Artyom Boyko


AI & ML interests

Artificial intelligence, machine learning... In other words, everything that shapes the future.)))


None yet

artyomboyko's activity

New activity in artyomboyko/whisper-small-fine_tuned-ru 8 months ago

New model published

#3 opened 8 months ago by artyomboyko
New activity in artyomboyko/common_voice_15_0_RU 8 months ago
New activity in hf-audio/whisper-large-v3 8 months ago
New activity in openai/whisper-large-v2 9 months ago

Fine-tuning for two languages

#78 opened 10 months ago by artyomboyko
New activity in openai/whisper-large-v2 11 months ago
New activity in jonatasgrosman/whisper-large-zh-cv11 11 months ago

What Does CER and WER mean?

#1 opened about 1 year ago by TingC95
New activity in ai-forever/ruGPT-3.5-13B 12 months ago

Propaganda poisoned model

#2 opened about 1 year ago by uti24
New activity in ai-forever/ruGPT-3.5-13B 12 months ago

Запуск модели.

#1 opened about 1 year ago by lorim29
New activity in openai/whisper-large-v2 over 1 year ago
New activity in openai/point-e over 1 year ago