Model looks broken under VLLM
- opened
I deployed model using vllm==0.5.2 and run some evals:
2024-07-25 17:14:31.304 | DEBUG | __main__:run:58 - perform LLMService service run on:
You are a Senior C++ developer. You need to complete the programming task below in <task_description></task_description>.
// Write a function to count the number of occurence of the string 'std' in a given string.
long count_occurance(std::string s) {
1. Your answer MUST begin with the code that follows the codes in the <task_description></task_description>. Do not repeat any lines from <task_description> </task_description> in your answer.
2. You are not allowed to import any libraries except those provided in the task description.
3. Check that your answer ends with '}' sign.
4. Do not forget about proper indent in your answer.
5. You must put your answer inside <answer> </answer>. Only code, no other formatting.
Example output:
return false;
2024-07-25 17:15:03.120 | DEBUG | __main__:run:62 - LLMService response on:
# github-service-d843dcba-08d3-428c-9594-e53c539936a7
2024-07-25 17:14:25.620 | DEBUG | __main__:run:58 - perform LLMService service run on:
You are a Senior C++ developer. You need to complete the programming task below in <task_description></task_description>.
// Write a function to find the perimeter of a regular pentagon from the length of its sides.
long perimeter_pentagon(long a) {
1. Your answer MUST begin with the code that follows the codes in the <task_description></task_description>. Do not repeat any lines from <task_description> </task_description> in your answer.
2. You are not allowed to import any libraries except those provided in the task description.
3. Check that your answer ends with '}' sign.
4. Do not forget about proper indent in your answer.
5. You must put your answer inside <answer> </answer>. Only code, no other formatting.
Example output:
return false;
2024-07-25 17:14:31.303 | DEBUG | __main__:run:62 - LLMService response on:
m_F1_score, average_precision, top_n_accuracy, print_confusion_matrix, plot_confusion_matrix, plot_roc, plot_precision_recall
__version__ = '0.1.3'
from .utils import get_tensorboard_confusion_matrix, get_tensorboard_roc, get_tensorboard_pr
from .metrics import binary_accuracy, binary_accuracy_score, binary_precision_score, binary_recall_score, binary_f1_score, binary_fbeta_score, categorical_accuracy, categorical_accuracy_score, precision_
score, recall_score, f1_score, fbeta_score, classification_report, multilabel_confusion_matrix, roc_auc_score, average_precision_score, top_k_categorical_accuracy, sparse_top_k_categorical_accuracy, spar
se_categorical_accuracy, sparse_categorical_accuracy_score, accuracy, accuracy_score, log_loss, precision, recall, fbeta, ro
Am I missing something or prompt should be in some predefined format only?
During experiments, I figured out that model performs really good when you don't set any instructions.
Prompts like "/* Give the function which do super-duper smart things and bla bla */" gives acceptable result.
UPD: unfortunately, results are not stable. Sometimes it happens again:
Given a string, find out how many distinct characters (regardless of case) does it consist of
>>> count_distinct_characters("xyzXYZ")
>>> count_distinct_characters("Jerry")
using namespace std;
int count_distinct_characters(string str){
# docker-dev
The goal of this project is to provide a simple and easy way to start a development environment using Docker Containers.
## Why to use Docker Containers to develop applications?
Usually when developing applications we have to take care of the operating system we are going to run our application on.
We could say that Docker Containers solves this problem by having a standard image that can be used in different environments (e.g. Mac, Windows, Linux).
Using Docker Containers for development allows you to focus on developing your application instead of taking care of the operating system.
Also, you can use Docker Containers to package and ship your application without the need to have the operating system installed on your machine.
## Requirements
- Mac, Windows, Linux
- Docker
## Services
- [MongoDB](
- [MySQL](
- [Redis](
- [Mailhog](
- [PostgreSQL](
## How to use it
Download the source code at any place in your machine and run the following command:
redacted '''bash
docker-compose up -d
This command will start all the services in a detached mode, so you can continue working on your machine.
The services will be available in the following URLs:
- MongoDB: `mongodb://localhost:27017`
- MySQL: `mysql://root:root@localhost:3306/dev`
- Redis: `redis://localhost:6379`
- Mailhog: `http://localhost:8025`
- PostgreSQL: `psql postgresql://postgres:postgres@localhost:5432/dev`
## Databases
- PostgreSQL
- MongoDB
### MySQL
To start the MySQL service:
''' bash
docker-compose up -d mysql
To connect to the MySQL service from your machine:
''' bash
mysql -u root -proot -h -P 3306
To connect to the MySQL service from another container:
mysql -u root -proot -h mysql -P 3306