stringlengths 1.11k
<s>[agent_1]Hello. Do you watch baseball? Do you ever watch the world series?</s><s>[agent_2]I love baseball and this years world series was one of the best I have seen.</s><s>[agent_1]I agree. I like that they play up to seven games to determine the winner too. You get to enjoy it for a few days instead of just a few hours like in the nfl.</s><s>[agent_2]True. What about that one world series where babe ruth was caught stealing to end game 7 and lose the 1926 world series with his team only losing by one run. That is rough!</s><s>[agent_1]Totally! Especially since it was Babe Ruth who did it.</s><s>[agent_2]I agree. I am sure the world was shocked! What about those cubs winning back to back world series. Pretty impressive!</s><s>[agent_1]It is but it's also sad because they haven't won since then.</s><s>[agent_2]I know! The ottoman empire was still in existence the last time the cubs won the world series. That sure does date it!</s><s>[agent_1]It makes it sound so ancient when you put it that way. Some of those years could be attributed to the lack of playoffs before 1969 though.</s><s>[agent_2]True. Do you know about how Air Jordan's used to be banned from the NBA when they played. Jordan always wore them anyways because Nike would pay the fine.</s><s>[agent_1]I never knew they were banned. Do you know why they were?</s><s>[agent_2]I am not sure. I never heard why. I guess eventually they caved and let them wear whatever shoe they wanted.</s><s>[agent_1]Well NBA players are the world's best paid athletes so it makes sense that they caved to them.</s><s>[agent_2]True. I mean endorsements are big payoffs. How about allen iverson's lifetime endorsement with reebok that pays him $800,000 a year until he reaches 55 and then he gets a lump payment of $32,000,000. Crazy!</s><s>[agent_1]That man is set for life! How lucky for him! On the flip side, there's Tim Duncan who held out joining the NBA until he got his college degree.</s><s>[agent_2]That is probably smart, some of those guys don't last very long in the NBA. Always good to have a back up plan!</s><s>[agent_1]Yes it is. I totally agree! I bet the NBA would seem different to people if they used the most effective shot. The granny shot has been proven to score points better than any other way.</s><s>[agent_2]That is about the only way I can get a shot to go in! What about Reggie Miller's sister Cheryl? She scored 105 points in one game and broke 8 national records!</s><s>[agent_1]She's impressive. I wonder if she plays professionally.</s><s>[agent_2]Not sure but that sure beat what reggie did that day. He scored a career high of 40 points. She more than doubled him!</s><s>[agent_1]He became a hall of famer though.</s> |
<s>[agent_1]Hi, do you like superheroes?</s><s>[agent_2]Hmm...well I kind of did as a kid in the 1960's and 1970's, the Superman and Batman type. I was never into the comic book source of the heros but I did enjoy the cartoons and TV shows based off them.</s><s>[agent_1]I love them. There is a comic series about fixing the collateral damage caused by superheroes.</s><s>[agent_2]I read that, it made me laugh at the irony a little bit. I did read about Stan Lee last year when he died and he got a lot of good press. If he wrote 15 DC Comics series re-imaging superhero's he must have been a pretty creative guy and good writer.</s><s>[agent_1]That's interesting. I had no idea he also wrote 15 of the DC comics.</s><s>[agent_2]Yes, and he ended every phone conversation by saying "Excelsior!", he sounded like quite a character.</s><s>[agent_1]That's very funny. He was a good guy for sure. There is a Garfield book series spinoff named Pet Force and it's all of the Garfield characters acting as superheroes.</s><s>[agent_2]Yes, the genre seems to me to lend itself to that, like the "NormalMan" who's the only non-Super Hero on a planet populated by Superhero's. That ironic and kind of funny too, then again they're called comic books!</s><s>[agent_1]That is ironic. I saw that Marvel takes place in in earth-199999.</s><s>[agent_2]Yes, that a lot of years in the future. Doesn't the earth's sun, run out of fuel and burn up sometime before then according to astronomers? Do you like Wonder Woman? That movie was the highest-grossing origin movie and wwi movie, sounds like a studio's dream as a money maker.</s><s>[agent_1]I think it does. I've never seen Wonder Woman. That's pretty amazing it grossed that much.</s><s>[agent_2]I read that when she first showed up in the comics in 1941 she was originally the Justice Societie's secretary. That a little sexist, but then again in 1941 maybe they didn't think so.</s><s>[agent_1]That is very sexist. I bet that wouldn't fly in our society today.</s><s>[agent_2]No it wouldn't and good for society for evolving. Did you know that Gal Gadot, the actress who played Wonderwoman actually thought she was testing for Catwoman, the old female Superhero switcharoo...</s><s>[agent_1]Wow I did not know that. Did you know Michigan State has the largest public comic book collection in the world?</s><s>[agent_2]No, that was news to me. I went to Illinois in the Big 10 and I've been to Michigan State, but I was unaware it was the Mecca of Comic Book collections. Did you know that the DC in DC Comics stands for Detective Comics so DC Comics means Detective Comics Comics, redundant indeed. I wonder who thought up that in the first place?</s><s>[agent_1]I wonder as well. I saw that Marvel once published a generic comic book to trademark the names super-hero and super-villian.</s><s>[agent_2]Yes, I wonder if the stories in generic comic book was populated entirely by lawyers as they needed that baseline so the lawyers could trade mark "Super-hero, -villain" etc. as super abilities over the average?</s><s>[agent_1]I wonder that as well. Did you know female superheroes are sometimes called superheroine?</s><s>[agent_2]I think that Super-heroine is actually more correct grammatically, but a few more letters to pronounce. I also saw that comic books have some origins in 18th Century Japan, becoming popular in the US in the 1930's. I wonder how those original Japanese Comics were marketed in Japan and where they sold them.</s><s>[agent_1]It was good talking to you!</s> |
<s>[agent_1]Did You hear that clowns copyright their makeup designs on eggshells ?</s><s>[agent_2]I never heard that one. Also, American makeup companies have resumed animal testing so they can sell products in China.</s><s>[agent_1]How is animal testing related to selling products in China ? Sorry, I don't get that one...</s><s>[agent_2]not sure but maybe it's required to happen before china will buy? keanu gave $80 million of his $114 million matrix salary to special effects and makeup staff</s><s>[agent_1]I wonder why ? Didn't movie producers pay them as well ? ;)</s><s>[agent_2]probably not that much</s><s>[agent_1]...but they probably did and special effect staff agreed to it... maybe Keanu could give that money to charity... :) Just thinking at loud ;)</s><s>[agent_2]Did you know that until 1800 both hand knitting and machine knitting were used to make socks but after 1800 it was mostly machines knitting</s><s>[agent_1]It's hard for me to believe that :) I'm sure a lot of people were doing it the old way...</s><s>[agent_2]It seems like you probably are right. The acoustic era gave rise to the expression "put a sock in it" because people put a sock in the phonograph horn to mute it.</s><s>[agent_1]lol ;) that's a one way to use it ! :) I wonder what were they doing when wife or husband were too loud or was talking too much :)</s><s>[agent_2]lol. I just learned that best buy and target will price match amazon.</s><s>[agent_1]Bestbuy ? Do You believe that ? They are usually very expensive...</s><s>[agent_2]I don't know but I hope so! The first Target opened in 1962 in Minnesota.</s><s>[agent_1]They both try to catch up after amazon, but I think Amazon will out perform both of these...</s><s>[agent_2]It might in the long run. Sears is going out of business and other malls that are brick and mortar sad to see. Vermont is the only state to not have a Target store though.</s><s>[agent_1]Not yet You mean :) I wonder why... any laws prohibiting it to open ?</s><s>[agent_2]i don't know. I doubt that. Target hasn't carried any tobacco products since 1996. Good for them.</s><s>[agent_1]I mean morally good, but I'm guessing they lost a lot of money by doing so... don't You think ?</s><s>[agent_2]I don't know. Does walmart sell cigarettes?</s><s>[agent_1]I wouldn't know, I've never smoked ):</s><s>[agent_2]80% of supplements though sold in Walmart, walgreens, target and gnc contain none of the advertised herbs, so wonder how they can legally advertise?</s> |
<s>[agent_1]Hey there, you like soccer at all? I like watching the Fifa World Cup, what about you?</s><s>[agent_2]Hi, I watch a little soccer.</s><s>[agent_1]It's too bad France won the last one in 2018, the world will never hear the end of it, though it was cool it was held in Russia.</s><s>[agent_2]Yeah, those French fans are a little annoying to me, as well. Did you know the 2022 Fifa World cup final will be held in a city that has not even built yet?</s><s>[agent_1]That is interesting, it seems Qatar has a lot of work to do then. That is only 3 years from now.</s><s>[agent_2]That's a lot of work to build a whole city in that amount of time. I couldn't even imagine trying to do that!</s><s>[agent_1]So what is your favorite album, or do you have one? One of mine is Dark Side of the Moon which is over 40 years old and still selling.</s><s>[agent_2]That's cool. My favorite is Michael Jackson's Thriller album, I'm sure it'll still be selling just as well when it hits 40 years old.</s><s>[agent_1]I still have some old 33s vinyls of some albums, they got phased out by CD and MP3 of course.</s><s>[agent_2]Yeah, them old vinyls were the best. Love all the clicks, and pops, and white noise. Sound is too sterile, nowadays.</s><s>[agent_1]I agree there is something better in the analog format, even a rap album by two identical twins from Japan who turned 100 years old will sound better to my ears.</s><s>[agent_2]Hey, I heard about those twin rappers. I wonder if they were any good or if it was just a bunch of mumbling?</s><s>[agent_1]Who knows, somehow it got famous without airplay or them touring much like NWA's "Straight Outta Compton" so they must have done something right.</s><s>[agent_2]They must have been really something, then? Maybe as famous as Tupac Shakur. Do you know his music is in the library of Congress?</s><s>[agent_1]Sure, it was pretty groundbreaking. I do like what some Koreans have invented, instead of a rap battle its a compliment battle, trying to make the other person feel good, I like that.</s><s>[agent_2]That's a cool idea. Need more love in this world.</s><s>[agent_1]I wonder what would have happened to rap if Eminem actually because a comic book artist. I bet he would have been good at it too.</s><s>[agent_2]Yeah, he seems so multi talented. I'm sure he would have been a very good comic book artist. Do you like Eminem's music?</s><s>[agent_1]Yes I do, it is amazing how far it has come since DJ Hollywood in Harlem.</s><s>[agent_2]Cool, I always liked Eight mile, Slim shady was the man!</s><s>[agent_1]Agree, thanks for the chat.</s> |
<s>[agent_1]Hi there, how's it going?</s><s>[agent_2]It's going great! Which do you prefer, football or baseball?</s><s>[agent_1]Oh I guess baseball. Although I don't have time to see many games anymore.</s><s>[agent_2]Baseball is the American pastime. Japanese are surprised to discover this fact.</s><s>[agent_1]Yeah, I guess they see it as being their own. They have their own fan culture around it. What is your favorite sport?</s><s>[agent_2]I like both baseball and football, but I usually follow them around playoff time. Don't have much time for games.</s><s>[agent_1]Yeah the seasons are so long that it's tough to get really immersed. Especially baseball. It's what, 162 games?</s><s>[agent_2]162, plus playoffs. Soon they'll be playing until Christmas. Until 2005, a married couple scheduled all the games for the MLB. They must have had special software or something.</s><s>[agent_1]Yeah. Although I think they had done it since the 80s. Maybe they did the first few seasons on a Commodore 64 LOL?</s><s>[agent_2]The old C64! Classic. I don't remember any good sports games on that though. Football, baseball, soccer. Probably not easy to do on a C64.</s><s>[agent_1]Yeah. I know they had accounting software LOL, my Dad used it. We had the Minnesota Fats pool game and I think one soccer one. But it was such a different era. No Madden style graphics</s><s>[agent_2]I wonder whether they had a version of kickball on the C64. The Canadians call the game soccer-baseball.</s><s>[agent_1]Yeah I've read that somewhere. When I was a kid, we played a kind of kickball called Rounders at camp. Our counselor was English. He kept telling us "run to fourth!" and we were like, "You mean home? Run home?"</s><s>[agent_2]Baseball is American! I don't know the English would want with it. I bet the English don't collect "Rounders" cards the way we collect baseball cards.</s><s>[agent_1]Right? I wonder if they have cricket cards LOL? I think they have stickers for soccer.</s><s>[agent_2]Some guy found $3 million dollars of baseball cards from the 1900s. I wonder what he did with the money.</s><s>[agent_1]Yeah. That's an amazing find. I heard they had been hidden since the 40s.</s><s>[agent_2]Thanks, Grandpa! I bet Grandpa wishes he had cashed them in before he cashed out.</s><s>[agent_1]Well, but time probably added to the value, no? I wonder if the grandson found a Honus Wagner. Isn't that the super valuable one? In the 90s I think Wayne Gretzky bought one as an investment.</s><s>[agent_2]Honus Wagner was a card in a pack of cigs, I think. That goes way back. Why do baseball managers wear uniforms still? They're too old to play.</s><s>[agent_1]Well, but they can play in an emergency! It's in the rules. Back in the day, player-managers were more of a thing, they were younger.</s><s>[agent_2]Probably one of the players got chosen to be manager. Well, I enjoyed chatting!</s><s>[agent_1]Me too, have a great night :)</s><s>[agent_2]Ta!</s> |
<s>[agent_1]do you listen to the radio?</s><s>[agent_2]I do sometimes. A Hanson song once became popular because they would not reveal the artist</s><s>[agent_1]Wow I guess people are drawn to mystery. DO you listen to AM or FM radio?</s><s>[agent_2]I listen to FM usually and yes, mystery can do some amazing things</s><s>[agent_1]I know. IN the AM radio you can get Jupiter's storms</s><s>[agent_2]WOw nice. The most popular act on the radio in the 30s was the ventriloquist</s><s>[agent_1]WOw that is interesting for a radio. Do you listen to radio dramas?</s><s>[agent_2]I do not really, are they good? Maybe I should check them out</s><s>[agent_1]Well there is a free website of them if you would like to check it out</s><s>[agent_2]Yeah that is nice. Did you know that there is a radio station that turns solar energy into tunes</s><s>[agent_1]That is so cool. In WWII soldier made foxhole radio using pencils and razorblades</s><s>[agent_2]That is so creative. Do you use the phone much?</s><s>[agent_1]ALl the time. Do you know why the NY area code is 212?</s><s>[agent_2]I have no idea but I know that the inventor of a dial phone was an undertaker</s><s>[agent_1]Oh that is cool. The area code is such because it is easy to dial on a rotary phone</s><s>[agent_2]I see Dolphins can communicate with each other over the phone and know who is on the other side of the line</s><s>[agent_1]SO cool. The radios in Canada are required to play 40% canadian music, that is the law</s><s>[agent_2]WOw that is a bit excessive. Did you know that Hey Lamarr helped with the invention of the cell phone?</s><s>[agent_1]Nice. In Finland they have a radio station that gives the news in latin</s><s>[agent_2]SO cool. Nice chatting with you</s><s>[agent_1]Same here have a great one</s> |
<s>[agent_1]hello, how are you? The average american golf course consumes around 312,000 gallons of water per day.</s><s>[agent_2]Damn, that'a a lot. But that is very little compared to the golf course in Dubai that requires 4 million gallons of water a day. What a waste.</s><s>[agent_1]I know right, so much water just for golf. Golf courses in america make up more land space than rhode island and delaware combined</s><s>[agent_2]I think Golf sucks. I didn't know that Babe Ruth was once America's most famous golfer.</s><s>[agent_1]I really like miniature golf. Yeah he was. Samuel l. jackson puts a golf clause in his film contracts that allows him to play golf twice a week during production.</s><s>[agent_2]He most love golf. Changing topics, I'm a huge movie and tv fan. I love the Simpsons. Did you know there is only one episode where Bart is not seen or even mentioned?</s><s>[agent_1]I did, too bad they don't mention which episode. When south park aired its family guy episode finale the producers received flowers from the simpsons crew</s><s>[agent_2]That was nice of them, lol. My son loved Pokemon as a kid. There are over 750 episodes. That is about 50 shows a year for 16 straight years.</s><s>[agent_1]That's a lot of Pokemon, I never got into it. Ringo starr, george carlin, and alec baldwin have all narrated thomas the tank engine for at least 52 episodes each</s><s>[agent_2]I only remember hearing Carlin's voice. Along with tv, I love music. The single vinyl LP records that played at 33 1/3 rpm came around in 1948.</s><s>[agent_1]That's interesting. Linkin park's "hybrid theory" is the best-selling album of the 21st century.</s><s>[agent_2]It is, wow. This is cool. In Japan, at age 100, a pair of identical twins released a rap album in 1992.</s><s>[agent_1]Despite being released over 40 years ago, the dark side of the moon was still one of the best-selling albums of 2014.</s><s>[agent_2]That is a great album. I new NWA's "Straight Out Of Compton" was platinum, but I didn't know it was the first to do so without airplay or a major tour.</s><s>[agent_1]Awesome, I did not know that either. Reel big fish re-recorded all of their hits for a best of album after losing the rights to their old record label.</s><s>[agent_2]I don't know them. Going back to golf, I found out the hole/cup is 4.25 inches in diameter.</s><s>[agent_1]Thats cool Albums of recorded music were developed in the early 20th century</s><s>[agent_2]Well the 21st century sales have mainly focused on cd's and mp3 format.</s><s>[agent_1]The audio cassette was a format used alongside vinyl from the 1970s into the first decade of the 2000s.</s><s>[agent_2]I remember cassettes. There are cassettes, CD's, vinyl, audio tape, and MP3 formats.</s><s>[agent_1]Have a good one.</s> |
<s>[agent_1]Do you use Facebook?</s><s>[agent_2]Hello, yes I use it a little bit. What about you?</s><s>[agent_1]I do here and there also, definitely not as much as some of my friends to.</s><s>[agent_2]Did you know MySpace turned down an offer to buy Facebook for $75 million back in 2005?</s><s>[agent_1]I heard that, that is crazy! Now facebook is worth like billions and billions of dollars!</s><s>[agent_2]Yep they are worth a ton. The like button is actually illegal in one of the states in Germany.</s><s>[agent_1]I wonder how that is, maybe something with censorship? What do you think</s><s>[agent_2]Possibly. I saw Facebook is blue because Zuckerburg can't see red-green combinations.</s><s>[agent_1]That is crazy, I never knew that. I always thought they could use extra colors in it, makes sense now</s><s>[agent_2]Iceland is rewriting their constitution via Facebook.</s><s>[agent_1]that is awesome, Power to the people! I wonder if they are getting crazy ideas lol. Did you ever hear of Burger Kings Promotion?</s><s>[agent_2]I never heard of that, but it would be something I would be willing to do. What about you?</s><s>[agent_1]If you deleted 10 friends from your facebook, they gave you a free whopper! I wish I could've done it like 10 times</s><s>[agent_2]Me too lol. Do you like animals?</s><s>[agent_1]I love animals, especially dogs! Do you?</s><s>[agent_2]Me too. Did you know there are 20 quintillion animals on Earth?</s><s>[agent_1]wow, that is so many. I wonder how many different species there are, do you know that?</s><s>[agent_2]I saw there are 1.5 million species.</s><s>[agent_1]Wow that is so many! It was so nice chatting with you!</s><s>[agent_2]It was also good chatting with you! I saw hiccups are from early evolution when land animals had both lungs and gills.</s><s>[agent_1]Darn hiccups! Enjoy your day!</s> |
<s>[agent_1]hi how are you doing today? do you like sports?</s><s>[agent_2]I like sports, I like all forms of football, even Canadian football.</s><s>[agent_1]I dont know canadian football. is it good? is it polite? LOL</s><s>[agent_2]It is like the NFL, but with small differences. Do you like the NFL ?</s><s>[agent_1]i do, but i dont get to watch very much. maybe the super bowl.</s><s>[agent_2]Can you believe that there is only one left handed quarterback in the NFL ? Do you think there is a bias ?</s><s>[agent_1]no, i think that maybe there is something about the sport that attracts righties to that position. i think some great lefties have played QB in the past though.</s><s>[agent_2]Yeah, but do you think plays are drawn for right handed QB and left handed QB might have some difficulties with them ?</s><s>[agent_1]yes, that is a possibility. i guess that the blockers might have to switch around too.</s><s>[agent_2]Like left handed pitcher have a advantage because people are not used to them. Do you like baseball ?</s><s>[agent_1]i do like baseball. i try to watch the playoffs and the series.</s><s>[agent_2]It is special, I think it is the only sport that the manager can play for their team if they need it, that is why they wear a uniform.</s><s>[agent_1]That must be a holdover from the old days. i bet a player was chosen as manager. then there was a leader on the field.</s><s>[agent_2]Baseball is an old sport, they had baseball cards in the 1900s, they are worth millions now.</s><s>[agent_1]i would love to find a trove of those cards! i would sell some and keep the rest. what would you do?</s><s>[agent_2]I would sell them all and invest in something. But if they were my grandfather's I would to the same as you.</s><s>[agent_1]Yes, the cards can appreciate, but i would like to invest as well.</s><s>[agent_2]But if it was a family heirloom, I would have some sleepless nights. I would want to keep some, but at the same they are worth a lot. I could keep the worthless ones...</s><s>[agent_1]true, it is hard to part with things that have been in the family. Anyway, great chat!</s><s>[agent_2]You too, thanks for the conversation. I hope the playoffs will be good.</s><s>[agent_1]Have a great day! Yes, me too.</s><s>[agent_2]Bye</s> |
<s>[agent_1]Do you watch football? The highest scoring game ever was back in 1916.</s><s>[agent_2]I do wasn't the score like 220-0?</s><s>[agent_1]i think it was. That is just incredible. I would like to know if the game lasted as long as games do now or was longer. I don't know many details from it.</s><s>[agent_2]Well apparently there is only 11 minutes of live game play.</s><s>[agent_1]So in 11 minutes they scored over 200 points! That would be amazing. Maybe one of the teams should have painted their visiting teams locker rooms pink like the University of Iowa does.</s><s>[agent_2]To funny! did you know that bowlers made twice as much as top nfl players?</s><s>[agent_1]I did know that. Seems like I heard that bowlers were very popular back in the 1960s so they made more money than football players.</s><s>[agent_2]That's crazy! I think that high scoring game we were talking about was between Georgia tech and Cumberland.</s><s>[agent_1]Two college teams apparently. I like college football. Baker Mayfield, quarterback for the University of Oklahoma, is talented in more than just football. He actually considered becoming a professional video game player at one time.</s><s>[agent_2]wow! Did you know that ESPN won a Emmy?</s><s>[agent_1]No I didn't. What did they win an emmy for? Was it for the show sports center?</s><s>[agent_2]No they created that superimposed yellow line to let watcher know where the first down was.</s><s>[agent_1]Really? I like the yellow line. It's actually very helpful when I'm watching a game. Speaking of things being created, did you know that the huddle was started due to a deaf quarterback. The team he was on used a huddle so the other team couldn't read his hands.</s><s>[agent_2]I did not know that, that was smart. There was a former patriots player never fumbled the football in his career.</s><s>[agent_1]A player that never fumbled the ball at all? Who was this and what position did he play?</s><s>[agent_2]Running Back named Benjarvus green-ellis.</s><s>[agent_1]That is impressive that a running back never fumbled the ball. He must be really good. Does he still play? I'm not familiar with his name. What team is he on?</s><s>[agent_2]He was on the Patriots, since retired i believe. You know the NFL has only produced one left handed quarterback?</s><s>[agent_1]That I actually do know about. It's kellan moore. He's been in the news lately so I am familiar with him to a certain degree.</s><s>[agent_2]On a different note Michael Jackson wanted to build a 50 ft robot of himself to move around the Nevada desert.</s><s>[agent_1]Is that for real? In some way it really doesn't surprise me though. He was always doing some really strange things.</s> |
<s>[agent_1]hi</s><s>[agent_2]Hey man, what's up?</s><s>[agent_1]im good you?</s><s>[agent_2]I was listening to talk radio and heard that the highest paid state employee in most states is the football or basketball coach!</s><s>[agent_1]Yes I saw in section 2 that iverson got a lump sum for 32 million</s><s>[agent_2]I think they get paid too much! But I remember from the Kavenaugh hearings that even the Supreme Court justices like to play the b'ball. They have their own court called "the highest court in the land", lol!</s><s>[agent_1]haha. What did you think about section 3 basketball?</s><s>[agent_2]I've never been a real fan of basketball, I'm just amazed at how crazy some people are about it. But also, the skills, like Kareem Abdul-Jabarr's dunking skills!</s><s>[agent_1]haha. I think it was cool how his shot got banned from college basketball.</s><s>[agent_2]He must have been too good! Personally, I admire the guys that stay in school before going to the NBA. Seems like they are looking out for the future.</s><s>[agent_1]Yes its important to have an education.</s><s>[agent_2]Yes indeed. I think I read somewhere that the average lifetime earnings of an engineer is more than those of an NFL or NBA player. So staying in school makes sense. Especially since players get hurt all the time and some never get back in the game. Been some gruesome injuries lately.</s><s>[agent_1]Yes and TBI is a scary problem in the NFL</s><s>[agent_2]Their heads get too big sometimes too and they think they can get away with all kinds of stuff. You would think all that money would make them super cautious. But, I hear about criminal activity all the time, such as with Aaron Hernandez.</s><s>[agent_1]Yes they think they are God</s><s>[agent_2]Guess that's why there aren't any women NFL players, lol. Although, if they met the requirements they could be!</s><s>[agent_1]I agree. As a woman they should have equal rights. What league is your favorite?</s><s>[agent_2]I personally don't believe in the equal rights thing, and I'm a woman! As far as a favorite league, my favorite team is the New Orleans Saints. They have awesome cheerleaders too, but some of the rules they have to follow are ridiculous. They aren't allowed to have any kind of social contact with the players!</s><s>[agent_1]well any last thoughts before we disconnect?</s><s>[agent_2]Nah, I enjoy talking the sports thing once in a while, so I enjoyed chatting. Makes me seem like I actually know what I'm talking about, ha ha.</s><s>[agent_1]haha nice talking to you</s> |
<s>[agent_1]Hi, how are you?</s><s>[agent_2]Good! Do you like baseball?</s><s>[agent_1]I do like it. Do you?</s><s>[agent_2]Yes there are interesting facts about baseball, like the number of balls used in a season: 160,000!!</s><s>[agent_1]Wow, that's a lot! The Nationals missed the playoffs last year too!</s><s>[agent_2]I looks it was a difficult season for them, they did score but against one of the teams in the bottom, the Marlins</s><s>[agent_1]They had a really great lineup that really underpreformed. It was a shame they couldnt perform under their new manager.</s><s>[agent_2]that is tough, they were basically depending on other teams to collapse, the braves and the Phillies</s><s>[agent_1]The Braves over performed and the phillies did too. It would be tough to win that division with those two ahead of you.</s><s>[agent_2]Talking about the world series, i found it funny that in 2014 a great song was banned by 2 san francisco radio stations, do you know why?</s><s>[agent_1]I do not know, why?</s><s>[agent_2]it was the series between SF giants and new orleans Royals, so they banned Royals by Lorde, i think that is a great song</s><s>[agent_1]HA! That's funny. Like watching babe ruth trying to steal a bag...</s><s>[agent_2]How is that? Tell me about it!</s><s>[agent_1]Babe Ruth was a large man. He was not the fleetest of foot. He was caught stealing to end game 7 of the 1926 world series!</s><s>[agent_2]that is funny!! talking about babe ruth there was a pitcher, a female one banned when she struck out Babe ruth and Lou ghering.. kind of unfair!</s><s>[agent_1]yeah! THat's sexism! Seems like something they would do in the 20s and 30s though...</s><s>[agent_2]That is true, i think she did something incredible. And about women I was surprised to learn that the world series had a lower rating compared to womens' world cup</s><s>[agent_1]The braves and the cubs are the oldest two teams in MLB. That's crazy!</s><s>[agent_2]that is true, founding members in 1876 with a different name</s><s>[agent_1]Wow! Nice chatting with you!</s> |
<s>[agent_1]hi do you watch the NBA?</s><s>[agent_2]Yes a lot. Do you know the player TIm DUncan?</s><s>[agent_1]Yes he is awesome, and and so it Reggie Miller, know him?</s><s>[agent_2]Yes I have heard of him. DUncan waited till he graduated college to join the NBA</s><s>[agent_1]Good for him. ANd Reggie Miller was great but his sister was always better?Nice. Reggie on the other hand was great but always his sister beat him at the game</s><s>[agent_2]WOw she must have been really good at it then. WHat a talented family</s><s>[agent_1]I know the woman broke 8 national records in a single game, wow</s><s>[agent_2]Amazing. Did you know NFL is putting tracking chips on the players now?</s><s>[agent_1]Did not know that. I know that women can play in the NFL though</s><s>[agent_2]Nice did not know that. Do you like LeBron James?</s><s>[agent_1]I love the guy. Did you know he is going to be in the next Space Jam?</s><s>[agent_2]Wow did not know that. He once refused a $10 million contract from Rebook when he was 18, guess why?</s><s>[agent_1]I ave no idea but that is a lot of money, why?</s><s>[agent_2]Well he said that Nike or Adidas will offer him more and Nike did, offered him $90 million a year later</s><s>[agent_1]WOw smart guy, he definitely know his self worth and did not hide it</s><s>[agent_2]Yup he sure did. And on top of everything else he has a photographic memory</s><s>[agent_1]Nice. And he once raised millions of dollars for a charity when he televised the decision</s><s>[agent_2]Wow what a guy. Growing uo he memorized movies so well his friend though he was cheating somehow</s><s>[agent_1]Haha that is amazing. He is the highest paying celebrity too</s><s>[agent_2]Wow nice. He was really hated back in 2012 when he joined Miami Heat</s><s>[agent_1]Wow that is too bad, glad they are over that</s> |
<s>[agent_1]Did you remember that play in the NBA finals when J.R. Smith got the rebound with almost no time left and the score tied and he just dribbled out the clock?</s><s>[agent_2]Yes, wasn't that something? Well, we all make mistakes.</s><s>[agent_1]True, but in that situation all you had to know was the score was tied so if i get the ball i got to shot it. I don't think many others would have made that mistake in that situation.</s><s>[agent_2]Well, what if he would miss the shot? Then the situation would have been the same!</s><s>[agent_1]But he didn't even try! You have to be aware in that situation. Its forgivable if you miss,but to not even try?</s><s>[agent_2]You</s><s>[agent_1]Did you know Kareem's dunks were so dominant that dunks were banned for a decade?</s><s>[agent_2]Sorry, I hit the keyboard wrong on the last one. Sorry. No, I didn't know that about Kareem's dunks. I know that LeBron is supposed to be the best basketball player of all time though. I also heard that the people of the city of Cleveland thought he was a traitor for leaving.</s><s>[agent_1]You can make a case for LeBron being the greatest but in my opinion Michael Jordan is the greatest of all time.</s><s>[agent_2]LeBron says he's the greatest of all time and is the NBA'S MOST VALUABLE PLAYER four times already.</s><s>[agent_1]They are both incredible male players but the greatest woman's player might be Cheryl Miller. Did you know she scored 105 points in a game?</s><s>[agent_2]No, didn't know that one. Did you know that Space Jam was the highest-grossing basketball movie of all time? I saw that back in the day, it was funny!</s><s>[agent_1]That was a great movie. I hear LeBron might make Space Jam 2.</s><s>[agent_2]That would be incredible. Did you know that basketball was invented at the YMCA?</s><s>[agent_1]No, I didn't. Can you tell me more about it?</s><s>[agent_2]Apparently, the YMCA invented both basketball and volleyball but that's all I know about it.</s><s>[agent_1]Nice, that makes sense since both basketball and volleyball can be played on the same court. Did you know there is a basketball court on the top floor of the Supreme Court known as the highest court in the land?</s><s>[agent_2]No, very funny, lol. But did you know that about two years after their retirement, approximately 78% of all NFL players go bankrupt or have financial stresses? And, add to that, after about five years after retirement, 60% of NBA players are broke? How sad is that?</s><s>[agent_1]To be given so much money when you are so young is sometimes a bad thing. Perhaps athletes should be required to take finance or money management classes while in college.</s><s>[agent_2]Yes, then maybe they wouldn't blow it all right away and would think of their futures after basketball. What were they thinking? They make bad decisions sometimes. did you hear that Spencer Haywood took $100K upfront rather than a 10% stake in Nike? Wow, what a mistake that was!</s><s>[agent_1]True, big mistake. Hey, nice chatting with you</s><s>[agent_2]you as well</s><s>[agent_1]bye</s> |
<s>[agent_1]I used to love watching reruns of The Cosby Show. It makes me sick to watch now, knowing how men have treated women in Hollywood. From Judy Garland to Charles Manson, Cosby's behavior isn't new.</s><s>[agent_2]No it isn't. I have to admit that I was surprised by Cosby though. I thought he was like the character on his show.</s><s>[agent_1]I saw him do stand up live one time, there were definitely some clues in his act that a lot of us overlooked at the time. I also remember being a kid and The Simpsons taking over Cosby's spot as kings of TV. Did you know there was actually an episode where Bart neither appeared nor was mentioned? That's CRAZY!</s><s>[agent_2]I didn't know that. Cosby though, he was supposed to be this clean, family guy and look at the truth. Sad.</s><s>[agent_1]It was really groundbreaking to show a black family like the Huxtables having success, with the father being a Doctor. It even inspired folks in South Africa to strive to be like Cliff Huxtable.</s><s>[agent_2]It's hard to watch it now, knowing the truth but i remember watching it back in the day and loving it. I wanted my family to be like theirs.</s><s>[agent_1]Comedy and comedians are weird. Did you know that Bill Murray considers "Kung Fu Hustle" the supreme achievement of the modern age in terms of comedy?</s><s>[agent_2]I didn't know that. Bill Murray is funny but I wouldn't consider him the best at comedy.</s><s>[agent_1]He reminds me a bit of Jack Black, who was originally supposed to star in the Green Lantern movie, which was supposed to be a comedy! It's sort of how Murray did Garfield. Weird fit...</s><s>[agent_2]I guess the Green Lantern could be a comedy. Oddly enough on Murray, he does some serious roles really well!</s><s>[agent_1]I like him in Rushmore, which is kind of a blend of absurd comedy and a serious role. On an unrelated note, did you know that Mcdonalds invented the drive-thru for soldiers who were not allowed out of their vehicles while wearing combat fatigues?</s><s>[agent_2]No I didn't! That's really cool!</s><s>[agent_1]And that Cadillac was named for a French Explorer -- the man who founded Detroit!</s><s>[agent_2]I had no idea anyone "founded" Detroit to be honest, much less a French Explorer! I guess I just never thought about it.</s><s>[agent_1]Perhaps Detroit in the state that it's in should adopt the South African law that says it's legal to equip your car with flame throwers to prevent carjacking!</s><s>[agent_2]Now that would be fun! I could see everyone on the interstates with flame throwers!</s><s>[agent_1]Maybe even on race cars, like a video game. There was a guy who became a pro race car driver (I believe it was Formula 1) because he was so good at the game Gran Turismo.</s><s>[agent_2]That makes sense. I've seen something about race car drivers practicing using video games.</s><s>[agent_1]Speaking of video games and TV, did you know if you watched every episode of Pokemon, you could watch 50 per year for 16 full years!</s><s>[agent_2]No, I didn't know that! Pokemon has some interesting episodes actually.</s><s>[agent_1]I never got into it. I wonder if they ever have guest stars, like Thomas the Tank Engine, which was narrated by Ringo Starr, George Carlin, AND Alec Baldwin!</s><s>[agent_2]I don't remember seeing any. The show had some depth at times which was surprising.</s> |
<s>[agent_1]Hi, do you like Batman?</s><s>[agent_2]I do like Batman. He is a tragic and mysterious superhero. You?</s><s>[agent_1]I love him too. In the 90's, Universal Studios had plans to build a Gotham City theme park.</s><s>[agent_2]I wonder how many people would have gone. It's not a bad idea, but probably too expensive.</s><s>[agent_1]I bet it would have been very expensive to build. I would have had to check it out at least once.</s><s>[agent_2]True. Batman fans would love the place. Smallville was originally planned to be a show about Bruce Wayne becoming Batman. A much darker show, then.</s><s>[agent_1]Oh wow I didn't know that. I saw that Michael Keaton was so against Batman Forever that even $15 million couldn't sway him to reprise the role.</s><s>[agent_2]I guess it is not a rewarding role. That's a lot of money for Michael Keaton, too.</s><s>[agent_1]I bet. Stan Lee wrote 15 DC comics which I was unaware of.</s><s>[agent_2]Neither did I. I guess he wanted to give the DC superheroes a different look.</s><s>[agent_1]I guess so. Do you read any comic books?</s><s>[agent_2]I read some when I was young. Not so much now. How about you?</s><s>[agent_1]Not too much. I saw that Stan Lee ends every phone conversation with the word "excelsior".</s><s>[agent_2]I guess everybody has their quirks. I wonder what he meant by that.</s><s>[agent_1]Not too sure. Stinks that he recently passed away.</s><s>[agent_2]He lived a long life, longer than most. The Michigan State University library has the largest publicly available comic book collection in the world. I bet Stan has many books in there.</s><s>[agent_1]He did live a very long life. I didn't know that about Michigan. Very cool.</s><s>[agent_2]There are over 300 registered superheroes in the US. I wonder how many of them Stan created.</s><s>[agent_1]That's pretty cool. I bet he created quite a few of those.</s><s>[agent_2]I agree. He probably didn't create this one: a superhero called "normalman," the only person without superpowers on a planet full of superheroes.</s><s>[agent_1]It was good talking to you!</s> |
<s>[agent_1]Hello! How are you?</s><s>[agent_2]I'm good! Do you watch netflix?</s><s>[agent_1]I do! I actually am watching it right now, how about you?</s><s>[agent_2]I watch it a lot. It's how I usually wind down for the night. From 9 PM to 12 AM Netflix accounts for 33% of all bandwidth in North America. I'm in that 33% because that's my hit zone for when I watch. lol</s><s>[agent_1]Same here haha. I can't believe it all started because of a late fee!</s><s>[agent_2]No doubt! I wonder if Reed Hastings got that $40 late fee on the vhs copy of Apollo 13 from Blockbuster?</s><s>[agent_1]I think he did! Just think, blockbuster could have bought Netflix for 50 million dollars.</s><s>[agent_2]They really blew that one didn't they? Netflix is now worth $2 billion!</s><s>[agent_1]I bet the blockbuster execs still cry themselves to sleep at night over it haha. Do you like to travel at all?</s><s>[agent_2]You know they do! lol I love traveling!</s><s>[agent_1]Where is the coolest place you've traveled?</s><s>[agent_2]Oh man...that's tough. I guess I would have to say the Grand Canyon. My jaw dropped when I saw that for the first time. One day I would like to go to Japan.</s><s>[agent_1]I have never been but I'm sure that would be my reaction. Make sure you save up money for the tolls in Japan!</s><s>[agent_2]I see that. It would cost me more than $200 to travel across the country!</s><s>[agent_1]I'm sure it would be worth it! I can't believe the dutch are designing a bus that goes 160 mph!</s><s>[agent_2]If I could take that to where I wanted to go and get there safe, I would be traveling every weekend! lol</s><s>[agent_1]I agree! You would probably see many animals since there are 20 quintillion individual animals on this earth!</s><s>[agent_2]Holy cow! I wonder if the Loch Ness monster is included in that list? The 1912 Scottish protection of animals act lists the Loch Ness monster as a protected species! lol</s><s>[agent_1]Haha how can you protect something that has yet to be seen lol.</s><s>[agent_2]I know! hahaha Did you know that hiccups are a holdover from early evolution when early land animals had both gills and lungs?</s><s>[agent_1]That is very interesting! I'm going to go look up around when we lost our gills haha. It was great chatting, have a good night!</s> |
<s>[agent_1]Hi are you a baseball fan?</s><s>[agent_2]Not really. I like to go to games every few years and I like to play, but I dont really follow it.</s><s>[agent_1]Cal Ripken Jr is planning to auction off his Baltimore county estate.</s><s>[agent_2]Really wonder why he would want to do that.</s><s>[agent_1]He has tried selling it but was not successful</s><s>[agent_2]Maybe he was asking to much. I bet it sells at an auction though. He might not get what he is wanting for it though.</s><s>[agent_1]Yeah he tried listing it originally for 12.5 million. Then lowered it to 9.7</s><s>[agent_2]Well that is a lot of money. Im sure it is a nice house though.</s><s>[agent_1]It really is. It has more than24 acres of land. The main house has 13,000 sq ft</s><s>[agent_2]That does sound nice. I heard about this guy who found 3 million dollars worth of old baseball cards in his grandpas attic. Wouldnt that be nice.</s><s>[agent_1]It really would be. It would be a nice collection to have considering its americas pastime too</s><s>[agent_2]Yeah. Apparently the cards were hidden in the attic since the 1940s.</s><s>[agent_1]I wonder if the original owner forgot about them</s><s>[agent_2]I would say so. Im sure he had a hard time or two in his life when a bunch of money would have helped out.</s><s>[agent_1]The sun produces enough energy in 1 second to meet the needs of the entire planet for 500,000 years</s><s>[agent_2]Thats amazing, but did you know that a lightning bolt is actually 5 times hotter than the sun.</s><s>[agent_1]We need to learn how to harness all this available energy and heat!</s><s>[agent_2]Yeah I think they are trying to with solar power. Itss just not there yet.</s><s>[agent_1]Did you know the sun is actually white?</s><s>[agent_2]I didnt. Why is that.</s><s>[agent_1]Something called atmospheric scattering</s><s>[agent_2]How interesting. I might look up more info on that. Have a good one.</s> |
<s>[agent_1]Hello, do you like Disney?</s><s>[agent_2]Yes, I do like Disney. They have done many great films and have some great theme parks.</s><s>[agent_1]Do you know the original Disney is in California and not Florida?</s><s>[agent_2]I've been to both. Disneyworld is more fun, but a lot bigger. A bit overwhelming in that way.</s><s>[agent_1]That's cool! I've only gone to the one in FLorida. I heard that there is a whole subculture dedicated to finding hidden mickey mouse images around Disney parks.</s><s>[agent_2]Yeah, Disney is quite clever and creative. They do a lot to keep the fans intrigued. I would say that Disney invests for the long term. They believe in quality.</s><s>[agent_1]Yes they do! have you watched any movies created by Disney? Bill Nye was a science consultant for the movie Flubber.</s><s>[agent_2]I never saw Flubber, though I think it was made a couple time. Why Bill Nye? I figure there must be others that know more than he does.</s><s>[agent_1]I would think so also, but one of my favorite Disney movies is Beauty and the Beast.</s><s>[agent_2]I saw that a long time ago. Great songs! It probably won many awards.</s><s>[agent_1]Yes! The film grossed over $1.2 billion worldwide, making it the highest-grossing live-action musical film.</s><s>[agent_2]Hm. I thought it was animation. I guess you mean the remake? I never saw that. It was probably great as well.</s><s>[agent_1]Yep, in 2017 they remade Beauty and the Beast. Celine Dion reluctantly agreed to sing the theme to Beauty and the Beast, but doing so really put her on the map!</s><s>[agent_2]I guess she was perfect for the song. She has a great voice. I wonder why she was reluctant.</s><s>[agent_1]I agree, she has a great voice. One American actor I really like is Morgan Freeman.</s><s>[agent_2]He has a great voice. His narration is spot on. A lot of gravitas. I loved him in Batman.</s><s>[agent_1]The Dark Knight was good! Morgan is a great guy, he started mentoring Samuel L. Jackson in his early acting career.</s><s>[agent_2]I did not know that! He really is a great guy off screen too then. I hope he's around for a long time.</s><s>[agent_1]So do I! I guess in 2008 Morgan Freeman got in a car accident. Due to nerve damage in his left hand, he plays golf one-handed!</s><s>[agent_2]He plays one-handed golf? LOL. I guess the man loves his golf.</s><s>[agent_1]Yes that is dedication! Have a good day!</s><s>[agent_2]Thanks! You too!</s><s>[agent_1]Thank you!</s> |
<s>[agent_1]Hello! Do you watch much television? I tune into some shows on occasion that I like!</s><s>[agent_2]Every now and then. I like to watch The Voice.</s><s>[agent_1]I watch some animated shows like South Park. I used to watch the Simpsons back in the day, but now I mainly just watch the annual Halloween eps.</s><s>[agent_2]Cool. I often prefer streaming tv like Netflix to network TV. But I do like to watch some of the news on TV</s><s>[agent_1]Yeah, I've been wanting to subscribe to Netflix, but I'm a bit strapped for cash right now, so I just stick to regular cable... Speaking of the Simpsons, did you know there's only ONE ep where Bart doesn't not appear and isn't mentioned?</s><s>[agent_2]I think I have heard about that. On another topic, have you ever seen a lunar eclipse?</s><s>[agent_1]I don't think I have. I DID catch that big solar eclipse we had last... summer was it? That was pretty wild, everything going dark in the middle of the day..</s><s>[agent_2]Oh yeah, the solar eclipse was cool. There is another one in about two years I think. I have seen a partial lunar eclipse. Pretty cool.</s><s>[agent_1]Speaking of the moon, the highest point on that sucker is 1938 meters higher than Mt Everest! Didn't know it was that big! Probably be easier to climb though with the lower gravity and all..</s><s>[agent_2]I heard that recently. So crazy! I bet the weather there is wild!</s><s>[agent_1]Dunno about the weather, but you gotta watch out for the moon dust! It can cut through kevlar-like material!</s><s>[agent_2]So crazy. I bet NASA has some moon dust. They should make an exhibit where moon dust is blown into a tunnel and through a Kevlar material. Ha ha. Imagine a super hero or James Bond sprinkling "moon dust"</s><s>[agent_1]that would be pretty interesting! On a sidenote, I've often wondered how much it would cost to own a moon rock. Or even if they'd be for sale. I imagine they'd be hard to come by...</s><s>[agent_2]Maybe they are for sale on the black market. Did you know that there is a moon of Saturn in the solar system which might have methane fed life?</s><s>[agent_1]No, I didn't! That would be pretty amazing! It'd go against all the principles of life as we know it! Speaking of moons.. did you know Mars's moon Phobos is 1/3 hollow?</s><s>[agent_2]I didn't! It would be funny if we exported all of our greenhouse gas methane to Saturn's moon.</s><s>[agent_1]Yeah, although dunno how practical that would be. unless we find a cheap way to teleport stuff! :)</s><s>[agent_2]True true. I was just reading today about all the methane off gassing from our trash in landfills.</s><s>[agent_1]Well, some landfills have it set up to use that methane to be funneled to nearby power plants. (Saw an ep of Penn and Teller about that..)</s><s>[agent_2]Oh okay. Did you know that if you poke open the frozen bubbles on lakes, you can light them on fire because they contain methane from decomposing plants?</s><s>[agent_1]Oh, wow, that I didn't know. Although I'd be a bit nervous to try it... hehe!</s><s>[agent_2]Oh yeah. There are videos of it on Youtube. Just search "methane frozen lake." I don't recommend doing it. It's mainly scientists that try it.</s><s>[agent_1]Hehe! Well, listen, it's been great chatting with you! You have a good night!</s><s>[agent_2]You too!</s><s>[agent_1]Take care!</s> |
<s>[agent_1]Hello! Are you a football fan?</s><s>[agent_2]mmeeeh, forcefully by mu husband and father inlaw, I learned to love it and picked up some facts on the way... how about you? There are many different types of football, I know that :)</s><s>[agent_1]I like it. It gives me something to watch on Sundays. lol The highest score ever was 222-0 when Georgia Tech beat Cumberland! Do you know much about the sun?</s><s>[agent_2]Wow! Yes, as a matter of fact I know alot about the sun such as did you know the sun is a billionth the size of the biggest star discovered in our galaxy! blows my mind!</s><s>[agent_1]Holy smokes! Hope that star never wanders this way. We'll be obliterated and wouldn't even know what hit us. A lightning bolt surprisingly is 5 times hotter than the surface of the sun!</s><s>[agent_2]ouch! yikes, for sure! What im curious is why I pay 400 a month in electricity when the sun produces enough energy in one second to meet the needs of the entire planet for 500 000!!!</s><s>[agent_1]So true! Did you know that the sun is actually white and only looks yellow due to atmospheric scattering?</s><s>[agent_2]Wow, I heard that somewhere before its so interesting! I Love the sun, especially since its by far the most important source of energy for life on Earth! Although we are all sources of energy! There is so much we don't know and understand</s><s>[agent_1]True. We wouldn't be here without it that's for sure. Surprisingly, Neptune completed it's first full orbit around the sun since it was discovered in 1846.</s><s>[agent_2]That's a loooog time! Did you know the sun is 109 times the size of Earth?! Do you like music?</s><s>[agent_1]I didn't know that. ..and yes. I love music!</s><s>[agent_2]Me too, its part of my daily routine! I started in the days of the long ago</s><s>[agent_1]oh man...I don't know how much money I threw away on cassettes back in the day. Then...I didn't learn my lesson and bought cds. Most times re-buying the same thing I already had on cassette!</s><s>[agent_2]Oh the memories! the cassette was a format used along side vinyl from the 70's into the first decade of 2000's I used tp pause every 2 seconds to write the lyric of the song so i could sing along later haha</s><s>[agent_1]lol Dark Side of the Moon was released over 40 years ago but as recently as 2014 it was still one of the best selling albums of that year!</s><s>[agent_2]Wow, thats a long time! Guess who is the best selling album of the 21st century?</s><s>[agent_1]I'm not sure. Who is it?</s><s>[agent_2]Linking Parks "hybrid Theory" I've never even heard of it. Now im gonna have to look it up later! and add to their number haha</s><s>[agent_1]lol 2 identical twins from Japan recorded a rap album when they turned 100 years old in 1992. Wouldn't think they would be into rap? lol</s><s>[agent_2]daaaang! 100 years?! Goes to show you there is no age limit to go for your dreams... or to dance! my knees hurt and im 32! wth</s><s>[agent_1]lol Funny stuff! I have to get running. It was a nice chatting with you. Have a great day!</s><s>[agent_2]It was fun! You too have a good one! see ya around. Namaste!</s> |
<s>[agent_1]Hi , do you like to watch tv?</s><s>[agent_2]Yes, not as much as I use to. I have cable, but not alot of time. Do you?</s><s>[agent_1]I do not watch much tv either.. I did like the Simpsons though!! they were fun</s><s>[agent_2]Yes, I do too! There is only one show Bart wasn't in or mentioned. Haven't seen that one.</s><s>[agent_1]That is kind of strange... good is only one where he does not appear.. did you know when the simpsons crowd sent flowers?</s><s>[agent_2]I heard that too! The producers at the finale, very nice.</s><s>[agent_1]Yeah! I agree, do you remember Thomas the tank engine?</s><s>[agent_2]Very cool that Ringo Starr George Carlin and Alec Baldwin have narrated it!</s><s>[agent_1]Each one did at least 52 episodes each!!</s><s>[agent_2]That's alot!! Did you know there are over 750 episodes of Pokemon?</s><s>[agent_1]I did not, but that is just to much, that is enough for 16 years of episodes</s><s>[agent_2]lol, true. Did you know there is a fold in the brain that makes a difference in fantasy and reality?</s><s>[agent_1]Wow that is great and at the same time deep and not easy to understand. I like to watch fantasy movies and read fantasy books!</s><s>[agent_2]I do too. The car brand name Cadillac was named after a french explorer.</s><s>[agent_1]That is right, I learned that recently, his name was Antoine de la mothe cadillac, interesting name!</s><s>[agent_2]Really long..... he founded Detroit! Do you know why they name the back of a car trunk?</s><s>[agent_1]I think it has to do with a wooden trunk that cars had in the back, isn't it!</s><s>[agent_2]Yes, great! makes sense doesn't it. lol How do you feel about having a flame thrower attached to your car?</s><s>[agent_1]I would like to!! But I would have to go to South Africa, to be able to do that!</s><s>[agent_2]lol, true, I think they have a problem with carjacking!</s><s>[agent_1]It is like an action movie, It is completely legal to use for protection! Well it has been nice chatting with you!</s><s>[agent_2]Ha, I could visualize that! Good one. Good chat!!</s><s>[agent_1]Yes! Great, well you have a good night!</s> |
<s>[agent_1]Hey, did you ever see House? Hugh Laurie got paid 700,000 for each episode.</s><s>[agent_2]Yes, I did. I like the main character. I enjoy watching a few television series</s><s>[agent_1]Cool. Me too. Did you know that there's over 750 episodes of the series pokemon?</s><s>[agent_2]No. I do not. Is it a tv program or a game?</s><s>[agent_1]Both, but the TV show has over 750 episodes. Did you ever see the simpsons?</s><s>[agent_2]Yes, in the past. Do you know that Bart did not appear in one of the episodes?</s><s>[agent_1]Yes. And he wasn't mentioned. Funny how they did it. So, what other shows do you like?</s><s>[agent_2]I thought Brian being a dog who acted like a human being was pretty weird.</s><s>[agent_1]Yeah. I liked Brian quite a bit, still. Did you hear about what The Simpsons crew did for south park when they aired their family guy episode?</s><s>[agent_2]No, I did not. Please tell me about it.</s><s>[agent_1]They sent them flowers. Apparently they were fairly close.</s><s>[agent_2]That was nice.</s><s>[agent_1]Yeah. By the way, do you like movies as well? Have you watched Black Panther?</s><s>[agent_2]No. I heard about it. I will buy a dvd in the future. Is the move good?</s><s>[agent_1]Yes. Black Panther is the richest superhero too. Not many people are aware of that.</s><s>[agent_2]I will watch it eventually.</s><s>[agent_1]Cool. Ryan Coogler was the person who directed it.</s><s>[agent_2]What is the name of the main character?</s><s>[agent_1]It's T'Challa, who was crowned king of Wakanda following his father's death.</s><s>[agent_2]What is the name of the actor?</s><s>[agent_1]It was Chadwick Boseman who played him.</s><s>[agent_2]Is he a good actor?</s><s>[agent_1]Yeah, he's a good actor. I like Jim Carrey too, but, he only does comedies. He stopped doing any dramas because his belief system stops him from doing them.</s><s>[agent_2]Tell me the main difference between a drama and a movie?</s><s>[agent_1]Drama is a genre. Some movies are drama movies.</s> |
<s>[agent_1]How's it going, did you know GOP stands for Grand Old Party?</s><s>[agent_2]I dont know how I know but yes! Republican Party</s><s>[agent_1]Yep, and the GOP was founded by anti-slavery activists and economic modernizers</s><s>[agent_2]Yes, ideology of the American Revolution!</s><s>[agent_1]I found it interesting how Teddy Roosevelt formed the Progressive Party after being rejected as the GOP candidate</s><s>[agent_2]Bull Moose is a good representation!</s><s>[agent_1]Yea, Teddy's follower went over to the Democrat party, that would be unheard of today</s><s>[agent_2]They would publicly lynch him today.</s><s>[agent_1]It's a shame there hasn't been a non democrat/republican president since 1853</s><s>[agent_2]I guess dont run independent and make sure you have a beard if you are GOP.</s><s>[agent_1]Or if your a republican make sure theres a bush or nixon on the ticket somewhere if it's before 1928</s><s>[agent_2]I did not know the use of red and blue for the parties just started in 2000</s><s>[agent_1]Yea, I didn't either. Did you know Truman refused to be photographed next to the dumbo ride so he wouldn't be associated with republicans?</s><s>[agent_2]Dang, wonder what he would do if he saw Trump with a MAGA hat then?</s><s>[agent_1]Who knows. Did you know that the top 3 wealthiest presidents are JFK, Jefferson, and Washington?</s><s>[agent_2]I did for Washington. I heard he would be worth half a billion in todays dollars.</s><s>[agent_1]Wow, that's a lot. I wonder how much the president of indonesia is worth after releasing 3 pop albums</s><s>[agent_2]More than President banana of Zimbabwe I am sure.</s><s>[agent_1]It's a shame that the guest house is larger than the white house</s><s>[agent_2]Thats ok, I would hang out wherever I wanted. Did you know that the runner up became vice pres back in the day. Imagine if they did that today hahaha</s><s>[agent_1]THat's crazy. Well I have to go, nice chatting with you</s> |
<s>[agent_1]hi, do you like music?</s><s>[agent_2]hi, yes I do, what about you? I love that Led zeppelin made an album with no title just to mess with the rock press</s><s>[agent_1]that is too funny. I like Linkin park a lot</s><s>[agent_2]I heard they sold a lot of albums, do you like Bob Marley at all?</s><s>[agent_1]Yeah they have the best selling album of the 21st century. Yeah I like him</s><s>[agent_2]ya he's cool, and also has been on the top album chart for over 914 weeks! right now its at rank 69</s><s>[agent_1]Wow. Do you know reel big fish? have you heard of them?</s><s>[agent_2]I have heard of them, cant say I'm a fan though what about you?</s><s>[agent_1]no I am not either but they apparently rerecorded their hits after losing rights to the label</s><s>[agent_2]ah that is a good idea, do you like aerosmith? I guess they made more money from Guitar Hero than from any album they've done</s><s>[agent_1]That is crazy , I lke them yes. Do you know NWA?</s><s>[agent_2]I've heard of them, are they any good what is a good song I should check out?</s><s>[agent_1]Not sure of their songs but their album reached platinum without the support or airplay or major tour</s><s>[agent_2]wow that is impressive, do you follow politics at all? I guess China literallyl cencored the word censorship</s><s>[agent_1]I cannot believe that really. Better do things like what the Norvergian government is doing</s><s>[agent_2]what are they doing? I know that Monaco got rid of the income tax, they make enough from gammbling apparently</s><s>[agent_1]good for them. they donated 1 billion to save the amazon rainforest</s><s>[agent_2]ah that is good, did you know that the USA publishes the names of people that renounces their USA citizenship?</s><s>[agent_1]I did not know that, strange though. do you have a favorite piece of clothing?</s><s>[agent_2]well I have things I like to wear, I do wear shirts though what about you? I</s><s>[agent_1]Yes me too, they are so comfortable. nice chatting with you</s> |
<s>[agent_1]Did you hear Uber's in the news a gain/</s><s>[agent_2]Hi! Yes, I heard they settled breach claims from 50 states over violating data breach laws. I also heard they shelled out $148 million. That's insane!</s><s>[agent_1]Yeah and apparently they paid 100K to the hackers to keep quiet. That company is so shady.</s><s>[agent_2]Agreed they are very shady! Speaking of hackers, do you use computers much? I heard the first algorithm was written by a lady named Ada Lovelace!</s><s>[agent_1]Wow that's a cool name. I do use the computer probably more than i should. I hear Russia in the 30's made one that could work from using water.</s><s>[agent_2]I wonder how on earth they did that? It kind of reminds me of the first Google computer they used at Stanford. It now resides in an enclosure made of Lego bricks, if you can believe that! Ha!</s><s>[agent_1]Ha to funny! On another note the space shuttle's general purpose computer runs on 1mb of ram. not sure how smart that is.</s><s>[agent_2]Agreed. Do you think when that computer is used, they have to fill out Captcha? Ha! Speaking of which, did you know that Captcha stands for Completely Automated Public Turing Test To Tell Computers and Humans Apart?</s><s>[agent_1]No but i get sick of having to check that box or pick cars, trees and storefronts. do you think you would upload your mind to a computer if you could?</s><s>[agent_2]I'd be too afraid to. I don't know why one would do that though. Do you? Then again, I don't know why Doom was the most installed software in 1995, beating out Windows 95 either. Ha! People can and will surprise you!</s><s>[agent_1]That's true, Apparently there is a group called the Transhumanists who plan to do that with their minds. Put them on a memory stick.</s><s>[agent_2]Yikes. That's kind of weird. Ha! But all this technology is amazing, especially considering all we can do today. Even phones have internet. We have actress Hedy Lamarr to thank for that as she invented Wi-Fi, GPS and cellphones back in the 1930s!</s><s>[agent_1]I had not heard of that or her i wonder why not. Do you know what Minnie Mouse is short for?</s><s>[agent_2]Yeah and also, many people don't know there's really no correlation between connection quality and service bars either. To answer your question, I'm not sure. What does Minnie Mouse stand for?</s><s>[agent_1]Minerva Mouse, just a fun fact, lol! Bill Nye was the science consultant for Disney's Flubber movie. Did you see that one with Robin Williams?</s><s>[agent_2]I haven't, honestly, but that's a cool little fact as I didn't know Bill Nye ever did that. I guess since the Disney Company makes roughly $1,110 each second, they can easily afford to hire him as a consultant!</s><s>[agent_1]Exactly, did you know that the 212 area code was New York's because it was the fastest to dial on a rotary phone. Remember those?</s><s>[agent_2]Wow! I figured 111 would be. That's interesting. We mentioned the Disney Company previously, did you know Walt Disney was fired from his newspaper job in Missouri for not being creative enough? Can you believe that?</s><s>[agent_1]I can not and how ironic it is that he's an icon. Disney named Wall-e as a tip of the hat to Walter Elias Disney, that's cool too.</s><s>[agent_2]That is cool and a great tribute as well! I also think it's cool the Disney Channel refuses to accept outside ads and only airs commercials for its own shows and products.</s><s>[agent_1]Yeah that's smart. Not sure laying all the internet and phone cables on the bottom of the ocean is but hey i guess that's why i don't make the big bucks. Nice chatting with you.</s><s>[agent_2]Agreed. But then again, they say dolphins will communicate with each other though a phone and also seem to know who they're talking to, so maybe they could install phones for dolphins as well. Ha! Well it was nice chatting with you as well! Hope you have a great day, friend!</s><s>[agent_1]That's a good point, lol! you too!</s> |
<s>[agent_1]Hello, do you listen to the radio?</s><s>[agent_2]Not as much as I used to but I do.</s><s>[agent_1]Did you know Jupiter's storms can be heard in the AM radio?</s><s>[agent_2]No I did not. Wow! I wonder what that sounds like?</s><s>[agent_1]Yeah I wonder too. Do you listen to Canadian radio ever?</s><s>[agent_2]I have never heard Canadian radio actually.</s><s>[agent_1]Well if you ever do,, just be aware that they play 40 % canadian music</s><s>[agent_2]That's weird. Is that just because that's what the DJ's decided to do?</s><s>[agent_1]Actually it is because they are required by law, so they have no choice</s><s>[agent_2]Interesting. I wonder what led to that? Did you know that you can make a radio with very little? Soldiers in WWII made them with a razorblade and pencil.</s><s>[agent_1]Yeah they foxhole radios, those sound pretty cool. Do you ever listen to radio dramas?</s><s>[agent_2]I do not but I know that they were they height of entertainment before TV's. I wonder if they hold up?</s><s>[agent_1]I am not sure but if you are interested to check them out there is a free site online</s><s>[agent_2]That's cool. I will have to do that. Off topic but do yo enjoy dramas?</s><s>[agent_1]I actually do. Do you ever listen to radio dramas?</s><s>[agent_2]I do not. I know they used to be popular.</s><s>[agent_1]Well if you ever want to check them out there is a free website out there on the internet</s><s>[agent_2]I will have to do that. Are you familiar with Hugh Laurie?</s><s>[agent_1]I am he is the star of House MD, one of my favorite shows ever</s><s>[agent_2]Yes. Did you know that that show made him the highest paid actor ever for a TV drama at $700,000 per episode?</s><s>[agent_1]I am not surprised but that is a huge amount of money. DO you know who Michael Caine is?</s><s>[agent_2]I do. He's a great actor.</s> |
<s>[agent_1]Hi, do you use facebook?</s><s>[agent_2]I have an account but I rarely access it.</s><s>[agent_1]I feel like I am on it all the time. I manage several business pages though, so that takes up time</s><s>[agent_2]My wife uses it somewhat, I guess I'm just an unsocial person. Plus I have reservations about it.</s><s>[agent_1]I can see that. Do you know why it is blue?</s><s>[agent_2]You mean the logo? I assume it has to do with the preference of the creators.</s><s>[agent_1]It does, Zuckerberg has red-green colorblindness.</s><s>[agent_2]I know it's contrary , but I kind of like that promotion Burger King did, unfriend 10 people and get a free Whopper. Do they have issues with Facebook?</s><s>[agent_1]I dont think they do, but it is definitely a thing to get people in the door.</s><s>[agent_2]The way Facebook is become ubiquitous I can imagine that we'll be voting through them one day! I guess we kind of do with the whole Like button ting.</s><s>[agent_1]Yeah, except for some people in Germany. It is illegal there. I wonder how that works.</s><s>[agent_2]I've heard the Europeans and it's government are a lot stricter with privacy rules there too. You can request to see what information is being collected on you and also restrict it.</s><s>[agent_1]That is neat, I wish some of those rules applied here.</s><s>[agent_2]There has been the same concerns about interference in elections, such as with the Irish referendum.</s><s>[agent_1]I heard that. Facebook restricted ads during that time</s><s>[agent_2]The referendum was very sensitive to Ireland, a clash between the young and the old, and the religious and not so. I think they wanted to keep outside forces out of it.</s><s>[agent_1]They really wanted for things to be transparent. Having participated in creating ads, they have some pretty strict policies, I am surprised things related to this even got through their filters honestly.</s><s>[agent_2]It must be difficult to know the sources of anything now. In the age of the internet media can be made anywhere and by anyone. How do you know it's original source?</s><s>[agent_1]It is hard to know. I think that is why they ask users to flag questionable things, so that there can be further review. It still doesnt prevent the slanted truths from coming out though</s><s>[agent_2]There appears to be a lot more over sight of Facebook here now. With stories keep on cropping up about sharing of data more and more people are becoming concerned about it.</s><s>[agent_1]Definitely true. Ive got to go, its been nice chatting. Have a great day!</s> |
<s>[agent_1]hello, do you know much about humans?</s><s>[agent_2]well I know that I am one and they appeared about 300,000 years ago in teh fossil record, what about you</s><s>[agent_1]I know that we lost our body hair only 240 000 years ago</s><s>[agent_2]ya humans haven't been around for long, if history were 24 hours long humans would only exist for about a minute</s><s>[agent_1]That is just incredible. Did you know we are the only one who cannot synthesize vitamin C?</s><s>[agent_2]haha that is weird, I wonder why, and I wonder if we can edit our genes to fix that that would be cool!</s><s>[agent_1]I know, maybe we leave it to evolution to take care of that. Pretty cool that plants and other animals can though</s><s>[agent_2]ya, and we are also the only animal that can't breathe and swallow at the same time, so there is that too haha</s><s>[agent_1]yes, I guess we are not as advanced as we like to think. so for now we stick to lemons to get out vitamins</s><s>[agent_2]right, also leftover from evolution is goose bumps, that makes furry animals appear larger</s><s>[agent_1]true. Did you know there is a sound frequence that causes fear in humans?</s><s>[agent_2]no I didn't know that, but I did know that humans can't burp in zero gravity haha</s><s>[agent_1]Wow , that is so funny. Did you know we can regrow a rib in 2-3 months</s><s>[agent_2]wow I didn't know that! can other animals do that? maybe it would be better to sustainably harvest animal ribs instead of killing them haha</s><s>[agent_1]Well, that is a sad one. Do you know much about the earth?</s><s>[agent_2]well I do know that it is about four times as dense as the sun, what about you?</s><s>[agent_1]More than 80% of the forests are gone, sadly</s><s>[agent_2]that is sad, but I think Jupiter is the unsung hero of the planets, it acts like a shield and has saved the earth from asteroids</s><s>[agent_1]That is so cool. Did you know when earth was formed the day only had 5.5 hours?</s><s>[agent_2]no I didn't know that, also didn't know the earths poles reverse every 300k years, I wonder when the next one is due</s><s>[agent_1]That would be interested. Nice chatting with you.</s> |
<s>[agent_1]Do you think the universe may be one giant superhologram? Some scientists do.</s><s>[agent_2]I think that is a good theory yes. I guess there is also a theory that there is only one electron in the whole universe.</s><s>[agent_1]How do batteries work in that universe? Some stars are so cold humans can touch them with their hands. Since stars come out at night, I never really think of them as hot.</s><s>[agent_2]That is crazy, I don't know if I can even believe that, interesting.</s><s>[agent_1]What do you find interesting from the readings?</s><s>[agent_2]I thought it was interesting that GM used to give astronauts a free corvette when they came back from space. How about you?</s><s>[agent_1]That sounds fun! I thought it was strange that astronauts can't whistle in a spacesuit. I guess now I know how to prevent my kids from annoying one another with the incessant whistling</s><s>[agent_2]That is funny, such a weird fact though. I guess there is a water vapor cloud in space that is so large it has 100 trillion times the water on earth in it.</s><s>[agent_1]I didn't even know they had water in space. The USMC are investigating drop pods from space to deploy to any place on earth. I wonder what else those are used for?</s><s>[agent_2]Yeah that is interesting as well, I'm curious myself.</s><s>[agent_1]Did you know that astronauts in space touch helmets to talk when on space walks.</s><s>[agent_2]No I didn't know that, very cool. Did you know that Copernicus developed a heliocentric model with the sun at the center of the solar system?</s><s>[agent_1]Oh yeah that's definitely wrong. People think they are the center of the universe! Do you like McDonald's? They added their drive-thru in 1975 so soldiers who weren't allowed to get out of their cars in fatigues could get their orders</s><s>[agent_2]That is a cool fact, never knew that. Yeah I go there every once in a while myself.</s><s>[agent_1]Did you know Cadillacs are named for the french explorer Antione de la Mothe Cadillac who founded Detroit.</s><s>[agent_2]No I didn't, but that makes sense now. I guess someone became a pro race car driver by beating 90,000 other people in Gran Turismo!</s><s>[agent_1]Maybe he was just good at racing no matter real or in videos?</s><s>[agent_2]Yeah I'm not sure but if that was some kind of a contest that is crazy!</s><s>[agent_1]If that racer went to South Africa, he could equip his car with flame-throwers to prevent carjacking!</s><s>[agent_2]That is too crazy to believe, I wonder what else you can put on your car over there.</s><s>[agent_1]It was nice chatting! Hope I get to be an astronaut so I can get a corvette!</s> |
<s>[agent_1]hey how are you?</s><s>[agent_2]Hello, I am good. How are you?</s><s>[agent_1]I'm good, did you know that Bill Murray loves kung fu hustle? I actually like that movie I had no idea</s><s>[agent_2]I have no idea. That's cool. I have watch the movie and actually like it.</s><s>[agent_1]Ya I like it a lot, I also think Green Lantern starring Jack Black sounds way more awesome than the one we actually got, apparently that was what they were considering</s><s>[agent_2]I have not watch that one yet. I am actually interested in watching 3rd rock from the sun since it won the golden globe for best comedy in 1997</s><s>[agent_1]Ya I've heard really good things about that show but I've never actually seen it. I unfortunately don't watch comedy central anymore I don't think its as funny as it used to be and it says they cancelled 100 shows since their creation</s><s>[agent_2]I agree. It used to be good. Do you know that Netflix headquarters is in California? It's awesome because I am addicted to their shows.</s><s>[agent_1]Ah interesting, I didn't know that but it figures that they would be. It's crazy they spend 20 times more on postage than on internet bandwith for their shows.</s><s>[agent_2]Yeah, I do not get that one either since they have a lot of shows. I find their original shows really interesting like their new movie, Bird Box.</s><s>[agent_1]Ya I haven't seen Bird Box yet but I have heard good things. I do watch lots of youtube as well. I don't even have cable personally.</s><s>[agent_2]I watched it last weekend and it was good. Sandra Bullock is awesome. I think cable is overrated since people can watch their shows over the internet for free.</s><s>[agent_1]Ah nice I'll have to check it out. I didn't know that Kubrick took over the cinematography for Spartacus and did it himself. But it doesn't surprise me as something he would do haha</s><s>[agent_2]I know. Surprising on what he can do huh. I did not know that a Chinese american pioneered the use of wide angle lenses.</s><s>[agent_1]Nope i never knew that. I do like roger deakins though I think he does a lot of coen bros. movies, it's crazy he was nominated 13 times for a cinematography oscar</s><s>[agent_2]Funny, I have no idea who the guy is until now to think he was nominated 13 times. He must be really good. Though it is sad that no woman won cinematography award</s><s>[agent_1]Ya that is odd especially since movies have been around for so long. I actually program in python and I had no idea it was named python after monty python, it's crazy how much still you still don't know</s><s>[agent_2]Yeah? That's cool. I know and no oscar nomination for female either.</s><s>[agent_1]Yeah I'm gonna look up some because I've never thought about it but I can't think of even one female cinematographer</s><s>[agent_2]Yeah come to think of it I never heard of a female one too.</s><s>[agent_1]well it has been great talking with you :)</s> |
<s>[agent_1]Hey would you ever watch Harry Potter on Broadway? I think they're coming out with it</s><s>[agent_2]I would watch it. I loved the books and the movies. Did you like them?</s><s>[agent_1]No I never read them, I only like some of the movies, so this probably wouldn't be for me but I might watch it if I had a free ticket LOL</s><s>[agent_2]Do you ever go to musicals or the theater?</s><s>[agent_1]I used to go to operas a lot. We live by in opera house that is closed, but I haven't been there in a while, what about you? And what is your favorite Harry Potter book by the way?</s><s>[agent_2]I loved the Prisoner of Azkaban. I liked Sirius Black's character. I go almost every year to a show. I live in chicago so it's close</s><s>[agent_1]Yeah that makes sense. I can't believe that JK Rowling was turned down by 12 Publishers before she finally found someone to make her books slow</s><s>[agent_2]So sad the an owl sanctuary was needed to house abandoned owls from the books...</s><s>[agent_1]People don't think through their decisions like getting pet owls unfortunately, it's interesting that Michael Jackson wanted to do a Harry Potter Musical though</s><s>[agent_2]Speaking of weird pets, Michael Jackson had a collection too! Rowling wanted an all british cast.</s><s>[agent_1]Yes I think that makes sense. It's funny that Warner Brothers was going to threaten movie theaters if they ever put up a poster that parodied Harry Potter, I guess they were worried about their bottom line</s><s>[agent_2]I suppose. I wonder why that is the movie they drew the line in the sand on? But when you</s><s>[agent_1]Yes I don't know, but I do know that Harry Potter made a lot of money at the box office, who do you think is the top worldwide star for film earnings at the box office by the way?</s><s>[agent_2]Sorry, the "'" is too close to the enter button... But when you're that big, you can make demands... I have no idea who the top earner is. Do you know?</s><s>[agent_1]Yes it's Tom Hanks actually. He's made over 8.5 billion dollars at the box office worldwide, that's insane!</s><s>[agent_2]Makes sense but that a lot of money! Wow!</s><s>[agent_1]Yes exactly! What do you think about Disney almost shutting down there Animation Studio? Sleeping Beauty apparently didn't make much money yet it's one of my favorite movies</s><s>[agent_2]That would have been short sighted and such a loss!</s><s>[agent_1]Yes I agree. Did you ever see the movie Trojan Wars by the way? And only need about $300 at the box office LOL</s><s>[agent_2]$300!!!!???? What a dud! Did you see it? Well, the odds are that you did not...</s><s>[agent_1]Haha nope definitely didn't see it, have you seen the Disney movie Treasure Planet though? It was based on the book Treasure Island</s> |
<s>[agent_1]Are you into horror films?</s><s>[agent_2]i am not really into horror films, though there are a couple that i like.</s><s>[agent_1]Nice, I like horror movies, especially the shining. Apparently the boy in the film didn't know it was a horror movie until years later. Which do you like?</s><s>[agent_2]i liked the shining. king wrote a great story. it worked well on the screen. i guess the boy was kinda slow? i like the omen, the exorcist too</s><s>[agent_1]Nice, great horror movies! did you know stephen king thought Bambi was a horror film?</s><s>[agent_2]he was a kid when he saw that, so i guess he was traumatized. the movie had its tense moments. i would have been scared too. he turned his fear into something good though.</s><s>[agent_1]for sure, I was scared too. So intense! Did you know if you watch a scary movie and go see art, it is much better</s><s>[agent_2]how could a scary movie help you appreciate abstract art, I dont understand the connection.</s><s>[agent_1]I don't either, I wonder if it triggers something in your brain. Kind of crazy. Do you have a favorite shirt?</s><s>[agent_2]maybe the brain is more activated and starts to seem more in the abstract pattern. i do not have a favorite shirt. You?</s><s>[agent_1]I like wearing nike shirts. I wish I could wear shirts from the apple clothing line from 1986, but I dont know where to find any</s><s>[agent_2]i wonder if they were even cool. who wore those things? they must have appealed to computer types.</s><s>[agent_1]Right I will have to check lol. I guess I could find some in Alabama, there is a place that sells unclaimed luggage</s><s>[agent_2]that could be a cool place to find some bargain. i wonder what kind of stuff they have there. cameras?</s><s>[agent_1]For sure, maybe telephones and underwear lol</s><s>[agent_2]to each his own. i would go with the telephones. some people might want that underwears.</s><s>[agent_1]Lol, me too. I would get an iphone. Their computing power has more power than the us nuclear icbm deterrent</s><s>[agent_2]the icbm deterrent needs some upgrades i would say. maybe put iphones in them? LOL</s><s>[agent_1]For sure lol, they need to do something. Good chatting with you!</s><s>[agent_2]Good chatting with you too. Enjoy your clothing. I will enjoy mine.</s><s>[agent_1]I will, thanks!</s> |
<s>[agent_1]Hi, how are you?</s><s>[agent_2]Good thanks. I hope you are well. I was reading about Dwight Howard, apparently a skilled athlete.</s><s>[agent_1]He sure is, he is a character though, what did you hear about him/</s><s>[agent_2]I read that he helped the Washington Wizards have a better season. Apparently he receives quite a big salary, and campaigned for the Wizards to get more athletic men on the team.</s><s>[agent_1]He is still a great athlete, I know that Gortat is also on that team as well, but he is old now</s><s>[agent_2]Yeah, it sounds like the Wizards are having trouble keeping their rosters full. They signed on John Wall, a borderline MVP candidate. I think he's one of their star players. But with all the expensive players they have, they could be facing a tough season if they don't do well.</s><s>[agent_1]I know he was recently injured actually, John Wall, that is quite sad</s><s>[agent_2]I think he hurt his knee. It's always hard for athletes to come back to such demanding careers after an injury, I think. I think that's the same for other athletic careers like dance.</s><s>[agent_1]I agree, athletes have a really tough time, they are honestly underpaid I believe</s><s>[agent_2]I don't know. I think they make other money on the side. Like Allen Iverson, who signed an endorsement contract with Reebok for $800,000 a year. That's quite a lot!</s><s>[agent_1]He needed a contract like that, he spends way too much, from what I know of him</s><s>[agent_2]I'm on the other side of the spectrum when it comes to sports. I might do better shooting granny style than the other way. I read that physicists proved granny style might score more points. I'm not sure if that's accurate though.</s><s>[agent_1]I know that Rick Barry popularized the granny shot, just from what I know of the NBA</s><s>[agent_2]I didn't know who made it famous. I thought it just happened. Something else that just happens is dancing to the music. Did you know that babies smile more when they hit the beat to the music, and that they like to dance when they hear music playing?</s><s>[agent_1]Tupac also danced ballet, which I find pretty interesting!</s><s>[agent_2]That sounds funny, Tupac dancing in something like the Nutcracker. Bruce Lee was apparently also a dancer, winning a hong kong cha-cha championship. I think Bruce Lee won a lot of awards; he seemed very competitive.</s><s>[agent_1]I know he won them in the 50s, that seems like a long time ago now!</s><s>[agent_2]Yes it does. It doesn't seem so long ago that Michael Jackson was dancing on stage. I didn't know he patented a device to achieve some of his dance moves.</s><s>[agent_1]That is interesting, I wonder which moves he needed it for?</s><s>[agent_2]I don't know. All I can think of right now is the moonwalk. I tried to learn some dance myself back in the day, but I didn't do ballet nor achieve the moonwalk. Nice chatting with you!</s><s>[agent_1]Nice chatting with you as well! I know the moonwalk was his big move!</s> |
<s>[agent_1]do you like the NFL?</s><s>[agent_2]I do. Do you like Brayd?</s><s>[agent_1]Yes I do. He was a backup QB in high school</s><s>[agent_2]Yeah and he got never started even the team was doing bad</s><s>[agent_1]Yeah their loss. DO you like Alex Smith?</s><s>[agent_2]Yes he is good in the game and also finished college in two years</s><s>[agent_1]Yeah and then began his masters degree before the pick</s><s>[agent_2]Yeah. Do you like know of that deal that Iverson signed with Rebook?</s><s>[agent_1]Yes he is getting $800 000 per year till he is 55</s><s>[agent_2]Yeah he is pretty set for like one can say</s><s>[agent_1]Yes. Did you know Baker Mayfield wanted to become a gamer?</s><s>[agent_2]Yeah he says he is good at Halo 3. Did you know women can play in the NFL?</s><s>[agent_1]Yes there is no rule against them playing</s><s>[agent_2]yes they are good to go as long as they meet the requirements</s><s>[agent_1]Did you know there are only 11 minutes of gameplay in a game?</s><s>[agent_2]yes but we are in front of the tv for hours watching it</s><s>[agent_1]Engineers make more than the football players in the long run</s><s>[agent_2]Yes but they also work longer so have more time to make money</s><s>[agent_1]True. Did you hear of that Saints cheerleader rule?</s><s>[agent_2]Yes they cannot eat in the same place as the players</s><s>[agent_1]Yes so sexist it need to go. Nice chatting with you</s><s>[agent_2]Same here.</s> |
<s>[agent_1]Hello. Do you like Pirates of the Caribbean movies? Johnny Depp was epic in those. Nominated for 3 Academy Awards!</s><s>[agent_2]They weren't my cup of tea. I did love him in Edward Scissorhands. He communicated so much with so few words.</s><s>[agent_1]True. Surprising he only actually said less than 200 words!</s><s>[agent_2]He's come so far since 21 Jump Street. He certainly shoved off the teen idol mantle, especially after he directed The Brave in 1997.</s><s>[agent_1]Yeah I forgot he was in 21 jump street. Gene Wilder didn't seem to trust his portrayal of Will Wonka in the remake surprisingly.</s><s>[agent_2]Well, he did look like Anna Wintour in the movie. It was weird for me. Did he win an award for that one? He's won so many Golden Globes and SAG awards.</s><s>[agent_1]Haha good comparison. I don't think he did. He is also producing a biopic about the life of theodor geisel aka Dr. Suess.</s><s>[agent_2]That should be interesting! I wonder if Dr. Seuss had a dog?</s><s>[agent_1]Great question! I want a dog so bad. Man's best friend for good reason!</s><s>[agent_2]They're the best. I have two of them on the couch with me right now. One is snoring. It blows my mind that they were domesticated from wolves. My shih tzu is pretty far from a wolf.</s><s>[agent_1]Haha so lucky!! Yeah I guess breeding over millennia really separates them.</s><s>[agent_2]They are so perceptive. I didn't realize that they're not actually color blind! They just can't see some of the colors we can.</s><s>[agent_1]Yeah I thought like you as well. Do your dogs mind riding in the car?</s><s>[agent_2]One hates it. The other has always gotten to go to fun places, so he thinks that's what we're always doing. He's a good goof ball. It amazes me that he gets what I'm pointing at. My cat couldn't care less!</s><s>[agent_1]Yeah I think it's funny how dogs and elephants only understand the whole pointing gesture.</s><s>[agent_2]I think I'd rather have a dog in the house! I think I could work at google, since they say they're a dog company. I wonder what that means, specifically?</s><s>[agent_1]Yeah not exactly sure. I appreciate what Istanbul is doing with their vending machines for the stray dogs though. Help animals and help clean up!</s><s>[agent_2]It's amazing! I wonder how many bottles they get in those vending machines that feed and water the strays? It's just lovely that that's a thing that happens.</s><s>[agent_1]Yes agreed. It would be even funnier if the animals learned how to pick up and deposit bottles! I just love all the roles dogs play for humans like hunting, herding, pulling, etc.</s><s>[agent_2]Mine are all about protection. One barks any time he sees another dog on TV! And at people out walking on the street, squirrels, the mail man, the garbage truck...he's very good at protecting.</s><s>[agent_1]Haha must make you feel very safe! So cool seeing so many dogs varying in shapes and sizes. Well it was nice talking with you have a great day with your pals!</s> |
<s>[agent_1]Hello</s><s>[agent_2]Hi do you use facebook?</s><s>[agent_1]yes. sometimes</s><s>[agent_2]I bet myspace regrets not acquiring facebook</s><s>[agent_1]Worst mistake they ever made</s><s>[agent_2]I mean while 75 million is a lot, facebook is now worth 104 billion</s><s>[agent_1]yes they are a huge money maker</s><s>[agent_2]Not only do they make money through ad revenue, but they also have a lot of power as the dominant social media platform</s><s>[agent_1]yes. I saw the burger king promo where you unfriend 10 people and get a whopper.</s><s>[agent_2]They are also being used by iceland to rewrite the constitution!</s><s>[agent_1]That is strange</s><s>[agent_2]They are using facebook since it will allow the public to make suggestions and alterations in a flexible manner</s><s>[agent_1]It may be innovative but there may be better ways to do that</s><s>[agent_2]True true</s><s>[agent_1]Mark Zuckerberg did alright for himself</s><s>[agent_2]Especially his choice to make facebook blue</s><s>[agent_1]Yes he is partially color blind</s><s>[agent_2]He suffers from red green colorblindness right?</s><s>[agent_1]Yes. That why he made facebook mostly blue.</s><s>[agent_2]In any case, it is a technology that was only possible with the internet, the advancement of phones, and computers</s><s>[agent_1]yes. And tech will continue to allow us to do some amazing things in the future</s><s>[agent_2]Can you believe all the wonders of phones and internet is afforded by 2.7 inches of cable across the ocean floor</s><s>[agent_1]That is amazing</s><s>[agent_2]Indeed. In any case, thanks for chatting.</s> |
<s>[agent_1]Hello, do you like Stephen King movies?</s><s>[agent_2]I sure do, Have you ever seen the Shining?</s><s>[agent_1]I have actually, pretty scary movie. Did you watch it?</s><s>[agent_2]I sure did and there is a sequel to it called doctor sleep and was sold to fans for $500</s><s>[agent_1]Wow impressive. Did you know he was terrified when he saw Bambi?</s><s>[agent_2]Bambi? Is that not a kids movie, animated?</s><s>[agent_1]Yeah it is and he considers it the most horror movie ever</s><s>[agent_2]Wow, interesting. He lets aspiring filmmakers do adapt his short stories for $1</s><s>[agent_1]I guess the challenge is how well can they do it, he is pretty twisted with his stories</s><s>[agent_2]True. He got rejected 60 times before his novel was published</s><s>[agent_1]Wow. McDonald was the inspiration for the IT move</s><s>[agent_2]I guess that makes sense since it is all about clowns</s><s>[agent_1]Yeah exactly. ALmost all his books are connected too</s><s>[agent_2]Nice. He has a dog, a corgi that he calls the thing of evil</s><s>[agent_1]Haha that guy. DO you use your phone much?</s><s>[agent_2]All the time actually, Do you know who invented the dial phone?</s><s>[agent_1]Hmm I am not sure. Did you ever use a rotary phone?</s><s>[agent_2]It was an undertaker. I jave actually never used one and you?</s><s>[agent_1]Me either but the area code for NY was because of them, easy to dial 212</s><s>[agent_2]That is neat. Dolphins can communicate by phone with each other too</s><s>[agent_1]THey are just very intelligent I guess</s> |
<s>[agent_1]hi how are you today? do you like football?</s><s>[agent_2]Yes, I go to the games! Do you? What do you think of Baker Mayfield?</s><s>[agent_1]i have never been to a game. the tix are quite expensive. id love to go one day. what team do you like?</s><s>[agent_2]Patriots and the Bucanneers! Did you know there is no rules that women can play football in the NFL?</s><s>[agent_1]i guess if they have the strength and speed. ive never seen a woman like that though.</s><s>[agent_2]I know Maybe a kicker would be okay! What teams do you watch?</s><s>[agent_1]a kicker? maybe. can women kick as far a men? i try to watch the playoffs so whatever teams are in the playoffs are the ones i watch.</s><s>[agent_2]Oh I see, okay, Thinking only if she's a very strong girl! lol At least she wouldn't get hurt. Did you know there is only one left handed quarterback? Kellan Moore</s><s>[agent_1]that is an odd fact. i guess the lefties are unusual for a reason? does the offense have to shift for a lefty?</s><s>[agent_2]I guess not, A deaf quarterback created the huddle, so they couldn't read his hand signals.</s><s>[agent_1]that is a clever way to keep plays secret. he was an innovator.</s><s>[agent_2]Do you know who RB Bejarvus Green-Ellis is?</s><s>[agent_1]No i dont. is he famous? rb = running back?</s><s>[agent_2]Hes is so talented he has never fumbled the football in his NFL career.</s><s>[agent_1]that is a tremendous feat. he must be the only player like that! does he have giant hands or something? LOL he should get a bonus.</s><s>[agent_2]lol, right! Have you played Halo 3?</s><s>[agent_1]no i havent but i hear it is a challenging game. have you?</s><s>[agent_2]Very little, QB Baker Mayfield claims he can beat anyone at the University of Oklahoma.</s><s>[agent_1]he is probably quite good then. i have heard that you can make money at games now. anyway, great chat!</s><s>[agent_2]Yes, its been interesting.</s><s>[agent_1]Thanks! Have a great day!</s><s>[agent_2]You too! Good chat!</s> |
<s>[agent_1]I am a football fan. How about yourself?</s><s>[agent_2]I'm a huge fan, I watch as many game as I can and play fantasy. Do you play fantasy football?</s><s>[agent_1]I do actually.</s><s>[agent_2]Awesome! Are you successful at it...I love the excitement of it even though I'm not very good. Do you follow any sites?</s><s>[agent_1]I always do really well right up until the end and then it all falls apart ha ha. I do it through the NFL website. Did you also know that they have a fantasy draft for the national spelling bee?</s><s>[agent_2]Me too! I usually do great but always forget to get players off waivers and such. Like I pick the popular players but not so much the unknowns like Josh Allen (rookie) who had a monster year. Are you serious? for the spelling bee?</s><s>[agent_1]Yes it's easy to overlook those people. Yes for the spelling bee. It's amazing what they will do fantasy leagues for. Fantasy congress also exists.</s><s>[agent_2]I love politics, I'll have to look into that one. Have you ever won? I came close last year with Russel Wilson, who is STILL under a major league contract.</s><s>[agent_1]No, I also came closest last year. I was in first or second place all year and then it fell apart in the playoffs. Did you know that in the 60's top bowlers made more money than top football players?!</s><s>[agent_2]Oh yeah, those guys who played back then made nothing! Sometimes they even had to work in the off season...can you imagine Eli Manning working in the off season?</s><s>[agent_1]No way! Any guess as to what the highest score in football ever was?</s><s>[agent_2]No what was it?</s><s>[agent_1]It was in 1916 between Georgia Tech and Cumberland and the score was 222-0!</s><s>[agent_2]You know what! I did know that. Do you know what the lowest super bowl score ever was?</s><s>[agent_1]I do not.</s><s>[agent_2]0-3</s><s>[agent_1]That is a terrible Superbowl. How boring. Did you know that ESPN invented the yellow line that shows the first down? Can you imagine watching a game without that?</s><s>[agent_2]Really? I didn't know they invented it....The only thing about it is that its sometimes in accurate- remember this last super bowl where it looked like he had the first down because he crossed the yellow line but it was actually in the wrong spot?</s><s>[agent_1]Yes it can be deceiving but it helps. Do you you remember Benjarvus Green-Ellis that played for the Patriots?</s><s>[agent_2]Of course I do...he played With Ridley and all of them.</s><s>[agent_1]Did you know that in his time with the Patriots he never fumbled a football?! That's incredible!</s> |
<s>[agent_1]Hello! Are you into the fantasy genre at all? I like fantasy novels myself, and used to play D&D a bit (still would if I had a group nearby.)</s><s>[agent_2]I do like fantasy. I play fantasy football a lot. do you play that?</s><s>[agent_1]I'm honestly not familiar enough with real football to be any good at that, I don't think.</s><s>[agent_2]Anyone can play but there are some people that take it super seriously! I do not have the time nor the energy to take it too seriously. I do it more for fun.</s><s>[agent_1]Although I have wondered if someone like me, just picking random people, would do as well as someone who was familiar with the players. Kind of like that experiment I read about where they had a monkey "invest" in the stock market by throwing darts at a board...</s><s>[agent_2]Probably! I know my wife seems to win a lot of tournaments and stuff like that. She knows nothing about sports and chooses winners based on names and team colors!</s><s>[agent_1]You know what's interesting? Football isn't the only thing they have a fantasy version of...</s><s>[agent_2]They also have fantasy baseball, basketball, hockey, golf, nascar, and soccer!</s><s>[agent_1]No, I mean, beyond even sports! They have fantasy draft for the National Spelling Bee. I heard that I was like, "Say whhhat?"</s><s>[agent_2]Geez. I just turned that into a drinking game, not fantasy!</s><s>[agent_1]Oh, but it continues! There's also a Fantasy Congress. Supposed draft members and get points based on legislative success... (guessing like what bills get passed and stuff...)</s><s>[agent_2]That's weird. Probably a good way to introduce congress and bills in HS civics...</s><s>[agent_1]Yeah. Personally, though, my "Fantasy" congress would be one that can put aside petty politics long enough to do what's right for the country.</s><s>[agent_2]I agree. I would like a few non-partisan bills and possibly a nice laugh or cordiality.</s><s>[agent_1]Hey, speaking of fantasy, you ever heard of In the Realms of the Unreal?</s><s>[agent_2]I have not. what is that?</s><s>[agent_1]It was this 15,145 page fantasy manuscript a janitor with no art training made. It had 300 watercolor illustrations. It's quite a fascinating story</s><s>[agent_2]That's a lot of free time! I couldn't even do 15 pages....</s><s>[agent_1]Well, it's a rather fascinating story behind it's creation, IMHO. If you Youtube "realms of the unreal" you can see a documentary about it.</s><s>[agent_2]REALLY? I have chatted about it for so long, I have to watch it. Thanks for the heads up!</s><s>[agent_1]Well, listen, it was great chatting with yu today! Hope you have a good evening!</s> |
<s>[agent_1]Do you like poetry?</s><s>[agent_2]You like poetry, it's interesting that the word poetry comes from the Greek term poesis which means making</s><s>[agent_1]Edgar Alan Poe is one of the first people I think of when I think of poetry. He only got $9 for publishing The Raven.</s><s>[agent_2]Yeah that's really sad. I love that there is a 224 word palindrome poem, that sounds awesome I need to check it out</s><s>[agent_1]I want to do more research into the Javanese alphabet. In order the alphabet makes a poem.</s><s>[agent_2]Yes that sounds really interesting. I want to read the poem too that is depressing when it is read forwards but when it's read backwards it's actually inspiring I wonder how that works</s><s>[agent_1]Did you know the hobbit's character names came from an old icelandic poem?</s><s>[agent_2]No I didn't know that, I think some of the earliest poetry was written in Africa though, back in the 25th Century BCE, which is a long time ago</s><s>[agent_1]Speaking of ancient things, in Croatia you can go to a concert at an ancient Roman ampitheatre</s><s>[agent_2]That would be really cool. Also cool would it be to see the Pink Floyd concert that they did at in Amphitheatre, there was no one present when they did the concert, hopefully they put it on video so that other people can watch it though</s><s>[agent_1]Yeah, that sounds pretty neat. Wish I could have been a fly on the wall there!</s><s>[agent_2]Yep I agree. That concert would be awesome. Do you like Lincoln Park though? Did they put on good concerts? They did almost one concert for every day of the year back in 2001</s><s>[agent_1]Wow, I did like them. I bet they did not do as many concers as the Ramones though</s><s>[agent_2]No The Ramones definitely did a ton of concerts, I think 2,200 in 20 years, that's insane!</s><s>[agent_1]Seems exhausting but surely they made a lot of money doing that!</s><s>[agent_2]Yes I agree! Did you hear about Creed though? Apparently they were sued because their concerts were so bad LOL I won't be seeing a Creed concert myself after hearing that</s><s>[agent_1]Haha, I used to like their music. That's quite surprising. So Linkin Park's concerts were much better I presume. Their album is the best selling of the 21st century.</s><s>[agent_2]Yes that is impressive. What are your other favorite albums? I want to listen to the album made by those twin 100 year old Japanese rappers LOL</s><s>[agent_1]I used to like NWA. Their album was the first to get to platinum without the support of airplay or a major tour. That's surprising as that was all before the internet age!</s><s>[agent_2]That is surprising! I wonder how they were able to advertise it back then. I do love Pink Floyd and I'm glad that dark side of the moon is still a best-selling album</s><s>[agent_1]It is surprising that in 2014, 40 years after being released, it was best selling!</s> |
<s>[agent_1]Hi, how are you?</s><s>[agent_2]Very good. Did you see the Super Bowl last Sunday. As usual the AFC and the NFC champs squared off on the first Sunday of February?</s><s>[agent_1]Unfortunately, I did not get a chance to watch. What about you?</s><s>[agent_2]Yes. Tom Brady was the winning QB again. The average NFL game only has 11 minutes of live gameplay. But those are a strenuous 11 minutes.</s><s>[agent_1]On a per-minute basis, they get paid pretty well. There is no rule against women in the game. What do you think: will we have women any time soon?</s><s>[agent_2]Maybe a kicker someday. Probably for publicity purposes mainly. Since there are 32 teams, each year there are 31 losers.</s><s>[agent_1]A kicker, or a punter, I agree. There is only one left-handed quarterback in the NFL: Kellan Moore. There are many left-handed pitchers. Why so few lefty QBs?</s><s>[agent_2]Left handed pitchers are hard for left handed batters to hit. I was an assistant scout for the Phillies in years past. However, a pass from a lefty in football spins the opposite way and is a little difficult to defend if you don't see it often.</s><s>[agent_1]So lefty QBs have an advantage? Interesting. I thought maybe the front line had to protect the QB differently because the blind side is different. But what do I know anyway.</s><s>[agent_2]The Alabama QB is a lefty and came in second for the Heisman this year. He may win it next year since he was a freshman. How would you like to enter the visitor's dressing room at Iowa and dress with pink walls.</s><s>[agent_1]I guess that's supposed to psych out the opposition, but it seems weak. How many games has U of I won at home?</s><s>[agent_2]They are better than average, but not elite at home. In the 1960's, pro bowlers made twice as much as pro football players.</s><s>[agent_1]Bowling is a "sport," but not nearly so strenuous or violent as football. Probably have good career longevity. Nobody watches bowling the same as they did then.</s><s>[agent_2]That's the amazing thing. The market for the NFL was much smaller and they have to pay a lot more players. Smaller than now, not smaller than bowling's market.</s><s>[agent_1]I guess TV changes everything. The first SB was in the 60s, so I guess the league hadn't organized itself well enough. College ball might have been the bigger draw.</s><s>[agent_2]I think it was. I mentioned Tom Brady before. In his JV high school years his team did not win a game, did not score a TD and he was the back-up and never played a down!</s><s>[agent_1]The coach really blew it there. I think Brady has succeeded because of his teammates and head coach as well.</s><s>[agent_2]True. In college, he played for Michigan and they hardly passed the ball. So he was drafted 199. He had talent and no one knew how much. Alex Smith took so many AP tests in high school that he entered college as a junior. QBs can be smart.</s><s>[agent_1]I don't know much about the college game. The highest score ever in a football game was in 1916. Georgia Tech crushed Cumberland 222-0. I wonder if the GT coach put in the third string. What was he trying to prove?</s><s>[agent_2]My brother played guard in high school and they were beating some team 74-0 and my brother got to play QB, and he scored. I am surprised he knew where to stand in the huddle where the QB calls the plays.</s><s>[agent_1]The game should be fun, especially for kids. I enjoyed chatting with you! Have a good night!</s><s>[agent_2]Thanks, Bye.</s> |
<s>[agent_1]kanye west believes aids is a man-made disease, with such a good gpa.</s><s>[agent_2]Kanye needs to stick to music and not conspiracy theories</s><s>[agent_1]he manages to mix indie rock with soul, and gospel - a hard task! maybe he should stick to music.</s><s>[agent_2]I am surprised that he had such a high GPA in high school and even more by him turning down a good scholarship</s><s>[agent_1]he could always get voice over work on the simpsons, I was surprised to see alec baldwin voiced Thomas.</s><s>[agent_2]Kanye's infamous interuption of Taylor Swifts award will never be forgotten</s><s>[agent_1]maybe he watches too much judge judy, maybe thats how they can afford to pay her so much per episode.</s><s>[agent_2]I still can't figure out how his Gold Digger song did so well and was so popular</s><s>[agent_1]maybe because it was in a minor key</s><s>[agent_2]I don't see how people consider him someone who is capable of cultural movements. He is not all there often times.</s><s>[agent_1]neither are the people who have watched all 750 episodes of pokemon.</s><s>[agent_2]lol...I will give him credit for his work on criminal justice reform movement</s><s>[agent_1]and giving his mic to a fan i bet that made the fans year</s><s>[agent_2]Oh yeah, that was a highlight in his career too most definitely</s><s>[agent_1]i guess he hates the attention most "celebs get,</s><s>[agent_2]Have you ever seen the Ethiopian celebrity chef show?</s><s>[agent_1]never heard of it, but spreading the message about eating a diverse diet cannot be bad.</s><s>[agent_2]I think its admirable and much needed to spread the hunger message in his country</s><s>[agent_1]maybe a good celeb</s><s>[agent_2]I had not realized that Carl Burnett was the first celebrity on Sesame Street</s><s>[agent_1]i still cannot believe ringo voiced thomas.</s><s>[agent_2]Merry Xmas</s> |
<s>[agent_1]How's it going, are you into soccer at all? The fifa world cup was started back in 1930</s><s>[agent_2]I do like soccer. I just found out that the city for the 2022 World Cup still needs to be built</s><s>[agent_1]That's pretty odd, I guess that's a major reason why the World cup host doesn't get any economic gains from the world cup</s><s>[agent_2]But did you know soccer makes more money than football, basketball, baseball, golf, tennis, and hockey, combined?</s><s>[agent_1]I'm not surprised soccer makes more than football and the other sports combined, it is the most popular sport in the world for a reason</s><s>[agent_2]Did you watch the World Cup last year? I could've believe that England and Croatia made it to the semis.</s><s>[agent_1]Yea it was a crazy world cup, kinda sucks that France ended up winning it though</s><s>[agent_2]It made sense since France had players from each of Europe's top five leagues. They just had the best players.</s><s>[agent_1]Maybe one day the US men will win the world cup, seems like they haven't done much better since placing 3rd in the 1930 World Cup</s><s>[agent_2]Americans don't seem to care too much about soccer. Nobody else even calls it soccer.</s><s>[agent_1]Yea, the US loves Gridiron football</s><s>[agent_2]I just found out that the University of Iowa painted the visitor's locker room pink. That's pretty funny</s><s>[agent_1]yea, i guess Iowa is trying to get into the opponents head but if I was in a pink locker room i'd just feel calm and relaxed</s><s>[agent_2]Have you ever watched a version of soccer where 3 teams face off against each other? I heard it's pretty fun</s><s>[agent_1]No but I'd love to play it, playing against 2 other teams sounds fun and unpredictable</s><s>[agent_2]How do you feel about draws? Are you okay with them or would you rather win or lose?</s><s>[agent_1]Depends on how many games they're are in a regular season, if it's short like a 16 week NFL season then I don't, but for something like an 82 game hockey season i don't mind</s><s>[agent_2]Have you heard about the football game that ended up 222-0? I'd want to fight somebody.</s><s>[agent_1]Yea Georgia tech murdered Cumberland, it's a shame they didn't have tv back in 1916</s><s>[agent_2]It makes sense why I've never heard of Cumberland again. I'd quit if I were them too.</s><s>[agent_1]Well I got to go, nice chatting with you</s> |
<s>[agent_1]Do you like how LeBron James plays?</s><s>[agent_2]He's amazing! Some consider him the best player in the game, and he would probably agree...</s><s>[agent_1]I think he's the best player, maybe with Jordan, the Lakers have a sweet team this season, a lot of talented players added to the team</s><s>[agent_2]They have a history of attracting some of the greats, and the history continues. LeBron made history with the Cavaliers, bringing them to their first NBA championship, so, you know he is capable of a lot!</s><s>[agent_1]And also the other great players like Rajon Rondo, seems like the Lakers are going all in</s><s>[agent_2]Warner Bros are going all in too! They signed a deal with LeBron for a "Space Jam" sequel!</s><s>[agent_1]Did you watch Space Jam with Michael Jordan? I think LeBron is the perfect replacement, its going to be a great movie</s><s>[agent_2]Yeah. Success and money seem to follow LeBron... Did you know that his old high school used to charge upwards of $120 per ticket to see him play? Amazing.</s><s>[agent_1]Wow, so people were crazy about him even before he got to the NBA, I heard he rejected a $10 million deal from Reebok once</s><s>[agent_2]Yeah, imagine, passing up $10 million with confidence that another better deal was on the horizon...and he was right! Nike paid him $90 milllion just a year later!</s><s>[agent_1]I would have taken the money lol, he was only 18 back then I guess his confidence paid off in the end, now he has better deals than those</s><s>[agent_2]I liked how he returned to Cleveland. Remember when he first left Cleveland and everyone was so dissapointed that championship expectations were not met? Then, after LeBron wins two NBA titles with the Heat, he returns to Cleveland and brings them the gold too! It's a great story!</s><s>[agent_1]It is a great story indeed, just like how James Naismith, the inventor of the game was actually a terrible coach</s><s>[agent_2]You can't make this stuff up! I like the story about Reggie Miller...the one where he tries to brag to his family about his most excellent 40-point scoring performance, only to find out that his sister had scored over 100-pts that day for her basketball team. Humility...</s><s>[agent_1]He is a hall of famer and one of the best players I have ever seen, did you hear about the kid that got the dunk shot banned from college basketball for more than a decade</s><s>[agent_2]Kareem! A gifted athlete. And he also studied martial arts under Bruce Lee too. He was so dominant on the boards, the NCAA had to ban his dunk. But can you imagine a 7-footer throwing kicks at you like Bruce Lee? Scary!</s><s>[agent_1]That sounds scary, Bruce Lee was like the best martial artists in the history of fighters,</s><s>[agent_2]Here's another scary thought: Ruth Bader Ginsberg hanging from the rim after she jams one home! The Supreme court building has a basketball court on the top floor. They call it "The highest court in the land"... I'd pay money to see the justices playing against one another!</s><s>[agent_1]I bet all kinds of interesting games are played at that court, the highest court on land what a name.</s><s>[agent_2]You like that name? Then you'll love this one: The New Zealand basketball team has a nickname...the Tall Blacks... You gotta love it!</s><s>[agent_1]That sounds like a really racist name lol, someone would get punched in America for sure lol</s> |
<s>[agent_1]Do you follow football?</s><s>[agent_2]No, not at all. Although it is very popular with a lot of people. Do you?</s><s>[agent_1]I don't follow at all. I think that it was bad luck that Alex Smith broke two bones though.</s><s>[agent_2]Yes it certainly was bad luck. Do You Know why the players can be traded to other teams?</s><s>[agent_1]I think that if they are not currently under an exclusive contract they can be traded. I think that they were fairly luck to pick up Sanchez.</s><s>[agent_2]I think so. Sounds like he is a good player. He was a top pick in the draft.</s><s>[agent_1]He was and he has experience. I think that he can learn the team atmosphere.</s><s>[agent_2]I think so. Too bad he was hit with a 4 game suspension in April.</s><s>[agent_1]That would be a concern to me as his claim of it being unknown supplement contamination seems unlikely to me.</s><s>[agent_2]LOL, I agree. I guess the players can have good days and bad days during the games. I never could keep up with all the players and teams.</s><s>[agent_1]I don't even try to keep up. My other concern is why he didn't play at all in the 16 games of the 2017 Bears season.</s><s>[agent_2]I don't try either but I know I couldn't. That not playing at all in 16 games is odd.Must have something to do with the "butt fumble"</s><s>[agent_1]Ha! I have never heard that term but I am sure that the "butt fumble" didn't help him get the job.</s><s>[agent_2]I am certain it didn't. Imagine that a NFL game only has about 11 minutes of game play and yet the games are on for hours. Must be why I never wanted to watch.</s><s>[agent_1]I don't have the patience! I am guessing that the reason he got the job was because he knew so many of the current coaches for the Redskins</s><s>[agent_2]Yes. like everything it is not what you know, it is who you know. Some players who start out pretty good do not stay that way. Maybe it is due to the wear and tear on the body or maybe it is those "unknown substances" lol</s><s>[agent_1]It is a tough game and like Smith who now has to deal with broken bones, the body never returns to the same level when something gets injured or broken.</s><s>[agent_2]No the body may heal a bit but it is changed forever. Isn't it odd that the cheerleaders of the Saints have to leave a restaurant if a player comes in?</s><s>[agent_1]That is very strange. I think that the Redskins did the best they could signing Sanchez in a bad situation. I now know more than I ever have about football.</s><s>[agent_2]Me too I have to admit. I am also glad to meet someone else who is like me and does not follow football. Those tracking chips players wear must help with different things.</s><s>[agent_1]Nice chatting with you. We have learned something new today.</s> |
<s>[agent_1]hello did you know the presidents guest house is bigger than the white house?</s><s>[agent_2]Yes, I new that very interesting. Did you know the Eiffel Tower was sold twice?</s><s>[agent_1]That is pretty amazing, that must have been a really good con artist.</s><s>[agent_2]For sure, he impersonated as a government official, crazy!</s><s>[agent_1]I hear the president of indonesia released 2 albums lol</s><s>[agent_2]I know, he must not be very busy. Its also interesting that 86% of Nevada is owned by the US government.</s><s>[agent_1]Yeah he must have a lot of time, since musicians tour a lot. Maybe indonesia doesnt have many laws to govern lol</s><s>[agent_2]lol, Isn't it great that the Norwegian government donated $1 billion to save the amazon rainforest!</s><s>[agent_1]Yeah that is really nice of Norway. have you ever been there?</s><s>[agent_2]No, have you? I bet its beautiful!</s><s>[agent_1]No I wish, I really want to vacation there, I hear they have amazing snowboarding!</s><s>[agent_2]Yes! I am not surprised that Washington was one of the wealthiest presidents.</s><s>[agent_1]I wonder how they rate the money in that, the dollar was not worth as much as now. I think that info is outdated also, Trump should be on that list.</s><s>[agent_2]lol, Oh yes, for sure. Probably for the time, as JFK and Jefferson was added.</s><s>[agent_1]yeah. did you know the white house has twin building in ireland and france?</s><s>[agent_2]I know that pretty amazing. How would you like to have a president named banana?</s><s>[agent_1]I wouldnt care. You dont choose your last name, so if thats his last name thats ok with me.</s><s>[agent_2]lol, okay. I think its pretty traditional to have Christmas trees in the white house. It was shame that Teddy Roosevelt banned them.</s><s>[agent_1]Yeah his name was Canaan Banana, so thats why they called him President Banana. Yeah that is weird, was it a religious act that he didnt want christmas trees?</s><s>[agent_2]He was a staunch conservationist.</s><s>[agent_1]Oh i see.</s><s>[agent_2]Hard to believe they still use floppy disk in the White House.</s><s>[agent_1]Yeah I know right. been great talking with you.</s> |
<s>[agent_1]Hi how are you? Look at this? "Colorado girls may have been killed, their father's defense attorneys say, in motion." Isn't this crazy?</s><s>[agent_2]Yes, it's a really sad story. I hope the suspect, if guilty, is punished.</s><s>[agent_1]I hope so too. A motion filed Friday by attorneys defending Christopher Watts, who investigators believe killed his pregnant wife and daughters, asked that DNA samples be taken from the children's necks. I wounder what would have caused a person to do this?</s><s>[agent_2]I wonder too. But then I remember that there are some people with really sick mental issues. Some things we can't understand. Doesn't excuse the behavior though.</s><s>[agent_1]That is so true. Did you know they didn't find a cause to the death of the people?</s><s>[agent_2]I had no idea about that. I'm not surprised though since the bodies were contaminated by their surroundings.</s><s>[agent_1]There looks like there were a bunch of people that were all injured around there.</s><s>[agent_2]Yeah, that was an interesting story about what happened at the Backstreet Boy concert. I do think that the people holding the event should have warned the people.</s><s>[agent_1]Yes they should have warned them. Then the disaster would not have happened. It is sad what happened.</s><s>[agent_2]Agreed. I think that there might be lawsuits against the organizers since they were responsible for it.</s><s>[agent_1]Then there was the stuff going on with the Immigration. There's a lot going on.</s><s>[agent_2]I thought that situation with the illegal immigrant that was apprehended by ICE ws a tricky one. There was too much politics being played on that one. It was clear that the father was a suspect for a murder and ICE were only doing their job.</s><s>[agent_1]Yes ICE was only doing their job. I think they were trying to make a spectacle out of the people. So they could make a political mark.</s><s>[agent_2]Agreed. That's how politics usually works. It's sad. I hope that people start to understand that the law is important.</s><s>[agent_1]Yes you are so right. It is so difficult. Then did you hear about the Shark? Wow that was also a crazy thing. So many things in one week.</s><s>[agent_2]It's actually odd to think that there are people in Indonesia that has sharks for pets. I think culture plays a lot in terms of what we deem normal.</s><s>[agent_1]Yes culture does deem normal. It is weird you would think a dolphin would be a pet but not a shark. It only make the sharks want to come more around the swimming area. Sad.</s><s>[agent_2]It's unfortunate. Personally, I think people should let wild animals be free. But what can I say, we have dogs as pets while others eat them.</s><s>[agent_1]I agree with that statement. That would be a crazy thought to eat a dog.</s><s>[agent_2]I personally don't want to think about it. I'll stick to hamburgers.</s><s>[agent_1]Me also!</s><s>[agent_2]It was nice talking to you. Bye.</s><s>[agent_1]It was nice bye!! have a good night.</s><s>[agent_2]Bye.</s> |
<s>[agent_1]How's it going, have you ever been to Reddit? They average 542 million visitors a month</s><s>[agent_2]I am one of the .53% that vote content up or down. I have actually made the front page 2 times</s><s>[agent_1]Nice, have you seen the page that sums up 25 of the kindest deeds done on Reddit?</s><s>[agent_2]I have not, what were some of the good deeds?</s><s>[agent_1]I'm not sure but I do know Sam Altman was able to get $50 million in funding so maybe they used some of that money</s><s>[agent_2]that is a good point, lol. There is a free online magazine called the redditor, have you checked it out?</s><s>[agent_1]No I haven't check out the Redditor yet, I wonder what they cover</s><s>[agent_2]Me too, probably everything regarding the internet and computers</s><s>[agent_1]I wonder if they wrote an article about user kn0thing's first post on reddit</s><s>[agent_2]That would be interesting lol. I wonder what his memo was about. I may check it on the internet</s><s>[agent_1]Yea, I'd like to read the first comment on reddit complaining about reddit</s><s>[agent_2]Lol that would be hilarious to see. Do you use the internet much?</s><s>[agent_1]Yea, all the time, the only thing I don't use it for is to read the full terms of purchase when buying something, only 7 percent of people read it</s><s>[agent_2]I did not know that lol. I am one of the 93 percent that don't read them. I should start, I may have sold my soul to the devil for all i know!</s><s>[agent_1]I hope the Library of Alexandria deletes terms of service from their saved copy of the internet</s><s>[agent_2]I hope so too. Did you know you can get cellular and internet access from mt everest if youre ever interested</s><s>[agent_1]That's pretty crazy you can get 3g on Mt Everest yet I can't get it in my basement</s><s>[agent_2]Lol or right next to my router! Do you use a computer more or tablet?</s><s>[agent_1]Probably a computer for work. It's crazy Transhumanists want to upload their minds to computers</s><s>[agent_2]that is crazy lol. did you know computers were around for a while? the russians made one in 1936 that ran on water</s><s>[agent_1]Nice. Well I got to go, nice chatting with you</s> |
<s>[agent_1]Hey there what do you think about the United States Senate</s><s>[agent_2]The Senate is the highest legislative body in the land. It provides employment to some of the richest people in the country.</s><s>[agent_1]Yep you're right. There are 100 US senators. Interesting that Senators used to be appointed by the states, but now they are elected by the people</s><s>[agent_2]Elections might not have solved the problem. In 1988, a chimpanzee received 400.000 votes in a mayoral election in Rio de Janeiro, coming in third place. Is that chimp still around? Can we get him?</s><s>[agent_1]Haha he doesn't sound that bad. He sounds actually very popular haha. Very crazy that Richard Nixon broke a 160 five-year-old gavel</s><s>[agent_2]Nixon was never very good with his hands.</s><s>[agent_1]Haha that's a good point. Apparently there is a candy desk in the US Senate. It's been there since 1968. I want to attack that desk eat all the candy haha</s><s>[agent_2]I wonder why that got started. Candy? Should be eating healthy food. Attitudes need to change. Even in 2000 40 percent of Alabamans voted to keep the state's unenforceable ban on interracial marriage. It's good to see progress south of the Mason-Dixon line.</s><s>[agent_1]Yeah that's sad. A lot of those Senators need to get healthier. Also sad is that women were not allowed to wear pants in the Senate until 1993</s><s>[agent_2]I bet if chimpanzees got elected to senate, they would face a similar battle over clothing.</s><s>[agent_1]If chimpanzees got elected to the Senate that would probably be the least of our worries haha, can you believe the Indian government set up a polling booth for just one person</s><s>[agent_2]I guess there is a legal obligation. If chimps could vote in the jungle, that chimp would have gotten elected mayor in Brazil</s><s>[agent_1]Yeah I guess I could see that. What is insane is that men in the UK had to wait until 1918 before all of them could vote. Like how is that a thing</s><s>[agent_2]People without money were seen as a threat to gov't by the rich. Now many people are not allowed to vote in the US.</s><s>[agent_1]Nope I've heard that. Speaking of that 34% of the Alabama male population has permanently lost the right to vote</s><s>[agent_2]That's fishy. That should be changed. JFK voted against the 1957 civil rights act. I wonder what he was thinking then. It sounds like Alabama hasn't changed much.</s><s>[agent_1]That is shocking about JFK. I get a laugh that the citizens of Austin Texas rename their garbage dump Fred Durst after a vote LOL</s><s>[agent_2]A way to enter the annals of history, that's for sure. It would be great to have someone like Harry Truman again. He really put the kibosh on corruption and waste.</s><s>[agent_1]Yeah he was a great president. Do you go to concerts at all? I know that Linkin Park does like 320 tours a year</s><s>[agent_2]Linkin Park is gone, as far as I know. They lost a member and that ended the band.</s><s>[agent_1]Oh I didn't know that. What about the Ramones do you like them? I guess they did like 2000 concerts in 20 years</s> |
<s>[agent_1]Do you watch american football?</s><s>[agent_2]Yes, I do! Do you?</s><s>[agent_1]not so much but i hear Tom brady has one the super bowl and written a book.</s><s>[agent_2]Yes, Tom Brady has one it several times. He is thought to be one of the best ever and he's still going strong at 40 years old.</s><s>[agent_1]Yeah your right. have you seen tom vs. time?</s><s>[agent_2]I haven't. I'm not a Tom Brady fan, but it sounds pretty interesting, especially how he's trying to figure out the "whys" in life.</s><s>[agent_1]Yeah he's got a good head on his shoulders. He said that in one of his spiritual episodes.</s><s>[agent_2]I also think it's interesting that he feels the football and sports are considered a type of religion to some people. I've never thought of it that way.</s><s>[agent_1]Me neither. Like i said there fans are devoted in both him and bill belichick.</s><s>[agent_2]I've never heard of the author, Chopra, have you?</s><s>[agent_1]Well i think that's deepak chpora's relative.</s><s>[agent_2]You're right...I do remember reading that now that you mention it. Changing the subject a little...I was reading an article of some little known football facts. For example, University of Iowa has a pink locker room for visiting team... Do you know any?</s><s>[agent_1]Sure the patriots had a former running back who never fumbled the ball in his career. Do you know who that was?</s><s>[agent_2]Yes, that was Benjarvus Green-Ellis!! That's pretty awesome! Can you believe ESPN won an award for the creation of the superimposed yellow line? lol</s><s>[agent_1]Hey don't knock the line man it change the way we view the game and made life easier, lol!</s><s>[agent_2]Good Point!! Lol I had no idea the NFL uses tracking chips in players shoulder pads. How crazy is that!?</s><s>[agent_1]Soon all they will be is computer chips, just like that movie. advanced men playing sports, lol.</s><s>[agent_2]You're probably right...well maybe games will be cheaper to attend then...they won't have those high salaries to pay the players!</s><s>[agent_1]Yeah right you know they'll find a way to stick to us. Did you know that if a player comes into a restaurant to eat and a cheerleader is there the cheerleader has to leave.</s><s>[agent_2]No! That seems ridiculous in this day and age!</s><s>[agent_1]Right kind of sexist. i understand about fraternization but come on.</s><s>[agent_2]Right!!!! But, yet, women can play football. The NFL doesn't have any rules against female players.</s><s>[agent_1]Well they should form a WNFL. have a good night nice chatting.</s> |
<s>[agent_1]How are you today. I heard some interesting facts about Capital</s><s>[agent_2]Good morning I'm doing well. What did you here about Capital?</s><s>[agent_1]I hit the Enter button accidentally. What I meant to say is that I read some interesting facts about Caps goaltender Philipp Grubauer. Did you know he was from Germany, not USA or Canada?</s><s>[agent_2]Well, I would say that the name Grubauer is definitely German. I don't follow hockey much but I understand he is quite a goaltender.</s><s>[agent_1]Yes. He came to Canada when he was 15 and played in youth leagues. Then he spent eight years in the minors before finally making the NHL.. That's a long time.</s><s>[agent_2]That is a long time. I read that someone said he is quiet in the net. Does that mean he doesn't talk much or doesn't move much, or do you know?</s><s>[agent_1]He didn't talk much because he didn't know English very well. Some goalies do talk a lot, they let their teammates know what's going on, especially in the defensive end.</s><s>[agent_2]Okay now I understand. I also read he is short for a goaltender. I had no idea that most goaltenders were tall.</s><s>[agent_1]If you consider 6' 1" short. As a goaltender, the bigger the better. You want to show as little net to the shooter as possible.</s><s>[agent_2]I guess that makes sense. Longer legs and longer arms would let you cover more of the net easier.</s><s>[agent_1]Exactly right. But you still need to have fast reflexes and quick motion, while wearing that heavy hockey equipment. And be ready to stand in front of that frozen hunk of rubber coming at you at up to 100 mph.</s><s>[agent_2]Hockey isn't a game for just anyone that's for sure. Between the puck and the rough play it can get pretty intense.</s><s>[agent_1]Bobby Hull used to aim his hardest slap shot at the goaltender's head early in games. So the goalie would flinch at shots later in the game. NFL players think hockey players are crazy.</s><s>[agent_2]Do you think hockey is rougher now or in the past. I remember Gordie Howe who played until forever, but they say he could really get rough.</s><s>[agent_1]It has gotten rougher. Players are more athletic and equipment is better. There were unwritten rules of conduct, knowing how hockey was your job, and that you could be retaliated against.</s><s>[agent_2]That's interesting, and football has gotten rougher, but today in baseball I see more players go on the disabled list for things as severe as a hang nail. Go figure.</s><s>[agent_1]Another neat hockey fact is that when hockey was first played in the Winter Olympics in 1924, Canada outscored the opposition 132 to 3.</s><s>[agent_2]Wow! Now that is what I call total domination. Canada has been dominant in hockey for a long time though. But I think other countries have gotten better.</s><s>[agent_1]Yes, some of the best athletes in other countries are now playing hockey. Especially the Nordic countries.</s><s>[agent_2]They still have some catching up to do. I understand the average hockey player loses around 8 pounds in one game. It must get really hot under all that equipment.</s><s>[agent_1]It's been good talking with you. Hope you have a great day.</s> |
<s>[agent_1]What do you think of Eli Manning?</s><s>[agent_2]He seems like a nice guy. He's had a long and pretty good career until recently.</s><s>[agent_1]It seems his most likely replacement, Kyle Lauletta, got into some serious trouble, almost running over a cop and other things.</s><s>[agent_2]Oh wow! I did not hear about that. Has he been charged?</s><s>[agent_1]Yes, the Giants have seen better days. They were 1-7 when it happened.</s><s>[agent_2]Yeah they certainly fell off in their performance in the last few years. Do you enjoy football?</s><s>[agent_1]Yes. It looks like the Giants have another alternative in 31 year old Alex Tanney but he has limited experience.</s><s>[agent_2]I have not heard of him. Hopefully he can bring the team back to where they used to be.</s><s>[agent_1]It's nice that after Lauletta's arrest, RB Barkley stick up for him as a good man.</s><s>[agent_2]Hopefully it was just one mistake and not representative of his character. Speaking of QB's, are you familiar with Alex Smith?</s><s>[agent_1]Yeah, he's the smart guy that took so many AP tests that he started college as a junior.</s><s>[agent_2]Yes he did. He was actually working on his master's when he was drafted. That's very impressive.</s><s>[agent_1]Yes. I think it's odd that Kellan Moore is then only left-handed QB in the NFL. You see so many left-handed pitchers in MLB.</s><s>[agent_2]Oh wow! You would think there would be more but when I think about it I don't remember seeing a QB throw with his left hand.</s><s>[agent_1]Me either... The circular huddle is common though. It started because of a deaf QB so the other team couldn't read his hand signals.</s><s>[agent_2]I would think it would be very difficult to be a deaf QB. You couldn't hear play changes or calls in your helmet and you'd think you'd get sacked more.</s><s>[agent_1]Yes, that must have been a long time ago. Did you know WW I soldiers made radios out of razor blades and pencils?</s><s>[agent_2]I did not. I had no idea you could make a radio with so little.</s><s>[agent_1]All I know is that I would probably just end up cutting myself. Back to football, it's interesting that the NFL has not rules against women playing. Go for it ladies!</s><s>[agent_2]I agree. I see no reason even with the size difference why they could not play.</s><s>[agent_1]Sure. Why not? Thanks for the chat!</s> |
<s>[agent_1]Do you like to travel much?</s><s>[agent_2]I do when I can. What is your favorite mode of travel? Would you go on a commuter bus that is designed to travel at 160 mph?</s><s>[agent_1]Wow, that would get me so many places! I wonder how safe it is, I like traveling by car, you?</s><s>[agent_2]I like traveling by plane but road trips by car can be nice too. In Japan it would not be so nice though since all their highways are tolls. To get across the country you will pay $300.</s><s>[agent_1]That is so expensive! I get mad paying 20 dollars to go to chicago and back lol. Ever been to mackinac island in Michigan, they banned motorized vehicles</s><s>[agent_2]No I haven't. Since you can only travel by horse or walk,I would probably be more in shape!</s><s>[agent_1]Me too lol! I need that around here. I wonder how it would be to be the first king to travel around the world, do you know who that was?</s><s>[agent_2]It was the King of Hawaii, though I believe that was an elected position.</s><s>[agent_1]O nice! they did it right in Hawaii I guess! Do you have a favorite celebrity?</s><s>[agent_2]Definitely not Judge Judy, though she is the highest paid celebrity after LeBron James.</s><s>[agent_1]Dang! I wonder how much she makes per episode, it must be a lot!</s><s>[agent_2]Yeah, she makes $123,000 per episode!</s><s>[agent_1]WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That is insane! I wonder what Robin Williams made for Aladdin, he led the way for famous celebrities doing animated voices</s><s>[agent_2]Yeah, why do we need famous celebrities to do voices anyway? Furthermore, why do we need them on Sesame Street? I don't think it makes me or my kids more likely to watch.</s><s>[agent_1]that is true, they have no clue who it is that is speaking or on the TV. I never thought of it that way. Anyone with a good voice is capable of making movies!</s><s>[agent_2]Right? So Carol Burnett was the first celebrity to appear on Sesame Street</s><s>[agent_1]I don't know who she is, what is she famous for? I watch sesame street with my kids and there are so many celebrities on that show</s><s>[agent_2]I am not sure, but her name is familiar. Yeah, it's pretty silly but some of the songs they make for the show are catchy, like Bruno Mars Sesame Street songs.</s><s>[agent_1]yes, and jason mraz and jason derulo, so catchy! They should have the Ethiopian celebrity chef be on their for his good deeds he does for his community. Good chatting with you!</s><s>[agent_2]Yeah, they should! Totally important to teach kids about good causes.</s><s>[agent_1]For sure, have a good day!</s> |
<s>[agent_1]Hi, are you interested in the telephone, fantasy, or William Shakespeare?</s><s>[agent_2]I am addicted to my phone.</s><s>[agent_1]Aren't we all? Did you know that our telephones convert sound, mostly our voices, into electronic signals that are transmitted via cables and other communication channels to another phone which reproduces the sounds to the receiving user?</s><s>[agent_2]Yes, It is crazy the things they can do also. Like the iPhone has more computing power than the US icbm deterrent.</s><s>[agent_1]Isn't that something? Also speaking of phones, did you know that it's impossible to separate two phone books that have their pages overlapped together?</s><s>[agent_2]I have heard that, but havent seen a phone book in ages. If I do ever find two again, I am tempted to give it a go.</s><s>[agent_1]Ha, ha, ha, me too. Did you know that the cables carrying the phone and internet data across the oceans are only 2.7 inches in diameter and just lay on the ocean floor?</s><s>[agent_2]Yeah, that must have taken a while to set down.</s><s>[agent_1]I agree. Another strange fact is that Unicef will donate a day of clean water to a child in need for every minute you do not use your cell phone!</s><s>[agent_2]That is pretty awesome. I wonder how to get signed up for that one, Ill have to look into it.</s><s>[agent_1]Yes, that sounds kind of unusual to say the least but might be worth checking out. Speaking of unusual, did you know that a single fold in the brain makes the difference between perceiving reality and fantasy?</s><s>[agent_2]That is pretty cool. The brain certainly is complex. There are so many fantasy leagues, even a spelling bee and congress!</s><s>[agent_1]Yes, and some people are fantastic with fantasy. Did you hear about a janitor from Chicago who wrote a fantasy manuscript that had over 15K pages and 300 water color illustrations?</s><s>[agent_2]Yeah, He called it in the realm of the unreal. Too bad his genius couldnt be recognized while he was alive.</s><s>[agent_1]Boy, I'll say. He wouldn't have had to be a janitor then. He would have had a higher station in life like comedic fantasy author Terry Pratchett who was knighted for his</s><s>[agent_2]Service to literature. I havent read any of his works, have you?</s><s>[agent_1]No, I haven't. But I did find out some interesting facts about literature, Shakespeare in particular. Did you know that Shakespeare invented the names: Miranda, Jessica, and Olivia?</s><s>[agent_2]I didnt know that. I knew about some of the phrases he used being still in use today, like wild-goose chase, and full circle.</s><s>[agent_1]Yes, and what about 'good riddance', 'in my heart of hearts', and 'break the ice'. Who would have figured that's where those sayings came from?</s><s>[agent_2]True, sometimes we use a phrase so much we forget about its origin. Or even what it really means.</s><s>[agent_1]I do the same thing but I do wonder where those sayings came from sometimes. Again, the 'devil incarnate'? I would have thought some writer on TV came up with that one but no, it was Shakespeare.</s> |
<s>[agent_1]Hello, do you watch NFL?</s><s>[agent_2]Yes I tried to watch every nfl game. Do you like Tom Brady?</s><s>[agent_1]I like him. I guess he is a book author now as well.</s><s>[agent_2]Yes, he got a best selling athlete bible that he believe to help him to play top games at the age of 40.</s><s>[agent_1]I guess if it works for him that is great. Did you know women can play in the NLF?</s><s>[agent_2]Yes, I like women, but I think this is too ambitious. I don't think 250 or 300 lbs. men hitting women would be safe, women's bodies aren't made for that.</s><s>[agent_1]I guess not but it would be interesting to see, maybe have more of a mix in the game</s><s>[agent_2]Yes but I can see lawsuits and low ratings, because I don't think men are going to hit women the same way they hit men. Some men can't take those hits.</s><s>[agent_1]Yeah that is true. What do you think about that cheerleader rule in New Orleans</s><s>[agent_2]That's something else, I don't understand the reason, I wonder do they get a refund if that shall happen?</s><s>[agent_1]I am not sure but having to leave because a player walks in is just strange and sexist</s><s>[agent_2]Yes you're right, that is sexist, I think women should do something about that and be able to keep their jobs.</s><s>[agent_1]Yes agreed totally there. Do you know what the highest score in football game is?</s><s>[agent_2]Yes I think it was 222-0 georgia Tech vs cumberland, which I never heard of cumberland, have you?</s><s>[agent_1]I have not and I bet you Georgia Tech are bragging about that to this day</s><s>[agent_2]Yes and I pretty sure that was cumberland coach last coaching season. I know they got teased for days.</s><s>[agent_1]Yeah, pretty sad day for them. On another topic, do you know much about the Bible?</s><s>[agent_2]Yes try to read the bible a lot, my favorite chapter is Psalm. I also learn certain verses. what about you, do you read the bible?</s><s>[agent_1]No I do not but I guess it was part of the cirriculum in elementary education prior to 1963</s><s>[agent_2]Yes you are right, several members of my family, brothers and sisters preach, though a lot of people don't believe in women preaching.</s><s>[agent_1]Oh wow did not know that is the case. Interesting fact there.</s> |
<s>[agent_1]Did you hear about James A Mirrlees death?</s><s>[agent_2]No, i did not. who is he?</s><s>[agent_1]He is a novel laureate in economics, he died at age 82</s><s>[agent_2]Oh, yeah. i think ive heard of him. he was a tax guy. He researched incentives.</s><s>[agent_1]Yeah he sure was an icon of economics sad that he died at age 82 but he was old already so its not suprising either</s><s>[agent_2]I wonder if he changed the way that govts do taxes. usually people hate taxes but they are necessary. there needs to be a balance.</s><s>[agent_1]I agree, there needs to be a balance so what are your thoughts on our government?</s><s>[agent_2]I figure that we want people to keep as much money as they can if they are in the working and middle classes. I would like to see our govt do things like the norwegian govt.</s><s>[agent_1]I would like that as well, helping the rain forest with a donation of $1 billion dollars, that is an admirable thing to do, ours should also donate to important causes.</s><s>[agent_2]yeah, they could sell some of that land in nevada donate to a good cause.</s><s>[agent_1]The government owns 86% of the land there, sounds like they have a monopoly on the land and I dont really like that.</s><s>[agent_2]Yeah, i wonder what they do with it all. is it being put to good use? is it used for experiments and alien landings?</s><s>[agent_1]I have no idea, but Im guessing theres a lot of black-sites and illegal site over there, who knows maybe they have captured aliens.</s><s>[agent_2]True. maybe the govt has the alien technology to finally stop wikileaks! LOL</s><s>[agent_1]Could be lol, sounds like wikileaks is their sworn enemy funny how they exposed the plan of the government to destroy them</s><s>[agent_2]The govt is never going to get ahead of wikileaks, which has too many backups. I figure that the govt is always going to be paranoid of secrets getting out because of them.</s><s>[agent_1]I guess so yeah, well they do hide a lot of things so its great there is a service like wikileaks out there to expose them.</s><s>[agent_2]Yeah, i feel that i would trust govt more if i knew some of these things. the more they hide, the more i worry. Govt is supposed to help the people.</s><s>[agent_1]Yeah I agree with you help them and not hide secrets from them so are you a car fan?</s><s>[agent_2]I like cars, but i am not a fan. You?</s><s>[agent_1]I do love them, my first car was a chevy and the first car ever was a Benz back in 1886</s><s>[agent_2]Yeah, i had a dodge. the thing was bullet proof. Anyway, great chat!</s><s>[agent_1]Sounds like a really nice ride, Ive always liked the brand maybe one day I will buy one of those, it was a great chat! have a nice day as well.</s> |
<s>[agent_1]hi how are you? what do you think of Kim Jong-un?</s><s>[agent_2]I heard he is editing pictures to portray a different history. If he is trying to fool people that is despicable.</s><s>[agent_1]He is a crafty one, that is for sure. i would NEVER trust that guy, mostly because of what he does to his own people.</s><s>[agent_2]I wonder if the assumption that he learned to drive at age 3 is merely propaganda to make him look more advanced than the average person.</s><s>[agent_1]Is there any truth in anything in that country? ive heard that they use a lot of amphetamine. that would make sense.</s><s>[agent_2]I guess North Korea didn't have a leader until 1948. There is a lot I don't know about history.</s><s>[agent_1]Yeah, the country was pulled apart after WW II. it had been a colony of Japan. a sad history really.</s><s>[agent_2]I don't know a lot about America's presidents either, which is disappointing because America is my native country. I didn't pay much attention in history class in high school.</s><s>[agent_1]is there a problem with server here? Sorry, I didnt pay attention in high school either LOL</s><s>[agent_2]I imagine if I was a student in zimbabwe, my ears would have perked up when I heard the first president of zimbabwe was called banana, and afterwards I would have always paid attention in history class.</s><s>[agent_1]Yeah, what a nickname! I wonder if Kim has a nickname. We should probably give Trump one too.</s><s>[agent_2]Kim Jong Un was once called the sexiest man alive.</s><s>[agent_1]Yeah, the onion did a great job on that story. It was very believable</s><s>[agent_2]Oh sorry, silly me. I guess when they said the onion they meant the fake news website. "Sexiest man alive" is a title that is dubious anyway, so even if a reputable source called him that, I still wouldn't believe it.</s><s>[agent_1]Yes, when the onion called me the sexiest man alive, i fell for it the first time. Never again! Boy, me and Kim JU really fell for that one hard.</s><s>[agent_2]I think that is a problem, that someone can unintentionally create so much influential fake news. The onion is meant to be funny, but China, perhaps not able to translate the page very well, believed it as true.</s><s>[agent_1]Yeah, the chinese govt has misread a lot of onion articles. and they never seem to learn about sarcasm, irony, and stuff.</s><s>[agent_2]It reminds me of that scare that happened in the United States when people believed an alien invasion was actually taking place based on a fictional show they heard on the radio.</s><s>[agent_1]War of the Worlds. during the broadcast they repeatedly told people it was fiction. Anyway, great chat!</s><s>[agent_2]Yeah. Do you think something similar to that has happened in other countries</s><s>[agent_1]it would not surprise me. People are gullible everywhere! Have a good weekend!</s><s>[agent_2]You too. Thanks for the chat.</s> |
<s>[agent_1]Did You know that there are 12 different blood types that a dog may have, and dogs can donate blood at dog blood drives ?</s><s>[agent_2]No i did not! It's really cool, that Google is a dog company!</s><s>[agent_1]what does it mean "a dog company" ?</s><s>[agent_2]I would assume like they allow dogs at work? Maybe because dogs can learn over a 1000 words?</s><s>[agent_1]Not sure how is that helping Google ;)</s><s>[agent_2]Moral is very important in any company! Like in a car... for google, they have a self driving car that has an aggressive mode!</s><s>[agent_1]I would never trust a self driving technology... what is that aggressive mode ?</s><s>[agent_2]Self driving technology is scary! Not scary like a horror movie though!</s><s>[agent_1]...but I love driving by myself... don't You ?</s><s>[agent_2]oh yes... it's very therapeutic for me! Love driving till i empty the tank then going to the gas station and getting the correct side because of the little arrow by the fuel gauge!</s><s>[agent_1]ha ! I hear You man ! I can't believe people would actually buy a car that drives for them...</s><s>[agent_2]Well, people are really lazy anymore these days! At least i don't live in ohio with a stupid law where you can't warm your car!</s><s>[agent_1]What do You mean ? Why can't You warm Your car ?</s><s>[agent_2]Don't know... you will have to ask Ohio... LOL</s><s>[agent_1]I mean it's good for the car to warm up... silly Ohio...</s><s>[agent_2]yeah and who want's to get into a cold car! You like horror movies?</s><s>[agent_1]love them ! :)</s><s>[agent_2]Love how scream was supposed to be scary movie</s><s>[agent_1]I didn't like "Scream" - not enough "horror" in it :)</s><s>[agent_2]oh wow... you love the gory stuff?</s><s>[agent_1]sure</s><s>[agent_2]yeah... i like a good horror movie as long as it has a good storyline!</s><s>[agent_1]I agree, story is very important ! Thank You for great chat, have a great Holidays !</s><s>[agent_2]thanks!</s><s>[agent_1]TY :)</s> |
<s>[agent_1]Are you a fan of linkin park?</s><s>[agent_2]I like some of their music, but I think their first album might be my favorite</s><s>[agent_1]Yeah, I heard that Hybrid Theory was the best selling album of the 21st century.</s><s>[agent_2]I wonder if it became even more popular when the lead singer died. Dark Side of the Moon by Pink Floyd is another best-selling one even though it was released decades ago</s><s>[agent_1]That's right he did pass. Too bad. Yeah, I heard it did well in 2014?</s><s>[agent_2]Something like that. NWA's album Straight Outta Compton is another one that's done well</s><s>[agent_1]Yeah, I used to listen to that one a long time ago. It was good.</s><s>[agent_2]It did well without a major tour or airplay. It's the first to reach platinum status without those things</s><s>[agent_1]Interesting. I'm not surprised, but if I remember correctly they had a video that was on MTV non-stop.</s><s>[agent_2]Makes sense. I wonder what a music video with the 100 year old Japanese twins would look like. They released a rap album</s><s>[agent_1]It must be pretty funny. To be honest, i wouldn't mind having a good laugh at it.</s><s>[agent_2]It would probably trend all over the internet if they made one</s><s>[agent_1]Yeah, it must be pretty funny. I wonder what they rap about?</s><s>[agent_2]Who knows? Maybe about how people are addicted to clicking links on the internet</s><s>[agent_1]I think it in general can be a very addicting thing. I can see that.</s><s>[agent_2]I mean, even those climbing Mt. Everest can find cell phone service. The internet has definitely changed things</s><s>[agent_1]Yeah, I sure can imagine if you get stranded up there it might be important.</s><s>[agent_2]Maybe. The internet is important enough that there's a copy saved in the Library of Alexandria</s><s>[agent_1]Oh I believe it. What about the "Wayback Machine?" That has a copy too.</s><s>[agent_2]There's a copy of just about everything. Even the full terms that no one ever reads when they buy a product or service with the exception of the 7% who do</s><s>[agent_1]Yeah, who reads those? I sure don't! LOL. Nice chatting with you.</s> |
<s>[agent_1]I believe that voting is so important and we should all participate. How about you?</s><s>[agent_2]Hey! Yes, definitely agree. If we don't vote for what president we want we can't complain later on!</s><s>[agent_1]I agree. Did you know that astronauts vote from space?</s><s>[agent_2]I think I read that too, so crazy but everyone should have the right to vote. I was reading that 34 per cent of black males in Alabama lost their right to vote! That's not right.</s><s>[agent_1]It's not. I'm assuming that they have the laws that Florida just overturned about criminal records in voting. I wish they would overturn it as well if so. Equally upsetting is that not all men had the right to vote in the UK until 1918.</s><s>[agent_2]Exactly! I agree. Voting in the elections has some very odd rules sometimes. Did you know in Nevada they have a choice to check none of these candidates on their polls...crazy!</s><s>[agent_1]That's very strange. Why don't they just leave it blank like everywhere else I wonder? I do think it's funny that In Austin the people voted to rename their garbage dump Fred Durst.</s><s>[agent_2]It is very strange for sure. Really, haha why in the world would they vote for that.....</s><s>[agent_1]I have no idea. Presidential elections are obviously important. Did you know that the first president of Zimbabwe was called president banana?</s><s>[agent_2]Definitely important, especially in the times we are living in now. Wow, that's kinda funny I wonder why Banana? I read that since 1900 the taller candidate has won the presidential election about 75% of the time lol think that's funny.</s><s>[agent_1]WOW! I wonder why that is? More people should turn out. The voter turnout for presidential elections has not reached over 63% in the last 100 years sadly.</s><s>[agent_2]Seriously! I would never have thought that many people don't vote, pretty sad. Voting for our president is too important!</s><s>[agent_1]I agree. Everyone has an opinion but they can't go vote apparently. Did you know that the study of results and statistics related to elections is called Psephology?</s><s>[agent_2]No, I have not heard that, very interesting though. Funny how some past presidents were very wealthy compared to others, I wonder why that is?</s><s>[agent_1]I'm sure there are many reasons. I know that JFK, Washington, and Jefferson are the three richest we've had.</s><s>[agent_2]Wow, and that was so long ago! I wonder if each president gets a different amount of would think our current presidents would have more money. It is interesting how the presidents guest house is larger than the White house, crazy!</s><s>[agent_1]Yes it is. I wonder why that happened in the first place. Maybe it was built much later. I also find it interesting that at one point the runner up in an election became the vice president. That's a crazy system!</s><s>[agent_2]You are so right! It's hard to understand how everything is decided concerning the presidential elections and everything they do lol, confusing!</s><s>[agent_1]It does seem overly complicated. A true democracy would just be each vote is counted and the most votes determines the winner. At least it's better than ancient Athens where they just had a lottery.</s><s>[agent_2]Right! I agree on that. And Indian governments would set up a polling booth inside a forest filled with lions for just 1 crazy is that!</s><s>[agent_1]That is extremely accommodating ha ha.</s> |
<s>[agent_1]What do you think about Ryans message on fathers day? I think he made a mistake.</s><s>[agent_2]What was his message?</s><s>[agent_1]We fish, we hike we do something, and then he said we got to the store ger some benison out of the freezer and I grill a huge smorgasbord. I guess this was taken out of context.</s><s>[agent_2]This was a father's day message? I don't quite understand it. Are you interested in the US presidency?</s><s>[agent_1]I follow politics, not sure if im interested but I think its important to be updated on the latest news.</s><s>[agent_2]In Guatemala close relatives of former presidents cannot legally run for president. That wouldn't work for the Bushes or the Clintons.</s><s>[agent_1]I guess that is a fair rule to prevent dictadors of an authoritarian regime to come to power.</s><s>[agent_2]The democracy is in question though. Five presidents have been elected while still losing the popular vote. Something seems wrong about that.</s><s>[agent_1]I agree, I guess we dont have the best election system, theres a lot of flaws. Did you know the president of Indonesia made three pop albums? I'm glad our president hasn't done that.</s><s>[agent_2]You never know! He still has time in office! Maybe he's do something with Kanye West.</s><s>[agent_1]That would be funny and at the same time painful to watch lol, but I think it would be more worthwhile than building a wall at the border</s><s>[agent_2]Maybe if he immersed himself in other cultures he would understand the struggles of foreign people.</s><s>[agent_1]I agree, he has to put himself in the shoes of others, so anyway have you ever had an IPhone or heard about Siri?</s><s>[agent_2]Never had a iPhone. Have heard about Siri.</s><s>[agent_1]Well you can ask Siri just about anything and it will usually have a responce, Siri is the virtual assitant of Apple phones, tablets etc.</s><s>[agent_2]Siri keeps track of me and everything I do? Sounds suspicious.</s><s>[agent_1]Sounds kind of fishy I agree, you know it was supposed to be the voice for Android and Blackberry but Apple bought the rights first.</s><s>[agent_2]Apple has the money! Technology is convenient but it can also be intrusive.</s><s>[agent_1]I agree with you, tech can be intrusive for sure, specially when every question you ask is send to a data base in North Carolina</s><s>[agent_2]Well, I enjoyed chatting with you! Have a good day!</s><s>[agent_1]Me too have a good day and be carefull with Siri you never know who is watching.</s> |
<s>[agent_1]Robert Oppenheimer sure changed history and is a curious character of history</s><s>[agent_2]He sure was a character. It would be interesting to read "American Prometheus".</s><s>[agent_1]I agree, it received a Pulitzer so it must be a really informative book for sure,</s><s>[agent_2]Many have the question of what goes on inside a man who contributed so much to the killing of so much people! and his cool attitude towards it.</s><s>[agent_1]It would be an interesting read for sure, he did led the development of nuclear weapons, the same ones that were dropped in Hiroshima and Nagasaki</s><s>[agent_2]there is another book about him, called Trinity, but I thing that one has a lot of fiction and mixed reviews</s><s>[agent_1]That would be an interesting read as well, its amazing how you can go from hero to villain in a simple lapse of time, I guess Oppenheimer was both at the same time</s><s>[agent_2]today reading is considered very healthy but did you know that in the 18th century was not like that. There was literal panic because the spread of reading novels!</s><s>[agent_1]I didnt, although info is a weapon I guess giving people books could have an effect on society specially back then.</s><s>[agent_2]I guess was something new. That is probably why it was considered a danger.</s><s>[agent_1]Yeah I agree, you know theres a person that can read 4,700 words per minute! thats crazy fast!</s><s>[agent_2]Such a talent, her name is Anne Jones and set a world record!</s><s>[agent_1]I wonder how they measure that though, do they just take Anne's word of is there a piece of tech that can actually measure that</s><s>[agent_2]I do not know why. but do you know another character that has studies a lot is Kim jong-un. He has a degree in physics</s><s>[agent_1]He does? I wonder if its even real, if it was issued by North or South Korea I would have my doubts, I think physics is a really interesting branch of study</s><s>[agent_2]Who knows, but did you know what they did to achieve a beautiful curly heir in the main character of the movie brave?</s><s>[agent_1]Yeah I heard they spend 3 years studying physics in order to achieve that, they had to get it right and apparently that wasnt an easy feat.</s><s>[agent_2]That is cool, they really achieved a beautiful hair. So much to do about studying, reading and writing. for example I did not know that Julius Caesar wrote Hercules is his youth</s><s>[agent_1]Thats interesting, I guess there are many facts to be discovered yet, are you a fan of fiction novels?</s><s>[agent_2]I love reading fiction and non-fiction. I love that reading encourages imagination. It helps with analysis and creativity</s><s>[agent_1]Yeah reading can be pretty good and enhance the mind.</s> |
<s>[agent_1]Hello, how are you? Do you like the president?</s><s>[agent_2]Hey how are you? So we're going to get political eh? I don't like the current President. Not that I would have liked Hillary Clinton either. How about yourself?</s><s>[agent_1]I do not have much choice about the topic. The president comes up, and we must chat about the president or we get the spanking and then the gas. I don't want the gas again. Thanks. Perhaps a different person for President?</s><s>[agent_2]In 2020? I hope so. I have no idea who. I'd prefer somebody that not's a Democrat or Republican.</s><s>[agent_1]I would like a different party too but it is too much to hope for. I think that elections are made simple to trick people into choosing what is not in their best interest</s><s>[agent_2]I agree. I think that goes for politics in general. Did you know Nevada is the only state to have a "none of these candidates" voting option for presidential elections?</s><s>[agent_1]I think that choice should be on every ballet. I would run as a candidate named "none of these candidates" and then I would get elected.</s><s>[agent_2]Haha. I would like to see what percentage of that state picks that option. Probably increases every election cycle.</s><s>[agent_1]I think that people want to register their discontent. They don't know what to do. How can we get good people to run?</s><s>[agent_2]You have to get money out of politics. I don't know if we'll ever see that happen. I also think it would great if more people with scientific backgrounds ran.</s><s>[agent_1]Scientists usually have little interest in politics. Too messy and illogical. Corrupt. Difficult to reason through.</s><s>[agent_2]Yeah. Although we did get Dr. Ben Carson lol. I guess that the types of person with a background that makes it through</s><s>[agent_1]I wish there were some way to change these things. Did you know that Trump is not the richest president?</s><s>[agent_2]I actually think that's incorrect. Unfortunately, Trump is the richest president in my opinion.</s><s>[agent_1]I think that the amount must be adjusted for inflation and such. I do not know how much money Trump has though.</s><s>[agent_2]Well Washington and Jefferson for example, I think even at their peak wealth when adjusted for inflation is less than Trump. Then Jefferson died broke and Washington died in debt after their presidencies.</s><s>[agent_1]I guess after their presidencies they might have had less. But I think it would be during the presidency. JFK got money from his dad.</s><s>[agent_2]Yeah the Kennedy's got rich from Prohibition. I'm pretty sure the family money came from bootlegging. I could be wrong on this.</s><s>[agent_1]I think you are right. Joe K. ran the rum. JFK got the privilege. Anyway great chat, amigo!</s><s>[agent_2]JFK certainly did get the privilege, as did the rest of the family. Nice chatting with you.</s><s>[agent_1]Nice chat!</s><s>[agent_2]Take care!</s> |
<s>[agent_1]Do you use facebook?</s><s>[agent_2]I do. Though I should use less of it, it's gotten very political.</s><s>[agent_1]Yes I do like using it as a social media platform, but I don't use it for the news</s><s>[agent_2]Can you believe Myspace turned down an offer to buy it back in 2005?</s><s>[agent_1]It doesn't even exist anymore so it can't even regret it</s><s>[agent_2]Maybe if they had gotten it for the price of only $75 million, they'd still be a company. It's valued way more now.</s><s>[agent_1]It is over 100 billion now</s><s>[agent_2]I believe it was 104 billion back in 2012, so it's probably even more now with over 2 billion users worldwide.</s><s>[agent_1]I can see that consider how much power facebook now holds</s><s>[agent_2]Right? So much so that Iceland is re-writing their constitution on Facebook so that the public can make suggestions.</s><s>[agent_1]Indeed. Makes you wonder where they will go from here</s><s>[agent_2]Not far in parts of Germany, I guess, where the "like" button is illegal.</s><s>[agent_1]Well germany is unique. Like how they blocked uber</s><s>[agent_2]I didn't realize the reason Facebook is mostly blue is because Mark Zuckerberg has red-green colorblindness.</s><s>[agent_1]I also didn't know, but even without being colorblind, I think I favor the blue more</s><s>[agent_2]I agree, but I wonder how much we're influenced by Facebook? I think Myspace was also blue.</s><s>[agent_1]Who knows? Maybe it is a social experiment testing how subliminal messages affect the masses?</s><s>[agent_2]Kind of like the one Burger King is conducting; they say if you unfriend 10 people, you get a free whopper. That's a disturbing message.</s><s>[agent_1]Indeed, yet that wasn't as subtle. Anyway thanks for chatting.</s><s>[agent_2]Maybe it will work with the younger crowd since Facebook allows members as young as 13.</s><s>[agent_1]Perhaps? I can see it better influencing younger minds. Kind of is a scary thought though. Have a nice day.</s> |
<s>[agent_1]Hi, how are you?</s><s>[agent_2]Howdy, okie do you like radio? LOL</s><s>[agent_1]I like listening to music but most of the time I listen to podcast. What about you?</s><s>[agent_2]I normally just listen to sports talk radio to get to sleep.</s><s>[agent_1]To get to sleep? What do you listen to? I listen to sports podcasts and have a few favs.</s><s>[agent_2]I try to find local stuff. But when I go to bed, there isn't to much local sports talk on the radio. Thus, I listen to one of the ESPN podcasts that's on. Hate the female sportscasters though.</s><s>[agent_1]I listen to Dan LeBatard and love that show. I dont like Chciago's local guys. Too bland.</s><s>[agent_2]Never heard of Dan LeBatard, might have listened to him on the radio...I never catch or remember the names.</s><s>[agent_1]That's fair. Plus he's in the morning. I also listen to Dan Patrick but I feel like he is getting redundant. Have you heard of him?</s><s>[agent_2]Oh yes! I've heard Dan Patrick plenty of times on the radio. I don't really have an opinion whether I like him or not.</s><s>[agent_1]I've listened to him for 12 years and it is getting too sportsy for me. And I do love sports! I would like more pop culture in there...</s><s>[agent_2]I'm surprised they don't have any pop culture radio out there. You bring up a good point.</s><s>[agent_1]They hit on it once in a while but not as much as I want. Pop culture may not be the right term... maybe stray away from sports because they are all fun and really smart. Would help the show.</s><s>[agent_2]What I really hate is when they have 3 or 4 announcers on the radio at the same time, laughing and giggling and talking over each other. It's annoying! I prefer just 1 or 2 people.</s><s>[agent_1]Yeah. I like that more too. It's always awkward when the host and guest talk over each other. I get irritated...</s><s>[agent_2]I also hate when they play sports clips that are inaudible...happens more now than back in my day. If you can't make out what's going on....why play it?</s><s>[agent_1]Yeah. They play a ton of the ambient noise in the clip and need to clean it up.</s><s>[agent_2]I graduated from radio broadcasting. My teachers would have never put up with lousy audio sports clips on the radio.</s><s>[agent_1]You did? What college? That's so exciting!</s><s>[agent_2]Ohio School of Broadcasting. Graduate in 1987. Thanks for asking</s><s>[agent_1]Nice chatting with you!</s> |
<s>[agent_1]Hello! How are you tonight?</s><s>[agent_2]Hi, I am well. How about you?</s><s>[agent_1]Same here! Do you like to watch television at all?</s><s>[agent_2]I do like television. I watch a variety of different shows. What do you watch?</s><s>[agent_1]I usually watch some shows on netflix but I like family guy and the simpsons! you?</s><s>[agent_2]I like the Family guy too! However, do you think it is good for young kids?</s><s>[agent_1]I watched it even when I was younger and I guess I turned out alright lol. Did you know there is only one episode of the Simpsons without Bart in it?</s><s>[agent_2]Damn that is pretty awesome. But did you know there are over 750 episodes of pokemon?</s><s>[agent_1]I can't believe that! That's like 50 episodes a year for 16 years straight! I didn't even know they made more haha.</s><s>[agent_2]I can't believe that South Park and Family Guy and Simpsons are all kind of related. They sometimes have references to each other.</s><s>[agent_1]Oh I know! Didn't the producers of South Park receive flowers from the Simpsons crew when they poked fun at Family guy?</s><s>[agent_2]You are right! These shows usually have soundtracks, and I think rap is a great genre. Do you?</s><s>[agent_1]I agree! I wonder what society would have been like if Eminem chose to be a comic book artist instead!</s><s>[agent_2]Rap is very interesting because it includes speech, prose, poetry, and singing. It is amazing.</s><s>[agent_1]Well said! It was the primary ingredient of hip-hop music. I didn't think the two were different.</s><s>[agent_2]Can you believe that Tupac Shakur's music is in the library of Congress?</s><s>[agent_1]I believe it! They say his music is of cultural significance. He left us way too soon!</s><s>[agent_2]Even Koreans have developed a new form of rap called compliment battle. Rap is no doubt a global trend!</s><s>[agent_1]It really is! I don't know how I feel about those rap battles but whatever lol.</s><s>[agent_2]Thank you for chatting with me. I appreciate your time!</s><s>[agent_1]And you as well! Have a great night!</s> |
<s>[agent_1]Hello, are you a music fan? I am. I adore Linkin Park, and attended one of the 2001 concerts.</s><s>[agent_2]I am. Did you enjoy their concert?</s><s>[agent_1]I did, (unlike the Creed concert that resulted in a lawsuit the following year) . I was saddened when Chester Bennington took his own life.</s><s>[agent_2]I have been to Croatia before but regret not going to see the ancient amphitheater there</s><s>[agent_1]I've never been to Croatia. However I've been to Pompeii. Unfortunately, not the day Pink Floyd recorded there.</s><s>[agent_2]Have you seen Pink floyd in concert?</s><s>[agent_1]I have not. Only tribute bands. I prefer movies, and saw The Silence of the Lambs on Valentines Day when it came out in 1991.</s><s>[agent_2]Silence of the Lambs is my all time favorite movie, then Saw.</s><s>[agent_1]I didn't care for Saw. I like Disney, but hated Treasure Planet. I wasn't the only one, since it was a huge flop.</s><s>[agent_2]Box Office ticket prices are ridiculous these days</s><s>[agent_1]They sure are. Movies are so expensive to make. Tom Hanks has a draw of over 8.5 Billion. That's insane.</s><s>[agent_2]I though you might have been watching the movie Silence of the Lambs there for a</s><s>[agent_1]No, I wish, lol. It grossed 270 million when it came out. Not bad for an old movie.</s><s>[agent_2]As popular as it seems, Disney considered Sleeping beauty a flop according to sales numbers.</s><s>[agent_1]Imagine how the animation industry would be like today, had they have taken that route.Yet, Sleeping Beauty is one of the all time classics now</s><s>[agent_2]Did you ever watch Trojan Wars. I thought it was a horrible movie and it flopped in the box office.</s><s>[agent_1]No, I haven't. They had a huge budget too.</s><s>[agent_2]I think the movie only made a couple of hundred of dollars in ticket sales</s><s>[agent_1]I think so. That's awful. I thought Chappie was a terrible movie, and it did horribly in ticket sales too.</s><s>[agent_2]I wish they would do another remake of Silence of the Lambs; Red Dragon did not do it justice and missed the mark in my opinion at the box office</s><s>[agent_1]I agree. It's hard to improve on the original though.</s><s>[agent_2]I am going to go play my piano now. Thanks.</s> |
<s>[agent_1]Have you ever tried to sew yourself an outfit? Maybe some clothes like jeans or a shirt?</s><s>[agent_2]Never I just buy them. You? I never knew apple had a clothing line!</s><s>[agent_1]I bought a sewing machine but haven't had time to use it yet. I wonder what would happen if FaceBook make a clothing line?</s><s>[agent_2]That's a really great question. I think it's interesting that rip curl makes clothes in North Korea, I didn't think that was allowed.</s><s>[agent_1]I didn't even know North Korea would be interested in making clothing for anyone but themselves. I recently saw a documentary about traveling there.</s><s>[agent_2]Yeah it looks terrible there. They have to say on the label that the clothes are actually made in China.</s><s>[agent_1]I can't wait to my my own clothing! I originally bought the sewing machine to just embroider stuff. I'm sure I won't be anything like designer Marine Serre, but I'll try.</s><s>[agent_2]Wow good luck! Apparently pilgrim clothes were very bright!</s><s>[agent_1]Meant to type "make my own clothing." If the pilgrims could make their own clothes so could we, right? I remember my Grandmother sewed some...</s><s>[agent_2]Yes for sure. Thats cool it runs in your family then. There is a store in Alabama that sells stuff from unclaimed baggage!</s><s>[agent_1]I heard about that! I wonder if they ever come across any designer stuff that's worth a lot of money? I hear that designer Marine Serre makes some really unique fashion items.</s><s>[agent_2]Yeah her Spring/Summer 2019 show sounded like it was recieved quite well.</s><s>[agent_1]I really love her idea about what she's making right now. Her clothing is supposed to be athletic but fashionable at the same time.</s><s>[agent_2]Very cool. She is very idiosyncratic in her creativity. Both body conscious and multi functional.</s><s>[agent_1]She's making such unique clothing that I've heard she's actually got evening gowns made from sports jerseys.</s><s>[agent_2]Awesome. Definitely figured out how to move street style forward without disconnecting it from its roots.</s><s>[agent_1]I think she's taken the idea of recycling clothing to the next level. It seems like she's dominating on the runway right now, and she's a newcomer!</s><s>[agent_2]True. Serre stands out because she has the craftsmanship to make her fantasies a reality.</s><s>[agent_1]Yes, and speaking of fantasy, her outfits are so lovely and feminine while not being too out of control; one could wear her clothing out and not look ridiculous.</s><s>[agent_2]Yeah good point. I wonder what soundtrack she used for her fashion show? One of the most popular soundtracks was from O'Brother where art thou.</s><s>[agent_1]That's a really great movie! I've always loved the soundtrack from the old movie Legend!</s><s>[agent_2]Yeah it was good too. Phil Collins Tarzan soundtrack was also epic. It was in a ton of languages! Nice talking with you have a great day!</s> |
<s>[agent_1]Hey what do you think about Justin Bieber? You think his marriage to Hailey Baldwin will last for a long time?</s><s>[agent_2]I think it will last as long as Kim Kardashian and Chris Humphries's marriage.</s><s>[agent_1]LOL you could be right about that. It's interesting that he posted about her on Instagram too. His love note is actually very heartfelt I think</s><s>[agent_2]I give a year. What's your thoughts?</s><s>[agent_1]Yeah I could see a year. Or they could be weird and actually have it last forever lol. I do like that Justin Bieber granted 200 wishes for the Make-A-Wish Foundation, that's very nice of him</s><s>[agent_2]Yeah. I wonder how many of these celebrities get a terrible wrap but are actually really nice people who do a lot of MAW like stuff?</s><s>[agent_1]Yep I agree. I'm curious too, it's shocking that he is the one that did the most appearances by any recording artist too. I would have never guessed that</s><s>[agent_2]Yeah. I read that his "Baby" is the most disliked video on YouTube. Would it change anyone's mind if they knew that about him?</s><s>[agent_1]I think it would change a lot of people's minds. Apparently that video is 900000 dislikes, but I actually like him or knowing that he does those Make-A-Wish Foundation visits</s><s>[agent_2]He has a few songs that I like but I do not actively seek hm out. Who's your favorite artist or band?</s><s>[agent_1]Well I don't like Ariana Grande. But she is very popular, I always thought she was Hispanic but she's actually Italian</s><s>[agent_2]Wow, I had no idea she's italian. I too thought she was hispanic.</s><s>[agent_1]Yep I agree. Funny that she has a song about female empowerment called Dangerous women, yet it was written by three men, talk about a hypocrite</s><s>[agent_2]Did you recently see pics of her on a zamboni at a pathers game? She got hit by the puck, TWICE!</s><s>[agent_1]That's funny! Apparently that happen when she was only 5 years old, she was also very talented as a ten-year-old, she co-founded a singing group called"kids who care"</s><s>[agent_2]She was on Victorious and Sam and Cat? I had no idea...</s><s>[agent_1]I didn't know that either. I like that she all the charity concert though, do you remember the Manchester bombing? She raised over $13 for the victims</s><s>[agent_2]Was that the one that she was performing at when the bomb went off?</s><s>[agent_1]Yep that's the one. Very scary in my opinion. Interesting that she was born in 1993, she's so young! Yeah</s><s>[agent_2]Agreed. I watch music awards shows and I have no idea who the performers are anymore. I feel so old!</s><s>[agent_1]Yep I agree with you! but do you like animals though, I love dogs myself</s> |
<s>[agent_1]Hello. Did you know Nintendo is over 100 years old?</s><s>[agent_2]No I didn't know that. I do know that the N64 was awesome though! I Loved f-zero that game was so fast it's a racing game</s><s>[agent_1]That was a good game. They started out as a playing card company. I didn't know they owned the Mariners.</s><s>[agent_2]No I didn't know that either. I also didn't know that they made a handheld system just for the game Pokemon back in 2001, I wonder what system that was</s><s>[agent_1]I never heard of that either. I wonder if it was only for the Japanese market? At the Mariners games, you can install an app for the 3DS to order food.</s><s>[agent_2]That's really good at makes me hungry! and yes like you said, Nintendo is over 100 years old but they started making playing cards originally, they did not start with making video games</s><s>[agent_1]I think its awesome that Xbox has controllers for quadriplegics, they can use them on other consoles too.</s><s>[agent_2]Yes I think that's really nice. I remember when Xbox first came out back in 2001, I got it on launch day, my parents got it for me while I was at school LOL</s><s>[agent_1]My son would be the one who spent $2600 to win an xbox at a carnival game...and end up with the banana with dreadlocks.</s><s>[agent_2]LOL yep unfortunately should have just bought the Xbox out right haha. Do you know that the Army uses Xbox 360 controllers? It's cheaper than making custom ones apparently</s><s>[agent_1]Yes, I did. A friend's son us a UAV pilot. Tom Hank's brother voices Woody in games and merchandise.</s><s>[agent_2]Yeah that's interesting. They probably sound very similar since their brothers haha. I remember that if you left the Xbox on for a long time you would hear weird sounds if you had the dashboard on the screen, and apparently that is a thing they intended LOL that's crazy</s><s>[agent_1]That is weird. Almost as weird as games being called cathode ray tube amusement devices, by the military.</s><s>[agent_2]Yes that name definitely sucks the fun right out of video games LOL. Do you know that humans as a whole play about 3 billion hours of video games a week?</s><s>[agent_1]I can believe it, and I wonder how many of those South korean kids under 16 abide by the 'no games after midnight" rule?</s><s>[agent_2]Yeah that would have been a problem for me as a kid haha. Do you know who Stephen Fry is? He did the narration for a lot of movies and video games like the Harry Potter video games</s><s>[agent_1]Yeah. He also did the narration for Little Big Planet.</s><s>[agent_2]Oh wow I did like that game. I never played The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy game, although I did watch the movie, did you read the book or watch the movie?</s><s>[agent_1]I have not. It's on my list. Did you ever have any of the lego knock-offs that Nintendo produced?</s><s>[agent_2]No I don't. But that does sound interesting. I wonder if they're worth any money? I do collect Lego I have a lot of those LOL I would be mad if I had some counterfeit Lego in my collection though</s><s>[agent_1]I like their architecture series. I guess some classify video games as an art form.</s><s>[agent_2]Yes I think so. I miss the days of the Xbox though. They first came out with online video games then, and I would spend a lot of time on Xbox Live</s> |
<s>[agent_1]I like when different races date and learn about each other. I think people should be open to this more often. This couple seems like they would work</s><s>[agent_2]Yeah that was a insteresting story. do you listen to music? specifically kanye west or drake?</s><s>[agent_1]Yes I like kayne west, He seems like he stands up for what he belives in. He also seems like a nice guy. I heard he even helps people and gives to his fans as much as he can. I think he does movie soundtracks</s><s>[agent_2]Sure that sounds all good on paper lol but he has been acting crazy for while now. He goes on all these uncalled for rants. I am definitely not a fan of his and his music isnt even that good and he always claims to be the best rapper ever.</s><s>[agent_1]Well I would go back and take a look at his work, He has has lots of hits. He has some of the most popular songs ever like his song gold digger. He also is very creative. I think he just feels that democrats have not done enough in 30 years and they are using blacks to get elected.</s><s>[agent_2]That is just my opinion of him, I do not like him and I personally do not find his music good reguardless of how many hits he has. They do not sound good at all to me.</s><s>[agent_1]I am not a huge fan, I like techno and alternative rock more. I also like movie soundtracks like jaws and movies with dramatic cool sounds like batman. Kanye could do movie soundtracks and impress people.</s><s>[agent_2]I recently learned that Michael Jackson helped with the sonic 3 soundtrack.</s><s>[agent_1]That is amazing, I think music can make a movie or game much more memorable. They have cool soundtracks on spotify, I even hear you can create custom playlist</s><s>[agent_2]Alicia keys was only 16 when she recorded the Men in Black sountrack.</s><s>[agent_1]That amazing, I heard that daft punk got the rights to do the tron movie. They did it in exchange for pancakes. Yummy!</s><s>[agent_2]That is interesting. They must really like pancakes.</s><s>[agent_1]It would be cool if drake did songs for movies. I heard he is a big fan of Winnie the pooh books. Most people do not know he collects them. He sound do a movie and make a gangster pooh</s><s>[agent_2]I didnt know he appeared in Justin Biebers video "Baby"</s><s>[agent_1]Yea drake is very soft and sensitive. When he did a song with Eminem he had to change his because he thought Eminems part was better.</s><s>[agent_2]How does that show he is soft and sensitive? He probably just wanted his part to sound as good as eminems</s><s>[agent_1]A rapper being in justin bibers videos is soft in my book. Plus what grown mad collects whinne the pooh books. He also was on a teen show called Degrassi.</s><s>[agent_2]lol k. That video is pretty old, maybe he was just getting noticed and making appearances, doesnt really mean he is soft and sensitive. Winne the Pooh books are classics, they will probably be worth a lot in the futur..</s><s>[agent_1]His dance moves are very girly also. If you see him dance in his video Hot line bling you will know. He got a Grammy for that song.</s><s>[agent_2]I have seen that video. I dont think that his dancing is girly, just a different style. But I do not like that song, it doesnt sound good to me.</s><s>[agent_1]Do you like his song Gods plan, I heard it broke streaming records. That song is pretty good.</s> |
<s>[agent_1]Do you know that cars were invented in 1800's?</s><s>[agent_2]I think the late 1800's right? do you know who invented the first car?</s><s>[agent_1]I don't know. However, Benz had the first patent.</s><s>[agent_2]ah interesting, also crazy is that the first drivethrough was invented by McDonalds</s><s>[agent_1]I heard. It was in 1975 to accommodate soldiers.</s><s>[agent_2]ya, that makes me hungry! I think it's cool that flamethrowers are legal in South Africa! I could use those to melt the snow on my driveway</s><s>[agent_1]I do not think it is legal in the US.</s><s>[agent_2]no but I wish we could make a mad max style freeway haah, do you know about why cars rear's are called trunks?</s><s>[agent_1]I do not remember. Please tell me why they are called trunks.</s><s>[agent_2]well old cars used to have wooden trunks in the back to carry stuff so I guess that name just stuck haha</s><s>[agent_1]That was interesting. There are a lot of new things I learn from chatting with people.</s><s>[agent_2]ya did you hear about the guy who became a professional car driver? he did it after beating 90k people in the videogame gran tourismo</s><s>[agent_1]That was also interesting. I guess his reflex improved greatly because of video games.</s><s>[agent_2]ha it must be that, do you know about the history of detroit at all?</s><s>[agent_1]I do not know. Please tell me about it.</s><s>[agent_2]well it was founded by Antoine de la monthe cadillac, he's also teh person that cadillac cars is named after</s><s>[agent_1]When you mentioned Detroit - is it about the city in Michigan?</s><s>[agent_2]yes it is, I live in Michigan actually and even I didn't know that about Detroit haha</s><s>[agent_1]I did not know that Cadillac (the name) had to do with a Frenchman. I thought it had to do with the US.</s><s>[agent_2]ya me neither, do you watch the Simpsons at all?</s><s>[agent_1]I did years ago but I have no time now. Anyway, I've got to run. It was nice chatting with you.</s> |
<s>[agent_1]Hi, how are you?</s><s>[agent_2]Well thank you. Do you enjoy any form of entertainment like hockey or driving?</s><s>[agent_1]I do like both of those things. Do you?</s><s>[agent_2]I am not too familiar with hockey, but I have read up on it recently though</s><s>[agent_1]Nice. When Alex Ovechkin won the stanley cup, he went on quite the binge!</s><s>[agent_2]Is Alex Ovechkin a famous hockey player?</s><s>[agent_1]Yes, he played for the washington capitals. They won the stanley cup last year and he went on a media tour and drank all summer.</s><s>[agent_2]That sounds very interesting. Anything else?</s><s>[agent_1]No, just that he really liked drinking that summer. Do you have a favorite NHL team?</s><s>[agent_2]I would say I'm familiar enough to have a favorite NHL team. However, I did hear that a goalie caught on fire when a puck hit a pack of matches in his pocket</s><s>[agent_1]What! That's crazy! In the first olympics canada scored 132 and gave up only 3!</s><s>[agent_2]Is it true that some people watch hockey for the violence? I heard hockey rinks used to only have 1 penalty box, so players would often continue their fight there</s><s>[agent_1]Yes. There was a hockey player that was traded for $1 and went on to win 4 cups!</s><s>[agent_2]Do you know his name? I bet the team who traded him sure regretted it. Kind of sounds like the hockey version of tom brady</s><s>[agent_1]I do not know his name. I do know that hockey players lose on average 8 pounds per game...</s><s>[agent_2]I think that is the dream of every dieter. I wonder how many calories they have to burn to lose so much</s><s>[agent_1]It's probably water weight. Although if I could lose 8 pounds by playing one game of hockey, sign me up!</s><s>[agent_2]Aside from hockey do you hold other interests such as in cars or music?</s><s>[agent_1]I like them both, music more than cars. What about you?</s><s>[agent_2]What do you think about rap?</s><s>[agent_1]I like it, if it is well done. If not, it's a dumpster fire...</s><s>[agent_2]What do you think about the rapper drake? I recognize his talent and his achievements although I am not too big a fan of his music</s><s>[agent_1]I am indifferent... Nice chatting with you!</s> |
<s>[agent_1]do you watch football?</s><s>[agent_2]Yes I did Snoop Dogg wrote a song for his son's football team once</s><s>[agent_1]Wow nice. Bowlers used to make more than football players in the 60s</s><s>[agent_2]I guess it was a more popular sport back in the day</s><s>[agent_1]Make sense right? Do you know what the highest score in college football is?</s><s>[agent_2]Hmm I am not so sure, it is a big difference?</s><s>[agent_1]It sure is, 222-0 Georgia Tech versus Cumberland</s><s>[agent_2]WOw that a score. Did you know more than half of major stadiums are in the US?</s><s>[agent_1]Really? Wow. Did you know ESPN won an Emmy once?</s><s>[agent_2]I did not. What did they win it for?</s><s>[agent_1]For the superimposed yellow line. Did you know women can play in the NFL?</s><s>[agent_2]Did not know that. They are using chips to track the players in the field</s><s>[agent_1]Nice. WHat are they tracking, anything specific?</s><s>[agent_2]Yes they track for velocity and rotation and balls speed and a bunch of stuff</s><s>[agent_1]Nice I wonder if that can be used in any way to make the game safer</s><s>[agent_2]Good point. Did you know a coach used to be a rocket scientist?</s><s>[agent_1]REally that is a huge jump in career who is that?</s><s>[agent_2]That is Matt Patricia and you are right about the career jump for sure</s><s>[agent_1]Yeah. Do you like association football?</s><s>[agent_2]I do like it. Do you know players run 7 miles per game?</s><s>[agent_1]That is a lot of miles, wow</s> |
<s>[agent_1]Hey how are you? You know who Kelly Towles is by chance?</s><s>[agent_2]Hi! I'm good. I'm afraid I'm not familiar with her. Where would I know her from?</s><s>[agent_1]Not really sure, she's an artist but I'n not sure how famous. She was in DC from their Dream Day celebration, seemed pretty cool</s><s>[agent_2]Nice! Maybe we can talk about fish? lol</s><s>[agent_1]For sure, fish are crazy. You go fishing much? I was never aware that seahorses had the only necks of any fish.</s><s>[agent_2]I didn't know that either about them. Yes. I do fish a lot I actually live right on a lake.</s><s>[agent_1]Nice, I used to fish when I was younger, not so much anymore. Zebrafish sound very human like, 84% of their disease genes are like humans.</s><s>[agent_2]That's interesting. Have you ever seen a black swallower fish? I'm not familiar with them but they can eat prey that is twice the length of their bodies and 10 times their own weight. Yikes.</s><s>[agent_1]That's crazy, just happy dogs can't do that. Jellyfish are pretty insane too, some are immortal.</s><s>[agent_2]Isn't that crazy? Freshwater fish only drink through their skin via osmosis, while saltwater fish drink through their mouths. That's kind of odd. I always wondered how a fish drank since they are always in the water. lol</s><s>[agent_1]For sure, I heard that a lot of fish from the furthest depths of the ocean are found to have plastic in them, that's super scary.</s><s>[agent_2]That is sad. I was reading about that the other day ironically. All the plastic in the world eventually makes it's way into the water supplies. Terrible actually.</s><s>[agent_1]True, some people still don't get how big of a problem that is, which is even scarier. Dogs though, they get it.</s><s>[agent_2]I like dogs. I have a couple of them. Did you know that dogs and elephants are the only animals that instinctively understand pointing?</s><s>[agent_1]Really, would never have guessed that. I love my dog, I don't know what I</s><s>[agent_2]Google is a dog company...they put it their code of conduct that they are a dog company. lol</s><s>[agent_1]I've heard that, they also do the hunting, herding, pulling loads, military stuff and companionship, truly mans best friend.</s><s>[agent_2]Yes they are! Did you know that they aren't color blind? They just can't see as many different colors as humans can.</s><s>[agent_1]I have heard that, I wonder how they know that. If you're ever in Istanbul, you should find some recycled bottles and use them at the vending machines that releases food and water for stray dogs.</s><s>[agent_2]Isn't that a cool they do that. Too bad something like that can't happen here in the states.</s><s>[agent_1]For sure, people would rather have that 5 cents than feed dogs I'm sure. I gotta go take my dog for a walk though, great chatting. Have a great night!</s><s>[agent_2]It's been fun! Have a good night!</s> |
<s>[agent_1]Hi there! Watching a bit of racing today. I love cars! Cars came into global use in the 20th century and developed economies depended on them.</s><s>[agent_2]Oh nice. Yeah I like cars too. 1886 was considered the birth of the modern car!</s><s>[agent_1]That's cool! One of the first cars accessible to the masses was the 1908 Model T.</s><s>[agent_2]Oh nice what a classic. I also like the brand Cadillac which was named after the founder of Detroit.</s><s>[agent_1]I like Cadillac too. McDonalds' added drive thrus in 1975 to accomodate soldiers who could not get out of their cars while wearing fatigues.</s><s>[agent_2]Glad they did now they are everywhere! The trunk is called that because it used to actually be a wooden trunk!</s><s>[agent_1]Oh that is cool. In South-africa it is legal to equip your car with flame throwers to prevent carjacking. Sounds like good entertainment.</s><s>[agent_2]Yeah I would love to see that. Like an action movie! I like playing car racing videos but I never knew people like Jahn Mardenborough could use them to become pro!</s><s>[agent_1]Amazing what people can do. In addition to cars I am a mini fan of video games. I know the Nintendo entertainment system (NES) could only display 54 colors.</s><s>[agent_2]Wow. I loved that system so much despite that underwhelming stat. Japan finally gave it the axe back in 2003!</s><s>[agent_1]I can see why. It was a bit of a dinosaur. So I like movies as well. Hard to believe that former President Regan was rejected for a movie role because he did not have the "presidential look". I guess he proved them wrong!</s><s>[agent_2]Yeah he definitely did. I would love to see that entertainment executives face when he got elected!</s><s>[agent_1]Me too. Hilarious, I'm sure. Not sure if you watch Judge Judy, but she makes 123k per episode!</s><s>[agent_2]Jeez that is hard to fathom is she that popular?! I find it interesting how entertainment has evolved over the years. It can be adapted to suit any scale.</s><s>[agent_1]I would agree. Have you heard of Bill Nye, the science guy? He got his big break by winning a Steve Martin lookalike contest.</s><s>[agent_2]Yeah I used to watch his show! Glad we have tv now. People in 50bc bred chickens for entertainment!</s><s>[agent_1]Oh that makes me glad to have TV. That had to have been a long time ago!</s><s>[agent_2]Yeah apparently that's what Caeser observed when he went to Great Britain for the first time.</s><s>[agent_1]Oh wow. I'm glad that entertainment has evolved and can be adapted for all!</s><s>[agent_2]Yes I agree. I understand the point of it is to keep an audiences attention, but they have achieved that so well. Sometimes I just can't look away.</s><s>[agent_1]I know, same!</s><s>[agent_2]Well nice chatting with you. Have fun watching cars which replaced those old horse-drawn carriages.</s> |
<s>[agent_1]Hi, how are you?</s><s>[agent_2]I am fine. How about you?</s><s>[agent_1]I am well. Do you pay attention to the international happenings?</s><s>[agent_2]A little bit. Everything that goes on in the world will definitely affect other countries. It's interesting how people have become so much more knowledgable about other countries since we have tv and radio.</s><s>[agent_1]Yeah. I am intrigued by the Russian international motication. What are they trying to do? I guess they could say the same about the US...</s><s>[agent_2]Probably so. Although, Russia is no stranger to trying to control other countries. Just look at its history.</s><s>[agent_1]Yeah. I worry about countries like Ukraine, not strong enough to be an international player so they have to bend to the will of large super powers like Russia. I do not care about their officials. I care about the ones who lose their loved ones to chemical attacks by their president or Iraq's citizens through Hussain.</s><s>[agent_2]It is a terrible world. I love to travel, but it is getting more frightening to set off of US soil. So far, our country has been very blessed in spite of the problems that we face.</s><s>[agent_1]I agree. I feel like I won the geography lottery when I see what other countries are going through. Feel like lightening this up a little?</s><s>[agent_2]Yes. By all means. There is enough dispair. Speaking of travel. I love to travel whether in the US or outside. The beauty of the US is wonderful no matter where one goes. I've been all over the US.</s><s>[agent_1]Nice. Where is the best spot you have been to?</s><s>[agent_2]I love Montery, CA. A beautiful place with great mid temperatures all year round.</s><s>[agent_1]Really. Where is that in CA? In Napa Valley?</s><s>[agent_2]No, closer to San Jose on the West Coast. Around Carmel.</s><s>[agent_1]Nice. Have you ever been to Mackinac Island?</s><s>[agent_2]No, but I understand it's a very calm place, with no noisy, pollutants called motor vehicles. ;)</s><s>[agent_1]I saw that on a previous hit and looked it up... the houses are beautiful and the island is so nice looking. It is in michigan though so it has cold winters...</s><s>[agent_2]That's for sure. It must be very cold there now. It's cold everywhere. It's a good time to stay in the house and watch TV or listen to the radio. Can you imagine the intelligence of those who invented these things that keep us occupied these days.</s><s>[agent_1]I know. And the evolution of the stuff too. I remember switching the TV with a knob and getting yelled at by my dad for turning it too quickly.</s><s>[agent_2]Ha. Do you remember the circle in the middle of the screen when there was no programming. The good old black and white. Wow, now the screens are huge and beautiful projections. I wonder what Edison would say about "smart TV's"?</s><s>[agent_1]A little more advanced than his lightbulb! Nice chatting with you!</s> |
<s>[agent_1]Isn't it amazing that British politicians were forced by law to wear a top hat.</s><s>[agent_2]I wonder what the story is on that. I'm going to look up bowler hat</s><s>[agent_1]The bowler hats were extremely popular in the old west.</s><s>[agent_2]I looked at a picture of bowler hat. I think I like cowboy hat better. Or those Mexican hats. Those are cool</s><s>[agent_1]They do look very similar to the cowboy hats, no wonder they were so popular.</s><s>[agent_2]They are cute but maybe that's why I don't like them. I don't see kippa mentioned</s><s>[agent_1]I like to wear hate. I tip my hat to greet people when I'm wearing one.</s><s>[agent_2]I don't like to wear a hat unless it's to keep the sun out of my face</s><s>[agent_1]Are you afraid of snakes?</s><s>[agent_2]No, I think they are kind of cool. We have a snake man around here who visits jails and hospitals with his snakes. The kids love it</s><s>[agent_1]That's surprising. Like most people and other primates, I'm so afraid of snakes.</s><s>[agent_2]oh ya I saw this cat video where people had a cucumber and the cat thinks it's a snake and freaks out</s><s>[agent_1]I guess chats are scared of snakes too then. There are places in the world where there are no snakes at all.</s><s>[agent_2]I meant to write Reptile man, not snake man. He has a webpage</s><s>[agent_1]I think snakes are reptile. Snakes are different from lizards though.</s><s>[agent_2]I'm going to look up "legless lizard"</s><s>[agent_1]I've seen those before, they look like snakes, but they're not snakes.</s><s>[agent_2]wow, interesting! My daughter works for a veterinarian that sees pretty much any kind of animal</s><s>[agent_1]There are so many types of snakes, I'm sure she has seen all of them including flying snakes!</s><s>[agent_2]I should ask her. People have all kinds of pets like turtles and spiders</s><s>[agent_1]I just have a dog as my pet.</s> |
<s>[agent_1]Do you listen to the radio? I used to but now not so much.</s><s>[agent_2]When i kid i listened to baseball games and music. These days i never do. Speaking of radios, did you that Jupiter has radio storms so strong they can be picked up by AM radio?</s><s>[agent_1]I wonder what they sound like. Jupiter Storms. Sounds like the name of a chick band or something.</s><s>[agent_2]Lol. I would go see the Jupiter Storms in concert. I would if it sounds like crackles or just weird static.</s><s>[agent_1]I guess it would then. May be better than most of the noise I hear on the radio now a days.</s><s>[agent_2]True. I would how good Canadian music is. By law 40% of the music on radio in Canada has to be Canadian</s><s>[agent_1]I think that the fix is in. The canadian govt must make money off that somehow. They are stealing or taxing or something.</s><s>[agent_2]It is surprising, perhaps they figure no one wants to listen to Canadian music so they require radio stations to play it, weird.</s><s>[agent_1]That is some sort of fascist communism if you ask me. Canada sounds like a hard place to live. Well for radio at least.</s><s>[agent_2]Do you like classic radio dramas? I listened to some old Dragnet radio programs that I downloaded off a website for free.</s><s>[agent_1]That sounds dusty and old. Could you understand the langauge though? English was different then I bet. The radio English is different from the television English.</s><s>[agent_2]It sounded kinda of tinny and the sounds effects were really loud and the music was really dramatic. I enjoyed them.</s><s>[agent_1]That would make sense. No pictures means its got to be EXTRA dramatic on the ears. Lots of spooky music and such.</s><s>[agent_2]Can you believe soldiers in World War II made radios using razor blades and pencil. That is real Macguyver like.</s><s>[agent_1]I guess when bullets are whizzing past you, you get real creative real fast. I figure they would use anything they could. Dental fillings, anything.</s><s>[agent_2]I wonder if the President of Indonesia, who has released 3 pop albums while in office is on the radio there.</s><s>[agent_1]I think he has the right idea. Get into office, use the office to sell albums, get that music career going, retire and become a big name producer.</s><s>[agent_2]Yeah, probably makes more money from the music than politics anyway.</s><s>[agent_1]Trump could then end up the richest if he can get that second term in and win a grammy.</s><s>[agent_2]You almost made me spit out my drink, too funny. I wouldn't rule out anything for Trump now. I thought he no chance to become president.</s><s>[agent_1]I think he is clever. He is friends with Kanye so they could hook up on an album. Anyhow, good chat.</s><s>[agent_2]You too, bye</s><s>[agent_1]Thanks.</s><s>[agent_2]k</s> |
<s>[agent_1]Poetry is an art that is getting forgotten</s><s>[agent_2]It is one of those that I feel like I don't always understand, but love to hear the analysis of and see how deep it can get. For instance, there is a poem where if you read it one way it's sad, but read it in reverse and it's actually inspirational!</s><s>[agent_1]Wow, I bet that poem required a lot creativity, wrtting a poem with completely different meanings, oposing genres, genius</s><s>[agent_2]There is one guy that wrote a poem of over 220 words in palindrome (where it is the same backwards and forwards -- like "nurses run")!</s><s>[agent_1]Sounds really hard, did you ever read one of Edgar Allan Poe's poems?</s><s>[agent_2]I think I read a couple. I feel like I know them so well because of horror and Halloween stories. I know "The Raven" was pretty popular. Do you think he made a lot of money with that poem?</s><s>[agent_1]Not really in fact he only made $9 for the publication of that poem, seems really underpaid</s><s>[agent_2]Wow! That is crazy! I hope he had a good day job. Maybe just regular fiction works would have been better financially.</s><s>[agent_1]I hope he did as well, the raven is like his most popular poem and selling it for $9, business was slow, he also wrote cyborg fiction,</s><s>[agent_2]That's pretty cool. If he'd had a black character in it in the 1950s that was worthy of banning a science fiction comic!</s><s>[agent_1]That sounds really racist, theres a wiki rank of fictional characters according to power and abilities, I wonder who is the strongest hero</s><s>[agent_2]Maybe like a Superman type or Hercules? Funny thing, future emperor Julius Caesar actually wrote Hercules based fan fiction when he was younger. I wonder what that was like.</s><s>[agent_1]I bet it was pretty good, it was about Hercules and Oedipus, I wonder if he was good.</s><s>[agent_2]Game of Thrones author, George RR Martin, might not have cared for it. Maybe Caesar would get a pass, but Martin doesn't care for fan fiction at all!</s><s>[agent_1]Yeah I heard he hated fan fiction, he doesnt care about it at all so changing the subject a bit do you use computers a lot?</s><s>[agent_2]It seems like that is what I do the vast majority of my day. I'm not ready to upload my mind to a computer or memory stick like transhumanists, but it is like an extension of me some days.</s><s>[agent_1]I agree theres so much we dont understand about the human mind, Transhumanist must be missing key elements of the human essence.</s><s>[agent_2]Are you a PC or a Mac? Be warned that being a smoker an an apple computer user could actually void the warranty as they see it as a biohazard if someone smokes by it. I am neither, but that's beside the point.</s><s>[agent_1]I have a mac and I dont smoke but its good to know, seems kind of random to void a warranty because of that,</s><s>[agent_2]Maybe they should have tried to make a water-based computer, which apparently the Russians were able to make in 1936. I do wonder what sort of "computer" that was though.</s><s>[agent_1]I wonder if they still make computers that ran on water, not sure is the best idea to mix water with tech</s> |
<s>[agent_1]Do you like to swim?</s><s>[agent_2]Yes, I live in Maine so i have to go the Y in winter. How about you?</s><s>[agent_1]Oh, I love swimming! But it's been too long! Something like 16 to 18 years! I'm Native American and I just found out that we introduced the front crawl swimming stroke to the west when we beat the british who only used the breaststroke!</s><s>[agent_2]That is awesome! Hey, did you that Michael Phelps has more summer gold medals than most countries? Isn't that crazy</s><s>[agent_1]No, I didn't know. But it's easy to believe that guy is amazing! I've heard that he eats so much food, to have that kind of energy!</s><s>[agent_2]Yes, I thought I heard he used to eat 6000 calories a day because he burns so many calories training in the pool. I would assume he has cut back on his eating now that he is retired.</s><s>[agent_1]I sure hope so! There is a type of competitive swimming where the athlete has their hands and legs bound, and swims like a dolphin! I use to tie my feet together with shoelace and pretend to be a mermaid!</s><s>[agent_2]Too cute. Did you know that most swimmers won at the 2008 Olympics wearing a type of swimsuit that was so good it became banned?</s><s>[agent_1]No, but I'm going to try to buy one for when I do go swimming again. I aim to do it this summer no matter what! Especially considering that swimming is among the top public recreational activities, I feel so left out not having done it in so long.</s><s>[agent_2]You should. It a great low impact workout. Find a nice place to swim and go for it!</s><s>[agent_1]Oh yeah, I absolutely have to! It's like a primal instinct and I can't take it anymore! I was reading about Cornell University and I guess they require students to pass a basic swim test before the can graduate.</s><s>[agent_2]My daughter's college in Massachusetts used to but not anymore. Just don't tie your feet with shoelaces anymore especially in deep water lol</s><s>[agent_1]Yeah, that was pretty dangerous now that I think about it! And also I'm not as spry as as I used to be. Haha! Did you know that in 1936, the russian's made a computer that ran on water?</s><s>[agent_2]I did not. That sounds different. I wonder how powerful it was considering it was 1936.</s><s>[agent_1]Probably not too powerful, but hey, what do I know! I was shocked when I found out that the space shuttle's general purpose computer runs on only 1MB of ram! No idea how they managed that!</s><s>[agent_2]Me either. Did you know that Bell made a manual computer from cardboard in 1968 to show high school kids how computers work?</s><s>[agent_1]That's a great way to teach the kids about computers! I hope they don't turn into transhumanists! That's people who want to upload their minds to computers and memory sticks! Sounds scary to me!</s><s>[agent_2]I agree. I am already creeped out by the people who use those VR gadgets on their face. They look like that have left out world for another.</s><s>[agent_1]Yeah, those sounds completely dangerous! No thanks! I deal with enough drama without not being able to see what's right in front of me!</s><s>[agent_2]Did you know Ada Lovelace wrote the first computer algorithm? Her name sounds made up like from a children's story.</s><s>[agent_1]No, I didn't know, but I think that's a very pretty name! Sadly I smoke cigarettes and thank goodness I don't use an Apple computer. Because if I did, smoking near the computer would void the warranty on account of it being "Hazardous Waste!"</s><s>[agent_2]I don't like to nag but you know cutting back on your cigarettes would help your health and your swimming this summer. Sorry for nagging</s><s>[agent_1]:) It's perfectly fine! I appreciate it! I do plan to quit soon! I've been making big lifestyle changes and seeing all these great results! It was so nice chatting with you!</s><s>[agent_2]Same to you. Have fun swimming this summer!</s><s>[agent_1]Thanks I will! You have a wonderful night! :)</s><s>[agent_2]byre</s> |
<s>[agent_1]I used to work as a professional t-shirt slinger. I know a lot about t-shirts.</s><s>[agent_2]ok, I worked for Diesel USA, tell me something interesting about T-Shirts ;)</s><s>[agent_1]When they are made in the USA, they are never truly made in the USA. The thread and fabric is usually made in Honduras and then shipped to an American territory for cheap assembly and to be able to say Made in America.</s><s>[agent_2]yes that's a common concept. There are multiple locations with cheap labor - maybe not Europe but Chile, Honduras, Peru - I've seen it before !</s><s>[agent_1]You really can't knock it. T-shirts are synonymous with affordable attire. On the subject of shirts, I almost can't believe they were an exclusively male garment originally.</s><s>[agent_2]Really ?</s><s>[agent_1]Yeah! But it's hard for me to not picture a t-shirt and jeans lifestyle. Most women used to wear dresses made out of rice sacks</s><s>[agent_2]ok I have to ask - when the heck was that ?</s><s>[agent_1]Well in the early 19th century I think. I'm not 100% on that knowledge, but I know from movies and books that it was a really common practice.</s><s>[agent_2]I know that polo shirts were originally invented for tennis</s><s>[agent_1]I would have guessed they started for polo, haha, but I guess that came later.</s><s>[agent_2]Good point, but yeah, I believe it !</s><s>[agent_1]I can't believe the Chinese cultural phenomenon of layering as many shirts as possible. That seems really uncomfortable.</s><s>[agent_2]They got this from making swords I guess as many layers as possible</s><s>[agent_1]One thing I could definitely get behind is Hawaiian business attire.</s><s>[agent_2]I have no idea what that is. why is that ?</s><s>[agent_1]Hawaiian business attire is officially an aloha shirt instead of a suit and tie.</s><s>[agent_2]oh the aloha shirt!</s><s>[agent_1]Well I suppose some jobs you could wear, or not wear, that too.</s><s>[agent_2]I just don't see that attire as a good idea :)</s><s>[agent_1]Do you know anything about basketball?</s><s>[agent_2]I love to play, I watch rarely</s><s>[agent_1]Same here. I haven't watched an NBA game since the Chicago was on top.</s><s>[agent_2]when was that ?</s><s>[agent_1]Mid-early 90s</s><s>[agent_2]ahhh... those were good times... was MJ still playing?</s><s>[agent_1]Yep. I remember the height of Jordan. Nike, Wheaties, Space Jam.</s><s>[agent_2]Space Jam. I loved Space Jam. I remember it earned a lot of money !</s><s>[agent_1]It really hit a lot of pop culture on the nose with Looney Tunes and all the NBA stars</s><s>[agent_2]Oh, that's right, there was more famous players in that movie, not only MJ</s><s>[agent_1]Larry Byrd was a good one. He kind of looks like Tweety Bird.</s><s>[agent_2]lol :) I've never heard that. Charles Barkley was one of the players if I remember correctly</s><s>[agent_1]Yeah. Did you know that physicists proved that shooting "Granny Style" was the most effective method in basketball?</s><s>[agent_2]lol... really ? It looks like it's so easy to block it ?</s><s>[agent_1]Most NBA players refuse to do it because it looks silly.</s><s>[agent_2]ohh come on. That I would watch :)</s><s>[agent_1]Did you know that MJ wasn't allowed to wear Air Jordans?</s><s>[agent_2]yes, I think I've heard that one before, so funny. Hey, thanks for chatting ! It was great</s><s>[agent_1]Yeah, Nike paid his fine so he could do it anyways.</s><s>[agent_2]lol good old Nike :) have a great day my friend :)</s> |
<s>[agent_1]Do you like horror films?</s><s>[agent_2]Not crazy about them unless they're real good like Steven King's Misery, but I think that's more thriller.</s><s>[agent_1]Probably! You see the first horror film that stephen king saw?</s><s>[agent_2]Yes lol. bambi funny. Far cry from what he writes today.</s><s>[agent_1]Yeah... bambi was pretty scary though for a cartoon... so was Dumbo too!</s><s>[agent_2]Maybe that's why boy from the shining didn't know he was acting in a horror firm. Now that was down right creepy.</s><s>[agent_1]Holy cow! REally? That is creepy... but imagine how he felt once hee saw the film?</s><s>[agent_2]Was reading the section on animals. There are about 20 quintillion of them. What a number. That's even higher then the national debt!!lol</s><s>[agent_1]Hahahaaaa... now that's funny! That is a high number... but give it time... it will get there! LOL</s><s>[agent_2]That's the first I've heard that number. How about hiccups being a holdover when animals had both gills and lungs. Weird.</s><s>[agent_1]That is interesting for sure! Love that the Lochness monster is a protected species!</s><s>[agent_2]Gonna have to remember that one. And maybe shave my dog's head to see if she has a white patch on her forehead!!</s><s>[agent_1]really? I don't know if i buy into that!</s><s>[agent_2]Thats one for google. All my dog and cat lover friends I think I'll starting calling them ailurophiles or cynophiles and see the looks they get on their faces.</s><s>[agent_1]Well... i would surely give you a look of what the.... Funny the first cloned animal was a cat and they named it copy cat!</s><s>[agent_2]That's clever actually. Although I think cloning is weird. I wonder why you don't "own" pets but are guardians in boulder, co.</s><s>[agent_1]Because they are a weird state and don't believe in owning anything that is alive</s><s>[agent_2]OH..makes sense I guess. I always was a aware thatTeddy Roosevelt had a bear and hyena. Didn't know he had over 20 pets though. Now he was a weird one too</s><s>[agent_1]That's true... and what the heck does one person do with that many pets?!?</s><s>[agent_2]Let them chase the white house aides around!!</s><s>[agent_1]hahaaaaaa... great chat! have a good one!</s> |
<s>[agent_1]Do you listen to rap music?</s><s>[agent_2]Yes, I do. How about you?</s><s>[agent_1]I listen to it occasionally, but I have a hard time finding really good artists. Do you prefer mainstream hits or smaller artists you find on your own?</s><s>[agent_2]I like both, actually! My favorite all time rap artist is Tupac Shakur.</s><s>[agent_1]Tupac's music is classic. I think he influenced the entire rap world. It's a shame we won't hear more from him!</s><s>[agent_2]I know, gone way too soon! But, I hear his music is in the Library of Congress, so it will be preserved for future generations.</s><s>[agent_1]Makes you wonder what else is in the Library of Congress! I wonder if they have some of Eminem's music in there too. He's a favorite of mine.</s><s>[agent_2]They probably do, he's an icon of Rap music, also. Didn't know he wanted to be a comic book artist before he became a rapper, though. Very multi talented person!</s><s>[agent_1]He's also an inspiring one. When he was involved in a lawsuit once, the judge rapped her ruling at the person filing against him. I wish I could have seen that.</s><s>[agent_2]Me too, but it was super cool. Good for her!</s><s>[agent_1]One of the things I really like about rap music is how good it is to dance to or keep time while exercising. Funny enough, your favorite artist Tupac danced ballet in high school!</s><s>[agent_2]Yeah, that's wild, isn't it. Can't picture Tupac ballet dancing, at all. Have you heard any of that new typr of rapping called compliment battle?</s><s>[agent_1]I haven't. It sounds a lot friendlier than diss tracks, though. Where did it originate?</s><s>[agent_2]Apparently, in Korea. Wonder what they do try to give each other better compliments than the other person?</s><s>[agent_1]Maybe they have to make the longest or most poetic comment they can without missing the rhythm or breaking rhyme. If it's a freestyle rap, they'd have to be pretty inventive.</s><s>[agent_2]It probably suits their gentle nature better than American style in your face battles, that can get very ugly!</s><s>[agent_1]I'd definitely prefer a compliment battle. I think I'd feel bad in a rap battle if I was just trying to diss the other person, and I doubt an apology rap would win me any points.</s><s>[agent_2]You're so right about that! On a different note, did you know Steven Spielberg played the clarinet on the Jaws soundtrack?</s><s>[agent_1]I didn't even know he played music. Isn't it enough to be such a talented director? Leave some talent for the rest of us!</s><s>[agent_2]Control, is what came to my mind. he knew what he wanted it to sound like and when it didn't, he took things into his own hands and got it done, his way.</s><s>[agent_1]It's like the old saying, "If you want something done right, do it yourself." If he knew he had the ability, I applaud him for also taking responsibility for making sure the soundtrack was what he wanted.</s> |
<s>[agent_1]Hi, do you use facebook</s><s>[agent_2]I don't really use it. How about you?</s><s>[agent_1]I feel like I am on it all the time. Myspace actually turned down an offer from them to buy it in 2005.</s><s>[agent_2]I guess Myspace didn't see the potential or thought they could do it themselves. I wonder how things would have turned out.</s><s>[agent_1]It could have been life changing for them. Do you know why Facebook is mainly blue?</s><s>[agent_2]I figured that it was the best look. A cool, soft look. REd is a bit hot.</s><s>[agent_1]Zuckerburg is actually colorblind. So I think its blue cause he can distinguish it.</s><s>[agent_2]Oh, that makes sense. I guess he would choose something he could see.</s><s>[agent_1]Yes. The Like button is actually illegal in a part of Germany.</s><s>[agent_2]I wonder what's up with that. The Germans don't like people to like things? Maybe there should be a HATE button. Or a dislike button. LOL</s><s>[agent_1]LOL, yeah. I think that the Like button was initially going to be the Awesome button.</s><s>[agent_2]That would make sense for the younger generation to pick the word AWESOME. I guess in my day, they would pick COOL or RAD or GNARLY.</s><s>[agent_1]True. Did you hear about Burger Kings Promo?</s><s>[agent_2]The one about unfriending people? Make enemies for fast food calories! LOL. I wonder how well the promo did.</s><s>[agent_1]Maybe good, they keep doing it.</s><s>[agent_2]I guess it would get people out of the house. They would still bring their phones though.</s><s>[agent_1]People are attached them, I know I cant live without my iphone.</s><s>[agent_2]I don't use one. I found it a distraction. I need to focus on things, and the phone gets in the way.</s><s>[agent_1]It helps me a bit, I use it a lot for work</s><s>[agent_2]I guess that's true. It is valuable for work. For many adults, it's a pacifier. Anyway, I enjoyed chatting!</s><s>[agent_1]Same here. Have a great day!</s> |
<s>[agent_1]do you like jazz music?</s><s>[agent_2]I sure do. Did you know CLint Eastwood is also a huge fan?</s><s>[agent_1]Yes and he also loves the piano too</s><s>[agent_2]Yes. A woman in harlem hosts free concerts in her apartment every day</s><s>[agent_1]Yes for 20 years now and many people stop by there</s><s>[agent_2]Yeah. Do you know who has the best jazz orchestra in the world?</s><s>[agent_1]Yes that is Pakistan, strange a bit but good for them</s><s>[agent_2]I know. Do you know why trumpeters have a goatee?</s><s>[agent_1]Yes because it is more comfortable when they play</s><s>[agent_2]Yes. Do you like Pixar?</s><s>[agent_1]I sure do, they also have a room where only celebrities are allowed in</s><s>[agent_2]Yeah. Did you know RObin Williams was the voice of Aladdin?</s><s>[agent_1]Yes and he started that trend of celebrities doing voices</s><s>[agent_2]Yeah. Did you know LeBron is the only one that makes more than JUdge Judy?</s><s>[agent_1]Yeah. Carol Burnett was the first celebrity on Sesame Street</s><s>[agent_2]Yeah. Did you know Texas elected their first female governor when some others statements had not even ratified the amendment?</s><s>[agent_1]Yeah. DO you know the songs Come Together by the Beatles?</s><s>[agent_2]Yes it was written for a California Governor's campaign in 1969.</s><s>[agent_1]Yeah. Do you know where Schwarzenegger lived when he was governor?</s><s>[agent_2]Not in Sacramento, he travelled everyday there though</s><s>[agent_1]Yes and he used a private jet every day</s> |
<s>[agent_1]Hey! Do you like comedy? Do you watch it?</s><s>[agent_2]I love comedy. I watch a lot of stand-up and comedy movies.</s><s>[agent_1]Nice. I've read that comedy central cancelled over 100 different shows since creation in 1989. It looks like a lot.</s><s>[agent_2]That is a tremendous amount. I suppose when I think about it a lot of the shows I've watched over the years are no longer on and they've had lots of shows that were cancelled very quickly.</s><s>[agent_1]It's just interesting how they make desion about cancel. It's just totally new industry for me.</s><s>[agent_2]With a lot of them I could tell that the viewership was very low. Critical and user ratings were bad and I didn't know anyone who was watching them.</s><s>[agent_1]True. It's the most important. I've noticed political satire is becoming more popular for the last years. It could be because of Trump. It is used to portray persons.</s><s>[agent_2]I think it's always been huge but it does seem to be in more shows that may not have done it since he took office. Did you watch the movie The Green Lantern?</s><s>[agent_1]Is it about 2011 or 2012? Yes, I watched it.</s><s>[agent_2]Somewhere around there. Did you know that it was originally going to be a comedy with Jack black?</s><s>[agent_1]Really??? I had no idea... Wow! It's surprising me!</s><s>[agent_2]I can't imagine it could have been any worse so I don't think it would have mattered.</s><s>[agent_1]Well, I honestly don't remember it very well since it was long time ago, but it means this movie didn't impress me. Have you watched Incredibles 2?</s><s>[agent_2]I did not but I did see the first a very long time ago.</s><s>[agent_1]Yes, it was in 2004. One funny fact: Director Brad Bird used artists who were likely to either quit or be fired from Pixar. He believe only they can create what he wants.</s><s>[agent_2]That's very interesting. I'm glad he took notice of them and gave them work. That seems very nice.</s><s>[agent_1]I honestly didn't watch yet. I was sick when my friends went to watch it. Just changing a topic. Ronald Reagan was once rejected for movie role and he was told that he didn't have "that presidential look". It made me smile haha</s><s>[agent_2]Oh wow! That was a huge mistake on their part. How ironic.</s><s>[agent_1]All this movie inustry is about ability to achieve something meaningful. You never know.</s><s>[agent_2]Are you a fan of Bill Nye by any chance?</s><s>[agent_1]Not really. Are you?</s><s>[agent_2]I am. I grew up watching him. Did you know that he got his break by winning a Steve Martin lookalike contest?</s> |
<s>[agent_1]Do you watch much football?</s><s>[agent_2]No, not much, but I do find the sport fascinating. It is such an American classic pastime, at least for spectators.</s><s>[agent_1]It really is. There are so many things to learn about the game. I have watched on and off for years but still learn new stuff.</s><s>[agent_2]Did you know that technically women could play on NFL teams? Nothing forbids it?</s><s>[agent_1]Really? I wonder what keeps them from playing then.</s><s>[agent_2]Me too! It seems like someone would have jumped in by now! Maybe women are just too smart. Football seems dangerous, and I heard that the average engineer actually makes more money over their lifetime than the average NFL player.</s><s>[agent_1]I would imagine unless the players are getting lots of endoresements or have a super long career they aren't bringing in the amounts of money that people think they are.</s><s>[agent_2]Yeah, there are an awful lot of players on each team, and some don't last long. What do you think about Tom Brady of the Patriots. I heard he is trying to promote football as a whole lifestyle, maybe even religion, sort of thing.</s><s>[agent_1]I think he is just trying to scam people.</s><s>[agent_2]Yeah, that is about my opinion too. I am guessing it is his plan for making money when he has to leave the sport.</s><s>[agent_1]probably setting himself up for some sort of supplement company or books or something. He can't really believe all the stuff he is saying. It is just ridiculous.</s><s>[agent_2]I agree. It surprises me that so many people fall for that stuff. And Gotham Chopra being involved? It is all so weird!</s><s>[agent_1]I'm glad to see there are people that are skeptical of it. I think so many will fall for this drivel just because he is famous.</s><s>[agent_2]Yes, but you have to admit, the Patriots have a good record, at least in recent years. And they seem to thrive under pressure.</s><s>[agent_1]they do. I wonder how much money the owner is spending on them to get those results. I wonder if they are making the profits to make that worthwhile.</s><s>[agent_2]I'd be curious to know too. They do have quite the history. Did you know their former player, Benjarvus Green-Ellis never fumbled the ball during his whole career with the NFL.</s><s>[agent_1]wow. That is quite the feat! I wonder why we don't hear more about him?</s><s>[agent_2]Me too! And I'm not a huge football follower, but I can't help wondering at how it really seems to be an American passion only for the most part. I wonder if the U.S. would be different if its "football" was soccer or rugby or another sport that was a little less violent.</s><s>[agent_1]I don't know if I would classify rugby as less violent. It is like football without padding only everyone is wearing soccer cleats.</s><s>[agent_2]Yeah, probably not, but at least the players don't seem to be hiding behind gigantic uniforms. Regardless, I certainly hope more Americans don't start considering Tom Brady's lifestyle suggestions their Bible!</s><s>[agent_1]I really hope so too! He is not the right kind of guy to follow.</s> |
<s>[agent_1]How's it going, do you like horror film? Many were inspired by Edgar Allen Poe, Stroker, and Mary Shelley</s><s>[agent_2]Yes, I just found out about the latest one that I want to see call "A Quiet Place". It's a silent thriller starring real-life married couple John Krasinski and Emily Blunt and is the No. 1 movie in the country. I liked that horror movie called</s><s>[agent_1]Yea I heard A Quiet Place got great reviews and Kraniski did a great job writing it</s><s>[agent_2]What I meant to say earlier was that I liked that movie called "Get Out", it was really suspenseful and full of outrageous surprises. I like Stephen Spielberg's sci-fi dramas as well.</s><s>[agent_1]Get Out got good review too. Apparently Steven King considers Bambi the first horror movie he's ever seen</s><s>[agent_2]Actually, I totally agree with him, as a child I was horrified when the hunter shot Bambi's mother. . Did you know that watching horror movies can burn up more than 180 calories?</s><s>[agent_1]No, that's pretty amazing, maybe I should try a horror movie diet to burn calories</s><s>[agent_2]Also, did you know that you watch a horror movie before you look at abstract art, you will enjoy the art more?</s><s>[agent_1]I heard that before, I wonder how that works. I might have to google abstract are after watching a horror movie</s><s>[agent_2]The sub-genres of horror films are so numerous and include low-budget horror, action horror, comedy horror (my favorite), body horror, disaster horror, found footage, holiday horror, horror drama, gothic horror , natural horror, zombie horror, first-person horror, and finally teen horror and that's probably not all of them.</s><s>[agent_1]I prefer the macarbe and supernatural themed horror, movies, I'm not too much into slashers</s><s>[agent_2]Remember the Shining? Danny, who played the boy, did not know he was acting in a horror film until several years later (although he was really little in that movie).</s><s>[agent_1]Yea, that's a pretty scarry movie, I wonder how the actor who played the movie had no idea it was a horror movie when filming a lot of his scenes</s><s>[agent_2]Well if you remember that movie, the plot was centered on the father who was stricken with the intrusion of an evil force who make him a murdering slasher dude.</s><s>[agent_1]Yea but wasn't there a scene with danny and the dead twins and the elevator full of blood or am I misremembering?</s><s>[agent_2]Yes, that too so all of them were overtaken by an evil force out of their control, lol. Did you know that the majority of creepy metallic noises in sci-fi or horror movies are made by an instrument called a waterphone?</s><s>[agent_1]No but even the instrument name sounds creepy. Did you know Bill Murray thinks Kung Fu Hustle was a supreme achievement in comedy?</s><s>[agent_2]Yes, I even actually remember watching that on SNL. It was really funny but so was most of it back in those days. How about 3rd Rock from the Sun winning the Golden Glob for best comedy series in 1997?</s><s>[agent_1]That's pretty surprising 3rd Rock was able to beat out Friends and Seinfeld during their primes</s><s>[agent_2]Yes, and did you know that the creator the python programming language named it partly to honor the B</s><s>[agent_1]Nope, that's pretty cool. Well I got to go, nice chatting with you</s> |
<s>[agent_1]Do you have a Facebook account?</s><s>[agent_2]I do. I checked it still but I've been spending less time on it because it's become so toxic.</s><s>[agent_1]It is toxic, I agree with you it has become a big company though, now worth $104 billion!!</s><s>[agent_2]Oh wow! That's an insane amount for a social network. I'm sure it's from the billion ads that I see every time I go there.</s><s>[agent_1]Yeah I guess its a great place to post your ad, its cheap and many people will see it, Burger King had an interesting promotion that involved free whoppers.</s><s>[agent_2]What was interesting about it?</s><s>[agent_1]If you unfriended 10 people you would get a free whopper! I love free food, too bad I didnt catch that one</s><s>[agent_2]What a strange promotion. I can't imagine what Burger King had to gain from that?</s><s>[agent_1]Yeah seems a bit random maybe they just hate Facebook, did you know Iceland is rewriting its constitution using Facebook?</s><s>[agent_2]No but that seems like a terrible idea. Every time I read a string of public comments on Facebook I question our education system so I can't imagine doing that ha ha.</s><s>[agent_1]I agree it does seem like a terrible idea with all those varying opinions out there, do you know why Facebook uses blue as its main color?</s><s>[agent_2]I do not. Why is it blue?</s><s>[agent_1]Its blue because Mark Zuckerberg suffers from a form of colorblindness</s><s>[agent_2]I was not aware of that. It worked out because the color scheme is very pleasing to the eye.</s><s>[agent_1]I thought it was a marketing strategy used to lure new users to the platform, did you know about that town in Germany that has the like button as an illegal thing</s><s>[agent_2]I did not. I wonder why they would do that? I could understand maybe if there was a dislike button but I don't understand banning a like button at all.</s><s>[agent_1]It seems kind of random I agree, but anyway do you like horror films?</s><s>[agent_2]I absolutely love horror films. Are you a Stephen King fan?</s><s>[agent_1]He is my favorite horror author, why do you ask?</s><s>[agent_2]Did you know that the boy that played Danny in the Shining did not know that they were filming a horror movie?</s><s>[agent_1]He didnt? that is really funny, I guess its a good thing he got protected from that, that is a scary movie.</s> |
<s>[agent_1]Do you like snakes? I had a pet corn snake once. Mostly I see them in my garden, or see my cats trotting along with them in their mouths, LOL.</s><s>[agent_2]Cool! I am curious about them for sure. Since I'm from the US, I should be able to see my fair share unlike the people in New Zealand where there aren't any!</s><s>[agent_1]That seems to be true of a lot of islands. I have a friend from Hawaii who says there aren't any snakes there, and the same is supposed to be true of Ireland.</s><s>[agent_2]That's a good point. Wherever they are, though, I'd like to steer clear of the snakes that essentially fly in an effort to catch their prey.</s><s>[agent_1]That sounds pretty scary. The ones I've seen aren't quite that mobile, LOL. I found a snake skin under my bathroom sink, so apparantly one found its way in there during molting season.</s><s>[agent_2]It's a good thing you are a fan, most of us would be moving. I wonder how legless lizards differ from snakes?</s><s>[agent_1]Parallel evolution, I guess. I have a lot of lizards here too -- skinks all over the place in hot weather. I find them sometimes where my cats have killed them.</s><s>[agent_2]How about crocodiles? Apparently they are closer relatives than birds than snakes or lizards. May it's like that one odd Uncle that we have who doesn't seem to fit the genetic makeup of the rest of the family.</s><s>[agent_1]I just saw an article where some biologist was planning to genetically reengineer birds into dinosaurs by reactivating the junk DNA a bit at a time.</s><s>[agent_2]That should be must-see tv if it works! Could you imagine if it worked the amount of viewers something like a real dinosaur would get?</s><s>[agent_1]I think the scientist was the same guy who originally worked as a consultant for Jurassic Park, LOL.</s><s>[agent_2]Are you a fan of the Simpson's? I can recall an episode when Homer went back in time to the Jurrasic age, but I think he sneezed and completely changed the course of history. Of course Bart played some role, because there is only one episode that he wasn't in or even mentioned.</s><s>[agent_1]I loved that episode. I remember he came back and everything seemed the same again, until Marge said "what are donuts" and he screamed in horror.</s><s>[agent_2]That's right! LOL. Never got as much into South Park or Family Guy, but I know the Simpson's people sent flowers to them after a finale was aired. That was cool.</s><s>[agent_1]Yeah, I didn't care as much for South Park or Family Guy either. But I loved The Simpsons. I think I stopped watching them around 2002 when it seemed like they jumped the shark.</s><s>[agent_2]With kids, all of those can be dangerous. It's much easier to pop in Thomas the Tank Engine. Do you know about some of the famous narrators that show has had?</s><s>[agent_1]I knew about Ringo Starr and George Carlin, but not Alec Baldwin. I should check out that show.</s><s>[agent_2]They all will give you 52 episodes of enjoyment! If you get finished with that, Pokemon has like 750 episodes to keep you occupied for pretty much ever!</s><s>[agent_1]I've never been much of a Pokemon fan. Do you like them?</s><s>[agent_2]Not really, but it's been an impressive run of shows! Unlike when they tried doing a UK version of That 70s Show and it only lasted 10 episodes.</s><s>[agent_1]I guess it didn't translate very well to their culture. Nice chatting with you!</s> |
<s>[agent_1]Are you an NBA fan? I've heard the players can make more money through endorsements than playing.</s><s>[agent_2]I am a huge fan. WHo is your favorite player/team?</s><s>[agent_1]I like the Warriors. I am surprised that Tim Duncan stayed in college. He could have gotten money if he had started playing sooner!</s><s>[agent_2]Very true. I am surprised that there still is only one canadian team.</s><s>[agent_1]Toronto is a big city, but there are other cities like MOntreal and Vancouver that could support a team. I wonder why they don't have them.</s><s>[agent_2]I would have thought there would have been more expansion by now either in Canada or Mexico</s><s>[agent_1]The same thing should happen for NFL and MLB teams as well. The number of teams can expand without hurting the existing teams.</s><s>[agent_2]The NBA athletes are paid better than in the other sports</s><s>[agent_1]I know that NFL players can get fired easily. Not so with NBA players. I see that Iverson has an insane contract with Reebok. He gets a ton of cash at age 55. He's gotta stay alive, though!</s><s>[agent_2]I never really liked him as a player or Reggie Miller</s><s>[agent_1]Who is your favorite player? Jordan?</s><s>[agent_2]Yes, he is one of them. I like Bird and Curry too</s><s>[agent_1]I'm surprised that Air Jordans were banned by the NBA. I wonder why.</s><s>[agent_2]They had not bee approved by the NBA before hand and the NBA hadn't gotten their piece of the profit</s><s>[agent_1]You're right! Money was the issue. The league got its cash through fines. I think it's funny that granny style shooting is the best way to shoot free throws. I know Rick Barry shot them underhanded.</s><s>[agent_2]Give it to Rick to be one of the NBA's most unique players</s><s>[agent_1]I wonder how he would fare in today's NBA with the three-pointers and such.</s><s>[agent_2]Possibly given the accuracy. Look at Curry for example, his accuracy keeps him on the court not as defense.</s><s>[agent_1]The game has changed since the 80s and 90s when it seemed to be about big men battling it out in the paint. Do you know that the rim is twice the size of the ball? Most people don't realize how big the rim is.</s><s>[agent_2]We need a few female players in the NBA, players like Cheryl Miller</s><s>[agent_1]How would fans react? I know that the NFL can allow women, but the NBA? There is already the WNBA.</s><s>[agent_2]But I don't think we need two leagues</s> |
<s>[agent_1]Hello. Do you own a domestic dog?</s><s>[agent_2]Yes her name is Dodo and she likes to run, hop, and play. You?</s><s>[agent_1]I have two: Gunner and Ruger! I think domesticated dogs are the best pet to have!</s><s>[agent_2]Google would agree with you as their code of conduct states that they are specifically a dog company</s><s>[agent_1]I think the US should do as Istanbul does and have a vending machine of food and water for all the strays. What an amazing idea!</s><s>[agent_2]Yeah I just saw a video on that. Pretty cool. I thought the dogs were being primed to bring the bottles to the machine but seems like they need humans to do it.</s><s>[agent_1]haha well that would be pretty amazing if they were! Out of all the animals, it's crazy to think only dogs and elephants understand pointing!</s><s>[agent_2]I wonder why that is. The direct ancestor of the dog is extinct so maybe during the dinosaur days these first 'dogs' befriended cavemen who pointed at all the tigers trying to eat them</s><s>[agent_1]That's very interesting! I don't know how I didn't know that dogs can't see that many colors.</s><s>[agent_2]Yeah I wonder if dogs will one day be able to talk to each other on the telephone and have their sounds be converted into electronic signals</s><s>[agent_1]haha hmm well maybe so! Who knows what will happen in the future. Id like to say crazier things have happened.</s><s>[agent_2]are you referring to our last presidential race?</s><s>[agent_1]Ha, well I wasn't but that could work!!</s><s>[agent_2]I'd say telephones are pretty crazy in how they function, I mean just imagine in the future if we could transmit atoms and molecules through a device and teleport</s><s>[agent_1]I agree. How interesting that an iphone has more computing power than the entire US Nuclear icbm deterrent. Cell phones really are an amazing thing.</s><s>[agent_2]Totally, did you know that new york's area code is 212 because it was the fastest number to dial on a rotary phone</s><s>[agent_1]I did not know that! I love that Unicef donates a day of clean water for every minute you don't use your phone!</s><s>[agent_2]I think they only did that for a specific month back in 2014. Crazy that a $5 donation can provide 200 days of clean water to someone</s><s>[agent_1]200 days?! wow! It's hard to believe there are cables laying on the bottom of the ocean floor that carry phone and internet data.</s><s>[agent_2]Yeah I wonder if WW3 ever emerges that enemy countries would have deep sea divers cut those cables or somehow intercept the data</s><s>[agent_1]I like the way you think...makes you really wonder!</s><s>[agent_2]Back in WW2 alan turing created a device to decipher Nazi messages, and it can be argued that it helped to win the war. good speaking to ya</s> |
<s>[agent_1]Do you like golf?</s><s>[agent_2]I can't say that I do. I find it very boring to watch, and it's really hard to play haha. What about you?</s><s>[agent_1]I find it boring as well and also a waste of water lol, a golf course consumes 321,000 gallons of water per day, seems really excesive to me</s><s>[agent_2]Seems excessive to me too. What about the golf course that's in Dubai though? That one uses four million gallons of water a day, that's insane!</s><s>[agent_1]Wow 4 million gallons that is insane I agree, too much water, must cost a fortune to keep it running</s><s>[agent_2]I agree with you. And I think water is going to continue to get more expensive. Did you ever know that Babe Ruth actually played golf? And he was famous for it? I only heard about him playing baseball</s><s>[agent_1]I didnt and I guess he was a natural athlete, Samuel L Jackson also likes to play golf, I wonder if his good</s><s>[agent_2]Yeah I bet he's really good haha. In his contract he specifies that he should be able to play golf twice a week during movie productions. I can see that you would only do that if you were really serious about the game</s><s>[agent_1]If anyone can get producers to agree to that deal its Samuel L Jackson, after all he is the leader of the Avengers and he doesnt even have powers,</s><s>[agent_2]You're right! Maybe that's one of his powers is super golf haha. Do you watch any television by the way?</s><s>[agent_1]Who knows maybe we will watch that skill in the new Avengers movie lol, and I do, its one of my favorite activites.</s><s>[agent_2]Yes I love television. I like to watch it and have it on in the background even, do you like South Park? That's one of my favorite shows</s><s>[agent_1]I love South Park, the old Kenny dies stunt never ceases to amuse me lol</s><s>[agent_2]Haha I know right. You'd think it would get old by now but it just doesn't LOL. Did you ever see the one where they make fun of Family Guy by the way?</s><s>[agent_1]I haven watched that one, but they seem to have a great relationship with the cast of Family Guy and also with the crew of the Simpsons,</s><s>[agent_2]Yeah that was pretty funny. I also think it's pretty funny that there's an episode of The Simpsons without Bart. Did you see that one? Do you know why he is not in it or mentioned?</s><s>[agent_1]I did watch that one and I though it was pretty odd, The Simpsons have two key characters, Homer and Bart, without them the show would be about a regular family</s><s>[agent_2]Yes I agree. They're definitely the most interesting ones. Have you ever seen the show That 70s Show? I guess they tried to remake it for that England market and it definitely flopped haha.</s><s>[agent_1]I used to love that show and remakes tend to be really bad, I heard it had a lame name '' Days like these'' terrible name</s><s>[agent_2]That is a terrible name. And they canceled it after only 10 episodes, I wonder if anyone in the UK was super into it but then it was canceled afterwards LOL that would be a bummer</s><s>[agent_1]That would be a bummer lol, they can always watch the original show,</s> |
<s>[agent_1]Do you think Rotten Tomatoes is a good site for reviews</s><s>[agent_2]I don't know. I tend to shy away from reviews. Although Netflix has almost 150 reviews on there with a 100 percent rating.</s><s>[agent_1]Can a movie get a 100% rating I can only think of one or two, the company is owned by Warner Bros</s><s>[agent_2]If it was myself doing the ratings, I would be hard to give any movie a 100 percent review. Nothing in the world is 100 perfect except maybe our kids. lol Spykids received a 93 percent on there.</s><s>[agent_1]I thought Spykids was a great movie, but 93% seems really excesive lol</s><s>[agent_2]Yes! No video game on there has ever achieved higher than a 44% rating.</s><s>[agent_1]Do you like Legos? did you ever play with them as a child or even later?</s><s>[agent_2]I did! I think that's like a rite of passage for all children to play with Legos. There are so many Legos that if they were divided out to every person on earth, each person would own 86 lego bricks!</s><s>[agent_1]86 bricks per person no kidding! its a good thing the company is replacing their oil-based plastics and searching for a friendlier alternative to the environment</s><s>[agent_2]Yes! I agree. As of July 2015 600 billion Lego parts had been produced. That's a lot of plastic!</s><s>[agent_1]A lot of plastic and a big impact to the environment, did you hear about that graffiti artist, the one that painted a Lego bridge?</s><s>[agent_2]I didn't until you just told me! Lego replaced Ferrari as the worlds most powerful brand in 2015.</s><s>[agent_1]I guess every kid likes to play with Legos, do you like Batman? he is my favorite hero</s><s>[agent_2]I do! Hard to believe he originally appeared in a comic book in 1939!</s><s>[agent_1]Yeah it was DC comics #27 comic book, the Dark Knight what a great name and story, a hero without powers</s><s>[agent_2]Yes! Batman's Gotham City is located in New Jersey according to DC Canon.</s><s>[agent_1]That manor must be worth a lot of money then lol, there was a villain named Condiment King, funny how he was defeated</s><s>[agent_2]lol Did he slip on his own ketchup by any chance?</s><s>[agent_1]Yeah he did lol, thats how he was defeated,</s><s>[agent_2]Funny stuff! Did you know that Adam West has a batman logo on one of his molars?</s><s>[agent_1]I bet the Joker laughed at the Condiment King, and no I didnt know that about Adam West</s> |
<s>[agent_1]Hey there, happy New Year.</s><s>[agent_2]Happy new year to you. Are you excited about the Spurs game on Monday?</s><s>[agent_1]I am, I really enjoy Popovich as a coach, he brings a real energy to the game</s><s>[agent_2]Definitely. When you think of San Antonio, you always think of the Spurs. This is common knowledge for those who know or don't know basketball.</s><s>[agent_1]True, but lately it seems to be all about the Warriors, who were actually founded in Philadelphia in 1946. They've been so dominant as of late, it's hard to think of anyone else, especially with Seth Curry playing the way he does</s><s>[agent_2]They played the spurs recently, and the spurs won.</s><s>[agent_1]Yea that's true, but the Spurs seem to be changing. With three of Popvich's assistants possibly interviewing for head coaching jobs, and Parker aging (the guy is 36), they're going to be rebuilding possibly</s><s>[agent_2]Yeah, many say it's the end of an era for the Spurs. Manu Ginobili retired at the age of 41. I wonder who will pick parker up.</s><s>[agent_1]Yea but they held off Father Time for a while. They shifted from Ginobli to Parker to Leonard, and won 5 titles along the way. So it's not like they haven't had success along the way.</s><s>[agent_2]There doesn't seem to be stability left in the team. Future may appear to be murky.</s><s>[agent_1]At least they'll still have Popovich. He's been there for over 20 years, which is pretty rare in professional sports.</s><s>[agent_2]Strategies still work, I guess. I wonder how much he gets paid. Do they get more than entertainers?</s><s>[agent_1]I mean Hugh Laurie got paid 700k per episode in House, so even if there was 20 episodes a year on that, which would be $14 mill a year. I'm not really sure how much NBA coaches make compared to that, but I doubt it's that high</s><s>[agent_2]they aren't the athletes who can get endorsements like Air Jordan. I should investigate this on my free time.</s><s>[agent_1]That's true, I mean Allen Iverson signed a lifetime contract with rebook that paid him 800k a year until he's 55, at which point he'd get a final lump sum payment of $32,000,000</s><s>[agent_2]That's crazy. I wish I got 32M. I would have had to have started when I was a kid. Playing all through my life, and hope that I don't stray away or get injured. Beats NFL.</s><s>[agent_1]Yea no kidding, but even if you're not being injured, you've still got people telling you how to do your job. Physicists proved that shooting "Granny style" is the best technique to score points on the line. But that looks stupid, so nobody does it</s><s>[agent_2]And If i do become injured, I can become a coach! Win Win..</s><s>[agent_1]Then you can coach players like Lebron and Kyrie Irving, both former members of the Cleveland Cavs, and then win a championship and make a ton of money that way.</s><s>[agent_2]Yah. And they were two of three number one picks to have ever won a championship in the last 20 years. Just having 1 player isn't enough. It's a team sport!</s><s>[agent_1]Very true</s> |
<s>[agent_1]Hello! How are you today?</s><s>[agent_2]Good, and you? Are you on Netflix? I'm curious about which is the cheapest deal between them and Amazon Prime.</s><s>[agent_1]I am! I think Amazon Prime is the better deal because you get more with the membership, but both great!</s><s>[agent_2]Thanks. I'm just looking for the cheapest way to get access to most movies and TV shows. I'll have to do more research.</s><s>[agent_1]Just think, Netflix started because of a late fee lol.</s><s>[agent_2]Some of the best things were started out of spite. They'd better learn from their own example, because people could very easily go to pirating stuff if they become too expensive or complicated to use.</s><s>[agent_1]I agree with you on that one. I know they made people mad raising their prices up just a buck or two!</s><s>[agent_2]And a lot of media corporations are trying to start their own streaming services for their content so that people will have to be nickel and dimed subscribing to a whole lot of different services, which I expect will lead to an upswing in piracy.</s><s>[agent_1]Oh for sure. I guess we are lucky we can even view that content. People in China, Syria, North Korea, and Crimea can't even watch Netflix!</s><s>[agent_2]I hope they can benefit from circumvention tools against their governments the same way we can against corporations.</s><s>[agent_1]We'll see! Do you watch television at all? Have you ever seen pokemon on tv?</s><s>[agent_2]I've never been a Pokemon fan at all, but I don't have cable now and about the only TV I see is binge-watching old series on boxed sets. That's one reason I'm interested in streaming services. How about you?</s><s>[agent_1]You are one of the few left! I don't have cable but have all the streaming services lol. Well when you get it, you'll have to watch all the Simpsons episodes. There is only 1 episode where Bart isn't in it!</s><s>[agent_2]I'm curious which one that is. I used to love the Simpsons but stopped watching around 2002 when I finally decided they jumped the shark.</s><s>[agent_1]I wonder if they will ever get to the 750 episodes that Pokemon has put out? I probably haven't watched in a couple years.</s><s>[agent_2]That's an awful lot of episodes. Did they produce a lot of them at the same time?</s><s>[agent_1]Well it averages out to be 50 a year for 16 years. Talk about job security!</s><s>[agent_2]Ah, I didn't know it was that long-running. But live action TV series generally only do about 13 episodes a year, so that's still pretty prolific.</s><s>[agent_1]You know kids are so demanding these days lol. I can't believe so many stars voiced for Thomas the Train!</s><s>[agent_2]I never watched that but I've heard a lot of good things about it. George Carlin and Ringo Starr both voiced for it, right?</s><s>[agent_1]Yes and Alec Baldwin! Anyways, I had a great chat, have an awesome day!</s> |
<s>[agent_1]Hello are you a fan of baseball</s><s>[agent_2]Hello! I like the New York yankee's! how about you?</s><s>[agent_1]Not really a fan of baseball personally</s><s>[agent_2]I don't follow it but I like Baseball! The world series is always exciting! The New York Yankees have a lost player....never found! How odd.</s><s>[agent_1]That is odd... a man once found some 1900s baseball cards in his granfathers attic and they where worth 3 million bucks</s><s>[agent_2]Wow, lucky! Did you know kickball is considered a type of baseball in Canada? Interesting!</s><s>[agent_1]That is interesting! Baseball is so popular in Japan that many fans are suprised to know it is considered Americas national pastime</s><s>[agent_2]That's funny, it has always been America's favorite pastime! I wonder if they take Baseball as serious as American's do lol, or if they watch the world series as well.</s><s>[agent_1]I have no clue... so you are a yankees fan</s><s>[agent_2]Yes, they are a very interesting team. Way back in 73 2 of the Yankees pitchers swapped families, permanently, pretty odd.</s><s>[agent_1]That is odd.. Bobby Richardson is the only person to win a world series mvp despite losing the series.. I know the Yankees are pretty well known bbut not to much else about baseball</s><s>[agent_2]Yeah, I don't know many Baseball teams. I do like the world series because it is pretty exciting to watch. Long ago, the women's world cup had higher tv ratings than the world series though.</s><s>[agent_1]That is pretty crazy.. my daughter plays softball so that is interesting to know... the chicago cubs where the first baseball team to win back to back world series and havent won since lol my step dad is a cubs fan</s><s>[agent_2]I love softball, I played on a league for a couple of years. So yep I can appreciate baseball because it is much tougher to play. The Cubs, I really don't follow them but I do love our home team too even if they are not so great lol..</s><s>[agent_1]yeah i dont really pay attention to baseball this is the first year I have somewhat paid attention to football I went to a Cheifs game and it was a pretty awesome experience</s><s>[agent_2]Cool! I haven't been to a Football game before, but have been to a baseball and a basketball and I think it was all pretty fun.</s><s>[agent_1]Yeah it is exciting thats for sure</s><s>[agent_2]It really was. Do you know what the Ottoman Empire is? I guess it was still in existence when the cubs last won the World series....not sure what that is though.....</s><s>[agent_1]Im not sure what it is either but I guess that means it was long ago lol</s><s>[agent_2]Haha, very true! I didn't know Baseball managers wore case they need to play! Cool</s><s>[agent_1]that is awesome all part of the team</s><s>[agent_2]Exactly! Well, I will continue to follow a little baseball haha, and try and watch the World series as well. You have a great night! Great chat!</s> |
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