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<s>[agent_1]Hello, do you listen to the radio?</s><s>[agent_2]Hello, yes I do. I've heard that there's a way to hear the sun's activity on it. Have you heard about or tried that?</s><s>[agent_1]That would be really cool. I did hear that Jupiter has such strong radio storms they can be heard on Earth.</s><s>[agent_2]i think i've heard that too. Is that where you use an am radio receiver of sorts to pick up the storms?</s><s>[agent_1]I believe so. In Canada, it is required by law to play at least 40% Canadian music on the radio.</s><s>[agent_2]That's so odd. It seems crazy to have to make a law about that. I mean, songs should already be played in the country's language that the station is in.</s><s>[agent_1]I agree. Soldiers in WWII made radios using razorblades and pencils.</s><s>[agent_2]Seriously? How did they do that?</s><s>[agent_1]No idea lol. They used the tools to make a diode that probably received the radio signals.</s><s>[agent_2]That is very resourceful of them! You know back in the 1940s, specifically 1948, radio had a huge star. Bing Crosby's songs were played more than half the time allotted to music on the radio.</s><s>[agent_1]Oh wow I did not know that. Pretty interesting for sure.</s><s>[agent_2]It really is. Nowadays radio plays a ton of different artists. If you go back further, say to the 1930s, one of the most popular radio acts was a ventriloquist.</s><s>[agent_1]Do you like country music?</s><s>[agent_2]Yes I do. Do you?</s><s>[agent_1]I love country music. George Strait and Jeff Bezos are cousins.</s><s>[agent_2]I had no idea about that! That's kind of cool!</s><s>[agent_1]Very cool. There are only two African Americans in the country music hall of fame.</s><s>[agent_2]I know of one I think and he's very good. Is one Charlie Pride?</s><s>[agent_1]Not sure on that. I wonder if Rucker will make it?</s><s>[agent_2]I don't know. He's pretty good. He'll need to be around for a long while I think to get considered.</s><s>[agent_1]Good talking to you!</s> |
<s>[agent_1]Hello</s><s>[agent_2]Hey. Do you use YouTube much?</s><s>[agent_1]*Yes! I love YouTube I use it everyday! Do you use it?</s><s>[agent_2]Yeah I do. Do you know what the most disliked video in YouTube history is?</s><s>[agent_1]I want to say its the music video baby by Justin Bieber</s><s>[agent_2]That's Correct. Do you have any pets?</s><s>[agent_1]No, I wish I did, I have friends that own pets. I used to own a fish.</s><s>[agent_2]Did you know that in Japan there are more pets than kids under 15?</s><s>[agent_1]Yes! That's so crazy, but pets are better than little kids.</s><s>[agent_2]I read that there are more pet tigers in the U.S. than living in the wild in Asia. How depressing.</s><s>[agent_1]Yea that is sad, but at the same time its good that they will live on despite being endangered and poached.</s><s>[agent_2]You know much about animal cloning?</s><s>[agent_1]A good amount of information, it's a very interesting topic. You have nay questions?</s><s>[agent_2]What was the first cloned pet?</s><s>[agent_1]I think it was a cat named "Copy Cat". You can even get your dog cloned for 150K in Korea.</s><s>[agent_2]Cool name. I'm not sure I'd want a clone of my dog.</s><s>[agent_1]I would if I had that kind of crazy money but it's so many shelter animals it would not be smart.</s><s>[agent_2]Have you ever used Pandora Radio?</s><s>[agent_1]Yes! I enjoy the service, How about you?</s><s>[agent_2]I used to use it but it seems like a ripoff for artists. Aloe Blacc had 168 million streams of his music & only make $12K.</s><s>[agent_1]Wow! that is tough but at least he made some good money.</s><s>[agent_2]I agree.</s> |
<s>[agent_1]Hi. Have you ever heard of Broccoli City Festival?</s><s>[agent_2]Very little, what goes on there?</s><s>[agent_1]Apparently it's a music festival and they loved having Cardi B perform but not Kanye.</s><s>[agent_2]Wow, I dont know about you but Ive never cared for him.</s><s>[agent_1]Me as well. But a good rapper some would say. Rap is definitely an interesting genre though combining both content and flow.</s><s>[agent_2]It is, the worlds fastest rapper raps 14.1 syllables per second. I dont even get how I could understand something that fast.</s><s>[agent_1]Whoa that is fast. The earliest precursor to rap is in West Africa.</s><s>[agent_2]It was to pass down traditions with the "praise singers"</s><s>[agent_1]Interesting. Tupac Shakur's music was even considered culturally significant.</s><s>[agent_2]Yeah, I heard it is in the Library of Congress. Do you know how Donald Glover got his rapper name?</s><s>[agent_1]No but I would like to know! Eminem once wanted to be a comic book artist.</s><s>[agent_2]It was through wu-tang clans name generator.... out came Childish Gambino and the rest is history.</s><s>[agent_1]Haha awesome. Korean rappers created a new form of freestyle called compliment battle.</s><s>[agent_2]That is awesome. I guess american rappers can call their insult battle.</s><s>[agent_1]Yeah I would say so. Concerts can be fun! Except Creed had a concert in 2002 that sounded pretty bad.</s><s>[agent_2]I heard people sued the band because it was that bad.</s><s>[agent_1]Yeah glad I wasn't there. Linkin Park on the other hand sound like they put on a good concert.</s><s>[agent_2]Their album Hybrid Theory is one of the best selling ever.</s><s>[agent_1]So good! The Ramones played a total of 2,263 concerts over 20 years!</s><s>[agent_2]They would be like constantly touring!</s><s>[agent_1]Yeah. I would want to see them play at the ancient amphitheater in Croatia!</s> |
<s>[agent_1]Hi, how are you?</s><s>[agent_2]I am well thanks. How deep do you think NCAA basketball violations go?</s><s>[agent_1]Not well but I also think the NCAA is so weak now that the findings of any major sanctions will be difficult and take a long time to investigate. What about you?</s><s>[agent_2]I think there is a lot behind the scenes that we dont see. SOme coaches have come out and admitted to it. Arizona Coach Sean Miller discussed a $100,000 bribe to land star recruit Deandre Ayton</s><s>[agent_1]I know the Ayton allegations were dismissed by him but the advent of sneaker companies acting as intermeidaries has complicted the investigation.</s><s>[agent_2]I did not know that. I feel bad for these kids. They sre being used to make a lot of money. And I dont feel are fairly compensated even with a scholarship</s><s>[agent_1]I agree. I think they should let the kids forgo their scholarship and make money instead. Can you imagine how much money some of these kids could make? And if it were'nt for the FBI, this Arizona/Sean Miller/Ayton scandal would not have been know. It's ridiculous.</s><s>[agent_2]And the NCAA keeps saying they can control everything but its impossible. A 18 year old kid gets offered money. Who says no?</s><s>[agent_1]Right? I would ask for even more. I have no idea how I would have walked away and say no to that offer. What about you?</s><s>[agent_2]It would be really hard to say no.</s><s>[agent_1]Yeah. I wonder how successful teams like Duke can be at that high level and not break rules...</s><s>[agent_2]And its crazy to think 39 out of 50 states, the highest paid state employee is either a college football or basketball coach. These kids helped get you money. And not all of them will make it pro</s><s>[agent_1]I know. I wish there was more they could get...</s><s>[agent_2]Football has got to be crazy too. Its a money maker for a lot of colleges</s><s>[agent_1]Yeah. The only good thing about this model is that it pays for the lesser sports, like swimming and volleyball.</s><s>[agent_2]Did you know Espn won an emmy for the creation of the yellow first down line</s><s>[agent_1]I did not. I was also shocked to find out the university of iowa's locker room for visiting football teams is completely painted pink</s><s>[agent_2]Its crazy that in the 1960's top bowlers made twice as much as top football stars. Look where the money is now</s><s>[agent_1]Or that the highest score ever in a football game occurred in 1916 when georgia tech defeated cumberland 222-0. Don't you have to pull the qb when you're down 60?</s><s>[agent_2]I wonder how long that game lasted. Even without commercials interrupting</s><s>[agent_1]HA That' would have lasted for ever... Like listening to nuntii latini - a weekly news programme conducted entirely in classical latin</s><s>[agent_2]There is a website where you can listen to thousands of episodes of classic radio dramas for free</s> |
<s>[agent_1]Hello! Do you own any dogs?</s><s>[agent_2]I do! I have one and have had one all my life since I was a kid.</s><s>[agent_1]Oh nice! Me too! Google even prefers dogs to cats lol.</s><s>[agent_2]Nice! Some dogs in Moscow have learned to use the subway!</s><s>[agent_1]Well those dogs are definitely smarter than me lol. Dogs aren't color blind either, just don't see the same thing we see!</s><s>[agent_2]I wonder why they always have said they are? lol I always find it amusing how a dog drinks with the underside of their tongue.</s><s>[agent_1]That is so cool. Dogs are so smart for sure! Dogs and elephants are the only animals that understand pointing.</s><s>[agent_2]Cool! Russia has a tomb of the unknown dog as a memorial for canine research subjects. Kind of sad.</s><s>[agent_1]It really is. I just love dogs haha. Did you know in Hawaii the office attire of choice is the aloha shirt? Talk about comfy!</s><s>[agent_2]Nice! Sign me up! lol At Billy Mays funeral the pallbearers wore blue shorts and khaki pants. Kind of casual and different.</s><s>[agent_1]RIP Billy Mays! I like how polo shirts were originally invited for tennis players.</s><s>[agent_2]I didn't know that! I know the tshirt was invented in 1904 and was marketed to bachelors who couldn't sew or replace buttons.</s><s>[agent_1]That would be the market I would have been in back then haha. I wish I would have invented the Ugg boots back then too haha.</s><s>[agent_2]Yes! When we're they created?" I think they have been around since the 1800's?</s><s>[agent_1]They were actually invented by surfers to keep their feet warm on the beach after surfing!</s><s>[agent_2]Nice. I'm thinking of a different boot then. lol The late musician Prince was a fantastic bowler and wore knee high furry boots while doing it.</s><s>[agent_1]That would have been a sight to see! The first person ever to be photographed was actually getting his boots cleaned.</s><s>[agent_2]I think I've read about that before and have seen the picture. I think it was in Paris, France.</s><s>[agent_1]It was, and took place in 1838.</s><s>[agent_2]You should google it. It's pretty neat. They are really tiny and didn't know they were in the picture.</s><s>[agent_1]Will do! Have a good one!</s> |
<s>[agent_1]Hey how are you? Think it's time we get rid of those pesky royal families?</s><s>[agent_2]Yeah haha Do you like dogs? I just found out they have 12 different blood types.</s><s>[agent_1]Dogs are the best thing ever, they're basically the modern wolves of today but a different, domensticated species. You have a dog?</s><s>[agent_2]Yes, I do have a dog. I agree, best thing everrrr! Dogs and elephants understand pointing. Do you have any dogs?</s><s>[agent_1]I have a dog, they are the best thing ever. I wonder why dogs and elephants understand pointing over any other animal?</s><s>[agent_2]Good question i have no idea. I recently found out dogs are not colorblind though.</s><s>[agent_1]For sure, they just don't see as many colors as us. Would you rather fight 10 dog sized elephants or 1 elephant sized dog?</s><s>[agent_2]Wow this turned into a "would you rather" game sweet lol I think I would go with 1 elephant sized dog, how about you? Those are both kinda scary though lol</s><s>[agent_1]I'm not sure, it'd be like fighting Clifford the big Red dog. I'm not sure, I would rather not fight a dog, they're so cool. Did you see the seahorse is the only fish with a neck?</s><s>[agent_2]So you would fight 10 elephants? Elephants are cool too. I figured I could just play with the dog so he or she forgets we are fighting hahaha I did, I love sea animals too really cool, I wonder why they need a neck though.</s><s>[agent_1]I don't know if elephants can bite can they? It'd be a pretty funny battle in my opinion. An elephant sized dog that just wants to play and cuddle would be so much fun lol.</s><s>[agent_2]Right! I dont think elephants bit, but they are a power house when they start running, even as a dog sized one lol</s><s>[agent_1]For sure, what about horses, Clint Eastwood was allergic to horses, that is his Gran Turino apparently.</s><s>[agent_2]That is interesting, since hes in so many westerns. Did you know theres a breed of jellyfish and lobster that is immortal?</s><s>[agent_1]I did not know that. I have another fight for you, 100 duck sized horses or 1 horse sized ducks, who would you rather fight?</s><s>[agent_2]100? Geez, lol I will still go with just the 1 horse sized duck. I cant handle 100 lol</s><s>[agent_1]a 1500 pound duck would be so terrifying lol, the horse sized ducks would be rowdy but so cute lol</s><s>[agent_2]It would be adorable, but im pretty sure I would lose either of those fights lol I might be able to run away from the horse sized duck because it waddles lol</s><s>[agent_1]I'd most definitely lose, especially if the horse was referred to as the Equus Ferus lol.</s><s>[agent_2]Can you imagine commuting on a horse, some school kids took horses to school, and got suspended lol</s><s>[agent_1]Oh man, it's probably better for the environment though right? Great chatting with you though, I hope you have a great rest of the night!</s> |
<s>[agent_1]Good morning! Do you like to travel?</s><s>[agent_2]I love to Travel, i am going to brazil in a month!, how about you?</s><s>[agent_1]I do too! Brazil sounds awesome! I hope to go to Iceland one day. I know they have no public rail service but I don't mind.</s><s>[agent_2]Me too, Iceland is my next stop i think! I don't mind driving there instead of public rails</s><s>[agent_1]I don't either. The people living there like to use planes to go from city to city though.</s><s>[agent_2]Dang, I don't know if I could handle that many plane rides lol. One and done for me</s><s>[agent_1]I could do small planes. I think it might be better than paying to drive on every road like in Japan.</s><s>[agent_2]For sure, it costs like 300 dollars to cross japan. I get made crossing chicago for like 12 dollars!</s><s>[agent_1]It does sound way too expensive! Have you heard about Mackinac Island in Michigan?</s><s>[agent_2]I have been there one time in my life. I couldn't bring my car which gave me anxiety a little, but I got in good shape after! How about you?</s><s>[agent_1]Never been there but would love to go. The idea of going around in a horse drawn carriage is very appealing!</s><s>[agent_2]That will bring back the good times lol. Did you hear of the first king to ever travel the world?</s><s>[agent_1]No, I assume it was one of the kings of england?</s><s>[agent_2]Actually it was King Kalakaua, the former king of Hawaii of all people. England would have been my guess too</s><s>[agent_1]Yeah, I mean, I just don't see Hawaii having ships that can travel like that but I guess he obviously did it somehow.</s><s>[agent_2]For sure, maybe he took the dutch commuter bus that goes 160 mph, that would be insane!</s><s>[agent_1]There's a bus that goes 160 mph? No way am I getting on that unless it is on some kind of rail system.</s><s>[agent_2]Me too lol or having seatbelts and airbags everywhere, that sounds so dangerous also but I need to see it lol</s><s>[agent_1]See it and make sure a lot , a whole lot, of people have been on it and survived!</s><s>[agent_2]That is a good point, it must be safe somehow! Good chatting with you, go to Iceland!</s><s>[agent_1]Have a great time in Brazil!</s> |
<s>[agent_1]Did you know that there is a type of competitive swimming where the athlete swims with their hands and legs bound like a dolphin?</s><s>[agent_2]haha i did! but until recently i had no idea.</s><s>[agent_1]That sounds hilarious to watch. I never realized that the swimming suit plays such a huge role in the swimmer's performance! Apparently one suit was so good that it's even banned!</s><s>[agent_2]Yeah from the 2008 olympics right? I wonder how much it costs and what it even is made out of! Any clues?</s><s>[agent_1]Yes, it made so many people win but I don't know why or how!</s><s>[agent_2]hmm...very interesting. Do you like any other sports?</s><s>[agent_1]Hockey is interesting! It's the national sport of Canada</s><s>[agent_2]Did you know that the only country in the world to have two national sports is Canada? Hockey and Lacrosse! What is your favourite hockey team?</s><s>[agent_1]Wow, I didn't know that I thought it was only hockey! Well, my favorite team is the US Olympic team I think! Apparently it's a really fit sport, too because players lose about 8 pounds per game!</s><s>[agent_2]Yes, this is why they eat so many carbs before games. I hear players' favourite meal is chicken parm. Have you ever been to a hockey game?</s><s>[agent_1]No I haven't been but maybe I have seen an ice hockey rink without realizing, since apparently they keep the ice hockey courts under basketball courts which I have been to!</s><s>[agent_2]I've seen both and the speed at which the ice is covered is pretty cool. The world juniors are starting soon so I'm sure you'll be watching the US team!</s><s>[agent_1]Yes I think I will! I also enjoy tennis, do you?</s><s>[agent_2]I did much more when I was younger, but I don't really have time to follow too many sports. But I found out recently that polo shirts were first designed for tennis players and not for polo players as most people think!</s><s>[agent_1]That's funny! I never though of those shirts as sports shirts at all since these days you see preppy people wear them a lot. I think tennis is so interesting because games can even run as long as eleven hours!</s><s>[agent_2]I don't know if I would be able to watch a game for 11 hours, I get too into games so it would drain me.</s><s>[agent_1]Well luckily that game actually was stretched out over three days so you could get some rest in between</s><s>[agent_2]That's true. What's your favourite sport?</s><s>[agent_1]I think my favorite sport is probably gymnastics or lacrosse, which like we talked about before is one of Canada's national sports. How about you?</s><s>[agent_2]Oh I really like gymnastics. Always watch them during the summer olympics. But my favourite sport is definitely hockey ha! I really like that we have talked about sports so much.</s><s>[agent_1]Me too! Thanks and Merry Christmas!</s> |
<s>[agent_1]Have you watched Black Panther></s><s>[agent_2]Hello there, no I have not seen it yet but I really want to. How about you?</s><s>[agent_1]I haven't either. It must have been a good movie. Black Panther is the richest superhero.</s><s>[agent_2]Yeah I can't imagine there being super heroes more wealthy than Bruce Wayne and Mr. Stark but I guess there is.</s><s>[agent_1]Apparently Black Panther is worth $500 billion but Tony Stark is worth $100 billion and Bruce Wayne $80 billion.</s><s>[agent_2]Yeah see and it's not even close!</s><s>[agent_1]I think it's cool that the symbols and script in the film are based on an actual script called nsibdi.</s><s>[agent_2]Yeah that is really cool, I like when actual facts and real history are used in movies.</s><s>[agent_1]But apparently they censored "praise hanuman" in Indian releases thinking they would get backlash for a villainous character praising a hindu God. They thought that it was empowering, not insulting.</s><s>[agent_2]Yeah and it's always hard to predict how people will react to things.</s><s>[agent_1]Right. What do you think about Wonder Woman?</s><s>[agent_2]I think it is very cool that the movie was a big success. I think it gives young girls something to cheer for instead of just the male superheroes, what about you?</s><s>[agent_1]Yeah I think so too. Gal Gadot who is the new wonder woman, actually served two years as a soldier.</s><s>[agent_2]Yeah I think I have read that before, that is impressive. I heard she was really good in that movie as well.</s><s>[agent_1]It's funny that she did not know she was auditioning for wonder woman. She thought she was trying out for cat woman</s><s>[agent_2]That is pretty funny, do you know what year the original wonder women made an appearance?</s><s>[agent_1]It's been a long time! I believe it was 1941.</s><s>[agent_2]Good call! Yeah I guess she was originally their secretary in the justice society.</s><s>[agent_1]The success of Wonder Woman has taught Hollywood that boys happily accept a female superhero.</s><s>[agent_2]Exactly, and yeah the money tells all about that, I know that movie did really well!</s><s>[agent_1]Movies need to be objectively evaluated due to their cultural fluency, nuance and context. I guess Wonder Woman and Black Panther are successful in those aspects.</s> |
<s>[agent_1]hi how are you? do you like elon musk?</s><s>[agent_2]Im well. I do like Elon Musk. He is one of the great innovators of our time.</s><s>[agent_1]He is a great innovator. he takes on projects that other big companies shun, like the electric car.</s><s>[agent_2]True, he also founded paypal, space X and Tesla!</s><s>[agent_1]He is a serial entrepreneur. i wonder if he will ever get to mars.</s><s>[agent_2]I dont know. I think if anyone can, it is definitely him.</s><s>[agent_1]have you driven a tesla? i would love to drive one some day.</s><s>[agent_2]No, I have seen charging stations though. I think it would be really cool. It is also neat that musk took a $78 million dollar pay but giving everything back to the company except $1</s><s>[agent_1]He needs to make $1 to be an employee technically. i think the company is his baby. plus he has money from other sources.</s><s>[agent_2]Very true. Did you know he doesnt Patent space X technology</s><s>[agent_1]I heard that he wanted to make it available so that others would explore space.</s><s>[agent_2]Not with that, it is because the only competition is China.</s><s>[agent_1]Yeah that is true.</s><s>[agent_2]It is also true of his other projects that he wants to foster competition.</s><s>[agent_1]Yes, the electric car needs to be manufactured by other firms. it is a key technology for the future.</s><s>[agent_2]I agree. It is the most sustainable for the planet.</s><s>[agent_1]I figure that once people get used to it, it will be easy to own. fewer repairs, less maintenance.</s><s>[agent_2]Likely true too. Plus it will reduce emissions.</s><s>[agent_1]Yes, that is key. many cities have air pollution problems. Anyway, great chat!</s><s>[agent_2]You too! Have a great day!</s><s>[agent_1]Thanks! Bye!</s><s>[agent_2]Bye!</s> |
<s>[agent_1]Have you ever played Call of Duty?</s><s>[agent_2]I have actually, it was a long time ago I think it was the first or second one, now there are at least 33 games i think1</s><s>[agent_1]Wow 33 games! the franchise sure was a success then, I think it was created back in 2009 so that like 3 games per year</s><s>[agent_2]that's crazy, do you play call of duty? Apparently even Prince William did haha</s><s>[agent_1]I do, I want to buy the latest tittle, Black Ops, Im hoping it will go down in prices, I heard it was pretty good.</s><s>[agent_2]ya it's worth waiting, did you know that COD black ops ii has been ranked to have the best videogame ending of all time?</s><s>[agent_1]I didnt know that, I defitnetely have to buy that game now, there is a map that feautres an earthquake in Japan.</s><s>[agent_2]that is crazy, you'd think that would be kind of offensive, I remember that Afflack fired Gilbert Gottfried over a tweet about that earthquake</s><s>[agent_1]I dont remember that, I might have to use my phone to look it over, you know that an iphone has more power than the us nuclear deterrent?</s><s>[agent_2]that is crazy! What is also crazy to me is that Apple computers had a clothing line in the 80's! like why doesn't anyone know about that</s><s>[agent_1]They did! I bet they are better off with computers lol, there is a store in Alabama of all the unclaimed baggage at airports.</s><s>[agent_2]ha I want to visit that store I bet they have some interesting stuff! Also I didn't know that Pilgrims actually wore colorful clothes and not the plain stuff we typically associate with them</s><s>[agent_1]Yeah I bet the store has excellent deals and Ive always associated them with black and white clothes, too bad they dont teach us the reality in school.</s><s>[agent_2]no, they don't teach you a lot in school, like the fact that it is essentially impossible to separate 2 phonebooks if you have each ones opposing pages overlapping each other</s><s>[agent_1]I bet a chainsaw will do the trick lol but that is interesting, Unicef has an interesting campaing they donate water for every minute the cell is away</s><s>[agent_2]that does seem useful, i didn't know that and I may actually do it, did you hear about why New York's area code is 212?</s><s>[agent_1]No, I didnt hear about that, Ive always wondered as it seems like a random number</s><s>[agent_2]ya apparently it's the fastest set of numbers that you can dial with an old rotary phone, and so it just stuck haha</s><s>[agent_1]Oh I see, that makes a lot more sense now, I think that the phone is the most efficient way to communicate with others and setting the dial to 212 was really effective at that time.</s><s>[agent_2]yes, especially because new york was probably the biggest city at the time,would you donate your phone to unicef? It is actually a good idea that they give clean water in exchange for phones, I've been thinking about it since you brought it up</s><s>[agent_1]I might, that would provide with plenty of fresh water for children in need.</s> |
<s>[agent_1]Have you watched the show Ozark?</s><s>[agent_2]Yes I have, I love that show. I also just finished the last season of The Punisher.</s><s>[agent_1]The Punisher was a great show, too bad its getting canceled or at least Daredevil, Iron Fist and Luke Cage are</s><s>[agent_2]It is cancelled, season 3 was the final one. All of the marvel shows have now been cancelled, and I am guessing we will see them pop up on Disneys streaming service before to long.</s><s>[agent_1]That makes me really angry, they were great shows, Netflix will lose subscribers with Disney streaming service coming up</s><s>[agent_2]Yeah plus they just increased the price of the subscription for Netflix as well. Have you seen the show stranger things? It is arguably the best Netflix original behind Narcos.</s><s>[agent_1]I haven't, I heard good things about the show though, is it good? have you watched it?</s><s>[agent_2]Yeah I have watched both seasons, its very much styled like old shows from the 80s, and I love it. I can't wait for season 3. What is your favorite Netflix show?</s><s>[agent_1]I have to say House of Cards or Better Call Saul, what about yours?</s><s>[agent_2]If I am looking for little 30 minute sitcom types of shows, probably The Ranch, or Fuller House, but for longer shows I really like Orange is the new black, also Narcos, the show about Pablo Escobar, is really really good.</s><s>[agent_1]I agree those are really good shows, cant believe the services has 137 million subscribers all over the world,</s><s>[agent_2]What amazes me is that it has 137 million subscribers, yet not a single ad anywhere, it is a really refreshing feeling not to have an ad thrown at your face every 10 minutes, like you do on regular satellite or cable tv. Cutting the cord from sat and cable was the best thing I ever did. I only use Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon prime video now.</s><s>[agent_1]I only use Netflix and Prime video and will use the Disney streaming service when it comes out- and yeah, a lot of subscribers, mostly in the US</s><s>[agent_2]Have you seen the Expanse? It is on prime video, and its probably my favorite thing on there.</s><s>[agent_1]No I havent, how many seasons now? Im looking for a new show to watch, the name seems great</s><s>[agent_2]It has 3 season right now. It was on syfy first but it got too expensive for syfy to continue to make so Amazon took it, so now you can watch all the season on prime video, fourth season will come out sometime this year.</s><s>[agent_1]Ok thanks for the recomndation I will watch that show for sure, did you know Blockbuster had the chance to buy Netflix at one point</s><s>[agent_2]Yeah but I am glad they turned it down because they couldn't even keep themselves from going under, I hate to think where Netflix would be if they had bought it.</s><s>[agent_1]Maybe as a really expensive service, Blockbuster charged a lot of money for its serice and the late fees made me really angry</s><s>[agent_2]Yeah blockbuster really shot themself in the foot when they made you start leaving a credit card on file when you rent a movie or game so they can charge you the full price of it when it's late.</s><s>[agent_1]Yeah I can relate to Reed Hastings a $40 late fee is a lot of money for a single movie</s> |
<s>[agent_1]Good morning. Did you know that the first amazon customer has a building named after him? He had the first order, ever on Amazon.</s><s>[agent_2]Yeah, i had heard about that, he spent a grand total of $27.95. That's so cool!</s><s>[agent_1]Not as cool as that clock in the mountain Bezos built. It has a lifespan of 10K years.</s><s>[agent_2]He's got the money to build something like that, it must be an atomic clock?</s><s>[agent_1]I don't think so, it isn't actually finished yet. It's being built under a mountain in Texas.</s><s>[agent_2]That's interesting! You know I keep hearing about this contract that the USPS has with Amazon to deliver packages on Sunday. I have never gotten any of my packages on a Sunday, have you?</s><s>[agent_1]Actually, yes. That's when most of my packages arrive. I hear their warehouse workers walk between 7-15 miles per shift. That's insane.</s><s>[agent_2]You're the first person that has actually received a package on a Sunday that I have talked to. Wow, and I thought it was just a rumor! That is alot of miles, hope they wear good, comfortable shoes, poor workers.</s><s>[agent_1]I would love to visit Tesla's indoor track. They test their cars inside, as they don't produceany emissions.</s><s>[agent_2]I'm sure it's an impressive facility, where is it located?</s><s>[agent_1]California, where else?</s><s>[agent_2]Everything cutting edge seems to be going on in the Golden state!</s><s>[agent_1]I wouldn't know. I think it's interesting he started out at PayPal, and ended up with SpaceX.</s><s>[agent_2]Yeah, Elon Musk is one smart guy, for sure! I read he took a $ 78 million dollar pay cut in 2014, he must really believe in Tesla motors.</s><s>[agent_1]Did you know there is cell service at the top of Mount Everest?</s><s>[agent_2]No, I didn't. I guess that's good to have in case of emergencies up there?</s><s>[agent_1]Selfies, most likely. Since Sherpa's are highly trained. I guess the current library of Alexandria has a saved copy of the internet. I'm not sure how they expect it to burn down.</s><s>[agent_2]You're probably right about the selfies, " I'm on the top of the world!". I'm clueless to how the internet could possibly burn down, but nice to know there's a saved copy of it! lol</s><s>[agent_1]I don't know either. Same with why someone decided to name the three horizontal lines on apps and websites the "hamburger" button.</s><s>[agent_2]Easy answer, they were probably hungry at the time.</s><s>[agent_1]lol. I think you are right. Thanks for chatting with me this morning, have a wonderful day.</s> |
<s>[agent_1]hello, do you like animals?</s><s>[agent_2]Hello! I do like animals and have a pet dog. What about you?</s><s>[agent_1]I also have a dog! Yes I love animals, did you know that the loch ness monster is a protected species?</s><s>[agent_2]Wow! I wonder what lengths Germany would go if "Nessie" was in that country since they actually gave legally guaranteed rights to animals.</s><s>[agent_1]I can't believe there in 20 quintillion animals! How many zeroes is in quintillion? I never even heard of that word lol.</s><s>[agent_2]That is crazy and obviously means a lot of 0s after that 20. I bet there is a subreddit for about every species though.</s><s>[agent_1]Probably! Only like half of the people on reddit actually vote!</s><s>[agent_2]Maybe if the elections were held on Reddit we would have better turnout?</s><s>[agent_1]Haha right! Its funny that the first comment on reddit was a complaint!</s><s>[agent_2]Sounds about right! At least it isn't all negative. There is a subredit that actually summarizes the nicest things done on Reddit.</s><s>[agent_1]That's amazing! It is good to hear nice things! There is so much negative stuff online/social media.</s><s>[agent_2]I agree, but it's always nice when there is something heartwarming. Like there is a dad who still takes a stuffed turtle to work that his daughter gave him.</s><s>[agent_1]Right! i recently read about that, really sweet!</s><s>[agent_2]I guess she was two and they thought it was a whale, but it 's still a great story.</s><s>[agent_1]do you like football?</s><s>[agent_2]I am a big fan. I didn't get to watch all of the playoffs, but took in as much as I could this past weekend. What about you?</s><s>[agent_1]No I hardly watch football, unless its the niners or the super bowl. I dont even know who is in the playoffs lol do you?</s><s>[agent_2]It's a little easier now because we are just down to four teams and both are the top seeds. New Orleans and the LA Rams for the NFC; Kansas City and New England in the AFC. Winner plays in the Super Bowl!</s><s>[agent_1]Oh ok awesome! Did you know Benjarvus green ellis never fumbled in his nfl career?</s><s>[agent_2]That is an impressive achievement! There aren't many that can claim that, but I do believe he is retired from the NFL now.</s><s>[agent_1]Yeah. its been good chatting.</s> |
<s>[agent_1]do you like baseball?</s><s>[agent_2]I love it. DO you know why the managers wear uniforms?</s><s>[agent_1]Yeah because they can play of the team needs them</s><s>[agent_2]Yeah. DO you know what kickball is called in Canada</s><s>[agent_1]Yes it is called soccer-baseball</s><s>[agent_2]Yeah. Do you know who used to do the schedule for 24 years for MLB?</s><s>[agent_1]Yes it was a couple and they schedule 2430 games each year</s><s>[agent_2]Yeah impressive. Did you hear a guy found a bunch of old baseball cards and made a fortune off of them?</s><s>[agent_1]Yeah he made 3 million, great find in the attic</s><s>[agent_2]Do you use your phone much?</s><s>[agent_1]Al the time. Do you know why the NY area code is 212?</s><s>[agent_2]Yes that is because back then with rotary phones was an easy number to dial</s><s>[agent_1]Yeah. Did you ever use a phonebook?</s><s>[agent_2]No but I hear of two of them get stuck togerther it is impossible to separate them</s><s>[agent_1]Wow. Do you know what UNICEF donated clean water when we do not use the phone?</s><s>[agent_2]Nice, I wonder how that works though Maybe we all use it less then</s><s>[agent_1]Yeah true. Do you have an iPhone or an Android?</s><s>[agent_2]I have an Android. Do you listen in spotify?</s><s>[agent_1]Sometimes. THey have one fifth of the songs that have never been played</s><s>[agent_2]WOw that is a lot. They have audible watermarks on their songs</s><s>[agent_1]Wow. The guy who invented spotify also invented urtorrent</s> |
<s>[agent_1]Good morning. How are you?</s><s>[agent_2]Good morning! I am good and yourself? Say, do you like dogs by chance?</s><s>[agent_1]I'm good, thanks for asking. Why yes, I do like dogs, I have two. How about you?</s><s>[agent_2]I have two too. It impresses me to see how smart they are. Did you know that dogs and elephants are the only animals that can understand pointing?</s><s>[agent_1]I can totally see that! I have a yellow lab and a poodle mix. They're both old dogs, but are so smart and very loyal, too. What breeds are your two?</s><s>[agent_2]I've got a border collie mix and a beagle mix. Total opposites in personality lol! The border collie mix is outgoing and energetic and the beagle is friendly but lethargic.</s><s>[agent_1]That's so cute. Mine are kind of opposites too. The lab is big and the yorkie poo is tiny. Lab is very laid back and easy going, the yorkie poo is high strung and an ankle biter. Lol</s><s>[agent_2]That's funny! You know, some people say dogs are color blind but i disagree. Mine love to watch tv for example.</s><s>[agent_1]You know I used to think that my dogs could only see in black and white, but I've since learned that the can't see as many colors as we do, but they are not color blind, like I thought. Mine like watching tv, too!</s><s>[agent_2]Yeah, and they know different packages which tells me they've got to see the colors. They know different doggie treats and what they like.</s><s>[agent_1]Exactly! Have you ever taken your dogs to a dog blood drive?</s><s>[agent_2]No, I didn't know there was such a thing! Have you?</s><s>[agent_1]I have never heard of it before I read about it in the paper, this morning. I feel it's a good thing, especially if there are dogs with cancers or blood disorders. They could probably get alot of blood from my lab, she's pretty large.</s><s>[agent_2]i'd like to take mine to one if I can find one near me. You're right. It's a great thing. Dogs do get hurt and i guess I just never thought about where the blood for them would come from.</s><s>[agent_1]The same article was also discussing a program that's in place in Istanbul that uses vending machines. Apparently, the city's stray dogs get food and water in exchange for recycled plastic bottles. Have you heard about it?</s><s>[agent_2]No but I love that! We need those machines in our country. I mean, they help feed the dogs and save the environment. It's totally cool! As I think about it, I think they should make them for the homeless people too. They can pick up plastic bottles and turn them in for food.</s><s>[agent_1]Oh yes, we need these in America, for sure. It's such a great idea, I'm not sure why I'm not seeing these popped up all over already.</s><s>[agent_2]I'm not sure either but I do wish we would. I've seen some stray dogs that were so thin you could see their ribs and such.</s><s>[agent_1]Yes, it's an awful situation, looks like Google would get behind it and fund it. After all, I hear they are a dog company.</s><s>[agent_2]I've heard that too and I bet you are totally right! They would support it in a big way. I mean, from what I've heard they like dogs so much they've stated it in their code of conduct.</s><s>[agent_1]Now, I feel bad for the cats, but I'm sure they'd take care of them, too! Well, it's been nice chatting with you this morning about dogs and such. Hope you enjoy your doggies and have a good day!</s><s>[agent_2]Hope you enjoy yours too and have a good day as well! It's been nice chatting with you too!</s> |
<s>[agent_1]Do you like the Cleveland Browns team?</s><s>[agent_2]Not really. I do kind of feel sorry for them. Even with Joe Thomas, I wonder if they could turn things around.</s><s>[agent_1]I don't really follow football at all to be honest. Only my hometown football team-the Buffalo Bills</s><s>[agent_2]I'm a Chiefs fan myself. They do say the Thomas will soon be in the Pro Football Hall of Fame. Cold there? It is here at 15 degrees and snow.</s><s>[agent_1]I think that's great that he will be in the Pro Football Hall of Fame. Yep it's cold here. It's in the 20s, but not much snow</s><s>[agent_2]Well, I have some snow you can have. I've been to Canton, OH but regret not going to the Hall of Fame.</s><s>[agent_1]I've never really gone anywhere. It doesn't snow as much in Buffalo as people think. Only in certain areas. Tyrod Taylor used to be our quarterback.</s><s>[agent_2]I remember him. A super Browns fan gave me a Browns cap on a flight I shared with her. I guess she was a member of the Dog Pound.</s><s>[agent_1]That's so great! I hear the Browns have really great fans. Buffalo does too. We don't have a great team, but we love them.</s><s>[agent_2]Back in the day the Bills did well. Was it the late 1980's? Did you know that the NFL has no rules that women can't play?</s><s>[agent_1]Yep, I think it was the late 80s that we did well. We went to 4 super bowls but couldn't win any of them. The first one was the closest. It still breaks our hearts. The missed field goal-Wide Right are 2 words we all hate</s><s>[agent_2]Who was the QB? I can picture him but can't think of the name... Did ya know that Kellan Moore is the only left-handed QB in the NFL?</s><s>[agent_1]That is interesting about Keilan Moore. What team does he play for? Our QB's name was Jim Kelly. We love him. He's battled cancer and won. We really admire him</s><s>[agent_2]I'm not sure. I'm more of a football fan - my alma maters. I played in HS and we used circular huddles. I didn't know that originated for a deaf QB.</s><s>[agent_1]That's great that you played in HS. What position did you play? I didn't know circular huddles originated for a deaf QB! That's fascinating!</s><s>[agent_2]I started as a defensive back, safety and special teams. Ah, the glory days. Funny, we didn't have any pink locker rooms for the visiting team but they did have to use the girls locker room.</s><s>[agent_1]Are you a female? You had mentioned girls can play in the NFL. I'm a female, but never played sports. I'm not very good at any sports</s><s>[agent_2]Having played football in HS? Nope, I'm a dude. I went to Georgia Tech and I had no idea we beat poor Cumberland 222-0 in 1916.</s><s>[agent_1]That's awesome! I think it's sad when football players have to retire before they're ready due to injuries</s><s>[agent_2]That is terrible. I am grateful that ESPN created the superimposed yellow first down line. That makes the game more exciting.</s><s>[agent_1]I agree. It makes the game much easier to follow for me. Makes it more clear whether the player made the first down.</s><s>[agent_2]Thanks for the excellent chat! Good luck to the Bills!</s> |
<s>[agent_1]did you know that fourteen of the 25 biggest stadiums in the world are linked to american football teams</s><s>[agent_2]Football is insanely popular, especially in states like Texas. I bet every one of the stadiums makes money.</s><s>[agent_1]ya, are you watching the superbowl right now? I wonder if this stadium is one of the top biggest ones</s><s>[agent_2]Not watching at the moment. I think the stadium is one of the more expensive ones.</s><s>[agent_1]that's true, I like the group KISS and apparently they bought an area football team</s><s>[agent_2]Arena football is interesting. The field is smaller and the game livelier. They wanted to hire Tim Tebow.</s><s>[agent_1]ah I didn't know that, well if Kiss did a halftime show I would definitely go see that team haha</s><s>[agent_2]I don't they would ever do the Super Bowl, which desperately needs a band like KISS.</s><s>[agent_1]ya I agree, I wonder if Kiss would paint the locker rooms weird colors? In Iowa the opposing teams locker room is painted permanently pink haha</s><s>[agent_2]Pink is supposed to soften them up, make 'em pacifists. I wonder if that works. Then other teams would try the same thing.</s><s>[agent_1]yes, I wonder if that makes them more or less likely to win, I would get mad and play better personally.</s><s>[agent_2]Football has come a long way. Bowlers in the 60s used to make more than football players. What?!</s><s>[agent_1]that is wild, also wild that the highest scoring football game was in 1916 with a score 222-0 haha</s><s>[agent_2]The Georgia Tech-Cumberland game! I would have bet on that game, but I wonder what the spread was.</s><s>[agent_1]haha good point someone probably made some money on that, I think I would give up once the score hit 100-0 haha</s><s>[agent_2]Cumberland would have done better in a bowling competition. It's funny that the Philly Eagles set up a court to try their badly behaved fans.</s><s>[agent_1]haha that is funny, I think it's interesting espn won an emmy for creating the yellow line in football, I've been staring at that all evening haha</s><s>[agent_2]It seems so simple, but it really makes the game easier to watch.</s><s>[agent_1]absolutely, do you like comedies? I like Bill Murray movies personally</s><s>[agent_2]Bill is a lot of fun. I don't agree with him on the matter of Kung Fu Hustle, but otherwise, yeah.</s><s>[agent_1]haha did you not like that movie? I haven't seen it but I was going to because he recommended it</s> |
<s>[agent_1]Have you ever had to call New York using a rotary phone?</s><s>[agent_2]No I have actually never had to call someone in New York before. Come to think of it I have never used a rotaryphone. It's amazing to think that the inventor of the dial telephone was convinced phone operators routed his calls to rival businesses!</s><s>[agent_1]Hilarious. Well an iphone has more computing power than the entire US nuclear ICBM deterrent.</s><s>[agent_2]Wow, it is so mind blowing how powerful our technology is these days! One thing that surprised me is that there is no relationship between cell phone connection quality and the "bars of service". Isn't that odd?</s><s>[agent_1]Interesting. What is the relationship? I've never heard of this.</s><s>[agent_2]Yeah I always thought the bars at the top of the phone indicated the cell signal quality and therefore cell reception but I guess not. Apparently dolphins are able to communicate with each other over the phone too. Pretty cool.</s><s>[agent_1]Wow, I didn't know that. Did you know it is legal in South Africa to equip your car with a flame-thrower?</s><s>[agent_2]haha no I did not no that-what a crazy site that would be to see! Another weird fact is that it is illegal to warm up your car in Ohio-what an odd law!</s><s>[agent_1]Really? I've never heard of this. Why?</s><s>[agent_2]No idea maybe because when people warm up their cars and then go back inside the cars commonly get stolen. It is interesting how things vary by country. For example in India, the horns have to be very durable because they are used so often. I barely ever use my horn!</s><s>[agent_1]Yeah, that is pretty crazy. Do you listen to AM radio?</s><s>[agent_2]Rarely. What about you? I am more into FM. Do you know the band Hanson? They sang MMmbop. One time their song was the most requested song on a station in Chicago because the djs didn't reveal the band name!</s><s>[agent_1]Interesting. Or was it because in Canada they require 40% of the music being played to be Canadian?</s><s>[agent_2]Wow that is an interesting requirement. The radio was very popular in the past but not so much anymore. There is even a station that translates solar activity into sound so you can listen live to the suns music. Would you listen?</s><s>[agent_1]Yeah, I would listen to that, but I thought it was for Jupiter?</s><s>[agent_2]Oh interesting. Not sure. It would be fun to listen to both. Did you know one of the top radio acts of the 1930s was a ventriloquist? That is hard to for me to imagine because it doesn't seem like that would be entertaining!</s><s>[agent_1]No, which one was it? Soldiers used to listen to the radio using a razorblade and pencil.</s><s>[agent_2]Oh wow that is hard to believe-those soldiers must have been so smart to set that up! I am also a fan of Bill Murray and he voiced the human torch in the Fantastic 4 radio show!</s><s>[agent_1]Yeah, he was great in the movie Groundhog day. Did you see it?</s><s>[agent_2]I don't think I ever saw Groundhog Day but I will have to add it to my list of movies I need to watch! I wonder how many radio shows Bill Murray has done in his lifetime. Probably doesn't compare to Bing Crosby -in 1948 his recordings filled over half of all the radio time!</s><s>[agent_1]Yeah, I would agree with that. Bing Was Great. You won't be hearing him on Canadian Radio though!</s> |
<s>[agent_1]Hello, how are u? Are you a batman fan? In the '90s universal studios had plans to build gotham city, a batman theme park!</s><s>[agent_2]I like batman. I've watched all the movies. I can't believe Michael Keaton didn't want to do the movie for all that money. I would have loved to see Gotham city at universal studios.</s><s>[agent_1]Gotham City wouldve been amazing, still would be, not sure why universal wouldnt go through with these plans. Smallville was originally planned to be a show about bruce wayne becoming batman</s><s>[agent_2]I tried watching Smallville but never got into it. Maybe I would have if Bruce Wayne was in the show. I don't understand how russian TV was able to put ninja turtles with batman lol.</s><s>[agent_1]haha right. Never got into smallville either, but I dont think we are missing anything. someone told me its 10 seasons and at the very end he finally puts on the cape. lol</s><s>[agent_2]Wow! Yeah 10 seasons that's a lot. Reading about Stan Lee is interesting. The fact that he ends every phone call with word "excelsior" is funny.</s><s>[agent_1]Thats amazing!! They should simulate a conversation with him so everyone can get a chance to have stan lee end the convo like that! The dc from dc comics stands for detective comics, so their company name is redundant.</s><s>[agent_2]I wonder how many true DC fans travel to the Michigan State Univesity to see the largest comic books collection in the world.</s><s>[agent_1]probably everyone that goes to Comicon! lol did you know There are over 300 registered superheroes in the united states. How do you even register to be a superhero?</s><s>[agent_2]I have no idea how someone would go about doing that. I think its comical that there is a superhero called normal man. He</s><s>[agent_1]yes! haha that makes no sense though, he has no super powers! so is he really a superhero.</s><s>[agent_2]Maybe just a superhero among only superheroes. Going back to Stan Lee what a great imagination he had to have created batman and superman.</s><s>[agent_1]Yes, so imaginative. So sad he passed away. Im sure he had an amazing life.</s><s>[agent_2]Yes. His legacy will live forever. Batman has been around for many years and I don't see it stopping anytime soon. There was even a batman vs. jack the ripper. Batman vs. someone; the possibilities are endless.</s><s>[agent_1]Yeah. Not to mention Marvel.</s><s>[agent_2]What do you enjoy more TV series or movies about superheroes? I have been wanting to watch Gotham.</s><s>[agent_1]With the marvel, i love the movies! I have been catching up on Gotham cuz I took a break from it, its really good. A lot of back story. I really like the flash series too!</s><s>[agent_2]As a kid did you ever watch the batman and robbin series? I think it was made in the 60's or70's.</s><s>[agent_1]I watched the cartoon series a lot. The one with real people I only caught a few times. They were both awesome! I liked the cartoon one better though.</s><s>[agent_2]I didn't know that the largest comic book market is Japan. I thought they just did Anime tv shows but I didn't know they liked comics so much</s><s>[agent_1]Me either. Its been great talking with you. Have a good one.</s> |
<s>[agent_1]Hello. Do you like lebron james? I heard he's the highest paid celebrity in the country.</s><s>[agent_2]I have heard of him as a basketball player but I do not watch much basketball.</s><s>[agent_1]I actually don't watch much either. Do you follow politics? What do you think about astronauts voting from space?</s><s>[agent_2]I feel that all citizens no matter one's location should be able to cast a vote; I mean if a chimpanzee can receive 4000000 votes in a mayoral election being in space should be okay.</s><s>[agent_1]I know what you mean. Apparently India agrees. They set up a polling booth in a forest full of lions just so one person can cast their vote.</s><s>[agent_2]I feel that would be an extreme measure but consider it to count. I personally would not want to be the having to retrieve the ballots.</s><s>[agent_1]Neither would I! voting is important though. Even the vote in Austin, Tx to rename their garbage dump is important, at least to them anyways.</s><s>[agent_2]Many issues are important to many different people for many different aspects; for example, JFK voted against the civil rights act in 1957 and in Alabama 40 % voted to keep the unenforceable ban on interracial marriage in 2000.</s><s>[agent_1]What I find odd about Alabama in this day and age is that there are still some people who have lost their rights to vote permanently.</s><s>[agent_2]I agree and find that those who have lost all rights to vote have done something very bad to get to that status of not being able to vote. I however; feel that if one does something to regain one's ability to vote such as time served one should again be able to vote.</s><s>[agent_1]Hmmm, that's something I have never thought about before. I also find it surprising to learn that some men in the Uk had to get their right to vote in 1918.</s><s>[agent_2]I agree but a right to vote is positively something earned. Something I find interesting is that if one were to take all of Canada as a whole state; it would have 50 fewer electoral votes than the state of California. By size comparison that is a big difference.</s><s>[agent_1]It really is a big difference. Is that based on land size or population size?</s><s>[agent_2]I believe it is a combination of both, California is so full of people and compact as compared to Canada being spread out.</s><s>[agent_1]There are people trying to get the country away from a democracy. I do wonder if they realize that means no more voting.</s><s>[agent_2]I wonder the same thing! I mean is one willing to risk the opportunity to have one's voice heard and make a difference for the betterment of all involved or would one want to just go with the flow and not have a say in anything at all?</s><s>[agent_1]I know what you mean. People don't realize that we vote because we are democracy. That is what a democracy is all about. Once that is changed you lose that.</s><s>[agent_2]well i think that the constituents should be much better informed of said practices as well as the ramifications to follow of voting goes to the wayside. Could mean a disaster for many generations that follow.</s><s>[agent_1]I agree. Constituents sounds like such a vague term when the media says it. There could be people that don't realize that means them.</s><s>[agent_2]I totally agree! Many are so misinformed and quick to jump on someone else's band wagon when in fact they have no idea how the are hurting themselves.</s><s>[agent_1]True. There could be a better way to handle elections as well. There are different ways to collect votes, perhaps there is a better way than what is currently being used.</s> |
<s>[agent_1]How's it going? Do you watch Netflix? They have 137 million total subscribers worldwide.</s><s>[agent_2]Yes, I am one of those subscribers.I love no commercials the most. I would not mind working for Netflix someday either.</s><s>[agent_1]That would be a good place to work. It's crazy from 9pm to 12am in North America 33% of all bandwidth is used by netflix</s><s>[agent_2]No way, that is crazy! I heard that a job at Netflix is called being a tagger. That job is for a person to watch movies and creates tags. Getting paid to watch Netflix would be pretty chill.</s><s>[agent_1]Sounds like a fun job. It's funny Blockbuster could have bought Netflix for 50 million but never did</s><s>[agent_2]Oh man, they missed out big time! I like the fireplace channel on Netflix. I always play it during the holidays when I have people over since I don't have a real one.</s><s>[agent_1]It's crazy that a $40 late fee is what motivated Reed Hastings to create netflix</s><s>[agent_2]Wow, that's amazing!! I wish all my dang late fees inspired me! They usually just pissed me off,lol.</s><s>[agent_1]Yea, streaming is so much better although Netflix spends 20 times more on postage than bandwidth</s><s>[agent_2]Interesting and cool. I noticed that they have almost 150 movies available that have a 100% rating on Rotten Tomatoes. That is a remarkable business plan to keep viewers happy!</s><s>[agent_1]Yea I guess that's why Netflix is worth 2 billion dollars</s><s>[agent_2]Wow, that is a lot of money.</s><s>[agent_1]Yep. Speaking of money, did you know the three richest presidents were JFK, Washington, and Jefferson?</s><s>[agent_2]Oh wow, thats cool. I was watching Shark Week and learned that a fishing community in Indonesia keep sharks as pets! Yikes, Ill stick with cats and dogs.</s><s>[agent_1]I heard some sharks are pretty cool and rescue sailors sometimes</s><s>[agent_2]Oh wow, amazing! That is good to hear, my daughter is a sailor. More people are bitten by New Yorkers than by sharks. That is a funny fact.</s><s>[agent_1]Lol I'm not surprised. There's an area in the pacific ocean called white shark cafe where Great White Sharks congregate</s><s>[agent_2]Oh yikes, scary! That would be terrifying. I learned that tuna farmers would go to crazy lengths to protect their tuna. All the way to the point of wrestling them in the tuna nets.</s><s>[agent_1]That sounds fun. Maybe they can train sharks to protect their tuna, sharks can be trained to bark</s><s>[agent_2]HA! Sharks have personality just like people do. Some are happy, shy, moody. Weird because I thought they were all just really mean.</s><s>[agent_1]Well I got to go. Nice talking with you</s> |
<s>[agent_1]Hi there, do you like to travel?</s><s>[agent_2]Oh yes. I love to travel. How about you.</s><s>[agent_1]Me too. Have you ever visited Japan or Iceland?</s><s>[agent_2]No i havnt. I have always wanted to though. Is it nice.</s><s>[agent_1]Yeah but I heard in Japan the roads are tolled pretty much so it will cost you $300 to travel across the country by car</s><s>[agent_2]Wow. Well I guess that is one way to pay to keep the roads looking nice.</s><s>[agent_1]Yes that explain it. Did you now in Iceland there are no public railways?</s><s>[agent_2]I didnt know that. Did you know that the first king to travel around the world was from Hawaii</s><s>[agent_1]Yeah if I am not mistaken that was King Kalakaua</s><s>[agent_2]You are correct. The one place I have always wanted to travel to is space. Though I will never be able to. I am just fascinated by it.</s><s>[agent_1]It is cool. DO you have a favorite planet that you would like to visit, or a star?</s><s>[agent_2]Well I am particularly fond of the sun. Did you know it is actually white. It is only percieved to be yellow because of atmospheric scattering.</s><s>[agent_1]That is so cool. And it is so hot that we only need one second of its energy for 500 000 years on Earth</s><s>[agent_2]The sun is actually only one billionth the size of the biggest star in the galaxy. that kind of puts it into perspective doesnt it.</s><s>[agent_1]It sure does, the universe is so vast. And a lightning bolt is hotter than the sun</s><s>[agent_2]Yes. About 5 times hotter. It is amazing to think of.</s><s>[agent_1]It sure is. Do you shop online much?</s><s>[agent_2]Yes I do a lot of my christmas shopping on amazon. I buy electronics on Amazon alot as well. Cant beat the prices.</s><s>[agent_1]Yes very true.Did you know the CEO built a clock on a mountain?</s><s>[agent_2]I didnt know that. Seems like a waste of money to me. I dont think he is hurting for that though.</s><s>[agent_1]Yeah and it is supposed to run for 10 000 years. Nice chat</s> |
<s>[agent_1]Are you a fan of Seth MacFarlane. I agree that one should believe the opposite of what one hears on the big news stations.</s><s>[agent_2]Yes, Fox news channel is watched by more people in the nation.</s><s>[agent_1]Yeah, their ratings beat CNN and MSNBC combined.</s><s>[agent_2]The channel was created by Rupert Murdoch. Murdoch is the current executive chairman and Suzanne scott is CEO.</s><s>[agent_1]Yeah, I've always know the MaCFarlane hated Fox but I don't think he is being fair. He condemns them for bias when there is obvious left bias coming out of every pore on CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NBC, etc.</s><s>[agent_2]Fox news described as practicing biased reporting in favor of the Republican party. The possibility of creating a cable channel that would only air the simpsons.</s><s>[agent_1]Maybe. If one complains about Fox's bias then one should complain about the bias of all new channels. They don't which reflect their own bias.</s><s>[agent_2]Yes, The game website ign is own by fox news corporation.</s><s>[agent_1]Cool. Personally I get my news from many sources on the internet. I actually prefer comedy like Bill Murray's views on the "Kung Fu Hustle."</s><s>[agent_2]"kung Fu Hustle" The supreme achievement of the modern age comedy film.</s><s>[agent_1]Hee. Did you know the Nintendo Entertainment System could only provide 54 colors. I hardly noticed...</s><s>[agent_2]The nintendo entertainment system was finally discontinued in Japan.</s><s>[agent_1]For it's time, it was cool. It's funny that Bill Nye got his start by winning a Steve Martin lookalike contest. I don't see the resemblance.</s><s>[agent_2]Entertainment is a form of activity that holds the attention and make the audience happy and forget the worries.</s><s>[agent_1]I know, that's why I can't stand the politicization of so-called comedy shows and sports. Give the negativity a rest.</s><s>[agent_2]Entertainment make people free from the stressful but it was differ from culture to culture.</s><s>[agent_1]I suppose. There is a type of movie called Bromantic that includes "the Hangover." It was pretty funny and stress relieving.</s><s>[agent_2]People must laugh it give so much relax and focused in the work.</s><s>[agent_1]Here's something funny, Reagan was once turned down for a role because he didn't have "that presidential look" I guess he got the last laugh on that.</s><s>[agent_2]Some time Jim carrey movie are funny and intelligent.</s><s>[agent_1]Yeah, he can be funny. Nice chatting with you!</s> |
<s>[agent_1]Hey. You a fan of Kanye West? His slavery rant was pretty interesting I thought.</s><s>[agent_2]I like his old stuff but I don't think Kayne should be lecturing on anything, including slavery</s><s>[agent_1]Agreed. Fame has made him have a big platform. Very interesting to criticize slaves saying they chose not to flee slavery. A sensitive topic indeed.</s><s>[agent_2]Yea, it's also quite unfortunate he quoted Harriet Tubman</s><s>[agent_1]Yeah that was quite poor taste. She was a smart lady-once taking live chickens and releasing them in a busy market to distract people following her.</s><s>[agent_2]Yea, Tubman was really Brave person and really helped Northern abolitionist</s><s>[agent_1]Yes we learned a lot from her. She gave her first interview in 1854!</s><s>[agent_2]Me too, Tubman used songs to communicate with crouching runaways</s><s>[agent_1]So interesting. She should not have been subject to Kanye's rant. He also believes AIDS is a man-made disease...</s><s>[agent_2]It's strange that Kayne thought slaves were mentally ill.</s><s>[agent_1]Agreed. But he does do good things sometimes. Like giving his mic to a fan in a wheelchair at one of his concerts!</s><s>[agent_2]Yea, Kayne isn't a bad person but he's very flawed, like interrupting Taylor Swift</s><s>[agent_1]Yeah that was terrible. Oddly enough he did an SNL skit on that a few years before!</s><s>[agent_2]Too bad he couldn't pick up some knowledge from Big Sean, he had a 3.7 gpa before Kayne signed him</s><s>[agent_1]Whoa smart guy! Interesting he turned a scholarship down to Michigan State!</s><s>[agent_2]Yea, he has good videos on youtube. Did you know youtube is the second largest search engine?</s><s>[agent_1]Yes I think so and I assume google is first? Police have their own youtube called blutube.</s><s>[agent_2]Interesting, did you know Bieber's "Baby" is the most dislike video on youtube?</s><s>[agent_1]Lol yes poor Beiber! It sound like Gangnam Style could have the most views!</s><s>[agent_2]Yea, Gangnam style force youtube to upgrade the view count integer to 64 bits</s><s>[agent_1]Wow. Well I am grateful to the three people who founded it back in 2005!</s> |
<s>[agent_1]Are you a fan of Tom Brady?</s><s>[agent_2]I don't really watch football, but I have heard of him. It's interesting that he may be phasing that part of his life out.</s><s>[agent_1]I believe he is the Greatest QB of all time</s><s>[agent_2]I have heard that from other people as well. It sounds like the Patriots owe him a lot. Obviously, I don't think he can stay on top forever.</s><s>[agent_1]Critics didn't believe he was going to play this season.</s><s>[agent_2]It sounds like he had some problems with his trainer and that could have taken a toll on the rest of the team.</s><s>[agent_1]Yeah, thats why I am less sure he will play next season.</s><s>[agent_2]I never realized he was married to Gisele Bundchen.</s><s>[agent_1]Yea and they have a couple of children together. They recently went on a charity trip to Qatar.</s><s>[agent_2]Apparently she makes twice what he does in salary. They are doing quite well.</s><s>[agent_1]Oh yeah. I think he makes quite a bit more in endorsments though</s><s>[agent_2]I don't know a lot of football, but it's pretty interesting the highest scoring game ever was in 1916.</s><s>[agent_1]Yeah, Cumberland was a real small school and got embarrassed for all of history.</s><s>[agent_2]I bet so. 222-0 is quite shameful!</s><s>[agent_1]Did you know that ESPN has actually won an Emmy for their coverage of NFL games?</s><s>[agent_2]I did! I read they first created the yellow line that is superimposed on the field.</s><s>[agent_1]They should have won an oscar for that. Lol. I wonder if they will win again for the Field Goal kicking line?</s><s>[agent_2]I am sure they will. Technology in sports today amazes me. I never knew the NFL tracks players on the field with chips.</s><s>[agent_1]I think they use the data to improve safety of the game</s><s>[agent_2]That makes sense. They also use them in footballs to track the specific motions of those too.</s><s>[agent_1]I am happy that the Super Bowl is in a couple of week.</s> |
<s>[agent_1]Are you a Star Wars fan?</s><s>[agent_2]Yes I personally love Star Wars. George Lucas is a visionary for creating it.</s><s>[agent_1]For sure, Stars Wars made him a billionaire!</s><s>[agent_2]No doubt. The first eight films were nominated for Academy Awards and also commercially successful.</s><s>[agent_1]Wow, I think George Lucas' wife got an oscar for editing for the films</s><s>[agent_2]Yeah it sounds like she was the major reason for making changes to the original film.</s><s>[agent_1]I wonder if it was for the good or for the bad lol</s><s>[agent_2]Yes I would like to know that as well! I think it's so cool that George Lucas was able to keep licensing and merchandising rights for them self. It really paid off!</s><s>[agent_1]For sure, he would not be worth nearly as much as he is now. Did you ever hear how much James Earl Jones was paid for his voice</s><s>[agent_2]I almost don't believe this number but he was only paid $7500, can you believe that?</s><s>[agent_1]I believe that, that would be like 3000 dollars per hour I bet lol. I am hoping he made more after the first movie</s><s>[agent_2]Yeah I am sure he did. In 2013 Star Wars was dubbed in Navajo making at the first major film to be dubbed in a Native American language.</s><s>[agent_1]That is awesome that they did that, but was there really that much of a demand for that?</s><s>[agent_2]Yeah I'm not sure it might just be more symbolic than anything. But I love how the film is set in space. It is such an interesting concept.</s><s>[agent_1]For sure, it was out of this world at the time, no pun intended lol. Space is so mythical</s><s>[agent_2]Ha ha it really is. I would really love to go to space. But apparently astronauts in space suit cannot whistle, I wonder why?</s><s>[agent_1]I couldn't whistle and I wasn't even in space lol! I wonder why too, maybe the no gravity makes it impossible</s><s>[agent_2]haha! Yes perhaps. If astronauts out on a spacewalk wanted to talk in private they would touch helmets. Good to know.</s><s>[agent_1]Lol, that is awesome, secret code is the best! It was so nice chatting with you!</s><s>[agent_2]Yes it is! Astronauts even got free corvettes back in the day! So nice talking with you too. Bye!</s><s>[agent_1]I want a corvette, lol. Have a great weekend!</s> |
<s>[agent_1]Have you heard of Do Nguyen Mai Khoi?</s><s>[agent_2]No, who is he?</s><s>[agent_1]She is a Vietnamese pop star that is considered an enemy of the state due to her song lyrics.</s><s>[agent_2]That's interesting. I do know that Bob Marley has been on the album chart for 914 weeks.</s><s>[agent_1]Really! I had no idea! What do you think of Linkin Park's album being the best selling of the 21st century?</s><s>[agent_2]I never would have thought of that. I would've thought it would be Jackson or Elvis. That is one of my favorite bands. I am still shocked and sad the lead singer commited suicide.</s><s>[agent_1]I know, that was a big shock. Record album charts are a strange thing indeed. I mean, Dark Side of the Moon is still one of the best selling albums.</s><s>[agent_2]Floyd is another one of my favorite bands. Do you like Aerosmith? I heard they made more money from the video game guitar hero than any of their albums.</s><s>[agent_1]I do and I've heard that too! I guess it's just a sign of the times changing. Vinyl LPs are hardly sold anymore.</s><s>[agent_2]I had them when I was younger. My wife and I finally trashed them because they were so heavy when the boxes were full of them when we moved to new houses. Wish we hadn't would probably make a lot of money selling them today.</s><s>[agent_1]You probably would have. They are collectors items to some people. Some of the really old ones are 78-rpm records in a book.</s><s>[agent_2]I never had them. I had the 35s when I was really young as a kid. Did you know Walmart only sells clean versions of albums and if the artist won't make one they won't sell it?</s><s>[agent_1]I knew they banned certain magazines and books but not albums. I guess that can be a good thing when you think of all of the kids in the stores.</s><s>[agent_2]I had audio cassettes from the 70s into the first decade of the 2000s. But got rid of them too. I think it is neat that you can just tell Siri to play a song and she'll play the song. World is a lot different from when I was a kid.</s><s>[agent_1]I hear you there. Now, even elected officials make albums. I mean, the president of indonesia made 3 pop albums.</s><s>[agent_2]Wonder if an audiobook is considered an an album. If so the audio version of the Art of the Deal would be his. Don't think any other sitting presidents have albums.</s><s>[agent_1]None come to mind at the moment. Presidents have different functions though depending on the form of government so that president may have a lighter role than others.</s><s>[agent_2]I was surprised that five US presidents have been elected while still losing the popular vote. The greatest margin was 10%.</s><s>[agent_1]Even more surprising is that the runner up used to become the vice president.</s><s>[agent_2]Wow, can you imagine Trump and Hillary working together? That would've been crazy. SNL would have a blast with that. Did you know Weekend Update was on the first episode and is their longest running skit?</s><s>[agent_1]No but I think that's their best one. I like that Pokemon has over 750 episodes.</s> |
<s>[agent_1]Good morning! Do you like dogs?</s><s>[agent_2]I do, I have a dog at home and a cat. How about you?</s><s>[agent_1]I love dogs. I have one as well, and it's so smart it can understand pointing. I guess dogs and elephants can do that.</s><s>[agent_2]Yeah they are smart. Did you know that they are not color blind, but they can't see as many different colors as humans?</s><s>[agent_1]I didn't know that, but that's cool. Did you know google prefers dogs to cats?</s><s>[agent_2]I've heard that their code of conduct specifically states that. That's pretty cool!</s><s>[agent_1]Speaking of cats, when a cat reaches 15, they've spent 10 of it sleeping. Must be nice!</s><s>[agent_2]That's funny. Did you know there's a town in Alaska has had a cat as its mayor since 1997.</s><s>[agent_1]They have my vote! Cats are famous sometimes, even one from the Godfather part 1 that was a stray on set!</s><s>[agent_2]Did you know there's cat cafe's in Japan and Taiwan where people can pay hourly to play with cats and have drinks. I wonder if that would go over well here.</s><s>[agent_1]I think it would with dogs, since they perform many roles for humans!</s><s>[agent_2]I didn't know that they have 12 different blood types.</s><s>[agent_1]Me neither! They also have dog blood drives for them to donate to!</s><s>[agent_2]I need to take my dog to one. I give blood all the time so he should too.</s><s>[agent_1]I'm sure he would save many dog's lives! I wish I lived in Hawaii as far as business attire goes!</s><s>[agent_2]I'd like wearing an Aloha shirt instead of my uniform. I dress pretty much like Billy Mays' pallbearers. Blue shirt and khaki pants.</s><s>[agent_1]That is one nice style you have there! I wear polo shirts but didn't know they were invented for tennis players!</s><s>[agent_2]I never knew that either. They were invented by Rene "The Crocodile" Lacoste.</s><s>[agent_1]What a nickname! I can see why it was later adopted by polo players, hence the name!</s><s>[agent_2]Yeah I can see that too. In China during the cultural revolution, gang fashion involved layering as many shirts as you could and popping their color. That's a fashion that I'm glad died.</s><s>[agent_1]I am too. I always laughed at those people. Well it was nice chatting with you, have a great day!</s> |
<s>[agent_1]hi, do you like soccer?</s><s>[agent_2]To be honest I don't like soccer. But I may watch the World Cup if the USA makes it to that point. What about you?</s><s>[agent_1]Yeah I like it because it is so international. did you know the city where it will be hosted in 2022 does not exist yet</s><s>[agent_2]That is crazy. Are you going to watch it? I don't know how they can just create a city out of nowhere and have it ready for 2022, but we'll see what happens</s><s>[agent_1]Yeah I am looking forward to it and yes, I do not know how that is going to work</s><s>[agent_2]I do like the United States and soccer though. They got third place back in 1930 which was the first FIFA World Cup</s><s>[agent_1]Nice, maybe they manage to climb back. you never know. The countries that host it do not have any net economic gains</s><s>[agent_2]Nope I heard about that. That's why I wonder why they're making an entire city for the World Cup. I guess the women's soccer team is better than the men's soccer team in the United States. Is that correct?</s><s>[agent_1]Yup, they seem to do much better. soccer players make more money than other sports combined, well the major ones</s><s>[agent_2]That is really crazy. I know that football the United States makes a ton of money too. I always wondered why Americans call it soccer. I guess that is slang for association football</s><s>[agent_1]Yeah I think football means differnt things in many different countries</s><s>[agent_2]Yeah I think you're right. I want to see the soccer variation with three teams. I bet that's really insane</s><s>[agent_1]yeah that would be interesting to know. a german soccer player donated his winning from the world cup to kids in brazil</s><s>[agent_2]Wow that's really nice of him. I think it was something like three hundred thousand Euros? And it was paying for surgeries for those kids. That is so nice</s><s>[agent_1]that is super heartwarming. do you know jon stewart?</s><s>[agent_2]I do know him. I think he was on The Daily Show correct?</s><s>[agent_1]Yeah he is and he was also a very skilled soccer player</s><s>[agent_2]I didn't know that. what are your thoughts on Tom Hanks?</s><s>[agent_1]I love the guy he is so talented. he is the highest box office star</s><s>[agent_2]Yep I agree. He has a lot of awesome movies. I guess he's made almost 9 billion dollars worldwide with his film earnings. That is so much!</s><s>[agent_1]Wow, that is insane. nice chat :)</s> |
<s>[agent_1]Hi, how are you?</s><s>[agent_2]Hello! I'm doing great, how are you doing?</s><s>[agent_1]I'm good. Thanks for asking. Do you know how to swim?</s><s>[agent_2]I do know how to swim. Do you know much about the sport and do you swim?</s><s>[agent_1]Yes, I know how to swim, also. I learned when I was very small. I understand there is a type of competitive swimming called dolphin swimming. Have you ever heard of that?</s><s>[agent_2]I have never heard of dolphin swimming. I also learned when I was very young how to swim.</s><s>[agent_1]That's cool. Apparently, the swimmer has their hands and legs bound and swim like a dolphin. I don't know if I could swim that way?</s><s>[agent_2]I would sink that way and I consider myself a pretty good swimmer. Did you know that Cornell University students have to pass a basic swimming test in order to graduate?</s><s>[agent_1]Oh wow! I did not know that, but I think it's something everyone should know how to do. It's a good thing!</s><s>[agent_2]I completely agree! It is an important life skill to know since most humans live near water or have pools. Did you know that Native Americans taught the front crawl swimming stroke to the European pioneers?</s><s>[agent_1]That's interesting, I thought the Indians and pioneers did not get along, so well?</s><s>[agent_2]I thought the same. Interesting that pioneers wouldn't know how to swing their arms in a huge variety of ways. Apparently the British only used the breaststroke which is a very slow method of swimming.</s><s>[agent_1]Well, that makes sense, the Indians probably had to swim all the time and surely more than the British! I read somewhere that the United States has almost as many gold medals in swimming as the rest of thw orld combined. That awesome!</s><s>[agent_2]Wow that is amazing that the US has almost as many gold medals as the rest of the world combined. It makes sense due to the fact that most other countries near the equator are very small and wouldn't field a large team of athletes.</s><s>[agent_1]That's true, do you like basketball, by chance?</s><s>[agent_2]I love basketball. Unfortunately, it seems to cause me more injuries and pain these days though!</s><s>[agent_1]Me too! But, we still can watch it being played. Who's your favorite player?</s><s>[agent_2]Well, I actually like older players better. Everybody likes Steph Curry these days but he wouldn't get a shot off in the 1980's NBA. My favorite is probably Shaq even though he irked me a lot.</s><s>[agent_1]That's great, I go back even further. lol Kareem Abdul Jabbar is my favorite all time player. Nobody dunked like him!</s><s>[agent_2]Very true! Lew Alcindor, got the dunk banned from the college game! He is a favorite as well. He had such a long career.</s><s>[agent_1]Well done. It's been nice chatting with you this morning. I hope you enjoy the rest of your day.</s> |
<s>[agent_1]do you use the internet a lot?</s><s>[agent_2]I sure do. Do you know what the hamburger button is?</s><s>[agent_1]Yes the 3 horizontal line menus on apps and websites</s><s>[agent_2]Yes. And we can actually develop addiction to clicking on it</s><s>[agent_1]Yes as with anything else, when you do it too much</s><s>[agent_2]Yes true. Did you know there is a copy of the internet saved somewhere?</s><s>[agent_1]Yes it is in the Library of Alexandria just in case</s><s>[agent_2]Yes but I am not sure how you save a copy of it though</s><s>[agent_1]Good point. Did you know there is 3g cell service in the Everest now?</s><s>[agent_2]Yes it seems that people really do not stop at anything nowadays</s><s>[agent_1]Yes true. Do you ever read the terms when you purchase online?</s><s>[agent_2]Not really they are really long and painful to read as they are small</s><s>[agent_1]Yes and only 7% of people read them anyways, so not a whole lot</s><s>[agent_2]Yes. Do you like rap music?</s><s>[agent_1]Yes I do , I really like Tupac and Eminem and you?</s><s>[agent_2]Yes me too. Tupac's music is in the library of congress for cultural significance now</s><s>[agent_1]Yes. Did you know Eminem wanted to be a comic book artist?</s><s>[agent_2]Yes and his favorite character to this day is still spiderman</s><s>[agent_1]Yes. Did you know Bust Rhymes was in the Rugrats movies?</s><s>[agent_2]Yes that was back in 1998 and he did the voice of Reptar Wagon</s><s>[agent_1]Yeah. It was nice chatting with you</s> |
<s>[agent_1]I was just reading about the NFL. Are you a football fan?</s><s>[agent_2]I love football, Go Detroit Lions!! What about you?</s><s>[agent_1]I am a Vikings fan, big time. I was reading about Nick Foles' up and down career. The Eagles sure killed my Vikes in the playoffs last year!</s><s>[agent_2]It will be interesting to see how Foles does from here on out, must be irritating for Eagles fans never knowing!</s><s>[agent_1]Yes. I was surprised that the Patriots lost the Super Bowl last year. Did you know that when TB was a QB in high school as a backup, they never played him on the JV team when they were having a really bad season. Funny!</s><s>[agent_2]That is funny, I don't care for patriots but can't help but like Brady, a Michigan man go blue!!</s><s>[agent_1]Exactly. You cannot fault his tremendous commitment to the game. I think a Bears/Patriots superbowl would be fun again.</s><s>[agent_2]I've read that Snoop dogg wrote a fight song for his son's football team in high school, that could be interesting!</s><s>[agent_1]Yes. That is probably a pretty vivid and inspiring song!</s><s>[agent_2]I was also interested to read about the Lions' coach is a rocket scientist! Have you seen him during a game? So rough looking</s><s>[agent_1]Matt Patricia? He is super smart! So is Alex Smith, one of my favorite QB's. He got a bachelor's degree in 2 years and a master's soon after.</s><s>[agent_2]That is good to hear, some of those NFL players don't seem too intelligent, and can be so cocky and</s><s>[agent_1]I agree. Here's a piece of football trivia. The huddle was created because of a deaf QB, so that the other team could not read his hand signals. Interesting...</s><s>[agent_2]Oh how cool is that! Also interesting is that they embed chips in the should pads to track the players every move</s><s>[agent_1]I had heard that somewhere. Plus all of the wonderful new technology in the helmets to help with the concussion problem.</s><s>[agent_2]Yes that is a scary thing!</s><s>[agent_1]Seems to be getting worse, despite the tech advances. Players must be stronger, bigger and faster?</s><s>[agent_2]Definitely, so many people can be so competitive it gets scary.</s><s>[agent_1]Yes. Hey do you know the highest score ever in a football game? You'll never guess!</s><s>[agent_2]I have no idea, but would guess maybe 77?</s><s>[agent_1]Good try! In 1916, it was 222-0. Georgia Tech defeated Cumberland. Wow!</s><s>[agent_2]Holy cow that is a huge score, and Cumberland didn't even make it on the board!</s><s>[agent_1]Awful! It was great chatting with you. Thanks. Go Lions and Vikes!</s> |
<s>[agent_1]Hey partner! You a basketball fan? I think Lebron is one of the all time greats! He received the NBAs MVP four times so far!</s><s>[agent_2]Four times? I did not know that. How many times did Jordan get it?</s><s>[agent_1]I'm not sure I'll have to look that up. He is also the all time NBA playoffs scoring leader.</s><s>[agent_2]I think that he just passed jordan on the scoring list. he has a couple more seasons in him, too</s><s>[agent_1]Yeah I hope so. Just as long as he doesn't get injured. He also signed a deal for the space jam sequel.</s><s>[agent_2]he should do a movie like that. he is a legend, certainly equal to jordan, and probably a better actor.</s><s>[agent_1]We will definitely see in the sequel. James is the highest-paid celebrity which is no surprise.</s><s>[agent_2]he will stay on that list even after he retires. i bet his endorsements, movie deals, investments etc keep him on it.</s><s>[agent_1]Yes I would guess so. He even made $6 million by televising the decision. But he donated that to charity.</s><s>[agent_2]He has helped a lot of kids get college tuition too. he is a great guy on and off the court.</s><s>[agent_1]Yes it seems like it. Even in high school he was a star. Tickets cost between $100 and $120</s><s>[agent_2]Yeah, i wonder what happened to that money. did it go to lebron? or to books for the school? Hm.</s><s>[agent_1]Good question I don't know. But that amounted to nearly 200o people attending. Must have been such a fun atmosphere.</s><s>[agent_2]Yeah, they knew that he was on his way to greatness. I figure that he has a couple of seasons left. he is 34, turns 35 at the end year.</s><s>[agent_1]I just love watching him play! He even has 2 olympic gold medals. Is he going to play in the upcoming olympics?</s><s>[agent_2]I guess he could, but there is a lot of other talent out there that probably wants a chance at the olympics.</s><s>[agent_1]Yes my thoughts as well. Do you like Steph Curry? He plays for the Golden State Warriors.</s><s>[agent_2]yes, he is a great player. he is a great guy on and off the cout.</s><s>[agent_1]Yes he is. For each three-pointer he makes three nets get donated to a foundation that protects families in Africa. I assume they protect them from malaria.</s><s>[agent_2]Yeah, keep the mosquitos out and the malaria cant get in. it is simple but effective. good for steph.</s><s>[agent_1]Very cool. The Golden State Warriors earned $12 million dollars by losing game four of the NBA finals last season. That's a lot of money. Great talking with you this morning.</s><s>[agent_2]Yes, great chat! Have a great day!</s><s>[agent_1]You too bye!</s> |
<s>[agent_1]Hi, how are you?</s><s>[agent_2]Great. Are you a fan of the NBA? There's a battle going on about who will get Rookie of the Year, Ben Simmons or Donovan Mitchell.</s><s>[agent_1]I am a fan of the NBA. Are you?</s><s>[agent_2]Sorta kinda... Looking at the records, I think Simmons has a slight edge.</s><s>[agent_1]I think he did win it. But it was his second year. He was injured his first year so it didn't count.</s><s>[agent_2]OK. Did you know that Allen Iverson has a lifetime endorsement for Reebok for $800K a year?</s><s>[agent_1]Wow. Aren't both of those pretty washed up?</s><s>[agent_2]Yeah, not many people will remember Iverson in a few years. It's kind of cool that Tim Duncan stayed in school before going into the NBA.</s><s>[agent_1]He is a different cat. He liked school and what it brought.</s><s>[agent_2]Rarely see that... Did you know that in 39 of 50 states, the highest paid state employee is a college basketball or football coach?</s><s>[agent_1]Wow. I had no clue. Jordans were banned and nike paid the fines for jordan.</s><s>[agent_2]He wore them anyway huh?
Funny, the New Zealand basketball team is call "Tall Backs". I'm not sure what that means.</s><s>[agent_1]It means racism... Just kidding. I think it is their national name. Their rugby team is black 7s.</s><s>[agent_2]Far from the Utah Jazz, Jazz, the type of music, originated in New Orleans.</s><s>[agent_1]I love jazz. Do you like it?</s><s>[agent_2]Certain types. I like more of the traditional jazz. I didn't know goatees were a jazz thing for jazz trumpeters.</s><s>[agent_1]It was a comfort thing, I believe...</s><s>[agent_2]Yes. Did you know Pakistan has a jazz orchestra that is topping the charts. I wouldn't have guessed that.</s><s>[agent_1]Me neither and I try and stay on top of that stuff.</s><s>[agent_2]It's funny that physicists proved that shooting FTs granny style is actually better.</s><s>[agent_1]Nice chatting with you!</s> |
<s>[agent_1]Did you watch BlacKkKlansman?</s><s>[agent_2]Hi, no have not seen it but I would love to. What about you?</s><s>[agent_1]Not really, seems its like a good movie, I might watch it too, has an interesting plot</s><s>[agent_2]I think I will also enjoy the music, jazz -blues from a composer Terrence Howard!</s><s>[agent_1]I havent heard of Terrence Howard before but I bet he is a great composer, do you use the phone much these days?</s><s>[agent_2]All the time, I remember many years ago when rotaty phones were used, and there was only one phone in my house.</s><s>[agent_1]I remember that! you know that New York has the area code 212 because of this phones</s><s>[agent_2]Yes, I would not have thought there is a reason for that but It is because it is the fastest to dial on a rotary phone</s><s>[agent_1]Yeah, its amazin how much phones have advanced in the years, an Iphone has more computing power than the entire US nuclear deterrent, scary</s><s>[agent_2]That is crazy! You know another movie I want to watch is the Black Panther of 2018, it is based on Marvel character</s><s>[agent_1]That was a great movie, cool fact but Black Panther is the richest superhero</s><s>[agent_2]Yes he is worth more than 5 times what Bruce Wayne is worth $500 billion</s><s>[agent_1]More than Stark and Wayned combine twice, thats crazy rich for a hero, I would travel around the world and let Captain America deal with Hydra</s><s>[agent_2]I found very interesting a great part of Black Panther's cast is black</s><s>[agent_1]Thats a good thing, many of the actors are really talented, the main actor Chadwick Boseman owes great part of his success to Denzel Washington</s><s>[agent_2]It is so cool he too advantage of the chance he had and he was able to publicly thank Washington</s><s>[agent_1]I agree he invited him to the premiere of the film, Black Panther was not named after the Black Panther Party, what a coincidence though</s><s>[agent_2]That is right, also, the character appeared in a Capitan american movie in 2016, I would definetely check that one too.</s><s>[agent_1]Yeah I loved his role in that movie, he did a great job and nailed the role</s><s>[agent_2]There are some symbos used in the movie that date back to the 4th century , cool details. Well nice chatting with you. Have a good one</s><s>[agent_1]Wow that is really interesting, I might watch the movie again, its a great film.</s> |
<s>[agent_1]Hi do you like astronomy?</s><s>[agent_2]its very interesting, but this is the first time I have read about the ganymede being so large</s><s>[agent_1]That would be Jupiter's moon? I wonder if Jupiter is one of the five planets visible to the naked eye.</s><s>[agent_2]I would guess from it size it is</s><s>[agent_1]The planet Venus is the only planet that rotates clockwise and has no seasons. That seems boring.</s><s>[agent_2]uranus also has a strange rotation, it rolls around rather than spinning</s><s>[agent_1]That is unique. I think Mars sounds like a weird planet. It is called Red Planet and named for the Roman god of war.</s><s>[agent_2]yes it says because of the iron oxide</s><s>[agent_1]Mars is also considered a terrestrial planet and the fourth planet from the Sun. Must be hot there.</s><s>[agent_2]but it has polar icecaps like us</s><s>[agent_1]True and valleys and deserts so maybe it is pretty diverse. It is the second smallest planet in the Solar System.</s><s>[agent_2]i did not know wifi was a byproduct from astronomy</s><s>[agent_1]That is pretty neat. I didn't either. The town of Saadat Shahr in Iran is called the astronomy town and even bought an observatory. On special occasions they turn off all lights to improve the view of the night sky.</s><s>[agent_2]I wonder what would people would say if we did that to an american town</s><s>[agent_1]People would probably like it. Did you know Mercury was the smallest planet?</s><s>[agent_2]yes I did,</s><s>[agent_1]Would you be interested in the mars colonization project planned for 2023? I guess it will be a reality tv show.</s><s>[agent_2]it would be cool, I did not know plants like Lichen could live there already.</s><s>[agent_1]Yeah I think it sounds cool as well. It would take 2 or 3 days to get there under constant 1g acceleration. That's a bit long!</s><s>[agent_2]it seems long</s><s>[agent_1]Well it's been nice chatting. Maybe I'll see you on that trip to Mars. LOL!</s><s>[agent_2]one day bye</s><s>[agent_1]Have a nice day.</s> |
<s>[agent_1]Hello do you like football?</s><s>[agent_2]Yes, I do , Do you? In 1960 top bowlers made more money than football stars.</s><s>[agent_1]I do like it but I do not follow it. Thats pretty amazing, must have been a good time to be a bowler.</s><s>[agent_2]Yes, 222-0 is a defeated game in 1916!</s><s>[agent_1]That is a very impressive score by georgia tech.</s><s>[agent_2]Yes, very. Hard to believe there is a football locker room painted pink in Iowa!</s><s>[agent_1]Yeah must be a tactic of some sort, I think to soften them up.</s><s>[agent_2]Yes, that would. No written rule against female players.</s><s>[agent_1]Thats interesting, I wonder why we dont see more female football players then</s><s>[agent_2]I know, Didn't know New Orleans cheerleaders have to leave a restaurant if any NFL player come in.</s><s>[agent_1]That is really rude. Maybe the football players should give them a schedule of where they are eating so the cheerleaders can plan accordingly instead of having to leave in mid meal</s><s>[agent_2]A better idea! Those tracking chips must help alot!</s><s>[agent_1]Is amazing what technology contributes to sports</s><s>[agent_2]Agree, How would you like your car equipped with a flame-thrower?lol</s><s>[agent_1]eeek. I dont think I have a need for a flame thrower, maybe if I lived in snow lol</s><s>[agent_2]Ha, ha, ha. yes! Did you know how the name of trunk for the car was from wooden trunks?</s><s>[agent_1]I guess that makes sense, they used to tie them to the backs of cars.</s><s>[agent_2]Yes, can't imagine beating 90,000 people in a video game.</s><s>[agent_1]People have pretty crazy stats like that on super smash bros.</s><s>[agent_2]Really, WoW! Did you know Cadillac was named after a french explorer?</s><s>[agent_1]Yeah I think he was from detroit.</s><s>[agent_2]Yes, Love the Benz! Great chat!!</s><s>[agent_1]good talking to you.</s> |
<s>[agent_1]did you know that Jupiter's storms are so strong that you cna pick them up on your AM radio!</s><s>[agent_2]Hello there, no that is so cool though! Are you a big fan of astronomy?</s><s>[agent_1]I know a little bit about it, what aobut you?</s><s>[agent_2]Yeah I like it quite a bit, I'm a fan of the radio as well, I really enjoy my local stations.</s><s>[agent_1]ya did you know that you can make a radio out of a pencil and razorblade? I guess they did that in wwii</s><s>[agent_2]That is such a cool fact. Another interesting thing about the radio is that in Canada, 40% of the music played over the radio has to be Canadian.</s><s>[agent_1]that is interesting, I don't know how good that sounds though, only a few Canadian bands that I know and I can't say I like them that much haha</s><s>[agent_2]Yeah thats what I thought too, I bet a lot of people don't think thats a very good law lol.</s><s>[agent_1]haha but it does sound better than the Finnish radio station that does a weekly news program completely in Latin, that sounds worse haha</s><s>[agent_2]Holy cow that sounds awful. Did you know there is a website where you can listen to old radio dramas for free?</s><s>[agent_1]no I didn't know that, I would check that out I bet there's some gems on there, are you watching the superbowl later?</s><s>[agent_2]Yeah I think that is so cool. Yeah I'm going to be watching who do you think will win?</s><s>[agent_1]well I hope the patriots win personally, what is shocking is that the average game only has about 11 mins of live gameplay haha</s><s>[agent_2]I think they will win as well. And that is so crazy to think about. I do know you notice it much more when attending live games.</s><s>[agent_1]ya I haven't been to a live game in years, and I didn't know that women could technically play for the nfl which would be interesting</s><s>[agent_2]I think that would be so cool if we did get a female player in the league. I think that would be awesome for young girls around the world that are interested in sports.</s><s>[agent_1]ya I think it would add a new dimension, I hope the game later doesn't have a blowout score like the highest score in any football game ever, 222-0 haha</s><s>[agent_2]Holy crap, I think I read about that before, wasn't it a college game? They would have to score a touchdown on every play basically lol.</s><s>[agent_1]haha ya when the score got to be 100-0 I think I would just leave, cumberland must have felt horrible after that loss haha</s><s>[agent_2]Yeah, I wonder what the halftime talk by the coach was lol.</s><s>[agent_1]haha ya like, all right guys we have no chance just go to sleep now haha</s> |
<s>[agent_1]Hi. Do you like football? Are you familiar with the NFL?</s><s>[agent_2]NFL? Is that the National Football League? Yes, I 've heard of it. The football that I know is with a round ball.</s><s>[agent_1]Oh okay. The NFL is a professional American football league.</s><s>[agent_2]Now I am understand. The American football is the NFL. I am not so familiar with it.</s><s>[agent_1]It has 32 teams. They have games from September to December.</s><s>[agent_2]It sound like intense. Is it a game that many people watch?</s><s>[agent_1]Most Americans watch the games. NFL and football are very popular in the United States.</s><s>[agent_2]I am impressed. THis game must be very good. Do you have a team that you like?</s><s>[agent_1]I like 49ers since I used to live in San Francisco. They are not very good though. I was a long time ago since they won the superbowl. They belong to the NFL also.</s><s>[agent_2]San Francisco sounds like a great team. Other cities have teams. Who is the best team now?</s><s>[agent_1]The Patriots. They won five championships.</s><s>[agent_2]They have won the most championships? And they are the best now? I guess everybody admires them for their prowess.</s><s>[agent_1]Yes. Are you familiar with Tom Brady? He is their QB.</s><s>[agent_2]I do not know. Well, maybe i have heard the name but not know. The QB? Is it a special thing?</s><s>[agent_1]It stands for quarterback. Quarterbacks are leaders of offensive teams.</s><s>[agent_2]He is a leader. I guess this is why the Patriots are so good at championing.</s><s>[agent_1]I think so. Tim Brady is the team's quarterback.</s><s>[agent_2]There is a Tim and a Tom? Are they brothers? It must be hard to share leadership. This is special talent they have.</s><s>[agent_1]It was a typo. What I meant was Tom Brady. He was the quarterback who lead the team to five superbowl championships.</s><s>[agent_2]I think this game of NFL and the teams and Tom/Tim Bradys sounds like a very American sports. Much courage and leadership. Thank you for teaching this things to me.</s><s>[agent_1]I've got to run. It was nice chatting with you.</s><s>[agent_2]Please run! Thanks</s><s>[agent_1]You can read more about NFL on the internet. Sorry for the typo. The quarterback of the Patriots is Tom Brady. Bye.</s> |
<s>[agent_1]How are you today?</s><s>[agent_2]Hey I'm good, how are you? Are you a NFL fan?</s><s>[agent_1]I am and am doing well thank you.</s><s>[agent_2]Are you an NFL fan? Familiar with Nick Foles at all and what an unlikely story he was?</s><s>[agent_1]don't know a lot about him, whats the unlikely story about.</s><s>[agent_2]Well, the Eagles were doing awesome with QB Carson Wentz and were favorites, but then he tore a knee ligament in Week 14 and was out for the rest of the season</s><s>[agent_1]Yeah that is a unlikely story. Did you hear the Iowa state visiting locker room is pink</s><s>[agent_2]No I didn't. That's pretty weird but probably messes with other teams heads. Are you familiar with football, specifically the NFL?</s><s>[agent_1]To the best of my knowledge, don't get to watch the games as much anymore and was disappointed with the performances in the super bowl not necessarily the outcome.</s><s>[agent_2]Ah okay, so did you see when Nick Foles won the Super Bowl last year?</s><s>[agent_1]Honestly did not watch last years. was it a good game? I hear the live action in the game is only about 11 minutes.</s><s>[agent_2]It was pretty awesome to see a backup winning it. Foles was confident though. I did know that. A lot of commercials and play calling.</s><s>[agent_1]Yeah i hear there going to start putting tracking chips on the players pads.</s><s>[agent_2]Yeah, also inside the footballs. Cool technology. I wonder if the quarterbacks care since they touch the ball so much.</s><s>[agent_1]Probably not, they got enough to worry about! Did you know that there was a time when bowlers made twice as much as top nfl players?</s><s>[agent_2]I've heard that before, that's crazy. But at the same, did you know the average lifetime earnings of an engineer is higher than an NFL player?</s><s>[agent_1]Yeah you can't play pro football for 50 years. Do you know what the highest scored college game was?</s><s>[agent_2]I know those games can out of control sometimes and be very high scoring or lopsided. Tell me.</s><s>[agent_1]It was Georgia Tech and Cumberland the score was 220-0. Cumberland lost. i would have hated to be on that bus ride home.</s><s>[agent_2]220-0, wow. I wonder if the Cumberland quarterback did anything at all or did they just constantly turn over the ball.</s><s>[agent_1]It was back in 1916, things were a lot different then. Hey i heard ESPN won an award.</s><s>[agent_2]Yes. I know why. They added that famous yellow line that we now see on every game on TV for the 1st down marker.</s><s>[agent_1]That's right, i like that line it makes things much easier. nice chatting with you.</s> |
<s>[agent_1]Hello there, do you listen to the radio much these days?</s><s>[agent_2]Hi, how are you? I used to listen to the radio as a kid, but I don't listen much now. How about you?</s><s>[agent_1]Yeah I don't as much but still do when driving to and from work. I like the local station I have here.</s><s>[agent_2]I usually go on the Internet. Usually Youtube to find music that I liked. I think radio is good for talk shows though.</s><s>[agent_1]Yeah I use YouTube all the time as well that is really good for music. And I agree, the radio is great for those.</s><s>[agent_2]DJs can be pretty cunning. A Hanson song became a most requested on a Chicago radio station because DJs did not reveal the band. The mystery got people interested.</s><s>[agent_1]That is pretty interesting just to learn about. Did you know there is a website where you can listen to tons of old radio dramas for free?</s><s>[agent_2]I gotta wonder about the average age of the visitor. If they're elderly, I guess they are nostalgic, but probably don't use computers like young people.</s><s>[agent_1]Yeah I think that is probably true. But it does give those access who have never heard many of them.</s><s>[agent_2]Old dramas probably had to be pretty inventive to attract an audience. No visuals, just voice and words.</s><s>[agent_1]That is true imagine how creative you had to be to only have that medium to use.</s><s>[agent_2]Still, some voices dominated the medium. Bing crosby recordings filled over half of the radio time allocated to recorded music in 1948.</s><s>[agent_1]There are times when i wish I would have grown up then and been able to listen to those live.</s><s>[agent_2]He was a great singer. There is a radio station that turns solar activity into sound. Probably better than a lot of the Top 40 music now.</s><s>[agent_1]Did you that the president of Indonesia has released three pop albums while in office? I wonder how hard he had to work to get radio play with those?</s><s>[agent_2]I bet he passed a law that the songs have to get played.</s><s>[agent_1]Yeah or a law that says you have to buy all of my albums.</s><s>[agent_2]In Guatemala, there's a law that close relatives of former presidents cannot run for president. That law should be passed in every country. In Indonesia, the president's kids would have to give up their dreams of a music career too.</s><s>[agent_1]Yes, I can agree with you on that. Yeah they would, that is true as well.</s><s>[agent_2]I didn't know that Congress or the president can declare someone an honorary citizen. I wonder what rights they get as honorary citizens.</s><s>[agent_1]Yeah I wonder too, maybe just for a day or something. Well it was nice talking with you today, I hope you have a good one.</s> |
<s>[agent_1]Do you like to travel?</s><s>[agent_2]I love to travel, I am actually going to Brazil in a month, how about you?</s><s>[agent_1]I've never been, but it sounds fun. What part? Rio or Sao Paolo?</s><s>[agent_2]Sao Paolo, my wife is from there, it will be my first time. I am excited! Next I want to go to Iceland</s><s>[agent_1]Interesting. It is a long flight. I have a lot of friends from there.</s><s>[agent_2]Nice, that is awesome, We will be going to different cities. our flight is overnight so that will help. When I go to iceland though i can't use the rail system because there isn't one</s><s>[agent_1]Yeah, I heard you have to fly everywhere over there. Kind of a shame.</s><s>[agent_2]Yea, I hate flying so I may be contained to only a few locations. You ever been to Mackinac island MI?</s><s>[agent_1]You aren't the only one. No, what is there?</s><s>[agent_2]I have never been there, but apparently you can walk or horse ride only, no motorized vehicles allowed!</s><s>[agent_1]Interesting. They have a beach like that on the east coast by ocean city.</s><s>[agent_2]It is a good idea, I am sure it helps preserve the environment. I am not too far from Michigan, maybe i will check it out.</s><s>[agent_1]Nice. Did you know all of japan's highways are tolls?</s><s>[agent_2]That would suck lol. I get mad driving through chicago and having to pay 12 dollars, i wonder how much it costs there</s><s>[agent_1]It costs over $300 to travel across the country.</s><s>[agent_2]wow, no thanks. That is just another expense. My brother is going there next week, I should mention to bring some extra money lol</s><s>[agent_1]Hilarious. It kind of reminds me of the DC area where almost every road is a freaking toll.</s><s>[agent_2]yea lol, I rode the train everywhere during my trip there. Do you know the first king that traveled the world?</s><s>[agent_1]It was some king from Hawaii, right?</s><s>[agent_2]Yea I think it was king kalakaua, I wonder how he did it, probably boat for sure! It was nice chatting with you!</s><s>[agent_1]Nice chatting with you too.</s> |
<s>[agent_1]Do you like shoes ?</s><s>[agent_2]Not as much as my wife! I am always fascinated by the new designs though. It is amazing to think about the fact that 5000 year old shoes preform better than modern shoes.</s><s>[agent_1]I wonder in what aspects they outperform today's shoes.</s><s>[agent_2]I bet is done on purpose by the companies so you purchase more shoes!</s><s>[agent_1]Yeah 500 years ago shoes were made of rock.</s><s>[agent_2]I bet they did not ever smell bad. A good trick to prevent smelly shoes, is to put dry tea bags in them!</s><s>[agent_1]Never tries that, but I do like tea, I would not waste it on smelly shoes.</s><s>[agent_2]Haha, good point! Could always do what Steve Smith of the Panthers used to do and just leave your smelly shoes out. He actually would leave his shoes on the field to promote awareness for the homeless.</s><s>[agent_1]Stephon Malbury promoted shoes that retailed for less than 15$. Not all athletes are snobs.</s><s>[agent_2]Yea, that is pretty cool of him. Speaking of wealth, I am surprised Trump isn't in the top 3 of wealthiest presidents.</s><s>[agent_1]I am more surprised that most of them are "old" presidents. Maybe that's why they were so good, they were so rich that they were incorruptible.</s><s>[agent_2]Yup, not like Indonesia where the president there has released 3 pop albums while in office!</s><s>[agent_1]The first one was so good that he continued and released 2 mores.</s><s>[agent_2]Hilarious. I do not know if it as wild as Zimbabwe's first president being named President Banana!</s><s>[agent_1]Do you think it was his real name ? Or he choose this name voluntarily ?</s><s>[agent_2]Haha, good question. He had to have chosen it. I would vote for Banana! Speaking of which, astronauts cast their votes from space!</s><s>[agent_1]Yeah, that is the principle of democracy, everyone gets to vote, even if you are in the middle of the jungle.</s><s>[agent_2]Well, sort of. 34% of the black male population in Alabama can no longer vote. I wonder why, incarceration?</s><s>[agent_1]Yeah, if you are convicted, you lose your right to vote, it should not be like that.</s><s>[agent_2]In the 2018 midterms, Florida voted to allow former felons to vote.</s><s>[agent_1]That is a step in the right direction, like not all men had the right to vote in the UK in 1918.</s><s>[agent_2]That is hard to believe. Almost as hard to believe as Austin, TX passing a vote to name a garbage dump after Fred Durst!</s><s>[agent_1]Maybe they should have given their opinion on something more serious like gun control.</s><s>[agent_2]I am actually a republican who is against guns. All you need to do is look at what happened in Broward County last Valentine's Day to realize how terrible guns are.</s><s>[agent_1]Yeah, gun are serious responsibilities and should not be available to anyone without any serious reasons (bears are a serious reason). Thanks for the conversation.</s> |
<s>[agent_1]Are you familiar with what a prime minister is?</s><s>[agent_2]Yes, kind of like a president in parliamentary systems</s><s>[agent_1]Yeah, it is pretty interesting isn't it?</s><s>[agent_2]Yes. Another interesting thing is the prime minister in Japan sends a silver cup to you when you turn 100 in Japan! But the so many 100 year olds in Japan that they had to find a way to make cheaper cups.</s><s>[agent_1]Yeah, I heard that. They must be running low on silver too! HA!</s><s>[agent_2]Haha. In 95 a radio station made a successful prank call to Queen Elizabeth by pretending to be Canadian Prime Minister Jean Chretien. Wonder if they got in trouble!</s><s>[agent_1]They probably did. Do you know what radio station it was?</s><s>[agent_2]No, I am not sure about that. Have you head of Chief Mouser?</s><s>[agent_1]No, who is that?</s><s>[agent_2]That is the cat who resides at the residence of the prime minister of the UK.</s><s>[agent_1]Interesting. Did you know you can hear Jupiter Radio storms on AM radio here?</s><s>[agent_2]Interesting! I wonder if that's easy to pick up on the radio. I know what doesn't sound easy to me, making a fox hole radio.</s><s>[agent_1]Yeah, it probably sounds pretty weird. It would be interstellar radio!</s><s>[agent_2]Soldiers in WWI made foxhole radios with a razorblade and a pencil. Have you made a foxhole radio before?</s><s>[agent_1]Yeah, I think it was in that movie Hart's War with Bruce Willis.</s><s>[agent_2]Do you listen to news on the radio? A Finnish radio station has a weekly news program in classical Latin. I wonder how many people can understand it.</s><s>[agent_1]No, I don't. But that is because I don't drive to work. I don't speak latin either!</s><s>[agent_2]I thought it was a dead language!</s><s>[agent_1]It is. In economics they use it a lot as well. It's annoying.</s><s>[agent_2]Ha, interesting. In Canada, all radios are required to play at least 40% Canadian music.</s><s>[agent_1]Yeah, it must be horrific. Anyways, nice chatting with you.</s> |
<s>[agent_1]Hello. Do you like to dance? I do not dance but I enjoy watching dance performances.</s><s>[agent_2]Yes I like to watch dancing but I don't really dance, did you know that a ballet dancer can go through four pairs of shoes a week by the way</s><s>[agent_1]I heard about it. It's really amazing. It must cost them a lot of money.</s><s>[agent_2]Yes I think so. It's all so crazy that Tupac was a hardcore rapper but he also did ballet in high school haha</s><s>[agent_1]I cannot imagine him doing it. Perhaps he wanted to meet pretty ladies!</s><s>[agent_2]Well I couldn't blame him! I also can't blame babies for dancing to music, apparently they will smile and move to the beat when they hear a song</s><s>[agent_1]That's cute. I will want to watch my grand baby do it. Too bad she lives in another state.</s><s>[agent_2]Yeah that is too bad. What do you think about Bruce Lee though? Do you know he was actually a great dancer</s><s>[agent_1]No, I did not know that. He was so talented in many ways.</s><s>[agent_2]Yes he actually won a Cha Cha Championship back in 1958, on a different subject have you ever seen the movie Incredibles 2?</s><s>[agent_1]No, I have not. Please tell me about it.</s><s>[agent_2]Well I saw the movie but I didn't like it as much as the first one, came out last year and Samuel L Jackson actually does a voice in it, I think he's pretty cool</s><s>[agent_1]I like Samuel L Jackson. Is he in both Incredibles?</s><s>[agent_2]Yes he is. If you watch the movies though it's crazy because they actually take place in the 60s, and they are not in present day</s><s>[agent_1]I see. I'm curious to see them though since I can relate to the 60s. I'm old.</s><s>[agent_2]Well you might like the movie then haha, it's crazy that the first movie came out back in 2004, doesn't seem like it was that long ago</s><s>[agent_1]Do you know that Brad Bird intentionally used artists who were likely to either quit of be fired from Pixar?</s><s>[agent_2]No I didn't know that. I wonder if they worked harder because they were going to be fired then haha. What do you think about the fact that there was actually a sequel to the original Incredibles movie? But it was in video game for him, I never heard about that before</s><s>[agent_1]No, I have not heard about that. Please tell me about it.</s><s>[agent_2]I don't know I never played the video game. But apparently it was the sequel before the sequel that came out last year haha. I'll have to check it out.</s><s>[agent_1]I do not play video games anymore. Are you familiar with Sarah Vowell?</s><s>[agent_2]Betting sounds familiar. I think she does a voice in Incredibles 2 right? Maybe outside of that she is also a political commentator?</s><s>[agent_1]She is the voice of Violet Parr. You are right, she is a political commentator. Anyway, I've got to go now, my granddaughter is calling me. It was nice chatting with you. Good night.</s><s>[agent_2]Yes nice chatting with you too, and she is also apparently a bestselling author, I'll checkout her work take care!</s> |
<s>[agent_1]Did you ever hear of Nokie Edwards of the Ventures? He helped create hits in the 60's?</s><s>[agent_2]I have not ever heard of him. What type of music did he/they play?</s><s>[agent_1]Looks like he did surf-rock standard</s><s>[agent_2]Rock music is good. Even though I've heard that termites will eat wood two times faster when listening to it!</s><s>[agent_1]Who comes up with that fact? Do you enjoy Van Halen? He recorded the guitar solo for "beat it!"</s><s>[agent_2]I do like Van Halen and I didn't know that. Did you know that Aerosmith made more money from the guitar hero game than from any album they did?</s><s>[agent_1]I know that game is very popular. Pink Floyd guitarist made a houseboat on the river thames into a recording studio. I'd like to be on that boat</s><s>[agent_2]That would be cool. Guitars are wonderful inventions. The les paul gibson made in 1949 has never gone out of production!</s><s>[agent_1]Queen's guitarist must have been brilliant with a phd in astrophysics.</s><s>[agent_2]Seriously! that's impressive! Brian May of Queen built his guitar himself from parts from an old fireplace.</s><s>[agent_1]I guess he really is a genius and creative too. Did you ever "the dark side of the moon?" It's been a best seller for 40 years.</s><s>[agent_2]I can't remember if I have or not to be honest. Have you ever heard Legend by Bob Marley? It's been on the charts for over 900 weeks!</s><s>[agent_1]I don't know. Maybe. If you want to hear something interesting then you can listen to two 100 year old twin rappers from Japan.</s><s>[agent_2]i bet that is interesting! Say, did you know that Ohio is the only state with an official rock song?</s><s>[agent_1]I didn't know that. Who created their rock song?</s><s>[agent_2]I don't know but I do know the name is "Hang on Sloopy."</s><s>[agent_1]Matt Bellamy holds the guinness record for most guitars smashed. I would have rather seen them go to charity though.</s><s>[agent_2]I would have too. Rockers can be strange. Led Zeppelin didn't put a title on their 4th album. They just wanted to confuse the press.</s><s>[agent_1]That would make it hard to find wouldn't it? Do you know the band Linkin park? They had the best selling album in the 21st century.</s><s>[agent_2]I do know them and like them. That is impressive! I had no idea it was that popular!</s><s>[agent_1]Whitesnake gave some opportunities to people with over 50 members in their band throughout history. Better odds for someone to be in their band.</s> |
<s>[agent_1]Do you like to play golf?</s><s>[agent_2]I have played golf but I don't really like it haha. What about you?</s><s>[agent_1]I love playing, but we mainly play to drink beer and smoke cigars.</s><s>[agent_2]Are you good at it? It's interesting that the modern game of golf was invented back in 15th century Scotland</s><s>[agent_1]No, I completely suck and so do all of my friends. LOL</s><s>[agent_2]Haha well at least I don't feel so bad, did you know that Babe Ruth was actually an incredible golfer</s><s>[agent_1]Yeah, he was also really good at baseball, was a pro golfer?</s><s>[agent_2]Yep that's the same guy. One thing I don't like about golf is how much water it uses, the average golf course uses about 300,000 gallons of water a day</s><s>[agent_1]WOW! That is a lot. I heard there is one in Dubai that consumes 4 million a day. Crazy!</s><s>[agent_2]Yep that's a big waste of water haha. Golf courses actually don't take up that much landfill, all of the golf courses in the United States would make up Delaware and Rhode Island put together</s><s>[agent_1]Interesting. Did you know the First President of Zimbabwe was called President Banana?</s><s>[agent_2]No I didn't know that. You think that's his real name? It's crazy to me that the White House is actually smaller than the guest house next door to it LOL</s><s>[agent_1]It's his real last name, that I know for sure.</s><s>[agent_2]Wow well that's a cool name. can you guess the top three wealthiest presidents of the United States?</s><s>[agent_1]No, who are they? I know Trump's wiki says he is the richest.</s><s>[agent_2]I'm shocked he's not on the list. Actually its JFK, Washington, and Jefferson</s><s>[agent_1]Interesting. Maybe they are fake facts or outdated, who knows. Did you know the president of indonesia has released 3 pop albums while in office?</s><s>[agent_2]No I didn't know that. I also didn't know that before 1805, the runner-up in the presidential election would become the vice president, talk about awkward</s><s>[agent_1]That would be so awesome if that is how it worked today. Hilarious!</s><s>[agent_2]LOL it would definitely be a great reality show LOL do you ever watch the news on the radio by the way?</s><s>[agent_1]Not really, I take a train to work. Nice chatting with you!</s> |
<s>[agent_1]Do you know who Julia Mancuso is?</s><s>[agent_2]I just know that she is the most decorated women's skier.</s><s>[agent_1]She is. Did you know she retired right before the Olympics?</s><s>[agent_2]I did not really know this, why did she decide to do this?</s><s>[agent_1]Seems like it was mostly because of a hip injury.</s><s>[agent_2]Seems she really wanted to do her 5th Olympics and fought until the end but in the end she just couldn't do it.</s><s>[agent_1]I think so.</s><s>[agent_2]She had people who questioned and doubted her but her husband supported her. I'm happy for that.</s><s>[agent_1]That is good.</s><s>[agent_2]She said it was an emotional time when she realized it was going to be too hard on her body.</s><s>[agent_1]I bet. Did you know she also released a line of lingerie at one point?</s><s>[agent_2]Haha, they were called Kiss My Tiara. Sounds kind of like it has double meanings. I like how she said you can be femine and fast.</s><s>[agent_1]Yes it was. Do you know anything about the FIFA World Cup?</s><s>[agent_2]I don't know much about it. When the US competed in the first FIFA world cup in 1930, they got 3rd place.</s><s>[agent_1]Yes they did. The city that is hosting the 2022 final does not exist yet.</s><s>[agent_2]And cities that host the World Cup don't even get an economic gain from it.</s><s>[agent_1]I know. What do you know about Wonder Woman?</s><s>[agent_2]Gal Gadot didn't know that she was auditioning for Wonder Woman. She thought she was testing for catwoman.</s><s>[agent_1]I know. When Wonder Woman first appeared as a member of the Justice Society, she was the secretary.</s><s>[agent_2]Since she's Israeli she had to serve two years as a soldier. WOnder if that helped her in her role at all.</s><s>[agent_1]Yes it did.</s><s>[agent_2]I haven't watched the film at all. I'll have to go check it out right now. Have a good day!</s> |
<s>[agent_1]Hi, do you like Justin Bieber?</s><s>[agent_2]Hello, I'm not a big fan. Are you into his music?</s><s>[agent_1]There is one song I listen to but I never seek it out. Do you have a favorite artist?</s><s>[agent_2]I love Linkin Park. What about you?</s><s>[agent_1]I like them too. They were huge back in the day!</s><s>[agent_2]I saw the slo-mo theme in the movie Dredd was based on Justin Bieber's song.</s><s>[agent_1]I had not seen that movie. Is it any good?</s><s>[agent_2]I haven't seen it either. I saw Bieber granted 200 wishes to the make-a-wish foundation which is the most ever done.</s><s>[agent_1]Wow, that's really nice.</s><s>[agent_2]I was thinking the same thing. There's a guy in his 30's named Justin Bieber who was banned for sharing the same name with the famous Justin Bieber.</s><s>[agent_1]He has never had a number one hit in the US or great britain.</s><s>[agent_2]Interesting...I did not know that. I saw his Baby video is the most disliked video on YouTube.</s><s>[agent_1]I feel like that song did a lot for YouTube. Do you know who Ariana Grande is?</s><s>[agent_2]I do know of her. I think she's been in a lot of television roles too.</s><s>[agent_1]Up until recently I had no idea who she was. She was the first fan hit by a FL panthers puck.</s><s>[agent_2]Did not know that. I bet that hurt. Her song Dangerous Woman was actually written by 3 men.</s><s>[agent_1]HA! I always find those tidbits funny. She had a concert that grossed $13M for the victims of the Manchester Bombing.</s><s>[agent_2]Wow that's a lot of money. Do you like animals?</s><s>[agent_1]I do like animals. Do you?</s><s>[agent_2]I love animals. There are 20 quintillion animals on Earth.</s><s>[agent_1]That's a lot of animals! It was nice chatting with you!</s> |
<s>[agent_1]Hey there! Are you a basketball fan? I am Bulls fan and we stink! We are probably as good as the Lakers though which is funny since they had such high expectations.</s><s>[agent_2]I'm a little bit of a fan. I watch some of the Spurs games. Have you heard of Tim Duncan?</s><s>[agent_1]Yes, I am a big Tim Duncan fan. "The big fundamental" He would never do something like Lebron did with "the decision."</s><s>[agent_2]The decision? I'm not a follower of Lebron James all that much.</s><s>[agent_1]He basically televised his free agent decision back when he first left Cleveland. He made a huge spectacle of it. He did make 6 million for charity by doing it, but most people found it ridiculous.</s><s>[agent_2]Oh yeah! I do know some about that. I thought his leaving was wrong, a little disloyal.</s><s>[agent_1]Yes, totally disloyal. He just grew up so differently though so maybe that is why. Tickets to his high school games used to go for $100-$120.</s><s>[agent_2]Sounds like he is very used to being made a big deal of and spoiled in a way. It's as if he's been money motivated from the start.</s><s>[agent_1]He is the highest paid celebrity right now actually. Crazy that second behind him is Judge Judy!!</s><s>[agent_2]That is crazy. I never would have thought she was that high paid! Lebron though, he is money motivated. He rejected a ten million dollar offer from reebok when he was 18 because he figured he'd get more from nike.</s><s>[agent_1]Haha, he is a shrewd business man. I will give him that. He is no Jordan though and now we are going to have to watch him do the Space Jam sequel</s><s>[agent_2]I know what you mean about that. I like Michael Jordan. Have you heard that Lebron has a photographic memory?</s><s>[agent_1]I did not know that. Maybe that helps how he processes defense so well!?</s><s>[agent_2]Probably does. He can remember exact in game scenarios and memorize moves in fighting games.</s><s>[agent_1]Going back to Jordan, did you know that Air Jordan's were once banned by the NBA?</s><s>[agent_2]No, why were they banned? Seems odd to ban a pair of shoes.</s><s>[agent_1]I am not sure the reason, but Jordan wore them anyway because Nike was ok paying the fines each game!</s><s>[agent_2]I bet they were! It was a great way to get some advertising! Companies make profits but in all honesty not many players remain wealthy. It's said that over 50% of players are broke within five years after retiring.</s><s>[agent_1]That is a very sad thing to here. More people should have been like Iverson. He is receiving 800k a year until age 55 then a 32 million dollar lump sum!</s><s>[agent_2]Definitely! That is a brilliant contract to get! What company agreed to give him that?</s><s>[agent_1]Reebok! They must have been desperate! It was great chatting with you today!!</s><s>[agent_2]Maybe that's why they went low on lebron. They were paying Iverson so much! Great chatting with you too! Have a good one!</s> |
<s>[agent_1]do you watch the Game of Thrones</s><s>[agent_2]I have seen some episodes. The great grandson of Dickens plays in it</s><s>[agent_1]Yes that is Harry Lloyd, and he plays Viserys Targaryen</s><s>[agent_2]Yes. And alos the grand daguhter of Charlie CHaplin</s><s>[agent_1]Yes that is Talisa Maegyr in the series</s><s>[agent_2]Yes. Did you know Arya is becoming a popular name in the US?</s><s>[agent_1]Yes and it is all because of Game of Thrones</s><s>[agent_2]Yeah. Have you seen the Game of Lions show on Nat Geo?</s><s>[agent_1]Yes that it follows the lives of lions like they do on in Games of Thrones</s><s>[agent_2]Yeah pretty nice. Do you know when the Game of Thrones started?</s><s>[agent_1]Yes that was back in 2011 and it will end with season 8</s><s>[agent_2]Yes they had a good run. Do you like cars?</s><s>[agent_1]I love cars. Do you know when the drive thru was invented?</s><s>[agent_2]Yes that was back in 1975 by McDonald's</s><s>[agent_1]Do you know how that came about?</s><s>[agent_2]Yes that was because soldiers were not allowed out of cars in their fatigues</s><s>[agent_1]Yes. Do you know why the trunk of the car is called that?</s><s>[agent_2]Yes because old cars used to have wooden trunks</s><s>[agent_1]Yeah. Do you know how Cadillac got its name?</s><s>[agent_2]That was after the founder of Detroit, de la Mothe Cadillac</s><s>[agent_1]Yes quite fitting too. Nice chatting with you.</s> |
<s>[agent_1]Are you a basketball fan at all?</s><s>[agent_2]Not really. Being an LSU grad, I followed Shaquille O'Neil when he was there. And Michael Jordan when I lived in Chicago. Did you know Michael Jordan wore Nike Air Jordan shoes to play even though they were banned by the NFL? Nike was happy to pay the fine considering the free advertising they were getting.</s><s>[agent_1]They make enough money off them to not care!</s><s>[agent_2]Exactly. Like Allen Iverson who has an $800000 annuity from Reebok with a final lump sum of $ 32 mill. I wonder what kind of deal Lebron's getting?</s><s>[agent_1]No idea, though he rejected a $10 million offer from reebok when he was young.</s><s>[agent_2]I read that he has signed on with Warner Brothers to make a "Space Jam" sequel. Do you think they will let Michael Jordan, the star of the original "Space Jam" make a cameo?</s><s>[agent_1]I'm sure they will! I just watched that a week ago too!</s><s>[agent_2]I hope they do. Lebron is the current premier star of the NBA but also the highest paid celebrity. I would not have thought it, but coming in at the No. 2 position is Judge Judy at $123,000 per episode.</s><s>[agent_1]He even raised $6 million for charity with his televised "decision" event, good on him!</s><s>[agent_2]What surprised me is that he was drafted into the NBA straight from high school. Apparently he was very much a rising star then with tickets to his high school games going for $100 or more.</s><s>[agent_1]Wow! That's crazy expensive for a high school game. Looks like Reggie Miller's sister could have attracted the same attention.</s><s>[agent_2]She had an amazing high school and collegiate career and is now a successful women's colligate coach. Speaking of collegiate basketball, did you know they banned the dunk because of Kareem Abdul-Jabbar?</s><s>[agent_1]I would think it takes a lot to get that kind of advatnage in basketball!</s><s>[agent_2]Well, considering he is over 7 feet tall, a dunk is a bit easier for him than the average height player. What I find interesting is how widespread basketball is. The New Zealand basketball team is nicknamed the "tall blacks"!</s><s>[agent_1]Either descriptive or they are referring to coffee!</s><s>[agent_2]I have no idea. But, I think because it is a game that require most invest in player equipment (compared to football) is why it was spread so readily. They even have a court on the top floor if the U.S. Supreme Court, AKA "the highest court in the land"!</s><s>[agent_1]I wonder if any justices could dunk?</s><s>[agent_2]We know Brent Kavanaugh plays, but I am not sure he is a dunker. In an interesting bit of basketball trivia, James Naismith invented basketball when he was with the YMCA. Yet, as a college coach, he turned out to be the only losing coach in the history of University or Kansas basketball!</s><s>[agent_1]Probably not the best coach, though a good thought to make the game!</s><s>[agent_2]True, considering he invented at the "Y", low cost to implement was probably most important. But at the collegaite and pro level, it is not a low cost endeavor! Consider Lebron's record contracts and accolades: 4 NBA most valuable player, 3 NBA FInals MVP, two Olympic golds, and so on and so on. He is really the big money draw in the NBA these days!</s><s>[agent_1]Good chatting with you!</s> |
<s>[agent_1]Hello, do you like football?</s><s>[agent_2]I do like football but i like the internet better. Do you use the Internet much?</s><s>[agent_1]Yes I do. I use it daily.</s><s>[agent_2]There are a lot of little known facts about the Internet. For instance, did you know that the 3 horizontal line menu on apps and websites is called a hamburger button?</s><s>[agent_1]Yeah I did that is really interesting, I wonder why it is called a hangurger. Apparently, constant clicking can cause an addition.</s><s>[agent_2]Or, a hamburger looks like that icon, two buns with the hamburger in the middle, get it? Anyway, yes I agree that constant clicking can cause an addiction. I think I've got that one as well.</s><s>[agent_1]Oops, sorry about the spelling error. You have an addiction to clicking? Are there any support groups that help with this addiction?</s><s>[agent_2]Funny, not that I've heard of but one never knows what could started. Another funny fact is that only 7% of people read the full terms when buying a product or service on the Internet. I, myself am guilty of that sometimes.</s><s>[agent_1]I believe that for sure. It full terms is so much reading and sometimes hard to understand.</s><s>[agent_2]True, it can get complicated. Even the Internet itself can be hard to understand with its vast range of information resources and services like hypertext documents, www, e-mail, and file sharing.</s><s>[agent_1]Yeah. Did you know there is 3g cell service at the top of Mt. Everest?</s><s>[agent_2]Wow, imagine that? I couldn't imagine how that happened but I do know that the current library of Alexandria has a saved copy of the Internet in case of catastrophe.</s><s>[agent_1]Now you can take selfies and post them when you get to the top of the mountain lol Wow, the internet is backed up, thats cool.</s><s>[agent_2]And also consider how huge the Internet is. Since its a network of networks that consists of private, public, academic, business, and government networks of local to a global scope, it's size is immeasurable to me.</s><s>[agent_1]Yeah, the internet is amazing, it's so convenient. I can't imagine doing research the old fashion way. Or even using a phone book lol</s><s>[agent_2]Yes, technology has taken over most manual processes for sure. Even the NFL uses tracking chips embedded in the player's shoulder pads to records all of their moves.</s><s>[agent_1]Also, in the football!</s><s>[agent_2]Yes, they put a chip in the football to record and track the velocity, rotation, ball speed, and location of the football which probably saves a lot of time.</s><s>[agent_1]Yeah, looks like technology has made a great impact on football and other sports.</s><s>[agent_2]Yes, I think it will help to give more game play time. An average NFL game only has 11 minutes of live gameplay.</s><s>[agent_1]Its been good talking to you, have a good one.</s> |
<s>[agent_1]I've been reading a lot of interesting stories these past few days.</s><s>[agent_2]Really? what have you been reading lately?</s><s>[agent_1]A few different fiction stories, very interesting. One was Tommy Orange's debut novel.</s><s>[agent_2]I heard about that one, its the one with the little native american boy right?</s><s>[agent_1]Yes! It was quite an emotional read. It made me really think about how life is like for them.</s><s>[agent_2]Native Americans suffered for a lot of years, its a story that involves a lot of blood and tears and not an easy story to tell</s><s>[agent_1]Definitely! Orange did a great job w how he shared their history... It was quite diff from the 2nd book I read. A Visit From The Goon Squad, familiar?</s><s>[agent_2]I heard that book was pretty good as well, kind of dark though,</s><s>[agent_1]For sure, there were some powerful tales. I found the sory about the man born with fetal alcohol syndrome the darkest. You?</s><s>[agent_2]I felt sorry about him as well, his mother is in jail so what kind of life can he even have, did you hear about the overweight joung man,</s><s>[agent_1]Yeah, that one was crazy, he had a lot against him. Kinda sad. It all stayed w me for awhile. Had to take a break from the book.</s><s>[agent_2]I agree, so do you like fiction?</s><s>[agent_1]I enjoy both fiction and non, however, I espcially like fiction books that have fact along with some imagination sprinkled in.</s><s>[agent_2]I see well did you ever play the Super Smash Bros video game? there is actaully a long fiction piece about the game</s><s>[agent_1]Yeah, I've played that before, I'm more of a reader though lol. I actually read two of Tommy Orange's books, he had a lot of characters!</s><s>[agent_2]I guess thats a great book, I heard good things about it havent really read it,</s><s>[agent_1]What are you more in to - literature, clothing or gaming?</s><s>[agent_2]I like all three of them lol, clothing is also one of my favorite subjects and I also like technology</s><s>[agent_1]I hear ya, I'm really into clothing too. Switching it up w textiles and materials. Did you know Apple had a clothing line in 1986?</s><s>[agent_2]I didnt, I would buy an Apple tshirt for sure, I wonder why they dont have that clothing line anymore</s><s>[agent_1]Yeah same. Also, this was interesting, from 1912 to 1952 architecture, literature, music, painting and sculpture were olympic events. How cool</s><s>[agent_2]Really cool indeed, they should be events even now, I wonder why they took them out!</s> |
<s>[agent_1]jayson Tatum seems like a hot prospect for the Celtics with 20 or more points in 7 postseason games</s><s>[agent_2]Wow, interesting. Jayson Tatum has emerged as perhaps the next great young player for the Boston Celtics.</s><s>[agent_1]Tatum apparently has an awesome hairline too with a great barber.</s><s>[agent_2]Haha, apparently so. Tatum is a big reason the depleted Celtics are not only in the conference finals, but leading LeBron James and the Cleveland Cavaliers, one game to zip.</s><s>[agent_1]Does he get his haircut too much though like Marcus Morris says?</s><s>[agent_2]It sounds like it. I don't get mine cut enough. Lol</s><s>[agent_1]Tatum is from St. Louis and goes to his hometown barber the past 8 years</s><s>[agent_2]Wow, that's cool. Although Tatum believes in barber fidelity, sometimes he gets impatient</s><s>[agent_1]How so?</s><s>[agent_2]Take, for instance, this January 2015 tweet: Keep saying im gone grow my hair.... Lol need a cut though! - Jayson Tatum (@jaytatum0) January 9, 2015 When Tatum's eye starts wandering and Gutierrez, who owns Jules Unique Studios in St. Louis, can't get to Boston or wherever the Celtics are playing, the young NBA player will go elsewhere.</s><s>[agent_1]His barber went to Milwaukee expenses paid by Tatum. He really loves this barber</s><s>[agent_2]That's crazy. I guess money isn't an issue.</s><s>[agent_1]Guess not. NBA player Allen Iverson got a lifetime endorsement with Reebok in 2001 paying him $800000 per year until age 55 then a lump sum of $32,000,000</s><s>[agent_2]That's crazy. Space jam is the highest-grossing basketball movie of all time.</s><s>[agent_1]That's got some NBA stars in it that I recall. In 39 out of 50 states, the highest paid employee is a college basketball or football coach</s><s>[agent_2]Wow, that's nuts. Both volleyball and basketball were invented at the ymca</s><s>[agent_1]I didn't know that. Lebron James raised $6 million for charity in televising "the Decision."</s><s>[agent_2]I didn't either. Tim duncan of the san antonio spurs sacrificed money and stayed in college for four years instead of going directly to the nba.</s><s>[agent_1]That could have been a smart move. Basketball careers don't last a lifetime. By the way, James Naismith was the inventor of basketball and was a losing coach in basketball.</s><s>[agent_2]Vasectomy rates increase during march madness so that men can stay at home for a few days to watch basketball.</s><s>[agent_1]That is odd. But, with air Jordan's who would miss it. Did you know air jordans were banned in the NBA upon their intro but Jordan wore them as nike paid the fine each game. Shows what money can do</s><s>[agent_2]Wow.</s> |
<s>[agent_1]Well, I guess there is more in the news about President Trump, Kellyanne Conway, and Fox News itself, again. Have you heard?</s><s>[agent_2]Yeah. Did you know fox news threatened to sue the simpsons in order to stop them from parodying the anit democratic agenda?</s><s>[agent_1]Fox news is definitely unique. I thought president Trump hates Fox news, but I guess 4 of 10 of his incumbents are watching it as their main source of news. Very conflicting.</s><s>[agent_2]Interesting. The average viewer of fox news in 68</s><s>[agent_1]That is very interesting, but I think there are more older republicans than democrats.I would think middle aged people would watch Fox News the most.</s><s>[agent_2]Did you know the only us pred to have a phd is Wilson?</s><s>[agent_1]No, I didn't know that! I've always thought the Presidential position is more about social stuff than smarts, though.</s><s>[agent_2]Yeah its just a fun fact I learned recently.</s><s>[agent_1]I've always thought it was amazing how some Presidents have their faces carved into that mountain. Did you know the Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos has this clock he built into a mountain that's expected to run for then thousand years?</s><s>[agent_2]That is pretty interesting lol I wonder why on the top of a mountain though? I would like to see this clock.</s><s>[agent_1]I wonder if you can? I hope no one vandalizes it. I really like Amazon. Did you know that they'll deliver on Sunday through a contract with the USPS?</s><s>[agent_2]Yes i do and appreciate it very much lol</s><s>[agent_1]I know, right. I also really like IMDB and that's actually owned by Amazon. I just recently read about it.</s><s>[agent_2]yeah I use that app all the time! It is amazing!</s><s>[agent_1]The last thing I got from Amazon was for the kitchen, but isn't it amazing that you can get something as small as jewelry to something as large as furniture through them?</s><s>[agent_2]Yes amazing and convenient! It has pretty much everything, not to mention creating a crazy amount of job opportunities.</s><s>[agent_1]Very true! I heard they started selling books. The most interesting thing is downloading or streaming music...Amazon is literally selling a non material or physical item for money!</s><s>[agent_2]Yeah pretty much which is great because they dont need to store it anywhere lol</s><s>[agent_1]Yes! The same kind of with the first sale on Amazon which was for the buyer to have a building named after him.</s><s>[agent_2]Thats pretty awesome. I wonder if that customer was someone they knew?</s><s>[agent_1]Most likely, or maybe even family! Now it's the largest internet retailer in the world.</s> |
<s>[agent_1]Good morning. What do you think of sharks?</s><s>[agent_2]they are really strange creatures</s><s>[agent_1]Yes they are. Did you know that they don't have rib cages?</s><s>[agent_2]That's so weird! I've read that they're really structurally unsound on land because of that. Do you think that's true?</s><s>[agent_1]I don't know. It's seems odd because they look so strong. They are strong for that matter so thinking of simply being out of water destroying them is odd.</s><s>[agent_2]People are so afraid of them and yet they're basically jellyfish on land haha. Did you know they can be trained to bark like dogs too?</s><s>[agent_1]I didn't know that. I didn't know that they made sounds at all for that matter.</s><s>[agent_2]Do you think that the barking would make them more or less scary to people? People like dogs better than sharks generally speaking, right?</s><s>[agent_1]Yes I suppose they do. I think barking would make people see sharks more like dolphins.</s><s>[agent_2]Oh man you're right, except for the teeth. I've heard they have even saved sailors before like dolphins so maybe they're some hope of grouping them together</s><s>[agent_1]I wonder if those sailors freaked out when a shark came to rescue them though. It would seem scary to have one swim towards you regardless of intent.</s><s>[agent_2]I would definitely still be scared. But I guess if you're in such a mess that only a shark can save you things are looking pretty grim from the start.</s><s>[agent_1]Totally true! They must be smart when you think about it. I mean, they all get together in the middle of the pacific ocean for some reason.</s><s>[agent_2]I wonder what's up with them grouping together like that. How do they communicate with each other? If they can bark like dogs I wonder do they make sounds under water to talk to each other?</s><s>[agent_1]I don't know. They must communicate in some way for them all to know when and where to meet at.</s><s>[agent_2]I read they call their meeting place the white shark cafe. Well people do anyway, not the sharks haha. I wonder if they do other social things there too if people thought it was bumpin enough to call it a cafe</s><s>[agent_1]Lol, who knows! Scientists say that sharks evolved before dinosaurs and even trees for that matter so their brains must be high functioning.</s><s>[agent_2]Although being higher functioning than trees and dinosaurs isn't that big a thing to brag about since trees can't bark ( at least the sound anyway!) and dinos died out</s><s>[agent_1]That is an excellent point! I just meant they had longer for their brains to evolve and grow.</s><s>[agent_2]That's true. The fact that they've survived this long is definitely impressive. Especially when people hate them so much</s><s>[agent_1]True enough. It seems like they'd be the ones hunted out to extinction or near extinction instead of whales.</s><s>[agent_2]That's true. Although they used to hunt whales for their rib bones and sharks don't have any! Maybe that's how they survived</s><s>[agent_1]Could be at that.</s> |
<s>[agent_1]Do you enjoy driving a car?</s><s>[agent_2]As much as anybody, I guess. I heard McDonalds added a drivethru in 1975 for soldiers who were not allowed to get out of their cars in fatigues.</s><s>[agent_1]The modern car, developed by Karl Benz, has revolutionized and shaped our society today.</s><s>[agent_2]It's crazy to think how much it has become a integral part of our lives. In South Africa, you're allowed to equip your car with a flamethrower to deter carjackers. Now that's revolutionizing society for sure.</s><s>[agent_1]Well our economy and infrastructure is in large part developed for the use of cars. I wonder if the flamethrowers are meant to be a boobytrap or a defensive measure for the user</s><s>[agent_2]Either way, sounds like some Mad Max stuff to me. The name Cadillac came from the French explorer who discovered Detroit. Cool tidbit.</s><s>[agent_1]Especially the mass production of the model t made cars much for affordable and widespread. I wonder if Ford or Benz's contributions to car are more highly regarded</s><s>[agent_2]That's a good question. I feel like here in the States we certainly hear more about Ford. In 2014 it was estimated that 1.25 Billion vehicles were on the roads around the world.</s><s>[agent_1]True. I hope you don't talk on the phone while driving</s><s>[agent_2]Only through the bluetooth. And only when needed. I hate talking on the phone. The iPhone has more computing power than the entire US nuclear deterrent. Might be time to do some updating.</s><s>[agent_1]Well we sure do get a lot of benefits from calls to internet from a cable not even 3 inches across</s><s>[agent_2]So true. Did you know Unicef will donate a day of clean water to a child in need for every day you don't use your cell phone? Wonder how that works.</s><s>[agent_1]I have no clue. How would they even track everyone?</s><s>[agent_2]No idea. When rotary phones were in use, New York's area code was the fastest number to dial.</s><s>[agent_1]In any case, it is amazing how much smaller the world became after telephones were developed</s><s>[agent_2]Agreed. Phone books got bigger though -- you can't separate two phone books with their pages overlapped together. I'm going to have to try that one.</s><s>[agent_1]Now that phones are like little computers I'm sure you can have a digital phonbook in them</s><s>[agent_2]Yeah, I was just thinking it might be hard to even find two phonebooks.</s><s>[agent_1]But I think I saw a person ripping phonebooks with their bare hands! That's impressive I say</s><s>[agent_2]Definitely! Another random fact -- Aladdin's pants were modeled after MC Hammer. Who knew? Haha.</s><s>[agent_1]LOL, that is hilarious. I always though Aladdin was made before MC Hammer?</s><s>[agent_2]Hammer first came out around 1987. I think Aladdin was a few years later.</s> |
<s>[agent_1]Elon Musk is in the news a lot lately. That is one rich man who does interesting things with his money, like launch his own rocket into space.</s><s>[agent_2]Right, his name sounds like a villain in a movie lol, he does good things with that money too</s><s>[agent_1]This is true. If he were a native born American citizen, I could see him running for president someday. A few of them have been wealthy as well, like Jefferson and JFK.</s><s>[agent_2]That is a good point. I forget he is from another country. He holds 3 different citizenships</s><s>[agent_1]Do you think his plan for colonizing Mars will ever work? That's a pretty forward-thinking venture.</s><s>[agent_2]Very forward thinking. I don't think he will be alive when we get to that point. We need a man to walk on mars first and that may take a bit, what do you think</s><s>[agent_1]I'm not sure it will happen. There's just too much we don't know about Mars; too many variables that could throw a kink into plans. He might be better served to keep investing money into solar energy services or friendly AI to benefit more people, overall.</s><s>[agent_2]For sure, that is a good point! Elon's wife appeared in Inception, I didn't know that</s><s>[agent_1]Really? I didn't know that. I've seen his mother Maye in CoverGirl commericals, but I guess I don't know what his wife looks like. Money and fame seem to run in certain families.</s><s>[agent_2]I don't either, I thought he was divorced anyways lol. He was in the movie thank you for smoking</s><s>[agent_1]Yes, he apparently has a decent sense of humor as well; his SpaceX shot a cheese wheel into space as a shout out to a Monty Python sketch.</s><s>[agent_2]that is awesome, i never knew that! How about presidents, you a trump fan?</s><s>[agent_1]He's probably better than some presidents we've had, and worse than others. I think all presidents have a tough job. Being the head of our government isn't something that I would want to do.</s><s>[agent_2]I will agree with that. At least he isn't one of the three wealthiest of all time, I think he would talk about it</s><s>[agent_1]Yes, he would take great pride in that. If he can ever have the respect that Washington, Jefferson, and JFK had, that would be saying something, though.</s><s>[agent_2]Very true too. imagine if it was like the old days where the runner up became vice president, Trump and Hillary. It would be such a mess</s><s>[agent_1]Yes, it would. Nothing would ever get done, and we, the people would be the ones to suffer. I'm not sure how well organized the government would remain if that happened.</s><s>[agent_2]that is a valid point, did you know the white house guest house is bigger than the actual white house?</s><s>[agent_1]Really, that's a lot of space for guests. :) I wonder if that's for visiting heads of state or those visiting for other ceremonial functions.</s><s>[agent_2]for sure, you need to treat them well, good chatting with you!</s><s>[agent_1]Good chatting with you as well. Have a great day!!</s><s>[agent_2]bye!</s> |
<s>[agent_1]What's your take on UFOs?</s><s>[agent_2]I believe in them for sure!</s><s>[agent_1]I do too, have you heard about the recent FAA recording of the moment two pilots reported an unknown object flying overhead?</s><s>[agent_2]Yes and Phoenix Air did not respond for comments.</s><s>[agent_1]Yeah it's pretty crazy. I wonder if any of the 86% of the land in Nevada that's owned by the government used to research these UFOs?</s><s>[agent_2]The theory is they have an alien vehicle there</s><s>[agent_1]That's pretty interesting. There's probably stuff on Wikileaks about it. Wikileaks even published the government's plans to destroy Wikileaks.</s><s>[agent_2]Area 51 what it it called. The pentagon has a secret UFO office</s><s>[agent_1]I've heard of Area 51. I haven't heard about the secret office, that's pretty wild.</s><s>[agent_2]Yep, The workers there have to park their cars. Gown into special clothing then take a shuttle a mile to work. The Government does not tell anyone that!</s><s>[agent_1]That's pretty interesting. Did you know that in 2006, the US passed legislation that would protect government employees from being prosecuted for violating the Geneva Conventions?</s><s>[agent_2]Good governments have a balance between tyranny and freedom so that is good.</s><s>[agent_1]Yeah I guess it is. Have you heard about the man in France who impersonated a government official and managed to sell the Eiffel Tower twice?</s><s>[agent_2]I like the norweigian government who donated a billion to save the rainforest</s><s>[agent_1]That's really sincere of them.</s><s>[agent_2]Yes you can Google it. Do you use Google?</s><s>[agent_1]I do, it's my biggest crutch. I remember when it went down in 2013. It took 40% of web traffic with it.</s><s>[agent_2]I live really close to the Googleplex HQ in Mountainview Ca.</s><s>[agent_1]That's cool! Did you hear about them using hundreds of goats to mow down their grass instead of hiring people?</s><s>[agent_2]I live around hills, I see mostly cows but sometimes goats too. A single search requires more computing power than a trip to the moon!</s><s>[agent_1]That's crazy how far technology has come along.</s><s>[agent_2]yep, take care and keep your eyes on the skies!</s><s>[agent_1]Thanks, have a good night!</s> |
<s>[agent_1]Are you big facebook user?</s><s>[agent_2]Sort of, I had an account since it was founded back in 2004, you?</s><s>[agent_1]Yeah, my roommate in college signed me up for an account in 2005. Crazy how big it has gotten.</s><s>[agent_2]yea, it started at Harvard and then expanded to other schools in Boston, and Stanford</s><s>[agent_1]Yeah I guess Myspace turned down an offer to buy them for $75 million in 2005.</s><s>[agent_2]Yea Myspace screwed up but they would have made facebook a lot worse if they did buy them</s><s>[agent_1]Yeah I agree, facebook would not be what it is today if that had happened. Did you know that the 'like' button is illegal in a state in Germany?</s><s>[agent_2]Really? That's hillarious, I have distant cousins who live in schleswig-holstein.</s><s>[agent_1]That's awesome, have you ever visited Germany? And yeah also I guess facebook is primarily blue because Zuckerberg has a type of color blindness.</s><s>[agent_2]No not yet but plan to. I want to visit Iceland too, they're rewriting their constitution on Facebook</s><s>[agent_1]That is interesting, Iceland would be cool to visit.</s><s>[agent_2]Yea, I wonder if they have Burger King there, BK had a promotion where if you unfriended 10 people they would give you a free whopper</s><s>[agent_1]That is too funny! Are you a big car person?</s><s>[agent_2]Somewhat, they've come a long way since they were invented in 1886</s><s>[agent_1]Yeah they have, did you know the brand cadillac was named after an explorer who founded detroit?</s><s>[agent_2]No, that's funny, I wonder if Cadillac is popular in France since it was named after Antoine de la mothe Cadillac</s><s>[agent_1]That is true, I wonder if it is. I guess a person became a professional race car driver after beating 90,000 people in a video game!</s><s>[agent_2]Nice, I wonder if gta had any influence on allowing people to equip flame throwers on their cars in South Africa</s><s>[agent_1]Right, I agree! Well it was nice talking with you today.</s><s>[agent_2]Alright cool, make sure your trunk isn't made out of wood</s><s>[agent_1]Yeah I heard that's why they were originally called that!</s> |
<s>[agent_1]good morning to you</s><s>[agent_2]Good morning! Do you listen to the radio any?</s><s>[agent_1]not too much, im more of a podcast guy. do you?</s><s>[agent_2]I hear you. Radio can be interesting though. They say that the storms from Jupiter can be heard on an am radio.</s><s>[agent_1]the radio is fascinating, i dont understand how it works. this is the perfect example of how wild it is</s><s>[agent_2]I'm not sure how it works either. I know it uses radio waves to carry information.</s><s>[agent_1]did you know theres a site where you can listen to thousands of old radio drama episodes for free?</s><s>[agent_2]No I didn't know that. I'd like to look that site up. Some of those old dramas were pretty good!</s><s>[agent_1]I guess those radio dramas and talk shows sort of live on in the form of podcasts if you think about it!</s><s>[agent_2]Yes they do. The internet has continued the lives of a lot of old things other than radio.</s><s>[agent_1]it is. did you know the peak of mt everest has 3g coverage? haha</s><s>[agent_2]I didn't know that and I would really like to know how someone got coverage way up there!</s><s>[agent_1]it seems like the interent reach far and wide....and high these days</s><s>[agent_2]Yes it does. It's come a long way from it's early use by schools in the 1980s.</s><s>[agent_1]only 7% of people ever read those terms of service. i wonder what were signing away</s><s>[agent_2]I have to admit that I very rarely ever read them. If the terms are from a known company I just skip or skim over them.</s><s>[agent_1]I have literally never ever read them! aint nobody got time for thtat!</s><s>[agent_2]They are pretty long and drawn out! Say did you know that the constant clicking on links can cause real addiction?</s><s>[agent_1]that makes sense if you think about...some people get addicted to that instant access to kowledge and information</s><s>[agent_2]Yes they do. All of that information is completely safe by the way from going away. The library of Alexandria has a saved copy of the internet.</s><s>[agent_1]we might need more backups! we cant lose all that knowledge. i wonder if it updates in real time</s><s>[agent_2]I don't know. I would like to know that too. I would also like to know how the library stores it.</s> |
<s>[agent_1]How's it going? Have you heard about the two nooses found at the Mississippi State Capitol? How appalling</s><s>[agent_2]Hello! Yes I have heard it, it's terrible. I think it's indicative of a larger problem. Trump was going to speak for Cindy Hyde-Smith that same day I believe, and she made a joke recently about a "public hanging", it's absurd.</s><s>[agent_1]It's alarming they haven't found any suspects yet</s><s>[agent_2]Maybe they have, I feel like they've just chosen not to release details of it. It seems that even more power is shifting to the Republicans, and it could be against their agenda to release that info.</s><s>[agent_1]Yea, Hyde-Smith doesn't look good supporting public hangings and embracing the Confederate flag</s><s>[agent_2]Are you interested in the Senate in general? I personally try to stay out of politics but think there are some very interesting aspects/facts that come out of it.</s><s>[agent_1]I know it was established by Article One of the US constitution</s><s>[agent_2]Some things are flat out humorous about them. They actually used the same gavel for 165 years until Nixon broke it.</s><s>[agent_1]Yea, it's pretty funny a sergeant at arms actually carried a senator into the chamber</s><s>[agent_2]He must have really not wanted to be there haha. They definitely have their share of fun, I hear there's literally a drawer full of candy, and it's a long standing tradition.</s><s>[agent_1]I wish my job had a candy drawer like they do in the Senate</s><s>[agent_2]I'm sure your job might still have more freedom. Women in the Senate couldn't even wear pants until they protested it in 1993.</s><s>[agent_1]Yea that's strange, I wonder why republican are against pant suits, I know they like beards since every president with a beard was a republican</s><s>[agent_2]That's interesting, probably coincidental though. A crazy thing about Republicans is that the last time a Republican was elected president without a Nixon or Bush on the ticket was 1928, that's nearly a century!</s><s>[agent_1]Yea and there hasn't been a non republican/democratic president since 1853, that sucks</s><s>[agent_2]But it makes sense, those two have dominated the parties, I can't see it changing. I think the colors sort of represent that. The blue and red colors weren't always used, but only consistently since 2000. That makes me feel like it's a product of other parties not being successful.</s><s>[agent_1]It be nice if things did change, until 1805 the runner up in the presidential election automatically became vice president</s><s>[agent_2]I wonder if that would really be effective now though. It seems that presidents in general are less professional now too. The president of Indonesia actually released 3 pop albums in office.</s><s>[agent_1]I wonder if the president of indonesia ever visited the White House, the guest house is larger than the actual white house</s><s>[agent_2]Maybe he'd be one of the wealthier guests to ever visit too. Trump is somehow not even one of the top three wealthiest presidents we've had, that seems impossible.</s><s>[agent_1]Maybe jfk, Washington, and jefferson have the most wealth adjusted for inflation</s><s>[agent_2]Probably, I'd guess regardless they'd have maybe been richer than President Banana, the legitimate first president of Zimbabwe.</s><s>[agent_1]Lol, well i have to go, nice talking with you</s> |
<s>[agent_1]Hi did you see the Black Panther movie?</s><s>[agent_2]I did and loved it. Did you know he is the wealthiest superhero?</s><s>[agent_1]Yeah even beating Tony Stark and Batman, for a whooping $500 billion</s><s>[agent_2]Yeah that is a lot. How about DIsney movies?</s><s>[agent_1]I like many of them actually, DO you know the real name of Minnie Mouse?</s><s>[agent_2]Yes it is Minerva but I like Minnie better</s><s>[agent_1]Me too. THey have a culture there where they hide mickey stuff on all things disney</s><s>[agent_2]Hmm creative. Do you know who Bill Nye is?</s><s>[agent_1]Yeah that is the Science Guy and he worked with disney on the Flubber</s><s>[agent_2]Yeah that is pretty neat. Do you know what the name wall-e is a tribute to?</s><s>[agent_1]Yeah it was in tribute to Walter Elias Disney, how sweet of them</s><s>[agent_2]I know. Do you use facebook at all?</s><s>[agent_1]I do sometimes. DO you know when it was founded?</s><s>[agent_2]I want to say in the early 2000 but not sure exactly. Did you use Myspace ever?</s><s>[agent_1]Yes it was 2004. Yes I used Myspace for a bit before facebook era</s><s>[agent_2]Yeah too bad they did not buy facebook when they could for just $75 million</s><s>[agent_1]Exactly. Do you know why it is blue?</s><s>[agent_2]Because Mark is colorbling and cannot see green and red</s><s>[agent_1]Yes. The like button seems to be illegal in parts of Germany.</s><s>[agent_2]Hmm wonder why. In Iceland they are using it for something big, do you know what?</s><s>[agent_1]Yes to rewrite the constitution. Pretty crazy.</s> |
<s>[agent_1]Hello, are you particularly interested in football?</s><s>[agent_2]Sure! I think it's interesting that the NFL has no rule against female players.</s><s>[agent_1]Yeah I do too! Especially because they seem sexist, the way cheerleaders have to leave if football players were there first.</s><s>[agent_2]The NFL uses tracking chips in players shoulder pads to record a player’s moves on the field. Maybe they could track players off the field and avoid these situations.</s><s>[agent_1]That's a good point! They definitely could come up with some technological innovation, like the first down line, that was absolutely innovative.</s><s>[agent_2]Engineers came up with that! Probably a better profession for women to choose. The average lifetime earnings of an engineer are higher than the average lifetime earnings of an NFL player.</s><s>[agent_1]I wonder why that is! Maybe because engineers have to work longer? After all football games only have about 11 minutes of live game play.</s><s>[agent_2]True, but there is little risk of concussion as an engineer.</s><s>[agent_1]That's true. Maybe another reason could be the country hasn't always needed or loved football. I think in the 60s the top bowlers made more than top football players.</s><s>[agent_2]Bowlers were lucky. It was a golden age of the sport, never to return again.</s><s>[agent_1]Yeah I agree, plus I think football records are objectively more interesting. Like have you ever heard of Benjarvus Green-Ellis?</s><s>[agent_2]I think he's the guy who never fumbled a football. Quite a feat! He should get a bonus or a prize for that.</s><s>[agent_1]Exactly! I think he should get something. After all ESPN got an award for creating the first down line, and I think that's similar in terms of impressiveness.</s><s>[agent_2]Do you know much about the Bible?</s><s>[agent_1]I don't know too much! I think a lot of religious texts are similar, like the Old Testament overlaps with the Hebrew Bible and the Greek Septuagint.</s><s>[agent_2]Very true. Did you know that before 1963, it was not uncommon for American students to be required to read from the Bible as part of their elementary education?</s><s>[agent_1]I did not! But it makes sense, we've really made it such a huge part of American culture. I think Teddy Roosevelt is one of the only presidents not to swear in using the Bible.</s><s>[agent_2]Same with JQ Adams. I think they swore on the Constitution. They felt that they owed allegiance to the people and the government first.</s><s>[agent_1]Ahh that's a nice way to see it. On the other hand Thomas Jefferson found middle ground, I think he used a razor to cut out parts of the Bible to use his own version.</s><s>[agent_2]He wanted to see religion in humanist terms. He was a practical guy.</s><s>[agent_1]Ahh that makes sense. Well it was nice talking to you, have a good day!</s> |
<s>[agent_1]Good morning! Do you listen to the radio?</s><s>[agent_2]Good morning! I do listen to the radio very frequently!</s><s>[agent_1]Oh cool, Have you ever heard of Bobby Bones?</s><s>[agent_2]I have not, Is he a singer?</s><s>[agent_1]I think he tried to be, but he is a country radio host. He's pretty good. I would compare him to Howard Stern.</s><s>[agent_2]I have seen and heard of Howard Stern before, I am not a fan of his style. I mostly listen to current soft rock radio stations. What do you listen to?</s><s>[agent_1]I like to listen to NPR, but sometimes I listen To Bobby Bones because of all the controversy he stirs up. He once launched a billboard campaign against his own self.</s><s>[agent_2]I have listened to NPR as well. And a campaign against one's self? That seems counterproductive at best. I have been told of a radio station that plays the sun's music or solar activity but have yet been able to find it to hear for myself.</s><s>[agent_1]That would be interesting to hear. I might have to google that! Bones likes to stir things up. I think he does it to be funny.</s><s>[agent_2]I do watch a bit of TV every so often and when I do I try to catch an episode of the Simpsons. Do you know that with the first 400 episodes Homer, the Father of the show held 188 jobs?</s><s>[agent_1]Wouldn't that be something? 188 jobs. I always thought he only worked at the plant!</s><s>[agent_2]Lots of different jobs he has had!! I have a interesting factoid of the show Shark tank as well, a show that's help people start off with an idea or invention they think would sell. Most of the deals made are never enacted.</s><s>[agent_1]I wonder why they aren't? Maybe the show is just a show?</s><s>[agent_2]Well that is my thought's as well, something to get that station ratings maybe? Something else I find interesting is that there is no correlation between bars of service and cell phone connection quality. I have always found it to be the more bars I had the better service I was able to have. Have you experienced that in any way?</s><s>[agent_1]No, I live in a place where I have no cell phone service, so I'm pretty clueless about it all. I do know that there are cables under the ocean for telephone lines though!</s><s>[agent_2]I am one that always seems to be checking for WIFI!! I have seen shows on tv about how phone lines are under the ocean for which I find interesting in and of it's self because so much water and a drop or two can render a phone non-working quickly.</s><s>[agent_1]That is the truth! And how do they know the lines are okay under there? I'm always looking for wifi too! Do you use a phone book still?</s><s>[agent_2]Funny you should ask about a phone book!! I did receive one in the mail for our local listings and it was about 1/4 inch thick, I did get a good laugh and asked; "Does anyone ever use these anymore?" as for myself; no, I do not use one. I usually just google it on my phone if I need something or someplace and the a little box pops up asking if I want to call so I have the option for it to dial right then the number.</s><s>[agent_1]I got two in the mail the other day! They were meshed together and I could not get them seperated! I do use a phone book, surprisingly!</s><s>[agent_2]That is interesting! I know of a luxury phone maker in London hires the the London Symphony Orchestra to record their ring tones for cell phones. I think that would be awesome to listen to.</s><s>[agent_1]Wow, that would be! nice chat!</s><s>[agent_2]I agree! Thank you for chatting with me today and have a great week.</s><s>[agent_1]you too!</s> |
<s>[agent_1]Hi, how are you?</s><s>[agent_2]Good! Are you a star wars fan?</s><s>[agent_1]Cool, yes I am. How about you?</s><s>[agent_2]I do enjoy them, especially the original trilogy</s><s>[agent_1]Me too, those are the best. Do you have any of the memorabilia?</s><s>[agent_2]I dont. You?</s><s>[agent_1]Yes, I still have my original lunch box with thermos from when I was a kid. It's banged up some, but I'd never part with it!</s><s>[agent_2]That is awesome. I still have some things from my childhood I cant part with too, like my glow worm.</s><s>[agent_1]Ahh! that's so sweet!Merchandising has always been really big for Star Wars. You know it holds a Guinness world record for most successful film merchandising franchise. Pretty impressive!</s><s>[agent_2]It is. Star Wars is legend. It was spanned so many years!</s><s>[agent_1]That's a fact. Did you realize that James Earl Jones only spent 2 1/2 hours recording his Darth Vader lines and only got paid $7500.00?</s><s>[agent_2]That is nuts! That voice is so iconic. Do you know Marcia Lucas is behind a lot of the films main scenes?</s><s>[agent_1]I had heard that before and that she had actually won the Academy award for editing, while George did not for directing! Wonder how he feels about his ex wife?</s><s>[agent_2]I dont know, some break ups are amicable, she did help out a lot with the movies from what it seems like.</s><s>[agent_1]Well, that's true! I still can't believe 20th Century Fox thought it was going to be a flop!</s><s>[agent_2]I know, didnt Harrison Ford not want to be credited initially because he though it would not do well.</s><s>[agent_1]Boy, many people had that all wrong!</s><s>[agent_2]They really did here we are almost 50 years later and it is still going strong!</s><s>[agent_1]That's my childhood! It shocks me to see that the value of the Star Wars franchise is $65 billion!</s><s>[agent_2]And that makes it only the 5th highest grossing media franchise. I wonder what beat it?</s><s>[agent_1]Yeah, it makes you wonder? Well, it's been nice chatting with you this morning. I've got to head into work. Hope you enjoy the rest of your day.</s> |
<s>[agent_1]Hey how often do you watch the NFL? I know I watch football from time to time on TV</s><s>[agent_2]I watch one in a while. I find the games boring sometimes. They only play an average of 11 minutes per game!</s><s>[agent_1]Yep you're right about that! That probably explains why the Super Bowl was a little bit boring this year haha. Do you think that women should play in the NFL by the way?</s><s>[agent_2]I know there's no rule saying they can't, so I guess if they can meet the requirements, they should probably be allowed.</s><s>[agent_1]Yeah I can see that. I think we could see a female player in our lifetime, it's the only fair thing, as long as they're good enough to play they should be allowed to play I think</s><s>[agent_2]Yeah, they might as well get a fair shot. Some of the rules of the NFL are still sexist. Like how some cheerleaders can't eat at a restaurant where players are eating</s><s>[agent_1]Yeah I don't like that rule. I think it's really stupid and not appropriate in this day and age. I just don't get how that one has been sued yet about it LOL, have you heard about the tracking chips that they use too</s><s>[agent_2]Yeah, that's pretty cool. Some things like that are so high tech. Like the yellow first down line that ESPN won an Emmy for!</s><s>[agent_1]That's really genius by the way. I'm glad they won an Emmy for that, it's definitely necessary for enjoying games on the TV I think. But yes the tracking chips can track players movements and speed, I think that's pretty useful</s><s>[agent_2]I agree! They are in the footballs and shoulder pads! Do you know what the score of the highest scoring football game ever was?</s><s>[agent_1]I don't. What was it? I do know that back in the sixties the top Bowlers made more than the top football players of the time. Now that is totally reversed today. Haha!</s><s>[agent_2]That's amazing! The highest score was 222-0! But it was a college game.</s><s>[agent_1]Wow that's crazy! What year did happen? I would have loved to see that game haha. Do you think that the losing team had their locker room painted pink perhaps lol. I guess the University of Iowa's football team did that to the opposing players</s><s>[agent_2]It was way back in 1916. That's pretty funny, actually. I wonder what the visiting teams thought of that.</s><s>[agent_1]Yeah I wonder that too, what do you think about the Patriots by the way? Did you know that they have a player who's never fumbled the ball? His name is BenJarvus Green-Ellis</s><s>[agent_2]I am kind of sick of them being in the Super Bowl every year, it's boring! He must feel a lot of pressure never to get his first fumble!</s><s>[agent_1]Yeah I agree. I would feel so stressed every time I played haha. what do you think about Alex Smith by the way? Man is so smart, he got his bachelor's degree in only 2 years and then went to play for the NFL</s><s>[agent_2]That's pretty cool. He was the first pick in the 2005 draft, too!</s><s>[agent_1]Oh that's cool! I really like the story behind the circular Huddle, it was created by a deaf quarterback in order to block the other team from seeing his hand signs, that's really cool</s><s>[agent_2]That's brilliant, actually! There is only one left handed quarterback in the NFL.</s><s>[agent_1]I think that's Kellen Moore right? Also there's only one quarterback who is almost going to be a professional video game player, and that was Baker Mayfield, I think he made the right decision haha.</s> |
<s>[agent_1]Hello - did you know the university of Iowa's locker room for visiting football teams is painted pink?</s><s>[agent_2]Hi! Is it the opposing players locker room that's painted pink or the players locker room? Why would they paint it pink?</s><s>[agent_1]It's the opposing players locker room. It's probably a psychological thing.</s><s>[agent_2]Wonder if there's any actual effect or they just want to get in their minds. I have never followed Canadian football, I would imagine hockey is considered America's favorite sport instead of football. Don't think hockey is quite as big as it is in Canada?</s><s>[agent_1]I think hockey is definitely bigger in Canada. I think football and baseball are bigger in America than hockey.</s><s>[agent_2]Even basketball too especially for March Madness! Maybe Canada have women playing in their football leagues because there's no official written rule preventing female players from playing, but no one has yet met the physical requirements to my knowledge.</s><s>[agent_1]Did you know the 1960's top bowlers made twice as much as top football stars?</s><s>[agent_2]Does that still hold true, I'd imagine not since it seems as if football stars make a lot more than that and they make much more from endorsements too, if a bowler endorsed something, I don't think I would know them.</s><s>[agent_1]I bet it doesn't still hold true.</s><s>[agent_2]Unless the league factors in that they only average about 11 minutes of live gameplay so maybe it still does</s><s>[agent_1]That's crazy it's only 11 minutes of play.</s><s>[agent_2]Yes and yet I devote an entire afternoon to watching the games! The circular huddle that's used in games today was actually created by a deaf quarterback so the opposing team couldn't read his hand signals, he should've trademarked that!</s><s>[agent_1]That's a cool stat. I saw that Green-Ellis has never fumbled the ball in his NFL football career.</s><s>[agent_2]That's not an easy feat consider people are literally chasing you when you possess the ball, wonder if he can negotiate a better salary with that stat.</s><s>[agent_1]I can't believe he never fumbled. Never heard that stat before.</s><s>[agent_2]Kellan Moore is the only left-handed quarterback, would the opposing team need to adjust their plays to accommodate that dexterity bias?</s><s>[agent_1]I'm not sure what the opposing team would need to do to adjust.</s><s>[agent_2]If only the superbowl was as entertaining as the 1916 Georgia tech game when they defeated Cumberland by 222-0, actually I think that'd be a pretty boring game as well.</s><s>[agent_1]That would be pretty crazy. This past super bowl was pretty boring. Probably the most boring one ever.</s><s>[agent_2]Yeah, it really was but I still watched the whole thing. To my knowledge, I don't think the Rams or Patriots cheerleaders are treated like the Saints cheerleaders where they are forbidden from eating in the same restaurant as the players.</s><s>[agent_1]It was good talking to you - take care!</s> |
<s>[agent_1]Hello, do you like Star Wars?</s><s>[agent_2]Hi! Yes I love Star Wars! How about you?</s><s>[agent_1]Me too, Im a big fan of Star Wars movies, which one is your favorite one?</s><s>[agent_2]I would have to say the very first Star Wars but they were all good I think. The Empire Strikes Back was really good too!</s><s>[agent_1]I liked it a lot as well but I think that the Clone Wars was better, or maybe Episode I</s><s>[agent_2]Good one too! It's crazy how 20th century fox thought Star Wars would be a flop! I can't imagine how much money these movies made in total!</s><s>[agent_1]I imagine that a lot, considereing the amount of fans the franchise has, it even was the first movie to be dubbed in navajo</s><s>[agent_2]Right! I thought that was awesome. I do know the first 8 films made over 8 billion....that's not including the merchandise! Star Wars holds a guiness world record for most successful merchandise franchise.</s><s>[agent_1]I didnt know that, thas a lot of money what I did know is that the franchise had an estimated value of 65 billion dollars!!</s><s>[agent_2]Wow! That is insane! Did you see Solo;A Star Wars Story? Al Pacino turned down the role of Han Solo because he didn't understand the script!</s><s>[agent_1]I did see that one, and thats crazy, he missed on a really big role, that would have changed his carreer for sure.</s><s>[agent_2]Exactly, too bad I guess lol, also they were thinking of casting Christopher Walken but don't know why he didn't get the part.</s><s>[agent_1]He would have been a good Han Solo, there is a hole story behind Solo, like how he was a tie fighter pilot before.</s><s>[agent_2]True! He would have been great in that role. I didn't know that, very interesting. I didn't know Solo; A Star Wars Story was distributed by Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures! I love Walt Disney!</s><s>[agent_1]Yeah, Disney bought the franchise or the rights of Star Wars, and I also love Disney, one of my favorites, The Lion King</s><s>[agent_2]Wow, I didn't know that. And yes I love The Lion King! it was the 1st Disney film to be dubbed into zulu for the african release, pretty cool!</s><s>[agent_1]I guess that answers part of the question of why Disney is so popular, did you watch Frozen?</s><s>[agent_2]Yes, it does! Yes, Frozen is great! And it was directed by a woman, first time for an animated film!</s><s>[agent_1]It is! its also interesting how the toy industry gets involved with Disney and the fimals before they even begin, a lot of money there too huh!</s><s>[agent_2]I know, I read that too, pretty crazy. I guess the toy industry is probably a huge part of all Disney productions!</s><s>[agent_1]I guess it is, and Disney is considered as one of the "Big Six" fim studios, that is pretty interesting as well.</s> |
<s>[agent_1]Hello My friend! Did you know that the Presidents house guest is bigger than the white house?! I can only imagine what the Presidents house must look like based on that fact! Geez. My house if probably the size of their bathroom.</s><s>[agent_2]Yeah, that must be big. And the White House is mostly office space -- I wonder how big the actual living quarters are.</s><s>[agent_1]Right?! Yes and apparantly the wealthiest presidents in american history were jfk, washington and jefferson!</s><s>[agent_2]I wonder if that's old information -- I'll bet Trump is at the top of the list now.</s><s>[agent_1]Exactly what I was thinking!</s><s>[agent_2]I wish I could say I'm extremely surprised nine states blocked election observers, but given the history of irregularities and vote suppression I'm not all that surprised.</s><s>[agent_1]Isn't that the truth! So much has changed since the 1900's, the taller candidate has won the us presidential election 75% of the time... which now that I'm thinking about it I think Trump was slightly taller than Hillary.</s><s>[agent_2]LOL. I wish we could get turnout higher than 62%. But turnout in last year's midterm was as high as most presidential years, so at least that was something.</s><s>[agent_1]interesting, did you know that Nevada is the only state to have "none of these candidates" voting option for elections? thats pretty cool!</s><s>[agent_2]Yeah, I wonder what happens if a majority vote for that option -- do they have to have a new election?</s><s>[agent_1]That would be interesting to see... Especially this last election I'm sure this would have made a difference and our world would be slightly different... maybe it is in a different dimension lol</s><s>[agent_2]Yeah, just passing the measure to reenfranchise felons in Florida may have been enough to tip them over to being a permanent blue state in future elections.</s><s>[agent_1]I vote and agree we need to figure things out in a diferent way, Offials in Ancient Anthens were appointed by lottery because they beleived elections would lead to oligarchy which makes sense to think that, they have a good point but not sure how that would work here</s><s>[agent_2]I'd like to see a lot more decisions decentralized to local direct democracies.</s><s>[agent_1]I agree! and I beleive we are capable of change. I mean people have been revolutionizing this world for ages an iphone for instance has more computing power than the entire us nuclear icbm detterent</s><s>[agent_2]Yeah. And the efficiency increases for physical production aren't as high as Moore's Law, but still huge. Even though I'm worried about climate change, I'm hopeful we'll pass the energy tipping point a lot faster than people expect.</s><s>[agent_1]Me too, so many things happening around us right now. Its unbelievable to be alive and present during all these changes our world and us as a whole are going through</s><s>[agent_2]Same. Solar is becoming cheaper compared to fossil fuels so rapidly that when it's time for a generational power generation replacement, I wouldn't be at all be surprised if we went to mostly solar and wind in just a few years.</s><s>[agent_1]Whatever is best for the environment I am in! Like Unicef will donate a day of clean water to a child in need for every minute you do not use your cell phone</s><s>[agent_2]I wonder what caused them to make that particular connection?</s><s>[agent_1]I not sure but isnt it interesting how a telephone can convert sound, typically and most efficiantly human voice into electronic signals that are transmitted via cables... its truly fascinating if you really think about it.</s><s>[agent_2]Yeah, it was an amazing idea to come up with. Nice chatting with you!</s> |
<s>[agent_1]Hi, there! We've got a really great chat lined up for us! How are you? Do you believe in NFL football?</s><s>[agent_2]I love the game, I love the players so yeah, I go believe in the game and its potential, what about you my friend</s><s>[agent_1]I have great faith in football and its greatest incarnation, the NFL. I think that it is the fulfillment of prophecy.</s><s>[agent_2]Do you know who Tom Brady is? he sure has an interesting way to see the sport.</s><s>[agent_1]Tom Brady? Is he coach for the New York Patriots?</s><s>[agent_2]No he is the QB of the Patriots, his one of the best players I have seen.</s><s>[agent_1]I guess he must have a pretty good arm then. How far can he throw it? 200 yards?</s><s>[agent_2]I dont think thats possible lol, but who knows, he is like a messiah for a lot of fans so maybe he has a mechanic arm</s><s>[agent_1]He is a Messiah. Does he have his own Bible? Asking for a friend.</s><s>[agent_2]No its just a metaphor or it seems that way, there is an interesting documentary called Tom vs Time, it has interesting behind the scenes content</s><s>[agent_1]Tom has a fight with Father Time? That doesn't seem fair. Father Time is practically elderly. I guess this Tom guy picks a lot of fights metaphorically.</s><s>[agent_2]Yeah, I can see your point, did you ever hear about that player that never fumbled the ball? I cant recall his name but he played for the Patriots</s><s>[agent_1]Thanks, I can see your point too. I agree. Why didn't he ever fumble the ball? Isn't that his job? I thought those guys were paid a lot of money.</s><s>[agent_2]No, he used to play in the RB position and not fumbling the ball ever is a really hard thing to do, too bad I cant recall his name but he's one of the best I have seen</s><s>[agent_1]I guess I just don't understand the game very good. Some players throw, some catch, some kick, so I thought maybe some of them fumbled. There isn't much in the Bible about football, so I don't follow the game too well.</s><s>[agent_2]I see well its a really interesting game, one of the negative things it that theres only 11 minutes of live gameplay per match,</s><s>[agent_1]They should make the players play more. I figure that 12 or even 13 minutes should not be too much to ask for.</s><s>[agent_2]It's an odd fact, games tend to last for about 2 hours; there's a lot of breaks but only 11 minutes of gameplay seems unreal. I guess there's a lot I don't know about football.</s><s>[agent_1]Make the game four hours then. You can get more minutes of play out of those guys.</s><s>[agent_2]I guess so I love football a game with 32 teams, 2 divisions, its a great game</s><s>[agent_1]It is a tremendous game, tremendously confusing to me. Beyond my scant knowledge from the Bible. Have a good one!</s> |
<s>[agent_1]Hi! What do you think of Lady Gaga?</s><s>[agent_2]To be honest I don't think much of her, in that she rarely crosses my mind. That Poker Face was good, but's about it.</s><s>[agent_1]My favorite was Bad Romance. Did you see a Star is Born?</s><s>[agent_2]I have not, I do know of it, isn't it about the fourth time this movie has been made?</s><s>[agent_1]I dont know. It might be. I heard she won some awards for it.</s><s>[agent_2]I know it up for an Oscar, I think it might have won a Golden Globe. Does Rap interest you?</s><s>[agent_1]I like the old school stuff. Not to much into the current Mumble Rap</s><s>[agent_2]I have no idea what Mumble Rap is, I must be showing my age. How about Tupac?</s><s>[agent_1]Mumble rap is where it is kind of rap but you cant tell what they are saying. LOL I like Tupac</s><s>[agent_2]Doesn't seem much point to that. I once did a book event with Tupac's mom, Afeni Shakur, when she was promoting it.</s><s>[agent_1]That is awesome! His music is in the Library of congress.</s><s>[agent_2]Seems right, they some not discriminate based on the genre of music. If it is important then it should be in.</s><s>[agent_1]I agree, it is a part of our culture and history.</s><s>[agent_2]Is the library of congress a place you can go in? Or is it more of a virtual thing? I wonder what it means for his music to be there?</s><s>[agent_1]I dont know. I think it is like a place for records, Im interested to find out.</s><s>[agent_2]I used to live in DC, you'd think I'd know. I don't really know about these murals that people mention.</s><s>[agent_1]I visited once, I dont think I paid attention to that. I wish I had. How do you find them?</s><s>[agent_2]As with all things now, social media. The only mural I recal was one for a bar there called Madams Organ, it was located in a part of town called Adams Morgan. The mural was a bit risque.</s><s>[agent_1]There are apparently pink bubbles leading you to another one near First Street NE</s><s>[agent_2]It kind of brighten the place up, and something to talk about. When I was there they placed these donkeys and elephants all around the city, representing the two political parties. Different artists decorated them.</s><s>[agent_1]That is neat! Where I live horses are a big thing. So those are around the city and decorated too.</s><s>[agent_2]Well it was good speaking to you, I'm going to go on Spotify now and search Mumble Rap.</s> |
<s>[agent_1]Hello! Do you like Lebron James?</s><s>[agent_2]I do like Lebron James!</s><s>[agent_1]Me too! Did you hear about the space jam sequel?</s><s>[agent_2]I did. Warner Brothers and LeBron signed a new deal for it. See how it holds up to the original.</s><s>[agent_1]I hope it is as popular as the first one!</s><s>[agent_2]Yes! Judge Judy makes $123,000 per episode, making her the highest paid celebrity only after LeBron James.</s><s>[agent_1]That is unreal! She has so many epsiodes.</s><s>[agent_2]I know right? LeBron raised 6 million dollars for charity by televising "the decision" when he left Cleveland the first time.</s><s>[agent_1]I love when celebrities give back. I wish more was like that!</s><s>[agent_2]I know! I know I sure would do that if I had that much money. Some of LeBron's high school basketball games would attract 1,750 fans!</s><s>[agent_1]Wow! I wonder if it was mainly to see him? Do you know if the tickets cost money?</s><s>[agent_2]They sure did and the tickets would cost anywhere from $100 to $120!</s><s>[agent_1]That is very expensive to see high school basketball. Would you pay that?</s><s>[agent_2]I would never pay that in a million years! Even for a pro game. lol</s><s>[agent_1]Yes that is too much. Have you heard about Lebron's reebok offer?</s><s>[agent_2]Was that the one he rejected the $10 million offer from Reebok when he was 18? Did he end up getting a better deal? It's been so long I can't remember.</s><s>[agent_1]He did get a better deal! He accepted 90 million from nike!</s><s>[agent_2]Nice! Did you ever have a Nintendo?</s><s>[agent_1]Yes, all the time. Did you know it could only display a certain amount of colors.</s><s>[agent_2]Yes. I remember how excited I was when the original Nintendo entertainment system came out and it could only display 54 colors. lol It's been fun chatting!</s><s>[agent_1]I am going to go play! Have a nice day.</s> |
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