<s>[agent_1]Do you use facebook?</s><s>[agent_2]I do! I've had it practically since it first started back in 2004.</s><s>[agent_1]Nice, I stopped using it a while back to be honest.</s><s>[agent_2]Ah, I find it rather necessary for work and socialization. I bet the Myspace guys regret not buying it back when they were offered a chance.</s><s>[agent_1]Perhaps, but remember Myspace failed, so what's not to say that they wouldn't have run facebook into the ground too?</s><s>[agent_2]Well, they failed because of Facebook's popularity. I think it would've just created a super social media platform. Facebook you can decorate! Haha. Either way, they could've had for only $75 million and it's valued at quite a bit higher now.</s><s>[agent_1]That could be true, hard to say either way. Did you do the burger king promotion?</s><s>[agent_2]No, I don't like fast food plus I wouldn't sell out 10 of my friends for a free burger. What a weird social experiment to have people unfriend people in exchange for food!</s><s>[agent_1]Hilarious, how much does a whopper cost? $1.25?</s><s>[agent_2]Probably. So, get rid of your friends for a buck.</s><s>[agent_1]Do you like to read?</s><s>[agent_2]I do like to read. You?</s><s>[agent_1]yeah, have you ever read Starship troopers the book?</s><s>[agent_2]No, I didn't, but I do normally like Sci Fi!</s><s>[agent_1]I saw the movie, I can't honestly believe that the film would be any good, but heck, maybe it is.</s><s>[agent_2]Apparently, it's required reading for three branches of the military.</s><s>[agent_1]That and I hear they want them to read Ender's Game. Another movie that I saw that I thought was terrible.</s><s>[agent_2]I'm surprised we've come as a country with reading. Back in the 18th century, reading too much caused a "moral panic".</s><s>[agent_1]Hilarious. I wonder what they mean by moral panic? Anyways it was nice chatting with you.</s><s>[agent_2]There were a lot of pretty inappropriate books back in the day, very romantic and imaginative. Maybe that's why. Anyhow, enjoy your day!</s><s>[agent_1]Now it makes sense. You too!</s>
<s>[agent_1]Hello! Do you like crossword puzzles?</s><s>[agent_2]I do one occasionally. My wife is really good. Most large puzzles are 15 by 15</s><s>[agent_1]Exactly! I guess there's someone offering a set of 16 puzzles called Suite Sixteen. Great idea!</s><s>[agent_2]That would allow for different clues than normal. One can learn trivia from those clues. Like two words that have the word "taxi" in them.</s><s>[agent_1]Right? I think it would be fun, I love crossword puzzles.</s><s>[agent_2]I have tried an flopped at the New York Times puzzle. It is too tough for me normally. Do you follow Game of Thrones?</s><s>[agent_1]Those are tough puzzles! I have never seen an episode of Game of Thrones and I think I am the only person on the planet that hasn't haha....I hear it is based off of a set of fantasy novels?</s><s>[agent_2]It is. It is filmed in several locations around the world. It is pretty complicated itself. There are 7 kingdoms involved.</s><s>[agent_1]I have heard my friends rant and rave about it, I believ it came out in 2011?</s><s>[agent_2]Several of the "heroes" died in previous seasons. There are 8 episodes left to be shown (I think) Maybe some day you can binge watch it.</s><s>[agent_1]So I hear the show will be ending after 2019? I guess if it is on Netflix I can binge for days lol....which I have done before.</s><s>[agent_2]There is still suspense for me. I don't know if the thrones will be consolidated, if they are, who will win and how much damage the sort of supernatural creatures may do. Have you heard anything about the stars?</s><s>[agent_1]I have no idea who any of the characters or stars are, but it is such a huge deal with so many I should probably check it out.</s><s>[agent_2]One of them is the great-great-great grandson of Charles Dickens.</s><s>[agent_1]Oh wow, that is interesting! I think I heard that Charlie Chaplin's granddaughter plays a part as well.</s><s>[agent_2]That is right. Also, a lot of Americans are naming their daughters Arya based on one of the characters.</s><s>[agent_1]I love that name, very pretty. Is it a good character?</s><s>[agent_2]Yes. Some of the females have been in the show for so long that they have grown from 12 or 13 year old kids to young women in their early twenties. The show is financed by Ireland because it increase tourism there.</s><s>[agent_1]Wow, so it is like many other shows that I watch and you literally watch these people grow up and some go gray lol. I will have to get on my computer and get on Netflix and see if I can find it there.</s><s>[agent_2]It may be on HBO on demand rather than Netflix, I am not sure. There is even a Nat Geo Wild show called game of lions that is a take off on the "Thrones" show.</s><s>[agent_1]Ok I will check it out on those channels. I think that National Geographic show is pretty clever by following Game of thrones like that....</s><s>[agent_2]It is a testament to the popularity of the show. I will probably binge it myself someday to make sure I followed it all. Well, my wife has a cold so I am going to leave now and fill the humidifier. Nice chatting with you.</s><s>[agent_1]Oh I hope she feels better soon! Have a great evening!</s><s>[agent_2]Bye</s>
<s>[agent_1]Hello - how are you doing today?</s><s>[agent_2]I'm great! Are you interesting in government?</s><s>[agent_1]I am interested in some government things. I saw that Wikileaks published the government's plan to destroy Wikileaks.</s><s>[agent_2]Wikileaks is not going to be outsmarted by the government. I'm not sure how the gov't could destroy Wikileaks anyway. Too many sites, too many backups.</s><s>[agent_1]I agree. Did you know 86% of the land in Nevada is owned by the government?</s><s>[agent_2]The gov't must be up to something in Nevada. Maybe Wikileaks knows something about this.</s><s>[agent_1]That's where Area 51 is located so I'm sure there are lots of secret bases in that state.</s><s>[agent_2]I think Area 51 is in New Mexico, but I'm not sure. Lots of open space in Nevada.</s><s>[agent_1]Oh yea you might be right lol. In 2006, the US passed a bill that would protect the government employees from being charged for violating the geneva conventions.</s><s>[agent_2]I think that is wrong, but probably there to protect military contractors and stuff. A lot of war going on in 2006. Probably a lot of liability.</s><s>[agent_1]Yea, I was deployed to Iraq for the war back in 2005-2006 and then again in 2007.</s><s>[agent_2]Hm. I guess that you would be protected under the law. You made it back safe and sound I trust? The gov't has no plans to send you again?</s><s>[agent_1]Yes, I made it back safe and sound thankfully. I was infantry so had some close calls. No plans to deploy again. My enlisted contract ended back in 2008 so I'm finished and 33 years old now.</s><s>[agent_2]Your gov't service is done! The government has actually shut down 17 times over the past 37 years. it happened 3 times in 1977. During the recent shutdown, most of the military got paid, if I remember correctly.</s><s>[agent_1]Oh wow I didn't know that. That's good the military stills gets paid during the shutdown. Do you like boots?</s><s>[agent_2]I don't wear boots usually. I think they are useful for some kinds of work and for cold weather. You?</s><s>[agent_1]I always wear boots. Especially when I ride my motorcycle.</s><s>[agent_2]That's good! Stay safe. Dress for the slide, not for the ride.</s><s>[agent_1]Haha yep. The Ugg boot was invented by surfers to keep their feet warm after leaving the cold ocean.</s><s>[agent_2]And now it's a fashion statement. I don't think the boots are stylish, but what would I know. I don't wear boots.</s><s>[agent_1]Great talking to you!</s>
<s>[agent_1]Hello</s><s>[agent_2]Hi. How are you? I was just reading a new novel about the wired life.</s><s>[agent_1]Yes. Tech has become part of most peoples daily lives</s><s>[agent_2]It's amazing that SiFi has become our new norm. Mobile phones and genetic modification are things we are accustomed to.</s><s>[agent_1]I am someone who does not like to go out without my phone</s><s>[agent_2]Me too. Especially since I have my Kindle app on it, with all my books. Right now I'm reading The Oracle Year by Charles Soule. Have you heard of him? He worked on Daredevil and Death of Wolverine.</s><s>[agent_1]No. But I have heard those titles before.</s><s>[agent_2]I'm so into Sci-Fi. I love that it depicts phenomena that is not fully accepted by the mainstream, but still uses scientific plausibility and plot logic.</s><s>[agent_1]I like sci fi films. I always look for new sci fi movies or series</s><s>[agent_2]Any in particular you like? 2001: A Space Odyssey is still my fav.</s><s>[agent_1]The first star wars But I like most sci fi movies if they are decent</s><s>[agent_2]Any authors you like? Bethanne Patrick has a good collection of authors in "The Books That Changed My Life"</s><s>[agent_1]I have not heard of that I will check it out</s><s>[agent_2]I hope you let me know how you like it. You might like "The Feed" too.</s><s>[agent_1]I think thats going to be a series on Amazon</s><s>[agent_2]Is it? I would def watch it.</s><s>[agent_1]Yes. it premiers this year sometime</s><s>[agent_2]Can you imagine IM in someone's head?</s><s>[agent_1]Yes thats really something</s><s>[agent_2]Any other movies, books, or shows that you are into?</s><s>[agent_1]I liked the lost series on tv</s><s>[agent_2]That was a beautiful show, both in the writing and visually. It's probably the best bit of TV Sci-Fi since 1997.</s><s>[agent_1]Yes I thought so too</s><s>[agent_2]It's been nice chatting with you, but I'd better get back to work.</s><s>[agent_1]you too</s><s>[agent_2]Let me know how you like the new Sci-Fi stuff you check out, though.</s>
<s>[agent_1]Hey, how you doing there?</s><s>[agent_2]wonderful how about you</s><s>[agent_1]I'm great! Have you heard of the sport called football?</s><s>[agent_2]Yes! I live in America and just watched the super bowl! what about you?</s><s>[agent_1]Sometimes I watch the SB. I think it's funny that n the 60's bowlers made twice as much as top football stars.</s><s>[agent_2]Also find that funny. Are you from the US?</s><s>[agent_1]I am. I grew up there. Many of my friends are American. Are you from the US?</s><s>[agent_2]Yes I am. crazy that there are no written rules against female players</s><s>[agent_1]I think that women would add class to the game. They could be punters, kickers, place holders. They are a bunch of jobs that women could do!</s><s>[agent_2]Female soccer players should be punters.</s><s>[agent_1]Or kickers. That would be great! Little girls would dream of becoming football players! Then again, they should probably dream of being engineers. The average lifetime earnings of an engineer is higher than the average lifetime earnings of an nfl player and an average mlb player.</s><s>[agent_2]I am guessing that is because their career lengths are longer.</s><s>[agent_1]That's true. Plus you gotta be real smart, and I am certainly not that. An average NFL game only has 11 minutes of live gameplay. That's pretty good pay on a per minute basis.</s><s>[agent_2]Haha radios in Canada are requires 40 percent of music played to be Canadian.</s><s>[agent_1]Canadians want equality! They want to make sure that their own artists get airplay.</s><s>[agent_2]Seriously! Guess it is not the worst idea.</s><s>[agent_1]I think the storms on Jupiter probably sound better than most of the Top 40 on the radio these days.</s><s>[agent_2]I definitely agree with that. Crazy that radios can pick up the storms in Jupiter.</s><s>[agent_1]There are many crazy things on the radio these days, A Finnish radio station has broadcast 'nuntii latini' - a weekly news program conducted entirely in classical latin</s><s>[agent_2]That is fascinating.</s><s>[agent_1]I know! Isn't it? Anyhows, nice chatting with youse!</s><s>[agent_2]You as well!</s><s>[agent_1]Oh yeah.</s>
<s>[agent_1]I really enjoy fantasy related books and television. Are you a fan?</s><s>[agent_2]I enjoy certain authors and shows. What is your favorite?</s><s>[agent_1]I have really gotten into Game of Thrones recently. But I like others as well</s><s>[agent_2]Game of Thrones is good. I haven't watched the most recent season. I really liked the Harry Potter books and movies. Would you consider them fantasy?</s><s>[agent_1]I would. They are very good too. My roommate introduced me to the World of Potter in college. I originally thought they were just for kids. I was wrong</s><s>[agent_2]Yes! I have even gotten my children to begin reading the books. Do you like football?</s><s>[agent_1]I am a big football fan. I played QB in high school and still follow the sport</s><s>[agent_2]Really! That is great! I can't believe that Tom Brady was a back up QB to a losing team in high school. Seems unimaginable.</s><s>[agent_1]Shows how much hard work pays off. Now he has won several super bowls and is considered one of the best ever.</s><s>[agent_2]Yes. Hard work pays off. Alex Smith knew about hard work as well. He took so many AP tests in HS he started as a junior. That is dedication as well.</s><s>[agent_1]And he has had quite the long and successful career as well. Sometimes smarts is better to have in football than athletic ability.</s><s>[agent_2]Take you on in life after the athletic ability goes away. When you were a QB, were you a righty or lefty? Kellan Moore is the only lefty in the NFL.</s><s>[agent_1]I am a lefty myself. Yes, traditionally most QBs are right handed.</s><s>[agent_2]Interesting. Do you follow music much? Do you know/like Drake?</s><s>[agent_1]I know of Drake, I cannot say I listen to a lot of his music.</s><s>[agent_2]Me either. I do know of him, especially form his work on Degrassi.</s><s>[agent_1]He has become very successful. Not bad for a guy who got his start on what is basically a Canadian version of Saved By the Bell</s><s>[agent_2]Yes, I liked that show as well. The only song I know of his is In My Feelings. They played is at our HS a few times.</s><s>[agent_1]He has won several awards and millions of record sales</s><s>[agent_2]Yes he has. He can spend all his millions on first editions of classic children's books.</s><s>[agent_1]What's the point of being a millionaire if you can't buy a bunch of expensive stuff?</s>
<s>[agent_1]hi how are you? do you like the moon?</s><s>[agent_2]Hi, I love the moon!! I love to watch a full moon</s><s>[agent_1]I dont usually pay attention to it, but it has shaped so much of human culture.</s><s>[agent_2]It has, but the earth is not the only planet with a moon, Mars has a moon named phobos</s><s>[agent_1]Many planets have moons. ours is synchronized so that it always shows the same face to us.</s><s>[agent_2]Do you know what the highest point of the moon is?</s><s>[agent_1]I have no idea. i cant imagine that it is that high. the earth is much bigger.</s><s>[agent_2]It is 1938 mts higher than Mt Everest</s><s>[agent_1]Whoa. that is high. i wouldnt want to climb that, even in low gravity. if you fall, you could die.</s><s>[agent_2]It looks like they wanted to put a UN flag instead of an american flag on the moon! but regardless we cannot see it</s><s>[agent_1]yeah, i heard that the flag would be bleached white after all the radiation hitting it. soon the chinese will have flags everywhere</s><s>[agent_2]That is probably true! Hey , do you like music?</s><s>[agent_1]i love music. what kind of music do you like?</s><s>[agent_2]I love all kinds of music, especially rock, I like to play the bass and would like to play violin!</s><s>[agent_1]That is great! the bass is a great instrument. every band needs a bass player. the violin is a fussy instrument though.</s><s>[agent_2]I found interesting that Einstein played the violin and the piano really well!</s><s>[agent_1]the creative, intellectual mind needs many outlets, including creative ones.</s><s>[agent_2]He said that great scientists are also great artists!</s><s>[agent_1]Yes, but great artists are not great scientists! why is that? anyway, great chat!</s><s>[agent_2]Yes so much to talk about, music, astronomy.. It has been great I agree!</s><s>[agent_1]Have a good night!</s><s>[agent_2]You too!!</s>
<s>[agent_1]did you know that a hockey player can lose up to eight pounds over the course of one game</s><s>[agent_2]Hi! No I didn't know that, are you a hockey fan?</s><s>[agent_1]kind of, I'm watching the superbowl right now though haha, I guess Canada's national sports are both hockey and lacrosse, I would have thought it was just hockey</s><s>[agent_2]Ahah 100%, and that is weird yeah I would've thought it's just hockey by far. It's obviously much bigger in Canada than here though. I know the U.S. Olympic Women's team lost to a New England high school team once.</s><s>[agent_1]ya Canada is really good, I guess one year at the Olympics they scored 132 goals and only let in 3!</s><s>[agent_2]God I can't imagine the other team's disappointment. That must be how Bulgaria felt when their women's team lost to Slovakia 82-0.</s><s>[agent_1]that is crazy, are you a dog or a cat person?</s><s>[agent_2]I'm definitely more of a dog person, and yourself?</s><s>[agent_1]yes I like dogs a lot more, did you know that Google is officially a pro-dog company? haha</s><s>[agent_2]Wow, I wonder how they even chose that! Although it makes sense, dogs are intelligent, they can actually learn over 1000 words!</s><s>[agent_1]wow that is wild, did you know that dogs have over 12 different blood types?</s><s>[agent_2]Definitely more complex than humans all of a sudden. They can also be just like us though, some dogs have even learnt how to use the subway.</s><s>[agent_1]ya they're so smart, also I always thought that dogs were colorblind, but they actually just can't see as many colors as a person can</s><s>[agent_2]That's interesting, dogs are certainly more than we give credit to. Dogs even have eureka moments, just like we do!</s><s>[agent_1]that is crazy! also, only dogs and elephants respond and understand pointing, no other animals do!</s><s>[agent_2]Haha I guess elephants are intelligent too! On another note, are you a Disney movie fan?</s><s>[agent_1]yes I am, one of my favorite movies is Dumbo, speaking of elephants haha</s><s>[agent_2]Right on cue haha. Disney values their older films like Dumbo a lot, they actually used a special camera to make those films more realistic.</s><s>[agent_1]wow I didn't know that I guess the movie Frozen was the first disney movie to be directed by a female</s><s>[agent_2]That's surprising, you'd think a huge company would be more progressive. Maybe they value celebrity stars more, the original vultures in the jungle book were actually supposed to be voiced by the Beatles.</s><s>[agent_1]wow that would have been cool! did you know that the lion king was dubbed into zulu for its release?</s>
<s>[agent_1]Hello, did you know there about 20 quintillion individual animals on the planet earth?</s><s>[agent_2]That's a lot of species of animals! And they all have a dominant side like we do with our writing and such</s><s>[agent_1]Yeah thats interesting. I think my dog is a left paw doggy.</s><s>[agent_2]That's very possible. Have you ever had in interest in studying animals as a professional zoologist?</s><s>[agent_1]Yes some, but more marine biology. How about you?</s><s>[agent_2]I've never really been into animals that much, but I do find random facts interesting. Like how there's a lawyer who represents animals in court in Switzerland</s><s>[agent_1]I wonder why animals need a lawyer lol</s><s>[agent_2]I'm not sure why they would in Switzerland, but I wonder if that gig pays well</s><s>[agent_1]I hear animals develop a white patch on their forhead when they are domesticated lol</s><s>[agent_2]I wonder if domesticated animals have a different "dialect" than those in the wild. I've heard their noises differ by geographic region</s><s>[agent_1]Right, maybe they speak slang because they are around humans all the time lol</s><s>[agent_2]I can see that happening in one of those animated movies. I wonder how they cal tell if an animal is immortal or not</s><s>[agent_1]Probably after a certain age their organs are still the same, theres no sign of aging.</s><s>[agent_2]I'm not sure how they can tell the organs of a jellyfish, but I guess they're the experts</s><s>[agent_1]Well most jelly fish are see through, so I imagine its not that hard lol I wonder if the lobster and jelly fish know they are immortal, or do they just go a long life trying not to get eaten lol</s><s>[agent_2]Perhaps maybe all lobster would be immortal if they weren't so delicious</s><s>[agent_1]Very good point! We are probably the reason it doesnt seem like it could be immortal. lol</s><s>[agent_2]It's better than all the animals being hit by cars. The Netherlands is actually constructing a special bridge to connect habitats for animals</s><s>[agent_1]Thats great! Do you have any animals?</s><s>[agent_2]I'm not quite sure how the bridges would work though. And no, I don't. My roommate used to have a fish, but he died</s><s>[agent_1]Oh Im sorry. Scottish protection of animals act protects the loch ness monster!</s>
<s>[agent_1]Hey do you ever watch girls soccer?</s><s>[agent_2]Yes. What do you think about Claire Constant being named Player of the Year in the DC Metro area?</s><s>[agent_1]I think that's a great honor! I know that Virginia had a great season, they scored 23 goals</s><s>[agent_2]Lauren Flynn of Yorktown One scored 25 goals. She's only a Sophomore. Maybe she'll be Player of the Year in the future.</s><s>[agent_1]Yeah I could see that. I think she's really talented. How often do you watch soccer by the way</s><s>[agent_2]Every now and then. Watched an EPL game earlier today (ManU won late). "Association football" isn't my favorite type of football.</s><s>[agent_1]Haha it's not my favorite either, did you ever watch The Daily Show with Jon Stewart? Apparently he used to play professional soccer and was pretty good</s><s>[agent_2]Yeah, I like John Stewart. I admire their fitness. They run something like 7 miles in a match.</s><s>[agent_1]Yeah that is crazy. What do you think about tennis by the way? I do like tennis more than soccer myself</s><s>[agent_2]I don't play tennis but will watch the big events. I play table tennis... er, Ping Pong (which is actually a company name).</s><s>[agent_1]LOL that's a funny way to put it. Did you know that the polo shirt was not actually invented for the game of Polo? It was invented by a tennis player</s><s>[agent_2]I hadn't heard that. But I don't know anyone who plays polo. Did you know tennis rackets didn't used to be required by rule. You could use any object to hit the ball.</s><s>[agent_1]No I didn't know that. That's crazy! Did you know too that there's only been one black man to win the US Open title, and that was back in 1968</s><s>[agent_2]My guess would be Arthur Ashe. Of course, black woman have won a bunch of titles now.</s><s>[agent_1]Yes I think you're right. Did you hear that in 1969 the tennis Association used a helicopter to dry a grass tennis court LOL</s><s>[agent_2]That reminds me of how Greenland can't join FIFA for soccer because they don't have enough grass growing there.</s><s>[agent_1]Yeah that's a silly rule, you think they could just use fake grass or something haha. Do you know who Rodger Federer is by the way</s><s>[agent_2]Sure! Federer is one of the all-time greats.</s><s>[agent_1]Yep he's awesome! It's amazing that Gael Monfils beat the Federer of paddle tennis after learning how to play a couple days previously</s><s>[agent_2]That's wild. Seems impossible. Kind of like the old story of a teenage female who struck out Babe Ruth and Lou Gehrig.</s><s>[agent_1]Yeah I wonder what happened to her. She was only seventeen when she did that I think right? Also do you know what kickball is</s>
<s>[agent_1]Looks like Tegan Marie will be the next thing in country music... at age 15.</s><s>[agent_2]That for sure! Did you see her at the Macy's Thanksgiving parade?</s><s>[agent_1]No, I missed it. She is going to bring Gen Z to country music.</s><s>[agent_2]That will be huge for country music. Gen Z is expected to have up to $143 billion in spending power. Talk about some serious dough!</s><s>[agent_1]Tegan Marie has that powerhouse voice.</s><s>[agent_2]That's right. She has been called "a little superstar" by her peers.</s><s>[agent_1]She showed so much promise that her parents were invited to LA to meet with music executives when she was 12.</s><s>[agent_2]That would be so cool. Tegan was part of Radio Disney. I bet she met a lot of really cool people.</s><s>[agent_1]She sang for producer Scott Hendricks, who got her working on her first album.</s><s>[agent_2]That's a really big name in country. Tegan has been compared to another big name in country music. She is often compared to Taylor Swift.</s><s>[agent_1]If she is half as good as Swift, she will have a tremendous career.</s><s>[agent_2]That's for sure! Swift was the youngest artist to ever be signed by Sony/ATV Music.</s><s>[agent_1]And Tegan Marie is the youngest singer to be signed to a major label since Tanya Tucker. And Tanya Tucker has had a great career singing country.</s><s>[agent_2]I'm a big fan of country music, but was surprised when I found out the Fender Stratocaster was intended for country music. I think of other genres for this instrument first.</s><s>[agent_1]What a great guitar that is. Country music evolved from so many forms... hillbilly, western, with a bit of blues added in.</s><s>[agent_2]It even crossed into sports! In 1996, NFL players were featured in an album called NFL Country singing along with current country music stars.</s><s>[agent_1]Even U2 did country music. Then opened for themselves in 1987 disguised in costumes and wigs.</s><s>[agent_2]I don't think of U2 at all when I think of country music, even though it is often mixed with Irish and Celtic tunes and English ballads. I usually think of working class Americans when I think of country.</s><s>[agent_1]Working class music is right... ballads and dance tunes, simple lyrics, steel guitars and fiddles.</s><s>[agent_2]Country music is the most popular genre played in rush hour. That's gotta be something for the working class!</s><s>[agent_1]Yes, music for the masses!</s>
<s>[agent_1]Do you know much about football?</s><s>[agent_2]I know a little bit like how former Patriots RB Benjarvus Green-Ellis has never fumbled the football in his nfl career.</s><s>[agent_1]That is amazing. Brady has totally changed the game for the Patriots. It is crazy the charges that have been made against Kraft the owner.</s><s>[agent_2]I agree. How crazy is that? ESPN won an emmy for the creation of the superimposed yellow first down line on tv.</s><s>[agent_1]I always wondered how that happened on tv. It always got my attention.</s><s>[agent_2]Do you know what the highest score ever was for a football game?</s><s>[agent_1]Was it 222-0 Georgia Tech? That was a crazy game.</s><s>[agent_2]Correct! In the 1960's top bowlers made twice as much as the top football stars!</s><s>[agent_1]Who even watches bowling? haha</s><s>[agent_2]lol The University of Iowa's visitors locker room is painted completely pink.</s><s>[agent_1]I heard that before. I think it would only be for the other team. It's kind of sexist saying they are girlie. HAHA</s><s>[agent_2]lol yes There is no written rule that prevents a female from playing in the NFL. lol Maybe someday one will try to make it.</s><s>[agent_1]Maybe they were trying to attract females. LOL.</s><s>[agent_2]lol Why not? The more the better I say. An average NFL game only has 11 minutes of live gameplay. Short time for the big bucks they make off of the fans.</s><s>[agent_1]It is amazing. Since it goes on and on and on when you watch it on tv. Sells a lot more beers that way.</s><s>[agent_2]lol The average lifetime earnings of an engineer is higher than the average lifetime earnings of an NFL player and an average MLB player.</s><s>[agent_1]Plus, you don't have the medical bills as an engineer.</s><s>[agent_2]True! Didn't think of that. Baker Mayfield once considered quitting football to pursue a full time competitive gaming career. That would have been a crazy thing to do.</s><s>[agent_1]He should have become an engineer. He would have been very wealthy.</s><s>[agent_2]lol No doubt. Do you have a favorite NFL team?</s><s>[agent_1]I guess the Buccaneers since they are from here. I really don't watch much football. It used to be only so I knew if there would be traffic when I went to work. My job was only blocks from the stadium.</s><s>[agent_2]Nice! Mine is the Steelers. Well it's been fun chatting! Have a nice day!</s>
<s>[agent_1]Good afternoon!</s><s>[agent_2]On afternoons like this, I sometimes just want to break out into dancing</s><s>[agent_1]Like modern dance or square dancing?</s><s>[agent_2]Square dancing is hard to do by myself, but it is something I enjoy doing in a large group. I think it's something we're born with because babies by instinct start dancing and smiling when music is playing</s><s>[agent_1]We played Mozart and and Chopin to my wife's belly when she was pregnant - do you think that really works?</s><s>[agent_2]I wouldn't be surprised if it does. It's an art form that all cultures have some form of. And all of us know Michael Jackson for his dance moves</s><s>[agent_1]Michael Jackson's dance moves are so transcendent that he's still relevant and got the Virginia Governor in trouble!</s><s>[agent_2]I've heard that to get the extreme lean in those moves, he had a patent on a device. I wonder how it works</s><s>[agent_1]It was a slot in his shoe that hooked to a nail in the floor, creating that really cool lean effect. Smooth Criminal was the video I think.</s><s>[agent_2]Wow! That's smart. Even Bruce Lee has had some great dancing back in his day. Back in 1958, he won the ch-cha championship in Hong Kong</s><s>[agent_1]You certainly know a lot about dancing! I did not know that about Bruce Lee, but it doesn't surprise me because most Martial Arts are very dance like involving routines.</s><s>[agent_2]That's true. Tupac is another one who had a background of dancing. In high school he did ballet and played the mouse king in the Nutcracker.</s><s>[agent_1]I wan't a huge Tupac fan as a musician/rapper, but one of the movies he was in, Juice, is one of my favorites. So again, it doesn't surprise me, ballet a little maybe, that he was also a good dancer.</s><s>[agent_2]Sometimes I wonder what shoe they wear. I know ballet dancers wear pointe shoes, and professionals can go through four pairs in a week!</s><s>[agent_1]That has to be painful, pointe shoes and pointeing on your tippy toes - I can't imagine. The things people do for art and dance right?</s><s>[agent_2]True. Dancing is good exercise though. One of my old roommates used to watch clips from the TV show "So You Think You Can Dance"</s><s>[agent_1]I knew a few girls in high school and college who were ballet dancers and their feet and toes were mangled! They all loved it tho!</s><s>[agent_2]Everyone has their passion. Have you ever seen any of those dancing television shows?</s><s>[agent_1]I know of them, but don't really watch. I like the Simpsons, if a baseball game isn't on. Bart is an icon and in has only not appeared in one episode in the history of the show!</s><s>[agent_2]I guess it makes sense since he is a main character. The crew of the Simpsons sent flowers to the producers of South Park when their finale aired. That's some good camaraderie</s><s>[agent_1]Small industry = camaraderie and respect. I wonder if Pokemon in Japan is like the Simpsons in America?</s><s>[agent_2]There are over 16 years' worth of episodes with 50 per year. It must be popular!</s>
<s>[agent_1]Five new comic books does not sound like a lot. I wonder what he will be paid?</s><s>[agent_2]That doesn't sound like a ton but it seems like there are a lot of new characters so maybe it will be a really cool read.</s><s>[agent_1]Oh, I see, he wanted the experience of Bruce Wayne. No plan for author Bryan Hill to buy the F430. New characters?</s><s>[agent_2]Yeah it looks like he added Black Lightning and Orphan. I think that Signal and Batgirl make an appearance too. Maybe it will be a fun short run of these characters together.</s><s>[agent_1]What does Signal do? What is the super power?</s><s>[agent_2]I'm not sure. I think Signal is from the suicide squad which seems like an odd team up for Batman. But i guess he is kind of an anti hero in a sense.</s><s>[agent_1]It would seem that Hill is also trying to make political statements with comics. Cant we just have some Bam POW , SOCKOW fun.</s><s>[agent_2]That is the classic Batman that I knew growing up. I will always sort of think of Adam West as Batman. He is iconic.</s><s>[agent_1]Yes Adam West on the TV show. It was funny to hear his voice on the Simpsons. Batman first appeared in DC comics in 1939.</s><s>[agent_2]He actually has the logo of batman etched on one of his molars. Talk about dedication to the character.</s><s>[agent_1]I wonder if Adam West knows anyone named Alfred. It would be a fun joke for all of five minutes I guess.</s><s>[agent_2]That would be pretty hilarious. Stick them all in New Jersey where Gotham City is supposedly located in the fictional universe and it could make for some hilarious jokes.</s><s>[agent_1]Think of the Christmas card the two could make. Alfred and I would like to wish you a happy whatever. I wonder why the batman and the joker never refer to each other by name.</s><s>[agent_2]Hmm that is very strange. I know in some comics they were friends before they became enemies. Maybe that is why.</s><s>[agent_1]What are you doing here batsy. Do cute nick names count? Must be a comics only kind of thing, not the TV show or movies.</s><s>[agent_2]Must be. I wonder which Batman comic had the condiment king. I don't remember him as a villian. I can't imagine it was a very good battle though.</s><s>[agent_1]I do not know. police commissioner Gordon might have been taken prisoner by a hot dog covered in ketchup. What is more important, super powers or super tech?</s><s>[agent_2]I'm hoping super tech because honestly if they made a super villian by dunking him in some radioactive ketchup or something that issue deserved to flop and never be known by most of the public.</s><s>[agent_1]The base for almost all the super heroes today came from the 1930's. To bad we dont have a modern hero. Able to create power points with the click of a mouse. Surfs web pages like they were water, its office worker dude.</s><s>[agent_2]That would be really cool. Too bad Stan Lee passed. I could totally see him creating something like that.</s><s>[agent_1]Your radioactive ketchup might play a role in neutralizing the smell from the guy that microwaves fish in the office kitchen.</s><s>[agent_2]There could be a whole thing of office themed comics. It would be fun if they broke the fourth wall like they do in the show the office. That could lead to some really funny situations.</s><s>[agent_1]There is a insurance commercial where people use office binders like armor. They are gladiators. It could be fun. The manager would end phone calls with excelsior.</s><s>[agent_2]Just like Stan Lee did! Well it has been nice chatting with you. Have a great day!</s>
<s>[agent_1]Are you a spider man fan?</s><s>[agent_2]I am, how about you?!</s><s>[agent_1]I've been a fan since I read one of the comic books when I was a kid.</s><s>[agent_2]My uncle is big in the comic book industry and was actually friends with Stan Lee who created Spider man.</s><s>[agent_1]That is awesome! I might have crossed paths with him at a comic con convention somewhere. I would love to go to the San Diego one. Did you know that Stan Lee used to end every phone conversation he had with the word "excelsior!"</s><s>[agent_2]That is hilarious. I did not. It is cool that the us military is trying to achieve spiderman like abilities for their soldiers.</s><s>[agent_1]That is neat! Did you know that DC stands for Detective Comics?</s><s>[agent_2]I always wondered that. Crazy that there are over 300 registered superheroes in the US.</s><s>[agent_1]That is crazy. The Michigan State University holds the largest available comic book collection in the world. Neat!</s><s>[agent_2]Thats crazy. My favorite superhero is definitely normalman.</s><s>[agent_1]Nice! He was the only person without superpowers right?</s><s>[agent_2]Yep, in a planet full of superheroes. Must have been boring for him.</s><s>[agent_1]lol There was a comic series about fixing collateral damage caused by superheroes. I'm not familiar with that one.</s><s>[agent_2]That is interesting. Me neither. There was actually a Garfield book series spinoff called pet force that featured Garfield and a gang of heroes.</s><s>[agent_1]That would be neat! I was a big Garfield fan when I was a kid. Did you know the first comic book released in the US was in 1933 and was called Famous Funnies?</s><s>[agent_2]I heard it was a reprinting of earlier news comic strips.</s><s>[agent_1]Interesting. I wasn't sure of the content. I didn't know that Joe Perry from Aerosmith performed the opening to the 1990's Spider Man animated series.</s><s>[agent_2]That is cool. Stan Lee actually received nothing from the first spider man.</s><s>[agent_1]I never knew that. Wow. The US military is trying to achieve Spider Man like abilities for the soldiers. That would be neat to see.</s><s>[agent_2]That would be. Guess they will be able to swing from place to place instead of using tanks! HA</s><s>[agent_1]yes! lol It was nice chatting with you! I have to get going. Have a good day!</s>
<s>[agent_1]Do you like reading books? I think its an important habit that is getting lost</s><s>[agent_2]yes, for sure. have you ever read starship troopers?</s><s>[agent_1]Yes I have, I think its a great book full with tips that can come in handy in real combat or at least it seems that way.</s><s>[agent_2]I guess that is why it is on the reading listof three of five military branches</s><s>[agent_1]Yeah I heard Enders game is another of the recommended books, I thought the movie was good, havent read the book yet.</s><s>[agent_2]nice. do you know who anne jones is?</s><s>[agent_1]No, not really, who is she?</s><s>[agent_2]she is the woman that holds the speed reading record</s><s>[agent_1]There is a record for speed reading, that is a new one of me lol, whats her record?</s><s>[agent_2]her record is 4700 word per minute.</s><s>[agent_1]Wow that is really fast, I wonder how they meassured her speed, I might have to look for that info later,</s><s>[agent_2]yeah not sure about it. imagine, there was a moral panic because people were reading novels</s><s>[agent_1]That seems like a silly idea to have a panic for lol, do you like cars?</s><s>[agent_2]yes, i do actually. do you know how the drive thru came about?</s><s>[agent_1]No not really, how did the idea started?</s><s>[agent_2]soldiers were not allowed to get out of the car in their uniforms</s><s>[agent_1]Oh I see so thats why the drive-thru service was created, do you know what food chain came up with the idea?</s><s>[agent_2]yeah it was mc donald's</s><s>[agent_1]It was a great idea indeed, you know that you can equip flamethrowers on your car in South Africa and it will be totally legal!</s><s>[agent_2]i guess they really need to protect their cars. do you know who jann mardenborugh is</s><s>[agent_1]No who is Jann Mardenborugh?</s><s>[agent_2]a professional car drivers. guess how he got the title</s><s>[agent_1]He learn how to drive at a young age and he was a natural?</s><s>[agent_2]he just beat many people on gran turismo. nice chat</s>
<s>[agent_1]Hello, lets talk abut the NFL. Did you know that there is no written rule that women can not play?</s><s>[agent_2]Hi, yeah, I had heard that. Wonder why one hasn't tried to play, yet?</s><s>[agent_1]if they meet the leagues's eligibility requirements they could play, I wonder what the requirements are.</s><s>[agent_2]Probably physically tougher than a lot would want to attempt. A kicker would make a nice start, though!</s><s>[agent_1]The games seem so long while watching , but there is only 11 minutes of live game play on average</s><s>[agent_2]I feel your pain! The last Super Bowl dragged on over three hours. Too much standing around and other nonsense. It should be streamlined and made faster.</s><s>[agent_1]Did you know that over a life time an engineer can make more money then an nfl player</s><s>[agent_2]Wow, that's interesting. But, I guess that's an average player, not a Tom Brady type. Do you have a favorite team?</s><s>[agent_1]Patriots are mine, what about you? Engineers can also make more then an mlb player over a lifetime</s><s>[agent_2]New England Patriots are my favorite team, also! Go Pats!</s><s>[agent_1]There are tracking chips that are located in player's shoulders pads to track them on the field</s><s>[agent_2]I read there are also chips placed in the balls that track various things, as well. The NFL is getting so high tech, aren't they?</s><s>[agent_1]yes, Lets talk about the NBA next. Nike used to pay the fine for Jordan to wear Air Jordan's</s><s>[agent_2]I remember when they were banned when they first came out. Nike had the money to pay all those fines, it didn't matter they made it all back from the exposure it gave them. Everybody wanted a pair of Air Jordan's!</s><s>[agent_1]Tim duncan could have went straight to the NBA but decided to stay in college instead.</s><s>[agent_2]That was very smart of him to do. Always good to have a fall back career, in case basketball doesn't work out. The statistics are not good for the average player after leaving the game. Within 5 years, most are bankrupt.</s><s>[agent_1]interesting, I dont think that will happen to Allen Iverson since he signed an endorsement deal with reebok paying him 32 million at age 55</s><s>[agent_2]He made one good deal! I would like to have him negotiate for me! Lol</s><s>[agent_1]I agree, it also pays him 800,000 a year which sounds like a really good deal to me</s><s>[agent_2]Do you have a favorite basketball team?</s><s>[agent_1]I dont really. You? Reggie Miller's sister was also very good at basketball breaking 8 national records. Nice talking to you today</s>
<s>[agent_1]Hey! Do you watch baseball?</s><s>[agent_2]Hello - I do. What about you?</s><s>[agent_1]I used to watch much more in my college years. What's your favorite team?</s><s>[agent_2]The Cincinnati Reds. What about you?</s><s>[agent_1]Boston Red Sox. Do you know that baseball is very popular in Japan? I've just read about it and surprised why.</s><s>[agent_2]I have heard that it is very popular in Japan. Did you know baseball managers wear uniforms because they are technically able to play for their team if needed.</s><s>[agent_1]I knew it quite recently. I didn't know it for long time. I'm wondering about any cases when it happened. Do you know?</s><s>[agent_2]Not sure of any cases where it has happened.</s><s>[agent_1]In Canada kickball is also called soccer-baseball. It's quite weird name from my point lol</s><s>[agent_2]What a very odd name lol! A man once found $3 million dollars worth of baseball cards.</s><s>[agent_1]Lucky man! I don't have such luck. Just want to change topic. Do you like Jay-Z?</s><s>[agent_2]Very lucky man! I'm not a huge fan of his music. What about you?</s><s>[agent_1]I'm not. Just read some facts about him. I didn't know he was born in 1969. It means he will be 50 this year if I'm right</s><s>[agent_2]Oh wow yea he's getting up there. I thought he was younger than that. Jay-Z was the ghostwriter for a song on the Space Jam soundtrack.</s><s>[agent_1]I also didn't know that this song "California gurls" was actually a west cost vs east coast answer song to "empire state of mind" by Jay and Alicia Keys</s><s>[agent_2]Oh wow I didn't know that either. I really like that song.</s><s>[agent_1]Yes, me too. I know that in 1972 Pink Floyd recorded a live concert at the ancient roman amphitheater in Pompeii with no people. It's interesting. I'll google it after this hit.</s><s>[agent_2]I've actually seen that concert on video. It was very cool.</s><s>[agent_1]Really? Did you find it online?</s><s>[agent_2]I saw it on a DVD a long time ago.</s><s>[agent_1]That's cool. It was nice to talk. Have a good day!</s><s>[agent_2]You too!</s>
<s>[agent_1]hi how are you? do you like sports?</s><s>[agent_2]I'm doing very well, thanks. I love sports</s><s>[agent_1]do you like golf? i have never played golf.</s><s>[agent_2]I love golf. Its a great sport where individual players hit balls with clubs into a series of holes on a golf course in as few strokes as possible.</s><s>[agent_1]I never played because it looked expensive. How long have you played?</s><s>[agent_2]I have been playing for about 10 years now and another thing I wanted to mention that the golf course consists of 18 holes but if you play the game for fun its usually 9 holes.</s><s>[agent_1]Ok, but doesnt it cost a lot for the equipment and the greens fees and stuff?</s><s>[agent_2]Well that depends on the equipment you buy and also where you play.</s><s>[agent_1]I guess i would want the cheapest stuff. i played sports with minimal equipment growing up.</s><s>[agent_2]The gold course requires a lot of water to maintain about 312,000 gallons in fact per day.</s><s>[agent_1]That sounds like quite a bit. it is ok in some places, but maybe where water is scarce, it is not ideal.</s><s>[agent_2]This is just the average for American golf courses. I read somewhere that a golf course in Dubai requires 4,000,000 gallons of water per day to maintain.</s><s>[agent_1]That is insane. in a desert country? it seems excessive, but i guess that the rich have the money for that kind of hobby.</s><s>[agent_2]I agree. Do you know any famous baseball player that is also a very famous golfer?</s><s>[agent_1]Is this a recent player? i know that a lot of them play gofl.</s><s>[agent_2]No this baseball player was back in the 1920s.</s><s>[agent_1]The babe? Did he play golf? He could hit a ball pretty fall.</s><s>[agent_2]You guessed it correctly. Babe Ruth, he was a fantastic baseball player and at one point America's most famous golfer.</s><s>[agent_1]That is amazing. he was a big fellow though. i bet he could drive it pretty far. Anyway, great chat!</s><s>[agent_2]Yes he was. It was nice chatting with you as well. Have a nice night!!!</s><s>[agent_1]You too! Have a nice weekend!</s><s>[agent_2]you have a nice weekend as well.</s><s>[agent_1]Thanks!</s><s>[agent_2]Bye!!!</s>
<s>[agent_1]hi, do you watch NBA?</s><s>[agent_2]Occasionally, but I don't know much about it. What about you?</s><s>[agent_1]I do from time to time too. Do you know reggie miller?</s><s>[agent_2]I've heard of him, but I can't remember which team he plays for.</s><s>[agent_1]I am not sure either but he was always very good but his sister kept surpassing him</s><s>[agent_2]That must be frustrating. I wonder if they're as competitive as my brothers and I are. We didn't play basketball though, we were all nerds.</s><s>[agent_1]Haha sometimes it is good, it pushes you to get better. Yeah she broke 8 national recorrds once</s><s>[agent_2]That's incredible. I honestly wouldn't feel too bad being surpassed by someone who does that!</s><s>[agent_1]Yeah exactly. Do you know Allen Iverson</s><s>[agent_2]I don't. Is he another basketball player?</s><s>[agent_1]Yes a very famous one. He signed a contract with Rebook back in the day for a lot of money</s><s>[agent_2]I wonder what they offered him. Lebron James turned down a $10 million offer from Reebok once!</s><s>[agent_1]Iverson gets $800 000 every year and then a lump sum of 32 million after he turns 55</s><s>[agent_2]Wow. $32 million seems like so much money, but after Lebron James turned down their offer, he got a $90 million deal with Nike.</s><s>[agent_1]Yeah, lots of money there for them. Did you know basketball and football coaches are the highest paid on most states</s><s>[agent_2]The highest paid sports coaches, or the highest paid employees over all industries?</s><s>[agent_1]highest paid state employees</s><s>[agent_2]I wonder if basketball or football is more popular. It probably has an influence on how much they get paid.</s><s>[agent_1]I am sure that does it. There is a basketball court in the us supreme court building that is on the top floor</s><s>[agent_2]A court in the court. Sounds like someone has a sense of humor.</s><s>[agent_1]Hahahah i know. and it is so high that it is actually known as the highest court in the land</s><s>[agent_2]If a team wins there, I wonder if they call it a judgment!</s>
<s>[agent_1]Are you a fan of star wars?</s><s>[agent_2]Yes I am, I also like Harrison Ford, I think he is a great actor, what about you?</s><s>[agent_1]I am as well! I cant believe how much money the series has made. Over 8.5 billion</s><s>[agent_2]I know that is really surprising, but there are 4 others that make even more moeny.</s><s>[agent_1]Thats still a lot of toy light sabers!</s><s>[agent_2]I heard Marcia Lucas had a lot to do with some of the great ideas of the series.</s><s>[agent_1]Yeah she even won an academy award! Something George Lucas didnt</s><s>[agent_2]Yeah I heard she won the award for editing the film, you know Star Wars was the first movie to ever be dubbed to Navajo?</s><s>[agent_1]Thats really cool. I cant believe that Fox gave Lucas licensing and merchandising rights! All because they thought the film would bomb</s><s>[agent_2]I bet they are regretting this choice and someone definetely got fired lol, It sure cost them billions.</s><s>[agent_1]The franchise itself is worth $65 billion.</s><s>[agent_2]I like that Star Wars explored the universe, although many things of the movie are fiction it made me wonder as a kid, you know that there are stars that are cold enough that can be touched with bare hands</s><s>[agent_1]Thats crazy to think considering all the energy our own sun puts out</s><s>[agent_2]I know, I guess that energy runs out eventually, what do you think about theory of the universe being a giant hologram</s><s>[agent_1]I guess anything would be possible. Even the theory that there is only one electron in the universe</s><s>[agent_2]I agree I am willing to keep an open mind after all theres a lot that we dont know about the universe</s><s>[agent_1]Yeah and theres only an observable section that we can see. Who knows what else there is</s><s>[agent_2]Yeah so back into the Star Wars topic, did you know that back in the day Al Pacino turned down the role of Han Solo</s><s>[agent_1]Another possible regret. Unfortunate that he didnt understand the script. Christopher Walken was also considered</s><s>[agent_2]I see, so Ford is actually lucky, you know Han Solo was a tie fighter before he evenbecame the pilot of the millenium falcon.</s><s>[agent_1]Yeah very lucky, he almost didn't get the part. Wasn't even allowed to audition at first.</s><s>[agent_2]Thats surprising! I think he was perfect for the part, well the new movie is also good and it grosses about 393 million worldwide.</s>
<s>[agent_1]Hello there, did you ever watch Roseanne when it was first aired?</s><s>[agent_2]I think I was a little too young. I remember seeing re-runs ... at least the title song and her scratchy voice.</s><s>[agent_1]Oh yeah that scratchy voice was so annoying, but the show did have some funny moments.</s><s>[agent_2]What do you remember from the show? Any interesting plotlines?</s><s>[agent_1]Yeah I remember one episode about the daughter using drugs. I thought it was pretty good.</s><s>[agent_2]Not knowing your background ... did you think it was an accurate portrayal of the issue? Daughter experimenting and confronted by the typical middle american family?</s><s>[agent_1]Well maybe for the typical american middle class family but not for all. Are you a big fan of tv in general?</s><s>[agent_2]I don't have satelite or cable, but I do have netflix and I'll watch some things online if someone recommends it. It's different from classic TV, but I think it's the modern equivalent.</s><s>[agent_1]Oh yeah it is the modern equivalent for sure. The way people watch is continually evolving.</s><s>[agent_2]What about you? Do you use internet for TV shows?</s><s>[agent_1]No I don't, I have cable, mostly to watch and record live sports programs. I do find myself still flipping through channels sometimes though. I found this awesome 2 hr program about the beginnings of the American circus which was awesome!</s><s>[agent_2]I mostly catch sports summaries on Youtube the next day. What did you find interesting from that circus show?</s><s>[agent_1]I noticed how much fun all of the circus performers were having. During the depression it was not a bad job to have, even the top women performers earned as much as the men!</s><s>[agent_2]I'm glad to hear that it was a diversion from the depression. It seems like that would be a welcome entertainment for a sad nation. And one without a political spin to it.</s><s>[agent_1]Yeah it was fun entertainment for everyone and it was such an attraction that people couldn't miss it when they would come to town. The motion picture industry beginning hurt a bit though.</s><s>[agent_2]The whole concept of a travelling show, only in town for a short while seems to have evaporated. Widespread movies, tv and internet entertainment make everything ever-present. I think it's overload.</s><s>[agent_1]Yeah the times have changed for sure. Like you said earlier too with Netflix and all changing television now as well.</s><s>[agent_2]Do you think there would be a benefit (societal, not economic) to having regional releases and a more staggered release of shows, even movies?</s><s>[agent_1]Maybe, but I think it's best to just let the market decide things for itself. I think you just have to continually evolve to stay relevant no matter what the business.</s><s>[agent_2]Yes, the market forces will be stronger ... I don't think it would change at all. I just feel bad not "keeping up" with shows and such, so I can't talk about it with friends if I'm "behind".</s><s>[agent_1]Yeah I hear ya, there are shows that I still have yet to see an episode and everyone watches it. Nice talking to you today.</s>
<s>[agent_1]Good afternoon! A you a fan of movies?</s><s>[agent_2]Yes. Are you a fan of the Mission Impossible film series? Tom Cruise made $75m from Mission Impossible III alone!</s><s>[agent_1]I'm not that much of a fan of TC movies as i used to be - maybe because they're all pretty much the same as with MI series. I do like his early work</s><s>[agent_2]Yes I'm not either. Must be nice to make that kind of money.</s><s>[agent_1]You said it - so much money to make essentially the same movie over and over and over... Cocktail is probably my favorite movie of his, and that was decades ago!</s><s>[agent_2]They are repetitive. I didn't care for "the Last Samurai" but I did like "Top Gun."</s><s>[agent_1]Didn't see the Last Samurai. I heard they were making a TG sequel - wonder how that will be received?</s><s>[agent_2]Probably not as well as it was during the Reagan admin. I didn't realize Elon Musk was in Inception.</s><s>[agent_1]I thought I heard about Elon Musk in Inception, but I cannot recall what character he played? I've seen that movie several times to try to understand it!</s><s>[agent_2]No kidding! It was sooooo hard to follow. It took 10 years for Nolan to write something that confusing.</s><s>[agent_1]Talk about a passion project! Probably needed multiple flow charts to keep track of everything....</s><s>[agent_2]Yeah! I was wrong... It was Musk's wife that was in Inception. I have no idea what she looks like. Nolan got his son in the movie too.</s><s>[agent_1]Aha! I was just racking my brain about EM in that movie! And now I need to figure out who his wife is!!!</s><s>[agent_2]Sorry :) I will say Cruise is dedicated. He spent two years learning Japanese for the Last Samurai.</s><s>[agent_1]I think the concept of the Last Samurai is fascinating, because of what it implies - their only purpose in life is to protect their Master and if they fail to do that they must kill themselves. In the rare occasion they are without a Master due to other circumstances, they go Ronin (another great movie) and basically become a mercenary.</s><s>[agent_2]It's kind of true for Cruise in that he spent $10M for a bunker to protect himself from aliens. I wonder if that's true. I know he's a little wacky but that seems a bit too much.</s><s>[agent_1]That probably has more do with him being a Scientologist than anything - and the most popular member of that religion to boot!</s><s>[agent_2]Yeah I heard of that. He did etch Katie Holmes name on the top of the Burj Khalifa building. That's wacky so...</s><s>[agent_1]All this TC trivia is a little creepy, feeling like I need a shower! I almost forgot about the Katie Holmes marriage and kid.... He sure has led a full life</s><s>[agent_2]Yes, but I too am having to rethink him. I really did like him in Risky Business back in the day. He actually does his stunts like hanging from a plane at 5,000 feet in the newest MI.</s><s>[agent_1]Risky Business was great, I was a huge Rebbeca De Mornay fan when I was younger...</s><s>[agent_2]Yeah, she is/was hot. Thanks for the chat. You were excellent!</s>
<s>[agent_1]Hi, how are you?</s><s>[agent_2]Hi there, I am good! How are you?</s><s>[agent_1]I am well. Do you know anything about last year's super bowl and greased poles?</s><s>[agent_2]I did hear about that! Municipal staffers in Philly were actually calling themselves the "Crisco Cops" because they were out greasing the light poles so that fans wouldn't try climbing up them. Are you a fan of the Eagles?</s><s>[agent_1]I am not but I am a fan of funny and that's funny. Cops know their fans are so ridiculous that they pregrease poles...</s><s>[agent_2]I can't believe how crazy their fans are! In 1998 there 60 fistfights in one Monday Night Football game against the 49ers.</s><s>[agent_1]Yeah, they are the only professional team with a jail in their stadium. Well, their old stadium...</s><s>[agent_2]Apparently its so bad that there was a Minneapolis ticket broker that was warning Vikings fans to remove any sort of colors if their team were to beat Philly at home.</s><s>[agent_1]I remember in the 80s, they threw snowballs at Santa Claus. At SANTA CLAUS!!!!</s><s>[agent_2]They definitely sound like it! Speaking of interesting football facts, did you know that the University of Iowa's locker room for the opposing team is painted completely pink? Hilarious!</s><s>[agent_1]Can you imagine a fanbase so dedicated that cops tell Minnesota fans to take off their colors if they win for their safety...</s><s>[agent_2]No kidding! Someone on social media actually compared it to a Mad Max movie.</s><s>[agent_1]OK, Im done making fun of Philly now but reserve the right to come back and make fun of them more. Can you tell they beat my Bears in the playoffs this year?</s><s>[agent_2]Haha by the sounds of it there are a lot of people who are not a fan of Philly. I don't know a lot of about football, but something I have never understood is why in England they call what we would call soccer, football.</s><s>[agent_1]That's an interesting question. I think they had it first though. If we throw our ball more though, or run, shouldn't ours be oblongball or runball?</s><s>[agent_2]Yes, maybe! I've often wondered how football gained so much in popularity, and so quickly too. In the 1960's top bowlers actually made twice as much as the top football stars of that time.</s><s>[agent_1]With scores like 222-0, it would be hard to imagine many people liking it.</s><s>[agent_2]Ya, I am sure that was a painful game to watch! You can't help but be amazed at what some of these players are making in their contracts now though.</s><s>[agent_1]I am not sure that I would take that money knowing what some of them are going through now. Plus their retirement health care is not good.</s><s>[agent_2]I learned recently that Judge Judy makes $123,000 per episode. She's actually right behind Lebron James for the highest paid celebrity. Talk about a wicked contract!</s><s>[agent_1]That is a lot of money! Nice chatting with you!</s>
<s>[agent_1]Hi! Did you hear Magic Johnson defending Lebron?</s><s>[agent_2]I guess there were accusations that LeBron was ignoring the calls his coach was making</s><s>[agent_1]In his defense he said LeBron just runs the play he prefers, which is basically ignoring the calls.. lol</s><s>[agent_2]And they're comparing to how he plays with the Lakers to how he played with the Cavaliers, and how you play depends on the team you play with</s><s>[agent_1]LeBron certainly is talented, but at times I think is ego gets in the way.</s><s>[agent_2]It doesn't help that many consider him the greatest player of all time. It's hard to stay humble when you didn't have to play against Michael Jordan</s><s>[agent_1]Very true. Jordan was a great player and leader. Plus aside from that baseball stint, he didnt flip flop teams all the time.</s><s>[agent_2]A lot of people hated when LeBron started playing for Miami. A member of Al-Qaeda called him a traitor for that move</s><s>[agent_1]I heard the same thing</s><s>[agent_2]His posters were also marked down to $17.41 as a historical reference to when Benedict Arnold was born</s><s>[agent_1]All that despite the fact people paid $100 to see him in HS.</s><s>[agent_2]The fact that his high school games cost so much to attend likely contributed to his rejection of Reebok's $10 million offer. He was holding out for offers from Nike or Adidas</s><s>[agent_1]He ended up getting the deal though. I think something for like 90 mil?</s><s>[agent_2]Which is nine times more less than a year later.</s><s>[agent_1]It is, sometimes it pays to wait things out. DId you know that the next highest paid celeb, is juge Judy?</s><s>[agent_2]The fact that LeBron makes more as a celebrity than Judge Judy is one thing, but that they're the top two is actually surprising</s><s>[agent_1]It is. She makes $123,000 per episode. I chose the wrong career.</s><s>[agent_2]Maybe, but she's Judge Judy, and part of LeBron's success might be due to his photographic memory</s><s>[agent_1]That will hep when he plays in Space Jam 2 for memorizing those lines.</s><s>[agent_2]It also helps in basketball with various scenarios. When he was growing up, it helped him beat his friends in fighting games because he could remember all their moves</s><s>[agent_1]That is true Good chat! Have a good day!</s>
<s>[agent_1]did you know that the norwegian governemtn donated a billion dollars to help the amazon rainforest?</s><s>[agent_2]No. Please tell me more about it.</s><s>[agent_1]yeah, they did that in 2008, I think it's crazy that they would send that much money to a cause like that instead of using it in their own country, but they must think it was important</s><s>[agent_2]To which government did they send the money to? I also heard that the government planned to destroy wikilieaks.</s><s>[agent_1]well i'm not sure if it was a government or an organization actually, did you know that trump wouldn't be considered one of the top 3 wealthiest presidents of all time?</s><s>[agent_2]Who was the wealthiest?</s><s>[agent_1]the order goes, JFK, Washington, and Jefferson, they must be aadjusting for inflation obviously</s><s>[agent_2]That was interesting.</s><s>[agent_1]Did you know Fox news is the most watched news channel? It has more viewers than msnbc and cnn combined</s><s>[agent_2]I did not know that. Do democrats watch Foxnews?</s><s>[agent_1]I would assume not, the network was created by republican strategists after all, apparently Richard Nixon was involved</s><s>[agent_2]The simpsons is owned by Fox. I heard that Fox was going to sue the simpsons? What does it mean? Perhaps you can explain it to me.</s><s>[agent_1]ya I don't know for sure, I think it was about the simpsons making fun of Fox News for being so against Democrats, they were probably mad that they were being portrayed that way, what do you think?</s><s>[agent_2]I'm not sure. Why would they sue themselves? (Simpsons belong to Fox)</s><s>[agent_1]haha thats a good point, do you ever use the website I do all the time, and apparently that is also owned by Fox News</s><s>[agent_2]I never heard of it.</s><s>[agent_1]yeah it's a website about videogame mostly, I used to play a lot of games but I've kind of stopped now, do you play any videogames?</s><s>[agent_2]Not anymore. Do you know that fox was created by richard aliles? He died last year.</s><s>[agent_1]I didn't know that, I think Richard Nixon also helped create Fox News didn't he?</s><s>[agent_2]I heard that they worked together to create fox news.</s><s>[agent_1]yes I think so, would you watch a channel that was entirely dedicated to the simpsons? I guess fox had talked about actually making that happen at some point haha</s><s>[agent_2]I've got to run. It was nice chatting with you.</s>
<s>[agent_1]How you doing tonight?</s><s>[agent_2]I am well, you?</s><s>[agent_1]Great! I was just looking for a movie to go see later. Have you heard of that movie The House With a Clock In It's Walls"?</s><s>[agent_2]Yes, I believe it has Owen Vaccaro, Jack Black and Cate Blanchett.</s><s>[agent_1]Crazy that it is a kids movie but is directed by Eli Roth! He has made some awesome horror movies!</s><s>[agent_2]Yeah I don't know if I would call it a kids movie. Like a possessed doll would probably scare kids a lot.</s><s>[agent_1]I think it may be alright as long as the kids are not super sensitive. I have some grandkids that would love it!</s><s>[agent_2]Probably so. I do think its funny that Stephen King called Bambi the first horror movie he ever saw as a child.</s><s>[agent_1]I used to love his books, but he just seems weird now. But some of them make great horror flicks. I heard that it actually burns calories to watch a horror movie.</s><s>[agent_2]Well I would say the horror movie genre comes from books and periodicals. Authors like Edgar Allen Poe, Bram Stoker with Dracula and Mary Shelley with Frankenstein paved the scripts for the films that followed.</s><s>[agent_1]You know the books are usually better. The book "Jurassic Park" is way darker than the movie. It has some really gory parts,</s><s>[agent_2]I think audio dramas are underrated for horror. You can still find them online in archives for free. Got to love the theater of the mind.</s><s>[agent_1]I used to love to fall asleep at night listening to those. Almost like someone reading a book to me while I just relax and listen. I know there is a website where you can listen to just thousands of episodes of old radio dramas for free.</s><s>[agent_2]Yes, I listen still to some of them. Like the CBS Radio Mystery Theatre, Suspense, or The Shadow. The way they did the old shows was much like theater with live music and actors/actresses doing it in real time.</s><s>[agent_1]You like any sports? Football? My favorite team is the Saints</s><s>[agent_2]I do, I love the Cowboys. It is funny so many different sports are called football. Soccer or Australian rules are called football too.</s><s>[agent_1]My friend at work loves college football. She is always laughing about how the University of Iowa's locker room for the visiting team is painted completely pink! LOL</s><s>[agent_2]That is pretty ingenious, I wonder if Georgia Tech did the same thing when they obliterated Cumberland 222-0!</s><s>[agent_1]Well it has been a good evening chat with you. I may look for a game to watch right now! Maybe some rugby, which is also considered football!!</s><s>[agent_2]Alright then, take care and remember... The Shadow knows...</s><s>[agent_1]Ha Ha ! Awesome!</s><s>[agent_2]I should have become an actor like Hugh Laurie and make 700k an episode of House.</s>
<s>[agent_1]Hi, do you like swimming ?</s><s>[agent_2]I like how good of an exercise it is, and it's fun for recreation</s><s>[agent_1]Yes, I love swimming. Did you know that there's a type of competitive swimming where the athlete has their hands and legs bound, and swims like a dolphin?</s><s>[agent_2]That would take a lot of core strength! The front crawl still seems to be the fastest though. We can thanks the Native Americans for showing that to the British</s><s>[agent_1]Yes, and all Cornell University student must pass a basic swimming test before they're allowed to graduate.</s><s>[agent_2]I think that's a good thing. Americans seem to do well at swimming, considering we have more gold medals than the other nations combined</s><s>[agent_1]Yes, they get famous in our country, too. Speaking of the Olympics, did you know that there's a banned swimsuit so good that 94% of all swimming races in the 2008 Olympics were won in it?</s><s>[agent_2]I wonder what it's made of that they would ban it like that?</s><s>[agent_1]Not sure but as a formalized sport, swimming features a range of local, national, and international competitions. Also, it's consistently among to top public recreational activities.</s><s>[agent_2]I wonder if it's popular in Canada, or if they prefer playing ice hockey considering how much colder it is</s><s>[agent_1]They probably would rather play hockey in Canada since hockey is one of the two national sports there with the other being Lacrosse.</s><s>[agent_2]Ice hockey in the winter and lacrosse in the summer. On average, a professional hockey player loses about 8 pounds, so it must be good exercise</s><s>[agent_1]No doubt. There was a hockey player that was traded for $1 in 1993 and went on to win four Stanley cups.</s><s>[agent_2]That was definitely a steal for whatever team got him! I guess it happens in every sport</s><s>[agent_1]Probably so true. Did you know that an ice hockey ring remains under a basketball court when switching stadium sports? I didn't realize that one.</s><s>[agent_2]It makes sense though to utilize the space for more than one sport. Both are popular in other countries</s><s>[agent_1]Yes, I agree. Did you know that in 1924, in the first Olympic winter games, Canada scored 132 goals and let in 3 in the entire ice hockey competition?</s><s>[agent_2]No wonder it's a national sport. I've never heard of bandy, but apparently it's a type of hockey</s><s>[agent_1]Yes, and field hockey as well as what we've been chatting about, ice hockey. In most of the world, hockey refers to field hockey.</s><s>[agent_2]But it seems the basics are the same, no matter the arena it's played in</s><s>[agent_1]Yes, that is true, hockey is a sport in which two teams play against each other by trying to manoeurvre a ball or a puck into the opponent's goal using a hockey stick.</s>
<s>[agent_1]How's it going, do you follow football, there is a total of 32 teams</s><s>[agent_2]I dont usually, Im more of a baseball fan. Its really interesting that women are technically allowed to participate though</s><s>[agent_1]Yea, since there is no rule against them playing I can see a female place kicker in the NFL one day</s><s>[agent_2]I bet she would kick butt too. Shame that the new orleans cheerleaders cant have dinner with an NFL player though</s><s>[agent_1]yea that rule forbidding cheerleader from the same place as football players is outdated and sexist</s><s>[agent_2]I agree. Pretty funny that U of Iowa painted their visitor's locker room pink though</s><s>[agent_1]Yea, Iowa must be trying to psych out the visiting team with those pink locker rooms lol</s><s>[agent_2]So I dont know much about football, but the highest game score ever being 222 to zero seems ridiculous</s><s>[agent_1]Yea, I know Georgia tech is typically a good team but Cumberland must have been awful</s><s>[agent_2]So what do you think about baseball, its funny that the cubs were the first to win the series back to back but never won again lol</s><s>[agent_1]It's great to watch with some beer. It's crazy Babe Ruth was caught stealing in game 7 of the 1926 world series</s><s>[agent_2]Hey when youre down by one run, sometimes you gotta go for it. Didnt work well for him though lol</s><s>[agent_1]Just seems like a bad decisions to steal home since Babe wasn't exactly light on his feet</s><s>[agent_2]Very true. Possibly almost as bad as the marines carrying in the Canadian flag upside down</s><s>[agent_1]Maybe the US marines corps were trying to get in the Blue Jays heads</s><s>[agent_2]Ohh, clever! Can you believe the ottoman empire was still a thing when the cubs last won? I know weve been waiting a while but yeesh</s><s>[agent_1]That's pretty crazy, plus the cubs were the first team to win back to back world series too</s><s>[agent_2]It amazes me they ever won at all, they always get so close but not quite there</s><s>[agent_1]Yea, it's crazy that the AL had won more world series than the NL</s><s>[agent_2]It is, I've never heard of it referred to as the Fall classic either</s><s>[agent_1]Well I got to go, nice chatting with you</s>
<s>[agent_1]Did you hear about actor Anton Yelchin getting ran over by his own Jeep Grand Cherokee?</s><s>[agent_2]What? How did that happen? I think the reason I haven't heard is because I'm not too familiar with who that actor is.</s><s>[agent_1]He played Chekov in the newer Star Trek movies.</s><s>[agent_2]Oh, that's who Anton Yelchin is. How did his own car run him over?</s><s>[agent_1]There was some issue with the gear system. I guess the stick didn't settle into position and he must have been in front of it when it moved forward.</s><s>[agent_2]Oh my goodness! That sounds like the fault of the car itself, did his family try to sue the car maker?</s><s>[agent_1]Yes and they reached a an undisclosed settlement with Chrysler. It went into his foundation.</s><s>[agent_2]Wow, dod you know if a recall system was deployed for other similar cars for the same issue?</s><s>[agent_1]Yes there was a recall. I think he probably liked the fact that the first space shuttle was named the "Enterprise".</s><s>[agent_2]That's a cool know, I wonder if the space shuttles have an "aggressive" mode like what Google's self-driving cars have or at least a turbo mode.</s><s>[agent_1]I doubt it, NASA's pretty conservative.</s><s>[agent_2]Does the conservativeness hold true for Ohio because it's illegal to warm up your car there, so much for remote start buttons.</s><s>[agent_1]I think that's because cars kept getting stolen. Stupid to ban it for the entire state. One can get a flame-thrower for their can in South Africa.</s><s>[agent_2]Oh, that's the reason why it was banned?! I thought it had to do with global warming or something. Flame-throwers are a little excessive for combatting stolen cars, they should copy India and just create a new car horn to withstand the heavy use</s><s>[agent_1]That too probably. It does seem extreme. Also extreme is a fake flute in Star Trek, worth $300, sold for $50,000.</s><s>[agent_2]That is absurd! Do you think anything from the movie franchise Terminator is of value like that or at least could be sold for that amount of money?</s><s>[agent_1]I'm sure... Arnold only made $75K in the first one and $15M in the next two. That's quite a raise...</s><s>[agent_2]I wish I got a raise that steep at work. What happened between the two to warrant that raise?</s><s>[agent_1]Yeah, me too. I guess the popularity of the first one. It took 7 years to make Terminator 2.</s><s>[agent_2]Oh my goodness that's a long time and yet they also gave him that big raise! There's a deleted scene that explains why the terminator has an austrian accent, is that truly the accent of Arnold S.?</s><s>[agent_1]I don't know. I've wondered that. They only gave him 18 lines in the first Terminator. Maybe that's why. Nice chat. Thanks.</s>
<s>[agent_1]Did you hear about that Canadian billionaire and his wife that was murdered?</s><s>[agent_2]No, I did not. Was it recently?</s><s>[agent_1]Yeah, in the last year or two. It seems it was the cousin who did it.</s><s>[agent_2]Oh, that is awful. Sounds like something we'd see on TV.</s><s>[agent_1]Yes it does. A judge in the case dismissed part of the case calling some of the claims fanciful.</s><s>[agent_2]OMG. That's awful. So do you watch TV?</s><s>[agent_1]I do sometimes. Did you know that celebrities such as Ringo Starr, George Carlin, and Alec Baldwin have narrated Thomas the Tank Engine for at least 52 episodes each?</s><s>[agent_2]No way! I've seen so many episodes and I never even knew that! Crazy!</s><s>[agent_1]Yes it is Did you also know that there is only one episode of the Simpsons that Bart does not appear and is not mentioned?</s><s>[agent_2]That is so weird! Do you know what the longest running skit is on SNL?</s><s>[agent_1]I think I read about that recently.</s><s>[agent_2]It was weekend update.</s><s>[agent_1]Ah.</s><s>[agent_2]So on a different note, do you like cars?</s><s>[agent_1]I do. Did you know that the 1908 Ford Model T was the first car accessible to the masses?</s><s>[agent_2]Really? Was that the car manufactured by the Ford Motor Company?</s><s>[agent_1]Yes.Did you know that Karl Benz was the first to patent a car?</s><s>[agent_2]Yes, in fact I think the year was 1886, which was regarded as the birth year of the modern car. Benz is a fun brand.</s><s>[agent_1]Did you know that Cadillac is named after the founder of Detroit, MI?</s><s>[agent_2]Oh really? Who was that?</s><s>[agent_1]The French explorer Antoine de la Mothe Cadillac. Anyways nice chatting with you!</s>
<s>[agent_1]hi, do you know much about presidents?</s><s>[agent_2]Hi did you visited white house</s><s>[agent_1]yes I did, from the outside of course. how about you?</s><s>[agent_2]I did visited till now, am new here, will plan to visit this summer.</s><s>[agent_1]Nice. Look for the guest house too, it is bigger than the white house</s><s>[agent_2]sure thanks, first I am enjoying the snow .. am from India , I am very excited :)</s><s>[agent_1]nice. do you know who the wealthiest presidents are?</s><s>[agent_2]I think trump only right, But i like obama a lot , white house still using floppy disks.. looks crazy</s><s>[agent_1]haha it does. actually the wealthiest were jfk, washington and jefferson</s><s>[agent_2]oh okay, Why bush used solar panels on whit house, any idea, but sunlight is very low here compared to India</s><s>[agent_1]Well at least they generated some green energy that way</s><s>[agent_2]yes climate change is dread to our environment, we should go with the nature to save the earth</s><s>[agent_1]yes for sure. did you know roosevelt did not allow christmas tress in the white house?</s><s>[agent_2]May be , he dont want to be more religious. Do you watch fox news</s><s>[agent_1]Not really, I feel some of the media are really biased. do you?</s><s>[agent_2]Media is trying to influence people, they are feeding our minds very negatively, lot of competition between news channels, now-a-days i hate news channels</s><s>[agent_1]yeah, but fox is still really big, more than cnn and msnbc combined</s><s>[agent_2]Now fox is focusing on gaming sites too, do you play video games</s><s>[agent_1]I play from time to time. I hear the same company own a gaming website</s><s>[agent_2]I play mobile games, do you about the incident bullets had struck the white house on nov 11, 2011</s><s>[agent_1]yeah and they did not know for four days. nice chat</s>
<s>[agent_1]Are you a fan of Netflix?</s><s>[agent_2]I am a fan. It's hard to believe that it was founded back in 1997.</s><s>[agent_1]I never knew that! I think they were mostly postal based during that time</s><s>[agent_2]Yes, even today Netflix spends 20 times more on postage than bandwidth.</s><s>[agent_1]wow, that is crazy. Could be why they have like 21 billion in debt!</s><s>[agent_2]Wow! That is a lot of debt. I wonder if Blockbuster is upset they didn't buy Netflix after several offers to get it for $50 million. It is worth a lot more now!</s><s>[agent_1]They are really kicking themselves now, I wonder how blockbuster is doing lol.</s><s>[agent_2]I am not sure, there are no Blockbuster stores by me anymore.</s><s>[agent_1]I think there is only one that exists now, and it does good business. Did you hear how netflix started?</s><s>[agent_2]No, I am not sure of how it started. Are you?</s><s>[agent_1]The owner got a 40 dollar late charge from blockbuster for apollo 13 and was upset over it. Big mistake blockbuster!</s><s>[agent_2]That is a big lat fee! Did you know the company expanded internationally in 2012?</s><s>[agent_1]Right, I didn't know it took until 2012 to expand. I heard it still isn't in china yet, that would be a huge market!</s><s>[agent_2]Yes, it might be. Half of peak internet traffic in North America is made up by Netflix and You Tube.</s><s>[agent_1]wow, I am part of both of those, mostly netflix though. Did you ever see the show lilyhammer?</s><s>[agent_2]No, I have never seen it. Why?</s><s>[agent_1]It was Netflix's original show they created. It was pretty good, I recommend it!</s><s>[agent_2]I'll have look into it! Thanks! Incredible that as of October 2018 they had 147 million worldwide subscribers.</s><s>[agent_1]wow so many! It was so nice chatting with you!</s><s>[agent_2]Nice chatting with you too.</s><s>[agent_1]Thanks! Enjoy the rest of your day!</s>
<s>[agent_1]Hello. How are you?</s><s>[agent_2]Good, do you like rap ?</s><s>[agent_1]No. I am not a fan. I am more classic rock, country or pop</s><s>[agent_2]Which is you favorite classic rock album ?</s><s>[agent_1]Thats hard to say. Maybe Led Zeppelin 1</s><s>[agent_2]When was it produced ?</s><s>[agent_1]The late 60s</s><s>[agent_2]So it was a vinyl release, do you have the album in vinyl format or a CD or... a cassette tape ?</s><s>[agent_1]Yes. I have the vinyl Album</s><s>[agent_2]Do you like the vinyl format ? I like it, it is like a ritual.</s><s>[agent_1]I do but I can find mostly any old rock song on you tube, Beach boys doors, three dog night. They are all up ther</s><s>[agent_2]Old rock is the best, it is often sampled in song, Drake as sampled songs from the 70s.</s><s>[agent_1]Yes. Its hard to find a good rock band today. There are a few but not like the 60s and 70s</s><s>[agent_2]Yeah, Reel Big Fish is not a band that will pass the test of time, even more since they have lost the rights of their songs.</s><s>[agent_1]Yes. Thats tough to deal with. All that work</s><s>[agent_2]They re-recorded they songs, they got the rights for that version. But the guy who cheated them could easily make a best of album.</s><s>[agent_1]Yes. He can make make out well on their work</s><s>[agent_2]So you like rock, but do you tolerate rap ? If not it must must tough for you, it is very popular, even in Korea.</s><s>[agent_1]No. I don't listen much. Once in a while I hear something that I will listen to. But I mostly turn to a classic rock station</s><s>[agent_2]Yeah, you probably stopped looking at the billboard top 100, when was the last true Rock hit ? Linkin Park ?</s><s>[agent_1]I rally am not sure. There are not many anymore</s><s>[agent_2]Well, keep on rockin' in the free world, have a nice day.</s><s>[agent_1]you too</s><s>[agent_2]have a good afternoon.</s>
<s>[agent_1]Not suprised that Bruce Lee was a great dancer. Just look at his footwork.</s><s>[agent_2]Yeah, I agree! I love Bruce Lee and it is fascinating that he was a dancer. Did you know that Tupac was also a dancer?</s><s>[agent_1]Whats more interesting about Tupac was he lived in a rich area of the bay area marin!</s><s>[agent_2]Yeah, thats cool. I love watching movies about dance and that is how I learned that Tupac was in ballet in high school. He was in the Nutcracker.</s><s>[agent_1]Its so hard to imagine him in the nutcracker. We crack fiend momny and different daddies.</s><s>[agent_2]Yep, dance can really bring people together. Professional dancers can go through at least 4 pairs of pointe shoes per week. They train very intensely.</s><s>[agent_1]I would like to try out the classic radio web site its always interesting listening to old radio stations.</s><s>[agent_2]I do too! I went to Canada last year and found out that the law states that at least 40% of the music played in Canada be Canadian music!</s><s>[agent_1]What is Canandian music I wonder? Is it any different than any other countiries music?</s><s>[agent_2]I didn't really notice a difference. I know the web offers thousands of episodes of classic radio dramas for free. That is a neat thing to listen to in the evenings.</s><s>[agent_1]I agree, I would also like to make a fox hole radio, that would be so cool to try.</s><s>[agent_2]Yes, that's awesome! I know that soldiers would use razor blades and pencil as he diode. They were very smart and used what they could get their hands on.</s><s>[agent_1]I guess the need for human companionship is great!</s><s>[agent_2]I think you are right. I like to be entertained too. I spend my free time watching shows like Family Guy. Do you watch a lot of tv?</s><s>[agent_1]Man I love Family Guy its so funny and so not like the news that loves to be so cynical.</s><s>[agent_2]Yeah, hilarious stuff. I watched the Simpsons a lot last summer too. Did you know only one episode does not mention Bart nor does he appear on the episode.</s><s>[agent_1]Yes I did know that. Boy that voice actor must get allot of royalties.</s><s>[agent_2]Alec Baldwin, George Carlin and Ringo Star have all done the kds show Thomas the Tank. I watch that with my kids a lot.</s><s>[agent_1]I used to watch allot of shows with my kids too.</s><s>[agent_2]That is a fun way to hear the guys like Ringo Star today.</s><s>[agent_1]He seemed alittle creepy on that show, but then again overalll he is strange.</s><s>[agent_2]Yeah, everybody is different.</s>
<s>[agent_1]Good morning.</s><s>[agent_2]Have a beautiful day. By the 2nd century, Jewish groups of people calling the books of the bible the "scriptures"</s><s>[agent_1]That's cool. Are you into the bible?</s><s>[agent_2]It is the relationship between God and Humans. Teaches the humans how to live their lives.</s><s>[agent_1]That;s true. You know prior to 1963 it was not uncommon for students in the USA to be required to read from the bible as part of their Elementary education. I feel we need to get back to doing that. What do you think?</s><s>[agent_2]Yes, It is very necessary. We learn good things and make our life more pleasant and we respect other people and afraid to do harmful activity to others.</s><s>[agent_1]I agree with you about that. Did you know that Thomas Jefferson created his own version of the bible, using a razor to cut out the "supernatural" parts such as the miracles and the resurrection. Isn't that wild?</s><s>[agent_2]In world war II, soldiers carry metal plated designed bibles in their uniform chest pocket called "Heart shield bibles."</s><s>[agent_1]I didn't know that.</s><s>[agent_2]There are two US presidents that did not use a bible at their swearing-in ceremonies.</s><s>[agent_1]I wonder what was used?</s><s>[agent_2]Most of the people spending to much of time in social media network. They didn't spend time with their family members and friends.</s><s>[agent_1]I agree, do you use Facebook?</s><s>[agent_2]Monthly once only i open it. What about you ?</s><s>[agent_1]I use it a couple of times a day. Too much! I hear My Space had turned down an offer to buy Facebook for $ 75 million in 2004. Boy, was that a big mistake on their part.</s><s>[agent_2]In Feb 2004, the Facebook was started by Mark Zuckerberg along with room mates.They earn most from the advertisement that appears onscreen.</s><s>[agent_1]Yes, that's correct and the reason Facebook is primarily blue in color is because Mark Zuckerberg is colorblind.</s><s>[agent_2]Yes, So many people in america use facebook as their primary source of news. Mostly people engaged in social networks are very addict to it. Without it they can manage single day.</s><s>[agent_1]I agree with you about that fact for sure. Very bad. Do you know Facebook's "like" button is illegal in the German state of Schleswig- Holstein?</s><s>[agent_2]A third of all divorce filings in the US contained the word 'facebook'. It occupy our complete attention.</s><s>[agent_1]That's so sad, but yet true. Well it's been nice chatting with yoy this morning, I need to head to work, now. Have a good day, friend.</s>
<s>[agent_1]Hello, do you like to travel?</s><s>[agent_2]Yea I like to travel. what about you?</s><s>[agent_1]I love to travel as well, you know there is a project for a bus that can travel at 160 mph</s><s>[agent_2]Wow that sounds quite dangerous I am not sure how well that would work out. A train would make more sense imo.</s><s>[agent_1]It would, that seems really dangerous indeed lol, the tolls in Japan are really expensive.</s><s>[agent_2]I see I don't know much about Japan. Where have you traveled?</s><s>[agent_1]I have traveled to Argentina, Ecuador, Uruguay, mostly South America and within the states, what about you?</s><s>[agent_2]I've been to a few states, Spain and South Korea. I would love to travel to South America, but am worried it might be difficult to travel there.</s><s>[agent_1]Its actually cheaper than other places and with easy acces you should try it out, I would like to visit Mackinac Island</s><s>[agent_2]I definitely will. Where is that island?</s><s>[agent_1]Its in the USA, motorized vehicles are banned there.</s><s>[agent_2]Ah I see that sounds like a good idea to be honest. To ban civilian vehicles and create privatized public transportation. I bet it is very nice to live there.</s><s>[agent_1]It must be, the air clean and things peaceful, you know that the first king to travel was the king of Hawaii</s><s>[agent_2]That is interesting I wonder why he was the first king to travel. Did you know that Disney used a super computer for a movie.</s><s>[agent_1]I didnt, what is the name of the movie? I might search for it in Netflix later, hopefully its there</s><s>[agent_2]It's called big hero 6. it's actually a really good movie you should watch it.</s><s>[agent_1]I will, if its not on Netflix I will rent it, did you watch Bill Nye the Science Guy?</s><s>[agent_2]Yea I have seen him its okay. I prefer other peoples material.</s><s>[agent_1]Oh I see, well he appears in the movie Flubber as a scientist</s><s>[agent_2]Ah i did not know i love that movie.</s><s>[agent_1]I love that movie as well, I didnt notice he was in it either.</s>
<s>[agent_1]Hello! Do you like the watch Shark Week?</s><s>[agent_2]I love Shark week!</s><s>[agent_1]Did you know they've evolved earlier than dinosaurs and trees?</s><s>[agent_2]I didn't know that. I've heard that sharks can be trained like dogs to bark!</s><s>[agent_1]Very interesting! You associate sharks with being vicious but they've saved sailors too besides dolphins.</s><s>[agent_2]That's interesting! I would like to see some video of where the Great White sharks congregate in the middle of the Pacific ocean in an area known as the white shark cafe.</s><s>[agent_1]I went snorkeling with sharks last month. Talk about a crazy time! We went out for 5.5 hours, which is how long a day was when earth formed.</s><s>[agent_2]Wow. That would be fun I bet! That must have been when the Earth was formed over 4.5 billion years ago?</s><s>[agent_1]It was! They say earth will be helium free by the end of the 21st century. No more crazy high pitched voices!</s><s>[agent_2]LOL On a sad note...more than 80 percent of the Earth's natural forests have already been destroyed.</s><s>[agent_1]That is so sad! The UN appointed an ambassador to aliens lol.</s><s>[agent_2]lol That's funny! If Earth's entire history was viewed in a 24 hour period, humans would only represent 1 minute and 17 seconds. Such a short time.</s><s>[agent_1]It really is the grand scheme of things! I wonder how long Apple's clothing line would have taken up in the time since they had one in 1986.</s><s>[agent_2]I wonder if they are worth any money now as collectibles? Rip Curl makes clothes in North Korea yet the label says China. I wouldn't buy those because I've heard horror stories of North Korea factories and how they treat the people who work there.</s><s>[agent_1]I agree I wouldn't too. I wouldn't buy clothes or cameras from that Alabama store either. They basically sell things found in unclaimed baggage!</s><s>[agent_2]Wow. Talk about a business model. lol Pilgrims wore clothes that were full of color contrary to the sterotype of black and white.</s><s>[agent_1]They only wore black for special occasions.</s><s>[agent_2]They didn't do a good job teaching us that in school. They always showed pictures of them wearing black and white. lol</s><s>[agent_1]I completely agree! They probably neglected to tell us a lot.</s><s>[agent_2]Jumping back to the Earth topic...Did you know that 71 percent of the Earth's surface is covered with water?</s><s>[agent_1]I didn't! Well have a good one!</s>
<s>[agent_1]Hi! Are you a Star Wars fan?</s><s>[agent_2]I do and I really like it. Do you know who played the character of Poe Dameron?</s><s>[agent_1]No. IS that the film Star Wars: The Force Awakens?</s><s>[agent_2]Yes that one. It was played by Oscar Isaac who is from Guatemala</s><s>[agent_1]Nice. Did you know that George Lucus's wife was the reason behind many of the changes in the original Star Wars? Ideas like Obi Wsn's death, among others...</s><s>[agent_2]Yeah and that is why she won an Academy Award for editing the film</s><s>[agent_1]Nice! It is amazing to me that James Earl Jones, the voice of hte original Darth Vader, took only 2.5 hours to record all of his lines for the first movie. And he was paid only $7.5k</s><s>[agent_2]That is insane. Did you know it is dubbed in Navajo as well?</s><s>[agent_1]Wow! That's like a first, right?</s><s>[agent_2]Yes the first major movie for sure</s><s>[agent_1]So much trivia gold around the Star Wars saga! Did you know that the cast of the Empire Strikes Back were given fake scripts at first to keep secret that nature of the relationship between Luke and Darth?</s><s>[agent_2]Wow, an 20th century fox was convinced that the whole movie was going to flop</s><s>[agent_1]Fear of loss must have blinded them to the potential. I guess that is how George Lucas retained rights?</s><s>[agent_2]Yeah so it cost fox billions and Lucas got all that money</s><s>[agent_1]Whose idea was it to change the role of Luke Skywalker from the originally written female role to a male?</s><s>[agent_2]I actually do not know that. DO you know?</s><s>[agent_1]No. I hoped you might. Star Wars has go to be one of my favorite SciFi movies! I wonder if George Lucas used the list of accurate space technology terms from NASA when putting this movie together?</s><s>[agent_2]Being a huge fan, I am wondering if I should look into booking Luke's boyhood home for a nigh for $10 in tunisia</s><s>[agent_1]It's a must see landmark! Another must: You gotta get an MIT Science Fiction Society Membership, and pay the extra bucks to get the more xpensive membership that covers you in case you die and come back!</s><s>[agent_2]Nice I like that, there are so many ways to get involved with this.</s><s>[agent_1]Yeah, attend a SciFi convention if yo have time! Nice chatting with you!</s>
<s>[agent_1]Hello, did you know the top 3 wealthiest presidents are JFK, Washington, and Jefferson.</s><s>[agent_2]No, I didnt know that, Trump is not on the list?</s><s>[agent_1]I bet the list is outdated because I'm sure he would be on it.</s><s>[agent_2]I know right, he is like the richest president of presidents, they guy has hotels and lots and lots of land</s><s>[agent_1]Yes, he is loaded. Did you know the first president of Zimbabwe was nicknamed president banana?</s><s>[agent_2]It was his name not a nickname lol, I though it was a nickname when I first heard of him as well Caanan Banana</s><s>[agent_1]Oh wow lol. I thought it was his nickname lol.</s><s>[agent_2]Real name, I had to Google that when I first found out, just like how the president of Indonesia released 3 pop albums while in office</s><s>[agent_1]That's hilarious. Could you imagine Trump being a pop star?</s><s>[agent_2]I cant, sounds like he would be a terrible por start lol, he and Kanye are friends so maybe he can help him</s><s>[agent_1]LOL good call with Kanye. The presidents guest house is larger than the actual white house.</s><s>[agent_2]The presidents gust house a a guest house owned by Trump? that would make sense,</s><s>[agent_1]That would make sense lol. Up until 1805, the runner up in a presidential election automatically became the vice president.</s><s>[agent_2]Trump president and Clinton vice? that sounds like a recipe for disaster, good thin the system changed back in 1805</s><s>[agent_1]That would be a nightmare. Nothing would get done.</s><s>[agent_2]They would fight all the time and we would have an even bigger crisis</s><s>[agent_1]For sure. Did you know the US Senate used the same gavel for 165 years until Richard Nixon cracked in?</s><s>[agent_2]No I didnt know that, womane were not allowed to wear pants on the senate floor but that changed in the year 1993</s><s>[agent_1]Wow I didn't know that either. That was rather recently if you think about it.</s><s>[agent_2]Yeah not that long ago, Im glad things changed, there used to be a lot of sexism and there still is but we are on a right path</s><s>[agent_1]It was good talking to you!</s>
<s>[agent_1]Hey there! Who is your favorite celebrity?</s><s>[agent_2]Love Carol Burnett, actually, from her 70's show, to appearances on Sesame Street, right up to today. How about you? Any sports celebrities your favorites?</s><s>[agent_1]I love Robin Williams! He was in Aladdin. Are you familiar with that film?</s><s>[agent_2]Oh, yes. Williams was brilliant. Made viewers laugh so hard they peed themselves. He was a real TV and movie celebrity for nearly 30 years. His recent suicide disturbed me, but sad events are common with celebrities.</s><s>[agent_1]Agreed. And to answer your last question, I am unfamiliar with many sports celebrities. However, I am a fan of Tom Brady!</s><s>[agent_2]The great Patriots QB for 20, yep, 20 years now. 6 Super Bowl rings. What do you like best about him?</s><s>[agent_1]Well, I like that he's a Super Bowl Champion! How about yourself?</s><s>[agent_2]I admire his longevity and his great skill throwing a football. What I don't like is that, as a celebrity sports figure, he's become almost a messiah-type figure to NE fans.</s><s>[agent_1]I think those are very admirable traits to have. Another admirable QB is Paul Hubbard. He was deaf. I think that's inspiring.</s><s>[agent_2]Don't know much about Hubbard. Do know what a kid named Jimmy Garoppolo, slated to be Brady's successor at one time, recently learned the hard way what celebrity, or being in the spotlight, can mean, as in "mean' press for taking a porn star to dinner.</s><s>[agent_1]How interesting. It must be tough to be a celebrity. Sone are very well off, of course. Judge Judy makes a lot of money per episode, apparently.</s><s>[agent_2]Yes, and unlike the 26 year old QB, Garoppolo, Judge Judy seems to stay out of the headlines. Don't know if she's on social media. Doubt it.</s><s>[agent_1]Me too. I guess Garoppolo is on social media. I guess he's always concerned about his privacy, which doesn't make sense if you're on social media in the first place!</s><s>[agent_2]You have a point. However, one of the "Shark Tank" stars stated that Garoppolo's hullabaloo actually increased the 49ers' QB's "marketing reach" because the restaurant date had gone viral.</s><s>[agent_1]That's super interesting. I'm not familiar with Shark Tank. What is it?</s><s>[agent_2]A reality TV show in which a panel of experts, mostly business entrepreneurs, listen to invention pitches and decide if they will invest in the real development of products. It's a swim or sink-type show.</s><s>[agent_1]That sounds interesting. To be honest, I thought it was a more factual show about sea sharks and other sea creatures. Boy was I wrong!</s><s>[agent_2]No problem. Real shark tanks, including the ocean, are interesting, too. Sharks, after all, are said by scientists to have evolved more than 420 million yrs. ago, before dinosaurs and even trees. Way back. Do you like science?</s><s>[agent_1]I love science! I like to read about the history of sea life. Did you know that sharks developed earlier than dinosaurs or trees? So fascinating.</s><s>[agent_2]Yes. I'd love to see, at a safe distance, the area in the middle of the Pacific where Great White sharks gather, called ''the white shark cafe''. Would you?</s><s>[agent_1]It might be scary. However, I do think that sharks get a bad reputation. Sharks are actually capable of rescuing sailors.</s><s>[agent_2]True. Their cartilage has also already been used in medicine. Found in all the planet's seas, common to depths over 6,000 feet, or way, way down there in the trenches, sharks are fascinating. We don't know enough about them yet, do we?</s><s>[agent_1]No, we do not. I guess that they can be trained similarly to dogs- they are capable of barking. Maybe one day we will try to study them and get to know them better!</s><s>[agent_2]Hope so. Before some shark species disappear into shark fin soup. Good speaking with you.</s><s>[agent_1]Good speaking with you as well. Hope to chat again soon!</s><s>[agent_2]Thank you.</s><s>[agent_1]If you ever want to know additional shark facts, please let me know. And you can educate me about quarterbacks.</s><s>[agent_2]Agreed!</s>
<s>[agent_1]Hey are you a religious person?</s><s>[agent_2]I think about it sometimes. I know that many Americans are not these days.</s><s>[agent_1]Yeah. Especially among adults under 30. About 40% have no claim to religion!</s><s>[agent_2]Well, given the current status of both religion and politics, is it surprising?</s><s>[agent_1]I don't think so. Trump indirectly paying a porn star to be quiet isn't exactly something a "god" would approve of!</s><s>[agent_2]Speaking of presidents, did you know that the last US leader to speak a foreign language was FDR!</s><s>[agent_1]Oh wow. I think more presidents should it would be a helpful skill. Trump must be the wealthiest president. The top 3 richest are JFK, Washington, and Jefferson.</s><s>[agent_2]Presidents are generally savvy, but not necessarily intelligent. The only US president with a PhD is Woodrow Wilson.</s><s>[agent_1]Wow. I agree with what you said. It varies by country though like the Indonesian president who released 3 pop albums in office!</s><s>[agent_2]That certainly isn't something Abraham Lincoln would've done! He was the first US president photographed at his inauguration.</s><s>[agent_1]Oh wow. Cameras must have been revolutionary. Was he a republican? He must have been because there hasn't been a Republican president without a beard!</s><s>[agent_2]Yes. I've always found the Grand Old Party (GOP) moniker kind of old fashioned.</s><s>[agent_1]Yeah a very conservative old school name. The red and blue colors to represent the parties didn't start until 2000!</s><s>[agent_2]It is amazing how things change. Hillary Clinton was president of the young Republicans in college.</s><s>[agent_1]Interesting. In 1957 Truman wouldn't take a ride on Dumbo because he associated them with Republicans.</s><s>[agent_2]Perhaps he should have played with the US congress in their Republicans vs. Democrats baseball game.</s><s>[agent_1]That would have been fun to watch. It is interesting to view the history of the parties. Originally the GOP party subscribed to classic liberalism ideals.</s><s>[agent_2]True. Even Ayn Rand was on Social Security and Medicare.</s><s>[agent_1]Interesting. The GOP has lost popular vote in 6 out of the last 7 elections!</s><s>[agent_2]Of course, losing the popular vote means little, as 5 presidents were elected while losing amongst the people.</s><s>[agent_1]Yes. Well it is an interesting system for sure. Have a good one.</s>
<s>[agent_1]Are you a fan of Netflix?</s><s>[agent_2]I am, are you?</s><s>[agent_1]I'm a big time user of it! lol</s><s>[agent_2]That's pretty typical. What do you watch on it?</s><s>[agent_1]I love bing watching tv series especially in the winter. Currently I'm in the middle of arrested development. From 9 PM to 12 AM Netflix accounts for 33% of all bandwidth in North America. I'm part of that 33%! lol</s><s>[agent_2]That's a great show. I would love to be paid to be one of their taggers.</s><s>[agent_1]I know right? Sign me up. lol Netflix and youtube together make up half of the peak internet traffic in North America. So that means basically half the people that are online are watching videos. lol</s><s>[agent_2]People watch a lot of tv! There was just an article on the news app today about the last blockbuster. Ha!</s><s>[agent_1]I saw that! I wonder if that's where Reed Hastings (the guy who started netflix) racked up a $40 late fee on a copy of Apollo 13 and that inspired him to start up Netflix.</s><s>[agent_2]I am not sure, but if you're hastings, wouldn't you buy that out of spite and turn it into a museum?</s><s>[agent_1]Hahah That would be funny!</s><s>[agent_2]He could show all 150 movies with a 100% rating on rotten tomatoes.</s><s>[agent_1]lol nice. I'm surprised that Netflix still spends 20 times more on postage than on bandwidth. More specifically I'm surprised that many people are still renting dvds through the mail.</s><s>[agent_2]I was schocked with that too. I had no idea they monitored illegal downloads as a decision making device.</s><s>[agent_1]I had no idea of that either! Jumping back to Blockbuster....they declined several offers to buy Netflix for $50 million and now Netflix is worth $2 billion. Oooops! Wonder how Blockbuster feels about that now? lol</s><s>[agent_2]Do you mean how that one store feels? How can they miss the boat on that trend so badly? Do you remember them trying to catch up with their own mail order service?</s><s>[agent_1]I do remember that. lol Netflix has 137 million worldwide subscribers. They are racking in the cash.</s><s>[agent_2]Did you know sharks are ticklish? Who would go up to a shark and tickle it?</s><s>[agent_1]lol Not me! I would be in that sharks belly before I could get close enough to tickle it!</s><s>[agent_2]WOuld you jump into a tuna pen and wrestle with one?</s><s>[agent_1]Heck no! lol I have to get going. It was great chatting with you!</s>
<s>[agent_1]Hi!</s><s>[agent_2]hi</s><s>[agent_1]Do you really think she died of lung cancer?</s><s>[agent_2]no</s><s>[agent_1]Same</s><s>[agent_2]do you want "Isn't it a pity that the UK is a 'no-fly' zone for publishing the truth about this group? These Kremlin-connected oligarchs feel free to buy Belgravia,</s><s>[agent_1]Yeah, She estimated that Putin's personal wealth at $40 billion</s><s>[agent_2]yeah but very costly</s><s>[agent_1]It's sad that only super rich receive the greatest protection from the state.</s><s>[agent_2]ok</s><s>[agent_1]She was very educated.</s><s>[agent_2]yeah very educated</s><s>[agent_1]Did you know that scientist Harrison schmitt was the only scientist to walk on the moon.</s><s>[agent_2]yeah Schmitt resigned from NASA in August 1975 in order to run for election to the United States Senate as a member from New Mexico</s><s>[agent_1]Interesting. Do you enjoy jazz?</s><s>[agent_2]no</s><s>[agent_1]Me neither</s><s>[agent_2]ok sirand madam ,do you wand The short Russian flirtation with democratic norms in the 1990s, she said, had long since disappeared</s><s>[agent_1]It is surprising that the US president's guest house is larger than the white house.</s><s>[agent_2]ok</s><s>[agent_1]It was nice talking to you, have a happy holiday.</s><s>[agent_2]same to you sir ,have a happy hoilday</s><s>[agent_1]Bye</s>
<s>[agent_1]Do you ever listen to the radio?</s><s>[agent_2]Good morning! Yes, I often listen to sports talk in the car. Do you listen to the radio often?</s><s>[agent_1]I miss the radio. I don't get a chance to listen much these days. There is a website where you can listen to thousands of episodes of classic radio dramas for free!</s><s>[agent_2]That would be very interesting. I need to listen to the AM radio station that plays Jupiter radio storms!</s><s>[agent_1]Oh yeah? I'd love to hear Jupiter! On YT I've found videos on the "sounds of our planets" it's very interesting to me!</s><s>[agent_2]That does sound very interesting! Radio used to be such a huge part of our lives prior to YouTube. Soldiers used to make radios in WW2 with razorblades and pencils!</s><s>[agent_1]Oh yeah! I've heard of that. I believe they are called foxhole radios. That's interesting for sure! I doubt I could make one.</s><s>[agent_2]Yes, no chance I could make one! Are you a football fan at all? I am getting sick of the Patriots! 6 Super Bowls appearances with Belichick and Brady. I am ready for new blood!</s><s>[agent_1]Yeah, I hear so much about Tom Brady! I'm into football, somewhat. I find the sport interesting for weird reasons such as TBI research.</s><s>[agent_2]That is an interesting problem they have going on. I did not know until recently, a deaf QB is the reason the huddle was created!</s><s>[agent_1]I guess I know some useless facts about Brady, like he has never eaten a strawberry in his life. Haha. That's odd, I love strawberries! Do you?</s><s>[agent_2]That is so odd! How do you not accidentally eat one!? I think it is funny he only makes half the salary of his wife!</s><s>[agent_1]Oh yeah! Gisele! I wonder how she makes all that money!</s><s>[agent_2]She must have so many modeling contracts! Maybe Tom is hurt by that and it's why Belichick lists him in the injury report ever week! Haha</s><s>[agent_1]Tom Brady had never thrown 30 touchdown passes in a season prior to 2007. that year he threw a record 50!</s><s>[agent_2]I know a lot of people started the steroid discussion after that season. I wonder if there is any truth in that...</s><s>[agent_1]Yeah, it's really hard to say if we should get into an athletes business in that way. I'm not sure what type of steroids, but personally my doctor is always trying to give me steroids for this or that. Interesting topic!</s><s>[agent_2]Yes, I think in football it is an issue because it is strictly prohibited. However, in the baseball steroid era it was technically not illegal so the reaction of everyone being mortified might be a little much.</s><s>[agent_1]Did you know that the circular huddle was created by Paul D Hubbard, a deaf QB, so the other team couldn't read his hand signals?</s><s>[agent_2]Yes, I did! Nice of the NFL to do that. I do not think there are any deaf QBs in the league right now. Surprising though there is only 1 left handed QB in the league.</s><s>[agent_1]Oddly, Kellan Moore is the only left handed QB in the NFL. It was really nice chatting with you! I hope that you have a wonderful day!</s><s>[agent_2]Thanks, enjoyed the chat! Have a good one!</s>
<s>[agent_1]Do you know many facts about computers?</s><s>[agent_2]I'm an IT pro, so I know a few. I've been on computers since I was a kid in the early 90s. I played the original Doom.</s><s>[agent_1]Nice! I remember that game. I was surprised to see that in 1936 the Russians made a computer that ran on water.</s><s>[agent_2]Glorious Russia will make computers run on Vodka if necessary!</s><s>[agent_1]LOL I want to know how someone built a working 16 bit computer using nothing but the basic minecraft building blocks.</s><s>[agent_2]It's pretty amazing but dooable if you understand how circuits work. Bell Labs distributed a cardboard computer to schools in 1968 to teach them how it worked. I'm guessing they couldn't even play pong on it.</s><s>[agent_1]That's interesting! The space shuttles general purpose computer runs on 1mb of RAM.</s><s>[agent_2]My phone has more. I wonder If I could power a space ship with it?</s><s>[agent_1]lol Get cracking and start developing it!</s><s>[agent_2]On International Day of the Woman it's probably worth noting that the 1st computer algorithm was written by a woman.</s><s>[agent_1]I had no idea! lol Transhumanists want to upload their minds. I would do it!</s><s>[agent_2]Sure why not. That would be interesting to try. Watch football at all?</s><s>[agent_1]Big football fan...both college and the pros. How about you?</s><s>[agent_2]I was a Skins fan growing up. I don't follow it that much any more. There was a rocket scientist that actually coached in the NFL.</s><s>[agent_1]How interesting is that? I bet he has some different philosophies on the game.</s><s>[agent_2]I imagine his plays used things like cosine and cotangent.</s><s>[agent_1]I haven't heard those mentioned since I was in high school hahaha</s><s>[agent_2]Speaking of scientists, some at Harvard managet to store the GIF of a galloping horse into the DNA of a bacteria.</s><s>[agent_1]That is interesting! How in the heck did they do that? I can't believe it's 30 years since the world wide web was created in 1989. That's the year I graduated high school. lol</s><s>[agent_2]THat's pretty amazing. Hard to believe we lived in a world without it.</s><s>[agent_1]I know right? It's been fun chatting with you! Have a good one!</s>
<s>[agent_1]Do you often use the computer?</s><s>[agent_2]Yes i do!</s><s>[agent_1]It is amazing how far computers have come and how much a difference computers make for a device that simply carries out sequences of arithmetic or logical operations</s><s>[agent_2]yeah, i so agree! And with all that technology, Google built their first computer with the housing being made out of legos.</s><s>[agent_1]Computers can be made of anything. Russians made a computer that ran on water and someone built a working 16bit computer using nothing but basic minecraft building blocks!</s><s>[agent_2]Yep... and Disney definitely takes advantage of the computer making CGI movies</s><s>[agent_1]Indeed. Hollywood too have been remaking beloved classics with new CGI technology and overall better technology thanks to computers</s><s>[agent_2]and we definitely benefit from it all as consumers!</s><s>[agent_1]I am looking forward to the disney lion king's remake of the 1994 classic</s><s>[agent_2]yeah me too... but i am classic kind of person though! should be interesting seeing it done in cgi though!</s><s>[agent_1]What do you think of live action remakes?</s><s>[agent_2]They are ok... like i said... much prefer the old school classics!</s><s>[agent_1]I wonder if that is because that is what we grew up with and are nostalgic or if they are simply better in quality?</s><s>[agent_2]yeah I am sure... I think the computer kind of takes away from the true art form</s><s>[agent_1]Who knows? Maybe one day we will reach a point were there won't be any distinction between films that rely on CGI painted performance and animated filmed that rely on photorealistic effects</s><s>[agent_2]That is scary.... human action will never truly be replaced!</s><s>[agent_1]Well transhumanists want to upload their minds into computers</s><s>[agent_2]That's just weird... but the way computers are going, it will definitely happen.</s><s>[agent_1]I agree that the future is limitless. In any case thank you for the enjoyable chat. Who know maybe in the future our minds will be in these computers?</s><s>[agent_2]well computers keep getting better</s><s>[agent_1]I concur. I hope you have a wonderful day.</s>
<s>[agent_1]Hi. You a fan of Netflix? I love it personally. Founded all the way back in 1997!</s><s>[agent_2]That's ancient history in Internet time. I don't use it myself, but I understand the appeal. Netflix has 137 million total subscribers worldwide, including 58.46 million in the United States.</s><s>[agent_1]Wow. Yeah it is great. What do you use? Blockbuster should have bought netflix for 50 million.</s><s>[agent_2]Yeah, they really screwed up. I bet they thought they could do it themselves. Wrong.</s><s>[agent_1]True. Netflix was started because the founder was sick of paying a late fee on VHS! What a visionary.</s><s>[agent_2]I bet the same thing could happen to Netflix though. Some guy out there decides he's had enough.</s><s>[agent_1]Wonder what the next big thing will be. You like drama genre? I liked House MD. Hugh Laurie made 700,000 per House episode!</s><s>[agent_2]The man deserved even penny of it. He was the star, the whole reason people watched!</s><s>[agent_1]Yeah he was incredible in that show I agree. Jim Carrey doesn't make drama anymore luckily. He should stay with comedy.</s><s>[agent_2]He has a knack for comedy. His unique gift should not go wasted.</s><s>[agent_1]Agreed. Jon Hamm is good too. He taught drama at his old high school. Pretty lucky students!</s><s>[agent_2]I would have loved to be one of his students. I think one of them became famous.</s><s>[agent_1]You're right, Ellie Kemper who is Erin from the office. love that show. Michael Caine became an actor because all the hot girls were in drama class!</s><s>[agent_2]The man had the right idea. You gotta go to where the action is at if you are going to get in on it.</s><s>[agent_1]Absolutely. There is a website where you can listen to thousands of episodes of classic radio dramas for free. Wish there was one for tv drama episodes.</s><s>[agent_2]There will be soon enough. They will play commercials or something, just like YouTube.</s><s>[agent_1]Yeah I agree. Do you still watch tv? The 70's show was made into a UK version although I have never seen it.</s><s>[agent_2]I imagine it didn't do well. That was a very American show. Some things don't translate to other cultures well.</s><s>[agent_1]Yeah my thoughts exactly. It seems like the creators of South Park and Family Guy got along pretty well.</s><s>[agent_2]I guess Trey and Matt were tired of comparisons. Family Guy was too random for me.</s><s>[agent_1]Yeah it definitely is. Have a good one!</s>
<s>[agent_1]Did you watch the Academy Awards?</s><s>[agent_2]I missed them this year. Aren't they also called the Oscars?</s><s>[agent_1]Yes they are. Did you know that Daniel Day-Lewis is the only actor to win best actor at the Oscars 3 times?</s><s>[agent_2]Wow. I didn't know that. Walt Disney holds the record for most oscars won by a man with 22!</s><s>[agent_1]Oh wow, that's alot. Eminem actually has more Oscars than Leonardo Decaprio, Johnny Depp, Will Smith, George Lucas, and Bill Murray combined!</s><s>[agent_2]That's surprising! On a different note....McDonald's didn't have drive thrus until 1975 when they added them to accommodate soldiers who weren't allowed to get out of their cars while wearing fatigues.</s><s>[agent_1]That's pretty interesting, it's kind of like how your trunk is called your trunk. Old cars used to actually have wooden trunks on the back.</s><s>[agent_2]Interesting! The car brand Cadillac was named after the man who founded Detroit - Antoine de la Mothe Cadillac.</s><s>[agent_1]That's pretty cool. I'd like to have a Cadillac with a flame thrower equipped to it. That's actually legal in South Africa to prevent carjacking.</s><s>[agent_2]That would come in handy for sure. I would use it to also clear snow. lol</s><s>[agent_1]That would help for sure! It would help melt the snow quicker than the sun can. It might be better than a lighting bolt hitting it, which is 5x hotter than the surface of the sun.</s><s>[agent_2]Wow! The diameter of the sun is 109 times than that of Earth.</s><s>[agent_1]That's wild, what's even wilder is that it's only 1 billionth the size of the biggest star discovered in our galaxy!</s><s>[agent_2]Crazy when you think of it. Because of atmopsheric scattering the sun is actually white and not yellow. Interesting!</s><s>[agent_1]That is really interesting. The sun actually produces enough energy in one second to meet the needs of the entire planet for 500,000 years.</s><s>[agent_2]That's pretty incredible! On July 11, 2011 Neptune completed its first full orbit around the sun since it was discovered in 1846. I never know that.</s><s>[agent_1]I didn't know that either. That's really interesting. The sun does take up 99.86% of the total mass of the Solar System.</s><s>[agent_2]Wow. That's a good chunk! I believe the sun is made up of hot plasma.</s><s>[agent_1]Yep, it's a nearly perfect sphere of hot plasma.</s><s>[agent_2]It's also the most important source of energy for life on Earth! lol</s><s>[agent_1]Yes it is, we wouldn't be here without it. It was nice chatting with you!</s>
<s>[agent_1]Hi do you watch dramas?</s><s>[agent_2]I sure do. Did you know Jon Hamm taught drama in a high school?</s><s>[agent_1]Cool. Did you ever watch the show House MD?</s><s>[agent_2]Yeah and he even taught Ellie Kemper, she is so funny. Yeah I watch House</s><s>[agent_1]Laurie made lots of money there, $700 000 per episode</s><s>[agent_2]That is a lot. Patrick Stewart also teaches drama in the UK at the master level</s><s>[agent_1]Neat. Do you like Jim Carrey?</s><s>[agent_2]I sure do he is pretty funny. DO you like him?</s><s>[agent_1]I like him a lot and he no longer is doing dramas because they do not project positivity</s><s>[agent_2]Have you heard of the show Ikea Heights?</s><s>[agent_1]I have not heard of that, WHat channel is it on?</s><s>[agent_2]I am not sure but it is shot in California in an Ikea store and people there do not even know</s><s>[agent_1]WOw. Do you like radio dramas?</s><s>[agent_2]I like them sometimes. Do you listen to them?</s><s>[agent_1]Yeah I do and there is a free website where you can listen for free</s><s>[agent_2]Nice. Do you know why soap operas are called as such?</s><s>[agent_1]Hmm I have no idea, I thought because they are so cheesy, what is the reason?</s><s>[agent_2]Actually it is because there were soap manufacturers that sponsored them</s><s>[agent_1]Oh that makes so much sense. Do you know why Caine became an actor?</s><s>[agent_2]Hmm I am not sure of that. He went to college for it?</s><s>[agent_1]Nope he just attended drama class in high school because that is where the pretty girls went</s><s>[agent_2]Hahaha the guy really knew what he was after even that early</s><s>[agent_1]Exactly. Do you watch the NFL games at all?</s>
<s>[agent_1]Hi there, do you enjoy watching movies?</s><s>[agent_2]I do like watching movies. I saw Wonder Woman recently, did you see it? What did you think</s><s>[agent_1]I loved it and looking forward to the sequel. Seems Gadot was a real fighter, she was in Israeli defense forces</s><s>[agent_2]Yeah I could see that. She did a good job with acting like she was a soldier and such. It's funny that when she auditioned, she thought she was auditioning for Catwoman, that's a completely different role</s><s>[agent_1]Hahah go figure. Do you know what the role of wonder woman was when the character first appeared?</s><s>[agent_2]No I don't know? Can you tell me?. What do you think about World War 1 movies? I don't think they make enough, and the Wonder Woman movie is apparently the highest grossing one</s><s>[agent_1]Well they made her the secretary, how cliche. And yeah now it is one of the highest grossing movies</s><s>[agent_2]Yep that's true. And yeah, making her the secretary would definitely not fly today haha. What do you think about Leonardo DiCaprio by the way? I really liked him in Titanic</s><s>[agent_1]I like him he is a good actor. He is apparently producing a Twilight zone movie</s><s>[agent_2]That is interesting I didn't know that. I hope that movie is good. Have you ever seen the sitcom Growing Pains? Apparently Brad Pitt Matthew Perry and also Leonardo DiCaprio were in it at some point</s><s>[agent_1]Oh no I have not seen that one. Despite his great work, he has only won one Golden Globe in his life</s><s>[agent_2]Yeah that is crazy. He's actually a good actor in my opinion, have you seen the movie the Revenant? I didn't know that it was a remake of a 1971 movie</s><s>[agent_1]Yeah it was actually a remake of the movie Man in the Wilderness. I liked it a lot</s><s>[agent_2]Yep you're right. It was definitely an interesting movie. Have you ever seen the movie The Basketball Diaries? I heard it was good, but it definitely helped launch his career apparently</s><s>[agent_1]I have not seen that one actually, maybe I should check it out. How about Denzel Washington, what do you think of him?</s><s>[agent_2]Yeah he seems like a pretty good guy. I know that he played this actor"grapes"in the Fruit of the Loom commercials LOL I don't think I've seen those</s><s>[agent_1]I have not seen those either, wow. And he has never done a sequel to any of his movies it seems</s><s>[agent_2]That is interesting. And his family is really talented by the way too. His son plays for the St Louis Rams. What a family</s><s>[agent_1]Niceee, did not know that. And the guy refused to pay to get a star in the hollywood walk of fame</s><s>[agent_2]That is pretty funny. It must be out of principle because they definitely have the money, only $30,000, I guess they just don't want to support it perhaps? What do you think</s><s>[agent_1]I honestly like their stand on this. THey have made great careers why would they need a star. Nice chatting with you.</s>
<s>[agent_1]Are you a fan of Donald Glover?</s><s>[agent_2]Yes, I am He has a great Tv show called Atlanta have you ever heard of it?</s><s>[agent_1]No but I recently saw one of his videos and immeidately became a fan</s><s>[agent_2]He's a pretty good rapper, He definitely knows how to make a stage performance fun.</s><s>[agent_1]Are you a fan of Star Wars?</s><s>[agent_2]Yes I definitely am what about you. Whats your favorite film in the serious</s><s>[agent_1]The orignals with Mark and Harrison</s><s>[agent_2]Me too empire strikes back is most definitely my favorite its an absolute masterpiece.</s><s>[agent_1]Eight of the movies in the Star Wars series have been nominated for Academy Awards</s><s>[agent_2]Are you a fan of any of the newer ones that have recently been released?</s><s>[agent_1]Not so much. As I have gotten older, I have found a greater appreciation for the classics.</s><s>[agent_2]This is very true, even though film technology keeps getting better they will never be able to recreate the same magic from the classics</s><s>[agent_1]I think Empire Strikes Back was the best one of all time</s><s>[agent_2]George Lucas made history and has influenced many film makers</s><s>[agent_1]The Force Awakens gave the series a new identity in 2015 I think</s><s>[agent_2]Solo: a star wars story didnt receive as much promotion last year as many of the other releases</s><s>[agent_1]Yeah, it was seen as a flop in comparison to other Star Wars films among some of the critics.</s><s>[agent_2]Do you know what the total value of the franchise was estimated at in 2018?</s><s>[agent_1]I would think it would be in the billions?</s><s>[agent_2]It was estimated at right around 65 billion</s><s>[agent_1]That is a record I believe.</s>
<s>[agent_1]do you know much about the president?</s><s>[agent_2]Yes I know that Wilson was the only one to have a PhD</s><s>[agent_1]Nice. Do you know who the three wealthiest presidents in the us are?</s><s>[agent_2]I have no idea they are ranked in that way. who is it?</s><s>[agent_1]It is Jefferson, Washington and JFK</s><s>[agent_2]Nice. In Guatemala if you are the relative of a president you cannot run ever</s><s>[agent_1]Wow I guess that is one way to combat nepotism and such things</s><s>[agent_2]Yes true. Did you know Lincoln was the first one to have his photo taken during inauguration</s><s>[agent_1]Nice. Do you know that the white house is smaller than the guest house?</s><s>[agent_2]They must get a lot of guests there and need the room for them</s><s>[agent_1]Yes. Do you know how the VP used to be elected?</s><s>[agent_2]I do not know, what is not like it is now?</s><s>[agent_1]Nope it was actually the runner up that moved into that position</s><s>[agent_2]Oh nice that is different. About 5 presidents have lost even though they won the popular vote</s><s>[agent_1]Yeah I think that is really weird. Did you know the president of Indonesia is a pop star?</s><s>[agent_2]Wow cool, a president and an artist, nice</s><s>[agent_1]Yeah and he has already released 3 albums</s><s>[agent_2]Wow cool. The last president that spoke a foreign language was FDR</s><s>[agent_1]Wow that is weird. DO you know much about planets?</s><s>[agent_2]Yes I do. Do you know what other names are used to refer to earth?</s><s>[agent_1]I do not know that but did you know that Venus does not tilt?</s><s>[agent_2]The other names are Tellus and Telluris. Pretty awesome. Nice chat!!</s>
<s>[agent_1]Are you a fan of the NBA?</s><s>[agent_2]I love the NBA yeah, are you a fan?</s><s>[agent_1]Me too, I love watching it every night that it is on, do you have a team/</s><s>[agent_2]I like the Warriors, they have a great team, do you have a favorite team or player?</s><s>[agent_1]I like the Bulls, they have been struggling lately. I loved the Jordan days</s><s>[agent_2]I miss the Jordan days also he is the best player ever, many like LeBron but I prefer Jordan a hundred times.</s><s>[agent_1]For sure Jordan was so good. He used to get fined wearing his signature shoes</s><s>[agent_2]He did? I wonder if he stooped wearing them eventually those were really comfortable shoes.</s><s>[agent_1]He never did, Nike ended up paying for the fines because it was basically free advertisement for them</s><s>[agent_2]Oh I guess Nike is a company with the resources, most sports brands are, like Reebok, did you hear about the deal Iverson signed with them?</s><s>[agent_1]I used to love the Iverson Reebok shoes! I heard it was a very lucrative deal!</s><s>[agent_2]He sure had a nice deal $800,000 a year until he turns 55 and then a big payday of $32 million dollars.</s><s>[agent_1]wow that is a lot of money. Last I heard he was struggling for money! He probably hopes to be 55 soon</s><s>[agent_2]Yeah, most players end up broke, hope he can manage finances better this time around.</s><s>[agent_1]I hope so too, that 32 million should last the rest of his life. Were you a Tim Duncan fan?</s><s>[agent_2]I used to like him yeah, what about you? does he still play?</s><s>[agent_1]He retired a few years back. He didn't leave college early when he could have and got his degree instead. I think it was a promise to his late grandmother</s><s>[agent_2]I guess that decision paid off, many players end with financial problems like Iverson and then have no other way to make money, having a degree is a good way to ensuring your future.</s><s>[agent_1]Right, especially the players who only last like 2 seasons and flop. Poor guys, money on their mind for sure! It was so nice chatting with you!</s><s>[agent_2]They should receive financial classes in the NBA and I agree it was nice chatting, have a nice morning bye.</s><s>[agent_1]enjoy your morning also and your day!</s>
<s>[agent_1]Do you go to many concerts?</s><s>[agent_2]I used to but am too old and chlostrophobic (sp?).</s><s>[agent_1]Me too, I tend to stay in the back and jam out to the concerts. Go to anyone good?</s><s>[agent_2]I usually go to small shows at local places. I just saw a johnny cash tribute band and they jammed! You?</s><s>[agent_1]nice that is awesome lol. I went to Linkin Park back in 2001, they had 324 concerts that year!</s><s>[agent_2]That's a lot of shows! Didn't they have the top album that year?</s><s>[agent_1]Yep Hybrid Theory, it was so good. It is like the ramones kind playing 2263 concerts over 20 straight years</s><s>[agent_2]That's a lot of shows. Almost too many. Did you ever see the Ramones live?</s><s>[agent_1]Right, I never did, but wish I did. You?</s><s>[agent_2]No. The best Ihave is seeing Dave Matthews in a small venue in 1994. Then they hit it big and I was surrounded by frat boys and knew my time at concerts were limited.</s><s>[agent_1]Nice that would be awesome, I was supposed to see Dave but all my friends backed out! Even had the tickets</s><s>[agent_2]Oh no!!! I went back in 2008 0r 06 and we took a bus. It was so much fun until we parked next to another bus, filled with high schoolers and frat boys. I did make friends quickly though. The HSers were asking for a stern talking to though.</s><s>[agent_1]That makes me happy I didn't go there, I was in college though. Did you ever see creed in concert?</s><s>[agent_2]No, not a fan after the law suit, You?</s><s>[agent_1]lol that must have been a terrible concert, i think 4 people sued them. I never saw them</s><s>[agent_2]Scott Stapp got stupid drunk back stage, did 15 minutes of music (poorly), passed out on stage and then called it performance art.</s><s>[agent_1]no way! I need to youtube this lol. Do you like to dance?</s><s>[agent_2]I do but I am terrible at it!</s><s>[agent_1]me too, i need some liquid confidence to get me going lol! It was so nice chatting with you!</s><s>[agent_2]Ditto. Have a great day!</s><s>[agent_1]Thanks, you as well!</s>
<s>[agent_1]Good morning. Did you watch the Oscars?</s><s>[agent_2]This is one of the few years that I did not but I watched the highlights the next day.</s><s>[agent_1]Did you know the started in 1929?</s><s>[agent_2]I knew they were old but not that old. It seems like long form cinema itself can't be much older than that.</s><s>[agent_1]I'm not sure when cinema started. Do you watch a lot of TV?</s><s>[agent_2]I definitely do.</s><s>[agent_1]Do you like South Park or the Simpsons?</s><s>[agent_2]I like both. Did you know that there is only one episode of The Simpsons ever where Bart does not appear and is not mentioned?</s><s>[agent_1]That is very interesting. There are also over 750 episodes of Pokemon.</s><s>[agent_2]Wow! I had no idea it had been on long enough to have that many episodes.</s><s>[agent_1]Do you like the drama genre?</s><s>[agent_2]I definitely do.</s><s>[agent_1]Hugh Laurie is the highest paid actor for a TV drama, 700000 per episode of House</s><s>[agent_2]I knew it was on for a long time but I had no idea that that show was that popular.</s><s>[agent_1]I never really watched it or go into it.</s><s>[agent_2]Are you familiar with Michael Caine?</s><s>[agent_1]The actor? Yes.</s><s>[agent_2]Did you know that he only became an actor because he decided to join drama class because all of the prettiest girls in his school were in there?</s><s>[agent_1]I did not know that, very interesting. I guess he made the right career choice.</s><s>[agent_2]He definitely did. Jon Hamm also had an interesting trajectory. He taught drama at his old high school before he made it big.</s><s>[agent_1]I was aware of that, one of his students was on the office.</s><s>[agent_2]Yes, Ellie Kemper. It was nice chatting with you. Have a nice day.</s>
<s>[agent_1]Are you a pro tennis fan?</s><s>[agent_2]I am and I really like Serena Williams, how about you?</s><s>[agent_1]Same. I was very upset with the ump during the U.S. Open and agreed with her frustration.</s><s>[agent_2]Agreed! Carlos Ramos is a great player as well.</s><s>[agent_1]I don't think she should have been fined, certainly not $17K!</s><s>[agent_2]I know! That was just wrong. I think if it would have been a male that wouldn't have happened.</s><s>[agent_1]It was great to see her get the support she did from her fellow players</s><s>[agent_2]Yes it was. It has to be tough on them and when they are playing under such a high stand</s><s>[agent_1]I think Osaka conducted herself in a dignified manner after all the drama during the match. She was very respectful of WIlliams and her frustration.</s><s>[agent_2]I agree, I think Serena is very talented and she does have many who follow and love her.</s><s>[agent_1]Osaka played well but I believe the ump stole the title from WIlliams and gave it to Naomi.</s><s>[agent_2]Yes, that ump has a reputation and not a good one.</s><s>[agent_1]I would hope the USTA would also fine the Ump just as much but the USTA seems to be standing behind him instead of the future Hall of Famer</s><s>[agent_2]I totally agree. They need to have something in place for these ump's. It is just not right.</s><s>[agent_1]The whole incident was replayed on just about every news outlet in the world to include Williams' interviews after the match. You could see Ramos was wrong.</s><s>[agent_2]Definitely! It's plain and simple he crossed the line. Ump's are only there to analyze the match not act out. I didn't know this but interesting that Serena Williams is a co owner of The miami dolphins.</s><s>[agent_1]She has been ranked #1 since 2002, she should have been given the benefit of the doubt.</s><s>[agent_2]I agree, she won her 23rd grand slam in2017 she is amazing</s><s>[agent_1]She is an amazing woman for sure. She also speaks Italian and French</s><s>[agent_2]Very talented. In 2007 she was ranked 95th in the world!</s><s>[agent_1]I think she could beat a majority of the ranked male players on the tour too</s><s>[agent_2]Oh definitely! The WTA ranked her world #1 in singles for 8 occasions.</s><s>[agent_1]I must admit though that my all time favorite women's player is Steffi Graf without a doubt.</s>
<s>[agent_1]Hi. Did you know that moon dust can cut through kevlar like material?</s><s>[agent_2]No, that's fascinating. Did you know the highest point on the moon is 1938 meters taller than Mt. Everest?</s><s>[agent_1]I didn't know that. It really makes you think about how it must be walking around on the moon doesn't it?</s><s>[agent_2]Yea, I wouldn't want to catch hay fever walking around with all that moon dust</s><s>[agent_1]i've heard that hay fever from moon dust is harmful to people.</s><s>[agent_2]I heard apollo 11 considered placing a UN flag on the moon instead of the US flag</s><s>[agent_1]Hmm, that could have been a good thing. It would have included the whole planet. What do you think?</s><s>[agent_2]I prefer the US flag, I mean everyone on Apollo 11 was from the US</s><s>[agent_1]True. It was definitely an American accomplishment. I wonder what made them decide not to use the UN flag.</s><s>[agent_2]I don't know. It's pretty interesting one of Saturn's moons may have methane based life</s><s>[agent_1]That is interesting! Is it Titan? I think that's Saturn's most well known moon.</s><s>[agent_2]Mars' mon Phobos is one third hollow, that's crazy</s><s>[agent_1]That is crazy. It's crazy that scientists can know that and it's crazy that a large partially hollow object is orbitting around in space.</s><s>[agent_2]Yea that is pretty crazy, so is Bruce Lee winning the cha-cha championship in 1958</s><s>[agent_1]Bruce Lee won a dance contest?</s><s>[agent_2]Yep, and Tupac did ballet in high school too</s><s>[agent_1]I can see Bruce lee dancing, but Tupac doing ballet? That's amazing.</s><s>[agent_2]Yep, Tupac played the Mouse King in his high school production of The Nutcracker</s><s>[agent_1]That is pretty cool. Did you know that Michael Jackson has a patent on a device he used for some of his dance moves?</s><s>[agent_2]Yea, they have videos on youtube showing how it works. Did you know the same piano was used to record Bohemian Rhapsody and Hey Jude?</s><s>[agent_1]i honestly did not know that. I wonder if Freddie Mercury and Paul McCartney were friends.</s>
<s>[agent_1]Hi How are you today?</s><s>[agent_2]I am good how about you?</s><s>[agent_1]I am good. Do you like Football?</s><s>[agent_2]Yes. Packers fan</s><s>[agent_1]I like football but not enough to think that Tom Brady wrote the athlete bible ya know.</s><s>[agent_2]I am not a Patriots fan or a Fan of Brady</s><s>[agent_1]I don't understand why the NFL has been using tracking chips in the players shoulder pads.</s><s>[agent_2]They track everything today by tech looking for an edge</s><s>[agent_1]Yeah, it definitely seems that way</s><s>[agent_2]They even have them in footballs now</s><s>[agent_1]That is crazy. Like, everything in the world doesn't need tracking, at least in my opinion.</s><s>[agent_2]Yes its getting nuts. Tracking velocity and even rotation</s><s>[agent_1]Yep</s><s>[agent_2]They are even using a lot of tech in baseball these days</s><s>[agent_1]The cell industry is definitely taking over the world.</s><s>[agent_2]I totally agree with you on that</s><s>[agent_1]Are you religious?</s><s>[agent_2]yes. fairly so</s><s>[agent_1]Did you know that Thomas Jefferson had created his own version of the bible so he could remove the supernatural parts. Thats wild.</s><s>[agent_2]no. i didnt. that is wild</s><s>[agent_1]Yes, definitely, and also the biblical tower of babel is based on a real building in present day iraq.</s><s>[agent_2]yes. i had read that before</s><s>[agent_1]Its been nice talking to u</s>
<s>[agent_1]hey there, did you know that bruce lee was a great dancer? he was a chacha championship winner in 1958</s><s>[agent_2]No, I had no idea, but he was good on his feet so I can see how he was a great dancer</s><s>[agent_1]yeah. the two do go hand in hand</s><s>[agent_2]I wonder if Michael Jackson was a good martial artist, he does have a patent on a dance move device</s><s>[agent_1]who knows . he dosnt strike me as a person into the martial arts, but you never know</s><s>[agent_2]Yea maybe. I always found dancing fascinating. apparently ballet dancers go through 4 pairs of shoes in a week. Hope they aren't expensive shoes</s><s>[agent_1]i think they are pretty expensive. and speaking of someone doing somehting youd never think, the rapper Tupac used to dance ballet in high school</s><s>[agent_2]Yea, I saw a documentary about him that showed pictures of him doing that. He was also in the nutcracker too</s><s>[agent_1]yes he was. the number 212 is the fastest number to dial on a rotary phone, you old enough to remember those? haha</s><s>[agent_2]I remember a childhood friend still had one, man it be a pain in the ass to use those now</s><s>[agent_1]id say just as much of a pain as texting useing an older cell phone with T9. hitting a single key up to 3 times for a letter. my grandma has a rotary still</s><s>[agent_2]Lol. Unicef will donate clean water for every minute you don't use your cell phone</s><s>[agent_1]that is an interesting way to get a donation.</s><s>[agent_2]Yea, I wonder how they are even able to track how somone isn't using their cell phone to donate</s><s>[agent_1]i would think its probably a app that tracks screen on time. you cannot seperate 2 phone books that have their pages overlapped.</s><s>[agent_2]I think you can if you use an iphone, it has more computing power than the US nuclear icbm deterrent</s><s>[agent_1]that is a cool fact. i need to travel sometime soon, was thinking of japan. i saw that all the highways there are tolls and would cost over 300.00 to drive across</s><s>[agent_2]King Kalakaua of Hawaii was the first person to travel the world, I'm sure he'd have no issues paying for tolls</s><s>[agent_1]no im sure he wouldnt. i would like to take the cummuter bus the dutch are creating that is supposed to go 160mph. it does sound a little sketchy though.</s><s>[agent_2]I hope they are able to pull it off, if they do they can help Iceland, they have no public rail service</s><s>[agent_1]the country there is too beautiful not to be able to take a long train ride and enjoy</s>
<s>[agent_1]Hello! Did you know that youtube is the 2nd largest search engine?</s><s>[agent_2]Heard that. Understand Google owns YouTube, and has since 2006. Do you watch YouTube?</s><s>[agent_1]I watch a few things on youtube, but have never seen Bieber's "baby" which is the most disliked video.</s><s>[agent_2]Don't plan to watch it. But I do watch video clips, short films and original videos on YouTube, as well as BBC shows on YouTube TV.</s><s>[agent_1]Same here. Have you ever watched Gangnam Style? It had so many view that the view count integer had to go up.</s><s>[agent_2]No. What was it about?</s><s>[agent_1]It's a guy doing a weird dance. Have you ever watched the police youtube called blutube? I just found out about it.</s><s>[agent_2]Nope. It may only be available to police units...Have seen a few reality police shows, but they're slow and boring, just like a lot of police work in reality. Not slow or boring has been YouTube's growth since 2005. It's captured a lot of former cable users, I understand.</s><s>[agent_1]Yes and between youtube and netflix 1/2 of the internet is accounted for.</s><s>[agent_2]I can believe they command 50% of peak internet usage. That's powerful for the purse of owners.</s><s>[agent_1]I wonder if you could watch netflix or youtube on the peak of mt. everest because they have 3g service there.</s><s>[agent_2]Apparently so, but I've never BEEN there myself, of course. Even explorers can ''phone home'' these days, from Everest or Antarctica. The internet is amazing.</s><s>[agent_1]It is amazing, but also a little scary because there are always things you have to agree to. Only 7% of people read the full terms of service. I know I don't...</s><s>[agent_2]True. In general, WWW users don't have a clue how much info. they're giving away, to whom, or for what purpose. Knowledge is power; ignorance leads to totalitarian states!</s><s>[agent_1]The library of Alexandria has a copy of the internet saved. I didn't even know you could save the entire thing! Did you?</s><s>[agent_2]No. But I have to admire their mission. After all, this ancient text treasure was itself burned during many conquests of Egypt. Now they have copied the internet in case IT burns down. Could that happen?</s><s>[agent_1]I'm not sure! Do you know anyone that has ever been addicted to the internet because that can happen with all the clicking of links.</s><s>[agent_2]Thankfully, no. But have heard this is a genuine addiction which can be measured in the brain. Sad statement of the times, perhaps.</s><s>[agent_1]It is especially with how easy it is to access things now. It was nice chatting with you!</s><s>[agent_2]Thanks.</s><s>[agent_1]Have a good day!</s>
<s>[agent_1]I built a toy robot once. Have you?</s><s>[agent_2]No, I'd probably electrocute myself if I tried, but it would be cool to have a pet robot</s><s>[agent_1]The company Anki is introducing a small table top companion. Kind of like Alexa. The think I built was programmed in basic. This you talk to.</s><s>[agent_2]Yea, ANki wants a robot in every home, hopefully there is no ulterior motives</s><s>[agent_1]I am sure this thing will collect data while it rolls around the table top. Kid does not like peas. Must inform the high command. The fur child has thrown up again. Scary the information it will collect.</s><s>[agent_2]Sounds creepy to be honest, a palm sized robot that can crack jokes</s><s>[agent_1]Should a robot have expressive eyes? I do not want to think of this little thing as feeling. Remember Rosie from the Jetsons. Thats what I want. Smart, dangerous, useful.</s><s>[agent_2]Yea, Vector sounds creepy to me, nudging people's hands for attention</s><s>[agent_1]Honda's Asimo was pretty strange to watch. It must have been costly. It was pointless as far as I know.</s><s>[agent_2]Yea, I wouldn't pay 1,000 for an Asimo</s><s>[agent_1]I think it cost far more than that. Anki has a kickstarter to raise funds. Looks like they will make the $500,000 goal. Soon the robots will take over the world.</s><s>[agent_2]Maybe that is why Michael Jackson planned to build a 50 foot robot to protect mankind from other mini robots</s><s>[agent_1]Vector will cost $250. You can buy a lot of them. Release them into the desert. Watch the 50 ft tall ones hunt them down. Make a reality TV show out of it.</s><s>[agent_2]Hopefully Vector is never created using rat brains, then that would be a serious problem</s><s>[agent_1]It would be a kind of arms race. One side uses rat brains, the other side uses cat brains. The poor chickens, standing in the middle of the road.</s><s>[agent_2]The chicken would be screwed since robots can debone them with surgical precision</s><s>[agent_1]No, those poor boneless chickens, how will they ever get across the road. They must play xbox and disarm explosives.</s><s>[agent_2]Grant Imahara from mythbusters is gonna have to design a new robot for the war, hopefully time travel won't be involved</s><s>[agent_1]It is an interesting idea, would a time traveling robot invest in google or amazon?</s><s>[agent_2]I think Jeff Bezos might be a robot, it would explain why he built a clock into a mountain that can run for 10,000 years</s><s>[agent_1]I find it alarming that google maps uses data from android devices ( your phone ) to find how fast traffic is moving. Sky net knows you're in traffic. It knows if you have been bad or good.</s><s>[agent_2]Well I got to go and make some tin foil hats now, nice chatting with you</s>
<s>[agent_1]Do you like horror films?</s><s>[agent_2]I cant say I am a fan. I tend to prefer comedy</s><s>[agent_1]I do too, I do like a good horror movie though, it helps my visual perception of art</s><s>[agent_2]I have heard that. That you will appreciate abstract art more after a horror film.</s><s>[agent_1]For sure, Stephen king was one of my favorite horror genre persons, he thought bambi was a horror movie</s><s>[agent_2]I can see that, if you only watch the first 5 minutes.</s><s>[agent_1]for sure, lol! WHat do you like to use the internet for</s><s>[agent_2]Everything! Id be lost without it!</s><s>[agent_1]Me too, how else did people find facts before the internet! You can even get internet on Mt Everest!</s><s>[agent_2]I know! Isnt that great! That way you can immediately post your summit selfie!</s><s>[agent_1]For sure, a great place for instagram! Do you read at all?</s><s>[agent_2]I do, I love non-fiction.</s><s>[agent_1]Me too, I heard the FDA burned six tons of literature because of a censorship act</s><s>[agent_2]That is sad. They were obviously absent though when they were having the contest to come up with the worst possible opening line for a novel. lol</s><s>[agent_1]For sure! kissing romantically is more recent in novels and not seen in ancient literature</s><s>[agent_2]I dont know why I always thought it was an older thing.</s><s>[agent_1]Me too, kissing has been around forever, were they scared to write about it, who knows</s><s>[agent_2]That could be there has always been those taboo things to put in literature.</s><s>[agent_1]For sure! Good chatting with you!</s><s>[agent_2]Same here! Have a good night!</s><s>[agent_1]you too!</s>
<s>[agent_1]Hello! Do you like dogs?</s><s>[agent_2]Hello, to you as well. Yes, I love dogs. Do you?</s><s>[agent_1]I do. I have one. Did you know that dogs aren't colorblind? They just can't see as many different colors as humans.</s><s>[agent_2]You know, I always wondered if my dogs could see color or not.</s><s>[agent_1]Now you know. lol Dogs and elephants are the only animals that seem to instinctively understand pointing. There's another fact for you. lol</s><s>[agent_2]I know for a fact my dogs understand pointing. They're both so smart!</s><s>[agent_1]Yes. Speaking of cats, Google prefers dogs to cats as stated in their code of conduct that states they are a dog company.</s><s>[agent_2]Stellar point! Always figured Google was pro dog!</s><s>[agent_1]lol I was surprised to have recently found out there is 12 different blood types for dogs and that dogs can donate blood at dog blood drives. Who would have known?</s><s>[agent_2]I've never heard of dogs donating blood, that's so fascinating to me. I also didn't know they have 12 different blood types. I do know they are wonderful creatures and are truly man's best friend.</s><s>[agent_1]Yes they are. In Istanbul they have a vending machine that releases food and water for the city's stray dogs in exchange for recycled plastic bottles.</s><s>[agent_2]How cool, that seems like a nice program, kills two birds with one stone.</s><s>[agent_1]Yes. I agree. It would be nice to see something like that here in the states. Are you a fan of literature?</s><s>[agent_2]Yes, I am. Are you a fan?</s><s>[agent_1]Somewhat. It was an Olympic event from 1912-1952. I don't know how you turn that into a sport? lol</s><s>[agent_2]Me either? That's so strange.</s><s>[agent_1]I wouldn't want to be a judge. lol In 1953 Sir Winston Churchill won a nobel prize for literature. Never knew that.</s><s>[agent_2]Me either, I would have thought it would have been for peace.</s><s>[agent_1]Yes. Me too. I would like to see the annual contest that challenges writers to come up with the worst possible opening sentence to a novel. lol That would be funny.</s><s>[agent_2]Yes, it would!</s><s>[agent_1]I have to get going nice chatting!</s>
<s>[agent_1]Did you see the latest John Gotti Movie with John Travolta?</s><s>[agent_2]I haven't seen it yet, but I am excited for it despite it getting a 0% rating on rotten tomatoes.</s><s>[agent_1]I like Travolta but this has been done so many times already. The best version I've seen is with Armand Assante</s><s>[agent_2]True that it has been done so many times already, but I don't think that the harsh assessments of the critics were rather harsh</s><s>[agent_1]Yeah most times i ignore them as the audience usually right. It's owned by Warner brothers so there you go, ha ha</s><s>[agent_2]I mean some even said it was the worst mob movie of all time. Also you are right, the marketing team for Gotti did a good job turning the situation around to gather a greater following.</s><s>[agent_1]Netflix has about 150 movies with a score of 100% on RT.</s><s>[agent_2]I wonder how good those 150 movies are. I have to say though that most of the time, Rotten Tomatoes does a very good job of rating its movies, much better than imdb.</s><s>[agent_1]Hey you remember Siskel & Ebert?</s><s>[agent_2]Is that a movie?</s><s>[agent_1]No they we're the original rotten tomatoes. they use to come on tv Sundays i think an actually review movies with clips it was pretty cool.</s><s>[agent_2]Oh! I have never heard of or used Siskel & Ebert before. I used rotten tomatoes ever since I saw spykids after seeing that it had a 93% fresh rating on rotten tomatoes</s><s>[agent_1]13 years before the sequel there was a video game called the incredibles raise of the underminer.</s><s>[agent_2]It is too bad that no film based on video games have gotten above 44%. Speaking of incredibles raise of the underminer, have you seen the incredibles?</s><s>[agent_1]I saw the first one, i enjoyed it...Funny!! It's set in the 60's a pretty good time period.</s><s>[agent_2]I also enjoyed incredibles 2 created by walt disney. Most sequels don't do very well, but disney did a good job.</s><s>[agent_1]I did not see the second one but im sure your right. Apparently Disney thought about closing their animation studio because Sleeping Beauty did so bad.</s><s>[agent_2]Well its weird that Sleeping Beauty did so bad considering how iconic it is today. Although I'm sure their experience with treasure planet in the box office sure didn't help</s><s>[agent_1]Ha ha! You know it's all about the mighty dollar. I didn't realize that Tom Hanks is the highest movie earnings of all time. 8.5 million. is that from toy story you think?</s><s>[agent_2]I mean he is a star capable of carrying the whole movie by himself to an amazing degree. It is better to pay a good actor rather than flop like trojan wars The movie with a budge of 15million only earned 309 dollars in box office</s><s>[agent_1]That's one i never got to see either, doge a bullet you say, ha ha! Now Silence of the lamb on the other hand with Anthony Hopkins was a hit. 270 million.</s><s>[agent_2]I have to concur. In any case, this was a wonderful opportunity to chat about movies.</s>
<s>[agent_1]Hi. Do you like entertainment? Entertainment is a form of activity that holds the attention and interest of an audience or gives pleasure and delight.</s><s>[agent_2]Sure, who doesn't like entertainment? I especially like the NFL which is considered entertainment rather than sport by legal definition.</s><s>[agent_1]Cool. Did you know that Bill Ny the "science guy" got his break in entertainment by winning a Steve Martin lookalike contest? Isn't that wild?</s><s>[agent_2]That is pretty neat. Lots of interesting little facts out there. Like the "E" in Chuck E Cheese actually standing for entertainment.</s><s>[agent_1]Entertainment is a strange industry. Did you know that Ronald Reagan was once rejected for a movie role because an entertainment exec didn't think he had "that presidential look"?</s><s>[agent_2]How ironic is that? Almost as ironic as the Olsen Twins owning a billion dollar enterprise. I remember them as the little girls on Full House.</s><s>[agent_1]Content? Did you know that the Nintendo entertainment system could only display 54 colors?</s><s>[agent_2]I actually did know that. I had one of those systems and loved it as a kid. Now I watch more movies and play less video games. I use Rotten tomatoes to give me my reviews so I know what to watch.</s><s>[agent_1]Yes, I've used Rotten Tomatoes to see the reviews for films and television as well.</s><s>[agent_2]Hard to believe it's been around since 1998. Doesn't seem like that long.</s><s>[agent_1]I know. Netflix has almost 150 movies available with a 100% rating on Rotten Tomatoes.</s><s>[agent_2]Wow, that's impressive. Certainly much better than Ashton Kutcher and Jennifer Love Hewitt.</s><s>[agent_1]Yes, also did you know that no film based on a video game has achieved above 44% on Rotten Tomatoes?</s><s>[agent_2]That doesn't surprise me. And Kutcher and Hewitt never had a film rated fresh. I guess they're not on NetFlix huh?</s><s>[agent_1]I'm sure they are. Did you know that Spykids received a 93% fresh rating on Rotten Tomatoes, better than say Lincoln or the Dark Knight Rises?</s><s>[agent_2]Spykids wasn't horrible. Both my boys liked that movie as kids. Toy Story has an average rating of 100%</s><s>[agent_1]True. Did you know that Rotten Tomatoes is owned by Warner Bros.?</s><s>[agent_2]I did not know that, but it doesn't surprise me.</s><s>[agent_1]Yes, and Michael Bay's average Rotten Tomatoes film rating is 38%</s><s>[agent_2]That doesn</s><s>[agent_1]It's been nice chatting with you.</s>
<s>[agent_1]Hey there how's it going? What's your favorite album?</s><s>[agent_2]My favorite album would be Kind Of Blue, do you know it ?</s><s>[agent_1]I actually don't know it! I will look it up. Even though LINKIN PARK's album was the best selling of the 21st-century I wasn't a big fan.</s><s>[agent_2]I am quite old, but if I heard it, I would remember. But I did not buy it, nor any of my friends.</s><s>[agent_1]Same with me. Do you remember the Dark side of the moon? It's still one of the best selling albums despite being released over 40 years ago.</s><s>[agent_2]I have that album, on vinyl. I listen to from time to time, it is till good. Do you have it ?</s><s>[agent_1]Epic, yes I have it too. But on a CD. Straight Outta Compton was the first album to reach platinum status without the support of a major tour or airplay.</s><s>[agent_2]I don't listen to rap music, never took the time to appreciate it. Now, with internet, that kind of success is common.</s><s>[agent_1]Yeah it's a lot easier now days. Two identical twins once released a rap album when they turned 100 lol.</s><s>[agent_2]I wonder how it sounds, maybe they thought that rapping is easier than singing. Do you think they are still alive ?</s><s>[agent_1]Chances are no because this was back in 1992. If they are I need to know what they are eating.</s><s>[agent_2]Or maybe rapping keeps you young. Do you still have albums on cassettes tapes ?</s><s>[agent_1]Nope I think I got rid of them all they kind of seem to disappear into the first decade of the 2000s. You?</s><s>[agent_2]I think I have kept a few of them for sentimental reasons. And I still have a tape deck on my stereo.</s><s>[agent_1]It's cool you're holding it down for the rest of us. Have you converted to Netflix? Together with YouTube it makes up half of peak Internet traffic in North America.</s><s>[agent_2]I like Netflix, what is favorite show on it ? Blockbuster is still regretting not buying them.</s><s>[agent_1]Yeah I bet blockbuster wish I could have that opportunity back to buy it for 50 million.. My favorite show at Stranger Things.</s><s>[agent_2]That was a good show, I liked the 80s vibe. It is a really innovative company, the idea started because of the late fees of rented film. There were way too high.</s><s>[agent_1]Yeah that's a good point especially since the guy who is inspired to start Netflix based his decision off racking up a big late fee!</s><s>[agent_2]And then they want from using the postal service to streaming. Most companies would have stopped innovating once they had success.</s><s>[agent_1]True. They never stop. What's next for them? Well it was great talking with you have a nice one.</s><s>[agent_2]Thanks, have a good afternoon.</s>
<s>[agent_1]Forbes says Kylie Jenner is a billionaire. I had no idea.</s><s>[agent_2]I did not know that either. That is crazy. Do you like space? I would like to go to Mars someday</s><s>[agent_1]I would love to go to space! Yeah, and they say Kylie Jenner is self made. But I don't think that is true. Supposedly she is the youngest self made billionaire ever.</s><s>[agent_2]Yeah I do not know anything about her. Did you know there was a dwarf planet between Mars and Jupiter? I had never heard of it</s><s>[agent_1]Kylie Jenner is one of the Kardashians, I believe. I never knew about the dwarf planet between Mars and Jupiter! Does it have a name?</s><s>[agent_2]I am not sure of its name. I do know that the sunset on Mars is blue! Is that not weird?</s><s>[agent_1]That would be pretty neat to see! Sunsets on Earth never cease to amaze me.</s><s>[agent_2]Yes they are beautiful. I love seeing the pictures sent back from Curiosity on Mars - its so sweet it sings happy birthday to itself</s><s>[agent_1]Those rovers are freaking adorable. I have ever thought so.</s><s>[agent_2]Yes. I thought it was awesome that they used aluminum from the world trade centers on spirit and opportunity</s><s>[agent_1]It's sad that a satellite was lost on Mars due to a technicality.</s><s>[agent_2]Yes. for sure. I read about that on facebook. Do you use that site?</s><s>[agent_1]I try not to. Maybe I would more often if we used it for useful things like Iceland does.</s><s>[agent_2]Yes they are rewriting their constitution on it! How awesome is that</s><s>[agent_1]Very cool, especially that the public can make suggestions and alterations.</s><s>[agent_2]Yes. It is pretty crazy that 30 percent of Americans use facebook as their primary source of news</s><s>[agent_1]Yeah I don't use it for that. Did you ever use Myspace?</s><s>[agent_2]I had an account but never used it. They should have bought facebook when they had a chance</s><s>[agent_1]Right, they could have bought it for only 79 million and now it's worth 104 billion</s><s>[agent_2]I think its funny that the like button was originally going to be the "awesome" button</s><s>[agent_1]Haha, that is interesting! And it's funny that the like button is illegal in the German state of Schleswig-holstein.</s>
<s>[agent_1]Hi! Do you like to watch movies? Have you heard of Taylor Hickson, the actress who is currently involved in a lawsuit?</s><s>[agent_2]I love movies! Not so much superhero movies, but I did see Deadpool and I did hear about the lawsuit. Apparently she was disfigured due to an on-set accident.</s><s>[agent_1]Yeah that was terrible to hear. I loved Deadpool! Hilarious movie. Apparently the "Ghostland" production team had an unexpected stunt where the glass broke into dangerous shards!</s><s>[agent_2]And it resulted in a lawsuit. She was young when it happened too, only 19. So, it was deserved that she was compensated for this incident.</s><s>[agent_1]Wow, yeah you're right. So young. I like superhero movies and there are apparently 300 registered superheroes in the USA. Then why is there still so much crime?!</s><s>[agent_2]haha because there are only 300. And they're likely a little odd. There's a superhero called "Normalman," who doesn't have any superpowers.</s><s>[agent_1]Haha yes I wouldn't want to see a movie about Normalman. I loved Stan Lee, can't believe he wrote 15 DC comics.</s><s>[agent_2]I know, very impressive. There's even a Garfield book series called Pet Force.</s><s>[agent_1]Oh wow. I used to like Garfield! I like watching superhero shows on TV and movie. Movies have gotten so good lately. One cinematographer Roger Deakins was nominated for an Oscar 13 times but never won!</s><s>[agent_2]That's sad, but at least he was nominated, which is something to be proud of. I actually just learned that there are 750 episodes of Pokemon, which equals to 50 a year for 16 years.</s><s>[agent_1]Very true. wow that is a lot. I used to watch that show. And collect the cards. It was so popular! I also loved that 70's show and I had no idea there was also a UK version. Kind of like how the UK office became the US office show.</s><s>[agent_2]I never knew that about the 70s show. And personally I like the American version of the Office more. Did you know that there is an episode of the Simpsons where Bart never appears or is mentioned?</s><s>[agent_1]Me as well, much better. Oh wow I just figured Bart was in every episode. Also Thomas the Tank Engine must have been popular if Ringo Starr, George Carlin, and Alec Baldwin narrated it!</s><s>[agent_2]I loved Thomas the Tank Engine as a child. I remember Ringo and Carlin on the shower, but not Baldwin. I just learned that the word "cinematography" is based from the Greek word that mean movement and record, together meaning "recording motion."</s><s>[agent_1]Oh nice. Cinema has definitely become a global phenomenon! For example Chinese-American James Wong pioneered the use of wide angle-lenses.</s><s>[agent_2]I just realized I said "shower" instead of show haha sorry. And James Wong was married to a white woman but their relationship was illegal until 1948 due to racism, which is pretty sad especially because of how recent in history it is.</s><s>[agent_1]That is so hard to believe. It is hard to think about times back then. Also no woman has ever been nominated for best Oscar for Cinematography. I wonder when that will change.</s><s>[agent_2]Hopefully for Roger Deakins, he has the opportunity to win first haha, being nominated 13 times, I'd say at this juncture it's well deserved.</s><s>[agent_1]Yeah I totally agree with you there! Have you heard that the slow motion cinematographer Gavin Free is known for rooster teeth and achievement hunter on youtube? Kind of odd I think.</s><s>[agent_2]Very odd! And I thought it was funny that the Simpsons crew sent flowers to the South Park producers when they aired the Family Guy episode.</s><s>[agent_1]Yeah that is a very nice gesture. Nice talking with you have a great day!</s>
<s>[agent_1]So what do you think about home schooling?</s><s>[agent_2]I think it's great! It's not for everyone, but it's a good option for families and students to have. Did you know that 1.8 million students are home schooled?</s><s>[agent_1]Yes, I did. That's actually a surprisingly large number if you think about it. Did you know that most kids who are homeschooled are because of religious reasons?</s><s>[agent_2]Yes, two thirds. But there are lots of good reasons for home schooling. I think it's too bad that it gets so much bad press.</s><s>[agent_1]I think one of the best reasons would be for the ability to learn at your own pace as a kid.</s><s>[agent_2]Yes, definitely. To be able to learn more and to be free from the negative stuff that a lot of kids deal with in schools.</s><s>[agent_1]Agreed, especially since most of junior high and high school was really just learning how to deal with difficult people and do pointless work. Most of the information and skills needed for college weren't taught.</s><s>[agent_2]Exactly. A lot of it is just learning your place in the social pecking order and doing boring work without learning anything.</s><s>[agent_1]I will say, however, there is something to be said for learning the social pecking order and dealing with boring, inane, work. Mostly that, unless you're one of the lucky ones, you'll have a job or nine at some point in your life that's filled with jerks and are your bosses and boring inane work.</s><s>[agent_2]Yes, that's true. Did you know there was widespread panic in the 18th century because novels were becoming popular?</s><s>[agent_1]I don't know if it was a widespread panic, I had heard there was a moral panic but I don't know how large it was. I mean, I could have been like 100 people getting together to complain loudly and it made it into the history books, you know.</s><s>[agent_2]This is true. It was a moral outcry.</s><s>[agent_1]I'm not really sure what was going on in the 18th century, or what was being written, to get people into a tizzy over books. What do you think their problem was?</s><s>[agent_2]It was new(ish) and unregulated. Anything could be published. As printing became more affordable, there wasn't much oversight. Novels had existed for a long time, but their audience had been smaller because fewer people could read and publishing involved a bigger investment.</s><s>[agent_1]That's eerily reminiscent of the early 90s into the 2000s with the internet.</s><s>[agent_2]Exactly. Like the internet of the early 2000s when suddenly a lot more people were online, and it was a free for all. Publishing had been like the 20th century internet - limited to people with higher incomes or higher education levels, for the most part. I heard the speed reading record is 4700 wpm. I wonder how that would be calculated. That can't be for reading out loud.</s><s>[agent_1]Most likely they are given a set block of information to read, they read it starting and stopping a timer, and then are judge on comprehension to determine how much they actually read. The's the weird thing about speed reading, you can skim 50% of it and still get the required information and context of most blocks of text.</s><s>[agent_2]Right. I wonder how much speed readers skim.</s><s>[agent_1]When it comes to sighted reading, a lot. I'm not sure about something like Braille though.</s><s>[agent_2]Yes, I wonder if they have Braille speed reading contests.</s><s>[agent_1]We have competitions for everything. I would have to assume that we would even with a tactile reading language like Braille. It's just something we has humans do.</s><s>[agent_2]Yes, I agree. I'm going to look it up now. Have a great day! It's been good talking to you!</s>
<s>[agent_1]hey did you know that the drive through was only invented in 1975? It seems like that wasn't too long ago</s><s>[agent_2]wow more than 40 years and we still use them, I wonder when the first car was created.</s><s>[agent_1]ya I think it was in the late 1800s when they invented the car, the trunk of the car is actually called that because people used to put wooden trunks way in back</s><s>[agent_2]Oh I see, I though it was in the 1900s I remeber reading about an old Ford model that was produced in that year.</s><s>[agent_1]ah that would be the first ford yes, I'm from Michigan so I was shocked to learn that Cadillac was named after a french explorer who founded Detroit</s><s>[agent_2]Really? so much history after the Cadillac brand, theres more than meets the eye I guess, I wonder who decided to allow flame throwers in cars at South Africa</s><s>[agent_1]Ya we are covered in snow over here, I wish I could put a flame thrower on my car so I could use it to melt teh snow on my driveway haha</s><s>[agent_2]Yeah specially with this cold waves, a flamethower would come in handy indeed, you know theres a pro driver that picked up his skills by playing a video game</s><s>[agent_1]didn't know that, I guess video games can apply to real life! do you like dogs or cats more?</s><s>[agent_2]Im more of a dog person, what about you?</s><s>[agent_1]ya I'm a dog person, I held a wonderful dog earlier today! and apparently dogs are not actually color blind, they just can't see as many colors as a human can</s><s>[agent_2]I see I always thought they could only see black or white colors, dogs sure are surprising like theres also 12 different types of blood a dog can have.</s><s>[agent_1]that is crazy, I think they have dog blood drives where you can bring your dog to donate blood, I just think that's weird because a dog can't really give consent to give blood</s><s>[agent_2]I guess its all up to the owner then, my dog is afraid of needles so I wouldnt do that to him.</s><s>[agent_1]ya, I'm afraid of needles too haha, did you know that Stephen King was terrified of the movie bambi when he first saw it as a kid?</s><s>[agent_2]Wow thats surprising as he is like the king of horror movies, I guess Bambi is scarier than what I thought</s><s>[agent_1]ya, also I found out that watching a horror movie can burn up to 180 calories, I will need to watch one after superbowl sunday, I already know I'm going to eat really bad and get fatter haha</s><s>[agent_2]That is a great way to burn all those chicken wings and those evil calories lol, scare them away, I might have to watch 2 with all the food im eating on sunday</s><s>[agent_1]haha yes I'll need to watch at least 2 movies, I do like knowing that the boy from the Shining didn't know he was acting in a movie when he was a kid, that could really have messed him up</s><s>[agent_2]I know, it was a really scary movie, its a good thing he didnt know that might have really loosen some screws.</s><s>[agent_1]ya, and I need to look up what a waterphone is, apparently that is the instrument that makes really creepy metal noises in all horror movies</s>
<s>[agent_1]Hello, do you like reading books?</s><s>[agent_2]Yes, did you know that the symbols are usually visual but are sometimes in braille?</s><s>[agent_1]Really? The original braille letters were just the regular letters but in large fonts. They took up a lot of space!</s><s>[agent_2]Oh that's too bad, I think that's why they improved it over the years.</s><s>[agent_1]Yep, and that was why they introduced the 6 dot format. Braille was invented by someone named Louie Braille who was frustrated on the old format.</s><s>[agent_2]That's nice, I would've want people who are visually impaired to read books to sharpen their knowledge as well.</s><s>[agent_1]Did you know that the world record for the fastest reader is at 4700 words a minute!</s><s>[agent_2]Really? That's pretty good compared to Louis braille, the inventor of braille.</s><s>[agent_1]Yep, it is help by someone named Anne Jones. I wonder how she was able to read that fast!</s><s>[agent_2]Some people just have a natural ability, those people often are exemplary people.</s><s>[agent_1]Did you know that pilgrims only wear black on special occasions? I do the opposite!</s><s>[agent_2]Well, the type of clothing people wear can be based on their social or geographic location.</s><s>[agent_1]There is also a store in Alabama that sells items found in unclaimed baggage. Are they even allowed to do that?</s><s>[agent_2]Well, I think they should be donated to charity, but that is also a good alternative. Are all the clothes they sell made of textiles or are some made of animal skins?</s><s>[agent_1]I am assuming that some of them will. Apple also had a clothing line back in 1986. I wonder if they were 'high tech'.</s><s>[agent_2]Why did Apple, a technology company, create a clothing line? They should be helping African tribes that are still wearing Victorian era clothes.</s><s>[agent_1]Well, Amazon also started off as an online book retailer. Not every technology giant started out as one.</s><s>[agent_2]I wonder if Amazon had anything to do with the elementary school replacing desks with "reading bicycles".</s><s>[agent_1]Who knows. Enders Game was read my many military organizations. I wonder why, as it does not have too much to do with the army.</s><s>[agent_2]It could have been possible that congress passed a bill saying the military had to distribute that book.</s><s>[agent_1]Possibly. There are three subway lines exclusively used by congressmen. That is way too many for a select few individuals.</s><s>[agent_2]Ya I think you're right, I agree that three subway lines is too many.</s><s>[agent_1]Anyways, thank you for your time. It was nice chatting with you!</s>
<s>[agent_1]Do you like the NBA?</s><s>[agent_2]I do, my favorite team is the Golden state warriors. What about you?</s><s>[agent_1]I like the lakers</s><s>[agent_2]Ah. Did you know that the Golden State warriors are planning to move to San Francisco? I found that very interesting. I wonder why they wanted to move.</s><s>[agent_1]I didn't know. I did know that steph curry from that team made a foundation to donate 3 mosquito nets for each 3 pointer to families in africa</s><s>[agent_2]Really? That is insane. Steph Curry also did not receive any college scholarships from any major schools!</s><s>[agent_1]Yet some consider him the greater shooter in NBA history</s><s>[agent_2]I would not be supurised if he was the best shooter in the NBA's history. I found it funny that when Nike pitched to Steph Curry, they forgot to erase Kevin Durant's name off of one of the slides.</s><s>[agent_1]That must have been awkward.</s><s>[agent_2]I agree, that was why Steph Curry decided to sign with Underarmour instead. I bet Nike wish that they had tried harder during the sales pitch to Steph Curry now!</s><s>[agent_1]True, but you have to admit, Nike has done somethings right like air jordans</s><s>[agent_2]Yep, although air jordans were actually banned upon the introduction to the NBA.</s><s>[agent_1]Well that was more due to the color scheme than anything else</s><s>[agent_2]Yep, and even though they were banned, Michael Jordan still wore them and paid the fine every game.</s><s>[agent_1]Because Nike has deep pockets and what better way is there to advertise?</s><s>[agent_2]True, although I think that Michael Jordan spurred up a lot of attention for the Air Jordans when he paid the fine every game.</s><s>[agent_1]I agree for both MJ and Nike</s><s>[agent_2]60% of retired NBA players go broke within the first 5 years! That is very fast!</s><s>[agent_1]Perhaps they should teach retirees to make financially sound decisions.</s><s>[agent_2]I agree, although I believe NBA players struggle with it because they are used to spending a lot and earning a lot.</s><s>[agent_1]Agreed. Thanks for chatting.</s>
<s>[agent_1]Hey do you use google much?</s><s>[agent_2]Yes! I use it to look up a lot of stuff. How about you?</s><s>[agent_1]Yes I do too. No wonder it's so effective, a single google search requires more computing power than it took to send Armstrong to the moon!</s><s>[agent_2]That is alot of power, I am going to think of that every time I search something lol</s><s>[agent_1]Yes it makes me appreciate it much more! Google maps also calculates traffic patterns by tracking how fast Android devices are going!</s><s>[agent_2]That is very impressive, I wouldve never thought that. Instead of hiring people to mow the lawn, they once used hundreds of goats</s><s>[agent_1]Haha that is so funny. They have so many users. They took down 40% of internet traffic when they went offline for 5 minutes.</s><s>[agent_2]Wow that is crazy! I bet people were freaking out lol</s><s>[agent_1]It really is and I'm sure they were! That happened back in 2013 not sure if it's happened since.</s><s>[agent_2]Do you like amazon?</s><s>[agent_1]Yes I use amazon all the time. Hard to believe it was started by Jeff Bezos in 1994. Look at it now!</s><s>[agent_2]I know right, its a pretty amazing company, they have created so many jobs and I love their shopping site, so convienent.</s><s>[agent_1]It really is. Speaking of their jobs, the warehouse workers walk between 7 and 15 miles per day!</s><s>[agent_2]That is a lot of walking lol, Good exercise at least</s><s>[agent_1]Yes no doubt. They also contract with USPS so they can deliver packages on Sunday!</s><s>[agent_2]Wonderful idea on their part! I love getting packages on sundays!</s><s>[agent_1]It is such a good feeling I love it too! Do you like learning about the government? 88% of land in Nevada is actually owned by the US government.</s><s>[agent_2]That is cool. I wonder if its all desert they own.</s><s>[agent_1]Yes good question. Not much you can do with desert! One cool thing the Norwegian government did was donate $1 billion for rainforest preservation! Well it really was lovely chatting with you this evening.</s><s>[agent_2]Great chat, have a good one.</s><s>[agent_1]You too!</s>
<s>[agent_1]Were you aware that "Association Football" is the proper name for soccer?</s><s>[agent_2]No I didn't know that. I wonder how the name soccer came about since it's actually association football?</s><s>[agent_1]Seems like soccer is American slang. We already had gridiron football, so we could not call it football here. What I did not know is that soccer makes more money than football, basketball, baseball, golf, tennis, and hockey combined. Must be because it played internationally in a big way?</s><s>[agent_2]I bet it is. Soccer players are very important in other countries. I heard of one who stopped a civil war in his home country.</s><s>[agent_1]I did not know that. It seems that there exist a variation of soccer in which 3 teams face off at the same time. I wonder where and how that is played?</s><s>[agent_2]Now that sounds like something I would like to see! I can't imagine how the game would work or even look!</s><s>[agent_1]Neither can I. But I do remember seeing advertised a TV package with an all soccer channel. I guess it is needed for die-hard soccer fans since it is not as big a sport in the U.S. compared to international play. Do you subscribe to cable / dish TV or have you cut the cord?</s><s>[agent_2]I've cut the cord, happily I might ad! I still watch everything I did before at a much lower price. I watched the SuperBowl recently. DId you? it's hard to believe it's not as popular as one of soccer's biggest events.</s><s>[agent_1]Well, football has gotten too political with the kneeling, etc. and that has hurt attendance and viewing. I have a dish primarily because its how I get internet since we do not have cable service in my part of the parish. Were you / are you a fan of the Simpsons?</s><s>[agent_2]I've watched a few of their shows. I know enough to know that Bart is a major character and it seems like homer has had a lot of different jobs.</s><s>[agent_1]Homer was all over the place until he went steady at the nuclear plant. The Simpsons without Bart would not work. Did you know that there is only one episode of the Simpsons where Bart is not mentioned?</s><s>[agent_2]No but I'm not surprised. There have been a lot of celebrities doing voice overs on the show too. Daniel Radcliff for one.</s><s>[agent_1]Speaking of voice overs, did you know that Ringo Starr, George Carlin and Alec Baldwin have all narrated "Thomas the Tank Engine" at least 52 times. Somehow I can't see Carlin and Baldwin doing it with their salty tongues!</s><s>[agent_2]I have to admit I can't either. Are celebrities are so different from back in the day. Look at Shakespeare, he'd never talk like them. He was and is so popular that all but one of his plays has been made into a movie or tv show!</s><s>[agent_1]Shakespeare had a thing for snakes in is prose. Living out in the country, I am used to snakes and even have a 5 foot common garter snake that lives among my fig trees. Its amazing how she climbs the branches and stalks birds. Did you know that for (most) humans and monkeys the fear of snakes is hard wired into our brains?</s><s>[agent_2]I can't say that I did but it makes sense. Snakes are just weird and creepy. For instance, when they are born with two heads they fight each other for food.</s><s>[agent_1]Those mutations are creepy and heart wrenching in any species. What amazes me is how they can intentionally "dislocate their jaw" and swallow big prey. I have not watch the garter snake in my fig trees do that, but I have seen the big lump in her middle when she is digesting a bird. That is an unusual evolutionary adaptation.</s><s>[agent_2]That is weird. Did you know that some owls keep blind snakes in their nests? Apparently the snakes keep away parasites.</s><s>[agent_1]I did not know that. I never mess with my garter snake and she does not mess with me. If she helps keep the mice and birds from eating my figs, then that is just fine by me. Often animals are used as sports mascots. My alma mater is the LSU Tigers. Do you know of any sports teams with snake mascots?</s><s>[agent_2]I can't think of any. Snakes are different though, some lay eggs and some give birth.</s><s>[agent_1]I was reading somewhere that a professional U.S. soccer team, the Philadelphia Union, selected a snake for their mascot. To me, that does not make sense... In soccer you kick the ball and a snake has no feet!</s><s>[agent_2]That doesn't make any sense. Then again the baseball team the Atlanta Braves has a mascot that looks like bigfoot.</s>
<s>[agent_1]Hi there are you a football fan?</s><s>[agent_2]I am a football fan, are you?</s><s>[agent_1]Yes! I'm a Patriots fan! Do you have a favorite team?</s><s>[agent_2]I like the Patriots as well, great team with a lot of big names, Brady is my favorite QB in the history of the game.</s><s>[agent_1]He's a good one that's for sure. He went to Junipero Serra high school and his JV football team had a season that was so bad that they failed to score a TD or win a game for an entire season and yet they never attempted to start Brady who was the backup QB.</s><s>[agent_2]I bet that coach got teased for it later, how can he not start Brady on the team, did you watch the last Super Bowl?</s><s>[agent_1]I did watch it! It's always on the first Sunday in February. lol</s><s>[agent_2]My favorite game of the year, good thing we won, so glad although the game was a bit boring.</s><s>[agent_1]It was more of a defensive game. Bill Belichick has won 21 games in the post season - the most ever. 20 came with the Patriots and 1 with the Browns.</s><s>[agent_2]21 games wow, that is an impressive record, thats like almost every game right?</s><s>[agent_1]Pretty much. I'm sure he has a few losses too. Weird stat: The Buffalo Bills are equal to the New England Patriots in super bowl losses. lol</s><s>[agent_2]Yeah but the Patriots are also the team with most SB wins.</s><s>[agent_1]Yes. lol Did you know that the average NFL game only has 11 minutes of live gameplay?</s><s>[agent_2]Only 11 minutes! woah that is crazy, it seems like a lot longer, I guess the game is mostly ads.</s><s>[agent_1]Yes. Be nice if it was 60 minutes of full on live gameplay. lol The average lifetime earnings of an engineer are higher than the average lifetime earnings of an average NFL or MLB player.</s><s>[agent_2]Engineers are paid a lot as well so that kind of makes sense, did you hear about the tracking chips players and also the ball have?</s><s>[agent_1]I didn't hear about those. What do they do with them?</s><s>[agent_2]They track the position of players in the field and we get all kinds of cool stats out of them the chip in the ball tracks its speed, rotation, velocity, location.</s><s>[agent_1]Nice. The NFL has no written rule that prevents female players from playing. I wonder if we'll see one anytime soon?</s><s>[agent_2]I don't think that will happen maybe a new division for woman only but it would be unfair to pair them in the same league.</s><s>[agent_1]I was thinking maybe a kicker? I don't think a girl could take some of those hits. I've had fun! It was nice chatting with you and I hope you have a great day!</s>
<s>[agent_1]Do you watch the sky?</s><s>[agent_2]I do occasionally watch it. do you?</s><s>[agent_1]Yes December is the best month for it!</s><s>[agent_2]Why is that? I always wondered</s><s>[agent_1]I guess there is more light, Venus starts first!</s><s>[agent_2]Thats awesome. Do you watch the stars and planets a lot?</s><s>[agent_1]Yes, The first quarter moon appears underneath earth on the 14th of December.</s><s>[agent_2]Are you planning on going to the planetarium to watch it?</s><s>[agent_1]Yes I will be going a few nights before Christmas to see the meteor shower!</s><s>[agent_2]I heard it is very cheap only 3 dollars to get in!</s><s>[agent_1]Wow very cheap, The winter solstice is December 21st at 5:23 pm.</s><s>[agent_2]I love a good winter solstive</s><s>[agent_1]Washington will have 9 hours and 26 minutes of light that day!</s><s>[agent_2]I saw up north they barely get any sunlight those days!</s><s>[agent_1]Yes, The montgomery planetarium has a solstice program at 5pm as well!</s><s>[agent_2]Thats very interesting. Do you do anything special for solstic?</s><s>[agent_1]No I just try to enjoy the long day, Did you know Venus is the only planet without season because it rotates clockwise?</s><s>[agent_2]I honesly had no idea before today!</s><s>[agent_1]I bet you also did not know the sun is actually white!?</s><s>[agent_2]no again I had no clue!! I am in shock right now</s><s>[agent_1]Great chatting with you I must run!</s><s>[agent_2]thanks</s><s>[agent_1]Have a great day.</s>
<s>[agent_1]Which city is home to Netflix?</s><s>[agent_2]I've heard it's from Los Gatos in California. Do you use Netflix?</s><s>[agent_1]Yes. I heard they have a lot of users worldwide. Do you know how many?</s><s>[agent_2]I don't, but I use it to watch a few shows. What kind of stuff do you watch on it?</s><s>[agent_1]I love the movie Apollo 13 on netflix. Can you believe that film inspired the whole service!</s><s>[agent_2]No kidding? I had no idea! It's amazing what good cinematography can inspire in others.</s><s>[agent_1]Nothing to do with the film, but founder Reed Hastings forgot to return a VHS tape and got $40 in late fees and wanted to do something about it!</s><s>[agent_2]Hah, I guess cinematography isn't everything. I think we all know how he must have felt getting a late fee. If only everyone were as determined to do something about frustrations!</s><s>[agent_1]True. I do like cinematography though. It is amazing what can come from a lens and light.</s><s>[agent_2]Cinematography is so fascinating. It's like an intersection of physics and visual art, because of all the dependence on understanding how light and lenses work.</s><s>[agent_1]True, but it is also about technology - how the sensor produces an electrical charge for each pixel.</s><s>[agent_2]I can't pretend to understand all the technology behind it. It's like magic in a way.</s><s>[agent_1]OK. I guess ultimately it is about the people behind it, like James Wong Howe who won an Oscar.</s><s>[agent_2]Do you know what movie he won for?</s><s>[agent_1]I do not know, but he frequently used a crab dolly and deep-focus cinematography to create his style.</s><s>[agent_2]I wonder why some people have such a gift for cinematography. They seem to be able to picture things in their minds that make such a visual impact even though others wouldn't imagine it beforehand.</s><s>[agent_1]Very True. Stanley Kubrick had a vision and took the camera from his cinematographer, but allowed him to keep the credit.</s><s>[agent_2]I would be awfully annoyed if I were that cinematographer, haha. First I can't do my job, then I get credit for something I didn't even do!</s><s>[agent_1]I suppose, but the oscar and residuals from Spartacus probably help!</s><s>[agent_2]That's true. I wouldn't mind getting paid for not having to do my job either, and as a cinematographer, he probably had a lot of appreciation for seeing Oscar-worthy work done in front of him by Kubrick.</s><s>[agent_1]Perhaps the Internet Movie Database IMDb should create a new category for things like this!</s><s>[agent_2]That would be a great new addition. I use IMDB to look up moves and actors/actresses all the time.</s>
<s>[agent_1]Hello, how are you? Did you know Shakespeare coined or popularized many of the phrases we use today. some of these include: "good riddance. in my heart of hearts. laughing stock. wild-goose chase. devil incarnate. brave new world. as luck would have it. all our yesterdays. break the ice. full circle."</s><s>[agent_2]no, i didn't. But I did now that he and Pocahontas died only one year apart</s><s>[agent_1]yeah thats interesting. This one is kinda weird: Polish composer André Tchaikowsky donated his skull to the royal shakespeare company in hopes that it would be used as a prop for the skull of yorick. in 2008, the skull was used in a series of performances of hamlet at the courtyard theatre, stratford-upon-avon.</s><s>[agent_2]That is weird. However it's pretty cool that Shakespeare invented the names Olivia, Jessica, and Miranda.</s><s>[agent_1]Yeah I had no idea. Those are very popular names too!</s><s>[agent_2]Yes, without him, they wouldn't be there. Switching topics, did you know the Sun is actually white? We see it as yellow because of the atmospheric scattering.</s><s>[agent_1]Yes i did. Very interesting. A lightening bolt is hotter than the surface of the sun, about 5x hotter. Thats crazy.</s><s>[agent_2]This is crazy. Something else that is crazy is that the sun produces enough energy to power our entire planet for 500,000 years in just one second.</s><s>[agent_1]Yeah, a lot of people in my area are converting to solar panels!</s><s>[agent_2]I would but it's too expensive. we think the sun is big, but it is only 1 billionth the size of the biggest star we known of in our galaxy.</s><s>[agent_1]Some of my friends say their bill is like $20 per month or less! I live in an apartment. yeah thats insanely huge!</s><s>[agent_2]I just can't afford to convert. Wish I could. Also, Neptune just completed its first full orbit around the sun since it was discovered in 1846.</s><s>[agent_1]Yeah right, what a slow orbiting planet!</s><s>[agent_2]I would be so young there, lol. Are you a movie fan. I am a big movie buff. For instance, Clueless the movie is loosely based on Jane Auston's "Emma".</s><s>[agent_1]Nice! I didnt know that. Mark twain hated jane austen's "pride and prejudice"</s><s>[agent_2]I didn't know that. Well, three of her novels were rejected when they were sent to major publishing companies under different names in 2004.</s><s>[agent_1]Interesting. The word "literally" has been used figuratively for hundreds of years. charles dickens, charlotte brontë, jane austen, and mark twain all used it for hyperbole.</s><s>[agent_2]That is a cool fact. the lord of the rings by j. r. r. tolkien; pride and prejudice by jane austen; his dark materials by philip pullman; and the hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy by douglas adams, were the top four novels voted on by the BBC in the UK in 2003.</s><s>[agent_1]Nice! Those are great books!</s><s>[agent_2]Yes they are. Jane Austin works critique the novels of sensibility of the second half of the 18th century and are part of the transition to 19th-century literary realism. Not my cup of tea.</s><s>[agent_1]great talking to you, have a good one!</s>
<s>[agent_1]Hello do you like the radio?</s><s>[agent_2]Yea, I'm a big fan of am radio.It's pretty cool there's a website that streams all the classical radio dramas for free</s><s>[agent_1]Yeah that is cool, have you had a chance to check it out?</s><s>[agent_2]Not not yet although I have some very old christian radio dramas on am radio once at like 2am</s><s>[agent_1]Thats cool. I hear jupiter storms can be heard on the radio</s><s>[agent_2]I did too, I wonder what AM station you have to tune to to pick up Jupiter's radio storms</s><s>[agent_1]I have no clue, I was hoping you would know lol</s><s>[agent_2]I'll have to google it. It's pretty funny canadian radio by law has to play 40% of its songs by Canadian artists</s><s>[agent_1]Thats very patriotic of them! Do you like animals?</s><s>[agent_2]Yea, animals are cool, crazy ther are over 1.5 million living species on earth</s><s>[agent_1]That is crazy! Over 20 quintillion animals, how many zeroes are in a quintillion lol</s><s>[agent_2]No clue but it's scary that most of those animals are insects</s><s>[agent_1]Ugh, Have you ever watched naked and afraid? they always get eaten by a million mosquitos on the first night, it looks annoying and its on tv lol</s><s>[agent_2]yea, if I was Germany I would exclude insects from their constitutionally guaranteed legal rights for animals</s><s>[agent_1]Lol i agree! In scotland the loch ness monster is a protected species. Do you believe it exists?</s><s>[agent_2]No but I wish the Loch Ness monster did, I guess either way it's a good thing it's protected just in case</s><s>[agent_1]Did you know that there is a planet that shards of glass precipitate?</s><s>[agent_2]Sounds terrifying, so does Venus' lack of seasons</s><s>[agent_1]Sounds cold lol</s><s>[agent_2]Depends on if Venus is facing the sun, it's either brutally cold or incredibly hot</s><s>[agent_1]Oh right.</s><s>[agent_2]well I have to go, nice chatting with you</s>
<s>[agent_1]Have you ever been to the white house?</s><s>[agent_2]Hi, I have been at the entrance but never inside. Did you know the white house has twin buildings in Ireland and France?</s><s>[agent_1]I bet that makes the owners feel real important</s><s>[agent_2]Probably. The White House has been the residence for US presidents since 1800 with John Adams.</s><s>[agent_1]Even though it is an old building it has a mix of the new and old, still using floppy disks to store files, yet having solar panels for electricity</s><s>[agent_2]Yeah I think it was smart for Bush to have the solar panels added to the back of the White House.</s><s>[agent_1]It is a shame how christmas trees are banned in the white house</s><s>[agent_2]Do you think that is still in effect? I seem to remember seeing trees decorated in the White House for Christmas some time ago.</s><s>[agent_1]It was by teddy roosevelt so I imagined it would still continue to this day</s><s>[agent_2]Probably. The guest house on property is actually larger than the White House. I find that surprising.</s><s>[agent_1]It is probably to present the US in a better view to diplomats and guests</s><s>[agent_2]That makes sense. JFK, Washington, and Jefferson were the 3 wealthiest presidents.</s><s>[agent_1]As presidents are the representatives of their respective states, image is important</s><s>[agent_2]Yeah and being head of a republican state comes with much responsibility.</s><s>[agent_1]What do you think about the previous custom of the runner up becoming the VP to the president?</s><s>[agent_2]I think it makes sense. It makes it easier to decide who will be the VP.</s><s>[agent_1]Generally I agree, but I am happy that this custom didn't continue. I wouldn't want trump and Hillary to be both in the highest and 2nd highest offices</s><s>[agent_2]True! :) On a lighter note, the president of Indonesia released 3 pop albums while in office.</s><s>[agent_1]I also like how there is a president called president banana</s><s>[agent_2]That is really wild! He must really like them.</s><s>[agent_1]Indeed. In any case, I enjoyed chatting and hope you had a nice time as well. Thank you.</s>
<s>[agent_1]So, been reading about Netflix, man wish I had that service again, had it YEARs ago when it was DVDs..</s><s>[agent_2]Well they have totally changed the way we watch movies and the good thing is everyone is on it except you :)</s><s>[agent_1]Well, it's just money is kind of tight right now, even at just $8 a month. I've heard they got a lot of good original series though...</s><s>[agent_2]ok, I wish one can share subscription then it would be easy. Do you know that one can access netflix from everywhere except china?</s><s>[agent_1]Yeah, China's weird that way.. the government isn't big on certain types of movies and series and stuff. I have a theory on that...</s><s>[agent_2]i am of the opinion that most people on netflix are youth between the ages of 16-26..This is because it accounts for a whole 33 percent of internet usage in north america can you believe that?</s><s>[agent_1]Yeah, that makes sense to me, young people like to watch a lot of television (or should I say shows).</s><s>[agent_2]I am happy that it's an American company, kudos to Reed Hastings and Marc Randolph</s><s>[agent_1]Yeah, entrepreneurship is always a good thing! Do you have any Netflix series you like to watch? I'm interested in Stranger Things. Heard it was really good...</s><s>[agent_2]I watch my all time favorite Friends on Netflix, I love Jennifer Aniston. She is my dream date</s><s>[agent_1]Yes, she is very attractive! Have you seen any good movies lately?</s><s>[agent_2]No I have not, what do you think about Selena Gomez I think she is doing well to have picked up her life after Justin Bibier's break up</s><s>[agent_1]I admit, I'm not exactly a fan of her music, but I'm happy to hear she's doing well. She seems like a nice young lady.</s><s>[agent_2]Do you know demi lovato? seems Selena and her have been in show business since childhood. They both appeared on Barney and friends back in the days</s><s>[agent_1]Not too much, I know she was rushed to the hospital not too long ago due to a suspected overdose. Hope she's doing okay..</s><s>[agent_2]I learnt she is going star in a movie called spring breakers</s><s>[agent_1]Yeah, I saw part of that, it's a pretty trippy film, she plays a girl who become a bank robber over Spring Break</s><s>[agent_2]Nice , I wonder what we would have done without the internet, Life would have been definitely boring. What do you think?</s><s>[agent_1]Oh, man, I can't imagine life without the internet.. even though I spent first 18 or so years or my life without it... LOL</s><s>[agent_2]Thanks to the government I learnt it was their research that has eventually turned into something wonderful. I love my country</s><s>[agent_1]Although sometimes I do think, "All this knowledge available on the internet and I'm using to watch cat videos..." LOL</s><s>[agent_2]just imagine how difficult school would have been without internet</s><s>[agent_1]Yeah, you'd have to go to the library for everything and do lots of research.</s>
<s>[agent_1]Hey what do you think about Tom Cruise?</s><s>[agent_2]He is one of my favorite actors of all time?</s><s>[agent_1]I agree I think he's really awesome! And apparently he does a lot of charity work too which is very nice of him</s><s>[agent_2]I agree with you. He is true awesome. What is your favorite Tom Cruise movie?</s><s>[agent_1]Well I really liked him in Top Gun. But he's in a lot of other good movies like Mission Impossible. What do you think?</s><s>[agent_2]I liked him in Top Gun as well and also in Rain Man.</s><s>[agent_1]Are Rayman is good. It's crazy that Seinfeld has a net worth that is more than Tom Hanks and Tom Cruise combined, because I guarantee that those two guys are already loaded LOL</s><s>[agent_2]Rain Man is very good movie and also Dustin Hoffman was in this movie as well. I didn't about this regarding Senfield. Wow!!!</s><s>[agent_1]Yeah that is shocking. It's also shocking that Tom Cruise spent years learning Japanese in order to be in the movie The Last Samurai, I personally did not like that movie</s><s>[agent_2]I didn't like that movie either. Do you when Tom Cruise started his movie career?</s><s>[agent_1]I think you started when he was only 19 years old right? It was a 1981, do you remember what movie that was?</s><s>[agent_2]Yes in fact I do, it was the movie Endless Love.</s><s>[agent_1]Yep you're right. I also like the movie risky business, came out in 1983 and has that classic scene of Tom Cruise in his underwear haha</s><s>[agent_2]That was funny. Ha Ha!!! Do you know by any chance for which movie did he win the Golden Globe Award for Best Actor?</s><s>[agent_1]I think it was the movie born on the 4th of July? Wasn't that made in 1989? I know that you said you like the movie Rain Man and that did win best picture</s><s>[agent_2]You're correct for both of the movies that you just mentioned. Earlier you mentioned that he does a lot of charity work. Do you happen to know which specific charity is he involved in?</s><s>[agent_1]No I don't know what the charity is called. But I do know he works with Christopher McCrory who is a director, do you know what the charity is called?</s><s>[agent_2]I read somewhere that he is involved in for the end of motion smoothing. Do you know what motion smoothing is?</s><s>[agent_1]I think it has something to do with framerate. They want to increase the frame rate and movies which makes them look smoother, but I think it makes the movies look worse, like they were shot on home video, what do you think?</s><s>[agent_2]I agree with you. I'm not sure but I believe it will make the movie look like a soap opera than an actual movie with this frame rate.</s><s>[agent_1]Yeah I hate when motion smoothing is enabled on TVs by default, I always change it on my friends TVs, it is funny to me that Christopher Nolan actually wrote a letter to TV manufacturers to tell them not to do this haha</s>
<s>[agent_1]Do you listen to classical music?</s><s>[agent_2]Occasionally, but not often.</s><s>[agent_1]Yes me too. I've never been a big fan though there are many passages that we all have heard like Beethoven's 'Requiem for the Masses'.</s><s>[agent_2]I like some of his stuff. Maybe more people should listen to classical music. It can be very soothing. They have shown it has even deterred crime.</s><s>[agent_1]Really? Well music does sooth the savage breast. It's amazing that so much classical music has liven on through the centuries. In art forms I prefer to watch dance, especially contemporary or interpretive dance as it used to be called.</s><s>[agent_2]I love dancing. I love watching it, I love doing it. There is so much sybolism in the movement.</s><s>[agent_1]I agree. I routinely watch 'So you think you can dance?' , a summer replacement show that has been on for several years now. Some of the dances they perform move me deeply.</s><s>[agent_2]I love that show. It is neat they they have different styles of dance that can be categorized by the choreography and movements.</s><s>[agent_1]Yes. There are some I don't enjoy like Baliwood dancing but even those are worth watching. My favorite so far is when they had kids on the show. So much talent in such young performers.</s><s>[agent_2]Bollywood it quite unique. I suppose it has importance to some cultures, but it isn't my favorite either. Maybe they will come up with a new move on that show, like the moonwalk. Speaking of, the first person to actually do the moonwalk was a tap dancer.</s><s>[agent_1]I thought it was MJ. Did you know that Martial Artist Bruce Lee won a cha-cha contest in Hong Kong?</s><s>[agent_2]I had heard that he was a really good dancer. I suppose martial arts and dance do kind of go hand in hand.</s><s>[agent_1]I would think so, fluidity and controll are both important to each. One of my daughters took ballet. She was big for her age so there would be a line of little girls with a giant at the end. She loved it though and continued for about 5 years.</s><s>[agent_2]Did you know that there are some ballet slippers that actually make drawings from the dancers' movements. I would like to see that artwork.</s><s>[agent_1]That would be interesting. I am always amazed that they can do the pointe and balance on their toes like they do. Must be hard on the feet.</s><s>[agent_2]I have heard it is very painful. I think I will stick with other forms of dance personally. I always wanted to learn how to breakdance. I figure if Mr. Rogers can learn, so can I.</s><s>[agent_1]I think I would break something if I tried that but I do like watching good break dancers do their routine.s</s><s>[agent_2]Well, there are so many other types you could choose from. anyone can learn to dance some form. If a parrot can do it, then anyone can.</s><s>[agent_1]At most I manage to shuffle my feet from side to side. Course, if I've been drinking I become a virtuoso at least until the next day when friends laugh at me.</s><s>[agent_2]Well even Emilia Clarke from Game of Thrones did the funky chicken and the robot dance in her audition tape. You could try those dances.</s><s>[agent_1]Don't try to encourage me. I know my limitations. But even the repper Tupac was a dancer when he was young, ballet if you can imagine.</s><s>[agent_2]Wow, really? That is impressive. Well, I think you should try something. It is a great way to relax and have fun. Thanks for chatting with me, have a good day.</s>
<s>[agent_1]Jordan Peele's Get Out is truly deserving of an Oscar nomination, in my opinion! He made history as a writer and director with the film after all!</s><s>[agent_2]Yes. Have you seen that movie?</s><s>[agent_1]I have and I loved it! Hard to believe Peele is only the fifth black director to be nominated! That is insane!!</s><s>[agent_2]Yeah. I am assuming that has to do with the limited opportunities black directors have in hollywood. I wonder how many great films we have missed out on due to racism?</s><s>[agent_1]That is so true. In fact, Peele was also the first African American writer to be nominated for best original screenplay in nearly 25 years. He is truly breaking down racial barriers!</s><s>[agent_2]Yeah. He is really talented to. Key gave him a lot of credit for the success of key and peele.</s><s>[agent_1]Agreed. Are you a fan of horror movies by chance? I enjoy them because it's a great work out as you can burn up to 180 calories just by watching one.</s><s>[agent_2]Wow. I do not like them but will incorporate them into my workouts!</s><s>[agent_1]It is a great work out for sure! Heck, Stephen King said the first horror movie he ever watched as a kid was Bambi and it terrified him. That's kind of funny.</s><s>[agent_2]I remember being really upset when I watched it with my parents. I do not think they knew that was coming when we watched it. I was a wreck!</s><s>[agent_1]I never saw it, honestly. I should one of these days. Maybe I can find it on Netflix. I'm one of many North Americans who contribute to Netflix accounting for 33% of all bandwidth after 9:00pm each night.</s><s>[agent_2]Do you also use YouTube?</s><s>[agent_1]Yeah, I'm one who also contributes to both YouTube and Netflix accounting for half the peak internet traffic. Lol</s><s>[agent_2]Blockbuster turned down a deal for Netflix for $50M. What a bad decision!</s><s>[agent_1]I know, right? Huge mistake considering Netflix is worth 2 billion now! You know they'll forever have to live with that mistake!</s><s>[agent_2]And there's only 1 blockbuster left in the US. It's in alaska! Seems like a huge problem for them. I wonder if their website is still up?</s><s>[agent_1]That's a great question! I'm glad Reed Hastings had a $40 late fee for a silly overdue VHS, otherwise we probably wouldn't have Netflix today! So are you into the history of the Academy Awards?</s><s>[agent_2]None of this would be possible without the annoyance of Reed. Thank you blockbuster for being rude!</s><s>[agent_1]So true! I'm also glad Netflix started releasing their own series starting with Lilyhammer. Perhaps one day the actors in their films can beat Daniel Day-Lewis' best actor record at the Oscars!</s><s>[agent_2]Walt Disney has 22 oscars! That's a record!</s><s>[agent_1]Indeed! And that's extremely hard to believe. It's also crazy knowing Eminem, a musician, had won more Oscars than Bill Murray, Leo, Will Smith, Depp and Lucas combined!</s><s>[agent_2]Nice chatting with you!</s>
<s>[agent_1]Hello. Did you vote in the mid term election?</s><s>[agent_2]Hi yes I did. How about you?</s><s>[agent_1]I did. I think it is very important for all of us to vote.</s><s>[agent_2]It is important. I also like trivia about politics. Did you know that the senate used the same gavel for 165 years until Richard Nixon cracked it?</s><s>[agent_1]I heard about it. Why did Nixon crack the gavel? He was not supposed to use it.</s><s>[agent_2]I doubt that he did it on purpose. He probably just got carried away. But I'll bet he felt pretty bad.</s><s>[agent_1]I said earlier that voting is important. In India, they went even further. They set up a polling booth in a forest full of lions just to give one person the opportunity to vote.</s><s>[agent_2]I don't think we would go that far do you?</s><s>[agent_1]No, I do not think so. Did you hear about the senate and their candy drawer?</s><s>[agent_2]Yeah, it must be nice. But I guess you have to give some of them free candy just to show up. Look at the Senator they had to drag in by his feet in 1988.</s><s>[agent_1]Yes, I heard the obscure rule that was invoked by a US senator. Do you know which senators got arrested and forced to come to the chamber to vote?</s><s>[agent_2]No</s><s>[agent_1]Oh, okay. I accept your explanation.</s><s>[agent_2]Did you know astronauts voted from space. Not surprising when you consider some other voters are lost in space.</s><s>[agent_1]Yes, I heard. I don't how how they do it though because they cannot just say it to the people on the ground.</s><s>[agent_2]That's a good point. Did you hear that Austin Texas voted to rename their garbage dump after fred durst. I wonder what he did?</s><s>[agent_1]Texans were going to vote. Did it pass? I do not know who Fred Durst is or was. I'm sure it was someone important to Texans.</s><s>[agent_2]Yes they voted to rename the dump. I'm thinking he must have been a corrupt politician or something. It's not exactly an honor.</s><s>[agent_1]You are right. It should not be an honor. I do not want my name to be on a garbage dump. I will research further out of curiosity.</s><s>[agent_2]I think I will too. Nice chatting with you, have a good night.</s><s>[agent_1]Nice chatting with you too.</s><s>[agent_2]Thanks.</s>
<s>[agent_1]Do you like baseball?</s><s>[agent_2]I love it. Do you know why the managers wear uniforms during games?</s><s>[agent_1]Yes they can play if their teams need them so they need to be ready</s><s>[agent_2]Yes. Do you know what kickball is called in Canada?</s><s>[agent_1]Yes it is called soccer-baseball</s><s>[agent_2]Yes I guess it makes sense that it has elements of both games</s><s>[agent_1]Yeah. Do you know who used to do the MLB schedule?</s><s>[agent_2]Yes it was a couple that did it for a whole 24 years</s><s>[agent_1]Yes and they scheduled 2430 games each year</s><s>[agent_2]Yeah amazing. In Japan the sport seems to be really popular</s><s>[agent_1]Yes so popular that they cannot believe it is a pastime here</s><s>[agent_2]Yes, they must really be into it and appreciate the sport</s><s>[agent_1]yeah. Do you watch the World Series?</s><s>[agent_2]Yes I do. Do you know when it started?</s><s>[agent_1]Yes it was back in 1903 so it is already over 100 years old</s><s>[agent_2]Yeah. Did you know the ottoman empire was still around when it started?</s><s>[agent_1]Yes that us pretyy cool. Did you know CUbs won the championship back to back two years?</s><s>[agent_2]Yes and then they went dry for quite a while after that</s><s>[agent_1]Yes The women's world cup has more viewers than the World Series though</s><s>[agent_2]Pretty awesome. Nice chat!</s><s>[agent_1]Same here and have a good one</s>
<s>[agent_1]Did you ever play Tetris when you were younger?</s><s>[agent_2]I loved Teris on game boy! How about you?</s><s>[agent_1]Sure did. I heard there is a new version available for the Playstation 4. And you can actually play it in virtual reality grabbing the blocks with your hands.</s><s>[agent_2]Read that as well. Never considered Tetris to be the type of game that a VR environment would improve upon.</s><s>[agent_1]I wish I could afford a VR system. My son has one for his PC. I played it and was totally addicted. I was thinking of getting the one with Playstation 4 if I can ever get enough money. I also want to get Dead Red Redemption 2. I heard a reviewer say it was "jaw dropping" good.</s><s>[agent_2]VR scares me some, especially when designers are trying to get you addidcted</s><s>[agent_1]I was thinking about how people just sit in chairs hours on end staring straight ahead doing VR. Then I started thinking people used to do that with TV. After coming home from work and eating dinner they would sit in front of the TV staring straight ahead not moving for hours until they went to bed. At least with VR you are moving your hands and with some games your whole body.</s><s>[agent_2]Absolutely agree and Tetris is a puzzle game that requires fast thinking, geometric skills, and other brain skills. The jazz music will also serve to stimulate brain synapsis, so not all bad I guess</s><s>[agent_1]I was surprised to find out that playing it has positive effects. Like for people suffering from PTSD. Or those trying to stick to diets. I might start playing the original version again until I can get a PS4.</s><s>[agent_2]That is an interesting fact. There are a few versions available on Android and Apple devices for free. But yeah, the VR set up is going to be a super high demand product, especially for the age group that played it as a game boy game</s><s>[agent_1]I play GTA 5 on my PS3 now. I am really into flight simulators and that one is the best for console I think until I get a PC that can handle one. I can't believe PS3s are researching Black Holes.</s><s>[agent_2]I was just reading about Tetris selling 495 million copies of of its franchise. That is enormous</s><s>[agent_1]I can't believe the original creator didn't get any royalties cause it went to the Soviet Union. I guess it isn't copyrighted cause there are so many free ones now. At least he started getting some royalties in 1996. I don't how with so many free versions out there.</s><s>[agent_2]Hopefully he will be involved in the VR version and Sony can do the right thing and get him caught up. Did you see WII Sports is top 3 selling game? Not sure how that is possible as that game was terrible</s><s>[agent_1]Actually the new one for Playstation VR was designed by Tetsuya Mizuguchi, the Japanese designer of the game Rez, which I have never heard of. Do you play any games?</s><s>[agent_2]I play some mobile games, and some XBox games like Madden and NBA 2K, but not a heavy gamer by any stretch</s><s>[agent_1]I never did many sports games. Used to love tennis games. I don't follow sports anymore. I am into hiking in the mountains now. I have only had PSs not any XBOXs.</s><s>[agent_2]Healthy stuff, outdoors, always good. I worry that VR pulls people away from that</s><s>[agent_1]If you play mobile games have you heard of ELOH? I play it some. I find it relaxing. What mobile games do you recommend I try?</s><s>[agent_2]I like the Clash of Clans genre, Clash Royale ect. I like the social aspect of playing with others versus solo</s><s>[agent_1]Sounds good. I don't get all the hype about Candy Crush. Seems boring. I'll check those out. Did you know our Department of Defense used a bunch of Playstation 3s to build a supercomputer?</s><s>[agent_2]Wow, interesting factoid</s>
<s>[agent_1]Hey. Do you know much about the USA Senate? It is the upper chamber of congress.</s><s>[agent_2]Hi, how are you? I do not know much about the Senate. It is the upper chamber of Congress, I've heard.</s><s>[agent_1]Yes along with the House of Representatives!</s><s>[agent_2]I think that the Senate has 100 people but the VP casts the deciding vote. He is powerful. One day that will be important. Maybe during an impeachment.</s><s>[agent_1]Yeah good point. It may play an important role but definitely doesn't exist in authoritarian regimes with dictators.</s><s>[agent_2]That is the advantage of our great country. We have a republic, something that other countries envy.</s><s>[agent_1]True. Also a surprising fact is the president's guest house is bigger than the white house.</s><s>[agent_2]I think that the guest house must have been built much later. How could it be so big? How many guests stay there?</s><s>[agent_1]Yeah I want to know that too. Maybe banana stayed their once (the first president of zimbabwe).</s><s>[agent_2]The first president of Zimbabwe was a guy that got caught in a lot of relationships with men, I hear.</s><s>[agent_1]Haha I didn't know that. Also the president of indonesia seems to be giving Justin Bieber a run for his money!</s><s>[agent_2]I think that the press of Indo probably does not have the most hated video on YouTube. I think he probably has sold a ton of albums.</s><s>[agent_1]Yeah maybe so. Until 1805, the runner up in a president election automatically became vice president!</s><s>[agent_2]The system would be great for pop albums. I think that duet of two opponents would sell like hotcakes. Everyone would love to hear Trump and Hillary do it.</s><s>[agent_1]Haha without a doubt I would buy it. I wonder if Congress would allow it? The term is derived from a Latin word, like many other words.</s><s>[agent_2]Latin really is the language of terms of derivation. I would like to know what the purpose of Congress actually is. What do they do all day? Do they work?</s><s>[agent_1]It seems like all they do is play baseball. The Republicans seem to be better though!</s><s>[agent_2]The baseball game should resolve most of the issues in the country. No more votes. No more speeches.</s><s>[agent_1]That would be awesome. I bet it would be televised. They even have fantasy congress.</s><s>[agent_2]I think that the baseball talent for fantasy Congress would get snapped up first. Anyway, good chat!</s><s>[agent_1]Elmo even testified before Congress! You too see ya!</s>
<s>[agent_1]Hi, do you like star wars?</s><s>[agent_2]who doesnt like star wars?! love star wars!</s><s>[agent_1]Me too! I just saw the last jedi and really liked it. I was surprised to find out that James Earl Jones only spent 2.5 hours recording darth vader's lines in star wars.</s><s>[agent_2]he was the perfect choice for that voice! the man got paid a pittance too, i figure, since the movie was so successful.</s><s>[agent_1]Me too. Give the man some back end points. I bet he gets a ton of money from conventions though. I would demand at least $1M. Make it worth my time, if Im him...</s><s>[agent_2]yeah, the points for the movies, the toys, the conventions, man, he could start his own film company.</s><s>[agent_1]I know! In 2018 . the total value of the franchise was $65B!!!!</s><s>[agent_2]amazing! I figure that George started an empire, not an evil one though. what is he doing these days?</s><s>[agent_1]Nothing! He was bought out by disney for half a gazillion dollars! Must be nice!</s><s>[agent_2]i guess. i would get bored. you need something to do everyday. i think he must be involved with films.</s><s>[agent_1]I know he is. He gets $500K in directing fees. It made him a billionaire!</s><s>[agent_2]Yes, he sure had some foresight there. he knew that toys could be worth a lot. he had money from previous films.</s><s>[agent_1]I know. I wonder if they knew minera mouse's worth? That's short for minnie mouse.</s><s>[agent_2]That is an odd name. I wonder who chose Minerva. greek goddess?</s><s>[agent_1]I am not sure. Was it walter elias disney?</s><s>[agent_2]perhaps disney did. he worked with a lot of creative people.</s><s>[agent_1]Pixar actually named Wall-e as a tip of the hat to him. Who knew!</s><s>[agent_2]that is a great tribute to the man who started it all. that was a great film. i should watch it again.</s><s>[agent_1]There was only like 4 words spoken the entire film. THat's crazy.</s><s>[agent_2]yes, i liked that fact. no talking. just visuals. very clever. Anyway, great chat!</s><s>[agent_1]Ditto! Have a great day!</s>
<s>[agent_1]Remember David Hogg the kid from the Parkland school shootings?</s><s>[agent_2]I do. I have friends who life in that area.</s><s>[agent_1]I thinks these kids were used and discarded by a liberal press that is a gun control lobby.</s><s>[agent_2]They really were. They did have every right to be upset and advocate, but a year later they are off the scene.</s><s>[agent_1]Yep. I guess there were some inconsistencies in Hogg's defense of the local deputy sheriff... I don't remember that being reported?</s><s>[agent_2]Neither do I. I just remember them being outraged and asking people to help fix our gun laws, and the other side being afraid someone was coming for their guns.</s><s>[agent_1]Same ol' story... I think we need to start thinking deeper than that. It's not a simple problem. I goes into our very violent culture in general. Movies, internet etc.</s><s>[agent_2]I agree. There are so many factors that we need to address. Violence in society in general is a problem. Hatred, bullying, it all needs to be addressed.</s><s>[agent_1]I totally agree. Did you know constant clicking links on the internet can cause a real addition that is measurable in the brain? Maybe something can be learned in that?</s><s>[agent_2]I do, I think it is hard to sometimes shut off the internet, social media. People replace a like with actual social interaction.</s><s>[agent_1]I agree again. Socialization skills have suffered among children and even many adults. Not surprisingly, only 7% of people read the terms when buying something on the internet.</s><s>[agent_2]I dont think I have ever read a terms agreement. I wonder what sketchy things I may have unknowingly agreed to.</s><s>[agent_1]I am one of the 93%. You can almost count on them sharing your info to some degree. Did you know there is a 3g cell service at the top of Mt. Everest? Why?</s><s>[agent_2]So you can post it to facebook, duh. If it is not on facebook, it didnt happen. Everyone knows that. LOL. But seriously, I don't know...</s><s>[agent_1]Oh, what was I thinking? It's just that it would get a lot of use would it? I think it would go over like "The 70's Show" did in the UK.</s><s>[agent_2]Probably, but I dont plan on making it to the summit of everest, so it makes no difference to me either way.</s><s>[agent_1]I guess in the very unlikely event I would survive that, I would want to brag to someone. Have you heard of a rapper named "Drake". I thought that was a duck.</s><s>[agent_2]Yeah. His first name is really Aubrey.</s><s>[agent_1]I guess he didn't graduate HS until he was 25. What's the story behind that?</s><s>[agent_2]I don't know. He's from Canada. I wonder if it was like getting a GED. I know he was in Degrassi, maybe he put off his studies?</s><s>[agent_1]Sounds like it. Thanks for the chat!</s>
<s>[agent_1]I can't believe ABC brought back Last Man Standing.</s><s>[agent_2]I have never seen it. I don't really watch much TV</s><s>[agent_1]TV sitcoms always seem to be based on woman based progressive politics. Last Man Standing defies that.</s><s>[agent_2]Personally, I don't really care about the politics of a show. A sitcom should just be funny IMO</s><s>[agent_1]Very true. But most importantly it has a large audience, which helps to sell advertising.</s><s>[agent_2]Right. That's all the broadcast companies care about anyway. If people find it funny they are gonna watch and everybody is gonna cash in</s><s>[agent_1]Last Man Standing has been compared to a Disney formulaic comedy, which isn't meant as a compliment. But that formula sells.</s><s>[agent_2]Yeah, you don't get smarter watching it...well, if you wanted to get smarter, you should probably turn off the TV lol</s><s>[agent_1]Agree. But television is a mass medium and an escape, and a vehicle for advertising. it is what it is.</s><s>[agent_2]Totally agree with you. I just find it ironic when people criticize it for being if it could be anything else lol</s><s>[agent_1]There must be an audience for some of this stuff. For example, there are over 750 episodes of Pokemon. Who would have guessed?</s><s>[agent_2]Jeez that's a ton! Only 400 for the Simpsons.</s><s>[agent_1]And Thomas the Tank Engine has been around so long that Ringo Starr, Alec Baldwin and George Carlin have narrated over 50 shows each.</s><s>[agent_2]Most of the deals made on 'shark tank' are never enacted. That's not surprising, really</s><s>[agent_1]I have only seen Shark Tank a few times, and they almost always dismiss the new products.</s><s>[agent_2]I have never seen ikea heights, but its funny that the show is made in an ikea and the store doesn't even know</s><s>[agent_1]Never heard of Ikea Heights. Is it supposed to be a comedy or drama?</s><s>[agent_2]A drama, I think. I had never heard of it either...kind of sounds made up lol</s><s>[agent_1]My son shows my YouTube shows recorded on cell phones, maybe that's what it is. Some of these shows might make it to network television in the future.</s><s>[agent_2]They may, but I think that would be a step down for them. TV is a dying medium. You can reach more people and make more money on YouTube</s><s>[agent_1]Television is still essential for broadcasting news and sports.</s>
<s>[agent_1]Do you like Marvel movies?</s><s>[agent_2]Good morning. Yes, I do. How about you?</s><s>[agent_1]I do enjoy them. I am impressed with how they have completed so many story arcs to weave together.</s><s>[agent_2]I know, it's a complex universe that's been created!</s><s>[agent_1]I hope that in future movies they explore some of the alternate universes and time lines that end up intersecting like they do in the comics.</s><s>[agent_2]Me too! Who is your favorite character?</s><s>[agent_1]I like captain america. I think he is quite the character to look up to. Although I love what they did with the Black Panther character in the origin film.</s><s>[agent_2]Yeah, Black Panther is my favorite, Did you know he's the richest Superhero?</s><s>[agent_1]Really? I would have thought that would be Tony Stark!</s><s>[agent_2]No, Ironman only has $100 million and even Batman only had $80 Billion.</s><s>[agent_1]Huh..I suppose though when you have a shrouded country with all that tech and mines for one of the rarest metals on earth you amass quite the fortune.</s><s>[agent_2]How true. On a side note, do you use the internet alot?</s><s>[agent_1]i do quite a bit for work. I teach and work online so that leads to hours on the net. What about you?</s><s>[agent_2]I also stay on it alot for work. I understand all the constant clicking can cause real addiction that can be measured in the brain.</s><s>[agent_1]I could totally see that. Look at people with online gaming. It is an addiction that rivals drug use. There is a tiny release of dopamine each time you win so that makes you crave the bigger and bigger release.</s><s>[agent_2]It's easy to get hooked, for sure. I read somewhere that the current library of Alexandria has a saved copy of the internet, in case it burns down.</s><s>[agent_1]I think that is an excellent use of the net. Think of all the history that could have been saved if only we had a way to preserve it like that years ago.</s><s>[agent_2]We'd be far more advanced than what we are now.</s><s>[agent_1]No doubt about that. I think we are in danger with the internet though because people don't interact in person as much anymore and there is something to be said about face to face conversation.</s><s>[agent_2]I agree with you about that. Today's youth are clueless on how to interact face to face.</s><s>[agent_1]So true. If it isn't chatting online they are buried in their phones while holding actual conversations. People hardly look up anymore just constant scrolling.</s>
<s>[agent_1]Have you ever broken a thumb?</s><s>[agent_2]Hello, I have not. Have you?</s><s>[agent_1]No, I also do not play hockey. There might be a relation there. Andre Burakovsky broke a thumb playing hockey.</s><s>[agent_2]I love hockey, but I don't play it. The Slovakian women's hockey team beat Bulgaria 82-0 which is crazy.</s><s>[agent_1]It is interesting how an industry deals with player injury. Nine games into a season, a broken thumb sidelines a player. Does that player still have value? 82-0 would be a boring game to watch.</s><s>[agent_2]I agree. USA's hockey women's hockey team lost to New England high school team once.</s><s>[agent_1]So, the game is about putting the puck into a goal with a stick. Olympic hockey team beaten by a high school team. Good for the kids.</s><s>[agent_2]For sure. Hockey rinks used to only have one shared penalty box, but the players would constantly fight so they made two instead.</s><s>[agent_1]It must be difficult for players to keep their confidence up. Scoring slumps, fights, being traded, injuries. Kind of a sad way to live.</s><s>[agent_2]I think it probably is. In a 1930 hockey game, the goalie caught fire when a puck hit a pack of matches in his pocket.</s><s>[agent_1]I think I would start my own team. In 1993 a player was traded for $1. that player went on to win four Stanely Cups. I wonder if that guy had matches in his pocket.</s><s>[agent_2]That's awesome. In the summer olympics back in 1932, India beat the USA 24-1 at hockey.</s><s>[agent_1]Well thats interesting. My TARDIS is down for repairs or I would travel to 1932 bet on the USA, and hand the Indian players books of matches.</s><s>[agent_2]LOL. Do you watch television?</s><s>[agent_1]No, I wrap my head with tinfoil and pretend. So, in 1932, when the USA lost, was there a basketball court under the ice. The usa players could switch to basketball.</s><s>[agent_2]Haha. The "Weekend Update" debuted on the first episode of SNL and is also their longest running skit.</s><s>[agent_1]I enjoy weekend update. Its a good bit. The 70's show was good, but it did not work in the UK.</s><s>[agent_2]I'm surprised it didn't last in the UK. I think it's a great show.</s><s>[agent_1]Perhaps there was something lost in the english to english translation. What for Governor, is this a bong before me or is it the sun.</s><s>[agent_2]Possibly. Did you know in the first 400 episodes of the Simpons, Homer had 188 jobs?</s><s>[agent_1]No, I remember Mr. Plow and Homer working at the A plant. There is only one simpsons episode with no bart or bart mention.</s><s>[agent_2]I don't remember that one. Well, it was good talking to you!</s>
<s>[agent_1]I have an article about football. You?</s><s>[agent_2]I'm a fan of football. I could do with less commercials though. They have like 11 minues of live gameplay in the average broadcast.</s><s>[agent_1]isn't that Crazy? The junpero serra high school jv football team recorded a historically bad season in which they failed to win a game or even score a touchdown yet they never attempted to start their backup quarterback.</s><s>[agent_2]Yeah he was Tom Brady. Weird.</s><s>[agent_1]It's crazy! Alex smith took so many ap tests in high school that he entered university as a junior. the quarterback received his bachelor's degree in two years, and began working on a master's degree, before becoming the first overall pick in the 2005 nfl draft.</s><s>[agent_2]Smart guy. Speaking of college the University of Iowa has a pink locker room. I think you'd always remember that one.</s><s>[agent_1]yes, you would know what to expect!The circular huddle used in todays american football was created by paul d. hubbard, a deaf quarterback, so the other team could not read his hand signals.</s><s>[agent_2]Innovative. The NFL tracks everything with chips embedded in the players pads.</s><s>[agent_1]they like to get alot of info! the quarterback is usually considered the leader of the offensive team, and is often responsible for calling the play in the huddle.</s><s>[agent_2]Did you know there's only one left-handed quarterback in the NFL?</s><s>[agent_1]no! The quarterback also touches the ball on almost every offensive play, and is the offensive player that almost always throws forward passes.</s><s>[agent_2]That's a lot of responsibility. Baker Mayfield, QVB and Oklahoma, almost quit football to be a professional video gamer. I wonder if he played Madden at all?</s><s>[agent_1]no idea! Sports commonly called football in certain places include association football (known as soccer in some countries); gridiron football (specifically American football or Canadian football); Australian rules football; rugby football (either rugby league or rugby union); and Gaelic football</s><s>[agent_2]Interesting. There are a lot of definitions. I'm assuming they all kick a ball at some point.</s><s>[agent_1]me too! Former partiots rb benjarvus green-ellis has never fumbled the football in his nfl career.</s><s>[agent_2]Nice hands! I wonder if frisky hands is why New Orleans cheerleaders and the football team can't eat at the same restaurant.</s><s>[agent_1]Thats a good question! :)</s><s>[agent_2]Sometimes wish I could get more games than the 16 games in the NFL season.</s><s>[agent_1]I think alot of people feel that way. Espn won an emmy for the creation of the superimposed yellow line representing the first down line for american football games.</s><s>[agent_2]Very cool. I wonder if any women will ever play in the NFL. There's nothing in the rules that says they can't.</s><s>[agent_1]That would be fun to see! different variations of football are known as football codes.</s><s>[agent_2]Yeah it would. I think there's more money as an engineer though over your lifetime.</s>
<s>[agent_1]Hi, how are you?</s><s>[agent_2]hey I'm good, did you know that dolphins can communicate though phones and understand each otehr?</s><s>[agent_1]Through phones? They have phones underwater?</s><s>[agent_2]haha I guess they do, and I didn't know actress Hedy Lamarr did work to invent the current cellphone thats weird</s><s>[agent_1]Wow. I had no idea. This is good info...</s><s>[agent_2]well another interesting fact is that there is no correlation between the bars on your phone and the phone connectino quality, apparently thats all made up</s><s>[agent_1]Really? Are you pulling my leg? I always look at my bars...</s><s>[agent_2]nope not pulling your leg haha, how often do you think you use the internet</s><s>[agent_1]Every day. I will qualify it by saying that it is usually used for being productive and not on social media. I want to be productive.</s><s>[agent_2]Yes I agree with you, I use it all the time, what I didn't know is that humans are a minority on the internet it is mostly made up of bots</s><s>[agent_1]I can see that. I feel saddened about it because I trust no one on the internet. I always assume my data will be breached too.</s><s>[agent_2]yup you have to apparently, do you ever look yourself up online? I guess that is called egosurfing</s><s>[agent_1]I have. Mine isn't about ego but what people are saying about me as a public figure.</s><s>[agent_2]ah interesting, have you ever been to finland? I guess everyone there has a constitutional right to internet service</s><s>[agent_1]Talk about socialism! Who'd have thunk that 30 years ago, the internet would be a god given right...</s><s>[agent_2]right you never could have predicted that! do you know what a neopet is? I guess they were popular in 2001</s><s>[agent_1]I have no idea what they are. Do you? Should I google this?</s><s>[agent_2]haha I don't know, but in 2001 they were the 4th biggest website in the world and appeared higher in search engines than google itself</s><s>[agent_1]Now I have to google it to figure out what they are. I will use the three horizontal lines, known as a hamburger...</s><s>[agent_2]haha I like that term but it makes me hungry! Do you like Patrick Stewart?</s><s>[agent_1]Love him to death! Nice chatting with you!</s>
<s>[agent_1]Hello there, do you use Youtube much?</s><s>[agent_2]I do, very frequently. However, I havent run into momo.</s><s>[agent_1]Yeah I use it all the time, did you know they are the 2nd largest search engine on the net?</s><s>[agent_2]Yeah, I heard that. Pretty crazy. Psy's Gangnam style made them increase their view counter it was so popular!</s><s>[agent_1]That is just hilarious! I remember people going straight bonkers for that song.</s><s>[agent_2]It was crazy popular. It is amazing the amount of material and information that is disseminated though youtube!</s><s>[agent_1]Yeah it really is, you can learn how to do or fix just about anything.</s><s>[agent_2]Do you know what the most disliked video on Youtube is?</s><s>[agent_1]Correct me if I'm wrong but I think it's a Justin Bieber video.</s><s>[agent_2]It was, his video to Baby. Youtube and Netflix combined make up half of the internet traffic in North America!</s><s>[agent_1]Thats hilarious, and wow that is an incredible amount of traffic for two sites!</s><s>[agent_2]It really is! You can register for free with a Gmail address, which you can get though Google!</s><s>[agent_1]Did you know that is also a Youtube for police, like their own youtube?</s><s>[agent_2]Dont they call that Blutube?</s><s>[agent_1]Yeah I think you are right, I wonder if you have to be an officer to have access to it.</s><s>[agent_2]Maybe. I am curious to try it now.</s><s>[agent_1]Yeah same here. I think Google owns Youtube as well, did you know that?</s><s>[agent_2]Yeah, it seems like Google owns everything!</s><s>[agent_1]Yeah it sure does, and the amount of internet traffic they take up is just increasing I feel.</s><s>[agent_2]It does, thee is that one time it went down and took 40% of all web traffic with it</s><s>[agent_1]That is just crazy! Well it's been nice talking with you, I hope you have a good night!</s>
<s>[agent_1]Do you like drama?</s><s>[agent_2]I sure do. Have you seen House MD?</s><s>[agent_1]Yes , Laurie made $700 000 per episode in there</s><s>[agent_2]Yeah. Do you like Jim Carrey?</s><s>[agent_1]I do. Did you know he does not do dramas anymore?</s><s>[agent_2]Yes because he thinks that they do no portray positivity</s><s>[agent_1]Yeah. Do you listen to radio dramas?</s><s>[agent_2]I do sometimes. There is a website where you can listen to them for free</s><s>[agent_1]Yeah. Do you know why Michael Caine became an actor?</s><s>[agent_2]Yes he was chasing the pretty girls and they were in drama class</s><s>[agent_1]Yeah what a guy. Do you like Jon Hamm?</s><s>[agent_2]Yes he is so funny. He used to be a drama teacher in a high school once</s><s>[agent_1]Yes and one of his students was Ellie Kemper</s><s>[agent_2]Yeah small world. Do you use YouTube?</s><s>[agent_1]Yes all the time. It is the second largest search engine anyways</s><s>[agent_2]Yeah. Do you know which is the most disliked video in there?</s><s>[agent_1]Yes it is Baby by Justin Bieber, crazy.</s><s>[agent_2]I know. Do you know why they increased the view count?</s><s>[agent_1]Because Gangnam Style song became so popular</s><s>[agent_2]Yeah Have you heard of Bluetube?</s><s>[agent_1]Yes that is the police youtube pretty cool. Nice chat</s>
<s>[agent_1]hi how are you? do you listen to the radio?</s><s>[agent_2]Sometimes, usually in the car. Radio's been around a long time. You?</s><s>[agent_1]I used to listen to it when i was a kid. now i listen to youtube.</s><s>[agent_2]Right. Ever hear of a country/crossover singer named Scotty McCreery? He won American Idol in 2011. ?</s><s>[agent_1]No, i did not. is he famous?</s><s>[agent_2]Yes and no. Had a 2015 hit, but it never went to #1, so his Nashville record company ditched him. Went to to perform at Grand Ole Opry, where he sang "Five More Minutes (about losing grandpa). It racked up millions of views. Has had Top 10 singles. Co-writing songs now. Is that famous, would you say?</s><s>[agent_1]that is famous. he has got what it takes to make it. he will soon be back on top.</s><s>[agent_2]I hope so. Won Idol at age16. Only 24 now. Do you have a favorite artist or group?</s><s>[agent_1]i dont have a favorite. i listen to many. i was listening to jazz on youtube earlier. You?</s><s>[agent_2]Do you know the jazz trumpeter, Winton Marsales?</s><s>[agent_1]Yes, he is a great player. does classical as well.</s><s>[agent_2]Yes. Hosts Jazz at Lincoln Center on PBS. Extraordinary musician. Do you have a jazz favorite? Satchmo? Bird?</s><s>[agent_1]Probably Bill Evans on piano. Miles Davis.</s><s>[agent_2]Miles, yes. Great album producer, too. What's your favorite album - as in vinyl, CD or MP3 format?</s><s>[agent_1]Album? For Bill Evans, it would be Waltz for Debbie. That is great. very introspective.</s><s>[agent_2]Have to check it out. My favorites would include Paul Simon, James Taylor - they may be old rock dudes, but their songs stay in my head, you know?</s><s>[agent_1]they wrote great songs, hits, memorable tunes and lyrics. i figure that their music will last forever.</s><s>[agent_2]Hope so. Past the sounds of silence. Did you know "The Dark Side of the Moon" - album released over 40 yrs. ago - is still a best-seller? Who released it, do you know?</s><s>[agent_1]Pink Floyd. i dont know what they are doing now. anyway, great chat!</s><s>[agent_2]Pink Floyd? Of course! Classic. To hear their music played in live concert today, you can only listen to a tribute band. Nice chat. Thanks!</s><s>[agent_1]Have a good weekend!</s><s>[agent_2]You, too. Listen to Pink Floyd if you get the chance!</s><s>[agent_1]I will. Thanks!</s><s>[agent_2]Or - James Taylor's "You've Got a Friend". Cheers!</s><s>[agent_1]That is a good one too.</s><s>[agent_2]Great week-end!</s>
<s>[agent_1]Hi, do you enjoy reading?</s><s>[agent_2]I do enjoy a good book. I have to say though, Enders game is not something I recommend.</s><s>[agent_1]Have you read that book?</s><s>[agent_2]Yes, I have. The book is about children taken from their parents and they train to be in the military. Like 9 years old. Boys and Girls living in the same room.</s><s>[agent_1]I cannot believe that book is recommended by the Marine Corps. That seems like a strange thing to endorse. Does the endorsement fit?</s><s>[agent_2]In a sense. The morality of the training is one thing. The end result is one child is the chosen one who will fight the battle with aliens. The one child chooses to commit genocide to win a war. The message from a marines perspective is kill, kill, kill.</s><s>[agent_1]Man... I understand why there was a moral panic in the 18th century if that is the message.</s><s>[agent_2]Enders game is also considered young adult. Again fitting in with the level of the Marines. I kid a small amount. I would like to know more about the moral panic though. Sounds lovely.</s><s>[agent_1]There was a spread of reading and instead of encouraging it, they called it a moral panic and began banning books. Seems logical...</s><s>[agent_2]I have never read Starship troupers. It is by Heinlein. I have read others by him. He is long winded. Overly detailed. Like Tolkien in a way. Not worth reading.</s><s>[agent_1]Really? I was turned off by the movie so I never read it. I didn't ever watch Jurassic Park because I love the book so much I didn't want the movie to ruin the book for me.</s><s>[agent_2]Heinlein has some following in sci-fi. I am not one of them. A conversation between CS Lewis and Tolkein would be fun to watch. Better than SNL weekend update.</s><s>[agent_1]I would hate to be the one who was laughed at in the game of You Laugh, You Lose. Seems mean.</s><s>[agent_2]But think of the poetry. It was a dark and stormy night....Might drive me into a moral panic.</s><s>[agent_1]It would be one thing to get laughed at by commoners but Lewis and Tolkien? I would just quit...</s><s>[agent_2]How do you feel about horror films. Marry Shelley was an author. I read both her works.</s><s>[agent_1]I am not a fan... I get scared and then turn the channel. I am not a strong person.</s><s>[agent_2]As books go, you might like to read the original Frankenstein, a modern day Prometheus, written by mary Shelley. The book and movie diverge.</s><s>[agent_1]What's better? I prefer books but I do not read enough so I usually end up watching the movie.</s><s>[agent_2]The book. It is much more. Mary Shelly also wrote "the last man" It is a book about a virus wiping out humanity. It was sad and tragic. No one ever made a movie out of it.</s><s>[agent_1]I will have to check that out! Nice chatting with you!</s>