
Dataset Viewer
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{ "en": "you are back, aren't you, harold?", "ja": "あなたは戻ったのね、ハロルド?" }
{ "en": "my opponent is shark.", "ja": "俺の相手は、シャークだ。" }
{ "en": "this is one thing in exchange for another.", "ja": "引き換えだ、ある事とある物の。" }
{ "en": "yeah, i'm fine.", "ja": "もういいよ、ごちそうさま、ううん。" }
{ "en": "don't come to the office anymore. don't call me either.", "ja": "もう会社には来ないでくれ、電話もするな。" }
{ "en": "looks beautiful.", "ja": "きれいだ。" }
{ "en": "get him out of here, because i will fucking kill him.", "ja": "連れて行け、殺しそうだ、わかったか?" }
{ "en": "you killed him!", "ja": "殺したのか!" }
{ "en": "okay, then who?", "ja": "わぁ~!、いつも、すみません。、いいのよ~。" }
{ "en": "it seems a former employee...", "ja": "カンパニーの元社員が…" }
{ "en": "so where are they?", "ja": "じゃアイツラはどこ?" }
{ "en": "or i don't know, just...", "ja": "相手を陥れるとか..." }
{ "en": "no child should ever have to endure that.", "ja": "必要のない子、耐えるにしている。" }
{ "en": "i know the visual's incongruous, but...", "ja": "犯人像とは、違和感のある見た目だが…" }
{ "en": "aw!", "ja": "あ!" }
{ "en": "let me show you more detailed ones.", "ja": "もっと詳しいの、見せますから。" }
{ "en": "you're gonna bring that up right now?", "ja": "それ今持ち出すか?" }
{ "en": "well then, when you're done work, come to the medical office.", "ja": "じゃあ、仕事終わったら、医局に来てよ。" }
{ "en": "um...please go ahead and eat without me.", "ja": "あの...、皆さんで、先、済ませてください。" }
{ "en": "rokka is always forever", "ja": "六花ちゃんは、ずっと、ずっとずっと" }
{ "en": "thank you!", "ja": "ほら、別に変なことじゃないでしょ?" }
{ "en": "that's a funnylooking dress.", "ja": "変な子供服。" }
{ "en": "the captain asked me to reexamine the dna from the bomb... to see if anyone else might have handled it.", "ja": "船長から他の誰かが扱った形跡がないか、dnaを再調査するように頼まれました。" }
{ "en": "if the rest of the book reads as well when you're done", "ja": "もし、残りも上手く書けたら" }
{ "en": "more ravishing than ever, big sister.", "ja": "以前に増して魅力的だ。" }
{ "en": "yes, that's me.", "ja": "也就是说...该不会是..." }
{ "en": "because you and i are gonna be friends for a long time. you might as well know now.", "ja": "長いこと友達なのに、気付かなかったのか?" }
{ "en": "and bill talbot's tracker fell off the grid five minutes ago. ...taken by a witness here. we can show you these images now.", "ja": "ビルのID信号も5分前に消えたわ。" }
{ "en": "he's got some blood in his mouth.", "ja": "口の中に血が見える。" }
{ "en": "asamoto won't last like this!", "ja": "\"ASAMOTOは、このままじゃいけないと思う。\"" }
{ "en": "storm!", "ja": "嵐には嵐の" }
{ "en": "i see... it doesn't look easy to get in...", "ja": "なるほど、簡単にゃ入れそうにねえな…" }
{ "en": "and how's that news, exactly, the two of you being in danger, after doing something idiotic?", "ja": "ニュースは?、確かに、二人の危険にさらされて?" }
{ "en": "they make it into a creation", "ja": "ある創作をします" }
{ "en": "i'll call you in the morning.", "ja": "朝、電話する。" }
{ "en": "we pioneered all sorts of new", "ja": "次々に新しい柔軟な勤務体系を、開発していきました" }
{ "en": "single gunshot victim.", "ja": "ルーズベルト・アイランド橋で。" }
{ "en": "i don't have anywhere else to go.", "ja": "僕、帰る所が無いんだ。" }
{ "en": "we have one for you.", "ja": "今度は、わしの番だ。" }
{ "en": "why'd you tell?", "ja": "どうして話した?" }
{ "en": "there is no such thing as a curse in this world!", "ja": "持っているだけで人を不幸にする呪われた本などというものは存在しないのです" }
{ "en": "i'm sorry, but i have to ask.", "ja": "悪いと思うけど、聞かなきゃいけないの。" }
{ "en": "any good things to you about this.", "ja": "お前たちを英雄にしたりはしない。" }
{ "en": "now! throw out all the seal tickets!", "ja": "今だ!ありったけの封印札を、投げつけろ!" }
{ "en": "and we are paying a cost.", "ja": "その結果犠牲を払うことになります。" }
{ "en": "i was given an education", "ja": "教育を受け" }
{ "en": "i'm starting to feel stupid for agonizing over it.", "ja": "何か、悩むんが、アホらしゅうなって来たわ。" }
{ "en": "with furcifer gone, i can put a cloaking spell on her.", "ja": "俺が隠している魔法を、かけることもできる。" }
{ "en": "this way, please!", "ja": "帰れ!、やだね。" }
{ "en": "and to the gymnosophist.", "ja": "裸行者に戻ります。" }
{ "en": "get out!", "ja": "退散しろ!" }
{ "en": "yeah, he wrote one.", "ja": "初回に、プロフィルn書かされませんでした?" }
{ "en": "that's the expectation from demographers, going forward.", "ja": "今後もこの状況は続くと人口統計学者は予想しています。" }
{ "en": "you did the right thing.", "ja": "良くやってくれた。" }
{ "en": "he's on the run.", "ja": "逃走中です。" }
{ "en": "no way! seriously?!", "ja": "まさかの赤ペン先生!" }
{ "en": "no, you can't!", "ja": "う...、うん" }
{ "en": "yes, sir. listen.", "ja": "蛭間病院長に聞きなさい!" }
{ "en": "must have been a really great man.", "ja": "ほんまの、豪傑じゃったんじゃろうねぇ。" }
{ "en": "warehouse? ah, it's alright. really.", "ja": "倉庫って。、あっ。、大丈夫。、うん。" }
{ "en": "but if you show your face here again, i will cut you the fuck in half!", "ja": "もう一度現れたら、顔を吹っ飛ばす" }
{ "en": "i got coffee.", "ja": "コーヒーと。" }
{ "en": "in this mansion?", "ja": "何だ、あれ。、あの屋敷。" }
{ "en": "the town that the bomb forgot.", "ja": "忘れられた町・・・。" }
{ "en": "you got finals, your nyu application is due in what, two weeks?", "ja": "nyu申請は2週間後だ?" }
{ "en": "the engines have stopped.", "ja": "エンジンが止まった。" }
{ "en": "so i wrote a computer program a bunch of years ago", "ja": "そこで何年も前にわたしはtreemakerというプログラムを書き" }
{ "en": "i want to talk to the 58 patients down here", "ja": "私はこの58人の患者の話が聞いてみたい―" }
{ "en": "i'm better than ok.", "ja": "それ以上にいいぜ。" }
{ "en": "here. hey, pretty stylish.", "ja": "はい、え~ッ、オシャレ~。" }
{ "en": "and anyone who can't give me those two things has no place in my life.", "ja": "僕はその2つを僕に与えられない人に用はない」。" }
{ "en": "she got a girlfriend who came at a girlfriend's place", "ja": "彼女、わいは彼女ばおる身でこげん所挨拶に来よっとか" }
{ "en": "do not act alone.", "ja": "まっすぐ自分の言葉は曲げねえ。" }
{ "en": "i have no idea who you are.", "ja": "あなたの事は、見当もつかない。" }
{ "en": "ah, yoshikiyo! why?", "ja": "あっ、義清ではないか。、何故?" }
{ "en": "that anybody can edit anything, at any time", "ja": "誰でも、いつでも、何でも編集できるようにしたら" }
{ "en": "you and", "ja": "お前も" }
{ "en": "what if that was a message from erica?", "ja": "エリカからだったら?、なぜ受け取らなかった?" }
{ "en": "which are the two primary factors", "ja": "この2つは戦争のきっかけです" }
{ "en": "the unconscious mind does most of the work.", "ja": "導いているということです。" }
{ "en": "seems like he was a good man.", "ja": "良い人だったらしいね。" }
{ "en": "emma, run!", "ja": "エマ、走れ!" }
{ "en": "the rate of death is declining.", "ja": "死亡率が低下している。" }
{ "en": "anything i can do, sir?", "ja": "私は何をすれば?" }
{ "en": "they look after the engineers working on the darn.", "ja": "彼らは送水口で働いているの技術者を、守ってる。" }
{ "en": "i don't want my teeth pulled!", "ja": "いやだ~~、歯を抜くのはいやだ~~" }
{ "en": "the mountains of the gods.", "ja": "山の神々。" }
{ "en": "it is this zeele schneider that embodied it most strongly.", "ja": "それを、最も強く具現化したのが、この、ゼーレシュナイダーだ。" }
{ "en": "see if you can clean him up a little.", "ja": "象でもとるのか?" }
{ "en": "she couldn't stick that four months ago.", "ja": "4カ月前には、まだ出来なかったんですよ。" }
{ "en": "know it well kanji drill", "ja": "えッ?、あの...、漢字ドリルじゃ" }
{ "en": "i realized that not one, not one of us", "ja": "しかし私は、そこにいた誰一人、同様の危機に対処した" }
{ "en": "get to the car!", "ja": "車に行くんだ" }
{ "en": "a method to raise the delicious melons.", "ja": "美味しいメロンの育て方。" }
{ "en": "do me a favor and get in the trunk yourself.", "ja": "自分で、トランクに入ってくれ。" }
{ "en": "really, of course the famous book dracula", "ja": "ダブリン北部出身の、ブラム・ストーカーが書いた" }
{ "en": "i'm the same way.", "ja": "俺もだ。" }
{ "en": "she dove in.?", "ja": "どうなった?、川に飛び込んだ?" }
{ "en": "how did you get naked? what is that!", "ja": "裸は、どうやった?、何なんすか、それは!" }
{ "en": "i don't think so.", "ja": "そうは思わないわ。" }
End of preview. Expand in Data Studio

Dataset Card for JESC

Dataset Summary

This corpus is extracted from the JESC, with Japanese-English pairs. For more information, see website below! (

JESC is the product of a collaboration between Stanford University, Google Brain, and Rakuten Institute of Technology. It was created by crawling the internet for movie and tv subtitles and aligining their captions. It is one of the largest freely available EN-JA corpus, and covers the poorly represented domain of colloquial language.

You can download the scripts, tools, and crawlers used to create this dataset on Github. You can read the paper here.

How to use

from datasets import load_dataset
dataset = load_dataset("Hoshikuzu/JESC")

If data loading times are too long and boring, use Streaming.

from datasets import load_dataset
dataset = load_dataset("Hoshikuzu/JESC", streaming=True)

Data Instances

For example:

  'en': "you are back, aren't you, harold?",
  'ja': 'あなたは戻ったのね、ハロルド?'


  1. A large corpus consisting of 2.8 million sentences.
  2. Translations of casual language, colloquialisms, expository writing, and narrative discourse. These are domains that are hard to find in JA-EN MT.
  3. Pre-processed data, including tokenized train/dev/test splits.
  4. Code for making your own crawled datasets and tools for manipulating MT data.

Data Splits

Only a train split is provided.

Licensing Information

These data are released under a Creative Commons (CC) license.

Citation Information

   author = {{Pryzant}, R. and {Chung}, Y. and {Jurafsky}, D. and {Britz}, D.},
    title = "{JESC: Japanese-English Subtitle Corpus}",
  journal = {Language Resources and Evaluation Conference (LREC)},
 keywords = {Computer Science - Computation and Language},
     year = 2018
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Models trained or fine-tuned on Hoshikuzu/JESC