[ { "author": "user-id/27576", "content": "<p>Hi everyone, particularly any new members who may be reading. </p>\n<p>From time to time, we get contacted by members who are unhappy that they haven’t received a lot of replies to their posts. Our <a href=\"https://www.beyondblue.org.au/connect-with-others/online-forums/welcome-and-orientation/who-are-our-community-champions\" rel=\"nofollow noopener noreferrer\">community champions</a> work very hard to make sure that all newbies are welcomed when they first post, and we understand that it’s a big step to post for the first time on a forum like this, especially if you aren’t feeling great.</p>\n<p>It’s important to remember, though, that these forums are a community of real people, just like you, not a one-on-one support environment like going to see your psychologist.  </p>\n<p>To get the best out of being here, one of the best tips we can offer is <strong>give support to receive support.</strong></p>\n<p>Being a good community member means:</p>\n<ul>\n <li> participating in different threads (not just your own), </li>\n <li>replying to people who have taken the time to reply to you (even if it’s just to say thank you), and...</li>\n <li>posting words of emotional support and encouragement when you see others who are hurting and reaching out.</li>\n</ul>\n<p>You don’t have to feel obliged to solve the problems of others: that’s not what we’re here for. But you can offer empathy and what you’ve learned from your own life experiences, even if it’s just a line or two, eg. <em>“I don't know what to say, but I want to give you my support and tell you I care about what is happening to you and hope life will get better soon.”</em></p>\n<p>Try to develop an interest in the journeys of others here on the forums. You may be surprised at how good being an active, caring member here can make you feel.</p>\n<p>For those of you who have had good experiences giving support here on the forums, <a href=\"https://www.beyondblue.org.au/connect-with-others/online-forums/welcome-and-orientation/forums-etiquette-give-support-to-receive-support#qiRXCXHzvGGEbv8AAOnT_A\" rel=\"nofollow noopener noreferrer\">please post in this thread here and let us know how it has helped you</a> on your journey.<br>\n<br>\n<img alt=\"kittens\" displaymode=\"Original\" src=\"https://www.beyondblue.org.au/images/default-source/default-album/kittens.png\" sfref=\"[images|OpenAccessDataProvider]4f5724aa-f371-61bc-846e-ff0000e9d3fc\"></p>\n<br>\n<br></div>", "date": "17-11-2015", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/forums-etiquette-give-support-to-receive-support/td-p/122159" } ]
Forums etiquette: give support to receive support
Hi everyone, particularly any new members who may be reading.  From time to time, we get contacted by members who are unhappy that they haven’t received a lot of replies to their posts. Our  work very hard to make sure that all newbies are welcomed when they first post, and we understand that it’s a big step to post for the first time on a forum like this, especially if you aren’t feeling great. It’s important to remember, though, that these forums are a community of real people, just like you, not a one-on-one support environment like going to see your psychologist.   To get the best out of being here, one of the best tips we can offer is Being a good community member means: You don’t have to feel obliged to solve the problems of others: that’s not what we’re here for. But you can offer empathy and what you’ve learned from your own life experiences, even if it’s just a line or two, eg. Try to develop an interest in the journeys of others here on the forums. You may be surprised at how good being an active, caring member here can make you feel. For those of you who have had good experiences giving support here on the forums,  on your journey.
[ { "author": "user-id/36315", "content": "<p>Hi all,</p><p> </p><p>I thought I was doing ok lately on the health anxiety side of things, I’ve been eating healthier, loosing some weight and feeling good about myself. However, I was scrolling through TikTok and a random post came up about ‘Franks sign’ curiosity got me so I ended up watching the reel. It spoke about people having diagonal creases on their ear lobes meant they would have some form of CAD. Insert panic as of course I have deep creasing on my ear lobes. I ended up googling too <span class=\"lia-unicode-emoji\" title=\":face_with_rolling_eyes:\">🙄</span> and it’s a thing. I’ve never heard of it before but apparently it can be an indicator. I spoke to my husband who is very blah about things and he said you’ve already had checks done so I doubt it relates to you. <br><br></p><p>I had a CT angiogram in 2020 and it showed 0 calcium markers and I also had a stress test last year which was fine. Obviously I am unfit but didn’t show anything. I looked at old photos from last year and I did have creasing but a few years ago not so much 🤷🏻‍<span class=\"lia-unicode-emoji\" title=\":female_sign:\">♀️</span> thought it was due to putting on weight over the years but yeh I’m just in a bad way now. I can’t get any cardio checks done as I don’t have symptoms and they won’t do another CT scan on me as it’s only been a few years. My cholesterol is slightly elevated but has been for a few years and dr thinks stress can cause it to be elevated at times. <br><br></p><p>sorry to vent but I was just freaking out. I’m trying to calm my mind that I have in fact had checks done within the last few years. <br><br></p><p>has anyone heard of this before? </p><p>or am I the only one it reached just to</p><p>stress me out unless it was a sign. <br><br></p><p>sometimes I hate myself when I get like this. </p><p> </p></div>", "date": "12-10-2023", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/cardiac-worry-franks-sign-ear-lobe-creasing/td-p/576437" }, { "author": "user-id/19707", "content": "<p>Hi, welcome</p><p> </p><p>Re: <em>\"sometimes I hate myself when I get like this. \"  </em>more on that later.</p><p> </p><p>The best summary of Franks sign is the following taken from Medical News Today -</p><div><div><strong><em>\"Summary</em></strong></div></div><p><strong><em>Many studies link a diagonal earlobe crease on one or both ears — known as Frank’s sign — with a higher risk of cardiovascular conditions such as stroke and heart attack.</em></strong></p><p><strong><em>While the underlying mechanism that links it with a heart attack is lacking, many studies prove the association. Moreover, using it along with known risk factors can help predict heart attack and even the outlook of specific procedures.</em></strong></p><p><strong><em>However, people should not rely solely on having an earlobe crease. A person with other risk factors for heart disease must consult a doctor for proper diagnosis and timely management.\"</em></strong></p><p> </p><p>So as a non qualified medical person I suggest that you talk to your GP when you next visit.</p><p>That confirms there are many issues to look at and your GP can advise you. So I think many of us that have mental health issues or are fixated on medical things have fears and those fears are akin to over thinking. We need to assess this and lower our concerns, to get it is perspective.</p><p> </p><p>There is a big difference between being concerned and following it up than over thinking, worrying to the point whereby it effects your relationships or causes harm to yourself. I had a friend once that had heart failure in his family and ended up with a stroke. I've often wondered if the stroke was from the worry of a heart attack?. This link can help.</p><p> </p><p><a href=\"https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/worry-worry-worry/td-p/87808\" target=\"_blank\">https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/worry-worry-worry/td-p/87808</a></p><p> </p><p>I'm glad you posted. Reply anytime.</p><p>TonyWK</p></div>", "date": "13-10-2023", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/cardiac-worry-franks-sign-ear-lobe-creasing/td-p/576437" }, { "author": "user-id/36315", "content": "<p>Thanks Tony for your reply. <br><br></p><p>I actually just went to my Dr today for other reasons so I decided to ask her. She has never heard of it at all. But she said even if it was the case that she wouldn’t base getting a heart check on an ear crease. It would be about cholesterol etc. I have had elevated cholesterol and for that she sent me to a cardiologist in 2020 have had a CT angiogram done which was zero calcium and echo and ekg was fine. I had a stress test done in may last year which was also fine. So based on that she thinks I’m fine as everything has been clear at this stage. Every two years she will be sending me for a check up so for my own anxiety I’ll be making sure I go next year. But based on her information I have to trust previous results and her opinion. I’m trying to accept that without freaking out otherwise I’ll just spiral. Deep down I do know I should trust the test results and Dr advice. I keep getting on and off arm pain in the same spot and jaw pain. I’ve noticed these appear at heightened stress times. Need to focus on something else I think.  <br><br></p><p>Thanks again for your advice. I have checked out that other forum and it has helped. I need to do better with my metal state for sure. <br><br></p><p>Have a lovely day. <br>Mandy </p></div>", "date": "17-10-2023", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/cardiac-worry-franks-sign-ear-lobe-creasing/td-p/576437" }, { "author": "user-id/19707", "content": "<p>Thats very good progress. Well done.</p><p> </p><p>This thread can help also, my own struggles overcoming anxiety.. Any questions yell out. </p><p> </p><p><a href=\"https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/anxiety-how-l-eliminated-it/td-p/183873/page/2#:~:text=Anxiety%2C%20how%20l%20eliminated%20it%201%201.%20I,6.%20Smile%2C%20breathe%2C%20and%20go%20slowly.%20More%20items\" target=\"_blank\">Anxiety, how l eliminated it - Page 2 - Beyond Blue Forums - 183873</a></p><p> </p><p>TonyWK</p></div>", "date": "19-10-2023", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/cardiac-worry-franks-sign-ear-lobe-creasing/td-p/576437" } ]
Cardiac worry - Franks sign - ear lobe creasing
Hi all,   I thought I was doing ok lately on the health anxiety side of things, I’ve been eating healthier, loosing some weight and feeling good about myself. However, I was scrolling through TikTok and a random post came up about ‘Franks sign’ curiosity got me so I ended up watching the reel. It spoke about people having diagonal creases on their ear lobes meant they would have some form of CAD. Insert panic as of course I have deep creasing on my ear lobes. I ended up googling too and it’s a thing. I’ve never heard of it before but apparently it can be an indicator. I spoke to my husband who is very blah about things and he said you’ve already had checks done so I doubt it relates to you.  I had a CT angiogram in 2020 and it showed 0 calcium markers and I also had a stress test last year which was fine. Obviously I am unfit but didn’t show anything. I looked at old photos from last year and I did have creasing but a few years ago not so much 🤷🏻‍ thought it was due to putting on weight over the years but yeh I’m just in a bad way now. I can’t get any cardio checks done as I don’t have symptoms and they won’t do another CT scan on me as it’s only been a few years. My cholesterol is slightly elevated but has been for a few years and dr thinks stress can cause it to be elevated at times.  sorry to vent but I was just freaking out. I’m trying to calm my mind that I have in fact had checks done within the last few years.  has anyone heard of this before?  or am I the only one it reached just to stress me out unless it was a sign.  sometimes I hate myself when I get like this.   
[ { "author": "user-id/49262", "content": "<p>I am 53yo female, divorced and been in a long distant relationship for 14 months. My boyfriend is 12yr older than me.</p><p>I have grown to love him and know he loves me too. We planned to have a future and build a family together with his 13yo daughter.</p><p>His daughter accepted me and loves me, I love her too, I don’t have any kid of my own and been living in Aust by myself, no relative. At times I feel alone, my BF and his kid mean so much to me.</p><p>Due to special circumstances, we still live apart and we have been working together to make our reunion happen as soon as possible then settling in Australia.</p><p>At the early stage of this relationship, my BF noticed I got fear and trust issues, and said once being together these issues will be cleared.</p><p>I introspected myself and realized my fear and trust issues came from many betrayals and disappointments from past relationships.</p><p>I can tell he trusts me fully and rarely questions me about who I meet or be friend with. I normally tell him upfront about the people I am interacting with.</p><p> </p><p>My problem is, I often doubt, worry, feel jealous and mistrust while I am not around him in the time being. I often feel anxious when he absent for 3 or 4 days without calling or texting me.</p><p>My friend says I require his time and attention more than he gives and suggests me to adjust my needs rather than requesting him to give me more time because it is likely that is how he is naturally.</p><p>At first, he showed understanding, however few days ago we argued and he was very upset, he said “THIS IS THE THING HE DOES NOT WANT IN HIS LIFE, HE DOES NOT WANT TO BE WITH A WOMAN WHO DOES NOT TRUST HER MAN”. To me, his action was a wakeup call.</p><p>I realize my fear and trust issues have caused severe impacts to our relationship and made him feel pressured, being controlled and uncomfortable. Worse than that I would potentially cause a break-up and lose this relationship.</p><p>I gave him time to calm down then offered an apology on the yesterday, I also told him I realized the negative impacts of my issues on our relationship and will seek professional help. He responded to me which is a good sign.</p><p>We have been through thick and thin between life and death together and still stand strong by each other until this day. This relationship is worth fighting for.</p><p>I now seek counselling support from Next Step to help improving my fear and trust issues.</p><p>Beside seeking professional help, please I also need advice and suggestions/ideas on this forum or from someone has similar issues about how to improve this. Thank you.</p></div>", "date": "10-10-2023", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/past-issues-cause-fear-and-trust-problems-in-current/td-p/576285" }, { "author": "user-id/19707", "content": "<p>Hi, welcome</p><p> </p><p>I feel for you both, its a trying time.</p><p> </p><p>As a man I can relate to his reactions about not being trusted. Your own insecurities have overflowed to effecting him and yes, that isnt fair. But it is common because as older adults we will have baggage and accepting that baggage comes with that age and events that impacted our lives earlier.</p><p> </p><p>I do think that along with counselling will definitely help but leave it too long and he might not be so keen, such is the drifting of the topic over time for us guys. I wonder though as well, the change in the relationship if you, moved in together or, you moved closer to him. Some times these insecurities vanish with constant company, after all, you wont have trust issues if he sits beside you every night???</p><p> </p><p>In many cases \"nipping it in the bud\" is a requirement. Lingering past issues can be contained inside of yourself rather than mentioning his absence every time it happens. Blurting out anything that comes to mind is honest and honourable but if we spoke our mind on all topics then that can have ramifications. As we watch TV if I said aloud \"oh look at her body, how nice\" then my lovely wife wouldnt be so impressed. So learning to contain these thoughts/fears is your challenge.</p><p> </p><p>This link might help in terminating arguements.</p><p> </p><p><a href=\"https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/relationship-and-family-issues/relationship-strife-the-peace-pipe/td-p/315496/page/2\" target=\"_blank\">https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/relationship-and-family-issues/relationship-strife-the-peace-pip...</a></p><p> </p><p>SCARS ON HIM</p><p> </p><p>A person with a past feels last</p><p>We all have a past and make it our task</p><p>That recalling the sad times we fell apart</p><p>became a scar upon our heart</p><p> </p><p>A scar will never banish our despair</p><p>we cant love again if no ones there</p><p>but we can place those rocks in a bag to deliver</p><p>hoist it high and into the river</p><p> </p><p>The older we are the harder it be</p><p>To ignore the past and  make us free</p><p>But while we count the scars on our own skin</p><p>We forget he also has them on him...</p><p> </p><p>TonyWK</p></div>", "date": "12-10-2023", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/past-issues-cause-fear-and-trust-problems-in-current/td-p/576285" }, { "author": "user-id/49262", "content": "<p>Hi TonyWK, thank you and I really appreciate you for replying to my post and advice on my issues. </p><p>Also thanks for sharing the “Relationship strife? the peace pipe”, it mentions some good methods there.</p><p>I have been to a counselling session with Next Step <a href=\"https://mccg.org.au/services/next-step/\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow noopener noreferrer\">&lt;<em>Next Step | Marymead CatholicCare - Marymead CatholicCare (mccg.org.au</em>)&gt;</a>, she used Cognitive Behavioural Therapy method.  </p><p>I am keen to work with her for the next 5 weeks (6 weeks treatment program provided FREE). the method or techniques have awakened me (being taught to self-recognize about certain problems and consequences) to realize the more we assume or overthink, the worse that makes a simple thing to be.</p><p>I and my BF also had a lengthy conversation where he explained and cleared my concerns.</p><p>So I am on a learning and self-recognising/analysing journey then improving from there. </p><p>Thanks again for your support and understanding. I will keep you updated of my progress.</p><p> </p></div>", "date": "18-10-2023", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/past-issues-cause-fear-and-trust-problems-in-current/td-p/576285" }, { "author": "user-id/19707", "content": "<p>Hi MayaYyen</p><p> </p><p>Wow, how good is that? Really glad you are seeking guidance, and we are here when and if you need us. You can post 24/7/365.</p><p> </p><p>TonyWK</p></div>", "date": "19-10-2023", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/past-issues-cause-fear-and-trust-problems-in-current/td-p/576285" } ]
Past issues cause Fear and Trust problems in current relationship
I am 53yo female, divorced and been in a long distant relationship for 14 months. My boyfriend is 12yr older than me. I have grown to love him and know he loves me too. We planned to have a future and build a family together with his 13yo daughter. His daughter accepted me and loves me, I love her too, I don’t have any kid of my own and been living in Aust by myself, no relative. At times I feel alone, my BF and his kid mean so much to me. Due to special circumstances, we still live apart and we have been working together to make our reunion happen as soon as possible then settling in Australia. At the early stage of this relationship, my BF noticed I got fear and trust issues, and said once being together these issues will be cleared. I introspected myself and realized my fear and trust issues came from many betrayals and disappointments from past relationships. I can tell he trusts me fully and rarely questions me about who I meet or be friend with. I normally tell him upfront about the people I am interacting with.   My problem is, I often doubt, worry, feel jealous and mistrust while I am not around him in the time being. I often feel anxious when he absent for 3 or 4 days without calling or texting me. My friend says I require his time and attention more than he gives and suggests me to adjust my needs rather than requesting him to give me more time because it is likely that is how he is naturally. At first, he showed understanding, however few days ago we argued and he was very upset, he said “THIS IS THE THING HE DOES NOT WANT IN HIS LIFE, HE DOES NOT WANT TO BE WITH A WOMAN WHO DOES NOT TRUST HER MAN”. To me, his action was a wakeup call. I realize my fear and trust issues have caused severe impacts to our relationship and made him feel pressured, being controlled and uncomfortable. Worse than that I would potentially cause a break-up and lose this relationship. I gave him time to calm down then offered an apology on the yesterday, I also told him I realized the negative impacts of my issues on our relationship and will seek professional help. He responded to me which is a good sign. We have been through thick and thin between life and death together and still stand strong by each other until this day. This relationship is worth fighting for. I now seek counselling support from Next Step to help improving my fear and trust issues. Beside seeking professional help, please I also need advice and suggestions/ideas on this forum or from someone has similar issues about how to improve this. Thank you.
[ { "author": "user-id/49298", "content": "<p>Hi there ,</p><p>my first time putting anything up on a discussion board but feel for the younger people dealing with OCD, i was diagnosed with Pure O OCD three years ago when i was 50 and not going to lie it was an extremely challenging period in my life with a brief stint in hospital, but as challenging as therapy was and is eventually there can be a freedom that can help release you from the prison within your head . it was only after being diagnosed that i was able to look back and see how much of my life was driven by OCD , the best advice i was given at the time was to educate myself on OCD first as i think that is a massive step forward to be able to understand what is OCD , second and the absolute most important thing was to find a therapist that is experienced in dealing with OCD as lots claim it but i dont believe some are well enough trained in that specific disorder , the third thing for me was being able to open yourself up at therapy and do the work as OCD is very paradoxical , facing your fears with the help of your therapist i believe was the best way , i wanted to write this for the people new to this disorder to give them so hope so that they can find the courage to seek help and move forward and not let OCD dictate their lives, there will be some difficult days but they will get better ! three years ago i was on medication and having rigorous therapy and now i am off medication and touch base every now and then with my therapist and feel much better , OCD along with Depression still challenge me but i have the tools and the understanding of the disorder  to calm  myself down much quicker , there is light at the end of the tunnel you just have to make the first step, to the people caring for someone with OCD remember if you find it hard, imagine how they must be feeling not being able to understand themselves , so i tell you, you only need to help them by being understanding and not necessarily having to understand the condition , i think it is also important that the people caring for them get up to speed on the best way of helping an OCD person as it will be just as difficult for you because often it will require you not to offer reassurance.</p><p>anyway i wish everyone here who is suffering to go and get help because it is there and whilst not perfect it will help ALOT !! </p></div>", "date": "14-10-2023", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/ocd/td-p/576507" }, { "author": "user-id/16277", "content": "<p>Hi Paul301,</p><p> </p><p>Thank you for sharing your story here and providing hope for anyone who experiences OCD or OCD symptoms. As someone with major depressive disorder I can definitely empathise with the depressive side of the illness. For anyone looking to learn more about OCD please also consult the information available through beyond blue here:</p><p> </p><p><a href=\"https://www.beyondblue.org.au/mental-health/anxiety/types-of-anxiety/ocd\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow noopener noreferrer\">https://www.beyondblue.org.au/mental-health/anxiety/types-of-anxiety/ocd</a> </p><p> </p><p>There is also a great story of recovery available on this page.</p><p> </p><p>Bob</p></div>", "date": "19-10-2023", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/ocd/td-p/576507" } ]
Hi there , my first time putting anything up on a discussion board but feel for the younger people dealing with OCD, i was diagnosed with Pure O OCD three years ago when i was 50 and not going to lie it was an extremely challenging period in my life with a brief stint in hospital, but as challenging as therapy was and is eventually there can be a freedom that can help release you from the prison within your head . it was only after being diagnosed that i was able to look back and see how much of my life was driven by OCD , the best advice i was given at the time was to educate myself on OCD first as i think that is a massive step forward to be able to understand what is OCD , second and the absolute most important thing was to find a therapist that is experienced in dealing with OCD as lots claim it but i dont believe some are well enough trained in that specific disorder , the third thing for me was being able to open yourself up at therapy and do the work as OCD is very paradoxical , facing your fears with the help of your therapist i believe was the best way , i wanted to write this for the people new to this disorder to give them so hope so that they can find the courage to seek help and move forward and not let OCD dictate their lives, there will be some difficult days but they will get better ! three years ago i was on medication and having rigorous therapy and now i am off medication and touch base every now and then with my therapist and feel much better , OCD along with Depression still challenge me but i have the tools and the understanding of the disorder  to calm  myself down much quicker , there is light at the end of the tunnel you just have to make the first step, to the people caring for someone with OCD remember if you find it hard, imagine how they must be feeling not being able to understand themselves , so i tell you, you only need to help them by being understanding and not necessarily having to understand the condition , i think it is also important that the people caring for them get up to speed on the best way of helping an OCD person as it will be just as difficult for you because often it will require you not to offer reassurance. anyway i wish everyone here who is suffering to go and get help because it is there and whilst not perfect it will help ALOT !! 
[ { "author": "user-id/48995", "content": "<p>Hello!</p><p> </p><p>I struggle with taking showers.</p><p> </p><p>I was wondering if anyone has any tips on:</p><p> </p><ul><li>how to stop being afraid of showers?</li><li>And how to stop procrastinating/how to stay consistent?</li></ul><p> </p><p>The feeling of being wet and naked just makes me panic. I don't know why. I ger dizzy and nauseous and start freaking out. </p><p> </p><p>I don't know how to just do what I need to even tho I don't want to or I'm scared to. I used to have alot of discipline in the past, but now it just dissappeared out of nowhere.</p><p> </p></div>", "date": "18-10-2023", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/tips-for-showering/td-p/576796" }, { "author": "user-id/19517", "content": "<p>Hi Alel,</p><p> </p><p>I'm really sorry to hear that you are experiencing so much distress. I am glad that you have felt able to reach out here for support. From what you've described, it sounds like you're avoiding showering due to intense fear and physical symptoms. I understand this is likely very personal for you to speak openly about, but given how much it is interfering with your life, I think it may be helpful to talk to someone you trust about it. This could be your GP or a counsellor, or if you prefer to be anonymous you could contact one of the helplines like Beyond Blue's service. </p><p> </p><p>You do not have to answer these online but they may be something to think about - do you experience the same feelings when swimming or in a bath? Is it a particular part of your body that you find more distressing? Would it be an option to slowly grade up to full exposure of showering? For example, breaking the process of showering into separate body regions.</p><p> </p><p>Different things work for different people, some of these may not be your thing and that is more than okay, but here are some suggestions you may like to try for when things feel really overwhelming or difficult: writing - writing down your worries and thoughts and what is going on can help organise your thoughts and get them out of your system and can help you see your thoughts from a different perspective, listening to your favourite music, hugging someone or a pillow, as mentioned before calling a helpline (Lifeline is 13 11 14), making a cup of tea or doing some physical exercise. You may also find grounding techniques helpful - they focus on shifting your focus away from your mind and back onto the present, they can involve controlled breathing techniques, meditation exercises and sensory exercises, it may be worth looking up grounding techniques to have a try.</p><p> </p><p>Please do not hesitate to reach out when you feel up to it. Anxiety can be a very isolating and painful experience and you should not have to bear this alone. We are here to listen and support you. Take care Alel. </p></div>", "date": "18-10-2023", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/tips-for-showering/td-p/576796" } ]
Tips for showering
Hello!   I struggle with taking showers.   I was wondering if anyone has any tips on:     The feeling of being wet and naked just makes me panic. I don't know why. I ger dizzy and nauseous and start freaking out.    I don't know how to just do what I need to even tho I don't want to or I'm scared to. I used to have alot of discipline in the past, but now it just dissappeared out of nowhere.  
[ { "author": "user-id/48931", "content": "<p>I am a teacher, and a student today told another teacher that I slapped her across the face.  I didn't, I wouldn't ever do something like that.  I am so scared that she may have told either other teachers or other students.  Either way this could destroy my career if anyone believes her.  I really don't need this added to everything else.  I am feeling so frustrated and alone right now.  I am just tired of feeling like everything is a major thing regardless of how big it is.  I just want it all to go away and be happy again</p></div>", "date": "17-10-2023", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/how-can-things-feel-so-wrong/td-p/576752" }, { "author": "user-id/2579", "content": "<p>Nip this in the bud by reporting to the head.</p><p>Like all stories, it will need to be corroborated with evidence (witnesses, arguments, or any confrontation), so I'd recommend being proactive to avoid this blowing out of proportion through rumours if left unresolved.</p><p>Then you can rest easier knowing you have been upfront (which can only aid your cause) and, if blameless, then the process should clear your name and restore confidence in the support network.</p></div>", "date": "18-10-2023", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/how-can-things-feel-so-wrong/td-p/576752" } ]
how can things feel so wrong
I am a teacher, and a student today told another teacher that I slapped her across the face.  I didn't, I wouldn't ever do something like that.  I am so scared that she may have told either other teachers or other students.  Either way this could destroy my career if anyone believes her.  I really don't need this added to everything else.  I am feeling so frustrated and alone right now.  I am just tired of feeling like everything is a major thing regardless of how big it is.  I just want it all to go away and be happy again
[ { "author": "user-id/49339", "content": "<p>Hi, I’ve been feeling really alone lately and get tea anxious and stressed about little things constantly and my head hurt from always being anxious and stressed. I get episodes where I can’t do anything and my head just throbs. Every time I’ve asked someone for help they just say oh me too! Or you’ll get over it. I just don’t know how to cope or what to do and I feel really lost and alone and I don’t have anyone to help me. If anyone has any strategies or advice I would really appreciate it </p></div>", "date": "17-10-2023", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/my-head-hurts/td-p/576741" }, { "author": "user-id/19517", "content": "<p>I am really sorry to hear that you have been experiencing such intense anxiety and that the people that you've asked for help have not been more understanding. It sounds like what you are experiencing is becoming more and more difficult to cope with. Would you consider making an appointment with your GP or a counsellor to talk through what has been happening? If speaking to someone anonymously feels more manageable, there are a few helplines you can contact that may be an option including the Beyond Blue service. </p><p>Different things work for different people, some of these may not be your thing and that is more than okay, but here are some suggestions you may like to try for when things feel really overwhelming or difficult: writing - writing down your worries and thoughts and what is going on can help organise your thoughts and get them out of your system and can help you see your thoughts from a different perspective, being outside in the sun, calling a friend or loved one, listening to your favourite music, washing your face with cold water, having a bath or warm shower, playing with a pet, hugging someone or a pillow, as mentioned before calling a helpline (Lifeline is 13 11 14), making a cup of tea or doing some physical exercise. You may also find grounding techniques helpful - they focus on shifting your focus away from your mind and back onto the present, they can involve controlled breathing techniques, meditation exercises and sensory exercises, it may be worth looking up grounding techniques to have a try.</p><p>Please do not hesitate to reach out when you feel up to it. Anxiety can be a very isolating and painful experience and you should not have to bear this alone. We are here to listen and support you. Take care and give yourself the time and space that you need.</p></div>", "date": "17-10-2023", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/my-head-hurts/td-p/576741" } ]
My head hurts
Hi, I’ve been feeling really alone lately and get tea anxious and stressed about little things constantly and my head hurt from always being anxious and stressed. I get episodes where I can’t do anything and my head just throbs. Every time I’ve asked someone for help they just say oh me too! Or you’ll get over it. I just don’t know how to cope or what to do and I feel really lost and alone and I don’t have anyone to help me. If anyone has any strategies or advice I would really appreciate it 
[ { "author": "user-id/16944", "content": "Hi, I've always had anxiety but in the last 2 years have also developed health anxiety and am constantly worried I have something wrong. Today though has been exceptionally horrible with concern that my teeth will fall out. Now i do need some fillings and some redness in my gums due to illness during pregnancy but if i try to wobble my teeth with my finger, I can't see any movement in my teeth. However, anytime I move my mouth it feels like the tooth is about to fall out. I think the sensation when I move my mouth is more anxiety than an actual movement of a loose tooth. I've been trying really hard all day to stop focusing on it but I can't. I have a dentist appointment next week but until then how does anyone recommend moving past this worry? I don't even want to eat or drink due to this worry.</div>", "date": "01-04-2022", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/health-anxiety-about-teeth/td-p/7895/page/2" }, { "author": "user-id/15131", "content": "<p>I'm so happy to hear everything went well! Hope you're feeling less anxious now. Feel free to continue messaging on the forums : )</p>\n<p>Beeee</p></div>", "date": "06-04-2022", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/health-anxiety-about-teeth/td-p/7895/page/2" }, { "author": "user-id/2476", "content": "That's wonderful to hear :D. I'm sure it's come as a great relief!</div>", "date": "06-04-2022", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/health-anxiety-about-teeth/td-p/7895/page/2" }, { "author": "user-id/44604", "content": "<p>Hey there, guys. Thanks for your thoughts and suggestions on that. They are really encouraging. My friend has a similar issue, so I think I should share this thread with him.</p></div>", "date": "05-10-2022", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/health-anxiety-about-teeth/td-p/7895/page/2" }, { "author": "user-id/44604", "content": "<p>You know, I have another friend.</p></div>", "date": "06-10-2022", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/health-anxiety-about-teeth/td-p/7895/page/2" }, { "author": "user-id/46163", "content": "<p>I'm really sorry to hear that you're going through such a tough time with anxiety, especially health anxiety. It's great that you have a dentist appointment next week, as that should provide some reassurance. In the meantime, try to remember that our minds can sometimes play tricks on us, especially when anxiety is involved.</p></div>", "date": "12-10-2023", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/health-anxiety-about-teeth/td-p/7895/page/2" }, { "author": "user-id/46163", "content": "<p>To help ease your mind, maybe consider focusing on some positive distractions or activities you enjoy. And when you see your dentist, don't hesitate to discuss your concerns. They can provide you with professional guidance, and it's good to mention that you need some <a href=\"https://jeffreygrossdds.com/services/cosmetic-dentistry/\" target=\"_self\" rel=\"nofollow noopener noreferrer\">white fillings</a>, which can enhance your smile and overall oral health.</p></div>", "date": "17-10-2023", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/health-anxiety-about-teeth/td-p/7895/page/2" }, { "author": "user-id/16944", "content": "Hi, I've always had anxiety but in the last 2 years have also developed health anxiety and am constantly worried I have something wrong. Today though has been exceptionally horrible with concern that my teeth will fall out. Now i do need some fillings and some redness in my gums due to illness during pregnancy but if i try to wobble my teeth with my finger, I can't see any movement in my teeth. However, anytime I move my mouth it feels like the tooth is about to fall out. I think the sensation when I move my mouth is more anxiety than an actual movement of a loose tooth. I've been trying really hard all day to stop focusing on it but I can't. I have a dentist appointment next week but until then how does anyone recommend moving past this worry? I don't even want to eat or drink due to this worry.</div>", "date": "01-04-2022", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/health-anxiety-about-teeth/td-p/7895" }, { "author": "user-id/22778", "content": "Do you grind your teeth perhaps? <br>\nI’ve just had six fillings myself, I struggle with the drill but the dentist lets me put my earphones in and listen to music which helps so much.</div>", "date": "01-04-2022", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/health-anxiety-about-teeth/td-p/7895" }, { "author": "user-id/2476", "content": "<p>Hey there!</p>\n<p>Ah, probably one the most common nightmares!</p>\n<p>As a fellow sufferer, one of the most frustrating things about health anxiety is how it magnifies any slightly odd sensation to 'something must be wrong.' </p>\n<p>If your teeth really were about to fall out there'd probably be some really obvious signs, much more than a vague sensation and red gums. </p>\n<p><span style=\"font-size: inherit; -webkit-text-size-adjust: 100%;\">It's good you've got a dental appointment, it's very unlikely it will deteriorate rapidly in that time. </span></p>\n<p>In the meantime, try to think of these intrusive thoughts as...well...thoughts, instead of fact. Just acknowledge them but don't give them legitimacy, and let them fade away. It's not easy but once you give it a go it could really help.</p>\n<p>All the best of luck! <span class=\"lia-unicode-emoji\" title=\":slightly_smiling_face:\">🙂</span> </p></div>", "date": "01-04-2022", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/health-anxiety-about-teeth/td-p/7895" }, { "author": "user-id/25170", "content": "<p>Hi Anxiety is who I am,</p>\n<p>Welcome to our forums!</p>\n<p>Im sorry you are feeling this way.</p>\n<p>I understand health anxiety I also suffered with this my health anxiety began to move beyond my health and turned to other intrusive thoughts I was diagnosed with OCD.</p>\n<p>Ive now recovered thanks to the professional help I received.</p>\n<p>I highly recommend you see your gp and let them know how you are feeling and how anxiety is affecting your life.</p>\n<p>You could do a mental health plan together this will enable you to see a psychologist.</p>\n<p>You can learn alot of strategies that can help you to manage your anxiety.</p>\n<p>When you have these intrusive thoughts instead of putting your attention on the thought re direct your attention onto something in the present moment.</p>\n<p>Meditation is also very helpful it just takes practice.</p></div>", "date": "01-04-2022", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/health-anxiety-about-teeth/td-p/7895" }, { "author": "user-id/16944", "content": "Thank you so much everyone. It’s my first time using the forum and whilst I’m still having anxious feelings about my teeth, your advice has definitely helped.</div>", "date": "04-04-2022", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/health-anxiety-about-teeth/td-p/7895" }, { "author": "user-id/38654", "content": "<p>Hi there,</p>\n<p>First - breathe. You are okay. </p>\n<p>You will find answers at your appointment next week - but until then - breathe.</p>\n<p>jaz xx</p></div>", "date": "04-04-2022", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/health-anxiety-about-teeth/td-p/7895" }, { "author": "user-id/16944", "content": "My appointment is tomorrow morning and I'm trying really hard to stay calm until then but its really hard going right now. Feels the worst it has been since I noticed it. I think part of it is worry that the dentist will give me my worst case scenario diagnosis. Hoping some meditation will help me sleep. Any advice for the actual appointment?</div>", "date": "05-04-2022", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/health-anxiety-about-teeth/td-p/7895" }, { "author": "user-id/15131", "content": "<p>Hello Anxiety is who I am,</p>\n<p>Meditation sounds like a great idea. For me, when I'm trying to distract myself, putting on some music or my favourite TV show can be really helpful. </p>\n<p>For the actual appointment, perhaps tell your dentist how you're feeling and they may guide you through the process and give you the answers you're looking for. </p>\n<p>When it comes to your worst case scenario, challenge it or find solutions. For example, if the worst thing that can happen is that your teeth fall out, you can get false teeth fitted. </p>\n<p>Hope you get some sleep tonight and all is well tomorrow.</p>\n<p>Beeee</p>\n<div><span class=\"sfforumUser\" style=\"font-family: FFDINWeb, sans-serif; font-size: 18px; font-style: normal; font-variant-caps: normal; font-weight: bold;\"><br>\n</span></div></div>", "date": "05-04-2022", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/health-anxiety-about-teeth/td-p/7895" }, { "author": "user-id/2476", "content": "<p>Hi Anxiety is Who I am.</p>\n<p>I'm sorry you're still feeling really stressed out. It's normal to feel that just before your appointment, worrying about the outcome. Just take some deep breaths and think how good it is that it'll be getting looked at tommorow rather than later <span class=\"lia-unicode-emoji\" title=\":slightly_smiling_face:\">🙂</span></p>\n<p>I concur with Beeee, even if it is your worst case scenario it is very treatable and can be reversed. <span class=\"lia-unicode-emoji\" title=\":slightly_smiling_face:\">🙂</span> </p>\n<p>All the very best</p>\n<p> </p></div>", "date": "06-04-2022", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/health-anxiety-about-teeth/td-p/7895" }, { "author": "user-id/16944", "content": "Well you were all right. It wasn't actually as bad as I assumed and it wasn't even close to worst case scenario. Thank you all for your help and support. Really helped me get through until my appointment without losing my mind. So grateful for all the advice <span class=\"lia-unicode-emoji\" title=\":slightly_smiling_face:\">🙂</span></div>", "date": "06-04-2022", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/health-anxiety-about-teeth/td-p/7895" } ]
Health Anxiety about Teeth
[ { "author": "user-id/48931", "content": "<p>So this is a weird post in that I am not sure if anyone will reply or if anyone will be able to offer any advice.  A close friend of mine discovered a injury on my leg from two weeks ago and immediately asked if I had done it myself.  She knew that I had been struggling recently but I didn't think I had given her any reason to think that this was a possibility.  I actually ended up lying to her and telling her it was an accident but not sure she believed me.  I am now on 9 days of not having those thoughts, so I don't want anything thinking that.  Is that wrong?</p></div>", "date": "15-10-2023", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/not-sure-how-to-feel/td-p/576619" }, { "author": "user-id/37850", "content": "<p>Hello K_Ley</p><p>I can't possibly say whether you are right or wrong.</p><p>I would ask why you felt the need to lie to your close friend?</p><p>I also would ask if anyone knows you have self-harmed, particularly a GP or therapist?</p><p>Having thought or doing any self-harm is serious &amp; I think it is important to be honest about that at least to your GP &amp;/or therapist.</p><p>You can talk to us here about when you have the thoughts, what your feelings are, (but please, not what self-harm you actually do), if you think that would help.... maybe talking can keep you from hurting yourself.</p><p>Hugzies</p><p>mmMekitty</p></div>", "date": "15-10-2023", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/not-sure-how-to-feel/td-p/576619" }, { "author": "user-id/48931", "content": "<p>Hi,</p><p>yes i have told my therapist.  I didnt want her to worry about me.  And I am hoping that I am past that now</p></div>", "date": "16-10-2023", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/not-sure-how-to-feel/td-p/576619" }, { "author": "user-id/37850", "content": "<p>IHi K_Ley</p><p>I hope you are past that now, too.</p><p>I hope that being able to talk with your therapist you are able to talk about the feelings or thoughts which led you to do that in the first place, &amp; if the thoughts or feelings arise again.</p><p>&amp; remember, you are welcome to talk here, too.</p><p>Hugzies</p><p>mmMekitty</p></div>", "date": "16-10-2023", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/not-sure-how-to-feel/td-p/576619" }, { "author": "user-id/37105", "content": "<p> </p><p> </p><p> </p></div>", "date": "17-10-2023", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/not-sure-how-to-feel/td-p/576619" }, { "author": "user-id/37105", "content": "<p>Hello K_Ley</p>\n\n<p> </p>\n\n<p>Your post is fine and there is nothing weird about it. (<i>thankyou Kitty for your support and care</i>)</p>\n\n<p> </p>\n\n<p>You didnt lie to your friend. You answered your friends' question very well considering what you have been going through</p>\n\n<p> </p>\n\n<p>You are stronger than you think  K_Ley....It took me weeks to get the courage to post on the forums with my anxiety issues, I really do admire your strength. You are a strong by posting as well as you have. Excellent.</p>\n\n<p> </p>\n\n<p>be gentle to yourself K_Ley....You deserve it</p>\n\n<p> </p>\n\n<p>Thankyou for being a part of the Beyond Blue Family too...I hope you can stick around if you wish of course.</p>\n\n<p> </p>\n\n<p>Paul</p>\n\n<p>Online Volunteer</p>\n\n<p> </p></div>", "date": "17-10-2023", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/not-sure-how-to-feel/td-p/576619" }, { "author": "user-id/48931", "content": "<p>Thank you I appreciate the support and yes I will be sticking around I need this </p></div>", "date": "17-10-2023", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/not-sure-how-to-feel/td-p/576619" } ]
not sure how to feel
So this is a weird post in that I am not sure if anyone will reply or if anyone will be able to offer any advice.  A close friend of mine discovered a injury on my leg from two weeks ago and immediately asked if I had done it myself.  She knew that I had been struggling recently but I didn't think I had given her any reason to think that this was a possibility.  I actually ended up lying to her and telling her it was an accident but not sure she believed me.  I am now on 9 days of not having those thoughts, so I don't want anything thinking that.  Is that wrong?
[ { "author": "user-id/49302", "content": "<p>hey, thank you for the replies on my last discussion. I think they will be really helpful.<br>I just wanted to come on here and ask if anyone else has experienced this symptom. does anyone else suddenly forget where they are, who they are, what they are doing just randomly? sometimes I forget I even exist, or that I am human or real. and im just kind of floating around. but suddenly you realise you have forgotten everything about life and panic sets in. almost like a numbing pain in your body. this I think is one of the scariest symptoms I’ve had. forgetting reality and feeling like im just a soul floating around in space without a thought in my head. it kinda feels like zoning out but much more intense, and you’re brain is empty, you forget the space around you and you can’t really snap back into reality?</p><p> </p></div>", "date": "16-10-2023", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/depersonalisation/td-p/576687" }, { "author": "user-id/37850", "content": "<p>Hello again, emem0</p><p> </p><p>I can't say that I've ever felt quite like how you describe feeling.</p><p>This sounds like an awful, confusing, &amp; frightening way to suddenly feel.</p><p> </p><p>Are you able to reach out in any way, like, to touch something, or to speak to someone, when this is happening?</p><p>Can you do this even if things &amp; people don't seem real, or you don't feel real yourself?</p><p>If you can, making contact could help to reconnect you with the world.</p><p> </p><p>Or perhaps, maybe people you know have noticed when you seem disconnected, maybe seeming to have 'zoned out', &amp; can recognise when you are feeling so disconnected, &amp; can help, maybe by talking to you, saying your name, reminding you who you are to them, touching your hand ..? </p><p>do you think either of these ideas could help?</p><p> </p><p>Sorry for another question. Have you told your psychologist about these experiences?</p><p>If you are not sure if you can tell them, show them what you've written here on BB. I'm sure that would be helpful, because you describe what you experience so clearly.</p><p> </p><p>Hugzies</p><p>mmMekitty</p></div>", "date": "16-10-2023", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/depersonalisation/td-p/576687" } ]
hey, thank you for the replies on my last discussion. I think they will be really helpful. I just wanted to come on here and ask if anyone else has experienced this symptom. does anyone else suddenly forget where they are, who they are, what they are doing just randomly? sometimes I forget I even exist, or that I am human or real. and im just kind of floating around. but suddenly you realise you have forgotten everything about life and panic sets in. almost like a numbing pain in your body. this I think is one of the scariest symptoms I’ve had. forgetting reality and feeling like im just a soul floating around in space without a thought in my head. it kinda feels like zoning out but much more intense, and you’re brain is empty, you forget the space around you and you can’t really snap back into reality?  
[ { "author": "user-id/49315", "content": "<p>ive been so worried about my health recently. whenever i get even the slightest ache in my chest, my anxiety dials it up to “youre gonna have a heart attack and die right here” or “something is wrong you might be hospitalized” and it really makes everything worse. im constantly checking my pulse, massaging my chest, anything to convince myself im fine. im perfectly healthly, as i had a checkup not too long ago, but it still doesnt stop the anxieties creeping in. my parents say im fine, and that does help for the moment, but a bit later i sometimes am thinking the same things again. it really sucks, and i dont know how to deal with it. </p><p> </p><p>im a christian, and im constantly worrying that im not good enough and im not doing enough for God, and i hate how it makes me feel. it borderline ruins my day, because i then think that i’ll never get to live with him in heaven. im also scared of there being no god or eternal life in heaven, and just dying and never having another coherent thought or doing anything meaningful. it scares me that i’ll either die, and never know, or i’ll be living for eternity in heaven forever and ever. i dont know how to discuss this with my dad, and i am not sure how to improve myself and be more christian. </p><p> </p><p>it bugs me everyday, how i constantly worry about my health, and worry over whether i’ll die and never wake up or wake up in heaven. it makes me feel sick sometimes, and occasionally it makes me feel sad and depressed, but i dont how to bring this all up with either my parents or my therapist. what do i do?</p></div>", "date": "16-10-2023", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/regarding-anxiety-again/td-p/576633" }, { "author": "user-id/49299", "content": "<p>Hi mimikkyu!</p><p>I'm sorry to hear that you've been experiencing so much stress recently. I'm rooting for you and wish you all the best!</p><p> </p><p>As for bringing things up to your therapist, maybe you could try writing down your worries and letting them read it instead? That way you can make sure you've laid out everything you need to say with as much detail as you need, and nothing is left out. This may not work for everyone, but personally writing can feel a bit less daunting than speaking when in a stressful situation.</p><p> </p><p>I really hope this was at least somewhat helpful, and I hope everything works out for you <span class=\"lia-unicode-emoji\" title=\":slightly_smiling_face:\">🙂</span></p></div>", "date": "16-10-2023", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/regarding-anxiety-again/td-p/576633" }, { "author": "user-id/32332", "content": "<p>Dear Mimikkyu~</p><p>_Gigi_ has given you an idea of how to approach your therapist that I've found very helpful too. Having a few days beforehand to get everything in order and not leave anything out has made it a lot easier. Trying to think of everything in a face to face consultation is very hard.</p><p> </p><p>My doctor and psych have found it helped them too, having a list to work from. I have simply had to explain what I wrote, no great need to think.</p><p> </p><p>You mentioned that as a christian  you were unsure about matters and thought it difficult to talk to your parents about this. I wonder if in fact they are the appropriate persons to deal with matters of faith and you might be better off talking direct to your local religious leader who will have struck this sort of problem many times in the past.</p><p> </p><p>What do you think?</p><p> </p><p>Croix</p></div>", "date": "16-10-2023", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/regarding-anxiety-again/td-p/576633" } ]
regarding anxiety again
ive been so worried about my health recently. whenever i get even the slightest ache in my chest, my anxiety dials it up to “youre gonna have a heart attack and die right here” or “something is wrong you might be hospitalized” and it really makes everything worse. im constantly checking my pulse, massaging my chest, anything to convince myself im fine. im perfectly healthly, as i had a checkup not too long ago, but it still doesnt stop the anxieties creeping in. my parents say im fine, and that does help for the moment, but a bit later i sometimes am thinking the same things again. it really sucks, and i dont know how to deal with it.    im a christian, and im constantly worrying that im not good enough and im not doing enough for God, and i hate how it makes me feel. it borderline ruins my day, because i then think that i’ll never get to live with him in heaven. im also scared of there being no god or eternal life in heaven, and just dying and never having another coherent thought or doing anything meaningful. it scares me that i’ll either die, and never know, or i’ll be living for eternity in heaven forever and ever. i dont know how to discuss this with my dad, and i am not sure how to improve myself and be more christian.    it bugs me everyday, how i constantly worry about my health, and worry over whether i’ll die and never wake up or wake up in heaven. it makes me feel sick sometimes, and occasionally it makes me feel sad and depressed, but i dont how to bring this all up with either my parents or my therapist. what do i do?
[ { "author": "user-id/48995", "content": "<p>So I eat at 9am, 1pm and 6pm everyday. Then I eat yogurt at 7pm and take sleep medication at 10pm. I was also told by my psychiatrist that I have to walk and go out more. This is going to take me a long time since I got agoraphobia and emetophobia. </p><p> </p><p>But everytime I eat, I go bathroom, or I go outside for 1 minute as exposure, I have to sit down and think about it for hours on end. I feel like I can't do more than one thing a day. I mean thinking about what I'm going to eat before the time comes stresses me out. </p><p> </p><p>Why do I always have to mentally recover from such simple things? And why does it ruin or occupy my whole day even tho it's only a 1 minute task?</p><p> </p><p>This is honestly scaring me because what if this is all I'm capable of handling? What if eating, going bathroom, showing, going outside, waking, everything, will always be too hard? </p><p> </p><p>What if my brain is broken and I'll never be able to do anything without needing breaks? </p></div>", "date": "26-09-2023", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/constantly-have-to-recover-from-simple-tasks/td-p/575226" }, { "author": "user-id/3729", "content": "Hey Alel,<br>\n<br>\nThank you for sharing here today and for your honesty about what you are dealing with right now. When we feel like we are at our capacity, the simple things can feel overwhelming and exhausting and not \"simple\" at all.<br>\n<br>\nWe hope that you can treat yourself with kindness throughout this journey. If you ever want to chat, please do not hesitate to reach out to the Beyond Blue Support Service on 1300 22 4636. <br>\n<br>\nTake good care of yourself, Alel. We are sitting here with you <span class=\"lia-unicode-emoji\" title=\":red_heart:\">❤️</span> <br>\n<br>\nKind regards<br>\nSophie M<br>\n<br>\n </div>", "date": "26-09-2023", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/constantly-have-to-recover-from-simple-tasks/td-p/575226" }, { "author": "user-id/47893", "content": "<p>So sorry to hear you are going through this. This is me all over. It's really hard to explain to others too I find, without just sounding lazy. The most basic function can take me up to a week to perform, and then I need to pat myself on the back forever to try to continue. I live in terror all the time, for no one particular reason and I feel rage a lot. I am angry at everything but never know why. I too, am agoraphobic and even getting the mail is like another chore that I need to sometimes do after dark, in case someone sees me. I hate that my brain treats me this way and wonder if we do come back for a second life, if we have to bring this brain with us as part of our spirit or is it part of the body? Well you have a good day and I hope you feel better soon</p></div>", "date": "26-09-2023", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/constantly-have-to-recover-from-simple-tasks/td-p/575226" } ]
Constantly have to recover from simple tasks
So I eat at 9am, 1pm and 6pm everyday. Then I eat yogurt at 7pm and take sleep medication at 10pm. I was also told by my psychiatrist that I have to walk and go out more. This is going to take me a long time since I got agoraphobia and emetophobia.    But everytime I eat, I go bathroom, or I go outside for 1 minute as exposure, I have to sit down and think about it for hours on end. I feel like I can't do more than one thing a day. I mean thinking about what I'm going to eat before the time comes stresses me out.    Why do I always have to mentally recover from such simple things? And why does it ruin or occupy my whole day even tho it's only a 1 minute task?   This is honestly scaring me because what if this is all I'm capable of handling? What if eating, going bathroom, showing, going outside, waking, everything, will always be too hard?    What if my brain is broken and I'll never be able to do anything without needing breaks? 
[ { "author": "user-id/49099", "content": "I recently got picked up having 4 capsules at a pub. It's my first offence. Since this I've been spiralling hard. I was already having anxiety issues on daily basis. I can never relax. Feel like I'm faking my way through life. I lost my father to suicide in 2018. I keep thinking of every worst case scenario while I wait for court summons. I used to take drugs a bit when I was younger but not so much recent years. I have a daughter who is 1.5 years old. I find it hard to even look her in the face. I feel like a bad father now. I'm worried about my reputation now in the community. I think about suicide and what would be best way of doing it but I dont think it's an overwhelming sense I'm going to do it.  More casual like what if but I do feel like any other major events I'm not sure how I would cope. I find it hard to sleep sometimes.  I cant relax. My chest is always tight with worry. Just curious if anyone else has been through something similar</div>", "date": "26-09-2023", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/pending-legal-woes-and-anxiety-depression/td-p/575222" }, { "author": "user-id/3729", "content": "Hey nash1984,  <br>\n<br>\nThank you for your bravery and openness in sharing here. We can understand how difficult it must be at the moment condering the legal stress you are going through, and we really appreciate you being open and sharing what's going on for you right now. <br>\n <br>\nIs there anyone that you feel able to discuss this in person with? We’re reaching out to you to check you’re ok. In the meantime, we’d encourage you to <a href=\"tel:%201300%2022%204636\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow noopener noreferrer\">give the Beyond Blue counsellors a call on 1300 22 4636</a> or <a href=\"https://www.beyondblue.org.au/get-support/get-immediate-support\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow noopener noreferrer\">speak to them on webchat here</a>. <br>\n <br>\nIf you’re feeling suicidal or are having thoughts about harming yourself, it's important that you take immediate steps to keep safe. That might mean connecting with existing supports, following a safety plan, or you could <a href=\"https://www.lifeline.org.au/crisis-chat/\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow noopener noreferrer\">connect with Lifeline on 13 11 14</a>. If you feel unable to keep yourself from acting on your thoughts about suicide or self-harm this is an emergency, and you need to call <a href=\"tel:%20000\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow noopener noreferrer\">000</a> (triple zero).  <br>\n <br>\nWe hope that you find our forums to be a safe and supportive space to talk through your thoughts and feelings. Our community is here for you, and we’re sure they’ll spot your post soon enough and have some kind words and understanding for you.  <br>\n<br>\nKind regards,  <br>\n<br>\nSophie M </div>", "date": "26-09-2023", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/pending-legal-woes-and-anxiety-depression/td-p/575222" } ]
Pending legal woes and anxiety/depression
[ { "author": "user-id/48853", "content": "<p>Hi I was have problems with mental health like anxiety  tired depressed no happy.. all this happened from one thing I was had a bacteria in stomach Called Helicobacter pylori long time it make all problems for body after I take medicine I feel very gd no mental health problems so if u want feel happy don’t share anything from any one and if u have married every couple months check ur stomach </p></div>", "date": "05-09-2023", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/mental-health/td-p/573815" }, { "author": "user-id/14386", "content": "<p>hello and welcome.</p><p> </p><p>Firstly ... Sorry that it has been a while for you to get a reply.</p><p><br>It sounds like you've been through a really difficult time with your mental health, and I'm glad to hear you were able to identify the problem that was contributing to your struggles.</p><p> </p><p>And if you wanted to talk I'm listening.</p></div>", "date": "17-09-2023", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/mental-health/td-p/573815" }, { "author": "user-id/49070", "content": "<p>I am so sorry you are feeling unwell and it is affecting your mental health. Please try to rest and also do some things that clear your mind, such as going for a walk in fresh air and reaching out to friends.</p><p> </p><p>Also probiotics can help with mental health. You might like to try the Blackmores brand and ask the pharmacist for the best every day probiotic. It really helped me. I also went to get a blood test and the doctor discovered that my vitamin D and Iron was very low. Now that I have improved the probiotics, D and Iron, I feel a lot better. Maybe try to have a blood test and see if there are some deficiencies. </p></div>", "date": "25-09-2023", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/mental-health/td-p/573815" } ]
mental health
Hi I was have problems with mental health like anxiety  tired depressed no happy.. all this happened from one thing I was had a bacteria in stomach Called Helicobacter pylori long time it make all problems for body after I take medicine I feel very gd no mental health problems so if u want feel happy don’t share anything from any one and if u have married every couple months check ur stomach 
[ { "author": "user-id/49090", "content": "<p>I have had IBS for years which work knows about so sometimes I am late to work or have to take extra sick days.  I have also recently been diagnosed with fibromyalgia (which includes ibs) and also a unknown cysts that could be magliant. My mental health and memory has declined recently and work has noticed it.  I have changed my duties and hours to see if it helps.  I was supposed to have a procedure a few weeks ago to find out what the cysts are however the hospital cancelled and has rescheduled it in a month.  Work has asked me to reschedule it due to staffing issues. This is seriously stressing me out.  Can they ask me to reschedule? If I do I would be put at the end of a pretty long list and I need to know what is happening. I am constantly in pain and stress makes it worse and I am not performing at 100% which I normally do. I don't know what to do</p></div>", "date": "24-09-2023", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/work-stress-anxiety/td-p/575145" }, { "author": "user-id/49070", "content": "<p>I can sense how overwhelmed you are in your message. I am sorry that this is a tough time for you. </p><p> </p><p>With the appointment, it is common for workplaces to be inflexible, even though it is not ethical. I would swear a lot here but we are not allowed hahaha. I recommend having a quick 2 minute chat with your boss, keep it casual, doesn't need to be a meeting, just grab them at their desk when they seem chill. Put all of the emotions to the side and stay in control, take some deep breaths and just be super nice and professional and say something like \"hey, you know how I asked for the day to be swapped for my specialist appointment to XYZ date? I am super sorry because I know that its a busy period at that time, but the appointment is quite important and I really just need to attend it. I have to have that day off, I hope it is not going to inconvenience you guys\" wait for the reply then maybe add \"I am happy to stay back an extra hour on the other days to get through the workload if it helps?\" and then be super nice when they allow you to have the day off, act like they did you a huge favour and that will smooth over the relationship. </p><p> </p><p>I know it is kissing their *** a little, but it can get good results to be really friendly and apologetic and pretty much explain briefly that you have to have the day off (not ASK for the day off). Keep your cool and then be thankful. They will let you have the day off for a medical appointment, if you frame it in the way that it is important and you have to go. No need to tell them any details. In fact it is often better to keep that separation and not disclose anything. If they ask, you can say that it's not something you wish to discuss, but you are ok and thank you so much for asking. But of course, if you have a good relationship with them, sometimes its ok to disclose and talk about it. Just be sure to stick with what you are comfortable with. If you don't feel comfortable having to explain yourself, then you don't need to at all. </p><p> </p><p>About not performing 100%, try not to beat yourself up right now. They must have seen your work when you were feeling better, so they already know you are a good employee. They tend not to notice to the degree that we notice when we are dropping the ball. It firstly takes longer for them to even realise that a good employee is not working as well as they previously did; but then the most that they usually think is \"hmm.. they are not doing as well lately, I will keep an eye on them\" and they then get distracted for a few months doing other things. It takes a lot for them to give warnings or want to kick you out. They prefer not to have to go through the hiring and training process. So you have a buffer of time where they are probably not seeing as much as you think they are. Also, maybe you are still doing average work and that might even be fine with them. Some high achievers seem like an asset to the company and then when they get burnt out, their efficiency goes down to normal level. The employer may notice, but not really care, because that employee is actually still doing well and similar level to the others. </p><p> </p><p>But from what you have written I am tempted to say not to worry what they think too much right now. You are having a tough time. Do what you need to do to de-stress and recover.</p></div>", "date": "25-09-2023", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/work-stress-anxiety/td-p/575145" } ]
Work Stress/ Anxiety
I have had IBS for years which work knows about so sometimes I am late to work or have to take extra sick days.  I have also recently been diagnosed with fibromyalgia (which includes ibs) and also a unknown cysts that could be magliant. My mental health and memory has declined recently and work has noticed it.  I have changed my duties and hours to see if it helps.  I was supposed to have a procedure a few weeks ago to find out what the cysts are however the hospital cancelled and has rescheduled it in a month.  Work has asked me to reschedule it due to staffing issues. This is seriously stressing me out.  Can they ask me to reschedule? If I do I would be put at the end of a pretty long list and I need to know what is happening. I am constantly in pain and stress makes it worse and I am not performing at 100% which I normally do. I don't know what to do
[ { "author": "user-id/49073", "content": "<p>This is just me writing it out because I can't talk to anyone about this. Mid 2022, I had a fairly big argument with my mother. My parent's have been divorced for a while so I'm okay with that. My dad has always been in the picture but would never listen to anything that I had to say about my mental health. And my mum was amazing, and she would listen to me, but then she would go on and tell her new partner, my stepdad, and then he would just laugh at me that it made me feel very embarrassed and I ended up not talking to my mother about this anymore. Then, when this argument about all of this happened mid 2022, I eventually ended up moving out in November 2022. Again, my mother wasn't happy with that, but what was I meant to do. Now, I have been living in my own house since November 2022 and looking after my grandmother. I'm not sure what to do because I am in the centre of all arguments in my family. I started that argument with my mother and then everything else in my family just began to crumble. So, I really focused on my work in childcare centre and my study in university and college. I hope this makes sense, but it's very much a rant. But this is my life.</p><p> </p></div>", "date": "23-09-2023", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/anxiety-and-depression-because-of-my-situation-in-my-family/td-p/575052" }, { "author": "user-id/47640", "content": "<p>Hi Philip123,</p><p>Welcome and thank you for telling us a bit about yourself. Family can be hard to navigate when not everyone is on the same page and I'm sorry you are feeling stuck in the middle of everything. There is still a lot of misunderstanding about mental health in our society but it is even more difficult when some members of your family don't understand. I also didn't get much understanding from family so I understand how isolating that feels. The only thing I can suggest is to have a calm talk with each of the people involved and try to get you feelings across to them. Ask them if they are interested in learning more about what you are dealing with on a daily basis. If there is an interest on their part, perhaps you could find a suitable book that would give them some insight into your mental health issues. If there is no interest on their part, then you will need to resign yourself to the fact that it is them that has the problem, not you. You really should not have to justify yourself to family to have their support. The fact that you are looking after your grandmother tells me you are a caring and sensitive person, as am I, which means we feel things more deeply than others who do not have that inbuilt sensitivity. If you feel comfortable, please feel free to continue this conversation, you don't have to go through this alone.</p><p>Take care,</p><p>indigo22</p></div>", "date": "23-09-2023", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/anxiety-and-depression-because-of-my-situation-in-my-family/td-p/575052" } ]
Anxiety and Depression because of my situation in my family.
This is just me writing it out because I can't talk to anyone about this. Mid 2022, I had a fairly big argument with my mother. My parent's have been divorced for a while so I'm okay with that. My dad has always been in the picture but would never listen to anything that I had to say about my mental health. And my mum was amazing, and she would listen to me, but then she would go on and tell her new partner, my stepdad, and then he would just laugh at me that it made me feel very embarrassed and I ended up not talking to my mother about this anymore. Then, when this argument about all of this happened mid 2022, I eventually ended up moving out in November 2022. Again, my mother wasn't happy with that, but what was I meant to do. Now, I have been living in my own house since November 2022 and looking after my grandmother. I'm not sure what to do because I am in the centre of all arguments in my family. I started that argument with my mother and then everything else in my family just began to crumble. So, I really focused on my work in childcare centre and my study in university and college. I hope this makes sense, but it's very much a rant. But this is my life.  
[ { "author": "user-id/49070", "content": "<p>This is a rant because I can't tell anyone in my life what I am going through, so I want to write it here. The rant is directed at the teachers who judge me at university, because I occasionally appear a tiny bit abnormal or spaced out. Because I have DPDR and I am managing my debilitating and frightening symptoms while trying to appear normal in conversation. Masking.</p><p> </p><p>Depersonalisation disorder is a hidden illness and it is frustrating to have this through university because I can't tell the teachers about it due to stigma. They think I am 'only suffering from anxiety' and judge me because \"they have anxiety too\".</p><p> </p><p>DPDR fluctuated with stress level. Fact. Imagine being in final year and juggling a lot of competing priorities - it would cause a lot of stress, particularly if there were also life stressors and fatigue involved, correct? So it is logical to suggest that the symptoms of DPDR increase during this time also, making it nearly impossible for me to navigate my studies at no fault of my own. This is NOT my fault and I am tired of teaching staff treating my like I am lazy because I appear normal sometimes, or treating me like I am incompetent because I appear anxious and scattered sometimes.</p><p> </p><p>The anxious and scattered version of me is the DPDR me. It is NOT an accurate representation of who I am in the real world, when I don't have all of these stressors happening. It is NOT an accurate representation of my intellect, or my academic capabilities and it is NOT an accurate representation of my attitude towards my degree or the university. I care very much about my degree and my future career. That's a part of the reason why I am so stressed. Because I actually care. I am NOT lazy, incompetent, unstable, slow or stupid. That is the DPDR you are judging, not ME.</p><p> </p><p>I have a hidden disability - a legitimate disability! One that makes every day a living hell and I am in SO much pain, trying my best to get through each day and then smile and have conversations with everyone as though I am fine at university. I am not fine. If you only knew what it was like under this high level of symptoms, you would fully understand and be supportive. You would be crying after one day of this hell if you felt it. I can barely function each day right now. If I make it to university I only speak with teachers the whole week. So thanks for discriminating against me and making me feel ridiculous and stupid in the only interactions with people that I can manage to have. Cheers. </p></div>", "date": "23-09-2023", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/dpdr-depersonalisation-derealisation-at-university/td-p/575030" }, { "author": "user-id/47640", "content": "<p>Hi CountingCrows1,</p><p>Welcome and thank you for letting us know what you are going through, I can only imagine how debilitating this must be for you and I am so sorry you are not getting the support you need from you teachers. There is still a lot of misunderstanding in society about mental health illnesses unfortunately, although it is improving, there is still a long was to go.</p><p>Are you getting some support outside of university? Counselling or other support?</p><p>Does the university have a counsellor or social worker on staff that you could go to and talk about what you are experiencing with the teaching staff?</p><p>I feel despite the stigma, someone should know what you are dealing with so you have some support at university.</p><p>If you reel comfortable, feel free to continue this conversation. Please also make use of the help lines (Beyond Blue or others) when you are feeling overwhelmed. You are going through a lot and you don't need to do it alone.</p><p>Take care,</p><p>indigo22</p></div>", "date": "23-09-2023", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/dpdr-depersonalisation-derealisation-at-university/td-p/575030" } ]
DPDR Depersonalisation Derealisation at University
This is a rant because I can't tell anyone in my life what I am going through, so I want to write it here. The rant is directed at the teachers who judge me at university, because I occasionally appear a tiny bit abnormal or spaced out. Because I have DPDR and I am managing my debilitating and frightening symptoms while trying to appear normal in conversation. Masking.   Depersonalisation disorder is a hidden illness and it is frustrating to have this through university because I can't tell the teachers about it due to stigma. They think I am 'only suffering from anxiety' and judge me because "they have anxiety too".   DPDR fluctuated with stress level. Fact. Imagine being in final year and juggling a lot of competing priorities - it would cause a lot of stress, particularly if there were also life stressors and fatigue involved, correct? So it is logical to suggest that the symptoms of DPDR increase during this time also, making it nearly impossible for me to navigate my studies at no fault of my own. This is NOT my fault and I am tired of teaching staff treating my like I am lazy because I appear normal sometimes, or treating me like I am incompetent because I appear anxious and scattered sometimes.   The anxious and scattered version of me is the DPDR me. It is NOT an accurate representation of who I am in the real world, when I don't have all of these stressors happening. It is NOT an accurate representation of my intellect, or my academic capabilities and it is NOT an accurate representation of my attitude towards my degree or the university. I care very much about my degree and my future career. That's a part of the reason why I am so stressed. Because I actually care. I am NOT lazy, incompetent, unstable, slow or stupid. That is the DPDR you are judging, not ME.   I have a hidden disability - a legitimate disability! One that makes every day a living hell and I am in SO much pain, trying my best to get through each day and then smile and have conversations with everyone as though I am fine at university. I am not fine. If you only knew what it was like under this high level of symptoms, you would fully understand and be supportive. You would be crying after one day of this hell if you felt it. I can barely function each day right now. If I make it to university I only speak with teachers the whole week. So thanks for discriminating against me and making me feel ridiculous and stupid in the only interactions with people that I can manage to have. Cheers. 
[ { "author": "user-id/46442", "content": "<p>Hi, this is my first post on here. I struggle with DPDR and anxiety, but the past few days I just haven't been able to get over my negative thoughts and existential anxiety. </p><p>It's like I'm scared to be alive, but also scared to die at the same time. I also keep having really intrusive thoughts of 'how am I even alive', 'why do we live', 'what's the point of feeling good'. It's hard to remain positive because I just don't feel real or alive, and I'm scared that I'll never feel better, but then I get scared that I'll feel better and actually have to live my life. Anyways, I guess I just need help with these thoughts because they're making me feel pretty depressed.</p></div>", "date": "01-03-2023", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/anxiety-and-dpdr-help/td-p/560069" }, { "author": "user-id/3729", "content": "Hi plushelephant, <br>\n  \n\n Welcome to the forums and thank you for your bravery and openness in sharing here. It’s a really good place to have come to hear from others. We’re really sorry to hear you’ve been feeling anxious and existential. We think sharing here is a great step towards feeling better.  <br>\n  \n\n If you want to talk through what you’re feeling at any time, the Beyond Blue Support Line is here for you 24/7 on 1300 22 4636, or online here. It’s ok to reach out when you’re feeling anxious or upset, they can talk you through some ways to find a bit of calm, and then help you to figure out some options for further support. <br>\n  \n\n We’re sure we’ll hear from the lovely community soon, but in the meantime, here’s some strategies you might like to have a look at it. We understand you might have been through some of these in the past and it might feel like cold comfort right now, but they’re here in case they do pique your interest:  \n\n<ul>\n\t<li>\n\t <a href=\"https://www.beyondblue.org.au/the-facts/anxiety/treatments-for-anxiety/anxiety-management-strategies\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow noopener noreferrer\">Another thread where the community have shared some strategies for managing anxiety</a>  \n\t</li>\n\t<li>\n\t <a href=\"https://www.beyondblue.org.au/personal-best/pillar/supporting-yourself/when-your-inner-critic-is-giving-you-a-tough-time\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow noopener noreferrer\">Beyond Blue Article: When your inner critic is giving you a tough time</a> <br>\n\t  \n\t</li>\n</ul>\n\n Thanks again for sharing. We’re here to listen and offer support, and you never know how your story might help someone else. <br>\n  \n\n Kind regards, <br>\n  \n\n Sophie M </div>", "date": "01-03-2023", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/anxiety-and-dpdr-help/td-p/560069" }, { "author": "user-id/46442", "content": "<p>Hi, thank you for the resources and support. They actually helped me a little even though I'm still worrying. Hopefully I get some community responses soon like you said <span class=\"lia-unicode-emoji\" title=\":growing_heart:\">💗</span></p></div>", "date": "01-03-2023", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/anxiety-and-dpdr-help/td-p/560069" }, { "author": "user-id/37850", "content": "<p>Hi Plushelephant.</p><p>I don't know much about DPDR (I think you refer to Depersonalisation / Derealisation?) What I do know is many people, ordinary people, philosophers, thinkers, ask themselves &amp; the usiverse or some religious figure, the sorts of questions you have running through your mind, stirring up all those feelings.</p><p>These are the big questions of life. These are questions with no definite answer, except for answers we find or create for ourselves.</p><p>Because these questions are so hard to answer, most people are able to get stuck into what they can do, things they can find in life of interest, or meaning, or worth. or purpose.</p><p>Usually, when people find their own answers, they are looking outside themselves. With courage, they try different things, go places, meet a lot of people. Maybe they find answers, or maybe they find the journey is the whole purpose in itself.</p><p>Whatever it is for you, remember we have our whole lives, no matter how long or short our lives may be.</p><p>All the best,</p><p>Hugzies</p><p>mmMekitty</p></div>", "date": "12-03-2023", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/anxiety-and-dpdr-help/td-p/560069" }, { "author": "user-id/40334", "content": "<p>Hi plushelephant</p><p> </p><p>I can recall when I first came out of long term depression some years ago, very suddenly. It was a truly mind altering experience, not all of it good. While a lot of my false beliefs about myself and life had suddenly vanished, it felt like I was a completely blank slate. Problem is...with a blank slate there are no reference points. Kind of feels like free falling with nothing to grab onto, no grab handles (aka ref points). In hindsight I can see how this happened. Long story short...you begin as a blank slate with an open mind. Other people's ideas and beliefs are <em>gradually</em> given to you over time. All these things go toward telling you who you are in a number of ways. This is not a problem, based on you not being fully conscious of it happening. But if all of a sudden the slate was wiped clean, how would you manage? Hope that makes sense. I suppose it's like if you did a factory reset in a way. The one thing that led me out of what became a highly distressing state of open mindedness and an inability to establish some form of reality was <em>grounding</em>. Researching grounding exercises may be of some help. Btw, unless someone's been through having no sense of reality, they really can't understand how genuinely terrifying it can feel.</p><p> </p><p>Not sure if it will help but I've found that there are always new facets of me coming to life based on the challenges I face over time. We are definitely multifaceted creatures, that's for sure. If you imagine an old style wagon wheel with all the spokes meeting the hub in the middle, you could say those spokes can represent the adventurer in us, the risk taker, the philosopher, the warrior who'll just about fight to the death to defend the heart, the passionate lover, the natural stresser, the sage and so on. Each facet has a different nature. That hub or core sense of self is what manages the whole shabang. So, you could have the philosopher asking 'What is life really about?', the pessimist dictating 'It's a waste of time' and the sage proclaiming 'You need to find the meaning of life, to know <em>why</em> you're here' all at the same time. And then you could have your core sense of self suddenly yell 'Shut up!'. With the core aspect being the grounding aspect, it holds the reigns on every facet of what makes up who we are. If there's no core sense of self, it can all feel completely out of control.</p><p> </p><p> </p></div>", "date": "12-03-2023", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/anxiety-and-dpdr-help/td-p/560069" }, { "author": "user-id/21977", "content": "<p>Hi Plushelephant,</p><p> </p><p>I don't think there's anything wrong with the thoughts <span>'how am I even alive', 'why do we live', as another member said below they're philosophical questions, and a lot of people think them. They're valid and don't really make sense to me either lol. 'what's the point of feeling good' though is a sign of depression in some way I'd say. You deserve to feel good. I have always grown up thinking 'Am I even real?' People have said this comes from childhood and not feeling seen, and not connecting with family members, which is true but I still have a lot of confusion around this. </span></p></div>", "date": "23-03-2023", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/anxiety-and-dpdr-help/td-p/560069" }, { "author": "user-id/49070", "content": "<p>Hello, how are you? I hope you are feeling much better these days.</p><p> </p><p>Existential thinking is purposeful to an extent but it is not useful if it becomes a barrier to maintaining healthy wellbeing and mindset. I am sure you know this already :). With dpdr, it is best to steer away from unhealthy forms of existentialism. If you are prone to existentialism, you could try to channel that skill into something useful and healthy that contributes positively to your life. For example, reading interesting books, watching documentaries, studying or writing on topics that do not make you feel more disconnected. Some topics are triggers for furthering the dpdr cycle or feeding symptoms, other topics capture our imagination and focus our thoughts, giving our mind a break from the cycle of dpdr. I guess it is about observing what boundaries you might like to put in place to keep yourself healthy and observing other ways that make you feel better regarding deep/existential thinking. For me, I kept my mindset very simple and stayed away from too much stimulation for a few years, which really helped to re-set and recover from the dpdr. After that, I slowly filtered in ways of thinking that could be a bit deeper and tried to do it in a healthy way. Example, I started studying history and speaking with people about history, which really helped me to have the intellectual stimulation I needed, but did not end up in the existential dread cycle, for example if I was to study consciousness or simulation theory haha then I would get myself in trouble. </p><p> </p><p>With many of those deep questions you raise, it is tuning in to our own mortality and being hyper aware of oneself. This type of thinking can be beneficial and constructive for helping us to make changes and improve our lives; but it could also be detrimental if we dwell on it or lose our motivation in life. It might help to try to make some guesses to answer those questions, just enough to satisfy your own curiosity, without researching too much or over-thinking. We are never going to get a true answer to these big life questions, so all we can do is make a few guesses and then try to think about whats next after that, which is usually \"ok so I have made some guesses for those questions, but what do I do with my life next that makes sense in this framework?\" This is kind of like defining what life means to you and then how to live meaningfully according to your beliefs. Once you have found some meaning, the direction can be created and the direction becomes meaningful, which gives you purpose. For example, I would answer \"why do we live\" as: \"I don't know why we live, maybe it is a simulation of some type. Regardless, I think we are being judged eventually by the choices we make in life. What does this mean for me and how I live my life? I should try to make healthy choices for myself and be kind to others where possible. But also realise that I am human and make mistakes. Which means that it is my intention that really matters, to become a better person, and I will work on the answer for how to do that as I go.\" This is what I have decided as my answer many times and it is enough to satisfy me so that I can move past those thoughts when they come up and just brush them off. Sometimes those thoughts come up when I need to make adjustments or reevaluate and it can be useful at that stage to think things over again. Otherwise I avoid this type of thinking because I am moving in the meaningful direction I created. </p><p> </p><p>So have a bit of a think how to answer the questions and what to do next with that information. I hope it helps you to move past the existentialism. </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p></div>", "date": "23-09-2023", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/anxiety-and-dpdr-help/td-p/560069" } ]
Anxiety and DPDR help
Hi, this is my first post on here. I struggle with DPDR and anxiety, but the past few days I just haven't been able to get over my negative thoughts and existential anxiety.  It's like I'm scared to be alive, but also scared to die at the same time. I also keep having really intrusive thoughts of 'how am I even alive', 'why do we live', 'what's the point of feeling good'. It's hard to remain positive because I just don't feel real or alive, and I'm scared that I'll never feel better, but then I get scared that I'll feel better and actually have to live my life. Anyways, I guess I just need help with these thoughts because they're making me feel pretty depressed.
[ { "author": "user-id/48995", "content": "<p>I was diagnosed recently with severe anxiety and depression. </p><p> </p><p>I'm scared that no matter how much I overcome my anxiety and depression, it'll still be there. Even if it won't be as bad, just the thought that it'll be there forever, makes me feel broken beyond repair.</p><p> </p><p>I don't want to spend the rest of my life adjusting to the anxiety and depression to fight it. Fighting it everyday for the rest of my life seems exhausting. </p><p> </p><p>I'm also deadly afraid that I won't be able to handle it and go crazy one day. I'm so scared of becoming a lunatic or so messed up.</p><p> </p><p>How do I live with this? I don't want to be conscious of it forever that it drives me crazy. </p><p> </p><p>Please help. </p></div>", "date": "21-09-2023", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/afraid-anxiety-will-stay-for-the-rest-of-my-life/td-p/574939" }, { "author": "user-id/19707", "content": "<p>Hi, Alel, welcome</p><p> </p><p>Suddenly, when we are still young, we are no longer perfect. This seems quite a challenge and in 1987 when I had my first panic attack and subsequent anxiety, I wondered the same thing. Full commitment being the new challenge I imagined anxiety would be gone in a few months but alas, it took me 22 years. That would seem frightening to you but it is a mindset that you will need to tackle.</p><p> </p><p>I sense some negativity in your post. To meet the challenge that negativity will need to be addressed. You can do that by attending motivation speeches and reading how to turn it to a positive mindset. </p><p> </p><p>There is treatment for anxiety and it does involve many different techniques. Find the ones that you feel comfortable with. Rather than go through many of them I have a thread you can read- just read the first post of any links I provide. Doesnt take long.</p><p> </p><p>Anxiety if not treated can evolve into depression, believe me you dont want that.</p><p> </p><p>So we can talk more, I'm here daily so just reply and I'll reply back when on my computer.</p><p> </p><p><a href=\"https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/staying-well/acceptance-is-this-our-biggest-challenge/td-p/147694\" target=\"_blank\">https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/staying-well/acceptance-is-this-our-biggest-challenge/td-p/14769...</a></p><p> </p><p><a href=\"https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/anxiety-how-l-eliminated-it/td-p/183873\" target=\"_blank\">https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/anxiety-how-l-eliminated-it/td-p/183873</a></p><p> </p><p><a href=\"https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/staying-well/30-minutes-can-change-your-life/td-p/154525\" target=\"_blank\">https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/staying-well/30-minutes-can-change-your-life/td-p/154525</a></p><p> </p><p><a href=\"https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/staying-well/motivation-search-and-rescue-it/td-p/38279\" target=\"_blank\">https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/staying-well/motivation-search-and-rescue-it/td-p/38279</a></p><p> </p><p>P.S  if you were to take a survey of 100 people that passed you on the street to ask them if they are on medication or if they carry illness or injury, you would be lucky to get 5 to 10 that didnt have either.</p><p> </p><p>TonyWK</p></div>", "date": "22-09-2023", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/afraid-anxiety-will-stay-for-the-rest-of-my-life/td-p/574939" }, { "author": "user-id/48202", "content": "<p>Dear Alei,</p><p>You seem very anxious about your anxiety but as White Knight explained, it won't go away all at once.</p><p>I had my first anxiety attack in 1973 and it took many years and much discipline to control it.</p><p> </p><p>Attending to regular exercise, deep breathing and meditation were all useful for me and I still practise these daily. Initially I made a list of all the things I could do to control my anxiety and kept this within easy reach so that </p><p>I could refer to it when needed.</p><p> </p><p>Are you having counselling? You can get in touch with one of the Beyond Blue counsellors quickly and it might be a good idea to put the number on your list.</p><p> </p><p>Abive all, please remember that you are in control and the problem is the anxiety, not you yourself.</p><p> </p><p>I hope you will continue to post on the forum so that we can congratulate you on your progress. You can do it Alal.</p><p> </p><p>Warmest regards,</p><p>Richju xxxx</p></div>", "date": "22-09-2023", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/afraid-anxiety-will-stay-for-the-rest-of-my-life/td-p/574939" } ]
Afraid anxiety will stay for the rest of my life.
I was diagnosed recently with severe anxiety and depression.    I'm scared that no matter how much I overcome my anxiety and depression, it'll still be there. Even if it won't be as bad, just the thought that it'll be there forever, makes me feel broken beyond repair.   I don't want to spend the rest of my life adjusting to the anxiety and depression to fight it. Fighting it everyday for the rest of my life seems exhausting.    I'm also deadly afraid that I won't be able to handle it and go crazy one day. I'm so scared of becoming a lunatic or so messed up.   How do I live with this? I don't want to be conscious of it forever that it drives me crazy.    Please help. 
[ { "author": "user-id/48885", "content": "<p>I recently moved out of home at 20 into a share house and I’m feeling really lonely. It’s pretty ironic because I left my mums house a week ago because it was a toxic environment, but moving has made me feel even more isolated. <br>I live with 5 other people and they are insanely quiet. I wake up; silence. I go to bed; silence. It kind of creeps me out a bit, even though I am a shy introverted person, hearing nothing has been freaking me out.<br>It has also made me feel quite lonely, especially on top of being away from my siblings and mother (even if we don’t have the best relationship). I don’t have any friends and now I hardly ever see my family, so I am having a hard time coping. <br>I see a psychologist once a month but it’s becoming too expensive. I don’t know what to do because I’ve already signed a lease and ideally I don’t want to go back to my mothers house. Any advice or support is appreciated.</p></div>", "date": "17-09-2023", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/feeling-lonely-in-a-sharehouse/td-p/574740" }, { "author": "user-id/38654", "content": "<p>Hi there,</p><p> </p><p>I am sorry you are experiencing this. Moving out of home for the first time can be an isolating experience because you are leaving the home environment that you have always known. It might take some time for you to adjust and warm up to your roommates. Maybe they are quiet because y'all don't know each other well enough yet? Over time this will hopefully improve as you get to know each other. I know it can be hard when you are shy and introverted, but overtime these relationships will grow organically.</p><p> </p><p>\"The grass is always greener on the other side\" is a quote I live by. When you're in one situation (e.g., in the \"toxic environment\" at your mum's house), the other side looks better (e.g., living in the shared house). Now you've moved to the greener side of the shared house, and you are missing your family - isn't it ironic? Remind yourself of why you decided to move in the first place. I think you need to be patient with yourself and give yourself some time to adjust.</p><p> </p><p>Seeing a psychologist is expensive at the moment - are you seeing them through medicare? The gap is around $75 at the moment. if you can get a concession card (are you on centrelink?) it can go down to $35 i believe (maybe check this with your psychologist's practice). it would be a good idea to keep seeing the psychologist as you adjust to your new living situation. alternatively, you could see a counsellor, which might not be as expensive? your local headspace centre might be able to help you: <a href=\"https://headspace.org.au/headspace-centres/\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow noopener noreferrer\">https://headspace.org.au/headspace-centres/</a></p><p> </p><p>i hope things improve soon,</p><p>jaz xx</p><p> </p><p>I am sorry you are feeling lonely - can you still visit your mum and family?</p></div>", "date": "18-09-2023", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/feeling-lonely-in-a-sharehouse/td-p/574740" }, { "author": "user-id/48885", "content": "<p>Hey jaz, </p><p>i really appreciate your words of kindness and wisdom. I am not on Centrelink and I’m not eligible unfortunately, so I’m working to cover my costs. On top of that, the out of pocket expense for my psyc is $110 (with Medicare cover as well) because she has studied a masters degree. So my choices are quite limited. I could seek out a cheaper option, but I love my psyc so it would be distressing to do so unfortunately.</p><p> </p><p>It’s been around 4 days now and I’m slowly adjusting. Although it’s still hard, getting into my normal routine is helping significantly. I still cry sometimes at night because I feel as if I’m missing out of my family’s life and talks, but I’m trying to tell myself that I can always see them if I need/want to. I’ve organised to see them for dinner once a week just to help with the transition. In the beginning I was telling myself I couldn’t do that because it is too “codependent” of me. But I need to remind myself that wanting or needing to see your family is a part of life and it is ok. It doesn’t mean I am weak or “bad at moving out”. I guess it’s just hard to continue to remind myself of that. <br><br></p><p>anyway, thank you for your help. It truly helped me so much, and has allowed me to relax. Thanks Jaz, and I hope you are doing ok too.</p><p> </p><p>stella x</p><p> </p></div>", "date": "18-09-2023", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/feeling-lonely-in-a-sharehouse/td-p/574740" }, { "author": "user-id/48202", "content": "<p>Hey Stella,</p><p>Congratulations for the improvement in just 4 days! I'm so pleased to hear you are beginning to feel more at home. Leaving your family is always a challenge and I feel your descision to meet with your family once a week is a great idea.</p><p>My experience of share houses are dufficult too. After all you are living with people you don't know and who probably come from very different homes. It's not easy. Just a 'hello' and a smile may be a way to begin connection with the others. If they are all quiet, they may feel like you do.</p><p>But I say again, I'm amazed how much you have achieved in just 4 days and hope you will keep posting on the forum to tell us how you're going.</p><p>I really look forward to hearing from you.</p><p>Warmest regards,</p><p>Richju </p></div>", "date": "19-09-2023", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/feeling-lonely-in-a-sharehouse/td-p/574740" }, { "author": "user-id/48885", "content": "<p>Hey Richju,</p><p> </p><p>Thank you so much for your comment. This has made me feel more reassured and validated for what I was/am feeling. <br>I am just trying to remind myself that it’s a part of the process. It is just quite difficult to do so when so many things are going on at once. But I’ve just got to give it time. Posting on this forum and receiving comments like yours has really helped me relax and feel more comfortable in my situation, so again, thank you for taking the time to comment ☺️</p><p> </p><p>Regards,</p><p> </p><p>stella x</p></div>", "date": "19-09-2023", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/feeling-lonely-in-a-sharehouse/td-p/574740" }, { "author": "user-id/48202", "content": "<p>Hi Stella,</p><p>Glad you are so much more positive! You are coming along in leaps and bounds. Yes, it will take time but have you thought of keeping a gratitude diary? Just keep a note of good things that happen each day to help you settle. They can be just little things eg. that one of your housemates said hello or someone was playing music you like etc.</p><p>I hope you still seeing your family and finding them easier to be with now. Perhaps experiences from these visits could also go in your gratitude diary.</p><p>I'm so very pleased your replied to my post and really look forward to hearing from you again.</p><p>Love and hugs,</p><p>Richju xxx</p></div>", "date": "21-09-2023", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/feeling-lonely-in-a-sharehouse/td-p/574740" } ]
Feeling Lonely in a Sharehouse
I recently moved out of home at 20 into a share house and I’m feeling really lonely. It’s pretty ironic because I left my mums house a week ago because it was a toxic environment, but moving has made me feel even more isolated.  I live with 5 other people and they are insanely quiet. I wake up; silence. I go to bed; silence. It kind of creeps me out a bit, even though I am a shy introverted person, hearing nothing has been freaking me out. It has also made me feel quite lonely, especially on top of being away from my siblings and mother (even if we don’t have the best relationship). I don’t have any friends and now I hardly ever see my family, so I am having a hard time coping.  I see a psychologist once a month but it’s becoming too expensive. I don’t know what to do because I’ve already signed a lease and ideally I don’t want to go back to my mothers house. Any advice or support is appreciated.
[ { "author": "user-id/48914", "content": "<p>It has been several years since this incident but yet I cannot seem to shake the anxiety and worry that has plagued me since. It all happened a few years ago when I had decided to leave a company I had worked at for over 6 years across two continents. At the time of my resignation I was so elated and happy to leave that toxic environment that in an attempt to be proactive I had made a copy of data to facilitate my handovers (a common practice when I was working for the same company in a different part of the world) and also to retain various sources of personal information that had been stored on the laptop over time due to taxes and etc.</p><p> </p><p>This led to a whole complex situation (disciplinary hearings) where I was accused of multiple things, and there were attempts to invalidate my rights to work in Australia. To add to this, they seized my hard drive in question that had my personal data along with the data I had made a copy of to do my hand overs. I had to get lawyers involved and was in the end told to compromise and sign their expectations. In the end, I never actually got to tell my side of the story because they kept changing what they were accusing me off.</p><p> </p><p>Since then I have had bad anxiety and sometimes get panic attacks that just stop me from moving forward with my life. I keep conjuring situations in my mind where my previous company is out there just bad mouthing me to everyone and destroying my reputation. Which in my line of work is important because I have to deal with multiple people and build connections.</p></div>", "date": "10-09-2023", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/anxiety-over-a-negative-experience-at-work/td-p/574170" }, { "author": "user-id/14386", "content": "<p>A friend of mine has been through a similar experience in regards to accusations. <span class=\"lia-unicode-emoji\" title=\":disappointed_face:\">😞</span></p><p> </p><p>I'm so sorry to hear about the difficult situation you went through with your previous employer. It's understandable that such a stressful and unjust experience would leave you feeling anxious and worried even years later. </p><p> </p><p>Please remember that you did nothing wrong - you were simply trying to be thorough in your handover process, which is commendable.</p><p> </p><p>I know it's hard, but try not to ruminate on what they may be saying about you now. You have so much more power than you realize. If you carry yourself with integrity, honesty and professionalism, most reasonable people will recognize those qualities in you, regardless of what anyone says. Focus on building trust through your own actions - that will speak louder than words.</p><p> </p><p>Perhaps it would help to discuss these lingering feelings with a professional counselor. They can help you work through the anxiety and stop it from holding you back. You deserve to move forward and build the life and career you want without this burden.</p><p> </p><p>Listening if you want to chat some more.</p></div>", "date": "13-09-2023", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/anxiety-over-a-negative-experience-at-work/td-p/574170" }, { "author": "user-id/48986", "content": "<p>Hi <a href=\"user-id/48914\" target=\"_self\"><span class=\"\">justinian_ii</span></a> ,</p><p> </p><p>From reading your story, I resonate so much on how you can be doing what you thought was right and to be disregarded and seen as wrong. What's sad is that we can be stuck in that moment, feeling ashamed and guilty even though we have told ourselves that it's okay to fail sometimes, but the thought of it is still awful and triggering for us. Whenever I come across a situation like yours, I always resort to confiding in my family members and venting with my friends, because I know that although others may perceive me in a negative light, but the ones that care about me will always be there for me unconditionally. I hope you do have someone to talk to, but just know that we're here at the online forum and that there are many more in the same boat as you. </p><p> </p><p>Take care, </p></div>", "date": "15-09-2023", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/anxiety-over-a-negative-experience-at-work/td-p/574170" }, { "author": "user-id/48425", "content": "<p>That sounds so stressful. I'd hate to be going through that too. I think it reads like you're scared of people still coming after you, or future repercussions. I can imagine that would be extremely stressful, and honestly, even just reading your post makes me very anxious too. I hope you somehow find some reprieve from what you're feeling.</p></div>", "date": "20-09-2023", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/anxiety-over-a-negative-experience-at-work/td-p/574170" } ]
Anxiety over a negative experience at work
It has been several years since this incident but yet I cannot seem to shake the anxiety and worry that has plagued me since. It all happened a few years ago when I had decided to leave a company I had worked at for over 6 years across two continents. At the time of my resignation I was so elated and happy to leave that toxic environment that in an attempt to be proactive I had made a copy of data to facilitate my handovers (a common practice when I was working for the same company in a different part of the world) and also to retain various sources of personal information that had been stored on the laptop over time due to taxes and etc.   This led to a whole complex situation (disciplinary hearings) where I was accused of multiple things, and there were attempts to invalidate my rights to work in Australia. To add to this, they seized my hard drive in question that had my personal data along with the data I had made a copy of to do my hand overs. I had to get lawyers involved and was in the end told to compromise and sign their expectations. In the end, I never actually got to tell my side of the story because they kept changing what they were accusing me off.   Since then I have had bad anxiety and sometimes get panic attacks that just stop me from moving forward with my life. I keep conjuring situations in my mind where my previous company is out there just bad mouthing me to everyone and destroying my reputation. Which in my line of work is important because I have to deal with multiple people and build connections.
[ { "author": "user-id/49301", "content": "<p>Last year I was doing well in school and even got some awards. I could tell that I was happier then and my grades definitely reflected that. At the beginning of this year I had my first few assessments and I did not do as well as I thought ~ 70 for each unit. As the year progressed I started seeing my grades plummet to the 60s and 50s. And for the first time, I failed a few aswell. I still fail to study more in my room and instead resort to video games because I am too sad to write something or solve anything. I don’t know how to get back on track. </p></div>", "date": "14-10-2023", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/my-grades-are-bad-i-am-too-sad-to-study-what-do-i-do/td-p/576529" }, { "author": "user-id/47334", "content": "<p>Hey Mordecai,</p><p> </p><p>I am a Highschool student myself and honestly what you are experiencing right now is something I am going through as well. I find it challenging to open my books and deal with the overwhelming need to do good at school. I think it's a defence mechanism, one which is letting me down by a lot. </p><p> </p><p>I have made some progress though! I find that setting really tiny goals that sometimes may even sound a little pathetic, even the most tiniest things, always help. For example, I might set a goal like, \"open my biology book\", or \"Write a heading\" Once I tick off one goal, the rest just happens naturally. This gets me going and helps make a difference. Even if I did only 3 minutes of work, that's still 3 more minutes than I would've done before. </p><p> </p><p>I know that it can be daunting to have to face decreasing grades and deal with everything else. But try changing your standards. Don't hold yourself to the same academic goals as when you weren't going through a lot. Be kind to yourself and work upwards.</p><p> </p><p>I hope you find the answers you need,</p><p>Yours_truly</p></div>", "date": "15-10-2023", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/my-grades-are-bad-i-am-too-sad-to-study-what-do-i-do/td-p/576529" }, { "author": "user-id/43202", "content": "<p>Mordecai</p><p>It is hard to study when sad and discouraged and the less you study the sadder you are,</p><p>yours truly mentions small goals and that is helpful. Open book, read for 5 mins, and if you feel like it take notes and do 5 mins.</p><p>I found that the the thought of studying is worse than actually doing it.</p><p>Can You talk to someone at school who can understand and help.</p></div>", "date": "15-10-2023", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/my-grades-are-bad-i-am-too-sad-to-study-what-do-i-do/td-p/576529" } ]
My Grades are bad. I am too sad to study. What do I do?
Last year I was doing well in school and even got some awards. I could tell that I was happier then and my grades definitely reflected that. At the beginning of this year I had my first few assessments and I did not do as well as I thought ~ 70 for each unit. As the year progressed I started seeing my grades plummet to the 60s and 50s. And for the first time, I failed a few aswell. I still fail to study more in my room and instead resort to video games because I am too sad to write something or solve anything. I don’t know how to get back on track. 
[ { "author": "user-id/49311", "content": "<p>Hey, I am a 25 year old.</p><p> </p><p>just jumping on as I have got the worst anxiety about having a brain tumour, I have been to the doctors as I have been having severe dizziness and balance issues for over a year now. I got all my bloods tested and everything was really good, she has told me it could be my health anxiety which could be the issue but I have been spending hours on Google and it has told me the worst as I am showing symptoms of a brain tumour I am getting back on medication to see and if not I will need to get a scan which I am really really worried about… has anyone had this experience if so would any one have any tips<span class=\"lia-unicode-emoji\" title=\":downcast_face_with_sweat:\">😓</span></p></div>", "date": "15-10-2023", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/brain-tumour-worry/td-p/576580" }, { "author": "user-id/19707", "content": "<p>Hi, welcome</p><p> </p><p>By far the best form of conclusion of a health issue is correct diagnosis. Until that has been established all sorts of harm can come about that will hurt you, like worry.</p><p> </p><p>I thought I had ADHD... I didnt, I had bipolar. Some think they have pneumonia but only have a common cold. Some people get dizzy and think they have a brain tumour but it could be anything from low blood pressure to a spinal issue or eyes out of focus. Dr Google has its limitations. </p><p> </p><p>As for anxiety (as that is what you Dr says it could be) it is a serious illness, more so than what many say. There is a variety of ways to treat it and I'd encourage you to do three things- 1/ keep regular visits to your GP to monitor your symptoms 2/ carry out relaxation classes and therapy 3/ carry out exercises from home.</p><p> </p><p>So I did all 3 back in 1987. Here is the routine history of that.</p><p> </p><p><a href=\"https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/anxiety-how-l-eliminated-it/td-p/183873\" target=\"_blank\">https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/anxiety-how-l-eliminated-it/td-p/183873</a></p><p> </p><p><a href=\"https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/worry-worry-worry/td-p/87808\" target=\"_blank\">https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/worry-worry-worry/td-p/87808</a></p><p> </p><p><a href=\"https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/seeking-the-origin-of-anxiety/td-p/74769\" target=\"_blank\">https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/seeking-the-origin-of-anxiety/td-p/74769</a></p><p> </p><p><a href=\"https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/living-in-fear-or-fearless-living/td-p/548514\" target=\"_blank\">https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/living-in-fear-or-fearless-living/td-p/548514</a></p><p> </p><p>You only need to read the first post of each. I'd be interested in your views.</p><p> </p><p>TonyWK</p><p> </p><p> </p></div>", "date": "15-10-2023", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/brain-tumour-worry/td-p/576580" } ]
Brain tumour worry
Hey, I am a 25 year old.   just jumping on as I have got the worst anxiety about having a brain tumour, I have been to the doctors as I have been having severe dizziness and balance issues for over a year now. I got all my bloods tested and everything was really good, she has told me it could be my health anxiety which could be the issue but I have been spending hours on Google and it has told me the worst as I am showing symptoms of a brain tumour I am getting back on medication to see and if not I will need to get a scan which I am really really worried about… has anyone had this experience if so would any one have any tips
[ { "author": "user-id/8477", "content": "<p>Hello I am 59 years of age - I have had awful health anxiety for 22 years after a series of past medical traumas. Initially I was always going to doctor looking for reassurance whenever I had any symptom but found this just added to my anxiety so now I am a total avoider of doctors or medical tests now - will only go in case of emergency now, if at all because I just find the medical environment so triggering and traumatic. My last visit I had to take a valium just to get through the appointment. </p>\n<p> </p>\n<p>So just wondering if anybody else has similar anxiety and wondering what strategies you use to cope or manage? </p></div>", "date": "26-12-2021", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/health-anxiety-how-do-you-manage/td-p/16132/page/2" }, { "author": "user-id/36166", "content": "<p>Hi</p>\n<p>I too suffer from health anxiety. I have seen over 15 different doctors over the last two years; probably in excess of 50 visits. Everytime they say I am ok I come home and am alright for a bit then it rears it's ugly head again. </p>\n<p>I suffer from PTSD, severe depression and anxiety. I have suffered from HA since I was a tiny child. I recall seeing a freckle on my arm and thinking it was cancer at age 5 ( we had a scary medical book at home and I was an avid reader!). I eventually burnt that horrid book!</p>\n<p>I can say with all honesty that stress and depression make this horrid thing flare up big time. I too have posted recently about it all. I am having a terrible time and the HA is almost out of control. I have been seeing the Dr every week about my symptoms and he has prescribed an AD which at this stage has made no difference.</p>\n<p>May I ask what your symptoms are? Asking as mine are all neck, jaw and throat related. I have TMJD and Eustachian Tube Dysfunction along with a possible diagnosis of Glossopharyngeal Neuralgia. All related to stress; clenching jaw; grinding teeth in sleep etc. </p>\n<p>Mind you I also had symptoms of pancreatic cancer a while back. The more I thought about it the worse the pain and symptoms were. I truly believe our poor tortured minds create these symptoms. I was also diagnosed with Somatic Symptom Disorder. Again...all related to anxiety and stress and depression.</p>\n<p>I do hope you get some support here. I do not know what is going on with you but I feel you may be in the same boat as I am. I do deep breathing when it gets really bad...I know...sounds useless but it truly does calm the mind somewhat.</p>\n<p>On the other end of the spectrum I think 'oh well if I have such and such I will be strong and get it dealt with\"...our thoughts and anxiety are far worse than any reality if that makes sense.</p>\n<p>Sending you love and hopefully some peace. </p></div>", "date": "02-01-2022", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/health-anxiety-how-do-you-manage/td-p/16132/page/2" }, { "author": "user-id/30239", "content": "<p>Hello HisOwn</p>\n<p> </p>\n<p>Thank you for reaching out in the forum and sharing your thoughts. I'm sorry to hear you have been struggling. Health anxiety can be so hard to go through.</p>\n<p>The first time I came to Beyond Blue forums, it was for my health anxiety. I was at the end of my tether and in full blown panic mode - I was convinced I was dying at that point. I had tests coming up to check things and I reach out on this forum as I needed somewhere to express it - and honestly, everyone here on this forum comforted me and saved me from feeling so horrible. Just to know someone had heard me was so great. So I want to say - we hear you and what you are going through is not on your own, anytime you need to talk please feel free to reach out. And it's completely understandable to not be online, I saw your other comment - you just pop in whenever feels comfortable for you. </p>\n<p>In some ways, maybe avoidance of medical doctors and tests may be a way for us to keep control. Or to keep ourselves safe from seeing or hearing something we do not want to. A doctor's office can be quite daunting especially for someone with health anxiety. Do you have a regular doctor (that also understands your health anxiety)? If so, maybe you can look into home visits. As some doctors do offer those! </p>\n<p>On strategies to cope or manage... for me personally, therapy was colossally helpful. My therapist was able to help me identify my thoughts are health anxiety and how to manage them. She gave me breathing exercises and homework to help. My health anxiety was very focused on breathing though - so my therapist had a challenge <span class=\"lia-unicode-emoji\" title=\":grinning_squinting_face:\">😆</span>! So if I was doing breathing exercises, I focus on the movement of my collarbones or shoulder blades instead of say thinking about the air and I keep focused on that. When a thought would pop up, the aim would gently be to acknowledge it briefly with a word like 'thinking' or similar and re-focus on breathing. </p>\n<p>Do you have any activities or hobbies that you find soothing? Such as: exercise, art, reading, games, etc. As I know for me personally, getting focused on an activity helps my mind to stay involved in that tasks rather than sticking onto repetitive thoughts of anxiety. And if any anxious thoughts did come up, I can just re-orientate myself back to my activity.</p>\n<p> </p>\n<p>I wish you all the best and that you find some peace with your health anxiety. <span class=\"lia-unicode-emoji\" title=\":slightly_smiling_face:\">🙂</span></p></div>", "date": "04-01-2022", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/health-anxiety-how-do-you-manage/td-p/16132/page/2" }, { "author": "user-id/8477", "content": "<p>Oh sorry for delayed reply..been so out of action with it all for months..so not sure you will even see my reply now..but thank you so much for your tips..yes I have OCD too and that is a nightmare with health anxiety..checking and rechecking symptoms (even symptoms that are not there) and only stop when exhausted! I feel like Im on a 2 edged sword at times because my health anxiety is directly related to trauma from medical doctors so I have zero trust in them to reassure, diagnose or treat correctly so sometimes it is just me and the Lord..I will be very interested to read your articles about OCD but not sure where to find them. Perhaps you can post a link for me?</p><p> </p><p>Many thanks again <span class=\"lia-unicode-emoji\" title=\":hugging_face:\">🤗</span></p></div>", "date": "18-10-2022", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/health-anxiety-how-do-you-manage/td-p/16132/page/2" }, { "author": "user-id/8477", "content": "<p>So sorry for delay to reply..I kind of fell off my perch the last few months with the depression and anxiety so did not socialise with anyone much, even online.</p><p> </p><p>I wish I could have your attitude about getting sick and just say \"oh well\" but the PTSD kicks in with me and so just the thought of it is terrifying for me..so not sure how Im going to deal with it all except don't even think about it..but of course symptoms dont allow that.</p><p> </p><p>I have all sorts of symptoms..I get quite ridiculous sometimes and turn everything into cancer so it is a real psychological issue for me. </p><p> </p><p>I am a little bit better since I first posted here after having a deep discussion with my sister who is a registered nurse but still dont want to get a disease! I turned 60 recently too so perhaps that frightened me a bit..getting old etc..</p><p> </p><p>I really just want to grow old gracefully and pass away peacefully in my sleep! </p></div>", "date": "18-10-2022", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/health-anxiety-how-do-you-manage/td-p/16132/page/2" }, { "author": "user-id/8477", "content": "<p>Thank you so much for your response..Ive only just logged back in now after being really unwell for months with depression..then lost a close friend to cancer so it set everything off for me again..had awful PTSD flashbacks about my past trauma..but I got through it..it made me face some fears and just deal with it..but still battling with a lot of it..mainly depression now..just started on some medication for depression and hoping that will help a bit.</p><p> </p><p>No I don't have any hobbies..just watching YouTube occasionally and just doing housework and caring for my daughter who has a disability..but going to try to volunteer somewhere in my town soon to start reconnecting with people again because I find that helps somewhat too.</p><p> </p><p>Many thanks for your kindness and your advice..I really appreciate it <span class=\"lia-unicode-emoji\" title=\":hugging_face:\">🤗</span></p></div>", "date": "18-10-2022", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/health-anxiety-how-do-you-manage/td-p/16132/page/2" }, { "author": "user-id/32332", "content": "<p>Dear HisOwn~</p><p>It's a great pity it is the medical profession itself that is the cause of your PTSD, the distrust that comes with  that condition makes it all the harder to accept anything they say about symptoms or the lack of likelihood of cancer.</p><p> </p><p>As somone wiht PSTD I can well understand, however I can offer a little encouragement in saying my symptoms have reduced an awful lot over the years and no longer rule.</p><p> </p><p>Still in your own way I think you are finding that some conversations do help. I would suspect that after talking ot your sister as a nurse you might find you are more inclined to accept what she says as being at least a possibility.</p><p> </p><p><a href=\"https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/health-anxiety-how-do-you-manage/m-p/16138/highlight/true#M2610\" target=\"_blank\">Petal22's posts</a> too offer hope that OCD can be coped with.</p><p> </p><p>I do hope you can keep talking, at least here if there is no one else, there is nothing like another human to be with , it tones down a lot of unpleasant things.</p><p> </p><p>Croix</p><p> </p><p>Croix</p></div>", "date": "19-10-2022", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/health-anxiety-how-do-you-manage/td-p/16132/page/2" }, { "author": "user-id/8477", "content": "<p>Thank you Croix..that is very encouraging to hear that your symptoms have reduced significantly..<span class=\"lia-unicode-emoji\" title=\":hugging_face:\">🤗</span></p></div>", "date": "20-10-2022", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/health-anxiety-how-do-you-manage/td-p/16132/page/2" }, { "author": "user-id/32332", "content": "<p>Dear HisOwn~</p><p>I'm glad I was able ot give a little positive. Actually it has been a sort of slow motion thing since I was first told I'd reach the place I'm at now. In fact I flat out did not believe it and thought it was just so much thoughtless hype.</p><p>I have ot say now flashbacks are conscious (so I can know what is happening and see them for what htey are), nightmares are there at times but have branched out to not just the same few things, and are reasonably easy to handle (biscuit and cocoa:). My level of distrust is almost gone and I have room for others in my life - even love. I can get satisfaction from what I do.</p><p>Time, therapy, medication and personal support all have played their part -as has luck.</p><p>I'd have to say I was a total mess, and if someone like me can reach a good recovery point I'd imagine very many others will too.</p><p>Croix</p><p> </p></div>", "date": "20-10-2022", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/health-anxiety-how-do-you-manage/td-p/16132/page/2" }, { "author": "user-id/14258", "content": "<p>Hi there! </p><p> </p><p>I too have suffered with debilitating health anxiety - like many other commenters, it was associated with OCD and phobias. I was heavily medicated for several years throughout which I underwent therapy, and the issues seemed to build and morph into entirely uncontrollable entities. </p><p> </p><p>My final visit to emergency for this resulted in a referral to a new kind of therapy for me - psychotherapy. I mention this because somehow discussing and processing the traumas was the only thing that helped me in any substantial way - CBT, ERP, DBT, TMS, MI never worked as I was in an obsessive rut. Exposure therapy was so anxiety-provoking that it would trigger agoraphobic, TMS did absolutely nothing, medication helped to the extent that I physically couldn't have a panic attack... but psychotherapy got me to a point where I have and identity again, I can eat and function without compulsions and panic, I'm even off my medication(s) now. </p><p> </p><p>Admittedly, symptoms still exist, I have emetophobia, but I am a functional person without panic attacks. It helped me to see what would trigger the anxiety - certain stressors in life would manifest as OCD and create a feedback loop. In terms of mindfulness, breathing exercises are too hard for me as I react very viscerally to hyperventilating (too many bad associations) but other things like exercise (I had to really work with my anxiety for this), and learning to enjoy things too. None of this would have been possible without processing my traumas and understanding why I felt certain things, and learning to feel neutral towards behaviours and compassionate to myself (especially when triggered, which is very hard). </p></div>", "date": "20-10-2022", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/health-anxiety-how-do-you-manage/td-p/16132/page/2" }, { "author": "user-id/8477", "content": "<p>Wow that is very encouraging to hear! Thank you! <span class=\"lia-unicode-emoji\" title=\":hugging_face:\">🤗</span></p></div>", "date": "25-10-2022", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/health-anxiety-how-do-you-manage/td-p/16132/page/2" }, { "author": "user-id/8477", "content": "<p>Hello I am 59 years of age - I have had awful health anxiety for 22 years after a series of past medical traumas. Initially I was always going to doctor looking for reassurance whenever I had any symptom but found this just added to my anxiety so now I am a total avoider of doctors or medical tests now - will only go in case of emergency now, if at all because I just find the medical environment so triggering and traumatic. My last visit I had to take a valium just to get through the appointment. </p>\n<p> </p>\n<p>So just wondering if anybody else has similar anxiety and wondering what strategies you use to cope or manage? </p></div>", "date": "26-12-2021", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/health-anxiety-how-do-you-manage/td-p/16132/page/3" }, { "author": "user-id/8477", "content": "<p>Wow Croix that is very encouraging to hear! <span class=\"lia-unicode-emoji\" title=\":hugging_face:\">🤗</span></p></div>", "date": "25-10-2022", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/health-anxiety-how-do-you-manage/td-p/16132/page/3" }, { "author": "user-id/8477", "content": "<p>Yes I think I need pyschotherapy..I do see a pyschologist once a month and it does help a little bit..mainly with having strategies..</p><p> </p><p>Gosh I tried exposure therapy too and it just ended up making my anxiety way worse and has taken me months to calm down just from that..trauma is so complex unfortunately..</p><p> </p><p>Yes breathing exercises are triggering for me too but sometimes I just shut my eyes and do it because it does eventually calm the physical reactions of anxiety. </p><p> </p><p>Sometimes I wake up in the mornings just wishing sickness and disease in this world did not even exist but I know that is not reality so I have to find a way to cope or function around that..</p><p> </p><p> </p></div>", "date": "25-10-2022", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/health-anxiety-how-do-you-manage/td-p/16132/page/3" }, { "author": "user-id/8477", "content": "<p>Oh that is so wonderful to hear <span class=\"lia-unicode-emoji\" title=\":hugging_face:\">🤗</span></p></div>", "date": "08-11-2022", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/health-anxiety-how-do-you-manage/td-p/16132/page/3" }, { "author": "user-id/8477", "content": "<p>Woops I had already replied to you Croix..sorry..I am still getting used to how these forums work <span class=\"lia-unicode-emoji\" title=\":thinking_face:\">🤔</span></p></div>", "date": "08-11-2022", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/health-anxiety-how-do-you-manage/td-p/16132/page/3" }, { "author": "user-id/6744", "content": "<p>Hi there, I haven't been on these forums for awhile, I always find an excuse not to. But this morning with five minutes to kill I finally got around to logging in again and I'm so glad I did. I'm sorry I can't help, but you are definitely not alone. In the last two days I've been absolutely convinced that I have both appendicitis and am having a heart attack. But I'm also absolutely avoiding anything medical (did a few laps of the hospital car park last night) so also feeling really stupid and just out of whack and what the hell is wrong with me? Thank you so much for sharing. I really needed to hear this from other people today.</p></div>", "date": "08-11-2022", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/health-anxiety-how-do-you-manage/td-p/16132/page/3" }, { "author": "user-id/45033", "content": "<p>Great info I would love to just be present and not get caught up in racing thoughts and ruminating </p></div>", "date": "12-11-2022", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/health-anxiety-how-do-you-manage/td-p/16132/page/3" }, { "author": "user-id/8477", "content": "<p>Oh Emma I so relate. It is one of the hardest forms of anxiety sometimes especially if we have no real trust in medical professionals either. At one point I went into doctors surgery to get some routine blood tests done but because they were so busy at the time I was standing at the reception desk for at least 5 minutes and that was enough time for me to then go into a major panic attack about it and leave suddenly with getting the tests done. I actually left in tears because I also felt so embarrassed about me, a grown woman of nearly 60, being so frightened. </p><p> </p><p>So doing laps around the hospital car park is some I would definitely do too! </p></div>", "date": "23-11-2022", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/health-anxiety-how-do-you-manage/td-p/16132/page/3" }, { "author": "user-id/8477", "content": "<p>Carmysauras..yes I would absolutely love to be able to do that too but it is one of the hardest things to do when anxiety levels are so high - it feels so scary to let go of worry and anxiety sometimes because then we are not in control <span class=\"lia-unicode-emoji\" title=\":face_screaming_in_fear:\">😱</span>..but Im slowly learning that worrying and being anxious NEVER changes nor helps what we are fearing.</p></div>", "date": "23-11-2022", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/health-anxiety-how-do-you-manage/td-p/16132/page/3" }, { "author": "user-id/48202", "content": "<p>Dear HisOwn,</p><p>I tend to worry about health appointments too so I can understand how you feel. I've had cancer, so I have to go for yearly check-ups, which make me nervous.</p><p>I was interested about the puzzles because I play a lot of online Scrabble, which helps me to relax.</p><p>When waiting for my appointment, it's not unusual for me to play ten games of Scrabble on my mobile. I'm improving my game and my ability to relax. The app is called Classic Words, if you'd like to check it out.</p><p>I'll tell you something amusing too. I went for a scan and one radiologist said to the other,'ninety-six'. The other nodded and I became really anxious because ninety-six is such a high number. I went home in a panic but I was never called back by my GP and I still don't know why ninety-six was said. So now I tell myself not to try and interpret what medical professionals say as I have very limited medical knowledge.</p><p>I'm not intending to make light of your issue, HisOwn but I find a little humour helps sometimes.</p><p>Warm regards </p><p>Richju xx</p></div>", "date": "17-09-2023", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/health-anxiety-how-do-you-manage/td-p/16132/page/3" }, { "author": "user-id/48202", "content": "<p>Hi HisOwn,</p><p>Contrarymary has her puzzles and I play online scrabble. Sometimes I play ten or so games one after another, especially if I'm nervously waiting to see a doctor. It helps me to focus and the only equipment I need is my mobile.</p><p>I also tell myself that tests, scans and xrays are common now and are generally given to make sure that nothing is wrong rather than to find something.</p><p>I have also given my anxiety a name - Zelda and I regularly tell her to shut up and let me concentrate on my scrabble.</p><p>Zelda always tags along wherever I go. She is a pest but i've got used to her.</p><p>These forums have also helped me so I hope you keep posting.</p><p>Take care,</p><p>Richju xxxxx</p><p> </p></div>", "date": "12-10-2023", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/health-anxiety-how-do-you-manage/td-p/16132/page/3" }, { "author": "user-id/8477", "content": "<p>Hello I am 59 years of age - I have had awful health anxiety for 22 years after a series of past medical traumas. Initially I was always going to doctor looking for reassurance whenever I had any symptom but found this just added to my anxiety so now I am a total avoider of doctors or medical tests now - will only go in case of emergency now, if at all because I just find the medical environment so triggering and traumatic. My last visit I had to take a valium just to get through the appointment. </p>\n<p> </p>\n<p>So just wondering if anybody else has similar anxiety and wondering what strategies you use to cope or manage? </p></div>", "date": "26-12-2021", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/health-anxiety-how-do-you-manage/td-p/16132" }, { "author": "user-id/25170", "content": "<p>Hi HisOwn,</p>\n<p>Wellcome to our forums!</p>\n<p>Im sorry you have been going through this.</p>\n<p>I understand I also suffered with health anxiety, just when I’d have a symptom of something on my body I’d go to the doctor to have it checked only to be told it was ok…….. I would still obsess over it…… then I’d forget about that symptom and move onto another one following the same cycle…….. I later learned in therapy that this was a compulsion of mine….. reassurance seeking….</p>\n<p>Later in my life my anxiety became severe I’d still follow this same cycle………. </p>\n<p>I did a mental health plan with my gp and I also went to a clinical psychologist and a psychiatrist I was diagnosed with OCD.</p>\n<p>I did a group therapy for my OCD and I’ve now mastered it and have now learned to disengage from the vicious cycle of OCD and life couldn’t be better…. I learned many strategies in this therapy.</p>\n<p>Im not saying you have OCD it’s something I have a lived experience of that I’ve recovered from thanks to help I received from health professionals.</p>\n<p>Some strategies….. practice mindfullness, meditation is great, thought challenging….. really practice being in the present moment.</p>\n<p>Ive written two threads you may be interested in reading </p>\n<p>From someone who suffered with OCD and recovered </p>\n<p>Effective treatment for OCD Metacognitive Therapy </p>\n<p>Please ask me any questions </p></div>", "date": "27-12-2021", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/health-anxiety-how-do-you-manage/td-p/16132" }, { "author": "user-id/19707", "content": "<p>Hi welcome </p>\n<p>The problem with triggers is they are usually by nature an unrealistic response to a memory. Being over reactive or knee jerry creates excessive defences and before you know it you've isolated yourself from people you actually need be it family, friends or in your case medical staff.</p>\n<p>It was 1987 when, at 31yo I went through a similar experience. It took a 12 month stint to a therapist to guide me on the right track. His assessments led to guidance and much improvement. He taught me to ask myself \"am I being realistic\" with my fears. Also how to regulate my perspectives. And finally how to overcome anxiety.</p>\n<p>So, I think you'd benefit from therapy a lot.</p>\n<p>Also, please google the following threads and read the first posts.</p>\n<p>Beyondblue topic worry worry worry </p>\n<p>Beyondblue topic anxiety, how I eliminated it </p>\n<p>Beyondblue topic meditation, he helped me for 25 years- Maharaji </p>\n<p>Reply anytime. Love to know your thoughts </p>\n<p>TonyWK </p></div>", "date": "27-12-2021", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/health-anxiety-how-do-you-manage/td-p/16132" }, { "author": "user-id/8477", "content": "Thank you very much Petal..yes I do have OCD and I am I therapy and have been for past 6 years now. Thank you for sharing that - it definitely helps - I definitely have same patterns of going from one thing to the next so learning how to deal with that with different strategies. Many thanks for responding <span class=\"lia-unicode-emoji\" title=\":hugging_face:\">🤗</span></div>", "date": "27-12-2021", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/health-anxiety-how-do-you-manage/td-p/16132" }, { "author": "user-id/8477", "content": "<p>Thank you very much Tony for your reply. Yes I am in therapy and it definitely helps.</p>\n<p>Thank you too for those thread topics. I will definitely have a look at them. <span class=\"lia-unicode-emoji\" title=\":hugging_face:\">🤗</span></p></div>", "date": "27-12-2021", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/health-anxiety-how-do-you-manage/td-p/16132" }, { "author": "user-id/8477", "content": "I will check out your threads too..thank you for that!</div>", "date": "27-12-2021", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/health-anxiety-how-do-you-manage/td-p/16132" }, { "author": "user-id/25170", "content": "<p>That’s ok HisOwn your definitely not alone….. I’m sorry you have to deal with OCD I understand how debilitating it can be sometimes.</p>\n<p>I thought I would share something with you that may help you…. It takes practice though….. I was taught this during my OCD therapy and it has really helped me to know what my OCD cycle was and then once I knew I was getting caught up in my OCD cycle I was able to disengage from it by using my strategies.</p>\n<p>Its called driving the new system </p>\n<p>These intrusive thoughts/ urges/ images / images mean…….” Nothing”Im normal 94percent of people have them</p>\n<p>Even if they seem or feel really awful! They still mean…. Still normal/ random activity </p>\n<p>When I have an intrusion ( and I will) I can…. <br>\nLet it go</p>\n<p>Be present </p>\n<p>Gentle dismiss as “my intrusion “</p>\n<p>Be ok with uncertainty nothing is 100 percent certain </p>\n<p>I don’t need to </p>\n<p>Annalyse</p>\n<p>Seek reassurance </p>\n<p>Checking</p>\n<p>Avoid thoughts </p>\n<p>Because they don’t mean anything “ thoughts mean nothing “</p>\n<p>If I have a bad day ( get caught up in intrusive thoughts or compulsions) I can remind myself that OCD occurs on a sliding scale </p>\n<p>Some days I am further along the scale than others.</p>\n<p>If I keep working at driving my new system my good days will out weigh my bad days.</p>\n<p>I hope this helps you <span class=\"lia-unicode-emoji\" title=\":smiling_face_with_smiling_eyes:\">😊</span></p>\n<p>Have you practiced meditation it was part of my therapy and it get me over the line.</p>\n<p>Also practicing being present is really helpful I was always so engaged in my mind but I’ve now learned to be more present.</p>\n<p>Once you realise when you are analysing your thoughts ect you can disengage by focusing your attention on the present moment.</p>\n<p>After learning this system I was able to also not get caught up in my health anxiety because I learned it was part of my OCD cycle and I could disengage from my OCD cycle.</p>\n<p>Please ask me anything <span class=\"lia-unicode-emoji\" title=\":smiling_face_with_smiling_eyes:\">😊</span> I’m glad you are in therapy in helps…… my group therapy was great I realised then that I wasn’t alone many others have the same condition but there is Hope you can learn to break free of the OCD cycle <span class=\"lia-unicode-emoji\" title=\":smiling_face_with_smiling_eyes:\">😊</span></p></div>", "date": "28-12-2021", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/health-anxiety-how-do-you-manage/td-p/16132" }, { "author": "user-id/40825", "content": "<p>Hi HisOwn</p>\n<p>i am in a similar boat to yourself I was at my GP or emergency at the hospital every week thinking I had some illness. If I got a pain the arm it was a heart attack a headache was a brain tumour. My family were getting fed up it was mums sick again I had every test my GP could think of nothing he referred me to a therapist who said keep busy, think of other things, mindfulness etc.</p>\n<p>what helped me was once when I went to emergency with chest pain had lots of tests doctor said you have been here a lot have you ever thought you might be suffering stress and anxiety and health anxiety So I went home googled stress and anxiety symptoms and decided to do something, tried mindfulness but could not get the hang of it, then I got a jigsaw puzzle from op shop sat for hours finishing it, went back and bought more. Now when I feel stressed or anxious I get out a jigsaw puzzle even if I wake in the night I ge up and put a few pieces in, don't know why it helps me but I have not been to my GP or emergency since May</p></div>", "date": "28-12-2021", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/health-anxiety-how-do-you-manage/td-p/16132" }, { "author": "user-id/8928", "content": "<p>Hi HisOwn,</p>\n<p>Thank you for your relatable post. </p>\n<p>I myself do not suffer from health anxiety specifically but general anxiety disorder. A friend of mine however suffers from severe anxiety when entering hospitals and other medical centres due to trauma from cancer. To calm his anxiety he often takes a person he trusts with him. Or if by yourself, you can use basic meditation techniques. By calming ourselves down and separating the anxiety from the place it can help reduce the strength of a panic attack. Breathing techniques such as imagining your breath as a colour, bring along a stress ball, finding 5 things that are coloured orange in the medical centre can help take your mind off of your anxiety. </p>\n<p>Also, by letting the doctors office know about your anxiety over the phone prior to your appointment, they may make your appointment faster and involve less or no small talk. </p>\n<p>Love to hear from you! </p>\n<p> </p></div>", "date": "28-12-2021", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/health-anxiety-how-do-you-manage/td-p/16132" }, { "author": "user-id/8477", "content": "<p>Thanks so much to everyone's responses..sorry I haven't replied directly to everyone..have had a difficult few days with anxiety so not always online..but I have read all responses and will reply once Im back on track a bit and more focused and more logical <span class=\"lia-unicode-emoji\" title=\":hugging_face:\">🤗</span></p></div>", "date": "30-12-2021", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/health-anxiety-how-do-you-manage/td-p/16132" } ]
Health Anxiety - How Do You Manage?
Hello I am 59 years of age - I have had awful health anxiety for 22 years after a series of past medical traumas. Initially I was always going to doctor looking for reassurance whenever I had any symptom but found this just added to my anxiety so now I am a total avoider of doctors or medical tests now - will only go in case of emergency now, if at all because I just find the medical environment so triggering and traumatic. My last visit I had to take a valium just to get through the appointment. So just wondering if anybody else has similar anxiety and wondering what strategies you use to cope or manage?
[ { "author": "user-id/49247", "content": "<p>Today I must admit I am struggling and have been for a while. I read some statements of affirmation I had written last year and it really helped. Just being here and being honest has also helped me as well. But, gee it’s hard work. The anxiety just ebbs and flows. </p></div>", "date": "09-10-2023", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/some-days-are-a-struggle/td-p/576212" }, { "author": "user-id/19707", "content": "<p>Hi, welcome</p><p> </p><p>When I first knew I had high anxiety with a panic attack, my one and only, I reviewed my whole life, every bit of it. Meaning environment, career, family, friends hobbies etc.</p><p> </p><p>I came up with a plan that also included medical treatment. Then it took me far longer to eliminate anxiety than what I thought... 22 years actually. But it can take less. Yes it is possible to eliminate it, that doesnt mean it wont return in some form but overall I sit here and recall 1987 when I first challenged myself to rid my life of anxiety and I'm happy I did.</p><p> </p><p>So here is the link to that. I hope you enjoy the reads and reply anytime</p><p> </p><p><a href=\"https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/anxiety-how-l-eliminated-it/td-p/183873\" target=\"_blank\">https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/anxiety-how-l-eliminated-it/td-p/183873</a></p><p> </p><p><a href=\"https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/anxiety-slowing-doooowwwnnn/td-p/548759\" target=\"_blank\">https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/anxiety-slowing-doooowwwnnn/td-p/548759</a></p><p> </p><p><a href=\"https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/staying-well/running-around-trying-to-save-the-world/td-p/143535\" target=\"_blank\">https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/staying-well/running-around-trying-to-save-the-world/td-p/143535</a></p><p> </p><p><a href=\"https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/living-in-fear-or-fearless-living/td-p/548514\" target=\"_blank\">https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/living-in-fear-or-fearless-living/td-p/548514</a></p><p> </p><p>TonyWK</p></div>", "date": "12-10-2023", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/some-days-are-a-struggle/td-p/576212" } ]
Some days are a struggle
Today I must admit I am struggling and have been for a while. I read some statements of affirmation I had written last year and it really helped. Just being here and being honest has also helped me as well. But, gee it’s hard work. The anxiety just ebbs and flows. 
[ { "author": "user-id/13301", "content": "<p><span>I work a retail job and I am quite frankly I am sick of it. I have been there for over 5 years now and I am getting tired of having to ask to be moved and changed up constantly. Yes I know we are short staffed and need to give the new staff a chance to learn various departments. I was moved into the checkout/ self serve department from night fill (I asked to be moved to another department - merchandise, which management at the time said that they could put me in the department, but then a few weeks later without my knowledge, they go and put me in checkouts/ self serve. A department that lacks variety, which is something I despise. I voiced them this but anyway, here we are. Since then I have managed to land a part-time job at another place so it breaks up my week and I am not constantly at this retail job, but I am still not happy with that job either, but I keep looking for other opportunities with my skill set. </span></p><p> </p><p><span>I had a shift on the weekend where I was working and a customer seemed they disappointed in my service (I don't even know what I did to be honest) so again I shouldn't just assume and should just ask the customer why she seemed upset, she asked for my name at the end of the transaction and when I said goodbye she looked disappointed and just shrugged and walked of.  It wouldn't surprise me if she put a complaint in. After that interaction I started to feel myself get emotional and wanted to cry but I couldn't since I had a line up of customers to serve that constantly put things on my till to ring through and my script of 'how are you today, need a bag?, have a loyalty card?', of course I have to keep constantly repeat myself as we have a safety screen and it makes it hard for people to hear.</span></p><p> </p><p><span>I was rostered on to work another checkout shift on the Sunday but I ended up walking out as soon as I started, I wasn't in the mood to work plus I am unwell and I have an overseas trip that I am leaving for very soon so I was already feeling anxious and emotional as it is. Yes I know I should be grateful to be rostered on to work on the weekend and get penalty rates and being a casual is good money. Yes I am aware that that wasn't the right thing to do and that I should've called in sick instead to allow them to find someone else to cover. One of the managers followed me as I left and I basically told her that I was sick of working here, how there is no growth and no variety and that I wanted to resign.  She told me the process to resign so now it is up to </span></p></div>", "date": "10-10-2023", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/retail-job-rant/td-p/576237" }, { "author": "user-id/13301", "content": "<p>Part 2:</p><p>me to follow through on that I guess. </p><p>I have been unhappy there for a while and I find myself becoming so easily irritated and losing patience, not even at this job but in my life in general when I wasn't always like that. I am not sure what is wrong with me and why this is happening. Perhaps I feel entitled and am becoming/ became an entitled brat of this generation (I am 28 btw). Perhaps I just need a good kick up the backside to wake me up. Idk.</p><p> </p><p>Thing is, what other jobs are out there if I seem to be sick of customer service and not suitable for it? I wasn't always like this, I enjoy/ed helping people but I seem to not enjoy working with people anymore. I like having variety and having things to do, I sometimes don't mind the people interaction as it is good to be social and breaks up the monotony but I also find myself getting impatient when I am constantly bugged and can't complete my work. I think I am just too fussy and being too difficult now as I write this. </p><p> </p><p>Is there anyone that could help? before I resort to coming to the conclusion that I am just a ungrateful brat and that I am being too difficult.</p></div>", "date": "10-10-2023", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/retail-job-rant/td-p/576237" }, { "author": "user-id/40334", "content": "<p>Hi Losttwentysomething_</p><p> </p><p>My heart goes out to you as you become more conscious of what feels so intolerable. Personally, I have a lot of respect for anyone who works in retail, as I just couldn't do it these days unless I had absolutely no choice. I stopped working with the public at 20, which is going back few decades or so.</p><p> </p><p>I think we can be grateful for the job and life we have but still feel a deep need to <em>not settle</em>. Not being able to settle doesn't necessarily make us an ungrateful brat. I like to think it can more so define us as sensitive. If I'm sensitive to the dismissive nature of management, sensitive to highly triggering people/customers, sensitive to the need to move onto something that suits me in perhaps more soulful ways etc etc, that's not my <em>fault</em>, that's actually points to my <em>ability</em> to <em>feel</em> the need for change and <em>feel</em> what just doesn't work for me anymore.</p><p> </p><p>Personally, I'm a sensitive gal, something I see as a strength. I think sometimes we gotta trust what we sense, as opposed to living in self doubt. <span class=\"lia-unicode-emoji\" title=\":slightly_smiling_face:\">🙂</span></p><p> </p><p> </p></div>", "date": "11-10-2023", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/retail-job-rant/td-p/576237" } ]
Retail job rant
[ { "author": "user-id/49269", "content": "<p>I’ve been experiencing leg aches, neck hotness, back pain, blurry vision, muscle twitches and a tight diaphragm. I am terrified I have fibro. All my tests have come back clean, but of course fibro doesn’t show on such tests. I have always had extreme anxiety, depression, panic etc, and over the last 6 months its gotten worse. Through this journey I discovered I have a bulged disc in my neck and lower back, as well as scoliosis and kyphosis. Regardless, I am still so scared I have fibro, as so many of my symptoms line up. I hope it’s just health anxiety and physical manifestations of that. </p></div>", "date": "11-10-2023", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/anxiety-or-fibro-very-scared/td-p/576325" }, { "author": "user-id/19517", "content": "<p>Hi tlinn26,</p><p>I am really sorry to hear that you are experiencing so many symptoms and such extreme anxiety. It sounds like there a lot going on for you right now. Do you have a GP or a healthcare professional that you trust that you feel able to talk to about your fears and experiences?</p><p>Please do not hesitate to use these forums as and when you need. We are here to listen and support you.</p><p>Be kind to yourself and take care. </p></div>", "date": "11-10-2023", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/anxiety-or-fibro-very-scared/td-p/576325" } ]
Anxiety or Fibro - Very Scared
I’ve been experiencing leg aches, neck hotness, back pain, blurry vision, muscle twitches and a tight diaphragm. I am terrified I have fibro. All my tests have come back clean, but of course fibro doesn’t show on such tests. I have always had extreme anxiety, depression, panic etc, and over the last 6 months its gotten worse. Through this journey I discovered I have a bulged disc in my neck and lower back, as well as scoliosis and kyphosis. Regardless, I am still so scared I have fibro, as so many of my symptoms line up. I hope it’s just health anxiety and physical manifestations of that. 
[ { "author": "user-id/47740", "content": "<p>There is a candle in our community burning pwerful beautiful and bright that is the unity we have as a community to make a difference for aborigganal and Torres strait islanders. We must stand as one nation under the banner of peace and harmony to build a better more prosperous future for those in our community that are disadvantaged and underprivaleged who are struggle to close the gap they also need to better health care and stronger education outcome we can stand agianst the tidel wave and face adversity we have the power and fortitude to change Australia for the better to open the door to new possibilities not close the door on future allies which are the proud Aboriganal nation .</p><p> </p><p>This community has beautiful artists with beautiful paintings. There langauges are so diverse that there is more than 150 tribes that exists with in this proud culture. They have different kind of bush foods we can learn and grow many that don't exist on any other continent. We have flora and fauna that don't exist in any other country australian cooking has changed for the better with the introductions of these foods</p><p> </p><p>It is important to stand with the down trodden and against predjiduce.</p><p> </p><p>This is our 1 chance to change australia for the better and stand against injustice. We can only change tide one stone at a time one grain of rice at a time. People think we don't have the power to change things in life we have a chioce to change derection towards a powerful prosperous future lets stand and walk towards forgivness and peace not towards more difficulty and struggle this is our chance to stand up for injustice and find the strength in our selves to turn the scales.</p><p> </p><p>There is a run around Australia that is being done to show the power and derversity of our nation. It is important to know which derection to run in life which path is more powerful and prosperous in life I choose to stand with my brothers and sisters around the country to give them a vioce and an opportunity to rise to there adversity to help them in there time of need and heart break. </p><p> </p><p>We must choose to forgive and not look to the past but look at the change we can make for the future to change to a more powerful prosperous future with clean energy possibilities and an opportunity for every person that walks through the door we are all humans with feeling and emotions . I have been discriminated against I am a person of a disability.</p><p> </p><p>Hold out your hand and walk with those who need you most and be brave and help </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p></div>", "date": "11-10-2023", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/aboriganal-and-torres-strait-islander-blue-flame/td-p/576329" }, { "author": "user-id/37850", "content": "<p>I hear you, Elephant86.</p><p> </p><p>If not now, then when? </p><p> </p><p>Hugzies</p><p>mmMekitty</p></div>", "date": "11-10-2023", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/aboriganal-and-torres-strait-islander-blue-flame/td-p/576329" } ]
Aboriganal and Torres strait Islander Blue Flame
There is a candle in our community burning pwerful beautiful and bright that is the unity we have as a community to make a difference for aborigganal and Torres strait islanders. We must stand as one nation under the banner of peace and harmony to build a better more prosperous future for those in our community that are disadvantaged and underprivaleged who are struggle to close the gap they also need to better health care and stronger education outcome we can stand agianst the tidel wave and face adversity we have the power and fortitude to change Australia for the better to open the door to new possibilities not close the door on future allies which are the proud Aboriganal nation .   This community has beautiful artists with beautiful paintings. There langauges are so diverse that there is more than 150 tribes that exists with in this proud culture. They have different kind of bush foods we can learn and grow many that don't exist on any other continent. We have flora and fauna that don't exist in any other country australian cooking has changed for the better with the introductions of these foods   It is important to stand with the down trodden and against predjiduce.   This is our 1 chance to change australia for the better and stand against injustice. We can only change tide one stone at a time one grain of rice at a time. People think we don't have the power to change things in life we have a chioce to change derection towards a powerful prosperous future lets stand and walk towards forgivness and peace not towards more difficulty and struggle this is our chance to stand up for injustice and find the strength in our selves to turn the scales.   There is a run around Australia that is being done to show the power and derversity of our nation. It is important to know which derection to run in life which path is more powerful and prosperous in life I choose to stand with my brothers and sisters around the country to give them a vioce and an opportunity to rise to there adversity to help them in there time of need and heart break.    We must choose to forgive and not look to the past but look at the change we can make for the future to change to a more powerful prosperous future with clean energy possibilities and an opportunity for every person that walks through the door we are all humans with feeling and emotions . I have been discriminated against I am a person of a disability.   Hold out your hand and walk with those who need you most and be brave and help                   
[ { "author": "user-id/35054", "content": "<p>Hi everyone<br>\n<br>\nNew member here - my first day actually.<br>\n<br>\nI too suffer health anxiety. people always ask what's bothering you? what causes the anxiety? I know very well it's health issues. Apart from how i feel health wise I have a pretty good life and nothing I should feel fearful about.<br>\n<br>\nI've had Health Anxiety for at least 10 years.</p>\n<p> </p>\n<p>Im wondering if its mainly or all anxiety or if it may be FIBORMYALGIA?</p>\n<p>My symptoms are:<br>\n* Sore/aching legs, feet<br>\n* Sore/aching lower back<br>\n* Sore/aching stomach/pelvis area<br>\n* Sore/aching and sometimes stinging bladder area<br>\n* Sore/aching rectum area? THIS CONCERNS ME THE MOST<br>\nI have had two cystoscopys and a colonoscopy and they found nothing of real interest. Ive had about 10 blood tests recently, urine tests, bone density scans, x rays, ultrasounds etc and nothing is ever found.<br>\nI do have scoliosis but besides that nothing that can really warrant constant aching day and night.<br>\nI worry and obsess about it all day and everyday.<br>\nDoes this sound like health anxiety? Does anyone have any tips that WORK....and/or want to talk to me about it via email?<br>\nFeeling pretty down and hopeless <span class=\"lia-unicode-emoji\" title=\":disappointed_face:\">😞</span><br>\n<br>\nJ</p></div>", "date": "01-06-2018", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/not-sure-if-fibromyalgia-or-anxiety-please-help/td-p/368751" }, { "author": "user-id/13289", "content": "<p>Hello James and welcome to Beyond Blue forums.</p>\n<p>It does sound like you aren't well at the moment. How frustrating when they can't find anything the matter. I'm pleased you reached out to our community here. People are friendly, caring, supportive and non judgemental. </p>\n<p>I'm not a health professional, so really can't provide you with any advice about your symptoms. What I can do is give you some of my own experience with anxiety. </p>\n<p> I was first diagnosed with PTSD, anxiety and depression a bout 7-8 years ago. However, for at least 20 or more years before that, I too suffered aches, pains and extreme fatigue. The doctors could never find anything wrong with me, at times it was thought I might have chronic fatigue. However, it was never diagnosed and I got on with my life, living through the aches, pains and tiredness. </p>\n<p>Then when I remembered (7-8 yrs ago) a trauma that happened to me as a child, my body felt every bruise I received, yank of the arm, pull of the hair, along with a lot of other trauma. For several years, while I mentally worked with my psychologist through the trauma, my body worked through it's trauma. It was an extremely painful and anxiety provoking time. What was happening to me? My psych and I talked through this. I went and had reiki, not sure if that helped. Also had myofascial massage to help release the pain caught up in my muscles, joints and bones. All the mental and physical therapy has helped me significantly and these days I'm relatively pain free, except for arthritis in my joints which is expected at my age.</p>\n<p>It is good to hear that all your tests have come back clear. The only thing I know about fibromyalgia does cause a lot of aches and pains. Have you been to see your gp about it? Do you see anyone for your health anxiety? It would be good to have someone to talk with. By the way, there is no pressure for you to answer any of my questions if you don't want to. Just helps me support you in the best possible way.</p>\n<p>If you want to find out more about health anxiety - do a google search for '<em>overcoming health anxiety workbook Centre for Clinical Intervention</em>'. Getting to know what it is about helps to understand what you are going through and also gives you self help tips.</p>\n<p>Beyond Blue forums and homepage are also a good source of factual information about health anxiety. Do a search in the search field for - i) Tips for managing anxiety ii) health anxiety.</p>\n<p>Keep reaching out to us here. Let us know how you get on.</p>\n<p>Kind regards</p>\n<p>PamelaR</p></div>", "date": "02-06-2018", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/not-sure-if-fibromyalgia-or-anxiety-please-help/td-p/368751" }, { "author": "user-id/35054", "content": "<p>Thank you Pamela</p>\n<p>I have spoken to my mum who is a great support and doctors and specialists who haven't really been able to help manage this.</p>\n<p> </p>\n<p>I haven't seen a psych - it seems you'd really recommend me doing this as it seems to have worked wonders for you?</p></div>", "date": "04-06-2018", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/not-sure-if-fibromyalgia-or-anxiety-please-help/td-p/368751" }, { "author": "user-id/13289", "content": "<p>Hello James<br>\nThank you for reaching out again. The Beyond Blue community rules doesn’t allow us to share information, e.g. email addresses. So we can share information here.<br>\n<br>\nYes, seeing a psychologist has helped me tremendously to work through my trauma, anxiety and depression. It took me awhile to find the right one that suited my needs. There have been one or two that didn't help at all and I stopped going to them, the other 2 have been excellent. They gave me the tools to help me manage myself and for me, that's what I need. <br>\n<br>\nIt is good to hear you can talk with your mum and doctor. What do they say about your symptoms?</p>\n<p>Kind regards</p>\n<p>PamelaR</p></div>", "date": "04-06-2018", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/not-sure-if-fibromyalgia-or-anxiety-please-help/td-p/368751" }, { "author": "user-id/31971", "content": "<p>Hi James</p>\n<p>I also struggle with anxiety/panic disorder mostly pertaining to my health. I have a couple of health issues, but the anxiety makes things far worse.</p>\n<p>I can't offer medical advice, but I've heard that both anxiety &amp; fibromyalgia type symptoms can be helped with a gentle exercise regime. Perhaps you could see a physio to help with that? (Easier said than done when you're tired &amp; in pain, I know! I'm just starting out myself) Cbt therapy with a psychologist may also assist you. I find that sometimes I focus on my symptoms &amp; what could be wrong &amp; I feel worse, instead of all of the tests that have come back healthy &amp; everything that is right with me! Cbt can help with this <span class=\"lia-unicode-emoji\" title=\":slightly_smiling_face:\">🙂</span></p>\n<p>Take care!</p></div>", "date": "04-06-2018", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/not-sure-if-fibromyalgia-or-anxiety-please-help/td-p/368751" }, { "author": "user-id/20989", "content": "Hi James <br>\nBased on the symptoms you describe, it sounds like the only issue you actually have is health anxiety! I have had it on and off for 6 years. I have had biopsies and ultrasounds and blood tests and I am still as physically healthy now as I was back when it all started. I just wish I could go back in time and tell myself \"I can absolutely guarantee you are going to be perfectly healthy for the next 6 years at least so please don't let this distract you from your amazing life!\". I mean i have actually had 6 years of being completely healthy - but I have been too busy worrying about dying to actually live. The irony! I am quite a spiritual person and I just believe that my body knows its healthy so health anxiety is the perfect thing for my stress to manifest through as it will never go away (because I will never get these illness i fear - just be always afraid of them!). <br>\nI know for sure that for me the tests and doctors appointments do absolutely nothing to make me feel better - if having a thousand tests and seeing my GP a million times was going to cure my health anxiety then it should definitely be cured by now, but it isn't! <br>\nI have been working with my psychologist on this for about 6 months now and she believes that health anxiety is largely about fear of not being in control and also the result of unmet care needs. So your brain latches on to health related issues because if you are sick or under the threat of illness, people rally around you, people listen to you, people are there for you perhaps in ways that they would not be if you weren't under threat (real or perceived). So we have been working on assertiveness, self compassion, trust and surrendering. It definitely does help to go and talk to someone who can unpack all of your fears and trace them back to the source. <br>\nI have been in some real states with my health anxiety (unable to eat, sleep or work for weeks at a time) but since seeing my psychologist I have had a period of 4 months where I have felt happy, healthy and functional. I have been able to stand back and look at my anxiety and think \"i cant believe i let myself believe all of that, i cant believe i could be so caught up in all of this\" and this was without medications. It doesn't go away straight away but it is definitely possible to get some relief, I promise!<br>\nWishing you the best of luck on this journey of HEALTH ANXIETY (nothing else!).<br>\n<br></div>", "date": "11-06-2018", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/not-sure-if-fibromyalgia-or-anxiety-please-help/td-p/368751" }, { "author": "user-id/13289", "content": "<p>Hello Starley</p>\n<p>Welcome to the Beyond Blue forum. The community is caring, friendly, supportive and non judgemental. </p>\n<p>Thank you so much for sharing your story here. Especially for the information you've given James about how you are managing your health anxiety. It's good to have you on board.</p>\n<p>Feel free to create your own thread anytime if you need to. Thanks once again.</p>\n<p>Kind regards</p>\n<p>PamelaR</p></div>", "date": "11-06-2018", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/not-sure-if-fibromyalgia-or-anxiety-please-help/td-p/368751" }, { "author": "user-id/35054", "content": "<p>thanks so much for your reply! And to you ALL</p>\n<p>Doctors and family are all urging me to see a psychologist - and it seems that is the right course for me <span class=\"lia-unicode-emoji\" title=\":slightly_smiling_face:\">🙂</span></p></div>", "date": "05-09-2018", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/not-sure-if-fibromyalgia-or-anxiety-please-help/td-p/368751" }, { "author": "user-id/24393", "content": "<p>Hi James2018, </p>\n<p>It doesn't sound like fibromyalgia to me; fibromyalgia sufferers would generally have pain in the upper body as well, though fibro does affect everyone differently. Scoliosis could be causing the leg pain and lower back pain if your posture is poor, causing your hips to be misaligned. Stress could also be causing this pain as when we are tense we tend to have tight muscles. I have health anxiety and fibromyalgia and, as others have already stated, it does sound like you are suffering from health anxiety. My tips would be to try taking up yoga or stretching to see if it helps the pain. It sounds like you are seeing a psychologist now, I hope that has been helpful for you. You just need to remember that you've done lots of testing and nothing sinister has shown up so it is not fatal. Whenever you're feeling stressed, do some deep breathing exercises. </p>\n<p>Hope your doing better now <span class=\"lia-unicode-emoji\" title=\":slightly_smiling_face:\">🙂</span></p></div>", "date": "27-01-2020", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/not-sure-if-fibromyalgia-or-anxiety-please-help/td-p/368751" }, { "author": "user-id/49269", "content": "<p>I too have the same symptoms as James, in fact I also have scoliosis. I also have kyphosis with a bulged disc in my neck and back. I found this out in my health journey to find what was wrong with me. I desperately want to believe it’s health anxiety but seemingly unlike James I also get blurry vision, muscle twitches, jaw &amp; head tension, as well as neck pain. Its difficult to say as I know anxiety can cause some of these things too, and my bulged discs!</p></div>", "date": "11-10-2023", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/not-sure-if-fibromyalgia-or-anxiety-please-help/td-p/368751" } ]
Not sure if FIBROMYALGIA or ANXIETY....please HELP?
Hi everyone New member here - my first day actually. I too suffer health anxiety. people always ask what's bothering you? what causes the anxiety? I know very well it's health issues. Apart from how i feel health wise I have a pretty good life and nothing I should feel fearful about. I've had Health Anxiety for at least 10 years. Im wondering if its mainly or all anxiety or if it may be FIBORMYALGIA? My symptoms are: * Sore/aching legs, feet * Sore/aching lower back * Sore/aching stomach/pelvis area * Sore/aching and sometimes stinging bladder area * Sore/aching rectum area? THIS CONCERNS ME THE MOST I have had two cystoscopys and a colonoscopy and they found nothing of real interest. Ive had about 10 blood tests recently, urine tests, bone density scans, x rays, ultrasounds etc and nothing is ever found. I do have scoliosis but besides that nothing that can really warrant constant aching day and night. I worry and obsess about it all day and everyday. Does this sound like health anxiety? Does anyone have any tips that WORK....and/or want to talk to me about it via email? Feeling pretty down and hopeless J
[ { "author": "user-id/14432", "content": "<p>Hello I really need to talk to someone </p>\n\n<p>During my first marriage I was subjected to the worst kind of cruelty from not only my husband but also from his mother who encouraged him to beat me up sometimes very badly.</p>\n\n<p>I was beaten up because my firstborn was a female,  not a male like that family wanted,  like it was my fault </p>\n\n<p>My ex mother in law labeled me unfit as a mother while she beat her sons.</p>\n\n<p>She told me I deserved to be beaten up, and to stop complaining </p>\n\n<p>She is dead now and so is my first husband but that hasn't stopped the memories of that awful time </p>\n\n<p>4 years I will never get back </p>\n\n<p>How do I ever forget that time 40 years ago , I need to move on and I have a wonderful man now in my life but not even he knows the hell I'm going through </p>\n\n<p>I may have to go into hospital again,  I have a wonderful psychiatrist but I haven't really opened up to him as I couldn't put it into words the torture going on in my head </p>\n\n<p>Please can someone advise me ? </p></div>", "date": "10-10-2023", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/past-issues-causing-anxiety/td-p/576269" }, { "author": "user-id/3729", "content": "<p>Hi Amanda_1956,</p>\n<p> </p>\n<p>Thank you so much for sharing here today. We’re so sorry to hear you’re going through it right now.  It sounds like you’re dealing with a lot, and we can imagine how hard that would be to deal with. You have been through some extremely distressing times and we are glad that you are here with us now in this safe space.</p>\n<p> </p>\n<p>You can talk to Blue Knot about this on 1300 657 380, every day between 9am-5pm (AEST). Their counsellors work with people who have experienced complex trauma.</p>\n<p>They also have some resources on their website which could be useful to visit, particularly the pages on <a href=\"https://www.blueknot.org.au/For-Survivors/Survivor-self-care\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener nofollow noreferrer\">Survivors Self Care</a>.  </p>\n<p> </p>\n<p>You can also talk to the lovely Beyond Blue counsellors about this at any time on 1300 22 4636, or via our webchat.   </p>\n<p> </p>\n<p>Thank you again for your courage and strength in sharing your story. </p>\n<p> </p>\n<p>Kind regards,  </p>\n<p>Sophie M </p></div>", "date": "10-10-2023", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/past-issues-causing-anxiety/td-p/576269" }, { "author": "user-id/19517", "content": "<p>Hi Amanda,</p><p>I am really sorry to hear that you have had to go through so much trauma<span>, I cannot imagine how painful that must have been and how much of an impact it continues to have on you. I hope that you have been able to recognize that the way you were treated was completely unjustified and that you were never at fault. </span></p><p><span>It sounds like you have some wonderful people by your side which is so important. </span></p><p><span>The Blue Knot Foundation has some great resources (<a href=\"https://blueknot.org.au/\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow noopener noreferrer\">https://blueknot.org.au/)</a> that you may wish to look through if you haven't already. As mentioned above, they also have a helpline. </span></p><p><span><span>It is understandable that finding the words to describe what you have experienced feels difficult. </span>Do you feel that it may be an option to put something in writing for your psychiatrist about what has happened? Sometimes it can feel easier to put the words onto paper/ type them out in your own space rather than talking about it to someone face-to-face. </span></p><p><span>Please do not hesitate to reply, we are here to listen.</span></p><p><span>Be kind to yourself and take care.  </span></p><p> </p></div>", "date": "10-10-2023", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/past-issues-causing-anxiety/td-p/576269" }, { "author": "user-id/37850", "content": "<p>Hello Amanda</p><p>Your courage to write here is so appreciated. People reading who have had similar abuse &amp; violence perpetrated against them will see they are not alone, as you, yourself , are not alone.</p><p>Our minds don't understand that it was so long ago, so our memories thoughts &amp; feelings are here &amp; now. It can feel literally crushing.</p><p>When I first began to deal with my own past, I didn't have words for what I was feeling. It took me a long time to trust the good psychiatrist I'd found.</p><p>He gave me the space to find my own way. He allowed me to show him things I'd written &amp; pictures I'd painted. That helped me to begin to talk.</p><p>Then he left for another state.</p><p>It was years later when I found another psychiatrist I could have a similar space with. He respects my experiences &amp; how I tell what's on my mind in my own words. He's helped me understand feelings &amp; that I can live with them, that I am a worthy &amp; deserving of any care I can give to myself. </p><p>I'm so sad &amp; sorry for the pain &amp; misery those people caused you, &amp; I fear, your daughter, too. No child deservers such awful rejection from anyone.</p><p>You might not ever forget those 4 years. Those years can make you stronger, when you understand, nothing you did is an acceptable reason for what they did &amp; you are not to blame for your child being a girl. You brought a beautiful baby into the world. There is nothing wrong with that.</p><p>I think, now you've begun talking here, you will find it gets easier to talk with your psychiatrist. Try some writing, drawing or painting, or some other way to express your feelings &amp; thoughts. Could be music or dance. Some people get stuck into weeding their garden to release some anger or frustration. Some clean the home from top to bottom, &amp; find that helps too.</p><p>You can begin with talking about what you'd like to do ???</p><p>&amp; you are certainly welcome to talk here.</p><p>Hugzies</p><p>mmMekitty</p></div>", "date": "10-10-2023", "url": "https://forums.beyondblue.org.au/t5/anxiety/past-issues-causing-anxiety/td-p/576269" } ]
Past issues causing anxiety
Hello I really need to talk to someone  During my first marriage I was subjected to the worst kind of cruelty from not only my husband but also from his mother who encouraged him to beat me up sometimes very badly. I was beaten up because my firstborn was a female,  not a male like that family wanted,  like it was my fault  My ex mother in law labeled me unfit as a mother while she beat her sons. She told me I deserved to be beaten up, and to stop complaining  She is dead now and so is my first husband but that hasn't stopped the memories of that awful time  4 years I will never get back  How do I ever forget that time 40 years ago , I need to move on and I have a wonderful man now in my life but not even he knows the hell I'm going through  I may have to go into hospital again,  I have a wonderful psychiatrist but I haven't really opened up to him as I couldn't put it into words the torture going on in my head  Please can someone advise me ? 
Amanda 1956

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