10 values
1 value
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
"""Tests for the Stock Analysis app.""" from __future__ import unicode_literals from pyramid.httpexceptions import HTTPNotFound, HTTPFound, HTTPBadRequest from datetime import datetime import os import pytest """ UNIT TESTS FOR MODELS """ stock_details = { 'company': 'Yahoo', 'exchange': 'NYSE', 'ticker': 'YHOO', 'price': '18.55', 'dollar_change': '.50', 'pct_change': '2.32', 'open_price': '18.05', 'PE': '18.95', 'low': '18.05' } def test_(db_session): """Test that Portfolio constructed when stock is entered.""" from stock_analysis.models import Portfolio assert len(db_session.query(Portfolio).all()) == 0 new_portfolio = Portfolio( username='foobar', stocks=stock_details['ticker'] ) db_session.add(new_portfolio) db_session.commit() assert len(db_session.query(Portfolio).all()) == 1 def test_to_dict_puts_all_properties_in_a_dictionary(): """Test that all properties of a stock are in to_dict dictionary.""" assert all(prop in stock_details for prop in ['company', 'exchange', 'ticker', 'price', 'dollar_change', 'open_price', 'pct_change', 'PE', 'low']) def test_to_html_dict_puts_all_properties_in_a_dictionary(test_entry): """Test that all properties of a stock are in to_html_dict dictionary.""" assert all(prop in stock_details for prop in ['company', 'exchange', 'ticker', 'price', 'dollar_change', 'pct_change', 'open_price', 'PE', 'low']) """ UNIT TESTS FOR VIEW FUNCTIONS """ # use the testapp instead of the testapp to authenticate # your request for testing this view # def test_portfolio_view_returns_list(dummy_request, db_session): # """Test that the Portfolio view function returns a list of stocks.""" # from stock_analysis.views.default import portfolio_view # # dummy_request.authenticated_userid = 'shinners' # dummy_request.dbsession = db_session # response = portfolio_view(dummy_request) # assert 'stocks' in response # assert isinstance(response['stocks'], list) # def test_portfolio_view_returns_stocks_in_list(testapp, add_stock): # """Test that Portfolio view function returns entries as dicitonaries.""" # from stock_analysis.views.default import portfolio_view # response = portfolio_view(testapp) # assert add_stock[0].to_html_dict() in response['stocks'] # def test_portfolio_view_returns_all_stocks_in_db(testapp): # """Test that Portfolio view function returns all entries in database.""" # from stock_analysis.views.default import portfolio_view # from stock_analysis.models import Portfolio # response = portfolio_view(testapp) # query = testapp.dbsession.query(Portfolio) # assert len(response['stocks']) == query.count() # def test_detail_view_returns_one_entry_detail(testapp, add_stock): # """Test that the detail view function returns the data of one entry.""" # from stock_analysis.views.default import detail_view # testapp.matchdict['id'] = 1 # response = detail_view(testapp) # assert add_stock[0].to_html_dict() == response['stock'] # def test_detail_view_returns_correct_stock_detail(testapp): # """Test that the detail view function returns the correct stock data.""" # from stock_analysis.views.default import detail_view # testapp.matchdict['company'] = 'Yahoo' # response = detail_view(testapp) # assert response['stock']['company'] == 'Yahoo' # def test_detail_view_raises_httpnotfound_if_not_found(testapp): # """Test that detail_view raises HTTPNotFound if symbol is not found.""" # from stock_analysis.views.default import detail_view # testapp.matchdict['company'] = 'asdfaasdffrew' # with pytest.raises(HTTPNotFound): # detail_view(testapp) # def test_get_symbol_returns_proper_stock_data(testapp): # """Test that the _get_stock function returns proper stock data.""" # from stock_analysis.views.default import portfolio_view # # from stock_analysis.models import Portfolio # stock_details = { # 'company': 'Yahoo', # 'exchange': 'NYSE', # 'ticker': 'YHOO', # 'price': '18.55', # 'dollar_change': '.50', # 'pct_change': '2.32', # 'open_price': '18.05', # 'PE': '18.95', # 'low': '18.05' # } # testapp.method = 'POST' # testapp.POST = stock_details # # _get_symbol(testapp) # assert testapp.dbsession.query(portfolio_view).count() == 1 # def test_portfolio_view_post_creates_new_entry_with_given_info(testapp): # """Test that new stock created uses POST info on portfolio_view POST.""" # from stock_analysis.views.default import portfolio_view # from stock_analysis.models import Portfolio # stock_details = { # 'company': 'Yahoo', # 'exchange': 'NYSE', # 'ticker': 'YHOO', # 'price': '18.55', # 'dollar_change': '.50', # 'pct_change': '2.32', # 'open_price': '18.05', # 'PE': '18.95', # 'low': '18.05' # } # testapp.method = 'POST' # testapp.POST = stock_details # portfolio_view(testapp) # entry = testapp.dbsession.query(Portfolio).get(1) # assert entry.company == stock_details['company'] # # assert entry.exchange == stock_details['exchange'] # assert entry.ticker == stock_details['ticker'] # assert entry.price == stock_details['price'] # assert entry.dollar_change == stock_details['dollar_change'] # assert entry.dollar_change == stock_details['pct_change'] # assert entry.open_price == stock_details['open_price'] # assert entry.PE == stock_details['PE'] # # assert entry.low == stock_details['low'] # def test_portfolio_view_post_has_302_status_code(testapp): # """Test that portfolio_view POST has 302 status code.""" # from stock_analysis.views.default import portfolio_view # stock_details = { # 'company': 'Yahoo', # 'exchange': 'NYSE', # 'ticker': 'YHOO', # 'price': '18.55', # 'dollar_change': '.50', # 'pct_change': '2.32', # 'open_price': '18.05', # 'PE': '18.95', # 'low': '18.05' # } # testapp.method = 'POST' # testapp.POST = stock_details # response = portfolio_view(testapp) # assert response.status_code == 302 # def test_portfolio_view_post_redirects_to_portfolio_view_with_httpfound(testapp): # """Test that portfolio_view POST redirects to portfolio view with httpfound.""" # from stock_analysis.views.default import portfolio_view # stock_details = { # 'company': 'Yahoo', # 'exchange': 'NYSE', # 'ticker': 'YHOO', # 'price': '18.55', # 'dollar_change': '.50', # 'pct_change': '2.32', # 'open_price': '18.05', # 'PE': '18.95', # 'low': '18.05' # } # testapp.method = 'POST' # testapp.POST = stock_details # response = portfolio_view(testapp) # assert isinstance(response, HTTPFound) # assert response.location == testapp.route_url('home') # def test_portfolio_view_post_incompelete_data_is_bad_request(testapp): # """Test that portfolio_view POST with incomplete data is invalid.""" # from stock_analysis.views.default import portfolio_view # stock_details = { # 'company': 'Yahoo', # 'exchange': 'NYSE', # 'ticker': 'YHOO', # 'price': '18.55', # 'dollar_change': '.50', # 'pct_change': '2.32', # 'open_price': '18.05', # 'PE': '18.95', # 'low': '18.05' # } # testapp.method = 'POST' # testapp.POST = stock_details # with pytest.raises(HTTPBadRequest): # portfolio_view(testapp) # def test_login_returns_only_home_page_for_unauthenticated_user(testapp): # """Test that the login function returns only home page for unauth GET.""" # from stock_analysis.views.default import login_view # data = { # 'username': 'shinners', # 'password': 'flerg' # } # testapp.method = 'POST' # testapp.POST = data # response = login_view(testapp) # assert 'Username/password combination invalid.' == response.pop('error') # def test_login_post_incomplete_data_is_bad_request(testapp, fill_the_db): # """Test that login POST with incomplete data is invalid.""" # from stock_analysis.views.default import login_view # data = { # 'username': 'shinners', # 'password': '' # } # testapp.method = 'POST' # testapp.POST = data # with pytest.raises(HTTPBadRequest): # login_view(testapp) # def test_login_post_incorrect_data_returns_dict_with_error(testapp, fill_the_db): # """Test that login POST with incorrect data is invalid.""" # from stock_analysis.views.default import login_view # data = { # 'username': 'shinners', # 'password': 'chris' # } # testapp.method = 'POST' # testapp.POST = data # response = login_view(testapp) # assert 'error' in response # assert 'The username and/or password are incorrect.' == response['error'] # def test_login_post_correct_data_returns_302_status_code(testapp): # """Test that login POST with correct data gets 302 status code.""" # from stock_analysis.views.default import login_view # data = { # 'username': 'shinners', # 'password': 'chris' # } # testapp.method = 'POST' # testapp.POST = data # response = login_view(testapp) # assert response.status_code == 302 # def test_login_post_correct_data_redirects_to_portfolio_with_httpfound(testapp): # """Test that login POST with correct data redirects to portfolio page.""" # from stock_analysis.views.default import login_view # data = { # 'username': 'shinners', # 'password': 'chris' # } # testapp.method = 'POST' # testapp.POST = data # response = login_view(testapp) # assert isinstance(response, HTTPFound) # assert response.location == testapp.route_url('profile') def test_logout_returns_302_status_code(dummy_request): """Test that logout gets 302 status code.""" from stock_analysis.views.default import logout response = logout(dummy_request) assert response.status_code == 302 def test_logout_redirects_to_home_with_httpfound(dummy_request): """Test that logout redirects to home page.""" from stock_analysis.views.default import logout response = logout(dummy_request) assert isinstance(response, HTTPFound) assert response.location == dummy_request.route_url('home') # """ FUNCTIONAL TESTS FOR ROUTES """ def test_home_route_gets_200_status_code(testapp, fill_the_db): """Test that the home route gets 200 status code for unauth user.""" response = testapp.get("/") assert response.status_code == 200 def test_home_route_has_login_option(testapp): """Test that the home route has a login option.""" response = testapp.get("/") assert 'Login' in str(response.html.find_all('a')[1]) def test_detail_route_for_valid_id_gets_200_status_code(testapp): """Test that a valid detail route gets 200 status code.""" response = testapp.get('/detail') assert response.status_code == 200 def test_detail_route_has_correct_entry(testapp): """Test that the detail route shows correct stock data.""" response = testapp.get('/detail') print(response.html) assert 'Stock Ticker' in str(response.html) def test_detail_route_has_no_login_option(testapp): """Test that the detail route has not login option for unauth user.""" response = testapp.get('/detail') assert not response.html.find('a', 'login') def test_portfolio_get_route_unauth_gets_403_status_code(testapp): """Test that the create GET route gets 403 status code for unauth user.""" assert testapp.get("/portfolio", status=403) def test_portfolio_post_route_unauth_gets_403_status_code(testapp): """Test that the create POST route gets 403 status code for unauth user.""" assert testapp.post("/portfolio", status=403) def test_logout_route_unauth_gets_302_status_code(testapp): """Test that the logout route gets 302 status code for unauth user.""" assert testapp.get("/logout", status=302) def test_login_get_route_unauth_gets_200_status_code(testapp): """Test that the login GET route gets 200 status code.""" response = testapp.get("/login") assert response.status_code == 200 def test_login_get_route_unauth_has_login_form(testapp): """Test that the login GET route gets 200 status code.""" response = testapp.get("/login") assert len(response.html.find_all('input')) == 3 def test_login_get_route_unauth_has_login_form2(testapp): """Test that the login GET route gets 200 status code.""" response = testapp.get("/login") assert 'LOGIN' in str(response.html.find_all('input')[2]) def test_login_post_route_unauth_incompelete_data_gives_invalid_response(testapp, fill_the_db): """Test that POST of incomplete data to login route gives invalid.""" data = { 'username': 'shinners', 'password': '' } response = testapp.post("/login", data) assert 'Username/password combination invalid' in str(response.html) def test_login_post_route_unauth_wrong_data_has_302_status_code(testapp, fill_the_db): """Test that POST of wrong data to login route gets a 302 status code.""" data = { 'username': 'shinners', 'password': 'chris' } response = testapp.post("/login", data) assert response.status_code == 302 def test_login_post_route_unauth_wrong_data_has_error_message(testapp, fill_the_db): """Test that POST of wrong data to login route has an error message.""" data = { 'username': 'shinners', 'password': 'psas' } response = testapp.post("/login", data) assert 'Username/password combination invalid' in str(response.html) def test_login_post_route_unauth_correct_data_has_302_status_code(testapp, fill_the_db): """Test that POST of correct data to login route has 302 status code.""" data = { 'username': 'shinners', 'password': 'chris' } response = testapp.post("/login", data) assert response.status_code == 302 def test_logout_route_auth_gets_302_status_code(testapp): """Test that the logout route gets 302 status code for auth user.""" response = testapp.get("/logout") assert response.status_code == 302 def test_login_post_route_correct_data_redirects_to_portfolio(testapp, fill_the_db): """Test that POST of correct data to login route redirects to portfolio page.""" data = { 'username': 'shinners', 'password': 'chris' } response = testapp.post("/login", data) assert response.location.endswith('portfolio') def test_login_post_route_correct_data_gives_redirect_status_code(testapp, fill_the_db): """Test that POST of correct data to login route gives redirect status code.""" data = { 'username': 'shinners', 'password': 'chris' } response = testapp.post("/login", data) assert response.status_code == 302 def test_logout_route_auth_redirects_to_home(testapp): """Test that the logout route redirects to home page.""" response = testapp.get("/logout") home = testapp.app.routes_mapper.get_route('home').path assert response.location.endswith(home) def test_login_post_route_unauth_correct_data_home_has_logout_tab(testapp, fill_the_db): """Test that POST of correct data to login route has home page with logout tab.""" data = { 'username': 'shinners', 'password': 'chris' } response = testapp.post("/login", data) next_page = response.follow() assert 'Logout' in str(next_page.html.find_all('a')[3]) def test_logout_route_auth_home_has_login_option(testapp): """Test that the logout route has home page with login.""" response = testapp.get("/logout") next_page = response.follow() assert 'Home page' in str(next_page.html) assert 'Login' in str(next_page.html) def test_logout_route_auth_home_has_login_option_2(testapp): """Test that the logout route has home page with login.""" response = testapp.get("/logout") next_page = response.follow() assert 'Login' in str(next_page.html.find_all('a')[1]) def test_login_post_route_unauth_correct_data_adds_auth_tkt_cookie(testapp, fill_the_db): """Test that POST of correct data to login route adds auth_tkt cookie.""" data = { 'username': 'shinners', 'password': 'chris' } testapp.post("/login", data) assert 'auth_tkt' in testapp.cookies def test_login_get_route_auth_has_302_status_code(testapp): """Test that GET to login route has 302 status code.""" response = testapp.get("/login") assert response.status_code == 200 def test_login_post_route_auth_has_302_status_code(testapp, fill_the_db): """Test that POST to login route has 302 status code.""" data = { 'username': 'shinners', 'password': 'chris' } response = testapp.post("/login", data) assert response.status_code == 302 def test_login_post_route_auth_keeps_auth_tkt_cookie(testapp, fill_the_db): """Test that POST of correct data to login route adds auth_tkt cookie.""" """Test that POST to login route adds auth_tkt cookie.""" testapp.get('/logout') assert 'auth_tkt' not in testapp.cookies data = { 'username': 'shinners', 'password': 'chris' } testapp.post("/login", data) assert 'auth_tkt' in testapp.cookies def test_home_route_auth_gets_200_status_code(testapp): """Test that the home route gets 200 status code.""" response = testapp.get("/") assert response.status_code == 200 def test_detail_route_auth_for_valid_id_gets_200_status_code(testapp): """Test that the detail route of a valid gets 200 status code.""" response = testapp.get("/detail") assert response.status_code == 200 def test_logout_route_auth_removes_auth_tkt_cookie(testapp): """Test that the logout route removes the auth_tkt cookie.""" testapp.get("/logout") assert 'auth_tkt' not in testapp.cookies
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
import hashlib import json import time import sys import requests from zeroconf import ServiceBrowser, Zeroconf class MyListener(object): """ This class is used for the mDNS browsing discovery device, including calling the remove_service and add_service properties to ServiceBrowser, and also contains broadcasts for querying and updating existing devices. Dictionary all_info_dict:Qualified device information in the current network [keys:info.name,val:info] """ def __init__(self): self.all_del_sub = [] self.all_info_dict = {} self.all_sub_num = 0 self.new_sub = False def remove_service(self, zeroconf, type, name): """ This function is called for ServiceBrowser. This function is triggered when ServiceBrowser discovers that some device has logged out """ print("inter remove_service()") if name not in self.all_info_dict: return self.all_sub_num -= 1 del self.all_info_dict[name] self.all_del_sub.append(name) print("self.all_info_dict[name]", self.all_info_dict) print("Service %s removed" % (name)) def add_service(self, zeroconf, type, name): """ This function is called for ServiceBrowser.This function is triggered when ServiceBrowser finds a new device When a subdevice is found, the device information is stored into the all_info_dict """ self.new_sub = True self.all_sub_num += 1 info = zeroconf.get_service_info(type, name) if info.properties[b'type'] == b'diy_plug': self.all_info_dict[name] = info if name in self.all_del_sub: self.all_del_sub.remove(name) print("Service %s added, service info: %s" % (name, info)) def flash_all_sub_info(self,): """ Update all found subdevice information """ info_list = list(self.all_info_dict.keys()) for x in info_list: current_info = all_info_dict[x] name = current_info["name"] type = current_info["type"] info = zeroconf.get_service_info(type=type, name=name) current_info["info"] = info self.all_info_dict[x] = current_info["info"] def main(): # ToDo: test for arguments (out of bounds) firmFile = sys.argv[1] sha256_hash = hashlib.sha256() with open("/root/files/" + firmFile, "rb") as f: # Read and update hash string value in blocks of 4K for byte_block in iter(lambda: f.read(4096),b""): sha256_hash.update(byte_block) fHash = sha256_hash.hexdigest() ota_data = { 'downloadUrl': '' + firmFile, 'sha256sum': fHash} zeroconf = Zeroconf() listener = MyListener() browser = ServiceBrowser(zeroconf, "_ewelink._tcp.local.",listener= listener) print("Waiting for device (mDNS...)") while True: if listener.all_sub_num>0: dict=listener.all_info_dict.copy() for x in dict.keys(): info=dict[x] info=zeroconf.get_service_info(info.type,x) if info!= None: nodeId = x[8:18] ipAddr = parseAddress(info.address) port = str(info.port) #startFlash(nodeId, ipAddr, port) break time.sleep(0.5) print("Tasmotizing: ", nodeId) baseURL = "http://" + ipAddr + ":" + port + "/zeroconf" data = {"deviceid": nodeId, "data":{}} print(" Turn on switch") url = baseURL + "/switch" datasw = {"deviceid": nodeId, "data":{"switch":"on"}} r = requests.post(url = url, json = datasw) ## check info to know about OTA status url = baseURL + "/info" print(" Check OTA: ", url) r = requests.post(url = url, json = data) rJ = json.loads(r.json()['data']) if rJ['otaUnlock']: print(" OTA already unlocked") else: url = baseURL + "/ota_unlock" print(" Unlocking OTA ", url) r = requests.post(url = url, json = data) ## need to verify return here. print(" Sending binary URL: ", ota_data) otaD = data otaD['data'] = ota_data url = baseURL + "/ota_flash" r = requests.post(url = url, json = otaD) print(" r = ", r.json()) def parseAddress(address): add_list = [] for i in range(4): add_list.append(int(address.hex()[(i*2):(i+1)*2], 16)) add_str = str(add_list[0]) + "." + str(add_list[1]) + "." + str(add_list[2])+ "." + str(add_list[3]) return add_str if __name__ == "__main__": main()
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # -*- coding: utf8 -*- """Autogenerated file - DO NOT EDIT If you spot a bug, please report it on the mailing list and/or change the generator.""" import os from ...base import (CommandLine, CommandLineInputSpec, SEMLikeCommandLine, TraitedSpec, File, Directory, traits, isdefined, InputMultiPath, OutputMultiPath) class maxcurvatureInputSpec(CommandLineInputSpec): image = File(desc="FA Image", exists=True, argstr="--image %s") output = traits.Either( traits.Bool, File(), hash_files=False, desc="Output File", argstr="--output %s") sigma = traits.Float(desc="Scale of Gradients", argstr="--sigma %f") verbose = traits.Bool(desc="produce verbose output", argstr="--verbose ") class maxcurvatureOutputSpec(TraitedSpec): output = File(desc="Output File", exists=True) class maxcurvature(SEMLikeCommandLine): """title: MaxCurvature-Hessian (DTIProcess) category: Diffusion description: This program computes the Hessian of the FA image (--image). We use this scalar image as a registration input when doing DTI atlas building. For most adult FA we use a sigma of 2 whereas for neonate or primate images and sigma of 1 or 1.5 is more appropriate. For really noisy images, 2.5 - 4 can be considered. The final image (--output) shows the main feature of the input image. version: 1.1.0 documentation-url: http://www.slicer.org/slicerWiki/index.php/Documentation/Nightly/Extensions/DTIProcess license: Copyright (c) Casey Goodlett. All rights reserved. See http://www.ia.unc.edu/dev/Copyright.htm for details. This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the above copyright notices for more information. contributor: Casey Goodlett acknowledgements: Hans Johnson(1,3,4); Kent Williams(1); (1=University of Iowa Department of Psychiatry, 3=University of Iowa Department of Biomedical Engineering, 4=University of Iowa Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering) provided conversions to make DTIProcess compatible with Slicer execution, and simplified the stand-alone build requirements by removing the dependancies on boost and a fortran compiler. """ input_spec = maxcurvatureInputSpec output_spec = maxcurvatureOutputSpec _cmd = " maxcurvature " _outputs_filenames = {'output': 'output.nii'} _redirect_x = False
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
from django.db.models.signals import post_save, post_delete from django.dispatch import receiver from content.models import Article from action.models import Like, Fav, Comment, Reply @receiver(post_save, sender=Fav) def add_fav(sender, instance=None, **kwargs): if instance: _article = Article.objects.get(id=instance.article.id) _article.fav_nums += 1 _article.save() @receiver(post_delete, sender=Fav) def del_fav(sender, instance=None, **kwargs): if instance: _article = Article.objects.get(id=instance.article.id) if _article.fav_nums > 0: _article.fav_nums -= 1 else: _article.fav_nums = 0 _article.save() @receiver(post_save, sender=Like) def add_like(sender, instance=None, **kwargs): if instance and instance.like_type == 'article': _article = Article.objects.get(id=instance.like_id) _article.like_nums += 1 _article.save() @receiver(post_delete, sender=Like) def del_like(sender, instance=None, **kwargs): if instance and instance.like_type == 'article': _article = Article.objects.get(id=instance.like_id) if _article.like_nums > 0: _article.like_nums -= 1 else: _article.like_nums = 0 _article.save() @receiver(post_save, sender=Comment) def add_comment(sender, instance=None, **kwargs): if instance: _article = Article.objects.get(id=instance.article.id) _article.comment_nums += 1 _article.save() @receiver(post_delete, sender=Comment) def del_comment(sender, instance=None, **kwargs): if instance: _article = Article.objects.get(id=instance.article.id) if _article.comment_nums > 0: _article.comment_nums -= 1 else: _article.comment_nums = 0 _article.save() @receiver(post_save, sender=Reply) def add_reply(sender, instance=None, **kwargs): if instance: _article = Article.objects.get(id=instance.comment.article.id) _article.comment_nums += 1 _article.save() @receiver(post_delete, sender=Reply) def del_reply(sender, instance=None, **kwargs): if instance: _article = Article.objects.get(id=instance.comment.article.id) if _article.comment_nums > 0: _article.comment_nums -= 1 else: _article.comment_nums = 0 _article.save()
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
#!/usr/bin/env python # coding=utf-8 # # Copyright (c) 2015 Intel Corporation. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: # # * Redistributions of works must retain the original copyright notice, this # list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the original copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # * Neither the name of Intel Corporation nor the names of its contributors # may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this work without # specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY INTEL CORPORATION "AS IS" # AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE # IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE # ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL INTEL CORPORATION BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, # INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, # BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, # DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY # OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING # NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, # EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # # Authors: # Hongjuan, Wang<hongjuanx.wang@intel.com> import unittest import os import sys import commands import shutil import time import subprocess reload(sys) sys.setdefaultencoding('utf-8') SCRIPT_PATH = os.path.realpath(__file__) ConstPath = os.path.dirname(SCRIPT_PATH) def setUp(): global device #device = 'E6OKCY411012' device = os.environ.get('DEVICE_ID') if not device: print 'Get env error\n' sys.exit(1) class TestStabilityIterativeFunctions(unittest.TestCase): def test_launch_exit_repeatedly(self): setUp() runtime = 14400 pre_time = time.time() testName = "test_launch_exit_repeatedly" sysmon_path = ConstPath + '/sysmon.sh' sysmon_cmd = sysmon_path + ' ' + testName + \ ' ' + str(runtime) + ' org.xwalk.*' subprocess.Popen(args=sysmon_cmd, shell=True) i = 0 while True: i = i + 1 apps_list = {'tct_fileapi_w3c_tests': 'TctFileapiW3cTests', 'tct_fullscreen_nonw3c_tests': 'TctFullscreenNonw3cTests', 'tct_mediacapture_w3c_tests': 'TctMediacaptureW3cTests', 'tct_websocket_w3c_tests': 'TctWebsocketW3cTests', 'gallery': 'Gallery', 'hangonman': 'Hangonman', 'hexgl': 'Hexgl', 'sysapps': 'Sysapps', 'memorygame': 'Memorygame' } elapsed_time = time.time() - pre_time if elapsed_time >= runtime: print i, elapsed_time, 'Process finished' break else: for name, pkg in apps_list.items(): # print '%s\t%s' % (name, pkg) print i, elapsed_time, 'Continue' pmstatus = commands.getstatusoutput( 'adb -s ' + device + ' shell pm list packages |grep org.xwalk.' + name) if pmstatus[0] == 0: launchstatus = commands.getstatusoutput( 'adb -s ' + device + ' shell am start -n org.xwalk.' + name + '/.' + pkg + 'Activity') self.assertNotIn('Error', launchstatus[1]) commands.getstatusoutput( 'adb -s ' + device + ' shell am force-stop org.xwalk.' + name) stopresult = commands.getstatusoutput( 'adb -s ' + device + ' shell ps |grep org.xwalk.' + name) self.assertNotIn('org.xwalk.' + name, stopresult[1]) else: print 'Please install apk ' + name + ' frist' sys.exit(1) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
import os from sys import platform print("sys.platform: " + platform) print("os.name: " + os.name)
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one # or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file # distributed with this work for additional information # regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file # to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance # with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, # software distributed under the License is distributed on an # "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY # KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the # specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. # isort:skip_file import json import logging from typing import Iterator, Tuple import yaml from werkzeug.utils import secure_filename from superset.commands.export.models import ExportModelsCommand from superset.connectors.sqla.models import SqlaTable from superset.datasets.commands.exceptions import DatasetNotFoundError from superset.datasets.dao import DatasetDAO from superset.utils.dict_import_export import EXPORT_VERSION logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) JSON_KEYS = {"params", "template_params", "extra"} class ExportDatasetsCommand(ExportModelsCommand): dao = DatasetDAO not_found = DatasetNotFoundError @staticmethod def _export( model: SqlaTable, export_related: bool = True ) -> Iterator[Tuple[str, str]]: database_slug = secure_filename(model.database.database_name) dataset_slug = secure_filename(model.table_name) file_name = f"datasets/{database_slug}/{dataset_slug}.yaml" payload = model.export_to_dict( recursive=True, include_parent_ref=False, include_defaults=True, export_uuids=True, ) # TODO (betodealmeida): move this logic to export_to_dict once this # becomes the default export endpoint for key in JSON_KEYS: if payload.get(key): try: payload[key] = json.loads(payload[key]) except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError: logger.info("Unable to decode `%s` field: %s", key, payload[key]) for key in ("metrics", "columns"): for attributes in payload.get(key, []): if attributes.get("extra"): try: attributes["extra"] = json.loads(attributes["extra"]) except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError: logger.info( "Unable to decode `extra` field: %s", attributes["extra"] ) payload["version"] = EXPORT_VERSION payload["database_uuid"] = str(model.database.uuid) file_content = yaml.safe_dump(payload, sort_keys=False) yield file_name, file_content # include database as well if export_related: file_name = f"databases/{database_slug}.yaml" payload = model.database.export_to_dict( recursive=False, include_parent_ref=False, include_defaults=True, export_uuids=True, ) # TODO (betodealmeida): move this logic to export_to_dict once this # becomes the default export endpoint if payload.get("extra"): try: payload["extra"] = json.loads(payload["extra"]) except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError: logger.info("Unable to decode `extra` field: %s", payload["extra"]) payload["version"] = EXPORT_VERSION file_content = yaml.safe_dump(payload, sort_keys=False) yield file_name, file_content
[ "Unlicense" ]
[ "Unlicense" ]
[ "Unlicense" ]
# Copyright (c) 2012, Julio C. Estrada # All rights reserved. # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are # met: # + Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # + Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS # "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR # A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT # HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, # SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, # DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY # THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT # (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE # OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. import cv2 import os import numpy as np from PyQt4.QtGui import QFileDialog, QVBoxLayout from PyQt4.QtCore import Qt from actiondialog import ActionDialog from process import Process, QMutexLocker, QReadLocker class OpenFile(Process): """ Process to open a file. This is a process to open a data file. This data file can be an image or a matrix of float values. The input of this process is the name of the file to load. The output of this process is the data loaded from the file as a *numpy array*. """ file_error = 0 file_ok = 1 file_no_name = -1 def __init__(self, parent=None): super(OpenFile, self).__init__(parent) def run(self): self.openFile() def openFile(self): fname = self._input if(fname!=''): ftype = os.path.splitext(fname)[1] try: if ftype == '.flt': self._output=self._openFlt(fname) else: self._output=self._openImage(fname) except IOError: self.state = self.file_error else: self.state = self.file_no_name return self.state = self.file_ok def _readFltFile(self, fname): """ readFltFile(fname) """ iter = 0 data = None try: with open(fname) as f: try: M=0 N=0 i=0; j=0 for line in f: if iter == 0: M = float(line) elif iter == 1: N = float(line) elif iter == 2: data = np.zeros((M,N), dtype=float) else: data[i,j%N] = float(line) j += 1 if j%N == 0: i += 1 iter += 1 except ValueError: print 'Error: Data file %s is wrong or it does not exists!' % fname exit(1) except IOError: return None return data def _openFlt(self, fname): """ _openFlt(fname, flag='new') Opens a file having floating point data. It opens a text file with extension .flt having floating point data and loads these into an array to bi used as image data. The format for this text file is one value by line and the first two lines have the number of rows and number of columns of the image. Parameters: * fname: Is the file name to be opened. :type: str * flag: if flag='new' indicates that a PixmapItem is going to be created, otherwise the image data is set to the current PixmapItem. :type: str Author: Julio C. Estrada <julio@cio.mx> """ image = self._readFltFile(fname) if(image == None): raise IOError, "Image file can not be opened" return image def _openImage(self, fname): """ _openImage(fname, flag='new') Opens the image file and loads its data. It opens an image file in format png, jpg, tif or bmp and loads its data creating the PixmapItem or setting the image data to an already created PixmapItem. Parameters: * fname: Is the fale name to be opened. :type: str * flag: if flag='new' indicates that a PixmapItem is going to be created, otherwise the image data is set to the current PixmapItem. :type: str Author: Julio C. Estrada <julio@cio.mx> """ image = cv2.imread(fname,0) if(image != None): return image else: raise IOError, "Image file can not be opened" class SaveFile(OpenFile): """ Saves data in a file. This is a process that saves data in a file. The data to file is a image or a matrix of float values. Then the input data must be *name of the file* and *data to save*. The output of this process is a flag that says if the file has been saved succesfully or not. """ def __init__(self, parent=None): super(SaveFile, self).__init__(parent) def run(self): self.saveFile() def saveFile(self): fname = self._input[0] if(fname!=''): ftype = os.path.splitext(fname)[1] try: if ftype == '.flt': self._output=self._saveFlt(fname) else: self._output=self._saveImage(fname) except IOError: self.state = self.file_error else: self.state = self.file_no_name return self.state = self.file_ok def _writeFltFile(self, fname, data): try: f = open(fname,'w') M = str(data.shape[0]) N = str(data.shape[1]) f.write(M+'\n') f.write(N+'\n') for i in xrange(0,data.shape[0]): for j in xrange(0,data.shape[1]): val = str(data[i,j]) f.write(val+'\n') except IOError: print 'Error: I can not write in oput file.' return False return True def _saveFlt(self, fname): data = self.getInput()[1] self._output = self._writeFltFile(fname, data) if self._output is True: self.state = self.file_ok else: self.state = self.file_error def _saveImage(self, fname): data = self.getInput()[1] image = cv2.normalize(data, 0, 255, cv2.NORM_MINMAX) self._output = cv2.imwrite(fname, image) if self._output is True: self.state = self.file_ok else: self.state = self.file_error class OpenDialog(ActionDialog): def __init__(self, parent=None, caption = ""): super(OpenDialog, self).__init__(parent) self._filedlg = QFileDialog(None, Qt.Widget) self._filedlg.setFileMode(QFileDialog.ExistingFile) nameFilter = "Images (*.png *.tif *.tiff *.jpg *.jpeg *.png *.bmp)" +\ ";;Float images (*.flt)" self._filedlg.setNameFilter(nameFilter) layout = QVBoxLayout() layout.setSpacing(0) layout.setContentsMargins(0,0,0,0) layout.addWidget(self._filedlg) self.setLayout(layout) self.setWindowTitle(caption) self._filedlg.finished.connect(self.fileDlgDone) def fileDlgDone(self, result): self._process = OpenFile() if result == 1: files = self._filedlg.selectedFiles() self._process.setInput(files[0]) self.done(result) class SaveDialog(OpenDialog): def __init__(self, parent=None, caption = ""): super(SaveDialog, self).__init__(parent) self._filedlg.setFileMode(QFileDialog.AnyFile) def fileDlgDone(self, result): self._process = SaveFile() if result == 1: files = self._filedlg.selectedFiles() self._process.setInput((files[0], self._input)) self.done(result)
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
from .wizard import SequenceWizard
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
# Copyright 2015 IBM All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """ The AlchemyAPI Language service (http://www.alchemyapi.com/products/alchemylanguage) """ from .watson_developer_cloud_service import WatsonDeveloperCloudService class AlchemyLanguageV1(WatsonDeveloperCloudService): default_url = 'https://gateway-a.watsonplatform.net/calls' def __init__(self, url=default_url, **kwargs): WatsonDeveloperCloudService.__init__(self, 'alchemy_api', url, **kwargs) def author(self, html=None, url=None): return self._alchemy_html_request('GetAuthor', html=html, url=url) def authors(self, html=None, url=None): return self._alchemy_html_request('GetAuthors', html=html, url=url) def keywords(self, html=None, text=None, url=None, strict_extract_mode=False, sentiment=False, show_source_text=False, max_keywords=50): params = {'keywordExtractMode': 'strict' if strict_extract_mode else 'normal', 'sentiment': sentiment, 'showSourceText': show_source_text, 'maxRetrieve': max_keywords} return self._alchemy_html_request('GetRankedKeywords', html=html, text=text, url=url, params=params) def concepts(self, html=None, text=None, url=None, max_items=8, linked_data=True, show_source_text=False): params = {'maxRetrieve': max_items, 'linkedData': linked_data, 'showSourceText': show_source_text} return self._alchemy_html_request('GetRankedConcepts', html=html, text=text, url=url, params=params) def entities(self, html=None, text=None, url=None, disambiguate=True, linked_data=True, coreference=True, quotations=False, sentiment=False, show_source_text=False, max_items=50): params = {'disambiguate': disambiguate, 'linkedData': linked_data, 'coreference': coreference, 'quotations': quotations, 'sentiment': sentiment, 'showSourceText': show_source_text, 'maxRetrieve': max_items} return self._alchemy_html_request('GetRankedNamedEntities', html=html, text=text, url=url, params=params) def relations(self, html=None, text=None, url=None, sentiment=False, keywords=False, entities=False, require_entities=False, sentiment_excludes_entities=True, disambiguate=True, linked_data=True, coreference=True, show_source_text=False, max_items=50): params = {'sentiment': sentiment, 'keywords': keywords, 'entities': entities, 'requireEntities': require_entities, 'sentimentExcludesEntities': sentiment_excludes_entities, 'disambiguate': disambiguate, 'linkedData': linked_data, 'coreference': coreference, 'showSourceText': show_source_text, 'maxRetrieve': max_items} return self._alchemy_html_request('GetRelations', html=html, text=text, url=url, params=params) def language(self, html=None, text=None, url=None): return self._alchemy_html_request('GetLanguage', html=html, text=text, url=url) def text(self, html=None, url=None, use_metadata=True, extract_links=False): params = {'useMetadata': use_metadata, 'extractLinks': extract_links} return self._alchemy_html_request('GetText', html=html, url=url, params=params) def raw_text(self, html=None, url=None): return self._alchemy_html_request('GetRawText', html=html, url=url) def category(self, html=None, text=None, url=None, show_source_text=False): params = {'showSourceText': show_source_text} return self._alchemy_html_request('GetCategory', html=html, text=text, url=url, params=params) def title(self, html=None, url=None, use_metadata=True): params = {'useMetadata': use_metadata} return self._alchemy_html_request('GetTitle', html=html, url=url, params=params) def feeds(self, html=None, url=None): return self._alchemy_html_request('GetFeedLinks', html=html, url=url) def microformats(self, html=None, url=None): return self._alchemy_html_request('GetMicroformatData', html=html, url=url) def publication_date(self, html=None, url=None): return self._alchemy_html_request('GetPubDate', html=html, url=url) def taxonomy(self, html=None, text=None, url=None, show_source_text=False, source_text_type=None, constraint_query=None, xpath_query=None, base_url=None): """ source_text_type -> where to obtain the text that will be processed by this API call. AlchemyAPI supports multiple modes of text extraction: web page cleaning (removes ads, navigation links, etc.), raw text extraction (processes all web page text, including ads / nav links), visual constraint queries, and XPath queries. Possible values: cleaned_or_raw : cleaning enabled, fallback to raw when cleaning produces no text (default) cleaned : operate on 'cleaned' web page text (web page cleaning enabled) raw : operate on raw web page text (web page cleaning disabled) cquery : operate on the results of a visual constraints query Note: The 'constraint_query' argument must also be set to a valid visual constraints query. xpath : operate on the results of an XPath query Note: The 'xpath' http argument must also be set to a valid XPath query. constraint_query -> a visual constraints query to apply to the web page. xpath -> an XPath query to apply to the web page. base_url -> rel-tag output base http url (must be uri-argument encoded) """ params = {'showSourceText': show_source_text, 'sourceText': source_text_type, 'cquery': constraint_query, 'xpath': xpath_query, 'base_url': base_url} return self._alchemy_html_request('GetRankedTaxonomy', html=html, text=text, url=url, params=params) # Some of these options don't appear in the API documentation but are supported by the previous AlchemyAPI SDK def combined(self, html=None, text=None, url=None, extract=None, disambiguate=True, linked_data=True, coreference=True, quotations=False, sentiment=False, show_source_text=False, max_items=50, base_url=None): """ Combined call for page-image, entity, keyword, title, author, taxonomy, concept. INPUT: extract -> List or comma separated string Possible values: page-image, entity, keyword, title, author, taxonomy, concept default : entity, keyword, taxonomy, concept disambiguate -> disambiguate detected entities Possible values: True : enabled (default) False : disabled linked_data -> include Linked Data content links with disambiguated entities Possible values : True : enabled (default) False : disabled coreference -> resolve he/she/etc coreferences into detected entities Possible values: True : enabled (default) False : disabled quotations -> enable quotations extraction Possible values: True : enabled False : disabled (default) sentiment -> enable entity-level sentiment analysis Possible values: True : enabled False : disabled (default) show_source_text -> include the original 'source text' the entities were extracted from within the API response Possible values: True : enabled False : disabled (default) max_items -> maximum number of named entities to extract default : 50 base_url -> rel-tag output base http url OUTPUT: The response, already converted from JSON to a Python object. """ if isinstance(extract, list): extract = ','.join(extract) params = {'extract': extract, 'disambiguate': disambiguate, 'linkedData': linked_data, 'coreference': coreference, 'quotations': quotations, 'sentiment': sentiment, 'showSourceText': show_source_text, 'maxRetrieve': max_items, 'baseUrl': base_url} return self._alchemy_html_request('GetCombinedData', html=html, text=text, url=url, params=params) def sentiment(self, html=None, text=None, url=None): return self._alchemy_html_request('GetTextSentiment', html=html, text=text, url=url) def targeted_sentiment(self, targets, html=None, text=None, url=None): if isinstance(targets, list): targets = '|'.join(targets) params = {'targets': targets} return self._alchemy_html_request('GetTargetedSentiment', html=html, text=text, url=url, params=params)
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
import tkinter as tk class Example(tk.Frame): def __init__(self, root): tk.Frame.__init__(self, root) self.canvas = tk.Canvas(root, borderwidth=0, background="#ffffff") self.vsb = tk.Scrollbar(root, orient="vertical", command=self.canvas.yview) self.canvas.configure(yscrollcommand=self.vsb.set) self.vsb.pack(side="right", fill="y") self.hsb = tk.Scrollbar(root, orient="horizontal", command=self.canvas.xview) self.canvas.configure(xscrollcommand=self.hsb.set) self.hsb.pack(side="bottom", fill="x") self.canvas.pack(side="left", fill="both", expand=True) self.frame = tk.Frame(self.canvas, background="#ffffff") self.canvas.create_window((4,4), window=self.frame, anchor="nw", tags="self.frame") self.frame.bind("<Configure>", self.OnFrameConfigure) self.populate() def populate(self): data = [] for looper in range(20): data.append([]) data[looper] = [] for loop in range(10): data[looper].append(looper*loop) # loop through each row for rowNum in range(len(data)): # then the cells in that row for cellNum in range(5): # get a name and val ("" if no val) name = "c" + str(rowNum) + "-" + str(cellNum) if cellNum >= len(data[rowNum]) : val = "" else: val = data[rowNum][cellNum] lab = tk.Label(self.frame) if rowNum == 0: lab.configure( relief=tk.RIDGE,text=val ) else: lab.configure( relief=tk.RIDGE,text=val) lab.bind("<Enter>", lambda e: e.widget.config(background='red')) lab.bind("<Leave>", lambda e: e.widget.config(background='white')) lab.grid ( row=rowNum, column=cellNum, sticky=tk.N+tk.E+tk.S+tk.W ) tk.Grid.columnconfigure(self.frame, cellNum, weight=1) tk.Grid.rowconfigure(self.frame, rowNum, weight=1) def OnFrameConfigure(self, event): '''Reset the scroll region to encompass the inner frame''' self.canvas.configure(scrollregion=self.canvas.bbox("all")) if __name__ == "__main__": root=tk.Tk() Example(root).pack(side="top", fill="both", expand=True) root.mainloop()
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
from model.files import pro, code_set, JSPATH import datetime from model.deeplearning_model import deep_predict from model.lightgbm_model import lgb_predict import json import pandas as pd from werkzeug.exceptions import NotFound import bisect def get_result(code, forecast_close_line, price_df): deep_prob = deep_predict(code, forecast_close_line, price_df) lgb_prob = lgb_predict(code, forecast_close_line, price_df) return 0.5 * deep_prob + 0.5 * lgb_prob def predict(code): if not JSPATH.is_file(): predict_all_init() raise NotFound('Risk probability file not exists! Please wait 5min and try again!') with open(JSPATH, 'r') as fp: prob_dict = json.load(fp) if code not in prob_dict: raise NotFound('Company ts_code not in our system!') prob_list = sorted(prob_dict.items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True) rank, prob = [(i, prob) for i, (curr_code, prob) in enumerate(prob_list) if curr_code == code][0] total = len(prob_list) return prob, rank, total def predict_given_forecast_close_line(code, forecast_close_line): if code not in code_set: raise NotFound('Company not in our dataset') price_df = pro.daily(ts_code=code, start_date='20190101', end_date=datetime.datetime.now().strftime('%Y%m%d')) return get_result(code, forecast_close_line, price_df) # Schedule task def predict_all_init(): forecast_line_df = pd.read_csv('forecast.csv', index_col=0) today = datetime.datetime.now() appended_data = [] for i in range(100): # 不在工作日时可能没有股价 day = today - datetime.timedelta(days=i) df = pro.daily(trade_date=day.strftime('%Y%m%d')) appended_data.append(df) appended_data = pd.concat(appended_data) prob_dict = dict() for code in code_set: price_df = appended_data[appended_data['ts_code'] == code] if len(price_df) < 48: continue price_df = price_df.sort_values(by='trade_date', ascending=False) price_df = price_df.reset_index(drop=True) try: forecast_close_line = forecast_line_df.loc[code][0] except KeyError: print(code) continue forecast_close_line = float(forecast_close_line) prob = get_result(code, forecast_close_line, price_df) prob_dict[code] = prob with open(JSPATH, 'w') as fp: json.dump(prob_dict, fp) if __name__ == '__main__': predict_all_init()
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
from .exceptions import NotificationDoesNotExist, NotificaionForbidden from .models import Notification, Profile from django.dispatch import receiver from ..comments.models import Comment, Article from django.db.models.signals import post_save from ..authentication.models import User def return_notification(request, notification_id): try: query = Notification.objects.get(pk=notification_id) except Notification.DoesNotExist: raise NotificationDoesNotExist if not query.user_id == request.user.pk: raise NotificaionForbidden return query def save_notification_db(follower, title, body): notify = Notification(user=follower, type=title, body=body) notify.save() # notification for creation of article by author user follows @receiver(post_save, sender=Article) def create_notification(*args, **kwargs): user = kwargs['instance'].author body = 'article has been created by ' + user.username for i in user.profile.followers(): follower = User.objects.get(pk=i.user_id) save_notification_db(follower, 'New article created', body) # notification for comment on article favouriated. @receiver(post_save, sender=Comment) def create_notification_comment(*args, **kwargs): article_slug = kwargs['instance'].slug_id article = Article.objects.get(slug=article_slug) body = 'user has posted new comment' for i in article.is_favourite_by(): user = User.objects.get(username=i) save_notification_db(user, 'new comment on favourated article', body)
[ "BSD-2-Clause-FreeBSD" ]
[ "BSD-2-Clause-FreeBSD" ]
[ "BSD-2-Clause-FreeBSD" ]
############################################################################### # # Tests for XlsxWriter. # # Copyright (c), 2013-2021, John McNamara, jmcnamara@cpan.org # import unittest from ...compatibility import StringIO from ..helperfunctions import _xml_to_list from ...worksheet import Worksheet class TestAssembleWorksheet(unittest.TestCase): """ Test assembling a complete Worksheet file. """ def test_assemble_xml_file(self): """Test writing a worksheet with conditional formatting.""" self.maxDiff = None fh = StringIO() worksheet = Worksheet() worksheet._set_filehandle(fh) worksheet.select() worksheet.write('A1', 10) worksheet.write('A2', 20) worksheet.write('A3', 30) worksheet.write('A4', 40) worksheet.conditional_format('A1:A4', {'type': 'blanks', }) worksheet.conditional_format('A1:A4', {'type': 'no_blanks', 'format': None, }) worksheet.conditional_format('A1:A4', {'type': 'errors', 'format': None, }) worksheet.conditional_format('A1:A4', {'type': 'no_errors', 'format': None, }) worksheet._assemble_xml_file() exp = _xml_to_list(""" <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?> <worksheet xmlns="http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/spreadsheetml/2006/main" xmlns:r="http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/relationships"> <dimension ref="A1:A4"/> <sheetViews> <sheetView tabSelected="1" workbookViewId="0"/> </sheetViews> <sheetFormatPr defaultRowHeight="15"/> <sheetData> <row r="1" spans="1:1"> <c r="A1"> <v>10</v> </c> </row> <row r="2" spans="1:1"> <c r="A2"> <v>20</v> </c> </row> <row r="3" spans="1:1"> <c r="A3"> <v>30</v> </c> </row> <row r="4" spans="1:1"> <c r="A4"> <v>40</v> </c> </row> </sheetData> <conditionalFormatting sqref="A1:A4"> <cfRule type="containsBlanks" priority="1"> <formula>LEN(TRIM(A1))=0</formula> </cfRule> <cfRule type="notContainsBlanks" priority="2"> <formula>LEN(TRIM(A1))&gt;0</formula> </cfRule> <cfRule type="containsErrors" priority="3"> <formula>ISERROR(A1)</formula> </cfRule> <cfRule type="notContainsErrors" priority="4"> <formula>NOT(ISERROR(A1))</formula> </cfRule> </conditionalFormatting> <pageMargins left="0.7" right="0.7" top="0.75" bottom="0.75" header="0.3" footer="0.3"/> </worksheet> """) got = _xml_to_list(fh.getvalue()) self.assertEqual(got, exp)
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
# MIT License # # Copyright (c) 2020 Jonathan Zernik # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all # copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE # SOFTWARE. import logging import threading from typing import List from typing import Optional from squeaknode.core.twitter_account_entry import TwitterAccountEntry from squeaknode.node.squeak_controller import SqueakController from squeaknode.twitter.twitter_stream import TwitterStream logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class TwitterForwarder: def __init__( self, retry_s: int, ): self.retry_s = retry_s self.lock = threading.Lock() self.current_task: Optional[TwitterForwarderTask] = None def start_processing(self, squeak_controller: SqueakController): with self.lock: if self.current_task is not None: self.current_task.stop_processing() self.current_task = TwitterForwarderTask( squeak_controller, self.retry_s, ) self.current_task.start_processing() def stop_processing(self): with self.lock: if self.current_task is not None: self.current_task.stop_processing() class TwitterForwarderTask: def __init__( self, squeak_controller: SqueakController, retry_s: int, ): self.squeak_controller = squeak_controller self.retry_s = retry_s self.stopped = threading.Event() self.tweet_stream = None def start_processing(self): logger.info("Starting twitter forwarder task.") threading.Thread( target=self.process_forward_tweets, daemon=True, ).start() def stop_processing(self): logger.info("Stopping twitter forwarder task.") self.stopped.set() if self.tweet_stream is not None: self.tweet_stream.cancel_fn() def process_forward_tweets(self): while not self.stopped.is_set(): try: bearer_token = self.get_bearer_token() handles = self.get_twitter_handles() if not bearer_token: return if not handles: return logger.info("Starting forward tweets with bearer token: {} and twitter handles: {}".format( bearer_token, handles, )) twitter_stream = TwitterStream(bearer_token, handles) self.tweet_stream = twitter_stream.get_tweets() if self.stopped.is_set(): return for tweet in self.tweet_stream.result_stream: self.handle_tweet(tweet) # TODO: use more specific error. except Exception: logger.exception( "Unable to subscribe tweet stream. Retrying in {} seconds...".format( self.retry_s, ), ) self.stopped.wait(self.retry_s) def get_bearer_token(self) -> str: return self.squeak_controller.get_twitter_bearer_token() or '' def get_twitter_handles(self) -> List[str]: twitter_accounts = self.squeak_controller.get_twitter_accounts() handles = [account.handle for account in twitter_accounts] return handles def is_tweet_a_match(self, tweet: dict, account: TwitterAccountEntry) -> bool: for rule in tweet['matching_rules']: if rule['tag'] == account.handle: return True return False def forward_tweet(self, tweet: dict, account: TwitterAccountEntry) -> None: self.squeak_controller.make_squeak( profile_id=account.profile_id, content_str=tweet['data']['text'], replyto_hash=None, ) def handle_tweet(self, tweet: dict): logger.info( "Got tweet: {}".format(tweet)) twitter_accounts = self.squeak_controller.get_twitter_accounts() for account in twitter_accounts: if self.is_tweet_a_match(tweet, account): self.forward_tweet(tweet, account)
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
# Copyright 2020 The Flax Authors. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """Input pipeline for a WMT dataset.""" import os import tempfile import time from absl import logging import jax import tensorflow.compat.v2 as tf import tensorflow_datasets as tfds import tensorflow_text as tftxt from sentencepiece import SentencePieceTrainer AUTOTUNE = tf.data.experimental.AUTOTUNE # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Raw TFDS dataset. # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def raw_wmt_datasets(dataset_name='wmt17_translate/de-en', eval_dataset_name=None, reverse_translation=False, shard_idx=0, shard_count=1, data_dir=None): """Load raw WMT datasets and normalize feature keys. Args: dataset_name: str: TFDS WMT dataset name. eval_dataset_name: Optional[str]: separate dataset name for evaluation. e.g. for specifying the standard academic WMT14 test set. reverse_translation: bool: whether to reverse the translation direction. e.g. for 'de-en' this translates from english to german. shard_idx: int: for multihost training, index of this host. shard_count: int: for mulithost training, number of total hosts. data_dir: str: location of TFDS data directory. Returns: training tf.dataset, evaluation tf.dataset, and training features_info source and target language features are mapped to 'inputs' and 'targets' keys. """ builder = tfds.builder(dataset_name, data_dir=data_dir) shard_spec = (f'[{int(100 * shard_idx / shard_count)}%' f':{int(100 * (shard_idx + 1) / shard_count)}%]') logging.info('Training on TFDS dataset %s with split %s', dataset_name, 'train' + shard_spec) train_data = builder.as_dataset(split='train' + shard_spec, shuffle_files=True) if eval_dataset_name is None: logging.info('Evaluating on TFDS dataset %s with split %s', dataset_name, 'validation' + shard_spec) eval_data = builder.as_dataset(split='validation' + shard_spec, shuffle_files=False) else: eval_dataset, *eval_split = eval_dataset_name.split(':') if not eval_split: eval_split = 'validation' else: eval_split = eval_split[0] logging.info('Evaluating on TFDS dataset %s with split %s', eval_dataset, eval_split + shard_spec) eval_builder = tfds.builder(eval_dataset, data_dir=data_dir) eval_data = eval_builder.as_dataset(split=eval_split + shard_spec, shuffle_files=False) features_info = builder.info # standardize on 'inputs' and 'targets' features. input_lang = features_info.supervised_keys[0] target_lang = features_info.supervised_keys[1] if reverse_translation: input_lang, target_lang = target_lang, input_lang def to_features_dict(x): return {'inputs': x[input_lang], 'targets': x[target_lang]} train_data = train_data.map(to_features_dict, num_parallel_calls=AUTOTUNE) eval_data = eval_data.map(to_features_dict, num_parallel_calls=AUTOTUNE) return train_data, eval_data, features_info # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Tokenization. # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def dump_chars_to_textfile(dataset, maxchars=1e7, data_keys=('inputs', 'targets')): """Write part of a TFDS sentence dataset to lines in a text file. Args: dataset: tf.dataset containing string-data. maxchars: int: approximate number of characters to save from dataset. data_keys: Tuple[str]: what keys in dataset to dump from. Returns: name of temp file with dataset bytes, exact number of characters dumped. """ char_count = 0 ds_iter = dataset.as_numpy_iterator() with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False, prefix='/tmp/ds_chars') as outfp: while char_count < maxchars: example = next(ds_iter) for k in data_keys: line = example[k] + b'\n' char_count += len(line) outfp.write(line) return outfp.name, char_count def train_sentencepiece(dataset, vocab_size, maxchars=1e7, character_coverage=1.0, model_path='wmt_model.model', model_type='unigram', data_keys=('inputs', 'targets')): """Train SentencePiece tokenizer from subset of tf dataset. Args: dataset: tf.dataset vocab_size: int: size of vocab tokens to train. maxchars: int: number of characters to use for sentencepiece training. character_coverage: amount of characters covered by the model, good defaults are 0.9995 for languages with rich character set like Japanese or Chinese and 1.0 for other languages with small character set. model_path: str: path of model file to save vocab model to. model_type: str: type of sentencepiece vocab to train. data_keys: Tuple[str]: keys of dataset to use for training. Returns: path to the trained sentencepiece vocabulary model. """ abs_model_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(model_path)) fname, _ = dump_chars_to_textfile(dataset, maxchars=maxchars, data_keys=data_keys) with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False, prefix='/tmp/sp_tmp') as model_fp: pass # we just want a prefix'd tmp-filename argstr = ' '.join( [f'--input={fname}', f'--vocab_size={vocab_size}', f'--character_coverage={character_coverage}', f'--model_prefix={model_fp.name}', f'--model_type={model_type}']) SentencePieceTrainer.Train(argstr) if jax.host_id() == 0: # Use an intermediate filename that is renamed to the target name to address # create and fill delays. copy_rename_path = abs_model_path + '.rntmp' tf.io.gfile.copy(model_fp.name + '.model', copy_rename_path, overwrite=True) tf.io.gfile.rename(copy_rename_path, abs_model_path, overwrite=True) logging.info('copied %s to %s', model_fp.name+'.model', abs_model_path) else: while not tf.io.gfile.exists(abs_model_path): time.sleep(1) time.sleep(1) return abs_model_path def load_sentencepiece_tokenizer( model_path, add_bos=False, add_eos=True, reverse=False): """Load a tf-text SentencePiece tokenizer from given model filepath.""" with tf.io.gfile.GFile(model_path, 'rb') as model_fp: sp_model = model_fp.read() sp_tokenizer = tftxt.SentencepieceTokenizer( model=sp_model, add_bos=add_bos, add_eos=add_eos, reverse=reverse) return sp_tokenizer # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Dynamic to static shape transforms. # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def bin_and_batch(dataset, n_devices, batch_size=256, bucket_length=32, buckets=None, drop_remainder=True): """Dynamic batching by length-bucketing. Sorts data into a small number of batch x length "buckets" that have roughly constant token count. Args: dataset: tf.data dataset n_devices: int: number of local devices batch_size: int: target batch size bucket_length: int: target length for target batch size buckets: List[Tuple[int, int]]: pairs of bucket-length, batch-size boundaries to define custom length-buckets. drop_remainder: bool: whether or not to drop the last odd-shaped batch produced by bucketing a finite input data stream. Returns: tf.data dataset with dynamically batched examples. """ # Create heuristic buckets is none are specified. if buckets is None: logging.info('Heuristically bucketing based on shapes of examples.') bucket_boundaries = [ bucket_length // 4, bucket_length // 2, bucket_length, bucket_length * 2, bucket_length * 4, bucket_length * 8, bucket_length * 16 ] bucket_batch_sizes = [ batch_size * 4, batch_size * 2, batch_size, batch_size // 2, batch_size // 4, batch_size // 8, batch_size // 16 ] # TF.data's bucket_by_sequence_length pads to (bucket_boundary - 1): # we add 1 here to pad to the correct specified length. bucket_boundaries = [b + 1 for b in bucket_boundaries] # Make batch sizes divisible by n_devices. bucket_batch_sizes = [ max(b // n_devices, 1) * n_devices for b in bucket_batch_sizes ] buckets = (bucket_boundaries, bucket_batch_sizes) logging.info('Bucketing with buckets %s.', str(buckets)) def example_length(example): """The length function used by bucket_by_sequence_length to bucket.""" return tf.maximum(tf.shape(example['inputs'])[0], tf.shape(example['targets'])[0]) boundaries, batch_sizes = buckets # bucket_by_sequence_length expects a final dummy 1 batch_size. batch_sizes.append(1) dataset = dataset.apply( tf.data.experimental.bucket_by_sequence_length( example_length, boundaries, batch_sizes, pad_to_bucket_boundary=True, drop_remainder=drop_remainder)) return dataset def pack_dataset(dataset, length, keys=None): """Creates a 'packed' version of a dataset on-the-fly. Adapted from the mesh-tf implementation. This is meant to replace the irritation of having to create a separate "packed" version of a dataset to train efficiently on TPU. Each example in the output dataset represents several examples in the input dataset. For each key in the input dataset, two additional keys are created: <key>_segmentation: an int32 tensor identifying the parts representing the original example. <key>_position: an int32 tensor identifying the position within the original example. Example: Two input examples get combined to form an output example. The input examples are: {"inputs": [8, 7, 1, 0], "targets":[4, 1, 0]} {"inputs": [2, 3, 4, 1], "targets":[5, 6, 1]} The output example is: { "inputs": [8, 7, 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 0, 0, 0] "inputs_segmentation": [1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 0, 0, 0] "inputs_position": [0, 1, 2, 0, 1, 2, 3, 0, 0, 0] "targets": [4, 1, 5, 6, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] "targets_segmentation": [1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] "targets_position": [0, 1, 0, 1, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] } 0 represents padding in both the inputs and the outputs. Sequences in the incoming examples are truncated to length "length", and the sequences in the output examples all have fixed (padded) length "length". Args: dataset: a tf.data.Dataset length: an integer, or a dict from feature-key to integer keys: a list of strings (e.g. ["inputs", "targets"]) Returns: a tf.data.Dataset """ shapes = tf.nest.map_structure(lambda spec: spec.shape, dataset.element_spec) if keys is None: keys = list(shapes.keys()) for k in keys: if k not in shapes: raise ValueError('Key %s not found in dataset. Available keys are %s' % (k, shapes.keys())) if not shapes[k].is_compatible_with(tf.TensorShape([None])): raise ValueError('Tensors to be packed must be one-dimensional.') # make sure that the length dictionary contains all keys as well as the # keys suffixed by "_segmentation" and "_position" length_dict = {} for k in keys: for suffix in ['', '_segmentation', '_position']: length_dict[k + suffix] = length if isinstance(length, int) else length[k] length = length_dict # trim to length dataset = dataset.map(lambda x: {k: x[k][:length[k]] for k in keys}, num_parallel_calls=AUTOTUNE) # Setting batch_size=length ensures that the concatenated sequences (if they # have length >=1) are sufficient to fill at least one packed example. batch_size = max(length.values()) dataset = dataset.padded_batch( batch_size, padded_shapes={k: [-1] for k in keys}) dataset = _pack_with_tf_ops(dataset, keys, length) # Set the Tensor shapes correctly since they get lost in the process. def my_fn(x): return {k: tf.reshape(v, [length[k]]) for k, v in x.items()} return dataset.map(my_fn, num_parallel_calls=AUTOTUNE) def _pack_with_tf_ops(dataset, keys, length): """Helper-function for packing a dataset which has already been batched. Helper for pack_dataset() Uses tf.while_loop. Args: dataset: a dataset containing padded batches of examples. keys: a list of strings length: an dict from feature-key to integer Returns: a dataset. """ empty_example = {} for k in keys: empty_example[k] = tf.zeros([0], dtype=tf.int32) empty_example[k + '_position'] = tf.zeros([0], dtype=tf.int32) keys_etc = empty_example.keys() def write_packed_example(partial, outputs): new_partial = empty_example.copy() new_outputs = {} for k in keys_etc: new_outputs[k] = outputs[k].write( outputs[k].size(), tf.pad(partial[k], [[0, length[k] - tf.size(partial[k])]])) return new_partial, new_outputs def map_fn(x): """Internal function to flat_map over. Consumes a batch of input examples and produces a variable number of output examples. Args: x: a single example Returns: a tf.data.Dataset """ partial = empty_example.copy() i = tf.zeros([], dtype=tf.int32) dynamic_batch_size = tf.shape(x[keys[0]])[0] outputs = {} for k in keys: outputs[k] = tf.TensorArray( tf.int32, size=0, dynamic_size=True, element_shape=[length[k]]) outputs[k + '_position'] = tf.TensorArray( tf.int32, size=0, dynamic_size=True, element_shape=[length[k]]) def cond_fn(i, partial, outputs): del partial, outputs return i < dynamic_batch_size def body_fn(i, partial, outputs): """Body function for while_loop. Args: i: integer scalar partial: dictionary of Tensor (partially-constructed example) outputs: dictionary of TensorArray Returns: A triple containing the new values of the inputs. """ can_append = True one_example = {} for k in keys: val = tf.cast(x[k][i], tf.int32) val = val[:tf.reduce_sum(tf.cast(tf.not_equal(val, 0), tf.int32))] one_example[k] = val for k in keys: can_append = tf.logical_and( can_append, tf.less_equal( tf.size(partial[k]) + tf.size(one_example[k]), length[k])) def false_fn(): return write_packed_example(partial, outputs) def true_fn(): return partial, outputs partial, outputs = tf.cond(can_append, true_fn, false_fn) new_partial = {} for k in keys: new_seq = one_example[k][:length[k]] new_seq_len = tf.size(new_seq) new_partial[k] = tf.concat([partial[k], new_seq], 0) new_partial[k + '_position'] = tf.concat( [partial[k + '_position'], tf.range(new_seq_len, dtype=tf.int32)], 0) partial = new_partial return i+1, partial, outputs i, partial, outputs = \ tf.while_loop( cond_fn, body_fn, (i, partial, outputs), shape_invariants=( tf.TensorShape([]), {k: tf.TensorShape([None]) for k in keys_etc}, {k: tf.TensorShape(None) for k in keys_etc}, ) ) partial, outputs = write_packed_example(partial, outputs) packed = {k: outputs[k].stack() for k in keys_etc} for k in keys: packed[k + '_segmentation'] = ( tf.cumsum( tf.cast(tf.equal(packed[k + '_position'], 0), tf.int32), axis=1) * tf.cast(tf.not_equal(packed[k], 0), tf.int32)) return packed dataset = dataset.map(map_fn, num_parallel_calls=AUTOTUNE) return dataset.unbatch() # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Main dataset prep routines. # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def preprocess_wmt_data(dataset, training, n_devices, dynamic_batching=False, pack_examples=True, shuffle_buffer_size=1024, max_length=512, batch_size=256, bucket_length=32, drop_remainder=True, prefetch_size=AUTOTUNE): """Shuffle and batch/pack the given dataset.""" def length_filter(max_len): def filter_fn(x): source, target = x['inputs'], x['targets'] l = tf.maximum(tf.shape(source)[0], tf.shape(target)[0]) return tf.less(l, max_len + 1) return filter_fn if max_length > 0: dataset = dataset.filter(length_filter(max_length)) if training: dataset = dataset.shuffle(shuffle_buffer_size) dataset = dataset.repeat() if pack_examples and dynamic_batching: raise ValueError( "Can't use both dynamic batching and packed-examples simultaneously.") if pack_examples: dataset = pack_dataset(dataset, max_length) dataset = dataset.batch(batch_size, drop_remainder=drop_remainder) elif dynamic_batching: dataset = bin_and_batch( dataset, n_devices, batch_size=batch_size, bucket_length=bucket_length, drop_remainder=drop_remainder) else: # simple (static-shape) padded batching dataset = dataset.padded_batch( batch_size, padded_shapes={'inputs': max_length, 'targets': max_length}, padding_values={'inputs': 0, 'targets': 0}, drop_remainder=drop_remainder) if prefetch_size: dataset = dataset.prefetch(prefetch_size) return dataset def get_wmt_datasets(n_devices, dataset_name='wmt17_translate/de-en', eval_dataset_name=None, reverse_translation=True, shard_idx=0, shard_count=1, data_dir=None, vocab_path=None, target_vocab_size=2**15, # 32000 max_corpus_chars=10**7, batch_size=256, bucket_length=32, dynamic_batching=False, pack_examples=True, max_length=256, max_eval_length=256): """Load and return dataset of batched examples for use during training.""" if batch_size % n_devices: raise ValueError("Batch size %d isn't divided evenly by n_devices %d" % (batch_size, n_devices)) if vocab_path is None: vocab_path = os.path.expanduser('~/wmt_sentencepiece_model') train_data, eval_data, _ = raw_wmt_datasets( dataset_name=dataset_name, eval_dataset_name=eval_dataset_name, reverse_translation=reverse_translation, shard_idx=shard_idx, shard_count=shard_count, data_dir=data_dir) try: sp_tokenizer = load_sentencepiece_tokenizer(vocab_path, add_eos=True) except tf.errors.NotFoundError: logging.info('SentencePiece vocab not found, building one from data.') abs_vocab_path = train_sentencepiece( train_data, target_vocab_size, maxchars=max_corpus_chars, character_coverage=1.0, model_path=vocab_path, data_keys=('inputs', 'targets')) sp_tokenizer = load_sentencepiece_tokenizer(abs_vocab_path, add_eos=True) # Encode strings with sentencepiece tokenizer. def tokenize(data): return {'inputs': sp_tokenizer.tokenize(data['inputs']), 'targets': sp_tokenizer.tokenize(data['targets'])} train_data = train_data.map(tokenize, num_parallel_calls=AUTOTUNE) eval_data = eval_data.map(tokenize, num_parallel_calls=AUTOTUNE) train_batches = preprocess_wmt_data( train_data, training=True, dynamic_batching=dynamic_batching, pack_examples=pack_examples, n_devices=n_devices, batch_size=batch_size, bucket_length=bucket_length, max_length=max_length) eval_batches = preprocess_wmt_data( eval_data, training=False, dynamic_batching=dynamic_batching, pack_examples=False, n_devices=n_devices, batch_size=batch_size, bucket_length=bucket_length, max_length=max_eval_length) predict_batches = preprocess_wmt_data( eval_data, training=False, dynamic_batching=dynamic_batching, pack_examples=False, n_devices=n_devices, batch_size=batch_size, bucket_length=bucket_length, max_length=max_eval_length, drop_remainder=False) return train_batches, eval_batches, predict_batches, sp_tokenizer
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
from __init__ import * import sys from polymage_common import set_ghosts sys.path.insert(0, ROOT) from compiler import * from constructs import * def defect(U_, F_, l, name, pipe_data): if U_ == None: return F_ z = pipe_data['z'] y = pipe_data['y'] x = pipe_data['x'] invhh = pipe_data['invhh'] extent = pipe_data['extent'] interior = pipe_data['interior'] ghosts = pipe_data['ghosts'] inner_box = interior[l]['inner_box'] W_ = Function(([z, y, x], [extent[l], extent[l], extent[l]]), Double, str(name)) W_.defn = [ Case(inner_box, F_(z , y , x ) \ - (U_(z , y , x ) * 6.0 \ - U_(z-1, y , x ) \ - U_(z+1, y , x ) \ - U_(z , y-1, x ) \ - U_(z , y+1, x ) \ - U_(z , y , x-1) \ - U_(z , y , x+1) \ ) * invhh[l]) ] set_ghosts(W_, ghosts[l], 0.0) return W_
[ "BSD-2-Clause" ]
[ "BSD-2-Clause" ]
[ "BSD-2-Clause" ]
#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Copyright (c) 2012 Michael Hull. # All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions # are met: # # - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in # the documentation and/or other materials provided with the # distribution. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS # "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR # A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT # HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, # SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, # DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY # THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT # (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE # OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- #from morphforgecontrib.simulation.channels import inftauinterpolated import numpy as np from morphforgecontrib.simulation.channels.hh_style import StdChlAlphaBeta from morphforgecontrib.simulation.channels.hh_style import StdChlAlphaBetaBeta from morphforge.units import qty from morphforge import units class ChannelConverter(object): @classmethod def AlphaBetaToInterpolateInfTauFunctorConvertor(cls, chl_functor, new_id=None, new_name=None, clone_id_suffix="_AsInfTau", clone_name_suffix="_AsInfTau", voltage_interpolation_values=None, ): # Create a new functor: def newFunctor(env, _voltage_interpolation_values=voltage_interpolation_values): old_chl = chl_functor(env) assert isinstance(old_chl, (StdChlAlphaBeta, StdChlAlphaBetaBeta)) # or issubclass(StdChlAlphaBetaBeta, old_chl) # New Name if new_name is not None: chl_name = new_name else: chl_name = old_chl.name + clone_name_suffix # Interpolation voltages: # voltage_interpolation_values=voltage_interpolation_values if _voltage_interpolation_values is None: _voltage_interpolation_values = np.linspace(-80, 60, 10) * qty('mV') # Copy the state variables new_state_vars = {} for state_var in old_chl.get_state_variables(): alpha, beta = old_chl.get_alpha_beta_at_voltage(statevar=state_var, V=_voltage_interpolation_values) inf, tau = InfTauCalculator.alpha_beta_to_inf_tau(alpha, beta) V = _voltage_interpolation_values.rescale('mV').magnitude inf = inf.rescale(units.dimensionless).magnitude tau = tau.rescale('ms').magnitude new_state_vars[state_var] = InfTauInterpolation(V=V, inf=inf, tau=tau) chl = env.Channel( MM_InfTauInterpolatedChannel, name=chl_name, ion=old_chl.ion, equation=old_chl.eqn, conductance=old_chl.conductance, reversalpotential=old_chl.reversalpotential, statevars_new=new_state_vars, ) return chl return newFunctor # V1 = self.state1.plotinf.lineplot.index.get_data().tolist() # inf1 = self.state1.plotinf.lineplot.value.get_data().tolist() # tau1 = self.state1.plottau.lineplot.value.get_data().tolist() # # V2 = self.state2.plotinf.lineplot.index.get_data().tolist() # inf2 = self.state2.plotinf.lineplot.value.get_data().tolist() # tau2 = self.state2.plottau.lineplot.value.get_data().tolist() # # #V1 = self.state1.plotinf.mx.tolist() # #inf1 = self.state1.plotinf.my.tolist() # #tau1 = self.state1.plottau.my.tolist() # #V2 = self.state2.plotinf.mx.tolist() # #inf2 = self.state2.plotinf.my.tolist() # #tau2 = self.state2.plottau.my.tolist() # # ks_vars = { # self.state_var_name1: InfTauInterpolation(V=V1, inf=inf1, tau=tau1), # self.state_var_name2: InfTauInterpolation(V=V2, inf=inf2, tau=tau2), # } # # #inf_data1 = zip(self.state1.plotinf.mx.tolist(), self.state1.plotinf.my.tolist()) # #tau_data1 = zip(self.state1.plottau.mx.tolist(), self.state1.plottau.my.tolist()) # # #inf_data2 = zip(self.state2.plotinf.mx.tolist(), self.state2.plotinf.my.tolist()) # #tau_data2 = zip(self.state2.plottau.mx.tolist(), self.state2.plottau.my.tolist()) # # # #ks_vars = { # # self.state_var_name1: { 'inf': inf_data1, 'tau': tau_data1, }, # # self.state_var_name2: { 'inf': inf_data2, 'tau': tau_data2, }, # # # # } # ks = env.Channel(MM_InfTauInterpolatedChannel, # name=self.chlname, # ion='None', # equation=self.eqn, # conductance = '%2.2f:mS/cm2' % gbar, # reversalpotential = '%2.2f:mV' % vrev, # statevars_new = ks_vars) # # # # # ca_state_vars = { "m": {"alpha": [4.05, 0.0, 1.0, -15.32, -13.57], "beta1": [0.093 * 10.63, 0.093, -1, 10.63, 1], "beta2":[1.28, 0, 1, 5.39, 12.11] } } # caChannels = env.Channel( # StdChlCalciumAlphaBetaBeta, # name="CaChl", ion="ca", # equation="m*m", # permeability = qty("1.425:cm/s") * 0.1 * 0.15, # intracellular_concentration = qty("100:nMol"), # extracellular_concentration = qty("10:uMol"), # temperature = qty("300:K"), # beta2threshold = qty("-25:mV"), # statevars=ca_state_vars, # ) # return caChannels # # # # # # # state_names = chl.statevars.keys() # assert len(state_names) == 2 # state_name1 = state_names[0] # state_name2 = state_names[1] # # [intV, tauV], [intV, infV] = convertAlphaBetaToInfTauInterpolated(chl, state_name1, 10) # state1=HHGeneralStatePanel(initial_tau= [intV, tauV], initial_inf=[intV, infV]) # # [intV, tauV], [intV, infV] = convertAlphaBetaToInfTauInterpolated(chl, state_name2, 10) # state2=HHGeneralStatePanel(initial_tau= [intV, tauV], initial_inf=[intV, infV]) # # return HHChannelPaneInfTau2(sim_config=sim_config, # general_pane=general, # state_pane1=state1, # state_pane2=state2, # eqn = chl.eqn, # state_var_name1 = state_name1, # state_var_name2 = state_name2, # chlname = chlname # ) #
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
from oled_091 import SSD1306 from os import path from time import sleep DIR_PATH = path.abspath(path.dirname(__file__)) DefaultFont = path.join(DIR_PATH, "Fonts/GothamLight.ttf") display = SSD1306() # Import FingerprintSensor class from fingerprint module from fingerprint import FingerprintSensor # Set the serial comport for the connected sensor COM_PORT = "/dev/ttyS0" # # Create class object fp = FingerprintSensor() display = SSD1306() # Initialise the sensor serial with the COM port and fixed baud rate of # 115200, set "use_thread" argument as false fp.connect_sensor(port=COM_PORT, baud_rate=9600, use_thread=False) # Use unlock_with_fingerprint function of FingerprintSensor to send # fingerprint unlock command to the sensor fp.unlock_with_fingerprint() display.DirImage(path.join(DIR_PATH, "Images/SB.png")) display.DrawRect() display.ShowImage() sleep(1) display.PrintText("Place your Finger", FontSize=14) display.ShowImage() # Wait for the sensor to compare and send the success message while True: rec = fp.read_rx() if rec: print(rec) # If the sensor sends "Matched" string exit the loop if "Matched!" in rec: display.PrintText(rec, cords=(2, 2), FontSize=14) display.ShowImage() break else: display.PrintText(rec, cords=(2, 2), FontSize=14) display.ShowImage() # Disconnect the serial fingerprint sensor fp.disconnect_sensor()
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
# Auto-generated at 2021-09-27T17:12:33.456547+08:00 # from: Justice Lobby Service (1.33.0) # Copyright (c) 2018 - 2021 AccelByte Inc. All Rights Reserved. # This is licensed software from AccelByte Inc, for limitations # and restrictions contact your company contract manager. # pylint: disable=duplicate-code # pylint: disable=line-too-long # pylint: disable=missing-function-docstring # pylint: disable=missing-module-docstring # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments # pylint: disable=too-many-branches # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes # pylint: disable=too-many-lines # pylint: disable=too-many-locals # pylint: disable=too-many-public-methods # pylint: disable=too-many-return-statements # pylint: disable=too-many-statements # pylint: disable=unused-import from __future__ import annotations from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union from ....core import Model class ModelUserAcceptFriendRequest(Model): """Model user accept friend request Properties: friend_id: (friendId) REQUIRED str """ # region fields friend_id: str # REQUIRED # endregion fields # region with_x methods def with_friend_id(self, value: str) -> ModelUserAcceptFriendRequest: self.friend_id = value return self # endregion with_x methods # region to methods def to_dict(self, include_empty: bool = False) -> dict: result = {} if hasattr(self, "friend_id") and self.friend_id: result["friendId"] = str(self.friend_id) elif include_empty: result["friendId"] = str() return result # endregion to methods # region static methods @classmethod def create( cls, friend_id: str, ) -> ModelUserAcceptFriendRequest: instance = cls() instance.friend_id = friend_id return instance @classmethod def create_from_dict(cls, dict_: dict, include_empty: bool = False) -> ModelUserAcceptFriendRequest: instance = cls() if not dict_: return instance if "friendId" in dict_ and dict_["friendId"] is not None: instance.friend_id = str(dict_["friendId"]) elif include_empty: instance.friend_id = str() return instance @staticmethod def get_field_info() -> Dict[str, str]: return { "friendId": "friend_id", } # endregion static methods
Section 2/TokenizeInputData.py
[ "MIT" ]
Section 2/TokenizeInputData.py
[ "MIT" ]
Section 2/TokenizeInputData.py
[ "MIT" ]
from nltk.tokenize import word_tokenize text1 = "It's true that the chicken was smart." tokens = word_tokenize(text1) print(tokens)
Clase 8 otro ejemplo/test/test_multiplicar.py
[ "MIT" ]
Clase 8 otro ejemplo/test/test_multiplicar.py
[ "MIT" ]
Clase 8 otro ejemplo/test/test_multiplicar.py
[ "MIT" ]
from unittest import TestCase class TestMultiplicar(TestCase): def test_multiplicar(self): self.fail()
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
""" Defines additional helper methods for the Identifier class for accessing child values This module is not intended to be imported directly, Importing the pysoarlib module will cause these to be added to the Identifier class Note that the methods will use CamelCase, so get_child_str => GetChildStr """ _INTEGER_VAL = "int" _FLOAT_VAL = "double" _STRING_VAL = "string" def get_child_str(self, attribute): """ Given id and attribute, returns value for WME as string (self ^attribute value) """ wme = self.FindByAttribute(attribute, 0) if wme == None or len(wme.GetValueAsString()) == 0: return None return wme.GetValueAsString() def get_child_int(self, attribute): """ Given id and attribute, returns integer value for WME (self ^attribute value) """ wme = self.FindByAttribute(attribute, 0) if wme == None or wme.GetValueType() != _INTEGER_VAL: return None return wme.ConvertToIntElement().GetValue() def get_child_float(self, attribute): """ Given id and attribute, returns float value for WME (self ^attribute value) """ wme = self.FindByAttribute(attribute, 0) if wme == None or wme.GetValueType() != _FLOAT_VAL: return None return wme.ConvertToFloatElement().GetValue() def get_child_id(self, attribute): """ Given id and attribute, returns identifier value of WME (self ^attribute child_id) """ wme = self.FindByAttribute(attribute, 0) if wme == None or not wme.IsIdentifier(): return None return wme.ConvertToIdentifier() def get_all_child_ids(self, attribute=None): """ Given id and attribute, returns a list of child identifiers from all WME's matching (self ^attribute child_id) If no attribute is specified, all child identifiers are returned """ child_ids = [] for index in range(self.GetNumberChildren()): wme = self.GetChild(index) if not wme.IsIdentifier(): continue if attribute == None or wme.GetAttribute() == attribute: child_ids.append(wme.ConvertToIdentifier()) return child_ids def get_all_child_values(self, attribute=None): """ Given id and attribute, returns a list of strings of non-identifier values from all WME's matching (self ^attribute value) If no attribute is specified, all child values (non-identifiers) are returned """ child_values = [] for index in range(self.GetNumberChildren()): wme = self.GetChild(index) if wme.IsIdentifier(): continue if attribute == None or wme.GetAttribute() == attribute: child_values.append(wme.GetValueAsString()) return child_values def get_all_child_wmes(self): """ Returns a list of (attr, val) tuples representing all wmes rooted at this identifier val will either be an Identifier or a string, depending on its type """ wmes = [] for index in range(self.GetNumberChildren()): wme = self.GetChild(index) if wme.IsIdentifier(): wmes.append( (wme.GetAttribute(), wme.ConvertToIdentifier()) ) else: wmes.append( (wme.GetAttribute(), wme.GetValueAsString()) ) return wmes
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
import io import os import re import traceback from collections import defaultdict from invoke import task from invoke.exceptions import Exit from tasks.utils import DEFAULT_BRANCH from .libs.common.color import color_message from .libs.common.gitlab import Gitlab from .libs.pipeline_notifications import ( base_message, find_job_owners, get_failed_jobs, get_failed_tests, send_slack_message, ) from .libs.pipeline_tools import ( cancel_pipelines_with_confirmation, get_running_pipelines_on_same_ref, trigger_agent_pipeline, wait_for_pipeline, ) from .libs.types import SlackMessage, TeamMessage # Tasks to trigger pipelines ALLOWED_REPO_BRANCHES = {"stable", "beta", "nightly", "none"} def check_deploy_pipeline(gitlab, project_name, git_ref, release_version_6, release_version_7, repo_branch): """ Run checks to verify a deploy pipeline is valid: - it targets a valid repo branch - it has matching Agent 6 and Agent 7 tags (depending on release_version_* values) """ # Check that the target repo branch is valid if repo_branch not in ALLOWED_REPO_BRANCHES: print( "--repo-branch argument '{}' is not in the list of allowed repository branches: {}".format( repo_branch, ALLOWED_REPO_BRANCHES ) ) raise Exit(code=1) # # If git_ref matches v7 pattern and release_version_6 is not empty, make sure Gitlab has v6 tag. # If git_ref matches v6 pattern and release_version_7 is not empty, make sure Gitlab has v7 tag. # v7 version pattern should be able to match 7.12.24-rc2 and 7.12.34 # v7_pattern = r'^7\.(\d+\.\d+)(-.+|)$' v6_pattern = r'^6\.(\d+\.\d+)(-.+|)$' match = re.match(v7_pattern, git_ref) if release_version_6 and match: # release_version_6 is not empty and git_ref matches v7 pattern, construct v6 tag and check. tag_name = "6." + "".join(match.groups()) gitlab_tag = gitlab.find_tag(project_name, tag_name) if ("name" not in gitlab_tag) or gitlab_tag["name"] != tag_name: print("Cannot find GitLab v6 tag {} while trying to build git ref {}".format(tag_name, git_ref)) raise Exit(code=1) print("Successfully cross checked v6 tag {} and git ref {}".format(tag_name, git_ref)) else: match = re.match(v6_pattern, git_ref) if release_version_7 and match: # release_version_7 is not empty and git_ref matches v6 pattern, construct v7 tag and check. tag_name = "7." + "".join(match.groups()) gitlab_tag = gitlab.find_tag(project_name, tag_name) if ("name" not in gitlab_tag) or gitlab_tag["name"] != tag_name: print("Cannot find GitLab v7 tag {} while trying to build git ref {}".format(tag_name, git_ref)) raise Exit(code=1) print("Successfully cross checked v7 tag {} and git ref {}".format(tag_name, git_ref)) @task def clean_running_pipelines(ctx, git_ref=DEFAULT_BRANCH, here=False, use_latest_sha=False, sha=None): """ Fetch running pipelines on a target ref (+ optionally a git sha), and ask the user if they should be cancelled. """ project_name = "DataDog/datadog-agent" gitlab = Gitlab() gitlab.test_project_found(project_name) if here: git_ref = ctx.run("git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD", hide=True).stdout.strip() print("Fetching running pipelines on {}".format(git_ref)) if not sha and use_latest_sha: sha = ctx.run("git rev-parse {}".format(git_ref), hide=True).stdout.strip() print("Git sha not provided, using the one {} currently points to: {}".format(git_ref, sha)) elif not sha: print("Git sha not provided, fetching all running pipelines on {}".format(git_ref)) pipelines = get_running_pipelines_on_same_ref(gitlab, project_name, git_ref, sha) print( "Found {} running pipeline(s) matching the request.".format(len(pipelines)), "They are ordered from the newest one to the oldest one.\n", sep='\n', ) cancel_pipelines_with_confirmation(gitlab, project_name, pipelines) @task def trigger( ctx, git_ref=DEFAULT_BRANCH, release_version_6="nightly", release_version_7="nightly-a7", repo_branch="nightly" ): """ DEPRECATED: Trigger a deploy pipeline on the given git ref. Use pipeline.run with the --deploy option instead. The --release-version-6 and --release-version-7 options indicate which release.json entries are used. To not build Agent 6, set --release-version-6 "". To not build Agent 7, set --release-version-7 "". The --repo-branch option indicates which branch of the staging repository the packages will be deployed to. Example: inv pipeline.trigger --git-ref 7.22.0 --release-version-6 "6.22.0" --release-version-7 "7.22.0" --repo-branch "stable" """ print( color_message( "WARNING: the pipeline.trigger invoke task is deprecated and will be removed in the future.\n" + " Use pipeline.run with the --deploy option instead.", "orange", ) ) run( ctx, git_ref=git_ref, release_version_6=release_version_6, release_version_7=release_version_7, repo_branch=repo_branch, deploy=True, all_builds=True, kitchen_tests=True, ) @task def run( ctx, git_ref=DEFAULT_BRANCH, here=False, release_version_6="nightly", release_version_7="nightly-a7", repo_branch="nightly", deploy=False, all_builds=True, kitchen_tests=True, ): """ Run a pipeline on the given git ref, or on the current branch if --here is given. By default, this pipeline will run all builds & tests, including all kitchen tests, but is not a deploy pipeline. Use --deploy to make this pipeline a deploy pipeline, which will upload artifacts to the staging repositories. Use --no-all-builds to not run builds for all architectures (only a subset of jobs will run. No effect on pipelines on the default branch). Use --no-kitchen-tests to not run all kitchen tests on the pipeline. The --release-version-6 and --release-version-7 options indicate which release.json entries are used. To not build Agent 6, set --release-version-6 "". To not build Agent 7, set --release-version-7 "". The --repo-branch option indicates which branch of the staging repository the packages will be deployed to (useful only on deploy pipelines). If other pipelines are already running on the git ref, the script will prompt the user to confirm if these previous pipelines should be cancelled. Examples Run a pipeline on my-branch: inv pipeline.run --git-ref my-branch Run a pipeline on the current branch: inv pipeline.run --here Run a pipeline without kitchen tests on the current branch: inv pipeline.run --here --no-kitchen-tests Run a deploy pipeline on the 7.28.0 tag, uploading the artifacts to the stable branch of the staging repositories: inv pipeline.run --deploy --git-ref 7.28.0 --release-version-6 "6.28.0" --release-version-7 "7.28.0" --repo-branch "stable" """ project_name = "DataDog/datadog-agent" gitlab = Gitlab() gitlab.test_project_found(project_name) if deploy: # Check the validity of the deploy pipeline check_deploy_pipeline( gitlab, project_name, git_ref, release_version_6, release_version_7, repo_branch, ) # Force all builds and kitchen tests to be run if not all_builds: print( color_message( "WARNING: ignoring --no-all-builds option, RUN_ALL_BUILDS is automatically set to true on deploy pipelines", "orange", ) ) all_builds = True if not kitchen_tests: print( color_message( "WARNING: ignoring --no-kitchen-tests option, RUN_KITCHEN_TESTS is automatically set to true on deploy pipelines", "orange", ) ) kitchen_tests = True if here: git_ref = ctx.run("git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD", hide=True).stdout.strip() pipelines = get_running_pipelines_on_same_ref(gitlab, project_name, git_ref) if pipelines: print( "There are already {} pipeline(s) running on the target git ref.".format(len(pipelines)), "For each of them, you'll be asked whether you want to cancel them or not.", "If you don't need these pipelines, please cancel them to save CI resources.", "They are ordered from the newest one to the oldest one.\n", sep='\n', ) cancel_pipelines_with_confirmation(gitlab, project_name, pipelines) pipeline_id = trigger_agent_pipeline( gitlab, project_name, git_ref, release_version_6, release_version_7, repo_branch, deploy=deploy, all_builds=all_builds, kitchen_tests=kitchen_tests, ) wait_for_pipeline(gitlab, project_name, pipeline_id) @task def follow(ctx, id=None, git_ref=None, here=False): """ Follow a pipeline's progress in the CLI. Use --here to follow the latest pipeline on your current branch. Use --git-ref to follow the latest pipeline on a given tag or branch. Use --id to follow a specific pipeline. Examples: inv pipeline.follow --git-ref my-branch inv pipeline.follow --here inv pipeline.follow --id 1234567 """ project_name = "DataDog/datadog-agent" gitlab = Gitlab() gitlab.test_project_found(project_name) if id is not None: wait_for_pipeline(gitlab, project_name, id) elif git_ref is not None: wait_for_pipeline_from_ref(gitlab, project_name, git_ref) elif here: git_ref = ctx.run("git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD", hide=True).stdout.strip() wait_for_pipeline_from_ref(gitlab, project_name, git_ref) def wait_for_pipeline_from_ref(gitlab, project_name, ref): pipeline = Gitlab().last_pipeline_for_ref(project_name, ref) if pipeline is not None: wait_for_pipeline(gitlab, project_name, pipeline['id']) else: print("No pipelines found for {ref}".format(ref=ref)) raise Exit(code=1) # Tasks to trigger pipeline notifications GITHUB_SLACK_MAP = { "@DataDog/agent-platform": "#agent-platform", "@DataDog/container-integrations": "#container-integration", "@DataDog/integrations-tools-and-libraries": "#intg-tools-libs", "@DataDog/agent-network": "#network-agent", "@DataDog/agent-security": "#security-and-compliance-agent", "@DataDog/agent-apm": "#apm-agent", "@DataDog/infrastructure-integrations": "#infrastructure-integrations", "@DataDog/processes": "#processes", "@DataDog/agent-core": "#agent-core", "@DataDog/container-app": "#container-app", "@Datadog/metrics-aggregation": "#metrics-aggregation", "@Datadog/serverless": "#serverless-agent", "@DataDog/agent-all": "#datadog-agent-pipelines", } UNKNOWN_OWNER_TEMPLATE = """The owner `{owner}` is not mapped to any slack channel. Please check for typos in the JOBOWNERS file and/or add them to the Github <-> Slack map. """ def generate_failure_messages(base): project_name = "DataDog/datadog-agent" all_teams = "@DataDog/agent-all" failed_jobs = get_failed_jobs(project_name, os.getenv("CI_PIPELINE_ID")) # Generate messages for each team messages_to_send = defaultdict(lambda: TeamMessage(base)) messages_to_send[all_teams] = SlackMessage(base, jobs=failed_jobs) failed_job_owners = find_job_owners(failed_jobs) for owner, jobs in failed_job_owners.items(): if owner == "@DataDog/multiple": for job in jobs: for test in get_failed_tests(project_name, job): messages_to_send[all_teams].add_test_failure(test, job) for owner in test.owners: messages_to_send[owner].add_test_failure(test, job) elif owner == "@DataDog/do-not-notify": # Jobs owned by @DataDog/do-not-notify do not send team messages pass elif owner == all_teams: # Jobs owned by @DataDog/agent-all will already be in the global # message, do not overwrite the failed jobs list pass else: messages_to_send[owner].failed_jobs = jobs return messages_to_send @task def notify_failure(_, notification_type="merge", print_to_stdout=False): """ Send failure notifications for the current pipeline. CI-only task. Use the --print-to-stdout option to test this locally, without sending real slack messages. """ header = "" if notification_type == "merge": header = ":host-red: :merged: datadog-agent merge" elif notification_type == "deploy": header = ":host-red: :rocket: datadog-agent deploy" base = base_message(header) try: messages_to_send = generate_failure_messages(base) except Exception as e: buffer = io.StringIO() print(base, file=buffer) print("Found exception when generating notification:", file=buffer) traceback.print_exc(limit=-1, file=buffer) print("See the job log for the full exception traceback.", file=buffer) messages_to_send = { "@DataDog/agent-all": SlackMessage(buffer.getvalue()), } # Print traceback on job log print(e) traceback.print_exc() # Send messages for owner, message in messages_to_send.items(): channel = GITHUB_SLACK_MAP.get(owner, "#datadog-agent-pipelines") if owner not in GITHUB_SLACK_MAP.keys(): message.base_message += UNKNOWN_OWNER_TEMPLATE.format(owner=owner) message.coda = "If there is something wrong with the notification please contact #agent-platform" if print_to_stdout: print("Would send to {channel}:\n{message}".format(channel=channel, message=str(message))) else: send_slack_message(channel, str(message)) # TODO: use channel variable
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
# -*-coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import absolute_import, unicode_literals import os # from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _ def check_or_create_dir(directorio, logger=None): """ Check if some path exists, creating it if not :param directorio: :param logger: logging logger instance :return: True si existe o lo crea, False si hay errores """ # TODO: Modificar para que en lugar de un bucle use un parametro tipo: mkdir -p if not directorio: return if not os.path.isdir(directorio): try: os.makedirs(directorio) if logger: logger.info('Created directory: ' + directorio) else: print('Created directory: ' + directorio) except IOError: if logger: logger.info('Error creating directory: ' + directorio + ' Check user permissions') else: print('Error creating directory: ' + directorio + ' Check user permissions') return False return True def set_perms(path, perms): raise NotImplementedError('Not implemented yet')
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
# coding=utf-8 from __future__ import unicode_literals import re import unittest import string import sys from ipaddress import ip_address, ip_network import six from faker import Generator, Faker from faker.generator import random from faker.utils import text, decorators class BarProvider(object): def foo_formatter(self): return 'barfoo' class FooProvider(object): def foo_formatter(self): return 'foobar' def foo_formatter_with_arguments(self, param='', append=''): return 'baz' + param + append class FactoryTestCase(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.generator = Generator() self.provider = FooProvider() self.generator.add_provider(self.provider) def test_add_provider_gives_priority_to_newly_added_provider(self): self.generator.add_provider(BarProvider()) self.assertEqual('barfoo', self.generator.format('foo_formatter')) def test_get_formatter_returns_callable(self): formatter = self.generator.get_formatter('foo_formatter') self.assertTrue(hasattr(formatter, '__call__') or isinstance(formatter, (classmethod, staticmethod))) def test_get_formatter_returns_correct_formatter(self): self.assertEqual(self.provider.foo_formatter, self.generator.get_formatter('foo_formatter')) def test_get_formatter_throws_exception_on_incorrect_formatter(self): with self.assertRaises(AttributeError) as exc: self.generator.get_formatter('barFormatter') self.assertEqual(exc.args[0], 'Unknown formatter "barFormatter"') faker = Faker('it_IT') with self.assertRaises(AttributeError) as exc: faker.get_formatter('barFormatter') self.assertEqual(exc.args[0], 'Unknown formatter "barFormatter" with locale "it_IT"') def test_invalid_locale(self): with self.assertRaises(AttributeError): Faker('foo_Bar') def test_format_calls_formatter_on_provider(self): self.assertEqual('foobar', self.generator.format('foo_formatter')) def test_format_transfers_arguments_to_formatter(self): result = self.generator.format('foo_formatter_with_arguments', 'foo', append='!') self.assertEqual('bazfoo!', result) def test_parse_returns_same_string_when_it_contains_no_curly_braces(self): self.assertEqual('fooBar#?', self.generator.parse('fooBar#?')) def test_parse_returns_string_with_tokens_replaced_by_formatters(self): result = self.generator.parse( 'This is {{foo_formatter}} a text with "{{ foo_formatter }}"') self.assertEqual('This is foobar a text with " foobar "', result) def test_magic_call_calls_format(self): self.assertEqual('foobar', self.generator.foo_formatter()) def test_magic_call_calls_format_with_arguments(self): self.assertEqual('bazfoo', self.generator.foo_formatter_with_arguments('foo')) def test_documentor(self): from faker.cli import print_doc output = six.StringIO() print_doc(output=output) print_doc('address', output=output) print_doc('faker.providers.person.it_IT', output=output) assert output.getvalue() with self.assertRaises(AttributeError): self.generator.get_formatter('barFormatter') def test_command(self): from faker.cli import Command orig_stdout = sys.stdout try: sys.stdout = six.StringIO() command = Command(['faker', 'address']) command.execute() assert sys.stdout.getvalue() finally: sys.stdout = orig_stdout def test_command_custom_provider(self): from faker.cli import Command orig_stdout = sys.stdout try: sys.stdout = six.StringIO() command = Command(['faker', 'foo', '-i', 'tests.mymodule.en_US']) command.execute() assert sys.stdout.getvalue() finally: sys.stdout = orig_stdout def test_cli_seed(self): from faker.cli import Command orig_stdout = sys.stdout try: sys.stdout = six.StringIO() base_args = ['faker', 'address'] target_args = ['--seed', '967'] commands = [Command(base_args + target_args), Command(base_args + target_args)] cli_output = [None] * 2 for i in range(2): commands[i].execute() cli_output[i] = sys.stdout.getvalue() cli_output[1] = cli_output[1][len(cli_output[0]):] self.assertEqual(cli_output[0][:10], cli_output[1][:10]) finally: sys.stdout = orig_stdout def test_cli_seed_with_repeat(self): from faker.cli import Command orig_stdout = sys.stdout try: sys.stdout = six.StringIO() base_args = ['faker', 'address', '-r', '3'] target_args = ['--seed', '967'] commands = [Command(base_args + target_args), Command(base_args + target_args)] cli_output = [None] * 2 for i in range(2): commands[i].execute() cli_output[i] = sys.stdout.getvalue() cli_output[1] = cli_output[1][len(cli_output[0]):] self.assertEqual(cli_output[0], cli_output[1]) finally: sys.stdout = orig_stdout def test_cli_verbosity(self): from faker.cli import Command orig_stdout = sys.stdout try: sys.stdout = six.StringIO() base_args = ['faker', 'address', '--seed', '769'] target_args = ['-v'] commands = [Command(base_args), Command(base_args + target_args)] cli_output = [None] * 2 for i in range(2): commands[i].execute() cli_output[i] = sys.stdout.getvalue() simple_output, verbose_output = cli_output self.assertNotEqual(simple_output, verbose_output) finally: sys.stdout = orig_stdout def test_slugify(self): slug = text.slugify("a'b/c") self.assertEqual(slug, 'abc') slug = text.slugify("àeìöú") self.assertEqual(slug, 'aeiou') slug = text.slugify("àeì.öú") self.assertEqual(slug, 'aeiou') slug = text.slugify("àeì.öú", allow_dots=True) self.assertEqual(slug, 'aei.ou') slug = text.slugify("àeì.öú", allow_unicode=True) self.assertEqual(slug, 'àeìöú') slug = text.slugify("àeì.öú", allow_unicode=True, allow_dots=True) self.assertEqual(slug, 'àeì.öú') @decorators.slugify def fn(s): return s slug = fn("a'b/c") self.assertEqual(slug, 'abc') @decorators.slugify_domain def fn(s): return s slug = fn("a'b/.c") self.assertEqual(slug, 'ab.c') @decorators.slugify_unicode def fn(s): return s slug = fn("a'b/.cé") self.assertEqual(slug, 'abcé') def test_random_element(self): from faker.providers import BaseProvider provider = BaseProvider(self.generator) choices = ('a', 'b', 'c', 'd') pick = provider.random_element(choices) self.assertTrue(pick in choices) choices = {'a': 5, 'b': 2, 'c': 2, 'd': 1} pick = provider.random_element(choices) self.assertTrue(pick in choices) choices = {'a': 0.5, 'b': 0.2, 'c': 0.2, 'd': 0.1} pick = provider.random_element(choices) self.assertTrue(pick in choices) def test_binary(self): from faker.providers.misc import Provider provider = Provider(self.generator) for _ in range(999): length = random.randint(0, 2 ** 10) binary = provider.binary(length) self.assertTrue(isinstance(binary, (bytes, bytearray))) self.assertTrue(len(binary) == length) for _ in range(999): self.generator.seed(_) binary1 = provider.binary(_) self.generator.seed(_) binary2 = provider.binary(_) self.assertTrue(binary1 == binary2) def test_language_code(self): from faker.providers.misc import Provider provider = Provider(self.generator) for _ in range(99): language_code = provider.language_code() self.assertTrue(isinstance(language_code, six.string_types)) self.assertTrue(re.match(r'^[a-z]{2,3}$', language_code)) def test_locale(self): from faker.providers.misc import Provider provider = Provider(self.generator) for _ in range(99): locale = provider.locale() self.assertTrue(re.match(r'^[a-z]{2,3}_[A-Z]{2}$', locale)) def test_password(self): from faker.providers.misc import Provider provider = Provider(self.generator) def in_string(char, _str): return char in _str for _ in range(999): password = provider.password() self.assertTrue(any([in_string(char, password) for char in "!@#$%^&*()_+"])) self.assertTrue(any([in_string(char, password) for char in string.digits])) self.assertTrue(any([in_string(char, password) for char in string.ascii_uppercase])) self.assertTrue(any([in_string(char, password) for char in string.ascii_lowercase])) with self.assertRaises(AssertionError): provider.password(length=2) def test_prefix_suffix_always_string(self): # Locales known to contain `*_male` and `*_female`. for locale in ("bg_BG", "dk_DK", "en", "ru_RU", "tr_TR"): f = Faker(locale=locale) for x in range(20): # Probabilistic testing. self.assertIsInstance(f.prefix(), six.string_types) self.assertIsInstance(f.suffix(), six.string_types) def test_no_words_sentence(self): from faker.providers.lorem import Provider provider = Provider(self.generator) paragraph = provider.paragraph(0) self.assertEqual(paragraph, '') def test_words_valueerror(self): f = Faker() self.assertRaises(ValueError, f.text, max_nb_chars=4) def test_no_words_paragraph(self): from faker.providers.lorem import Provider provider = Provider(self.generator) sentence = provider.sentence(0) self.assertEqual(sentence, '') def test_ext_word_list(self): fake = Faker() my_word_list = [ 'danish', 'cheesecake', 'sugar', 'Lollipop', 'wafer', 'Gummies', 'Jelly', 'pie', ] word = fake.word(ext_word_list=my_word_list) self.assertIn(word, my_word_list) def test_no_words(self): fake = Faker() words = fake.words(0) self.assertEqual(words, []) def test_some_words(self): fake = Faker() num_words = 5 words = fake.words(num_words) self.assertTrue(isinstance(words, list)) self.assertEqual(len(words), num_words) for word in words: self.assertTrue(isinstance(word, six.string_types)) self.assertTrue(re.match(r'^[a-z].*$', word)) def test_words_ext_word_list(self): fake = Faker() my_word_list = [ 'danish', 'cheesecake', 'sugar', 'Lollipop', 'wafer', 'Gummies', 'Jelly', 'pie', ] num_words = 5 words = fake.words(5, ext_word_list=my_word_list) self.assertTrue(isinstance(words, list)) self.assertEqual(len(words), num_words) for word in words: self.assertTrue(isinstance(word, six.string_types)) self.assertIn(word, my_word_list) def test_words_ext_word_list_unique(self): fake = Faker() my_word_list = [ 'danish', 'cheesecake', 'sugar', 'Lollipop', 'wafer', 'Gummies', 'Jelly', 'pie', ] num_words = 5 words = fake.words(5, ext_word_list=my_word_list, unique=True) self.assertTrue(isinstance(words, list)) self.assertEqual(len(words), num_words) checked_words = [] for word in words: self.assertTrue(isinstance(word, six.string_types)) self.assertIn(word, my_word_list) # Check that word is unique self.assertTrue(word not in checked_words) checked_words.append(word) def test_unique_words(self): fake = Faker() num_words = 20 words = fake.words(num_words, unique=True) self.assertTrue(isinstance(words, list)) self.assertEqual(len(words), num_words) checked_words = [] for word in words: self.assertTrue(isinstance(word, six.string_types)) # Check that word is only letters. No numbers, symbols, etc self.assertTrue(re.match(r'^[a-zA-Z].*$', word)) # Check that word list is unique self.assertTrue(word not in checked_words) checked_words.append(word) def test_random_pystr_characters(self): from faker.providers.python import Provider provider = Provider(self.generator) characters = provider.pystr() self.assertEqual(len(characters), 20) characters = provider.pystr(max_chars=255) self.assertEqual(len(characters), 255) characters = provider.pystr(max_chars=0) self.assertEqual(characters, '') characters = provider.pystr(max_chars=-10) self.assertEqual(characters, '') characters = provider.pystr(min_chars=10, max_chars=255) self.assertTrue((len(characters) >= 10)) def test_random_pyfloat(self): from faker.providers.python import Provider provider = Provider(self.generator) self.assertTrue(0 <= abs(provider.pyfloat(left_digits=1)) < 10) self.assertTrue(0 <= abs(provider.pyfloat(left_digits=0)) < 1) x = abs(provider.pyfloat(right_digits=0)) self.assertTrue(x - int(x) == 0) with self.assertRaises(ValueError, msg='A float number cannot have 0 digits ' 'in total'): provider.pyfloat(left_digits=0, right_digits=0) def test_us_ssn_valid(self): from faker.providers.ssn.en_US import Provider provider = Provider(self.generator) for i in range(1000): ssn = provider.ssn() self.assertEqual(len(ssn), 11) self.assertNotEqual(ssn[0], '9') self.assertNotEqual(ssn[0:3], '666') self.assertNotEqual(ssn[0:3], '000') self.assertNotEqual(ssn[4:6], '00') self.assertNotEqual(ssn[7:11], '0000') def test_nl_BE_ssn_valid(self): provider = Faker('nl_BE').provider('faker.providers.ssn') for i in range(1000): ssn = provider.ssn() self.assertEqual(len(ssn), 11) gen_seq = ssn[6:9] gen_chksum = ssn[9:11] gen_seq_as_int = int(gen_seq) gen_chksum_as_int = int(gen_chksum) # Check that the sequence nr is between 1 inclusive and 998 inclusive self.assertGreater(gen_seq_as_int, 0) self.assertLessEqual(gen_seq_as_int, 998) # validate checksum calculation # Since the century is not part of ssn, try both below and above year 2000 ssn_below = int(ssn[0:9]) chksum_below = 97 - (ssn_below % 97) ssn_above = ssn_below + 2000000000 chksum_above = 97 - (ssn_above % 97) results = [chksum_above, chksum_below] self.assertIn(gen_chksum_as_int, results) def test_email(self): factory = Faker() for _ in range(99): email = factory.email() self.assertTrue('@' in email) def test_ipv4(self): from faker.providers.internet import Provider provider = Provider(self.generator) for _ in range(99): address = provider.ipv4() self.assertTrue(len(address) >= 7) self.assertTrue(len(address) <= 15) self.assertTrue( re.compile(r'^(\d{1,3}\.){3}\d{1,3}$').search(address)) for _ in range(99): address = provider.ipv4(network=True) self.assertTrue(len(address) >= 9) self.assertTrue(len(address) <= 18) self.assertTrue( re.compile(r'^(\d{1,3}\.){3}\d{1,3}/\d{1,2}$').search(address)) address = provider.ipv4(private=True) self.assertTrue(len(address) >= 7) self.assertTrue(len(address) <= 15) self.assertTrue( re.compile(r'^(\d{1,3}\.){3}\d{1,3}$').search(address)) address = provider.ipv4(private=False) self.assertTrue(len(address) >= 7) self.assertTrue(len(address) <= 15) self.assertTrue( re.compile(r'^(\d{1,3}\.){3}\d{1,3}$').search(address)) def test_ipv4_network_class(self): from faker.providers.internet import Provider provider = Provider(self.generator) for _ in range(99): klass = provider.ipv4_network_class() self.assertIn(klass, 'abc') def test_ipv4_private(self): from faker.providers.internet import Provider provider = Provider(self.generator) for _ in range(99): address = provider.ipv4_private() address = six.text_type(address) self.assertTrue(len(address) >= 7) self.assertTrue(len(address) <= 15) self.assertTrue(ip_address(address).is_private) self.assertTrue( re.compile(r'^(\d{1,3}\.){3}\d{1,3}$').search(address)) for _ in range(99): address = provider.ipv4_private(network=True) address = six.text_type(address) self.assertTrue(len(address) >= 9) self.assertTrue(len(address) <= 18) self.assertTrue(ip_network(address)[0].is_private) self.assertTrue( re.compile(r'^(\d{1,3}\.){3}\d{1,3}/\d{1,2}$').search(address)) def test_ipv4_private_class_a(self): from faker.providers.internet import Provider, _IPv4Constants provider = Provider(self.generator) class_network = _IPv4Constants._network_classes['a'] class_min = class_network.network_address class_max = class_network.broadcast_address for _ in range(99): address = provider.ipv4_private(address_class='a') address = six.text_type(address) self.assertTrue(len(address) >= 7) self.assertTrue(len(address) <= 15) self.assertTrue(ip_address(address).is_private) self.assertTrue(ip_address(address) >= class_min) self.assertTrue(ip_address(address) <= class_max) def test_ipv4_private_class_b(self): from faker.providers.internet import Provider, _IPv4Constants provider = Provider(self.generator) class_network = _IPv4Constants._network_classes['b'] class_min = class_network.network_address class_max = class_network.broadcast_address for _ in range(99): address = provider.ipv4_private(address_class='b') address = six.text_type(address) self.assertTrue(len(address) >= 7) self.assertTrue(len(address) <= 15) self.assertTrue(ip_address(address).is_private) self.assertTrue(ip_address(address) >= class_min) self.assertTrue(ip_address(address) <= class_max) def test_ipv4_private_class_c(self): from faker.providers.internet import Provider, _IPv4Constants provider = Provider(self.generator) class_network = _IPv4Constants._network_classes['c'] class_min = class_network.network_address class_max = class_network.broadcast_address for _ in range(99): address = provider.ipv4_private(address_class='c') address = six.text_type(address) self.assertTrue(len(address) >= 7) self.assertTrue(len(address) <= 15) self.assertTrue(ip_address(address).is_private) self.assertTrue(ip_address(address) >= class_min) self.assertTrue(ip_address(address) <= class_max) def test_ipv4_public(self): from faker.providers.internet import Provider provider = Provider(self.generator) for _ in range(99): address = provider.ipv4_public() address = six.text_type(address) self.assertTrue(len(address) >= 7) self.assertTrue(len(address) <= 15) self.assertFalse(ip_address(address).is_private, address) self.assertTrue( re.compile(r'^(\d{1,3}\.){3}\d{1,3}$').search(address)) for _ in range(99): address = provider.ipv4_public(network=True) address = six.text_type(address) self.assertTrue(len(address) >= 9) self.assertTrue(len(address) <= 18) # Hack around ipaddress module # As is net addr of many* nets # ipaddress considers them as private if ip_network(address).network_address != ip_address(''): self.assertFalse(ip_network(address)[0].is_private, address) self.assertTrue( re.compile(r'^(\d{1,3}\.){3}\d{1,3}/\d{1,2}$').search(address)) def test_ipv4_public_class_a(self): from faker.providers.internet import Provider provider = Provider(self.generator) for _ in range(99): address = provider.ipv4_public(address_class='a') address = six.text_type(address) self.assertTrue(len(address) >= 7) self.assertTrue(len(address) <= 15) self.assertFalse(ip_address(address).is_private, address) def test_ipv4_public_class_b(self): from faker.providers.internet import Provider provider = Provider(self.generator) for _ in range(99): address = provider.ipv4_public(address_class='b') address = six.text_type(address) self.assertTrue(len(address) >= 7) self.assertTrue(len(address) <= 15) self.assertFalse(ip_address(address).is_private, address) def test_ipv4_public_class_c(self): from faker.providers.internet import Provider provider = Provider(self.generator) for _ in range(99): address = provider.ipv4_public(address_class='c') address = six.text_type(address) self.assertTrue(len(address) >= 7) self.assertTrue(len(address) <= 15) self.assertFalse(ip_address(address).is_private, address) def test_ipv6(self): from faker.providers.internet import Provider provider = Provider(self.generator) for _ in range(99): address = provider.ipv6() self.assertTrue(len(address) >= 3) # ::1 self.assertTrue(len(address) <= 39) self.assertTrue( re.compile(r'^([0-9a-f]{0,4}:){2,7}[0-9a-f]{1,4}$').search(address)) for _ in range(99): address = provider.ipv6(network=True) self.assertTrue(len(address) >= 4) # ::/8 self.assertTrue(len(address) <= 39 + 4) self.assertTrue( re.compile(r'^([0-9a-f]{0,4}:){2,7}[0-9a-f]{0,4}/\d{1,3}$').search( address)) def test_random_sample_unique(self): from faker.providers import BaseProvider provider = BaseProvider(self.generator) # Too many items requested with self.assertRaises(ValueError): provider.random_sample('abcde', 6) # Same length sample = provider.random_sample('abcd', 4) self.assertEqual(sorted(sample), list('abcd')) sample = provider.random_sample('abcde', 5) self.assertEqual(sorted(sample), list('abcde')) # Length = 3 sample = provider.random_sample('abcde', 3) self.assertEqual(len(sample), 3) self.assertTrue(set(sample).issubset(set('abcde'))) # Length = 1 sample = provider.random_sample('abcde', 1) self.assertEqual(len(sample), 1) self.assertTrue(set(sample).issubset(set('abcde'))) # Length = 0 sample = provider.random_sample('abcde', 0) self.assertEqual(sample, []) def test_random_number(self): from faker.providers import BaseProvider provider = BaseProvider(self.generator) number = provider.random_number(10, True) self.assertEqual(len(str(number)), 10) def test_instance_seed_chain(self): factory = Faker() names = ['Real Name0', 'Real Name1', 'Real Name2', 'Real Name0', 'Real Name2'] anonymized = [factory.seed_instance(name).name() for name in names] self.assertEqual(anonymized[0], anonymized[3]) self.assertEqual(anonymized[2], anonymized[4]) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main() # pragma: no cover
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import unittest from metf_python_client import METFClient, HIGH, LOW, OUTPUT from metf_python_client.boards.nodemcu import LED_BUILTIN_AUX ESP_HOST = '' class TestMethods(unittest.TestCase): def test_blynk(self): # Blynk build id NodeMCU LED # https://lowvoltage.github.io/2017/07/09/Onboard-LEDs-NodeMCU-Got-Two api = METFClient(ESP_HOST) pin = LED_BUILTIN_AUX api.pinMode(pin, OUTPUT) api.digitalWrite(pin, LOW) api.delay(1000) api.digitalWrite(pin, HIGH) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. import numpy as np EPSILON = np.finfo(float).eps EYE_R = np.array([[1.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 1.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 1.0]], float) EYE_T = np.array( [ [1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0], ], float, ) ZERO_P = np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0], float) ZERO_R = np.zeros((3, 3)) def eye_T(): return EYE_T.copy() def eye_R(): return EYE_R.copy() def zero_p(): return ZERO_P.copy() def zero_R(): return ZERO_R.copy()
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
import tests.perfs.test_ozone_perf_measure as tperf tperf.build_model("L2");
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
#!/usr/bin/env python import PySimpleGUI as sg import cv2 import numpy as np """ Demo program that displays a webcam using OpenCV """ def main(): sg.theme('Black') # define the window layout layout = [[sg.Text('OpenCV Demo', size=(40, 1), justification='center', font='Helvetica 20')], [sg.Image(filename='', key='image')], [sg.Button('Record', size=(10, 1), font='Helvetica 14'), sg.Button('Stop', size=(10, 1), font='Any 14'), sg.Button('Exit', size=(10, 1), font='Helvetica 14'), ]] # create the window and show it without the plot window = sg.Window('Demo Application - OpenCV Integration', layout, location=(800, 400)) # ---===--- Event LOOP Read and display frames, operate the GUI --- # cap = cv2.VideoCapture(0) recording = False while True: event, values = window.read(timeout=20) if event == 'Exit' or event is None: return elif event == 'Record': recording = True elif event == 'Stop': recording = False img = np.full((480, 640), 255) # this is faster, shorter and needs less includes imgbytes = cv2.imencode('.png', img)[1].tobytes() window['image'].update(data=imgbytes) if recording: ret, frame = cap.read() imgbytes = cv2.imencode('.png', frame)[1].tobytes() # ditto window['image'].update(data=imgbytes) main()
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
# Generated by Django 2.0.4 on 2018-11-05 13:48 from django.db import migrations, models class Migration(migrations.Migration): dependencies = [ ('clinic', '0003_auto_20181105_1916'), ] operations = [ migrations.AlterField( model_name='person', name='profile', field=models.ImageField(default='clinic/static/clinic/user_profile/no-profile.png', upload_to='clinic/static/clinic/user_profile/'), ), ]
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
from __future__ import absolute_import import fnmatch import ipaddress import six from django.utils.encoding import force_text from sentry import tsdb from sentry.utils.safe import get_path class FilterStatKeys(object): """ NOTE: This enum also exists in semaphore, check if alignment is needed when editing this. """ IP_ADDRESS = "ip-address" RELEASE_VERSION = "release-version" ERROR_MESSAGE = "error-message" BROWSER_EXTENSION = "browser-extensions" LEGACY_BROWSER = "legacy-browsers" LOCALHOST = "localhost" WEB_CRAWLER = "web-crawlers" INVALID_CSP = "invalid-csp" CORS = "cors" DISCARDED_HASH = "discarded-hash" FILTER_STAT_KEYS_TO_VALUES = { FilterStatKeys.IP_ADDRESS: tsdb.models.project_total_received_ip_address, FilterStatKeys.RELEASE_VERSION: tsdb.models.project_total_received_release_version, FilterStatKeys.ERROR_MESSAGE: tsdb.models.project_total_received_error_message, FilterStatKeys.BROWSER_EXTENSION: tsdb.models.project_total_received_browser_extensions, FilterStatKeys.LEGACY_BROWSER: tsdb.models.project_total_received_legacy_browsers, FilterStatKeys.LOCALHOST: tsdb.models.project_total_received_localhost, FilterStatKeys.WEB_CRAWLER: tsdb.models.project_total_received_web_crawlers, FilterStatKeys.INVALID_CSP: tsdb.models.project_total_received_invalid_csp, FilterStatKeys.CORS: tsdb.models.project_total_received_cors, FilterStatKeys.DISCARDED_HASH: tsdb.models.project_total_received_discarded, } class FilterTypes(object): ERROR_MESSAGES = "error_messages" RELEASES = "releases" def is_valid_ip(project_config, ip_address): """ Verify that an IP address is not being blacklisted for the given project. """ blacklist = get_path(project_config.config, "filter_settings", "client_ips", "blacklisted_ips") if not blacklist: return True for addr in blacklist: # We want to error fast if it's an exact match if ip_address == addr: return False # Check to make sure it's actually a range before try: if "/" in addr and ( ipaddress.ip_address(six.text_type(ip_address)) in ipaddress.ip_network(six.text_type(addr), strict=False) ): return False except ValueError: # Ignore invalid values here pass return True def is_valid_release(project_config, release): """ Verify that a release is not being filtered for the given project. """ invalid_versions = get_path( project_config.config, "filter_settings", FilterTypes.RELEASES, "releases" ) if not invalid_versions: return True release = force_text(release).lower() for version in invalid_versions: if fnmatch.fnmatch(release, version.lower()): return False return True def is_valid_error_message(project_config, message): """ Verify that an error message is not being filtered for the given project. """ filtered_errors = get_path( project_config.config, "filter_settings", FilterTypes.ERROR_MESSAGES, "patterns" ) if not filtered_errors: return True message = force_text(message).lower() for error in filtered_errors: try: if fnmatch.fnmatch(message, error.lower()): return False except Exception: # fnmatch raises a string when the pattern is bad. # Patterns come from end users and can be full of mistakes. pass return True
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
from textrenderer.corpus.chn_corpus import ChnCorpus from textrenderer.corpus.jap_corpus import JAPCorpus from textrenderer.corpus.eng_corpus import EngCorpus from textrenderer.corpus.list_corpus import ListCorpus from textrenderer.corpus.random_corpus import RandomCorpus def corpus_factory(corpus_mode: str, chars_file: str, corpus_dir: str, length: int): corpus_classes = { "random": RandomCorpus, "chn": ChnCorpus, "eng": EngCorpus, "jap" : JAPCorpus, "list": ListCorpus } if corpus_mode not in corpus_classes.keys(): print("Corpus mode [%s] not implemented yet" % corpus_mode) exit(-1) corpus_class = corpus_classes[corpus_mode] if length == 10 and corpus_mode == 'eng': length = 3 return corpus_class(chars_file=chars_file, corpus_dir=corpus_dir, length=length)
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Form implementation generated from reading ui file 'cnc-gui.ui' # # Created by: PyQt5 UI code generator 5.15.3 # # WARNING: Any manual changes made to this file will be lost when pyuic5 is # run again. Do not edit this file unless you know what you are doing. from PyQt5 import QtCore, QtGui, QtWidgets class Ui_MainWindow(object): def setupUi(self, MainWindow): MainWindow.setObjectName("MainWindow") MainWindow.resize(720, 480) MainWindow.setStyleSheet("background-color: rgb(46, 52, 54);") self.centralwidget = QtWidgets.QWidget(MainWindow) self.centralwidget.setObjectName("centralwidget") self.verticalLayout_4 = QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout(self.centralwidget) self.verticalLayout_4.setObjectName("verticalLayout_4") self.verticalLayout_3 = QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout() self.verticalLayout_3.setObjectName("verticalLayout_3") self.verticalLayout = QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout() self.verticalLayout.setObjectName("verticalLayout") self.horizontalLayout = QtWidgets.QHBoxLayout() self.horizontalLayout.setObjectName("horizontalLayout") self.fileLabel = QtWidgets.QLabel(self.centralwidget) self.fileLabel.setStyleSheet("background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);\n" "font: 75 16pt \"Ubuntu Condensed\";\n" "color: rgb(46, 52, 54);") self.fileLabel.setAlignment(QtCore.Qt.AlignCenter) self.fileLabel.setObjectName("fileLabel") self.horizontalLayout.addWidget(self.fileLabel) spacerItem = QtWidgets.QSpacerItem(0, 0, QtWidgets.QSizePolicy.Minimum, QtWidgets.QSizePolicy.Minimum) self.horizontalLayout.addItem(spacerItem) self.selectBtn = QtWidgets.QPushButton(self.centralwidget) self.selectBtn.setStyleSheet("color: rgb(255, 255, 255);\n" "font: 75 16pt \"Ubuntu Condensed\";") self.selectBtn.setObjectName("selectBtn") self.horizontalLayout.addWidget(self.selectBtn) self.verticalLayout.addLayout(self.horizontalLayout) self.verticalLayout_3.addLayout(self.verticalLayout) self.textEdit = QtWidgets.QTextEdit(self.centralwidget) self.textEdit.setStyleSheet("background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);\n" "font: 13pt \"Ubuntu\";\n" "") self.textEdit.setReadOnly(True) self.textEdit.setObjectName("textEdit") self.verticalLayout_3.addWidget(self.textEdit) self.clearBtn = QtWidgets.QPushButton(self.centralwidget) self.clearBtn.setStyleSheet("color: rgb(255, 255, 255);\n" "font: 75 16pt \"Ubuntu Condensed\";") self.clearBtn.setObjectName("clearBtn") self.verticalLayout_3.addWidget(self.clearBtn) self.printBtn = QtWidgets.QPushButton(self.centralwidget) self.printBtn.setStyleSheet("color: rgb(255, 255, 255);\n" "font: 75 16pt \"Ubuntu Condensed\";") self.printBtn.setObjectName("printBtn") self.verticalLayout_3.addWidget(self.printBtn) self.verticalLayout_4.addLayout(self.verticalLayout_3) MainWindow.setCentralWidget(self.centralwidget) self.retranslateUi(MainWindow) QtCore.QMetaObject.connectSlotsByName(MainWindow) def retranslateUi(self, MainWindow): _translate = QtCore.QCoreApplication.translate MainWindow.setWindowTitle(_translate("MainWindow", "cnc pint")) self.fileLabel.setText(_translate("MainWindow", "this is a file")) self.selectBtn.setText(_translate("MainWindow", "select")) self.textEdit.setHtml(_translate("MainWindow", "<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN\" \"http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd\">\n" "<html><head><meta name=\"qrichtext\" content=\"1\" /><style type=\"text/css\">\n" "p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }\n" "</style></head><body style=\" font-family:\'Ubuntu\'; font-size:13pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;\">\n" "<p style=\" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;\"><span style=\" font-size:9pt;\">[+ ]Welcome to this program</span></p></body></html>")) self.clearBtn.setText(_translate("MainWindow", "clear")) self.printBtn.setText(_translate("MainWindow", "print")) if __name__ == "__main__": import sys app = QtWidgets.QApplication(sys.argv) MainWindow = QtWidgets.QMainWindow() ui = Ui_MainWindow() ui.setupUi(MainWindow) MainWindow.show() sys.exit(app.exec_())
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
from typing import Dict from g_code_parsing.g_code_functionality_defs.g_code_functionality_def_base import ( GCodeFunctionalityDefBase, ) class ResetFromErrorGCodeFunctionalityDef(GCodeFunctionalityDefBase): @classmethod def _generate_command_explanation(cls, g_code_args: Dict[str, str]) -> str: return "Resetting OT-2 from error state"
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
import turtle tortuguita= turtle.Turtle() tortuguita.dot(30,"black") tortuguita.forward() turtle.done()
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
# Generated by Django 3.1.2 on 2020-10-24 06:22 import cloudinary.models from django.conf import settings from django.db import migrations, models import django.db.models.deletion class Migration(migrations.Migration): initial = True dependencies = [ migrations.swappable_dependency(settings.AUTH_USER_MODEL), ] operations = [ migrations.CreateModel( name='Profile', fields=[ ('id', models.AutoField(auto_created=True, primary_key=True, serialize=False, verbose_name='ID')), ('image', cloudinary.models.CloudinaryField(max_length=255, verbose_name='profile-photo')), ('user', models.OneToOneField(on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.CASCADE, to=settings.AUTH_USER_MODEL)), ], ), ]
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
# Generated by Django 2.1.2 on 2018-10-15 22:50 from django.db import migrations, models class Migration(migrations.Migration): dependencies = [ ('accounts', '0001_initial'), ] operations = [ migrations.AddField( model_name='account', name='attendant', field=models.BooleanField(default=False), ), ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
from django import template from django.utils.safestring import mark_safe register = template.Library() from blog.models import Tag # Classes for different levels CLASSES = ( "--skip--", # We don't show the least popular tags "not-popular-at-all", "not-very-popular", "somewhat-popular", "somewhat-more-popular", "popular", "more-than-just-popular", "very-popular", "ultra-popular", ) def make_css_rules( min_size=0.7, max_size=2.0, units="em", selector_prefix=".tag-cloud ." ): num_classes = len(CLASSES) diff_each_time = (max_size - min_size) / (num_classes - 1) for i, klass in enumerate(CLASSES): print( "%s%s { font-size: %.2f%s; }" % (selector_prefix, klass, min_size + (i * diff_each_time), units) ) import math def log(f): try: return math.log(f) except OverflowError: return 0 @register.inclusion_tag("includes/tag_cloud.html") def tag_cloud_for_tags(tags): """ Renders a tag cloud of tags. Input should be a non-de-duped list of tag strings. """ return _tag_cloud_helper(tags) def _tag_cloud_helper(tags): # Count them all up tag_counts = {} for tag in tags: try: tag_counts[tag] += 1 except KeyError: tag_counts[tag] = 1 min_count = min(tag_counts.values()) max_count = max(tag_counts.values()) tags = list(tag_counts.keys()) tags.sort() html_tags = [] intervals = 10.0 log_max = log(max_count) log_min = log(min_count) diff = log_max - log_min if diff < 0.01: # Avoid divide-by-zero problems diff = 0.01 for tag in tags: score = tag_counts[tag] index = int((len(CLASSES) - 1) * (log(score) - log_min) / diff) if CLASSES[index] == "--skip--": continue html_tags.append( mark_safe( '<a href="/tags/%s/" title="%d item%s" class="%s">%s</a>' % (tag, score, (score != 1 and "s" or ""), CLASSES[index], tag) ) ) return {"tags": html_tags} @register.inclusion_tag("includes/tag_cloud.html") def tag_cloud(): # We do this with raw SQL for efficiency from django.db import connection # Get tags for entries, blogmarks, quotations cursor = connection.cursor() cursor.execute( "select tag from blog_entry_tags, blog_tag where blog_entry_tags.tag_id = blog_tag.id" ) entry_tags = [row[0] for row in cursor.fetchall()] cursor.execute( "select tag from blog_blogmark_tags, blog_tag where blog_blogmark_tags.tag_id = blog_tag.id" ) blogmark_tags = [row[0] for row in cursor.fetchall()] cursor.execute( "select tag from blog_quotation_tags, blog_tag where blog_quotation_tags.tag_id = blog_tag.id" ) quotation_tags = [row[0] for row in cursor.fetchall()] cursor.close() # Add them together tags = entry_tags + blogmark_tags + quotation_tags return _tag_cloud_helper(tags)
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
#! /usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import sys import os import rundef import boot sys.path.append(os.path.abspath("..")) from gen import gencore from ui import uidef from ui import uivar from ui import uilang ## # @brief class secBootRun(gencore.secBootGen): def __init__(self, parent): gencore.secBootGen.__init__(self, parent) self.blhost = None self.tgt = None self.cpuDir = None self.blhostVectorsDir = None self.bootDeviceMemId = None self.bootDeviceMemBase = None self.comMemWriteUnit = 0x1 self.comMemEraseUnit = 0x1 self.comMemReadUnit = 0x1 def showAsOptimalMemoryUnit( self, memSizeBytes ): strMemSize = '' if memSizeBytes >= 0x40000000: strMemSize = str(memSizeBytes * 1.0 / 0x40000000) + ' GB' elif memSizeBytes >= 0x100000: strMemSize = str(memSizeBytes * 1.0 / 0x100000) + ' MB' elif memSizeBytes >= 0x400: strMemSize = str(memSizeBytes * 1.0 / 0x400) + ' KB' else: strMemSize = str(memSizeBytes) + ' Bytes' return strMemSize def _formatBootloaderVersion( self, version): identifier0 = chr((version & 0xff000000) >> 24) identifier1 = str((version & 0xff0000) >> 16) identifier2 = str((version & 0xff00) >> 8) identifier3 = str(version & 0xff) return identifier0 + identifier1 + '.' + identifier2 + '.' + identifier3 def getMcuDeviceBootloaderVersion( self ): status, results, cmdStr = self.blhost.getProperty(boot.properties.kPropertyTag_CurrentVersion) self.printLog(cmdStr) if status == boot.status.kStatus_Success: self.printDeviceStatus('Current Version = ' + self._formatBootloaderVersion(results[0])) else: pass status, results, cmdStr = self.blhost.getProperty(boot.properties.kPropertyTag_TargetVersion) self.printLog(cmdStr) if status == boot.status.kStatus_Success: self.printDeviceStatus('Target Version = ' + self._formatBootloaderVersion(results[0])) else: pass
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
#!/usr/bin/env python # Copyright (c) 2010-2012 OpenStack Foundation # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or # implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import collections import email.parser import itertools import math import random import time import unittest from collections import defaultdict from contextlib import contextmanager import json from hashlib import md5 import mock from eventlet import Timeout from six import BytesIO from six.moves import range import swift from swift.common import utils, swob, exceptions from swift.common.exceptions import ChunkWriteTimeout from swift.common.utils import Timestamp, list_from_csv from swift.proxy import server as proxy_server from swift.proxy.controllers import obj from swift.proxy.controllers.base import \ get_container_info as _real_get_container_info from swift.common.storage_policy import POLICIES, ECDriverError, \ StoragePolicy, ECStoragePolicy from test.unit import FakeRing, FakeMemcache, fake_http_connect, \ debug_logger, patch_policies, SlowBody, FakeStatus, \ DEFAULT_TEST_EC_TYPE, encode_frag_archive_bodies, make_ec_object_stub, \ fake_ec_node_response, StubResponse, mocked_http_conn from test.unit.proxy.test_server import node_error_count def unchunk_body(chunked_body): body = '' remaining = chunked_body while remaining: hex_length, remaining = remaining.split('\r\n', 1) length = int(hex_length, 16) body += remaining[:length] remaining = remaining[length + 2:] return body @contextmanager def set_http_connect(*args, **kwargs): old_connect = swift.proxy.controllers.base.http_connect new_connect = fake_http_connect(*args, **kwargs) try: swift.proxy.controllers.base.http_connect = new_connect swift.proxy.controllers.obj.http_connect = new_connect swift.proxy.controllers.account.http_connect = new_connect swift.proxy.controllers.container.http_connect = new_connect yield new_connect left_over_status = list(new_connect.code_iter) if left_over_status: raise AssertionError('left over status %r' % left_over_status) finally: swift.proxy.controllers.base.http_connect = old_connect swift.proxy.controllers.obj.http_connect = old_connect swift.proxy.controllers.account.http_connect = old_connect swift.proxy.controllers.container.http_connect = old_connect class PatchedObjControllerApp(proxy_server.Application): """ This patch is just a hook over the proxy server's __call__ to ensure that calls to get_container_info will return the stubbed value for container_info if it's a container info call. """ container_info = {} per_container_info = {} def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): def _fake_get_container_info(env, app, swift_source=None): _vrs, account, container, _junk = utils.split_path( env['PATH_INFO'], 3, 4) # Seed the cache with our container info so that the real # get_container_info finds it. ic = env.setdefault('swift.infocache', {}) cache_key = "container/%s/%s" % (account, container) old_value = ic.get(cache_key) # Copy the container info so we don't hand out a reference to a # mutable thing that's set up only once at compile time. Nothing # *should* mutate it, but it's better to be paranoid than wrong. if container in self.per_container_info: ic[cache_key] = self.per_container_info[container].copy() else: ic[cache_key] = self.container_info.copy() real_info = _real_get_container_info(env, app, swift_source) if old_value is None: del ic[cache_key] else: ic[cache_key] = old_value return real_info with mock.patch('swift.proxy.server.get_container_info', new=_fake_get_container_info), \ mock.patch('swift.proxy.controllers.base.get_container_info', new=_fake_get_container_info): return super( PatchedObjControllerApp, self).__call__(*args, **kwargs) def make_footers_callback(body=None): # helper method to create a footers callback that will generate some fake # footer metadata cont_etag = 'container update etag may differ' crypto_etag = '20242af0cd21dd7195a10483eb7472c9' etag_crypto_meta = \ '{"cipher": "AES_CTR_256", "iv": "sD+PSw/DfqYwpsVGSo0GEw=="}' etag = md5(body).hexdigest() if body is not None else None footers_to_add = { 'X-Object-Sysmeta-Container-Update-Override-Etag': cont_etag, 'X-Object-Sysmeta-Crypto-Etag': crypto_etag, 'X-Object-Sysmeta-Crypto-Meta-Etag': etag_crypto_meta, 'X-I-Feel-Lucky': 'Not blocked', 'Etag': etag} def footers_callback(footers): footers.update(footers_to_add) return footers_callback class BaseObjectControllerMixin(object): container_info = { 'status': 200, 'write_acl': None, 'read_acl': None, 'storage_policy': None, 'sync_key': None, 'versions': None, } # this needs to be set on the test case controller_cls = None def setUp(self): # setup fake rings with handoffs for policy in POLICIES: policy.object_ring.max_more_nodes = policy.object_ring.replicas self.logger = debug_logger('proxy-server') self.logger.thread_locals = ('txn1', '') # increase connection timeout to avoid intermittent failures conf = {'conn_timeout': 1.0} self.app = PatchedObjControllerApp( conf, FakeMemcache(), account_ring=FakeRing(), container_ring=FakeRing(), logger=self.logger) # you can over-ride the container_info just by setting it on the app # (see PatchedObjControllerApp for details) self.app.container_info = dict(self.container_info) # default policy and ring references self.policy = POLICIES.default self.obj_ring = self.policy.object_ring self._ts_iter = (utils.Timestamp(t) for t in itertools.count(int(time.time()))) def ts(self): return next(self._ts_iter) def replicas(self, policy=None): policy = policy or POLICIES.default return policy.object_ring.replicas def quorum(self, policy=None): policy = policy or POLICIES.default return policy.quorum def test_iter_nodes_local_first_noops_when_no_affinity(self): # this test needs a stable node order - most don't self.app.sort_nodes = lambda l, *args, **kwargs: l controller = self.controller_cls( self.app, 'a', 'c', 'o') policy = self.policy self.app.get_policy_options(policy).write_affinity_is_local_fn = None object_ring = policy.object_ring all_nodes = object_ring.get_part_nodes(1) all_nodes.extend(object_ring.get_more_nodes(1)) local_first_nodes = list(controller.iter_nodes_local_first( object_ring, 1)) self.maxDiff = None self.assertEqual(all_nodes, local_first_nodes) def test_iter_nodes_local_first_moves_locals_first(self): controller = self.controller_cls( self.app, 'a', 'c', 'o') policy_conf = self.app.get_policy_options(self.policy) policy_conf.write_affinity_is_local_fn = ( lambda node: node['region'] == 1) # we'll write to one more than replica count local nodes policy_conf.write_affinity_node_count_fn = lambda r: r + 1 object_ring = self.policy.object_ring # make our fake ring have plenty of nodes, and not get limited # artificially by the proxy max request node count object_ring.max_more_nodes = 100000 # nothing magic about * 2 + 3, just a way to make it bigger self.app.request_node_count = lambda r: r * 2 + 3 all_nodes = object_ring.get_part_nodes(1) all_nodes.extend(object_ring.get_more_nodes(1)) # limit to the number we're going to look at in this request nodes_requested = self.app.request_node_count(object_ring.replicas) all_nodes = all_nodes[:nodes_requested] # make sure we have enough local nodes (sanity) all_local_nodes = [n for n in all_nodes if policy_conf.write_affinity_is_local_fn(n)] self.assertGreaterEqual(len(all_local_nodes), self.replicas() + 1) # finally, create the local_first_nodes iter and flatten it out local_first_nodes = list(controller.iter_nodes_local_first( object_ring, 1)) # the local nodes move up in the ordering self.assertEqual([1] * (self.replicas() + 1), [ node['region'] for node in local_first_nodes[ :self.replicas() + 1]]) # we don't skip any nodes self.assertEqual(len(all_nodes), len(local_first_nodes)) self.assertEqual(sorted(all_nodes), sorted(local_first_nodes)) def test_iter_nodes_local_first_best_effort(self): controller = self.controller_cls( self.app, 'a', 'c', 'o') policy_conf = self.app.get_policy_options(self.policy) policy_conf.write_affinity_is_local_fn = ( lambda node: node['region'] == 1) object_ring = self.policy.object_ring all_nodes = object_ring.get_part_nodes(1) all_nodes.extend(object_ring.get_more_nodes(1)) local_first_nodes = list(controller.iter_nodes_local_first( object_ring, 1)) # we won't have quite enough local nodes... self.assertEqual(len(all_nodes), self.replicas() + POLICIES.default.object_ring.max_more_nodes) all_local_nodes = [n for n in all_nodes if policy_conf.write_affinity_is_local_fn(n)] self.assertEqual(len(all_local_nodes), self.replicas()) # but the local nodes we do have are at the front of the local iter first_n_local_first_nodes = local_first_nodes[:len(all_local_nodes)] self.assertEqual(sorted(all_local_nodes), sorted(first_n_local_first_nodes)) # but we *still* don't *skip* any nodes self.assertEqual(len(all_nodes), len(local_first_nodes)) self.assertEqual(sorted(all_nodes), sorted(local_first_nodes)) def test_iter_nodes_local_handoff_first_noops_when_no_affinity(self): # this test needs a stable node order - most don't self.app.sort_nodes = lambda l, *args, **kwargs: l controller = self.controller_cls( self.app, 'a', 'c', 'o') policy = self.policy self.app.get_policy_options(policy).write_affinity_is_local_fn = None object_ring = policy.object_ring all_nodes = object_ring.get_part_nodes(1) all_nodes.extend(object_ring.get_more_nodes(1)) local_first_nodes = list(controller.iter_nodes_local_first( object_ring, 1, local_handoffs_first=True)) self.maxDiff = None self.assertEqual(all_nodes, local_first_nodes) def test_iter_nodes_handoff_local_first_default(self): controller = self.controller_cls( self.app, 'a', 'c', 'o') policy_conf = self.app.get_policy_options(self.policy) policy_conf.write_affinity_is_local_fn = ( lambda node: node['region'] == 1) object_ring = self.policy.object_ring primary_nodes = object_ring.get_part_nodes(1) handoff_nodes_iter = object_ring.get_more_nodes(1) all_nodes = primary_nodes + list(handoff_nodes_iter) handoff_nodes_iter = object_ring.get_more_nodes(1) local_handoffs = [n for n in handoff_nodes_iter if policy_conf.write_affinity_is_local_fn(n)] prefered_nodes = list(controller.iter_nodes_local_first( object_ring, 1, local_handoffs_first=True)) self.assertEqual(len(all_nodes), self.replicas() + POLICIES.default.object_ring.max_more_nodes) first_primary_nodes = prefered_nodes[:len(primary_nodes)] self.assertEqual(sorted(primary_nodes), sorted(first_primary_nodes)) handoff_count = self.replicas() - len(primary_nodes) first_handoffs = prefered_nodes[len(primary_nodes):][:handoff_count] self.assertEqual(first_handoffs, local_handoffs[:handoff_count]) def test_iter_nodes_handoff_local_first_non_default(self): # Obviously this test doesn't work if we're testing 1 replica. # In that case, we don't have any failovers to check. if self.replicas() == 1: return controller = self.controller_cls( self.app, 'a', 'c', 'o') policy_conf = self.app.get_policy_options(self.policy) policy_conf.write_affinity_is_local_fn = ( lambda node: node['region'] == 1) policy_conf.write_affinity_handoff_delete_count = 1 object_ring = self.policy.object_ring primary_nodes = object_ring.get_part_nodes(1) handoff_nodes_iter = object_ring.get_more_nodes(1) all_nodes = primary_nodes + list(handoff_nodes_iter) handoff_nodes_iter = object_ring.get_more_nodes(1) local_handoffs = [n for n in handoff_nodes_iter if policy_conf.write_affinity_is_local_fn(n)] prefered_nodes = list(controller.iter_nodes_local_first( object_ring, 1, local_handoffs_first=True)) self.assertEqual(len(all_nodes), self.replicas() + POLICIES.default.object_ring.max_more_nodes) first_primary_nodes = prefered_nodes[:len(primary_nodes)] self.assertEqual(sorted(primary_nodes), sorted(first_primary_nodes)) handoff_count = policy_conf.write_affinity_handoff_delete_count first_handoffs = prefered_nodes[len(primary_nodes):][:handoff_count] self.assertEqual(first_handoffs, local_handoffs[:handoff_count]) def test_connect_put_node_timeout(self): controller = self.controller_cls( self.app, 'a', 'c', 'o') req = swift.common.swob.Request.blank('/v1/a/c/o') self.app.conn_timeout = 0.05 with set_http_connect(slow_connect=True): nodes = [dict(ip='', port='', device='')] res = controller._connect_put_node(nodes, '', req, {}, ('', '')) self.assertIsNone(res) def test_DELETE_simple(self): req = swift.common.swob.Request.blank('/v1/a/c/o', method='DELETE') codes = [204] * self.replicas() with set_http_connect(*codes): resp = req.get_response(self.app) self.assertEqual(resp.status_int, 204) def test_DELETE_missing_one(self): # Obviously this test doesn't work if we're testing 1 replica. # In that case, we don't have any failovers to check. if self.replicas() == 1: return req = swift.common.swob.Request.blank('/v1/a/c/o', method='DELETE') codes = [404] + [204] * (self.replicas() - 1) random.shuffle(codes) with set_http_connect(*codes): resp = req.get_response(self.app) self.assertEqual(resp.status_int, 204) def test_DELETE_not_found(self): # Obviously this test doesn't work if we're testing 1 replica. # In that case, we don't have any failovers to check. if self.replicas() == 1: return req = swift.common.swob.Request.blank('/v1/a/c/o', method='DELETE') codes = [404] * (self.replicas() - 1) + [204] with set_http_connect(*codes): resp = req.get_response(self.app) self.assertEqual(resp.status_int, 404) def test_DELETE_mostly_found(self): req = swift.common.swob.Request.blank('/v1/a/c/o', method='DELETE') mostly_204s = [204] * self.quorum() codes = mostly_204s + [404] * (self.replicas() - len(mostly_204s)) self.assertEqual(len(codes), self.replicas()) with set_http_connect(*codes): resp = req.get_response(self.app) self.assertEqual(resp.status_int, 204) def test_DELETE_mostly_not_found(self): req = swift.common.swob.Request.blank('/v1/a/c/o', method='DELETE') mostly_404s = [404] * self.quorum() codes = mostly_404s + [204] * (self.replicas() - len(mostly_404s)) self.assertEqual(len(codes), self.replicas()) with set_http_connect(*codes): resp = req.get_response(self.app) self.assertEqual(resp.status_int, 404) def test_DELETE_half_not_found_statuses(self): self.obj_ring.set_replicas(4) req = swift.common.swob.Request.blank('/v1/a/c/o', method='DELETE') with set_http_connect(404, 204, 404, 204): resp = req.get_response(self.app) self.assertEqual(resp.status_int, 204) def test_DELETE_half_not_found_headers_and_body(self): # Transformed responses have bogus bodies and headers, so make sure we # send the client headers and body from a real node's response. self.obj_ring.set_replicas(4) status_codes = (404, 404, 204, 204) bodies = ('not found', 'not found', '', '') headers = [{}, {}, {'Pick-Me': 'yes'}, {'Pick-Me': 'yes'}] req = swift.common.swob.Request.blank('/v1/a/c/o', method='DELETE') with set_http_connect(*status_codes, body_iter=bodies, headers=headers): resp = req.get_response(self.app) self.assertEqual(resp.status_int, 204) self.assertEqual(resp.headers.get('Pick-Me'), 'yes') self.assertEqual(resp.body, '') def test_DELETE_handoff(self): req = swift.common.swob.Request.blank('/v1/a/c/o', method='DELETE') codes = [204] * self.replicas() with set_http_connect(507, *codes): resp = req.get_response(self.app) self.assertEqual(resp.status_int, 204) def test_DELETE_limits_expirer_queue_updates(self): req = swift.common.swob.Request.blank('/v1/a/c/o', method='DELETE') codes = [204] * self.replicas() captured_headers = [] def capture_headers(ip, port, device, part, method, path, headers=None, **kwargs): captured_headers.append(headers) with set_http_connect(*codes, give_connect=capture_headers): resp = req.get_response(self.app) self.assertEqual(resp.status_int, 204) # sanity check counts = {True: 0, False: 0, None: 0} for headers in captured_headers: v = headers.get('X-Backend-Clean-Expiring-Object-Queue') norm_v = None if v is None else utils.config_true_value(v) counts[norm_v] += 1 max_queue_updates = 2 o_replicas = self.replicas() self.assertEqual(counts, { True: min(max_queue_updates, o_replicas), False: max(o_replicas - max_queue_updates, 0), None: 0, }) def test_expirer_DELETE_suppresses_expirer_queue_updates(self): req = swift.common.swob.Request.blank( '/v1/a/c/o', method='DELETE', headers={ 'X-Backend-Clean-Expiring-Object-Queue': 'no'}) codes = [204] * self.replicas() captured_headers = [] def capture_headers(ip, port, device, part, method, path, headers=None, **kwargs): captured_headers.append(headers) with set_http_connect(*codes, give_connect=capture_headers): resp = req.get_response(self.app) self.assertEqual(resp.status_int, 204) # sanity check counts = {True: 0, False: 0, None: 0} for headers in captured_headers: v = headers.get('X-Backend-Clean-Expiring-Object-Queue') norm_v = None if v is None else utils.config_true_value(v) counts[norm_v] += 1 o_replicas = self.replicas() self.assertEqual(counts, { True: 0, False: o_replicas, None: 0, }) # Make sure we're not sending any expirer-queue update headers here. # Since we're not updating the expirer queue, these headers would be # superfluous. for headers in captured_headers: self.assertNotIn('X-Delete-At-Container', headers) self.assertNotIn('X-Delete-At-Partition', headers) self.assertNotIn('X-Delete-At-Host', headers) self.assertNotIn('X-Delete-At-Device', headers) def test_DELETE_write_affinity_before_replication(self): policy_conf = self.app.get_policy_options(self.policy) policy_conf.write_affinity_handoff_delete_count = self.replicas() / 2 policy_conf.write_affinity_is_local_fn = ( lambda node: node['region'] == 1) handoff_count = policy_conf.write_affinity_handoff_delete_count req = swift.common.swob.Request.blank('/v1/a/c/o', method='DELETE') codes = [204] * self.replicas() + [404] * handoff_count with set_http_connect(*codes): resp = req.get_response(self.app) self.assertEqual(resp.status_int, 204) def test_DELETE_write_affinity_after_replication(self): policy_conf = self.app.get_policy_options(self.policy) policy_conf.write_affinity_handoff_delete_count = self.replicas() / 2 policy_conf.write_affinity_is_local_fn = ( lambda node: node['region'] == 1) handoff_count = policy_conf.write_affinity_handoff_delete_count req = swift.common.swob.Request.blank('/v1/a/c/o', method='DELETE') codes = ([204] * (self.replicas() - handoff_count) + [404] * handoff_count + [204] * handoff_count) with set_http_connect(*codes): resp = req.get_response(self.app) self.assertEqual(resp.status_int, 204) def test_PUT_limits_expirer_queue_deletes(self): req = swift.common.swob.Request.blank( '/v1/a/c/o', method='PUT', body='', headers={'Content-Type': 'application/octet-stream'}) codes = [201] * self.replicas() captured_headers = [] def capture_headers(ip, port, device, part, method, path, headers=None, **kwargs): captured_headers.append(headers) expect_headers = { 'X-Obj-Metadata-Footer': 'yes', 'X-Obj-Multiphase-Commit': 'yes' } with set_http_connect(*codes, give_connect=capture_headers, expect_headers=expect_headers): resp = req.get_response(self.app) self.assertEqual(resp.status_int, 201) # sanity check counts = {True: 0, False: 0, None: 0} for headers in captured_headers: v = headers.get('X-Backend-Clean-Expiring-Object-Queue') norm_v = None if v is None else utils.config_true_value(v) counts[norm_v] += 1 max_queue_updates = 2 o_replicas = self.replicas() self.assertEqual(counts, { True: min(max_queue_updates, o_replicas), False: max(o_replicas - max_queue_updates, 0), None: 0, }) def test_POST_limits_expirer_queue_deletes(self): req = swift.common.swob.Request.blank( '/v1/a/c/o', method='POST', body='', headers={'Content-Type': 'application/octet-stream'}) codes = [201] * self.replicas() captured_headers = [] def capture_headers(ip, port, device, part, method, path, headers=None, **kwargs): captured_headers.append(headers) with set_http_connect(*codes, give_connect=capture_headers): resp = req.get_response(self.app) self.assertEqual(resp.status_int, 201) # sanity check counts = {True: 0, False: 0, None: 0} for headers in captured_headers: v = headers.get('X-Backend-Clean-Expiring-Object-Queue') norm_v = None if v is None else utils.config_true_value(v) counts[norm_v] += 1 max_queue_updates = 2 o_replicas = self.replicas() self.assertEqual(counts, { True: min(max_queue_updates, o_replicas), False: max(o_replicas - max_queue_updates, 0), None: 0, }) def test_POST_non_int_delete_after(self): t = str(int(time.time() + 100)) + '.1' req = swob.Request.blank('/v1/a/c/o', method='POST', headers={'Content-Type': 'foo/bar', 'X-Delete-After': t}) resp = req.get_response(self.app) self.assertEqual(resp.status_int, 400) self.assertEqual('Non-integer X-Delete-After', resp.body) def test_PUT_non_int_delete_after(self): t = str(int(time.time() + 100)) + '.1' req = swob.Request.blank('/v1/a/c/o', method='PUT', body='', headers={'Content-Type': 'foo/bar', 'X-Delete-After': t}) with set_http_connect(): resp = req.get_response(self.app) self.assertEqual(resp.status_int, 400) self.assertEqual('Non-integer X-Delete-After', resp.body) def test_POST_negative_delete_after(self): req = swob.Request.blank('/v1/a/c/o', method='POST', headers={'Content-Type': 'foo/bar', 'X-Delete-After': '-60'}) resp = req.get_response(self.app) self.assertEqual(resp.status_int, 400) self.assertEqual('X-Delete-After in past', resp.body) def test_PUT_negative_delete_after(self): req = swob.Request.blank('/v1/a/c/o', method='PUT', body='', headers={'Content-Type': 'foo/bar', 'X-Delete-After': '-60'}) with set_http_connect(): resp = req.get_response(self.app) self.assertEqual(resp.status_int, 400) self.assertEqual('X-Delete-After in past', resp.body) def test_POST_delete_at_non_integer(self): t = str(int(time.time() + 100)) + '.1' req = swob.Request.blank('/v1/a/c/o', method='POST', headers={'Content-Type': 'foo/bar', 'X-Delete-At': t}) resp = req.get_response(self.app) self.assertEqual(resp.status_int, 400) self.assertEqual('Non-integer X-Delete-At', resp.body) def test_PUT_delete_at_non_integer(self): t = str(int(time.time() - 100)) + '.1' req = swob.Request.blank('/v1/a/c/o', method='PUT', body='', headers={'Content-Type': 'foo/bar', 'X-Delete-At': t}) with set_http_connect(): resp = req.get_response(self.app) self.assertEqual(resp.status_int, 400) self.assertEqual('Non-integer X-Delete-At', resp.body) def test_POST_delete_at_in_past(self): t = str(int(time.time() - 100)) req = swob.Request.blank('/v1/a/c/o', method='POST', headers={'Content-Type': 'foo/bar', 'X-Delete-At': t}) resp = req.get_response(self.app) self.assertEqual(resp.status_int, 400) self.assertEqual('X-Delete-At in past', resp.body) def test_PUT_delete_at_in_past(self): t = str(int(time.time() - 100)) req = swob.Request.blank('/v1/a/c/o', method='PUT', body='', headers={'Content-Type': 'foo/bar', 'X-Delete-At': t}) with set_http_connect(): resp = req.get_response(self.app) self.assertEqual(resp.status_int, 400) self.assertEqual('X-Delete-At in past', resp.body) def test_HEAD_simple(self): req = swift.common.swob.Request.blank('/v1/a/c/o', method='HEAD') with set_http_connect(200): resp = req.get_response(self.app) self.assertEqual(resp.status_int, 200) self.assertIn('Accept-Ranges', resp.headers) def test_HEAD_x_newest(self): req = swift.common.swob.Request.blank('/v1/a/c/o', method='HEAD', headers={'X-Newest': 'true'}) with set_http_connect(*([200] * self.replicas())): resp = req.get_response(self.app) self.assertEqual(resp.status_int, 200) def test_HEAD_x_newest_different_timestamps(self): req = swob.Request.blank('/v1/a/c/o', method='HEAD', headers={'X-Newest': 'true'}) ts = (utils.Timestamp(t) for t in itertools.count(int(time.time()))) timestamps = [next(ts) for i in range(self.replicas())] newest_timestamp = timestamps[-1] random.shuffle(timestamps) backend_response_headers = [{ 'X-Backend-Timestamp': t.internal, 'X-Timestamp': t.normal } for t in timestamps] with set_http_connect(*([200] * self.replicas()), headers=backend_response_headers): resp = req.get_response(self.app) self.assertEqual(resp.status_int, 200) self.assertEqual(resp.headers['x-timestamp'], newest_timestamp.normal) def test_HEAD_x_newest_with_two_vector_timestamps(self): req = swob.Request.blank('/v1/a/c/o', method='HEAD', headers={'X-Newest': 'true'}) ts = (utils.Timestamp.now(offset=offset) for offset in itertools.count()) timestamps = [next(ts) for i in range(self.replicas())] newest_timestamp = timestamps[-1] random.shuffle(timestamps) backend_response_headers = [{ 'X-Backend-Timestamp': t.internal, 'X-Timestamp': t.normal } for t in timestamps] with set_http_connect(*([200] * self.replicas()), headers=backend_response_headers): resp = req.get_response(self.app) self.assertEqual(resp.status_int, 200) self.assertEqual(resp.headers['x-backend-timestamp'], newest_timestamp.internal) def test_HEAD_x_newest_with_some_missing(self): req = swob.Request.blank('/v1/a/c/o', method='HEAD', headers={'X-Newest': 'true'}) ts = (utils.Timestamp(t) for t in itertools.count(int(time.time()))) request_count = self.app.request_node_count(self.obj_ring.replicas) backend_response_headers = [{ 'x-timestamp': next(ts).normal, } for i in range(request_count)] responses = [404] * (request_count - 1) responses.append(200) request_log = [] def capture_requests(ip, port, device, part, method, path, headers=None, **kwargs): req = { 'ip': ip, 'port': port, 'device': device, 'part': part, 'method': method, 'path': path, 'headers': headers, } request_log.append(req) with set_http_connect(*responses, headers=backend_response_headers, give_connect=capture_requests): resp = req.get_response(self.app) self.assertEqual(resp.status_int, 200) for req in request_log: self.assertEqual(req['method'], 'HEAD') self.assertEqual(req['path'], '/a/c/o') def test_container_sync_delete(self): ts = (utils.Timestamp(t) for t in itertools.count(int(time.time()))) test_indexes = [None] + [int(p) for p in POLICIES] for policy_index in test_indexes: req = swob.Request.blank( '/v1/a/c/o', method='DELETE', headers={ 'X-Timestamp': next(ts).internal}) codes = [409] * self.obj_ring.replicas ts_iter = itertools.repeat(next(ts).internal) with set_http_connect(*codes, timestamps=ts_iter): resp = req.get_response(self.app) self.assertEqual(resp.status_int, 409) def test_PUT_requires_length(self): req = swift.common.swob.Request.blank('/v1/a/c/o', method='PUT') resp = req.get_response(self.app) self.assertEqual(resp.status_int, 411) def test_container_update_backend_requests(self): for policy in POLICIES: req = swift.common.swob.Request.blank( '/v1/a/c/o', method='PUT', headers={'Content-Length': '0', 'X-Backend-Storage-Policy-Index': int(policy)}) controller = self.controller_cls(self.app, 'a', 'c', 'o') # This is the number of container updates we're doing, simulating # 1 to 15 container replicas. for num_containers in range(1, 16): containers = [{'ip': '1.0.0.%s' % i, 'port': '60%s' % str(i).zfill(2), 'device': 'sdb'} for i in range(num_containers)] backend_headers = controller._backend_requests( req, self.replicas(policy), 1, containers) # how many of the backend headers have a container update n_container_updates = len( [headers for headers in backend_headers if 'X-Container-Partition' in headers]) # how many object-server PUTs can fail and still let the # client PUT succeed n_can_fail = self.replicas(policy) - self.quorum(policy) n_expected_updates = ( n_can_fail + utils.quorum_size(num_containers)) # you get at least one update per container no matter what n_expected_updates = max( n_expected_updates, num_containers) # you can't have more object requests with updates than you # have object requests (the container stuff gets doubled up, # but that's not important for purposes of durability) n_expected_updates = min( n_expected_updates, self.replicas(policy)) self.assertEqual(n_expected_updates, n_container_updates) def test_delete_at_backend_requests(self): t = str(int(time.time() + 100)) for policy in POLICIES: req = swift.common.swob.Request.blank( '/v1/a/c/o', method='PUT', headers={'Content-Length': '0', 'X-Backend-Storage-Policy-Index': int(policy), 'X-Delete-At': t}) controller = self.controller_cls(self.app, 'a', 'c', 'o') for num_del_at_nodes in range(1, 16): containers = [ {'ip': '2.0.0.%s' % i, 'port': '70%s' % str(i).zfill(2), 'device': 'sdc'} for i in range(num_del_at_nodes)] del_at_nodes = [ {'ip': '1.0.0.%s' % i, 'port': '60%s' % str(i).zfill(2), 'device': 'sdb'} for i in range(num_del_at_nodes)] backend_headers = controller._backend_requests( req, self.replicas(policy), 1, containers, delete_at_container='dac', delete_at_partition=2, delete_at_nodes=del_at_nodes) devices = [] hosts = [] part = ctr = 0 for given_headers in backend_headers: self.assertEqual(given_headers.get('X-Delete-At'), t) if 'X-Delete-At-Partition' in given_headers: self.assertEqual( given_headers.get('X-Delete-At-Partition'), '2') part += 1 if 'X-Delete-At-Container' in given_headers: self.assertEqual( given_headers.get('X-Delete-At-Container'), 'dac') ctr += 1 devices += ( list_from_csv(given_headers.get('X-Delete-At-Device'))) hosts += ( list_from_csv(given_headers.get('X-Delete-At-Host'))) # same as in test_container_update_backend_requests n_can_fail = self.replicas(policy) - self.quorum(policy) n_expected_updates = ( n_can_fail + utils.quorum_size(num_del_at_nodes)) n_expected_hosts = max( n_expected_updates, num_del_at_nodes) self.assertEqual(len(hosts), n_expected_hosts) self.assertEqual(len(devices), n_expected_hosts) # parts don't get doubled up, maximum is count of obj requests n_expected_parts = min( n_expected_hosts, self.replicas(policy)) self.assertEqual(part, n_expected_parts) self.assertEqual(ctr, n_expected_parts) # check that hosts are correct self.assertEqual( set(hosts), set('%s:%s' % (h['ip'], h['port']) for h in del_at_nodes)) self.assertEqual(set(devices), set(('sdb',))) def test_smooth_distributed_backend_requests(self): t = str(int(time.time() + 100)) for policy in POLICIES: req = swift.common.swob.Request.blank( '/v1/a/c/o', method='PUT', headers={'Content-Length': '0', 'X-Backend-Storage-Policy-Index': int(policy), 'X-Delete-At': t}) controller = self.controller_cls(self.app, 'a', 'c', 'o') for num_containers in range(1, 16): containers = [ {'ip': '2.0.0.%s' % i, 'port': '70%s' % str(i).zfill(2), 'device': 'sdc'} for i in range(num_containers)] del_at_nodes = [ {'ip': '1.0.0.%s' % i, 'port': '60%s' % str(i).zfill(2), 'device': 'sdb'} for i in range(num_containers)] backend_headers = controller._backend_requests( req, self.replicas(policy), 1, containers, delete_at_container='dac', delete_at_partition=2, delete_at_nodes=del_at_nodes) # caculate no of expected updates, see # test_container_update_backend_requests for explanation n_expected_updates = min(max( self.replicas(policy) - self.quorum(policy) + utils.quorum_size(num_containers), num_containers), self.replicas(policy)) # the first n_expected_updates servers should have received # a container update self.assertTrue( all([h.get('X-Container-Partition') for h in backend_headers[:n_expected_updates]])) # the last n_expected_updates servers should have received # the x-delete-at* headers self.assertTrue( all([h.get('X-Delete-At-Container') for h in backend_headers[-n_expected_updates:]])) def _check_write_affinity( self, conf, policy_conf, policy, affinity_regions, affinity_count): conf['policy_config'] = policy_conf app = PatchedObjControllerApp( conf, FakeMemcache(), account_ring=FakeRing(), container_ring=FakeRing(), logger=self.logger) controller = self.controller_cls(app, 'a', 'c', 'o') object_ring = app.get_object_ring(int(policy)) # make our fake ring have plenty of nodes, and not get limited # artificially by the proxy max request node count object_ring.max_more_nodes = 100 all_nodes = object_ring.get_part_nodes(1) all_nodes.extend(object_ring.get_more_nodes(1)) # make sure we have enough local nodes (sanity) all_local_nodes = [n for n in all_nodes if n['region'] in affinity_regions] self.assertGreaterEqual(len(all_local_nodes), affinity_count) # finally, create the local_first_nodes iter and flatten it out local_first_nodes = list(controller.iter_nodes_local_first( object_ring, 1, policy)) # check that the required number of local nodes were moved up the order node_regions = [node['region'] for node in local_first_nodes] self.assertTrue( all(r in affinity_regions for r in node_regions[:affinity_count]), 'Unexpected region found in local nodes, expected %s but got %s' % (affinity_regions, node_regions)) return app def test_write_affinity_not_configured(self): # default is no write affinity so expect both regions 0 and 1 self._check_write_affinity({}, {}, POLICIES[0], [0, 1], 2 * self.replicas(POLICIES[0])) self._check_write_affinity({}, {}, POLICIES[1], [0, 1], 2 * self.replicas(POLICIES[1])) def test_write_affinity_proxy_server_config(self): # without overrides policies use proxy-server config section options conf = {'write_affinity_node_count': '1 * replicas', 'write_affinity': 'r0'} self._check_write_affinity(conf, {}, POLICIES[0], [0], self.replicas(POLICIES[0])) self._check_write_affinity(conf, {}, POLICIES[1], [0], self.replicas(POLICIES[1])) def test_write_affinity_per_policy_config(self): # check only per-policy configuration is sufficient conf = {} policy_conf = {'0': {'write_affinity_node_count': '1 * replicas', 'write_affinity': 'r1'}, '1': {'write_affinity_node_count': '5', 'write_affinity': 'r0'}} self._check_write_affinity(conf, policy_conf, POLICIES[0], [1], self.replicas(POLICIES[0])) self._check_write_affinity(conf, policy_conf, POLICIES[1], [0], 5) def test_write_affinity_per_policy_config_overrides_and_inherits(self): # check per-policy config is preferred over proxy-server section config conf = {'write_affinity_node_count': '1 * replicas', 'write_affinity': 'r0'} policy_conf = {'0': {'write_affinity': 'r1'}, '1': {'write_affinity_node_count': '3 * replicas'}} # policy 0 inherits default node count, override affinity to r1 self._check_write_affinity(conf, policy_conf, POLICIES[0], [1], self.replicas(POLICIES[0])) # policy 1 inherits default affinity to r0, overrides node count self._check_write_affinity(conf, policy_conf, POLICIES[1], [0], 3 * self.replicas(POLICIES[1])) # end of BaseObjectControllerMixin @patch_policies() class TestReplicatedObjController(BaseObjectControllerMixin, unittest.TestCase): controller_cls = obj.ReplicatedObjectController def test_PUT_simple(self): req = swift.common.swob.Request.blank('/v1/a/c/o', method='PUT') req.headers['content-length'] = '0' with set_http_connect(201, 201, 201): resp = req.get_response(self.app) self.assertEqual(resp.status_int, 201) def test_PUT_error_with_footers(self): footers_callback = make_footers_callback('') env = {'swift.callback.update_footers': footers_callback} req = swift.common.swob.Request.blank('/v1/a/c/o', method='PUT', environ=env) req.headers['content-length'] = '0' codes = [503] * self.replicas() expect_headers = { 'X-Obj-Metadata-Footer': 'yes' } with set_http_connect(*codes, expect_headers=expect_headers): resp = req.get_response(self.app) self.assertEqual(resp.status_int, 503) def _test_PUT_with_no_footers(self, test_body='', chunked=False): # verify that when no footers are required then the PUT uses a regular # single part body req = swift.common.swob.Request.blank('/v1/a/c/o', method='PUT', body=test_body) if chunked: req.headers['Transfer-Encoding'] = 'chunked' etag = md5(test_body).hexdigest() req.headers['Etag'] = etag put_requests = defaultdict( lambda: {'headers': None, 'chunks': [], 'connection': None}) def capture_body(conn, chunk): put_requests[conn.connection_id]['chunks'].append(chunk) put_requests[conn.connection_id]['connection'] = conn def capture_headers(ip, port, device, part, method, path, headers, **kwargs): conn_id = kwargs['connection_id'] put_requests[conn_id]['headers'] = headers codes = [201] * self.replicas() expect_headers = {'X-Obj-Metadata-Footer': 'yes'} resp_headers = { 'Some-Header': 'Four', 'Etag': '"%s"' % etag, } with set_http_connect(*codes, expect_headers=expect_headers, give_send=capture_body, give_connect=capture_headers, headers=resp_headers): resp = req.get_response(self.app) self.assertEqual(resp.status_int, 201) timestamps = {captured_req['headers']['x-timestamp'] for captured_req in put_requests.values()} self.assertEqual(1, len(timestamps), timestamps) self.assertEqual(dict(resp.headers), { 'Content-Type': 'text/html; charset=UTF-8', 'Content-Length': '0', 'Etag': etag, 'Last-Modified': time.strftime( "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT", time.gmtime(math.ceil(float(timestamps.pop())))), }) for connection_id, info in put_requests.items(): body = ''.join(info['chunks']) headers = info['headers'] if chunked or not test_body: body = unchunk_body(body) self.assertEqual('100-continue', headers['Expect']) self.assertEqual('chunked', headers['Transfer-Encoding']) else: self.assertNotIn('Transfer-Encoding', headers) if body or not test_body: self.assertEqual('100-continue', headers['Expect']) else: self.assertNotIn('Expect', headers) self.assertNotIn('X-Backend-Obj-Multipart-Mime-Boundary', headers) self.assertNotIn('X-Backend-Obj-Metadata-Footer', headers) self.assertNotIn('X-Backend-Obj-Multiphase-Commit', headers) self.assertEqual(etag, headers['Etag']) self.assertEqual(test_body, body) self.assertTrue(info['connection'].closed) def test_PUT_with_chunked_body_and_no_footers(self): self._test_PUT_with_no_footers(test_body='asdf', chunked=True) def test_PUT_with_body_and_no_footers(self): self._test_PUT_with_no_footers(test_body='asdf', chunked=False) def test_PUT_with_no_body_and_no_footers(self): self._test_PUT_with_no_footers(test_body='', chunked=False) def _test_PUT_with_footers(self, test_body=''): # verify that when footers are required the PUT body is multipart # and the footers are appended footers_callback = make_footers_callback(test_body) env = {'swift.callback.update_footers': footers_callback} req = swift.common.swob.Request.blank('/v1/a/c/o', method='PUT', environ=env) req.body = test_body # send bogus Etag header to differentiate from footer value req.headers['Etag'] = 'header_etag' codes = [201] * self.replicas() expect_headers = { 'X-Obj-Metadata-Footer': 'yes' } put_requests = defaultdict( lambda: {'headers': None, 'chunks': [], 'connection': None}) def capture_body(conn, chunk): put_requests[conn.connection_id]['chunks'].append(chunk) put_requests[conn.connection_id]['connection'] = conn def capture_headers(ip, port, device, part, method, path, headers, **kwargs): conn_id = kwargs['connection_id'] put_requests[conn_id]['headers'] = headers resp_headers = { 'Etag': '"resp_etag"', # NB: ignored! 'Some-Header': 'Four', } with set_http_connect(*codes, expect_headers=expect_headers, give_send=capture_body, give_connect=capture_headers, headers=resp_headers): resp = req.get_response(self.app) self.assertEqual(resp.status_int, 201) timestamps = {captured_req['headers']['x-timestamp'] for captured_req in put_requests.values()} self.assertEqual(1, len(timestamps), timestamps) self.assertEqual(dict(resp.headers), { 'Content-Type': 'text/html; charset=UTF-8', 'Content-Length': '0', 'Etag': 'resp_etag', 'Last-Modified': time.strftime( "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT", time.gmtime(math.ceil(float(timestamps.pop())))), }) for connection_id, info in put_requests.items(): body = unchunk_body(''.join(info['chunks'])) headers = info['headers'] boundary = headers['X-Backend-Obj-Multipart-Mime-Boundary'] self.assertTrue(boundary is not None, "didn't get boundary for conn %r" % ( connection_id,)) self.assertEqual('chunked', headers['Transfer-Encoding']) self.assertEqual('100-continue', headers['Expect']) self.assertEqual('yes', headers['X-Backend-Obj-Metadata-Footer']) self.assertNotIn('X-Backend-Obj-Multiphase-Commit', headers) self.assertEqual('header_etag', headers['Etag']) # email.parser.FeedParser doesn't know how to take a multipart # message and boundary together and parse it; it only knows how # to take a string, parse the headers, and figure out the # boundary on its own. parser = email.parser.FeedParser() parser.feed( "Content-Type: multipart/nobodycares; boundary=%s\r\n\r\n" % boundary) parser.feed(body) message = parser.close() self.assertTrue(message.is_multipart()) # sanity check mime_parts = message.get_payload() # notice, no commit confirmation self.assertEqual(len(mime_parts), 2) obj_part, footer_part = mime_parts self.assertEqual(obj_part['X-Document'], 'object body') self.assertEqual(test_body, obj_part.get_payload()) # validate footer metadata self.assertEqual(footer_part['X-Document'], 'object metadata') footer_metadata = json.loads(footer_part.get_payload()) self.assertTrue(footer_metadata) expected = {} footers_callback(expected) self.assertDictEqual(expected, footer_metadata) self.assertTrue(info['connection'].closed) def test_PUT_with_body_and_footers(self): self._test_PUT_with_footers(test_body='asdf') def test_PUT_with_no_body_and_footers(self): self._test_PUT_with_footers() def test_txn_id_logging_on_PUT(self): req = swift.common.swob.Request.blank('/v1/a/c/o', method='PUT') self.app.logger.txn_id = req.environ['swift.trans_id'] = 'test-txn-id' req.headers['content-length'] = '0' # we capture stdout since the debug log formatter prints the formatted # message to stdout stdout = BytesIO() with set_http_connect((100, Timeout()), 503, 503), \ mock.patch('sys.stdout', stdout): resp = req.get_response(self.app) self.assertEqual(resp.status_int, 503) for line in stdout.getvalue().splitlines(): self.assertIn('test-txn-id', line) self.assertIn('Trying to get final status of PUT to', stdout.getvalue()) def test_PUT_empty_bad_etag(self): req = swift.common.swob.Request.blank('/v1/a/c/o', method='PUT') req.headers['Content-Length'] = '0' req.headers['Etag'] = '"catbus"' # The 2-tuple here makes getexpect() return 422, not 100. For objects # that are >0 bytes, you get a 100 Continue and then a 422 # Unprocessable Entity after sending the body. For zero-byte objects, # though, you get the 422 right away because no Expect header is sent # with zero-byte PUT. The second status in the tuple should not be # consumed, it's just there to make the FakeStatus treat the first as # an expect status, but we'll make it something other than a 422 so # that if it is consumed then the test should fail. codes = [FakeStatus((422, 200)) for _junk in range(self.replicas())] with set_http_connect(*codes): resp = req.get_response(self.app) self.assertEqual(resp.status_int, 422) def test_PUT_if_none_match(self): req = swift.common.swob.Request.blank('/v1/a/c/o', method='PUT') req.headers['if-none-match'] = '*' req.headers['content-length'] = '0' with set_http_connect(201, 201, 201): resp = req.get_response(self.app) self.assertEqual(resp.status_int, 201) def test_PUT_if_none_match_denied(self): req = swift.common.swob.Request.blank('/v1/a/c/o', method='PUT') req.headers['if-none-match'] = '*' req.headers['content-length'] = '0' with set_http_connect(201, 412, 201): resp = req.get_response(self.app) self.assertEqual(resp.status_int, 412) def test_PUT_if_none_match_not_star(self): req = swift.common.swob.Request.blank('/v1/a/c/o', method='PUT') req.headers['if-none-match'] = 'somethingelse' req.headers['content-length'] = '0' with set_http_connect(): resp = req.get_response(self.app) self.assertEqual(resp.status_int, 400) def test_PUT_connect_exceptions(self): object_ring = self.app.get_object_ring(None) self.app.sort_nodes = lambda n, *args, **kwargs: n # disable shuffle def test_status_map(statuses, expected): self.app._error_limiting = {} req = swob.Request.blank('/v1/a/c/o.jpg', method='PUT', body='test body') with set_http_connect(*statuses): resp = req.get_response(self.app) self.assertEqual(resp.status_int, expected) base_status = [201] * 3 # test happy path test_status_map(list(base_status), 201) for i in range(3): self.assertEqual(node_error_count( self.app, object_ring.devs[i]), 0) # single node errors and test isolation for i in range(3): status_list = list(base_status) status_list[i] = 503 test_status_map(status_list, 201) for j in range(3): self.assertEqual(node_error_count( self.app, object_ring.devs[j]), 1 if j == i else 0) # connect errors test_status_map((201, Timeout(), 201, 201), 201) self.assertEqual(node_error_count( self.app, object_ring.devs[1]), 1) test_status_map((Exception('kaboom!'), 201, 201, 201), 201) self.assertEqual(node_error_count( self.app, object_ring.devs[0]), 1) # expect errors test_status_map((201, 201, (503, None), 201), 201) self.assertEqual(node_error_count( self.app, object_ring.devs[2]), 1) test_status_map(((507, None), 201, 201, 201), 201) self.assertEqual( node_error_count(self.app, object_ring.devs[0]), self.app.error_suppression_limit + 1) # response errors test_status_map(((100, Timeout()), 201, 201), 201) self.assertEqual( node_error_count(self.app, object_ring.devs[0]), 1) test_status_map((201, 201, (100, Exception())), 201) self.assertEqual( node_error_count(self.app, object_ring.devs[2]), 1) test_status_map((201, (100, 507), 201), 201) self.assertEqual( node_error_count(self.app, object_ring.devs[1]), self.app.error_suppression_limit + 1) def test_PUT_connect_exception_with_unicode_path(self): expected = 201 statuses = ( Exception('Connection refused: Please insert ten dollars'), 201, 201, 201) req = swob.Request.blank('/v1/AUTH_kilroy/%ED%88%8E/%E9%90%89', method='PUT', body='life is utf-gr8') self.app.logger.clear() with set_http_connect(*statuses): resp = req.get_response(self.app) self.assertEqual(resp.status_int, expected) log_lines = self.app.logger.get_lines_for_level('error') self.assertFalse(log_lines[1:]) self.assertIn('ERROR with Object server', log_lines[0]) self.assertIn(req.swift_entity_path.decode('utf-8'), log_lines[0]) self.assertIn('re: Expect: 100-continue', log_lines[0]) def test_PUT_get_expect_errors_with_unicode_path(self): def do_test(statuses): req = swob.Request.blank('/v1/AUTH_kilroy/%ED%88%8E/%E9%90%89', method='PUT', body='life is utf-gr8') self.app.logger.clear() with set_http_connect(*statuses): resp = req.get_response(self.app) self.assertEqual(resp.status_int, 201) log_lines = self.app.logger.get_lines_for_level('error') self.assertFalse(log_lines[1:]) return log_lines log_lines = do_test((201, (507, None), 201, 201)) self.assertIn('ERROR Insufficient Storage', log_lines[0]) log_lines = do_test((201, (503, None), 201, 201)) self.assertIn('ERROR 503 Expect: 100-continue From Object Server', log_lines[0]) def test_PUT_send_exception_with_unicode_path(self): def do_test(exc): conns = set() def capture_send(conn, data): conns.add(conn) if len(conns) == 2: raise exc req = swob.Request.blank('/v1/AUTH_kilroy/%ED%88%8E/%E9%90%89', method='PUT', body='life is utf-gr8') self.app.logger.clear() with set_http_connect(201, 201, 201, give_send=capture_send): resp = req.get_response(self.app) self.assertEqual(resp.status_int, 201) log_lines = self.app.logger.get_lines_for_level('error') self.assertFalse(log_lines[1:]) self.assertIn('ERROR with Object server', log_lines[0]) self.assertIn(req.swift_entity_path.decode('utf-8'), log_lines[0]) self.assertIn('Trying to write to', log_lines[0]) do_test(Exception('Exception while sending data on connection')) do_test(ChunkWriteTimeout()) def test_PUT_final_response_errors_with_unicode_path(self): def do_test(statuses): req = swob.Request.blank('/v1/AUTH_kilroy/%ED%88%8E/%E9%90%89', method='PUT', body='life is utf-gr8') self.app.logger.clear() with set_http_connect(*statuses): resp = req.get_response(self.app) self.assertEqual(resp.status_int, 201) log_lines = self.app.logger.get_lines_for_level('error') self.assertFalse(log_lines[1:]) return req, log_lines req, log_lines = do_test((201, (100, Exception('boom')), 201)) self.assertIn('ERROR with Object server', log_lines[0]) self.assertIn(req.path.decode('utf-8'), log_lines[0]) self.assertIn('Trying to get final status of PUT', log_lines[0]) req, log_lines = do_test((201, (100, Timeout()), 201)) self.assertIn('ERROR with Object server', log_lines[0]) self.assertIn(req.path.decode('utf-8'), log_lines[0]) self.assertIn('Trying to get final status of PUT', log_lines[0]) req, log_lines = do_test((201, (100, 507), 201)) self.assertIn('ERROR Insufficient Storage', log_lines[0]) req, log_lines = do_test((201, (100, 500), 201)) self.assertIn('ERROR 500 From Object Server', log_lines[0]) self.assertIn(req.path.decode('utf-8'), log_lines[0]) def test_DELETE_errors(self): # verify logged errors with and without non-ascii characters in path def do_test(path, statuses): req = swob.Request.blank('/v1' + path, method='DELETE', body='life is utf-gr8') self.app.logger.clear() with set_http_connect(*statuses): resp = req.get_response(self.app) self.assertEqual(resp.status_int, 201) log_lines = self.app.logger.get_lines_for_level('error') self.assertFalse(log_lines[1:]) return req, log_lines req, log_lines = do_test('/AUTH_kilroy/ascii/ascii', (201, 500, 201, 201)) self.assertIn('Trying to DELETE', log_lines[0]) self.assertIn(req.swift_entity_path.decode('utf-8'), log_lines[0]) self.assertIn(' From Object Server', log_lines[0]) req, log_lines = do_test('/AUTH_kilroy/%ED%88%8E/%E9%90%89', (201, 500, 201, 201)) self.assertIn('Trying to DELETE', log_lines[0]) self.assertIn(req.swift_entity_path.decode('utf-8'), log_lines[0]) self.assertIn(' From Object Server', log_lines[0]) req, log_lines = do_test('/AUTH_kilroy/ascii/ascii', (201, 507, 201, 201)) self.assertIn('ERROR Insufficient Storage', log_lines[0]) req, log_lines = do_test('/AUTH_kilroy/%ED%88%8E/%E9%90%89', (201, 507, 201, 201)) self.assertIn('ERROR Insufficient Storage', log_lines[0]) req, log_lines = do_test('/AUTH_kilroy/ascii/ascii', (201, Exception(), 201, 201)) self.assertIn('Trying to DELETE', log_lines[0]) self.assertIn(req.swift_entity_path.decode('utf-8'), log_lines[0]) self.assertIn('ERROR with Object server', log_lines[0]) req, log_lines = do_test('/AUTH_kilroy/%ED%88%8E/%E9%90%89', (201, Exception(), 201, 201)) self.assertIn('Trying to DELETE', log_lines[0]) self.assertIn(req.swift_entity_path.decode('utf-8'), log_lines[0]) self.assertIn('ERROR with Object server', log_lines[0]) def test_PUT_error_during_transfer_data(self): class FakeReader(object): def read(self, size): raise IOError('error message') req = swob.Request.blank('/v1/a/c/o.jpg', method='PUT', body='test body') req.environ['wsgi.input'] = FakeReader() req.headers['content-length'] = '6' with set_http_connect(201, 201, 201): resp = req.get_response(self.app) self.assertEqual(resp.status_int, 499) def test_PUT_chunkreadtimeout_during_transfer_data(self): class FakeReader(object): def read(self, size): raise exceptions.ChunkReadTimeout() req = swob.Request.blank('/v1/a/c/o.jpg', method='PUT', body='test body') req.environ['wsgi.input'] = FakeReader() req.headers['content-length'] = '6' with set_http_connect(201, 201, 201): resp = req.get_response(self.app) self.assertEqual(resp.status_int, 408) def test_PUT_timeout_during_transfer_data(self): class FakeReader(object): def read(self, size): raise Timeout() conns = [] def capture_expect(conn): # stash connections so that we can verify they all get closed conns.append(conn) req = swob.Request.blank('/v1/a/c/o.jpg', method='PUT', body='test body') req.environ['wsgi.input'] = FakeReader() req.headers['content-length'] = '6' with set_http_connect(201, 201, 201, give_expect=capture_expect): resp = req.get_response(self.app) self.assertEqual(resp.status_int, 499) self.assertEqual(self.replicas(), len(conns)) for conn in conns: self.assertTrue(conn.closed) def test_PUT_exception_during_transfer_data(self): class FakeReader(object): def read(self, size): raise Exception('exception message') req = swob.Request.blank('/v1/a/c/o.jpg', method='PUT', body='test body') req.environ['wsgi.input'] = FakeReader() req.headers['content-length'] = '6' with set_http_connect(201, 201, 201): resp = req.get_response(self.app) self.assertEqual(resp.status_int, 500) def test_GET_simple(self): req = swift.common.swob.Request.blank('/v1/a/c/o') with set_http_connect(200, headers={'Connection': 'close'}): resp = req.get_response(self.app) self.assertEqual(resp.status_int, 200) self.assertIn('Accept-Ranges', resp.headers) self.assertNotIn('Connection', resp.headers) def test_GET_transfer_encoding_chunked(self): req = swift.common.swob.Request.blank('/v1/a/c/o') with set_http_connect(200, headers={'transfer-encoding': 'chunked'}): resp = req.get_response(self.app) self.assertEqual(resp.status_int, 200) self.assertEqual(resp.headers['Transfer-Encoding'], 'chunked') def _test_removes_swift_bytes(self, method): req = swift.common.swob.Request.blank('/v1/a/c/o', method=method) with set_http_connect( 200, headers={'content-type': 'image/jpeg; swift_bytes=99'}): resp = req.get_response(self.app) self.assertEqual(resp.status_int, 200) self.assertEqual(resp.headers['Content-Type'], 'image/jpeg') def test_GET_removes_swift_bytes(self): self._test_removes_swift_bytes('GET') def test_HEAD_removes_swift_bytes(self): self._test_removes_swift_bytes('HEAD') def test_GET_error(self): req = swift.common.swob.Request.blank('/v1/a/c/o') self.app.logger.txn_id = req.environ['swift.trans_id'] = 'my-txn-id' stdout = BytesIO() with set_http_connect(503, 200), \ mock.patch('sys.stdout', stdout): resp = req.get_response(self.app) self.assertEqual(resp.status_int, 200) for line in stdout.getvalue().splitlines(): self.assertIn('my-txn-id', line) self.assertIn('From Object Server', stdout.getvalue()) def test_GET_handoff(self): req = swift.common.swob.Request.blank('/v1/a/c/o') codes = [503] * self.obj_ring.replicas + [200] with set_http_connect(*codes): resp = req.get_response(self.app) self.assertEqual(resp.status_int, 200) def test_GET_not_found(self): req = swift.common.swob.Request.blank('/v1/a/c/o') codes = [404] * (self.obj_ring.replicas + self.obj_ring.max_more_nodes) with set_http_connect(*codes): resp = req.get_response(self.app) self.assertEqual(resp.status_int, 404) def test_GET_not_found_when_404_newer(self): # if proxy receives a 404, it keeps waiting for other connections until # max number of nodes in hopes of finding an object, but if 404 is # more recent than a 200, then it should ignore 200 and return 404 req = swift.common.swob.Request.blank('/v1/a/c/o') codes = [404] * self.obj_ring.replicas + \ [200] * self.obj_ring.max_more_nodes ts_iter = iter([2] * self.obj_ring.replicas + [1] * self.obj_ring.max_more_nodes) with set_http_connect(*codes, timestamps=ts_iter): resp = req.get_response(self.app) self.assertEqual(resp.status_int, 404) def test_GET_x_newest_not_found_when_404_newer(self): # if proxy receives a 404, it keeps waiting for other connections until # max number of nodes in hopes of finding an object, but if 404 is # more recent than a 200, then it should ignore 200 and return 404 req = swift.common.swob.Request.blank('/v1/a/c/o', headers={'X-Newest': 'true'}) codes = ([200] + [404] * self.obj_ring.replicas + [200] * (self.obj_ring.max_more_nodes - 1)) ts_iter = iter([1] + [2] * self.obj_ring.replicas + [1] * (self.obj_ring.max_more_nodes - 1)) with set_http_connect(*codes, timestamps=ts_iter): resp = req.get_response(self.app) self.assertEqual(resp.status_int, 404) def test_PUT_delete_at(self): t = str(int(time.time() + 100)) req = swob.Request.blank('/v1/a/c/o', method='PUT', body='', headers={'Content-Type': 'foo/bar', 'X-Delete-At': t}) put_headers = [] def capture_headers(ip, port, device, part, method, path, headers, **kwargs): if method == 'PUT': put_headers.append(headers) codes = [201] * self.obj_ring.replicas with set_http_connect(*codes, give_connect=capture_headers): resp = req.get_response(self.app) self.assertEqual(resp.status_int, 201) for given_headers in put_headers: self.assertEqual(given_headers.get('X-Delete-At'), t) self.assertIn('X-Delete-At-Host', given_headers) self.assertIn('X-Delete-At-Device', given_headers) self.assertIn('X-Delete-At-Partition', given_headers) self.assertIn('X-Delete-At-Container', given_headers) def test_PUT_converts_delete_after_to_delete_at(self): req = swob.Request.blank('/v1/a/c/o', method='PUT', body='', headers={'Content-Type': 'foo/bar', 'X-Delete-After': '60'}) put_headers = [] def capture_headers(ip, port, device, part, method, path, headers, **kwargs): if method == 'PUT': put_headers.append(headers) codes = [201] * self.obj_ring.replicas t = time.time() with set_http_connect(*codes, give_connect=capture_headers): with mock.patch('time.time', lambda: t): resp = req.get_response(self.app) self.assertEqual(resp.status_int, 201) expected_delete_at = str(int(t) + 60) for given_headers in put_headers: self.assertEqual(given_headers.get('X-Delete-At'), expected_delete_at) self.assertIn('X-Delete-At-Host', given_headers) self.assertIn('X-Delete-At-Device', given_headers) self.assertIn('X-Delete-At-Partition', given_headers) self.assertIn('X-Delete-At-Container', given_headers) def test_container_sync_put_x_timestamp_not_found(self): test_indexes = [None] + [int(p) for p in POLICIES] for policy_index in test_indexes: self.app.container_info['storage_policy'] = policy_index put_timestamp = utils.Timestamp.now().normal req = swob.Request.blank( '/v1/a/c/o', method='PUT', headers={ 'Content-Length': 0, 'X-Timestamp': put_timestamp}) codes = [201] * self.obj_ring.replicas with set_http_connect(*codes): resp = req.get_response(self.app) self.assertEqual(resp.status_int, 201) def test_container_sync_put_x_timestamp_match(self): test_indexes = [None] + [int(p) for p in POLICIES] for policy_index in test_indexes: self.app.container_info['storage_policy'] = policy_index put_timestamp = utils.Timestamp.now().normal req = swob.Request.blank( '/v1/a/c/o', method='PUT', headers={ 'Content-Length': 0, 'X-Timestamp': put_timestamp}) ts_iter = itertools.repeat(put_timestamp) codes = [409] * self.obj_ring.replicas with set_http_connect(*codes, timestamps=ts_iter): resp = req.get_response(self.app) self.assertEqual(resp.status_int, 202) def test_container_sync_put_x_timestamp_older(self): ts = (utils.Timestamp(t) for t in itertools.count(int(time.time()))) test_indexes = [None] + [int(p) for p in POLICIES] for policy_index in test_indexes: self.app.container_info['storage_policy'] = policy_index req = swob.Request.blank( '/v1/a/c/o', method='PUT', headers={ 'Content-Length': 0, 'X-Timestamp': next(ts).internal}) ts_iter = itertools.repeat(next(ts).internal) codes = [409] * self.obj_ring.replicas with set_http_connect(*codes, timestamps=ts_iter): resp = req.get_response(self.app) self.assertEqual(resp.status_int, 202) def test_container_sync_put_x_timestamp_newer(self): ts = (utils.Timestamp(t) for t in itertools.count(int(time.time()))) test_indexes = [None] + [int(p) for p in POLICIES] for policy_index in test_indexes: orig_timestamp = next(ts).internal req = swob.Request.blank( '/v1/a/c/o', method='PUT', headers={ 'Content-Length': 0, 'X-Timestamp': next(ts).internal}) ts_iter = itertools.repeat(orig_timestamp) codes = [201] * self.obj_ring.replicas with set_http_connect(*codes, timestamps=ts_iter): resp = req.get_response(self.app) self.assertEqual(resp.status_int, 201) def test_put_x_timestamp_conflict(self): ts = (utils.Timestamp(t) for t in itertools.count(int(time.time()))) req = swob.Request.blank( '/v1/a/c/o', method='PUT', headers={ 'Content-Length': 0, 'X-Timestamp': next(ts).internal}) ts_iter = iter([next(ts).internal, None, None]) codes = [409] + [201] * (self.obj_ring.replicas - 1) with set_http_connect(*codes, timestamps=ts_iter): resp = req.get_response(self.app) self.assertEqual(resp.status_int, 202) def test_put_x_timestamp_conflict_with_missing_backend_timestamp(self): ts = (utils.Timestamp(t) for t in itertools.count(int(time.time()))) req = swob.Request.blank( '/v1/a/c/o', method='PUT', headers={ 'Content-Length': 0, 'X-Timestamp': next(ts).internal}) ts_iter = iter([None, None, None]) codes = [409] * self.obj_ring.replicas with set_http_connect(*codes, timestamps=ts_iter): resp = req.get_response(self.app) self.assertEqual(resp.status_int, 202) def test_put_x_timestamp_conflict_with_other_weird_success_response(self): ts = (utils.Timestamp(t) for t in itertools.count(int(time.time()))) req = swob.Request.blank( '/v1/a/c/o', method='PUT', headers={ 'Content-Length': 0, 'X-Timestamp': next(ts).internal}) ts_iter = iter([next(ts).internal, None, None]) codes = [409] + [(201, 'notused')] * (self.obj_ring.replicas - 1) with set_http_connect(*codes, timestamps=ts_iter): resp = req.get_response(self.app) self.assertEqual(resp.status_int, 202) def test_put_x_timestamp_conflict_with_if_none_match(self): ts = (utils.Timestamp(t) for t in itertools.count(int(time.time()))) req = swob.Request.blank( '/v1/a/c/o', method='PUT', headers={ 'Content-Length': 0, 'If-None-Match': '*', 'X-Timestamp': next(ts).internal}) ts_iter = iter([next(ts).internal, None, None]) codes = [409] + [(412, 'notused')] * (self.obj_ring.replicas - 1) with set_http_connect(*codes, timestamps=ts_iter): resp = req.get_response(self.app) self.assertEqual(resp.status_int, 412) def test_container_sync_put_x_timestamp_race(self): ts = (utils.Timestamp(t) for t in itertools.count(int(time.time()))) test_indexes = [None] + [int(p) for p in POLICIES] for policy_index in test_indexes: put_timestamp = next(ts).internal req = swob.Request.blank( '/v1/a/c/o', method='PUT', headers={ 'Content-Length': 0, 'X-Timestamp': put_timestamp}) # object nodes they respond 409 because another in-flight request # finished and now the on disk timestamp is equal to the request. put_ts = [put_timestamp] * self.obj_ring.replicas codes = [409] * self.obj_ring.replicas ts_iter = iter(put_ts) with set_http_connect(*codes, timestamps=ts_iter): resp = req.get_response(self.app) self.assertEqual(resp.status_int, 202) def test_container_sync_put_x_timestamp_unsynced_race(self): ts = (utils.Timestamp(t) for t in itertools.count(int(time.time()))) test_indexes = [None] + [int(p) for p in POLICIES] for policy_index in test_indexes: put_timestamp = next(ts).internal req = swob.Request.blank( '/v1/a/c/o', method='PUT', headers={ 'Content-Length': 0, 'X-Timestamp': put_timestamp}) # only one in-flight request finished put_ts = [None] * (self.obj_ring.replicas - 1) put_resp = [201] * (self.obj_ring.replicas - 1) put_ts += [put_timestamp] put_resp += [409] ts_iter = iter(put_ts) codes = put_resp with set_http_connect(*codes, timestamps=ts_iter): resp = req.get_response(self.app) self.assertEqual(resp.status_int, 202) def test_x_timestamp_not_overridden(self): def do_test(method, base_headers, resp_code): # no given x-timestamp req = swob.Request.blank( '/v1/a/c/o', method=method, headers=base_headers) codes = [resp_code] * self.replicas() with mocked_http_conn(*codes) as fake_conn: resp = req.get_response(self.app) self.assertEqual(resp.status_int, resp_code) self.assertEqual(self.replicas(), len(fake_conn.requests)) for req in fake_conn.requests: self.assertIn('X-Timestamp', req['headers']) # check value can be parsed as valid timestamp Timestamp(req['headers']['X-Timestamp']) # given x-timestamp is retained def do_check(ts): headers = dict(base_headers) headers['X-Timestamp'] = ts.internal req = swob.Request.blank( '/v1/a/c/o', method=method, headers=headers) codes = [resp_code] * self.replicas() with mocked_http_conn(*codes) as fake_conn: resp = req.get_response(self.app) self.assertEqual(resp.status_int, resp_code) self.assertEqual(self.replicas(), len(fake_conn.requests)) for req in fake_conn.requests: self.assertEqual(ts.internal, req['headers']['X-Timestamp']) do_check(Timestamp.now()) do_check(Timestamp.now(offset=123)) # given x-timestamp gets sanity checked headers = dict(base_headers) headers['X-Timestamp'] = 'bad timestamp' req = swob.Request.blank( '/v1/a/c/o', method=method, headers=headers) with mocked_http_conn() as fake_conn: resp = req.get_response(self.app) self.assertEqual(resp.status_int, 400) self.assertIn('X-Timestamp should be a UNIX timestamp ', resp.body) do_test('PUT', {'Content-Length': 0}, 200) do_test('DELETE', {}, 204) @patch_policies( [StoragePolicy(0, '1-replica', True), StoragePolicy(1, '5-replica', False), StoragePolicy(2, '8-replica', False), StoragePolicy(3, '15-replica', False)], fake_ring_args=[ {'replicas': 1}, {'replicas': 5}, {'replicas': 8}, {'replicas': 15}]) class TestReplicatedObjControllerVariousReplicas(BaseObjectControllerMixin, unittest.TestCase): controller_cls = obj.ReplicatedObjectController @contextmanager def capture_http_requests(get_response): class FakeConn(object): def __init__(self, req): self.req = req self.resp = None def getresponse(self): self.resp = get_response(self.req) return self.resp class ConnectionLog(object): def __init__(self): self.connections = [] def __len__(self): return len(self.connections) def __getitem__(self, i): return self.connections[i] def __iter__(self): return iter(self.connections) def __call__(self, ip, port, method, path, headers, qs, ssl): req = { 'ip': ip, 'port': port, 'method': method, 'path': path, 'headers': headers, 'qs': qs, 'ssl': ssl, } conn = FakeConn(req) self.connections.append(conn) return conn fake_conn = ConnectionLog() with mock.patch('swift.common.bufferedhttp.http_connect_raw', new=fake_conn): yield fake_conn class ECObjectControllerMixin(BaseObjectControllerMixin): # Add a few helper methods for EC tests. def _make_ec_archive_bodies(self, test_body, policy=None): policy = policy or self.policy return encode_frag_archive_bodies(policy, test_body) def _make_ec_object_stub(self, pattern='test', policy=None, timestamp=None): policy = policy or self.policy test_body = pattern * policy.ec_segment_size test_body = test_body[:-random.randint(1, 1000)] return make_ec_object_stub(test_body, policy, timestamp) def _fake_ec_node_response(self, node_frags): return fake_ec_node_response(node_frags, self.policy) def test_GET_with_duplicate_but_sufficient_frag_indexes(self): obj1 = self._make_ec_object_stub() # proxy should ignore duplicated frag indexes and continue search for # a set of unique indexes, finding last one on a handoff node_frags = [ {'obj': obj1, 'frag': 0}, {'obj': obj1, 'frag': 0}, # duplicate frag {'obj': obj1, 'frag': 1}, {'obj': obj1, 'frag': 1}, # duplicate frag {'obj': obj1, 'frag': 2}, {'obj': obj1, 'frag': 2}, # duplicate frag {'obj': obj1, 'frag': 3}, {'obj': obj1, 'frag': 3}, # duplicate frag {'obj': obj1, 'frag': 4}, {'obj': obj1, 'frag': 4}, # duplicate frag {'obj': obj1, 'frag': 10}, {'obj': obj1, 'frag': 11}, {'obj': obj1, 'frag': 12}, {'obj': obj1, 'frag': 13}, ] * self.policy.ec_duplication_factor node_frags.append({'obj': obj1, 'frag': 5}) # first handoff fake_response = self._fake_ec_node_response(node_frags) req = swob.Request.blank('/v1/a/c/o') with capture_http_requests(fake_response) as log: resp = req.get_response(self.app) self.assertEqual(resp.status_int, 200) self.assertEqual(resp.headers['etag'], obj1['etag']) self.assertEqual(md5(resp.body).hexdigest(), obj1['etag']) # expect a request to all primaries plus one handoff self.assertEqual(self.replicas() + 1, len(log)) collected_indexes = defaultdict(list) for conn in log: fi = conn.resp.headers.get('X-Object-Sysmeta-Ec-Frag-Index') if fi is not None: collected_indexes[fi].append(conn) self.assertEqual(len(collected_indexes), self.policy.ec_ndata) def test_GET_with_duplicate_but_insufficient_frag_indexes(self): obj1 = self._make_ec_object_stub() # proxy should ignore duplicated frag indexes and continue search for # a set of unique indexes, but fails to find one node_frags = [ {'obj': obj1, 'frag': 0}, {'obj': obj1, 'frag': 0}, # duplicate frag {'obj': obj1, 'frag': 1}, {'obj': obj1, 'frag': 1}, # duplicate frag {'obj': obj1, 'frag': 2}, {'obj': obj1, 'frag': 2}, # duplicate frag {'obj': obj1, 'frag': 3}, {'obj': obj1, 'frag': 3}, # duplicate frag {'obj': obj1, 'frag': 4}, {'obj': obj1, 'frag': 4}, # duplicate frag {'obj': obj1, 'frag': 10}, {'obj': obj1, 'frag': 11}, {'obj': obj1, 'frag': 12}, {'obj': obj1, 'frag': 13}, ] # ... and the rests are 404s which is limited by request_count # (2 * replicas in default) rather than max_extra_requests limitation # because the retries will be in ResumingGetter if the responses # are 404s node_frags += [[]] * (self.replicas() * 2 - len(node_frags)) fake_response = self._fake_ec_node_response(node_frags) req = swob.Request.blank('/v1/a/c/o') with capture_http_requests(fake_response) as log: resp = req.get_response(self.app) self.assertEqual(resp.status_int, 404) # expect a request to all nodes self.assertEqual(2 * self.replicas(), len(log)) collected_indexes = defaultdict(list) for conn in log: fi = conn.resp.headers.get('X-Object-Sysmeta-Ec-Frag-Index') if fi is not None: collected_indexes[fi].append(conn) self.assertEqual(len(collected_indexes), self.policy.ec_ndata - 1) @patch_policies(with_ec_default=True) class TestECObjController(ECObjectControllerMixin, unittest.TestCase): container_info = { 'status': 200, 'read_acl': None, 'write_acl': None, 'sync_key': None, 'versions': None, 'storage_policy': '0', } controller_cls = obj.ECObjectController def _add_frag_index(self, index, headers): # helper method to add a frag index header to an existing header dict hdr_name = 'X-Object-Sysmeta-Ec-Frag-Index' return dict(headers.items() + [(hdr_name, index)]) def test_determine_chunk_destinations(self): class FakePutter(object): def __init__(self, index): self.node_index = index controller = self.controller_cls( self.app, 'a', 'c', 'o') # create a dummy list of putters, check no handoffs putters = [] for index in range(self.policy.object_ring.replica_count): putters.append(FakePutter(index)) got = controller._determine_chunk_destinations(putters, self.policy) expected = {} for i, p in enumerate(putters): expected[p] = i self.assertEqual(got, expected) # now lets make a handoff at the end orig_index = putters[-1].node_index = None putters[-1].node_index = None got = controller._determine_chunk_destinations(putters, self.policy) self.assertEqual(got, expected) putters[-1].node_index = orig_index # now lets make a handoff at the start putters[0].node_index = None got = controller._determine_chunk_destinations(putters, self.policy) self.assertEqual(got, expected) putters[0].node_index = 0 # now lets make a handoff in the middle putters[2].node_index = None got = controller._determine_chunk_destinations(putters, self.policy) self.assertEqual(got, expected) putters[2].node_index = 2 # now lets make all of them handoffs for index in range(self.policy.object_ring.replica_count): putters[index].node_index = None got = controller._determine_chunk_destinations(putters, self.policy) self.assertEqual(sorted(got), sorted(expected)) def test_GET_simple(self): req = swift.common.swob.Request.blank('/v1/a/c/o') get_statuses = [200] * self.policy.ec_ndata get_hdrs = [{'Connection': 'close'}] * self.policy.ec_ndata with set_http_connect(*get_statuses, headers=get_hdrs): resp = req.get_response(self.app) self.assertEqual(resp.status_int, 200) self.assertIn('Accept-Ranges', resp.headers) self.assertNotIn('Connection', resp.headers) def _test_if_match(self, method): num_responses = self.policy.ec_ndata if method == 'GET' else 1 def _do_test(match_value, backend_status, etag_is_at='X-Object-Sysmeta-Does-Not-Exist'): req = swift.common.swob.Request.blank( '/v1/a/c/o', method=method, headers={'If-Match': match_value, 'X-Backend-Etag-Is-At': etag_is_at}) get_resp = [backend_status] * num_responses resp_headers = {'Etag': 'frag_etag', 'X-Object-Sysmeta-Ec-Etag': 'data_etag', 'X-Object-Sysmeta-Alternate-Etag': 'alt_etag'} with set_http_connect(*get_resp, headers=resp_headers): resp = req.get_response(self.app) self.assertEqual('data_etag', resp.headers['Etag']) return resp # wildcard resp = _do_test('*', 200) self.assertEqual(resp.status_int, 200) # match resp = _do_test('"data_etag"', 200) self.assertEqual(resp.status_int, 200) # no match resp = _do_test('"frag_etag"', 412) self.assertEqual(resp.status_int, 412) # match wildcard against an alternate etag resp = _do_test('*', 200, etag_is_at='X-Object-Sysmeta-Alternate-Etag') self.assertEqual(resp.status_int, 200) # match against an alternate etag resp = _do_test('"alt_etag"', 200, etag_is_at='X-Object-Sysmeta-Alternate-Etag') self.assertEqual(resp.status_int, 200) # no match against an alternate etag resp = _do_test('"data_etag"', 412, etag_is_at='X-Object-Sysmeta-Alternate-Etag') self.assertEqual(resp.status_int, 412) def test_GET_if_match(self): self._test_if_match('GET') def test_HEAD_if_match(self): self._test_if_match('HEAD') def _test_if_none_match(self, method): num_responses = self.policy.ec_ndata if method == 'GET' else 1 def _do_test(match_value, backend_status, etag_is_at='X-Object-Sysmeta-Does-Not-Exist'): req = swift.common.swob.Request.blank( '/v1/a/c/o', method=method, headers={'If-None-Match': match_value, 'X-Backend-Etag-Is-At': etag_is_at}) get_resp = [backend_status] * num_responses resp_headers = {'Etag': 'frag_etag', 'X-Object-Sysmeta-Ec-Etag': 'data_etag', 'X-Object-Sysmeta-Alternate-Etag': 'alt_etag'} with set_http_connect(*get_resp, headers=resp_headers): resp = req.get_response(self.app) self.assertEqual('data_etag', resp.headers['Etag']) return resp # wildcard resp = _do_test('*', 304) self.assertEqual(resp.status_int, 304) # match resp = _do_test('"data_etag"', 304) self.assertEqual(resp.status_int, 304) # no match resp = _do_test('"frag_etag"', 200) self.assertEqual(resp.status_int, 200) # match wildcard against an alternate etag resp = _do_test('*', 304, etag_is_at='X-Object-Sysmeta-Alternate-Etag') self.assertEqual(resp.status_int, 304) # match against an alternate etag resp = _do_test('"alt_etag"', 304, etag_is_at='X-Object-Sysmeta-Alternate-Etag') self.assertEqual(resp.status_int, 304) # no match against an alternate etag resp = _do_test('"data_etag"', 200, etag_is_at='X-Object-Sysmeta-Alternate-Etag') self.assertEqual(resp.status_int, 200) def test_GET_if_none_match(self): self._test_if_none_match('GET') def test_HEAD_if_none_match(self): self._test_if_none_match('HEAD') def test_GET_simple_x_newest(self): req = swift.common.swob.Request.blank('/v1/a/c/o', headers={'X-Newest': 'true'}) codes = [200] * self.policy.ec_ndata with set_http_connect(*codes): resp = req.get_response(self.app) self.assertEqual(resp.status_int, 200) def test_GET_error(self): req = swift.common.swob.Request.blank('/v1/a/c/o') get_resp = [503] + [200] * self.policy.ec_ndata with set_http_connect(*get_resp): resp = req.get_response(self.app) self.assertEqual(resp.status_int, 200) def test_GET_with_body(self): req = swift.common.swob.Request.blank('/v1/a/c/o') # turn a real body into fragments segment_size = self.policy.ec_segment_size real_body = ('asdf' * segment_size)[:-10] # split it up into chunks chunks = [real_body[x:x + segment_size] for x in range(0, len(real_body), segment_size)] fragment_payloads = [] for chunk in chunks: fragments = self.policy.pyeclib_driver.encode(chunk) if not fragments: break fragment_payloads.append( fragments * self.policy.ec_duplication_factor) # sanity sanity_body = '' for fragment_payload in fragment_payloads: sanity_body += self.policy.pyeclib_driver.decode( fragment_payload) self.assertEqual(len(real_body), len(sanity_body)) self.assertEqual(real_body, sanity_body) # list(zip(...)) for py3 compatibility (zip is lazy there) node_fragments = list(zip(*fragment_payloads)) self.assertEqual(len(node_fragments), self.replicas()) # sanity headers = {'X-Object-Sysmeta-Ec-Content-Length': str(len(real_body))} responses = [(200, ''.join(node_fragments[i]), headers) for i in range(POLICIES.default.ec_ndata)] status_codes, body_iter, headers = zip(*responses) with set_http_connect(*status_codes, body_iter=body_iter, headers=headers): resp = req.get_response(self.app) self.assertEqual(resp.status_int, 200) self.assertEqual(len(real_body), len(resp.body)) self.assertEqual(real_body, resp.body) def test_PUT_simple(self): req = swift.common.swob.Request.blank('/v1/a/c/o', method='PUT', body='') codes = [201] * self.replicas() expect_headers = { 'X-Obj-Metadata-Footer': 'yes', 'X-Obj-Multiphase-Commit': 'yes' } with set_http_connect(*codes, expect_headers=expect_headers): resp = req.get_response(self.app) self.assertEqual(resp.status_int, 201) def test_PUT_with_body_and_bad_etag(self): segment_size = self.policy.ec_segment_size test_body = ('asdf' * segment_size)[:-10] codes = [201] * self.replicas() expect_headers = { 'X-Obj-Metadata-Footer': 'yes', 'X-Obj-Multiphase-Commit': 'yes' } conns = [] def capture_expect(conn): # stash the backend connection so we can verify that it is closed # (no data will be sent) conns.append(conn) # send a bad etag in the request headers headers = {'Etag': 'bad etag'} req = swift.common.swob.Request.blank( '/v1/a/c/o', method='PUT', headers=headers, body=test_body) with set_http_connect(*codes, expect_headers=expect_headers, give_expect=capture_expect): resp = req.get_response(self.app) self.assertEqual(422, resp.status_int) self.assertEqual(self.replicas(), len(conns)) for conn in conns: self.assertTrue(conn.closed) # make the footers callback send a bad Etag footer footers_callback = make_footers_callback('not the test body') env = {'swift.callback.update_footers': footers_callback} req = swift.common.swob.Request.blank( '/v1/a/c/o', method='PUT', environ=env, body=test_body) with set_http_connect(*codes, expect_headers=expect_headers): resp = req.get_response(self.app) self.assertEqual(422, resp.status_int) def test_txn_id_logging_ECPUT(self): req = swift.common.swob.Request.blank('/v1/a/c/o', method='PUT', body='') self.app.logger.txn_id = req.environ['swift.trans_id'] = 'test-txn-id' codes = [(100, Timeout(), 503, 503)] * self.replicas() stdout = BytesIO() expect_headers = { 'X-Obj-Metadata-Footer': 'yes', 'X-Obj-Multiphase-Commit': 'yes' } with set_http_connect(*codes, expect_headers=expect_headers), \ mock.patch('sys.stdout', stdout): resp = req.get_response(self.app) self.assertEqual(resp.status_int, 503) for line in stdout.getvalue().splitlines(): self.assertIn('test-txn-id', line) self.assertIn('Trying to get ', stdout.getvalue()) def test_PUT_with_explicit_commit_status(self): req = swift.common.swob.Request.blank('/v1/a/c/o', method='PUT', body='') codes = [(100, 100, 201)] * self.replicas() expect_headers = { 'X-Obj-Metadata-Footer': 'yes', 'X-Obj-Multiphase-Commit': 'yes' } with set_http_connect(*codes, expect_headers=expect_headers): resp = req.get_response(self.app) self.assertEqual(resp.status_int, 201) def test_PUT_error(self): req = swift.common.swob.Request.blank('/v1/a/c/o', method='PUT', body='') codes = [503] * self.replicas() expect_headers = { 'X-Obj-Metadata-Footer': 'yes', 'X-Obj-Multiphase-Commit': 'yes' } with set_http_connect(*codes, expect_headers=expect_headers): resp = req.get_response(self.app) self.assertEqual(resp.status_int, 503) def test_PUT_mostly_success(self): req = swift.common.swob.Request.blank('/v1/a/c/o', method='PUT', body='') codes = [201] * self.quorum() codes += [503] * (self.replicas() - len(codes)) random.shuffle(codes) expect_headers = { 'X-Obj-Metadata-Footer': 'yes', 'X-Obj-Multiphase-Commit': 'yes' } with set_http_connect(*codes, expect_headers=expect_headers): resp = req.get_response(self.app) self.assertEqual(resp.status_int, 201) def test_PUT_error_commit(self): req = swift.common.swob.Request.blank('/v1/a/c/o', method='PUT', body='') codes = [(100, 503, Exception('not used'))] * self.replicas() expect_headers = { 'X-Obj-Metadata-Footer': 'yes', 'X-Obj-Multiphase-Commit': 'yes' } with set_http_connect(*codes, expect_headers=expect_headers): resp = req.get_response(self.app) self.assertEqual(resp.status_int, 503) def test_PUT_mostly_success_commit(self): req = swift.common.swob.Request.blank('/v1/a/c/o', method='PUT', body='') codes = [201] * self.quorum() codes += [(100, 503, Exception('not used'))] * ( self.replicas() - len(codes)) random.shuffle(codes) expect_headers = { 'X-Obj-Metadata-Footer': 'yes', 'X-Obj-Multiphase-Commit': 'yes' } with set_http_connect(*codes, expect_headers=expect_headers): resp = req.get_response(self.app) self.assertEqual(resp.status_int, 201) def test_PUT_mostly_error_commit(self): req = swift.common.swob.Request.blank('/v1/a/c/o', method='PUT', body='') codes = [(100, 503, Exception('not used'))] * self.quorum() if isinstance(self.policy, ECStoragePolicy): codes *= self.policy.ec_duplication_factor codes += [201] * (self.replicas() - len(codes)) random.shuffle(codes) expect_headers = { 'X-Obj-Metadata-Footer': 'yes', 'X-Obj-Multiphase-Commit': 'yes' } with set_http_connect(*codes, expect_headers=expect_headers): resp = req.get_response(self.app) self.assertEqual(resp.status_int, 503) def test_PUT_commit_timeout(self): req = swift.common.swob.Request.blank('/v1/a/c/o', method='PUT', body='') codes = [201] * (self.replicas() - 1) codes.append((100, Timeout(), Exception('not used'))) expect_headers = { 'X-Obj-Metadata-Footer': 'yes', 'X-Obj-Multiphase-Commit': 'yes' } with set_http_connect(*codes, expect_headers=expect_headers): resp = req.get_response(self.app) self.assertEqual(resp.status_int, 201) def test_PUT_commit_exception(self): req = swift.common.swob.Request.blank('/v1/a/c/o', method='PUT', body='') codes = [201] * (self.replicas() - 1) codes.append((100, Exception('kaboom!'), Exception('not used'))) expect_headers = { 'X-Obj-Metadata-Footer': 'yes', 'X-Obj-Multiphase-Commit': 'yes' } with set_http_connect(*codes, expect_headers=expect_headers): resp = req.get_response(self.app) self.assertEqual(resp.status_int, 201) def test_PUT_ec_error_during_transfer_data(self): class FakeReader(object): def read(self, size): raise IOError('error message') req = swob.Request.blank('/v1/a/c/o.jpg', method='PUT', body='test body') req.environ['wsgi.input'] = FakeReader() req.headers['content-length'] = '6' codes = [201] * self.replicas() expect_headers = { 'X-Obj-Metadata-Footer': 'yes', 'X-Obj-Multiphase-Commit': 'yes' } with set_http_connect(*codes, expect_headers=expect_headers): resp = req.get_response(self.app) self.assertEqual(resp.status_int, 499) def test_PUT_ec_chunkreadtimeout_during_transfer_data(self): class FakeReader(object): def read(self, size): raise exceptions.ChunkReadTimeout() req = swob.Request.blank('/v1/a/c/o.jpg', method='PUT', body='test body') req.environ['wsgi.input'] = FakeReader() req.headers['content-length'] = '6' codes = [201] * self.replicas() expect_headers = { 'X-Obj-Metadata-Footer': 'yes', 'X-Obj-Multiphase-Commit': 'yes' } with set_http_connect(*codes, expect_headers=expect_headers): resp = req.get_response(self.app) self.assertEqual(resp.status_int, 408) def test_PUT_ec_timeout_during_transfer_data(self): class FakeReader(object): def read(self, size): raise exceptions.Timeout() req = swob.Request.blank('/v1/a/c/o.jpg', method='PUT', body='test body') req.environ['wsgi.input'] = FakeReader() req.headers['content-length'] = '6' codes = [201] * self.replicas() expect_headers = { 'X-Obj-Metadata-Footer': 'yes', 'X-Obj-Multiphase-Commit': 'yes' } with set_http_connect(*codes, expect_headers=expect_headers): resp = req.get_response(self.app) self.assertEqual(resp.status_int, 499) def test_PUT_ec_exception_during_transfer_data(self): class FakeReader(object): def read(self, size): raise Exception('exception message') req = swob.Request.blank('/v1/a/c/o.jpg', method='PUT', body='test body') req.environ['wsgi.input'] = FakeReader() req.headers['content-length'] = '6' codes = [201] * self.replicas() expect_headers = { 'X-Obj-Metadata-Footer': 'yes', 'X-Obj-Multiphase-Commit': 'yes' } with set_http_connect(*codes, expect_headers=expect_headers): resp = req.get_response(self.app) self.assertEqual(resp.status_int, 500) def test_PUT_with_body(self): segment_size = self.policy.ec_segment_size test_body = ('asdf' * segment_size)[:-10] # make the footers callback not include Etag footer so that we can # verify that the correct EC-calculated Etag is included in footers # sent to backend footers_callback = make_footers_callback() env = {'swift.callback.update_footers': footers_callback} req = swift.common.swob.Request.blank( '/v1/a/c/o', method='PUT', environ=env) etag = md5(test_body).hexdigest() size = len(test_body) req.body = test_body codes = [201] * self.replicas() expect_headers = { 'X-Obj-Metadata-Footer': 'yes', 'X-Obj-Multiphase-Commit': 'yes' } resp_headers = { 'Some-Other-Header': 'Four', 'Etag': 'ignored', } put_requests = defaultdict(lambda: {'boundary': None, 'chunks': []}) def capture_body(conn, chunk): put_requests[conn.connection_id]['chunks'].append(chunk) def capture_headers(ip, port, device, part, method, path, headers, **kwargs): conn_id = kwargs['connection_id'] put_requests[conn_id]['boundary'] = headers[ 'X-Backend-Obj-Multipart-Mime-Boundary'] put_requests[conn_id]['backend-content-length'] = headers[ 'X-Backend-Obj-Content-Length'] put_requests[conn_id]['x-timestamp'] = headers[ 'X-Timestamp'] with set_http_connect(*codes, expect_headers=expect_headers, give_send=capture_body, give_connect=capture_headers, headers=resp_headers): resp = req.get_response(self.app) self.assertEqual(resp.status_int, 201) timestamps = {captured_req['x-timestamp'] for captured_req in put_requests.values()} self.assertEqual(1, len(timestamps), timestamps) self.assertEqual(dict(resp.headers), { 'Content-Type': 'text/html; charset=UTF-8', 'Content-Length': '0', 'Last-Modified': time.strftime( "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT", time.gmtime(math.ceil(float(timestamps.pop())))), 'Etag': etag, }) frag_archives = [] for connection_id, info in put_requests.items(): body = unchunk_body(''.join(info['chunks'])) self.assertIsNotNone(info['boundary'], "didn't get boundary for conn %r" % ( connection_id,)) self.assertTrue(size > int(info['backend-content-length']) > 0, "invalid backend-content-length for conn %r" % ( connection_id,)) # email.parser.FeedParser doesn't know how to take a multipart # message and boundary together and parse it; it only knows how # to take a string, parse the headers, and figure out the # boundary on its own. parser = email.parser.FeedParser() parser.feed( "Content-Type: multipart/nobodycares; boundary=%s\r\n\r\n" % info['boundary']) parser.feed(body) message = parser.close() self.assertTrue(message.is_multipart()) # sanity check mime_parts = message.get_payload() self.assertEqual(len(mime_parts), 3) obj_part, footer_part, commit_part = mime_parts # attach the body to frag_archives list self.assertEqual(obj_part['X-Document'], 'object body') frag_archives.append(obj_part.get_payload()) # assert length was correct for this connection self.assertEqual(int(info['backend-content-length']), len(frag_archives[-1])) # assert length was the same for all connections self.assertEqual(int(info['backend-content-length']), len(frag_archives[0])) # validate some footer metadata self.assertEqual(footer_part['X-Document'], 'object metadata') footer_metadata = json.loads(footer_part.get_payload()) self.assertTrue(footer_metadata) expected = {} # update expected with footers from the callback... footers_callback(expected) expected.update({ 'X-Object-Sysmeta-Ec-Content-Length': str(size), 'X-Backend-Container-Update-Override-Size': str(size), 'X-Object-Sysmeta-Ec-Etag': etag, 'X-Backend-Container-Update-Override-Etag': etag, 'X-Object-Sysmeta-Ec-Segment-Size': str(segment_size), 'Etag': md5(obj_part.get_payload()).hexdigest()}) for header, value in expected.items(): self.assertEqual(footer_metadata[header], value) # sanity on commit message self.assertEqual(commit_part['X-Document'], 'put commit') self.assertEqual(len(frag_archives), self.replicas()) fragment_size = self.policy.fragment_size node_payloads = [] for fa in frag_archives: payload = [fa[x:x + fragment_size] for x in range(0, len(fa), fragment_size)] node_payloads.append(payload) fragment_payloads = zip(*node_payloads) expected_body = '' for fragment_payload in fragment_payloads: self.assertEqual(len(fragment_payload), self.replicas()) if True: fragment_payload = list(fragment_payload) expected_body += self.policy.pyeclib_driver.decode( fragment_payload) self.assertEqual(len(test_body), len(expected_body)) self.assertEqual(test_body, expected_body) def test_PUT_with_footers(self): # verify footers supplied by a footers callback being added to # trailing metadata segment_size = self.policy.ec_segment_size test_body = ('asdf' * segment_size)[:-10] etag = md5(test_body).hexdigest() size = len(test_body) codes = [201] * self.replicas() expect_headers = { 'X-Obj-Metadata-Footer': 'yes', 'X-Obj-Multiphase-Commit': 'yes' } resp_headers = { 'Some-Other-Header': 'Four', 'Etag': 'ignored', } def do_test(footers_to_add, expect_added): put_requests = defaultdict( lambda: {'boundary': None, 'chunks': []}) def capture_body(conn, chunk): put_requests[conn.connection_id]['chunks'].append(chunk) def capture_headers(ip, port, device, part, method, path, headers, **kwargs): conn_id = kwargs['connection_id'] put_requests[conn_id]['boundary'] = headers[ 'X-Backend-Obj-Multipart-Mime-Boundary'] put_requests[conn_id]['x-timestamp'] = headers[ 'X-Timestamp'] def footers_callback(footers): footers.update(footers_to_add) env = {'swift.callback.update_footers': footers_callback} req = swift.common.swob.Request.blank( '/v1/a/c/o', method='PUT', environ=env, body=test_body) with set_http_connect(*codes, expect_headers=expect_headers, give_send=capture_body, give_connect=capture_headers, headers=resp_headers): resp = req.get_response(self.app) self.assertEqual(resp.status_int, 201) timestamps = {captured_req['x-timestamp'] for captured_req in put_requests.values()} self.assertEqual(1, len(timestamps), timestamps) self.assertEqual(dict(resp.headers), { 'Content-Type': 'text/html; charset=UTF-8', 'Content-Length': '0', 'Last-Modified': time.strftime( "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT", time.gmtime(math.ceil(float(timestamps.pop())))), 'Etag': etag, }) for connection_id, info in put_requests.items(): body = unchunk_body(''.join(info['chunks'])) # email.parser.FeedParser doesn't know how to take a multipart # message and boundary together and parse it; it only knows how # to take a string, parse the headers, and figure out the # boundary on its own. parser = email.parser.FeedParser() parser.feed( "Content-Type: multipart/nobodycares; boundary=%s\r\n\r\n" % info['boundary']) parser.feed(body) message = parser.close() self.assertTrue(message.is_multipart()) # sanity check mime_parts = message.get_payload() self.assertEqual(len(mime_parts), 3) obj_part, footer_part, commit_part = mime_parts # validate EC footer metadata - should always be present self.assertEqual(footer_part['X-Document'], 'object metadata') footer_metadata = json.loads(footer_part.get_payload()) self.assertIsNotNone( footer_metadata.pop('X-Object-Sysmeta-Ec-Frag-Index')) expected = { 'X-Object-Sysmeta-Ec-Scheme': self.policy.ec_scheme_description, 'X-Object-Sysmeta-Ec-Content-Length': str(size), 'X-Object-Sysmeta-Ec-Etag': etag, 'X-Object-Sysmeta-Ec-Segment-Size': str(segment_size), 'Etag': md5(obj_part.get_payload()).hexdigest()} expected.update(expect_added) for header, value in expected.items(): self.assertIn(header, footer_metadata) self.assertEqual(value, footer_metadata[header]) footer_metadata.pop(header) self.assertFalse(footer_metadata) # sanity check - middleware sets no footer, expect EC overrides footers_to_add = {} expect_added = { 'X-Backend-Container-Update-Override-Size': str(size), 'X-Backend-Container-Update-Override-Etag': etag} do_test(footers_to_add, expect_added) # middleware cannot overwrite any EC sysmeta footers_to_add = { 'X-Object-Sysmeta-Ec-Content-Length': str(size + 1), 'X-Object-Sysmeta-Ec-Etag': 'other etag', 'X-Object-Sysmeta-Ec-Segment-Size': str(segment_size + 1), 'X-Object-Sysmeta-Ec-Unused-But-Reserved': 'ignored'} do_test(footers_to_add, expect_added) # middleware can add x-object-sysmeta- headers including # x-object-sysmeta-container-update-override headers footers_to_add = { 'X-Object-Sysmeta-Foo': 'bar', 'X-Object-Sysmeta-Container-Update-Override-Size': str(size + 1), 'X-Object-Sysmeta-Container-Update-Override-Etag': 'other etag', 'X-Object-Sysmeta-Container-Update-Override-Ping': 'pong' } expect_added.update(footers_to_add) do_test(footers_to_add, expect_added) # middleware can also overwrite x-backend-container-update-override # headers override_footers = { 'X-Backend-Container-Update-Override-Wham': 'bam', 'X-Backend-Container-Update-Override-Size': str(size + 2), 'X-Backend-Container-Update-Override-Etag': 'another etag'} footers_to_add.update(override_footers) expect_added.update(override_footers) do_test(footers_to_add, expect_added) def test_PUT_old_obj_server(self): req = swift.common.swob.Request.blank('/v1/a/c/o', method='PUT', body='') responses = [ # one server will response 100-continue but not include the # needful expect headers and the connection will be dropped ((100, Exception('not used')), {}), ] + [ # and pleanty of successful responses too (201, { 'X-Obj-Metadata-Footer': 'yes', 'X-Obj-Multiphase-Commit': 'yes', }), ] * self.replicas() random.shuffle(responses) if responses[-1][0] != 201: # whoops, stupid random responses = responses[1:] + [responses[0]] codes, expect_headers = zip(*responses) with set_http_connect(*codes, expect_headers=expect_headers): resp = req.get_response(self.app) self.assertEqual(resp.status_int, 201) def test_GET_with_frags_swapped_around(self): segment_size = self.policy.ec_segment_size test_data = ('test' * segment_size)[:-657] etag = md5(test_data).hexdigest() ec_archive_bodies = self._make_ec_archive_bodies(test_data) _part, primary_nodes = self.obj_ring.get_nodes('a', 'c', 'o') node_key = lambda n: (n['ip'], n['port']) backend_index = self.policy.get_backend_index ts = self._ts_iter.next() response_map = { node_key(n): StubResponse( 200, ec_archive_bodies[backend_index(i)], { 'X-Object-Sysmeta-Ec-Content-Length': len(test_data), 'X-Object-Sysmeta-Ec-Etag': etag, 'X-Object-Sysmeta-Ec-Frag-Index': backend_index(i), 'X-Timestamp': ts.normal, 'X-Backend-Timestamp': ts.internal }) for i, n in enumerate(primary_nodes) } # swap a parity response into a data node data_node = random.choice(primary_nodes[:self.policy.ec_ndata]) parity_node = random.choice( primary_nodes[ self.policy.ec_ndata:self.policy.ec_n_unique_fragments]) (response_map[node_key(data_node)], response_map[node_key(parity_node)]) = \ (response_map[node_key(parity_node)], response_map[node_key(data_node)]) def get_response(req): req_key = (req['ip'], req['port']) return response_map.pop(req_key) req = swob.Request.blank('/v1/a/c/o') with capture_http_requests(get_response) as log: resp = req.get_response(self.app) self.assertEqual(resp.status_int, 200) self.assertEqual(len(log), self.policy.ec_ndata) self.assertEqual(len(response_map), len(primary_nodes) - self.policy.ec_ndata) def test_GET_with_no_success(self): node_frags = [[]] * 28 # no frags on any node fake_response = self._fake_ec_node_response(node_frags) req = swob.Request.blank('/v1/a/c/o') with capture_http_requests(fake_response) as log: resp = req.get_response(self.app) self.assertEqual(resp.status_int, 404) self.assertEqual(len(log), 2 * self.replicas()) def test_GET_with_only_handoffs(self): obj1 = self._make_ec_object_stub() node_frags = [[]] * self.replicas() # all primaries missing node_frags = node_frags + [ # handoffs {'obj': obj1, 'frag': 0}, {'obj': obj1, 'frag': 1}, {'obj': obj1, 'frag': 2}, {'obj': obj1, 'frag': 3}, {'obj': obj1, 'frag': 4}, {'obj': obj1, 'frag': 5}, {'obj': obj1, 'frag': 6}, {'obj': obj1, 'frag': 7}, {'obj': obj1, 'frag': 8}, {'obj': obj1, 'frag': 9}, {'obj': obj1, 'frag': 10}, # parity {'obj': obj1, 'frag': 11}, # parity {'obj': obj1, 'frag': 12}, # parity {'obj': obj1, 'frag': 13}, # parity ] fake_response = self._fake_ec_node_response(node_frags) req = swob.Request.blank('/v1/a/c/o') with capture_http_requests(fake_response) as log: resp = req.get_response(self.app) self.assertEqual(resp.status_int, 200) self.assertEqual(resp.headers['etag'], obj1['etag']) self.assertEqual(md5(resp.body).hexdigest(), obj1['etag']) collected_responses = defaultdict(list) for conn in log: etag = conn.resp.headers['X-Object-Sysmeta-Ec-Etag'] index = conn.resp.headers['X-Object-Sysmeta-Ec-Frag-Index'] collected_responses[etag].append(index) # GETS would be required to all primaries and then ndata handoffs self.assertEqual(len(log), self.replicas() + self.policy.ec_ndata) self.assertEqual(2, len(collected_responses)) # 404s self.assertEqual(self.replicas(), len(collected_responses[None])) self.assertEqual(self.policy.ec_ndata, len(collected_responses[obj1['etag']])) def test_GET_with_single_missed_overwrite_does_not_need_handoff(self): obj1 = self._make_ec_object_stub(pattern='obj1') obj2 = self._make_ec_object_stub(pattern='obj2') node_frags = [ {'obj': obj2, 'frag': 0}, {'obj': obj2, 'frag': 1}, {'obj': obj1, 'frag': 2}, # missed over write {'obj': obj2, 'frag': 3}, {'obj': obj2, 'frag': 4}, {'obj': obj2, 'frag': 5}, {'obj': obj2, 'frag': 6}, {'obj': obj2, 'frag': 7}, {'obj': obj2, 'frag': 8}, {'obj': obj2, 'frag': 9}, {'obj': obj2, 'frag': 10}, # parity {'obj': obj2, 'frag': 11}, # parity {'obj': obj2, 'frag': 12}, # parity {'obj': obj2, 'frag': 13}, # parity # {'obj': obj2, 'frag': 2}, # handoff (not used in this test) ] fake_response = self._fake_ec_node_response(node_frags) req = swob.Request.blank('/v1/a/c/o') with capture_http_requests(fake_response) as log: resp = req.get_response(self.app) self.assertEqual(resp.status_int, 200) self.assertEqual(resp.headers['etag'], obj2['etag']) self.assertEqual(md5(resp.body).hexdigest(), obj2['etag']) collected_responses = defaultdict(set) for conn in log: etag = conn.resp.headers['X-Object-Sysmeta-Ec-Etag'] index = conn.resp.headers['X-Object-Sysmeta-Ec-Frag-Index'] collected_responses[etag].add(index) # because the primary nodes are shuffled, it's possible the proxy # didn't even notice the missed overwrite frag - but it might have self.assertLessEqual(len(log), self.policy.ec_ndata + 1) self.assertLessEqual(len(collected_responses), 2) # ... regardless we should never need to fetch more than ec_ndata # frags for any given etag for etag, frags in collected_responses.items(): self.assertLessEqual(len(frags), self.policy.ec_ndata, 'collected %s frags for etag %s' % ( len(frags), etag)) def test_GET_with_many_missed_overwrite_will_need_handoff(self): obj1 = self._make_ec_object_stub(pattern='obj1') obj2 = self._make_ec_object_stub(pattern='obj2') node_frags = [ {'obj': obj2, 'frag': 0}, {'obj': obj2, 'frag': 1}, {'obj': obj1, 'frag': 2}, # missed {'obj': obj2, 'frag': 3}, {'obj': obj2, 'frag': 4}, {'obj': obj2, 'frag': 5}, {'obj': obj1, 'frag': 6}, # missed {'obj': obj2, 'frag': 7}, {'obj': obj2, 'frag': 8}, {'obj': obj1, 'frag': 9}, # missed {'obj': obj1, 'frag': 10}, # missed {'obj': obj1, 'frag': 11}, # missed {'obj': obj2, 'frag': 12}, {'obj': obj2, 'frag': 13}, {'obj': obj2, 'frag': 6}, # handoff ] fake_response = self._fake_ec_node_response(node_frags) req = swob.Request.blank('/v1/a/c/o') with capture_http_requests(fake_response) as log: resp = req.get_response(self.app) self.assertEqual(resp.status_int, 200) self.assertEqual(resp.headers['etag'], obj2['etag']) self.assertEqual(md5(resp.body).hexdigest(), obj2['etag']) collected_responses = defaultdict(set) for conn in log: etag = conn.resp.headers['X-Object-Sysmeta-Ec-Etag'] index = conn.resp.headers['X-Object-Sysmeta-Ec-Frag-Index'] collected_responses[etag].add(index) # there's not enough of the obj2 etag on the primaries, we would # have collected responses for both etags, and would have made # one more request to the handoff node self.assertEqual(len(log), self.replicas() + 1) self.assertEqual(len(collected_responses), 2) # ... regardless we should never need to fetch more than ec_ndata # frags for any given etag for etag, frags in collected_responses.items(): self.assertLessEqual(len(frags), self.policy.ec_ndata, 'collected %s frags for etag %s' % ( len(frags), etag)) def test_GET_with_missing_and_mixed_frags_will_dig_deep_but_succeed(self): obj1 = self._make_ec_object_stub(pattern='obj1', timestamp=self.ts()) obj2 = self._make_ec_object_stub(pattern='obj2', timestamp=self.ts()) node_frags = [ {'obj': obj1, 'frag': 0}, {'obj': obj2, 'frag': 0}, [], {'obj': obj1, 'frag': 1}, {'obj': obj2, 'frag': 1}, [], {'obj': obj1, 'frag': 2}, {'obj': obj2, 'frag': 2}, [], {'obj': obj1, 'frag': 3}, {'obj': obj2, 'frag': 3}, [], {'obj': obj1, 'frag': 4}, {'obj': obj2, 'frag': 4}, [], {'obj': obj1, 'frag': 5}, {'obj': obj2, 'frag': 5}, [], {'obj': obj1, 'frag': 6}, {'obj': obj2, 'frag': 6}, [], {'obj': obj1, 'frag': 7}, {'obj': obj2, 'frag': 7}, [], {'obj': obj1, 'frag': 8}, {'obj': obj2, 'frag': 8}, [], {'obj': obj2, 'frag': 9}, ] fake_response = self._fake_ec_node_response(node_frags) req = swob.Request.blank('/v1/a/c/o') with capture_http_requests(fake_response) as log: resp = req.get_response(self.app) self.assertEqual(resp.status_int, 200) self.assertEqual(resp.headers['etag'], obj2['etag']) self.assertEqual(md5(resp.body).hexdigest(), obj2['etag']) collected_responses = defaultdict(set) for conn in log: etag = conn.resp.headers['X-Object-Sysmeta-Ec-Etag'] index = conn.resp.headers['X-Object-Sysmeta-Ec-Frag-Index'] collected_responses[etag].add(index) # we go exactly as long as we have to, finding two different # etags and some 404's (i.e. collected_responses[None]) self.assertEqual(len(log), len(node_frags)) self.assertEqual(len(collected_responses), 3) # ... regardless we should never need to fetch more than ec_ndata # frags for any given etag for etag, frags in collected_responses.items(): self.assertLessEqual(len(frags), self.policy.ec_ndata, 'collected %s frags for etag %s' % ( len(frags), etag)) def test_GET_with_missing_and_mixed_frags_will_dig_deep_but_stop(self): obj1 = self._make_ec_object_stub(pattern='obj1') obj2 = self._make_ec_object_stub(pattern='obj2') node_frags = [ {'obj': obj1, 'frag': 0}, {'obj': obj2, 'frag': 0}, [], {'obj': obj1, 'frag': 1}, {'obj': obj2, 'frag': 1}, [], {'obj': obj1, 'frag': 2}, {'obj': obj2, 'frag': 2}, [], {'obj': obj1, 'frag': 3}, {'obj': obj2, 'frag': 3}, [], {'obj': obj1, 'frag': 4}, {'obj': obj2, 'frag': 4}, [], {'obj': obj1, 'frag': 5}, {'obj': obj2, 'frag': 5}, [], {'obj': obj1, 'frag': 6}, {'obj': obj2, 'frag': 6}, [], {'obj': obj1, 'frag': 7}, {'obj': obj2, 'frag': 7}, [], {'obj': obj1, 'frag': 8}, {'obj': obj2, 'frag': 8}, [], # handoffs are iter'd in order so proxy will see 404 from this # final handoff [], ] fake_response = self._fake_ec_node_response(node_frags) req = swob.Request.blank('/v1/a/c/o') with capture_http_requests(fake_response) as log: resp = req.get_response(self.app) self.assertEqual(resp.status_int, 404) collected_responses = defaultdict(set) for conn in log: etag = conn.resp.headers['X-Object-Sysmeta-Ec-Etag'] index = conn.resp.headers['X-Object-Sysmeta-Ec-Frag-Index'] collected_responses[etag].add(index) # default node_iter will exhaust at 2 * replicas self.assertEqual(len(log), 2 * self.replicas()) self.assertEqual(len(collected_responses), 3) # ... regardless we should never need to fetch more than ec_ndata # frags for any given etag for etag, frags in collected_responses.items(): self.assertLessEqual(len(frags), self.policy.ec_ndata, 'collected %s frags for etag %s' % ( len(frags), etag)) def test_GET_with_duplicate_and_hidden_frag_indexes(self): obj1 = self._make_ec_object_stub() # proxy should ignore duplicated frag indexes and continue search for # a set of unique indexes, finding last one on a handoff node_frags = [ [{'obj': obj1, 'frag': 0}, {'obj': obj1, 'frag': 5}], {'obj': obj1, 'frag': 0}, # duplicate frag {'obj': obj1, 'frag': 1}, {'obj': obj1, 'frag': 1}, # duplicate frag {'obj': obj1, 'frag': 2}, {'obj': obj1, 'frag': 2}, # duplicate frag {'obj': obj1, 'frag': 3}, {'obj': obj1, 'frag': 3}, # duplicate frag {'obj': obj1, 'frag': 4}, {'obj': obj1, 'frag': 4}, # duplicate frag {'obj': obj1, 'frag': 10}, {'obj': obj1, 'frag': 11}, {'obj': obj1, 'frag': 12}, {'obj': obj1, 'frag': 13}, ] fake_response = self._fake_ec_node_response(node_frags) req = swob.Request.blank('/v1/a/c/o') with capture_http_requests(fake_response) as log: resp = req.get_response(self.app) self.assertEqual(resp.status_int, 200) self.assertEqual(resp.headers['etag'], obj1['etag']) self.assertEqual(md5(resp.body).hexdigest(), obj1['etag']) # Expect a maximum of one request to each primary plus one extra # request to node 1. Actual value could be less if the extra request # occurs and quorum is reached before requests to nodes with a # duplicate frag. self.assertLessEqual(len(log), self.replicas() + 1) collected_indexes = defaultdict(list) for conn in log: fi = conn.resp.headers.get('X-Object-Sysmeta-Ec-Frag-Index') if fi is not None: collected_indexes[fi].append(conn) self.assertEqual(len(collected_indexes), self.policy.ec_ndata) def test_GET_with_missing_and_mixed_frags_may_503(self): obj1 = self._make_ec_object_stub(pattern='obj1') obj2 = self._make_ec_object_stub(pattern='obj2') # we get a 503 when all the handoffs return 200 node_frags = [[]] * self.replicas() # primaries have no frags node_frags = node_frags + [ # handoffs all have frags {'obj': obj1, 'frag': 0}, {'obj': obj2, 'frag': 0}, {'obj': obj1, 'frag': 1}, {'obj': obj2, 'frag': 1}, {'obj': obj1, 'frag': 2}, {'obj': obj2, 'frag': 2}, {'obj': obj1, 'frag': 3}, {'obj': obj2, 'frag': 3}, {'obj': obj1, 'frag': 4}, {'obj': obj2, 'frag': 4}, {'obj': obj1, 'frag': 5}, {'obj': obj2, 'frag': 5}, {'obj': obj1, 'frag': 6}, {'obj': obj2, 'frag': 6}, ] fake_response = self._fake_ec_node_response(node_frags) req = swob.Request.blank('/v1/a/c/o') with capture_http_requests(fake_response) as log: resp = req.get_response(self.app) self.assertEqual(resp.status_int, 503) # never get a quorum so all nodes are searched self.assertEqual(len(log), 2 * self.replicas()) collected_indexes = defaultdict(list) for conn in log: fi = conn.resp.headers.get('X-Object-Sysmeta-Ec-Frag-Index') if fi is not None: collected_indexes[fi].append(conn) self.assertEqual(len(collected_indexes), 7) def test_GET_with_mixed_frags_and_no_quorum_will_503(self): # all nodes have a frag but there is no one set that reaches quorum, # which means there is no backend 404 response, but proxy should still # return 404 rather than 503 obj1 = self._make_ec_object_stub(pattern='obj1') obj2 = self._make_ec_object_stub(pattern='obj2') obj3 = self._make_ec_object_stub(pattern='obj3') obj4 = self._make_ec_object_stub(pattern='obj4') node_frags = [ {'obj': obj1, 'frag': 0}, {'obj': obj2, 'frag': 0}, {'obj': obj3, 'frag': 0}, {'obj': obj1, 'frag': 1}, {'obj': obj2, 'frag': 1}, {'obj': obj3, 'frag': 1}, {'obj': obj1, 'frag': 2}, {'obj': obj2, 'frag': 2}, {'obj': obj3, 'frag': 2}, {'obj': obj1, 'frag': 3}, {'obj': obj2, 'frag': 3}, {'obj': obj3, 'frag': 3}, {'obj': obj1, 'frag': 4}, {'obj': obj2, 'frag': 4}, {'obj': obj3, 'frag': 4}, {'obj': obj1, 'frag': 5}, {'obj': obj2, 'frag': 5}, {'obj': obj3, 'frag': 5}, {'obj': obj1, 'frag': 6}, {'obj': obj2, 'frag': 6}, {'obj': obj3, 'frag': 6}, {'obj': obj1, 'frag': 7}, {'obj': obj2, 'frag': 7}, {'obj': obj3, 'frag': 7}, {'obj': obj1, 'frag': 8}, {'obj': obj2, 'frag': 8}, {'obj': obj3, 'frag': 8}, {'obj': obj4, 'frag': 8}, ] fake_response = self._fake_ec_node_response(node_frags) req = swob.Request.blank('/v1/a/c/o') with capture_http_requests(fake_response) as log: resp = req.get_response(self.app) self.assertEqual(resp.status_int, 503) collected_etags = set() collected_status = set() for conn in log: etag = conn.resp.headers['X-Object-Sysmeta-Ec-Etag'] collected_etags.add(etag) collected_status.add(conn.resp.status) # default node_iter will exhaust at 2 * replicas self.assertEqual(len(log), 2 * self.replicas()) self.assertEqual( {obj1['etag'], obj2['etag'], obj3['etag'], obj4['etag']}, collected_etags) self.assertEqual({200}, collected_status) def test_GET_with_quorum_durable_files(self): # verify that only (ec_nparity + 1) nodes need to be durable for a GET # to be completed with ec_ndata requests. obj1 = self._make_ec_object_stub() node_frags = [ {'obj': obj1, 'frag': 0, 'durable': True}, # durable {'obj': obj1, 'frag': 1, 'durable': True}, # durable {'obj': obj1, 'frag': 2, 'durable': True}, # durable {'obj': obj1, 'frag': 3, 'durable': True}, # durable {'obj': obj1, 'frag': 4, 'durable': True}, # durable {'obj': obj1, 'frag': 5, 'durable': False}, {'obj': obj1, 'frag': 6, 'durable': False}, {'obj': obj1, 'frag': 7, 'durable': False}, {'obj': obj1, 'frag': 8, 'durable': False}, {'obj': obj1, 'frag': 9, 'durable': False}, {'obj': obj1, 'frag': 10, 'durable': False}, # parity {'obj': obj1, 'frag': 11, 'durable': False}, # parity {'obj': obj1, 'frag': 12, 'durable': False}, # parity {'obj': obj1, 'frag': 13, 'durable': False}, # parity ] # handoffs not used in this scenario fake_response = self._fake_ec_node_response(list(node_frags)) req = swob.Request.blank('/v1/a/c/o') with capture_http_requests(fake_response) as log: resp = req.get_response(self.app) self.assertEqual(resp.status_int, 200) self.assertEqual(resp.headers['etag'], obj1['etag']) self.assertEqual(md5(resp.body).hexdigest(), obj1['etag']) self.assertEqual(self.policy.ec_ndata, len(log)) collected_durables = [] for conn in log: if (conn.resp.headers.get('X-Backend-Durable-Timestamp') == conn.resp.headers.get('X-Backend-Data-Timestamp')): collected_durables.append(conn) # because nodes are shuffled we can't be sure how many durables are # returned but it must be at least 1 and cannot exceed 5 self.assertLessEqual(len(collected_durables), 5) self.assertGreaterEqual(len(collected_durables), 1) def test_GET_with_single_durable_file(self): # verify that a single durable is sufficient for a GET # to be completed with ec_ndata requests. obj1 = self._make_ec_object_stub() node_frags = [ {'obj': obj1, 'frag': 0, 'durable': True}, # durable {'obj': obj1, 'frag': 1, 'durable': False}, {'obj': obj1, 'frag': 2, 'durable': False}, {'obj': obj1, 'frag': 3, 'durable': False}, {'obj': obj1, 'frag': 4, 'durable': False}, {'obj': obj1, 'frag': 5, 'durable': False}, {'obj': obj1, 'frag': 6, 'durable': False}, {'obj': obj1, 'frag': 7, 'durable': False}, {'obj': obj1, 'frag': 8, 'durable': False}, {'obj': obj1, 'frag': 9, 'durable': False}, {'obj': obj1, 'frag': 10, 'durable': False}, # parity {'obj': obj1, 'frag': 11, 'durable': False}, # parity {'obj': obj1, 'frag': 12, 'durable': False}, # parity {'obj': obj1, 'frag': 13, 'durable': False}, # parity ] # handoffs not used in this scenario fake_response = self._fake_ec_node_response(list(node_frags)) req = swob.Request.blank('/v1/a/c/o') with capture_http_requests(fake_response) as log: resp = req.get_response(self.app) self.assertEqual(resp.status_int, 200) self.assertEqual(resp.headers['etag'], obj1['etag']) self.assertEqual(md5(resp.body).hexdigest(), obj1['etag']) collected_durables = [] for conn in log: if (conn.resp.headers.get('X-Backend-Durable-Timestamp') == conn.resp.headers.get('X-Backend-Data-Timestamp')): collected_durables.append(conn) # because nodes are shuffled we can't be sure how many non-durables # are returned before the durable, but we do expect a single durable self.assertEqual(1, len(collected_durables)) def test_GET_with_no_durable_files(self): # verify that at least one durable is necessary for a successful GET obj1 = self._make_ec_object_stub() node_frags = [ {'obj': obj1, 'frag': 0, 'durable': False}, {'obj': obj1, 'frag': 1, 'durable': False}, {'obj': obj1, 'frag': 2, 'durable': False}, {'obj': obj1, 'frag': 3, 'durable': False}, {'obj': obj1, 'frag': 4, 'durable': False}, {'obj': obj1, 'frag': 5, 'durable': False}, {'obj': obj1, 'frag': 6, 'durable': False}, {'obj': obj1, 'frag': 7, 'durable': False}, {'obj': obj1, 'frag': 8, 'durable': False}, {'obj': obj1, 'frag': 9, 'durable': False}, {'obj': obj1, 'frag': 10, 'durable': False}, # parity {'obj': obj1, 'frag': 11, 'durable': False}, # parity {'obj': obj1, 'frag': 12, 'durable': False}, # parity {'obj': obj1, 'frag': 13, 'durable': False}, # parity ] + [[]] * self.replicas() # handoffs fake_response = self._fake_ec_node_response(list(node_frags)) req = swob.Request.blank('/v1/a/c/o') with capture_http_requests(fake_response) as log: resp = req.get_response(self.app) self.assertEqual(resp.status_int, 404) # all 28 nodes tried with an optimistic get, none are durable and none # report having a durable timestamp self.assertEqual(28, len(log)) def test_GET_with_missing_durable_files_and_mixed_etags(self): obj1 = self._make_ec_object_stub(pattern='obj1') obj2 = self._make_ec_object_stub(pattern='obj2') # non-quorate durables for another object won't stop us finding the # quorate object node_frags = [ # ec_ndata - 1 frags of obj2 are available and durable {'obj': obj2, 'frag': 0, 'durable': True}, {'obj': obj2, 'frag': 1, 'durable': True}, {'obj': obj2, 'frag': 2, 'durable': True}, {'obj': obj2, 'frag': 3, 'durable': True}, {'obj': obj2, 'frag': 4, 'durable': True}, {'obj': obj2, 'frag': 5, 'durable': True}, {'obj': obj2, 'frag': 6, 'durable': True}, {'obj': obj2, 'frag': 7, 'durable': True}, {'obj': obj2, 'frag': 8, 'durable': True}, # ec_ndata frags of obj1 are available and one is durable {'obj': obj1, 'frag': 0, 'durable': False}, {'obj': obj1, 'frag': 1, 'durable': False}, {'obj': obj1, 'frag': 2, 'durable': False}, {'obj': obj1, 'frag': 3, 'durable': False}, {'obj': obj1, 'frag': 4, 'durable': False}, {'obj': obj1, 'frag': 5, 'durable': False}, {'obj': obj1, 'frag': 6, 'durable': False}, {'obj': obj1, 'frag': 7, 'durable': False}, {'obj': obj1, 'frag': 8, 'durable': False}, {'obj': obj1, 'frag': 9, 'durable': True}, ] fake_response = self._fake_ec_node_response(list(node_frags)) req = swob.Request.blank('/v1/a/c/o') with capture_http_requests(fake_response): resp = req.get_response(self.app) self.assertEqual(resp.status_int, 200) self.assertEqual(resp.headers['etag'], obj1['etag']) self.assertEqual(md5(resp.body).hexdigest(), obj1['etag']) # Quorum of non-durables for a different object won't # prevent us hunting down the durable object node_frags = [ # primaries {'obj': obj2, 'frag': 0, 'durable': False}, {'obj': obj2, 'frag': 1, 'durable': False}, {'obj': obj2, 'frag': 2, 'durable': False}, {'obj': obj2, 'frag': 3, 'durable': False}, {'obj': obj2, 'frag': 4, 'durable': False}, {'obj': obj2, 'frag': 5, 'durable': False}, {'obj': obj2, 'frag': 6, 'durable': False}, {'obj': obj2, 'frag': 7, 'durable': False}, {'obj': obj2, 'frag': 8, 'durable': False}, {'obj': obj2, 'frag': 9, 'durable': False}, {'obj': obj2, 'frag': 10, 'durable': False}, {'obj': obj2, 'frag': 11, 'durable': False}, {'obj': obj2, 'frag': 12, 'durable': False}, {'obj': obj2, 'frag': 13, 'durable': False}, # handoffs {'obj': obj1, 'frag': 0, 'durable': False}, {'obj': obj1, 'frag': 1, 'durable': False}, {'obj': obj1, 'frag': 2, 'durable': False}, {'obj': obj1, 'frag': 3, 'durable': False}, {'obj': obj1, 'frag': 4, 'durable': False}, {'obj': obj1, 'frag': 5, 'durable': False}, {'obj': obj1, 'frag': 6, 'durable': False}, {'obj': obj1, 'frag': 7, 'durable': False}, {'obj': obj1, 'frag': 8, 'durable': False}, {'obj': obj1, 'frag': 9, 'durable': False}, {'obj': obj1, 'frag': 10, 'durable': False}, # parity {'obj': obj1, 'frag': 11, 'durable': False}, # parity {'obj': obj1, 'frag': 12, 'durable': False}, # parity {'obj': obj1, 'frag': 13, 'durable': True}, # parity ] fake_response = self._fake_ec_node_response(list(node_frags)) req = swob.Request.blank('/v1/a/c/o') with capture_http_requests(fake_response): resp = req.get_response(self.app) self.assertEqual(resp.status_int, 200) self.assertEqual(resp.headers['etag'], obj1['etag']) self.assertEqual(md5(resp.body).hexdigest(), obj1['etag']) def test_GET_with_missing_durables_and_older_durables(self): # scenario: non-durable frags of newer obj1 obscure all durable frags # of older obj2, so first 14 requests result in a non-durable set. # At that point (or before) the proxy knows that a durable set of # frags for obj2 exists so will fetch them, requiring another 10 # directed requests. obj2 = self._make_ec_object_stub(pattern='obj2', timestamp=self._ts_iter.next()) obj1 = self._make_ec_object_stub(pattern='obj1', timestamp=self._ts_iter.next()) node_frags = [ [{'obj': obj1, 'frag': 0, 'durable': False}], # obj2 missing [{'obj': obj1, 'frag': 1, 'durable': False}, {'obj': obj2, 'frag': 1, 'durable': True}], [{'obj': obj1, 'frag': 2, 'durable': False}], # obj2 missing [{'obj': obj1, 'frag': 3, 'durable': False}, {'obj': obj2, 'frag': 3, 'durable': True}], [{'obj': obj1, 'frag': 4, 'durable': False}, {'obj': obj2, 'frag': 4, 'durable': True}], [{'obj': obj1, 'frag': 5, 'durable': False}, {'obj': obj2, 'frag': 5, 'durable': True}], [{'obj': obj1, 'frag': 6, 'durable': False}, {'obj': obj2, 'frag': 6, 'durable': True}], [{'obj': obj1, 'frag': 7, 'durable': False}, {'obj': obj2, 'frag': 7, 'durable': True}], [{'obj': obj1, 'frag': 8, 'durable': False}, {'obj': obj2, 'frag': 8, 'durable': True}], [{'obj': obj1, 'frag': 9, 'durable': False}], # obj2 missing [{'obj': obj1, 'frag': 10, 'durable': False}, {'obj': obj2, 'frag': 10, 'durable': True}], [{'obj': obj1, 'frag': 11, 'durable': False}, {'obj': obj2, 'frag': 11, 'durable': True}], [{'obj': obj1, 'frag': 12, 'durable': False}], # obj2 missing [{'obj': obj1, 'frag': 13, 'durable': False}, {'obj': obj2, 'frag': 13, 'durable': True}], ] fake_response = self._fake_ec_node_response(list(node_frags)) req = swob.Request.blank('/v1/a/c/o') with capture_http_requests(fake_response) as log: resp = req.get_response(self.app) self.assertEqual(resp.status_int, 200) self.assertEqual(resp.headers['etag'], obj2['etag']) self.assertEqual(md5(resp.body).hexdigest(), obj2['etag']) # max: proxy will GET all non-durable obj1 frags and then 10 obj frags self.assertLessEqual(len(log), self.replicas() + self.policy.ec_ndata) # min: proxy will GET 10 non-durable obj1 frags and then 10 obj frags self.assertGreaterEqual(len(log), 2 * self.policy.ec_ndata) # scenario: obj3 has 14 frags but only 2 are durable and these are # obscured by two non-durable frags of obj1. There is also a single # non-durable frag of obj2. The proxy will need to do at least 10 # GETs to see all the obj3 frags plus 1 more to GET a durable frag. # The proxy may also do one more GET if the obj2 frag is found. # i.e. 10 + 1 durable for obj3, 2 for obj1 and 1 more if obj2 found obj2 = self._make_ec_object_stub(pattern='obj2', timestamp=self._ts_iter.next()) obj3 = self._make_ec_object_stub(pattern='obj3', timestamp=self._ts_iter.next()) obj1 = self._make_ec_object_stub(pattern='obj1', timestamp=self._ts_iter.next()) node_frags = [ [{'obj': obj1, 'frag': 0, 'durable': False}, # obj1 frag {'obj': obj3, 'frag': 0, 'durable': True}], [{'obj': obj1, 'frag': 1, 'durable': False}, # obj1 frag {'obj': obj3, 'frag': 1, 'durable': True}], [{'obj': obj2, 'frag': 2, 'durable': False}, # obj2 frag {'obj': obj3, 'frag': 2, 'durable': False}], [{'obj': obj3, 'frag': 3, 'durable': False}], [{'obj': obj3, 'frag': 4, 'durable': False}], [{'obj': obj3, 'frag': 5, 'durable': False}], [{'obj': obj3, 'frag': 6, 'durable': False}], [{'obj': obj3, 'frag': 7, 'durable': False}], [{'obj': obj3, 'frag': 8, 'durable': False}], [{'obj': obj3, 'frag': 9, 'durable': False}], [{'obj': obj3, 'frag': 10, 'durable': False}], [{'obj': obj3, 'frag': 11, 'durable': False}], [{'obj': obj3, 'frag': 12, 'durable': False}], [{'obj': obj3, 'frag': 13, 'durable': False}], ] fake_response = self._fake_ec_node_response(list(node_frags)) req = swob.Request.blank('/v1/a/c/o') with capture_http_requests(fake_response) as log: resp = req.get_response(self.app) self.assertEqual(resp.status_int, 200) self.assertEqual(resp.headers['etag'], obj3['etag']) self.assertEqual(md5(resp.body).hexdigest(), obj3['etag']) self.assertGreaterEqual(len(log), self.policy.ec_ndata + 1) self.assertLessEqual(len(log), self.policy.ec_ndata + 4) def test_GET_with_missing_durables_and_older_non_durables(self): # scenario: non-durable frags of newer obj1 obscure all frags # of older obj2, so first 28 requests result in a non-durable set. # There are only 10 frags for obj2 and one is not durable. obj2 = self._make_ec_object_stub(pattern='obj2', timestamp=self._ts_iter.next()) obj1 = self._make_ec_object_stub(pattern='obj1', timestamp=self._ts_iter.next()) node_frags = [ [{'obj': obj1, 'frag': 0, 'durable': False}], # obj2 missing [{'obj': obj1, 'frag': 1, 'durable': False}, {'obj': obj2, 'frag': 1, 'durable': False}], # obj2 non-durable [{'obj': obj1, 'frag': 2, 'durable': False}], # obj2 missing [{'obj': obj1, 'frag': 3, 'durable': False}, {'obj': obj2, 'frag': 3, 'durable': True}], [{'obj': obj1, 'frag': 4, 'durable': False}, {'obj': obj2, 'frag': 4, 'durable': True}], [{'obj': obj1, 'frag': 5, 'durable': False}, {'obj': obj2, 'frag': 5, 'durable': True}], [{'obj': obj1, 'frag': 6, 'durable': False}, {'obj': obj2, 'frag': 6, 'durable': True}], [{'obj': obj1, 'frag': 7, 'durable': False}, {'obj': obj2, 'frag': 7, 'durable': True}], [{'obj': obj1, 'frag': 8, 'durable': False}, {'obj': obj2, 'frag': 8, 'durable': True}], [{'obj': obj1, 'frag': 9, 'durable': False}], # obj2 missing [{'obj': obj1, 'frag': 10, 'durable': False}, {'obj': obj2, 'frag': 10, 'durable': True}], [{'obj': obj1, 'frag': 11, 'durable': False}, {'obj': obj2, 'frag': 11, 'durable': True}], [{'obj': obj1, 'frag': 12, 'durable': False}], # obj2 missing [{'obj': obj1, 'frag': 13, 'durable': False}, {'obj': obj2, 'frag': 13, 'durable': True}], [], # 1 empty primary ] fake_response = self._fake_ec_node_response(list(node_frags)) req = swob.Request.blank('/v1/a/c/o') with capture_http_requests(fake_response) as log: resp = req.get_response(self.app) self.assertEqual(resp.status_int, 200) self.assertEqual(resp.headers['etag'], obj2['etag']) self.assertEqual(md5(resp.body).hexdigest(), obj2['etag']) # max: proxy will GET all non-durable obj1 frags and then 10 obj2 frags self.assertLessEqual(len(log), self.replicas() + self.policy.ec_ndata) # min: proxy will GET 10 non-durable obj1 frags and then 10 obj2 frags self.assertGreaterEqual(len(log), 2 * self.policy.ec_ndata) def test_GET_with_mixed_etags_at_same_timestamp(self): # this scenario should never occur but if there are somehow # fragments for different content at the same timestamp then the # object controller should handle it gracefully ts = self.ts() # force equal timestamps for two objects obj1 = self._make_ec_object_stub(timestamp=ts, pattern='obj1') obj2 = self._make_ec_object_stub(timestamp=ts, pattern='obj2') self.assertNotEqual(obj1['etag'], obj2['etag']) # sanity node_frags = [ # 7 frags of obj2 are available and durable {'obj': obj2, 'frag': 0, 'durable': True}, {'obj': obj2, 'frag': 1, 'durable': True}, {'obj': obj2, 'frag': 2, 'durable': True}, {'obj': obj2, 'frag': 3, 'durable': True}, {'obj': obj2, 'frag': 4, 'durable': True}, {'obj': obj2, 'frag': 5, 'durable': True}, {'obj': obj2, 'frag': 6, 'durable': True}, # 7 frags of obj1 are available and durable {'obj': obj1, 'frag': 7, 'durable': True}, {'obj': obj1, 'frag': 8, 'durable': True}, {'obj': obj1, 'frag': 9, 'durable': True}, {'obj': obj1, 'frag': 10, 'durable': True}, {'obj': obj1, 'frag': 11, 'durable': True}, {'obj': obj1, 'frag': 12, 'durable': True}, {'obj': obj1, 'frag': 13, 'durable': True}, ] + [[]] * self.replicas() # handoffs fake_response = self._fake_ec_node_response(list(node_frags)) req = swob.Request.blank('/v1/a/c/o') with capture_http_requests(fake_response) as log: resp = req.get_response(self.app) # read body to provoke any EC decode errors self.assertFalse(resp.body) self.assertEqual(resp.status_int, 404) self.assertEqual(len(log), self.replicas() * 2) collected_etags = set() for conn in log: etag = conn.resp.headers['X-Object-Sysmeta-Ec-Etag'] collected_etags.add(etag) # will be None from handoffs self.assertEqual({obj1['etag'], obj2['etag'], None}, collected_etags) log_lines = self.app.logger.get_lines_for_level('error') self.assertEqual(log_lines, ['Problem with fragment response: ETag mismatch'] * 7) def test_GET_mixed_success_with_range(self): fragment_size = self.policy.fragment_size ec_stub = self._make_ec_object_stub() frag_archives = ec_stub['frags'] frag_archive_size = len(ec_stub['frags'][0]) headers = { 'Content-Type': 'text/plain', 'Content-Length': fragment_size, 'Content-Range': 'bytes 0-%s/%s' % (fragment_size - 1, frag_archive_size), 'X-Object-Sysmeta-Ec-Content-Length': len(ec_stub['body']), 'X-Object-Sysmeta-Ec-Etag': ec_stub['etag'], 'X-Timestamp': Timestamp(self._ts_iter.next()).normal, } responses = [ StubResponse(206, frag_archives[0][:fragment_size], headers, 0), StubResponse(206, frag_archives[1][:fragment_size], headers, 1), StubResponse(206, frag_archives[2][:fragment_size], headers, 2), StubResponse(206, frag_archives[3][:fragment_size], headers, 3), StubResponse(206, frag_archives[4][:fragment_size], headers, 4), # data nodes with old frag StubResponse(416, frag_index=5), StubResponse(416, frag_index=6), StubResponse(206, frag_archives[7][:fragment_size], headers, 7), StubResponse(206, frag_archives[8][:fragment_size], headers, 8), StubResponse(206, frag_archives[9][:fragment_size], headers, 9), # hopefully we ask for two more StubResponse(206, frag_archives[10][:fragment_size], headers, 10), StubResponse(206, frag_archives[11][:fragment_size], headers, 11), ] def get_response(req): return responses.pop(0) if responses else StubResponse(404) req = swob.Request.blank('/v1/a/c/o', headers={'Range': 'bytes=0-3'}) with capture_http_requests(get_response) as log: resp = req.get_response(self.app) self.assertEqual(resp.status_int, 206) self.assertEqual(resp.body, 'test') self.assertEqual(len(log), self.policy.ec_ndata + 2) # verify that even when last responses to be collected are 416's # the shortfall of 2xx responses still triggers extra spawned requests responses = [ StubResponse(206, frag_archives[0][:fragment_size], headers, 0), StubResponse(206, frag_archives[1][:fragment_size], headers, 1), StubResponse(206, frag_archives[2][:fragment_size], headers, 2), StubResponse(206, frag_archives[3][:fragment_size], headers, 3), StubResponse(206, frag_archives[4][:fragment_size], headers, 4), StubResponse(206, frag_archives[7][:fragment_size], headers, 7), StubResponse(206, frag_archives[8][:fragment_size], headers, 8), StubResponse(206, frag_archives[9][:fragment_size], headers, 9), StubResponse(206, frag_archives[10][:fragment_size], headers, 10), # data nodes with old frag StubResponse(416, frag_index=5), # hopefully we ask for one more StubResponse(416, frag_index=6), # and hopefully we ask for another StubResponse(206, frag_archives[11][:fragment_size], headers, 11), ] req = swob.Request.blank('/v1/a/c/o', headers={'Range': 'bytes=0-3'}) with capture_http_requests(get_response) as log: resp = req.get_response(self.app) self.assertEqual(resp.status_int, 206) self.assertEqual(resp.body, 'test') self.assertEqual(len(log), self.policy.ec_ndata + 2) def test_GET_with_range_unsatisfiable_mixed_success(self): responses = [ StubResponse(416, frag_index=0), StubResponse(416, frag_index=1), StubResponse(416, frag_index=2), StubResponse(416, frag_index=3), StubResponse(416, frag_index=4), StubResponse(416, frag_index=5), StubResponse(416, frag_index=6), # sneak in bogus extra responses StubResponse(404), StubResponse(206, frag_index=8), # and then just "enough" more 416's StubResponse(416, frag_index=9), StubResponse(416, frag_index=10), StubResponse(416, frag_index=11), ] def get_response(req): return responses.pop(0) if responses else StubResponse(404) req = swob.Request.blank('/v1/a/c/o', headers={ 'Range': 'bytes=%s-' % 100000000000000}) with capture_http_requests(get_response) as log: resp = req.get_response(self.app) self.assertEqual(resp.status_int, 416) # ec_ndata responses that must agree, plus the bogus extras self.assertEqual(len(log), self.policy.ec_ndata + 2) def test_GET_with_missing_and_range_unsatisifiable(self): responses = [ # not quite ec_ndata frags on primaries StubResponse(416, frag_index=0), StubResponse(416, frag_index=1), StubResponse(416, frag_index=2), StubResponse(416, frag_index=3), StubResponse(416, frag_index=4), StubResponse(416, frag_index=5), StubResponse(416, frag_index=6), StubResponse(416, frag_index=7), StubResponse(416, frag_index=8), ] def get_response(req): return responses.pop(0) if responses else StubResponse(404) req = swob.Request.blank('/v1/a/c/o', headers={ 'Range': 'bytes=%s-' % 100000000000000}) with capture_http_requests(get_response) as log: resp = req.get_response(self.app) # TODO: does 416 make sense without a quorum, or should this be a 404? # a non-range GET of same object would return 404 self.assertEqual(resp.status_int, 416) self.assertEqual(len(log), 2 * self.replicas()) def test_GET_with_success_and_507_will_503(self): responses = [ # only 9 good nodes StubResponse(200), StubResponse(200), StubResponse(200), StubResponse(200), StubResponse(200), StubResponse(200), StubResponse(200), StubResponse(200), StubResponse(200), ] def get_response(req): # bad disk on all other nodes return responses.pop(0) if responses else StubResponse(507) req = swob.Request.blank('/v1/a/c/o') with capture_http_requests(get_response) as log: resp = req.get_response(self.app) self.assertEqual(resp.status_int, 503) self.assertEqual(len(log), 2 * self.replicas()) def test_GET_with_success_and_404_will_404(self): responses = [ # only 9 good nodes StubResponse(200), StubResponse(200), StubResponse(200), StubResponse(200), StubResponse(200), StubResponse(200), StubResponse(200), StubResponse(200), StubResponse(200), ] def get_response(req): # no frags on other nodes return responses.pop(0) if responses else StubResponse(404) req = swob.Request.blank('/v1/a/c/o') with capture_http_requests(get_response) as log: resp = req.get_response(self.app) self.assertEqual(resp.status_int, 404) self.assertEqual(len(log), 2 * self.replicas()) def test_GET_mixed_ranged_responses_success(self): segment_size = self.policy.ec_segment_size frag_size = self.policy.fragment_size new_data = ('test' * segment_size)[:-492] new_etag = md5(new_data).hexdigest() new_archives = self._make_ec_archive_bodies(new_data) old_data = ('junk' * segment_size)[:-492] old_etag = md5(old_data).hexdigest() old_archives = self._make_ec_archive_bodies(old_data) frag_archive_size = len(new_archives[0]) # here we deliberately omit X-Backend-Data-Timestamp to check that # proxy will tolerate responses from object server that have not been # upgraded to send that header old_headers = { 'Content-Type': 'text/plain', 'Content-Length': frag_size, 'Content-Range': 'bytes 0-%s/%s' % (frag_size - 1, frag_archive_size), 'X-Object-Sysmeta-Ec-Content-Length': len(old_data), 'X-Object-Sysmeta-Ec-Etag': old_etag, 'X-Backend-Timestamp': Timestamp(self._ts_iter.next()).internal } new_headers = { 'Content-Type': 'text/plain', 'Content-Length': frag_size, 'Content-Range': 'bytes 0-%s/%s' % (frag_size - 1, frag_archive_size), 'X-Object-Sysmeta-Ec-Content-Length': len(new_data), 'X-Object-Sysmeta-Ec-Etag': new_etag, 'X-Backend-Timestamp': Timestamp(self._ts_iter.next()).internal } # 7 primaries with stale frags, 3 handoffs failed to get new frags responses = [ StubResponse(206, old_archives[0][:frag_size], old_headers, 0), StubResponse(206, new_archives[1][:frag_size], new_headers, 1), StubResponse(206, old_archives[2][:frag_size], old_headers, 2), StubResponse(206, new_archives[3][:frag_size], new_headers, 3), StubResponse(206, old_archives[4][:frag_size], old_headers, 4), StubResponse(206, new_archives[5][:frag_size], new_headers, 5), StubResponse(206, old_archives[6][:frag_size], old_headers, 6), StubResponse(206, new_archives[7][:frag_size], new_headers, 7), StubResponse(206, old_archives[8][:frag_size], old_headers, 8), StubResponse(206, new_archives[9][:frag_size], new_headers, 9), StubResponse(206, old_archives[10][:frag_size], old_headers, 10), StubResponse(206, new_archives[11][:frag_size], new_headers, 11), StubResponse(206, old_archives[12][:frag_size], old_headers, 12), StubResponse(206, new_archives[13][:frag_size], new_headers, 13), StubResponse(206, new_archives[0][:frag_size], new_headers, 0), StubResponse(404), StubResponse(404), StubResponse(206, new_archives[6][:frag_size], new_headers, 6), StubResponse(404), StubResponse(206, new_archives[10][:frag_size], new_headers, 10), StubResponse(206, new_archives[12][:frag_size], new_headers, 12), ] def get_response(req): return responses.pop(0) if responses else StubResponse(404) req = swob.Request.blank('/v1/a/c/o') with capture_http_requests(get_response) as log: resp = req.get_response(self.app) self.assertEqual(resp.status_int, 200) self.assertEqual(resp.body, new_data[:segment_size]) self.assertEqual(len(log), self.policy.ec_ndata + 10) def test_GET_mismatched_fragment_archives(self): segment_size = self.policy.ec_segment_size test_data1 = ('test' * segment_size)[:-333] # N.B. the object data *length* here is different test_data2 = ('blah1' * segment_size)[:-333] etag1 = md5(test_data1).hexdigest() etag2 = md5(test_data2).hexdigest() ec_archive_bodies1 = self._make_ec_archive_bodies(test_data1) ec_archive_bodies2 = self._make_ec_archive_bodies(test_data2) headers1 = {'X-Object-Sysmeta-Ec-Etag': etag1, 'X-Object-Sysmeta-Ec-Content-Length': '333'} # here we're going to *lie* and say the etag here matches headers2 = {'X-Object-Sysmeta-Ec-Etag': etag1, 'X-Object-Sysmeta-Ec-Content-Length': '333'} responses1 = [(200, body, self._add_frag_index(fi, headers1)) for fi, body in enumerate(ec_archive_bodies1)] responses2 = [(200, body, self._add_frag_index(fi, headers2)) for fi, body in enumerate(ec_archive_bodies2)] req = swob.Request.blank('/v1/a/c/o') # sanity check responses1 responses = responses1[:self.policy.ec_ndata] status_codes, body_iter, headers = zip(*responses) with set_http_connect(*status_codes, body_iter=body_iter, headers=headers): resp = req.get_response(self.app) self.assertEqual(resp.status_int, 200) self.assertEqual(md5(resp.body).hexdigest(), etag1) # sanity check responses2 responses = responses2[:self.policy.ec_ndata] status_codes, body_iter, headers = zip(*responses) with set_http_connect(*status_codes, body_iter=body_iter, headers=headers): resp = req.get_response(self.app) self.assertEqual(resp.status_int, 200) self.assertEqual(md5(resp.body).hexdigest(), etag2) # now mix the responses a bit mix_index = random.randint(0, self.policy.ec_ndata - 1) mixed_responses = responses1[:self.policy.ec_ndata] mixed_responses[mix_index] = responses2[mix_index] status_codes, body_iter, headers = zip(*mixed_responses) with set_http_connect(*status_codes, body_iter=body_iter, headers=headers): resp = req.get_response(self.app) self.assertEqual(resp.status_int, 200) try: resp.body except ECDriverError: resp._app_iter.close() else: self.fail('invalid ec fragment response body did not blow up!') error_lines = self.logger.get_lines_for_level('error') self.assertEqual(1, len(error_lines)) msg = error_lines[0] self.assertIn('Error decoding fragments', msg) self.assertIn('/a/c/o', msg) log_msg_args, log_msg_kwargs = self.logger.log_dict['error'][0] self.assertEqual(log_msg_kwargs['exc_info'][0], ECDriverError) def test_GET_read_timeout(self): segment_size = self.policy.ec_segment_size test_data = ('test' * segment_size)[:-333] etag = md5(test_data).hexdigest() ec_archive_bodies = self._make_ec_archive_bodies(test_data) headers = {'X-Object-Sysmeta-Ec-Etag': etag} self.app.recoverable_node_timeout = 0.01 responses = [ (200, SlowBody(body, 0.1), self._add_frag_index(i, headers)) for i, body in enumerate(ec_archive_bodies) ] * self.policy.ec_duplication_factor req = swob.Request.blank('/v1/a/c/o') status_codes, body_iter, headers = zip(*responses + [ (404, '', {}) for i in range( self.policy.object_ring.max_more_nodes)]) with set_http_connect(*status_codes, body_iter=body_iter, headers=headers): resp = req.get_response(self.app) self.assertEqual(resp.status_int, 200) # do this inside the fake http context manager, it'll try to # resume but won't be able to give us all the right bytes self.assertNotEqual(md5(resp.body).hexdigest(), etag) error_lines = self.logger.get_lines_for_level('error') self.assertEqual(self.replicas(), len(error_lines)) nparity = self.policy.ec_nparity for line in error_lines[:nparity]: self.assertIn('retrying', line) for line in error_lines[nparity:]: self.assertIn('ChunkReadTimeout (0.01s)', line) def test_GET_read_timeout_resume(self): segment_size = self.policy.ec_segment_size test_data = ('test' * segment_size)[:-333] etag = md5(test_data).hexdigest() ec_archive_bodies = self._make_ec_archive_bodies(test_data) headers = {'X-Object-Sysmeta-Ec-Etag': etag} self.app.recoverable_node_timeout = 0.05 # first one is slow responses = [(200, SlowBody(ec_archive_bodies[0], 0.1), self._add_frag_index(0, headers))] # ... the rest are fine responses += [(200, body, self._add_frag_index(i, headers)) for i, body in enumerate(ec_archive_bodies[1:], start=1)] req = swob.Request.blank('/v1/a/c/o') status_codes, body_iter, headers = zip( *responses[:self.policy.ec_ndata + 1]) with set_http_connect(*status_codes, body_iter=body_iter, headers=headers): resp = req.get_response(self.app) self.assertEqual(resp.status_int, 200) self.assertTrue(md5(resp.body).hexdigest(), etag) error_lines = self.logger.get_lines_for_level('error') self.assertEqual(1, len(error_lines)) self.assertIn('retrying', error_lines[0]) def test_fix_response_HEAD(self): headers = {'X-Object-Sysmeta-Ec-Content-Length': '10', 'X-Object-Sysmeta-Ec-Etag': 'foo'} # sucsessful HEAD responses = [(200, '', headers)] status_codes, body_iter, headers = zip(*responses) req = swift.common.swob.Request.blank('/v1/a/c/o', method='HEAD') with set_http_connect(*status_codes, body_iter=body_iter, headers=headers): resp = req.get_response(self.app) self.assertEqual(resp.status_int, 200) self.assertEqual(resp.body, '') # 200OK shows original object content length self.assertEqual(resp.headers['Content-Length'], '10') self.assertEqual(resp.headers['Etag'], 'foo') # not found HEAD responses = [(404, '', {})] * self.replicas() * 2 status_codes, body_iter, headers = zip(*responses) req = swift.common.swob.Request.blank('/v1/a/c/o', method='HEAD') with set_http_connect(*status_codes, body_iter=body_iter, headers=headers): resp = req.get_response(self.app) self.assertEqual(resp.status_int, 404) # 404 shows actual response body size (i.e. 0 for HEAD) self.assertEqual(resp.headers['Content-Length'], '0') def test_PUT_with_slow_commits(self): # It's important that this timeout be much less than the delay in # the slow commit responses so that the slow commits are not waited # for. self.app.post_quorum_timeout = 0.01 req = swift.common.swob.Request.blank('/v1/a/c/o', method='PUT', body='') # plenty of slow commits response_sleep = 5.0 codes = [FakeStatus(201, response_sleep=response_sleep) for i in range(self.replicas())] # swap out some with regular fast responses number_of_fast_responses_needed_to_be_quick_enough = \ self.policy.quorum fast_indexes = random.sample( range(self.replicas()), number_of_fast_responses_needed_to_be_quick_enough) for i in fast_indexes: codes[i] = 201 expect_headers = { 'X-Obj-Metadata-Footer': 'yes', 'X-Obj-Multiphase-Commit': 'yes' } with set_http_connect(*codes, expect_headers=expect_headers): start = time.time() resp = req.get_response(self.app) response_time = time.time() - start self.assertEqual(resp.status_int, 201) self.assertLess(response_time, response_sleep) def test_PUT_with_just_enough_durable_responses(self): req = swift.common.swob.Request.blank('/v1/a/c/o', method='PUT', body='') codes = [201] * (self.policy.ec_ndata + 1) codes += [503] * (self.policy.ec_nparity - 1) self.assertEqual(len(codes), self.policy.ec_n_unique_fragments) random.shuffle(codes) expect_headers = { 'X-Obj-Metadata-Footer': 'yes', 'X-Obj-Multiphase-Commit': 'yes' } with set_http_connect(*codes, expect_headers=expect_headers): resp = req.get_response(self.app) self.assertEqual(resp.status_int, 201) def test_PUT_with_less_durable_responses(self): req = swift.common.swob.Request.blank('/v1/a/c/o', method='PUT', body='') codes = [201] * (self.policy.ec_ndata) codes += [503] * (self.policy.ec_nparity) self.assertEqual(len(codes), self.policy.ec_n_unique_fragments) random.shuffle(codes) expect_headers = { 'X-Obj-Metadata-Footer': 'yes', 'X-Obj-Multiphase-Commit': 'yes' } with set_http_connect(*codes, expect_headers=expect_headers): resp = req.get_response(self.app) self.assertEqual(resp.status_int, 503) def test_GET_with_invalid_ranges(self): # real body size is segment_size - 10 (just 1 segment) segment_size = self.policy.ec_segment_size real_body = ('a' * segment_size)[:-10] # range is out of real body but in segment size self._test_invalid_ranges('GET', real_body, segment_size, '%s-' % (segment_size - 10)) # range is out of both real body and segment size self._test_invalid_ranges('GET', real_body, segment_size, '%s-' % (segment_size + 10)) def _test_invalid_ranges(self, method, real_body, segment_size, req_range): # make a request with range starts from more than real size. body_etag = md5(real_body).hexdigest() req = swift.common.swob.Request.blank( '/v1/a/c/o', method=method, headers={'Destination': 'c1/o', 'Range': 'bytes=%s' % (req_range)}) fragments = self.policy.pyeclib_driver.encode(real_body) fragment_payloads = [fragments * self.policy.ec_duplication_factor] node_fragments = zip(*fragment_payloads) self.assertEqual(len(node_fragments), self.replicas()) # sanity headers = {'X-Object-Sysmeta-Ec-Content-Length': str(len(real_body)), 'X-Object-Sysmeta-Ec-Etag': body_etag} start = int(req_range.split('-')[0]) self.assertGreaterEqual(start, 0) # sanity title, exp = swob.RESPONSE_REASONS[416] range_not_satisfiable_body = \ '<html><h1>%s</h1><p>%s</p></html>' % (title, exp) if start >= segment_size: responses = [(416, range_not_satisfiable_body, self._add_frag_index(i, headers)) for i in range(POLICIES.default.ec_ndata)] else: responses = [(200, ''.join(node_fragments[i]), self._add_frag_index(i, headers)) for i in range(POLICIES.default.ec_ndata)] status_codes, body_iter, headers = zip(*responses) expect_headers = { 'X-Obj-Metadata-Footer': 'yes', 'X-Obj-Multiphase-Commit': 'yes' } with set_http_connect(*status_codes, body_iter=body_iter, headers=headers, expect_headers=expect_headers): resp = req.get_response(self.app) self.assertEqual(resp.status_int, 416) self.assertEqual(resp.content_length, len(range_not_satisfiable_body)) self.assertEqual(resp.body, range_not_satisfiable_body) self.assertEqual(resp.etag, body_etag) self.assertEqual(resp.headers['Accept-Ranges'], 'bytes') class TestECFunctions(unittest.TestCase): def test_chunk_transformer(self): def do_test(dup_factor, segments): segment_size = 1024 orig_chunks = [] for i in range(segments): orig_chunks.append(chr(i + 97) * segment_size) policy = ECStoragePolicy(0, 'ec8-2', ec_type=DEFAULT_TEST_EC_TYPE, ec_ndata=8, ec_nparity=2, object_ring=FakeRing( replicas=10 * dup_factor), ec_segment_size=segment_size, ec_duplication_factor=dup_factor) encoded_chunks = [[] for _ in range(policy.ec_n_unique_fragments)] for orig_chunk in orig_chunks: # each segment produces a set of frags frag_set = policy.pyeclib_driver.encode(orig_chunk) for frag_index, frag_data in enumerate(frag_set): encoded_chunks[frag_index].append(frag_data) # chunk_transformer buffers and concatenates multiple frags expected = [''.join(frags) for frags in encoded_chunks] transform = obj.chunk_transformer(policy) transform.send(None) backend_chunks = transform.send(''.join(orig_chunks)) self.assertIsNotNone(backend_chunks) # sanity self.assertEqual( len(backend_chunks), policy.ec_n_unique_fragments) self.assertEqual(expected, backend_chunks) # flush out last chunk buffer backend_chunks = transform.send('') self.assertEqual( len(backend_chunks), policy.ec_n_unique_fragments) self.assertEqual([''] * policy.ec_n_unique_fragments, backend_chunks) do_test(dup_factor=1, segments=1) do_test(dup_factor=2, segments=1) do_test(dup_factor=3, segments=1) do_test(dup_factor=1, segments=2) do_test(dup_factor=2, segments=2) do_test(dup_factor=3, segments=2) def test_chunk_transformer_non_aligned_last_chunk(self): last_chunk = 'a' * 128 def do_test(dup): policy = ECStoragePolicy(0, 'ec8-2', ec_type=DEFAULT_TEST_EC_TYPE, ec_ndata=8, ec_nparity=2, object_ring=FakeRing(replicas=10 * dup), ec_segment_size=1024, ec_duplication_factor=dup) expected = policy.pyeclib_driver.encode(last_chunk) transform = obj.chunk_transformer(policy) transform.send(None) transform.send(last_chunk) # flush out last chunk buffer backend_chunks = transform.send('') self.assertEqual( len(backend_chunks), policy.ec_n_unique_fragments) self.assertEqual(expected, backend_chunks) do_test(1) do_test(2) @patch_policies([ECStoragePolicy(0, name='ec', is_default=True, ec_type=DEFAULT_TEST_EC_TYPE, ec_ndata=10, ec_nparity=4, ec_segment_size=4096, ec_duplication_factor=2), StoragePolicy(1, name='unu')], fake_ring_args=[{'replicas': 28}, {}]) class TestECDuplicationObjController( ECObjectControllerMixin, unittest.TestCase): container_info = { 'status': 200, 'read_acl': None, 'write_acl': None, 'sync_key': None, 'versions': None, 'storage_policy': '0', } controller_cls = obj.ECObjectController def _test_GET_with_duplication_factor(self, node_frags, obj): # This is basic tests in the healthy backends status fake_response = self._fake_ec_node_response(node_frags) req = swob.Request.blank('/v1/a/c/o') with capture_http_requests(fake_response) as log: resp = req.get_response(self.app) self.assertEqual(resp.status_int, 200) self.assertEqual(resp.headers['etag'], obj['etag']) self.assertEqual(md5(resp.body).hexdigest(), obj['etag']) collected_responses = defaultdict(set) for conn in log: etag = conn.resp.headers['X-Object-Sysmeta-Ec-Etag'] index = conn.resp.headers['X-Object-Sysmeta-Ec-Frag-Index'] collected_responses[etag].add(index) # the backend requests should be >= num_data_fragments self.assertGreaterEqual(len(log), self.policy.ec_ndata) # but <= # of replicas self.assertLessEqual(len(log), self.replicas()) self.assertEqual(len(collected_responses), 1) etag, frags = collected_responses.items()[0] # the backend requests will stop at enough ec_ndata responses self.assertEqual( len(frags), self.policy.ec_ndata, 'collected %s frags for etag %s' % (len(frags), etag)) # TODO: actually "frags" in node_frags is meaning "node_index" right now # in following tests. Reconsidering the name and semantics change needed. # Or, just mapping to be correct as frag_index is enough?. def test_GET_with_duplication_factor(self): obj = self._make_ec_object_stub() node_frags = [ {'obj': obj, 'frag': 0}, {'obj': obj, 'frag': 1}, {'obj': obj, 'frag': 2}, {'obj': obj, 'frag': 3}, {'obj': obj, 'frag': 4}, {'obj': obj, 'frag': 5}, {'obj': obj, 'frag': 6}, {'obj': obj, 'frag': 7}, {'obj': obj, 'frag': 8}, {'obj': obj, 'frag': 9}, {'obj': obj, 'frag': 10}, {'obj': obj, 'frag': 11}, {'obj': obj, 'frag': 12}, {'obj': obj, 'frag': 13}, ] * 2 # duplicated! self._test_GET_with_duplication_factor(node_frags, obj) def test_GET_with_duplication_factor_almost_duplicate_dispersion(self): obj = self._make_ec_object_stub() node_frags = [ # first half of # of replicas are 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 {'obj': obj, 'frag': 0}, {'obj': obj, 'frag': 0}, {'obj': obj, 'frag': 1}, {'obj': obj, 'frag': 1}, {'obj': obj, 'frag': 2}, {'obj': obj, 'frag': 2}, {'obj': obj, 'frag': 3}, {'obj': obj, 'frag': 3}, {'obj': obj, 'frag': 4}, {'obj': obj, 'frag': 4}, {'obj': obj, 'frag': 5}, {'obj': obj, 'frag': 5}, {'obj': obj, 'frag': 6}, {'obj': obj, 'frag': 6}, # second half of # of replicas are 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 {'obj': obj, 'frag': 7}, {'obj': obj, 'frag': 7}, {'obj': obj, 'frag': 8}, {'obj': obj, 'frag': 8}, {'obj': obj, 'frag': 9}, {'obj': obj, 'frag': 9}, {'obj': obj, 'frag': 10}, {'obj': obj, 'frag': 10}, {'obj': obj, 'frag': 11}, {'obj': obj, 'frag': 11}, {'obj': obj, 'frag': 12}, {'obj': obj, 'frag': 12}, {'obj': obj, 'frag': 13}, {'obj': obj, 'frag': 13}, ] # ...but it still works! self._test_GET_with_duplication_factor(node_frags, obj) def test_GET_with_missing_and_mixed_frags_will_dig_deep_but_stop(self): obj1 = self._make_ec_object_stub(pattern='obj1') obj2 = self._make_ec_object_stub(pattern='obj2') # both of obj1 and obj2 has only 9 frags which is not able to decode node_frags = [ {'obj': obj1, 'frag': 0}, {'obj': obj2, 'frag': 0}, {'obj': obj1, 'frag': 1}, {'obj': obj2, 'frag': 1}, {'obj': obj1, 'frag': 2}, {'obj': obj2, 'frag': 2}, {'obj': obj1, 'frag': 3}, {'obj': obj2, 'frag': 3}, {'obj': obj1, 'frag': 4}, {'obj': obj2, 'frag': 4}, {'obj': obj1, 'frag': 5}, {'obj': obj2, 'frag': 5}, {'obj': obj1, 'frag': 6}, {'obj': obj2, 'frag': 6}, {'obj': obj1, 'frag': 7}, {'obj': obj2, 'frag': 7}, {'obj': obj1, 'frag': 8}, {'obj': obj2, 'frag': 8}, ] # ... and the rests are 404s which is limited by request_count # (2 * replicas in default) rather than max_extra_requests limitation # because the retries will be in ResumingGetter if the responses # are 404s node_frags += [[]] * (self.replicas() * 2 - len(node_frags)) fake_response = self._fake_ec_node_response(node_frags) req = swob.Request.blank('/v1/a/c/o') with capture_http_requests(fake_response) as log: resp = req.get_response(self.app) self.assertEqual(resp.status_int, 404) collected_responses = defaultdict(set) for conn in log: etag = conn.resp.headers['X-Object-Sysmeta-Ec-Etag'] index = conn.resp.headers['X-Object-Sysmeta-Ec-Frag-Index'] collected_responses[etag].add(index) # default node_iter will exhaust to the last of handoffs self.assertEqual(len(log), self.replicas() * 2) # we have obj1, obj2, and 404 NotFound in collected_responses self.assertEqual(sorted([obj1['etag'], obj2['etag'], None]), sorted(collected_responses.keys())) # ... regardless we should never need to fetch more than ec_ndata # frags for any given etag for etag, frags in collected_responses.items(): self.assertLessEqual(len(frags), self.policy.ec_ndata, 'collected %s frags for etag %s' % ( len(frags), etag)) def test_GET_with_many_missed_overwrite_will_need_handoff(self): obj1 = self._make_ec_object_stub(pattern='obj1') obj2 = self._make_ec_object_stub(pattern='obj2') # primaries node_frags = [ {'obj': obj2, 'frag': 0}, {'obj': obj2, 'frag': 1}, {'obj': obj1, 'frag': 2}, # missed {'obj': obj2, 'frag': 3}, {'obj': obj2, 'frag': 4}, {'obj': obj2, 'frag': 5}, {'obj': obj1, 'frag': 6}, # missed {'obj': obj2, 'frag': 7}, {'obj': obj2, 'frag': 8}, {'obj': obj1, 'frag': 9}, # missed {'obj': obj1, 'frag': 10}, # missed {'obj': obj1, 'frag': 11}, # missed {'obj': obj2, 'frag': 12}, {'obj': obj2, 'frag': 13}, ] node_frags = node_frags * 2 # 2 duplication # so the primaries have indexes 0, 1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 12, 13 # (9 indexes) for obj2 and then a handoff has index 6 node_frags += [ {'obj': obj2, 'frag': 6}, # handoff ] fake_response = self._fake_ec_node_response(node_frags) req = swob.Request.blank('/v1/a/c/o') with capture_http_requests(fake_response) as log: resp = req.get_response(self.app) self.assertEqual(resp.status_int, 200) self.assertEqual(resp.headers['etag'], obj2['etag']) self.assertEqual(md5(resp.body).hexdigest(), obj2['etag']) collected_responses = defaultdict(set) for conn in log: etag = conn.resp.headers['X-Object-Sysmeta-Ec-Etag'] index = conn.resp.headers['X-Object-Sysmeta-Ec-Frag-Index'] collected_responses[etag].add(index) # there's not enough of the obj2 etag on the primaries, we would # have collected responses for both etags, and would have made # one more request to the handoff node self.assertEqual(len(log), self.replicas() + 1) self.assertEqual(len(collected_responses), 2) # ... regardless we should never need to fetch more than ec_ndata # frags for any given etag for etag, frags in collected_responses.items(): self.assertLessEqual(len(frags), self.policy.ec_ndata, 'collected %s frags for etag %s' % ( len(frags), etag)) def test_GET_with_missing_and_mixed_frags_will_dig_deep_but_succeed(self): obj1 = self._make_ec_object_stub(pattern='obj1', timestamp=self.ts()) obj2 = self._make_ec_object_stub(pattern='obj2', timestamp=self.ts()) # 28 nodes are here node_frags = [ {'obj': obj1, 'frag': 0}, {'obj': obj2, 'frag': 0}, [], {'obj': obj1, 'frag': 1}, {'obj': obj2, 'frag': 1}, [], {'obj': obj1, 'frag': 2}, {'obj': obj2, 'frag': 2}, [], {'obj': obj1, 'frag': 3}, {'obj': obj2, 'frag': 3}, [], {'obj': obj1, 'frag': 4}, {'obj': obj2, 'frag': 4}, [], {'obj': obj1, 'frag': 5}, {'obj': obj2, 'frag': 5}, [], {'obj': obj1, 'frag': 6}, {'obj': obj2, 'frag': 6}, [], {'obj': obj1, 'frag': 7}, {'obj': obj2, 'frag': 7}, [], {'obj': obj1, 'frag': 8}, {'obj': obj2, 'frag': 8}, [], [], ] node_frags += [[]] * 13 # Plus 13 nodes in handoff # finally 10th fragment for obj2 found node_frags += [[{'obj': obj2, 'frag': 9}]] fake_response = self._fake_ec_node_response(node_frags) req = swob.Request.blank('/v1/a/c/o') with capture_http_requests(fake_response) as log: resp = req.get_response(self.app) self.assertEqual(resp.status_int, 200) self.assertEqual(resp.headers['etag'], obj2['etag']) self.assertEqual(md5(resp.body).hexdigest(), obj2['etag']) collected_responses = defaultdict(set) for conn in log: etag = conn.resp.headers['X-Object-Sysmeta-Ec-Etag'] index = conn.resp.headers['X-Object-Sysmeta-Ec-Frag-Index'] collected_responses[etag].add(index) # we go exactly as long as we have to, finding two different # etags and some 404's (i.e. collected_responses[None]) self.assertEqual(len(log), len(node_frags)) self.assertEqual(len(collected_responses), 3) # ... regardless we should never need to fetch more than ec_ndata # frags for any given etag for etag, frags in collected_responses.items(): self.assertLessEqual(len(frags), self.policy.ec_ndata, 'collected %s frags for etag %s' % ( len(frags), etag)) def test_GET_with_mixed_frags_and_no_quorum_will_503(self): # all nodes have a frag but there is no one set that reaches quorum, # which means there is no backend 404 response, but proxy should still # return 404 rather than 503 stub_objects = [ self._make_ec_object_stub(pattern='obj1'), self._make_ec_object_stub(pattern='obj2'), self._make_ec_object_stub(pattern='obj3'), self._make_ec_object_stub(pattern='obj4'), self._make_ec_object_stub(pattern='obj5'), self._make_ec_object_stub(pattern='obj6'), self._make_ec_object_stub(pattern='obj7'), ] etags = collections.Counter(stub['etag'] for stub in stub_objects) self.assertEqual(len(etags), 7, etags) # sanity # primaries and handoffs for required nodes # this is 10-4 * 2 case so that 56 requests (2 * replicas) required # to give up. we prepares 7 different objects above so responses # will have 8 fragments for each object required_nodes = self.replicas() * 2 # fill them out to the primary and handoff nodes node_frags = [] for frag in range(8): for stub_obj in stub_objects: if len(node_frags) >= required_nodes: # we already have enough responses break node_frags.append({'obj': stub_obj, 'frag': frag}) # sanity self.assertEqual(required_nodes, len(node_frags)) fake_response = self._fake_ec_node_response(node_frags) req = swob.Request.blank('/v1/a/c/o') with capture_http_requests(fake_response) as log: resp = req.get_response(self.app) self.assertEqual(resp.status_int, 503) collected_etags = set() collected_status = set() for conn in log: etag = conn.resp.headers['X-Object-Sysmeta-Ec-Etag'] collected_etags.add(etag) collected_status.add(conn.resp.status) self.assertEqual(required_nodes, len(log)) self.assertEqual(len(collected_etags), 7) self.assertEqual({200}, collected_status) def test_GET_with_no_durable_files(self): # verify that at least one durable is necessary for a successful GET obj1 = self._make_ec_object_stub() node_frags = [ {'obj': obj1, 'frag': 0, 'durable': False}, {'obj': obj1, 'frag': 1, 'durable': False}, {'obj': obj1, 'frag': 2, 'durable': False}, {'obj': obj1, 'frag': 3, 'durable': False}, {'obj': obj1, 'frag': 4, 'durable': False}, {'obj': obj1, 'frag': 5, 'durable': False}, {'obj': obj1, 'frag': 6, 'durable': False}, {'obj': obj1, 'frag': 7, 'durable': False}, {'obj': obj1, 'frag': 8, 'durable': False}, {'obj': obj1, 'frag': 9, 'durable': False}, {'obj': obj1, 'frag': 10, 'durable': False}, # parity {'obj': obj1, 'frag': 11, 'durable': False}, # parity {'obj': obj1, 'frag': 12, 'durable': False}, # parity {'obj': obj1, 'frag': 13, 'durable': False}, # parity ] node_frags = node_frags * 2 # 2 duplications node_frags += [[]] * self.replicas() # handoffs fake_response = self._fake_ec_node_response(list(node_frags)) req = swob.Request.blank('/v1/a/c/o') with capture_http_requests(fake_response) as log: resp = req.get_response(self.app) self.assertEqual(resp.status_int, 404) # all 28 nodes tried with an optimistic get, none are durable and none # report having a durable timestamp self.assertEqual(self.replicas() * 2, len(log)) def test_GET_with_missing_and_mixed_frags_may_503(self): obj1 = self._make_ec_object_stub(pattern='obj1') obj2 = self._make_ec_object_stub(pattern='obj2') obj3 = self._make_ec_object_stub(pattern='obj3') obj4 = self._make_ec_object_stub(pattern='obj4') # we get a 503 when all the handoffs return 200 node_frags = [[]] * self.replicas() # primaries have no frags # plus, 4 different objects and 7 indexes will b 28 node responses # here for handoffs node_frags = node_frags + [ # handoffs all have frags {'obj': obj1, 'frag': 0}, {'obj': obj2, 'frag': 0}, {'obj': obj3, 'frag': 0}, {'obj': obj4, 'frag': 0}, {'obj': obj1, 'frag': 1}, {'obj': obj2, 'frag': 1}, {'obj': obj3, 'frag': 1}, {'obj': obj4, 'frag': 1}, {'obj': obj1, 'frag': 2}, {'obj': obj2, 'frag': 2}, {'obj': obj3, 'frag': 2}, {'obj': obj4, 'frag': 2}, {'obj': obj1, 'frag': 3}, {'obj': obj2, 'frag': 3}, {'obj': obj3, 'frag': 3}, {'obj': obj4, 'frag': 3}, {'obj': obj1, 'frag': 4}, {'obj': obj2, 'frag': 4}, {'obj': obj3, 'frag': 4}, {'obj': obj4, 'frag': 4}, {'obj': obj1, 'frag': 5}, {'obj': obj2, 'frag': 5}, {'obj': obj3, 'frag': 5}, {'obj': obj4, 'frag': 5}, {'obj': obj1, 'frag': 6}, {'obj': obj2, 'frag': 6}, {'obj': obj3, 'frag': 6}, {'obj': obj4, 'frag': 6}, ] fake_response = self._fake_ec_node_response(node_frags) req = swob.Request.blank('/v1/a/c/o') with capture_http_requests(fake_response) as log: resp = req.get_response(self.app) self.assertEqual(resp.status_int, 503) # never get a quorum so all nodes are searched self.assertEqual(len(log), 2 * self.replicas()) collected_indexes = defaultdict(list) for conn in log: fi = conn.resp.headers.get('X-Object-Sysmeta-Ec-Frag-Index') if fi is not None: collected_indexes[fi].append(conn) self.assertEqual(len(collected_indexes), 7) def test_GET_with_mixed_etags_at_same_timestamp(self): # the difference from parent class is only handoff stub length ts = self.ts() # force equal timestamps for two objects obj1 = self._make_ec_object_stub(timestamp=ts, pattern='obj1') obj2 = self._make_ec_object_stub(timestamp=ts, pattern='obj2') self.assertNotEqual(obj1['etag'], obj2['etag']) # sanity node_frags = [ # 7 frags of obj2 are available and durable {'obj': obj2, 'frag': 0, 'durable': True}, {'obj': obj2, 'frag': 1, 'durable': True}, {'obj': obj2, 'frag': 2, 'durable': True}, {'obj': obj2, 'frag': 3, 'durable': True}, {'obj': obj2, 'frag': 4, 'durable': True}, {'obj': obj2, 'frag': 5, 'durable': True}, {'obj': obj2, 'frag': 6, 'durable': True}, # 7 frags of obj1 are available and durable {'obj': obj1, 'frag': 7, 'durable': True}, {'obj': obj1, 'frag': 8, 'durable': True}, {'obj': obj1, 'frag': 9, 'durable': True}, {'obj': obj1, 'frag': 10, 'durable': True}, {'obj': obj1, 'frag': 11, 'durable': True}, {'obj': obj1, 'frag': 12, 'durable': True}, {'obj': obj1, 'frag': 13, 'durable': True}, # handoffs ] node_frags += [[]] * (self.replicas() * 2 - len(node_frags)) fake_response = self._fake_ec_node_response(list(node_frags)) req = swob.Request.blank('/v1/a/c/o') with capture_http_requests(fake_response) as log: resp = req.get_response(self.app) # read body to provoke any EC decode errors self.assertFalse(resp.body) self.assertEqual(resp.status_int, 404) self.assertEqual(len(log), self.replicas() * 2) collected_etags = set() for conn in log: etag = conn.resp.headers['X-Object-Sysmeta-Ec-Etag'] collected_etags.add(etag) # will be None from handoffs self.assertEqual({obj1['etag'], obj2['etag'], None}, collected_etags) log_lines = self.app.logger.get_lines_for_level('error') self.assertEqual(log_lines, ['Problem with fragment response: ETag mismatch'] * 7) def _test_determine_chunk_destinations_prioritize( self, missing_two, missing_one): # This scenario is only likely for ec_duplication_factor >= 2. If we # have multiple failures such that the putters collection is missing # two primary nodes for frag index 'missing_two' and missing one # primary node for frag index 'missing_one', then we should prioritize # finding a handoff for frag index 'missing_two'. class FakePutter(object): def __init__(self, index): self.node_index = index controller = self.controller_cls(self.app, 'a', 'c', 'o') # sanity, caller must set missing_two < than ec_num_unique_fragments self.assertLess(missing_two, self.policy.ec_n_unique_fragments) # create a dummy list of putters, check no handoffs putters = [] for index in range(self.policy.object_ring.replica_count): putters.append(FakePutter(index)) # sanity - all putters have primary nodes got = controller._determine_chunk_destinations(putters, self.policy) expected = {} for i, p in enumerate(putters): expected[p] = self.policy.get_backend_index(i) self.assertEqual(got, expected) # now, for fragment index that is missing two copies, lets make one # putter be a handoff handoff_putter = putters[missing_two] handoff_putter.node_index = None # and then pop another putter for a copy of same fragment index putters.pop(missing_two + self.policy.ec_n_unique_fragments) # also pop one copy of a different fragment to make one missing hole putters.pop(missing_one) # then determine chunk destinations: we have 26 putters here; # missing_two frag index is missing two copies; missing_one frag index # is missing one copy, therefore the handoff node should be assigned to # missing_two frag index got = controller._determine_chunk_destinations(putters, self.policy) # N.B. len(putters) is now len(expected - 2) due to pop twice self.assertEqual(len(putters), len(got)) # sanity, no node index - for handoff putter self.assertIsNone(handoff_putter.node_index) self.assertEqual(got[handoff_putter], missing_two) # sanity, other nodes except handoff_putter have node_index self.assertTrue(all( [putter.node_index is not None for putter in got if putter != handoff_putter])) def test_determine_chunk_destinations_prioritize_more_missing(self): # drop node_index 0, 14 and 1 should work self._test_determine_chunk_destinations_prioritize(0, 1) # drop node_index 1, 15 and 0 should work, too self._test_determine_chunk_destinations_prioritize(1, 0) class TestNumContainerUpdates(unittest.TestCase): def test_it(self): test_cases = [ # (container replicas, object replicas, object quorum, expected) (3, 17, 13, 6), # EC 12+5 (3, 9, 4, 7), # EC 3+6 (3, 14, 11, 5), # EC 10+4 (5, 14, 11, 6), # EC 10+4, 5 container replicas (7, 14, 11, 7), # EC 10+4, 7 container replicas (3, 19, 16, 5), # EC 15+4 (5, 19, 16, 6), # EC 15+4, 5 container replicas (3, 28, 22, 8), # EC (10+4)x2 (5, 28, 22, 9), # EC (10+4)x2, 5 container replicas (3, 1, 1, 3), # 1 object replica (3, 2, 1, 3), # 2 object replicas (3, 3, 2, 3), # 3 object replicas (3, 4, 2, 4), # 4 object replicas (3, 5, 3, 4), # 5 object replicas (3, 6, 3, 5), # 6 object replicas (3, 7, 4, 5), # 7 object replicas ] for c_replica, o_replica, o_quorum, exp in test_cases: c_quorum = utils.quorum_size(c_replica) got = obj.num_container_updates(c_replica, c_quorum, o_replica, o_quorum) self.assertEqual( exp, got, "Failed for c_replica=%d, o_replica=%d, o_quorum=%d" % ( c_replica, o_replica, o_quorum)) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()
[ "MIT" ]
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[ "MIT" ]
# overwritten by build system from roles.local import *
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import cv2 import time import math import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt global destination, lanewidth_Half, lane_Error, destination_I,list_Lane global t1, start_time, gear, find, point, speed_Obs global start_time, U_straight_time, J_straight_time, J_straight_time_2 global just_once, just_once_2, t1, t2,t3,a, steer_2,steer_x_length, point,b,past gear = 0 steer = 0 past = [] steer_angle = [] just_once = 0 just_once_2 =0 U_alpha = 3.4 U_beta = 1.7 J_alpha = 0 J_beta = 0 start_time = 0 U_straight_time = 1 J_straight_time = 1 J_straight_time_2 = 1 speed_Obs = 0 speed_Default = 30 look_ahead = 4 steer_x_length = [] steer_y_length = [] think_x = 0 think_y = 0 find = 0 point = 0 t1 = 0 t2 = 0 t3 = 0 a = 1 b = 0 steer_2 = 0 ################Function####################### def steering(Mission, Obstacle, dotted_Line,points_Path, steer_measured_Comb):#, speed_Default, speed_Obs): global steer, gear, speed_Obs, speed_Default,start_time, U_straight_time, J_straight_time, J_straight_time_2 global just_once, just_once_2, t1, t2,t3,a, steer_2, steer_x_length, point, b, past check = Mission * Obstacle ################### U-TURN ################################## if check == 5: wSPEED = 35 curve_time = 18.22/ (wSPEED * 100 /(360*5.8)) +U_alpha ######## wSTEER = -1970 curve_time_2 = (9.11/( wSPEED * 100 /(360*5.8)))+U_beta ######## wSTEER = 1970 if dotted_Line < 180: # left dotted line t2 = t1 t1 = time.time() t3 = t1 - t2 if just_once == 0: start_time = t1 just_once = 1 if time.time() - start_time -t3 > U_straight_time: ###########straight steer = -1970 if time.time() - start_time - U_straight_time - t3> curve_time:#############first curve steer = 1970 if time.time() - curve_time - start_time -U_straight_time -t3 > curve_time_2:###########second curve steer = 0 check = 10 return steer, speed_Obs#, gear ################## S-CURVE ################################ elif check == 0: ## print "Path",points_Path ## S curve = 4, Narrow = 2 if check == 4 : look_ahead = 1 look_ahead = 8 ########### 'look_ahead' is distance of what you see. if look_ahead > len(points_Path): look_ahead = len(points_Path)/2 for i in range(0,len(points_Path) -look_ahead ): x_length = (points_Path[i+look_ahead][0] - points_Path[i][0])*(0.1/1.41) y_length = (points_Path[i+look_ahead][1] - points_Path[i][1])*(0.1/1.41) abs(y_length) if x_length == 0. : ## print "1111111111111111111111111" tan_value = 0 else: tan_value = 1.04/(abs(pow(x_length,2) + pow(y_length,2) - 1.04)/(2*x_length)) ## print pow(x_length, 2), pow(y_length,2), x_length theta = math.degrees(math.atan(tan_value)) steer_angle_now = steer_measured_Comb/71 steer_angle.append( theta) #steer_angle[i] = steer_angle_now + theta steer = (steer_angle[0])*71 ## print 'sA', steer_angle ## print "iner steer" ,steer return steer, speed_Obs#, gear ################ JU - CHA ################################## elif check == 7: wSPEED = 35 jucha_time = (9.11/ (wSPEED * 100 /(360*5.8))) +J_alpha ######## in jucha_time_2 = (9.11/( wSPEED * 100 /(360*5.8))) +J_beta ######## back(out) if VLD.dotted_Detection()[0] < 180: # left dotted line t1 = time.time() if just_once_2 == 0: start_time = t1 just_once_2 = 1 if time.time() - start_time > J_straight_time: ###########straight steer = 1970 if time.time() - start_time - J_straight_time > jucha_time:#############in steer = 0 if time.time() - start_time - J_straight_time - jucha_time > (J_straight_time+10):###########in straight steer = 0 gear = 2 if time.time() - start_time - J_straight_time - jucha_time - J_straight_time - 10 > J_straight_time:###########back straight steer = 1970 gear = 2 if time.time() - start_time - J_straight_time - jucha_time - J_straight_time - 10 - J_straight_time > jucha_time_2:###########back steer = 0 gear = 0 check = 10 return steer, speed_Obs#, gear ################ default ####################################### else: if a ==1 : if past == points_Path: speed_Default = 23 else: speed_Default = 30 past = points_Path """ti1 = time.time() ti3 = ti2 - ti1 ti2 = time.time()""" steer = [] steer_x_length = [] steer_y_length = [] point = 0 think_x = 0 think_y = 0 find = [] next_steer = 0 look_ahead = 1 ########### 'look_ahead' is tistance of what you see. if len(points_Path) <= 10: speed_Default = 23 if len(points_Path) <= 3: return steer, speed_Default for i in range(0,len(points_Path) -look_ahead): x_length = (points_Path[i+look_ahead][0] - points_Path[i][0])*(0.1/1.41) y_length = (points_Path[i+look_ahead][1] - points_Path[i][1])*(0.1/1.41) abs(y_length) steer_x_length.append(x_length) steer_y_length.append(y_length) for j in range(0,len(points_Path)-3): find.append(steer_x_length[j+look_ahead] * steer_x_length[j]) if steer_x_length[j+1] == 0: if steer_x_length[j] == 0: find[j] = 1 if find[j] <= 0 : ## if j <= 10: point = j + 1 ## if j > 10: ## point = j +1 if point >= (len(points_Path) -6): point = len(points_Path) -10 if point > 0: for k in range(0, point): think_x = think_x + steer_x_length[k] think_y = think_y + steer_y_length[k] if think_x == 0: tan_value = 0 b = 1 else: tan_value = 1.04/(abs(pow(think_x,2) + pow(think_y,2) - 1.04)/(2*think_x)) else: print steer_x_length if steer_x_length[0] == 0: tan_value = 0 b = 1 else: for k in range(0, len(points_Path) - 2): think_x = think_x + steer_x_length[k] think_y = think_y + steer_y_length[k] tan_value = 1.04/(abs(pow(think_x,2) + pow(think_y,2) - 1.04)/(2*think_x)) theta = math.degrees(math.atan(tan_value)) if j <=10: theta = theta*(2.61) speed_Default = 23 else: theta = theta speed_Default = 30 steer_angle_now = steer_measured_Comb/71 steer = ( theta)*71 ## if a == 0: ## steer = steer_2 ## a = 1 ## if steer_x_length[point+1] == 0: ## if b == 0: ## steer_2 = -steer ## a = 0 ## b = 0 print "iner steer", steer return steer, speed_Default#, gear ########################################################## '''while True: try: steer(points_Path, steer_measured_Comb ) except Exception as e: print "d",e'''
[ "MIT" ]
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[ "MIT" ]
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np import matplotlib from scipy import integrate import sys from highz import * import highz_config as hz import triangleme2 as triangleme import warnings warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=RuntimeWarning) # plt.ion() colors = ['#1f77b4','#d62728', '#ff7f0e', '#2ca02c','#9467bd', '#8c564b', '#e377c2', '#7f7f7f','#c7c7c7', '#bcbd22', '#dbdb8d', '#17becf', '#9edae5'] cmaps = ['Blues','Reds','Oranges','Greens','Purples','copper'] #############################Robertson def loading_verbose(msg): sys.stdout.write('\r'+msg) sys.stdout.flush() def readmcmc(data,subn=100000,extent=[]): ns = len(data) print('\nTriangle plot...') labels = [r"$a$", r"$b$", r"$c$", r"$d$",r"$\tau$"] if (0<len(extent)<5): raise Error('Wrong format for extents') fig00 = plt.figure(figsize=(10,10)) # plot_name = './Figures/triangle_plot' ################### READING MCMC for u,data1 in enumerate(data): print('\nImporting data %s' %(data1)) outfile = './Outfiles/chains_'+str(data1)+'.dat' samples = np.loadtxt(outfile,unpack=True,usecols=(0,1,2,3,4)) #includes tau # print(str(data1),np.median(samples,axis=1)) print('a = %.4f +/- %.4f' %(np.median(samples[0,:]),np.std(samples[0,:]))) print('b = %.2f +/- %.2f' %(np.median(samples[1,:]),np.std(samples[1,:]))) print('c = %.2f +/- %.2f' %(np.median(samples[2,:]),np.std(samples[2,:]))) print('d = %.2f +/- %.2f' %(np.median(samples[3,:]),np.std(samples[3,:]))) print('tau = %.4f +/- %.4f' %(np.median(samples[4,:]),np.std(samples[4,:]))) subn = min(subn,samples.shape[1]) subsamples = samples[:,np.random.randint(0,samples.shape[1], size=subn)] if (len(extent)==0): triangleme.corner(subsamples.T, labels=labels, plot_contours=True, plot_datapoints=False, plot_ellipse=False, ls='.',cmap=cmaps[u],color=colors[u],lw=.8,fig=fig00) else: triangleme.corner(subsamples.T, labels=labels, plot_contours=True, plot_datapoints=False, plot_ellipse=False, ls='.', extents=extent,cmap=cmaps[u],color=colors[u],lw=.8,fig=fig00) plot_name = plot_name+'_'+str(data1) # plt.savefig(plot_name+'.png') return def model_plots(data,nrand=10000,CL=95): ns = len(data) percentile1=(100-CL)/2 percentile2=CL+(100-CL)/2 from xetanh import xe_tanh,xe_asym # matplotlib.rcParams.update({'font.size': 18}) print('\nPlotting x_e, rho and tau...') ########################################## DATA zdi,rhodim,rhodi, rhodip=np.loadtxt("./Data/data.ir.txt",skiprows=1,unpack=True) zdu,rhodum,rhodu, rhodup=np.loadtxt("./Data/data.uv.txt",skiprows=1,unpack=True) rhodd = np.hstack((rhodi,rhodu)) errdd = np.hstack((rhodip,rhodup))-np.hstack((rhodi,rhodu)) z_data, xe_data, dxep, dxem = np.loadtxt("./Data/constraints_readble.txt",usecols=(0,1,2,3),dtype=float,unpack=True) ref = np.loadtxt("./Data/constraints_readble.txt",usecols=(4),dtype=str,unpack=True) z = np.linspace(0,30, 300) rec = [0.1, 0.1, 0.85, 0.85] # xe figure figx = plt.figure(figsize=(12,8)) axx = figx.add_axes(rec) axx.set_xlim(4,16) axx.set_xlabel(r'Redshift $z$',fontsize=20) axx.set_ylim(0.,hz.fH) axx.set_ylabel(r'IGM ionised fraction $x_e$',fontsize=20) #data from LAEs w=np.where((ref=='LAE') & (dxep==0)) uplims = np.zeros(z_data.shape) uplims[w] = True axx.errorbar(z_data[w], xe_data[w], yerr=[dxem[w],dxep[w]], fmt='*',uplims=uplims[w],ecolor='k',color='k',elinewidth=1.,ms=8,capsize=3,alpha=.7) w=np.where((ref=='LAE') & (dxep!=0)) axx.errorbar(z_data[w], xe_data[w], yerr=[dxem[w],dxep[w]], fmt='*',ecolor='k',color='k',elinewidth=1.,ms=8, label=r'Ly-$\alpha$ emitters',capsize=3,alpha=.7) #Data from dumping wings w=np.where((ref=='QSOs') & (dxep==0)) uplims = np.zeros(z_data.shape) uplims[w] = True axx.errorbar(z_data[w], xe_data[w], yerr=[dxem[w],dxep[w]], fmt='s',uplims=uplims[w],ecolor='k',color='k',elinewidth=1.,ms=5,capsize=3,alpha=.7) w=np.where(ref=='QSOs') axx.errorbar(z_data[w], xe_data[w], yerr=[dxem[w],dxep[w]], fmt='s',ecolor='k',color='k',elinewidth=1.,ms=5, label='QSO spectra',capsize=3,alpha=.7) w=np.where(ref=='GRB') axx.errorbar(z_data[w], xe_data[w], yerr=[dxem[w],dxep[w]], fmt='D',ecolor='k',color='k',elinewidth=1.,ms=5,label='GRB afterglows',capsize=3,alpha=.7) #tanh model for xe axx.plot(z,xe_tanh(z,8.5,0.5,helium=hz.HeliumI,helium2=hz.HeliumII),'purple',linestyle='--',linewidth=1.5,label=r'Symmetric model from P16') #asymmetric model for xe axx.plot(z,xe_asym(z,6.1,6.6,helium=hz.HeliumI,helium2=hz.HeliumII),color='purple',linestyle='-.',linewidth=1.5,label=r'Asymmetric model from P16') # rho figure figr = plt.figure(figsize=(12,8)) axr = figr.add_axes(rec) axr.set_xlim(0.1,15) axr.set_xlabel(r'Redshift $z$',fontsize=20) axr.set_ylabel(r'$\mathrm{log}(\rho_{\mathrm{SFR}})\ [\mathrm{M}_{\odot} \mathrm{yr}^{-1} \mathrm{Mpc}^{-3}]$',fontsize=20) axr.set_ylim(-4,0) #plot of the UV and IR data axr.errorbar(zdi, rhodi, yerr=[rhodi-rhodim,rhodip-rhodi], fmt='o',elinewidth=1,capsize=3, color='purple', ecolor='purple', label='IR luminosity density',alpha=.7) axr.errorbar(zdu, rhodu, yerr=[rhodu-rhodum,rhodup-rhodu], fmt='o',elinewidth=1,capsize=3, color='plum', ecolor='plum', label='UV luminosity density',alpha=.7) # tau figure figt = plt.figure(figsize=(8,8)) axt = figt.add_axes([0.12, 0.1, 0.84, 0.85]) axt.set_xlim(0.0,0.10) axt.set_ylim(0.,1.1) axt.set_xlabel(r'Thomson optical depth $\tau$',fontsize=24) axt.set_ylabel(r'Probability distribution',fontsize=24) # axt.set_ylim(0.,1.5) #gaussian with Planck value x0=np.arange(1000)/10000. gg= np.exp(-(x0-hz.tau)**2/2./hz.sigtau**2)/np.sqrt(2.*np.pi) gg=gg/np.max(gg) axt.plot(x0, gg,color='purple',lw=1.5,label='Planck+2018') ################### READING MCMC # endstr = '.png' for ii,data1 in enumerate(data): print('\nImporting data %s' %(data1)) outfile = './Outfiles/chains_'+str(data1)+'.dat' out = np.loadtxt(outfile,unpack=True) samples = out[:-2,:] tau = out[-2,:] # endstr = '_'+str(data1)+endstr rho, xe = np.zeros((z.size,nrand)), np.zeros((z.size,nrand)) u=0 for theta in samples[np.random.randint(len(samples), size=nrand)]:#[np.random.randint(len(samples), size=nrand)]: rho[:,u] = sfrd(z[::-1],tuple(theta)) xe[:,u] = QHII(z[::-1],hz.y0,tuple(theta)).flatten() msg = str('Computing confidence intervals... %i%% done' %((u+1)/nrand*100)) loading_verbose(msg) u=u+1 msg = str('Computing confidence intervals... 100% done.') loading_verbose(msg) axr.fill_between(z[::-1], np.log10(np.percentile(rho,percentile2,axis=1)), np.log10(np.percentile(rho,percentile1,axis=1)), color=colors[ii],alpha=.3) axr.plot(z[::-1],np.log10(np.median(rho,axis=1)),color=colors[ii],lw=2)#,label=str(data1)) axx.fill_between(z[::-1], np.percentile(xe,percentile2,axis=1), np.percentile(xe,percentile1,axis=1), color=colors[ii],alpha=.3) axx.plot(z[::-1],np.median(xe,axis=1),color=colors[ii],lw=2)#,label=str(data1)) values,bins= np.histogram(tau,bins=100,density=True)#,label=str(data1)) bins=(bins[1:]+bins[:-1])/2 axt.plot(bins,values/np.max(values),drawstyle='steps-mid',color=colors[ii],lw=1.5) # axt.axvline(np.median(tau),color=colors[ii],lw=1.5) axr.legend(loc=1, frameon=False,fontsize=18) # figr.savefig('./Figures/rho_SFR'+endstr) axx.legend(loc='best', frameon=False,fontsize=18) # figx.savefig('./Figures/xe'+endstr) axt.legend(loc='best', frameon=False,fontsize=18) # figt.savefig('./Figures/tau_distri'+endstr) print(' ') return
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
""" Unit types: All the stats for different kinds of military units are defined here and will be used at runtime. """ import traceback from .combat_grid import PositionActor from random import randint from . import unit_constants _UNIT_TYPES = {} def register_unit(unit_cls): """ Registers decorated class in _UNIT_TYPES Args: unit_cls: UnitStats class/child class Returns: unit_cls """ if unit_cls.id not in _UNIT_TYPES: _UNIT_TYPES[unit_cls.id] = unit_cls return unit_cls def get_unit_class_by_id(unit_id, unit_model=None): """ Looks up registered units by their ID Args: unit_id: ID that matches a UnitStats class id attribute unit_model: optional MilitaryUnit model passed along for debug info Returns: UnitStats class or subclass matching ID """ try: cls = _UNIT_TYPES[unit_id] except KeyError: if unit_model: print( "ERROR: Unit type not found for MilitaryUnit obj #%s!" % unit_model.id ) print( "Attempted Unit class ID was %s. Not found, using Infantry as fallback." % unit_id ) traceback.print_exc() cls = unit_constants.INFANTRY return cls def get_unit_stats(unit_model, grid=None): """ Returns the type of unit class for combat that corresponds to a unit's database model instance. Because we don't want to have the entire weekly maintenance process that handles all dominion commands stop for an exception, we do a lot of handling with default values. """ cls = get_unit_class_by_id(unit_model.unit_type, unit_model) unit = cls(unit_model, grid) return unit def type_from_str(name_str): """ Gets integer of unit type from a string Helper function for end-users entering the name of a unit type and retrieving the integer that is used in the database to represent it, which is then used for django filters. Args: name_str: Returns: int """ cls = cls_from_str(name_str) if cls: return cls.id def cls_from_str(name_str): """ Gets class of unit type from a string Helper function for end-users entering the name of a unit type and retrieving the class that contains stats for that unit type. Args: name_str: str Returns: UnitStats """ name_str = name_str.lower() for cls in _UNIT_TYPES.values(): if cls.name.lower() == name_str: return cls def print_unit_names(): return ", ".join(cls.name for cls in _UNIT_TYPES.values()) class UnitStats(PositionActor): """ Contains all the stats for a military unit. """ id = -1 name = "Default" # silver upkeep costs for 1 of a given unit silver_upkeep = 10 food_upkeep = 1 hiring_cost = 5 # how powerful we are in melee combat melee_damage = 1 # how powerful we are at range range_damage = 0 # our defense against attacks defense = 0 # defense against ANY number of attackers. Super powerful multi_defense = 0 storm_damage = 0 # how much damage each individual in unit can take hp = 1 # if we are a ranged unit, this value is not 0. Otherwise it is 0. range = 0 # the minimum range an enemy must be for us to use our ranged attack min_for_range = 1 # our value in siege siege = 0 movement = 0 strategic_speed = 0 # where the unit can be deployed: ground, naval, or flying environment = "ground" # how much more damage we take from things like dragon fire, spells, catapults, etc structure_damage_multiplier = 1 xp_cost_multiplier = 1 def __init__(self, dbobj, grid): super(UnitStats, self).__init__(grid) self.dbobj = dbobj self.formation = None self.log = None # how much damage we've taken self.damage = 0 # how many troops from unit have died self.losses = 0 self.routed = False self.destroyed = False # the target we are currently trying to engage self.target = None # whether we are currently storming a castle self.storming = False # if we know a castle position to storm self.storm_targ_pos = None # A castle object if we're in it self.castle = None self.flanking = None self.flanked_by = None try: self.commander = dbobj.commander if dbobj.army: self.morale = dbobj.army.morale self.commander = self.commander or dbobj.army.general else: self.morale = 80 self.level = dbobj.level self.equipment = dbobj.equipment self.type = dbobj.unit_type self.quantity = dbobj.quantity self.starting_quantity = dbobj.quantity except AttributeError: print("ERROR: No dbobj for UnitStats found! Using default values.") traceback.print_exc() self.morale = 0 self.level = 0 self.equipment = 0 self.type = unit_constants.INFANTRY self.quantity = 1 self.starting_quantity = 1 self.dbobj = None self.commander = None if dbobj.origin: from django.core.exceptions import ObjectDoesNotExist try: self.name = dbobj.origin.unit_mods.get(unit_type=self.id).name except (ObjectDoesNotExist, AttributeError): pass @classmethod def display_class_stats(cls): """ Returns a string of stats about this class. Returns: msg (str): Formatted display of this class's stats """ msg = "{wName:{n %s\n" % cls.name msg += "{wHiring Cost (military resources){n: %s\n" % cls.hiring_cost msg += "{wUpkeep Cost (silver){n: %s\n" % cls.silver_upkeep msg += "{wFood Upkeep{n: %s\n" % cls.food_upkeep return msg def _targ_in_range(self): if not self.target: return False return self.check_distance_to_actor(self.target) <= self.range targ_in_range = property(_targ_in_range) def _unit_active(self): return not self.routed and not self.destroyed active = property(_unit_active) def _unit_value(self): return self.quantity * self.silver_upkeep value = property(_unit_value) def __str__(self): return "%s's %s(%s)" % (str(self.formation), self.name, self.quantity) def swing(self, target, atk): """ One unit trying to do damage to another. Defense is a representation of how much resistance to damage each individual unit has against attacks. For that reason, it's limited by the number of attacks the unit is actually receiving. multi_defense, however, is an additional defense that scales with the number of attackers, representing some incredible durability that can ignore small units. Essentially this is for dragons, archmages, etc, who are effectively war machines. """ defense = target.defense defense += target.defense * target.level defense += target.defense * target.equipment def_mult = target.quantity if self.quantity < def_mult: def_mult = self.quantity defense *= def_mult # usually this will be 0. multi_defense is for dragons, mages, etc defense += target.multi_defense * self.quantity def_roll = randint(0, defense) if target.commander: def_roll += def_roll * target.commander.warfare if target.castle: def_roll += def_roll * target.castle.level attack = atk * self.quantity attack += atk * self.level attack += atk * self.equipment # have a floor of half our attack atk_roll = randint(attack / 2, attack) if self.commander: atk_roll += atk_roll * self.commander.warfare damage = atk_roll - def_roll if damage < 0: damage = 0 target.damage += damage self.log.info( "%s attacked %s. Atk roll: %s Def roll: %s\nDamage:%s" % (str(self), str(target), atk_roll, def_roll, damage) ) def ranged_attack(self): if not self.range: return if not self.target: return if not self.targ_in_range: return self.swing(self.target, self.range_damage) def melee_attack(self): if not self.target: return if not self.targ_in_range: return if self.storming: self.swing(self.target, self.storm_damage) else: self.swing(self.target, self.melee_damage) self.target.swing(self, self.target.melee_damage) def advance(self): if self.target and not self.targ_in_range: self.move_toward_actor(self.target, self.movement) elif self.storm_targ_pos: try: x, y, z = self.storm_targ_pos self.move_toward_position(x, y, z, self.movement) except (TypeError, ValueError): print( "ERROR when attempting to move toward castle. storm_targ_pos: %s" % str(self.storm_targ_pos) ) self.log.info("%s has moved. Now at pos: %s" % (self, str(self.position))) def cleanup(self): """ Apply damage, destroy units/remove them, make units check for rout, check for rally. """ if not self.damage: return hp = self.hp hp += self.hp * self.level hp += self.hp * self.equipment if self.damage >= hp: losses = self.damage / hp # save remainder self.losses += losses self.quantity -= losses if self.quantity <= 0: self.quantity = 0 self.destroyed = True self.log.info("%s has been destroyed." % (str(self))) return self.damage %= hp self.rout_check() if self.routed: self.rally_check() def rout_check(self): """ Chance for the unit to rout. Roll 1-100 to beat a difficulty number to avoid routing. Difficulty is based on our percentage of losses + any morale rating we have below 100. Reduced by 5 per troop level and commander level. """ percent_losses = float(self.losses) / float(self.starting_quantity) percent_losses = int(percent_losses * 100) morale_penalty = 100 - self.morale difficulty = percent_losses + morale_penalty difficulty -= 5 * self.level if self.commander: difficulty -= 5 * self.commander.warfare if randint(1, 100) < difficulty: self.routed = True def rally_check(self): """ Rallying is based almost entirely on the skill of the commander. It's a 1-100 roll trying to reach 100, with the roll being multiplied by our commander's level(+1). We add +10 for each level of troop training of the unit, as elite units will automatically rally. Yes, this means that it is impossible for level 10 or higher units to rout. """ level = 0 if self.commander: level = self.commander.warfare # a level 0 or no commander just means roll is unmodified level += 1 roll = randint(1, 100) roll *= level roll += 10 * self.level self.log.info("%s has routed and rolled %s to rally." % (str(self), roll)) if roll >= 100: self.routed = False def check_target(self): if not self.target: return if self.target.active: return self.target def acquire_target(self, enemy_formation): """ Retrieve a target from the enemy formation based on various targeting criteria. """ self.target = enemy_formation.get_target_from_formation_for_attacker(self) @property def levelup_cost(self): current = self.dbobj.level + 1 return current * current * 50 * self.xp_cost_multiplier @register_unit class Infantry(UnitStats): id = unit_constants.INFANTRY name = "Infantry" silver_upkeep = 5 melee_damage = 3 storm_damage = 3 defense = 1 hp = 30 movement = 2 strategic_speed = 2 hiring_cost = 10 @register_unit class Pike(UnitStats): id = unit_constants.PIKE name = "Pike" silver_upkeep = 8 melee_damage = 5 storm_damage = 3 defense = 1 hp = 30 movement = 2 strategic_speed = 2 hiring_cost = 15 @register_unit class Cavalry(UnitStats): id = unit_constants.CAVALRY name = "Cavalry" silver_upkeep = 15 melee_damage = 10 storm_damage = 3 defense = 3 hp = 60 movement = 6 strategic_speed = 2 hiring_cost = 30 xp_cost_multiplier = 2 @register_unit class Archers(UnitStats): id = unit_constants.ARCHERS name = "Archers" silver_upkeep = 10 melee_damage = 1 range_damage = 5 storm_damage = 3 defense = 1 hp = 20 range = 6 siege = 5 movement = 2 strategic_speed = 2 hiring_cost = 20 xp_cost_multiplier = 2 @register_unit class Longship(UnitStats): id = unit_constants.LONGSHIP name = "Longships" silver_upkeep = 75 food_upkeep = 20 movement = 6 melee_damage = 60 range_damage = 100 hp = 500 environment = "naval" strategic_speed = 12 structure_damage_multiplier = 20 hiring_cost = 150 xp_cost_multiplier = 10 @register_unit class SiegeWeapon(UnitStats): id = unit_constants.SIEGE_WEAPON name = "Siege Weapon" silver_upkeep = 500 food_upkeep = 20 movement = 1 melee_damage = 20 range_damage = 300 defense = 10 hp = 400 storm_damage = 600 strategic_speed = 1 structure_damage_multiplier = 20 hiring_cost = 1000 xp_cost_multiplier = 30 @register_unit class Galley(UnitStats): id = unit_constants.GALLEY name = "Galleys" silver_upkeep = 250 food_upkeep = 60 movement = 5 melee_damage = 240 range_damage = 400 hp = 2000 environment = "naval" strategic_speed = 10 structure_damage_multiplier = 20 hiring_cost = 500 xp_cost_multiplier = 50 @register_unit class Cog(UnitStats): id = unit_constants.COG name = "Cogs" silver_upkeep = 500 food_upkeep = 120 movement = 6 melee_damage = 700 range_damage = 2000 hp = 5000 environment = "naval" strategic_speed = 12 hiring_cost = 1000 xp_cost_multiplier = 75 @register_unit class Dromond(UnitStats): id = unit_constants.DROMOND name = "Dromonds" silver_upkeep = 1000 food_upkeep = 300 movement = 3 melee_damage = 2500 range_damage = 5000 hp = 20000 environment = "naval" strategic_speed = 8 structure_damage_multiplier = 20 hiring_cost = 2000 xp_cost_multiplier = 100
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import asyncio from os import getpid, kill import signal from sys import exit from utils import Buffer, clean_string, dirty_string class Server: def __init__(self, port): self.port = port self.users = {} self.pid = getpid() self.loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() self.loop.add_signal_handler(signal.SIGINT, self.close) self.loop.add_signal_handler(signal.SIGTERM, self.close) asyncio.ensure_future(self.listen(), loop = self.loop) self.loop.run_forever() def close(self): Buffer.esc('[DL][1:HPA]') Buffer.write(':: Shutting down\n') for reader, writer in self.users.values(): writer.write(dirty_string(':: Server shutting down')) writer.write_eof() self.loop.stop() exit(0) def broadcast(self, message): Buffer.write('Sending message: {}\n'.format(message)) for reader, writer in self.users.values(): writer.write(dirty_string(message)) async def connect(self, reader, writer): Buffer.write('User connected\n') user = writer.get_extra_info('peername') self.users[user] = (reader, writer) while not reader.at_eof(): message = await reader.readline() if message: self.broadcast(clean_string(message)) Buffer.write('User disconnected\n') del self.users[user] writer.write_eof() async def listen(self): Buffer.write(':: Listening\n') self.server = await asyncio.start_server( self.connect, 'localhost', self.port)
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
import os.path import logging from dotenv import load_dotenv TEST_USER_EMAIL = "mc-api-test@media.mit.edu" QUERY_LAST_FEW_DAYS = "publish_date:[NOW-3DAY TO NOW]" QUERY_LAST_WEEK = "publish_date:[NOW-7DAY TO NOW]" QUERY_LAST_MONTH = "publish_date:[NOW-31DAY TO NOW]" QUERY_LAST_YEAR = "publish_date:[NOW-1YEAR TO NOW]" QUERY_LAST_DECADE = "publish_date:[NOW-10YEAR TO NOW]" QUERY_ENGLISH_LANGUAGE = "language:en" # useful for testing very long queries that need to be sent as POST LONG_ENGLISH_QUERY = '((Scien* OR research* OR study OR studies) OR (Tech* OR Google OR Facebook OR Alphabet OR Amazon OR Netflix OR Twitter OR Instagram OR "consumer tech*" OR Snapchat OR WhatsApp OR SpaceX OR Tesla) OR (weather OR forecast OR flood OR storm OR hurricane OR typhoon OR cyclone OR "heat wave" OR tornado OR blizzard OR avalanche OR drought OR landslide OR mudslide OR wildfire OR lightning OR (climate AND NOT "political climate")) OR (health OR disease OR ill* OR medic* OR deaths) OR (business* OR financ* OR stock OR econom* OR bank OR invest* OR "wall street" OR recession OR "bull market" OR "bear market" OR inflation OR IPO OR "hedge fund" OR "mutual fund" OR broker) OR (sport* OR baseball OR basketball OR football OR soccer OR hockey OR tennis OR golf OR boxing OR mma OR "mixed martial arts" OR NASCAR OR "car racing" OR Olympi* OR ski* OR snowboard* OR swim* OR gymnast*) OR (art OR arts OR celeb* OR movie* OR television OR music* OR "pop culture" OR books OR tv OR theater OR theatre OR gaming) OR (Trump OR Obama OR Democrat* OR Republican* OR Senat* OR Representative OR "First Lady" OR Governor OR campaign OR election) OR ("Afghanistan" OR "Albania" OR "Algeria" OR "Andorra" OR "Angola" OR "Antigua and Barbuda" OR "Argentina" OR "Armenia" OR "Australia" OR "Austria" OR "Azerbaijan" OR "Bahamas" OR "Bahrain" OR "Bangladesh" OR "Barbados" OR "Belarus" OR "Belgium" OR "Belize" OR "Benin" OR "Bhutan" OR "Bolivia" OR "Bosnia and Herzegovina" OR "Botswana" OR "Brazil" OR "Brunei" OR "Bulgaria" OR "Burkina Faso" OR "Burundi" OR "Cabo Verde" OR "Cambodia" OR "Cameroon" OR "Canada" OR "Central African Republic" OR "Chad" OR "Chile" OR "China" OR "Colombia" OR "Comoros" OR "Congo" OR "Costa Rica" OR "Ivory Coast" OR "Croatia" OR "Cuba" OR "Cyprus" OR "Czech Republic" OR "Denmark" OR "Djibouti" OR "Dominica" OR "Dominican Republic" OR "East Timor (Timor-Leste)" OR "Ecuador" OR "Egypt" OR "El Salvador" OR "Equatorial Guinea" OR "Eritrea" OR "Estonia" OR "Eswatini" OR "Swaziland" OR "Ethiopia" OR "Fiji" OR "Finland" OR "France" OR "Gabon" OR "The Gambia" OR "Georgia" OR "Germany" OR "Ghana" OR "Greece" OR "Grenada" OR "Guatemala" OR "Guinea" OR "Guinea-Bissau" OR "Guyana" OR "Haiti" OR "Honduras" OR "Hungary" OR "Iceland" OR "India" OR "Indonesia" OR "Iran" OR "Iraq" OR "Ireland" OR "Israel" OR "Italy" OR "Jamaica" OR "Japan" OR "Kazakhstan" OR "Kenya" OR "Kiribati" OR "North Korea" OR "South Korea" OR "Kosovo" OR "Kuwait" OR "Kyrgyzstan" OR "Laos" OR "Latvia" OR "Lebanon" OR "Lesotho" OR "Liberia" OR "Libya" OR "Liechtenstein" OR "Lithuania" OR "Luxembourg" OR "Madagascar" OR "Malawi" OR "Malaysia" OR "Maldives" OR "Mali" OR "Malta" OR "Marshall Islands" OR "Mauritania" OR "Mauritius" OR "Mexico" OR "Micronesia, Federated States of" OR "Moldova" OR "Monaco" OR "Mongolia" OR "Montenegro" OR "Morocco" OR "Mozambique" OR "Myanmar " OR "Burma" OR "Namibia" OR "Nauru" OR "Nepal" OR "Netherlands" OR "New Zealand" OR "Nicaragua" OR "Niger" OR "Nigeria" OR "North Macedonia" OR "Norway" OR "Oman" OR "Pakistan" OR "Palau" OR "Panama" OR "Papua New Guinea" OR "Paraguay" OR "Peru" OR "Philippines" OR "Poland" OR "Portugal" OR "Qatar" OR "Romania" OR "Russia" OR "Rwanda" OR "Saint Kitts and Nevis" OR "Saint Lucia" OR "Saint Vincent and the Grenadines" OR "Samoa" OR "San Marino" OR "Sao Tome and Principe" OR "Saudi Arabia" OR "Senegal" OR "Serbia" OR "Seychelles" OR "Sierra Leone" OR "Singapore" OR "Slovakia" OR "Slovenia" OR "Solomon Islands" OR "Somalia" OR "South Africa" OR "Spain" OR "Sri Lanka" OR "Sudan" OR "South Sudan" OR "Suriname" OR "Sweden" OR "Switzerland" OR "Syria" OR "Taiwan" OR "Tajikistan" OR "Tanzania" OR "Thailand" OR "Togo" OR "Tonga" OR "Trinidad and Tobago" OR "Tunisia" OR "Turkey" OR "Turkmenistan" OR "Tuvalu" OR "Uganda" OR "Ukraine" OR "United Arab Emirates" OR "United Kingdom" OR "Uruguay" OR "Uzbekistan" OR "Vanuatu" OR "Vatican City" OR "Venezuela" OR "Vietnam" OR "Yemen" OR "Zambia" OR "Zimbabwe" OR "Timor Leste"))' basedir = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__)))) logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) # load env-vars from .env file if there is one test_env = os.path.join(basedir, '.env') if os.path.isfile(test_env): load_dotenv(dotenv_path=os.path.join(basedir, '.env'), verbose=True) def load_text_from_fixture(filename): with open(os.path.join(basedir, "mediacloud", "test", "fixtures", filename), 'r') as f: text = f.read() return text
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
# coding:utf-8 import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt def plot_speed_crpnet(): plt.axvspan(25, 75, facecolor='#2ca02c', alpha=0.3) plt.scatter(2, 50.2, s=100, label='[82] w/ ref.') plt.scatter(3, 62.7, s=100, marker='^', label='BB8[87] w/ ref.') plt.scatter(10, 79, s=100, marker='s', label='SSD-6D[84] w/ ref.') plt.scatter(50, 56, s=100, marker='*', label='YOLO6D[88]') plt.scatter(6, 62.7, s=100, marker='p', c='black', label='PoseCNN[86]') plt.scatter(4.5, 64.7, s=100, marker='v', c='yellow', label='AAE[94] w/ ref.') # CRPNet plt.scatter(30, 74.7, s=100, c='purple', marker='D', label='CRPNet(ours)') plt.scatter(35, 73.6, s=100, c='purple', marker='D') plt.scatter(43, 70.3, s=100, c='purple', marker='D') x = [30, 35, 43] y = [74.7, 73.6, 70.3] plt.plot(x, y, c='purple') plt.xlabel('FPS') plt.ylabel('ADD@0.1(%)') plt.xlim(0, 75) # plt.legend(['[82]', 'BB8[87]', 'SSD-6D[84]', 'YOLO6D[88]', 'CRPNet(ours)']) plt.legend() plt.show() def plot_speed_hcrnet(): plt.axvspan(25, 75, facecolor='#2ca02c', alpha=0.3) plt.scatter(10, 79, s=100, marker='s', label='SSD-6D[84] w/ ref.') plt.scatter(6, 62.7, s=100, marker='p', c='black', label='PoseCNN[86]') # plt.scatter(3, 62.7, s=100, marker='^', label='BB8[87] w/ ref.') plt.scatter(50, 56, s=100, marker='*', label='YOLO6D[88]') plt.scatter(25, 86.2, s=100, label='PVNet[93]') # plt.scatter(4.5, 64.7, s=100, marker='v', label='AAE[94] w/ ref.') plt.scatter(6.5, 72.4, s=100, marker='X', c='brown', label='Pix2Pose[96]') plt.scatter(18, 89.8, s=100, marker='>', c='#f5bf03', label='CDPN[97]') plt.scatter(33, 83.0, s=100, marker='<', c='cyan', label='DPOD[98]') # CRPNet plt.scatter(30, 74.7, s=100, c='purple', marker='D', label='CRPNet(ours)') plt.scatter(35, 73.6, s=100, c='purple', marker='D') plt.scatter(43, 70.3, s=100, c='purple', marker='D') x = [30, 35, 43] y = [74.7, 73.6, 70.3] plt.plot(x, y, c='purple') # HCRNet plt.scatter(21, 86.5, s=100, c='red', marker='P', label='HCRNet(ours)') plt.scatter(25, 84.9, s=100, c='red', marker='P') plt.scatter(32, 81.0, s=100, c='red', marker='P') x = [21, 25, 32] y = [86.5, 84.9, 81.0] plt.plot(x, y, c='red') plt.xlabel('FPS') plt.ylabel('ADD@0.1(%)') plt.xlim(0, 75) # plt.legend(['[82]', 'BB8[87]', 'SSD-6D[84]', 'YOLO6D[88]', 'CRPNet(ours)']) plt.legend() plt.show() def plot_indirect_strategy(): x = ['ape', 'bvise.', 'cam', 'can', 'cat', 'driller', 'duck', 'eggbox', 'glue', 'holep.', 'iron', 'lamp', 'phone'] direct = [93.5, 90.3, 93.3, 93.7, 94.5, 93.5, 94.4, 93.2, 94.0, 92.2, 88.8, 86.2, 92.5] indirect = [96.5, 93.4, 96.4, 97.6, 97.4, 96.6, 97.1, 96.1, 96.9, 94.9, 91.5, 88.1, 95.3] plt.bar(x, indirect, label='Cascade Regression Strategy (ours)', color='orange') plt.bar(x, direct, label="Direct Regression Strategy [88]", color='blue') plt.xticks(np.arange(len(x)), x, rotation=320, fontsize=10) plt.legend(loc='upper left', fontsize=10) # plt.rcParams['font.family'] = ['sans-serif'] # plt.rcParams['font.sans-serif'] = ['SimHei'] plt.ylabel('REP@5px(%)') # plt.xlabel('Objects') plt.ylim(85, 100) plt.show() if __name__ == "__main__": plot_speed_hcrnet()
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
# (c) Copyright 2014 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import json from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse_lazy from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _ from horizon import exceptions from horizon import forms from horizon import tables from horizon import tabs from horizon.utils import memoized from openstack_dashboard.api import glance from openstack_dashboard.dashboards.admin.metadata_defs \ import constants from openstack_dashboard.dashboards.admin.metadata_defs \ import forms as admin_forms from openstack_dashboard.dashboards.admin.metadata_defs \ import tables as admin_tables from openstack_dashboard.dashboards.admin.metadata_defs \ import tabs as admin_tabs class AdminIndexView(tables.DataTableView): table_class = admin_tables.AdminNamespacesTable template_name = constants.METADATA_INDEX_TEMPLATE page_title = _("Metadata Definitions") def has_prev_data(self, table): return self._prev def has_more_data(self, table): return self._more def get_data(self): namespaces = [] prev_marker = self.request.GET.get( admin_tables.AdminNamespacesTable._meta.prev_pagination_param, None) if prev_marker is not None: sort_dir = 'desc' marker = prev_marker else: sort_dir = 'asc' marker = self.request.GET.get( admin_tables.AdminNamespacesTable._meta.pagination_param, None) filters = self.get_filters() try: namespaces, self._more, self._prev =\ glance.metadefs_namespace_list(self.request, marker=marker, paginate=True, sort_dir=sort_dir, filters=filters) if prev_marker is not None: namespaces = sorted(namespaces, key=lambda ns: getattr(ns, 'namespace')) except Exception: self._prev = False self._more = False msg = _('Error getting metadata definitions.') exceptions.handle(self.request, msg) return namespaces class CreateView(forms.ModalFormView): form_class = admin_forms.CreateNamespaceForm template_name = constants.METADATA_CREATE_TEMPLATE context_object_name = 'namespace' success_url = reverse_lazy(constants.METADATA_INDEX_URL) page_title = _("Create a Metadata Namespace") submit_label = _("Import Namespace") class DetailView(tabs.TabView): redirect_url = constants.METADATA_INDEX_URL tab_group_class = admin_tabs.NamespaceDetailTabs template_name = constants.METADATA_DETAIL_TEMPLATE page_title = "{{ namespace.namespace }}" def get_context_data(self, **kwargs): context = super(DetailView, self).get_context_data(**kwargs) context["namespace"] = self.get_data() return context @memoized.memoized_method def get_data(self): try: namespace = glance.metadefs_namespace_get( self.request, self.kwargs['namespace_id'], wrap=True) except Exception: url = reverse_lazy(constants.METADATA_INDEX_URL) exceptions.handle(self.request, _('Unable to retrieve namespace details.'), redirect=url) else: return namespace def get_tabs(self, request, *args, **kwargs): namespace = self.get_data() return self.tab_group_class(request, namespace=namespace, **kwargs) class ManageResourceTypes(forms.ModalFormView): template_name = constants.METADATA_MANAGE_RESOURCES_TEMPLATE form_class = admin_forms.ManageResourceTypesForm success_url = reverse_lazy(constants.METADATA_INDEX_URL) def get_initial(self): try: resource_types = glance.metadefs_namespace_resource_types( self.request, self.kwargs["id"]) except Exception: resource_types = [] msg = _('Error getting resource type associations.') exceptions.handle(self.request, msg) return {'id': self.kwargs["id"], 'resource_types': resource_types} def get_context_data(self, **kwargs): context = super(ManageResourceTypes, self).get_context_data(**kwargs) selected_type_names = [selected_type['name'] for selected_type in context['form'].initial['resource_types']] try: # Set the basic types that aren't already associated result = [unselected_type for unselected_type in glance.metadefs_resource_types_list(self.request) if unselected_type['name'] not in selected_type_names] except Exception: result = [] msg = _('Error getting resource type associations.') exceptions.handle(self.request, msg) # Add the resource types previously associated, includes prefix, etc for initial_type in context['form'].initial['resource_types']: selected_type = initial_type.copy() selected_type['selected'] = True result.insert(0, selected_type) context['id'] = self.kwargs['id'] try: context["resource_types"] = json.dumps(result) except Exception: context["resource_types"] = "[]" msg = _('Error getting resource type associations.') exceptions.handle(self.request, msg) return context
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
#!/usr/bin/env python # Copyright 2018 Google LLC # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """This example updates an ad group. To get ad groups, run get_ad_groups.py. """ import argparse import sys from google.ads.googleads.client import GoogleAdsClient from google.ads.googleads.errors import GoogleAdsException from google.api_core import protobuf_helpers # [START update_ad_group] def main(client, customer_id, ad_group_id, cpc_bid_micro_amount): ad_group_service = client.get_service("AdGroupService") # Create ad group operation. ad_group_operation = client.get_type("AdGroupOperation") ad_group = ad_group_operation.update ad_group.resource_name = ad_group_service.ad_group_path( customer_id, ad_group_id ) ad_group.status = client.get_type("AdGroupStatusEnum").AdGroupStatus.PAUSED ad_group.cpc_bid_micros = cpc_bid_micro_amount client.copy_from( ad_group_operation.update_mask, protobuf_helpers.field_mask(None, ad_group._pb), ) # Update the ad group. ad_group_response = ad_group_service.mutate_ad_groups( customer_id=customer_id, operations=[ad_group_operation] ) print(f"Updated ad group {ad_group_response.results[0].resource_name}.") # [END update_ad_group] if __name__ == "__main__": # GoogleAdsClient will read the google-ads.yaml configuration file in the # home directory if none is specified. googleads_client = GoogleAdsClient.load_from_storage(version="v7") parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description=( "Updates an ad group for specified customer and campaign " "id with the given bid micro amount." ) ) # The following argument(s) should be provided to run the example. parser.add_argument( "-c", "--customer_id", type=str, required=True, help="The Google Ads customer ID.", ) parser.add_argument( "-a", "--ad_group_id", type=str, required=True, help="The ad group ID." ) parser.add_argument( "-b", "--cpc_bid_micro_amount", type=int, required=True, help="The cpc bid micro amount.", ) args = parser.parse_args() try: main( googleads_client, args.customer_id, args.ad_group_id, args.cpc_bid_micro_amount, ) except GoogleAdsException as ex: print( f'Request with ID "{ex.request_id}" failed with status ' f'"{ex.error.code().name}" and includes the following errors:' ) for error in ex.failure.errors: print(f' Error with message "{error.message}".') if error.location: for field_path_element in error.location.field_path_elements: print(f"\t\tOn field: {field_path_element.field_name}") sys.exit(1)
[ "MIT-0" ]
[ "MIT-0" ]
[ "MIT-0" ]
######################################################################################### # Copyright Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. # # SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT-0 # # # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this # # software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software # # without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, # # merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to # # permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so. # # # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, # # INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A # # PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT # # HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION # # OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE # # SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. # ######################################################################################### from __future__ import print_function import sys import requests import json import os import boto3 from boto3.dynamodb.conditions import Key, Attr application = os.environ['application'] environment = os.environ['environment'] servers_table_name = '{}-{}-servers'.format(application, environment) apps_table_name = '{}-{}-apps'.format(application, environment) servers_table = boto3.resource('dynamodb').Table(servers_table_name) apps_table = boto3.resource('dynamodb').Table(apps_table_name) def remove(session, headers, endpoint, HOST, projectname, waveid): cleanup = "" cleanupfail = "" serverlist = [] applist = [] # Get Projects r = requests.get(HOST + endpoint.format('projects'), headers=headers, cookies=session) if r.status_code != 200: return "ERROR: Failed to fetch the project...." try: # Get Project ID projects = json.loads(r.text)["items"] project_exist = False for project in projects: if project["name"] == projectname: project_id = project["id"] project_exist = True if project_exist == False: return "ERROR: Project Name does not exist in CloudEndure...." # Get all Apps and servers from migration factory getserver = scan_dynamodb_server_table() servers = sorted(getserver, key = lambda i: i['server_name']) getapp = scan_dynamodb_app_table() apps = sorted(getapp, key = lambda i: i['app_name']) # Get App list applist = [] for app in apps: if 'wave_id' in app: if str(app['wave_id']) == str(waveid) and str(app['cloudendure_projectname']) == str(projectname): applist.append(app['app_id']) # Get Server List for app in applist: for server in servers: if app == server['app_id']: serverlist.append(server) if len(serverlist) == 0: return "ERROR: Serverlist for wave " + waveid + " in Migration Factory is empty...." except: print(sys.exc_info()) sys.exit(6) m = requests.get(HOST + endpoint.format('projects/{}/machines').format(project_id), headers=headers, cookies=session) machine_status = 0 for server in serverlist: machine_exist = False for machine in json.loads(m.text)["items"]: if server["server_name"].lower() == machine['sourceProperties']['name'].lower(): machine_exist = True if 'lastCutoverDateTime' in machine["lifeCycle"]: machine_data = {'machineIDs': [machine['id']]} remove = requests.delete(HOST + endpoint.format('projects/{}/machines').format(project_id), data = json.dumps(machine_data), headers=headers, cookies=session) if remove.status_code == 204: print("Machine: " + machine['sourceProperties']['name'] + " has been removed from CloudEndure....") cleanup = cleanup + server["server_name"] + "," machine_status += 1 else: return "ERROR: Machine: " + machine['sourceProperties']['name'] + " cleanup failed...." else: cleanupfail = cleanupfail + server["server_name"] + "," if machine_exist == False: return "ERROR: Machine: " + server["server_name"] + " does not exist in CloudEndure...." if len(cleanup) > 0 and len(cleanupfail) == 0: cleanup = cleanup[:-1] return "Server: " + cleanup + " have been removed from CloudEndure...." if len(cleanup) == 0 and len(cleanupfail) > 0: cleanupfail = cleanupfail[:-1] return "ERROR: Machine: " + cleanupfail + " has not been migrated to PROD environment...." if len(cleanup) > 0 and len(cleanupfail) > 0: cleanup = cleanup[:-1] cleanupfail = cleanupfail[:-1] return "Server: " + cleanup + " have been removed from CloudEndure.... | " + "ERROR: Machine: " + cleanupfail + " has not been migrated to PROD environment, please wait for 15 mins...." # Pagination for server DDB table scan def scan_dynamodb_server_table(): response = servers_table.scan(ConsistentRead=True) scan_data = response['Items'] while 'LastEvaluatedKey' in response: print("Last Evaluate key for server is " + str(response['LastEvaluatedKey'])) response = servers_table.scan(ExclusiveStartKey=response['LastEvaluatedKey'],ConsistentRead=True) scan_data.extend(response['Items']) return(scan_data) # Pagination for app DDB table scan def scan_dynamodb_app_table(): response = apps_table.scan(ConsistentRead=True) scan_data = response['Items'] while 'LastEvaluatedKey' in response: print("Last Evaluate key for app is " + str(response['LastEvaluatedKey'])) response = apps_table.scan(ExclusiveStartKey=response['LastEvaluatedKey'],ConsistentRead=True) scan_data.extend(response['Items']) return(scan_data)
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
# Copyright 2015 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # ============================================================================= """Tests for tensorflow.python.training.saver.py.""" from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function import contextlib import functools import math import os import random import shutil import tempfile import time import numpy as np import six from google.protobuf.any_pb2 import Any from google.protobuf import text_format from tensorflow.core.protobuf import config_pb2 from tensorflow.core.protobuf import meta_graph_pb2 from tensorflow.core.protobuf import queue_runner_pb2 from tensorflow.core.protobuf import rewriter_config_pb2 from tensorflow.core.protobuf import saver_pb2 from tensorflow.python import pywrap_tensorflow from tensorflow.python.client import session from tensorflow.python.data.ops import dataset_ops from tensorflow.python.eager import context from tensorflow.python.framework import constant_op from tensorflow.python.framework import dtypes from tensorflow.python.framework import errors from tensorflow.python.framework import errors_impl from tensorflow.python.framework import function from tensorflow.python.framework import graph_io from tensorflow.python.framework import meta_graph from tensorflow.python.framework import ops as ops_lib from tensorflow.python.framework import test_util from tensorflow.python.keras._impl.keras.engine import training from tensorflow.python.keras._impl.keras.layers import core from tensorflow.python.lib.io import file_io from tensorflow.python.ops import array_ops from tensorflow.python.ops import control_flow_ops from tensorflow.python.ops import data_flow_ops from tensorflow.python.ops import gradients_impl from tensorflow.python.ops import math_ops from tensorflow.python.ops import nn_ops from tensorflow.python.ops import partitioned_variables from tensorflow.python.ops import random_ops from tensorflow.python.ops import resource_variable_ops from tensorflow.python.ops import sparse_ops from tensorflow.python.ops import variable_scope from tensorflow.python.ops import variables import tensorflow.python.ops.nn_grad # pylint: disable=unused-import from tensorflow.python.platform import gfile from tensorflow.python.platform import test from tensorflow.python.summary import summary from tensorflow.python.training import adam from tensorflow.python.training import checkpointable from tensorflow.python.training import checkpointable_utils from tensorflow.python.training import gradient_descent from tensorflow.python.training import queue_runner_impl from tensorflow.python.training import saver as saver_module from tensorflow.python.training import saver_test_utils from tensorflow.python.training import training_util from tensorflow.python.training.checkpoint_state_pb2 import CheckpointState from tensorflow.python.util import compat @test_util.with_c_api class SaverTest(test.TestCase): def basicSaveRestore(self, variable_op): save_path = os.path.join(self.get_temp_dir(), "basic_save_restore") with self.test_session(graph=ops_lib.Graph()) as sess: # Build a graph with 2 parameter nodes, and Save and # Restore nodes for them. v0 = variable_op(10.0, name="v0") v1 = variable_op(20.0, name="v1") v2 = saver_test_utils.CheckpointedOp(name="v2") v2_init = v2.insert("k1", 30.0) # Initialize all variables if not context.executing_eagerly(): self.evaluate([variables.global_variables_initializer(), v2_init]) # Check that the parameter nodes have been initialized. self.assertEqual(10.0, self.evaluate(v0)) self.assertEqual(20.0, self.evaluate(v1)) self.assertEqual(b"k1", self.evaluate(v2.keys())) self.assertEqual(30.0, self.evaluate(v2.values())) # Save the initialized values in the file at "save_path" save = saver_module.Saver( { "v0": v0, "v1": v1, "v2": v2.saveable }, restore_sequentially=True) val = save.save(sess, save_path) self.assertTrue(isinstance(val, six.string_types)) self.assertEqual(save_path, val) # Start a second session. In that session the parameter nodes # have not been initialized either. with self.test_session(graph=ops_lib.Graph()) as sess: v0 = variable_op(-1.0, name="v0") v1 = variable_op(-1.0, name="v1") v2 = saver_test_utils.CheckpointedOp(name="v2") # Assert that the variables are not initialized. if not context.executing_eagerly(): self.assertEqual( len(variables.report_uninitialized_variables().eval()), 2) self.assertEqual(0, len(v2.keys().eval())) self.assertEqual(0, len(v2.values().eval())) # Restore the saved values in the parameter nodes. save = saver_module.Saver({"v0": v0, "v1": v1, "v2": v2.saveable}) save.restore(sess, save_path) # Check that the parameter nodes have been restored. self.assertEqual(10.0, self.evaluate(v0)) self.assertEqual(20.0, self.evaluate(v1)) self.assertEqual(b"k1", self.evaluate(v2.keys())) self.assertEqual(30.0, self.evaluate(v2.values())) # Build another graph with 2 nodes, initialized # differently, and a Restore node for them. with self.test_session(graph=ops_lib.Graph()) as sess: v0_2 = variable_op(1000.0, name="v0") v1_2 = variable_op(2000.0, name="v1") v2_2 = saver_test_utils.CheckpointedOp(name="v2") v2_init = v2_2.insert("k1000", 3000.0) # Check that the parameter nodes have been initialized. if not context.executing_eagerly(): init_all_op = [variables.global_variables_initializer(), v2_init] self.evaluate(init_all_op) # TODO (xpan): Why _mutable_hash_table_v2 doesn't create empty id:3477 # https://github.com/imdone/tensorflow/issues/3476 # table as it claims in eager mode? self.assertEqual(b"k1000", self.evaluate(v2_2.keys())) self.assertEqual(3000.0, self.evaluate(v2_2.values())) self.assertEqual(1000.0, self.evaluate(v0_2)) self.assertEqual(2000.0, self.evaluate(v1_2)) # Restore the values saved earlier in the parameter nodes. save2 = saver_module.Saver({"v0": v0_2, "v1": v1_2, "v2": v2_2.saveable}) save2.restore(sess, save_path) # Check that the parameter nodes have been restored. self.assertEqual(10.0, self.evaluate(v0_2)) self.assertEqual(20.0, self.evaluate(v1_2)) self.assertEqual(b"k1", self.evaluate(v2_2.keys())) self.assertEqual(30.0, self.evaluate(v2_2.values())) def testBasic(self): self.basicSaveRestore(variables.Variable) @test_util.run_in_graph_and_eager_modes() def testResourceBasic(self): self.basicSaveRestore(resource_variable_ops.ResourceVariable) def testResourceVariableReadOpsAddedDeterministically(self): graph_defs = [] num_graphs = 10 for _ in range(num_graphs): with ops_lib.Graph().as_default() as g: for i in range(20): resource_variable_ops.ResourceVariable(i, name="var%s" % i) saver_module.Saver() graph_defs.append(g.as_graph_def()) for i in range(num_graphs - 1): self.assertEqual(graph_defs[i], graph_defs[i + 1]) def testEagerBasic(self): with context.eager_mode(): ckpt_prefix = os.path.join(self.get_temp_dir(), "ckpt") v1 = resource_variable_ops.ResourceVariable(3.14, name="v1") v2 = resource_variable_ops.ResourceVariable([1, 2], name="v2") save = saver_module.Saver([v1, v2]) save.save(None, ckpt_prefix) v1.assign(0.0) v2.assign([0, 0]) self.assertNear(0.0, self.evaluate(v1), 1e-5) self.assertAllEqual([0, 0], self.evaluate(v2)) save.restore(None, ckpt_prefix) self.assertNear(3.14, self.evaluate(v1), 1e-5) self.assertAllEqual([1, 2], self.evaluate(v2)) def testEagerGraphCompatibility(self): # Save from graph mode and restore from eager mode. graph_ckpt_prefix = os.path.join(self.get_temp_dir(), "graph_ckpt") with context.graph_mode(): with self.test_session(graph=ops_lib.Graph()) as sess: # Create a graph model and save the checkpoint. w1 = resource_variable_ops.ResourceVariable(1.0, name="w1") w2 = resource_variable_ops.ResourceVariable(2.0, name="w2") graph_saver = saver_module.Saver([w1, w2]) sess.run(variables.global_variables_initializer()) graph_saver.save(sess, graph_ckpt_prefix) with context.eager_mode(): ops_lib._default_graph_stack.reset() # pylint: disable=protected-access ops_lib.reset_default_graph() w1 = resource_variable_ops.ResourceVariable(0.0, name="w1") w2 = resource_variable_ops.ResourceVariable(0.0, name="w2") graph_saver = saver_module.Saver([w1, w2]) graph_saver.restore(None, graph_ckpt_prefix) self.assertAllEqual(self.evaluate(w1), 1.0) self.assertAllEqual(self.evaluate(w2), 2.0) # Save from eager mode and restore from graph mode. eager_ckpt_prefix = os.path.join(self.get_temp_dir(), "eager_ckpt") with context.eager_mode(): ops_lib._default_graph_stack.reset() # pylint: disable=protected-access ops_lib.reset_default_graph() w3 = resource_variable_ops.ResourceVariable(3.0, name="w3") w4 = resource_variable_ops.ResourceVariable(4.0, name="w4") graph_saver = saver_module.Saver([w3, w4]) graph_saver.save(None, eager_ckpt_prefix) with context.graph_mode(): with self.test_session(graph=ops_lib.Graph()) as sess: w3 = resource_variable_ops.ResourceVariable(0.0, name="w3") w4 = resource_variable_ops.ResourceVariable(0.0, name="w4") graph_saver = saver_module.Saver([w3, w4]) sess.run(variables.global_variables_initializer()) graph_saver.restore(sess, eager_ckpt_prefix) self.assertAllEqual(w3.eval(), 3.0) self.assertAllEqual(w4.eval(), 4.0) @test_util.run_in_graph_and_eager_modes() def testResourceSaveRestoreCachingDevice(self): save_path = os.path.join(self.get_temp_dir(), "resource_cache") with self.test_session(graph=ops_lib.Graph()) as sess: v = resource_variable_ops.ResourceVariable([1], caching_device="/cpu:0", name="v") if context.executing_eagerly(): sess = None else: self.evaluate(variables.global_variables_initializer()) save = saver_module.Saver([v]) save.save(sess, save_path) save2 = saver_module.Saver([v]) save2.restore(sess, save_path) self.assertEquals(self.evaluate(v), [1]) def testNoAdditionalOpsAddedBySaverForResourceVariablesOutsideSaveScope(self): with ops_lib.Graph().as_default() as g: v = resource_variable_ops.ResourceVariable(1.0, name="v") with ops_lib.name_scope("saver1"): saver_module.Saver() with ops_lib.name_scope("saver2"): saver_module.Saver({"name": v}) ops_in_saver1_scope_but_not_save_scope = [ op for op in g.get_operations() if (op.name.startswith("saver1/") and not op.name.startswith("saver1/save/"))] self.assertEqual(ops_in_saver1_scope_but_not_save_scope, []) ops_in_saver2_scope_but_not_save_scope = [ op for op in g.get_operations() if (op.name.startswith("saver2/") and not op.name.startswith("saver2/save/"))] self.assertEqual(ops_in_saver2_scope_but_not_save_scope, []) def testSaveCopyRestoreWithSaveRelativePaths(self): """Save, copy checkpoint dir and restore from copied dir. This only works for save_relative_paths=True. """ save_dir1 = os.path.join(self.get_temp_dir(), "save_dir1") os.mkdir(save_dir1) save_path1 = os.path.join(save_dir1, "save_copy_restore") # Build a graph with 2 parameter nodes, and Save and # Restore nodes for them. v0 = variables.Variable(10.0, name="v0") v1 = variables.Variable(20.0, name="v1") v2 = saver_test_utils.CheckpointedOp(name="v2") v2_init = v2.insert("k1", 30.0) save = saver_module.Saver( var_list={ "v0": v0, "v1": v1, "v2": v2.saveable}, restore_sequentially=True, save_relative_paths=True) init_all_op = [variables.global_variables_initializer(), v2_init] with self.test_session() as sess: # Initialize all variables sess.run(init_all_op) # Check that the parameter nodes have been initialized. self.assertEqual(10.0, v0.eval()) self.assertEqual(20.0, v1.eval()) self.assertEqual(b"k1", v2.keys().eval()) self.assertEqual(30.0, v2.values().eval()) # Save the initialized values in the file at "save_path" val = save.save(sess, save_path1) self.assertTrue(isinstance(val, six.string_types)) self.assertEqual(save_path1, val) self.assertEqual(saver_module.latest_checkpoint(save_dir1), save_path1) save_dir2 = os.path.join(self.get_temp_dir(), "save_dir2") os.renames(save_dir1, save_dir2) save_path2 = os.path.join(save_dir2, "save_copy_restore") self.assertEqual(saver_module.latest_checkpoint(save_dir2), save_path2) # Start a second session. In that session the parameter nodes # have not been initialized either. with self.test_session() as sess: v0 = variables.Variable(-1.0, name="v0") v1 = variables.Variable(-1.0, name="v1") v2 = saver_test_utils.CheckpointedOp(name="v2") save = saver_module.Saver({"v0": v0, "v1": v1, "v2": v2.saveable}) # Assert that the variables are not initialized. self.assertEqual( len(variables.report_uninitialized_variables().eval()), 2) self.assertEqual(0, len(v2.keys().eval())) self.assertEqual(0, len(v2.values().eval())) # Restore the saved values in the parameter nodes. save.restore(sess, save_path2) # Check that the parameter nodes have been restored. self.assertEqual(10.0, v0.eval()) self.assertEqual(20.0, v1.eval()) self.assertEqual(b"k1", v2.keys().eval()) self.assertEqual(30.0, v2.values().eval()) def testFilenameTensor(self): v0 = variables.Variable(0, name="v0") filename = b"somerandomfilename" save = saver_module.Saver({"v0": v0}, filename=filename) with self.test_session() as sess: tensor = sess.graph.get_tensor_by_name( save.saver_def.filename_tensor_name) self.assertEqual(sess.run(tensor), filename) def testInvalidPath(self): v0 = variables.Variable(0, name="v0") for ver in (saver_pb2.SaverDef.V1, saver_pb2.SaverDef.V2): with self.test_session() as sess: save = saver_module.Saver({"v0": v0}, write_version=ver) with self.assertRaisesRegexp(errors.NotFoundError, "Failed to find any matching files for"): save.restore(sess, "invalid path") def testInt64(self): save_path = os.path.join(self.get_temp_dir(), "int64") with self.test_session() as sess: # Build a graph with 1 node, and save and restore for them. v = variables.Variable(np.int64(15), name="v") save = saver_module.Saver({"v": v}, restore_sequentially=True) variables.global_variables_initializer().run() # Save the initialized values in the file at "save_path" val = save.save(sess, save_path) self.assertTrue(isinstance(val, six.string_types)) self.assertEqual(save_path, val) with self.test_session() as sess: v = variables.Variable(np.int64(-1), name="v") save = saver_module.Saver({"v": v}) with self.assertRaisesWithPredicateMatch( errors_impl.OpError, lambda e: "uninitialized value v" in e.message): sess.run(v) # Restore the saved values in the parameter nodes. save.restore(sess, save_path) # Check that the parameter nodes have been restored. self.assertEqual(np.int64(15), v.eval()) def testSomeErrors(self): with ops_lib.Graph().as_default(): v0 = variables.Variable([10.0], name="v0") v1 = variables.Variable([20.0], name="v1") v2 = variables.Variable([20.0], name="v2") v2._set_save_slice_info( variables.Variable.SaveSliceInfo("v1", [1], [0], [1])) # By default the name used for "v2" will be "v1" and raise an error. with self.assertRaisesRegexp(ValueError, "same name: v1"): saver_module.Saver([v0, v1, v2]) # The names are different and will work. saver_module.Saver({"vee1": v1, "other": [v2]}) # Partitioned variables also cause name conflicts. p_v1 = variable_scope.get_variable( "p_v1", shape=[4, 5], partitioner=partitioned_variables.fixed_size_partitioner( num_shards=2)) p_v2 = variable_scope.get_variable( "p_v2", shape=[4, 5], partitioner=partitioned_variables.fixed_size_partitioner( num_shards=2)) p_v2._name = "p_v1" with self.assertRaisesRegexp(ValueError, "same name: p_v1"): saver_module.Saver([p_v1, p_v2]) def testSameName(self): with ops_lib.Graph().as_default(): v0 = variables.Variable([10.0], name="v0") v2 = saver_test_utils.CheckpointedOp(name="v2") # Saving one variable under two names raises an error. with self.assertRaisesRegexp( ValueError, "The same saveable will be restored with two names: v0"): saver_module.Saver({"v0": v0, "v0too": v0}) # Ditto for custom saveables. with self.assertRaisesRegexp( ValueError, "The same saveable will be restored with two names: v2"): saver_module.Saver({"v2": v2.saveable, "v2too": v2.saveable}) # Verify non-duplicate names work. saver_module.Saver({"v0": v0, "v2": v2.saveable}) def testBasicsWithListOfVariables(self): save_path = os.path.join(self.get_temp_dir(), "basics_with_list") with self.test_session(graph=ops_lib.Graph()) as sess: # Build a graph with 2 parameter nodes, and Save and # Restore nodes for them. v0 = variables.Variable(10.0, name="v0") v1 = variables.Variable(20.0, name="v1") v2 = saver_test_utils.CheckpointedOp(name="v2") v2_init = v2.insert("k1", 30.0) save = saver_module.Saver([v0, v1, v2.saveable]) variables.global_variables_initializer().run() v2_init.run() # Check that the parameter nodes have been initialized. self.assertEqual(10.0, v0.eval()) self.assertEqual(20.0, v1.eval()) self.assertEqual(b"k1", v2.keys().eval()) self.assertEqual(30.0, v2.values().eval()) # Save the initialized values in the file at "save_path" val = save.save(sess, save_path) self.assertTrue(isinstance(val, six.string_types)) self.assertEqual(save_path, val) # Start a second session. In that session the variables # have not been initialized either. with self.test_session(graph=ops_lib.Graph()) as sess: v0 = variables.Variable(-1.0, name="v0") v1 = variables.Variable(-1.0, name="v1") v2 = saver_test_utils.CheckpointedOp(name="v2") save = saver_module.Saver([v0, v1, v2.saveable]) with self.assertRaisesWithPredicateMatch( errors_impl.OpError, lambda e: "uninitialized value v0" in e.message): sess.run(v0) with self.assertRaisesWithPredicateMatch( errors_impl.OpError, lambda e: "uninitialized value v1" in e.message): sess.run(v1) self.assertEqual(0, len(v2.keys().eval())) self.assertEqual(0, len(v2.values().eval())) # Restore the saved values in the parameter nodes. save.restore(sess, save_path) # Check that the parameter nodes have been restored. self.assertEqual(10.0, v0.eval()) self.assertEqual(20.0, v1.eval()) self.assertEqual(b"k1", v2.keys().eval()) self.assertEqual(30.0, v2.values().eval()) # Build another graph with 2 nodes, initialized # differently, and a Restore node for them. with self.test_session(graph=ops_lib.Graph()) as sess: v0_2 = variables.Variable(1000.0, name="v0") v1_2 = variables.Variable(2000.0, name="v1") v2_2 = saver_test_utils.CheckpointedOp(name="v2") save2 = saver_module.Saver([v0_2, v1_2, v2_2.saveable]) v2_2.insert("k1000", 3000.0).run() variables.global_variables_initializer().run() # Check that the parameter nodes have been initialized. self.assertEqual(1000.0, v0_2.eval()) self.assertEqual(2000.0, v1_2.eval()) self.assertEqual(b"k1000", v2_2.keys().eval()) self.assertEqual(3000.0, v2_2.values().eval()) # Restore the values saved earlier in the parameter nodes. save2.restore(sess, save_path) # Check that the parameter nodes have been restored. self.assertEqual(10.0, v0_2.eval()) self.assertEqual(20.0, v1_2.eval()) self.assertEqual(b"k1", v2_2.keys().eval()) self.assertEqual(30.0, v2_2.values().eval()) def _SaveAndLoad(self, var_name, var_value, other_value, save_path): with self.test_session(graph=ops_lib.Graph()) as sess: var = resource_variable_ops.ResourceVariable(var_value, name=var_name) save = saver_module.Saver({var_name: var}) if not context.executing_eagerly(): self.evaluate(var.initializer) val = save.save(sess, save_path) self.assertEqual(save_path, val) with self.test_session(graph=ops_lib.Graph()) as sess: var = resource_variable_ops.ResourceVariable(other_value, name=var_name) save = saver_module.Saver({var_name: var}) save.restore(sess, save_path) self.assertAllClose(var_value, self.evaluate(var)) def testCacheRereadsFile(self): save_path = os.path.join(self.get_temp_dir(), "cache_rereads") # Save and reload one Variable named "var0". self._SaveAndLoad("var0", 0.0, 1.0, save_path) # Save and reload one Variable named "var1" in the same file. # The cached readers should know to re-read the file. self._SaveAndLoad("var1", 1.1, 2.2, save_path) def testAllowEmpty(self): save_path = os.path.join(self.get_temp_dir(), "allow_empty") with self.test_session() as sess: _ = constant_op.constant(1) save = saver_module.Saver(allow_empty=True) val = save.save(sess, save_path) self.assertIsNone(val) with self.test_session() as sess: save = saver_module.Saver(allow_empty=True) save.restore(sess, save_path) def testGPU(self): if not test.is_gpu_available(): return save_path = os.path.join(self.get_temp_dir(), "gpu") with session.Session("", graph=ops_lib.Graph()) as sess: with sess.graph.device(test.gpu_device_name()): v0_1 = variables.Variable(123.45) save = saver_module.Saver({"v0": v0_1}) variables.global_variables_initializer().run() save.save(sess, save_path) with session.Session("", graph=ops_lib.Graph()) as sess: with sess.graph.device(test.gpu_device_name()): v0_2 = variables.Variable(543.21) save = saver_module.Saver({"v0": v0_2}) variables.global_variables_initializer().run() def testSharedServerOnGPU(self): if not test.is_gpu_available(): return save_path = os.path.join(self.get_temp_dir(), "gpu") with session.Session("", graph=ops_lib.Graph()) as sess: with sess.graph.device(test.gpu_device_name()): v0_1 = variables.Variable(123.45) save = saver_module.Saver({"v0": v0_1}, sharded=True, allow_empty=True) variables.global_variables_initializer().run() save.save(sess, save_path) with session.Session("", graph=ops_lib.Graph()) as sess: with sess.graph.device(test.gpu_device_name()): v0_2 = variables.Variable(543.21) save = saver_module.Saver({"v0": v0_2}, sharded=True, allow_empty=True) variables.global_variables_initializer().run() def testVariables(self): save_path = os.path.join(self.get_temp_dir(), "variables") with session.Session("", graph=ops_lib.Graph()) as sess: one = variables.Variable(1.0) twos = variables.Variable([2.0, 2.0, 2.0]) v2 = saver_test_utils.CheckpointedOp(name="v2") init = variables.global_variables_initializer() save = saver_module.Saver() init.run() v2.insert("k1", 3.0).run() save.save(sess, save_path) with session.Session("", graph=ops_lib.Graph()) as sess: one = variables.Variable(0.0) twos = variables.Variable([0.0, 0.0, 0.0]) v2 = saver_test_utils.CheckpointedOp(name="v2") # Saver with no arg, defaults to 'all variables'. save = saver_module.Saver() save.restore(sess, save_path) self.assertAllClose(1.0, one.eval()) self.assertAllClose([2.0, 2.0, 2.0], twos.eval()) self.assertEqual(b"k1", v2.keys().eval()) self.assertEqual(3.0, v2.values().eval()) def testVarListShouldBeEmptyInDeferredBuild(self): with ops_lib.Graph().as_default(): v = variables.Variable(1.0) with self.assertRaisesRegexp(ValueError, "defer_build"): saver_module.Saver([v], defer_build=True) def testBuildShouldBeCalledBeforeSaveInCaseOfDeferBuild(self): save_path = os.path.join(self.get_temp_dir(), "error_deferred_build") with ops_lib.Graph().as_default(), session.Session() as sess: variables.Variable(1.0) saver = saver_module.Saver(defer_build=True) with self.assertRaisesRegexp(RuntimeError, "build"): saver.save(sess, save_path) def testDeferredBuild(self): save_path = os.path.join(self.get_temp_dir(), "deferred_build") with session.Session("", graph=ops_lib.Graph()) as sess: one = variables.Variable(1.0) save = saver_module.Saver(defer_build=True) # if build is not deferred, saver cannot save the `twos`. twos = variables.Variable([2.0, 2.0, 2.0]) init = variables.global_variables_initializer() save.build() init.run() save.save(sess, save_path) with session.Session("", graph=ops_lib.Graph()) as sess: one = variables.Variable(0.0) twos = variables.Variable([0.0, 0.0, 0.0]) # Saver with no arg, defaults to 'all variables'. save = saver_module.Saver() save.restore(sess, save_path) self.assertAllClose(1.0, one.eval()) self.assertAllClose([2.0, 2.0, 2.0], twos.eval()) def testReshape(self): save_path = os.path.join(self.get_temp_dir(), "variables_reshape") with session.Session("", graph=ops_lib.Graph()) as sess: var = variables.Variable([[1.0, 2.0, 3.0], [4.0, 5.0, 6.0]]) init = variables.global_variables_initializer() save = saver_module.Saver() init.run() save.save(sess, save_path) # Error when restoring with default reshape=False with session.Session("", graph=ops_lib.Graph()) as sess: var = variables.Variable([[0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0]]) save = saver_module.Saver() with self.assertRaisesRegexp( errors_impl.InvalidArgumentError, "Assign requires shapes of both tensors to match."): save.restore(sess, save_path) # Restored to new shape with reshape=True with session.Session("", graph=ops_lib.Graph()) as sess: var = variables.Variable([[0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0]]) save = saver_module.Saver(reshape=True) save.restore(sess, save_path) self.assertAllClose([[1.0, 2.0], [3.0, 4.0], [5.0, 6.0]], var.eval()) @test_util.run_in_graph_and_eager_modes() def testSaveWithGlobalStep(self, pad_step_number=False): save_path = os.path.join(self.get_temp_dir(), "ckpt_with_global_step") global_step_int = 5 # Save and reload one Variable named "var0". self._SaveAndLoad("var0", 0.0, 1.0, save_path) for use_tensor in [True, False]: with self.test_session(graph=ops_lib.Graph()): var = resource_variable_ops.ResourceVariable(1.0, name="var0") save = saver_module.Saver( { var._shared_name: var }, pad_step_number=pad_step_number) if context.executing_eagerly(): sess = None else: self.evaluate(var.initializer) sess = ops_lib.get_default_session() if use_tensor: global_step = constant_op.constant(global_step_int) val = save.save(sess, save_path, global_step=global_step) else: val = save.save(sess, save_path, global_step=global_step_int) if pad_step_number: expected_save_path = "%s-%s" % (save_path, "{:08d}".format(global_step_int)) else: expected_save_path = "%s-%d" % (save_path, global_step_int) self.assertEqual(expected_save_path, val) def testSaveWithGlobalStepWithPadding(self): self.testSaveWithGlobalStep(pad_step_number=True) def testSaveToNonexistingPath(self): file_io.write_string_to_file( os.path.join(self.get_temp_dir(), "actually_a_file"), "") paths = [ os.path.join(self.get_temp_dir(), "nonexisting_dir/path"), os.path.join(self.get_temp_dir(), "other_nonexisting_dir/path1/path2"), os.path.join(self.get_temp_dir(), "actually_a_file/path"), ] for save_path in paths: # Build a graph with 2 parameter nodes, and Save and # Restore nodes for them. v0 = variables.Variable(10.0, name="v0") v1 = variables.Variable(20.0, name="v1") save = saver_module.Saver({"v0": v0, "v1": v1}, restore_sequentially=True) init_all_op = variables.global_variables_initializer() # In the case where the parent directory doesn't exist, whether or not the # save succeeds or fails is implementation dependent. Therefore we allow # both cases. try: with self.test_session() as sess: # Initialize all variables sess.run(init_all_op) # Check that the parameter nodes have been initialized. self.assertEqual(10.0, v0.eval()) self.assertEqual(20.0, v1.eval()) # Save the graph. save.save(sess, save_path) with self.test_session() as sess: # Restore the saved values in the parameter nodes. save.restore(sess, save_path) # Check that the parameter nodes have been restored. self.assertEqual(10.0, v0.eval()) self.assertEqual(20.0, v1.eval()) except ValueError as exc: error_msg_template = "Parent directory of {} doesn't exist, can't save." self.assertEqual(error_msg_template.format(save_path), str(exc)) def testSaveToURI(self): # ParseURI functions don't work on Windows yet. # TODO (jhseu): Remove this check when it works. id:3959 # https://github.com/imdone/tensorflow/issues/3957 if os.name == "nt": self.skipTest("Local URI support doesn't work on Windows") save_path = "file://" + os.path.join(self.get_temp_dir(), "uri") # Build a graph with 2 parameter nodes, and Save and # Restore nodes for them. v0 = variables.Variable(10.0, name="v0") v1 = variables.Variable(20.0, name="v1") save = saver_module.Saver({"v0": v0, "v1": v1}, restore_sequentially=True) init_all_op = variables.global_variables_initializer() with self.test_session() as sess: # Initialize all variables sess.run(init_all_op) # Check that the parameter nodes have been initialized. self.assertEqual(10.0, v0.eval()) self.assertEqual(20.0, v1.eval()) save.save(sess, save_path) @test_util.with_c_api class SaveRestoreShardedTest(test.TestCase): _WRITE_VERSION = saver_pb2.SaverDef.V1 def _get_test_dir(self, dirname): test_dir = os.path.join(self.get_temp_dir(), dirname) gfile.MakeDirs(test_dir) return test_dir def testBasics(self): save_path = os.path.join(self.get_temp_dir(), "sharded_basics") # Build a graph with 2 parameter nodes on different devices. with session.Session( target="", config=config_pb2.ConfigProto(device_count={"CPU": 2})) as sess: with sess.graph.device("/cpu:0"): v0 = variables.Variable(10, name="v0") t0 = saver_test_utils.CheckpointedOp(name="t0") with sess.graph.device("/cpu:1"): v1 = variables.Variable(20, name="v1") t1 = saver_test_utils.CheckpointedOp(name="t1") save = saver_module.Saver( { "v0": v0, "v1": v1, "t0": t0.saveable, "t1": t1.saveable }, write_version=self._WRITE_VERSION, sharded=True) variables.global_variables_initializer().run() t0.insert("k1", 30.0).run() t1.insert("k2", 40.0).run() val = save.save(sess, save_path) if save._write_version is saver_pb2.SaverDef.V1: self.assertEqual(save_path + "-?????-of-00002", val) else: self.assertEqual(save_path, val) meta_graph_filename = save._MetaGraphFilename(val) self.assertEqual(save_path + ".meta", meta_graph_filename) if save._write_version is saver_pb2.SaverDef.V1: # Restore different ops from shard 0 of the saved files. with session.Session( target="", config=config_pb2.ConfigProto(device_count={"CPU": 2})) as sess: with sess.graph.device("/cpu:0"): v0 = variables.Variable(111, name="v0") t0 = saver_test_utils.CheckpointedOp(name="t0") save = saver_module.Saver( { "v0": v0, "t0": t0.saveable }, write_version=self._WRITE_VERSION, sharded=True) variables.global_variables_initializer().run() t0.insert("k11", 33.0).run() self.assertEqual(111, v0.eval()) self.assertEqual(b"k11", t0.keys().eval()) self.assertEqual(33.0, t0.values().eval()) save.restore(sess, save_path + "-00000-of-00002") self.assertEqual(10, v0.eval()) self.assertEqual(b"k1", t0.keys().eval()) self.assertEqual(30.0, t0.values().eval()) # Restore different ops from shard 1 of the saved files. with session.Session( target="", config=config_pb2.ConfigProto(device_count={"CPU": 2})) as sess: with sess.graph.device("/cpu:0"): v1 = variables.Variable(222) t1 = saver_test_utils.CheckpointedOp(name="t1") save = saver_module.Saver( { "v1": v1, "t1": t1.saveable }, write_version=self._WRITE_VERSION, sharded=True) variables.global_variables_initializer().run() t1.insert("k22", 44.0).run() self.assertEqual(222, v1.eval()) self.assertEqual(b"k22", t1.keys().eval()) self.assertEqual(44.0, t1.values().eval()) save.restore(sess, save_path + "-00001-of-00002") self.assertEqual(20, v1.eval()) self.assertEqual(b"k2", t1.keys().eval()) self.assertEqual(40.0, t1.values().eval()) # Now try a restore with the sharded filename. with session.Session( target="", config=config_pb2.ConfigProto(device_count={"CPU": 2})) as sess: with sess.graph.device("/cpu:0"): v0 = variables.Variable(111, name="v0") t0 = saver_test_utils.CheckpointedOp(name="t0") with sess.graph.device("/cpu:1"): v1 = variables.Variable(222, name="v1") t1 = saver_test_utils.CheckpointedOp(name="t1") save = saver_module.Saver( { "v0": v0, "v1": v1, "t0": t0.saveable, "t1": t1.saveable }, write_version=self._WRITE_VERSION, sharded=True) variables.global_variables_initializer().run() t0.insert("k11", 33.0).run() t1.insert("k22", 44.0).run() self.assertEqual(111, v0.eval()) self.assertEqual(222, v1.eval()) self.assertEqual(b"k11", t0.keys().eval()) self.assertEqual(33.0, t0.values().eval()) self.assertEqual(b"k22", t1.keys().eval()) self.assertEqual(44.0, t1.values().eval()) save_path = os.path.join(self.get_temp_dir(), "sharded_basics") if save._write_version is saver_pb2.SaverDef.V1: save.restore(sess, save_path + "-?????-of-?????") else: save.restore(sess, save_path) self.assertEqual(10, v0.eval()) self.assertEqual(20, v1.eval()) self.assertEqual(b"k1", t0.keys().eval()) self.assertEqual(30.0, t0.values().eval()) self.assertEqual(b"k2", t1.keys().eval()) self.assertEqual(40.0, t1.values().eval()) if save._write_version is saver_pb2.SaverDef.V1: self.assertEqual( saver_module.latest_checkpoint(self.get_temp_dir()), os.path.join(self.get_temp_dir(), "sharded_basics-?????-of-00002")) else: self.assertEqual( saver_module.latest_checkpoint(self.get_temp_dir()), os.path.join(self.get_temp_dir(), "sharded_basics")) def testSaverDef(self): with self.test_session(): v0 = variables.Variable(123, name="v0") save = saver_module.Saver({"v0": v0}, sharded=True) sd = save.as_saver_def() self.assertTrue(sd.sharded) def _testPartitionedVariables(self, use_resource): var_full_shape = [10, 3] # Allows save/restore mechanism to work w/ different slicings. var_name = "my_var" saved_dir = self._get_test_dir("partitioned_variables") saved_path = os.path.join(saved_dir, "ckpt") call_saver_with_dict = False # updated by test loop below def _save(slices=None, partitioner=None): with self.test_session(graph=ops_lib.Graph()) as sess: # Calls .eval() to return the ndarray that makes up the full variable. rnd = random_ops.random_uniform(var_full_shape).eval() if slices: assert not partitioner # TODO (apassos): make create_partitioned_variables take use_resource id:4333 # https://github.com/imdone/tensorflow/issues/4331 # option to make this test passable without creating a named # variable_scope. vs = partitioned_variables.create_partitioned_variables( var_full_shape, slices, rnd, name=var_name) elif partitioner: vs = [ variable_scope.get_variable( var_name, shape=var_full_shape, initializer=rnd, partitioner=partitioner, use_resource=use_resource) ] else: if use_resource: vs = [resource_variable_ops.ResourceVariable(rnd, name=var_name)] else: vs = [variables.Variable(rnd, name=var_name)] variables.global_variables_initializer().run() if call_saver_with_dict: saver = saver_module.Saver({var_name: (vs if slices else vs[0])}) else: saver = saver_module.Saver(vs) actual_path = saver.save(sess, saved_path) self.assertEqual(saved_path, actual_path) return rnd def _restore(slices=None, partitioner=None): with self.test_session(graph=ops_lib.Graph()) as sess: if slices: assert not partitioner new_vs = partitioned_variables.create_partitioned_variables( var_full_shape, slices, array_ops.zeros(var_full_shape), # != original contents. name=var_name) elif partitioner: new_vs = [ variable_scope.get_variable( var_name, shape=var_full_shape, initializer=array_ops.zeros(var_full_shape), partitioner=partitioner) ] else: new_vs = [ variables.Variable( array_ops.zeros( shape=var_full_shape), # != original contents. name=var_name) ] variables.global_variables_initializer().run() if call_saver_with_dict: saver = saver_module.Saver({ var_name: (new_vs if slices else new_vs[0]) }) else: saver = saver_module.Saver(new_vs) saver.restore(sess, saved_path) if partitioner: return new_vs[0].as_tensor().eval() elif slices and slices[0] != 1: return array_ops.concat(new_vs, 0).eval() elif slices and slices[1] != 1: return array_ops.concat(new_vs, 1).eval() else: # Non-sliced. return new_vs[0].eval() for call_saver_with_dict in {False, True}: # Save PartitionedVariable and restore into full variable. saved_full = _save( partitioner=partitioned_variables.fixed_size_partitioner( num_shards=2)) restored_full = _restore() self.assertAllEqual(saved_full, restored_full) # Saves 10 horizontal parts of a partitioned variable. # Restores into a full variable, non-sliced. saved_full = _save(slices=[10, 1]) restored_full = _restore() self.assertAllEqual(saved_full, restored_full) # Restores into a different number/orientation of slices. restored_full = _restore(slices=[2, 1]) # 2 horizon parts. self.assertAllEqual(saved_full, restored_full) restored_full = _restore(slices=[1, 3]) # 3 vertical parts. self.assertAllEqual(saved_full, restored_full) # Restores into a PartitionedVariable restored_full = _restore( partitioner=partitioned_variables.fixed_size_partitioner( num_shards=2)) self.assertAllEqual(saved_full, restored_full) # Now, saves a full variable and restores in slices. saved_full = _save() restored_full = _restore(slices=[1, 3]) self.assertAllEqual(saved_full, restored_full) def testPartitionedVariable(self): self._testPartitionedVariables(use_resource=False) def testPartitionedResourceVariable(self): self._testPartitionedVariables(use_resource=True) @test_util.with_c_api class SaveRestoreShardedTestV2(SaveRestoreShardedTest): _WRITE_VERSION = saver_pb2.SaverDef.V2 @test_util.with_c_api class MaxToKeepTest(test.TestCase): def _get_test_dir(self, dirname): test_dir = os.path.join(self.get_temp_dir(), dirname) gfile.MakeDirs(test_dir) return test_dir def assertCheckpointState(self, model_checkpoint_path, all_model_checkpoint_paths, save_dir): checkpoint_state = saver_module.get_checkpoint_state(save_dir) self.assertEqual(checkpoint_state.model_checkpoint_path, model_checkpoint_path) self.assertEqual(checkpoint_state.all_model_checkpoint_paths, all_model_checkpoint_paths) def testMaxToKeepEager(self): with context.eager_mode(): save_dir = self._get_test_dir("max_to_keep_non_sharded") v = variable_scope.variable(10.0, name="v") save = saver_module.Saver({"v": v}, max_to_keep=2) self.evaluate(variables.global_variables_initializer()) if not context.executing_eagerly(): self.assertEqual([], save.last_checkpoints) s1 = save.save(None, os.path.join(save_dir, "s1")) self.assertEqual([s1], save.last_checkpoints) self.assertTrue(saver_module.checkpoint_exists(s1)) self.assertCheckpointState( model_checkpoint_path=s1, all_model_checkpoint_paths=[s1], save_dir=save_dir) s2 = save.save(None, os.path.join(save_dir, "s2")) self.assertEqual([s1, s2], save.last_checkpoints) self.assertTrue(saver_module.checkpoint_exists(s1)) self.assertTrue(saver_module.checkpoint_exists(s2)) self.assertCheckpointState( model_checkpoint_path=s2, all_model_checkpoint_paths=[s1, s2], save_dir=save_dir) s3 = save.save(None, os.path.join(save_dir, "s3")) self.assertEqual([s2, s3], save.last_checkpoints) self.assertFalse(saver_module.checkpoint_exists(s1)) self.assertTrue(saver_module.checkpoint_exists(s2)) self.assertTrue(saver_module.checkpoint_exists(s3)) self.assertCheckpointState( model_checkpoint_path=s3, all_model_checkpoint_paths=[s2, s3], save_dir=save_dir) # Create a second helper, identical to the first. save2 = saver_module.Saver({"v": v}, max_to_keep=2) save2.set_last_checkpoints(save.last_checkpoints) # Exercise the first helper. # Adding s2 again (old s2 is removed first, then new s2 appended) s2 = save.save(None, os.path.join(save_dir, "s2")) self.assertEqual([s3, s2], save.last_checkpoints) self.assertFalse(saver_module.checkpoint_exists(s1)) self.assertTrue(saver_module.checkpoint_exists(s3)) self.assertTrue(saver_module.checkpoint_exists(s2)) self.assertCheckpointState( model_checkpoint_path=s2, all_model_checkpoint_paths=[s3, s2], save_dir=save_dir) # Adding s1 (s3 should now be deleted as oldest in list) s1 = save.save(None, os.path.join(save_dir, "s1")) self.assertEqual([s2, s1], save.last_checkpoints) self.assertFalse(saver_module.checkpoint_exists(s3)) self.assertTrue(saver_module.checkpoint_exists(s2)) self.assertCheckpointState( model_checkpoint_path=s1, all_model_checkpoint_paths=[s2, s1], save_dir=save_dir) s2 = save2.save(None, os.path.join(save_dir, "s2")) self.assertEqual([s3, s2], save2.last_checkpoints) # Created by the first helper. self.assertTrue(saver_module.checkpoint_exists(s1)) # Deleted by the first helper. self.assertFalse(saver_module.checkpoint_exists(s3)) def testNonSharded(self): save_dir = self._get_test_dir("max_to_keep_non_sharded") with self.test_session() as sess: v = variables.Variable(10.0, name="v") save = saver_module.Saver({"v": v}, max_to_keep=2) variables.global_variables_initializer().run() self.assertEqual([], save.last_checkpoints) s1 = save.save(sess, os.path.join(save_dir, "s1")) self.assertEqual([s1], save.last_checkpoints) self.assertTrue(saver_module.checkpoint_exists(s1)) self.assertCheckpointState( model_checkpoint_path=s1, all_model_checkpoint_paths=[s1], save_dir=save_dir) s2 = save.save(sess, os.path.join(save_dir, "s2")) self.assertEqual([s1, s2], save.last_checkpoints) self.assertTrue(saver_module.checkpoint_exists(s1)) self.assertTrue(saver_module.checkpoint_exists(s2)) self.assertCheckpointState( model_checkpoint_path=s2, all_model_checkpoint_paths=[s1, s2], save_dir=save_dir) s3 = save.save(sess, os.path.join(save_dir, "s3")) self.assertEqual([s2, s3], save.last_checkpoints) self.assertFalse(saver_module.checkpoint_exists(s1)) self.assertTrue(saver_module.checkpoint_exists(s2)) self.assertTrue(saver_module.checkpoint_exists(s3)) self.assertCheckpointState( model_checkpoint_path=s3, all_model_checkpoint_paths=[s2, s3], save_dir=save_dir) # Create a second helper, identical to the first. save2 = saver_module.Saver(saver_def=save.as_saver_def()) save2.set_last_checkpoints(save.last_checkpoints) # Create a third helper, with the same configuration but no knowledge of # previous checkpoints. save3 = saver_module.Saver(saver_def=save.as_saver_def()) # Exercise the first helper. # Adding s2 again (old s2 is removed first, then new s2 appended) s2 = save.save(sess, os.path.join(save_dir, "s2")) self.assertEqual([s3, s2], save.last_checkpoints) self.assertFalse(saver_module.checkpoint_exists(s1)) self.assertFalse( saver_module.checkpoint_exists(save._MetaGraphFilename(s1))) self.assertTrue(saver_module.checkpoint_exists(s3)) self.assertTrue( saver_module.checkpoint_exists(save._MetaGraphFilename(s3))) self.assertTrue(saver_module.checkpoint_exists(s2)) self.assertTrue( saver_module.checkpoint_exists(save._MetaGraphFilename(s2))) self.assertCheckpointState( model_checkpoint_path=s2, all_model_checkpoint_paths=[s3, s2], save_dir=save_dir) # Adding s1 (s3 should now be deleted as oldest in list) s1 = save.save(sess, os.path.join(save_dir, "s1")) self.assertEqual([s2, s1], save.last_checkpoints) self.assertFalse(saver_module.checkpoint_exists(s3)) self.assertFalse( saver_module.checkpoint_exists(save._MetaGraphFilename(s3))) self.assertTrue(saver_module.checkpoint_exists(s2)) self.assertTrue( saver_module.checkpoint_exists(save._MetaGraphFilename(s2))) self.assertTrue(saver_module.checkpoint_exists(s1)) self.assertTrue( saver_module.checkpoint_exists(save._MetaGraphFilename(s1))) self.assertCheckpointState( model_checkpoint_path=s1, all_model_checkpoint_paths=[s2, s1], save_dir=save_dir) # Exercise the second helper. # Adding s2 again (old s2 is removed first, then new s2 appended) s2 = save2.save(sess, os.path.join(save_dir, "s2")) self.assertEqual([s3, s2], save2.last_checkpoints) # Created by the first helper. self.assertTrue(saver_module.checkpoint_exists(s1)) self.assertTrue( saver_module.checkpoint_exists(save._MetaGraphFilename(s1))) # Deleted by the first helper. self.assertFalse(saver_module.checkpoint_exists(s3)) self.assertFalse( saver_module.checkpoint_exists(save._MetaGraphFilename(s3))) self.assertTrue(saver_module.checkpoint_exists(s2)) self.assertTrue( saver_module.checkpoint_exists(save._MetaGraphFilename(s2))) self.assertCheckpointState( model_checkpoint_path=s2, all_model_checkpoint_paths=[s3, s2], save_dir=save_dir) # Adding s1 (s3 should now be deleted as oldest in list) s1 = save2.save(sess, os.path.join(save_dir, "s1")) self.assertEqual([s2, s1], save2.last_checkpoints) self.assertFalse(saver_module.checkpoint_exists(s3)) self.assertFalse( saver_module.checkpoint_exists(save._MetaGraphFilename(s3))) self.assertTrue(saver_module.checkpoint_exists(s2)) self.assertTrue( saver_module.checkpoint_exists(save._MetaGraphFilename(s2))) self.assertTrue(saver_module.checkpoint_exists(s1)) self.assertTrue( saver_module.checkpoint_exists(save._MetaGraphFilename(s1))) self.assertCheckpointState( model_checkpoint_path=s1, all_model_checkpoint_paths=[s2, s1], save_dir=save_dir) # Exercise the third helper. # Adding s2 again (but helper is unaware of previous s2) s2 = save3.save(sess, os.path.join(save_dir, "s2")) self.assertEqual([s2], save3.last_checkpoints) # Created by the first helper. self.assertTrue(saver_module.checkpoint_exists(s1)) self.assertTrue( saver_module.checkpoint_exists(save._MetaGraphFilename(s1))) # Deleted by the first helper. self.assertFalse(saver_module.checkpoint_exists(s3)) self.assertFalse( saver_module.checkpoint_exists(save._MetaGraphFilename(s3))) self.assertTrue(saver_module.checkpoint_exists(s2)) self.assertTrue( saver_module.checkpoint_exists(save._MetaGraphFilename(s2))) # Even though the file for s1 exists, this saver isn't aware of it, which # is why it doesn't end up in the checkpoint state. self.assertCheckpointState( model_checkpoint_path=s2, all_model_checkpoint_paths=[s2], save_dir=save_dir) # Adding s1 (s3 should not be deleted because helper is unaware of it) s1 = save3.save(sess, os.path.join(save_dir, "s1")) self.assertEqual([s2, s1], save3.last_checkpoints) self.assertFalse(saver_module.checkpoint_exists(s3)) self.assertFalse( saver_module.checkpoint_exists(save._MetaGraphFilename(s3))) self.assertTrue(saver_module.checkpoint_exists(s2)) self.assertTrue( saver_module.checkpoint_exists(save._MetaGraphFilename(s2))) self.assertTrue(saver_module.checkpoint_exists(s1)) self.assertTrue( saver_module.checkpoint_exists(save._MetaGraphFilename(s1))) self.assertCheckpointState( model_checkpoint_path=s1, all_model_checkpoint_paths=[s2, s1], save_dir=save_dir) def testSharded(self): save_dir = self._get_test_dir("max_to_keep_sharded") with session.Session( target="", config=config_pb2.ConfigProto(device_count={"CPU": 2})) as sess: with sess.graph.device("/cpu:0"): v0 = variables.Variable(111, name="v0") with sess.graph.device("/cpu:1"): v1 = variables.Variable(222, name="v1") save = saver_module.Saver( { "v0": v0, "v1": v1 }, sharded=True, max_to_keep=2) variables.global_variables_initializer().run() self.assertEqual([], save.last_checkpoints) s1 = save.save(sess, os.path.join(save_dir, "s1")) self.assertEqual([s1], save.last_checkpoints) if save._write_version is saver_pb2.SaverDef.V1: self.assertEqual(2, len(gfile.Glob(s1))) else: self.assertEqual(4, len(gfile.Glob(s1 + "*"))) self.assertTrue(gfile.Exists(save._MetaGraphFilename(s1))) s2 = save.save(sess, os.path.join(save_dir, "s2")) self.assertEqual([s1, s2], save.last_checkpoints) if save._write_version is saver_pb2.SaverDef.V1: self.assertEqual(2, len(gfile.Glob(s1))) else: self.assertEqual(4, len(gfile.Glob(s1 + "*"))) self.assertTrue(gfile.Exists(save._MetaGraphFilename(s1))) if save._write_version is saver_pb2.SaverDef.V1: self.assertEqual(2, len(gfile.Glob(s2))) else: self.assertEqual(4, len(gfile.Glob(s2 + "*"))) self.assertTrue(gfile.Exists(save._MetaGraphFilename(s2))) s3 = save.save(sess, os.path.join(save_dir, "s3")) self.assertEqual([s2, s3], save.last_checkpoints) self.assertEqual(0, len(gfile.Glob(s1 + "*"))) self.assertFalse(gfile.Exists(save._MetaGraphFilename(s1))) if save._write_version is saver_pb2.SaverDef.V1: self.assertEqual(2, len(gfile.Glob(s2))) else: self.assertEqual(4, len(gfile.Glob(s2 + "*"))) self.assertTrue(gfile.Exists(save._MetaGraphFilename(s2))) if save._write_version is saver_pb2.SaverDef.V1: self.assertEqual(2, len(gfile.Glob(s3))) else: self.assertEqual(4, len(gfile.Glob(s3 + "*"))) self.assertTrue(gfile.Exists(save._MetaGraphFilename(s3))) def testNoMaxToKeep(self): save_dir = self._get_test_dir("no_max_to_keep") save_dir2 = self._get_test_dir("max_to_keep_0") with self.test_session() as sess: v = variables.Variable(10.0, name="v") variables.global_variables_initializer().run() # Test max_to_keep being None. save = saver_module.Saver({"v": v}, max_to_keep=None) self.assertEqual([], save.last_checkpoints) s1 = save.save(sess, os.path.join(save_dir, "s1")) self.assertEqual([], save.last_checkpoints) self.assertTrue(saver_module.checkpoint_exists(s1)) s2 = save.save(sess, os.path.join(save_dir, "s2")) self.assertEqual([], save.last_checkpoints) self.assertTrue(saver_module.checkpoint_exists(s2)) # Test max_to_keep being 0. save2 = saver_module.Saver({"v": v}, max_to_keep=0) self.assertEqual([], save2.last_checkpoints) s1 = save2.save(sess, os.path.join(save_dir2, "s1")) self.assertEqual([], save2.last_checkpoints) self.assertTrue(saver_module.checkpoint_exists(s1)) s2 = save2.save(sess, os.path.join(save_dir2, "s2")) self.assertEqual([], save2.last_checkpoints) self.assertTrue(saver_module.checkpoint_exists(s2)) def testNoMetaGraph(self): save_dir = self._get_test_dir("no_meta_graph") with self.test_session() as sess: v = variables.Variable(10.0, name="v") save = saver_module.Saver({"v": v}) variables.global_variables_initializer().run() s1 = save.save(sess, os.path.join(save_dir, "s1"), write_meta_graph=False) self.assertTrue(saver_module.checkpoint_exists(s1)) self.assertFalse(gfile.Exists(save._MetaGraphFilename(s1))) @test_util.with_c_api class KeepCheckpointEveryNHoursTest(test.TestCase): def _get_test_dir(self, dirname): test_dir = os.path.join(self.get_temp_dir(), dirname) gfile.MakeDirs(test_dir) return test_dir @test_util.run_in_graph_and_eager_modes() @test.mock.patch.object(saver_module, "time") def testNonSharded(self, mock_time): save_dir = self._get_test_dir("keep_checkpoint_every_n_hours") with self.test_session() as sess: v = variable_scope.variable([10.0], name="v") # Run the initializer NOW to avoid the 0.5s overhead of the first Run() # call, which throws the test timing off in fastbuild mode. self.evaluate(variables.global_variables_initializer()) # Create a saver that will keep the last 2 checkpoints plus one every 0.7 # seconds. start_time = time.time() mock_time.time.return_value = start_time save = saver_module.Saver( { "v": v }, max_to_keep=2, keep_checkpoint_every_n_hours=0.7 / 3600) self.assertEqual([], save.last_checkpoints) # Wait till 1 seconds have elapsed so s1 will be old enough to keep. # sleep may return early, don't trust it. mock_time.time.return_value = start_time + 1.0 s1 = save.save(sess, os.path.join(save_dir, "s1")) self.assertEqual([s1], save.last_checkpoints) s2 = save.save(sess, os.path.join(save_dir, "s2")) self.assertEqual([s1, s2], save.last_checkpoints) # We now have 2 'last_checkpoints': [s1, s2]. The next call to Save(), # would normally delete s1, because max_to_keep is 2. However, s1 is # older than 0.7s so we must keep it. s3 = save.save(sess, os.path.join(save_dir, "s3")) self.assertEqual([s2, s3], save.last_checkpoints) # s1 should still be here, we are Not checking now to reduce time # variance in the test. # We now have 2 'last_checkpoints': [s2, s3], and s1 on disk. The next # call to Save(), will delete s2, because max_to_keep is 2, and because # we already kept the old s1. s2 is very close in time to s1 so it gets # deleted. s4 = save.save(sess, os.path.join(save_dir, "s4")) self.assertEqual([s3, s4], save.last_checkpoints) # Check that s1 is still here, but s2 is gone. self.assertTrue(saver_module.checkpoint_exists(s1)) self.assertFalse(saver_module.checkpoint_exists(s2)) self.assertTrue(saver_module.checkpoint_exists(s3)) self.assertTrue(saver_module.checkpoint_exists(s4)) @test_util.with_c_api class SaveRestoreWithVariableNameMap(test.TestCase): def _testNonReshape(self, variable_op): save_path = os.path.join(self.get_temp_dir(), "non_reshape") with self.test_session(graph=ops_lib.Graph()) as sess: # Build a graph with 2 parameter nodes, and Save and # Restore nodes for them. v0 = variable_op(10.0, name="v0") v1 = variable_op(20.0, name="v1") save = saver_module.Saver({"save_prefix/v0": v0, "save_prefix/v1": v1}) self.evaluate(variables.global_variables_initializer()) # Check that the parameter nodes have been initialized. self.assertEqual(10.0, self.evaluate(v0)) self.assertEqual(20.0, self.evaluate(v1)) # Save the initialized values in the file at "save_path" # Use a variable name map to set the saved tensor names val = save.save(sess, save_path) self.assertTrue(isinstance(val, six.string_types)) self.assertEqual(save_path, val) # Verify that the original names are not in the Saved file save = saver_module.Saver({"v0": v0, "v1": v1}) with self.assertRaisesOpError("not found in checkpoint"): save.restore(sess, save_path) # Verify that the mapped names are present in the Saved file and can be # Restored using remapped names. with self.test_session(graph=ops_lib.Graph()) as sess: v0 = variable_op(-1.0, name="v0") v1 = variable_op(-1.0, name="v1") if not context.executing_eagerly(): with self.assertRaisesOpError("uninitialized"): self.evaluate(v0) with self.assertRaisesOpError("uninitialized"): self.evaluate(v1) save = saver_module.Saver({"save_prefix/v0": v0, "save_prefix/v1": v1}) save.restore(sess, save_path) # Check that the parameter nodes have been restored. if not context.executing_eagerly(): self.assertEqual(10.0, self.evaluate(v0)) self.assertEqual(20.0, self.evaluate(v1)) # Add a prefix to the node names in the current graph and Restore using # remapped names. with self.test_session(graph=ops_lib.Graph()) as sess: v0 = variable_op(-1.0, name="restore_prefix/v0") v1 = variable_op(-1.0, name="restore_prefix/v1") if not context.executing_eagerly(): with self.assertRaisesOpError("uninitialized"): self.evaluate(v0) with self.assertRaisesOpError("uninitialized"): self.evaluate(v1) # Restore the saved values in the parameter nodes. save = saver_module.Saver({"save_prefix/v0": v0, "save_prefix/v1": v1}) save.restore(sess, save_path) # Check that the parameter nodes have been restored. self.assertEqual(10.0, self.evaluate(v0)) self.assertEqual(20.0, self.evaluate(v1)) @test_util.run_in_graph_and_eager_modes() def testNonReshapeResourceVariable(self): self._testNonReshape(resource_variable_ops.ResourceVariable) def testNonReshapeVariable(self): self._testNonReshape(variables.Variable) @test_util.with_c_api class LatestCheckpointWithRelativePaths(test.TestCase): @staticmethod @contextlib.contextmanager def tempWorkingDir(temppath): cwd = os.getcwd() os.chdir(temppath) try: yield finally: os.chdir(cwd) @staticmethod @contextlib.contextmanager def tempDir(): tempdir = tempfile.mkdtemp() try: yield tempdir finally: shutil.rmtree(tempdir) def testNameCollision(self): # Make sure we have a clean directory to work in. with self.tempDir() as tempdir: # Jump to that directory until this test is done. with self.tempWorkingDir(tempdir): # Save training snapshots to a relative path. traindir = "train/" os.mkdir(traindir) # Collides with the default name of the checkpoint state file. filepath = os.path.join(traindir, "checkpoint") with self.test_session() as sess: unused_a = variables.Variable(0.0) # So that Saver saves something. variables.global_variables_initializer().run() # Should fail. saver = saver_module.Saver(sharded=False) with self.assertRaisesRegexp(ValueError, "collides with"): saver.save(sess, filepath) # Succeeds: the file will be named "checkpoint-<step>". saver.save(sess, filepath, global_step=1) self.assertIsNotNone(saver_module.latest_checkpoint(traindir)) # Succeeds: the file will be named "checkpoint-<i>-of-<n>". saver = saver_module.Saver(sharded=True) saver.save(sess, filepath) self.assertIsNotNone(saver_module.latest_checkpoint(traindir)) # Succeeds: the file will be named "checkpoint-<step>-<i>-of-<n>". saver = saver_module.Saver(sharded=True) saver.save(sess, filepath, global_step=1) self.assertIsNotNone(saver_module.latest_checkpoint(traindir)) def testRelativePath(self): # Make sure we have a clean directory to work in. with self.tempDir() as tempdir: # Jump to that directory until this test is done. with self.tempWorkingDir(tempdir): # Save training snapshots to a relative path. traindir = "train/" os.mkdir(traindir) filename = "snapshot" filepath = os.path.join(traindir, filename) with self.test_session() as sess: # Build a simple graph. v0 = variables.Variable(0.0) inc = v0.assign_add(1.0) save = saver_module.Saver({"v0": v0}) # Record a short training history. variables.global_variables_initializer().run() save.save(sess, filepath, global_step=0) inc.eval() save.save(sess, filepath, global_step=1) inc.eval() save.save(sess, filepath, global_step=2) with self.test_session() as sess: # Build a new graph with different initialization. v0 = variables.Variable(-1.0) # Create a new saver. save = saver_module.Saver({"v0": v0}) variables.global_variables_initializer().run() # Get the most recent checkpoint name from the training history file. name = saver_module.latest_checkpoint(traindir) self.assertIsNotNone(name) # Restore "v0" from that checkpoint. save.restore(sess, name) self.assertEqual(v0.eval(), 2.0) @test_util.with_c_api class CheckpointStateTest(test.TestCase): def _get_test_dir(self, dirname): test_dir = os.path.join(self.get_temp_dir(), dirname) gfile.MakeDirs(test_dir) return test_dir def testAbsPath(self): save_dir = self._get_test_dir("abs_paths") abs_path = os.path.join(save_dir, "model-0") ckpt = saver_module.generate_checkpoint_state_proto(save_dir, abs_path) self.assertEqual(ckpt.model_checkpoint_path, abs_path) self.assertTrue(os.path.isabs(ckpt.model_checkpoint_path)) self.assertEqual(len(ckpt.all_model_checkpoint_paths), 1) self.assertEqual(ckpt.all_model_checkpoint_paths[-1], abs_path) def testRelPath(self): train_dir = "train" model = os.path.join(train_dir, "model-0") # model_checkpoint_path should have no "train" directory part. new_rel_path = "model-0" ckpt = saver_module.generate_checkpoint_state_proto(train_dir, model) self.assertEqual(ckpt.model_checkpoint_path, new_rel_path) self.assertEqual(len(ckpt.all_model_checkpoint_paths), 1) self.assertEqual(ckpt.all_model_checkpoint_paths[-1], new_rel_path) def testAllModelCheckpointPaths(self): save_dir = self._get_test_dir("all_models_test") abs_path = os.path.join(save_dir, "model-0") for paths in [None, [], ["model-2"]]: ckpt = saver_module.generate_checkpoint_state_proto( save_dir, abs_path, all_model_checkpoint_paths=paths) self.assertEqual(ckpt.model_checkpoint_path, abs_path) self.assertTrue(os.path.isabs(ckpt.model_checkpoint_path)) self.assertEqual( len(ckpt.all_model_checkpoint_paths), len(paths) if paths else 1) self.assertEqual(ckpt.all_model_checkpoint_paths[-1], abs_path) def testUpdateCheckpointState(self): save_dir = self._get_test_dir("update_checkpoint_state") os.chdir(save_dir) # Make a temporary train directory. train_dir = "train" os.mkdir(train_dir) abs_path = os.path.join(save_dir, "model-0") rel_path = os.path.join("train", "model-2") saver_module.update_checkpoint_state( train_dir, rel_path, all_model_checkpoint_paths=[abs_path, rel_path]) ckpt = saver_module.get_checkpoint_state(train_dir) self.assertEqual(ckpt.model_checkpoint_path, rel_path) self.assertEqual(len(ckpt.all_model_checkpoint_paths), 2) self.assertEqual(ckpt.all_model_checkpoint_paths[-1], rel_path) self.assertEqual(ckpt.all_model_checkpoint_paths[0], abs_path) def testUpdateCheckpointStateSaveRelativePaths(self): save_dir = self._get_test_dir("update_checkpoint_state") os.chdir(save_dir) abs_path2 = os.path.join(save_dir, "model-2") rel_path2 = "model-2" abs_path0 = os.path.join(save_dir, "model-0") rel_path0 = "model-0" saver_module._update_checkpoint_state( # pylint: disable=protected-access save_dir=save_dir, model_checkpoint_path=abs_path2, all_model_checkpoint_paths=[rel_path0, abs_path2], save_relative_paths=True) # File should contain relative paths. file_content = file_io.read_file_to_string( os.path.join(save_dir, "checkpoint")) ckpt = CheckpointState() text_format.Merge(file_content, ckpt) self.assertEqual(ckpt.model_checkpoint_path, rel_path2) self.assertEqual(len(ckpt.all_model_checkpoint_paths), 2) self.assertEqual(ckpt.all_model_checkpoint_paths[-1], rel_path2) self.assertEqual(ckpt.all_model_checkpoint_paths[0], rel_path0) # get_checkpoint_state should return absolute paths. ckpt = saver_module.get_checkpoint_state(save_dir) self.assertEqual(ckpt.model_checkpoint_path, abs_path2) self.assertEqual(len(ckpt.all_model_checkpoint_paths), 2) self.assertEqual(ckpt.all_model_checkpoint_paths[-1], abs_path2) self.assertEqual(ckpt.all_model_checkpoint_paths[0], abs_path0) def testCheckPointStateFailsWhenIncomplete(self): save_dir = self._get_test_dir("checkpoint_state_fails_when_incomplete") os.chdir(save_dir) ckpt_path = os.path.join(save_dir, "checkpoint") ckpt_file = open(ckpt_path, "w") ckpt_file.write("") ckpt_file.close() with self.assertRaises(ValueError): saver_module.get_checkpoint_state(save_dir) def testCheckPointCompletesRelativePaths(self): save_dir = self._get_test_dir("checkpoint_completes_relative_paths") os.chdir(save_dir) ckpt_path = os.path.join(save_dir, "checkpoint") ckpt_file = open(ckpt_path, "w") ckpt_file.write(""" model_checkpoint_path: "./model.ckpt-687529" all_model_checkpoint_paths: "./model.ckpt-687500" all_model_checkpoint_paths: "./model.ckpt-687529" """) ckpt_file.close() ckpt = saver_module.get_checkpoint_state(save_dir) self.assertEqual(ckpt.model_checkpoint_path, os.path.join(save_dir, "./model.ckpt-687529")) self.assertEqual(ckpt.all_model_checkpoint_paths[0], os.path.join(save_dir, "./model.ckpt-687500")) self.assertEqual(ckpt.all_model_checkpoint_paths[1], os.path.join(save_dir, "./model.ckpt-687529")) @test_util.with_c_api class MetaGraphTest(test.TestCase): def _get_test_dir(self, dirname): test_dir = os.path.join(self.get_temp_dir(), dirname) gfile.MakeDirs(test_dir) return test_dir def testAddCollectionDef(self): test_dir = self._get_test_dir("good_collection") filename = os.path.join(test_dir, "metafile") with self.test_session(): # Creates a graph. v0 = variables.Variable(1.0, name="v0") control_flow_ops.cond( math_ops.less(v0, 10), lambda: math_ops.add(v0, 1), lambda: math_ops.subtract(v0, 1)) control_flow_ops.while_loop(lambda i: math_ops.less(i, 10), lambda i: math_ops.add(i, 1), [v0]) var = variables.Variable(constant_op.constant(0, dtype=dtypes.int64)) count_up_to = var.count_up_to(3) input_queue = data_flow_ops.FIFOQueue( 30, dtypes.float32, shared_name="collection_queue") qr = queue_runner_impl.QueueRunner(input_queue, [count_up_to]) variables.global_variables_initializer() # Creates a saver. save = saver_module.Saver({"v0": v0}) # Adds a set of collections. ops_lib.add_to_collection("int_collection", 3) ops_lib.add_to_collection("float_collection", 3.5) ops_lib.add_to_collection("string_collection", "hello") ops_lib.add_to_collection("variable_collection", v0) # Add QueueRunners. queue_runner_impl.add_queue_runner(qr) # Adds user_defined proto in three formats: string, bytes and Any. queue_runner = queue_runner_pb2.QueueRunnerDef(queue_name="test_queue") ops_lib.add_to_collection("user_defined_string_collection", str(queue_runner)) ops_lib.add_to_collection("user_defined_bytes_collection", queue_runner.SerializeToString()) any_buf = Any() any_buf.Pack(queue_runner) ops_lib.add_to_collection("user_defined_any_collection", any_buf) # Generates MetaGraphDef. meta_graph_def = save.export_meta_graph(filename) self.assertTrue(meta_graph_def.HasField("saver_def")) self.assertTrue(meta_graph_def.HasField("graph_def")) self.assertTrue(meta_graph_def.HasField("meta_info_def")) self.assertNotEqual(meta_graph_def.meta_info_def.tensorflow_version, "") self.assertNotEqual(meta_graph_def.meta_info_def.tensorflow_git_version, "") collection_def = meta_graph_def.collection_def self.assertEqual(len(collection_def), 12) with ops_lib.Graph().as_default(): # Restores from MetaGraphDef. new_saver = saver_module.import_meta_graph(filename) # Generates a new MetaGraphDef. new_meta_graph_def = new_saver.export_meta_graph() # It should be the same as the original. test_util.assert_meta_graph_protos_equal( self, meta_graph_def, new_meta_graph_def) def testAddCollectionDefFails(self): with self.test_session(): # Creates a graph. v0 = variables.Variable(10.0, name="v0") # Creates a saver. save = saver_module.Saver({"v0": v0}) # Generates MetaGraphDef. meta_graph_def = meta_graph_pb2.MetaGraphDef() # Verifies that collection with unsupported key will not be added. ops_lib.add_to_collection(save, 3) save._add_collection_def(meta_graph_def, save) self.assertEqual(len(meta_graph_def.collection_def), 0) # Verifies that collection where item type does not match expected # type will not be added. ops_lib.add_to_collection("int_collection", 3) ops_lib.add_to_collection("int_collection", 3.5) save._add_collection_def(meta_graph_def, "int_collection") self.assertEqual(len(meta_graph_def.collection_def), 0) def _testMultiSaverCollectionSave(self, test_dir): filename = os.path.join(test_dir, "metafile") saver0_ckpt = os.path.join(test_dir, "saver0.ckpt") saver1_ckpt = os.path.join(test_dir, "saver1.ckpt") with self.test_session(graph=ops_lib.Graph()) as sess: # Creates a graph. v0 = variables.Variable([[1.0, 2.0], [3.0, 4.0], [5.0, 6.0]], name="v0") v1 = variables.Variable(11.0, name="v1") # Creates 2 savers. saver0 = saver_module.Saver({"v0": v0}, name="saver0") saver1 = saver_module.Saver({"v1": v1}, name="saver1") ops_lib.add_to_collection("savers", saver0) ops_lib.add_to_collection("savers", saver1) variables.global_variables_initializer().run() # Saves to different checkpoints. saver0.save(sess, saver0_ckpt) saver1.save(sess, saver1_ckpt) # Generates MetaGraphDef. meta_graph_def = saver_module.export_meta_graph(filename) meta_graph_def0 = saver0.export_meta_graph() meta_graph_def1 = saver1.export_meta_graph() # Verifies that there is no saver_def in meta_graph_def. self.assertFalse(meta_graph_def.HasField("saver_def")) # Verifies that there is saver_def in meta_graph_def0 and 1. self.assertTrue(meta_graph_def0.HasField("saver_def")) self.assertTrue(meta_graph_def1.HasField("saver_def")) # Verifies SAVERS is saved as bytes_list for meta_graph_def. collection_def = meta_graph_def.collection_def["savers"] kind = collection_def.WhichOneof("kind") self.assertEqual(kind, "bytes_list") # Verifies that there are 2 entries in SAVERS collection. savers = getattr(collection_def, kind) self.assertEqual(2, len(savers.value)) # Verifies SAVERS collection is saved as bytes_list for meta_graph_def0. collection_def = meta_graph_def0.collection_def["savers"] kind = collection_def.WhichOneof("kind") self.assertEqual(kind, "bytes_list") # Verifies that there are 2 entries in SAVERS collection. savers = getattr(collection_def, kind) self.assertEqual(2, len(savers.value)) def _testMultiSaverCollectionRestore(self, test_dir): filename = os.path.join(test_dir, "metafile") saver0_ckpt = os.path.join(test_dir, "saver0.ckpt") saver1_ckpt = os.path.join(test_dir, "saver1.ckpt") with self.test_session(graph=ops_lib.Graph()) as sess: # Imports from meta_graph. saver_module.import_meta_graph(filename) # Retrieves SAVERS collection. Verifies there are 2 entries. savers = ops_lib.get_collection("savers") self.assertEqual(2, len(savers)) # Retrieves saver0. Verifies that new_saver0 can restore v0, but not v1. new_saver0 = savers[0] new_saver0.restore(sess, saver0_ckpt) v0 = sess.graph.get_tensor_by_name("v0:0") v1 = sess.graph.get_tensor_by_name("v1:0") self.assertAllEqual([[1.0, 2.0], [3.0, 4.0], [5.0, 6.0]], v0.eval()) self.assertEqual([3, 2], v0.get_shape()) self.assertEqual([], v1.get_shape()) with self.assertRaisesWithPredicateMatch( errors_impl.OpError, lambda e: "uninitialized value v1" in e.message): sess.run(v1) # Retrieves saver1. Verifies that new_saver1 can restore v1. new_saver1 = savers[1] new_saver1.restore(sess, saver1_ckpt) v1 = sess.graph.get_tensor_by_name("v1:0") self.assertEqual(11.0, v1.eval()) def testMultiSaverCollection(self): test_dir = self._get_test_dir("saver_collection") self._testMultiSaverCollectionSave(test_dir) self._testMultiSaverCollectionRestore(test_dir) def testClearExtraneousSavers(self): test_dir = self._get_test_dir("clear_extraneous_savers") filename = os.path.join(test_dir, "metafile") saver0_ckpt = os.path.join(test_dir, "saver0.ckpt") saver1_ckpt = os.path.join(test_dir, "saver1.ckpt") with self.test_session(graph=ops_lib.Graph()) as sess: # Creates a graph. v0 = variables.Variable([[1.0, 2.0], [3.0, 4.0], [5.0, 6.0]], name="v0") v1 = variables.Variable(11.0, name="v1") # Creates 2 savers. saver0 = saver_module.Saver({"v0": v0}, name="saver0") saver1 = saver_module.Saver({"v1": v1}, name="saver1") ops_lib.add_to_collection("savers", saver0) ops_lib.add_to_collection("savers", saver1) variables.global_variables_initializer().run() # Saves to different checkpoints. saver0.save(sess, saver0_ckpt) saver1.save(sess, saver1_ckpt) # Generates MetaGraphDef. meta_graph_def = saver_module.export_meta_graph(filename) meta_graph_def0 = saver0.export_meta_graph() meta_graph_def1 = saver1.export_meta_graph(clear_extraneous_savers=True) # Verifies that there is no saver_def in meta_graph_def. self.assertFalse(meta_graph_def.HasField("saver_def")) # Verifies that there is saver_def in meta_graph_def0 and 1. self.assertTrue(meta_graph_def0.HasField("saver_def")) self.assertTrue(meta_graph_def1.HasField("saver_def")) # Verifies SAVERS is saved as bytes_list for meta_graph_def. collection_def = meta_graph_def.collection_def["savers"] kind = collection_def.WhichOneof("kind") self.assertEqual(kind, "bytes_list") # Verifies that there are 2 entries in SAVERS collection. savers = getattr(collection_def, kind) self.assertEqual(2, len(savers.value)) # Verifies SAVERS collection is saved as bytes_list for meta_graph_def1. collection_def = meta_graph_def1.collection_def["savers"] kind = collection_def.WhichOneof("kind") self.assertEqual(kind, "bytes_list") # Verifies that there is 1 entry in SAVERS collection. savers = getattr(collection_def, kind) self.assertEqual(1, len(savers.value)) # Verifies that saver0 graph nodes are omitted from the saver1 export self.assertEqual(29, len(meta_graph_def0.graph_def.node)) self.assertEqual(19, len(meta_graph_def1.graph_def.node)) def testBinaryAndTextFormat(self): test_dir = self._get_test_dir("binary_and_text") filename = os.path.join(test_dir, "metafile") with self.test_session(graph=ops_lib.Graph()): # Creates a graph. variables.Variable(10.0, name="v0") # Exports the graph as binary format. saver_module.export_meta_graph(filename, as_text=False) with self.test_session(graph=ops_lib.Graph()): # Imports the binary format graph. saver = saver_module.import_meta_graph(filename) self.assertIsNotNone(saver) # Exports the graph as text format. saver.export_meta_graph(filename, as_text=True) with self.test_session(graph=ops_lib.Graph()): # Imports the text format graph. saver_module.import_meta_graph(filename) # Writes wrong contents to the file. graph_io.write_graph(saver.as_saver_def(), os.path.dirname(filename), os.path.basename(filename)) with self.test_session(graph=ops_lib.Graph()): # Import should fail. with self.assertRaisesWithPredicateMatch(IOError, lambda e: "Cannot parse file"): saver_module.import_meta_graph(filename) # Deletes the file gfile.Remove(filename) with self.assertRaisesWithPredicateMatch(IOError, lambda e: "does not exist"): saver_module.import_meta_graph(filename) def testSliceVariable(self): test_dir = self._get_test_dir("slice_saver") filename = os.path.join(test_dir, "metafile") with self.test_session(): v1 = variables.Variable([20.0], name="v1") v2 = variables.Variable([20.0], name="v2") v2._set_save_slice_info( variables.Variable.SaveSliceInfo("v1", [1], [0], [1])) # The names are different and will work. slice_saver = saver_module.Saver({"first": v1, "second": v2}) variables.global_variables_initializer().run() # Exports to meta_graph meta_graph_def = slice_saver.export_meta_graph(filename) with ops_lib.Graph().as_default(): # Restores from MetaGraphDef. new_saver = saver_module.import_meta_graph(filename) self.assertIsNotNone(new_saver) # Generates a new MetaGraphDef. new_meta_graph_def = new_saver.export_meta_graph() # It should be the same as the original. test_util.assert_meta_graph_protos_equal(self, meta_graph_def, new_meta_graph_def) def _testGraphExtensionSave(self, test_dir): filename = os.path.join(test_dir, "metafile") saver0_ckpt = os.path.join(test_dir, "saver0.ckpt") # Creates an inference graph. # Hidden 1 images = constant_op.constant(1.2, dtypes.float32, shape=[100, 28]) with ops_lib.name_scope("hidden1"): weights = variables.Variable( random_ops.truncated_normal( [28, 128], stddev=1.0 / math.sqrt(float(28))), name="weights") # The use of control_flow_ops.cond here is purely for adding test coverage # the save and restore of control flow context (which doesn't make any # sense here from a machine learning perspective). The typical biases is # a simple Variable without the conditions. biases = variables.Variable( control_flow_ops.cond( math_ops.less(random.random(), 0.5), lambda: array_ops.ones([128]), lambda: array_ops.zeros([128])), name="biases") hidden1 = nn_ops.relu(math_ops.matmul(images, weights) + biases) # Hidden 2 with ops_lib.name_scope("hidden2"): weights = variables.Variable( random_ops.truncated_normal( [128, 32], stddev=1.0 / math.sqrt(float(128))), name="weights") # The use of control_flow_ops.while_loop here is purely for adding test # coverage the save and restore of control flow context (which doesn't # make any sense here from a machine learning perspective). The typical # biases is a simple Variable without the conditions. def loop_cond(it, _): return it < 2 def loop_body(it, biases): biases += constant_op.constant(0.1, shape=[32]) return it + 1, biases _, biases = control_flow_ops.while_loop( loop_cond, loop_body, [constant_op.constant(0), variables.Variable(array_ops.zeros([32]))]) hidden2 = nn_ops.relu(math_ops.matmul(hidden1, weights) + biases) # Linear with ops_lib.name_scope("softmax_linear"): weights = variables.Variable( random_ops.truncated_normal( [32, 10], stddev=1.0 / math.sqrt(float(32))), name="weights") biases = variables.Variable(array_ops.zeros([10]), name="biases") logits = math_ops.matmul(hidden2, weights) + biases ops_lib.add_to_collection("logits", logits) init_all_op = variables.global_variables_initializer() with self.test_session() as sess: # Initializes all the variables. sess.run(init_all_op) # Runs to logit. sess.run(logits) # Creates a saver. saver0 = saver_module.Saver() saver0.save(sess, saver0_ckpt) # Generates MetaGraphDef. saver0.export_meta_graph(filename) def _testGraphExtensionRestore(self, test_dir): filename = os.path.join(test_dir, "metafile") train_filename = os.path.join(test_dir, "train_metafile") saver0_ckpt = os.path.join(test_dir, "saver0.ckpt") with self.test_session(graph=ops_lib.Graph()) as sess: # Restores from MetaGraphDef. new_saver = saver_module.import_meta_graph(filename) # Generates a new MetaGraphDef. new_saver.export_meta_graph() # Restores from checkpoint. new_saver.restore(sess, saver0_ckpt) # Adds loss and train. labels = constant_op.constant(0, dtypes.int32, shape=[100], name="labels") batch_size = array_ops.size(labels) labels = array_ops.expand_dims(labels, 1) indices = array_ops.expand_dims(math_ops.range(0, batch_size), 1) concated = array_ops.concat([indices, labels], 1) onehot_labels = sparse_ops.sparse_to_dense( concated, array_ops.stack([batch_size, 10]), 1.0, 0.0) logits = ops_lib.get_collection("logits")[0] cross_entropy = nn_ops.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits( labels=onehot_labels, logits=logits, name="xentropy") loss = math_ops.reduce_mean(cross_entropy, name="xentropy_mean") summary.scalar("loss", loss) # Creates the gradient descent optimizer with the given learning rate. optimizer = gradient_descent.GradientDescentOptimizer(0.01) # Runs train_op. train_op = optimizer.minimize(loss) ops_lib.add_to_collection("train_op", train_op) # Runs train_op. sess.run(train_op) # Generates MetaGraphDef. saver_module.export_meta_graph(train_filename) def _testRestoreFromTrainGraphWithControlContext(self, test_dir): train_filename = os.path.join(test_dir, "train_metafile") saver0_ckpt = os.path.join(test_dir, "saver0.ckpt") with self.test_session(graph=ops_lib.Graph()) as sess: # Restores from MetaGraphDef. new_saver = saver_module.import_meta_graph(train_filename) # Restores from checkpoint. new_saver.restore(sess, saver0_ckpt) train_op = ops_lib.get_collection("train_op")[0] sess.run(train_op) def testGraphExtension(self): test_dir = self._get_test_dir("graph_extension") self._testGraphExtensionSave(test_dir) self._testGraphExtensionRestore(test_dir) self._testRestoreFromTrainGraphWithControlContext(test_dir) def _testGradientSerDes(self, graph_fn): """Tests that gradients can be computed after exporting and importing. Builds a graph, exports it, and verifies that it can be imported and the gradient can be built and run correctly. Args: graph_fn: takes a single float Tensor argument as input, outputs a single Tensor """ test_dir = self._get_test_dir("nested_control_flow") filename = os.path.join(test_dir, "metafile") saver_ckpt = os.path.join(test_dir, "saver.ckpt") # Create while loop using `outer_body_fn`. with ops_lib.Graph().as_default(): var = variables.Variable(0.0) var_name = var.name output = graph_fn(var) output_name = output.name init_op = variables.global_variables_initializer() # Generate a MetaGraphDef containing the while loop. with session.Session() as sess: sess.run(init_op) sess.run(output) saver = saver_module.Saver() saver.save(sess, saver_ckpt) saver.export_meta_graph(filename) # Build and run the gradients of the while loop. We use this below to # verify that the gradients are correct with an imported MetaGraphDef. grad = gradients_impl.gradients([output], [var]) # Turn off constant folding to avoid breaking testNestedControlFlowSerDes. # It appears that a missing control dependency in the gradient graph # causes the fetch node to not be triggered. no_constfold_config = config_pb2.ConfigProto() no_constfold_config.graph_options.rewrite_options.constant_folding = ( rewriter_config_pb2.RewriterConfig.OFF) with session.Session(config=no_constfold_config) as sess: sess.run(init_op) expected_grad_value = sess.run(grad) # Restore the MetaGraphDef into a new Graph. with ops_lib.Graph().as_default(): with session.Session() as sess: saver = saver_module.import_meta_graph(filename) saver.restore(sess, saver_ckpt) # Make sure we can still build gradients and get the same result. var = ops_lib.get_default_graph().get_tensor_by_name(var_name) output = ops_lib.get_default_graph().get_tensor_by_name(output_name) grad = gradients_impl.gradients([output], [var]) init_op = variables.global_variables_initializer() with session.Session(config=no_constfold_config) as sess: sess.run(init_op) actual_grad_value = sess.run(grad) self.assertEqual(expected_grad_value, actual_grad_value) def _testWhileLoopAndGradientSerDes(self, outer_body_fn): # Build a while loop with `outer_body_fn`, export it, and verify that it can # be imported and the gradient can be built and run correctly. # pylint: disable=g-long-lambda return self._testGradientSerDes( lambda x: control_flow_ops.while_loop( lambda i, y: i < 5, outer_body_fn, [0, x])[1]) # pylint: enable=g-long-lambda def testNestedWhileLoopsSerDes(self): # Test two simple nested while loops. def body(i, x): _, r = control_flow_ops.while_loop(lambda j, y: j < 3, lambda j, y: (j + 1, y + x), [0, 0.0]) return i + 1, x + r self._testWhileLoopAndGradientSerDes(body) def testNestedControlFlowSerDes(self): # Test while loop in a cond in a while loop. # pylint: disable=g-long-lambda def body(i, x): cond_result = control_flow_ops.cond( i > 0, lambda: control_flow_ops.while_loop( lambda j, y: j < 3, lambda j, y: (j + 1, y + x), [0, 0.0])[1], lambda: x) return i + 1, cond_result # pylint: enable=g-long-lambda self._testWhileLoopAndGradientSerDes(body) def testNestedCondsSerDes(self): # Test conds in a cond. # pylint: disable=g-long-lambda self._testGradientSerDes(lambda x: control_flow_ops.cond( x > 0, lambda: control_flow_ops.cond(x > 3, lambda: array_ops.identity(x), lambda: math_ops.multiply(x, 2.0)), lambda: control_flow_ops.cond(x < -3, lambda: constant_op.constant(1.0), lambda: math_ops.multiply(x, -1.0)))) # pylint: enable=g-long-lambda def testStrippedOpListDef(self): with self.test_session(): # Creates a graph. v0 = variables.Variable(0.0) var = variables.Variable(10.0) math_ops.add(v0, var) @function.Defun(dtypes.float32) def minus_one(x): return x - 1 minus_one(array_ops.identity(v0)) save = saver_module.Saver({"v0": v0}) variables.global_variables_initializer() # Generates MetaGraphDef. meta_graph_def = save.export_meta_graph() ops = [o.name for o in meta_graph_def.meta_info_def.stripped_op_list.op] if save._write_version is saver_pb2.SaverDef.V1: self.assertEqual(ops, [ "Add", "Assign", "Const", "Identity", "NoOp", "RestoreV2", "SaveSlices", "Sub", "VariableV2" ]) else: self.assertEqual(ops, [ "Add", "Assign", "Const", "Identity", "NoOp", "RestoreV2", "SaveV2", "Sub", "VariableV2" ]) # Test calling stripped_op_list_for_graph directly op_list = meta_graph.stripped_op_list_for_graph(meta_graph_def.graph_def) self.assertEqual(ops, [o.name for o in op_list.op]) for o in op_list.op: self.assertEqual(o.summary, "") self.assertEqual(o.description, "") def testStripDefaultValuedAttrs(self): """Verifies that default valued attrs are stripped, unless disabled.""" # With strip_default_attrs enabled, attributes "T" (float32) and "Tout" # (complex64) in the "Complex" op must be removed. with self.test_session(): real_num = variables.Variable(1.0, dtype=dtypes.float32, name="real") imag_num = variables.Variable(2.0, dtype=dtypes.float32, name="imag") math_ops.complex(real_num, imag_num, name="complex") save = saver_module.Saver({"real_num": real_num, "imag_num": imag_num}) variables.global_variables_initializer() meta_graph_def = save.export_meta_graph(strip_default_attrs=True) node_def = test_util.get_node_def_from_graph("complex", meta_graph_def.graph_def) self.assertNotIn("T", node_def.attr) self.assertNotIn("Tout", node_def.attr) # With strip_default_attrs disabled, attributes "T" (float32) and "Tout" # (complex64) in the "Complex" op must *not* be removed, even if they map # to their defaults. with self.test_session(graph=ops_lib.Graph()): real_num = variables.Variable(1.0, dtype=dtypes.float32, name="real") imag_num = variables.Variable(2.0, dtype=dtypes.float32, name="imag") math_ops.complex(real_num, imag_num, name="complex") save = saver_module.Saver({"real_num": real_num, "imag_num": imag_num}) variables.global_variables_initializer() meta_graph_def = save.export_meta_graph(strip_default_attrs=False) node_def = test_util.get_node_def_from_graph("complex", meta_graph_def.graph_def) self.assertIn("T", node_def.attr) self.assertIn("Tout", node_def.attr) def testImportIntoNamescope(self): # Test that we can import a meta graph into a namescope. test_dir = self._get_test_dir("import_into_namescope") filename = os.path.join(test_dir, "ckpt") image = array_ops.placeholder(dtypes.float32, [None, 784], name="image") label = array_ops.placeholder(dtypes.float32, [None, 10], name="label") with session.Session() as sess: weights = variables.Variable( random_ops.random_uniform([784, 10]), name="weights") bias = variables.Variable(array_ops.zeros([10]), name="bias") logit = nn_ops.relu(math_ops.matmul(image, weights) + bias, name="logits") nn_ops.softmax(logit, name="prediction") cost = nn_ops.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(labels=label, logits=logit, name="cost") adam.AdamOptimizer().minimize(cost, name="optimize") saver = saver_module.Saver() sess.run(variables.global_variables_initializer()) saver.save(sess, filename) graph = ops_lib.Graph() with session.Session(graph=graph) as sess: new_saver = saver_module.import_meta_graph( filename + ".meta", graph=graph, import_scope="new_model") new_saver.restore(sess, filename) sess.run(["new_model/optimize"], { "new_model/image:0": np.random.random([1, 784]), "new_model/label:0": np.random.randint( 10, size=[1, 10]) }) def testImportIntoImplicitNamescope(self): # Test that we can import a meta graph into an implicit namescope. test_dir = self._get_test_dir("import_into_namescope") filename = os.path.join(test_dir, "ckpt") image = array_ops.placeholder(dtypes.float32, [None, 784], name="image") label = array_ops.placeholder(dtypes.float32, [None, 10], name="label") with session.Session() as sess: weights = variables.Variable( random_ops.random_uniform([784, 10]), name="weights") bias = variables.Variable(array_ops.zeros([10]), name="bias") logit = nn_ops.relu(math_ops.matmul(image, weights) + bias, name="logits") nn_ops.softmax(logit, name="prediction") cost = nn_ops.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(labels=label, logits=logit, name="cost") adam.AdamOptimizer().minimize(cost, name="optimize") saver = saver_module.Saver() sess.run(variables.global_variables_initializer()) saver.save(sess, filename) graph = ops_lib.Graph() with session.Session(graph=graph) as sess: with ops_lib.name_scope("new_model"): new_saver = saver_module.import_meta_graph( filename + ".meta", graph=graph) new_saver.restore(sess, filename) sess.run(["new_model/optimize"], { "new_model/image:0": np.random.random([1, 784]), "new_model/label:0": np.random.randint( 10, size=[1, 10]) }) def testClearDevicesOnImport(self): # Test that we import a graph without its devices and run successfully. with ops_lib.Graph().as_default(): with ops_lib.device("/job:ps/replica:0/task:0/device:GPU:0"): image = array_ops.placeholder(dtypes.float32, [None, 784], name="image") label = array_ops.placeholder(dtypes.float32, [None, 10], name="label") weights = variables.Variable( random_ops.random_uniform([784, 10]), name="weights") bias = variables.Variable(array_ops.zeros([10]), name="bias") logit = nn_ops.relu(math_ops.matmul(image, weights) + bias) nn_ops.softmax(logit, name="prediction") cost = nn_ops.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(labels=label, logits=logit) adam.AdamOptimizer().minimize(cost, name="optimize") meta_graph_def = saver_module.export_meta_graph() with session.Session(graph=ops_lib.Graph()) as sess: saver_module.import_meta_graph( meta_graph_def, clear_devices=False, import_scope="new_model") # Device refers to GPU, which is not available here. with self.assertRaises(errors_impl.InvalidArgumentError): sess.run(variables.global_variables_initializer()) with session.Session(graph=ops_lib.Graph()) as sess: saver_module.import_meta_graph( meta_graph_def, clear_devices=True, import_scope="new_model") sess.run(variables.global_variables_initializer()) sess.run(["new_model/optimize"], { "new_model/image:0": np.random.random([1, 784]), "new_model/label:0": np.random.randint( 10, size=[1, 10]) }) def testClearDevicesOnExport(self): # Test that we export a graph without its devices and run successfully. with ops_lib.Graph().as_default(): with ops_lib.device("/job:ps/replica:0/task:0/device:GPU:0"): image = array_ops.placeholder(dtypes.float32, [None, 784], name="image") label = array_ops.placeholder(dtypes.float32, [None, 10], name="label") weights = variables.Variable( random_ops.random_uniform([784, 10]), name="weights") bias = variables.Variable(array_ops.zeros([10]), name="bias") logit = nn_ops.relu(math_ops.matmul(image, weights) + bias) nn_ops.softmax(logit, name="prediction") cost = nn_ops.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(labels=label, logits=logit) adam.AdamOptimizer().minimize(cost, name="optimize") meta_graph_def = saver_module.export_meta_graph(clear_devices=True) graph_io.write_graph(meta_graph_def, self.get_temp_dir(), "meta_graph.pbtxt") with session.Session(graph=ops_lib.Graph()) as sess: saver_module.import_meta_graph(meta_graph_def, import_scope="new_model") sess.run(variables.global_variables_initializer()) sess.run(["new_model/optimize"], { "new_model/image:0": np.random.random([1, 784]), "new_model/label:0": np.random.randint( 10, size=[1, 10]) }) def testPreserveDatasetAndFunctions(self): with ops_lib.Graph().as_default() as g: dataset = dataset_ops.Dataset.range(10).map(lambda x: x * x) iterator = dataset.make_one_shot_iterator() next_element = iterator.get_next() _ = array_ops.identity(next_element, name="output") # Generate three MetaGraphDef protos using different code paths. meta_graph_def_simple = saver_module.export_meta_graph() meta_graph_def_devices_cleared = saver_module.export_meta_graph( clear_devices=True) meta_graph_def_from_graph_def = saver_module.export_meta_graph( clear_devices=True, graph_def=g.as_graph_def()) for meta_graph_def in [meta_graph_def_simple, meta_graph_def_devices_cleared, meta_graph_def_from_graph_def]: with session.Session(graph=ops_lib.Graph()) as sess: saver_module.import_meta_graph(meta_graph_def, import_scope="new_model") sess.run(variables.global_variables_initializer()) for i in range(10): self.assertEqual(i * i, sess.run("new_model/output:0")) with self.assertRaises(errors.OutOfRangeError): sess.run("new_model/output:0") @test_util.with_c_api class CheckpointReaderTest(test.TestCase): _WRITE_VERSION = saver_pb2.SaverDef.V1 def testDebugString(self): # Builds a graph. v0 = variables.Variable( [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]], dtype=dtypes.float32, name="v0") v1 = variables.Variable( [[[1], [2]], [[3], [4]], [[5], [6]]], dtype=dtypes.float32, name="v1") init_all_op = variables.global_variables_initializer() save = saver_module.Saver( { "v0": v0, "v1": v1 }, write_version=self._WRITE_VERSION) save_path = os.path.join(self.get_temp_dir(), "ckpt_for_debug_string" + str(self._WRITE_VERSION)) with self.test_session() as sess: sess.run(init_all_op) # Saves a checkpoint. save.save(sess, save_path) # Creates a reader. reader = pywrap_tensorflow.NewCheckpointReader(save_path) # Verifies that the tensors exist. self.assertTrue(reader.has_tensor("v0")) self.assertTrue(reader.has_tensor("v1")) debug_string = reader.debug_string() # Verifies that debug string contains the right strings. self.assertTrue(compat.as_bytes("v0 (DT_FLOAT) [2,3]") in debug_string) self.assertTrue(compat.as_bytes("v1 (DT_FLOAT) [3,2,1]") in debug_string) # Verifies get_variable_to_shape_map() returns the correct information. var_map = reader.get_variable_to_shape_map() self.assertEqual([2, 3], var_map["v0"]) self.assertEqual([3, 2, 1], var_map["v1"]) # Verifies get_tensor() returns the tensor value. v0_tensor = reader.get_tensor("v0") v1_tensor = reader.get_tensor("v1") self.assertAllEqual(v0.eval(), v0_tensor) self.assertAllEqual(v1.eval(), v1_tensor) # Verifies get_tensor() fails for non-existent tensors. with self.assertRaisesRegexp(errors.NotFoundError, "v3 not found in checkpoint"): reader.get_tensor("v3") def testNonexistentPath(self): with self.assertRaisesRegexp(errors.NotFoundError, "Unsuccessful TensorSliceReader"): pywrap_tensorflow.NewCheckpointReader("non-existent") @test_util.with_c_api class CheckpointReaderForV2Test(CheckpointReaderTest): _WRITE_VERSION = saver_pb2.SaverDef.V2 @test_util.with_c_api class WriteGraphTest(test.TestCase): def _get_test_dir(self, dirname): test_dir = os.path.join(self.get_temp_dir(), dirname) gfile.MakeDirs(test_dir) return test_dir def testWriteGraph(self): test_dir = self._get_test_dir("write_graph_dir") variables.Variable([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]], dtype=dtypes.float32, name="v0") path = graph_io.write_graph(ops_lib.get_default_graph(), os.path.join(test_dir, "l1"), "graph.pbtxt") truth = os.path.join(test_dir, "l1", "graph.pbtxt") self.assertEqual(path, truth) self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(path)) def testRecursiveCreate(self): test_dir = self._get_test_dir("deep_dir") variables.Variable([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]], dtype=dtypes.float32, name="v0") path = graph_io.write_graph(ops_lib.get_default_graph().as_graph_def(), os.path.join(test_dir, "l1", "l2", "l3"), "graph.pbtxt") truth = os.path.join(test_dir, "l1", "l2", "l3", "graph.pbtxt") self.assertEqual(path, truth) self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(path)) @test_util.with_c_api class SaverUtilsTest(test.TestCase): def setUp(self): self._base_dir = os.path.join(self.get_temp_dir(), "saver_utils_test") gfile.MakeDirs(self._base_dir) def tearDown(self): gfile.DeleteRecursively(self._base_dir) def testCheckpointExists(self): for sharded in (False, True): for version in (saver_pb2.SaverDef.V2, saver_pb2.SaverDef.V1): with self.test_session(graph=ops_lib.Graph()) as sess: unused_v = variables.Variable(1.0, name="v") variables.global_variables_initializer().run() saver = saver_module.Saver(sharded=sharded, write_version=version) path = os.path.join(self._base_dir, "%s-%s" % (sharded, version)) self.assertFalse( saver_module.checkpoint_exists(path)) # Not saved yet. ckpt_prefix = saver.save(sess, path) self.assertTrue(saver_module.checkpoint_exists(ckpt_prefix)) ckpt_prefix = saver_module.latest_checkpoint(self._base_dir) self.assertTrue(saver_module.checkpoint_exists(ckpt_prefix)) def testGetCheckpointMtimes(self): prefixes = [] for version in (saver_pb2.SaverDef.V2, saver_pb2.SaverDef.V1): with self.test_session(graph=ops_lib.Graph()) as sess: unused_v = variables.Variable(1.0, name="v") variables.global_variables_initializer().run() saver = saver_module.Saver(write_version=version) prefixes.append( saver.save(sess, os.path.join(self._base_dir, str(version)))) mtimes = saver_module.get_checkpoint_mtimes(prefixes) self.assertEqual(2, len(mtimes)) self.assertTrue(mtimes[1] >= mtimes[0]) @test_util.with_c_api class ScopedGraphTest(test.TestCase): def _get_test_dir(self, dirname): test_dir = os.path.join(self.get_temp_dir(), dirname) gfile.MakeDirs(test_dir) return test_dir def _testScopedSave(self, test_dir, exported_filename, ckpt_filename): graph = ops_lib.Graph() with graph.as_default(): # Creates an inference graph. # Hidden 1 images = constant_op.constant( 1.2, dtypes.float32, shape=[100, 28], name="images") with ops_lib.name_scope("hidden1"): weights1 = variables.Variable( random_ops.truncated_normal( [28, 128], stddev=1.0 / math.sqrt(float(28))), name="weights") # The use of control_flow_ops.cond here is purely for adding test # coverage the save and restore of control flow context (which doesn't # make any sense here from a machine learning perspective). The typical # biases is a simple Variable without the conditions. biases1 = variables.Variable( control_flow_ops.cond( math_ops.less(random.random(), 0.5), lambda: array_ops.ones([128]), lambda: array_ops.zeros([128])), name="biases") hidden1 = nn_ops.relu(math_ops.matmul(images, weights1) + biases1) # Hidden 2 with ops_lib.name_scope("hidden2"): weights2 = variables.Variable( random_ops.truncated_normal( [128, 32], stddev=1.0 / math.sqrt(float(128))), name="weights") # The use of control_flow_ops.while_loop here is purely for adding test # coverage the save and restore of control flow context (which doesn't # make any sense here from a machine learning perspective). The typical # biases is a simple Variable without the conditions. def loop_cond(it, _): return it < 2 def loop_body(it, biases2): biases2 += constant_op.constant(0.1, shape=[32]) return it + 1, biases2 _, biases2 = control_flow_ops.while_loop(loop_cond, loop_body, [ constant_op.constant(0), variables.Variable(array_ops.zeros([32])) ]) hidden2 = nn_ops.relu(math_ops.matmul(hidden1, weights2) + biases2) # Linear with ops_lib.name_scope("softmax_linear"): weights3 = variables.Variable( random_ops.truncated_normal( [32, 10], stddev=1.0 / math.sqrt(float(32))), name="weights") biases3 = variables.Variable(array_ops.zeros([10]), name="biases") logits = math_ops.matmul(hidden2, weights3) + biases3 ops_lib.add_to_collection("logits", logits) # Adds user_defined proto in three formats: string, bytes and Any. # Any proto should just pass through. queue_runner = queue_runner_pb2.QueueRunnerDef(queue_name="test_queue") ops_lib.add_to_collection("user_defined_string_collection", str(queue_runner)) ops_lib.add_to_collection("user_defined_bytes_collection", queue_runner.SerializeToString()) any_buf = Any() any_buf.Pack(queue_runner) ops_lib.add_to_collection("user_defined_any_collection", any_buf) _, var_list = meta_graph.export_scoped_meta_graph( filename=os.path.join(test_dir, exported_filename), graph=ops_lib.get_default_graph(), export_scope="hidden1") self.assertEqual(["biases:0", "weights:0"], sorted(var_list.keys())) with self.test_session(graph=graph) as sess: sess.run(variables.global_variables_initializer()) saver = saver_module.Saver(var_list=var_list, max_to_keep=1) saver.save(sess, os.path.join(test_dir, ckpt_filename), write_state=False) def _testScopedRestore(self, test_dir, exported_filename, new_exported_filename, ckpt_filename): graph = ops_lib.Graph() # Create all the missing inputs. with graph.as_default(): new_image = constant_op.constant( 1.2, dtypes.float32, shape=[100, 28], name="images") var_list = meta_graph.import_scoped_meta_graph( os.path.join(test_dir, exported_filename), graph=graph, input_map={"$unbound_inputs_images": new_image}, import_scope="new_hidden1") self.assertEqual(["biases:0", "weights:0"], sorted(var_list.keys())) hidden1 = graph.as_graph_element("new_hidden1/Relu:0") weights1 = graph.as_graph_element("new_hidden1/weights:0") biases1 = graph.as_graph_element("new_hidden1/biases:0") with graph.as_default(): # Hidden 2 with ops_lib.name_scope("hidden2"): weights = variables.Variable( random_ops.truncated_normal( [128, 32], stddev=1.0 / math.sqrt(float(128))), name="weights") # The use of control_flow_ops.while_loop here is purely for adding test # coverage the save and restore of control flow context (which doesn't # make any sense here from a machine learning perspective). The typical # biases is a simple Variable without the conditions. def loop_cond(it, _): return it < 2 def loop_body(it, biases): biases += constant_op.constant(0.1, shape=[32]) return it + 1, biases _, biases = control_flow_ops.while_loop(loop_cond, loop_body, [ constant_op.constant(0), variables.Variable(array_ops.zeros([32])) ]) hidden2 = nn_ops.relu(math_ops.matmul(hidden1, weights) + biases) # Linear with ops_lib.name_scope("softmax_linear"): weights = variables.Variable( random_ops.truncated_normal( [32, 10], stddev=1.0 / math.sqrt(float(32))), name="weights") biases = variables.Variable(array_ops.zeros([10]), name="biases") logits = math_ops.matmul(hidden2, weights) + biases ops_lib.add_to_collection("logits", logits) # The rest of the variables. rest_variables = list( set(variables.global_variables()) - set(var_list.keys())) init_rest_op = variables.variables_initializer(rest_variables) with self.test_session(graph=graph) as sess: saver = saver_module.Saver(var_list=var_list, max_to_keep=1) saver.restore(sess, os.path.join(test_dir, ckpt_filename)) # Verify that we have restored weights1 and biases1. sess.run([weights1, biases1]) # Initialize the rest of the variables and run logits. sess.run(init_rest_op) sess.run(logits) # Verifies that we can save the subgraph under "hidden1" and restore it # into "new_hidden1" in the new graph. def testScopedSaveAndRestore(self): test_dir = self._get_test_dir("scoped_export_import") ckpt_filename = "ckpt" self._testScopedSave(test_dir, "exported_hidden1.pbtxt", ckpt_filename) self._testScopedRestore(test_dir, "exported_hidden1.pbtxt", "exported_new_hidden1.pbtxt", ckpt_filename) # Verifies that we can copy the subgraph under "hidden1" and copy it # to different name scope in the same graph or different graph. def testCopyScopedGraph(self): test_dir = self._get_test_dir("scoped_copy") saver0_ckpt = os.path.join(test_dir, "saver0.ckpt") graph1 = ops_lib.Graph() with graph1.as_default(): with ops_lib.name_scope("hidden1"): images = constant_op.constant( 1.0, dtypes.float32, shape=[3, 2], name="images") weights1 = variables.Variable( [[1.0, 2.0, 3.0], [4.0, 5.0, 6.0]], name="weights") biases1 = variables.Variable([0.1] * 3, name="biases") nn_ops.relu(math_ops.matmul(images, weights1) + biases1, name="relu") # Run the graph and save scoped checkpoint. with self.test_session(graph=graph1) as sess: sess.run(variables.global_variables_initializer()) _, var_list_1 = meta_graph.export_scoped_meta_graph( export_scope="hidden1") saver = saver_module.Saver(var_list=var_list_1, max_to_keep=1) saver.save(sess, saver0_ckpt, write_state=False) expected = np.reshape([[5.0999999, 7.0999999, 9.10000038] * 3], (3, 3)) # Verifies copy to the same graph with the same name fails. with graph1.as_default(): with self.assertRaisesWithPredicateMatch( ValueError, lambda e: "need to be different" in str(e)): meta_graph.copy_scoped_meta_graph( from_scope="hidden1", to_scope="hidden1") # Verifies copy to the same graph. with graph1.as_default(): var_list_2 = meta_graph.copy_scoped_meta_graph( from_scope="hidden1", to_scope="hidden2") with self.test_session(graph=graph1) as sess: saver1 = saver_module.Saver(var_list=var_list_1, max_to_keep=1) saver1.restore(sess, saver0_ckpt) saver2 = saver_module.Saver(var_list=var_list_2, max_to_keep=1) saver2.restore(sess, saver0_ckpt) self.assertAllClose(expected, sess.run("hidden1/relu:0")) self.assertAllClose(expected, sess.run("hidden2/relu:0")) # Verifies copy to differen graph. graph2 = ops_lib.Graph() new_var_list_1 = meta_graph.copy_scoped_meta_graph( from_scope="hidden1", to_scope="new_hidden1", from_graph=graph1, to_graph=graph2) with self.test_session(graph=graph2) as sess: saver3 = saver_module.Saver(var_list=new_var_list_1, max_to_keep=1) saver3.restore(sess, saver0_ckpt) self.assertAllClose(expected, sess.run("new_hidden1/relu:0")) def testExportGraphDefWithScope(self): test_dir = self._get_test_dir("export_graph_def") saver0_ckpt = os.path.join(test_dir, "saver0.ckpt") graph1 = ops_lib.Graph() with graph1.as_default(): with ops_lib.name_scope("hidden1"): images = constant_op.constant( 1.0, dtypes.float32, shape=[3, 2], name="images") weights1 = variables.Variable( [[1.0, 2.0, 3.0], [4.0, 5.0, 6.0]], name="weights") biases1 = variables.Variable([0.1] * 3, name="biases") nn_ops.relu(math_ops.matmul(images, weights1) + biases1, name="relu") # Run the graph and save scoped checkpoint. with self.test_session(graph=graph1) as sess: sess.run(variables.global_variables_initializer()) _, var_list_1 = meta_graph.export_scoped_meta_graph( graph_def=graph1.as_graph_def(), export_scope="hidden1") saver = saver_module.Saver(var_list=var_list_1, max_to_keep=1) saver.save(sess, saver0_ckpt, write_state=False) expected = np.reshape([[5.0999999, 7.0999999, 9.10000038] * 3], (3, 3)) # Verifies that we can run successfully after restoring. graph2 = ops_lib.Graph() new_var_list_1 = meta_graph.copy_scoped_meta_graph( from_scope="hidden1", to_scope="new_hidden1", from_graph=graph1, to_graph=graph2) with self.test_session(graph=graph2) as sess: saver3 = saver_module.Saver(var_list=new_var_list_1, max_to_keep=1) saver3.restore(sess, saver0_ckpt) self.assertAllClose(expected, sess.run("new_hidden1/relu:0")) def testSerializeSaverWithScope(self): test_dir = self._get_test_dir("export_graph_def") saver1_ckpt = os.path.join(test_dir, "saver1.ckpt") saver2_ckpt = os.path.join(test_dir, "saver2.ckpt") graph = ops_lib.Graph() with graph.as_default(): with ops_lib.name_scope("hidden1"): variable1 = variables.Variable([1.0], name="variable1") saver1 = saver_module.Saver(var_list=[variable1]) graph.add_to_collection(ops_lib.GraphKeys.SAVERS, saver1) with ops_lib.name_scope("hidden2"): variable2 = variables.Variable([2.0], name="variable2") saver2 = saver_module.Saver(var_list=[variable2], name="hidden2/") graph.add_to_collection(ops_lib.GraphKeys.SAVERS, saver2) with self.test_session(graph=graph) as sess: variables.global_variables_initializer().run() saver1.save(sess, saver1_ckpt, write_state=False) saver2.save(sess, saver2_ckpt, write_state=False) graph1 = ops_lib.Graph() var_dict1 = meta_graph.copy_scoped_meta_graph( from_scope="hidden1", to_scope="new_hidden1", from_graph=graph, to_graph=graph1) self.assertEqual(1, len(var_dict1)) saver_list1 = graph1.get_collection(ops_lib.GraphKeys.SAVERS) self.assertEqual(1, len(saver_list1)) with self.test_session(graph=graph1) as sess: saver_list1[0].restore(sess, saver1_ckpt) self.assertEqual(1.0, var_dict1["variable1:0"].eval()) graph2 = ops_lib.Graph() var_dict2 = meta_graph.copy_scoped_meta_graph( from_scope="hidden2", to_scope="new_hidden2", from_graph=graph, to_graph=graph2) self.assertEqual(1, len(var_dict2)) saver_list2 = graph2.get_collection(ops_lib.GraphKeys.SAVERS) self.assertEqual(1, len(saver_list2)) with self.test_session(graph=graph2) as sess: saver_list2[0].restore(sess, saver2_ckpt) self.assertEqual(2.0, var_dict2["variable2:0"].eval()) class _OwnsAVariableSimple(checkpointable.CheckpointableBase): """A Checkpointable object which can be saved using a tf.train.Saver.""" def __init__(self): self.non_dep_variable = variable_scope.get_variable( name="non_dep_variable", initializer=6., use_resource=True) def _gather_saveables_for_checkpoint(self): return {checkpointable.VARIABLE_VALUE_KEY: self.non_dep_variable} # The Saver sorts by name before parsing, so we need a name property. @property def name(self): return self.non_dep_variable.name class _MirroringSaveable( saver_module.BaseSaverBuilder.ResourceVariableSaveable): def __init__(self, primary_variable, mirrored_variable, name): self._primary_variable = primary_variable self._mirrored_variable = mirrored_variable super(_MirroringSaveable, self).__init__( self._primary_variable, "", name) def restore(self, restored_tensors, restored_shapes): """Restore the same value into both variables.""" tensor, = restored_tensors return control_flow_ops.group( self._primary_variable.assign(tensor), self._mirrored_variable.assign(tensor)) class _OwnsMirroredVariables(checkpointable.CheckpointableBase): """A Checkpointable object which returns a more complex SaveableObject.""" def __init__(self): self.non_dep_variable = variable_scope.get_variable( name="non_dep_variable", initializer=6., use_resource=True) self.mirrored = variable_scope.get_variable( name="mirrored", initializer=15., use_resource=True) def _gather_saveables_for_checkpoint(self): def _saveable_factory(name=self.non_dep_variable.name): return _MirroringSaveable( primary_variable=self.non_dep_variable, mirrored_variable=self.mirrored, name=name) return {checkpointable.VARIABLE_VALUE_KEY: _saveable_factory} # The Saver sorts by name before parsing, so we need a name property. @property def name(self): return self.non_dep_variable.name class NonLayerCheckpointable(checkpointable.Checkpointable): def __init__(self): super(NonLayerCheckpointable, self).__init__() self.a_variable = checkpointable_utils.add_variable( self, name="a_variable", shape=[]) class MyModel(training.Model): """A concrete Model for testing.""" def __init__(self): super(MyModel, self).__init__() self._named_dense = core.Dense(1, use_bias=True) self._second = core.Dense(1, use_bias=False) # We can still track Checkpointables which aren't Layers. self._non_layer = NonLayerCheckpointable() def call(self, values): ret = self._second(self._named_dense(values)) return ret @test_util.with_c_api class CheckpointableCompatibilityTests(test.TestCase): # TODO (allenl): Track down python3 reference cycles in these tests. id:4024 # https://github.com/imdone/tensorflow/issues/4022 @test_util.run_in_graph_and_eager_modes() def testNotSaveableButIsCheckpointable(self): v = _OwnsAVariableSimple() saver = saver_module.Saver(var_list=[v]) test_dir = self.get_temp_dir() prefix = os.path.join(test_dir, "ckpt") self.evaluate(v.non_dep_variable.assign(42.)) with self.test_session() as sess: save_path = saver.save(sess, prefix) self.evaluate(v.non_dep_variable.assign(43.)) saver.restore(sess, save_path) self.assertEqual(42., self.evaluate(v.non_dep_variable)) @test_util.run_in_graph_and_eager_modes() def testMoreComplexSaveableReturned(self): v = _OwnsMirroredVariables() saver = saver_module.Saver(var_list=[v]) test_dir = self.get_temp_dir() prefix = os.path.join(test_dir, "ckpt") self.evaluate(v.non_dep_variable.assign(42.)) with self.test_session() as sess: save_path = saver.save(sess, prefix) self.evaluate(v.non_dep_variable.assign(43.)) self.evaluate(v.mirrored.assign(44.)) saver.restore(sess, save_path) self.assertEqual(42., self.evaluate(v.non_dep_variable)) self.assertEqual(42., self.evaluate(v.mirrored)) def testSingleTensorEvaluation(self): class _CountingSaveable(saver_module.BaseSaverBuilder.SaveableObject): def __init__(self, name): self.eval_count = 0 def _tensor(): self.eval_count += 1 return constant_op.constant([1.]) dummy_op = constant_op.constant([2.]) super(_CountingSaveable, self).__init__( dummy_op, [saver_module.BaseSaverBuilder.SaveSpec( _tensor, "", name, dtype=dummy_op.dtype)], name) def restore(self, restored_tensors, restored_shapes): """Restore the same value into both variables.""" pass with context.eager_mode(): v = _CountingSaveable("foo") saver = saver_module.Saver(var_list=[v]) test_dir = self.get_temp_dir() prefix = os.path.join(test_dir, "ckpt") with self.test_session() as sess: save_path = saver.save(sess, prefix) self.assertEqual(1, v.eval_count) saver.restore(sess, save_path) self.assertEqual(1, v.eval_count) def _initialized_model(self): input_value = constant_op.constant([[3.]]) model = MyModel() optimizer = adam.AdamOptimizer(0.001) optimizer_step = training_util.get_or_create_global_step() root_checkpointable = checkpointable_utils.Checkpoint( optimizer=optimizer, model=model, optimizer_step=optimizer_step) train_op = optimizer.minimize( functools.partial(model, input_value), global_step=optimizer_step) self.evaluate(checkpointable_utils.gather_initializers( root_checkpointable)) self.evaluate(train_op) # A regular variable, a slot variable, and a non-slot Optimizer variable # with known values to check when loading. self.evaluate(model._named_dense.bias.assign([1.])) self.evaluate(optimizer.get_slot( var=model._named_dense.bias, name="m").assign([2.])) beta1_power, _ = optimizer._get_beta_accumulators() self.evaluate(beta1_power.assign(3.)) return root_checkpointable def _set_sentinels(self, root_checkpointable): self.evaluate(root_checkpointable.model._named_dense.bias.assign([101.])) self.evaluate( root_checkpointable.optimizer.get_slot( var=root_checkpointable.model._named_dense.bias, name="m") .assign([102.])) beta1_power, _ = root_checkpointable.optimizer._get_beta_accumulators() self.evaluate(beta1_power.assign(103.)) def _check_sentinels(self, root_checkpointable): self.assertAllEqual( [1.], self.evaluate(root_checkpointable.model._named_dense.bias)) self.assertAllEqual([2.], self.evaluate( root_checkpointable.optimizer.get_slot( var=root_checkpointable.model._named_dense.bias, name="m"))) beta1_power, _ = root_checkpointable.optimizer._get_beta_accumulators() self.assertAllEqual(3., self.evaluate(beta1_power)) def testVariableNotFoundErrorRaised(self): # Restore does some tricky exception handling to figure out if it should # load an object-based checkpoint. Tests that the exception handling isn't # too broad. checkpoint_directory = self.get_temp_dir() checkpoint_prefix = os.path.join(checkpoint_directory, "ckpt") a = resource_variable_ops.ResourceVariable(1., name="a") b = resource_variable_ops.ResourceVariable(1., name="b") a_saver = saver_module.Saver([a]) b_saver = saver_module.Saver([b]) with self.test_session() as sess: sess.run(a.initializer) save_path = a_saver.save(sess=sess, save_path=checkpoint_prefix) with self.assertRaisesRegexp( errors.NotFoundError, "Key b not found in checkpoint"): b_saver.restore(sess=sess, save_path=save_path) def testCheckpointNotFoundErrorRaised(self): # Restore does some tricky exception handling to figure out if it should # load an object-based checkpoint. Tests that the exception handling isn't # too broad. a = resource_variable_ops.ResourceVariable(1., name="a") saver = saver_module.Saver([a]) with self.test_session() as sess: with self.assertRaisesRegexp( errors.NotFoundError, "Failed to find any matching files for path_which_does_not_exist"): saver.restore(sess=sess, save_path="path_which_does_not_exist") def testLoadFromObjectBasedGraph(self): checkpoint_directory = self.get_temp_dir() checkpoint_prefix = os.path.join(checkpoint_directory, "ckpt") save_graph = ops_lib.Graph() with save_graph.as_default(), self.test_session(graph=save_graph) as sess: root = self._initialized_model() object_saver = checkpointable_utils.CheckpointableSaver(root) save_path = object_saver.save(file_prefix=checkpoint_prefix) # An incompatible object-based checkpoint to check error messages var = resource_variable_ops.ResourceVariable(1., name="a") self.evaluate(var.initializer) second_saver = checkpointable_utils.CheckpointableSaver(var) second_path = second_saver.save(file_prefix=os.path.join( checkpoint_directory, "second")) restore_graph = ops_lib.Graph() with restore_graph.as_default(), self.test_session( graph=restore_graph) as sess: root = self._initialized_model() self._set_sentinels(root) saver = saver_module.Saver() saver.restore(sess=sess, save_path=save_path) self._check_sentinels(root) before_second_restore_ops = restore_graph.get_operations() # Test that multiple restores do not pollute the graph saver.restore(sess=sess, save_path=save_path) self.assertEqual(before_second_restore_ops, restore_graph.get_operations()) with self.assertRaisesRegexp(errors.NotFoundError, "could not find a_variable"): saver.restore(sess=sess, save_path=second_path) def testLoadFromObjectBasedEager(self): checkpoint_directory = self.get_temp_dir() checkpoint_prefix = os.path.join(checkpoint_directory, "ckpt") save_graph = ops_lib.Graph() with save_graph.as_default(), self.test_session(graph=save_graph): root = self._initialized_model() object_saver = checkpointable_utils.CheckpointableSaver(root) save_path = object_saver.save(file_prefix=checkpoint_prefix) with context.eager_mode(): root = self._initialized_model() self._set_sentinels(root) saver = saver_module.Saver( root.model.variables + root.optimizer.variables()) saver.restore(sess=None, save_path=save_path) self._check_sentinels(root) if __name__ == "__main__": test.main()
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[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
import random from random import shuffle import numpy as np from datetime import datetime import time import queue import threading import logging from PIL import Image import itertools import re import os import glob import shutil import sys import copy import h5py from netCDF4 import Dataset import torch import torch.nn as nn import torch.nn.functional as F import torch.optim as optim from torch.nn.parallel.data_parallel import data_parallel import torch.utils.checkpoint as cp from collections import OrderedDict from torch import Tensor from typing import Any, List, Tuple os.environ['CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES'] = '0' target_city = 'R1' input_folder_path_list = ['v0_0/' + target_city + '_0', 'v1_0/' + target_city + '_1', 'v2_0/' + target_city + '_2', 'v3_0/' + target_city + '_3', ] input_folder_path_list_2 = ['', '', 'v2_1/' + target_city + '_2', 'v3_1/' + target_city + '_3', ] input_folder_path_list_3 = ['', 'v1_1/' + target_city + '_1', '', 'v3_2/' + target_city + '_3', ] out_dir = 'submit' + '/' + target_city + '/' + 'test' input_data_folder_path = '../0_data/' + target_city input_n_data_folder_path = '../0_data/' + target_city + 'n' num_frame_per_day = 96 num_frame_before = 4 num_frame_out = 32 num_frame_sequence = 36 height=256 width =256 num_channel_1 = 9 num_channel_2_src = 16 num_channel_2 = 107 + num_channel_2_src num_channel = (num_channel_1*2 + num_channel_2) num_channel_out= 4 NUM_INPUT_CHANNEL = num_channel * num_frame_before NUM_OUTPUT_CHANNEL = num_channel_out * num_frame_out SEED = 0 EPS = 1e-12 np.set_printoptions(precision=4) def write_data(data, filename): f = h5py.File(filename, 'w', libver='latest') dset = f.create_dataset('array', shape=(data.shape), data=data, dtype=np.uint16, compression='gzip', compression_opts=9) f.close() if __name__ == '__main__': COMMON_STRING ='@%s: \n' % os.path.basename(__file__) COMMON_STRING += '\tset random seed\n' COMMON_STRING += '\t\tSEED = %d\n'%SEED random.seed(SEED) np.random.seed(SEED) torch.manual_seed(SEED) torch.cuda.manual_seed_all(SEED) torch.backends.cudnn.enabled = True torch.backends.cudnn.benchmark = True torch.backends.cudnn.deterministic = True COMMON_STRING += '\tset cuda environment\n' COMMON_STRING += '\t\ttorch.__version__ = %s\n'%torch.__version__ COMMON_STRING += '\t\ttorch.version.cuda = %s\n'%torch.version.cuda COMMON_STRING += '\t\ttorch.backends.cudnn.version() = %s\n'%torch.backends.cudnn.version() try: COMMON_STRING += '\t\tos[\'CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES\'] = %s\n'%os.environ['CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES'] NUM_CUDA_DEVICES = len(os.environ['CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES'].split(',')) except Exception: COMMON_STRING += '\t\tos[\'CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES\'] = None\n' NUM_CUDA_DEVICES = 1 COMMON_STRING += '\t\ttorch.cuda.device_count() = %d\n'%torch.cuda.device_count() print(COMMON_STRING) try: if not os.path.exists(out_dir): os.makedirs(out_dir) except Exception: print('out_dir not made') exit(-1) prediction_filename_list = [] for prediction_filename in os.listdir(input_folder_path_list[0]): prediction_filename_list.append(prediction_filename) assert len(prediction_filename_list) == 36 num_day_done = 0 for prediction_filename in prediction_filename_list: day_name = prediction_filename.split('.')[0] out_file_path = os.path.join(out_dir, day_name + '.h5') pred_out = [] for c in range(4): prediction = np.load(os.path.join(input_folder_path_list[c], prediction_filename)) pred_out.append(np.moveaxis(prediction['prediction'], 0, 1)) pred_out = np.concatenate(pred_out, axis=1) assert pred_out.dtype == np.float32 num_pred_list = np.ones((4),np.int32) pred_out_2 = [] for c in range(4): input_folder_path = input_folder_path_list_2[c] if input_folder_path == '': pred_out_2.append(np.zeros((32,1,256,256),np.float32)) continue prediction = np.load(os.path.join(input_folder_path, prediction_filename)) pred_out_2.append(np.moveaxis(prediction['prediction'], 0, 1)) num_pred_list[c] += 1 pred_out_2 = np.concatenate(pred_out_2, axis=1) assert pred_out_2.dtype == np.float32 pred_out_3 = [] for c in range(4): input_folder_path = input_folder_path_list_3[c] if input_folder_path == '': pred_out_3.append(np.zeros((32,1,256,256),np.float32)) continue prediction = np.load(os.path.join(input_folder_path, prediction_filename)) pred_out_3.append(np.moveaxis(prediction['prediction'], 0, 1)) num_pred_list[c] += 1 pred_out_3 = np.concatenate(pred_out_3, axis=1) assert pred_out_3.dtype == np.float32 pred_out += pred_out_2 pred_out += pred_out_3 for c in range(4): pred_out[:,c,:,:] = pred_out[:,c,:,:] / float(num_pred_list[c]) pred_out[:,0,:,:] *= 22000 pred_out[:,1,:,:] *= 500 pred_out[:,2,:,:] *= 100 pred_out_binary = pred_out[:,3,:,:].copy() pred_out_binary[pred_out_binary>0.5] = 1 pred_out_binary[pred_out_binary<=0.5] = 0 pred_out[:,3,:,:] = pred_out_binary pred_out = np.rint(pred_out) pred_out = pred_out.astype(np.uint16) write_data(pred_out, out_file_path) num_day_done += 1 print('num_day_done:', num_day_done, '\t', ) exit(1)
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
SRC_TOKENIZER_SPECIAL_CHAR = b'\xe2\x96\x81' HELPER_TOKENIZER_SPECIAL_CHAR =b'\xc4\xa0' class TokenizationMapper(object): mapping = {} target_unk_idx = None def get_target_idx_From_src(self, src_idx): return self.mapping.get(src_idx, self.target_unk_idx) def init_map(self, source_tokenizer, target_tokenizer): self.target_unk_idx = target_tokenizer.encoder.get(target_tokenizer.unk_token) for i in range(source_tokenizer.vocab_size): tok_arr = source_tokenizer.convert_ids_to_tokens([i]) if len(tok_arr) is not 1: tok = target_tokenizer.unk_token else: tok = tok_arr[0] if tok.startswith(SRC_TOKENIZER_SPECIAL_CHAR.decode('utf-8')): newtok = HELPER_TOKENIZER_SPECIAL_CHAR.decode('utf-8') + tok[1:] else: newtok = tok target_idx_arr = target_tokenizer.convert_tokens_to_ids([newtok]) if len(target_idx_arr) is not 1: self.mapping[i] = self.target_unk_idx else: self.mapping[i] = target_idx_arr[0]
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import sys import importlib import gxf @gxf.register() class Reload(gxf.MaintenanceCommand): ''' This command can be used to reload packages from source. ''' def setup(self, parser): parser.add_argument( 'package', nargs='*', default=['gxf', 'gxf.extensions'], help='packages to be reloaded, ' 'defaults to gxf and gxf.extensions.') def run(self, args): toreload, toremove = set(), set() packages = [(p, p.split('.')) for p in args.package] for name, module in sys.modules.items(): path = name.split('.') for p, ps in packages: if p == name: toreload.add(name) elif ps == path[:len(ps)]: toremove.add(name) for name in toremove: if name not in toreload: del sys.modules[name] for name in sorted(toreload): importlib.reload(sys.modules[name])
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
# Note these words are offensive string = ''' List of Offensive Words Not Shown on Github''' string_list = string.split('\n') string_list = string_list[1:]
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
import numpy import chainer from chainer.backends import cuda from chainer import function_node from chainer.utils import type_check class MeanAbsoluteError(function_node.FunctionNode): """Mean absolute error function.""" def check_type_forward(self, in_types): type_check.argname(in_types, ('x0', 'x1')) type_check.expect( in_types[0].dtype.kind == 'f', in_types[0].dtype == in_types[1].dtype, in_types[0].shape == in_types[1].shape ) def forward_cpu(self, inputs): x0, x1 = inputs self.diff = x0 - x1 diff = self.diff.ravel() return numpy.array(abs(diff).sum() / diff.size, dtype=diff.dtype), def forward_gpu(self, inputs): x0, x1 = inputs self.diff = x0 - x1 diff = self.diff.ravel() return abs(diff).sum() / diff.dtype.type(diff.size), def backward(self, indexes, grad_outputs): gy, = grad_outputs coeff = gy * gy.data.dtype.type(1. / self.diff.size) coeff = chainer.functions.broadcast_to(coeff, self.diff.shape) gx0 = coeff * cuda.get_array_module(gy.data).sign(self.diff) return gx0, -gx0 def mean_absolute_error(x0, x1): """Mean absolute error function. This function computes mean absolute error between two variables. The mean is taken over the minibatch. """ return MeanAbsoluteError().apply((x0, x1))[0]
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
""" Defines the base PlotSession and some example session types. """ from exceptions import DataIntegrityException from os.path import abspath, split, join import os.path import json import logging import urlparse import uuid import warnings import requests from bokeh import protocol, utils from bokeh.objects import PlotObject, Plot from bokeh.properties import List logger = logging.getLogger(__file__) class Session(object): """ Sessions provide a sandbox or facility in which to manage the 'live' object state for a Bokeh plot. Many use cases for Bokeh have a client-server separation between the plot and data model objects and the view layer objects and controllers. For instance, we may have data and plot definitions in an interactive Python session, while the rendering layer and its objects may be in Javascript running in a web browser (even a remote browser). Even a rich client scenario benefits from the session concept, as it clearly demarcates responsibilities between plot specification and managing interactive state. For inter-process or inter-language cases, it provides a central place to manage serialization (and related persistence issues). Sessions can be used as ContextManagers, but they can be created around a PlotObject manually the PlotObject and its related objects will be associated with the given session. """ def __init__(self, plot=None): """ Initializes this session from the given PlotObject. """ # Has the plot model changed since the last save? self._dirty = True # This stores a reference to all models in the object graph. # Eventually consider making this be weakrefs? self._models = {} def __enter__(self): pass def __exit__(self, e_ty, e_val, e_tb): pass def add(self, *objects): """ Associates the given object to this session. This means that changes to the object's internal state will be reflected in the persistence layer and trigger event that propagate across to the View(s) """ for obj in objects: if obj is None: warnings.warn("Null object passed to Session.add()") else: obj.session = self self._models[obj._id] = obj def view(self): """ Triggers the OS to open a web browser pointing to the file that is connected to this session. """ raise NotImplementedError class BaseHTMLSession(Session): """ Common file & HTML-related utility functions which all HTML output sessions will need. Mostly involves JSON serialization. """ bokeh_url = "https://bokeh.pydata.org/" # The base local directory for all CSS and JS server_static_dir = join(abspath(split(__file__)[0]), "server", "static") # The base dir for all HTML templates template_dir = join(abspath(split(__file__)[0]), "templates") # The base URL for all CSS and JS static_url = bokeh_url #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Static file handling #------------------------------------------------------------------------ def js_paths(self, as_url=True, unified=True, min=True): """ Returns a list of URLs or absolute paths on this machine to the JS source files needed to render this session. If **unified** is True, then this list is a single file. If **min** is True, then minifies all the JS. """ raise NotImplementedError def css_paths(self, as_url=True): """ Returns the paths to required CSS files. Could be paths or URIs depending on the type of session. """ raise NotImplementedError @property def bokehjs_dir(self): return getattr(self, "_bokehjs_dir", join(self.server_static_dir, "vendor/bokehjs")) @bokehjs_dir.setter def bokehjs_dir(self, val): self._bokehjs_dir = val def _inline_scripts(self, paths): # Copied from dump.py, which itself was from wakariserver if len(paths) == 0: return "" strings = [] for script in paths: f_name = abspath(join(self.server_static_dir, script)) strings.append(""" // BEGIN %s """ % f_name + open(f_name).read() + \ """ // END %s """ % f_name) return "".join(strings) def _inline_css(self, paths): # Copied from dump.py, which itself was from wakariserver if len(paths) == 0: return "" strings = [] for css_path in paths: f_name = join(self.server_static_dir, css_path) strings.append(""" /* BEGIN %s */ """ % f_name + open(f_name).read().decode("utf-8") + \ """ /* END %s */ """ % f_name) return "".join(strings) def _load_template(self, filename): import jinja2 with open(join(self.template_dir, filename)) as f: return jinja2.Template(f.read()) #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Serialization #------------------------------------------------------------------------ class PlotObjEncoder(protocol.NumpyJSONEncoder): """ Helper class we'll use to encode PlotObjects Note that since json.dumps() takes a *class* as an argument and not an instance, when this encoder class is used, the Session instance is set as a class-level attribute. Kind of weird, and should be better handled via a metaclass. #hugo - I don't think we should use the json encoder anymore to do this. It introduces an asymmetry in our operations, because while you can use this mechanism to serialize, you cannot use this mechanism to deserialize because we need 2 stage deserialization in order to resolve references """ session = None def default(self, obj): if isinstance(obj, PlotObject): if self.session is None: raise RuntimeError("PlotObjEncoder requires a valid session") # We do not want the JSON encoder (which walks the entire # object graph) to do anything more than return references. # The model serialization happens later. d = self.session.get_ref(obj) return d else: return protocol.NumpyJSONEncoder.default(self, obj) def get_ref(self, obj): self._models[obj._id] = obj return { 'type': obj.__view_model__, 'id': obj._id } def make_id(self, obj): return str(uuid.uuid4()) def serialize(self, obj, **jsonkwargs): """ Returns a string representing the JSON encoded object. References to other objects/instances is ended by a "ref" has encoding the type and UUID of the object. For all HTML sessions, the serialization protocol is JSON. How we produce references is actually more involved, because it may differ between server-based models versus embedded. """ try: self.PlotObjEncoder.session = self jsondata = protocol.serialize_json( obj, encoder=self.PlotObjEncoder, **jsonkwargs) finally: self.PlotObjEncoder.session = None return jsondata class HTMLFileSession(BaseHTMLSession): """ Produces a pile of static HTML, suitable for exporting a plot as a standalone HTML file. This includes a template around the plot and includes all the associated JS and CSS for the plot. """ title = "Bokeh Plot" # The root directory for the CSS files css_files = [ "js/vendor/bootstrap/bootstrap-bokeh-2.0.4.css", "css/bokeh.css", "css/continuum.css", ] # TODO: Why is this not in bokehjs_dir, but rather outside of it? js_files = ["js/bokeh.js"] # Template files used to generate the HTML js_template = "plots.js" div_template = "plots.html" # template for just the plot <div> html_template = "base.html" # template for the entire HTML file inline_js = True inline_css = True # Used to compute the relative paths to JS and CSS if they are not # inlined into the output rootdir = abspath(split(__file__)[0]) def __init__(self, filename="bokehplot.html", plot=None, title=None): self.filename = filename if title is not None: self.title = title super(HTMLFileSession, self).__init__(plot=plot) self.plotcontext = PlotContext() self.raw_js_objs = [] # FIXME: move this to css_paths, js_paths to base class? def css_paths(self, as_url=False): return [join(self.server_static_dir, d) for d in self.css_files] def js_paths(self, as_url=False, unified=True, min=True): # TODO: Handle unified and minified options return [join(self.server_static_dir, d) for d in self.js_files] def raw_js_snippets(self, obj): self.raw_js_objs.append(obj) def dumps(self, js=None, css=None, rootdir=None): """ Returns the HTML contents as a string **js** and **css** can be "inline" or "relative", and they default to the values of self.inline_js and self.inline_css. If these are set to be "relative" (or self.inline_js/css are False), **rootdir** can be specified to indicate the base directory from which the path to the various static files should be computed. **rootdir** defaults to the value of self.rootdir. """ # FIXME: Handle this more intelligently pc_ref = self.get_ref(self.plotcontext) elementid = str(uuid.uuid4()) # Manually convert our top-level models into dicts, before handing # them in to the JSON encoder. (We don't want to embed the call to # vm_serialize into the PlotObjEncoder, because that would cause # all the attributes to be duplicated multiple times.) models = [] for m in self._models.itervalues(): ref = self.get_ref(m) ref["attributes"] = m.vm_serialize() ref["attributes"].update({"id": ref["id"], "doc": None}) models.append(ref) jscode = self._load_template(self.js_template).render( elementid = elementid, modelid = pc_ref["id"], modeltype = pc_ref["type"], all_models = self.serialize(models), ) div = self._load_template(self.div_template).render( elementid = elementid ) if rootdir is None: rootdir = self.rootdir if js == "inline" or (js is None and self.inline_js): # TODO: Are the UTF-8 decodes really necessary? rawjs = self._inline_scripts(self.js_paths()).decode("utf-8") jsfiles = [] else: rawjs = None jsfiles = [os.path.relpath(p,rootdir) for p in self.js_paths()] if css == "inline" or (css is None and self.inline_css): # TODO: Are the UTF-8 decodes really necessary? rawcss = self._inline_css(self.css_paths()).decode("utf-8") cssfiles = [] else: rawcss = None cssfiles = [os.path.relpath(p,rootdir) for p in self.css_paths()] plot_div = self._load_template(self.div_template).render( elementid=elementid ) # jscode is the one I want html = self._load_template(self.html_template).render( js_snippets = [jscode], html_snippets = [div] + [o.get_raw_js() for o in self.raw_js_objs], rawjs = rawjs, rawcss = rawcss, jsfiles = jsfiles, cssfiles = cssfiles, title = self.title) return html def embed_js(self, plot_id, static_root_url): # FIXME: Handle this more intelligently pc_ref = self.get_ref(self.plotcontext) elementid = str(uuid.uuid4()) models = [] for m in self._models.itervalues(): ref = self.get_ref(m) ref["attributes"] = m.vm_serialize() ref["attributes"].update({"id": ref["id"], "doc": None}) models.append(ref) jscode = self._load_template('embed_direct.js').render( host = "", static_root_url=static_root_url, elementid = elementid, modelid = pc_ref["id"], modeltype = pc_ref["type"], plotid = plot_id, all_models = self.serialize(models)) return jscode.encode("utf-8") def save(self, filename=None, js=None, css=None, rootdir=None): """ Saves the file contents. Uses self.filename if **filename** is not provided. Overwrites the contents. **js** and **css** can be "inline" or "relative", and they default to the values of self.inline_js and self.inline_css. If these are set to be "relative" (or self.inline_js/css are False), **rootdir** can be specified to indicate the base directory from which the path to the various static files should be computed. **rootdir** defaults to the value of self.rootdir. """ s = self.dumps(js, css, rootdir) if filename is None: filename = self.filename with open(filename, "w") as f: f.write(s.encode("utf-8")) return def view(self, do_save=True, new=False, autoraise=True): """ Opens a browser to view the file pointed to by this sessions. Automatically triggers a save by default. **new** can be None, "tab", or "window" to view the file in the existing page, a new tab, or a new windows. **autoraise** causes the browser to be brought to the foreground; this may happen automatically on some platforms regardless of the setting of this variable. """ import webbrowser if do_save: self.save() newmap = {False: 0, "window": 1, "tab": 2} file_url = "file://" + abspath(self.filename) webbrowser.open(file_url, new = newmap[new], autoraise=autoraise) def dumpjson(self, pretty=True, file=None): """ Returns a JSON string representing the contents of all the models stored in this session, or write it to a file object or file name. If **pretty** is True, then return a string suitable for human reading, otherwise returns a compact string. If a file object is provided, then the output is appended to it. If a file name is provided, then it opened for overwrite, and not append. Mostly intended to be used for debugging. """ models = [] for m in self._models.itervalues(): ref = self.get_ref(m) ref["attributes"] = m.vm_serialize() ref["attributes"].update({"id": ref["id"], "doc": None}) models.append(ref) if pretty: indent = 4 else: indent = None s = self.serialize(models, indent=indent) if file is not None: if isinstance(file, basestring): with open(file, "w") as f: f.write(s) else: file.write(s) else: return s class HTMLFragmentSession(BaseHTMLSession): """ Produces a DOM fragment which is suitable for embedding in a pre-existing HTML DOM. Differs from HTMLFileSession in that the requisite script and css lines are generated separately. """ def contents(self, body_only=False): """ Returns the multi-line string needed to embed a plot into the <body> of an HTML document. Includes the JS and CSS by default; if **body_only** is True, then returns just the plot <div> and associated <script> tags, but none of the static files it depends on. """ pass #should move these to bokeh.objects? class PlotContext(PlotObject): children = List(has_ref=True) class PlotList(PlotContext): # just like plot context, except plot context has special meaning # everywhere, so plotlist is the generic one pass class PlotServerSession(BaseHTMLSession): def __init__(self, username=None, serverloc=None, userapikey="nokey"): # This logic is based on ContinuumModelsClient.__init__ and # mpl.PlotClient.__init__. There is some merged functionality here # since a Session is meant to capture the little bit of lower-level # logic in PlotClient (i.e. avoiding handling of things like # _newxyplot()), but also build in the functionality of the # ContinuumModelsClient. self.username = username self.root_url = serverloc self.http_session = requests.session() self.http_session.headers.update({ 'content-type':'application/json', 'BOKEHUSER-API-KEY' : userapikey, 'BOKEHUSER' : username}) if self.root_url: url = urlparse.urljoin(self.root_url, '/bokeh/userinfo/') self.userinfo = utils.get_json(self.http_session.get(url, verify=False)) else: logger.info('Not using a server, plots will only work in embedded mode') self.userinfo = None self.docid = None self.plotcontext = None self.apikey = None self.bbclient = None # reference to a ContinuumModelsClient self.base_url = urlparse.urljoin(self.root_url, "/bokeh/bb/") self.raw_js_objs = [] super(PlotServerSession, self).__init__() #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Document-related operations #------------------------------------------------------------------------ def raw_js_snippets(self, obj): self.raw_js_objs.append(obj) def load_doc(self, docid): url = urlparse.urljoin(self.root_url,"/bokeh/getdocapikey/%s" % docid) resp = self.http_session.get(url, verify=False) if resp.status_code == 401: raise Exception('HTTP Unauthorized accessing DocID "%s"' % docid) apikey = utils.get_json(resp) if 'apikey' in apikey: self.docid = docid self.apikey = apikey['apikey'] logger.info('got read write apikey') else: self.docid = docid self.apikey = apikey['readonlyapikey'] logger.info('got read only apikey') self.load_all() plotcontext = self.load_type('PlotContext') if len(plotcontext): temp = plotcontext[0] if len(plotcontext) > 1: logger.warning( "Found more than one PlotContext for doc ID %s; " \ "Using PlotContext ID %s" % (self.docid, temp._id)) plotcontext = temp else: logger.warning("Unable to load PlotContext for doc ID %s" % self.docid) plotcontext = PlotContext() self.store_obj(plotcontext) self.plotcontext = plotcontext return def make_doc(self, title): url = urlparse.urljoin(self.root_url,"/bokeh/doc/") data = protocol.serialize_web({'title' : title}) response = self.http_session.post(url, data=data, verify=False) if response.status_code == 409: raise DataIntegrityException self.userinfo = utils.get_json(response) def remove_doc(self, title): matching = [x for x in self.userinfo['docs'] \ if x.get('title') == title] docid = matching[0]['docid'] url = urlparse.urljoin(self.root_url,"/bokeh/doc/%s/" % docid) response = self.http_session.delete(url, verify=False) if response.status_code == 409: raise DataIntegrityException self.userinfo = utils.get_json(response) def use_doc(self, name): self.docname = name docs = self.userinfo.get('docs') matching = [x for x in docs if x.get('title') == name] if len(matching) == 0: logger.info("No documents found, creating new document '%s'" % name) self.make_doc(name) return self.use_doc(name) elif len(matching) > 1: logger.warning("Multiple documents with title '%s'" % name) self.load_doc(matching[0]['docid']) def make_source(self, *args, **kwargs): # This should not implement this here directly, since it should # done by separately creating the DataSource object. Stubbing this # out for now for symmetry with mpl.PlotClient raise NotImplementedError("Construct DataSources manually from bokeh.objects") #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # functions for loading json into models # we have 2 types of json data, if all the models are of one type, then # we just have a list of model attributes # otherwise, we have what we refer to as broadcast_json, which are of the form # {'type':typename, 'attributes' : attrs} #------------------------------------------------------------------------ def load_attrs(self, typename, attrs, events='existing'): broadcast_attrs = [dict(type=typename, attributes=x) for x in attrs] return self.load_broadcast_attrs(broadcast_attrs, events=events) def load_broadcast_attrs(self, attrs, events='existing'): """events can be 'existing', or None. 'existing' means trigger events only for existing (not new objects). None means don't trigger any events. """ models = [] created = set() for attr in attrs: typename = attr['type'] attr = attr['attributes'] logger.debug('type: %s', typename) #logger.debug('attrs: %s', attr) _id = attr['id'] if _id in self._models: m = self._models[_id] m._block_callbacks = True m.load_json(attr, instance=m) else: cls = PlotObject.get_class(typename) m = cls.load_json(attr) if m is None: raise RuntimeError('Error loading object from JSON') self.add(m) created.add(m) models.append(m) for m in models: m.finalize(self._models) if events is None: self.clear_callback_queue(models) elif events is 'existing': non_created = [x for x in models if x not in created] self.execute_callback_queue(models=non_created) self.clear_callback_queue(models=created) self.enable_callbacks(models) return models def attrs(self, to_store): attrs = [] for m in to_store: attr = m.vm_serialize() attr['doc'] = self.docid attr['id'] = m._id attrs.append(attr) return attrs def broadcast_attrs(self, to_store): models = [] for m in to_store: ref = self.get_ref(m) ref["attributes"] = m.vm_serialize() # FIXME: Is it really necessary to add the id and doc to the # attributes dict? It shows up in the bbclient-based JSON # serializations, but I don't understand why it's necessary. ref["attributes"].update({"doc": self.docid}) models.append(ref) return models #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Storing models #------------------------------------------------------------------------ def store_obj(self, obj, ref=None): return self.store_objs([obj]) def store_broadcast_attrs(self, attrs): data = self.serialize(attrs) url = utils.urljoin(self.base_url, self.docid + "/", "bulkupsert") self.http_session.post(url, data=data) def store_objs(self, to_store): models = self.broadcast_attrs(to_store) self.store_broadcast_attrs(models) for m in to_store: m._dirty = False def store_all(self): to_store = [x for x in self._models.values() \ if hasattr(x, '_dirty') and x._dirty] self.store_objs(to_store) return to_store #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Loading models #------------------------------------------------------------------------ def load_all(self, asdict=False): """the json coming out of this looks different than that coming out of load_type, because it contains id, type, attributes, whereas the other one just contains attributes directly """ url = utils.urljoin(self.base_url, self.docid +"/") attrs = protocol.deserialize_json(self.http_session.get(url).content) if not asdict: models = self.load_broadcast_attrs(attrs) for m in models: m._dirty = False return models else: models = attrs return models def load_type(self, typename, asdict=False): url = utils.urljoin(self.base_url, self.docid +"/", typename + "/") attrs = protocol.deserialize_json(self.http_session.get(url).content) if not asdict: models = self.load_attrs(typename, attrs) for m in models: m._dirty = False return models else: models = attrs return models def load_obj(self, ref, asdict=False, modelattrs={}): """loads an object from the server. if asdict: only the json is returned. else: update the existing copy in _models if it is present instantiate a new one if it is not and make sure to convert all references into models in the conversion from json to objects, sometimes references to models need to be resolved. If there are any json attributes being processed, you can pass them in as modelattrs """ typename = ref["type"] ref_id = ref["id"] url = utils.urljoin(self.base_url, self.docid + "/" + typename +\ "/" + ref_id + "/") attr = protocol.deserialize_json(self.http_session.get(url).content) if not asdict: return self.load_attrs(typename, [attr])[0] else: return attr #loading callbacks def callbacks_json(self, to_store): all_data = [] for m in to_store: data = self.get_ref(m) data['callbacks'] = m._callbacks all_data.append(data) return all_data def load_callbacks_json(self, callback_json): for data in callback_json: m = self._models[data['id']] m._callbacks = {} for attrname, callbacks in data['callbacks'].iteritems(): for callback in callbacks: obj = self._models[callback['obj']['id']] callbackname = callback['callbackname'] m.on_change(attrname, obj, callbackname) def load_all_callbacks(self, get_json=False): """get_json = return json of callbacks, rather than loading them into models """ url = utils.urljoin(self.base_url, self.docid + "/", "callbacks") data = protocol.deserialize_json(self.http_session.get(url).content) if get_json: return data self.load_callbacks_json(data) #storing callbacks def store_callbacks(self, to_store): all_data = self.callbacks_json(to_store) url = utils.urljoin(self.base_url, self.docid + "/", "callbacks") all_data = self.serialize(all_data) self.http_session.post(url, data=all_data) for m in to_store: m._callbacks_dirty = False def store_all_callbacks(self): to_store = [x for x in self._models.values() \ if hasattr(x, '_callbacks_dirty') and x._callbacks_dirty] self.store_callbacks(to_store) return to_store #managing callbacks def disable_callbacks(self, models=None): if models is None: models = self._models.itervalues() for m in models: m._block_callbacks = True def enable_callbacks(self, models=None): if models is None: models = self._models.itervalues() for m in models: m._block_callbacks = False def clear_callback_queue(self, models=None): if models is None: models = self._models.itervalues() for m in models: del m._callback_queue[:] def execute_callback_queue(self, models=None): if models is None: models = self._models.itervalues() for m in models: for cb in m._callback_queue: m._trigger(*cb) del m._callback_queue[:] #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Static files #------------------------------------------------------------------------ def css_paths(self, as_urls=True): """ Returns a list of URLs or file paths for CSS files """ # This should coordinate with the running plot server and use some # mechanism to query this information from it. raise NotImplementedError def js_paths(self, as_urls=True): raise NotImplementedError class NotebookSessionMixin(object): # The root directory for the CSS files css_files = [ "js/vendor/bootstrap/bootstrap-bokeh-2.0.4.css", "css/bokeh.css", "css/continuum.css", ] # TODO: Why is this not in bokehjs_dir, but rather outside of it? js_files = ["js/bokeh.js"] js_template = "plots.js" div_template = "plots.html" html_template = "basediv.html" # template for the entire HTML file def css_paths(self, as_url=False): # TODO: Fix the duplication of this method from HTMLFileSession. # Perhaps move this into BaseHTMLSession.. but a lot of other # things would need to move as well. return [join(self.server_static_dir, d) for d in self.css_files] def js_paths(self): # For notebook session, we rely on a unified bokehJS file, # that is not located in the BokehJS subtree return [join(self.server_static_dir, d) for d in self.js_files] def dumps(self, objects): """ Returns the HTML contents as a string FIXME : signature different than other dumps FIXME: should consolidate code between this one and that one. """ if len(objects) == 0: objects = self._models.values() if len(objects) == 1 and isinstance(objects[0], Plot): the_plot = objects[0] objects = self._models.values() else: the_plot = [m for m in objects if isinstance(m, Plot)][0] plot_ref = self.get_ref(the_plot) elementid = str(uuid.uuid4()) # Manually convert our top-level models into dicts, before handing # them in to the JSON encoder. (We don't want to embed the call to # vm_serialize into the PlotObjEncoder, because that would cause # all the attributes to be duplicated multiple times.) models = [] for m in objects: ref = self.get_ref(m) ref["attributes"] = m.vm_serialize() ref["attributes"].update({"id": ref["id"], "doc": None}) models.append(ref) js = self._load_template(self.js_template).render( elementid = elementid, modelid = plot_ref["id"], modeltype = plot_ref["type"], all_models = self.serialize(models), ) plot_div = self._load_template(self.div_template).render( elementid=elementid ) html = self._load_template(self.html_template).render( html_snippets=[plot_div], elementid = elementid, js_snippets = [js], ) return html.encode("utf-8") plot_ref = self.get_ref(the_plot) elementid = str(uuid.uuid4()) # Manually convert our top-level models into dicts, before handing # them in to the JSON encoder. (We don't want to embed the call to # vm_serialize into the PlotObjEncoder, because that would cause # all the attributes to be duplicated multiple times.) models = [] for m in objects: ref = self.get_ref(m) ref["attributes"] = m.vm_serialize() ref["attributes"].update({"id": ref["id"], "doc": None}) models.append(ref) js = self._load_template(self.js_template).render( elementid = elementid, modelid = plot_ref["id"], modeltype = plot_ref["type"], all_models = self.serialize(models), ) plot_div = self._load_template(self.div_template).render( elementid=elementid ) html = self._load_template(self.html_template).render( html_snippets=[plot_div], elementid = elementid, js_snippets = [js], ) return html.encode("utf-8") def show(self, *objects): """ Displays the given objects, or all objects currently associated with the session, inline in the IPython Notebook. Basicall we return a dummy object that implements _repr_html. The reason to do this instead of just having this session object implement _repr_html directly is because users will usually want to just see one or two plots, and not all the plots and models associated with the session. """ import IPython.core.displaypub as displaypub html = self.dumps(objects) displaypub.publish_display_data('bokeh', {'text/html': html}) return None class NotebookSession(NotebookSessionMixin, HTMLFileSession): """ Produces inline HTML suitable for placing into an IPython Notebook. """ def __init__(self, plot=None): HTMLFileSession.__init__(self, filename=None, plot=plot) self.plotcontext = PlotContext() def notebooksources(self): import IPython.core.displaypub as displaypub # Normally this would call self.js_paths() to build a list of # scripts or get a reference to the unified/minified JS file, # but our static JS build process produces a single unified # bokehJS file for inclusion in the notebook. js_paths = self.js_paths() css_paths = self.css_paths() html = self._load_template(self.html_template).render( rawjs=self._inline_scripts(js_paths).decode('utf8'), rawcss=self._inline_css(css_paths).decode('utf8'), js_snippets=[], html_snippets=["<p>Configuring embedded BokehJS mode.</p>"]) displaypub.publish_display_data('bokeh', {'text/html': html}) return None class NotebookServerSession(NotebookSessionMixin, PlotServerSession): """ An IPython Notebook session that is connected to a plot server. """ def ws_conn_string(self): split = urlparse.urlsplit(self.root_url) #how to fix this in bokeh and wakari? if split.scheme == 'http': return "ws://%s/bokeh/sub" % split.netloc else: return "wss://%s/bokeh/sub" % split.netloc def dumps(self, objects): """ Returns the HTML contents as a string FIXME : signature different than other dumps FIXME: should consolidate code between this one and that one. """ if len(objects) == 0: objects = self._models.values() if len(objects) == 1 and isinstance(objects[0], Plot): the_plot = objects[0] objects = self._models.values() else: the_plot = [m for m in objects if isinstance(m, Plot)][0] return the_plot.create_html_snippet(server=True) def show(self, *objects): """ Displays the given objects, or all objects currently associated with the session, inline in the IPython Notebook. Basicall we return a dummy object that implements _repr_html. The reason to do this instead of just having this session object implement _repr_html directly is because users will usually want to just see one or two plots, and not all the plots and models associated with the session. """ import IPython.core.displaypub as displaypub html = self.dumps(objects) displaypub.publish_display_data('bokeh', {'text/html': html}) return None def notebook_connect(self): if self.docname is None: raise RuntimeError("usedoc() must be called before notebook_connect()") import IPython.core.displaypub as displaypub msg = """<p>Connecting notebook to document "%s" at server %s</p>""" % \ (self.docname, self.root_url) displaypub.publish_display_data('bokeh', {'text/html': msg}) return None
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
BMS_allowed_range = {'temperature': {'min': 0, 'max': 45}, 'soc': {'min': 20, 'max': 80}, 'charge_rate': {'min': 0, 'max': 0.8}} def get_out_of_range_parameter(BMS_input): out_of_range_parameters = [] for parameter,value in BMS_input.items() : check_tolerance_range(parameter,value,out_of_range_parameters) return out_of_range_parameters def check_tolerance_range(key,value,out_of_range_parameters): if (value < BMS_allowed_range[key]['min']) or (value > BMS_allowed_range[key]['max']): out_of_range_parameters.append(key) def check_battery_is_ok(BMS_input): out_of_range_parameter_count = get_out_of_range_parameter(BMS_input) if len(out_of_range_parameter_count) == 0: return True else : return False
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright 2020 Google LLC # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # import warnings from typing import Awaitable, Callable, Dict, Optional, Sequence, Tuple, Union from google.api_core import gapic_v1 # type: ignore from google.api_core import grpc_helpers_async # type: ignore from google.api_core import operations_v1 # type: ignore from google.auth import credentials as ga_credentials # type: ignore from google.auth.transport.grpc import SslCredentials # type: ignore import packaging.version import grpc # type: ignore from grpc.experimental import aio # type: ignore from google.cloud.aiplatform_v1.types import model from google.cloud.aiplatform_v1.types import model as gca_model from google.cloud.aiplatform_v1.types import model_evaluation from google.cloud.aiplatform_v1.types import model_evaluation_slice from google.cloud.aiplatform_v1.types import model_service from google.longrunning import operations_pb2 # type: ignore from .base import ModelServiceTransport, DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO from .grpc import ModelServiceGrpcTransport class ModelServiceGrpcAsyncIOTransport(ModelServiceTransport): """gRPC AsyncIO backend transport for ModelService. A service for managing Vertex AI's machine learning Models. This class defines the same methods as the primary client, so the primary client can load the underlying transport implementation and call it. It sends protocol buffers over the wire using gRPC (which is built on top of HTTP/2); the ``grpcio`` package must be installed. """ _grpc_channel: aio.Channel _stubs: Dict[str, Callable] = {} @classmethod def create_channel( cls, host: str = "aiplatform.googleapis.com", credentials: ga_credentials.Credentials = None, credentials_file: Optional[str] = None, scopes: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None, quota_project_id: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs, ) -> aio.Channel: """Create and return a gRPC AsyncIO channel object. Args: host (Optional[str]): The host for the channel to use. credentials (Optional[~.Credentials]): The authorization credentials to attach to requests. These credentials identify this application to the service. If none are specified, the client will attempt to ascertain the credentials from the environment. credentials_file (Optional[str]): A file with credentials that can be loaded with :func:`google.auth.load_credentials_from_file`. This argument is ignored if ``channel`` is provided. scopes (Optional[Sequence[str]]): A optional list of scopes needed for this service. These are only used when credentials are not specified and are passed to :func:`google.auth.default`. quota_project_id (Optional[str]): An optional project to use for billing and quota. kwargs (Optional[dict]): Keyword arguments, which are passed to the channel creation. Returns: aio.Channel: A gRPC AsyncIO channel object. """ return grpc_helpers_async.create_channel( host, credentials=credentials, credentials_file=credentials_file, quota_project_id=quota_project_id, default_scopes=cls.AUTH_SCOPES, scopes=scopes, default_host=cls.DEFAULT_HOST, **kwargs, ) def __init__( self, *, host: str = "aiplatform.googleapis.com", credentials: ga_credentials.Credentials = None, credentials_file: Optional[str] = None, scopes: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None, channel: aio.Channel = None, api_mtls_endpoint: str = None, client_cert_source: Callable[[], Tuple[bytes, bytes]] = None, ssl_channel_credentials: grpc.ChannelCredentials = None, client_cert_source_for_mtls: Callable[[], Tuple[bytes, bytes]] = None, quota_project_id=None, client_info: gapic_v1.client_info.ClientInfo = DEFAULT_CLIENT_INFO, always_use_jwt_access: Optional[bool] = False, ) -> None: """Instantiate the transport. Args: host (Optional[str]): The hostname to connect to. credentials (Optional[google.auth.credentials.Credentials]): The authorization credentials to attach to requests. These credentials identify the application to the service; if none are specified, the client will attempt to ascertain the credentials from the environment. This argument is ignored if ``channel`` is provided. credentials_file (Optional[str]): A file with credentials that can be loaded with :func:`google.auth.load_credentials_from_file`. This argument is ignored if ``channel`` is provided. scopes (Optional[Sequence[str]]): A optional list of scopes needed for this service. These are only used when credentials are not specified and are passed to :func:`google.auth.default`. channel (Optional[aio.Channel]): A ``Channel`` instance through which to make calls. api_mtls_endpoint (Optional[str]): Deprecated. The mutual TLS endpoint. If provided, it overrides the ``host`` argument and tries to create a mutual TLS channel with client SSL credentials from ``client_cert_source`` or application default SSL credentials. client_cert_source (Optional[Callable[[], Tuple[bytes, bytes]]]): Deprecated. A callback to provide client SSL certificate bytes and private key bytes, both in PEM format. It is ignored if ``api_mtls_endpoint`` is None. ssl_channel_credentials (grpc.ChannelCredentials): SSL credentials for grpc channel. It is ignored if ``channel`` is provided. client_cert_source_for_mtls (Optional[Callable[[], Tuple[bytes, bytes]]]): A callback to provide client certificate bytes and private key bytes, both in PEM format. It is used to configure mutual TLS channel. It is ignored if ``channel`` or ``ssl_channel_credentials`` is provided. quota_project_id (Optional[str]): An optional project to use for billing and quota. client_info (google.api_core.gapic_v1.client_info.ClientInfo): The client info used to send a user-agent string along with API requests. If ``None``, then default info will be used. Generally, you only need to set this if you're developing your own client library. always_use_jwt_access (Optional[bool]): Whether self signed JWT should be used for service account credentials. Raises: google.auth.exceptions.MutualTlsChannelError: If mutual TLS transport creation failed for any reason. google.api_core.exceptions.DuplicateCredentialArgs: If both ``credentials`` and ``credentials_file`` are passed. """ self._grpc_channel = None self._ssl_channel_credentials = ssl_channel_credentials self._stubs: Dict[str, Callable] = {} self._operations_client = None if api_mtls_endpoint: warnings.warn("api_mtls_endpoint is deprecated", DeprecationWarning) if client_cert_source: warnings.warn("client_cert_source is deprecated", DeprecationWarning) if channel: # Ignore credentials if a channel was passed. credentials = False # If a channel was explicitly provided, set it. self._grpc_channel = channel self._ssl_channel_credentials = None else: if api_mtls_endpoint: host = api_mtls_endpoint # Create SSL credentials with client_cert_source or application # default SSL credentials. if client_cert_source: cert, key = client_cert_source() self._ssl_channel_credentials = grpc.ssl_channel_credentials( certificate_chain=cert, private_key=key ) else: self._ssl_channel_credentials = SslCredentials().ssl_credentials else: if client_cert_source_for_mtls and not ssl_channel_credentials: cert, key = client_cert_source_for_mtls() self._ssl_channel_credentials = grpc.ssl_channel_credentials( certificate_chain=cert, private_key=key ) # The base transport sets the host, credentials and scopes super().__init__( host=host, credentials=credentials, credentials_file=credentials_file, scopes=scopes, quota_project_id=quota_project_id, client_info=client_info, always_use_jwt_access=always_use_jwt_access, ) if not self._grpc_channel: self._grpc_channel = type(self).create_channel( self._host, credentials=self._credentials, credentials_file=credentials_file, scopes=self._scopes, ssl_credentials=self._ssl_channel_credentials, quota_project_id=quota_project_id, options=[ ("grpc.max_send_message_length", -1), ("grpc.max_receive_message_length", -1), ], ) # Wrap messages. This must be done after self._grpc_channel exists self._prep_wrapped_messages(client_info) @property def grpc_channel(self) -> aio.Channel: """Create the channel designed to connect to this service. This property caches on the instance; repeated calls return the same channel. """ # Return the channel from cache. return self._grpc_channel @property def operations_client(self) -> operations_v1.OperationsAsyncClient: """Create the client designed to process long-running operations. This property caches on the instance; repeated calls return the same client. """ # Sanity check: Only create a new client if we do not already have one. if self._operations_client is None: self._operations_client = operations_v1.OperationsAsyncClient( self.grpc_channel ) # Return the client from cache. return self._operations_client @property def upload_model( self, ) -> Callable[ [model_service.UploadModelRequest], Awaitable[operations_pb2.Operation] ]: r"""Return a callable for the upload model method over gRPC. Uploads a Model artifact into Vertex AI. Returns: Callable[[~.UploadModelRequest], Awaitable[~.Operation]]: A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC on the server. """ # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make # the request. # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need # to pass in the functions for each. if "upload_model" not in self._stubs: self._stubs["upload_model"] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( "/google.cloud.aiplatform.v1.ModelService/UploadModel", request_serializer=model_service.UploadModelRequest.serialize, response_deserializer=operations_pb2.Operation.FromString, ) return self._stubs["upload_model"] @property def get_model( self, ) -> Callable[[model_service.GetModelRequest], Awaitable[model.Model]]: r"""Return a callable for the get model method over gRPC. Gets a Model. Returns: Callable[[~.GetModelRequest], Awaitable[~.Model]]: A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC on the server. """ # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make # the request. # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need # to pass in the functions for each. if "get_model" not in self._stubs: self._stubs["get_model"] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( "/google.cloud.aiplatform.v1.ModelService/GetModel", request_serializer=model_service.GetModelRequest.serialize, response_deserializer=model.Model.deserialize, ) return self._stubs["get_model"] @property def list_models( self, ) -> Callable[ [model_service.ListModelsRequest], Awaitable[model_service.ListModelsResponse] ]: r"""Return a callable for the list models method over gRPC. Lists Models in a Location. Returns: Callable[[~.ListModelsRequest], Awaitable[~.ListModelsResponse]]: A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC on the server. """ # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make # the request. # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need # to pass in the functions for each. if "list_models" not in self._stubs: self._stubs["list_models"] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( "/google.cloud.aiplatform.v1.ModelService/ListModels", request_serializer=model_service.ListModelsRequest.serialize, response_deserializer=model_service.ListModelsResponse.deserialize, ) return self._stubs["list_models"] @property def update_model( self, ) -> Callable[[model_service.UpdateModelRequest], Awaitable[gca_model.Model]]: r"""Return a callable for the update model method over gRPC. Updates a Model. Returns: Callable[[~.UpdateModelRequest], Awaitable[~.Model]]: A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC on the server. """ # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make # the request. # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need # to pass in the functions for each. if "update_model" not in self._stubs: self._stubs["update_model"] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( "/google.cloud.aiplatform.v1.ModelService/UpdateModel", request_serializer=model_service.UpdateModelRequest.serialize, response_deserializer=gca_model.Model.deserialize, ) return self._stubs["update_model"] @property def delete_model( self, ) -> Callable[ [model_service.DeleteModelRequest], Awaitable[operations_pb2.Operation] ]: r"""Return a callable for the delete model method over gRPC. Deletes a Model. Note: Model can only be deleted if there are no DeployedModels created from it. Returns: Callable[[~.DeleteModelRequest], Awaitable[~.Operation]]: A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC on the server. """ # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make # the request. # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need # to pass in the functions for each. if "delete_model" not in self._stubs: self._stubs["delete_model"] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( "/google.cloud.aiplatform.v1.ModelService/DeleteModel", request_serializer=model_service.DeleteModelRequest.serialize, response_deserializer=operations_pb2.Operation.FromString, ) return self._stubs["delete_model"] @property def export_model( self, ) -> Callable[ [model_service.ExportModelRequest], Awaitable[operations_pb2.Operation] ]: r"""Return a callable for the export model method over gRPC. Exports a trained, exportable, Model to a location specified by the user. A Model is considered to be exportable if it has at least one [supported export format][google.cloud.aiplatform.v1.Model.supported_export_formats]. Returns: Callable[[~.ExportModelRequest], Awaitable[~.Operation]]: A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC on the server. """ # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make # the request. # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need # to pass in the functions for each. if "export_model" not in self._stubs: self._stubs["export_model"] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( "/google.cloud.aiplatform.v1.ModelService/ExportModel", request_serializer=model_service.ExportModelRequest.serialize, response_deserializer=operations_pb2.Operation.FromString, ) return self._stubs["export_model"] @property def get_model_evaluation( self, ) -> Callable[ [model_service.GetModelEvaluationRequest], Awaitable[model_evaluation.ModelEvaluation], ]: r"""Return a callable for the get model evaluation method over gRPC. Gets a ModelEvaluation. Returns: Callable[[~.GetModelEvaluationRequest], Awaitable[~.ModelEvaluation]]: A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC on the server. """ # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make # the request. # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need # to pass in the functions for each. if "get_model_evaluation" not in self._stubs: self._stubs["get_model_evaluation"] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( "/google.cloud.aiplatform.v1.ModelService/GetModelEvaluation", request_serializer=model_service.GetModelEvaluationRequest.serialize, response_deserializer=model_evaluation.ModelEvaluation.deserialize, ) return self._stubs["get_model_evaluation"] @property def list_model_evaluations( self, ) -> Callable[ [model_service.ListModelEvaluationsRequest], Awaitable[model_service.ListModelEvaluationsResponse], ]: r"""Return a callable for the list model evaluations method over gRPC. Lists ModelEvaluations in a Model. Returns: Callable[[~.ListModelEvaluationsRequest], Awaitable[~.ListModelEvaluationsResponse]]: A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC on the server. """ # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make # the request. # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need # to pass in the functions for each. if "list_model_evaluations" not in self._stubs: self._stubs["list_model_evaluations"] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( "/google.cloud.aiplatform.v1.ModelService/ListModelEvaluations", request_serializer=model_service.ListModelEvaluationsRequest.serialize, response_deserializer=model_service.ListModelEvaluationsResponse.deserialize, ) return self._stubs["list_model_evaluations"] @property def get_model_evaluation_slice( self, ) -> Callable[ [model_service.GetModelEvaluationSliceRequest], Awaitable[model_evaluation_slice.ModelEvaluationSlice], ]: r"""Return a callable for the get model evaluation slice method over gRPC. Gets a ModelEvaluationSlice. Returns: Callable[[~.GetModelEvaluationSliceRequest], Awaitable[~.ModelEvaluationSlice]]: A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC on the server. """ # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make # the request. # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need # to pass in the functions for each. if "get_model_evaluation_slice" not in self._stubs: self._stubs["get_model_evaluation_slice"] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( "/google.cloud.aiplatform.v1.ModelService/GetModelEvaluationSlice", request_serializer=model_service.GetModelEvaluationSliceRequest.serialize, response_deserializer=model_evaluation_slice.ModelEvaluationSlice.deserialize, ) return self._stubs["get_model_evaluation_slice"] @property def list_model_evaluation_slices( self, ) -> Callable[ [model_service.ListModelEvaluationSlicesRequest], Awaitable[model_service.ListModelEvaluationSlicesResponse], ]: r"""Return a callable for the list model evaluation slices method over gRPC. Lists ModelEvaluationSlices in a ModelEvaluation. Returns: Callable[[~.ListModelEvaluationSlicesRequest], Awaitable[~.ListModelEvaluationSlicesResponse]]: A function that, when called, will call the underlying RPC on the server. """ # Generate a "stub function" on-the-fly which will actually make # the request. # gRPC handles serialization and deserialization, so we just need # to pass in the functions for each. if "list_model_evaluation_slices" not in self._stubs: self._stubs["list_model_evaluation_slices"] = self.grpc_channel.unary_unary( "/google.cloud.aiplatform.v1.ModelService/ListModelEvaluationSlices", request_serializer=model_service.ListModelEvaluationSlicesRequest.serialize, response_deserializer=model_service.ListModelEvaluationSlicesResponse.deserialize, ) return self._stubs["list_model_evaluation_slices"] __all__ = ("ModelServiceGrpcAsyncIOTransport",)
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
from django.urls import path from .views import * urlpatterns = [ path('',home,name="home"), ]
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
#!/usr/bin/env python import setuptools with open("README.md", "r") as fh: long_description = fh.read() setuptools.setup( name='pypdftk-snap-wrkarnd', description='''Python wrapper for PDFTK with snap installation workaround''', long_description=long_description, long_description_content_type="text/markdown", version='0.4', author='Julien Bouquillon', author_email='julien@revolunet.com', url='http://github.com/revolunet/pypdftk', py_modules=['pypdftk'], scripts=['pypdftk.py'], classifiers=['Development Status :: 4 - Beta', 'Environment :: Web Environment', 'Intended Audience :: Developers', 'License :: OSI Approved :: BSD License', 'Operating System :: OS Independent', 'Programming Language :: Python', 'Topic :: Utilities'], )
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
#Check sensors and log to file from logData import logData from si7021 import getHumidity, getTempC import NDIR try: humidity = getHumidity() logData("si7021", "Success", "humidity", "{:10.1f}".format(humidity), '') except (IOError): logData("si7021", "Failure", "humidity", '', IOError) try: temp = getTempC() logData("si7021", "Success", "temperature", "{:10.1f}".format(temp), '') except (IOError, e): logData("si7021", "Failure", "temperature", '', str(e)) try: sensor = NDIR.Sensor(0x4D) sensor.begin() logData("CO2 Concentration", "Success", "co2", str(sensor.getCO2()), '') except (IOError): logData("CO2 Concentration", "Failure", "co2", '', str(IOError))
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
""" Author: Lawrence Du E-mail: larrydu88@gmail.com """ from toolchain import CythonRecipe,shprint import os from os.path import join import sh class CymunkRecipe(CythonRecipe): version = 'master' url = 'https://github.com/tito/cymunk/archive/{version}.zip' name = 'cymunk' depends = ['hostpython'] cythonize = True def build_arch(self, arch): """ Override build.arch to avoid calling setup.py here (Call it in install() instead). """ self.cythonize_build() self.biglink() def install(self): """ Do the equivalent of python setup.py build_ext install while setting the proper environment variables """ arch = list(self.filtered_archs)[0] build_env = self.get_recipe_env(arch) hostpython = sh.Command(self.ctx.hostpython) subdir_path = self.get_build_dir(arch.arch) setup_path = join(subdir_path,"setup.py") dest_dir = join (self.ctx.dist_dir, "root", "python") build_env['PYTHONPATH'] = join(dest_dir, 'lib', 'python2.7', 'site-packages') #Note: Throws error if PATH is not set. I am not sure if this will cause problems # in other architectures. build_env['PATH']= os.environ.get('PATH') shprint(hostpython, setup_path, "build_ext", #"--compiler=mingw32", #note: throws clang error "install", _env=build_env) recipe = CymunkRecipe()
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
import copy import importlib import json import os import re from copy import deepcopy from functools import partial from typing import Callable, Dict, List, Optional, TypeVar, Union import yaml def with_lock(func: Callable): """Use as decorator (@withlock) around object methods that need locking. Note: The object must have a self._lock = threading.Lock() property. Locking thus works on the object level (no two locked methods of the same object can be called asynchronously). Args: func (Callable): The function to decorate/wrap. Returns: Callable: The wrapped (object-level locked) function. """ def wrapper(self, *a, **k): try: with self._lock: return func(self, *a, **k) except AttributeError as e: if "has no attribute '_lock'" in e.args[0]: raise AttributeError( "Object {} must have a `self._lock` property (assigned " "to a threading.RLock() object in its " "constructor)!".format(self)) raise e return wrapper def deep_update( original: dict, new_dict: dict, new_keys_allowed: str = False, allow_new_subkey_list: Optional[List[str]] = None, override_all_if_type_changes: Optional[List[str]] = None) -> dict: """Updates original dict with values from new_dict recursively. If new key is introduced in new_dict, then if new_keys_allowed is not True, an error will be thrown. Further, for sub-dicts, if the key is in the allow_new_subkey_list, then new subkeys can be introduced. Args: original (dict): Dictionary with default values. new_dict (dict): Dictionary with values to be updated new_keys_allowed (bool): Whether new keys are allowed. allow_new_subkey_list (Optional[List[str]]): List of keys that correspond to dict values where new subkeys can be introduced. This is only at the top level. override_all_if_type_changes(Optional[List[str]]): List of top level keys with value=dict, for which we always simply override the entire value (dict), iff the "type" key in that value dict changes. """ allow_new_subkey_list = allow_new_subkey_list or [] override_all_if_type_changes = override_all_if_type_changes or [] for k, value in new_dict.items(): if k not in original and not new_keys_allowed: raise Exception("Unknown config parameter `{}` ".format(k)) # Both orginal value and new one are dicts. if isinstance(original.get(k), dict) and isinstance(value, dict): # Check old type vs old one. If different, override entire value. if k in override_all_if_type_changes and \ "type" in value and "type" in original[k] and \ value["type"] != original[k]["type"]: original[k] = value # Allowed key -> ok to add new subkeys. elif k in allow_new_subkey_list: deep_update(original[k], value, True) # Non-allowed key. else: deep_update(original[k], value, new_keys_allowed) # Original value not a dict OR new value not a dict: # Override entire value. else: original[k] = value return original def merge_dicts(d1: dict, d2: dict) -> dict: """ Args: d1 (dict): Dict 1. d2 (dict): Dict 2. Returns: dict: A new dict that is d1 and d2 deep merged. """ merged = copy.deepcopy(d1) deep_update(merged, d2, True, []) return merged def force_list(elements=None, to_tuple=False): """ Makes sure `elements` is returned as a list, whether `elements` is a single item, already a list, or a tuple. Args: elements (Optional[any]): The inputs as single item, list, or tuple to be converted into a list/tuple. If None, returns empty list/tuple. to_tuple (bool): Whether to use tuple (instead of list). Returns: Union[list,tuple]: All given elements in a list/tuple depending on `to_tuple`'s value. If elements is None, returns an empty list/tuple. """ ctor = list if to_tuple is True: ctor = tuple return ctor() if elements is None else ctor(elements) \ if type(elements) in [list, tuple] else ctor([elements]) def from_config(cls, config=None, **kwargs): """Uses the given config to create an object. If `config` is a dict, an optional "type" key can be used as a "constructor hint" to specify a certain class of the object. If `config` is not a dict, `config`'s value is used directly as this "constructor hint". The rest of `config` (if it's a dict) will be used as kwargs for the constructor. Additional keys in **kwargs will always have precedence (overwrite keys in `config` (if a dict)). Also, if the config-dict or **kwargs contains the special key "_args", it will be popped from the dict and used as *args list to be passed separately to the constructor. The following constructor hints are valid: - None: Use `cls` as constructor. - An already instantiated object: Will be returned as is; no constructor call. - A string or an object that is a key in `cls`'s `__type_registry__` dict: The value in `__type_registry__` for that key will be used as the constructor. - A python callable: Use that very callable as constructor. - A string: Either a json/yaml filename or the name of a python module+class (e.g. "ray.rllib. [...] .[some class name]") Args: cls (class): The class to build an instance for (from `config`). config (Optional[dict, str]): The config dict or type-string or filename. Keyword Args: kwargs (any): Optional possibility to pass the constructor arguments in here and use `config` as the type-only info. Then we can call this like: from_config([type]?, [**kwargs for constructor]) If `config` is already a dict, then `kwargs` will be merged with `config` (overwriting keys in `config`) after "type" has been popped out of `config`. If a constructor of a Configurable needs *args, the special key `_args` can be passed inside `kwargs` with a list value (e.g. kwargs={"_args": [arg1, arg2, arg3]}). Returns: any: The object generated from the config. """ # `cls` is the config (config is None). if config is None and isinstance(cls, (dict, str)): config = cls cls = None # `config` is already a created object of this class -> # Take it as is. elif isinstance(cls, type) and isinstance(config, cls): return config # `type_`: Indicator for the Configurable's constructor. # `ctor_args`: *args arguments for the constructor. # `ctor_kwargs`: **kwargs arguments for the constructor. # Try to copy, so caller can reuse safely. try: config = deepcopy(config) except Exception: pass if isinstance(config, dict): type_ = config.pop("type", None) if type_ is None and isinstance(cls, str): type_ = cls ctor_kwargs = config # Give kwargs priority over things defined in config dict. # This way, one can pass a generic `spec` and then override single # constructor parameters via the kwargs in the call to `from_config`. ctor_kwargs.update(kwargs) else: type_ = config if type_ is None and "type" in kwargs: type_ = kwargs.pop("type") ctor_kwargs = kwargs # Special `_args` field in kwargs for *args-utilizing constructors. ctor_args = force_list(ctor_kwargs.pop("_args", [])) # Figure out the actual constructor (class) from `type_`. # None: Try __default__object (if no args/kwargs), only then # constructor of cls (using args/kwargs). if type_ is None: # We have a default constructor that was defined directly by cls # (not by its children). if cls is not None and hasattr(cls, "__default_constructor__") and \ cls.__default_constructor__ is not None and \ ctor_args == [] and \ ( not hasattr(cls.__bases__[0], "__default_constructor__") or cls.__bases__[0].__default_constructor__ is None or cls.__bases__[0].__default_constructor__ is not cls.__default_constructor__ ): constructor = cls.__default_constructor__ # Default constructor's keywords into ctor_kwargs. if isinstance(constructor, partial): kwargs = merge_dicts(ctor_kwargs, constructor.keywords) constructor = partial(constructor.func, **kwargs) ctor_kwargs = {} # erase to avoid duplicate kwarg error # No default constructor -> Try cls itself as constructor. else: constructor = cls # Try the __type_registry__ of this class. else: constructor = lookup_type(cls, type_) # Found in cls.__type_registry__. if constructor is not None: pass # type_ is False or None (and this value is not registered) -> # return value of type_. elif type_ is False or type_ is None: return type_ # Python callable. elif callable(type_): constructor = type_ # A string: Filename or a python module+class or a json/yaml str. elif isinstance(type_, str): if re.search("\\.(yaml|yml|json)$", type_): return from_file(cls, type_, *ctor_args, **ctor_kwargs) # Try un-json/un-yaml'ing the string into a dict. obj = yaml.safe_load(type_) if isinstance(obj, dict): return from_config(cls, obj) try: obj = from_config(cls, json.loads(type_)) except json.JSONDecodeError: pass else: return obj # Test for absolute module.class path specifier. if type_.find(".") != -1: module_name, function_name = type_.rsplit(".", 1) try: module = importlib.import_module(module_name) constructor = getattr(module, function_name) # Module not found. except (ModuleNotFoundError, ImportError, AttributeError): pass # If constructor still not found, try attaching cls' module, # then look for type_ in there. if constructor is None: if isinstance(cls, str): # Module found, but doesn't have the specified # c'tor/function. raise ValueError( f"Full classpath specifier ({type_}) must be a valid " "full [module].[class] string! E.g.: " "`my.cool.module.MyCoolClass`.") try: module = importlib.import_module(cls.__module__) constructor = getattr(module, type_) except (ModuleNotFoundError, ImportError, AttributeError): # Try the package as well. try: package_name = importlib.import_module( cls.__module__).__package__ module = __import__(package_name, fromlist=[type_]) constructor = getattr(module, type_) except (ModuleNotFoundError, ImportError, AttributeError): pass if constructor is None: raise ValueError( f"String specifier ({type_}) must be a valid filename, " f"a [module].[class], a class within '{cls.__module__}', " f"or a key into {cls.__name__}.__type_registry__!") if not constructor: raise TypeError( "Invalid type '{}'. Cannot create `from_config`.".format(type_)) # Create object with inferred constructor. try: object_ = constructor(*ctor_args, **ctor_kwargs) # Catch attempts to construct from an abstract class and return None. except TypeError as e: if re.match("Can't instantiate abstract class", e.args[0]): return None raise e # Re-raise # No sanity check for fake (lambda)-"constructors". if type(constructor).__name__ != "function": assert isinstance( object_, constructor.func if isinstance(constructor, partial) else constructor) return object_ def from_file(cls, filename, *args, **kwargs): """ Create object from config saved in filename. Expects json or yaml file. Args: filename (str): File containing the config (json or yaml). Returns: any: The object generated from the file. """ path = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), filename) if not os.path.isfile(path): raise FileNotFoundError("File '{}' not found!".format(filename)) with open(path, "rt") as fp: if path.endswith(".yaml") or path.endswith(".yml"): config = yaml.safe_load(fp) else: config = json.load(fp) # Add possible *args. config["_args"] = args return from_config(cls, config=config, **kwargs) def lookup_type(cls, type_): if cls is not None and hasattr(cls, "__type_registry__") and \ isinstance(cls.__type_registry__, dict) and ( type_ in cls.__type_registry__ or ( isinstance(type_, str) and re.sub("[\\W_]", "", type_.lower()) in cls.__type_registry__)): available_class_for_type = cls.__type_registry__.get(type_) if available_class_for_type is None: available_class_for_type = \ cls.__type_registry__[re.sub("[\\W_]", "", type_.lower())] return available_class_for_type return None
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
from proxy_manager_g4 import ProxyManager from proxy_manager_g4.consts import PROTOCOL_HTTPS proxy_manager = ProxyManager(protocol=PROTOCOL_HTTPS, anonymity=True) for i in range(1, 1000): pr = proxy_manager.get_random() print(i, ": ", pr, "(", pr.used, ")")
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. from horizon.test import helpers as test class OvaTests(test.TestCase): # Unit tests for exporting. def test_me(self): self.assertTrue(1 + 1 == 2)
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
"""modulo URL Configuration The `urlpatterns` list routes URLs to views. For more information please see: https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/2.1/topics/http/urls/ Examples: Function views 1. Add an import: from my_app import views 2. Add a URL to urlpatterns: path('', views.home, name='home') Class-based views 1. Add an import: from other_app.views import Home 2. Add a URL to urlpatterns: path('', Home.as_view(), name='home') Including another URLconf 1. Import the include() function: from django.urls import include, path 2. Add a URL to urlpatterns: path('blog/', include('blog.urls')) """ from django.urls import path, include from django.contrib import admin urlpatterns = [ path('users/', include(('apps.users.urls', 'users'), namespace='users')), path('', include(('apps.modulo.urls', 'modulo'), namespace='modulo')), ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
"""A Kestrel session provides an isolated stateful runtime space for a huntflow. A huntflow is the source code or script of a cyber threat hunt, which can be developed offline in a text editor or interactively as the hunt goes. A Kestrel session provides the runtime space for a huntflow that allows execution and inspection of hunt statements in the huntflow. The :class:`Session` class in this module supports both non-interactive and interactive execution of huntflows as well as comprehensive APIs besides execution. .. highlight:: python Examples: A non-interactive execution of a huntflow:: from kestrel.session import Session with Session() as session: open(huntflow_file) as hff: huntflow = hff.read() session.execute(huntflow) An interactive composition and execution of a huntflow:: from kestrel.session import Session with Session() as session: try: hunt_statement = input(">>> ") except EOFError: print() break else: output = session.execute(hunt_statement) print(output) Export Kestrel variable to Python:: from kestrel.session import Session huntflow = ""\"newvar = GET process FROM stixshifter://workstationX WHERE [process:name = 'cmd.exe']""\" with Session() as session: session.execute(huntflow) cmds = session.get_variable("newvar") for process in cmds: print(process["name"]) """ import tempfile import os import pathlib import shutil import uuid import logging import re import toml import time import math from datetime import datetime from lark import UnexpectedCharacters, UnexpectedToken from kestrel.exceptions import ( KestrelSyntaxError, NoValidConfiguration, InvalidStixPattern, ) from kestrel.syntax.parser import get_all_input_var_names from kestrel.syntax.parser import parse from kestrel.syntax.utils import get_keywords from kestrel.semantics import * from kestrel.codegen import commands from kestrel.codegen.display import DisplayBlockSummary from kestrel.codegen.summary import gen_variable_summary from firepit import get_storage from firepit.exceptions import StixPatternError from kestrel.utils import set_current_working_directory, config_paths from kestrel.datasource import DataSourceManager from kestrel.analytics import AnalyticsManager _logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class Session(object): """Kestrel Session class A session object needs to be instantiated to create a Kestrel runtime space. This is the foundation of multi-user dynamic composition and execution of huntflows. A Kestrel session has two important properties: - Stateful: a session keeps track of states/effects of statements that have been previously executed in this session, e.g., the values of previous established Kestrel variables. A session can invoke more than one :meth:`execute`, and each :meth:`execute` can process a block of Kestrel code, i.e., multiple Kestrel statements. - Isolated: each session is established in an isolated space (memory and file system): - Memory isolation is accomplished by OS process and memory space management automatically -- different Kestrel session instances will not overlap in memory. - File system isolation is accomplished with the setup and management of a temporary runtime directory for each session. Args: runtime_dir (str): to be used for :attr:`runtime_directory`. store_path (str): the file path or URL to initialize :attr:`store`. debug_mode (bool): to be assign to :attr:`debug_mode`. Attributes: session_id (str): The Kestrel session ID, which will be created as a random UUID if not given in the constructor. runtime_directory (str): The runtime directory stores session related data in the file system such as local cache of queried results, session log, and may be the internal store. The session will use a temporary directory derived from :attr:`session_id` if the path is not specified in constructor parameters. store (firepit.SqlStorage): The internal store used by the session to normalize queried results, implement cache, and realize the low level code generation. The store from the ``firepit`` package provides an operation abstraction over the raw internal database: either a local store, e.g., SQLite, or a remote one, e.g., PostgreSQL. If not specified from the constructor parameter, the session will use the default SQLite store in the :attr:`runtime_directory`. debug_mode (bool): The debug flag set by the session constructor. If True, a fixed debug link ``/tmp/kestrel`` of :attr:`runtime_directory` will be created, and :attr:`runtime_directory` will not be removed by the session when terminating. runtime_directory_is_owned_by_upper_layer (bool): The flag to specify who owns and manages :attr:`runtime_directory`. False by default, where the Kestrel session will manage session file system isolation -- create and destory :attr:`runtime_directory`. If True, the runtime directory is created, passed in to the session constructor, and will be destroyed by the calling site. symtable (dict): The continuously updated *symbol table* of the running session, which is a dictionary mapping from Kestrel variable names ``str`` to their associated Kestrel internal data structure ``VarStruct``. data_source_manager (kestrel.datasource.DataSourceManager): The data source manager handles queries to all data source interfaces such as local file stix bundle and stix-shifter. It also stores previous queried data sources for the session, which is used for a syntax sugar when there is no data source in a Kestrel ``GET`` statement -- the last data source is implicitly used. analytics_manager (kestrel.analytics.AnalyticsManager): The analytics manager handles all analytics related operations such as executing an analytics or getting the list of analytics for code auto-completion. """ def __init__( self, session_id=None, runtime_dir=None, store_path=None, debug_mode=False ): _logger.debug( f"Establish session with session_id: {session_id}, runtime_dir: {runtime_dir}, store_path:{store_path}, debug_mode:{debug_mode}" ) self.config = self._load_configuration() if session_id: self.session_id = session_id else: self.session_id = str(uuid.uuid4()) self.debug_mode = debug_mode # default value of runtime_directory ownership self.runtime_directory_is_owned_by_upper_layer = False # runtime (temporary) directory to store session-related data sys_tmp_dir = pathlib.Path(tempfile.gettempdir()) if runtime_dir: if os.path.exists(runtime_dir): self.runtime_directory_is_owned_by_upper_layer = True else: pathlib.Path(runtime_dir).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) self.runtime_directory = runtime_dir else: tmp_dir = sys_tmp_dir / ("kestrel-session-" + self.session_id) self.runtime_directory = tmp_dir.resolve() if tmp_dir.exists(): if tmp_dir.is_dir(): _logger.debug( "Kestrel session with runtime_directory exists, reuse it." ) else: _logger.debug( "strange tmp file that uses kestrel session dir name, remove it." ) os.remove(self.runtime_directory) else: _logger.debug( f"create new session runtime_directory: {self.runtime_directory}." ) tmp_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) if self.debug_mode: runtime_directory_master = sys_tmp_dir / "kestrel" if runtime_directory_master.exists(): runtime_directory_master.unlink() runtime_directory_master.symlink_to(self.runtime_directory) # local database of SQLite or Parquet if not store_path: # use the default local database in config.py store_path = os.path.join( self.runtime_directory, self.config["session"]["local_database_path"] ) self.store = get_storage(store_path, self.session_id) # Symbol Table # linking variables in syntax with internal data structure # handling fallback_var for the most recently accessed var # {"var": VarStruct} self.symtable = {} self.data_source_manager = DataSourceManager() self.analytics_manager = AnalyticsManager() iso_ts_regex = r"\d{4}(-\d{2}(-\d{2}(T\d{2}(:\d{2}(:\d{2}Z?)?)?)?)?)?" self._iso_ts = re.compile(iso_ts_regex) def execute(self, codeblock): """Execute a Kestrel code block. A Kestrel statement or multiple consecutive statements constitute a code block, which can be executed by this method. New Kestrel variables can be created in a code block such as ``newvar = GET ...``. Two types of Kestrel variables can be legally referred in a Kestrel statement in the code block: * A Kestrel variable created in the same code block prior to the reference. * A Kestrel variable created in code blocks previously executed by the session. The session maintains the :attr:`symtable` to keep the state of all previously executed Kestrel statements and their established Kestrel variables. Args: codeblock (str): the code block to be executed. Returns: A list of outputs that each of them is the output for each statement in the inputted code block. """ ast = self.parse(codeblock) return self._execute_ast(ast) def parse(self, codeblock): """Parse a Kestrel code block. Parse one or multiple consecutive Kestrel statements (a Kestrel code block) into the abstract syntax tree. This could be useful for frontends that need to parse a statement *without* executing it in order to render some type of interface. Args: codeblock (str): the code block to be parsed. Returns: A list of dictionaries that each of them is an *abstract syntax tree* for one Kestrel statement in the inputted code block. """ try: ast = parse( codeblock, self.config["language"]["default_variable"], self.config["language"]["default_sort_order"], ) except UnexpectedCharacters as err: raise KestrelSyntaxError(err.line, err.column, "character", err.char) except UnexpectedToken as err: raise KestrelSyntaxError(err.line, err.column, "token", err.token) return ast def get_variable_names(self): """Get the list of Kestrel variable names created in this session.""" return list(self.symtable.keys()) def get_variable(self, var_name): """Get the data of Kestrel variable ``var_name``, which is list of homogeneous entities (STIX SCOs).""" # In the future, consider returning a generator here? return self.symtable[var_name].get_entities() def create_variable(self, var_name, objects, object_type=None): """Create a new Kestrel variable ``var_name`` with data in ``objects``. This is the API equivalent to Kestrel command ``NEW``, while allowing more flexible objects types (Python objects) than the objects serialized into text/JSON in the command ``NEW``. Args: var_name (str): The Kestrel variable to be created. objects (list): List of Python objects, currently support either a list of ``str`` or a list of ``dict``. object_type (str): The Kestrel entity type for the created Kestrel variable. It overrides the ``type`` field in ``objects``. If there is no ``type`` field in ``objects``, e.g., ``objects`` is a list of ``str``, this parameter is required. """ virtual_stmt_ast = [ {"command": "new", "output": var_name, "data": objects, "type": object_type} ] self._execute_ast(virtual_stmt_ast) def do_complete(self, code, cursor_pos): """Kestrel code auto-completion. This function gives a list of suggestions on the inputted partial Kestrel code to complete it. The current version sets the context for completion on word level -- it will reason around the last word in the input Kestrel code to provide suggestions. Data sources and analytics names can also be completed since the entire URI are single words (no space in data source or analytic name string). This feature can be used to list all available data sources or analytics, e.g., giving the last partial word ``stixshifter://``. Currently this method computes code completion based on: * Kestrel keywords * Kestrel variables * data source names * analytics names Args: code (str): Kestrel code. cursor_pos (int): the position to start completion (index in ``code``). Returns: A list of suggested strings to complete the code. """ prefix = code[:cursor_pos] last_word = prefix.split(" ")[-1] if "START" in prefix or "STOP" in prefix: return self._get_complete_timestamp(last_word) elif "://" in last_word: scheme, path = last_word.split("://") if scheme in self.data_source_manager.schemes(): data_source_names = ( self.data_source_manager.list_data_sources_from_scheme(scheme) ) allnames = [scheme + "://" + name for name in data_source_names] _logger.debug( f"auto-complete from data source interface {scheme}: {allnames}" ) elif scheme in self.analytics_manager.schemes(): analytics_names = self.analytics_manager.list_analytics_from_scheme( scheme ) allnames = [scheme + "://" + name for name in analytics_names] _logger.debug( f"auto-complete from analytics interface {scheme}: {allnames}" ) else: allnames = [] _logger.debug("cannot find auto-complete interface") else: allnames = ( get_keywords() + self.get_variable_names() + self.data_source_manager.schemes() + self.analytics_manager.schemes() ) _logger.debug("standard auto-complete") suggestions = [ name[len(last_word) :] for name in allnames if name.startswith(last_word) ] return suggestions def close(self): """Explicitly close the session. Only needed for non-context-managed sessions. """ del self.store if not self.runtime_directory_is_owned_by_upper_layer and not self.debug_mode: shutil.rmtree(self.runtime_directory) def _execute_ast(self, ast): displays = [] new_vars = [] start_exec_ts = time.time() for stmt in ast: try: # pre-processing: semantics check and completion # - ensure all parsed elements not empty # - check existance of argument variables # - complete data source if omitted by user # - complete input context check_elements_not_empty(stmt) for input_var_name in get_all_input_var_names(stmt): check_var_exists(input_var_name, self.symtable) if stmt["command"] == "get": recognize_var_source(stmt, self.symtable) complete_data_source( stmt, self.data_source_manager.queried_data_sources[-1] ) if stmt["command"] == "load" or stmt["command"] == "save": stmt["path"] = pathlib.Path(stmt["path"]).resolve() if stmt["command"] == "find": check_semantics_on_find(stmt, self.symtable[stmt["input"]].type) if "attrs" in stmt: var_struct = self.symtable[stmt["input"]] stmt["attrs"] = normalize_attrs(stmt, var_struct) # code generation and execution execute_cmd = getattr(commands, stmt["command"]) # set current working directory for each command execution # use this to implicitly pass runtime_dir as an argument to each command # the context manager switch back cwd when the command execution completes with set_current_working_directory(self.runtime_directory): output_var_struct, display = execute_cmd(stmt, self) # exception completion except StixPatternError as e: raise InvalidStixPattern(e.stix) # post-processing: symbol table update if output_var_struct is not None: output_var_name = stmt["output"] self._update_symbol_table(output_var_name, output_var_struct) if output_var_name != self.config["language"]["default_variable"]: if output_var_name in new_vars: new_vars.remove(output_var_name) new_vars.append(output_var_name) if display is not None: displays.append(display) end_exec_ts = time.time() execution_time_sec = math.ceil(end_exec_ts - start_exec_ts) if new_vars: vars_summary = [ gen_variable_summary(vname, self.symtable[vname]) for vname in new_vars ] displays.append(DisplayBlockSummary(vars_summary, execution_time_sec)) return displays def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, exception_type, exception_value, traceback): self.close() def _update_symbol_table(self, output_var_name, output_var_struct): self.symtable[output_var_name] = output_var_struct self.symtable[self.config["language"]["default_variable"]] = output_var_struct def _load_configuration(self): configs = [] for path in config_paths(): try: configs.append(toml.load(path)) _logger.debug(f"Configuration file {path} loaded successfully.") except FileNotFoundError: _logger.debug(f"Configuration file {path} does not exist.") except toml.decoder.TomlDecodeError: _logger.debug(f"Invalid configuration file {path}.") if not configs: raise NoValidConfiguration else: config = configs.pop(0) for c in configs: config.update(c) _logger.debug(f"Configuration loaded: {config}") return config def _get_complete_timestamp(self, ts_str): valid_ts_formats = [ "%Y", "%Y-%m", "%Y-%m-%d", "%Y-%m-%dT%H", "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M", "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S", ] complete_ts = [] for vts in valid_ts_formats: ts = ts_str.split("'")[-1] matched = self._iso_ts.match(ts) if matched: try: ts_iso = datetime.strptime(matched.group(), vts).isoformat() complete_ts.append(ts_iso[len(ts) :] + "Z'") if complete_ts: return complete_ts except: _logger.debug(f"Try to match timestamp {ts} by format {vts}") pass
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
# Copyright (C) 2010-2011 Richard Lincoln # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to # deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the # rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or # sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in # all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING # FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS # IN THE SOFTWARE. from CIM15.IEC61970.Core.IdentifiedObject import IdentifiedObject class WindingInsulation(IdentifiedObject): """Winding insulation condition as a result of a test.Winding insulation condition as a result of a test. """ def __init__(self, insulationPFStatus='', insulationResistance='', leakageReactance=0.0, Ground=None, TransformerObservation=None, ToWinding=None, FromWinding=None, status=None, *args, **kw_args): """Initialises a new 'WindingInsulation' instance. @param insulationPFStatus: Status of Winding Insulation Power Factor as of statusDate: Acceptable, Minor Deterioration or Moisture Absorption, Major Deterioration or Moisture Absorption, Failed. @param insulationResistance: For testType, status of Winding Insulation Resistance as of statusDate. Typical values are: Acceptable, Questionable, Failed. @param leakageReactance: As of statusDate, the leakage reactance measured at the 'from' winding with the 'to' winding short-circuited and all other windings open-circuited. @param Ground: @param TransformerObservation: @param ToWinding: @param FromWinding: @param status: """ #: Status of Winding Insulation Power Factor as of statusDate: Acceptable, Minor Deterioration or Moisture Absorption, Major Deterioration or Moisture Absorption, Failed. self.insulationPFStatus = insulationPFStatus #: For testType, status of Winding Insulation Resistance as of statusDate. Typical values are: Acceptable, Questionable, Failed. self.insulationResistance = insulationResistance #: As of statusDate, the leakage reactance measured at the 'from' winding with the 'to' winding short-circuited and all other windings open-circuited. self.leakageReactance = leakageReactance self._Ground = None self.Ground = Ground self._TransformerObservation = None self.TransformerObservation = TransformerObservation self._ToWinding = None self.ToWinding = ToWinding self._FromWinding = None self.FromWinding = FromWinding self.status = status super(WindingInsulation, self).__init__(*args, **kw_args) _attrs = ["insulationPFStatus", "insulationResistance", "leakageReactance"] _attr_types = {"insulationPFStatus": str, "insulationResistance": str, "leakageReactance": float} _defaults = {"insulationPFStatus": '', "insulationResistance": '', "leakageReactance": 0.0} _enums = {} _refs = ["Ground", "TransformerObservation", "ToWinding", "FromWinding", "status"] _many_refs = [] def getGround(self): return self._Ground def setGround(self, value): if self._Ground is not None: filtered = [x for x in self.Ground.WindingInsulations if x != self] self._Ground._WindingInsulations = filtered self._Ground = value if self._Ground is not None: if self not in self._Ground._WindingInsulations: self._Ground._WindingInsulations.append(self) Ground = property(getGround, setGround) def getTransformerObservation(self): return self._TransformerObservation def setTransformerObservation(self, value): if self._TransformerObservation is not None: filtered = [x for x in self.TransformerObservation.WindingInsulationPFs if x != self] self._TransformerObservation._WindingInsulationPFs = filtered self._TransformerObservation = value if self._TransformerObservation is not None: if self not in self._TransformerObservation._WindingInsulationPFs: self._TransformerObservation._WindingInsulationPFs.append(self) TransformerObservation = property(getTransformerObservation, setTransformerObservation) def getToWinding(self): return self._ToWinding def setToWinding(self, value): if self._ToWinding is not None: filtered = [x for x in self.ToWinding.ToWindingInsulations if x != self] self._ToWinding._ToWindingInsulations = filtered self._ToWinding = value if self._ToWinding is not None: if self not in self._ToWinding._ToWindingInsulations: self._ToWinding._ToWindingInsulations.append(self) ToWinding = property(getToWinding, setToWinding) def getFromWinding(self): return self._FromWinding def setFromWinding(self, value): if self._FromWinding is not None: filtered = [x for x in self.FromWinding.FromWindingInsulations if x != self] self._FromWinding._FromWindingInsulations = filtered self._FromWinding = value if self._FromWinding is not None: if self not in self._FromWinding._FromWindingInsulations: self._FromWinding._FromWindingInsulations.append(self) FromWinding = property(getFromWinding, setFromWinding) status = None
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
# # PySNMP MIB module SLA-MONITOR-MIB (http://snmplabs.com/pysmi) # ASN.1 source file:///Users/davwang4/Dev/mibs.snmplabs.com/asn1/SLA-MONITOR-MIB # Produced by pysmi-0.3.4 at Wed May 1 15:06:03 2019 # On host DAVWANG4-M-1475 platform Darwin version 18.5.0 by user davwang4 # Using Python version 3.7.3 (default, Mar 27 2019, 09:23:15) # ObjectIdentifier, OctetString, Integer = mibBuilder.importSymbols("ASN1", "ObjectIdentifier", "OctetString", "Integer") NamedValues, = mibBuilder.importSymbols("ASN1-ENUMERATION", "NamedValues") ValueRangeConstraint, ValueSizeConstraint, ConstraintsUnion, SingleValueConstraint, ConstraintsIntersection = mibBuilder.importSymbols("ASN1-REFINEMENT", "ValueRangeConstraint", "ValueSizeConstraint", "ConstraintsUnion", "SingleValueConstraint", "ConstraintsIntersection") Dscp, = mibBuilder.importSymbols("DIFFSERV-DSCP-TC", "Dscp") InetAddressType, InetPortNumber, InetAddress = mibBuilder.importSymbols("INET-ADDRESS-MIB", "InetAddressType", "InetPortNumber", "InetAddress") SnmpAdminString, = mibBuilder.importSymbols("SNMP-FRAMEWORK-MIB", "SnmpAdminString") ModuleCompliance, NotificationGroup, ObjectGroup = mibBuilder.importSymbols("SNMPv2-CONF", "ModuleCompliance", "NotificationGroup", "ObjectGroup") ModuleIdentity, Unsigned32, MibScalar, MibTable, MibTableRow, MibTableColumn, TimeTicks, Counter64, Bits, Gauge32, MibIdentifier, ObjectIdentity, Counter32, NotificationType, iso, Integer32, IpAddress = mibBuilder.importSymbols("SNMPv2-SMI", "ModuleIdentity", "Unsigned32", "MibScalar", "MibTable", "MibTableRow", "MibTableColumn", "TimeTicks", "Counter64", "Bits", "Gauge32", "MibIdentifier", "ObjectIdentity", "Counter32", "NotificationType", "iso", "Integer32", "IpAddress") RowStatus, TextualConvention, DisplayString, StorageType = mibBuilder.importSymbols("SNMPv2-TC", "RowStatus", "TextualConvention", "DisplayString", "StorageType") policy, = mibBuilder.importSymbols("SYNOPTICS-ROOT-MIB", "policy") slaMonitorMib = ModuleIdentity((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 45, 4, 8)) slaMonitorMib.setRevisions(('2015-05-29 00:00', '2013-03-05 00:00', '2013-01-31 00:00', '2012-12-11 00:00', '2012-09-19 00:00', '2012-09-04 00:00',)) if getattr(mibBuilder, 'version', (0, 0, 0)) > (4, 4, 0): if mibBuilder.loadTexts: slaMonitorMib.setRevisionsDescriptions(('Version 6: Corrected MIB compiling errors.', 'Version 5: Added support for remote NTR and RTP test initiation and results retrieval using SNMP. Defined attribute to support refusing server test requests.', 'Version 4: Added slaMonitorAgentServerBypass and updated conformance statements for cross-platform use.', 'Version 3: Added slaMonitorAgentCertFileInstallAction, slaMonitorAgentCertFile for VSP9K/ERS8800', 'Version 2: Added slaMonitorAgentConfiguredAgentVrfName, slaMonitorAgentSlaParameter for VSP9K', 'Version 1: Initial version. Basic agent support.',)) if mibBuilder.loadTexts: slaMonitorMib.setLastUpdated('201505290000Z') if mibBuilder.loadTexts: slaMonitorMib.setOrganization('Avaya Networks, Inc.') if mibBuilder.loadTexts: slaMonitorMib.setContactInfo(' John Seligson Avaya Networks, Inc. 4655 Great America Parkway Santa Clara, CA 95054 USA Phone: +1 408 496 3424 Email: jseligso@avaya.com') if mibBuilder.loadTexts: slaMonitorMib.setDescription('An Avaya management module containing data definitions related to the SLA Monitor Agent.') slaMonitorMibNotifications = MibIdentifier((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 45, 4, 8, 0)) slaMonitorMibClasses = MibIdentifier((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 45, 4, 8, 1)) slaMonitorMibConformance = MibIdentifier((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 45, 4, 8, 2)) slaMonitorAgtClasses = MibIdentifier((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 45, 4, 8, 1, 1)) slaMonitorAgentStatus = MibScalar((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 45, 4, 8, 1, 1, 1), Integer32().subtype(subtypeSpec=ConstraintsUnion(SingleValueConstraint(1, 2))).clone(namedValues=NamedValues(("enabled", 1), ("disabled", 2)))).setMaxAccess("readwrite") if mibBuilder.loadTexts: slaMonitorAgentStatus.setStatus('current') if mibBuilder.loadTexts: slaMonitorAgentStatus.setDescription('The value of this attribute indicates whether the SLA Monitor agent is enabled or not. An agent that is enabled will respond to SLA Monitor server discovery packets. A disabled agent will remain dormant until manually enabled.') slaMonitorAgentAddressType = MibScalar((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 45, 4, 8, 1, 1, 2), InetAddressType()).setMaxAccess("readonly") if mibBuilder.loadTexts: slaMonitorAgentAddressType.setStatus('current') if mibBuilder.loadTexts: slaMonitorAgentAddressType.setDescription('The type of IP address used by the agent. This object is limited to IPv4 and IPv6 addresses.') slaMonitorAgentAddress = MibScalar((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 45, 4, 8, 1, 1, 3), InetAddress()).setMaxAccess("readonly") if mibBuilder.loadTexts: slaMonitorAgentAddress.setStatus('current') if mibBuilder.loadTexts: slaMonitorAgentAddress.setDescription('The IP address currently used by the SLA Monitor agent.') slaMonitorAgentPort = MibScalar((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 45, 4, 8, 1, 1, 4), InetPortNumber()).setMaxAccess("readonly") if mibBuilder.loadTexts: slaMonitorAgentPort.setStatus('current') if mibBuilder.loadTexts: slaMonitorAgentPort.setDescription('The UDP port currently used by the SLA Monitor agent for agent-server communication.') slaMonitorAgentRegisteredWithServer = MibScalar((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 45, 4, 8, 1, 1, 5), Integer32().subtype(subtypeSpec=ConstraintsUnion(SingleValueConstraint(1, 2))).clone(namedValues=NamedValues(("registered", 1), ("notRegistered", 2)))).setMaxAccess("readonly") if mibBuilder.loadTexts: slaMonitorAgentRegisteredWithServer.setStatus('current') if mibBuilder.loadTexts: slaMonitorAgentRegisteredWithServer.setDescription('The value of this attribute indicates whether the SLA Monitor agent is registered with an SLA Monitor server or not.') slaMonitorAgentRegisteredServerAddrType = MibScalar((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 45, 4, 8, 1, 1, 6), InetAddressType()).setMaxAccess("readonly") if mibBuilder.loadTexts: slaMonitorAgentRegisteredServerAddrType.setStatus('current') if mibBuilder.loadTexts: slaMonitorAgentRegisteredServerAddrType.setDescription('The type of IP address used by the server. This object is limited to IPv4 and IPv6 addresses.') slaMonitorAgentRegisteredServerAddr = MibScalar((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 45, 4, 8, 1, 1, 7), InetAddress()).setMaxAccess("readonly") if mibBuilder.loadTexts: slaMonitorAgentRegisteredServerAddr.setStatus('current') if mibBuilder.loadTexts: slaMonitorAgentRegisteredServerAddr.setDescription('The IP address of the SLA Monitor server with which the agent is currently registered.') slaMonitorAgentRegisteredServerPort = MibScalar((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 45, 4, 8, 1, 1, 8), InetPortNumber()).setMaxAccess("readonly") if mibBuilder.loadTexts: slaMonitorAgentRegisteredServerPort.setStatus('current') if mibBuilder.loadTexts: slaMonitorAgentRegisteredServerPort.setDescription('The TCP port utilized by the SLA Monitor server with which the agent is currently registered.') slaMonitorAgentRegistrationTime = MibScalar((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 45, 4, 8, 1, 1, 9), Unsigned32()).setUnits('seconds').setMaxAccess("readonly") if mibBuilder.loadTexts: slaMonitorAgentRegistrationTime.setStatus('current') if mibBuilder.loadTexts: slaMonitorAgentRegistrationTime.setDescription('Specifies the maximum amount of time, in seconds, until the current registration period expires.') slaMonitorAgentCliAvailable = MibScalar((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 45, 4, 8, 1, 1, 10), Integer32().subtype(subtypeSpec=ConstraintsUnion(SingleValueConstraint(1, 2))).clone(namedValues=NamedValues(("available", 1), ("notAvailable", 2)))).setMaxAccess("readwrite") if mibBuilder.loadTexts: slaMonitorAgentCliAvailable.setStatus('current') if mibBuilder.loadTexts: slaMonitorAgentCliAvailable.setDescription('The value of this attribute indicates whether the SLA Monitor agent CLI is available or not.') slaMonitorAgentCliTimeout = MibScalar((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 45, 4, 8, 1, 1, 11), Unsigned32()).setUnits('seconds').setMaxAccess("readwrite") if mibBuilder.loadTexts: slaMonitorAgentCliTimeout.setStatus('current') if mibBuilder.loadTexts: slaMonitorAgentCliTimeout.setDescription("Specifies the maximum amount of time, in seconds, until the CLI session is automatically terminated. The value of this attribute is pertinent only if CLI timeouts are enabled (slaMonitorAgentCliTimeoutMode equals 'enable(1)').") slaMonitorAgentCliTimeoutMode = MibScalar((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 45, 4, 8, 1, 1, 12), Integer32().subtype(subtypeSpec=ConstraintsUnion(SingleValueConstraint(1, 2))).clone(namedValues=NamedValues(("enable", 1), ("disable", 2)))).setMaxAccess("readwrite") if mibBuilder.loadTexts: slaMonitorAgentCliTimeoutMode.setStatus('current') if mibBuilder.loadTexts: slaMonitorAgentCliTimeoutMode.setDescription("The value of this attribute indicates whether the SLA Monitor agent automatic CLI session timeout is enabled or not. When this attribute is set to 'enable(1)', a CLI session will automatically timeout after slaMonitorAgentCliTimeout seconds.") slaMonitorAgentSupportedApps = MibScalar((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 45, 4, 8, 1, 1, 13), Bits().clone(namedValues=NamedValues(("other", 0), ("ntr", 1), ("rtp", 2)))).setMaxAccess("readonly") if mibBuilder.loadTexts: slaMonitorAgentSupportedApps.setStatus('current') if mibBuilder.loadTexts: slaMonitorAgentSupportedApps.setDescription('An enumeration of the SLA Monitor agent capabilities.') slaMonitorAgentConfiguredAgentAddrType = MibScalar((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 45, 4, 8, 1, 1, 14), InetAddressType()).setMaxAccess("readwrite") if mibBuilder.loadTexts: slaMonitorAgentConfiguredAgentAddrType.setStatus('current') if mibBuilder.loadTexts: slaMonitorAgentConfiguredAgentAddrType.setDescription('The type of IP address used by the agent. This object is limited to IPv4 and IPv6 addresses.') slaMonitorAgentConfiguredAgentAddr = MibScalar((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 45, 4, 8, 1, 1, 15), InetAddress()).setMaxAccess("readwrite") if mibBuilder.loadTexts: slaMonitorAgentConfiguredAgentAddr.setStatus('current') if mibBuilder.loadTexts: slaMonitorAgentConfiguredAgentAddr.setDescription('The IP address of the SLA Monitor agent. If the value of this attribute is, the SLA Monitor agent will utilize an active device IP address by default.') slaMonitorAgentConfiguredAgentPort = MibScalar((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 45, 4, 8, 1, 1, 16), InetPortNumber()).setMaxAccess("readwrite") if mibBuilder.loadTexts: slaMonitorAgentConfiguredAgentPort.setStatus('current') if mibBuilder.loadTexts: slaMonitorAgentConfiguredAgentPort.setDescription('The UDP port utilized by the SLA Monitor agent for agent-server communication. If the value of this attribute is zero, the SLA Monitor agent will utilize a default port value for communication purposes.') slaMonitorAgentConfiguredServerAddrType = MibScalar((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 45, 4, 8, 1, 1, 17), InetAddressType()).setMaxAccess("readwrite") if mibBuilder.loadTexts: slaMonitorAgentConfiguredServerAddrType.setStatus('current') if mibBuilder.loadTexts: slaMonitorAgentConfiguredServerAddrType.setDescription('The type of IP address used by the server. This object is limited to IPv4 and IPv6 addresses.') slaMonitorAgentConfiguredServerAddr = MibScalar((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 45, 4, 8, 1, 1, 18), InetAddress()).setMaxAccess("readwrite") if mibBuilder.loadTexts: slaMonitorAgentConfiguredServerAddr.setStatus('current') if mibBuilder.loadTexts: slaMonitorAgentConfiguredServerAddr.setDescription('The IP address of the SLA Monitor server with which the agent is allowed to register. If the value of this attribute is not, the SLA Monitor agent may only respond to server requests originating at the specified IP address (or the IP address specified by the slaMonitorAgentConfiguredAltServerAddr object if it is non-zero).') slaMonitorAgentConfiguredServerPort = MibScalar((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 45, 4, 8, 1, 1, 19), InetPortNumber()).setMaxAccess("readwrite") if mibBuilder.loadTexts: slaMonitorAgentConfiguredServerPort.setStatus('current') if mibBuilder.loadTexts: slaMonitorAgentConfiguredServerPort.setDescription('The TCP port utilized by the SLA Monitor server with which the agent is allowed to register. If the value of this attribute is non-zero, the SLA Monitor agent may only respond to server requests originating from the specified port (or from the port specified by the slaMonitorAgentConfiguredAltServerPort object if it is non-zero).') slaMonitorAgentConfiguredAltServerAddrType = MibScalar((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 45, 4, 8, 1, 1, 20), InetAddressType()).setMaxAccess("readwrite") if mibBuilder.loadTexts: slaMonitorAgentConfiguredAltServerAddrType.setStatus('current') if mibBuilder.loadTexts: slaMonitorAgentConfiguredAltServerAddrType.setDescription('The type of IP address used by the server. This object is limited to IPv4 and IPv6 addresses.') slaMonitorAgentConfiguredAltServerAddr = MibScalar((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 45, 4, 8, 1, 1, 21), InetAddress()).setMaxAccess("readwrite") if mibBuilder.loadTexts: slaMonitorAgentConfiguredAltServerAddr.setStatus('current') if mibBuilder.loadTexts: slaMonitorAgentConfiguredAltServerAddr.setDescription('The IP address of the alternate SLA Monitor server with which the agent is allowed to register. If the value of this attribute is not, the SLA Monitor agent may only respond to server requests originating at the specified IP address (or the IP address specified by the slaMonitorAgentConfiguredServerAddr object if it is non-zero).') slaMonitorAgentConfiguredAltServerPort = MibScalar((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 45, 4, 8, 1, 1, 22), InetPortNumber()).setMaxAccess("readwrite") if mibBuilder.loadTexts: slaMonitorAgentConfiguredAltServerPort.setStatus('current') if mibBuilder.loadTexts: slaMonitorAgentConfiguredAltServerPort.setDescription('The TCP port utilized by the alternate SLA Monitor server with which the agent is allowed to register. If the value of this attribute is non-zero, the SLA Monitor agent may only respond to server requests originating from the specified port (or from the port specified by the slaMonitorAgentConfiguredServerPort object if it is non-zero).') slaMonitorAgentToAgentPort = MibScalar((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 45, 4, 8, 1, 1, 23), InetPortNumber()).setMaxAccess("readonly") if mibBuilder.loadTexts: slaMonitorAgentToAgentPort.setStatus('current') if mibBuilder.loadTexts: slaMonitorAgentToAgentPort.setDescription('The base UDP port currently used by the SLA Monitor agent for agent-agent communication. The base UDP port is used to derive multiple agent communication ports. An even base port values causes slaMonitorAgentToAgentPort and slaMonitorAgentToAgentPort+1 ports to be used. An odd base port values causes slaMonitorAgentToAgentPort and slaMonitorAgentToAgentPort-1 ports to be used.') slaMonitorAgentConfiguredAgentToAgentPort = MibScalar((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 45, 4, 8, 1, 1, 24), InetPortNumber()).setMaxAccess("readwrite") if mibBuilder.loadTexts: slaMonitorAgentConfiguredAgentToAgentPort.setStatus('current') if mibBuilder.loadTexts: slaMonitorAgentConfiguredAgentToAgentPort.setDescription('The UDP port utilized by the SLA Monitor agent for agent-agent communication. If the value of this attribute is zero, the SLA Monitor agent will utilize a default port value for the base agent-agent UDP communication port.') slaMonitorAgentEncryptionSupport = MibScalar((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 45, 4, 8, 1, 1, 25), Integer32().subtype(subtypeSpec=ConstraintsUnion(SingleValueConstraint(1, 2))).clone(namedValues=NamedValues(("available", 1), ("notAvailable", 2)))).setMaxAccess("readonly") if mibBuilder.loadTexts: slaMonitorAgentEncryptionSupport.setStatus('current') if mibBuilder.loadTexts: slaMonitorAgentEncryptionSupport.setDescription('Specifies if encrypted agent-server communication is supported by the agent.') slaMonitorAgentConfiguredAgentVrfName = MibScalar((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 45, 4, 8, 1, 1, 26), DisplayString().subtype(subtypeSpec=ValueSizeConstraint(0, 32))).setMaxAccess("readwrite") if mibBuilder.loadTexts: slaMonitorAgentConfiguredAgentVrfName.setStatus('current') if mibBuilder.loadTexts: slaMonitorAgentConfiguredAgentVrfName.setDescription('The name of the virtual Router which SLA Monitor Agent IP address (slaMonitorAgentConfiguredAgentAddr) is associated with. This is only supported on VSP9K for now') slaMonitorAgentSlaParameter = MibScalar((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 45, 4, 8, 1, 1, 27), DisplayString().subtype(subtypeSpec=ValueSizeConstraint(0, 80))).setMaxAccess("readwrite") if mibBuilder.loadTexts: slaMonitorAgentSlaParameter.setStatus('current') if mibBuilder.loadTexts: slaMonitorAgentSlaParameter.setDescription(' String directly passed to the SLA Agent as parameter') slaMonitorAgentCertFileInstallAction = MibScalar((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 45, 4, 8, 1, 1, 28), Integer32().subtype(subtypeSpec=ConstraintsUnion(SingleValueConstraint(1, 2, 3))).clone(namedValues=NamedValues(("noAction", 1), ("install", 2), ("deinstall", 3))).clone('noAction')).setMaxAccess("readwrite") if mibBuilder.loadTexts: slaMonitorAgentCertFileInstallAction.setStatus('current') if mibBuilder.loadTexts: slaMonitorAgentCertFileInstallAction.setDescription("Operation object to install and deinstall the certificate file to a platform specific location. 'noactio' -is default setting and always is returned when this object is queried. 'install', object slaMonitorAgentCertFile will be used as source certificate file to install . 'deinstall', will ignore object slaMonitorAgentCertFile and just deinstall or remove the certificate file from the installed location") slaMonitorAgentCertFile = MibScalar((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 45, 4, 8, 1, 1, 29), DisplayString().subtype(subtypeSpec=ValueSizeConstraint(0, 128))).setMaxAccess("readwrite") if mibBuilder.loadTexts: slaMonitorAgentCertFile.setStatus('current') if mibBuilder.loadTexts: slaMonitorAgentCertFile.setDescription('the certification file name for installation. It is only valid or used when object slaMonitorAgentCertFileInstallAction is set to install. Otherwise, it will be ignored') slaMonitorAgentServerBypass = MibScalar((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 45, 4, 8, 1, 1, 30), Integer32().subtype(subtypeSpec=ConstraintsUnion(SingleValueConstraint(1, 2))).clone(namedValues=NamedValues(("enable", 1), ("disable", 2)))).setMaxAccess("readwrite") if mibBuilder.loadTexts: slaMonitorAgentServerBypass.setStatus('current') if mibBuilder.loadTexts: slaMonitorAgentServerBypass.setDescription("The value of this attribute determines whether the SLA Monitor agent can perform certain operations without being registered with a server. When this attribute is set to 'enable(1)', an agent will respond to agent-to-agent test requests regardless of the server registration status. A 'disable(2)' setting will restrict agent responses when the agent is not registered with an SLA Monitor server.") slaMonitorAgentRefuseServerTests = MibScalar((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 45, 4, 8, 1, 1, 31), Integer32().subtype(subtypeSpec=ConstraintsUnion(SingleValueConstraint(1, 2))).clone(namedValues=NamedValues(("allow", 1), ("refuse", 2)))).setMaxAccess("readwrite") if mibBuilder.loadTexts: slaMonitorAgentRefuseServerTests.setStatus('current') if mibBuilder.loadTexts: slaMonitorAgentRefuseServerTests.setDescription("The value of this attribute determines whether the SLA Monitor agent will refuse test requests from the server. When this attribute is set to 'allow(1)', an agent will accept test requests from the server. A 'refuse(2)' setting will cause the agent to reject test requests from the server. From a usage perspective, it may be necessary to temporarily refuse server test requests if the agent is being actively managed by a server but the administrator wishes to use the CLI or SNMP interfaces to initiate tests manually.") slaMonitorAgtTestClasses = MibIdentifier((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 45, 4, 8, 1, 2)) slaMonitorNtrCtrlTable = MibTable((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 45, 4, 8, 1, 2, 1), ) if mibBuilder.loadTexts: slaMonitorNtrCtrlTable.setStatus('current') if mibBuilder.loadTexts: slaMonitorNtrCtrlTable.setDescription('Defines the SLAMon agent NTR test control table supporting the ability to initiate NTR tests remotely. The results of NTR test operations are stored in the slaMonitorNtrResultsTable and the slaMonitorNtrHopsTable.') slaMonitorNtrCtrlEntry = MibTableRow((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 45, 4, 8, 1, 2, 1, 1), ).setIndexNames((0, "SLA-MONITOR-MIB", "slaMonitorNtrCtrlOwnerId"), (0, "SLA-MONITOR-MIB", "slaMonitorNtrCtrlTestName")) if mibBuilder.loadTexts: slaMonitorNtrCtrlEntry.setStatus('current') if mibBuilder.loadTexts: slaMonitorNtrCtrlEntry.setDescription('Defines an entry in the slaMonitorNtrCtrlTable. The first index element, slaMonitorNtrCtrlOwnerId, is of type SnmpAdminString, allowing for a management application to identify its entries. The second index, slaMonitorNtrCtrlTestName (also an SnmpAdminString), enables the same management application to have multiple requests configured.') slaMonitorNtrCtrlOwnerId = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 45, 4, 8, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1), SnmpAdminString().subtype(subtypeSpec=ValueSizeConstraint(1, 32))) if mibBuilder.loadTexts: slaMonitorNtrCtrlOwnerId.setStatus('current') if mibBuilder.loadTexts: slaMonitorNtrCtrlOwnerId.setDescription('The owner of an NTR test.') slaMonitorNtrCtrlTestName = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 45, 4, 8, 1, 2, 1, 1, 2), SnmpAdminString().subtype(subtypeSpec=ValueSizeConstraint(1, 32))) if mibBuilder.loadTexts: slaMonitorNtrCtrlTestName.setStatus('current') if mibBuilder.loadTexts: slaMonitorNtrCtrlTestName.setDescription('The name of an NTR test. This value is locally unique, within the scope of an slaMonitorNtrCtrlOwnerId.') slaMonitorNtrCtrlTargetAddressType = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 45, 4, 8, 1, 2, 1, 1, 3), InetAddressType().clone('ipv4')).setMaxAccess("readcreate") if mibBuilder.loadTexts: slaMonitorNtrCtrlTargetAddressType.setStatus('current') if mibBuilder.loadTexts: slaMonitorNtrCtrlTargetAddressType.setDescription('Specifies the target address type.') slaMonitorNtrCtrlTargetAddress = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 45, 4, 8, 1, 2, 1, 1, 4), InetAddress()).setMaxAccess("readcreate") if mibBuilder.loadTexts: slaMonitorNtrCtrlTargetAddress.setStatus('current') if mibBuilder.loadTexts: slaMonitorNtrCtrlTargetAddress.setDescription('Specifies the target address used for the NTR test. The address type can be determined by examining the value of the corresponding slaMonitorNtrCtrlTargetAddressType. A value for this object MUST be provided during entry creation.') slaMonitorNtrCtrlDscp = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 45, 4, 8, 1, 2, 1, 1, 5), Dscp()).setMaxAccess("readcreate") if mibBuilder.loadTexts: slaMonitorNtrCtrlDscp.setStatus('current') if mibBuilder.loadTexts: slaMonitorNtrCtrlDscp.setDescription('Specifies the DSCP value for use in packets that are generated by the NTR test.') slaMonitorNtrCtrlAttempts = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 45, 4, 8, 1, 2, 1, 1, 6), Integer32().subtype(subtypeSpec=ValueRangeConstraint(1, 10)).clone(2)).setMaxAccess("readcreate") if mibBuilder.loadTexts: slaMonitorNtrCtrlAttempts.setStatus('current') if mibBuilder.loadTexts: slaMonitorNtrCtrlAttempts.setDescription('Specifies the number of attempts are generated by the NTR test.') slaMonitorNtrCtrlPeriod = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 45, 4, 8, 1, 2, 1, 1, 7), Integer32().subtype(subtypeSpec=ValueRangeConstraint(10000, 200000)).clone(20000)).setMaxAccess("readcreate") if mibBuilder.loadTexts: slaMonitorNtrCtrlPeriod.setStatus('current') if mibBuilder.loadTexts: slaMonitorNtrCtrlPeriod.setDescription('Specifies the interval between packets, in microseconds, generated by the NTR test.') slaMonitorNtrCtrlAdminStatus = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 45, 4, 8, 1, 2, 1, 1, 8), Integer32().subtype(subtypeSpec=ConstraintsUnion(SingleValueConstraint(1, 2))).clone(namedValues=NamedValues(("enabled", 1), ("disabled", 2))).clone('disabled')).setMaxAccess("readcreate") if mibBuilder.loadTexts: slaMonitorNtrCtrlAdminStatus.setStatus('current') if mibBuilder.loadTexts: slaMonitorNtrCtrlAdminStatus.setDescription("Used to initiate an NTR test: enabled(1) - initiate the test as defined by this slaMonitorNtrCtrlEntry. disabled(2) - deactivate the test defined by this slaMonitorNtrCtrlEntry, if possible. Refer to the corresponding slaMonitorNtrResultsOperStatus to determine the operational state of the test defined by this entry. When queried, 'disabled(2)' is always returned for this attribute.") slaMonitorNtrCtrlLabel = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 45, 4, 8, 1, 2, 1, 1, 9), SnmpAdminString().subtype(subtypeSpec=ValueSizeConstraint(0, 32))).setMaxAccess("readcreate") if mibBuilder.loadTexts: slaMonitorNtrCtrlLabel.setStatus('current') if mibBuilder.loadTexts: slaMonitorNtrCtrlLabel.setDescription('A label used to reference the NTR control entry in a textual manner.') slaMonitorNtrCtrlStorageType = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 45, 4, 8, 1, 2, 1, 1, 10), StorageType().clone('volatile')).setMaxAccess("readcreate") if mibBuilder.loadTexts: slaMonitorNtrCtrlStorageType.setStatus('current') if mibBuilder.loadTexts: slaMonitorNtrCtrlStorageType.setDescription("The storage type for this conceptual row. Conceptual rows having the value 'permanent' need not allow write-access to any columnar objects in the row.") slaMonitorNtrCtrlRowStatus = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 45, 4, 8, 1, 2, 1, 1, 11), RowStatus()).setMaxAccess("readcreate") if mibBuilder.loadTexts: slaMonitorNtrCtrlRowStatus.setStatus('current') if mibBuilder.loadTexts: slaMonitorNtrCtrlRowStatus.setDescription('This object allows entries to be created and deleted in the slaMonitorNtrCtrlTable. Deletion of an entry in this table results in the deletion of all corresponding (i.e., entries with the same slaMonitorNtrCtrlOwnerId and slaMonitorNtrCtrlTestName index values) entries in the slaMonitorNtrResultsTable and the slaMonitorNtrHopsTable. Initiation of an NTR test corresponding to this entry is controlled via slaMonitorNtrCtrlAdminStatus and not by entry creation. The operational state of an NTR test can be determined by examining the corresponding slaMonitorNtrResultsOperStatus object.') slaMonitorNtrResultsTable = MibTable((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 45, 4, 8, 1, 2, 2), ) if mibBuilder.loadTexts: slaMonitorNtrResultsTable.setStatus('current') if mibBuilder.loadTexts: slaMonitorNtrResultsTable.setDescription("Defines the SLAMon agent NTR results table that is used to track the status of NTR tests initiated through the the slaMonitorNtrCtrlTable. An entry is added to the slaMonitorNtrResultsTable when an NTR test defined by an slaMonitorNtrCtrlEntry is started by transition of its slaMonitorNtrCtrlAdminStatus object to 'enabled(1)'. If the object slaMonitorNtrCtrlAdminStatus has the value 'disabled(2)', then successfully writing 'enabled(1)' to the object slaMonitorNtrCtrlAdminStatus re-initializes an already existing entry in the slaMonitorNtrResultsTable. The values of objects in the re-initialized entry are the same as the values of objects in a new entry would be. An entry is removed from the slaMonitorNtrResultsTable when its corresponding slaMonitorNtrCtrlEntry is deleted.") slaMonitorNtrResultsEntry = MibTableRow((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 45, 4, 8, 1, 2, 2, 1), ).setIndexNames((0, "SLA-MONITOR-MIB", "slaMonitorNtrCtrlOwnerId"), (0, "SLA-MONITOR-MIB", "slaMonitorNtrCtrlTestName")) if mibBuilder.loadTexts: slaMonitorNtrResultsEntry.setStatus('current') if mibBuilder.loadTexts: slaMonitorNtrResultsEntry.setDescription('Defines an entry in the slaMonitorNtrResultsTable. The slaMonitorNtrResultsTable has the same indexing as the slaMonitorNtrCtrlTable so that a slaMonitorNtrResultsEntry corresponds to the slaMonitorNtrCtrlEntry that caused it to be created.') slaMonitorNtrResultsOperStatus = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 45, 4, 8, 1, 2, 2, 1, 1), Integer32().subtype(subtypeSpec=ConstraintsUnion(SingleValueConstraint(1, 2, 3))).clone(namedValues=NamedValues(("inProgress", 1), ("aborted", 2), ("completed", 3)))).setMaxAccess("readonly") if mibBuilder.loadTexts: slaMonitorNtrResultsOperStatus.setStatus('current') if mibBuilder.loadTexts: slaMonitorNtrResultsOperStatus.setDescription('Reflects the operational state of an slaMonitorNtrCtrlEntry: inProgress(1) - test is active. aborted(2) - test has been stopped. Refer to object slaMonitorNtrResultsAbortData for details. completed(3) - test is completed. Refer to objects slaMonitorNtrResultsCompletionData and slaMonitorNtrResultsCompletionSummary for details.') slaMonitorNtrResultsSrcAddressType = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 45, 4, 8, 1, 2, 2, 1, 2), InetAddressType()).setMaxAccess("readonly") if mibBuilder.loadTexts: slaMonitorNtrResultsSrcAddressType.setStatus('current') if mibBuilder.loadTexts: slaMonitorNtrResultsSrcAddressType.setDescription('Specifies the address type of the source IP address used for this test.') slaMonitorNtrResultsSrcAddress = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 45, 4, 8, 1, 2, 2, 1, 3), InetAddress()).setMaxAccess("readonly") if mibBuilder.loadTexts: slaMonitorNtrResultsSrcAddress.setStatus('current') if mibBuilder.loadTexts: slaMonitorNtrResultsSrcAddress.setDescription('Specifies the source IP address used for this test.') slaMonitorNtrResultsDstAddressType = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 45, 4, 8, 1, 2, 2, 1, 4), InetAddressType()).setMaxAccess("readonly") if mibBuilder.loadTexts: slaMonitorNtrResultsDstAddressType.setStatus('current') if mibBuilder.loadTexts: slaMonitorNtrResultsDstAddressType.setDescription('Specifies the address type of the destination IP address used for this test.') slaMonitorNtrResultsDstAddress = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 45, 4, 8, 1, 2, 2, 1, 5), InetAddress()).setMaxAccess("readonly") if mibBuilder.loadTexts: slaMonitorNtrResultsDstAddress.setStatus('current') if mibBuilder.loadTexts: slaMonitorNtrResultsDstAddress.setDescription('Specifies the destination IP address used for this test.') slaMonitorNtrResultsSrcPort = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 45, 4, 8, 1, 2, 2, 1, 6), InetPortNumber()).setMaxAccess("readonly") if mibBuilder.loadTexts: slaMonitorNtrResultsSrcPort.setStatus('current') if mibBuilder.loadTexts: slaMonitorNtrResultsSrcPort.setDescription('Specifies the Layer 4 source port used for this test.') slaMonitorNtrResultsDstPort = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 45, 4, 8, 1, 2, 2, 1, 7), InetPortNumber()).setMaxAccess("readonly") if mibBuilder.loadTexts: slaMonitorNtrResultsDstPort.setStatus('current') if mibBuilder.loadTexts: slaMonitorNtrResultsDstPort.setDescription('Specifies the Layer 4 destination port used for this test.') slaMonitorNtrResultsDscp = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 45, 4, 8, 1, 2, 2, 1, 8), Dscp()).setMaxAccess("readonly") if mibBuilder.loadTexts: slaMonitorNtrResultsDscp.setStatus('current') if mibBuilder.loadTexts: slaMonitorNtrResultsDscp.setDescription('Specifies the DSCP value contained in NTR test packets generated by the agent for this test.') slaMonitorNtrResultsTTL = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 45, 4, 8, 1, 2, 2, 1, 9), Unsigned32()).setMaxAccess("readonly") if mibBuilder.loadTexts: slaMonitorNtrResultsTTL.setStatus('current') if mibBuilder.loadTexts: slaMonitorNtrResultsTTL.setDescription('The maximum time-to-live (TTL) value used during the execution of this test.') slaMonitorNtrResultsCompletionData = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 45, 4, 8, 1, 2, 2, 1, 10), Bits().clone(namedValues=NamedValues(("other", 0), ("remoteUnreachable", 1), ("remotePortUnreachable", 2), ("remoteNetUnreachable", 3), ("remoteHostUnreachable", 4), ("remoteProtocolUnreachable", 5), ("remoteFirewalledUnreachable", 6), ("remoteResponded", 7), ("remoteResponseLikely", 8), ("remoteNoResponse", 9)))).setMaxAccess("readonly") if mibBuilder.loadTexts: slaMonitorNtrResultsCompletionData.setStatus('current') if mibBuilder.loadTexts: slaMonitorNtrResultsCompletionData.setDescription('Provides details related to test completion. Multiple bits may be set to convey test status.') slaMonitorNtrResultsCompletionSummary = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 45, 4, 8, 1, 2, 2, 1, 11), SnmpAdminString().subtype(subtypeSpec=ValueSizeConstraint(0, 32))).setMaxAccess("readonly") if mibBuilder.loadTexts: slaMonitorNtrResultsCompletionSummary.setStatus('current') if mibBuilder.loadTexts: slaMonitorNtrResultsCompletionSummary.setDescription('A user-readable string that is used to convey test results for completed tests in an easy-to-understand format.') slaMonitorNtrResultsAbortData = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 45, 4, 8, 1, 2, 2, 1, 12), Bits().clone(namedValues=NamedValues(("other", 0), ("agentDisabled", 1), ("agentBusy", 2), ("timeout", 3), ("cancelled", 4)))).setMaxAccess("readonly") if mibBuilder.loadTexts: slaMonitorNtrResultsAbortData.setStatus('current') if mibBuilder.loadTexts: slaMonitorNtrResultsAbortData.setDescription('Provides details for tests that were aborted. Multiple bits may be set to convey test status.') slaMonitorNtrResultsHopCount = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 45, 4, 8, 1, 2, 2, 1, 13), Unsigned32()).setMaxAccess("readonly") if mibBuilder.loadTexts: slaMonitorNtrResultsHopCount.setStatus('current') if mibBuilder.loadTexts: slaMonitorNtrResultsHopCount.setDescription('The total number of hops for which information has been acquired during the execution of this test.') slaMonitorNtrHopsTable = MibTable((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 45, 4, 8, 1, 2, 3), ) if mibBuilder.loadTexts: slaMonitorNtrHopsTable.setStatus('current') if mibBuilder.loadTexts: slaMonitorNtrHopsTable.setDescription('Defines the SLAMon agent NTR test hop table for keeping track of the results of NTR tests on a per-hop basis.') slaMonitorNtrHopsEntry = MibTableRow((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 45, 4, 8, 1, 2, 3, 1), ).setIndexNames((0, "SLA-MONITOR-MIB", "slaMonitorNtrCtrlOwnerId"), (0, "SLA-MONITOR-MIB", "slaMonitorNtrCtrlTestName"), (0, "SLA-MONITOR-MIB", "slaMonitorNtrHopsHopIndex")) if mibBuilder.loadTexts: slaMonitorNtrHopsEntry.setStatus('current') if mibBuilder.loadTexts: slaMonitorNtrHopsEntry.setDescription('Defines an entry in the slaMonitorNtrHopsTable. The first two index elements identify the slaMonitorNtrCtrlEntry with which this slaMonitorNtrHopsEntry is associated. The third index element, slaMonitorNtrHopsHopIndex, selects a hop in an NTR test path.') slaMonitorNtrHopsHopIndex = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 45, 4, 8, 1, 2, 3, 1, 1), Unsigned32().subtype(subtypeSpec=ValueRangeConstraint(1, 4294967295))) if mibBuilder.loadTexts: slaMonitorNtrHopsHopIndex.setStatus('current') if mibBuilder.loadTexts: slaMonitorNtrHopsHopIndex.setDescription('Specifies the hop index for an NTR test hop. Values for this object with respect to the same slaMonitorNtrCtrlOwnerId and slaMonitorNtrCtrlTestName MUST start at 1 and be given increasing values for subsequent hops. The value of slaMonitorNtrHopsHopIndex does not necessarily represent the number of the hop on the traced path, though this is normally the case.') slaMonitorNtrHopsTgtAddressType = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 45, 4, 8, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2), InetAddressType()).setMaxAccess("readonly") if mibBuilder.loadTexts: slaMonitorNtrHopsTgtAddressType.setStatus('current') if mibBuilder.loadTexts: slaMonitorNtrHopsTgtAddressType.setDescription('This object indicates the type of address stored in the corresponding slaMonitorNtrHopsTgtAddress object.') slaMonitorNtrHopsTgtAddress = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 45, 4, 8, 1, 2, 3, 1, 3), InetAddress()).setMaxAccess("readonly") if mibBuilder.loadTexts: slaMonitorNtrHopsTgtAddress.setStatus('current') if mibBuilder.loadTexts: slaMonitorNtrHopsTgtAddress.setDescription('This object reports the IP address associated with the NTR test hop.') slaMonitorNtrHopsRtt = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 45, 4, 8, 1, 2, 3, 1, 4), Unsigned32()).setMaxAccess("readonly") if mibBuilder.loadTexts: slaMonitorNtrHopsRtt.setStatus('current') if mibBuilder.loadTexts: slaMonitorNtrHopsRtt.setDescription('The NTR test round-trip-time (RTT), in microseconds, computed for this hop.') slaMonitorNtrHopsIngressDscp = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 45, 4, 8, 1, 2, 3, 1, 5), Dscp()).setMaxAccess("readonly") if mibBuilder.loadTexts: slaMonitorNtrHopsIngressDscp.setStatus('current') if mibBuilder.loadTexts: slaMonitorNtrHopsIngressDscp.setDescription('The DSCP value in the NTR test packet received by the target host (slaMonitorNtrHopsTgtAddress) for this hop.') slaMonitorNtrHopsEgressDscp = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 45, 4, 8, 1, 2, 3, 1, 6), Dscp()).setMaxAccess("readonly") if mibBuilder.loadTexts: slaMonitorNtrHopsEgressDscp.setStatus('current') if mibBuilder.loadTexts: slaMonitorNtrHopsEgressDscp.setDescription('The DSCP value in the NTR test response packet received by the SLAMon agent for this hop.') slaMonitorRtpCtrlTable = MibTable((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 45, 4, 8, 1, 2, 4), ) if mibBuilder.loadTexts: slaMonitorRtpCtrlTable.setStatus('current') if mibBuilder.loadTexts: slaMonitorRtpCtrlTable.setDescription('Defines the SLAMon agent RTP test control table supporting the ability to initiate RTP tests remotely. The results of RTP test operations are stored in the slaMonitorRtpResultsTable.') slaMonitorRtpCtrlEntry = MibTableRow((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 45, 4, 8, 1, 2, 4, 1), ).setIndexNames((0, "SLA-MONITOR-MIB", "slaMonitorRtpCtrlOwnerId"), (0, "SLA-MONITOR-MIB", "slaMonitorRtpCtrlTestName")) if mibBuilder.loadTexts: slaMonitorRtpCtrlEntry.setStatus('current') if mibBuilder.loadTexts: slaMonitorRtpCtrlEntry.setDescription('Defines an entry in the slaMonitorRtpCtrlTable. The first index element, slaMonitorRtpCtrlOwnerId, is of type SnmpAdminString, allowing for a management application to identify its entries. The second index, slaMonitorRtpCtrlTestName (also an SnmpAdminString), enables the same management application to have multiple requests configured.') slaMonitorRtpCtrlOwnerId = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 45, 4, 8, 1, 2, 4, 1, 1), SnmpAdminString().subtype(subtypeSpec=ValueSizeConstraint(1, 32))) if mibBuilder.loadTexts: slaMonitorRtpCtrlOwnerId.setStatus('current') if mibBuilder.loadTexts: slaMonitorRtpCtrlOwnerId.setDescription('The owner of an RTP test.') slaMonitorRtpCtrlTestName = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 45, 4, 8, 1, 2, 4, 1, 2), SnmpAdminString().subtype(subtypeSpec=ValueSizeConstraint(1, 32))) if mibBuilder.loadTexts: slaMonitorRtpCtrlTestName.setStatus('current') if mibBuilder.loadTexts: slaMonitorRtpCtrlTestName.setDescription('The name of an RTP test. This is locally unique, within the scope of an slaMonitorRtpCtrlOwnerId.') slaMonitorRtpCtrlTargetAddressType = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 45, 4, 8, 1, 2, 4, 1, 3), InetAddressType().clone('ipv4')).setMaxAccess("readcreate") if mibBuilder.loadTexts: slaMonitorRtpCtrlTargetAddressType.setStatus('current') if mibBuilder.loadTexts: slaMonitorRtpCtrlTargetAddressType.setDescription('Specifies the target address type.') slaMonitorRtpCtrlTargetAddress = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 45, 4, 8, 1, 2, 4, 1, 4), InetAddress()).setMaxAccess("readcreate") if mibBuilder.loadTexts: slaMonitorRtpCtrlTargetAddress.setStatus('current') if mibBuilder.loadTexts: slaMonitorRtpCtrlTargetAddress.setDescription('Specifies the target address used for the RTP test. The address type can be determined by examining the value of the corresponding slaMonitorRtpCtrlTargetAddressType. A value for this object MUST be provided during entry creation.') slaMonitorRtpCtrlDscp = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 45, 4, 8, 1, 2, 4, 1, 5), Dscp()).setMaxAccess("readcreate") if mibBuilder.loadTexts: slaMonitorRtpCtrlDscp.setStatus('current') if mibBuilder.loadTexts: slaMonitorRtpCtrlDscp.setDescription('Specifies the DSCP value for use in packets that are generated by the RTP test.') slaMonitorRtpCtrlTestPackets = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 45, 4, 8, 1, 2, 4, 1, 6), Integer32().subtype(subtypeSpec=ValueRangeConstraint(10, 100)).clone(50)).setMaxAccess("readcreate") if mibBuilder.loadTexts: slaMonitorRtpCtrlTestPackets.setStatus('current') if mibBuilder.loadTexts: slaMonitorRtpCtrlTestPackets.setDescription('Specifies the number of test packets that are generated by the RTP test. Test packets are used for jitter determination.') slaMonitorRtpCtrlSyncPackets = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 45, 4, 8, 1, 2, 4, 1, 7), Integer32().subtype(subtypeSpec=ValueRangeConstraint(10, 100)).clone(10)).setMaxAccess("readcreate") if mibBuilder.loadTexts: slaMonitorRtpCtrlSyncPackets.setStatus('current') if mibBuilder.loadTexts: slaMonitorRtpCtrlSyncPackets.setDescription('Specifies the number of synchronization packets that are generated by the RTP test. Sync packets are used for network delay determination.') slaMonitorRtpCtrlPeriod = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 45, 4, 8, 1, 2, 4, 1, 8), Integer32().subtype(subtypeSpec=ValueRangeConstraint(10000, 200000)).clone(20000)).setMaxAccess("readcreate") if mibBuilder.loadTexts: slaMonitorRtpCtrlPeriod.setStatus('current') if mibBuilder.loadTexts: slaMonitorRtpCtrlPeriod.setDescription('Specifies the interval between packets (in microseconds) generated by the RTP test.') slaMonitorRtpCtrlAdminStatus = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 45, 4, 8, 1, 2, 4, 1, 9), Integer32().subtype(subtypeSpec=ConstraintsUnion(SingleValueConstraint(1, 2))).clone(namedValues=NamedValues(("enabled", 1), ("disabled", 2))).clone('disabled')).setMaxAccess("readcreate") if mibBuilder.loadTexts: slaMonitorRtpCtrlAdminStatus.setStatus('current') if mibBuilder.loadTexts: slaMonitorRtpCtrlAdminStatus.setDescription("Used to initiate an RTP test: enabled(1) - initiate the test as defined by this slaMonitorRtpCtrlEntry. disabled(2) - deactivate the test defined by this slaMonitorRtpCtrlEntry, if possible. Refer to the corresponding slaMonitorRtpResultsOperStatus to determine the operational state of the test defined by this entry. When queried, 'disabled(2)' is always returned for this attribute.") slaMonitorRtpCtrlLabel = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 45, 4, 8, 1, 2, 4, 1, 10), SnmpAdminString().subtype(subtypeSpec=ValueSizeConstraint(0, 32))).setMaxAccess("readcreate") if mibBuilder.loadTexts: slaMonitorRtpCtrlLabel.setStatus('current') if mibBuilder.loadTexts: slaMonitorRtpCtrlLabel.setDescription('A label used to reference the RTP control entry in a textual manner.') slaMonitorRtpCtrlStorageType = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 45, 4, 8, 1, 2, 4, 1, 11), StorageType().clone('volatile')).setMaxAccess("readcreate") if mibBuilder.loadTexts: slaMonitorRtpCtrlStorageType.setStatus('current') if mibBuilder.loadTexts: slaMonitorRtpCtrlStorageType.setDescription("The storage type for this conceptual row. Conceptual rows having the value 'permanent' need not allow write-access to any columnar objects in the row.") slaMonitorRtpCtrlRowStatus = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 45, 4, 8, 1, 2, 4, 1, 12), RowStatus()).setMaxAccess("readcreate") if mibBuilder.loadTexts: slaMonitorRtpCtrlRowStatus.setStatus('current') if mibBuilder.loadTexts: slaMonitorRtpCtrlRowStatus.setDescription('This object allows entries to be created and deleted in the slaMonitorRtpCtrlTable. Deletion of an entry in this table results in the deletion of all corresponding (i.e., entries with the same slaMonitorRtpCtrlOwnerId and slaMonitorRtpCtrlTestName index values) entries in the slaMonitorRtpResultsTable. Initiation of an RTP test corresponding to this entry is controlled via slaMonitorRtpCtrlAdminStatus and not by entry creation. The operational state of an RTP test can be determined by examining the corresponding slaMonitorRtpResultsOperStatus object.') slaMonitorRtpResultsTable = MibTable((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 45, 4, 8, 1, 2, 5), ) if mibBuilder.loadTexts: slaMonitorRtpResultsTable.setStatus('current') if mibBuilder.loadTexts: slaMonitorRtpResultsTable.setDescription("Defines the SLAMon agent RTP results table that is used to track the status of RTP tests initiated through the the slaMonitorRtpCtrlTable. An entry is added to the slaMonitorRtpResultsTable when an RTP test defined by an slaMonitorRtpCtrlEntry is started by transition of its slaMonitorRtpCtrlAdminStatus object to 'enabled(1)'. If the object slaMonitorRtpCtrlAdminStatus has the value 'disabled(2)', then successfully writing 'enabled(1)' to the object slaMonitorRtpCtrlAdminStatus re-initializes an already existing entry in the slaMonitorRtpResultsTable. The values of objects in the re-initialized entry are the same as the values of objects in a new entry would be. An entry is removed from the slaMonitorRtpResultsTable when its corresponding slaMonitorRtpCtrlEntry is deleted.") slaMonitorRtpResultsEntry = MibTableRow((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 45, 4, 8, 1, 2, 5, 1), ).setIndexNames((0, "SLA-MONITOR-MIB", "slaMonitorRtpCtrlOwnerId"), (0, "SLA-MONITOR-MIB", "slaMonitorRtpCtrlTestName")) if mibBuilder.loadTexts: slaMonitorRtpResultsEntry.setStatus('current') if mibBuilder.loadTexts: slaMonitorRtpResultsEntry.setDescription('Defines an entry in the slaMonitorRtpResultsTable. The slaMonitorRtpResultsTable has the same indexing as the slaMonitorRtpCtrlTable so that a slaMonitorRtpResultsEntry corresponds to the slaMonitorRtpCtrlEntry that caused it to be created.') slaMonitorRtpResultsOperStatus = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 45, 4, 8, 1, 2, 5, 1, 1), Integer32().subtype(subtypeSpec=ConstraintsUnion(SingleValueConstraint(1, 2, 3))).clone(namedValues=NamedValues(("inProgress", 1), ("aborted", 2), ("completed", 3)))).setMaxAccess("readonly") if mibBuilder.loadTexts: slaMonitorRtpResultsOperStatus.setStatus('current') if mibBuilder.loadTexts: slaMonitorRtpResultsOperStatus.setDescription('Reflects the operational state of an slaMonitorRtpCtrlEntry: inProgress(1) - test is active. aborted(2) - test has been stopped. Refer to object slaMonitorRtpResultsAbortData for details. completed(3) - test is completed. Refer to objects that contain completed test results (all attributes except slaMonitorRtpResultsAbortData) for details.') slaMonitorRtpResultsSrcAddressType = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 45, 4, 8, 1, 2, 5, 1, 2), InetAddressType()).setMaxAccess("readonly") if mibBuilder.loadTexts: slaMonitorRtpResultsSrcAddressType.setStatus('current') if mibBuilder.loadTexts: slaMonitorRtpResultsSrcAddressType.setDescription('Specifies the address type of the source IP address used for this test.') slaMonitorRtpResultsSrcAddress = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 45, 4, 8, 1, 2, 5, 1, 3), InetAddress()).setMaxAccess("readonly") if mibBuilder.loadTexts: slaMonitorRtpResultsSrcAddress.setStatus('current') if mibBuilder.loadTexts: slaMonitorRtpResultsSrcAddress.setDescription('Specifies the source IP address used for this test.') slaMonitorRtpResultsDstAddressType = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 45, 4, 8, 1, 2, 5, 1, 4), InetAddressType()).setMaxAccess("readonly") if mibBuilder.loadTexts: slaMonitorRtpResultsDstAddressType.setStatus('current') if mibBuilder.loadTexts: slaMonitorRtpResultsDstAddressType.setDescription('Specifies the address type of the destination IP address used for this test.') slaMonitorRtpResultsDstAddress = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 45, 4, 8, 1, 2, 5, 1, 5), InetAddress()).setMaxAccess("readonly") if mibBuilder.loadTexts: slaMonitorRtpResultsDstAddress.setStatus('current') if mibBuilder.loadTexts: slaMonitorRtpResultsDstAddress.setDescription('Specifies the destination IP address used for this test.') slaMonitorRtpResultsSrcPort = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 45, 4, 8, 1, 2, 5, 1, 6), InetPortNumber()).setMaxAccess("readonly") if mibBuilder.loadTexts: slaMonitorRtpResultsSrcPort.setStatus('current') if mibBuilder.loadTexts: slaMonitorRtpResultsSrcPort.setDescription('Specifies the Layer 4 source port used for this test.') slaMonitorRtpResultsDstPort = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 45, 4, 8, 1, 2, 5, 1, 7), InetPortNumber()).setMaxAccess("readonly") if mibBuilder.loadTexts: slaMonitorRtpResultsDstPort.setStatus('current') if mibBuilder.loadTexts: slaMonitorRtpResultsDstPort.setDescription('Specifies the Layer 4 destination port used for this test.') slaMonitorRtpResultsDscp = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 45, 4, 8, 1, 2, 5, 1, 8), Dscp()).setMaxAccess("readonly") if mibBuilder.loadTexts: slaMonitorRtpResultsDscp.setStatus('current') if mibBuilder.loadTexts: slaMonitorRtpResultsDscp.setDescription('Specifies the DSCP value contained in RTP test packets generated by the agent for this test.') slaMonitorRtpResultsAverageDelay = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 45, 4, 8, 1, 2, 5, 1, 9), Unsigned32()).setMaxAccess("readonly") if mibBuilder.loadTexts: slaMonitorRtpResultsAverageDelay.setStatus('current') if mibBuilder.loadTexts: slaMonitorRtpResultsAverageDelay.setDescription('The average network delay (RTT) experienced during this test sequence, in microseconds.') slaMonitorRtpResultsMedianDelay = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 45, 4, 8, 1, 2, 5, 1, 10), Unsigned32()).setMaxAccess("readonly") if mibBuilder.loadTexts: slaMonitorRtpResultsMedianDelay.setStatus('current') if mibBuilder.loadTexts: slaMonitorRtpResultsMedianDelay.setDescription('The median network delay (RTT) experienced during this test sequence, in microseconds.') slaMonitorRtpResultsPacketLoss = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 45, 4, 8, 1, 2, 5, 1, 11), Unsigned32()).setMaxAccess("readonly") if mibBuilder.loadTexts: slaMonitorRtpResultsPacketLoss.setStatus('current') if mibBuilder.loadTexts: slaMonitorRtpResultsPacketLoss.setDescription('A count of packets lost during this test sequence.') slaMonitorRtpResultsOutOfOrderArrivals = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 45, 4, 8, 1, 2, 5, 1, 12), Unsigned32()).setMaxAccess("readonly") if mibBuilder.loadTexts: slaMonitorRtpResultsOutOfOrderArrivals.setStatus('current') if mibBuilder.loadTexts: slaMonitorRtpResultsOutOfOrderArrivals.setDescription('The number of out-of-order arrivals detected during this test sequence.') slaMonitorRtpResultsJitterQuartile0 = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 45, 4, 8, 1, 2, 5, 1, 13), Unsigned32()).setMaxAccess("readonly") if mibBuilder.loadTexts: slaMonitorRtpResultsJitterQuartile0.setStatus('current') if mibBuilder.loadTexts: slaMonitorRtpResultsJitterQuartile0.setDescription('The quartile 0 network jitter value, in microseconds, experienced during this test sequence.') slaMonitorRtpResultsJitterQuartile1 = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 45, 4, 8, 1, 2, 5, 1, 14), Unsigned32()).setMaxAccess("readonly") if mibBuilder.loadTexts: slaMonitorRtpResultsJitterQuartile1.setStatus('current') if mibBuilder.loadTexts: slaMonitorRtpResultsJitterQuartile1.setDescription('The quartile 1 network jitter value, in microseconds, experienced during this test sequence.') slaMonitorRtpResultsJitterQuartile2 = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 45, 4, 8, 1, 2, 5, 1, 15), Unsigned32()).setMaxAccess("readonly") if mibBuilder.loadTexts: slaMonitorRtpResultsJitterQuartile2.setStatus('current') if mibBuilder.loadTexts: slaMonitorRtpResultsJitterQuartile2.setDescription('The quartile 2 network jitter value, in microseconds, experienced during this test sequence.') slaMonitorRtpResultsJitterQuartile3 = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 45, 4, 8, 1, 2, 5, 1, 16), Unsigned32()).setMaxAccess("readonly") if mibBuilder.loadTexts: slaMonitorRtpResultsJitterQuartile3.setStatus('current') if mibBuilder.loadTexts: slaMonitorRtpResultsJitterQuartile3.setDescription('The quartile 3 network jitter value, in microseconds, experienced during this test sequence.') slaMonitorRtpResultsJitterQuartile4 = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 45, 4, 8, 1, 2, 5, 1, 17), Unsigned32()).setMaxAccess("readonly") if mibBuilder.loadTexts: slaMonitorRtpResultsJitterQuartile4.setStatus('current') if mibBuilder.loadTexts: slaMonitorRtpResultsJitterQuartile4.setDescription('The quartile 4 network jitter value, in microseconds, experienced during this test sequence.') slaMonitorRtpResultsAbortData = MibTableColumn((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 45, 4, 8, 1, 2, 5, 1, 18), Bits().clone(namedValues=NamedValues(("other", 0), ("agentDisabled", 1), ("agentBusy", 2), ("timeout", 3), ("cancelled", 4), ("deniedByTarget", 5), ("networkIssue", 6), ("timeSync", 7)))).setMaxAccess("readonly") if mibBuilder.loadTexts: slaMonitorRtpResultsAbortData.setStatus('current') if mibBuilder.loadTexts: slaMonitorRtpResultsAbortData.setDescription('Provides details for tests that were aborted. Multiple bits may be set to convey test status.') slaMonitorAgentExceptionDetected = NotificationType((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 45, 4, 8, 0, 1)) if mibBuilder.loadTexts: slaMonitorAgentExceptionDetected.setStatus('current') if mibBuilder.loadTexts: slaMonitorAgentExceptionDetected.setDescription('Indicates that an exception event that impacts the local SLA Monitor agent has been detected.') slaMonitorMibCompliances = MibIdentifier((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 45, 4, 8, 2, 1)) slaMonitorMibGroups = MibIdentifier((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 45, 4, 8, 2, 2)) slaMonitorMibCompliance = ModuleCompliance((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 45, 4, 8, 2, 1, 1)).setObjects(("SLA-MONITOR-MIB", "slaMonitorAgentConfigGroup")) if getattr(mibBuilder, 'version', (0, 0, 0)) > (4, 4, 0): slaMonitorMibCompliance = slaMonitorMibCompliance.setStatus('current') if mibBuilder.loadTexts: slaMonitorMibCompliance.setDescription('Describes the requirements for conformance to the Avaya Networks SLA Monitor Agent MIB.') slaMonitorAgentConfigGroup = ObjectGroup((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 45, 4, 8, 2, 2, 1)).setObjects(("SLA-MONITOR-MIB", "slaMonitorAgentStatus"), ("SLA-MONITOR-MIB", "slaMonitorAgentAddressType"), ("SLA-MONITOR-MIB", "slaMonitorAgentAddress"), ("SLA-MONITOR-MIB", "slaMonitorAgentPort"), ("SLA-MONITOR-MIB", "slaMonitorAgentRegisteredWithServer"), ("SLA-MONITOR-MIB", "slaMonitorAgentRegisteredServerAddrType"), ("SLA-MONITOR-MIB", "slaMonitorAgentRegisteredServerAddr"), ("SLA-MONITOR-MIB", "slaMonitorAgentRegisteredServerPort"), ("SLA-MONITOR-MIB", "slaMonitorAgentRegistrationTime"), ("SLA-MONITOR-MIB", "slaMonitorAgentCliAvailable"), ("SLA-MONITOR-MIB", "slaMonitorAgentCliTimeout"), ("SLA-MONITOR-MIB", "slaMonitorAgentCliTimeoutMode"), ("SLA-MONITOR-MIB", "slaMonitorAgentSupportedApps"), ("SLA-MONITOR-MIB", "slaMonitorAgentConfiguredAgentAddrType"), ("SLA-MONITOR-MIB", "slaMonitorAgentConfiguredAgentAddr"), ("SLA-MONITOR-MIB", "slaMonitorAgentConfiguredAgentPort"), ("SLA-MONITOR-MIB", "slaMonitorAgentConfiguredServerAddrType"), ("SLA-MONITOR-MIB", "slaMonitorAgentConfiguredServerAddr"), ("SLA-MONITOR-MIB", "slaMonitorAgentConfiguredServerPort"), ("SLA-MONITOR-MIB", "slaMonitorAgentConfiguredAltServerAddrType"), ("SLA-MONITOR-MIB", "slaMonitorAgentConfiguredAltServerAddr"), ("SLA-MONITOR-MIB", "slaMonitorAgentConfiguredAltServerPort"), ("SLA-MONITOR-MIB", "slaMonitorAgentToAgentPort"), ("SLA-MONITOR-MIB", "slaMonitorAgentConfiguredAgentToAgentPort"), ("SLA-MONITOR-MIB", "slaMonitorAgentEncryptionSupport"), ("SLA-MONITOR-MIB", "slaMonitorAgentConfiguredAgentVrfName"), ("SLA-MONITOR-MIB", "slaMonitorAgentSlaParameter"), ("SLA-MONITOR-MIB", "slaMonitorAgentCertFileInstallAction"), ("SLA-MONITOR-MIB", "slaMonitorAgentCertFile"), ("SLA-MONITOR-MIB", "slaMonitorAgentServerBypass"), ("SLA-MONITOR-MIB", "slaMonitorAgentRefuseServerTests")) if getattr(mibBuilder, 'version', (0, 0, 0)) > (4, 4, 0): slaMonitorAgentConfigGroup = slaMonitorAgentConfigGroup.setStatus('current') if mibBuilder.loadTexts: slaMonitorAgentConfigGroup.setDescription('Objects used for SLA Monitor Agent configuration and monitoring.') slaMonitorAgentNtrTestGroup = ObjectGroup((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 45, 4, 8, 2, 2, 2)).setObjects(("SLA-MONITOR-MIB", "slaMonitorNtrCtrlTargetAddressType"), ("SLA-MONITOR-MIB", "slaMonitorNtrCtrlTargetAddress"), ("SLA-MONITOR-MIB", "slaMonitorNtrCtrlDscp"), ("SLA-MONITOR-MIB", "slaMonitorNtrCtrlAttempts"), ("SLA-MONITOR-MIB", "slaMonitorNtrCtrlPeriod"), ("SLA-MONITOR-MIB", "slaMonitorNtrCtrlAdminStatus"), ("SLA-MONITOR-MIB", "slaMonitorNtrCtrlLabel"), ("SLA-MONITOR-MIB", "slaMonitorNtrCtrlStorageType"), ("SLA-MONITOR-MIB", "slaMonitorNtrCtrlRowStatus"), ("SLA-MONITOR-MIB", "slaMonitorNtrResultsOperStatus"), ("SLA-MONITOR-MIB", "slaMonitorNtrResultsSrcAddressType"), ("SLA-MONITOR-MIB", "slaMonitorNtrResultsSrcAddress"), ("SLA-MONITOR-MIB", "slaMonitorNtrResultsDstAddressType"), ("SLA-MONITOR-MIB", "slaMonitorNtrResultsDstAddress"), ("SLA-MONITOR-MIB", "slaMonitorNtrResultsSrcPort"), ("SLA-MONITOR-MIB", "slaMonitorNtrResultsDstPort"), ("SLA-MONITOR-MIB", "slaMonitorNtrResultsDscp"), ("SLA-MONITOR-MIB", "slaMonitorNtrResultsTTL"), ("SLA-MONITOR-MIB", "slaMonitorNtrResultsCompletionData"), ("SLA-MONITOR-MIB", "slaMonitorNtrResultsCompletionSummary"), ("SLA-MONITOR-MIB", "slaMonitorNtrResultsAbortData"), ("SLA-MONITOR-MIB", "slaMonitorNtrResultsHopCount"), ("SLA-MONITOR-MIB", "slaMonitorNtrHopsTgtAddressType"), ("SLA-MONITOR-MIB", "slaMonitorNtrHopsTgtAddress"), ("SLA-MONITOR-MIB", "slaMonitorNtrHopsRtt"), ("SLA-MONITOR-MIB", "slaMonitorNtrHopsIngressDscp"), ("SLA-MONITOR-MIB", "slaMonitorNtrHopsEgressDscp")) if getattr(mibBuilder, 'version', (0, 0, 0)) > (4, 4, 0): slaMonitorAgentNtrTestGroup = slaMonitorAgentNtrTestGroup.setStatus('current') if mibBuilder.loadTexts: slaMonitorAgentNtrTestGroup.setDescription('Objects used for SLA Monitor Agent NTR test execution and results reporting.') slaMonitorAgentRtpTestGroup = ObjectGroup((1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1, 45, 4, 8, 2, 2, 3)).setObjects(("SLA-MONITOR-MIB", "slaMonitorRtpCtrlTargetAddressType"), ("SLA-MONITOR-MIB", "slaMonitorRtpCtrlTargetAddress"), ("SLA-MONITOR-MIB", "slaMonitorRtpCtrlDscp"), ("SLA-MONITOR-MIB", "slaMonitorRtpCtrlTestPackets"), ("SLA-MONITOR-MIB", "slaMonitorRtpCtrlSyncPackets"), ("SLA-MONITOR-MIB", "slaMonitorRtpCtrlPeriod"), ("SLA-MONITOR-MIB", "slaMonitorRtpCtrlAdminStatus"), ("SLA-MONITOR-MIB", "slaMonitorRtpCtrlLabel"), ("SLA-MONITOR-MIB", "slaMonitorRtpCtrlStorageType"), ("SLA-MONITOR-MIB", "slaMonitorRtpCtrlRowStatus"), ("SLA-MONITOR-MIB", "slaMonitorRtpResultsOperStatus"), ("SLA-MONITOR-MIB", "slaMonitorRtpResultsSrcAddressType"), ("SLA-MONITOR-MIB", "slaMonitorRtpResultsSrcAddress"), ("SLA-MONITOR-MIB", "slaMonitorRtpResultsDstAddressType"), ("SLA-MONITOR-MIB", "slaMonitorRtpResultsDstAddress"), ("SLA-MONITOR-MIB", "slaMonitorRtpResultsSrcPort"), ("SLA-MONITOR-MIB", "slaMonitorRtpResultsDstPort"), ("SLA-MONITOR-MIB", "slaMonitorRtpResultsDscp"), ("SLA-MONITOR-MIB", "slaMonitorRtpResultsAverageDelay"), ("SLA-MONITOR-MIB", "slaMonitorRtpResultsMedianDelay"), ("SLA-MONITOR-MIB", "slaMonitorRtpResultsPacketLoss"), ("SLA-MONITOR-MIB", "slaMonitorRtpResultsOutOfOrderArrivals"), ("SLA-MONITOR-MIB", "slaMonitorRtpResultsJitterQuartile0"), ("SLA-MONITOR-MIB", "slaMonitorRtpResultsJitterQuartile1"), ("SLA-MONITOR-MIB", "slaMonitorRtpResultsJitterQuartile2"), ("SLA-MONITOR-MIB", "slaMonitorRtpResultsJitterQuartile3"), ("SLA-MONITOR-MIB", "slaMonitorRtpResultsJitterQuartile4"), ("SLA-MONITOR-MIB", "slaMonitorRtpResultsAbortData")) if getattr(mibBuilder, 'version', (0, 0, 0)) > (4, 4, 0): slaMonitorAgentRtpTestGroup = slaMonitorAgentRtpTestGroup.setStatus('current') if mibBuilder.loadTexts: slaMonitorAgentRtpTestGroup.setDescription('Objects used for SLA Monitor Agent RTP test execution and results reporting.') mibBuilder.exportSymbols("SLA-MONITOR-MIB", slaMonitorNtrHopsTable=slaMonitorNtrHopsTable, slaMonitorNtrResultsSrcAddressType=slaMonitorNtrResultsSrcAddressType, slaMonitorRtpResultsDscp=slaMonitorRtpResultsDscp, slaMonitorRtpResultsSrcAddress=slaMonitorRtpResultsSrcAddress, slaMonitorNtrResultsOperStatus=slaMonitorNtrResultsOperStatus, slaMonitorRtpResultsJitterQuartile2=slaMonitorRtpResultsJitterQuartile2, slaMonitorAgentSupportedApps=slaMonitorAgentSupportedApps, slaMonitorAgentPort=slaMonitorAgentPort, slaMonitorNtrResultsDstAddress=slaMonitorNtrResultsDstAddress, slaMonitorNtrResultsSrcAddress=slaMonitorNtrResultsSrcAddress, slaMonitorRtpCtrlTargetAddressType=slaMonitorRtpCtrlTargetAddressType, slaMonitorAgentNtrTestGroup=slaMonitorAgentNtrTestGroup, slaMonitorAgentServerBypass=slaMonitorAgentServerBypass, slaMonitorRtpCtrlDscp=slaMonitorRtpCtrlDscp, slaMonitorRtpCtrlAdminStatus=slaMonitorRtpCtrlAdminStatus, slaMonitorNtrHopsIngressDscp=slaMonitorNtrHopsIngressDscp, slaMonitorNtrCtrlRowStatus=slaMonitorNtrCtrlRowStatus, slaMonitorRtpCtrlRowStatus=slaMonitorRtpCtrlRowStatus, slaMonitorAgtClasses=slaMonitorAgtClasses, slaMonitorAgentRegisteredServerPort=slaMonitorAgentRegisteredServerPort, slaMonitorMibCompliance=slaMonitorMibCompliance, slaMonitorAgentConfiguredAgentToAgentPort=slaMonitorAgentConfiguredAgentToAgentPort, slaMonitorNtrResultsDscp=slaMonitorNtrResultsDscp, slaMonitorAgentConfiguredServerPort=slaMonitorAgentConfiguredServerPort, slaMonitorAgentCliAvailable=slaMonitorAgentCliAvailable, slaMonitorRtpCtrlOwnerId=slaMonitorRtpCtrlOwnerId, slaMonitorRtpResultsDstAddress=slaMonitorRtpResultsDstAddress, slaMonitorRtpResultsSrcAddressType=slaMonitorRtpResultsSrcAddressType, slaMonitorNtrResultsEntry=slaMonitorNtrResultsEntry, slaMonitorNtrCtrlLabel=slaMonitorNtrCtrlLabel, slaMonitorAgentCliTimeout=slaMonitorAgentCliTimeout, slaMonitorAgentCliTimeoutMode=slaMonitorAgentCliTimeoutMode, slaMonitorRtpResultsDstAddressType=slaMonitorRtpResultsDstAddressType, slaMonitorRtpResultsMedianDelay=slaMonitorRtpResultsMedianDelay, slaMonitorRtpCtrlTable=slaMonitorRtpCtrlTable, slaMonitorNtrResultsTable=slaMonitorNtrResultsTable, slaMonitorRtpResultsJitterQuartile3=slaMonitorRtpResultsJitterQuartile3, PYSNMP_MODULE_ID=slaMonitorMib, slaMonitorRtpResultsJitterQuartile0=slaMonitorRtpResultsJitterQuartile0, slaMonitorNtrCtrlStorageType=slaMonitorNtrCtrlStorageType, slaMonitorRtpCtrlPeriod=slaMonitorRtpCtrlPeriod, slaMonitorAgentRegistrationTime=slaMonitorAgentRegistrationTime, slaMonitorMib=slaMonitorMib, slaMonitorRtpCtrlTestName=slaMonitorRtpCtrlTestName, slaMonitorAgentConfiguredAltServerAddrType=slaMonitorAgentConfiguredAltServerAddrType, slaMonitorRtpCtrlTestPackets=slaMonitorRtpCtrlTestPackets, slaMonitorRtpResultsOperStatus=slaMonitorRtpResultsOperStatus, slaMonitorAgentConfiguredAgentAddr=slaMonitorAgentConfiguredAgentAddr, slaMonitorRtpResultsPacketLoss=slaMonitorRtpResultsPacketLoss, slaMonitorAgentRtpTestGroup=slaMonitorAgentRtpTestGroup, slaMonitorNtrResultsDstAddressType=slaMonitorNtrResultsDstAddressType, slaMonitorNtrHopsTgtAddressType=slaMonitorNtrHopsTgtAddressType, slaMonitorRtpResultsDstPort=slaMonitorRtpResultsDstPort, slaMonitorNtrCtrlTable=slaMonitorNtrCtrlTable, slaMonitorRtpResultsOutOfOrderArrivals=slaMonitorRtpResultsOutOfOrderArrivals, slaMonitorAgentConfiguredAgentPort=slaMonitorAgentConfiguredAgentPort, slaMonitorRtpResultsJitterQuartile4=slaMonitorRtpResultsJitterQuartile4, slaMonitorNtrResultsSrcPort=slaMonitorNtrResultsSrcPort, slaMonitorRtpResultsEntry=slaMonitorRtpResultsEntry, slaMonitorNtrResultsTTL=slaMonitorNtrResultsTTL, slaMonitorMibNotifications=slaMonitorMibNotifications, slaMonitorAgentRegisteredServerAddr=slaMonitorAgentRegisteredServerAddr, slaMonitorAgentEncryptionSupport=slaMonitorAgentEncryptionSupport, slaMonitorAgentCertFile=slaMonitorAgentCertFile, slaMonitorRtpCtrlStorageType=slaMonitorRtpCtrlStorageType, slaMonitorRtpResultsJitterQuartile1=slaMonitorRtpResultsJitterQuartile1, slaMonitorMibConformance=slaMonitorMibConformance, slaMonitorNtrHopsEntry=slaMonitorNtrHopsEntry, slaMonitorNtrHopsHopIndex=slaMonitorNtrHopsHopIndex, slaMonitorAgentAddress=slaMonitorAgentAddress, slaMonitorAgentToAgentPort=slaMonitorAgentToAgentPort, slaMonitorAgentRegisteredServerAddrType=slaMonitorAgentRegisteredServerAddrType, slaMonitorAgentConfiguredAltServerPort=slaMonitorAgentConfiguredAltServerPort, slaMonitorNtrCtrlTargetAddressType=slaMonitorNtrCtrlTargetAddressType, slaMonitorNtrHopsTgtAddress=slaMonitorNtrHopsTgtAddress, slaMonitorAgentConfiguredServerAddr=slaMonitorAgentConfiguredServerAddr, slaMonitorAgentRefuseServerTests=slaMonitorAgentRefuseServerTests, slaMonitorMibClasses=slaMonitorMibClasses, slaMonitorMibGroups=slaMonitorMibGroups, slaMonitorAgentRegisteredWithServer=slaMonitorAgentRegisteredWithServer, slaMonitorRtpResultsAverageDelay=slaMonitorRtpResultsAverageDelay, slaMonitorNtrCtrlPeriod=slaMonitorNtrCtrlPeriod, slaMonitorAgentCertFileInstallAction=slaMonitorAgentCertFileInstallAction, slaMonitorNtrCtrlEntry=slaMonitorNtrCtrlEntry, slaMonitorNtrCtrlTestName=slaMonitorNtrCtrlTestName, slaMonitorAgentExceptionDetected=slaMonitorAgentExceptionDetected, slaMonitorNtrCtrlDscp=slaMonitorNtrCtrlDscp, slaMonitorAgentConfigGroup=slaMonitorAgentConfigGroup, slaMonitorNtrResultsCompletionData=slaMonitorNtrResultsCompletionData, slaMonitorRtpCtrlLabel=slaMonitorRtpCtrlLabel, slaMonitorNtrResultsDstPort=slaMonitorNtrResultsDstPort, slaMonitorAgentConfiguredServerAddrType=slaMonitorAgentConfiguredServerAddrType, slaMonitorAgentConfiguredAltServerAddr=slaMonitorAgentConfiguredAltServerAddr, slaMonitorNtrCtrlAdminStatus=slaMonitorNtrCtrlAdminStatus, slaMonitorNtrCtrlAttempts=slaMonitorNtrCtrlAttempts, slaMonitorNtrCtrlTargetAddress=slaMonitorNtrCtrlTargetAddress, slaMonitorNtrHopsEgressDscp=slaMonitorNtrHopsEgressDscp, slaMonitorAgentConfiguredAgentAddrType=slaMonitorAgentConfiguredAgentAddrType, slaMonitorAgentSlaParameter=slaMonitorAgentSlaParameter, slaMonitorNtrResultsHopCount=slaMonitorNtrResultsHopCount, slaMonitorRtpCtrlEntry=slaMonitorRtpCtrlEntry, slaMonitorAgentStatus=slaMonitorAgentStatus, slaMonitorAgentConfiguredAgentVrfName=slaMonitorAgentConfiguredAgentVrfName, slaMonitorAgentAddressType=slaMonitorAgentAddressType, slaMonitorNtrResultsCompletionSummary=slaMonitorNtrResultsCompletionSummary, slaMonitorAgtTestClasses=slaMonitorAgtTestClasses, slaMonitorRtpResultsSrcPort=slaMonitorRtpResultsSrcPort, slaMonitorRtpResultsAbortData=slaMonitorRtpResultsAbortData, slaMonitorRtpCtrlSyncPackets=slaMonitorRtpCtrlSyncPackets, slaMonitorNtrResultsAbortData=slaMonitorNtrResultsAbortData, slaMonitorNtrHopsRtt=slaMonitorNtrHopsRtt, slaMonitorRtpCtrlTargetAddress=slaMonitorRtpCtrlTargetAddress, slaMonitorRtpResultsTable=slaMonitorRtpResultsTable, slaMonitorNtrCtrlOwnerId=slaMonitorNtrCtrlOwnerId, slaMonitorMibCompliances=slaMonitorMibCompliances)
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
from bigml.api import BigML api = BigML() source1_file = "iris.csv" args = \ {u'fields': {u'000000': {u'name': u'sepal length', u'optype': u'numeric'}, u'000001': {u'name': u'sepal width', u'optype': u'numeric'}, u'000002': {u'name': u'petal length', u'optype': u'numeric'}, u'000003': {u'name': u'petal width', u'optype': u'numeric'}, u'000004': {u'name': u'species', u'optype': u'categorical', u'term_analysis': {u'enabled': True}}}} source2 = api.create_source(source1_file, args) api.ok(source2) args = \ {u'objective_field': {u'id': u'000004'}} dataset1 = api.create_dataset(source2, args) api.ok(dataset1) model1 = api.create_model(dataset1) api.ok(model1) args = \ {u'operating_kind': u'probability', u'output_dataset': True} batchprediction1 = api.create_batch_prediction(model1, dataset1, args) api.ok(batchprediction1) dataset2 = api.get_dataset(batchprediction1["object"]["output_dataset_resource"]) api.ok(dataset2) args = \ {u'fields': {u'100000': {u'name': u'species', u'preferred': True}}, u'objective_field': {u'id': u'100000'}} dataset3 = api.update_dataset(dataset2, args) api.ok(dataset3)
[ "CNRI-Python-GPL-Compatible", "BSD-3-Clause" ]
[ "CNRI-Python-GPL-Compatible", "BSD-3-Clause" ]
[ "CNRI-Python-GPL-Compatible", "BSD-3-Clause" ]
""" Tests for django test runner """ import unittest from unittest import mock from admin_scripts.tests import AdminScriptTestCase from django import db from django.conf import settings from django.core.exceptions import ImproperlyConfigured from django.core.management import call_command from django.core.management.base import SystemCheckError from django.test import ( SimpleTestCase, TransactionTestCase, skipUnlessDBFeature, ) from django.test.runner import DiscoverRunner from django.test.testcases import connections_support_transactions from django.test.utils import ( captured_stderr, dependency_ordered, get_unique_databases_and_mirrors, iter_test_cases, ) from django.utils.deprecation import RemovedInDjango50Warning from .models import B, Person, Through class MySuite: def __init__(self): self.tests = [] def addTest(self, test): self.tests.append(test) def __iter__(self): yield from self.tests class IterTestCasesTests(unittest.TestCase): def make_test_suite(self, suite=None, suite_class=None): if suite_class is None: suite_class = unittest.TestSuite if suite is None: suite = suite_class() class Tests1(unittest.TestCase): def test1(self): pass def test2(self): pass class Tests2(unittest.TestCase): def test1(self): pass def test2(self): pass loader = unittest.defaultTestLoader for test_cls in (Tests1, Tests2): tests = loader.loadTestsFromTestCase(test_cls) subsuite = suite_class() # Only use addTest() to simplify testing a custom TestSuite. for test in tests: subsuite.addTest(test) suite.addTest(subsuite) return suite def assertTestNames(self, tests, expected): # Each test.id() has a form like the following: # "test_runner.tests.IterTestCasesTests.test_iter_test_cases.<locals>.Tests1.test1". # It suffices to check only the last two parts. names = ['.'.join(test.id().split('.')[-2:]) for test in tests] self.assertEqual(names, expected) def test_basic(self): suite = self.make_test_suite() tests = iter_test_cases(suite) self.assertTestNames(tests, expected=[ 'Tests1.test1', 'Tests1.test2', 'Tests2.test1', 'Tests2.test2', ]) def test_reverse(self): suite = self.make_test_suite() tests = iter_test_cases(suite, reverse=True) self.assertTestNames(tests, expected=[ 'Tests2.test2', 'Tests2.test1', 'Tests1.test2', 'Tests1.test1', ]) def test_custom_test_suite_class(self): suite = self.make_test_suite(suite_class=MySuite) tests = iter_test_cases(suite) self.assertTestNames(tests, expected=[ 'Tests1.test1', 'Tests1.test2', 'Tests2.test1', 'Tests2.test2', ]) def test_mixed_test_suite_classes(self): suite = self.make_test_suite(suite=MySuite()) child_suite = list(suite)[0] self.assertNotIsInstance(child_suite, MySuite) tests = list(iter_test_cases(suite)) self.assertEqual(len(tests), 4) self.assertNotIsInstance(tests[0], unittest.TestSuite) class DependencyOrderingTests(unittest.TestCase): def test_simple_dependencies(self): raw = [ ('s1', ('s1_db', ['alpha'])), ('s2', ('s2_db', ['bravo'])), ('s3', ('s3_db', ['charlie'])), ] dependencies = { 'alpha': ['charlie'], 'bravo': ['charlie'], } ordered = dependency_ordered(raw, dependencies=dependencies) ordered_sigs = [sig for sig, value in ordered] self.assertIn('s1', ordered_sigs) self.assertIn('s2', ordered_sigs) self.assertIn('s3', ordered_sigs) self.assertLess(ordered_sigs.index('s3'), ordered_sigs.index('s1')) self.assertLess(ordered_sigs.index('s3'), ordered_sigs.index('s2')) def test_chained_dependencies(self): raw = [ ('s1', ('s1_db', ['alpha'])), ('s2', ('s2_db', ['bravo'])), ('s3', ('s3_db', ['charlie'])), ] dependencies = { 'alpha': ['bravo'], 'bravo': ['charlie'], } ordered = dependency_ordered(raw, dependencies=dependencies) ordered_sigs = [sig for sig, value in ordered] self.assertIn('s1', ordered_sigs) self.assertIn('s2', ordered_sigs) self.assertIn('s3', ordered_sigs) # Explicit dependencies self.assertLess(ordered_sigs.index('s2'), ordered_sigs.index('s1')) self.assertLess(ordered_sigs.index('s3'), ordered_sigs.index('s2')) # Implied dependencies self.assertLess(ordered_sigs.index('s3'), ordered_sigs.index('s1')) def test_multiple_dependencies(self): raw = [ ('s1', ('s1_db', ['alpha'])), ('s2', ('s2_db', ['bravo'])), ('s3', ('s3_db', ['charlie'])), ('s4', ('s4_db', ['delta'])), ] dependencies = { 'alpha': ['bravo', 'delta'], 'bravo': ['charlie'], 'delta': ['charlie'], } ordered = dependency_ordered(raw, dependencies=dependencies) ordered_sigs = [sig for sig, aliases in ordered] self.assertIn('s1', ordered_sigs) self.assertIn('s2', ordered_sigs) self.assertIn('s3', ordered_sigs) self.assertIn('s4', ordered_sigs) # Explicit dependencies self.assertLess(ordered_sigs.index('s2'), ordered_sigs.index('s1')) self.assertLess(ordered_sigs.index('s4'), ordered_sigs.index('s1')) self.assertLess(ordered_sigs.index('s3'), ordered_sigs.index('s2')) self.assertLess(ordered_sigs.index('s3'), ordered_sigs.index('s4')) # Implicit dependencies self.assertLess(ordered_sigs.index('s3'), ordered_sigs.index('s1')) def test_circular_dependencies(self): raw = [ ('s1', ('s1_db', ['alpha'])), ('s2', ('s2_db', ['bravo'])), ] dependencies = { 'bravo': ['alpha'], 'alpha': ['bravo'], } with self.assertRaises(ImproperlyConfigured): dependency_ordered(raw, dependencies=dependencies) def test_own_alias_dependency(self): raw = [ ('s1', ('s1_db', ['alpha', 'bravo'])) ] dependencies = { 'alpha': ['bravo'] } with self.assertRaises(ImproperlyConfigured): dependency_ordered(raw, dependencies=dependencies) # reordering aliases shouldn't matter raw = [ ('s1', ('s1_db', ['bravo', 'alpha'])) ] with self.assertRaises(ImproperlyConfigured): dependency_ordered(raw, dependencies=dependencies) class MockTestRunner: def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): pass MockTestRunner.run_tests = mock.Mock(return_value=[]) class ManageCommandTests(unittest.TestCase): def test_custom_test_runner(self): call_command('test', 'sites', testrunner='test_runner.tests.MockTestRunner') MockTestRunner.run_tests.assert_called_with(('sites',)) def test_bad_test_runner(self): with self.assertRaises(AttributeError): call_command('test', 'sites', testrunner='test_runner.NonexistentRunner') def test_time_recorded(self): with captured_stderr() as stderr: call_command('test', '--timing', 'sites', testrunner='test_runner.tests.MockTestRunner') self.assertIn('Total run took', stderr.getvalue()) class CustomTestRunnerOptionsSettingsTests(AdminScriptTestCase): """ Custom runners can add command line arguments. The runner is specified through a settings file. """ def setUp(self): super().setUp() settings = { 'TEST_RUNNER': '\'test_runner.runner.CustomOptionsTestRunner\'', } self.write_settings('settings.py', sdict=settings) def test_default_options(self): args = ['test', '--settings=test_project.settings'] out, err = self.run_django_admin(args) self.assertNoOutput(err) self.assertOutput(out, '1:2:3') def test_default_and_given_options(self): args = ['test', '--settings=test_project.settings', '--option_b=foo'] out, err = self.run_django_admin(args) self.assertNoOutput(err) self.assertOutput(out, '1:foo:3') def test_option_name_and_value_separated(self): args = ['test', '--settings=test_project.settings', '--option_b', 'foo'] out, err = self.run_django_admin(args) self.assertNoOutput(err) self.assertOutput(out, '1:foo:3') def test_all_options_given(self): args = ['test', '--settings=test_project.settings', '--option_a=bar', '--option_b=foo', '--option_c=31337'] out, err = self.run_django_admin(args) self.assertNoOutput(err) self.assertOutput(out, 'bar:foo:31337') class CustomTestRunnerOptionsCmdlineTests(AdminScriptTestCase): """ Custom runners can add command line arguments when the runner is specified using --testrunner. """ def setUp(self): super().setUp() self.write_settings('settings.py') def test_testrunner_option(self): args = [ 'test', '--testrunner', 'test_runner.runner.CustomOptionsTestRunner', '--option_a=bar', '--option_b=foo', '--option_c=31337' ] out, err = self.run_django_admin(args, 'test_project.settings') self.assertNoOutput(err) self.assertOutput(out, 'bar:foo:31337') def test_testrunner_equals(self): args = [ 'test', '--testrunner=test_runner.runner.CustomOptionsTestRunner', '--option_a=bar', '--option_b=foo', '--option_c=31337' ] out, err = self.run_django_admin(args, 'test_project.settings') self.assertNoOutput(err) self.assertOutput(out, 'bar:foo:31337') def test_no_testrunner(self): args = ['test', '--testrunner'] out, err = self.run_django_admin(args, 'test_project.settings') self.assertIn('usage', err) self.assertNotIn('Traceback', err) self.assertNoOutput(out) class Ticket17477RegressionTests(AdminScriptTestCase): def setUp(self): super().setUp() self.write_settings('settings.py') def test_ticket_17477(self): """'manage.py help test' works after r16352.""" args = ['help', 'test'] out, err = self.run_manage(args) self.assertNoOutput(err) class SQLiteInMemoryTestDbs(TransactionTestCase): available_apps = ['test_runner'] databases = {'default', 'other'} @unittest.skipUnless(all(db.connections[conn].vendor == 'sqlite' for conn in db.connections), "This is an sqlite-specific issue") def test_transaction_support(self): # Assert connections mocking is appropriately applied by preventing # any attempts at calling create_test_db on the global connection # objects. for connection in db.connections.all(): create_test_db = mock.patch.object( connection.creation, 'create_test_db', side_effect=AssertionError("Global connection object shouldn't be manipulated.") ) create_test_db.start() self.addCleanup(create_test_db.stop) for option_key, option_value in ( ('NAME', ':memory:'), ('TEST', {'NAME': ':memory:'})): tested_connections = db.ConnectionHandler({ 'default': { 'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.sqlite3', option_key: option_value, }, 'other': { 'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.sqlite3', option_key: option_value, }, }) with mock.patch('django.test.utils.connections', new=tested_connections): other = tested_connections['other'] DiscoverRunner(verbosity=0).setup_databases() msg = ( "DATABASES setting '%s' option set to sqlite3's ':memory:' value " "shouldn't interfere with transaction support detection." % option_key ) # Transaction support is properly initialized for the 'other' DB. self.assertTrue(other.features.supports_transactions, msg) # And all the DBs report that they support transactions. self.assertTrue(connections_support_transactions(), msg) class DummyBackendTest(unittest.TestCase): def test_setup_databases(self): """ setup_databases() doesn't fail with dummy database backend. """ tested_connections = db.ConnectionHandler({}) with mock.patch('django.test.utils.connections', new=tested_connections): runner_instance = DiscoverRunner(verbosity=0) old_config = runner_instance.setup_databases() runner_instance.teardown_databases(old_config) class AliasedDefaultTestSetupTest(unittest.TestCase): def test_setup_aliased_default_database(self): """ setup_databases() doesn't fail when 'default' is aliased """ tested_connections = db.ConnectionHandler({ 'default': { 'NAME': 'dummy' }, 'aliased': { 'NAME': 'dummy' } }) with mock.patch('django.test.utils.connections', new=tested_connections): runner_instance = DiscoverRunner(verbosity=0) old_config = runner_instance.setup_databases() runner_instance.teardown_databases(old_config) class SetupDatabasesTests(SimpleTestCase): def setUp(self): self.runner_instance = DiscoverRunner(verbosity=0) def test_setup_aliased_databases(self): tested_connections = db.ConnectionHandler({ 'default': { 'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.dummy', 'NAME': 'dbname', }, 'other': { 'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.dummy', 'NAME': 'dbname', } }) with mock.patch('django.db.backends.dummy.base.DatabaseWrapper.creation_class') as mocked_db_creation: with mock.patch('django.test.utils.connections', new=tested_connections): old_config = self.runner_instance.setup_databases() self.runner_instance.teardown_databases(old_config) mocked_db_creation.return_value.destroy_test_db.assert_called_once_with('dbname', 0, False) def test_setup_test_database_aliases(self): """ The default database must be the first because data migrations use the default alias by default. """ tested_connections = db.ConnectionHandler({ 'other': { 'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.dummy', 'NAME': 'dbname', }, 'default': { 'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.dummy', 'NAME': 'dbname', } }) with mock.patch('django.test.utils.connections', new=tested_connections): test_databases, _ = get_unique_databases_and_mirrors() self.assertEqual( test_databases, { ('', '', 'django.db.backends.dummy', 'test_dbname'): ( 'dbname', ['default', 'other'], ), }, ) def test_destroy_test_db_restores_db_name(self): tested_connections = db.ConnectionHandler({ 'default': { 'ENGINE': settings.DATABASES[db.DEFAULT_DB_ALIAS]["ENGINE"], 'NAME': 'xxx_test_database', }, }) # Using the real current name as old_name to not mess with the test suite. old_name = settings.DATABASES[db.DEFAULT_DB_ALIAS]["NAME"] with mock.patch('django.db.connections', new=tested_connections): tested_connections['default'].creation.destroy_test_db(old_name, verbosity=0, keepdb=True) self.assertEqual(tested_connections['default'].settings_dict["NAME"], old_name) def test_serialization(self): tested_connections = db.ConnectionHandler({ 'default': { 'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.dummy', }, }) with mock.patch('django.db.backends.dummy.base.DatabaseWrapper.creation_class') as mocked_db_creation: with mock.patch('django.test.utils.connections', new=tested_connections): self.runner_instance.setup_databases() mocked_db_creation.return_value.create_test_db.assert_called_once_with( verbosity=0, autoclobber=False, serialize=True, keepdb=False ) def test_serialized_off(self): tested_connections = db.ConnectionHandler({ 'default': { 'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.dummy', 'TEST': {'SERIALIZE': False}, }, }) msg = ( 'The SERIALIZE test database setting is deprecated as it can be ' 'inferred from the TestCase/TransactionTestCase.databases that ' 'enable the serialized_rollback feature.' ) with mock.patch('django.db.backends.dummy.base.DatabaseWrapper.creation_class') as mocked_db_creation: with mock.patch('django.test.utils.connections', new=tested_connections): with self.assertWarnsMessage(RemovedInDjango50Warning, msg): self.runner_instance.setup_databases() mocked_db_creation.return_value.create_test_db.assert_called_once_with( verbosity=0, autoclobber=False, serialize=False, keepdb=False ) @skipUnlessDBFeature('supports_sequence_reset') class AutoIncrementResetTest(TransactionTestCase): """ Creating the same models in different test methods receive the same PK values since the sequences are reset before each test method. """ available_apps = ['test_runner'] reset_sequences = True def _test(self): # Regular model p = Person.objects.create(first_name='Jack', last_name='Smith') self.assertEqual(p.pk, 1) # Auto-created many-to-many through model p.friends.add(Person.objects.create(first_name='Jacky', last_name='Smith')) self.assertEqual(p.friends.through.objects.first().pk, 1) # Many-to-many through model b = B.objects.create() t = Through.objects.create(person=p, b=b) self.assertEqual(t.pk, 1) def test_autoincrement_reset1(self): self._test() def test_autoincrement_reset2(self): self._test() class EmptyDefaultDatabaseTest(unittest.TestCase): def test_empty_default_database(self): """ An empty default database in settings does not raise an ImproperlyConfigured error when running a unit test that does not use a database. """ tested_connections = db.ConnectionHandler({'default': {}}) with mock.patch('django.db.connections', new=tested_connections): connection = tested_connections[db.utils.DEFAULT_DB_ALIAS] self.assertEqual(connection.settings_dict['ENGINE'], 'django.db.backends.dummy') connections_support_transactions() class RunTestsExceptionHandlingTests(unittest.TestCase): def test_run_checks_raises(self): """ Teardown functions are run when run_checks() raises SystemCheckError. """ with mock.patch('django.test.runner.DiscoverRunner.setup_test_environment'), \ mock.patch('django.test.runner.DiscoverRunner.setup_databases'), \ mock.patch('django.test.runner.DiscoverRunner.build_suite'), \ mock.patch('django.test.runner.DiscoverRunner.run_checks', side_effect=SystemCheckError), \ mock.patch('django.test.runner.DiscoverRunner.teardown_databases') as teardown_databases, \ mock.patch('django.test.runner.DiscoverRunner.teardown_test_environment') as teardown_test_environment: runner = DiscoverRunner(verbosity=0, interactive=False) with self.assertRaises(SystemCheckError): runner.run_tests(['test_runner_apps.sample.tests_sample.TestDjangoTestCase']) self.assertTrue(teardown_databases.called) self.assertTrue(teardown_test_environment.called) def test_run_checks_raises_and_teardown_raises(self): """ SystemCheckError is surfaced when run_checks() raises SystemCheckError and teardown databases() raises ValueError. """ with mock.patch('django.test.runner.DiscoverRunner.setup_test_environment'), \ mock.patch('django.test.runner.DiscoverRunner.setup_databases'), \ mock.patch('django.test.runner.DiscoverRunner.build_suite'), \ mock.patch('django.test.runner.DiscoverRunner.run_checks', side_effect=SystemCheckError), \ mock.patch('django.test.runner.DiscoverRunner.teardown_databases', side_effect=ValueError) \ as teardown_databases, \ mock.patch('django.test.runner.DiscoverRunner.teardown_test_environment') as teardown_test_environment: runner = DiscoverRunner(verbosity=0, interactive=False) with self.assertRaises(SystemCheckError): runner.run_tests(['test_runner_apps.sample.tests_sample.TestDjangoTestCase']) self.assertTrue(teardown_databases.called) self.assertFalse(teardown_test_environment.called) def test_run_checks_passes_and_teardown_raises(self): """ Exceptions on teardown are surfaced if no exceptions happen during run_checks(). """ with mock.patch('django.test.runner.DiscoverRunner.setup_test_environment'), \ mock.patch('django.test.runner.DiscoverRunner.setup_databases'), \ mock.patch('django.test.runner.DiscoverRunner.build_suite'), \ mock.patch('django.test.runner.DiscoverRunner.run_checks'), \ mock.patch('django.test.runner.DiscoverRunner.teardown_databases', side_effect=ValueError) \ as teardown_databases, \ mock.patch('django.test.runner.DiscoverRunner.teardown_test_environment') as teardown_test_environment: runner = DiscoverRunner(verbosity=0, interactive=False) with self.assertRaises(ValueError): # Suppress the output when running TestDjangoTestCase. with mock.patch('sys.stderr'): runner.run_tests(['test_runner_apps.sample.tests_sample.TestDjangoTestCase']) self.assertTrue(teardown_databases.called) self.assertFalse(teardown_test_environment.called)
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """Setup file for eiffel_graphql_api. Use setup.cfg to configure your project. This file was generated with PyScaffold 3.2.3. PyScaffold helps you to put up the scaffold of your new Python project. Learn more under: https://pyscaffold.org/ """ import sys from pkg_resources import VersionConflict, require from setuptools import setup try: require("setuptools>=38.3") except VersionConflict: print("Error: version of setuptools is too old (<38.3)!") sys.exit(1) if __name__ == "__main__": setup(use_pyscaffold=True)
python/Josephus Survivor.py
[ "MIT" ]
python/Josephus Survivor.py
[ "MIT" ]
python/Josephus Survivor.py
[ "MIT" ]
# A program to see which person survives Josephus permutation people = 7 likelihood = 3 def josephus_survivor(n,k): data = [] for i in range(n): data.append(n-i) data.sort() numToLeave = 0 for i in range(3): for j in range(k): numToLeave += data[numToLeave] if numToLeave > n: numToLeave = numToLeave % n data.remove(numToLeave) n = len(data) return data,numToLeave print(josephus_survivor(7,3))
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
#!/usr/bin/env python """Django's command-line utility for administrative tasks.""" import os import sys def main(): """Run administrative tasks.""" os.environ.setdefault('DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE', 'bedu_rest.settings') try: from django.core.management import execute_from_command_line except ImportError as exc: raise ImportError( "Couldn't import Django. Are you sure it's installed and " "available on your PYTHONPATH environment variable? Did you " "forget to activate a virtual environment?" ) from exc execute_from_command_line(sys.argv) if __name__ == '__main__': main()
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
resp = 'S' soma = quant = media = maior = menor = 0 while resp in 'Ss': num = int(input('Digite um número: ')) soma += num quant += 1 if quant == 1: maior =menor = num else: if num > maior: maior = num if num < menor: menor = num resp = str(input('Quer continuar? [S/N] ')).upper().strip()[0] media = soma / quant print(f'Você digitou {quant} números e a média foi {media}') print(f'O maior valor foi {maior} e o menore foi {menor}')
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
# AUTO-GENERATED by tools/checkspecs.py - DO NOT EDIT from __future__ import unicode_literals from ..brains import BRAINSTransformConvert def test_BRAINSTransformConvert_inputs(): input_map = dict( args=dict(argstr='%s', ), displacementVolume=dict( argstr='--displacementVolume %s', hash_files=False, ), environ=dict( nohash=True, usedefault=True, ), inputTransform=dict( argstr='--inputTransform %s', extensions=None, ), outputPrecisionType=dict(argstr='--outputPrecisionType %s', ), outputTransform=dict( argstr='--outputTransform %s', hash_files=False, ), outputTransformType=dict(argstr='--outputTransformType %s', ), referenceVolume=dict( argstr='--referenceVolume %s', extensions=None, ), ) inputs = BRAINSTransformConvert.input_spec() for key, metadata in list(input_map.items()): for metakey, value in list(metadata.items()): assert getattr(inputs.traits()[key], metakey) == value def test_BRAINSTransformConvert_outputs(): output_map = dict( displacementVolume=dict(extensions=None, ), outputTransform=dict(extensions=None, ), ) outputs = BRAINSTransformConvert.output_spec() for key, metadata in list(output_map.items()): for metakey, value in list(metadata.items()): assert getattr(outputs.traits()[key], metakey) == value
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
# Copyright 2017-present Open Networking Foundation # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. from __future__ import absolute_import, division import structlog import arrow from twisted.internet.task import LoopingCall from voltha_protos.events_pb2 import KpiEvent2, KpiEventType, MetricInformation, MetricMetaData from voltha_protos.events_pb2 import Event, EventType, EventCategory, EventSubCategory from voltha_protos.device_pb2 import PmConfig class AdapterPmMetrics(object): """ Base class for Device Adapter PM Metrics Manager Device specific (OLT, ONU, OpenOMCI, ...) will derive groups of PM information and this base class is primarily used to provide a consistent interface to configure, start, and stop statistics collection. """ DEFAULT_FREQUENCY_KEY = 'default-collection-frequency' DEFAULT_COLLECTION_FREQUENCY = 15 * 10 # 1/10ths of a second # If the collection object has a property of the following name, it will be used # to retrieve the UTC Collection Timestamp (UTC seconds since epoch). If the collection # object does not support this attribute, the current time will be used. If the attribute # is supported, but returns None, this signals that no metrics are currently available # for collection. TIMESTAMP_ATTRIBUTE = 'timestamp' def __init__(self, event_mgr, core_proxy, device_id, logical_device_id, serial_number, grouped=False, freq_override=False, **kwargs): """ Initializer for shared Device Adapter PM metrics manager :param core_proxy: (CoreProxy) Gateway between CORE and an adapter :param device_id: (str) Device ID :param logical_device_id: (str) VOLTHA Logical Device ID :param grouped: (bool) Flag indicating if statistics are managed as a group :param freq_override: (bool) Flag indicating if frequency collection can be specified on a per group basis :param kwargs: (dict) Device Adapter specific values """ self.log = structlog.get_logger(device_id=device_id) self.event_mgr = event_mgr self.device_id = device_id self.core_proxy = core_proxy self.name = core_proxy.listening_topic self.logical_device_id = logical_device_id self.serial_number = serial_number self.default_freq = kwargs.get(AdapterPmMetrics.DEFAULT_FREQUENCY_KEY, AdapterPmMetrics.DEFAULT_COLLECTION_FREQUENCY) self._event = "KPI_EVENT" self._category = EventCategory.EQUIPMENT self._sub_category = EventSubCategory.ONU self.grouped = grouped self.freq_override = grouped and freq_override self.lc = None self.pm_group_metrics = dict() # name -> PmGroupConfig def update(self, pm_config): # TODO: Move any common steps into base class raise NotImplementedError('Your derived class should override this method') def make_proto(self, pm_config=None): raise NotImplementedError('Your derived class should override this method') def start_collector(self, callback=None): """ Start the collection loop for an adapter if the frequency > 0 :param callback: (callable) Function to call to collect PM data """ self.log.info("starting-pm-collection", device_name=self.name, default_freq=self.default_freq) if callback is None: callback = self.collect_and_publish_metrics if self.lc is None: self.lc = LoopingCall(callback) if self.default_freq > 0: self.lc.start(interval=self.default_freq / 10) def stop_collector(self): """ Stop the collection loop""" if self.lc is not None and self.default_freq > 0: self.lc.stop() def collect_group_metrics(self, group_name, group, names, config): """ Collect the metrics for a specific PM group. This common collection method expects that the 'group object' provide as the second parameter supports an attribute or property with the name of the value to retrieve. :param group_name: (str) The unique collection name. The name should not contain spaces. :param group: (object) The object to query for the value of various attributes (PM names) :param names: (set) A collection of PM names that, if implemented as a property in the object, will return a value to store in the returned PM dictionary :param config: (PMConfig) PM Configuration settings. The enabled flag is examined to determine if the data associated with a PM Name will be collected. :return: (MetricInformation) collected metrics """ assert ' ' not in group_name, 'Spaces are not allowed in metric titles, use an underscore' if group is None: return None metrics = dict() context = dict() now = getattr(group, AdapterPmMetrics.TIMESTAMP_ATTRIBUTE) \ if hasattr(group, AdapterPmMetrics.TIMESTAMP_ATTRIBUTE) \ else arrow.utcnow().float_timestamp if now is None: return None # No metrics available at this time for collection for (metric, t) in names: if config[metric].type == PmConfig.CONTEXT and hasattr(group, metric): context[metric] = str(getattr(group, metric)) elif config[metric].type in (PmConfig.COUNTER, PmConfig.GAUGE, PmConfig.STATE): if config[metric].enabled and hasattr(group, metric): metrics[metric] = getattr(group, metric) # Check length of metric data. Will be zero if if/when individual group # metrics can be disabled and all are (or or not supported by the # underlying adapter) if len(metrics) == 0: return None return MetricInformation(metadata=MetricMetaData(title=group_name, ts=now, logical_device_id=self.logical_device_id, serial_no=self.serial_number, device_id=self.device_id, context=context), metrics=metrics) def collect_metrics(self, data=None): """ Collect metrics for this adapter. The adapter type (OLT, ONU, ..) should provide a derived class where this method iterates through all metrics and collects them up in a dictionary with the group/metric name as the key, and the metric values as the contents. The data collected (or passed in) is a list of pairs/tuples. Each pair is composed of a MetricMetaData metadata-portion and list of MetricValuePairs that contains a single individual metric or list of metrics if this is a group metric. This method is called for each adapter at a fixed frequency. TODO: Currently all group metrics are collected on a single timer tick. This needs to be fixed as independent group or instance collection is desirable. :param data: (list) Existing list of collected metrics (MetricInformation). This is provided to allow derived classes to call into further encapsulated classes. :return: (list) metadata and metrics pairs - see description above """ raise NotImplementedError('Your derived class should override this method') def collect_and_publish_metrics(self): """ Request collection of all enabled metrics and publish them """ try: data = self.collect_metrics() raised_ts = arrow.utcnow().timestamp self.publish_metrics(data, raised_ts) except Exception as e: self.log.exception('failed-to-collect-kpis', e=e) def publish_metrics(self, data, raised_ts): """ Publish the metrics during a collection. The data collected (or passed in) is a list of dictionary pairs/tuple. Each pair is composed of a metadata-portion and a metrics-portion that contains information for a specific instance of an individual metric or metric group. :param data: (list) Existing list of collected metrics (MetricInformation) to convert to a KPIEvent and publish """ self.log.debug('publish-metrics', data=data) event_header = self.event_mgr.get_event_header(EventType.KPI_EVENT2, self._category, self._sub_category, self._event, raised_ts) if len(data): try: # TODO: Existing adapters use the KpiEvent, if/when all existing # adapters use the shared KPI library, we may want to # deprecate the KPIEvent event_body = KpiEvent2( type=KpiEventType.slice, ts=arrow.utcnow().float_timestamp, slice_data=data ) self.event_mgr.send_event(event_header, event_body) except Exception as e: self.log.exception('failed-to-submit-kpis', e=e) # TODO: Need to support on-demand counter update if provided by the PM 'group'. # Currently we expect PM data to be periodically polled by a separate # mechanism. The on-demand counter update should be optional in case the # particular device adapter group of data is polled anyway for other reasons.
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
# Copyright (c) 2018 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import parl __all__ = ['ES'] class ES(parl.Algorithm): def __init__(self, model): """ES algorithm. Since parameters of the model is updated in the numpy level, `learn` function is not needed in this algorithm. Args: model(`parl.Model`): policy model of ES algorithm. """ self.model = model def predict(self, obs): """Use the policy model to predict actions of observations. Args: obs(layers.data): data layer of observations. Returns: tensor of predicted actions. """ return self.model(obs)
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # <nbformat>3.0</nbformat> # <markdowncell> # # Basic Markov-Chain Monte-Carlo (MCMC) Sampling # # # ## Gibbs Sampling from Bivariate Normal Distribution (BDA 11.1) ## # # Here, we sample from a bivariate normal distribution using Gibbs sampling, although it is not simple to draw from actual joint distribution. The posterior distribution is assumed to be: # $$ # \left( \begin{matrix} \theta_1 \\ \theta_2 \end{matrix} \middle) \right| y # \sim # \text{N} # \left( # \left( \begin{matrix} y_1 \\ y_2 \end{matrix} \right), # \left( \begin{matrix} 1 & \rho \\ \rho & 1 \end{matrix} \right) # \right). # $$ # The conditional distributions are: # $$ # \theta_1 \mid \theta_2, y \sim \text{N}(y_1 + \rho(\theta_2 - y_2), 1-\rho^2), # $$ # $$ # \theta_2 \mid \theta_1, y \sim \text{N}(y_2 + \rho(\theta_1 - y_1), 1-\rho^2). # $$ # <codecell> # prepare inline pylab % pylab inline import numpy as np import pylab as plt np.random.seed(13531) # <codecell> def gibbs_bivariate(y1, y2, rho, start_theta1, start_theta2, num_samples): scale = np.sqrt(1.0 - rho ** 2) theta1_samples = [start_theta1] theta2_samples = [start_theta2] current_theta1 = start_theta1 current_theta2 = start_theta2 for i in xrange(num_samples): current_theta1 = np.random.normal(loc=y1 + rho * (current_theta2 - y2), scale=scale) theta1_samples.append(current_theta1) theta2_samples.append(current_theta2) current_theta2 = np.random.normal(loc=y2 + rho * (current_theta1 - y1), scale=scale) theta1_samples.append(current_theta1) theta2_samples.append(current_theta2) return theta1_samples, theta2_samples # <markdowncell> # This is Figure 11.2 (a). # <codecell> starting_points = [(2.5,2.5),(-2.5,2.5),(2.5,-2.5),(-2.5,-2.5),(0,0)] plt.plot(zip(*starting_points)[0], zip(*starting_points)[1], 'ks') for start_theta1, start_theta2 in starting_points: theta1_samples, theta2_samples = gibbs_bivariate(0, 0, 0.8, start_theta1, start_theta2, 10) plt.plot(theta1_samples, theta2_samples, color='k', linestyle='-', linewidth=1) plt.xlim(-4,4) plt.ylim(-4,4) plt.axes().set_aspect('equal') # <markdowncell> # This is Figure 11.2 (b). # <codecell> plt.plot(zip(*starting_points)[0], zip(*starting_points)[1], 'ks') for start_theta1, start_theta2 in starting_points: theta1_samples, theta2_samples = gibbs_bivariate(0, 0, 0.8, start_theta1, start_theta2, 500) plt.plot(theta1_samples, theta2_samples, color='k', linestyle='-', linewidth=1) plt.xlim(-4,4) plt.ylim(-4,4) plt.axes().set_aspect('equal') # <markdowncell> # This is Figure 11.2 (c) # <codecell> for start_theta1, start_theta2 in starting_points: theta1_samples, theta2_samples = gibbs_bivariate(0, 0, 0.8, start_theta1, start_theta2, 500) plt.scatter(theta1_samples[len(theta1_samples)/2:], theta2_samples[len(theta2_samples)/2:], marker='.', s=1) plt.xlim(-4,4) plt.ylim(-4,4) plt.axes().set_aspect('equal') # <markdowncell> # ## Metropolis Sampling from Bivariate Normal (BDA 11.3) ## # # Here, we are sampling from $p(\theta \mid y) = \text{N}(\theta \mid 0, I)$, where $I$ is a $2 \times 2$ identity matrix. We use $J_t(\theta^* \mid \theta^{t-1}) = \text{N}(\theta^* \mid \theta^{t-1}, 0.2^2 I)$ as a proposal distribution, which is quite inefficient. # <codecell> import scipy.stats as stats from scipy.stats import norm def metropolis_bivariate(y1, y2, start_theta1, start_theta2, num_samples, include_start=True, include_loglik=False): if include_start: theta1_samples = [start_theta1] theta2_samples = [start_theta2] else: theta1_samples = [] theta2_samples = [] loglik_samples = [] current_theta1 = start_theta1 current_theta2 = start_theta2 # somehow the book is using unnormalized log probability. don't know why. current_log_prob = norm.logpdf((current_theta1,current_theta2),loc=(0,0),scale=(1,1)).sum() \ - norm.logpdf((0,0),loc=(0,0),scale=(1,1)).sum() for i in xrange(num_samples): proposal_theta1, proposal_theta2 = np.random.normal(loc=(current_theta1, current_theta2), scale=(0.2,0.2)) proposal_log_prob = norm.logpdf((proposal_theta1,proposal_theta2), loc=(0,0),scale=(1,1)).sum() \ - norm.logpdf((0,0), loc=(0,0),scale=(1,1)).sum() if proposal_log_prob > current_log_prob: flag_accept = True else: acceptance_prob = np.exp(proposal_log_prob - current_log_prob) if np.random.random() < acceptance_prob: flag_accept = True else: flag_accept = False if flag_accept: current_theta1 = proposal_theta1 current_theta2 = proposal_theta2 current_log_prob = proposal_log_prob theta1_samples.append(current_theta1) theta2_samples.append(current_theta2) loglik_samples.append(current_log_prob) if include_loglik: return theta1_samples, theta2_samples, loglik_samples else: return theta1_samples, theta2_samples # <markdowncell> # This is Figure 11.1 (a). # <codecell> starting_points = [(2.5,2.5),(-2.5,2.5),(2.5,-2.5),(-2.5,-2.5)] plt.plot(zip(*starting_points)[0], zip(*starting_points)[1], 'ks') for start_theta1, start_theta2 in starting_points: theta1_samples, theta2_samples = metropolis_bivariate(0, 0, start_theta1, start_theta2, 50) plt.plot(theta1_samples, theta2_samples, color='k', linestyle='-', linewidth=1) plt.xlim(-4,4) plt.ylim(-4,4) plt.axes().set_aspect('equal') # <markdowncell> # This is Figure 11.1 (b). # <codecell> starting_points = [(2.5,2.5),(-2.5,2.5),(2.5,-2.5),(-2.5,-2.5)] plt.plot(zip(*starting_points)[0], zip(*starting_points)[1], 'ks') for start_theta1, start_theta2 in starting_points: theta1_samples, theta2_samples = metropolis_bivariate(0, 0, start_theta1, start_theta2, 1000) plt.plot(theta1_samples, theta2_samples, color='k', linestyle='-', linewidth=1) plt.xlim(-4,4) plt.ylim(-4,4) plt.axes().set_aspect('equal') # <markdowncell> # This is Figure 11.1 (c). # <codecell> for start_theta1, start_theta2 in starting_points: theta1_samples, theta2_samples = metropolis_bivariate(0, 0, start_theta1, start_theta2, 1000) theta1_samples_tail = theta1_samples[len(theta1_samples)/2:] theta2_samples_tail = theta2_samples[len(theta2_samples)/2:] plt.scatter(theta1_samples_tail + np.random.uniform(low=-0.001, high=0.001, size=len(theta1_samples_tail)), theta2_samples_tail + np.random.uniform(low=-0.001, high=0.001, size=len(theta2_samples_tail)), marker='.', s=1) plt.xlim(-4,4) plt.ylim(-4,4) plt.axes().set_aspect('equal') # <markdowncell> # ## Assessing Convergence (BDA 11.4) ## # # $\hat{R}$ can be used to monitor the convergence of MCMC sampling. Table 11.1 is reproduced here: # <codecell> from pandas import * for num_iter in [50,500,2000,5000]: seq_len = num_iter/2.0 dfs = [] print "When the number of iterations is: %d" % num_iter for sequence_num, (start_theta1, start_theta2) in enumerate(starting_points): theta1_samples, theta2_samples, loglik_samples =\ metropolis_bivariate(0, 0, start_theta1, start_theta2, num_iter, False, True) # convert samples into dataframe theta1_samples_tail = theta1_samples[len(theta1_samples)/2:] theta2_samples_tail = theta2_samples[len(theta2_samples)/2:] loglik_samples_tail = loglik_samples[len(loglik_samples)/2:] seqnum = concatenate([repeat(sequence_num * 2, len(theta1_samples_tail)/2), repeat(sequence_num * 2 + 1, len(theta1_samples_tail) - len(theta1_samples_tail)/2)]) df = DataFrame({'theta1':theta1_samples_tail,'theta2':theta2_samples_tail, 'loglik':loglik_samples_tail,'seqnum':seqnum}) dfs.append(df) whole_df = pandas.concat(dfs) print whole_df.quantile([0.025,0.5,0.975]) W_values = whole_df.groupby('seqnum').var().mean(axis=0) B_values = whole_df.groupby('seqnum').mean().var(axis=0) * (seq_len) print "Rhat values:" print sqrt((seq_len-1.0)/seq_len + 1.0/seq_len * (B_values / W_values)) print "\n\n"
[ "Unlicense" ]
[ "Unlicense" ]
[ "Unlicense" ]
# encoding: utf-8 import re from ..extractor.common import ( InfoExtractor, ) from ..extractor.lynda import ( LyndaBaseIE, LyndaIE as OldLyndaIE ) from ..utils import ( int_or_none, ExtractorError ) from ..compat import compat_str class LyndaIE(OldLyndaIE): _VALID_URL = r'https?://www\.lynda\.com/(?:[^/]+/[^/]+/\d+(-\d+)*|player/embed)/(?P<id>\d+)' def _real_extract(self, url): webPage = self._download_webpage(url, url) if OldLyndaIE.suitable(url): ie = OldLyndaIE() ie.set_downloader(self._downloader) # 下载字幕 self._downloader.params['listsubtitles'] = True result = ie._real_extract(url) self._downloader.params['listsubtitles'] = False result['thumbnail'] = self._og_search_thumbnail(webPage) return result video_id = self._search_regex(r'data-initial-video-id="(\d+)', webPage, 'video_id') query = { 'videoId': video_id, 'type': 'video', } video = self._download_json( 'https://www.lynda.com/ajax/player', video_id, 'Downloading video JSON', fatal=False, query=query) # Fallback scenario if not video: raise Exception('not support!') if 'Status' in video: raise ExtractorError( 'lynda returned error: %s' % video['Message'], expected=True) if video.get('HasAccess') is False: self._raise_unavailable(video_id) video_id = compat_str(video.get('ID') or video_id) duration = int_or_none(video.get('DurationInSeconds')) title = video['Title'] thumbnail = self._og_search_thumbnail(webPage) formats = [] fmts = video.get('Formats') if fmts: formats.extend([{ 'url': f['Url'], 'ext': f.get('Extension'), 'width': int_or_none(f.get('Width')), 'height': int_or_none(f.get('Height')), 'filesize': int_or_none(f.get('FileSize')), 'format_id': compat_str(f.get('Resolution')) if f.get('Resolution') else None, } for f in fmts if f.get('Url')]) prioritized_streams = video.get('PrioritizedStreams') if prioritized_streams: for prioritized_stream_id, prioritized_stream in list(prioritized_streams.items()): formats.extend([{ 'url': video_url, 'height': int_or_none(format_id), 'format_id': '%s-%s' % (prioritized_stream_id, format_id), } for format_id, video_url in list(prioritized_stream.items())]) self._check_formats(formats, video_id) self._sort_formats(formats) self._downloader.params['listsubtitles'] = True subtitles = self.extract_subtitles(video_id) self._downloader.params['listsubtitles'] = False return { 'id': video_id, 'title': title, 'duration': duration, 'thumbnail': thumbnail, 'subtitles': subtitles, 'formats': formats } class LyndaPlaylistIE(InfoExtractor): _VALID_URL = r'https?://(?:www|m)\.lynda\.com/.*' def _real_extract(self, url): self.to_screen('LyndaPlaylistIE 1') webpage = self._download_webpage(url, url) self.to_screen('LyndaPlaylistIE 2') try: #self.to_screen(webpage) mobj = re.search(r'data-tracking-category="course-page"\s*data-course-id="(.*?)"|' r'<input\s*type="hidden"\s*id="currentCourseId"\s*value="(.*?)"|' r'<link rel="alternate"\s*href=".*\/course\/([^\"]*)', webpage) self.to_screen('LyndaPlaylistIE 2.1') if mobj: self.to_screen('LyndaPlaylistIE 3.1') courseId = mobj.group(1) if mobj.group(1) is not None else mobj.group(2) if not courseId: courseId = mobj.group(3) self.to_screen('LyndaPlaylistIE 3') url = 'http://www.lynda.com/ajax/player?courseId=%s&type=course' % courseId data = self._download_json(url, url) self.to_screen('LyndaPlaylistIE 4') entries = [] self.to_screen('LyndaPlaylistIE 5') for chapter in data['Chapters']: for video in chapter['Videos']: entries.append({'id': str(video['ID']), 'title': video['Title'], 'url': 'http://www.lynda.com' + video['CourseURLs']['www.lynda.com'].replace('2.html', '2/' + str(video['ID']) + '-4.html'), 'duration': video['DurationInSeconds']}) self.to_screen('LyndaPlaylistIE 6') return self.playlist_result(entries, courseId, data['Title']) else: return None except Exception as e: self.to_screen(e.message) return None
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
import unittest from parse_ranges import parse_ranges class ParseRangesTests(unittest.TestCase): """Tests for parse_ranges.""" def test_three_ranges(self): self.assertEqual( list(parse_ranges('1-2,4-4,8-10')), [1, 2, 4, 8, 9, 10], ) def test_with_spaces(self): self.assertEqual( list(parse_ranges('0-0, 4-8, 20-21, 43-45')), [0, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 20, 21, 43, 44, 45], ) #@unittest.expectedFailure def test_return_iterator(self): numbers = parse_ranges('0-0, 4-8, 20-21, 43-45') self.assertEqual(next(numbers), 0) self.assertEqual(list(numbers), [4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 20, 21, 43, 44, 45]) self.assertEqual(list(numbers), []) numbers = parse_ranges('100-1000000000000') self.assertEqual(next(numbers), 100) #@unittest.expectedFailure def test_with_individual_numbers(self): self.assertEqual( list(parse_ranges('0,4-8,20,43-45')), [0, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 20, 43, 44, 45], ) #@unittest.expectedFailure def test_ignore_arrows(self): self.assertEqual( list(parse_ranges('0, 4-8, 20->exit, 43-45')), [0, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 20, 43, 44, 45], ) if __name__ == "__main__": unittest.main(verbosity=2)
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
# Generated by Django 3.1.5 on 2021-01-11 06:31 from django.db import migrations, models class Migration(migrations.Migration): dependencies = [ ('advertisements', '0003_auto_20210111_0944'), ] operations = [ migrations.RenameField( model_name='advertisement', old_name='status', new_name='isActive', ), migrations.AddField( model_name='advertisement', name='isVerified', field=models.BooleanField(default=False), ), ]
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
"""empty message Revision ID: 22cab9c1bbf4 Revises: Create Date: 2020-04-20 22:43:15.612577 """ from alembic import op import sqlalchemy as sa # revision identifiers, used by Alembic. revision = '22cab9c1bbf4' down_revision = None branch_labels = None depends_on = None def upgrade(): # ### commands auto generated by Alembic - please adjust! ### op.create_table('tags', sa.Column('id', sa.Integer(), nullable=False), sa.Column('tagname', sa.String(length=100), nullable=True), sa.PrimaryKeyConstraint('id') ) op.create_table('users', sa.Column('id', sa.Integer(), nullable=False), sa.Column('username', sa.String(length=80), nullable=False), sa.Column('email', sa.String(length=100), nullable=False), sa.Column('password', sa.Binary(), nullable=True), sa.Column('created_at', sa.DateTime(), nullable=False), sa.Column('updated_at', sa.DateTime(), nullable=False), sa.Column('bio', sa.String(length=300), nullable=True), sa.Column('image', sa.String(length=120), nullable=True), sa.PrimaryKeyConstraint('id'), sa.UniqueConstraint('email'), sa.UniqueConstraint('username') ) op.create_table('userprofile', sa.Column('id', sa.Integer(), nullable=False), sa.Column('user_id', sa.Integer(), nullable=False), sa.ForeignKeyConstraint(['user_id'], ['users.id'], ), sa.PrimaryKeyConstraint('id') ) op.create_table('article', sa.Column('id', sa.Integer(), nullable=False), sa.Column('slug', sa.Text(), nullable=True), sa.Column('title', sa.String(length=100), nullable=False), sa.Column('description', sa.Text(), nullable=False), sa.Column('body', sa.Text(), nullable=True), sa.Column('createdAt', sa.DateTime(), nullable=False), sa.Column('updatedAt', sa.DateTime(), nullable=False), sa.Column('author_id', sa.Integer(), nullable=False), sa.ForeignKeyConstraint(['author_id'], ['userprofile.id'], ), sa.PrimaryKeyConstraint('id'), sa.UniqueConstraint('slug') ) op.create_table('followers_assoc', sa.Column('follower', sa.Integer(), nullable=True), sa.Column('followed_by', sa.Integer(), nullable=True), sa.ForeignKeyConstraint(['followed_by'], ['userprofile.user_id'], ), sa.ForeignKeyConstraint(['follower'], ['userprofile.user_id'], ) ) op.create_table('comment', sa.Column('id', sa.Integer(), nullable=False), sa.Column('body', sa.Text(), nullable=True), sa.Column('createdAt', sa.DateTime(), nullable=False), sa.Column('updatedAt', sa.DateTime(), nullable=False), sa.Column('author_id', sa.Integer(), nullable=False), sa.Column('article_id', sa.Integer(), nullable=False), sa.ForeignKeyConstraint(['article_id'], ['article.id'], ), sa.ForeignKeyConstraint(['author_id'], ['userprofile.id'], ), sa.PrimaryKeyConstraint('id') ) op.create_table('favoritor_assoc', sa.Column('favoriter', sa.Integer(), nullable=True), sa.Column('favorited_article', sa.Integer(), nullable=True), sa.ForeignKeyConstraint(['favorited_article'], ['article.id'], ), sa.ForeignKeyConstraint(['favoriter'], ['userprofile.id'], ) ) op.create_table('tag_assoc', sa.Column('tag', sa.Integer(), nullable=True), sa.Column('article', sa.Integer(), nullable=True), sa.ForeignKeyConstraint(['article'], ['article.id'], ), sa.ForeignKeyConstraint(['tag'], ['tags.id'], ) ) # ### end Alembic commands ### def downgrade(): # ### commands auto generated by Alembic - please adjust! ### op.drop_table('tag_assoc') op.drop_table('favoritor_assoc') op.drop_table('comment') op.drop_table('followers_assoc') op.drop_table('article') op.drop_table('userprofile') op.drop_table('users') op.drop_table('tags') # ### end Alembic commands ###
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
#!/usr/bin/python3 import sys import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET from pyvips import ffi, values_for_enum, vips_lib, \ type_map, type_name, type_from_name # This file generates enums.py -- the set of classes giving the permissible # values for the pyvips enums. Run with something like: # # ./gen-enums.py ~/GIT/libvips/libvips/Vips-8.0.gir > enums.py # mv enums.py ../pyvips # The GIR file root = ET.parse(sys.argv[1]).getroot() namespace = { "goi": "http://www.gtk.org/introspection/core/1.0" } # find all the enumerations and make a dict for them xml_enums = {} for node in root.findall("goi:namespace/goi:enumeration", namespace): xml_enums[node.get('name')] = node def remove_prefix(enum_str): prefix = 'Vips' if enum_str.startswith(prefix): return enum_str[len(prefix):] return enum_str def generate_enums(): # otherwise we're missing some enums vips_lib.vips_token_get_type() vips_lib.vips_saveable_get_type() vips_lib.vips_image_type_get_type() all_enums = [] def add_enum(gtype, a, b): nickname = type_name(gtype) all_enums.append(nickname) type_map(gtype, add_enum) return ffi.NULL type_map(type_from_name('GEnum'), add_enum) for name in all_enums: gtype = type_from_name(name) python_name = remove_prefix(name) if python_name not in xml_enums: continue node = xml_enums[python_name] enum_doc = node.find("goi:doc", namespace) print('') print('') print(f'class {python_name}(object):') print(f' """{python_name}.') if enum_doc is not None: print('') print(f'{enum_doc.text}') print('') print('Attributes:') print('') for value in values_for_enum(gtype): python_name = value.replace('-', '_') member = node.find(f"goi:member[@name='{python_name}']", namespace) member_doc = member.find("goi:doc", namespace) if member_doc is not None: text = member_doc.text print(f' {python_name.upper()} (str): {text}') print('') print(' """') print('') for value in values_for_enum(gtype): python_name = value.replace('-', '_').upper() print(f' {python_name} = \'{value}\'') if __name__ == "__main__": print('# libvips enums -- this file is generated automatically') generate_enums()
[ "ADSL" ]
[ "ADSL" ]
[ "ADSL" ]
from litex.soc.cores.cpu.neorv32.core import NEORV32
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
"""Generate zeroconf file.""" from collections import OrderedDict, defaultdict import json from typing import Dict from .model import Config, Integration BASE = """ \"\"\"Automatically generated by hassfest. To update, run python3 -m script.hassfest \"\"\" # fmt: off ZEROCONF = {} HOMEKIT = {} """.strip() def generate_and_validate(integrations: Dict[str, Integration]): """Validate and generate zeroconf data.""" service_type_dict = defaultdict(list) homekit_dict = {} for domain in sorted(integrations): integration = integrations[domain] if not integration.manifest: continue service_types = integration.manifest.get("zeroconf", []) homekit = integration.manifest.get("homekit", {}) homekit_models = homekit.get("models", []) if not (service_types or homekit_models): continue for entry in service_types: data = {"domain": domain} if isinstance(entry, dict): typ = entry["type"] entry_without_type = entry.copy() del entry_without_type["type"] data.update(entry_without_type) else: typ = entry service_type_dict[typ].append(data) for model in homekit_models: if model in homekit_dict: integration.add_error( "zeroconf", f"Integrations {domain} and {homekit_dict[model]} " "have overlapping HomeKit models", ) break homekit_dict[model] = domain # HomeKit models are matched on starting string, make sure none overlap. warned = set() for key in homekit_dict: if key in warned: continue # n^2 yoooo for key_2 in homekit_dict: if key == key_2 or key_2 in warned: continue if key.startswith(key_2) or key_2.startswith(key): integration.add_error( "zeroconf", f"Integrations {homekit_dict[key]} and {homekit_dict[key_2]} " "have overlapping HomeKit models", ) warned.add(key) warned.add(key_2) break zeroconf = OrderedDict( (key, service_type_dict[key]) for key in sorted(service_type_dict) ) homekit = OrderedDict((key, homekit_dict[key]) for key in sorted(homekit_dict)) return BASE.format(json.dumps(zeroconf, indent=4), json.dumps(homekit, indent=4)) def validate(integrations: Dict[str, Integration], config: Config): """Validate zeroconf file.""" zeroconf_path = config.root / "homeassistant/generated/zeroconf.py" config.cache["zeroconf"] = content = generate_and_validate(integrations) if config.specific_integrations: return with open(str(zeroconf_path)) as fp: current = fp.read().strip() if current != content: config.add_error( "zeroconf", "File zeroconf.py is not up to date. Run python3 -m script.hassfest", fixable=True, ) return def generate(integrations: Dict[str, Integration], config: Config): """Generate zeroconf file.""" zeroconf_path = config.root / "homeassistant/generated/zeroconf.py" with open(str(zeroconf_path), "w") as fp: fp.write(f"{config.cache['zeroconf']}\n")
[ "MIT" ]
[ "BSD-3-Clause", "BSD-2-Clause", "MIT" ]
[ "BSD-3-Clause", "BSD-2-Clause", "MIT" ]
# coding=utf-8 # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. # Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for # license information. # # Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator. # Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is # regenerated. # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- from .sub_resource import SubResource class ExpressRouteCircuitAuthorization(SubResource): """Authorization in an ExpressRouteCircuit resource. Variables are only populated by the server, and will be ignored when sending a request. :param id: Resource ID. :type id: str :param authorization_key: The authorization key. :type authorization_key: str :param authorization_use_status: AuthorizationUseStatus. Possible values are: 'Available' and 'InUse'. Possible values include: 'Available', 'InUse' :type authorization_use_status: str or ~azure.mgmt.network.v2017_10_01.models.AuthorizationUseStatus :param provisioning_state: Gets the provisioning state of the public IP resource. Possible values are: 'Updating', 'Deleting', and 'Failed'. :type provisioning_state: str :param name: Gets name of the resource that is unique within a resource group. This name can be used to access the resource. :type name: str :ivar etag: A unique read-only string that changes whenever the resource is updated. :vartype etag: str """ _validation = { 'etag': {'readonly': True}, } _attribute_map = { 'id': {'key': 'id', 'type': 'str'}, 'authorization_key': {'key': 'properties.authorizationKey', 'type': 'str'}, 'authorization_use_status': {'key': 'properties.authorizationUseStatus', 'type': 'str'}, 'provisioning_state': {'key': 'properties.provisioningState', 'type': 'str'}, 'name': {'key': 'name', 'type': 'str'}, 'etag': {'key': 'etag', 'type': 'str'}, } def __init__(self, id=None, authorization_key=None, authorization_use_status=None, provisioning_state=None, name=None): super(ExpressRouteCircuitAuthorization, self).__init__(id=id) self.authorization_key = authorization_key self.authorization_use_status = authorization_use_status self.provisioning_state = provisioning_state self.name = name self.etag = None
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
import numpy as np def rotate_pos(pos, angle): """ Transformation the coordinate in the angle Args: pos (numpy.ndarray): local state, shape(data_size, 2) angle (float): rotate angle, in radians Returns: rotated_pos (numpy.ndarray): shape(data_size, 2) """ rot_mat = np.array([[np.cos(angle), -np.sin(angle)], [np.sin(angle), np.cos(angle)]]) return np.dot(pos, rot_mat.T) def fit_angle_in_range(angles, min_angle=-np.pi, max_angle=np.pi): """ Check angle range and correct the range Args: angle (numpy.ndarray): in radians min_angle (float): maximum of range in radians, default -pi max_angle (float): minimum of range in radians, default pi Returns: fitted_angle (numpy.ndarray): range angle in radians """ if max_angle < min_angle: raise ValueError("max angle must be greater than min angle") if (max_angle - min_angle) < 2.0 * np.pi: raise ValueError("difference between max_angle \ and min_angle must be greater than 2.0 * pi") output = np.array(angles) output_shape = output.shape output = output.flatten() output -= min_angle output %= 2 * np.pi output += 2 * np.pi output %= 2 * np.pi output += min_angle output = np.minimum(max_angle, np.maximum(min_angle, output)) return output.reshape(output_shape) def update_state_with_Runge_Kutta(state, u, functions, dt=0.01, batch=True): """ update state in Runge Kutta methods Args: state (array-like): state of system u (array-like): input of system functions (list): update function of each state, each function will be called like func(state, u) We expect that this function returns differential of each state dt (float): float in seconds batch (bool): state and u is given by batch or not Returns: next_state (np.array): next state of system Notes: sample of function is as follows: def func_x(self, x_1, x_2, u): x_dot = (1. - x_1**2 - x_2**2) * x_2 - x_1 + u return x_dot Note that the function return x_dot. """ if not batch: state_size = len(state) assert state_size == len(functions), \ "Invalid functions length, You need to give the state size functions" k0 = np.zeros(state_size) k1 = np.zeros(state_size) k2 = np.zeros(state_size) k3 = np.zeros(state_size) for i, func in enumerate(functions): k0[i] = dt * func(state, u) for i, func in enumerate(functions): k1[i] = dt * func(state + k0 / 2., u) for i, func in enumerate(functions): k2[i] = dt * func(state + k1 / 2., u) for i, func in enumerate(functions): k3[i] = dt * func(state + k2, u) return state + (k0 + 2. * k1 + 2. * k2 + k3) / 6. else: batch_size, state_size = state.shape assert state_size == len(functions), \ "Invalid functions length, You need to give the state size functions" k0 = np.zeros((batch_size, state_size)) k1 = np.zeros((batch_size, state_size)) k2 = np.zeros((batch_size, state_size)) k3 = np.zeros((batch_size, state_size)) for i, func in enumerate(functions): k0[:, i] = dt * func(state, u) for i, func in enumerate(functions): k1[:, i] = dt * func(state + k0 / 2., u) for i, func in enumerate(functions): k2[:, i] = dt * func(state + k1 / 2., u) for i, func in enumerate(functions): k3[:, i] = dt * func(state + k2, u) return state + (k0 + 2. * k1 + 2. * k2 + k3) / 6. def line_search(grad, sol, compute_eval_val, init_alpha=0.001, max_iter=100, update_ratio=1.): """ line search Args: grad (numpy.ndarray): gradient sol (numpy.ndarray): sol compute_eval_val (numpy.ndarray): function to compute evaluation value Returns: alpha (float): result of line search """ assert grad.shape == sol.shape base_val = np.inf alpha = init_alpha original_sol = sol.copy() for _ in range(max_iter): updated_sol = original_sol - alpha * grad eval_val = compute_eval_val(updated_sol) if eval_val < base_val: alpha += init_alpha * update_ratio base_val = eval_val else: break return alpha
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
import gevent import structlog from raiden.transfer import channel, views from raiden.transfer.events import EventPaymentReceivedSuccess from raiden.transfer.state import ( CHANNEL_AFTER_CLOSE_STATES, CHANNEL_STATE_SETTLED, NODE_NETWORK_REACHABLE, ) from raiden.utils import typing # type alias to avoid both circular dependencies and flake8 errors RaidenService = 'RaidenService' log = structlog.get_logger(__name__) # pylint: disable=invalid-name def wait_for_block( raiden: RaidenService, block_number: typing.BlockNumber, retry_timeout: float, ) -> None: current_block_number = views.block_number( views.state_from_raiden(raiden), ) while current_block_number < block_number: gevent.sleep(retry_timeout) current_block_number = views.block_number( views.state_from_raiden(raiden), ) def wait_for_newchannel( raiden: RaidenService, payment_network_id: typing.PaymentNetworkID, token_address: typing.TokenAddress, partner_address: typing.Address, retry_timeout: float, ) -> None: """Wait until the channel with partner_address is registered. Note: This does not time out, use gevent.Timeout. """ channel_state = views.get_channelstate_for( views.state_from_raiden(raiden), payment_network_id, token_address, partner_address, ) while channel_state is None: gevent.sleep(retry_timeout) channel_state = views.get_channelstate_for( views.state_from_raiden(raiden), payment_network_id, token_address, partner_address, ) def wait_for_participant_newbalance( raiden: RaidenService, payment_network_id: typing.PaymentNetworkID, token_address: typing.TokenAddress, partner_address: typing.Address, target_address: typing.Address, target_balance: typing.TokenAmount, retry_timeout: float, ) -> None: """Wait until a given channels balance exceeds the target balance. Note: This does not time out, use gevent.Timeout. """ if target_address == raiden.address: balance = lambda channel_state: channel_state.our_state.contract_balance elif target_address == partner_address: balance = lambda channel_state: channel_state.partner_state.contract_balance else: raise ValueError('target_address must be one of the channel participants') channel_state = views.get_channelstate_for( views.state_from_raiden(raiden), payment_network_id, token_address, partner_address, ) while balance(channel_state) < target_balance: gevent.sleep(retry_timeout) channel_state = views.get_channelstate_for( views.state_from_raiden(raiden), payment_network_id, token_address, partner_address, ) def wait_for_payment_balance( raiden: RaidenService, payment_network_id: typing.PaymentNetworkID, token_address: typing.TokenAddress, partner_address: typing.Address, target_address: typing.Address, target_balance: typing.TokenAmount, retry_timeout: float, ) -> None: """Wait until a given channels balance exceeds the target balance. Note: This does not time out, use gevent.Timeout. """ def get_balance(end_state): if end_state.balance_proof: return end_state.balance_proof.transferred_amount else: return 0 if target_address == raiden.address: balance = lambda channel_state: get_balance(channel_state.partner_state) elif target_address == partner_address: balance = lambda channel_state: get_balance(channel_state.our_state) else: raise ValueError('target_address must be one of the channel participants') channel_state = views.get_channelstate_for( views.state_from_raiden(raiden), payment_network_id, token_address, partner_address, ) while balance(channel_state) < target_balance: log.critical('wait', b=balance(channel_state), t=target_balance) gevent.sleep(retry_timeout) channel_state = views.get_channelstate_for( views.state_from_raiden(raiden), payment_network_id, token_address, partner_address, ) def wait_for_close( raiden: RaidenService, payment_network_id: typing.PaymentNetworkID, token_address: typing.Address, channel_ids: typing.List[typing.ChannelID], retry_timeout: float, ) -> None: """Wait until all channels are closed. Note: This does not time out, use gevent.Timeout. """ channel_ids = list(channel_ids) while channel_ids: last_id = channel_ids[-1] channel_state = views.get_channelstate_by_id( views.state_from_raiden(raiden), payment_network_id, token_address, last_id, ) channel_is_settled = ( channel_state is None or channel.get_status(channel_state) in CHANNEL_AFTER_CLOSE_STATES ) if channel_is_settled: channel_ids.pop() else: gevent.sleep(retry_timeout) def wait_for_payment_network( raiden: RaidenService, payment_network_id: typing.PaymentNetworkID, token_address: typing.TokenAddress, retry_timeout: float, ) -> None: token_network = views.get_token_network_by_token_address( views.state_from_raiden(raiden), payment_network_id, token_address, ) while token_network is None: gevent.sleep(retry_timeout) token_network = views.get_token_network_by_token_address( views.state_from_raiden(raiden), payment_network_id, token_address, ) def wait_for_settle( raiden: RaidenService, payment_network_id: typing.PaymentNetworkID, token_address: typing.TokenAddress, channel_ids: typing.List[typing.ChannelID], retry_timeout: float, ) -> None: """Wait until all channels are settled. Note: This does not time out, use gevent.Timeout. """ if not isinstance(channel_ids, list): raise ValueError('channel_ids must be a list') channel_ids = list(channel_ids) while channel_ids: last_id = channel_ids[-1] channel_state = views.get_channelstate_by_id( views.state_from_raiden(raiden), payment_network_id, token_address, last_id, ) channel_is_settled = ( channel_state is None or channel.get_status(channel_state) == CHANNEL_STATE_SETTLED ) if channel_is_settled: channel_ids.pop() else: gevent.sleep(retry_timeout) def wait_for_settle_all_channels( raiden: RaidenService, retry_timeout: float, ) -> None: """Wait until all channels are settled. Note: This does not time out, use gevent.Timeout. """ chain_state = views.state_from_raiden(raiden) id_paymentnetworkstate = chain_state.identifiers_to_paymentnetworks.items() for payment_network_id, payment_network_state in id_paymentnetworkstate: id_tokennetworkstate = payment_network_state.tokenidentifiers_to_tokennetworks.items() for token_network_id, token_network_state in id_tokennetworkstate: channel_ids = token_network_state.channelidentifiers_to_channels.keys() wait_for_settle( raiden, payment_network_id, token_network_id, channel_ids, retry_timeout, ) def wait_for_healthy( raiden: RaidenService, node_address: typing.Address, retry_timeout: float, ) -> None: """Wait until `node_address` becomes healthy. Note: This does not time out, use gevent.Timeout. """ network_statuses = views.get_networkstatuses( views.state_from_raiden(raiden), ) while network_statuses.get(node_address) != NODE_NETWORK_REACHABLE: gevent.sleep(retry_timeout) network_statuses = views.get_networkstatuses( views.state_from_raiden(raiden), ) def wait_for_transfer_success( raiden: RaidenService, payment_identifier: typing.PaymentID, amount: typing.PaymentAmount, retry_timeout: float, ) -> None: """Wait until a direct transfer with a specific identifier and amount is seen in the WAL. Note: This does not time out, use gevent.Timeout. """ found = False while not found: state_events = raiden.wal.storage.get_events() for event in state_events: found = ( isinstance(event, EventPaymentReceivedSuccess) and event.identifier == payment_identifier and event.amount == amount ) if found: break gevent.sleep(retry_timeout)
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
import json import uuid import base64 import unittest import dateutil.parser import re from localstack.services.sns import sns_listener class SNSTests(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.subscriber = { 'Protocol': 'sqs', 'RawMessageDelivery': 'false', 'TopicArn': 'arn', } # Reset subscriptions sns_listener.SNS_SUBSCRIPTIONS = {} def test_unsubscribe_without_arn_should_error(self): sns = sns_listener.ProxyListenerSNS() error = sns.forward_request('POST', '/', 'Action=Unsubscribe', '') self.assertTrue(error is not None) self.assertEqual(error.status_code, 400) def test_unsubscribe_should_remove_listener(self): sub_arn = 'arn:aws:sns:us-east-1:000000000000:test-topic:45e61c7f-dca5-4fcd-be2b-4e1b0d6eef72' topic_arn = 'arn:aws:sns:us-east-1:000000000000:test-topic' sns_listener.do_subscribe( topic_arn, 'arn:aws:sqs:us-east-1:000000000000:test-queue', 'sqs', sub_arn, {} ) self.assertTrue(sns_listener.get_subscription_by_arn(sub_arn)) sns_listener.do_unsubscribe(sub_arn) self.assertFalse(sns_listener.get_subscription_by_arn(sub_arn)) def test_get_subscribe_attributes(self): req_data = { 'Attribute.entry.1.key': ['RawMessageDelivery'], 'Attribute.entry.1.value': ['true'], 'Attribute.entry.2.key': ['FilterPolicy'], 'Attribute.entry.2.value': ['{"type": ["foo", "bar"]}'] } attributes = sns_listener.get_subscribe_attributes(req_data) self.assertDictEqual( attributes, { 'RawMessageDelivery': 'true', 'FilterPolicy': '{"type": ["foo", "bar"]}' } ) def test_create_sns_message_body_raw_message_delivery(self): self.subscriber['RawMessageDelivery'] = 'true' action = { 'Message': ['msg'] } result = sns_listener.create_sns_message_body(self.subscriber, action) self.assertEqual(result, 'msg') def test_create_sns_message_body(self): action = { 'Message': ['msg'] } result_str = sns_listener.create_sns_message_body(self.subscriber, action, str(uuid.uuid4())) result = json.loads(result_str) try: uuid.UUID(result.pop('MessageId')) except KeyError: assert False, 'MessageId missing in SNS response message body' except ValueError: assert False, 'SNS response MessageId not a valid UUID' try: dateutil.parser.parse(result.pop('Timestamp')) except KeyError: assert False, 'Timestamp missing in SNS response message body' except ValueError: assert False, 'SNS response Timestamp not a valid ISO 8601 date' self.assertEqual(result, { 'Message': 'msg', 'Signature': 'EXAMPLEpH+..', 'SignatureVersion': '1', 'SigningCertURL': 'https://sns.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/SimpleNotificationService-0000000000000000000000.pem', 'TopicArn': 'arn', 'Type': 'Notification' }) # Now add a subject action = { 'Message': ['msg'], 'Subject': ['subject'], 'MessageAttributes.entry.1.Name': ['attr1'], 'MessageAttributes.entry.1.Value.DataType': ['String'], 'MessageAttributes.entry.1.Value.StringValue': ['value1'], 'MessageAttributes.entry.1.Value.BinaryValue': ['value1'], 'MessageAttributes.entry.2.Name': ['attr2'], 'MessageAttributes.entry.2.Value.DataType': ['String'], 'MessageAttributes.entry.2.Value.StringValue': ['value2'], 'MessageAttributes.entry.2.Value.BinaryValue': ['value2'], } result_str = sns_listener.create_sns_message_body(self.subscriber, action) result = json.loads(result_str) del result['MessageId'] del result['Timestamp'] msg = { 'Message': 'msg', 'Subject': 'subject', 'Signature': 'EXAMPLEpH+..', 'SignatureVersion': '1', 'SigningCertURL': 'https://sns.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/SimpleNotificationService-0000000000000000000000.pem', 'TopicArn': 'arn', 'Type': 'Notification', 'MessageAttributes': { 'attr1': { 'Type': 'String', 'Value': 'value1', }, 'attr2': { 'Type': 'String', 'Value': 'value2', } } } expected = json.dumps(msg) self.assertEqual(result, json.loads(expected)) def test_create_sns_message_body_json_structure(self): action = { 'Message': ['{"default": {"message": "abc"}}'], 'MessageStructure': ['json'] } result_str = sns_listener.create_sns_message_body(self.subscriber, action) result = json.loads(result_str) self.assertEqual(result['Message'], {'message': 'abc'}) def test_create_sns_message_body_json_structure_without_default_key(self): action = { 'Message': ['{"message": "abc"}'], 'MessageStructure': ['json'] } with self.assertRaises(Exception) as exc: sns_listener.create_sns_message_body(self.subscriber, action) self.assertEqual(str(exc.exception), "Unable to find 'default' key in message payload") def test_create_sns_message_body_json_structure_sqs_protocol(self): action = { 'Message': ['{"default": "default message", "sqs": "sqs message"}'], 'MessageStructure': ['json'] } result_str = sns_listener.create_sns_message_body(self.subscriber, action) result = json.loads(result_str) self.assertEqual(result['Message'], 'sqs message') def test_create_sqs_message_attributes(self): self.subscriber['RawMessageDelivery'] = 'true' action = { 'Message': ['msg'], 'Subject': ['subject'], 'MessageAttributes.entry.1.Name': ['attr1'], 'MessageAttributes.entry.1.Value.DataType': ['String'], 'MessageAttributes.entry.1.Value.StringValue': ['value1'], 'MessageAttributes.entry.2.Name': ['attr2'], 'MessageAttributes.entry.2.Value.DataType': ['Binary'], # SNS gets binary data as base64 encoded string, but it should pass raw bytes further to SQS 'MessageAttributes.entry.2.Value.BinaryValue': [base64.b64encode('value2'.encode('utf-8'))], 'MessageAttributes.entry.3.Name': ['attr3'], 'MessageAttributes.entry.3.Value.DataType': ['Number'], 'MessageAttributes.entry.3.Value.StringValue': ['3'], } attributes = sns_listener.get_message_attributes(action) result = sns_listener.create_sqs_message_attributes(self.subscriber, attributes) self.assertEqual(result['attr1']['DataType'], 'String') self.assertEqual(result['attr1']['StringValue'], 'value1') self.assertEqual(result['attr2']['DataType'], 'Binary') self.assertEqual(result['attr2']['BinaryValue'], 'value2'.encode('utf-8')) self.assertEqual(result['attr3']['DataType'], 'Number') self.assertEqual(result['attr3']['StringValue'], '3') def test_create_sns_message_timestamp_millis(self): action = { 'Message': ['msg'] } result_str = sns_listener.create_sns_message_body(self.subscriber, action) result = json.loads(result_str) timestamp = result.pop('Timestamp') end = timestamp[-5:] matcher = re.compile(r'\.[0-9]{3}Z') match = matcher.match(end) self.assertTrue(match is not None) def test_only_one_subscription_per_topic_per_endpoint(self): sub_arn = 'arn:aws:sns:us-east-1:000000000000:test-topic:45e61c7f-dca5-4fcd-be2b-4e1b0d6eef72' topic_arn = 'arn:aws:sns:us-east-1:000000000000:test-topic' for i in [1, 2]: sns_listener.do_subscribe( topic_arn, 'arn:aws:sqs:us-east-1:000000000000:test-queue-1', 'sqs', sub_arn, {} ) self.assertEqual(len(sns_listener.SNS_SUBSCRIPTIONS[topic_arn]), 1) def test_filter_policy(self): test_data = [ ( 'no filter with no attributes', {}, {}, True ), ( 'no filter with attributes', {}, {'filter': {'Type': 'String', 'Value': 'type1'}}, True ), ( 'exact string filter', {'filter': 'type1'}, {'filter': {'Type': 'String', 'Value': 'type1'}}, True ), ( 'exact string filter on an array', {'filter': 'soccer'}, {'filter': {'Type': 'String.Array', 'Value': "['soccer', 'rugby', 'hockey']"}}, True ), ( 'exact string filter with no attributes', {'filter': 'type1'}, {}, False ), ( 'exact string filter with no match', {'filter': 'type1'}, {'filter': {'Type': 'String', 'Value': 'type2'}}, False ), ( 'or string filter with match', {'filter': ['type1', 'type2']}, {'filter': {'Type': 'String', 'Value': 'type1'}}, True ), ( 'or string filter with other match', {'filter': ['type1', 'type2']}, {'filter': {'Type': 'String', 'Value': 'type2'}}, True ), ( 'or string filter match with an array', {'filter': ['soccer', 'basketball']}, {'filter': {'Type': 'String.Array', 'Value': "['soccer', 'rugby', 'hockey']"}}, True ), ( 'or string filter with no attributes', {'filter': ['type1', 'type2']}, {}, False ), ( 'or string filter with no match', {'filter': ['type1', 'type2']}, {'filter': {'Type': 'String', 'Value': 'type3'}}, False ), ( 'or string filter no match with an array', {'filter': ['volleyball', 'basketball']}, {'filter': {'Type': 'String.Array', 'Value': "['soccer', 'rugby', 'hockey']"}}, False ), ( 'anything-but string filter with match', {'filter': [{'anything-but': 'type1'}]}, {'filter': {'Type': 'String', 'Value': 'type1'}}, False ), ( 'anything-but string filter with no match', {'filter': [{'anything-but': 'type1'}]}, {'filter': {'Type': 'String', 'Value': 'type2'}}, True ), ( 'prefix string filter with match', {'filter': [{'prefix': 'typ'}]}, {'filter': {'Type': 'String', 'Value': 'type1'}}, True ), ( 'prefix string filter match with an array', {'filter': [{'prefix': 'soc'}]}, {'filter': {'Type': 'String.Array', 'Value': "['soccer', 'rugby', 'hockey']"}}, True ), ( 'prefix string filter with no match', {'filter': [{'prefix': 'test'}]}, {'filter': {'Type': 'String', 'Value': 'type2'}}, False ), ( 'numeric = filter with match', {'filter': [{'numeric': ['=', 300]}]}, {'filter': {'Type': 'Number', 'Value': 300}}, True ), ( 'numeric = filter with no match', {'filter': [{'numeric': ['=', 300]}]}, {'filter': {'Type': 'Number', 'Value': 301}}, False ), ( 'numeric > filter with match', {'filter': [{'numeric': ['>', 300]}]}, {'filter': {'Type': 'Number', 'Value': 301}}, True ), ( 'numeric > filter with no match', {'filter': [{'numeric': ['>', 300]}]}, {'filter': {'Type': 'Number', 'Value': 300}}, False ), ( 'numeric < filter with match', {'filter': [{'numeric': ['<', 300]}]}, {'filter': {'Type': 'Number', 'Value': 299}}, True ), ( 'numeric < filter with no match', {'filter': [{'numeric': ['<', 300]}]}, {'filter': {'Type': 'Number', 'Value': 300}}, False ), ( 'numeric >= filter with match', {'filter': [{'numeric': ['>=', 300]}]}, {'filter': {'Type': 'Number', 'Value': 300}}, True ), ( 'numeric >= filter with no match', {'filter': [{'numeric': ['>=', 300]}]}, {'filter': {'Type': 'Number', 'Value': 299}}, False ), ( 'numeric <= filter with match', {'filter': [{'numeric': ['<=', 300]}]}, {'filter': {'Type': 'Number', 'Value': 300}}, True ), ( 'numeric <= filter with no match', {'filter': [{'numeric': ['<=', 300]}]}, {'filter': {'Type': 'Number', 'Value': 301}}, False ), ( 'numeric filter with bad data', {'filter': [{'numeric': ['=', 300]}]}, {'filter': {'Type': 'String', 'Value': 'test'}}, False ), ( 'logical OR with match', {'filter': ['test1', 'test2', {'prefix': 'typ'}]}, {'filter': {'Type': 'String', 'Value': 'test2'}}, True ), ( 'logical OR with match', {'filter': ['test1', 'test2', {'prefix': 'typ'}]}, {'filter': {'Type': 'String', 'Value': 'test1'}}, True ), ( 'logical OR with match on an array', {'filter': ['test1', 'test2', {'prefix': 'typ'}]}, {'filter': {'Type': 'String.Array', 'Value': "['test1', 'other']"}}, True ), ( 'logical OR no match', {'filter': ['test1', 'test2', {'prefix': 'typ'}]}, {'filter': {'Type': 'String', 'Value': 'test3'}}, False ), ( 'logical OR no match on an array', {'filter': ['test1', 'test2', {'prefix': 'typ'}]}, {'filter': {'Type': 'String.Array', 'Value': "['anything', 'something']"}}, False ), ( 'logical AND with match', {'filter': [{'numeric': ['=', 300]}], 'other': [{'prefix': 'typ'}]}, {'filter': {'Type': 'Number', 'Value': 300}, 'other': {'Type': 'String', 'Value': 'type1'}}, True ), ( 'logical AND missing first attribute', {'filter': [{'numeric': ['=', 300]}], 'other': [{'prefix': 'typ'}]}, {'other': {'Type': 'String', 'Value': 'type1'}}, False ), ( 'logical AND missing second attribute', {'filter': [{'numeric': ['=', 300]}], 'other': [{'prefix': 'typ'}]}, {'filter': {'Type': 'Number', 'Value': 300}}, False ), ( 'logical AND no match', {'filter': [{'numeric': ['=', 300]}], 'other': [{'prefix': 'typ'}]}, {'filter': {'Type': 'Number', 'Value': 299}, 'other': {'Type': 'String', 'Value': 'type1'}}, False ), ( 'multiple numeric filters with first match', {'filter': [{'numeric': ['=', 300]}, {'numeric': ['=', 500]}]}, {'filter': {'Type': 'Number', 'Value': 300}}, True ), ( 'multiple numeric filters with second match', {'filter': [{'numeric': ['=', 300]}, {'numeric': ['=', 500]}]}, {'filter': {'Type': 'Number', 'Value': 500}}, True ), ( 'multiple prefix filters with first match', {'filter': [{'prefix': 'typ'}, {'prefix': 'tes'}]}, {'filter': {'Type': 'String', 'Value': 'type1'}}, True ), ( 'multiple prefix filters with second match', {'filter': [{'prefix': 'typ'}, {'prefix': 'tes'}]}, {'filter': {'Type': 'String', 'Value': 'test'}}, True ), ( 'multiple anything-but filters with second match', {'filter': [{'anything-but': 'type1'}, {'anything-but': 'type2'}]}, {'filter': {'Type': 'String', 'Value': 'type2'}}, True ), ( 'multiple numeric conditions', {'filter': [{'numeric': ['>', 0, '<=', 150]}]}, {'filter': {'Type': 'Number', 'Value': 122}}, True ), ( 'multiple numeric conditions', {'filter': [{'numeric': ['>', 0, '<=', 150]}]}, {'filter': {'Type': 'Number', 'Value': 200}}, False ), ( 'multiple numeric conditions', {'filter': [{'numeric': ['>', 0, '<=', 150]}]}, {'filter': {'Type': 'Number', 'Value': -1}}, False ), ( 'multiple conditions on an array', {'filter': ['test1', 'test2', {'prefix': 'som'}]}, {'filter': {'Type': 'String.Array', 'Value': "['anything', 'something']"}}, True ) ] for test in test_data: test_name = test[0] filter_policy = test[1] attributes = test[2] expected = test[3] self.assertEqual(sns_listener.check_filter_policy(filter_policy, attributes), expected, test_name) def test_is_raw_message_delivery(self): valid_true_values = ['true', 'True', True] for true_value in valid_true_values: self.subscriber['RawMessageDelivery'] = true_value self.assertTrue(sns_listener.is_raw_message_delivery(self.subscriber)) def test_is_not_raw_message_delivery(self): invalid_values = ['false', 'False', False, 'somevalue', ''] for invalid_values in invalid_values: self.subscriber['RawMessageDelivery'] = invalid_values self.assertFalse(sns_listener.is_raw_message_delivery(self.subscriber)) del self.subscriber['RawMessageDelivery'] self.assertFalse(sns_listener.is_raw_message_delivery(self.subscriber))
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
""" This module manages all market related activities """ from StringIO import StringIO import ast from base64 import b64decode, b64encode import logging import traceback from PIL import Image, ImageOps import gnupg import tornado from zmq.eventloop import ioloop import constants from pybitcointools.main import privkey_to_pubkey from data_uri import DataURI from orders import Orders from protocol import proto_page, query_page from threading import Thread from crypto_util import makePrivCryptor import random import json import hashlib ioloop.install() class Market(object): def __init__(self, transport, db): """This class manages the active market for the application Attributes: transport (CryptoTransportLayer): Transport layer for messaging between nodes. dht (DHT): For storage across the network. market_id (int): Indicates which local market we're working with. """ # Current self.transport = transport self.dht = transport.get_dht() self.market_id = transport.get_market_id() # self._myself = transport.get_myself() self.peers = self.dht.getActivePeers() self.db = db self.orders = Orders(transport, self.market_id, db) self.pages = {} self.mypage = None self.signature = None self.nickname = "" self.log = logging.getLogger( '[%s] %s' % (self.market_id, self.__class__.__name__) ) self.settings = self.transport.settings self.gpg = gnupg.GPG() # Register callbacks for incoming events self.transport.add_callbacks([ ('query_myorders', self.on_query_myorders), ('peer', self.on_peer), ('query_page', self.on_query_page), ('query_listings', self.on_query_listings), ('negotiate_pubkey', self.on_negotiate_pubkey), ('proto_response_pubkey', self.on_response_pubkey) ]) self.load_page() # Periodically refresh buckets loop = tornado.ioloop.IOLoop.instance() refreshCB = tornado.ioloop.PeriodicCallback(self.dht._refreshNode, constants.refreshTimeout, io_loop=loop) refreshCB.start() def load_page(self): nickname = self.settings['nickname'] \ if 'nickname' in self.settings else "" # store_description = self.settings['storeDescription'] if 'storeDescription' self.settings else "" self.nickname = nickname def disable_welcome_screen(self): self.db.updateEntries( "settings", {'market_id': self.transport.market_id}, {"welcome": "disable"} ) def private_key(self): return self.settings['secret'] def on_listing_results(self, results): self.log.debug('Listings %s' % results) @staticmethod def process_contract_image(image): uri = DataURI(image) imageData = uri.data # mime_type = uri.mimetype charset = uri.charset image = Image.open(StringIO(imageData)) croppedImage = ImageOps.fit(image, (200, 200), centering=(0.5, 0.5)) data = StringIO() croppedImage.save(data, format='PNG') new_uri = DataURI.make( 'image/png', charset=charset, base64=True, data=data.getvalue()) data.close() return new_uri def get_contract_id(self): return random.randint(0, 1000000) def linebreak_signing_data(self, data): json_string = json.dumps(data, indent=0) seg_len = 52 out_text = "\n".join( json_string[x:x + seg_len] for x in range(0, len(json_string), seg_len) ) return out_text def generate_contract_key(self, signed_contract): contract_hash = hashlib.sha1(str(signed_contract)).hexdigest() hash_value = hashlib.new('ripemd160') hash_value.update(contract_hash) return hash_value.hexdigest() def save_contract_to_db(self, contract_id, body, signed_body, key): self.db.insertEntry( "contracts", { "id": contract_id, "market_id": self.transport.market_id, "contract_body": json.dumps(body), "signed_contract_body": str(signed_body), "state": "seed", "deleted": 0, "key": key } ) def update_keywords_on_network(self, key, keywords): for keyword in keywords: keyword = keyword.upper() hash_value = hashlib.new('ripemd160') keyword_key = 'keyword-%s' % keyword hash_value.update(keyword_key.encode('utf-8')) keyword_key = hash_value.hexdigest() self.transport.dht.iterativeStore( self.transport, keyword_key, json.dumps({ 'keyword_index_add': { "guid": self.transport.guid, "key": key } }), self.transport.guid ) def save_contract(self, msg): contract_id = self.get_contract_id() # Refresh market settings self.settings = self.get_settings() msg['Seller']['seller_PGP'] = self.gpg.export_keys(self.settings['PGPPubkeyFingerprint']) msg['Seller']['seller_BTC_uncompressed_pubkey'] = self.settings['btc_pubkey'] msg['Seller']['seller_GUID'] = self.settings['guid'] msg['Seller']['seller_Bitmessage'] = self.settings['bitmessage'] # Process and crop thumbs for images if 'item_images' in msg['Contract']: if 'image1' in msg['Contract']['item_images']: img = msg['Contract']['item_images']['image1'] new_uri = self.process_contract_image(img) msg['Contract']['item_images'] = new_uri # Line break the signing data out_text = self.linebreak_signing_data(msg) # Sign the contract signed_data = self.gpg.sign(out_text, passphrase='P@ssw0rd', keyid=self.settings.get('PGPPubkeyFingerprint')) # Save contract to DHT contract_key = self.generate_contract_key(signed_data) # Store contract in database self.save_contract_to_db(contract_id, msg, signed_data, contract_key) # Store listing self.transport.dht.iterativeStore( self.transport, contract_key, str(signed_data), self.transport.guid ) self.update_listings_index() # If keywords are present keywords = msg['Contract']['item_keywords'] self.update_keywords_on_network(contract_key, keywords) def shipping_address(self): settings = self.get_settings() shipping_address = {"recipient_name": settings.get('recipient_name'), "street1": settings.get('street1'), "street2": settings.get('street2'), "city": settings.get('city'), "stateRegion": settings.get('stateRegion'), "stateProvinceRegion": settings.get('stateProvinceRegion'), "zip": settings.get('zip'), "country": settings.get('country'), "countryCode": settings.get('countryCode')} return shipping_address def add_trusted_notary(self, guid, nickname=""): self.log.debug('%s %s' % (guid, nickname)) notaries = self.settings.get('notaries') self.log.debug('notaries: %s' % notaries) if notaries == "" or notaries == []: notaries = [] else: notaries = json.loads(notaries) for notary in notaries: self.log.info(notary) if notary.get('guid') == guid: if notary.get('nickname') != nickname: notary['nickname'] = nickname notary['idx'] = notary self.settings['notaries'] = notaries return notaries.append({"guid": guid, "nickname": nickname}) self.settings['notaries'] = json.dumps(notaries) if 'btc_pubkey' in self.settings: del self.settings['btc_pubkey'] self.db.updateEntries( "settings", {'market_id': self.transport.market_id}, self.settings ) def _decode_list(self, data): rv = [] for item in data: if isinstance(item, unicode): item = item.encode('utf-8') elif isinstance(item, list): item = self._decode_list(item) elif isinstance(item, dict): item = self._decode_dict(item) rv.append(item) return rv def _decode_dict(self, data): rv = {} for key, value in data.iteritems(): if isinstance(key, unicode): key = key.encode('utf-8') if isinstance(value, unicode): value = value.encode('utf-8') elif isinstance(value, list): value = self._decode_list(value) elif isinstance(value, dict): value = self._decode_dict(value) rv[key] = value return rv def remove_trusted_notary(self, guid): notaries = self.settings.get('notaries') notaries = ast.literal_eval(notaries) for idx, notary in enumerate(notaries): if notary.get('guid') == guid: del notaries[idx] self.settings['notaries'] = json.dumps(notaries) self.db.updateEntries( "settings", {'market_id': self.transport.market_id}, self.settings ) def republish_contracts(self): self.log.info("Publishing contracts") listings = self.db.selectEntries("contracts", {"deleted": 0}) for listing in listings: self.transport.dht.iterativeStore( self.transport, listing['key'], listing.get('signed_contract_body'), self.transport.guid ) self.log.info("Finished republishing contracts") self.update_listings_index() def get_notaries(self, online_only=False): self.log.debug('Getting notaries') notaries = [] settings = self.get_settings() # Untested code if online_only: notaries = {} for n in settings['notaries']: peer = self.dht.routingTable.getContact(n.guid) if peer is not None: t = Thread(target=peer.start_handshake) t.start() notaries.append(n) return notaries # End of untested code return settings['notaries'] @staticmethod def valid_guid(guid): return len(guid) == 40 and int(guid, 16) def republish_listing(self, msg): listing_id = msg.get('productID') listing = self.db.selectEntries("products", {"id": listing_id}) if listing: listing = listing[0] else: return listing_key = listing['key'] self.transport.dht.iterativeStore( self.transport, listing_key, listing.get('signed_contract_body'), self.transport.guid ) self.update_listings_index() # If keywords store them in the keyword index # keywords = msg['Contract']['item_keywords'] # self.log.info('Keywords: %s' % keywords) # for keyword in keywords: # # hash_value = hashlib.new('ripemd160') # hash_value.update('keyword-%s' % keyword) # keyword_key = hash_value.hexdigest() # # self.transport.dht.iterativeStore(self.transport, keyword_key, json.dumps({'keyword_index_add': contract_key}), self.transport.guid) def update_listings_index(self): # Store to marketplace listing index contract_index_key = hashlib.sha1('contracts-%s' % self.transport.guid).hexdigest() hashvalue = hashlib.new('ripemd160') hashvalue.update(contract_index_key) contract_index_key = hashvalue.hexdigest() # Calculate index of contracts contract_ids = self.db.selectEntries( "contracts", {"market_id": self.transport.market_id, "deleted": 0} ) my_contracts = [] for contract_id in contract_ids: my_contracts.append(contract_id['key']) self.log.debug('My Contracts: %s' % my_contracts) # Sign listing index for validation and tamper resistance data_string = str({'guid': self.transport.guid, 'contracts': my_contracts}) signature = makePrivCryptor(self.transport.settings['secret']).sign(data_string).encode('hex') value = {'signature': signature, 'data': {'guid': self.transport.guid, 'contracts': my_contracts}} # Pass off to thread to keep GUI snappy t = Thread(target=self.transport.dht.iterativeStore, args=(self.transport, contract_index_key, value, self.transport.guid,)) t.start() def remove_contract(self, msg): self.log.info("Removing contract: %s" % msg) # Remove from DHT keyword indices self.remove_from_keyword_indexes(msg['contract_id']) self.db.updateEntries("contracts", {"id": msg["contract_id"]}, {"deleted": 1}) self.update_listings_index() def remove_from_keyword_indexes(self, contract_id): contract = self.db.selectEntries("contracts", {"id": contract_id})[0] contract_key = contract['key'] contract = json.loads(contract['contract_body']) contract_keywords = contract['Contract']['item_keywords'] for keyword in contract_keywords: # Remove keyword from index hash_value = hashlib.new('ripemd160') keyword_key = 'keyword-%s' % keyword hash_value.update(keyword_key.encode('utf-8')) keyword_key = hash_value.hexdigest() self.transport.dht.iterativeStore( self.transport, keyword_key, json.dumps({ 'keyword_index_remove': { "guid": self.transport.guid, "key": contract_key } }), self.transport.guid ) def get_messages(self): self.log.info("Listing messages for market: %s" % self.transport.market_id) settings = self.get_settings() try: # Request all messages for our address inboxmsgs = json.loads(self.transport.bitmessage_api.getInboxMessagesByReceiver( settings['bitmessage'])) for m in inboxmsgs['inboxMessages']: # Base64 decode subject and content m['subject'] = b64decode(m['subject']) m['message'] = b64decode(m['message']) # TODO: Augment with market, if available return {"messages": inboxmsgs} except Exception as e: self.log.error("Failed to get inbox messages: {}".format(e)) self.log.error(traceback.format_exc()) return {} def send_message(self, msg): self.log.info("Sending message for market: %s" % self.transport.market_id) settings = self.get_settings() try: # Base64 decode subject and content self.log.info("Encoding message: {}".format(msg)) subject = b64encode(msg['subject']) body = b64encode(msg['body']) result = self.transport.bitmessage_api.sendMessage( msg['to'], settings['bitmessage'], subject, body ) self.log.info("Send message result: {}".format(result)) return {} except Exception as e: self.log.error("Failed to send message: %s" % e) self.log.error(traceback.format_exc()) return {} def get_contracts(self, page=0): self.log.info('Getting contracts for market: %s' % self.transport.market_id) contracts = self.db.selectEntries( "contracts", {"market_id": self.transport.market_id, "deleted": 0}, limit=10, limit_offset=(page * 10) ) my_contracts = [] for contract in contracts: try: print contract contract_body = json.loads(u"%s" % contract['contract_body']) item_price = contract_body.get('Contract').get('item_price') if contract_body.get('Contract').get('item_price') > 0 else 0 shipping_price = contract_body.get('Contract').get('item_delivery').get('shipping_price') if contract_body.get('Contract').get('item_delivery').get('shipping_price') > 0 else 0 my_contracts.append({"key": contract['key'] if 'key' in contract else "", "id": contract['id'] if 'id' in contract else "", "item_images": contract_body.get('Contract').get('item_images'), "signed_contract_body": contract['signed_contract_body'] if 'signed_contract_body' in contract else "", "contract_body": contract_body, "unit_price": item_price, "deleted": contract.get('deleted'), "shipping_price": shipping_price, "item_title": contract_body.get('Contract').get('item_title'), "item_desc": contract_body.get('Contract').get('item_desc'), "item_condition": contract_body.get('Contract').get('item_condition'), "item_quantity_available": contract_body.get('Contract').get('item_quantity')}) except: self.log.error('Problem loading the contract body JSON') return {"contracts": my_contracts, "page": page, "total_contracts": len(self.db.selectEntries("contracts", {"deleted": "0"}))} def undo_remove_contract(self, contract_id): self.log.info('Undo remove contract: %s' % contract_id) self.db.updateEntries("contracts", {"market_id": self.transport.market_id.replace("'", "''"), "id": contract_id}, {"deleted": "0"}) # SETTINGS def save_settings(self, msg): self.log.debug("Settings to save %s" % msg) # Check for any updates to arbiter or notary status to push to the DHT if 'notary' in msg: # Generate notary index key hash_value = hashlib.new('ripemd160') hash_value.update('notary-index') key = hash_value.hexdigest() if msg['notary'] is True: self.log.info('Letting the network know you are now a notary') data = json.dumps({'notary_index_add': self.transport.guid}) self.transport.dht.iterativeStore(self.transport, key, data, self.transport.guid) else: self.log.info('Letting the network know you are not a notary') data = json.dumps({'notary_index_remove': self.transport.guid}) self.transport.dht.iterativeStore(self.transport, key, data, self.transport.guid) # Update nickname self.transport.nickname = msg['nickname'] if 'burnAmount' in msg: del msg['burnAmount'] if 'burnAddr' in msg: del msg['burnAddr'] # Update local settings self.db.updateEntries("settings", {'market_id': self.transport.market_id}, msg) def get_settings(self): self.log.info('Getting settings info for Market %s' % self.transport.market_id) settings = self.db.getOrCreate("settings", {"market_id": self.transport.market_id}) if settings['arbiter'] == 1: settings['arbiter'] = True if settings['notary'] == 1: settings['notary'] = True settings['notaries'] = ast.literal_eval(settings['notaries']) if settings['notaries'] != "" else [] settings['trustedArbiters'] = ast.literal_eval(settings['trustedArbiters']) if settings['trustedArbiters'] != "" else [] settings['privkey'] = settings['privkey'] if 'secret' in settings else "" settings['btc_pubkey'] = privkey_to_pubkey(settings.get('privkey')) settings['secret'] = settings['secret'] if 'secret' in settings else "" self.log.info('SETTINGS: %s' % settings) if settings: return settings else: return {} # PAGE QUERYING def query_page(self, find_guid, callback=lambda msg: None): self.log.info('Querying node for market page: %s' % find_guid) msg = query_page(find_guid) msg['uri'] = self.transport.uri msg['senderGUID'] = self.transport.guid msg['sin'] = self.transport.sin msg['pubkey'] = self.transport.pubkey self.transport.send(msg, find_guid, callback) # Return your page info if someone requests it on the network def on_query_page(self, peer): self.log.info("Someone is querying for your page") settings = self.get_settings() new_peer = self.transport.get_crypto_peer( peer['senderGUID'], peer['uri'], pubkey=peer['pubkey'], nickname=peer['senderNick'] ) def send_page_query(): t = Thread(target=new_peer.start_handshake) t.start() new_peer.send(proto_page(self.transport.uri, self.transport.pubkey, self.transport.guid, settings['storeDescription'], self.signature, settings['nickname'], settings['PGPPubKey'] if 'PGPPubKey' in settings else '', settings['email'] if 'email' in settings else '', settings['bitmessage'] if 'bitmessage' in settings else '', settings['arbiter'] if 'arbiter' in settings else '', settings['notary'] if 'notary' in settings else '', settings['arbiterDescription'] if 'arbiterDescription' in settings else '', self.transport.sin)) t = Thread(target=send_page_query) t.start() def on_query_myorders(self, peer): self.log.info("Someone is querying for your page: %s" % peer) def on_query_listings(self, peer, page=0): self.log.info("Someone is querying your listings: %s" % peer) contracts = self.get_contracts(page) if len(contracts['contracts']) == 0: self.transport.send({"type": "no_listing_result"}, peer['senderGUID']) return else: for contract in contracts['contracts']: contract = contract contract['type'] = "listing_result" self.transport.send(contract, peer['senderGUID']) def on_peer(self, peer): pass def on_negotiate_pubkey(self, ident_pubkey): self.log.info("Someone is asking for your real pubKey") assert "nickname" in ident_pubkey assert "ident_pubkey" in ident_pubkey nickname = ident_pubkey['nickname'] ident_pubkey = ident_pubkey['ident_pubkey'].decode("hex") self.transport.respond_pubkey_if_mine(nickname, ident_pubkey) def on_response_pubkey(self, response): assert "pubkey" in response assert "nickname" in response assert "signature" in response pubkey = response["pubkey"].decode("hex") # signature = response["signature"].decode("hex") nickname = response["nickname"] # Cache mapping for later. if nickname not in self.transport.nick_mapping: self.transport.nick_mapping[nickname] = [None, pubkey] # Verify signature here... # Add to our dict. self.transport.nick_mapping[nickname][1] = pubkey self.log.info("[market] mappings: ###############") for key, value in self.transport.nick_mapping.iteritems(): self.log.info("'%s' -> '%s' (%s)" % ( key, value[1].encode("hex") if value[1] is not None else value[1], value[0].encode("hex") if value[0] is not None else value[0])) self.log.info("##################################") def release_funds_to_merchant(self, buyer_order_id, tx, script, signatures, guid): self.log.debug('Release funds to merchant: %s %s %s %s' % (buyer_order_id, tx, signatures, guid)) self.transport.send( { 'type': 'release_funds_tx', 'tx': tx, 'script': script, 'buyer_order_id': buyer_order_id, 'signatures': signatures }, guid ) self.log.debug('TX sent to merchant')
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
"""General plotting utilities.""" from matplotlib import rcParams def format_phase(value, tick_number): """The value are expected in unit of π """ if value == 0: return '0' elif value == 1.0: return 'π' elif value == -1.0: return '-π' else: return f'{value:g}π' def stamp(ax, text): """Stamp the plot with an ID.""" ax.text( 1, 1, text, size=0.4 * rcParams["font.size"], ha="right", va="bottom", transform=ax.transAxes, )
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
# _*_ encoding:utf-8 _*_ __author__ = 'sunzhaohui' __date__ = '2019-07-01 15:03' import sys USERINFO = ("51reboot", "123456") class Auth(object): def __init__(self,username,password): self.username = username self.password = password def login(self): if self.username == USERINFO[0] and self.password == USERINFO[1]: return True else: return False def session(self): pass def logout(self): print('good bye {}'.format(self.username)) sys.exit(0)
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Copyright 2019 Google LLC # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """Accesses the google.ads.googleads.v2.services ExpandedLandingPageViewService API.""" import pkg_resources import warnings from google.oauth2 import service_account import google.api_core.gapic_v1.client_info import google.api_core.gapic_v1.config import google.api_core.gapic_v1.method import google.api_core.gapic_v1.routing_header import google.api_core.grpc_helpers import google.api_core.path_template import grpc from google.ads.google_ads.v2.services import enums from google.ads.google_ads.v2.services import expanded_landing_page_view_service_client_config from google.ads.google_ads.v2.services.transports import expanded_landing_page_view_service_grpc_transport from google.ads.google_ads.v2.proto.resources import account_budget_pb2 from google.ads.google_ads.v2.proto.resources import account_budget_proposal_pb2 from google.ads.google_ads.v2.proto.resources import ad_group_ad_asset_view_pb2 from google.ads.google_ads.v2.proto.resources import ad_group_ad_label_pb2 from google.ads.google_ads.v2.proto.resources import ad_group_ad_pb2 from google.ads.google_ads.v2.proto.resources import ad_group_audience_view_pb2 from google.ads.google_ads.v2.proto.resources import ad_group_bid_modifier_pb2 from google.ads.google_ads.v2.proto.resources import ad_group_criterion_label_pb2 from google.ads.google_ads.v2.proto.resources import ad_group_criterion_pb2 from google.ads.google_ads.v2.proto.resources import ad_group_criterion_simulation_pb2 from google.ads.google_ads.v2.proto.resources import ad_group_extension_setting_pb2 from google.ads.google_ads.v2.proto.resources import ad_group_feed_pb2 from google.ads.google_ads.v2.proto.resources import ad_group_label_pb2 from google.ads.google_ads.v2.proto.resources import ad_group_pb2 from google.ads.google_ads.v2.proto.resources import ad_group_simulation_pb2 from google.ads.google_ads.v2.proto.resources import ad_parameter_pb2 from google.ads.google_ads.v2.proto.resources import ad_pb2 from google.ads.google_ads.v2.proto.resources import ad_schedule_view_pb2 from google.ads.google_ads.v2.proto.resources import age_range_view_pb2 from google.ads.google_ads.v2.proto.resources import asset_pb2 from google.ads.google_ads.v2.proto.resources import bidding_strategy_pb2 from google.ads.google_ads.v2.proto.resources import billing_setup_pb2 from google.ads.google_ads.v2.proto.resources import campaign_audience_view_pb2 from google.ads.google_ads.v2.proto.resources import campaign_bid_modifier_pb2 from google.ads.google_ads.v2.proto.resources import campaign_budget_pb2 from google.ads.google_ads.v2.proto.resources import campaign_criterion_pb2 from google.ads.google_ads.v2.proto.resources import campaign_criterion_simulation_pb2 from google.ads.google_ads.v2.proto.resources import campaign_draft_pb2 from google.ads.google_ads.v2.proto.resources import campaign_experiment_pb2 from google.ads.google_ads.v2.proto.resources import campaign_extension_setting_pb2 from google.ads.google_ads.v2.proto.resources import campaign_feed_pb2 from google.ads.google_ads.v2.proto.resources import campaign_label_pb2 from google.ads.google_ads.v2.proto.resources import campaign_pb2 from google.ads.google_ads.v2.proto.resources import campaign_shared_set_pb2 from google.ads.google_ads.v2.proto.resources import carrier_constant_pb2 from google.ads.google_ads.v2.proto.resources import change_status_pb2 from google.ads.google_ads.v2.proto.resources import click_view_pb2 from google.ads.google_ads.v2.proto.resources import conversion_action_pb2 from google.ads.google_ads.v2.proto.resources import custom_interest_pb2 from google.ads.google_ads.v2.proto.resources import customer_client_link_pb2 from google.ads.google_ads.v2.proto.resources import customer_client_pb2 from google.ads.google_ads.v2.proto.resources import customer_extension_setting_pb2 from google.ads.google_ads.v2.proto.resources import customer_feed_pb2 from google.ads.google_ads.v2.proto.resources import customer_label_pb2 from google.ads.google_ads.v2.proto.resources import customer_manager_link_pb2 from google.ads.google_ads.v2.proto.resources import customer_negative_criterion_pb2 from google.ads.google_ads.v2.proto.resources import customer_pb2 from google.ads.google_ads.v2.proto.resources import detail_placement_view_pb2 from google.ads.google_ads.v2.proto.resources import display_keyword_view_pb2 from google.ads.google_ads.v2.proto.resources import distance_view_pb2 from google.ads.google_ads.v2.proto.resources import domain_category_pb2 from google.ads.google_ads.v2.proto.resources import dynamic_search_ads_search_term_view_pb2 from google.ads.google_ads.v2.proto.resources import expanded_landing_page_view_pb2 from google.ads.google_ads.v2.proto.services import account_budget_proposal_service_pb2 from google.ads.google_ads.v2.proto.services import account_budget_proposal_service_pb2_grpc from google.ads.google_ads.v2.proto.services import account_budget_service_pb2 from google.ads.google_ads.v2.proto.services import account_budget_service_pb2_grpc from google.ads.google_ads.v2.proto.services import ad_group_ad_asset_view_service_pb2 from google.ads.google_ads.v2.proto.services import ad_group_ad_asset_view_service_pb2_grpc from google.ads.google_ads.v2.proto.services import ad_group_ad_label_service_pb2 from google.ads.google_ads.v2.proto.services import ad_group_ad_label_service_pb2_grpc from google.ads.google_ads.v2.proto.services import ad_group_ad_service_pb2 from google.ads.google_ads.v2.proto.services import ad_group_ad_service_pb2_grpc from google.ads.google_ads.v2.proto.services import ad_group_audience_view_service_pb2 from google.ads.google_ads.v2.proto.services import ad_group_audience_view_service_pb2_grpc from google.ads.google_ads.v2.proto.services import ad_group_bid_modifier_service_pb2 from google.ads.google_ads.v2.proto.services import ad_group_bid_modifier_service_pb2_grpc from google.ads.google_ads.v2.proto.services import ad_group_criterion_label_service_pb2 from google.ads.google_ads.v2.proto.services import ad_group_criterion_label_service_pb2_grpc from google.ads.google_ads.v2.proto.services import ad_group_criterion_service_pb2 from google.ads.google_ads.v2.proto.services import ad_group_criterion_service_pb2_grpc from google.ads.google_ads.v2.proto.services import ad_group_criterion_simulation_service_pb2 from google.ads.google_ads.v2.proto.services import ad_group_criterion_simulation_service_pb2_grpc from google.ads.google_ads.v2.proto.services import ad_group_extension_setting_service_pb2 from google.ads.google_ads.v2.proto.services import ad_group_extension_setting_service_pb2_grpc from google.ads.google_ads.v2.proto.services import ad_group_feed_service_pb2 from google.ads.google_ads.v2.proto.services import ad_group_feed_service_pb2_grpc from google.ads.google_ads.v2.proto.services import ad_group_label_service_pb2 from google.ads.google_ads.v2.proto.services import ad_group_label_service_pb2_grpc from google.ads.google_ads.v2.proto.services import ad_group_service_pb2 from google.ads.google_ads.v2.proto.services import ad_group_service_pb2_grpc from google.ads.google_ads.v2.proto.services import ad_group_simulation_service_pb2 from google.ads.google_ads.v2.proto.services import ad_group_simulation_service_pb2_grpc from google.ads.google_ads.v2.proto.services import ad_parameter_service_pb2 from google.ads.google_ads.v2.proto.services import ad_parameter_service_pb2_grpc from google.ads.google_ads.v2.proto.services import ad_schedule_view_service_pb2 from google.ads.google_ads.v2.proto.services import ad_schedule_view_service_pb2_grpc from google.ads.google_ads.v2.proto.services import ad_service_pb2 from google.ads.google_ads.v2.proto.services import ad_service_pb2_grpc from google.ads.google_ads.v2.proto.services import age_range_view_service_pb2 from google.ads.google_ads.v2.proto.services import age_range_view_service_pb2_grpc from google.ads.google_ads.v2.proto.services import asset_service_pb2 from google.ads.google_ads.v2.proto.services import asset_service_pb2_grpc from google.ads.google_ads.v2.proto.services import bidding_strategy_service_pb2 from google.ads.google_ads.v2.proto.services import bidding_strategy_service_pb2_grpc from google.ads.google_ads.v2.proto.services import billing_setup_service_pb2 from google.ads.google_ads.v2.proto.services import billing_setup_service_pb2_grpc from google.ads.google_ads.v2.proto.services import campaign_audience_view_service_pb2 from google.ads.google_ads.v2.proto.services import campaign_audience_view_service_pb2_grpc from google.ads.google_ads.v2.proto.services import campaign_bid_modifier_service_pb2 from google.ads.google_ads.v2.proto.services import campaign_bid_modifier_service_pb2_grpc from google.ads.google_ads.v2.proto.services import campaign_budget_service_pb2 from google.ads.google_ads.v2.proto.services import campaign_budget_service_pb2_grpc from google.ads.google_ads.v2.proto.services import campaign_criterion_service_pb2 from google.ads.google_ads.v2.proto.services import campaign_criterion_service_pb2_grpc from google.ads.google_ads.v2.proto.services import campaign_criterion_simulation_service_pb2 from google.ads.google_ads.v2.proto.services import campaign_criterion_simulation_service_pb2_grpc from google.ads.google_ads.v2.proto.services import campaign_draft_service_pb2 from google.ads.google_ads.v2.proto.services import campaign_draft_service_pb2_grpc from google.ads.google_ads.v2.proto.services import campaign_experiment_service_pb2 from google.ads.google_ads.v2.proto.services import campaign_experiment_service_pb2_grpc from google.ads.google_ads.v2.proto.services import campaign_extension_setting_service_pb2 from google.ads.google_ads.v2.proto.services import campaign_extension_setting_service_pb2_grpc from google.ads.google_ads.v2.proto.services import campaign_feed_service_pb2 from google.ads.google_ads.v2.proto.services import campaign_feed_service_pb2_grpc from google.ads.google_ads.v2.proto.services import campaign_label_service_pb2 from google.ads.google_ads.v2.proto.services import campaign_label_service_pb2_grpc from google.ads.google_ads.v2.proto.services import campaign_service_pb2 from google.ads.google_ads.v2.proto.services import campaign_service_pb2_grpc from google.ads.google_ads.v2.proto.services import campaign_shared_set_service_pb2 from google.ads.google_ads.v2.proto.services import campaign_shared_set_service_pb2_grpc from google.ads.google_ads.v2.proto.services import carrier_constant_service_pb2 from google.ads.google_ads.v2.proto.services import carrier_constant_service_pb2_grpc from google.ads.google_ads.v2.proto.services import change_status_service_pb2 from google.ads.google_ads.v2.proto.services import change_status_service_pb2_grpc from google.ads.google_ads.v2.proto.services import click_view_service_pb2 from google.ads.google_ads.v2.proto.services import click_view_service_pb2_grpc from google.ads.google_ads.v2.proto.services import conversion_action_service_pb2 from google.ads.google_ads.v2.proto.services import conversion_action_service_pb2_grpc from google.ads.google_ads.v2.proto.services import conversion_adjustment_upload_service_pb2 from google.ads.google_ads.v2.proto.services import conversion_adjustment_upload_service_pb2_grpc from google.ads.google_ads.v2.proto.services import conversion_upload_service_pb2 from google.ads.google_ads.v2.proto.services import conversion_upload_service_pb2_grpc from google.ads.google_ads.v2.proto.services import custom_interest_service_pb2 from google.ads.google_ads.v2.proto.services import custom_interest_service_pb2_grpc from google.ads.google_ads.v2.proto.services import customer_client_link_service_pb2 from google.ads.google_ads.v2.proto.services import customer_client_link_service_pb2_grpc from google.ads.google_ads.v2.proto.services import customer_client_service_pb2 from google.ads.google_ads.v2.proto.services import customer_client_service_pb2_grpc from google.ads.google_ads.v2.proto.services import customer_extension_setting_service_pb2 from google.ads.google_ads.v2.proto.services import customer_extension_setting_service_pb2_grpc from google.ads.google_ads.v2.proto.services import customer_feed_service_pb2 from google.ads.google_ads.v2.proto.services import customer_feed_service_pb2_grpc from google.ads.google_ads.v2.proto.services import customer_label_service_pb2 from google.ads.google_ads.v2.proto.services import customer_label_service_pb2_grpc from google.ads.google_ads.v2.proto.services import customer_manager_link_service_pb2 from google.ads.google_ads.v2.proto.services import customer_manager_link_service_pb2_grpc from google.ads.google_ads.v2.proto.services import customer_negative_criterion_service_pb2 from google.ads.google_ads.v2.proto.services import customer_negative_criterion_service_pb2_grpc from google.ads.google_ads.v2.proto.services import customer_service_pb2 from google.ads.google_ads.v2.proto.services import customer_service_pb2_grpc from google.ads.google_ads.v2.proto.services import detail_placement_view_service_pb2 from google.ads.google_ads.v2.proto.services import detail_placement_view_service_pb2_grpc from google.ads.google_ads.v2.proto.services import display_keyword_view_service_pb2 from google.ads.google_ads.v2.proto.services import display_keyword_view_service_pb2_grpc from google.ads.google_ads.v2.proto.services import distance_view_service_pb2 from google.ads.google_ads.v2.proto.services import distance_view_service_pb2_grpc from google.ads.google_ads.v2.proto.services import domain_category_service_pb2 from google.ads.google_ads.v2.proto.services import domain_category_service_pb2_grpc from google.ads.google_ads.v2.proto.services import dynamic_search_ads_search_term_view_service_pb2 from google.ads.google_ads.v2.proto.services import dynamic_search_ads_search_term_view_service_pb2_grpc from google.ads.google_ads.v2.proto.services import expanded_landing_page_view_service_pb2 from google.ads.google_ads.v2.proto.services import expanded_landing_page_view_service_pb2_grpc from google.longrunning import operations_pb2 from google.protobuf import empty_pb2 from google.protobuf import wrappers_pb2 _GAPIC_LIBRARY_VERSION = pkg_resources.get_distribution( 'google-ads', ).version class ExpandedLandingPageViewServiceClient(object): """Service to fetch expanded landing page views.""" SERVICE_ADDRESS = 'googleads.googleapis.com:443' """The default address of the service.""" # The name of the interface for this client. This is the key used to # find the method configuration in the client_config dictionary. _INTERFACE_NAME = 'google.ads.googleads.v2.services.ExpandedLandingPageViewService' @classmethod def from_service_account_file(cls, filename, *args, **kwargs): """Creates an instance of this client using the provided credentials file. Args: filename (str): The path to the service account private key json file. args: Additional arguments to pass to the constructor. kwargs: Additional arguments to pass to the constructor. Returns: ExpandedLandingPageViewServiceClient: The constructed client. """ credentials = service_account.Credentials.from_service_account_file( filename) kwargs['credentials'] = credentials return cls(*args, **kwargs) from_service_account_json = from_service_account_file @classmethod def expanded_landing_page_view_path(cls, customer, expanded_landing_page_view): """Return a fully-qualified expanded_landing_page_view string.""" return google.api_core.path_template.expand( 'customers/{customer}/expandedLandingPageViews/{expanded_landing_page_view}', customer=customer, expanded_landing_page_view=expanded_landing_page_view, ) def __init__(self, transport=None, channel=None, credentials=None, client_config=None, client_info=None): """Constructor. Args: transport (Union[~.ExpandedLandingPageViewServiceGrpcTransport, Callable[[~.Credentials, type], ~.ExpandedLandingPageViewServiceGrpcTransport]): A transport instance, responsible for actually making the API calls. The default transport uses the gRPC protocol. This argument may also be a callable which returns a transport instance. Callables will be sent the credentials as the first argument and the default transport class as the second argument. channel (grpc.Channel): DEPRECATED. A ``Channel`` instance through which to make calls. This argument is mutually exclusive with ``credentials``; providing both will raise an exception. credentials (google.auth.credentials.Credentials): The authorization credentials to attach to requests. These credentials identify this application to the service. If none are specified, the client will attempt to ascertain the credentials from the environment. This argument is mutually exclusive with providing a transport instance to ``transport``; doing so will raise an exception. client_config (dict): DEPRECATED. A dictionary of call options for each method. If not specified, the default configuration is used. client_info (google.api_core.gapic_v1.client_info.ClientInfo): The client info used to send a user-agent string along with API requests. If ``None``, then default info will be used. Generally, you only need to set this if you're developing your own client library. """ # Raise deprecation warnings for things we want to go away. if client_config is not None: warnings.warn('The `client_config` argument is deprecated.', PendingDeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) else: client_config = expanded_landing_page_view_service_client_config.config if channel: warnings.warn('The `channel` argument is deprecated; use ' '`transport` instead.', PendingDeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) # Instantiate the transport. # The transport is responsible for handling serialization and # deserialization and actually sending data to the service. if transport: if callable(transport): self.transport = transport( credentials=credentials, default_class=expanded_landing_page_view_service_grpc_transport.ExpandedLandingPageViewServiceGrpcTransport, ) else: if credentials: raise ValueError( 'Received both a transport instance and ' 'credentials; these are mutually exclusive.' ) self.transport = transport else: self.transport = expanded_landing_page_view_service_grpc_transport.ExpandedLandingPageViewServiceGrpcTransport( address=self.SERVICE_ADDRESS, channel=channel, credentials=credentials, ) if client_info is None: client_info = google.api_core.gapic_v1.client_info.ClientInfo( gapic_version=_GAPIC_LIBRARY_VERSION, ) else: client_info.gapic_version = _GAPIC_LIBRARY_VERSION self._client_info = client_info # Parse out the default settings for retry and timeout for each RPC # from the client configuration. # (Ordinarily, these are the defaults specified in the `*_config.py` # file next to this one.) self._method_configs = google.api_core.gapic_v1.config.parse_method_configs( client_config['interfaces'][self._INTERFACE_NAME], ) # Save a dictionary of cached API call functions. # These are the actual callables which invoke the proper # transport methods, wrapped with `wrap_method` to add retry, # timeout, and the like. self._inner_api_calls = {} # Service calls def get_expanded_landing_page_view( self, resource_name, retry=google.api_core.gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, timeout=google.api_core.gapic_v1.method.DEFAULT, metadata=None): """ Returns the requested expanded landing page view in full detail. Args: resource_name (str): The resource name of the expanded landing page view to fetch. retry (Optional[google.api_core.retry.Retry]): A retry object used to retry requests. If ``None`` is specified, requests will not be retried. timeout (Optional[float]): The amount of time, in seconds, to wait for the request to complete. Note that if ``retry`` is specified, the timeout applies to each individual attempt. metadata (Optional[Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]]): Additional metadata that is provided to the method. Returns: A :class:`~google.ads.googleads_v2.types.ExpandedLandingPageView` instance. Raises: google.api_core.exceptions.GoogleAPICallError: If the request failed for any reason. google.api_core.exceptions.RetryError: If the request failed due to a retryable error and retry attempts failed. ValueError: If the parameters are invalid. """ # Wrap the transport method to add retry and timeout logic. if 'get_expanded_landing_page_view' not in self._inner_api_calls: self._inner_api_calls['get_expanded_landing_page_view'] = google.api_core.gapic_v1.method.wrap_method( self.transport.get_expanded_landing_page_view, default_retry=self._method_configs['GetExpandedLandingPageView'].retry, default_timeout=self._method_configs['GetExpandedLandingPageView'].timeout, client_info=self._client_info, ) request = expanded_landing_page_view_service_pb2.GetExpandedLandingPageViewRequest( resource_name=resource_name, ) if metadata is None: metadata = [] metadata = list(metadata) try: routing_header = [('resource_name', resource_name)] except AttributeError: pass else: routing_metadata = google.api_core.gapic_v1.routing_header.to_grpc_metadata(routing_header) metadata.append(routing_metadata) return self._inner_api_calls['get_expanded_landing_page_view'](request, retry=retry, timeout=timeout, metadata=metadata)
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
### @export "fake" import fake_input input, input = fake_input.create(['dodge!']) ### @export "imports" from sys import exit from random import randint ### @export "scene_class" class Scene(object): def enter(self): print("This scene is not yet configured. Subclass it and implement enter().") exit(1) ### @export "engine_class" class Engine(object): def __init__(self, scene_map): self.scene_map = scene_map def play(self): current_scene = self.scene_map.opening_scene() last_scene = self.scene_map.next_scene('finished') while current_scene != last_scene: next_scene_name = current_scene.enter() current_scene = self.scene_map.next_scene(next_scene_name) # be sure to print out the last scene current_scene.enter() ### @export "death_scene" class Death(Scene): quips = [ "You died. You kinda suck at this.", "Your mom would be proud...if she were smarter.", "Such a luser.", "I have a small puppy that's better at this." ] def enter(self): print(Death.quips[randint(0, len(self.quips)-1)]) exit(1) ### @export "central_corridor" class CentralCorridor(Scene): def enter(self): print("The Gothons of Planet Percal #25 have invaded your ship and destroyed") print("your entire crew. You are the last surviving member and your last") print("mission is to get the neutron destruct bomb from the Weapons Armory,") print("put it in the bridge, and blow the ship up after getting into an ") print("escape pod.") print("\n") print("You're running down the central corridor to the Weapons Armory when") print("a Gothon jumps out, red scaly skin, dark grimy teeth, and evil clown costume") print("flowing around his hate filled body. He's blocking the door to the") print("Armory and about to pull a weapon to blast you.") action = input("> ") if action == "shoot!": print("Quick on the draw you yank out your blaster and fire it at the Gothon.") print("His clown costume is flowing and moving around his body, which throws") print("off your aim. Your laser hits his costume but misses him entirely. This") print("completely ruins his brand new costume his mother bought him, which") print("makes him fly into an insane rage and blast you repeatedly in the face until") print("you are dead. Then he eats you.") return 'death' elif action == "dodge!": print("Like a world class boxer you dodge, weave, slip and slide right") print("as the Gothon's blaster cranks a laser past your head.") print("In the middle of your artful dodge your foot slips and you") print("bang your head on the metal wall and pass out.") print("You wake up shortly after only to die as the Gothon stomps on") print("your head and eats you.") return 'death' elif action == "tell a joke": print("Lucky for you they made you learn Gothon insults in the academy.") print("You tell the one Gothon joke you know:") print("Lbhe zbgure vf fb sng, jura fur fvgf nebhaq gur ubhfr, fur fvgf nebhaq gur ubhfr.") print("The Gothon stops, tries not to laugh, then busts out laughing and can't move.") print("While he's laughing you run up and shoot him square in the head") print("putting him down, then jump through the Weapon Armory door.") return 'laser_weapon_armory' else: print("DOES NOT COMPUTE!") return 'central_corridor' ### @export "game_scenes" class LaserWeaponArmory(Scene): def enter(self): print("You do a dive roll into the Weapon Armory, crouch and scan the room") print("for more Gothons that might be hiding. It's dead quiet, too quiet.") print("You stand up and run to the far side of the room and find the") print("neutron bomb in its container. There's a keypad lock on the box") print("and you need the code to get the bomb out. If you get the code") print("wrong 10 times then the lock closes forever and you can't") print("get the bomb. The code is 3 digits.") code = f"{randint(1,9)}{randint(1,9)}{randint(1,9)}" guess = input("[keypad]> ") guesses = 0 while guess != code and guesses < 10: print("BZZZZEDDD!") guesses += 1 guess = input("[keypad]> ") if guess == code: print("The container clicks open and the seal breaks, letting gas out.") print("You grab the neutron bomb and run as fast as you can to the") print("bridge where you must place it in the right spot.") return 'the_bridge' else: print("The lock buzzes one last time and then you hear a sickening") print("melting sound as the mechanism is fused together.") print("You decide to sit there, and finally the Gothons blow up the") print("ship from their ship and you die.") return 'death' class TheBridge(Scene): def enter(self): print("You burst onto the Bridge with the netron destruct bomb") print("under your arm and surprise 5 Gothons who are trying to") print("take control of the ship. Each of them has an even uglier") print("clown costume than the last. They haven't pulled their") print("weapons out yet, as they see the active bomb under your") print("arm and don't want to set it off.") action = input("> ") if action == "throw the bomb": print("In a panic you throw the bomb at the group of Gothons") print("and make a leap for the door. Right as you drop it a") print("Gothon shoots you right in the back killing you.") print("As you die you see another Gothon frantically try to disarm") print("the bomb. You die knowing they will probably blow up when") print("it goes off.") return 'death' elif action == "slowly place the bomb": print("You point your blaster at the bomb under your arm") print("and the Gothons put their hands up and start to sweat.") print("You inch backward to the door, open it, and then carefully") print("place the bomb on the floor, pointing your blaster at it.") print("You then jump back through the door, punch the close button") print("and blast the lock so the Gothons can't get out.") print("Now that the bomb is placed you run to the escape pod to") print("get off this tin can.") return 'escape_pod' else: print("DOES NOT COMPUTE!") return "the_bridge" class EscapePod(Scene): def enter(self): print("You rush through the ship desperately trying to make it to") print("the escape pod before the whole ship explodes. It seems like") print("hardly any Gothons are on the ship, so your run is clear of") print("interference. You get to the chamber with the escape pods, and") print("now need to pick one to take. Some of them could be damaged") print("but you don't have time to look. There's 5 pods, which one") print("do you take?") good_pod = randint(1,5) guess = input("[pod #]> ") if int(guess) != good_pod: print("You jump into pod {guess} and hit the eject button.") print("The pod escapes out into the void of space, then") print("implodes as the hull ruptures, crushing your body") print("into jam jelly.") return 'death' else: print("You jump into pod {guess} and hit the eject button.") print("The pod easily slides out into space heading to") print("the planet below. As it flies to the planet, you look") print("back and see your ship implode then explode like a") print("bright star, taking out the Gothon ship at the same") print("time. You won!") return 'finished' class Finished(Scene): def enter(self): print("You won! Good job.") return 'finished' ### @export "map_class" class Map(object): scenes = { 'central_corridor': CentralCorridor(), 'laser_weapon_armory': LaserWeaponArmory(), 'the_bridge': TheBridge(), 'escape_pod': EscapePod(), 'death': Death(), 'finished': Finished(), } def __init__(self, start_scene): self.start_scene = start_scene def next_scene(self, scene_name): val = Map.scenes.get(scene_name) return val def opening_scene(self): return self.next_scene(self.start_scene) ### @export "final_run" a_map = Map('central_corridor') a_game = Engine(a_map) a_game.play()
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
from flask import Blueprint, request, jsonify from models import Favorite, FavoriteSchema, User, db from flask_jwt_extended import jwt_required, get_jwt_identity favorite_endpoint = Blueprint('favorite', __name__) @favorite_endpoint.route("/v1/favorites") @jwt_required() def get_favorites(): current_user = User.find_by_email(get_jwt_identity()) favorite_schema = FavoriteSchema(many=True) favorites = Favorite.query.filter_by(user_id=current_user.id).all() return jsonify(favorite_schema.dump(favorites)) @favorite_endpoint.route("/v1/favorites/<id>") @jwt_required() def get_is_favorite(id): current_user = User.find_by_email(get_jwt_identity()) print(current_user) favorite = Favorite.query.filter_by(product_id=id, user_id=current_user.id).first() if favorite: return jsonify({'favorite': True}), 201 else: return jsonify({'favorite': False}), 201 @favorite_endpoint.route("/v1/favorites", methods=["POST"]) @jwt_required() def add_favorite(): if not "product_id" in request.json: return jsonify({ "error": "Bad request", "message": "product_id not given" }), 400 current_user = User.find_by_email(get_jwt_identity()) new_favorite = Favorite(user_id=current_user.id, product_id=request.json["product_id"]) new_favorite.save_to_db() return jsonify({'message': 'Favorite added'}), 201 @favorite_endpoint.route('/v1/favorites/<id>', methods=["DELETE"]) @jwt_required() def remove_favorite(id): current_user = User.find_by_email(get_jwt_identity()) favorite = Favorite.query.filter_by(product_id=id, user_id=current_user.id).first() try: db.session.delete(favorite) db.session.commit() return jsonify({'message': f'Favorite has been removed'}), 200 except: return jsonify({'message': 'Something went wrong'}), 500
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from .actinia_processing.config import Config as ActiniaConfig from sqlitedict import SqliteDict __license__ = "Apache License, Version 2.0" __author__ = "Sören Gebbert" __copyright__ = "Copyright 2018, Sören Gebbert, mundialis" __maintainer__ = "Soeren Gebbert" __email__ = "soerengebbert@googlemail.com" class GraphDB(SqliteDict): """This is the storage of the process graphs that were commited for processing """ def __init__(self): SqliteDict.__init__(self, filename=ActiniaConfig.GRAPH_DB, autocommit=True)
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
from urllib.parse import urlparse from django.conf import settings from django.core.exceptions import ValidationError from django.http.request import split_domain_port, validate_host def validate_storefront_url(url): """Validate the storefront URL. Raise ValidationError if URL isn't in RFC 1808 format or it isn't allowed by ALLOWED_CLIENT_HOSTS in settings. """ try: parsed_url = urlparse(url) domain, _ = split_domain_port(parsed_url.netloc) if not parsed_url.netloc: raise ValidationError( "Invalid URL. Please check if URL is in RFC 1808 format." ) except ValueError as error: raise ValidationError(error) if not validate_host(domain, settings.ALLOWED_CLIENT_HOSTS): error_message = ( f"{domain or url} is not allowed. Please check " "`ALLOWED_CLIENT_HOSTS` configuration." ) raise ValidationError(error_message)