10 values
1 value
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# Copyright (c) 2017 The Khronos Group Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import nnef import argparse if __name__ == '__main__': ap = argparse.ArgumentParser() ap.add_argument('path', type=str, help='path to the model to validate') ap.add_argument('--stdlib', type=str, help='file name of alternate standard operation definitions ' '(defaults to all-primitive definitions)', default='') ap.add_argument('--lower', type=str, help='comma separated list of operations to lower (if defined as compound)', default='') ap.add_argument('--shapes', action="store_true", help='perform shape validation as well') args = ap.parse_args() stdlib = '' if args.stdlib: try: with open(args.stdlib) as file: stdlib = file.read() except FileNotFoundError as e: print('Could not open file: ' + args.stdlib) exit(-1) try: graph = nnef.load_graph(args.path, stdlib=stdlib, lowered=args.lower.split(',')) except nnef.Error as err: print('Parse error: ' + str(err)) exit(-1) if args.shapes: try: nnef.infer_shapes(graph) except nnef.Error as err: print('Shape error: ' + str(err)) exit(-1) print(nnef.format_graph(graph.name, graph.inputs, graph.outputs, graph.operations)) print('Validation succeeded')
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
# Copyright 2019 TerraPower, LLC # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """" Lattice Physics Interface Parent classes for codes responsible for generating broad-group cross sections """ import os import shutil from armi import nuclearDataIO from armi import interfaces, runLog from armi.utils import codeTiming from armi.physics import neutronics from armi.physics.neutronics.const import CONF_CROSS_SECTION from armi.utils.customExceptions import important LATTICE_PHYSICS = "latticePhysics" @important def SkippingXsGen_BuChangedLessThanTolerance(tolerance): return "Skipping XS Generation this cycle because median block burnups changes less than {}%".format( tolerance ) def setBlockNeutronVelocities(r, neutronVelocities): """ Set the ``mgNeutronVelocity`` parameter for each block using the ``neutronVelocities`` dictionary data. Parameters ---------- neutronVelocities : dict Dictionary that is keyed with the ``representativeBlock`` XS IDs with values of multigroup neutron velocity data computed by MC2. Raises ------ ValueError Multi-group neutron velocities was not computed during the cross section calculation. """ for b in r.core.getBlocks(): xsID = b.getMicroSuffix() if xsID not in neutronVelocities: raise ValueError( "Cannot assign multi-group neutron velocity to {} because it does not exist in " "the neutron velocities dictionary with keys: {}. The XS library does not contain " "data for the {} xsid.".format(b, neutronVelocities.keys(), xsID) ) b.p.mgNeutronVelocity = neutronVelocities[b.getMicroSuffix()] class LatticePhysicsInterface(interfaces.Interface): """Class for interacting with lattice physics codes.""" function = LATTICE_PHYSICS def __init__(self, r, cs): interfaces.Interface.__init__(self, r, cs) # Set to True by default, but should be disabled when perturbed cross sections are generated. self._updateBlockNeutronVelocities = True # Geometry options available through the lattice physics interfaces self._ZERO_DIMENSIONAL_GEOM = "0D" self._ONE_DIMENSIONAL_GEOM = "1D" self._TWO_DIMENSIONAL_GEOM = "2D" self._SLAB_MODEL = " slab" self._CYLINDER_MODEL = " cylinder" self._HEX_MODEL = " hex" self._burnupTolerance = self.cs["tolerateBurnupChange"] self._oldXsIdsAndBurnup = {} self.executablePath = self._getExecutablePath() self.executableRoot = os.path.dirname(self.executablePath) self.includeGammaXS = neutronics.gammaTransportIsRequested( cs ) or neutronics.gammaXsAreRequested(cs) def _getExecutablePath(self): raise NotImplementedError @codeTiming.timed def interactBOC(self, cycle=0): """ Run the lattice physics code if ``genXS`` is set and update burnup groups. Generate new cross sections based off the case settings and the current state of the reactor. Notes ----- :py:meth:`armi.physics.fuelCycle.fuelHandlers.FuelHandler.interactBOC` also calls this if the ``runLatticePhysicsBeforeShuffling``setting is True. This happens because branch searches may need XS. """ self.updateXSLibrary(cycle) def updateXSLibrary(self, cycle): """ Update the current XS library, either by creating or reloading one. Parameters ---------- cycle : int The cycle that is being processed. Used to name the library. See Also -------- computeCrossSections : run lattice physics on the current reactor state no matter weather needed or not. """ runLog.important("Preparing XS for cycle {}".format(cycle)) representativeBlocks, xsIds = self._getBlocksAndXsIds() if self._newLibraryShouldBeCreated(cycle, representativeBlocks, xsIds): if self.cs["clearXS"]: self.clearXS() self.computeCrossSections( blockList=representativeBlocks, xsLibrarySuffix=self._getSuffix(cycle) ) self._renameExistingLibrariesForCycle(cycle) else: self.readExistingXSLibraries(cycle) self._checkInputs() def _renameExistingLibrariesForCycle(self, cycle): """Copy the existing neutron and/or gamma libraries into cycle-dependent files.""" shutil.copy(neutronics.ISOTXS, nuclearDataIO.getExpectedISOTXSFileName(cycle)) if self.includeGammaXS: shutil.copy( neutronics.GAMISO, nuclearDataIO.getExpectedGAMISOFileName( cycle=cycle, suffix=self._getSuffix(cycle) ), ) shutil.copy( neutronics.PMATRX, nuclearDataIO.getExpectedPMATRXFileName( cycle=cycle, suffix=self._getSuffix(cycle) ), ) def _checkInputs(self): pass def readExistingXSLibraries(self, cycle): raise NotImplementedError def makeCycleXSFilesAsBaseFiles(self, cycle): raise NotImplementedError @staticmethod def _copyLibraryFilesForCycle(cycle, libFiles): runLog.extra("Current library files: {}".format(libFiles)) for baseName, cycleName in libFiles.items(): if not os.path.exists(cycleName): if not os.path.exists(baseName): raise ValueError( "Neither {} nor {} libraries exist. Either the " "current cycle library for cycle {} should exist " "or a base library is required to continue.".format( cycleName, baseName, cycle ) ) runLog.info( "Existing library {} for cycle {} does not exist. " "The active library is {}".format(cycleName, cycle, baseName) ) else: runLog.info("Using {} as an active library".format(baseName)) if cycleName != baseName: shutil.copy(cycleName, baseName) def _readGammaBinaries(self, lib, gamisoFileName, pmatrxFileName): raise NotImplementedError( "Gamma cross sections not implemented in {}".format(self.cs["xsKernel"]) ) def _writeGammaBinaries(self, lib, gamisoFileName, pmatrxFileName): raise NotImplementedError( "Gamma cross sections not implemented in {}".format(self.cs["xsKernel"]) ) def _getSuffix(self, cycle): # pylint: disable=unused-argument, no-self-use return "" def interactCoupled(self, iteration): """ Runs on secondary coupled iterations. After a coupled iteration, the cross sections need to be regenerated. This will bring in the spectral effects of changes in densities, as well as changes in Doppler. Parameters ---------- iteration : int This is unused since cross sections are generated on a per-cycle basis. """ self.r.core.lib = None self.updateXSLibrary(self.r.p.cycle) def clearXS(self): raise NotImplementedError def interactEOC(self, cycle=None): """ Interact at the end of a cycle. Force updating cross sections at the start of the next cycle. """ self.r.core.lib = None def computeCrossSections( self, baseList=None, forceSerial=False, xsLibrarySuffix="", blockList=None ): """ Prepare a batch of inputs, execute them, and store results on reactor library. Parameters ---------- baseList : list a user-specified set of bases that will be run instead of calculating all of them forceSerial : bool, optional Will run on 1 processor in sequence instead of on many in parallel Useful for optimization/batch runs where every processor is on a different branch xsLibrarySuffix : str, optional A book-keeping suffix used in Doppler calculations blockList : list, optional List of blocks for which to generate cross sections. If None, representative blocks will be determined """ self.r.core.lib = self._generateXsLibrary( baseList, forceSerial, xsLibrarySuffix, blockList ) def _generateXsLibrary( self, baseList, forceSerial, xsLibrarySuffix, blockList, writers=None, purgeFP=True, ): raise NotImplementedError def _executeLatticePhysicsCalculation(self, returnedFromWriters, forceSerial): raise NotImplementedError def generateLatticePhysicsInputs( self, baseList, xsLibrarySuffix, blockList, xsWriters=None ): """ Write input files for the generation of cross section libraries. Parameters ---------- baseList : list A list of cross-section id strings (e.g. AA, BC) that will be generated. Default: all in reactor xsLibrarySuffix : str A suffix added to the end of the XS file names such as 'voided' for voided XS. Default: Empty blockList : list The blocks to write inputs for. xsWriters : list, optional The specified writers to write the input files Returns ------- returnedFromWriters: list A list of what this specific writer instance returns for each representative block. It is the responsibility of the subclassed interface to implement. In many cases, it is the executing agent. See Also -------- :py:meth:`terrapower.physics.neutronics.mc2.mc2Writers.Mc2V2Writer.write` :py:meth:`armi.physics.neutronics.latticePhysics.serpentWriters.SerpentWriter.write` """ returnedFromWriters = [] baseList = set(baseList or []) representativeBlocks = blockList or self.getRepresentativeBlocks() for repBlock in representativeBlocks: xsId = repBlock.getMicroSuffix() if not baseList or xsId in baseList: # write the step number to the info log runLog.info( "Creating input writer(s) for {0} with {1:65s} BU (%FIMA): {2:10.2f}".format( xsId, repBlock, repBlock.p.percentBu ) ) writers = self.getWriters(repBlock, xsLibrarySuffix, xsWriters) for writer in writers: fromWriter = writer.write() returnedFromWriters.append(fromWriter) return returnedFromWriters def getWriters(self, representativeBlock, xsLibrarySuffix, writers=None): """ Return valid lattice physics writer subclass(es). Parameters ---------- representativeBlock : Block A representative block object that can be created from a block collection. xsLibrarySuffix : str A suffix added to the end of the XS file names such as 'voided' for voided XS. Default: Empty writers : list of lattice physics writer objects, optional If the writers are known, they can be provided and constructed. Returns ------- writers : list A list of writers for the provided representative block. """ xsID = representativeBlock.getMicroSuffix() if writers: # Construct the writers that are provided writers = [ w( representativeBlock, r=self.r, externalCodeInterface=self, xsLibrarySuffix=xsLibrarySuffix, ) for w in writers ] else: geom = self.cs[CONF_CROSS_SECTION][xsID].geometry writers = self._getGeomDependentWriters( representativeBlock, xsID, geom, xsLibrarySuffix ) return writers def _getGeomDependentWriters( self, representativeBlock, xsID, geom, xsLibrarySuffix ): raise NotImplementedError def getReader(self): raise NotImplementedError def _newLibraryShouldBeCreated(self, cycle, representativeBlockList, xsIDs): """ Determines whether the cross section generator should be executed at this cycle. Criteria include: #. genXS setting is turned on #. We are beyond any requested skipCycles (restart cycles) #. The blocks have changed burnup beyond the burnup threshold #. Lattice physics kernel (e.g. MC2) hasn't already been executed for this cycle (possible if it runs during fuel handling) """ executeXSGen = bool(self.cs["genXS"] and cycle >= self.cs["skipCycles"]) idsChangedBurnup = self._checkBurnupThresholds(representativeBlockList) if executeXSGen and not idsChangedBurnup: executeXSGen = False if self.r.core._lib is not None: # pylint: disable=protected-access # justification=r.core.lib property can raise exception or load pre-generated # ISOTXS, but the interface should have responsibilty of loading # XS's have already generated for this cycle (maybe during fuel management). Should we update due to # changes that occurred during fuel management? missing = set(xsIDs) - set(self.r.core.lib.xsIDs) if missing and not executeXSGen: runLog.warning( "Even though XS generation is not activated, new XS {0} are needed. " "Perhaps a booster came in.".format(missing) ) elif missing: runLog.important( "New XS sets {0} will be generated for this cycle".format(missing) ) else: runLog.important( "No new XS needed for this cycle. {0} exist. Skipping".format( self.r.core.lib.xsIDs ) ) executeXSGen = False # no newXs return executeXSGen def _checkBurnupThresholds(self, blockList): """ Check to see if burnup has changed meaningfully. If there are, then the xs sets should be regenerated. Otherwise then go ahead and skip xs generation. This is motivated by the idea that during very long explicit equilibrium runs, it might save time to turn off xs generation at a certain point. Parameters ---------- blockList: iterable List of all blocks to examine Returns ------- idsChangedBurnup: bool flag regarding whether or not burnup changed substantially """ idsChangedBurnup = True if self._burnupTolerance > 0: idsChangedBurnup = False for b in blockList: xsID = b.getMicroSuffix() if xsID not in self._oldXsIdsAndBurnup: # Looks like a new ID was found that was not in the old ID's # have to regenerate the cross-sections this time around self._oldXsIdsAndBurnup[xsID] = b.p.percentBu idsChangedBurnup = True else: # The id was found. Now it is time to compare the burnups to determine # if there has been enough meaningful change between the runs buOld = self._oldXsIdsAndBurnup[xsID] buNow = b.p.percentBu if abs(buOld - buNow) > self._burnupTolerance: idsChangedBurnup = True # update the oldXs burnup to be the about to be newly generated xsBurnup self._oldXsIdsAndBurnup[xsID] = buNow runLog.important( "Burnup has changed in xsID {} from {} to {}. " "Recalculating Cross-sections".format(xsID, buOld, buNow) ) if not idsChangedBurnup: SkippingXsGen_BuChangedLessThanTolerance(self._burnupTolerance) return idsChangedBurnup def _getProcessesPerNode(self): raise NotImplementedError def getRepresentativeBlocks(self): """Return a list of all blocks in the problem.""" xsGroupManager = self.getInterface("xsGroups") return xsGroupManager.representativeBlocks.values() # OrderedDict def _getBlocksAndXsIds(self): """Return blocks and their xsIds.""" blocks = self.getRepresentativeBlocks() return blocks, [b.getMicroSuffix() for b in blocks] def updatePhysicsCouplingControl(self): """ Disable XS update in equilibrium cases after a while. Notes ----- This is only relevant for equilibrium cases. We have to turn off XS updates after several cyclics or else the number densities will never converge. """ if self.r.core.p.cyclics >= self.cs["numCyclicsBeforeStoppingXS"]: self.enabled(False) runLog.important( "Disabling {} because numCyclics={}".format(self, self.r.core.p.cyclics) )
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
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#!/usr/bin/python # Filename: ex_sequence.py shoplist = ['apple', 'mango', 'carrot', 'banana'] name = 'swaroop' # Indexing or 'Subscription' operation print('Item 0 is', shoplist[0]) print('Item 1 is', shoplist[1]) print('Item 2 is', shoplist[2]) print('Item 3 is', shoplist[3]) print('Item -1 is', shoplist[-1]) print('Item -2 is', shoplist[-2]) print('Character 0 is', name[0]) # Slicing on a list print('Item 1 to 3 is', shoplist[1:3]) print('Item 2 to end is', shoplist[2:]) print('Item 1 to -1 is', shoplist[1:-1]) print('Item start to end is', shoplist[:]) # Slicing on a string print('characters 1 to 3 is', name[1:3]) print('characters 2 to end is', name[2:]) print('characters 1 to -1 is', name[1:-1]) print('characters start to end is', name[:])
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ''' :codeauthor: :email:`Pedro Algarvio (pedro@algarvio.me)` salt.utils.parsers ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This is where all the black magic happens on all of salt's CLI tools. ''' # pylint: disable=missing-docstring,protected-access,too-many-ancestors,too-few-public-methods # pylint: disable=attribute-defined-outside-init,no-self-use # Import python libs from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function import os import sys import types import signal import getpass import logging import optparse import traceback import yaml from functools import partial # Import salt libs import salt.config as config import salt.defaults.exitcodes import salt.log.setup as log import salt.syspaths as syspaths import salt.version as version import salt.utils import salt.utils.args import salt.utils.xdg import salt.utils.jid from salt.utils import kinds from salt.defaults import DEFAULT_TARGET_DELIM from salt.utils.validate.path import is_writeable from salt.utils.verify import verify_files import salt.exceptions import salt.ext.six as six from salt.ext.six.moves import range # pylint: disable=import-error,redefined-builtin def _sorted(mixins_or_funcs): return sorted( mixins_or_funcs, key=lambda mf: getattr(mf, '_mixin_prio_', 1000) ) class MixInMeta(type): # This attribute here won't actually do anything. But, if you need to # specify an order or a dependency within the mix-ins, please define the # attribute on your own MixIn _mixin_prio_ = 0 def __new__(mcs, name, bases, attrs): instance = super(MixInMeta, mcs).__new__(mcs, name, bases, attrs) if not hasattr(instance, '_mixin_setup'): raise RuntimeError( 'Don\'t subclass {0} in {1} if you\'re not going to use it ' 'as a salt parser mix-in.'.format(mcs.__name__, name) ) return instance class OptionParserMeta(MixInMeta): def __new__(mcs, name, bases, attrs): instance = super(OptionParserMeta, mcs).__new__(mcs, name, bases, attrs) if not hasattr(instance, '_mixin_setup_funcs'): instance._mixin_setup_funcs = [] if not hasattr(instance, '_mixin_process_funcs'): instance._mixin_process_funcs = [] if not hasattr(instance, '_mixin_after_parsed_funcs'): instance._mixin_after_parsed_funcs = [] if not hasattr(instance, '_mixin_before_exit_funcs'): instance._mixin_before_exit_funcs = [] for base in _sorted(bases + (instance,)): func = getattr(base, '_mixin_setup', None) if func is not None and func not in instance._mixin_setup_funcs: instance._mixin_setup_funcs.append(func) func = getattr(base, '_mixin_after_parsed', None) if func is not None and func not in \ instance._mixin_after_parsed_funcs: instance._mixin_after_parsed_funcs.append(func) func = getattr(base, '_mixin_before_exit', None) if func is not None and func not in \ instance._mixin_before_exit_funcs: instance._mixin_before_exit_funcs.append(func) # Mark process_<opt> functions with the base priority for sorting for func in dir(base): if not func.startswith('process_'): continue func = getattr(base, func) if getattr(func, '_mixin_prio_', None) is not None: # Function already has the attribute set, don't override it continue if six.PY2: func.__func__._mixin_prio_ = getattr( base, '_mixin_prio_', 1000 ) else: func._mixin_prio_ = getattr( base, '_mixin_prio_', 1000 ) return instance class CustomOption(optparse.Option, object): def take_action(self, action, dest, *args, **kwargs): # see https://github.com/python/cpython/blob/master/Lib/optparse.py#L786 self.explicit = True return optparse.Option.take_action(self, action, dest, *args, **kwargs) class OptionParser(optparse.OptionParser, object): VERSION = version.__saltstack_version__.formatted_version usage = '%prog' epilog = ('You can find additional help about %prog issuing "man %prog" ' 'or on http://docs.saltstack.com') description = None # Private attributes _mixin_prio_ = 100 # Setup multiprocessing logging queue listener _setup_mp_logging_listener_ = False def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): kwargs.setdefault('version', '%prog {0}'.format(self.VERSION)) kwargs.setdefault('usage', self.usage) if self.description: kwargs.setdefault('description', self.description) if self.epilog: kwargs.setdefault('epilog', self.epilog) kwargs.setdefault('option_class', CustomOption) optparse.OptionParser.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) if self.epilog and '%prog' in self.epilog: self.epilog = self.epilog.replace('%prog', self.get_prog_name()) def add_option_group(self, *args, **kwargs): option_group = optparse.OptionParser.add_option_group(self, *args, **kwargs) option_group.option_class = CustomOption return option_group def parse_args(self, args=None, values=None): options, args = optparse.OptionParser.parse_args(self, args, values) if 'args_stdin' in options.__dict__ and options.args_stdin is True: # Read additional options and/or arguments from stdin and combine # them with the options and arguments from the command line. new_inargs = sys.stdin.readlines() new_inargs = [arg.rstrip('\r\n') for arg in new_inargs] new_options, new_args = optparse.OptionParser.parse_args( self, new_inargs) options.__dict__.update(new_options.__dict__) args.extend(new_args) if options.versions_report: self.print_versions_report() self.options, self.args = options, args # Let's get some proper sys.stderr logging as soon as possible!!! # This logging handler will be removed once the proper console or # logfile logging is setup. log.setup_temp_logger( getattr(self.options, 'log_level', 'error') ) # Gather and run the process_<option> functions in the proper order process_option_funcs = [] for option_key in options.__dict__: process_option_func = getattr( self, 'process_{0}'.format(option_key), None ) if process_option_func is not None: process_option_funcs.append(process_option_func) for process_option_func in _sorted(process_option_funcs): try: process_option_func() except Exception as err: # pylint: disable=broad-except logging.getLogger(__name__).exception(err) self.error( 'Error while processing {0}: {1}'.format( process_option_func, traceback.format_exc(err) ) ) # Run the functions on self._mixin_after_parsed_funcs for mixin_after_parsed_func in self._mixin_after_parsed_funcs: # pylint: disable=no-member try: mixin_after_parsed_func(self) except Exception as err: # pylint: disable=broad-except logging.getLogger(__name__).exception(err) self.error( 'Error while processing {0}: {1}'.format( mixin_after_parsed_func, traceback.format_exc(err) ) ) if self.config.get('conf_file', None) is not None: # pylint: disable=no-member logging.getLogger(__name__).debug( 'Configuration file path: {0}'.format( self.config['conf_file'] # pylint: disable=no-member ) ) # Retain the standard behavior of optparse to return options and args return options, args def _populate_option_list(self, option_list, add_help=True): optparse.OptionParser._populate_option_list( self, option_list, add_help=add_help ) for mixin_setup_func in self._mixin_setup_funcs: # pylint: disable=no-member mixin_setup_func(self) def _add_version_option(self): optparse.OptionParser._add_version_option(self) self.add_option( '--versions-report', '-V', action='store_true', help='Show program\'s dependencies version number and exit.' ) def print_versions_report(self, file=sys.stdout): # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin print('\n'.join(version.versions_report()), file=file) self.exit(salt.defaults.exitcodes.EX_OK) def exit(self, status=0, msg=None): # Run the functions on self._mixin_after_parsed_funcs for mixin_before_exit_func in self._mixin_before_exit_funcs: # pylint: disable=no-member try: mixin_before_exit_func(self) except Exception as err: # pylint: disable=broad-except logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) logger.exception(err) logger.error( 'Error while processing {0}: {1}'.format( mixin_before_exit_func, traceback.format_exc(err) ) ) if self._setup_mp_logging_listener_ is True: # Stop the logging queue listener process log.shutdown_multiprocessing_logging_listener(daemonizing=True) if isinstance(msg, six.string_types) and msg and msg[-1] != '\n': msg = '{0}\n'.format(msg) optparse.OptionParser.exit(self, status, msg) def error(self, msg): """error(msg : string) Print a usage message incorporating 'msg' to stderr and exit. This keeps option parsing exit status uniform for all parsing errors. """ self.print_usage(sys.stderr) self.exit(salt.defaults.exitcodes.EX_USAGE, '{0}: error: {1}\n'.format(self.get_prog_name(), msg)) class MergeConfigMixIn(six.with_metaclass(MixInMeta, object)): ''' This mix-in will simply merge the CLI-passed options, by overriding the configuration file loaded settings. This mix-in should run last. ''' _mixin_prio_ = six.MAXSIZE def _mixin_setup(self): if not hasattr(self, 'setup_config') and not hasattr(self, 'config'): # No configuration was loaded on this parser. # There's nothing to do here. return # Add an additional function that will merge the shell options with # the config options and if needed override them self._mixin_after_parsed_funcs.append(self.__merge_config_with_cli) def __merge_config_with_cli(self, *args): # pylint: disable=unused-argument # Merge parser options for option in self.option_list: if option.dest is None: # --version does not have dest attribute set for example. # All options defined by us, even if not explicitly(by kwarg), # will have the dest attribute set continue # Get the passed value from shell. If empty get the default one default = self.defaults.get(option.dest) value = getattr(self.options, option.dest, default) if option.dest not in self.config: # There's no value in the configuration file if value is not None: # There's an actual value, add it to the config self.config[option.dest] = value elif value is not None and getattr(option, "explicit", False): # Only set the value in the config file IF it was explicitly # specified by the user, this makes it possible to tweak settings # on the configuration files bypassing the shell option flags' # defaults self.config[option.dest] = value elif option.dest in self.config: # Let's update the option value with the one from the # configuration file. This allows the parsers to make use of # the updated value by using self.options.<option> setattr(self.options, option.dest, self.config[option.dest]) # Merge parser group options if any for group in self.option_groups: for option in group.option_list: if option.dest is None: continue # Get the passed value from shell. If empty get the default one default = self.defaults.get(option.dest) value = getattr(self.options, option.dest, default) if option.dest not in self.config: # There's no value in the configuration file if value is not None: # There's an actual value, add it to the config self.config[option.dest] = value elif value is not None and getattr(option, "explicit", False): # Only set the value in the config file IF it was explicitly # specified by the user, this makes it possible to tweak # settings on the configuration files bypassing the shell # option flags' defaults self.config[option.dest] = value elif option.dest in self.config: # Let's update the option value with the one from the # configuration file. This allows the parsers to make use # of the updated value by using self.options.<option> setattr(self.options, option.dest, self.config[option.dest]) class SaltfileMixIn(six.with_metaclass(MixInMeta, object)): _mixin_prio_ = -20 def _mixin_setup(self): self.add_option( '--saltfile', default=None, help='Specify the path to a Saltfile. If not passed, one will be ' 'searched for in the current working directory.' ) def process_saltfile(self): if self.options.saltfile is None: # No one passed a Saltfile as an option, environment variable!? self.options.saltfile = os.environ.get('SALT_SALTFILE', None) if self.options.saltfile is None: # If we're here, no one passed a Saltfile either to the CLI tool or # as an environment variable. # Is there a Saltfile in the current directory? try: # cwd may not exist if it was removed but salt was run from it saltfile = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'Saltfile') except OSError: saltfile = '' if os.path.isfile(saltfile): self.options.saltfile = saltfile else: saltfile = self.options.saltfile if not self.options.saltfile: # There's still no valid Saltfile? No need to continue... return if not os.path.isfile(self.options.saltfile): self.error( '\'{0}\' file does not exist.\n'.format(self.options.saltfile ) ) # Make sure we have an absolute path self.options.saltfile = os.path.abspath(self.options.saltfile) # Make sure we let the user know that we will be loading a Saltfile logging.getLogger(__name__).info( 'Loading Saltfile from \'{0}\''.format(self.options.saltfile) ) try: saltfile_config = config._read_conf_file(saltfile) except salt.exceptions.SaltConfigurationError as error: self.error(error.message) self.exit(salt.defaults.exitcodes.EX_GENERIC, '{0}: error: {1}\n'.format(self.get_prog_name(), error.message)) if not saltfile_config: # No configuration was loaded from the Saltfile return if self.get_prog_name() not in saltfile_config: # There's no configuration specific to the CLI tool. Stop! return # We just want our own configuration cli_config = saltfile_config[self.get_prog_name()] # If there are any options, who's names match any key from the loaded # Saltfile, we need to update its default value for option in self.option_list: if option.dest is None: # --version does not have dest attribute set for example. continue if option.dest not in cli_config: # If we don't have anything in Saltfile for this option, let's # continue processing right now continue # Get the passed value from shell. If empty get the default one default = self.defaults.get(option.dest) value = getattr(self.options, option.dest, default) if value != default: # The user passed an argument, we won't override it with the # one from Saltfile, if any continue # We reached this far! Set the Saltfile value on the option setattr(self.options, option.dest, cli_config[option.dest]) option.explicit = True # Let's also search for options referred in any option groups for group in self.option_groups: for option in group.option_list: if option.dest is None: continue if option.dest not in cli_config: # If we don't have anything in Saltfile for this option, # let's continue processing right now continue # Get the passed value from shell. If empty get the default one default = self.defaults.get(option.dest) value = getattr(self.options, option.dest, default) if value != default: # The user passed an argument, we won't override it with # the one from Saltfile, if any continue setattr(self.options, option.dest, cli_config[option.dest]) option.explicit = True # Any left over value in the saltfile can now be safely added for key in cli_config: setattr(self.options, key, cli_config[key]) class HardCrashMixin(six.with_metaclass(MixInMeta, object)): _mixin_prio_ = 40 _config_filename_ = None def _mixin_setup(self): hard_crash = os.environ.get('SALT_HARD_CRASH', False) self.add_option( '--hard-crash', action='store_true', default=hard_crash, help=('Raise any original exception rather than exiting gracefully. ' 'Default: %default.') ) class ConfigDirMixIn(six.with_metaclass(MixInMeta, object)): _mixin_prio_ = -10 _config_filename_ = None _default_config_dir_ = syspaths.CONFIG_DIR _default_config_dir_env_var_ = 'SALT_CONFIG_DIR' def _mixin_setup(self): config_dir = os.environ.get(self._default_config_dir_env_var_, None) if not config_dir: config_dir = self._default_config_dir_ logging.getLogger(__name__).debug('SYSPATHS setup as: {0}'.format(syspaths.CONFIG_DIR)) self.add_option( '-c', '--config-dir', default=config_dir, help=('Pass in an alternative configuration directory. Default: ' '\'%default\'.') ) def process_config_dir(self): if not os.path.isdir(self.options.config_dir): # No logging is configured yet sys.stderr.write( 'WARNING: CONFIG \'{0}\' directory does not exist.\n'.format( self.options.config_dir ) ) # Make sure we have an absolute path self.options.config_dir = os.path.abspath(self.options.config_dir) if hasattr(self, 'setup_config'): if not hasattr(self, 'config'): self.config = {} try: self.config.update(self.setup_config()) except (IOError, OSError) as exc: self.error( 'Failed to load configuration: {0}'.format(exc) ) def get_config_file_path(self, configfile=None): if configfile is None: configfile = self._config_filename_ return os.path.join(self.options.config_dir, configfile) class LogLevelMixIn(six.with_metaclass(MixInMeta, object)): _mixin_prio_ = 10 _default_logging_level_ = 'warning' _default_logging_logfile_ = None _logfile_config_setting_name_ = 'log_file' _loglevel_config_setting_name_ = 'log_level' _logfile_loglevel_config_setting_name_ = 'log_level_logfile' # pylint: disable=invalid-name _skip_console_logging_config_ = False def _mixin_setup(self): if self._default_logging_logfile_ is None: # This is an attribute available for programmers, so, raise a # RuntimeError to let them know about the proper usage. raise RuntimeError( 'Please set {0}._default_logging_logfile_'.format( self.__class__.__name__ ) ) group = self.logging_options_group = optparse.OptionGroup( self, 'Logging Options', 'Logging options which override any settings defined on the ' 'configuration files.' ) self.add_option_group(group) if not getattr(self, '_skip_console_logging_config_', False): group.add_option( '-l', '--log-level', choices=list(log.LOG_LEVELS), help='Console logging log level. One of {0}. ' 'Default: \'{1}\'.'.format( ', '.join([repr(l) for l in log.SORTED_LEVEL_NAMES]), getattr(self, '_default_logging_level_', 'warning') ) ) group.add_option( '--log-file', default=None, help='Log file path. Default: \'{0}\'.'.format( self._default_logging_logfile_ ) ) group.add_option( '--log-file-level', dest=self._logfile_loglevel_config_setting_name_, choices=list(log.LOG_LEVELS), help='Logfile logging log level. One of {0}. ' 'Default: \'{1}\'.'.format( ', '.join([repr(l) for l in log.SORTED_LEVEL_NAMES]), getattr(self, '_default_logging_level_', 'warning') ) ) def process_log_level(self): if not self.options.log_level: cli_log_level = 'cli_{0}_log_level'.format( self.get_prog_name().replace('-', '_') ) if self.config.get(cli_log_level, None) is not None: self.options.log_level = self.config.get(cli_log_level) elif self.config.get(self._loglevel_config_setting_name_, None): self.options.log_level = self.config.get( self._loglevel_config_setting_name_ ) else: self.options.log_level = self._default_logging_level_ # Setup extended logging right before the last step self._mixin_after_parsed_funcs.append(self.__setup_extended_logging) # Setup the console and log file configuration before the MP logging # listener because the MP logging listener may need that config. self._mixin_after_parsed_funcs.append(self.__setup_logfile_logger_config) self._mixin_after_parsed_funcs.append(self.__setup_console_logger_config) # Setup the multiprocessing log queue listener if enabled self._mixin_after_parsed_funcs.append(self._setup_mp_logging_listener) # Setup the console as the last _mixin_after_parsed_func to run self._mixin_after_parsed_funcs.append(self.__setup_console_logger) def process_log_file(self): if not self.options.log_file: cli_setting_name = 'cli_{0}_log_file'.format( self.get_prog_name().replace('-', '_') ) if self.config.get(cli_setting_name, None) is not None: # There's a configuration setting defining this log file path, # i.e., `key_log_file` if the cli tool is `salt-key` self.options.log_file = self.config.get(cli_setting_name) elif self.config.get(self._logfile_config_setting_name_, None): # Is the regular log file setting set? self.options.log_file = self.config.get( self._logfile_config_setting_name_ ) else: # Nothing is set on the configuration? Let's use the cli tool # defined default self.options.log_file = self._default_logging_logfile_ def process_log_file_level(self): if not self.options.log_file_level: cli_setting_name = 'cli_{0}_log_file_level'.format( self.get_prog_name().replace('-', '_') ) if self.config.get(cli_setting_name, None) is not None: # There's a configuration setting defining this log file # logging level, i.e., `key_log_file_level` if the cli tool is # `salt-key` self.options.log_file_level = self.config.get(cli_setting_name) elif self.config.get( self._logfile_loglevel_config_setting_name_, None): # Is the regular log file level setting set? self.options.log_file_level = self.config.get( self._logfile_loglevel_config_setting_name_ ) else: # Nothing is set on the configuration? Let's use the cli tool # defined default self.options.log_level = self._default_logging_level_ def __setup_logfile_logger_config(self, *args): # pylint: disable=unused-argument if self._logfile_loglevel_config_setting_name_ in self.config and not \ self.config.get(self._logfile_loglevel_config_setting_name_): # Remove it from config so it inherits from log_level self.config.pop(self._logfile_loglevel_config_setting_name_) loglevel = self.config.get( self._logfile_loglevel_config_setting_name_, self.config.get( # From the config setting self._loglevel_config_setting_name_, # From the console setting self.config['log_level'] ) ) cli_log_path = 'cli_{0}_log_file'.format( self.get_prog_name().replace('-', '_') ) if cli_log_path in self.config and not self.config.get(cli_log_path): # Remove it from config so it inherits from log_level_logfile self.config.pop(cli_log_path) if self._logfile_config_setting_name_ in self.config and not \ self.config.get(self._logfile_config_setting_name_): # Remove it from config so it inherits from log_file self.config.pop(self._logfile_config_setting_name_) logfile = self.config.get( # First from the config cli setting cli_log_path, self.config.get( # From the config setting self._logfile_config_setting_name_ ) ) if self.config['verify_env']: # Verify the logfile if it was explicitly set but do not try to # verify the default if logfile is not None and not logfile.startswith(('tcp://', 'udp://', 'file://')): # Logfile is not using Syslog, verify current_umask = os.umask(0o027) verify_files([logfile], self.config['user']) os.umask(current_umask) if logfile is None: # Use the default setting if the logfile wasn't explicity set logfile = self._default_logging_logfile_ cli_log_file_fmt = 'cli_{0}_log_file_fmt'.format( self.get_prog_name().replace('-', '_') ) if cli_log_file_fmt in self.config and not \ self.config.get(cli_log_file_fmt): # Remove it from config so it inherits from log_fmt_logfile self.config.pop(cli_log_file_fmt) if self.config.get('log_fmt_logfile', None) is None: # Remove it from config so it inherits from log_fmt_console self.config.pop('log_fmt_logfile', None) log_file_fmt = self.config.get( cli_log_file_fmt, self.config.get( 'cli_{0}_log_fmt'.format( self.get_prog_name().replace('-', '_') ), self.config.get( 'log_fmt_logfile', self.config.get( 'log_fmt_console', self.config.get( 'log_fmt', config._DFLT_LOG_FMT_CONSOLE ) ) ) ) ) cli_log_file_datefmt = 'cli_{0}_log_file_datefmt'.format( self.get_prog_name().replace('-', '_') ) if cli_log_file_datefmt in self.config and not \ self.config.get(cli_log_file_datefmt): # Remove it from config so it inherits from log_datefmt_logfile self.config.pop(cli_log_file_datefmt) if self.config.get('log_datefmt_logfile', None) is None: # Remove it from config so it inherits from log_datefmt_console self.config.pop('log_datefmt_logfile', None) if self.config.get('log_datefmt_console', None) is None: # Remove it from config so it inherits from log_datefmt self.config.pop('log_datefmt_console', None) log_file_datefmt = self.config.get( cli_log_file_datefmt, self.config.get( 'cli_{0}_log_datefmt'.format( self.get_prog_name().replace('-', '_') ), self.config.get( 'log_datefmt_logfile', self.config.get( 'log_datefmt_console', self.config.get( 'log_datefmt', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S' ) ) ) ) ) if not is_writeable(logfile, check_parent=True): # Since we're not be able to write to the log file or its parent # directory (if the log file does not exit), are we the same user # as the one defined in the configuration file? current_user = salt.utils.get_user() if self.config['user'] != current_user: # Yep, not the same user! # Is the current user in ACL? acl = self.config.get('publisher_acl') or self.config.get('client_acl', {}) if salt.utils.check_whitelist_blacklist(current_user, whitelist=six.iterkeys(acl)): # Yep, the user is in ACL! # Let's write the logfile to its home directory instead. xdg_dir = salt.utils.xdg.xdg_config_dir() user_salt_dir = (xdg_dir if os.path.isdir(xdg_dir) else os.path.expanduser('~/.salt')) if not os.path.isdir(user_salt_dir): os.makedirs(user_salt_dir, 0o750) logfile_basename = os.path.basename( self._default_logging_logfile_ ) logging.getLogger(__name__).debug( 'The user \'{0}\' is not allowed to write to \'{1}\'. ' 'The log file will be stored in ' '\'~/.salt/\'{2}\'.log\''.format( current_user, logfile, logfile_basename ) ) logfile = os.path.join( user_salt_dir, '{0}.log'.format(logfile_basename) ) # If we haven't changed the logfile path and it's not writeable, # salt will fail once we try to setup the logfile logging. # Save the settings back to the configuration self.config[self._logfile_config_setting_name_] = logfile self.config[self._logfile_loglevel_config_setting_name_] = loglevel self.config['log_fmt_logfile'] = log_file_fmt self.config['log_datefmt_logfile'] = log_file_datefmt def setup_logfile_logger(self): logfile = self.config[self._logfile_config_setting_name_] loglevel = self.config[self._logfile_loglevel_config_setting_name_] log_file_fmt = self.config['log_fmt_logfile'] log_file_datefmt = self.config['log_datefmt_logfile'] log.setup_logfile_logger( logfile, loglevel, log_format=log_file_fmt, date_format=log_file_datefmt ) for name, level in six.iteritems(self.config['log_granular_levels']): log.set_logger_level(name, level) def __setup_extended_logging(self, *args): # pylint: disable=unused-argument log.setup_extended_logging(self.config) def _get_mp_logging_listener_queue(self): return log.get_multiprocessing_logging_queue() def _setup_mp_logging_listener(self, *args): # pylint: disable=unused-argument if self._setup_mp_logging_listener_: log.setup_multiprocessing_logging_listener( self.config, self._get_mp_logging_listener_queue() ) def __setup_console_logger_config(self, *args): # pylint: disable=unused-argument # Since we're not going to be a daemon, setup the console logger cli_log_fmt = 'cli_{0}_log_fmt'.format( self.get_prog_name().replace('-', '_') ) if cli_log_fmt in self.config and not self.config.get(cli_log_fmt): # Remove it from config so it inherits from log_fmt_console self.config.pop(cli_log_fmt) logfmt = self.config.get( cli_log_fmt, self.config.get( 'log_fmt_console', self.config.get( 'log_fmt', config._DFLT_LOG_FMT_CONSOLE ) ) ) cli_log_datefmt = 'cli_{0}_log_datefmt'.format( self.get_prog_name().replace('-', '_') ) if cli_log_datefmt in self.config and not \ self.config.get(cli_log_datefmt): # Remove it from config so it inherits from log_datefmt_console self.config.pop(cli_log_datefmt) if self.config.get('log_datefmt_console', None) is None: # Remove it from config so it inherits from log_datefmt self.config.pop('log_datefmt_console', None) datefmt = self.config.get( cli_log_datefmt, self.config.get( 'log_datefmt_console', self.config.get( 'log_datefmt', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S' ) ) ) # Save the settings back to the configuration self.config['log_fmt_console'] = logfmt self.config['log_datefmt_console'] = datefmt def __setup_console_logger(self, *args): # pylint: disable=unused-argument # If daemon is set force console logger to quiet if getattr(self.options, 'daemon', False) is True: return log.setup_console_logger( self.config['log_level'], log_format=self.config['log_fmt_console'], date_format=self.config['log_datefmt_console'] ) for name, level in six.iteritems(self.config['log_granular_levels']): log.set_logger_level(name, level) class RunUserMixin(six.with_metaclass(MixInMeta, object)): _mixin_prio_ = 20 def _mixin_setup(self): self.add_option( '-u', '--user', help='Specify user to run {0}.'.format(self.get_prog_name()) ) class DaemonMixIn(six.with_metaclass(MixInMeta, object)): _mixin_prio_ = 30 def _mixin_setup(self): self.add_option( '-d', '--daemon', default=False, action='store_true', help='Run the {0} as a daemon.'.format(self.get_prog_name()) ) self.add_option( '--pid-file', dest='pidfile', default=os.path.join( syspaths.PIDFILE_DIR, '{0}.pid'.format(self.get_prog_name()) ), help=('Specify the location of the pidfile. Default: \'%default\'.') ) def _mixin_before_exit(self): if hasattr(self, 'config') and self.config.get('pidfile', ''): # We've loaded and merged options into the configuration, it's safe # to query about the pidfile if self.check_pidfile(): os.unlink(self.config['pidfile']) def set_pidfile(self): from salt.utils.process import set_pidfile set_pidfile(self.config['pidfile'], self.config['user']) def check_pidfile(self): ''' Report whether a pidfile exists ''' from salt.utils.process import check_pidfile return check_pidfile(self.config['pidfile']) def get_pidfile(self): ''' Return a pid contained in a pidfile ''' from salt.utils.process import get_pidfile return get_pidfile(self.config['pidfile']) def daemonize_if_required(self): if self.options.daemon: if self._setup_mp_logging_listener_ is True: # Stop the logging queue listener for the current process # We'll restart it once forked log.shutdown_multiprocessing_logging_listener(daemonizing=True) # Late import so logging works correctly salt.utils.daemonize() # Setup the multiprocessing log queue listener if enabled self._setup_mp_logging_listener() def check_running(self): ''' Check if a pid file exists and if it is associated with a running process. ''' # There is no os.getppid method for windows if salt.utils.is_windows(): from salt.utils.win_functions import get_parent_pid ppid = get_parent_pid() else: ppid = os.getppid() if self.check_pidfile(): pid = self.get_pidfile() if not salt.utils.is_windows(): if self.check_pidfile() and self.is_daemonized(pid) and not os.getppid() == pid: return True else: # We have no os.getppid() on Windows. Best effort. if self.check_pidfile() and self.is_daemonized(pid): return True return False def is_daemonized(self, pid): from salt.utils.process import os_is_running return os_is_running(pid) # Common methods for scripts which can daemonize def _install_signal_handlers(self): signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, self._handle_signals) signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, self._handle_signals) def prepare(self): self.parse_args() def start(self): self.prepare() self._install_signal_handlers() def _handle_signals(self, signum, sigframe): # pylint: disable=unused-argument msg = self.__class__.__name__ if signum == signal.SIGINT: msg += ' received a SIGINT.' elif signum == signal.SIGTERM: msg += ' received a SIGTERM.' logging.getLogger(__name__).warning('{0} Exiting.'.format(msg)) self.shutdown(exitmsg='{0} Exited.'.format(msg)) def shutdown(self, exitcode=0, exitmsg=None): self.exit(exitcode, exitmsg) class PidfileMixin(six.with_metaclass(MixInMeta, object)): _mixin_prio_ = 40 def _mixin_setup(self): salt.utils.warn_until( 'Nitrogen', 'Please stop sub-classing PidfileMix and instead subclass ' 'DaemonMixIn which contains the same behavior. PidfileMixin ' 'will be supported until Salt {version}.' ) try: self.add_option( '--pid-file', dest='pidfile', default=os.path.join( syspaths.PIDFILE_DIR, '{0}.pid'.format(self.get_prog_name()) ), help=('Specify the location of the pidfile. Default: \'%default\'.') ) # Since there was no colision with DaemonMixin, let's add the # pidfile mixin methods. This is used using types.MethodType # because if we had defined these at the class level, they would # have overridden the exact same methods from the DaemonMixin. def set_pidfile(self): from salt.utils.process import set_pidfile set_pidfile(self.config['pidfile'], self.config['user']) self.set_pidfile = types.MethodType(set_pidfile, self) def check_pidfile(self): ''' Report whether a pidfile exists ''' from salt.utils.process import check_pidfile return check_pidfile(self.config['pidfile']) self.check_pidfile = types.MethodType(check_pidfile, self) def get_pidfile(self): ''' Return a pid contained in a pidfile ''' from salt.utils.process import get_pidfile return get_pidfile(self.config['pidfile']) self.get_pidfile = types.MethodType(get_pidfile, self) except optparse.OptionConflictError: # The option was already added by the DaemonMixin pass class TargetOptionsMixIn(six.with_metaclass(MixInMeta, object)): _mixin_prio_ = 20 selected_target_option = None def _mixin_setup(self): group = self.target_options_group = optparse.OptionGroup( self, 'Target Options', 'Target selection options.' ) self.add_option_group(group) group.add_option( '-E', '--pcre', default=False, action='store_true', help=('Instead of using shell globs to evaluate the target ' 'servers, use pcre regular expressions.') ) group.add_option( '-L', '--list', default=False, action='store_true', help=('Instead of using shell globs to evaluate the target ' 'servers, take a comma or space delimited list of ' 'servers.') ) group.add_option( '-G', '--grain', default=False, action='store_true', help=('Instead of using shell globs to evaluate the target ' 'use a grain value to identify targets, the syntax ' 'for the target is the grain key followed by a glob' 'expression: "os:Arch*".') ) group.add_option( '-P', '--grain-pcre', default=False, action='store_true', help=('Instead of using shell globs to evaluate the target ' 'use a grain value to identify targets, the syntax ' 'for the target is the grain key followed by a pcre ' 'regular expression: "os:Arch.*".') ) group.add_option( '-N', '--nodegroup', default=False, action='store_true', help=('Instead of using shell globs to evaluate the target ' 'use one of the predefined nodegroups to identify a ' 'list of targets.') ) group.add_option( '-R', '--range', default=False, action='store_true', help=('Instead of using shell globs to evaluate the target ' 'use a range expression to identify targets. ' 'Range expressions look like %cluster.') ) group = self.additional_target_options_group = optparse.OptionGroup( self, 'Additional Target Options', 'Additional options for minion targeting.' ) self.add_option_group(group) group.add_option( '--delimiter', default=DEFAULT_TARGET_DELIM, help=('Change the default delimiter for matching in multi-level ' 'data structures. Default: \'%default\'.') ) self._create_process_functions() def _create_process_functions(self): for option in self.target_options_group.option_list: def process(opt): if getattr(self.options, opt.dest): self.selected_target_option = opt.dest funcname = 'process_{0}'.format(option.dest) if not hasattr(self, funcname): setattr(self, funcname, partial(process, option)) def _mixin_after_parsed(self): group_options_selected = [ option for option in self.target_options_group.option_list if getattr(self.options, option.dest) is True ] if len(group_options_selected) > 1: self.error( 'The options {0} are mutually exclusive. Please only choose ' 'one of them'.format('/'.join( [option.get_opt_string() for option in group_options_selected])) ) self.config['selected_target_option'] = self.selected_target_option class ExtendedTargetOptionsMixIn(TargetOptionsMixIn): def _mixin_setup(self): TargetOptionsMixIn._mixin_setup(self) group = self.target_options_group group.add_option( '-C', '--compound', default=False, action='store_true', help=('The compound target option allows for multiple target ' 'types to be evaluated, allowing for greater granularity in ' 'target matching. The compound target is space delimited, ' 'targets other than globs are preceded with an identifier ' 'matching the specific targets argument type: salt ' '\'G@os:RedHat and webser* or E@database.*\'.') ) group.add_option( '-I', '--pillar', default=False, dest='pillar_target', action='store_true', help=('Instead of using shell globs to evaluate the target ' 'use a pillar value to identify targets, the syntax ' 'for the target is the pillar key followed by a glob ' 'expression: "role:production*".') ) group.add_option( '-J', '--pillar-pcre', default=False, action='store_true', help=('Instead of using shell globs to evaluate the target ' 'use a pillar value to identify targets, the syntax ' 'for the target is the pillar key followed by a pcre ' 'regular expression: "role:prod.*".') ) group.add_option( '-S', '--ipcidr', default=False, action='store_true', help=('Match based on Subnet (CIDR notation) or IP address.') ) self._create_process_functions() def process_pillar_target(self): if self.options.pillar_target: self.selected_target_option = 'pillar' class TimeoutMixIn(six.with_metaclass(MixInMeta, object)): _mixin_prio_ = 10 def _mixin_setup(self): if not hasattr(self, 'default_timeout'): raise RuntimeError( 'You need to define the \'default_timeout\' attribute ' 'on {0}'.format(self.__class__.__name__) ) self.add_option( '-t', '--timeout', type=int, default=self.default_timeout, help=('Change the timeout, if applicable, for the running ' 'command (in seconds). Default: %default.') ) class ArgsStdinMixIn(six.with_metaclass(MixInMeta, object)): _mixin_prio_ = 10 def _mixin_setup(self): self.add_option( '--args-stdin', default=False, dest='args_stdin', action='store_true', help=('Read additional options and/or arguments from stdin. ' 'Each entry is newline separated.') ) class ProxyIdMixIn(six.with_metaclass(MixInMeta, object)): _mixin_prio = 40 def _mixin_setup(self): self.add_option( '--proxyid', default=None, dest='proxyid', help=('Id for this proxy.') ) class OutputOptionsMixIn(six.with_metaclass(MixInMeta, object)): _mixin_prio_ = 40 _include_text_out_ = False selected_output_option = None def _mixin_setup(self): group = self.output_options_group = optparse.OptionGroup( self, 'Output Options', 'Configure your preferred output format.' ) self.add_option_group(group) group.add_option( '--out', '--output', dest='output', help=( 'Print the output from the \'{0}\' command using the ' 'specified outputter.'.format( self.get_prog_name(), ) ) ) group.add_option( '--out-indent', '--output-indent', dest='output_indent', default=None, type=int, help=('Print the output indented by the provided value in spaces. ' 'Negative values disables indentation. Only applicable in ' 'outputters that support indentation.') ) group.add_option( '--out-file', '--output-file', dest='output_file', default=None, help='Write the output to the specified file.' ) group.add_option( '--out-file-append', '--output-file-append', action='store_true', dest='output_file_append', default=False, help='Append the output to the specified file.' ) group.add_option( '--no-color', '--no-colour', default=False, action='store_true', help='Disable all colored output.' ) group.add_option( '--force-color', '--force-colour', default=False, action='store_true', help='Force colored output.' ) group.add_option( '--state-output', '--state_output', default=None, help=('Override the configured state_output value for minion ' 'output. One of \'full\', \'terse\', \'mixed\', \'changes\' or \'filter\'. ' 'Default: \'%default\'.') ) group.add_option( '--state-verbose', '--state_verbose', default=None, help=('Override the configured state_verbose value for minion ' 'output. Set to True or False. Default: %default.') ) for option in self.output_options_group.option_list: def process(opt): default = self.defaults.get(opt.dest) if getattr(self.options, opt.dest, default) is False: return self.selected_output_option = opt.dest funcname = 'process_{0}'.format(option.dest) if not hasattr(self, funcname): setattr(self, funcname, partial(process, option)) def process_output(self): self.selected_output_option = self.options.output def process_output_file(self): if self.options.output_file is not None and self.options.output_file_append is False: if os.path.isfile(self.options.output_file): try: with salt.utils.fopen(self.options.output_file, 'w') as ofh: # Make this a zero length filename instead of removing # it. This way we keep the file permissions. ofh.write('') except (IOError, OSError) as exc: self.error( '{0}: Access denied: {1}'.format( self.options.output_file, exc ) ) def process_state_verbose(self): if self.options.state_verbose == "True" or self.options.state_verbose == "true": self.options.state_verbose = True elif self.options.state_verbose == "False" or self.options.state_verbose == "false": self.options.state_verbose = False def _mixin_after_parsed(self): group_options_selected = [ option for option in self.output_options_group.option_list if ( getattr(self.options, option.dest) and (option.dest.endswith('_out') or option.dest == 'output')) ] if len(group_options_selected) > 1: self.error( 'The options {0} are mutually exclusive. Please only choose ' 'one of them'.format('/'.join([ option.get_opt_string() for option in group_options_selected ])) ) self.config['selected_output_option'] = self.selected_output_option class ExecutionOptionsMixIn(six.with_metaclass(MixInMeta, object)): _mixin_prio_ = 10 def _mixin_setup(self): group = self.execution_group = optparse.OptionGroup( self, 'Execution Options', # Include description here as a string ) group.add_option( '-L', '--location', default=None, help='Specify which region to connect to.' ) group.add_option( '-a', '--action', default=None, help='Perform an action that may be specific to this cloud ' 'provider. This argument requires one or more instance ' 'names to be specified.' ) group.add_option( '-f', '--function', nargs=2, default=None, metavar='<FUNC-NAME> <PROVIDER>', help='Perform an function that may be specific to this cloud ' 'provider, that does not apply to an instance. This ' 'argument requires a provider to be specified (i.e.: nova).' ) group.add_option( '-p', '--profile', default=None, help='Create an instance using the specified profile.' ) group.add_option( '-m', '--map', default=None, help='Specify a cloud map file to use for deployment. This option ' 'may be used alone, or in conjunction with -Q, -F, -S or -d. ' 'The map can also be filtered by a list of VM names.' ) group.add_option( '-H', '--hard', default=False, action='store_true', help='Delete all VMs that are not defined in the map file. ' 'CAUTION!!! This operation can irrevocably destroy VMs! It ' 'must be explicitly enabled in the cloud config file.' ) group.add_option( '-d', '--destroy', default=False, action='store_true', help='Destroy the specified instance(s).' ) group.add_option( '--no-deploy', default=True, dest='deploy', action='store_false', help='Don\'t run a deploy script after instance creation.' ) group.add_option( '-P', '--parallel', default=False, action='store_true', help='Build all of the specified instances in parallel.' ) group.add_option( '-u', '--update-bootstrap', default=False, action='store_true', help='Update salt-bootstrap to the latest stable bootstrap release.' ) group.add_option( '-y', '--assume-yes', default=False, action='store_true', help='Default "yes" in answer to all confirmation questions.' ) group.add_option( '-k', '--keep-tmp', default=False, action='store_true', help='Do not remove files from /tmp/ after deploy.sh finishes.' ) group.add_option( '--show-deploy-args', default=False, action='store_true', help='Include the options used to deploy the minion in the data ' 'returned.' ) group.add_option( '--script-args', default=None, help='Script arguments to be fed to the bootstrap script when ' 'deploying the VM.' ) group.add_option( '-b', '--bootstrap', nargs=1, default=False, metavar='<HOST> [MINION_ID] [OPTIONS...]', help='Bootstrap an existing machine.' ) self.add_option_group(group) def process_function(self): if self.options.function: self.function_name, self.function_provider = self.options.function if self.function_provider.startswith('-') or \ '=' in self.function_provider: self.error( '--function expects two arguments: <function-name> ' '<provider>' ) class CloudQueriesMixIn(six.with_metaclass(MixInMeta, object)): _mixin_prio_ = 20 selected_query_option = None def _mixin_setup(self): group = self.cloud_queries_group = optparse.OptionGroup( self, 'Query Options', # Include description here as a string ) group.add_option( '-Q', '--query', default=False, action='store_true', help=('Execute a query and return some information about the ' 'nodes running on configured cloud providers.') ) group.add_option( '-F', '--full-query', default=False, action='store_true', help=('Execute a query and return all information about the ' 'nodes running on configured cloud providers.') ) group.add_option( '-S', '--select-query', default=False, action='store_true', help=('Execute a query and return select information about ' 'the nodes running on configured cloud providers.') ) group.add_option( '--list-providers', default=False, action='store_true', help='Display a list of configured providers.' ) group.add_option( '--list-profiles', default=None, action='store', help='Display a list of configured profiles. Pass in a cloud ' 'provider to view the provider\'s associated profiles, ' 'such as digital_ocean, or pass in "all" to list all the ' 'configured profiles.' ) self.add_option_group(group) self._create_process_functions() def _create_process_functions(self): for option in self.cloud_queries_group.option_list: def process(opt): if getattr(self.options, opt.dest): query = 'list_nodes' if opt.dest == 'full_query': query += '_full' elif opt.dest == 'select_query': query += '_select' elif opt.dest == 'list_providers': query = 'list_providers' if self.args: self.error( '\'--list-providers\' does not accept any ' 'arguments' ) elif opt.dest == 'list_profiles': query = 'list_profiles' option_dict = vars(self.options) if option_dict.get('list_profiles') == '--list-providers': self.error( '\'--list-profiles\' does not accept ' '\'--list-providers\' as an argument' ) self.selected_query_option = query funcname = 'process_{0}'.format(option.dest) if not hasattr(self, funcname): setattr(self, funcname, partial(process, option)) def _mixin_after_parsed(self): group_options_selected = [ option for option in self.cloud_queries_group.option_list if getattr(self.options, option.dest) is not False and getattr(self.options, option.dest) is not None ] if len(group_options_selected) > 1: self.error( 'The options {0} are mutually exclusive. Please only choose ' 'one of them'.format('/'.join([ option.get_opt_string() for option in group_options_selected ])) ) self.config['selected_query_option'] = self.selected_query_option class CloudProvidersListsMixIn(six.with_metaclass(MixInMeta, object)): _mixin_prio_ = 30 def _mixin_setup(self): group = self.providers_listings_group = optparse.OptionGroup( self, 'Cloud Providers Listings', # Include description here as a string ) group.add_option( '--list-locations', default=None, help=('Display a list of locations available in configured cloud ' 'providers. Pass the cloud provider that available ' 'locations are desired on, aka "linode", or pass "all" to ' 'list locations for all configured cloud providers.') ) group.add_option( '--list-images', default=None, help=('Display a list of images available in configured cloud ' 'providers. Pass the cloud provider that available images ' 'are desired on, aka "linode", or pass "all" to list images ' 'for all configured cloud providers.') ) group.add_option( '--list-sizes', default=None, help=('Display a list of sizes available in configured cloud ' 'providers. Pass the cloud provider that available sizes ' 'are desired on, aka "AWS", or pass "all" to list sizes ' 'for all configured cloud providers.') ) self.add_option_group(group) def _mixin_after_parsed(self): list_options_selected = [ option for option in self.providers_listings_group.option_list if getattr(self.options, option.dest) is not None ] if len(list_options_selected) > 1: self.error( 'The options {0} are mutually exclusive. Please only choose ' 'one of them'.format( '/'.join([ option.get_opt_string() for option in list_options_selected ]) ) ) class ProfilingPMixIn(six.with_metaclass(MixInMeta, object)): _mixin_prio_ = 130 def _mixin_setup(self): group = self.profiling_group = optparse.OptionGroup( self, 'Profiling support', # Include description here as a string ) group.add_option( '--profiling-path', dest='profiling_path', default='/tmp/stats', help=('Folder that will hold all stats generations path. Default: \'%default\'.') ) group.add_option( '--enable-profiling', dest='profiling_enabled', default=False, action='store_true', help=('Enable generating profiling stats. See also: --profiling-path.') ) self.add_option_group(group) class CloudCredentialsMixIn(six.with_metaclass(MixInMeta, object)): _mixin_prio_ = 30 def _mixin_setup(self): group = self.cloud_credentials_group = optparse.OptionGroup( self, 'Cloud Credentials', # Include description here as a string ) group.add_option( '--set-password', default=None, nargs=2, metavar='<USERNAME> <PROVIDER>', help=('Configure password for a cloud provider and save it to the keyring. ' 'PROVIDER can be specified with or without a driver, for example: ' '"--set-password bob rackspace" or more specific ' '"--set-password bob rackspace:openstack" ' 'Deprecated.') ) self.add_option_group(group) def process_set_password(self): if self.options.set_password: raise RuntimeError( 'This functionality is not supported; ' 'please see the keyring module at http://docs.saltstack.com/en/latest/topics/sdb/' ) class EAuthMixIn(six.with_metaclass(MixInMeta, object)): _mixin_prio_ = 30 def _mixin_setup(self): group = self.eauth_group = optparse.OptionGroup( self, 'External Authentication', # Include description here as a string ) group.add_option( '-a', '--auth', '--eauth', '--external-auth', default='', dest='eauth', help=('Specify an external authentication system to use.') ) group.add_option( '-T', '--make-token', default=False, dest='mktoken', action='store_true', help=('Generate and save an authentication token for re-use. The ' 'token is generated and made available for the period ' 'defined in the Salt Master.') ) group.add_option( '--username', dest='username', nargs=1, help=('Username for external authentication.') ) group.add_option( '--password', dest='password', nargs=1, help=('Password for external authentication.') ) self.add_option_group(group) class MasterOptionParser(six.with_metaclass(OptionParserMeta, OptionParser, ConfigDirMixIn, MergeConfigMixIn, LogLevelMixIn, RunUserMixin, DaemonMixIn, SaltfileMixIn)): description = 'The Salt master, used to control the Salt minions.' # ConfigDirMixIn config filename attribute _config_filename_ = 'master' # LogLevelMixIn attributes _default_logging_logfile_ = os.path.join(syspaths.LOGS_DIR, 'master') _setup_mp_logging_listener_ = True def setup_config(self): return config.master_config(self.get_config_file_path()) class MinionOptionParser(six.with_metaclass(OptionParserMeta, MasterOptionParser)): # pylint: disable=no-init description = ( 'The Salt minion, receives commands from a remote Salt master.' ) # ConfigDirMixIn config filename attribute _config_filename_ = 'minion' # LogLevelMixIn attributes _default_logging_logfile_ = os.path.join(syspaths.LOGS_DIR, 'minion') _setup_mp_logging_listener_ = True def setup_config(self): opts = config.minion_config(self.get_config_file_path(), # pylint: disable=no-member cache_minion_id=True, ignore_config_errors=False) # Optimization: disable multiprocessing logging if running as a # daemon, without engines and without multiprocessing if not opts.get('engines') and not opts.get('multiprocessing', True) \ and self.options.daemon: # pylint: disable=no-member self._setup_mp_logging_listener_ = False return opts class ProxyMinionOptionParser(six.with_metaclass(OptionParserMeta, OptionParser, ProxyIdMixIn, ConfigDirMixIn, MergeConfigMixIn, LogLevelMixIn, RunUserMixin, DaemonMixIn, SaltfileMixIn)): # pylint: disable=no-init description = ( 'The Salt proxy minion, connects to and controls devices not able to run a minion. ' 'Receives commands from a remote Salt master.' ) # ConfigDirMixIn config filename attribute _config_filename_ = 'proxy' # LogLevelMixIn attributes _default_logging_logfile_ = os.path.join(syspaths.LOGS_DIR, 'proxy') def setup_config(self): try: minion_id = self.values.proxyid except AttributeError: minion_id = None return config.minion_config(self.get_config_file_path(), cache_minion_id=False, minion_id=minion_id) class SyndicOptionParser(six.with_metaclass(OptionParserMeta, OptionParser, ConfigDirMixIn, MergeConfigMixIn, LogLevelMixIn, RunUserMixin, DaemonMixIn, SaltfileMixIn)): description = ( 'A seamless master of masters. Scale Salt to thousands of hosts or ' 'across many different networks.' ) # ConfigDirMixIn config filename attribute _config_filename_ = 'master' # LogLevelMixIn attributes _default_logging_logfile_ = os.path.join(syspaths.LOGS_DIR, 'master') _setup_mp_logging_listener_ = True def setup_config(self): return config.syndic_config( self.get_config_file_path(), self.get_config_file_path('minion')) class SaltCMDOptionParser(six.with_metaclass(OptionParserMeta, OptionParser, ConfigDirMixIn, MergeConfigMixIn, TimeoutMixIn, ExtendedTargetOptionsMixIn, OutputOptionsMixIn, LogLevelMixIn, HardCrashMixin, SaltfileMixIn, ArgsStdinMixIn, EAuthMixIn)): default_timeout = 5 usage = '%prog [options] \'<target>\' <function> [arguments]' # ConfigDirMixIn config filename attribute _config_filename_ = 'master' # LogLevelMixIn attributes _default_logging_level_ = 'warning' _default_logging_logfile_ = os.path.join(syspaths.LOGS_DIR, 'master') _loglevel_config_setting_name_ = 'cli_salt_log_file' try: os.getcwd() except OSError: sys.exit("Cannot access current working directory. Exiting!") def _mixin_setup(self): self.add_option( '-s', '--static', default=False, action='store_true', help=('Return the data from minions as a group after they ' 'all return.') ) self.add_option( '-p', '--progress', default=False, action='store_true', help=('Display a progress graph. Requires "progressbar" python package.') ) self.add_option( '--failhard', default=False, action='store_true', help=('Stop batch execution upon first "bad" return.') ) self.add_option( '--async', default=False, dest='async', action='store_true', help=('Run the salt command but don\'t wait for a reply.') ) self.add_option( '--subset', default=0, type=int, help=('Execute the routine on a random subset of the targeted ' 'minions. The minions will be verified that they have the ' 'named function before executing.') ) self.add_option( '-v', '--verbose', default=False, action='store_true', help=('Turn on command verbosity, display jid and active job ' 'queries.') ) self.add_option( '--hide-timeout', dest='show_timeout', default=True, action='store_false', help=('Hide minions that timeout.') ) self.add_option( '--show-jid', default=False, action='store_true', help=('Display jid without the additional output of --verbose.') ) self.add_option( '-b', '--batch', '--batch-size', default='', dest='batch', help=('Execute the salt job in batch mode, pass either the number ' 'of minions to batch at a time, or the percentage of ' 'minions to have running.') ) self.add_option( '--batch-wait', default=0, dest='batch_wait', type=float, help=('Wait the specified time in seconds after each job is done ' 'before freeing the slot in the batch for the next one.') ) self.add_option( '--return', default='', metavar='RETURNER', help=('Set an alternative return method. By default salt will ' 'send the return data from the command back to the master, ' 'but the return data can be redirected into any number of ' 'systems, databases or applications.') ) self.add_option( '--return_config', default='', metavar='RETURNER_CONF', help=('Set an alternative return method. By default salt will ' 'send the return data from the command back to the master, ' 'but the return data can be redirected into any number of ' 'systems, databases or applications.') ) self.add_option( '--return_kwargs', default={}, metavar='RETURNER_KWARGS', help=('Set any returner options at the command line.') ) self.add_option( '--module-executors', dest='module_executors', default=None, metavar='EXECUTOR_LIST', help=('Set an alternative list of executors to override the one ' 'set in minion config.') ) self.add_option( '-d', '--doc', '--documentation', dest='doc', default=False, action='store_true', help=('Return the documentation for the specified module or for ' 'all modules if none are specified.') ) self.add_option( '--args-separator', dest='args_separator', default=',', help=('Set the special argument used as a delimiter between ' 'command arguments of compound commands. This is useful ' 'when one wants to pass commas as arguments to ' 'some of the commands in a compound command.') ) self.add_option( '--summary', dest='cli_summary', default=False, action='store_true', help=('Display summary information about a salt command.') ) self.add_option( '--metadata', default='', metavar='METADATA', help=('Pass metadata into Salt, used to search jobs.') ) self.add_option( '--output-diff', dest='state_output_diff', action='store_true', default=False, help=('Report only those states that have changed.') ) self.add_option( '--config-dump', dest='config_dump', action='store_true', default=False, help=('Dump the master configuration values') ) def _mixin_after_parsed(self): if len(self.args) <= 1 and not self.options.doc: try: self.print_help() except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except # We get an argument that Python's optparser just can't deal # with. Perhaps stdout was redirected, or a file glob was # passed in. Regardless, we're in an unknown state here. sys.stdout.write('Invalid options passed. Please try -h for ' 'help.') # Try to warn if we can. sys.exit(salt.defaults.exitcodes.EX_GENERIC) # Dump the master configuration file, exit normally at the end. if self.options.config_dump: cfg = config.master_config(self.get_config_file_path()) sys.stdout.write(yaml.dump(cfg, default_flow_style=False)) sys.exit(salt.defaults.exitcodes.EX_OK) if self.options.doc: # Include the target if not self.args: self.args.insert(0, '*') if len(self.args) < 2: # Include the function self.args.insert(1, 'sys.doc') if self.args[1] != 'sys.doc': self.args.insert(1, 'sys.doc') if len(self.args) > 3: self.error('You can only get documentation for one method at one time.') if self.options.list: try: if ',' in self.args[0]: self.config['tgt'] = self.args[0].replace(' ', '').split(',') else: self.config['tgt'] = self.args[0].split() except IndexError: self.exit(42, '\nCannot execute command without defining a target.\n\n') else: try: self.config['tgt'] = self.args[0] except IndexError: self.exit(42, '\nCannot execute command without defining a target.\n\n') # Detect compound command and set up the data for it if self.args: try: if ',' in self.args[1]: self.config['fun'] = self.args[1].split(',') self.config['arg'] = [[]] cmd_index = 0 if (self.args[2:].count(self.options.args_separator) == len(self.config['fun']) - 1): # new style parsing: standalone argument separator for arg in self.args[2:]: if arg == self.options.args_separator: cmd_index += 1 self.config['arg'].append([]) else: self.config['arg'][cmd_index].append(arg) else: # old style parsing: argument separator can be inside args for arg in self.args[2:]: if self.options.args_separator in arg: sub_args = arg.split(self.options.args_separator) for sub_arg_index, sub_arg in enumerate(sub_args): if sub_arg: self.config['arg'][cmd_index].append(sub_arg) if sub_arg_index != len(sub_args) - 1: cmd_index += 1 self.config['arg'].append([]) else: self.config['arg'][cmd_index].append(arg) if len(self.config['fun']) != len(self.config['arg']): self.exit(42, 'Cannot execute compound command without ' 'defining all arguments.\n') # parse the args and kwargs before sending to the publish # interface for i in range(len(self.config['arg'])): self.config['arg'][i] = salt.utils.args.parse_input( self.config['arg'][i]) else: self.config['fun'] = self.args[1] self.config['arg'] = self.args[2:] # parse the args and kwargs before sending to the publish # interface self.config['arg'] = \ salt.utils.args.parse_input(self.config['arg']) except IndexError: self.exit(42, '\nIncomplete options passed.\n\n') def setup_config(self): return config.client_config(self.get_config_file_path()) class SaltCPOptionParser(six.with_metaclass(OptionParserMeta, OptionParser, OutputOptionsMixIn, ConfigDirMixIn, MergeConfigMixIn, TimeoutMixIn, TargetOptionsMixIn, LogLevelMixIn, HardCrashMixin, SaltfileMixIn)): description = ( 'salt-cp is NOT intended to broadcast large files, it is intended to ' 'handle text files.\nsalt-cp can be used to distribute configuration ' 'files.' ) default_timeout = 5 usage = '%prog [options] \'<target>\' SOURCE DEST' # ConfigDirMixIn config filename attribute _config_filename_ = 'master' # LogLevelMixIn attributes _default_logging_level_ = 'warning' _default_logging_logfile_ = os.path.join(syspaths.LOGS_DIR, 'master') _loglevel_config_setting_name_ = 'cli_salt_cp_log_file' def _mixin_after_parsed(self): # salt-cp needs arguments if len(self.args) <= 1: self.print_help() self.error('Insufficient arguments') if self.options.list: if ',' in self.args[0]: self.config['tgt'] = self.args[0].split(',') else: self.config['tgt'] = self.args[0].split() else: self.config['tgt'] = self.args[0] self.config['src'] = self.args[1:-1] self.config['dest'] = self.args[-1] def setup_config(self): return config.master_config(self.get_config_file_path()) class SaltKeyOptionParser(six.with_metaclass(OptionParserMeta, OptionParser, ConfigDirMixIn, MergeConfigMixIn, LogLevelMixIn, OutputOptionsMixIn, RunUserMixin, HardCrashMixin, SaltfileMixIn, EAuthMixIn)): description = 'Salt key is used to manage Salt authentication keys' usage = '%prog [options]' # ConfigDirMixIn config filename attribute _config_filename_ = 'master' # LogLevelMixIn attributes _skip_console_logging_config_ = True _logfile_config_setting_name_ = 'key_logfile' _default_logging_logfile_ = os.path.join(syspaths.LOGS_DIR, 'key') def _mixin_setup(self): actions_group = optparse.OptionGroup(self, 'Actions') actions_group.set_conflict_handler('resolve') actions_group.add_option( '-l', '--list', default='', metavar='ARG', help=('List the public keys. The args ' '\'pre\', \'un\', and \'unaccepted\' will list ' 'unaccepted/unsigned keys. ' '\'acc\' or \'accepted\' will list accepted/signed keys. ' '\'rej\' or \'rejected\' will list rejected keys. ' '\'den\' or \'denied\' will list denied keys. ' 'Finally, \'all\' will list all keys.') ) actions_group.add_option( '-L', '--list-all', default=False, action='store_true', help='List all public keys. Deprecated: use "--list all".' ) actions_group.add_option( '-a', '--accept', default='', help='Accept the specified public key (use --include-rejected and ' '--include-denied to match rejected and denied keys in ' 'addition to pending keys). Globs are supported.', ) actions_group.add_option( '-A', '--accept-all', default=False, action='store_true', help='Accept all pending keys.' ) actions_group.add_option( '-r', '--reject', default='', help='Reject the specified public key. Use --include-accepted and ' '--include-denied to match accepted and denied keys in ' 'addition to pending keys. Globs are supported.' ) actions_group.add_option( '-R', '--reject-all', default=False, action='store_true', help='Reject all pending keys.' ) actions_group.add_option( '--include-all', default=False, action='store_true', help='Include rejected/accepted keys when accepting/rejecting. ' 'Deprecated: use "--include-rejected" and "--include-accepted".' ) actions_group.add_option( '--include-accepted', default=False, action='store_true', help='Include accepted keys when rejecting.' ) actions_group.add_option( '--include-rejected', default=False, action='store_true', help='Include rejected keys when accepting.' ) actions_group.add_option( '--include-denied', default=False, action='store_true', help='Include denied keys when accepting/rejecting.' ) actions_group.add_option( '-p', '--print', default='', help='Print the specified public key.' ) actions_group.add_option( '-P', '--print-all', default=False, action='store_true', help='Print all public keys.' ) actions_group.add_option( '-d', '--delete', default='', help='Delete the specified key. Globs are supported.' ) actions_group.add_option( '-D', '--delete-all', default=False, action='store_true', help='Delete all keys.' ) actions_group.add_option( '-f', '--finger', default='', help='Print the specified key\'s fingerprint.' ) actions_group.add_option( '-F', '--finger-all', default=False, action='store_true', help='Print all keys\' fingerprints.' ) self.add_option_group(actions_group) self.add_option( '-q', '--quiet', default=False, action='store_true', help='Suppress output.' ) self.add_option( '-y', '--yes', default=False, action='store_true', help='Answer "Yes" to all questions presented. Default: %default.' ) self.add_option( '--rotate-aes-key', default=True, help=('Setting this to False prevents the master from refreshing ' 'the key session when keys are deleted or rejected, this ' 'lowers the security of the key deletion/rejection operation. ' 'Default: %default.') ) key_options_group = optparse.OptionGroup( self, 'Key Generation Options' ) self.add_option_group(key_options_group) key_options_group.add_option( '--gen-keys', default='', help='Set a name to generate a keypair for use with salt.' ) key_options_group.add_option( '--gen-keys-dir', default='.', help=('Set the directory to save the generated keypair, only ' 'works with "gen_keys_dir" option. Default: \'%default\'.') ) key_options_group.add_option( '--keysize', default=2048, type=int, help=('Set the keysize for the generated key, only works with ' 'the "--gen-keys" option, the key size must be 2048 or ' 'higher, otherwise it will be rounded up to 2048. ' 'Default: %default.') ) key_options_group.add_option( '--gen-signature', default=False, action='store_true', help=('Create a signature file of the masters public-key named ' 'master_pubkey_signature. The signature can be send to a ' 'minion in the masters auth-reply and enables the minion ' 'to verify the masters public-key cryptographically. ' 'This requires a new signing-key-pair which can be auto-created ' 'with the --auto-create parameter.') ) key_options_group.add_option( '--priv', default='', type=str, help=('The private-key file to create a signature with.') ) key_options_group.add_option( '--signature-path', default='', type=str, help=('The path where the signature file should be written.') ) key_options_group.add_option( '--pub', default='', type=str, help=('The public-key file to create a signature for.') ) key_options_group.add_option( '--auto-create', default=False, action='store_true', help=('Auto-create a signing key-pair if it does not yet exist.') ) def process_config_dir(self): if self.options.gen_keys: # We're generating keys, override the default behavior of this # function if we don't have any access to the configuration # directory. if not os.access(self.options.config_dir, os.R_OK): if not os.path.isdir(self.options.gen_keys_dir): # This would be done at a latter stage, but we need it now # so no errors are thrown os.makedirs(self.options.gen_keys_dir) self.options.config_dir = self.options.gen_keys_dir super(SaltKeyOptionParser, self).process_config_dir() # Don't change its mixin priority! process_config_dir._mixin_prio_ = ConfigDirMixIn._mixin_prio_ def setup_config(self): keys_config = config.master_config(self.get_config_file_path()) if self.options.gen_keys: # Since we're generating the keys, some defaults can be assumed # or tweaked keys_config['key_logfile'] = os.devnull keys_config['pki_dir'] = self.options.gen_keys_dir return keys_config def process_rotate_aes_key(self): if hasattr(self.options, 'rotate_aes_key') and isinstance(self.options.rotate_aes_key, str): if self.options.rotate_aes_key.lower() == 'true': self.options.rotate_aes_key = True elif self.options.rotate_aes_key.lower() == 'false': self.options.rotate_aes_key = False def process_list(self): # Filter accepted list arguments as soon as possible if not self.options.list: return if not self.options.list.startswith(('acc', 'pre', 'un', 'rej', 'den', 'all')): self.error( '\'{0}\' is not a valid argument to \'--list\''.format( self.options.list ) ) def process_keysize(self): if self.options.keysize < 2048: self.error('The minimum value for keysize is 2048') elif self.options.keysize > 32768: self.error('The maximum value for keysize is 32768') def process_gen_keys_dir(self): # Schedule __create_keys_dir() to run if there's a value for # --create-keys-dir self._mixin_after_parsed_funcs.append(self.__create_keys_dir) # pylint: disable=no-member def _mixin_after_parsed(self): # It was decided to always set this to info, since it really all is # info or error. self.config['loglevel'] = 'info' def __create_keys_dir(self, *args): # pylint: disable=unused-argument if not os.path.isdir(self.config['gen_keys_dir']): os.makedirs(self.config['gen_keys_dir']) class SaltCallOptionParser(six.with_metaclass(OptionParserMeta, OptionParser, ConfigDirMixIn, MergeConfigMixIn, LogLevelMixIn, OutputOptionsMixIn, HardCrashMixin, SaltfileMixIn, ArgsStdinMixIn, ProfilingPMixIn)): description = ('Salt call is used to execute module functions locally ' 'on a minion') usage = '%prog [options] <function> [arguments]' # ConfigDirMixIn config filename attribute _config_filename_ = 'minion' # LogLevelMixIn attributes _default_logging_level_ = 'info' _default_logging_logfile_ = os.path.join(syspaths.LOGS_DIR, 'minion') def _mixin_setup(self): self.add_option( '-g', '--grains', dest='grains_run', default=False, action='store_true', help='Return the information generated by the salt grains.' ) self.add_option( '-m', '--module-dirs', default=[], action='append', help=('Specify an additional directory to pull modules from. ' 'Multiple directories can be provided by passing ' '`-m/--module-dirs` multiple times.') ) self.add_option( '-d', '--doc', '--documentation', dest='doc', default=False, action='store_true', help=('Return the documentation for the specified module or for ' 'all modules if none are specified.') ) self.add_option( '--master', default='', dest='master', help=('Specify the master to use. The minion must be ' 'authenticated with the master. If this option is omitted, ' 'the master options from the minion config will be used. ' 'If multi masters are set up the first listed master that ' 'responds will be used.') ) self.add_option( '--return', default='', metavar='RETURNER', help=('Set salt-call to pass the return data to one or many ' 'returner interfaces.') ) self.add_option( '--local', default=False, action='store_true', help='Run salt-call locally, as if there was no master running.' ) self.add_option( '--file-root', default=None, help='Set this directory as the base file root.' ) self.add_option( '--pillar-root', default=None, help='Set this directory as the base pillar root.' ) self.add_option( '--states-dir', default=None, help='Set this directory to search for additional states.' ) self.add_option( '--retcode-passthrough', default=False, action='store_true', help=('Exit with the salt call retcode and not the salt binary ' 'retcode.') ) self.add_option( '--metadata', default=False, dest='print_metadata', action='store_true', help=('Print out the execution metadata as well as the return. ' 'This will print out the outputter data, the return code, ' 'etc.') ) self.add_option( '--set-metadata', dest='metadata', default=None, metavar='METADATA', help=('Pass metadata into Salt, used to search jobs.') ) self.add_option( '--id', default='', dest='id', help=('Specify the minion id to use. If this option is omitted, ' 'the id option from the minion config will be used.') ) self.add_option( '--skip-grains', default=False, action='store_true', help=('Do not load grains.') ) self.add_option( '--refresh-grains-cache', default=False, action='store_true', help=('Force a refresh of the grains cache.') ) self.add_option( '-t', '--timeout', default=60, dest='auth_timeout', type=int, help=('Change the timeout, if applicable, for the running ' 'command. Default: %default.') ) self.add_option( '--output-diff', dest='state_output_diff', action='store_true', default=False, help=('Report only those states that have changed.') ) def _mixin_after_parsed(self): if not self.args and not self.options.grains_run and not self.options.doc: self.print_help() self.error('Requires function, --grains or --doc') elif len(self.args) >= 1: if self.options.grains_run: self.error('-g/--grains does not accept any arguments') if self.options.doc and len(self.args) > 1: self.error('You can only get documentation for one method at one time') self.config['fun'] = self.args[0] self.config['arg'] = self.args[1:] def setup_config(self): opts = config.minion_config(self.get_config_file_path(), cache_minion_id=True) if opts.get('transport') == 'raet': if not self._find_raet_minion(opts): # must create caller minion opts['__role'] = kinds.APPL_KIND_NAMES[kinds.applKinds.caller] return opts def _find_raet_minion(self, opts): ''' Returns true if local RAET Minion is available ''' yardname = 'manor' dirpath = opts['sock_dir'] role = opts.get('id') if not role: emsg = ("Missing role required to setup RAET SaltCaller.") logging.getLogger(__name__).error(emsg + "\n") raise ValueError(emsg) kind = opts.get('__role') # application kind 'master', 'minion', etc if kind not in kinds.APPL_KINDS: emsg = ("Invalid application kind = '{0}' for RAET SaltCaller.".format(kind)) logging.getLogger(__name__).error(emsg + "\n") raise ValueError(emsg) if kind in [kinds.APPL_KIND_NAMES[kinds.applKinds.minion], kinds.APPL_KIND_NAMES[kinds.applKinds.caller], ]: lanename = "{0}_{1}".format(role, kind) else: emsg = ("Unsupported application kind '{0}' for RAET SaltCaller.".format(kind)) logging.getLogger(__name__).error(emsg + '\n') raise ValueError(emsg) if kind == kinds.APPL_KIND_NAMES[kinds.applKinds.minion]: # minion check from raet.lane.yarding import Yard ha, dirpath = Yard.computeHa(dirpath, lanename, yardname) # pylint: disable=invalid-name if (os.path.exists(ha) and not os.path.isfile(ha) and not os.path.isdir(ha)): # minion manor yard return True return False def process_module_dirs(self): for module_dir in self.options.module_dirs: # Provide some backwards compatibility with previous comma # delimited format if ',' in module_dir: self.config.setdefault('module_dirs', []).extend( os.path.abspath(x) for x in module_dir.split(',')) continue self.config.setdefault('module_dirs', []).append(os.path.abspath(module_dir)) class SaltRunOptionParser(six.with_metaclass(OptionParserMeta, OptionParser, ConfigDirMixIn, MergeConfigMixIn, TimeoutMixIn, LogLevelMixIn, HardCrashMixin, SaltfileMixIn, OutputOptionsMixIn, ArgsStdinMixIn, ProfilingPMixIn, EAuthMixIn)): default_timeout = 1 usage = '%prog [options]' # ConfigDirMixIn config filename attribute _config_filename_ = 'master' # LogLevelMixIn attributes _default_logging_level_ = 'warning' _default_logging_logfile_ = os.path.join(syspaths.LOGS_DIR, 'master') _loglevel_config_setting_name_ = 'cli_salt_run_log_file' def _mixin_setup(self): self.add_option( '-d', '--doc', '--documentation', dest='doc', default=False, action='store_true', help=('Display documentation for runners, pass a runner or ' 'runner.function to see documentation on only that runner ' 'or function.') ) self.add_option( '--async', default=False, action='store_true', help=('Start the runner operation and immediately return control.') ) group = self.output_options_group = optparse.OptionGroup( self, 'Output Options', 'Configure your preferred output format.' ) self.add_option_group(group) group.add_option( '--quiet', default=False, action='store_true', help='Do not display the results of the run.' ) def _mixin_after_parsed(self): if self.options.doc and len(self.args) > 1: self.error('You can only get documentation for one method at one time') if len(self.args) > 0: self.config['fun'] = self.args[0] else: self.config['fun'] = '' if len(self.args) > 1: self.config['arg'] = self.args[1:] else: self.config['arg'] = [] def setup_config(self): return config.client_config(self.get_config_file_path()) class SaltSSHOptionParser(six.with_metaclass(OptionParserMeta, OptionParser, ConfigDirMixIn, MergeConfigMixIn, LogLevelMixIn, TargetOptionsMixIn, OutputOptionsMixIn, SaltfileMixIn, HardCrashMixin)): usage = '%prog [options]' # ConfigDirMixIn config filename attribute _config_filename_ = 'master' # LogLevelMixIn attributes _default_logging_level_ = 'warning' _default_logging_logfile_ = os.path.join(syspaths.LOGS_DIR, 'ssh') _loglevel_config_setting_name_ = 'cli_salt_run_log_file' def _mixin_setup(self): self.add_option( '-r', '--raw', '--raw-shell', dest='raw_shell', default=False, action='store_true', help=('Don\'t execute a salt routine on the targets, execute a ' 'raw shell command.') ) self.add_option( '--roster', dest='roster', default='flat', help=('Define which roster system to use, this defines if a ' 'database backend, scanner, or custom roster system is ' 'used. Default: \'flat\'.') ) self.add_option( '--roster-file', dest='roster_file', default='', help=('Define an alternative location for the default roster ' 'file location. The default roster file is called roster ' 'and is found in the same directory as the master config ' 'file.') ) self.add_option( '--refresh', '--refresh-cache', dest='refresh_cache', default=False, action='store_true', help=('Force a refresh of the master side data cache of the ' 'target\'s data. This is needed if a target\'s grains have ' 'been changed and the auto refresh timeframe has not been ' 'reached.') ) self.add_option( '--max-procs', dest='ssh_max_procs', default=25, type=int, help='Set the number of concurrent minions to communicate with. ' 'This value defines how many processes are opened up at a ' 'time to manage connections, the more running processes the ' 'faster communication should be. Default: %default.' ) self.add_option( '--extra-filerefs', dest='extra_filerefs', default=None, help='Pass in extra files to include in the state tarball.' ) self.add_option('--min-extra-modules', dest='min_extra_mods', default=None, help='One or comma-separated list of extra Python modules' 'to be included into Minimal Salt.') self.add_option( '--thin-extra-modules', dest='thin_extra_mods', default=None, help='One or comma-separated list of extra Python modules' 'to be included into Thin Salt.') self.add_option( '-v', '--verbose', default=False, action='store_true', help=('Turn on command verbosity, display jid.') ) self.add_option( '-s', '--static', default=False, action='store_true', help=('Return the data from minions as a group after they ' 'all return.') ) self.add_option( '-w', '--wipe', default=False, action='store_true', dest='ssh_wipe', help='Remove the deployment of the salt files when done executing.', ) self.add_option( '-W', '--rand-thin-dir', default=False, action='store_true', help=('Select a random temp dir to deploy on the remote system. ' 'The dir will be cleaned after the execution.')) self.add_option( '-t', '--regen-thin', '--thin', dest='regen_thin', default=False, action='store_true', help=('Trigger a thin tarball regeneration. This is needed if ' 'custom grains/modules/states have been added or updated.')) self.add_option( '--python2-bin', default='python2', help='Path to a python2 binary which has salt installed.' ) self.add_option( '--python3-bin', default='python3', help='Path to a python3 binary which has salt installed.' ) self.add_option( '--jid', default=None, help='Pass a JID to be used instead of generating one.' ) ports_group = optparse.OptionGroup( self, 'Port Forwarding Options', 'Parameters for setting up SSH port forwarding.' ) ports_group.add_option( '--remote-port-forwards', dest='ssh_remote_port_forwards', help='Setup remote port forwarding using the same syntax as with ' 'the -R parameter of ssh. A comma separated list of port ' 'forwarding definitions will be translated into multiple ' '-R parameters.' ) self.add_option_group(ports_group) auth_group = optparse.OptionGroup( self, 'Authentication Options', 'Parameters affecting authentication.' ) auth_group.add_option( '--priv', dest='ssh_priv', help='Ssh private key file.' ) auth_group.add_option( '-i', '--ignore-host-keys', dest='ignore_host_keys', default=False, action='store_true', help='By default ssh host keys are honored and connections will ' 'ask for approval. Use this option to disable ' 'StrictHostKeyChecking.' ) auth_group.add_option( '--no-host-keys', dest='no_host_keys', default=False, action='store_true', help='Removes all host key checking functionality from SSH session.' ) auth_group.add_option( '--user', dest='ssh_user', default='root', help='Set the default user to attempt to use when ' 'authenticating.' ) auth_group.add_option( '--passwd', dest='ssh_passwd', default='', help='Set the default password to attempt to use when ' 'authenticating.' ) auth_group.add_option( '--askpass', dest='ssh_askpass', default=False, action='store_true', help='Interactively ask for the SSH password with no echo - avoids ' 'password in process args and stored in history.' ) auth_group.add_option( '--key-deploy', dest='ssh_key_deploy', default=False, action='store_true', help='Set this flag to attempt to deploy the authorized ssh key ' 'with all minions. This combined with --passwd can make ' 'initial deployment of keys very fast and easy.' ) auth_group.add_option( '--identities-only', dest='ssh_identities_only', default=False, action='store_true', help='Use the only authentication identity files configured in the ' 'ssh_config files. See IdentitiesOnly flag in man ssh_config.' ) auth_group.add_option( '--sudo', dest='ssh_sudo', default=False, action='store_true', help='Run command via sudo.' ) self.add_option_group(auth_group) scan_group = optparse.OptionGroup( self, 'Scan Roster Options', 'Parameters affecting scan roster.' ) scan_group.add_option( '--scan-ports', default='22', dest='ssh_scan_ports', help='Comma-separated list of ports to scan in the scan roster.', ) scan_group.add_option( '--scan-timeout', default=0.01, dest='ssh_scan_timeout', help='Scanning socket timeout for the scan roster.', ) self.add_option_group(scan_group) def _mixin_after_parsed(self): if not self.args: self.print_help() self.error('Insufficient arguments') if self.options.list: if ',' in self.args[0]: self.config['tgt'] = self.args[0].split(',') else: self.config['tgt'] = self.args[0].split() else: self.config['tgt'] = self.args[0] self.config['argv'] = self.args[1:] if not self.config['argv'] or not self.config['tgt']: self.print_help() self.error('Insufficient arguments') if self.options.ssh_askpass: self.options.ssh_passwd = getpass.getpass('Password: ') def setup_config(self): return config.master_config(self.get_config_file_path()) def process_jid(self): if self.options.jid is not None: if not salt.utils.jid.is_jid(self.options.jid): self.error('\'{0}\' is not a valid JID'.format(self.options.jid)) class SaltCloudParser(six.with_metaclass(OptionParserMeta, OptionParser, LogLevelMixIn, MergeConfigMixIn, OutputOptionsMixIn, ConfigDirMixIn, CloudQueriesMixIn, ExecutionOptionsMixIn, CloudProvidersListsMixIn, CloudCredentialsMixIn, HardCrashMixin, SaltfileMixIn)): # ConfigDirMixIn attributes _config_filename_ = 'cloud' # LogLevelMixIn attributes _default_logging_level_ = 'info' _logfile_config_setting_name_ = 'log_file' _loglevel_config_setting_name_ = 'log_level_logfile' _default_logging_logfile_ = os.path.join(syspaths.LOGS_DIR, 'cloud') def print_versions_report(self, file=sys.stdout): # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin print('\n'.join(version.versions_report(include_salt_cloud=True)), file=file) self.exit(salt.defaults.exitcodes.EX_OK) def parse_args(self, args=None, values=None): try: # Late import in order not to break setup from salt.cloud import libcloudfuncs libcloudfuncs.check_libcloud_version() except ImportError as exc: self.error(exc) return super(SaltCloudParser, self).parse_args(args, values) def _mixin_after_parsed(self): if 'DUMP_SALT_CLOUD_CONFIG' in os.environ: import pprint print('Salt cloud configuration dump(INCLUDES SENSIBLE DATA):') pprint.pprint(self.config) self.exit(salt.defaults.exitcodes.EX_OK) if self.args: self.config['names'] = self.args def setup_config(self): try: return config.cloud_config(self.get_config_file_path()) except salt.exceptions.SaltCloudConfigError as exc: self.error(exc) class SPMParser(six.with_metaclass(OptionParserMeta, OptionParser, ConfigDirMixIn, LogLevelMixIn, MergeConfigMixIn, SaltfileMixIn)): ''' The cli parser object used to fire up the salt spm system. ''' description = 'SPM is used to manage 3rd party formulas and other Salt components' usage = '%prog [options] <function> [arguments]' # ConfigDirMixIn config filename attribute _config_filename_ = 'spm' # LogLevelMixIn attributes _default_logging_logfile_ = os.path.join(syspaths.LOGS_DIR, 'spm') def _mixin_setup(self): self.add_option( '-y', '--assume-yes', default=False, action='store_true', help='Default "yes" in answer to all confirmation questions.' ) self.add_option( '-f', '--force', default=False, action='store_true', help='Default "yes" in answer to all confirmation questions.' ) self.add_option( '-v', '--verbose', default=False, action='store_true', help='Display more detailed information.' ) def _mixin_after_parsed(self): # spm needs arguments if len(self.args) <= 1: if not self.args or self.args[0] not in ('update_repo',): self.print_help() self.error('Insufficient arguments') def setup_config(self): return salt.config.spm_config(self.get_config_file_path()) class SaltAPIParser(six.with_metaclass(OptionParserMeta, OptionParser, ConfigDirMixIn, LogLevelMixIn, DaemonMixIn, MergeConfigMixIn)): ''' The Salt API cli parser object used to fire up the salt api system. ''' # ConfigDirMixIn config filename attribute _config_filename_ = 'master' # LogLevelMixIn attributes _default_logging_logfile_ = os.path.join(syspaths.LOGS_DIR, 'api') def setup_config(self): return salt.config.api_config(self.get_config_file_path()) # pylint: disable=no-member
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#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding:utf-8 _*- from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split from utils.DataHelper import DataHelper from config import DefaultConfig opt = DefaultConfig() def build_data(): x_text, y, vocabulary, vocabulary_inv = DataHelper(opt.train_data_root, train=True).load_text_data(opt.use_umls) x_train, x_val, y_train, y_val = train_test_split(x_text, y, test_size=0.3, random_state=1, shuffle=True)
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
# MIT License # # Copyright (c) 2020 SCL team at Red Hat # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all # copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE # SOFTWARE. from contextlib import contextmanager import logging import shutil import os import json import jinja2 import subprocess from pathlib import Path from betka.constants import HOME logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) def run_cmd(cmd, return_output=False, ignore_error=False, shell=False, **kwargs): """ Run provided command on host system using the same user as invoked this code. Raises subprocess.CalledProcessError if it fails. :param cmd: list or str :param return_output: bool, return output of the command :param ignore_error: bool, do not fail in case nonzero return code :param shell: bool, run command in shell :param kwargs: pass keyword arguments to subprocess.check_* functions; for more info, please check `help(subprocess.Popen)` :return: None or str """ logger.debug("command: %r", cmd) try: if return_output: return subprocess.check_output( cmd, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, universal_newlines=True, shell=shell, **kwargs, ) else: return subprocess.check_call(cmd, shell=shell, **kwargs) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as cpe: if ignore_error: if return_output: return cpe.output else: return cpe.returncode else: logger.error(f"failed with code {cpe.returncode} and output:\n{cpe.output}") raise cpe def text_from_template(template_dir, template_filename, template_data): """ Create text based on template in path template_dir/template_filename :param template_dir: string, directory containing templates :param template_filename: template for text in jinja :param template_data: dict, data for substitution in template :return: string """ if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(template_dir, template_filename)): raise FileNotFoundError("Path to template not found.") template_loader = jinja2.FileSystemLoader(searchpath=template_dir) template_env = jinja2.Environment(loader=template_loader) template = template_env.get_template(template_filename) output_text = template.render(template_data=template_data) logger.debug("Text from template created:") logger.debug(output_text) return output_text def copy_upstream2downstream(src_parent: Path, dest_parent: Path): """Copies content from upstream repo to downstream repo Copies all files/dirs/symlinks from upstream source to dist-git one by one, while removing previous if exists. :param src_parent: path to source directory :param dest_parent: path to destination directory """ for f in src_parent.iterdir(): if f.name.startswith(".git"): continue dest = dest_parent / f.name src = src_parent / f.name logger.debug(f"Copying {str(src)} to {str(dest)}.") # First remove the dest only if it is not symlink. if dest.is_dir() and not dest.is_symlink(): logger.debug("rmtree %s", dest) shutil.rmtree(dest) else: if dest.exists(): dest.unlink() # Now copy the src to dest if src.is_symlink() or not src.is_dir(): logger.debug("cp %s %s", src, dest) shutil.copy2(src, dest, follow_symlinks=False) else: logger.debug("cp -r %s %s", src, dest) shutil.copytree(src, dest, symlinks=True) def clean_directory(path: Path): """ Function cleans directory except itself :param path: directory path which is cleaned """ for d in path.iterdir(): src = path / d if src.is_dir(): logger.debug("rmtree %s", str(src)) shutil.rmtree(src) else: src.unlink() def list_dir_content(dir_name: Path): """ Lists all content of dir_name :param dir_name: Directory for showing files """ logger.info("Look for a content in '%s' directory", str(dir_name)) for f in dir_name.rglob("*"): if str(f).startswith(".git"): continue logger.debug(f"{f.parent / f.name}") def load_config_json(): with open(f"{HOME}/config.json") as config_file: data = json.load(config_file) return data @contextmanager def cwd(path): """ Switch to Path directory and once action is done returns back :param path: :return: """ prev_cwd = Path.cwd() os.chdir(path) try: yield finally: os.chdir(prev_cwd)
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
# Copyright (c) Glow Contributors. See CONTRIBUTORS file. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals import torch import torch.nn.functional as F from tests import utils class SimpleAvgPool1dModule(torch.nn.Module): def __init__(self, kernel_size, stride=None, padding=0): super(SimpleAvgPool1dModule, self).__init__() self.kernel_size = kernel_size self.padding = padding self.stride = stride def forward(self, inputs): return F.avg_pool1d( inputs, self.kernel_size, padding=self.padding, stride=self.stride ) class TestAvgPool1d(utils.TorchGlowTestCase): def test_avg_pool1d_basic(self): """Basic test of the PyTorch avg_pool1d Node on Glow.""" inputs = torch.randn(1, 4, 9) utils.compare_tracing_methods( SimpleAvgPool1dModule(3), inputs, fusible_ops={"aten::avg_pool1d"} ) def test_avg_pool1d_with_args(self): """Test of the PyTorch avg_pool1d Node with arguments on Glow.""" inputs = torch.randn(1, 4, 10) utils.compare_tracing_methods( SimpleAvgPool1dModule(3, stride=7), inputs, fusible_ops={"aten::avg_pool1d"} )
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # PLEASE DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE, IT IS GENERATED AND WILL BE OVERWRITTEN: # https://github.com/ccxt/ccxt/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md#how-to-contribute-code from ccxt.async_support.base.exchange import Exchange # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- try: basestring # Python 3 except NameError: basestring = str # Python 2 import json from ccxt.base.errors import ExchangeError from ccxt.base.errors import AuthenticationError from ccxt.base.errors import PermissionDenied from ccxt.base.errors import InsufficientFunds from ccxt.base.errors import InvalidOrder from ccxt.base.errors import OrderNotFound from ccxt.base.errors import DDoSProtection from ccxt.base.errors import InvalidNonce from ccxt.base.precise import Precise class btcbox(Exchange): def describe(self): return self.deep_extend(super(btcbox, self).describe(), { 'id': 'btcbox', 'name': 'BtcBox', 'countries': ['JP'], 'rateLimit': 1000, 'version': 'v1', 'has': { 'cancelOrder': True, 'CORS': None, 'createOrder': True, 'fetchBalance': True, 'fetchOpenOrders': True, 'fetchOrder': True, 'fetchOrderBook': True, 'fetchOrders': True, 'fetchTicker': True, 'fetchTickers': None, 'fetchTrades': True, }, 'urls': { 'logo': 'https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/51840849/87327317-98c55400-c53c-11ea-9a11-81f7d951cc74.jpg', 'api': 'https://www.btcbox.co.jp/api', 'www': 'https://www.btcbox.co.jp/', 'doc': 'https://blog.btcbox.jp/en/archives/8762', 'fees': 'https://support.btcbox.co.jp/hc/en-us/articles/360001235694-Fees-introduction', }, 'api': { 'public': { 'get': [ 'depth', 'orders', 'ticker', ], }, 'private': { 'post': [ 'balance', 'trade_add', 'trade_cancel', 'trade_list', 'trade_view', 'wallet', ], }, }, 'markets': { 'BTC/JPY': {'id': 'btc', 'symbol': 'BTC/JPY', 'base': 'BTC', 'quote': 'JPY', 'baseId': 'btc', 'quoteId': 'jpy', 'taker': 0.05 / 100, 'maker': 0.05 / 100}, 'ETH/JPY': {'id': 'eth', 'symbol': 'ETH/JPY', 'base': 'ETH', 'quote': 'JPY', 'baseId': 'eth', 'quoteId': 'jpy', 'taker': 0.10 / 100, 'maker': 0.10 / 100}, 'LTC/JPY': {'id': 'ltc', 'symbol': 'LTC/JPY', 'base': 'LTC', 'quote': 'JPY', 'baseId': 'ltc', 'quoteId': 'jpy', 'taker': 0.10 / 100, 'maker': 0.10 / 100}, 'BCH/JPY': {'id': 'bch', 'symbol': 'BCH/JPY', 'base': 'BCH', 'quote': 'JPY', 'baseId': 'bch', 'quoteId': 'jpy', 'taker': 0.10 / 100, 'maker': 0.10 / 100}, }, 'exceptions': { '104': AuthenticationError, '105': PermissionDenied, '106': InvalidNonce, '107': InvalidOrder, # price should be an integer '200': InsufficientFunds, '201': InvalidOrder, # amount too small '202': InvalidOrder, # price should be [0 : 1000000] '203': OrderNotFound, '401': OrderNotFound, # cancel canceled, closed or non-existent order '402': DDoSProtection, }, }) async def fetch_balance(self, params={}): await self.load_markets() response = await self.privatePostBalance(params) result = {'info': response} codes = list(self.currencies.keys()) for i in range(0, len(codes)): code = codes[i] currency = self.currency(code) currencyId = currency['id'] free = currencyId + '_balance' if free in response: account = self.account() used = currencyId + '_lock' account['free'] = self.safe_string(response, free) account['used'] = self.safe_string(response, used) result[code] = account return self.parse_balance(result) async def fetch_order_book(self, symbol, limit=None, params={}): await self.load_markets() market = self.market(symbol) request = {} numSymbols = len(self.symbols) if numSymbols > 1: request['coin'] = market['baseId'] response = await self.publicGetDepth(self.extend(request, params)) return self.parse_order_book(response, symbol) def parse_ticker(self, ticker, market=None): timestamp = self.milliseconds() symbol = None if market is not None: symbol = market['symbol'] last = self.safe_number(ticker, 'last') return { 'symbol': symbol, 'timestamp': timestamp, 'datetime': self.iso8601(timestamp), 'high': self.safe_number(ticker, 'high'), 'low': self.safe_number(ticker, 'low'), 'bid': self.safe_number(ticker, 'buy'), 'bidVolume': None, 'ask': self.safe_number(ticker, 'sell'), 'askVolume': None, 'vwap': None, 'open': None, 'close': last, 'last': last, 'previousClose': None, 'change': None, 'percentage': None, 'average': None, 'baseVolume': self.safe_number(ticker, 'vol'), 'quoteVolume': self.safe_number(ticker, 'volume'), 'info': ticker, } async def fetch_ticker(self, symbol, params={}): await self.load_markets() market = self.market(symbol) request = {} numSymbols = len(self.symbols) if numSymbols > 1: request['coin'] = market['baseId'] response = await self.publicGetTicker(self.extend(request, params)) return self.parse_ticker(response, market) def parse_trade(self, trade, market=None): timestamp = self.safe_timestamp(trade, 'date') symbol = None if market is not None: symbol = market['symbol'] id = self.safe_string(trade, 'tid') priceString = self.safe_string(trade, 'price') amountString = self.safe_string(trade, 'amount') price = self.parse_number(priceString) amount = self.parse_number(amountString) cost = self.parse_number(Precise.string_mul(priceString, amountString)) type = None side = self.safe_string(trade, 'type') return { 'info': trade, 'id': id, 'order': None, 'timestamp': timestamp, 'datetime': self.iso8601(timestamp), 'symbol': symbol, 'type': type, 'side': side, 'takerOrMaker': None, 'price': price, 'amount': amount, 'cost': cost, 'fee': None, } async def fetch_trades(self, symbol, since=None, limit=None, params={}): await self.load_markets() market = self.market(symbol) request = {} numSymbols = len(self.symbols) if numSymbols > 1: request['coin'] = market['baseId'] response = await self.publicGetOrders(self.extend(request, params)) return self.parse_trades(response, market, since, limit) async def create_order(self, symbol, type, side, amount, price=None, params={}): await self.load_markets() market = self.market(symbol) request = { 'amount': amount, 'price': price, 'type': side, 'coin': market['baseId'], } response = await self.privatePostTradeAdd(self.extend(request, params)) # # { # "result":true, # "id":"11" # } # return self.parse_order(response, market) async def cancel_order(self, id, symbol=None, params={}): await self.load_markets() # a special case for btcbox – default symbol is BTC/JPY if symbol is None: symbol = 'BTC/JPY' market = self.market(symbol) request = { 'id': id, 'coin': market['baseId'], } response = await self.privatePostTradeCancel(self.extend(request, params)) # # {"result":true, "id":"11"} # return self.parse_order(response, market) def parse_order_status(self, status): statuses = { # TODO: complete list 'part': 'open', # partially or not at all executed 'all': 'closed', # fully executed 'cancelled': 'canceled', 'closed': 'closed', # never encountered, seems to be bug in the doc 'no': 'closed', # not clarified in the docs... } return self.safe_string(statuses, status, status) def parse_order(self, order, market=None): # # { # "id":11, # "datetime":"2014-10-21 10:47:20", # "type":"sell", # "price":42000, # "amount_original":1.2, # "amount_outstanding":1.2, # "status":"closed", # "trades":[] # } # id = self.safe_string(order, 'id') datetimeString = self.safe_string(order, 'datetime') timestamp = None if datetimeString is not None: timestamp = self.parse8601(order['datetime'] + '+09:00') # Tokyo time amount = self.safe_number(order, 'amount_original') remaining = self.safe_number(order, 'amount_outstanding') price = self.safe_number(order, 'price') # status is set by fetchOrder method only status = self.parse_order_status(self.safe_string(order, 'status')) # fetchOrders do not return status, use heuristic if status is None: if remaining is not None and remaining == 0: status = 'closed' trades = None # todo: self.parse_trades(order['trades']) symbol = None if market is not None: symbol = market['symbol'] side = self.safe_string(order, 'type') return self.safe_order({ 'id': id, 'clientOrderId': None, 'timestamp': timestamp, 'datetime': self.iso8601(timestamp), 'lastTradeTimestamp': None, 'amount': amount, 'remaining': remaining, 'filled': None, 'side': side, 'type': None, 'timeInForce': None, 'postOnly': None, 'status': status, 'symbol': symbol, 'price': price, 'stopPrice': None, 'cost': None, 'trades': trades, 'fee': None, 'info': order, 'average': None, }) async def fetch_order(self, id, symbol=None, params={}): await self.load_markets() # a special case for btcbox – default symbol is BTC/JPY if symbol is None: symbol = 'BTC/JPY' market = self.market(symbol) request = self.extend({ 'id': id, 'coin': market['baseId'], }, params) response = await self.privatePostTradeView(self.extend(request, params)) return self.parse_order(response, market) async def fetch_orders_by_type(self, type, symbol=None, since=None, limit=None, params={}): await self.load_markets() # a special case for btcbox – default symbol is BTC/JPY if symbol is None: symbol = 'BTC/JPY' market = self.market(symbol) request = { 'type': type, # 'open' or 'all' 'coin': market['baseId'], } response = await self.privatePostTradeList(self.extend(request, params)) orders = self.parse_orders(response, market, since, limit) # status(open/closed/canceled) is None # btcbox does not return status, but we know it's 'open' as we queried for open orders if type == 'open': for i in range(0, len(orders)): orders[i]['status'] = 'open' return orders async def fetch_orders(self, symbol=None, since=None, limit=None, params={}): return await self.fetch_orders_by_type('all', symbol, since, limit, params) async def fetch_open_orders(self, symbol=None, since=None, limit=None, params={}): return await self.fetch_orders_by_type('open', symbol, since, limit, params) def nonce(self): return self.milliseconds() def sign(self, path, api='public', method='GET', params={}, headers=None, body=None): url = self.urls['api'] + '/' + self.version + '/' + path if api == 'public': if params: url += '?' + self.urlencode(params) else: self.check_required_credentials() nonce = str(self.nonce()) query = self.extend({ 'key': self.apiKey, 'nonce': nonce, }, params) request = self.urlencode(query) secret = self.hash(self.encode(self.secret)) query['signature'] = self.hmac(self.encode(request), self.encode(secret)) body = self.urlencode(query) headers = { 'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', } return {'url': url, 'method': method, 'body': body, 'headers': headers} def handle_errors(self, httpCode, reason, url, method, headers, body, response, requestHeaders, requestBody): if response is None: return # resort to defaultErrorHandler # typical error response: {"result":false,"code":"401"} if httpCode >= 400: return # resort to defaultErrorHandler result = self.safe_value(response, 'result') if result is None or result is True: return # either public API(no error codes expected) or success code = self.safe_value(response, 'code') feedback = self.id + ' ' + body self.throw_exactly_matched_exception(self.exceptions, code, feedback) raise ExchangeError(feedback) # unknown message async def request(self, path, api='public', method='GET', params={}, headers=None, body=None, config={}, context={}): response = await self.fetch2(path, api, method, params, headers, body, config, context) if isinstance(response, basestring): # sometimes the exchange returns whitespace prepended to json response = self.strip(response) if not self.is_json_encoded_object(response): raise ExchangeError(self.id + ' ' + response) response = json.loads(response) return response
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
import json from django.http import JsonResponse from raasbot.settings import BASE_DIR from random import choice from os import path from core.models import ( User, Bot, ScrapedUser, UserMessageData, Message, Text, LogData ) def get_essentials(request): data = json.loads(request.body) token = data.get('token') user = User.objects.get(token=token) return (data, token, user) # Create your views here. def add_scraped_users(request): try: data, token, user = get_essentials(request) users = data.get('users') #for i in users: # a, b = ScrapedUser.objects.get_or_create(scrap_id = i['id'], name=i['username'], user=user, person_id = f"{i['id']}_{user.token}") # print(a, b) ScrapedUser.objects.bulk_create( [ScrapedUser(scrap_id = i['id'], name=i['username'], user=user, person_id = f"{i['id']}_{user.token}") for i in users], ignore_conflicts=True ) return JsonResponse({ "success": True, "message": "Users scraped and saved in database" }) except Exception as e: print(e) return JsonResponse({ "success": False, "message": f"{e}" }) def get_next_user(request): try: data, token, user = get_essentials(request) target = user.scraped_users.filter(texted=False).first() if not target: return JsonResponse({ 'success': True, 'continue': False }) target.texted=True target.save() return JsonResponse({ "success": True, "continue": True, "id": target.scrap_id, "username": target.name, "person_id": target.person_id }) except Exception as e: print(e) return JsonResponse({ "success": False, "message": f"{e}" }) def get_init_data(request): try: data, token, user = get_essentials(request) text_data = user.text_data.first() restricted_roles = text_data.roles.all() return JsonResponse({ "success": True, "guild_id": text_data.guild, "channel_id": text_data.channel, "invite_link": text_data.guild_invite, "restricted_roles": [role.name for role in restricted_roles] }) except Exception as e: print(e) return JsonResponse({ "success": False, "message": f"{e}" }) def get_text(request): try: data, token, user = get_essentials(request) message = user.dms.first() with open(path.join(BASE_DIR, 'texts.json'), 'r', encoding='utf-8') as texts: text = [] var = json.loads(texts.read()) text.append(choice(var.get('greetings'))) text.append(choice(var.get('relevance'))) text.append(choice(var.get("approach")).replace('<topic>', message.topic).replace('<invite>', message.guild_invite).replace('<info>', message.invite_info)) text.append(choice(var.get("link")).replace('<invite>', message.guild_invite).replace('<topic>', message.topic).replace('<info>', message.invite_info)) text.append(choice(var.get("info")).replace('<info>', message.invite_info).replace('<topic>', message.topic).replace('<invite>', message.guild_invite)) text.append(choice(var.get("ending"))) text.append(choice(var.get("conclusion"))) return JsonResponse({ "success": True, "text": text }) except Exception as e: print(e) return JsonResponse({ "success": False, "message": f"{e}" }) def get_tokens(request): try: data, token, user = get_essentials(request) bots = user.bots.filter(is_alive=True) return JsonResponse({ "success": True, "tokens": [bot.token for bot in bots] }) except Exception as e: print(e) return JsonResponse({ "success": False, "message": f"{e}" }) def should_scrape(request): try: data, token, user = get_essentials(request) count = user.scraped_users.filter(texted=False).count() return JsonResponse({ 'success': True, 'scrape': not (count > 1000) }) except Exception as e: print(e) return JsonResponse({ "success": False, "message": f"{e}" }) def log_result(request): try: data, token, user = get_essentials(request) target_id = data.get('target') target = ScrapedUser.objects.get(user=user, scrap_id=target_id) LogData.objects.create( user = user, target = target, success = data.get('success') ) return JsonResponse({ 'success': True }) except Exception as e: print(e) return JsonResponse({ "success": False, "message": f"{e}" }) def log_dup_result(request): try: data, token, user = get_essentials(request) target_id = data.get('target') target = ScrapedUser.objects.get(person_id=target_id) LogData.objects.create( user = user, target = target, success = data.get('success') ) return JsonResponse({ 'success': True }) except Exception as e: print(e) return JsonResponse({ "success": False, "message": f"{e}" }) def mark_dead(request): try: data, token, user = get_essentials(request) bot_token = data.get('bot_token') bot = Bot.objects.get(token=bot_token) bot.is_alive = False bot.save() return JsonResponse({ 'success': True }) except Exception as e: print(e) return JsonResponse({ "success": False, "message": f"{e}" }) def add_bulk_token(request): try: data, token, user = get_essentials(request) tokens = data.get('tokens') Bot.objects.bulk_create( [Bot(token = bot, is_alive=True, user=user) for bot in tokens], ignore_conflicts=True ) return JsonResponse({ 'success': True }) except Exception as e: print(e) return JsonResponse({ "success": False, "message": f"{e}" })
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
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