearly as far along in the renovation as he told everybody . there 's no way he 's going to have enough money to complete the project . '' you mean tom 's going to lose his $ 100,000 ? '' `` but he 's such a nice man . '' all of the investors are nice guys , but they got into a risky deal . ''
[["know", 9], ["knowest", 9], ["probably", 26], ["feel", 38], ["feeling", 38], ["well", 47], ["wells", 47], ["right", 53], ["rightest", 53], ["need", 70], ["needest", 70], ["ask", 77], ["question", 96], ["questions", 96], ["happen", 116], ["happened", 116], ["tell", 146], ["many", 155], ["person", 163], ["persons", 163], ["assault", 188], ["assaulted", 188], ["two", 204], ["twos", 204], ["man", 212], ["mans", 212], ["manned", 212], ["woman", 224], ["womans", 224], ["tall", 249], ["six", 261], ["foot", 266], ["medium", 295], ["mediums", 295], ["height", 302], ["heights", 302], ["thin", 309], ["thins", 309], ["maybe", 317], ["five", 322], ["fived", 322], ["four", 332], ["wear", 357], ["wearing", 357], ["blue", 362], ["jean", 368], ["jeans", 368], ["black", 388], ["boot", 394], ["boots", 394], ["see", 412], ["shoe", 423], ["shoed", 423], ["shoes", 423], ["get", 460], ["good", 467], ["look", 472], ["face", 487], ["faces", 487], ["wear", 515], ["wore", 515], ["ski", 519], ["skis", 519], ["skied", 519], ["mask", 525], ["maskest", 525], ["masks", 525], ["idea", 554], ["may", 569], ["mays", 569], ["mayest", 569], ["might", 569], ["really", 598], ["totally", 613], ["surprise", 623], ["surprised", 623], ["fast", 652], ["afraid", 666], ["much", 685], ["anything", 697], ["steal", 720], ["stole", 720], ["chance", 777], ["chanced", 777], ["chancing", 777], ["thing", 803], ["things", 803], ["carry", 828], ["carrying", 828], ["valuable", 846], ["colorado", 891], ["sprang", 899], ["spring", 899], ["sprung", 899], ["springs", 899], ["anyway", 906], ["little", 934], ["research", 943], ["client", 956], ["enemy", 1009], ["enemies", 1009], ["okay", 1088], ["go", 1113], ["goest", 1113], ["good", 1139], ["well", 1139], ["wells", 1139], ["best", 1139], ["find", 1147], ["attackers", 1162], ["morning", 1182], ["release", 1197], ["released", 1197], ["hospital", 1215], ["pick", 1227], ["picked", 1227], ["baggage", 1241], ["holiday", 1258], ["holidays", 1258], ["holidayed", 1258], ["inn", 1262], ["inns", 1262], ["left", 1271], ["leave", 1271], ["amarillo", 1284], ["however", 1310], ["call", 1323], ["sheriff", 1331], ["barnett", 1339], ["report", 1350], ["incident", 1363], ["hope", 1377], ["hoping", 1377], ["spur", 1393], ["investigation", 1414], ["ride", 1428], ["rode", 1428], ["back", 1433], ["plan", 1455], ["planned", 1455], ["activity", 1469], ["activities", 1469], ["follow", 1487], ["following", 1487], ["week", 1492], ["first", 1500], ["firstest", 1500], ["confront", 1514], ["kurt", 1519], ["terminate", 1538], ["attorney", 1551], ["relationship", 1571], ["investor", 1622], ["investors", 1622], ["explain", 1634], ["situation", 1648], ["strongly", 1661], ["suggest", 1669], ["independent", 1690], ["counsel", 1698], ["counseled", 1698], ["counselled", 1698], ["need", 1714], ["needest", 1714], ["needed", 1714], ["check", 1726], ["gena", 1734], ["hopefully", 1757], ["manage", 1769], ["managed", 1769], ["jail", 1788], ["jails", 1788], ["jailing", 1788], ["jailest", 1788], ["finally", 1805], ["general", 1833], ["burton", 1840], ["fill", 1849], ["fills", 1849], ["late", 1870], ["lates", 1870], ["latest", 1870], ["development", 1883], ["developments", 1883], ["melba", 1896], ["thorn", 1902], ["short", 1946], ["compare", 1955], ["compared", 1955], ["long", 1967], ["longs", 1967], ["drive", 1973], ["land", 2031], ["landed", 2031], ["wonder", 2042], ["wonderest", 2042], ["wondered", 2042], ["rebekah", 2054], ["go", 2064], ["goest", 2064], ["going", 2064], ["react", 2073], ["see", 2086], ["saw", 2086], ["physical", 2098], ["condition", 2108], ["tell", 2125], ["told", 2125], ["get", 2143], ["getting", 2143], ["beat", 2148], ["worry", 2187], ["worried", 2187], ["walk", 2201], ["walked", 2201], ["ramp", 2213], ["ramps", 2213], ["kid", 2251], ["kids", 2251], ["distance", 2267], ["distancing", 2267], ["reggie", 2281], ["spot", 2289], ["spotted", 2289], ["broke", 2301], ["break", 2301], ["away", 2306], ["run", 2327], ["ran", 2327], ["toward", 2334], ["yell", 2345], ["yelling", 2345], ["daddy", 2356], ["stop", 2369], ["stopped", 2369], ["close", 2387], ["enough", 2394], ["say", 2428], ["sayest", 2428], ["said", 2428], ["oh", 2473], ["nothing", 2483], ["minute", 2538], ["minutes", 2538], ["rest", 2574], ["family", 2588], ["reach", 2596], ["reached", 2596], ["attack", 2639], ["attacked", 2639], ["motel", 2651], ["room", 2656], ["roomed", 2656], ["last", 2661], ["night", 2667], ["eye", 2694], ["eyed", 2694], ["eyes", 2694], ["terrible", 2708], ["get", 2724], ["got", 2724], ["horrible", 2735], ["gash", 2740], ["face", 2753], ["begin", 2823], ["began", 2823], ["cry", 2830], ["scar", 2885], ["plastic", 2904], ["surgeon", 2912], ["ca", 2938], ["cas", 2938], ["believe", 2950], ["beautiful", 2982], ["beautifulest", 2982], ["doctor", 3008], ["doctorest", 3008], ["doctoring", 3008], ["give", 3013], ["gave", 3013], ["pain", 3021], ["medication", 3032], ["reply", 3047], ["replied", 3047], ["never", 3066], ["travel", 3076], ["traveling", 3076], ["dangerous", 3104], ["maniac", 3127], ["maniacs", 3127], ["heal", 3190], ["healest", 3190], ["try", 3259], ["tryed", 3259], ["trying", 3259], ["rob", 3266], ["robs", 3266], ["robbing", 3266], ["guess", 3279], ["dare", 3299], ["connection", 3333], ["assailant", 3355], ["assailants", 3355], ["let", 3392], ["lets", 3392], ["keep", 3400], ["keepest", 3400], ["work", 3408], ["wrought", 3408], ["working", 3408], ["seem", 3432], ["seeming", 3432], ["seemed", 3432], ["left", 3459], ["leave", 3459], ["part", 3469], ["parting", 3469], ["story", 3485], ["luggage", 3505], ["claim", 3528], ["area", 3533], ["find", 3548], ["found", 3548], ["car", 3563], ["dump", 3601], ["dumped", 3601], ["bad", 3621], ["news", 3626], ["newses", 3626], ["trip", 3640], ["tripping", 3640], ["sure", 3670], ["talk", 3690], ["advice", 3727], ["value", 3782], ["bad", 3887], ["worst", 3887], ["yet", 3891], ["lie", 3943], ["lay", 3943], ["lain", 3943], ["lying", 3943], ["panhandle", 3976], ["build", 3985], ["building", 3985], ["nearly", 4004], ["far", 4011], ["along", 4017], ["renovation", 4035], ["way", 4074], ["ways", 4074], ["money", 4107], ["moneys", 4107], ["complete", 4119], ["project", 4131], ["projectest", 4131], ["mean", 4145], ["meanest", 4145], ["tom", 4149], ["lose", 4166], ["nice", 4210], ["guy", 4254], ["guys", 4254], ["risky", 4282], ["deal", 4287]]
`` they 're going to blame it on you , stan . '' `` i know , but what can i do ? '' `` you better call kurt right now and get this straightened out , '' rebekah said . `` i 'm going to see him first thing monday morning but i do n't expect i 'm going to like what he has to say . i 'm sure he figures he can get the money to cover the deficit on the building from some other source , but that 's no excuse for outright fabrication of rent rolls and build-out reports . '' `` that bastard , how could he possibly think he could get away with something like this ? '' `` it beats the shit out of me , '' i replied . '' i took rebekah 's hand and smiled trying to reassure her that everything would be okay . `` so , did anything happen at home this week ? '' peter got two goals tuesday night in his soccer game . you 'd of been very proud of him . '' `` two goals ! way to go , peter . '' peter leaned over the back to the front seat , smiled and giggled at me basking in the recollection of his athletic accomplishment . `` oh , your friend blackbird called , '' rebekah said . `` he called the house ? '' `` yes , he said he could n't get you at the office so he thought he try you at home . '' `` he says that parker # 3 is going to be completed next weekend and he wanted to be sure we could be there . '' `` oh good ? `` i said i could n't go , i 've got to work and we do n't have anyone to take care of the kids . i told him you could n't go either because i did n't want you within a hundred yards of his wife . '' `` you did n't tell him that , . give me a break , '' i said . `` well , i almost did , '' rebekah said . `` you do n't really want to go , do you ? '' `` yes , i know the well is going to come in . i saw it in my dream and you and boys were there . '' `` well , i 'll have to see if mom can babysit marcia . '' `` i 'm sure she 'll be happy to do it , '' i said . `` and i 'll have to get someone to cover for me at the hospital for the weekend . '' rebekah shook her head and glared at me . `` this is going to be a lot of damn trouble stanley turner . that well better come in ! '' i 've already seen the oil raining from the sky . it 's a sure thing . '' oh , you got another call too , from gena lombardi . she said she 's still in jail and her court appointed attorney sucks . '' `` oh god , what does she want me to do ? '' `` get her out of jail , '' rebekah said . `` well if her criminal attorney could n't get her out of jail what makes her think i could , '' i replied . `` i do n't know but she thinks you 're some kind of god or something . after all you saved her precious corvette . '' finally we arrived home and parked the car in the garage . the kids opened their doors and rushed inside the house . i got my bags from the trunk and brought them in . `` let 's just go to bed and sleep right through next week , okay , '' i said . 17 second thoughts getting up on monday morning was not an easy task . i was n't anxious to confront kurt nor to face the investors and tell them what i had discovered . to make matters worse , i was at a dead end with melba thorn and now gena lombardi was going to be pressuring me to represent her in her criminal case . i wondered why i ever wanted to be an attorney . the pressure had suddenly become overwhelming . finally i rolled out of bed and hit the showers . i hoped the hot water would relax the tightness that had developed in my neck and shoulders and ease my intense headache . unfortunately it did n't help ; so i opted for three aspirin . before i got dressed i looked outside to see what the weather was like . it was n't raining , but it was damp and foggy and there was a strong north wind . a cold front must have come through during the night , i conjectured . rebekah tried to cheer me up but nothing she could say could lessen the fear and guilt that i felt over the panhandle building . could i have done something to prevent what had happened ? i suppose i could have confronted kurt and got his assurances that everything was in order , but he still could have lied to me . if kurt had any sinister plans he certainly did n't relay them to me . kurt 's instructions were simply to do the paperwork for the deal .
[["go", 17], ["goest", 17], ["going", 17], ["blame", 26], ["blamest", 26], ["stan", 43], ["stans", 43], ["know", 58], ["knowest", 58], ["well", 97], ["wells", 97], ["call", 102], ["kurt", 107], ["right", 113], ["rightest", 113], ["get", 125], ["straighten", 143], ["straightened", 143], ["rebekah", 160], ["say", 165], ["sayest", 165], ["said", 165], ["see", 188], ["first", 198], ["firstest", 198], ["thing", 204], ["monday", 211], ["mondays", 211], ["morning", 219], ["expect", 239], ["like", 258], ["say", 277], ["sayest", 277], ["sure", 289], ["figure", 300], ["figures", 300], ["money", 321], ["moneys", 321], ["cover", 330], ["deficit", 342], ["build", 358], ["building", 358], ["source", 381], ["excuse", 405], ["outright", 418], ["fabrication", 430], ["rent", 438], ["roll", 444], ["rolls", 444], ["build", 454], ["builds", 454], ["report", 466], ["reports", 466], ["bastard", 487], ["think", 517], ["thinkest", 517], ["away", 535], ["beat", 577], ["beats", 577], ["shit", 586], ["reply", 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["thinkest", 1171], ["thought", 1171], ["try", 1178], ["tryed", 1178], ["say", 1206], ["sayest", 1206], ["says", 1206], ["complete", 1247], ["completed", 1247], ["next", 1252], ["weekend", 1260], ["good", 1319], ["work", 1366], ["wrought", 1366], ["anyone", 1392], ["take", 1400], ["kid", 1417], ["kids", 1417], ["tell", 1426], ["told", 1426], ["either", 1454], ["within", 1488], ["hundred", 1498], ["yard", 1504], ["yards", 1504], ["wife", 1516], ["tell", 1541], ["give", 1559], ["broke", 1570], ["break", 1570], ["well", 1592], ["wells", 1592], ["almost", 1603], ["really", 1648], ["come", 1715], ["see", 1726], ["saw", 1726], ["dream", 1741], ["dreamt", 1741], ["dreamest", 1741], ["boy", 1758], ["boys", 1758], ["mom", 1809], ["moms", 1809], ["babysit", 1821], ["marcia", 1828], ["happy", 1863], ["hospital", 1951], ["shake", 1986], ["shook", 1986], ["head", 1995], ["glare", 2006], ["glared", 2006], ["lot", 2043], ["damn", 2051], ["damned", 2051], ["trouble", 2059], ["troubling", 2059], ["stanley", 2067], ["turner", 2074], ["already", 2120], ["see", 2125], ["seen", 2125], ["oil", 2133], ["rain", 2141], ["raining", 2141], ["sky", 2154], ["another", 2201], ["gena", 2222], ["still", 2255], ["jail", 2263], ["jails", 2263], ["jailing", 2263], ["jailest", 2263], ["court", 2277], ["courting", 2277], ["courtest", 2277], ["appoint", 2287], ["appointed", 2287], ["attorney", 2296], ["suck", 2302], ["sucking", 2302], ["sucks", 2302], ["god", 2317], ["criminal", 2419], ["think", 2536], ["thinkest", 2536], ["thinks", 2536], ["kind", 2554], ["save", 2596], ["saved", 2596], ["precious", 2609], ["corvette", 2618], ["finally", 2631], ["arrive", 2642], ["arrived", 2642], ["park", 2658], ["parks", 2658], ["parked", 2658], ["car", 2666], ["garage", 2680], ["open", 2698], ["opened", 2698], ["door", 2710], ["doors", 2710], ["rush", 2721], ["rushed", 2721], ["inside", 2728], ["bag", 2754], ["bagged", 2754], ["bagging", 2754], ["bags", 2754], ["trunk", 2769], ["bring", 2781], ["brought", 2781], ["let", 2798], ["lets", 2798], ["bed", 2816], ["sleep", 2826], ["slept", 2826], ["sleeps", 2826], ["sleepest", 2826], ["second", 2881], ["seconded", 2881], ["thought", 2890], ["thoughts", 2890], ["get", 2898], ["getting", 2898], ["easy", 2935], ["task", 2940], ["tasking", 2940], ["taskest", 2940], ["anxious", 2960], ["anxiousest", 2960], ["confront", 2972], ["face", 2989], ["investor", 3003], ["investors", 3003], ["discover", 3039], ["discovered", 3039], ["matter", 3057], ["mattering", 3057], ["matters", 3057], ["bad", 3063], ["worse", 3063], ["dead", 3081], ["end", 3085], ["ends", 3085], ["endest", 3085], ["melba", 3096], ["thorn", 3102], ["pressure", 3151], ["pressured", 3151], ["pressuring", 3151], ["represent", 3167], ["representest", 3167], ["case", 3192], ["wonder", 3205], ["wonderest", 3205], ["wondered", 3205], ["ever", 3216], ["everest", 3216], ["pressure", 3256], ["pressured", 3256], ["suddenly", 3269], ["become", 3276], ["overwhelming", 3289], ["roll", 3308], ["rolled", 3308], ["hit", 3327], ["shower", 3339], ["showered", 3339], ["showerest", 3339], ["showers", 3339], ["hope", 3349], ["hoped", 3349], ["hot", 3357], ["water", 3363], ["relax", 3375], ["relaxed", 3375], ["tightness", 3389], ["develop", 3408], ["developest", 3408], ["developed", 3408], ["neck", 3419], ["necked", 3419], ["shoulder", 3433], ["shouldered", 3433], ["shoulders", 3433], ["ease", 3442], ["intense", 3453], ["headache", 3462], ["unfortunately", 3478], ["help", 3494], ["helpest", 3494], ["opt", 3507], ["optest", 3507], ["opted", 3507], ["three", 3517], ["aspirin", 3525], ["aspirins", 3525], ["dress", 3548], ["dressest", 3548], ["dressed", 3548], ["look", 3557], ["looked", 3557], ["outside", 3565], ["weather", 3589], ["damp", 3637], ["damps", 3637], ["damped", 3637], ["foggy", 3647], ["foggiest", 3647], ["strong", 3670], ["north", 3676], ["wind", 3681], ["cold", 3690], ["must", 3701], ["musts", 3701], ["conjecture", 3752], ["conjectured", 3752], ["try", 3768], ["tryed", 3768], ["tried", 3768], ["cheer", 3777], ["nothing", 3795], ["lessen", 3822], ["fear", 3831], ["fearest", 3831], ["guilt", 3841], ["guilts", 3841], ["feel", 3853], ["felt", 3853], ["panhandle", 3872], ["prevent", 3922], ["preventest", 3922], ["happen", 3940], ["happened", 3940], ["suppose", 3952], ["confront", 3976], ["confronted", 3976], ["assurance", 4004], ["assurances", 4004], ["order", 4033], ["orderest", 4033], ["lie", 4064], ["lay", 4064], ["lain", 4064], ["lied", 4064], ["sinister", 4097], ["plan", 4103], ["plans", 4103], ["certainly", 4116], ["relay", 4130], ["relays", 4130], ["relayest", 4130], ["instruction", 4164], ["instructions", 4164], ["simply", 4176], ["paperwork", 4196], ["deal", 4209]]
i took that to mean to be fair to all parties , which i tried to do . i decided to go straight to kurt 's house rather than to the office . i wanted to get the confrontation over with immediately since it was weighing heavy on my mind . as i drove up to the front gate i noticed it was locked . i pushed the bell but no one answered . i pushed the bell several more times but still there was no response . i got out of the car to take a good look at the grounds to see if i could spot anyone . as i grabbed hold of the rod iron gate one of kurt 's dogs suddenly appeared and attacked me . luckily i jerked my leg away from the fence fast enough to narrowly miss having my leg ripped apart by the doberman 's sharp teeth . `` pepper ! `` come on boy calm down . i 'm just looking for your master . '' pepper quit barking and began to wag her tail once she recognized me . i stuck my hand through the fence to pet her . ginger came charging across the yard and joined us . i got up and took one last look at the grounds but didnt see anyone . slightly shaken and extremely frustrated , i got back into my car and went to the office . when i arrived general burton was at his desk filling out a contract . when he saw me enter he smiled , squinted and then jumped out of his seat and approached me . `` stan , what happened to you ? `` as you can see someone does n't want me to find melba thorn . '' `` i guess that proves melba is alive , '' general burton said . `` i do n't know about that , but it does prove that someone does n't want us to find out the truth . '' `` i was going to ask you for some suggestions . '' `` boy , i do n't know . maybe you should contact the authorities . '' `` and tell them what , that a ghost has been calling me . i do n't have a shred of evidence to back up my suspicions . anyway , i did manage to get the sheriff up in florissant , colorado to reopen the investigation of melba 's death . he apparently had been suspicious all along but did n't have anything to go on . now he 's convinced , especially since i got beat up , that something 's not right . '' `` well that 's one positive accomplishment anyway , '' the general noted . `` in the meantime , i 've got some other problems that have developed while i was gone to deal with , so i better get to work . '' `` well , do n't let me stop you . i 'm so sorry you got beat up , stan . i hope it 's not too painful ? '' `` no , it looks worse than it feels , '' i said . after talking to general burton i decided to try to call kurt . i dialed the number but it rang and rang with no answer . i decided to try to get a hold of cynthia carson , hoping she would know where kurt went . i did n't have her home number so i called information . she was n't listed in her full name but there were a few c. carsons , so i tried them . after three tries i got lucky . `` oh hi stan , where have you been ? kurt was looking for you . '' `` yes , he had to go to brazil to meet some investors and he wanted you to take care of something while he was gone . '' `` how long 's he going to be away ? '' `` i do n't know , maybe a couple of weeks . '' `` i was in amarillo and i visited the panhandle building . '' how did you like it ? '' `` well the lobby and the floors that are completed look great . unfortunately , i discovered . the information kurt 's been giving us about the finish out is not accurate . '' `` there are only two floors complete instead of seven and the rent rolls he gave us are pure fabrication . '' the manager mailed me those rent rolls himself . why would he fake them ? '' `` i have no idea , but we need to get a hold of kurt and get this straightened out immediately , '' i said . `` do you have a telephone number where we can reach him ? '' `` no , he 's staying with some investors . he did n't give me a number . '' `` what i ca n't believe is how the people from worldwide savings could have inspected the building and still closed the deal . '' `` this does n't make sense , there must be some mistake , kurt would n't do something like this , '' cynthia assured me . `` i hope there is some explanation , but i took a look at every floor in that building and there are only two floors that are finished , '' i replied . `` i do n't know what to say , stan . it just does n't seem possible . ''
[["take", 6], ["took", 6], ["mean", 19], ["meanest", 19], ["fair", 30], ["fairs", 30], ["fairest", 30], ["party", 45], ["parties", 45], ["try", 61], ["tryed", 61], ["tried", 61], ["decide", 79], ["decided", 79], ["go", 85], ["goest", 85], ["straight", 94], ["kurt", 102], ["house", 111], ["rather", 118], ["office", 137], ["get", 155], ["confrontation", 173], ["immediately", 195], ["since", 201], ["weigh", 217], ["weighest", 217], ["weighing", 217], ["heavy", 223], ["heavier", 223], ["heavies", 223], ["mind", 234], ["minding", 234], ["drive", 247], ["drove", 247], ["front", 263], ["gate", 268], ["gates", 268], ["notice", 278], ["noticed", 278], ["lock", 292], ["locked", 292], ["push", 303], ["pushed", 303], ["bell", 312], ["belling", 312], ["answer", 332], ["answeres", 332], ["answerest", 332], ["answered", 332], ["several", 360], ["time", 371], ["times", 371], ["still", 381], ["response", 403], ["get", 411], ["got", 411], ["car", 426], ["take", 434], ["good", 441], ["look", 446], ["ground", 461], ["grounds", 461], ["see", 468], ["spot", 484], ["anyone", 491], ["grab", 506], ["grabbed", 506], ["hold", 511], ["rod", 522], ["iron", 527], ["dog", 552], ["dogs", 552], ["suddenly", 561], ["appear", 570], ["appeared", 570], ["attack", 583], ["attacked", 583], ["luckily", 596], ["jerk", 605], ["jerks", 605], ["jerked", 605], ["leg", 612], ["away", 617], ["fence", 632], ["fast", 637], ["enough", 644], ["narrowly", 656], ["miss", 661], ["rip", 682], ["ripped", 682], ["apart", 688], ["doberman", 704], ["sharp", 713], ["sharps", 713], ["tooth", 719], ["teeth", 719], ["pepper", 731], ["peppered", 731], ["peppering", 731], ["come", 741], ["boy", 748], ["calm", 753], ["calms", 753], ["look", 778], ["looking", 778], ["master", 794], ["quit", 811], ["quits", 811], ["quitting", 811], ["begin", 829], ["began", 829], ["wag", 836], ["wagging", 836], ["tail", 845], ["tailed", 845], ["recognize", 865], ["recognized", 865], ["stick", 878], ["stickest", 878], ["stuck", 878], ["hand", 886], ["pet", 911], ["petting", 911], ["ginger", 924], ["come", 929], ["came", 929], ["charge", 938], ["charging", 938], ["across", 945], ["yard", 954], ["yards", 954], ["join", 965], ["joinest", 965], ["joined", 965], ["last", 997], ["slightly", 1049], ["extremely", 1070], ["back", 1094], ["go", 1115], ["goest", 1115], ["went", 1115], ["arrive", 1146], ["arrived", 1146], ["general", 1154], ["burton", 1161], ["desk", 1177], ["fill", 1185], ["fills", 1185], ["filling", 1185], ["contract", 1200], ["contractest", 1200], ["see", 1214], ["saw", 1214], ["enter", 1223], ["smile", 1233], ["smiled", 1233], ["squint", 1244], ["squintest", 1244], ["squinting", 1244], ["squinted", 1244], ["jump", 1260], ["jumps", 1260], ["jumped", 1260], ["seat", 1276], ["approach", 1291], ["approaches", 1291], ["approached", 1291], ["stan", 1304], ["stans", 1304], ["happen", 1320], ["happened", 1320], ["find", 1380], ["melba", 1386], ["thorn", 1392], ["guess", 1408], ["prof", 1420], ["prove", 1420], ["proves", 1420], ["alive", 1435], ["say", 1460], ["sayest", 1460], ["said", 1460], ["know", 1479], ["knowest", 1479], ["prof", 1510], ["prove", 1510], ["truth", 1562], ["go", 1582], ["goest", 1582], ["going", 1582], ["ask", 1589], ["suggestion", 1614], ["suggestions", 1614], ["maybe", 1650], ["contact", 1669], ["authority", 1685], ["authorities", 1685], ["tell", 1702], ["ghost", 1727], ["call", 1744], ["calling", 1744], ["shred", 1771], ["evidence", 1783], ["suspicion", 1808], ["suspicions", 1808], ["anyway", 1817], ["manage", 1832], ["sheriff", 1851], ["florissant", 1868], ["colorado", 1879], ["reopen", 1889], ["reopenest", 1889], ["investigation", 1907], ["death", 1925], ["apparently", 1941], ["suspicious", 1961], ["along", 1971], ["anything", 1997], ["especially", 2041], ["beat", 2058], ["right", 2091], ["rightest", 2091], ["well", 2104], ["wells", 2104], ["positive", 2125], ["accomplishment", 2140], ["note", 2170], ["noted", 2170], ["meantime", 2191], ["problem", 2223], ["problems", 2223], ["develop", 2243], ["developest", 2243], ["developed", 2243], ["go", 2260], ["goest", 2260], ["gone", 2260], ["deal", 2268], ["well", 2287], ["better", 2287], ["work", 2299], ["wrought", 2299], ["let", 2325], ["lets", 2325], ["stop", 2333], ["sorry", 2353], ["hope", 2385], ["painful", 2407], ["look", 2429], ["looks", 2429], ["bad", 2435], ["worse", 2435], ["feel", 2449], ["feels", 2449], ["talk", 2477], ["talking", 2477], ["try", 2512], ["tryed", 2512], ["call", 2520], ["dial", 2536], ["dialed", 2536], ["number", 2547], ["numbering", 2547], ["answer", 2583], ["answeres", 2583], ["answerest", 2583], ["cynthia", 2627], ["carson", 2634], ["hope", 2643], ["hoping", 2643], ["home", 2700], ["homing", 2700], ["call", 2719], ["called", 2719], ["information", 2731], ["list", 2752], ["listed", 2752], ["full", 2764], ["name", 2769], ["carson", 2801], ["three", 2833], ["try", 2839], ["tryed", 2839], ["tries", 2839], ["lucky", 2851], ["oh", 2859], ["hi", 2862], ["yes", 2928], ["brazil", 2953], ["brazils", 2953], ["meet", 2961], ["meeted", 2961], ["investor", 2976], ["investors", 2976], ["long", 3055], ["longs", 3055], ["couple", 3117], ["week", 3126], ["weeks", 3126], ["amarillo", 3152], ["visit", 3166], ["visited", 3166], ["panhandle", 3180], ["build", 3189], ["building", 3189], ["like", 3211], ["lobby", 3237], ["lobbied", 3237], ["floor", 3252], ["floors", 3252], ["complete", 3271], ["completed", 3271], ["great", 3282], ["unfortunately", 3298], ["discover", 3313], ["discovered", 3313], ["give", 3351], ["giving", 3351], ["finish", 3371], ["accurate", 3391], ["two", 3418], ["twos", 3418], ["complete", 3434], ["instead", 3442], ["seven", 3451], ["rent", 3464], ["roll", 3470], ["rolls", 3470], ["give", 3478], ["gave", 3478], ["pure", 3490], ["pured", 3490], ["fabrication", 3502], ["manager", 3519], ["mail", 3526], ["mailed", 3526], ["fake", 3574], ["idea", 3602], ["need", 3616], ["needest", 3616], ["straighten", 3664], ["straightened", 3664], ["telephone", 3721], ["reach", 3747], ["stay", 3778], ["staying", 3778], ["give", 3816], ["ca", 3846], ["cas", 3846], ["believe", 3858], ["people", 3876], ["worldwide", 3891], ["saving", 3899], ["savings", 3899], ["inspect", 3920], ["inspectest", 3920], ["inspected", 3920], ["close", 3950], ["closed", 3950], ["sense", 3992], ["must", 4005], ["musts", 4005], ["mistook", 4021], ["mistake", 4021], ["mistaken", 4021], ["assure", 4082], ["assured", 4082], ["explanation", 4123], ["every", 4152], ["floor", 4158], ["finish", 4223], ["finished", 4223], ["reply", 4238], ["replied", 4238], ["say", 4269], ["sayest", 4269], ["seem", 4300], ["seeming", 4300], ["possible", 4309]]
`` i know , but it 's happening and you and i are in hot water if we ca n't get it straightened out . '' `` why would we be in hot water ? '' `` because the bank 's going to think you and i were in on it . '' `` but it 's not true . '' `` you and i know that , but to the worldwide and the fbi it 's not so clear . '' just sit tight and if you hear from kurt do n't say anything to him . just tell him i need to talk to him immediately . '' `` okay , i will , '' cynthia said . that 's all i needed , kurt disappearing on me all of sudden just when i had to get some answers . the question now was could i afford to wait a couple of weeks for kurt to resurface ? after considerable soul searching i decided the situation would n't get any worse in two weeks since the damage had already been done . i guess i owed it to my client to let him explain what was going on . 18 making bail after talking to cynthia i decided i better go visit gena who by now had been in jail over a week . i could n't understand why her criminal attorney had been unable to get her out on bail . when i got to the criminal justice building i obtained a visitor 's pass and walked down the long corridor to the main cell block . when i got to the entrance i pushed a button and stuck my visitor 's pass up against the glass . after a minute a bell rang and the big steel gate opened and i entered . once inside i followed a yellow stripe which led to a visitor 's room . i went inside , sat down at one of the stations and waited . after a minute gena was escorted in and sat down in front of me . she was a knock-out even in her orange jumpsuit . `` stan , where have you been ? '' gena complained . `` i 've been out of town , '' i replied . `` well , i 've been rotting in my cell while you 've been out gallivanting around . '' i 'm not even your criminal attorney , so what difference does it make what i 've been doing ? '' gena took a deep breath . i 'm sorry for jumping on you , i 'm just frustrated that i have n't got out on bail yet . stan you 've got to defend me . that feeble-ass attorney they 've appointed for me does n't understand english . he insists i plead guilty , but i 've told him over and over again that i am innocent . all he does is patronize me . if he defends me i 'm going to get screwed , i know it . '' `` gena , i am not a criminal attorney , i do n't know the procedures for criminal court and i barely passed my criminal law course in law school . you 'd be in worse shape if i represented you . '' gena leaned over , next to the glass that separated us , and gazed at me with her beautiful brown eyes . `` no i would n't , at least you believe in me and if you believe me then , so will the jury . '' `` who said i believe you ? '' `` come on stan , i know you believe me otherwise you would n't be here . i can tell by the way you talk to me and listen to what i have to say that you respect me . most men look at me like i 'm another piece of ass they 'd like to screw . but you look at me like you care and you 've always treated me with dignity and respect . i 'd trust you with my life , stan , without giving it a second thought . '' `` gena , i believe you 're innocent of this crime . i do have a lot of respect for you despite your reputation and your wild lifestyle . deep down inside of you is a wonderful person , i can feel it and i believe it . and i know , for some reason that i will never understand , that you 've had to put up this tough facade , perhaps just to survive , i do n't know , nor does it matter . but this is n't a question of my belief in you it 's a question of competence . i 'm not a criminal attorney , i never wanted to be a criminal attorney and i do n't intend to become a criminal attorney . '' gena sat back with a frustrated look on her face , starred at me silently for a moment , and then she smiled , leaned back toward the glass that separated us and said , `` okay , we 'll let the feeble asshole defend me , but you 've got to help him . '' i shook my head in dismay at gena 's relentless pursuit of her objective . i knew i had lost the battle , there was no telling this lady no . `` please stan , come on at least you can do that . '' i 'll help him , what in hell is his name ? '' `` thank you stan , i knew you would n't let me down .
[["know", 9], ["knowest", 9], ["happen", 31], ["happening", 31], ["hot", 56], ["water", 62], ["ca", 71], ["cas", 71], ["get", 79], ["straighten", 95], ["straightened", 95], ["bank", 161], ["go", 170], ["goest", 170], ["going", 170], ["think", 179], ["thinkest", 179], ["true", 230], ["worldwide", 281], ["fbi", 293], ["clear", 312], ["clearest", 312], ["sat", 326], ["sit", 326], ["tight", 332], ["hear", 348], ["hears", 348], ["kurt", 358], ["say", 369], ["sayest", 369], ["anything", 378], ["tell", 397], ["need", 408], ["needest", 408], ["talk", 416], ["immediately", 435], ["okay", 448], ["cynthia", 470], ["say", 475], ["sayest", 475], ["said", 475], ["need", 498], ["needest", 498], ["needed", 498], ["disappear", 518], ["disappearing", 518], ["sudden", 538], ["answer", 574], ["answeres", 574], ["answerest", 574], ["answers", 574], ["question", 589], ["afford", 612], ["wait", 620], ["waitest", 620], ["couple", 629], ["week", 638], ["weeks", 638], ["resurface", 660], ["considerable", 681], ["soul", 686], ["search", 696], ["searching", 696], ["decide", 706], ["decided", 706], ["situation", 720], ["bad", 744], ["worse", 744], ["two", 751], ["twos", 751], ["since", 763], ["damage", 774], ["damaging", 774], ["already", 786], ["guess", 806], ["owe", 813], ["owes", 813], ["owing", 813], ["owed", 813], ["client", 829], ["let", 836], ["lets", 836], ["explain", 848], ["bail", 883], ["bails", 883], ["bailing", 883], ["talk", 897], ["talking", 897], ["well", 927], ["better", 927], ["go", 930], ["goest", 930], ["visit", 936], ["gena", 941], ["jail", 969], ["jails", 969], ["jailing", 969], ["jailest", 969], ["week", 981], ["understand", 1006], ["understanded", 1006], ["criminal", 1023], ["attorney", 1032], ["unable", 1048], ["unabled", 1048], ["get", 1084], ["got", 1084], ["justice", 1108], ["build", 1117], ["building", 1117], ["obtain", 1128], ["obtained", 1128], ["visitor", 1138], ["pass", 1146], ["walk", 1157], ["walked", 1157], ["long", 1171], ["longs", 1171], ["corridor", 1180], ["main", 1192], ["cell", 1197], ["block", 1203], ["blocks", 1203], ["entrance", 1232], ["entrancing", 1232], ["push", 1241], ["pushed", 1241], ["button", 1250], ["buttoning", 1250], ["stick", 1260], ["stickest", 1260], ["stuck", 1260], ["glass", 1300], ["minute", 1317], ["bell", 1324], ["belling", 1324], ["big", 1341], ["bigs", 1341], ["steel", 1347], ["gate", 1352], ["gates", 1352], ["open", 1359], ["opened", 1359], ["enter", 1373], ["entered", 1373], ["inside", 1387], ["follow", 1398], ["followed", 1398], ["yellow", 1407], ["stripe", 1414], ["lead", 1424], ["leaded", 1424], ["led", 1424], ["room", 1445], ["roomed", 1445], ["go", 1454], ["goest", 1454], ["went", 1454], ["sat", 1467], ["sit", 1467], ["station", 1495], ["stations", 1495], ["wait", 1506], ["waitest", 1506], ["waited", 1506], ["escort", 1541], ["escorted", 1541], ["front", 1566], ["knock", 1590], ["knocks", 1590], ["knockest", 1590], ["even", 1599], ["evens", 1599], ["orange", 1613], ["jumpsuit", 1622], ["jumpsuits", 1622], ["stan", 1632], ["stans", 1632], ["complain", 1675], ["complained", 1675], ["town", 1703], ["reply", 1718], ["replied", 1718], ["well", 1728], ["wells", 1728], ["rot", 1749], ["rotting", 1749], ["gallivant", 1796], ["gallivanting", 1796], ["around", 1803], ["difference", 1866], ["take", 1916], ["took", 1916], ["deep", 1923], ["deeply", 1923], ["breath", 1930], ["breathest", 1930], ["sorry", 1943], ["jump", 1955], ["jumps", 1955], ["jumping", 1955], ["frustrate", 1985], ["frustrated", 1985], ["yet", 2021], ["defend", 2050], ["feeble", 2067], ["ass", 2071], ["appoint", 2099], ["appointed", 2099], ["english", 2134], ["englishest", 2134], ["insist", 2147], ["insistest", 2147], ["insists", 2147], ["plead", 2155], ["guilty", 2162], ["tell", 2179], ["told", 2179], ["innocent", 2222], ["patronize", 2249], ["defend", 2268], ["defends", 2268], ["screw", 2297], ["screwing", 2297], ["screwed", 2297], ["procedure", 2384], ["procedures", 2384], ["court", 2403], ["courting", 2403], ["courtest", 2403], ["barely", 2416], ["pass", 2423], ["passed", 2423], ["law", 2439], ["course", 2446], ["school", 2460], ["schooling", 2460], ["shape", 2487], ["shapes", 2487], ["represent", 2504], ["representest", 2504], ["represented", 2504], ["lean", 2525], ["leans", 2525], ["leaned", 2525], ["next", 2537], ["separate", 2565], ["separated", 2565], ["gaze", 2580], ["gazes", 2580], ["gazed", 2580], ["beautiful", 2605], ["beautifulest", 2605], ["brown", 2611], ["browns", 2611], ["eye", 2616], ["eyed", 2616], ["eyes", 2616], ["least", 2647], ["leastest", 2647], ["believe", 2659], ["jury", 2711], ["jurys", 2711], ["come", 2755], ["otherwise", 2797], ["way", 2843], ["ways", 2843], ["listen", 2869], ["listens", 2869], ["respect", 2908], ["man", 2922], ["mans", 2922], ["manned", 2922], ["men", 2922], ["look", 2927], ["like", 2938], ["another", 2951], ["piece", 2957], ["pieced", 2957], ["screw", 2986], ["screwing", 2986], ["care", 3021], ["always", 3040], ["treat", 3048], ["treats", 3048], ["treatest", 3048], ["treated", 3048], ["dignity", 3064], ["trust", 3089], ["life", 3106], ["lifes", 3106], ["without", 3123], ["give", 3130], ["giving", 3130], ["second", 3142], ["seconded", 3142], ["thought", 3150], ["crime", 3206], ["lot", 3224], ["despite", 3251], ["reputation", 3267], ["wild", 3281], ["wildest", 3281], ["lifestyle", 3291], ["lifestyles", 3291], ["wonderful", 3332], ["person", 3339], ["feel", 3352], ["reason", 3403], ["reasonest", 3403], ["never", 3421], ["put", 3458], ["tough", 3472], ["facade", 3479], ["perhaps", 3489], ["survive", 3505], ["matter", 3542], ["mattering", 3542], ["belief", 3584], ["competence", 3622], ["intend", 3716], ["intendest", 3716], ["become", 3726], ["back", 3765], ["face", 3800], ["star", 3810], ["starred", 3810], ["silently", 3825], ["moment", 3838], ["smile", 3860], ["smiled", 3860], ["toward", 3881], ["asshole", 3960], ["help", 3996], ["helpest", 3996], ["shake", 4013], ["shook", 4013], ["head", 4021], ["dismay", 4031], ["dismayed", 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`` you may not love me so much if i botch your case . '' i feel so much better now , stan . now i am going to be able to sleep . '' `` that 's good , but what 's asshole 's name so i can call him and tell him he 's going to have a co-counsel . '' `` syd brim , his number is 555-4411 . '' `` did syd say why he has n't been able to get you out of jail yet ? '' `` he says he ca n't get anyone to put up my bond . '' `` twenty-five thousand . '' `` he says she 's refused to do it , but i do n't believe that . mom has always come through when i needed her to . '' `` no , they do n't let you use the phone too much and every time i 've called she 's been out . she works two jobs you know , so she 's not home much . asshole says he 's talked to her but she wo n't help . '' `` shit , i have n't seen him in fifteen years . '' `` well , i 'll talk to your mother again and see if she 'll help . hopefully the next time we meet it 'll be to get you out of this place . '' `` thanks , stan . '' leaving the jail i felt good that i had given gena hope , but on the other hand , i felt kind of sick now that i was going to have to help defend her in an arena i knew nothing about . as i thought about it further on the drive home i began to get excited . i realized with syd as lead counsel i did n't have to worry about procedure or my lack of experience in handling criminal cases . all i had to do was convince him she was innocent and search for evidence to prove it . it was really an ideal situation , and who knows maybe the experience might change my mind about practicing criminal law . when i got to the office i called syd brim to break the news to him . `` yeah , '' brim said . `` we have a mutual client , gena lombardi . '' `` i represent her in a bankruptcy proceeding , '' i said . `` and , well anyway , i went to visit her today and she asked me if i would help you in her criminal defense . '' `` i 'm her court appointed attorney . the government 's not going to pay for two attorneys . anyway , we 're just going to plead her out , so i really do n't need your help . '' `` she believes she 's innocent . '' `` you know her story will never hold up . i told her she needs to just take the best deal i can get her . '' `` why do n't you think her story will hold up ? '' `` because it 's a bunch of nonsense . '' `` are you sure , have you checked it out ? '' `` of course i 've checked it out . it wo n't hold water . '' `` well , if she wants to plead innocent then she has a right to do that and i guarantee you she wo n't agree to a plea . you might as well let me help you . do n't worry about splitting your fee she 'll pay me herself some day when she gets back on her feet . '' okay , i do n't give a shit if you want to do some pro bono work . '' `` do you mind if i try to get someone to put up her bond ? '' `` i 've already tried , but go right ahead . i 'll get to work on that right away . i 'll be in touch and do n't hesitate to call me if you think of some way i can help out . '' after talking to syd , i understood why gina felt the way she did about him . his attitude would n't be very comforting to someone in trouble . now , however , the ball was in my court . i had to figure out a way to get gena out of jail . the first thing that came to my mind was my experience with getting ron johnson out of jail on his dwi charge . alliance bonding , that 's who i needed to call . i got out the phone book , got the number and dialed it . a girl answered and put me through to roger rand . `` i 've got a young woman in on a federal mail fraud charge . her bond is twenty-five thousand dollars and i wondered what it would take to get you to put it up , '' i said . `` well , it would be twenty-five hundred cash plus we 'd need some collateral or a good co-signer . '' `` well i might be able to get her mother to do it . she lives in michigan . '' `` we need a local co-signer . there 's no way we 're going to chase someone up in michigan for the bond money if your client skips out on us . ''
[["may", 10], ["mays", 10], ["mayest", 10], ["love", 19], ["much", 30], ["botch", 41], ["botched", 41], ["botches", 41], ["feel", 63], ["well", 78], ["wells", 78], ["stan", 89], ["stans", 89], ["go", 106], ["goest", 106], ["going", 106], ["able", 117], ["abled", 117], ["sleep", 126], ["slept", 126], ["sleeps", 126], ["sleepest", 126], ["good", 147], ["asshole", 169], ["name", 177], ["call", 191], ["tell", 204], ["co", 233], ["counsel", 241], ["counseled", 241], ["counselled", 241], ["syd", 253], ["brim", 258], ["number", 271], ["numbering", 271], ["say", 303], ["sayest", 303], ["get", 335], ["jail", 351], ["jails", 351], ["jailing", 351], ["jailest", 351], ["yet", 355], ["say", 371], ["sayest", 371], ["says", 371], ["ca", 377], ["cas", 377], ["anyone", 392], ["put", 399], ["bond", 410], ["twenty", 425], ["five", 430], ["fived", 430], ["thousand", 439], ["refuse", 470], ["refused", 470], ["believe", 502], ["mom", 513], ["moms", 513], ["always", 524], ["come", 529], ["need", 551], ["needest", 551], ["needed", 551], ["let", 587], ["lets", 587], ["use", 595], ["phone", 605], ["every", 624], ["time", 629], ["call", 642], ["called", 642], ["work", 670], ["wrought", 670], ["works", 670], ["two", 674], ["twos", 674], ["job", 679], ["jobbing", 679], ["jobs", 679], ["know", 688], ["knowest", 688], ["home", 709], ["homing", 709], ["talk", 742], ["talked", 742], ["wo", 760], ["help", 769], ["helpest", 769], ["shit", 782], ["see", 800], ["seen", 800], ["fifteen", 815], ["year", 821], ["years", 821], ["well", 834], ["wells", 834], ["talk", 847], ["mother", 862], ["mothered", 862], ["motherest", 862], ["see", 876], ["hopefully", 904], ["next", 913], ["meet", 926], ["meeted", 926], ["place", 965], ["thank", 980], ["thanks", 980], ["thankest", 980], ["left", 1000], ["leave", 1000], ["leaving", 1000], ["feel", 1016], ["felt", 1016], ["give", 1038], ["given", 1038], ["gena", 1043], ["hope", 1048], ["hand", 1072], ["kind", 1086], ["sick", 1094], ["defend", 1138], ["arena", 1154], ["arenas", 1154], ["know", 1161], ["knowest", 1161], ["knew", 1161], ["nothing", 1169], ["think", 1190], ["thinkest", 1190], ["thought", 1190], ["drive", 1220], ["begin", 1233], ["began", 1233], ["realize", 1261], ["realized", 1261], ["lead", 1278], ["leaded", 1278], ["worry", 1310], ["worried", 1310], ["procedure", 1326], ["lack", 1337], ["experience", 1351], ["experienced", 1351], ["handle", 1363], ["handling", 1363], ["criminal", 1372], ["cases", 1378], ["convince", 1409], ["convinced", 1409], ["convincing", 1409], ["innocent", 1430], ["search", 1441], ["evidence", 1454], ["prof", 1463], ["prove", 1463], ["really", 1482], ["ideal", 1491], ["situation", 1501], ["know", 1517], ["knowest", 1517], ["knows", 1517], ["maybe", 1523], ["may", 1544], ["mays", 1544], ["mayest", 1544], ["might", 1544], ["change", 1551], ["mind", 1559], ["minding", 1559], ["practice", 1576], ["practicing", 1576], ["law", 1589], ["get", 1602], ["got", 1602], ["office", 1616], ["broke", 1643], ["break", 1643], ["news", 1652], ["newses", 1652], ["yeah", 1669], ["say", 1684], ["sayest", 1684], ["said", 1684], ["mutual", 1706], ["client", 1713], ["represent", 1749], ["representest", 1749], ["bankruptcy", 1769], ["proceeding", 1780], ["anyway", 1815], ["go", 1824], ["goest", 1824], ["went", 1824], ["visit", 1833], ["today", 1843], ["ask", 1857], ["asked", 1857], ["defense", 1904], ["court", 1927], ["courting", 1927], ["courtest", 1927], ["appoint", 1937], ["appointed", 1937], ["attorney", 1946], ["government", 1963], ["pay", 1983], ["pays", 1983], ["payest", 1983], ["attorney", 2001], ["attorneys", 2001], ["plead", 2039], ["need", 2073], ["needest", 2073], ["believe", 2104], ["believes", 2104], ["story", 2147], ["never", 2158], ["hold", 2163], ["tell", 2175], ["told", 2175], ["need", 2189], ["needest", 2189], ["needs", 2189], ["take", 2202], ["good", 2211], ["best", 2211], ["deal", 2216], ["think", 2259], ["thinkest", 2259], ["bunch", 2312], ["bunchest", 2312], ["nonsense", 2324], ["sure", 2345], ["check", 2364], ["checked", 2364], ["course", 2389], ["water", 2433], ["right", 2500], ["rightest", 2500], ["guarantee", 2527], ["agree", 2548], ["plea", 2558], ["split", 2625], ["fee", 2634], ["day", 2666], ["get", 2680], ["gets", 2680], ["back", 2685], ["foot", 2697], ["feet", 2697], ["okay", 2707], ["give", 2723], ["pro", 2757], ["bono", 2762], ["work", 2767], ["wrought", 2767], ["try", 2796], ["tryed", 2796], ["already", 2852], ["try", 2858], ["tryed", 2858], ["tried", 2858], ["go", 2867], ["goest", 2867], ["ahead", 2879], ["away", 2918], ["touch", 2938], ["touching", 2938], ["hesitate", 2958], ["way", 2994], ["ways", 2994], ["talk", 3028], ["talking", 3028], ["understand", 3050], ["understanded", 3050], ["understood", 3050], ["gina", 3059], ["ginas", 3059], ["attitude", 3105], ["trouble", 3156], ["troubling", 3156], ["however", 3172], ["ball", 3183], ["figure", 3217], ["first", 3263], ["firstest", 3263], ["thing", 3269], ["come", 3279], ["came", 3279], ["get", 3321], ["getting", 3321], ["ron", 3325], ["johnson", 3333], ["dwi", 3356], ["charge", 3363], ["alliance", 3374], ["book", 3440], ["dial", 3468], ["dialed", 3468], ["girl", 3480], ["answer", 3489], ["answeres", 3489], ["answerest", 3489], ["answered", 3489], ["roger", 3517], ["rogers", 3517], ["rand", 3522], ["young", 3545], ["youngest", 3545], ["woman", 3551], ["womans", 3551], ["federal", 3567], ["mail", 3572], ["fraud", 3578], ["frauds", 3578], ["dollar", 3628], ["dollars", 3628], ["wonder", 3643], ["wonderest", 3643], ["wondered", 3643], ["hundred", 3742], ["cash", 3747], ["cashed", 3747], ["plus", 3752], ["collateral", 3779], ["signer", 3799], ["live", 3867], ["michigan", 3879], ["local", 3903], ["chase", 3953], ["money", 3995], ["moneys", 3995], ["skip", 4016], ["skips", 4016], ["skipped", 4016]]
`` okay , thanks i 'll try to see if i can scrape up the money and find someone local to co-sign . '' `` let me know stan . we 'd like to help if we can . '' `` i appreciate that , . my conversation with roger did n't make me feel so great . maybe syd had done all he could to get gena out of jail after all . what had i gotten myself into . shit , i was always a sucker for a pretty face and beautiful brown eyes . damn it , why did n't i just tell her no . after sitting awhile in a dejected state i picked up the phone to call gena 's mother . i was n't feeling very confident but i knew i had to be positive when i talked to her . i got gena 's file , found her mother 's number and dialed the telephone . `` hi , this is stan turner . is this mrs . lombardi ? '' `` no , this is her daughter , cindy . '' `` cindy , oh . gena 's sister ? '' `` well , actually i did n't know she had a sister until this moment . so , is your mom in ? '' `` listen , this is an emergency . i 'm trying to get your sister out of jail and i need your mother 's help . '' `` she wo n't help . gena 's always in trouble and mom 's fed up with it . '' `` i know she 's had some hot check charges and stuff , but this is serious . she could go to the federal penitentiary , plus i think she 's innocent . '' `` do n't bet on it , '' cindy said . `` really , do i sense a little bitterness between you and gena ? '' `` she 's no good , she 's always in trouble and causing mama grief . '' `` i know it must be tough on both of you , but i 'm sure she does n't intend to hurt you or your mom . can you just give me her work number so i can talk to her ? '' `` she ca n't take calls at work . '' `` well , give it to me anyway please , they might make an exception under the circumstances . '' `` oh , all right , it wo n't do you any good though , mom wo n't give gena another dime . her number is 555-4903 . '' `` thanks a lot cindy . feeling even less confident i dialed mrs. lombardi 's work number . after some difficulty i got through to her . `` oh , i already sent the $ 500 did n't you get it ? '' `` well , no actually , when did you send it ? '' `` last week , '' mrs. lombardi said . `` i 'll probably get it any day now then , but that 's not why i called . i guess you know your daughter is in jail . '' `` yes , some asshole attorney named syd called me and told me . he said he needed five thousand dollars for gena 's defense . i told him there is no way in hell i could scrape up five thousand dollars even if i wanted to . '' `` that 's strange since he 's being paid by the state and the bond is n't five thousand dollars . well , anyway i do n't need quite that much . i just need twenty-five hundred dollars for gena 's bond . '' `` five thousand dollars or twenty-five hundred dollars , what difference does it make ? where am i going to come up with that kind of money ? i am working two jobs just to scrape by . you know i 've got a daughter i am still raising , do n't you ? '' `` i understand , i know it 's hard on you and cindy struggling on your own . is there any other family members that might help ? '' `` no , there 's no one . '' `` is there some property you have that maybe you do n't need and you could sell it ? '' `` no , everything of value has been taken to the pawn shop long ago . '' `` how about life insurance ? '' `` yeah , some life insurance has cash value that you can borrow . '' `` well , i have an old policy on my husband . he deserted me fifteen years ago . i figured someday when he died i 'd collect a hundred thousand dollars and that would compensate me a little for all the hell the bastard has put me through . '' `` when you get home , find the policy and call me . i bet it has more than $ 2,500 cash value . you could borrow that money pretty quick if it does . '' `` okay , i 'll do that . and mr. turner , i am sorry i was kind of short with you , i love gena and i want to help her . she 's told me how good you 've been to her and have tried to help her . i just want you to know i appreciate what you are doing .
[["okay", 7], ["try", 26], ["tryed", 26], ["see", 33], ["scrape", 49], ["money", 62], ["moneys", 62], ["find", 71], ["local", 85], ["co", 91], ["sign", 96], ["let", 108], ["lets", 108], ["know", 116], ["knowest", 116], ["stan", 121], ["stans", 121], ["like", 134], ["help", 142], ["helpest", 142], ["appreciate", 173], ["appreciates", 173], ["conversation", 198], ["roger", 209], ["rogers", 209], ["feel", 230], ["great", 239], ["maybe", 247], ["syd", 251], ["get", 280], ["gena", 285], ["jail", 297], ["jails", 297], ["jailing", 297], ["jailest", 297], ["get", 327], ["gotten", 327], ["shit", 346], ["always", 361], ["sucker", 370], ["pretty", 383], ["prettiest", 383], ["face", 388], ["beautiful", 402], ["beautifulest", 402], ["brown", 408], ["browns", 408], ["eye", 413], ["eyed", 413], ["eyes", 413], ["damn", 420], ["damned", 420], ["tell", 449], ["sat", 472], ["sit", 472], ["sitting", 472], ["awhile", 479], ["state", 499], ["pick", 508], ["picked", 508], ["phone", 521], ["call", 529], ["mother", 544], ["mothered", 544], ["motherest", 544], ["feel", 564], ["feeling", 564], ["confident", 579], ["know", 590], ["knowest", 590], ["knew", 590], ["positive", 611], ["talk", 625], ["talked", 625], ["get", 640], ["got", 640], ["file", 653], ["find", 661], ["found", 661], ["number", 682], ["numbering", 682], ["dial", 693], ["dialed", 693], ["telephone", 707], ["hi", 715], ["turner", 737], ["mrs", 751], ["daughter", 796], ["cindy", 804], ["oh", 823], ["sister", 840], ["well", 853], ["wells", 853], ["moment", 914], ["mom", 933], ["moms", 933], ["listen", 951], ["listens", 951], ["emergency", 974], ["try", 988], ["tryed", 988], ["trying", 988], ["need", 1030], ["needest", 1030], ["wo", 1065], ["trouble", 1102], ["troubling", 1102], ["fed", 1117], ["feed", 1117], ["hot", 1163], ["check", 1169], ["charge", 1177], ["charges", 1177], ["stuff", 1187], ["serious", 1209], ["go", 1224], ["goest", 1224], ["federal", 1239], ["penitentiary", 1252], ["plus", 1259], ["think", 1267], ["thinkest", 1267], ["innocent", 1283], ["bet", 1302], ["say", 1324], ["sayest", 1324], ["said", 1324], ["really", 1336], ["sense", 1349], ["little", 1358], ["bitterness", 1369], ["good", 1413], ["cause", 1452], ["causing", 1452], ["mama", 1457], ["mamas", 1457], ["grief", 1463], ["must", 1486], ["musts", 1486], ["tough", 1495], ["sure", 1526], ["intend", 1546], ["intendest", 1546], ["hurt", 1554], ["hurts", 1554], ["hurting", 1554], ["give", 1590], ["work", 1602], ["wrought", 1602], ["talk", 1623], ["ca", 1645], ["cas", 1645], ["take", 1654], ["call", 1660], ["calls", 1660], ["anyway", 1704], ["please", 1711], ["may", 1724], ["mays", 1724], ["mayest", 1724], ["might", 1724], ["exception", 1742], ["circumstance", 1766], ["circumstances", 1766], ["right", 1789], ["rightest", 1789], ["though", 1824], ["another", 1855], ["dime", 1860], ["thank", 1900], ["thanks", 1900], ["thankest", 1900], ["lot", 1906], ["even", 1927], ["evens", 1927], ["less", 1932], ["difficulty", 2004], ["already", 2045], ["send", 2050], ["sent", 2050], ["send", 2126], ["last", 2142], ["week", 2147], ["probably", 2191], ["day", 2206], ["call", 2246], ["called", 2246], ["guess", 2256], ["yes", 2302], ["asshole", 2317], ["attorney", 2326], ["name", 2332], ["named", 2332], ["tell", 2355], ["told", 2355], ["need", 2378], ["needest", 2378], ["needed", 2378], ["five", 2383], ["fived", 2383], ["thousand", 2392], ["dollar", 2400], ["dollars", 2400], ["defense", 2420], ["way", 2449], ["ways", 2449], ["hell", 2457], ["hells", 2457], ["strange", 2541], ["since", 2547], ["pay", 2564], ["pays", 2564], ["payest", 2564], ["paid", 2564], ["bond", 2590], ["quite", 2655], ["much", 2665], ["twenty", 2686], ["hundred", 2699], ["difference", 2803], ["go", 2835], ["goest", 2835], ["going", 2835], ["come", 2843], ["kind", 2861], ["work", 2885], ["wrought", 2885], ["working", 2885], ["two", 2889], ["twos", 2889], ["job", 2894], ["jobbing", 2894], ["jobs", 2894], ["still", 2955], ["raise", 2963], ["raising", 2963], ["understand", 2997], ["understanded", 2997], ["hard", 3017], ["struggle", 3045], ["struggling", 3045], ["family", 3085], ["member", 3093], ["members", 3093], ["property", 3169], ["sell", 3224], ["sells", 3224], ["everything", 3251], ["value", 3260], ["take", 3275], ["taken", 3275], ["pawn", 3287], ["shop", 3292], ["long", 3297], ["longs", 3297], ["ago", 3301], ["life", 3324], ["lifes", 3324], ["insurance", 3334], ["yeah", 3347], ["cash", 3378], ["cashed", 3378], ["borrow", 3404], ["borrowest", 3404], ["old", 3433], ["policy", 3440], ["husband", 3454], ["husbanding", 3454], ["desert", 3468], ["deserted", 3468], ["fifteen", 3479], ["year", 3485], ["years", 3485], ["figure", 3501], ["figured", 3501], ["someday", 3509], ["die", 3522], ["died", 3522], ["collect", 3535], ["compensate", 3588], ["bastard", 3629], ["put", 3637], ["home", 3674], ["homing", 3674], ["quick", 3791], ["mr", 3840], ["sorry", 3861], ["short", 3881], ["love", 3899], ["try", 3988], ["tryed", 3988], ["tried", 3988]]
maybe after this is all over gena can get her life straightened out . '' `` i hope so mrs. lombardi , i really do . 19 the guaranty it did n't take us thirty minutes to spend the thirty-one hundred dollars that kurt had paid us several weeks earlier . we had paid the most critical of our bills at that time but they were coming due again and we had fallen a month behind on our mortgage payment . i had received a hundred dollars the day before for a will i had done for one of rebekah 's friends at the hospital . with that money i had gone by lone star gas and paid that bill just in time to avoid a disconnection . later on that afternoon i got a frantic call from rebekah . `` stan , some man came by from the mortgage company . he said we 're two months late on our mortgage payment and if we fall three months behind they 'll foreclose . '' `` why did he come by the house ? they have n't even sent us a nasty letter yet . '' did n't you see it . i put it on your desk at home . '' `` oh really , i guess it got lost in the bill drawer . even so , why come by the house ? '' `` he said the mortgage company wanted to know what the condition of the house was in case they decided to foreclose . '' so , what did he say when he left ? '' `` he gave me a number to call so we could advise them of our intentions . '' `` well , i 'll call them tomorrow . '' `` you get paid next week and i should get something pretty soon from mrs. lombardi . she said she put five hundred dollars in the mail to me several days ago . that will be enough for one mortgage payment and food for next week . '' `` stan , i hate living like this ! you 're a lawyer for godsakes . we should n't have to be worrying about money . '' `` i know , but things are starting to roll . the money will start coming in on a more regular basis soon . it wo n't be too long before kurt pays me again . '' `` yeah , if happens to come back from brazil . then you 'll have to go beg him for the money . '' he 'll probably just send me a check this time . '' `` uh huh , sure . '' rebekah was right . money was n't supposed to be a problem . after all one of the reasons i became a lawyer was because they were supposed to make so much money . for a brief moment i wished i had gone to work for a big firm . at least i 'd have a steady paycheck . then i felt a rush of optimism and quickly dismissed the big firm idea . i knew independence was one of the greatest treasures a man could acquire . i had obtained it already and i was n't about to give it up . as i continued to contemplate my economic plight the phone rang and mrs. lombardi was on the line . `` hey , you were right . i managed to get a twenty-five hundred dollar cash advance on the insurance policy . '' can you wire it to me . `` i sent it by overnight mail . oh , and i do n't know what happened , but i found your five hundred dollar check on my desk . it must have got mixed in with some old bills . i thought i had sent it to you . '' `` yeah , anyway its in the package too . '' `` good , i 'll look for it tomorrow then . '' thanks again , stan . i really appreciate what you 're doing . '' with that hurdle overcome , my only problem now was to get a co-signer on the bond . my only hope was if gena 's boyfriend , tony , or her ex-best friend , bridgett would help . if tony had taken all of gena 's money maybe he would feel guilty enough to help get her out of jail . likewise , maybe bridgett would have enough remorse about what had happened to help out . after a long and tedious search to find them i finally got tony on the phone just before noon the following day . `` what does that bitch want now ? '' `` well , you may have heard she 's in jail for mail fraud . she claims she took some ticket order money and deposited it in a joint account that she had with you . she said that you took the money out which prevented her from paying for the tickets and delivering them to the buyers . '' that lying bitch ! she owed me that money . when we started the business i put up all the capital and when we i decided to split i just took what was mine . '' `` i understand there are two sides to every story , and gena 's not looking to recover the money from you . she just wants some help getting out of jail so she can better defend herself . '' `` she can rot in jail as far as i 'm concerned . ''
[["maybe", 5], ["gena", 33], ["get", 41], ["life", 50], ["lifes", 50], ["straighten", 63], ["straightened", 63], ["hope", 82], ["mrs", 89], ["really", 110], ["guaranty", 131], ["take", 147], ["thirty", 157], ["minute", 165], ["minutes", 165], ["spend", 174], ["spends", 174], ["spendest", 174], ["hundred", 197], ["dollar", 205], ["dollars", 205], ["kurt", 215], ["pay", 224], ["pays", 224], ["payest", 224], ["paid", 224], ["several", 235], ["week", 241], ["weeks", 241], ["early", 249], ["critical", 281], ["bill", 294], ["bills", 294], ["time", 307], ["come", 328], ["coming", 328], ["due", 332], ["fall", 356], ["falls", 356], ["fallen", 356], ["month", 364], ["behind", 371], ["mortgage", 387], ["mortgaging", 387], ["payment", 395], ["receive", 412], ["received", 412], ["day", 438], ["rebekah", 486], ["friend", 497], ["friends", 497], ["hospital", 513], ["money", 531], ["moneys", 531], ["go", 542], ["goest", 542], ["gone", 542], ["lone", 550], ["star", 555], ["starred", 555], ["gas", 559], ["gassing", 559], ["bill", 578], ["avoid", 600], ["disconnection", 616], ["later", 624], ["afternoon", 642], ["get", 648], ["got", 648], ["frantic", 658], ["call", 663], ["stan", 686], ["stans", 686], ["man", 697], ["mans", 697], ["manned", 697], ["come", 702], ["came", 702], ["company", 731], ["companys", 731], ["companying", 731], ["say", 741], ["sayest", 741], ["said", 741], ["two", 752], ["twos", 752], ["month", 759], ["months", 759], ["late", 764], ["lates", 764], ["fall", 803], ["falls", 803], ["three", 809], ["foreclose", 842], ["come", 866], ["house", 879], ["even", 900], ["evens", 900], ["send", 905], ["sent", 905], ["nasty", 916], ["letter", 923], ["lettering", 923], ["yet", 927], ["see", 948], ["put", 959], ["desk", 975], ["home", 983], ["homing", 983], ["oh", 994], ["guess", 1011], ["lose", 1023], ["lost", 1023], ["drawer", 1042], ["know", 1128], ["knowest", 1128], ["condition", 1147], ["case", 1172], ["decide", 1185], ["decided", 1185], ["say", 1224], ["sayest", 1224], ["left", 1237], ["leave", 1237], ["give", 1253], ["gave", 1253], ["number", 1265], ["numbering", 1265], ["advise", 1292], ["intention", 1315], ["intentions", 1315], ["well", 1328], ["wells", 1328], ["tomorrow", 1355], ["tomorrows", 1355], ["next", 1381], ["week", 1386], ["pretty", 1420], ["prettiest", 1420], ["soon", 1425], ["five", 1468], ["fived", 1468], ["mail", 1496], ["day", 1515], ["days", 1515], ["ago", 1519], ["enough", 1541], ["food", 1575], ["foods", 1575], ["hate", 1611], ["hateed", 1611], ["live", 1618], ["living", 1618], ["like", 1623], ["lawyer", 1647], ["godsakes", 1660], ["worry", 1696], ["worried", 1696], ["worrying", 1696], ["thing", 1736], ["things", 1736], ["start", 1749], ["starting", 1749], ["roll", 1757], ["start", 1780], ["regular", 1808], ["regulars", 1808], ["basis", 1814], ["wo", 1827], ["long", 1843], ["longs", 1843], ["pay", 1860], ["pays", 1860], ["payest", 1860], ["yeah", 1882], ["happen", 1895], ["happens", 1895], ["back", 1908], ["brazil", 1920], ["brazils", 1920], ["go", 1946], ["goest", 1946], ["beg", 1950], ["probably", 1989], ["send", 1999], ["check", 2010], ["uh", 2031], ["huh", 2035], ["sure", 2042], ["right", 2065], ["rightest", 2065], ["suppose", 2090], ["supposed", 2090], ["problem", 2106], ["reason", 2137], ["reasonest", 2137], ["reasons", 2137], ["become", 2146], ["became", 2146], ["much", 2202], ["brief", 2222], ["briefing", 2222], ["moment", 2229], ["wish", 2238], ["wished", 2238], ["work", 2257], ["wrought", 2257], ["big", 2267], ["bigs", 2267], ["firm", 2272], ["least", 2283], ["leastest", 2283], ["steady", 2302], ["paycheck", 2311], ["feel", 2325], ["felt", 2325], ["rush", 2332], ["optimism", 2344], ["quickly", 2356], ["dismiss", 2366], ["dismisses", 2366], ["dismissing", 2366], ["dismissest", 2366], ["dismissed", 2366], ["idea", 2384], ["know", 2393], ["knowest", 2393], ["knew", 2393], ["independence", 2406], ["great", 2430], ["greatest", 2430], ["treasure", 2440], ["treasures", 2440], ["acquire", 2460], ["obtain", 2477], ["obtained", 2477], ["already", 2488], ["give", 2516], ["continue", 2539], ["continued", 2539], ["contemplate", 2554], ["contemplating", 2554], ["economic", 2566], ["plight", 2573], ["phone", 2583], ["line", 2622], ["hey", 2631], ["manage", 2660], ["managed", 2660], ["twenty", 2676], ["dollar", 2696], ["cash", 2701], ["cashed", 2701], ["advance", 2709], ["advancest", 2709], ["insurance", 2726], ["policy", 2733], ["wire", 2751], ["overnight", 2788], ["overnights", 2788], ["happen", 2832], ["happened", 2832], ["find", 2846], ["found", 2846], ["must", 2898], ["musts", 2898], ["mix", 2913], ["mixed", 2913], ["old", 2930], ["think", 2948], ["thinkest", 2948], ["thought", 2948], ["anyway", 2991], ["package", 3010], ["good", 3027], ["look", 3040], ["thank", 3073], ["thanks", 3073], ["thankest", 3073], ["appreciate", 3108], ["appreciates", 3108], ["hurdle", 3149], ["overcome", 3158], ["overcame", 3158], ["co", 3196], ["signer", 3203], ["bond", 3215], ["boyfriend", 3255], ["tony", 3262], ["ex", 3274], ["exes", 3274], ["good", 3279], ["best", 3279], ["friend", 3286], ["help", 3308], ["helpest", 3308], ["take", 3328], ["taken", 3328], ["feel", 3369], ["guilty", 3376], ["jail", 3411], ["jails", 3411], ["jailing", 3411], ["jailest", 3411], ["likewise", 3422], ["remorse", 3465], ["tedious", 3528], ["search", 3535], ["find", 3543], ["finally", 3558], ["noon", 3597], ["follow", 3611], ["following", 3611], ["bitch", 3641], ["may", 3673], ["mays", 3673], ["mayest", 3673], ["hear", 3684], ["hears", 3684], ["heard", 3684], ["fraud", 3714], ["frauds", 3714], ["claim", 3727], ["claims", 3727], ["take", 3736], ["took", 3736], ["ticket", 3748], ["order", 3754], ["orderest", 3754], ["deposit", 3774], ["deposited", 3774], ["joint", 3788], ["jointed", 3788], ["jointing", 3788], ["account", 3796], ["prevent", 3873], ["preventest", 3873], ["prevented", 3873], ["pay", 3889], ["pays", 3889], ["payest", 3889], ["paying", 3889], ["ticket", 3905], ["tickets", 3905], ["deliver", 3920], ["delivering", 3920], ["buyer", 3939], ["buyers", 3939], ["lie", 3955], ["lay", 3955], ["lain", 3955], ["lying", 3955], ["owe", 3972], ["owes", 3972], ["owing", 3972], ["owed", 3972], ["start", 4004], ["started", 4004], ["business", 4017], ["capital", 4042], ["split", 4073], ["understand", 4120], ["understanded", 4120], ["side", 4140], ["sidest", 4140], ["sides", 4140], ["every", 4149], ["story", 4155], ["look", 4181], ["looking", 4181], ["recover", 4192], ["get", 4246], ["getting", 4246], ["well", 4276], ["wells", 4276], ["defend", 4283], ["rot", 4311], ["far", 4326], ["concern", 4344], ["concerned", 4344], ["concernest", 4344]]
`` she 's been trying to turn bridgett against me . she keeps calling bridgett and telling her that i 'm no good . she follows us sometimes , spies on us and just wo n't leave bridgett or me alone . '' `` well , i guess you can understand why she was upset over what happened . '' `` maybe so , but it happened , and there 's nothing she can do about it . i hope she gets convicted so bridgett and i can have some peace . '' `` can i talk to bridgett ? '' `` no way , good bye , '' he said and hung up . after the fiasco with tony my only hope was to convince roger rand to waive a co-signer on the bond . in desperation i called him . `` i got the twenty-five hundred on that bond i talked to you about . '' `` great , come on by and we 'll write her up . '' `` i 've just got one problem . '' `` well , i ca n't get anyone local to co-sign the bond . '' `` oh , well that is a problem . '' `` is there anything else we can do ? could n't you let her mother in michigan co-sign ? '' `` no , her guarantee would be a waste of time . '' `` there must be something we can do ? '' `` why do n't you guarantee it ? '' me guarantee it ? '' `` yeah , we trust you . '' `` but if she skips i 'm out twenty-five thousand dollars . '' `` well , just keep a close eye on her . '' `` i 'll have to think on that one . i 'll get back with you . '' my stomach began to turn as i realized it was possible now to get gena out of jail . all i had to do was risk twenty-five thousand dollars . shit , rebekah would divorce me in two seconds if i guaranteed gena 's bond . i 'd just have to tell gena that i could n't get her out of jail . i started to get up and go to the courthouse to tell gena the bad news but i suddenly realized i was wasting my time . she 'd just convince me to co-sign the bond if i went to see her . i could n't resist her charm . anyway , gena would n't skip town . at least i do n't think she would . if she did , well , . i could take her corvette as collateral . that would be a iron clad guarantee that she 'd never leave town . i picked up the phone and called roger . `` will you take a second lien on a corvette as collateral . '' `` how much equity does she have in it , '' roger said . `` i do n't know , five or six thousand , '' i replied . `` no , i 'm afraid not , the first lien holder would grab the car if she skipped out on the bond and we 'd end up with nothing . '' `` oh really , shit ! '' `` i 'm sorry stan , but we 've got to be really careful on how we collateralize these bonds . bonding is a very risky business . '' `` i know , damn it ! okay , i 'll guarantee the bond . '' `` really , what made you change your mind . '' `` well , i know this girl and if i 've got her car there 's no way she 'd ever skip out . '' `` okay , come on by and we 'll do the paperwork . '' after i had gena 's bond in hand i went to the sheriff 's office , got it approved and then went to the jail to see gena . as she walked through the door to the visiting room her eyes lit up and she smiled joyfully . she sat down and immediately said , `` i knew you would come through for me . '' `` what makes you so sure i came to get you out of here ? '' `` i can tell by the look on your face and besides you would n't be here so soon unless you had good news . '' `` well you 're very perceptive , '' i said as i pulled the bond out of my briefcase . `` here 's your bond which i need you to sign . '' `` oh stan , i 'm so excited . i knew i could count on you. `` `` well you can thank your mother , she came up with the twenty-five hundred premium for the bond . '' `` see , i told you mom would n't let me down . '' `` oh , there 's one little thing . i had to co-sign this little sucker to get you out of here , so i 'd like your corvette as collateral . '' `` you co-signed my bond for me ? '' `` yeah , i had to or they would n't issue it . '' no one has ever believed in me the way you have , stan .
[["try", 21], ["tryed", 21], ["trying", 21], ["turn", 29], ["keep", 61], ["keepest", 61], ["keeps", 61], ["call", 69], ["calling", 69], ["tell", 90], ["telling", 90], ["good", 112], ["follow", 126], ["follows", 126], ["spy", 147], ["spies", 147], ["wo", 165], ["left", 175], ["leave", 175], ["alone", 196], ["well", 209], ["wells", 209], ["guess", 219], ["understand", 238], ["understanded", 238], ["upset", 256], ["happen", 275], ["happened", 275], ["maybe", 289], ["nothing", 333], ["hope", 362], ["get", 371], ["gets", 371], ["convict", 381], ["convicted", 381], ["peace", 419], ["talk", 438], ["way", 465], ["ways", 465], ["bye", 476], ["byes", 476], ["say", 489], ["sayest", 489], ["said", 489], ["hang", 498], ["hung", 498], ["hangs", 498], ["fiasco", 520], ["tony", 530], ["convince", 559], ["convinced", 559], ["convincing", 559], ["roger", 565], ["rogers", 565], ["rand", 570], ["waive", 579], ["waived", 579], ["waiving", 579], ["co", 584], ["bond", 603], ["desperation", 620], ["call", 629], ["called", 629], ["get", 644], ["got", 644], ["twenty", 655], ["five", 660], ["fived", 660], ["hundred", 668], ["talk", 690], ["talked", 690], ["great", 717], ["come", 724], ["write", 747], ["writing", 747], ["problem", 789], ["ca", 809], ["cas", 809], ["get", 817], ["anyone", 824], ["local", 830], ["sign", 841], ["oh", 861], ["anything", 912], ["else", 917], ["let", 947], ["lets", 947], ["mother", 958], ["mothered", 958], ["motherest", 958], ["michigan", 970], ["guarantee", 1005], ["waste", 1022], ["time", 1030], ["must", 1049], ["musts", 1049], ["yeah", 1142], ["trust", 1153], ["skip", 1182], ["skips", 1182], ["skipped", 1182], ["thousand", 1212], ["dollar", 1220], ["dollars", 1220], ["keep", 1245], ["keepest", 1245], ["close", 1253], ["eye", 1257], ["eyed", 1257], ["think", 1292], ["thinkest", 1292], ["back", 1321], ["stomach", 1346], ["stomachs", 1346], ["stomaching", 1346], ["begin", 1352], ["began", 1352], ["realize", 1374], ["realized", 1374], ["possible", 1390], ["gena", 1406], ["jail", 1418], ["jails", 1418], ["jailing", 1418], ["jailest", 1418], ["risk", 1445], ["riskest", 1445], ["shit", 1481], ["rebekah", 1491], ["divorce", 1505], ["two", 1515], ["twos", 1515], ["second", 1523], ["seconded", 1523], ["seconds", 1523], ["guarantee", 1539], ["guaranteed", 1539], ["tell", 1577], ["start", 1631], ["started", 1631], ["go", 1648], ["goest", 1648], ["courthouse", 1666], ["bad", 1687], ["news", 1692], ["newses", 1692], ["suddenly", 1707], ["waste", 1730], ["wasting", 1730], ["go", 1794], ["goest", 1794], ["went", 1794], ["see", 1801], ["resist", 1826], ["resistest", 1826], ["charm", 1836], ["charmest", 1836], ["anyway", 1845], ["skip", 1867], ["skips", 1867], ["skipped", 1867], ["town", 1872], ["least", 1883], ["leastest", 1883], ["take", 1945], ["corvette", 1958], ["collateral", 1972], ["iron", 1995], ["clad", 2000], ["clothe", 2000], ["never", 2028], ["pick", 2050], ["picked", 2050], ["phone", 2063], ["second", 2108], ["seconded", 2108], ["lien", 2113], ["much", 2158], ["equity", 2165], ["know", 2220], ["knowest", 2220], ["six", 2234], ["reply", 2258], ["replied", 2258], ["afraid", 2280], ["first", 2296], ["firstest", 2296], ["holder", 2308], ["grab", 2319], ["car", 2327], ["skip", 2342], ["skips", 2342], ["skipped", 2342], ["end", 2372], ["ends", 2372], ["endest", 2372], ["really", 2406], ["sorry", 2432], ["stan", 2437], ["stans", 2437], ["careful", 2475], ["collateralize", 2499], ["collateralizes", 2499], ["collateralized", 2499], ["bond", 2511], ["bonds", 2511], ["risky", 2537], ["business", 2546], ["damn", 2568], ["damned", 2568], ["okay", 2578], ["change", 2643], ["mind", 2653], ["minding", 2653], ["girl", 2685], ["ever", 2738], ["everest", 2738], ["paperwork", 2801], ["hand", 2839], ["sheriff", 2861], ["office", 2871], ["approve", 2889], ["approved", 2889], ["walk", 2943], ["walked", 2943], ["door", 2960], ["visit", 2976], ["visiting", 2976], ["room", 2981], ["roomed", 2981], ["eye", 2990], ["eyed", 2990], ["eyes", 2990], ["lit", 2994], ["light", 2994], ["smile", 3012], ["smiled", 3012], ["joyfully", 3021], ["sat", 3031], ["sit", 3031], ["immediately", 3052], ["know", 3069], ["knowest", 3069], ["knew", 3069], ["sure", 3130], ["come", 3137], ["came", 3137], ["look", 3191], ["face", 3204], ["besides", 3216], ["soon", 3246], ["unless", 3253], ["unlesss", 3253], ["perceptive", 3308], ["pull", 3332], ["pulled", 3332], ["briefcase", 3361], ["need", 3397], ["needest", 3397], ["count", 3466], ["countest", 3466], ["thank", 3499], ["thanks", 3499], ["thankest", 3499], ["premium", 3562], ["tell", 3596], ["told", 3596], ["mom", 3604], ["moms", 3604], ["little", 3659], ["thing", 3665], ["sucker", 3703], ["like", 3741], ["sign", 3791], ["signed", 3791], ["issue", 3854], ["believe", 3887], ["believed", 3887]]
but i do want you to pledge your car on the bond . '' that 's okay , i already told you to keep it for me . '' `` i do n't need to keep it , just sign this paper giving me a second lien on it . '' i slid the bond and the assignment through a small slot in the window . `` just sign these papers and i 'll have you out of here in no time . '' gena signed the documents and slid them back to me through the window . `` okay , when do i get out ? '' just go back to your cell and someone will come get you in a few minutes . '' i left the visiting room and took the bond to the desk sergeant . he said to have a seat and they would get the prisoner . as i sat in the waiting room i felt a great sense of accomplishment . it was the best i had felt in weeks . suddenly the door to the jail opened and there stood gena retrieving her valuables from one of the jailers . then the jailer nodded that she could leave and she quickly made her exit , ran over to me and embraced me . `` thank you stan . i am so happy i could kiss you . '' with that she pressed her lips to mine and kissed me passionately . for a few seconds i enjoyed her passion and then i gently pushed her away and said , `` that 's okay gena , i know you 're grateful . '' `` oh stan , it was horrible in there , you just do n't know how terrible it was , '' gena said . `` it 's the loneliness that 's really tough , '' i said . `` oh , that 's right , you 've had some experience in serving jail time . '' `` yes , unfortunately , '' i said . `` if you 've got everything , let 's get out of this place . '' we left the criminal justice building and entered the parking garage . i stopped in front of my pinto and gena gave me a puzzled look . `` you drive this piece of shit ? '' `` as a matter of fact i do , '' i replied . `` but you 're a lawyer you should have a mercedes or a porsche . '' `` well , as you might recall , i just started law practice and have n't struck it rich yet . '' i just wished you had a better car . `` well , some day i will . '' i took a good look at my little pinto and had to agree compared to ginas corvette or one of kurts exotic cars , it was pretty pathetic . i told myself it didnt matter . the pinto was reliable and got me where i needed to go , but i couldnt help but feel a little embarrassed and depressed . we drove back to gena 's house and i let her off . her corvette was still in the drivewaythank god . i had worried a lot about someone stealing it . she smiled , thanked me again with another unexpected kiss and rushed over to it . `` you want to come for a ride , stan ? '' she yelled as she opened the drivers side door . `` no thanks , i 've got to get back to the office . you go ahead , have fun . '' `` okay , '' she said and slammed the door . the corvette started up with a roar , black smoke billowed out of the exhaust pipes , and gina tore off down the street . i sat in my car and watched her as she disappeared . i could still taste her sweet lips and smell the pleasant odor of her body . i almost wished i could have gone with her as there was no doubt she would have given me anything i wanted that night . after a while i regained my senses and drove back to the office . 20 parker # 3 on saturday morning we packed up all the kids , left marcia with rebekah 's mother and commenced our journey west on interstate 20 to cisco . we arrived there about noon and had lunch at the dairy queen . from cisco getting to the well was not an easy task as the well was located far from any major highway . bird had given me detailed instructions on how to get to it , but somehow we missed a number of his landmarks . by 3 p.m. we were traveling aimlessly down a dirt road in the middle of west texas . `` i knew this was n't a good idea , '' rebekah said . `` now we 're lost out in the middle of nowhere on a dirt road with no one around for miles . '' `` do n't panic , we 'll find someone to give us directions . someone 's bound to come along soon , '' i said . `` daddy , where 's the oil well ? '' `` i do n't know son , it 's out here somewhere . `` i 've got to go to the bathroom , daddy , '' peter said . `` okay , you 'll have to go behind a bush , '' i said . `` why do n't you take me to a bathroom , daddy ? ''
[["pledge", 27], ["car", 36], ["bond", 48], ["okay", 66], ["already", 78], ["tell", 83], ["told", 83], ["keep", 95], ["keepest", 95], ["need", 127], ["needest", 127], ["sign", 150], ["paper", 161], ["give", 168], ["giving", 168], ["second", 180], ["seconded", 180], ["lien", 185], ["slid", 203], ["assignment", 231], ["small", 247], ["slot", 252], ["slotting", 252], ["window", 266], ["windows", 266], ["paper", 294], ["papers", 294], ["time", 336], ["gena", 346], ["sign", 353], ["signed", 353], ["document", 367], ["documents", 367], ["back", 386], ["get", 437], ["go", 454], ["goest", 454], ["cell", 472], ["come", 494], ["minute", 519], ["minutes", 519], ["left", 531], ["leave", 531], ["visit", 544], ["visiting", 544], ["room", 549], ["roomed", 549], ["take", 558], ["took", 558], ["desk", 579], ["sergeant", 588], ["say", 598], ["sayest", 598], ["said", 598], ["seat", 613], ["prisoner", 645], ["sat", 656], ["sit", 656], ["feel", 683], ["felt", 683], ["great", 691], ["sense", 697], ["accomplishment", 715], ["good", 733], ["best", 733], ["week", 753], ["weeks", 753], ["suddenly", 764], ["door", 773], ["jail", 785], ["jails", 785], ["jailing", 785], ["jailest", 785], ["open", 792], ["opened", 792], ["stand", 808], ["stood", 808], ["standest", 808], ["retrieve", 824], ["retrieving", 824], ["valuable", 838], ["valuables", 838], ["jailers", 862], ["nod", 887], ["nodded", 887], ["left", 908], ["leave", 908], ["quickly", 924], ["exit", 938], ["exited", 938], ["run", 944], ["ran", 944], ["embrace", 968], ["embraced", 968], ["thank", 982], ["thanks", 982], ["thankest", 982], ["stan", 991], ["stans", 991], ["happy", 1007], ["kiss", 1020], ["kisses", 1020], ["kissest", 1020], ["press", 1051], ["pressed", 1051], ["lip", 1060], ["lipped", 1060], ["lips", 1060], ["kiss", 1079], ["kisses", 1079], ["kissest", 1079], ["kissed", 1079], ["passionately", 1095], ["second", 1115], ["seconded", 1115], ["seconds", 1115], ["enjoy", 1125], ["enjoyed", 1125], ["passion", 1137], ["gently", 1155], ["push", 1162], ["pushed", 1162], ["away", 1171], ["know", 1212], ["knowest", 1212], ["grateful", 1229], ["oh", 1240], ["horrible", 1263], ["terrible", 1308], ["loneliness", 1356], ["really", 1371], ["tough", 1377], ["right", 1413], ["rightest", 1413], ["experience", 1443], ["experienced", 1443], ["serve", 1454], ["serving", 1454], ["yes", 1476], ["unfortunately", 1492], ["get", 1524], ["got", 1524], ["everything", 1535], ["let", 1541], ["lets", 1541], ["place", 1566], ["criminal", 1592], ["justice", 1600], ["build", 1609], ["building", 1609], ["enter", 1621], ["entered", 1621], ["parking", 1633], ["garage", 1640], ["stop", 1652], ["stopped", 1652], ["front", 1661], ["pinto", 1673], ["pintos", 1673], ["give", 1687], ["gave", 1687], ["look", 1705], ["drive", 1720], ["piece", 1731], ["pieced", 1731], ["shit", 1739], ["matter", 1759], ["mattering", 1759], ["fact", 1767], ["reply", 1787], ["replied", 1787], ["lawyer", 1813], ["mercedes", 1840], ["porsche", 1853], ["well", 1866], ["wells", 1866], ["may", 1881], ["mays", 1881], ["mayest", 1881], ["might", 1881], ["recall", 1888], ["recallest", 1888], ["start", 1905], ["started", 1905], ["law", 1909], ["practice", 1918], ["strike", 1938], ["struck", 1938], ["rich", 1946], ["yet", 1950], ["wish", 1969], ["wished", 1969], ["well", 1986], ["wells", 1986], ["day", 2011], ["good", 2037], ["little", 2055], ["agree", 2078], ["compare", 2087], ["compared", 2087], ["corvette", 2105], ["kurt", 2121], ["exotic", 2128], ["car", 2133], ["cars", 2133], ["pretty", 2149], ["prettiest", 2149], ["pathetic", 2158], ["reliable", 2215], ["reliables", 2215], ["need", 2241], ["needest", 2241], ["needed", 2241], ["help", 2268], ["helpest", 2268], ["feel", 2277], ["drive", 2323], ["drove", 2323], ["house", 2345], ["still", 2388], ["god", 2413], ["worry", 2429], ["worried", 2429], ["lot", 2435], ["steal", 2458], ["stole", 2458], ["stealing", 2458], ["smile", 2474], ["smiled", 2474], ["thank", 2484], ["thanks", 2484], ["thankest", 2484], ["thanked", 2484], ["another", 2506], ["unexpected", 2517], ["rush", 2533], ["rushed", 2533], ["ride", 2577], ["rode", 2577], ["yell", 2600], ["yelled", 2600], ["driver", 2626], ["drivers", 2626], ["side", 2631], ["sidest", 2631], ["office", 2689], ["ahead", 2704], ["fun", 2715], ["slam", 2754], ["slammed", 2754], ["roar", 2801], ["roarest", 2801], ["black", 2809], ["smoke", 2815], ["billow", 2824], ["billowed", 2824], ["exhaust", 2843], ["exhausted", 2843], ["exhausting", 2843], ["pipe", 2849], ["piped", 2849], ["piping", 2849], ["pipes", 2849], ["gina", 2860], ["ginas", 2860], ["tear", 2865], ["teared", 2865], ["tore", 2865], ["street", 2885], ["watch", 2915], ["watched", 2915], ["disappear", 2938], ["disappeared", 2938], ["taste", 2960], ["sweet", 2970], ["smelt", 2985], ["smell", 2985], ["smellest", 2985], ["pleasant", 2998], ["odor", 3003], ["body", 3015], ["bodied", 3015], ["almost", 3026], ["go", 3051], ["goest", 3051], ["gone", 3051], ["doubt", 3082], ["give", 3103], ["given", 3103], ["anything", 3115], ["night", 3135], ["regain", 3162], ["regained", 3162], ["sense", 3172], ["senses", 3172], ["parker", 3213], ["saturday", 3229], ["saturdays", 3229], ["morning", 3237], ["pack", 3247], ["packed", 3247], ["kid", 3263], ["kids", 3263], ["marcia", 3277], ["rebekah", 3290], ["mother", 3300], ["mothered", 3300], ["motherest", 3300], ["commence", 3314], ["commenced", 3314], ["journey", 3326], ["journeys", 3326], ["journeyed", 3326], ["journeyest", 3326], ["west", 3331], ["interstate", 3345], ["cisco", 3357], ["ciscos", 3357], ["arrive", 3370], ["arrived", 3370], ["noon", 3387], ["lunch", 3401], ["lunches", 3401], ["lunched", 3401], ["dairy", 3414], ["queen", 3420], ["queens", 3420], ["queenest", 3420], ["queening", 3420], ["get", 3441], ["getting", 3441], ["easy", 3469], ["task", 3474], ["tasking", 3474], ["taskest", 3474], ["locate", 3498], ["located", 3498], ["far", 3502], ["major", 3517], ["highway", 3525], ["bird", 3532], ["instruction", 3567], ["instructions", 3567], ["somehow", 3601], ["miss", 3611], ["missed", 3611], ["number", 3620], ["numbering", 3620], ["landmark", 3637], ["landmarks", 3637], ["travel", 3667], ["traveling", 3667], ["aimlessly", 3677], ["dirt", 3689], ["road", 3694], ["middle", 3708], ["middles", 3708], ["middling", 3708], ["texas", 3722], ["know", 3734], ["knowest", 3734], ["knew", 3734], ["idea", 3759], ["lose", 3798], ["lost", 3798], ["nowhere", 3827], ["around", 3861], ["mile", 3871], ["miles", 3871], ["panic", 3892], ["find", 3906], ["give", 3922], ["direction", 3936], ["directions", 3936], ["bind", 3955], ["bound", 3955], ["along", 3969], ["soon", 3974], ["daddy", 3997], ["oil", 4016], ["son", 4047], ["somewhere", 4074], ["bathroom", 4111], ["peter", 4130], ["peters", 4130], ["behind", 4173], ["bush", 4180], ["bushed", 4180], ["take", 4217]]
`` they do n't have bathrooms out here , peter . '' i got out of the car and opened peter 's door . `` okay , come on , '' i said . we walked off the road and behind some bushes . `` okay , peter you can pee here . '' `` right on the ground ? '' `` oh cool ! '' peter said and then unzipped his pants eagerly . as we were walking back to the car i saw some dust on the horizon behind us . i put peter back in the car and waited for the approaching vehicle . `` honey , there 's someone coming . maybe they can help us . '' after a few minutes a large tanker truck appeared spraying water on the thick layer of dust that had settled on the roadway . as it approached it slowed down and stopped . the driver got out and said , `` you all having car trouble ? '' `` no , no , we 're just lost . you do n't know where parker # 3 is do you ? '' `` sure , i 'm heading right by there , just follow me , '' he said . `` oh great , '' i said . we followed the water truck several miles down the road , then as we reached a fork in the road the truck stopped and the driver got out . `` okay , just take that road about two miles and you 'll be able to see the rig , '' the driver said . `` thank you very much , '' i replied . we followed the road as instructed and before long could hear the hum of an oil rig in the distance . after two miles , just as promised , we saw parker # 3 in the distance . as we drove toward the camp we saw a makeshift parking lot ahead so we drove in and parked rebekahs montego station wagon . we all got out and walked toward the rig . there were lots of people mingling around drinking beer and conversing with one another . i did n't see anyone that we knew until i heard a familiar voice from behind me . '' `` stan and rebekah , there you are , '' sheila said . i turned around in response to the voice and there stood sheila logan just as gorgeous as ever with a bottle of beer in her hand . `` we were wondering if you got lost or maybe you could n't get off work , '' sheila said . we did actually , '' rebekah said . `` you 'd think an eagle scout could read a map . '' `` well , bird 's maps are n't that great . youd think an indian could give better directions . i 've got lost a few times trying to follow them myself . '' `` i was on the right road , i just did n't go far enough , '' i explained . `` well anyway , you 're here now . i hope they gave you the whole weekend off because after the party tonight you 're not going to feel like getting up early tomorrow , '' sheila said . `` unfortunately , i 've got to work 7 to 11 tomorrow . '' `` p.m . `` yes , if it was a.m. we would n't be here . '' `` are these your boys ? '' `` yes , this is reggie , peter and mark . we left marcia with grandma , '' rebekah noted . `` great , well we 're roasting a pig and it 's almost done . `` oh yes , the kids are starved , we had an early lunch , '' rebekah replied . `` good , we 've got plenty . go grab a beer and enjoy yourself . i think they have about twenty or thirty feet to go until the well is supposed to come in . '' `` okay , thanks sheila , '' i said . we walked over to the barbecue pit and watched the pig turn round and round over the hot charcoal . the kids were very quiet as they watched . `` daddy , are we going to eat that pig ? '' reggie asked warily . `` i 'm not eating a pig , '' reggie said . `` why not , pork chops come from pigs . '' `` sure , so does ham and bacon . you kids want a coke ? '' `` uh huh , '' said peter . after we had been at parker # 3 for a couple of hours it began to get dark . thirty minutes after sunset a large bank of lights were turned on over the rig so the drilling could continue 24 hours a day . some roughnecks made a big pile of wood and ignited it with gasoline . as the barbecue progressed a small band situated near the rig began to play country music . we loaded up everybody 's plates and sat down at one of many picnic tables that had been set up for the party . as we were eating i spotted bird and mr. tomlinson approaching . `` hey stan . i 'm glad you could make it , '' mr. tomlinson said . `` yes , most of it . this is my wife , rebekah , and my children , reggie , mark and peter .
[["bathroom", 29], ["bathrooms", 29], ["peter", 46], ["peters", 46], ["get", 57], ["got", 57], ["car", 72], ["open", 83], ["opened", 83], ["door", 97], ["okay", 107], ["come", 114], ["say", 129], ["sayest", 129], ["said", 129], ["walk", 141], ["walked", 141], ["road", 154], ["behind", 165], ["bush", 177], ["bushed", 177], ["bushes", 177], ["pee", 207], ["pees", 207], ["peeing", 207], ["right", 226], ["rightest", 226], ["ground", 240], ["oh", 251], ["cool", 256], ["unzip", 290], ["unzips", 290], ["unzipped", 290], ["pant", 300], ["pants", 300], ["eagerly", 308], ["walk", 329], ["walking", 329], ["back", 334], ["see", 351], ["saw", 351], ["dust", 361], ["dusting", 361], ["horizon", 376], ["put", 394], ["wait", 427], ["waitest", 427], ["waited", 427], ["approach", 447], ["approaches", 447], ["approaching", 447], ["vehicle", 455], ["vehicled", 455], ["honey", 466], ["honeys", 466], ["come", 492], ["coming", 492], ["maybe", 500], ["help", 514], ["helpest", 514], ["minute", 542], ["minutes", 542], ["large", 550], ["tanker", 557], ["truck", 563], ["appear", 572], ["appeared", 572], ["spray", 581], ["sprayed", 581], ["spraying", 581], ["water", 587], ["thick", 600], ["thickest", 600], ["layer", 606], ["layered", 606], ["settle", 631], ["settled", 631], ["roadway", 646], ["approach", 665], ["approaches", 665], ["approached", 665], ["slow", 675], ["slowed", 675], ["stop", 692], ["stopped", 692], ["driver", 705], ["trouble", 754], ["troubling", 754], ["lose", 789], ["lost", 789], ["know", 807], ["knowest", 807], ["parker", 820], ["sure", 847], ["head", 862], ["heading", 862], ["follow", 891], ["great", 921], ["follow", 947], ["followed", 947], ["several", 971], ["mile", 977], ["miles", 977], ["reach", 1012], ["reached", 1012], ["fork", 1019], ["take", 1094], ["two", 1114], ["twos", 1114], ["able", 1140], ["abled", 1140], ["see", 1147], ["rig", 1155], ["thank", 1187], ["thanks", 1187], ["thankest", 1187], ["much", 1201], ["reply", 1216], ["replied", 1216], ["instruct", 1253], ["instructest", 1253], ["instructed", 1253], ["long", 1269], ["longs", 1269], ["hear", 1280], ["hears", 1280], ["hum", 1288], ["hummed", 1288], ["oil", 1298], ["distance", 1318], ["distancing", 1318], ["promise", 1355], ["promised", 1355], ["drive", 1405], ["drove", 1405], ["toward", 1412], ["camp", 1421], ["camped", 1421], ["makeshift", 1440], ["parking", 1448], ["lot", 1452], ["ahead", 1458], ["montego", 1501], ["station", 1509], ["wagon", 1515], ["lot", 1576], ["lots", 1576], ["people", 1586], ["mingle", 1595], ["mingling", 1595], ["around", 1602], ["drank", 1611], ["drink", 1611], ["drinking", 1611], ["beer", 1616], ["converse", 1631], ["conversing", 1631], ["another", 1648], ["anyone", 1671], ["know", 1684], ["knowest", 1684], ["knew", 1684], ["hear", 1698], ["hears", 1698], ["heard", 1698], ["familiar", 1709], ["voice", 1715], ["stan", 1743], ["stans", 1743], ["rebekah", 1755], ["sheila", 1783], ["turn", 1799], ["turned", 1799], ["response", 1818], ["stand", 1847], ["stood", 1847], ["standest", 1847], ["logan", 1860], ["logans", 1860], ["gorgeous", 1877], ["ever", 1885], ["everest", 1885], ["bottle", 1899], ["bottled", 1899], ["hand", 1919], ["wonder", 1942], ["wonderest", 1942], ["wondering", 1942], ["get", 1985], ["work", 1994], ["wrought", 1994], ["think", 2065], ["thinkest", 2065], ["eagle", 2074], ["scout", 2080], ["scouts", 2080], ["read", 2091], ["reads", 2091], ["map", 2097], ["mapped", 2097], ["well", 2110], ["wells", 2110], ["bird", 2117], ["map", 2125], ["mapped", 2125], ["maps", 2125], ["indian", 2167], ["indians", 2167], ["give", 2178], ["well", 2185], ["wells", 2185], ["direction", 2196], ["directions", 2196], ["time", 2225], ["times", 2225], ["try", 2232], ["tryed", 2232], ["trying", 2232], ["go", 2306], ["goest", 2306], ["far", 2310], ["enough", 2317], ["explain", 2334], ["explained", 2334], ["anyway", 2351], ["hope", 2379], ["give", 2389], ["gave", 2389], ["whole", 2403], ["wholes", 2403], ["weekend", 2411], ["party", 2439], ["tonight", 2447], ["go", 2465], ["goest", 2465], ["going", 2465], ["feel", 2473], ["like", 2478], ["get", 2486], ["getting", 2486], ["early", 2495], ["tomorrow", 2504], ["tomorrows", 2504], ["unfortunately", 2540], ["yes", 2598], ["boy", 2664], ["boys", 2664], ["reggie", 2693], ["mark", 2710], ["marks", 2710], ["left", 2720], ["leave", 2720], ["marcia", 2727], ["grandma", 2740], ["grandmas", 2740], ["note", 2759], ["noted", 2759], ["roast", 2793], ["roasting", 2793], ["pig", 2799], ["pigged", 2799], ["pigging", 2799], ["almost", 2816], ["kid", 2844], ["kids", 2844], ["starve", 2856], ["starved", 2856], ["lunch", 2880], ["lunches", 2880], ["lunched", 2880], ["good", 2911], ["plenty", 2931], ["grab", 2941], ["enjoy", 2958], ["enjoyed", 2958], ["twenty", 3000], ["thirty", 3010], ["foot", 3015], ["feet", 3015], ["suppose", 3048], ["supposed", 3048], ["thank", 3081], ["thanks", 3081], ["thankest", 3081], ["barbecue", 3133], ["barbecued", 3133], ["pit", 3137], ["watch", 3149], ["watched", 3149], ["turn", 3162], ["round", 3168], ["hot", 3191], ["charcoal", 3200], ["quiet", 3227], ["daddy", 3254], ["eat", 3276], ["ask", 3303], ["asked", 3303], ["warily", 3310], ["eat", 3331], ["eating", 3331], ["pork", 3374], ["porks", 3374], ["chop", 3380], ["chops", 3380], ["pig", 3395], ["pigged", 3395], ["pigging", 3395], ["pigs", 3395], ["ham", 3422], ["hamming", 3422], ["bacon", 3432], ["coke", 3455], ["cokes", 3455], ["uh", 3466], ["huh", 3470], ["couple", 3533], ["hour", 3542], ["hours", 3542], ["begin", 3551], ["began", 3551], ["dark", 3563], ["sunset", 3593], ["sunsets", 3593], ["bank", 3606], ["lit", 3616], ["light", 3616], ["lights", 3616], ["drilling", 3660], ["continue", 3675], ["day", 3690], ["roughneck", 3708], ["roughnecks", 3708], ["big", 3719], ["bigs", 3719], ["pile", 3724], ["wood", 3732], ["ignite", 3744], ["ignites", 3744], ["ignited", 3744], ["gasoline", 3761], ["progress", 3790], ["progressed", 3790], ["small", 3798], ["band", 3803], ["situate", 3812], ["situated", 3812], ["near", 3817], ["play", 3839], ["playest", 3839], ["country", 3847], ["music", 3853], ["musics", 3853], ["load", 3865], ["loaded", 3865], ["plate", 3888], ["plating", 3888], ["plates", 3888], ["sat", 3896], ["sit", 3896], ["many", 3916], ["picnic", 3923], ["picnicked", 3923], ["picnicking", 3923], ["table", 3930], ["tabled", 3930], ["tabling", 3930], ["tables", 3930], ["set", 3948], ["spot", 3995], ["spotted", 3995], ["mr", 4007], ["tomlinson", 4018], ["hey", 4039], ["glad", 4056], ["wife", 4138], ["child", 4166], ["childs", 4166], ["children", 4166]]
we left the baby at home with grandma . '' `` well i hope you 're enjoying the food , '' mr. tomlinson said . `` we are , it 's great , '' i replied . `` mrs. turner , i think you 're going to be happy your husband invested in this well . it 's looking mighty good , '' mr. tomlinson assured her . `` i hope so , '' rebekah replied . `` listen , stan , tomlinson said , bird and i will be going back to dallas tomorrow afternoon and we 'd like to meet with you first thing monday morning to finalize a couple of things . '' `` sure , ten o'clock ? '' `` fine , we 'll see you then . '' after bird and tomlinson left we decided to go sit around the campfire . the air was a little nippy so the warmth of the fire felt good . by now most of the other guests were mingling around , talking , drinking beer and wine and waiting . the intense sound of the rig was becoming annoying , so i left rebekah a moment to go see how much farther they had to drill . several roughnecks were working diligently locking pipe after pipe in place over the well and watching them disappear into the earth . someone yelled from the platform that surrounded the rig that they only had ten feet to go . everyone jumped out of their seats and rushed over to the rig . i went over to rebekah grabbed her by the hand and took her and the boys over to where the crowd had assembled . the excitement and anticipation of the gathering was intense . the boys stuck their fingers in their ears to lessen the discomfort from the whining of the generators and the pounding of the rig in operation . the man on the rig came out of his little control room and yelled `` five feet ! '' everyone watched the grease laden roughnecks lift the last pipe , set it over the well and lock it into place . the crowd came alive as the pipe sank slowly beneath the earth . suddenly the ground began to rumble and a gushing sound could be heard . i squeezed rebekah and pulled the kids around us . then from out of the earth came a stream of oil so strong it was sent fifty feet into the air . the crowd erupted into pandemonium and everyone began to dance and scream with delight until the oil began drenching us . we ran from the well in hysterical delight as oil saturated our hair and ran down our faces . then peter began to cry , `` mom , i 've got oil in my eyes ! i stopped momentarily and wiped the oil from peter 's face and then picked him up and held him . `` can you believe this rebekah , we 're going to be rich ! '' `` no , i ca n't believe it . are you sure this is really happening ? '' `` well , you 've got oil all over you to prove it , '' i replied . everyone watched the roughnecks as they worked to cap the well . within thirty minutes the oil had stopped and then the celebrating really began . bird had several coolers brought out containing champagne . now that the rig had shut down you could actually hear the sound of the band playing . people began to dance and have a good time . rebekah seemed stunned by the events of the evening and was unusually quiet . `` come on honey , let 's go get some champagne , '' i said . `` okay , '' rebekah replied . we walked over to where they were pouring the champagne , grabbed a couple of glasses and had them filled up . `` can i have some daddy ? '' `` no , this is n't for kids , '' i replied . `` i 'll get you another coke . '' the roughnecks began circulating amongst the crowd refilling their glasses just as soon as they became empty . rebekah sipped her champagne very slowly as she did n't really like its taste that much . i loved champagne so consequently my glass was refilled many times . after a while i began to get rather light headed and the bonfire began to become a blur . having drunk so much i felt the urge to go to the bathroom so i excused myself and started to search for the port o ' let . upon successfully locating it and relieving myself i was returning to the crowd when i ran into bird . `` stan , you having a good time ? '' `` yeah , this is great . i 'll never forget this night , '' i replied . `` i guarantee you wo n't , bird said . `` hey , sheila was looking for you . she 's over by the guard shack . '' i walked over behind the rig to the guard shack and sure enough sheila was there . `` hi stan . is n't this wonderful . i 'm so excited , '' sheila said . i still ca n't believe it , '' i replied . `` i 've always been poor .
[["left", 7], ["leave", 7], ["baby", 16], ["home", 24], ["homing", 24], ["grandma", 37], ["grandmas", 37], ["well", 50], ["wells", 50], ["hope", 57], ["enjoy", 74], ["enjoyed", 74], ["enjoying", 74], ["food", 83], ["foods", 83], ["mr", 91], ["tomlinson", 102], ["say", 107], ["sayest", 107], ["said", 107], ["great", 133], ["reply", 148], ["replied", 148], ["mrs", 157], ["turner", 165], ["think", 175], ["thinkest", 175], ["go", 189], ["goest", 189], ["going", 189], ["happy", 201], ["husband", 214], ["husbanding", 214], ["invest", 223], ["invested", 223], ["look", 252], ["looking", 252], ["mighty", 259], ["good", 264], ["assure", 291], ["assured", 291], ["rebekah", 323], ["listen", 343], ["listens", 343], ["stan", 350], ["stans", 350], ["bird", 374], ["back", 399], ["tomorrow", 418], ["tomorrows", 418], ["afternoon", 428], ["like", 443], ["meet", 451], ["meeted", 451], ["first", 466], ["firstest", 466], ["thing", 472], ["monday", 479], ["mondays", 479], ["morning", 487], ["finalize", 499], ["finalizes", 499], ["couple", 508], ["thing", 518], ["things", 518], ["sure", 531], ["ten", 537], ["fine", 558], ["see", 571], ["decide", 626], ["decided", 626], ["go", 632], ["goest", 632], ["sat", 636], ["sit", 636], ["around", 643], ["campfire", 656], ["air", 666], ["airs", 666], ["airing", 666], ["little", 679], ["nippy", 685], ["warmth", 699], ["fire", 711], ["feel", 716], ["felt", 716], ["guest", 755], ["guestest", 755], ["guests", 755], ["mingle", 769], ["mingling", 769], ["talk", 786], ["talking", 786], ["drank", 797], ["drink", 797], ["drinking", 797], ["beer", 802], ["wine", 811], ["intense", 837], ["sound", 843], ["rig", 854], ["become", 867], ["becoming", 867], ["annoying", 876], ["moment", 905], ["much", 924], ["far", 932], ["farther", 932], ["drill", 950], ["drilling", 950], ["several", 960], ["roughneck", 971], ["roughnecks", 971], ["work", 984], ["wrought", 984], ["working", 984], ["diligently", 995], ["lock", 1003], ["locking", 1003], ["pipe", 1008], ["piped", 1008], ["piping", 1008], ["place", 1028], ["watch", 1055], ["watching", 1055], ["disappear", 1070], ["earth", 1085], ["earths", 1085], ["earthest", 1085], ["yell", 1102], ["yelled", 1102], ["platform", 1120], ["surround", 1136], ["surrounded", 1136], ["foot", 1172], ["feet", 1172], ["everyone", 1189], ["jump", 1196], ["jumps", 1196], ["jumped", 1196], ["seat", 1215], ["seats", 1215], ["rush", 1226], ["rushed", 1226], ["go", 1251], ["goest", 1251], ["went", 1251], ["grab", 1275], ["grabbed", 1275], ["hand", 1291], ["take", 1300], ["took", 1300], ["boy", 1317], ["boys", 1317], ["crowd", 1341], ["crowding", 1341], ["crowdest", 1341], ["assemble", 1355], ["assembles", 1355], ["assembled", 1355], ["excitement", 1372], ["anticipation", 1389], ["gather", 1406], ["gathering", 1406], ["stick", 1435], ["stickest", 1435], ["stuck", 1435], ["finger", 1449], ["fingers", 1449], ["ear", 1463], ["ears", 1463], ["lessen", 1473], ["discomfort", 1488], ["generator", 1523], ["generators", 1523], ["pounding", 1540], ["operation", 1564], ["man", 1574], ["mans", 1574], ["manned", 1574], ["come", 1590], ["came", 1590], ["control", 1616], ["room", 1621], ["roomed", 1621], ["five", 1640], ["fived", 1640], ["watch", 1667], ["watched", 1667], ["grease", 1678], ["laden", 1684], ["lift", 1700], ["last", 1709], ["set", 1720], ["lock", 1746], ["alive", 1783], ["sank", 1800], ["sink", 1800], ["slowly", 1807], ["beneath", 1815], ["suddenly", 1836], ["ground", 1847], ["begin", 1853], ["began", 1853], ["rumble", 1863], ["rumbles", 1863], ["gush", 1877], ["gushest", 1877], ["gushing", 1877], ["hear", 1898], ["hears", 1898], ["heard", 1898], ["squeeze", 1911], ["squeezes", 1911], ["squeezed", 1911], ["pull", 1930], ["pulled", 1930], ["kid", 1939], ["kids", 1939], ["stream", 1992], ["streams", 1992], ["streamed", 1992], ["streaming", 1992], ["oil", 1999], ["strong", 2009], ["send", 2021], ["sent", 2021], ["fifty", 2027], ["erupt", 2065], ["eruptest", 2065], ["erupted", 2065], ["pandemonium", 2082], ["dance", 2110], ["scream", 2121], ["screams", 2121], ["delight", 2134], ["drench", 2164], ["drenching", 2164], ["run", 2176], ["ran", 2176], ["hysterical", 2204], ["saturate", 2229], ["saturating", 2229], ["saturated", 2229], ["hair", 2238], ["face", 2261], ["faces", 2261], ["peter", 2274], ["peters", 2274], ["cry", 2287], ["mom", 2296], ["moms", 2296], ["get", 2308], ["got", 2308], ["eye", 2323], ["eyed", 2323], ["eyes", 2323], ["stop", 2335], ["stopped", 2335], ["momentarily", 2347], ["wipe", 2357], ["wiped", 2357], ["face", 2384], ["pick", 2400], ["picked", 2400], ["hold", 2416], ["held", 2416], ["believe", 2441], ["rich", 2480], ["ca", 2498], ["cas", 2498], ["really", 2543], ["happen", 2553], ["happening", 2553], ["prof", 2606], ["prove", 2606], ["work", 2673], ["wrought", 2673], ["worked", 2673], ["cap", 2680], ["within", 2698], ["thirty", 2705], ["minute", 2713], ["minutes", 2713], ["cooler", 2798], ["coolers", 2798], ["bring", 2806], ["brought", 2806], ["contain", 2821], ["containest", 2821], ["containing", 2821], ["champagne", 2831], ["shut", 2859], ["hear", 2888], ["hears", 2888], ["band", 2910], ["playing", 2918], ["people", 2927], ["time", 2963], ["seem", 2980], ["seeming", 2980], ["seemed", 2980], ["stun", 2988], ["stuns", 2988], ["stunned", 2988], ["event", 3002], ["events", 3002], ["evening", 3017], ["unusually", 3035], ["quiet", 3041], ["come", 3051], ["honey", 3060], ["honeys", 3060], ["let", 3066], ["lets", 3066], ["get", 3076], ["okay", 3113], ["walk", 3146], ["walked", 3146], ["pour", 3178], ["pouring", 3178], ["glass", 3222], ["glasses", 3222], ["fill", 3242], ["fills", 3242], ["filled", 3242], ["daddy", 3272], ["another", 3348], ["coke", 3353], ["cokes", 3353], ["circulate", 3391], ["circulating", 3391], ["amongst", 3399], ["refill", 3419], ["refilling", 3419], ["soon", 3446], ["become", 3461], ["became", 3461], ["empty", 3467], ["sip", 3484], ["sipped", 3484], ["taste", 3547], ["love", 3567], ["loved", 3567], ["consequently", 3593], ["glass", 3602], ["refill", 3615], ["refilled", 3615], ["many", 3620], ["time", 3626], ["times", 3626], ["rather", 3664], ["lit", 3670], ["light", 3670], ["head", 3677], ["headed", 3677], ["bonfire", 3693], ["become", 3709], ["blur", 3716], ["blurs", 3716], ["drunk", 3731], ["urge", 3755], ["bathroom", 3777], ["excuse", 3790], ["excused", 3790], ["start", 3809], ["started", 3809], ["search", 3819], ["port", 3832], ["upon", 3847], ["successfully", 3860], ["locate", 3869], ["locating", 3869], ["relieve", 3886], ["relieved", 3886], ["relieving", 3886], ["return", 3909], ["returnest", 3909], ["returning", 3909], ["yeah", 3991], ["never", 4021], ["forget", 4028], ["forgot", 4028], ["night", 4039], ["guarantee", 4071], ["wo", 4078], ["hey", 4103], ["sheila", 4112], ["guard", 4159], ["shack", 4165], ["behind", 4191], ["enough", 4234], ["hi", 4259], ["wonderful", 4288], ["still", 4333], ["always", 4384], ["poor", 4394]]
it 's going to be so different with a few bucks in the bank . '' `` i must say you surprised me a little tonight stan , but i 'm glad it turned out this way . '' `` come over here i want to give you something , '' sheila said with a sly smile . i stumbled a little going over to her and she grabbed my arm . when id righted myself she took my hand and pulled me toward the door to the guard shack . i resisted a little but followed her , curious as to what it was she wanted to give me . i broke away from her grip . so , . where is it ? `` . `` be patient , it 's a surprise . i lingered at the door suspiciously . cant you give it to me out here ? '' `` just come on in , '' sheila said as she grabbed my hand again , yanked me in and pushed the door closed . once inside i looked around the small room warily . it was modestly furnished with a bed , a small table and chairs and a kerosene lamp . sheila put her arms around me and said , `` i know you 've wanted this . i could tell by looking in your eyes . '' then she pressed her lips against mine and began to caress my tongue with hers . as my mental capacity had been greatly impaired by the effects of the champagne , my animal instincts immediately took over and i began to reciprocate with great fervor . sheila pulled off her blouse exposing her exquisite breasts . i ripped off my shirt in eager anticipation of feeling her naked body next to mine . our passion became so intense i hit something with my foot and heard it crash to the ground . suddenly i felt intense heat and the room lit up like someone had turned on flood lamps . i spun around and realized id knocked over a kerosene lamp . the floor was already ablaze . i quickly grabbed a blanket and managed to put out the fire before there was any serious damage . sheila was greatly amused by the fire and by this time had reclined herself on the bunk beckoning me to ravish her . the sudden flash of fire , however , had awakened my mental capacities and i realized it was time to retreat . i put on my shirt and opened the door to leave . much to my shock bird and rebekah were standing in front of the doorway . rebekah peered in the shack and saw sheila naked from the waste up . she looked at me , then turned and stomped off . `` oh shit , '' i said as i looked at bird . `` nothing happened we 've just had too much to drink . '' i ran after rebekah who , by this time , had gathered up the kids and was heading for the car . `` rebekah , stop . i 'm wasted . `` i 'm going to kill her ! she 'll curse the day she ever met you , '' rebekah said . as we walked back to the car i tried to explain to her what had happened but she ignored me . we got in the car and drove off . rebekah would n't talk to me at all during the five hour trip home . when we walked in the door it was after 2 a.m. , so we carried the kids into the house and put them to bed . rebekah continued to ignore me , put on her nightgown and went to bed . feeling very guilty and rather sick over what had happened , i tried again to get rebekah to talk to me . finally she responded . `` that little bitch wo n't be satisfied until she steals you away from me . i could see it in her eyes the first time i met her . i do n't want you to ever lay your eyes on her again . and if i ever see her again i 'll kill her ! '' rebekah promised . `` do n't worry , i am going to stay clear of that woman . you 're right , she 's nothing but trouble . i am really sorry , honey , i just drank too much and lost control of my senses for a minute . '' `` i just wonder what would have happened had you not set the place on fire , '' rebekah said . `` how did you manage that anyway ? '' `` i accidentally knocked over the kerosene lamp , i guess . '' `` i have n't seen that kind of passion around our bedroom lately . '' ever since id started law practice sex had gone down a few notches in priority . the long hours , hard work , and fear of failure left me exhausted at night and interested in just one thingsleep . on sunday rebekah did n't mention the incident with sheila . i was greatly relieved that i had dodged that bullet . rebekah did bring up parker # 3 . `` are we really going to get $ 90,000 per year from that well ? '' `` well , it could be more or less just depending on what the production from the well finally turns out to be . ''
[["go", 11], ["goest", 11], ["going", 11], ["different", 30], ["buck", 47], ["bucking", 47], ["bucks", 47], ["bank", 59], ["must", 74], ["musts", 74], ["say", 78], ["sayest", 78], ["surprise", 92], ["surprised", 92], ["little", 104], ["tonight", 112], ["stan", 117], ["stans", 117], ["glad", 133], ["turn", 143], ["turned", 143], ["way", 156], ["ways", 156], ["come", 169], ["give", 194], ["sheila", 220], ["say", 225], ["sayest", 225], ["said", 225], ["sly", 236], ["smile", 242], ["stumble", 255], ["stumbled", 255], ["grab", 298], ["grabbed", 298], ["arm", 305], ["right", 323], ["rightest", 323], ["righted", 323], ["take", 339], ["took", 339], ["hand", 347], ["pull", 358], ["pulled", 358], ["toward", 368], ["door", 377], ["guard", 390], ["shack", 396], ["resist", 409], ["resistest", 409], ["resisted", 409], ["follow", 431], ["followed", 431], ["curious", 445], ["broke", 495], ["break", 495], ["away", 500], ["grip", 514], ["patient", 556], ["surprise", 575], ["surprised", 575], ["linger", 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["effects", 1158], ["champagne", 1175], ["animal", 1187], ["instinct", 1197], ["instincts", 1197], ["immediately", 1209], ["reciprocate", 1246], ["great", 1257], ["fervor", 1264], ["blouse", 1295], ["expose", 1304], ["exposing", 1304], ["exquisite", 1318], ["breast", 1326], ["breasted", 1326], ["breasting", 1326], ["breasts", 1326], ["rip", 1337], ["ripped", 1337], ["shirt", 1350], ["eager", 1359], ["anticipation", 1372], ["feel", 1383], ["feeling", 1383], ["naked", 1393], ["body", 1398], ["bodied", 1398], ["next", 1403], ["passion", 1425], ["become", 1432], ["became", 1432], ["intense", 1443], ["hit", 1449], ["foot", 1472], ["hear", 1482], ["hears", 1482], ["heard", 1482], ["crash", 1491], ["ground", 1505], ["suddenly", 1516], ["feel", 1523], ["felt", 1523], ["heat", 1536], ["heats", 1536], ["heated", 1536], ["lit", 1553], ["light", 1553], ["like", 1561], ["flood", 1589], ["lamp", 1595], ["lamps", 1595], ["spin", 1604], ["spun", 1604], ["realize", 1624], ["realized", 1624], ["knock", 1635], ["knocks", 1635], ["knockest", 1635], ["knocked", 1635], ["floor", 1668], ["already", 1680], ["ablaze", 1687], ["quickly", 1699], ["blanket", 1717], ["manage", 1729], ["managed", 1729], ["fire", 1749], ["serious", 1778], ["damage", 1785], ["damaging", 1785], ["amuse", 1813], ["amused", 1813], ["time", 1842], ["recline", 1855], ["reclined", 1855], ["bunk", 1875], ["bunks", 1875], ["bunked", 1875], ["beckon", 1885], ["beckoning", 1885], ["ravish", 1898], ["sudden", 1915], ["flash", 1921], ["however", 1939], ["awaken", 1954], ["awakens", 1954], ["awakened", 1954], ["capacity", 1975], ["capacities", 1975], ["retreat", 2013], ["retreatest", 2013], ["open", 2044], ["opened", 2044], ["left", 2062], ["leave", 2062], ["much", 2069], ["shock", 2081], ["bird", 2086], ["rebekah", 2098], ["stand", 2112], ["stood", 2112], ["standest", 2112], ["standing", 2112], ["front", 2121], ["doorway", 2136], ["peer", 2153], ["peered", 2153], ["see", 2174], ["saw", 2174], ["waste", 2202], ["stomp", 2250], ["stomps", 2250], ["stomping", 2250], ["stomped", 2250], ["oh", 2262], ["shit", 2267], ["nothing", 2312], ["happen", 2321], ["happened", 2321], ["drank", 2355], ["drink", 2355], ["drinking", 2355], ["run", 2366], ["ran", 2366], ["gather", 2414], ["gatherest", 2414], ["gathered", 2414], ["kid", 2426], ["kids", 2426], ["head", 2442], ["heading", 2442], ["car", 2454], ["stop", 2474], ["waste", 2488], ["wasted", 2488], ["kill", 2512], ["curse", 2532], ["cursed", 2532], ["day", 2540], ["ever", 2549], ["everest", 2549], ["meet", 2553], ["meeted", 2553], ["met", 2553], ["walk", 2590], ["walked", 2590], ["back", 2595], ["try", 2614], ["tryed", 2614], ["tried", 2614], ["explain", 2625], ["ignore", 2666], ["ignored", 2666], ["get", 2678], ["got", 2678], ["drive", 2699], ["drove", 2699], ["talk", 2728], ["five", 2757], ["fived", 2757], ["hour", 2762], ["trip", 2767], ["tripping", 2767], ["home", 2772], ["homing", 2772], ["carry", 2837], ["carried", 2837], ["house", 2861], ["continue", 2901], ["continued", 2901], ["ignore", 2911], ["nightgown", 2937], ["nightgowns", 2937], ["go", 2946], ["goest", 2946], ["went", 2946], ["guilty", 2975], ["rather", 2986], ["sick", 2991], ["get", 3037], ["finally", 3069], ["respond", 3083], ["respondest", 3083], ["responded", 3083], ["bitch", 3106], ["wo", 3109], ["satisfied", 3126], ["steal", 3143], ["stole", 3143], ["steals", 3143], ["see", 3174], ["first", 3199], ["firstest", 3199], ["lay", 3246], ["lays", 3246], ["layed", 3246], ["layest", 3246], ["promise", 3336], ["promised", 3336], ["worry", 3354], ["worried", 3354], ["stay", 3375], ["clear", 3381], ["clearest", 3381], ["woman", 3395], ["womans", 3395], ["right", 3411], ["rightest", 3411], ["trouble", 3440], ["troubling", 3440], ["really", 3454], ["sorry", 3460], ["honey", 3468], ["honeys", 3468], ["drank", 3483], ["drink", 3483], ["drinking", 3483], ["lose", 3501], ["lost", 3501], ["control", 3509], ["sense", 3522], ["senses", 3522], ["minute", 3535], ["wonder", 3557], ["wonderest", 3557], ["set", 3598], ["place", 3608], ["manage", 3658], ["anyway", 3670], ["accidentally", 3693], ["guess", 3734], ["see", 3758], ["seen", 3758], ["kind", 3768], ["bedroom", 3798], ["lately", 3805], ["since", 3821], ["start", 3832], ["started", 3832], ["law", 3836], ["practice", 3845], ["sex", 3849], ["go", 3858], ["goest", 3858], ["gone", 3858], ["notch", 3877], ["notched", 3877], ["notches", 3877], ["notchest", 3877], ["notching", 3877], ["priority", 3889], ["long", 3900], ["longs", 3900], ["hour", 3906], ["hours", 3906], ["hard", 3913], ["work", 3918], ["wrought", 3918], ["fear", 3929], ["fearest", 3929], ["failure", 3940], ["left", 3945], ["leave", 3945], ["night", 3967], ["interested", 3982], ["sunday", 4017], ["sundays", 4017], ["mention", 4041], ["incident", 4054], ["relieve", 4091], ["relieved", 4091], ["dodge", 4109], ["dodging", 4109], ["dodged", 4109], ["bullet", 4121], ["bring", 4141], ["parker", 4151], ["per", 4200], ["year", 4205], ["well", 4220], ["wells", 4220], ["less", 4260], ["depend", 4275], ["depending", 4275], ["production", 4298], ["turn", 4326], ["turns", 4326]]
`` that will be so wonderful if we finally get some steady money that we can count on . you need a new car and the kids need lots of clothes . '' `` yeah , i could rent a real law office and hire a secretary . we could even take a hawaiian cruise . '' `` that would be nice ? i just wo n't believe it though until i see it , '' rebekah said dejectedly . `` you saw the oil shooting up into the sky . '' `` i know but it just seems like a dream . '' `` you 've got an oil stained dress to prove it was real . '' `` true , but still . until i see a big check , i wo n't believe it . '' i think it will take two or three months however , before we see any actual money . '' 21 murder that night rebekah left for work at 6:30 p.m. and i settled back to enjoy an evening with the kids . for the first time in a long while i felt really confident about the future . finally we were going to have little money coming in so we did n't have to worry all the time about making ends meet . maybe we could even set up an ira and start building a stock portfolio . my excitement grew as i contemplated what to do with our new found fortune . i got out a legal pad and mapped out a strategy . when it was done i wished rebekah were home to share it with her . i put it aside and anxiously awaited her return . at 11:05 p.m . i heard the garage door go up . i knew it must be rebekah , but she was way early so i sensed something must be wrong . i rushed to the door to open it for her and as i swung the door open rebekah was getting out of the car . she looked at me but did n't smile . i could instantly see that she was upset . her face was pale , her eyes were swollen and she looked exhausted . `` honey , whats wrong ? '' `` oh stan , the most horrible thing happened tonight . '' i put an arm around her and walked her inside . come on in and sit down and tell me all about it . can i get you a cup of coffee ? '' i sat rebekah down at the kitchen table and stood up waiting for her response . `` no , just some water . '' i got the water and sat it front of her . she took a drink and then looked up at me . tears were running down her eyes . `` honey , tell me what happened ? '' `` okay , '' she said taking another drink . about nine o'clock i was helping a doctor sew up a man who 'd cut his finger slicing lemons with a sharp knife . we were almost finished when we got word of a lady coming in who had been in an accident on central expressway . she reportedly had a bad concussion and was unconscious . dr. meade told me to get a table ready which i did . when the medics brought the lady in , much to my shock , it was sheila logan . obviously i was shaken considering what had happened saturday night . dr. meade noticed my distress and asked me what was wrong . i told him i knew this woman and i could n't assist him . he wasnt happy , but he told me to go relieve someone else and send them over to assist him . i found another nurse on duty , glenda barnes , and asked her to switch with me . she too did n't understand what the problem was , but since there was n't time to explain , she went ahead and switched with me . after they had treated sheila they took her up and admitted her . dr. meade told me she would probably be all right . she was unconscious still but he expected she would come out of it okay . as dr. meade walked away i saw bird starring at me through the doorway to the waiting room . i did n't want to , but i felt i had to go talk to him . as i approached him he smiled anxiously . rebekah , i was hoping you would be on duty tonight . how is sheila ? '' `` the doctor says she should be all right although she is still unconscious . '' `` oh god , i am so relieved , bird said . `` we had just returned from the well , we 'd eaten dinner and were going to the sheraton hotel on mockingbird . i was a little tired , so i rubbed my eyes just for a second , when i looked up a large german shepard was running across the freeway in front of me . i slammed on my brakes to avoid hitting the dog and actually missed him , but the man behind me had been tailgating and rammed into us pretty hard . i was holding on to the steering wheel so i did n't get hurt . sheila , unfortunately , was caught completely by surprise and was thrown up against the windshield . then she was jolted again in the opposite direction when the pickup hit us . ''
[["wonderful", 28], ["finally", 42], ["get", 46], ["steady", 58], ["money", 64], ["moneys", 64], ["count", 82], ["countest", 82], ["need", 96], ["needest", 96], ["new", 102], ["car", 106], ["kid", 119], ["kids", 119], ["lot", 129], ["lots", 129], ["clad", 140], ["clothe", 140], ["clothes", 140], ["yeah", 153], ["rent", 168], ["real", 175], ["reis", 175], ["law", 179], ["office", 186], ["hire", 195], ["secretary", 207], ["even", 223], ["evens", 223], ["take", 228], ["hawaiian", 239], ["hawaiians", 239], ["cruise", 246], ["nice", 273], ["wo", 285], ["believe", 297], ["though", 307], ["see", 319], ["rebekah", 335], ["say", 340], ["sayest", 340], ["said", 340], ["dejectedly", 351], ["see", 364], ["saw", 364], ["oil", 372], ["shoot", 381], ["shooted", 381], ["shooting", 381], ["sky", 397], ["know", 412], ["knowest", 412], ["seem", 430], ["seeming", 430], ["seems", 430], ["like", 435], ["dream", 443], ["dreamt", 443], ["dreamest", 443], ["get", 463], ["got", 463], ["stain", 478], ["stainest", 478], ["stained", 478], ["dress", 484], ["dressest", 484], ["prof", 493], ["prove", 493], ["true", 518], ["still", 530], ["big", 550], ["bigs", 550], ["check", 556], ["think", 591], ["thinkest", 591], ["two", 608], ["twos", 608], ["three", 617], ["month", 624], ["months", 624], ["however", 632], ["actual", 659], ["murder", 680], ["murderest", 680], ["night", 691], ["left", 704], ["leave", 704], ["work", 713], ["wrought", 713], ["settle", 740], ["settled", 740], ["back", 745], ["enjoy", 754], ["enjoyed", 754], ["evening", 765], ["first", 795], ["firstest", 795], ["time", 800], ["long", 810], ["longs", 810], ["feel", 823], ["felt", 823], ["really", 830], ["confident", 840], ["future", 857], ["go", 881], ["goest", 881], ["going", 881], ["little", 896], ["come", 909], ["coming", 909], ["worry", 940], ["worried", 940], ["end", 971], ["ends", 971], ["endest", 971], ["meet", 976], ["meeted", 976], ["maybe", 984], ["set", 1002], ["ira", 1012], ["start", 1022], ["build", 1031], ["builds", 1031], ["stock", 1039], ["portfolio", 1049], ["excitement", 1065], ["grow", 1070], ["growest", 1070], ["grew", 1070], ["contemplate", 1088], ["contemplating", 1088], ["contemplated", 1088], ["find", 1118], ["found", 1118], ["fortune", 1126], ["legal", 1146], ["pad", 1150], ["padding", 1150], ["map", 1161], ["mapped", 1161], ["strategy", 1176], ["wish", 1204], ["wished", 1204], ["home", 1222], ["homing", 1222], ["share", 1231], ["put", 1251], ["aside", 1260], ["anxiously", 1274], ["await", 1282], ["awaits", 1282], ["awaited", 1282], ["return", 1293], ["returnest", 1293], ["hear", 1318], ["hears", 1318], ["heard", 1318], ["garage", 1329], ["door", 1334], ["go", 1337], ["goest", 1337], ["know", 1349], ["knowest", 1349], ["knew", 1349], ["must", 1357], ["musts", 1357], ["way", 1386], ["ways", 1386], ["early", 1392], ["sense", 1404], ["sensed", 1404], ["wrong", 1428], ["rush", 1439], ["rushed", 1439], ["open", 1459], ["swung", 1485], ["swing", 1485], ["get", 1519], ["getting", 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["consider", 2670], ["considering", 2670], ["saturday", 2697], ["saturdays", 2697], ["notice", 2723], ["noticed", 2723], ["distress", 2735], ["distressed", 2735], ["distressest", 2735], ["ask", 2745], ["asked", 2745], ["woman", 2794], ["womans", 2794], ["assist", 2817], ["assists", 2817], ["happy", 2838], ["relieve", 2869], ["relieved", 2869], ["else", 2882], ["send", 2891], ["nurse", 2939], ["duty", 2947], ["barnes", 2963], ["switch", 2989], ["switching", 2989], ["understand", 3026], ["understanded", 3026], ["problem", 3043], ["since", 3059], ["explain", 3089], ["go", 3100], ["goest", 3100], ["went", 3100], ["ahead", 3106], ["switch", 3119], ["switching", 3119], ["switched", 3119], ["treat", 3152], ["treats", 3152], ["treatest", 3152], ["treated", 3152], ["admit", 3189], ["admitted", 3189], ["probably", 3232], ["right", 3245], ["rightest", 3245], ["expect", 3289], ["expected", 3289], ["away", 3346], ["bird", 3357], ["star", 3366], ["starred", 3366], ["starring", 3366], ["doorway", 3392], ["room", 3412], ["roomed", 3412], ["talk", 3462], ["approach", 3487], ["approaches", 3487], ["approached", 3487], ["smile", 3501], ["smiled", 3501], ["hope", 3536], ["hoping", 3536], ["say", 3605], ["sayest", 3605], ["says", 3605], ["although", 3638], ["god", 3678], ["return", 3735], ["returnest", 3735], ["returned", 3735], ["well", 3749], ["wells", 3749], ["dinner", 3770], ["sheraton", 3801], ["hotel", 3807], ["mockingbird", 3822], ["tired", 3845], ["rub", 3859], ["rubbed", 3859], ["second", 3885], ["seconded", 3885], ["large", 3912], ["german", 3919], ["germen", 3919], ["germans", 3919], ["shepard", 3927], ["across", 3946], ["freeway", 3958], ["slam", 3985], ["slammed", 3985], ["brake", 3998], ["braked", 3998], ["brakes", 3998], ["avoid", 4007], ["hit", 4015], ["hitting", 4015], ["dog", 4023], ["miss", 4043], ["missed", 4043], ["behind", 4068], ["tailgate", 4091], ["tailgates", 4091], ["tailgating", 4091], ["ram", 4102], ["rams", 4102], ["rammed", 4102], ["pretty", 4117], ["prettiest", 4117], ["hard", 4122], ["hold", 4138], ["holding", 4138], ["steering", 4157], ["wheel", 4163], ["wheeled", 4163], ["hurt", 4185], ["hurts", 4185], ["hurting", 4185], ["unfortunately", 4210], ["catch", 4223], ["catched", 4223], ["catches", 4223], ["caught", 4223], ["completely", 4234], ["surprise", 4246], ["surprised", 4246], ["throw", 4261], ["thrown", 4261], ["windshield", 4287], ["jolt", 4309], ["jolted", 4309], ["opposite", 4331], ["direction", 4341], ["pickup", 4357], ["hit", 4361]]
`` oh bird , that must have been horrible ! when i looked over at sheila her body was limp . i was panicky , i thought i had lost her . i checked for a pulse and , thank god , she had one . the paramedics got there pretty fast and we rode her to the hospital . i am so glad you were on duty . '' stan and sheila just had too much to drink . as you know sheila 's a lot younger than i am and , well you know , i probably do n't take care of all her needs . i know she loves me , but i can understand if she has an attraction for a younger man like stan . '' `` well , i do n't feel the way you do . commitment is commitment . i would n't have forgiven stan had he made love to sheila . and i would n't have forgiven sheila either . '' `` then it 's good it did n't happen , bird said . this is no time to be talking about this . you can go up to the medical-surgical waiting room now and i 'll come by every once in awhile and keep you abreast of sheila 's progress . '' `` why is n't she in intensive care ? `` her vital signs are stable , she 's not in any danger , it 's just that she has n't regained consciousness yet . there 's really no reason to be icu . `` bird did n't say anything but i could see he was n't convinced by my assurances , so i said , 'listen , i 'll check her every thirty minutes and when my shift ends i 'll get one of the other nurses to do the same thing . '' `` oh , thank you , rebekah.i would really appreciate that . '' after talking to bird i went up to sheila 's room to check or her . she was lying peacefully in her bed with an iv bottle hanging beside her . i checked her chart to be sure that everything was normal and then inspected her iv to be sure it was flowing properly . after my inspection i found the nurse on duty and asked her to take special care of sheila as she was a friend . i told her to call me if anything unusual happened . when i got downstairs , dr. meade called for me , so i went to assist him with some new patients that had been admitted . i did n't see bird again . after forty-five minutes i got a call from the charge nurse on the medical surgical floor . she said to come up immediately as sheila was arresting . as i ran up the stairs i heard them call a code blue . when i got to the medical surgical floor doctors and nurses were rushing in and out of sheila 's room . i stepped inside and saw a staff doctor holding two paddles trying to revive her . he placed the paddles on her chest and yelled for everyone to clear . sheila 's body was jolted by the charge , but she did not respond . it 's no use , the doctor said . who 's the nurse in charge on this floor . i want to see her immediately ! '' i followed the doctor down the corridor . the charge nurse came running up to the doctor and said , you wanted to see me doctor ? `` yes , come with me . '' the doctor took her into a storage room where they could talk in private . i inched up close to the door so i could over hear their conversation . `` somebody screwed up in there and i want to know who it was and how it happened ! there is no reason why that lady should have died . '' `` well , doctor we were watching her very closely , every thirty minutes someone was in there , and everything seemed normal . when the nurse went into check the patient a few minutes before she arrested she observed her having shortness of breath , a rapid pulse and swelling of her arm where the iv had been positioned . it looked to me like someone had tampered with the iv , ' the nurse said . '' `` i want the name of everyone who went in that room tonight ! i want to question them all personally first thing in the morning ! `` right now i need to go report this to the chief of staff , he may want to call the police . '' at that point i quickly left so the doctor wouldnt see that id been ease dropping . i immediately went back to the emergency room . dr. meade asked me what was going on upstairs so i filled him in on what i had seen . '' `` how did you know the patient , rebekah ? dr. meade asked . `` she was the wife of one of my husband 's clients , i replied . `` did you know her well ? `` well , we 've gone out together a few times , i said and then broke down and cried . `` are you all right , rebekah ? ' dr. meade said . '' `` no , actually doctor i am really upset , would you mind if i went home . ''
[["oh", 5], ["bird", 10], ["must", 22], ["musts", 22], ["horrible", 41], ["look", 57], ["looked", 57], ["sheila", 72], ["body", 81], ["bodied", 81], ["limp", 90], ["limps", 90], ["limping", 90], ["panicky", 106], ["think", 118], ["thinkest", 118], ["thought", 118], ["lose", 129], ["lost", 129], ["check", 145], ["checked", 145], ["pulse", 157], ["thank", 169], ["thanks", 169], ["thankest", 169], ["god", 173], ["paramedic", 204], ["paramedics", 204], ["get", 208], ["got", 208], ["pretty", 221], ["prettiest", 221], ["fast", 226], ["ride", 238], ["rode", 238], ["hospital", 258], ["glad", 273], ["duty", 290], ["stan", 300], ["stans", 300], ["much", 329], ["drank", 338], ["drink", 338], ["drinking", 338], ["know", 352], ["knowest", 352], ["lot", 368], ["young", 376], ["youngest", 376], ["well", 397], ["wells", 397], ["probably", 419], ["take", 431], ["care", 436], ["need", 453], ["needest", 453], ["needs", 453], ["love", 472], ["loves", 472], ["understand", 498], ["understanded", 498], ["attraction", 523], ["man", 541], ["mans", 541], ["manned", 541], ["like", 546], ["feel", 580], ["way", 588], ["ways", 588], ["commitment", 608], ["forgive", 650], ["forgived", 650], ["forgiving", 650], ["forgiven", 650], ["love", 672], ["either", 728], ["good", 752], ["happen", 770], ["say", 782], ["sayest", 782], ["said", 782], ["time", 800], ["talk", 814], ["talking", 814], ["go", 838], ["goest", 838], ["medical", 856], ["surgical", 865], ["room", 878], ["roomed", 878], ["come", 897], ["every", 906], ["awhile", 921], ["keep", 930], ["keepest", 930], ["abreast", 942], ["progress", 964], ["intensive", 1000], ["vital", 1020], ["sign", 1026], ["signs", 1026], ["stable", 1037], ["danger", 1064], ["regain", 1103], ["regained", 1103], ["consciousness", 1117], ["yet", 1121], ["really", 1139], ["reason", 1149], ["reasonest", 1149], ["icu", 1159], ["say", 1181], ["sayest", 1181], ["anything", 1190], ["see", 1206], ["convince", 1227], ["convinced", 1227], ["convincing", 1227], ["assurance", 1244], ["assurances", 1244], ["listen", 1266], ["listens", 1266], ["check", 1280], ["thirty", 1297], ["minute", 1305], ["minutes", 1305], ["shift", 1323], ["end", 1328], ["ends", 1328], ["endest", 1328], ["get", 1338], ["nurse", 1362], ["nurses", 1362], ["thing", 1383], ["appreciate", 1442], ["appreciates", 1442], ["go", 1481], ["goest", 1481], ["went", 1481], ["lie", 1534], ["lay", 1534], ["lain", 1534], ["lying", 1534], ["peacefully", 1545], ["bed", 1556], ["iv", 1567], ["bottle", 1574], ["bottled", 1574], ["hang", 1582], ["hung", 1582], ["hangs", 1582], ["hanging", 1582], ["beside", 1589], ["chart", 1615], ["chartest", 1615], ["sure", 1626], ["everything", 1642], ["normal", 1653], ["inspect", 1672], ["inspectest", 1672], ["inspected", 1672], ["flow", 1705], ["flows", 1705], ["flowing", 1705], ["properly", 1714], ["inspection", 1736], ["find", 1744], ["found", 1744], ["nurse", 1754], ["ask", 1772], ["asked", 1772], ["special", 1792], ["friend", 1827], ["tell", 1836], ["told", 1836], ["call", 1848], ["unusual", 1871], ["happen", 1880], ["happened", 1880], ["downstairs", 1904], ["dr", 1909], ["drs", 1909], ["meade", 1916], ["call", 1923], ["called", 1923], ["assist", 1952], ["assists", 1952], ["new", 1970], ["patient", 1979], ["patients", 1979], ["admit", 2002], ["admitted", 2002], ["forty", 2043], ["five", 2048], ["fived", 2048], ["charge", 2085], ["floor", 2121], ["immediately", 2155], ["arrest", 2179], ["arresting", 2179], ["run", 2190], ["ran", 2190], ["stair", 2204], ["stairs", 2204], ["hear", 2212], ["hears", 2212], ["heard", 2212], ["code", 2229], ["blue", 2234], ["doctor", 2285], ["doctorest", 2285], ["doctoring", 2285], ["doctors", 2285], ["rush", 2309], ["rushing", 2309], ["step", 2350], ["stepped", 2350], ["inside", 2357], ["see", 2365], ["saw", 2365], ["staff", 2373], ["staffing", 2373], ["doctor", 2380], ["doctorest", 2380], ["doctoring", 2380], ["hold", 2388], ["holding", 2388], ["two", 2392], ["twos", 2392], ["paddle", 2400], ["paddles", 2400], ["try", 2407], ["tryed", 2407], ["trying", 2407], ["revive", 2417], ["reviving", 2417], ["place", 2433], ["placed", 2433], ["chest", 2458], ["yell", 2469], ["yelled", 2469], ["everyone", 2482], ["clear", 2491], ["clearest", 2491], ["jolt", 2519], ["jolted", 2519], ["respond", 2559], ["respondest", 2559], ["use", 2574], ["follow", 2683], ["followed", 2683], ["corridor", 2712], ["come", 2736], ["came", 2736], ["run", 2744], ["running", 2744], ["yes", 2809], ["take", 2845], ["took", 2845], ["storage", 2864], ["talk", 2891], ["private", 2902], ["inch", 2913], ["inched", 2913], ["close", 2922], ["door", 2934], ["hear", 2955], ["hears", 2955], ["conversation", 2974], ["screw", 2996], ["screwing", 2996], ["screwed", 2996], ["lady", 3093], ["die", 3110], ["died", 3110], ["watch", 3149], ["watching", 3149], ["closely", 3166], ["seem", 3234], ["seeming", 3234], ["seemed", 3234], ["patient", 3286], ["arrest", 3320], ["arrested", 3320], ["observe", 3333], ["observed", 3333], ["shortness", 3354], ["shortnesses", 3354], ["breath", 3364], ["breathest", 3364], ["rapid", 3374], ["rapids", 3374], ["swelling", 3393], ["arm", 3404], ["position", 3437], ["positioned", 3437], ["tamper", 3481], ["tampered", 3481], ["name", 3536], ["tonight", 3578], ["question", 3599], ["personally", 3619], ["first", 3625], ["firstest", 3625], ["morning", 3646], ["right", 3657], ["rightest", 3657], ["need", 3668], ["needest", 3668], ["report", 3681], ["chief", 3699], ["chiefs", 3699], ["may", 3717], ["mays", 3717], ["mayest", 3717], ["police", 3741], ["point", 3760], ["quickly", 3770], ["left", 3775], ["leave", 3775], ["ease", 3819], ["drop", 3828], ["dropping", 3828], ["back", 3854], ["emergency", 3871], ["go", 3912], ["goest", 3912], ["going", 3912], ["upstairs", 3924], ["fill", 3936], ["fills", 3936], ["filled", 3936], ["see", 3962], ["seen", 3962], ["rebekah", 4009], ["wife", 4049], ["husband", 4070], ["husbanding", 4070], ["client", 4081], ["clients", 4081], ["reply", 4093], ["replied", 4093], ["go", 4144], ["goest", 4144], ["gone", 4144], ["together", 4157], ["time", 4169], ["times", 4169], ["broke", 4193], ["break", 4193], ["cry", 4208], ["cried", 4208], ["upset", 4307], ["mind", 4324], ["minding", 4324], ["home", 4339], ["homing", 4339]]
your shift 's almost over anyway , go ahead and go , he said . after that i left the hospital and drove straight home . `` i am so sorry baby . you must be feeling terrible . why do n't you come into the bedroom and lie down , '' i said . i helped rebekah up , guided her into the bedroom , helped her out of her uniform and then put her into bed . `` i just ca n't believe this , '' i said . `` just yesterday sheila was so alive . i just ca n't believe she 's dead . '' `` why did this have to happen to me ? why could n't she die in some other hospital ! '' rebekah exclaimed as tears rolled down her cheek . i got up and brought rebekah some tissues . she wiped her eyes and laid her head on the pillow . after a while she fell asleep . i laid down next to her but could n't sleep . the events of the past weekend were just too overwhelming . my thoughts turned to bird and how he must be feeling . what if it were rebekah who had died , how would i feel ? around two o'clock exhaustion finally overcame me and i dozed off . the next morning when rebekah was arrested for sheila 's murder , i was frantic . after the squad car disappeared around the corner i called rebekah 's mother and told her to come over immediately and take care of the children . when she arrived i briefly explained the situation and then got in my car and drove to the police station where they were holding rebekah . as i sat in the waiting room i tried to think rationally about what i should do . it was obvious i needed a good criminal attorney immediately . i wondered who in the hell i could get . my mind raced trying to remember a criminal attorney who i might be able to hire . my criminal law professor in law school was also in active practice . he was good , but how could i come up with his twenty-five thousand minimum retainer . then i remembered ron johnson , he told me about the attorney he used from mckinney . maybe he would take it easy on me under the circumstances . immediately i got up and went to the phone . i looked up big d title company and called ron johnson . `` ron johnson . '' `` ron , this is stan turner , something terrible has happened . '' `` rebekah has been arrested , '' i said . `` you 're kidding ? ! `` it 's a long story , but right now i need a good criminal attorney . what about the guy you 're using for your dwi ? '' `` ken sherlock ? '' `` yeah , he 's good is n't he ? '' `` sure , i think he 's great , but i do n't know if he handles murder cases . '' `` would you call him and see if he 'll take the case ? i do n't have much money but an oil well i invested in just came in so i 'll be getting some good money in a few months . '' `` i 'm sure if he handles murder cases he 'd do it for you as a matter of professional courtesy . give me the number that your at , so i can call you back . '' after a few minutes one of the police officers motioned for me to pick up the phone . `` this is ron . '' `` i talked to ken . he says he 'll do it . he 's on his way down there right now . '' `` thank you ron . 22 setting bail since rebekah had been arrested during the day , getting her out of jail was a bit easier than it had been for ron johnson and gena lombardi . ken shurlock had already contacted the district attorney 's office by the time he met me at the city jail . when he entered the room i recognized him immediately from ron 's description . `` hi , mr. shurlock . thank you for coming down her so quickly . '' `` it 's okay , have you seen your wife yet ? '' `` no , she 's still being processed . '' `` did you have any idea she was a suspect in sheila logan 's murder ? '' `` no , it never even occurred to me . '' `` has your wife ever been in trouble before ? '' she would never break the law . this murder charge is totally ridiculous . '' `` well , the assistant da assigned to the case seems to think he 's got some solid evidence . i could n't get too much out of him , but he seemed pretty confident . '' `` what do we have to do to get her out of here ? '' `` there 's a bond hearing set at eleven . do you have a bondsman ? '' `` yes , alliance bonding . '' `` good , i 'm pretty sure we can get a bond since your wife has a clean record and you are established in the community .
[["shift", 10], ["almost", 20], ["anyway", 32], ["go", 37], ["goest", 37], ["ahead", 43], ["say", 60], ["sayest", 60], ["said", 60], ["left", 80], ["leave", 80], ["hospital", 93], ["drive", 103], ["drove", 103], ["straight", 112], ["home", 117], ["homing", 117], ["sorry", 136], ["baby", 141], ["must", 152], ["musts", 152], ["feel", 163], ["feeling", 163], ["terrible", 172], ["come", 194], ["bedroom", 211], ["lie", 219], ["lay", 219], ["lain", 219], ["help", 247], ["helpest", 247], ["helped", 247], ["rebekah", 255], ["guide", 267], ["guided", 267], ["uniform", 320], ["put", 333], ["bed", 346], ["ca", 361], ["cas", 361], ["believe", 373], ["yesterday", 410], ["yesterdays", 410], ["sheila", 417], ["alive", 430], ["dead", 466], ["happen", 502], ["die", 532], ["exclaim", 578], ["exclaimed", 578], ["tear", 587], ["teared", 587], ["tears", 587], ["roll", 594], ["rolled", 594], ["cheek", 609], ["cheeks", 609], ["get", 617], ["got", 617], ["bring", 632], ["brought", 632], ["tissue", 653], 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["dwi", 2343], ["ken", 2355], ["kent", 2355], ["sherlock", 2364], ["yeah", 2377], ["sure", 2413], ["great", 2435], ["know", 2455], ["knowest", 2455], ["handle", 2469], ["handles", 2469], ["cases", 2482], ["call", 2505], ["see", 2517], ["much", 2562], ["money", 2568], ["moneys", 2568], ["oil", 2579], ["well", 2584], ["wells", 2584], ["invest", 2595], ["invested", 2595], ["come", 2608], ["came", 2608], ["get", 2631], ["getting", 2631], ["month", 2663], ["months", 2663], ["matter", 2740], ["mattering", 2740], ["professional", 2756], ["courtesy", 2765], ["give", 2772], ["number", 2786], ["numbering", 2786], ["back", 2824], ["minute", 2849], ["minutes", 2849], ["officer", 2876], ["officering", 2876], ["officers", 2876], ["motion", 2885], ["pick", 2900], ["talk", 2947], ["talked", 2947], ["say", 2964], ["sayest", 2964], ["says", 2964], ["way", 2996], ["ways", 2996], ["thank", 3031], ["thanks", 3031], ["thankest", 3031], ["set", 3052], ["setting", 3052], ["bail", 3057], ["bails", 3057], ["bailing", 3057], ["since", 3063], ["day", 3104], ["jail", 3130], ["jails", 3130], ["jailing", 3130], ["jailest", 3130], ["bit", 3140], ["bits", 3140], ["easy", 3147], ["easier", 3147], ["gena", 3189], ["already", 3225], ["contact", 3235], ["contacted", 3235], ["district", 3248], ["office", 3267], ["time", 3279], ["meet", 3286], ["meeted", 3286], ["met", 3286], ["city", 3301], ["enter", 3324], ["entered", 3324], ["recognize", 3346], ["recognized", 3346], ["description", 3386], ["hi", 3394], ["mr", 3399], ["come", 3432], ["coming", 3432], ["quickly", 3452], ["okay", 3471], ["see", 3487], ["seen", 3487], ["wife", 3497], ["yet", 3501], ["still", 3527], ["process", 3543], ["processed", 3543], ["idea", 3573], ["suspect", 3591], ["logan", 3607], ["logans", 3607], ["never", 3639], ["even", 3644], ["evens", 3644], ["occur", 3653], ["occurest", 3653], ["occurred", 3653], ["ever", 3686], ["everest", 3686], ["trouble", 3702], ["troubling", 3702], ["broke", 3736], ["break", 3736], ["charge", 3765], ["totally", 3776], ["ridiculous", 3787], ["assistant", 3816], ["da", 3819], ["assign", 3828], ["assignest", 3828], ["assigning", 3828], ["assigned", 3828], ["seem", 3846], ["seeming", 3846], ["seems", 3846], ["solid", 3876], ["evidence", 3885], ["seem", 3939], ["seeming", 3939], ["seemed", 3939], ["pretty", 3946], ["prettiest", 3946], ["confident", 3956], ["bond", 4033], ["hearing", 4041], ["set", 4045], ["eleven", 4055], ["bondsman", 4080], ["yes", 4092], ["alliance", 4103], ["clean", 4189], ["cleans", 4189], ["record", 4196], ["establish", 4220], ["establishes", 4220], ["establishest", 4220], ["established", 4220], ["community", 4237]]
i just hope the bond is n't so high you ca n't afford to post it . '' `` oh god , i 've got to keep her out of here . she could n't handle jail ; she 'd go bananas . '' `` well , keep your fingers crossed that the judge is in a good mood . '' `` oh man , i 'm serious . rebekah ca n't go to jail ! we 've got four kids at home . '' `` i realize that , stan , but you 've got to understand this is a murder charge and the judge does n't have to set a bond . i think he will , but it could be pretty high . '' `` a hundred or maybe a hundred and fifty thousand dollars . '' `` oh shit , i 'm not sure i could post a bond like that . '' `` well , do n't fret over it now . let 's just wait and see what happens . '' around ten o'clock i was able to see rebekah . she was shaking pretty badly when the jailer escorted her into the small visitor 's booth . her eyes were swollen and she was very pale . seeing her so distraught upset me . i could n't hold back the tears that had been swelling in my eyes since i had first laid eyes on her . of course , seeing me cry set her off again . `` rebekah , are you okay ? '' `` no , do i look okay ? '' we 're going to get you out of here real soon . ken shurlock has agreed to defend you . he 's a friend of ron johnson and he 's very good . '' how soon until i get out , i do n't want to go back in there . the people in there are scary . '' there 's a bond hearing at eleven and once the bond is set then we can get you out of jail . '' `` i did n't kill sheila , you 've got to believe me . '' `` i know you did n't kill her . you would never kill anyone , i know that . '' `` she was okay the last time i saw her , i looked at her chart and everything was normal . her iv was running just fine , i checked it . '' `` somebody must have got to her after you left . '' `` how could they , the floor was packed with people . how could anyone just walk in there and tamper with the iv ? '' `` that 's why they think i did it . no one would suspect a nurse going in and out of the room . i 'm so scared stan , what if they convict me . '' `` they wo n't , that 's ridiculous . do n't even think like that . '' oh my god , can you imagine what they thought seeing their mother arrested . they 're going to be emotionally scared for life . '' `` no , i explained to them it was all some kind of a mistake . i promised them you 'd be back home tonight . '' rebekah began to cry hysterically , `` i want my babies . get me out of here , stan , get me out of here ! '' the jailer suddenly appeared to escort rebekah back to her holding cell . it killed me to see her taken away in chains . i found ken in the lobby making phone calls . he hung up as he saw me approaching . `` not too good . she 's pretty upset . '' let 's head on over to the courthouse and maybe we 'll get lucky and get her out of this dump . '' at precisely eleven o'clock judge robert wendall stone took the bench . he was a distinguished looking jurist in his early sixties with white hair , a mustache and sky blue eyes . ken advised us that judge stone was a tough but fair judge . he said he was pleased he had been assigned to the case . the bailiff called rebekah 's case and she was escorted by a jailer in front of the bench . ken and paul snyder , the assistant da assigned to the case , joined her in front of the bench . `` all right , what do we have here ? '' `` your honor , mrs. turner is charged with murder under 19.02 of the texas penal code , '' mr. snyder advised . `` the victim was a patient at north central receiving hospital . the defendant was a nurse at the hospital and was seen going in and out of the victims room . we intend to prove that the defendant injected a lethal poison into the patient 's iv causing her to arrest . '' `` what was the motive ? '' `` we will show that the victim was having an affair with her husband , your honor . '' `` oh , i see , '' the judge said . `` so , do you oppose bond , '' the judge asked .
[["hope", 11], ["bond", 20], ["high", 35], ["ca", 42], ["cas", 42], ["afford", 53], ["post", 61], ["oh", 75], ["god", 79], ["get", 91], ["got", 91], ["keep", 99], ["keepest", 99], ["handle", 138], ["jail", 143], ["jails", 143], ["jailing", 143], ["jailest", 143], ["go", 155], ["goest", 155], ["banana", 163], ["bananas", 163], ["well", 176], ["wells", 176], ["finger", 196], ["fingers", 196], ["cross", 204], ["crossing", 204], ["crossed", 204], ["judge", 219], ["good", 232], ["mood", 237], ["man", 252], ["mans", 252], ["manned", 252], ["serious", 267], ["rebekah", 277], ["four", 313], ["kid", 318], ["kids", 318], ["home", 326], ["homing", 326], ["realize", 344], ["stan", 356], ["stans", 356], ["understand", 388], ["understanded", 388], ["murder", 405], ["murderest", 405], ["charge", 412], ["set", 447], ["think", 464], ["thinkest", 464], ["pretty", 497], ["prettiest", 497], ["hundred", 520], ["maybe", 529], ["fifty", 549], ["thousand", 558], ["dollar", 566], ["dollars", 566], ["shit", 582], ["sure", 598], ["like", 623], ["fret", 655], ["let", 673], ["lets", 673], ["wait", 686], ["waitest", 686], ["see", 694], ["happen", 707], ["happens", 707], ["around", 719], ["ten", 723], ["able", 742], ["abled", 742], ["shake", 775], ["shaking", 775], ["badly", 788], ["escort", 813], ["escorted", 813], ["small", 832], ["visitor", 840], ["booth", 849], ["eye", 860], ["eyed", 860], ["eyes", 860], ["pale", 895], ["see", 904], ["seeing", 904], ["distraught", 922], ["upset", 928], ["hold", 950], ["back", 955], ["tear", 965], ["teared", 965], ["tears", 965], ["swell", 988], ["swells", 988], ["swollen", 988], ["swellest", 988], ["swelling", 988], ["since", 1005], ["first", 1017], ["firstest", 1017], ["lay", 1022], ["lays", 1022], ["layed", 1022], ["layest", 1022], ["laid", 1022], ["course", 1046], ["cry", 1062], ["okay", 1108], ["look", 1131], ["go", 1154], ["goest", 1154], ["going", 1154], ["get", 1161], ["real", 1182], ["reis", 1182], ["soon", 1187], ["ken", 1193], ["kent", 1193], ["agree", 1213], ["agreed", 1213], ["defend", 1223], ["friend", 1244], ["ron", 1251], ["johnson", 1259], ["people", 1358], ["scary", 1377], ["hearing", 1406], ["eleven", 1416], ["kill", 1496], ["sheila", 1503], ["believe", 1528], ["know", 1546], ["knowest", 1546], ["never", 1585], ["anyone", 1597], ["last", 1641], ["time", 1646], ["see", 1652], ["saw", 1652], ["look", 1667], ["looked", 1667], ["chart", 1680], ["chartest", 1680], ["everything", 1695], ["normal", 1706], ["iv", 1715], ["run", 1727], ["running", 1727], ["fine", 1737], ["check", 1749], ["checked", 1749], ["must", 1774], ["musts", 1774], ["left", 1805], ["leave", 1805], ["floor", 1840], ["pack", 1851], ["packed", 1851], ["walk", 1892], ["tamper", 1912], ["suspect", 1987], ["nurse", 1995], ["room", 2024], ["roomed", 2024], ["convict", 2069], ["wo", 2088], ["ridiculous", 2113], ["even", 2127], ["evens", 2127], ["imagine", 2176], ["think", 2194], ["thinkest", 2194], ["thought", 2194], ["mother", 2214], ["mothered", 2214], ["motherest", 2214], ["arrest", 2223], ["arrested", 2223], ["emotionally", 2258], ["scare", 2265], ["scared", 2265], ["life", 2274], ["lifes", 2274], ["explain", 2299], ["explained", 2299], ["kind", 2328], ["mistook", 2341], ["mistake", 2341], ["mistaken", 2341], ["promise", 2354], ["promised", 2354], ["tonight", 2387], ["begin", 2406], ["began", 2406], ["hysterically", 2426], ["baby", 2448], ["babies", 2448], ["suddenly", 2522], ["appear", 2531], ["appeared", 2531], ["escort", 2541], ["escorted", 2541], ["hold", 2569], ["holding", 2569], ["cell", 2574], ["kill", 2586], ["killed", 2586], ["take", 2606], ["taken", 2606], ["away", 2611], ["chain", 2621], ["chains", 2621], ["find", 2631], ["found", 2631], ["lobby", 2648], ["lobbied", 2648], ["phone", 2661], ["call", 2667], ["calls", 2667], ["hang", 2677], ["hung", 2677], ["hangs", 2677], ["approach", 2705], ["approaches", 2705], ["approaching", 2705], ["head", 2762], ["courthouse", 2788], ["lucky", 2815], ["dump", 2844], ["precisely", 2862], ["robert", 2890], ["roberts", 2890], ["stone", 2904], ["stoning", 2904], ["take", 2909], ["took", 2909], ["bench", 2919], ["benched", 2919], ["look", 2952], ["looking", 2952], ["jurist", 2959], ["early", 2972], ["sixty", 2980], ["sixties", 2980], ["white", 2991], ["hair", 2996], ["mustache", 3009], ["sky", 3017], ["blue", 3022], ["advise", 3041], ["advised", 3041], ["tough", 3073], ["fair", 3082], ["fairs", 3082], ["fairest", 3082], ["say", 3098], ["sayest", 3098], ["said", 3098], ["pleased", 3113], ["assign", 3134], ["assignest", 3134], ["assigning", 3134], ["assigned", 3134], ["bailiff", 3160], ["call", 3167], ["called", 3167], ["front", 3225], ["paul", 3253], ["pauls", 3253], ["snyder", 3260], ["assistant", 3276], ["da", 3279], ["join", 3309], ["joinest", 3309], ["joined", 3309], ["right", 3350], ["rightest", 3350], ["honor", 3392], ["mrs", 3398], ["turner", 3406], ["charge", 3417], ["charged", 3417], ["texas", 3454], ["penal", 3460], ["code", 3465], ["mr", 3473], ["victim", 3505], ["patient", 3519], ["north", 3528], ["central", 3536], ["receive", 3546], ["receiving", 3546], ["hospital", 3555], ["defendant", 3571], ["see", 3612], ["seen", 3612], ["victim", 3644], ["victims", 3644], ["intend", 3661], ["intendest", 3661], ["prof", 3670], ["prove", 3670], ["inject", 3698], ["injected", 3698], ["lethal", 3707], ["poison", 3714], ["poisoning", 3714], ["cause", 3745], ["causing", 3745], ["arrest", 3759], ["motive", 3787], ["show", 3808], ["affair", 3845], ["husband", 3862], ["husbanding", 3862], ["oppose", 3938], ["ask", 3964], ["asked", 3964]]
`` yes , your honor , the people feel that it would be an unacceptable risk to the public to have mrs. turner back in the hospital tending to patients when it 's very likely she took advantage of her position in the hospital to kill sheila logan . '' `` would you object if she agreed not to go back to work ? '' `` no , your honor , the people feel that due to the heinous nature of this killing that the defendant should be denied bond . '' `` okay , mr. shurlock , what do you have to say about all of this ? '' `` your honor , mrs. turner has no criminal history , she owns a home , she 's got four children , a husband who is a practicing attorney in this community , and her parents live close by in desoto . there is absolutely no risk of flight and she certainly poses no threat to patients at central receiving hospital . '' `` do you think it 's fair to allow her to go back to work at the hospital when these charges are outstanding ? '' `` fair to whom , your honor . mrs. turner has a right to make a living . she 's not a wealthy woman . '' `` all right , you both can go ahead and put on your testimony and then i 'll make my ruling , '' the judge said . snyder called several witnesses from the hospital who testified as to how the murder was perpetrated . ken put on rebekah 's parents and her parish priest . i volunteered to testify but ken did n't think it would be a good idea since it was my alleged affair that was supposedly the motive behind the crime . when all the testimony had been presented the judge made his ruling . `` okay , i do n't see any great risk that the defendant will flee given her strong ties to the community . i do n't want her working at central receiving hospital , however , during the pendency of this case . the testimony has shown that the turners are not well off financially , so if i set a very large bond it would be tantamount to not allowing bond at all . on the other hand mrs. turner is charged with murder which is obviously a very serious charge and could result in a sentence of life in prison . taking all of this in consideration , i 'm setting bond at $ 50,000 . the defendant is remanded into the custody of the county sheriff until the bond has been posted . '' the judge banged his gavel and then got up and left the courtroom . i was relieved that bond had been set , but i had no clue how i could get a bond for such a large amount . i called roger rand and told him the situation . he indicated that he could cover the bond if i could come up with $ 5,000 and talk rebekah 's parents into signing a personal guaranty . luckily rebekah 's parents came through and before rebekah was transported to the county jail we had her out on bail . it was a great relief having rebekah back home again . although she had spent less than one day in jail , the experience had shaken her up so badly i thought it best if her mother stayed with her and the kids during the day while i was at work . during the first week rebekah was home she became obsessed with looking after the children . she spent every minute seeing to their every need or whim . getting her away from them for even a minute was impossible . when i confronted her with this obsession she said no matter what happened , no one would ever take her babies away from her , she would n't let them . not wanting to deal with that possibility yet , i dropped the subject . 23 dealing with deception after staying home several days with rebekah , i had to get back to work because the cost of a murder trial would be staggering and i needed to earn every cent i could to fund it . general burton felt really bad about what happened to rebekah and offered to help me out any way he could . he told me not to worry about the rent until the trial was over and i had gotten back on my feet . all our neighbors and friends were very supportive and i felt fortunate to have them . one afternoon general burton and i were discussing what to do next on the melba thorn case when we were interrupted by the telephone . it was worldwide 's attorney , mark pointer . `` we 've been trying to get hold of kurt harrison , you would n't know where he is would you ? '' `` well , as a matter of fact i 've been looking for him myself . his secretary says he went out of town for a couple of weeks . '' `` mr. wylie at worldwide is getting very nervous because the investors have n't made their first payment on the panhandle building loan yet . it 's already fifteen days past due . we contacted the investors directly and they told us kurt was supposed to be making that payment . '' general burton , apparently not wanting to ease drop any more on the conversation , got up and left the room . `` that 's what i understood too . '' `` do you represent the investors ? '' `` no , no , . i just represent kurt .
[["yes", 6], ["honor", 19], ["people", 32], ["feel", 37], ["unacceptable", 70], ["risk", 75], ["riskest", 75], ["public", 89], ["mrs", 101], ["turner", 109], ["back", 114], ["hospital", 130], ["tend", 138], ["tending", 138], ["patient", 150], ["patients", 150], ["take", 182], ["took", 182], ["advantage", 192], ["advantaging", 192], ["position", 208], ["kill", 232], ["sheila", 239], ["logan", 245], ["logans", 245], ["object", 270], ["objected", 270], ["objectest", 270], ["objecting", 270], ["agree", 284], ["agreed", 284], ["go", 294], ["goest", 294], ["work", 307], ["wrought", 307], ["due", 358], ["heinous", 373], ["nature", 380], ["killing", 396], ["defendant", 415], ["deny", 432], ["denied", 432], ["bond", 437], ["okay", 450], ["mr", 455], ["say", 491], ["sayest", 491], ["criminal", 558], ["history", 566], ["home", 584], ["homing", 584], ["get", 597], ["got", 597], ["four", 602], ["child", 611], ["childs", 611], ["children", 611], ["husband", 623], ["husbanding", 623], ["practice", 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["priest", 1324], ["volunteer", 1340], ["volunteered", 1340], ["testify", 1351], ["good", 1392], ["idea", 1397], ["since", 1403], ["allege", 1421], ["alleges", 1421], ["alleged", 1421], ["affair", 1428], ["supposedly", 1448], ["motive", 1459], ["behind", 1466], ["crime", 1476], ["present", 1520], ["presentest", 1520], ["presented", 1520], ["see", 1571], ["great", 1581], ["flee", 1615], ["flees", 1615], ["give", 1621], ["given", 1621], ["strong", 1632], ["tie", 1637], ["tying", 1637], ["tieing", 1637], ["ties", 1637], ["work", 1682], ["wrought", 1682], ["working", 1682], ["however", 1722], ["pendency", 1744], ["case", 1757], ["show", 1783], ["shown", 1783], ["turner", 1800], ["turners", 1800], ["well", 1813], ["wells", 1813], ["financially", 1829], ["set", 1843], ["large", 1856], ["tantamount", 1884], ["allow", 1900], ["allowing", 1900], ["hand", 1932], ["charge", 1955], ["charged", 1955], ["obviously", 1986], ["serious", 2001], ["charge", 2008], ["result", 2025], ["resultest", 2025], 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["interrupt", 4012], ["interruptest", 4012], ["interrupted", 4012], ["telephone", 4029], ["worldwide", 4048], ["mark", 4067], ["marks", 4067], ["pointer", 4075], ["try", 4099], ["tryed", 4099], ["trying", 4099], ["hold", 4111], ["kurt", 4119], ["harrison", 4128], ["know", 4149], ["knowest", 4149], ["fact", 4206], ["secretary", 4256], ["say", 4261], ["sayest", 4261], ["says", 4261], ["go", 4269], ["goest", 4269], ["went", 4269], ["town", 4281], ["couple", 4294], ["week", 4303], ["weeks", 4303], ["wylie", 4321], ["nervous", 4358], ["investor", 4380], ["investors", 4380], ["payment", 4414], ["panhandle", 4431], ["build", 4440], ["building", 4440], ["loan", 4445], ["already", 4465], ["fifteen", 4473], ["past", 4483], ["contact", 4502], ["contacted", 4502], ["directly", 4525], ["suppose", 4560], ["supposed", 4560], ["apparently", 4619], ["ease", 4639], ["drop", 4644], ["conversation", 4673], ["room", 4700], ["roomed", 4700], ["understand", 4731], ["understanded", 4731], ["understood", 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i 'm sure he 'll be back any day now and take care of everything . i 'll try again to get in contact with him and call you back . '' `` good , it looks really bad for a loan to be in default on the first payment . please contact me just as soon as you talk to kurt . '' `` i will , thanks for calling . '' the call from mark pointer stimulated me to make a greater effort to find kurt . i contacted cynthia carson again to see if she had heard from kurt , but she had not . then i called tom tower to see if he knew anything . `` tom , this is stan turner . '' `` oh stan , i read about your wife in the newspaper . `` yes , she 's holding up pretty well . her mother 's staying with her . '' `` well good , if there is anything i can do to help , please let me know . '' `` you 're very kind , thank you . listen , i wondered if you 've heard from kurt lately ? '' `` well no , and the fellow over at worldwide savings and loan called me the other day wanting the first payment on the note . i told him kurt was handling all that . '' `` so , you have n't heard from him at all ? '' `` i hope not , but kurt has disappeared and the first note payment is overdue . cynthia said he went to brazil to see some investors and is due back any day now , but i am not so sure . '' `` nothing , i just have some bad vibrations about the panhandle deal . '' `` stan , you were supposed to watch out for us . '' `` this is n't something i could have anticipated . anyway there 's no need to panic yet . kurt might show up tomorrow . let 's just wait a day or two . worldwide wo n't do anything until the note is thirty days past due . '' `` no , other than ask the other investors if they 've heard from kurt lately . '' `` i 'll do that and i 'll call you immediately if i find anything out . '' i had n't hung up the phone for thirty seconds when it rang again . `` this is arnold weber , metro leasing . '' `` i guess you know why i 'm calling . '' `` no , you 'll have to enlighten me . '' `` your client , kurt , is behind again on his lease payments on the rolls . '' `` gee , kurt 's due back in town any day now , i 'm sure he 'll take care of it then . '' `` no , no , this has to be handled immediately ! if you do n't tell me right now how i 'm going to get paid i 'm turning this over to my attorney . '' `` i guess you 'll have to do that then because i do n't have a clue where kurt harrison is and i do n't give a rat 's ass about your rolls royce ! '' `` well , huh . then i 'll see you in court . '' i closed my eyes and rubbed by eyelids with the palms of my hand . general burton came back in the room and sat down . `` you all right , stan ? '' `` no , actually i 'm not . your friend , rufus green , has got me in a big mess , '' i said . `` he referred me to a guy named kurt harrison whos turning out to be a crook and i do n't know how to deal with it . '' `` oh , i 'm sorry stan , i had no idea that kurt was n't legit . '' `` oh , it 's not your fault . there were numerous warning signs , i just needed the business so bad i ignored them . '' `` find kurt harrison . that 's what i 'm going to have to do if it means going to brazil . i 'm going to find that weasel and make him find a way for everybody to get out of this mess . '' `` good , i 'll call rufus green and see if he has any idea where kurt is . '' `` now i believe we were talking about melba thorn when we were interrupted . '' `` yes , we 're at a dead end . i really do n't know what to do next , '' i said . `` why do n't you call sheriff burton and see if he 's come up with anything . '' `` good idea , i 'll call him right now . go get on the other extension . '' general burton left to go to his office and listen in on the conversation . i looked through my notes and found sheriff barnett 's telephone number . i dialed the number and waited . `` sheriff 's office , '' a female voice said . `` hi , is this claudia ? '' `` oh , hi stan , how are you ? oh , i am so sorry to hear about your wife . ''
[["sure", 9], ["back", 24], ["day", 32], ["take", 45], ["care", 50], ["everything", 64], ["try", 76], ["tryed", 76], ["get", 89], ["contact", 100], ["call", 118], ["good", 140], ["look", 151], ["looks", 151], ["really", 158], ["bad", 162], ["loan", 173], ["default", 190], ["first", 203], ["firstest", 203], ["payment", 211], ["please", 220], ["soon", 244], ["talk", 256], ["kurt", 264], ["thank", 288], ["thanks", 288], ["thankest", 288], ["call", 300], ["calling", 300], ["mark", 324], ["marks", 324], ["pointer", 332], ["stimulate", 343], ["stimulated", 343], ["great", 364], ["effort", 371], ["find", 379], ["contact", 398], ["contacted", 398], ["cynthia", 406], ["carson", 413], ["see", 426], ["hear", 443], ["hears", 443], ["heard", 443], ["call", 487], ["called", 487], ["tom", 491], ["tower", 497], ["towered", 497], ["towerest", 497], ["know", 515], ["knowest", 515], ["knew", 515], ["anything", 524], ["stan", 548], ["stans", 548], ["oh", 566], ["read", 580], ["reads", 580], ["wife", 596], ["newspaper", 613], ["yes", 622], ["hold", 639], ["holding", 639], ["pretty", 649], ["prettiest", 649], ["well", 654], ["wells", 654], ["mother", 667], ["mothered", 667], ["motherest", 667], ["stay", 678], ["staying", 678], ["help", 745], ["helpest", 745], ["let", 758], ["lets", 758], ["know", 766], ["knowest", 766], ["kind", 792], ["thank", 800], ["thanks", 800], ["thankest", 800], ["listen", 813], ["listens", 813], ["wonder", 826], ["wonderest", 826], ["wondered", 826], ["lately", 860], ["fellow", 893], ["worldwide", 911], ["saving", 919], ["savings", 919], ["note", 990], ["tell", 999], ["told", 999], ["handle", 1021], ["handling", 1021], ["hope", 1093], ["disappear", 1124], ["disappeared", 1124], ["overdue", 1162], ["say", 1177], ["sayest", 1177], ["said", 1177], ["go", 1185], ["goest", 1185], ["went", 1185], ["brazil", 1195], ["brazils", 1195], ["investor", 1217], ["investors", 1217], ["due", 1228], ["nothing", 1284], ["vibration", 1318], ["vibrations", 1318], ["panhandle", 1338], ["deal", 1343], ["suppose", 1376], ["supposed", 1376], ["watch", 1385], ["anticipate", 1451], ["anticipated", 1451], ["anyway", 1460], ["need", 1477], ["needest", 1477], ["panic", 1486], ["yet", 1490], ["may", 1503], ["mays", 1503], ["mayest", 1503], ["might", 1503], ["show", 1508], ["tomorrow", 1520], ["tomorrows", 1520], ["wait", 1539], ["waitest", 1539], ["two", 1552], ["twos", 1552], ["wo", 1567], ["thirty", 1608], ["day", 1613], ["days", 1613], ["past", 1618], ["ask", 1650], ["immediately", 1758], ["hang", 1801], ["hung", 1801], ["hangs", 1801], ["phone", 1814], ["second", 1833], ["seconded", 1833], ["seconds", 1833], ["rang", 1846], ["rung", 1846], ["ring", 1846], ["arnold", 1872], ["weber", 1878], ["metro", 1886], ["leasing", 1894], ["guess", 1910], ["enlighten", 1975], ["client", 1998], ["behind", 2017], ["lease", 2036], ["leasing", 2036], ["payment", 2045], ["payments", 2045], ["roll", 2058], ["rolls", 2058], ["gee", 2070], ["gees", 2070], ["town", 2097], ["handle", 2190], ["handled", 2190], ["tell", 2223], ["right", 2232], ["rightest", 2232], ["go", 2251], ["goest", 2251], ["going", 2251], ["pay", 2263], ["pays", 2263], ["payest", 2263], ["paid", 2263], ["turn", 2276], ["turning", 2276], ["attorney", 2301], ["clue", 2375], ["clues", 2375], ["harrison", 2395], ["give", 2416], ["rat", 2422], ["ratted", 2422], ["ass", 2429], ["royce", 2452], ["huh", 2471], ["court", 2501], ["courting", 2501], ["courtest", 2501], ["close", 2515], ["closed", 2515], ["eye", 2523], ["eyed", 2523], ["eyes", 2523], ["rub", 2534], ["rubbed", 2534], ["eyelid", 2545], ["eyelids", 2545], ["palm", 2560], ["palms", 2560], ["palmed", 2560], ["palmest", 2560], ["hand", 2571], ["general", 2581], ["burton", 2588], ["come", 2593], ["came", 2593], ["room", 2610], ["roomed", 2610], ["sat", 2618], ["sit", 2618], ["friend", 2694], ["green", 2708], ["greens", 2708], ["get", 2718], ["got", 2718], ["big", 2730], ["bigs", 2730], ["mess", 2735], ["messed", 2735], ["messing", 2735], ["refer", 2764], ["referred", 2764], ["guy", 2776], ["name", 2782], ["named", 2782], ["crook", 2827], ["crooked", 2827], ["sorry", 2889], ["idea", 2910], ["legit", 2934], ["fault", 2968], ["faulting", 2968], ["numerous", 2990], ["warning", 2998], ["sign", 3004], ["signs", 3004], ["need", 3020], ["needest", 3020], ["needed", 3020], ["business", 3033], ["ignore", 3050], ["ignored", 3050], ["mean", 3134], ["meanest", 3134], ["means", 3134], ["weasel", 3183], ["way", 3207], ["ways", 3207], ["rufus", 3277], ["believe", 3346], ["talk", 3362], ["talking", 3362], ["melba", 3374], ["thorn", 3380], ["interrupt", 3405], ["interruptest", 3405], ["interrupted", 3405], ["dead", 3436], ["end", 3440], ["ends", 3440], ["endest", 3440], ["next", 3479], ["sheriff", 3524], ["come", 3553], ["go", 3620], ["goest", 3620], ["extension", 3647], ["left", 3672], ["leave", 3672], ["office", 3692], ["conversation", 3726], ["look", 3737], ["looked", 3737], ["note", 3754], ["notes", 3754], ["find", 3764], ["found", 3764], ["barnett", 3780], ["telephone", 3793], ["number", 3800], ["numbering", 3800], ["dial", 3811], ["dialed", 3811], ["wait", 3833], ["waitest", 3833], ["waited", 3833], ["female", 3870], ["voice", 3876], ["hi", 3889], ["claudia", 3907], ["hear", 3971], ["hears", 3971]]
`` you heard about her all the way up there in colorado ? '' `` well , it was just a small story buried in the denver gazette but the headline got my attention . '' `` what did it say . '' `` i believe it read : attorney 's wife charged in death of lover . '' well , anyway she 's home and doing okay for now . is the sheriff in ? '' `` sure , i 'll get him . '' after a moment of silence barnett came on the line . `` hello , barnett speaking . '' `` sheriff barnett , this is stan turner . '' `` oh , hi stan , i 'm glad you called . i was going to have to track you down . '' `` oh really , what 's up ? '' `` after you called and told me about being accosted at the holiday inn in colorado springs , i sent over a forensic team to the motel to check for fingerprints , tire tracks and any other evidence that might have been left by your assailants . they did n't find any prints , but they did find some tracks where your assailants peeled a little rubber in their haste to make their escape . '' `` so , did they come up with anything ? '' `` yes , as a matter of fact the tire tracks left at the holiday inn match the second set of tracts up on highway 24 . now that 's not conclusive , but it 's damn good evidence that your assailants were involved in the murder of melba thorn . '' `` that 's great news , so now you 're convinced she was murdered ? '' `` yes , after that we had no choice but to formally reopen the investigation . '' `` good , so what happens now ? ' `` well , one of the first things we did was to request the dallas medical examiner to exhume mrs. thorn 's body so we could get a positive id . '' `` have they done that yet ? '' `` yes , they did and they have determined from dental records that the body in the car was definitely melba thorn . '' what about the phone calls ? '' `` somebody else must have made those calls . '' `` we 've already got a warrant out for the arrest of taylor brown . '' `` that 's right , the tire tracks from the holiday inn and the scene of the accident were matched to a limousine belonging to mr. brown . while we were digging around into mr. brown 's affairs we found out that mr. thorn 's driver disappeared about six months ago . we contacted the fort worth police and suggested they get a warrant and search mr. thorn 's limousine . and sure enough they found traces of blood in the trunk . the blood is the same blood type as their limousine driver . '' `` have they found a body ? '' `` not yet , but one is sure to turn up pretty soon . '' `` so do you think taylor brown acted alone ? '' `` we 're pretty sure robert thorn was involved but we do n't have enough to arrest him yet unless taylor brown implicates him . '' `` wow , i 'm really impressed , sheriff . '' `` well , if you had n't come up here and jerked my chain the murderer would have gotten away with it . '' `` yeah , but i still do n't understand the phone calls . if they were n't from melba thorn , who made the calls ? '' `` that 's bothered me a lot too . i figure it must have been a witness to the accident who was afraid to get involved or perhaps someone who overhead taylor brown and robert thorn plotting to kill melba thorn . you 've got to admit it was pretty creative to call you and put you on the hunt . '' `` i guess , but somehow it still does n't fit . '' `` it fits , stan . taylor brown and robert thorn took over control of a multi-million dollar corporation the minute melba thorn died . it 's a classic case of greed turning to murder . '' `` well , i hope you 're right . does the da think he 'll have any trouble getting a conviction ? '' `` without a body it 's going to be tough . '' `` hey , i 'm sorry you did n't find mrs. thorn alive . i know if you had , you might of got paid for all your trouble . '' `` oh well , i guess every attorney has to do a little pro bono work from time to time , right ? '' `` yeah , i expect so . okay , i 'll let you go , i wish your mrs. good luck . '' i was glad the sheriff had apparently solved the mystery of melba thorn 's death but for some reason i had an empty feeling inside . maybe it was just all the other problems that i was facing at the time that made it difficult for me to celebrate or maybe i still did n't understand how all the pieces of the puzzle fit together .
[["hear", 12], ["hears", 12], ["heard", 12], ["way", 34], ["ways", 34], ["colorado", 55], ["well", 68], ["wells", 68], ["small", 90], ["story", 96], ["bury", 103], ["burying", 103], ["buried", 103], ["denver", 117], ["gazette", 125], ["gazetted", 125], ["headline", 142], ["headlining", 142], ["get", 146], ["got", 146], ["attention", 159], ["say", 183], ["sayest", 183], ["believe", 201], ["read", 209], ["reads", 209], ["attorney", 220], ["wife", 228], ["charge", 236], ["charged", 236], ["death", 245], ["lover", 254], ["anyway", 273], ["home", 285], ["homing", 285], ["okay", 300], ["sheriff", 325], ["sure", 341], ["get", 353], ["moment", 377], ["silence", 388], ["barnett", 396], ["come", 401], ["came", 401], ["line", 413], ["hello", 424], ["hellos", 424], ["speak", 443], ["spoken", 443], ["speaking", 443], ["stan", 482], ["stans", 482], ["oh", 500], ["hi", 505], ["glad", 522], ["call", 533], ["called", 533], ["go", 547], ["goest", 547], ["going", 547], ["track", 564], ["really", 591], 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at any rate , for now i was done with the melba thorn matter and could turn my attention elsewhere . 24 escape to brazil it had been several days and i still had n't heard from kurt harrison . with each passing day the situation got more critical . i was n't sure what the bank would do about the quick default on the panhandle building loan but i was sure it would n't be pleasant . i knew that once the bank gave up on getting the first payment on the loan it could accelerate the note and demand its payment in full . this would pave the way for a foreclosure which would mean the investors would lose everything plus face a big deficiency claim if the bank lost money . to make matters worse the bank could send the investors an irs form 1099 for any debt that was forgiven . the net effect would be the investors could lose their entire hundred thousand dollar investment , be sued for several hundred thousand dollars and then get hit with a massive income tax liability . if these thoughts had n't totally stressed me out the next call did . `` hello , this is stan turner . '' `` yes , mr. turner , this is special agent , howard henderson , of the fbi , '' he said . i hesitated as i struggled to breath . oh , yes , what can i do for you ? '' `` we 're looking for kurt harrison . you would n't have any idea where he might be , would you ? '' `` no sir , as a matter of fact i 've been looking for him myself . why are you trying to find him ? '' `` we 're not at liberty to discuss an ongoing investigation but , suffice it to say , it 's imperative that he contact us immediately . '' `` like i said i do n't know where he is or how to contact him but if you will give me your telephone number i 'll be sure to give it to him should he contact me . '' the agent gave me his phone number and i wrote it on a legal pad and then hung up . somehow i had to find kurt , but how could i do it ? on the way home that night i drove by kurt 's house to see if anyone was at home . much to my shock the house was lit up like a las vegas casino . the gate was unlocked so i drove my car up into the circular driveway . the only car parked in front was a red cadillac convertible . i walked to the front door and pushed the doorbell . the chimes resounded throughout the house but no one answered . i waited a few moments and tried again . this time i observed a young lady dressed in grey shorts and a white sweatshirt walking down the circular staircase . as she got closer i recognized her to be gwen dove . she opened the door and said , `` stan , what are you doing here ? '' `` i 'm looking for kurt . `` sure , but i do n't know where kurt is right now . '' i came inside , gwen closed the door behind me and then she walked over to a white satin sofa and sat down . `` have a seat , '' she said . did kurt return from brazil ? '' i said `` brazil ? '' `` yeah , brazil . '' `` how do you know he 's in brazil ? '' `` that 's where cynthia said he was . '' `` why that low down , two timing , son of a bitch ! '' `` kurt told me he was going to california to work on some deals with dan kelley . '' `` yes , i was supposed to go to st. louis and spend a week with my sister while her husband was out of town , but his trip got canceled so i did n't go . kurt did n't think i would be at home this week , i bet . '' `` why would he lie to you ? '' `` he 's had his eye on this portuguese girl from rio , heloisa something , i do n't remember her last name . she is the daughter of one of his foreign investors . i do n't know exactly what he does but he 's filthy rich . '' `` when they were in town last week kurt could n't keep his eyes off her . '' i shook my head and said , `` i ca n't believe that , you are so beautiful and such a nice person . i do n't know why he would want to look at another woman ? '' thats a nice thing to say , but what was that i was reading in the newspaper about your wife being arrested for killing your girlfriend ? '' `` that 's a lie , she was n't my girlfriend or my lover and rebekah did n't kill her . it 's all a big mistake . i do n't know who killed sheila , but it was n't rebekah . '' `` the story sounded pretty bizarre . how 's your wife taking it ? ''
[["rate", 11], ["melba", 47], ["thorn", 53], ["matter", 60], ["mattering", 60], ["turn", 75], ["attention", 88], ["elsewhere", 98], ["escape", 110], ["escapes", 110], ["brazil", 120], ["brazils", 120], ["several", 140], ["day", 145], ["days", 145], ["still", 157], ["hear", 171], ["hears", 171], ["heard", 171], ["kurt", 181], ["harrison", 190], ["pass", 210], ["passing", 210], ["day", 214], ["situation", 228], ["get", 232], ["got", 232], ["critical", 246], ["sure", 263], ["bank", 277], ["quick", 302], ["default", 310], ["panhandle", 327], ["build", 336], ["building", 336], ["loan", 341], ["pleasant", 381], ["know", 390], ["knowest", 390], ["knew", 390], ["give", 414], ["gave", 414], ["get", 428], ["getting", 428], ["first", 438], ["firstest", 438], ["payment", 446], ["accelerate", 478], ["accelerates", 478], ["note", 487], ["demand", 498], ["demandest", 498], ["full", 518], ["pave", 536], ["way", 544], ["ways", 544], ["foreclosure", 562], ["mean", 579], ["meanest", 579], ["investor", 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["moments", 2322], ["try", 2332], ["tryed", 2332], ["tried", 2332], ["time", 2350], ["observe", 2361], ["observed", 2361], ["young", 2369], ["youngest", 2369], ["lady", 2374], ["dress", 2382], ["dressest", 2382], ["dressed", 2382], ["grey", 2390], ["short", 2397], ["shorts", 2397], ["white", 2409], ["sweatshirt", 2420], ["walk", 2428], ["walking", 2428], ["staircase", 2456], ["close", 2476], ["closer", 2476], ["recognize", 2489], ["recognized", 2489], ["gwen", 2504], ["dove", 2509], ["open", 2522], ["opened", 2522], ["right", 2656], ["rightest", 2656], ["come", 2672], ["came", 2672], ["inside", 2679], ["close", 2693], ["closed", 2693], ["behind", 2709], ["satin", 2754], ["sofa", 2759], ["sat", 2767], ["sit", 2767], ["seat", 2789], ["return", 2821], ["returnest", 2821], ["yeah", 2868], ["cynthia", 2947], ["low", 2980], ["lowed", 2980], ["two", 2991], ["twos", 2991], ["timing", 2998], ["son", 3004], ["bitch", 3015], ["tell", 3033], ["told", 3033], ["go", 3049], ["goest", 3049], ["going", 3049], ["california", 3063], ["work", 3071], ["wrought", 3071], ["deal", 3085], ["deals", 3085], ["dan", 3094], ["kelley", 3101], ["suppose", 3130], ["supposed", 3130], ["go", 3136], ["goest", 3136], ["st", 3142], ["sts", 3142], ["spend", 3159], ["spends", 3159], ["spendest", 3159], ["week", 3166], ["sister", 3181], ["husband", 3199], ["husbanding", 3199], ["town", 3215], ["trip", 3230], ["tripping", 3230], ["cancel", 3243], ["canceled", 3243], ["think", 3280], ["thinkest", 3280], ["bet", 3317], ["lie", 3342], ["lay", 3342], ["lain", 3342], ["eye", 3375], ["eyed", 3375], ["portuguese", 3394], ["girl", 3399], ["rio", 3408], ["remember", 3448], ["rememberest", 3448], ["last", 3457], ["name", 3462], ["daughter", 3484], ["foreign", 3506], ["exactly", 3540], ["filthy", 3570], ["rich", 3575], ["keep", 3636], ["keepest", 3636], ["eye", 3645], ["eyed", 3645], ["eyes", 3645], ["shake", 3666], ["shook", 3666], ["head", 3674], ["ca", 3693], ["cas", 3693], ["believe", 3705], ["beautiful", 3733], ["beautifulest", 3733], ["nice", 3749], ["person", 3756], ["look", 3798], ["another", 3809], ["woman", 3815], ["womans", 3815], ["thing", 3839], ["read", 3880], ["reads", 3880], ["reading", 3880], ["newspaper", 3897], ["wife", 3913], ["arrest", 3928], ["arrested", 3928], ["kill", 3940], ["killing", 3940], ["girlfriend", 3956], ["lover", 4018], ["rebekah", 4030], ["kill", 4043], ["mistook", 4073], ["mistake", 4073], ["mistaken", 4073], ["kill", 4100], ["killed", 4100], ["sheila", 4107], ["story", 4150], ["sound", 4158], ["sounded", 4158], ["pretty", 4165], ["prettiest", 4165], ["bizarre", 4173], ["take", 4199], ["taking", 4199]]
`` she 's doing better , we 're going to see her lawyer tomorrow to start working on her defense . '' `` tell her i wish her well . '' `` i 'm surprised cynthia told you that kurt was in brazil . she and dan kelley usually cover for him . '' `` i think i scared her pretty bad . '' `` i found out the panhandle building is far less complete than it was represented and now kurt has missed his first note payment . '' `` yeah , the attorney for worldwide savings & loan has contacted me and just today the fbi called looking for kurt . '' i knew kurt was eventually going to get into serious trouble . `` i 've got to find him . if he cooperates and we work quickly we may be able to get things back on track and avoid a total disaster , '' i said and then stood up , walked to the window and starred into the courtyard . `` you do n't think he 's gone to brazil for good , do you ? '' gwen shook her head casually and said , `` no , he 'll come back when he get 's tired of heloisa . '' `` it does n't sound like this is the first time this has happened . '' `` i wish i could say it was . '' `` why do you stay with him ? '' i guess that 's a good reason , '' i said and then turned and went back and sat on the sofa next to gwen . `` you and i might still be able to save him if we can just find him and talk to him . '' `` i know how we can tell if he 's planning to come back , '' gwen said . gwen got up and i followed her to the den . she sat down at kurt 's desk , flipped up the corner of the carpet and began opening the safe . after she got the safe opened she looked up and said , `` we 're in trouble . he took all his money . '' `` the briefcase is gone ? '' `` yes , he usually keeps two hundred and fifty thousand dollars in there as emergency money . he never takes it with him when he travels . i 'm afraid he 's not coming back . '' `` i know where kurt kept heloisa 's address and telephone number , '' gwen said . `` you do , that 's great . gwen got up and walked over to a file cabinet , opened it and pulled out a black book . `` he keeps this address book of all his investors . her fathers name is in here somewhere . gwen handed me the book and pointed to a phone number . i took it away from her , walked to the phone and said , `` good , let 's give heloisa a call right now . '' i dialed the operator and asked her to place the call for me . in about five minutes she came back on the line and said she had made the connection . `` alo , '' a male voice said . `` hello , does anyone there speak english ? '' one momento . '' `` hello , this is carla . `` yes , carla , this is stan turner , i 'm an attorney in dallas . i 'm looking for kurt harrison , i 'm his attorney . '' `` oh yes , kurt , he is not here right now . heloisa and he went to the beach . '' `` would you have him call me just as soon as he gets back . if he comes back in the next thirty minutes tell him to call his house , otherwise he can call me at home or at my office . '' `` okay , i will tell him , '' carla said . i put the phone down and looked at gwen . `` they 're at the beach . '' `` i can imagine what there doing on the beach , '' gwen said . `` is it a public beach ? '' `` no , it 's quite private from what i understand . heloisa 's father gave us a detailed description of his estate and all it 's amenities included the private beach . '' gwen and i commiserated about our problems for a while until we were interrupted by the telephone ringing . gwen answered the phone and stiffened up when she found out it was kurt . she argued with him for a few minutes about heloisa and then finally gwen handed me the phone and stomped off . `` you want a drink , stan ? '' she said before she left the room . `` sure , '' i replied and then put the phone to my ear . `` hello , kurt . '' `` stan , what 's going on ? '' the attorney for worldwide called and said they have n't got the first note payment yet on the panhandle building . '' `` that ca n't be right , '' kurt replied . `` the manager was supposed to send it . '' `` you mean the same manager that sent us the phony rent rolls ? '' `` i saw the panhandle building kurt , its not 50 % leased like the rent rolls say .
[["well", 22], ["wells", 22], ["go", 37], ["goest", 37], ["going", 37], ["see", 44], ["lawyer", 55], ["tomorrow", 64], ["tomorrows", 64], ["start", 73], ["work", 81], ["wrought", 81], ["working", 81], ["defense", 96], ["tell", 109], ["wish", 120], ["well", 129], ["wells", 129], ["cynthia", 160], ["tell", 165], ["told", 165], ["kurt", 179], ["brazil", 193], ["brazils", 193], ["dan", 207], ["kelley", 214], ["usually", 222], ["cover", 228], ["think", 252], ["thinkest", 252], ["scare", 261], ["scared", 261], ["pretty", 272], ["prettiest", 272], ["bad", 276], ["find", 292], ["found", 292], ["panhandle", 310], ["build", 319], ["builds", 319], ["building", 319], ["far", 326], ["less", 331], ["complete", 340], ["represent", 364], ["representest", 364], ["represented", 364], ["miss", 388], ["missed", 388], ["first", 398], ["firstest", 398], ["note", 403], ["payment", 411], ["yeah", 424], ["attorney", 439], ["worldwide", 453], ["loan", 468], ["contact", 482], ["contacted", 482], ["today", 500], ["fbi", 508], ["call", 515], ["called", 515], ["look", 523], ["looking", 523], ["know", 544], ["knowest", 544], ["knew", 544], ["eventually", 564], ["get", 577], ["serious", 590], ["trouble", 598], ["troubling", 598], ["get", 613], ["got", 613], ["find", 621], ["cooperate", 644], ["cooperates", 644], ["work", 656], ["wrought", 656], ["quickly", 664], ["may", 671], ["mays", 671], ["mayest", 671], ["able", 679], ["abled", 679], ["thing", 693], ["things", 693], ["back", 698], ["track", 707], ["avoid", 717], ["total", 725], ["disaster", 734], ["say", 746], ["sayest", 746], ["said", 746], ["stand", 761], ["stood", 761], ["standest", 761], ["walk", 773], ["walked", 773], ["window", 787], ["windows", 787], ["star", 799], ["starred", 799], ["courtyard", 818], ["go", 851], ["goest", 851], ["gone", 851], ["good", 870], ["gwen", 889], ["shake", 895], ["shook", 895], ["head", 904], ["casually", 913], ["come", 944], ["tired", 970], ["sound", 1007], ["like", 1012], ["time", 1035], ["happen", 1053], ["happened", 1053], ["say", 1080], ["sayest", 1080], ["stay", 1111], ["guess", 1133], ["reason", 1155], ["reasonest", 1155], ["turn", 1183], ["turned", 1183], ["go", 1192], ["goest", 1192], ["went", 1192], ["sat", 1205], ["sit", 1205], ["sofa", 1217], ["next", 1222], ["may", 1251], ["mays", 1251], ["mayest", 1251], ["might", 1251], ["still", 1257], ["save", 1273], ["talk", 1310], ["know", 1332], ["knowest", 1332], ["plan", 1366], ["follow", 1423], ["followed", 1423], ["den", 1438], ["desk", 1469], ["flip", 1479], ["flipping", 1479], ["flipped", 1479], ["corner", 1493], ["carpet", 1507], ["begin", 1517], ["began", 1517], ["open", 1525], ["safe", 1534], ["safes", 1534], ["safed", 1534], ["open", 1566], ["opened", 1566], ["look", 1577], ["looked", 1577], ["take", 1622], ["took", 1622], ["money", 1636], ["moneys", 1636], ["briefcase", 1658], ["yes", 1678], ["keep", 1697], ["keepest", 1697], ["keeps", 1697], ["two", 1701], ["twos", 1701], ["hundred", 1709], ["fifty", 1719], ["thousand", 1728], ["dollar", 1736], ["dollars", 1736], ["emergency", 1758], ["never", 1775], ["take", 1781], ["takes", 1781], ["travel", 1809], ["travels", 1809], ["afraid", 1823], ["come", 1840], ["coming", 1840], ["keep", 1876], ["keepest", 1876], ["kept", 1876], ["address", 1895], ["telephone", 1909], ["number", 1916], ["numbering", 1916], ["great", 1959], ["file", 1999], ["cabinet", 2007], ["pull", 2030], ["pulled", 2030], ["black", 2042], ["book", 2047], ["investor", 2100], ["investors", 2100], ["father", 2114], ["fathered", 2114], ["fathering", 2114], ["fathers", 2114], ["name", 2119], ["somewhere", 2140], ["hand", 2154], ["handed", 2154], ["point", 2178], ["pointed", 2178], ["phone", 2189], ["away", 2213], ["let", 2269], ["lets", 2269], ["give", 2277], ["call", 2292], ["right", 2298], ["rightest", 2298], ["dial", 2316], ["dialed", 2316], ["operator", 2329], ["ask", 2339], ["asked", 2339], ["place", 2352], ["five", 2384], ["fived", 2384], ["minute", 2392], ["minutes", 2392], ["come", 2401], ["came", 2401], ["line", 2418], ["connection", 2455], ["male", 2476], ["males", 2476], ["voice", 2482], ["hello", 2498], ["hellos", 2498], ["anyone", 2512], ["speak", 2524], ["spoken", 2524], ["english", 2532], ["englishest", 2532], ["momento", 2549], ["carla", 2579], ["stan", 2611], ["stans", 2611], ["harrison", 2680], ["oh", 2711], ["beach", 2784], ["soon", 2832], ["get", 2843], ["gets", 2843], ["come", 2862], ["comes", 2862], ["thirty", 2886], ["house", 2921], ["otherwise", 2933], ["home", 2956], ["homing", 2956], ["office", 2972], ["okay", 2985], ["put", 3027], ["imagine", 3110], ["public", 3175], ["quite", 3206], ["private", 3214], ["understand", 3237], ["understanded", 3237], ["father", 3257], ["fathered", 3257], ["fathering", 3257], ["give", 3262], ["gave", 3262], ["description", 3288], ["estate", 3302], ["amenity", 3326], ["amenities", 3326], ["include", 3335], ["included", 3335], ["commiserate", 3382], ["problem", 3401], ["problems", 3401], ["interrupt", 3439], ["interruptest", 3439], ["interrupted", 3439], ["rang", 3464], ["rung", 3464], ["ring", 3464], ["ringing", 3464], ["answer", 3480], ["answeres", 3480], ["answerest", 3480], ["answered", 3480], ["stiffen", 3504], ["stiffens", 3504], ["stiffened", 3504], ["argue", 3551], ["argued", 3551], ["finally", 3609], ["stomp", 3646], ["stomps", 3646], ["stomping", 3646], ["stomped", 3646], ["drank", 3672], ["drink", 3672], ["drinking", 3672], ["left", 3709], ["leave", 3709], ["room", 3718], ["roomed", 3718], ["sure", 3728], ["reply", 3743], ["replied", 3743], ["ear", 3776], ["yet", 3919], ["ca", 3961], ["cas", 3961], ["manager", 4009], ["suppose", 4022], ["supposed", 4022], ["send", 4030], ["mean", 4050], ["meanest", 4050], ["send", 4077], ["sent", 4077], ["phony", 4090], ["rent", 4095], ["roll", 4101], ["rolls", 4101], ["see", 4115], ["saw", 4115], ["lease", 4165], ["leasing", 4165], ["leased", 4165]]
at best it 's 20 % leased . '' `` the manager told me it was 50 % leased . i ca n't believe he would lie to me , '' kurt said . `` kurt , give me break , i 've been to the panhandle building , there 's only three completed floors instead of seven . '' `` i swear , he told me it was fifty percent complete . '' `` kurt , i 'm not one of your naive investors . you obviously knew exactly how much of the panhandle building was finished out . now , quit lying to me and let 's level with one another . i 've already got a call from worldwide and they are totally pissed off . apparently they 've called the fbi because they called me looking for you . '' `` yes , theyve been called in into the case . they 've already contacted cynthia and all the investors . i do n't think they know about the false rent rolls or other misrepresentations yet , but they will just as soon as they go to amarillo and talk to your manager . '' there was a moment of silence and then kurt said , `` what do you suggest i do ? '' `` for starters you could wire me $ 24,642 which would pay the first payment and also next months payment . that would certainly take the heat off . '' `` i do n't have the money right now ? '' you put a million bucks in your pocket when you closed the panhandle deal plus you 've got the two hundred and fifty thousand that you kept in your safe . '' `` i had commitments . the million dollars is gone . all i have is the quarter million and need it to live on down here . '' `` you mean you 're not coming back ? '' if i came up with two payments do you think the fbi will back off ? '' `` i ca n't promise anything , but i 'll do my best to convince everyone it was just a misunderstanding with you and the manager . but i will only do that if you swear you 'll finish up the project like you promised . you 'll need to raise the necessary funds and put them in escrow . '' `` where am i going to find the money ? '' `` i do n't know , you 're the expert at raising money . '' `` it 's not going to be easy coming up with the kind of money it will take to finish the panhandle building . '' `` you mean you never intended to do it ? this whole thing was a big scam ? '' things just did n't work out like i expected . '' `` well they have n't worked out like tom tower expected either . i thought he was your friend ? '' `` you do n't know what you 're asking . it 'll take half a million easy to do the finish out and then there 's no guarantee we can lease the space . '' `` well , you 're the one who dreamed up this project for godsakes . i ca n't believe this ? i 'll just go to the fbi and tell them the whole thing was a scam . '' i 'll wire you the twenty-four grand but i need time to raise the other money . '' `` well , do n't take too long . once the fbi discovers what youve done , you might as well stay down there and have kids with heloisa . '' `` okay , i 'll arrange to wire you the money in a couple of days . i 'll call you next week about the rest . '' `` good , if you move fast i think we can salvage the situation . i put down the phone and looked up . gwen had returned , kicked off her shoes and was relaxing in a over stuffed chair sipping a margarita . i could n't help but admire her long silky legs ; they were exquisite . `` your drink 's on the table , stan , '' gwen said . i reached over and picked it up and smiled at her . `` well , i think he got the message . he 's wiring me the twenty-four thousand we need immediately and supposedly working on getting the rest . '' `` how much money will it take to finish the panhandle building anyway ? '' `` i do n't really know , he says half a million , but i 'm not sure we can rely on his estimate at this point . i 'll have to get a couple of contractors out there to give us some bids . '' `` he did n't say when he was coming back did he ? '' did n't he tell you when you talked to him ? '' `` no , he said he 'd come back when he got good and ready and that we were n't married so he could screw other women if he wanted to . '' `` i do n't know , i 'm beginning to wonder about it . i kept thinking he would settle down as he got older and eventually we 'd get married . now i do n't know . i may have wasted five years of my life . ''
[["good", 7], ["well", 7], ["wells", 7], ["best", 7], ["lease", 25], ["leasing", 25], ["leased", 25], ["manager", 45], ["tell", 50], ["told", 50], ["ca", 79], ["cas", 79], ["believe", 91], ["lie", 104], ["lay", 104], ["lain", 104], ["kurt", 120], ["say", 125], ["sayest", 125], ["said", 125], ["give", 142], ["broke", 151], ["break", 151], ["panhandle", 181], ["build", 190], ["building", 190], ["three", 212], ["complete", 222], ["completed", 222], ["floor", 229], ["floors", 229], ["instead", 237], ["seven", 246], ["swear", 262], ["sweared", 262], ["fifty", 288], ["percent", 296], ["complete", 305], ["naive", 347], ["investor", 357], ["investors", 357], ["obviously", 373], ["know", 378], ["knowest", 378], ["knew", 378], ["exactly", 386], ["much", 395], ["finish", 434], ["finished", 434], ["quit", 451], ["quits", 451], ["quitting", 451], ["lie", 457], ["lay", 457], ["lain", 457], ["lying", 457], ["let", 471], ["lets", 471], ["level", 480], ["another", 497], ["already", 513], ["get", 517], ["got", 517], ["call", 524], ["worldwide", 539], ["totally", 560], ["apparently", 584], ["call", 600], ["called", 600], ["fbi", 608], ["look", 639], ["looking", 639], ["yes", 659], ["contact", 726], ["contacted", 726], ["cynthia", 734], ["think", 773], ["thinkest", 773], ["know", 783], ["knowest", 783], ["false", 799], ["rent", 804], ["roll", 810], ["rolls", 810], ["misrepresentation", 838], ["misrepresentations", 838], ["yet", 842], ["soon", 871], ["go", 882], ["goest", 882], ["amarillo", 894], ["talk", 903], ["moment", 943], ["silence", 954], ["suggest", 998], ["starter", 1024], ["starters", 1024], ["wire", 1039], ["pay", 1067], ["pays", 1067], ["payest", 1067], ["first", 1077], ["firstest", 1077], ["payment", 1085], ["also", 1094], ["next", 1099], ["month", 1106], ["months", 1106], ["certainly", 1137], ["take", 1142], ["heat", 1151], ["heats", 1151], ["heated", 1151], ["money", 1187], ["moneys", 1187], ["right", 1193], ["rightest", 1193], ["put", 1210], ["million", 1220], ["buck", 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["fund", 1857], ["funds", 1857], ["escrow", 1880], ["go", 1905], ["goest", 1905], ["going", 1905], ["find", 1913], ["expert", 1966], ["raise", 1977], ["raising", 1977], ["easy", 2018], ["kind", 2042], ["never", 2124], ["intend", 2133], ["intendest", 2133], ["intended", 2133], ["whole", 2155], ["wholes", 2155], ["thing", 2161], ["big", 2171], ["bigs", 2171], ["scam", 2176], ["thing", 2188], ["things", 2188], ["work", 2206], ["wrought", 2206], ["expect", 2226], ["expected", 2226], ["well", 2239], ["wells", 2239], ["work", 2260], ["wrought", 2260], ["worked", 2260], ["tom", 2273], ["tower", 2279], ["towered", 2279], ["towerest", 2279], ["either", 2295], ["think", 2307], ["thinkest", 2307], ["thought", 2307], ["friend", 2326], ["ask", 2370], ["asking", 2370], ["half", 2389], ["guarantee", 2456], ["lease", 2469], ["leasing", 2469], ["space", 2479], ["spaced", 2479], ["spacing", 2479], ["dream", 2522], ["dreamt", 2522], ["dreamest", 2522], ["dreamed", 2522], ["godsakes", 2551], ["tell", 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3277], ["drink", 3277], ["drinking", 3277], ["table", 3293], ["tabled", 3293], ["tabling", 3293], ["stan", 3300], ["stans", 3300], ["reach", 3327], ["reached", 3327], ["pick", 3343], ["picked", 3343], ["smile", 3360], ["smiled", 3360], ["message", 3406], ["wire", 3421], ["immediately", 3469], ["supposedly", 3484], ["work", 3492], ["wrought", 3492], ["working", 3492], ["get", 3503], ["getting", 3503], ["anyway", 3588], ["really", 3612], ["say", 3627], ["sayest", 3627], ["says", 3627], ["sure", 3662], ["rely", 3674], ["estimate", 3690], ["point", 3704], ["get", 3724], ["contractor", 3748], ["contractors", 3748], ["bid", 3779], ["bids", 3779], ["say", 3802], ["sayest", 3802], ["talk", 3874], ["talked", 3874], ["come", 3913], ["ready", 3945], ["marry", 3974], ["married", 3974], ["screw", 3992], ["screwing", 3992], ["woman", 4004], ["womans", 4004], ["women", 4004], ["beginning", 4059], ["wonder", 4069], ["wonderest", 4069], ["think", 4096], ["thinkest", 4096], ["thinking", 4096], ["settle", 4112], ["old", 4133], ["eventually", 4148], ["may", 4194], ["mays", 4194], ["mayest", 4194], ["waste", 4206], ["wasted", 4206], ["five", 4211], ["fived", 4211], ["year", 4217], ["years", 4217], ["life", 4228], ["lifes", 4228]]
`` hopefully he 'll come to his senses and return home to you . '' he may be afraid to come home now . '' `` i 'm sorry gwen , i really am , '' i said . `` listen , i better be running . '' i got up and started to leave . gwen got up and grabbed onto my arm . `` do n't leave me now , stan . i walked over to gwen , sat down and put my arms around her . she embraced me and put her head on my shoulder and began to sob . after a moment she looked up and gazed at me sadly . i wanted to kiss her , to pick her up and carry her up the spiral staircase to her magnificent bed and then to make her forget that kurt ever existed . our lips were drawn closer and closer , so close i could smell her sweet breath . but then somehow i stopped myself . `` please stay with me stan . we 'll just talk . '' `` no , it 's too dangerous . i do n't trust myself around such a beautiful woman , particularly with you being pissed off at kurt . gwen took a deep breath , sighed and replied , `` okay then , i 'll talk to you tomorrow . '' i left gwen and went home feeling a little better about the panhandle building situation . for the sake of the investors and myself i sincerely hoped kurt would come through . i hated to think of what might happen if he did n't . rebekah seemed in pretty good spirits when i got home . i thanked her mother again for staying with her and she left . `` okay , i guess , '' rebekah replied . `` i know tomorrow we 're going to make a lot of progress on your defense . i can just feel it . '' i 've been so worried about it . '' `` your attorney 's really good . he 'll get you off . '' `` i finally found kurt harrison and he 's sending us a couple payments on the panhandle building . '' `` oh that 's wonderful . '' `` i am so relieved . '' `` well , until i actually see the cash i wo n't feel a whole lot better . '' `` do you think he might not send it ? '' `` no , i think he will . it 's the rest of the money i 'm worried about . the twenty-four thousand he 's sending will just buy us a little time , thirty days at the most . '' `` i 'm so worried , '' rebekah said . `` what would we do if we both ended up in prison ? who would take care of the children ? '' neither of us are going to jail . '' `` oh , guess what ? '' `` the sheriff up in colorado has finally figured out that melba thorn was murdered . he 's got a warrant out for taylor brown 's arrest . '' i told rebekah about my conversation with the sheriff . `` why did they call you , i wonder ? '' `` i do n't know , they must have gotten my name from one of my clients or one of our friends . that night when we went to bed rebekah seemed in almost back to normal , so i cuddled up behind her and began to massage her shoulders gently . she did n't respond at all , so i slid my hands down her back and into her pants . she immediately wiggled away from me and said , `` cut it out , i 'm not in the mood . '' not to be easily dissuaded , i crawled up behind her and began stroking her breasts . she grabbed my hands , tossed them aside and said irritably , `` i told you , i did n't feel like it . '' `` yeah , but i know how to get you in the mood . '' `` your neck . one bite and your mine , '' i said as i bit down gently . `` see , what did i tell you ? '' 25 defense counsel the next morning rebekah 's sister watched the kids while i took rebekah to see her attorney , ken sherlock . kens office was in an old mansion in mckinney that had been renovated and made into offices . it was situated on a heavily wooded street not three blocks from downtown mckinney and the collin county courthouse . we opened the front door and were greeted by the receptionist . you must be the turners . '' `` yes , we 're here to see mr. sherlock , '' rebekah replied . the receptionist stood up . `` i 'll tell him you 're here , '' she said as she began walking toward the back of the house through a hallway that , in days past , must have led to the kitchen . in a few moments she returned and invited us back to mr. sherlock 's office . we followed her down the hall to a large office furnished with antique furniture , photographs of several texas courthouses , the head of a fifteen point buck , and a lunker black bass .
[["hopefully", 12], ["come", 24], ["sense", 38], ["senses", 38], ["return", 49], ["returnest", 49], ["home", 54], ["homing", 54], ["may", 73], ["mays", 73], ["mayest", 73], ["afraid", 83], ["sorry", 119], ["gwen", 124], ["really", 135], ["say", 150], ["sayest", 150], ["said", 150], ["listen", 162], ["listens", 162], ["well", 173], ["wells", 173], ["better", 173], ["run", 184], ["running", 184], ["get", 195], ["got", 195], ["start", 210], ["started", 210], ["left", 219], ["leave", 219], ["grab", 245], ["grabbed", 245], ["onto", 250], ["ontos", 250], ["arm", 257], ["stan", 289], ["stans", 289], ["walk", 300], ["walked", 300], ["sat", 319], ["sit", 319], ["put", 332], ["arm", 340], ["arms", 340], ["around", 347], ["embrace", 366], ["embraced", 366], ["head", 386], ["shoulder", 401], ["shouldered", 401], ["begin", 411], ["began", 411], ["sob", 418], ["sobs", 418], ["sobbed", 418], ["moment", 435], ["look", 446], ["looked", 446], ["gaze", 459], ["gazes", 459], ["gazed", 459], ["sadly", 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1017], ["tomorrows", 1017], ["left", 1029], ["leave", 1029], ["go", 1043], ["goest", 1043], ["went", 1043], ["feel", 1056], ["feeling", 1056], ["little", 1065], ["panhandle", 1092], ["build", 1101], ["building", 1101], ["situation", 1111], ["sake", 1126], ["sakes", 1126], ["investor", 1143], ["investors", 1143], ["sincerely", 1166], ["hope", 1172], ["hoped", 1172], ["hate", 1206], ["hateed", 1206], ["hated", 1206], ["think", 1215], ["thinkest", 1215], ["may", 1229], ["mays", 1229], ["mayest", 1229], ["might", 1229], ["happen", 1236], ["rebekah", 1260], ["seem", 1267], ["seeming", 1267], ["seemed", 1267], ["pretty", 1277], ["prettiest", 1277], ["good", 1282], ["spirit", 1290], ["spirited", 1290], ["spirits", 1290], ["thank", 1318], ["thanks", 1318], ["thankest", 1318], ["thanked", 1318], ["mother", 1329], ["mothered", 1329], ["motherest", 1329], ["stay", 1347], ["staying", 1347], ["guess", 1389], ["know", 1422], ["knowest", 1422], ["go", 1444], ["goest", 1444], ["going", 1444], ["lot", 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["figured", 2302], ["melba", 2317], ["thorn", 2323], ["murder", 2336], ["murderest", 2336], ["murdered", 2336], ["warrant", 2358], ["warranting", 2358], ["taylor", 2373], ["brown", 2379], ["browns", 2379], ["arrest", 2389], ["tell", 2401], ["told", 2401], ["conversation", 2431], ["call", 2471], ["wonder", 2486], ["wonderest", 2486], ["must", 2520], ["musts", 2520], ["get", 2532], ["gotten", 2532], ["name", 2540], ["client", 2563], ["clients", 2563], ["friend", 2585], ["friends", 2585], ["night", 2598], ["almost", 2643], ["back", 2648], ["normal", 2658], ["cuddle", 2673], ["cuddles", 2673], ["cuddled", 2673], ["behind", 2683], ["massage", 2708], ["massaged", 2708], ["shoulder", 2722], ["shouldered", 2722], ["shoulders", 2722], ["gently", 2729], ["respond", 2751], ["respondest", 2751], ["slid", 2770], ["hand", 2779], ["hands", 2779], ["pant", 2812], ["pants", 2812], ["immediately", 2830], ["wiggle", 2838], ["wiggled", 2838], ["away", 2843], ["cut", 2869], ["mood", 2899], ["easily", 2921], ["dissuade", 2931], ["crawl", 2943], ["crawled", 2943], ["stroke", 2976], ["stroking", 2976], ["breast", 2988], ["breasted", 2988], ["breasting", 2988], ["breasts", 2988], ["toss", 3020], ["tossed", 3020], ["aside", 3031], ["irritably", 3050], ["like", 3088], ["yeah", 3104], ["neck", 3162], ["necked", 3162], ["bite", 3173], ["mine", 3187], ["bite", 3208], ["tell", 3247], ["counsel", 3275], ["counseled", 3275], ["counselled", 3275], ["next", 3284], ["morning", 3292], ["sister", 3310], ["watch", 3318], ["watched", 3318], ["kid", 3327], ["kids", 3327], ["ken", 3374], ["kent", 3374], ["sherlock", 3383], ["office", 3397], ["old", 3411], ["mansion", 3419], ["mckinney", 3431], ["renovate", 3455], ["renovated", 3455], ["office", 3477], ["offices", 3477], ["situate", 3495], ["situated", 3495], ["heavily", 3508], ["wooded", 3515], ["wooding", 3515], ["street", 3522], ["three", 3532], ["block", 3539], ["blocks", 3539], ["downtown", 3553], ["downtowns", 3553], ["collin", 3577], ["county", 3584], ["courthouse", 3595], ["open", 3607], ["opened", 3607], ["front", 3617], ["door", 3622], ["greet", 3639], ["greeting", 3639], ["greeted", 3639], ["receptionist", 3659], ["turner", 3685], ["turners", 3685], ["yes", 3697], ["mr", 3721], ["stand", 3777], ["stood", 3777], ["standest", 3777], ["walk", 3848], ["walking", 3848], ["toward", 3855], ["house", 3877], ["hallway", 3895], ["hallways", 3895], ["past", 3915], ["lead", 3931], ["leaded", 3931], ["led", 3931], ["kitchen", 3946], ["kitchens", 3946], ["moment", 3965], ["moments", 3965], ["return", 3978], ["returnest", 3978], ["returned", 3978], ["invite", 3990], ["invites", 3990], ["invited", 3990], ["follow", 4038], ["followed", 4038], ["hall", 4056], ["large", 4067], ["furnish", 4084], ["furnished", 4084], ["antique", 4097], ["furniture", 4107], ["photograph", 4121], ["photographs", 4121], ["several", 4132], ["texas", 4138], ["courthouse", 4150], ["courthouses", 4150], ["fifteen", 4174], ["point", 4180], ["buck", 4185], ["bucking", 4185], ["lunker", 4200], ["black", 4206], ["bass", 4211], ["basses", 4211]]
ken stood up when we entered the room and gave us a warm smile . we exchanged greetings and then got down to business . `` well , let me fill you in on what i know so far . i 've talked to the da and i think the evidence they have is a little shaky . '' `` what evidence do they have ? '' `` of course , rebekah 's fingerprints are all over the room , but i told the da that 's to be expected since blackbird logan asked you to keep an eye on sheila . then there is the i-v bottle . her prints are on it too . '' `` i checked the i-v to make sure it was flowing properly , '' rebekah said . `` yes , it was doing just fine . '' `` apparently the murderer removed the i-v from mrs. logan 's arm , contaminated the needle and reinserted it improperly so that she would go into shock , '' ken said . `` the person may have also injected something into the i-v solution or directly into mrs. logan 's veins . so far the medical examiner is not sure exactly what happened . '' `` since we know rebekah did n't do it , who else would have had an opportunity to kill sheila ? '' `` it could have been anyone on the medical staff or anyone who was at the hospital that night . i suppose the logical person would be bird logan himself , '' ken replied . `` do the police consider him a suspect ? '' `` no , a lot of witnesses in the waiting room saw him during the evening and he was pretty distressed when he found out his wife had died . he 's either innocent or a good actor , '' ken said . `` maybe i should check into bird 's accident that night . something seems fishy about it , '' i said . `` if you want to help that 'll be fine . start with the police report , see if there were any witnesses , check out other people in the waiting room that night and look into mr. logan 's past if you can , '' ken said . `` okay , i 'll be happy to , '' i replied . the receptionist returned with two cups of coffee and set them on the desk in front of us . `` other than mr. logan , do you know of anyone else who might have wanted sheila dead ? '' `` well , bird and his secretary had something going . i think she 'll sleep better now that sheila 's dead . '' `` oh really , what 's her name ? '' melissa something . i do n't remember her last name . '' i 'll get someone to check her out . '' `` not that i know of , but i did n't know bird and sheila that well . there could be others who wanted her out of the way . '' well , as we learn more about bird and sheila perhaps well come up with more suspects . in the meantime , what i need is a minute by minute account of what happened that night . you 've got to think back and tell me every detail and , if you do n't mind , i 'm going to tape it so i can replay it later to make sure i have n't missed anything . '' rebekah reiterated her story to ken as he listened intently and took copious notes . when she was finished ken stood up , grabbed a pipe and walked toward a window that overlooked the backyard . he lit the pipe and then turned to us and smiled . `` well , looks like we 've got lots of work to do to prove your innocence mrs. turner , but i feel good about this case . i think we can beat this thing , '' ken said . `` oh , there is just one thing i guess we need to cover though before you leave . i always hate to bring this up but i will need a retainer and a cost advance . '' `` how much , '' i asked . `` well you know investigating a murder case can take a lot of time and private investigators do n't come cheap . i think a five thousand dollar cost advance and maybe a ten thousand dollar retainer to start would be appropriate , '' ken replied . `` well , i can give you a couple thousand right now , but it may be a few weeks before i can come up with the other $ 13,000 . i can get it , it will just take a little time . '' `` pardon me for asking , but where do you plan to get it ? '' `` well , thank god all of our luck hasnt been bad lately . we had an oil well come in a couple weeks ago and we 're expecting a pretty good size royalty check coming in each month starting in thirty to sixty days . '' `` that 's good , i 'll just take an assignment on your royalty interest to secure the payment of my fees . '' `` you want collateral ? '' `` yes , do n't take it personal . you 're asking me to extend you a substantial amount of credit .
[["ken", 3], ["kent", 3], ["stand", 9], ["stood", 9], ["standest", 9], ["enter", 28], ["entered", 28], ["room", 37], ["roomed", 37], ["give", 46], ["gave", 46], ["warm", 56], ["smile", 62], ["exchange", 77], ["exchanged", 77], ["greeting", 87], ["greetings", 87], ["get", 100], ["got", 100], ["business", 117], ["well", 127], ["wells", 127], ["let", 133], ["lets", 133], ["fill", 141], ["fills", 141], ["know", 163], ["knowest", 163], ["far", 170], ["talk", 185], ["talked", 185], ["da", 195], ["think", 207], ["thinkest", 207], ["evidence", 220], ["little", 242], ["shaky", 248], ["course", 301], ["rebekah", 311], ["fingerprint", 327], ["fingerprints", 327], ["tell", 362], ["told", 362], ["expect", 392], ["expected", 392], ["since", 398], ["blackbird", 408], ["blackbirds", 408], ["logan", 414], ["logans", 414], ["ask", 420], ["asked", 420], ["keep", 432], ["keepest", 432], ["eye", 439], ["eyed", 439], ["sheila", 449], ["v", 473], ["bottle", 480], ["bottled", 480], ["print", 493], ["prints", 493], ["check", 525], ["checked", 525], ["sure", 546], ["flow", 561], ["flows", 561], ["flowing", 561], ["properly", 570], ["say", 588], ["sayest", 588], ["said", 588], ["yes", 597], ["fine", 622], ["apparently", 641], ["remove", 662], ["removed", 662], ["mrs", 679], ["arm", 693], ["contaminate", 708], ["contaminated", 708], ["needle", 719], ["needled", 719], ["needles", 719], ["reinserted", 734], ["reinserting", 734], ["improperly", 748], ["go", 769], ["goest", 769], ["shock", 780], ["person", 810], ["may", 814], ["mays", 814], ["mayest", 814], ["also", 824], ["inject", 833], ["injected", 833], ["solution", 865], ["directly", 877], ["vein", 902], ["veins", 902], ["medical", 923], ["examiner", 932], ["exactly", 952], ["happen", 966], ["happened", 966], ["else", 1021], ["opportunity", 1051], ["kill", 1059], ["anyone", 1100], ["staff", 1121], ["staffing", 1121], ["hospital", 1155], ["night", 1166], ["suppose", 1178], ["logical", 1190], ["bird", 1211], ["reply", 1242], ["replied", 1242], ["police", 1261], ["consider", 1270], ["suspect", 1284], ["lot", 1303], ["witness", 1316], ["witnesses", 1316], ["see", 1340], ["saw", 1340], ["evening", 1363], ["pretty", 1381], ["prettiest", 1381], ["find", 1406], ["found", 1406], ["wife", 1419], ["die", 1428], ["died", 1428], ["either", 1443], ["innocent", 1452], ["good", 1462], ["actor", 1468], ["maybe", 1493], ["check", 1508], ["accident", 1530], ["seem", 1559], ["seeming", 1559], ["seems", 1559], ["fishy", 1565], ["help", 1611], ["helpest", 1611], ["start", 1636], ["report", 1659], ["see", 1665], ["people", 1718], ["look", 1758], ["mr", 1766], ["past", 1781], ["okay", 1816], ["happy", 1833], ["receptionist", 1870], ["return", 1879], ["returnest", 1879], ["returned", 1879], ["two", 1888], ["twos", 1888], ["cup", 1893], ["cups", 1893], ["coffee", 1903], ["set", 1911], ["desk", 1928], ["front", 1937], ["may", 2008], ["mays", 2008], ["mayest", 2008], ["might", 2008], ["dead", 2032], ["secretary", 2070], ["go", 2090], ["goest", 2090], ["going", 2090], ["sleep", 2114], ["slept", 2114], ["sleeps", 2114], ["sleepest", 2114], ["well", 2121], ["wells", 2121], ["oh", 2156], ["really", 2163], ["name", 2182], ["melissa", 2195], ["remember", 2225], ["rememberest", 2225], ["last", 2234], ["get", 2254], ["way", 2407], ["ways", 2407], ["learn", 2431], ["learns", 2431], ["learnt", 2431], ["perhaps", 2466], ["come", 2476], ["suspect", 2498], ["suspects", 2498], ["meantime", 2516], ["need", 2530], ["needest", 2530], ["minute", 2542], ["account", 2560], ["back", 2616], ["tell", 2625], ["every", 2634], ["detail", 2641], ["mind", 2666], ["minding", 2666], ["tape", 2687], ["replay", 2706], ["replays", 2706], ["later", 2715], ["miss", 2746], ["missed", 2746], ["anything", 2755], ["reiterate", 2779], ["reiterated", 2779], ["story", 2789], ["listen", 2811], ["listens", 2811], ["listened", 2811], ["intently", 2820], ["take", 2829], ["took", 2829], ["copious", 2837], ["note", 2843], ["notes", 2843], ["finish", 2867], ["finished", 2867], ["grab", 2890], ["grabbed", 2890], ["pipe", 2897], ["piped", 2897], ["piping", 2897], ["walk", 2908], ["walked", 2908], ["toward", 2915], ["window", 2924], ["windows", 2924], ["overlook", 2940], ["overlooked", 2940], ["backyard", 2953], ["lit", 2962], ["light", 2962], ["turn", 2987], ["turned", 2987], ["smile", 3004], ["smiled", 3004], ["look", 3022], ["looks", 3022], ["like", 3027], ["lot", 3043], ["lots", 3043], ["work", 3051], ["wrought", 3051], ["prof", 3066], ["prove", 3066], ["innocence", 3081], ["feel", 3106], ["case", 3127], ["beat", 3149], ["thing", 3160], ["guess", 3216], ["cover", 3233], ["though", 3240], ["left", 3257], ["leave", 3257], ["always", 3268], ["hate", 3273], ["hateed", 3273], ["bring", 3282], ["retainer", 3317], ["cost", 3328], ["advance", 3336], ["advancest", 3336], ["much", 3353], ["investigate", 3399], ["investigates", 3399], ["investigating", 3399], ["murder", 3408], ["murderest", 3408], ["take", 3422], ["time", 3436], ["private", 3448], ["investigator", 3462], ["investigators", 3462], ["cheap", 3480], ["five", 3497], ["fived", 3497], ["thousand", 3506], ["dollar", 3513], ["ten", 3542], ["appropriate", 3597], ["appropriates", 3597], ["give", 3637], ["couple", 3650], ["right", 3665], ["rightest", 3665], ["week", 3697], ["weeks", 3697], ["pardon", 3806], ["ask", 3820], ["asking", 3820], ["plan", 3844], ["thank", 3875], ["thanks", 3875], ["thankest", 3875], ["god", 3879], ["luck", 3895], ["bad", 3910], ["lately", 3917], ["oil", 3933], ["ago", 3965], ["expect", 3986], ["expecting", 3986], ["size", 4005], ["royalty", 4013], ["come", 4026], ["coming", 4026], ["month", 4040], ["start", 4049], ["starting", 4049], ["thirty", 4059], ["sixty", 4068], ["day", 4073], ["days", 4073], ["assignment", 4126], ["interest", 4151], ["secure", 4161], ["securest", 4161], ["payment", 4173], ["fee", 4184], ["fees", 4184], ["collateral", 4212], ["personal", 4250], ["extend", 4280], ["extended", 4280], ["substantial", 4298], ["amount", 4305], ["credit", 4315]]
if i were a banker you 'd expect to give me collateral , right ? '' `` i suppose ? '' `` well , until you 've got the cash to pay me , i 'm just like the bank . for every dollar i bill that you ca n't immediately pay , i 'm making a loan to you . '' `` okay , that will be fine . i 'll get with inca oil company and draw up the paperwork . '' i 'll call you when i hear something about your case . in the meantime do n't worry about it . that 's my job , '' ken said as he stood up . after i got rebekah home , i went to the police department and got a copy of the police report . then i went to the office to study it . the police report did not list any witnesses , so i decided to put an add in the dallas morning news asking if anyone observed the accident that night . i figured on a busy freeway someone had to have seen it . i wrote out a short little article for the weekend paper . h*e*l*p , if anyone saw the accident at central expressway and royal lane on monday night , may 18 , 1979 , please contact stan turner at 555-2222 . after i had placed the ad i went to my bank to see if the money had arrived yet from kurt . it was n't there yet , so i went to my office to try to get some work done . on the way there i pondered whether i should put a call into the bank 's attorney , mark pointer , just to let him know the money was coming . after weighing the pros and cons i finally decided to make the call . `` oh stan , have you heard from kurt ? '' `` yes , and as a matter of fact i 've got good news for you . '' `` i could use some good news , '' mark said . `` kurt is wiring may and june 's payment to me in the next day or two . '' `` well that is good news . when can i pick it up ? '' `` i 'll call you just as soon as it comes in , hopefully tomorrow . '' `` okay , i 'll send a runner over just as soon as you have the money in hand . '' `` listen , before you go . what 's this fbi call i got ? '' `` we 're required by law to inform the fbi of any suspicious transactions . when we loan a couple million dollars and do n't even get the first payment we get a little concerned . '' `` will you tell them to back off when you 've got your payments ? '' `` once i get the money you 've promised , i 'll try , but once the fbi takes a referral it 's not easy to call them off . '' `` please try , i 've had a long talk with kurt and he 's going to fire his manager up in amarillo and get someone else to oversee construction on the project for him . '' `` thanks a lot , i really appreciate it . '' as i was praying for the funds to arrive , general burton walked in the front door . he smiled , said hello and then hurried into his office . i heard him dial the phone and talk excitedly to whoever he had called . when he was done he came into my office and sat down in a side chair facing my desk . `` better , things are beginning to turn around , '' i replied . `` good , i 've been worried about you and rebekah . '' `` rebekah 's attorney seems to really know what he 's doing . i think he 's going to be good . all i 've got to do now is find $ 13,000 to pay him . '' `` well , if you do n't have the money i can introduce you to a good banker . '' `` i appreciate that , but i 'm supposed to start getting some money from parker # 3 pretty soon . `` you do n't happen to know any good contractors in amarillo , do you ? '' `` not right off hand , but i can check around for you . '' `` i am looking for a good finish out contractor to do a building rehab . '' `` i know some brokers in amarillo that i can call and maybe get a referral '' `` that would be great . '' as we were speaking we heard the newspaper boy drop the ft. worth star telegram off in front of our office . general burton got up , walked outside and picked it up . when he returned he was engrossed in a story on the front page . `` what 's so interesting ? '' `` they 've indicted taylor brown for the murder of his partner 's chauffeur , '' general burton said as he laid the paper down in front of me . the headlines read . `` ft. worth businessman indicted for murder . '' `` damn , it did n't take them long , did it ? '' general burton picked up the story and began to read it aloud .
[["expect", 32], ["give", 40], ["collateral", 54], ["right", 62], ["rightest", 62], ["suppose", 80], ["well", 93], ["wells", 93], ["get", 113], ["got", 113], ["cash", 122], ["cashed", 122], ["pay", 129], ["pays", 129], ["payest", 129], ["like", 149], ["bank", 158], ["every", 170], ["dollar", 177], ["bill", 184], ["ca", 196], ["cas", 196], ["immediately", 212], ["loan", 237], ["okay", 257], ["fine", 277], ["get", 289], ["inca", 299], ["oil", 303], ["company", 311], ["companys", 311], ["companying", 311], ["draw", 320], ["drawn", 320], ["draws", 320], ["paperwork", 337], ["call", 353], ["hear", 369], ["hears", 369], ["meantime", 413], ["worry", 426], ["worried", 426], ["job", 452], ["jobbing", 452], ["ken", 461], ["kent", 461], ["say", 466], ["sayest", 466], ["said", 466], ["stand", 478], ["stood", 478], ["standest", 478], ["rebekah", 503], ["home", 508], ["homing", 508], ["go", 517], ["goest", 517], ["went", 517], ["police", 531], ["department", 542], ["copy", 557], ["report", 578], ["office", 606], ["study", 615], ["list", 651], ["witness", 665], ["witnesses", 665], ["decide", 680], ["decided", 680], ["put", 687], ["add", 694], ["morning", 716], ["news", 721], ["newses", 721], ["ask", 728], ["asking", 728], ["anyone", 738], ["observe", 747], ["observed", 747], ["accident", 760], ["night", 771], ["figure", 783], ["figured", 783], ["busy", 793], ["busied", 793], ["freeway", 801], ["see", 826], ["seen", 826], ["write", 839], ["writing", 839], ["wrote", 839], ["short", 851], ["little", 858], ["article", 866], ["weekend", 882], ["paper", 888], ["see", 914], ["saw", 914], ["central", 938], ["expressway", 949], ["royal", 959], ["lane", 964], ["lanes", 964], ["monday", 974], ["mondays", 974], ["may", 986], ["mays", 986], ["mayest", 986], ["please", 1005], ["contact", 1013], ["stan", 1018], ["stans", 1018], ["place", 1058], ["placed", 1058], ["ad", 1065], ["see", 1090], ["money", 1103], ["moneys", 1103], ["arrive", 1115], ["arrived", 1115], ["yet", 1119], ["kurt", 1129], ["try", 1184], ["tryed", 1184], ["work", 1201], ["wrought", 1201], ["way", 1219], ["ways", 1219], ["ponder", 1236], ["pondered", 1236], ["whether", 1244], ["attorney", 1290], ["mark", 1297], ["marks", 1297], ["pointer", 1305], ["let", 1319], ["lets", 1319], ["know", 1328], ["knowest", 1328], ["come", 1349], ["coming", 1349], ["weigh", 1366], ["weighest", 1366], ["weighing", 1366], ["pro", 1375], ["pros", 1375], ["con", 1384], ["cons", 1384], ["finally", 1394], ["oh", 1427], ["hear", 1449], ["hears", 1449], ["heard", 1449], ["yes", 1471], ["matter", 1489], ["mattering", 1489], ["fact", 1497], ["good", 1512], ["use", 1545], ["wiring", 1595], ["june", 1608], ["junes", 1608], ["payment", 1619], ["next", 1637], ["day", 1641], ["two", 1648], ["twos", 1648], ["pick", 1697], ["soon", 1739], ["come", 1751], ["comes", 1751], ["hopefully", 1766], ["tomorrow", 1775], ["tomorrows", 1775], ["send", 1801], ["runner", 1810], ["hand", 1858], ["listen", 1873], ["listens", 1873], ["go", 1889], ["goest", 1889], ["fbi", 1908], ["require", 1943], ["required", 1943], ["law", 1950], ["inform", 1960], ["informs", 1960], ["suspicious", 1986], ["transaction", 1999], ["transactions", 1999], ["couple", 2023], ["million", 2031], ["dollar", 2039], ["dollars", 2039], ["even", 2055], ["evens", 2055], ["first", 2069], ["firstest", 2069], ["tell", 2125], ["back", 2138], ["payment", 2173], ["payments", 2173], ["promise", 2219], ["promised", 2219], ["take", 2256], ["takes", 2256], ["referral", 2267], ["easy", 2282], ["long", 2337], ["longs", 2337], ["talk", 2342], ["go", 2368], ["goest", 2368], ["going", 2368], ["fire", 2376], ["manager", 2388], ["amarillo", 2403], ["else", 2424], ["oversee", 2435], ["oversaw", 2435], ["overseen", 2435], ["construction", 2448], ["project", 2463], ["projectest", 2463], ["thank", 2486], ["thanks", 2486], ["thankest", 2486], ["lot", 2492], ["really", 2503], ["appreciate", 2514], ["appreciates", 2514], ["pray", 2539], ["prays", 2539], ["praying", 2539], ["fund", 2553], ["funds", 2553], ["arrive", 2563], ["general", 2573], ["burton", 2580], ["walk", 2587], ["walked", 2587], ["front", 2600], ["door", 2605], ["smile", 2617], ["smiled", 2617], ["hello", 2630], ["hellos", 2630], ["hurry", 2647], ["hurried", 2647], ["hurryed", 2647], ["hurrying", 2647], ["dial", 2682], ["phone", 2692], ["excitedly", 2711], ["whoever", 2722], ["call", 2736], ["called", 2736], ["come", 2763], ["came", 2763], ["sat", 2786], ["sit", 2786], ["side", 2801], ["sidest", 2801], ["chair", 2807], ["chairing", 2807], ["face", 2814], ["facing", 2814], ["desk", 2822], ["well", 2834], ["wells", 2834], ["thing", 2843], ["things", 2843], ["begin", 2857], ["beginning", 2857], ["turn", 2865], ["around", 2872], ["reply", 2887], ["replied", 2887], ["seem", 2974], ["seeming", 2974], ["seems", 2974], ["think", 3016], ["thinkest", 3016], ["find", 3073], ["introduce", 3153], ["suppose", 3220], ["supposed", 3220], ["start", 3229], ["get", 3237], ["getting", 3237], ["parker", 3260], ["pretty", 3271], ["prettiest", 3271], ["happen", 3299], ["contractor", 3328], ["contractors", 3328], ["check", 3394], ["look", 3430], ["looking", 3430], ["finish", 3448], ["contractor", 3463], ["build", 3480], ["building", 3480], ["rehab", 3486], ["broker", 3514], ["brokering", 3514], ["brokers", 3514], ["maybe", 3552], ["great", 3593], ["speak", 3618], ["spoken", 3618], ["speaking", 3618], ["newspaper", 3641], ["boy", 3645], ["drop", 3650], ["ft", 3657], ["worth", 3664], ["star", 3669], ["starred", 3669], ["telegram", 3678], ["telegrams", 3678], ["outside", 3746], ["pick", 3757], ["picked", 3757], ["return", 3782], ["returnest", 3782], ["returned", 3782], ["engross", 3799], ["engrossed", 3799], ["story", 3810], ["page", 3828], ["interesting", 3856], ["indict", 3882], ["indicted", 3882], ["taylor", 3889], ["brown", 3895], ["browns", 3895], ["murder", 3910], ["murderest", 3910], ["partner", 3925], ["chauffeur", 3938], ["lay", 3974], ["lays", 3974], ["layed", 3974], ["layest", 3974], ["laid", 3974], ["headline", 4020], ["headlining", 4020], ["headlines", 4020], ["read", 4025], ["reads", 4025], ["businessman", 4052], ["damn", 4085], ["damned", 4085], ["take", 4103], ["begin", 4172], ["began", 4172], ["aloud", 4189]]
`` a fort worth grand jury today indicted taylor brown , a wealthy real estate developer and major shareholder of thorn enterprises , inc. for the murder of his chauffeur , ronald sage . the alleged murder took place approximately six months ago near brown 's ranch in johnson county , texas . the indictment came about as the result of an investigation triggered by a tip from a colorado sheriff . the informant said that brown was involved in a conspiracy to murder brown 's mother-in-law , melba thorn , who at the time was the controlling shareholder in thorn enterprises , inc. `` mrs. thorn met a fiery death when her car spun out of control on highway 24 near florissant , colorado . authorities now believe that the crash was not an accident but the result of a conspiracy between brown and the decedent 's son , robert thorn , to gain control of thorn enterprises . authorities report that they are looking for robert thorn to question him about the two murders but they have n't been able to find him as yet . in a bizarre twist the ft. worth star telegram has learned that the conspiracy was actually uncovered by a local attorney , stan turner , who claims to have received telephone calls from the decedent , melba thorn . the telegraph has been unable to make contact with mr. turner for his comments . '' `` jesus , how did they find out about that i wonder ? '' `` your sheriff friend up in colorado must have told someone . '' as we were speaking the door opened and two men came in . one was carrying a camera . before anyone spoke the man with the camera said , `` smile '' and then took my picture . then the other one pulled a small tablet from his pocket and began talking and writing at the same time . `` you 're stan turner i presume , '' he said . `` hi , i 'm walter benjamin from the ft. worth star telegram and this is my photographer paul myers . i guess you read the story in today 's paper , '' mr. benjamin said . `` well yes , just now in fact , '' i replied . `` is it true you were contacted by the ghost of melba thorn ? '' `` someone called me claiming to be melba thorn . who ever it was said she was being held hostage and wanted me to help her . '' `` did you ever meet this woman who called you ? '' `` no , she did n't tell me where she was being held , '' i said . `` i searched for her but never could find her . '' `` how did you crack the conspiracy between brown and thorn ? '' while i briefly explained to them what had happened , the door flew open and a television crew came bursting in the office . following right behind them were other reporters and cameramen . bedlam broke out and general burton finally fought his way to a telephone and called security . in a few minutes several uniformed security men arrived and cleared the office . as the last reporter was escorted out of my office i looked at general burton and began to laugh . `` no , those bastards damn nearly destroyed my office . '' `` i 'm sorry , i 'll pay for any damage . '' `` do n't worry about it , it 's not your fault . i 'll send a bill to each and every one of them . '' general burton turned around and limped back to his office . `` you were n't hurt were you ? '' `` no , i just pulled a muscle in my back wrestling with one of those gorillas , '' he replied . `` tell me which one it was and i 'll sue him for you . '' `` that 's all right , forget it . '' the telephone began to ring incessantly . i knew the calls were about the story , so i disconnected the phone line . i wondered how long this was going to last . i might have to get an unlisted number if i ever wanted to be able to use the phone again . what if kurt tried to call me and he could n't get through or prospective clients called ? then i remembered i needed to call inca oil to arrange for my collateral . i plugged the phone back in the jack and quickly dialed before it started ringing . `` mr. tomlinson , this is stan turner . '' for several seconds there was no response then finally brice responded . listen rebekah did n't kill sheila , i promise you . '' `` well , i guess that 's the district attorney 's problem now , not mine . '' `` how 's bird doing ? '' `` he 's pretty upset . he went down to corpus to be alone for a while . '' `` i am really sorry , sheila was a wonderful person . '' `` what was going on between you two , anyway ? '' `` nothing , we were just a little infatuated with each other , what can i say ? nothing really happened .
[["fort", 9], ["worth", 15], ["grand", 21], ["jury", 26], ["jurys", 26], ["today", 32], ["indict", 41], ["indicted", 41], ["taylor", 48], ["brown", 54], ["browns", 54], ["wealthy", 66], ["real", 71], ["reis", 71], ["estate", 78], ["developer", 88], ["major", 98], ["shareholder", 110], ["thorn", 119], ["inc", 137], ["murder", 153], ["murderest", 153], ["chauffeur", 170], ["ronald", 179], ["sage", 184], ["allege", 198], ["alleges", 198], ["alleged", 198], ["take", 210], ["took", 210], ["place", 216], ["approximately", 230], ["six", 234], ["month", 241], ["months", 241], ["ago", 245], ["near", 250], ["ranch", 265], ["johnson", 276], ["county", 283], ["texas", 291], ["indictment", 308], ["come", 313], ["came", 313], ["result", 333], ["resultest", 333], ["investigation", 353], ["trigger", 363], ["triggered", 363], ["tip", 372], ["colorado", 388], ["sheriff", 396], ["informant", 412], ["say", 417], ["sayest", 417], ["said", 417], ["involve", 441], ["involved", 441], ["conspiracy", 457], 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["learnt", 1078], ["learned", 1078], ["uncover", 1121], ["uncovers", 1121], ["uncovered", 1121], ["uncoverest", 1121], ["local", 1132], ["attorney", 1141], ["stan", 1148], ["stans", 1148], ["claim", 1168], ["claims", 1168], ["receive", 1185], ["received", 1185], ["telephone", 1195], ["call", 1201], ["calls", 1201], ["telegraph", 1249], ["telegraphs", 1249], ["unable", 1265], ["unabled", 1265], ["contact", 1281], ["mr", 1289], ["comment", 1314], ["comments", 1314], ["jesus", 1328], ["wonder", 1372], ["wonderest", 1372], ["friend", 1400], ["must", 1420], ["musts", 1420], ["tell", 1430], ["told", 1430], ["speak", 1463], ["spoken", 1463], ["speaking", 1463], ["door", 1472], ["open", 1479], ["opened", 1479], ["man", 1491], ["mans", 1491], ["manned", 1491], ["men", 1491], ["carry", 1518], ["carrying", 1518], ["camera", 1527], ["cameras", 1527], ["anyone", 1543], ["speak", 1549], ["spoken", 1549], ["spoke", 1549], ["man", 1557], ["mans", 1557], ["manned", 1557], ["smile", 1589], ["picture", 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["explained", 2451], ["happen", 2477], ["happened", 2477], ["fly", 2493], ["flys", 2493], ["flew", 2493], ["open", 2498], ["television", 2515], ["crew", 2520], ["burst", 2534], ["bursted", 2534], ["bursting", 2534], ["office", 2548], ["follow", 2560], ["following", 2560], ["right", 2566], ["rightest", 2566], ["behind", 2573], ["reporters", 2599], ["cameraman", 2613], ["cameramen", 2613], ["bedlam", 2622], ["bedlams", 2622], ["broke", 2628], ["break", 2628], ["general", 2644], ["burton", 2651], ["finally", 2659], ["fight", 2666], ["fightest", 2666], ["fought", 2666], ["way", 2674], ["ways", 2674], ["security", 2709], ["minute", 2728], ["minutes", 2728], ["several", 2736], ["uniformed", 2746], ["arrive", 2767], ["arrived", 2767], ["clear", 2779], ["clearest", 2779], ["cleared", 2779], ["last", 2804], ["escort", 2826], ["escorted", 2826], ["look", 2852], ["looked", 2852], ["laugh", 2889], ["bastard", 2914], ["bastards", 2914], ["damn", 2919], ["damned", 2919], ["nearly", 2926], ["destroy", 2936], ["destroys", 2936], ["destroyed", 2936], ["sorry", 2965], ["pay", 2977], ["pays", 2977], ["payest", 2977], ["damage", 2992], ["damaging", 2992], ["worry", 3013], ["worried", 3013], ["fault", 3045], ["faulting", 3045], ["send", 3058], ["bill", 3065], ["every", 3083], ["turn", 3122], ["turned", 3122], ["around", 3129], ["limp", 3140], ["limps", 3140], ["limping", 3140], ["limped", 3140], ["back", 3145], ["hurt", 3182], ["hurts", 3182], ["hurting", 3182], ["muscle", 3227], ["wrestling", 3248], ["gorilla", 3275], ["gorillas", 3275], ["sue", 3335], ["sued", 3335], ["sueing", 3335], ["forget", 3382], ["forgot", 3382], ["rang", 3418], ["rung", 3418], ["ring", 3418], ["incessantly", 3430], ["know", 3439], ["knowest", 3439], ["knew", 3439], ["disconnect", 3490], ["disconnecting", 3490], ["disconnected", 3490], ["phone", 3500], ["line", 3505], ["wonder", 3518], ["wonderest", 3518], ["wondered", 3518], ["long", 3527], ["longs", 3527], ["go", 3542], ["goest", 3542], ["going", 3542], ["may", 3560], ["mays", 3560], ["mayest", 3560], ["might", 3560], ["get", 3572], ["number", 3591], ["numbering", 3591], ["use", 3626], ["kurt", 3657], ["try", 3663], ["tryed", 3663], ["tried", 3663], ["call", 3671], ["prospective", 3718], ["client", 3726], ["clients", 3726], ["remember", 3753], ["rememberest", 3753], ["remembered", 3753], ["need", 3762], ["needest", 3762], ["needed", 3762], ["inca", 3775], ["oil", 3779], ["arrange", 3790], ["arranging", 3790], ["collateral", 3808], ["plug", 3820], ["plugged", 3820], ["jack", 3847], ["jacks", 3847], ["jacked", 3847], ["quickly", 3859], ["dial", 3866], ["dialed", 3866], ["start", 3884], ["started", 3884], ["rang", 3892], ["rung", 3892], ["ring", 3892], ["ringing", 3892], ["tomlinson", 3911], ["second", 3958], ["seconded", 3958], ["seconds", 3958], ["response", 3980], ["brice", 3999], ["respond", 4009], ["respondest", 4009], ["responded", 4009], ["listen", 4018], ["listens", 4018], ["rebekah", 4026], ["kill", 4039], ["sheila", 4046], ["promise", 4058], ["district", 4106], ["problem", 4126], ["bird", 4161], ["pretty", 4188], ["prettiest", 4188], ["upset", 4194], ["go", 4204], ["goest", 4204], ["went", 4204], ["corpus", 4219], ["alone", 4231], ["really", 4263], ["wonderful", 4294], ["person", 4301], ["anyway", 4352], ["nothing", 4368], ["little", 4392], ["infatuate", 4403], ["infatuates", 4403], ["infatuated", 4403], ["say", 4436], ["sayest", 4436]]
i tried to steer clear of her since we were both married and i love rebekah , but we just got out of control there for a brief moment , you know , with the well coming in and the party and everything . '' `` i guess it 's water under the bridge now . `` how 's parker # 3 coming along ? i need money for rebekah 's defense . '' `` did n't you get the letter ? '' `` parker # 3 has been shut down . '' `` for about twenty-four hours we were getting some good production . there was quite a bit of salt water in the oil but that 's not a big deal as long as there 's plenty of oil too . we can separate the water from the oil and haul it off or drill an injection well . unfortunately , the percentage of oil began to drop drastically until ninety-nine percent of what we were pumping out was salt water . '' how could that be when the production reports said they were pumping out two hundred barrels a day of oil when the well was shut in . '' `` maybe there was an offset well drilled somewhere that we did n't know about . '' `` oh , my god , what am i going to do now ? '' `` i 'm sorry , stan . it really looked like a good prospect . '' well , okay , i 'll talk to you later . '' `` oh stan , under the circumstances , i think it would be better if we used another attorney for a while until this thing with your wife is resolved . send me a final bill and i 'll see to it that it 's paid immediately . '' `` sure , bye , '' i said and then slammed down the phone . just as i hung up the phone it rang . forgetting momentarily that i needed to disconnect it , i answered it . `` stan , this is jane brown . '' `` oh , jane . i 'm sorry about your husband being arrested . '' `` i guess we both have something in common now , '' jane said . `` i just now read in the newspaper about how you 've been investigating my mother 's death , '' jane said . `` i take it then our luncheon a few weeks ago was not really a social occasion . '' `` well , i 'm sorry about that but i was at a dead end and needed some information in order to continue the investigation . '' `` i just ca n't believe robert and taylor would kill mom . i pray to god the sheriff is wrong and someone else did this horrible thing . i have been so sick since taylor was arrested . '' `` i hope you 're not mad at me for digging into this mess , but i did n't know what to do when i kept getting those calls . '' `` no , you did what you had to do . if mom was murdered then the persons responsible should be brought to justice no matter who it is . and , i want you to know that if it turns out mom was murdered thorn industries will pay you for all your time and trouble in bringing it out in the open . '' `` let 's have lunch in a few weeks , i want you to tell me all about your investigation . '' `` sure , give me a call when you 'd like to do it . '' `` i will , good bye . '' the bad news about parker # 3 had drained every ounce of energy i had in me . it was only four o'clock but i was so wiped out i decided to go home . rebekah and her mother were happy to see me home early , as they were beginning to run out of things to say to each other and the kids were driving them nuts . after mom left , i took over entertaining the boys and rebekah put marcia in her high chair , so she could begin making supper . rebekah was in too good of spirits to tell her about parker # 3 , so i kept my mouth shut . i figured i would tell her when the time was right . that night i could n't sleep , worrying about how i was going to pay ken sherlock the rest of his thirteen thousand dollar retainer . i remembered general burton 's offer to introduce me to his banker , but upon careful analysis i realized that would never work in my current situation . of course , an obvious source of funds would be from relatives , but in scanning my brain for all known relatives with available cash none came to mind . i finally decided if i could n't come up with the money i 'd have to defend her myself . 26 the conference the following day i went by the bank but kurt 's money still had n't arrived . when i got to the office there was a message from mark pointer . i tried to ignore it for a while but finally i picked it up and began dialing his number . `` you got the money yet ? '' i went by the bank but it was n't there . i 'm sure it will be there tomorrow . '' `` well , we need to have a meeting with you and the investors so we can get this thing straightened out . '' `` that should n't be necessary , i 'm sure the money will be there tomorrow . ''
[["try", 7], ["tryed", 7], ["tried", 7], ["steer", 16], ["steerest", 16], ["clear", 22], ["clearest", 22], ["since", 35], ["married", 56], ["love", 67], ["rebekah", 75], ["get", 93], ["got", 93], ["control", 108], ["brief", 126], ["briefing", 126], ["moment", 133], ["know", 144], ["knowest", 144], ["well", 160], ["wells", 160], ["come", 167], ["coming", 167], ["party", 184], ["everything", 199], ["guess", 215], ["water", 227], ["bridge", 244], ["parker", 267], ["along", 284], ["need", 293], ["needest", 293], ["money", 299], ["moneys", 299], ["defense", 322], ["get", 346], ["letter", 357], ["lettering", 357], ["shut", 390], ["twenty", 420], ["four", 425], ["hour", 431], ["hours", 431], ["get", 447], ["getting", 447], ["good", 457], ["production", 468], ["quite", 486], ["bit", 492], ["bits", 492], ["salt", 500], ["salts", 500], ["oil", 517], ["big", 539], ["bigs", 539], ["deal", 544], ["long", 552], ["longs", 552], ["plenty", 571], ["separate", 600], ["haul", 632], ["hauls", 632], ["drill", 648], ["drilling", 648], ["injection", 661], ["unfortunately", 682], ["percentage", 699], ["begin", 712], ["began", 712], ["drop", 720], ["drastically", 732], ["ninety", 745], ["nineties", 745], ["nine", 750], ["percent", 758], ["pump", 782], ["pumping", 782], ["report", 852], ["reports", 852], ["say", 857], ["sayest", 857], ["said", 857], ["two", 883], ["twos", 883], ["hundred", 891], ["barrel", 899], ["barreling", 899], ["barrels", 899], ["day", 905], ["maybe", 952], ["offset", 972], ["drill", 985], ["drilling", 985], ["drilled", 985], ["somewhere", 995], ["oh", 1033], ["god", 1042], ["go", 1060], ["goest", 1060], ["going", 1060], ["sorry", 1089], ["stan", 1096], ["stans", 1096], ["really", 1108], ["look", 1115], ["looked", 1115], ["like", 1120], ["prospect", 1136], ["okay", 1153], ["talk", 1166], ["later", 1179], ["circumstance", 1221], ["circumstances", 1221], ["think", 1231], ["thinkest", 1231], ["well", 1250], ["wells", 1250], ["use", 1261], ["used", 1261], ["another", 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["investigates", 1817], ["investigating", 1817], ["mother", 1827], ["mothered", 1827], ["motherest", 1827], ["death", 1836], ["take", 1863], ["luncheon", 1884], ["week", 1896], ["weeks", 1896], ["ago", 1900], ["social", 1924], ["occasion", 1933], ["dead", 1990], ["end", 1994], ["ends", 1994], ["endest", 1994], ["information", 2022], ["order", 2031], ["orderest", 2031], ["continue", 2043], ["investigation", 2061], ["ca", 2079], ["cas", 2079], ["believe", 2091], ["robert", 2098], ["roberts", 2098], ["taylor", 2109], ["kill", 2120], ["mom", 2124], ["moms", 2124], ["pray", 2133], ["prays", 2133], ["sheriff", 2152], ["wrong", 2161], ["else", 2178], ["horrible", 2196], ["sick", 2224], ["hope", 2265], ["mad", 2281], ["mads", 2281], ["dig", 2299], ["dug", 2299], ["digs", 2299], ["digest", 2299], ["digging", 2299], ["mess", 2314], ["messed", 2314], ["messing", 2314], ["keep", 2358], ["keepest", 2358], ["kept", 2358], ["call", 2378], ["calls", 2378], ["murder", 2440], ["murderest", 2440], ["murdered", 2440], ["person", 2457], ["persons", 2457], ["responsible", 2469], ["bring", 2487], ["brought", 2487], ["justice", 2498], ["matter", 2508], ["mattering", 2508], ["turn", 2562], ["turns", 2562], ["thorn", 2589], ["industry", 2600], ["industries", 2600], ["pay", 2609], ["pays", 2609], ["payest", 2609], ["time", 2631], ["trouble", 2643], ["troubling", 2643], ["bring", 2655], ["bringing", 2655], ["open", 2674], ["let", 2686], ["lets", 2686], ["lunch", 2700], ["lunches", 2700], ["lunched", 2700], ["tell", 2736], ["give", 2788], ["call", 2798], ["bad", 2863], ["news", 2868], ["newses", 2868], ["drain", 2897], ["drained", 2897], ["every", 2903], ["ounce", 2909], ["energy", 2919], ["wipe", 2977], ["wiped", 2977], ["decide", 2991], ["decided", 2991], ["go", 2997], ["goest", 2997], ["home", 3002], ["homing", 3002], ["happy", 3038], ["early", 3059], ["begin", 3084], ["beginning", 3084], ["run", 3091], ["thing", 3105], ["things", 3105], ["say", 3112], ["sayest", 3112], ["kid", 3139], ["kids", 3139], ["drive", 3152], ["driving", 3152], ["nut", 3162], ["nuts", 3162], ["left", 3179], ["leave", 3179], ["take", 3188], ["took", 3188], ["entertain", 3206], ["entertains", 3206], ["entertaining", 3206], ["boy", 3215], ["boys", 3215], ["put", 3231], ["marcia", 3238], ["high", 3250], ["chair", 3256], ["chairing", 3256], ["begin", 3277], ["supper", 3291], ["spirit", 3328], ["spirited", 3328], ["spirits", 3328], ["mouth", 3378], ["mouthed", 3378], ["figure", 3395], ["figured", 3395], ["right", 3436], ["rightest", 3436], ["night", 3449], ["sleep", 3467], ["slept", 3467], ["sleeps", 3467], ["sleepest", 3467], ["worry", 3478], ["worried", 3478], ["worrying", 3478], ["ken", 3511], ["kent", 3511], ["sherlock", 3520], ["rest", 3529], ["thirteen", 3545], ["thousand", 3554], ["dollar", 3561], ["retainer", 3570], ["remember", 3585], ["rememberest", 3585], ["remembered", 3585], ["general", 3593], ["burton", 3600], ["offer", 3609], ["introduce", 3622], ["upon", 3650], ["careful", 3658], ["analysis", 3667], ["realize", 3678], ["realized", 3678], ["never", 3695], ["work", 3700], ["wrought", 3700], ["current", 3714], ["situation", 3724], ["course", 3736], ["obvious", 3749], ["source", 3756], ["fund", 3765], ["funds", 3765], ["relative", 3789], ["relatives", 3789], ["scan", 3807], ["scans", 3807], ["scanning", 3807], ["brain", 3816], ["brained", 3816], ["braining", 3816], ["know", 3830], ["knowest", 3830], ["known", 3830], ["available", 3855], ["cash", 3860], ["cashed", 3860], ["none", 3865], ["come", 3870], ["came", 3870], ["mind", 3878], ["minding", 3878], ["finally", 3890], ["come", 3918], ["defend", 3956], ["conference", 3987], ["conferencing", 3987], ["follow", 4001], ["following", 4001], ["go", 4012], ["goest", 4012], ["went", 4012], ["bank", 4024], ["kurt", 4033], ["still", 4048], ["arrive", 4064], ["arrived", 4064], ["office", 4091], ["message", 4111], ["mark", 4121], ["marks", 4121], ["pointer", 4129], ["ignore", 4149], ["pick", 4185], ["picked", 4185], ["dial", 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`` maybe so , but let 's go ahead and set up a meeting for tomorrow anyway . we can cancel it if the money shows up . '' `` well , i do n't know if i can line up the investors or not . they 're not really my clients . '' `` i 'm sure you can arrange it . ten o'clock at my office , okay ? '' i 'll try to set it up . '' the conversation with mark pointer shook me up pretty badly . suddenly i was faced with the prospect of having to contact all of the investors and explaining to them why they were being summoned for a meeting with the bank . obviously they would have lots of questions . if i was n't careful kurt 's scam would be uncovered and it would be all over . to make things worse if i made any statements that were untrue or said anything misleading at the meeting i would pay for it later if the truth came out . for a brief moment i thought maybe i should join kurt in brazil . there was no way i could tell rebekah what was going on . she had enough to worry about with her own trial . after several hours of pondering my predicament i decided i could pull off the meeting if i just listened and did n't say much . i contacted the investors and gave them the bad news . they were all very upset but reluctantly agreed to the meeting . at precisely ten o'clock the next morning i walked into the offices of pointer , blasingame and merrill for the meeting . tom , pete and george were already seated in the reception area looking pretty pale . they greeted me with a barrage of questions for which i had very few answers . before long we were summoned into the conference room for the meeting . mark pointer was sitting at the end of the long conference table . he whispered something to henderson and then began the meeting . `` gentlemen , thank you for coming today . as you may remember , i 'm mark pointer counsel to worldwide savings and loan . i think you 've met mr. wylie . here to my left is howard henderson from the fbi . we also invited brian walls , chief of bank security , and one of the associates in our firm , paul wize , to sit in on the meeting . '' mr. pointer paused for a moment and then continued . `` as you know the bank has not received its first payment on the promissory note which was executed less than sixty days ago . when we contacted each of you about this it was explained that kurt harrison was supposed to be taking care of these payments . unfortunately , kurt has n't made the first payment and soon a second payment will be due . '' `` now , mr. turner has advised us that he had managed to reach mr. harrison and a couple payments are supposedly due in momentarily . unfortunately we do n't have those funds yet and frankly , i 'm not convinced we 'll ever see them . '' `` i felt like the funds will be here , '' i said . `` kurt was pretty definite about sending the money . '' `` i hope you 're right , stan , but i wanted to have this meeting to make sure the partners understood the gravity of this situation . worldwide savings and loan is a federally chartered institution and any misrepresentations or fraud committed against the bank would be a federal offense . '' `` i beg your pardon , '' tom said . `` are you insinuating that we 've done something wrong ? '' `` no , not at all , but i want you to understand that if kurt does n't live up to his agreement with each of you , then you would be well advised to make these payments yourself . the consequences of a default of this loan at this stage could be quite severe . '' `` well , the bank would be forced to assume there was never any intent to pay back the loan since not a single payment was made , '' mr. pointer replied . `` that could only mean that the loan was fraudulent and merely a pretext to steal money from the bank . i honestly do n't think any of you did that , but if no payments are ever made on the note that would be the only conclusion that we could draw . the net effect would be that we 'd have to turn the matter over to the fbi . if that happens things will get ugly , believe me . '' `` i do n't know about the others , but i do n't have sufficient income to make my third of the note payments each month . it 's just not feasible . kurt promised us he 'd make all the payments , '' pete said . `` i think his plan was to use the income from the building to service the debt and just subsidize the project until it became self sufficient , '' i said . `` you guys would n't have to come up with the whole payment , only the deficiency . '' `` that may be true , i do n't know , '' mr. pointer said .
[["maybe", 8], ["let", 21], ["lets", 21], ["go", 27], ["goest", 27], ["ahead", 33], ["set", 41], ["meeting", 54], ["tomorrow", 67], ["tomorrows", 67], ["anyway", 74], ["cancel", 90], ["money", 106], ["moneys", 106], ["show", 112], ["shows", 112], ["well", 128], ["wells", 128], ["know", 144], ["knowest", 144], ["line", 158], ["investor", 175], ["investors", 175], ["really", 204], ["client", 215], ["clients", 215], ["sure", 233], ["arrange", 249], ["arranging", 249], ["ten", 258], ["office", 279], ["okay", 286], ["try", 301], ["tryed", 301], ["conversation", 336], ["mark", 346], ["marks", 346], ["pointer", 354], ["shake", 360], ["shook", 360], ["pretty", 373], ["prettiest", 373], ["badly", 379], ["suddenly", 390], ["face", 402], ["faced", 402], ["prospect", 420], ["contact", 441], ["explain", 477], ["explaining", 477], ["summon", 514], ["summonest", 514], ["summoned", 514], ["bank", 542], ["obviously", 554], ["lot", 575], ["lots", 575], ["question", 588], ["questions", 588], ["careful", 611], ["kurt", 616], ["scam", 624], ["uncover", 643], ["uncovers", 643], ["uncovered", 643], ["uncoverest", 643], ["thing", 685], ["things", 685], ["bad", 691], ["worse", 691], ["statement", 716], ["statements", 716], ["untrue", 733], ["say", 741], ["sayest", 741], ["said", 741], ["anything", 750], ["mislead", 761], ["misleaded", 761], ["misleading", 761], ["pay", 788], ["pays", 788], ["payest", 788], ["later", 801], ["truth", 814], ["come", 819], ["came", 819], ["brief", 837], ["briefing", 837], ["moment", 844], ["think", 854], ["thinkest", 854], ["thought", 854], ["join", 874], ["joinest", 874], ["brazil", 889], ["brazils", 889], ["way", 908], ["ways", 908], ["tell", 921], ["rebekah", 929], ["go", 944], ["goest", 944], ["going", 944], ["enough", 964], ["worry", 973], ["worried", 973], ["trial", 998], ["several", 1014], ["hour", 1020], ["hours", 1020], ["ponder", 1033], ["pondering", 1033], ["predicament", 1048], ["decide", 1058], ["decided", 1058], ["pull", 1071], ["listen", 1106], ["listens", 1106], ["listened", 1106], ["say", 1122], ["sayest", 1122], ["much", 1127], ["contact", 1141], ["contacted", 1141], ["give", 1164], ["gave", 1164], ["bad", 1177], ["news", 1182], ["newses", 1182], ["upset", 1209], ["reluctantly", 1225], ["agree", 1232], ["agreed", 1232], ["precisely", 1262], ["next", 1283], ["morning", 1291], ["walk", 1300], ["walked", 1300], ["office", 1317], ["offices", 1317], ["merrill", 1353], ["tom", 1375], ["pete", 1382], ["george", 1393], ["already", 1406], ["seat", 1413], ["seated", 1413], ["reception", 1430], ["area", 1435], ["look", 1443], ["looking", 1443], ["pale", 1455], ["greet", 1470], ["greeting", 1470], ["greeted", 1470], ["barrage", 1488], ["answer", 1534], ["answeres", 1534], ["answerest", 1534], ["answers", 1534], ["long", 1548], ["longs", 1548], ["conference", 1585], ["conferencing", 1585], ["room", 1590], ["roomed", 1590], ["sat", 1633], ["sit", 1633], ["sitting", 1633], ["end", 1644], ["ends", 1644], ["endest", 1644], ["table", 1673], ["tabled", 1673], ["tabling", 1673], ["whisper", 1688], ["whispered", 1688], ["henderson", 1711], ["begin", 1726], ["began", 1726], ["gentleman", 1753], ["gentlemen", 1753], ["thank", 1761], ["thanks", 1761], ["thankest", 1761], ["come", 1776], ["coming", 1776], ["today", 1782], ["may", 1795], ["mays", 1795], ["mayest", 1795], ["remember", 1804], ["rememberest", 1804], ["counsel", 1832], ["counseled", 1832], ["counselled", 1832], ["worldwide", 1845], ["saving", 1853], ["savings", 1853], ["loan", 1862], ["think", 1872], ["thinkest", 1872], ["meet", 1884], ["meeted", 1884], ["met", 1884], ["mr", 1887], ["wylie", 1894], ["left", 1912], ["howard", 1922], ["fbi", 1945], ["also", 1955], ["invite", 1963], ["invites", 1963], ["invited", 1963], ["brian", 1969], ["wall", 1975], ["walls", 1975], ["chief", 1983], ["chiefs", 1983], ["security", 2000], ["associate", 2028], ["associated", 2028], ["associates", 2028], ["firm", 2040], ["paul", 2047], ["pauls", 2047], ["sat", 2061], ["sit", 2061], ["pause", 2103], ["paused", 2103], ["continue", 2135], ["continued", 2135], ["receive", 2178], ["received", 2178], ["first", 2188], ["firstest", 2188], ["payment", 2196], ["promissory", 2214], ["note", 2219], ["execute", 2238], ["executes", 2238], ["executed", 2238], ["less", 2243], ["sixty", 2254], ["day", 2259], ["days", 2259], ["ago", 2263], ["explain", 2323], ["explained", 2323], ["harrison", 2342], ["suppose", 2355], ["supposed", 2355], ["take", 2368], ["taking", 2368], ["care", 2373], ["payment", 2391], ["payments", 2391], ["unfortunately", 2407], ["soon", 2454], ["second", 2463], ["seconded", 2463], ["due", 2483], ["advise", 2520], ["advised", 2520], ["manage", 2543], ["managed", 2543], ["reach", 2552], ["couple", 2578], ["supposedly", 2602], ["momentarily", 2621], ["fund", 2664], ["funds", 2664], ["yet", 2668], ["frankly", 2680], ["ever", 2713], ["everest", 2713], ["see", 2717], ["feel", 2737], ["felt", 2737], ["like", 2742], ["definite", 2807], ["send", 2821], ["sending", 2821], ["hope", 2846], ["right", 2860], ["rightest", 2860], ["stan", 2867], ["stans", 2867], ["partner", 2929], ["partners", 2929], ["understand", 2940], ["understanded", 2940], ["understood", 2940], ["gravity", 2952], ["situation", 2970], ["federally", 3014], ["institution", 3036], ["misrepresentation", 3063], ["misrepresentations", 3063], ["fraud", 3072], ["frauds", 3072], ["commit", 3082], ["committed", 3082], ["federal", 3118], ["offense", 3126], ["beg", 3140], ["pardon", 3152], ["insinuate", 3191], ["insinuating", 3191], ["wrong", 3224], ["understand", 3279], ["understanded", 3279], ["live", 3306], ["agreement", 3326], ["consequence", 3427], ["consequenced", 3427], ["consequences", 3427], ["default", 3440], ["stage", 3467], ["staging", 3467], ["quite", 3482], ["severe", 3489], ["force", 3529], ["forced", 3529], ["assume", 3539], ["assumes", 3539], ["never", 3555], ["intent", 3566], ["back", 3578], ["since", 3593], ["single", 3606], ["reply", 3648], ["replied", 3648], ["mean", 3674], ["meanest", 3674], ["fraudulent", 3703], ["merely", 3714], ["pretext", 3724], ["pretexts", 3724], ["steal", 3733], ["stole", 3733], ["honestly", 3766], ["conclusion", 3880], ["draw", 3899], ["drawn", 3899], ["draws", 3899], ["net", 3909], ["effect", 3916], ["turn", 3949], ["matter", 3960], ["mattering", 3960], ["happen", 3994], ["happens", 3994], ["get", 4010], ["ugly", 4015], ["believe", 4025], ["sufficient", 4098], ["income", 4105], ["third", 4122], ["month", 4154], ["feasible", 4180], ["promise", 4196], ["promised", 4196], ["plan", 4264], ["use", 4275], ["build", 4304], ["building", 4304], ["service", 4315], ["servicing", 4315], ["debt", 4324], ["subsidize", 4343], ["project", 4355], ["projectest", 4355], ["become", 4371], ["became", 4371], ["self", 4376], ["guy", 4413], ["guys", 4413], ["come", 4436], ["whole", 4454], ["wholes", 4454], ["deficiency", 4484], ["true", 4509]]
`` anyway , will you all make these payments if kurt does n't come through in the next three days ? if we ca n't get that commitment then i 'm just going to turn this matter over to mr. henderson right now . '' will it , gentlemen ? '' there was a brief pause and then tom said , `` i guess we do n't have any choice . somehow we 'll have to make the payments . '' `` pete , george . do you concur ? '' `` yes , but i 'm going to kick some harrison ass if i have to sink any more money into this deal ! '' `` that 's right , '' pete added . `` stan , you can tell kurt that he 'll be looking at a major lawsuit if he does n't live up to our agreement . i ca n't afford to be pumping a lot of money into this deal . `` good then , '' i said . `` if kurt comes through then everything 's okay , if not then the partners will work something out to get the loan payments made each month . '' `` fine , '' mr. pointer said . `` then we 'll expect to hear from you , stan , real soon . '' `` yes , one way or another i 'll be calling you . '' `` well , thank you , gentlemen for coming . i hope we do n't have to meet again . '' `` tell me about it , '' pete said bitterly . i left the meeting feeling like i had dodged a bullet . now all i had to do was get kurt to wire me the money like he promised and everything would be okay for a few weeks . the next morning i went by the bank fully expecting the money to be there . i got in line at the teller 's window and when it was my turn asked her , `` can you check and see if a wire transfer came in for me today from brazil ? '' i handed her a slip of paper with my account number on it and she went into the back room . after a moment she returned . `` nothing today , mr . `` damn , i ca n't believe it . it was supposed to be here . '' `` i 'm sorry , if you 'll leave me your phone number i 'll call you when it comes in . '' `` oh , would you ? 27 beyond a reasonable doubt when i got to work it suddenly occurred to me i had n't seen or heard from gena lombardi lately and nothing had been done to prepare for her trial . i decided to call syd brim to see if he 'd got a trial setting yet . `` law office , '' a female voice said . `` syd brim , please , '' i said . `` let me see if he 's in a meeting . annoying elevator music came on when she put me on hold . after several minutes she came back on the line . `` sorry , he 's in a meeting . '' `` i just need to find out if you 've got a trial setting yet on gena lombardi 's federal criminal case ? '' `` we ca n't give out information about clients , '' she said . `` i am co-counsel with syd , i just need to know if there 's a trial setting yet . '' `` okay , let me look . yes , june 3 , 1979 , '' she said . that 's less than 30 days . it was clear syd was n't going out of his way to prove gena innocent , so i knew i had better figure out a way to do it . it seemed after talking to tony and bridgett that gena was telling the truth . she had acted in good faith in selling tickets and collecting the money for them . it was tony who discovered money in the account and withdrew it , preventing gena from filling her orders . it suddenly occurred to me if tony had n't spent the money i could file a preference action in gena 's bankruptcy and recover the money he took . then , if i provided for the reimbursement of the ticket buyers , the u.s. attorney might drop the charges , if i could convince him i could prove there was no intent to defraud the ticket buyers . after all , he had to prove his case beyond a reasonable doubt . that would be very difficult given the evidence i would have gathered by the time of trial . after careful thought i determined that i needed gena 's bank records to show the deposit of the money and the withdrawal by tony . gena would n't have any records , so i would have to get them from the bank . this often took time so i decided to get a subpoena out immediately . then i prepared an adversary proceeding to be filed against tony for withdrawing money owed to him within ninety days of gena 's bankruptcy filing . the preference statutes were designed to make sure all creditors were treated equally . obviously tony got paid much more than the other creditors so the preference action was an appropriate threat .
[["anyway", 9], ["payment", 44], ["payments", 44], ["kurt", 52], ["come", 66], ["next", 86], ["three", 92], ["day", 97], ["days", 97], ["ca", 108], ["cas", 108], ["get", 116], ["commitment", 132], ["go", 153], ["goest", 153], ["going", 153], ["turn", 161], ["matter", 173], ["mattering", 173], ["mr", 184], ["henderson", 195], ["right", 201], ["rightest", 201], ["gentleman", 230], ["gentlemen", 230], ["brief", 253], ["briefing", 253], ["pause", 259], ["tom", 272], ["say", 277], ["sayest", 277], ["said", 277], ["guess", 290], ["choice", 316], ["somehow", 326], ["pete", 372], ["george", 381], ["concur", 397], ["concurred", 397], ["yes", 409], ["kick", 434], ["harrison", 448], ["ass", 452], ["sank", 470], ["sink", 470], ["money", 485], ["moneys", 485], ["deal", 500], ["add", 538], ["added", 538], ["stan", 548], ["stans", 548], ["tell", 563], ["look", 591], ["looking", 591], ["major", 602], ["lawsuit", 610], ["live", 630], ["agreement", 650], ["afford", 668], ["pump", 682], ["pumping", 682], ["lot", 688], ["good", 722], ["come", 758], ["comes", 758], ["everything", 782], ["okay", 790], ["partner", 817], ["partners", 817], ["work", 827], ["wrought", 827], ["loan", 857], ["month", 882], ["fine", 895], ["pointer", 912], ["expect", 941], ["hear", 949], ["hears", 949], ["real", 972], ["reis", 972], ["soon", 977], ["way", 999], ["ways", 999], ["another", 1010], ["call", 1027], ["calling", 1027], ["well", 1044], ["wells", 1044], ["thank", 1052], ["thanks", 1052], ["thankest", 1052], ["come", 1079], ["coming", 1079], ["hope", 1088], ["meet", 1111], ["meeted", 1111], ["bitterly", 1166], ["left", 1175], ["leave", 1175], ["meeting", 1187], ["feel", 1195], ["feeling", 1195], ["like", 1200], ["dodge", 1213], ["dodging", 1213], ["dodged", 1213], ["bullet", 1222], ["wire", 1265], ["promise", 1295], ["promised", 1295], ["week", 1340], ["weeks", 1340], ["morning", 1359], ["go", 1366], ["goest", 1366], ["went", 1366], ["bank", 1378], ["fully", 1384], ["expect", 1394], ["expecting", 1394], ["get", 1424], ["got", 1424], ["line", 1432], ["window", 1456], ["windows", 1456], ["ask", 1486], ["asked", 1486], ["check", 1509], ["see", 1517], ["transfer", 1536], ["transfering", 1536], ["come", 1541], ["came", 1541], ["today", 1557], ["brazil", 1569], ["brazils", 1569], ["hand", 1583], ["handed", 1583], ["slip", 1594], ["paper", 1603], ["account", 1619], ["number", 1626], ["numbering", 1626], ["back", 1659], ["room", 1664], ["roomed", 1664], ["moment", 1681], ["return", 1694], ["returnest", 1694], ["returned", 1694], ["nothing", 1707], ["damn", 1728], ["damned", 1728], ["believe", 1747], ["suppose", 1768], ["supposed", 1768], ["sorry", 1798], ["left", 1817], ["leave", 1817], ["phone", 1831], ["call", 1849], ["oh", 1881], ["beyond", 1905], ["reasonable", 1918], ["doubt", 1924], ["suddenly", 1955], ["occur", 1964], ["occurest", 1964], ["occurred", 1964], ["see", 1985], ["seen", 1985], ["hear", 1994], ["hears", 1994], ["heard", 1994], ["gena", 2004], ["lately", 2020], ["prepare", 2057], ["trial", 2071], ["decide", 2083], ["decided", 2083], ["syd", 2095], ["brim", 2100], ["set", 2136], ["setting", 2136], ["yet", 2140], ["law", 2149], ["office", 2156], ["female", 2170], ["voice", 2176], ["please", 2204], ["let", 2225], ["lets", 2225], ["annoying", 2265], ["elevator", 2274], ["music", 2280], ["musics", 2280], ["put", 2301], ["hold", 2312], ["several", 2328], ["minute", 2336], ["minutes", 2336], ["need", 2414], ["needest", 2414], ["find", 2422], ["federal", 2489], ["criminal", 2498], ["give", 2526], ["information", 2542], ["client", 2556], ["clients", 2556], ["co", 2583], ["counsel", 2591], ["counseled", 2591], ["counselled", 2591], ["know", 2622], ["knowest", 2622], ["look", 2681], ["june", 2694], ["junes", 2694], ["less", 2732], ["clear", 2760], ["clearest", 2760], ["prof", 2802], ["prove", 2802], ["innocent", 2816], ["know", 2828], ["knowest", 2828], ["knew", 2828], ["well", 2841], ["wells", 2841], ["figure", 2848], ["seem", 2879], ["seeming", 2879], ["seemed", 2879], ["talk", 2893], ["talking", 2893], ["tony", 2901], ["tell", 2936], ["telling", 2936], ["truth", 2946], ["act", 2962], ["acted", 2962], ["faith", 2976], ["faiths", 2976], ["sell", 2987], ["sells", 2987], ["selling", 2987], ["ticket", 2995], ["tickets", 2995], ["collect", 3010], ["collecting", 3010], ["discover", 3058], ["discovered", 3058], ["withdraw", 3092], ["withdrew", 3092], ["prevent", 3108], ["preventest", 3108], ["preventing", 3108], ["fill", 3126], ["fills", 3126], ["filling", 3126], ["order", 3137], ["orderest", 3137], ["orders", 3137], ["spend", 3188], ["spends", 3188], ["spendest", 3188], ["spent", 3188], ["file", 3211], ["preference", 3224], ["action", 3231], ["bankruptcy", 3253], ["recover", 3265], ["take", 3283], ["took", 3283], ["provide", 3306], ["provided", 3306], ["reimbursement", 3328], ["ticket", 3342], ["buyer", 3349], ["buyers", 3349], ["attorney", 3369], ["may", 3375], ["mays", 3375], ["mayest", 3375], ["might", 3375], ["drop", 3380], ["charge", 3392], ["charges", 3392], ["convince", 3414], ["convinced", 3414], ["convincing", 3414], ["intent", 3452], ["defraud", 3463], ["defrauds", 3463], ["defraudest", 3463], ["difficult", 3577], ["give", 3583], ["given", 3583], ["evidence", 3596], ["gather", 3618], ["gatherest", 3618], ["gathered", 3618], ["time", 3630], ["careful", 3655], ["think", 3663], ["thinkest", 3663], ["thought", 3663], ["determine", 3676], ["determined", 3676], ["need", 3690], ["needest", 3690], ["needed", 3690], ["record", 3711], ["records", 3711], ["show", 3719], ["deposit", 3731], ["withdrawal", 3763], ["often", 3862], ["subpoena", 3903], ["subpoenaed", 3903], ["immediately", 3919], ["prepare", 3937], ["prepared", 3937], ["adversary", 3950], ["proceeding", 3961], ["file", 3973], ["filed", 3973], ["withdraw", 4002], ["withdrawing", 4002], ["owe", 4013], ["owes", 4013], ["owing", 4013], ["owed", 4013], ["within", 4027], ["ninety", 4034], ["nineties", 4034], ["filing", 4068], ["statute", 4094], ["statutes", 4094], ["design", 4108], ["designed", 4108], ["sure", 4121], ["creditor", 4135], ["creditors", 4135], ["treat", 4148], ["treats", 4148], ["treatest", 4148], ["treated", 4148], ["equally", 4156], ["obviously", 4168], ["pay", 4182], ["pays", 4182], ["payest", 4182], ["paid", 4182], ["much", 4187], ["appropriate", 4261], ["appropriates", 4261], ["threat", 4268]]
would n't he be surprised when he got the suit in the mail . while i was thinking about gena 's defense my thoughts were strangely drawn to gena 's mother . she had been deserted by her husband but nevertheless kept a hundred thousand dollar insurance policy in force . how would she know if he died so she could collect the money ? i remembered seeing an advertisement in the texas bar journal for a firm called international tracing services . what was interesting was they did n't charge you anything if they could n't find the person that you were looking for . since i did n't have anything to lose , i called them and got them started looking for michael roman lombardi , age 52 , greasy black hair , standing 5'11 '' with a slight limp from an old war wound . his last known address was his wife 's current residence which i provided to them . they advised me that since this was such an old address it may take them a little longer to track him down but they were pretty confident they could do it . i was feeling pretty good about gena 's case after working on it for a couple of hours , so i decided to call her and tell her what i was planning to do . i called her business but no one answered . i thought that a little strange since it was the middle of the day . then i tried her at home but the phone had been disconnected . my heart began to pound as i was very cognizant of the fact that i had co-signed on her bond . after trying her at her business again i decided to swing by her house on the way home to see if there was any sign of her . on the way there i remembered i had n't told rebekah about gena 's bond . she was going to have a stroke . the thought occurred to me that i might want to go home and pack my bags for rebekah was surely going to kick me out of the house when she found out not only was i about to lose $ 25,000 on gena 's bond but that parker # 3 had washed out as well . as i approached gena 's house i held my breath that i would spot the yellow corvette for which she was so fond . if it was in the driveway then gena had to be close by . unfortunately the driveway was deserted . i got out of my car and went up to the front door . i rang the doorbell although i did n't really expect an answer . after a minute i peered through a window and was relieved to see that the furniture was still there . by the time i got home i had decided not to tell rebekah anything yet as i was n't sure about gena , nor had i given up on finding the $ 13,000 needed for her defense . one nice thing about practicing law you never knew when someone might drop in and dump a nice retainer on you . when i arrived home rebekah met me at the door obviously very excited about something . `` what 's going on babe ? '' `` you wo n't believe it but we got a call on your advertisement about bird 's accident . a guy called and said he drove by the accident almost immediately after it happened . mom is on her way over to watch the kids . we 're meeting this guy at the denny 's in richardson at 7:30 . '' `` oh that 's great , babe . i hope he saw something that will help . '' several minutes later mom arrived and we left for denny 's . when we arrived the man was n't there yet so we got a booth and waited . `` so how was your day , babe , '' i asked . `` pretty good , stanley came home with a smiley face today . he was the best citizen in his class . '' `` i bet he was proud of himself . '' `` he certainly was . marcia was fussy all day . she would n't eat anything and she refused to sleep . i think she must be teething . '' as we were talking a short , stout , bald headed man walked in the restaurant . he talked to the waitress and she pointed toward us . the man walked over . `` hello , are you the turners ? '' `` yes , '' rebekah said . `` hi , i 'm paul singleton . i called about your ad . '' `` please have a seat , '' i said . mr. singleton sat down in the booth across from rebekah and i and smiled . `` rebekah tells me you saw the accident on central expressway the other night , '' i said . `` yes , i got there just after it had happened . '' `` well , as i approached the two cars , the man driving the rear car got out . he was a little shaken but seemed all right , '' singleton said . `` it was a few minutes before the other man got out of his car . '' `` that would have been bird , '' i said . singleton asked .
[["get", 37], ["got", 37], ["suit", 46], ["suited", 46], ["mail", 58], ["think", 81], ["thinkest", 81], ["thinking", 81], ["gena", 92], ["defense", 103], ["thought", 115], ["thoughts", 115], ["strangely", 130], ["draw", 136], ["drawn", 136], ["draws", 136], ["mother", 154], ["mothered", 154], ["motherest", 154], ["desert", 178], ["deserted", 178], ["husband", 193], ["husbanding", 193], ["nevertheless", 210], ["keep", 215], ["keepest", 215], ["kept", 215], ["hundred", 225], ["thousand", 234], ["dollar", 241], ["insurance", 251], ["policy", 258], ["force", 267], ["know", 288], ["knowest", 288], ["die", 299], ["died", 299], ["collect", 320], ["money", 330], ["moneys", 330], ["remember", 345], ["rememberest", 345], ["remembered", 345], ["see", 352], ["seeing", 352], ["advertisement", 369], ["texas", 382], ["bar", 386], ["journal", 394], ["firm", 405], ["call", 412], ["called", 412], ["international", 426], ["tracing", 434], ["service", 443], ["servicing", 443], ["services", 443], ["interesting", 466], ["charge", 490], ["anything", 503], ["find", 526], ["person", 537], ["look", 559], ["looking", 559], ["since", 571], ["lose", 603], ["start", 640], ["started", 640], ["michael", 660], ["roman", 666], ["romans", 666], ["age", 681], ["aged", 681], ["greasy", 693], ["black", 699], ["hair", 704], ["stand", 715], ["stood", 715], ["standest", 715], ["standing", 715], ["slight", 737], ["limp", 742], ["limps", 742], ["limping", 742], ["old", 754], ["war", 758], ["wind", 764], ["wound", 764], ["wounding", 764], ["last", 775], ["know", 781], ["knowest", 781], ["known", 781], ["address", 789], ["wife", 802], ["current", 813], ["residence", 823], ["provide", 840], ["provided", 840], ["advise", 863], ["advised", 863], ["may", 913], ["mays", 913], ["mayest", 913], ["take", 918], ["little", 932], ["long", 939], ["longs", 939], ["track", 948], ["pretty", 978], ["prettiest", 978], ["confident", 988], ["feel", 1021], ["feeling", 1021], ["good", 1033], ["case", 1052], ["work", 1066], ["wrought", 1066], ["working", 1066], ["couple", 1085], ["hour", 1094], ["hours", 1094], ["decide", 1109], ["decided", 1109], ["call", 1117], ["tell", 1130], ["plan", 1154], ["business", 1184], ["answer", 1204], ["answeres", 1204], ["answerest", 1204], ["answered", 1204], ["think", 1216], ["thought", 1216], ["thinkest", 1216], ["strange", 1238], ["middle", 1262], ["middles", 1262], ["middling", 1262], ["day", 1273], ["try", 1288], ["tryed", 1288], ["tried", 1288], ["home", 1300], ["homing", 1300], ["phone", 1314], ["disconnect", 1336], ["disconnecting", 1336], ["disconnected", 1336], ["heart", 1347], ["begin", 1353], ["began", 1353], ["pound", 1362], ["cognizant", 1386], ["fact", 1398], ["co", 1412], ["sign", 1419], ["signed", 1419], ["bond", 1431], ["try", 1446], ["tryed", 1446], ["trying", 1446], ["swung", 1491], ["swing", 1491], ["house", 1504], ["way", 1515], ["ways", 1515], ["see", 1527], ["sign", 1549], ["tell", 1603], ["told", 1603], ["rebekah", 1611], ["go", 1646], ["goest", 1646], ["going", 1646], ["stroke", 1663], ["occur", 1686], ["occurest", 1686], ["occurred", 1686], ["may", 1705], ["mays", 1705], ["mayest", 1705], ["might", 1705], ["go", 1716], ["goest", 1716], ["pack", 1730], ["bag", 1738], ["bagged", 1738], ["bagging", 1738], ["bags", 1738], ["surely", 1761], ["kick", 1775], ["find", 1810], ["found", 1810], ["parker", 1884], ["wash", 1899], ["washed", 1899], ["well", 1911], ["wells", 1911], ["approach", 1929], ["approaches", 1929], ["approached", 1929], ["hold", 1950], ["held", 1950], ["breath", 1960], ["breathest", 1960], ["spot", 1978], ["yellow", 1989], ["corvette", 1998], ["fond", 2024], ["driveway", 2052], ["close", 2078], ["unfortunately", 2097], ["car", 2145], ["go", 2154], ["goest", 2154], ["went", 2154], ["front", 2170], ["door", 2175], ["rang", 2184], ["rung", 2184], ["ring", 2184], ["doorbell", 2197], ["although", 2206], ["really", 2223], ["expect", 2230], ["answer", 2240], ["answeres", 2240], ["answerest", 2240], ["minute", 2257], ["peer", 2266], ["peered", 2266], ["window", 2283], ["windows", 2283], ["relieve", 2300], ["relieved", 2300], ["furniture", 2326], ["still", 2336], ["time", 2356], ["yet", 2414], ["sure", 2432], ["give", 2461], ["given", 2461], ["find", 2475], ["finding", 2475], ["need", 2495], ["needest", 2495], ["needed", 2495], ["nice", 2522], ["thing", 2528], ["practice", 2545], ["practicing", 2545], ["law", 2549], ["never", 2559], ["know", 2564], ["knowest", 2564], ["knew", 2564], ["drop", 2588], ["dump", 2600], ["retainer", 2616], ["arrive", 2640], ["arrived", 2640], ["meet", 2657], ["meeted", 2657], ["met", 2657], ["obviously", 2682], ["babe", 2738], ["wo", 2753], ["believe", 2765], ["bird", 2819], ["accident", 2831], ["guy", 2839], ["say", 2855], ["sayest", 2855], ["said", 2855], ["drive", 2864], ["drove", 2864], ["almost", 2887], ["immediately", 2899], ["happen", 2917], ["happened", 2917], ["mom", 2923], ["moms", 2923], ["watch", 2951], ["kid", 2960], ["kids", 2960], ["meet", 2977], ["meeted", 2977], ["denny", 2999], ["richardson", 3016], ["oh", 3035], ["great", 3049], ["hope", 3065], ["see", 3072], ["saw", 3072], ["help", 3097], ["helpest", 3097], ["several", 3110], ["minute", 3118], ["minutes", 3118], ["later", 3124], ["left", 3148], ["leave", 3148], ["man", 3187], ["mans", 3187], ["manned", 3187], ["booth", 3223], ["wait", 3234], ["waitest", 3234], ["waited", 3234], ["ask", 3279], ["asked", 3279], ["stanley", 3306], ["come", 3311], ["came", 3311], ["smiley", 3330], ["face", 3335], ["today", 3341], ["good", 3359], ["best", 3359], ["citizen", 3367], ["class", 3380], ["classest", 3380], ["classing", 3380], ["bet", 3394], ["proud", 3407], ["certainly", 3439], ["marcia", 3452], ["fussy", 3462], ["eat", 3490], ["refuse", 3515], ["refused", 3515], ["sleep", 3524], ["slept", 3524], ["sleeps", 3524], ["sleepest", 3524], ["think", 3534], ["thinkest", 3534], ["must", 3543], ["musts", 3543], ["teethe", 3555], ["talk", 3579], ["talking", 3579], ["short", 3587], ["stout", 3595], ["bald", 3602], ["balds", 3602], ["balded", 3602], ["balding", 3602], ["walk", 3620], ["walked", 3620], ["restaurant", 3638], ["talk", 3650], ["talked", 3650], ["waitress", 3666], ["point", 3682], ["pointed", 3682], ["toward", 3689], ["hello", 3725], ["hellos", 3725], ["turner", 3747], ["turners", 3747], ["yes", 3759], ["hi", 3785], ["paul", 3797], ["pauls", 3797], ["singleton", 3807], ["ad", 3832], ["please", 3847], ["seat", 3859], ["mr", 3876], ["sat", 3891], ["sit", 3891], ["across", 3916], ["smile", 3946], ["smiled", 3946], ["tell", 3965], ["tells", 3965], ["central", 4000], ["expressway", 4011], ["night", 4027], ["two", 4128], ["twos", 4128], ["car", 4133], ["cars", 4133], ["drive", 4151], ["driving", 4151], ["rear", 4160], ["shake", 4197], ["shaken", 4197], ["seem", 4208], ["seeming", 4208], ["seemed", 4208], ["right", 4218], ["rightest", 4218]]
`` i parked on the side of the road and observed what was going on just in case i would be needed as a witness . i remember the man driving the rear car was very upset and wanted to know why bird suddenly stopped . i overheard bird claim a dog ran in front of him . '' `` did you see any dog ? '' `` no , but he could have run off by the time i got there . '' `` how did bird react to the accident ? '' `` he attended to his wife as you would expect until the paramedics showed up but he did n't cry or anything . he was really nervous though and had trouble talking coherently to the paramedics and police when they arrived . '' `` i suppose he could have been in shock over the accident , '' i said . `` was sheila logan unconscious after the accident ? '' `` i think so , i never saw her move or say anything . '' `` well , did you see anything else that might be significant ? '' well just something kind of curious , '' mr. singleton said . `` bird was real concerned about his wife 's purse . he made the driver of the ambulance wait while he went back to get it . they told him to forget it but he insisted his wife had to have it . '' `` maybe she was carrying a lot of money or something , '' i said . `` i do n't know but it was kind of weird , '' mr. singleton said . rebekah 's got your address and telephone number , so we 'll call you if we need you at the time of trial , '' i said , and then pulled an envelope out of my pocket . `` here is the reward we mentioned in the ad . it 's a hundred dollars . '' `` thank you , i appreciate this very much . '' rebekah 's spirits had been greatly lifted by the meeting with mr. singleton . for the first time since her arrest she seemed to have thrown off the shackles of depression and was her old , cheerful self again . when we got home she joked and played with the children just like old times . as much as i loved seeing her this way i could n't feel any joy as the weight of eminent financial disaster loomed heavy on my mind . after the kids went to bed rebekah laid down beside me on the sofa . i put my arm around her and stroked her long black hair . `` i feel much better doing something to prove i 'm innocent , '' rebekah said , `` just sitting around and waiting for something to happen is hard . you have too much time to think and worry . '' when things get bad at work the only way i can get that sick feeling out of my stomach is to start working on solving the problem one way or another , '' i replied . `` what can i do to help ken prove me innocent ? '' `` well you could probably go over all the evidence as it 's gathered and help him from a medical standpoint . he probably could use some technical assistance since i doubt if he has had any medical training . i 'll suggest it to him the next time we meet . '' `` good , i just do n't want to sit around here all day and worry . '' i 'll tell the kids to keep you real busy from now on so you wo n't have time to think . `` you do n't need to give them any special instructions on that . '' by friday i had n't heard from gena and i was beginning to get panicky . it was less than three weeks to her trial and i had no idea where she was . i decided to call her mother and see if she had heard from her . i called at 8:00 a.m. hoping to catch her at home . `` have you heard from gena lately ? '' `` no , after she got out she called to thank me for putting up the bond money but that 's the last ive heard from her . mrs. lombardi asked . `` yes , everything is fine , but if you hear from gena have her call me , okay . i need to get with her to work on her case . '' i 've hired a company to try to find your husband . '' `` i do n't know , i just have a feeling we need to find him . has anyone called you looking for him ? '' `` well , i expect to hear from them any day now so when i do i 'll let you know what i find out . '' for several minutes i starred out my window at the busy street below contemplating my next move in trying to locate gena . a thunderstorm was rolling in from the west and i could see lightning flashing in the distance . the telephone began to ring , but as loud as it was , it could n't penetrate the depth of my concentration . rebekah had often complained of this as she would often try unsuccessfully to engage me in conversation when my mind was in this state . such an attempt was always futile and she got very aggravated when i failed to respond to her . `` are n't you going to answer that phone ? ''
[["park", 11], ["parks", 11], ["parked", 11], ["side", 23], ["sidest", 23], ["road", 35], ["observe", 48], ["observed", 48], ["go", 63], ["goest", 63], ["going", 63], ["case", 79], ["need", 97], ["needest", 97], ["needed", 97], ["witness", 110], ["remember", 123], ["rememberest", 123], ["man", 131], ["mans", 131], ["manned", 131], ["drive", 139], ["driving", 139], ["rear", 148], ["car", 152], ["upset", 167], ["know", 186], ["knowest", 186], ["bird", 195], ["suddenly", 204], ["stop", 212], ["stopped", 212], ["overheard", 226], ["claim", 237], ["dog", 243], ["run", 247], ["ran", 247], ["front", 256], ["see", 283], ["run", 326], ["time", 342], ["get", 348], ["got", 348], ["react", 381], ["accident", 397], ["attend", 417], ["attended", 417], ["wife", 429], ["expect", 449], ["paramedic", 470], ["paramedics", 470], ["show", 477], ["showed", 477], ["cry", 499], ["anything", 511], ["really", 527], ["nervous", 535], ["though", 542], ["trouble", 558], ["troubling", 558], ["talk", 566], ["talking", 566], ["coherently", 577], ["police", 606], ["arrive", 624], ["arrived", 624], ["suppose", 642], ["shock", 670], ["say", 700], ["sayest", 700], ["said", 700], ["sheila", 716], ["logan", 722], ["logans", 722], ["unconscious", 734], ["think", 769], ["thinkest", 769], ["never", 782], ["see", 786], ["saw", 786], ["move", 795], ["say", 802], ["sayest", 802], ["well", 824], ["wells", 824], ["else", 852], ["may", 863], ["mays", 863], ["mayest", 863], ["might", 863], ["significant", 878], ["kind", 908], ["curious", 919], ["mr", 927], ["singleton", 938], ["real", 962], ["reis", 962], ["purse", 996], ["driver", 1017], ["ambulance", 1034], ["wait", 1039], ["waitest", 1039], ["go", 1053], ["goest", 1053], ["went", 1053], ["back", 1058], ["get", 1065], ["tell", 1080], ["told", 1080], ["forget", 1094], ["forgot", 1094], ["insist", 1113], ["insistest", 1113], ["insisted", 1113], ["maybe", 1151], ["carry", 1168], ["carrying", 1168], ["lot", 1174], ["money", 1183], ["moneys", 1183], ["weird", 1252], ["rebekah", 1286], ["address", 1306], ["telephone", 1320], ["number", 1327], ["numbering", 1327], ["call", 1344], ["need", 1359], ["needest", 1359], ["trial", 1384], ["pull", 1414], ["pulled", 1414], ["envelope", 1426], ["pocket", 1443], ["pocketing", 1443], ["reward", 1467], ["mention", 1480], ["mentioned", 1480], ["ad", 1490], ["hundred", 1508], ["dollar", 1516], ["dollars", 1516], ["thank", 1530], ["thanks", 1530], ["thankest", 1530], ["appreciate", 1549], ["appreciates", 1549], ["much", 1564], ["spirit", 1588], ["spirited", 1588], ["spirits", 1588], ["greatly", 1605], ["lift", 1612], ["lifted", 1612], ["meeting", 1627], ["first", 1662], ["firstest", 1662], ["since", 1673], ["arrest", 1684], ["seem", 1695], ["seeming", 1695], ["seemed", 1695], ["throw", 1710], ["thrown", 1710], ["shackle", 1727], ["shackles", 1727], ["depression", 1741], ["old", 1757], ["cheerful", 1768], ["self", 1773], ["home", 1798], ["homing", 1798], ["joke", 1808], ["jokes", 1808], ["joked", 1808], ["play", 1819], ["playest", 1819], ["played", 1819], ["child", 1837], ["childs", 1837], ["children", 1837], ["like", 1847], ["time", 1857], ["times", 1857], ["love", 1878], ["loved", 1878], ["see", 1885], ["seeing", 1885], ["way", 1898], ["ways", 1898], ["feel", 1915], ["joy", 1923], ["joys", 1923], ["joyed", 1923], ["weight", 1937], ["weighted", 1937], ["weightest", 1937], ["eminent", 1948], ["financial", 1958], ["disaster", 1967], ["loom", 1974], ["loomed", 1974], ["heavy", 1980], ["heavier", 1980], ["heavies", 1980], ["mind", 1991], ["minding", 1991], ["kid", 2008], ["kids", 2008], ["bed", 2020], ["lay", 2033], ["lays", 2033], ["layed", 2033], ["layest", 2033], ["laid", 2033], ["beside", 2045], ["sofa", 2060], ["put", 2068], ["arm", 2075], ["around", 2082], ["stroke", 2098], ["stroked", 2098], ["long", 2107], ["longs", 2107], ["black", 2113], ["hair", 2118], ["well", 2142], ["wells", 2142], ["prof", 2167], ["prove", 2167], ["innocent", 2181], ["sat", 2217], ["sit", 2217], ["sitting", 2217], ["wait", 2236], ["waitest", 2236], ["waiting", 2236], ["happen", 2260], ["hard", 2268], ["worry", 2312], ["worried", 2312], ["thing", 2329], ["things", 2329], ["bad", 2337], ["work", 2345], ["wrought", 2345], ["sick", 2378], ["feeling", 2386], ["stomach", 2404], ["stomachs", 2404], ["stomaching", 2404], ["start", 2416], ["work", 2424], ["wrought", 2424], ["working", 2424], ["solve", 2435], ["solving", 2435], ["problem", 2447], ["another", 2466], ["reply", 2481], ["replied", 2481], ["help", 2508], ["helpest", 2508], ["ken", 2512], ["kent", 2512], ["probably", 2562], ["go", 2565], ["goest", 2565], ["evidence", 2587], ["gather", 2605], ["gatherest", 2605], ["gathered", 2605], ["medical", 2633], ["standpoint", 2644], ["use", 2668], ["technical", 2683], ["assistance", 2694], ["doubt", 2708], ["training", 2743], ["suggest", 2759], ["next", 2778], ["meet", 2791], ["meeted", 2791], ["good", 2804], ["sat", 2832], ["sit", 2832], ["day", 2852], ["tell", 2878], ["keep", 2895], ["keepest", 2895], ["busy", 2909], ["busied", 2909], ["wo", 2931], ["give", 2983], ["special", 3000], ["instruction", 3013], ["instructions", 3013], ["friday", 3036], ["hear", 3052], ["hears", 3052], ["heard", 3052], ["gena", 3062], ["begin", 3082], ["beginning", 3082], ["panicky", 3097], ["less", 3111], ["three", 3122], ["week", 3128], ["weeks", 3128], ["idea", 3159], ["decide", 3185], ["decided", 3185], ["mother", 3204], ["mothered", 3204], ["motherest", 3204], ["call", 3249], ["called", 3249], ["hope", 3269], ["hoping", 3269], ["catch", 3278], ["catched", 3278], ["catches", 3278], ["lately", 3327], ["put", 3393], ["putting", 3393], ["bond", 3405], ["last", 3432], ["mrs", 3457], ["ask", 3473], ["asked", 3473], ["yes", 3482], ["everything", 3495], ["fine", 3503], ["hear", 3521], ["hears", 3521], ["okay", 3555], ["hire", 3617], ["hired", 3617], ["company", 3627], ["companys", 3627], ["companying", 3627], ["try", 3634], ["tryed", 3634], ["find", 3642], ["husband", 3655], ["husbanding", 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4461], ["answeres", 4461], ["answerest", 4461], ["phone", 4472]]
general burton yelled from his office . `` oh yes , i 'm sorry , '' i said as i picked up the telephone . `` this is joe over at international tracers , we 've found your man . '' `` you did , that 's great , '' i said . olivet cemetery in seattle , washington , '' he said . `` he 's dead then ? '' `` well , he does n't run the place . '' can you get me a death certificate ? '' `` sure , but it 'll be another eight bucks . '' `` no , problem , just add it to my bill . '' after i hung up the phone i rushed into general burton 's office . `` i did n't even hear you come in ? '' `` you were off in never-never land so i did n't want to interrupt you . '' i get that way whenever i 've got big problems , '' i said . `` things are n't going so well ? '' `` well , they were n't , but i just got a break . '' i told him about gena 's father and the life insurance . `` that 's uncanny , stan . '' anyway , now my client 's mother can collect her insurance money and i can get paid . '' `` that always helps . how much does she owe you ? '' `` fifteen hundred for the bankruptcy i did and then whatever we agree upon for the criminal matter . i should get at least half of what i need for rebekah 's defense . '' `` it has been a good day then , '' the general said . `` now , if i could only find my client , '' i replied . `` you lost your client ? '' `` well , temporarily . i 'm sure she 'll show up . she better anyway otherwise i 'm going to have to make good on her bond . '' `` you 're on her bond ? '' `` yeah , i 'm afraid so . '' `` how much . '' `` oh no , stan . `` i felt sorry for her , i guess , sitting there all locked up in the county jail . '' `` i do n't know stan , you may be too soft to be a lawyer . i am not sure you 're going to make it , '' the general observed . i 've already made it and nothing can keep me from being successful . i may never be rich , but i 'll be a damn good attorney . '' as i was talking to general burton the phone rang again . i excused myself , went back to my desk , and picked up the phone . it was debbie at the bank . `` i just wanted to tell you that a wire transfer just came through . the money is in your account . '' thanks so much for calling . you made my day ! '' i went immediately to the bank and had two cashier 's checks made out to worldwide savings and loan for the payments and had them delivered over to mark pointer immediately . then i called rebekah and the investors and gave them the wonderful news . i felt better than i had for some time , so i went home to share my joy and relief with rebekah . 28 death claim on the following monday morning i received a registered mail notice . wondering who would be sending me registered mail , i drove immediately to the post office . as i walked inside a strange feeling of deja vu struck me . i had seen this place before in my dream . i went up to the counter and rang the bell . a man in a grey uniform came over and took my green receipt . he walked off and then returned with an envelope . i 'll need you to sign this receipt please . '' `` sure , '' i said as i took the envelope from his hand and jotted my signature on the dotted line . as i was leaving the building i opened the letter and pulled out it 's content . it was entitled , `` certificate of death . '' upon closer inspection it was the death certificate of michael roman lombardi . i returned to the office and called mrs. lombardi . i explained to her what i had done and that now she could claim the hundred thousand dollar face amount of the insurance policy , less the loan she took out on it , of course . she was shocked to hear of her husband 's death but seemed relieved to finally have found him . she agreed to file a claim immediately and send me $ 6,500 for my legal services on behalf of gena just as quick as she got the money . death claims usually are processed pretty fast , so i figured within a week or ten days i 'd get the money . when i returned to the office there was a message that tony had called . i wondered momentarily why he would be calling me , but then i remembered the bankruptcy suit i had filed . i picked up the phone and returned his call . `` mr. turner , what is this lawsuit you filed against me ? ''
[["general", 7], ["burton", 14], ["yell", 21], ["yelled", 21], ["office", 37], ["oh", 45], ["yes", 49], ["sorry", 62], ["say", 74], ["sayest", 74], ["said", 74], ["pick", 86], ["picked", 86], ["telephone", 103], ["joe", 120], ["joes", 120], ["international", 142], ["tracer", 150], ["tracers", 150], ["find", 165], ["found", 165], ["man", 174], ["mans", 174], ["manned", 174], ["great", 206], ["olivet", 227], ["cemetery", 236], ["seattle", 247], ["washington", 260], ["dead", 289], ["well", 307], ["wells", 307], ["run", 325], ["place", 335], ["get", 352], ["death", 363], ["certificate", 375], ["sure", 388], ["another", 412], ["eight", 418], ["buck", 424], ["bucking", 424], ["bucks", 424], ["problem", 445], ["add", 456], ["bill", 470], ["hang", 488], ["hung", 488], ["hangs", 488], ["phone", 501], ["rush", 510], ["rushed", 510], ["even", 560], ["evens", 560], ["hear", 565], ["hears", 565], ["come", 574], ["never", 607], ["land", 618], ["interrupt", 649], ["interruptest", 649], ["way", 673], ["ways", 673], ["whenever", 682], ["get", 692], ["got", 692], ["big", 696], ["bigs", 696], ["problem", 705], ["problems", 705], ["thing", 729], ["things", 729], ["go", 743], ["goest", 743], ["going", 743], ["broke", 805], ["break", 805], ["tell", 817], ["told", 817], ["gena", 832], ["father", 842], ["fathered", 842], ["fathering", 842], ["life", 855], ["lifes", 855], ["insurance", 865], ["uncanny", 886], ["stan", 893], ["stans", 893], ["anyway", 905], ["client", 921], ["mother", 931], ["mothered", 931], ["motherest", 931], ["collect", 943], ["money", 963], ["moneys", 963], ["pay", 982], ["pays", 982], ["payest", 982], ["paid", 982], ["always", 1002], ["help", 1008], ["helpest", 1008], ["helps", 1008], ["much", 1019], ["owe", 1032], ["owes", 1032], ["owing", 1032], ["fifteen", 1052], ["hundred", 1060], ["bankruptcy", 1079], ["whatever", 1103], ["agree", 1112], ["upon", 1117], ["criminal", 1134], ["matter", 1141], ["mattering", 1141], ["least", 1165], ["leastest", 1165], ["half", 1170], ["need", 1185], ["needest", 1185], ["rebekah", 1197], ["defense", 1208], ["good", 1235], ["day", 1239], ["find", 1298], ["reply", 1323], ["replied", 1323], ["lose", 1337], ["lost", 1337], ["temporarily", 1376], ["show", 1401], ["well", 1417], ["wells", 1417], ["otherwise", 1434], ["bond", 1478], ["yeah", 1519], ["afraid", 1533], ["feel", 1586], ["felt", 1586], ["guess", 1610], ["sat", 1620], ["sit", 1620], ["sitting", 1620], ["lock", 1637], ["locked", 1637], ["county", 1654], ["jail", 1659], ["jails", 1659], ["jailing", 1659], ["jailest", 1659], ["know", 1681], ["knowest", 1681], ["may", 1696], ["mays", 1696], ["mayest", 1696], ["soft", 1708], ["lawyer", 1723], ["observe", 1790], ["observed", 1790], ["already", 1806], ["nothing", 1826], ["keep", 1835], ["keepest", 1835], ["successful", 1860], ["rich", 1882], ["damn", 1904], ["damned", 1904], ["attorney", 1918], ["talk", 1940], ["talking", 1940], ["excuse", 1991], ["excused", 1991], ["go", 2005], ["goest", 2005], ["went", 2005], ["back", 2010], ["desk", 2021], ["debbie", 2063], ["bank", 2075], ["tell", 2102], ["wire", 2118], ["transfer", 2127], ["transfering", 2127], ["come", 2137], ["came", 2137], ["account", 2176], ["thank", 2188], ["thanks", 2188], ["thankest", 2188], ["call", 2208], ["calling", 2208], ["immediately", 2250], ["two", 2274], ["twos", 2274], ["cashier", 2282], ["check", 2292], ["checks", 2292], ["worldwide", 2314], ["saving", 2322], ["savings", 2322], ["loan", 2331], ["payment", 2348], ["payments", 2348], ["deliver", 2371], ["delivered", 2371], ["mark", 2384], ["marks", 2384], ["pointer", 2392], ["call", 2420], ["called", 2420], ["investor", 2446], ["investors", 2446], ["give", 2455], ["gave", 2455], ["wonderful", 2474], ["news", 2479], ["newses", 2479], ["time", 2520], ["home", 2537], ["homing", 2537], ["share", 2546], ["joy", 2553], ["joys", 2553], ["joyed", 2553], ["relief", 2564], ["reliefs", 2564], ["claim", 2594], ["follow", 2611], ["following", 2611], ["monday", 2618], ["mondays", 2618], ["morning", 2626], ["receive", 2637], ["received", 2637], ["register", 2650], ["registered", 2650], ["mail", 2655], ["notice", 2662], ["wonder", 2674], ["wonderest", 2674], ["wondering", 2674], ["send", 2695], ["sending", 2695], ["drive", 2724], ["drove", 2724], ["post", 2748], ["walk", 2769], ["walked", 2769], ["inside", 2776], ["strange", 2786], ["feeling", 2794], ["strike", 2812], ["struck", 2812], ["see", 2828], ["seen", 2828], ["dream", 2858], ["dreamt", 2858], ["dreamest", 2858], ["counter", 2885], ["bell", 2903], ["belling", 2903], ["grey", 2921], ["uniform", 2929], ["take", 2948], ["took", 2948], ["green", 2957], ["greens", 2957], ["receipt", 2965], ["return", 2999], ["returnest", 2999], ["returned", 2999], ["envelope", 3016], ["sign", 3041], ["please", 3061], ["hand", 3123], ["jot", 3134], ["jots", 3134], ["jotted", 3134], ["signature", 3147], ["line", 3166], ["left", 3185], ["leave", 3185], ["leaving", 3185], ["build", 3198], ["building", 3198], ["open", 3207], ["opened", 3207], ["letter", 3218], ["lettering", 3218], ["pull", 3229], ["pulled", 3229], ["content", 3247], ["contenting", 3247], ["entitle", 3265], ["entitled", 3265], ["close", 3308], ["closer", 3308], ["inspection", 3319], ["michael", 3359], ["roman", 3365], ["romans", 3365], ["mrs", 3416], ["explain", 3440], ["explained", 3440], ["thousand", 3513], ["dollar", 3520], ["face", 3525], ["amount", 3532], ["policy", 3556], ["less", 3563], ["course", 3603], ["husband", 3644], ["husbanding", 3644], ["seem", 3664], ["seeming", 3664], ["seemed", 3664], ["finally", 3684], ["agree", 3712], ["agreed", 3712], ["file", 3720], ["send", 3749], ["legal", 3773], ["service", 3782], ["servicing", 3782], ["services", 3782], ["behalf", 3792], ["quick", 3814], ["claim", 3850], ["claims", 3850], ["usually", 3858], ["process", 3872], ["processed", 3872], ["pretty", 3879], ["prettiest", 3879], ["fast", 3884], ["figure", 3899], ["figured", 3899], ["within", 3906], ["week", 3913], ["ten", 3920], ["day", 3925], ["days", 3925], ["message", 3996], ["tony", 4006], ["wonder", 4030], ["wonderest", 4030], ["wondered", 4030], ["momentarily", 4042], ["remember", 4093], ["rememberest", 4093], ["remembered", 4093], ["suit", 4113], ["suited", 4113], ["file", 4125], ["filed", 4125], ["call", 4171], ["mr", 4179], ["turner", 4187], ["lawsuit", 4210]]
`` it 's a preference suit , under the bankruptcy code if a creditor gets paid within ninety days of filing bankruptcy he has to give the money back otherwise it would be unfair to the other creditors , '' i replied . `` i 've never heard of that before , '' tony said . `` well , whether you heard of it or not it 's the law . '' `` but she owed me that money . '' `` i know , but it does n't matter . you 've got to give it back . if you do n't do it voluntarily then the court will make you give it back plus court costs and attorney fees . '' `` if you give it back right now , i 'll waive attorney 's fees and court costs . '' tony was silent for several seconds , then he said , `` what if i refuse to give it back ? '' `` well , once the court grants me judgment i 'll send over a u.s. marshall to collect the money . if you refuse to pay it he 'll start taking your property and selling it . '' `` hey , i did n't make the laws . write your congressman . '' `` this stinks . '' `` it has n't been fun for gena either . should i bring you a check ? '' `` that would be fine or i could meet you at your bank . '' `` okay , i 'll meet you at republic national bank in downtown dallas at one thirty today , '' tony said . `` fine , i 'll be there . '' when i hung up the phone my adrenalin was pumping furiously . my strategy was working perfectly . if i could get the money from tony , then i might be able to call the assistant u.s. attorney and get him to drop the charges immediately . then it would n't matter if i ever found gena as the bond would be released when the charges were dropped . i picked up the phone and called syd brim . the receptionist gave me the usual run-around about mr. brim being in conference , so i told her it was an emergency . `` what sort of an emergency ? '' `` listen , if you do n't get him on the phone right now i 'm coming over there and kick the damn door down . i 've got to talk to him immediately and it 's none of your damn business why ! '' `` you do n't need to get hostile . i 'll see if i can find him . '' `` remember your co-counsel on the lombardi case . '' `` what case ? '' `` gena lombardi , do you remember her ? '' `` not actually , but what do you want . '' `` would you mind if i talked to the prosecutor assigned to genas case ? i think i can get him to drop the charges . '' `` oh really , sure i do n't care . `` restitution and lots of evidence that she did n't intend to defraud anybody , '' i said . `` go ahead , what do we have to lose , '' syd replied evenly . `` great , catch you later . '' feeling like i was on a roll i called the u.s. attorney 's office . i did n't know who had been assigned to the case , so i asked the receptionist to research who was handling the gena lombardi case . after waiting on the phone about five minutes she came back on and advised me miss jean sommers was prosecuting the case and that she would connect me . `` we 've never spoken before , but i 'm co-counsel on the gena lombardi case . '' `` oh really , i was n't aware we had any co-counsel . '' `` well , i took the case as a favor , i have n't been paid anything . miss lombardi talked me into being co-counsel . '' `` drop your case against gena lombardi . '' what would it take for you to drop your case against gena lombardi , '' i replied . `` well , if i could provide immediate restitution of all monies lost and show you that you could n't possibly win the case at trial , would you drop the case ? '' `` maybe , but let 's not talk fantasy . we know gena lombardi does n't have any money for restitution and i 've got several witnesses all ready to testify that she received their money in the mail but failed to deliver the merchandise . the statute even contains a presumption of intent to defraud in these circumstances . '' `` that 's true , but it 's a rebuttable presumption and i 'm going to prove that gena reasonably believed that she could deliver the merchandise when she took that money from your witnesses . i am going to show how her boyfriend , tony , took the money without her knowledge or consent and that is why the goods were not delivered . '' `` can you really provide complete restitution ? '' `` i believe so , i can tell you definitely by the end of the day . '' `` well , i 'll make a deal with you .
[["preference", 21], ["suit", 26], ["suited", 26], ["bankruptcy", 49], ["code", 54], ["creditor", 68], ["get", 73], ["gets", 73], ["pay", 78], ["pays", 78], ["payest", 78], ["paid", 78], ["within", 85], ["ninety", 92], ["nineties", 92], ["day", 97], ["days", 97], ["filing", 107], ["give", 133], ["money", 143], ["moneys", 143], ["back", 148], ["otherwise", 158], ["unfair", 177], ["creditor", 200], ["creditors", 200], ["reply", 215], ["replied", 215], ["never", 232], ["hear", 238], ["hears", 238], ["heard", 238], ["tony", 263], ["say", 268], ["sayest", 268], ["said", 268], ["well", 278], ["wells", 278], ["whether", 288], ["law", 325], ["owe", 346], ["owes", 346], ["owing", 346], ["owed", 346], ["know", 375], ["knowest", 375], ["matter", 400], ["mattering", 400], ["get", 414], ["got", 414], ["voluntarily", 464], ["court", 479], ["courting", 479], ["courtest", 479], ["plus", 511], ["cost", 523], ["costs", 523], ["attorney", 536], ["fee", 541], ["fees", 541], ["right", 575], ["rightest", 575], ["waive", 593], ["waived", 593], ["waiving", 593], ["silent", 647], ["several", 659], ["second", 667], ["seconded", 667], ["seconds", 667], ["refuse", 704], ["grant", 757], ["grantest", 757], ["grants", 757], ["judgment", 769], ["send", 780], ["marshall", 801], ["collect", 812], ["pay", 845], ["pays", 845], ["payest", 845], ["start", 861], ["take", 868], ["taking", 868], ["property", 882], ["sell", 894], ["sells", 894], ["selling", 894], ["hey", 909], ["law", 935], ["laws", 935], ["write", 943], ["writing", 943], ["congressman", 960], ["stink", 980], ["stinks", 980], ["fun", 1008], ["gena", 1017], ["either", 1024], ["bring", 1041], ["check", 1053], ["fine", 1080], ["meet", 1096], ["meeted", 1096], ["bank", 1113], ["okay", 1126], ["republic", 1155], ["republics", 1155], ["national", 1164], ["downtown", 1181], ["downtowns", 1181], ["thirty", 1202], ["today", 1208], ["hang", 1267], ["hung", 1267], ["hangs", 1267], ["phone", 1280], ["adrenalin", 1293], ["pump", 1305], ["pumping", 1305], ["furiously", 1315], ["strategy", 1329], ["work", 1341], ["wrought", 1341], ["working", 1341], ["perfectly", 1351], ["get", 1368], ["may", 1403], ["mays", 1403], ["mayest", 1403], ["might", 1403], ["able", 1411], ["abled", 1411], ["call", 1419], ["assistant", 1433], ["drop", 1467], ["charge", 1479], ["charges", 1479], ["immediately", 1491], ["ever", 1528], ["everest", 1528], ["find", 1534], ["found", 1534], ["bond", 1551], ["release", 1569], ["released", 1569], ["drop", 1599], ["dropped", 1599], ["pick", 1610], ["picked", 1610], ["call", 1634], ["called", 1634], ["syd", 1638], ["brim", 1643], ["receptionist", 1662], ["give", 1667], ["gave", 1667], ["usual", 1680], ["run", 1684], ["around", 1691], ["mr", 1700], ["conference", 1726], ["conferencing", 1726], ["tell", 1738], ["told", 1738], ["emergency", 1762], ["sort", 1777], ["listen", 1808], ["listens", 1808], ["come", 1867], ["coming", 1867], ["kick", 1887], ["damn", 1896], ["damned", 1896], ["door", 1901], ["talk", 1926], ["none", 1960], ["business", 1982], ["need", 2010], ["needest", 2010], ["hostile", 2025], ["hostiles", 2025], ["see", 2037], ["find", 2051], ["remember", 2072], ["rememberest", 2072], ["co", 2080], ["counsel", 2088], ["counseled", 2088], ["counselled", 2088], ["case", 2109], ["mind", 2238], ["minding", 2238], ["talk", 2250], ["talked", 2250], ["prosecutor", 2268], ["assign", 2277], ["assignest", 2277], ["assigning", 2277], ["assigned", 2277], ["gena", 2286], ["think", 2301], ["thinkest", 2301], ["oh", 2346], ["really", 2353], ["sure", 2360], ["care", 2374], ["restitution", 2391], ["lot", 2400], ["lots", 2400], ["evidence", 2412], ["intend", 2436], ["intendest", 2436], ["defraud", 2447], ["defrauds", 2447], ["defraudest", 2447], ["anybody", 2455], ["go", 2475], ["goest", 2475], ["ahead", 2481], ["lose", 2507], ["evenly", 2531], ["great", 2542], ["catch", 2550], ["catched", 2550], ["catches", 2550], ["later", 2560], ["feel", 2573], ["feeling", 2573], ["like", 2578], ["roll", 2594], ["office", 2631], ["ask", 2695], ["asked", 2695], ["research", 2724], ["handle", 2741], ["handling", 2741], ["wait", 2780], ["waitest", 2780], ["waiting", 2780], ["five", 2804], ["fived", 2804], ["minute", 2812], ["minutes", 2812], ["come", 2821], ["came", 2821], ["advise", 2841], ["advised", 2841], ["miss", 2849], ["jean", 2854], ["jeans", 2854], ["sommer", 2862], ["prosecute", 2878], ["prosecuting", 2878], ["connect", 2914], ["connectest", 2914], ["speak", 2942], ["spoken", 2942], ["aware", 3033], ["take", 3077], ["took", 3077], ["favor", 3097], ["favorest", 3097], ["anything", 3129], ["take", 3246], ["provide", 3340], ["immediate", 3350], ["monies", 3376], ["monied", 3376], ["lose", 3381], ["lost", 3381], ["show", 3390], ["win", 3426], ["trial", 3444], ["maybe", 3484], ["let", 3494], ["lets", 3494], ["fantasy", 3514], ["witness", 3610], ["witnesses", 3610], ["ready", 3620], ["testify", 3631], ["receive", 3649], ["received", 3649], ["mail", 3673], ["fail", 3684], ["failed", 3684], ["deliver", 3695], ["merchandise", 3711], ["merchandising", 3711], ["statute", 3725], ["even", 3730], ["evens", 3730], ["contain", 3739], ["containest", 3739], ["contains", 3739], ["presumption", 3753], ["intent", 3763], ["circumstance", 3797], ["circumstances", 3797], ["true", 3818], ["rebuttable", 3843], ["go", 3870], ["goest", 3870], ["going", 3870], ["prof", 3879], ["prove", 3879], ["reasonably", 3900], ["believe", 3909], ["believed", 3909], ["boyfriend", 4032], ["without", 4064], ["knowledge", 4078], ["consent", 4089], ["good", 4115], ["goods", 4115], ["deliver", 4134], ["delivered", 4134], ["complete", 4174], ["believe", 4204], ["tell", 4220], ["definitely", 4235], ["end", 4246], ["ends", 4246], ["endest", 4246], ["day", 4257], ["deal", 4290]]
if you can deliver the money and get an affidavit from tony that corroborates what you just told me , then i 'll recommend dropping the charges . '' `` good , i 'll call you this afternoon , '' i said . `` okay , good luck , '' miss sommers said skeptically . an ill feeling suddenly overcame me as i mused over the task of getting tony to sign an affidavit . getting him to give up twenty grand was a coup in itself , but to ask him to help gena get out of jail was pushing my luck . there had to be some angle i could use to get him to believe it was in his best interest to sign an affidavit exonerating gena . unfortunately , at that moment i could n't think of what it might be . at 1:30 i walked into the lobby of republic national bank . it was a huge lobby so i was at kind of a loss as to where to find tony . i began to wander around searching for someone who looked like an italian . tony had said he was wearing blue jeans and a white shirt and he 'd have bridgett with him . finally , i saw the likely couple in line at one of the teller 's cages . i approached them and said , `` tony ? bridgett ? '' they looked over at me emotionless . turner ? '' `` we 're getting the money right now , '' tony said . then he pointed over to a sofa and chair and said . `` just wait for us over there . we 'll be right over . '' i went and took a seat on the sofa and watched them make their way through the teller 's line . after a minute they came over to me and handed me a cashier 's check . `` i made it out to the united states district court , like you said . i ca n't believe i 'm doing this , '' tony said . `` it 's the right thing to do , '' i replied . `` now i get the bankruptcy court to approve the restitution and then i 'll deliver it to the assistant u.s. attorney so the victims can be reimbursed . '' `` what about this victim ? '' `` well , i am glad you mentioned that . you know there is a way you might be able to get what 's coming to you , '' i said . `` well , if i could get the assistant u.s. attorney to drop these charges you could file a proof of claim in her chapter 13 and eventually get paid the money that 's owed to you . '' `` really , tony asked incredulously . what if she does n't make her payments ? '' `` well , i ca n't guarantee that she 'll make the payments but she says she 's going to and she 'll have a much better shot at doing it if she 's back in her office where she can make some money rather than being in jail . '' `` so what do you have to do to get the assistant u.s. attorney drop the charges . '' `` get you to sign an affidavit that you took the money owed to you from gena 's account without her knowledge or consent . you do n't have to admit you did anything wrong and we 'll waive any claims against you for taking the money . '' tony looked at me intently like he was actually considering signing the affidavit , then he shook his head and said , `` there 's no way in hell i am going to help that bitch . '' i looked at bridgett and immediately realized she was my key . i could see the pain in her eyes , perhaps from guilt , but more likely from a lingering friendship toward gena . i decided to appeal to her for help . `` bridgett , i do n't know you , but you were best friends with gena and gena has told me how close you two used to be . i know things between you two have n't been very good lately , but i ca n't believe you do n't care about her . all i need is a simple affidavit to get gena off the hook . i 'm not asking you to lie , all i want is the simple truth . '' bridgett looked at tony and then at me but said nothing . finally , tony said , `` come on bridgett let 's go . '' as they walked off i searched for some final argument , a magical phrase or sarcastic comment that might move them . i started to rationalize , well at least i got the money back . now all i have to do is try the case and win . as i got up to leave the bank i noticed tony and bridgett walking toward me . when we met tony sighed and said , `` give me the damn affidavit . maybe that broad can finally get her act together . '' i pulled the affidavit from my coat pocket and walked over to the customer service counter . i could n't help but notice bridgett was smiling . tony signed the affidavit and then stomped off . bridgett turned to me as they were leaving and waived .
[["deliver", 18], ["money", 28], ["moneys", 28], ["get", 36], ["affidavit", 49], ["tony", 59], ["corroborate", 77], ["corroborates", 77], ["tell", 96], ["told", 96], ["recommend", 122], ["recommendest", 122], ["drop", 131], ["dropping", 131], ["charge", 143], ["charges", 143], ["good", 156], ["call", 169], ["afternoon", 188], ["say", 200], ["sayest", 200], ["said", 200], ["okay", 210], ["luck", 222], ["miss", 232], ["sommer", 240], ["skeptically", 257], ["ill", 266], ["ills", 266], ["illest", 266], ["feeling", 274], ["suddenly", 283], ["overcome", 292], ["overcame", 292], ["muse", 306], ["musing", 306], ["mused", 306], ["task", 320], ["tasking", 320], ["taskest", 320], ["get", 331], ["getting", 331], ["sign", 344], ["give", 379], ["twenty", 389], ["grand", 395], ["coup", 406], ["ask", 429], ["help", 441], ["helpest", 441], ["gena", 446], ["jail", 462], ["jails", 462], ["jailing", 462], ["jailest", 462], ["push", 474], ["pushing", 474], ["angle", 511], ["use", 523], ["believe", 545], ["good", 564], ["best", 564], ["bested", 564], ["bestest", 564], ["interest", 573], ["exonerate", 606], ["exonerating", 606], ["unfortunately", 627], ["moment", 644], ["think", 662], ["thinkest", 662], ["may", 679], ["mays", 679], ["mayest", 679], ["might", 679], ["walk", 701], ["walked", 701], ["lobby", 716], ["lobbied", 716], ["republic", 728], ["republics", 728], ["national", 737], ["bank", 742], ["huge", 758], ["kind", 781], ["loss", 791], ["find", 811], ["begin", 826], ["began", 826], ["wander", 836], ["around", 843], ["search", 853], ["searching", 853], ["look", 876], ["looked", 876], ["like", 881], ["italian", 892], ["italians", 892], ["wear", 923], ["wearing", 923], ["blue", 928], ["jean", 934], ["jeans", 934], ["white", 946], ["shirt", 952], ["finally", 995], ["see", 1003], ["saw", 1003], ["couple", 1021], ["line", 1029], ["cage", 1059], ["cages", 1059], ["approach", 1074], ["approaches", 1074], ["approached", 1074], ["emotionless", 1149], ["right", 1197], ["rightest", 1197], ["point", 1234], ["pointed", 1234], ["sofa", 1249], ["chair", 1259], ["chairing", 1259], ["wait", 1283], ["waitest", 1283], ["go", 1336], ["goest", 1336], ["went", 1336], ["take", 1345], ["took", 1345], ["seat", 1352], ["watch", 1376], ["watched", 1376], ["way", 1396], ["ways", 1396], ["minute", 1440], ["come", 1450], ["came", 1450], ["hand", 1472], ["handed", 1472], ["cashier", 1485], ["check", 1494], ["district", 1543], ["court", 1549], ["courting", 1549], ["courtest", 1549], ["ca", 1572], ["cas", 1572], ["thing", 1642], ["reply", 1663], ["replied", 1663], ["bankruptcy", 1693], ["approve", 1710], ["restitution", 1726], ["assistant", 1769], ["attorney", 1783], ["victim", 1798], ["victims", 1798], ["reimburse", 1816], ["reimbursed", 1816], ["victim", 1847], ["well", 1860], ["wells", 1860], ["glad", 1872], ["mention", 1886], ["mentioned", 1886], ["know", 1902], ["knowest", 1902], ["able", 1935], ["abled", 1935], ["come", 1957], ["coming", 1957], ["drop", 2039], ["file", 2068], ["proof", 2076], ["proofs", 2076], ["proofed", 2076], ["proofest", 2076], ["claim", 2085], ["chapter", 2100], ["eventually", 2118], ["pay", 2127], ["pays", 2127], ["payest", 2127], ["paid", 2127], ["owe", 2150], ["owes", 2150], ["owing", 2150], ["owed", 2150], ["really", 2172], ["ask", 2185], ["asked", 2185], ["incredulously", 2199], ["payment", 2240], ["payments", 2240], ["guarantee", 2274], ["say", 2318], ["sayest", 2318], ["says", 2318], ["go", 2331], ["goest", 2331], ["going", 2331], ["much", 2358], ["well", 2365], ["wells", 2365], ["shot", 2370], ["back", 2397], ["office", 2411], ["rather", 2448], ["account", 2647], ["without", 2655], ["knowledge", 2669], ["consent", 2680], ["admit", 2707], ["anything", 2724], ["wrong", 2730], ["waive", 2747], ["waived", 2747], ["waiving", 2747], ["claim", 2758], ["claims", 2758], ["take", 2781], ["taking", 2781], ["intently", 2823], ["consider", 2856], ["considering", 2856], ["sign", 2864], ["shake", 2894], ["shook", 2894], ["head", 2903], ["hell", 2941], ["hells", 2941], ["bitch", 2971], ["immediately", 3013], ["realize", 3022], ["realized", 3022], ["key", 3037], ["keyed", 3037], ["keyest", 3037], ["see", 3051], ["pain", 3060], ["eye", 3072], ["eyed", 3072], ["eyes", 3072], ["perhaps", 3082], ["guilt", 3093], ["guilts", 3093], ["linger", 3128], ["lingered", 3128], ["lingering", 3128], ["friendship", 3139], ["toward", 3146], ["decide", 3163], ["decided", 3163], ["appeal", 3173], ["friend", 3251], ["friends", 3251], ["close", 3292], ["two", 3300], ["twos", 3300], ["use", 3305], ["used", 3305], ["thing", 3327], ["things", 3327], ["lately", 3374], ["care", 3413], ["need", 3436], ["needest", 3436], ["simple", 3448], ["simplest", 3448], ["hook", 3483], ["ask", 3501], ["asking", 3501], ["lie", 3512], ["lay", 3512], ["lain", 3512], ["truth", 3545], ["nothing", 3606], ["come", 3638], ["let", 3654], ["lets", 3654], ["go", 3660], ["goest", 3660], ["search", 3695], ["searched", 3695], ["final", 3710], ["argument", 3719], ["magical", 3731], ["phrase", 3738], ["phrasing", 3738], ["sarcastic", 3751], ["comment", 3759], ["move", 3775], ["start", 3792], ["started", 3792], ["rationalize", 3807], ["rationalizes", 3807], ["least", 3823], ["leastest", 3823], ["get", 3829], ["got", 3829], ["try", 3874], ["tryed", 3874], ["win", 3891], ["left", 3914], ["leave", 3914], ["notice", 3933], ["noticed", 3933], ["walk", 3959], ["walking", 3959], ["meet", 3983], ["meeted", 3983], ["met", 3983], ["sigh", 3995], ["sighest", 3995], ["sighed", 3995], ["damn", 4026], ["damned", 4026], ["maybe", 4044], ["broad", 4055], ["broads", 4055], ["act", 4079], ["acted", 4079], ["together", 4088], ["pull", 4102], ["pulled", 4102], ["coat", 4129], ["pocket", 4136], ["pocketing", 4136], ["customer", 4168], ["service", 4176], ["servicing", 4176], ["counter", 4184], ["notice", 4214], ["smile", 4235], ["smiling", 4235], ["sign", 4249], ["signed", 4249], ["stomp", 4280], ["stomps", 4280], ["stomping", 4280], ["stomped", 4280], ["turn", 4302], ["turned", 4302], ["left", 4329], ["leave", 4329], ["leaving", 4329], ["waive", 4340], ["waived", 4340], ["waiving", 4340]]
i was thrilled with my victory , but unfortunately i did n't have anyone to share it with . there was no time to celebrate anyway right then . i had an important date with the da . getting her to drop the charges wasnt a slam dunk . id still have to be very persuasive and shed have to get her bosses to approve the deal . but i promised myself that rebekah and i would crack a bottle of champagne that evening if everything worked out the way i hoped it would . miss sommers was shocked when i appeared that afternoon with twenty thousand dollars and an affidavit from tony . she kept her word , though , and recommended to the u.s. attorney that all charges be dropped . after several hours of waiting , the deal was approved and i breathed a sigh of relief . when i got back to the office i informed asshole of my success and advised him he was off the hook . he didnt thank me or offer to split his fee with me . he just said , okay , and hung up . then i called gena 's mother . `` hello , '' mrs. lombardi said . `` hi , this is stan again . '' `` oh yes , is something wrong ? '' `` no , i 've got good news . the assistant u.s. attorney has dropped all charges against gena . '' i told her about the deal with the da . `` that is so wonderful . when gena told me you were her guardian angel i just laughed , but now i know she was right . '' i 'm just glad i could help . '' `` thank you so much mr. turner . i will always be in your debt . '' `` your welcome , should you happen to see gena sometime soon have her call me . '' `` good bye , thank you , so much mr . elated by the events of the afternoon i went immediately home to take the family out to dinner and celebrate . the kids did n't understand why i was so happy but they did n't mind having a party . rebekah was somewhat subdued . when i ordered a bottle of champagne rebekah let me know what was bothering her . `` it 's great you got gena off the hook and got her mother a $ 100,000 but you have n't got a dime yourself , have you ? '' `` well no , but they 'll send me some money once the insurance check comes , '' i replied . `` maybe , but what if they do n't ? '' `` they will , you should have heard mrs. lombardi . she could n't thank me enough . she said i was her daughter 's guardian angel . '' `` what did gena say ? '' `` well , actually i do n't know where gena is , '' i replied . how can you settle her case without her ? '' `` i did n't settle it . i got the assistant u.s. attorney to drop it . '' `` and she has skipped town ? why in the hell did you even bother with her if she does n't care enough to hang around for her trial . or at least let you know where she is ? '' `` i had to get her off . i did n't have any choice . '' `` i guaranteed her bond and when she disappeared i had to get her off or come up with twenty-five thousand dollars . '' `` stan turner ! you are so stupid sometimes . why in the hell did you guarantee her bond ? '' `` i just felt sorry for her . '' `` you have n't been screwing around with her have you ? '' `` no , . .she 's just someone who has had a tough life . her father ran away when she was young and everyone treats her like shit . i just showed her a little respect . '' `` yeah , and see where that got you . you 're damn lucky you did n't lose twenty-five thousand dollars , which we do n't even have i might add . how did you expect to pay the money back if she did n't show up for trial ? '' `` i took a lien on her corvette . '' `` oh really , well i 'm glad you did something halfway intelligent . '' `` come on , give me a break . i did a hell of a job on this case , i want to celebrate . so , if your through chewing me out let 's party . '' rebekah shook her head in disgust then cracked a smile . how did i ever get hooked up with you ? '' you just got lucky , i guess . '' 29 the bonus the following monday when i got to the office there was a message from ken sherlock 's office . i was fairly certain what the call was about . i had promised ken that i would get him an assignment on parker # 3 over a week ago but obviously that was n't going to happen . i did receive a final check for $ 2,200 from inca oil but when we got it we were so desperate for cash we had to use it to pay bills and just keep afloat .
[["thrill", 14], ["thrilled", 14], ["victory", 30], ["unfortunately", 50], ["anyone", 72], ["share", 81], ["time", 109], ["celebrate", 122], ["anyway", 129], ["right", 135], ["rightest", 135], ["important", 161], ["date", 166], ["da", 178], ["get", 188], ["getting", 188], ["drop", 200], ["charge", 212], ["charges", 212], ["slam", 225], ["dunk", 230], ["still", 241], ["persuasive", 268], ["shed", 277], ["get", 289], ["boss", 300], ["bosses", 300], ["approve", 311], ["deal", 320], ["promise", 337], ["promised", 337], ["rebekah", 357], ["crack", 375], ["bottle", 384], ["bottled", 384], ["champagne", 397], ["evening", 410], ["everything", 424], ["work", 431], ["wrought", 431], ["worked", 431], ["way", 443], ["ways", 443], ["hope", 451], ["hoped", 451], ["miss", 467], ["sommer", 475], ["appear", 503], ["appeared", 503], ["afternoon", 518], ["twenty", 530], ["thousand", 539], ["dollar", 547], ["dollars", 547], ["affidavit", 564], ["tony", 574], ["keep", 585], ["keepest", 585], ["kept", 585], ["word", 594], ["though", 603], ["recommend", 621], ["recommendest", 621], ["recommended", 621], ["attorney", 642], ["drop", 670], ["dropped", 670], ["several", 686], ["hour", 692], ["hours", 692], ["approve", 727], ["approved", 727], ["breathe", 742], ["breathes", 742], ["breathed", 742], ["sigh", 749], ["sighest", 749], ["relief", 759], ["reliefs", 759], ["get", 772], ["got", 772], ["back", 777], ["office", 791], ["inform", 802], ["informs", 802], ["informed", 802], ["asshole", 810], ["success", 824], ["successes", 824], ["advise", 836], ["advised", 836], ["hook", 860], ["thank", 877], ["thanks", 877], ["thankest", 877], ["offer", 889], ["split", 898], ["fee", 906], ["say", 929], ["sayest", 929], ["said", 929], ["okay", 936], ["hang", 947], ["hung", 947], ["hangs", 947], ["call", 966], ["called", 966], ["gena", 971], ["mother", 981], ["mothered", 981], ["motherest", 981], ["hello", 992], ["hellos", 992], ["mrs", 1001], ["hi", 1024], ["stan", 1039], ["stans", 1039], ["oh", 1056], ["yes", 1060], ["wrong", 1081], ["good", 1109], ["news", 1114], ["newses", 1114], ["assistant", 1130], ["tell", 1193], ["told", 1193], ["wonderful", 1250], ["guardian", 1292], ["guardians", 1292], ["angel", 1298], ["laugh", 1313], ["laughed", 1313], ["know", 1330], ["knowest", 1330], ["glad", 1364], ["help", 1377], ["helpest", 1377], ["much", 1403], ["mr", 1406], ["turner", 1414], ["always", 1430], ["debt", 1446], ["welcome", 1467], ["happen", 1487], ["see", 1494], ["sometime", 1508], ["soon", 1513], ["call", 1527], ["bye", 1547], ["byes", 1547], ["elate", 1581], ["elates", 1581], ["elated", 1581], ["event", 1595], ["events", 1595], ["go", 1619], ["goest", 1619], ["went", 1619], ["immediately", 1631], ["home", 1636], ["homing", 1636], ["take", 1644], ["family", 1655], ["dinner", 1669], ["kid", 1694], ["kids", 1694], ["understand", 1713], ["understanded", 1713], ["happy", 1732], ["mind", 1754], ["minding", 1754], ["party", 1769], ["somewhat", 1792], ["order", 1817], ["orderest", 1817], ["ordered", 1817], ["let", 1851], ["lets", 1851], ["bother", 1878], ["bothers", 1878], ["bothering", 1878], ["great", 1899], ["dime", 1984], ["well", 2017], ["wells", 2017], ["send", 2040], ["money", 2054], ["moneys", 2054], ["insurance", 2073], ["check", 2079], ["come", 2085], ["comes", 2085], ["reply", 2100], ["replied", 2100], ["maybe", 2111], ["hear", 2179], ["hears", 2179], ["heard", 2179], ["enough", 2225], ["daughter", 2255], ["say", 2299], ["sayest", 2299], ["settle", 2387], ["case", 2396], ["without", 2404], ["skip", 2511], ["skips", 2511], ["skipped", 2511], ["town", 2516], ["hell", 2534], ["hells", 2534], ["even", 2547], ["evens", 2547], ["bother", 2554], ["bothers", 2554], ["bothering", 2554], ["care", 2584], ["hang", 2599], ["hung", 2599], ["hangs", 2599], ["around", 2606], ["trial", 2620], ["least", 2634], ["leastest", 2634], ["choice", 2717], ["guarantee", 2738], ["guaranteed", 2738], ["bond", 2747], ["disappear", 2772], ["disappeared", 2772], ["come", 2801], ["five", 2821], ["fived", 2821], ["stupid", 2878], ["guarantee", 2924], ["feel", 2953], ["felt", 2953], ["sorry", 2959], ["screw", 3002], ["screwing", 3002], ["tough", 3083], ["life", 3088], ["lifes", 3088], ["father", 3101], ["fathered", 3101], ["fathering", 3101], ["run", 3105], ["ran", 3105], ["away", 3110], ["young", 3129], ["youngest", 3129], ["everyone", 3142], ["treat", 3149], ["treats", 3149], ["treatest", 3149], ["like", 3158], ["shit", 3163], ["show", 3179], ["showed", 3179], ["little", 3192], ["respect", 3200], ["yeah", 3213], ["damn", 3257], ["damned", 3257], ["lucky", 3263], ["lose", 3280], ["may", 3345], ["mays", 3345], ["mayest", 3345], ["might", 3345], ["add", 3349], ["expect", 3370], ["pay", 3377], ["pays", 3377], ["payest", 3377], ["show", 3412], ["take", 3440], ["took", 3440], ["lien", 3447], ["corvette", 3463], ["really", 3481], ["halfway", 3524], ["halfways", 3524], ["intelligent", 3536], ["give", 3559], ["broke", 3570], ["break", 3570], ["job", 3594], ["jobbing", 3594], ["chew", 3660], ["chews", 3660], ["chewest", 3660], ["chewing", 3660], ["shake", 3699], ["shook", 3699], ["head", 3708], ["disgust", 3719], ["disgusted", 3719], ["crack", 3732], ["cracked", 3732], ["smile", 3740], ["ever", 3757], ["everest", 3757], ["hook", 3768], ["hooked", 3768], ["guess", 3814], ["bonus", 3832], ["follow", 3846], ["following", 3846], ["monday", 3853], ["mondays", 3853], ["message", 3898], ["ken", 3907], ["kent", 3907], ["sherlock", 3916], ["fairly", 3941], ["certain", 3949], ["assignment", 4029], ["parker", 4039], ["week", 4055], ["ago", 4059], ["obviously", 4073], ["go", 4092], ["goest", 4092], ["going", 4092], ["receive", 4118], ["final", 4126], ["inca", 4154], ["oil", 4158], ["desperate", 4198], ["cash", 4207], ["cashed", 4207], ["use", 4221], ["bill", 4237], ["bills", 4237], ["keep", 4251], ["keepest", 4251], ["afloat", 4258]]
unfortunately nothing had come in from gena lombardi and kurt harrison was still in brazil . consequently , i did n't know what i was going to tell ken sherlock when i called his office . while i was fretting over this predicament the phone rang . it was jane brown . `` i wondered if you might be free for lunch today ? '' `` sure , that would be great , '' i replied . `` we 'll pick you up at 12:30 then , '' mrs. brown said . the papers had been filled with the taylor brown and robert thorn stories over the past few weeks . with the help of an anonymous tip theyd found the body of the brown chauffeur , ronald sage , in a dump a few miles from brown 's johnson county ranch . while searching sage 's apartment authorities found evidence that sage was trying to blackmail brown and robert thorn over the murder of melba thorn . the authorities were not sure if sage was a co-conspirator or just inadvertently found out about the plot to kill her . it all seemed to make sense now , robert and taylor wanted control of thorn enterprises , inc. so they plotted to have melba conveniently die in an accident . it might have worked had i not received the telephone calls from melba thorn . but there were still three big , unanswered questions : who placed the calls , how did they find out about her murder , and why did they pick me to call for help ? at 12:30 mrs. brown 's chauffeur , ralph , walked in and told me mrs. brown was waiting . he was a very imposing figure , tall , muscular , with that black chauffeur 's uniform and those big black boots he obviously was n't someone you would want to tangle with . i guess that 's the kind of person , however , you 'd want to have around to deter any would-be assailants . i got up and followed ralph out to the limousine . he opened the door and mrs. brown smiled and said , `` come on in . '' i climbed in , smiled and ralph shut the door . `` do you want to go to the italian alps again or would like some superb mexican food today ? '' `` the italian alps was great , but i like mexican food too . '' let 's go to juan benito 's . i feel like mexican today . '' `` ralph , take us to juan benito 's . '' `` yes ma'am , '' ralph said as he turned over the engine and eased out of the parking space . `` well , did you hear the latest ? '' `` robert was indicted today . '' `` no , apparently ronnie was blackmailing both robert and taylor . the police found a letter of instructions to robert telling him where to deliver money to him . apparently he was killed before the instructions could be delivered , '' jane said . `` i wonder how he found out about the plot to kill your mother ? '' `` he probably overheard them talking about it and decided he could use the information to enhance his income , '' jane replied . `` so how do you feel about all of this ? it must be tough to have your brother and husband arrested for killing your mother . '' `` yes , it is horrible . i ca n't believe robert and taylor would do such a thing , but it 's sure looking more and more like they did . i guess whoever said money corrupts knew what they were talking about . '' the limousine suddenly came to a halt and i looked out and saw an old sign that read , juan benito 's caf & cantina . we got out and went inside . after a few minutes we were seated and placed our orders . `` so who runs the company if taylor and robert are convicted , '' i asked . `` the board of directors placed me in charge this morning as soon as they got wind of robert 's indictment . i 've got complete control now , '' jane said . `` and that reminds me of one of the reasons i wanted to have lunch with you today . '' `` thorn enterprises is very appreciative of your investigation of mom 's death . the board of directors feels you should be paid for the time and expenses you 've incurred . '' `` well , that would be very much appreciated since i 'm kind of in need of money right now . '' `` good , do you have any idea what your time and expenses are to date ? '' `` well i think i calculated about forty-five hours and eight hundred in expenses . '' `` how much does that all come to exactly , '' jane asked . `` i think i figured about $ 7,500 , '' i said . `` good , '' jane said as she pulled an envelope out of her purse . `` here , this check ought to cover it then . '' i took the envelope and peaked inside . it was a check from thorn enterprises for $ 10,000 .
[["unfortunately", 13], ["nothing", 21], ["come", 30], ["gena", 43], ["kurt", 61], ["harrison", 70], ["still", 80], ["brazil", 90], ["brazils", 90], ["consequently", 105], ["know", 122], ["knowest", 122], ["go", 139], ["goest", 139], ["going", 139], ["tell", 147], ["ken", 151], ["kent", 151], ["sherlock", 160], ["call", 174], ["called", 174], ["office", 185], ["fret", 208], ["fretting", 208], ["predicament", 230], ["phone", 240], ["jane", 259], ["janes", 259], ["brown", 265], ["browns", 265], ["wonder", 281], ["wonderest", 281], ["wondered", 281], ["may", 294], ["mays", 294], ["mayest", 294], ["might", 294], ["free", 302], ["lunch", 312], ["lunches", 312], ["lunched", 312], ["today", 318], ["sure", 331], ["great", 353], ["reply", 368], ["replied", 368], ["pick", 385], ["mrs", 415], ["say", 427], ["sayest", 427], ["said", 427], ["paper", 440], ["papers", 440], ["fill", 456], ["fills", 456], ["filled", 456], ["taylor", 472], ["robert", 489], ["roberts", 489], ["thorn", 495], ["story", 503], ["stories", 503], ["past", 517], ["week", 527], ["weeks", 527], ["help", 543], ["helpest", 543], ["anonymous", 559], ["tip", 563], ["find", 575], ["found", 575], ["body", 584], ["bodied", 584], ["chauffeur", 607], ["ronald", 616], ["sage", 621], ["dump", 633], ["mile", 645], ["miles", 645], ["johnson", 667], ["county", 674], ["ranch", 680], ["search", 698], ["searching", 698], ["apartment", 716], ["authority", 728], ["authorities", 728], ["evidence", 743], ["try", 764], ["tryed", 764], ["trying", 764], ["blackmail", 777], ["blackmails", 777], ["blackmailest", 777], ["murder", 816], ["murderest", 816], ["melba", 825], ["co", 880], ["conspirator", 892], ["inadvertently", 914], ["plot", 939], ["kill", 947], ["seem", 967], ["seeming", 967], ["seemed", 967], ["sense", 981], ["control", 1020], ["inc", 1047], ["plot", 1064], ["plotted", 1064], ["conveniently", 1091], ["die", 1095], ["accident", 1110], ["work", 1133], ["wrought", 1133], ["worked", 1133], ["receive", 1152], ["received", 1152], ["telephone", 1166], ["call", 1172], ["calls", 1172], ["three", 1218], ["big", 1222], ["bigs", 1222], ["unanswered", 1235], ["question", 1245], ["questions", 1245], ["place", 1258], ["placed", 1258], ["find", 1288], ["call", 1344], ["ralph", 1396], ["walk", 1405], ["walked", 1405], ["tell", 1417], ["told", 1417], ["wait", 1443], ["waitest", 1443], ["waiting", 1443], ["figure", 1475], ["tall", 1482], ["muscular", 1493], ["black", 1511], ["uniform", 1532], ["boot", 1558], ["boots", 1558], ["obviously", 1571], ["tangle", 1612], ["tangling", 1612], ["guess", 1627], ["kind", 1644], ["person", 1654], ["however", 1664], ["around", 1693], ["deter", 1702], ["assailant", 1726], ["assailants", 1726], ["get", 1734], ["got", 1734], ["follow", 1750], ["followed", 1750], ["limousine", 1777], ["limousines", 1777], ["open", 1789], ["opened", 1789], ["door", 1798], ["smile", 1820], ["smiled", 1820], ["climb", 1860], ["climbed", 1860], ["shut", 1887], ["go", 1919], ["goest", 1919], ["italian", 1934], ["italians", 1934], ["alp", 1939], ["alps", 1939], ["like", 1959], ["superb", 1971], ["mexican", 1979], ["mexicans", 1979], ["food", 1984], ["foods", 1984], ["let", 2064], ["lets", 2064], ["benito", 2085], ["feel", 2097], ["take", 2137], ["yes", 2170], ["madam", 2176], ["madams", 2176], ["turn", 2205], ["turned", 2205], ["engine", 2221], ["ease", 2231], ["eased", 2231], ["parking", 2250], ["space", 2256], ["spaced", 2256], ["spacing", 2256], ["well", 2266], ["wells", 2266], ["hear", 2281], ["hears", 2281], ["late", 2292], ["lates", 2292], ["latest", 2292], ["indict", 2320], ["indicted", 2320], ["apparently", 2350], ["ronnie", 2357], ["blackmail", 2374], ["blackmails", 2374], ["blackmailest", 2374], ["blackmailing", 2374], ["police", 2410], ["letter", 2425], ["lettering", 2425], ["instruction", 2441], ["instructions", 2441], ["tell", 2459], ["telling", 2459], ["deliver", 2480], ["money", 2486], ["moneys", 2486], ["kill", 2520], ["killed", 2520], ["deliver", 2563], ["delivered", 2563], ["wonder", 2592], ["wonderest", 2592], ["mother", 2644], ["mothered", 2644], ["motherest", 2644], ["probably", 2664], ["overhear", 2674], ["overhearing", 2674], ["talk", 2687], ["talking", 2687], ["decide", 2708], ["decided", 2708], ["use", 2721], ["information", 2737], ["enhance", 2748], ["income", 2759], ["must", 2829], ["musts", 2829], ["tough", 2838], ["brother", 2859], ["brethren", 2859], ["husband", 2871], ["husbanding", 2871], ["arrest", 2880], ["arrested", 2880], ["kill", 2892], ["killing", 2892], ["horrible", 2933], ["ca", 2940], ["cas", 2940], ["believe", 2952], ["thing", 2992], ["look", 3017], ["looking", 3017], ["whoever", 3063], ["corrupt", 3083], ["corrupts", 3083], ["know", 3088], ["knowest", 3088], ["knew", 3088], ["suddenly", 3145], ["come", 3150], ["came", 3150], ["halt", 3160], ["halts", 3160], ["haltest", 3160], ["look", 3173], ["looked", 3173], ["see", 3185], ["saw", 3185], ["old", 3192], ["sign", 3197], ["read", 3207], ["reads", 3207], ["caf", 3228], ["cantina", 3238], ["go", 3260], ["goest", 3260], ["went", 3260], ["inside", 3267], ["minute", 3289], ["minutes", 3289], ["seat", 3304], ["seated", 3304], ["order", 3326], ["orderest", 3326], ["orders", 3326], ["run", 3343], ["runs", 3343], ["company", 3355], ["companys", 3355], ["companying", 3355], ["convict", 3390], ["convicted", 3390], ["ask", 3403], ["asked", 3403], ["board", 3418], ["boarding", 3418], ["director", 3431], ["directors", 3431], ["charge", 3451], ["morning", 3464], ["soon", 3472], ["wind", 3489], ["indictment", 3513], ["complete", 3534], ["remind", 3583], ["reminds", 3583], ["reason", 3608], ["reasonest", 3608], ["reasons", 3608], ["enterprise", 3672], ["enterprising", 3672], ["enterprises", 3672], ["appreciative", 3693], ["investigation", 3715], ["mom", 3722], ["moms", 3722], ["death", 3731], ["feel", 3762], ["feels", 3762], ["pay", 3781], ["pays", 3781], ["payest", 3781], ["paid", 3781], ["time", 3794], ["expense", 3807], ["expenses", 3807], ["incur", 3824], ["incurred", 3824], ["much", 3863], ["appreciate", 3875], ["appreciates", 3875], ["appreciated", 3875], ["since", 3881], ["need", 3902], ["needest", 3902], ["right", 3917], ["rightest", 3917], ["good", 3934], ["idea", 3957], ["date", 3997], ["think", 4018], ["thinkest", 4018], ["calculate", 4031], ["calculated", 4031], ["forty", 4043], ["five", 4048], ["fived", 4048], ["hour", 4054], ["hours", 4054], ["eight", 4064], ["hundred", 4072], ["exactly", 4131], ["figure", 4170], ["figured", 4170], ["pull", 4235], ["pulled", 4235], ["envelope", 4247], ["purse", 4264], ["check", 4287], ["ought", 4293], ["cover", 4302], ["take", 4322], ["took", 4322], ["peak", 4346], ["peaked", 4346]]
this covers it nicely . `` listen , the board wanted me to convey to you their deepest appreciation for what you have done and also to tell you that in the future they may want to retain you for other projects . '' let me know if anything comes up that i can help them with . '' `` i will , definitely . '' after lunch i called rebekah to tell her the good news . `` you 're kidding ? ! '' i 've got a check in my hand . '' `` oh , that is so wonderful , i ca n't believe it ! jane brown called and wanted to have lunch . she shocked the hell out of me when she gave me the check . now i can pay your lawyer . '' `` do we have to give it all to him ? '' `` well , i 'm going to give him $ 6,500 and use $ 3,500 to pay bills . '' `` good , at least we 'll be able to survive another month . '' well , i 've got to go , i just wanted to give you the good news . '' `` yeah , i 'm glad you called , i feel much better now . '' after talking to rebekah i returned the call to ken sherlock 's office . sure enough they were wondering about their assignment on parker # 3 . i told them there had been a change of plans and instead of an assignment i could give them half the balance on the retainer immediately with the rest in a week or ten days . they were very pleased to get cash rather than the assignment . later that afternoon tom tower called to see if i had heard from kurt . since kurt had n't called me i phoned gwen to see if she knew anything . no one answered at the harrison mansion , so i called cynthia . `` stan , i 'm so glad you called . '' `` the fbi agents were just here looking for kurt again . '' `` i told them i did n't know where he was , '' cynthia said . `` that 's all you told them ? '' `` i told them he had been in brazil but apparently he left there because i called for him there and they said he was gone . '' `` was heloisa with him ? '' `` no , she was n't with him when he left . '' `` do you have any idea where he might have gone ? '' `` he might have gone to california to see dan kelley . if he 's trying to raise money for the panhandle building , dan 's the one who can help him . '' `` i hope that 's what he 's doing . do you have dan 's phone number ? '' `` sure , i can get it for you . '' `` i want to call him and see if kurt is there or if he knows where he is . '' `` okay , good luck . `` i will , bye . '' anxious to talk to kurt , i immediately called dan kelley 's number . i knew if i did n't get this mess under control very soon it was going to be all over for kurt , the investors and maybe even me . as the phone rang i held my breath . `` stan , kurt and i were just talking about you , '' dan said . `` then kurt 's there with you ? '' `` yes , he 's right here . do you want to talk to him ? '' `` hello , stan . '' `` kurt , i 've been waiting for you to call . the fbi 's still looking for you . they came by cynthia 's office today and scared the shit out of her . '' `` you made the payments did n't you ? '' `` i thought they were going to back off once we made the past due note payments . '' `` that 's what i thought too , but apparently they 're still worried about the deal . '' well , i was going to call you tomorrow , so i 'm glad you called . dan 's got some investors from mainland china who just signed a contract to buy the panhandle building . they 've got more money than god and they 're ready to move . '' have they seen it ? '' `` they 've got a man looking at it today as a matter of fact . the contract gives them a five day inspection period . they can terminate the contract at anytime before the five days expires . '' `` are you showing them the entire building ? '' `` the manager was instructed to show them every floor , '' kurt said . `` they do n't care about the condition of the building anyway . they just need a safe place to put their money , '' kurt said . `` do n't tell me anything more about your investors . i do n't care why they want to buy the building , as long as they 've got the money and they know exactly what they are buying so they do n't come back after you or the partners . ''
[["cover", 11], ["covers", 11], ["nicely", 21], ["listen", 33], ["listens", 33], ["board", 45], ["boarding", 45], ["convey", 65], ["conveyest", 65], ["deep", 86], ["deeply", 86], ["deepest", 86], ["appreciation", 99], ["also", 131], ["tell", 139], ["future", 162], ["may", 171], ["mays", 171], ["mayest", 171], ["retain", 186], ["project", 209], ["projectest", 209], ["projects", 209], ["let", 218], ["lets", 218], ["know", 226], ["knowest", 226], ["anything", 238], ["come", 244], ["comes", 244], ["help", 263], ["helpest", 263], ["definitely", 301], ["lunch", 318], ["lunches", 318], ["lunched", 318], ["call", 327], ["called", 327], ["rebekah", 335], ["good", 356], ["news", 361], ["newses", 361], ["kid", 382], ["kidding", 382], ["get", 399], ["got", 399], ["check", 407], ["hand", 418], ["oh", 429], ["wonderful", 452], ["ca", 459], ["cas", 459], ["believe", 471], ["jane", 481], ["janes", 481], ["brown", 487], ["browns", 487], ["shock", 533], ["shocked", 533], ["hell", 542], ["hells", 542], ["give", 566], ["gave", 566], ["pay", 595], ["pays", 595], ["payest", 595], ["lawyer", 607], ["give", 634], ["well", 661], ["wells", 661], ["go", 674], ["goest", 674], ["going", 674], ["use", 702], ["bill", 723], ["bills", 723], ["least", 747], ["leastest", 747], ["able", 762], ["abled", 762], ["survive", 773], ["another", 781], ["month", 787], ["go", 815], ["goest", 815], ["yeah", 870], ["glad", 882], ["feel", 902], ["much", 907], ["well", 914], ["wells", 914], ["talk", 937], ["talking", 937], ["return", 959], ["returnest", 959], ["returned", 959], ["call", 968], ["ken", 975], ["kent", 975], ["sherlock", 984], ["office", 994], ["sure", 1001], ["enough", 1008], ["wonder", 1028], ["wonderest", 1028], ["wondering", 1028], ["assignment", 1051], ["parker", 1061], ["tell", 1074], ["told", 1074], ["change", 1103], ["plan", 1112], ["plans", 1112], ["instead", 1124], ["half", 1164], ["balance", 1176], ["immediately", 1204], ["rest", 1218], ["week", 1228], ["ten", 1235], ["day", 1240], ["days", 1240], ["pleased", 1265], ["get", 1272], ["cash", 1277], ["cashed", 1277], ["rather", 1284], ["later", 1312], ["afternoon", 1327], ["tom", 1331], ["tower", 1337], ["towered", 1337], ["towerest", 1337], ["see", 1351], ["hear", 1366], ["hears", 1366], ["heard", 1366], ["kurt", 1376], ["since", 1384], ["phone", 1416], ["phoned", 1416], ["gwen", 1421], ["know", 1440], ["knowest", 1440], ["knew", 1440], ["answer", 1467], ["answeres", 1467], ["answerest", 1467], ["answered", 1467], ["harrison", 1483], ["mansion", 1491], ["cynthia", 1513], ["stan", 1523], ["stans", 1523], ["fbi", 1565], ["agent", 1572], ["agents", 1572], ["look", 1595], ["looking", 1595], ["say", 1676], ["sayest", 1676], ["said", 1676], ["brazil", 1749], ["brazils", 1749], ["apparently", 1764], ["left", 1772], ["leave", 1772], ["go", 1835], ["goest", 1835], ["gone", 1835], ["idea", 1940], ["may", 1955], ["mays", 1955], ["mayest", 1955], ["might", 1955], ["california", 2006], ["dan", 2017], ["kelley", 2024], ["try", 2042], ["tryed", 2042], ["trying", 2042], ["raise", 2051], ["money", 2057], ["moneys", 2057], ["panhandle", 2075], ["build", 2084], ["building", 2084], ["hope", 2133], ["phone", 2185], ["number", 2192], ["numbering", 2192], ["know", 2295], ["knowest", 2295], ["knows", 2295], ["okay", 2320], ["luck", 2332], ["bye", 2350], ["byes", 2350], ["anxious", 2363], ["anxiousest", 2363], ["talk", 2371], ["mess", 2459], ["messed", 2459], ["messing", 2459], ["control", 2473], ["soon", 2483], ["investor", 2536], ["investors", 2536], ["maybe", 2546], ["even", 2551], ["evens", 2551], ["hold", 2581], ["held", 2581], ["breath", 2591], ["breathest", 2591], ["yes", 2701], ["right", 2715], ["rightest", 2715], ["hello", 2763], ["hellos", 2763], ["wait", 2804], ["waitest", 2804], ["waiting", 2804], ["still", 2839], ["come", 2867], ["came", 2867], ["today", 2894], ["scare", 2905], ["scared", 2905], ["shit", 2914], ["payment", 2955], ["payments", 2955], ["think", 2985], ["thinkest", 2985], ["thought", 2985], ["back", 3009], ["past", 3035], ["due", 3039], ["note", 3044], ["deal", 3143], ["tomorrow", 3188], ["tomorrows", 3188], ["mainland", 3256], ["china", 3262], ["sign", 3278], ["signed", 3278], ["contract", 3289], ["contractest", 3289], ["buy", 3296], ["buyed", 3296], ["god", 3354], ["ready", 3373], ["move", 3381], ["see", 3401], ["seen", 3401], ["man", 3431], ["mans", 3431], ["manned", 3431], ["matter", 3463], ["mattering", 3463], ["fact", 3471], ["give", 3492], ["gives", 3492], ["five", 3504], ["fived", 3504], ["day", 3508], ["inspection", 3519], ["period", 3526], ["periods", 3526], ["terminate", 3547], ["anytime", 3571], ["expire", 3600], ["expirees", 3600], ["expires", 3600], ["show", 3624], ["showing", 3624], ["entire", 3640], ["manager", 3669], ["instruct", 3684], ["instructest", 3684], ["instructed", 3684], ["show", 3692], ["every", 3703], ["floor", 3709], ["care", 3746], ["condition", 3766], ["anyway", 3789], ["need", 3806], ["needest", 3806], ["safe", 3813], ["safes", 3813], ["safed", 3813], ["place", 3819], ["put", 3826], ["long", 3968], ["longs", 3968], ["exactly", 4016], ["buy", 4037], ["buyed", 4037], ["buying", 4037], ["come", 4057], ["partner", 4088], ["partners", 4088]]
`` okay , do you think ron johnson can set up a quick closing on this deal ? '' `` oh yes , i know he can . '' `` what about the fbi ? '' `` well if worldwide is taken out , what do they have left to investigate ? '' `` okay , call everybody and set it up for four o'clock friday . come by the house friday morning at ten with a draft of all the papers . i 'll have the chinese there and you can go over it with them to make sure everything is in order , '' kurt said . `` okay , but are you sure about this ? i do n't want to have big d , worldwide and the owners all sitting around a table ready to close this deal and then have the chinese not show up . '' `` they 'll be there , do n't worry . just have everything ready . '' `` you 'll need to overnight me a copy of the contract of sale . dan ca n't set up a closing without it . '' `` we 'll fed ex it to you today , '' kurt said . `` okay , see you friday then , '' i replied . this was such good news it was scary . was kurt just setting me up to take the fall for him ? why would chinese investors want the panhandle building ? what if i set up this big closing and kurt never made it back to dallas . i 'd have worldwide and the fbi all over me . unfortunately , i could n't think of any alternative but to go along with kurt 's directions and hope for the best . after i got off the phone i called ron johnson and alerted him to the fact that we needed a quick closing on a new panhandle flip . i called cynthia and told her what kurt had said and asked her to let me know the minute the contract of sale came in . then i called each of the investors and told them the good news . tom tower was particularly elated to hear kurt had come through . `` i knew kurt would make this thing work . he 's really a genius , '' tom said . `` that 's not what you were saying about him last week when he was hold up in brazil , '' i replied . `` well , i guess i sold him short . i just did n't have enough faith in him . '' `` let 's wait until friday before we pat him on the back . '' `` oh , i am sure he 'll be there , he would n't have any reason to lie at this stage of the game . '' `` i hope you 're right , i 'll call you when i get the contract of sale so you can decide if you want to sign it . '' `` thanks , stan for everything . '' `` no problem , bye . '' my next call was the most difficult one of all . it was to mark pointer , attorney for worldwide . he 'd be greatly relieved with the news i had for him . the down side , however , would be that once worldwide learned they were being taken out it would be impossible to work with them in the future if the deal fell through . but , i had no choice but to call and alert them to the strong possibility that the building would be sold . `` if your calling about the fbi i told them kurt made his first two payments , so they 're considering dropping the investigation . however , they just wanted to go to amarillo first and check out the building , you know , just to make sure everything is okay . '' `` sure , but that may not be necessary . kurt 's got a contract on the building . i am supposed to have a copy tomorrow and the closing is set for friday . that is , if you guys do n't mind getting your loan taken out , '' i said . `` i doubt if mr. wylie would mind much having this loan retired . he 's taken a lot of flack from the bank examiners . they still do n't understand how kurt talked him into releasing those cd 's , '' mark confessed . `` i wish i could have heard that conversation myself . it must have been some sales job . '' `` okay , well that 's great news . send me a copy of the contract when you get it tomorrow , okay ? '' `` sure , i 'll do it . the next morning the contract arrived via federal express around ten . i immediately sent a copy to the partners , mark pointer and ron johnson . after all of the copies were on their way , i began to examine the contract . the purchase price was more than half a million dollars higher than what tom , george and pete had paid for the building . i could n't believe it , but if the deal went through they would have tripled their money in less than 90 days . before the end of the day tom , george and pete dropped by to sign the original contract . obviously they all loved the it and signed it eagerly . that night at dinner i was feeling pretty good .
[["okay", 7], ["think", 22], ["thinkest", 22], ["ron", 26], ["johnson", 34], ["set", 42], ["quick", 53], ["closing", 61], ["deal", 74], ["oh", 85], ["yes", 89], ["know", 98], ["knowest", 98], ["fbi", 132], ["well", 145], ["wells", 145], ["worldwide", 158], ["take", 167], ["taken", 167], ["left", 196], ["leave", 196], ["investigate", 211], ["investigates", 211], ["call", 231], ["four", 264], ["friday", 279], ["come", 286], ["house", 299], ["morning", 314], ["ten", 321], ["draft", 334], ["drafts", 334], ["paper", 352], ["papers", 352], ["chinese", 377], ["go", 398], ["goest", 398], ["sure", 429], ["everything", 440], ["order", 452], ["orderest", 452], ["kurt", 462], ["say", 467], ["sayest", 467], ["said", 467], ["big", 535], ["bigs", 535], ["owner", 564], ["owners", 564], ["sat", 576], ["sit", 576], ["sitting", 576], ["around", 583], ["table", 591], ["tabled", 591], ["tabling", 591], ["ready", 597], ["close", 606], ["show", 651], ["worry", 695], ["worried", 695], ["need", 745], ["needest", 745], ["overnight", 758], ["overnights", 758], ["copy", 768], ["contract", 784], ["contractest", 784], ["sale", 792], ["dan", 798], ["ca", 801], ["cas", 801], ["without", 830], ["fed", 852], ["ex", 855], ["exes", 855], ["today", 871], ["see", 902], ["reply", 933], ["replied", 933], ["good", 954], ["news", 959], ["newses", 959], ["scary", 972], ["set", 996], ["setting", 996], ["take", 1010], ["fall", 1019], ["falls", 1019], ["investor", 1057], ["investors", 1057], ["panhandle", 1076], ["build", 1085], ["building", 1085], ["never", 1136], ["back", 1149], ["unfortunately", 1221], ["alternative", 1260], ["along", 1276], ["direction", 1300], ["directions", 1300], ["hope", 1309], ["good", 1322], ["best", 1322], ["get", 1336], ["got", 1336], ["phone", 1350], ["call", 1359], ["called", 1359], ["alert", 1383], ["alerted", 1383], ["fact", 1399], ["need", 1414], ["needest", 1414], ["needed", 1414], ["new", 1439], ["flip", 1454], ["flipping", 1454], ["cynthia", 1473], ["tell", 1482], 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["stan", 2277], ["stans", 2277], ["problem", 2311], ["bye", 2317], ["byes", 2317], ["next", 2330], ["difficult", 2358], ["mark", 2386], ["marks", 2386], ["pointer", 2394], ["attorney", 2405], ["greatly", 2438], ["relieve", 2447], ["relieved", 2447], ["side", 2491], ["sidest", 2491], ["however", 2501], ["learn", 2540], ["learns", 2540], ["learnt", 2540], ["learned", 2540], ["impossible", 2589], ["future", 2621], ["fall", 2638], ["falls", 2638], ["fell", 2638], ["choice", 2670], ["alert", 2692], ["alerted", 2692], ["strong", 2711], ["possibility", 2723], ["call", 2776], ["calling", 2776], ["first", 2822], ["firstest", 2822], ["two", 2826], ["twos", 2826], ["payment", 2835], ["payments", 2835], ["consider", 2861], ["considering", 2861], ["drop", 2870], ["dropping", 2870], ["investigation", 2888], ["amarillo", 2935], ["check", 2951], ["may", 3046], ["mays", 3046], ["mayest", 3046], ["necessary", 3063], ["suppose", 3120], ["supposed", 3120], ["tomorrow", 3144], ["tomorrows", 3144], ["guy", 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["began", 3894], ["examine", 3905], ["purchase", 3933], ["price", 3939], ["half", 3958], ["million", 3968], ["dollar", 3976], ["dollars", 3976], ["high", 3983], ["george", 4006], ["pete", 4015], ["pay", 4024], ["pays", 4024], ["payest", 4024], ["paid", 4024], ["believe", 4063], ["go", 4089], ["goest", 4089], ["went", 4089], ["triple", 4121], ["money", 4133], ["moneys", 4133], ["less", 4141], ["day", 4154], ["days", 4154], ["end", 4171], ["ends", 4171], ["endest", 4171], ["day", 4182], ["drop", 4212], ["dropped", 4212], ["original", 4236], ["obviously", 4257], ["love", 4272], ["loved", 4272], ["sign", 4290], ["signed", 4290], ["eagerly", 4301], ["night", 4314], ["dinner", 4324], ["feel", 4338], ["feeling", 4338], ["pretty", 4345], ["prettiest", 4345]]
it seemed my luck was changing and , if the closing took place as planned , the worst would be over . then i could give my complete attention to proving rebekah innocent of sheila logan 's murder . before wed finished dinner the doorbell rang . reggie yelled as he bolted from his chair and ran to the front door . in a minute he came back and said , `` daddy , it 's a lady for you . '' i said as i got up to go to the door . as i approached the front door i saw it was gena lombardi . `` gena , where have you been ? i thought you skipped the country . '' `` no , i was just out on the road working . when i called mom on monday she told me you 'd got the charges dropped and i was a free woman . '' by this time rebekah and all the three boys were all at the front door listening . `` okay , but i can only stay a minute . i just wanted to thank you in person for what you did for me . '' `` well , i just did my job . '' `` no , you did a lot more co-signing my bond , finding out my father was dead and collecting on the insurance . it 's incredible what you 've done for me and my family , '' gena said . `` i 'm glad it all worked out . '' `` anyway i just wanted to give you the sixty-five hundred dollars we owed you and a little bonus . '' `` a bonus ? you do n't have to give me a bonus . '' `` well , i want to . remember , i told you someday you 'd be happy you took good care of me . '' `` yes , i vaguely remember words to that effect . '' `` well there 's your bonus , '' gena said as she pointed to the yellow corvette sitting in the driveway . i was stunned as she handed me a set of keys and an envelope . `` here 's the keys and the title . oh there still is $ 10,000 owed to the bank , so you can either keep making my payments or sell it and get the five or six thousand dollars equity . i hope you keep it though so you can get rid of that piece of shit pinto you drive . '' `` but gena , you love that corvette . you 'd die for it . '' `` i know , it is n't easy for me to do this , but you deserve it stan , '' gena said . `` besides mom bought me a new mercedes with that insurance money you got for us , so what do i need with two cars ? '' now it all makes sense , '' i said . thank you , gena , this is very nice of you . it 's going to be a real pleasure driving a decent car for a change . i 'm going to really love it . '' i started to approach gena to give her a hug but she raised her hand to stop me . `` i 'd love to hug you , stan but i 've been reading about your wife . '' i looked at rebekah and laughed . `` you ca n't believe everything you read . rebekah would n't hurt a flea . '' just then a young man in a brand new mercedes drove up . `` oh , here 's my ride . nice seeing you rebekah , kids . `` good bye , thanks again , '' i said . rebekah and the kids waved good bye . after gena left we all went back to the dinner table in a partial state of shock . i frankly had almost given up on even getting paid let alone getting this incredible bonus . rebekah seemed a little unsettled about the whole thing . `` your not going to keep that thing are you ? '' `` that thing ? its a 1978 chevrolet corvette . it 's an awesome machine . you 're damn right i 'm going to keep it . we could never get a loan on a car like that in a million years . this is an incredible piece of luck . '' `` but i heard sports cars are gas guzzlers and the insurance premiums are out of sight , '' rebekah said . `` well , just let me worry about that . i 've been driving the cheap pinto for four years and i 'm really going to enjoy driving a sports car for a change . besides , tomorrow for the first time i 'm going to drive up in front of kurt harrison 's mansion and park right next to his maserati and not feel the least bit humiliated ! '' rebekah sighed . `` okay , but i 'm just worried about the cost of having a car like that . '' `` do n't worry , babe , it wo n't be that bad . now , how about a ride ! '' the boys jumped up and all ran outside , rebekah picked up marcia and she and i joined them in front of the corvette . `` can we all fit in there ? ''
[["seem", 9], ["seeming", 9], ["seemed", 9], ["luck", 17], ["change", 30], ["changing", 30], ["closing", 51], ["take", 56], ["took", 56], ["place", 62], ["plan", 73], ["planned", 73], ["bad", 85], ["worst", 85], ["give", 119], ["complete", 131], ["attention", 141], ["prof", 152], ["prove", 152], ["proving", 152], ["rebekah", 160], ["innocent", 169], ["sheila", 179], ["logan", 185], ["logans", 185], ["murder", 195], ["murderest", 195], ["finish", 217], ["finished", 217], ["dinner", 224], ["doorbell", 237], ["reggie", 251], ["yell", 258], ["yelled", 258], ["bolt", 271], ["bolts", 271], ["bolted", 271], ["chair", 286], ["chairing", 286], ["run", 294], ["ran", 294], ["front", 307], ["door", 312], ["minute", 326], ["come", 334], ["came", 334], ["back", 339], ["say", 348], ["sayest", 348], ["said", 348], ["daddy", 359], ["lady", 374], ["get", 403], ["got", 403], ["go", 412], ["goest", 412], ["approach", 442], ["approaches", 442], ["approached", 442], ["see", 463], ["saw", 463], ["gena", 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["sixty", 1192], ["five", 1197], ["fived", 1197], ["hundred", 1205], ["dollar", 1213], ["dollars", 1213], ["owe", 1221], ["owes", 1221], ["owing", 1221], ["owed", 1221], ["little", 1238], ["bonus", 1244], ["remember", 1333], ["rememberest", 1333], ["someday", 1354], ["happy", 1370], ["good", 1384], ["yes", 1407], ["vaguely", 1419], ["word", 1434], ["words", 1434], ["effect", 1449], ["point", 1512], ["pointed", 1512], ["yellow", 1526], ["corvette", 1535], ["sat", 1543], ["sit", 1543], ["sitting", 1543], ["driveway", 1559], ["stun", 1575], ["stuns", 1575], ["stunned", 1575], ["hand", 1589], ["handed", 1589], ["set", 1598], ["key", 1606], ["keyed", 1606], ["keyest", 1606], ["keys", 1606], ["envelope", 1622], ["title", 1658], ["oh", 1663], ["still", 1675], ["bank", 1704], ["either", 1724], ["keep", 1729], ["keepest", 1729], ["payment", 1748], ["payments", 1748], ["sell", 1756], ["sells", 1756], ["get", 1767], ["six", 1783], ["thousand", 1792], ["equity", 1807], ["hope", 1816], ["though", 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["looked", 2520], ["laugh", 2543], ["laughed", 2543], ["ca", 2555], ["cas", 2555], ["believe", 2567], ["everything", 2578], ["read", 2587], ["reads", 2587], ["hurt", 2612], ["hurts", 2612], ["hurting", 2612], ["flea", 2619], ["fleas", 2619], ["young", 2642], ["youngest", 2642], ["man", 2646], ["mans", 2646], ["manned", 2646], ["brand", 2657], ["drive", 2676], ["drove", 2676], ["rode", 2705], ["see", 2719], ["seeing", 2719], ["kid", 2738], ["kids", 2738], ["bye", 2752], ["byes", 2752], ["thank", 2761], ["thanks", 2761], ["thankest", 2761], ["wave", 2808], ["waved", 2808], ["left", 2835], ["leave", 2835], ["go", 2847], ["goest", 2847], ["went", 2847], ["table", 2872], ["tabled", 2872], ["tabling", 2872], ["partial", 2885], ["state", 2891], ["shock", 2900], ["frankly", 2912], ["almost", 2923], ["give", 2929], ["given", 2929], ["even", 2940], ["evens", 2940], ["get", 2948], ["getting", 2948], ["pay", 2953], ["pays", 2953], ["payest", 2953], ["paid", 2953], ["let", 2957], ["lets", 2957], ["alone", 2963], ["whole", 3045], ["wholes", 3045], ["thing", 3051], ["chevrolet", 3140], ["awesome", 3168], ["machine", 3176], ["damn", 3191], ["damned", 3191], ["right", 3197], ["rightest", 3197], ["never", 3236], ["loan", 3247], ["like", 3261], ["million", 3279], ["year", 3285], ["years", 3285], ["hear", 3343], ["hears", 3343], ["heard", 3343], ["sport", 3350], ["sports", 3350], ["gas", 3363], ["gassing", 3363], ["guzzler", 3372], ["guzzlers", 3372], ["premium", 3399], ["sight", 3416], ["sighted", 3416], ["worry", 3464], ["worried", 3464], ["cheap", 3506], ["four", 3521], ["enjoy", 3558], ["enjoyed", 3558], ["tomorrow", 3613], ["tomorrows", 3613], ["first", 3627], ["firstest", 3627], ["kurt", 3672], ["harrison", 3681], ["mansion", 3692], ["park", 3701], ["parks", 3701], ["next", 3712], ["maserati", 3728], ["feel", 3741], ["least", 3751], ["leastest", 3751], ["bit", 3755], ["bits", 3755], ["humiliate", 3766], ["humiliated", 3766], ["sigh", 3786], ["sighest", 3786], ["sighed", 3786], ["cost", 3835], ["babe", 3889], ["wo", 3897], ["bad", 3913], ["jump", 3959], ["jumps", 3959], ["jumped", 3959], ["outside", 3982], ["pick", 3999], ["picked", 3999], ["marcia", 4009], ["join", 4030], ["joinest", 4030], ["joined", 4030], ["fit", 4080], ["fitting", 4080]]
`` well , this is n't exactly a family car , but i think so , '' i replied . once everyone was in we took off . the sudden burst of power from the big eight cylinder engine surprised us . the kids screamed with delight and even rebekah cracked a smile . we drove around town proudly and then took it to rebekah 's mom and dad 's to show it off . they were shocked but excited by our good fortune . it was a great evening , one i will remember for many years to come . the next morning promptly at ten i drove up in front of kurt 's mansion in the corvette . i parked between the rolls and the limo and when i got out i looked toward the house hoping someone had seen me drive up . as i was walking up to the front door gwen came out to greet me . you got a new car ! i just got it yesterday , '' i said . `` now , that looks more like an attorney 's car . '' `` yeah , i think i 'm going to enjoy driving it . '' `` you 'll have to take me for a spin when you 're done with kurt . '' `` kurt is inside waiting for you , but before you go in i wanted to thank you for getting him back here , '' gwen said . `` well , i 'm not sure i 'm the one who got him back . it seems like he knew what he was doing all along judging by the numbers on that contract of sale , '' i replied . `` no , he admitted to me that he had planned to stay in brazil . he had about a half million stashed down there and figured there was no reason to come back , but when you called he realized he 'd be a fugitive the rest of his life if he did n't clean up the mess he had made and , worst of all , he could never return to the u.s. ever again . '' `` thank god he came to his senses . can you imagine what shit would have come down if he 'd never returned ? '' gwen and i walked inside and into the den . kurt was behind his desk writing on a yellow pad . `` hi stan , thanks for coming by this morning . cynthia 's in the backyard showing the chinese investors around . did you bring all the papers ? '' `` yes , i 've got them all here , '' i replied . `` good , when they come back in you can summarize the deal for them and let them look over the paperwork . '' `` listen stan , i want to thank you for knocking some sense into me while i was down in brazil . i was just so tired and depressed that i temporarily lost my nerve . '' `` you sure fooled me . from my vantage point you had the world by the tail , '' i replied . `` it may have looked that way but i knew everything was going to crater after panhandle closing , so i decided it was time to run . then , after you called , i contacted dan to see if he had come up with any ideas how to salvage the deal . he said he had a couple of good prospects but he needed me to come to california to work on them . '' `` i hopped on the next flight to l.a. and dan and i brain stormed for several days until we came up with the chinese investor deal . we had heard that there were a lot of communist officials in china who had been stealing money from the government and investing it the u.s . the story was they did n't care much about how good the investment was as long as it was a hard asset like real estate and they could close quickly with little publicity . '' `` the difficult part was finding them . dan had some contacts in hong kong who finally got us in touch with the right people . from there on it was easy , they loved the idea of buying a building in downtown amarillo , texas . the fact that they were going to have to spend a little money fixing the place up did n't bother them in the least . '' `` huh , that 's interesting . i never knew that kind of activity was going on . '' `` oh yeah , billions of dollars are funneled out of china every year , '' kurt said . `` well at least if they do n't like their investment once they buy it they wo n't be complaining to the fbi , '' i replied . `` that 's a safe bet . '' kurt laughed . `` anyway , when this deal is done i 'm going to be square with everyone , thanks to you , stan . '' `` good , i 'm glad it all worked out , but i must tell you i was more than disappointed when i learned you had left the country and abandoned your investors . '' i do n't know why i suddenly panicked . i hope you 'll forgive me . i really want you to stay on as my attorney , '' kurt said .
[["well", 7], ["wells", 7], ["exactly", 29], ["family", 38], ["car", 42], ["think", 56], ["thinkest", 56], ["reply", 74], ["replied", 74], ["everyone", 90], ["take", 105], ["took", 105], ["sudden", 122], ["burst", 128], ["bursted", 128], ["power", 137], ["big", 150], ["bigs", 150], ["eight", 156], ["cylinder", 165], ["engine", 172], ["surprise", 182], ["surprised", 182], ["kid", 196], ["kids", 196], ["scream", 205], ["screams", 205], ["screamed", 205], ["delight", 218], ["even", 227], ["evens", 227], ["rebekah", 235], ["crack", 243], ["cracked", 243], ["smile", 251], ["drive", 262], ["drove", 262], ["around", 269], ["town", 274], ["proudly", 282], ["mom", 317], ["moms", 317], ["dad", 325], ["show", 336], ["shock", 363], ["shocked", 363], ["good", 387], ["fortune", 395], ["great", 412], ["evening", 420], ["remember", 442], ["rememberest", 442], ["many", 451], ["year", 457], ["years", 457], ["come", 465], ["next", 476], ["morning", 484], ["promptly", 493], ["ten", 500], ["front", 520], ["kurt", 528], ["mansion", 539], ["corvette", 555], ["park", 566], ["parks", 566], ["parked", 566], ["roll", 584], ["rolls", 584], ["limo", 597], ["limos", 597], ["get", 612], ["got", 612], ["look", 625], ["looked", 625], ["toward", 632], ["house", 642], ["hoping", 649], ["see", 666], ["seen", 666], ["drive", 675], ["walk", 697], ["walking", 697], ["door", 718], ["gwen", 723], ["come", 728], ["came", 728], ["greet", 741], ["greeting", 741], ["new", 760], ["yesterday", 790], ["yesterdays", 790], ["say", 802], ["sayest", 802], ["said", 802], ["look", 824], ["looks", 824], ["like", 834], ["attorney", 846], ["yeah", 866], ["go", 887], ["goest", 887], ["going", 887], ["enjoy", 896], ["enjoyed", 896], ["drive", 904], ["driving", 904], ["take", 936], ["spin", 950], ["spun", 950], ["inside", 1001], ["wait", 1009], ["waitest", 1009], ["waiting", 1009], ["go", 1037], ["goest", 1037], ["thank", 1058], ["thanks", 1058], ["thankest", 1058], ["get", 1074], ["getting", 1074], ["back", 1083], ["sure", 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["returned", 1732], ["walk", 1755], ["walked", 1755], ["den", 1779], ["behind", 1797], ["desk", 1806], ["write", 1814], ["writing", 1814], ["yellow", 1826], ["pad", 1830], ["padding", 1830], ["hi", 1838], ["stan", 1843], ["stans", 1843], ["thank", 1852], ["thanks", 1852], ["thankest", 1852], ["come", 1863], ["coming", 1863], ["cynthia", 1889], ["backyard", 1908], ["show", 1916], ["showing", 1916], ["chinese", 1928], ["investor", 1938], ["investors", 1938], ["bring", 1961], ["paper", 1976], ["papers", 1976], ["yes", 1988], ["summarize", 2082], ["deal", 2091], ["let", 2108], ["lets", 2108], ["look", 2118], ["paperwork", 2137], ["listen", 2152], ["listens", 2152], ["knock", 2192], ["knocks", 2192], ["knockest", 2192], ["knocking", 2192], ["sense", 2203], ["tired", 2260], ["temporarily", 2293], ["lose", 2298], ["lost", 2298], ["nerve", 2307], ["fool", 2331], ["fooling", 2331], ["foolest", 2331], ["fooled", 2331], ["vantage", 2352], ["point", 2358], ["world", 2376], ["tail", 2388], ["tailed", 2388], ["may", 2415], ["mays", 2415], ["mayest", 2415], ["way", 2436], ["ways", 2436], ["everything", 2458], ["crater", 2478], ["panhandle", 2494], ["closing", 2502], ["decide", 2517], ["decided", 2517], ["time", 2529], ["run", 2536], ["contact", 2576], ["contacted", 2576], ["dan", 2580], ["see", 2587], ["idea", 2620], ["ideas", 2620], ["salvage", 2635], ["couple", 2670], ["prospect", 2688], ["prospects", 2688], ["need", 2702], ["needest", 2702], ["needed", 2702], ["california", 2727], ["work", 2735], ["wrought", 2735], ["hop", 2760], ["hops", 2760], ["hopped", 2760], ["hopping", 2760], ["flight", 2779], ["brain", 2807], ["brained", 2807], ["braining", 2807], ["storm", 2815], ["stormed", 2815], ["several", 2827], ["day", 2832], ["days", 2832], ["investor", 2875], ["hear", 2895], ["hears", 2895], ["heard", 2895], ["lot", 2917], ["communist", 2930], ["communists", 2930], ["official", 2940], ["officials", 2940], ["china", 2949], ["steal", 2971], ["stole", 2971], ["stealing", 2971], ["money", 2977], ["moneys", 2977], ["government", 2997], ["invest", 3011], ["investing", 3011], ["story", 3034], ["much", 3061], ["investment", 3091], ["long", 3103], ["longs", 3103], ["hard", 3120], ["asset", 3126], ["real", 3136], ["reis", 3136], ["estate", 3143], ["close", 3164], ["quickly", 3172], ["little", 3184], ["publicity", 3194], ["difficult", 3216], ["part", 3221], ["parting", 3221], ["find", 3233], ["finding", 3233], ["contact", 3262], ["contacts", 3262], ["hong", 3270], ["kong", 3275], ["finally", 3287], ["touch", 3303], ["touching", 3303], ["right", 3318], ["rightest", 3318], ["people", 3325], ["easy", 3353], ["love", 3366], ["loved", 3366], ["idea", 3375], ["buy", 3385], ["buyed", 3385], ["buying", 3385], ["build", 3396], ["building", 3396], ["downtown", 3408], ["downtowns", 3408], ["amarillo", 3417], ["texas", 3425], ["fact", 3436], ["spend", 3474], ["spends", 3474], ["spendest", 3474], ["fix", 3496], ["fixes", 3496], ["fixing", 3496], ["place", 3506], ["bother", 3524], ["bothers", 3524], ["bothering", 3524], ["least", 3542], ["leastest", 3542], ["huh", 3554], ["interesting", 3576], ["kind", 3601], ["activity", 3613], ["oh", 3637], ["billion", 3653], ["billions", 3653], ["dollar", 3664], ["dollars", 3664], ["funnel", 3677], ["funneled", 3677], ["every", 3696], ["year", 3701], ["buy", 3786], ["buyed", 3786], ["wo", 3797], ["complain", 3816], ["complaining", 3816], ["fbi", 3827], ["safe", 3862], ["safes", 3862], ["safed", 3862], ["bet", 3866], ["laugh", 3884], ["laughed", 3884], ["anyway", 3896], ["square", 3945], ["glad", 4007], ["work", 4021], ["wrought", 4021], ["worked", 4021], ["must", 4038], ["musts", 4038], ["tell", 4043], ["learn", 4091], ["learns", 4091], ["learnt", 4091], ["learned", 4091], ["left", 4104], ["leave", 4104], ["country", 4116], ["abandon", 4130], ["abandoned", 4130], ["know", 4164], ["knowest", 4164], ["suddenly", 4179], ["panic", 4188], ["panicked", 4188], ["forgive", 4213], ["forgived", 4213], ["forgiving", 4213], ["really", 4227]]
`` well since you 're about my only client right now i do n't have much choice , '' i replied . from a distance we began to hear people conversing in chinese and then suddenly the patio door opened . it was cynthia and the chinese delegation . when they all were seated i passed out copies of all the documents and began explaining them . luckily several of them spoke good english so it went better than i expected . that afternoon the panhandle building sold for the second time in two months . kurt was forty-five minutes late for the closing but he finally showed up . he was back on top again and tom tower , george sanders and pete hall were as high as a tibetan monks and just itching to invest in kurt 's next venture . as usual , kurt paid my bill in cash with thirty-seven one hundred dollar bills . i told him for accounting purposes , he ought to always pay by check but he said he always got better service from people if he paid them in cash . 30 legal ethics that night i slept better than i had for months . when i awoke the next morning , however , the harsh reality of rebekah 's predicament finally hit home when i realized we had only two weeks until her trial . we had made some progress on proving rebekah innocent , but time was running out and there was much work to be done . after i had talked to the witness to the accident , one of rebekah 's friends in the er was kind enough to get me a census for the day of the murder . what i was looking for were family members of patients who might have been waiting with bird logan . after an exhaustive search i found three people who remembered bird . they all said that he was in the waiting room the entire time except for about ten minutes when he went to the restroom . none of them could verify exactly what time that was nor did they remember his condition when he returned . rebekah had met earlier in the week with some of her nurse friends and ken sherlock . the purpose of the meeting was to brief ken on hospital procedure , the treatment sheila logan was receiving and the manner of her death . the more ken knew about all of these things the more effective he would be at defending rebekah . while all of this was going on i had hired a private investigator in corpus christi to dig up as much information on bird logan as he could . the private eye 's name was miguel valdez . when i got to my office i put a call in to him to see what he had found out . `` oh stan , yes . let me find your file . one momento , please . '' mr. blackbird logan . yes , he was born in midland , texas in 1932 . he lived with his mama and papa and three sisters in a little house on the south side of town . ah , his daddy ran a filling station and his mother worked in a general store . let me see , . while he attended college he worked part time as a roughneck and learned the oil business . he signed up for the navy in 1949 and . he was a medic in korea . okay , . it was 1955 , yeah . 1955 when he was discharged and entered smu . there he studied geology and got a bachelor 's degree in 1959 . after he graduated he got hitched to a molly rutherford and they lived together until 1965 when she died in a car wreck . '' `` a car wreck ? '' `` yeah man , is that important ? '' miguel said . `` it might be , go on . '' `` after he graduated , you know , he went to work for central states oil company . he was a geologist there . he worked there for twenty-one years . then he unexpectedly quit and went into partnership with a guy named tomlinson , '' miguel said . `` yes , brice tomlinson . '' inca oil company . then he married sheila morales from monterrey , mexico . i 'm told they met at a fraternity party at smu for bird 's 15th year college reunion . sheila belonged to a sorority , you know , that was helping out with the festivities . '' `` what else do you know about sheila , '' i asked . `` her father owned one of the biggest ranches in mexico . it 's supposed to be over 10,000 acres . '' `` what do you mean owned ? did he sell it ? '' `` no , he died last summer . '' `` who inherited the property ? '' `` it 's been tied up in probate , man . before sheila died she and her three brothers were in a big fight with their step-mother for control of the ranch . apparently their natural mother had died when they were young and their father remarried . '' `` whos running the ranch during this fight ? '' `` the executor . of the estate . '' `` was sheila getting any money from the estate before she died ? ''
[["well", 7], ["wells", 7], ["since", 13], ["client", 42], ["right", 48], ["rightest", 48], ["much", 71], ["choice", 78], ["reply", 93], ["replied", 93], ["distance", 111], ["distancing", 111], ["begin", 120], ["began", 120], ["hear", 128], ["hears", 128], ["people", 135], ["converse", 146], ["conversing", 146], ["chinese", 157], ["suddenly", 175], ["patio", 185], ["door", 190], ["open", 197], ["opened", 197], ["cynthia", 214], ["delegation", 241], ["seat", 269], ["seated", 269], ["pass", 278], ["passed", 278], ["copy", 289], ["copies", 289], ["document", 310], ["documents", 310], ["explain", 331], ["explaining", 331], ["luckily", 346], ["several", 354], ["speak", 368], ["spoken", 368], ["spoke", 368], ["good", 373], ["english", 381], ["englishest", 381], ["go", 392], ["goest", 392], ["went", 392], ["well", 399], ["wells", 399], ["expect", 415], ["expected", 415], ["afternoon", 432], ["panhandle", 446], ["build", 455], ["building", 455], ["sell", 460], ["sells", 460], ["sold", 460], ["second", 475], ["seconded", 475], ["time", 480], ["two", 487], ["twos", 487], ["month", 494], ["months", 494], ["kurt", 501], ["forty", 511], ["five", 516], ["fived", 516], ["minute", 524], ["minutes", 524], ["late", 529], ["lates", 529], ["closing", 545], ["finally", 560], ["show", 567], ["showed", 567], ["back", 584], ["top", 591], ["tom", 605], ["tower", 611], ["towered", 611], ["towerest", 611], ["george", 620], ["pete", 637], ["hall", 642], ["high", 655], ["tibetan", 668], ["tibetans", 668], ["monk", 674], ["monks", 674], ["itch", 691], ["itches", 691], ["itching", 691], ["invest", 701], ["next", 717], ["venture", 725], ["usual", 736], ["pay", 748], ["pays", 748], ["payest", 748], ["paid", 748], ["bill", 756], ["cash", 764], ["cashed", 764], ["thirty", 776], ["seven", 782], ["hundred", 794], ["dollar", 801], ["bill", 807], ["bills", 807], ["tell", 816], ["told", 816], ["accounting", 835], ["purpose", 844], ["purposes", 844], ["ought", 855], ["always", 865], ["pay", 869], ["pays", 869], ["payest", 869], ["check", 878], ["say", 890], ["sayest", 890], ["said", 890], ["get", 904], ["got", 904], ["service", 919], ["servicing", 919], ["legal", 966], ["ethic", 973], ["ethics", 973], ["night", 984], ["sleep", 992], ["slept", 992], ["sleeps", 992], ["sleepest", 992], ["awake", 1036], ["awoke", 1036], ["morning", 1053], ["however", 1063], ["harsh", 1075], ["reality", 1083], ["rebekah", 1094], ["predicament", 1109], ["hit", 1121], ["home", 1126], ["homing", 1126], ["realize", 1142], ["realized", 1142], ["week", 1164], ["weeks", 1164], ["trial", 1180], ["progress", 1208], ["prof", 1219], ["prove", 1219], ["proving", 1219], ["innocent", 1236], ["run", 1259], ["running", 1259], ["work", 1287], ["wrought", 1287], ["talk", 1319], ["talked", 1319], ["witness", 1334], ["accident", 1350], ["friend", 1378], ["friends", 1378], ["er", 1388], ["kind", 1397], ["enough", 1404], ["get", 1411], ["census", 1423], ["day", 1435], ["murder", 1449], ["murderest", 1449], ["look", 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["treatment", 2020], ["sheila", 2027], ["receive", 2047], ["receiving", 2047], ["manner", 2062], ["manners", 2062], ["death", 2075], ["know", 2095], ["knowest", 2095], ["knew", 2095], ["thing", 2121], ["things", 2121], ["effective", 2140], ["defend", 2165], ["defending", 2165], ["go", 2203], ["goest", 2203], ["going", 2203], ["hire", 2218], ["hired", 2218], ["private", 2228], ["investigator", 2241], ["corpus", 2251], ["dig", 2266], ["dug", 2266], ["digs", 2266], ["digest", 2266], ["information", 2289], ["eye", 2333], ["eyed", 2333], ["name", 2341], ["miguel", 2352], ["valdez", 2359], ["office", 2385], ["put", 2391], ["call", 2398], ["see", 2415], ["oh", 2445], ["stan", 2450], ["stans", 2450], ["yes", 2456], ["let", 2462], ["lets", 2462], ["find", 2470], ["file", 2480], ["momento", 2494], ["please", 2503], ["mr", 2511], ["blackbird", 2522], ["blackbirds", 2522], ["bear", 2548], ["bore", 2548], ["bearest", 2548], ["born", 2548], ["midland", 2559], ["texas", 2567], ["live", 2586], ["lived", 2586], ["mama", 2600], ["mamas", 2600], ["papa", 2609], ["sister", 2627], ["sisters", 2627], ["little", 2639], ["house", 2645], ["south", 2658], ["side", 2663], ["sidest", 2663], ["town", 2671], ["ah", 2676], ["daddy", 2688], ["run", 2692], ["ran", 2692], ["filling", 2702], ["station", 2710], ["mother", 2725], ["mothered", 2725], ["motherest", 2725], ["work", 2732], ["wrought", 2732], ["worked", 2732], ["general", 2745], ["store", 2751], ["attend", 2786], ["attended", 2786], ["college", 2794], ["part", 2809], ["parting", 2809], ["roughneck", 2829], ["learn", 2841], ["learns", 2841], ["learnt", 2841], ["learned", 2841], ["oil", 2849], ["business", 2858], ["sign", 2870], ["signed", 2870], ["navy", 2886], ["medic", 2915], ["korea", 2924], ["okay", 2931], ["yeah", 2954], ["discharge", 2984], ["discharged", 2984], ["enter", 2996], ["entered", 2996], ["study", 3019], ["studied", 3019], ["geology", 3027], ["bachelor", 3046], ["degree", 3056], ["graduate", 3085], ["graduated", 3085], ["hitch", 3100], ["hitched", 3100], ["hitches", 3100], ["molly", 3111], ["rutherford", 3122], ["together", 3146], ["die", 3171], ["died", 3171], ["car", 3180], ["wreck", 3186], ["man", 3223], ["mans", 3223], ["manned", 3223], ["important", 3243], ["go", 3282], ["goest", 3282], ["know", 3323], ["knowest", 3323], ["central", 3353], ["state", 3360], ["states", 3360], ["company", 3372], ["companys", 3372], ["companying", 3372], ["geologist", 3393], ["twenty", 3428], ["year", 3438], ["years", 3438], ["unexpectedly", 3461], ["quit", 3466], ["quits", 3466], ["quitting", 3466], ["partnership", 3492], ["guy", 3503], ["name", 3509], ["named", 3509], ["tomlinson", 3519], ["brice", 3553], ["inca", 3573], ["marry", 3603], ["married", 3603], ["morale", 3618], ["monterrey", 3633], ["mexico", 3642], ["fraternity", 3679], ["party", 3685], ["year", 3714], ["reunion", 3730], ["belong", 3748], ["belonged", 3748], ["belongest", 3748], ["sorority", 3762], ["help", 3792], ["helpest", 3792], ["helping", 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["money", 4463], ["moneys", 4463]]
`` no way , everything was being kept by the executor . pending the final outcome of the probate . '' `` how long is the estate expected to be tied up ? '' `` oh man , a probate in mexico can take three to five years . '' up until now i had assumed bird was the killer . but after talking to miguel i realized there was no motive . for the life of me i could n't conceive of a way bird would gain by sheila 's death . if her money was tied up in mexico it was unlikely bird would ever see any of it for years , if at all . i began to wonder if bird was really responsible for sheila 's murder . but if he did n't do it , who did ? i began to think about probable suspects . it was n't long before i had constructed a short list of suspects in my mind . heading the list was melissa , bird 's secretary . she obviously wanted bird all for herself and as long as sheila was around the likelihood of that happening was pretty remote . other possibilities were one or more of sheila 's brothers who may not have wanted to split the ranch with her , her step-mother for the same reason , or some other enemy out there that i knew nothing about . miguel asked . i 'll have to give all this information to ken sherlock and see what he wants to do . anyway , miguel you 've done an excellent job so far . keep digging and if you come up with anything else call me , okay ? oh , and send me all the documentation for all this stuff you 've been telling me . we may need it for evidence . '' `` i will , catch you later . '' after talking to miguel i was anxious to talk to ken , so i called and made an appointment to see him immediately . several hours later i was sitting in ken 's office relating to him what i had found out from miguel . `` so , all along i just knew bird must be the killer , but now i 'm not so sure . there does n't appear to be any motive , `` i said . `` motives are n't always readily apparent , '' ken replied , `` but youre right , this does bring us back to square one . '' `` it seems now like melissa had the best motive for killing sheila . '' `` you actually caught them in the act once ? '' `` well , i did n't actually see them doing it , but it was n't hard to figure out what had been going on . besides , bird admitted he was having an affair with her . '' `` what do you know about melissa ? '' `` nothing , absolutely nothing . well other than she 's one hell of a good looking woman . '' `` i guess i should go talk to her ? '' `` you think she 'll talk to you ? '' `` if she wo n't then i 'll take her deposition . i 'd rather talk to her alone though . '' `` i 'd like to go with you ? '' `` i do n't know , she 's going to be intimidated enough talking to one lawyer . i do n't want her to be so scared she wo n't talk . '' `` i 'll let you do all the talking . she probably wo n't even notice me . '' okay , but if she seems uncomfortable with you there , i want you to make a hasty departure . '' `` i 'll call her and make an appointment . i 'll have my secretary call you to tell you when and where it 's at . '' after i left ken 's office i went straight home . it was only 4:45 p.m. so rebekah was n't expecting me yet . i slipped in the back door quietly hoping to sneak up on her . peter spotted me and started to scream . i quickly grabbed him and covered his mouth so he could n't be heard . `` be quiet peter , i 'm trying to surprise your mama . '' `` ehhh . ehhh . ehhh , '' stanley said . i put peter down and said , `` shhh . then i crept around the corner and spotted rebekah . i came up behind her silently and grabbed her shoulders . rebekah screamed . `` oh , you scared me stan , what do you think you 're doing ? '' i put my arms around rebekah and held her tightly . there 's been some interesting new developments in your case , '' i said . `` i just wanted to fill you in . '' i told her about miguel , the fact that bird had no motive to kill sheila and that melissa was now a suspect . we 've got less than two weeks to my trial . '' `` ken and i are going to see melissa tomorrow . we 're hoping we 'll learn enough from her to give us some insight into what really happened .
[["way", 9], ["ways", 9], ["everything", 22], ["keep", 37], ["keepest", 37], ["kept", 37], ["executor", 53], ["pended", 63], ["pending", 63], ["final", 73], ["outcome", 81], ["probate", 96], ["probating", 96], ["long", 113], ["longs", 113], ["estate", 127], ["expect", 136], ["expected", 136], ["tie", 147], ["tying", 147], ["tieing", 147], ["tied", 147], ["oh", 161], ["man", 165], ["mans", 165], ["manned", 165], ["mexico", 187], ["take", 196], ["three", 202], ["five", 210], ["fived", 210], ["year", 216], ["years", 216], ["assume", 248], ["assumes", 248], ["assumed", 248], ["bird", 253], ["killers", 268], ["talk", 288], ["talking", 288], ["miguel", 298], ["realize", 309], ["realized", 309], ["motive", 329], ["life", 344], ["lifes", 344], ["conceive", 371], ["gain", 396], ["sheila", 406], ["death", 415], ["money", 430], ["moneys", 430], ["unlikely", 468], ["ever", 484], ["everest", 484], ["see", 488], ["begin", 530], ["began", 530], ["wonder", 540], ["wonderest", 540], ["really", 559], ["responsible", 571], ["murder", 592], ["murderest", 592], ["think", 647], ["thinkest", 647], ["probable", 662], ["suspect", 671], ["suspects", 671], ["construct", 714], ["constructest", 714], ["constructed", 714], ["short", 722], ["list", 727], ["mind", 750], ["minding", 750], ["head", 760], ["heading", 760], ["melissa", 781], ["secretary", 801], ["obviously", 817], ["around", 878], ["likelihood", 893], ["happening", 911], ["pretty", 922], ["prettiest", 922], ["remote", 929], ["remoted", 929], ["possibility", 951], ["possibilities", 951], ["brother", 990], ["brethren", 990], ["brothers", 990], ["may", 998], ["mays", 998], ["mayest", 998], ["split", 1023], ["ranch", 1033], ["step", 1053], ["mother", 1060], ["mothered", 1060], ["motherest", 1060], ["reason", 1080], ["reasonest", 1080], ["enemy", 1102], ["know", 1124], ["knowest", 1124], ["knew", 1124], ["nothing", 1132], ["ask", 1153], ["asked", 1153], ["give", 1174], ["information", 1195], ["ken", 1202], ["kent", 1202], ["sherlock", 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["motive", 1879], ["motives", 1879], ["always", 1894], ["readily", 1902], ["apparent", 1911], ["reply", 1928], ["replied", 1928], ["right", 1949], ["rightest", 1949], ["bring", 1967], ["back", 1975], ["square", 1985], ["seem", 2006], ["seeming", 2006], ["seems", 2006], ["like", 2015], ["good", 2036], ["best", 2036], ["kill", 2055], ["killing", 2055], ["catch", 2090], ["catched", 2090], ["catches", 2090], ["caught", 2090], ["act", 2106], ["acted", 2106], ["well", 2124], ["wells", 2124], ["hard", 2185], ["figure", 2195], ["go", 2219], ["goest", 2219], ["going", 2219], ["besides", 2232], ["admit", 2248], ["admitted", 2248], ["affair", 2272], ["know", 2306], ["knowest", 2306], ["absolutely", 2349], ["hell", 2391], ["hells", 2391], ["good", 2401], ["woman", 2415], ["womans", 2415], ["guess", 2431], ["go", 2443], ["goest", 2443], ["wo", 2511], ["deposition", 2546], ["depositionest", 2546], ["rather", 2560], ["alone", 2578], ["though", 2585], ["intimidate", 2673], ["intimidated", 2673], ["enough", 2680], ["lawyer", 2702], ["scare", 2738], ["scared", 2738], ["let", 2772], ["lets", 2772], ["probably", 2810], ["even", 2822], ["evens", 2822], ["notice", 2829], ["uncomfortable", 2875], ["hasty", 2919], ["departure", 2929], ["tell", 3019], ["left", 3065], ["leave", 3065], ["go", 3086], ["goest", 3086], ["went", 3086], ["straight", 3095], ["home", 3100], ["homing", 3100], ["rebekah", 3135], ["expect", 3153], ["expecting", 3153], ["yet", 3160], ["slip", 3172], ["slipped", 3172], ["door", 3189], ["quietly", 3197], ["hope", 3204], ["hoping", 3204], ["sneak", 3213], ["sneakest", 3213], ["peter", 3231], ["peters", 3231], ["spot", 3239], ["spotted", 3239], ["start", 3254], ["started", 3254], ["scream", 3264], ["screams", 3264], ["quickly", 3276], ["grab", 3284], ["grabbed", 3284], ["cover", 3300], ["covered", 3300], ["mouth", 3310], ["mouthed", 3310], ["hear", 3335], ["hears", 3335], ["heard", 3335], ["quiet", 3349], ["try", 3369], ["tryed", 3369], ["trying", 3369], ["surprise", 3381], ["surprised", 3381], ["mama", 3391], ["mamas", 3391], ["stanley", 3431], ["put", 3444], ["creep", 3489], ["creeps", 3489], ["creeped", 3489], ["crept", 3489], ["corner", 3507], ["come", 3536], ["came", 3536], ["behind", 3546], ["silently", 3559], ["shoulder", 3585], ["shouldered", 3585], ["shoulders", 3585], ["scream", 3604], ["screams", 3604], ["screamed", 3604], ["stan", 3633], ["stans", 3633], ["arm", 3686], ["arms", 3686], ["hold", 3710], ["held", 3710], ["tightly", 3722], ["interesting", 3755], ["new", 3759], ["development", 3772], ["developments", 3772], ["case", 3785], ["fill", 3824], ["fills", 3824], ["tell", 3843], ["told", 3843], ["fact", 3871], ["kill", 3903], ["suspect", 3945], ["got", 3958], ["less", 3963], ["two", 3972], ["twos", 3972], ["week", 3978], ["weeks", 3978], ["trial", 3990], ["tomorrow", 4042], ["tomorrows", 4042], ["learn", 4071], ["learns", 4071], ["learnt", 4071], ["insight", 4111], ["happen", 4137], ["happened", 4137]]
after that i 'm sure ken will put a pi on her to dig up as much info as possible . '' `` well , i hope you guys work fast because i 'm running out of time . '' everybody will be working eighteen hours a day from now on . we 'll figure out what happened . `` i hope so , i 'm really getting worried . '' after our conversation i headed for the sofa to watch the five o'clock news . i turned on the tv , grabbed a pillow , kicked off my shoes and laid down . it was about 5:05 p.m. so the news was in progress with anchor sandy star reporting . `` now we take you to correspondent paulette barclay in johnson city , texas for the latest in the robert thorn trial . paulette are you there ? '' `` yes sandy , robert thorn was brought into state district court today to be arraigned for the murder of his chauffeur , robert sage . sage 's body was found in a landfill near thorn 's ranch in johnson county . police believe that sage had been blackmailing thorn and his partner , taylor brown , over information he had about the death of melba thorn in a mysterious single vehicle automobile accident near florissant , colorado . judge clayton brooks set bail for brown at 1.2 million dollars , '' sandy said . `` thank you , sandy , '' paulette continued . `` shortly after the bond was set it was posted and robert thorn has now been released . in a brief encounter with reporters thorn insisted he was innocent and promised he would eventually be vindicated . asked about whether he thought his mother , melba thorn , had really contacted local attorney , stan turner , from the dead and asked for his help , thorn said such claim was ridiculous just as were the charges against him . '' `` in a related story taylor brown was transported to florissant , colorado today to stand trial for the murder of his mother-in-law , melba thorn . brown is set to be arraigned tomorrow and should be out on bond before the end of the day . brown too claims his innocence and vows to clear his name . robert thorn is also expected to be indicted by the colorado court in the near future in conjunction with his mother-in-law 's death . '' that night i fell asleep quickly , drifted into a deep slumber and began to dream . it was n't long before i woke up rebekah . `` wake up stan . you must be having a dream . you 've been moaning like you 're in pain , '' rebekah said as she shook my shoulder . `` 3:33 a.m. '' `` i 'm sorry i woke you up , babe , but i dreamt i was back at the holiday inn in colorado . i re-lived the night i was attacked . that big black boot hitting my face seemed so real . '' `` go back to sleep , it was just a dream , '' rebekah said . `` i 've seen that big black boot somewhere before . '' `` when you got assaulted in the motel ? '' `` no , i mean i 've seen it somewhere else , '' i replied . `` well , go to sleep , maybe tomorrow you 'll remember , '' rebekah urged . i 'm awake now . '' `` great , rebekah moaned . it 's 3:30 a.m. and you 're wide awake . '' `` i 've got to figure out where i saw it . it was ah . now i remember , jane brown . '' `` jane brown wore big black boots ? '' `` no , but her chauffeur did . '' so , what does that mean ? '' `` her chauffeur is the one who assaulted me . he 's the one who kicked me with his boot , '' i said . that means jane was behind this whole thing . '' `` jane killed her own mother ? '' they did n't get along too well and jane was very jealous of her brother and even her husband . she wanted to help run the company , but no one took her seriously , '' i said , thinking out loud . `` so , you think she killed her mother and then framed her own brother and husband ? '' `` yeah , it all makes sense now . ralph must have taken the thorn limousine and followed melba . then he forced her off the road and she crashed to her death . but getting rid of mom was n't enough . she had to get rid of her brother and her husband because they controlled thorn enterprises after melba died . so , she got ralph to kill ronald sage and planted the evidence needed to be sure both taylor and robert were charged and convicted of her mother 's murder . '' `` but who made the phone calls ? '' `` jane did . she needed someone to start poking around so sheriff barnett would figure out melba was murdered , '' i replied . `` why did they pick you ? ''
[["sure", 20], ["ken", 24], ["kent", 24], ["put", 33], ["pi", 38], ["pis", 38], ["dig", 52], ["dug", 52], ["digs", 52], ["digest", 52], ["much", 63], ["info", 68], ["possible", 80], ["well", 93], ["wells", 93], ["hope", 102], ["guy", 111], ["guys", 111], ["work", 116], ["wrought", 116], ["fast", 121], ["run", 142], ["running", 142], ["time", 154], ["work", 185], ["wrought", 185], ["working", 185], ["eighteen", 194], ["eighteens", 194], ["hour", 200], ["hours", 200], ["day", 206], ["figure", 234], ["happen", 252], ["happened", 252], ["really", 281], ["get", 289], ["getting", 289], ["conversation", 325], ["head", 334], ["headed", 334], ["sofa", 347], ["watch", 356], ["five", 365], ["fived", 365], ["news", 378], ["newses", 378], ["turn", 389], ["turned", 389], ["tv", 399], ["grab", 409], ["grabbed", 409], ["pillow", 418], ["kick", 427], ["kicked", 427], ["shoe", 440], ["shoed", 440], ["shoes", 440], ["lay", 449], ["lays", 449], ["layed", 449], ["layest", 449], ["laid", 449], ["progress", 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["mysterious", 1060], ["single", 1067], ["vehicle", 1075], ["vehicled", 1075], ["automobile", 1086], ["accident", 1095], ["florissant", 1111], ["colorado", 1122], ["judge", 1130], ["clayton", 1138], ["set", 1149], ["bail", 1154], ["bails", 1154], ["bailing", 1154], ["million", 1179], ["dollar", 1187], ["dollars", 1187], ["say", 1203], ["sayest", 1203], ["said", 1203], ["thank", 1214], ["thanks", 1214], ["thankest", 1214], ["continue", 1250], ["continued", 1250], ["shortly", 1263], ["bond", 1278], ["post", 1300], ["posted", 1300], ["release", 1339], ["released", 1339], ["brief", 1352], ["briefing", 1352], ["encounter", 1362], ["reporter", 1377], ["reporters", 1377], ["insist", 1392], ["insistest", 1392], ["insisted", 1392], ["innocent", 1408], ["promise", 1421], ["promised", 1421], ["eventually", 1441], ["vindicate", 1455], ["vindicated", 1455], ["ask", 1463], ["asked", 1463], ["whether", 1477], ["think", 1488], ["thinkest", 1488], ["thought", 1488], ["mother", 1499], ["mothered", 1499], ["motherest", 1499], ["contact", 1536], ["contacted", 1536], ["local", 1542], ["attorney", 1551], ["stan", 1558], ["stans", 1558], ["dead", 1581], ["help", 1604], ["helpest", 1604], ["claim", 1628], ["ridiculous", 1643], ["charge", 1668], ["charges", 1668], ["relate", 1701], ["relates", 1701], ["related", 1701], ["story", 1707], ["transport", 1736], ["transported", 1736], ["stand", 1776], ["stood", 1776], ["standest", 1776], ["law", 1818], ["tomorrow", 1872], ["tomorrows", 1872], ["end", 1913], ["ends", 1913], ["endest", 1913], ["claim", 1943], ["claims", 1943], ["innocence", 1957], ["vow", 1966], ["vows", 1966], ["clear", 1975], ["clearest", 1975], ["name", 1984], ["also", 2007], ["expect", 2016], ["expected", 2016], ["indict", 2031], ["indicted", 2031], ["future", 2072], ["conjunction", 2087], ["night", 2135], ["fall", 2142], ["falls", 2142], ["fell", 2142], ["asleep", 2149], ["quickly", 2157], ["drift", 2167], ["drifting", 2167], ["drifted", 2167], ["deep", 2179], ["deeply", 2179], ["slumber", 2187], ["begin", 2197], ["began", 2197], ["dream", 2206], ["dreamt", 2206], ["dreamest", 2206], ["long", 2224], ["longs", 2224], ["wake", 2238], ["wakes", 2238], ["woken", 2238], ["woke", 2238], ["rebekah", 2249], ["wake", 2259], ["wakes", 2259], ["woken", 2259], ["must", 2278], ["musts", 2278], ["moan", 2319], ["moans", 2319], ["moanest", 2319], ["moaning", 2319], ["like", 2324], ["pain", 2340], ["shake", 2371], ["shook", 2371], ["shoulder", 2383], ["shouldered", 2383], ["sorry", 2415], ["babe", 2436], ["back", 2462], ["holiday", 2477], ["holidays", 2477], ["holidayed", 2477], ["inn", 2481], ["inns", 2481], ["live", 2506], ["lived", 2506], ["attack", 2531], ["attacked", 2531], ["big", 2542], ["bigs", 2542], ["black", 2548], ["boot", 2553], ["hit", 2561], ["hitting", 2561], ["face", 2569], ["seem", 2576], ["seeming", 2576], ["seemed", 2576], ["real", 2584], ["reis", 2584], ["go", 2595], ["goest", 2595], ["sleep", 2609], ["slept", 2609], ["sleeps", 2609], ["sleepest", 2609], ["see", 2665], ["seen", 2665], ["somewhere", 2695], ["get", 2723], ["got", 2723], ["assault", 2733], ["assaulted", 2733], ["motel", 2746], ["mean", 2766], ["meanest", 2766], ["else", 2795], ["reply", 2810], ["replied", 2810], ["maybe", 2842], ["remember", 2868], ["rememberest", 2868], ["urge", 2887], ["urged", 2887], ["awake", 2900], ["awoke", 2900], ["great", 2918], ["moan", 2935], ["moans", 2935], ["moanest", 2935], ["moaned", 2935], ["wide", 2970], ["see", 3020], ["saw", 3020], ["ah", 3035], ["jane", 3059], ["janes", 3059], ["wear", 3089], ["wore", 3089], ["boot", 3105], ["boots", 3105], ["mean", 3289], ["meanest", 3289], ["means", 3289], ["behind", 3305], ["whole", 3316], ["wholes", 3316], ["thing", 3322], ["kill", 3342], ["killed", 3342], ["get", 3379], ["along", 3385], ["jealous", 3420], ["brother", 3435], ["brethren", 3435], ["even", 3444], ["evens", 3444], ["husband", 3456], ["husbanding", 3456], ["run", 3481], ["company", 3493], ["companys", 3493], ["companying", 3493], ["take", 3511], ["took", 3511], ["seriously", 3525], ["think", 3548], ["thinkest", 3548], ["thinking", 3548], ["loud", 3557], ["think", 3577], ["thinkest", 3577], ["frame", 3615], ["framed", 3615], ["yeah", 3656], ["sense", 3677], ["ralph", 3689], ["take", 3705], ["taken", 3705], ["limousine", 3725], ["limousines", 3725], ["follow", 3738], ["followed", 3738], ["force", 3761], ["forced", 3761], ["road", 3778], ["crash", 3794], ["crashed", 3794], ["rid", 3825], ["mom", 3832], ["moms", 3832], ["enough", 3847], ["control", 3923], ["controlled", 3923], ["enterprise", 3941], ["enterprising", 3941], ["enterprises", 3941], ["die", 3958], ["died", 3958], ["kill", 3987], ["ronald", 3994], ["plant", 4011], ["planted", 4011], ["evidence", 4024], ["need", 4031], ["needest", 4031], ["needed", 4031], ["charge", 4078], ["charged", 4078], ["convict", 4092], ["convicted", 4092], ["phone", 4147], ["call", 4153], ["calls", 4153], ["start", 4200], ["poke", 4207], ["poking", 4207], ["around", 4214], ["sheriff", 4225], ["barnett", 4233], ["murder", 4269], ["murderest", 4269], ["murdered", 4269], ["pick", 4307]]
why did ralph beat you up in the motel ? '' `` jane must have been impatient with progress on investigating melba 's death . she needed to give my investigation some credibility , so sheriff barnett would reopen her mother 's case . it was an incredible plan , '' i said . `` how can you prove it though ? no jury will convict jane just because you think you recognize her chauffeur 's boot , '' rebekah replied . `` that 's true , but all they have to do to prove their case is get his boots and check them for my blood . when he kicked my face my nose was bleeding so he must have got some of my blood on his boot . i 'll call the sheriff in the morning and have him check it out . '' is n't jane brown your client ? did n't she just give you $ 10,000.00 ? '' i 've got to keep my mouth shut . that 's why she paid me the ten grand . she did n't want me to spill the beans if i figured out what had happened . jesus , she is one smart son of a bitch . i 'm going to have to sit back and watch two innocent men be convicted of murder and there 's not a damn thing i can do about it . '' `` you ca n't let two innocent men go to jail . '' `` i know , but if i tell the police my suspicions , i 'll be violating my duty to my client and i could be disbarred . not to mention the fact that she could sue me for malpractice . '' `` stan , what are you going to do ? '' 31 reluctant witness tuesday the following day ken 's secretary called me and gave me the time and place of our meeting with melissa . we were meeting for lunch at luby 's cafeteria on alpha road at noon . i arrived ten minutes early and went inside and waited . before long melissa arrived . she walked over to me , smiled and extended her hand . how 's your wife holding up ? '' `` pretty well , but she 's getting a little nervous as the trial date gets closer . '' `` how 's bird ? '' he 's doing a little better . he took sheila 's death pretty bad . at least he 's back to work now so his mind will be occupied with other things . '' as we were exchanging small talk ken walked in and , seeing us , walked over quickly . `` hi , i 'm sorry i 'm late but the traffic on central expressway was murder today . '' `` that 's not unusual , '' i replied . `` ken , i 'd like you to meet melissa madigan . '' `` hi , ms. madigan , thank you for agreeing to talk with us . '' `` well , i really doubt if i 'm going to be of much help . i did n't know sheila at all other than what bird has told me about her . '' `` well , let 's get some lunch and then we can talk some more , '' ken said . `` fine , '' melissa replied as she moved to the back of the long lunch line . we followed her , and after we had picked out what we wanted , sat down to eat . ken ate quickly and when he had eaten about half what he had taken he pushed away his plate , pulled a cigar out of his pocket and stuck it in his mouth . `` no , go right ahead , '' melissa said . everyone smokes back at the office . i 've gotten used to it . '' ken lit up his cigar and then leaned back in his chair . `` melissa , i reckon you know i 'm defending rebekah turner , '' ken said . `` sure , i read about it in the newspaper . '' `` well , i 'm pretty damn sure my client is innocent but the problem is i ca n't prove it . the da has a good case and unless i can flush out the truth here pretty quick an innocent young mother may go to huntsville . '' `` i do n't see how i can help you . '' `` you may not be able to . who knows , but i need to find out as much as i can about sheila and bird and their friends . this is where you might be able to help . obviously you know bird pretty well since he 's your boss and boyfriend and you must know something about brice tomlinson . '' `` what makes you think i would tell you about either of them ? '' ken took the cigar out of his mouth and laid it on the ash tray while he searched for another match . after he located the match he relit the cigar . `` i ca n't force you to talk to me , honey . sure , i could subpoena you , but if i did you 'd just have a convenient lapse of memory , right ? `` no , i just hoped you would help me because it 's the right thing to do . ''
[["ralph", 13], ["beat", 18], ["motel", 38], ["jane", 51], ["janes", 51], ["must", 56], ["musts", 56], ["impatient", 76], ["progress", 90], ["investigate", 107], ["investigates", 107], ["investigating", 107], ["melba", 113], ["death", 122], ["need", 135], ["needest", 135], ["needed", 135], ["give", 143], ["investigation", 160], ["credibility", 177], ["sheriff", 190], ["barnett", 198], ["reopen", 211], ["reopenest", 211], ["mother", 222], ["mothered", 222], ["motherest", 222], ["incredible", 253], ["plan", 258], ["say", 270], ["sayest", 270], ["said", 270], ["prof", 293], ["prove", 293], ["though", 303], ["jury", 313], ["jurys", 313], ["convict", 326], ["think", 354], ["thinkest", 354], ["recognize", 368], ["chauffeur", 382], ["boot", 390], ["rebekah", 403], ["reply", 411], ["replied", 411], ["true", 429], ["get", 482], ["boot", 492], ["boots", 492], ["check", 502], ["blood", 520], ["bloods", 520], ["blooded", 520], ["kick", 537], ["kicked", 537], ["face", 545], ["nose", 553], ["nosed", 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["goest", 1125], ["jail", 1133], ["jails", 1133], ["jailing", 1133], ["jailest", 1133], ["know", 1148], ["knowest", 1148], ["tell", 1164], ["police", 1175], ["suspicion", 1189], ["suspicions", 1189], ["violate", 1210], ["violating", 1210], ["duty", 1218], ["disbar", 1256], ["disbarred", 1256], ["mention", 1273], ["fact", 1282], ["sue", 1301], ["sued", 1301], ["sueing", 1301], ["malpractice", 1320], ["stan", 1333], ["stans", 1333], ["reluctant", 1378], ["witness", 1386], ["tuesday", 1394], ["follow", 1408], ["following", 1408], ["day", 1412], ["ken", 1416], ["kent", 1416], ["secretary", 1429], ["call", 1436], ["called", 1436], ["give", 1448], ["gave", 1448], ["time", 1460], ["place", 1470], ["meet", 1485], ["meeted", 1485], ["meeting", 1485], ["melissa", 1498], ["lunch", 1526], ["lunches", 1526], ["lunched", 1526], ["cafeteria", 1547], ["alpha", 1556], ["alphas", 1556], ["road", 1561], ["noon", 1569], ["arrive", 1581], ["arrived", 1581], ["minute", 1593], ["minutes", 1593], ["early", 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["hi", 2098], ["sorry", 2111], ["late", 2121], ["lates", 2121], ["traffic", 2137], ["traffics", 2137], ["trafficking", 2137], ["central", 2148], ["expressway", 2159], ["today", 2176], ["unusual", 2204], ["like", 2240], ["meet", 2252], ["meeted", 2252], ["ms", 2284], ["thank", 2301], ["thanks", 2301], ["thankest", 2301], ["agree", 2318], ["agreeing", 2318], ["really", 2358], ["doubt", 2364], ["much", 2392], ["help", 2397], ["helpest", 2397], ["tell", 2458], ["told", 2458], ["fine", 2563], ["move", 2597], ["moved", 2597], ["line", 2632], ["follow", 2646], ["followed", 2646], ["pick", 2676], ["picked", 2676], ["sat", 2701], ["sit", 2701], ["eat", 2713], ["eat", 2723], ["ate", 2723], ["eat", 2753], ["eaten", 2753], ["half", 2764], ["take", 2782], ["taken", 2782], ["push", 2792], ["pushed", 2792], ["away", 2797], ["plate", 2807], ["plating", 2807], ["pull", 2816], ["pulled", 2816], ["cigar", 2824], ["cigars", 2824], ["pocket", 2842], ["pocketing", 2842], ["stick", 2852], ["stickest", 2852], ["stuck", 2852], ["right", 2887], ["rightest", 2887], ["ahead", 2893], ["everyone", 2922], ["smoke", 2929], ["smokes", 2929], ["office", 2948], ["get", 2963], ["gotten", 2963], ["lit", 2987], ["light", 2987], ["lean", 3016], ["leans", 3016], ["leaned", 3016], ["chair", 3034], ["chairing", 3034], ["reckon", 3058], ["defend", 3082], ["defending", 3082], ["turner", 3097], ["sure", 3121], ["read", 3130], ["reads", 3130], ["newspaper", 3156], ["problem", 3231], ["da", 3261], ["good", 3272], ["unless", 3288], ["unlesss", 3288], ["flush", 3300], ["truth", 3314], ["quick", 3332], ["young", 3350], ["youngest", 3350], ["may", 3361], ["mays", 3361], ["mayest", 3361], ["huntsville", 3378], ["see", 3399], ["able", 3446], ["abled", 3446], ["know", 3461], ["knowest", 3461], ["knows", 3461], ["need", 3474], ["needest", 3474], ["find", 3482], ["friend", 3543], ["friends", 3543], ["may", 3569], ["mays", 3569], ["mayest", 3569], ["might", 3569], ["obviously", 3597], ["since", 3629], ["boss", 3645], ["boyfriend", 3659], ["brice", 3699], ["tomlinson", 3709], ["either", 3768], ["lay", 3826], ["lays", 3826], ["layed", 3826], ["layest", 3826], ["laid", 3826], ["ash", 3840], ["ashing", 3840], ["tray", 3845], ["trays", 3845], ["search", 3863], ["searched", 3863], ["another", 3875], ["match", 3881], ["matching", 3881], ["locate", 3900], ["located", 3900], ["force", 3949], ["honey", 3975], ["honeys", 3975], ["subpoena", 4001], ["subpoenaed", 4001], ["convenient", 4050], ["lapse", 4056], ["memory", 4066], ["memories", 4066], ["hope", 4097], ["hoped", 4097]]
`` well , i do n't want to do anything to hurt bird or mr. tomlinson , but i do n't see any harm in telling you what i know since i really do n't think i know anything anyway . '' `` we 're not out to hurt anybody , honey . we just want to find out the truth . '' so , let 's get started . '' ken took out a small note pad and pen and laid them on the table in front of him . `` did you go to the party out at the well ? '' `` yeah , i was there . '' `` when did bird leave ? '' `` not until sunday morning . it was very late when the party ended and he was pretty much plastered . '' `` i left just after they did . '' `` no , i brought a girl friend with me . '' `` oh , what was her name ? '' `` monica sands , she 's a neighbor . i did n't want to go alone . '' `` it must have been tough for you to see bird with sheila ? '' melissa dropped her head for a moment and then flipped her dark brown hair back and looked ken straight in the eye . `` i know how the game works . bird had to play the role of loving husband even though he did n't love sheila anymore . i could have stayed home , but that would n't have been any fun . besides i would have missed stan and sheila 's little romp in the bunkhouse . god , i would never have forgiven myself if i 'd of missed that . '' melissa smiled at me and then looked back at ken who was now taking notes . `` so , what did sheila and bird do after stan and rebekah left saturday night ? '' `` sheila locked herself in the motor home and would n't talk to anyone . bird mixed with the crowd trying to act like nothing had happened . after the party was over he crashed in the bunk house , although i dont know how he stood it . it was a mess after the fire and reeked of smoke . '' `` where did you all sleep ? '' `` we had a station wagon so we put the seats down and slept in it . '' `` did you see bird at all that night after the fire in the bunk house ? '' i went to the bunk house hoping to be able to sneak in and be with bird , but there were a couple of other guys in there passed out , so i went back to the car . '' `` did you see bird and sheila take off in the morning ? '' `` yeah , i was awakened by their arguing . '' `` bird wanted to go back to dallas since the well had come in . he had lots of work to do to get the well into production . sheila wanted to go home to corpus . '' `` so , who won the argument ? '' `` i thought i heard bird say he would take sheila to love field so she could catch a flight home . '' `` what was mr. tomlinson doing while all this was going on ? '' `` i did n't see much of him . i think he was pretty busy on the rig supervising the men working there . i do n't think he was planning to go home until sunday night . '' `` when did you and your friend leave ? '' `` right after they left we packed up and headed home too . '' `` when did you get back to dallas ? '' `` it was nearly noon before we got home . '' `` what did you do all day sunday ? '' `` i crashed . i did n't sleep too well in the station wagon plus the drive home tired me out . '' `` when did you get up ? '' `` it was dark when i finally woke up , after seven . '' `` okay , honey , just a couple of more questions then i 'll let you go . i really appreciate you talking to us . this is a personal question , but its something i 'm really curious about . '' `` was bird planning to divorce sheila ? '' `` no , he made it clear he would n't divorce her ? '' did n't he love you ? '' `` yes , but there are things more important than love as far is bird is concerned . '' melissa took a deep breath , smiled and replied , `` i think i 've said enough . melissa got up and slipped her purse over her shoulder . ken and i got up and put on our jackets . `` sure thing , miss madigan , i understand . you 've been mighty helpful already , '' ken said . melissa turned to me and said , `` stan , i really hope rebekah gets off . i know she 's not a killer . '' one last question , '' ken said . `` what are your plans now that sheila is gone ? are you and bird gon na get hitched ? '' melissa turned and gave ken a dirty look . `` good day , gentlemen , '' she said and then left . after our meeting we went back to my office to digest what we had learned . general burton was there , so i introduced him to ken and then we went into my office .
[["well", 7], ["wells", 7], ["anything", 38], ["hurt", 46], ["hurts", 46], ["hurting", 46], ["bird", 51], ["mr", 57], ["tomlinson", 68], ["see", 87], ["harm", 96], ["harmest", 96], ["tell", 107], ["telling", 107], ["know", 123], ["knowest", 123], ["since", 129], ["really", 138], ["think", 151], ["thinkest", 151], ["anyway", 174], ["anybody", 213], ["honey", 221], ["honeys", 221], ["find", 244], ["truth", 258], ["let", 272], ["lets", 272], ["get", 279], ["start", 287], ["started", 287], ["ken", 296], ["kent", 296], ["take", 301], ["took", 301], ["small", 313], ["note", 318], ["pad", 322], ["padding", 322], ["pen", 330], ["lay", 339], ["lays", 339], ["layed", 339], ["layest", 339], ["laid", 339], ["table", 357], ["tabled", 357], ["tabling", 357], ["front", 366], ["go", 389], ["goest", 389], ["party", 402], ["yeah", 431], ["left", 473], ["leave", 473], ["sunday", 498], ["sundays", 498], ["morning", 506], ["late", 525], ["lates", 525], ["end", 546], ["ends", 546], ["endest", 546], ["ended", 546], ["pretty", 564], ["prettiest", 564], ["much", 569], ["left", 594], ["leave", 594], ["bring", 637], ["brought", 637], ["girl", 644], ["friend", 651], ["oh", 670], ["name", 690], ["monica", 705], ["sand", 711], ["sands", 711], ["neighbor", 731], ["alone", 760], ["must", 776], ["musts", 776], ["tough", 792], ["sheila", 824], ["melissa", 837], ["drop", 845], ["dropped", 845], ["head", 854], ["moment", 867], ["flip", 884], ["flipping", 884], ["flipped", 884], ["dark", 893], ["brown", 899], ["browns", 899], ["hair", 904], ["back", 909], ["look", 920], ["looked", 920], ["straight", 933], ["eye", 944], ["eyed", 944], ["game", 969], ["work", 975], ["wrought", 975], ["works", 975], ["play", 994], ["playest", 994], ["role", 1003], ["love", 1013], ["loving", 1013], ["husband", 1021], ["husbanding", 1021], ["even", 1026], ["evens", 1026], ["though", 1033], ["love", 1049], ["anymore", 1064], ["stay", 1086], ["stayed", 1086], ["home", 1091], ["homing", 1091], ["fun", 1130], ["besides", 1140], ["miss", 1160], ["missed", 1160], ["stan", 1165], ["stans", 1165], ["little", 1186], ["romp", 1191], ["bunkhouse", 1208], ["god", 1214], ["never", 1230], ["forgive", 1244], ["forgived", 1244], ["forgiving", 1244], ["forgiven", 1244], ["smile", 1294], ["smiled", 1294], ["take", 1347], ["taking", 1347], ["note", 1353], ["notes", 1353], ["rebekah", 1414], ["saturday", 1428], ["saturdays", 1428], ["night", 1434], ["lock", 1456], ["locked", 1456], ["motor", 1477], ["talk", 1501], ["anyone", 1511], ["mix", 1524], ["mixed", 1524], ["crowd", 1539], ["crowding", 1539], ["crowdest", 1539], ["try", 1546], ["tryed", 1546], ["trying", 1546], ["act", 1553], ["acted", 1553], ["like", 1558], ["nothing", 1566], ["happen", 1579], ["happened", 1579], ["crash", 1617], ["crashed", 1617], ["bunk", 1629], ["bunks", 1629], ["bunked", 1629], ["house", 1635], ["although", 1646], ["stand", 1671], ["stood", 1671], ["standest", 1671], ["mess", 1690], ["messed", 1690], ["messing", 1690], ["fire", 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["catches", 2465], ["flight", 2474], ["go", 2541], ["goest", 2541], ["going", 2541], ["busy", 2607], ["busied", 2607], ["rig", 2618], ["supervise", 2630], ["supervising", 2630], ["man", 2638], ["mans", 2638], ["manned", 2638], ["men", 2638], ["work", 2646], ["wrought", 2646], ["working", 2646], ["plan", 2685], ["planning", 2685], ["right", 2772], ["rightest", 2772], ["pack", 2798], ["packed", 2798], ["head", 2812], ["headed", 2812], ["nearly", 2883], ["noon", 2888], ["get", 2902], ["got", 2902], ["day", 2939], ["plus", 3017], ["drive", 3027], ["tire", 3038], ["finally", 3108], ["wake", 3113], ["wakes", 3113], ["woken", 3113], ["woke", 3113], ["seven", 3130], ["okay", 3143], ["question", 3185], ["questions", 3185], ["appreciate", 3229], ["appreciates", 3229], ["talk", 3241], ["talking", 3241], ["personal", 3268], ["question", 3277], ["curious", 3317], ["divorce", 3360], ["clear", 3397], ["clearest", 3397], ["yes", 3459], ["thing", 3482], ["things", 3482], ["important", 3497], ["far", 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4190], ["digest", 4200], ["learn", 4220], ["learns", 4220], ["learnt", 4220], ["learned", 4220], ["general", 4230], ["burton", 4237], ["introduce", 4265], ["introduced", 4265]]
`` well , melissa seemed pretty calm , '' i said . `` she 's a slick little lady , that 's for sure , '' ken replied . `` so what do you think , ken ? is she a murderer ? '' `` she had a motive and she sure does n't have an alibi . all we need to do is put her at the hospital around the time of the murder . '' we just have to keep digging and if she was at the hospital , hopefully we 'll find that out before it 's too late . '' `` i wonder why bird would n't divorce sheila if he did n't love her anymore ? she was n't going to get her inheritance any time soon . i ca n't imagine him waiting four or five years just to become a minority partner with sheila 's family . '' `` it does n't make a lot of sense does it , stan . there 's obviously more going on here than meets the eye . unfortunately , we 're running out of time . '' `` why do n't you keep digging into bird 's life . check back with miguel and see if he 's found out anything new . i 'll do some more checking into melissa 's story . someone may have seen her leave her apartment on sunday or maybe someone saw her at the hospital . ' that night i worked late trying to make the pieces fit in the sheila logan puzzle . when i got home the house was dark and rebekah was sitting on the sofa sobbing . as she looked up at me i could see her bloodshot eyes in the dim light . `` why are you crying , babe ? '' `` i 'm going to miss you , stan . '' `` we 've had a good life , have n't we ? '' `` of course , but do n't talk like this . we 're going to get you off , do n't worry . '' `` i ca n't imagine not seeing my babies grow up . i love them so much , she said looking at me sadly with her big brown eyes . please take good care of them . '' `` rebekah , come on now . you 've got to be optimistic . we met with melissa madigan today , you know , bird 's secretary . remember she was having an affair with bird . well , she had a motive to kill sheila and she has no alibi . i bet you she did it . '' `` was she at the hospital ? '' `` we do n't know for sure , but ken 's going to find out . `` but the trial is less than two weeks away . what if you ca n't find out by then . '' `` we will , you 've got to have faith . '' rebekah put her arms around me and laid her head on my shoulder . `` i went to mass this morning and prayed to god to help us . do you think he was listening ? '' `` of course he was , he 's always pulled us through in the past and he 'll be there this time . '' rebekah squeezed me tightly and said , `` i hope so . i could n't bear to live without you . '' `` you wo n't have to , i 'm afraid you 're stuck with me for life . '' 32 the motive friday by week 's end i was exhausted . all week i had been digging into blackbird logan 's life . i 'd talked to dozens of his friends and co-workers , college buddies , past employers , neighbors and anyone else who might know something about him . i 'd done the same thing for sheila . i felt i knew both of them intimately but i still could n't find the motive for bird to have killed her . tex had referred me to inca oil and he would n't have been working there unless someone was buying insurance . i put a call into tex immediately . `` hey , stan the man , what 's going on . i 'm sorry , i almost forgot about the murder trial . how 's rebekah ? '' `` not too well , she 's convinced she 's going to get convicted . '' `` what about your attorney whos never lost a case ? '' `` he 's never lost a dwi case , i do n't think he 's tried too many murder trials . '' `` you think she 's going to get convicted ? '' `` no , i wo n't let that happen . that 's the reason i called . `` you wrote some insurance at inca , did n't you ? '' `` yes , i did , some pretty healthy premium , if you know what i mean . '' `` five million on brice tomlinson and bird logan . do you know what the annual premium was on a policy that size ? '' `` no , but i can imagine it must have been a bunch . what about the wives . '' `` no , nothing on the wives . '' you must have done an insurance portfolio analysis , right ? ''
[["well", 7], ["wells", 7], ["melissa", 17], ["seem", 24], ["seeming", 24], ["seemed", 24], ["pretty", 31], ["prettiest", 31], ["calm", 36], ["calms", 36], ["say", 48], ["sayest", 48], ["said", 48], ["slick", 68], ["little", 75], ["lady", 80], ["sure", 99], ["ken", 108], ["kent", 108], ["reply", 116], ["replied", 116], ["think", 142], ["thinkest", 142], ["motive", 193], ["alibi", 229], ["need", 243], ["needest", 243], ["put", 256], ["hospital", 276], ["around", 283], ["time", 292], ["murder", 306], ["murderest", 306], ["keep", 332], ["keepest", 332], ["dig", 340], ["dug", 340], ["digs", 340], ["digest", 340], ["digging", 340], ["hopefully", 383], ["find", 395], ["late", 426], ["lates", 426], ["wonder", 443], ["wonderest", 443], ["bird", 452], ["divorce", 470], ["sheila", 477], ["love", 496], ["anymore", 508], ["go", 528], ["goest", 528], ["going", 528], ["get", 535], ["inheritance", 551], ["soon", 565], ["ca", 572], ["cas", 572], ["imagine", 584], ["wait", 596], ["waitest", 596], ["waiting", 596], ["four", 601], ["five", 609], ["fived", 609], ["year", 615], ["years", 615], ["become", 630], ["minority", 641], ["partner", 649], ["family", 671], ["lot", 702], ["sense", 711], ["stan", 726], ["stans", 726], ["obviously", 747], ["meet", 777], ["meeted", 777], ["meets", 777], ["eye", 785], ["eyed", 785], ["unfortunately", 801], ["run", 818], ["running", 818], ["life", 884], ["lifes", 884], ["check", 892], ["back", 897], ["miguel", 909], ["see", 917], ["find", 932], ["found", 932], ["anything", 945], ["new", 949], ["checking", 979], ["story", 1001], ["may", 1015], ["mays", 1015], ["mayest", 1015], ["see", 1025], ["seen", 1025], ["left", 1035], ["leave", 1035], ["apartment", 1049], ["sunday", 1059], ["sundays", 1059], ["maybe", 1068], ["see", 1080], ["saw", 1080], ["night", 1115], ["work", 1124], ["wrought", 1124], ["worked", 1124], ["try", 1136], ["tryed", 1136], ["trying", 1136], ["piece", 1155], ["pieced", 1155], ["pieces", 1155], ["fit", 1159], ["fitting", 1159], ["logan", 1179], ["logans", 1179], ["puzzle", 1186], ["get", 1199], ["got", 1199], ["home", 1204], ["homing", 1204], ["house", 1214], ["dark", 1223], ["rebekah", 1235], ["sat", 1247], ["sit", 1247], ["sitting", 1247], ["sofa", 1259], ["sob", 1267], ["sobs", 1267], ["sobbed", 1267], ["sobbing", 1267], ["look", 1283], ["looked", 1283], ["bloodshot", 1318], ["eye", 1323], ["eyed", 1323], ["eyes", 1323], ["dim", 1334], ["dimmed", 1334], ["lit", 1340], ["light", 1340], ["cry", 1364], ["crying", 1364], ["babe", 1371], ["miss", 1398], ["good", 1435], ["course", 1472], ["talk", 1490], ["like", 1495], ["worry", 1545], ["worried", 1545], ["see", 1581], ["seeing", 1581], ["baby", 1591], ["babies", 1591], ["grow", 1596], ["growest", 1596], ["much", 1621], ["look", 1640], ["looking", 1640], ["sadly", 1652], ["big", 1665], ["bigs", 1665], ["brown", 1671], ["browns", 1671], ["please", 1685], ["take", 1690], ["care", 1700], ["come", 1731], ["optimistic", 1769], ["meet", 1778], ["meeted", 1778], ["met", 1778], ["today", 1805], ["know", 1816], ["knowest", 1816], ["secretary", 1836], ["remember", 1847], ["rememberest", 1847], ["affair", 1872], ["kill", 1916], ["bet", 1952], ["trial", 2081], ["less", 2089], ["two", 2098], ["twos", 2098], ["week", 2104], ["weeks", 2104], ["away", 2109], ["faith", 2191], ["faiths", 2191], ["arm", 2217], ["arms", 2217], ["lay", 2236], ["lays", 2236], ["layed", 2236], ["layest", 2236], ["laid", 2236], ["head", 2245], ["shoulder", 2260], ["shouldered", 2260], ["go", 2272], ["goest", 2272], ["went", 2272], ["mass", 2280], ["massed", 2280], ["massing", 2280], ["massest", 2280], ["morning", 2293], ["pray", 2304], ["prays", 2304], ["god", 2311], ["help", 2319], ["helpest", 2319], ["listen", 2354], ["listens", 2354], ["listening", 2354], ["always", 2394], ["pull", 2401], ["pulled", 2401], ["past", 2424], ["squeeze", 2476], ["squeezes", 2476], ["squeezed", 2476], ["tightly", 2487], ["hope", 2508], ["bear", 2530], ["bore", 2530], ["bearest", 2530], ["live", 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["portfolio", 4033], ["analysis", 4042], ["right", 4050], ["rightest", 4050]]
`` how much insurance did bird have on sheila ? '' is n't it funny how no one ever buys insurance on a wife . do you know how much it would cost to replace the average wife ? '' `` no , not really ? '' `` well , considering the typical wife is a housekeeper , laundry maid , babysitter , cook and sex partner , studies show it would cost about $ 56,000 a year to replace her . '' `` so every man ought to have about a quarter million of coverage on his wife just to replace the economic loss he 'd suffer should she die . '' `` so that 's why i almost always attach the family rider to every policy i write . '' `` the family rider ? '' it 's a nifty little attachment to the man 's policy that provides coverage for the wife and kids . '' `` how much coverage ? '' `` the wife gets twenty percent of the face amount of the husband 's policy and the children get five percent . '' `` you mean sheila was insured for one-fifth of bird 's five million dollar policy ? '' `` exactly , one million dollars if my math is correct . '' `` thank you , tex ! you may have saved rebekah 's life . '' i 've got to run , talk to you later . '' bird had married sheila for the money he expected her to inherit . he never really loved her . when it became apparent she was n't going to inherit anything anytime soon he had to come up with an alternate plan . it was pretty cleaver buying a big policy on himself and sneaking in a rider on sheila . it almost looked like he did n't plan it . then all he had to do was set someone else up to take the fall for sheila 's death and he 's one million dollars richer . 33 the plan monday over the weekend i advised ken of the insurance on sheila 's life and how cleverly bird had purchased it . he was excited with this development but warned me that having bought an insurance policy on sheila did not prove anything . his only hope was that he could plant some reasonable doubt into the juror 's minds by telling them about melissa and bird and pointing out to them how each of them would gain by sheila 's death . over the very depressing weekend i had spent most of my time trying to convince rebekah she was not doomed . in the process of brain storming about the case we came up with a plan to try to trick bird into confessing . i called ken and told him about it and he said he would check with the da and see if they 'd go along with it . on monday i got a phone call from ken 's office letting me know that we had a meeting with the da at his office at eleven . i figured the da must be seriously considering my idea and might participate in the plan . i arrived at the dallas courthouse at 10:55 a.m. and took the elevator to the 7th floor . ken was sitting in the waiting room reading a magazine when i arrived . `` so , the da must have liked my idea , huh ? '' i think it just might work . '' ken got up and told the receptionist we were ready to see paul snyder . after a minute a tall , skinny man with curly blond hair walked out into the reception room and greeted us . `` hello , ken . mr. snyder said as he shook ken 's hand . then he turned to me , smiled , and extended his hand . `` you must be stan turner , free lance detective extra ordinaire . '' i replied puzzled by his remark . `` i 'm just joking with you , stan . that was pretty nice work on the melba thorn murder . '' `` oh , thanks , '' i said . `` but i 'm not so sure i did anything extraordinary . it seems someone has been manipulating me . '' so you think there 's more to this story than what the press has been reporting , '' snyder said . `` well that 's all very interesting but luckily i do n't have to prosecute those cases so let 's talk about your wife , '' snyder said , `` anyway , your idea about blackmailing bird logan is intriguing . '' `` nobody knows you hired miguel , right ? '' snyder said . `` if he contacted bird and said you had hired him and that he was about to report back to you with lots of incriminating evidence , that might get bird 's attention . if he 's the murderer . '' `` that was my thinking , '' i said . `` do you think miguel would be willing to do it ? '' snyder asked . `` miguel will do just about anything if you 'll pay his price . he 's got a big family , so he needs the work . '' `` the question i have to ask myself is : why should i do this ?
[["much", 11], ["insurance", 21], ["bird", 30], ["sheila", 45], ["funny", 66], ["ever", 82], ["everest", 82], ["buy", 87], ["buyed", 87], ["buys", 87], ["wife", 107], ["know", 121], ["knowest", 121], ["cost", 144], ["replace", 155], ["average", 167], ["really", 196], ["well", 209], ["wells", 209], ["consider", 223], ["considering", 223], ["typical", 235], ["housekeeper", 257], ["laundry", 267], ["maid", 272], ["maids", 272], ["babysitter", 285], ["cook", 292], ["sex", 300], ["partner", 308], ["study", 318], ["studies", 318], ["show", 323], ["year", 359], ["every", 391], ["man", 395], ["mans", 395], ["manned", 395], ["ought", 401], ["quarter", 425], ["quartering", 425], ["million", 433], ["coverage", 445], ["economic", 486], ["loss", 491], ["suffer", 504], ["suffering", 504], ["die", 519], ["almost", 551], ["always", 558], ["attach", 565], ["family", 576], ["rider", 582], ["policy", 598], ["write", 606], ["writing", 606], ["nifty", 650], ["little", 657], ["attachment", 668], ["provide", 703], ["provides", 703], ["kid", 734], ["kids", 734], ["get", 782], ["gets", 782], ["twenty", 789], ["percent", 797], ["face", 809], ["amount", 816], ["husband", 831], ["husbanding", 831], ["child", 858], ["childs", 858], ["children", 858], ["get", 862], ["five", 867], ["fived", 867], ["mean", 892], ["meanest", 892], ["insure", 911], ["insures", 911], ["insured", 911], ["fifth", 925], ["dollar", 956], ["exactly", 979], ["dollar", 1001], ["dollars", 1001], ["math", 1012], ["maths", 1012], ["correct", 1023], ["thank", 1037], ["thanks", 1037], ["thankest", 1037], ["tex", 1047], ["may", 1057], ["mays", 1057], ["mayest", 1057], ["save", 1068], ["saved", 1068], ["rebekah", 1076], ["life", 1084], ["lifes", 1084], ["get", 1099], ["got", 1099], ["run", 1106], ["talk", 1113], ["later", 1126], ["marry", 1148], ["married", 1148], ["money", 1169], ["moneys", 1169], ["expect", 1181], ["expected", 1181], ["inherit", 1196], ["inherits", 1196], ["never", 1207], ["love", 1220], ["loved", 1220], ["become", 1241], ["became", 1241], ["apparent", 1250], ["go", 1268], ["goest", 1268], ["going", 1268], ["anything", 1288], ["anytime", 1296], ["soon", 1301], ["come", 1316], ["alternate", 1337], ["alternates", 1337], ["plan", 1342], ["pretty", 1358], ["prettiest", 1358], ["cleaver", 1366], ["buy", 1373], ["buyed", 1373], ["buying", 1373], ["big", 1379], ["bigs", 1379], ["sneak", 1410], ["sneakest", 1410], ["sneaking", 1410], ["look", 1450], ["looked", 1450], ["like", 1455], ["set", 1506], ["else", 1519], ["take", 1530], ["fall", 1539], ["falls", 1539], ["death", 1559], ["rich", 1596], ["monday", 1617], ["mondays", 1617], ["weekend", 1634], ["advise", 1644], ["advised", 1644], ["ken", 1648], ["kent", 1648], ["cleverly", 1700], ["purchase", 1719], ["purchased", 1719], ["excite", 1739], ["excites", 1739], ["excited", 1739], ["development", 1761], ["warn", 1772], ["warned", 1772], ["buy", 1794], ["buyed", 1794], ["bought", 1794], ["prof", 1838], ["prove", 1838], ["hope", 1863], ["plant", 1887], ["reasonable", 1903], ["doubt", 1909], ["juror", 1924], ["mind", 1933], ["minding", 1933], ["minds", 1933], ["tell", 1944], ["telling", 1944], ["melissa", 1963], ["point", 1985], ["pointing", 1985], ["gain", 2025], ["spend", 2091], ["spends", 2091], ["spendest", 2091], ["spent", 2091], ["time", 2107], ["try", 2114], ["tryed", 2114], ["trying", 2114], ["convince", 2126], ["convinced", 2126], ["convincing", 2126], ["doom", 2153], ["doomed", 2153], ["process", 2170], ["brain", 2179], ["brained", 2179], ["braining", 2179], ["storm", 2188], ["case", 2203], ["come", 2211], ["came", 2211], ["try", 2233], ["tryed", 2233], ["trick", 2242], ["confess", 2263], ["confessest", 2263], ["confessing", 2263], ["call", 2274], ["called", 2274], ["tell", 2287], ["told", 2287], ["say", 2312], ["sayest", 2312], ["said", 2312], ["check", 2327], ["da", 2339], ["see", 2347], ["go", 2361], ["goest", 2361], ["along", 2367], ["phone", 2401], ["call", 2406], ["office", 2425], ["let", 2433], ["lets", 2433], ["letting", 2433], ["meeting", 2463], ["eleven", 2499], ["figure", 2511], ["figured", 2511], ["must", 2523], ["musts", 2523], ["seriously", 2536], ["idea", 2556], ["may", 2566], ["mays", 2566], ["mayest", 2566], ["might", 2566], ["participate", 2578], ["arrive", 2602], ["arrived", 2602], ["courthouse", 2627], ["take", 2650], ["took", 2650], ["elevator", 2663], ["floor", 2680], ["sat", 2698], ["sit", 2698], ["sitting", 2698], ["room", 2718], ["roomed", 2718], ["read", 2726], ["reads", 2726], ["reading", 2726], ["magazine", 2737], ["magazining", 2737], ["like", 2785], ["liked", 2785], ["huh", 2799], ["think", 2812], ["thinkest", 2812], ["work", 2831], ["wrought", 2831], ["receptionist", 2873], ["ready", 2887], ["paul", 2899], ["pauls", 2899], ["snyder", 2906], ["minute", 2923], ["tall", 2930], ["skinny", 2939], ["curly", 2954], ["blond", 2960], ["hair", 2965], ["walk", 2972], ["walked", 2972], ["reception", 2995], ["greet", 3012], ["greeting", 3012], ["greeted", 3012], ["hello", 3026], ["hellos", 3026], ["mr", 3037], ["shake", 3062], ["shook", 3062], ["hand", 3074], ["turn", 3091], ["turned", 3091], ["smile", 3106], ["smiled", 3106], ["extend", 3121], ["extended", 3121], ["stan", 3152], ["stans", 3152], ["free", 3166], ["lance", 3172], ["detective", 3182], ["extra", 3188], ["extras", 3188], ["reply", 3213], ["replied", 3213], ["puzzle", 3221], ["puzzled", 3221], ["remark", 3235], ["remarkest", 3235], ["remarking", 3235], ["joke", 3257], ["jokes", 3257], ["joking", 3257], ["nice", 3296], ["melba", 3314], ["thorn", 3320], ["murder", 3327], ["murderest", 3327], ["oh", 3338], ["sure", 3385], ["extraordinary", 3414], ["seem", 3425], ["seeming", 3425], ["seems", 3425], ["manipulate", 3455], ["manipulates", 3455], ["manipulating", 3455], ["story", 3504], ["press", 3524], ["report", 3543], ["reporting", 3543], ["interesting", 3599], ["luckily", 3611], ["prosecute", 3638], ["case", 3650], ["cases", 3650], ["let", 3657], ["lets", 3657], ["anyway", 3710], ["blackmail", 3741], ["blackmails", 3741], ["blackmailest", 3741], ["blackmailing", 3741], ["logan", 3752], ["logans", 3752], ["intriguing", 3766], ["nobody", 3781], ["know", 3787], ["knowest", 3787], ["knows", 3787], ["hire", 3797], ["hired", 3797], ["miguel", 3804], ["right", 3812], ["rightest", 3812], ["contact", 3850], ["contacted", 3850], ["report", 3914], ["back", 3919], ["lot", 3936], ["lots", 3936], ["incriminate", 3953], ["incriminating", 3953], ["evidence", 3962], ["attention", 3997], ["willing", 4104], ["ask", 4131], ["asked", 4131], ["pay", 4186], ["pays", 4186], ["payest", 4186], ["price", 4196], ["need", 4235], ["needest", 4235], ["needs", 4235], ["question", 4265], ["ask", 4279]]
i 've got a suspect with motive , opportunity and plenty of witnesses who saw her at the scene of the crime . why should i bust my ass on the eve of trial to try to prove someone else did it ? '' `` because you 're not absolutely sure rebekah did it and you could n't sleep at night if you thought an innocent woman might have gone to prison , '' ken replied . `` you give me too much credit , ken . i 'll sleep just fine whether we do this or not . if i do it , it will be because it ca n't hurt . if bird falls for the trap then i 've got my killer . if he does n't i 've strengthened by case against rebekah . '' `` i do n't care why you 're doing it , '' i said . `` let 's just get on with it . `` okay , but understand you 'll have to foot the bill on this since it 's for your wife 's benefit . '' `` no problem , i 'll cover it . '' `` good , then i 'll talk to the local police and you get with miguel . '' `` i will , thank you , mr. snyder , i really appreciate you doing this . '' when i got back to the office i called miguel and asked him if he would participate in our plan . he agreed if i gave him another two thousand dollars now and five thousand if bird incriminated himself . i did n't have much choice , so i agreed . we decided miguel would contact bird at his home in corpus . the phones would be tapped and if they met , miguel would be wearing a wire . it was agreed the ploy would begin on wednesday as it would take a couple days to set up . 34 monica sands tuesday my adrenalin was pumping in anticipation of wednesday 's escapade . i went over the details of the plan in my mind . if it were going to work there could n't be any last minute glitches . there was n't time for a postponement ; wednesday was it . after a while i realized i had been staring out the window for sometime . looking at my watch i saw it was ten-fifteen . i gazed at the pile of work stacked up on my credenza but i had no motivation to work on it . suddenly the phone rang jerking me from my trance . it was ken . `` i 'm meeting melissa madigan 's friend , monica sands , at the golden eagle restaurant in richardson . `` absolutely , what time ? '' `` eleven-thirty . i thought we 'd beat the crowd . '' `` good , i 'll be there . '' my thoughts shifted from bird to melissa . in my heart i did n't think melissa was the murderer . she was so sweet and was concerned about rebekah , but she did say she knew rebekah was n't a murderer . how would she know that ? at eleven o'clock i grabbed my coat and took off for the meeting . no one was there yet , so i got a booth and waited . at eleven twenty-five a young red head walked in and looked around nervously . i surmised it must be monica sands . ken walked in right after her and they exchanged greetings . i got up and waved to ken and he escorted monica over to where i had been sitting . `` thanks a lot for meeting with us ms. sands . i know you 're probably pretty busy , but this is important . '' `` yes , melissa told me that you might call . '' we wo n't take much of your time , i just have a few questions . we can eat first if you want . '' `` no , i 'm a little nervous so let 's get the questions over with first . '' `` fine , i understand you went to the comin-in party for parker # 3 ? '' `` right , melissa asked me to come with her . it sounded exciting so i agreed . '' `` did you meet sheila and bird logan ? '' `` just a quick introduction , i really did n't get to talk to them . it was pretty crowded and they were busy entertaining all the investors . '' `` did you witness the confrontation between sheila logan and rebekah turner ? '' miss sands put her hand over her mouth to hide her expression . `` oh yes , '' i thought it funny at the time , but obviously its not so funny now . '' miss sands looked at me and said , `` i 'm sorry mr. turner about your wife . i hope she did n't do it . '' `` thank you , she did n't , '' i said emphatically . `` you know mr. logan probably set you up , do n't you ? '' monica said evenly . `` he wanted sheila to have a boyfriend just in case he got caught with melissa . '' `` now , how would you know that , honey ? ''
[["get", 9], ["got", 9], ["suspect", 19], ["motive", 31], ["opportunity", 45], ["plenty", 56], ["witness", 69], ["witnesses", 69], ["see", 77], ["saw", 77], ["scene", 94], ["crime", 107], ["bust", 127], ["busted", 127], ["ass", 134], ["eve", 145], ["trial", 154], ["try", 161], ["tryed", 161], ["prof", 170], ["prove", 170], ["else", 183], ["absolutely", 229], ["sure", 234], ["rebekah", 242], ["sleep", 273], ["slept", 273], ["sleeps", 273], ["sleepest", 273], ["night", 282], ["think", 297], ["thinkest", 297], ["thought", 297], ["innocent", 309], ["woman", 315], ["womans", 315], ["may", 321], ["mays", 321], ["mayest", 321], ["might", 321], ["go", 331], ["goest", 331], ["gone", 331], ["prison", 341], ["ken", 350], ["kent", 350], ["reply", 358], ["replied", 358], ["give", 372], ["much", 384], ["credit", 391], ["fine", 421], ["whether", 429], ["ca", 487], ["cas", 487], ["hurt", 496], ["hurts", 496], ["hurting", 496], ["bird", 506], ["fall", 512], ["falls", 512], ["trap", 525], ["killer", 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["decided", 1250], ["contact", 1271], ["home", 1288], ["homing", 1288], ["corpus", 1298], ["phone", 1311], ["phones", 1311], ["tap", 1327], ["tapped", 1327], ["meet", 1343], ["meeted", 1343], ["met", 1343], ["wear", 1369], ["wearing", 1369], ["wire", 1376], ["ploy", 1401], ["begin", 1413], ["wednesday", 1426], ["take", 1443], ["couple", 1452], ["day", 1457], ["days", 1457], ["set", 1464], ["monica", 1479], ["sand", 1485], ["sands", 1485], ["tuesday", 1493], ["adrenalin", 1506], ["pump", 1518], ["pumping", 1518], ["anticipation", 1534], ["escapade", 1559], ["go", 1568], ["goest", 1568], ["went", 1568], ["detail", 1585], ["details", 1585], ["mind", 1608], ["minding", 1608], ["go", 1627], ["goest", 1627], ["going", 1627], ["work", 1635], ["wrought", 1635], ["last", 1663], ["minute", 1670], ["glitch", 1679], ["glitches", 1679], ["time", 1700], ["postponement", 1719], ["realize", 1765], ["realized", 1765], ["stare", 1784], ["stared", 1784], ["staring", 1784], ["window", 1799], ["windows", 1799], ["sometime", 1812], ["look", 1822], ["looking", 1822], ["watch", 1834], ["ten", 1851], ["fifteen", 1859], ["gaze", 1869], ["gazes", 1869], ["gazed", 1869], ["pile", 1881], ["stack", 1897], ["stacks", 1897], ["stacked", 1897], ["credenza", 1915], ["motivation", 1939], ["suddenly", 1964], ["phone", 1974], ["jerk", 1987], ["jerks", 1987], ["jerked", 1987], ["jerking", 1987], ["trance", 2005], ["meeting", 2036], ["melissa", 2044], ["friend", 2062], ["golden", 2093], ["eagle", 2099], ["restaurant", 2110], ["richardson", 2124], ["eleven", 2167], ["thirty", 2174], ["beat", 2197], ["crowd", 2207], ["crowding", 2207], ["crowdest", 2207], ["thought", 2254], ["thoughts", 2254], ["shift", 2262], ["shifted", 2262], ["heart", 2297], ["think", 2313], ["thinkest", 2313], ["murderer", 2338], ["sweet", 2357], ["say", 2407], ["sayest", 2407], ["know", 2416], ["knowest", 2416], ["knew", 2416], ["know", 2464], ["knowest", 2464], ["grab", 2499], ["grabbed", 2499], ["coat", 2507], ["take", 2516], ["took", 2516], ["yet", 2559], ["booth", 2578], ["wait", 2589], ["waitest", 2589], ["waited", 2589], ["twenty", 2608], ["young", 2621], ["youngest", 2621], ["red", 2625], ["head", 2630], ["walk", 2637], ["walked", 2637], ["look", 2651], ["looked", 2651], ["around", 2658], ["nervously", 2668], ["surmise", 2681], ["surmised", 2681], ["must", 2689], ["musts", 2689], ["right", 2727], ["rightest", 2727], ["exchange", 2756], ["exchanged", 2756], ["greeting", 2766], ["greetings", 2766], ["wave", 2787], ["waved", 2787], ["escort", 2810], ["escorted", 2810], ["sat", 2850], ["sit", 2850], ["sitting", 2850], ["thank", 2862], ["thanks", 2862], ["thankest", 2862], ["lot", 2868], ["ms", 2891], ["probably", 2924], ["pretty", 2931], ["prettiest", 2931], ["busy", 2936], ["busied", 2936], ["important", 2960], ["yes", 2972], ["tell", 2987], ["told", 2987], ["call", 3010], ["wo", 3021], ["question", 3078], ["questions", 3078], ["eat", 3091], ["first", 3097], ["firstest", 3097], ["little", 3136], ["nervous", 3144], ["party", 3247], ["parker", 3258], ["come", 3303], ["sound", 3325], ["sounded", 3325], ["exciting", 3334], ["meet", 3367], ["meeted", 3367], ["sheila", 3374], ["logan", 3389], ["logans", 3389], ["quick", 3410], ["introduction", 3423], ["entertain", 3518], ["entertains", 3518], ["entertaining", 3518], ["investor", 3536], ["investors", 3536], ["witness", 3560], ["confrontation", 3578], ["turner", 3618], ["miss", 3628], ["put", 3638], ["hand", 3647], ["mouth", 3662], ["mouthed", 3662], ["hide", 3670], ["hides", 3670], ["expression", 3685], ["oh", 3693], ["funny", 3721], ["obviously", 3749], ["sorry", 3824], ["hope", 3860], ["emphatically", 3935], ["evenly", 4016], ["boyfriend", 4058], ["catch", 4085], ["catched", 4085], ["catches", 4085], ["caught", 4085], ["honey", 4144], ["honeys", 4144]]
`` well , melissa told me one time that bird was hoping sheila would have an affair so he would have a little insurance . '' `` so you think bird encouraged stan and sheila to have an affair , '' ken asked . `` you should have seen the hostesses pumping both of them with champagne all night . it would n't have surprised me if bird had n't instructed them to do that . '' `` why were you watching stan and sheila ? '' `` well , melissa asked me to . you know , she was very interested in both of them . '' did you see anything else unusual ? '' `` mr. logan had a conversation with both stan and sheila just before they met at the bunk house . '' `` could you hear what they said ? '' `` no , it was too noisy to even think let alone hear someone talking twenty yards away . '' `` did you see stan and sheila go into the bunk house ? '' `` yes , i sure did . i was following stan , mr. turner , and when they were both inside i went and told melissa what was going on . '' `` what did she do then ? '' `` she hightailed it over to the bunk house to see for herself . '' `` okay , the next day when you went home did you see anything unusual ? '' `` no , nothing other than sheila and bird arguing . oh , and of course , the wreck . '' `` the wreck ? '' ken said . '' `` yeah , you know , when bird stopped for the dog . '' `` you and melissa saw the wreck ? '' `` sure , we did n't stop because the police and ambulance were already there and melissa saw bird climb into the ambulance so she knew he was okay . '' `` what did you do after that ? '' `` melissa dropped me off at my place and i crashed on the sofa and watched tv . '' `` did you go out at all sunday ? '' `` no , my boyfriend came over and we just messed around and then went out to dinner . '' `` well , honey , thank you for the information . how about some lunch now ? '' `` that 's it , you 've been a great help . '' after lunch miss sands left and ken and i had another cup of coffee while we analyzed the information miss sands had provided us . `` that was certainly an enlightening interview , '' i said . `` that it was , son . this case is getting more intriguing every day . unfortunately , i 'm not sure we 're any closer to determining the killer 's identity than we were an hour ago . '' `` true , i guess there 's no doubt now that bird was setting me up to be sheila 's lover , but we do n't know for sure if he was also setting rebekah up to take the fall for sheila 's murder . '' `` exactly , and now we know that melissa was aware that sheila was in the hospital . i 'd lay you odds she went to the hospital to see what was going on . '' `` well , this afternoon i 'm going to the hospital and pass melissa picture around to see if anyone saw her . '' `` where did you get a picture of her ? '' `` i had someone catch her coming out of work yesterday . '' well let me know what you find out . '' we got up and left the restaurant . i decided not to go back to the office and opted to go home and check on rebekah and the kids . as i drove home i began to ponder what life would be like without rebekah . how would i bring up four children under age ten without her ? i began to feel angry that this was happening to us . after all , what had we done to deserve this ? we had worked so hard to get where we were in life , and now , for no good reason , our life was about to be shattered . rebekah and the kids were happy to see me . it seemed like the right moment to talk to the kids about what was happening and begin to prepare them for the worst . rebekah was sitting on the sofa and the kids were sitting around me on the floor . `` do you kids understand what 's going to happen next week ? '' `` yeah , mom 's going on trial for murder , '' reggie said . `` but she 'll be found innocent , wo n't she ? '' `` probably , but you know sometimes innocent people are convicted . '' `` that wo n't happen will it , daddy ? '' mark said as he began to cry . `` it might , so you kids are going to have to be strong . if mom is convicted , we 'll appeal it . we 'll do everything we can to keep her out of jail . '' `` mark , why are you crying ? '' `` mom 's going to jail , they 're going to take her away from us . '' `` mommie , they wo n't take you away , will they ? '' peter asked as his eyes began to swell up .
[["well", 7], ["wells", 7], ["melissa", 17], ["tell", 22], ["told", 22], ["time", 34], ["bird", 44], ["hope", 55], ["hoping", 55], ["sheila", 62], ["affair", 83], ["little", 109], ["insurance", 119], ["think", 140], ["thinkest", 140], ["encourage", 156], ["encouraged", 156], ["stan", 161], ["stans", 161], ["ken", 199], ["kent", 199], ["ask", 205], ["asked", 205], ["see", 231], ["seen", 231], ["hostess", 245], ["hostesses", 245], ["pump", 253], ["pumping", 253], ["champagne", 281], ["night", 291], ["surprise", 321], ["surprised", 321], ["instruct", 351], ["instructest", 351], ["instructed", 351], ["watch", 397], ["watching", 397], ["know", 459], ["knowest", 459], ["interested", 485], ["see", 518], ["anything", 527], ["else", 532], ["unusual", 540], ["mr", 551], ["logan", 558], ["logans", 558], ["conversation", 577], ["meet", 624], ["meeted", 624], ["met", 624], ["bunk", 636], ["bunks", 636], ["bunked", 636], ["house", 642], ["hear", 665], ["hears", 665], ["say", 680], ["sayest", 680], ["said", 680], ["noisy", 710], ["even", 718], ["evens", 718], ["let", 728], ["lets", 728], ["alone", 734], ["talk", 755], ["talking", 755], ["twenty", 762], ["yard", 768], ["yards", 768], ["away", 773], ["go", 812], ["goest", 812], ["yes", 844], ["sure", 853], ["follow", 875], ["following", 875], ["turner", 893], ["inside", 926], ["go", 933], ["goest", 933], ["went", 933], ["go", 965], ["goest", 965], ["going", 965], ["hightail", 1020], ["hightails", 1020], ["hightailed", 1020], ["okay", 1078], ["next", 1089], ["day", 1093], ["home", 1112], ["homing", 1112], ["nothing", 1162], ["oh", 1202], ["course", 1218], ["wreck", 1230], ["yeah", 1275], ["stop", 1306], ["stopped", 1306], ["dog", 1318], ["see", 1346], ["saw", 1346], ["stop", 1387], ["police", 1406], ["ambulance", 1420], ["already", 1433], ["climb", 1466], ["know", 1497], ["knowest", 1497], ["knew", 1497], ["drop", 1568], ["dropped", 1568], ["place", 1587], ["crash", 1601], ["crashed", 1601], ["sofa", 1613], ["watch", 1625], ["watched", 1625], ["tv", 1628], ["sunday", 1665], ["sundays", 1665], ["boyfriend", 1691], ["come", 1696], ["came", 1696], ["mess", 1720], ["messed", 1720], ["messing", 1720], ["around", 1727], ["dinner", 1755], ["honey", 1776], ["honeys", 1776], ["thank", 1784], ["thanks", 1784], ["thankest", 1784], ["information", 1808], ["lunch", 1831], ["lunches", 1831], ["lunched", 1831], ["great", 1877], ["help", 1882], ["helpest", 1882], ["miss", 1904], ["sand", 1910], ["sands", 1910], ["left", 1915], ["leave", 1915], ["another", 1941], ["cup", 1945], ["coffee", 1955], ["analyze", 1973], ["analyzes", 1973], ["analyzed", 1973], ["provide", 2013], ["provided", 2013], ["certainly", 2040], ["enlighten", 2056], ["enlightening", 2056], ["interview", 2066], ["son", 2101], ["case", 2113], ["get", 2124], ["getting", 2124], ["intriguing", 2140], ["every", 2146], ["unfortunately", 2166], ["close", 2200], ["closer", 2200], ["determine", 2215], ["determining", 2215], ["killer", 2226], ["killers", 2226], ["identity", 2238], ["hour", 2259], ["ago", 2263], ["true", 2276], ["guess", 2286], ["doubt", 2304], ["set", 2330], ["setting", 2330], ["lover", 2358], ["also", 2403], ["rebekah", 2419], ["take", 2430], ["fall", 2439], ["falls", 2439], ["murder", 2460], ["murderest", 2460], ["exactly", 2476], ["aware", 2517], ["hospital", 2549], ["lay", 2560], ["lays", 2560], ["layed", 2560], ["layest", 2560], ["odd", 2569], ["odds", 2569], ["afternoon", 2649], ["pass", 2685], ["picture", 2701], ["anyone", 2725], ["get", 2759], ["catch", 2804], ["catched", 2804], ["catches", 2804], ["come", 2815], ["coming", 2815], ["work", 2827], ["wrought", 2827], ["yesterday", 2837], ["yesterdays", 2837], ["find", 2873], ["get", 2889], ["got", 2889], ["restaurant", 2916], ["decide", 2928], ["decided", 2928], ["back", 2943], ["office", 2957], ["opt", 2967], ["optest", 2967], ["opted", 2967], ["check", 2988], ["kid", 3012], ["kids", 3012], ["drive", 3025], ["drove", 3025], ["begin", 3038], ["began", 3038], ["ponder", 3048], ["life", 3058], ["lifes", 3058], ["like", 3072], ["without", 3080], ["bring", 3108], ["four", 3116], ["child", 3125], ["childs", 3125], ["children", 3125], ["age", 3135], ["aged", 3135], ["ten", 3139], ["feel", 3169], ["angry", 3175], ["happen", 3199], ["happening", 3199], ["deserve", 3247], ["deserved", 3247], ["work", 3268], ["wrought", 3268], ["worked", 3268], ["hard", 3276], ["good", 3329], ["reason", 3336], ["reasonest", 3336], ["shatter", 3373], ["shattered", 3373], ["happy", 3407], ["seem", 3429], ["seeming", 3429], ["seemed", 3429], ["right", 3444], ["rightest", 3444], ["moment", 3451], ["talk", 3459], ["begin", 3506], ["prepare", 3517], ["bad", 3536], ["worst", 3536], ["sat", 3558], ["sit", 3558], ["sitting", 3558], ["floor", 3619], ["understand", 3647], ["understanded", 3647], ["happen", 3671], ["week", 3681], ["mom", 3700], ["moms", 3700], ["trial", 3718], ["reggie", 3741], ["find", 3772], ["found", 3772], ["innocent", 3781], ["wo", 3786], ["probably", 3811], ["people", 3852], ["convict", 3866], ["convicted", 3866], ["daddy", 3909], ["mark", 3919], ["marks", 3919], ["cry", 3943], ["may", 3957], ["mays", 3957], ["mayest", 3957], ["might", 3957], ["strong", 4002], ["appeal", 4040], ["everything", 4066], ["keep", 4081], ["keepest", 4081], ["jail", 4097], ["jails", 4097], ["jailing", 4097], ["jailest", 4097], ["cry", 4131], ["crying", 4131], ["peter", 4268], ["peters", 4268], ["eye", 4286], ["eyed", 4286], ["eyes", 4286], ["swell", 4301], ["swells", 4301], ["swollen", 4301], ["swellest", 4301]]
`` no , i hope not , but just in case they do you need to be prepared . '' peter crawled over to rebekah and latched on to her leg . rebekah gently stroked his hair and then pulled him up into her lap . `` we knew you kids would hear about what was going on , so we wanted to discuss it together to be sure you understood what was happening , '' i said . `` if you have any questions just come to me or mom and we 'll talk about it , okay ? '' `` i love you , mommie , i wo n't let them take you away , '' mark said . 35 the ruse wednesday when the appointed hour arrived ken , snyder , miguel and some local detectives had gathered at miguel 's office . the phone was being monitored and taped . miguel picked up the phone and made the call . `` hello , '' a male voice said . `` hello , mr. bird logan please . '' `` yes , mr. logan . this is miguel valdez . you do n't know me , but i know a lot about you . '' `` i 'm a private investigator and i 've been hired to search into your past and find out all of your hidden secrets , '' miguel chuckled . `` well if you think i 'm going to tell you anything you 're a lunatic ! '' bird replied . no , you do n't understand , i 've already learned everything about you that there is to know . '' `` i know you killed your wife and i know why you did it , '' miguel said . `` you are a lunatic , goodbye ! '' `` damn it ? '' `` i thought we had him . '' `` no , actually i thought that went quite well , '' snyder said . he 's not going to say anything incriminating over the telephone . i 'm sure he knows his phone is tapped . '' `` if he 's interested he 'll probably go to a phone booth and call back to set up a meeting , '' snyder said . `` but , how 's he going to do that , miguel did n't even give him a phone number , '' i said . `` i looked in the yellow pages , there is only one private investigator named miguel . if he wants to find him , he 'll do it , and it wo n't take him long . '' `` order pizza , '' miguel replied . miguel got on the phone and ordered a pizza and we all sat around hoping for a phone call . after about an hour our patience paid off . `` hello , miguel valdez . '' `` hello , this is bird logan , is this the miguel i was talking with earlier today ? '' `` yeah man , i tried to talk to you this morning and you hung up on me , '' miguel said . `` what do you expect . this kind of thing is n't something you talk about over the phone . we need to meet . '' `` okay , i 'll be happy to meet you , mr. bird , just tell me the time and the place . '' `` the bait shop off ocean boulevard at the end of the pier . 5:30 p.m . `` okay man , i 'll be there , '' miguel said . miguel put down the phone and smiled gleefully . `` the bird has taken the worm . '' i said feeling much relief . ken smiled and extended his hand to congratulate me . snyder looked pleased , i guess he won either way . it did n't matter to him whether rebekah or bird killed sheila as long as he got credit for convicting the real murderer . during the next several hours miguel and snyder worked on his script for his meeting with logan . when the appointed hour approached , miguel was fitted for his wire and all the electronic equipment was tested . at five o'clock miguel got in his jeep and drove to the pier off ocean boulevard . we all followed him in a gold chevy van driven by two under cover police officers dressed for a day on the beach . miguel got to the appointed meeting place at 5:20 p.m. and waited . we all huddled inside the van and listened . at 5:35 p.m. bird made his move . `` sir , you would n't be miguel would you , '' bird said . `` yes , you must be bird , '' miguel replied . `` let 's take a walk down the beach . '' there was about a minute of silence as the two began walking toward the beach . we could hear the wind blowing , the seagulls screaming and the waves pounding on the sand , as well as miguel 's heart beating rapidly . `` now what 's all this about information you 've dug up ? '' `` i was hired to gather evidence against you for use in the rebekah turner trial .
[["hope", 14], ["case", 37], ["need", 54], ["needest", 54], ["prepare", 69], ["prepared", 69], ["peter", 80], ["peters", 80], ["crawl", 88], ["crawled", 88], ["rebekah", 104], ["latch", 116], ["latched", 116], ["leg", 130], ["gently", 147], ["stroke", 155], ["stroked", 155], ["hair", 164], ["pull", 180], ["pulled", 180], ["lap", 200], ["laps", 200], ["lapping", 200], ["know", 213], ["knowest", 213], ["knew", 213], ["kid", 222], ["kids", 222], ["hear", 233], ["hears", 233], ["go", 254], ["goest", 254], ["going", 254], ["discuss", 283], ["discusses", 283], ["discussest", 283], ["together", 295], ["sure", 306], ["understand", 321], ["understanded", 321], ["understood", 321], ["happen", 340], ["happening", 340], ["say", 352], ["sayest", 352], ["said", 352], ["question", 383], ["questions", 383], ["come", 393], ["mom", 406], ["moms", 406], ["talk", 422], ["okay", 438], ["love", 453], ["wo", 473], ["let", 481], ["lets", 481], ["take", 491], ["away", 500], ["mark", 510], ["marks", 510], ["ruse", 529], ["wednesday", 539], ["appoint", 558], ["appointed", 558], ["hour", 563], ["arrive", 571], ["arrived", 571], ["ken", 575], ["kent", 575], ["snyder", 584], ["miguel", 593], ["local", 608], ["detective", 619], ["detectives", 619], ["gather", 632], ["gatherest", 632], ["gathered", 632], ["office", 652], ["phone", 664], ["monitor", 684], ["monitored", 684], ["taped", 694], ["pick", 710], ["picked", 710], ["call", 741], ["hello", 752], ["hellos", 752], ["male", 764], ["males", 764], ["voice", 770], ["mr", 791], ["bird", 797], ["logan", 803], ["logans", 803], ["please", 810], ["yes", 822], ["valdez", 858], ["know", 876], ["knowest", 876], ["lot", 898], ["private", 931], ["investigator", 944], ["hire", 965], ["hired", 965], ["search", 975], ["past", 990], ["find", 999], ["hide", 1022], ["hides", 1022], ["hidden", 1022], ["secret", 1030], ["secrets", 1030], ["chuckle", 1051], ["chuckled", 1051], ["well", 1061], ["wells", 1061], ["think", 1074], ["thinkest", 1074], ["tell", 1093], ["anything", 1106], ["lunatic", 1124], ["reply", 1142], ["replied", 1142], ["understand", 1171], ["understanded", 1171], ["already", 1187], ["learn", 1195], ["learns", 1195], ["learnt", 1195], ["learned", 1195], ["everything", 1206], ["kill", 1264], ["killed", 1264], ["wife", 1274], ["goodbye", 1350], ["goodbyes", 1350], ["damn", 1363], ["damned", 1363], ["think", 1384], ["thinkest", 1384], ["thought", 1384], ["go", 1437], ["goest", 1437], ["went", 1437], ["quite", 1443], ["say", 1490], ["sayest", 1490], ["incriminate", 1513], ["incriminating", 1513], ["telephone", 1532], ["know", 1553], ["knowest", 1553], ["knows", 1553], ["tap", 1573], ["tapped", 1573], ["interested", 1601], ["probably", 1617], ["go", 1620], ["goest", 1620], ["booth", 1637], ["back", 1651], ["set", 1658], ["meeting", 1671], ["even", 1748], ["evens", 1748], ["give", 1753], ["number", 1772], ["numbering", 1772], ["look", 1798], ["looked", 1798], ["yellow", 1812], ["page", 1818], ["pages", 1818], ["name", 1865], ["named", 1865], ["long", 1943], ["longs", 1943], ["order", 1957], ["orderest", 1957], ["pizza", 1963], ["get", 1996], ["got", 1996], ["order", 2021], ["orderest", 2021], ["ordered", 2021], ["sat", 2044], ["sit", 2044], ["around", 2051], ["hope", 2058], ["hoping", 2058], ["patience", 2110], ["pay", 2115], ["pays", 2115], ["payest", 2115], ["paid", 2115], ["talk", 2216], ["talking", 2216], ["early", 2229], ["today", 2235], ["yeah", 2248], ["man", 2252], ["mans", 2252], ["manned", 2252], ["try", 2262], ["tryed", 2262], ["tried", 2262], ["morning", 2290], ["hang", 2303], ["hung", 2303], ["hangs", 2303], ["expect", 2353], ["kind", 2365], ["thing", 2374], ["meet", 2439], ["meeted", 2439], ["happy", 2469], ["time", 2516], ["place", 2530], ["bait", 2547], ["baited", 2547], ["shop", 2552], ["ocean", 2562], ["oceans", 2562], ["boulevard", 2572], ["end", 2583], ["ends", 2583], ["endest", 2583], ["pier", 2595], ["put", 2667], ["smile", 2693], ["smiled", 2693], ["gleefully", 2703], ["take", 2727], ["taken", 2727], ["worm", 2736], ["worming", 2736], ["feel", 2756], ["feeling", 2756], ["much", 2761], ["relief", 2768], ["reliefs", 2768], ["extend", 2794], ["extended", 2794], ["hand", 2803], ["congratulate", 2819], ["congratulated", 2819], ["pleased", 2846], ["guess", 2856], ["win", 2863], ["either", 2870], ["way", 2874], ["ways", 2874], ["matter", 2894], ["mattering", 2894], ["whether", 2909], ["sheila", 2939], ["credit", 2964], ["convict", 2979], ["convicting", 2979], ["real", 2988], ["reis", 2988], ["murderer", 2997], ["next", 3015], ["several", 3023], ["hour", 3029], ["hours", 3029], ["work", 3054], ["wrought", 3054], ["worked", 3054], ["script", 3068], ["scripts", 3068], ["scripting", 3068], ["approach", 3132], ["approaches", 3132], ["approached", 3132], ["fit", 3152], ["fitting", 3152], ["fitted", 3152], ["wire", 3165], ["electronic", 3188], ["equipment", 3198], ["test", 3209], ["tested", 3209], ["five", 3219], ["fived", 3219], ["jeep", 3250], ["drive", 3260], ["drove", 3260], ["follow", 3310], ["followed", 3310], ["gold", 3324], ["golds", 3324], ["chevy", 3330], ["van", 3334], ["drive", 3341], ["driven", 3341], ["two", 3348], ["twos", 3348], ["cover", 3360], ["police", 3367], ["officer", 3376], ["officering", 3376], ["officers", 3376], ["dress", 3384], ["dressest", 3384], ["dressed", 3384], ["day", 3394], ["beach", 3407], ["wait", 3475], ["waitest", 3475], ["waited", 3475], ["huddle", 3492], ["huddled", 3492], ["inside", 3499], ["listen", 3520], ["listens", 3520], ["listened", 3520], ["move", 3554], ["sir", 3563], ["sirs", 3563], ["must", 3634], ["musts", 3634], ["walk", 3686], ["minute", 3731], ["silence", 3742], ["begin", 3759], ["began", 3759], ["walk", 3767], ["walking", 3767], ["toward", 3774], ["wind", 3809], ["blow", 3817], ["blew", 3817], ["blowest", 3817], ["blowing", 3817], ["seagull", 3832], ["seagulls", 3832], ["scream", 3842], ["screams", 3842], ["screaming", 3842], ["wave", 3856], ["waved", 3856], ["waves", 3856], ["pound", 3865], ["pounding", 3865], ["sand", 3877], ["heart", 3906], ["beat", 3914], ["beating", 3914], ["rapidly", 3922], ["information", 3966], ["dig", 3978], ["dug", 3978], ["digs", 3978], ["digest", 3978], ["gather", 4011], ["gatherest", 4011], ["evidence", 4020], ["use", 4040], ["turner", 4062], ["trial", 4068]]
i 've been checking into your background and all of your activities for the past few years , '' miguel said . `` whos your client ? '' `` well , i 'm not at liberty to say but he 's not a rich man and can only pay me a pittance for my work . on the other hand i know you are about to become a very wealthy man and this information is much more valuable to you . '' `` so , it 's safe to say you have n't told anyone about what you 've turned up . '' no one knows yet , but my client is pressing me for the information , so i will have to tell him soon . unless , of course , someone else wants to buy the information for a higher , much higher , price . '' `` i do n't know what you think you 've got on me . i had nothing to do with my wife 's death , but i do n't want you spreading lies about me that might get rebekah turner acquitted . '' `` of course , i understand , you had nothing to do with your wife 's murder , and jesus was never a jew , right ? '' `` you think you 're a real comedian , do n't you ? '' `` i 'm sorry man , but you crack me up . '' `` let 's cut the bullshit , okay ? `` well , for a man who is about to get a million dollars does it matter ? '' `` you 're damn right it matters . what 's your price ? '' `` one hundred thousand dollars would be satisfactory . '' i 'm not paying you a hundred grand , '' bird spat . just forget it then . it does n't make any difference to me whether your executed or not . '' `` why you dirty prick ! how do you know i wo n't just kill you and dump your body in the bay ? '' my cousin has all the information in a manila envelope addressed to the district attorney in dallas . if i do n't come home tonight by seven o'clock . he 's going to put it in the mail . '' `` if i give you the $ 100,000 , how do i know you wo n't come back for more later ? '' `` you have my word , of course , but i know you have killed two , maybe three people already , so if i tried to press my luck with you i 'd most likely end up dead , right ? '' i have n't killed anybody , but you 're damn right . i will kill you if you double-cross me ! '' `` i 'll give you twenty-five thousand and not one penny more ? '' `` is n't your freedom worth a hundred grand ? '' `` twenty-five thousand , take it or leave it ! '' `` how do you want me to deliver you the money ? '' `` in anticipation of us doing business i took the liberty of getting a locker in the dressing room over by the bait shop . here is the key . put the money in a beach bag , nothing larger than twenty dollars bills , and leave it in the locker . then have the key returned to me by messenger by five . i 'll give the messenger the manila envelope when i get the key . '' `` fine , but remember , if you double-cross me you 're a dead man . '' `` do n't worry , man , i want to stay healthy so i can spend all the money . '' `` okay , one last thing , what are you going to tell your client ? '' `` i 'm going just to say that i did n't find anything very interesting . you 're just a model citizen , right ? '' `` okay , get the hell out of here ! i do n't want to ever see your face again . '' it was a pleasure doing business with you . '' later that evening ken , snyder and i took a southwest flight back to dallas . before we left i called rebekah and told her the good news . she was excited and told me to hurry home so we could celebrate . on the plane i was excited and relieved that rebekah was off the hook , so i was buying cocktails for everybody on the plane and no one was turning them down . when the plane arrived rebekah was waiting for me at the gate . after i called she had gotten a babysitter and was ready to celebrate . i asked ken and snyder to join us but they politely declined . thirty minutes later we were sitting on the top of the southland life building in downtown dallas enjoying a delicious steak dinner and a bottle of champagne . from this posh little restaurant you could see the entire city and at night the lights were magnificent . `` i bet you never thought your life would be so exciting , did you ? '' `` somehow being on trial for murder is n't the kind of excitement i relish , '' rebekah replied . `` do you realize i 've been practicing law six months now ? '' `` yes and do you realize after we eat these steaks we wo n't have enough money to buy breakfast tomorrow ? ''
[["check", 19], ["checking", 19], ["background", 40], ["backgrounding", 40], ["activity", 67], ["activities", 67], ["past", 80], ["year", 90], ["years", 90], ["miguel", 102], ["say", 107], ["sayest", 107], ["said", 107], ["client", 129], ["well", 142], ["wells", 142], ["liberty", 164], ["liberties", 164], ["say", 171], ["sayest", 171], ["rich", 192], ["man", 196], ["mans", 196], ["manned", 196], ["pay", 213], ["pays", 213], ["payest", 213], ["pittance", 227], ["work", 239], ["wrought", 239], ["hand", 259], ["know", 266], ["knowest", 266], ["become", 290], ["wealthy", 305], ["information", 330], ["much", 338], ["valuable", 352], ["safe", 383], ["safes", 383], ["safed", 383], ["tell", 408], ["told", 408], ["anyone", 415], ["turn", 441], ["turned", 441], ["know", 462], ["knowest", 462], ["knows", 462], ["yet", 466], ["press", 494], ["pressing", 494], ["tell", 542], ["soon", 551], ["unless", 560], ["unlesss", 560], ["course", 572], ["else", 587], ["buy", 600], ["buyed", 600], ["high", 629], ["price", 651], ["think", 688], ["thinkest", 688], ["get", 700], ["got", 700], ["nothing", 722], ["wife", 741], ["death", 750], ["spread", 784], ["spreading", 784], ["lie", 789], ["lay", 789], ["lain", 789], ["lies", 789], ["may", 809], ["mays", 809], ["mayest", 809], ["might", 809], ["get", 813], ["rebekah", 821], ["acquit", 838], ["acquitted", 838], ["understand", 871], ["understanded", 871], ["murder", 920], ["murderest", 920], ["jesus", 932], ["never", 942], ["jew", 948], ["jews", 948], ["right", 956], ["rightest", 956], ["real", 989], ["reis", 989], ["comedian", 998], ["comedians", 998], ["sorry", 1030], ["crack", 1050], ["let", 1068], ["lets", 1068], ["cut", 1075], ["bullshit", 1088], ["okay", 1095], ["million", 1147], ["dollar", 1155], ["dollars", 1155], ["matter", 1170], ["mattering", 1170], ["damn", 1191], ["damned", 1191], ["matter", 1208], ["mattering", 1208], ["matters", 1208], ["hundred", 1249], ["thousand", 1258], ["satisfactory", 1288], ["pay", 1309], ["pays", 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2860], ["find", 2952], ["anything", 2961], ["interesting", 2978], ["model", 3001], ["citizen", 3009], ["hell", 3045], ["hells", 3045], ["ever", 3081], ["everest", 3081], ["see", 3085], ["face", 3095], ["pleasure", 3124], ["evening", 3172], ["ken", 3176], ["kent", 3176], ["snyder", 3185], ["southwest", 3208], ["flight", 3215], ["left", 3247], ["leave", 3247], ["call", 3256], ["called", 3256], ["good", 3286], ["news", 3291], ["newses", 3291], ["hurry", 3330], ["hurried", 3330], ["hurryed", 3330], ["hurrying", 3330], ["celebrate", 3357], ["plane", 3372], ["excite", 3386], ["excites", 3386], ["excited", 3386], ["relieve", 3399], ["relieved", 3399], ["hook", 3429], ["buy", 3447], ["buyed", 3447], ["buying", 3447], ["cocktail", 3457], ["cocktails", 3457], ["turn", 3507], ["turning", 3507], ["arrive", 3542], ["arrived", 3542], ["wait", 3562], ["waitest", 3562], ["waiting", 3562], ["gate", 3581], ["gates", 3581], ["get", 3613], ["gotten", 3613], ["babysitter", 3626], ["ready", 3640], ["ask", 3663], ["asked", 3663], ["join", 3686], ["joinest", 3686], ["politely", 3707], ["decline", 3716], ["declined", 3716], ["thirty", 3725], ["minute", 3733], ["minutes", 3733], ["sat", 3755], ["sit", 3755], ["sitting", 3755], ["top", 3766], ["southland", 3783], ["life", 3788], ["lifes", 3788], ["build", 3797], ["building", 3797], ["downtown", 3809], ["downtowns", 3809], ["enjoy", 3825], ["enjoyed", 3825], ["enjoying", 3825], ["delicious", 3837], ["steak", 3843], ["steaks", 3843], ["dinner", 3850], ["bottle", 3863], ["bottled", 3863], ["champagne", 3876], ["posh", 3893], ["little", 3900], ["restaurant", 3911], ["entire", 3936], ["city", 3941], ["night", 3954], ["lit", 3965], ["light", 3965], ["lights", 3965], ["magnificent", 3982], ["bet", 3993], ["think", 4011], ["thinkest", 4011], ["thought", 4011], ["exciting", 4042], ["somehow", 4068], ["trial", 4083], ["kind", 4110], ["excitement", 4124], ["relish", 4133], ["reply", 4154], ["replied", 4154], ["realize", 4174], ["practice", 4196], ["practicing", 4196], ["law", 4200], ["six", 4204], ["month", 4211], ["months", 4211], ["yes", 4227], ["eat", 4259], ["steak", 4272], ["steaks", 4272], ["enough", 4294], ["breakfast", 4317], ["tomorrow", 4326], ["tomorrows", 4326]]
`` well , if it had n't of been for all your legal expenses we 'd be sitting pretty . '' `` well , if you 'd of kept your eyes off of sheila logan i would n't of had any legal expenses . '' but anyway , it was a pretty good six months overall do n't you think ? '' `` we 're both still alive if that 's what you mean . neither one of us is in jail ! hey , that 's a plus . '' but are n't you happy ? '' rebekah looked up at me with her big brown eyes , smiled and replied , `` yes , stan turner , i 'm happy . then she broke out in laughter , `` i do n't think i 'll live past thirty but it 's going to be a hell of a ride getting there . '' `` you 're a real clown , '' i said . `` i 'll try to make the next six months less exciting . '' the next day there was a prominent story in the newspaper about the arrest of bird logan for his wife 's murder and the dismissal of all charges against rebekah . the story intimated that bird may have been responsible for his first wife 's death as well . for the first time since sheila 's death i began to think of her . she was a wonderful woman and it was so outrageous that her life had been suddenly snatched away from her . i felt anger and sadness at her loss , so much so i could n't hold back my tears . when rebekah walked in and saw my distress she questioned me . `` what 's wrong , stan ? '' nothing , i 'm just glad all this mess is over . '' you sure you do n't want to go back to selling insurance ? '' `` are you kidding ! 36 revelation several days later i was at the office pondering what to do about jane thorn when general burton came in , nodded , and went into his office . it was a beautiful day and he had obviously been to the golf course . i got up , followed him to his office and stood in the doorway . `` so , how did you shoot ? '' `` horrible , i could n't putt worth a damn . '' that 's too bad , '' i said . the general said as he looked up at me . `` i 'm having lunch today with jane brown . '' `` we 're going to talk about the work i 'm going to be doing for thorn enterprises in the future . '' `` well , that 's great , stan , i 'm happy for you . '' `` i 'd invite you along but jane might want to talk in private . '' i 've got a lot of work to do anyway . '' at twelve o'clock ralph walked in the door and advised me jane was waiting in the car . i followed him to the limousine , joined jane in the back seat and we drove off . ralph took us to a very chic french restaurant near northpark . we went inside and were seated quickly . jane obviously had frequented this establishment many times as they treated her like a queen . the waiter brought us drinks , french bread and then took our orders . we sat and engaged in casual conversation with soft music playing in the background . `` so , stan i heard about your wife . that is so wonderful that they dropped the charges , '' jane said . i 've never been so happy , '' i replied . `` the last few months have been hell , but i guess you , more than anyone , can appreciate what it 's like to have a family member charged with murder . '' `` oh yes , it 's been very difficult for me with taylor and robert under indictment . the stress is something awful , '' jane said . `` jane , something 's been bothering me about your mother 's death ? '' `` how in the hell did i get involved , '' i said . `` you were just lucky , i guess . someone just picked you out of the blue to start the ball rolling , '' jane replied . i think i was carefully picked and manipulated as part of an intricate plan to gain control of thorn enterprises . '' `` what are you saying , stan ? '' `` i want to know why you picked me for your grand scheme ? '' `` what are you talking about , what grand scheme ? '' `` do n't play innocent with me , you called me pretending to be your mother , did n't you ? '' `` no , you 're crazy . what 's got into you . '' `` i know ralph killed your mother . '' `` come on , quit the charade . i know ralph took robert 's limo and followed your mother on highway 24 and ran her off the road near wilkerson pass . ralph 's more than your driver is n't he jane ? '' she glared at me and started to get up . `` stan you 've really got a lot of nerve . `` sit down , jane !
[["well", 7], ["wells", 7], ["legal", 50], ["expense", 59], ["expenses", 59], ["sat", 76], ["sit", 76], ["sitting", 76], ["pretty", 83], ["prettiest", 83], ["keep", 116], ["keepest", 116], ["kept", 116], ["eye", 126], ["eyed", 126], ["eyes", 126], ["sheila", 140], ["logan", 146], ["logans", 146], ["anyway", 200], ["good", 223], ["six", 227], ["month", 234], ["months", 234], ["overall", 242], ["think", 259], ["thinkest", 259], ["still", 285], ["alive", 291], ["mean", 316], ["meanest", 316], ["neither", 326], ["jail", 347], ["jails", 347], ["jailing", 347], ["jailest", 347], ["hey", 353], ["plus", 370], ["happy", 397], ["rebekah", 410], ["look", 417], ["looked", 417], ["big", 439], ["bigs", 439], ["brown", 445], ["browns", 445], ["smile", 459], ["smiled", 459], ["reply", 471], ["replied", 471], ["yes", 480], ["stan", 487], ["stans", 487], ["turner", 494], ["broke", 524], ["break", 524], ["laughter", 540], ["live", 571], ["past", 576], ["thirty", 583], ["go", 599], ["goest", 599], ["going", 599], ["hell", 612], ["hells", 612], ["ride", 622], ["rode", 622], ["get", 630], ["getting", 630], ["real", 659], ["reis", 659], ["clown", 665], ["say", 677], ["sayest", 677], ["said", 677], ["try", 692], ["tryed", 692], ["next", 709], ["less", 725], ["exciting", 734], ["day", 752], ["prominent", 774], ["story", 780], ["newspaper", 797], ["arrest", 814], ["bird", 822], ["wife", 841], ["murder", 851], ["murderest", 851], ["dismissal", 869], ["charge", 884], ["charges", 884], ["intimate", 922], ["intimated", 922], ["may", 936], ["mays", 936], ["mayest", 936], ["responsible", 958], ["first", 972], ["firstest", 972], ["death", 986], ["time", 1015], ["since", 1021], ["begin", 1045], ["began", 1045], ["wonderful", 1083], ["woman", 1089], ["womans", 1089], ["outrageous", 1114], ["life", 1128], ["lifes", 1128], ["suddenly", 1146], ["snatch", 1155], ["snatches", 1155], ["snatched", 1155], ["away", 1160], ["feel", 1178], ["felt", 1178], ["anger", 1184], ["sadness", 1196], ["loss", 1208], ["much", 1218], ["hold", 1238], ["back", 1243], ["tear", 1252], ["teared", 1252], ["tears", 1252], ["walk", 1274], ["walked", 1274], ["see", 1285], ["saw", 1285], ["distress", 1297], ["distressed", 1297], ["distressest", 1297], ["question", 1312], ["questioned", 1312], ["wrong", 1334], ["nothing", 1354], ["glad", 1371], ["mess", 1385], ["messed", 1385], ["messing", 1385], ["sure", 1407], ["go", 1429], ["goest", 1429], ["sell", 1445], ["sells", 1445], ["selling", 1445], ["insurance", 1455], ["kid", 1479], ["kidding", 1479], ["revelation", 1495], ["several", 1503], ["day", 1508], ["days", 1508], ["later", 1514], ["office", 1534], ["ponder", 1544], ["pondering", 1544], ["jane", 1566], ["janes", 1566], ["thorn", 1572], ["general", 1585], ["burton", 1592], ["come", 1597], ["came", 1597], ["nod", 1609], ["nodded", 1609], ["go", 1620], ["goest", 1620], ["went", 1620], ["beautiful", 1657], ["beautifulest", 1657], ["obviously", 1682], ["golf", 1699], ["golfs", 1699], ["course", 1706], ["get", 1714], ["got", 1714], ["follow", 1728], ["followed", 1728], ["stand", 1756], ["stood", 1756], ["standest", 1756], ["doorway", 1771], ["shoot", 1799], ["shooted", 1799], ["horrible", 1816], ["putt", 1835], ["putts", 1835], ["putted", 1835], ["worth", 1841], ["damn", 1848], ["damned", 1848], ["bad", 1869], ["lunch", 1945], ["lunches", 1945], ["lunched", 1945], ["today", 1951], ["talk", 1996], ["work", 2011], ["wrought", 2011], ["enterprise", 2056], ["enterprising", 2056], ["enterprises", 2056], ["future", 2070], ["great", 2099], ["invite", 2147], ["invites", 2147], ["along", 2157], ["may", 2172], ["mays", 2172], ["mayest", 2172], ["might", 2172], ["private", 2196], ["lot", 2217], ["twelve", 2253], ["twelves", 2253], ["ralph", 2267], ["door", 2286], ["advise", 2298], ["advised", 2298], ["wait", 2318], ["waitest", 2318], ["waiting", 2318], ["car", 2329], ["limousine", 2363], ["limousines", 2363], ["join", 2372], ["joinest", 2372], ["joined", 2372], ["seat", 2394], ["drive", 2407], ["drove", 2407], ["take", 2424], ["took", 2424], ["chic", 2442], ["french", 2449], ["restaurant", 2460], ["near", 2465], ["inside", 2492], ["seat", 2508], ["seated", 2508], ["quickly", 2516], ["frequent", 2548], ["frequentest", 2548], ["frequented", 2548], ["establishment", 2567], ["many", 2572], ["time", 2578], ["times", 2578], ["treat", 2594], ["treats", 2594], ["treatest", 2594], ["treated", 2594], ["like", 2603], ["queen", 2611], ["queens", 2611], ["queenest", 2611], ["queening", 2611], ["bring", 2632], ["brought", 2632], ["drank", 2642], ["drink", 2642], ["drinking", 2642], ["drinks", 2642], ["bread", 2657], ["breads", 2657], ["order", 2682], ["orderest", 2682], ["orders", 2682], ["sat", 2691], ["sit", 2691], ["engage", 2703], ["engaged", 2703], ["casual", 2713], ["conversation", 2726], ["soft", 2736], ["music", 2742], ["musics", 2742], ["play", 2750], ["playest", 2750], ["playing", 2750], ["background", 2768], ["backgrounding", 2768], ["hear", 2791], ["hears", 2791], ["heard", 2791], ["drop", 2848], ["dropped", 2848], ["never", 2889], ["last", 2932], ["guess", 2972], ["anyone", 2995], ["appreciate", 3012], ["appreciates", 3012], ["family", 3045], ["member", 3052], ["charge", 3060], ["charged", 3060], ["oh", 3083], ["difficult", 3115], ["taylor", 3134], ["robert", 3145], ["roberts", 3145], ["indictment", 3162], ["stress", 3175], ["awful", 3194], ["bother", 3249], ["bothers", 3249], ["bothering", 3249], ["mother", 3270], ["mothered", 3270], ["motherest", 3270], ["get", 3313], ["involve", 3322], ["involved", 3322], ["lucky", 3359], ["pick", 3391], ["picked", 3391], ["blue", 3411], ["start", 3420], ["ball", 3429], ["carefully", 3481], ["manipulate", 3504], ["manipulates", 3504], ["manipulating", 3504], ["manipulated", 3504], ["part", 3512], ["parting", 3512], ["intricate", 3528], ["plan", 3533], ["gain", 3541], ["control", 3549], ["say", 3598], ["sayest", 3598], ["saying", 3598], ["know", 3628], ["knowest", 3628], ["grand", 3661], ["scheme", 3668], ["scheming", 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i 'm not quite sure why you had to kill ronald sage . did he find out about your scheme by accident or was he in on it from the beginning ? '' jane swallowed hard . `` it was pretty clever though , planting all that evidence to make the police think taylor and robert were the murderers . is money and power all that important to you that youd kill your own mother and send your brother and husband to the gas chamber ? '' `` you do n't know what its like to be treated like a piece of furniture all you life . mom never cared about me , all she wanted me to do was to look pretty and keep quiet . i asked her to let me help in the business after dad died , but it was like talking to a rock and robert just laughed at the idea . was i alive or was i dead ? `` what about taylor , did n't you love him ? '' `` get serious ! he was mom 's idea . i was part of the merger between thorn enterprises and brown properties . '' `` so you decided to have it all , huh ? it was certainly a very ingenious plan , setting up your brother and husband to take the fall for your mother 's death and then having to take over control of thorn enterprises in midst of such tragedy . i think your family greatly misjudged your business acumen . '' `` they never gave me a chance . i know i can run thorn enterprises ten times better than any of them and i am going to show them . '' `` but the most incredible part of the scheme was getting me involved . you figured you get some kid right out of law school , who did n't know his ass from an ear lobe , to stumble onto your mother 's murder . you figured handling me would be easy , did n't you ? '' `` that 's right , and if you mention one word of this garbage you 've been spouting off here today i 'll have you disbarred . everybody knows what a person tells their attorney is privileged and you ca n't tell a soul anything you know that might incriminate me , '' jane said gleefully . `` your absolutely right , but do you remember that check you gave me for ten thousand dollars ? '' `` yes , your retainer check . '' `` it was from thorn enterprises , jane ; i am not your attorney . i work for thorn enterprises and i called the sheriff a day or two ago and told him to check ralph 's boot for blood , . was that you who lured me into opening my door so ralph could beat the shit out of me ? '' jane looked around nervously . the sheriff called me this morning and said they indeed found my blood on ralph 's boot . it 's over jane . the police are on their way over right now to arrest you . '' i looked up and noticed two uniformed policemen and a detective talking to a waiter . he pointed toward jane and the men approached us . `` one more thing jane . i 'm curious , how did you find me anyway ? '' `` i cant believe you figured it out . so , why did you pick me ? gena lombardi told me all about you . she 's my travel agent . when she told me youd moved in with general burton i could n't believe it . a detective reached our table and hovered over us . `` jane brown , '' the detective asked . `` yes , '' jane said dejectedly . `` you 'll have to come with us . we 've got a warrant for your arrest . '' the two uniformed officers grabbed jane by both arms and pulled her up out of her chair . `` i 'm coming , you do n't have to manhandle me . '' `` i 'm sorry jane , i always liked you , i never thought it would end this way . '' the next day i got a phone call from gena . apparently she forgot she had promised to drive miss texas wine country in her corvette in the 4th of july parade . they had just called her to confirm that she would be there and she wanted me to cover for her . since gena had been so nice to give me the car i could hardly refuse . i met miss texas wine country at the staging area , she climbed into the corvette and sat on the back of the rear seat . she was beautiful in her white swim suit and i was proud to be driving her in the parade . as we took our place in line the bands began playing and the crowd roared with delight over the magnificent floats on display . when the parade was over i felt a strong urge to get better acquainted with my passenger , but luckily rebekah and kids showed up before i had a chance . after the parade we took the kids to the midway at fair park which was open for the 4th of july . then we watched a spectacular fireworks show which was a fitting end to the first six months of my legal career .
[["quite", 14], ["sure", 19], ["kill", 39], ["ronald", 46], ["sage", 51], ["find", 65], ["scheme", 87], ["scheming", 87], ["accident", 99], ["beginning", 137], ["jane", 147], ["janes", 147], ["swallow", 157], ["swallows", 157], ["swallowed", 157], ["hard", 162], ["pretty", 181], ["prettiest", 181], ["clever", 188], ["though", 195], ["plant", 206], ["evidence", 224], ["police", 243], ["think", 249], ["thinkest", 249], ["taylor", 256], ["robert", 267], ["roberts", 267], ["murderers", 286], ["money", 297], ["moneys", 297], ["power", 307], ["important", 326], ["mother", 364], ["mothered", 364], ["motherest", 364], ["send", 373], ["brother", 386], ["brethren", 386], ["husband", 398], ["husbanding", 398], ["gas", 409], ["gassing", 409], ["chamber", 417], ["know", 441], ["knowest", 441], ["like", 455], ["treat", 469], ["treats", 469], ["treatest", 469], ["treated", 469], ["piece", 482], ["pieced", 482], ["furniture", 495], ["life", 508], ["lifes", 508], ["mom", 514], ["moms", 514], ["never", 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["soul", 1852], ["anything", 1861], ["may", 1881], ["mays", 1881], ["mayest", 1881], ["might", 1881], ["incriminate", 1893], ["say", 1911], ["sayest", 1911], ["said", 1911], ["gleefully", 1921], ["absolutely", 1942], ["remember", 1970], ["rememberest", 1970], ["check", 1981], ["thousand", 2010], ["dollar", 2018], ["dollars", 2018], ["yes", 2030], ["retainer", 2046], ["work", 2131], ["wrought", 2131], ["call", 2166], ["called", 2166], ["sheriff", 2178], ["day", 2184], ["two", 2191], ["twos", 2191], ["ago", 2195], ["tell", 2204], ["told", 2204], ["ralph", 2223], ["boot", 2231], ["blood", 2241], ["bloods", 2241], ["blooded", 2241], ["lure", 2268], ["lured", 2268], ["open", 2284], ["door", 2292], ["beat", 2312], ["shit", 2321], ["look", 2348], ["looked", 2348], ["around", 2355], ["nervously", 2365], ["morning", 2402], ["indeed", 2423], ["find", 2429], ["found", 2429], ["way", 2503], ["ways", 2503], ["arrest", 2528], ["notice", 2561], ["noticed", 2561], ["uniformed", 2575], ["policeman", 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["line", 3953], ["band", 3963], ["bands", 3963], ["begin", 3969], ["began", 3969], ["play", 3977], ["playest", 3977], ["playing", 3977], ["crowd", 3991], ["crowding", 3991], ["crowdest", 3991], ["roar", 3998], ["roarest", 3998], ["roared", 3998], ["delight", 4011], ["magnificent", 4032], ["float", 4039], ["floats", 4039], ["display", 4050], ["feel", 4084], ["felt", 4084], ["strong", 4093], ["urge", 4098], ["acquaint", 4123], ["acquainted", 4123], ["passenger", 4141], ["luckily", 4155], ["rebekah", 4163], ["kid", 4172], ["kids", 4172], ["show", 4179], ["showed", 4179], ["midway", 4254], ["fair", 4262], ["fairs", 4262], ["fairest", 4262], ["park", 4267], ["parks", 4267], ["open", 4282], ["watch", 4320], ["watched", 4320], ["spectacular", 4334], ["spectaculars", 4334], ["firework", 4344], ["fireworks", 4344], ["fittings", 4369], ["first", 4386], ["firstest", 4386], ["six", 4390], ["month", 4397], ["months", 4397], ["legal", 4409]]
that night there was a full moon , the stars were radiant and rebekah and i were in a amorous mood . we put the kids to bed early and retired to the bedroom . rebekah had made a miraculous recovery in the few days since her case was dismissed . the tension in her face was gone , her bloodshot eyes had cleared up , and the color had returned to her face . as i gazed into her eyes i silently thanked god for delivering us through the horrors of the past few months . she smiled at me as if she could read my mind then reached up and gently pulled my lips down to hers . we made love that night more passionately than we 'd ever done it before . when our energy was spent we laid in each other 's arms in a peaceful bliss . `` that was wonderful , '' rebekah said . `` i guess i need to go on trial for murder more often . '' `` well , i almost lost you , babe . i 've been worried sick about you . i do n't know what i would have done if you 'd been convicted . '' `` you probably would have found some cute blond to take my place . '' `` no way , no one could ever replace you . '' `` she would n't have been as good a mother as me though . our kids would have suffered had they hauled me off to prison . '' `` bird was such a fool to fall for our little scheme . '' `` he was so paranoid he paid twenty-five thousand dollars to shut up miguel . what a fool ; miguel did n't have shit . '' `` you know what i love about you , stan . you 're so positive . everything you see glitters . you never see the evil in people ; you always look for something good and when you find it you 're blinded by it . '' `` you 're talking in circles , rebekah . i do n't understand what you 're talking about . '' rebekah laughed and shook her head . do you think i 'd let another woman have you ? sheila was after you from the minute she laid eyes on you . i could see that the first time we met . '' `` i 've got ten years and four children invested in you stanley turner , and no little bitch is going to take that away from me ! i sat up in the bed and looked at rebekah in disbelief . `` rebekah , cut it out ! `` i 'm sorry , i ca n't keep this inside me . i 've got to tell someone . i could n't believe my good fortune when i saw bird and he told me what had happened . god , what luck ! '' you told me you were innocent . rebekah sat up , smiled and laughed eerily , `` like i said , that 's what i love about you , stan . you 're so gullible . rebekah ! relax , i 'm just fooling with you . '' the stan turner mysteries by william manchee undaunted ( 1997 ) brash endeavor ( 1998 ) second chair ( 2000 ) cash call ( 2002 ) deadly distractions ( 2004 ) black monday ( 2005 ) cactus island ( 2006 ) act normal ( 2007 ) disillusioned ( 2010 ) deadly defiance ( 2012 ) deadly dining ( 2014 ) `` ... appealing characters and lively dialogue , especially in the courtroom . ( publisher 's weekly ) `` ... plenty of action and adventure . ( library journal ) `` ... each plot line , in and of itself , can be riveting . ( foreword magazine ) `` ... a courtroom climax that would make the venerable perry mason stand and applaud `` ( crescent blue ) `` ... richly textured with wonderful atmosphere , the novel shows manchee as a smooth , polished master of the mystery form . ( the book reader ) `` ... manchees stories are suspenseful and most involve lawyers . and hes as proficient as grisham . ( dallas observer ) `` ... fabulous-a real page turner-i did n't want it to end ! '' ( allison robson , cbs affiliate , klbk tv , ch 13 ) gema : a trooper 's tale peter `` pj '' jackson _ published by peter jackson at smashwords . copyright 2012 peter jackson license notes : this e-book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only . cover design : rita toews photography : joshua eckert other books by the same author : dire straits : a troopers tale a troopers wife . _ one sole desire , one passion now remains to keep life 's fever still within his veins , vengeance ! dire vengeance on the wretch who cast o'er him and all he lov 'd that ruinous blast . author : thomasmoore source : lalla rookhthe veiled prophet of khorassan part 1 * chapter 1 mahakam river , borneo . 1965 wening turned on her thin , rattan , sleeping mat . it was still dark , the night sounds coming through the open shutters .
[["night", 10], ["full", 27], ["moon", 32], ["moons", 32], ["star", 44], ["starred", 44], ["stars", 44], ["radiant", 57], ["rebekah", 69], ["amorous", 93], ["mood", 98], ["put", 107], ["kid", 116], ["kids", 116], ["bed", 123], ["early", 129], ["retire", 141], ["retired", 141], ["bedroom", 156], ["miraculous", 188], ["recovery", 197], ["day", 213], ["days", 213], ["since", 219], ["dismiss", 242], ["dismisses", 242], ["dismissing", 242], ["dismissest", 242], ["dismissed", 242], ["tension", 256], ["face", 268], ["go", 277], ["goest", 277], ["gone", 277], ["bloodshot", 293], ["eye", 298], ["eyed", 298], ["eyes", 298], ["clear", 310], ["clearest", 310], ["cleared", 310], ["color", 329], ["return", 342], ["returnest", 342], ["returned", 342], ["gaze", 367], ["gazes", 367], ["gazed", 367], ["silently", 392], ["thank", 400], ["thanks", 400], ["thankest", 400], ["thanked", 400], ["god", 404], ["deliver", 419], ["delivering", 419], ["horror", 442], ["horrors", 442], ["past", 454], ["month", 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she could see the faint outline of her husbands chest rising and falling to the rhythm of sleep ; hear the gentle snoring of bapi and ibu her parents , next door , through the thin , woven wall . she lay there , unable to get back to sleep , contemplating the days work ahead and thinking of how much the family missed the contribution that would have been made by her children if they were still in the longhouse . her husband , suparman alatus , hardly let a day go by without bringing up the decision to send their daughter , gema , north to live with the whites of the long black dresses . these men who had tried to convince them that there was only one god and it was their god . everyone knew that the god semangat lived in everything and everyone . everyone knows that we inherit the souls of our forebears . who are they to tell us different ? but that was eight wet seasons ago . now , gema , would be twenty three summers old.a woman . was she married , had she been tattooed as was required ? her fingers had been done , the song irang , when she was ten . her forearms should have been done by now but she had left for another life . suparman had seen her just three years ago on a trip upriver to trade for the iron but here , in the land of the orang ulu , there was no news , no travelers . no more raiders even . not since the time the japanese had come up the river to long alat in their strange clothing , with their language that no one could understand , with their weapons . but that was over twenty years ago . i know , in my heart , that gema is well and happy , she thought , im her mother , the spirits would tell me if all were not well , but what of susilo ? she sat up , naked , her body tattoos glowing blue in the moonlight . where are you susilo , why did you leave ? her firstborn , susilo , just two years older than gema , had always been a problem . he much preferred sitting at his grandfathers feet listening to tales of the old days before the japanese came , tales of the warring between the tribes of the orang ulu , tales of the taking of heads and the spirits that came with them to the benefit and protection of the rumah panjaithe longhouse . he was far more interested in hunting the muntjak , the deer that barks like a dog and their main source of meat , than working in the padi fields alongside everyone else . three years ago , in the middle of the dry season , the family sitting in the traditional circle on the tempuan outside their entrance , he had simply saidim leaving the village . the following morning he was gone . he was seen heading in the direction of the night star and that was the last they knew or ever heard of him . she missed her children.particularly gema.who should have been a man.a warrior of the kayan . did she favor gema over him , is that why he left ? it was never spoken of . gema had always strived to be the best at what she undertook . she was never afraid of work or the commitment , susilo , on the other hand , always looked for the shortcut ... ... the easy way . she had watched them play fight as was traditional . gema always seemed to let her brother win even though he was older , bigger and stronger . she stood up , stretched and stepped into her chawat , the short skirt made of bark , slipped on the old , stained tee shirt her husband had picked up for her on one of his trading trips and walked over to the window . it was still dark , still quite a while before the sun came up over the tree canopy to the east . she could barely make out the shape of the longhouse against the background of the jungle , a seeming wall of vegetation , home to her people , her clan.. the kayan . the longhouse was of an average size , housing twenty families in all , with the communal ruai , the common veranda , running the length of the building . below her , almost twenty feet down , was the soah , the open area in front of the longhouse , used for larger gatherings and on festival days . how lucky i am to be the wife of the tuai ramah , she thought . the village chieftain traditionally had larger quarters than the rest of the villagers with additional rooms for close family . it would be too crowded if bapi and ibu had to live in the same room with us . if susilo were here he would be either married or living in the bachelor huts and surely gema would be already married and i would be a grandmother . she sighed and turned away shaking her head listening to suparman grunting in his sleep . how can he just sleep like that ? she looked at him from the window , as though there is nothing to be concerned about . she gazed at him fondly , middle aged now but still strong and proud . we need meat , at least that will get him out of here for a while with my father .
[["see", 13], ["faint", 23], ["outline", 31], ["outlines", 31], ["husband", 47], ["husbanding", 47], ["husbands", 47], ["chest", 53], ["rise", 60], ["risen", 60], ["rising", 60], ["fall", 72], ["falls", 72], ["falling", 72], ["rhythm", 86], ["rhythms", 86], ["sleep", 95], ["slept", 95], ["sleeps", 95], ["sleepest", 95], ["hear", 102], ["hears", 102], ["gentle", 113], ["gentler", 113], ["parent", 149], ["parents", 149], ["next", 156], ["door", 161], ["thin", 180], ["thins", 180], ["weave", 188], ["weaving", 188], ["woven", 188], ["wall", 193], ["lie", 203], ["lay", 203], ["lain", 203], ["unable", 218], ["unabled", 218], ["get", 225], ["back", 230], ["contemplate", 255], ["contemplating", 255], ["day", 264], ["days", 264], ["work", 269], ["wrought", 269], ["ahead", 275], ["think", 288], ["thinkest", 288], ["thinking", 288], ["much", 300], ["family", 311], ["miss", 318], ["missed", 318], ["contribution", 335], ["child", 377], ["childs", 377], ["children", 377], ["still", 396], ["longhouse", 413], ["husband", 427], ["husbanding", 427], ["hardly", 454], ["let", 458], ["lets", 458], ["day", 464], ["go", 467], ["goest", 467], ["without", 478], ["bring", 487], ["bringing", 487], ["decision", 503], ["send", 511], ["daughter", 526], ["gemas", 533], ["north", 541], ["live", 549], ["white", 565], ["whites", 565], ["long", 577], ["longs", 577], ["black", 583], ["dress", 591], ["dressest", 591], ["dresses", 591], ["man", 603], ["mans", 603], ["manned", 603], ["men", 603], ["try", 617], ["tryed", 617], ["tried", 617], ["convince", 629], ["convinced", 629], ["convincing", 629], ["god", 662], ["everyone", 694], ["know", 699], ["knowest", 699], ["knew", 699], ["live", 727], ["lived", 727], ["everything", 741], ["know", 771], ["knowest", 771], ["knows", 771], ["inherit", 787], ["inherits", 787], ["soul", 797], ["souls", 797], ["forebear", 814], ["forebears", 814], ["tell", 837], ["different", 850], ["eight", 871], ["wet", 875], ["season", 883], ["seasonest", 883], ["seasoning", 883], ["seasons", 883], ["ago", 887], ["twenty", 918], ["three", 924], ["summer", 932], ["summering", 932], ["summers", 932], ["woman", 944], ["womans", 944], ["marry", 962], ["married", 962], ["tattoo", 986], ["tattoos", 986], ["tattooing", 986], ["tattooed", 986], ["require", 1002], ["required", 1002], ["finger", 1016], ["fingers", 1016], ["song", 1041], ["ten", 1066], ["forearm", 1081], ["forearms", 1081], ["left", 1127], ["leave", 1127], ["another", 1139], ["life", 1144], ["lifes", 1144], ["see", 1164], ["seen", 1164], ["year", 1185], ["years", 1185], ["trip", 1199], ["tripping", 1199], ["upriver", 1207], ["trade", 1216], ["iron", 1229], ["land", 1252], ["orang", 1265], ["ulu", 1269], ["news", 1289], ["newses", 1289], ["traveler", 1304], ["travelers", 1304], ["raider", 1322], ["raiders", 1322], ["even", 1327], ["evens", 1327], ["since", 1339], ["time", 1348], ["japanese", 1361], ["come", 1370], ["river", 1383], ["strange", 1413], ["clothing", 1422], ["language", 1444], ["languaged", 1444], ["understand", 1473], ["understanded", 1473], ["weapon", 1494], ["weapons", 1494], ["know", 1540], ["knowest", 1540], ["heart", 1554], ["well", 1574], ["wells", 1574], ["happy", 1584], ["think", 1598], ["thinkest", 1598], ["thought", 1598], ["mother", 1614], ["mothered", 1614], ["motherest", 1614], ["spirit", 1628], ["spirited", 1628], ["spirits", 1628], ["sat", 1694], ["sit", 1694], ["naked", 1705], ["body", 1716], ["bodied", 1716], ["tattoo", 1724], ["tattoos", 1724], ["tattooing", 1724], ["glow", 1732], ["glowest", 1732], ["glowing", 1732], ["blue", 1737], ["moonlight", 1754], ["moonlights", 1754], ["moonlighted", 1754], ["left", 1797], ["leave", 1797], ["firstborn", 1813], ["firstborns", 1813], ["two", 1833], ["twos", 1833], ["old", 1845], ["always", 1868], ["problem", 1883], ["prefer", 1903], ["prefered", 1903], ["preferest", 1903], ["preferred", 1903], ["sat", 1911], ["sit", 1911], ["sitting", 1911], ["grandfather", 1931], ["grandfathers", 1931], ["foot", 1936], ["feet", 1936], ["listen", 1946], ["listens", 1946], ["listening", 1946], ["tale", 1955], ["tales", 1955], ["old", 1966], ["come", 1996], ["came", 1996], ["tribe", 2038], ["tribes", 2038], ["taking", 2077], ["head", 2086], ["heads", 2086], ["benefit", 2137], ["protection", 2152], ["far", 2198], ["interested", 2214], ["hunt", 2225], ["hunting", 2225], ["huntest", 2225], ["deer", 2248], ["bark", 2259], ["barked", 2259], ["barking", 2259], ["barks", 2259], ["like", 2264], ["dog", 2270], ["main", 2285], ["source", 2292], ["meat", 2300], ["work", 2315], ["wrought", 2315], ["working", 2315], ["field", 2334], ["fielding", 2334], ["fields", 2334], ["alongside", 2344], ["else", 2358], ["middle", 2392], ["middles", 2392], ["middling", 2392], ["dry", 2403], ["drier", 2403], ["drying", 2403], ["season", 2410], ["seasonest", 2410], ["seasoning", 2410], ["traditional", 2450], ["circle", 2457], ["outside", 2480], ["entrance", 2495], ["entrancing", 2495], ["simply", 2511], ["left", 2526], ["leave", 2526], ["leaving", 2526], ["village", 2538], ["followings", 2554], ["morning", 2562], ["go", 2574], ["goest", 2574], ["gone", 2574], ["head", 2596], ["heading", 2596], ["direction", 2613], ["night", 2626], ["star", 2631], ["starred", 2631], ["last", 2653], ["ever", 2671], ["everest", 2671], ["hear", 2677], ["hears", 2677], ["heard", 2677], ["warrior", 2765], ["kayan", 2778], ["favor", 2794], ["favorest", 2794], ["never", 2845], ["speak", 2852], ["spoken", 2852], ["strive", 2881], ["striven", 2881], ["strived", 2881], ["good", 2896], ["best", 2896], ["undertook", 2918], ["undertake", 2918], ["undertakes", 2918], ["undertaken", 2918], ["undertaked", 2918], ["undertaking", 2918], ["afraid", 2941], ["commitment", 2967], ["hand", 2996], ["look", 3012], ["looked", 3012], ["shortcut", 3029], ["shortcuts", 3029], ["easy", 3046], ["way", 3050], ["ways", 3050], ["watch", 3068], ["watched", 3068], ["play", 3078], ["playest", 3078], ["fight", 3084], ["fightest", 3084], ["seem", 3124], ["seeming", 3124], ["seemed", 3124], ["brother", 3143], ["brethren", 3143], ["win", 3147], ["though", 3159], ["big", 3181], ["bigs", 3181], ["bigger", 3181], ["strong", 3194], ["stand", 3206], ["stood", 3206], ["standest", 3206], ["stretch", 3221], ["stretched", 3221], ["step", 3233], ["stepped", 3233], ["short", 3261], ["skirt", 3267], ["bark", 3280], ["barked", 3280], ["barking", 3280], ["slip", 3290], ["slipped", 3290], ["stain", 3311], ["stainest", 3311], ["stained", 3311], ["tee", 3315], ["shirt", 3321], ["pick", 3344], ["picked", 3344], ["trading", 3377], ["trip", 3383], ["tripping", 3383], ["trips", 3383], ["walk", 3394], ["walked", 3394], ["window", 3413], ["windows", 3413], ["dark", 3433], ["quite", 3447], ["sun", 3470], ["suns", 3470], ["sunned", 3470], ["tree", 3492], ["treed", 3492], ["treeing", 3492], ["canopy", 3499], ["east", 3511], ["barely", 3530], ["shape", 3549], ["shapes", 3549], ["background", 3589], ["backgrounding", 3589], ["jungle", 3603], ["jungles", 3603], ["seeming", 3615], ["vegetation", 3634], ["home", 3641], ["homing", 3641], ["people", 3655], ["clan", 3666], ["clans", 3666], ["average", 3712], ["size", 3717], ["housing", 3727], ["housings", 3727], ["family", 3743], ["families", 3743], ["communal", 3770], ["common", 3788], ["commons", 3788], ["commonest", 3788], ["veranda", 3796], ["verandas", 3796], ["run", 3806], ["running", 3806], ["length", 3817], ["build", 3833], ["building", 3833], ["almost", 3854], ["open", 3897], ["area", 3902], ["front", 3911], ["use", 3935], ["used", 3935], ["large", 3946], ["larger", 3946], ["gather", 3957], ["gathering", 3957], ["gatherings", 3957], ["festival", 3973], ["lucky", 3990], ["wife", 4010], ["chieftain", 4066], ["traditionally", 4080], ["quarter", 4100], ["quartering", 4100], ["quarters", 4100], ["rest", 4114], ["villager", 4131], ["villagers", 4131], ["additional", 4147], ["room", 4153], ["roomed", 4153], ["rooms", 4153], ["close", 4163], ["crowd", 4196], ["crowding", 4196], ["crowdest", 4196], ["crowded", 4196], ["room", 4241], ["roomed", 4241], ["either", 4290], ["live", 4308], ["living", 4308], ["bachelor", 4324], ["hut", 4329], ["huts", 4329], ["surely", 4340], ["already", 4362], ["grandmother", 4399], ["sigh", 4412], ["sighest", 4412], ["sighed", 4412], ["turn", 4423], ["turned", 4423], ["away", 4428], ["shake", 4436], ["shaking", 4436], ["head", 4445], ["nothing", 4588], ["concern", 4604], ["concerned", 4604], ["concernest", 4604], ["gaze", 4622], ["gazes", 4622], ["gazed", 4622], ["fondly", 4636], ["age", 4650], ["aged", 4650], ["strong", 4671], ["proud", 4681], ["need", 4691], ["needest", 4691], ["least", 4707], ["leastest", 4707], ["father", 4764], ["fathered", 4764], ["fathering", 4764]]
she knelt by the fireside and , blowing on the embers , started the fire to cook the morning meal the smoke rising up through the hole in the roof . the animals below their bilik , the chickens and pigs , started to rouse themselves and she could hear her father moving about in the room next door . the noise woke her husband . its still early , she said , stay there for a while . youll be gone soon on the hunt so you might as well enjoy it while you can . he lay back on his mat looking up into the gloom of the rafters through the faint haze of smoke from the morning fire . the shrunken heads , wrapped in their ritual woven leaves , hanging there looked down on him . they were his father- in- laws pride , his contribution to the peace of the bilik . he remembered his own father telling him of the tradition and how the soul inhabited the head and how the taking of the head in battle brought that soul into their home and combined with the other spirits to bring peace and prosperity to the family . he remembered his own father , strong in battle before the longskirts came , adept with the traditional weapons of the orang ulu , his father killed by the japanese for no reason , together with his mother and sister . he remembered the stories , the history of his people , passed down from generation to generation as was the custom , the concept of clan and family , the importance of protecting both , the responsibility for the maintenance of their tradition . he desperately hoped that he had passed everything down to both his children and that it was sufficient for them to live honorable lives in the tradition of the kayan . wening thinks i never worry about gema and susilo . how can i discuss this with her ? i am a man , i am tuai , i can not show this weakness . they are my children , the children of warriors . they will have learned enough at my feet . the sun came up , seeming to rise out of the very jungle , the heat lying on the village like a blanket , the humidity already almost one hundred percent a background to the early morning chatter of the macaque monkeys as they woke to another day . down the slope from the rumah panjai the coffee colored river slid by , sinister in its silence and high even in the middle of the dry season , its surface broken only by the odd whirlpool and floating , rotting logs , the far bank crowded by the jungle chaos of central borneo . slowly the village came to life , smoke curling from the breakfast fires , childrens laughter coming from the individual biliks , young men feeding the livestock under the longhouse . tomorrow your father and i will hunt , said suparman as they sat cross legged on the rattan mat , eating their morning meal from the communal bowls , today we will prepare . he was a short man but muscular , heavy earrings distending his ear lobes , his body covered in traditional tattoos and his teeth blackened and sharpened as was the style of the orang ulupeople of the upper river . i do not know how many days we will be . your father is getting old now and slower . wening looked at her father cross legged on the rattan . he was in his sixties , by now extremely old by dayak standards , his face a mass of wrinkles around his now toothless mouth . he stood now in his chawat . i am kayan as were all my forebears . i have fought my enemies as did my father before me , he said looking up at the heads hanging in the rafters , if i can not keep up you may leave me , he said proudly . wening stood up and climbed down the notched log to the soah below . do not spend all day arguing you two , she called up , you have things to do today before leaving tomorrow . she looked at the ladder and the veranda twenty feet up . my husband is right about my father . i have seen the difficulty he now has climbing up to our bilik , the difficulty he has chewing his food , the looks of pain from wounds sustained years agothe old way . he is too proud..but he will hunt tomorrow . she looked back at the longhouse that had been her home all her life remembering the times spent with her children gema and susilo . the pain of their first tattoos , their first lessons in silat , the form of martial arts taught to the kayan , rolling in the dust in the beginning as it was just a game , a game that got to be a daily regimen of offense and defense , discipline and patience as they got older . each being taught that they were equally responsible for the defense of their community . each drilled in the old waystheir heritage instilled in them.gema always leading the way..a girl ! she looked down the well beaten path to the rice padi by the river . the harvest will be on us soon . ibu will want to talk about the gawai.the festival , she thought . the day passed ..a normal day..the hot sun marching across the sky as it did every day .
[["kneel", 9], ["kneels", 9], ["kneeled", 9], ["fireside", 25], ["blow", 39], ["blew", 39], ["blowest", 39], ["blowing", 39], ["ember", 53], ["embers", 53], ["start", 63], ["started", 63], ["fire", 72], ["cook", 80], ["morning", 92], ["meal", 97], ["smoke", 107], ["rise", 114], ["risen", 114], ["rising", 114], ["hole", 134], ["roof", 146], ["roofs", 146], ["roofing", 146], ["animal", 160], ["animals", 160], ["chicken", 193], ["chickens", 193], ["pig", 202], ["pigged", 202], ["pigging", 202], ["pigs", 202], ["rouse", 221], ["hear", 251], ["hears", 251], ["father", 262], ["fathered", 262], ["fathering", 262], ["move", 269], ["moving", 269], ["room", 287], ["roomed", 287], ["next", 292], ["door", 297], ["noise", 309], ["wake", 314], ["wakes", 314], ["woken", 314], ["woke", 314], ["husband", 326], ["husbanding", 326], ["still", 338], ["early", 344], ["say", 355], ["sayest", 355], ["said", 355], ["stay", 362], ["go", 396], ["goest", 396], ["gone", 396], ["soon", 401], ["hunt", 413], ["hunting", 413], ["huntest", 413], ["may", 426], ["mays", 426], ["mayest", 426], ["might", 426], ["well", 434], ["wells", 434], ["enjoy", 440], ["enjoyed", 440], ["lie", 466], ["lay", 466], ["lain", 466], ["back", 471], ["mat", 482], ["mats", 482], ["look", 490], ["looking", 490], ["gloom", 508], ["rafter", 523], ["raftered", 523], ["rafters", 523], ["faint", 541], ["haze", 546], ["hazes", 546], ["head", 598], ["heads", 598], ["wrap", 608], ["wraps", 608], ["wrapping", 608], ["wrapped", 608], ["ritual", 624], ["weave", 630], ["weaving", 630], ["woven", 630], ["left", 637], ["leave", 637], ["leaves", 637], ["hang", 647], ["hung", 647], ["hangs", 647], ["hanging", 647], ["look", 660], ["looked", 660], ["law", 705], ["laws", 705], ["pride", 711], ["contribution", 730], ["peace", 743], ["remember", 772], ["rememberest", 772], ["remembered", 772], ["tell", 795], ["telling", 795], ["tradition", 816], ["soul", 833], ["inhabit", 843], ["inhabiting", 843], ["inhabited", 843], ["head", 852], ["taking", 871], ["battle", 893], ["bring", 901], ["brought", 901], ["home", 927], ["homing", 927], ["combine", 940], ["combined", 940], ["spirit", 963], ["spirited", 963], ["spirits", 963], ["bring", 972], ["prosperity", 993], ["family", 1007], ["strong", 1047], ["come", 1084], ["came", 1084], ["adept", 1092], ["adepts", 1092], ["traditional", 1113], ["weapon", 1121], ["weapons", 1121], ["orang", 1134], ["ulu", 1138], ["kill", 1158], ["killed", 1158], ["japanese", 1174], ["reason", 1188], ["reasonest", 1188], ["together", 1199], ["mother", 1215], ["mothered", 1215], ["motherest", 1215], ["sister", 1226], ["story", 1254], ["stories", 1254], ["history", 1268], ["people", 1282], ["pass", 1291], ["passed", 1291], ["generation", 1312], ["custom", 1344], ["customs", 1344], ["concept", 1358], ["clan", 1366], ["clans", 1366], ["importance", 1394], ["protect", 1408], ["protectest", 1408], ["protecting", 1408], ["responsibility", 1434], ["maintenance", 1454], ["desperately", 1490], ["hope", 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1998], ["already", 2006], ["almost", 2013], ["hundred", 2025], ["percent", 2033], ["background", 2046], ["backgrounding", 2046], ["chatter", 2075], ["macaque", 2090], ["macaques", 2090], ["monkey", 2098], ["monkeyed", 2098], ["monkeying", 2098], ["monkeys", 2098], ["another", 2122], ["day", 2126], ["slope", 2143], ["sloping", 2143], ["coffee", 2176], ["color", 2184], ["colored", 2184], ["river", 2190], ["slid", 2195], ["sinister", 2209], ["silence", 2224], ["high", 2233], ["even", 2238], ["evens", 2238], ["middle", 2252], ["middles", 2252], ["middling", 2252], ["dry", 2263], ["drier", 2263], ["drying", 2263], ["season", 2270], ["seasonest", 2270], ["seasoning", 2270], ["surface", 2284], ["broke", 2291], ["break", 2291], ["broken", 2291], ["odd", 2307], ["whirlpool", 2317], ["float", 2330], ["floating", 2330], ["rot", 2340], ["rotting", 2340], ["log", 2345], ["logs", 2345], ["far", 2355], ["bank", 2360], ["crowd", 2368], ["crowding", 2368], ["crowdest", 2368], ["crowded", 2368], ["chaos", 2388], ["central", 2399], ["borneo", 2406], ["slowly", 2415], ["life", 2440], ["lifes", 2440], ["curl", 2456], ["curls", 2456], ["curled", 2456], ["curling", 2456], ["breakfast", 2475], ["fire", 2481], ["fires", 2481], ["children", 2493], ["childrens", 2493], ["laughter", 2502], ["come", 2509], ["coming", 2509], ["individual", 2529], ["young", 2544], ["youngest", 2544], ["man", 2548], ["mans", 2548], ["manned", 2548], ["men", 2548], ["fed", 2556], ["feed", 2556], ["feeding", 2556], ["livestock", 2570], ["longhouse", 2590], ["tomorrow", 2601], ["tomorrows", 2601], ["sat", 2657], ["sit", 2657], ["cross", 2663], ["crossing", 2663], ["rattan", 2684], ["rattans", 2684], ["eat", 2697], ["eating", 2697], ["communal", 2734], ["bowl", 2740], ["bowling", 2740], ["bowls", 2740], ["today", 2748], ["prepare", 2764], ["short", 2781], ["muscular", 2798], ["heavy", 2806], ["heavier", 2806], ["heavies", 2806], ["earring", 2815], ["earrings", 2815], ["distend", 2826], ["ear", 2834], ["lob", 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3912], ["way", 3927], ["ways", 3927], ["proud", 3945], ["remember", 4055], ["rememberest", 4055], ["remembering", 4055], ["time", 4065], ["times", 4065], ["spend", 4071], ["spends", 4071], ["spendest", 4071], ["spent", 4071], ["first", 4131], ["firstest", 4131], ["lesson", 4161], ["lessons", 4161], ["silat", 4170], ["form", 4181], ["formest", 4181], ["martial", 4192], ["art", 4197], ["arts", 4197], ["teach", 4204], ["taught", 4204], ["roll", 4227], ["rolling", 4227], ["dust", 4239], ["dusting", 4239], ["beginning", 4256], ["game", 4278], ["get", 4296], ["got", 4296], ["daily", 4310], ["regimen", 4318], ["offense", 4329], ["defense", 4341], ["discipline", 4354], ["patience", 4367], ["old", 4385], ["equally", 4428], ["responsible", 4440], ["community", 4475], ["drill", 4490], ["drilling", 4490], ["drilled", 4490], ["heritage", 4520], ["instill", 4530], ["instilled", 4530], ["always", 4550], ["lead", 4558], ["leaded", 4558], ["leading", 4558], ["girl", 4574], ["beat", 4608], ["beaten", 4608], ["path", 4613], ["rice", 4625], ["harvest", 4657], ["harvestest", 4657], ["talk", 4700], ["festival", 4729], ["think", 4743], ["thinkest", 4743], ["thought", 4743], ["normal", 4771], ["hot", 4784], ["march", 4797], ["marching", 4797], ["across", 4804], ["sky", 4812], ["every", 4828]]
suparman and bapi spent the time preparing their weapons and discussing the coming hunt for the muntjak . when we return we must look for the kawi tree , said suparman , our family canoe , our pirahu , will not last much longer . we should carve another before the rains . i will look for a tree as close to the water as possible . with your experience , bapi , you should supervise the carving . thank you for your confidence , said bapi grinning toothlessly at his son in law . in the distance , into the sun , they could see the flash of the parang blades as villagers attacked the edge of the jungle , a daily battle . if left , the jungle would quickly overrun the clearing and the rice padis leaving only the ironwood stilts of the longhouse as witness to the clans passing . we will take rice for four days , said suparman , we will leave at first light . so there passed another day to the rhythm of tranquil village life , to the rhythm of the seasons , the rhythm of the ages . the sun rose in the sky , baking the sweating land beneath it and quickly settled behind the canopy of the jungle as it did yesterday and would do tomorrow . as night settled on the village so did the night sounds of the jungle interspersed with the happy chatter of the villagers and the laughter of the children all gathered on the raui for the traditional telling and sharing of stories . the following morning , at that time of day when the world seems to hold its breath , that time between night and day , the sun imminent over the trees to the east they came ... ... .. six small boats , ten to a boat , quietly from the south against the current , guided by one who knew the way . six small boats pulling up on the mud to the side of the rice padi . ten men left to guard the boats , fifty , in line abreast , advancing through the green , knee high rice , advancing on the longhouse not yet awake to the new day ... ... ..to the threat ... ... to danger . suparman was already awake as was bapi , moving about the bilik , collecting the cold rice , prepared the previous day for the hunt , trying not to waken wening . bapi paused , one foot in the air , holding one finger to his lips . it was quiet but more so than usual this morning . the night sounds ! even the animals below the house were quiet . the very jungle seemed to be holding its breath , waiting . settling to the floor he crawled across to the door and out onto the raui . looking over the rail he saw them advancing through the rice . raiders , he whispered to suparman , warn the others . the visitors continued their quiet orderly advance . no traditional dress , no traditional weapons . green jungle fatigues and boots , well armed , disciplined soldiers . the sun suddenly burst upon the new day but up behind the menacing line . up sun.they knew what they were doing . they had almost disappeared in the glare . the first rpg hit the longhouse before suparman could warn anyone , the grenade exploding in a shower of lethal ironwood setting the roof ablaze . automatic fire raked the building , the thin , woven walls offering no protection . the attackers had divided , ten to the south , ten to the north in a pincer movement cutting off any escape , the remaining thirty coming on at the double . bapi , bow in hand , slithered down the notched log ladder . the bullet took him square in the chest as he reached the bottom . his final thought being , were short of meat and i wont be hunting today , then the darkness . the next few rpg rounds walked down the length of the longhouse killing most of the clan before any sort of defense could be organized . wening and ibu died looking at bapi crumpled on the red earth made redder by the blood from the huge exit wound in his back . as the remaining families fled the burning building they were cut down by the automatic fire . some tried to make it to the river but were targeted by the one who seemed to know . within fifteen minutes it was all over , the visitors splitting up and ensuring that no one was left alive.no witness . the injured were dispatched with the parang . their orders were no one was to be spared , no man , no woman no child . suparman was one of the last . he died , a warrior of the kayan , charging twentieth century weapons with bow and parang . they left as quietly as they arrived leaving the bodies where they had fallen , the sun heating the soa in front of the burning longhouse , the smoke rising high into the windless sky . a funeral pyre ... ..the stink of burning flesh filling the air . the boats ran easily downstream to join the mighty mahakam flowing south into kalimantan . the jungle looked on , came back to life and began its work of recovering what had always been its own .
[["spend", 23], ["spends", 23], ["spendest", 23], ["spent", 23], ["time", 32], ["prepare", 42], ["preparing", 42], ["weapon", 56], ["weapons", 56], ["discuss", 71], ["discusses", 71], ["discussest", 71], ["discussing", 71], ["come", 82], ["coming", 82], ["hunt", 87], ["hunting", 87], ["huntest", 87], ["return", 120], ["returnest", 120], ["must", 128], ["musts", 128], ["look", 133], ["kawi", 146], ["tree", 151], ["treed", 151], ["treeing", 151], ["say", 158], ["sayest", 158], ["said", 158], ["family", 180], ["canoe", 186], ["canoes", 186], ["canoed", 186], ["last", 215], ["much", 220], ["long", 227], ["longs", 227], ["carve", 245], ["another", 253], ["rain", 270], ["rains", 270], ["close", 304], ["water", 317], ["possible", 329], ["experience", 352], ["experienced", 352], ["supervise", 382], ["carving", 394], ["thank", 402], ["thanks", 402], ["thankest", 402], ["confidence", 426], ["grin", 447], ["toothlessly", 459], ["son", 470], ["law", 477], ["distance", 495], ["distancing", 495], ["sun", 510], ["suns", 510], ["sunned", 510], ["see", 527], ["flash", 537], ["parang", 551], ["blade", 558], ["blades", 558], ["villager", 571], ["villagers", 571], ["attack", 580], ["attacked", 580], ["edge", 589], ["edges", 589], ["jungle", 603], ["jungles", 603], ["daily", 613], ["battle", 620], ["left", 630], ["leave", 630], ["quickly", 657], ["overran", 665], ["overrun", 665], ["clearing", 678], ["rice", 691], ["left", 705], ["leave", 705], ["leaving", 705], ["ironwood", 723], ["stilt", 730], ["stilts", 730], ["longhouse", 747], ["witness", 758], ["clan", 771], ["clans", 771], ["pass", 779], ["passing", 779], ["take", 794], ["four", 808], ["day", 813], ["days", 813], ["left", 845], ["leave", 845], ["first", 854], ["firstest", 854], ["lit", 860], ["light", 860], ["pass", 878], ["passed", 878], ["day", 890], ["rhythm", 904], ["rhythms", 904], ["tranquil", 916], ["village", 924], ["life", 929], ["lifes", 929], ["season", 960], ["seasonest", 960], ["seasoning", 960], ["seasons", 960], ["age", 985], ["aged", 985], ["ages", 985], ["rise", 1000], ["risen", 1000], ["rose", 1000], ["sky", 1011], ["bake", 1020], ["bakes", 1020], ["baked", 1020], ["baking", 1020], ["sweat", 1033], ["sweating", 1033], ["land", 1038], ["beneath", 1046], ["settle", 1069], ["settled", 1069], ["behind", 1076], ["canopy", 1087], ["yesterday", 1121], ["yesterdays", 1121], ["tomorrow", 1143], ["tomorrows", 1143], ["night", 1154], ["sound", 1201], ["sounds", 1201], ["intersperse", 1228], ["interspersed", 1228], ["happy", 1243], ["chatter", 1251], ["laughter", 1285], ["child", 1301], ["childs", 1301], ["children", 1301], ["gather", 1314], ["gatherest", 1314], ["gathered", 1314], ["traditional", 1346], ["telling", 1354], ["share", 1366], ["sharing", 1366], ["story", 1377], ["stories", 1377], ["followings", 1393], ["morning", 1401], ["world", 1438], ["seem", 1444], ["seeming", 1444], ["seems", 1444], ["hold", 1452], ["breath", 1463], ["breathest", 1463], ["imminent", 1516], ["tree", 1531], ["treed", 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["previous", 2067], ["try", 2093], ["tryed", 2093], ["trying", 2093], ["waken", 2106], ["wakens", 2106], ["wakening", 2106], ["pause", 2127], ["paused", 2127], ["foot", 2138], ["air", 2149], ["airs", 2149], ["airing", 2149], ["hold", 2159], ["holding", 2159], ["finger", 2170], ["lip", 2182], ["lipped", 2182], ["lips", 2182], ["quiet", 2197], ["usual", 2220], ["even", 2259], ["evens", 2259], ["animal", 2271], ["animals", 2271], ["house", 2287], ["seem", 2323], ["seeming", 2323], ["seemed", 2323], ["wait", 2358], ["waitest", 2358], ["waiting", 2358], ["settle", 2369], ["settling", 2369], ["floor", 2382], ["crawl", 2393], ["crawled", 2393], ["across", 2400], ["door", 2412], ["onto", 2425], ["ontos", 2425], ["look", 2444], ["looking", 2444], ["rail", 2458], ["see", 2465], ["saw", 2465], ["raider", 2507], ["raiders", 2507], ["whisper", 2522], ["whispered", 2522], ["warn", 2541], ["visitor", 2567], ["visitors", 2567], ["continue", 2577], ["continued", 2577], ["orderly", 2597], ["advance", 2605], ["advancest", 2605], ["dress", 2628], ["dressest", 2628], ["fatigue", 2677], ["fatiguing", 2677], ["fatigues", 2677], ["boot", 2687], ["boots", 2687], ["well", 2694], ["wells", 2694], ["armed", 2700], ["discipline", 2714], ["disciplined", 2714], ["soldier", 2723], ["soldiered", 2723], ["soldiers", 2723], ["suddenly", 2742], ["burst", 2748], ["bursted", 2748], ["upon", 2753], ["almost", 2855], ["disappear", 2867], ["disappeared", 2867], ["glare", 2880], ["rpg", 2896], ["hit", 2900], ["anyone", 2948], ["grenade", 2962], ["explode", 2972], ["exploding", 2972], ["shower", 2984], ["showered", 2984], ["showerest", 2984], ["lethal", 2994], ["set", 3011], ["setting", 3011], ["roof", 3020], ["roofs", 3020], ["roofing", 3020], ["ablaze", 3027], ["automatic", 3039], ["automatics", 3039], ["fire", 3044], ["rake", 3050], ["raking", 3050], ["raked", 3050], ["build", 3063], ["building", 3063], ["thin", 3074], ["thins", 3074], ["weave", 3082], ["weaving", 3082], ["woven", 3082], ["wall", 3088], ["walls", 3088], ["offer", 3097], ["protection", 3111], ["attackers", 3127], ["divide", 3139], ["divided", 3139], ["north", 3177], ["pincer", 3189], ["movement", 3198], ["cut", 3206], ["cutting", 3206], ["escape", 3221], ["escapes", 3221], ["remain", 3237], ["remaining", 3237], ["thirty", 3244], ["double", 3268], ["bow", 3281], ["hand", 3289], ["slither", 3301], ["slithered", 3301], ["log", 3322], ["logs", 3322], ["ladder", 3329], ["laddered", 3329], ["bullet", 3342], ["take", 3347], ["took", 3347], ["square", 3358], ["chest", 3371], ["reach", 3385], ["reached", 3385], ["bottom", 3396], ["bottoming", 3396], ["final", 3408], ["thought", 3416], ["short", 3435], ["meat", 3443], ["hunt", 3465], ["hunting", 3465], ["huntest", 3465], ["today", 3471], ["darkness", 3491], ["next", 3502], ["round", 3517], ["rounds", 3517], ["walk", 3524], ["walked", 3524], ["length", 3540], ["kill", 3565], ["killing", 3565], ["clan", 3582], ["clans", 3582], ["sort", 3598], ["defense", 3609], ["organize", 3628], ["organized", 3628], ["die", 3650], ["died", 3650], ["crumple", 3675], ["crumpled", 3675], ["red", 3686], ["earth", 3692], ["earths", 3692], ["earthest", 3692], ["red", 3704], ["redder", 3704], ["blood", 3717], ["bloods", 3717], ["blooded", 3717], ["huge", 3731], ["exit", 3736], ["exited", 3736], ["wind", 3742], ["back", 3754], ["family", 3782], ["families", 3782], ["flee", 3787], ["flees", 3787], ["fled", 3787], ["burn", 3799], ["burns", 3799], ["burning", 3799], ["cut", 3822], ["try", 3862], ["tryed", 3862], ["tried", 3862], ["river", 3886], ["target", 3904], ["targeted", 3904], ["know", 3934], ["knowest", 3934], ["within", 3943], ["fifteen", 3951], ["minute", 3959], ["minutes", 3959], ["split", 4000], ["ensure", 4016], ["ensuring", 4016], ["injure", 4068], ["injures", 4068], ["injured", 4068], ["dispatch", 4084], ["dispatched", 4084], ["order", 4115], ["orderest", 4115], ["orders", 4115], ["spare", 4144], ["spared", 4144], ["man", 4153], ["mans", 4153], ["manned", 4153], ["woman", 4164], ["womans", 4164], ["child", 4173], ["childs", 4173], ["warrior", 4226], ["kayan", 4239], ["charge", 4250], ["charging", 4250], ["twentieth", 4260], ["century", 4268], ["arrive", 4335], ["arrived", 4335], ["body", 4354], ["bodied", 4354], ["bodies", 4354], ["fall", 4376], ["falls", 4376], ["fallen", 4376], ["heat", 4394], ["heats", 4394], ["heated", 4394], ["soa", 4402], ["front", 4411], ["smoke", 4448], ["rise", 4455], ["risen", 4455], ["rising", 4455], ["windless", 4478], ["funeral", 4494], ["pyre", 4499], ["stink", 4515], ["stinks", 4515], ["flesh", 4532], ["fleshest", 4532], ["fill", 4540], ["fills", 4540], ["filling", 4540], ["run", 4564], ["ran", 4564], ["easily", 4571], ["downstream", 4582], ["join", 4590], ["joinest", 4590], ["mighty", 4601], ["flow", 4617], ["flows", 4617], ["flowing", 4617], ["kalimantan", 4639], ["look", 4659], ["looked", 4659], ["begin", 4692], ["began", 4692], ["work", 4701], ["wrought", 4701], ["recover", 4715], ["recovering", 4715], ["always", 4731]]
~ ~ ~ chapter 2 kuching , sarawak several days later . it had been a long , relatively quiet night , trooper jennings looked at the clock on the wall for the twentieth time . that bloody irishman is late again , he thought , the night duty watch is bad enough without having to wait for him ... .. bastard ! jennings was attached to hq a squadron 22 sas . regimental hq had been moved to labuan , far to the east , an island off the coast of brunei but a small detachment had been left in kuching in support of the four troops that operated in western sarawak and kalimantan barat to the south . he knew why he had been detached of course , his malay was excellent and he had an aptitude for troop logistics . still he would have preferred the white beaches and breezes of labuan . it was 0815 hours and already hot . the fan , slowly turning in the ceiling , did nothing but move hot air from one end of the room to the other , why in hell are we in a block building ? he thought , the bloody walls are still hot from yesterday . morning corp , said ohara striding into the office . dont call me corp you moron , what time of the morning do you call this ? said jennings standing up . sorry corp got held up . ohara was always happy probably his most irritating trait , ex irish guards but a reliable trooper , loved to fight . jennings stood up , stretching his back , thinking about breakfast and a shower , not that the water ever got cold . jakarta radio is going on about some massacre over the border , talking about atrocities , claiming were responsible , better pass it on to the captain when he comes in . might want to recommend we bring in the interpreter too , she might be able to pick up on nuances that i missed , said jennings . morning paddy , what are you still doing here jennings , tea on yet , anything happen during the night we need to know about ? captain mason stood in the doorway , an averagely tall career soldier , developing a bit of a paunch which he felt obliged to suck in . fair haired , a chin that receded more than he liked and a moustache hed been trying to grow for weeks . just leaving sir , said jennings , kettles on and trooper ohara can bring you up to speed . whats he on about paddy ? said the captain walking over to his office . apparently sir radio jakarta is having a rant about an attack on a kayan village over the border south of kapit . theyre claiming mass murder and that they have proof it was our blokes , said ohara . hmmm.a team has been in that general area for quite a while now , said mason , trouble is weve no communication with them . probably wont get to talk to them for another week or so when they slog out so no help there . keep an ear out and make sure jennings is kept up to speed . if jakarta starts making a real noise about it we might want to kick it upstairs , said mason as though talking to himself , bastards would like nothing better than to make us look bad just now . jennings suggested we might bring gema in.see if shes heard anything , said paddy trying to keep his voice as neutral as possible , she could listen to the recording see if he missed anything , might also be a good idea to get a hold of that army newspaper the indos are printing just now , damn thing seems to be everywhere . at the mention of gemas name dickies mind went back to the day she applied at regimental hq for a job as interpreter only a few days after he took command of the troop and just before regimental hq was transferred to labuan far to the east . lt colonel gurney , officer commanding a squadron , had suggested he talk to her as they would be leaving an operational intelligence team in kuching and a multi lingual interpreter might prove to be invaluable . the fact that she was also kayan might also prove to be a tremendous asset in the teams attempts to win the hearts and minds of the local population over the border in borneo . he remembered her coming into his office . a slim , petite woman dressed in a long black skirt and white blouse buttoned to the neck , more in the thai style than the traditional bright colors of the dayak . her hair was long and jet black , hanging below her waist . as she walked to his desk it swung heavily and shone in the lamplight . her skin was much lighter than he expected and her features more eurasian than the mongol , more typical of her tribe . please sit down miss suparmanputri . she smiled as she sat down , carefully smoothing her skirt . thank you captain but you might prefer to call me gema its so much less of a mouthful .
[["chapter", 13], ["sarawak", 33], ["several", 41], ["day", 46], ["days", 46], ["later", 52], ["long", 73], ["longs", 73], ["relatively", 86], ["quiet", 92], ["night", 98], ["look", 124], ["looked", 124], ["clock", 137], ["wall", 149], ["twentieth", 167], ["time", 172], ["bloody", 186], ["bloodying", 186], ["irishmen", 195], ["irishman", 195], ["late", 203], ["lates", 203], ["think", 222], ["thinkest", 222], ["thought", 222], ["duty", 239], ["watch", 245], ["bad", 252], ["enough", 259], ["without", 267], ["wait", 282], ["waitest", 282], ["bastard", 305], ["attach", 329], ["attached", 329], ["hq", 335], ["squadron", 346], ["regimental", 366], ["move", 384], ["moved", 384], ["labuan", 394], ["far", 400], ["east", 412], ["island", 424], ["coast", 438], ["brunei", 448], ["small", 460], ["detachment", 471], ["left", 485], ["leave", 485], ["kuching", 496], ["support", 507], ["four", 519], ["troop", 526], ["troops", 526], ["operate", 540], ["operated", 540], ["western", 551], ["kalimantan", 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her english was excellent , spoken with a lilting sound that made it sound all the more attractive . shed told him of her early years spent in the longhouse , living the traditional life of the orang ulu , of her parents and grandparents . she told him of the coming of the missionaries and how her parents had sent her north to learn a new life . she now spoke her native language butak plus english , dutch , malay and a smattering of mandarin . she could read and write english , malay and dutch . butak had no written language that she knew of . she seemed to have an inner strength . she did not boast of her accomplishments just stated them as fact . she sat there impassively , calmly , only her eyes giving away her excitement she was twenty three . she was the most beautiful woman the young captain had ever seen . he had dinner with her a couple of times . he tried to convince himself he did this to learn more of her culture as he would have teams operating in the vicinity of her old home . in this he was quite correct but the truth was he enjoyed her company and she was a refreshing change to the male dominated regiment..something soft in a very hard world . what an enigma she was . she straddled , with ease , two opposing ways of life . the first the one of the twentieth century with the noise , the technology , all the amenities taken for granted the other a quantum step back in time , not just a century or two but back an entire age . her grandfather , bapi , still alive and living with her parents , had been a head-hunter before the japanese occupation . lord god . they still had heads hanging in the rafters of their home . her father and bapi still hunted the old way in the borneo jungle . they had almost no contact with the outside world . she could only remember one contact in the first fifteen years of her life that being when the missionaries came up the river , how she had hidden inside the tree line . she recounted how her father , in the evenings after the communal meal , told the stories of how the raiders came , their interest being the taking of slaves..and heads . she remembered her father and grandfather talking of the warriors honor , of family , the jungle and the respect they had for the animals that inhabit it . yet here she was , sitting in a restaurant in kuching , white linen on the table , self assured , self sufficient having dinner with him , welbeck college , sandhurst academy .an officer and a gentleman , an enigma indeed ! he thought of the problems if he got involved with her , a serving officer and an indigenous native woman , socially unacceptable at best probably behavior unbecoming at worst . captaincaptain , oharas brogue brought him back to the present with a jolt . would you be wanting me to give herself a call and ask her to come in ? mason thought for a moment and said , yes but dont tell her what its about , it might be a bit close to home for her . we need some facts . this afternoon will be fine , let me know , wheres that bloody tea ? sitting in his office , gazing at the blank wall , he thought to himself.we cant possibly get into any discussion concerning cross border incursions . christ we dont even like admitting that we exist . public knowledge of the paras , the ghurkas or the royal scots guards is one thing , knowing of the very presence of the regiment is unacceptable . best thing is to wait and see for the time being . he picked up the phone.paddy get mudd in here , if you can find him , and let me know about the interpreter as soon as you know something . mason thought about george mudd . sergeant george edward mudd mm , 1st parachute regiment now trooper mudd in c team b troop a squadron 22 sas . funny how they dont mind giving up rank when they join the regiment , he thought . plenty of jungle experience in malayaspeaks fluent malay.a career soldier , a quiet spoken man given to almost whisperinga jungle habit , a hard man , a team man . mudd at attention in front of his desk , he hadnt even heard him come in , his boots being so quiet . relax sticky . pull up a chair . wan na cuppa ? the trooper sat down and , crossing his legs , studied the captain as he poured the tea . no tie , in his shirtsleeves , recognizing the lack of military formality expected by the troopers . he was a para so he cant be all bad , thought george , dont know if he likes being stuck behind a desk , getting a bit of a gut there . seems to be a fair sort of bloke , likes to have all the information before he makes a call , certainly supports the teams . mason took a sip of his tea . you were south of kapit a few months agowhats it like in there ?
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we were in there before the additional squadrons arrived in theatre so we were just a three man team , said george , makes it a bit more hectic but we managed , had a border scout take us through , dropped us off about ten miles in . we set up an observation post overlooking the river and a couple of well used tracks . yes i know that george but what was it actually likethe going ? george cast his mind back to the difficulty of that particular incursion..his fourth . as you know sir it was a claret operation . its pretty much like the rest of central borneo except more hilly , said mudd smiling at the memory . bloody well and impenetrable crap , you could never see more than ten feet . you have to stay off the tracks , the ridges , the rivers , as you know ; otherwise wed never get out of there alive . usual stuff..bugs.mud in the wet.heat.sores ... .leaches galore..trying to leave no sign , no chance of re-supply , normal day at the office , he said laughing . theres some sort of stink brewing down there . jakartas claiming some sort of massacrea little further south i think.probably the headwaters of the mahakam . apparently some village or other got wiped out and theyre claiming were the bad guys . we inserted a team over a month ago but theres no talking to them for the time being . im going to do a bit more digging around then talk to the boss , might have to send you in to have a looksee . mason took another sip of his tea . if we can get the scouts to better identify the location and its within range of the whirlwind we could rope you in . youd set up observation , sit tight for as long as you think necessary then reconnoiter and try and figure out what the hell happened there . if its quiet we can chopper you out , if not.shoot and scoot . well establish an alternative lz . anyway george start thinking about it , team of four , ill be in touch . george stood up , came to attention and turned towards the door . george..by the way..we just took delivery of the new armalites . you might want to get yourself and your guys qualified on them . if you do go in you could take them alongsort of give em a test drive so to speak . theyre a lot lighter than the fln but a smaller caliber , george paused . anything that means less to hump in there has my vote sir , he said , as long as it stops the bad guy . ohara tapped on the door frame and stuck his head in . interpreter will be here at 1500 hours if thats okay sir ? thatll be fine paddy . see if you can find a biscuit to go with this tea and get one for yourself . the rest of the day was routine yet dragged for dickie mason waiting for the interpreter . gema was punctual . jeez it wasnt so long ago that she learned to tell the time , thought dickie , bloody amazing really . hello there gem , how are you this afternoon ? sit yourself down theres a couple of things i want to run by you . gema , wearing her customary black skirt but an emerald green , silk blouse , sat down on the hard chair in front of the desk . trooper ohara ! paddy stuck his head around the door , get miss suparmanputri a cuppa and see if you can find her one of those biscuits..if weve any left . mason struggled to get his mind on the business at hand . gema was almost glowing in front of him , her skin and jet black hair set off by the bright green blouse ..her eyes twinkling well aware of his discomfort . gem you know we keep a radio watch on radio jakarta ? gema nodded quite prepared to let him speak . theyre claiming that were responsible for an attack on a longhouse south of kapit just a few miles over the border . i , or rather we , were wondering if youd heard anything . gema looked up her lips tight , it was obvious she was fighting to control herself . ive heard the same broadcast , she said , what would worry me is that theyre being very specific which is unusual , usually they generalize . its obvious that theyre just trying to generate some propaganda mileage . this time theyre being quite graphic with some very specific numbers . the only thing they havent done is blame any specific unit , she looked down at her hands . her knuckles were white and mason could see the tiny tattoos stretched on the backs of her fingers . theres something shes not telling me , thought mason , but now is not the time . ill get to it later . gem , whats the name of that newspaper their armys publishing now ? she looked up more composed now . its called angkatan bersendjata and from what i understand its the only newspaper being published in indonesia just now , theyve shut all the others down .
[["additional", 38], ["squadron", 48], ["squadrons", 48], ["arrive", 56], ["arrived", 56], ["theatre", 67], ["three", 91], ["man", 95], ["mans", 95], ["manned", 95], ["team", 100], ["teamed", 100], ["teaming", 100], ["say", 107], ["sayest", 107], ["said", 107], ["george", 114], ["bit", 131], ["bits", 131], ["hectic", 143], ["manage", 158], ["managed", 158], ["border", 173], ["bordering", 173], ["scout", 179], ["scouts", 179], ["take", 184], ["drop", 205], ["dropped", 205], ["ten", 222], ["mile", 228], ["miles", 228], ["set", 240], ["observation", 258], ["post", 263], ["overlook", 275], ["overlooking", 275], ["river", 285], ["couple", 298], ["well", 306], ["wells", 306], ["use", 311], ["used", 311], ["track", 318], ["tracks", 318], ["yes", 324], ["know", 331], ["knowest", 331], ["go", 382], ["goest", 382], ["going", 382], ["cast", 396], ["casts", 396], ["mind", 405], ["minding", 405], ["back", 410], ["difficulty", 428], ["particular", 447], ["incursion", 457], ["fourth", 469], ["sir", 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2259], ["less", 2264], ["hump", 2272], ["humpest", 2272], ["humping", 2272], ["vote", 2293], ["stop", 2329], ["stops", 2329], ["guy", 2341], ["tap", 2356], ["tapped", 2356], ["frame", 2374], ["stick", 2384], ["stickest", 2384], ["stuck", 2384], ["head", 2393], ["interpreter", 2410], ["hour", 2437], ["hours", 2437], ["okay", 2451], ["fine", 2472], ["paddy", 2478], ["find", 2500], ["biscuit", 2510], ["routine", 2589], ["routined", 2589], ["yet", 2593], ["drag", 2601], ["dragged", 2601], ["dickie", 2612], ["wait", 2626], ["waitest", 2626], ["waiting", 2626], ["gemas", 2653], ["punctual", 2666], ["jeez", 2673], ["learn", 2711], ["learns", 2711], ["learnt", 2711], ["learned", 2711], ["tell", 2719], ["think", 2738], ["thinkest", 2738], ["thought", 2738], ["amazing", 2762], ["really", 2769], ["hello", 2777], ["hellos", 2777], ["gem", 2787], ["gemmed", 2787], ["afternoon", 2816], ["thing", 2862], ["things", 2862], ["run", 2876], ["wear", 2900], ["wearing", 2900], ["customary", 2914], ["black", 2920], ["skirt", 2926], ["emerald", 2941], ["green", 2947], ["greens", 2947], ["silk", 2954], ["blouse", 2961], ["sat", 2967], ["sit", 2967], ["hard", 2984], ["chair", 2990], ["chairing", 2990], ["front", 2999], ["desk", 3011], ["trooper", 3021], ["miss", 3077], ["cuppa", 3099], ["biscuit", 3149], ["biscuits", 3149], ["left", 3167], ["struggle", 3185], ["struggled", 3185], ["business", 3217], ["hand", 3225], ["almost", 3243], ["glow", 3251], ["glowest", 3251], ["glowing", 3251], ["skin", 3278], ["jet", 3286], ["jetting", 3286], ["hair", 3297], ["bright", 3319], ["brights", 3319], ["eye", 3343], ["eyed", 3343], ["eyes", 3343], ["twinkle", 3353], ["aware", 3364], ["discomfort", 3382], ["keep", 3405], ["keepest", 3405], ["radio", 3413], ["watch", 3419], ["jakarta", 3436], ["nod", 3450], ["nodded", 3450], ["quite", 3456], ["let", 3472], ["lets", 3472], ["responsible", 3522], ["attack", 3536], ["longhouse", 3551], ["rather", 3615], ["wonder", 3635], ["wonderest", 3635], ["wondering", 3635], ["hear", 3649], ["hears", 3649], ["heard", 3649], ["look", 3672], ["looked", 3672], ["lip", 3684], ["lipped", 3684], ["lips", 3684], ["obvious", 3707], ["fight", 3724], ["fightest", 3724], ["control", 3735], ["broadcast", 3774], ["broadcasted", 3774], ["worry", 3804], ["worried", 3804], ["specific", 3842], ["unusual", 3859], ["usually", 3869], ["generalize", 3885], ["generalizes", 3885], ["generate", 3935], ["propaganda", 3951], ["mileage", 3959], ["graphic", 3998], ["number", 4030], ["numbering", 4030], ["numbers", 4030], ["thing", 4047], ["blame", 4073], ["blamest", 4073], ["unit", 4091], ["hand", 4122], ["hands", 4122], ["knuckle", 4137], ["knuckles", 4137], ["knuckling", 4137], ["white", 4148], ["tiny", 4177], ["tattoo", 4185], ["tattoos", 4185], ["tattooing", 4185], ["stretch", 4195], ["stretched", 4195], ["back", 4208], ["backs", 4208], ["finger", 4223], ["fingers", 4223], ["tell", 4259], ["telling", 4259], ["later", 4326], ["name", 4349], ["newspaper", 4367], ["publishing", 4390], ["call", 4441], ["called", 4441], ["understand", 4489], ["understanded", 4489], ["publish", 4528], ["published", 4528], ["indonesia", 4541], ["shut", 4564]]
its obvious theyre using it to incite the muslims and get them onside plus as a tool to spread propaganda . mason marveled at her english . he could not get it out of his head that just a few years ago this beautiful , literate girl lived in a longhouse in the heart of the borneo jungle with a head-hunter for a grandfather . god , im a long way from hereford , he thought . she brought him out of his reverie . ive seen a copy recently but theres no mention of this thing youre talking about , you should certainly keep an eye on it . he let her finish her tea and walked her to the door . trooper ohara ..see she gets home safely its almost the end of your watch . ill keep an eye on things here until jennings get in . what is it shes so upset about ? he thought , its just rumor , propaganda.or is it ? he had a sickening feeling in the pit of his stomach that stayed with him until he fell asleep in his billet that night his dreams alternating between erotic thoughts involving gema , bloody contorted bodies lying in green padi and dried out , sightless eyes watching him from the rafters . he didnt have to wait too long the following morning . boss is on the phone , called paddy . morning dickie.ron gurney here , howre things ? ron gurney , lieutenant colonel , late of the brigade of guards , officer commanding a squadron calling from labuan far to the east . not too much sir , got the new armalites the other day so were busy getting everyone qualified..not sure if everyone likes them that much but time will tell . were also well into the training of a new group of border scouts . sounds good to me , said gurney , but whats this im hearing about jakarta claiming were responsible for war crimes ? dont know too much about it yet sir , responded mason , had the interpreter in here yesterday shes hearing the same thing but so far theres nothing in the papers . hmmmm , gurney was quiet for a few seconds . ok , heres how well play it . if they persist in this try and get a location from the scouts . perhaps a fly over of the general area if you think its within range of the whirlwinds . once you get an idea of the location it might pay us to send a team in for a recce . with you there sir , ive already had a chat with mudd . got him thinking about it . he was down in that area a few months ago , tells me its not exactly his favorite part of the country . gurney started to laugh . george mudd , master of the understatement , if he had that to say it must be god-awful bad , anyway , dickie , keep me in the loop , if you need any help let me know . gurney was quiet for a few seconds . dickie .whilst i have you on the phone whats this i hear about you and your interpreter ? its a small world you know . im not trying to interfere with your private life but in an organization such as ours we have to earn and then keep the trust of the troopers . we dont want them talking behind our backs . dickies heart took a lurch . i hear what youre saying sir and i agree with you one hundred percent . shes quite the asset , being kayan and multi lingual . she gives us insights that we probably couldnt see for ourselves . i will certainly take what you have said under advisement . will there be anything else sir ? no thatll be all , dickie , keep me informed about this propaganda thing . dickie hung up the phone thinking on what the colonel had had to say . hes quite right of course . after all he is the co and has to be concerned about anything that might impact the readiness and effectiveness of the squadron..but how do i really feel ? trooper ohara.get mudd back in here..quick as you can . it was almost two hours before george mudd arrived at the block building that served as troop hq . where the hell have you been sticky ? asked mason , weve been looking all over for you and your team , couldnt find a bloody soul . george grinned , ive had the whole team blasting away with those new armalites down at the range , took us a while to get cleared away and back here . so whats the verdict ? verdict on what sir ? the armalites mudd , isnt that what were talking about ? retorted the captain sounding irritated . thought george , not like him to be like that , maybe hes not getting any . well sir.they feel like a bloody bb gun.mostly plastic . theyre certainly lighter but some of the fellas are not keen on them being in 5.56 mm . theyre wondering if they have the same stopping power of the fln being in 7.62plus the fact that they dont have the range of the fln .
[["obvious", 11], ["use", 24], ["using", 24], ["incite", 37], ["incites", 37], ["get", 57], ["onside", 69], ["plus", 74], ["tool", 84], ["spread", 94], ["propaganda", 105], ["mason", 113], ["marvel", 122], ["marveled", 122], ["marveling", 122], ["marvelled", 122], ["marvelling", 122], ["english", 137], ["englishest", 137], ["head", 175], ["year", 197], ["years", 197], ["ago", 201], ["beautiful", 216], ["beautifulest", 216], ["literate", 227], ["girl", 232], ["live", 238], ["lived", 238], ["longhouse", 253], ["heart", 266], ["borneo", 280], ["jungle", 287], ["jungles", 287], ["hunter", 306], ["grandfather", 324], ["god", 330], ["long", 342], ["longs", 342], ["way", 346], ["ways", 346], ["hereford", 360], ["think", 373], ["thought", 373], ["thinkest", 373], ["bring", 387], ["brought", 387], ["reverie", 410], ["reveries", 410], ["see", 421], ["seen", 421], ["copy", 428], ["recently", 437], ["mention", 459], ["thing", 473], ["talk", 487], ["talking", 487], ["certainly", 516], ["keep", 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for jungle warfare they might be really good but we dont know yet what sort of foliage deflection we might get . one curious thing is that the bores seem to get a lot dirtier and quicker than the fln , in combat that might be an issue on automatic fire . mudd started to laugh , seems like a long answer to a pretty simple question . mason laughed with him , youre right george and im sure well have some teething problems , just hope nobody gets kia before we get everything sorted . sorry i was a bit short with you just now , got a lot on my mind . no worries sir , said george smiling , whats happening with the other thing ? im going to try the easy way first sticky , said mason , ill send a whirlwind out , see if they can spot the location . well use the one we use for reconnaissance , its got the extra fuel tanks , theyll probably needem . if that doesnt work well have to insert a border scout team see if they can figure things out . one way or another youll be going in , just a question of when.by the way the colonel is involved , called me about it this morning.must be more of a flap on than we thought . george thought for a moment looking at the floor if its where they claim its on the river which means theres padi fields . if its not hot we could rope in , damn sight easier than slogging in from a few miles out . we could do a quick recce then find a decent op and sit tight for a whilesee if theres any activity.then take a real good look around . sound ok to you sir ? mason stood up and paced over to the windowthinking . if you roped in you could take one of those new radios . we could set up a listening post on the border..organize the extraction when youre ready . make sure you take a camera with you this time george , we might need some evidence . roping in you wont have to worry too much about the weight but , for the time being , lets keep all our options open.you might want to think about dropping in too . sounds good to me sir , if its ok with you ill take the normal fire team.downer , brenner , mcelroy and myself of course . ill get brenner checked out on the new radios straight away . hes one of the guys that likes the m16 but i think its more a weight issue with him , ill stick with the fln for now . ok georgeget the team sorted , ill send the chopper out tomorrow . hopefully theyll get lucky , save us a lot of agro . start getting your kit together and be prepared to leave the day after tomorrow but , like i said , leave all the options open . * that evening he picked gema up at her flat down by the water and they walked on the beach . you know im glad i didnt take the posting to labuan theres nothing too much wrong with this beach , he said . the moon shone , creating a pathway down the quiet water like daylight . the beach glistened white in the light , the palms rustling gently in the evening onshore breeze . im glad too , said gema . she had taken her shoes off enjoying the feel of the sand between her toes . you know.at first i hated shoes and took them off every chance i had . even now im not too keen on them but its expected..but not on the beach . she ran ahead of him , sure footed on the uneven footing , shoes , dangling by the straps , in her hand . she ran into the palms lining the beach.and disappeared . he stood there wondering what had happened.what the hell ? he listened for her but all he could hear was the rustling of the palms and the gentle surf of the south china sea curling up onto the beach . he walked fifty yards further and then back.no sign..no sound . rather than see her , or hear her for that matter , he sensed her presence at his side . he was startled.she was just suddenly there . she laughed and turned to face him . remember , dickie , i am dayak more than that im kayan . the jungle is my friend and companion . it can keep me , it can feed me , it can help me and yes it can hide and protect me if that is my need . i just didnt want you to forget that . he was at least a head taller . she looked so fragile but he knew she was far tougher than he was . he wanted to reach out and hold her but didnt dare . she took a step backwards and looked up at him . kissing is unknown in my culture , she said , and you look at me the way my father looks at my mother when she is asleep . she reached up and , taking his head in her hands , drew it down to where her neck joined her shoulder . take a deep breath in through your nose , she whispered . she smelled of cinnamon , of citrus .
[["jungle", 10], ["jungles", 10], ["warfare", 18], ["may", 29], ["mays", 29], ["mayest", 29], ["might", 29], ["really", 39], ["good", 44], ["know", 61], ["knowest", 61], ["yet", 65], ["sort", 75], ["foliage", 86], ["deflection", 97], ["get", 110], ["curious", 124], ["thing", 130], ["bore", 148], ["bored", 148], ["boring", 148], ["bores", 148], ["seem", 153], ["seeming", 153], ["lot", 166], ["dirty", 174], ["quick", 186], ["combat", 211], ["issue", 234], ["automatic", 247], ["automatics", 247], ["fire", 252], ["start", 267], ["started", 267], ["laugh", 276], ["seem", 284], ["seeming", 284], ["seems", 284], ["like", 289], ["long", 296], ["longs", 296], ["answer", 303], ["answeres", 303], ["answerest", 303], ["pretty", 315], ["prettiest", 315], ["simple", 322], ["simplest", 322], ["question", 331], ["mason", 339], ["laugh", 347], ["laughed", 347], ["right", 370], ["rightest", 370], ["george", 377], ["sure", 389], ["well", 394], ["wells", 394], ["teethe", 413], ["problem", 422], ["problems", 422], ["hope", 434], ["nobody", 441], ["get", 446], ["gets", 446], ["kia", 450], ["everything", 475], ["sorry", 490], ["bit", 502], ["bits", 502], ["short", 508], ["get", 532], ["got", 532], ["mind", 549], ["minding", 549], ["worry", 562], ["worried", 562], ["worries", 562], ["sir", 566], ["sirs", 566], ["say", 573], ["sayest", 573], ["said", 573], ["happen", 606], ["happening", 606], ["go", 638], ["goest", 638], ["going", 638], ["try", 645], ["tryed", 645], ["easy", 654], ["way", 658], ["ways", 658], ["first", 664], ["firstest", 664], ["sticky", 671], ["ill", 690], ["ills", 690], ["illest", 690], ["send", 695], ["whirlwind", 707], ["see", 717], ["spot", 734], ["location", 747], ["use", 758], ["reconnaissance", 792], ["extra", 812], ["extras", 812], ["fuel", 817], ["tank", 823], ["tanks", 823], ["probably", 841], ["work", 870], ["wrought", 870], ["insert", 890], ["border", 899], ["bordering", 899], ["scout", 905], ["scouts", 905], ["team", 910], ["teamed", 910], ["teaming", 910], ["figure", 933], ["thing", 940], ["things", 940], ["another", 965], ["colonel", 1032], ["involve", 1044], ["involved", 1044], ["call", 1053], ["called", 1053], ["flap", 1101], ["think", 1120], ["thinkest", 1120], ["thought", 1120], ["moment", 1150], ["look", 1158], ["looking", 1158], ["floor", 1171], ["claim", 1195], ["river", 1212], ["mean", 1224], ["meanest", 1224], ["means", 1224], ["field", 1243], ["fielding", 1243], ["fields", 1243], ["hot", 1260], ["rope", 1274], ["damn", 1284], ["damned", 1284], ["sight", 1290], ["sighted", 1290], ["easy", 1297], ["easier", 1297], ["slog", 1311], ["slogs", 1311], ["mile", 1331], ["miles", 1331], ["quick", 1357], ["recce", 1363], ["find", 1373], ["decent", 1382], ["op", 1385], ["ops", 1385], ["sat", 1393], ["sit", 1393], ["tight", 1399], ["take", 1447], ["real", 1454], ["reis", 1454], ["look", 1464], ["around", 1471], ["sound", 1479], ["ok", 1482], ["stand", 1507], ["stood", 1507], ["standest", 1507], ["pace", 1520], ["paced", 1520], ["rope", 1562], ["roped", 1562], ["new", 1597], ["radio", 1604], ["radios", 1604], ["set", 1619], ["listening", 1634], ["post", 1639], ["organize", 1663], ["extraction", 1678], ["ready", 1695], ["camera", 1725], ["cameras", 1725], ["time", 1744], ["need", 1767], ["needest", 1767], ["evidence", 1781], ["rope", 1790], ["roping", 1790], ["worry", 1816], ["worried", 1816], ["much", 1825], ["weight", 1842], ["weighted", 1842], ["weightest", 1842], ["let", 1874], ["lets", 1874], ["keep", 1879], ["keepest", 1879], ["option", 1895], ["options", 1895], ["think", 1924], ["thinkest", 1924], ["drop", 1939], ["dropping", 1939], ["sound", 1955], ["sounds", 1955], ["normal", 2011], ["course", 2069], ["check", 2095], ["checked", 2095], ["straight", 2126], ["away", 2131], ["guy", 2153], ["guys", 2153], ["like", 2164], ["likes", 2164], ["stick", 2229], ["stickest", 2229], ["sort", 2281], ["sorted", 2281], ["chopper", 2304], ["tomorrow", 2317], ["tomorrows", 2317], ["hopefully", 2329], ["lucky", 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2927], ["enjoy", 2940], ["enjoyed", 2940], ["enjoying", 2940], ["feel", 2949], ["sand", 2961], ["toe", 2978], ["toeing", 2978], ["toes", 2978], ["hate", 3006], ["hateed", 3006], ["hated", 3006], ["take", 3021], ["took", 3021], ["every", 3036], ["chance", 3043], ["chanced", 3043], ["chancing", 3043], ["even", 3056], ["evens", 3056], ["keen", 3076], ["keens", 3076], ["expect", 3101], ["expected", 3101], ["run", 3133], ["ran", 3133], ["ahead", 3139], ["foot", 3160], ["footed", 3160], ["uneven", 3174], ["foot", 3182], ["footing", 3182], ["dangle", 3201], ["dangling", 3201], ["strap", 3215], ["straps", 3215], ["hand", 3229], ["line", 3261], ["lining", 3261], ["disappear", 3287], ["disappeared", 3287], ["wonder", 3314], ["wonderest", 3314], ["wondering", 3314], ["hell", 3346], ["hells", 3346], ["listen", 3360], ["listens", 3360], ["listened", 3360], ["hear", 3390], ["hears", 3390], ["gentle", 3435], ["gentler", 3435], ["surf", 3440], ["surfed", 3440], ["south", 3453], ["china", 3459], ["sea", 3463], ["curl", 3471], ["curls", 3471], ["curled", 3471], ["curling", 3471], ["onto", 3479], ["ontos", 3479], ["fifty", 3507], ["yard", 3513], ["yards", 3513], ["far", 3521], ["sign", 3543], ["rather", 3562], ["matter", 3605], ["mattering", 3605], ["sense", 3617], ["sensed", 3617], ["presence", 3630], ["side", 3642], ["sidest", 3642], ["suddenly", 3682], ["turn", 3713], ["turned", 3713], ["face", 3721], ["remember", 3736], ["rememberest", 3736], ["dickie", 3745], ["dayak", 3758], ["kayan", 3782], ["friend", 3808], ["companion", 3822], ["fed", 3853], ["feed", 3853], ["help", 3870], ["helpest", 3870], ["yes", 3881], ["hide", 3893], ["hides", 3893], ["protect", 3905], ["protectest", 3905], ["forget", 3961], ["forgot", 3961], ["least", 3984], ["leastest", 3984], ["head", 3991], ["look", 4011], ["looked", 4011], ["fragile", 4022], ["know", 4034], ["knowest", 4034], ["knew", 4034], ["far", 4046], ["tough", 4054], ["reach", 4087], ["hold", 4100], ["dare", 4119], ["step", 4137], ["backwards", 4147], ["kiss", 4178], ["kisses", 4178], ["kissest", 4178], ["kissing", 4178], ["unknown", 4189], ["unknowns", 4189], ["culture", 4203], ["cultured", 4203], ["father", 4253], ["fathered", 4253], ["fathering", 4253], ["look", 4259], ["looks", 4259], ["mother", 4272], ["mothered", 4272], ["motherest", 4272], ["asleep", 4291], ["reach", 4305], ["reached", 4305], ["take", 4321], ["taking", 4321], ["hand", 4343], ["hands", 4343], ["draw", 4350], ["drawn", 4350], ["draws", 4350], ["drew", 4350], ["neck", 4376], ["necked", 4376], ["join", 4383], ["joinest", 4383], ["joined", 4383], ["shoulder", 4396], ["shouldered", 4396], ["deep", 4410], ["deeply", 4410], ["breath", 4417], ["breathest", 4417], ["nose", 4438], ["nosed", 4438], ["nosing", 4438], ["whisper", 4454], ["whispered", 4454], ["smelt", 4468], ["smell", 4468], ["smellest", 4468], ["smelled", 4468], ["cinnamon", 4480], ["citrus", 4492], ["citruses", 4492]]
she smelled the way he imagined a wild doe might smell . she just stood there , holding his head letting him breathe . the iban of orang ulu do this instead of kissing , she whispered , you breathe in a part of my spirit and parts of those spirits that also inhabit my body . to him , it was one of those moments in life when everything stands still . there is no sound , there is no movement . nothing exists on earth other than this girl , with the wide open eyes , standing in front of him . they walked back to her flat by the water in silence , holding hands like young lovers , both aware that something momentous had happened but neither prepared to talk about it . he didnt want to break the spell . didnt want to tell her what he came down to the beach to tell her . he didnt want the ugly world to intrude . he left her at the door and drove back to his billet . he shook his head , the native girl and the british officer.how could it ever be ? got ta be out of my mind . dick mason spent most of the following day finding it difficult to focus , the moonlit beach and the feel of gemas skin at the forefront of his mind . theres a flight officer wilkinson here to see you sir . show him in paddy , said mason . wilkinson was a tall , blonde haired officer who looked young enough to be still in school . his blue tunic had the top button undone like a fighter pilot of the last war . i think we found it sir . we did a grid search starting at the headwaters of the east branch of the mahakan . we didnt want to get in range of any ground fire but we could see a couple of good sized rice padis but no sign of life . we hung around for as long as fuel allowed but never saw a soul , i think its a good bet sir . weve logged the coordinates and i can pinpoint it on the map for you , if im right its called long alat . thanks flight officer , great job , youve saved us a load of trouble and effort . im sure my boys will be delighted with the intel , said mason , do you have any photos ? yes sir , took a whole slew of em , said wilkinson , theyre being developed as we speak . later that evening , with a cooling on- shore breeze finding its way through the slats of the shutters , the troopers of c team gathered in the captains office around a huge wall map of the entire island . pinned to the sides of the map were prints of the photographs taken by f.o . wilkinson earlier that day . as usual the maps no bloody good to man nor beast , whispered downer . mason smiled , it was still hard for him to accept the total lack of customary military discipline with the troopers . youre quite right harry , said mason , but it at least gives you a sense of where youre going . i know youve been in the general vicinity before so you pretty much know what to expect . the photographs were taken from several thousand feet but it was easy to make out the rice padis by the river , the red , packed earth of the soah and what looked like the remains of a longhouse . it was easy to see the general lay of the land with the brown river snaking off into the distance and the solid green of the jungle canopy . hell of a sight better in color , said downer , cant believe we were in that stuff , down there you dont get to see diddly . mudd grinned mirthlessly , well harry , you should be used to it by now , were going back ! what do you fellas think ? robbie mcelroy , towering over everyone else said , how are we going to be inserted george ? mudd , looking at the captain said , we were originally thinking of roping in off one of the whirlwinds as its well within range but im having other thoughts now . peter brenner chipped in , theres no point in letting everyone know were there . those padis are so large theyd be difficult to miss and theres not much wind at this time of the year . id feel safer doing a halo jump . weight is still not a big issue and we can all land together . when were done , if its quiet , we could use the whirlwind for extraction . captain mason looked up from the photo he was holding in his hand , i agree with brenner , keep it as quiet as possible . brenner youll be jumping with the new radio.dont bust it theres a good chap . ive organized a listening post our side of the border just south of kapit , you can give them a ring when necessary . the group laughed at masons casual approach , understanding that he was making light of putting them in harms way . mason slid the one photo he was holding into a manila envelope and turned to mudd .
[["smelt", 11], ["smell", 11], ["smellest", 11], ["smelled", 11], ["way", 19], ["ways", 19], ["imagine", 31], ["imagined", 31], ["wild", 38], ["wildest", 38], ["doe", 42], ["may", 48], ["mays", 48], ["mayest", 48], ["might", 48], ["smelt", 54], ["smell", 54], ["smellest", 54], ["stand", 71], ["stood", 71], ["standest", 71], ["hold", 87], ["holding", 87], ["head", 96], ["let", 104], ["lets", 104], ["letting", 104], ["breathe", 116], ["breathes", 116], ["iban", 127], ["orang", 136], ["ulu", 140], ["instead", 156], ["kiss", 167], ["kisses", 167], ["kissest", 167], ["kissing", 167], ["whisper", 183], ["whispered", 183], ["part", 207], ["parting", 207], ["spirit", 220], ["spirited", 220], ["part", 230], ["parting", 230], ["parts", 230], ["spirit", 247], ["spirited", 247], ["spirits", 247], ["also", 257], ["inhabit", 265], ["inhabiting", 265], ["body", 273], ["bodied", 273], ["moment", 312], ["moments", 312], ["life", 320], ["lifes", 320], ["everything", 336], ["stand", 343], ["stood", 343], ["standest", 343], ["stands", 343], ["still", 349], ["sound", 369], ["movement", 392], ["nothing", 402], ["exist", 409], ["existest", 409], ["exists", 409], ["earth", 418], ["earths", 418], ["earthest", 418], ["girl", 439], ["wide", 455], ["open", 460], ["eye", 465], ["eyed", 465], ["eyes", 465], ["stand", 476], ["stood", 476], ["standest", 476], ["standing", 476], ["front", 485], ["walk", 506], ["walked", 506], ["back", 511], ["flat", 523], ["water", 536], ["silence", 547], ["hand", 563], ["hands", 563], ["like", 568], ["young", 574], ["youngest", 574], ["lover", 581], ["lovers", 581], ["aware", 594], ["momentous", 619], ["happen", 632], ["happened", 632], ["neither", 644], ["prepare", 653], ["prepared", 653], ["talk", 661], ["broke", 695], ["break", 695], ["spell", 705], ["spelt", 705], ["tell", 726], ["come", 743], ["came", 743], ["beach", 761], ["ugly", 798], ["world", 804], ["intrude", 815], ["left", 825], ["leave", 825], ["door", 841], ["drive", 851], ["drove", 851], ["billet", 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3482], ["originally", 3508], ["think", 3517], ["thinkest", 3517], ["thinking", 3517], ["rope", 3527], ["roping", 3527], ["whirlwind", 3556], ["whirlwinds", 3556], ["within", 3575], ["thought", 3610], ["thoughts", 3610], ["peter", 3622], ["peters", 3622], ["chip", 3638], ["chipping", 3638], ["chipped", 3638], ["point", 3659], ["large", 3722], ["miss", 3749], ["wind", 3774], ["time", 3787], ["year", 3799], ["safe", 3815], ["safes", 3815], ["safed", 3815], ["safer", 3815], ["halo", 3828], ["haloes", 3828], ["jump", 3833], ["jumps", 3833], ["weight", 3842], ["weighted", 3842], ["weightest", 3842], ["big", 3861], ["bigs", 3861], ["issue", 3867], ["together", 3896], ["quiet", 3928], ["use", 3943], ["whirlwind", 3957], ["extraction", 3972], ["photo", 4013], ["hand", 4040], ["agree", 4050], ["keep", 4070], ["keepest", 4070], ["possible", 4094], ["jump", 4121], ["jumps", 4121], ["jumping", 4121], ["new", 4134], ["bust", 4150], ["busted", 4150], ["chap", 4172], ["chaps", 4172], ["chapping", 4172], ["organize", 4188], ["organized", 4188], ["listening", 4200], ["post", 4205], ["side", 4214], ["sidest", 4214], ["border", 4228], ["bordering", 4228], ["south", 4239], ["give", 4263], ["rang", 4275], ["rung", 4275], ["ring", 4275], ["necessary", 4290], ["group", 4302], ["laugh", 4310], ["laughed", 4310], ["mason", 4320], ["masons", 4320], ["casual", 4327], ["approach", 4336], ["approaches", 4336], ["understand", 4352], ["understanded", 4352], ["lit", 4377], ["light", 4377], ["put", 4388], ["putting", 4388], ["slid", 4419], ["manila", 4462], ["envelope", 4471], ["turn", 4482], ["turned", 4482]]
what about weapons george ? mudd thought for a few seconds . unless anyone has other ideas this is how id like to see it . peter , you have the radio so go with the m16 . harry , you take the m16 too , you cant hit anything beyond a couple of hundred yards anyway . robbie , id like you to take the bren again . although the armalites can fire on automatic i want you guys to set to three round bursts . if we have to fire across the clearing the bren will be useful just make sure you dont do what you did last time , make sure its 7.62 mil . ill take the fln which makes the ammo inter changeable . three hundred rounds a man plus an extra two hundred for robbie and i , grub and water for two weeks . harry , youre medic this time , any questions ? brenner , the yorkshireman , asked , whats the codename for the job and the extraction ? mason said , youre the radioman , peter , you pick . ok sir..the insertion is roundhay park , the extraction code is leeds united . bloody yorkshireman , said downer laughing . ok gentlemen , said the captain , take off is 0400 hundred hours the day after tomorrow . best i can do is a dakota but itll get you there . tomorrow draw your kitcheck out your own chutes..remember the objective is to reconnoiter the area to determine what , if anything , happened . george will have the camera , photograph everything and anything . if you trip up over any bad guys..shoot and scootwe need the intel . an alternative lz is out of the question due to the terrain so if we cant send in the taxi youll have to hump your way out . bet youre glad you got the bren , robbie , said harry cackling as they left the office . dick mason sat at his desk and pulled the photo out of the manila envelope , the one he had deliberately not shown the team . it was the one shot wilkinson had managed when he made his last and very low pass over the site . it showed a close up of the soah in front of the burnt out longhouse . scattered across the red , brown earth were bodies , like discarded dolls , bloated already by the searing daytime heat . this could get very ugly , he thought to himself locking the envelope away . * the following morning dawned the same as all the others at this time of the year . tropic islands develop off shore breezes in the morning adding to the discomfort of the early morning heat . off to the north squall clouds marched westward across the horizon in the general direction of malaya the sun reflecting like diamonds off the quiet sea . hed left his billet early to give him time to swing by gemas apartment , the memory of the last evening spent with her vivid in his mind . he arrived well before she normally left for work . she was dressed in her usual long black skirt , white blouse and sandals and invited him into her sparsely furnished flat . she stood in the middle of the room , eyes searching for his.questioning . gema , will you marry me ? she stood still looking up into his face . ive been expecting you , she said , we are worlds apart you and i , more than you know . we are both here , at this point in time , neither one of us in the country we know . you are here because you have to be and eventually you will leave . i am here because my parents want something better for me and the missionaries convinced them to do what they did . they are my parents.i have no choice either . the tears ran down her face . my heart tells me to say yes . my head screams at me questioning how it could possibly work for us . please , dickie , dont be disappointed in me . you should know how i feel . you have breathed my spirit and those of my ancestors . i need time to think..no more than that . he took her in his arms and they each breathed the spirit of the other . i understand gem , i have questions too but you have all the time in the world to answer . i wont mention it again . however , should you say yes there would be much to discuss and decisions we would have to make that might well affect the rest of our lives . driving the champion back to hq he was a happy man , at least she hadnt said no . he wasnt stupid , he knew the challenges for them would be huge not the least of them being the army . deal with that when we get to it , he thought , theres no other way . on his way to the office he forced himself to focus on the matters at hand , the needs of c team before their insertion , the communications , and their extraction . why was the colonel involved in this ? what was the team going to find out ?
[["weapon", 18], ["weapons", 18], ["george", 25], ["think", 40], ["thinkest", 40], ["thought", 40], ["second", 58], ["seconded", 58], ["seconds", 58], ["unless", 67], ["unlesss", 67], ["anyone", 74], ["idea", 90], ["ideas", 90], ["like", 110], ["see", 117], ["peter", 128], ["peters", 128], ["radio", 149], ["go", 155], ["goest", 155], ["harry", 176], ["harried", 176], ["take", 187], ["hit", 214], ["anything", 223], ["beyond", 230], ["couple", 239], ["hundred", 250], ["yard", 256], ["yards", 256], ["anyway", 263], ["robbie", 272], ["bren", 303], ["although", 320], ["armalite", 334], ["armalites", 334], ["fire", 343], ["automatic", 356], ["automatics", 356], ["guy", 372], ["guys", 372], ["set", 379], ["three", 388], ["round", 394], ["burst", 401], ["bursted", 401], ["bursts", 401], ["across", 429], ["clearing", 442], ["useful", 466], ["sure", 481], ["last", 511], ["time", 516], ["mil", 541], ["ill", 547], ["ills", 547], ["illest", 547], ["ammo", 581], ["inter", 587], ["interred", 587], ["changeable", 598], ["round", 621], ["rounds", 621], ["man", 627], ["mans", 627], ["manned", 627], ["plus", 632], ["extra", 641], ["extras", 641], ["two", 645], ["twos", 645], ["grub", 677], ["water", 687], ["week", 701], ["weeks", 701], ["medic", 723], ["question", 749], ["questions", 749], ["yorkshiremen", 778], ["yorkshireman", 778], ["ask", 786], ["asked", 786], ["codename", 807], ["job", 819], ["jobbing", 819], ["extraction", 838], ["mason", 846], ["say", 851], ["sayest", 851], ["said", 851], ["radioman", 872], ["pick", 891], ["ok", 896], ["sir", 900], ["sirs", 900], ["insertion", 915], ["park", 932], ["parks", 932], ["code", 954], ["leed", 963], ["leeds", 963], ["bloody", 979], ["bloodying", 979], ["downer", 1006], ["captain", 1049], ["hour", 1082], ["hours", 1082], ["day", 1090], ["tomorrow", 1105], ["tomorrows", 1105], ["good", 1112], ["best", 1112], ["dakota", 1133], ["dakotas", 1133], ["get", 1146], ["draw", 1172], ["drawn", 1172], ["draws", 1172], ["chute", 1206], 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1776], ["teamed", 1776], ["teaming", 1776], ["shoot", 1798], ["shooted", 1798], ["shot", 1798], ["wilkinson", 1808], ["manage", 1820], ["managed", 1820], ["low", 1855], ["lowed", 1855], ["pass", 1860], ["siting", 1874], ["show", 1886], ["showed", 1886], ["close", 1894], ["front", 1918], ["burn", 1931], ["burns", 1931], ["burnt", 1931], ["longhouse", 1945], ["scatter", 1957], ["scattered", 1957], ["red", 1972], ["brown", 1980], ["browns", 1980], ["earth", 1986], ["earths", 1986], ["earthest", 1986], ["body", 1998], ["bodied", 1998], ["bodies", 1998], ["discard", 2015], ["discardest", 2015], ["discarded", 2015], ["doll", 2021], ["dolls", 2021], ["bloat", 2031], ["bloated", 2031], ["already", 2039], ["daytime", 2062], ["heat", 2067], ["heats", 2067], ["heated", 2067], ["ugly", 2094], ["lock", 2126], ["locking", 2126], ["away", 2144], ["follow", 2162], ["following", 2162], ["morning", 2170], ["dawn", 2177], ["dawnest", 2177], ["dawned", 2177], ["year", 2229], ["tropic", 2238], ["island", 2246], ["islands", 2246], ["develop", 2254], ["developest", 2254], ["shore", 2264], ["breeze", 2272], ["breezing", 2272], ["breezes", 2272], ["add", 2294], ["adding", 2294], ["discomfort", 2312], ["early", 2325], ["north", 2357], ["squall", 2364], ["cloud", 2371], ["clouded", 2371], ["clouds", 2371], ["march", 2379], ["marching", 2379], ["marched", 2379], ["westward", 2388], ["westwards", 2388], ["horizon", 2407], ["general", 2422], ["direction", 2432], ["malaya", 2442], ["sun", 2450], ["suns", 2450], ["sunned", 2450], ["reflect", 2461], ["reflectest", 2461], ["reflecting", 2461], ["diamond", 2475], ["diamonds", 2475], ["quiet", 2489], ["sea", 2493], ["billet", 2515], ["give", 2529], ["swung", 2547], ["swing", 2547], ["gemas", 2556], ["apartment", 2566], ["memory", 2579], ["memories", 2579], ["evening", 2599], ["spend", 2605], ["spends", 2605], ["spendest", 2605], ["spent", 2605], ["vivid", 2620], ["mind", 2632], ["minding", 2632], ["arrive", 2645], ["arrived", 2645], ["well", 2650], ["wells", 2650], ["normally", 2670], ["work", 2684], ["wrought", 2684], ["usual", 2715], ["long", 2720], ["longs", 2720], ["black", 2726], ["skirt", 2732], ["white", 2740], ["blouse", 2747], ["sandal", 2759], ["sandals", 2759], ["invite", 2771], ["invites", 2771], ["invited", 2771], ["sparsely", 2793], ["flat", 2808], ["stand", 2820], ["stood", 2820], ["standest", 2820], ["middle", 2834], ["middles", 2834], ["middling", 2834], ["room", 2846], ["roomed", 2846], ["eye", 2853], ["eyed", 2853], ["eyes", 2853], ["search", 2863], ["searching", 2863], ["gemas", 2890], ["marry", 2907], ["married", 2907], ["still", 2928], ["look", 2936], ["looking", 2936], ["face", 2953], ["expect", 2974], ["expecting", 2974], ["world", 3005], ["worlds", 3005], ["apart", 3011], ["know", 3042], ["knowest", 3042], ["point", 3077], ["neither", 3095], ["country", 3120], ["eventually", 3181], ["left", 3196], ["leave", 3196], ["parent", 3227], ["parents", 3227], ["well", 3249], ["wells", 3249], ["missionary", 3277], ["missionaries", 3277], ["convince", 3287], ["convinced", 3287], ["convincing", 3287], ["choice", 3351], ["either", 3358], ["tear", 3370], ["teared", 3370], ["tears", 3370], ["run", 3374], ["ran", 3374], ["heart", 3399], ["tell", 3405], ["tells", 3405], ["say", 3415], ["sayest", 3415], ["yes", 3419], ["head", 3429], ["scream", 3437], ["screams", 3437], ["question", 3455], ["questioning", 3455], ["please", 3498], ["dickie", 3507], ["disappoint", 3530], ["disappointed", 3530], ["feel", 3565], ["breathe", 3585], ["breathes", 3585], ["breathed", 3585], ["spirit", 3595], ["spirited", 3595], ["ancestor", 3621], ["ancestors", 3621], ["think", 3644], ["thinkest", 3644], ["take", 3673], ["took", 3673], ["arm", 3689], ["arms", 3689], ["understand", 3751], ["understanded", 3751], ["gem", 3755], ["gemmed", 3755], ["world", 3817], ["answer", 3827], ["answeres", 3827], ["answerest", 3827], ["mention", 3844], ["however", 3863], ["much", 3904], ["discuss", 3915], ["discusses", 3915], ["discussest", 3915], ["decision", 3929], ["decisions", 3929], ["may", 3962], ["mays", 3962], ["mayest", 3962], ["might", 3962], ["affect", 3974], ["rest", 3983], ["life", 3996], ["lifes", 3996], ["lives", 3996], ["drive", 4006], ["driving", 4006], ["champion", 4019], ["back", 4024], ["hq", 4030], ["happy", 4045], ["least", 4060], ["leastest", 4060], ["stupid", 4096], ["know", 4106], ["knowest", 4106], ["knew", 4106], ["challenge", 4121], ["challenges", 4121], ["huge", 4144], ["army", 4181], ["deal", 4188], ["force", 4288], ["forced", 4288], ["focus", 4305], ["matter", 4320], ["mattering", 4320], ["matters", 4320], ["hand", 4328], ["need", 4340], ["needest", 4340], ["needs", 4340], ["c", 4345], ["cest", 4345], ["communication", 4394], ["communications", 4394], ["colonel", 4439], ["involve", 4448], ["involved", 4448], ["go", 4482], ["goest", 4482], ["going", 4482], ["find", 4490]]
is it going to get ugly or is it just much ado about nothing ? he spent the rest of the morning going over the duty watch reports of the previous nights radio traffic . he occasionally made notes in the margins in order to get clarification from jennings when he came on duty . jakarta was still making noises about the massacre and threatening to take it to the un . thatll get them a long way , he thought . just before lunch paddy ohara came into the office . think we got ta problem boss . gemas in the outer office insisting she see you straight away..and boss she doesnt look too good . dickie got that sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach . shes turned me down and she feels she has to tell me straight away . youd better show her in paddy and close the door when you leave . paddy brought her in holding her by the elbow then , turning on his heel , left the office and quietly closed the door behind him . gema just stood there in the middle of the office , her shoulders heaving as she struggled to control herself . shed obviously been crying , in her left hand she held a folded newspaper . dickie got her a chair and helped her sit down . would you like some water gem ? she shook her head , tears running down her cheeks . she unfolded the newspaper and spread it on the desk so he could see it . in the middle of the front page a photograph of a burnt out longhouse with bodies strewn on the earth in front of it . my home , my parents , my brother , she sobbed , what has happened ? he took her hands in his..she was cold . its probably just propaganda , im sure your family is okay , he whispered . she struggled to speak.but you asked me to find a copy of the newspaper.. so i did . she lifted up her face to look into his.pleading , suddenly her body stiffened and a wail came out of her mouth like a wounded animal . nooooo , she was looking over his shoulder..sagging in her chair . oh my god , thought dickie , the bloody photos are still on the wall ! mason had driven her back to her flat offering to stay with her but she preferred to be on her own . shed recognized the area in the photos . she had no way of confirming what might have happened . she hadnt seen her mother in almost eight years . shed seen her father three years previous on one of his rare trading trips.but that was it . she knelt in front of her shrine to semangat and searched for their spirits . she had always relied on her family , knowing that they supported her in her new life . now that space was empty.or was it ? the photos were grainy and lacking in detail . obviously something terrible had happened but exactly what was not readily apparent . the doubt set in , perhaps part of her denial . semangat will tell me when he is ready , the spirits will talk to me , she thought to herself . the doubt dried up her tears but she could not rid herself of the feeling of loss.of emptiness . she felt alone for the first time in her life . ~ ~ ~ chapter 3 the yorkshire codes 0330 hours the team gathered in the ready room , all business now . equipment check , said mudd quietly . they checked each others equipment , the chutes , already on their backs , altimeters on their wrists . sixty pound bergens strapped to their chests to be released on ten foot lines once their chutes opened , 9mm brownings holstered wherever they preferred . mcelroy , all six foot four of him , holding the eighteen pound bren like it was a toothpick , brenner with the extra weight of the radio loading him down . all four now part of the team , no one any more important than the other , each one both independent and inter-dependent at the same time , each quietly going about his job . each in jungle fatigues , no insignias , no rank , nothing that would identify them . no personal effects , no labels , supplies for two weeks with little chance of re-supply . personal weapons plus frag grenades and claymore mines . mudd quietly , we jump at ten thousand feet which is kinda low . deploy chutes at twenty five hundred , youll only have about forty five seconds of free fall . we jump together and for gods sake stay together . our lz is the big padi by the river . by the time we get there we should just be able to see it . apparently theres no wind which should make it easier . they were already sweating profusely weighted down with all the extra gear . the good news , said mudd , is that wilkinson has volunteered for pilot , at least he should be able to take us to the right place . he bloody better , muttered downer , weve too much crap to be humping through the bush . remember , said mudd , this is a covert recce , no fire unless as a last resort .
[["go", 11], ["goest", 11], ["going", 11], ["get", 18], ["ugly", 23], ["much", 42], ["ado", 46], ["nothing", 60], ["spend", 71], ["spends", 71], ["spendest", 71], ["spent", 71], ["rest", 80], ["morning", 95], ["duty", 115], ["watch", 121], ["report", 129], ["reports", 129], ["previous", 145], ["night", 152], ["nights", 152], ["radio", 158], ["traffic", 166], ["traffics", 166], ["trafficking", 166], ["occasionally", 184], ["note", 195], ["notes", 195], ["margin", 210], ["margins", 210], ["order", 219], ["orderest", 219], ["clarification", 240], ["clarifications", 240], ["jenning", 254], ["jennings", 254], ["come", 267], ["came", 267], ["jakarta", 285], ["still", 295], ["noise", 309], ["noises", 309], ["massacre", 328], ["massacred", 328], ["massacring", 328], ["threaten", 344], ["threatening", 344], ["take", 352], ["un", 365], ["long", 390], ["longs", 390], ["way", 394], ["ways", 394], ["think", 407], ["thinkest", 407], ["thought", 407], ["lunch", 427], ["lunches", 427], ["lunched", 427], ["paddy", 433], ["office", 460], ["think", 468], ["thinkest", 468], ["get", 475], ["got", 475], ["ta", 478], ["problem", 486], ["boss", 491], ["gemas", 499], ["outer", 512], ["outers", 512], ["insist", 529], ["insistest", 529], ["insisting", 529], ["see", 537], ["straight", 550], ["away", 555], ["look", 581], ["good", 590], ["dickie", 599], ["sank", 616], ["sink", 616], ["sinking", 616], ["feeling", 624], ["pit", 635], ["stomach", 650], ["stomachs", 650], ["stomaching", 650], ["turn", 664], ["turned", 664], ["feel", 686], ["feels", 686], ["tell", 702], ["well", 733], ["wells", 733], ["show", 738], ["close", 761], ["door", 770], ["left", 785], ["leave", 785], ["bring", 801], ["brought", 801], ["hold", 816], ["holding", 816], ["elbow", 833], ["elbowing", 833], ["turn", 848], ["turning", 848], ["heel", 860], ["heeled", 860], ["left", 867], ["leave", 867], ["quietly", 890], ["close", 897], ["closed", 897], ["behind", 913], ["gemas", 924], ["stand", 935], ["stood", 935], ["standest", 935], ["middle", 955], ["middles", 955], ["middling", 955], ["shoulder", 985], ["shouldered", 985], ["shoulders", 985], ["heave", 993], ["heaves", 993], ["heaving", 993], ["struggle", 1010], ["struggled", 1010], ["control", 1021], ["shed", 1036], ["obviously", 1046], ["cry", 1058], ["crying", 1058], ["hand", 1077], ["hold", 1086], ["held", 1086], ["fold", 1095], ["folded", 1095], ["newspaper", 1105], ["chair", 1130], ["chairing", 1130], ["help", 1141], ["helpest", 1141], ["helped", 1141], ["sat", 1149], ["sit", 1149], ["like", 1171], ["water", 1182], ["gem", 1186], ["gemmed", 1186], ["shake", 1198], ["shook", 1198], ["head", 1207], ["tear", 1215], ["teared", 1215], ["tears", 1215], ["run", 1223], ["running", 1223], ["cheek", 1239], ["cheeks", 1239], ["unfold", 1254], ["unfolded", 1254], ["unfoldest", 1254], ["spread", 1279], ["desk", 1294], ["front", 1342], ["page", 1347], ["photograph", 1360], ["burn", 1371], ["burns", 1371], ["burnt", 1371], ["longhouse", 1385], ["body", 1397], ["bodied", 1397], ["bodies", 1397], ["strew", 1404], ["strews", 1404], ["strewn", 1404], ["earth", 1417], ["earths", 1417], ["earthest", 1417], ["home", 1442], ["homing", 1442], ["parent", 1455], ["parents", 1455], ["brother", 1468], ["brethren", 1468], ["sob", 1481], ["sobs", 1481], ["sobbed", 1481], ["happen", 1501], ["happened", 1501], ["take", 1511], ["took", 1511], ["hand", 1521], ["hands", 1521], ["cold", 1542], ["probably", 1557], ["propaganda", 1573], ["sure", 1583], ["family", 1595], ["okay", 1603], ["whisper", 1618], ["whispered", 1618], ["ask", 1657], ["asked", 1657], ["find", 1668], ["copy", 1675], ["lift", 1716], ["lifted", 1716], ["face", 1728], ["suddenly", 1765], ["body", 1774], ["bodied", 1774], ["stiffen", 1784], ["stiffens", 1784], ["stiffened", 1784], ["wail", 1795], ["mouth", 1817], ["mouthed", 1817], ["wind", 1832], ["wound", 1832], ["wounding", 1832], ["wounded", 1832], ["animal", 1839], ["look", 1866], ["looking", 1866], ["shoulder", 1884], ["shouldered", 1884], ["sag", 1893], ["sagging", 1893], ["oh", 1911], ["god", 1918], ["bloody", 1948], ["bloodying", 1948], ["photo", 1955], ["photos", 1955], ["wall", 1977], ["mason", 1985], ["drive", 1996], ["driven", 1996], ["back", 2005], ["flat", 2017], ["offering", 2026], ["stay", 2034], ["prefer", 2061], ["prefered", 2061], ["preferest", 2061], ["preferred", 2061], ["recognize", 2096], ["recognized", 2096], ["area", 2105], ["confirm", 2150], ["confirming", 2150], ["may", 2161], ["mays", 2161], ["mayest", 2161], ["might", 2161], ["see", 2192], ["seen", 2192], ["mother", 2203], ["mothered", 2203], ["motherest", 2203], ["almost", 2213], ["eight", 2219], ["year", 2225], ["years", 2225], ["father", 2248], ["fathered", 2248], ["fathering", 2248], ["three", 2254], ["rare", 2288], ["trading", 2296], ["kneel", 2330], ["kneels", 2330], ["kneeled", 2330], ["shrine", 2353], ["search", 2378], ["searched", 2378], ["spirit", 2396], ["spirited", 2396], ["spirits", 2396], ["always", 2413], ["rely", 2420], ["know", 2444], ["knowest", 2444], ["knowing", 2444], ["support", 2464], ["supported", 2464], ["new", 2479], ["life", 2484], ["lifes", 2484], ["space", 2501], ["spaced", 2501], ["spacing", 2501], ["grainy", 2546], ["lack", 2558], ["lacking", 2558], ["detail", 2568], ["terrible", 2599], ["exactly", 2624], ["readily", 2645], ["apparent", 2654], ["doubt", 2666], ["set", 2670], ["perhaps", 2683], ["part", 2688], ["parting", 2688], ["denial", 2702], ["ready", 2743], ["talk", 2767], ["dry", 2816], ["drier", 2816], ["drying", 2816], ["dried", 2816], ["rid", 2851], ["emptiness", 2895], ["feel", 2906], ["felt", 2906], ["alone", 2912], ["first", 2926], ["firstest", 2926], ["time", 2931], ["chapter", 2959], ["yorkshire", 2975], ["code", 2981], ["codes", 2981], ["hour", 2992], ["hours", 2992], ["team", 3001], ["teamed", 3001], ["teaming", 3001], ["gather", 3010], ["gatherest", 3010], ["gathered", 3010], ["room", 3028], ["roomed", 3028], ["business", 3043], ["equipment", 3059], ["check", 3065], ["say", 3072], ["sayest", 3072], ["said", 3072], ["check", 3100], ["checked", 3100], ["chute", 3135], ["chutes", 3135], ["already", 3145], ["back", 3160], ["backs", 3160], ["altimeter", 3173], ["altimeters", 3173], ["wrist", 3189], ["wrists", 3189], ["sixty", 3197], ["pound", 3203], ["bergen", 3211], ["strap", 3220], ["straps", 3220], ["strapped", 3220], ["chest", 3236], ["chests", 3236], ["release", 3251], ["released", 3251], ["ten", 3258], ["foot", 3263], ["line", 3269], ["lines", 3269], ["open", 3294], ["opened", 3294], ["mm", 3300], ["brown", 3310], ["wherever", 3329], ["six", 3364], ["four", 3374], ["eighteen", 3404], ["eighteens", 3404], ["bren", 3415], ["toothpick", 3439], ["extra", 3464], ["extras", 3464], ["weight", 3471], ["weighted", 3471], ["weightest", 3471], ["load", 3492], ["loaded", 3492], ["important", 3561], ["independent", 3604], ["inter", 3614], ["interred", 3614], ["dependent", 3624], ["job", 3676], ["jobbing", 3676], ["jungle", 3693], ["jungles", 3693], ["fatigue", 3702], ["fatiguing", 3702], ["fatigues", 3702], ["rank", 3727], ["identify", 3757], ["personal", 3776], ["effect", 3784], ["effects", 3784], ["label", 3796], ["labels", 3796], ["supply", 3807], ["supplies", 3807], ["two", 3815], ["twos", 3815], ["week", 3821], ["weeks", 3821], ["little", 3833], ["chance", 3840], ["chanced", 3840], ["chancing", 3840], ["supply", 3853], ["weapon", 3872], ["weapons", 3872], ["plus", 3877], ["frag", 3882], ["grenade", 3891], ["grenades", 3891], ["claymore", 3904], ["mine", 3910], ["mines", 3910], ["jump", 3935], ["jumps", 3935], ["thousand", 3951], ["foot", 3956], ["feet", 3956], ["kinda", 3971], ["kindas", 3971], ["low", 3975], ["lowed", 3975], ["deploy", 3984], ["deploys", 3984], ["deployest", 3984], ["twenty", 4001], ["five", 4006], ["fived", 4006], ["hundred", 4014], ["forty", 4044], ["second", 4057], ["seconded", 4057], ["seconds", 4057], ["free", 4065], ["fall", 4070], ["falls", 4070], ["together", 4089], ["god", 4102], ["gods", 4102], ["sake", 4107], ["sakes", 4107], ["big", 4141], ["bigs", 4141], ["river", 4159], ["able", 4209], ["abled", 4209], ["apparently", 4232], ["wind", 4247], ["easy", 4275], ["easier", 4275], ["sweat", 4304], ["sweating", 4304], ["profusely", 4314], ["weight", 4323], ["weighted", 4323], ["weightest", 4323], ["gear", 4352], ["news", 4368], ["newses", 4368], ["wilkinson", 4400], ["volunteer", 4416], ["volunteered", 4416], ["pilot", 4426], ["least", 4437], ["leastest", 4437], ["right", 4479], ["rightest", 4479], ["place", 4485], ["mutter", 4515], ["muttering", 4515], ["mutterest", 4515], ["muttered", 4515], ["downer", 4522], ["crap", 4543], ["crapped", 4543], ["hump", 4557], ["humpest", 4557], ["humping", 4557], ["bush", 4574], ["bushed", 4574], ["remember", 4585], ["rememberest", 4585], ["covert", 4616], ["recce", 4622], ["fire", 4632], ["unless", 4639], ["unlesss", 4639], ["last", 4649], ["resort", 4656], ["resorted", 4656]]
ok fellas the trucks outside , lets get it on . the dakota stood out on the runway quiet in the still of the night save for the constant symphony of sounds from the night insects . they quietly loaded up , uncomfortable with chutes on their backs , bergens on their chests sitting two by two facing each other the sweat running down their camouflaged faces . wilkinson came back from the cockpit . not too far chaps , about an hour and a half in the air , watch for the lights , red in the door.jump on the green . navigator will come back and give you a hand . he disappeared forward and closed the door behind him . the silence was shattered as he started up the two pratt and whitney engines . taking off into the wind he banked the unmarked plane southwards and disappeared into the blackness , the roar slowly fading until all that could be heard were the insects of the night . the time passed slowly , the throb of the engines lulling mcelroy to sleep . dont know how the hell he does that , thought downer , could be getting our arses blown off in an hour or so . too soon the navigator clambered back from the cockpit . he yelled over the noise of the engines . clipping on his safety line he opened the wide door to starboard . the roar of the engines increased and the cool night air rushed in . lock n load ! shouted mudd over the din . they did a final check of each others chutes , the red light came on . stand in the door ! ordered the navigator . the green light flashed on and the four of them , in unison , jumped into the beginning dawn light . sensory overload falling through the gloom of the early dawn . staying together using arms and legs as flight controls . looking downpretty much on target..the river , now discernible winding away to the south , the light green of the cultivated padi visible in the bend . one eye on the altimeter . twenty five hundred feetpull the cord . the sudden jerk of arrested movement . release the bergen on its ten foot line . still together , slight correction on a control line as a gentle breeze tries to push them off course . no sign of life . a gentle landing . collapse the chute and hit the quick release . robbie with the bren and mudd with the fln immediately take up defensive positions eyes sweeping the compound in front of them . peter and harry quickly bury the four parachutes and helmets and then join the other two . the quiet hangs over the encampment like a pall . mudd whispers , well sit pat here for twenty or so . it looks as though we need to be off to the left about half way down , set up in the tree line . any visitors are liable to come from the river . harry set up a couple of claymores between us and the river . when youre back well move out . the three of them lay in the dry padi as harry disappeared behind them . peter whispered in georges ear , lips almost touching him , the fact that this padi is dry says no ones been around for a while . normally this would be soaked as they irrigate every day . george nodded in agreement . harry was back in a few minutes , suddenly appearing at their sides . all done..thatll make their day if they show up , he whispered . ok gentlemen , said mudd , i suggest we move off to the left . we stay in the tree line and move down about a hundred and fifty yards . well find an op just in the tree line , thatll give us a good view of the entire compound and down to the river , questions or suggestions ? ok , lets move out , whispered george . careful to leave no sign of their passing they slowly moved off into the gloom of the trees , working their way down until they were opposite the ruins of the longhouse about a hundred yards distant . harry , on point , soon found a thicket that afforded a good view and excellent concealment . ok gents , said george quietly , robbie , set up the bren as best you can so as you can sweep the entire compound . harry..take four claymores and set them up on our six , two as booby traps and two on the switch . stagger them so we have plenty of notice , peter , do your radio check . harry disappeared out of the thicket . peter unslung the radio and finding the correct pre-programmed frequency whispered into the mike , roundhay park.roundhay park two clicks in his ear told him he was being received . without another word he turned off the unit to conserve his batteries . within half an hour all four were back in the thicket all sign of their entrance swept clear . standard procedure ? questioned robbie in his broad glasgow accent , two on watch..two getting some kip..two on two off ?
[["ok", 2], ["fella", 9], ["fellas", 9], ["truck", 20], ["trucks", 20], ["outside", 28], ["let", 35], ["lets", 35], ["get", 39], ["dakota", 58], ["dakotas", 58], ["stand", 64], ["stood", 64], ["standest", 64], ["runway", 82], ["quiet", 88], ["still", 101], ["night", 114], ["save", 119], ["constant", 136], ["symphony", 145], ["sound", 155], ["sounds", 155], ["insect", 178], ["insects", 178], ["quietly", 193], ["load", 200], ["loaded", 200], ["uncomfortable", 219], ["chute", 231], ["chutes", 231], ["back", 246], ["backs", 246], ["bergen", 256], ["chest", 272], ["chests", 272], ["sat", 280], ["sit", 280], ["sitting", 280], ["two", 284], ["twos", 284], ["face", 298], ["facing", 298], ["sweat", 319], ["run", 327], ["running", 327], ["camouflage", 350], ["camouflaged", 350], ["face", 356], ["faces", 356], ["wilkinson", 368], ["come", 373], ["came", 373], ["back", 378], ["cockpit", 395], ["far", 409], ["chap", 415], ["chaps", 415], ["chapping", 415], ["hour", 431], ["half", 442], ["air", 453], ["airs", 453], ["airing", 453], ["watch", 461], ["lit", 476], ["light", 476], ["lights", 476], ["red", 482], ["green", 512], ["greens", 512], ["navigator", 524], ["come", 534], ["give", 548], ["hand", 559], ["disappear", 576], ["disappeared", 576], ["forward", 584], ["forwarding", 584], ["forwardest", 584], ["close", 595], ["closed", 595], ["door", 604], ["behind", 611], ["silence", 629], ["shatter", 643], ["shattered", 643], ["start", 657], ["started", 657], ["pratt", 674], ["pratts", 674], ["whitney", 686], ["engine", 694], ["engines", 694], ["take", 703], ["taking", 703], ["wind", 721], ["bank", 731], ["banked", 731], ["unmarked", 744], ["plane", 750], ["southward", 761], ["southwards", 761], ["blackness", 796], ["roar", 807], ["roarest", 807], ["slowly", 814], ["fade", 821], ["fading", 821], ["hear", 851], ["hears", 851], ["heard", 851], ["time", 892], ["pass", 899], ["passed", 899], ["throb", 918], ["throbs", 918], ["throbbed", 918], ["throbbing", 918], ["lull", 941], ["lulls", 941], ["lulling", 941], ["sleep", 958], ["slept", 958], ["sleeps", 958], ["sleepest", 958], ["know", 970], ["knowest", 970], ["hell", 983], ["hells", 983], ["think", 1006], ["thinkest", 1006], ["thought", 1006], ["downer", 1013], ["get", 1032], ["getting", 1032], ["arsis", 1042], ["arses", 1042], ["blow", 1048], ["blew", 1048], ["blowest", 1048], ["blown", 1048], ["soon", 1080], ["clamber", 1104], ["clambered", 1104], ["yell", 1138], ["yelled", 1138], ["noise", 1153], ["clip", 1179], ["safety", 1193], ["line", 1198], ["open", 1208], ["opened", 1208], ["wide", 1217], ["starboard", 1235], ["increase", 1271], ["increased", 1271], ["cool", 1284], ["rush", 1301], ["rushed", 1301], ["lock", 1311], ["n", 1313], ["load", 1318], ["loaded", 1318], ["shout", 1328], ["shouted", 1328], ["din", 1346], ["dins", 1346], ["final", 1365], ["check", 1371], ["lit", 1409], ["light", 1409], ["stand", 1425], ["stood", 1425], ["standest", 1425], ["order", 1447], ["orderest", 1447], ["ordered", 1447], ["flash", 1487], ["flashed", 1487], ["four", 1503], ["unison", 1523], ["jump", 1532], ["jumps", 1532], ["jumped", 1532], ["begin", 1551], ["beginning", 1551], ["dawn", 1556], ["dawnest", 1556], ["sensory", 1572], ["overload", 1581], ["overloads", 1581], ["overloaded", 1581], ["fall", 1589], ["falls", 1589], ["falling", 1589], ["gloom", 1607], ["early", 1620], ["stay", 1635], ["staying", 1635], ["together", 1644], ["use", 1650], ["using", 1650], ["arm", 1655], ["arms", 1655], ["leg", 1664], ["legs", 1664], ["flight", 1674], ["control", 1683], ["controls", 1683], ["look", 1693], ["looking", 1693], ["much", 1709], ["target", 1719], ["river", 1730], ["discernible", 1748], ["windings", 1756], ["away", 1761], ["south", 1774], ["cultivate", 1810], ["cultivated", 1810], ["visible", 1823], ["bent", 1835], ["bend", 1835], ["eye", 1845], ["eyed", 1845], ["altimeter", 1862], ["twenty", 1871], ["five", 1876], ["fived", 1876], ["hundred", 1884], ["cord", 1902], ["sudden", 1915], ["jerk", 1920], ["jerks", 1920], ["jerked", 1920], ["arrest", 1932], ["arrested", 1932], ["movement", 1941], ["release", 1951], ["bergen", 1962], ["ten", 1973], ["foot", 1978], ["slight", 2009], ["correction", 2020], ["control", 2033], ["gentle", 2050], ["gentler", 2050], ["breeze", 2057], ["breezing", 2057], ["try", 2063], ["tryed", 2063], ["tries", 2063], ["push", 2071], ["course", 2087], ["sign", 2097], ["life", 2105], ["lifes", 2105], ["landing", 2124], ["collapse", 2135], ["chute", 2145], ["hit", 2153], ["quick", 2163], ["robbie", 2180], ["bren", 2194], ["immediately", 2228], ["take", 2233], ["defensive", 2246], ["position", 2256], ["positions", 2256], ["eye", 2261], ["eyed", 2261], ["eyes", 2261], ["sweep", 2270], ["sweeping", 2270], ["compound", 2283], ["front", 2292], ["peter", 2308], ["peters", 2308], ["harry", 2318], ["harried", 2318], ["quickly", 2326], ["bury", 2331], ["burying", 2331], ["parachute", 2351], ["parachutes", 2351], ["parachuting", 2351], ["helmet", 2363], ["helmets", 2363], ["join", 2377], ["joinest", 2377], ["hang", 2409], ["hung", 2409], ["hangs", 2409], ["encampment", 2429], ["like", 2434], ["pall", 2441], ["whisper", 2457], ["whispers", 2457], ["well", 2464], ["wells", 2464], ["sat", 2468], ["sit", 2468], ["pat", 2472], ["look", 2505], ["looks", 2505], ["though", 2515], ["need", 2523], ["needest", 2523], ["left", 2545], ["way", 2560], ["ways", 2560], ["set", 2571], ["tree", 2586], ["treed", 2586], ["treeing", 2586], ["visitor", 2606], ["visitors", 2606], ["liable", 2617], ["couple", 2664], ["claymore", 2677], ["claymores", 2677], ["move", 2730], ["three", 2746], ["lie", 2758], ["lay", 2758], ["lain", 2758], ["dry", 2769], ["drier", 2769], ["drying", 2769], ["whisper", 2825], ["whispered", 2825], ["george", 2836], ["georges", 2836], ["ear", 2840], ["lip", 2847], ["lipped", 2847], ["lips", 2847], ["almost", 2854], ["touch", 2863], ["touching", 2863], ["fact", 2878], ["say", 2905], ["sayest", 2905], ["says", 2905], ["around", 2925], ["normally", 2948], ["soak", 2969], ["soaks", 2969], ["soaked", 2969], ["irrigate", 2986], ["irrigates", 2986], ["every", 2992], ["day", 2996], ["george", 3005], ["nod", 3012], ["nodded", 3012], ["agreement", 3025], ["minute", 3059], ["minutes", 3059], ["suddenly", 3070], ["appear", 3080], ["appearing", 3080], ["side", 3095], ["sidest", 3095], ["sides", 3095], ["show", 3142], ["say", 3182], ["sayest", 3182], ["said", 3182], ["suggest", 3199], ["stay", 3233], ["fifty", 3290], ["yard", 3296], ["yards", 3296], ["find", 3308], ["op", 3314], ["ops", 3314], ["good", 3360], ["view", 3365], ["viewest", 3365], ["entire", 3379], ["question", 3422], ["questions", 3422], ["suggestion", 3437], ["suggestions", 3437], ["careful", 3487], ["left", 3496], ["leave", 3496], ["pass", 3521], ["passing", 3521], ["move", 3539], ["moved", 3539], ["tree", 3571], ["treed", 3571], ["treeing", 3571], ["trees", 3571], ["work", 3581], ["wrought", 3581], ["working", 3581], ["opposite", 3621], ["ruin", 3631], ["ruinest", 3631], ["ruins", 3631], ["longhouse", 3648], ["distant", 3678], ["point", 3697], ["find", 3710], ["found", 3710], ["thicket", 3720], ["afford", 3734], ["afforded", 3734], ["excellent", 3760], ["concealment", 3772], ["gent", 3783], ["gents", 3783], ["best", 3840], ["bested", 3840], ["bestest", 3840], ["sweep", 3868], ["six", 3944], ["booby", 3959], ["trap", 3965], ["traps", 3965], ["switch", 3987], ["switching", 3987], ["stagger", 3997], ["staggerest", 3997], ["plenty", 4020], ["notice", 4030], ["radio", 4054], ["find", 4137], ["finding", 4137], ["correct", 4149], ["pre", 4153], ["frequency", 4174], ["mike", 4198], ["mikes", 4198], ["miked", 4198], ["park", 4228], ["parks", 4228], ["click", 4239], ["clicks", 4239], ["tell", 4255], ["told", 4255], ["receive", 4281], ["received", 4281], ["without", 4291], ["another", 4299], ["word", 4304], ["turn", 4314], ["turned", 4314], ["unit", 4327], ["conserve", 4339], ["battery", 4353], ["batteries", 4353], ["within", 4362], ["entrance", 4436], ["entrancing", 4436], ["sweep", 4442], ["swept", 4442], ["clear", 4448], ["clearest", 4448], ["standard", 4459], ["procedure", 4469], ["question", 4482], ["questioned", 4482], ["broad", 4502], ["broads", 4502], ["glasgow", 4510], ["accent", 4517], ["accenting", 4517], ["kip", 4554], ["kips", 4554], ["kiping", 4554], ["kipping", 4554]]
the three nodded their agreement . robbie , you and i take the first watch..you gents get some kip , whispered george , and harry..no fucking snoring ! mudd.stretched out on his poncho..gazed out into the compound periodically scanning the area with his binoculars particularly in the direction of the river . if they come at all theyll come from the river , he thought . in front of him , at the foot of the ladder , a bloated body crumpled on the red earth . off to his right about fifty yards away a headless body spread-eagled on its back , hed obviously taken a full burst in the chest . to his left , well into the trees , a snuffling noise . probably a wild boar having a go at one of the bodies , thought george , its a wonder theres not more of them about . what the hell is that cooking smell ? whispered robbie . the winds shifted , said george , its burnt bodies in the longhouse . most of them probably got caught in there . he took the glasses and focused on the ruins . across the soah the notched log still stood leading up to the veranda..the ruai . beyond that the building had collapsed into itself.a pile of blackened rubble.the ironwood stilts left standing thirty feet into the air , memorials in a graveyard , witnesses to a killing field . not a sound save for the snuffling of the feeding boar in the underbrush and the normal jungle sounds in the canopy above . the following morning over their cold meal mudd suggested they stay in the op at least another day . im still not confident were on our own here , he whispered to the group gathered close . im going to take up a position down on the river , should be able to see at least half a mile downstream , you guys keep up the routine . if alls quiet well do our recce in the morning , ok with you ? not really okay with me , said robbie , i agree with the idea of scoping out the river but i think there should be two of us . two tucked in here for a while should be fine , our six is protected by the claymores . the other two nodded their heads . good , said mudd , well be back in four to six hours . robbie , leave the bren here bring the m16 . the sweat ran off his forehead , through his eyes and , dripping off the end of his nose , bounced off the action of the fln he was cradling . he stood motionless , just inside the tree line , the brown river oily in front of him flowing to the south and over a hundred yards wide here . he could see perhaps half a mile down the river before it disappeared round a bend to the left . it would be impossible for anyone to come up the river without him making them and in plenty of time for him to melt back into the brush , pick up robbie and get back to the fire position . he remained still , unmoving , virtually invisible in his full camo and headnet . he could feel the flies on his face and he was sure at least one leach had clamped on high on his inner leg close to his crotch . still , save for his eyes constantly looking for movement , and his ears listening for something that didnt belong , he was invisible . hed been there almost two hours now , the cramps had come and gone , his shirt totally soaked from the sweat running down his chest . still he didnt move..well aware that any movement made him visible.just as theirs made them visible . he couldnt see robbie but he knew where he was , a slightly more comfortable spot except for the ants that were probably driving him crazy . hed placed him between the roots of a meranti tree soaring better than two hundred feet into the sky , a little further back but he could see further upstream and had his six . theyd had each others back now for three years both here in borneo and in malaya . they knew each other well perhaps too well considering their occupation . he knew however that , if anyone slipped through , the macaques in the canopy would let him know..robbie knew that too . his thoughts came back to the river in front . nothing in sight.in fact other than the odd hornbill , that bird endemic to borneo and a croc in the river he hadnt seen or heard a darned thing . just as well , he thought , who needs it ? maybe we can get out of here without any sort of a flap , talk about isolation . he looked up , shit you dont even see a plane . course where the hell would it be going ? his thoughts came back to the team . all four had become close over the last few years . although the teams rotated every three months , which provided each trooper with experience in all the disciplines , they somehow managed to come back together .
[["three", 9], ["nod", 16], ["nodded", 16], ["agreement", 32], ["robbie", 41], ["take", 58], ["first", 68], ["firstest", 68], ["watch", 74], ["gent", 85], ["gents", 85], ["get", 89], ["kip", 98], ["kips", 98], ["kiping", 98], ["kipping", 98], ["george", 117], ["harry", 129], ["harried", 129], ["fucking", 141], ["snore", 149], ["snoring", 149], ["poncho", 184], ["gaze", 191], ["gazes", 191], ["gazed", 191], ["compound", 213], ["periodically", 226], ["scan", 235], ["scans", 235], ["scanning", 235], ["area", 244], ["binocular", 264], ["binoculars", 264], ["particularly", 277], ["direction", 294], ["river", 307], ["come", 322], ["think", 369], ["thinkest", 369], ["thought", 369], ["front", 380], ["foot", 401], ["ladder", 415], ["laddered", 415], ["body", 432], ["bodied", 432], ["crumple", 441], ["crumpled", 441], ["red", 452], ["earth", 458], ["earths", 458], ["earthest", 458], ["right", 477], ["rightest", 477], ["fifty", 489], ["yard", 495], ["yards", 495], ["away", 500], ["headless", 511], ["spread", 523], ["eagle", 530], ["eagled", 530], ["back", 542], ["obviously", 558], ["take", 564], ["taken", 564], ["full", 571], ["burst", 577], ["bursted", 577], ["chest", 590], ["left", 604], ["leave", 604], ["well", 611], ["wells", 611], ["tree", 626], ["treed", 626], ["treeing", 626], ["trees", 626], ["snufflings", 640], ["noise", 646], ["probably", 657], ["wild", 664], ["wildest", 664], ["boar", 669], ["boars", 669], ["go", 681], ["goest", 681], ["body", 702], ["bodied", 702], ["bodies", 702], ["wonder", 734], ["wonderest", 734], ["hell", 780], ["hells", 780], ["cook", 796], ["smelt", 802], ["smell", 802], ["smellest", 802], ["wind", 833], ["winds", 833], ["shift", 841], ["shifted", 841], ["say", 848], ["sayest", 848], ["said", 848], ["burn", 867], ["burns", 867], ["burnt", 867], ["longhouse", 891], ["get", 919], ["got", 919], ["catch", 926], ["catched", 926], ["catches", 926], ["caught", 926], ["take", 945], ["took", 945], ["glass", 957], ["glasses", 957], ["focus", 969], 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this was their fifth covert insertion ... ... .hopefully their shortest and easiest . their worst had been the three months spent alone in the highlands , being re-supplied by air , and constantly having to dodge irregular troops . by the time theyd got back to kuching hed lost nearly thirty pounds and hed been pretty lean to start off with . ok , thats enough of this , he thought , time to get out of here . he stepped back into the shadows , almost stumbling as life came back into his left foot . for the first time in two hours he took a drink of the tepid water in his water bottle and beat the flies off his face . he policed the area to erase any sign of his presence whilst making as little movement as possible then backed out on his way to pick up robbie . shit george ! i had you from yards away , whispered robbie as he got to his position , youre stumbling around like a pregnant camel , must be getting old ! yea sure , said george , lets get the hell out of here , doesnt look as though theres anything happening . as they silently made their way back to the op , being careful to avoid the booby traps laid by harry , george was once again amazed by the very nature around him . trees soaring over two hundred feet in the air preventing hardly any light penetrating the jungle floor ; animals living in the canopy that would probably never come down to the ground in their lifetime . natives that happily lived here , totally isolated from the rest of the world , the jungle and the river providing all their needs . the following morning , after another cold meal and tepid water , they lay side by side in the op scanning the compound , the tree line and as far back to the river as they could see . gents..weve no choice but to take a chance now . weve been here over forty hours and it looks as though nothings going on . harry take a couple of the claymores you setthe two on the switch . set em further down the river where robbie and i were..youll see a game trail..set them well to each side of the trail..booby traps ! if they come theyll use the river and they wont use the trails . with the other ones set well have plenty of warning if they show up . robbie i want you to stay in here with the bren , youve got a good field of fire . peteryou and i are going to recce the whole area from here to the river , see anything unusual sing out . im going to photograph everything we think necessary . george and peter left the security of the thicket leaving robbie stretched out behind the bren . harry had already disappeared into the underbrush . ever vigilant , safety catches off , they walked towards the ruins of the longhouse . the first body they came to had obviously been decapitated but there was no sign of the head . what was left of the body was covered in blue tattoos . it looked as though it had been a middle aged man , well muscled yet not overly tall . hed taken a full burst in the chest and was , by now , well bloated . george took a number of shots , from different angles and a close up of the tattoos . they moved on to the body at the foot of the steps . the smell now from the longhouse was overpowering so they pulled their bandanas up over their mouths and noses . this second body was a much older man , deeply wrinkled with grey hair . hed taken one round in the chest which had left a massive exit wound in his back . the flies were still thick in the pool of dried blood in the dirt . it was impossible to get into the longhouse . it had collapsed into itself creating a pile of blackened timbers and ash . the ironwood and camphorwood supports had not burned and stood like monuments to the dead . george took a number of photographs from different angles . from the smell it was reasonable to assume that most of the villagers had been trapped inside . they worked their way across the soah taking photos of the boot prints left in the dust . at least were in the dry season , said peter , not that it helped them too much . they took the path down to the rivers edge . you could still see the marks where the boats had been dragged up onto the mud embankment more photos . lets work our way back through the padi , suggested george . working their way through the rice , now turning brown in the heat , george notice the glint of something in the dust..then again..then againbrass . ejected shells . they hadnt seen them when theyd arrived but then their senses had been attuned to something else . george first took photos of the brass laying on the ground whilst peter cast around looking for more . shit george its all over the place , he said . when ive finished photographing pick a bunch up and well take them back with us , muttered george .
[["fifth", 20], ["covert", 27], ["insertion", 37], ["short", 71], ["shortest", 71], ["easy", 83], ["bad", 97], ["worst", 97], ["three", 116], ["month", 123], ["months", 123], ["spend", 129], ["spends", 129], ["spendest", 129], ["spent", 129], ["alone", 135], ["highland", 152], ["highlands", 152], ["supply", 172], ["supplied", 172], ["air", 179], ["airs", 179], ["airing", 179], ["constantly", 196], ["dodge", 212], ["dodging", 212], ["irregular", 222], ["troop", 229], ["troops", 229], ["time", 243], ["get", 253], ["got", 253], ["back", 258], ["kuching", 269], ["lose", 278], ["lost", 278], ["nearly", 285], ["thirty", 292], ["pound", 299], ["pounds", 299], ["pretty", 319], ["prettiest", 319], ["lean", 324], ["leans", 324], ["start", 333], ["ok", 347], ["enough", 362], ["think", 383], ["thinkest", 383], ["thought", 383], ["get", 397], ["step", 422], ["stepped", 422], ["shadow", 444], ["shadowed", 444], ["shadows", 444], ["almost", 453], ["stumble", 463], ["stumbling", 463], ["life", 471], 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when hed finished they picked up as much of the spent brass as made sense and headed back to the op in the thicket . harry had already returned . robbie said , you know , if were convinced its still quiet , we could take the time and bury those two blokes over there . if we dont the boars are just going to make a meal of them . im with you on that , said peter , the ground is pretty soft . they buried the two bodies in a shallow communal grave , gathering rocks to create a small marker and committed them to their maker . george took a couple of photos of the grave and finally put the camera away . ok harrytime to call up the taxi service . harry fired up the radio , triggered the send button and whispered , leeds unitedleeds united . two clicks told him the message had been received . all they had to do now was wait ! three hours later , quietly waiting just inside the tree line down by the padi , the silence was shattered by a clattering roar as the whirlwind settled in the dust . said robbie , if they didnt know we were here before they sure as hell know now , time to go ! half way home , peter dug into his pocket and took out one of the shell casings . he looked at it closely then looked at it again . he leant close to georges ear and yelled , youd better take a look at this , it looks like mucho trouble to me . george took the shell casing and looked at it carefully . his heart gave a lurch and that funny feeling settled in his stomach . the casing was 5.56mm . armalite , m16 . the only troops using this in borneo were the 22 sas . ~ ~ ~ chapter 4 herefordshire , england 1984 hi darlingim home , called dick mason as he came through the front door . the house responded with silence , that sort of hollow sound that tells you nobodys in . he kicked his brogues off , onto the hallway tray , and hung his damp raincoat up in the closet . it was exactly four years , almost to the day , since hed retired from the army . he stood in the hallway for a moment . beats the hell out of married quarters thats for sure , he said out loud . the house didnt answer . i wonder whats for dinner ? he thought , wandering into the spotless kitchen . where the hells gema ? shes usually home by now . the kitchen gave off onto a pleasant family room , french doors opening out onto the terrace overlooking half an acre of carefully tended garden . they were lucky really . they had no neighbors behind them just some woods bordering a neighboring farm . the house itself was larger than what they needed , just him , his wife gema and daughter wendy . wendy would be leaving soon , heading off to cambridge on a scholarship . bloody house will be far too big then , he thought , well have to talk about that , the markets pretty strong . there was no way he could possibly have afforded such a place as this on his captains salary or his pension , even though hed socked away a substantial sum whilst overseas , what with all the various allowances . more bedrooms than they needed , even when they had guests , a study for himself overlooking the garden and the old barn that doubled as a garage . theyd converted the upstairs of the barn into a large flat for some inexplicable reason , as if they already didnt have enough room , it was the original hayloft and was huge . it was really only after gema got that terrific job were they able to handle the mortgage and wendys school fees . he poured himself a sherry and took it into the study . might as well have a small one before she comes home , he thought . it had stopped raining and the sun was trying to break through the clouds even though it was late in the day . typical hereford weather , he muttered to himself , never know whats its going to do until it actually does it . he sat in his easy chair in front of the cold fireplace , newspaper in his lap , gazing at the mass of old photos on the wall . they were mostly army friends from when he was stationed in malaya and sarawak . of course that was before he got detached and sent back to bradbury lines to take on some of the training of wannabe sas troopers . the others were on the golf course and at various functions with gema . his favorite was on the mantelpiece , a portrait of gema and wendy taken quite recently . wendys a stunner , he thought to himself , shell be fighting the blokes off at cambridge . she was tall , unlike her mother , easily as tall as he was . shed inherited from him a straight nose and his piercing blue eyes plus the height of course , auburn hair which she liked long although sometimes she put it up , almond shaped eyes and skin the color of milky coffee . smart girl too , hed found that out pretty quickly .
[["finish", 17], ["finished", 17], ["pick", 29], ["picked", 29], ["much", 40], ["spend", 53], ["spends", 53], ["spendest", 53], ["spent", 53], ["brass", 59], ["sense", 73], ["head", 84], ["headed", 84], ["back", 89], ["op", 99], ["ops", 99], ["thicket", 114], ["harry", 122], ["harried", 122], ["already", 134], ["return", 143], ["returnest", 143], ["returned", 143], ["robbie", 152], ["say", 157], ["sayest", 157], ["said", 157], ["know", 168], ["knowest", 168], ["convince", 188], ["convinced", 188], ["convincing", 188], ["still", 198], ["quiet", 204], ["take", 220], ["time", 229], ["bury", 238], ["burying", 238], ["two", 248], ["twos", 248], ["bloke", 255], ["blokes", 255], ["boar", 289], ["boars", 289], ["go", 304], ["goest", 304], ["going", 304], ["meal", 319], ["peter", 362], ["peters", 362], ["ground", 375], ["pretty", 385], ["prettiest", 385], ["soft", 390], ["bury", 404], ["burying", 404], ["buried", 404], ["body", 419], ["bodied", 419], ["bodies", 419], ["shallow", 432], ["communal", 441], ["grave", 447], ["gather", 459], ["gatherest", 459], ["rock", 465], ["rocks", 465], ["create", 475], ["small", 483], ["marker", 490], ["commit", 504], ["committed", 504], ["maker", 524], ["george", 533], ["take", 538], ["took", 538], ["couple", 547], ["photo", 557], ["photos", 557], ["finally", 582], ["put", 586], ["camera", 597], ["cameras", 597], ["away", 602], ["ok", 607], ["call", 625], ["taxi", 637], ["taxying", 637], ["service", 645], ["servicing", 645], ["fire", 659], ["fired", 659], ["radio", 672], ["trigger", 684], ["triggered", 684], ["send", 693], ["button", 700], ["buttoning", 700], ["whisper", 714], ["whispered", 714], ["leed", 722], ["leeds", 722], ["click", 754], ["clicks", 754], ["tell", 759], ["told", 759], ["message", 775], ["receive", 793], ["received", 793], ["wait", 827], ["waitest", 827], ["three", 835], ["hour", 841], ["hours", 841], ["later", 847], ["quietly", 857], ["wait", 865], ["waitest", 865], ["waiting", 865], ["inside", 877], ["tree", 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["exactly", 1882], ["four", 1887], ["year", 1893], ["years", 1893], ["almost", 1902], ["day", 1913], ["since", 1921], ["retire", 1933], ["retired", 1933], ["army", 1947], ["stand", 1958], ["stood", 1958], ["standest", 1958], ["moment", 1986], ["beat", 1994], ["beats", 1994], ["married", 2018], ["quarter", 2027], ["quartering", 2027], ["quarters", 2027], ["loud", 2061], ["answer", 2086], ["answeres", 2086], ["answerest", 2086], ["wonder", 2097], ["wonderest", 2097], ["dinner", 2114], ["think", 2127], ["thinkest", 2127], ["thought", 2127], ["wander", 2139], ["wandering", 2139], ["spotless", 2157], ["kitchen", 2165], ["kitchens", 2165], ["gemas", 2188], ["usually", 2203], ["pleasant", 2254], ["family", 2261], ["room", 2266], ["roomed", 2266], ["french", 2275], ["door", 2281], ["doors", 2281], ["open", 2289], ["terrace", 2310], ["terracing", 2310], ["overlook", 2322], ["overlooking", 2322], ["acre", 2335], ["tend", 2355], ["tended", 2355], ["garden", 2362], ["gardens", 2362], ["gardened", 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["overseas", 2926], ["various", 2954], ["allowance", 2965], ["allowances", 2965], ["bedroom", 2981], ["bedrooms", 2981], ["guest", 3026], ["guestest", 3026], ["guests", 3026], ["study", 3036], ["old", 3083], ["barn", 3088], ["double", 3101], ["doubled", 3101], ["garage", 3113], ["convert", 3131], ["converted", 3131], ["upstairs", 3144], ["large", 3169], ["flat", 3174], ["inexplicable", 3196], ["reason", 3203], ["reasonest", 3203], ["enough", 3242], ["original", 3269], ["hayloft", 3277], ["haylofts", 3277], ["huge", 3290], ["get", 3326], ["got", 3326], ["terrific", 3340], ["job", 3344], ["jobbing", 3344], ["able", 3359], ["abled", 3359], ["handle", 3369], ["mortgage", 3382], ["mortgaging", 3382], ["school", 3400], ["schooling", 3400], ["fee", 3405], ["fees", 3405], ["pour", 3417], ["poured", 3417], ["sherry", 3434], ["may", 3469], ["mays", 3469], ["mayest", 3469], ["might", 3469], ["come", 3511], ["comes", 3511], ["stop", 3546], ["stopped", 3546], ["rain", 3554], ["raining", 3554], ["sun", 3566], ["suns", 3566], ["sunned", 3566], ["try", 3577], ["tryed", 3577], ["trying", 3577], ["broke", 3586], ["break", 3586], ["cloud", 3605], ["clouded", 3605], ["clouds", 3605], ["late", 3629], ["lates", 3629], ["typical", 3650], ["hereford", 3659], ["weather", 3667], ["mutter", 3681], ["muttering", 3681], ["mutterest", 3681], ["muttered", 3681], ["never", 3700], ["sat", 3762], ["sit", 3762], ["easy", 3774], ["chair", 3780], ["chairing", 3780], ["cold", 3801], ["fireplace", 3811], ["newspaper", 3823], ["lap", 3834], ["laps", 3834], ["lapping", 3834], ["gaze", 3843], ["gazes", 3843], ["gazing", 3843], ["mass", 3855], ["massed", 3855], ["massing", 3855], ["massest", 3855], ["wall", 3881], ["mostly", 3900], ["friend", 3913], ["friends", 3913], ["station", 3940], ["stationed", 3940], ["malaya", 3950], ["sarawak", 3962], ["course", 3974], ["detach", 4006], ["detachest", 4006], ["detached", 4006], ["send", 4015], ["sent", 4015], ["bradbury", 4032], ["line", 4038], ["lines", 4038], ["training", 4070], ["wannabe", 4081], ["troopers", 4094], ["golf", 4124], ["golfs", 4124], ["function", 4156], ["functions", 4156], ["favorite", 4181], ["favoritest", 4181], ["mantelpiece", 4204], ["portrait", 4217], ["take", 4241], ["taken", 4241], ["quite", 4247], ["recently", 4256], ["stunner", 4275], ["fight", 4319], ["fightest", 4319], ["tall", 4362], ["unlike", 4371], ["unliking", 4371], ["mother", 4382], ["mothered", 4382], ["motherest", 4382], ["easily", 4391], ["shed", 4416], ["inherit", 4426], ["inherits", 4426], ["inherited", 4426], ["straight", 4446], ["nose", 4451], ["nosed", 4451], ["nosing", 4451], ["pierce", 4468], ["piercing", 4468], ["blue", 4473], ["eye", 4478], ["eyed", 4478], ["eyes", 4478], ["plus", 4483], ["height", 4494], ["heights", 4494], ["auburn", 4513], ["hair", 4518], ["like", 4534], ["liked", 4534], ["long", 4539], ["longs", 4539], ["although", 4548], ["almond", 4581], ["skin", 4602], ["color", 4612], ["milky", 4621], ["coffee", 4628], ["smart", 4636], ["girl", 4641], ["find", 4657], ["found", 4657], ["quickly", 4681]]
she had an ear for languages and was already multi-lingual..got it from her mother for sure he sat there , nursing his drink , looking at the photos . i guess im lucky in some ways , he thought to himself , some of the chaps i knew quite well have retired relatively close by . george mudd has an extremely successful business here in hereford although hes out of the country quite often . ron gurney actually lives here in herefordgeorge lives down in eaton bishop somewhere . weve never been to his place . were all close enough to the barracks to be able to socialize with some of the chaps still there . ron and i always seem to be welcome in the officers mess although i dont think george ever goes down to the sergeants mess . funny when you think about it..george has done better than any of us since we all retired . well good on him i say , bloody good golfer too . by some stroke of coincidence they were all members of belmont lodge golf course probably due to the fact that the club did offer a really good deal to retired members of the sas being literally just around the corner . he thought about his own life since hed retired . with gemas job he could easily have become a gentleman of leisure . hed actually tried it for a while but got bored to death.after all how many rounds of golf can you play ? so hed looked for work . the best he could find was with an estate agency and property management company in hereford . he hated it but it was something to do and he had ample opportunity to play golf when it took his fancy . gemas job ; he resented the pleasure she got out of it . the travelling she was able to do.the money she made . damn it if it wasnt for him shed still be in sarawak working as a government interpreter . he remembered ruefully the shit storm hed had when hed announced to his co his intention to marry gema . the army had threatened him with everything under the sun other than being cashiered . he , in turn , had threatened to resign his commission if that was what it was going to take . theyd weathered the storm although gema had had her problems once they returned to the barracks at bradbury lines . even now they didnt get invited too often to functions that required a partner in tow . screw em , he thought . he thought of gema now forty three and not looking a day over thirty , gema who , when home , goes to the dojo to practice silat the indonesian martial art . she had become guru muda the equivalent of a black belt . he had seen her in action , she was formidable . gema who , although she had converted to christianity when she was fifteen , still had a shrine to the god semangat and still believed in the spirit and the spirits of her ancestors , gema who strongly believed in her heritage . gema who he had to teach to kiss as kissing was not part of her culture . gema who had named their daughter after her mother wening , her mother who was killed in sixty five . the slamming of the front door brought him back to the present . hellooo im home , she called , where are you ? im in the study , he replied . she walked in , dressed in the black track suit she used for working out . her hair was in a pony tail tied up with an elastic . did you grab the mail when you came in ? she asked , im expecting something from the travel agents . still intent on doing it are you ? i thought wed already agreed , she said , im going to start dinner . the disagreement had started after wendy had been accepted by cambridge . gema had decided that , before leaving for university and during her gap year , she would take her back to sarawak and kalimantan the place of her birth . dick just couldnt see the point of travelling half way round the world to , as gema put it , meet her heritage . gema was adamant though and , off and on , theyd been chewing over it for over a month..every now and again it would flare up into an argument . of course it reached far further than that . after her family had been killed gema had never been quite the same . dick often wondered if gema agreed to marry him in order to get out of sarawak or if she truly loved him . for twenty years hed harbored the fear that she was just going through the motions when they socialized with old comrades . she seemed to turn off in a way that was only apparent to him . of course the old comrades didnt help particularly if theyd been posted in the far east..colonialism at its worst . dickie..lets not start this all over again , she said , just think of it as a holiday . well only be gone for a few weeks , itll be a wonderful experience for her . youll be okay for a month , think of all the golf youll get in . wendys really excited about it .
[["ear", 14], ["language", 28], ["languaged", 28], ["languages", 28], ["already", 44], ["multi", 50], ["lingual", 58], ["get", 63], ["got", 63], ["mother", 82], ["mothered", 82], ["motherest", 82], ["sure", 91], ["sat", 98], ["sit", 98], ["nurse", 114], ["drank", 124], ["drink", 124], ["drinking", 124], ["look", 134], ["looking", 134], ["photo", 148], ["photos", 148], ["guess", 158], ["lucky", 167], ["way", 180], ["ways", 180], ["think", 193], ["thinkest", 193], ["thought", 193], ["chap", 224], ["chaps", 224], ["chapping", 224], ["know", 231], ["knowest", 231], ["knew", 231], ["quite", 237], ["well", 242], ["wells", 242], ["retire", 255], ["retired", 255], ["relatively", 266], ["close", 272], ["george", 284], ["extremely", 306], ["successful", 317], ["business", 326], ["hereford", 343], ["although", 352], ["country", 375], ["often", 387], ["ron", 393], ["gurney", 400], ["live", 415], ["eaton", 458], ["bishop", 465], ["somewhere", 475], ["never", 488], ["place", 506], ["enough", 530], ["barrack", 546], ["barracks", 546], ["able", 557], ["abled", 557], ["socialize", 570], ["socializes", 570], ["still", 599], ["always", 624], ["seem", 629], ["seeming", 629], ["welcome", 643], ["officer", 659], ["officering", 659], ["officers", 659], ["mess", 664], ["messed", 664], ["messing", 664], ["think", 686], ["thinkest", 686], ["ever", 698], ["everest", 698], ["go", 703], ["goest", 703], ["goes", 703], ["sergeant", 725], ["sergeants", 725], ["funny", 738], ["well", 786], ["wells", 786], ["since", 807], ["good", 834], ["say", 847], ["sayest", 847], ["bloody", 856], ["bloodying", 856], ["stroke", 889], ["coincidence", 904], ["member", 926], ["members", 926], ["belmont", 937], ["lodge", 943], ["golf", 948], ["golfs", 948], ["course", 955], ["probably", 964], ["due", 968], ["fact", 980], ["club", 994], ["clubbed", 994], ["clubbing", 994], ["offer", 1004], ["really", 1013], ["deal", 1023], ["literally", 1069], ["around", 1081], ["corner", 1092], ["life", 1124], ["lifes", 1124], 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2354], ["homing", 2354], ["dojo", 2373], ["dojos", 2373], ["practice", 2385], ["silat", 2391], ["indonesian", 2406], ["indonesians", 2406], ["martial", 2414], ["art", 2418], ["guru", 2440], ["equivalent", 2460], ["black", 2471], ["belt", 2476], ["belts", 2476], ["belted", 2476], ["beltest", 2476], ["belting", 2476], ["see", 2490], ["seen", 2490], ["action", 2504], ["formidable", 2525], ["convert", 2565], ["converted", 2565], ["christianity", 2581], ["fifteen", 2602], ["shrine", 2623], ["god", 2634], ["believe", 2662], ["believed", 2662], ["spirit", 2676], ["spirited", 2676], ["spirit", 2692], ["spirited", 2692], ["spirits", 2692], ["ancestor", 2709], ["ancestors", 2709], ["strongly", 2729], ["heritage", 2754], ["teach", 2781], ["kiss", 2789], ["kisses", 2789], ["kissest", 2789], ["part", 2813], ["parting", 2813], ["culture", 2828], ["cultured", 2828], ["name", 2849], ["named", 2849], ["daughter", 2864], ["kill", 2916], ["killed", 2916], ["sixty", 2925], ["five", 2930], ["fived", 2930], ["front", 2958], ["door", 2963], ["bring", 2971], ["brought", 2971], ["back", 2980], ["present", 2995], ["presentest", 2995], ["call", 3026], ["called", 3026], ["study", 3060], ["reply", 3073], ["replied", 3073], ["walk", 3086], ["walked", 3086], ["dress", 3099], ["dressest", 3099], ["dressed", 3099], ["track", 3118], ["suit", 3123], ["suited", 3123], ["use", 3132], ["used", 3132], ["hair", 3159], ["pony", 3173], ["tail", 3178], ["tailed", 3178], ["tie", 3183], ["tying", 3183], ["tieing", 3183], ["tied", 3183], ["elastic", 3202], ["grab", 3217], ["mail", 3226], ["come", 3240], ["came", 3240], ["ask", 3255], ["asked", 3255], ["expect", 3270], ["expecting", 3270], ["travel", 3296], ["agent", 3303], ["agents", 3303], ["intent", 3318], ["agree", 3369], ["agreed", 3369], ["say", 3380], ["sayest", 3380], ["said", 3380], ["start", 3400], ["dinner", 3407], ["disagreement", 3426], ["start", 3438], ["started", 3438], ["wendy", 3450], ["accept", 3468], ["accepted", 3468], ["cambridge", 3481], ["decide", 3500], ["decided", 3500], ["left", 3522], ["leave", 3522], ["leaving", 3522], ["university", 3537], ["gap", 3556], ["gaps", 3556], ["gapping", 3556], ["year", 3561], ["kalimantan", 3613], ["birth", 3636], ["dick", 3643], ["see", 3660], ["point", 3670], ["travel", 3684], ["travelling", 3684], ["half", 3689], ["way", 3693], ["ways", 3693], ["round", 3699], ["world", 3709], ["put", 3726], ["meet", 3736], ["meeted", 3736], ["adamant", 3768], ["though", 3775], ["chew", 3813], ["chews", 3813], ["chewest", 3813], ["chewing", 3813], ["month", 3838], ["every", 3845], ["flare", 3874], ["argument", 3894], ["reach", 3917], ["reached", 3917], ["far", 3921], ["family", 3958], ["wonder", 4031], ["wonderest", 4031], ["wondered", 4031], ["order", 4068], ["orderest", 4068], ["truly", 4106], ["love", 4112], ["loved", 4112], ["twenty", 4129], ["year", 4135], ["years", 4135], ["harbor", 4148], ["harbors", 4148], ["harborest", 4148], ["harbored", 4148], ["fear", 4157], ["fearest", 4157], ["motion", 4201], ["motions", 4201], ["socialize", 4222], ["socializes", 4222], ["socialized", 4222], ["old", 4231], ["comrade", 4240], ["comraded", 4240], ["comrades", 4240], ["seem", 4253], ["seeming", 4253], ["seemed", 4253], ["apparent", 4297], ["help", 4344], ["helpest", 4344], ["particularly", 4357], ["post", 4378], ["posted", 4378], ["east", 4394], ["colonialism", 4407], ["bad", 4420], ["worst", 4420], ["dickie", 4429], ["let", 4435], ["lets", 4435], ["holiday", 4508], ["holidays", 4508], ["holidayed", 4508], ["go", 4528], ["goest", 4528], ["gone", 4528], ["week", 4544], ["weeks", 4544], ["wonderful", 4566], ["experience", 4577], ["experienced", 4577], ["okay", 4601]]
what she hadnt expressed was her own excitement over the trip . for the last twenty years shed successfully hidden her true emotions concerning her origins . now she had the opportunity to return . from time to time she thought perhaps she was using wendy but shed get plenty out of it too . her planned itinerary took them from london to kuala lumpur and then on to kuching in sarawak . from there they would make their way to kapit . once there shed figure it out , after all she was kayan , daughter of a tuai . ~ ~ ~ chapter 5 going home . she had forgotten how hot and humid it could be , she almost found it refreshing . they had flown from heathrow to kuala lumpur in malaya , stayed over for a couple of days to get over the jet lag then continued on to kuching in sarawak all by malaysia airlines . in kuching they stayed at the grand continental on jalan ban hock complete with pools , spa and everything else you would expect from a first class hotel . she had stayed there once before with dickie but only after he had taught her how to kiss . for her it was like coming home . of course much had changed in the almost twenty years but the essence was the same ; the sounds , the smells , the bikes , the scooters , the constant chatter . no more the military traffic she remembered . kuching was now a bustling metropolis , a hodgepodge of races cramming the pavements . indonesians , malayans , chinese the odd east indian . for wendy it was everything her mother constantly spoke of . it was not the first time she had travelled of course . she had been to many places with her mother but never to the far east with a view to entering kalimantan . although she spoke malay and in fact had a smattering of butak , her mothers native language , she had trouble understanding.more the speed and the accent than anything else . it was a place of wonder , of excitement , a place of spicy smells and sounds , a place of beggars and pavement vendors..certainly not hereford . that first evening in kuching , sitting in the long bar overlooking the pool her mother had turned to her , i want you to listen to me now so there is no misunderstanding later wendy , she looked her daughter in the eyes . this will not be like before , where we are going is different . dont get used to this , sweetheart , this hotel with the pool and the fancy rooms , this modern city , she turned and looked around the room . where we are going , in a couple of days , is one of the last truly uncivilized places on earth . there is no running water , there are no phones , there is no electricity . there are none of the things that you take for granted in your everyday life , its not even safe . tomorrow we go shopping for you , jungle khakis , boots , headgear , a couple of changes plus a first aid kit . youre going to need bug cream , a knife and a parang plus water bottles and backpacks for both of us . from now on where we are going is our business and no one elses..remember that . she sat back and took a long pull of her drink . she thought back to the recent phone conversation she had had with robbie mcelroy , something that dickie definitely did not know about . she had called him in brunei from england asking him for both advice and help . at first hed thought she was out of her mind but eventually he had come around . she had to call him in the morning to confirm everything . wendyfrom tomorrow on you must do everything i say..without question . believe me when i say everything changes but nothing changes . where we are going..nothing changes . it is at it was . wendy was starting to look worried . sweetheart.dont forget.this is what i was ! where we are going is home for me , i will be welcome there . she knew that up till now it had been easy . starting , after they had kitted out , things would get progressively tougher , first the eight hours on a bus to sibu , then five hours on a boat to kapit . in kapit they would meet the guide arranged by robbie , apparently an old friend . according to robbie they would not know him but he would know them . they could trust him with their lives . three days later they were standing on the dock in kapit wondering what to do next surrounded by their gear at their feet . i am paan , i am trooper macs friend . a small wizened man had appeared at their side . i speak little english but good malay . he was a small wiry man in shorts and tee shirt , parang tucked into a colorful sash around his waist . he was barefoot his arms and legs fully tattooed .
[["express", 24], ["expressed", 24], ["excitement", 47], ["trip", 61], ["tripping", 61], ["last", 76], ["twenty", 83], ["year", 89], ["years", 89], ["shed", 94], ["successfully", 107], ["hide", 114], ["hides", 114], ["hidden", 114], ["true", 123], ["emotion", 132], ["emotions", 132], ["concern", 143], ["concerned", 143], ["concernest", 143], ["concerning", 143], ["origin", 155], ["origins", 155], ["opportunity", 185], ["return", 195], ["returnest", 195], ["time", 207], ["think", 227], ["thinkest", 227], ["thought", 227], ["perhaps", 235], ["use", 249], ["using", 249], ["wendy", 255], ["get", 268], ["plenty", 275], ["plan", 303], ["planned", 303], ["itinerary", 313], ["take", 318], ["took", 318], ["london", 335], ["kuching", 374], ["sarawak", 385], ["way", 424], ["ways", 424], ["figure", 458], ["kayan", 491], ["daughter", 502], ["chapter", 528], ["go", 536], ["goest", 536], ["going", 536], ["home", 541], ["homing", 541], ["forget", 561], ["forgot", 561], ["forgotten", 561], ["hot", 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1185], ["smelt", 1198], ["smell", 1198], ["smellest", 1198], ["smells", 1198], ["bike", 1210], ["biking", 1210], ["bikes", 1210], ["scooter", 1225], ["scooters", 1225], ["constant", 1240], ["chatter", 1248], ["military", 1271], ["traffic", 1279], ["traffics", 1279], ["trafficking", 1279], ["remember", 1294], ["rememberest", 1294], ["remembered", 1294], ["metropolis", 1334], ["hodgepodge", 1349], ["race", 1358], ["racing", 1358], ["races", 1358], ["cram", 1367], ["crammed", 1367], ["pavement", 1381], ["pavements", 1381], ["chinese", 1416], ["odd", 1424], ["east", 1429], ["indian", 1436], ["indians", 1436], ["mother", 1477], ["mothered", 1477], ["motherest", 1477], ["constantly", 1488], ["speak", 1494], ["spoken", 1494], ["spoke", 1494], ["travel", 1543], ["travelled", 1543], ["many", 1576], ["place", 1583], ["places", 1583], ["never", 1609], ["far", 1620], ["view", 1637], ["viewest", 1637], ["enter", 1649], ["entering", 1649], ["kalimantan", 1660], ["although", 1671], ["malay", 1687], ["fact", 1699], ["smatter", 1716], ["smattering", 1716], ["mother", 1739], ["mothered", 1739], ["motherest", 1739], ["mothers", 1739], ["native", 1746], ["language", 1755], ["languaged", 1755], ["trouble", 1773], ["troubling", 1773], ["speed", 1802], ["speeding", 1802], ["accent", 1817], ["accenting", 1817], ["anything", 1831], ["place", 1853], ["wonder", 1863], ["wonderest", 1863], ["spicy", 1898], ["beggar", 1937], ["beggared", 1937], ["beggarest", 1937], ["beggars", 1937], ["pavement", 1950], ["vendor", 1958], ["vendors", 1958], ["certainly", 1969], ["hereford", 1982], ["evening", 2003], ["sat", 2024], ["sit", 2024], ["sitting", 2024], ["long", 2036], ["longs", 2036], ["bar", 2040], ["overlook", 2052], ["overlooking", 2052], ["pool", 2061], ["turn", 2083], ["turned", 2083], ["listen", 2113], ["listens", 2113], ["misunderstanding", 2155], ["later", 2161], ["look", 2180], ["looked", 2180], ["eye", 2205], ["eyed", 2205], ["eyes", 2205], ["different", 2270], ["use", 2286], ["used", 2286], ["sweetheart", 2307], ["fancy", 2348], ["fanciest", 2348], ["room", 2354], ["roomed", 2354], ["rooms", 2354], ["modern", 2368], ["city", 2373], ["around", 2404], ["room", 2413], ["roomed", 2413], ["truly", 2483], ["uncivilized", 2495], ["earth", 2511], ["earths", 2511], ["earthest", 2511], ["running", 2533], ["water", 2539], ["phone", 2561], ["phones", 2561], ["electricity", 2587], ["electricities", 2587], ["none", 2604], ["thing", 2618], ["things", 2618], ["take", 2632], ["grant", 2644], ["grantest", 2644], ["granted", 2644], ["everyday", 2661], ["life", 2666], ["lifes", 2666], ["even", 2681], ["evens", 2681], ["safe", 2686], ["safes", 2686], ["safed", 2686], ["tomorrow", 2697], ["tomorrows", 2697], ["go", 2703], ["goest", 2703], ["shop", 2712], ["jungle", 2729], ["jungles", 2729], ["boot", 2744], ["boots", 2744], ["headgear", 2755], ["change", 2777], ["changes", 2777], ["plus", 2782], ["aid", 2794], ["aids", 2794], ["kit", 2798], ["need", 2820], ["needest", 2820], ["bug", 2824], ["bugged", 2824], ["cream", 2830], ["creamest", 2830], ["knife", 2840], ["knifes", 2840], ["parang", 2853], ["bottle", 2872], ["bottled", 2872], ["bottles", 2872], ["backpack", 2886], ["backpacking", 2886], ["backpacks", 2886], ["business", 2950], ["else", 2967], ["remember", 2977], ["rememberest", 2977], ["sat", 2992], ["sit", 2992], ["back", 2997], ["pull", 3018], ["drank", 3031], ["drink", 3031], ["drinking", 3031], ["recent", 3064], ["phone", 3070], ["conversation", 3083], ["robbie", 3107], ["definitely", 3150], ["know", 3163], ["knowest", 3163], ["call", 3186], ["called", 3186], ["brunei", 3200], ["england", 3213], ["ask", 3220], ["asking", 3220], ["advice", 3240], ["help", 3249], ["helpest", 3249], ["mind", 3296], ["minding", 3296], ["eventually", 3311], ["come", 3323], ["call", 3348], ["morning", 3367], ["confirm", 3378], ["must", 3422], ["musts", 3422], ["say", 3442], ["sayest", 3442], ["without", 3451], ["question", 3460], ["believe", 3470], ["nothing", 3515], ["start", 3600], ["starting", 3600], ["look", 3608], ["welcome", 3716], ["know", 3733], ["knowest", 3733], ["knew", 3733], ["till", 3746], ["easy", 3767], ["kitting", 3802], ["progressively", 3839], ["tough", 3847], ["eight", 3865], ["hour", 3871], ["hours", 3871], ["bus", 3880], ["five", 3900], ["fived", 3900], ["boat", 3916], ["boated", 3916], ["meet", 3952], ["meeted", 3952], ["guide", 3962], ["arrange", 3971], ["arranging", 3971], ["arranged", 3971], ["apparently", 3994], ["old", 4001], ["friend", 4008], ["accord", 4020], ["according", 4020], ["trust", 4096], ["life", 4117], ["lifes", 4117], ["lives", 4117], ["three", 4125], ["stand", 4155], ["stood", 4155], ["standest", 4155], ["standing", 4155], ["dock", 4167], ["wonder", 4186], ["wonderest", 4186], ["wondering", 4186], ["next", 4202], ["surround", 4213], ["surrounded", 4213], ["gear", 4227], ["foot", 4241], ["feet", 4241], ["paan", 4253], ["trooper", 4268], ["small", 4290], ["man", 4302], ["mans", 4302], ["manned", 4302], ["appear", 4315], ["appeared", 4315], ["side", 4329], ["sidest", 4329], ["speak", 4339], ["spoken", 4339], ["little", 4346], ["english", 4354], ["englishest", 4354], ["good", 4363], ["wiry", 4391], ["short", 4405], ["shorts", 4405], ["tee", 4413], ["shirt", 4419], ["tuck", 4435], ["tucked", 4435], ["tucking", 4435], ["colorful", 4451], ["sash", 4456], ["waist", 4473], ["barefoot", 4491], ["arm", 4500], ["arms", 4500], ["leg", 4509], ["legs", 4509], ["fully", 4515], ["tattoo", 4524], ["tattoos", 4524], ["tattooing", 4524], ["tattooed", 4524]]
gema smiled and gave the traditional greeting . i am gema suparmanputri and this is my daughter wening , she replied in butak . i am kayan . i am the daughter of a tuai , i too am macs friend . they followed him to a four wheel drive obviously provided by robbie . it looked like a relic from the sixtiesan ex-military champion . everything you asked for is in the truck , said paan , i can not drive . it is about one day to the border . the road is not too bad , it is maintained by the logging company . we can leave now . it didnt take gema long to figure out the gears and the road , if you could call it such , was well within the abilities of the truck . after a couple of hours they stopped to stretch their legs . how do you know this is safe paan ? he replied , gemai have been watching this road now for over a week as instructed by trooper mac . there are no patrols here now but when we get closer to the border we must hide the truck and go on by foot . gema nodded her understanding . almost five hours later paan tapped gema on the shoulder . we make camp now , hide truck . they pulled off the road and drove straight into the underbrush until it was out of sight . paan erased all sign of its passing . it will be dark soon , said paan , no fire , no smoking , no noise , stay hidden . i check our six . gema smiled at the military jargon . paan had disappeared . the dark comes quickly in the tropics . try and get some sleep wendy , said her mother , tomorrow we start the hard part . sitting there in the quickening dark gema felt as though shed never left . the jungle night sounds seemed to welcome her home . she sat , cross legged , deliberately close to wendy who was obviously trying to put on a brave face . get some sleep wendy , she said , there is nothing to fear here..this is my home . they woke in the morning before the sun rose . paan had returned during the night and was busy distributing weight between the three packs . trooper mac sent something special for you gema , he whispered . lifting up the back seat of the champion he pulled out two armalite m16s and several filled magazines . he said you know how to use this , said paan . gema nodded her agreement with wendy looking on in amazement . they are set to single shotplease missee do not fire on auto we do not have enough ammo , again gema nodded her agreement . wendy you need to understand that although the terrorists were beaten years ago they never went away . theyre still here somewhere . the odds of us meeting up with them are slim but if we do we need to be able to defend ourselves , wendy nodded her understanding . we will distribute the weight of the ammo but paan and i will carry the rifles , gema said . paan was carrying another package back from the truck , quietly laughing to himself and doing a little jig on his bandy legs . trooper mac sent me a little present too , he said all the while chuckling . out of oily paper he unpacked six claymore mines , wire and a small transmitter . this will get their attention , he said in malay , laughing . after the gear was packed paan squatted down and motioned them over . i speak in malay now because my english not good , the two women nodded . trooper mac has given me instructions . we are to move off the road about a mile west then we are to turn south parallel to the road . it is about three hours to the border . there we are to bivouac overnight . i will recce the border to make sure it is safe to cross . this will be hard going now . there are no trails.we are to make no noisethere is no hot food until we are back in kapit . when you have to gobury everythingleave no sign . gemado not even think about using that m16 unless i say so , gema nodded . paan moved as though to get up . asked gema . yes , replied paan , i have been there . aku tahu tempat ini . asked wendy . he said , i know this place , replied gema thoughtfully . they crossed the border uneventfully although where anyone knew exactly where the border was seemed a good question . it was all just thick , almost impenetrable , jungle . the women needed a rest desperately so paan left them , backtracked , picked a spot where they had crossed and sat motionless for four hours ensuring they had no unwanted visitors . wendy thought she was going to die . her muscles screamed for respite . she dreaded looking at her feet as she had more than one blister on each . her shoulders were bruised from the pack on her back .
[["gemas", 4], ["smile", 11], ["smiled", 11], ["give", 20], ["gave", 20], ["traditional", 36], ["greeting", 45], ["daughter", 95], ["reply", 116], ["replied", 116], ["kayan", 138], ["mac", 184], ["macs", 184], ["friend", 191], ["follow", 207], ["followed", 207], ["four", 221], ["wheel", 227], ["wheeled", 227], ["drive", 233], ["obviously", 243], ["provide", 252], ["provided", 252], ["robbie", 262], ["look", 274], ["looked", 274], ["like", 279], ["relic", 287], ["ex", 309], ["exes", 309], ["military", 318], ["champion", 327], ["everything", 340], ["ask", 350], ["asked", 350], ["truck", 370], ["say", 377], ["sayest", 377], ["said", 377], ["paan", 382], ["day", 422], ["border", 436], ["bordering", 436], ["road", 447], ["bad", 462], ["maintain", 481], ["maintains", 481], ["maintainest", 481], ["maintained", 481], ["log", 496], ["logs", 496], ["logging", 496], ["company", 504], ["companys", 504], ["companying", 504], ["left", 519], ["leave", 519], ["take", 539], ["long", 549], ["longs", 549], ["figure", 559], ["gear", 573], ["gears", 573], ["call", 606], ["well", 625], ["wells", 625], ["within", 632], ["ability", 646], ["abilities", 646], ["couple", 676], ["hour", 685], ["hours", 685], ["stop", 698], ["stopped", 698], ["stretch", 709], ["leg", 720], ["legs", 720], ["know", 738], ["knowest", 738], ["safe", 751], ["safes", 751], ["safed", 751], ["watch", 796], ["watching", 796], ["week", 826], ["instruct", 840], ["instructest", 840], ["instructed", 840], ["trooper", 851], ["mac", 855], ["macs", 855], ["patrol", 878], ["patrols", 878], ["get", 903], ["close", 910], ["closer", 910], ["must", 932], ["musts", 932], ["hide", 937], ["hides", 937], ["go", 954], ["goest", 954], ["foot", 965], ["nod", 979], ["nodded", 979], ["understanding", 997], ["almost", 1006], ["five", 1011], ["fived", 1011], ["later", 1023], ["tap", 1035], ["tapped", 1035], ["shoulder", 1056], ["shouldered", 1056], ["camp", 1071], ["camped", 1071], ["pull", 1102], ["pulled", 1102], ["drive", 1125], ["drove", 1125], ["straight", 1134], ["underbrush", 1154], ["sight", 1180], ["sighted", 1180], ["erase", 1194], ["erased", 1194], ["sign", 1203], ["passing", 1218], ["dark", 1236], ["soon", 1241], ["fire", 1263], ["smoking", 1276], ["noise", 1287], ["stay", 1294], ["check", 1311], ["six", 1319], ["jargon", 1356], ["disappear", 1379], ["disappeared", 1379], ["come", 1396], ["comes", 1396], ["quickly", 1404], ["tropic", 1419], ["tropics", 1419], ["try", 1425], ["tryed", 1425], ["sleep", 1444], ["slept", 1444], ["sleeps", 1444], ["sleepest", 1444], ["wendy", 1450], ["mother", 1468], ["mothered", 1468], ["motherest", 1468], ["tomorrow", 1479], ["tomorrows", 1479], ["start", 1488], ["hard", 1497], ["part", 1502], ["parting", 1502], ["sat", 1512], ["sit", 1512], ["sitting", 1512], ["quicken", 1536], ["quickens", 1536], ["quickening", 1536], ["feel", 1551], ["felt", 1551], ["though", 1561], ["shed", 1566], ["never", 1572], ["left", 1577], ["leave", 1577], ["jungle", 1590], ["jungles", 1590], ["night", 1596], ["sound", 1603], ["sounds", 1603], ["seem", 1610], ["seeming", 1610], ["seemed", 1610], ["welcome", 1621], ["home", 1630], ["homing", 1630], ["sat", 1640], ["sit", 1640], ["cross", 1648], ["crossing", 1648], ["deliberately", 1670], ["close", 1676], ["try", 1710], ["tryed", 1710], ["trying", 1710], ["put", 1717], ["brave", 1728], ["face", 1733], ["nothing", 1786], ["fear", 1794], ["fearest", 1794], ["wake", 1828], ["wakes", 1828], ["woken", 1828], ["woke", 1828], ["morning", 1843], ["sun", 1858], ["suns", 1858], ["sunned", 1858], ["rise", 1863], ["risen", 1863], ["rose", 1863], ["return", 1883], ["returnest", 1883], ["returned", 1883], ["busy", 1913], ["busied", 1913], ["distribute", 1926], ["distributes", 1926], ["distributing", 1926], ["weight", 1933], ["weighted", 1933], ["weightest", 1933], ["three", 1951], ["send", 1976], ["sent", 1976], ["special", 1994], ["whisper", 2022], ["whispered", 2022], ["lift", 2032], ["back", 2044], ["seat", 2049], ["two", 2083], ["twos", 2083], ["armalite", 2092], ["several", 2109], ["fill", 2116], ["fills", 2116], ["filled", 2116], ["magazine", 2126], ["magazining", 2126], ["magazines", 2126], ["use", 2156], ["agreement", 2201], ["look", 2220], ["looking", 2220], ["amazement", 2236], ["set", 2251], ["single", 2261], ["missee", 2279], ["missees", 2279], ["auto", 2299], ["enough", 2321], ["ammo", 2326], ["need", 2377], ["needest", 2377], ["understand", 2391], ["understanded", 2391], ["although", 2405], ["terrorist", 2420], ["terrorists", 2420], ["beat", 2432], ["beaten", 2432], ["year", 2438], ["years", 2438], ["ago", 2442], ["go", 2458], ["goest", 2458], ["went", 2458], ["away", 2463], ["still", 2478], ["somewhere", 2493], ["odd", 2504], ["odds", 2504], ["meet", 2518], ["meeted", 2518], ["slim", 2540], ["able", 2572], ["abled", 2572], ["defend", 2582], ["distribute", 2646], ["distributes", 2646], ["carry", 2695], ["rifle", 2706], ["rifles", 2706], ["carry", 2738], ["carrying", 2738], ["another", 2746], ["package", 2754], ["quietly", 2784], ["laugh", 2793], ["laughing", 2793], ["little", 2823], ["jig", 2827], ["jigged", 2827], ["bandy", 2840], ["bandying", 2840], ["present", 2884], ["presentest", 2884], ["chuckle", 2922], ["chuckled", 2922], ["chuckling", 2922], ["oily", 2936], ["paper", 2942], ["unpack", 2954], ["claymore", 2967], ["mine", 2973], ["mines", 2973], ["wire", 2980], ["small", 2992], ["transmitter", 3004], ["attention", 3036], ["malay", 3055], ["gear", 3083], ["pack", 3094], ["packed", 3094], ["squat", 3108], ["squats", 3108], ["motion", 3126], ["speak", 3146], ["spoken", 3146], ["english", 3178], ["englishest", 3178], ["good", 3187], ["woman", 3203], ["womans", 3203], ["women", 3203], ["give", 3234], ["given", 3234], ["instruction", 3250], ["instructions", 3250], ["move", 3267], ["mile", 3293], ["miles", 3293], ["west", 3298], ["turn", 3318], ["south", 3324], ["parallel", 3333], ["bivouac", 3411], ["overnight", 3421], ["overnights", 3421], ["recce", 3436], ["sure", 3460], ["go", 3506], ["goest", 3506], ["going", 3506], ["hot", 3571], ["food", 3576], ["foods", 3576], ["even", 3671], ["evens", 3671], ["think", 3677], ["thinkest", 3677], ["use", 3689], ["using", 3689], ["unless", 3705], ["unlesss", 3705], ["say", 3711], ["sayest", 3711], ["move", 3741], ["moved", 3741], ["yes", 3780], ["aku", 3821], ["place", 3881], ["thoughtfully", 3909], ["cross", 3924], ["crossing", 3924], ["crossed", 3924], ["uneventfully", 3948], ["anyone", 3970], ["know", 3975], ["knowest", 3975], ["knew", 3975], ["exactly", 3983], ["question", 4027], ["thick", 4051], ["thickest", 4051], ["impenetrable", 4073], ["need", 4101], ["needest", 4101], ["needed", 4101], ["rest", 4108], ["desperately", 4120], ["backtrack", 4152], ["backtracks", 4152], ["pick", 4161], ["picked", 4161], ["spot", 4168], ["motionless", 4210], ["ensure", 4234], ["ensuring", 4234], ["unwanted", 4255], ["visitor", 4264], ["visitors", 4264], ["think", 4280], ["thinkest", 4280], ["thought", 4280], ["die", 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her face was badly scratched from the constant struggle through the underbrush . at first she was awed by the stature of everything , the trees soaring hundreds of feet into the sky blotting out the sun giving the impression of constant dusk . the ferns that looked so soft but cut like a knife , the constant chatter of macaque monkeys in the canopy but soon the very effort of moving forward , the energy sucking heat and the constant dripping of the equatorial jungle took its toll . she was only allowed to take a drink every now and again and even then just two swallows of the water which tasted metallic from the treatment . she watched her mother move , seemingly effortlessly , through the bush following paan who periodically swung his parang making the way easier . three days paan had said after they crossed . she wasnt even sure she could make it . what was there for her once they arrived ? paan seemed to know exactly where he was going . no compass just his native instinct , his bare feet seemingly impervious to what was underfoot.pack on his backrifle strapped to his chest..the jungle fighters way . god almighty , thought wendy , he isnt even breathing heavily..neither is my mum now i come to think about it and theyre both twenty five years older than mei dont get it . on the third day after crossing paan held up his hand . wait here ill be back . it was several hours before he returned as usual just materializing like magic seemingly out of thin air . we are there , it is no more than an hour . gemas heart jumped in her chest . wendy was just happy that the end was in sight . i recced the whole areawe will be alone.safe ! we make camp here , move out in the morning , whispered paan..a habit . that evening gema spoke with paan . they spoke of their lives previous to the fighting , their villages , their families . paan was penan , a warrior as had been his father and his father before him but , although he and gema were from different tribes , they shared the same traditions , shared the same sense of family honor and pride . he had been a border scout for three years trained by the ghurkas in modern jungle warfare and had met robbie mcelroy when he had guided him across the border . they had become friends and soon after , robbie had succeeded in getting him seconded to his group as permanent guide . they were a strange couple together robbie standing a foot and a half taller than paan , robbie in full jungle gear , paan in shorts . mac came to find me when he came back to brunei , he gave me job . now i have small house , wife and food to eat , i have his six , he said . again gema smiled , she was fond of this little man . he was genuine but he made her sad , he reminded her of what was . paan squatted looking at his feet . when you come back hereand you will , you come find me . mac will know where i am , i will guide you . they entered the old village site early in the morning . they came in from the north the river on the leftstill flowing..still dark brown and oily . the old , rickety docks had long disappeared . the very shape of the banks had changed due to the flooding in the annual wet . the jungle had done its job . the entire site was completely overgrown in secondary growth . many meranti trees , those giants of the jungle , had seeded but had not yet grown tall enough to block out the sun , lianas grew everywhere . you could see where the old padi fields had stood down by the river , overgrown now but you could tell the outline . wendy could see her mother fighting her emotions . gema could see , in her minds eye , the padi fields as they were , hear the happy shouts of the children playing on the soah and the calls of the women working in the rice fields . they pushed through the brush in the general direction of where the longhouse had stood . suddenly they could see the ironwood posts still standing so many years later , totally covered in vines that would flower profusely once it rained . paan , with his parang , cleared some of the brush exposing solid piles of black embers . gemas eyes misted over . wendy put her arm round her mothers shoulders . i was born here , whispered gema , long alat ..i spent the first fifteen years of my life here.on this very spot . i didnt see a visitor , a stranger , until i was fifteen years olda missionary . taking a sighting from one of the end posts gema turned east and began to push her way through the underbrush . wendy and paan followed her . she was obviously looking for something although what it could be , after so many years , wendy had no idea . what are we looking for mum ? her mother stopped and turned .
[["face", 8], ["badly", 18], ["scratch", 28], ["scratched", 28], ["scratching", 28], ["constant", 46], ["struggle", 55], ["underbrush", 78], ["first", 89], ["firstest", 89], ["stature", 117], ["statured", 117], ["everything", 131], ["tree", 143], ["treed", 143], ["treeing", 143], ["trees", 143], ["soar", 151], ["soaring", 151], ["hundred", 160], ["hundreds", 160], ["foot", 168], ["feet", 168], ["sky", 181], ["blot", 190], ["blotting", 190], ["sun", 202], ["suns", 202], ["sunned", 202], ["give", 209], ["giving", 209], ["impression", 224], ["dusk", 241], ["fern", 253], ["ferns", 253], ["look", 265], ["looked", 265], ["soft", 273], ["cut", 281], ["like", 286], ["knife", 294], ["knifes", 294], ["chatter", 317], ["macaque", 328], ["macaques", 328], ["monkey", 336], ["monkeyed", 336], ["monkeying", 336], ["monkeys", 336], ["canopy", 350], ["soon", 359], ["effort", 375], ["move", 385], ["moving", 385], ["forward", 393], ["forwarding", 393], ["forwardest", 393], ["energy", 406], ["suck", 414], 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["bearest", 4158], ["born", 4158], ["spend", 4202], ["spends", 4202], ["spendest", 4202], ["spent", 4202], ["fifteen", 4220], ["life", 4237], ["lifes", 4237], ["spot", 4260], ["visitor", 4284], ["stranger", 4297], ["missionary", 4341], ["take", 4350], ["taking", 4350], ["sighting", 4361], ["turn", 4399], ["turned", 4399], ["east", 4404], ["begin", 4414], ["began", 4414], ["push", 4422], ["follow", 4479], ["followed", 4479], ["obviously", 4503], ["idea", 4593], ["stop", 4644], ["stopped", 4644]]
we are standing in the middle of what used to be the soah . it was a large clearing in front of the house that was used for festivals and quite often where the children played . my brother and i played here all the time..hard to imagine now , she said wistfully . im looking for a grave . uncle robbie told me some bodies had been buried here and stones placed like a cairn . all three started looking in earnest using their parangs to cut away the brush that now covered everything . it was paan that found it . the cairn had collapsed over the years and was now just a pile of rubble . paan took his parang and cleared the area around it . gema sank to her knees , tears flowing unashamedly down her face . this is what we came so far for..this might be my parents . she could still not be surethere was no proofthe doubt still lingered . paan rummaged around in his pack and , taking out a small parcel , knelt in front of gema holding it out in his two hands..head bowed down the traditional way of the barat . in malay he said gently , i guessed why we were coming here so i brought you this small gift . he passed her the package wrapped in traditional leaves , unwrapping it she found a small blanket . it is pua kumbu , said paan , the traditional iban ceremonial blanket often used in funerals , my gift to you . he stood up smoothly and moved away from the stones leaving gema and wendy together . gema spread the blanket on the ground and kneeling on it said to wendy , come kneel with me . in butak , her native language , she said the traditional prayers to the dead and to the god semangat . she invited the spirit of the dead to join with hers as was customary among the kayan . she stayed there for almost an hour her mind casting back to another life , another time , marveling at what time had done . she just knelt there still and quietremembering the good things . the spirits were quiet as they had been before . eventually she stood up , stretched and walked over to paan . ada yang tahu . nobody knows , said paan . they spent the next day clearing the area around the gravesite down to the bare earth and rebuilding the cairn of stones in the full knowledge that the jungle would quickly claim what it had claimed once before . wendy was dreading the four day trek back to the truck . shed only just made it here . her mother had treated her blisters from the first aid kit but theyd only just started to heal . paan would not let them dump the ammo or the claymores so they had to be humped out . she just shook her head and hoped she would not let her mother down . too quickly it was time to leave . paan , with a grin on his face said , trooper mac has another surprise for you , pulling a small radio out of his backpack he triggered the mike and said , not in a whisper this time , leeds unitedleeds united . ~ ~ ~ chapter 6 rsm george edward sticky mudd mm rtd . 1985 george stood just off the fairway on the fourteenth . his drive had leaked a bit to the right and he was mulling over which iron to use on his approach shot . six ironll probably do it , he thought reaching into his bag . he remembered what peter brenner had told him the last time hed visited from yorkshire . just let the club do the work and slow down , had been his advice , he should know . since peter had retired hed become senior assistant at moor allerton golf club in north leeds . george lined up and swung slowly . a little thick but on the green . leaving about twenty feet for a birdy . harry was already walking up to the green , bag over his shoulder . as george walked up , skirting a couple of bunkers , he looked around . he really liked this golf course although he had played many others . other than his business , golf was his second love . whenever he travelled , which was often , his clubs went with him . he had other interest too , he still loved to shoot competitively and belonged to a gun club down in bristol where he shot both shotgun and handgun . what was most unusual in england was that he had a license to carry a function of the security services he provided . when in the service hed been obliged to use the browning high power but now his sidearm of choice was the sig sauer p225 ; lighter and more reliable but the same caliber.9mm , most of the time it was locked up in the safe at home . this golf course was his home course . hed played here for years in fact since 1960 when hed first joined the sas.other than when he was deployed of course .
[["stand", 15], ["stood", 15], ["standest", 15], ["standing", 15], ["middle", 29], ["middles", 29], ["middling", 29], ["use", 42], ["used", 42], ["large", 74], ["clear", 83], ["clearest", 83], ["clearing", 83], ["front", 92], ["house", 105], ["festival", 133], ["festivals", 133], ["quite", 143], ["often", 149], ["child", 168], ["childs", 168], ["children", 168], ["play", 175], ["playest", 175], ["played", 175], ["brother", 188], ["brethren", 188], ["time", 219], ["hard", 225], ["imagine", 236], ["say", 251], ["sayest", 251], ["said", 251], ["wistfully", 261], ["look", 274], ["looking", 274], ["grave", 286], ["uncle", 294], ["robbie", 301], ["tell", 306], ["told", 306], ["body", 321], ["bodied", 321], ["bodies", 321], ["bury", 337], ["burying", 337], ["buried", 337], ["stone", 353], ["stoning", 353], ["stones", 353], ["place", 360], ["placed", 360], ["like", 365], ["cairn", 373], ["cairns", 373], ["three", 385], ["start", 393], ["started", 393], ["earnest", 412], ["use", 418], ["using", 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["walk", 3525], ["walking", 3525], ["shoulder", 3565], ["shouldered", 3565], ["skirt", 3598], ["skirting", 3598], ["couple", 3607], ["bunker", 3618], ["look", 3630], ["looked", 3630], ["really", 3649], ["like", 3655], ["liked", 3655], ["course", 3672], ["although", 3681], ["many", 3700], ["business", 3733], ["second", 3755], ["seconded", 3755], ["love", 3760], ["whenever", 3771], ["travel", 3784], ["travelled", 3784], ["club", 3814], ["clubbed", 3814], ["clubbing", 3814], ["clubs", 3814], ["go", 3819], ["goest", 3819], ["went", 3819], ["interest", 3852], ["love", 3873], ["loved", 3873], ["shoot", 3882], ["shooted", 3882], ["competitively", 3896], ["belong", 3909], ["belonged", 3909], ["belongest", 3909], ["gun", 3918], ["bristol", 3939], ["shotgun", 3966], ["handgun", 3978], ["handguns", 3978], ["unusual", 4002], ["england", 4013], ["license", 4039], ["carry", 4048], ["function", 4059], ["security", 4075], ["service", 4084], ["servicing", 4084], ["services", 4084], ["provide", 4096], 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not that hed had too much opportunity when hed first arrived the training being probably the toughest of any military unit in the world . he looked off to his left through the trees and across the fifteenth fairway . the brecon beacons loomed brown and green in the distance . thats where we all originally connected , he thought , harry downer , peter brenner and , of course , his closest friend robbie mcelroy . its a wonder were all still alive and kicking , he thought . now i think about it i even met dick mason here but that was a little later . he was thankful that , in the main , they had been able to keep together through their careers though now retired and in civilian life . unusual for the army , he thought , not that they were all really close . dickie and his wife lived in hereford.just around the corner really.george had bought a small estate in eaton bishop just down the road . harry lived in gloucester not too far away really..little over an hour if the traffic on the a4103 wasnt too bad and peter brenner lived up in leeds . he came down to hereford pretty regularly to make up a foursome and chew the fat . he usually stayed with either george or dickie . unfortunately they didnt see much of robbie at all.at least the other guys didnt . george saw him several times a year on business . hey george.tee off , theres people coming up behind us , youre in some sort of lala land , harry almost whispered . george knew this was a jungle habit hard to get rid of and not uncommon with men who had served in malaya and borneo . what you whispering about trooper ? he said affectionately , pulling his driver out of the bag , were on the bloody golf course ! the two friends played the next four holes in good time george just dropping the one shot on the eighteenth..enough for harry to have to buy the drinks in the clubhouse . sitting in the bar overlooking the first tee and the eighteenth green harry said . so hows the business george ? unusual for you to be home this time of year , usually youre off gallivanting in some far off place . george mulled this over for a minute . you know youre right harry . its nice to be able to back off a bit at last but having robbie in brunei had made a huge difference . i got ta admit , said harry , for a regimental sergeant major youve developed one hell of a business in not too much time at all . you know harry we always used to say there are times when its better to be lucky than good . it applied in the bush , it certainly applies on the golf course and i guess it applies in business too , said george thoughtfully . after sixty six and the cessation of hostilities in borneo george had rotated back to bradbury lines and got involved in the sas training programs . hed often thought that dickie had engineered that move although it had never been discussed . dickiecaptain richard mason rtd ex co of a troop in sarawak , regular golf partner , now involved in the real estate business in hereford . george had constantly put off retirement as hed never really decided what to do with his life . hed even spent another year in brunei at the jungle training facility the british army maintained there . in nineteen seventy three he met judy mclelland and they were married two years later . on this very golf course , not soon after , hed met terry metcalfe and , on his days off , invariably played with him . terry had a small security business based in hereford at that time focusing on residential security . with the cash george had accrued whilst overseas and with judy prodding him to get out of the army george was able to buy into the company..although there never seemed to be too much for him to do . it was quickly apparent that the business didnt provide sufficient revenue for the two of them and george was able to buy terry out . the bugger had now completely retired and still played with george on a regular basis . in nineteen eighty the worst of the worst ! his wife judy was killed in a hit and run while jogging one morning . the driver never caught . he let his mind spiral back to that day . the day the police did not come to him . the day a friend in the west mercia police called him with the news . the day he drove over to the pretty , tree lined lane , close to the house they had just bought and not even finished fixing up yet . he was still living in the same house in hereford . no we any more . flashing lights , yellow tape , ambulance , police cars . judy , in her jogging suit , not yet covered , thrown like a crumpled ragdoll into the ditch . not much blood but left leg and arm in unnatural positions .
[["much", 25], ["opportunity", 37], ["first", 52], ["firstest", 52], ["arrive", 60], ["arrived", 60], ["training", 73], ["probably", 88], ["tough", 101], ["military", 117], ["unit", 122], ["world", 135], ["look", 147], ["looked", 147], ["left", 163], ["leave", 163], ["tree", 181], ["treed", 181], ["treeing", 181], ["trees", 181], ["across", 192], ["fifteenth", 206], ["fairway", 214], ["fairways", 214], ["brecon", 227], ["beacon", 235], ["beaconed", 235], ["beacons", 235], ["loom", 242], ["loomed", 242], ["brown", 248], ["browns", 248], ["green", 258], ["greens", 258], ["distance", 274], ["distancing", 274], ["originally", 306], ["connect", 316], ["connectest", 316], ["connected", 316], ["think", 329], ["thinkest", 329], ["thought", 329], ["harry", 337], ["harried", 337], ["downer", 344], ["peter", 352], ["peters", 352], ["course", 376], ["close", 390], ["closest", 390], ["friend", 397], ["robbie", 404], ["wonder", 427], ["wonderest", 427], ["still", 442], ["alive", 448], ["think", 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["right", 2129], ["rightest", 2129], ["nice", 2146], ["back", 2165], ["bit", 2175], ["bits", 2175], ["last", 2183], ["brunei", 2211], ["huge", 2227], ["difference", 2238], ["get", 2246], ["got", 2246], ["ta", 2249], ["admit", 2255], ["regimental", 2287], ["sergeant", 2296], ["major", 2302], ["develop", 2318], ["developest", 2318], ["developed", 2318], ["hell", 2327], ["hells", 2327], ["always", 2396], ["use", 2401], ["used", 2401], ["say", 2408], ["sayest", 2408], ["well", 2440], ["wells", 2440], ["lucky", 2452], ["apply", 2475], ["applyed", 2475], ["applied", 2475], ["bush", 2487], ["bushed", 2487], ["certainly", 2502], ["apply", 2510], ["applyed", 2510], ["applies", 2510], ["guess", 2541], ["thoughtfully", 2595], ["sixty", 2609], ["six", 2613], ["cessation", 2631], ["hostility", 2646], ["hostilities", 2646], ["rotate", 2675], ["rotated", 2675], ["bradbury", 2692], ["line", 2698], ["lines", 2698], ["involve", 2715], ["involved", 2715], ["program", 2744], ["programs", 2744], ["often", 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["called", 4186], ["news", 4204], ["newses", 4204], ["drive", 4223], ["drove", 4223], ["tree", 4249], ["treed", 4249], ["treeing", 4249], ["line", 4255], ["lined", 4255], ["lane", 4260], ["lanes", 4260], ["house", 4281], ["finish", 4324], ["finished", 4324], ["fix", 4331], ["fixes", 4331], ["fixing", 4331], ["yet", 4338], ["live", 4360], ["living", 4360], ["flash", 4418], ["flashing", 4418], ["lit", 4425], ["light", 4425], ["lights", 4425], ["yellow", 4434], ["tape", 4439], ["ambulance", 4451], ["car", 4465], ["cars", 4465], ["suit", 4494], ["suited", 4494], ["cover", 4512], ["covered", 4512], ["throw", 4521], ["thrown", 4521], ["like", 4526], ["crumple", 4537], ["crumpled", 4537], ["ragdoll", 4545], ["ragdolls", 4545], ["ditch", 4560], ["blood", 4577], ["bloods", 4577], ["blooded", 4577], ["leg", 4590], ["arm", 4598], ["unnatural", 4611], ["position", 4621], ["positions", 4621]]
he knelt by her side , no tears . her face was quiet , no marks , a look of surprise perhaps . people not knowing what to say . a police sergeant telling him that she probably didnt even see it comingthat it would have been quick..thinking he was being kind . police , walking the lane looking for skid marks perhaps..clues . not remembering driving home but remembering walking through their househis house nowjudy stuff all over . shopping list on the fridge . the magazine she had been reading . her clothes in the laundry hamper , did he know how to run the washing machine ? the overwhelming sense of emptiness . the house seemed to echohollow in the missing . hed seen his fair share of death..more than most he supposed . that was his job..not to die for his country but to make the other bastard die for his . that had been his profession and hed been good at it . hed lost friends during his career and hed mourned them but death was a shadow that hung over them all . dont dwell on it.its just there..move on , have a drink ! never any regrets . this is , was , his wife . theyd been trying for a baby . the things hed wanted to say to her and never did . he found the emptiness almost unbearable although hed spent most of his life alone . in fact now he was rarely alone , his friends gathering around . he didnt feel alone but he did feel loneliness . he couldnt see where he was going without her..didnt really care . hed gone on a six month drinking binge and probably only survived due to the intervention of his close friends , particularly robbie mcelroy . he threw himself into his work sometimes working twenty hours a day . hed added an armored car service specifically catering to cash deliveries to the burgeoning atm business and had finally landed a contract with an oil company providing security on a couple of north sea oil rigs east of aberdeen . here he was in his element . his source of staff were retirees from the sas and the parachute regiment , their knowledge of terrorist tactics , small arms and overall discipline instilling confidence in his clients and a performance second to none . his business just took off almost in spite of him . suddenly he was a wealthy man but nothing could replace the loss of judy . she was there all the time.in spirit . sometimes he imagined he could hear her voice . no matter what he undertook she drove him onbut he never wept for her . he did all the things she would want probably even in the manner she would prefer but , in his heart , he knew she had a hold on him . he finished the renovation of the eighteenth century house they had bought together in eaton bishop because he knew that that would be what she wanted . in the quiet moments he missed her desperately but he still never cried for her . she became a benevolent specter . it became apparent , after a couple of years of trying to be in several places at the same time , that he needed a right hand man he could trust . robbie mcelroy came on board as general manager oil rig security . not so long ago he had been approached by shell oil to provide security for their oil rigs in brunei . robbie mcelroy , who was single , was promoted to general manager far east and was now living in brunei.like he said , almost like going back home except for the shortage of pubs . have you heard from peter recently ? harry interrupted his daydreaming . nope cant say i have , said george , but i was talking to ron gurney the other day . hes been making noises about organizing a twenty year reunion of the chaps that were in sarawak , said he was going to talk to dickie about itnot that dickies said anything yet . sounds like a hell of an idea although im not sure how many of them will show up , from what i understand theyre spread all over the world . shit some of them are working for you in brunei , said harry . george thought about this for a moment . hed have to come up with some sort of rotation or he ran the risk of having no one on the ground in brunei for a couple of weeks . what will you do harry ? youve got a bit of a one man show over there in gloucester . harry had opened a martial arts club in gloucester , a few years previously , teaching self defense to primarily ladies with nothing better to do with their timebut the money was good . shouldnt be too much of an issue , depends on the timing really . if people are likely to come in from all over the place it should last more than a couple of days . mebbe get in a bit of golfmebbe a visit back to bradbury lines , said harry thoughtfully , see what happens ! ~ ~ ~ chapter 7 a gentlemens club in kensington .
[["kneel", 8], ["kneels", 8], ["kneeled", 8], ["side", 20], ["sidest", 20], ["tear", 31], ["teared", 31], ["tears", 31], ["face", 42], ["quiet", 52], ["mark", 63], ["marks", 63], ["look", 72], ["surprise", 84], ["surprised", 84], ["perhaps", 92], ["people", 101], ["know", 113], ["knowest", 113], ["knowing", 113], ["say", 125], ["sayest", 125], ["police", 136], ["sergeant", 145], ["tell", 153], ["telling", 153], ["probably", 175], ["even", 186], ["evens", 186], ["see", 190], ["quick", 229], ["think", 239], ["thinkest", 239], ["thinking", 239], ["kind", 257], ["walk", 276], ["walking", 276], ["lane", 285], ["lanes", 285], ["look", 293], ["looking", 293], ["skid", 302], ["clue", 323], ["clues", 323], ["remember", 341], ["rememberest", 341], ["remembering", 341], ["drive", 349], ["driving", 349], ["home", 354], ["homing", 354], ["house", 407], ["stuff", 421], ["shopping", 441], ["list", 446], ["fridge", 460], ["magazine", 475], ["magazining", 475], ["read", 496], ["reads", 496], ["reading", 496], ["clad", 510], ["clothe", 510], ["clothes", 510], ["laundry", 525], ["hamper", 532], ["know", 546], ["knowest", 546], ["run", 557], ["washing", 569], ["washings", 569], ["machine", 577], ["overwhelming", 596], ["sense", 602], ["emptiness", 615], ["seem", 634], ["seeming", 634], ["seemed", 634], ["see", 674], ["seen", 674], ["fair", 683], ["fairs", 683], ["fairest", 683], ["share", 689], ["death", 698], ["suppose", 726], ["supposed", 726], ["job", 745], ["jobbing", 745], ["die", 757], ["country", 773], ["bastard", 803], ["profession", 846], ["good", 864], ["lose", 881], ["lost", 881], ["friend", 889], ["friends", 889], ["mourn", 923], ["mourned", 923], ["mourning", 923], ["mournest", 923], ["shadow", 951], ["shadowed", 951], ["hang", 961], ["hung", 961], ["hangs", 961], ["dwell", 988], ["dwellest", 988], ["dwelling", 988], ["move", 1015], ["drank", 1033], ["drink", 1033], ["drinking", 1033], ["never", 1041], ["regret", 1053], ["regrets", 1053], ["wife", 1080], ["try", 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["service", 1677], ["servicing", 1677], ["specifically", 1690], ["cater", 1699], ["cash", 1707], ["cashed", 1707], ["delivery", 1718], ["deliveries", 1718], ["burgeon", 1736], ["burgeonest", 1736], ["burgeoning", 1736], ["atm", 1740], ["business", 1749], ["finally", 1765], ["land", 1772], ["landed", 1772], ["contract", 1783], ["contractest", 1783], ["oil", 1795], ["company", 1803], ["companys", 1803], ["companying", 1803], ["provide", 1813], ["providing", 1813], ["security", 1822], ["couple", 1834], ["north", 1843], ["sea", 1847], ["rig", 1856], ["rigs", 1856], ["east", 1861], ["aberdeen", 1873], ["element", 1902], ["source", 1915], ["staff", 1924], ["staffing", 1924], ["retiree", 1938], ["retirees", 1938], ["parachute", 1969], ["parachutes", 1969], ["parachuting", 1969], ["regiment", 1978], ["knowledge", 1996], ["terrorist", 2009], ["tactic", 2017], ["tactics", 2017], ["small", 2025], ["arm", 2030], ["arms", 2030], ["overall", 2042], ["discipline", 2053], ["instill", 2064], ["instilling", 2064], ["confidence", 2075], ["client", 2090], ["clients", 2090], ["performance", 2108], ["second", 2115], ["seconded", 2115], ["none", 2123], ["take", 2148], ["took", 2148], ["spite", 2168], ["spited", 2168], ["spites", 2168], ["suddenly", 2186], ["wealthy", 2203], ["man", 2207], ["mans", 2207], ["manned", 2207], ["nothing", 2219], ["replace", 2233], ["loss", 2242], ["judy", 2250], ["spirit", 2289], ["spirited", 2289], ["imagine", 2313], ["imagined", 2313], ["hear", 2327], ["hears", 2327], ["voice", 2337], ["matter", 2349], ["mattering", 2349], ["undertook", 2367], ["undertake", 2367], ["undertakes", 2367], ["undertaken", 2367], ["undertaked", 2367], ["undertaking", 2367], ["drive", 2377], ["drove", 2377], ["weep", 2401], ["weeps", 2401], ["wept", 2401], ["manner", 2476], ["manners", 2476], ["prefer", 2493], ["prefered", 2493], ["preferest", 2493], ["heart", 2512], ["know", 2522], ["knowest", 2522], ["knew", 2522], ["hold", 2537], ["finish", 2558], ["finished", 2558], ["renovation", 2573], ["eighteenth", 2591], ["century", 2599], ["buy", 2621], ["buyed", 2621], ["bought", 2621], ["together", 2630], ["eaton", 2639], ["bishop", 2646], ["moment", 2720], ["moments", 2720], ["miss", 2730], ["missed", 2730], ["desperately", 2746], ["still", 2759], ["cry", 2771], ["cried", 2771], ["become", 2792], ["became", 2792], ["benevolent", 2805], ["specter", 2813], ["apparent", 2834], ["year", 2860], ["years", 2860], ["several", 2887], ["place", 2894], ["places", 2894], ["time", 2911], ["need", 2928], ["needest", 2928], ["needed", 2928], ["right", 2936], ["rightest", 2936], ["hand", 2941], ["trust", 2960], ["come", 2982], ["came", 2982], ["board", 2991], ["boarding", 2991], ["general", 3002], ["manager", 3010], ["rig", 3018], ["long", 3041], ["longs", 3041], ["ago", 3045], ["approach", 3068], ["approaches", 3068], ["approached", 3068], ["shell", 3077], ["provide", 3092], ["brunei", 3130], ["single", 3164], ["promote", 3179], ["promotes", 3179], ["promoted", 3179], ["far", 3202], ["live", 3226], ["living", 3226], ["say", 3249], ["sayest", 3249], ["said", 3249], ["like", 3263], ["back", 3274], ["except", 3286], ["shortage", 3303], ["pub", 3311], ["pubbing", 3311], ["pubs", 3311], ["hear", 3328], ["hears", 3328], ["heard", 3328], ["peter", 3339], ["peters", 3339], ["recently", 3348], ["harry", 3356], ["harried", 3356], ["interrupt", 3368], ["interruptest", 3368], ["interrupted", 3368], ["nope", 3391], ["george", 3421], ["talk", 3441], ["talking", 3441], ["ron", 3448], ["gurney", 3455], ["noise", 3494], ["noises", 3494], ["organize", 3511], ["organizing", 3511], ["year", 3525], ["reunion", 3533], ["chap", 3546], ["chaps", 3546], ["chapping", 3546], ["sarawak", 3567], ["talk", 3595], ["dickie", 3605], ["dickie", 3630], ["dickies", 3630], ["anything", 3644], ["yet", 3648], ["sound", 3657], ["sounds", 3657], ["hell", 3669], ["hells", 3669], ["idea", 3680], ["sure", 3701], ["many", 3710], ["show", 3728], ["understand", 3756], ["understanded", 3756], ["spread", 3770], ["world", 3789], ["shit", 3796], ["think", 3869], ["thinkest", 3869], ["thought", 3869], ["moment", 3893], ["come", 3912], ["sort", 3930], ["rotation", 3942], ["run", 3952], ["ran", 3952], ["risk", 3961], ["riskest", 3961], ["ground", 3992], ["week", 4024], ["weeks", 4024], ["get", 4061], ["got", 4061], ["bit", 4067], ["bits", 4067], ["gloucester", 4110], ["open", 4129], ["opened", 4129], ["martial", 4139], ["art", 4144], ["arts", 4144], ["club", 4149], ["clubbed", 4149], ["clubbing", 4149], ["previously", 4188], ["teach", 4199], ["self", 4204], ["defense", 4212], ["primarily", 4225], ["lady", 4232], ["ladies", 4232], ["well", 4252], ["wells", 4252], ["money", 4287], ["moneys", 4287], ["much", 4319], ["issue", 4331], ["depend", 4341], ["depends", 4341], ["timing", 4355], ["place", 4420], ["last", 4435], ["day", 4462], ["days", 4462], ["mebbe", 4470], ["get", 4474], ["visit", 4504], ["bradbury", 4521], ["line", 4527], ["lines", 4527], ["thoughtfully", 4553], ["happen", 4572], ["happens", 4572], ["chapter", 4588], ["kensington", 4622]]
tony sat in the mens club in kensington eying his well manicured nails while putting a match to the cigar the waiter had just brought him . he drew on the cigar until it was burning evenly and looked around him . a typical london gentlemens club albeit located in kensington rather than the west end or the city . course he shouldnt complain . it was one of the few clubs that accepted asians he thought cynically.not a sign of racismnot bloody much . of course you can buy yourself into anything today and he certainly could afford it . he sat in the corner in a comfortable brown leather easy chair , todays newspapers on a side table to his left and his lunchtime sherry to his right . he always sat with his back to the wall . he liked to be able to see the comings and goings , good habit , no nasty surprises that way . he was a middle aged , rather urbane looking gentleman , going grey at the temples , obviously in good shape for his age , testament to his regular visits to the gym . his suit looked as though it came from savile row although he had bought it and several others in hong kong for a tenth of the price . his shoes were well shined.usually by the shoe boy in the clubs lobby . his tie , he always wore a tie when in kensington , had a vaguely military look to it although hed just grabbed it one day in harrods . he drew contentedly on his cigar . if only my old friends could see me now , he thought . the nice thing about this club was that it was within walking distance of his store on the kensington high street . he specialized in importing and distributing teak furniture throughout the uk and had one top of the line retail store of his own . for the distribution side he had quite an extensive warehouse down in brixton not far from the old jail and just up the street from the ymca . hed recently expanded his business onto the continent and now had a regular truck running from london to amsterdam . nobody really knew where the money came from originally and nobody seemed to care . the business was successful although , as he was quick to say , it was a function of the effort hed put in rather than luck . he certainly wasnt afraid of hard work . he paid his taxes and contributed to charities of his choice.hed even run a half marathon.run for heart . a chelsea fan , he owned season tickets , and tried never to miss a home game . hed recently bought himself a townhouse in the very upscale st. johns wood area , living on his own and having a housekeeper come in three days a week to do all that domestic stuff . hed thought of getting someone a lot younger , much prettier and perhaps killing two birds with one stone . hed also indulged himself recently and spent a stunning amount of money to join a golf club down in richmond . it amused him no end as that club had always prided itself on being one of the last bastions of white anglo-saxon protestantism..an asian.what in the world is happening to our society ? he smiled to himself and turned to the sports page . the smartly dressed gentleman , sitting at the bar enjoying half of bitter , looked at tony over the top of his glass , nodded to the barman , finished his drink and walked out of the club getting into the passenger side of the car idling at the curb . the car pulled out into the traffic and headed off in the general direction of the west end . tony wei got up , retrieved his burberry ( very british ) from the cloakroom and , after tipping the doorman , headed off in the direction of his store . better get a move on , he thought , have to be down in hackney in a couple of hours and i need to head home and change first , cant go down there looking like this ! leaving his car in the mews garage he took the tube to liverpool st. station and walked to one of his favorite vietnamese restaurants , the viet hoa , owned by a friend of his . he was hardly recognizable , the suit replaced by baggy jeans , tee shirt and faded leather jacket , on his feet a well scuffed pair of trainers that had started out life white . on his head the blue of a chelsea fc cap , over his shoulder a gym bag that had seen better days . he walked through the door to the restaurant . it was half full with the lunchtime crowd . waving to acquaintances he sat down and ordered a bowl of soft noodles but instead of waiting he quickly walked through the kitchen area , nodded to the owner and let himself out through the back door to the alley behind . the young colored guy , in the grey hoody , settled in a doorway on the opposite side of the street and waited for tony to have his lunch . ~ ~ ~ chapter 8 hereford . bill , bills and more bills , said gema sitting at the kitchen table , the stack of unopened mail lying between them . anything there from wendy ?
[["tony", 4], ["sat", 8], ["sit", 8], ["club", 25], ["clubbed", 25], ["clubbing", 25], ["kensington", 39], ["eye", 45], ["eyed", 45], ["eying", 45], ["well", 54], ["wells", 54], ["manicure", 64], ["nail", 70], ["nails", 70], ["put", 84], ["putting", 84], ["match", 92], ["matching", 92], ["cigar", 105], ["cigars", 105], ["bring", 133], ["brought", 133], ["draw", 147], ["drawn", 147], ["draws", 147], ["drew", 147], ["burn", 181], ["burns", 181], ["burning", 181], ["evenly", 188], ["look", 199], ["looked", 199], ["around", 206], ["typical", 222], ["london", 229], ["albeit", 252], ["locate", 260], ["located", 260], ["rather", 281], ["west", 295], ["end", 299], ["ends", 299], ["endest", 299], ["city", 311], ["course", 320], ["complain", 341], ["club", 371], ["clubbed", 371], ["clubbing", 371], ["clubs", 371], ["accept", 385], ["accepted", 385], ["think", 403], ["thinkest", 403], ["thought", 403], ["sign", 424], ["bloody", 444], ["bloodying", 444], ["much", 449], ["buy", 473], ["buyed", 473], ["anything", 496], ["today", 502], ["certainly", 519], ["afford", 532], ["corner", 558], ["comfortable", 575], ["brown", 581], ["browns", 581], ["leather", 589], ["easy", 594], ["chair", 600], ["chairing", 600], ["today", 609], ["todays", 609], ["newspaper", 620], ["newspapers", 620], ["side", 630], ["sidest", 630], ["table", 636], ["tabled", 636], ["tabling", 636], ["left", 648], ["lunchtime", 666], ["sherry", 673], ["right", 686], ["rightest", 686], ["always", 698], ["back", 716], ["wall", 728], ["like", 739], ["liked", 739], ["able", 750], ["abled", 750], ["see", 757], ["coming", 769], ["comings", 769], ["going", 780], ["goings", 780], ["good", 787], ["habit", 793], ["habiting", 793], ["nasty", 804], ["surprise", 814], ["surprised", 814], ["surprises", 814], ["way", 823], ["ways", 823], ["middle", 841], ["middles", 841], ["middling", 841], ["age", 846], ["aged", 846], ["urbane", 862], ["look", 870], ["looking", 870], ["gentleman", 880], ["go", 888], ["goest", 888], ["going", 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["within", 1480], ["walk", 1488], ["walking", 1488], ["distance", 1497], ["distancing", 1497], ["store", 1510], ["high", 1533], ["street", 1540], ["specialize", 1557], ["specialized", 1557], ["import", 1570], ["importing", 1570], ["distribute", 1587], ["distributes", 1587], ["distributing", 1587], ["teak", 1592], ["teaks", 1592], ["furniture", 1602], ["throughout", 1613], ["uk", 1620], ["top", 1636], ["line", 1648], ["retail", 1655], ["distribution", 1695], ["quite", 1713], ["extensive", 1726], ["warehouse", 1736], ["warehousing", 1736], ["brixton", 1752], ["far", 1760], ["jail", 1778], ["jails", 1778], ["jailing", 1778], ["jailest", 1778], ["ymca", 1815], ["recently", 1830], ["expand", 1839], ["expanded", 1839], ["business", 1852], ["onto", 1857], ["ontos", 1857], ["continent", 1871], ["truck", 1899], ["run", 1907], ["running", 1907], ["amsterdam", 1932], ["nobody", 1941], ["really", 1948], ["know", 1953], ["knowest", 1953], ["knew", 1953], ["money", 1969], ["moneys", 1969], ["originally", 1990], ["seem", 2008], ["seeming", 2008], ["seemed", 2008], ["successful", 2046], ["quick", 2073], ["say", 2080], ["sayest", 2080], ["function", 2100], ["effort", 2114], ["put", 2122], ["luck", 2142], ["afraid", 2170], ["hard", 2178], ["work", 2183], ["wrought", 2183], ["pay", 2193], ["pays", 2193], ["payest", 2193], ["paid", 2193], ["taxis", 2203], ["taxes", 2203], ["contribute", 2219], ["contributed", 2219], ["charity", 2232], ["charities", 2232], ["even", 2255], ["evens", 2255], ["run", 2259], ["half", 2266], ["heart", 2289], ["chelsea", 2301], ["fan", 2305], ["season", 2323], ["seasonest", 2323], ["seasoning", 2323], ["ticket", 2331], ["tickets", 2331], ["try", 2343], ["tryed", 2343], ["tried", 2343], ["never", 2349], ["miss", 2357], ["home", 2364], ["homing", 2364], ["game", 2369], ["townhouse", 2411], ["upscale", 2431], ["upscaled", 2431], ["st", 2434], ["sts", 2434], ["johns", 2441], ["wood", 2446], ["area", 2451], ["live", 2460], ["living", 2460], ["housekeeper", 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2991], ["turned", 2991], ["sport", 3005], ["sports", 3005], ["page", 3010], ["smartly", 3024], ["dress", 3032], ["dressest", 3032], ["dressed", 3032], ["sat", 3052], ["sit", 3052], ["sitting", 3052], ["bar", 3063], ["enjoy", 3072], ["enjoyed", 3072], ["enjoying", 3072], ["bitter", 3087], ["bitterest", 3087], ["glass", 3130], ["nod", 3139], ["nodded", 3139], ["barman", 3153], ["finish", 3164], ["finished", 3164], ["drank", 3174], ["drink", 3174], ["drinking", 3174], ["walk", 3185], ["walked", 3185], ["passenger", 3228], ["car", 3244], ["idle", 3251], ["idlest", 3251], ["idling", 3251], ["curb", 3263], ["curbs", 3263], ["curbed", 3263], ["curbest", 3263], ["pull", 3280], ["pulled", 3280], ["traffic", 3301], ["traffics", 3301], ["trafficking", 3301], ["head", 3312], ["headed", 3312], ["general", 3331], ["direction", 3341], ["wei", 3368], ["get", 3372], ["got", 3372], ["retrieve", 3387], ["retrieved", 3387], ["burberry", 3400], ["british", 3415], ["cloakroom", 3436], ["tip", 3456], ["tipping", 3456], ["doorman", 3468], ["well", 3520], ["wells", 3520], ["get", 3524], ["move", 3531], ["hackney", 3576], ["couple", 3588], ["hour", 3597], ["hours", 3597], ["need", 3608], ["needest", 3608], ["head", 3616], ["change", 3632], ["first", 3638], ["firstest", 3638], ["go", 3648], ["goest", 3648], ["like", 3672], ["left", 3687], ["leave", 3687], ["leaving", 3687], ["garage", 3714], ["take", 3722], ["took", 3722], ["tube", 3731], ["liverpool", 3744], ["station", 3756], ["favorite", 3790], ["favoritest", 3790], ["vietnamese", 3801], ["restaurant", 3813], ["restaurants", 3813], ["viet", 3824], ["hoa", 3828], ["friend", 3848], ["hardly", 3871], ["recognizable", 3884], ["replace", 3904], ["replaced", 3904], ["baggy", 3913], ["tee", 3925], ["shirt", 3931], ["fade", 3941], ["faded", 3941], ["jacket", 3956], ["jacketed", 3956], ["foot", 3970], ["feet", 3970], ["pair", 3990], ["pairs", 3990], ["trainer", 4002], ["trainers", 4002], ["start", 4019], ["started", 4019], ["life", 4028], ["lifes", 4028], ["blue", 4057], ["fc", 4073], ["cap", 4077], ["shoulder", 4097], ["shouldered", 4097], ["bag", 4107], ["bagged", 4107], ["bagging", 4107], ["see", 4121], ["seen", 4121], ["door", 4162], ["restaurant", 4180], ["full", 4199], ["crowd", 4224], ["crowding", 4224], ["crowdest", 4224], ["wave", 4233], ["waved", 4233], ["waving", 4233], ["acquaintance", 4250], ["acquaintances", 4250], ["order", 4274], ["orderest", 4274], ["ordered", 4274], ["bowl", 4281], ["bowling", 4281], ["soft", 4289], ["noodle", 4297], ["noodles", 4297], ["instead", 4309], ["wait", 4320], ["waitest", 4320], ["waiting", 4320], ["quickly", 4331], ["kitchen", 4358], ["kitchens", 4358], ["owner", 4385], ["let", 4393], ["lets", 4393], ["alley", 4440], ["behind", 4447], ["young", 4459], ["youngest", 4459], ["color", 4467], ["colored", 4467], ["guy", 4471], ["hoody", 4491], ["settle", 4501], ["settled", 4501], ["doorway", 4514], ["opposite", 4530], ["wait", 4560], ["waitest", 4560], ["waited", 4560], ["lunch", 4587], ["lunches", 4587], ["lunched", 4587], ["chapter", 4603], ["hereford", 4614], ["bill", 4621], ["bill", 4629], ["bills", 4629], ["say", 4651], ["sayest", 4651], ["said", 4651], ["gemas", 4656], ["stack", 4697], ["stacks", 4697], ["unopened", 4709], ["mail", 4714], ["lie", 4720], ["lay", 4720], ["lain", 4720], ["lying", 4720], ["wendy", 4761]]
asked dick . kids dont write anymore , said gema , they use e-mail . i spoke to her yesterday , shes settling in fine , at least she hasnt asked for more money yet . that doesnt look like a bill.whats that ? said dick . gema passed the rather stiff square envelope across the table . its the invitation to the regimental reunion ron gurney has been talking about , i wondered when we would be getting it , looks like quite the affair . wives included ? its a three day event , said dick , a golf tournament , a dinner come social and a visit to bradbury lines . wives or partners are invited to the dinner bit but not the tournament or to the barracks which is hardly surprising i suppose . you can say that again , retorted gema , knowing the regiments efforts at secrecy.as though nobody knows , she said derisively . bout a month from now , not much notice for the chaps that have to come a long way . is that from the golf club ? he said nodding at another envelope lying on the table . looks like it , said gema , passing it over , anything important or another bloody assessment . how much money do they want this time ? actually its the inter-club tournament schedule , said dick . next one is shortly , richmond club , theyre coming here . at least we dont have to go down there , snobby bunch . you playing ? for sure , said dick , me , george , harry and faulkner . * so where are they ? they were standing in the pro shop . seen the price of these new sweaters ? bloody daylight robbery ! you should care , said harry , out of my league though . so whos playing who ? its thee and me against two of their blokes , dickie and faulkner against the other two , said harry , just straight forward stroke play as usual . if theres a tie therell be sudden death like last time , gorgeous day for it . sorry to keep you chaps waiting . ron gurney walked in . heres your competition i was just giving them the two quid tour . this is tony wei , hope i pronounced that right , and ron maunder . chaps meet george mudd and harry downer . the four shook hands . george had met maunder before at a previous tournament but tony wei was a new acquaintance . he couldnt help noticing that , when he shook hands , the asians grip was steely and his hand calloused in a way george had encountered before . delighted to meet you , said george , if you chaps are ready we might as well get on the tee and get going . so where are you from tony ? asked george making conversation as they walked to the first tee . st johns wood actually , said tony laughing , his voice very cultured . were you born there or come from somewhere else ? asked george , curious . actually im from viet nam originally but ive been here so long i feel as though i was born here . tony was wearing tan slacks , an argyle sweater and two tone footjoy shoes , dressed for the day . where you from george ? born and bred around here tony , definitely a local boy . harry here lives in gloucester . visitors have the honor tony . all four teed off , all four finding the fairway . thats a good start , said harry , usually george is off to the right . i think he likes it over there . the game progressed well , accompanied by the usual banter shared by people who play a lot of golf . at the turn tony was up by a couple of shots on the rest of them . i got ta pee before we go to the tenth , said george . ill come with you , said harry , dont like using the bushes with guests in tow . see you guys on the tee.just a couple of minutes . george and harry stood side by side at the urinal . that oriental bastard cheats , said george . i know , said harry , not worth making a thing about it though . its pretty obvious , im sure maunders noticed it too . just keep me in check , said george , im likely to flatten the fucker . ill tell you something else harry.if hes from viet nam ill blow you in the bar ! * the house was empty , wendy away at cambridge , dick on the golf course with his army buddies . she knelt on her pua kumbu , the gift from paan , in front of her shrine to semangat .
[["ask", 5], ["asked", 5], ["dick", 10], ["kid", 17], ["kids", 17], ["write", 28], ["writing", 28], ["anymore", 36], ["say", 43], ["sayest", 43], ["said", 43], ["gemas", 48], ["use", 59], ["e", 61], ["ing", 61], ["eest", 61], ["mail", 66], ["speak", 76], ["spoken", 76], ["spoke", 76], ["yesterday", 93], ["yesterdays", 93], ["settle", 109], ["settling", 109], ["fine", 117], ["least", 128], ["leastest", 128], ["money", 159], ["moneys", 159], ["yet", 163], ["look", 182], ["like", 187], ["pass", 231], ["passed", 231], ["rather", 242], ["stiff", 248], ["square", 255], ["envelope", 264], ["across", 271], ["table", 281], ["tabled", 281], ["tabling", 281], ["invitation", 302], ["regimental", 320], ["reunion", 328], ["ron", 332], ["gurney", 339], ["talk", 356], ["talking", 356], ["wonder", 375], ["wonderest", 375], ["wondered", 375], ["get", 400], ["getting", 400], ["look", 411], ["looks", 411], ["quite", 422], ["affair", 433], ["wife", 441], ["wives", 441], ["include", 450], ["included", 450], ["three", 464], ["day", 468], ["event", 474], ["golf", 495], ["golfs", 495], ["tournament", 506], ["dinner", 517], ["come", 522], ["social", 529], ["visit", 541], ["bradbury", 553], ["line", 559], ["lines", 559], ["partner", 579], ["partners", 579], ["invite", 591], ["invites", 591], ["invited", 591], ["bit", 609], ["bits", 609], ["barrack", 651], ["barracks", 651], ["hardly", 667], ["surprising", 678], ["suppose", 688], ["say", 702], ["sayest", 702], ["retort", 724], ["retortest", 724], ["retorted", 724], ["know", 739], ["knowest", 739], ["knowing", 739], ["regiment", 753], ["regiments", 753], ["effort", 761], ["efforts", 761], ["though", 782], ["nobody", 789], ["know", 795], ["knowest", 795], ["knows", 795], ["derisively", 817], ["bout", 824], ["month", 832], ["much", 852], ["notice", 859], ["chap", 873], ["chaps", 873], ["chapping", 873], ["long", 898], ["longs", 898], ["way", 902], ["ways", 902], ["club", 931], ["clubbed", 931], ["clubbing", 931], ["nod", 949], ["another", 960], ["lie", 975], ["lay", 975], ["lain", 975], ["lying", 975], ["pass", 1026], ["passing", 1026], ["anything", 1045], ["important", 1055], ["bloody", 1073], ["bloodying", 1073], ["assessment", 1084], ["time", 1124], ["inter", 1149], ["interred", 1149], ["schedule", 1174], ["next", 1193], ["shortly", 1208], ["richmond", 1219], ["come", 1240], ["coming", 1240], ["go", 1275], ["goest", 1275], ["snobby", 1295], ["bunch", 1301], ["bunchest", 1301], ["play", 1315], ["playest", 1315], ["playing", 1315], ["sure", 1326], ["george", 1352], ["harry", 1360], ["harried", 1360], ["faulkner", 1373], ["stand", 1416], ["stood", 1416], ["standest", 1416], ["standing", 1416], ["pro", 1427], ["shop", 1432], ["see", 1439], ["seen", 1439], ["price", 1449], ["new", 1462], ["sweater", 1471], ["sweaters", 1471], ["daylight", 1489], ["robbery", 1497], ["care", 1515], ["league", 1547], ["leagued", 1547], ["thee", 1587], ["two", 1606], ["twos", 1606], ["bloke", 1622], ["blokes", 1622], ["dickie", 1631], ["straight", 1695], ["forward", 1703], ["forwarding", 1703], ["forwardest", 1703], ["stroke", 1710], ["play", 1715], ["playest", 1715], ["usual", 1724], ["tie", 1742], ["tying", 1742], ["tieing", 1742], ["sudden", 1760], ["death", 1766], ["last", 1776], ["gorgeous", 1792], ["sorry", 1811], ["keep", 1819], ["keepest", 1819], ["wait", 1837], ["waitest", 1837], ["waiting", 1837], ["walk", 1857], ["walked", 1857], ["competition", 1885], ["give", 1903], ["giving", 1903], ["quid", 1921], ["quids", 1921], ["tour", 1926], ["tony", 1941], ["wei", 1945], ["hope", 1952], ["pronounce", 1965], ["pronounced", 1965], ["right", 1976], ["rightest", 1976], ["maunder", 1994], ["meet", 2007], ["meeted", 2007], ["downer", 2036], ["four", 2047], ["shake", 2053], ["shook", 2053], ["hand", 2059], ["hands", 2059], ["meet", 2076], ["meeted", 2076], ["met", 2076], ["previous", 2105], ["acquaintance", 2152], ["help", 2170], ["helpest", 2170], ["notice", 2179], ["noticing", 2179], ["grip", 2224], ["steely", 2235], ["hand", 2248], ["callous", 2258], ["calloused", 2258], ["encounter", 2290], ["encountered", 2290], ["delighted", 2309], ["ready", 2360], ["may", 2369], ["mays", 2369], ["mayest", 2369], ["might", 2369], ["well", 2377], ["wells", 2377], ["get", 2381], ["tee", 2392], ["go", 2406], ["goest", 2406], ["going", 2406], ["conversation", 2470], ["first", 2498], ["firstest", 2498], ["st", 2507], ["sts", 2507], ["johns", 2513], ["wood", 2518], ["voice", 2560], ["bear", 2590], ["bore", 2590], ["bearest", 2590], ["born", 2590], ["somewhere", 2619], ["else", 2624], ["curious", 2649], ["viet", 2673], ["nam", 2677], ["originally", 2688], ["feel", 2721], ["wear", 2766], ["wearing", 2766], ["tan", 2770], ["slack", 2777], ["slacks", 2777], ["argyle", 2789], ["argyles", 2789], ["sweater", 2797], ["tone", 2810], ["toned", 2810], ["toning", 2810], ["shoe", 2824], ["shoed", 2824], ["shoes", 2824], ["dress", 2834], ["dressest", 2834], ["dressed", 2834], ["breed", 2886], ["bred", 2886], ["around", 2893], ["definitely", 2916], ["local", 2924], ["boy", 2928], ["live", 2947], ["gloucester", 2961], ["visitor", 2972], ["visitors", 2972], ["honor", 2987], ["find", 3031], ["finding", 3031], ["fairway", 3043], ["fairways", 3043], ["good", 3058], ["start", 3064], ["usually", 3087], ["think", 3124], ["thinkest", 3124], ["like", 3133], ["likes", 3133], ["game", 3158], ["progress", 3169], ["progressed", 3169], ["accompany", 3188], ["accompanied", 3188], ["banter", 3208], ["share", 3215], ["shared", 3215], ["people", 3225], ["lot", 3240], ["turn", 3262], ["couple", 3286], ["shot", 3295], ["shots", 3295], ["rest", 3307], ["get", 3323], ["got", 3323], ["ta", 3326], ["pee", 3330], ["pees", 3330], ["peeing", 3330], ["tenth", 3356], ["ill", 3376], ["ills", 3376], ["illest", 3376], ["use", 3421], ["using", 3421], ["bush", 3432], ["bushed", 3432], ["bushes", 3432], ["guest", 3444], ["guestest", 3444], ["guests", 3444], ["tow", 3451], ["see", 3457], ["guy", 3466], ["guys", 3466], ["minute", 3502], ["minutes", 3502], ["stand", 3527], ["stood", 3527], ["standest", 3527], ["side", 3532], ["sidest", 3532], ["urinal", 3554], ["oriental", 3570], ["bastard", 3578], ["know", 3608], ["knowest", 3608], ["worth", 3633], ["thing", 3648], ["pretty", 3677], ["prettiest", 3677], ["obvious", 3685], ["maunder", 3704], ["maunders", 3704], ["notice", 3712], ["noticed", 3712], ["check", 3743], ["flatten", 3780], ["flattens", 3780], ["fucker", 3791], ["tell", 3802], ["blow", 3857], ["blew", 3857], ["blowest", 3857], ["bar", 3872], ["house", 3886], ["empty", 3896], ["wendy", 3904], ["away", 3909], ["cambridge", 3922], ["course", 3948], ["army", 3962], ["buddy", 3970], ["buddies", 3970], ["kneel", 3982], ["kneels", 3982], ["kneeled", 3982], ["pua", 3993], ["gift", 4010], ["paan", 4020], ["front", 4031], ["shrine", 4045]]
she placed , on a mat in front of the shrine , items she had brought back from her trip to the mahakam acquired for her by paan , the skull of a baby orang utang , sacred to the kayan , an amulet made from human hair , a small , smooth stone from the grave in the soah . she stood up smoothly and , first stripping to the waist as was required , began the basic yet difficult motions of the basic silat . she moved around the room , taking aggressive stances , stretching and tensing all the muscles in her body , gliding until the sweat ran down between her breasts . finally , taking the sacred ketebung , a ceremonial drum , she quietly beat on it with a drumstick carved from one of the ironwood posts still standing in the place where she was born . she asked for guidance . she asked for a signbut nothing was forthcoming . she looked for the spirits of her forebears but she couldnt see them . semangat will guide me when he is ready , she thought , he will guide me as he guided my ancestors but in his own time . she knew that within her was a simmering anger but didnt know why . it was vague , without direction . sometimes shed wake up in the morning angry and not know why . she could never talk to dickie about it . he just didnt get it , far too cerebral for him . hed just brush it off and tell her not to worry about it . in the shower she thought about him . their relationship , their r as she liked to refer to it , had been normal at first in spite of being virtually ostracized by the army wives although the feelings they both had on that night in the beach were never really replicated . the coming of wendy was a bright light in an otherwise rather dull life . at every opportunity she drove herself hard at the gym and the dojo . she learned how to control her body with her mind , to withstand pain , to ignore that wall that stopped most people and simply crash through it.a second wind.a third..a fourth . dickies retirement changed everything . not that things were great before . hed tried being a gentleman of leisure , the atypical retired military officer . he was bored to tears . finally he got a job.other than the army the first job hed ever had.selling houses for an estate agent in hereford . he never really liked it but it got him out of the house . the real crunch came when gema got the job . her multi-lingual skills landed her a position with an international translation company . she loved it..she blossomed . the money was great and she got to travel . dickie slowly became more and more resentful of her success..more withdrawn . he spent more and more time with his cronies on the golf course . if he didnt actually play he would spend the time in the bar . sure they went through the motions , lots of people did she knew . he hadnt touched her in months but she didnt really mind that . what she did mind was that she couldnt talk to him other than the normal pleasantries and the necessities of living under the same roof . she still felt alien in an alien land . after the trip , with wendy , to sarawak shed seriously thought of leaving him and returning to kuching but how could she do that with wendy going to cambridge ? she tried to talk to dickie about moving away from hereford , away from the army . he adamantly refused , got angry with her , saw it as a personal attack . she , in turn , became resentful of anything and everything military . things military had had a direct impact on her life ever since she was fifteen most of it not good . she remembered her father telling her before she left to live with the missionaries : gema everything changes and nothing changes . wherever you are the issues and challenges remain the samejust a different jungle . he was a wise man . ~ ~ ~ part 2 * chapter 9 the northern business . tony left the golf club feeling well satisfied with himself . hed won his match which was all he was concerned about . its all about winning , he thought to himself , i never lose ! after loading his clubs into the boot of the car he turned out onto the a4103 but instead of heading south towards london and home he picked up the m5 and headed north letting the bimmer have its head . the miles clicked off steadily..bypass birmingham..m6 towards manchester . just south of rochester he pulled into a truck stop . taking the old gym bag off the back seat he went into the washroom and locked the door . he came out wearing the baggy jeans and leather jacket hed worn down in hackney . continuing north he found the m62 east in the direction of leeds . before he hit the outskirts of leeds he turned in the direction of the leeds/bradford airport , parked the bmw in the long stay car park and took the courtesy shuttle to departures . he walked through departures and took the escalator down to arrivals . in arrivals he walked over to hertz rent a car and rented a nondescript ford fiesta using a credit card and license that , other than the photograph , bore no resemblance to his true identity .
[["place", 10], ["placed", 10], ["mat", 21], ["mats", 21], ["front", 30], ["shrine", 44], ["item", 52], ["items", 52], ["bring", 68], ["brought", 68], ["back", 73], ["trip", 87], ["tripping", 87], ["acquire", 111], ["acquired", 111], ["paan", 127], ["skull", 139], ["baby", 149], ["orang", 155], ["sacred", 170], ["kayan", 183], ["amulet", 195], ["human", 211], ["hair", 216], ["small", 226], ["smooth", 235], ["stone", 241], ["stoning", 241], ["grave", 256], ["stand", 280], ["stood", 280], ["standest", 280], ["smoothly", 292], ["first", 304], ["firstest", 304], ["strip", 314], ["stripping", 314], ["waist", 327], ["require", 343], ["required", 343], ["begin", 351], ["began", 351], ["basic", 361], ["yet", 365], ["difficult", 375], ["motion", 383], ["motions", 383], ["silat", 402], ["move", 414], ["moved", 414], ["around", 421], ["room", 430], ["roomed", 430], ["take", 439], ["taking", 439], ["aggressive", 450], ["stance", 458], ["stances", 458], ["stretch", 471], ["stretching", 471], ["tense", 483], ["tensing", 483], ["muscle", 499], ["muscles", 499], ["body", 511], ["bodied", 511], ["glide", 521], ["gliding", 521], ["sweat", 537], ["run", 541], ["ran", 541], ["breast", 566], ["breasted", 566], ["breasting", 566], ["breasts", 566], ["finally", 576], ["ceremonial", 620], ["drum", 625], ["drummed", 625], ["quietly", 639], ["beat", 644], ["drumstick", 667], ["carve", 674], ["carved", 674], ["ironwood", 699], ["post", 705], ["posts", 705], ["still", 711], ["stand", 720], ["stood", 720], ["standest", 720], ["standing", 720], ["place", 733], ["bear", 752], ["bore", 752], ["bearest", 752], ["born", 752], ["ask", 764], ["asked", 764], ["guidance", 777], ["nothing", 811], ["look", 840], ["looked", 840], ["spirit", 856], ["spirited", 856], ["spirits", 856], ["forebear", 873], ["forebears", 873], ["see", 893], ["guide", 920], ["ready", 940], ["think", 954], ["thinkest", 954], ["thought", 954], ["guide", 986], ["guided", 986], ["ancestor", 999], ["ancestors", 999], ["time", 1019], ["know", 1030], ["knowest", 1030], ["knew", 1030], ["within", 1042], ["simmer", 1062], ["simmering", 1062], ["anger", 1068], ["know", 1083], ["knowest", 1083], ["vague", 1102], ["without", 1112], ["direction", 1122], ["shed", 1139], ["wake", 1144], ["wakes", 1144], ["woken", 1144], ["morning", 1162], ["angry", 1168], ["never", 1203], ["talk", 1208], ["dickie", 1218], ["get", 1247], ["far", 1256], ["cerebral", 1269], ["brush", 1294], ["brushest", 1294], ["tell", 1310], ["worry", 1327], ["worried", 1327], ["shower", 1352], ["showered", 1352], ["showerest", 1352], ["relationship", 1395], ["r", 1405], ["like", 1418], ["liked", 1418], ["refer", 1427], ["normal", 1451], ["spite", 1469], ["spited", 1469], ["spites", 1469], ["virtually", 1488], ["ostracize", 1499], ["ostracized", 1499], ["army", 1511], ["wife", 1517], ["wives", 1517], ["although", 1526], ["feeling", 1539], ["feelings", 1539], ["night", 1567], ["beach", 1580], ["really", 1598], ["replicate", 1609], ["replicated", 1609], ["coming", 1622], ["wendy", 1631], ["bright", 1644], ["brights", 1644], ["lit", 1650], ["light", 1650], ["otherwise", 1666], ["rather", 1673], ["dull", 1678], ["life", 1683], ["lifes", 1683], ["every", 1694], ["opportunity", 1706], ["drive", 1716], ["drove", 1716], ["hard", 1729], ["gym", 1740], ["gyms", 1740], ["dojo", 1753], ["dojos", 1753], ["learn", 1767], ["learns", 1767], ["learnt", 1767], ["learned", 1767], ["control", 1782], ["mind", 1805], ["minding", 1805], ["withstand", 1820], ["withstood", 1820], ["withstanding", 1820], ["pain", 1825], ["ignore", 1837], ["wall", 1847], ["stop", 1860], ["stopped", 1860], ["people", 1872], ["simply", 1883], ["crash", 1889], ["second", 1909], ["seconded", 1909], ["third", 1922], ["fourth", 1932], ["dickie", 1942], ["dickies", 1942], ["retirement", 1953], ["change", 1961], ["changed", 1961], ["everything", 1972], ["thing", 1990], ["things", 1990], ["great", 2001], ["try", 2020], ["tryed", 2020], ["tried", 2020], ["gentleman", 2038], ["leisure", 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["spendest", 2588], ["spent", 2588], ["crony", 2624], ["golf", 2636], ["golfs", 2636], ["course", 2643], ["play", 2671], ["playest", 2671], ["spend", 2686], ["spends", 2686], ["spendest", 2686], ["bar", 2706], ["sure", 2713], ["go", 2723], ["goest", 2723], ["went", 2723], ["lot", 2750], ["lots", 2750], ["touch", 2792], ["touching", 2792], ["touched", 2792], ["month", 2806], ["months", 2806], ["pleasantry", 2925], ["pleasantries", 2925], ["necessity", 2945], ["necessities", 2945], ["live", 2955], ["living", 2955], ["roof", 2975], ["roofs", 2975], ["roofing", 2975], ["feel", 2992], ["felt", 2992], ["alien", 2998], ["land", 3015], ["sarawak", 3058], ["seriously", 3073], ["left", 3092], ["leave", 3092], ["leaving", 3092], ["return", 3110], ["returnest", 3110], ["returning", 3110], ["kuching", 3121], ["go", 3164], ["goest", 3164], ["going", 3164], ["cambridge", 3177], ["move", 3220], ["moving", 3220], ["away", 3225], ["adamantly", 3275], ["refuse", 3283], ["refused", 3283], ["see", 3310], ["saw", 3310], ["personal", 3327], ["attack", 3334], ["turn", 3350], ["anything", 3381], ["direct", 3440], ["impact", 3447], ["since", 3470], ["fifteen", 3486], ["good", 3506], ["remember", 3523], ["rememberest", 3523], ["remembered", 3523], ["father", 3534], ["fathered", 3534], ["fathering", 3534], ["tell", 3542], ["telling", 3542], ["left", 3562], ["leave", 3562], ["live", 3570], ["missionary", 3592], ["missionaries", 3592], ["change", 3618], ["changes", 3618], ["wherever", 3649], ["issue", 3668], ["issues", 3668], ["challenge", 3683], ["challenges", 3683], ["remain", 3690], ["different", 3715], ["jungle", 3722], ["jungles", 3722], ["wise", 3738], ["man", 3742], ["mans", 3742], ["manned", 3742], ["part", 3755], ["parting", 3755], ["chapter", 3767], ["northern", 3782], ["northernest", 3782], ["business", 3791], ["tony", 3798], ["club", 3817], ["clubbed", 3817], ["clubbing", 3817], ["feeling", 3825], ["well", 3830], ["wells", 3830], ["satisfied", 3840], ["win", 3863], ["match", 3873], ["matching", 3873], ["concern", 3904], ["concerned", 3904], ["concernest", 3904], ["win", 3934], ["winning", 3934], ["lose", 3973], ["load", 3989], ["loaded", 3989], ["club", 3999], ["clubbed", 3999], ["clubbing", 3999], ["clubs", 3999], ["boot", 4013], ["car", 4024], ["turn", 4034], ["turned", 4034], ["onto", 4043], ["ontos", 4043], ["instead", 4065], ["head", 4076], ["heading", 4076], ["south", 4082], ["towards", 4090], ["london", 4097], ["home", 4106], ["homing", 4106], ["pick", 4116], ["picked", 4116], ["head", 4137], ["headed", 4137], ["north", 4143], ["let", 4151], ["lets", 4151], ["letting", 4151], ["bimmer", 4162], ["head", 4176], ["mile", 4188], ["miles", 4188], ["click", 4196], ["clicked", 4196], ["steadily", 4209], ["bypass", 4217], ["bypassed", 4217], ["bypassest", 4217], ["birmingham", 4228], ["manchester", 4251], ["rochester", 4277], ["pull", 4287], ["pulled", 4287], ["truck", 4300], ["stop", 4305], ["old", 4322], ["bag", 4330], ["bagged", 4330], ["bagging", 4330], ["seat", 4348], ["washroom", 4374], ["washrooms", 4374], ["lock", 4385], ["locked", 4385], ["door", 4394], ["wear", 4416], ["wearing", 4416], ["baggy", 4426], ["leather", 4444], ["jacket", 4451], ["jacketed", 4451], ["wear", 4460], ["worn", 4460], ["hackney", 4476], ["continue", 4489], ["continuing", 4489], ["find", 4504], ["found", 4504], ["east", 4517], ["leed", 4543], ["leeds", 4543], ["hit", 4559], ["outskirt", 4573], ["outskirts", 4573], ["bradford", 4631], ["airport", 4639], ["park", 4648], ["parks", 4648], ["parked", 4648], ["bmw", 4656], ["long", 4668], ["longs", 4668], ["stay", 4673], ["park", 4682], ["parks", 4682], ["take", 4691], ["took", 4691], ["courtesy", 4704], ["shuttle", 4712], ["departure", 4726], ["departures", 4726], ["walk", 4738], ["walked", 4738], ["escalator", 4780], ["arrival", 4797], ["arrivals", 4797], ["hertz", 4835], ["rent", 4840], ["rent", 4857], ["rented", 4857], ["nondescript", 4871], ["nondescripts", 4871], ["ford", 4876], ["fiesta", 4883], ["use", 4889], ["using", 4889], ["credit", 4898], ["card", 4903], ["license", 4915], ["photograph", 4948], ["bear", 4955], ["bore", 4955], ["bearest", 4955], ["resemblance", 4970], ["true", 4982], ["identity", 4991]]
driving out , via the parking lot to retrieve his golf clubs and clothing , he drove out of the airport and into leeds . the smartly dressed gentleman in the grey audi tucked in four cars behind looked apprehensively at his fuel gauge . slippery bastard , he said to himself , hope ive got enough fuel to stay with him , thought id lost him on the motorway , that bimmer sure moves right along . * avi sat on the worn , plush bench seat facing the street door . the whole pub had seen better days , fuck.. the whole area had seen better days . chapeltown wasnt safe during the day never mind at night , even the cops walked the beat in threes ! chapeltown ; home to immigrants , legal and otherwise , turf of at least three gangs constantly fighting over the drug trade . honest , hardworking folk had long been pushed out to the likes of moortown and roundhay . you could buy anything here..right in this very pub , drugs , guns , girls , boysanything . all you needed was the cash ! avi sat , quietly waiting , nursing his lemonade . he wouldnt drink alcohol even for the sake of the movement although hed been taught it was an excellent cover . he looked around him in disgust , two sikhs in turbans , pints in hand having a heated discussion . the barman , leaning over the bar talking to a known local pimp . what a dump , he thought , hope i dont have to wait much longer . the bar started to fill up , not good this . he was starting to feel conspicuous , sitting on his own , in a pub getting more raucous by the minute . his tradecraft screamed at him to get out now . suddenly , standing in front of him , out of nowhere a nondescript oriental bloke in leather jacket and jeans . avi ? tony sat down , slightly at an angle to avi , but still able to see the door . a pro , thought avi . i dont want to be in this dump too long , said tony , mebbe the fleas have learned to jump , whats up ? can you handle four more ? asked avi . depends on the when of it , said tony , ive a truck going over next week if they can be held that long . should be ok , avi said , trying not to raise his voice over the increasing noise in the bar , same price ? expenses are going up but youre a steady so well keep it the same for now , ten thousand each , half now and half on delivery . ok , answered avi , give me forty quid . for these tickets to the match tomorrow afternoon , he pushed a pair of tickets across the grimy table . leeds is playing fulham at home ... elland road . make sure no one grabs the seat next to you . someone will be along with the ten grand . tony picked up the tickets and walked out onto the street . he ambled north about a hundred yards , paid the kid the tenner hed promised him to keep an eye on the rental and drove north up the chapeltown road back into civilization . the smartly dressed gentleman sitting in the dirty blue vauxhall keyed his mike , heading north , he said and tucked in several cars behind . going through moortown and just before moortown woods tony pulled into the parking lot of st johns church and quickly changed back into the tan pants and argyle sweater hed worn in hereford . lacing up sperry topsiders he thought to himself , cant look like a slob in the harewood arms . twenty minutes later he pulled into the harewood arms , an upscale pub right opposite the gates of harewood house home to the queens cousin . how appropriate , he thought . after checking in and after an excellent meal he settled in the lounge bar to while away the rest of the evening . not bad really , he thought . soccer match tomorrow , round of golf at moor allerton on sunday then pick up my car and head home on monday . the smartly dressed gentleman keyed his mike . hes settled in for the night . chaps a bloody chameleon . call and see if they have a vacancy and have one of our chaps stay over . impossible to keep an eye on him from out here , theres no cover . ~ ~ ~ chapter 10 the reunion . what are the ladies wearing tonight ? gema called downstairs . your little black dress should do the job , replied dickie . what are your chaps wearing ? gema making conversation . its optional , called dickie . if theyre still serving itll be number two dress . the retired guys will probably show up in suits or blazers . i couldnt get into my old uniform if i tried . just blazer and slacks for me i think . im sure ronll be in his mess kit . gema sat at her dressing table looking at her reflection in the mirror .
[["drive", 7], ["driving", 7], ["via", 17], ["parking", 29], ["lot", 33], ["retrieve", 45], ["golf", 54], ["golfs", 54], ["club", 60], ["clubbed", 60], ["clubbing", 60], ["clubs", 60], ["clothing", 73], ["drive", 84], ["drove", 84], ["airport", 103], ["leed", 118], ["leeds", 118], ["smartly", 132], ["dress", 140], ["dressest", 140], ["dressed", 140], ["gentleman", 150], ["grey", 162], ["audi", 167], ["tuck", 174], ["tucked", 174], ["tucking", 174], ["four", 182], ["car", 187], ["cars", 187], ["behind", 194], ["look", 201], ["looked", 201], ["apprehensively", 216], ["fuel", 228], ["gauge", 234], ["slippery", 245], ["bastard", 253], ["say", 263], ["sayest", 263], ["said", 263], ["hope", 281], ["get", 289], ["got", 289], ["enough", 296], ["stay", 309], ["think", 328], ["thinkest", 328], ["thought", 328], ["lose", 336], ["lost", 336], ["motorway", 356], ["bimmer", 370], ["sure", 375], ["move", 381], ["moves", 381], ["right", 387], ["rightest", 387], ["along", 393], ["avi", 401], ["avis", 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["honest", 778], ["folk", 797], ["long", 806], ["longs", 806], ["push", 818], ["pushed", 818], ["like", 835], ["likes", 835], ["buy", 876], ["buyed", 876], ["anything", 885], ["drug", 922], ["drugs", 922], ["gun", 929], ["guns", 929], ["girl", 937], ["girls", 937], ["need", 969], ["needest", 969], ["needed", 969], ["cash", 982], ["cashed", 982], ["quietly", 1002], ["wait", 1010], ["waitest", 1010], ["waiting", 1010], ["nurse", 1020], ["lemonade", 1033], ["drank", 1052], ["drink", 1052], ["drinking", 1052], ["alcohol", 1060], ["sake", 1078], ["sakes", 1078], ["movement", 1094], ["although", 1103], ["teach", 1119], ["taught", 1119], ["excellent", 1139], ["cover", 1145], ["around", 1164], ["disgust", 1179], ["disgusted", 1179], ["two", 1185], ["twos", 1185], ["sikh", 1191], ["sikhs", 1191], ["turban", 1202], ["turbans", 1202], ["pint", 1210], ["pints", 1210], ["hand", 1218], ["heat", 1234], ["heats", 1234], ["heated", 1234], ["discussion", 1245], ["barman", 1258], ["lean", 1268], ["leans", 1268], ["leaning", 1268], ["bar", 1281], ["talk", 1289], ["talking", 1289], ["know", 1300], ["knowest", 1300], ["known", 1300], ["local", 1306], ["pimp", 1311], ["dump", 1325], ["wait", 1365], ["waitest", 1365], ["much", 1370], ["long", 1377], ["longs", 1377], ["start", 1395], ["started", 1395], ["fill", 1403], ["fills", 1403], ["good", 1417], ["start", 1440], ["starting", 1440], ["feel", 1448], ["conspicuous", 1460], ["sat", 1470], ["sit", 1470], ["sitting", 1470], ["get", 1500], ["getting", 1500], ["raucous", 1513], ["minute", 1527], ["tradecraft", 1544], ["scream", 1553], ["screams", 1553], ["screamed", 1553], ["get", 1567], ["suddenly", 1586], ["stand", 1597], ["stood", 1597], ["standest", 1597], ["standing", 1597], ["front", 1606], ["nowhere", 1630], ["nondescript", 1644], ["nondescripts", 1644], ["oriental", 1653], ["bloke", 1659], ["leather", 1670], ["jacket", 1677], ["jacketed", 1677], ["tony", 1700], ["slightly", 1720], ["angle", 1732], ["still", 1751], ["able", 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["matching", 2352], ["tomorrow", 2361], ["tomorrows", 2361], ["afternoon", 2371], ["pair", 2390], ["pairs", 2390], ["across", 2408], ["grimy", 2418], ["table", 2424], ["tabled", 2424], ["tabling", 2424], ["play", 2443], ["playest", 2443], ["playing", 2443], ["fulham", 2450], ["road", 2474], ["grab", 2499], ["grand", 2563], ["pick", 2577], ["picked", 2577], ["onto", 2612], ["ontos", 2612], ["amble", 2635], ["ambled", 2635], ["north", 2641], ["hundred", 2657], ["yard", 2663], ["yards", 2663], ["pay", 2670], ["pays", 2670], ["payest", 2670], ["paid", 2670], ["kid", 2678], ["tenner", 2689], ["promise", 2702], ["promised", 2702], ["eye", 2721], ["eyed", 2721], ["rental", 2735], ["back", 2779], ["civilization", 2797], ["dirty", 2850], ["blue", 2855], ["vauxhall", 2864], ["key", 2870], ["keyed", 2870], ["keyest", 2870], ["mike", 2879], ["mikes", 2879], ["miked", 2879], ["head", 2889], ["heading", 2889], ["several", 2927], ["wood", 2995], ["woods", 2995], ["pull", 3007], ["pulled", 3007], ["st", 3034], ["sts", 3034], ["johns", 3040], ["church", 3047], ["churching", 3047], ["quickly", 3059], ["change", 3067], ["changed", 3067], ["tan", 3085], ["pant", 3091], ["pants", 3091], ["argyle", 3102], ["argyles", 3102], ["sweater", 3110], ["wear", 3119], ["worn", 3119], ["hereford", 3131], ["lace", 3140], ["lacing", 3140], ["sperry", 3150], ["topsider", 3160], ["look", 3194], ["like", 3199], ["slob", 3206], ["slobs", 3206], ["harewood", 3222], ["arm", 3227], ["arms", 3227], ["twenty", 3236], ["minute", 3244], ["minutes", 3244], ["later", 3250], ["upscale", 3296], ["upscaled", 3296], ["opposite", 3315], ["gate", 3325], ["gates", 3325], ["house", 3343], ["cousin", 3369], ["appropriate", 3387], ["appropriates", 3387], ["check", 3417], ["checking", 3417], ["meal", 3448], ["settle", 3459], ["settled", 3459], ["lounge", 3473], ["lounges", 3473], ["away", 3491], ["rest", 3500], ["evening", 3515], ["bad", 3525], ["really", 3532], ["soccer", 3554], ["soccers", 3554], ["round", 3577], ["moor", 3593], ["moored", 3593], ["allerton", 3602], ["sunday", 3612], ["sundays", 3612], ["pick", 3622], ["car", 3632], ["head", 3641], ["monday", 3656], ["mondays", 3656], ["chap", 3742], ["chaps", 3742], ["chapping", 3742], ["bloody", 3751], ["bloodying", 3751], ["chameleon", 3761], ["chameleons", 3761], ["call", 3768], ["vacancy", 3799], ["impossible", 3848], ["chapter", 3918], ["reunion", 3933], ["lady", 3955], ["ladies", 3955], ["wear", 3963], ["wearing", 3963], ["tonight", 3971], ["gemas", 3978], ["call", 3985], ["called", 3985], ["downstairs", 3996], ["little", 4010], ["black", 4016], ["dress", 4022], ["dressest", 4022], ["job", 4040], ["jobbing", 4040], ["reply", 4050], ["replied", 4050], ["dickie", 4057], ["conversation", 4114], ["optional", 4129], ["serve", 4171], ["serving", 4171], ["number", 4186], ["numbering", 4186], ["retire", 4210], ["retired", 4210], ["guy", 4215], ["guys", 4215], ["probably", 4229], ["show", 4234], ["suit", 4246], ["suited", 4246], ["suits", 4246], ["blazer", 4257], ["blazers", 4257], ["old", 4285], ["uniform", 4293], ["try", 4304], ["tryed", 4304], ["tried", 4304], ["blazer", 4318], ["slack", 4329], ["slacks", 4329], ["think", 4344], ["thinkest", 4344], ["mess", 4375], ["messed", 4375], ["messing", 4375], ["kit", 4379], ["dress", 4406], ["dressest", 4406], ["dressing", 4406], ["look", 4420], ["looking", 4420], ["reflection", 4438], ["mirror", 4452]]
shed cut her hair short.it was so much easier to look after . no wrinkles yet..couple of laugh lines round her eyes . her skin was still unblemished . she seemed to shine with good health . this is a new one , she thought , ive never been to a bash like this , how am i going to feel in a room full of military that have never caused me nothing but trouble for as long as i can remember ? top of thatits those damn army wives , have to be nice i suppose . is everyone staying at the lodge , dickie ? i think so , he replied , peter and harry too i would think . save them having to drive back for the tournament tomorrow . ill be down in a few minutes , she called . he walked over to the barn , backed the car out and sat waiting for her , the car idling . she came out of the house uncomfortable in her high heels and sat in the passenger seat . pulling out of the laneway he suddenly stopped . damn ive forgotten the invitation , need that to get in . ill get it , she said , where is it ? i think i left it in my desk in the study , he replied . she went back into the house and into his study . where the hell would he have put it , she thought . she rummaged through the top drawernothing but the usual stuff , pens , pencils , paper clips , his diary . she looked through a couple more drawers but still couldnt see it . in the bottom drawer an old manila envelope caught her attention , scrawled across the front , in faded ink , the wordssarawak 1965 . curious she opened the envelope . she froze like a deer caught in the headlights , her mouth dropped open with a gasp . a dozen photographs fell out onto the desk , the first a photo of a headless man lying in a pool of blood . she recognized the tattoos , the second the crumpled body of an old man lying at the foot of a ladder . it was bloated and covered in flies . she recognized her grandfather , the next a photo of a grave and a stone cairn , behind , carrying their weapons peter brenner and harry downer . the rest were general shots of the old village , the burnt out longhouse , close ups of spent shells in the dirt . she had to hold on to the desk to stop herself falling . she tried not to panic exerting self control that was almost unnatural . tears sprang to her eyes but she forced them back . dick was honking the horn in the yard . she found the invitation on a side table and went back to the car locking the house behind her . asked dickie driving away , you dont look well at all . she sat there mute hardly daring to open her mouth . hey gem whats up ? i feel sick , she murmured , if it wasnt so important to you i wouldnt go . maybe ive eaten something thats upset my stomach , i might throw up . well get you something to settle your stomach at the club . well be there in less than half an hour , he said . just like her , he thought , throwing a bloody damper on something ive been looking forward to for weeks . her emotions were crashing around in her head . he knew..her husbandthey knewthey all knew . all those years of doubt.of not knowing and they knew . in the twenty short minutes it took to drive to the lodge she imposed her will . her silat training allowed her to control herself and all the tangled up emotions that would overcome her.if she allowed it . she knew that the true trial was about to begin , tonight of all nightsa regimental reunion..perhaps the very people in the photos . not perhaps..for sure . control control . walking through the door into the lobby of the lodge which after all formed part of the golf club they were greeted by colonel ron gurney and his wife . the colonel in mess kit as dickie had predicted , his wife looking frumpy and years older than gem although they were the same age . the wife offered a perfunctory greeting to gema and a limp handshake . gema responded with a brief hello and a swift , steely grip of the hand . she saw her wince.love it , she thought . although they were not the last to arrive there were about a hundred men in the room most accompanied by their partners . theres more people here than i thought , said gema . have to remember that three squadrons rotated through sarawak about a hundred and eighty men in total . ron told me that slightly more than half would be showing up . good turnout i think , replied dick , his eyes quickly scanning the room . last time i spoke to you we were in kapit , the scottish burr of robbie mcelroy came from right behind her . paan says hello , he added with a smile . he also said not to forget what he told you . his bulk dwarfed her small frame .
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["suppose", 453], ["everyone", 467], ["stay", 475], ["staying", 475], ["lodge", 488], ["dickie", 497], ["think", 507], ["thinkest", 507], ["reply", 523], ["replied", 523], ["peter", 531], ["peters", 531], ["harry", 541], ["harried", 541], ["save", 566], ["drive", 587], ["back", 592], ["tournament", 611], ["tomorrow", 620], ["tomorrows", 620], ["ill", 626], ["ills", 626], ["illest", 626], ["minute", 651], ["minutes", 651], ["call", 664], ["called", 664], ["walk", 676], ["walked", 676], ["barn", 693], ["back", 702], ["backed", 702], ["car", 710], ["sat", 722], ["sit", 722], ["wait", 730], ["waitest", 730], ["waiting", 730], ["idle", 755], ["idlest", 755], ["idling", 755], ["come", 766], ["came", 766], ["house", 783], ["uncomfortable", 797], ["high", 809], ["heel", 815], ["heeled", 815], ["heels", 815], ["passenger", 840], ["seat", 845], ["pull", 855], ["pulling", 855], ["laneway", 874], ["suddenly", 886], ["stop", 894], ["stopped", 894], ["forget", 915], ["forgot", 915], ["forgotten", 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he had hardly changed , if anything he had lost weight , he looked tanned and fit . hi there robbie , at last a friendly face . brunei seems to agree with you , you look terrific . no pubs , thats the problem . other than that its fine enough . she saw genuine warmth in his look . please not him , she thought . seen anyone else here you know ? not yet but weve only just arrived . i see peter and harry quite regularly as they play golf here quite often and of course i see george all the time . hes a member here as you know and doesnt live too far away . robbie looked out over the crowd and suddenly waved two men over . one was in uniform , number two dress of the royal irish regiment , a sergeant , the other in blazer and grey pants , the sergeant sporting two rows of theatre ribbons on his chest . you remember these chaps gema ? asked robbie , ohara and jennings . they both worked in your husbands office in kuching . gema shook hands . i remember you both very well , she said . you havent changed one little bit , said paddy , and youre still irish , said gema , outwardly smiling . her mind was in a turmoil , dickie seemed to have forgotten she didnt feel well and of his offer to get her something to settle her stomach . typical , she thought . the crowd swirled around her . she felt like a rock . outwardly she was polite to everyonethe wife of captain richard mason retired ex officer commanding a troop , 22 sas . inwardly she was seething , her mind a maelstrom of conflicting thoughts . is everyone playing golf tomorrow ? george replied , i think about sixty , the rest have opted to go fishing down on the wye , the lodge owns about a mile of the river . the evening went slowly for her . the noise level increased..hand shakingback slapping.the odd hug , men who had shared danger together meeting for the first time in years . do you remember.. ? speeches after dinner , remembrance for people passed . gema seemed to float above it . it was as though she was looking down on it..a casual observer . they drove home in silence , she turned to him in the car , you knew i wasnt feeling well dick yet you insisted on staying right to the bitter end . we could have left two hours ago and no one would have noticed . it wasnt often she voiced her dissatisfaction . more like her to bottle it up inside , not let it fester perhaps , more to file it away to bring out later and add it to the other issues piling up . well youll be able to rest up over the next couple of days , golf tomorrow then over to the barracks on sunday . ill be out of your hair , he replied . gema shook her head in exasperationand thought of wendy at school . ~ ~ ~ chapter 11 a night at the fights . tony sat in his favorite chair in his club feeling particularly pleased with himself . hed just been paid the balance of the twenty grand for bringing in the merchandise from amsterdam . the trip had gone without a hitch apparently , although they might have to do something about better ventilation for the space below the truck bed . hed make sure to collect..dead or alive . the more surprising turn of events was avi calling him for a different type of merchandise . hed refused to talk on the phone quickly interrupting avi before he could open his big mouth . ill be down at the gym in brixton wednesday evening . drive down and meet me there . well talk about it then , he said . of course avi had given him an argument . im not discussing it on the phone , tony snarled , if you want this stuff from me you get your arse down to brixton or forget it ! the following wednesday he made his way to the victoria line and took the tube to brixton , the last stop on the line . dressed in jeans and chelsea football club jacket he fitted in well with the crowds . it was just a short walk to the gym . as was habit he stopped a couple of times in front of shop windows carefully watching the reflection . once he walked into a department store and out of a different door . he hurried across the street and watched to see if anyone familiar came out after him . the black kid watched him from the store . hes getting careless , he thought , getting a bit complacent . what an idiot..im better than that , smiling . satisfied tony continued on his way . the kid keyed his speed dial , hes heading for the gym for sure . have someone pick him up on the way out . there was already a good crowd in the gym . illegal , bare fisted fighting was gaining in popularity and not just in london . all types were getting involved in it . he knew professional men who fought on a regular basis .
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["department", 3941], ["store", 3947], ["door", 3975], ["hurry", 3988], ["hurried", 3988], ["hurryed", 3988], ["hurrying", 3988], ["across", 3995], ["street", 4006], ["watch", 4018], ["watched", 4018], ["familiar", 4044], ["come", 4049], ["came", 4049], ["black", 4075], ["kid", 4079], ["get", 4120], ["getting", 4120], ["careless", 4129], ["complacent", 4169], ["idiot", 4185], ["satisfied", 4228], ["continue", 4243], ["continued", 4243], ["key", 4270], ["keyed", 4270], ["keyest", 4270], ["speed", 4280], ["speeding", 4280], ["dial", 4285], ["head", 4299], ["heading", 4299], ["pick", 4340], ["already", 4382], ["good", 4389], ["illegal", 4416], ["bare", 4423], ["fighting", 4439], ["gain", 4451], ["gaining", 4451], ["popularity", 4465], ["london", 4488], ["type", 4500], ["types", 4500], ["professional", 4551], ["fight", 4566], ["fightest", 4566], ["fought", 4566], ["regular", 4579], ["regulars", 4579], ["basis", 4585]]
he knew a dentist and an insurance agent , good family men with good businesses who , once entering the gym changed personas completely . who was to know what they told their families when they showed up at home all bruised and battered.and that was the lucky ones . some of them did it for the money or the notoriety . some , like tony , did it for the rush . it satisfied a streak in him that he much preferred to the character he was obliged to display the rest of the time . there were no rules and no decision . you either won or you lost , the other guy lying on the canvas bloodied and beaten . some ended up in hospital . every now and again someone was killed . tony rarely lost . his training allowed him to not consider the consequences..just win at all costs . after changing in a room that , at best , could be described as a dump , he waited for his name to be called . he sat on a bench , towel over his shoulders , listening to the crowd roaring . he had no nerves . he never felt nervous just a feeling of anticipation.the rush . stepping into the ring he eyed his opponent . hed seen him before . he was developing a bit of a belly . he knew him as a bit of a brawler definitely doing it for the money and , looking at his face , hed been around for a while . the belly , he thought , thats the weak point . stay out of his way , hell get impatient particularly if the crowd starts to boo , then hes toast . the brawler came out of his corner heavy on his feet . he swung a tentative roundhouse at tonys head . tony slipped out of the way on his toes and waited for what he knew was coming . the brawler rushed in and took him in a bear hug . he was strong for sure and needed a shower badly . tony took a head butt , aimed at the bridge of his nose . he took it on the forehead and promptly stamped on the guys instep . the grip slackened . tony relaxed completely and slipped out of his grasp . stepping in he slashed with his foot behind the guys left knee . he went down with a crash . he hasnt learnt how to fall , he thought , as he danced away . i have to talk to avi . id rather do that not feeling like crap.the crowd started to boo as tony had not followed through while the brawler was down . he probably could have finished it then but why risk . he waited for him to get up , the crowd getting more anxious . as he stood tony gave him a foot to the stomach . the air came out of him with a whoosh . wheezing he bent over gasping for breath tony gave him straight fingers to the throat . the crowd wasnt happy but tony had other things to do tonight . the smartly dressed man , sitting in the crowd , on the dirty bench applauded and shouted with the rest of them . hes good , he thought , wouldnt want to tangle with him on my own . tony showered , changed back into his jeans and waited for avi in the changing room . theres a pub just across the street lets go over there , he said . tony watched avi carefully over the top of his guinness . why drive all the way down here from yorkshire ? he asked himself , theres nothing he cant get up there . avi , making sure they werent overheard said quietly , i need guns tony . tony was surprised . how come you cant get them in leeds ? i can , said avi , but theres a couple of reasons i dont want to . firstly i dont want to get them locally and secondly.these are military..ideally british army . i was sure you might have a contact . bloody expensive , said tony , a lot of people have to be paid off . depends what you want too . probably cost at least twice maybe three times what they would on the normal market . were prepared for that , said avi . tony noticed the use of the word we . okheres what well do , said tony , no point in driving four hundred miles round trip every time we want to talk . ill give you a mobile number to use . its a pay as you go number so it cant be traced . always and i mean always call me from a public phone and never use the same one twice . one mistake in this and im gone . avi nodded his head . ill also give you a fax numbersend me the list of what you want , never use e-mail you understand that ? again avi nodded his understanding . after youve sent me the list you wait one week and then call the number i just gave you . i will give you a price . there is no negotiation . you pay for the drinks . ~ ~ ~ chapter 12 gower st. london wc1 rowden looked around him as he walked into the building . it had seen better days and he knew it was scheduled for demolition .
[["know", 7], ["knowest", 7], ["knew", 7], ["dentist", 17], ["insurance", 34], ["agent", 40], ["good", 47], ["family", 54], ["man", 58], ["mans", 58], ["manned", 58], ["men", 58], ["business", 79], ["businesses", 79], ["enter", 99], ["entering", 99], ["gym", 107], ["gyms", 107], ["change", 115], ["changed", 115], ["persona", 124], ["completely", 135], ["know", 153], ["knowest", 153], ["tell", 168], ["told", 168], ["family", 183], ["families", 183], ["show", 200], ["showed", 200], ["home", 211], ["homing", 211], ["bruise", 223], ["bruised", 223], ["lucky", 259], ["money", 300], ["moneys", 300], ["notoriety", 317], ["like", 331], ["tony", 336], ["rush", 358], ["satisfy", 373], ["streak", 382], ["streaks", 382], ["streaked", 382], ["much", 402], ["prefer", 412], ["prefered", 412], ["preferest", 412], ["preferred", 412], ["character", 429], ["oblige", 444], ["obliged", 444], ["display", 455], ["rest", 464], ["time", 476], ["rule", 498], ["rules", 498], ["decision", 514], ["either", 527], 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["yorkshire", 3021], ["ask", 3032], ["asked", 3032], ["nothing", 3057], ["overheard", 3120], ["quietly", 3133], ["need", 3142], ["needest", 3142], ["gun", 3147], ["guns", 3147], ["come", 3184], ["leed", 3211], ["leeds", 3211], ["couple", 3252], ["reason", 3263], ["reasonest", 3263], ["reasons", 3263], ["firstly", 3288], ["locally", 3320], ["military", 3352], ["ideally", 3361], ["british", 3369], ["army", 3374], ["may", 3397], ["mays", 3397], ["mayest", 3397], ["might", 3397], ["contact", 3412], ["bloody", 3421], ["bloodying", 3421], ["expensive", 3431], ["lot", 3451], ["people", 3461], ["pay", 3477], ["pays", 3477], ["payest", 3477], ["paid", 3477], ["depend", 3491], ["depends", 3491], ["cost", 3525], ["least", 3534], ["leastest", 3534], ["twice", 3540], ["maybe", 3546], ["three", 3552], ["time", 3558], ["times", 3558], ["normal", 3588], ["market", 3595], ["prepare", 3611], ["prepared", 3611], ["notice", 3646], ["noticed", 3646], ["use", 3654], ["word", 3666], ["well", 3689], ["wells", 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their new home was actually under construction down on the river , thames house he thought it was going to be called . bout bloody time , he thought , as he walked up the two flights of stairs . green lino on the floor , scuffed walls in some sort of government beige..or was it green ? who the hell knew , it even smelled musty , like some of the people here . wonder why theyve brought me down from hereford ? didnt think i was that popular round here anyway . he walked into meeting room number three . a group of men were sitting around a large oval table , papers strewn all over the place , a large screen at one end of the room . closing the door behind him and noticing that it closed with a satisfying clunk . rooms soundproofed , he said to himself . sit down david , long time no see , howre things up in hereford ? asked the commander and davids boss . pretty darned quiet just now , said david , i thought there might be a bit more going on being surrounded by so many active bases . well have to see what we can do for you then , wouldnt want you to get bored , man of your talents , said the commander smiling at his own wit . i think you know everyone here except perhaps jerry , indicating a slim young colored man in blazer and regimental tie . topic on the table and the reason youre here david is tony wei and portland place . who the hell is tony wei ? never heard of him , thought rowden , portland place is obviously a reference to the chinese embassy . the best way to do this is just go round the table , said the commander . for your benefit major , he said eyeing david over the top of his half moon glasses , weve had our eyes on this pillock for over a year now , for sure his real name isnt tony wei but thats not the issue just now . ok lets get on with it . major just sift out the info thats relevant just now . theres a secret file thatll be made available to you later . there followed a detailed report on weis coming and goings over the last month . of specific interest to david rowden was that he had played golf recently with two ex army types in hereford . it was obvious he was in the illegal immigrant business running a truck from amsterdam to london and that he had regular contact with a known terrorist in leeds who used the name avi . how much of this involved the chinese wasnt certain . opinion was that wei was playing both ends against the middle . on the one hand an agent for the chinese on the other in business for himself probably unknown to the chinese . they had taps on his home in st johns wood , the shop in kensington and the warehouse in brixton . he recently had a meeting in brixton with avi . it must have been pretty important to bring him all the way down from leeds . make sure the met keeps their hands off the fight club in hackney for the time being anyway , said the commander , they can deal with that one later . so commander whats my play in this ? not quite sure yet , he replied , ill probably know better in a week or so . wei obviously has something going down with avi so well keep even closer tabs on them both until we know more . okay gentlemen unless anyone has something to add thats an end to this meeting . keep me in the loop , my instincts are telling me something is going down we need to know about . david stay back for a while would you . the group filed out leaving all the notes on the table destined for the shredder . lets go in my office davegrab a coffeeif you can stand the stuff . they settled comfortably in the commanders office , feet in front of the electric fire , sipping on the not so hot coffee . so how you making out up there dave ? bored out of my tree , said david . thatll teach you to be a naughty boy dave , said the commander smiling at him . if you keep breaking the rules and taking short cuts its bound to catch up with you . i tried to run some defense for you but the brass were insistent they teach you a bit of a lesson . i understand where theyre coming from , said david , but why dont they understand that if we play by our rules and the bad guys play by theirs were gon na lose . like someone saidnever take a knife into a gun fight ! hey im on your side in this , said the commander , ive known you too long . you get results but the world seems to be a changing place . were more in the public eye , more accountable , anyway back to the case in point . somethings going on which might need your specific skills but let there be no misunderstanding , i cant protect you if it all goes sideways . if it goes right youll be a fucking hero and all will be forgiven . just what i need , said david laughing , do i stay in hereford ?
[["new", 9], ["home", 14], ["homing", 14], ["construction", 46], ["river", 64], ["thame", 73], ["thames", 73], ["house", 79], ["think", 90], ["thinkest", 90], ["thought", 90], ["go", 103], ["goest", 103], ["going", 103], ["call", 116], ["called", 116], ["bout", 123], ["bloody", 130], ["bloodying", 130], ["time", 135], ["walk", 163], ["walked", 163], ["two", 174], ["twos", 174], ["flight", 182], ["flights", 182], ["stair", 192], ["stairs", 192], ["green", 200], ["greens", 200], ["lino", 205], ["linos", 205], ["floor", 218], ["scuff", 228], ["scuffed", 228], ["wall", 234], ["walls", 234], ["sort", 247], ["government", 261], ["beige", 267], ["hell", 299], ["hells", 299], ["know", 304], ["knowest", 304], ["knew", 304], ["even", 314], ["evens", 314], ["smelt", 322], ["smell", 322], ["smellest", 322], ["smelled", 322], ["musty", 328], ["like", 335], ["people", 354], ["wonder", 368], ["wonderest", 368], ["bring", 387], ["brought", 387], ["hereford", 409], ["think", 423], ["thinkest", 423], 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["must", 2667], ["musts", 2667], ["important", 2694], ["bring", 2703], ["met", 2755], ["mets", 2755], ["keep", 2761], ["keepest", 2761], ["keeps", 2761], ["hand", 2773], ["hands", 2773], ["fight", 2787], ["fightest", 2787], ["club", 2792], ["clubbed", 2792], ["clubbing", 2792], ["hackney", 2803], ["deal", 2866], ["play", 2915], ["playest", 2915], ["quite", 2935], ["yet", 2944], ["reply", 2957], ["replied", 2957], ["ill", 2963], ["ills", 2963], ["illest", 2963], ["well", 2984], ["wells", 2984], ["week", 2994], ["keep", 3063], ["keepest", 3063], ["close", 3075], ["closer", 3075], ["tab", 3080], ["tabs", 3080], ["tabbed", 3080], ["okay", 3119], ["gentleman", 3129], ["gentlemen", 3129], ["unless", 3136], ["unlesss", 3136], ["anyone", 3143], ["add", 3164], ["loop", 3215], ["looping", 3215], ["instinct", 3230], ["instincts", 3230], ["tell", 3242], ["telling", 3242], ["need", 3277], ["needest", 3277], ["stay", 3304], ["back", 3309], ["file", 3349], ["filed", 3349], ["left", 3361], ["leave", 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["defense", 3875], ["brass", 3897], ["insistent", 3912], ["lesson", 3945], ["understand", 3960], ["understanded", 3960], ["bad", 4070], ["guy", 4075], ["guys", 4075], ["gon", 4099], ["na", 4102], ["nas", 4102], ["lose", 4107], ["take", 4137], ["knife", 4145], ["knifes", 4145], ["gun", 4156], ["hey", 4168], ["side", 4184], ["sidest", 4184], ["result", 4256], ["resultest", 4256], ["results", 4256], ["world", 4270], ["seem", 4276], ["seeming", 4276], ["seems", 4276], ["change", 4293], ["changing", 4293], ["public", 4325], ["eye", 4329], ["eyed", 4329], ["accountable", 4348], ["case", 4374], ["point", 4383], ["skill", 4443], ["skills", 4443], ["let", 4451], ["lets", 4451], ["misunderstanding", 4480], ["protect", 4497], ["protectest", 4497], ["go", 4516], ["goest", 4516], ["goes", 4516], ["sideways", 4525], ["right", 4544], ["rightest", 4544], ["fucking", 4563], ["hero", 4568], ["heros", 4568], ["forgive", 4593], ["forgived", 4593], ["forgiving", 4593], ["forgiven", 4593]]
for the time being yes but ive a feeling this is going to spread all over the place . i dont want to be getting into all sorts of jurisdictional arguments so im going to make you point in this , said the commander . if needs be well invoke the counter terrorism act..that tends to cut through the red tape and gets peoples attention . he took another sip of the coffee . your army contacts still good dave ? most of them are still around , if not active at least still close to whats going on . i still have good friends in the sas and the parachute regiment , if thats what youre asking ? thats exactly what im asking , said the commander , somethings going down and ive no idea what it is . hopefully well bring something to light in the next week or so . ill be in touch dave , anything you need give me a bell , do you have a secure line installed in hereford ? yes we do , havent had to use it yet though , said david laughing . ~ ~ ~ chapter 13 the beginning . this has to be my favorite pub , thought david . he was sitting in the snug in the green dragon on broad st. just down the street from the cathedral . no slot machines or pin balls , i like that . good beer , terrific cider . what more can a man want ? buy a lonely girl a drink ? jennie plowright was standing by his stool . pint as usual ? sounds good to me , where you been ? havent seen you for a couple of days , said jennie . jennie plowright , detective sergeant cid attached to the west mercia police . a career cop although you wouldnt know just looking at her . a pert thirty year old complete with freckles , turned up nose and auburn hair cut in a page boy . he knew she had a caustic wit but was an excellent copper . shed been divorced for a couple of years now . shed had the occasional date but nothing serious according to station gossip . after being consigned to the boonies of herefordshire and in order to give his presence some legitimacy david had been attached to the cid in ledbury and ultimately sent to hereford to work out of the bath street station . jennie was his partner . i was down to london for a couple of days , he said ordering another pint for himself . nothing serious , bit of business , anything happening ? absolutely nothing , she said , a couple of break ins that the uniforms should be able to handle , kind of quiet really , you in the office tomorrow ? no reason why not , might have to go down to ledbury some time though . now if i told you that id probably have to shoot you , he said laughing , just something to do with my transfer , no big thing , ill be in the office first thing though , another beer ? the following morning he got to the office balancing a couple of starbucks , one for him and one for jennie..double , double . she was waiting for him at the counter . i knew it was too bloody quiet , she said . he said putting down the scalding starbucks . we have a killing out at the belmont lodge golf club . not sure whats going on . the uniforms are out there waiting for us . theres something weird about it apparently . bring the coffees lets go . whos been killed ? asked david , keeping his eyes on the road the siren clearing the traffic . dunno yet , said jennie , apparently theyre having trouble identifying the bloke . at least they know its a bloke , said david , its a start , he said mirthlessly . * its bedlam , said jennie pulling into the parking lot , shit theres people everywhere , looks like theyre not letting anyone on the course . apparently the bodys out there somewhere , these must be all the members . hope no ones messing up the crime scene , said david , forensics on the way ? theyve been called in , said jennie , but they have to come all the way from ledbury so they might be a while yet . give us a chance to get a good look around then without them getting their knickers in a twist , said david . any idea who the deceased is ? asked jennie , heading out onto the course the golf pro driving the golf cart . our first foursome of the day found him , said the pro . hes in a bunker , on the fifth , close to the pond , four women in the group that found him . apparently all four are in shock and a para-medic has an eye on them back in the clubhouse . they havent been allowed to leave . who is he though ? asked jennie again . we dont know , answered the pro , you see he doesnt have a head and hes starkers . they drove down the middle of the fifth fairway and came to a stop at the top of the hill overlooking the green below them surrounded by bunkers , the pond off to the right .
[["time", 12], ["yes", 22], ["feeling", 40], ["go", 54], ["goest", 54], ["going", 54], ["spread", 64], ["place", 83], ["get", 111], ["getting", 111], ["sort", 126], ["sorts", 126], ["jurisdictional", 144], ["argument", 154], ["arguments", 154], ["point", 184], ["say", 199], ["sayest", 199], ["said", 199], ["commander", 213], ["need", 224], ["needest", 224], ["needs", 224], ["well", 232], ["wells", 232], ["invoke", 239], ["count", 251], ["countest", 251], ["terrorism", 261], ["act", 265], ["acted", 265], ["tend", 277], ["tends", 277], ["cut", 284], ["red", 300], ["tape", 305], ["get", 314], ["gets", 314], ["people", 322], ["peoples", 322], ["attention", 332], ["take", 342], ["took", 342], ["another", 350], ["sip", 354], ["coffee", 368], ["army", 380], ["contact", 389], ["contacts", 389], ["still", 395], ["good", 400], ["dave", 405], ["around", 437], ["active", 453], ["least", 462], ["leastest", 462], ["close", 474], ["friend", 520], ["friends", 520], ["parachute", 549], ["parachutes", 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["belmont", 2920], ["lodge", 2926], ["golf", 2931], ["golfs", 2931], ["club", 2936], ["clubbed", 2936], ["clubbing", 2936], ["sure", 2947], ["weird", 3031], ["apparently", 3051], ["coffee", 3071], ["coffees", 3071], ["let", 3076], ["lets", 3076], ["kill", 3098], ["killed", 3098], ["ask", 3106], ["asked", 3106], ["keep", 3122], ["keepest", 3122], ["keeping", 3122], ["eye", 3131], ["eyed", 3131], ["eyes", 3131], ["road", 3143], ["siren", 3153], ["sirens", 3153], ["clear", 3162], ["clearest", 3162], ["traffic", 3174], ["traffics", 3174], ["trafficking", 3174], ["dunno", 3182], ["trouble", 3235], ["troubling", 3235], ["identify", 3247], ["identifying", 3247], ["bloke", 3257], ["start", 3317], ["mirthlessly", 3339], ["bedlam", 3354], ["bedlams", 3354], ["pull", 3376], ["pulling", 3376], ["parking", 3393], ["lot", 3397], ["shit", 3404], ["people", 3418], ["everywhere", 3429], ["look", 3437], ["looks", 3437], ["let", 3461], ["lets", 3461], ["letting", 3461], ["anyone", 3468], ["course", 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["allow", 4243], ["allowed", 4243], ["left", 4252], ["leave", 4252], ["answer", 4318], ["answeres", 4318], ["answerest", 4318], ["answered", 4318], ["see", 4336], ["head", 4358], ["starkers", 4375], ["drive", 4388], ["drove", 4388], ["middle", 4404], ["middles", 4404], ["middling", 4404], ["fairway", 4425], ["fairways", 4425], ["come", 4434], ["came", 4434], ["stop", 4444], ["top", 4455], ["hill", 4467], ["overlook", 4479], ["overlooking", 4479], ["surround", 4511], ["surrounded", 4511], ["bunker", 4522], ["right", 4550], ["rightest", 4550]]
yellow tape had been stretched around the immediate crime scene which appeared to be the bunker on the left protecting that side of the green . need to move the tape back at least a hundred yards radius from the bunker , said david , lets get the uniforms to do it immediately and then get everybody out of here . there were several police and two para medics close to the bunker . jennie walked over , careful where she was putting her feet . jennie plowright cid , who was first on the scene ? i was miss , said one of the uniforms . thats sergeant to you constable . get everyone out of here and gather by that golf cart up on the hill . relocate the tape at least a hundred yards in every direction . no vehicles close until i say so that includes the forensic team when they show up . she waved david down the hill . you ok with this jen ? ill survive david , dont worry about me . the body was laid out in the middle of the bunker as if on display . it was quite naked and lying on its back , arms straight by its side.headless . the entire bunker had been raked , no footprints , not a blemish in the sand other than the parallel marks made by the rake . sergeant plowright . the voice called from the top of the hill , the forensic truck parked next to the man waving . thatll make the grounds staff happy , said david a truck in the middle of the fairway . stay where you are , called jennie , ill let you know when to come down . she turned back to the bunker . so what do you see jen or rather what dont you see ? theres no blood , she said , ergo he wasnt killed here . this is not the primary crime scene . right and wheres the rake , for that matter wheres the head ? said david , who the hell is he ? this entire thing is staged , whoever did it wanted him to be found like this . theres a message herefor someone anyway . asked jennie , the uniforms must look for signs of a vehicle , that or someone is extremely strong or there was more than one perp . ok , said david , get the uniforms down here in an organized search but no closer than fifty feet of the bunker . let the forensic people down here but no truck for the time being . i want photos of everything from every angle . tell the pro the course is closed until further notice . as of now the entire golf course is a crime scene . everyone out of here except the four that found the body and the staff that were here at the end of the day yesterday and first thing this morning . see you back at the clubhouse , nothing more to be gained here . after interviewing the staff , the lady foursome and the constable first on the scene it was apparent there was nothing more to learn from them than what they already knew . first thing we need is an id , said david , after that the time of death and the cause . without an id we can do virtually nothing , lets get on it ! it was several days before they were able to meet with the forensic pathologist working out of ledbury . im afraid , as of now , i cant answer all your questions . i can tell you from the body temperature that he died late the previous evening . as far as cause of death..ive no idea . he was beheaded post mortem but i can find no other trauma . weve sent blood samples down to the forensic science service in london . theyll send back the toxicology report when theyre done . as for identification , nothing yet . we took the prints and ran them through our own data base but nothing came up . again weve sent them down to london see if they can come up with something . one thing i can say though , the head was taken off with one single cut . whoever did that is very , very strong . i would think they used a sword or a machete , something pretty big anyway and very sharp . not much help im afraid . later , sitting in the green dragon , bloody hell were nowhere with this , said jennie , without an id we cant even start . check with missing persons , said david . his name is harry downer , said jennie the following afternoon in the station , his wife reported him missing in gloucester and then identified him this morning from some scars on his legs . shes pretty shook up . well get confirmation when we hear from the fss in london . well its a start , said david , lets try and shake up forensic services on the prints . it wasnt much later in the day that they received a fax from london . well , they confirm his name is harry downer but then theres a twist to the bloody thing , said jennie . his file is classified , she replied , secret for gods sake . david thought for a few moments . shes bound to find out eventually , he thought , so i might as well tell her.some of it at least .
[["yellow", 6], ["tape", 11], ["stretch", 30], ["stretched", 30], ["around", 37], ["immediate", 51], ["crime", 57], ["scene", 63], ["appear", 78], ["appeared", 78], ["bunker", 95], ["left", 107], ["protect", 118], ["protectest", 118], ["protecting", 118], ["side", 128], ["sidest", 128], ["green", 141], ["greens", 141], ["need", 148], ["needest", 148], ["move", 156], ["back", 170], ["least", 179], ["leastest", 179], ["hundred", 189], ["yard", 195], ["yards", 195], ["radius", 202], ["say", 225], ["sayest", 225], ["said", 225], ["david", 231], ["davids", 231], ["let", 238], ["lets", 238], ["get", 242], ["uniform", 255], ["uniforms", 255], ["immediately", 276], ["several", 332], ["police", 339], ["two", 347], ["twos", 347], ["para", 352], ["paras", 352], ["medic", 359], ["medics", 359], ["close", 365], ["jennie", 388], ["walk", 395], ["walked", 395], ["careful", 410], ["put", 432], ["putting", 432], ["foot", 441], ["feet", 441], ["plowright", 460], ["cid", 464], ["first", 480], ["firstest", 480], ["miss", 506], ["sergeant", 550], ["constable", 567], ["constables", 567], ["everyone", 582], ["gather", 605], ["gatherest", 605], ["golf", 618], ["golfs", 618], ["cart", 623], ["hill", 638], ["relocate", 649], ["relocates", 649], ["every", 692], ["direction", 702], ["vehicle", 716], ["vehicled", 716], ["vehicles", 716], ["say", 734], ["sayest", 734], ["include", 751], ["includes", 751], ["forensic", 764], ["team", 769], ["teamed", 769], ["teaming", 769], ["show", 784], ["wave", 799], ["waved", 799], ["ok", 828], ["jen", 842], ["ill", 848], ["ills", 848], ["illest", 848], ["survive", 856], ["worry", 875], ["worried", 875], ["body", 895], ["bodied", 895], ["lay", 904], ["lays", 904], ["layed", 904], ["layest", 904], ["laid", 904], ["middle", 922], ["middles", 922], ["middling", 922], ["display", 953], ["quite", 968], ["naked", 974], ["lie", 984], ["lay", 984], ["lain", 984], ["lying", 984], ["arm", 1003], ["arms", 1003], ["straight", 1012], ["entire", 1046], ["rake", 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["interview", 2541], ["interviewing", 2541], ["lady", 2562], ["foursome", 2571], ["apparent", 2624], ["learn", 2656], ["learns", 2656], ["learnt", 2656], ["already", 2689], ["know", 2694], ["knowest", 2694], ["knew", 2694], ["death", 2769], ["cause", 2783], ["without", 2793], ["virtually", 2819], ["day", 2866], ["days", 2866], ["able", 2888], ["abled", 2888], ["meet", 2896], ["meeted", 2896], ["pathologist", 2926], ["work", 2934], ["wrought", 2934], ["working", 2934], ["afraid", 2961], ["answer", 2989], ["answeres", 2989], ["answerest", 2989], ["question", 3008], ["questions", 3008], ["temperature", 3051], ["die", 3064], ["died", 3064], ["late", 3069], ["lates", 3069], ["previous", 3082], ["evening", 3090], ["far", 3099], ["ives", 3122], ["idea", 3130], ["behead", 3148], ["beheadest", 3148], ["beheading", 3148], ["beheaded", 3148], ["post", 3153], ["find", 3175], ["trauma", 3191], ["traumas", 3191], ["send", 3203], ["sent", 3203], ["sample", 3217], ["sampling", 3217], ["samples", 3217], ["science", 3246], ["service", 3254], ["servicing", 3254], ["london", 3264], ["send", 3278], ["toxicology", 3298], ["report", 3305], ["identification", 3346], ["yet", 3360], ["take", 3370], ["took", 3370], ["print", 3381], ["prints", 3381], ["run", 3389], ["ran", 3389], ["base", 3420], ["basest", 3420], ["come", 3437], ["came", 3437], ["though", 3546], ["take", 3567], ["taken", 3567], ["single", 3587], ["cut", 3591], ["think", 3648], ["thinkest", 3648], ["use", 3658], ["used", 3658], ["sword", 3666], ["machete", 3679], ["pretty", 3698], ["prettiest", 3698], ["big", 3702], ["bigs", 3702], ["sharp", 3724], ["sharps", 3724], ["much", 3735], ["help", 3740], ["helpest", 3740], ["later", 3758], ["sat", 3768], ["sit", 3768], ["sitting", 3768], ["dragon", 3788], ["bloody", 3797], ["bloodying", 3797], ["nowhere", 3815], ["even", 3868], ["evens", 3868], ["start", 3874], ["check", 3882], ["miss", 3895], ["missing", 3895], ["person", 3903], ["persons", 3903], ["name", 3927], ["harry", 3936], ["harried", 3936], ["downer", 3943], ["follow", 3971], ["following", 3971], ["afternoon", 3981], ["station", 3996], ["wife", 4007], ["report", 4016], ["reported", 4016], ["gloucester", 4042], ["identify", 4062], ["identified", 4062], ["scar", 4095], ["scars", 4095], ["leg", 4107], ["legs", 4107], ["shake", 4127], ["shook", 4127], ["well", 4137], ["wells", 4137], ["confirmation", 4154], ["hear", 4167], ["hears", 4167], ["try", 4233], ["tryed", 4233], ["shake", 4243], ["service", 4264], ["servicing", 4264], ["services", 4264], ["receive", 4330], ["received", 4330], ["fax", 4336], ["faxed", 4336], ["confirm", 4370], ["twist", 4419], ["twisted", 4419], ["twisting", 4419], ["file", 4464], ["classify", 4478], ["classified", 4478], ["reply", 4492], ["replied", 4492], ["secret", 4501], ["god", 4510], ["gods", 4510], ["sake", 4515], ["sakes", 4515], ["think", 4531], ["thinkest", 4531], ["thought", 4531], ["moment", 4549], ["moments", 4549], ["bind", 4562], ["bound", 4562], ["eventually", 4585], ["may", 4611], ["mays", 4611], ["mayest", 4611], ["might", 4611]]
i can get the file thats not a problem , he said . you got ta be kidding , she replied , looking at him questioningly . its getting late in the day , lets go for a pint and ill fill you in , how about it ? ok , but youre buying . later , sitting in an alcove in the dragon . ok , out with it , david , it is david isnt it ? i thought there was something about you . she sounded a bit hurt . dont get niggly with me jen i just wasnt able to say anything but now ive no choice . now youve a need to know i guess . im actually with mi5 attached to the anti-terrorist task force although thats not why im here in hereford . truth is i was a bad boy by my bosss standards . i cut a few corners , got sick of the bureaucracy , the bullshit , it tied my hands . i got the job done but the brass werent happy with the how of it so they decided to teach me a lesson , ship me out to the boonies . course theyre not completely stupid . here in hereford were surrounded by military bases so it seemed like a good place to put me out to grass . weve the sas close by at bradbury lines , the royal irish regiment up in tern hill and the royal gloucesters close by . im actually a major in the parachute regiment but not active , been part of the task force for quite a while . ive been around a bit too . i was in malaya and borneo . my contacts are pretty good . thats really all you need to know i think . not sure i like being kept in the dark , but i can see why you had no choice , she said taking a pull of her pint , so what now ? get the file on downer and talk to the wife , he said . ~ ~ ~ chapter 14 moving right along . tony sat in his brixton office looking at the unidentifiable fax in front of him . expensive stuff , what they going to do , start a bloody war ? only place to get this stuff is a military armory , he thought . he looked at the items . an l86 a1 , thats a brand new light machine gun , not sure its even been issued yet . heckler and koch mp-5ka4 , thats a sub-machine gun in 9mm i read about that somewhere , going to cost a fortune . do i call or just drive up to worcester and surprise him ? better call first and let him know im coming . he took a number from his personal phone book and dialed it directly . jennings , a voice answered . tony wei , he replied , you going to be around the next day or two ? might have a bit of business for you . the listener in the truck at the end of the street logged the time of the call and picked up his mobile . might have made his first mistake , he said , he called a number registered to a jennings militaria up in worcester , driving up there in the next day or two . the commander at the other end of the phone hung up and dialed a secure number in hereford . dave i want you to take a look at a guy in worcester . names jennings , owns a militaria shop over there . make it quick , need the intel within twenty four hours . two days later tony took the bmw , turned up the m40 in the direction of oxford . the silver grey audi picked him up as he went past high wycombe . when he turned south on the m5 the audi was replaced by a dirty blue vauxhall . there was already a team staking out the store and a tap on the phone . the intel , provided by dave rowden was , in the first instance , quite surprising . jenningss military experience was classified ! purely coincidental was the consensus of opinion . that was twice in just a few days . no such things as coincidences , thought david , thinking like that gets you killed . what david did not share with london was that both jennings and harry downer had been in the 22 sas , not just that though , theyd been in the same troop in sarawak , jennings a clerk in hq in kuching and downer a trooper in an air team . much less of a coincidence now , particularly in the light of the fact that wei had played golf with harry and someone called george mudd just a few short days ago at belmont lodge . the team outside the shop had not had the time to get any sort of bug installed . tony was in there for approximately an hour then left , driving straight back to london . however they had had the time , although it took a warrant , to get the gpo to tie them into the phone in the shop , the phone at jennings home and the public telephone just outside the shop .
[["get", 9], ["file", 18], ["problem", 38], ["say", 48], ["sayest", 48], ["said", 48], ["get", 58], ["got", 58], ["ta", 61], ["kid", 72], ["kidding", 72], ["reply", 86], ["replied", 86], ["look", 96], ["looking", 96], ["questioningly", 117], ["get", 131], ["getting", 131], ["late", 136], ["lates", 136], ["day", 147], ["let", 154], ["lets", 154], ["go", 157], ["goest", 157], ["pint", 168], ["ill", 176], ["ills", 176], ["illest", 176], ["fill", 181], ["fills", 181], ["ok", 208], ["buy", 227], ["buyed", 227], ["buying", 227], ["later", 235], ["sat", 245], ["sit", 245], ["sitting", 245], ["alcove", 258], ["dragon", 272], ["david", 299], ["davids", 299], ["think", 333], ["thinkest", 333], ["thought", 333], ["sound", 377], ["sounded", 377], ["bit", 383], ["bits", 383], ["hurt", 388], ["hurts", 388], ["hurting", 388], ["niggly", 406], ["jen", 418], ["able", 436], ["abled", 436], ["say", 443], ["sayest", 443], ["anything", 452], ["choice", 474], ["need", 493], ["needest", 493], ["know", 501], ["knowest", 501], ["guess", 509], ["attach", 541], ["attached", 541], ["anti", 553], ["terrorist", 563], ["task", 568], ["tasking", 568], ["taskest", 568], ["force", 574], ["although", 583], ["hereford", 617], ["truth", 625], ["bad", 640], ["boy", 644], ["standard", 666], ["standards", 666], ["cut", 674], ["corner", 688], ["corners", 688], ["sick", 699], ["bureaucracy", 718], ["bullshit", 733], ["tie", 743], ["tying", 743], ["tieing", 743], ["tied", 743], ["hand", 752], ["hands", 752], ["job", 768], ["jobbing", 768], ["brass", 787], ["happy", 800], ["decide", 835], ["decided", 835], ["teach", 844], ["lesson", 856], ["ship", 863], ["boonies", 885], ["course", 894], ["completely", 916], ["stupid", 923], ["surround", 958], ["surrounded", 958], ["military", 970], ["basis", 976], ["bases", 976], ["seem", 989], ["seeming", 989], ["seemed", 989], ["like", 994], ["good", 1001], ["place", 1007], ["put", 1014], ["grass", 1030], ["grassing", 1030], ["close", 1051], ["bradbury", 1066], ["line", 1072], ["lines", 1072], ["royal", 1084], ["irish", 1090], ["regiment", 1099], ["tern", 1110], ["terns", 1110], ["hill", 1115], ["gloucester", 1141], ["major", 1172], ["parachute", 1189], ["parachutes", 1189], ["parachuting", 1189], ["active", 1213], ["part", 1225], ["parting", 1225], ["quite", 1253], ["around", 1279], ["malaya", 1307], ["borneo", 1318], ["contact", 1332], ["contacts", 1332], ["pretty", 1343], ["prettiest", 1343], ["really", 1363], ["think", 1392], ["thinkest", 1392], ["sure", 1403], ["keep", 1421], ["keepest", 1421], ["kept", 1421], ["dark", 1433], ["see", 1449], ["take", 1489], ["taking", 1489], ["pull", 1496], ["downer", 1547], ["talk", 1556], ["wife", 1568], ["chapter", 1594], ["move", 1604], ["moving", 1604], ["right", 1610], ["rightest", 1610], ["along", 1616], ["tony", 1623], ["sat", 1627], ["sit", 1627], ["brixton", 1642], ["office", 1649], ["unidentifiable", 1679], ["fax", 1683], ["faxed", 1683], ["front", 1692], ["expensive", 1711], ["stuff", 1717], ["go", 1735], ["goest", 1735], ["going", 1735], ["start", 1749], ["bloody", 1758], ["bloodying", 1758], ["war", 1762], ["armory", 1814], ["look", 1839], ["looked", 1839], ["item", 1852], ["items", 1852], ["brand", 1880], ["new", 1884], ["lit", 1890], ["light", 1890], ["machine", 1898], ["gun", 1902], ["even", 1922], ["evens", 1922], ["issue", 1934], ["issued", 1934], ["yet", 1938], ["heckler", 1948], ["koch", 1957], ["sub", 1979], ["subbing", 1979], ["mm", 1998], ["read", 2005], ["reads", 2005], ["somewhere", 2026], ["cost", 2042], ["fortune", 2052], ["call", 2064], ["drive", 2078], ["worcester", 2094], ["surprise", 2107], ["surprised", 2107], ["well", 2120], ["wells", 2120], ["first", 2131], ["firstest", 2131], ["let", 2139], ["lets", 2139], ["come", 2158], ["coming", 2158], ["take", 2168], ["took", 2168], ["number", 2177], ["numbering", 2177], ["personal", 2195], ["phone", 2201], ["book", 2206], ["dial", 2217], ["dialed", 2217], ["directly", 2229], ["voice", 2250], ["answer", 2259], ["answeres", 2259], ["answerest", 2259], ["answered", 2259], ["wei", 2270], ["next", 2317], ["two", 2328], ["twos", 2328], ["may", 2336], ["mays", 2336], ["mayest", 2336], ["might", 2336], ["business", 2359], ["listener", 2382], ["truck", 2395], ["end", 2406], ["ends", 2406], ["endest", 2406], ["street", 2420], ["log", 2427], ["logs", 2427], ["logged", 2427], ["time", 2436], ["pick", 2459], ["picked", 2459], ["mobile", 2473], ["mobiles", 2473], ["mistook", 2509], ["mistake", 2509], ["mistaken", 2509], ["call", 2531], ["called", 2531], ["register", 2551], ["registered", 2551], ["militaria", 2575], ["drive", 2601], ["driving", 2601], ["commander", 2649], ["hang", 2684], ["hung", 2684], ["hangs", 2684], ["secure", 2707], ["securest", 2707], ["dave", 2733], ["take", 2752], ["look", 2759], ["guy", 2768], ["shop", 2822], ["quick", 2849], ["intel", 2866], ["within", 2873], ["twenty", 2880], ["four", 2885], ["hour", 2891], ["hours", 2891], ["day", 2902], ["days", 2902], ["bmw", 2926], ["turn", 2935], ["turned", 2935], ["direction", 2963], ["oxford", 2973], ["silver", 2986], ["silvered", 2986], ["grey", 2991], ["audi", 2996], ["go", 3021], ["goest", 3021], ["went", 3021], ["past", 3026], ["high", 3031], ["wycombe", 3039], ["south", 3062], ["replace", 3094], ["replaced", 3094], ["dirty", 3105], ["blue", 3110], ["vauxhall", 3119], ["already", 3139], ["team", 3146], ["teamed", 3146], ["teaming", 3146], ["stake", 3154], ["staking", 3154], ["store", 3168], ["tap", 3178], ["provide", 3214], ["provided", 3214], ["instance", 3257], ["surprising", 3276], ["experience", 3308], ["experienced", 3308], ["classified", 3323], ["purely", 3332], ["coincidental", 3345], ["consensus", 3363], ["opinion", 3374], ["twice", 3391], ["thing", 3427], ["things", 3427], ["coincidence", 3443], ["coincidences", 3443], ["think", 3470], ["thinkest", 3470], ["thinking", 3470], ["get", 3485], ["gets", 3485], ["kill", 3496], ["killed", 3496], ["share", 3523], ["london", 3535], ["harry", 3568], ["harried", 3568], ["though", 3621], ["troop", 3652], ["sarawak", 3663], ["clerk", 3682], ["hq", 3688], ["air", 3730], ["airs", 3730], ["airing", 3730], ["much", 3742], ["less", 3747], ["coincidence", 3764], ["particularly", 3783], ["fact", 3808], ["play", 3828], ["playest", 3828], ["played", 3828], ["golf", 3833], ["golfs", 3833], ["george", 3870], ["short", 3892], ["ago", 3901], ["belmont", 3912], ["lodge", 3918], ["outside", 3937], ["sort", 3983], ["bug", 3990], ["bugged", 3990], ["instal", 4000], ["installed", 4000], ["approximately", 4038], ["hour", 4046], ["left", 4056], ["leave", 4056], ["straight", 4075], ["back", 4080], ["however", 4100], ["warrant", 4151], ["warranting", 4151], ["gpo", 4168], ["tie", 4175], ["tying", 4175], ["tieing", 4175], ["home", 4236], ["homing", 4236], ["public", 4251], ["telephone", 4261]]
later in the day jennings came out of the shop , entered the public phone booth and dialed . the recording machines automatically switched on and logged the time and date . tern hill barracks , was the announcement . quartermasters stores please , said jennings . quartermaster , after a few rings . sergeant ohara ? asked jennings politely . ohara , what can i do for you ? paddy its frank , how you been ? im going to be up over your way sometime in the next few days want to get together for a beer ? sounds great frankie , meet me at the tudor house hotel in market drayton next wednesday its not too far from here . 1900 hundred hours okay ? see you then paddy , replied jennings and rang off . david and jennie listened to the recording for the tenth time . obviously theres something going down although weve no idea what it might be , said jennie . no question about that jen but im convinced theres some connection here with downers death , i just dont believe in coincidences . a number of things so well have to split the work , firstly we need to talk with downers wife , after that lets look up this mudd chap that they played golf with . we need to check out this sergeant ohara that jennings spoke with and i need to go talk to the officer commanding at tern hill . in case you dont know , jen , tern hill is the headquarters of the irish regiment . by the way.have we heard back from forensic services in london ? we really need to know the cause of death of the headless man . he smiled grimly , i thought you said it was quiet round here ! * marjorie downer was a tall , rather angular , woman in her mid forties . she came to the door of the neatly kept semi , smartly dressed for that time of the morning . jennie introduced them both and she invited them into the living room . she asked , the kettles on . that would be lovely , said jennie . whilst she was out of the room david did a quick circuit . there were photos everywhere but none of any kids . mostly they were old army buddies , many obviously taken in the jungle . some were groups of ladies with harry in the centre , obviously some club or other . marjorie came in carrying the tray and noticed him looking carefully at some of the photos . she set the tray down on the coffee table . after harry left the army he opened a martial arts school here in gloucester . lord knows whats going to become of it now , perhaps i can sell it . we have to ask you a few questions mrs. downer if thats okay ? marjorie , if i may call you that , said david . i know about harrys involvement with the sas , ive seen his file . youre probably worried about the official secrets act but we are both cleared at that level so you may speak freely . she seemed relieved , she brightened up and poured the tea . harry loved it in the regiment , most of them do . he really regretted having to retire but he knew he was getting a little old for that sort of thing . being a specialist in unarmed combat the school seemed to be a natural for him . jennie asked the standard questions about known enemies and strangers hanging around . there was nothing as she expected . marjorie , who is george mudd ? george is or rather was harrys best friend . theyd known each other for over twenty years . they served in malaya together and borneo . harry always used to saygeorge has my six . they played golf regularly at belmont lodge , at least twice a week . george has done very well for himself but his wife was killed some time ago just after they bought that beautiful place in eaton bishop . a few of them managed to stay close you know . peter brenner comes down from leeds quite regularly to play golf , hes a pro up there . their old co lives in hereford , thats captain mason , dickie to his friends . hes the one that married that native girl , hes a member at the golf club too . robbie mcelroy used to be around a lot but hes in brunei now . he works for george out there , he was here for the reunion but hes gone back now . * we only asked about george mudd , said david laughing as they drove back to hereford . later that day , okay , jen , lets divide and conquer . ive asked for the file on ohara and ive an appointment to see the commanding office at tern hill . you go talk to this mudd chap and ill meet you in the pub tonight and well share notes . youd better call me on my mobile then because tern hill is a bit of a drive , she replied .
[["later", 5], ["day", 16], ["jenning", 25], ["jennings", 25], ["come", 30], ["came", 30], ["shop", 46], ["enter", 56], ["entered", 56], ["public", 67], ["phone", 73], ["booth", 79], ["dial", 90], ["dialed", 90], ["record", 106], ["recording", 106], ["machine", 115], ["machines", 115], ["automatically", 129], ["switch", 138], ["switching", 138], ["switched", 138], ["log", 152], ["logs", 152], ["logged", 152], ["time", 161], ["date", 170], ["tern", 177], ["terns", 177], ["hill", 182], ["announcement", 214], ["quartermaster", 231], ["quartermasters", 231], ["store", 238], ["stores", 238], ["please", 245], ["say", 252], ["sayest", 252], ["said", 252], ["quartermaster", 277], ["rang", 297], ["rung", 297], ["ring", 297], ["rings", 297], ["sergeant", 308], ["ask", 322], ["asked", 322], ["politely", 340], ["paddy", 380], ["frank", 390], ["go", 416], ["goest", 416], ["going", 416], ["way", 439], ["ways", 439], ["sometime", 448], ["next", 460], ["day", 469], ["days", 469], ["get", 481], ["together", 490], ["beer", 501], ["sound", 510], ["sounds", 510], ["great", 516], ["frankie", 524], ["meet", 531], ["meeted", 531], ["tudor", 547], ["house", 553], ["hotel", 559], ["market", 569], ["drayton", 577], ["wednesday", 592], ["far", 608], ["hundred", 633], ["hour", 639], ["hours", 639], ["okay", 644], ["see", 650], ["reply", 675], ["replied", 675], ["david", 705], ["davids", 705], ["jennie", 716], ["listen", 725], ["listens", 725], ["listened", 725], ["tenth", 756], ["obviously", 773], ["although", 810], ["idea", 823], ["may", 837], ["mays", 837], ["mayest", 837], ["might", 837], ["question", 868], ["jen", 883], ["convince", 900], ["convinced", 900], ["convincing", 900], ["connection", 923], ["downer", 941], ["downers", 941], ["death", 947], ["believe", 969], ["coincidence", 985], ["coincidences", 985], ["number", 996], ["numbering", 996], ["thing", 1006], ["things", 1006], ["well", 1014], ["wells", 1014], ["split", 1028], ["work", 1037], ["wrought", 1037], ["firstly", 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["rather", 1595], ["angular", 1603], ["woman", 1611], ["womans", 1611], ["mid", 1622], ["forty", 1630], ["forties", 1630], ["door", 1653], ["neatly", 1667], ["keep", 1672], ["keepest", 1672], ["kept", 1672], ["semi", 1677], ["smartly", 1687], ["dress", 1695], ["dressest", 1695], ["dressed", 1695], ["morning", 1724], ["introduce", 1744], ["introduced", 1744], ["invite", 1770], ["invites", 1770], ["invited", 1770], ["room", 1796], ["roomed", 1796], ["kettle", 1822], ["kettles", 1822], ["lovely", 1848], ["lovelier", 1848], ["whilst", 1871], ["quick", 1913], ["circuit", 1921], ["photo", 1941], ["photos", 1941], ["everywhere", 1952], ["none", 1961], ["kid", 1973], ["kids", 1973], ["mostly", 1982], ["old", 1996], ["army", 2001], ["buddy", 2009], ["buddies", 2009], ["many", 2016], ["take", 2032], ["taken", 2032], ["jungle", 2046], ["jungles", 2046], ["group", 2065], ["groups", 2065], ["lady", 2075], ["ladies", 2075], ["harry", 2086], ["harried", 2086], ["centre", 2100], ["club", 2122], 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["always", 3314], ["use", 3319], ["used", 3319], ["six", 3343], ["regularly", 3372], ["belmont", 3383], ["lodge", 3389], ["least", 3400], ["leastest", 3400], ["twice", 3406], ["week", 3413], ["kill", 3477], ["killed", 3477], ["ago", 3491], ["buy", 3514], ["buyed", 3514], ["bought", 3514], ["beautiful", 3529], ["beautifulest", 3529], ["place", 3535], ["eaton", 3544], ["bishop", 3551], ["manage", 3575], ["managed", 3575], ["stay", 3583], ["close", 3589], ["peter", 3606], ["peters", 3606], ["come", 3620], ["comes", 3620], ["leed", 3636], ["leeds", 3636], ["quite", 3642], ["play", 3660], ["playest", 3660], ["pro", 3677], ["co", 3701], ["live", 3707], ["hereford", 3719], ["captain", 3735], ["mason", 3741], ["dickie", 3750], ["friend", 3765], ["friends", 3765], ["marry", 3792], ["married", 3792], ["native", 3804], ["girl", 3809], ["member", 3824], ["robbie", 3854], ["lot", 3886], ["brunei", 3904], ["work", 3919], ["wrought", 3919], ["works", 3919], ["reunion", 3970], ["go", 3983], ["goest", 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eaton bishop was a picture postcard type of english village only about ten miles from hereford on the banks of the wye , a bit awkward to get to as it was on the other side of the river . she had an appointment to see george mudd at the old manor house and hed given her easy instructions for getting there . as instructed she turned in at the old wrought iron gates and drove up a winding driveway lined with ancient beeches , at the top of the hill stood the eighteenth century manor house . this place cost a bob or two , she thought getting out of the car in the gravel forecourt . two black labs came bounding round the corner barking their greeting . they wont hurt you , a tall gentleman standing in the doorway . she took a few moments to study him before walking over to shake his hand . he was probably about forty five . approximately six feet , tanned and extremely fit , didnt look as though he had any fat on him at all . he was wearing tailored cavalry twills and a tattersall shirt open at the neck . he rough housed the two dogs as she eyed him . im george mudd and you must be jennie plowright , he said shaking her hand firmly . detective sergeant jennie plowright actually , she said , im attached to the cid of the west mercia police . please come in , he said , make yourself at home , dont mind the dogs . she followed him into a drawing room filled with light from the tall windows overlooking a paddock . what a beautiful house , she said . yes , i sort of rattle around in it on my own . just couldnt bring myself to sell it when my wife judy died . i have a housekeeper to look after the place for me , she and her husband live in the lodge house down by the main gate , works out really well for everyone as im out of the country quite often . id like to talk to you about mr. downer but before we start i should formally inform you that i have clearance to talk to you concerning your military past . you may call my super to confirm if you wish . that wont be necessary jennie..may i call you jennie or would you prefer sergeant ? he smiled at her across the coffee table . whichever you prefer mr.mudd , she replied . ive known harry for twenty five years , we were more than just friends . we fought together in both malaya and borneo . as im certain you already know we were part of c squadron 22 sas stationed in kuching . we were in the same team . i would think we saved each others lives several times over . so , you see , its more than friends . he looked sad and tired as he spoke , he was obviously far more affected by the loss than he liked to make out . in those days we were a very small group . just the one troop working out of kuching , four teams of four chaps each . our hq comprised of only three people , captain mason , our co , who lives in hereford by the way and two clerks who performed functions ranging from performing radio watch to making sure we had everything we needed . do you remember their names ? asked jenn , intuition she thought . i most certainly do , said mudd , my team was harry , peter brenner , robbie mcelroy and myself . peter lives up in leeds but comes down here quite often . he either stays with me here or with dickie mason in hereford . robbie actually works for me and lives in brunei . do you remember the names of the clerks too ? yes i do , he replied , jennings and ohara . jennies heart skipped a beat , jennings and ohara , what the hell is going on here ? any idea what happened to those two ? i believe ohara is still in the service although he must be close to retirement i would think . as for jennings ive no idea . do you have any idea what killed harry ? not yet , she replied , were still waiting for the toxicology report from london . our people in ledbury couldnt figure it out . he must have been incapacitated in some way you know , said george , harry was an unarmed combat specialist , he would have been tough to take down . certainly take more than one..probably more than two , he said wistfully . jennie looked round the tastefully decorated room . what do you do for a living mr. mudd ? he looked at her smiling you mean how can i afford all this being a retired sas trooper ? fair question , he said blue eyes twinkling . he saw an extremely attractive woman , short auburn hair and a skin that must break out into a thousand freckles when hit by the sun . she had a local burr to her voice and seemed very at ease with herself . i own a security company , we specialize in oil field security . i have a couple of customers in the north sea but my largest customer is in brunei .
[["eaton", 5], ["bishop", 12], ["picture", 26], ["postcard", 35], ["type", 40], ["english", 51], ["englishest", 51], ["village", 59], ["ten", 74], ["mile", 80], ["miles", 80], ["hereford", 94], ["bank", 107], ["banks", 107], ["wye", 118], ["wyes", 118], ["bit", 126], ["bits", 126], ["awkward", 134], ["get", 141], ["side", 172], ["sidest", 172], ["river", 185], ["appointment", 210], ["see", 217], ["george", 224], ["old", 240], ["manor", 246], ["house", 252], ["give", 266], ["given", 266], ["easy", 275], ["instruction", 288], ["instructions", 288], ["get", 300], ["getting", 300], ["instruct", 322], ["instructest", 322], ["instructed", 322], ["turn", 333], ["turned", 333], ["iron", 360], ["gate", 366], ["gates", 366], ["drive", 376], ["drove", 376], ["windings", 389], ["driveway", 398], ["line", 404], ["lined", 404], ["ancient", 417], ["beech", 425], ["beeches", 425], ["top", 438], ["hill", 450], ["stand", 456], ["stood", 456], ["standest", 456], ["eighteenth", 471], ["century", 479], ["place", 504], ["cost", 509], ["bob", 515], ["bobs", 515], ["two", 522], ["twos", 522], ["think", 536], ["thinkest", 536], ["thought", 536], ["car", 559], ["gravel", 573], ["forecourt", 583], ["black", 595], ["lab", 600], ["labs", 600], ["come", 605], ["came", 605], ["bound", 614], ["bounding", 614], ["round", 620], ["corner", 631], ["bark", 639], ["barked", 639], ["barking", 639], ["greeting", 654], ["hurt", 671], ["hurts", 671], ["hurting", 671], ["tall", 684], ["gentleman", 694], ["standing", 703], ["doorway", 718], ["take", 729], ["took", 729], ["moment", 743], ["moments", 743], ["study", 752], ["walk", 771], ["walking", 771], ["shake", 785], ["hand", 794], ["probably", 812], ["forty", 824], ["five", 829], ["fived", 829], ["approximately", 845], ["six", 849], ["foot", 854], ["feet", 854], ["tan", 863], ["tanned", 863], ["extremely", 877], ["fit", 881], ["fitting", 881], ["look", 894], ["though", 904], ["fat", 919], ["fattest", 919], ["wear", 950], ["wearing", 950], ["tailor", 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["looked", 2494], ["sad", 2498], ["tired", 2508], ["speak", 2520], ["spoken", 2520], ["spoke", 2520], ["obviously", 2539], ["far", 2543], ["loss", 2569], ["like", 2583], ["liked", 2583], ["day", 2611], ["days", 2611], ["small", 2632], ["group", 2638], ["troop", 2659], ["work", 2667], ["wrought", 2667], ["working", 2667], ["four", 2689], ["team", 2695], ["teamed", 2695], ["teaming", 2695], ["teams", 2695], ["chap", 2709], ["chaps", 2709], ["chapping", 2709], ["hq", 2723], ["comprise", 2733], ["comprised", 2733], ["three", 2747], ["people", 2754], ["captain", 2764], ["mason", 2770], ["co", 2779], ["way", 2814], ["ways", 2814], ["clerk", 2829], ["clerks", 2829], ["perform", 2843], ["performest", 2843], ["performed", 2843], ["function", 2853], ["functions", 2853], ["range", 2861], ["ranged", 2861], ["ranging", 2861], ["perform", 2877], ["performest", 2877], ["performing", 2877], ["radio", 2883], ["watch", 2889], ["sure", 2904], ["everything", 2922], ["need", 2932], ["needest", 2932], ["needed", 2932], ["remember", 2950], ["rememberest", 2950], ["name", 2962], ["names", 2962], ["ask", 2970], ["asked", 2970], ["jenn", 2975], ["jenns", 2975], ["intuition", 2987], ["certainly", 3018], ["peter", 3061], ["peters", 3061], ["robbie", 3078], ["leed", 3123], ["leeds", 3123], ["come", 3133], ["comes", 3133], ["either", 3167], ["stay", 3173], ["stays", 3173], ["dickie", 3201], ["brunei", 3270], ["jenning", 3351], ["jennings", 3351], ["heart", 3377], ["skip", 3385], ["skips", 3385], ["skipped", 3385], ["beat", 3392], ["hell", 3429], ["hells", 3429], ["go", 3438], ["goest", 3438], ["going", 3438], ["idea", 3457], ["happen", 3471], ["happened", 3471], ["believe", 3496], ["still", 3511], ["service", 3526], ["servicing", 3526], ["although", 3535], ["close", 3552], ["retirement", 3566], ["kill", 3645], ["killed", 3645], ["yet", 3661], ["wait", 3696], ["waitest", 3696], ["waiting", 3696], ["toxicology", 3715], ["report", 3722], ["london", 3734], ["figure", 3773], ["incapacitate", 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["security", 4459], ["company", 4467], ["companys", 4467], ["companying", 4467], ["specialize", 4483], ["specialized", 4483], ["oil", 4490], ["field", 4496], ["fielding", 4496], ["couple", 4523], ["customer", 4536], ["customers", 4536], ["north", 4549], ["sea", 4553], ["large", 4568], ["largest", 4568], ["customer", 4577]]
robbie mcelroy is my manager there . as a matter of interest nearly all my staff are retired sas troopers . they know their business , theyre a formidable lot , he said laughing . she couldnt wait to talk to rowden about jennings and ohara , maybe there was a connection . harry downer dead and these two ex clerks obviously up to no good , somehow tony wei mixed up in the whole bloody thing . got ta be off , she said , love your house . id appreciate knowing the cause of death as soon as you know , would you give me a ring ? * there is a connection you know , said jennie . she and david were sitting in a corner alcove in the dragon comparing notes . rowden had just returned from tern hill and jennie was fresh from her interview with george mudd . said david , sure its not just bloody coincidental ? weve got this wei bloke and nobody knows who he really is , whos in touch with a known terrorist and is involved in the human smuggling business . he , in turn , is in touch directly and indirectly with two members of an old sas team . suddenly , out of the blue , another member of the same team is murdered on the golf course and wei had played golf with him recently and with this mudd chap . it stinks..thats what it does . how did you find mudd ? he was more upset than he likes to make out , she answered . there were four of them , all in the same fire team , seems like they went through a lot of crap together . funny thing is , other than one , a chap called robbie mcelroy , theyre all pretty close , geographically that is , including their co richard mason . mcelroy works for george mudd in brunei . the big thing seems to be is there a tie in with wei ? apparently the two blokes on the tape we were listening to , jennings and ohara , were also in sarawakin the same bloody troop as the others.so there is a connection . well ill be buggered , said david , so maybe youre right and there is a connection with downer getting topped . might pay for the two of us go chat with mudd at some point of time , said david thoughtfully , in the meantime have someone do a discreet financial check on him , he seems to be the only one with money..not sure why but lets do one anyway . ok , said jennie , so what happened with you up at tern hill ? oh shit , the guy drove me nuts , talk about full of his own importance . he was like a colonel blimp . eventually i had him call the commander in london . course i could only hear one side of the conversation but i think he scared the shit out of him coz after that he was as nice as pie . not sure he would notice anything if it was right under his nose . anyway he had no reports of anything untoward concerning ohara . id already checked with the ministry and got his sas recordnothing weird there either . colonel blimp did introduce me to a lieutenant that commands the military police on the base . he seems to have his head on right . told me theres ongoing petty theft out of the quartermasters stores but they cant pin it on anyone specific . hell let me know if theres anything serious . other than that thats about it for now . it was several days before they received the toxicology report from fss in london . it was preceded by a phone call from one of the managers down there . jennie took the call . sorry this took so long , a young sounding voice over the phone , had us baffled for quite a while . all our normal tests yielded absolutely nothing so we had to look further afield..but we got it eventually . its an agent called antiarin.never even see it before , we also found rhamnose which is a sugar compound . put the two together and you have the basis of the latex from the antiaris toxicaria tree . ok , now this part is going to blow you away if youll excuse the pun..this is the poison used by the old head-hunters in borneo ! ! jennie just stood there her mind spinning every which away . another connection..but weird ! the coroner feels he has no reason to hang on to the body any longer , said jennie , back in the station with david , and marjorie downer is on our case about the funeral . okay , said david , we might as well release it but were both going to the funeral . i want to see whos there . * it wasnt raining but it would soon , a dull , gloomy day . not a bad turn out for a chap without too much family , thought david , standing next to jennie on the fringe of the crowd standing around the gravesite .
[["robbie", 6], ["manager", 28], ["matter", 48], ["mattering", 48], ["interest", 60], ["nearly", 67], ["staff", 80], ["staffing", 80], ["retire", 92], ["retired", 92], ["troopers", 105], ["know", 117], ["knowest", 117], ["business", 132], ["formidable", 154], ["lot", 158], ["say", 168], ["sayest", 168], ["said", 168], ["laugh", 177], ["laughing", 177], ["wait", 196], ["waitest", 196], ["talk", 204], ["jenning", 229], ["jennings", 229], ["maybe", 247], ["connection", 270], ["harry", 278], ["harried", 278], ["downer", 285], ["dead", 290], ["two", 304], ["twos", 304], ["ex", 307], ["exes", 307], ["clerk", 314], ["clerks", 314], ["obviously", 324], ["good", 338], ["somehow", 348], ["tony", 353], ["wei", 357], ["mix", 363], ["mixed", 363], ["whole", 379], ["wholes", 379], ["bloody", 386], ["bloodying", 386], ["thing", 392], ["get", 398], ["got", 398], ["ta", 401], ["love", 426], ["house", 437], ["appreciate", 453], ["appreciates", 453], ["know", 461], ["knowest", 461], ["knowing", 461], ["cause", 471], ["death", 480], ["soon", 488], ["give", 517], ["rang", 527], ["rung", 527], ["ring", 527], ["jennie", 576], ["david", 592], ["davids", 592], ["sat", 605], ["sit", 605], ["sitting", 605], ["corner", 617], ["alcove", 624], ["dragon", 638], ["compare", 648], ["comparing", 648], ["note", 654], ["notes", 654], ["return", 681], ["returnest", 681], ["returned", 681], ["tern", 691], ["terns", 691], ["hill", 696], ["fresh", 717], ["freshest", 717], ["interview", 736], ["george", 748], ["sure", 773], ["coincidental", 806], ["bloke", 832], ["nobody", 843], ["know", 849], ["knowest", 849], ["knows", 849], ["really", 863], ["touch", 882], ["touching", 882], ["know", 895], ["knowest", 895], ["known", 895], ["terrorist", 905], ["involve", 921], ["involved", 921], ["human", 934], ["smuggling", 944], ["turn", 968], ["directly", 991], ["indirectly", 1006], ["member", 1023], ["members", 1023], ["old", 1033], ["team", 1042], ["teamed", 1042], ["teaming", 1042], ["suddenly", 1053], ["blue", 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