No sentence-transformers model found with name dangvantuan/sentence-camembert-large. Creating a new one with MEAN pooling.

by mehdixlabetix - opened

this is my code :
from sentence_transformers import SentenceTransformer
model = SentenceTransformer("dangvantuan/sentence-camembert-large")

persist_directory = 'docs/chroma/'
vectordb = Chroma.from_documents(

it says that the model cannot be found

i have the same error, did you find a solution ?

@Leamon @mehdixlabetix :Please update new version of transformers

still the same error

Hey @Leamon i gave up on using SentenceTransformer and i used HuggingFaceEmbeddings and it works perfectly.

@mehdixlabetix even with HaggingFaceEmbeddings he doesn't work please help me, i need this model

please send me your screen of code and their error?

@Leamon , @mehdixlabetix This is only a warning, you need to install sentencepiece

@Leamon try like this.


Hello ! same issue here =)
on Python model = SentenceTransformer("dangvantuan/sentence-camembert-large") raises the error: No sentence-transformers model found with name dangvantuan/sentence-camembert-large.

On the other hand it works fine with the base model model = SentenceTransformer("dangvantuan/sentence-camembert-base)

I have the same problem, maybe because of sentence-transformer V3 ?

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