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a woman with fluorescent paint on her body, galactic light colors, model painting, blue paint splash, bioluminescent glow, vibrant scattered light, glittering skin, cosmic girl, nocturnal palette, uranium, pigment, Mysterious, tentacle, hp_lovecraft_style,
a woman with fluorescent paint on her body, galactic light colors, model painting, blue paint splash, bioluminescent glow, vibrant scattered light, glittering skin, cosmic girl, nocturnal palette, uranium, pigment, Mysterious, hp_lovecraft_style,
dark monster, octopus, 1man, hp_lovecraft_style,
dark monster, octopus, 1man, hp_lovecraft_style,

Howard Phillips Lovecraft was an American writer of weird, science, fantasy, and horror fiction.[wikipedia]

This is my fist lora style

Image examples for the model:

Image 1

a woman with fluorescent paint on her body, galactic light colors, model painting, blue paint splash, bioluminescent glow, vibrant scattered light, glittering skin, cosmic girl, nocturnal palette, uranium, pigment, Mysterious, hp_lovecraft_style,

Image 2

dark monster, octopus, 1man, hp_lovecraft_style,

Image 3

dark monster, octopus, 1man, hp_lovecraft_style,

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