23 values
what is latent and silent celiac disease?
the terms latent and silent celiac disease are used to refer to patients who have inherited the genes that predispose them to celiac disease but have not yet developed the symptoms or signs of celiac disease. latent celiac disease refers specifically to patients who have abnormal antibody blood tests for celiac disease but who have normal small intestines and no signs or symptoms of celiac disease. for example: some patients may have had a childhood onset of celiac disease and the disease may have been successfully treated with a gluten-free diet. the patients' intestines may have resumed a normal appearance and function and they may have no signs or symptoms of celiac disease. some patients with celiac disease in childhood abandon the gluten-free diet as adults yet they remain free of the signs or symptoms of celiac disease. in both of the above instances the celiac disease is latent and the patients can develop signs and symptoms of celiac disease later in life. silent celiac disease refers to patients who have abnormal antibody blood tests for celiac disease as well as loss of villi in the small intestine but have no symptoms or signs of celiac disease even on a normal diet that contains gluten. like patients with latent celiac disease these patients can develop signs or symptoms of celiac disease later in life.
can small dogs eat seaweed soup with small hunks of beef in it? . i fed our bichon about a quarter cup of it and she woke me up at midnight wanting to go out side very badly and it was obvious when she came back in she had the runs.
all mammals. humans and dogs. can have food intolerances. seaweed is really not a part of a dog's diet so i don't feel that it will hurt her but perhaps you should stick with more traditional foods from now on. maybe some dogs can eat seaweed (like those in japan) but your dog's gastrointestinal tract seemed to react poorly. dogs will eat just about anything (one of ours ate a whole pumpkin pie that was left in her reach) but that does not they should. clearly something did not agree with your little dog. i assume she is fine today.
it is impossible to avoid bedbugs when traveling or when visiting a hospitalized patient. how can i protect myself?
be vigilant. and when you return home wash everything in hot water. bedbugs can’t survive temperatures above 113 degrees fahrenheit. as for hospitals you’re right. they are not necessarily bedbug-free zones. the national pest management association says 12% of its pros treated hospitals for bedbugs last year.
can i stop after the first shot of gardaisil. is it ok. will their be any side effects if i din t take them all. i m 25 years old male. din t like the way my body reacted to the first dose. no after consideration don t want to take the remaining 2. is it ok.
if you do not complete the series you realize that will not have full immunity to this devastating viral infection that could cause cancer in a sexual partner. it is really your choice whether to continue and get the next two shots. you will not have any side effects if you stop.
General Health
i signed up for health insurance through covered california. it shows my application is complete. i chose a kaiser policy. how can i be sure i have insurance come jan. 1? i need to cancel my current policy which is doubling in price.
your best course of action is to contact kaiser directly to make sure they have your information and have you enrolled in their plan. many of the marketplace websites are having trouble getting all of the information to insurance companies.
Reproductive Health
i am 45 years old and pregnant. my mammogran showed that i have two cysts. should i be concern about breast feeding?
hi if you were in the uk i would say ask your midwife in the uk the have a great knowledge of these things. so you just need to find what ever the american equivalent is and ask her. hope this helps. good luck
do you have to get a shingles shot every year?
hi found you this on the uk's nhs page on shingles. do you need to have the shingles vaccination every year? no it's a one-off single injection. helpful i hope. good luck
how do i know if my child is overweight?
the best person to determine whether or not your child is overweight is your child's doctor. in determining whether or not your child is overweight the doctor will measure your child's weight and height. the doctor will also consider your child's age and growth patterns. assessing obesity in children can be difficult because children can grow in unpredictable spurts. for example it is not unusual for boys to appear overweight but they may grow taller and "grow into the weight" a few years later.
Skin Conditions
is black soap good for oily acne prone skin and is cocoa butter or vitamin e good for moisturizing oily acne prone skin?
there are various soaps available for acne. please consult your dermatologist to know your skin type and which soap would be most suitable (in terms of effectiveness and tolerability) for you.
can i swim in a pool with hemorrhoids?
yes as long as you are not skinny-dipping.
coworker says that gluten is addictive in the same manner as an opiate and in fact hits the same receptors is this true? . a coworker says he isn't celiac but is sensitive to gluten. he also claims that it is an addiction and in fact gluten hits the same receptors in the brain as opioids. in fact not wanting to just give up gluten is a sign that your addicted. this all of course sounds like nonsense to me. i couldn't find any unbiased answer via google as far as the opioid/gluten link. though celiac is only 1% of the population he claims that 1 in 8 actually are sensitive but just don't know it. . thanks . alex
first off whenever someone makes strong claims like that always ask them for the research they use to support those claims. because what happens is a complicated scientific manner gets translated into simple terms and a lot of the key information is lost. it's like a bad game of telephone. there is a theory called the "opioid excess theory" that certain people do not fully breakdown proteins such as gluten or casein and they remain as peptides that have an opioid-like effect. it has been hypothesized that long-term exposure to opiate peptides can affect the brain. it is thought that these peptides bind to opioid receptors in the brain which is similar to morphine-like substances. this is why gluten free diets are sometimes recommended for children with autism or attention deficit disorder. unfortunately there is not clear evidence that this diet works for every child suffering with such problems although there is quite a bit of antidotal evidence. i don't know of any research showing this occurs with gluten insensitive individuals. this is more of a theory focused on children with behavioral issues that may be applicable for teh general population but that is a big may. we need more research! always check with your healthcare provider before making chagnes in your diet such as giving up gluten.
how long after you eat a meal will your stomach be considered empty?
stomach-emptying time varies from person to person but generally two hours is a reasonable average. when you are ill food can stagnant in the stomach for longer periods of time or even quickly move on to the small intestines. when you are having surgery they will want you npo (nothing by mouth) for about 8-12 hours just to be sure.
Insurance and Financial
have insurance companies stopped paying for b12 shots if you are not enimic
in order for an insurer to cover the cost of a treatment or medication there needs to be a medical need for it. if you can't demonstrate the medical necessity for the b12 shots most companies won't pay for them. the only way to know for certain however is to check directly with your insurance company to learn whether or not your treatment is covered.
Insurance and Financial
i have non hodgenkins lymphomia. non curable or opertable. can i get early medicare. i have no insurance.
you won't qualify for medicare early due to your illness but the affordable care act does guarantee you access to private health insurance. and depending on your income you may get financial assistance to pay for your premium or to lower your out of pocket costs or both. i suggest you head to healthcare. gov to begin shopping for health plans. if you sign up by december 23 you'll have coverage in place for january 1 2014. if you need help walking through the process there are people available by phone to help you.
does caffeine and salt cause vertigo and will eliminating it help it go away
dietary factors such as salt and caffeine are not causes of vertigo but they could be triggers or make it worse especially if the vertigo is caused by a migraine. i suggest finding out the cause of the vertigo and going from there. more reading: causes of vertigo lightheadedness and vertigo: topic overview caffeine and salt intake does not cause vertigo. in some people it may act as trigger factors. one must check for the causative factor for vertigo and get proper healthcare advise from physician.
is cirrhosis a form of liver cancer
no. they are two different types of liver disease. here is a good resource for you: <link>
no matter what pair of shoes i wear my heels get dried and flaky looking. so what's the cure for this?
this is a very common problem and i see it in men and women and especially in the summertime when our heels tend to show more. so it's important to hydrate your skin. people are great at moisturizing their face but when it gets to their feet they just seem to skip that area. so moisturizing really helps and using a product that is what's called a keratolytic. so your skin is made up of proteins called keratins and lytic means to break that up. so ingredients like urea or lactic acid can help those skin cells become less sticky. and will exfoliate them off a little bit better and then moisturizing really helps. you can soak your feet in a little bit of water and olive oil for about ten minutes and then when your skin is nice and soft and damp you can put an ointment like aquaphor ointment or even just vaseline or even just crisco oil if you like and then put on a sock to help lock that water in and that will help keep your feet soft and smooth.
Neurological Issues
can something in my environment be triggering my migraines?
some people are sensitive to flickering lights fluorescent lights changes in air pressure or altitude or even bold visual patterns. use your headache diary to identify any environmental triggers -- and then take steps to eliminate or avoid them.
Skin Conditions
what natural remedies and vitamins help eczema
in my opinion. no. eczema is genetically-dry skin; a condition not a disease. it is very treatable but not curable. my medical treatments involve three steps: 1. reducing the inflammation using topical steroids. 2. reducing the itching by taking oral antihistamines. 3. providing moisturization to the skin. there are a variety of "natural" moisturizers like oatmeal-containing aveeno or products with vitamin e if you choose. just find one that you like.
Reproductive Health
what are the odds of getting an std by receiving oral sex from a girl if it lasted less than 30 seconds
you cannot determine "odds" since there are just too many unknowns. timing has nothing to do with exposure. it could be one second or thirty seconds if your partner has an oral std (like herpes) and you are susceptible. at this point only time will reveal this dilemma.
Reproductive Health
what if you get a job in 2014 that provides health insurance benefits and then are laid off during 2014? . can you apply for aca insurance at that time or do you have to wait for an end-of-year open enrollment period?
if you lose a job and your employer-sponsored health insurance during the year you can shop for coverage on your state marketplace even if you are outside the open enrollment period. losing employer-sponsored insurance is considered a “qualifying event ” which gives you an opportunity to shop for a health plan and apply for a premium subsidy at that time.
what is the source of bronchitis
in the vast majority of cases the source is a respiratory virus.
Reproductive Health
my friend has chipped rotten-looking teeth. she says it’s from low iron levels during her pregnancy. is this possible?
it sounds like you are describing a case of genetic abnormality of the teeth like enamel hypoplasia or someone with a lot of tooth decay due to poor oral hygiene habits or lack of dental care. the good news is that there are many options to reconstruct your friend’s teeth such as veneers crowns or implants. they can look great feel great and last a long time! .
Reproductive Health
i know this is a dumb question but im gonna ask it anyways. can i still ovulate if my tubes are tied cut and burnt? . my last period was december 24th until the 25th when its normally 5 days and i had my tubes tied and clamped before and i still got pregnant. im just worried because i cant carry a baby that long
if you still have ovaries you will continue to ovulate until menopause of course. assuming your tubal ligation was done properly -- completely cut a piece removed and the ends separated -- there should be no way a rogue sperm can make it through (although it has happened but rarely)
General Health
i had prostate cancer surgery 11 months ago. i am still having problem with incontinence. is this normal
yes it is normal my father also had this and is 2 yrs out with continuous issues. they informed him it was because of the radiation.
can taking an antibiotic cause soreness in both upper arms.
i know of no antibiotic that would cause arm soreness. there is most likely another reason for those symptoms.
can nystatin/triamcinolone cream treat the systoms of shingles
no. this will not work or help. it may even make things worse.
General Health
millions without insurance. among millions of middle class americans i've checked insurance plans up and down (yes even the "affordable" health care site) and cannot afford them nor qualify for subsidies (yes we've checked). we make too much for help and not enough to afford it alone. haven't seen a doctor in 5yrs and had gynelogical problems for more than 20 yrs. i'm 44 with no children. now what?
it may very well be that you won't find a health plan you can afford especially if you don't qualify for a subsidy. however i would highly recommend you speak with a licensed insurance agent in your area for help before the deadline. first if you don't qualify for a subsidy you can shop outside of your state's marketplace to find a wider range of options some of which might better meet your needs. and a good agent has a very deep understanding of the plans in your area. i have known many people who thought they couldn't afford coverage and then worked with a professional who was able to find them something they could afford. of course there are no guarantees but do yourself a favor and at least give it a shot before open enrollment closes. here's a website where you can find a licensed agent in your area: <link> good luck!
what can cause black colored stools?
the most serious cause of black stools is bleeding from somewhere in the gi tract. bleeding in the stomach esophagus or intestines can turn into a black color by the time it leaves the body as stool. this can be caused by bleeding ulcers stomach inflammation broken blood vessels in the esophagus called varices or tumors. this type of bleeding can be life-threatening. the bleeding can also come from a nosebleed or from the mouth if blood is swallowed. black stools can also be caused by supplements such as iron or medicines such as pepto-bismol. certain foods like blueberries or black licorice can also turn the stool black. your doctor can tell if there is any blood in the stool by taking a stool sample from the rectum and performing a simple test in the office. if you are having any black or tarry stools call your doctor right away.
General Health
i'm a north carolina resident/employee that has employer provided single health insurance coverage for 2014. i will return to the group plan in 2015. why does bcbs have a "monopoly" in nc as they and 1 other company are our only options?
since you have employer coverage it is up to your employer what plans are being offered. it is true however that in most states there are one or two dominant insurers in both the individual and small employer market. one of the goals of the aca is to try to increase the number of options available for people who shop through the marketplace. unfortunately that goal was not reached in all areas at least for 2014.
Reproductive Health
could i be pregnant after 5 months of a tubal ligation. first i want say i fell in that 1% category with my last child in 2011 with the ten year copper iud. i had my tubes tied 09/2013 i have been experiencing nauseous fatigue lastnite i noticed my breast swollen and real full as if a was getting ready to breast feed. my lmp was 1/25/2013 the breast is what has me questioning myself. my usual signs of starting my period is just bloating that's it. i'm 35 and have five children so i would know my body.
it would be highly unlikely unless the tubal ligation surgery was blotched or the tubes magically re-attached that you would be pregnant. many hormonal conditions can mimic certain pregnancy symptoms but it would be wise for you to see your women's health specialist so you can be properly examined and diagnosed. wow! you just told my story<positive_smiley> i had my tubes tied 17yrs ago. i had 4 other children at the time and my new boyfriend didn't think he could have children! wrong! i started feeling sick tired moody but i was having my period on time every month. i thought i had a tumor cuz when i laid on my back i could feel a large hard mass in my tummy. i decided to go see my doctor ( same dr. that did tubal) i was 5 months pregnant<positive_smiley> i had no idea! it was nothing like my other 4 pregnancies. the explanation the doctor gave was. i didn't wait the suggested 2 weeks to have sex ( only 9 days) and the tubes were soft and swollen so the egg slipped through. i don't know if that was possible or if he was just covering his bootie! but i have a beautiful 16 yr old daughter<positive_smiley> but now at 43 i'm having all the classic signs of being pregnant again!
does vinegar stop hair loss in women?
there are soooooo many causes of hair loss including normal hair loss that occurs in everyone that often mimics some of the medical reasons. if you are experiencing patchy hair loss or even general hair-thinning it would be wise to try and find the reason first. before delaying effective treatment by unproven concoctions. vinegar is not a panacea for hair loss but it is harmless if you want to try it. women generally applies vinegar for increasing hair shine and softness. getting yourself diagnosed for hair loss and then starting a treatment under doctor's prescription is the safest way to prevent hair loss.
my 3 year old son has ringworm and it’s spreading. what do i put on it? how long does it take to go away?
i would be sure to see his pediatrician and/or pediatric dermatologist. they will most likely do a culture to identify if it is truly ringworm (which is a fungal infection of the skin that appears in worm-like round patches) or if it might be simple eczema or dry skin. using hydrocortisone on a fungal infection without properly addressing the infection could cause the rash to worsen. depending on how much of the body is affected the physician might recommend topical and or oral antifungal medications to get the rash under control.
how do you prevent freckles and dark patches or age spots on the face?
avoid direct sunlight between the peak hours 11 a. m. to 2 p. m. sunblock is probably your best approach to avoid premature aging and dark spots. your skin regimen should include steps to exfoliate and get rid of dead skin cells hydrate and rejuvenate with natural amino acids or peptides.
Insurance and Financial
is singulair a corticosteroid?
no. it is not a corticosteroid.
is aloe extract from the leaf good to reduce heart burn? . i went to an ent specialist for a sore throat that was irritating me for month and a half. he did a scope (putting the tube which has a light at the end of it through my nose and found out readness in my throat which is caused by heart burn/acidity and i am prescribed omeprazole 40mg along with otc antacid. is aloe extract from the leaf good to reduce heart burn? thanks.
aloe vera has been used for centuries as a folk medicine for many purposes. mainly it was used topically on the skin. there has been some evidence that it can help in some types of skin inflammation such as psoriasis and seborrhea. there is also scientific evidence for its laxative properties but there are questions about its safety. i have not been able to locate any good scientific evidence that it is useful for acid reflux. here is more information about heartburn and its treatments. i hope you get relief with what has been prescribed. be sure to let your doctor know if you are not getting better. and always talk to your doctor before taking any supplements.
what are benign and malignant brain tumors?
brain tumors can be benign or malignant : benign brain tumors do not contain cancer cells. usually benign tumors can be removed and they seldom grow back. the border or edge of a benign brain tumor can be clearly seen. cells from benign tumors do not invade tissues around them or spread to other parts of the body. however benign tumors can press on sensitive areas of the brain and cause serious health problems. unlike benign tumors in most other parts of the body benign brain tumors are sometimes life threatening. very rarely a benign brain tumor may become malignant. malignant brain tumors contain cancer cells. malignant brain tumors are generally more serious and often are life threatening. they are likely to grow rapidly and crowd or invade the surrounding healthy brain tissue. very rarely cancer cells may break away from a malignant brain tumor and spread to other parts of the brain to the spinal cord or even to other parts of the body. the spread of cancer is called metastasis. sometimes a malignant tumor does not extend into healthy tissue. the tumor may be contained within a layer of tissue. or the bones of the skull or another structure in the head may confine it. this kind of tumor is called encapsulated. tumor grade doctors sometimes group brain tumors by grade - from low grade (grade i) to high grade (grade iv). the grade of a tumor refers to the way the cells look under a microscope. cells from high-grade tumors look more abnormal and generally grow faster than cells from low-grade tumors.
what if i accidentally ate moldy bread? . i ate most of my sandwich then realized there was a tiny spot of mold on my bread. i don't think i ate any pieces with mold on it but i'm not sure.
you will be fine. bread mold is not toxic and will not cause you to have any disease.
Insurance and Financial
why do you have to sign up for medicare if you already have good insurance and are still working? . is it the insurance company or medicare enforcing this? if you don't are you penalized and if you're not drawing social security do you still have to pay for it when you sign up?
you don't need to sign up for medicare if you have employer-based health insurance. but your employer coverage must be from a company with more than 20 employees. the key is that the insurance be considered "creditable" or generally about as good as medicare coverage (ask your employer for confirmation that your plan qualifies). when you do sign up for medicare -- whether you draw on social security or not -- you will receive medicare part a at no cost and you'll pay a monthly premium for part b. if you need drug coverage there will also be a monthly cost for part d. once you lose your work-based coverage you need to sign up for medicare fairly quickly to avoid penalties.
i'm having daily diarrhea (for almost 3 weeks now) after eating at jack in the box. is it time to see a doctor?
i am not saying that the fast food at fast-food is diarrhea-provoking but it may be in your case. it could be the fat content of the food you are selecting or other factors. certain foods are known to trigger gastointestinal responses. most of the cases of diarrhea we see clinically are viral and they only last a week. diarrhea lasting three weeks certainly deserves some medical attention.
what product must i use to have clear and smooth skin?
sunscreen every day all year round along with proper sun protection. i also really like retinoids for those who tolerate them. other ingredients are niacinamide vitamin c and other antioxidants.
what should i do if i suspect an overdose of enpresse?
if overdose is suspected contact your local poison control center or emergency room immediately. us residents can call the us national poison hotline at 1-800-222-1222. canadian residents should call their local poison control center directly. symptoms of overdose may include severe nausea and vomiting. females may experience sudden/unusual vaginal bleeding.
what are the different kinds of hives?
hives fall into two categories: acute urticaria (ordinary hives which resolve after six to eight weeks) and chronic urticaria (which continue longer than six to eight weeks). ordinary urticaria (ordinary hives) what are symptoms and signs of ordinary hives? ordinary hives flare up suddenly and usually for no specific reason. welts appear often in several places. they flare itch swell and go away in a matter of minutes to hours only to appear elsewhere. this sequence may go on from days to weeks. most episodes of hives last less than six weeks. although that cutoff point is arbitrary hives that last more than six weeks are often called "chronic. " what are the causes of ordinary hives? as noted above many cases of ordinary hives are "idiopathic " meaning no cause is known. others may be triggered by viral infections. a few may be caused by medications usually when they have been taken for the first time a few weeks before. (it is uncommon for drugs taken continuously for long periods to cause hives or other reactions. ) when a medication is implicated as a cause of hives the drug must be stopped since no skin or blood test will prove the connection. in most cases drug-induced hives will go away in a few days. if a drug is stopped and the hives do not go away this is a strong indication that the medication was not in fact the cause of the hives. some medications like morphine codeine aspirin and other nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (nsaids such as ibuprofen [advil]) cause the body to release histamine and produce urticaria through nonallergic mechanisms. despite the reputation hives have for being "allergic " when there is no obvious connection between something new that a person has been exposed to and the onset of hives allergy testing is not usually helpful. chronic hives chronic hives (defined as lasting six weeks or more) can last from months to years. the evaluation of this condition is difficult and allergy testing and other laboratory tests are rarely useful in such cases. the accurate evaluation of this condition requires the patient to give his or her physician precise information regarding their complete medical history personal habits and oral intake. occasionally it may be necessary to limit specific foods or drugs for a time to observe any affect upon the skin condition. certain systemic disease and infections may occasionally present in the skin as hives. if there is an inciting cause that can be determined then specific treatments for that condition ought to be effective or in the case of food or drug allergy strict avoidance would be necessary. there are additionally rare forms of chronic urticaria that are produced when the patient makes antibodies against molecules on the surface of their own mast cells. there are tests available to identify this type of hives. physical urticaria is a type of chronic urticaria produced by physical stimuli. by far the most common form is dermographism which literally means "skin writing. " this is an exaggerated form of what happens to anyone when their skin is scratched or rubbed: a red welt appears at the line of the scratch. in dermographism raised itchy red welts with adjacent flares appear wherever the skin is scratched or where belts and other articles of clothing rub against the skin causing mast cells to leak histamine. another common form of physically induced hives is called cholinergic urticaria. this produces hundreds of small itchy bumps. these occur within 15 minutes of exercise or physical exertion and are usually gone before a doctor can examine them. this form of hives happens more often in young people. other forms of physical hives are much less common. triggers for these include cold water and sunlight.
Reproductive Health
can multiple sclerosis be transmitted through sex
absolutely not.
what is the recommended age for a child's first visit to the dentist? does it have to be a pediatric dentist?
in order to prevent dental problems your child should see a pediatric dentist when the first tooth appears or no later than his/her first birthday. this is the recommendation of the american academy of pediatric dentistry. the purpose is to begin a thorough prevention program. dental problems can begin early. a big concern is early childhood caries (formerly known as baby bottle tooth decay or nursing caries). once a child’s diet includes anything besides breast milk erupted teeth are at risk for decay. the earlier you start dental visits the better the chance of preventing dental problems. children with healthy teeth chew food easily and smile with confidence. start your child now on a lifetime of good dental habits.
General Health
how can i discuss incontinence with my doctor or other health care professional?
everyone feels some discomfort about bringing up this topic. people (especially women) with incontinence problems tend not to bring them up during a routine examination. unfortunately some health care professionals don't automatically ask questions about urine leakage timing amount and frequency of incontinence episodes. one way for anyone to feel empowered about this difficult topic is to arrive for a medical appointment with some written descriptions about the problem. this can be as simple as a list of symptoms but what i find most useful is a three day bladder diary that details exactly what is going on with a patient. . in addition you can answer a standard set of questions in writing and share them during your appointment. this is an easy way to steer the conversation in the right direction. you can say something like "i jotted down some items that i want to share with you so i wouldn't forget. " here are some standard questions that will help you describe your problem: do i have strong sudden urges to urinate? do i urinate more than 8 times in a 24-hour period? do i have uncontrollable urges to urinate that sometimes result in wetting accidents? do i leak urine on the way to the bathroom? do i leak urine when i laugh or cough or when i participate in active sports? do i avoid places because i do not know if there is a restroom near by? do i frequently limit my fluid intake when i'm away from home so that i won't need to worry about finding a restroom? when i'm in an unfamiliar place do i make sure i know where the restroom is? do i use absorbent pads to keep from wetting my clothes? remember that you and your doctor or other health care provider (nurse practitioner physician assistant) are partners in solving your health problems. the better the information about them you share the more likely you will both be successful. and if the first treatment you try doesn't work keep trying. no one should live with incontinence controlling their life. hi diane here are answers to some standard questions that you asked: do i have strong sudden urges to urinate? (yes there is a sudden urge to urinate) do i urinate more than 8 times in a 24-hour period? (no but atleast 5-6 times during 24 hours) do i have uncontrollable urges to urinate that sometimes result in wetting accidents? (yes it happens sometimes and sometimes at night too) do i leak urine on the way to the bathroom? (yes urine leakage is there on my way to bathroom) do i leak urine when i laugh or cough or when i participate in active sports? (i have to get up at least once during night) do i avoid places because i do not know if there is a restroom nearby? (no not very often to interfere activities) do i frequently limit my fluid intake when i'm away from home so that i won't need to worry about finding a restroom? (yes i have to limit fluid intake during day and at bedtime as well) when i'm in an unfamiliar place do i make sure i know where the restroom is? (yes i do make sure about rest room) do i use absorbent pads to keep from wetting my clothes? (no i don’t use it but am worried because when there is leakage on my way to rest room it becomes a problem) i am suffering from urine incontinence. i am a working lady and am worried. i am 43 and feel like it is increasing with age. as i read from an article here it is mix incontinence. i cant control when i cough or sneeze and also when i bend. kindly suggest if there is any medication for it that i can take? please guide what shall i do now to get rid of this problem. thanks
my 14-year-old son is taking an increased dose of concerta for adhd and has blurred vision in school. is this serious?
concerta can cause visual disturbances as a side effect in some people. if your son is having side effects from his medication or has developed a new symptom you should talk to the prescriber who can examine him and determine the cause of his blurred vision.
last 2 year i do more mestrobation abt 2 or1 time a day and my hair loss so much plz help me wait 62 age 23 plz help me. age 23. wait 62
hi if you have been over masyru bating like you say the problem is there are no drugs except you you are your own drug and its only you who can stop you. over masturbating has many bad side effects whats below is a post of mine it may help you. hi over masturbating has many side effects so stopping for a few weeks will only help any problems you were getting. so the side effects of over masturbation is. nerve trouble hair problems eye floaters skin problems memory problems penis shrinkage followed by lose of erections during sex and last of all the real bad one is ed (erectile dysfunction) and this you don't want. so for a start see if you can do 8 weeks without and sexual contact or masturbation. now during this time around week 4 see if you fill any nocturnal erections and morning woods coming back if these happen then your on the mend and just hope any other things start going away which given time they will. lets say your have been masturbating 3 times a day now if you was having sex 3 times a day yes as men we can do that we get a release of chemicals around our body's called endorphins which you do not get from masturbating you may get an orgasm but not the release of endorphins. so just stay celibate for the next 8 weeks and see how you go if you do want to masturbate just keep it to twice a week this will keep your system ticking over. do hope this helps you. good luck
how is malaria treated?
medicine can prevent malaria and is necessary to treat the disease. several factors influence the choice of medicine including: whether the medicine is being used to prevent or to treat malaria. your condition (such as your age or whether you are pregnant ). how sick you are from malaria. geographic location where you were exposed to malaria. whether the malaria parasite may be resistant to certain medications. your ability to take the preferred medicine without side effects or complications. whether you are able to take the medicine as a pill. malaria is rare in the united states but it is widespread in other parts of the world. find out about the risk for malaria before you travel internationally. the most accurate information about malaria risk and medication resistance in specific countries is from the centers for disease control and prevention (cdc) and the world health organization (who). if you have malaria medication choice is based on: the specific parasite causing the infection. the severity of the infection. your condition (such as age pregnancy allergies or health problems). medication resistance of the parasite found in the geographic area where you were infected. if you have been in an area where malaria occurs were exposed to mosquitoes and develop flu -like symptoms but tests do not show the malaria parasite in your blood the tests should be repeated 3 or 4 times to confirm that you do not have a malaria infection. during medication treatment tests are repeated to follow the course of the infection and to check whether the number of parasites is decreasing. your age and health condition are important factors in selecting a medicine to prevent or treat malaria. pregnant women children people who are very old people who have other health problems and those who did not use medication therapy to prevent malaria infection require special consideration. healthwise disclaims any liability for the decisions you make based on this information. © 1995-2011 healthwise incorporated. healthwise healthwise for every health decision and the healthwise logo are trademarks of healthwise incorporated.
what is cpr? . my dr did blood work and told me my cpr indicated i had an infection in my body. my question is what is cpr?
is it possible your doctor said cbc -- complete blood count? i think your best bet is to give your doc a call and ask him to further explain your test results. sometimes it is just hard to retain all of the information the doctor is trying to convey to you in that short amount of time in his office. this often is elevated when there is an infection or inflammation in the body. clarify with your doctor to find out what he meant.
what causes benign rolandic epilepsy?
no one knows what causes benign rolandic epilepsy. children who have close relatives with epilepsy are slightly more likely to develop benign rolandic epilepsy.
i stepped on a nail. do i need a tetanus shot?
yes it is very important that you see a health care provider as soon as possible and get a tetanus shot.
how can i protect myself from pneumonia?
get a viral influenza (flu) vaccine (shot) each year. flu vaccines are prepared annually in anticipation of that year's virus strain. influenza can make pneumonia infection more likely. get the pneumonia vaccine to protect yourself against streptococcus pneumoniae. get treated for any other infections in the respiratory system especially those in the lungs. wash your hands before eating before preparing food and after going outside. try to avoid people who have colds or the flu. ask them to visit you when they are feeling better. eat a healthy diet exercise and get plenty of rest. contact your doctor if you think you have symptoms. don't wait for symptoms to worsen as you may develop an emergency condition. don't smoke. don't use alcohol heavily.
why is my blood sugar so high with prednisone and should i be worried?
steroids can cause elevations in blood sugar. i would record the blood sugar values you are obtaining and then contact your primary doctor or prescriber's office to see if they have any instructions. what is done about elevated blood sugars from steroids depends on your other conditions how high the blood sugar readings are and how long you will be treated with steroids. was seen in er for asthma with acute exacerbation. given steroid shot in ambulance. also given steroids pills to take for five days. called er doctor and told him blood sugar was 446 they said take another glimiperide 4mg. i did my sugar is now reading hi which means over 500. should i be concerned it just keeps going up. i have tgype 2 diabetes treated with pills. no insulin. should i call primary care doc on call?
Disease Prognosis
what are the risk factors that cause malnutrition for someone with ulcerative colitis?
one of the primary risk factors for malnourishment with ulcerative colitis is a decreased intake of food. when uc flares there is inflammation of the large intestine or colon and small sores form on the lining of the intestine and rectum. this causes persistent cramping pain. it also causes severe diarrhea alternating with the formation of hard stool and prolonged constipation. diet doesn't cause ulcerative colitis. but certain foods may make symptoms worse. so in addition to the normal loss of appetite that accompanies a flare-up some people purposely reduce how much they eat in an attempt to ease the symptoms or out of fear of symptoms getting worse. at the same time the body has an increased need for additional calories protein vitamins and minerals to aid the healing process. also the inflammation and diarrhea interfere with the reabsorption of water and minerals that normally occurs in the large intestine and there is a danger of becoming dehydrated if the fluid is not replaced. finally some of the medications that are used to treat ulcerative colitis interfere with the body's ability to absorb and maintain the minerals it needs. for instance corticosteroids such as prednisone can deplete the body's calcium. medicines like sulfasalazine deplete the level of folate an important b vitamin.
what precautions can i take against sudden infant death syndrome?
co-sleeping isn’t recommended because of what we know about sleep safety. there’s more of a risk of smothering sudden infant death syndrome and of falls off the adult bed when there’s bedsharing. . always put your baby on his back to sleep never on his side or tummy. there’s a higher risk of sids if they’re on their tummy or their side; they can roll onto their stomach if they’re lying on their side. and be sure that childcare providers grandparents and so on know to put the baby on his back because there’s also a higher risk of sids if a baby is usually put to sleep on his back but suddenly gets put to sleep on his tummy. finally be sure to give your baby a lot of tummy time when he’s awake. tummy time helps promote physical development; generally babies don’t roll or crawl as soon if they don’t get tummy time for example. and if you’re worried about sids you want them to have a stronger head and neck so they can [lift] their face up if it gets covered.
can a person prevent bedbugs by keeping a clean place?
no. you’ll find them in budget motels as well as five-star resorts. but you can make it easier to get rid of them if you reduce clutter. that way they have fewer places to hide when the pest pros show up.
my bug bite is now a blister. how should i treat it?
please don't pop it yourself. your skin is designed to protect itself and will stretch as much as possible in order to keep bacteria from entering a wound in the skin. allow the lesion to progress as it chooses. keep the area clean and dry and if it does pop cleanse the area with hydrogen peroxide and cover it with a clean and dry bandage to protect the area until it begins to heal. as always watch for signs of infection.
got a flu shot now theres a large hard lump where thet gave me the flu shot is this bad
it's not uncommon to get a lump in the area where you've had a shot. it should go away in a few days. if not have your doctor check it out. in the meantime you can put a cold compress on it such as a bag of ice to help with the swelling.
i am a 61-year-old male whose income doesn't exceed $11 000 per year. . i'm in generally good health and only see a doctor once or twice a year but i do have some prescriptions that i take every day. without assistance they could cost me more than $200 per month. which health insurance plan would be best for me? will i be entitled to premium assistance?
at that income you will likely qualify for medicaid. i suggest you contact someone for personalized help in understanding what the options are in your state. you can find help at healthcare. gov: <link>.
what does the abbreviation “bid” on a prescription stand for?
and something that you can always ask your pharmacist when you pick up your medication. the term "bid" means twice a day or every 12 hours. i recommend to patients that if they take their medication at 8 a. m. then they should take their next dose at 8 p. m. if you are ever unsure about how or when to take your medication talk to your pharmacist.
i rode a train 12 hrs ago & now feel dizzy & feel like i am still on it. is this motion sickness? and will it go away?
you may have a condition called mdd (mal de debarquement) a type of vertigo that occurs after an individual gets off a boat usually a cruise lasting several days but it could happen from this 12-hour train trip. people describe the imbalance symptoms as a rocking boat worse when you stand still or lie down. these annoying symptoms can last months or can fade relatively fast. it is more common in women between the ages of 40-50. unfortunately most medications that work for other forms of dizziness (meclizine scopolamine) do not work very well for mdd. valium (diazepam) and the antidepressant drug amitriptyline has been used with limited success. these drugs help block or suppress those aberrant inner ear signals that are causing those symptoms and help with the associated anxiety. vestibular rehabilitation therapy has also been shown to be effective if your symptoms are lasting a long time. since there are many many other medical causes for imbalance and vertigo your first step is to be properly evaluated by an ent specialist.
Cardiovascular Health
why is my total cholesterol number less important than my ldl (bad) cholesterol number?
traditionally physicians looked at the total cholesterol and have told patients that if it is greater than 200mg/dl it is bad and less than 200mg/dl it is good. they have mistakenly believed that the total cholesterol number is the goal of therapy. thus it has become pretty much dogma that patients memorize their total cholesterol number so they can compare it with friends or tell their doctor. surprisingly lowering one’s total cholesterol is not even mentioned by the national cholesterol education panel (ncep) atp iii as a goal of cholesterol management. the national heart lung and blood institute (nhlbi) launched the national cholesterol education program (ncep) in november 1985. the goal of the ncep is to reduce illness and death from coronary heart disease (chd) in the united states by reducing the percent of americans with high blood cholesterol. in 1988 the first guidelines from the first adult treatment panel of ncep which was called ncep atp i were published. since that time many studies were published and guidelines have been updated. atp ii was published in 1993 and atp iii issued an evidence-based set of guidelines on cholesterol management in 2001. since this publication five major clinical trials of statin therapy were published and addressed issues that were not examined in previous clinical trials of cholesterol-lowering therapy. thus in 2004 an atp iii addendum was published with revised guidelines. these guidelines are currently used by physicians to treat high cholesterol levels. the next set of guidelines called atp iv are scheduled to be published in the fall of 2011. although physicians still talk about total cholesterol levels all the atps have lowering ldl cholesterol (the bad cholesterol) as the primary target of therapy and have never once mentioned total cholesterol! the truth is that prior to atp i based on the data from the famous mrfit trial it was shown that those patients with a total cholesterol greater than 200mg/dl were at increased risk of a cardiovascular event and those with a level less than 200mg/dl at a lower risk. apparently in the evolution of understanding lipid management and therapy it was incorrectly stated that a magic cholesterol level of 200mg/dl or less was the goal of therapy.
do i have a hernia? . i have a bulging mass to the right side of my groin sometimes after a workout. normally it goes away in the morning. it doesn't hurt at all. i had it for the past 10 years since college. female 34.
to summarise - in cases where there is an obvious swelling in the areas of the abdomen commonly associated with hernia and which is more obvious when you cough strain or stand up and which gets smaller or goes completely when you lie down. no other tests are usually needed.
General Health
my tax return for 2012 will show $10 000 more than my retirement annuity since it included the last check from my job. this will unfairly put me at a higher rate for health insurance than i am earning in 2013. how can i qualify for a lower rate based on my actual income beginning 2013?
you can provide your estimated income for 2013 and use that to see if you qualify for a federal subsidy. if there are any discrepancies between your estimate and your actual income once you file your taxes you will want to let your state marketplace/exchange know so they can adjust any subsidy you are receiving.
can stomatitis appear on hands? . my son is very sick they say it is stomatitis he has infected thumb and two other fingers are infected as well is this normal with stomatitis?
i don't know that age of your son but stomatitis is only in the mouth but if he is also having blister-like lesions appearing on his hands and the bottom of his feet i would be highly suspicious that he has hand foot and mouth disease (a coxsakie virus infection).
how should a male condom be used?
take caution when opening the wrapper to avoid tearing the condom with your teeth fingernails or rings. gently pinch the air out of the tip of the condom before putting it on. the condom is rolled over the erect penis before sexual activity begins. if the condom does not have a built-in nipple leave about 1/2-inch of the condom free at the tip of the penis so that semen has a place to collect. a new condom must be used each time you have sex. the condom must be in place before the penis gets near the vagina. if you use lubricants with a condom be sure to only use water-based lubricants such as k-y jelly. oil-based lubricants such as vaseline massage oils and body lotions can cause condoms to leak or break. certain vaginal medications used to treat yeast infections can also weaken condoms. initially it was felt that condoms lubricated with spermicidal agents offered more protection against stds. newer studies show that frequent use of condoms containing spermicides offers no additional protection and it may actually increase the risk of hiv and other stds by irritating the vagina and penis. spermicidal products do however remain useful in pregnancy prevention.
why is it important to drink plenty of fluids during a cold.
that's a great question! bravo to you for taking a moment to question the conventional wisdom. there are actually a few reasons why we exhort people to drink plenty of fluids when they come down with a cold. let's take a look at these. first drinking plenty of fluids literally can increase your blood volume and thereby scatter the virus molecules in your system so your own immune system can fight it better. think of it this way: which is the easier enemy to attack the one with 500 soldiers concentrated together or the one with bands of 10 soldiers dispersed here and there? drinking fluid can spread out the virus in your bloodstream so it's easier to attack. honestly though drinking fluids by mouth can only do so much in this regard. intravenous fluids (iv) work much better for this purpose. second drinking plenty of fluids tends to thin secretions -- i. e. : that nasty gunk that pours from your nose and gets coughed up out of your lungs. thinner secretions are easier for the body to move than thick sticky ones. thick sticky fluids can get stuck in the lower portions of the lungs and lead to pneumonia if your body can't cough them up. in this respect drinking fluids by mouth truly can make a difference in helping your body clear out mucus. finally good hydration helps medication work better. if you take any sort of over-the-counter cough and cold product (or if you are taking a prescription such as antibiotics) it requires liquid (water is best) to dissolve well in your stomach and get absorbed in the intestines. drinking plenty of water also helps your body circulate the active ingredients in those medications more easily so they work better. frankly drinking plenty of water and being well-hydrated when you have a cold simply can make you feel better. water should always be your first choice but chicken soup can't hurt either. wishing you well!
what are these spots on my skin? . i am having these dry and scaly spots on my skin. they are not scaly all the time of the day. also it does not itch. they are on both of my arms.
a medical provider or dermatologist would have to physically see these spots and examine you. a vague description of dry scaly spots is really not sufficient to make an accurate diagnosis.
will cortisone injection in the knee muscle spike bloodsugar?
yes in fact receiving a corticosteroid injection to the knee can cause blood glucose (sugar) levels to rise. this is known to occur in people with diabetes. your question highlights why it is so important to give a thorough medical history to every physician no matter their specialty. if a doctor nurse or medical assistant fails to ask about a significant aspect of your medical history (such as diabetes heart disease high blood pressure etc. ) be sure to bring it up yourself. if you have diabetes ask your physician about post-injection care if you receive another cortisone injection. you may need to alter your eating or medication routine based on what the doctor tells you. wishing you well!
what causes peyronie's disease?
the exact cause of peyronie's disease is unknown. in people whose disease develops quickly lasts a short time and goes away without treatment the likely cause is trauma (hitting or bending) that causes bleeding inside the penis. however in some people peyronie's disease develops slowly and is severe enough to require surgical treatment. other possible causes of peyronie's disease include: vasculitis. this is an inflammation of blood or lymphatic vessels. this inflammation can lead to the formation of scar tissue. connective tissue disorders. according to the national institutes of health about 30% of men with peyronie's disease also develop disorders that affect the connective tissue in other parts of their bodies such as the hands and feet. these conditions generally cause a thickening or hardening of the connective tissue. connective tissue is specialized tissue -- such as cartilage bone and skin -- that acts to support other body tissues. heredity. some studies suggest that a man who has a relative with peyronie's disease is at greater risk for developing the disease himself.
can you get infected with shingles more than once?
once you get the virus you'll always have it. it will come an go depending on your immune system.
General Health
does a person who is not working have to have health insurance?
if you make too little income to file taxes you will not be required to have insurance. however you should check to see if your state is expanding medicaid. you may qualify for coverage if it is.
how long does it take for internal sutures to dissolve for groin hernia repairs?
there's no straightforward answer to your question because everyone heals at a different rate. in general internal sutures are meant to "dissolve. " however the process of suture breakdown inside the body occurs gradually. it can take weeks or even months for internal sutures to dissolve. and sometimes they don't dissolve at all. it's not uncommon for a knot in the suture to work its way to the surface of the skin after several weeks creating a lump that may burst to reveal a yellowish fluid (which isn't an infection; it's coloration from the content of the suture). sometimes a short section of the incision will open up and a small piece of suture may emerge. afterwards the body re-heals the suture line. any of these things can be a normal consequence of surgery. it's also normal for the surgical area to feel "hard" for some time after surgery. at first this is caused by the internal suture material or the material used to repair the hernia. as scar tissue forms it can cause this firmness to persist. if you have any questions about your surgical site please consult your surgeon for information specific to your case. wishing you well!
Reproductive Health
if you lose your employee health insurance after the dec. 15 deadline can you enroll at any time? . or do you have to wait until another enrollment period comes around?
losing existing coverage is considered a qualifying event and that allows you to sign up for insurance even if it's outside the open enrollment period.
is it possible to get a false positive for marijuana from taking prevacid? . if it is possible would a clinic be able to determine the false positive came from the prevacid?
i have not heard that prevacid would cause a false-positive thc result on a drug screen.
Reproductive Health
how long do you ovulate after your period. my cycle usually lasts anywhere between 5 to 6 days. my period usually occurs every 34 days. so i was just wondering how long you ovulate after your period and before?
by convention the first day of your period is the first day of your menstrual cycle. around day 7 several eggs start to develop in your ovaries. however only one egg will predominate and be release when you ovulate. for the average menstrual cycle which is 28-32 days ovulation occurs on day 14. remember that these are average days some woman have shorter cycles and other have longer cycles.
what is the best brithcontrol out there
the only 100% birth control is abstinence followed by surgical sterilization. both are probably not methods that interest you. since i do not know if you are a male or female. or your age. the "best" birth control is the one selected by you and your medical provider based on your medical history and personal preferences. there are numerous effective contraceptive methods but not all of them are appropriate for everyone. until you make that very important decision a condom should be used.
why isn't my poison ivy spreading? . i believe that i have poison ivy but it is not spreading even when i was in the scratching phase. i have never had a reaction in my life so i don't know why i would now but what puzzles me the most is why it did not spread. maybe it's something else?
maybe it is something else but unfortunately that is not something i can help you with over the internet. poison ivy is not contagious. touching it does not cause it to spread to other parts of your body once you have washed your skin from the original contact (and not had any contact with objects or clothing that were contaminated at the same time) it will not spread. that "oozing" is just serum from the body. it is not an oil or poison that would cause this to spread. people falsely believe that poison oak spreads because there can be a delay in the outbreak. for instance you may break out on your arms or leg first because this had the most plant exposure. some may have gotten on your shirt and spread to you face when you pulled it off. this would be less oil than your arms so it may not break out for a day or so later. people just assume that the arm eruption spread to the face but that is untrue.
is cochlear implant covered by obamacare?
while insurers must generally cover services to help children and adults keep learn or improve skills and functioning for daily living the specific services that must be covered can vary by state. you need to check carefully with the plans you're considering to learn if cochlear implants are covered.
i have had my tube tied for 8 years can they cum undone i thing i am pg i am 32
hi froggy yes they can but to confirm it you really need to go and get tested its the only real way your find out. good luck
i'm going to the dentist for a root canal and i've had a few glasses of wine. will this be a problem with the novocaine?
it is never a good idea to drink alcohol right before a dental appointment. alcohol affects your blood clotting system and depresses the central nervous system. not to mention how it can affect your in-office behavior. if you have anxiety it is much better to tell the dentist beforehand and so you can discuss your options.
is shingles contagious?
i have had the shingle shot. i have a bad rash on both sides for two weeks. it itches so bad but i don't have pain or blisters. is this still possible that i could have shingles?
Skin Conditions
can a multivitamin cause acne?
no multivitamins will not cause acne. the most common cause of acne is your own hormones. they most definitely will. i think it has to do with the biotin in my multivitamin. before my multivitamin i started taking biotin to think it would make my hair and nails longer and my face glow. boy was i wrong! i've never had such bad acne in my life - to the point of cystic acne! it was embarrassing and painful! happy to say that as soon as i stopped taking it my face returned to normal and i was never so pleased with my own skin before! a couple months later (i completely forgot about the biotin incident) my mother mentioned how i should take a multivitamin since i'm a vegetarian and don't get all the nutrients i need. so silly me - "yeah sure mom grab a bottle for me! it'll be great! " i didn't even look at the label and about 2-3 weeks into taking half a pill every-other day i started to break out like crazy on the left side of my face mostly my cheek. at first i thought it was due to stress but no way it was because of the multivitamin. i also researched it some b vitamins and iodine are two other big causes of acne. "grrrreat their all bundled up in the little capsule to destroy my face! " moral of the story be weary multivitamins sound appealing but can be toxic (even in small doses)! no. multivitamin does not cause acne.
can hepatitis c be spread through male sperm to child
our 24-year-old grad student lives at home and we provide most of his support. . he has a part-time job and will earn about $5 000 in 2014. can we apply for a subsidy as a 3-person household or does he have to apply on his own?
you can apply as a 3-person family and if you claim him as a dependent that's what you should do. if you don't claim him on your taxes he can apply on his own. based on his income he would qualify for medicaid.
Reproductive Health
me and my ex boyfriend now have the herpes virus should we still use a condom if we have sex with each other? . we have been having sex and not using a condom since we both have herpes. i'v had it for quite some time and he just got exposed. need answer dont want to make matters any worse.
most helpful answer some facts: 1. herpes is not the only std out there. 2. condoms protect against other stds like chlamydia gonorrhea hiv etc. 3. both you and your boyfriend have had previous partners. it doesn't take much for either one of your to stray (even though you may pledge monogamy). all it takes is a bad argument sometimes. 4. condoms are cheap. i vote that you continue to use condoms until both of you are 100% committed to an honest permanent relationship and you are 100% sure than neither one of you has any other type of latent std that has not reared its ugly head. this is my? . in answer to the md. i got the herpes virus way before i met him. recently we both been tested neg and no other diseases has reared its ugly head we may not also agree but running to someone is not something to do. stay commited is what it all about. thank you for your attempt @ answering my?
the top of my scalp continually itches after a complete facelift. my dermatologist said it was hives. what can i do?
your first step will be to visit with your surgeon and discuss the details of your procedure. certain face-lifting procedures may result in a transient sensory nerve injury which can lead to hypersensitivity and/or pruritis (itching).
Disease Prognosis
i have high potassium and dr recently d/c hctz and lisinopril but left me on spironolactone. is this right? . type 1 diabetic 21 years heart stent stage 3 kidney disease. 29 yrs old female
to get the best answer to your question i'd suggest picking up the phone and discussing your concerns with your health care provider. he or she will be happy to explain the rationale behind leaving you on spironolactone while discontinuing the other drugs. my hunch is that your provider feared your potassium might dip too low after withdrawing the hctz (hydrochlorothiazide) which can strip potassium from your system. by leaving you on a "potassium-sparing" diuretic (water pill) like spironolactone perhaps your provider thinks your potassium will level out. however that's just a guess. obviously i can't read your provider's mind. as i said your best bet is to ask your provider directly. wishing you all the best!
i am a guy and work outside in construction. i sweat a lot and sunscreen doesn't stay on well. what sunscreen can i use?
i love the sports block gels for men because even if you sweat and you are very athletically active outdoors or if you are working outdoors they tend not to run and get into the eyes so look for one that's in a gel. a lot of the new products come in powder gels where they really feel quite dry. and they don't feel sticky on the skin so men don't mind using them as much. the spray ones are also good but look for one that says continuous spray not a mist because a mist still has to be rubbed in you are not getting full coverage. with the continuous spray it means anytime you are pressing down on that pump you are getting product out and that's much better.
if one fallopian tube is defective can the other still be viable? . the left fallopian tube of my wife is defective can ther other be viable?
sure. the fallopian tubes operate independently so just because there's a problem with one doesn't necessarily mean there's a problem with the other. each woman normally has two ovaries and two fallopian tubes. the tubes catch the woman's egg as the ovary produces it and guides the egg down to the uterus. even if you removed one ovary/fallopian tube set the other set should still function normally. of course if a particular disease process such as endometriosis has caused one fallopian tube to become non-functional then it's possible the other tube is affected in a similar way. if your wife has any concerns about fertility and her fallopian tubes she should consult a gynecologist for an exam and further testing. i wish you all the best!
is benign prostatic hyperplasia (bph) a type of cancer?
no! benign prostatic hyperplasia (bph) is completely benign. it is not a precursor (a forerunner) to prostate cancer.
General Health
is smoking marijuana before surgery dangerous
it is not a good idea for the patient (or the doctor) to smoke marijuana before any surgery. order 100% legit n safe medical marijuana pain relievers cbd oils dabs and more. for more info text (505) 807-7504 lisanblakeretailshop@gmail. com medical marijuana is good for your health top medical strains for all patients suffering from depression glaucoma anxiety and tension headaches chronic pain and nausea mental and physical fatigue and for calming aromatherapy then you are in the right place to look in our meds all top grade aa+ with high level of cbd and thc contact for your supply and good health. pain killers medical marijuana act. lean ***(( no prescribtion is needed))) bud seeds harsh oils dabs & other m. m treatments. we also sefely and securely deliver all sorts of generic medication and syrup nationwide at very good prices. no prescribtions needed. legit verified and reputed plug. available in the u. s canada australia and the uk. for more info text (505) 807-7504 lisanblakeretailshop@gmail. com. thank you. ghjghjhjh
how can i bee a little bit taller? . hi <positive_smiley>. how can i grow like 10 extra cms or so? and is it anyway possible? ! . thanks <positive_smiley>
i don't know your age or state of maturation but in most cases our final adult height is determined at the moment of conception. while diet tends to play a role while you are still growing there is little that can be done once your growth plates have closed. if you are shorter than you should be (again based on your age) one should consult an endocrinologist. human growth hormone can increase height if this expensive medication is appropriate and approved by your insurance company. repost your question with more information especially your age and the heights of your biological parents.
how long does zyrtec-d stay in your system?
zyrtec-d is available as a 12-hour formulation and should relieve your allergy symptoms and congestion for 12 hours.
what causes toxic shock syndrome?
the primary cause of toxic shock syndrome is a toxin produced by the bacterium staphylococcus aureus. two conditions are necessary: the bacteria need an environment in which they can grow rapidly and release toxins (such as a tampon saturated with blood menstrual sponge diaphragm or cervical cap that has been left in the vagina for a very long time). then the toxins must have a way of getting into the bloodstream. sliding a tampon into place in the vagina may make microscopic tears in its walls rupturing tiny blood vessels. a superabsorbent tampon -- especially if it's left in place too long or if it is used when the menstrual flow is light -- can dry out the vagina making such tearing even more likely.
is it a good idea to surgicaly remove prostate as a precautionary measure (age 65)
most helpful answer absolutely not.
what foods can i eat with colitis. ii'm have colitis i would like to know what foods are good to it for it.
following a health lifestyle and eating a nutrient-rich diet can help to manage colitis. while diet is not a major factor in the inflammatory process some specific foods however may affect symptoms of colitis and play some role in inflammation. here is a list of foods that have been found to trigger gi symptoms: alcohol caffeine dried beans peas legumes hot sauce meats popcorn raw vegetables seeds spicy foods for a more complete list visit this website.
can weak liver cause shingles or herpes?
no. the cause of shingles is the herpes virus (herpes zoster). a "weak liver". whatever you are referring to in this statement. will not cause shingles. a weakened immune system however can make it more likely to get an infection and this would include viral infection like shingles.
what causes milia? how can i avoid getting these?
milia also known as whiteheads are very common white pimples that can occur in persons of all ages. they appear mostly on the upper cheeks nose and chin of infants. this occurs when dead skin cells and sebaceous matter gets trapped near the skin surface rather than exfoliating naturally. common causes of milia include the use of thick and heavy cosmetics or poor-quality products that are not suitable for the skin that prevent the sloughing-off of dead skin cells. excessive sun exposure makes the skin thick which leaves it unable to exfoliate naturally.