Model made random predictions

by artyomboyko - opened

Hello. I am trying to submit the last work from Unit 7.
I'm getting an error - "Model made random predictions - predicted gle with probability (last 0.37)".
I am use pretraned model to translate STS from English to Russian.
But the hub doesn't have normal models for generating sound in Russian right now. So I use conversion to translit and then voice-over.

My public space -


Good day @sanchit-gandhi . Can you help?

Problem solved. Changed it to French and the test was successful. Hypothetically - the verification system does not support Russian.

Hey @artyomboyko ! The checker space does support Russian, but didn't predict it as part of the speech outputs. This is probably because of the lack of TTS models for Russian. You could try the MMS-TTS Russian checkpoint if you're interested:

@sanchit-gandhi Hi, problem solved. I use French.

Cool! Closing in that case :)

sanchit-gandhi changed discussion status to closed

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