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Reproductive Health | my wife is pregnant for 4 months now but she doesn't wanna have sex with me what should i do? cheat or wait? . she keeps making excuses and say im not in the mood of sex im tired and more. what should i do? | umm wait! i mean she didnt get in this situation by herself. men dont understand how it is to be pregnant. sometimes it isnt comfortable to have sex when your pregnant! not to mention your getting bigger and bigger everyday and you have all these hormones going crazy. just be patient she'll come around! |
Other | can you supsitue prozac for xanaz? | no. they are very different drugs ( xanax not xanaz) |
Reproductive Health | is it possible to dilate even if u havent lost ur mucus plug? i dont even know if i have or not. i have been having contraction that get slightly worse as the weeks go on and i can tell the baby is moving down but im not sure if ive lost my mucus plug or not or even if u have to lose it to start dilating. i'm 34 weeks pregnant. | yes you can. when you have lost your mucus plug it will be a pink or reddish show after going to the bathroom. i had that experiance. |
Reproductive Health | i'm 16 girl and i've had my period for 2 years. now i havent had it for 4 months. not pregnant i've never had sex. | it's not uncommon for your period to be irregular at times especially when you are young. are you more stressed out than usual? have you lost weight recently or have you been exercising a lot? these things can all affect your period. if your period doesn't return in a month or two you might want to talk to a doctor to make sure all is ok. |
Other | can you get an infection from a superfical dog scratch? . the scratch didn't bleed and it was cleaned with hydrogen peroxide and applied neosporin after. | most helpful answer you can get an infection from any scratch. a dog a stick a fingernail etc. a dog is really no more risky than any of those things. basically anything that breaks the protective integrity of your skin has the potential of causing a secondary infection. you have done the proper thing by immediately washing the wound using an antiseptic and a topical antibiotic. changes are good that you will not get an infection but if you see progressive redness swelling or pain at the scratch site this could be a sign that the wound is becoming infected. |
Other | how do you tell the difference between a cyst and something else? . i found a nickel sized lump on my bikini line that hurts and is solid with a little give at the touch like cysts i've had before do but the skin above it is redish and looks bruised. is it possible it's something more like a tumor or just a cyst that caused a bruise when forming? | well it certainly could be a cyst. or it could be half a dozen other things i can think of off the top of my head. our skin is prone to developing many types of weird lumps and bumps. the good news is most of the time these go away on their own. sometimes they burst and emit fluid. other times they just seem to disappear. as long as you do not develop a fever or an angry hot red rash in the area it's probably ok to take a wait-and-see attitude with this bump at your bikini line. you can put some warm compresses on it to see if that helps "draw out" any exudate (gunk) from the cyst (or whatever it is). do not squeeze or puncture the bump in an attempt to drain it. that is a great way to get an infection. instead just monitor the lump. if it bursts on its own that's fine -- put some antibiotic ointment on the wound (assuming you're not allergic to antibiotic ointment) and cover it with an adhesive bandage. do that for a couple of days or until the wound has finished draining. in the unlikely event you develop a fever an angry rash in the area or if the bump doesn't go away within a couple of weeks then get a medical professional to look at it. wishing you well! |
Reproductive Health | i expelled my paragard iud age 2 1/2 years of happy use. age 25 never pregnant. am i likely to expel a second one? . since most expulsions happen in the first month or so i'm wondering if this is some fluke. i really need long term reliable birth control and am very concerned about hormones. | hi have a read through rthis link below some it matchs your problem but as you like an iud why not just go for a copper one this way there is no hormones. the link <link> just copy into google to open and read. hope this helps you. good luck |
Other | is it true that oils help black hair grow? if so which are best recommended. what's the best way to take care of black hair that will help it to grow more and break less? what products can you recommend? | i do not know any special oils applied to the scalp or ingested that will cause black hair to grow faster and stronger. sorry. |
Other | how long are you contagious to other people when you have sinusitis and tonsilitis? | sinusitis and tonsillitis are not technically contagious. exposing someone else will not necessarily give them you exact same disease. it is the germs (bacteria viruses) that can be contagious but exposure to those germs will not necessarily result in the same or any disease since everyone's immune system is different. viruses are the most common pathogens and most respiratory viruses that cause sinusitis or tonsillitis are thought to be transmittable by close contact for a day before you know you are ill and for 2-3 days later. mono is a virus that can cause tonsillitis and mono is contagious for a longer period of time. again exposure does not imply that someone would get anything else by a simple cold. strep can cause both tonsillitis and sinusitis and this bacteria is contagious as long as you are contagious or until the end of your antibiotic course. strep will not just jump out of your throat or nose onto someone else but sharing drinks kissing sneezing in someone's face can certain expose others. if their immune system is susceptible to strep they can certainly get it. sinusitis and tonsilitis are not contagious diseases. so you may not worry of affecting anybody in your close vicinity. |
Other | my 14 y/o daughter has rapid heart rate of 130-140 feels shaky and lightheaded. should i take her to see a dr? | yes. a rapid heart rate (tachycardia) and those other symptoms should be medically evaluated. |
Other | is allegra d available over the counter? | no allegra-d is not available without a prescription. alternatives to allegra-d are available like claritin-d and zyrtec-d. ask your healthcare professional if using one of these products as a substitute would be ok for you. |
General Health | could my daughter have a health issue? . my daughter is 2 years old she weighs 49 pounds and is 38 inches tall. her pediatricians keep telling me just give her more fruits and veggies but i do. it's rare if i give her any junk she runs around the house but gets tired quickly which is obviously because of her weight. she's outgrown toddler clothing and is into girls sizes she can't wear jeans because they don't fit her right. i just want some answers as to what could be wrong. | i would go back to my md and tell him to take some blood work. the first thing you need to rule out would be if she is anemic which can easily be taken care of by giving her iron supplements. my grandaughter is very big for her age as well she is 3 and very large however she is very active. if you don't feel like your doctor is answering your questions or taking your concerns seriously i would get a second opinion. she is most likely just fine however there is no reason for you to have to worry about it constantly and you just need to tell your md you expect some answers |
Other | can i take naproxen with lansoprazole | since naproxen can cause stomach issues. the reason you are taking lansoprazole and the fact that i do not know anything about you or your medical history this patient-specific "okay" should only come from your medical provider. |
Disease Prognosis | touched same pen paper & car surface as man with shingles which i've had. my husband & teen niece/nephew never had pox. man with shingles says his shingles are 2-3 weeks old. my husband is 51 and has copd & tachycardia & had pneumonia several times a few years back. his nephew has aspergers & autism & his niece has belly. something with the liver she's on the waiting list for one in utah (going on 19 years old they said she'd never live past 9! ) and she takes tons of meds. so- are they at risk if i was in same room as them & if i touched things in the house and they touch it too. what are the risks? | ok so let's back up a moment and run through what shingles is how it gets transmitted and what effect it has on different groups of people. shingles is caused by the varicella virus. this is the same virus that causes chickenpox. you cannot get shingles unless you have had chickenpox. if you have had chickenpox you cannot "catch" shingles from coming in contact with someone who has shingles. however people who never had chickenpox and have not been vaccinated for it can get chickenpox by coming into contact with the active (weeping) blisters of someone with shingles. once the blisters crust over they're generally considered to be non-infectious. it's uncommon for people to develop chickenpox from exposure to shingles under any circumstances and i would think it nearly impossible under the circumstances you describe. i can understand why you feel the need to take serious precautions but i think your loved ones can rest easy. i doubt you could "carry" the shingles virus to them especially from indirect contact with someone whose rash is at least two weeks old. wishing you well! |
General Health | my health plan no longer covers allegra-d. what else can i take? | allegra-d is in the same drug class as zyrtec-d claritin-d and all its generics. all three of these medications used to be prescription strength. a few years ago claritin and all its products converted to over-the-counter status which led other medications in its class to make the switch from prescription to over the counter as well. allegra and it products have not made that switch yet. it is worth the cost savings to see if another one of the antihistamines found over the counter work as comparable to your usual allegra-d. monitor your symptoms to make sure they do not worsen. both claritin and zyrtec products work relatively quickly. so you would see relief taking place on the same day you take the medication. if your symptoms do worsen then switch to another antihistamine or pick up your prescription for allegra-d. |
General Health | i am a 53 year old female and have osteoarthris and in good health otherwise. my question is coffee bad for arthritis? | hi this bit is coffee bad for arthritis there's a lot of mixed answers on this question. so suggest you try just cutting coffee out for a week see how things go. like am i better for not or just the same. but i will tell you now any kind of tea is best made in a tea pot that’s the british bit in me we older people love tea made in a pot the flavour is far better this way you can make a full 2 pint pot and just leave it just put in in the micro wave and away you go. do hope this helps. good luck |
Other | i'm allergic to eggs! can i get the flu shot? | studies have shown that flu vaccine can be safely received in people with a history of mild reactions to egg with some additional safety measures. people with mild reactions to eggs – specifically those who have only experienced hives – should receive the influenza vaccine with some additional safety measures such as observing the patients for a short time following the vaccination. people who have severe reactions to eggs should either: (1) receive a vaccine that does not use eggs in the manufacturing process or (2) be referred to a health care professional with expertise in the management of allergic conditions for further risk assessment before being vaccinated. for the 2013-2014 flu season there is an egg-free flu vaccine option (flublock ®) for individuals 18 through 49 years of age that does not use the influenza virus or chicken eggs in its manufacturing process. a summary of recommendations for vaccination of persons with egg allergy can be found at: <link>#egg-allergy |
Chronic and Systemic Diseases | is garlic safe for my diabetic dog. 8 year old bichon with atypical cushings and diabetes he takes 7 units of novalin insulin bid flax hull and melatonin 3mg bid sugars are consistantly high and is going blind | i am sorry to hear about your dog and his health challenges. while garlic is not usually a part of a canine diet it will not harm him. his breath may be a bit more challenging when he kisses you but don't keep from loving him back. hi i have a diabetic dog as well. i am just now seeing your post and would like to reccommend bilberry to protect your dogs eyes. even if he is in the later stages it is still not to late to get that included in your dogs diet. |
Other | has short in stature. rides a school bus. feet dangle. a medical concern? if so what can be done to correct it? | if you are concerned about this person's short stature he should be evaluated by a pediatric endocrinologist (i am assuming this is a child but i do not know the age). there can be medical intervention like hgh (human growth hormone) for some forms of short stature if this intervention is done before the growth plates have closed. again i don't know the age or the reason for the short stature. |
Reproductive Health | how do sexual problems affect women? | the most common problems related to sexual dysfunction in women include: inhibited sexual desire: this involves a lack of sexual desire or interest in sex. many factors can contribute to a lack of desire including hormonal changes medical conditions and treatments (for example cancer and chemotherapy) depression pregnancy stress and fatigue. boredom with regular sexual routines also may contribute to a lack of enthusiasm for sex as can lifestyle factors such as careers and the care of children. inability to become aroused: for women the inability to become physically aroused during sexual activity often involves insufficient vaginal lubrication. the inability to become aroused also may be related to anxiety or inadequate stimulation. in addition researchers are investigating how blood flow problems affecting the vagina and clitoris may contribute to arousal problems. lack of orgasm (anorgasmia): this is the absence of sexual climax (orgasm). it can be caused by sexual inhibition inexperience lack of knowledge and psychological factors such as guilt anxiety or a past sexual trauma or abuse. other factors contributing to anorgasmia include insufficient stimulation certain medications and chronic diseases. painful intercourse: pain during intercourse can be caused by a number of problems including endometriosis a pelvic mass ovarian cysts vaginitis poor lubrication the presence of scar tissue from surgery or a sexually transmitted disease. a condition called vaginismus is a painful involuntary spasm of the muscles that surround the vaginal entrance. it may occur in women who fear that penetration will be painful and also may stem from a sexual phobia or from a previous traumatic or painful experience. |
Other | can bells palsy symtoms mimic a brain tumor? | these two medical problems are very very different. bell's palsy just follows the nerve pathway on one side of your face often resulting in a droopy eyelid or crooked smile. it tends to get better over time. it would not be common for a brain tumor to present as bell's palsy although some neurological disorders can cause one-side nerve paralysis. a brain tumor can present many different ways from a sudden loss of vision or hearing seizures sudden speech problems severe headaches vomiting inability to walk etc. |
General Health | my wife's bcbs health insurance in texas is being cancelled dec. 31. i've tried daily since oct. 2 to get info at healthcare. gov regarding "eligibility. " i can go no further even though the website says the application is "complete. " i have gotten the runaround from the call center and others regarding this glitch. have other texans encountered a problem finding results for eligibility? | the situation is very frustrating and you're certainly not alone in facing obstacles. one other option you might want to try is to speak with folks in your area trained to help consumers through the process. you can find someone local here: localhelp. healthcare. gov. |
Other | i've been dealing with seborrheic dermatitis for about a year. how can i further control and prevent it? | seborrheic dermatitis is thought to be a combination of over-production of oil glands and yeast on the skin's surface. unfortunately seborrheic dermatitis can be a lifelong problem characterized by prolonged inactive periods and flare-ups. if you suffer from seborrheic dermatitis consider using selenium- or ketoconazole-containing shampoos at least once per week. when you wash your hair also apply a small amount of the shampoo on the problematic areas on your face and then rinse your hair and face simultaneously. over-the-counter corticosteroids will control minor flare-ups. more severe reactions should be evaluated by your dermatologist. |
Other | i just contracted chlamydia. i have been with the same woman for 6 months. does this mean my girlfriend cheated on me? | hi try this as a thought chlamydia can stay hidden deep in body tissue for a long time so with this thought do you think she has cheated you or could this have been inside your own body for anything liker 15 years or longer its could be just the same for your g/f. please don't go breaking up without the full knowledge. good luck |
Disease Prognosis | why is it risky for a diabetic to get a tattoo? | diabetics are more prone to infections. infections that can get out of hand. many tattoo establishments are not known for their high-levels of sanitation. |
Other | can weight gain supplements be harmful to teenage boys. my son is 16 & started lifting last year. he wants to buy weight gain supplements & claims they're all natural. i am against this because he is not done with growing & don't feel it will be safe in long run. please give advice. ty | i am not a big fan of them either. not only do that not work the extra protein load has the potential of harming the kidneys. i think you are wise to discourage their use. |
Other | my three month started vomiting this morning and hasn't been able to keep anything down. what could the problem be? | there can be many reasons. from a viral infection (viral gastroenteritis) to a congenital problem with the stomach. because of the age and possibiltiy of dehydration it is imperative that this baby be seen by her medical provider. |
Other | how can i find a good orthodontist or oral surgeon for my daughter? | first i would ask your pediatric dentist for a referral. if that doesn’t work contact the local dental society in your area. |
Other | how long do you need to stop taking valtrex to get a shingles shot? . i've taken valtrex every day for a few years. 500mg. | hi! i really think you should consult a doctor for this since i'm not a medical professional i don't want to give advice that might hurt you inadvertently. to do this you should go on healthtap where you can access a doctor through a video consultation really easily and can give you legit advice. goodluck! <link> |
Disease Prognosis | what things increase a woman's risk of infertility? | many things can change a woman's ability to have a baby. these include: age stress poor diet athletic training being overweight or underweight smoking excess alcohol use sexually transmitted infections (stis) health problems that cause hormonal changes such as polycystic ovarian syndrome and primary ovarian insufficiency |
Other | can perming a girls hair kill head lice and nits | no. and you would not likely find someone to give a perm to girl with head lice (unless you planned on doing it yourself). it would be best to properly treat the head lice first with some effective lice medication and then have the perm. |
Other | is fried chicken a starch? | no it is primarily a protein and fat. there may be some starch (carbohydrate) on any breading but chicken is not considered a starch per se. |
Reproductive Health | hypothyroidism. will taking synthroid affect my fertility since it causes irregular menstrual patterns? | i suppose it could affect your fertility if it caused irregular menstrual patterns but it could also help - it regularized me a bit actually. generally being healthier will probably help your fertility and hypothyroidism can mess you up quite a bit. if you respond badly to synthroid you might want to try nature throid or armour thyroid because they are more complete hormone replacements. |
Reproductive Health | periods baby's. me and my. boyfriend have been trying to have a baby for the pass year and my period seems to be a lil irregular as of jun 28 2015 it is now oct 28 2015 and i am having two periods in one month. bloating and cramps any advice on what's going on | a woman's menstrual cycle is unique to each woman so the only way that you can determine a cause or causes of your irregular flow is to see a medical professional such as a gynecologist. there is really no way to blindly guess "what is going on" blindly over the internet without any medical history and a careful diagnostic examination. |
Other | which adults should not get the flu vaccine? | you should not get the influenza vaccine if you: are severely allergic to eggs developed guillain-barre syndrome within six weeks of receiving the flu vaccine in the past had a severe reaction to the flu vaccine in the past have a severe allergy to any vaccine component the nasal spray flu vaccine can only be used in healthy younger adults who are not pregnant. in addition to the previously listed adults who should not receive the flu shot adults should not get the nasal spray influenza vaccine if they: are pregnant are age 50 or older have a weakened immune system due to disease or certain medical treatments have a long-term health condition such as those with diabetes kidney disease or heart or lung disease including asthma have a muscle or nerve condition that can cause problems with breathing or swallowing (such as epilepsy or cerebral palsy) have a nasal condition that could make breathing difficult you should not get the nasal spray flu vaccine if you are in contact with people who have a severely weakened immune system. if you are moderately to severely ill your doctor may recommend waiting to get the shot until after you recover. the cdc says you can still get the vaccine if you have a mild illness such as a cold or low-grade fever. if you have a stuffy nose your doctor may recommend that you wait to get the nasal spray flu vaccine or get the flu shot instead. |
Other | who should get a seasonal flu vaccination? | the seasonal flu vaccine is recommended for all children older than 6 months as well as teenagers. it's also recommended for adults considered to be at higher risk of complications. that includes: people with chronic diseases such as diabetes mellitus kidney disease heart disease lung disease and a weakened immune system -- including hiv/aids or suppressed immune system. in addition it is recommended for pregnant women health care workers caregivers and residents of nursing homes. |
Other | why are steroids injected? | injecting steroids into one or two local areas of inflammation allows doctors to deliver a high dose of medication directly to the problem area. when doctors give steroids by mouth or intravenously they cannot be sure an adequate amount of the steroid will eventually reach the problem area. |
Other | i had a minor surgical wound open today. can i use super glue after closing it with a butterfly bandaid in the middle? . it is in a bad location. the coccyx above the anus and sitting on the toilet caused it to open at the bottom. | i do not think it is a good idea for you to super glue a surgical wound near your anus. please call your medical provider for patient-specific advice in this matter since i do not know the size of the wound how it was closed (and when) or the reason for the surgery in the first place. |
Sensory Health | do i need eye glasses. i'm a 41-year old female. for the past 3-4 days i've been experience a mild quivering/jumping sensation in my left eye. i've also felt a general tightness in this eye. i've had 20/20 vision up to this point. could this be a sign that i need eye glasses or could it be a sign of something? . . . . | those are not typical symptoms of a visual acuity problem so it would be wise to see a good eye doctor for a careful examination. it would not be possible to even guess at the reasons for your array of symptoms without a hands-on evaluation. in this case first you have to consult with your doctor if the problem can solve by any medicine then why u thinking for glasses. in this case first you have to consult with your doctor if the problem can solve by any medicine then why u thinking for glasses. |
Other | im a blood type my mother is o- and my sister is o- and the guy i was told that was my father is o- is it possible | this is an interesting question. blood type is inherited from genes contributed by each parent. in order to produce offspring with type a blood at least one parent must also have type a blood. two parents with type o blood can only produce offspring with type o blood. it gets a little complicated because for example genetically speaking two ab type parents can produce offspring with type o blood. it may also be possible for an ab type parent to contribute the a type to offspring when the other parent contributes the o gene. if either the mother or the father has type o blood the other parent must have type a blood (or possibly type ab) to produce offspring with type a blood. the positive (+) and negative (-) signs related to blood type refer to the presence or absence of rh antibodies in the blood and don't affect "blood type " per se. so when considering genetic inheritance you can set aside the rh positive or negative aspect and simply look at the a-b-o system. in the end the only way to determine parentage is by genetic testing. hope you find this information useful! my mother is ab- blood my father is o- blood. i have o+ blood. does this mean my biological father is o+ blood? can 2 negatives make a positive? i had read somewhere on line that it isn't possible. |
Reproductive Health | my wife is pregnant. because of this we are not able to find a health insurance provider who can cover maternity. are there any insurance providers who support maternity? | all health plans offered on the exchange/marketplace and in the individual and small employer marketplace will have to offer maternity care in 2014 as part of the essential health benefits. insurers used to be able to use pregnancy as a pre-existing condition and deny coverage as a result but that is no longer allowed under the aca beginning in january. |
Other | does the age affect the success of braces? | the mechanical process used to move teeth with braces is the same at any age. so the benefits of orthodontic treatments are available to both children and adults who wish to improve their appearance and bite. the main differences between treatments in adults and children is that certain corrections in adults may require more than braces alone and the treatments may take longer because adult bones are no longer growing. |
Other | what does wrecked mean? . vi udbetaler danmarks højeste skrotpræmie for din skrot bil. alt har interesse. vi køber skrotbiler brugte biler varevogne skadede biler firehjulstrækkere 4×4. <link> | thank you. |
Other | how do i take ibu? | if you are taking the over-the-counter product read all directions on the product package before taking this medication. if your doctor has prescribed this medication read the medication guide provided by your pharmacist before you start taking ibuprofen and each time you get a refill. if you have any questions ask your doctor or pharmacist. take this medication by mouth usually every 4 to 6 hours with a full glass of water (8 ounces/240 milliliters) unless your doctor directs you otherwise. do not lie down for at least 10 minutes after taking this drug. if you have stomach upset while taking this medication take it with food milk or an antacid. the dosage is based on your medical condition and response to treatment. to reduce your risk of stomach bleeding and other side effects take this medication at the lowest effective dose for the shortest possible time. do not increase your dose or take this drug more often than directed by your doctor or the package label. for ongoing conditions such as arthritis continue taking this medication as directed by your doctor. when ibuprofen is used by children the dose is based on the child's weight. read the package directions to find the proper dose for your child's weight. consult the pharmacist or doctor if you have questions or if you need help choosing a nonprescription product. for certain conditions (such as arthritis) it may take up to two weeks of taking this drug regularly until you get the full benefit. if you are taking this drug "as needed" (not on a regular schedule) remember that pain medications work best if they are used as the first signs of pain occur. if you wait until the pain has worsened the medication may not work as well. if your condition persists or worsens or if you think you may have a serious medical problem get medical help right away. if you are using the nonprescription product to treat yourself or a child for fever or pain consult the doctor right away if fever worsens or lasts more than 3 days or if pain worsens or lasts more than 10 days. |
Reproductive Health | can i use vicks vaporub during my pregnancy? i have a cough that won’t go away. i'm 38 weeks pregnant. | i would ask a few additional questions around the duration and type of the cough and if you have seen a health care provider previously for the cough. in some cases it is not a good idea to suppress a cough as it can lead to infection etc. we do not have well-controlled studies regarding the use of vicks vaporub in pregnancy so i would recommend speaking to your health care provider before using the product. |
Other | can i take clindamycin if allergic to ceclor and bactrim. just had a horrible reaction to bactrim. doctor prescribed clindamycin but am afraid to take. just wanting to make sure it will be ok. | your pharmacist is always a good resource for these answers when you pick up your prescription but bactrim (sulfa) clindamycin and ceclor (cephalosporin) are all different and unrelated antibiotic drug classes. i have no idea if you are allergic to clindamycin too but you should be able to take it. this is probably why it was prescribed. |
Reproductive and Urinary Health | can you have a uti/bladder infection even if urinalysis done by a lab is negative for bacteria? . (u/a also negative for everything else. ) | it is the urine culture not the routine urinalysis that gives the definitive answer. keep in mind that nearly 50% of women with "classic" urinary tract infection symptoms (burning on urination frequency and urgency) do not have a uti. other causes such as urethritis urethral irritation from clothing/soaps/sexual activity and the various types of vaginitis should be considered as other possibilities. |
Other | is an ultrasound-guided breast biopsy considered a clean or sterile procedure? | yes. it is the best way to do a directed biopsy with less chance of an infection. |
Other | what baby blues? | "baby blues are very normal and very common. having a baby even if it's a second or third baby is a sea of change in your life " says catherine monk phd herbert irving assistant professor of clinical psychology in the departments of psychiatry and obstetrics at columbia university college of physicians and surgeons. "that combined with the fluctuating hormones as your body goes from being pregnant to not pregnant can lead to major mood swings. " experts say there are two big differences between baby blues and true postpartum depression: how long your depressed feelings last. how intense the feelings are. the baby blues usually begin a few days after delivery and last about 10 days to two weeks. the baby blues also feel different than postpartum depression. "they're not just about being sad. baby blues seem to be about being full of feeling " explains nada stotland md mph professor of psychiatry and obstetrics and gynecology at rush medical college in chicago. |
Other | i believe i have a fish bone stuck in my throat do i need to see my doctor and can i wait until office opens tomorrow? . ate fish this past thursday. i am constantly aware of the discomfort. swallowing is more uncomfortable with the end of my swallow. i feel the sensation at the back of my throat to about 3 inches below the back of my jaw on the right side. | most helpful answer an er doctor has the equipment and most-likely the skill to locate an remove a fish bone. i am not sure your primary care doctor is equally-equipped and skilled and may send you to an ent specialist. these tiny bones can be unbelievably annoying so it is your choice to wait or not. |
Reproductive Health | my husband wants me to have oral sex will i get sick if he comes in my mouth. i was physically and sexually abused as a child. my husband knows about this. he has asked if i would preform oral sex for him will i get sick if he comes in my mouth? are there germs that can also make me sick. when i was forced to do this as a child and my dad crammed his dick in my mouth and came i threw up and began to chock. i was also afraid that i would get pg. | i am so sorry to hear about your childhood molestation so i can understand that oral sex with your husband could surface some of those past demons. having a consentual caring sexual relationship with your husband is not the same. i trust that your husband will be respectful and understanding about your reluctance. i can assure you that semen is harmless in your mouth but your husband does not have to ejaculate. he can control it. you will not get any disease-causing germs from this practice in a monogamous relationship with your husband. consentual oral sex is safe and can be pleasurable for both of you. this would be a new sexual experience for you so if you are emotionally ready take "little steps" at first. |
Reproductive Health | can my girlfriend get pregnant if i cleaned the precum off and pulled out? asap. ok so me and my girlfriend had sex with a condom but we were still horny so i cleaned off the cum and everything so my dick was dry and i pulled out can she still get pregnant | hi yes reason there would have been sperm still in your urethra and these would have got out it only takes one of our men to get a women pregnant and this would depend on the time of her cycle or in some cases not. if she's not pregnant. next time either get her on the bc pill or just get extra condoms. good luck |
Other | can you get bunions in your hands. can you get bunions in your hands or is it more likely it is arthritis? | hi if your joints are swelling its a good chance its arthritis you could try what i take for something else but it keeps my arthritis under control its a mix on cayenne pepper turmeric and garlic all very good for you. just how see below. you just mix cp and turmeric 50/50 in olive oil and then mix with tomato paste and thin it with olive oil at first you just mix this to a heat that suits you and over time you can slowly increase the cp and turmeric. you take 3 small teaspoonful each morning first thing you wash each spoonful down with water before anything else just after you get up one thing it will warm you up with this which will also help would be very fine chopped garlic just do a whole head chopped fine and keep in olive oil with this you add dried parsley a couple of good desert spoonful's and mix you just add a teaspoonful on top of the cp an turmeric mix just mix into the top take as said. the parsley its very good for the blood and helps keep your cholesterol down. no if you read up about all three the very good for ed your heart and prostate garlic is also very good for your blood so along with the cp and turmeric your be doing your body the world of good. so do hope this helps you. good luck |
Other | small white bumps on female pubic area with hard centers. they do not hurt. hi i am a 23 year old female and i started noticing small white bumps on my pubic area and a few on my inner thigh. they do not hurt. when i pop them a small hard substance comes out and it bleeds alot. heals in a couple of days. i am married and have not ever had an std. what could it possible be? should i go to the doctor? | sorry to hear you're going through this. despite the fact you're married if you ever had sex with anyone besides your current partner you could have contracted a sexually transmitted disease (std) and not have known it. for example human papillomavirus (hpv) which causes genital warts often produces no symptoms. keep in mind it's also possible your husband is infected with an std and doesn't know it. however we're not going to jump to the conclusion this is an std. to answer your question yes i would suggest you see a medical professional about this. you need to find out if it is in fact an std or if it's something else entirely. you also need to get treated for it and find out how if possible to prevent it from occurring in the future. i hope it turns out to be something very simple and easily treated. all the best to you! |
Other | can ciprodex otic be used in the eye? | absolutely not. |
Medication-related | can a 4 1/2-year-old taking zyrtec daily also take a dose of benadryl on the same day? | i do not recommend giving your child benadryl on top of zyrtec. they are both antihistamines and will individually have the coverage your child needs for allergy relief. however you need to partner with your pediatrician or other health-care providers to make sure this dose is safe and effective for your child. both medications are readily available over the counter but for self-use the directions on the box/bottle/package must be followed. |
Other | what can i do to treat sinusitis at home? | home treatment may relieve symptoms of pain and pressure associated with short-term (acute) sinusitis. home treatment may improve drainage of mucus from the sinuses and prevent the need for antibiotics. there is no scientific evidence to support the use of home treatments in sinusitis but you may find one or more of them helpful. drink plenty of fluids to help keep your mucus thin. apply moist heat (using a hot damp towel or gel pack) to your face for 5 to 10 minutes several times a day. breathe warm moist air from a steamy shower a hot bath or a sink filled with hot water. avoid extremely cool dry air. consider using a humidifier to increase the moisture in the air in your home. use saltwater nasal washes (saline lavage or irrigation) to help keep the nasal passages open and wash out mucus and bacteria. you can purchase saline nose drops at a pharmacy or make your own saline solution at home. it may also help to gargle with warm salt water by using one teaspoon of salt per pint of water. use nonprescription medications such as pain relievers and decongestants (for example nasal spray) to relieve symptoms. do not give cough and cold medicines to a child younger than 2 unless your child’s doctor has told you to. if your child’s doctor tells you to give a medicine be sure to follow what he or she tells you to do. be careful when using some nasal-spray decongestants. they usually should not be used for more than about 3 days. longer use can lead to further swelling of the sinus membranes after the medicine wears off (called rebound congestion ) which makes pressure and swelling worse. you may end up dependent on the medicine if you start using more and more of it to get rid of the pressure and swelling. if you need to blow your nose do it gently. forceful blowing may force thick mucus back into your sinuses and block them. keep both nostrils open when blowing your nose. if you have chronic sinusitis you'll probably need to continue the above home treatment measures for a long period of time to keep your sinuses clear. healthwise disclaims any liability for the decisions you make based on this information. © 1995-2011 healthwise incorporated. healthwise healthwise for every health decision and the healthwise logo are trademarks of healthwise incorporated. |
Other | is rosiola a type of molluscum? | roseola is a virus and is not related in any way to molluscum other than the fact that they are both viruses (different ones). |
Other | what may cause blood in the stool? . more importantly what may cause a lot of bright red blood in the toilet after bowel movement and a rather large blood clot? i had to remove myself from the toilet to clean myself and found the blood clot. about the size of a small chicken liver and almost the same consistency. no more bleeding since. bleeding i've experienced before and doesn't concern me but the clot was rather scarey. | the source will need to be found so you will need to see a medical provider for an examination. it could be a fissure (a tiny tear in the anal area) a hemorrhoid (internal or external) a polyp or? |
General Health | i have a cyst inside my left kidney will i have to have surgery? | i don't have any information about your case so it would not be possible to determine if your kidney cyst will require surgery. only your urologist -- someone who knows your case -- can make that determination. |
Cardiovascular Health | is having a blood pressure at 133 over 82 bad? | you have a good blood pressure. |
Other | i brush my teeth floss and scrape my tongue twice a day. i don’t see any tartar. can i go for a cleaning in 9 months? | yes you can. but the preferred timing is every 3-6 months based on your dentist's recommendation. you may think that you are removing all of your dental plaque but you cannot see below the gum line in the deep dark spaces that allow the bad bacteria to grow and proliferate. these are the bad bacteria that eat away bone and cause the premature loss of teeth. research has shown that the “bad bacteria” which can eat bone recolonize at about 90 days after a professional cleaning. |
General Health | how do i know if i qualify for a subsidy in the health insurance exchanges? | if you earn between 100-400% of the federal poverty level (fpl) you are eligible for a subsidy on the exchange. in 2013 the fpl is $11 490 for one person and $23 550 for a family of four. if you are unsure if you qualify it is still simple to find out. the application for health insurance on your state’s health insurance exchange will calculate your eligibility for you. simply visit your state’s exchange website when enrollment begins on october 1 2013. if you are ineligible for subsidies on the exchange because you qualify for medicare or medicaid the health insurance exchange will enroll you into the appropriate program. in this sense it is designed to be a one-stop shop with “no wrong door. ” |
Other | my feet hurt. how can a podiatrist help me? | if anyone can help your painful feet a podiatrist can. someone who studies just feet for four years is clearly the expert. after a careful examination and perhaps an x-ray a podiatrist will be able to make a proper diagnosis and treatment plan. this can range from getting some custom-made shoe inserts (orthotics) to anti-inflammatory medications. in some cases an x-ray may reveal changes in your feet that may be improved by a surgical procedure. either way the podiatrist is the right person to see for foot pain. |
Other | what factors contribute to a successful nose job? | at consultation the evaluation includes a lot of factors some patients aren’t aware of. it’s not just the shape or size of your nose. it’s the quality the material there that is available to work with. for example thick oily skin tends not to drape down even though you shave down the bump and narrow the tip because what you are doing is narrowing the under the surface structures the bone and the cartilage. but the upholstery meaning the skin it does best when it’s thin and will shrink down uniformly and give a nice contour. so thick skin is a bit of a challenge for us. and oily skin has a greater tendency to have breakouts and all those things that kind of be a bit of a hassle for the patient. and the other question is even the strength of the cartilage because strong cartilages are really ideal because you can work with them easier. people that have very soft cartilage there’s a very narrow window in which you can work because if you’re a little over zealous and take out too much that cartilage is so weak that often the nose will kind of start to collapse and dip down. you’ve got to factor all these things into your decision making but that decision making is done really at the time of consultation. that’s where our most intense thoughts are being hatched because we have the patient in front of us we have the ability to feel to look size up the situation. we need to look inside the nose and see if there’s blockage because often if you make the nose a little narrower and the airway isn’t so super to begin with the patient may note afterwards that gee my breathing isn’t quite as good as it was before what’s going on here? so that patient may need to have the discussion about gee i think we need to open up your air passages a little bit while we’re there because after all the nose is still a functional organ regardless of how good it looks if it doesn’t work the patient is not going to be happy. |
Other | is it safe to breastfeed after being stung by a bee on the neck? | yes it is safe. |
Skin Conditions | my vagina is itching has small bumps at the opening and the discharge is small white lumps is it a yeast infection? . i was with my boyfriend and he was rubbing my lady parts and a few days later we did that again. the next day i awoke to my vagina itching and burning and really sore to touch. i checked the discharge and it was small white lumps but it doesn't smell. is this a yet infection? | hi sounds very much like a yi so choices are over the counter meds or there are natural remedies just read through these links. <link> <link> <link> just copy one at a time into google to the www. to open and read. all good stuff and hope it helps you. good luck |
General Health | could minor surgery cause signs of multiple sclerosis exacerbation such as clumsiness dizziness and muscle spasms? | people will frequently relate onset of symptoms to certain life events (surgery car accident etc). it is not clear if there is cause and effect but we know that stress can affect the immune system. there is also some work to suggest that ms patients may have exacerbations more frequently when under stress than not. so call your neurologist and discuss what is happening. david |
Reproductive Health | can a girl get pregnant if there is sperm in the swimming pool but there was no sexual contact? | there are a number of reasons why this should not work. one the chlorine should disrupt the sperm. two water is toxic to cells because of the difference in the content of the cell. anyway you look at this it is very unlikely to conceive this way. |
Other | what is flu shots? do they make you get the flu when you get the flu shot? | you cannot catch the flu (influenza) from a flu shot or the nasal vaccine. it is biologically-incapable of causing the actual illness. the flu vaccine only helps protects against true influenza. not colds and not the "stomach flu" which is not a form of influenza. |
Reproductive Health | i have been on ortho tri-cyclen lo for nearly a year. my period started a week early this month. what could this mean? | ortho tri-cyclen lo contains a low amount of estrogen. sometimes your own hormones can rule over the pill form that you are taking. other factors can also throw off your cycle like stress. sometimes women’s’ hormones can also "talk" to each other causing women in the same vicinity to become regulated to the same cycle. if you have just started a new job or school where you are hanging out with other women every day your cycles can become synced with theirs. before you start a new pill pack you may want to take an at-home pregnancy test. keep an eye on your cycles and if they are continually irregular you may need a different type of birth control. |
Other | is it safe to have another baby after i delivered three by c-section? | you can certainly consider having another infant. however all the information in our literature would tell you not to consider having an attempt at a vaginal birth. you are at too high a risk to consider this. i think of myself as very progressive and will always consider a vbac for patients but not someone like you. the issue for you becomes the more c/s you have the higher the risk of possible placental abnormalities. if the placenta lies over the cervix (called a placenta previa) with the number of c/s you have had there could be a significant problem that could occur (called a placenta accreta). you should always discuss with your health care provider your concerns. |
Other | is it okay to train abdominals every day of the week? | just as you wouldn't (or at least you shouldn't) train the same body part everyday you shouldn't train your abs everyday. your abs like other body parts need time to recover. it's during the recovery phase where your muscles grow stronger preparing them for even better performance on the next ab workout. instead give your abs 48 hours in between workouts to recover and strengthen. and remember to hit each of your major ab areas in every ab workout. this includes the upper abs lower abs obliques and transverse abdominal muscles. many exercises can hit all the muscle groups at the same time giving you a great ab workout in less time. examples of all-ab exercises include bicycle crunches and stability ball knee tucks. also don't be afraid of using weights for some ab exercises. resistance helps build stronger more toned muscles. that's not going to give you a big belly from bulging ab muscles. they don't grow like that. and remember that your abs are never going to pop unless you burn off the fat. it's a common misconception that the way to six-pack abs is ab work. actually burning the fat through a well-rounded exercise program that includes cardio weight training stretching and ab work is the key to six-pack abs. also incorporate core movements that work the abs as well as the rest of the core from your chest to your butt. no no. do abs 3 days a week with a non-abs day in between. the p90x ab ripper program is designed to be done every mon wed and friday. and he recommends not trying to do it every day. your muscles need time to repair themselvs. overtraining "when you do abdominal workouts every day you risk overtraining your muscles. when you overtrain you experience a reduced synthesis of muscle proteins along with an increased rate of protein degradation in your muscles notes peter m. tiidus author of "skeletal muscle damage and repair. " this produces the opposite effect you seek in training and leaves you more vulnerable to injury". read more: <link>#ixzz29ghmru6n ye |
Other | what happens to someone when they get osteoarthritis? | osteoarthritis occurs when the cartilage that cushions your joints breaks down and wears away. when this happens the bones rub together and cause damage and pain. in most cases it takes years for cartilage to break down. it's hard to know how fast arthritis may progress. the time it takes can vary from person to person. you may not have any symptoms for years until the bones and tissues become damaged. or symptoms may come and go stay the same or get worse over time. arthritis can cause problems in any joint in the body. but in most cases you'll have symptoms in only one or two joints or groups of joints. arthritis may cause problems in your hands hips knees or feet and sometimes in your spine. at first you may only feel pain when you're active. as the disease gets worse you may also feel pain when you're at rest. if you have arthritis in your fingers the joints at the tip or middle part of your fingers may get bigger and form bumps. these are known as heberden's and bouchard's nodes. even though there is no cure for arthritis most people can manage their symptoms with medicine and lifestyle changes. but in a few people arthritis may get so bad that they decide to have surgery to replace the worn joint or to fuse the bones together so that the joint won't bend. the surgical techniques and man-made joints that are available keep improving over time. learn about the complications of arthritis. healthwise disclaims any liability for the decisions you make based on this information. © 1995-2011 healthwise incorporated. healthwise healthwise for every health decision and the healthwise logo are trademarks of healthwise incorporated. |
Other | how long does menopause last? | there are no established time limits as to when menopause begins. or ends or how long a woman would be experiencing menopause-related symptoms. every woman is different. |
Other | how is diarrhea treated? | absorbents. absorbents are compounds that absorb water. absorbents that are taken orally bind water in the small intestine and colon and make diarrheal stools less watery. the two main absorbents are attapulgite and polycarbophil and they are both available without prescriptions. examples of products containing attapulgite are: donnagel. rheaban. kaopectate advanced formula. parepectolin. diasorb. examples of products containing polycarbophil are: equalactin. konsyl fiber. mitrolan. polycarb. one concern is that absorbents also can bind medications and interfere with their absorption into the body. for this reason it often is recommended that medications and absorbents be taken several hours apart so that they are physically separated within the intestine. antimotility medications. antimotility medications are drugs that relax the muscles of the small intestine and/or the colon. relaxation results in slower flow of intestinal contents. cramps due to spasm of the intestinal muscles also are relieved by the muscular relaxation. the two main antimotility medications are loperamide (imodium) which is available without a prescription and diphenoxylate (lomotil) which requires a prescription. both medications are related to opiates (for example codeine) but neither has the pain-relieving effects of opiates. diphenoxylate is a man-made medication that at high doses can be addictive because of its opiate-like euphoric (mood-elevating) effects. in order to prevent abuse of diphenoxylate and addiction a second medication atropine is added to loperamide in lomotil. if too much lomotil is ingested unpleasant side effects from too much atropine will occur. loperamide and diphenoxylate are safe and well-tolerated. there are some precautions however that should be observed. antimotility medications should not be used without a doctor's guidance to treat diarrhea caused by moderate or severe ulcerative colitis c. difficile colitis and intestinal infections by bacteria that invade the intestine (for example shigella ). their use can lead to more serious inflammation and prolong the infections. diphenoxylate can cause drowsiness or dizziness and caution should be used if driving or performing tasks that require alertness and coordination. antimotility medications should not be used in children younger than 2 years of age. acute diarrhea should improve within 72 hours. if symptoms do not improve or if they worsen a doctor should be consulted before continuing treatment with antimotility medications. bismuth compounds. many bismuth-containing preparations are available around the world. bismuth subsalicylate (pepto-bismol) is available in the united states. it contains two potentially active ingredients bismuth and salicylate (aspirin). pepto-bismol is well-tolerated. minor side effects include darkening of the stool and tongue. there are several precautions that should be observed when using pepto-bismol. patients who are allergic to aspirin should not take pepto-bismol. pepto-bismol should not be used with other aspirin-containing medications since too much aspirin may be ingested and lead to aspirin toxicity. the aspirin in pepto-bismol can accentuate the effects of anticoagulants particularly warfarin (coumadin) and lead to excessive bleeding. it also may cause abnormal bleeding in people who have a tendency to bleed because of genetic disorders or underlying diseases. the aspirin in pepto-bismol can aggravate stomach and duodenal ulcer disease. pepto-bismol and aspirin-containing products should not be given to children and teenagers with chickenpox influenza and other viral infections because they may cause reye's syndrome. reye's syndrome is a serious illness affecting primarily the liver and brain that can lead to liver failure and coma with a mortality rate of at least 20%. pepto-bismol should not be given to infants and children younger than 2 years of age. |
Reproductive Health | sexual health? how can i increase my semen (due to much masturbation). i m starting masturbation in the age of 14 yr. regularly many time in a day. now i am 28 yr. i have following major problems:. 1. erectile dysfunction. 2. premature ejaculation. 3. low sperm count (after masturbation semen has comes only 4-5 drops and very slander). can i pregnant my wife in this situation? please sir help me | if you would like to impregnate your wife you may need to curtail your excessive masturbation for a few days so that your sperm count does increase and your prostate has enough time to replenish your semen volume. there are not other ways. i find it difficult to believe that you are having erectile dysfunction if you are masturbating "many times per day". premature ejaculation will not keep you from achieving a pregnancy as long as you are able to hold out long enough to have sexual contact with your wife. have you considered talking to a counselor about these issues? perhaps a psychologist -- one who has some experience with male sexual issues -- can really help you. hi first if you have not got over this problem yet seeing as this was now 8 months ago. does your wife know about your excess masturbating one thing you should get off your chest with your wife by telling her the facts. to start with for over masturbation you need to start an 8 week break from masturbating and any sexual contact with the wife now depending just how bad you problem is it may take another 4 to 8 weeks by doing this you will be rebooting your body and it starts self healing. if you watch porn? now is the time to get rid of it clear your computer or sites clear away any down loads and last throw away any discs get the wife to install an child porn lock she keeps the pass word. now you will know when this starts working as you will get you nocturnal erections back along with your morning woods when these start to happen its working but you need to wait still just let things get better by doing the 8 12 or 16 weeks as for your pe there is an exercise for this its called edging to find this just google pegym look under exercises and take it from there. do hope this helps you. good luck |
Other | does ice cold drinks affect gerds? | not sure about gerd but they suggest not drinking really cold drinks with ibs |
Other | my 2 yr old has had a fever on and off the last 2 weeks why does it keep coming back? . he had a fever 2-3 days then it went away and about a week and a half later it came back and hes had it off and on for 3 days now. i have been giving him medicine and it temporarily breaks the fever but then it comes back. he has a dr appt tomorrow. but what could be the cause for the reoccuring fever? | a fever is the body's normal response to fighting off a pathogen (virus bacteria) or respond to inflammation. there can be hundreds of reasons for a child to get a recurrent fever but in most cases it tends to be one or more of the over 200 respiratory viruses. fevers are not dangerous but finding the reason is important so i am glad you are seeing his doctor. |
Cardiovascular Health | what causes portal hypertension? | the most common cause of portal hypertension is cirrhosis of the liver. cirrhosis results from scarring of a liver injury caused by hepatitis alcohol abuse or other causes of liver damage. in cirrhosis scar tissue blocks the flow of blood through the liver. other causes of portal hypertension include blood clots in the portal vein blockages of the veins that carry the blood from the liver to the heart and a parasitic infection called schistosomiasis. sometimes the cause is unknown. |
Other | does vicks inhaler contain any antihistamine? | no. but the menthol in the inhalor sooths irritations and often makes breathing feel easier. |
Other | is it true that calcium makes garcinia cambogia ineffective? | there is no research i can find that shows that calcium makes garcinia cambogia ineffective. it seems companies add potassium and calcium to increase its absorption. again i can find no studies that show that calcium increases or decreases absorption. |
Reproductive Health | i had a tubal in 2003. i am currently 41 years old. my period is 2 weeks late. should i be concerned about pregnancy? . my period has been regular for the last 12 years. | no really. while post tubal-ligation pregnancies have happened they are very very rare. a more likely cause would be hormonal changes associated with being perimenopausal. not uncommon at age 41. time to see your gynecologist. normal 0 false false false microsoftinternetexplorer4 for real how to get your ex lover back and be happy again my name is bartley whitley i never believed in love spells or magic until i met this spell caster once when i went to indian in june last year on a business summit i meet a friend of mine called mariana she introduce me to a man called dr shiva at hinduspelltemple@yahoo. com that he can help me get my lover back dr shiva is powerful he could help you cast a spells to bring back your love s gone misbehaving lover looking for some one to love you bring back lost money and magic money spell or spell for a good job am now happy & a living testimony because the man i had wanted to marry left me 4weeks before our wedding and my life was upside down because our relationship has been on for 3 year i really loved him but his mother was against me and he had no good paying job so when i met this spell caster i told him what happened and explained the situation of things to him at first i was undecided skeptical and doubtful but i just gave it a try and in 6 days when i returned to back to canada my boyfriend (is now my husband ) he called me by himself and came to me apologizing that everything had been settled with his mom and family and he got a new job interview so we should get married i didn’t believe it because the spell caster only asked for my name and my boyfriends name and all i wanted him to do well we are happily married now and we are expecting our little kid and my husband also got a new job and our lives became much better in case anyone needs the spell caster for some help contact him today via his email address at: hinduspelltemple@yahoo. com i am so so excited to share this testimony with everyone. i never really believed in spell casting nor magic whatsoever. i was so ignorant of the fact that one can really get pregnant by any means of spell casting. i am from philippines i am happily married with a new born baby(boy). i am 34 years old. i got married to my husband 7yrs ago and since then we have been battling with a problem of getting an issue. i was so frustrated as my husband threatened me of getting a new wife and his family members also threatened that i will be thrown out of the house. i looked for means everywhere but ought to no avail. to cut the long story short i contacted priest babaka the spell caster and today i am proud to say that i am a mother with the help of priest babaka. contact him now and get yours solved via his email: babaka. wolf@gmail. com |
Other | can i inject pavaverine (like used in erectile dysfunction) into a clitoris and get the same stimulation results? | no. absolutely not. |
Reproductive Health | is it possible to get pregnant a week after ovulation but 1 wk before your preriod? | yes. ovulation isn't just one day that can be accurately predicted (unless you have an ultrasound at home! ) it is a window of several days. the ovary will release an egg it will be captured by the fallopian tubes and perhaps become fertilized by any sperm that may be viable along this route. the egg remains quite vulnerable to impregnation for several days. we also know that sperm can remain viable and alive for up to a week in cervical mucous. your body is uniquely designed to become pregnant so when all of the pieces are in place. pregnancy may result. |
Other | how much should i feed a 5 1/2 month old cereal? also how much breastmilk should he be getting in a day? | i assume you are pumping your breasts. otherwise nature does not really allow you to know how many ounces your baby is getting. basically. breast is best so give him what he wants. cereral at this age is just practice eating so a few ounces is just fine. mix the cereal with the breast milk. |
Other | can you contract ringworm on your skin from scalp ringworm? | potentially yes. it happens to wrestlers all of the time. ringworm is not a worm as you may know but a skin fungus. |
Other | what medicine is recommended to treat kids with fever related to reye syndrome? | the preferred medicine for children with fever is acetaminophen (tylenol others) ibuprofen (advil motrin others) and naproxen sodium (aleve). |
Other | how is a sinus infection treated? | for sinusitis caused by virus infection no antibiotic treatment is required. frequently recommended treatments include pain and fever medications (such as acetaminophen [tylenol]) decongestants and mucolytics. bacterial infection of the sinuses is suspected when facial pain nasal discharge resembling pus and symptoms persist for longer than a week and are not responding to otc nasal medications. acute sinus infection from bacteria is usually treated with antibiotic therapy aimed at treating the most common bacteria known to cause sinus infection since it is unusual to be able to get a reliable culture without aspirating the sinuses. the five most common bacteria causing sinus infections are streptococcus pneumoniae haemophilus influenzae moraxella catarrhalis staphylococcus aureus and streptococcus pyogenes. the antibiotics that are effective treatment for sinus infection must be able to kill these bacterial types. although amoxicillin (amoxil) is an acceptable first antibiotic for an uncomplicated acute sinus infection many physicians choose amoxicillin-clavulanate (augmentin) as the first-line drug for treatment of a suspected bacterial sinus infection because it is usually effective against most of the species and strains of bacteria that cause the disease. in the penicillin allergic individual cefaclor (ceclor) loracarbef (lorabid) clarithromycin (biaxin) azithromycin (zithromax) sulfamethoxazole (gantanol) trimethoprim (bactrim septra) and other antibiotics may be used as first choices. if a patient is not improving after five days of treatment with amoxicillin the patient may be switched to one of the above drugs or amoxicillin-clavulanate (augmentin. generally an effective antibiotic needs to be continued for a minimum of 10-14 days. it is however not unusual to need to treat sinus infection for 14-21 days. taking decongestants (pseudoephedrine) and mucolytics (guaifenesin) orally may be helpful in assisting drainage of sinus infection. the treatment of chronic forms of sinus infection requires longer courses of medications such as augmentin and may require a sinus drainage procedure. this drainage typically requires a surgical operation to open the blocked sinus under general anesthesia. in general antihistamines should be avoided unless it is felt that the sinusitis sinus infection is due to allergy such as from pollens dander or other environmental causes. it is likely that the use of a topical nasal steroid spray will help reduce swelling in the allergic individual without the drying that is caused by using antihistamines although both are occasionally used. in many people allergic sinusitis develops first and later bacterial infection occurs. for these individuals early treatment of allergic sinusitis may prevent development of secondary bacterial sinusitis. |
Other | are there natural ways to help firm up the skin on my face for a more youthful look? | the most natural way to help your skin look younger and firmer is to incorporate the following anti-aging steps: 1. exfoliate gently and daily. (exfoliating cleanser) 2. use a moisturizer with sunscreen and antioxidant vitamins a c and e. 3. moisturize at night with a second dose of vitamin a (retinol) and peptides. |
Other | can you live without a heart? . i have a science school project that is all about the heart! can you fill me in? | yes you can live for a few seconds until your brain dies. the definition of death varies but the cessation of a heart beat and the cessation of brain activity signals the end. i would not have liked to be a victim of the ancient aztecs -- the ones that pulled your beating heart from your chest. you can also live with an artificial/mechanical heart until a transplant has been found and attached so technically you are living without a biological "heart". |
Reproductive Health | how much a 20yr old girl who is 4'9 88. 5 pds is normal or under weight? could she get pregnant at this weight n height? . she always weight the average weights of 88. 5 to 99 pounds her whole life is the normal could this be the reason she havent had a baby yet. | i don't know how long this person has been trying to conceive but if it has been a year or more of unprotected intercourse attempting to become pregnant it is time for her and her partner to seek the help of a fertility specialist. there are dozens of reasons for a couple's failure to conceive. size and height may not be playing an important role but general nutrition can be. if she is not eating properly or losing weight this can certainly affect fertility. |
Other | 18 year old guy uncircumcised virgin. my problem is that my penis gets swollen when i masturbate well the outer skin. i'm 18 uncircumcised and still a virgin. as i masturbate i could feel a mild sting on the skin and the outer skin of my penis gradually swells. and this happens every time. i don't masturbate too frequently and i don't do too rough so i don't understand why it would do that. and the swelling lasts a couple hours after i ejaculate. is this normal is there someone i can/should do? | i'm neither a guy nor a urologist but one thing i feel pretty confident saying is this: circumcised or not masturbation shouldn't hurt (or sting uncomfortably). of course the penis always swells when it's aroused. the swelling causes the penis to stay erect for penetration during sexual intercourse. if that's the type of swelling you're talking about then it's perfectly normal. if you're implying you experience an abnormal swelling other than a normal erection then that's worth investigating. i suggest you see a urologist to explain what's going on and find out if what you're experiencing is normal or is something that needs to be addressed. do not feel embarrassed consulting a urologist. they deal with questions like yours every day and will respond in a respectful and dignified way. you have a legitimate concern after all. take care! you need to use a penis health creme called man1 man oil. it is made just for guys who masturbate and both treats and prevents a number of skin issues down there. like soreness chafing dryness discoloration and even a loss of sensitivity. it is the best overall penis skin care product available. you can get it online. hope things get better. |
Other | my dentures collect food are very uncomfortable and are not held in by the glue. what are your suggestions? | dentures can be very difficult to get used to. they need to be removed and rinsed as much as possible. implants can solve a whole lot of problems. i strongly suggest that you seek implant treatment. |
Other | my year-old recently had a reaction to peanut butter. are more kids are getting peanut allergies because of vaccines? | typical childhood vaccines do not have peanut allergen in them. i am cautious with the flu vaccine for those that are egg allergic but most of the time the vaccine can still be given in that case as well. |
Other | what can you do if your teeth have stains after your braces are removed? | the best thing to do is get a cleaning and have any residual stains looked at by your general dentist. many stains may need further polishing or whitening in order for them to be removed. |
Other | are mosquito bites dangerous? | for the most part no. but it is possible to get west nile virus infection from a mosquito bite. the majority of the time the local allergic reaction they cause are more of an itchy nuisance than a health hazard. |
Other | how do doctors determine hom much blood you've lost. family member bleeding internally told he only has 4 1/2 pints of blood left. he rcvd a transfusion of 5 pints of blood. | this was an estimation of course since the amount a blood that an adult human can be variable. blood counts like a hemoglobin or hematocrit can determine to some degree the level of anemia. by giving blood. one unit at a time. and watching the response to those tests a medical provider can estimate blood loss based on how much blood it takes to return those number to normal again. just like adding oil to a car and checking the dipstick. |
Other | how is crohn's disease different from ulcerative colitis? | while ulcerative colitis causes inflammation only in the colon (colitis) and/or the rectum (proctitis) crohn's disease may cause inflammation in the colon rectum small intestine (jejunum and ileum) and occasionally even the stomach mouth and esophagus. the patterns of inflammation in crohn's disease are different from ulcerative colitis. except in the most severe cases the inflammation of ulcerative colitis tends to involve the superficial layers of the inner lining of the bowel. the inflammation also tends to be diffuse and uniform. (all of the lining in the affected segment of the intestine is inflamed). unlike ulcerative colitis the inflammation of crohn's disease is concentrated in some areas more than others and involves layers of the bowel that are deeper than the superficial inner layers. therefore the affected segment(s) of bowel in crohn's disease often is studded with deeper ulcers with normal lining between these ulcers. |
Other | what is coronary artery disease? | coronary artery disease (atherosclerosis) is a build-up of fatty material in the wall of the coronary artery that causes narrowing of the artery. one has to have at least one blockage of at least 70% narrowing to be told that he has coronary artery disease |
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