
Definition: Given a premise, an initial context, an original ending, and a new ending, the task is to generate the counterfactual context that is aligned with the new ending. Each instance consists of a five-sentence story. The premise is the first sentence of a story, and the second sentence, which is the initial context, provides more information about the story's context. The original ending is the last three sentences of the story. Also, you are given a new ending that can provide the new story with the same premise. You should write a counterfactual context to explain the small differences between the original and new endings. More specifically, a story context contains the general plot of the story. And a counterfactual context is a slight modification to the initial context. To sum up, you should write the second sentence of a story based on the premise(first sentence) and the new ending(last three sentences) of the story. Positive Example 1 - Input: Premise: Brad stole the ball from the opponent. Initial Context: While he was running with the ball, he noticed his friend. Original Ending: He threw the ball in the air, near the hoop. His friend grabbed the ball and made a drunk. That score put his team in the lead. New ending: He stopped dancing and threw the ball in the air, near the hoop. His friend grabbed the ball and made a drunk. That score put his team in the lead. Output: While he was dancing with the ball, he noticed his friend. Positive Example 2 - Input: Premise: Erica wanted to be in the school play. Initial Context: She was scared to audition. Original Ending: When she finally got up enough nerve, only the lead roles were left. She tried out. The results were posted and she was Cinderella! New ending: When she finally got her turn, only the lead roles were left. She tried out. The results were posted and she was Cinderella! Output: She was to excited to audition. Negative Example 1 - Input: Premise: Stephanie went to Six Flags for the first time. Initial Context: She had never been on a roller coaster before. Original Ending: Her friend told her she would ride with her to encourage her. They got on the roller coaster and waited for it to start. When it began, the girls screamed, laughed, and had a lot of fun! New ending: Her friend told her she would ride with her to encourage her. They got on the ferris wheel and waited for it to start. When it began, the girls screamed, laughed, and had a lot of fun! Output: She threw it and decided to burn it. Negative Example 2 - Input: Premise: I was playing a video game on my PC. Initial Context: I became frustrated and threw my keyboard. Original Ending: I broke several keys and decided to buy a new keyboard. I drove to the store and found a nice looking replacement. I brought it to the clerk and purchased the new keyboard. New ending: I got liquid all over several keys and decided to buy a new keyboard. I drove to the store and found a nice looking replacement. I brought it to the clerk and purchased the new keyboard. Output: I became frustrated and threw my keyboard. Now complete the following example - Input: Premise: Robert decided to take his family on vacation. Initial Context: He chose to go to the Grand Canyon. Original Ending: The family drove to the trip destination. The kids were overwhelmed with the experience. Robert and family decided to go on many more vacations. New ending: The family drove to the lake. The kids were used to with the experience. Robert and family decided to go on different destinations. Output:
[ "They just went to the lake they always went to." ]
Definition: Given a premise, an initial context, an original ending, and a new ending, the task is to generate the counterfactual context that is aligned with the new ending. Each instance consists of a five-sentence story. The premise is the first sentence of a story, and the second sentence, which is the initial context, provides more information about the story's context. The original ending is the last three sentences of the story. Also, you are given a new ending that can provide the new story with the same premise. You should write a counterfactual context to explain the small differences between the original and new endings. More specifically, a story context contains the general plot of the story. And a counterfactual context is a slight modification to the initial context. To sum up, you should write the second sentence of a story based on the premise(first sentence) and the new ending(last three sentences) of the story. Positive Example 1 - Input: Premise: Brad stole the ball from the opponent. Initial Context: While he was running with the ball, he noticed his friend. Original Ending: He threw the ball in the air, near the hoop. His friend grabbed the ball and made a drunk. That score put his team in the lead. New ending: He stopped dancing and threw the ball in the air, near the hoop. His friend grabbed the ball and made a drunk. That score put his team in the lead. Output: While he was dancing with the ball, he noticed his friend. Positive Example 2 - Input: Premise: Erica wanted to be in the school play. Initial Context: She was scared to audition. Original Ending: When she finally got up enough nerve, only the lead roles were left. She tried out. The results were posted and she was Cinderella! New ending: When she finally got her turn, only the lead roles were left. She tried out. The results were posted and she was Cinderella! Output: She was to excited to audition. Negative Example 1 - Input: Premise: Stephanie went to Six Flags for the first time. Initial Context: She had never been on a roller coaster before. Original Ending: Her friend told her she would ride with her to encourage her. They got on the roller coaster and waited for it to start. When it began, the girls screamed, laughed, and had a lot of fun! New ending: Her friend told her she would ride with her to encourage her. They got on the ferris wheel and waited for it to start. When it began, the girls screamed, laughed, and had a lot of fun! Output: She threw it and decided to burn it. Negative Example 2 - Input: Premise: I was playing a video game on my PC. Initial Context: I became frustrated and threw my keyboard. Original Ending: I broke several keys and decided to buy a new keyboard. I drove to the store and found a nice looking replacement. I brought it to the clerk and purchased the new keyboard. New ending: I got liquid all over several keys and decided to buy a new keyboard. I drove to the store and found a nice looking replacement. I brought it to the clerk and purchased the new keyboard. Output: I became frustrated and threw my keyboard. Now complete the following example - Input: Premise: Zack was excited by his upcoming date. Initial Context: He couldn't decide which restaurant he would take his date to. Original Ending: He asked his best friend for advice. His friend suggested they go to a new restaurant which just opened. He took his date there only to find out they only took reservations. New ending: He asked his best friend to come on a double date. His friend suggested they start out at the water park. They took their dates there and had a great time. Output:
[ "He wanted to take her to the amusement park." ]
Definition: Given a premise, an initial context, an original ending, and a new ending, the task is to generate the counterfactual context that is aligned with the new ending. Each instance consists of a five-sentence story. The premise is the first sentence of a story, and the second sentence, which is the initial context, provides more information about the story's context. The original ending is the last three sentences of the story. Also, you are given a new ending that can provide the new story with the same premise. You should write a counterfactual context to explain the small differences between the original and new endings. More specifically, a story context contains the general plot of the story. And a counterfactual context is a slight modification to the initial context. To sum up, you should write the second sentence of a story based on the premise(first sentence) and the new ending(last three sentences) of the story. Positive Example 1 - Input: Premise: Brad stole the ball from the opponent. Initial Context: While he was running with the ball, he noticed his friend. Original Ending: He threw the ball in the air, near the hoop. His friend grabbed the ball and made a drunk. That score put his team in the lead. New ending: He stopped dancing and threw the ball in the air, near the hoop. His friend grabbed the ball and made a drunk. That score put his team in the lead. Output: While he was dancing with the ball, he noticed his friend. Positive Example 2 - Input: Premise: Erica wanted to be in the school play. Initial Context: She was scared to audition. Original Ending: When she finally got up enough nerve, only the lead roles were left. She tried out. The results were posted and she was Cinderella! New ending: When she finally got her turn, only the lead roles were left. She tried out. The results were posted and she was Cinderella! Output: She was to excited to audition. Negative Example 1 - Input: Premise: Stephanie went to Six Flags for the first time. Initial Context: She had never been on a roller coaster before. Original Ending: Her friend told her she would ride with her to encourage her. They got on the roller coaster and waited for it to start. When it began, the girls screamed, laughed, and had a lot of fun! New ending: Her friend told her she would ride with her to encourage her. They got on the ferris wheel and waited for it to start. When it began, the girls screamed, laughed, and had a lot of fun! Output: She threw it and decided to burn it. Negative Example 2 - Input: Premise: I was playing a video game on my PC. Initial Context: I became frustrated and threw my keyboard. Original Ending: I broke several keys and decided to buy a new keyboard. I drove to the store and found a nice looking replacement. I brought it to the clerk and purchased the new keyboard. New ending: I got liquid all over several keys and decided to buy a new keyboard. I drove to the store and found a nice looking replacement. I brought it to the clerk and purchased the new keyboard. Output: I became frustrated and threw my keyboard. Now complete the following example - Input: Premise: I prepared my chicken teriyaki sub in the kitchen. Initial Context: Once I tried to sit near the table, The chair broke in half. Original Ending: I fell heavily and the sandwich dropped on the ground. Once my brother helped me get up, he took me to the hospital. I was diagnosed with a sprained knee. New ending: I fell heavily and the sandwich dropped on the ground. Once my brother helped me get up, he took me to the hospital. I was diagnosed with a sprained knee. Output:
[ "Once I tried to stand near the table and did not use the chair." ]
Definition: Given a premise, an initial context, an original ending, and a new ending, the task is to generate the counterfactual context that is aligned with the new ending. Each instance consists of a five-sentence story. The premise is the first sentence of a story, and the second sentence, which is the initial context, provides more information about the story's context. The original ending is the last three sentences of the story. Also, you are given a new ending that can provide the new story with the same premise. You should write a counterfactual context to explain the small differences between the original and new endings. More specifically, a story context contains the general plot of the story. And a counterfactual context is a slight modification to the initial context. To sum up, you should write the second sentence of a story based on the premise(first sentence) and the new ending(last three sentences) of the story. Positive Example 1 - Input: Premise: Brad stole the ball from the opponent. Initial Context: While he was running with the ball, he noticed his friend. Original Ending: He threw the ball in the air, near the hoop. His friend grabbed the ball and made a drunk. That score put his team in the lead. New ending: He stopped dancing and threw the ball in the air, near the hoop. His friend grabbed the ball and made a drunk. That score put his team in the lead. Output: While he was dancing with the ball, he noticed his friend. Positive Example 2 - Input: Premise: Erica wanted to be in the school play. Initial Context: She was scared to audition. Original Ending: When she finally got up enough nerve, only the lead roles were left. She tried out. The results were posted and she was Cinderella! New ending: When she finally got her turn, only the lead roles were left. She tried out. The results were posted and she was Cinderella! Output: She was to excited to audition. Negative Example 1 - Input: Premise: Stephanie went to Six Flags for the first time. Initial Context: She had never been on a roller coaster before. Original Ending: Her friend told her she would ride with her to encourage her. They got on the roller coaster and waited for it to start. When it began, the girls screamed, laughed, and had a lot of fun! New ending: Her friend told her she would ride with her to encourage her. They got on the ferris wheel and waited for it to start. When it began, the girls screamed, laughed, and had a lot of fun! Output: She threw it and decided to burn it. Negative Example 2 - Input: Premise: I was playing a video game on my PC. Initial Context: I became frustrated and threw my keyboard. Original Ending: I broke several keys and decided to buy a new keyboard. I drove to the store and found a nice looking replacement. I brought it to the clerk and purchased the new keyboard. New ending: I got liquid all over several keys and decided to buy a new keyboard. I drove to the store and found a nice looking replacement. I brought it to the clerk and purchased the new keyboard. Output: I became frustrated and threw my keyboard. Now complete the following example - Input: Premise: Fred was never one for the gym. Initial Context: He was always worried about what he would look like going in there. Original Ending: One day he decided to go for it. It was a great life change for Fred. He started looking better and feeling better, all thanks to the gym. New ending: One day he decided to go exercie outside instead. It was a great life change for Fred. He started looking better and feeling better, all thanks to the outdoor exercise. Output:
[ "Besides, there were none in his area." ]
Definition: Given a premise, an initial context, an original ending, and a new ending, the task is to generate the counterfactual context that is aligned with the new ending. Each instance consists of a five-sentence story. The premise is the first sentence of a story, and the second sentence, which is the initial context, provides more information about the story's context. The original ending is the last three sentences of the story. Also, you are given a new ending that can provide the new story with the same premise. You should write a counterfactual context to explain the small differences between the original and new endings. More specifically, a story context contains the general plot of the story. And a counterfactual context is a slight modification to the initial context. To sum up, you should write the second sentence of a story based on the premise(first sentence) and the new ending(last three sentences) of the story. Positive Example 1 - Input: Premise: Brad stole the ball from the opponent. Initial Context: While he was running with the ball, he noticed his friend. Original Ending: He threw the ball in the air, near the hoop. His friend grabbed the ball and made a drunk. That score put his team in the lead. New ending: He stopped dancing and threw the ball in the air, near the hoop. His friend grabbed the ball and made a drunk. That score put his team in the lead. Output: While he was dancing with the ball, he noticed his friend. Positive Example 2 - Input: Premise: Erica wanted to be in the school play. Initial Context: She was scared to audition. Original Ending: When she finally got up enough nerve, only the lead roles were left. She tried out. The results were posted and she was Cinderella! New ending: When she finally got her turn, only the lead roles were left. She tried out. The results were posted and she was Cinderella! Output: She was to excited to audition. Negative Example 1 - Input: Premise: Stephanie went to Six Flags for the first time. Initial Context: She had never been on a roller coaster before. Original Ending: Her friend told her she would ride with her to encourage her. They got on the roller coaster and waited for it to start. When it began, the girls screamed, laughed, and had a lot of fun! New ending: Her friend told her she would ride with her to encourage her. They got on the ferris wheel and waited for it to start. When it began, the girls screamed, laughed, and had a lot of fun! Output: She threw it and decided to burn it. Negative Example 2 - Input: Premise: I was playing a video game on my PC. Initial Context: I became frustrated and threw my keyboard. Original Ending: I broke several keys and decided to buy a new keyboard. I drove to the store and found a nice looking replacement. I brought it to the clerk and purchased the new keyboard. New ending: I got liquid all over several keys and decided to buy a new keyboard. I drove to the store and found a nice looking replacement. I brought it to the clerk and purchased the new keyboard. Output: I became frustrated and threw my keyboard. Now complete the following example - Input: Premise: For his party, Jim was baking brownies for his guests. Initial Context: He added some green food dye to make them more unique. Original Ending: The brownies just turned into an ugly green-brown color. All his guests were unsure if they should eat them. Jim ate five in a row to prove that they were still good to eat. New ending: The brownies just turned into the same ugly green-brown color. All his guests were unsure if they should eat them. Jim ate five in a row to prove that they were still good to eat. Output:
[ "His added same green food dye to make them more unique." ]
Definition: Given a premise, an initial context, an original ending, and a new ending, the task is to generate the counterfactual context that is aligned with the new ending. Each instance consists of a five-sentence story. The premise is the first sentence of a story, and the second sentence, which is the initial context, provides more information about the story's context. The original ending is the last three sentences of the story. Also, you are given a new ending that can provide the new story with the same premise. You should write a counterfactual context to explain the small differences between the original and new endings. More specifically, a story context contains the general plot of the story. And a counterfactual context is a slight modification to the initial context. To sum up, you should write the second sentence of a story based on the premise(first sentence) and the new ending(last three sentences) of the story. Positive Example 1 - Input: Premise: Brad stole the ball from the opponent. Initial Context: While he was running with the ball, he noticed his friend. Original Ending: He threw the ball in the air, near the hoop. His friend grabbed the ball and made a drunk. That score put his team in the lead. New ending: He stopped dancing and threw the ball in the air, near the hoop. His friend grabbed the ball and made a drunk. That score put his team in the lead. Output: While he was dancing with the ball, he noticed his friend. Positive Example 2 - Input: Premise: Erica wanted to be in the school play. Initial Context: She was scared to audition. Original Ending: When she finally got up enough nerve, only the lead roles were left. She tried out. The results were posted and she was Cinderella! New ending: When she finally got her turn, only the lead roles were left. She tried out. The results were posted and she was Cinderella! Output: She was to excited to audition. Negative Example 1 - Input: Premise: Stephanie went to Six Flags for the first time. Initial Context: She had never been on a roller coaster before. Original Ending: Her friend told her she would ride with her to encourage her. They got on the roller coaster and waited for it to start. When it began, the girls screamed, laughed, and had a lot of fun! New ending: Her friend told her she would ride with her to encourage her. They got on the ferris wheel and waited for it to start. When it began, the girls screamed, laughed, and had a lot of fun! Output: She threw it and decided to burn it. Negative Example 2 - Input: Premise: I was playing a video game on my PC. Initial Context: I became frustrated and threw my keyboard. Original Ending: I broke several keys and decided to buy a new keyboard. I drove to the store and found a nice looking replacement. I brought it to the clerk and purchased the new keyboard. New ending: I got liquid all over several keys and decided to buy a new keyboard. I drove to the store and found a nice looking replacement. I brought it to the clerk and purchased the new keyboard. Output: I became frustrated and threw my keyboard. Now complete the following example - Input: Premise: It was Jessica's birthday. Initial Context: She was turning 31. Original Ending: Her boyfriend's family threw her a party. She got flowers and cake. She had a great birthday. New ending: Her family threw her a party. She got new toys and a cake. She had a great birthday. Output:
[ "She was turning 2." ]
Definition: Given a premise, an initial context, an original ending, and a new ending, the task is to generate the counterfactual context that is aligned with the new ending. Each instance consists of a five-sentence story. The premise is the first sentence of a story, and the second sentence, which is the initial context, provides more information about the story's context. The original ending is the last three sentences of the story. Also, you are given a new ending that can provide the new story with the same premise. You should write a counterfactual context to explain the small differences between the original and new endings. More specifically, a story context contains the general plot of the story. And a counterfactual context is a slight modification to the initial context. To sum up, you should write the second sentence of a story based on the premise(first sentence) and the new ending(last three sentences) of the story. Positive Example 1 - Input: Premise: Brad stole the ball from the opponent. Initial Context: While he was running with the ball, he noticed his friend. Original Ending: He threw the ball in the air, near the hoop. His friend grabbed the ball and made a drunk. That score put his team in the lead. New ending: He stopped dancing and threw the ball in the air, near the hoop. His friend grabbed the ball and made a drunk. That score put his team in the lead. Output: While he was dancing with the ball, he noticed his friend. Positive Example 2 - Input: Premise: Erica wanted to be in the school play. Initial Context: She was scared to audition. Original Ending: When she finally got up enough nerve, only the lead roles were left. She tried out. The results were posted and she was Cinderella! New ending: When she finally got her turn, only the lead roles were left. She tried out. The results were posted and she was Cinderella! Output: She was to excited to audition. Negative Example 1 - Input: Premise: Stephanie went to Six Flags for the first time. Initial Context: She had never been on a roller coaster before. Original Ending: Her friend told her she would ride with her to encourage her. They got on the roller coaster and waited for it to start. When it began, the girls screamed, laughed, and had a lot of fun! New ending: Her friend told her she would ride with her to encourage her. They got on the ferris wheel and waited for it to start. When it began, the girls screamed, laughed, and had a lot of fun! Output: She threw it and decided to burn it. Negative Example 2 - Input: Premise: I was playing a video game on my PC. Initial Context: I became frustrated and threw my keyboard. Original Ending: I broke several keys and decided to buy a new keyboard. I drove to the store and found a nice looking replacement. I brought it to the clerk and purchased the new keyboard. New ending: I got liquid all over several keys and decided to buy a new keyboard. I drove to the store and found a nice looking replacement. I brought it to the clerk and purchased the new keyboard. Output: I became frustrated and threw my keyboard. Now complete the following example - Input: Premise: Marsha was a bookworm and a librarian. Initial Context: She always knew what books to recommend to people. Original Ending: Due to an unfortunate series of events, Marsha's library burned down. Despite the circumstances, Marsha opened up a new library. All of the books in this library were from her personal collection. New ending: Due to an unfortunate series of events, Marsha's house burned down. Despite the circumstances, the community came to help her. Additionally, all of the books in the library were from her personal collection. Output:
[ "She always knew what books to recommend to people and the library will never burn down." ]
Definition: Given a premise, an initial context, an original ending, and a new ending, the task is to generate the counterfactual context that is aligned with the new ending. Each instance consists of a five-sentence story. The premise is the first sentence of a story, and the second sentence, which is the initial context, provides more information about the story's context. The original ending is the last three sentences of the story. Also, you are given a new ending that can provide the new story with the same premise. You should write a counterfactual context to explain the small differences between the original and new endings. More specifically, a story context contains the general plot of the story. And a counterfactual context is a slight modification to the initial context. To sum up, you should write the second sentence of a story based on the premise(first sentence) and the new ending(last three sentences) of the story. Positive Example 1 - Input: Premise: Brad stole the ball from the opponent. Initial Context: While he was running with the ball, he noticed his friend. Original Ending: He threw the ball in the air, near the hoop. His friend grabbed the ball and made a drunk. That score put his team in the lead. New ending: He stopped dancing and threw the ball in the air, near the hoop. His friend grabbed the ball and made a drunk. That score put his team in the lead. Output: While he was dancing with the ball, he noticed his friend. Positive Example 2 - Input: Premise: Erica wanted to be in the school play. Initial Context: She was scared to audition. Original Ending: When she finally got up enough nerve, only the lead roles were left. She tried out. The results were posted and she was Cinderella! New ending: When she finally got her turn, only the lead roles were left. She tried out. The results were posted and she was Cinderella! Output: She was to excited to audition. Negative Example 1 - Input: Premise: Stephanie went to Six Flags for the first time. Initial Context: She had never been on a roller coaster before. Original Ending: Her friend told her she would ride with her to encourage her. They got on the roller coaster and waited for it to start. When it began, the girls screamed, laughed, and had a lot of fun! New ending: Her friend told her she would ride with her to encourage her. They got on the ferris wheel and waited for it to start. When it began, the girls screamed, laughed, and had a lot of fun! Output: She threw it and decided to burn it. Negative Example 2 - Input: Premise: I was playing a video game on my PC. Initial Context: I became frustrated and threw my keyboard. Original Ending: I broke several keys and decided to buy a new keyboard. I drove to the store and found a nice looking replacement. I brought it to the clerk and purchased the new keyboard. New ending: I got liquid all over several keys and decided to buy a new keyboard. I drove to the store and found a nice looking replacement. I brought it to the clerk and purchased the new keyboard. Output: I became frustrated and threw my keyboard. Now complete the following example - Input: Premise: Jeffrey was chasing a black balloon. Initial Context: He ran up some stairs to try to catch it. Original Ending: As the balloon rose into the air, Jeffrey took a leap. He caught the balloon in mid-air. Then he looked down and fell three stories to the ground. New ending: As the balloon rose into the air, Jeffrey took a leap. He caught the balloon in mid-air. Then he looked down and fell three stories to the ground. Output:
[ "He didn't see the stairs as he was trying to catch it." ]
Definition: Given a premise, an initial context, an original ending, and a new ending, the task is to generate the counterfactual context that is aligned with the new ending. Each instance consists of a five-sentence story. The premise is the first sentence of a story, and the second sentence, which is the initial context, provides more information about the story's context. The original ending is the last three sentences of the story. Also, you are given a new ending that can provide the new story with the same premise. You should write a counterfactual context to explain the small differences between the original and new endings. More specifically, a story context contains the general plot of the story. And a counterfactual context is a slight modification to the initial context. To sum up, you should write the second sentence of a story based on the premise(first sentence) and the new ending(last three sentences) of the story. Positive Example 1 - Input: Premise: Brad stole the ball from the opponent. Initial Context: While he was running with the ball, he noticed his friend. Original Ending: He threw the ball in the air, near the hoop. His friend grabbed the ball and made a drunk. That score put his team in the lead. New ending: He stopped dancing and threw the ball in the air, near the hoop. His friend grabbed the ball and made a drunk. That score put his team in the lead. Output: While he was dancing with the ball, he noticed his friend. Positive Example 2 - Input: Premise: Erica wanted to be in the school play. Initial Context: She was scared to audition. Original Ending: When she finally got up enough nerve, only the lead roles were left. She tried out. The results were posted and she was Cinderella! New ending: When she finally got her turn, only the lead roles were left. She tried out. The results were posted and she was Cinderella! Output: She was to excited to audition. Negative Example 1 - Input: Premise: Stephanie went to Six Flags for the first time. Initial Context: She had never been on a roller coaster before. Original Ending: Her friend told her she would ride with her to encourage her. They got on the roller coaster and waited for it to start. When it began, the girls screamed, laughed, and had a lot of fun! New ending: Her friend told her she would ride with her to encourage her. They got on the ferris wheel and waited for it to start. When it began, the girls screamed, laughed, and had a lot of fun! Output: She threw it and decided to burn it. Negative Example 2 - Input: Premise: I was playing a video game on my PC. Initial Context: I became frustrated and threw my keyboard. Original Ending: I broke several keys and decided to buy a new keyboard. I drove to the store and found a nice looking replacement. I brought it to the clerk and purchased the new keyboard. New ending: I got liquid all over several keys and decided to buy a new keyboard. I drove to the store and found a nice looking replacement. I brought it to the clerk and purchased the new keyboard. Output: I became frustrated and threw my keyboard. Now complete the following example - Input: Premise: I have a free-range iguana. Initial Context: She runs around the house doing whatever she wants. Original Ending: This spring I had a bunch of seedlings started for the garden. They grew big and tall and were ready to transplant. That's when my iguana found them and ate all of my seedlings. New ending: This spring I had a bunch of seedlings started for the garden. They grew big and tall and were ready to transplant. That's when my iguana found them and ate all of my seedlings. Output:
[ "She runs around doing whatever she wants, but stays in the house." ]
Definition: Given a premise, an initial context, an original ending, and a new ending, the task is to generate the counterfactual context that is aligned with the new ending. Each instance consists of a five-sentence story. The premise is the first sentence of a story, and the second sentence, which is the initial context, provides more information about the story's context. The original ending is the last three sentences of the story. Also, you are given a new ending that can provide the new story with the same premise. You should write a counterfactual context to explain the small differences between the original and new endings. More specifically, a story context contains the general plot of the story. And a counterfactual context is a slight modification to the initial context. To sum up, you should write the second sentence of a story based on the premise(first sentence) and the new ending(last three sentences) of the story. Positive Example 1 - Input: Premise: Brad stole the ball from the opponent. Initial Context: While he was running with the ball, he noticed his friend. Original Ending: He threw the ball in the air, near the hoop. His friend grabbed the ball and made a drunk. That score put his team in the lead. New ending: He stopped dancing and threw the ball in the air, near the hoop. His friend grabbed the ball and made a drunk. That score put his team in the lead. Output: While he was dancing with the ball, he noticed his friend. Positive Example 2 - Input: Premise: Erica wanted to be in the school play. Initial Context: She was scared to audition. Original Ending: When she finally got up enough nerve, only the lead roles were left. She tried out. The results were posted and she was Cinderella! New ending: When she finally got her turn, only the lead roles were left. She tried out. The results were posted and she was Cinderella! Output: She was to excited to audition. Negative Example 1 - Input: Premise: Stephanie went to Six Flags for the first time. Initial Context: She had never been on a roller coaster before. Original Ending: Her friend told her she would ride with her to encourage her. They got on the roller coaster and waited for it to start. When it began, the girls screamed, laughed, and had a lot of fun! New ending: Her friend told her she would ride with her to encourage her. They got on the ferris wheel and waited for it to start. When it began, the girls screamed, laughed, and had a lot of fun! Output: She threw it and decided to burn it. Negative Example 2 - Input: Premise: I was playing a video game on my PC. Initial Context: I became frustrated and threw my keyboard. Original Ending: I broke several keys and decided to buy a new keyboard. I drove to the store and found a nice looking replacement. I brought it to the clerk and purchased the new keyboard. New ending: I got liquid all over several keys and decided to buy a new keyboard. I drove to the store and found a nice looking replacement. I brought it to the clerk and purchased the new keyboard. Output: I became frustrated and threw my keyboard. Now complete the following example - Input: Premise: I walked outside and looked up. Initial Context: Snowflakes fell gently onto my face. Original Ending: I was impervious to the bitter cold air. I didn't even shiver. It was then that I began to see winter as a sort of emotional shield. New ending: I was impervious to the warm air. I didn't even sweat. It was then that I began to see summer as a sort of emotional shield. Output:
[ "It was sunny and cloudless." ]
Definition: Given a premise, an initial context, an original ending, and a new ending, the task is to generate the counterfactual context that is aligned with the new ending. Each instance consists of a five-sentence story. The premise is the first sentence of a story, and the second sentence, which is the initial context, provides more information about the story's context. The original ending is the last three sentences of the story. Also, you are given a new ending that can provide the new story with the same premise. You should write a counterfactual context to explain the small differences between the original and new endings. More specifically, a story context contains the general plot of the story. And a counterfactual context is a slight modification to the initial context. To sum up, you should write the second sentence of a story based on the premise(first sentence) and the new ending(last three sentences) of the story. Positive Example 1 - Input: Premise: Brad stole the ball from the opponent. Initial Context: While he was running with the ball, he noticed his friend. Original Ending: He threw the ball in the air, near the hoop. His friend grabbed the ball and made a drunk. That score put his team in the lead. New ending: He stopped dancing and threw the ball in the air, near the hoop. His friend grabbed the ball and made a drunk. That score put his team in the lead. Output: While he was dancing with the ball, he noticed his friend. Positive Example 2 - Input: Premise: Erica wanted to be in the school play. Initial Context: She was scared to audition. Original Ending: When she finally got up enough nerve, only the lead roles were left. She tried out. The results were posted and she was Cinderella! New ending: When she finally got her turn, only the lead roles were left. She tried out. The results were posted and she was Cinderella! Output: She was to excited to audition. Negative Example 1 - Input: Premise: Stephanie went to Six Flags for the first time. Initial Context: She had never been on a roller coaster before. Original Ending: Her friend told her she would ride with her to encourage her. They got on the roller coaster and waited for it to start. When it began, the girls screamed, laughed, and had a lot of fun! New ending: Her friend told her she would ride with her to encourage her. They got on the ferris wheel and waited for it to start. When it began, the girls screamed, laughed, and had a lot of fun! Output: She threw it and decided to burn it. Negative Example 2 - Input: Premise: I was playing a video game on my PC. Initial Context: I became frustrated and threw my keyboard. Original Ending: I broke several keys and decided to buy a new keyboard. I drove to the store and found a nice looking replacement. I brought it to the clerk and purchased the new keyboard. New ending: I got liquid all over several keys and decided to buy a new keyboard. I drove to the store and found a nice looking replacement. I brought it to the clerk and purchased the new keyboard. Output: I became frustrated and threw my keyboard. Now complete the following example - Input: Premise: Kia started hanging with a bad crowd in high school. Initial Context: For a few weeks, they were fun and seemed exciting to her. Original Ending: But then one of the group's antics landed Kia in detention! Kia spent a long week thinking things through. Then she told the group she couldn't hang with them anymore. New ending: But then one of the group's antics landed Kia in detention! Kia spent a long hour thinking things through. Then she told the group that detention couldn't stop her from hanging out with them. Output:
[ "They are fun and she realized that they are not bad as she thinks." ]
Definition: Given a premise, an initial context, an original ending, and a new ending, the task is to generate the counterfactual context that is aligned with the new ending. Each instance consists of a five-sentence story. The premise is the first sentence of a story, and the second sentence, which is the initial context, provides more information about the story's context. The original ending is the last three sentences of the story. Also, you are given a new ending that can provide the new story with the same premise. You should write a counterfactual context to explain the small differences between the original and new endings. More specifically, a story context contains the general plot of the story. And a counterfactual context is a slight modification to the initial context. To sum up, you should write the second sentence of a story based on the premise(first sentence) and the new ending(last three sentences) of the story. Positive Example 1 - Input: Premise: Brad stole the ball from the opponent. Initial Context: While he was running with the ball, he noticed his friend. Original Ending: He threw the ball in the air, near the hoop. His friend grabbed the ball and made a drunk. That score put his team in the lead. New ending: He stopped dancing and threw the ball in the air, near the hoop. His friend grabbed the ball and made a drunk. That score put his team in the lead. Output: While he was dancing with the ball, he noticed his friend. Positive Example 2 - Input: Premise: Erica wanted to be in the school play. Initial Context: She was scared to audition. Original Ending: When she finally got up enough nerve, only the lead roles were left. She tried out. The results were posted and she was Cinderella! New ending: When she finally got her turn, only the lead roles were left. She tried out. The results were posted and she was Cinderella! Output: She was to excited to audition. Negative Example 1 - Input: Premise: Stephanie went to Six Flags for the first time. Initial Context: She had never been on a roller coaster before. Original Ending: Her friend told her she would ride with her to encourage her. They got on the roller coaster and waited for it to start. When it began, the girls screamed, laughed, and had a lot of fun! New ending: Her friend told her she would ride with her to encourage her. They got on the ferris wheel and waited for it to start. When it began, the girls screamed, laughed, and had a lot of fun! Output: She threw it and decided to burn it. Negative Example 2 - Input: Premise: I was playing a video game on my PC. Initial Context: I became frustrated and threw my keyboard. Original Ending: I broke several keys and decided to buy a new keyboard. I drove to the store and found a nice looking replacement. I brought it to the clerk and purchased the new keyboard. New ending: I got liquid all over several keys and decided to buy a new keyboard. I drove to the store and found a nice looking replacement. I brought it to the clerk and purchased the new keyboard. Output: I became frustrated and threw my keyboard. Now complete the following example - Input: Premise: The last thing Jen remembered was picking up the hitchhiker. Initial Context: Now she was strapped to a hard steel gurney. Original Ending: Jen realized she could feel her face. Her kidnapper held up her skin he'd cut off it. Jen began to scream, and didn't stop. New ending: She had drunk more than 5 beers and realized she couldn't feel her face. Her kidnapper help up her skin he'd cut off it. Jen began to scream, and didn't stop. Output:
[ "Now she was sitting in a crowded bar." ]
Definition: Given a premise, an initial context, an original ending, and a new ending, the task is to generate the counterfactual context that is aligned with the new ending. Each instance consists of a five-sentence story. The premise is the first sentence of a story, and the second sentence, which is the initial context, provides more information about the story's context. The original ending is the last three sentences of the story. Also, you are given a new ending that can provide the new story with the same premise. You should write a counterfactual context to explain the small differences between the original and new endings. More specifically, a story context contains the general plot of the story. And a counterfactual context is a slight modification to the initial context. To sum up, you should write the second sentence of a story based on the premise(first sentence) and the new ending(last three sentences) of the story. Positive Example 1 - Input: Premise: Brad stole the ball from the opponent. Initial Context: While he was running with the ball, he noticed his friend. Original Ending: He threw the ball in the air, near the hoop. His friend grabbed the ball and made a drunk. That score put his team in the lead. New ending: He stopped dancing and threw the ball in the air, near the hoop. His friend grabbed the ball and made a drunk. That score put his team in the lead. Output: While he was dancing with the ball, he noticed his friend. Positive Example 2 - Input: Premise: Erica wanted to be in the school play. Initial Context: She was scared to audition. Original Ending: When she finally got up enough nerve, only the lead roles were left. She tried out. The results were posted and she was Cinderella! New ending: When she finally got her turn, only the lead roles were left. She tried out. The results were posted and she was Cinderella! Output: She was to excited to audition. Negative Example 1 - Input: Premise: Stephanie went to Six Flags for the first time. Initial Context: She had never been on a roller coaster before. Original Ending: Her friend told her she would ride with her to encourage her. They got on the roller coaster and waited for it to start. When it began, the girls screamed, laughed, and had a lot of fun! New ending: Her friend told her she would ride with her to encourage her. They got on the ferris wheel and waited for it to start. When it began, the girls screamed, laughed, and had a lot of fun! Output: She threw it and decided to burn it. Negative Example 2 - Input: Premise: I was playing a video game on my PC. Initial Context: I became frustrated and threw my keyboard. Original Ending: I broke several keys and decided to buy a new keyboard. I drove to the store and found a nice looking replacement. I brought it to the clerk and purchased the new keyboard. New ending: I got liquid all over several keys and decided to buy a new keyboard. I drove to the store and found a nice looking replacement. I brought it to the clerk and purchased the new keyboard. Output: I became frustrated and threw my keyboard. Now complete the following example - Input: Premise: William went to the store to buy a lottery ticket. Initial Context: He perused through all the options but couldn't chose. Original Ending: A woman close to him told him he should buy a gold looking one. William followed her lead and bought the ticket. When he scratched it, he won ten dollars and bought more tickets. New ending: A woman close to him agreed with him that he should buy a gold looking one. William followed her lead and bought the ticket. When he scratched it, he won ten dollars and bought more ticket. Output:
[ "He perused through all the options and find one." ]
Definition: Given a premise, an initial context, an original ending, and a new ending, the task is to generate the counterfactual context that is aligned with the new ending. Each instance consists of a five-sentence story. The premise is the first sentence of a story, and the second sentence, which is the initial context, provides more information about the story's context. The original ending is the last three sentences of the story. Also, you are given a new ending that can provide the new story with the same premise. You should write a counterfactual context to explain the small differences between the original and new endings. More specifically, a story context contains the general plot of the story. And a counterfactual context is a slight modification to the initial context. To sum up, you should write the second sentence of a story based on the premise(first sentence) and the new ending(last three sentences) of the story. Positive Example 1 - Input: Premise: Brad stole the ball from the opponent. Initial Context: While he was running with the ball, he noticed his friend. Original Ending: He threw the ball in the air, near the hoop. His friend grabbed the ball and made a drunk. That score put his team in the lead. New ending: He stopped dancing and threw the ball in the air, near the hoop. His friend grabbed the ball and made a drunk. That score put his team in the lead. Output: While he was dancing with the ball, he noticed his friend. Positive Example 2 - Input: Premise: Erica wanted to be in the school play. Initial Context: She was scared to audition. Original Ending: When she finally got up enough nerve, only the lead roles were left. She tried out. The results were posted and she was Cinderella! New ending: When she finally got her turn, only the lead roles were left. She tried out. The results were posted and she was Cinderella! Output: She was to excited to audition. Negative Example 1 - Input: Premise: Stephanie went to Six Flags for the first time. Initial Context: She had never been on a roller coaster before. Original Ending: Her friend told her she would ride with her to encourage her. They got on the roller coaster and waited for it to start. When it began, the girls screamed, laughed, and had a lot of fun! New ending: Her friend told her she would ride with her to encourage her. They got on the ferris wheel and waited for it to start. When it began, the girls screamed, laughed, and had a lot of fun! Output: She threw it and decided to burn it. Negative Example 2 - Input: Premise: I was playing a video game on my PC. Initial Context: I became frustrated and threw my keyboard. Original Ending: I broke several keys and decided to buy a new keyboard. I drove to the store and found a nice looking replacement. I brought it to the clerk and purchased the new keyboard. New ending: I got liquid all over several keys and decided to buy a new keyboard. I drove to the store and found a nice looking replacement. I brought it to the clerk and purchased the new keyboard. Output: I became frustrated and threw my keyboard. Now complete the following example - Input: Premise: My move to vegas was not planned well. Initial Context: It was one of the best things I've done in my life though. Original Ending: I one day got so frustrated with work, I left for home and packed. It took me about to days with very little breaks to drive there. I have lived here since and have not looked back! New ending: I one day got so frustrated with work, I left for home and packed. I booked my flight right at the airport. I have lived here since and have not looked back! Output:
[ "I hadn't booked my flight soon enough and had to pay double what I expected." ]
Definition: Given a premise, an initial context, an original ending, and a new ending, the task is to generate the counterfactual context that is aligned with the new ending. Each instance consists of a five-sentence story. The premise is the first sentence of a story, and the second sentence, which is the initial context, provides more information about the story's context. The original ending is the last three sentences of the story. Also, you are given a new ending that can provide the new story with the same premise. You should write a counterfactual context to explain the small differences between the original and new endings. More specifically, a story context contains the general plot of the story. And a counterfactual context is a slight modification to the initial context. To sum up, you should write the second sentence of a story based on the premise(first sentence) and the new ending(last three sentences) of the story. Positive Example 1 - Input: Premise: Brad stole the ball from the opponent. Initial Context: While he was running with the ball, he noticed his friend. Original Ending: He threw the ball in the air, near the hoop. His friend grabbed the ball and made a drunk. That score put his team in the lead. New ending: He stopped dancing and threw the ball in the air, near the hoop. His friend grabbed the ball and made a drunk. That score put his team in the lead. Output: While he was dancing with the ball, he noticed his friend. Positive Example 2 - Input: Premise: Erica wanted to be in the school play. Initial Context: She was scared to audition. Original Ending: When she finally got up enough nerve, only the lead roles were left. She tried out. The results were posted and she was Cinderella! New ending: When she finally got her turn, only the lead roles were left. She tried out. The results were posted and she was Cinderella! Output: She was to excited to audition. Negative Example 1 - Input: Premise: Stephanie went to Six Flags for the first time. Initial Context: She had never been on a roller coaster before. Original Ending: Her friend told her she would ride with her to encourage her. They got on the roller coaster and waited for it to start. When it began, the girls screamed, laughed, and had a lot of fun! New ending: Her friend told her she would ride with her to encourage her. They got on the ferris wheel and waited for it to start. When it began, the girls screamed, laughed, and had a lot of fun! Output: She threw it and decided to burn it. Negative Example 2 - Input: Premise: I was playing a video game on my PC. Initial Context: I became frustrated and threw my keyboard. Original Ending: I broke several keys and decided to buy a new keyboard. I drove to the store and found a nice looking replacement. I brought it to the clerk and purchased the new keyboard. New ending: I got liquid all over several keys and decided to buy a new keyboard. I drove to the store and found a nice looking replacement. I brought it to the clerk and purchased the new keyboard. Output: I became frustrated and threw my keyboard. Now complete the following example - Input: Premise: Tom went to the store and bought a phone. Initial Context: He was very excited and began to run home. Original Ending: He ran too fast and dropped his phone. His phone screen had cracked. He picked the phone up and walked home sadly. New ending: He texted too fast and dropped his phone on the floor of the car. His phone screen had cracked. He picked the phone up and got out of the Uber sadly. Output:
[ "He was very excited and took an Uber home." ]
Definition: Given a premise, an initial context, an original ending, and a new ending, the task is to generate the counterfactual context that is aligned with the new ending. Each instance consists of a five-sentence story. The premise is the first sentence of a story, and the second sentence, which is the initial context, provides more information about the story's context. The original ending is the last three sentences of the story. Also, you are given a new ending that can provide the new story with the same premise. You should write a counterfactual context to explain the small differences between the original and new endings. More specifically, a story context contains the general plot of the story. And a counterfactual context is a slight modification to the initial context. To sum up, you should write the second sentence of a story based on the premise(first sentence) and the new ending(last three sentences) of the story. Positive Example 1 - Input: Premise: Brad stole the ball from the opponent. Initial Context: While he was running with the ball, he noticed his friend. Original Ending: He threw the ball in the air, near the hoop. His friend grabbed the ball and made a drunk. That score put his team in the lead. New ending: He stopped dancing and threw the ball in the air, near the hoop. His friend grabbed the ball and made a drunk. That score put his team in the lead. Output: While he was dancing with the ball, he noticed his friend. Positive Example 2 - Input: Premise: Erica wanted to be in the school play. Initial Context: She was scared to audition. Original Ending: When she finally got up enough nerve, only the lead roles were left. She tried out. The results were posted and she was Cinderella! New ending: When she finally got her turn, only the lead roles were left. She tried out. The results were posted and she was Cinderella! Output: She was to excited to audition. Negative Example 1 - Input: Premise: Stephanie went to Six Flags for the first time. Initial Context: She had never been on a roller coaster before. Original Ending: Her friend told her she would ride with her to encourage her. They got on the roller coaster and waited for it to start. When it began, the girls screamed, laughed, and had a lot of fun! New ending: Her friend told her she would ride with her to encourage her. They got on the ferris wheel and waited for it to start. When it began, the girls screamed, laughed, and had a lot of fun! Output: She threw it and decided to burn it. Negative Example 2 - Input: Premise: I was playing a video game on my PC. Initial Context: I became frustrated and threw my keyboard. Original Ending: I broke several keys and decided to buy a new keyboard. I drove to the store and found a nice looking replacement. I brought it to the clerk and purchased the new keyboard. New ending: I got liquid all over several keys and decided to buy a new keyboard. I drove to the store and found a nice looking replacement. I brought it to the clerk and purchased the new keyboard. Output: I became frustrated and threw my keyboard. Now complete the following example - Input: Premise: Vladimir was trying to learn English. Initial Context: He went to Miami. Original Ending: He walked up to a girl and smiled. What a beautiful beach, he said. The girl misheard him and slapped him. New ending: He walked up to a girl in class and smiled. What a beautiful beach, he said. The girl misheard him and slapped him. Output:
[ "He applied on an ESL class." ]
Definition: Given a premise, an initial context, an original ending, and a new ending, the task is to generate the counterfactual context that is aligned with the new ending. Each instance consists of a five-sentence story. The premise is the first sentence of a story, and the second sentence, which is the initial context, provides more information about the story's context. The original ending is the last three sentences of the story. Also, you are given a new ending that can provide the new story with the same premise. You should write a counterfactual context to explain the small differences between the original and new endings. More specifically, a story context contains the general plot of the story. And a counterfactual context is a slight modification to the initial context. To sum up, you should write the second sentence of a story based on the premise(first sentence) and the new ending(last three sentences) of the story. Positive Example 1 - Input: Premise: Brad stole the ball from the opponent. Initial Context: While he was running with the ball, he noticed his friend. Original Ending: He threw the ball in the air, near the hoop. His friend grabbed the ball and made a drunk. That score put his team in the lead. New ending: He stopped dancing and threw the ball in the air, near the hoop. His friend grabbed the ball and made a drunk. That score put his team in the lead. Output: While he was dancing with the ball, he noticed his friend. Positive Example 2 - Input: Premise: Erica wanted to be in the school play. Initial Context: She was scared to audition. Original Ending: When she finally got up enough nerve, only the lead roles were left. She tried out. The results were posted and she was Cinderella! New ending: When she finally got her turn, only the lead roles were left. She tried out. The results were posted and she was Cinderella! Output: She was to excited to audition. Negative Example 1 - Input: Premise: Stephanie went to Six Flags for the first time. Initial Context: She had never been on a roller coaster before. Original Ending: Her friend told her she would ride with her to encourage her. They got on the roller coaster and waited for it to start. When it began, the girls screamed, laughed, and had a lot of fun! New ending: Her friend told her she would ride with her to encourage her. They got on the ferris wheel and waited for it to start. When it began, the girls screamed, laughed, and had a lot of fun! Output: She threw it and decided to burn it. Negative Example 2 - Input: Premise: I was playing a video game on my PC. Initial Context: I became frustrated and threw my keyboard. Original Ending: I broke several keys and decided to buy a new keyboard. I drove to the store and found a nice looking replacement. I brought it to the clerk and purchased the new keyboard. New ending: I got liquid all over several keys and decided to buy a new keyboard. I drove to the store and found a nice looking replacement. I brought it to the clerk and purchased the new keyboard. Output: I became frustrated and threw my keyboard. Now complete the following example - Input: Premise: Thomas was shopping for clothes. Initial Context: He saw a sign that said all t shirts were 50% off. Original Ending: Thomas grabbed three t-shirts and got in line. Thomas and the cashier talked about what a good deal he found. Thomas called his friends to share the t-shirt deal. New ending: Thomas grabbed three pairs of shorts and got in line. Thomas and the cashier talked about what a good deal he found. Thomas called his friends to share the shorts deal. Output:
[ "He saw a sign that said all shorts were 50% off." ]
Definition: Given a premise, an initial context, an original ending, and a new ending, the task is to generate the counterfactual context that is aligned with the new ending. Each instance consists of a five-sentence story. The premise is the first sentence of a story, and the second sentence, which is the initial context, provides more information about the story's context. The original ending is the last three sentences of the story. Also, you are given a new ending that can provide the new story with the same premise. You should write a counterfactual context to explain the small differences between the original and new endings. More specifically, a story context contains the general plot of the story. And a counterfactual context is a slight modification to the initial context. To sum up, you should write the second sentence of a story based on the premise(first sentence) and the new ending(last three sentences) of the story. Positive Example 1 - Input: Premise: Brad stole the ball from the opponent. Initial Context: While he was running with the ball, he noticed his friend. Original Ending: He threw the ball in the air, near the hoop. His friend grabbed the ball and made a drunk. That score put his team in the lead. New ending: He stopped dancing and threw the ball in the air, near the hoop. His friend grabbed the ball and made a drunk. That score put his team in the lead. Output: While he was dancing with the ball, he noticed his friend. Positive Example 2 - Input: Premise: Erica wanted to be in the school play. Initial Context: She was scared to audition. Original Ending: When she finally got up enough nerve, only the lead roles were left. She tried out. The results were posted and she was Cinderella! New ending: When she finally got her turn, only the lead roles were left. She tried out. The results were posted and she was Cinderella! Output: She was to excited to audition. Negative Example 1 - Input: Premise: Stephanie went to Six Flags for the first time. Initial Context: She had never been on a roller coaster before. Original Ending: Her friend told her she would ride with her to encourage her. They got on the roller coaster and waited for it to start. When it began, the girls screamed, laughed, and had a lot of fun! New ending: Her friend told her she would ride with her to encourage her. They got on the ferris wheel and waited for it to start. When it began, the girls screamed, laughed, and had a lot of fun! Output: She threw it and decided to burn it. Negative Example 2 - Input: Premise: I was playing a video game on my PC. Initial Context: I became frustrated and threw my keyboard. Original Ending: I broke several keys and decided to buy a new keyboard. I drove to the store and found a nice looking replacement. I brought it to the clerk and purchased the new keyboard. New ending: I got liquid all over several keys and decided to buy a new keyboard. I drove to the store and found a nice looking replacement. I brought it to the clerk and purchased the new keyboard. Output: I became frustrated and threw my keyboard. Now complete the following example - Input: Premise: Gina could see cars waiting at the stop sign as she drove past. Initial Context: It was a snowy rush hour so they were backed up. Original Ending: She drove around a large curve in the road. On the other side she could see there were more cars waiting. Gina was shocked to see the cars were backed up for half a mile. New ending: She drove around a large curve in the road. On the other side she could see there were more cars waiting. Gina was shocked to see the cars were backed up for half a mile. Output:
[ "She decided to take a different way home to avoid the traffic." ]
Definition: Given a premise, an initial context, an original ending, and a new ending, the task is to generate the counterfactual context that is aligned with the new ending. Each instance consists of a five-sentence story. The premise is the first sentence of a story, and the second sentence, which is the initial context, provides more information about the story's context. The original ending is the last three sentences of the story. Also, you are given a new ending that can provide the new story with the same premise. You should write a counterfactual context to explain the small differences between the original and new endings. More specifically, a story context contains the general plot of the story. And a counterfactual context is a slight modification to the initial context. To sum up, you should write the second sentence of a story based on the premise(first sentence) and the new ending(last three sentences) of the story. Positive Example 1 - Input: Premise: Brad stole the ball from the opponent. Initial Context: While he was running with the ball, he noticed his friend. Original Ending: He threw the ball in the air, near the hoop. His friend grabbed the ball and made a drunk. That score put his team in the lead. New ending: He stopped dancing and threw the ball in the air, near the hoop. His friend grabbed the ball and made a drunk. That score put his team in the lead. Output: While he was dancing with the ball, he noticed his friend. Positive Example 2 - Input: Premise: Erica wanted to be in the school play. Initial Context: She was scared to audition. Original Ending: When she finally got up enough nerve, only the lead roles were left. She tried out. The results were posted and she was Cinderella! New ending: When she finally got her turn, only the lead roles were left. She tried out. The results were posted and she was Cinderella! Output: She was to excited to audition. Negative Example 1 - Input: Premise: Stephanie went to Six Flags for the first time. Initial Context: She had never been on a roller coaster before. Original Ending: Her friend told her she would ride with her to encourage her. They got on the roller coaster and waited for it to start. When it began, the girls screamed, laughed, and had a lot of fun! New ending: Her friend told her she would ride with her to encourage her. They got on the ferris wheel and waited for it to start. When it began, the girls screamed, laughed, and had a lot of fun! Output: She threw it and decided to burn it. Negative Example 2 - Input: Premise: I was playing a video game on my PC. Initial Context: I became frustrated and threw my keyboard. Original Ending: I broke several keys and decided to buy a new keyboard. I drove to the store and found a nice looking replacement. I brought it to the clerk and purchased the new keyboard. New ending: I got liquid all over several keys and decided to buy a new keyboard. I drove to the store and found a nice looking replacement. I brought it to the clerk and purchased the new keyboard. Output: I became frustrated and threw my keyboard. Now complete the following example - Input: Premise: The crowd waited at the turtle nest, as the eggs would hatch soon. Initial Context: An egg began to crack open, and the crowd got very quiet. Original Ending: The crowd cleared a path for the baby turtle to enter the water. The turtle entered the water successfully and the crowd cheered. They then went back to wait for the next egg to hatch. New ending: With no crowd, there was a clear path for the baby turtle to enter the water. The turtle entered the water successfully. There was nobody there to wait for the next egg to hatch. Output:
[ "The approaching storm chased the crowd off the beach for the day." ]
Definition: Given a premise, an initial context, an original ending, and a new ending, the task is to generate the counterfactual context that is aligned with the new ending. Each instance consists of a five-sentence story. The premise is the first sentence of a story, and the second sentence, which is the initial context, provides more information about the story's context. The original ending is the last three sentences of the story. Also, you are given a new ending that can provide the new story with the same premise. You should write a counterfactual context to explain the small differences between the original and new endings. More specifically, a story context contains the general plot of the story. And a counterfactual context is a slight modification to the initial context. To sum up, you should write the second sentence of a story based on the premise(first sentence) and the new ending(last three sentences) of the story. Positive Example 1 - Input: Premise: Brad stole the ball from the opponent. Initial Context: While he was running with the ball, he noticed his friend. Original Ending: He threw the ball in the air, near the hoop. His friend grabbed the ball and made a drunk. That score put his team in the lead. New ending: He stopped dancing and threw the ball in the air, near the hoop. His friend grabbed the ball and made a drunk. That score put his team in the lead. Output: While he was dancing with the ball, he noticed his friend. Positive Example 2 - Input: Premise: Erica wanted to be in the school play. Initial Context: She was scared to audition. Original Ending: When she finally got up enough nerve, only the lead roles were left. She tried out. The results were posted and she was Cinderella! New ending: When she finally got her turn, only the lead roles were left. She tried out. The results were posted and she was Cinderella! Output: She was to excited to audition. Negative Example 1 - Input: Premise: Stephanie went to Six Flags for the first time. Initial Context: She had never been on a roller coaster before. Original Ending: Her friend told her she would ride with her to encourage her. They got on the roller coaster and waited for it to start. When it began, the girls screamed, laughed, and had a lot of fun! New ending: Her friend told her she would ride with her to encourage her. They got on the ferris wheel and waited for it to start. When it began, the girls screamed, laughed, and had a lot of fun! Output: She threw it and decided to burn it. Negative Example 2 - Input: Premise: I was playing a video game on my PC. Initial Context: I became frustrated and threw my keyboard. Original Ending: I broke several keys and decided to buy a new keyboard. I drove to the store and found a nice looking replacement. I brought it to the clerk and purchased the new keyboard. New ending: I got liquid all over several keys and decided to buy a new keyboard. I drove to the store and found a nice looking replacement. I brought it to the clerk and purchased the new keyboard. Output: I became frustrated and threw my keyboard. Now complete the following example - Input: Premise: Roxanne moved to Hawaii to get away from the states with tornados. Initial Context: She's now facing hurricanes headed for Hawaii. Original Ending: She is terrified almost as much as she is of tornadoes. With the help of friends she is preparing for the hurricane. The first hurricane has begun to hit the island and she's prepared. New ending: She is terrified almost as much as she is of tornadoes. With the help of her friends she packed her belongings and moved far away from the volcano. The first volcano eruption begun to hit the island but thankfully Roxanne was already on a different island. Output:
[ "She's now facing volcanoes in Hawaii." ]
Definition: Given a premise, an initial context, an original ending, and a new ending, the task is to generate the counterfactual context that is aligned with the new ending. Each instance consists of a five-sentence story. The premise is the first sentence of a story, and the second sentence, which is the initial context, provides more information about the story's context. The original ending is the last three sentences of the story. Also, you are given a new ending that can provide the new story with the same premise. You should write a counterfactual context to explain the small differences between the original and new endings. More specifically, a story context contains the general plot of the story. And a counterfactual context is a slight modification to the initial context. To sum up, you should write the second sentence of a story based on the premise(first sentence) and the new ending(last three sentences) of the story. Positive Example 1 - Input: Premise: Brad stole the ball from the opponent. Initial Context: While he was running with the ball, he noticed his friend. Original Ending: He threw the ball in the air, near the hoop. His friend grabbed the ball and made a drunk. That score put his team in the lead. New ending: He stopped dancing and threw the ball in the air, near the hoop. His friend grabbed the ball and made a drunk. That score put his team in the lead. Output: While he was dancing with the ball, he noticed his friend. Positive Example 2 - Input: Premise: Erica wanted to be in the school play. Initial Context: She was scared to audition. Original Ending: When she finally got up enough nerve, only the lead roles were left. She tried out. The results were posted and she was Cinderella! New ending: When she finally got her turn, only the lead roles were left. She tried out. The results were posted and she was Cinderella! Output: She was to excited to audition. Negative Example 1 - Input: Premise: Stephanie went to Six Flags for the first time. Initial Context: She had never been on a roller coaster before. Original Ending: Her friend told her she would ride with her to encourage her. They got on the roller coaster and waited for it to start. When it began, the girls screamed, laughed, and had a lot of fun! New ending: Her friend told her she would ride with her to encourage her. They got on the ferris wheel and waited for it to start. When it began, the girls screamed, laughed, and had a lot of fun! Output: She threw it and decided to burn it. Negative Example 2 - Input: Premise: I was playing a video game on my PC. Initial Context: I became frustrated and threw my keyboard. Original Ending: I broke several keys and decided to buy a new keyboard. I drove to the store and found a nice looking replacement. I brought it to the clerk and purchased the new keyboard. New ending: I got liquid all over several keys and decided to buy a new keyboard. I drove to the store and found a nice looking replacement. I brought it to the clerk and purchased the new keyboard. Output: I became frustrated and threw my keyboard. Now complete the following example - Input: Premise: Robbie was competing in a cross country meet. Initial Context: He was halfway through when his leg cramped up. Original Ending: Robbie wasn't sure he could go on. He stopped for a minute and stretched his bad leg. Robbie began to run again and finished the race in second place. New ending: Robbie was sure he could keep going for awile. He thought about stopping for just a minute and resting so he didn't get too tired. He didn't and finished the race in second place. Output:
[ "He was halfway through when he felt a burst of energy." ]
Definition: Given a premise, an initial context, an original ending, and a new ending, the task is to generate the counterfactual context that is aligned with the new ending. Each instance consists of a five-sentence story. The premise is the first sentence of a story, and the second sentence, which is the initial context, provides more information about the story's context. The original ending is the last three sentences of the story. Also, you are given a new ending that can provide the new story with the same premise. You should write a counterfactual context to explain the small differences between the original and new endings. More specifically, a story context contains the general plot of the story. And a counterfactual context is a slight modification to the initial context. To sum up, you should write the second sentence of a story based on the premise(first sentence) and the new ending(last three sentences) of the story. Positive Example 1 - Input: Premise: Brad stole the ball from the opponent. Initial Context: While he was running with the ball, he noticed his friend. Original Ending: He threw the ball in the air, near the hoop. His friend grabbed the ball and made a drunk. That score put his team in the lead. New ending: He stopped dancing and threw the ball in the air, near the hoop. His friend grabbed the ball and made a drunk. That score put his team in the lead. Output: While he was dancing with the ball, he noticed his friend. Positive Example 2 - Input: Premise: Erica wanted to be in the school play. Initial Context: She was scared to audition. Original Ending: When she finally got up enough nerve, only the lead roles were left. She tried out. The results were posted and she was Cinderella! New ending: When she finally got her turn, only the lead roles were left. She tried out. The results were posted and she was Cinderella! Output: She was to excited to audition. Negative Example 1 - Input: Premise: Stephanie went to Six Flags for the first time. Initial Context: She had never been on a roller coaster before. Original Ending: Her friend told her she would ride with her to encourage her. They got on the roller coaster and waited for it to start. When it began, the girls screamed, laughed, and had a lot of fun! New ending: Her friend told her she would ride with her to encourage her. They got on the ferris wheel and waited for it to start. When it began, the girls screamed, laughed, and had a lot of fun! Output: She threw it and decided to burn it. Negative Example 2 - Input: Premise: I was playing a video game on my PC. Initial Context: I became frustrated and threw my keyboard. Original Ending: I broke several keys and decided to buy a new keyboard. I drove to the store and found a nice looking replacement. I brought it to the clerk and purchased the new keyboard. New ending: I got liquid all over several keys and decided to buy a new keyboard. I drove to the store and found a nice looking replacement. I brought it to the clerk and purchased the new keyboard. Output: I became frustrated and threw my keyboard. Now complete the following example - Input: Premise: Amy was in fashion school illustration class. Initial Context: Her teacher gave an assignment which Amy loved. Original Ending: She drew, and drew until the teacher called to check her work. The teacher was surprised by how good Amy's work was. She put Amy's drawings on display for the class to see. New ending: She drew, and drew until the teacher called to check her work. The teacher was surprised that Amy did not do the report as instructed. She put Amy's on notice for failing to do the report. Output:
[ "Her teacher gave an assignment which Amy declined to do." ]
Definition: Given a premise, an initial context, an original ending, and a new ending, the task is to generate the counterfactual context that is aligned with the new ending. Each instance consists of a five-sentence story. The premise is the first sentence of a story, and the second sentence, which is the initial context, provides more information about the story's context. The original ending is the last three sentences of the story. Also, you are given a new ending that can provide the new story with the same premise. You should write a counterfactual context to explain the small differences between the original and new endings. More specifically, a story context contains the general plot of the story. And a counterfactual context is a slight modification to the initial context. To sum up, you should write the second sentence of a story based on the premise(first sentence) and the new ending(last three sentences) of the story. Positive Example 1 - Input: Premise: Brad stole the ball from the opponent. Initial Context: While he was running with the ball, he noticed his friend. Original Ending: He threw the ball in the air, near the hoop. His friend grabbed the ball and made a drunk. That score put his team in the lead. New ending: He stopped dancing and threw the ball in the air, near the hoop. His friend grabbed the ball and made a drunk. That score put his team in the lead. Output: While he was dancing with the ball, he noticed his friend. Positive Example 2 - Input: Premise: Erica wanted to be in the school play. Initial Context: She was scared to audition. Original Ending: When she finally got up enough nerve, only the lead roles were left. She tried out. The results were posted and she was Cinderella! New ending: When she finally got her turn, only the lead roles were left. She tried out. The results were posted and she was Cinderella! Output: She was to excited to audition. Negative Example 1 - Input: Premise: Stephanie went to Six Flags for the first time. Initial Context: She had never been on a roller coaster before. Original Ending: Her friend told her she would ride with her to encourage her. They got on the roller coaster and waited for it to start. When it began, the girls screamed, laughed, and had a lot of fun! New ending: Her friend told her she would ride with her to encourage her. They got on the ferris wheel and waited for it to start. When it began, the girls screamed, laughed, and had a lot of fun! Output: She threw it and decided to burn it. Negative Example 2 - Input: Premise: I was playing a video game on my PC. Initial Context: I became frustrated and threw my keyboard. Original Ending: I broke several keys and decided to buy a new keyboard. I drove to the store and found a nice looking replacement. I brought it to the clerk and purchased the new keyboard. New ending: I got liquid all over several keys and decided to buy a new keyboard. I drove to the store and found a nice looking replacement. I brought it to the clerk and purchased the new keyboard. Output: I became frustrated and threw my keyboard. Now complete the following example - Input: Premise: Cleo was driving in the car with her mother. Initial Context: She started hearing an intermittent raspy popping sound. Original Ending: At first she thought it was music from a nearby car. Then she thought it must be a mechanical issue with the car. It turned out to be the suction from the tip of her water bottle. New ending: At first she thought it was music from a nearby car. Then she thought it must be a mechanical issue with the car. It turned out to be the thumping from the her water bottle rolling. Output:
[ "They heard a loud banging noise." ]
Definition: Given a premise, an initial context, an original ending, and a new ending, the task is to generate the counterfactual context that is aligned with the new ending. Each instance consists of a five-sentence story. The premise is the first sentence of a story, and the second sentence, which is the initial context, provides more information about the story's context. The original ending is the last three sentences of the story. Also, you are given a new ending that can provide the new story with the same premise. You should write a counterfactual context to explain the small differences between the original and new endings. More specifically, a story context contains the general plot of the story. And a counterfactual context is a slight modification to the initial context. To sum up, you should write the second sentence of a story based on the premise(first sentence) and the new ending(last three sentences) of the story. Positive Example 1 - Input: Premise: Brad stole the ball from the opponent. Initial Context: While he was running with the ball, he noticed his friend. Original Ending: He threw the ball in the air, near the hoop. His friend grabbed the ball and made a drunk. That score put his team in the lead. New ending: He stopped dancing and threw the ball in the air, near the hoop. His friend grabbed the ball and made a drunk. That score put his team in the lead. Output: While he was dancing with the ball, he noticed his friend. Positive Example 2 - Input: Premise: Erica wanted to be in the school play. Initial Context: She was scared to audition. Original Ending: When she finally got up enough nerve, only the lead roles were left. She tried out. The results were posted and she was Cinderella! New ending: When she finally got her turn, only the lead roles were left. She tried out. The results were posted and she was Cinderella! Output: She was to excited to audition. Negative Example 1 - Input: Premise: Stephanie went to Six Flags for the first time. Initial Context: She had never been on a roller coaster before. Original Ending: Her friend told her she would ride with her to encourage her. They got on the roller coaster and waited for it to start. When it began, the girls screamed, laughed, and had a lot of fun! New ending: Her friend told her she would ride with her to encourage her. They got on the ferris wheel and waited for it to start. When it began, the girls screamed, laughed, and had a lot of fun! Output: She threw it and decided to burn it. Negative Example 2 - Input: Premise: I was playing a video game on my PC. Initial Context: I became frustrated and threw my keyboard. Original Ending: I broke several keys and decided to buy a new keyboard. I drove to the store and found a nice looking replacement. I brought it to the clerk and purchased the new keyboard. New ending: I got liquid all over several keys and decided to buy a new keyboard. I drove to the store and found a nice looking replacement. I brought it to the clerk and purchased the new keyboard. Output: I became frustrated and threw my keyboard. Now complete the following example - Input: Premise: Delaney and her sister were adopted when they were little. Initial Context: Their mother was very loving and doting. Original Ending: Delaney's mom developed cancer when Delaney was in high school. She fought hard, but couldn't beat the cancer. Her mother died and left them with her dad to raise. New ending: Their dad was left to raise them until he became sick. HE fought hard, but couldn't beat the cancer They were left with their grandmother to raise them Output:
[ "Their mother died while Delaney was just a kid." ]
Definition: Given a premise, an initial context, an original ending, and a new ending, the task is to generate the counterfactual context that is aligned with the new ending. Each instance consists of a five-sentence story. The premise is the first sentence of a story, and the second sentence, which is the initial context, provides more information about the story's context. The original ending is the last three sentences of the story. Also, you are given a new ending that can provide the new story with the same premise. You should write a counterfactual context to explain the small differences between the original and new endings. More specifically, a story context contains the general plot of the story. And a counterfactual context is a slight modification to the initial context. To sum up, you should write the second sentence of a story based on the premise(first sentence) and the new ending(last three sentences) of the story. Positive Example 1 - Input: Premise: Brad stole the ball from the opponent. Initial Context: While he was running with the ball, he noticed his friend. Original Ending: He threw the ball in the air, near the hoop. His friend grabbed the ball and made a drunk. That score put his team in the lead. New ending: He stopped dancing and threw the ball in the air, near the hoop. His friend grabbed the ball and made a drunk. That score put his team in the lead. Output: While he was dancing with the ball, he noticed his friend. Positive Example 2 - Input: Premise: Erica wanted to be in the school play. Initial Context: She was scared to audition. Original Ending: When she finally got up enough nerve, only the lead roles were left. She tried out. The results were posted and she was Cinderella! New ending: When she finally got her turn, only the lead roles were left. She tried out. The results were posted and she was Cinderella! Output: She was to excited to audition. Negative Example 1 - Input: Premise: Stephanie went to Six Flags for the first time. Initial Context: She had never been on a roller coaster before. Original Ending: Her friend told her she would ride with her to encourage her. They got on the roller coaster and waited for it to start. When it began, the girls screamed, laughed, and had a lot of fun! New ending: Her friend told her she would ride with her to encourage her. They got on the ferris wheel and waited for it to start. When it began, the girls screamed, laughed, and had a lot of fun! Output: She threw it and decided to burn it. Negative Example 2 - Input: Premise: I was playing a video game on my PC. Initial Context: I became frustrated and threw my keyboard. Original Ending: I broke several keys and decided to buy a new keyboard. I drove to the store and found a nice looking replacement. I brought it to the clerk and purchased the new keyboard. New ending: I got liquid all over several keys and decided to buy a new keyboard. I drove to the store and found a nice looking replacement. I brought it to the clerk and purchased the new keyboard. Output: I became frustrated and threw my keyboard. Now complete the following example - Input: Premise: Fall is my favorite season. Initial Context: I love the weather here in New England in the Fall. Original Ending: There is always a nice cool breeze in the air. The trees always look so pretty. Best of all the fall flavors all come out. New ending: There is always an irritating breeze in the air. The trees always look so bare and ugly. At least the fall flavors come out. Output:
[ "Except for the weather here in New England in the fall." ]
Definition: Given a premise, an initial context, an original ending, and a new ending, the task is to generate the counterfactual context that is aligned with the new ending. Each instance consists of a five-sentence story. The premise is the first sentence of a story, and the second sentence, which is the initial context, provides more information about the story's context. The original ending is the last three sentences of the story. Also, you are given a new ending that can provide the new story with the same premise. You should write a counterfactual context to explain the small differences between the original and new endings. More specifically, a story context contains the general plot of the story. And a counterfactual context is a slight modification to the initial context. To sum up, you should write the second sentence of a story based on the premise(first sentence) and the new ending(last three sentences) of the story. Positive Example 1 - Input: Premise: Brad stole the ball from the opponent. Initial Context: While he was running with the ball, he noticed his friend. Original Ending: He threw the ball in the air, near the hoop. His friend grabbed the ball and made a drunk. That score put his team in the lead. New ending: He stopped dancing and threw the ball in the air, near the hoop. His friend grabbed the ball and made a drunk. That score put his team in the lead. Output: While he was dancing with the ball, he noticed his friend. Positive Example 2 - Input: Premise: Erica wanted to be in the school play. Initial Context: She was scared to audition. Original Ending: When she finally got up enough nerve, only the lead roles were left. She tried out. The results were posted and she was Cinderella! New ending: When she finally got her turn, only the lead roles were left. She tried out. The results were posted and she was Cinderella! Output: She was to excited to audition. Negative Example 1 - Input: Premise: Stephanie went to Six Flags for the first time. Initial Context: She had never been on a roller coaster before. Original Ending: Her friend told her she would ride with her to encourage her. They got on the roller coaster and waited for it to start. When it began, the girls screamed, laughed, and had a lot of fun! New ending: Her friend told her she would ride with her to encourage her. They got on the ferris wheel and waited for it to start. When it began, the girls screamed, laughed, and had a lot of fun! Output: She threw it and decided to burn it. Negative Example 2 - Input: Premise: I was playing a video game on my PC. Initial Context: I became frustrated and threw my keyboard. Original Ending: I broke several keys and decided to buy a new keyboard. I drove to the store and found a nice looking replacement. I brought it to the clerk and purchased the new keyboard. New ending: I got liquid all over several keys and decided to buy a new keyboard. I drove to the store and found a nice looking replacement. I brought it to the clerk and purchased the new keyboard. Output: I became frustrated and threw my keyboard. Now complete the following example - Input: Premise: There was a new roller coaster called the Monster. Initial Context: Liz and her friends wanted to go on it. Original Ending: They waited in line for a really long time. When they got to the front of the line, Liz got scared. She decided not to go on The Monster roller coaster. New ending: They avoided the line for a really long time. When they saw the line, Liz got scared. She decided not to go on The Monster roller coaster. Output:
[ "Liz and her friends were scared to go on it." ]
Definition: Given a premise, an initial context, an original ending, and a new ending, the task is to generate the counterfactual context that is aligned with the new ending. Each instance consists of a five-sentence story. The premise is the first sentence of a story, and the second sentence, which is the initial context, provides more information about the story's context. The original ending is the last three sentences of the story. Also, you are given a new ending that can provide the new story with the same premise. You should write a counterfactual context to explain the small differences between the original and new endings. More specifically, a story context contains the general plot of the story. And a counterfactual context is a slight modification to the initial context. To sum up, you should write the second sentence of a story based on the premise(first sentence) and the new ending(last three sentences) of the story. Positive Example 1 - Input: Premise: Brad stole the ball from the opponent. Initial Context: While he was running with the ball, he noticed his friend. Original Ending: He threw the ball in the air, near the hoop. His friend grabbed the ball and made a drunk. That score put his team in the lead. New ending: He stopped dancing and threw the ball in the air, near the hoop. His friend grabbed the ball and made a drunk. That score put his team in the lead. Output: While he was dancing with the ball, he noticed his friend. Positive Example 2 - Input: Premise: Erica wanted to be in the school play. Initial Context: She was scared to audition. Original Ending: When she finally got up enough nerve, only the lead roles were left. She tried out. The results were posted and she was Cinderella! New ending: When she finally got her turn, only the lead roles were left. She tried out. The results were posted and she was Cinderella! Output: She was to excited to audition. Negative Example 1 - Input: Premise: Stephanie went to Six Flags for the first time. Initial Context: She had never been on a roller coaster before. Original Ending: Her friend told her she would ride with her to encourage her. They got on the roller coaster and waited for it to start. When it began, the girls screamed, laughed, and had a lot of fun! New ending: Her friend told her she would ride with her to encourage her. They got on the ferris wheel and waited for it to start. When it began, the girls screamed, laughed, and had a lot of fun! Output: She threw it and decided to burn it. Negative Example 2 - Input: Premise: I was playing a video game on my PC. Initial Context: I became frustrated and threw my keyboard. Original Ending: I broke several keys and decided to buy a new keyboard. I drove to the store and found a nice looking replacement. I brought it to the clerk and purchased the new keyboard. New ending: I got liquid all over several keys and decided to buy a new keyboard. I drove to the store and found a nice looking replacement. I brought it to the clerk and purchased the new keyboard. Output: I became frustrated and threw my keyboard. Now complete the following example - Input: Premise: Annie was shopping with friends. Initial Context: She decided to try to steal some clothes. Original Ending: On her way out of the mall she was caught by security. They banned her from the mall for one year. Annie was so sad but her friends vowed to wait it out with her. New ending: On her way out of the mall she and her friends were stopped by security. They banned one of her friends for stealing from the mall for one year. Annie was sad for her friend and she vowed to wait it out with her. Output:
[ "She decided to purchase two clothes." ]
Definition: Given a premise, an initial context, an original ending, and a new ending, the task is to generate the counterfactual context that is aligned with the new ending. Each instance consists of a five-sentence story. The premise is the first sentence of a story, and the second sentence, which is the initial context, provides more information about the story's context. The original ending is the last three sentences of the story. Also, you are given a new ending that can provide the new story with the same premise. You should write a counterfactual context to explain the small differences between the original and new endings. More specifically, a story context contains the general plot of the story. And a counterfactual context is a slight modification to the initial context. To sum up, you should write the second sentence of a story based on the premise(first sentence) and the new ending(last three sentences) of the story. Positive Example 1 - Input: Premise: Brad stole the ball from the opponent. Initial Context: While he was running with the ball, he noticed his friend. Original Ending: He threw the ball in the air, near the hoop. His friend grabbed the ball and made a drunk. That score put his team in the lead. New ending: He stopped dancing and threw the ball in the air, near the hoop. His friend grabbed the ball and made a drunk. That score put his team in the lead. Output: While he was dancing with the ball, he noticed his friend. Positive Example 2 - Input: Premise: Erica wanted to be in the school play. Initial Context: She was scared to audition. Original Ending: When she finally got up enough nerve, only the lead roles were left. She tried out. The results were posted and she was Cinderella! New ending: When she finally got her turn, only the lead roles were left. She tried out. The results were posted and she was Cinderella! Output: She was to excited to audition. Negative Example 1 - Input: Premise: Stephanie went to Six Flags for the first time. Initial Context: She had never been on a roller coaster before. Original Ending: Her friend told her she would ride with her to encourage her. They got on the roller coaster and waited for it to start. When it began, the girls screamed, laughed, and had a lot of fun! New ending: Her friend told her she would ride with her to encourage her. They got on the ferris wheel and waited for it to start. When it began, the girls screamed, laughed, and had a lot of fun! Output: She threw it and decided to burn it. Negative Example 2 - Input: Premise: I was playing a video game on my PC. Initial Context: I became frustrated and threw my keyboard. Original Ending: I broke several keys and decided to buy a new keyboard. I drove to the store and found a nice looking replacement. I brought it to the clerk and purchased the new keyboard. New ending: I got liquid all over several keys and decided to buy a new keyboard. I drove to the store and found a nice looking replacement. I brought it to the clerk and purchased the new keyboard. Output: I became frustrated and threw my keyboard. Now complete the following example - Input: Premise: There was a fly buzzing around in the bathroom. Initial Context: Since I needed to go, I went to the bathroom in spite of the fly. Original Ending: When I came out of the bathroom, the fly had disappeared. Where did the fly go? Theories from friends include that I had eaten the fly. New ending: I waited until the fly came out of the bathroom. The flew towards a light. Theories from friends include that I'd rather pee my pants that pee in front of a fly. Output:
[ "I couldn't go in there with the fly in there." ]
Definition: Given a premise, an initial context, an original ending, and a new ending, the task is to generate the counterfactual context that is aligned with the new ending. Each instance consists of a five-sentence story. The premise is the first sentence of a story, and the second sentence, which is the initial context, provides more information about the story's context. The original ending is the last three sentences of the story. Also, you are given a new ending that can provide the new story with the same premise. You should write a counterfactual context to explain the small differences between the original and new endings. More specifically, a story context contains the general plot of the story. And a counterfactual context is a slight modification to the initial context. To sum up, you should write the second sentence of a story based on the premise(first sentence) and the new ending(last three sentences) of the story. Positive Example 1 - Input: Premise: Brad stole the ball from the opponent. Initial Context: While he was running with the ball, he noticed his friend. Original Ending: He threw the ball in the air, near the hoop. His friend grabbed the ball and made a drunk. That score put his team in the lead. New ending: He stopped dancing and threw the ball in the air, near the hoop. His friend grabbed the ball and made a drunk. That score put his team in the lead. Output: While he was dancing with the ball, he noticed his friend. Positive Example 2 - Input: Premise: Erica wanted to be in the school play. Initial Context: She was scared to audition. Original Ending: When she finally got up enough nerve, only the lead roles were left. She tried out. The results were posted and she was Cinderella! New ending: When she finally got her turn, only the lead roles were left. She tried out. The results were posted and she was Cinderella! Output: She was to excited to audition. Negative Example 1 - Input: Premise: Stephanie went to Six Flags for the first time. Initial Context: She had never been on a roller coaster before. Original Ending: Her friend told her she would ride with her to encourage her. They got on the roller coaster and waited for it to start. When it began, the girls screamed, laughed, and had a lot of fun! New ending: Her friend told her she would ride with her to encourage her. They got on the ferris wheel and waited for it to start. When it began, the girls screamed, laughed, and had a lot of fun! Output: She threw it and decided to burn it. Negative Example 2 - Input: Premise: I was playing a video game on my PC. Initial Context: I became frustrated and threw my keyboard. Original Ending: I broke several keys and decided to buy a new keyboard. I drove to the store and found a nice looking replacement. I brought it to the clerk and purchased the new keyboard. New ending: I got liquid all over several keys and decided to buy a new keyboard. I drove to the store and found a nice looking replacement. I brought it to the clerk and purchased the new keyboard. Output: I became frustrated and threw my keyboard. Now complete the following example - Input: Premise: Mike was a huge music fan. Initial Context: He had old albums and records piled in his garage. Original Ending: Mike's left an old heater on and it caught fire. All of his classic music collection was lost in the fire. Mike was devastated for a long time about his loss of music. New ending: Mike forgot his password one day. He tried to reset it and accidentally deleted his whole account Mike was devastated for a long time about his loss of music Output:
[ "He saved all of his favorite songs on iCloud for safe keeping." ]
Definition: Given a premise, an initial context, an original ending, and a new ending, the task is to generate the counterfactual context that is aligned with the new ending. Each instance consists of a five-sentence story. The premise is the first sentence of a story, and the second sentence, which is the initial context, provides more information about the story's context. The original ending is the last three sentences of the story. Also, you are given a new ending that can provide the new story with the same premise. You should write a counterfactual context to explain the small differences between the original and new endings. More specifically, a story context contains the general plot of the story. And a counterfactual context is a slight modification to the initial context. To sum up, you should write the second sentence of a story based on the premise(first sentence) and the new ending(last three sentences) of the story. Positive Example 1 - Input: Premise: Brad stole the ball from the opponent. Initial Context: While he was running with the ball, he noticed his friend. Original Ending: He threw the ball in the air, near the hoop. His friend grabbed the ball and made a drunk. That score put his team in the lead. New ending: He stopped dancing and threw the ball in the air, near the hoop. His friend grabbed the ball and made a drunk. That score put his team in the lead. Output: While he was dancing with the ball, he noticed his friend. Positive Example 2 - Input: Premise: Erica wanted to be in the school play. Initial Context: She was scared to audition. Original Ending: When she finally got up enough nerve, only the lead roles were left. She tried out. The results were posted and she was Cinderella! New ending: When she finally got her turn, only the lead roles were left. She tried out. The results were posted and she was Cinderella! Output: She was to excited to audition. Negative Example 1 - Input: Premise: Stephanie went to Six Flags for the first time. Initial Context: She had never been on a roller coaster before. Original Ending: Her friend told her she would ride with her to encourage her. They got on the roller coaster and waited for it to start. When it began, the girls screamed, laughed, and had a lot of fun! New ending: Her friend told her she would ride with her to encourage her. They got on the ferris wheel and waited for it to start. When it began, the girls screamed, laughed, and had a lot of fun! Output: She threw it and decided to burn it. Negative Example 2 - Input: Premise: I was playing a video game on my PC. Initial Context: I became frustrated and threw my keyboard. Original Ending: I broke several keys and decided to buy a new keyboard. I drove to the store and found a nice looking replacement. I brought it to the clerk and purchased the new keyboard. New ending: I got liquid all over several keys and decided to buy a new keyboard. I drove to the store and found a nice looking replacement. I brought it to the clerk and purchased the new keyboard. Output: I became frustrated and threw my keyboard. Now complete the following example - Input: Premise: Dan held himself responsible for what happened. Initial Context: He'd entered the koi koi contest knowing he wasn't prepared. Original Ending: He'd bet the whole family's fortune on the final round. He'd lost it, of course. Dan couldn't bear to face his family after the game. New ending: He'd bet the whole family's fortune on the final round losing. He'd won it, of course. Dan couldn't bear to face his family after the game. Output:
[ "He entered the koi koi contest and won." ]
Definition: Given a premise, an initial context, an original ending, and a new ending, the task is to generate the counterfactual context that is aligned with the new ending. Each instance consists of a five-sentence story. The premise is the first sentence of a story, and the second sentence, which is the initial context, provides more information about the story's context. The original ending is the last three sentences of the story. Also, you are given a new ending that can provide the new story with the same premise. You should write a counterfactual context to explain the small differences between the original and new endings. More specifically, a story context contains the general plot of the story. And a counterfactual context is a slight modification to the initial context. To sum up, you should write the second sentence of a story based on the premise(first sentence) and the new ending(last three sentences) of the story. Positive Example 1 - Input: Premise: Brad stole the ball from the opponent. Initial Context: While he was running with the ball, he noticed his friend. Original Ending: He threw the ball in the air, near the hoop. His friend grabbed the ball and made a drunk. That score put his team in the lead. New ending: He stopped dancing and threw the ball in the air, near the hoop. His friend grabbed the ball and made a drunk. That score put his team in the lead. Output: While he was dancing with the ball, he noticed his friend. Positive Example 2 - Input: Premise: Erica wanted to be in the school play. Initial Context: She was scared to audition. Original Ending: When she finally got up enough nerve, only the lead roles were left. She tried out. The results were posted and she was Cinderella! New ending: When she finally got her turn, only the lead roles were left. She tried out. The results were posted and she was Cinderella! Output: She was to excited to audition. Negative Example 1 - Input: Premise: Stephanie went to Six Flags for the first time. Initial Context: She had never been on a roller coaster before. Original Ending: Her friend told her she would ride with her to encourage her. They got on the roller coaster and waited for it to start. When it began, the girls screamed, laughed, and had a lot of fun! New ending: Her friend told her she would ride with her to encourage her. They got on the ferris wheel and waited for it to start. When it began, the girls screamed, laughed, and had a lot of fun! Output: She threw it and decided to burn it. Negative Example 2 - Input: Premise: I was playing a video game on my PC. Initial Context: I became frustrated and threw my keyboard. Original Ending: I broke several keys and decided to buy a new keyboard. I drove to the store and found a nice looking replacement. I brought it to the clerk and purchased the new keyboard. New ending: I got liquid all over several keys and decided to buy a new keyboard. I drove to the store and found a nice looking replacement. I brought it to the clerk and purchased the new keyboard. Output: I became frustrated and threw my keyboard. Now complete the following example - Input: Premise: Kate was walking on the trails near her home. Initial Context: But it was almost 100 degrees out. Original Ending: She was sweating and incredibly hot. She realized she was too tired to walk back home. She was elated to find a bench in the shade where she could rest. New ending: She was shivering and incredibly cold. She realized she was too tired to walk back home. She was elated to find a coffee shop where she could rest. Output:
[ "But it was freezing out." ]
Definition: Given a premise, an initial context, an original ending, and a new ending, the task is to generate the counterfactual context that is aligned with the new ending. Each instance consists of a five-sentence story. The premise is the first sentence of a story, and the second sentence, which is the initial context, provides more information about the story's context. The original ending is the last three sentences of the story. Also, you are given a new ending that can provide the new story with the same premise. You should write a counterfactual context to explain the small differences between the original and new endings. More specifically, a story context contains the general plot of the story. And a counterfactual context is a slight modification to the initial context. To sum up, you should write the second sentence of a story based on the premise(first sentence) and the new ending(last three sentences) of the story. Positive Example 1 - Input: Premise: Brad stole the ball from the opponent. Initial Context: While he was running with the ball, he noticed his friend. Original Ending: He threw the ball in the air, near the hoop. His friend grabbed the ball and made a drunk. That score put his team in the lead. New ending: He stopped dancing and threw the ball in the air, near the hoop. His friend grabbed the ball and made a drunk. That score put his team in the lead. Output: While he was dancing with the ball, he noticed his friend. Positive Example 2 - Input: Premise: Erica wanted to be in the school play. Initial Context: She was scared to audition. Original Ending: When she finally got up enough nerve, only the lead roles were left. She tried out. The results were posted and she was Cinderella! New ending: When she finally got her turn, only the lead roles were left. She tried out. The results were posted and she was Cinderella! Output: She was to excited to audition. Negative Example 1 - Input: Premise: Stephanie went to Six Flags for the first time. Initial Context: She had never been on a roller coaster before. Original Ending: Her friend told her she would ride with her to encourage her. They got on the roller coaster and waited for it to start. When it began, the girls screamed, laughed, and had a lot of fun! New ending: Her friend told her she would ride with her to encourage her. They got on the ferris wheel and waited for it to start. When it began, the girls screamed, laughed, and had a lot of fun! Output: She threw it and decided to burn it. Negative Example 2 - Input: Premise: I was playing a video game on my PC. Initial Context: I became frustrated and threw my keyboard. Original Ending: I broke several keys and decided to buy a new keyboard. I drove to the store and found a nice looking replacement. I brought it to the clerk and purchased the new keyboard. New ending: I got liquid all over several keys and decided to buy a new keyboard. I drove to the store and found a nice looking replacement. I brought it to the clerk and purchased the new keyboard. Output: I became frustrated and threw my keyboard. Now complete the following example - Input: Premise: Allison bought herself a new treadmill. Initial Context: She hopped on for the first time and started experimenting. Original Ending: She kept going faster and faster on the treadmill. Eventually, she couldn't run fast enough. Allison fell off the back of the treadmill and slammed onto the floor. New ending: Her friend tried it and kept going faster and faster on the treadmill. Eventually she couldn't run fast enough. The friend fell off the back of the treadmill and slammed onto the floor. Output:
[ "Allison never used it." ]
Definition: Given a premise, an initial context, an original ending, and a new ending, the task is to generate the counterfactual context that is aligned with the new ending. Each instance consists of a five-sentence story. The premise is the first sentence of a story, and the second sentence, which is the initial context, provides more information about the story's context. The original ending is the last three sentences of the story. Also, you are given a new ending that can provide the new story with the same premise. You should write a counterfactual context to explain the small differences between the original and new endings. More specifically, a story context contains the general plot of the story. And a counterfactual context is a slight modification to the initial context. To sum up, you should write the second sentence of a story based on the premise(first sentence) and the new ending(last three sentences) of the story. Positive Example 1 - Input: Premise: Brad stole the ball from the opponent. Initial Context: While he was running with the ball, he noticed his friend. Original Ending: He threw the ball in the air, near the hoop. His friend grabbed the ball and made a drunk. That score put his team in the lead. New ending: He stopped dancing and threw the ball in the air, near the hoop. His friend grabbed the ball and made a drunk. That score put his team in the lead. Output: While he was dancing with the ball, he noticed his friend. Positive Example 2 - Input: Premise: Erica wanted to be in the school play. Initial Context: She was scared to audition. Original Ending: When she finally got up enough nerve, only the lead roles were left. She tried out. The results were posted and she was Cinderella! New ending: When she finally got her turn, only the lead roles were left. She tried out. The results were posted and she was Cinderella! Output: She was to excited to audition. Negative Example 1 - Input: Premise: Stephanie went to Six Flags for the first time. Initial Context: She had never been on a roller coaster before. Original Ending: Her friend told her she would ride with her to encourage her. They got on the roller coaster and waited for it to start. When it began, the girls screamed, laughed, and had a lot of fun! New ending: Her friend told her she would ride with her to encourage her. They got on the ferris wheel and waited for it to start. When it began, the girls screamed, laughed, and had a lot of fun! Output: She threw it and decided to burn it. Negative Example 2 - Input: Premise: I was playing a video game on my PC. Initial Context: I became frustrated and threw my keyboard. Original Ending: I broke several keys and decided to buy a new keyboard. I drove to the store and found a nice looking replacement. I brought it to the clerk and purchased the new keyboard. New ending: I got liquid all over several keys and decided to buy a new keyboard. I drove to the store and found a nice looking replacement. I brought it to the clerk and purchased the new keyboard. Output: I became frustrated and threw my keyboard. Now complete the following example - Input: Premise: Tori's boyfriend asked her to go to a concert. Initial Context: She wasn't a fan of his music but she wanted to make him happy. Original Ending: So she went with him. It was a loud heavy metal concert. Three days later and Tori still can't hear properly. New ending: So Tori's boyfriend went alone. It was a loud heavy metal concert. Three days later and Tori's boyfriend still can't hear properly. Output:
[ "She cannot stand his taste of music so she refused to go." ]
Definition: Given a premise, an initial context, an original ending, and a new ending, the task is to generate the counterfactual context that is aligned with the new ending. Each instance consists of a five-sentence story. The premise is the first sentence of a story, and the second sentence, which is the initial context, provides more information about the story's context. The original ending is the last three sentences of the story. Also, you are given a new ending that can provide the new story with the same premise. You should write a counterfactual context to explain the small differences between the original and new endings. More specifically, a story context contains the general plot of the story. And a counterfactual context is a slight modification to the initial context. To sum up, you should write the second sentence of a story based on the premise(first sentence) and the new ending(last three sentences) of the story. Positive Example 1 - Input: Premise: Brad stole the ball from the opponent. Initial Context: While he was running with the ball, he noticed his friend. Original Ending: He threw the ball in the air, near the hoop. His friend grabbed the ball and made a drunk. That score put his team in the lead. New ending: He stopped dancing and threw the ball in the air, near the hoop. His friend grabbed the ball and made a drunk. That score put his team in the lead. Output: While he was dancing with the ball, he noticed his friend. Positive Example 2 - Input: Premise: Erica wanted to be in the school play. Initial Context: She was scared to audition. Original Ending: When she finally got up enough nerve, only the lead roles were left. She tried out. The results were posted and she was Cinderella! New ending: When she finally got her turn, only the lead roles were left. She tried out. The results were posted and she was Cinderella! Output: She was to excited to audition. Negative Example 1 - Input: Premise: Stephanie went to Six Flags for the first time. Initial Context: She had never been on a roller coaster before. Original Ending: Her friend told her she would ride with her to encourage her. They got on the roller coaster and waited for it to start. When it began, the girls screamed, laughed, and had a lot of fun! New ending: Her friend told her she would ride with her to encourage her. They got on the ferris wheel and waited for it to start. When it began, the girls screamed, laughed, and had a lot of fun! Output: She threw it and decided to burn it. Negative Example 2 - Input: Premise: I was playing a video game on my PC. Initial Context: I became frustrated and threw my keyboard. Original Ending: I broke several keys and decided to buy a new keyboard. I drove to the store and found a nice looking replacement. I brought it to the clerk and purchased the new keyboard. New ending: I got liquid all over several keys and decided to buy a new keyboard. I drove to the store and found a nice looking replacement. I brought it to the clerk and purchased the new keyboard. Output: I became frustrated and threw my keyboard. Now complete the following example - Input: Premise: Andy just started his new career as a personal trainer. Initial Context: He already has ten established clients he works with weekly. Original Ending: He has set each one up with a diet and exercise plan. He loves that he gets to help people reach their fitness goals. He also loves that he gets paid to work out! New ending: He has set each new client up with a diet and exercise plan. He loves that he gets to help people reach their fitness goals. He also loves that he gets paid to work out! Output:
[ "he placing training for fitness to few clients." ]
Definition: Given a premise, an initial context, an original ending, and a new ending, the task is to generate the counterfactual context that is aligned with the new ending. Each instance consists of a five-sentence story. The premise is the first sentence of a story, and the second sentence, which is the initial context, provides more information about the story's context. The original ending is the last three sentences of the story. Also, you are given a new ending that can provide the new story with the same premise. You should write a counterfactual context to explain the small differences between the original and new endings. More specifically, a story context contains the general plot of the story. And a counterfactual context is a slight modification to the initial context. To sum up, you should write the second sentence of a story based on the premise(first sentence) and the new ending(last three sentences) of the story. Positive Example 1 - Input: Premise: Brad stole the ball from the opponent. Initial Context: While he was running with the ball, he noticed his friend. Original Ending: He threw the ball in the air, near the hoop. His friend grabbed the ball and made a drunk. That score put his team in the lead. New ending: He stopped dancing and threw the ball in the air, near the hoop. His friend grabbed the ball and made a drunk. That score put his team in the lead. Output: While he was dancing with the ball, he noticed his friend. Positive Example 2 - Input: Premise: Erica wanted to be in the school play. Initial Context: She was scared to audition. Original Ending: When she finally got up enough nerve, only the lead roles were left. She tried out. The results were posted and she was Cinderella! New ending: When she finally got her turn, only the lead roles were left. She tried out. The results were posted and she was Cinderella! Output: She was to excited to audition. Negative Example 1 - Input: Premise: Stephanie went to Six Flags for the first time. Initial Context: She had never been on a roller coaster before. Original Ending: Her friend told her she would ride with her to encourage her. They got on the roller coaster and waited for it to start. When it began, the girls screamed, laughed, and had a lot of fun! New ending: Her friend told her she would ride with her to encourage her. They got on the ferris wheel and waited for it to start. When it began, the girls screamed, laughed, and had a lot of fun! Output: She threw it and decided to burn it. Negative Example 2 - Input: Premise: I was playing a video game on my PC. Initial Context: I became frustrated and threw my keyboard. Original Ending: I broke several keys and decided to buy a new keyboard. I drove to the store and found a nice looking replacement. I brought it to the clerk and purchased the new keyboard. New ending: I got liquid all over several keys and decided to buy a new keyboard. I drove to the store and found a nice looking replacement. I brought it to the clerk and purchased the new keyboard. Output: I became frustrated and threw my keyboard. Now complete the following example - Input: Premise: Joe lost his sunglasses at the mall. Initial Context: He contacted security to see if they were found. Original Ending: The told him to look through the lost and found. Joe found a pair like his but they were not his. Joe took them and stop looked for his pair. New ending: He called the mall and they told him they'd look through the lost and found. They found a pair like his but Joe realized they weren't his. Joe said they were and stopped looking for his pair. Output:
[ "He was very sad and went straight home." ]
Definition: Given a premise, an initial context, an original ending, and a new ending, the task is to generate the counterfactual context that is aligned with the new ending. Each instance consists of a five-sentence story. The premise is the first sentence of a story, and the second sentence, which is the initial context, provides more information about the story's context. The original ending is the last three sentences of the story. Also, you are given a new ending that can provide the new story with the same premise. You should write a counterfactual context to explain the small differences between the original and new endings. More specifically, a story context contains the general plot of the story. And a counterfactual context is a slight modification to the initial context. To sum up, you should write the second sentence of a story based on the premise(first sentence) and the new ending(last three sentences) of the story. Positive Example 1 - Input: Premise: Brad stole the ball from the opponent. Initial Context: While he was running with the ball, he noticed his friend. Original Ending: He threw the ball in the air, near the hoop. His friend grabbed the ball and made a drunk. That score put his team in the lead. New ending: He stopped dancing and threw the ball in the air, near the hoop. His friend grabbed the ball and made a drunk. That score put his team in the lead. Output: While he was dancing with the ball, he noticed his friend. Positive Example 2 - Input: Premise: Erica wanted to be in the school play. Initial Context: She was scared to audition. Original Ending: When she finally got up enough nerve, only the lead roles were left. She tried out. The results were posted and she was Cinderella! New ending: When she finally got her turn, only the lead roles were left. She tried out. The results were posted and she was Cinderella! Output: She was to excited to audition. Negative Example 1 - Input: Premise: Stephanie went to Six Flags for the first time. Initial Context: She had never been on a roller coaster before. Original Ending: Her friend told her she would ride with her to encourage her. They got on the roller coaster and waited for it to start. When it began, the girls screamed, laughed, and had a lot of fun! New ending: Her friend told her she would ride with her to encourage her. They got on the ferris wheel and waited for it to start. When it began, the girls screamed, laughed, and had a lot of fun! Output: She threw it and decided to burn it. Negative Example 2 - Input: Premise: I was playing a video game on my PC. Initial Context: I became frustrated and threw my keyboard. Original Ending: I broke several keys and decided to buy a new keyboard. I drove to the store and found a nice looking replacement. I brought it to the clerk and purchased the new keyboard. New ending: I got liquid all over several keys and decided to buy a new keyboard. I drove to the store and found a nice looking replacement. I brought it to the clerk and purchased the new keyboard. Output: I became frustrated and threw my keyboard. Now complete the following example - Input: Premise: Beth sent a letter to Santa Claus. Initial Context: She received a letter back in the mail. Original Ending: Beth did not think that it sounded like the real Santa. She sent another letter calling that Santa a fake. She did not receive another letter back in the mail. New ending: Beth now thinks that Santa is not real. She sent letters to the neighborhood letting them know Santa is fake. She received many angry letters from parents in the mail. Output:
[ "She didnt get a letter back though." ]
Definition: Given a premise, an initial context, an original ending, and a new ending, the task is to generate the counterfactual context that is aligned with the new ending. Each instance consists of a five-sentence story. The premise is the first sentence of a story, and the second sentence, which is the initial context, provides more information about the story's context. The original ending is the last three sentences of the story. Also, you are given a new ending that can provide the new story with the same premise. You should write a counterfactual context to explain the small differences between the original and new endings. More specifically, a story context contains the general plot of the story. And a counterfactual context is a slight modification to the initial context. To sum up, you should write the second sentence of a story based on the premise(first sentence) and the new ending(last three sentences) of the story. Positive Example 1 - Input: Premise: Brad stole the ball from the opponent. Initial Context: While he was running with the ball, he noticed his friend. Original Ending: He threw the ball in the air, near the hoop. His friend grabbed the ball and made a drunk. That score put his team in the lead. New ending: He stopped dancing and threw the ball in the air, near the hoop. His friend grabbed the ball and made a drunk. That score put his team in the lead. Output: While he was dancing with the ball, he noticed his friend. Positive Example 2 - Input: Premise: Erica wanted to be in the school play. Initial Context: She was scared to audition. Original Ending: When she finally got up enough nerve, only the lead roles were left. She tried out. The results were posted and she was Cinderella! New ending: When she finally got her turn, only the lead roles were left. She tried out. The results were posted and she was Cinderella! Output: She was to excited to audition. Negative Example 1 - Input: Premise: Stephanie went to Six Flags for the first time. Initial Context: She had never been on a roller coaster before. Original Ending: Her friend told her she would ride with her to encourage her. They got on the roller coaster and waited for it to start. When it began, the girls screamed, laughed, and had a lot of fun! New ending: Her friend told her she would ride with her to encourage her. They got on the ferris wheel and waited for it to start. When it began, the girls screamed, laughed, and had a lot of fun! Output: She threw it and decided to burn it. Negative Example 2 - Input: Premise: I was playing a video game on my PC. Initial Context: I became frustrated and threw my keyboard. Original Ending: I broke several keys and decided to buy a new keyboard. I drove to the store and found a nice looking replacement. I brought it to the clerk and purchased the new keyboard. New ending: I got liquid all over several keys and decided to buy a new keyboard. I drove to the store and found a nice looking replacement. I brought it to the clerk and purchased the new keyboard. Output: I became frustrated and threw my keyboard. Now complete the following example - Input: Premise: Candace was listening to the radio as she took a shower. Initial Context: Her favorite song came on. Original Ending: Candace began to dance. Candace slipped and fell. She never danced in the shower again. New ending: Candace began to wobble. Candace slipped and fell. She never danced in the bathroom again. Output:
[ "She got out the shower and started dancing." ]
Definition: Given a premise, an initial context, an original ending, and a new ending, the task is to generate the counterfactual context that is aligned with the new ending. Each instance consists of a five-sentence story. The premise is the first sentence of a story, and the second sentence, which is the initial context, provides more information about the story's context. The original ending is the last three sentences of the story. Also, you are given a new ending that can provide the new story with the same premise. You should write a counterfactual context to explain the small differences between the original and new endings. More specifically, a story context contains the general plot of the story. And a counterfactual context is a slight modification to the initial context. To sum up, you should write the second sentence of a story based on the premise(first sentence) and the new ending(last three sentences) of the story. Positive Example 1 - Input: Premise: Brad stole the ball from the opponent. Initial Context: While he was running with the ball, he noticed his friend. Original Ending: He threw the ball in the air, near the hoop. His friend grabbed the ball and made a drunk. That score put his team in the lead. New ending: He stopped dancing and threw the ball in the air, near the hoop. His friend grabbed the ball and made a drunk. That score put his team in the lead. Output: While he was dancing with the ball, he noticed his friend. Positive Example 2 - Input: Premise: Erica wanted to be in the school play. Initial Context: She was scared to audition. Original Ending: When she finally got up enough nerve, only the lead roles were left. She tried out. The results were posted and she was Cinderella! New ending: When she finally got her turn, only the lead roles were left. She tried out. The results were posted and she was Cinderella! Output: She was to excited to audition. Negative Example 1 - Input: Premise: Stephanie went to Six Flags for the first time. Initial Context: She had never been on a roller coaster before. Original Ending: Her friend told her she would ride with her to encourage her. They got on the roller coaster and waited for it to start. When it began, the girls screamed, laughed, and had a lot of fun! New ending: Her friend told her she would ride with her to encourage her. They got on the ferris wheel and waited for it to start. When it began, the girls screamed, laughed, and had a lot of fun! Output: She threw it and decided to burn it. Negative Example 2 - Input: Premise: I was playing a video game on my PC. Initial Context: I became frustrated and threw my keyboard. Original Ending: I broke several keys and decided to buy a new keyboard. I drove to the store and found a nice looking replacement. I brought it to the clerk and purchased the new keyboard. New ending: I got liquid all over several keys and decided to buy a new keyboard. I drove to the store and found a nice looking replacement. I brought it to the clerk and purchased the new keyboard. Output: I became frustrated and threw my keyboard. Now complete the following example - Input: Premise: Maria looked at restaurant reviews on Yelp. Initial Context: She saw a new Nepalese restaurant nearby that had good reviews. Original Ending: The Nepalese restaurant had their menu listed online. Maria read the menu and decided to order some food. Maria went online and started to place her order. New ending: The Chinese restaurant had their menu listed online. Maria read the menu and decided to order some food. Maria went online and started to place her order. Output:
[ "She saw a new Chinese restaurant nearby that had good reviews." ]
Definition: Given a premise, an initial context, an original ending, and a new ending, the task is to generate the counterfactual context that is aligned with the new ending. Each instance consists of a five-sentence story. The premise is the first sentence of a story, and the second sentence, which is the initial context, provides more information about the story's context. The original ending is the last three sentences of the story. Also, you are given a new ending that can provide the new story with the same premise. You should write a counterfactual context to explain the small differences between the original and new endings. More specifically, a story context contains the general plot of the story. And a counterfactual context is a slight modification to the initial context. To sum up, you should write the second sentence of a story based on the premise(first sentence) and the new ending(last three sentences) of the story. Positive Example 1 - Input: Premise: Brad stole the ball from the opponent. Initial Context: While he was running with the ball, he noticed his friend. Original Ending: He threw the ball in the air, near the hoop. His friend grabbed the ball and made a drunk. That score put his team in the lead. New ending: He stopped dancing and threw the ball in the air, near the hoop. His friend grabbed the ball and made a drunk. That score put his team in the lead. Output: While he was dancing with the ball, he noticed his friend. Positive Example 2 - Input: Premise: Erica wanted to be in the school play. Initial Context: She was scared to audition. Original Ending: When she finally got up enough nerve, only the lead roles were left. She tried out. The results were posted and she was Cinderella! New ending: When she finally got her turn, only the lead roles were left. She tried out. The results were posted and she was Cinderella! Output: She was to excited to audition. Negative Example 1 - Input: Premise: Stephanie went to Six Flags for the first time. Initial Context: She had never been on a roller coaster before. Original Ending: Her friend told her she would ride with her to encourage her. They got on the roller coaster and waited for it to start. When it began, the girls screamed, laughed, and had a lot of fun! New ending: Her friend told her she would ride with her to encourage her. They got on the ferris wheel and waited for it to start. When it began, the girls screamed, laughed, and had a lot of fun! Output: She threw it and decided to burn it. Negative Example 2 - Input: Premise: I was playing a video game on my PC. Initial Context: I became frustrated and threw my keyboard. Original Ending: I broke several keys and decided to buy a new keyboard. I drove to the store and found a nice looking replacement. I brought it to the clerk and purchased the new keyboard. New ending: I got liquid all over several keys and decided to buy a new keyboard. I drove to the store and found a nice looking replacement. I brought it to the clerk and purchased the new keyboard. Output: I became frustrated and threw my keyboard. Now complete the following example - Input: Premise: Guy bought a boat off a man he knew at work. Initial Context: The boat was delivered to Guy the next day. Original Ending: Guy saw that the boat needed major work to make it seaworthy. He took notes of all of the problems on the boat. When he was done, he began to fix it starting at the top of the list. New ending: Guy was glad the boat didn't need any work to make it seaworthy. He took notes of the few problems that the boat might have in the future. When he was done, he relaxed and began fishing on the water. Output:
[ "Guy took his boat out on the water that day." ]
Definition: Given a premise, an initial context, an original ending, and a new ending, the task is to generate the counterfactual context that is aligned with the new ending. Each instance consists of a five-sentence story. The premise is the first sentence of a story, and the second sentence, which is the initial context, provides more information about the story's context. The original ending is the last three sentences of the story. Also, you are given a new ending that can provide the new story with the same premise. You should write a counterfactual context to explain the small differences between the original and new endings. More specifically, a story context contains the general plot of the story. And a counterfactual context is a slight modification to the initial context. To sum up, you should write the second sentence of a story based on the premise(first sentence) and the new ending(last three sentences) of the story. Positive Example 1 - Input: Premise: Brad stole the ball from the opponent. Initial Context: While he was running with the ball, he noticed his friend. Original Ending: He threw the ball in the air, near the hoop. His friend grabbed the ball and made a drunk. That score put his team in the lead. New ending: He stopped dancing and threw the ball in the air, near the hoop. His friend grabbed the ball and made a drunk. That score put his team in the lead. Output: While he was dancing with the ball, he noticed his friend. Positive Example 2 - Input: Premise: Erica wanted to be in the school play. Initial Context: She was scared to audition. Original Ending: When she finally got up enough nerve, only the lead roles were left. She tried out. The results were posted and she was Cinderella! New ending: When she finally got her turn, only the lead roles were left. She tried out. The results were posted and she was Cinderella! Output: She was to excited to audition. Negative Example 1 - Input: Premise: Stephanie went to Six Flags for the first time. Initial Context: She had never been on a roller coaster before. Original Ending: Her friend told her she would ride with her to encourage her. They got on the roller coaster and waited for it to start. When it began, the girls screamed, laughed, and had a lot of fun! New ending: Her friend told her she would ride with her to encourage her. They got on the ferris wheel and waited for it to start. When it began, the girls screamed, laughed, and had a lot of fun! Output: She threw it and decided to burn it. Negative Example 2 - Input: Premise: I was playing a video game on my PC. Initial Context: I became frustrated and threw my keyboard. Original Ending: I broke several keys and decided to buy a new keyboard. I drove to the store and found a nice looking replacement. I brought it to the clerk and purchased the new keyboard. New ending: I got liquid all over several keys and decided to buy a new keyboard. I drove to the store and found a nice looking replacement. I brought it to the clerk and purchased the new keyboard. Output: I became frustrated and threw my keyboard. Now complete the following example - Input: Premise: Jim decided he wanted to see a movie instead of going to work. Initial Context: He called in sick. Original Ending: He ran into his boss at the movies. Jim's face turned red. His boss thankfully didn't recognize him because he was preoccupied. New ending: He ran into his boss at the hospital. Jim's face turned red. His boss thankfully didn't recognize him because he was preoccupied. Output:
[ "He got into an accident on the way to the movies and couldn't go." ]
Definition: Given a premise, an initial context, an original ending, and a new ending, the task is to generate the counterfactual context that is aligned with the new ending. Each instance consists of a five-sentence story. The premise is the first sentence of a story, and the second sentence, which is the initial context, provides more information about the story's context. The original ending is the last three sentences of the story. Also, you are given a new ending that can provide the new story with the same premise. You should write a counterfactual context to explain the small differences between the original and new endings. More specifically, a story context contains the general plot of the story. And a counterfactual context is a slight modification to the initial context. To sum up, you should write the second sentence of a story based on the premise(first sentence) and the new ending(last three sentences) of the story. Positive Example 1 - Input: Premise: Brad stole the ball from the opponent. Initial Context: While he was running with the ball, he noticed his friend. Original Ending: He threw the ball in the air, near the hoop. His friend grabbed the ball and made a drunk. That score put his team in the lead. New ending: He stopped dancing and threw the ball in the air, near the hoop. His friend grabbed the ball and made a drunk. That score put his team in the lead. Output: While he was dancing with the ball, he noticed his friend. Positive Example 2 - Input: Premise: Erica wanted to be in the school play. Initial Context: She was scared to audition. Original Ending: When she finally got up enough nerve, only the lead roles were left. She tried out. The results were posted and she was Cinderella! New ending: When she finally got her turn, only the lead roles were left. She tried out. The results were posted and she was Cinderella! Output: She was to excited to audition. Negative Example 1 - Input: Premise: Stephanie went to Six Flags for the first time. Initial Context: She had never been on a roller coaster before. Original Ending: Her friend told her she would ride with her to encourage her. They got on the roller coaster and waited for it to start. When it began, the girls screamed, laughed, and had a lot of fun! New ending: Her friend told her she would ride with her to encourage her. They got on the ferris wheel and waited for it to start. When it began, the girls screamed, laughed, and had a lot of fun! Output: She threw it and decided to burn it. Negative Example 2 - Input: Premise: I was playing a video game on my PC. Initial Context: I became frustrated and threw my keyboard. Original Ending: I broke several keys and decided to buy a new keyboard. I drove to the store and found a nice looking replacement. I brought it to the clerk and purchased the new keyboard. New ending: I got liquid all over several keys and decided to buy a new keyboard. I drove to the store and found a nice looking replacement. I brought it to the clerk and purchased the new keyboard. Output: I became frustrated and threw my keyboard. Now complete the following example - Input: Premise: My friend Dan and I went to the park. Initial Context: We hiked down into a canyon. Original Ending: We stood on a frozen creek and stared at the waterfall. The creek ice broke and my friend got wet. We hiked back out to the car, to get him a change of clothes. New ending: We ended up at a frozen creek and stared at the waterfall. The creek ice broke and my friend got wet. We hiked back out to the car, to get him a change of clothes. Output:
[ "We walked through the basketball court." ]
Definition: Given a premise, an initial context, an original ending, and a new ending, the task is to generate the counterfactual context that is aligned with the new ending. Each instance consists of a five-sentence story. The premise is the first sentence of a story, and the second sentence, which is the initial context, provides more information about the story's context. The original ending is the last three sentences of the story. Also, you are given a new ending that can provide the new story with the same premise. You should write a counterfactual context to explain the small differences between the original and new endings. More specifically, a story context contains the general plot of the story. And a counterfactual context is a slight modification to the initial context. To sum up, you should write the second sentence of a story based on the premise(first sentence) and the new ending(last three sentences) of the story. Positive Example 1 - Input: Premise: Brad stole the ball from the opponent. Initial Context: While he was running with the ball, he noticed his friend. Original Ending: He threw the ball in the air, near the hoop. His friend grabbed the ball and made a drunk. That score put his team in the lead. New ending: He stopped dancing and threw the ball in the air, near the hoop. His friend grabbed the ball and made a drunk. That score put his team in the lead. Output: While he was dancing with the ball, he noticed his friend. Positive Example 2 - Input: Premise: Erica wanted to be in the school play. Initial Context: She was scared to audition. Original Ending: When she finally got up enough nerve, only the lead roles were left. She tried out. The results were posted and she was Cinderella! New ending: When she finally got her turn, only the lead roles were left. She tried out. The results were posted and she was Cinderella! Output: She was to excited to audition. Negative Example 1 - Input: Premise: Stephanie went to Six Flags for the first time. Initial Context: She had never been on a roller coaster before. Original Ending: Her friend told her she would ride with her to encourage her. They got on the roller coaster and waited for it to start. When it began, the girls screamed, laughed, and had a lot of fun! New ending: Her friend told her she would ride with her to encourage her. They got on the ferris wheel and waited for it to start. When it began, the girls screamed, laughed, and had a lot of fun! Output: She threw it and decided to burn it. Negative Example 2 - Input: Premise: I was playing a video game on my PC. Initial Context: I became frustrated and threw my keyboard. Original Ending: I broke several keys and decided to buy a new keyboard. I drove to the store and found a nice looking replacement. I brought it to the clerk and purchased the new keyboard. New ending: I got liquid all over several keys and decided to buy a new keyboard. I drove to the store and found a nice looking replacement. I brought it to the clerk and purchased the new keyboard. Output: I became frustrated and threw my keyboard. Now complete the following example - Input: Premise: Kelly was late to school too many times. Initial Context: As a result her teacher gave her detention. Original Ending: Kelly was nervous about that. She walked into the classroom. She was forced to be quiet for an hour. New ending: Kelly was still nervous about it. She walked into the classroom. She stayed quiet for an hour. Output:
[ "Her teacher almost never noticed so it wasn't a big deal." ]
Definition: Given a premise, an initial context, an original ending, and a new ending, the task is to generate the counterfactual context that is aligned with the new ending. Each instance consists of a five-sentence story. The premise is the first sentence of a story, and the second sentence, which is the initial context, provides more information about the story's context. The original ending is the last three sentences of the story. Also, you are given a new ending that can provide the new story with the same premise. You should write a counterfactual context to explain the small differences between the original and new endings. More specifically, a story context contains the general plot of the story. And a counterfactual context is a slight modification to the initial context. To sum up, you should write the second sentence of a story based on the premise(first sentence) and the new ending(last three sentences) of the story. Positive Example 1 - Input: Premise: Brad stole the ball from the opponent. Initial Context: While he was running with the ball, he noticed his friend. Original Ending: He threw the ball in the air, near the hoop. His friend grabbed the ball and made a drunk. That score put his team in the lead. New ending: He stopped dancing and threw the ball in the air, near the hoop. His friend grabbed the ball and made a drunk. That score put his team in the lead. Output: While he was dancing with the ball, he noticed his friend. Positive Example 2 - Input: Premise: Erica wanted to be in the school play. Initial Context: She was scared to audition. Original Ending: When she finally got up enough nerve, only the lead roles were left. She tried out. The results were posted and she was Cinderella! New ending: When she finally got her turn, only the lead roles were left. She tried out. The results were posted and she was Cinderella! Output: She was to excited to audition. Negative Example 1 - Input: Premise: Stephanie went to Six Flags for the first time. Initial Context: She had never been on a roller coaster before. Original Ending: Her friend told her she would ride with her to encourage her. They got on the roller coaster and waited for it to start. When it began, the girls screamed, laughed, and had a lot of fun! New ending: Her friend told her she would ride with her to encourage her. They got on the ferris wheel and waited for it to start. When it began, the girls screamed, laughed, and had a lot of fun! Output: She threw it and decided to burn it. Negative Example 2 - Input: Premise: I was playing a video game on my PC. Initial Context: I became frustrated and threw my keyboard. Original Ending: I broke several keys and decided to buy a new keyboard. I drove to the store and found a nice looking replacement. I brought it to the clerk and purchased the new keyboard. New ending: I got liquid all over several keys and decided to buy a new keyboard. I drove to the store and found a nice looking replacement. I brought it to the clerk and purchased the new keyboard. Output: I became frustrated and threw my keyboard. Now complete the following example - Input: Premise: Without many options for dinner at home, Jeeves went to the store. Initial Context: When he walked in, he couldn't believe how packed it was. Original Ending: He tried to make his way down the aisles. There were just too many people. Jeeves left. New ending: He tried to make his way out the parking lot. There were just too many people. Jeeves left. Output:
[ "He found what he wanted in the crowded store and paid in express checkout." ]
Definition: Given a premise, an initial context, an original ending, and a new ending, the task is to generate the counterfactual context that is aligned with the new ending. Each instance consists of a five-sentence story. The premise is the first sentence of a story, and the second sentence, which is the initial context, provides more information about the story's context. The original ending is the last three sentences of the story. Also, you are given a new ending that can provide the new story with the same premise. You should write a counterfactual context to explain the small differences between the original and new endings. More specifically, a story context contains the general plot of the story. And a counterfactual context is a slight modification to the initial context. To sum up, you should write the second sentence of a story based on the premise(first sentence) and the new ending(last three sentences) of the story. Positive Example 1 - Input: Premise: Brad stole the ball from the opponent. Initial Context: While he was running with the ball, he noticed his friend. Original Ending: He threw the ball in the air, near the hoop. His friend grabbed the ball and made a drunk. That score put his team in the lead. New ending: He stopped dancing and threw the ball in the air, near the hoop. His friend grabbed the ball and made a drunk. That score put his team in the lead. Output: While he was dancing with the ball, he noticed his friend. Positive Example 2 - Input: Premise: Erica wanted to be in the school play. Initial Context: She was scared to audition. Original Ending: When she finally got up enough nerve, only the lead roles were left. She tried out. The results were posted and she was Cinderella! New ending: When she finally got her turn, only the lead roles were left. She tried out. The results were posted and she was Cinderella! Output: She was to excited to audition. Negative Example 1 - Input: Premise: Stephanie went to Six Flags for the first time. Initial Context: She had never been on a roller coaster before. Original Ending: Her friend told her she would ride with her to encourage her. They got on the roller coaster and waited for it to start. When it began, the girls screamed, laughed, and had a lot of fun! New ending: Her friend told her she would ride with her to encourage her. They got on the ferris wheel and waited for it to start. When it began, the girls screamed, laughed, and had a lot of fun! Output: She threw it and decided to burn it. Negative Example 2 - Input: Premise: I was playing a video game on my PC. Initial Context: I became frustrated and threw my keyboard. Original Ending: I broke several keys and decided to buy a new keyboard. I drove to the store and found a nice looking replacement. I brought it to the clerk and purchased the new keyboard. New ending: I got liquid all over several keys and decided to buy a new keyboard. I drove to the store and found a nice looking replacement. I brought it to the clerk and purchased the new keyboard. Output: I became frustrated and threw my keyboard. Now complete the following example - Input: Premise: I wanted to watch a movie. Initial Context: I went to the movie theater without checking any of the show times. Original Ending: When I got there, I missed the matinee by 30 minutes. I decided to go to the next showing. I really enjoyed the movie. New ending: When I got there, I missed it by 30 minutes. I decided to go to the next showing. I really enjoyed the movie. Output:
[ "I went to the movie theater to watch my favorite show." ]
Definition: Given a premise, an initial context, an original ending, and a new ending, the task is to generate the counterfactual context that is aligned with the new ending. Each instance consists of a five-sentence story. The premise is the first sentence of a story, and the second sentence, which is the initial context, provides more information about the story's context. The original ending is the last three sentences of the story. Also, you are given a new ending that can provide the new story with the same premise. You should write a counterfactual context to explain the small differences between the original and new endings. More specifically, a story context contains the general plot of the story. And a counterfactual context is a slight modification to the initial context. To sum up, you should write the second sentence of a story based on the premise(first sentence) and the new ending(last three sentences) of the story. Positive Example 1 - Input: Premise: Brad stole the ball from the opponent. Initial Context: While he was running with the ball, he noticed his friend. Original Ending: He threw the ball in the air, near the hoop. His friend grabbed the ball and made a drunk. That score put his team in the lead. New ending: He stopped dancing and threw the ball in the air, near the hoop. His friend grabbed the ball and made a drunk. That score put his team in the lead. Output: While he was dancing with the ball, he noticed his friend. Positive Example 2 - Input: Premise: Erica wanted to be in the school play. Initial Context: She was scared to audition. Original Ending: When she finally got up enough nerve, only the lead roles were left. She tried out. The results were posted and she was Cinderella! New ending: When she finally got her turn, only the lead roles were left. She tried out. The results were posted and she was Cinderella! Output: She was to excited to audition. Negative Example 1 - Input: Premise: Stephanie went to Six Flags for the first time. Initial Context: She had never been on a roller coaster before. Original Ending: Her friend told her she would ride with her to encourage her. They got on the roller coaster and waited for it to start. When it began, the girls screamed, laughed, and had a lot of fun! New ending: Her friend told her she would ride with her to encourage her. They got on the ferris wheel and waited for it to start. When it began, the girls screamed, laughed, and had a lot of fun! Output: She threw it and decided to burn it. Negative Example 2 - Input: Premise: I was playing a video game on my PC. Initial Context: I became frustrated and threw my keyboard. Original Ending: I broke several keys and decided to buy a new keyboard. I drove to the store and found a nice looking replacement. I brought it to the clerk and purchased the new keyboard. New ending: I got liquid all over several keys and decided to buy a new keyboard. I drove to the store and found a nice looking replacement. I brought it to the clerk and purchased the new keyboard. Output: I became frustrated and threw my keyboard. Now complete the following example - Input: Premise: Jeff needed some new tools. Initial Context: He looked at the prices for tool sets. Original Ending: Jeff found that he could not afford the good tools. However, he could afford low quality tools. After thinking about it, Jeff decided to save his money. New ending: Jeff found that he could afford the good tools at garage sales. However, he could't afford high quality tools in stores. After thinking about it, Jeff decided to buy a couple. Output:
[ "He decided to look at a few garage sales on his way home." ]
Definition: Given a premise, an initial context, an original ending, and a new ending, the task is to generate the counterfactual context that is aligned with the new ending. Each instance consists of a five-sentence story. The premise is the first sentence of a story, and the second sentence, which is the initial context, provides more information about the story's context. The original ending is the last three sentences of the story. Also, you are given a new ending that can provide the new story with the same premise. You should write a counterfactual context to explain the small differences between the original and new endings. More specifically, a story context contains the general plot of the story. And a counterfactual context is a slight modification to the initial context. To sum up, you should write the second sentence of a story based on the premise(first sentence) and the new ending(last three sentences) of the story. Positive Example 1 - Input: Premise: Brad stole the ball from the opponent. Initial Context: While he was running with the ball, he noticed his friend. Original Ending: He threw the ball in the air, near the hoop. His friend grabbed the ball and made a drunk. That score put his team in the lead. New ending: He stopped dancing and threw the ball in the air, near the hoop. His friend grabbed the ball and made a drunk. That score put his team in the lead. Output: While he was dancing with the ball, he noticed his friend. Positive Example 2 - Input: Premise: Erica wanted to be in the school play. Initial Context: She was scared to audition. Original Ending: When she finally got up enough nerve, only the lead roles were left. She tried out. The results were posted and she was Cinderella! New ending: When she finally got her turn, only the lead roles were left. She tried out. The results were posted and she was Cinderella! Output: She was to excited to audition. Negative Example 1 - Input: Premise: Stephanie went to Six Flags for the first time. Initial Context: She had never been on a roller coaster before. Original Ending: Her friend told her she would ride with her to encourage her. They got on the roller coaster and waited for it to start. When it began, the girls screamed, laughed, and had a lot of fun! New ending: Her friend told her she would ride with her to encourage her. They got on the ferris wheel and waited for it to start. When it began, the girls screamed, laughed, and had a lot of fun! Output: She threw it and decided to burn it. Negative Example 2 - Input: Premise: I was playing a video game on my PC. Initial Context: I became frustrated and threw my keyboard. Original Ending: I broke several keys and decided to buy a new keyboard. I drove to the store and found a nice looking replacement. I brought it to the clerk and purchased the new keyboard. New ending: I got liquid all over several keys and decided to buy a new keyboard. I drove to the store and found a nice looking replacement. I brought it to the clerk and purchased the new keyboard. Output: I became frustrated and threw my keyboard. Now complete the following example - Input: Premise: One of my favorite bands came to my city. Initial Context: I made sure to buy tickets to see them ahead of time. Original Ending: I waited in line for an hour before I got in the venue. While they played, I yelled until I nearly hoarse. I was completely exhausted when I got home that night. New ending: I waited in line for an hour to use the Underground to get there. While they played, I yelled until I nearly hoarse. I was completely exhausted when I got home that night. Output:
[ "I made sure to avoid the area due to heavy traffic from fans." ]
Definition: Given a premise, an initial context, an original ending, and a new ending, the task is to generate the counterfactual context that is aligned with the new ending. Each instance consists of a five-sentence story. The premise is the first sentence of a story, and the second sentence, which is the initial context, provides more information about the story's context. The original ending is the last three sentences of the story. Also, you are given a new ending that can provide the new story with the same premise. You should write a counterfactual context to explain the small differences between the original and new endings. More specifically, a story context contains the general plot of the story. And a counterfactual context is a slight modification to the initial context. To sum up, you should write the second sentence of a story based on the premise(first sentence) and the new ending(last three sentences) of the story. Positive Example 1 - Input: Premise: Brad stole the ball from the opponent. Initial Context: While he was running with the ball, he noticed his friend. Original Ending: He threw the ball in the air, near the hoop. His friend grabbed the ball and made a drunk. That score put his team in the lead. New ending: He stopped dancing and threw the ball in the air, near the hoop. His friend grabbed the ball and made a drunk. That score put his team in the lead. Output: While he was dancing with the ball, he noticed his friend. Positive Example 2 - Input: Premise: Erica wanted to be in the school play. Initial Context: She was scared to audition. Original Ending: When she finally got up enough nerve, only the lead roles were left. She tried out. The results were posted and she was Cinderella! New ending: When she finally got her turn, only the lead roles were left. She tried out. The results were posted and she was Cinderella! Output: She was to excited to audition. Negative Example 1 - Input: Premise: Stephanie went to Six Flags for the first time. Initial Context: She had never been on a roller coaster before. Original Ending: Her friend told her she would ride with her to encourage her. They got on the roller coaster and waited for it to start. When it began, the girls screamed, laughed, and had a lot of fun! New ending: Her friend told her she would ride with her to encourage her. They got on the ferris wheel and waited for it to start. When it began, the girls screamed, laughed, and had a lot of fun! Output: She threw it and decided to burn it. Negative Example 2 - Input: Premise: I was playing a video game on my PC. Initial Context: I became frustrated and threw my keyboard. Original Ending: I broke several keys and decided to buy a new keyboard. I drove to the store and found a nice looking replacement. I brought it to the clerk and purchased the new keyboard. New ending: I got liquid all over several keys and decided to buy a new keyboard. I drove to the store and found a nice looking replacement. I brought it to the clerk and purchased the new keyboard. Output: I became frustrated and threw my keyboard. Now complete the following example - Input: Premise: Tom was invited out to the bar. Initial Context: His friends knew he didn't drink. Original Ending: They wanted him to be the designated driver. Tom felt they just wanted to save on a taxi. He declined their invitation. New ending: They didn't want him to be the designated driver. Tom felt they just wanted to save on a taxi. He declined to pay. Output:
[ "His friends knew he was already drunk." ]
Definition: Given a premise, an initial context, an original ending, and a new ending, the task is to generate the counterfactual context that is aligned with the new ending. Each instance consists of a five-sentence story. The premise is the first sentence of a story, and the second sentence, which is the initial context, provides more information about the story's context. The original ending is the last three sentences of the story. Also, you are given a new ending that can provide the new story with the same premise. You should write a counterfactual context to explain the small differences between the original and new endings. More specifically, a story context contains the general plot of the story. And a counterfactual context is a slight modification to the initial context. To sum up, you should write the second sentence of a story based on the premise(first sentence) and the new ending(last three sentences) of the story. Positive Example 1 - Input: Premise: Brad stole the ball from the opponent. Initial Context: While he was running with the ball, he noticed his friend. Original Ending: He threw the ball in the air, near the hoop. His friend grabbed the ball and made a drunk. That score put his team in the lead. New ending: He stopped dancing and threw the ball in the air, near the hoop. His friend grabbed the ball and made a drunk. That score put his team in the lead. Output: While he was dancing with the ball, he noticed his friend. Positive Example 2 - Input: Premise: Erica wanted to be in the school play. Initial Context: She was scared to audition. Original Ending: When she finally got up enough nerve, only the lead roles were left. She tried out. The results were posted and she was Cinderella! New ending: When she finally got her turn, only the lead roles were left. She tried out. The results were posted and she was Cinderella! Output: She was to excited to audition. Negative Example 1 - Input: Premise: Stephanie went to Six Flags for the first time. Initial Context: She had never been on a roller coaster before. Original Ending: Her friend told her she would ride with her to encourage her. They got on the roller coaster and waited for it to start. When it began, the girls screamed, laughed, and had a lot of fun! New ending: Her friend told her she would ride with her to encourage her. They got on the ferris wheel and waited for it to start. When it began, the girls screamed, laughed, and had a lot of fun! Output: She threw it and decided to burn it. Negative Example 2 - Input: Premise: I was playing a video game on my PC. Initial Context: I became frustrated and threw my keyboard. Original Ending: I broke several keys and decided to buy a new keyboard. I drove to the store and found a nice looking replacement. I brought it to the clerk and purchased the new keyboard. New ending: I got liquid all over several keys and decided to buy a new keyboard. I drove to the store and found a nice looking replacement. I brought it to the clerk and purchased the new keyboard. Output: I became frustrated and threw my keyboard. Now complete the following example - Input: Premise: Ella made dinner for her family for the first time. Initial Context: She served them all a fancy casserole she had concocted. Original Ending: As they chewed, their faces registered distaste. The casserole was terrible, but they didn't want to hurt her feelings! They all lied and told Ella the casserole was delicious. New ending: As they chewed, their faces registered distaste. The casserole was terrible, but they didn't want to hurt her feelings! They all lied and told Ella the casserole was delicious. Output:
[ "She served them all a fancy casserole she has concocted." ]
Definition: Given a premise, an initial context, an original ending, and a new ending, the task is to generate the counterfactual context that is aligned with the new ending. Each instance consists of a five-sentence story. The premise is the first sentence of a story, and the second sentence, which is the initial context, provides more information about the story's context. The original ending is the last three sentences of the story. Also, you are given a new ending that can provide the new story with the same premise. You should write a counterfactual context to explain the small differences between the original and new endings. More specifically, a story context contains the general plot of the story. And a counterfactual context is a slight modification to the initial context. To sum up, you should write the second sentence of a story based on the premise(first sentence) and the new ending(last three sentences) of the story. Positive Example 1 - Input: Premise: Brad stole the ball from the opponent. Initial Context: While he was running with the ball, he noticed his friend. Original Ending: He threw the ball in the air, near the hoop. His friend grabbed the ball and made a drunk. That score put his team in the lead. New ending: He stopped dancing and threw the ball in the air, near the hoop. His friend grabbed the ball and made a drunk. That score put his team in the lead. Output: While he was dancing with the ball, he noticed his friend. Positive Example 2 - Input: Premise: Erica wanted to be in the school play. Initial Context: She was scared to audition. Original Ending: When she finally got up enough nerve, only the lead roles were left. She tried out. The results were posted and she was Cinderella! New ending: When she finally got her turn, only the lead roles were left. She tried out. The results were posted and she was Cinderella! Output: She was to excited to audition. Negative Example 1 - Input: Premise: Stephanie went to Six Flags for the first time. Initial Context: She had never been on a roller coaster before. Original Ending: Her friend told her she would ride with her to encourage her. They got on the roller coaster and waited for it to start. When it began, the girls screamed, laughed, and had a lot of fun! New ending: Her friend told her she would ride with her to encourage her. They got on the ferris wheel and waited for it to start. When it began, the girls screamed, laughed, and had a lot of fun! Output: She threw it and decided to burn it. Negative Example 2 - Input: Premise: I was playing a video game on my PC. Initial Context: I became frustrated and threw my keyboard. Original Ending: I broke several keys and decided to buy a new keyboard. I drove to the store and found a nice looking replacement. I brought it to the clerk and purchased the new keyboard. New ending: I got liquid all over several keys and decided to buy a new keyboard. I drove to the store and found a nice looking replacement. I brought it to the clerk and purchased the new keyboard. Output: I became frustrated and threw my keyboard. Now complete the following example - Input: Premise: Rick was setting up the tent near the forest. Initial Context: He went inside of the tent after it was set up. Original Ending: However, a bear appeared out of nowhere. It slashed the top of the tent. Rick was stuck for several minutes. New ending: However, a bear appeared out of nowhere. It slashed the top of the tent. Rick was stuck in the bathroom for several minutes. Output:
[ "He went to the bathroom after it was set up." ]
Definition: Given a premise, an initial context, an original ending, and a new ending, the task is to generate the counterfactual context that is aligned with the new ending. Each instance consists of a five-sentence story. The premise is the first sentence of a story, and the second sentence, which is the initial context, provides more information about the story's context. The original ending is the last three sentences of the story. Also, you are given a new ending that can provide the new story with the same premise. You should write a counterfactual context to explain the small differences between the original and new endings. More specifically, a story context contains the general plot of the story. And a counterfactual context is a slight modification to the initial context. To sum up, you should write the second sentence of a story based on the premise(first sentence) and the new ending(last three sentences) of the story. Positive Example 1 - Input: Premise: Brad stole the ball from the opponent. Initial Context: While he was running with the ball, he noticed his friend. Original Ending: He threw the ball in the air, near the hoop. His friend grabbed the ball and made a drunk. That score put his team in the lead. New ending: He stopped dancing and threw the ball in the air, near the hoop. His friend grabbed the ball and made a drunk. That score put his team in the lead. Output: While he was dancing with the ball, he noticed his friend. Positive Example 2 - Input: Premise: Erica wanted to be in the school play. Initial Context: She was scared to audition. Original Ending: When she finally got up enough nerve, only the lead roles were left. She tried out. The results were posted and she was Cinderella! New ending: When she finally got her turn, only the lead roles were left. She tried out. The results were posted and she was Cinderella! Output: She was to excited to audition. Negative Example 1 - Input: Premise: Stephanie went to Six Flags for the first time. Initial Context: She had never been on a roller coaster before. Original Ending: Her friend told her she would ride with her to encourage her. They got on the roller coaster and waited for it to start. When it began, the girls screamed, laughed, and had a lot of fun! New ending: Her friend told her she would ride with her to encourage her. They got on the ferris wheel and waited for it to start. When it began, the girls screamed, laughed, and had a lot of fun! Output: She threw it and decided to burn it. Negative Example 2 - Input: Premise: I was playing a video game on my PC. Initial Context: I became frustrated and threw my keyboard. Original Ending: I broke several keys and decided to buy a new keyboard. I drove to the store and found a nice looking replacement. I brought it to the clerk and purchased the new keyboard. New ending: I got liquid all over several keys and decided to buy a new keyboard. I drove to the store and found a nice looking replacement. I brought it to the clerk and purchased the new keyboard. Output: I became frustrated and threw my keyboard. Now complete the following example - Input: Premise: Allie needed a new suitcase. Initial Context: She looked everywhere for the perfect case. Original Ending: Finally she found one nearby. She was happy with the purchase. She used it immediately. New ending: Finally she tried it out. She was happy with the purchase. She used it immediately. Output:
[ "She ordered one online and had it delivered." ]
Definition: Given a premise, an initial context, an original ending, and a new ending, the task is to generate the counterfactual context that is aligned with the new ending. Each instance consists of a five-sentence story. The premise is the first sentence of a story, and the second sentence, which is the initial context, provides more information about the story's context. The original ending is the last three sentences of the story. Also, you are given a new ending that can provide the new story with the same premise. You should write a counterfactual context to explain the small differences between the original and new endings. More specifically, a story context contains the general plot of the story. And a counterfactual context is a slight modification to the initial context. To sum up, you should write the second sentence of a story based on the premise(first sentence) and the new ending(last three sentences) of the story. Positive Example 1 - Input: Premise: Brad stole the ball from the opponent. Initial Context: While he was running with the ball, he noticed his friend. Original Ending: He threw the ball in the air, near the hoop. His friend grabbed the ball and made a drunk. That score put his team in the lead. New ending: He stopped dancing and threw the ball in the air, near the hoop. His friend grabbed the ball and made a drunk. That score put his team in the lead. Output: While he was dancing with the ball, he noticed his friend. Positive Example 2 - Input: Premise: Erica wanted to be in the school play. Initial Context: She was scared to audition. Original Ending: When she finally got up enough nerve, only the lead roles were left. She tried out. The results were posted and she was Cinderella! New ending: When she finally got her turn, only the lead roles were left. She tried out. The results were posted and she was Cinderella! Output: She was to excited to audition. Negative Example 1 - Input: Premise: Stephanie went to Six Flags for the first time. Initial Context: She had never been on a roller coaster before. Original Ending: Her friend told her she would ride with her to encourage her. They got on the roller coaster and waited for it to start. When it began, the girls screamed, laughed, and had a lot of fun! New ending: Her friend told her she would ride with her to encourage her. They got on the ferris wheel and waited for it to start. When it began, the girls screamed, laughed, and had a lot of fun! Output: She threw it and decided to burn it. Negative Example 2 - Input: Premise: I was playing a video game on my PC. Initial Context: I became frustrated and threw my keyboard. Original Ending: I broke several keys and decided to buy a new keyboard. I drove to the store and found a nice looking replacement. I brought it to the clerk and purchased the new keyboard. New ending: I got liquid all over several keys and decided to buy a new keyboard. I drove to the store and found a nice looking replacement. I brought it to the clerk and purchased the new keyboard. Output: I became frustrated and threw my keyboard. Now complete the following example - Input: Premise: The church was silent. Initial Context: The bride and groom were holding hands. Original Ending: They said their vows and the priest sanctified their marriage. The bride and groom kissed. The baby inside the bride kicked once. New ending: They said their vows and the priest sanctified their marriage. In an awkward moment, the bride and groom did not kiss. The baby inside the bride kicked once. Output:
[ "The bride and groom were fighting." ]
Definition: Given a premise, an initial context, an original ending, and a new ending, the task is to generate the counterfactual context that is aligned with the new ending. Each instance consists of a five-sentence story. The premise is the first sentence of a story, and the second sentence, which is the initial context, provides more information about the story's context. The original ending is the last three sentences of the story. Also, you are given a new ending that can provide the new story with the same premise. You should write a counterfactual context to explain the small differences between the original and new endings. More specifically, a story context contains the general plot of the story. And a counterfactual context is a slight modification to the initial context. To sum up, you should write the second sentence of a story based on the premise(first sentence) and the new ending(last three sentences) of the story. Positive Example 1 - Input: Premise: Brad stole the ball from the opponent. Initial Context: While he was running with the ball, he noticed his friend. Original Ending: He threw the ball in the air, near the hoop. His friend grabbed the ball and made a drunk. That score put his team in the lead. New ending: He stopped dancing and threw the ball in the air, near the hoop. His friend grabbed the ball and made a drunk. That score put his team in the lead. Output: While he was dancing with the ball, he noticed his friend. Positive Example 2 - Input: Premise: Erica wanted to be in the school play. Initial Context: She was scared to audition. Original Ending: When she finally got up enough nerve, only the lead roles were left. She tried out. The results were posted and she was Cinderella! New ending: When she finally got her turn, only the lead roles were left. She tried out. The results were posted and she was Cinderella! Output: She was to excited to audition. Negative Example 1 - Input: Premise: Stephanie went to Six Flags for the first time. Initial Context: She had never been on a roller coaster before. Original Ending: Her friend told her she would ride with her to encourage her. They got on the roller coaster and waited for it to start. When it began, the girls screamed, laughed, and had a lot of fun! New ending: Her friend told her she would ride with her to encourage her. They got on the ferris wheel and waited for it to start. When it began, the girls screamed, laughed, and had a lot of fun! Output: She threw it and decided to burn it. Negative Example 2 - Input: Premise: I was playing a video game on my PC. Initial Context: I became frustrated and threw my keyboard. Original Ending: I broke several keys and decided to buy a new keyboard. I drove to the store and found a nice looking replacement. I brought it to the clerk and purchased the new keyboard. New ending: I got liquid all over several keys and decided to buy a new keyboard. I drove to the store and found a nice looking replacement. I brought it to the clerk and purchased the new keyboard. Output: I became frustrated and threw my keyboard. Now complete the following example - Input: Premise: Ginny hated math class. Initial Context: She always failed the tests! Original Ending: Then she got a home tutor. He taught her the concepts and helped her learn. Ginny's grades rose to As and Bs! New ending: Because she had gotten a home tutor. He taught her the concepts and helped her learn. Ginny's grades rose to As and Bs! Output:
[ "She always passed the tests!." ]

Dataset Card for Natural Instructions ( Task: task270_csrg_counterfactual_context_generation

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Citation Information

The following paper introduces the corpus in detail. If you use the corpus in published work, please cite it:

    title={Super-NaturalInstructions: Generalization via Declarative Instructions on 1600+ NLP Tasks}, 
    author={Yizhong Wang and Swaroop Mishra and Pegah Alipoormolabashi and Yeganeh Kordi and Amirreza Mirzaei and Anjana Arunkumar and Arjun Ashok and Arut Selvan Dhanasekaran and Atharva Naik and David Stap and Eshaan Pathak and Giannis Karamanolakis and Haizhi Gary Lai and Ishan Purohit and Ishani Mondal and Jacob Anderson and Kirby Kuznia and Krima Doshi and Maitreya Patel and Kuntal Kumar Pal and Mehrad Moradshahi and Mihir Parmar and Mirali Purohit and Neeraj Varshney and Phani Rohitha Kaza and Pulkit Verma and Ravsehaj Singh Puri and Rushang Karia and Shailaja Keyur Sampat and Savan Doshi and Siddhartha Mishra and Sujan Reddy and Sumanta Patro and Tanay Dixit and Xudong Shen and Chitta Baral and Yejin Choi and Noah A. Smith and Hannaneh Hajishirzi and Daniel Khashabi},

More details can also be found in the following paper:

    title={Compress then Serve: Serving Thousands of LoRA Adapters with Little Overhead}, 
    author={Rickard Brüel-Gabrielsson and Jiacheng Zhu and Onkar Bhardwaj and Leshem Choshen and Kristjan Greenewald and Mikhail Yurochkin and Justin Solomon},

Contact Information

For any comments or questions, please email Rickard Brüel Gabrielsson

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