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PV Generation Dataset

This dataset compiles and harmonizes multiple open pv datasets.

  • Curated by: Attila Balint
  • License: BSD 3-clause "New" or "Revised" licence


This pv dataset facilitates primarily solar generation forecasting.

Dataset Structure

The dataset contains three main files.

  • data/generation.parquet
  • data/metadata.parquet
  • data/weather.parquet


This file contains the electricity generation values and has three columns.

  • unique_id: a unique id of the meter
  • timestamp: the timestamp of the recording in local time
  • y: the electricity generated in the current period in kWh


This file contains the available metadata for every meter. The file contains the folloging columns:

  • unique_id: the unique id of the meter
  • dataset: the name of the original dataset
  • building_id: the id of the meter in the original dataset
  • location_id: a unique geohash for the location
  • latitude: approximate latitude of the meter
  • longitude: approximate longitude of the meter
  • location: name of the location
  • timezone: timezone where the meter is located
  • freq: pandas style frequency string of the meter data
  • dc_capacity: estimated DC capacity of the PV system in kWp
  • ac_capacity: estimated AC vapavity of the PV system in kW
  • tilt: tilt angle of the PV system
  • azimuth: azimuth angle of the PV system


This file contains weather data for all locations. The columns are the following:

  • location_id: The unique id for the location.
  • timestamp: The timestamp of the observation in local time.
  • temperature_2m: Air temperature at 2 meters above ground. (°C)
  • relative_humidity_2m: Relative humidity at 2 meters above ground. (%)
  • dew_point_2m: Dew point temperature at 2 meters above ground. (°C)
  • apparent_temperature: Apparent temperature is the perceived feels-like temperature combining wind chill factor, relative humidity and solar radiation. (°C)
  • precipitation: Total precipitation (rain, showers, snow) sum of the preceding hour. Data is stored with a 0.1 mm precision. If precipitation data is summed up to monthly sums, there might be small inconsistencies with the total precipitation amount. (mm)
  • rain: Only liquid precipitation of the preceding hour including local showers and rain from large scale systems. (mm)
  • snowfall: Snowfall amount of the preceding hour in centimeters. For the water equivalent in millimeter, divide by 7. E.g. 7 cm snow = 10 mm precipitation water equivalent. (cm)
  • snow_depth: Snow depth on the ground. Snow depth in ERA5-Land tends to be overestimated. As the spatial resolution for snow depth is limited, please use it with care. (m)
  • weather_code: Weather condition as a numeric code. Follow WMO weather interpretation codes. See table below for details. Weather code is calculated from cloud cover analysis, precipitation and snowfall. As barely no information about atmospheric stability is available, estimation about thunderstorms is not possible. (WMO code)
  • pressure_msl: Atmospheric air pressure reduced to mean sea level. Typically pressure on mean sea level is used in meteorology. Surface pressure gets lower with increasing elevation. (hPa)
  • surface_pressure: Atmospheric pressure at surface (hPa)
  • cloud_cover: Total cloud cover as an area fraction. (%)
  • cloud_cover_low: Low level clouds and fog up to 2 km altitude. (%)
  • cloud_cover_mid: Mid level clouds from 2 to 6 km altitude. (%)
  • cloud_cover_high: High level clouds from 6 km altitude. (%)
  • et0_fao_evapotranspiration: ET₀ Reference Evapotranspiration of a well watered grass field. Based on FAO-56 Penman-Monteith equations ET₀ is calculated from temperature, wind speed, humidity and solar radiation. Unlimited soil water is assumed. ET₀ is commonly used to estimate the required irrigation for plants. (mm)
  • vapour_pressure_deficit: Vapor Pressure Deificit (VPD) in kilopascal (kPa). For high VPD (>1.6), water transpiration of plants increases. For low VPD (<0.4), transpiration decreases. (kPa)
  • wind_speed_10m: Wind speed at 10 meters above ground. (km/h)
  • wind_direction_10m: Wind direction at 10 or 100 meters above ground. (°)
  • wind_gusts_10m: Gusts at 10 meters above ground of the indicated hour. Wind gusts in CERRA are defined as the maximum wind gusts of the preceding hour. Please consult the ECMWF IFS documentation for more information on how wind gusts are parameterized in weather models. (km/h)
  • soil_tepmerature_0_to_7cm: Average temperature of different soil levels below ground. (°C)
  • soil_moisture_0_to_7cm: Average soil water content as volumetric mixing ratio at 0-7, 7-28, 28-100 and 100-255 cm depths. (m³/m³)
  • is_day: 1 if it is day and 0 if it is night.
  • sunshine_duration: Number of seconds of sunshine of the preceding hour per hour calculated by direct normalized irradiance exceeding 120 W/m², following the WMO definition. (s)
  • direct_radiation: Direct solar radiation as average of the preceding hour on the horizontal plane and the normal plane (perpendicular to the sun). (W/m²)
  • diffuse_radiation: Diffuse solar radiation as average of the preceding hour. (W/m²)
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