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This data set contains all speeches of all German federal state parliaments as well as the Bundestag from 2022, that are not interjections from the crowd or comments by the chair of the plenary session. Some additional meta data is provided, such as the date of the speech as well as the party/parties of the speaker.

This is a small test sample of the SpeakGer data set, restricted to the year 2022 and with limited meta data. For more information, please visit the official GitHub page. When using this sample or the entire data set, please cite the corresponding paper:

  authors={Lange, Kai-Robin and Jentsch, Carsten},
  title={SpeakGer: A meta-data enriched speech corpus of German state and federal parliaments},
  booktitle={Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Computational Linguistics for Political Text Analysis @ KONVENS 2023},
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