23 values
so i have this hard lump in my breast and i'm not sure what it could be? . it's only in my right breast and it's been there for about 6 months and it's lumpy when i raise my arms up you can tell the difference in shape from my left breast i squeezed my right breast the other night and had some clear brownish fluid come out but nothing since then and my nipples itch like crazy i'm 24 years old i found out very aggressive breast and ovarian cancer runs in his family and the woman very rarely make it through the cancer i don't think it's cancer can some one help?
i can help you with advice but unfortunately a brief description is not sufficient to be able to offer you a definite answer as to the nature of your breast lump. you will need to see your medical provider for a careful examination and perhaps some imaging studies. many lumps on younger women are cysts but this important call cannot be made blindly. you must have a proper examination.
Reproductive Health
could i be pregnant? . my lmp was in 11/05/13 and it's already 12/23/13 i got a pt done at the beginning of this week at first it was negative but after a while the second line appeared could i be pregnant?
hi lopez just go see your doctor and get a test done there that way you will know for sure. good luck
does the flu vaccine attribute to adhd? . does the flu vaccine attribute to alzheimer’s and being sick in general?
the flu vaccine would have absolutely no affect or association with adhd.
General Health
will my current insurance policy be required to follow the new health reform guidelines?
most likely your current insurance policy will have to follow the new rules under the affordable care act or "health reform. " so it is most likely that your policy will have to follow rules like no denials for pre-existing conditions improved coverage for preventive care etc. the one exception to this rule is if you have coverage through an employer some employer plans may be "grandfathered" and not have to make major changes.
does cancer really skip a generation? . my grandmother had breast cancer that eventually spread to her brain and she ended up passing away. someone told me that cancer skips a generation. is that true?
no. this statement is not true.
are anti-wrinkle products sold over-the-counter effective?
yes some anti-wrinkle products sold over the counter are effective. the ingredients that make your skin look more beautiful can be expensive but they don't have to be. look for products that contain antioxidant vitamins a (retinol) c and e; scientifically and clinically these antioxidants help stop free-radical damage that leads to fine lines and wrinkles. also ingredients such as matrixyl 3000 a peptide contribute to the production of collagen and elastin. they can plump up the skin matrix and actually make the skin visibly look younger. other ingredients such as licorice extract and niacin can help fight age spots that lead to uneven skin tone. the problem is finding the products that have the above ingredients in the right concentration to produce results. the longstanding results are definitely noticeable. it typically takes at least two to four weeks before you begin to see results so remember to wear sunscreen and start now!
i need to reduce my weight wts the food which i have to take to burn my calories soon
food is calories. food does not cause you to burn calories. exercise and other activities burn calories. restricting your caloric intake of food will help you lose weight but it needs to be done carefully. think about getting some medical or nutritional help with your weight reduction goals.
General Health
broken fibula 5 months ago and finally had surgery and autograft. docs said ok to put weight after 2wks surg is this ok. is been so long that i am scare. my orthopedic surgeon has put me in a walking boot and is ok to walk and put full weight on the surgery leg. the surgeon has put plate and 4 screw and also did autograft. thank you
your orthopedist is the boss. this is the expert that has evaluated and treated your fracture. if the ortho said that you can bear weight at two weeks then this is what they want you to do. incidentally the fibula is not a weight-bearing bone. the tibia does all of the work.
Reproductive Health
can i be pregnant? or am i just overracting? . my boyfriend ejacualated in me and then a few hours later i got my period. but it only lasted for 1 1/2 days and then it stopped. after that a few days later i wiped and saw pink. can i be pregnant. this never happened to me before.
hi ok for some women they can get pregnant from sex anytime of there cycle its just the way some women are. so you must be now out of the 72 hour plan b window look all you can do now is wait a prey to see what happens when your next period is due if it comes you can the go get on some kind of bc like the pill or others. if not wait a week then go get tested at your doctors. hope this helps in some way. good luck
Mental Health
how will the affordable care act affect supplemental medical coverage such as coverage for patients with cancer?
the aca has no impact on supplemental insurance policies. if you are interested in buying cancer coverage because you feel you're at high risk you may do so. however these plans never qualify as comprehensive medical coverage so you'll still need to have more traditional health insurance.
can you take ibuprofen when you’re breastfeeding?
ibuprofen is a pain reliever that is part of a class of medications called nsaids (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs). the american academy of pediatrics classifies ibuprofen as “usually compatible” with breastfeeding. however if you are using ibuprofen for mild pain or fever you might consider using acetaminophen (tylenol) instead. acetaminophen is classified as “compatible” with breastfeeding and most consider it to be the pain reliever of choice for a breastfeeding woman. to minimize the infant’s exposure to the medication consider taking the acetaminophen or ibuprofen immediately after nursing.
Reproductive Health
is sex part of an overall healthy life and a sign of a healthy heart?
yes. it shows that you're capable of doing physical activity in which your heart rate and blood pressure go up. in a sense you're doing a stress test on your heart. if you tolerate that well and you feel good doing it it suggests good things about your overall level of fitness and therefore your risk of heart disease. sex can also be a sign of healthy relationships and social supports -- it shows you have the opportunities frankly and that you're interested and engaged. i think sex is a barometer for overall health.
<link> celleral serum reviews in which finding concluded in the actual improvement of lbp-5 complex® the actual unique as well as patent-pending age-defying ingredient that may be the primary focus of l'dara serum. . <link>
your inappropriate posting takes up valuable space for individuals seeking answers to their medical questions.
could my partner have picked up genital herpes from a toilet seat or hot tub?
it's very rare if not impossible to get genital herpes any other way than by sexual contact. keep in mind however that many people have genital herpes for years or even decades without knowing it. when they are diagnosed their monogamous partners often assume they were unfaithful which may not be true.
i dont know what to do in this situation of my girlfriend flirting with a customer at her bar. what do i do? . my girlfriend text her customer asking if he was going to come have a drink. he replied only if i can look up your skirt. she text back and said she wasnt wearing one cause it was too cold but that she had plenty of cleavage to look at. what should i do? he is a regular customrr who tips her big so i can see why she played along but that was too far i think and dont know how to handle this situation.
your girlfriend is either money hungry or man hungry. either way you should have a talk with her. this is not simple flirting. if she cares at all for you then she will step back and think about your feelings. how is her self respect? is this just about money? you need to know.
what is the best source for dark chocolate with the highest flavenoid content?
someday manufacturers may have the flavonoid content on their packaging but we aren't quite there yet. basically cocoa powder has the highest amount of phytochemicals followed by bittersweet and then semisweet chocolate. the dark chocolate that has 60% cacao or more on the label is a good sign. you might find out about the specific process used by the chocolate company by checking their website. i personally find dark chocolate very satisfying!
General Health
aetna will not renew our health coverage next year. . what are the best options for a self-employed single income family with registered native american heritage in ca?
start shopping for a new plan on your state's health insurance marketplace. you'll be able to compare plans side-by-side to see which best meets both your medical and financial needs.
what are bacteria?
bacteria are microscopic one-celled organisms some of which can cause illness.
Skin Conditions
why can't psoriasis be cured?
psoriasis is an auto-immune condition that is genetically related. for this reason it cannot be cured. however great strides have been made in better understanding the condition and newer treatments are safer and more focused on targeting the underlying cause more effectively with excellent results.
got dtap vaccine week ago. injection area is swollen and has knot gets sorer every day. is this normal?
soreness at the injection site is probably the most common adverse effect especially with the dtap. often this is not just due to vaccine but the trauma of the needle and some bleeding into the tissue (usually this is the cause of the "knot"). warm compresses may help as well as some ibuprofen for the inflammation. if it becomes red and more swollen you will need to see your medical provider to see if you have a injection site infection.
do bi-lingual doctors meet the requirements for language interpreters?
yes if they are bilingual in the language of the patient.
Disease Prognosis
what are the risk factors for orthostatic hypotension?
orthostatic hypotension most often occurs in the elderly. "hardening of the arteries" or atherosclerosis that develops as we age makes it more difficult for blood vessels to adapt quickly when necessary. as well many of the diseases that are associated with orthostatic hypotension are progressive with symptoms worsening with age. pregnancy is associated with orthostatic hypotension. as the pregnancy progresses the volume of the circulatory system expands and blood pressure tends to fall. this may lead to lightheadedness when standing quickly. blood pressure levels return to normal after delivery. excessive sweating due to physical exertion and exposure to heat are risk factors and potential causees of dehydration and symptoms of orthostatic hypotension. patients who have other risk factors to develop orthostatic hypotension have an increased risk if they become even mildly dehydrated. chronic alcohol use and drug abuse are also risk factors for developing symptoms of orthostatic hypotension.
does drinking water at night cause weight gain
no. just the temporary weigth of the water; most of which will come out as the urine. drink the water!
Reproductive Health
herpes transmission. can shower sex reduce the transmission of hsv 2?
most helpful answer no. unfortunately. herpes can be transmitted to the cervix or vagina of a women a place where shower water or soap would not be protective in any way. for a man exposed to a woman with active herpes sex in a shower may reduced the viral load on the skin surface for the penis but herpes can still develop if the person is susceptible. if one sexual partner has herpes using a condom is an effective preventive measure. even in the shower.
Reproductive Health
can vaginal discharge irritate tear on labia minora making the tear worse? . noticed tear after sex with condom. has had it for a week will be buying epsom salt today for sits bath to help heal it. what else can i do to help heal it before my appointment next week?
ho two things that will make it worst is masturbation and more sex just take a break from these tow till its healed. make sure it has a sea salt wash 3 times a day if possible as this aids cleaning the tear and also the healing of it. ok good luck
General Health
how do we know if our health insurance policy meets the requirements of the affordable care act?
call your insurer directly to ask.
Reproductive Health
does hsv make it hard to get pregnant i herd it doesnt but why i havent i got pregnant ever since i lost my first baby? . my point is that i'm scared can i get hsv2 if i already have hsv1 genital?
hi so this bit below you know? yes what if i already had genital herpes before getting pregnant? in this case the risk to your baby is low. this is because you will pass on protective antibodies to your baby which fight the herpes virus. it’s possible that in early pregnancy you won't need any drug treatment for your symptoms. however if you have frequent flare-ups or if you want extra protection you may be offered an antiviral medication. this medication is called aciclovir and it's safe to take throughout pregnancy. your doctor will probably advise you that having herpes should not stop you from having a vaginal birth. but as for getting pregnant just how long ago was this? could be your hsg levels are still high this acts like your own body's bc but it also takes timing and not having sex to often also staying relaxed if your stressing that will not help you to get pregnant and given time your get pregnant. but do remember that day 1 is the first day of your cycle day 14 give or take a day should be ovulation day so you need to have unprotected sex around 3 to 4 days before this gives sperm time to get in place to catch your egg and yes some sperm goes to each side. keeping roughly to this you should get there. do hope this helps you. good luck
how can you get rid of fever blisters fast. i have a big fever blister on my top lip and another one coming up beside it how can i get rid of them fast
don't pick at the or play with them see if you can get abreva gel from the pharmacy - it's over the counter and can sometimes take a day or two off the duration and don't worry about it. not only does stress make them worse but it doesn't look as bad as you think it does. here's a slideshow with some good information. <link>
what are some alternative therapies used to treat hot flashes?
about 20% of menopausal women get no hot flashes; about 20% are totally wiped out by them-and the rest of us are in the middle. we have no idea why this happens – hormone levels are the same in the severe sufferers and the folks who get none. certain conditions make them worse. smokers go through menopause about 1-2 years earlier than non smokers and suffer worse hot flashes than non smokers when they do. obese women have more severe hot flashes than slender women. hot flashes for many women are worse in the perimenopausal years; and hot flashes do tend to get better over time. however even after 10 years since the last period about 15% of women still have significant hot flashes. what can we do on our own to make things better? a regular exercise regime avoiding known triggers including red wine hot coffee and spicy foods – these bother many women. sleeping in as cool a room as you can usually helps at night; and keep another nightgown next to the bed if you wake up soaking. layered dressing is good for the daytime. there is some data to suggest that soy foods tend to be helpful. there is some controversy about soy products in women with breast cancer; you may need to clear that with your oncologist. there is very little data on other food products being helpful. there is some data on the herbal supplement black cohosh. cohosh is not a plant estrogen (that is the concern about soy: soy is rich in isoflavones which many folks refer to as weak plant estrogens. ) there is very little data on other herbal products.
is it advisable to get the shingles vaccine and a flu shot on the same day. none
yes you can get the flu shot and the shingles vaccine on the same day. that means two shots because you can't give them in the same shot. however the cdc does not recommend giving two "live" vaccines on the same day. that means the organisms are live but weakened. the nasal spray flu vaccine and the shingles vaccine are live. so you can't get those on the same day. in fact the recommendation is to wait 4 weeks in between. however there's no problem with the flu shot (the virus is dead) and the shingles vaccine on the same day.
when a pacemaker messes up does it cause someone to be violent and abusive?
no a pacemaker only affects the heart.
General Health
if i have colitis is it safe to have hernia surgery? . i am 80 years young and want to get into better shape. i also have colitis and have had 6 inches of my colon removed about 19 years ago. now i have a hernia and my doctor just wants me to wear a truss/belt but i am trying to get in better shape and want to start working with a personal trainer. my doctor does not want to perform the hernia surgery for fear it would cause my colitis to flare up and cause me further problems. should i go ahead and have the laparoscopic hernia surgery?
hi it may be best you try and seek out a surgeon who deals with both operations for colitis and hernias and ask his advice to how he thinks an operation would go for you. its the only thing i can think of as this nothing coming up in the way of research of your problem. hope this helps you. good luck
Psychological and Cognitive Health
what illnesses often co-exist with bipolar disorder?
i was diagnosed with bipolar disorder with major highs (euphoria) appx 9 years ago that co-occured with adult adhd aggressive personality and anger issues. i was medicated with lamicta serquel and adderall. needless to say i was on a roller coaster and after a while no longer desired medical help. over the last 4 years i've slipped off into a whirl wind of mental problems. mostly in the evening time when my children and husband get home my reproductive system after stopping treatment failed and unfortunately after 3 cyst were removed and my sons premature birth i was basically pushed into having a partial hystercotomy i have sinus infections around every 6-8 weeks with 3 known cyst in my left sinus cavities. i just recently (last week) went back to my dr a new one and briefly told her what my issues were and how i havent been treated in several years. she has started me on a low dose of adderall again and recommended i see a specialist to combine biopolar treatment. she doesnt know my deepest struggles or demons and i've learned to mask my problems around strangers if possible so answering her questionnaire was simple as not being quite honest due to my own fears of being judged. bipolar affected my grandmother my aunt one of my cousins. i'd say my mother is borderline and my younger brother is. i unfortunately see it in my daughter who is only 5 and my oldest son who is nearly 10 is hard to tell cause he is adhd but i believe it is masking bipolar because he is very depressed alot but also has been through some tough stuff with me and other problems. i have found that i turn to other releases due to pain management of other physical issues though i feel okay for an hour or so any pain meds prescribed to me tend to accelerate my mood swings and i've found them to be addicting mentally though i never intended to use them for other than my multiple breaks. my adderall definitely intensifies panic mainly in the evening. but its ultimately a huge help for the morning due to shuffling kids and my husband and i own our own company. i cant work with the public due to this nor be in social situations. my marriage has been a disaster for atleast 2 1/2 years and it is me but now my husband has became moody as well and i do whole heartedly believe it started due to my mental problems. i do not at the moment take anything other than my adderall and pain meds for my fractures and honestly decided today i dont really think adderall is the best thing unless im treated with something else for the moods. i still have to make an appt with a specialized dr and treatment will take quite sometime because of my fear of drs due to years back when all this started they put me on so so so many different meds i felt like a lab rat and nothing seemed to truly work and i dont really honestly open up to a dr. i will never tell them about my addictions nor will i ever tell them my increased thoughts of suicide. many things can co-exist with bipolar. mimic it. mask it. and everyone is different. it is a horrible disease unfortunately and is something when you hit rock bottom if you have the courage and will to get help you will. if you are like me you'll ruin everything you have because of fear. and honestly this is the first time i've truly opened up about certain things i feel or that i have associated with my bipolar. some may see these things or believe i experience these things but i do not truly discuss them with anyone not my mother. my husband (most i do) or my dr.
what is carbon monoxide poisoning?
carbon monoxide poisoning happens when you breathe too much carbon monoxide. carbon monoxide is a gas produced by burning any type of fuel-gas oil kerosene wood or charcoal. what makes carbon monoxide so dangerous is that when you breathe it it replaces the oxygen in your blood. without oxygen cells throughout the body die and the organs stop working. you can't see smell or taste carbon monoxide. but if you breathe too much of it it can become deadly within minutes. so it’s very important to know the signs of carbon monoxide poisoning what to do if you have the symptoms and how to keep it from happening. healthwise disclaims any liability for the decisions you make based on this information. © 1995-2011 healthwise incorporated. healthwise healthwise for every health decision and the healthwise logo are trademarks of healthwise incorporated.
can an individual have more than one type of arthritis at a time?
absolutely. yes.
are tablets ipads etc safe for young children (3-6)? how much time should they be limited to? . i have read about flattening of the retina etc from any screen time tv etc. there seems to be a lack of study tablets are so new.
the tablets are medically-safe but any electronic games given to young children should be time-limited. no one has set any particular time parameters but children of that age need to play and use their imaginations spend time outside with their family/siblings/friends not just being slaves to their ipads
if tegretol doesnt work for trigeminal neuritis what next. husband has m. s. developed trigeminal now very bad. trying upped dose of baclofen. would steroid shots be the next step. tegretol did work wellbut didi have a fainting episode that he has had many times before trigeminal. dr took him off tegretol but hes desperate enogh to go back on with a half dose thanks
my heart goes out to both you and your husband. multiple sclerosis is enough to deal with on its own without adding trigeminal neuralgia (tn) into the mix. for others who may not know what tn is it's an extremely painful condition usually caused by pressure on a nerve at the base of the skull. this nerve extends into the frontal portion of the face. when the nerve becomes irritated it may cause painful facial spasms. as you know the first-line treatment for tn usually involves taking the medication tegretol. however other medications are available to try either alone or in combination with tegretol if the medication doesn't work or stops working. i suggest your husband go back to his doctor for further advice on how to manage the pain of his tn. wishing you both well!
Reproductive Health
i am a gonorrhea patient. but i never had sex. i just kissed a girl twice. so what is the reason? i m so depressed. pls hp
gonorrhea is a sexually-transmitted disease so if you truly have an accurate diagnosis of gonorrhea involving your penis you did not get it from kissing a girl twice unless this kiss involved your genitals and she had pharyngeal gonorrhea. non-sexually transmitted gonorrhea is technically possible if you had penile contact with fresh secretions like a toilet seat or wearing someone's contaminated underwear but as you can imagine this rarely if ever happens. so if you are being 100% honest and i assume that you are then i would have no idea how you got it. if you had a throat culture that grew out neisseria (the genus of gonorrhea) then it will need more thorough laboratory testing since there can be an innocent gram-negative bacterial species of neisseria that grows in the throat that is not gonorrhea.
can my 15 yr old daughter take benadryl with zyrtec for allergic rhinitis?
yes but she should only need one antihistamine. adult strength zyrtec would be my choice since it lasts 24 hours. benadryl is quite sedating and lasts only four hours or so.
how can i find out if i've been infected with genital herpes?
a doctor may take a sample from what appears to be a genital herpes sore and examine it under a microscope. you can also have a blood test for genital herpes. the blood test looks for antibodies to the virus that your immune system would have made when you were infected. the second type of herpes simplex virus hsv-2 almost always infects the genitals so if antibodies to hsv-2 are detected in your blood you probably have genital herpes. a blood test that shows antibodies to the other type of herpes virus hsv-1 means you could have genital or oral herpes. that's because oral herpes typically caused by hsv-1 can be spread to the genitals during oral sex.
can h pylori cause itp?
no. the "i" in itp means idiopathic (no known cause).
can atenolol stunt a child's growth?
i am not aware of any evidence that beta-blockers like atenolol can stunt a child's growth. if you have concerns about your child's medications you should talk to his or her health-care professional.
who should receive the flu vaccine? when should someone get the flu shot?
in the united states the flu season usually occurs from about november until april. officials have decided each new flu season will start on oct. 4. typically activity is very low until december and peak activity most often occurs between january and march. ideally the conventional flu vaccine should be administered between september and mid-november. it takes about one to two weeks after vaccination for antibodies against influenza to develop and provide protection. the cdc has published a summary list of their current recommendations of who should get the 2010-2011 vaccine: summary of influenza vaccination recommendations 2010 all people 6 months and older should be vaccinated annually. protection of people at higher risk for influenza-related complications should continue to be a focus of vaccination efforts as providers and programs transition to routine vaccination of all people 6 months and older. when vaccine supply is limited vaccination efforts should focus on delivering vaccination to people who are 6 months to 4 years (59 months) of age are 50 years of age and older have chronic pulmonary (including asthma) cardiovascular (except hypertension) renal hepatic neurologic hematologic or metabolic disorders (including diabetes mellitus) are immunosuppressed (including immunosuppression caused by medications or by human immunodeficiency virus) are or will be pregnant during the influenza season are 6 months to 18 years of age and receiving long-term aspirin therapy and who therefore might be at risk for experiencing reye's syndrome after influenza virus infection are residents of nursing homes and other chronic-care facilities are american indians/alaska natives are morbidly obese (body mass index is 40 or greater) are health-care personnel are household contacts and caregivers of children aged younger than 5 years and adults aged 50 years and older with particular emphasis on vaccinating contacts of children aged younger than 6 months; and are household contacts and caregivers of people with medical conditions that put them at higher risk for severe complications from influenza as each flu season progresses and as the cdc refines its data from previous flu seasons and pandemics this summary may be modified. the cdc publishes routine updates about the flu at flu. gov and at <link>.
if your husband has hpv how do you have a child without contracting it?
your husband can spread hpv to you and you are infected you can spread it to your child through a vaginal delivery. if you have hpv on your cervix or in the vagina a c-section would likely be recommended. since i do not know you particular case your ob would be the best person to address this concern.
hi i just turned 12 and my penis is 4. 6 inches long is this normal and why does it grow so quick
it's probably time to say "welcome to puberty! " it sounds like everything is normal to me. when you enter puberty a cascade of hormones begins flooding through your body. these hormones cause you to develop body hair and they also will cause your penis to become larger. the testicles also increase in size. and yes sometimes these things happen with startling quickness. that seems to be the case with you. please don't get into a habit of measuring your penis. every guy on the planet gets worried about his penis size: is it too small? let me tell you there is a wide range of "normal" penis sizes. yours sounds within the normal range and it's probably not done developing yet. another thing: eventually years from now you'll be ready to use that penis to have sex. please remember to always practice safe sex. use a condom even if the girl you're with tells you she's on birth control. condoms protect you (and your partner) from a wide variety of sexually transmitted diseases. at 12 years old you're nowhere near ready for sex. but a little information now may help you later right? if you can't talk to your parents about puberty sex and all the physical and emotional changes you're going through try to find a trusted adult (maybe a friend's dad athletic coach pastor or school counselor) to confide in. it's good to talk to someone who can tell you "everything's going to be ok. " wishing you well! hi you have a gift look after it as you get older women will just love you. its ok you can put yourself above normal. don't worry your ok. good luck ps just look after it wash it daily and don't forget behind your foreskin its very important that you keep your penis healthy. don't over masturbate if you masturbate use a featherlight touch. just remember your penis is affected by every aspect of your physical mental and emotional life. keep a copy of this last bit it will stand you well. do hope this bit helps you. you are in the midst of puberty so your body will go through some pretty drastic changes. but do not worry. these are all normal. and the average penis size is 6 inches erect so you are well on your way. but down the road a bit you might want to consider using a penis health creme every morning. these help men keep their penis skin healthy clean smooth and irritation-free. this is a big part of sex and intimacy. it's not just about size. i use a creme called man1 man oil and it works great. keep it in mind. good luck to you!
Reproductive Health
i am 53 i was on depo for 5 ys and never had a period i went off the shot and now its been a yr and still no period. can i still get pregnant? i have no insurance so havent had any blood work to see if i am done with birth control.
hi well you could now be in the menopause and ti find this out you do need a blood test for your hormones its only from this will you find out or read up about the menopause symptoms. or the only other thing would be get a pregnancy test done either an hpt or again at a doctor or try a free clinic for both tests. do hope this helps you. good luck
Skin Conditions
i've been taking levothyroxin for over a year. i have developed a rash/hives that comes and goes. is this related?
yes it can be related. my thyroid was removed in 1973 when i was 21 yrs. old due to benign adenoma. i took armour for 10 yrs. then switched to synthroid for 10 yrs. in 1991 i began having severe hives and red burned face. my family dr. immediately suspected thyroid meds. allergists insisted no way was it that. i suffered for 8 months until my gynecologist took me off synthroid hives immediately began subsiding then on armour and hives returned but looked different. took me off all hormone for 6 weeks and follow up with endocrinologist. said i would feel very tired - but i felt great. all my levels were normal and have remained so for 21 yrs.
can you get cavities under your braces? if so how are those cavities treated?
with braces teeth can decay just as easily as they would without them. your oral hygiene including frequent brushing water picking fluoride rinses and supplements and frequent cleanings during orthodontics treatment is imperative. usually cavities can be fixed while braces are still on. but sometimes they do have to be removed first.
is there any product that will reduce the redness on the face from lupus?
often when the lupus is under control the redness will naturally improve. topical cortisone used for a week or so can be helpful under the supervision of your dermatologist. also look for products that are fragrance- and dye-free to minimize irritation to the skin. sun protection is critical as that is one of the main triggers of the redness.
what are warning signs to see a dermatologist right away?
if you have a new or changing birthmark/mole if a lesion (may look like a bug bite or scratch) has not healed within three weeks if a rash is painful or spreading especially if it starts after taking a new medication.
how are burns classified?
burns are classified based upon their depth. a first degree burn is superficial and causes local inflammation of the skin. sunburns often are categorized as first degree burns. the inflammation is characterized by pain redness and a mild amount of swelling. the skin may be very tender to touch. second degree burns are deeper and in addition to the pain redness and inflammation there is also blistering of the skin. third degree burns are deeper still involving all layers of the skin in effect killing that area of skin. because the nerves and blood vessels are damaged third degree burns appear white and leathery and tend to be relatively painless. burns are not static and may mature. over a few hours a first degree burn may involve deeper structures and become second degree. think of a sunburn that blisters the next day. similarly second degree burns may evolve into third degree burns. regardless of the type of burn inflammation and fluid accumulation in and around the wound occur. moreover it should be noted that the skin is the body's first defense against infection by microorganisms. a burn is also a break in the skin and the risk of infection exists both at the site of the injury and potentially throughout the body. only the epidermis has the ability to regenerate itself. burns that extend deeper may cause permanent injury and scarring and not allow the skin in that area to return to normal function.
Reproductive Health
i had sex wid my gf befor her last periods 2 mnts ago. and nw c is not having her periods. is c got pregnant? . i had sex with my gf on 18th march. and she had her periods on 23rd march. i didn t had any kind of physical relation with her after that. and till nw (15th may) she is not having her periods. is she pregnant.
hi well she is either having what's called skipped or missed periods or she is pregnant so its either an hpt or best a test at her doctors. some women it seems are able to get pregnant from having unprotected sex any time of the month. if she is not pregnant then getting on some form of bc like the pill would be a very good idea saves all this stress for her. remember safe sex is best sex. good luck
how is bacterial jock itch treated?
mild bacterial jock itch may be treated with: antibacterial skin washes like lever 2000 soap or chlorhexidine (hibiclens) soap twice daily. moderate bacterial jock itch may be treated with: antibacterial skin washes like chlorhexidine soap twice daily. twice-daily application of a topical antibiotic like clindamycin lotion or metronidazole (flagyl) lotion. severe bacterial jock itch may be treated with: antibacterial skin washes like chlorhexidine soap twice daily. twice-daily application of a topical antibiotic like clindamycin lotion or metronidazole lotion. a five- to 14-day course of an oral antibiotic like cephalexin (keflex) dicloxacillin doxycyline minocycline (dynacin minocin) tetracycline (sumycin) ciprofloxacin (cipro cipro xr proquin xr) or levofloxacin (levaquin) for more resistant situations.
7yrs old boy bleeding from nose. it is not havy but 4-5 drops 2-3 times a month. what may be d cause? and remedy?
certainly nosebleeds aren't uncommon in children. a few drops every now and then isn't unusual. as to cause it's difficult to tell. if this happens more in the winter then i'd say it's perhaps due to dry air. you can try a cool air humidifier in the boy's bedroom to see if that helps. also a water-based lubricant like plain ky jelly applied sparingly to the nostril with a swab before bedtime can help. if the nosebleeds persist you may want to take the boy to his pediatrician for an evaluation. hope this helps!
what is cryothalamotomy for parkinson's disease?
a cryothalamotomy is a surgical procedure where a "super-cooled" probe is inserted deep into the part of the brain called the thalamus in an effort to stop the tremors of parkinson's. this type of surgery is rarely recommended and has been replaced by deep brain stimulation (dbs).
what are some tips for dealing with skin that is dry in some places and oily in others?
the t-zone of the face is typically more oily than the rest of the face. fortunately it is easy to avoid moisturizing these areas when you moisturize the rest of the face. you can also apply toner or products with salicylic acid to the t-zone without applying it to the cheeks or the dry areas of the face. the body tends to be very dry especially the lower legs so it’s important to use a cream rather than lotion in this area.
Cardiovascular Health
what is high blood pressure (hypertension)?
blood pressure is the force of blood in your blood vessels when your heart beats and when your heart rests. you have high blood pressure when the force is too much. exforge can help your blood vessels relax so your blood pressure is lower. medicines that lower blood pressure lower your chance of having a stroke or heart attack. high blood pressure makes the heart work harder to pump blood throughout the body and causes damage to blood vessels. if high blood pressure is not treated it can lead to stroke heart attack heart failure kidney failure and vision problems.
Reproductive Health
iud removed on 4/29. cycle came 5/14. only lasted 3 days which is not normal for me. could i actually be pregnant?
hi the figures for getting pregnant after nearly 6 years are 3 to 6 months to get pregnant 85% to 90% a year then some just a month its a funny world when you look at it. but still think its best to get back in your cycle again after so long. do hope this helps. good luck
Reproductive Health
what is rh sensitization during pregnancy?
if you are rh-negative your red blood cells do not have a marker called rh factor on them. rh-positive blood does have this marker. if your blood mixes with rh-positive blood your immune system will react to the rh factor by making antibodies to destroy it. this immune system response is called rh sensitization. healthwise disclaims any liability for the decisions you make based on this information. © 1995-2011 healthwise incorporated. healthwise healthwise for every health decision and the healthwise logo are trademarks of healthwise incorporated.
i had a reaction to one of the lipsticks i was using. my lips are very sore and have a burning sensation. what to use. i had some kind of reaction on my lips to one of the glosses or lipsticks i was using. my lips are very sore and when i try to apply lipstick they really burn. i think they are irritated. what can i use on them so they will get better. i keep using the medex for lips which usually helps but am having a hard time getting them cleared up. help i am desperate. hate going without lipstick.
you will need to go without lipstick until your symptoms abate. if you think it was a reaction don't use this one again. wash your lips off carefully with mild soap and water and apply some 1% hydrocortisone ointment. your lips will look shiny (like vaseline) but it should help that burning. if i were you i'd probably break open a vitamin e capsule rub it on my lips before bed and let it soak in overnight. that does amazing things for healing. sometimes medicated lip balms can be a real problem especially if your lips are already irritated. but vitamin e oil does wonders for delicate skin like that.
when shouldn't denture adhesives be considered?
there are situations when denture adhesives should not be used. those cases include: when it is used as a "fix" for ill-fitting or poorly constructed dentures. if your dentures begin to feel loose cause discomfort or cause sores to develop contact your dentist as soon as possible. when a dentist has not evaluated your dentures for a long time. dentures rest on gum tissue and your jawbone which shrink and deteriorate respectively over time. therefore the real problem might be a need for a denture adjustment or new dentures. when oral hygiene practices cannot be sustained. when adhesives have been used for a long time especially when visits to the dentist are infrequent and when the frequency and volume of the adhesive use increases. these developments may indicate the need for a denture adjustment or new dentures. when any known allergy exists to the adhesive's ingredients.
Skin Conditions
no physical systems with genital warts can you have a discharge and a touch of blood with a female. been going on for over a month. some itching on the outside.
or try a warm sea salt bath twice a day for a few days google sea salt and the vagina for more info. do hope this helps. good luck
what kind of dr. can i see for herpes in my eye dermatologist. infectious disease. gynecologist.
neither. if you have herpes in your eye you need to be seen by an ophthalmologist.
Sensory Health
can hearing my pulse beat in my left ear be tintinitis. all of a sudden i am hearing my pulse beat in my left ear it is quite noticeable and has been going on for about two days
there is a form of tinnitus called pt or pulsatile tinnitus but please keep in mind that there are numerous causes for these pulsatile sounds and it would not be possible to determine what may be causing yours over the internet. if your symptoms persist you will need to be seen by an ent so you can be properly examined.
what can i do for an open sore on the tip of my tongue that i bit hard
nothing really. tongues heal very fast without any medical intervention. just avoid salty foods (burns) for a while and in a few days your tongue will be as good as new.
what is deprenyl used for parkinson's disease?
deprenyl (eldepryl selegiline jumex) is a drug that slows the breakdown of important brain chemicals such as dopamine. this medication may help slow the progression of parkinson's disease early in the course of the illness.
what could it mean if a biopsy from a lesion that has been removed from the arm comes back abnormal?
the term "abnormal" is quite vague. it simply means "not normal". when it comes to a biopsy the most important question would be if this lesion was cancerous or not. some lesions are read as abnormal when they are precancerous lesions. you will need to get a more thorough explanation from your medical provider ask for your exact pathological diagnosis and then inquire about the next step. this could involve excising the lesion wider and more completely various treatments or just watchful waiting. all you really know now is that your biopsy was "abnormal". you need much more information from your medical provider.
Reproductive Health
can a women who has donated one kidney have babies? . my friend donated one of her kidneys. she was told she could not have any more children. now she has a new husband and would like to have a baby but because she was told that she could not she is afraid to try. is it true that because she only has one kidney now that she cannot have any babies and if so why not and what could happen if she does get pregnant?
i see no medical reason why a woman with one kidney cannot have children.
Reproductive Health
how long does it take for depo-provera to take full effect? . i did ask the question but was lead to everywhere but the answer how does that help anyone who needs the true answer? i did receive my injection after my last menstrual cycle how would i figure out when i will be protected with the smallest chance of getting pregnant. it has been 22 years since i was last on birth control but we just can't take the chance of my getting pregnant at this time in our lives.
hi if taken within 5 days of your last period straight away but have you looked up about the side effects of depo shot/provera if i was you give it a good read just google depo provera side effects its all there reason you may not want to stay on it after reading about the side effects. good luck
why does my throat stick out like a turkey?
you do realized that i have no way of seeing this problem that you are concerned about. i cannot blindly address this particular question over the internet.
General Health
around back had lower lumbar surgery l3-l5 to releve pressure on nerver did not help any ideas? . this page is a joke! tells me i havr 47 characters left but when i post says i have used to many and wont let me. .
i'm sorry you're still experiencing pain after your back surgery. that's certainly not the desired outcome. i'm also sorry you had trouble with the answers interface. it does appear that your question posted just fine. regarding your back i'd suggest you return to your surgeon for advice. depending on how long ago you had the surgery this pain you feel may be normal. when a nerve is decompressed at the spinal root it literally can take months for that nerve to go through a cycle of "waking up " getting angry (painful) and then settling back down. so please don't give up on the surgery too quickly. in the meantime you might ask your doctor about physical therapy to help with the pain. frequently back surgery can cause the muscles to tighten up and/or spasm. sometimes physical therapy can help relax these muscles and relieve the pain. i hope you feel better soon!
can hand and mouth disease be caused by contact with animal urine or stools or dirty living conditions within the home?
no. hand foot and mouth disease is a human virus most likely acquired at school or where other children congregate. it is not from unsanitary conditions or exposure to animal excrement/urine.
can viruses cause throat infections?
viruses are the most common cause of throat infection in children and in adults. many types of viruses are known to cause throat infection and their symptoms may be difficult to distinguish from those of a bacterial infection. throat infections caused by viruses usually occur in non-winter months.
can my teenage daughter safely take ibuprofen and nyquil at the same time?
there are a number of different products available in the nyquil product line and they have different active ingredients. it is always important to read the label of the particular product you are interested in to verify the ingredients contained in that product. nyquil may contain a pain reliever/fever reducer and when it does it typically contains acetaminophen. if acetaminophen is in your product it may provide adequate relief for your daughter’s symptoms. however not all nyquil products have a pain reliever/fever reducer in them. and your daughter may take ibuprofen for another reason or may find that the acetaminophen in the nyquil is not sufficient for her problem. in these cases then it would then be fine to take both ibuprofen and nyquil together.
when should i be concerned about a strange bruise? . my daughter was spinning in circles 5 days ago. she lost her balance and fell to the ground landing on her forearm. she says she did not land on any rocks or sticks. she developed a very strange bruise. it is approximately 3" x 6" long with a hard flesh-toned/white lump in the middle of it. the lump is hard and about 1/4" in diameter. she says that the only thing that hurts is when she pushes on the lump. i don't believe it's any sort of bug bite since i could not locate and puncture wounds.
she most likely has a hematoma. an accumulation or pocket of blood under the skin. this is just a guess however since i have no way of seeing or examining your daughter over the internet. she would need to see a medical provider for a hands-on examination to confirm this assumption. in the meantime keep up with the cold compresses.
General Health
i want to get a checkup for the first time i haven't seen a doctor since i was born. i am a 23 year old college student who is in good health. i've dealt with any health problems that i have had using remedies my parents have taught me or that i have read about on the internet. i think it unwise to go any longer without at least getting checked for cancer. i want to get as comprehensive a check-up as possible but i am not sure how to go about it - where to go how much it will cost and i have no idea what to ask for.
if you are attending a college that has student health it is easy. just make an appointment for a physical. if you are paying for this comprehensive exam it could be pricey. the cost of medical care widely varies so if you still covered under your parents health insurance it is likely they will pay for preventative services. again just make an appointment for a physical exam with a good primary care clinician.
an individual unknowingly have chlamydia and is not treated what are the chances they will have encephalitis?
hi this is from the nhs in the uk dose any of this match your symptoms? encephalitis is an uncommon but serious condition that causes inflammation of the brain. encephalitis usually begins with flu-like symptoms such as a high temperature a headache and joint pain. more serious symptoms may then develop over the next few hours or days including: changes in mental state such as confusion drowsiness or disorientation seizures (fits) changes in personality and behaviour flu-like symptoms that rapidly get worse and affect mental state should be treated as a medical emergency. are you confuse with chlamydia pneumoniae or chlamydophila pneumoniae? which comes up doing research. say chlamydia pneumoniae and before you get to pneumoniae most people think of a sexually transmitted disease. hope this helps. good luck
i've been exercising a lot in anticipation of my upcoming high school reunion. how do i know if i'm overdoing it?
the most effective way to know if you're overdoing it is to listen to your body and pay attention for symptoms of overtraining. symptoms of overtraining include loss of strength speed endurance or other elements of performance loss of appetite inability to sleep well chronic aches and pains or soreness chronic colds or respiratory infections overuse injuries like tendinitis unusual fatigue occasional increase in resting heart rate irritability or you just don't feel like exercising anymore (burnout). if you have any of these symptoms and you rule out medical conditions that might be responsible (speak with your doctor if you're not sure) then you probably need a break. muscles recover during downtime not when you train so you need to leave days for rest recovery and growth if you want to maximize the effects of exercise. you may need a 7- to 14-day break depending on how overtrained you are. some individuals get nervous about taking a break because they believe they will gain weight or lose strength and endurance during the downtime. it is true that a small amount of weight gain is possible. if you are concerned try making a small decrease in daily calorie intake (100-300 calories) during a break from working out. as for endurance only a small percentage of aerobic capacity is lost in three to four weeks (not more than 5% to 10%) and it is gained back very quickly (in less than a week in most cases). in fact the loss is barely noticeable after just one or two workouts. as for strength it takes more than 20 weeks to lose just 20% of maximal strength and so there's virtually nothing to worry about during a 7- to 14-day break. and in almost all cases individuals come back from a break feeling refreshed and stronger than before the break since the muscles were given time to rest recover and grow. it's fair to say that the benefits of a break far outweigh the risks of continuing to exercise when you are overtrained. remember training should not stop after the event. it doesn't need to be at the intensity that it was leading up to the event (nor should it be) but individuals interested in maintaining good health and moderate-to high levels of fitness throughout the year ought to do what they can to consistently remain active throughout the year. with this strategy the risk of overtraining for an event is low since "high school reunion " "wedding day " or "beach season" condition is never too far off.
is there a prescription that will remove wrinkles and age spots?
the only prescription product available for wrinkles is renova. retin a and tazorac also work well and are stronger than renova but they are fda approved for the treatment of acne. the prescription product that works for wrinkles and age spots is triluma. it contains tretinoin 4% hydroquinone and a gentle cortisone to minimize irritation. there are other prescription hydroquinone products available for age spots as well.
Insurance and Financial
i've been out of work due to illness since march 24 2012. . i exhausted the temporary state disability within the first few months. i now have had no income for the past year. my family has paid for my medical insurance which is a private plan. do i go straight to medicaid to enroll? i am a 50-year-old single female with no children.
it sounds like you may very well qualify for medicaid but you'll need to make sure your state is expanding its program. just 26 states are. in any event you'll need to go through the enrollment process through your state's health insurance marketplace to determine what programs and/or financial assistance you're eligible for. gov to start the process.
what caused my fever blister when i dont date or eat after anyone i do work in housekeeping though could i have got it
the vast majority of people have no idea how that got herpes simplex (fever blisters colds sores). since tens of millions of people have them including some of your relatives or friends you can probably blame one of them. the virus can remain live on surfaces for hours so yes you could have got it from your housekeeping job. just about anywhere.
which foods should i get rid of or add to my pantry?
what lurks in our pantry can range from high-calorie high-sodium foods to chemical-laden food substitutes that have no right to be there. and as we all know if it is there we will eat it! so the first step is always to get rid of those tempting empty harmful and tasteless things we’ve collected and simply…toss them. kick out: all foods that contain these ingredients—be mindful they can be in your dressings peanut butters and other surprising places artificial sweeteners corn syrup hydrogenated oil or partially hydrogenated oil dyes (especially red #3 and #40 and yellow #5) enriched flours bleached flours canned vegetables (except tomatoes and beans) sugary cereals potatoes in a box instant rice lowfat mayo fake butter soda diet and regular processed lunch meats american cheese candy bars sugary fruit bring in: cold-pressed extra virgin olive oil lentils beans (black kidney garbanzo these can be in a can) quinoa organic chicken broth vinegars (balsamic rice apple cider) tamari dried spices (garlic cinnamon cumin curry powder hot pepper) kefir (plain) organic yogurt hummus fresh cut-up veggies to dip in hummus (cucumbers carrots radishes etc) fresh herbs (dill parlsy basil mint) braggs liquid aminos grain mustard miso tofu sparkling water
Reproductive Health
can i get pregnant from pre cum. hi . yesterday my boyfriend stroked his penis and had a lil bit of pre-cum fluid few minutes after he rubbed my clitoris using the other hand (i cant recall if he only used that hand let's just assume he used both hands). . and the previous ejaculation occured 2 days before the release of the pre cum. when he rubbed my clitoris i got wet and masturbated somehow. will this cause me to get pregnant? my menstrual cycle is about 30 days or longer. and my last menstruation was on the 7th december.
hi if this was just on your clitoris and he's telling the truth about ejaculating the yes your ok it really takes the penis to be inside your vagina to get pregnant even with pre-cum. but if your having foreplay and going this far then its about time you was thinking of bc the pill the ring the implant the cap or the iud even condoms. but even playing around you without any form of bc you will get pregnant. but please keep away from depo shot just to many side effects. do hope this stops your stress and anxiety. good luck ps the only real thing now is to just wait to see if you miss your next period if you do then get tested hpt walk in mothers clinic or at your doctors ok
Reproductive and Urinary Health
dry cut on labia majora? . i'm 18 and i do not shave down there. it was itchy one day but i scratched thinking nothing much. it wouldn't stop so i checked to see if there was maybe lice? i didn't see anything. from scratching too much/too hard i cut my labia majora? (where it was itchy) i clean well down there but it seems even a slight unintentional pull of the fold will re open it because my cut is still there. although now it's dry white and looks as if it's peeling. can someone possibly give me some insight?
hi sounds more like a yi (yeast infection) ok yi are a fungus infection and the do love to hide in pubic hair it would be a wise idea to shave this give you a no hiding place for a yi fungus. only shave downwards its the way the your hairs grow go any other way your get ingrowing hairs. now you can either get otc meds form your drug store/chemist or there are more natural ways to clear it up do read through these links below. <link> <link> <link> just copy them one at a time into google to the www. to open and read. do hope this helps you. good luck
how do you cope with growing old?
growing older should be considered a blessing and a gift since many people do not reach "old age". sure aging has some challenges but this is the price that we pay for our longevity. i wonder how teenagers cope.
is sulfacetamide sodium ophthalmic solution usp 10 safe for a four year old
yes but it burns like crazy. your child is not going to like it. there are other prescription medications for pink eye (conjunctivitis) that do not burn as much.
Cardiovascular Health
when we start intercourse the stimulation is not enough to maintain an erection. . i can still achieve orgasm through masturbation. i have high blood pressure and take enalipril maleate.
hi i think you have two things going on one is your hpb meds they will do that to your erections but in one way your lucky to be getting erections as hpb meds are sex killers. i think you other problem is coming from masturbating you are using a strong grip this is why you feel no sensations. i think you may need to reboot your penis the way to this is take an 8 week break from all sexual contact and masturbating this will give your penis a chance to get better and help heal itself. when you have done the 8 weeks try masturbating with an oiled penis and only use a featherlight touch just as a vagina would given time things will get better. google natural ways of hpb your find ways of doing this get that working and you should be able to wain yourself off the drugs then that would be a other problem out of the way. hope this helps you. good luck
a recent legal immigrant is 70 years old and has never worked in the u. s. can he apply for obamacare through the marketplace?
yes. legal immigrants can apply for insurance coverage through the marketplace.
General Health
can i get health insurance on a green card? . my wife and i are moving to texas shortly and will need health coverage. i am on a green card. my wife is an american but has been in australia for the last 17 years.
u. s. citizens and immigrants here legally are eligible for health insurance. generally you'll need to wait to apply during open enrollment which starts november 15th. if you have insurance now and are losing it because of the move you may qualify for a special enrollment period and be able to pick up a new policy now. otherwise you can begin to shop your insurance options starting in mid-november at healthcare. gov for coverage that will start on january 1 2015.
Skin Conditions
can swimming pool chemicals cause eczema
hey there at sacramento pool is a full-service pool construction dream-to-reality pool builder you can see at <link> all of our pools and water features are engineered specifically for the variable soils of california click on our website and see who is the best swimming pool builder!
what is a homa calculation?
homa calculation is a good adjunct to a1c and glucose testing in folks with type 2 diabete prediabetes or risk of diabetes due to family history or obesity. i believe more endocrinologists and other clinicians caring for such patients will use the homa calculator more routinely in the future. not to diagnose diabetes but rather to gain insight into the relative contributions of beta cell dysfunction and insulin resistance in folks with elevated a1c. i suspect homa can be used to spot people at risk for diabetes sooner than current screening tests (fasting glucose or a1c) however the appropriateness of this test for screening and perhaps for diagosis would need to be studied scientifically. in the meantime i believe it is a useful clinical tool under the right circumstances. . pancreatic beta cell function can be roughly estimated by measuring fasting insulin and glucose simultaneously (ask your doctor for these blood tests) then using. [a] homa calculator to assess the estimated beta cell activity and insulin resistance. . homa stands for "homeostasis model assessment". the general concept is that the higher your insulin resistance (due to excess body fat genetics or other causes) the harder your beta cells need to work to produce enough insulin to keep the glucose levels normal. someone with lots of insulin resistance say twice as much (200%) of a normal healthy person will have to have lots of beta cell activity (150% or 200%) just to compensate. over many years of excess beta cell activity (over 100% activity) then in some individuals the beta cell activity will start to peter out as reflected by lower insulin levels (or inappropriately non-elevated insulin levels in the face of mildly elevated glucose) and the calculator will indicate there is only around 50% beta cell activity. the a1c doesn't start to go up into the prediabetic range (a1c 6. 0-6. 4) until the beta cell activity is around 60%-50%. beta cell activity in the 40% or less range is what we see in type 2 diabetes. if we measured insulin and glucose and used the homa calculator in seemingly normal patients with moderate-to-high risk of eventual type 2 diabetes--such as patients with parents or siblings with type 2 or in patients wiith obesity then we could probably clarify the diabetes risk even sooner. we would not have to wait until beta cell function is 60%. we could spot it when it is at 80% etc. and monitor it. i think this is a concept scientists should explore further as a potential component of a national diabetes prevention/reversal strategy. .
Mental Health
what increases the chance of having postpartum depression?
a number of factors can increase the risk of postpartum depression including: a history of depression during pregnancy. age at time of pregnancy -- the younger you are the higher the risk. ambivalence about the pregnancy. children -- the more you have the more likely you are to be depressed in a subsequent pregnancy. having a history of depression or premenstrual dysphoric disorder. limited social support. living alone. marital conflict.
Reproductive Health
had sex condom broke took plan b am i pregnant? . suppose to get my period 11/2 and had sex 11/1. we were switching positions and as soon as he went to put it in the condom broke. we stopped immediately. i ran to the shower and used the bathroom multiple times afterwards and took plan b within/less than 24 hours. what are the chances of me being pregnant?
hi just a couple of questions. do you know just where you were through your cycle? was you past day 14? after taken plan b did you have a short bleed? just answer through answer this above. ps there a 5% chance of getting pregnant when taken plan b. if you had a short bleed this could be why your late.
i am 23 and have 3 kids can i get a vasectomy?
you are over 21 and really have the right to make that decision. if you are absolutely sure you will never want children. in any event (tragic loss of a child new marriage etc. ) then you just need to make the case with the person (urologist or primary care clinician) who will be doing the vasectomy. make this decision carefully since you have the capability of father a child for decades to come.
Reproductive Health
can a female human get pregnant from a horse? . i do not think i am pregnant with a horse's baby but could this even happen?
my baby mother is a parrot and humans can get animals prego because animals are real mothafukkas
General Health
i have medicare my wife and 22-year-old twins that live at home and take care of my wife and i need health insurance. is there a supplement i can get along with their insurance that will take up the slack in my medicare part b or should i try a supplement elsewhere?
if you have a cold can you still get the flu shot?
if you are sick with a fever you should wait and get your flu shot at a later date. if it is just a cold or other type of mild illness you can receive the flu shot.
i stuck some stuff in my urethra(2 q-tips)and now it hurts when i pee will this problem go away if not how can i fix it. the q-tips are't stuck or anything also yes i realize this was a dumb thing to do and wont do it again also i am a female
most helpful answer what kind of "stuff"? unfortunately i do not have enough information about this incident to determine if your pain on urination will resolve spontaneously but my guess (and it is a guess) is that the burning will subside in a day or so. if not you will need to see a medical provider for a proper examination and a urinalysis to see if you have an infection. right now you may just have traumatic urethritis so hang in there. keep everything out of your urethra. and hope that it resolves.
Reproductive Health
can a woman give birth 5 months after her due date? . a male acquaintance was told he got a girl pregnant in november 2013. the baby was due 7/29/2014. later changed to <negative_smiley>20/2014. then changed to <negative_smiley>10/2014. on <negative_smiley>5/2014 the girl went to the hospital and according to her dilated five centimeters. she claimed to have stayed for two weeks. no baby. in 11/2014 she called and said she was in the hospital and dilated two centimeters. on 12/20/2014 she called and told him she had given birth. i am not an ob/gyn but this sounds impossible to me.
that story raised my skeptical eyebrows as well. it is not likely that someone would deliver five months after her due date unless of course that due date was very very wrong. i don't know of any human 14 month pregnancies.
Reproductive Health
can a male have sex before inguinal hernia surgery is it good or bad? how long before he can have sex after surgery?
hi i cant see why you cant before as long as its not painful for you but sex is good anytime you can trust me on that point. but after your operation you may find sex painful or uncomfortable at first but it is usually fine to have sex when you feel like it. do hope this helps you whether your a male or female. good luck