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AntiBERTa2 is an antibody-specific language model based on the RoFormer model - it is pre-trained using masked language modelling. We also provide a multimodal version of AntiBERTa2, AntiBERTa2-CSSP, that has been trained using a contrastive objective, similar to the CLIP method. Further details on both AntiBERTa2 and AntiBERTa2-CSSP are described in our paper accepted at the NeurIPS MLSB Workshop 2023.

Both AntiBERTa2 models are only available for non-commercial use. Output antibody sequences (e.g. from infilling via masked language models) can only be used for non-commercial use. For any users seeking commercial use of our model and generated antibodies, please reach out to us at info@alchemab.com.

Model variant Parameters Config
AntiBERTa2 202M 16L, 16H, 1024d
AntiBERTa2-CSSP 202M 16L, 16H, 1024d

Example usage

>>> from transformers import (
>>> tokenizer = RoFormerTokenizer.from_pretrained("alchemab/antiberta2-cssp")
>>> model = RoFormerModel.from_pretrained("alchemab/antiberta2-cssp")
>>> model(**tokenizer("Ḣ Q V Q ... T V S S", return_tensors='pt')).last_hidden_state... # etc

>>> new_model = RoFormerForSequenceClassification.from_pretrained(
            "alchemab/antiberta2-cssp") # this will of course raise warnings 
                                        # that a new linear layer will be added 
                                        # and randomly initialized
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